The Swallows Charity Book, Edition 2

Lots of information and patient stories

Lots of information and patient stories

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Call<br />

01202 552 233<br />

now to check<br />

availability<br />

or make a<br />

booking<br />

Creating Memories<br />

Renewing your wedding vows?<br />

If you have cherished memories of your wedding day<br />

and want to relive them, why not consider renewing<br />

your wedding vows?<br />

Volunteer Companion scheme<br />

Our volunteers are provided by our charity, Macmillan<br />

Caring Locally, to provide companionship to guests<br />

who enjoy meeting other, like-minded people<br />

“It was so nice having someone to explore<br />

the area with...”<br />

Some guests enjoy playing chess or board games, or<br />

Here at <strong>The</strong> Grove Hotel we are able to offer a small,<br />

going to the theatre or a show. Some request a trip out<br />

intimate ceremony for you and up to 20 guests, and<br />

in the car or to be met from the coach or train station.<br />

help arrange all the details.<br />

Our companions are with you every step of the way.<br />

64 24/7 Patient and Carer www.thegrovebournemouth.co.uk<br />

support line and text service: 07504 725 059 theswallows.org.uk<br />

theswallows.org.uk 24/7 Patient and Carer support line and text service: 07504 725 059 65

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