Bay Harbour: May 25, 2022

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WEDNESDAY, MAY <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Dog park<br />

dropped from<br />

reserve plan<br />

Page 3<br />

Exciting BMW<br />

coupe has<br />

all the goods<br />

Page 18<br />

1 – 3 July<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Christchurch Arena<br />

Theatre show ‘an hour<br />

of madness’ – Judkins<br />

Speed<br />

reductions<br />

for nine<br />

Scarborough<br />

roads<br />

• By Mick Jensen<br />

A MUSICAL written and<br />

performed by Sumner identity<br />

Robin Judkins will receive its<br />

‘‘world’’ premiere at the James<br />

Hay Theatre on Saturday,<br />

and could also be destined<br />

for next year’s Edinburgh<br />

Fringe Festival.<br />

Free Bus To God was written<br />

by Judkins over two-and-a-half<br />

years. It’s about a group of<br />

musicians who, with nowhere to<br />

rehearse, use an old municipal<br />

bus and drive around on<br />

Sundays picking up their players<br />

– and anyone else at the bus<br />

stop.<br />

Judkins, who is well-known as<br />

the founder of the Coast to Coast<br />

race, said he was excited to get his<br />

musical on stage at last.<br />

‘‘We tried to put it on last<br />

year in Lyttelton and again in<br />


February this year, but Covid<br />

prevented it happening.<br />

‘‘Myself and the entire crew<br />

involved are so excited to be<br />

performing it at the James Hay<br />

– we’ll have to take everything<br />

up a notch now,’’ he joked.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

• By Mick Jensen<br />

MOTORISTS travelling through<br />

Scarborough will notice new,<br />

lower speed limits coming into<br />

effect on nine roads over the next<br />

few months.<br />

The city council has adopted<br />

changes which will see the speed<br />

limits reduced from 50km/h to<br />

40km/h as part of its Slow Speeds<br />

Neighbourhood programme.<br />

The streets with lowered speed<br />

limits are – Scarborough Rd,<br />

Taylors Mistake Rd, Whitewash<br />

Head Rd, Smugglers Cove,<br />

Peninsula View, Langdale Pl,<br />

Flowers Track, Godley Drive and<br />

part of Heberden Ave.<br />

‘‘As a council we are committed<br />

to improving the safety of our<br />

streets for all road users, whether<br />

they choose to travel on foot, by<br />

bicycle, in private motor vehicles<br />

or on public transport,” city council<br />

transport operations manager<br />

Stephen Wright said.<br />

“The feedback we received<br />

during consultation showed good<br />

support for these changes.”<br />

The Scarborough changes were<br />

recommended to the city council<br />

by the Waikura Linwood-Central-<br />

Heathcote Community Board<br />

following consultation last year.<br />

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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


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Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />

12,000 readers every week.<br />


Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Nielsen Media NRS<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

IT IS hard to keep a good man<br />

down – in this case Robin<br />

Judkins.<br />

Judkins is best known for<br />

the Coast to Coast, but he<br />

is also a pretty damn good<br />

writer.<br />

On page 1 today we look at<br />

his latest project Free Bus To<br />

God, a musical which has its<br />

premiere, a “world” premiere<br />

that is, says Judkins, at the<br />

James Hay Theatre on Saturday.<br />

He is also planning to take<br />

the musical to the Edinburgh<br />

Fringe festival next year. If<br />

Judkins is planning to do it,<br />

you can probably take it as<br />

read it will happen.<br />

Free Bus To God is a<br />

distillation of 122 pieces that<br />

combines 20 songs, rants and<br />

raves into an hour of madness,<br />

Judkins said.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

barry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Treasures from the past<br />

Lyttelton colonial architecture<br />

The earliest shelters built by European settlers were unique to<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 2<strong>25</strong> 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />


27/5 Across<br />

Down<br />

1. Spy its first tactical potential for those in 1. Somewhat sore, it being dragged behind?<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pool (7)<br />

(6)<br />

5. Therefore the cover has substance (5) 2. Too much French about net being given up<br />

8. Tell how rare tan was gained (7) as an omen (7)<br />

9. Bodily part perhaps with pipes (5) 3. The main chair is incomplete (3)<br />

8 9<br />

10. Sudden urgent situation will make me 4. First rook building nest at back of craft (5)<br />

cry, Gene (9)<br />

5. It is bound to be full of tales (5-4)<br />

12. The meadow is almost in leaf (3) 6. For example, everything that could be<br />

13. Goat capering around the North in a sort lawful (5)<br />

10 11 12<br />

of dance (5)<br />

7. No statement (6)<br />

17. A spiteful woman was used to punish 11. Stop being awake, and a limb may feel<br />

one (3)<br />

numb (2,2,5)<br />

19. Eased off by a neck perhaps in the sled 14. A prisoner or con, and CV it gets him (7)<br />

13 14<br />

(9)<br />

15. Views of play parts (6)<br />

15 16 21. An illustrious old coin (5)<br />

16. More than one saying it’s aged as can<br />

22. The least hint of liking nitrogen to be be (6)<br />

17 18 19 20<br />

changed (7)<br />

18. Bone in bait one put out (5)<br />

24. Rascal taking a bit of shady business 20. Truth self-evident as team takes nothing<br />

quietly (5)<br />

in the forenoon (5)<br />

<strong>25</strong>. Notes of meeting the time sun takes to 23. The family was upset by the start of 22<br />

21 22 23<br />

circulate (7)<br />

(3)<br />

24 <strong>25</strong><br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

Page 10<br />

Puzzles<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

SUDOKU<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />

Crosswords and code crackers<br />

Test your skills with cryptic and quick crosswords, suduko,<br />

code crackers and more.<br />

Page 16<br />

23 24<br />

<strong>25</strong><br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

23. Meeting plan (6) 10. Agitated (3,2)<br />

1. An electronic sound (5) 24. Relating to the eye (6) 11. Small pancake (5)<br />

4. Abdominal exercise (3-3) <strong>25</strong>. Pelt (3)<br />

12. Relative by marriage<br />

7. Copy (3)<br />

26. Idolise (6)<br />

(2-3)<br />

8. Reveal (6)<br />

27. Long for (5) 13. Cross the threshold<br />

9. Expose falseness (6) Down<br />

(5)<br />

10. Take what is offered, 1. Stringed instrument (5) 16. Dangerous (6)<br />

or have nothing (7,6) 2. All square (5) 17. Monastery (6)<br />

14. Sully (5)<br />

3. Fence stake (6) 19. Scallywag (5)<br />

15. Give out (5) 4. Entice (6)<br />

20. Scorch (5)<br />

18. Captured combatant 5. Prohibited (5) 21. Animals of an area (5)<br />

(8,2,3)<br />

6. Uncontrollable fear (5) 22. Once more (5)<br />





Across: 1. Bleep, 4. Sit-ups, 7. Ape, 8. Unveil, 9. Debunk, 10. Hobson’s<br />

choice, 14. Taint, 15. Allot, 18. Prisoner of war, 23. Agenda, 24. Ocular,<br />

<strong>25</strong>. Fur, 26. Revere, 27. Yearn.<br />

Down: 1. Banjo, 2. Evens, 3. Paling, 4. Seduce, 5. Taboo, 6. Panic, 10.<br />

Het up, 11. Blini, 12. In-law, 13. Enter, 16. Unsafe, 17. Priory, 19. Rogue,<br />

20. Singe, 21. Fauna, 22. Again.<br />


Minutes.<br />

Down: 1. Tender 2. Portent 3. Sea 4. Stern 5. Story-book 6. Legal 7.<br />

Denial 11. Go to sleep 14. Convict 15. Scenes 16. Adages 18. Tibia 20.<br />

Axiom 23. Kin.<br />


Across: 1. Typists 5. Solid 8. Narrate 9. Organ 10. Emergency 12. Lea<br />

13. Tango 17. Cat 19. Slackened 21. Noble 22. Inkling 24. Scamp <strong>25</strong>.<br />

TARGET<br />

bail bailor bald baldric bard<br />

bardic bipolar bird blip bloc<br />

boar board boil bold boric brad<br />

braid brail bridal brio broad<br />

broil carb carob CLIPBOARD<br />

cobra crab crib drab drib lobar<br />

parboil rabid ribald<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

P R A<br />

C B D<br />

O L I<br />

Good 17<br />

Very Good 24<br />

Excellent 29+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />



Wai We care<br />

"I joined to help look after our precious water and<br />

environment. For me, water is life, every aspect of our<br />

lives is connected to it. We owe it to our tamariki, our<br />

mokopuna, and ourselves to look after this life force."<br />

Trudi Bishop –<br />

Banks Peninsula<br />

Water Zone<br />

Committee member<br />

Nine of Canterbury’s water zone committees are looking for new community members.<br />

If you are interested in joining, visit ecan.govt.nz/waiwecare and let us know wai you<br />

care. Applications close Monday 30 <strong>May</strong>.<br />

Canterbury’s water zone committees recommend actions and tactics to councils and work with the<br />

community to protect our precious resource for future generations.<br />

Environment Canterbury

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 3<br />

Dog park dropped from reserve plan<br />

• By Mick Jensen<br />

THE WAIKURA Linwood-<br />

Central-Heathcote Community<br />

Board has approved a landscape<br />

plan for Birdsey Reserve in<br />

Heathcote, but it does not<br />

include a dog park.<br />

Some 61 out of 62 submitters<br />

to the draft plan were in favour<br />

of the revegetation and food<br />

forest planting work outlined<br />

in stage 1, but there was a 50/50<br />

split in terms of the development<br />

of a dog park earmarked for the<br />

site in stage 2.<br />

A number of changes were<br />

made to the draft following<br />

community consultation, with<br />

the proposed dog park area<br />

halved to <strong>25</strong>12 m2.<br />

City councillor<br />

Yani Johanson<br />

said there was a<br />

strong need for a<br />

dog park in the<br />

area, but he had<br />

concerns about<br />

Yani<br />

Johanson<br />

safety and traffic<br />

if it was located at<br />

the reserve.<br />

Johanson had<br />

been moved by submitters on<br />

both sides and said it was a difficult<br />

issue for staff to deal with<br />

because of the split feelings for<br />

the dog park.<br />

He said the community board<br />

needed to prioritise finding an<br />

REMOVED: The proposed dog park for Birdsey Reserve has been cut from the final<br />

landscape management plan.<br />


alternative dog park site, because<br />

there was demand for one in the<br />

south east.<br />

At the community board<br />

meeting last week Heathcote<br />

Valley food forest group<br />

representative Amelia Knight<br />

asked city councillors to “invest<br />

in conservation’’ at Birdsey<br />

Reserve, but explore alternative<br />

locations for the dog park.<br />

A dog park would bring in<br />

more people, increase traffic on<br />

an already busy road and create<br />

parking issues and safety concerns,<br />

she said.<br />

“We have children learning<br />

in this area, the community<br />

takes ownership of the reserve<br />

and there is room to grow at the<br />

moment – we don’t want that to<br />

change.’’<br />

She suggested using red zone<br />

land for a dog park.<br />

Another speaker, John Marsh,<br />

who was involved in writing the<br />

original landscape management<br />

plan for Birdsey Reserve 20<br />

years ago, said previous city<br />

councillors had voted to support<br />

biodiversity, which had been a<br />

good decision then and was still<br />

a good decision now.<br />

The reserve had grown from<br />

a paddock on a slope into a lowland<br />

dry bush habitat that was<br />

doing well and was supported by<br />

community groups, like the food<br />

forest group.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Should<br />

Birdsey Reserve have a<br />

dog park? Email barry@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Keep responses to 200<br />

words or less<br />

Marsh said he believed the city<br />

council had not tried hard<br />

enough to find alternate dog<br />

park sites and thought there<br />

were spaces and areas where<br />

dogs could run free without<br />

intruding on either people or<br />

biodiversity.<br />

There is recognised demand<br />

for a dog park in the bays<br />

area and city council staff had<br />

identified Birdsey Reserve as the<br />

most suitable site.<br />

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4 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

HeaTING FOr eVery HOme<br />

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380340<br />

Nouveau<br />

Ceramic<br />

Tower<br />

Heater 2kW<br />

2kW heat output.<br />

2 heat settings.<br />

Adjustable<br />

thermostat.<br />

Safety tip-over<br />

switch.<br />

8 hour timer.<br />

Digital display.<br />

Remote control.<br />

H: 410mm,<br />

W: 170mm, D:<br />

1<strong>25</strong>mm.<br />

317639<br />

$32 98<br />

$19 98<br />

$199<br />

$89 98<br />

Goldair<br />

Oil Column<br />

Heater 1.5kW<br />

1.5kW heat output.<br />

3 Heat Settings.<br />

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Overheat Protection.<br />

Easy Carry Handle and<br />

Portability.<br />

Castor Wheels.<br />

Quiet Operation.<br />

2 Year Warranty.<br />

H: 630mm, W: 300mm,<br />

D: 390mm<br />

317680<br />

Goldair<br />

Oil Column Turbo<br />

Fan Heater 2.4kW<br />

2.4kW heat output.<br />

3 Heat Settings.<br />

Adjustable Thermostat.<br />

24 hour timer.<br />

Easy Carry Handle.<br />

Castor Wheels.<br />

Quiet Operation.<br />

Overheat Protection.<br />

Safety tip over switch.<br />

2 Year Warranty.<br />

H: 640mm, W: 270mm, D:<br />

540mm.<br />

326990<br />

Goldair<br />

Oil Column<br />

Heater 2.4kW<br />

2.4kW heat output.<br />

3 Heat Settings.<br />

Adjustable<br />

Thermostat.<br />

Overheat<br />

Protection.<br />

Easy Carry Handle<br />

and Portability.<br />

Castor Wheels.<br />

Quiet Operation.<br />

2 Year Warranty.<br />

H: 650mm, W:<br />

280mm, D: 500mm.<br />

326989<br />

Nouveau<br />

Oil Column<br />

Heater 1.5kW<br />

1.5kW 3 Heat<br />

Settings.<br />

Adjustable<br />

Thermostat.<br />

Safety Tilt Switch<br />

Feature.<br />

Easy Carry Handle<br />

and Portability.<br />

Castor Wheels.<br />

Quiet Operation.<br />

1.5m Cord.<br />

1 Year Warranty.<br />

H: 600mm, W:<br />

335mm, D: 235mm.<br />

279322<br />

$89 98<br />

$179<br />

$119<br />

$59 98<br />

Goldair<br />

Flame Effect Heater 1.85kW Black<br />

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317687<br />

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Ritz Portable Flame Effect Heater 2kW<br />

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158930<br />

Goldair<br />

Flame Effect Ceramic<br />

Tower Heater 2kW<br />

2 Heat Settings. Adjustable<br />

Thermostat. 8 Hour timer. Flame<br />

Effect Function. Oscillation. H:<br />

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384595<br />

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Optiflame Ritz Portable Flame<br />

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371968<br />

$199<br />

$319<br />

$299<br />

$319<br />

Metrofires<br />

Ultra Tiny<br />

Rad ULEB<br />

Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire<br />

14kW peak heat<br />

output. Ultra low<br />

emission clean<br />

air approved<br />

model. Heating<br />

area 140m2 / 2-3<br />

bedroom home.<br />

Metallic black HT<br />

paint finish. New<br />

Zealand made. H:<br />

688mm W: 515mm<br />

D: 547mm.<br />

376578<br />

Metrofires<br />

Tiny Rad<br />

Woody<br />

Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire<br />

11kW peak heat<br />

output. Clean<br />

air approved<br />

model. Heating<br />

area 120m2 / 2-3<br />

bedroom home.<br />

Metallic black HT<br />

paint finish. New<br />

Zealand made. H:<br />

758mm W: 515mm<br />

D: 498mm.<br />

299540<br />

Metrofires<br />

Tiny Rad<br />

Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire<br />

11kW peak heat<br />

output. Clean air<br />

approved model.<br />

Heating area 120m2<br />

/ 2-3 bedroom<br />

home. Metallic<br />

Black HT paint<br />

finish. New Zealand<br />

made. H: 667mm W:<br />

505mm D: 508mm.<br />

280141<br />

Metrofires<br />

Tiny Ped<br />

Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire<br />

11kW peak heat<br />

output. Clean air<br />

approved model.<br />

Heating area 120m2<br />

/ 2-3 bedroom home.<br />

Metallic Black HT paint<br />

finish. New Zealand<br />

made. W: 496mm D:<br />

492mm H: 659mm.<br />

280140<br />

$2249<br />

$1874<br />

$1775<br />

$1599<br />

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Judkins’ show has<br />

‘world premiere’<br />

• From page 1<br />

The 73-year-old is working<br />

in collaboration with theatrical<br />

director Hester Ullyart and his<br />

musical co-stars are Janice Gray,<br />

Shay Horay, Tom Trevella and<br />

Emily Fairlight. The show’s musical<br />

director is Adam Hattaway,<br />

and his band is made up of Mike<br />

Kime, Thomas Isbister and Reuben<br />

Derrick.<br />

Free Bus To God was a distillation<br />

of 122 pieces that combined<br />

20 songs, rants and raves into an<br />

hour of madness, Judkins said.<br />

There was humour in his show<br />

and also sad bits, which featured<br />

in some of the four love songs<br />

chosen.<br />

‘‘There are some hard characters<br />

featured, but you can feel<br />

comfortable with them.’’<br />

Last week Judkins was busy<br />

assembling a number of stage<br />

pieces for the premiere, including<br />

10 bus seats, a hand brake, a<br />

steering wheel and a bus stop<br />

sign he’s recommissioned and<br />

worked on.<br />

He has road-tested the show by<br />

breaking it down into six parts to<br />

perform at open mic sessions.<br />

It flows well and features a broad<br />

range of music chosen by Adam<br />

Hattaway, he said.<br />

Judkins intended filming the<br />

show and has ambitions to put<br />

Ferrymead<br />

The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird<br />

by Diane Connell<br />

If you were charmed by The Curious Incident, laughed with Eleanor<br />

Oliphant and cried over A Man Called Ove, you will love Ricky Bird.<br />

No one loved making forts more than Ricky. A fort was a place of<br />

safety and possibility. It shut out the world and enclosed her and<br />

Ollie within any story she wanted to tell ... Ricky Bird loves making<br />

up stories for her brother Ollie almost as much as she loves him.<br />

The imaginary worlds she creates are wild and whimsical places full of<br />

unlimited possibilities. Real life is another story. Ricky’s father has abandoned<br />

them and the family has moved to a bleak new neighbourhood. Worse still, her<br />

mother’s new boyfriend, Dan, has come with the furniture. But Ricky Bird is a force to be<br />

reckoned with. As the mastermind of so many outlandish adventures, her imagination<br />

is her best weapon. As her father used to say, if you can spin a good yarn you can get<br />

on in life. The trouble is that in the best stories characters sometimes take on a life of<br />

their own and no one, not even Ricky, is able to imagine the consequences.<br />

Beautifully written, heartbreakingly funny and deeply moving, this book has already<br />

been compared to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, Lost and Found,<br />

Shuggie Bain, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and A Monster Calls. But Ricky’s<br />

story is all her own – and it will stay with you long after the last page.<br />

Basics to Brilliance Kids<br />

New Edition by Donna Hay<br />

it on at the 2023 Edinburgh<br />

Fringe Festival.<br />

‘‘I’ve got to make sure we’ve got<br />

a winner first, but it’s an exciting<br />

proposition and taking everyone<br />

over to Scotland, including my<br />

daughter, would be a blast.’’<br />

Judkins said there was a<br />

Commonwealth section planned<br />

at next year’s fringe, which made<br />

the trip even more appealing.<br />

A full documentary of his<br />

journey with the Free Bus To God<br />

project is also planned.<br />

Judkins has been a Sumner<br />

resident for the last 36 years and<br />

has previously published two<br />

books of his poetry, a novel and a<br />

memoir.<br />

He is 56 pages into his current<br />

book, a thriller called The<br />

Butcher, The Sniper And The<br />

Journalist.<br />

REHEARSAL: Robin Judkins<br />

prepares for opening night<br />

this Saturday.<br />


• Watch the video on<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


A new edition of Australia’s favourite cookbook for kids and the modern family who love<br />

to eat, cook, celebrate and have fun together, from Australia’s #1 bestselling cookbook<br />

author, Donna Hay.<br />

As a mum, Donna knows that there is nothing more enjoyable than introducing your<br />

children to the wonders of taste, food, flavours and the joy of cooking. The new and<br />

expanded edition of her bestselling Basics to Brilliance Kids is all about the importance<br />

of mastering the basics, a celebration of fresh, healthy food, and the joy of cooking,<br />

eating and sharing delicious food with the people we love.<br />

Featuring over 175 fantastic, fun-filled, simple, family-friendly recipes, the new edition<br />

of Basics to Brilliance Kids gives you and your kids endless ideas for birthday parties,<br />

picnics, school fairs and bake sales, family and celebration dinners, brilliant breakfasts,<br />

beach days, backyard movie nights and sleepovers.<br />

book<br />

release<br />


We have one copy of The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead.<br />

To be in the draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird in the subject<br />

line or write to Take Note Book Giveaway, The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird, Star Media, PO Box 1467,<br />

Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name, address and contact<br />

number. Entries close Tues June 7. The book winner for The Modern Singhs is Kerry Newton of Sumner.<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

• By Mick Jensen<br />

BEX BAKER has been formally<br />

welcomed as the new youth<br />

worker supporting the Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> community.<br />

The new initiative is jointly<br />

funded by the Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Youth and Community Trust,<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> School and<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> House Church, with a<br />

formal agreement penned at a<br />

launch last week.<br />

Community trust chair Matt<br />

Swaney said the focus was on<br />

children and young people and a<br />

collective responsibility to ensure<br />

their needs are heard and catered<br />

for.<br />

He said the launch identified<br />

the different ways the community<br />

was connected to children<br />

and young people, whether as<br />

parents, grandparents, teachers,<br />

trustees, other family members<br />

or sports coaches.<br />

‘‘We identified that within<br />

Grow your<br />

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metro.co.nz/halfprice<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 5<br />

OFFICIAL: At the<br />

signing of the<br />

formal agreement<br />

to provide youth<br />

services are<br />

(back from left)<br />

Ibrani Barus from<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> House<br />

Church, Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> Youth and<br />

Community Trust<br />

chair Matt Swaney,<br />

24/7 Youth Work<br />

Canterbury regional<br />

co-ordinator Luke<br />

Gardiner, (front<br />

from left) youth<br />

worker Bex Baker<br />

and Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> School<br />

principal Jill Pears.<br />

Youth worker appointed<br />

the invested parties the newest<br />

member of the community had<br />

been in Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> for<br />

eight months and the longest<br />

connection was 53 years.’’<br />

Baker will be involved in<br />

sports groups, dance groups, a<br />

breakfast programme and other<br />

small group activities within the<br />

school. She will also run weekly<br />

youth programmes for students<br />

on a Thursday evening within<br />

the community.

6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Mural aimed at creating a<br />

sense of community pride<br />

• By Emily Moorhouse<br />

AN ARTIST, a project manager<br />

and a natural paint company<br />

have teamed up to see a 32.4m<br />

mural installed in Radley Park.<br />

The mural has been in the<br />

works for more than a year now<br />

and will sit along the fence line<br />

at Woolston’s Roimata Food<br />

Commons.<br />

Roimata Food Commons<br />

co-founder Michael Reynolds<br />

said the idea behind the mural<br />

is to help people feel welcome<br />

and a sense of pride within the<br />

community after seeing the<br />

positive reaction from the street<br />

art post-earthquakes.<br />

“Being a reasonably creative<br />

person myself it felt like adding<br />

some artwork was a logical next<br />

step,” Reynolds said.<br />

Freelance artist Sandrine Castel<br />

designed the mural to align<br />

with the natural aspects of the<br />

gardens at Radley Park.<br />

“I was a preacher for Roimata<br />

for many years, I was following<br />

them, so when Michael<br />

approached me it was obvious<br />

that I wanted my artwork to be<br />

associated with those kinds of<br />

projects,” Castel said.<br />

“When you’re an artist and<br />

someone asks you to create<br />

something for them it’s obviously<br />

what you’re aiming for,” Castel<br />

said.<br />

“Also as a graphic designer<br />

I only work with conscious<br />

businesses, I guess Roimata was<br />

perfectly aligned with my values<br />

as well.”<br />

Reynolds reached out to<br />

Natural Paint Co about a year<br />

ago and painting the green<br />

coats started about six months<br />

ago with the help of staff from<br />

design school Yoobee.<br />

Two weeks ago, Castel started<br />

tracing and painting the design,<br />

which was expected to be<br />

finished in a week, but now she<br />

thinks it will take at least another<br />

two weeks.<br />

“It’s taking much longer than<br />

we anticipated,” Castel said.<br />

“It’s a very time-consuming<br />

CREATE:<br />

Artist<br />

Sandrine<br />

Castel works<br />

on one of<br />

27 panels<br />

that will be<br />

constructed<br />

on the<br />

walls at the<br />

Roimata<br />

Food<br />

Commons at<br />

Radley Park,<br />

Woolston.<br />

PHOTO:<br />

JOHN<br />


project which is still alright, I’m<br />

kind of in my happy space when<br />

I’m painting.”<br />

Because the process is taking<br />

longer than expected Reynolds<br />

is trying to source funding to<br />

pay Castel for her time.<br />

Reynolds expects the mural<br />

to be erected in spring, as the<br />

colder damp weather in winter<br />

would make it difficult to do the<br />

touch-ups once its installed.<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Site found<br />

for Sumner<br />

flagpole<br />

• By Mick Jensen<br />

A RECENT site visit has<br />

confirmed the balcony of the<br />

Sumner Centre as the preferred<br />

option for a reinstated flagpole.<br />

Darrell Latham, who sits on<br />

the Linwood Central Heathcote<br />

Community Board, said the visit<br />

with council staff and members<br />

of the Sumner Redcliffs Historical<br />

Society had looked at three<br />

options.<br />

A flagpole situated on the balcony<br />

and running up the wall would<br />

enable the flag to fly 2m above the<br />

building and had been seen as by<br />

far the best option. A flag diagonally<br />

sitting out from the front of balcony<br />

had been dismissed because the<br />

prevailing easterly wind would<br />

make it “look more like a Kentucky<br />

Fried Chicken outlet rather a place<br />

celebrating community spirit’’.<br />

A third option of putting the<br />

flagpole on the pavement had been<br />

ruled out because of vandalism<br />

concerns.<br />

Latham said the balcony option<br />

was the preference of both the<br />

Sumner Redcliffs Historical<br />

Society and Sumner RSA.<br />

Sumner residents have been<br />

asking for the flagpole since the<br />

February 22, 2011, earthquake<br />

and a report will be sent to the city<br />

council for consideration.<br />

Trustee Services<br />

“We cannot predict<br />

the future, but we<br />

can protect it”<br />

Protect your future<br />

with a compliant<br />

TRUST<br />

The best time to establish a trust is when you do not<br />

need it.<br />

Our purpose is to advise individuals on asset<br />

preservation and protection through a client focused<br />

approach tailored to their needs.<br />

We are driven by integrity and building strong and lasting<br />

relationships with our clients. Our Trustee Services<br />

are provided by a dedicated team who understand<br />

the complexities and detail of New Zealand Trust Law,<br />

especially in light of the recent legislative changes.<br />

Trusts require meticulous management to ensure they<br />

are and will continue to be, legally compliant.<br />

We have vast experience in reviewing non-compliant<br />

trusts and swiftly making the necessary changes<br />

to ensure they are legally compliant. If a trust is not<br />

compliant it cannot protect your assets.<br />

How we protect your future<br />

Trust Establishment<br />

We take the time to thoroughly understand<br />

our clients situation and their unique goals for<br />

the future. If a Trust is appropriate, we assist<br />

in deciding the most suitable type. The various<br />

types we consider include Family, Single, Parallel,<br />

Business, Investment or Inheritance depending<br />

on their specific personal needs or objectives.<br />

Trust Management<br />

Trusts require meticulous management to<br />

ensure they are and continue to be legally<br />

compliant. This is particularly important with the<br />

recent changes to legislation in Trust Law with<br />

the introduction of the Trusts Act 2019.<br />

We are passionate about and have a new level<br />

of precision to our trust record keeping so as to<br />

comply with these new requirements from the<br />

get go.<br />

Review Existing Trusts<br />

With New Zealand having the greatest numbers<br />

of trusts per capita, it is concerning knowing<br />

that a large number of them (which have not had<br />

a review in light of the new Trust Act 2019) are<br />

likely to be successfully challenged. This means<br />

that without the review they are likely to not<br />

fulfil their purpose of protecting individuals hard<br />

earned assets.<br />

Business risk, relationship property claims, and<br />

legal action are all possible ways a<br />

trust can be challenged. We are<br />

experts in reviewing existing trusts.<br />

We swiftly implement any<br />

necessary changes and ensure<br />

they will offer full protection from<br />

any potential challenge.<br />

We are passionate about<br />

helping people and ensuring<br />

their futures are protected.<br />

ZARA TONKS Senior Associate & Trust Law Expert<br />

Phone Zara (03) 384 3880<br />

Email zara@summitlaw.co.nz<br />

Summit Law, Unit 7, 10<strong>25</strong> Ferry Rd, Ferrymead. www.summitlaw.co.nz

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Kiwi fantasy card game takes world by storm<br />

Christchurch trading<br />

card businesses have<br />

seen an upsurge as a<br />

popular Kiwi-developed<br />

fantasy card game<br />

continues to attract<br />

thousands of new<br />

players around the<br />

world, both to progaming<br />

and to lucrative<br />

online card trading.<br />

John Cosgrove reports<br />

IN HIS right hand, card trader<br />

Sam Smith holds a Flesh and<br />

Blood ‘Heart of Fyendal’ card<br />

worth approximately $300; in his<br />

left hand is another worth over<br />

$30,000.<br />

The difference is when the<br />

cards were made, what they’re<br />

made of or printed on, and<br />

how rare or desirable they are<br />

among a growing number<br />

of enthusiastic gamers and<br />

professional trading card<br />

collectors.<br />

“It’s always a lottery when you<br />

buy a packet of cards from the<br />

shop,” Smith said from his recently<br />

opened FAB Armory shop<br />

in Sydenham.<br />

“Last Friday a dad brought<br />

in his two young boys to buy a<br />

packet each so that they could<br />

learn the game, and in one of<br />

the packs was an unlimited<br />

run, rainbow foiled ‘Heart of<br />

Fyendal’. I immediately offered<br />

to swap him 30 packets of cards<br />

for it, so he was real pleased his<br />

son now has heaps of cards to<br />

play with.”<br />

On the other hand, if you<br />

wanted a cold foiled, alpha print,<br />

first edition ‘Heart of Fyendal’,<br />

like one of the two Smith recently<br />

sold for $35,000 each, then he<br />

said he will talk terms.<br />

Trading cards have been<br />

around for generations, with US<br />

baseball cards being the first,<br />

packaged with cigarettes and<br />

sweets to stiffen the packaging in<br />

the 1860s.<br />

As colour printing technologies<br />

developed, the popularity<br />

of the cards grew and so too did<br />

the value of trading, reaching<br />

TRADING:<br />

In his right<br />

hand Sam<br />

Smith holds<br />

a Flesh and<br />

Blood ‘Heart<br />

of Fyendal’<br />

card worth<br />

approximately<br />

$300; in his<br />

left hand is<br />

another worth<br />

over $30,000.<br />



million-dollar status, courtesy<br />

of keen-eyed investors and card<br />

sleuths scouring garage sales<br />

for an elusive-but-pristine ‘52<br />

Mickey Mantle or LeBron James<br />

rookie year card – currently<br />

worth over $8.3 million<br />

each.<br />

In the 1990s, the advent of the<br />

trading card game Magic – a<br />

game involving a combination<br />

of luck and skill, with two or<br />

more players battling it out<br />

as powerful wizards, using<br />

collections of cards (spells) in<br />

their decks – started to make a<br />

toe-hold in the gaming industry.<br />

Then along came Pokémon<br />

cards, KeyForge, Yu-Gi-Oh!,<br />

Game of Thrones, Sorcerer and<br />

the latest world hit – Flesh and<br />

Blood, a Kiwi-developed card<br />

game popular with all ages.<br />

Fast forward to the pandemic<br />

and thousands of bored people<br />

sitting around home and its<br />

popularity only increased, with<br />

many playing online or looking<br />

to capitalise on their collections<br />

by trading their cards.<br />

“The game and the trading of<br />

cards is booming,” said Smith.<br />

“Last weekend there were 1100<br />

professional players gathered<br />

in New York, competing for<br />

USD$100,000 in prize money,<br />

with over 15,000 others watching<br />

online.<br />

“The game’s lead developer,<br />

Chris Gehring from Legend<br />

Story Studios in Auckland,<br />

travelled to the tournament and<br />

it was great to see him speaking<br />

there.”<br />

Smith said the fundamental<br />

thing about the game is it’s very<br />

social, and it just helps people<br />

gain confidence and learn skills.<br />

“Everyone can be as confident<br />

as they want behind a computer<br />

screen, but you develop a lot<br />

more confidence interacting<br />

with people on a physical and<br />

social level.<br />

“Basically, people are using the<br />

card games to teach their kids<br />

maths and stuff like that because<br />

of the different attack and block<br />

values.”<br />

He believes it’s the modern<br />

generation’s variation of society<br />

card games like Poker, Euchre,<br />

Bridge, Go Fish and others.<br />

“You’ve got to make decisions<br />

on the fly or just work out if<br />

you’re basically going to have the<br />

right resources to keep yourself<br />

alive.”<br />

Smith has been playing games<br />

since he was young and after<br />

learning the trading business<br />

in Auckland, he returned to<br />

Christchurch to train as a<br />

plumber while still trading cards<br />

online from his bedroom in<br />

Wigram.<br />

But a broken hand meant he<br />

looked to his rapidly expanding<br />

online sales for income and soon<br />

FAB Armory grew into the retail<br />

store it is today.<br />

“There are often 10-20 players<br />

coming here twice a week to play<br />

in the shop in Sydenham and<br />

we are still working hard online<br />

to cater to the huge demand for<br />

single cards.”<br />

He said people of all ages,<br />

lifestyles and incomes want<br />

specific cards to make up a set or<br />

collection – and are prepared to<br />

pay for them.<br />

“I sold a F&B Fyendal’s ‘Spring<br />

Tunic’ to a famous client recently<br />

for $35,000.<br />

“It’s all about looking at the<br />

market, understanding the<br />

attraction of first editions cards,<br />

finding them and gauging the<br />

market to get the best price for<br />

them,” he said.<br />



Incorporating “Festival of Science Week”<br />

https://chathamislands.co.nz/2021/07/08/festival-of-science/<br />

Experience 8 days in one of New Zealand’s most remote and unique places.<br />

The Chatham Islands are the closest most New Zealanders<br />

can get to international travel without packing their passport.<br />

Due to ever increasing popularity and in conjunction with Air Chathams<br />

and Hotel Chathams, we have decided to run a tour out to the Chatham<br />

Islands for Christchurch folk from Christchurch during August <strong>2022</strong><br />

We will be using a 50 passenger ATR aircraft, where we will have up to 8<br />

fully guided days to explore our most eastern island before<br />

returning home to Christchurch.<br />

Pitt Island is an option as is fishing.<br />

Tour # 43 is for 8 days & 7 nights on Chatham X Christchurch<br />

Tues 16th August <strong>2022</strong>, depart Christchurch 2:00pm arrive Chatham 4.30 pm am (CI)<br />

Tues 23th August <strong>2022</strong>, depart Chatham Islands 9.30am — Arrive Christchurch 11.00am<br />

All Inclusive Costing<br />

per person X Christchurch<br />

SINGLE shared facilities ..............................................................$4,373<br />

TWIN / DOUBLE with ensuite ......................................................$4,473<br />

SUPERIOR SUITES ....................................................................$4,573<br />

Make up your party now and take advantage of your<br />

preferred accommodation while availability lasts.<br />


Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />

deals<br />

worth celebrating<br />

It may not be a special occasion, but deals this good on beer wine<br />

and spirits are definitely worth celebrating. Cheers to that!<br />

Celebrate<br />

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vary by store. Limits may apply. Wholesale (other liquor retail banners) not supplied. Terms and conditions may apply. Available 16 - 29 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2022</strong> inclusive. Please see www.superliquor.co.nz for details.<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


Open Day a chance to<br />

explore new directions<br />

For anyone contemplating<br />

their future in the workforce,<br />

Ara Institute of Canterbury’s<br />

Open Day is a great<br />

opportunity to find inspiration<br />

and start making plans.<br />

With more than 150 fulltime,<br />

part-time and distance<br />

study options on offer at Ara,<br />

there’s potentially something<br />

to suit everyone, from school<br />

leavers and career changers<br />

through to individuals seeking<br />

to return to the workforce or those wanting<br />

to gain more skills in their current line of<br />

work. Options range from non-assessed<br />

short courses through to postgraduate<br />

diplomas and Master’s qualifications.<br />

The event takes place on Thursday 9 June<br />

from 3pm to 6pm at four Ara campuses:<br />

City, Woolston, Manawa and Timaru.<br />

The City and Timaru campuses will offer<br />

information on all study options, while<br />

Woolston will be the focus of trades<br />

training and Manawa is the place to go to<br />

see where Ara’s health-related degrees and<br />

diplomas are taught.<br />

Tutors and representatives from all<br />

subject areas will be on hand to provide<br />

information and answer questions about<br />

study options. There will also be several<br />

information sessions held throughout the<br />

afternoon regarding specific study options<br />

and enrolments can be made on the day.<br />

Student Support staff will also be<br />

available to talk about scholarships and<br />

other financial assistance, learning support,<br />

targeted support for Māori and Pacific<br />

students and students with disabilities,<br />

accommodation, childcare, student clubs<br />

and more.<br />

Campus tours are always a popular<br />

feature of Ara’s open days. The tours explore<br />

classrooms, workshops and learning<br />

facilities as well as student amenities like<br />

libraries, study spaces, cafes and gyms. At<br />

the City campus you can also join a tour<br />

of Otautahi House to see the modern,<br />

apartment-style student accommodation<br />

located just across the street from the<br />

campus.<br />

Study can be a big commitment – not just<br />

for students but also for the whole whānau,<br />

so potential students are invited to bring<br />

parents, partners and friends along so they<br />

can understand what’s involved and know<br />

what support services are available.<br />

Ara’s Open Day takes place on Thursday<br />

9 June at the City, Woolston, Manawa and<br />

Timaru campuses from 3pm to 6pm. A<br />

free shuttle will operate between the City<br />

and Manawa campuses. Further details<br />

are available at ara.ac.nz.<br />

10<br />

NEWS<br />

Treasures from the past:<br />

Lyttelton’s colonial<br />

architecture<br />

One of the original v-huts used by the first settlers in Lyttelton around<br />

1849-1850. 1912 Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref 146<strong>25</strong>.34<br />

https://www.teuaka.org.nz/online-collection/1135468<br />

THE EARLIEST shelters built by<br />

European settlers arriving in Ōhinehou<br />

Lyttelton in the 1850s were unique to<br />

Canterbury’s settlement – they were<br />

simple wooden structures shaped like an<br />

inverted v, hence the colloquial name of<br />

v-huts.<br />

They were built in the wave of migration<br />

following the arrival of the first four ships<br />

and were constructed on the often-marshy<br />

ground in Christchurch, as well as in the<br />

fledgling port settlement.<br />

Architecturally, v-huts were very modest<br />

– a steeply gabled roof, either timber clad<br />

and/or thatched, with a door and window<br />

at one end. That they were chimney-less<br />

would suggest cooking was done outside.<br />

Though they might be bitterly cold in<br />

winter months, they were doubtless a step<br />

up from a canvas tent.<br />

Settlers with limited means might even<br />

have camped in the uncleared bushy<br />

gullies for a time in “a very flimsy hut<br />

made largely of fern” (Scotter W H, 1968,<br />

A History of Port Lyttelton, Whitcombe<br />

and Tombs, Christchurch). The more wellto-do<br />

made their v-huts as cosy as possible<br />

with furniture and domestic items brought<br />

with them from England (right).<br />

As seen in the 1912 photograph there<br />

was still an original v-hut on Winchester<br />

St in that year, situated on land now taken<br />

up by the recreation centre. The hut was<br />

demolished in 1913. It’s an unusual example<br />

– given there is no door visible in the<br />

image, it appears to have had a window at<br />

both ends. In startling architectural contrast,<br />

the tiny hut is backdropped by the<br />

impressive bulk of the Freemason Lodge<br />

Kilwinning.<br />

The original one-storey brick lodge<br />

building on this site was consecrated in<br />

1881. However, following a large fire in<br />

1903, a second timber storey was added,<br />

along with the impressive Italianate frontage<br />

of the building (a style often associated<br />

with the Masonic movement). The classical<br />

face of the building belies its simplicity –<br />

the three other sides of the building were<br />

clad in plain corrugated iron.<br />

Used by the Freemasons for 60 years,<br />

from 2000-2011 the building was home<br />

and studio to the much-respected artist<br />

Bill Hammond. It’s currently undergoing<br />

a major post-earthquake restoration by the<br />

company Structex, who will use the upper<br />

floor as their offices with the lower being<br />

available as retail or hospitality space.<br />

(https://heritageequip.govt.nz/case-studies/kilwinning-lodge-lyttelton)<br />

But back to the simplicity of the earliest<br />

European architecture in Ōhinehou<br />

Lyttelton: There is a contemporary built<br />

example of a v-hut at Ferrymead Heritage<br />

Park. It can be visited as part of educational<br />

tours for school children – a chance<br />

to get a small taste of what life may have<br />

been like in the most modest of colonial<br />

housing.<br />

The interior of a v-hut. https://teara.<br />


Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 11<br />

FOR<br />

LESS<br />

THAN<br />

Nissan LEAF<br />

100% ELECTRIC<br />

155 $ PER WEEK *<br />

*Finance offer available to approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services only and excludes lease and some fleet purchasers. Nissan LEAF model at a price of $63,285 (includes ORC of $1,295). Deposit of $12,657, weekly repayments of $154.86<br />

financed over a maximum 60 months, one lump sum payment of $8,6<strong>25</strong> and a final balloon of $18,985.50. Total amount payable over the term $67,564.38 with a fixed interest rate of $9.95% p.a. An establishment fee of $375, Dealer origination fee<br />

of $<strong>25</strong>0, PPSR fee of $8.05 and $6 per month account keeping fee is included in the above costs. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or cancel this offer.<br />

CHRISTCHURCH NISSAN, 380 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 595 6820<br />

www.christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />

christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />


From<br />

$61,990<br />

+ORC*<br />

+CCF*<br />

IN STOCK<br />


The Pajero Sport Black Edition has arrived and with it a further expression of style, luxury, cutting-edge<br />

technology and genuine four-wheel drive performance.<br />

The sleek Pajero Sport Black Edition fuses together unique styling enhancements like black 18” alloy wheels,<br />

black grille, black rear tailgate spoiler, black roof rails and head-turning black roof. More than ever, you’ll have<br />

the confidence to go anywhere your heart desires in the Pajero Sport Black Edition.<br />

Call 03 379 0588 or visit christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

*Price listed is for Pajero Sport Black Edition and excludes Clean Car Tax and On Road Costs which includes registration, WoF and a full tank of fuel. Available while stocks last.<br />

Model shown Pajero Sport VRX Black Edition in Two-Tone White Diamond which is available for an additional $1000. † Visit mmnz.co.nz for full Diamond Advantage warranty conditions.<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph 03 379 0588 | christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz

12 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


Sunny and Secure<br />

Committed Seller!<br />

204A Mt Pleasant Road,<br />

Mount Pleasant<br />

Auction Thurs 9 June 11am (USP)<br />

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living,<br />

seperate dining, 2 car garaging<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA30264<br />

Open Homes: Wed, Sat & Sun 2pm-2.30pm<br />

This well-positioned, sunny and privately<br />

located home is sure to impress and will<br />

command broad appeal. Situated on ever<br />

popular Mount Pleasant, this home enjoys<br />

established plantings street-side, along with<br />

wonderful views over Pegasus <strong>Bay</strong>, surrounding<br />

hills and the Estuary.<br />

-Spacious open plan design and all-day<br />

sunshine - light filled northern aspect.<br />

-Three double bedrooms with two modern<br />

bathrooms - quality fittings.<br />

-Separate dining room flows into the living<br />

room with access to an expansive and<br />

sheltered balcony.<br />

-Breakfast can be enjoyed on the intimate<br />

deck off the kitchen/dining area - a great way<br />

to kick start your day!<br />

-Double internal access garage with security<br />

system.<br />

With an understanding of market perceptions<br />

of cladding & construction, consideration<br />

must be given to accepting this home on an<br />

as is where is basis. All minor earthquake<br />

repairs have been completed. A comprehensive<br />

building report has been undertaken and this<br />

is available to assist in purchasing.<br />

Act now to secure this fantastic opportunity!<br />

Rod Cross<br />

Ahmad Sultani<br />

M. 021 763 763<br />

M: 021 104 7115<br />

Office: (03) 384 4179<br />

Ray White Ferrymead - Prier Manson Ltd.<br />

(Licenced REAA 2008)<br />


mitre 10 mega ferrymead<br />

lend a helping hand<br />

thanks to a joint venture between Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead, Southbuild Ltd and Spinal unit volunteers, a<br />

previously scruffy outdoor area at the Burwood Spinal unit has been transformed into a fresh and welcoming space.<br />

It all started when a former Spinal Unit patient and her<br />

whanau approached Southbuild to ask if they could<br />

repair an outdoor table. Leanne and Paul from Southbuild<br />

visited the site and realised that a lot more could be done<br />

to spruce up the area. Having participated in a previous<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead’s Helping Hands Project, they<br />

approached the store to see if they would assist. Miles from<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead willingly agreed.<br />

On <strong>May</strong> 4 <strong>2022</strong>, Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead staff, the<br />

Southbuild Ltd team and the volunteers got to work. This<br />

involved weeding/water blasting the patio, constructing<br />

and painting four raised planter boxes, repairing and<br />

painting picnic tables, installation of a shade sail and posts<br />

and a general tidy-up and removal of rubble.<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead supplied labour and all the<br />

materials, Southbuild donated labour, and Canterbury<br />

Trellis supplied two new picnic tables. The Spinal Unit<br />

provided a huge spread of food and a coffee cart, which<br />

BEFOrE<br />

AFtEr<br />

was welcomed by all.<br />

“Having the space tidy and looking presentable has<br />

made quite a difference for people staying in the unit,”<br />

the Burwood Spinal Unit’s peer support co-ordinator<br />

Brett Ladbrook says. “It has come up great. Staff are<br />

sitting out there for lunch and the patients are using it a<br />

lot more as well.”<br />

Brett also says the area was “quite a suntrap” so the shade sail<br />

has made the area more comfortable to sit in. And as Cam<br />

from Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead, says, “We turned a rundown<br />

smokers’ area into a multi-use space for all patients and<br />

families of the Spinal Unit to enjoy. Hugely rewarding!”<br />

HAvE yOu GOt A<br />

cOMMunIty PrOjEct?<br />

visit https://www.mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

cOMMunIty/ to register and you could have the Mitre10<br />

team lend you a helping hand.<br />

Terms and conditions apply, see instore or online for more details.<br />

BEFOrE<br />

AFtEr<br />

proudly<br />

supported by:<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am–7:00pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

mitre10.co.nz/local/MegaFerrymead/<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical in-stock<br />

product locally we will beat it by 15%<br />

@MEGAFerrymead<br />

*if you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price. Excludes trade and<br />

special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be lower than advertised.

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />



AMI policyholders who cash settled with Southern Response prior<br />

to October 2014 may be eligible for an additional payment of certain<br />

professional fees and contingencies if they did not receive those<br />

costs at the time.<br />

Am I eligible? If you:<br />

Had your house insured by<br />

AMI and made an insurance<br />

claim for earthquake damage<br />

to that property arising from<br />

the Canterbury Earthquake<br />

Sequence; and<br />

Settled your insurance<br />

claim with AMI or Southern<br />

Response between<br />

10 September 2010 and<br />

1 October 2014; and<br />

Cash settled your claim<br />

with Southern Response,<br />

as opposed to Southern<br />

Response managing the<br />

repair or rebuild of<br />

your home;<br />

Visit www.southernresponse.co.nz/payment-package<br />

for more information or or to to register your your interest. interest.

14 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


FOR LESS<br />

Storewide<br />

SALE<br />






12<br />

SALE<br />

Finn Chair<br />

Lending criteria, $50 Annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. Standard Interest Rate<br />

(currently <strong>25</strong>.99%p.a.) applies to any outstanding balance at end of interest free period.<br />

Offer ends 31 December 2023. Min spend and exclusions may apply,<br />

$55 Establishment Fee or $35 Advance Fee applies to Long Term Finance Purchases*.<br />

WAS $3839<br />

$<br />

3539<br />

Brixton Electric Corner<br />

SALE<br />

Matai Chair<br />

Rattan Seat<br />

SALE<br />

Zurich Chair<br />

Brad<br />

Lifter Chair<br />

WAS $859<br />

$<br />

789<br />

WAS $199<br />

$<br />

179<br />

Available in<br />

Natural & Black<br />

WAS $<strong>25</strong>9<br />

$<br />

229<br />

WAS $969<br />

$<br />

899<br />

Marlow Chair & Stool<br />

SALE<br />

Queen Lift Up Base<br />

Mattress not included<br />

Single $619 $569<br />

King Single $649 $599<br />

Double $739 $679<br />

King $879$809<br />



Affordable<br />


Nova Bedroom<br />

Collection<br />

WAS $759<br />

$<br />

699<br />

Bedside $239 From $239<br />

Bedframe $1019 From $939<br />

Under Storage $199 From $189<br />

6 Drawer Tallboy $949 $879<br />

6 Drawer Lowboy $879 $809<br />

FREE<br />



BATH ST<br />

WE ARE<br />

HERE<br />

<strong>25</strong>5 MOORHOUSE AVE<br />




MON-FRI 9:30AM – 5:00PM<br />

SAT-SUN 10AM – 5:00PM<br />

0800 268 264

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />

Four Grenadier Seasons Realty<br />

Dynamic Duo Raises The Bar<br />

Local real estate agents Shaun<br />

Davey and Callum Brownlee<br />

have become a dynamic duo over<br />

the past 9 months. Shaun with<br />

6 years of real estate experience<br />

and Callum recently joining the<br />

industry after a successful career<br />

in hospitality.<br />

After only 9 months they have<br />

taken out the top spot for 2021 in<br />

the Harcourts Sumner office, and<br />

Number 14 in their company.<br />

With their addictive sense of<br />

humour and sharp wit, Shaun<br />

and Callum are known by their<br />

clients as being down to earth<br />

and personable while still being<br />

passionate about their work.<br />

When asked about their sudden<br />

growth, the two have put it down<br />

to their client focused approach,<br />

both are very proud that a large<br />

chunk of their business comes from<br />

repeat clients and referrals. They believe<br />

in creating a stress free experience when<br />

selling, while keeping the process fun and<br />

enjoyable.<br />

“Selling your home is one of the<br />

most stressful things you can do, and<br />

understandably, it’s the sale of most<br />

peoples biggest asset. Our goal is to make<br />

it an enjoyable process while still achieving<br />

the best results for our clients.”<br />

Shaun and Callum are both big auction<br />

advocates and believe the auction process<br />

to be one of their biggest advantages over<br />

the competition. Harcourts Grenadier<br />

provide state of the art, custom built<br />

auction rooms alongside award winning<br />

auctioneers. Because of this, we have<br />

strong clearance rates and achieve<br />

phenomenal results for our clients.<br />

“We are a full service business, while we<br />

work alongside owners and their homes,<br />

we also work with buyers looking to get<br />

into the area. Prue Dacombe, with over 10<br />

years in the industry specialises in working<br />

with buyers. The beauty of having three of<br />

us is that we have the time and availability<br />

to work with buyers and help them<br />

through the often challenging process<br />

of buying a home”. It is not uncommon<br />

for Shaun and Callum to already have a<br />

buyer lined up when they list a home, their<br />

database is growing by the day<br />

and they are frequently getting<br />

requests for local homes.<br />

While working hard, these two<br />

also have a huge passion for their<br />

community. Recently becoming<br />

sponsors of the Sumner rugby<br />

club, often taking part in local<br />

fundraisers and more recently<br />

purchasing and sign-writing a<br />

trailer that the community can<br />

hire free of charge.<br />

After a successful start, this<br />

team is planning to take things<br />

up a notch in <strong>2022</strong>. With plenty<br />

of listings on the go, and more to<br />

come, the upcoming 12 months<br />

are looking bright. When asked<br />

about the shifts in the market<br />

Shaun and Callum were quick to<br />

note that Christchurch has not<br />

seen a drop in prices unlike other<br />

parts of the country. “We are still seeing<br />

plenty of buyers through our open homes,<br />

and receive a lot of enquiry from out of<br />

town and overseas. Things are taking a<br />

bit longer nowadays, but prices are still<br />

remaining strong”.<br />

If you have been thinking of buying<br />

or selling, or if you would like a free, no<br />

obligation market appraisal, get in touch<br />

today.<br />



Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ. Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

TOP Sumner<br />

No.14 Grenadier<br />

No.41 Canterbury<br />

Thinking of selling?<br />

Get in touch with us today.<br />

Shaun Davey | 027 953 8860<br />

Callum Brownlee | 027 526 4585

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

16<br />



1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19 20<br />

21 22 23<br />

27/5<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Across<br />

1. Spy its first tactical potential for those in<br />

pool (7)<br />

5. Therefore the cover has substance (5)<br />

8. Tell how rare tan was gained (7)<br />

9. Bodily part perhaps with pipes (5)<br />

10. Sudden urgent situation will make me<br />

cry, Gene (9)<br />

12. The meadow is almost in leaf (3)<br />

13. Goat capering around the North in a sort<br />

of dance (5)<br />

17. A spiteful woman was used to punish<br />

one (3)<br />

19. Eased off by a neck perhaps in the sled<br />

(9)<br />

21. An illustrious old coin (5)<br />

22. The least hint of liking nitrogen to be<br />

changed (7)<br />

24. Rascal taking a bit of shady business<br />

quietly (5)<br />

<strong>25</strong>. Notes of meeting the time sun takes to<br />

circulate (7)<br />

Down<br />

1. Somewhat sore, it being dragged behind?<br />

(6)<br />

2. Too much French about net being given up<br />

as an omen (7)<br />

3. The main chair is incomplete (3)<br />

4. First rook building nest at back of craft (5)<br />

5. It is bound to be full of tales (5-4)<br />

6. For example, everything that could be<br />

lawful (5)<br />

7. No statement (6)<br />

11. Stop being awake, and a limb may feel<br />

numb (2,2,5)<br />

14. A prisoner or con, and CV it gets him (7)<br />

15. Views of play parts (6)<br />

16. More than one saying it’s aged as can<br />

be (6)<br />

18. Bone in bait one put out (5)<br />

20. Truth self-evident as team takes nothing<br />

in the forenoon (5)<br />

23. The family was upset by the start of 22<br />

(3)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />

24 <strong>25</strong><br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

<strong>25</strong><br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. An electronic sound (5)<br />

4. Abdominal exercise (3-3)<br />

7. Copy (3)<br />

8. Reveal (6)<br />

9. Expose falseness (6)<br />

10. Take what is offered,<br />

or have nothing (7,6)<br />

14. Sully (5)<br />

15. Give out (5)<br />

18. Captured combatant<br />

(8,2,3)<br />

23. Meeting plan (6)<br />

24. Relating to the eye (6)<br />

<strong>25</strong>. Pelt (3)<br />

26. Idolise (6)<br />

27. Long for (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Stringed instrument (5)<br />

2. All square (5)<br />

3. Fence stake (6)<br />

4. Entice (6)<br />

5. Prohibited (5)<br />

6. Uncontrollable fear (5)<br />

10. Agitated (3,2)<br />

11. Small pancake (5)<br />

12. Relative by marriage<br />

(2-3)<br />

13. Cross the threshold<br />

(5)<br />

16. Dangerous (6)<br />

17. Monastery (6)<br />

19. Scallywag (5)<br />

20. Scorch (5)<br />

21. Animals of an area (5)<br />

22. Once more (5)<br />



Across: 1. Bleep, 4. Sit-ups, 7. Ape, 8. Unveil, 9. Debunk, 10. Hobson’s<br />

choice, 14. Taint, 15. Allot, 18. Prisoner of war, 23. Agenda, 24. Ocular,<br />

<strong>25</strong>. Fur, 26. Revere, 27. Yearn.<br />

Down: 1. Banjo, 2. Evens, 3. Paling, 4. Seduce, 5. Taboo, 6. Panic, 10.<br />

Het up, 11. Blini, 12. In-law, 13. Enter, 16. Unsafe, 17. Priory, 19. Rogue,<br />

20. Singe, 21. Fauna, 22. Again.<br />


Across: 1. Typists 5. Solid 8. Narrate 9. Organ 10. Emergency 12. Lea<br />

13. Tango 17. Cat 19. Slackened 21. Noble 22. Inkling 24. Scamp <strong>25</strong>.<br />

Minutes.<br />

Down: 1. Tender 2. Portent 3. Sea 4. Stern 5. Story-book 6. Legal 7.<br />

Denial 11. Go to sleep 14. Convict 15. Scenes 16. Adages 18. Tibia 20.<br />

Axiom 23. Kin.<br />

TARGET<br />

bail bailor bald baldric bard<br />

bardic bipolar bird blip bloc<br />

boar board boil bold boric brad<br />

braid brail bridal brio broad<br />

broil carb carob CLIPBOARD<br />

cobra crab crib drab drib lobar<br />

parboil rabid ribald<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

P R A<br />

C B D<br />

O L I<br />

Good 17<br />

Very Good 24<br />

Excellent 29+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />

Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />

Thank you for<br />

helping your<br />

community<br />

Fall Zones<br />

If you have had your trees<br />

trimmed recently, thank you<br />

for reducing the risk of power<br />

cuts in your community.<br />

Notice and Growth limit zones<br />

B<br />

A<br />

And if it’s still on your to-do list, now’s the time to do<br />

it, as winter sets in. Check out our website for info on<br />

safety, regulations and guidelines.<br />

You’re our priority.<br />

Power line voltage A. Growth limit zone B. Notice zone<br />

66,000 volts 4.0m 5.0m<br />

33,000 volts 2.5m 3.5m<br />

11,000 volts 1.6m 2.6m<br />

400/230 volts 0.5m 1.5m<br />

03 363 9898 | 0800 363 9898<br />

oriongroup.co.nz<br />

Orion operates, and maintains, the electricity<br />

distribution network that provides power to central<br />

Canterbury. We are always here to help if you have any<br />

questions or concerns about the network.

2013 Volkswagen<br />

Tiguan TSi<br />

h tp: /kaywa.me/8aVDQ<br />

Download the Kaywa Qr Code reader (A p Store &Android market) and scan your code!<br />

my Kaywa Qr-Code<br />

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18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Exciting coupe from BMW stable<br />

THE ONLY CARS my son has ever<br />

owned have been two door coupes<br />

– Nissan 200SX, Mazda RX7,<br />

Toyota Celica and Supra.<br />

He talks about all of them a<br />

lot but the car he has the most<br />

affection for is the Supra, that twinturbocharged<br />

six-cylinder model<br />

was ferocious, yet its ability came<br />

subdued, it was a silent beast.<br />

Of course, Supra was<br />

discontinued for many years, but<br />

when Toyota introduced its new<br />

model a year or so ago, my son was<br />

excited, and when it came time for<br />

me to evaluate it I had to take him<br />

for a long drive in that beautiful,<br />

sleek and dynamic sports car.<br />

One of the things that makes<br />

today’s Supra so exciting is its<br />

powerplant, the 3-litre unit shares<br />

the same concept as the original –<br />

turbocharging and six-cylinders.<br />

However, it’s not Toyota’s engine, it<br />

comes out of the BMW factories, as<br />

does much of the new Supra, it has<br />

been built in a collaborative way<br />

between the two companies. It’s a<br />

concept that works well, Toyota did<br />

it with Subaru with the 86, and the<br />

Supra project has resulted in a very<br />

desirable sport coupe.<br />

Of course, the BMW engine is<br />

also used in a lot of other BMW<br />

product including the 440i Gran<br />

Coupe which this evaluation<br />

focuses on.<br />

Not only does the 440i stand out<br />

for its driveline, it has an aggressive<br />

shape that can only be described<br />

as outright desirable. The 3-Series<br />

is my favourite BMW car line, the<br />

440i is effectively a 3-Series coupe,<br />

even though its nomenclature<br />

would suggest otherwise.<br />

Electric models aside, the<br />

4-Series is available as a coupe/<br />

liftback or convertible, the 440i<br />

four-door is priced at $129,900<br />

depending on specification, a<br />

420i four-cylinder variant lists at<br />

$81,900.<br />

The 440i, though, is a real honey,<br />

the smooth six-cylinder surge is<br />

something rather special. BMW<br />

rates the double overhead camshaft<br />

unit at 275kW with a stunning<br />

500Nm of torque landing all the<br />

way from 1850rpm. The result<br />

is a strong flow of power from<br />

idle through to redline, and that<br />

is something we have come to<br />

expect from BMW, the company<br />

has a reputation for building<br />

performance cars and the 440i<br />

is no exception. It will launch to<br />

100km/h from a standstill in 4.7sec<br />

and I would strongly suspect it<br />

would be limited to a <strong>25</strong>0km/h top<br />

speed.<br />

Drive is transmitted through a<br />

silky smooth eight-speed automatic<br />

gearbox and into BMW’s xDrive<br />

system, the latter, put simply,<br />

is a four-wheel-drive network,<br />

although it must be said that drive<br />

is well proportioned towards the<br />

rear.<br />

Drive is forceful, the engine<br />

reacts solidly to throttle request<br />

ELEGANT: The BMW 440i has a four-door body in a<br />

coupe-type style..<br />

BMW 440i: Choice of coupe or convertible with four or six-cylinder power.<br />

providing instant acceleration and<br />

a flow of power, and sound, which<br />

is tantalising.<br />

That feel is transmitted<br />

throughout the entire car, not only<br />

is it exciting in terms of power<br />

flow, the 440i handles like a coupe<br />

should. It has impeccable manners<br />

with high grip levels and a feel at<br />

the steering wheel that is natural,<br />

yet involving.<br />

The 440i sits on high<br />

performance, 20in Good Year<br />

rubber, the tyres are wider at the<br />

rear than they are at the front<br />

(245/35 and <strong>25</strong>5/35). There is little<br />

likelihood of the traction loss at<br />

any point in a corner. BMW has<br />

engineered the best electronic<br />

traction and stability control<br />

devices into the 440i and they<br />

instantly counteract any wayward<br />

behaviour, but such are the high<br />

grip levels it is never much of a<br />

likelihood.<br />

I took the test car west on my<br />

favourite inland road, a mixture<br />

of tight and flowing corners, with<br />

good distance between corners the<br />

driver is offered a host of varying<br />

conditions.<br />

The 440i was in its element<br />

on the high country run, it is a<br />

genuine touring car and one that<br />

delights with its ability. It can be<br />

forced into corners quickly, but<br />

taking a smooth approach is by<br />

far the best, it rewards with its<br />

balance and directional stability,<br />

it is quick to react to directional<br />

changes.<br />

• Price – BMW 440i,<br />

$129,900<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4783mm; width, 1852mm;<br />

height, 1442mm<br />

• Configuration – Sixcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2998cc, 275kW, 500Nm,<br />

eight-speed automatic<br />

• Performance –<br />

0-100km/h, 4.7sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 8.2/100km<br />

With the forceful flow of power<br />

out of a corner, speed is ushered in<br />

quickly, thanks to the turbo boost<br />

and associated torque flow.<br />

Not only does the 440i reward<br />

the driver with its high-speed<br />

capability, it is also the everyday car<br />

which does its best to look after the<br />

occupants.<br />

The cabin is plush and the seats<br />

are formed brilliantly to contain<br />

the body. Seat adjustment is vast,<br />

there are several applications to<br />

suit the driver and most are done<br />

electrically. There are also heated<br />

seats for when winter bites.<br />

Other features include head-up<br />

display, satellite navigation, electric<br />

sunroof, paddle-shifters, automatic<br />

stop-start, Harman Kardon audio<br />

and comprehensive infotainment<br />

network.<br />

As part of the on-screen displays,<br />

the 440i has vast trip computer<br />

and fuel usage readouts, bearing in<br />

mind there is an economical drive<br />

mode if the driver wishes to select<br />

them through a console-mounted<br />

switching system. Sport modes<br />

can also be ushered through the<br />

same system, the latter not only<br />

initiates a wonderful exhaust howl<br />

and bark, but suspension firming is<br />

done automatically.<br />

Against BMW’s 8.2-litre per<br />

100km combined cycle claim sat<br />

a real-time 9l/100km figure and a<br />

6.4l/100km instantaneous figure<br />

travelling at 100km/h on the<br />

highway with the engine turning<br />

over relaxed at just 1400rpm.<br />

How BMW make this engine<br />

so relaxed yet so forceful is a<br />

constant source of amazement,<br />

the 440i is a car for those who<br />

want everyday relaxation in their<br />

travel, yet know that there is power<br />

in abundance for the highway<br />

overtake and for speed when<br />

conditions allow.<br />

As much as the 440i Gran Coupe<br />

excites through the driveline, and<br />

would certainly tempt my son<br />

and me if finances were available,<br />

BMW is also fully aware the world<br />

is viewing petrol-powered cars with<br />

much uncertainty.<br />

That being the case, fully<br />

electric vehicles from the German<br />

factories are trickling through<br />

down under, the iX is scheduled<br />

into my diary soon. I’m looking<br />

forward to that experience, from<br />

what I’ve read, that dynamic sport<br />

utility vehicle is something quite<br />

extraordinary.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Cars Wanted Cars Wanted Cars Wanted<br />

Situations Vacant<br />


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Trust Manager<br />

• Rewarding Opportunity for a Charitable Entity<br />

• Operational and Projects Focused Role<br />

• Christchurch Based – Flexible Hours<br />

The Company The Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust was founded in 2010<br />

as a charitable entity with an initial capital endowment to support sustainable<br />

management, conservation and recreation on Banks Peninsula. The Trust’s<br />

strategic plan is to achieve maximum value and an enduring legacy through<br />

investing in projects that holistically deliver on four key pillars: Access,<br />

Biodiversity, Knowledge and Partnership. Rod Donald Trust are excited with<br />

their recent agreement to purchase Te Ahu Patiki – two of the highest peaks<br />

in the Christchurch area (Mt Herbert and Mt Bradley) and the opportunity this<br />

presents. For further information on the Trust go to: www.roddonaldtrust.co.nz<br />

Reporting to the Trust Board, you will lead strategic, operational, and project<br />

activities as the Trust continues to develop its role on the Peninsula. The Trust<br />

Manager will deliver efficient and effective management to the Trust’s strategic<br />

and business plans, and establish and maintain positive relationships with<br />

stakeholder groups.<br />

The Trust Manager will also manage day to day operations, arrange and<br />

coordinate events, and oversee financial reporting. You will ensure projects<br />

are managed and delivered to meet deadlines, scope, quality and budget. The<br />

Trust Manager will work in conjunction with the Chair to prepare Board meeting<br />

agendas and management reports.<br />

To be successful in this role, you will have strategic planning and<br />

implementation, partnership and relationship development, and project and<br />

contract management experience, ideally in conservation, recreation or land<br />

use management. You will also have financial management experience and<br />

an ability to build and maintain strong relationships. Excellent communication<br />

skills and an appreciation of Maori protocol and Tikanga will also be key to<br />

your success in this role. Knowledge and appreciation of Banks Peninsula and<br />

relevant networks will be advantageous.<br />

To Apply If you feel you possess the above qualities and wish to apply for this<br />

opportunity, please submit your cover letter and CV by visiting our jobs board<br />

https://brannigans.co.nz/jobs/. Initial enquiries are welcome by phoning Nick<br />

Carter on 03 345 8764 or Ella Kotlowski on 03 345 8755.<br />

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Gold card<br />

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results<br />

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Real Estate<br />

WANTED Section / Clear<br />

land from 400 sq to 20<br />

ha on Banks Peninsula to<br />

buy or lease (long term).<br />

Looking to move Tiny<br />

House (off grid) on to site.<br />

Prefer site in Eastern <strong>Bay</strong>s<br />

area, but any assessable<br />

site would be looked at<br />

seriously. Contact Shane<br />

021 381 765 or email<br />

shanejohnvictor@gmail.<br />

com<br />

To Lease<br />

Office space to lease,<br />

CBD area. 60 - 100 sqm.<br />

Comp priced. Flexible<br />

lease period. Call Shane<br />

for more details on 021<br />

381 765<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

Public Notices

20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>25</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />




Burano Queen Bed<br />

WAS $<br />

999<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

799<br />

Malone Modular<br />

Corner Suite – Charcoal<br />

WAS $<br />

4697<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

3999<br />


ON SALE<br />

Bookcase NOW $ 899<br />


ON SALE<br />

Haines Chair – Light Grey<br />

WAS $<br />

699<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

549<br />

Entertainment Unit<br />

– W190 NOW $ 699<br />

Lamp Table NOW $ 299<br />

Carter Barstool<br />

NOW $<br />

1<strong>25</strong><br />

Dallas Queen Bed<br />

NOW $<br />

359<br />

Fallon Chair with<br />

Ottoman<br />

NOW $<br />

499<br />

Capri<br />

Egg Chair<br />

NOW $<br />

699<br />

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Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />

13/06/22. Sale Excludes Accessories.

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