Camping Trade World – Issue 08

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C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />

ISSUE <strong>08</strong> | CAMPINGTRADEWORLD.COM<br />

Rolling awnings<br />

crafted in Italy<br />

Find out more on page 32<br />

M: info@scalabros.it<br />

D: www.scalabros.it


WITH<br />




SuperSprings are a simple, bolt-on, steel<br />

helper spring that eliminates rear-end sag and<br />

stabilizes sway & body roll. Handmade from<br />

high-grade shot peened steel, this suspension<br />

solution encourages you to build it heavy<br />

without worrying about losing battery range<br />

or your ride quality.<br />

Welcome to the last suspension upgrade<br />

for your electric van.<br />

See more on page 34




EDITOR<br />

David has worked in B2B publishing since 2006 and has edited<br />

several major titles in that time. He has also worked on the UK’s<br />

biggest consumer camping magazine, <strong>Camping</strong> & Caravanning. A<br />

keen camper and outdoorsman, David will bring you the very latest<br />

international industry news.<br />

david.guest@dhpub.co.uk<br />



Justin is hugely experienced in publishing and oversees the running<br />

of all of David Hall Publishing’s titles, which includes not only B2B<br />

titles, but also some enthusiast consumer brands too. Justin’s<br />

organisational and sales skills are invaluable to the business.<br />

justin@dhpub.co.uk<br />



Fluent in several languages, Willem is hugely experienced in<br />

helping outdoor industry brands realise their global communication<br />

ambitions. He has a broad background in sales, marketing and key<br />

account management.<br />

willem.bonneux@dhpub.co.uk<br />



Guido has a wealth of experience in helping companies grow their<br />

international export businesses. He speaks numerous languages<br />

and is well-known for going that extra mile for all of his international<br />

customers.<br />

guido.knegt@dhpub.co.uk<br />



Mark is the man who takes our essential trade info and turns it into<br />

something beautiful. A freelance designer with more than 20 years of<br />

experience as a magazine and digital designer, we trust him to make<br />

us look good.<br />

housegrafton@gmail.com<br />



Paul is the Art Editor of our publishing house and he runs the rule<br />

over the creative direction of our titles. He has worked in the company<br />

since 20<strong>08</strong> and keeps our vision in focus.<br />


Y<br />

■ou’ll find a piece on<br />

pages 18 and 19 of this<br />

issue that investigates<br />

whether electric-powered<br />

RVs are the sole answer to the<br />

world’s fossil fuel problem. In<br />

my personal opinion, I’m not so<br />

certain they should be considered<br />

the golden bullet that many<br />

seem to think they are. Naturally,<br />

they vastly reduce carbon<br />

emissions (although we shouldn’t<br />

forget that a large part of how<br />

electricity is made is not exactly<br />

clean), but there a number of<br />

problems they face. One is<br />

infrastructure, particularly on<br />

campsites, which already have a<br />

large number of electric hook-up<br />

points for leisure batteries. There<br />

just isn’t enough infrastructure<br />

for a large proportion of the<br />

global population to have<br />

electric RVs, and to catch<br />

up will be a never-ending<br />

race. Then there’s the issue of<br />

range <strong>–</strong> at present, electric RVs<br />

simply do not meet the needs<br />

and expectations of end users,<br />

although this is something that<br />

many manufacturers are working<br />

very hard to solve. Electric<br />

vehicles will naturally evolve<br />

and improve, but to me it feels<br />

like everyone has thrown their<br />

eggs into one basket without<br />

truly thinking about the long<br />

game. There are other options<br />

out there: different natural gases,<br />

other liquid fuels, things that<br />

may be able to use the existing<br />

infrastructure we have for<br />

petroleum and diesel. I’m not<br />

purporting to know the answer<br />

to the riddle, but I do think it is<br />

worth the industry taking a little<br />

time and investment to explore<br />

some alternative options…<br />

You may (hopefully) notice<br />

that <strong>Camping</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>World</strong> seems<br />

a little smoother and faster<br />

this issue <strong>–</strong> that’s because we<br />

have changed to a new hosting<br />

partner Yumpu, which we hope<br />

will deliver an even better service<br />

for the camping, caravanning<br />

and RV industries. As always,<br />

please direct any feedback to me<br />

or one of the other members of<br />

the team.<br />

Also, don’t forget that the next<br />

issue will be our special Caravan<br />

Salon 2022 preview edition.<br />

If you’re going to be at the<br />

caravanning industry’s biggest<br />

event and want to let people<br />

know why they can’t afford to<br />

miss a visit to your stand, get<br />

in touch with us today to see<br />

how we can create a custom<br />

marketing plan for you.<br />

Enjoy the issue,<br />

David Guest<br />

04 | www.campingtradeworld.com


10<br />

16<br />

38<br />

44<br />

58<br />


06-13 Want the latest trends, news and views from the global<br />

camping and caravanning industry? You came to the right<br />

place. Our global round-up has you covered.<br />


14 The Campfire Group, owner of Holtkamper and Easy<br />

Caravanning, has a new, centralised headquarters.<br />

16-17 One of the USA’s biggest roof tent brands, Roofnest, is<br />

making its way across the pond to set-up in the UK.<br />

18-19 Is the future of leisure vehicle propulsion electric, or are<br />

there other more viable long-term options? Enter the<br />

world of natural gas-powered vehicles.<br />

20-21 The camping market in South Korea continues to boom,<br />

we bring you a review of its biggest industry event.<br />

22-23 Eriba proves that luxury caravanning is still popular as it<br />

celebrates the production of its 100th Touring 820 model.<br />

24-25 A check of the financial results for some of the industry’s<br />

major players in the first quarter of 2022 shows that we are<br />

still flying high.<br />


26-31 Our Doing Business With feature heads to the Far East and<br />

examines the camping and leisure vehicle market in Japan.<br />

32-33 Italian design, a passion for quality, and innovative product<br />

ideas: all of this could be yours by working with Scalabros.<br />

34-35 How SuperSprings International is helping electricpowered<br />

RVs perform to their maximum.<br />

38-41 Truma’s managing director commercial, Markus Heringer,<br />

reveals the company’s plans for the future in our exclusive<br />

interview.<br />

42-43 How did Kampgrounds of America become one of<br />

North America’s leading authorities in the market? We<br />

investigate on the company’s 60th anniversary.<br />

44-47 We look back on 65 years of Danish awning innovator<br />

Isabella to see where the company has come from and<br />

where it is headed for the future.<br />

48-53 The humble tent is part of a thriving market that could<br />

easily help you grow your business <strong>–</strong> our Sector Spotlight<br />

feature tells you how.<br />

54-57 Exhibitions are back on the menu. Our marketing guru<br />

helps you devise better strategies and obtain better results<br />

from them.<br />


58-63 See some of the latest and greatest products that have hit<br />

the market in the last two months in our regular product<br />

highlight section.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 05



■ay-Z. Love him or hate him (or as both companies experience record<br />

maybe you have no opinion), you growth: Hipcamp, backed by Jay-Z, has<br />

J<br />

definitely know who he is. Well, seen a 460 per cent increase in bookings<br />

now the well-known rap artist is bringing since 2019, while the number of stays<br />

one of the USA’s best-known providers of booked via Cool <strong>Camping</strong> increased 340<br />

outdoor stays to Europe… sort of. Jay-Z per cent during the same period.<br />

backs Hipcamp, a fully remote company “It’s a hugely exciting moment as<br />

that helps farmers, ranchers, vintners, and we join forces with Hipcamp <strong>–</strong> our<br />

other landowners generate new revenue spiritual cousins internationally,” said<br />

streams to conserve their land and keep it Cool <strong>Camping</strong> founder Jonathan<br />

wild by offering it out as places to camp Knight. “We’re proud of the trust that<br />

and RV. Now people in the UK will be Cool <strong>Camping</strong> has built up with our<br />

able to book through Hipcamp.com after community during the past 15 years, and<br />

the company acquired Tripadee Ltd, a<br />

deal which includes the full integration of<br />

its popular Cool <strong>Camping</strong> brand into the<br />

Hipcamp platform. The acquisition comes<br />

as we now adopt the Hipcamp brand in<br />

the UK, we look forward to continuing to<br />

build on that trust. Our entire community<br />

will benefit from the Hipcamp platform<br />

- which makes getting outside at a<br />

moment’s notice easier than ever.”<br />

Jonathan will now serve as UK country<br />

manager for Hipcamp.<br />

“One of our core beliefs is that getting<br />

outside should be simple,” said Hipcamp<br />

founder and CEO Alyssa Ravasio.<br />

“Jonathan and his team have done so much<br />

great work to make that mission possible in<br />

the UK. I’m excited to further our shared<br />

mission of getting more people outside<br />

and inspiring a new love for nature.” Learn<br />

more online at www.hipcamp.com<br />

Photo: Hipcamp<br />



Caravan Salon is without<br />

doubt the epicentre of a lot of<br />

what happens in our industry.<br />

So much so, that it often<br />

attracts companies on the<br />

fringes of caravanning and<br />

camping looking to get a firmer<br />

foothold with the customer<br />

base. One such example is<br />

Krug Expedition, an Austrian<br />

manufacturer of high-end<br />

expedition vehicles that has<br />

placed Caravan Salon at the<br />

top of its list of important trade<br />

shows for 2022. The company<br />

has highlighted Caravan Salon<br />

in Dusseldorf as one of the<br />

main events it will be present<br />

at, and it is inviting people to<br />

make appointments to view its<br />

latest innovations. As well as<br />

showcasing its Project Rhino<br />

Mercedes-Benz Atego 1023 in<br />

a new lightweight version, it<br />

will also be showing a surprise<br />

vehicle that it top secret until<br />

the exhibition begins.<br />

A statement from Krug<br />

explained: “Both the impact of<br />

COVID-19, which has caused<br />

a domino effect of pressure on<br />

supply chains and a crucial parts<br />

shortage over the past years,<br />

and the impact of the war in<br />

Ukraine have had a noticeable<br />

impact on the way we run our<br />

day-to-day business.<br />

“We believe in quality in every<br />

detail. With great intention<br />

and care, we used the past<br />

few months to strengthen the<br />

production of our tried-andtested<br />

range of Series Modules.<br />

The production capacities were<br />

expanded within Austria and at<br />

other locations within the EU,<br />

and our warehousing was thus<br />

able to be massively expanded.<br />

The goal being that we can<br />

keep our delivery promises<br />

06 | www.campingtradeworld.com




▲ Austrian firm Krug Expedition is aiming to take full advantage of exhibiting at Caravan Salon.<br />

to our customers and deepen<br />

relationships with our customers<br />

and important partners.” Find<br />

out more about Krug at<br />

www.krugxp.com<br />


Sport has the power to do many<br />

things. And one of those things<br />

is reinforce and enhance the<br />

reputation of your brand and<br />

the quality of your products.<br />

That’s probably part of the<br />

reason why German motorhome<br />

brand Carthago is continuing<br />

its partnership with professional<br />

cyclist and two-time Tour de<br />

France winner Tadej Pogačar<br />

by supplying him with another<br />

first-class motorhome to use<br />

during training and racing.<br />

The 23-year-old Slovenian is<br />

widely regarded as one of the<br />

top performers in world cycling<br />

at the moment and collected his<br />

new Carthago c-compactline<br />

motorhome from the company’s<br />

Slovenian factory in May <strong>–</strong> even<br />

taking part in a community bike<br />

ride with more than 200 of the<br />

facility’s employees.<br />

Marcus Kern, chairman of<br />

the Carthago management,<br />

said: “We are delighted that<br />

the top racing cyclist is relying<br />

on a top class motorhome<br />

from our company. Cycling<br />

and motorhomes have certain<br />

things in common: hard<br />

training and precision work are<br />

required in order to produce top<br />

performance in both areas.”<br />

Meanwhile Sandra Županec,<br />

managing director of Carthago<br />

d.o.o., added: “We are proud of<br />

the fact that Tadej Pogačar is<br />

staying on board as a part of the<br />

Carthago family. The outstanding<br />

popularity of this event with our<br />

employees on their weekend off<br />

is a good indication of the level<br />

of their identification with the<br />

top sportsman, who embodies<br />

the same values as the Carthago<br />

brand: team play, appreciation<br />

and trust.” For more, visit:<br />

www.carthago.com<br />

Eriba brand manager,<br />

Matthias Binder, explains<br />

his pride in the luxury<br />

caravan name as its 100th<br />

Touring 820 caravan was<br />

wheeled off the production<br />

line. P22<br />

Chelsea Ramm, vice<br />

president of global supply<br />

chain at Lightning eMotors,<br />

gives an insight into how<br />

it is helping create electric<br />

vehicles that could be<br />

of great value to the RV<br />

industry. P34<br />

Truma’s commercial<br />

managing director Markus<br />

Heringer explains how the<br />

company plans to achieve<br />

its aim of making camping<br />

safer and more comfortable<br />

with continuous<br />

innovations. P38<br />

▲ Tadej Pogacar (centre, pink top) with the Carthago team from its Slovenian production plant.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 07



Photo: Thor Industries<br />


■lectric RVs are coming, there’s no doubt about that. But<br />

are they going to deliver what people want and need<br />

E<br />

them to? That’s what the world’s biggest manufacturer<br />

of RVs, Thor Industries, set out to discover when it conducted its<br />

recent North American Motorized Electric RV Study. The dawn<br />

of this new product category represents a great opportunity for<br />

the industry to build truly customer-centric products that cater<br />

precisely to the needs of campers. The study revealed several<br />

interesting trends, but the overriding message was long-range is<br />

key <strong>–</strong> 45 per cent of consumers expect to be able to drive for five<br />

to six hours on a single charge.<br />

Thor president and CEO, Bob Martin, said: “As the global<br />

leader in the RV industry, it’s important that we share some of the<br />

critical data and insights used to inform innovation efforts across<br />

the THOR family of companies, which allow us to anticipate and<br />

exceed consumer expectations.<br />

“Our motorized electric RV study confirms that the highvoltage<br />

motorized platform we’ve developed meets the<br />

expectations of consumers, however charging infrastructure<br />

development is necessary to increase adoption. When it comes<br />

to electrification, THOR is positioned to redefine the RV<br />

experience.” Learn more at: www.thorindustries.com<br />

<strong>08</strong> | www.campingtradeworld.com<br />

47%<br />

Expect to use a motorised<br />

electric RV at least “once a<br />

week or more often” or “once<br />

evert two to three weeks”.<br />

97%<br />

Expect to drive for three hours<br />

or longer before charging.<br />

70%<br />

report that the inclusion of an<br />

onboard fuel cell for recharging<br />

the vehicle’s battery positively<br />

impacts their purchase interest<br />

level, regardless of a small<br />

carbon footprint.<br />

44%<br />

Expect a fast-charging (onehour)<br />

station at each individual<br />

campground spot.<br />

47%<br />

Report charging time is<br />

expected to be 45-59 minutes.<br />

34%<br />

Report charging cost from<br />

empty to full is expected to be<br />

US$41 to US$60.<br />


Being green is, of course, high<br />

on the agenda for most modern<br />

businesses, especially those in<br />

this industry, which depends on<br />

a healthy environment for people<br />

to be able to enjoy camping.<br />

Many of us probably think<br />

we are doing the right thing<br />

when it comes to this, but to<br />

get a real sense of affirmation,<br />

receiving an award for your<br />

efforts is a big help. That’s what<br />

recently happened to eco toilet<br />

and fluid producer Solbio and<br />

eco coolbox inventor QOOL.<br />

Solbio was awarded with the<br />

Ecogarantie label for 2022 <strong>–</strong> a<br />

label that recognises brands<br />

that show strong commitment<br />

to offer real ecological, to help<br />

consumers ascertain what is a<br />

real eco product versus those<br />

that claim to be. The Ecogarantie<br />

label means a product is 100<br />

per cent organic, 100 per<br />

cent neutral, biodegradable,<br />

features no GMO and no<br />

petrochemicals. Meanwhile<br />

QOOL managed to impress a<br />

panel of 26 international judges<br />

and be awarded the Green<br />

Product Award for the ‘Kitchen’<br />

category with its Box Eco+.<br />

This product is the first cooler<br />

made of recycled material that is<br />

insulated with vacuum insulation<br />

panels and equipped with special<br />

temperature elements. This<br />

allows it to keep temperatures<br />

between -25 °C to +25 °C<br />

constantly for up to 10 days. The<br />

temperature can be defined by<br />

selecting different temperature<br />

elements, which contain special<br />

liquids depending on the<br />

temperature range.



The who’s who of hires and promotions<br />

Leading German motorhome maker<br />

Carthago is continuing its partnership<br />

with elite pro cyclist Tadej Pogacar. The<br />

23-year-old Slovenian rider collected a<br />

new Carthago c-compactline motorhome<br />

from the one of the company’s factories<br />

in Slovenia to use as his base for training<br />

and racing. German RV and caravan<br />

door manufacturing expert Konrad<br />

Baur has announced an expansion to<br />

its management team with Thomas<br />

Baur-Beyerlin becoming the company’s<br />

new COO. Thomas is the brother of the<br />

company’s current CEO Benjamin Baur<br />

and the son of the founder and CTO<br />

Konrad Baur, further strengthening the<br />

company’s family-run ethos. Another<br />

leading German leisure vehicle producer,<br />

Knaus Tabbert, has appointed Stephan<br />

Petschow as its new head of marketing.<br />

Stephan replaces Christoph Bauer, who<br />

after five years in this role will assume<br />

another key position on the company.<br />

The previous interim head of marketing,<br />

Maximilian Recke, will remain on as<br />

deputy head of marketing to support<br />

Stephan in the new role. Leading<br />

European camping manufacturer Oase<br />

Outdoors ApS, which owns brands<br />

Outwell, Robens and Easy Camp, has<br />

announced that it will have a new CEO<br />

in the shape of Henrik Bernth. Henrik,<br />

who previously served as sales director<br />

for Oase Outdoors before working for<br />

three years as CEO of the Danish Ocean<br />

Textile Group, will take the reins from<br />

Henrik Arens, who is stepping aside<br />

after many years of excellent leadership.<br />

The change is expected to take effect<br />

by 1 August. There have also been<br />

some personnel changes at American<br />

RV components expert Lippert. Julie<br />

Markiewicz has been promoted to the<br />

role of vice president of internal audit<br />

and compliance, while Matthew Johnson<br />

has been named as the new managing<br />

director of Lippert Marine Group Europe.<br />

The company has also promoted Greg<br />

Moeller to the position of vice president<br />

of sales: building products, while Chad<br />

Novak has been promoted to the position<br />

of vice president of sales.<br />

Tell us about your hires and promotions via:<br />




H<br />

■opefully you have noticed something different<br />

about <strong>Camping</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>World</strong> this month. We<br />

have partnered with digital publishing expert<br />

Yumpu to vastly improve our product <strong>–</strong> making it faster,<br />

more user-friendly, and with all-new smart features<br />

such as directly embedded videos. It’s all part of our<br />

mission to continue to deliver the very best industry<br />

resource we can for the camping, caravanning and RV<br />

industries. All back issues of our magazine have been<br />

updated to this new host, and all future issues will be<br />

on it. We hope you enjoy it, and we always welcome<br />

feedback. Get in touch with editor David Guest at:<br />

david.guest@dhpub.co.uk<br />



RIGHT…<br />

You know the rest: do it yourself.<br />

That is precisely the mentality<br />

that Germany brand Hymer<br />

has taken by becoming the first<br />

motorhome manufacturer to<br />

start mass-producing its very<br />

own chassis after opening a<br />

new production facility in Bad<br />

Waldsee. The company has<br />

been working on construction<br />

of its so-called Super Light<br />

Chassis (SLC) production hall<br />

for around two years, and it<br />

claims to be the first bodywork<br />

manufacturer to start massproducing<br />

its very own chassis.<br />

It also means that Hymer’s<br />

centralised production will<br />

handle almost every crucial part<br />

of the value creation chain, as<br />

well as allowing it to respond<br />

faster and more flexibly to the<br />

current market situation and<br />

future changes.<br />

Christian Bauer, president<br />

of Hymer GmbH & Co. KG.,<br />

said: “Hymer has been known<br />

as a pioneer in the motorhome<br />

and caravanning industry for<br />

more than 60 years. By opening<br />

the SLC hall, we’re proud that<br />

we’ll become the first bodywork<br />

manufacturer to start actively<br />

producing its own chassis, which<br />

will enable us to take a truly<br />

▲ The new chassis manufacturing facility opens at Hymer.<br />

pioneering step forwards.”<br />

Hymer also says that in<br />

the process of developing this<br />

facility it worked on a number<br />

of automated solutions that will<br />

provide better safety for staff<br />

members. It also offers better<br />

ergonomics, quality control<br />

and more precision when<br />

manufacturing motorhomes.<br />

The facility is expected to be<br />

fully operational by June 2022,<br />

and Hymer will initially use<br />

it to produce the SLC chassis<br />

with five different wheelbases <strong>–</strong><br />

starting with the short versions<br />

from 3.90 metres through to<br />

the tandem axle model for the<br />

B-Class MasterLine I 890.<br />


FCA Bank, a leading provider<br />

of mobility financial services,<br />

has agreed a pan-European<br />

partnership with one of the<br />

continent’s biggest motorhome<br />

manufacturers Carthago. The<br />

agreement will see FCA Bank<br />

provide financial services to<br />

Carthago’s network of more<br />

than 250 dealers as well as to<br />

end users, and will cover both<br />

Carthago products and also<br />

products of its Malibu brand.<br />

Through this partnership<br />

with Carthago, and the recent<br />

arrangements with two other<br />

prestigious manufacturers,<br />

Knaus Tabbert and Concorde,<br />

FCA Bank will cover around 40<br />

per cent of the total European<br />

motorhome market.<br />

One of the UK’s best-known<br />

tent manufacturers Terra Nova<br />

has taken the decision to become<br />

employee owned. The company,<br />

which also encompasses the<br />

Wild Country and Extremities<br />

brands, has been run by husband<br />

and wife team Andy Utting and<br />

Carolyn Budding for the past<br />

22 years. The couple have now<br />

transferred their ownership to<br />

an employee ownership trust<br />

10 | www.campingtradeworld.com


in a move aimed at giving staff<br />

a greater sense of ownership<br />

and its benefits as the business<br />

continues to grow and develop.<br />

Lippert has announced the<br />

acquisition of Girard Systems<br />

and Girard Products, a wellknown<br />

RV industry supplier<br />

of awnings and tankless water<br />

heaters. The deal was completed<br />

via LCI Industries’ subsidiary<br />

firm Lippert Components<br />

Manufacturing.<br />

Girard has been a wellregarded<br />

name in the RV<br />

industry since 1995 and is<br />

particularly known for its<br />

high quality products and<br />

exceptional service. Having<br />

created a significant niche<br />

in the motorized segment of<br />

the market, Girard’s patented<br />

awnings are featured on<br />

many of the premier Class A<br />

motorized units.<br />


Dometic recently announced all its European production facilities now run on renewable<br />

01 electricity, saving as much carbon emissions as it takes to charge 572,000,000 smartphones.<br />

One of Germany’s biggest leisure vehicle manufacturers, Knaus Tabbert, has reported<br />

02 an order intake of 6,000 units for the quarter as well as an increase of two per cent in<br />

units delivered to 7,247.<br />

British outdoor kit and camping brand Alpkit has received a £2.7 million funding package<br />

03 from HSBC UK, backed by UK Export Finance (UKEF) to help support its international growth.<br />

Thor Industries has uncovered that 45 per cent of consumers expect to be able to drive<br />

04 for five to six hours on a single charge in an electric RV.<br />

Bookings for UK campsites were up by 72 per cent in April 2022 compared to the same<br />

05 period pre-pandemic while forward bookings also look strong with 104 per cent growth<br />

so far this year.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 11



Registration is now open for the RV Industry<br />

Association’s annual industry conference<br />

focused on the RV aftermarket segment. The<br />

2022 RV Aftermarket Conference will take place<br />

in San Antonio, Texas from 8 to 11 August and is<br />

focused on supporting the parts and accessory<br />

purchasing experience to benefit supply chain<br />

members and end users. The event will offer<br />

attendees the chance to learn vital business<br />

information about new customers entering the<br />

market, give networking opportunities with<br />

colleagues around the United States, offer a<br />

new meetings application that makes booking<br />

appointments easier than ever before, and host<br />

the annual RV Aftermarket Awards to highlight<br />

the top suppliers, distributors, reps and products<br />

of the year. Information about registration and<br />

also discounted accommodation info can be<br />

found online at www.rvia.org<br />

01<br />

Around the world<br />

<strong>Camping</strong> and leisure vehicles are a global business, but<br />

each corner of the world faces its own unique challenges<br />

and enjoys its own successes. Here’s a snapshot of what’s<br />

been happening on planet camping the last few months.<br />

02<br />

What’s happening<br />

in your part of the world?<br />

Contact us today and<br />

tell us your story:<br />

david.guest@dhpub.co.uk<br />

FRANCE<br />

France has long been one of the hotbeds of the camping and caravanning<br />

industry in Europe, but even this hugely well-established market is not immune<br />

to new trends. According to a report by UNIVDL, the French RV industry<br />

association, the humble mini-caravan is causing quite the stir in the market<br />

there. The report features input from several industry leaders who all believe<br />

that while the mini-caravan is still a niche market, it is one that is attracting new<br />

people to caravanning, specifically those from a younger demographic or with<br />

less expendable income. Could there be a time where mini-caravans will be on<br />

every campsite in France? Only time will tell.<br />

See the full story online at www.univdl.com<br />

12 | www.campingtradeworld.com


03<br />


A leading network of campsites in the Scotland and England has recently changed<br />

ownership and is looking towards a bright future. The <strong>Camping</strong> in the Forest network<br />

of campsites has been acquired by Forestry England and Forestry and Land Scotland<br />

after reaching an agreement to buy the controlling 72 per cent shareholding from the<br />

<strong>Camping</strong> and Caravanning Club. The move will allow Forestry England and Forestry<br />

and Land Scotland to develop the network of 16 campsites located within beautiful<br />

national forests in the country while the <strong>Camping</strong> and Caravanning Club can focus on<br />

maintaining the highest levels of service and experience for its customers at its near 100<br />

Club Sites throughout the country.<br />

Learn more at www.forestryengland.uk<br />

04<br />


Industry body <strong>Camping</strong> Outdoor<br />

Denmark has made its stance clear<br />

for the country’s upcoming Finance<br />

Act 2023 as it attempts to make<br />

life fairer and more affordable for<br />

caravan and motorhome owners<br />

in the country. The organisation<br />

is proposing that caravans and<br />

motorhomes should be subject to<br />

reduced registration tax and fuel<br />

consumption tax due to the fact<br />

they drive far fewer kilometres than<br />

regular cars and are equipped with<br />

on-board facilities. Curently only<br />

classic cars over the age of 35 enjoy<br />

this tax relief. <strong>Camping</strong> Outdoor<br />

Denmark is also proposing to<br />

equalise the weight tax between<br />

caravans and trailers <strong>–</strong> at present<br />

caravan owners pay significantly<br />

more road tax in Denmark than<br />

those with regular trailers.<br />

Find out more at www.ocff.dk<br />

05<br />


Despite difficult trading conditions and supply chain issues, the caravan and<br />

motorhome industry in Germany recorded a positive first quarter of 2022. New<br />

registrations of leisure vehicles fell slightly by about 4.8 per cent to 23,061 for the<br />

quarter, but that is compared to record figures from 2021. It is still higher than<br />

figures from 2020 and 2019. That figure is broken down by 17,485 new motorhomes<br />

registered (down 8.3 per cent on 2021) and 5,576 new caravans registered (up 7.9 per<br />

cent on 2021). Despite a lack of vehicle chassis, components and an overall shortage<br />

of materials, both motorhomes and caravans were able to top last year’s results in<br />

January and February.<br />

Visit www.civd.de for more.<br />

06<br />


The Caravan Industry Association of<br />

Australia announced with winners<br />

of its annual awards at the 2022<br />

edition of its National Conference<br />

in front of a 400-strong crowd on<br />

1 April. The Eric Hayman Award<br />

for Excellence was given to Chris<br />

Goddard. Meanwhile, Chris Johnson<br />

picked up the Richard Davis OAM<br />

Award, the Gerry Ryan OAM Award<br />

for Innovation was received by<br />

newBook, while Andrew Hewitt of<br />

BIG4 Gold Coast Holiday Park won<br />

the Apollo Future Leaders Award,<br />

which recognises dedication and<br />

outstanding achievements from<br />

the industry’s up-and-comers.<br />

Elsewhere, Blye Sky Caravans picked<br />

up People’s Choice Manufacturer<br />

of the Year and BIG4 Great Lakes<br />

at Forster Tuncurry won People’s<br />

Choice Caravan Park of the Year.<br />

See more about these awards at<br />

www.caravanindustry.com.au<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 13


A future of unity<br />

Campfire Group, the Dutch company that owns trailer tent brands Holtkamper and Easy<br />

Caravanning, has opened a brand new manufacturing facility in Emmen, the Netherlands,<br />

that centralises its operations and improves overall efficiency and profitability.<br />

C<br />

■ampfire Group, the<br />

Dutch company that<br />

owns trailer tent<br />

brands Holtkamper and Easy<br />

Caravanning, has opened a<br />

brand new manufacturing<br />

facility in Emmen, the<br />

Netherlands. The facility will<br />

be known as the company’s<br />

Tent Trailer Center Basecamp<br />

and will allow the company<br />

to centralise its activities and<br />

become more efficient. As well<br />

as a manufacturing centre, the<br />

new location will also host the<br />

company’s marketing, sales,<br />

service, purchasing, warehouse,<br />

engineering and administration<br />

activities, as well as the tent<br />

workshop.<br />

Maarten de Roos, managing<br />

director of the Campfire Group,<br />

said: “The centralisation of<br />

our activities in Northern<br />

Netherlands is the next step in<br />

rolling out our growth strategy at<br />

home and abroad.<br />

“With start-up Easy<br />

Caravanning now in the scaleup<br />

phase, it was a logical next<br />

step to bring together the three<br />

locations for the assembly<br />

of our two own brands and<br />

the showroom and service<br />

workshop. This way, we can<br />

realise maximum synergy in both<br />

front and back-office activities.<br />

The Holtkamper assembly<br />

line (in close co-operation<br />

with manufacturing partner<br />

Technologies Added) is located<br />

within walking distance at the<br />

Kapitein Grantstraat.”<br />

Campfire Group’s maneger<br />

of operations, Niels Gerrits,<br />

▲ The new home of Holtkamper and Easy Caravanning in Emmen, in the north Netherlands.<br />

added: “The popularity for<br />

camping has further increased<br />

over the past few years - partly<br />

due to the influence of the<br />

corona pandemic. Light compact<br />

camping concepts are gaining<br />

popularity as today’s tow vehicles<br />

are more and more equipped<br />

with smaller energy efficient<br />

engines and/or fully electric<br />

drive trains. As Campfire Group,<br />

we have seen our growth further<br />

increase with the introduction<br />

of our 2nd own brand Easy<br />

Caravanning at the end of 2019.<br />

Several new projects are also<br />

in the pipeline for the coming<br />

years to further strengthen this<br />

strategy. It was therefore time,<br />

also from a capacity point of<br />

view, to move to a new larger<br />

location.”<br />

The new Emmen facility<br />

will have eight workstations in<br />

its production line, each with<br />

separate cells for subassembly,<br />

prototype construction and<br />

woodworking.<br />

After entering the factory,<br />

visitors walk through a corridor<br />

to the showroom. In the corridor,<br />

a small history exhibition looks<br />

back at the development of both<br />

trailer tent brands. In a time<br />

of increasing consolidation of<br />

manufacturers in the camping<br />

industry by European or global<br />

groups of manufacturers, with<br />

this new factory, the Netherlands<br />

has gained a unique independent<br />

manufacturer of top-of-therange<br />

trailer tents.<br />

Learn more at<br />

www.holtkamper.nl and<br />

www.easycaravanning.com<br />

14 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Going big in Blighty:<br />

RoofNest leaps<br />

across the pond<br />

Wild camping is gaining serious popularity in the UK, so much so that one of<br />

the USA’s largest rooftop tent brands has launched its collection of rugged and<br />

accessible models to campers in the country.<br />

Photos: Roofnest<br />

16 | www.campingtradeworld.com



Roofnest tents deploy in<br />

seconds — Campers can<br />

go from driver’s seat to<br />

sleeping bag in a matter of<br />

moments.<br />

Sleep above the ground —<br />

On the car’s roof, campers<br />

avoid rocky or watersaturated<br />

campsites as<br />

well as late-night intrusions<br />

from animals.<br />

▲ Roofnest roof tents can be easily fitted to a wide range of vehicles, including saloons, SUVs,<br />

trucks, vans and even campervans <strong>–</strong> opening up a world of camping to many.<br />

T<br />

■he popularity of<br />

camping is such that<br />

people are seeking to<br />

enjoy its benefits any which<br />

way they can. Whether that’s<br />

from the relative comfort of<br />

a motorhome or caravan, or<br />

via the more nomadic method<br />

of tents, specifically rooftop<br />

tents. This boom is this market<br />

sector has been so strong that<br />

the largest manufacturer of<br />

rooftop tents in the United<br />

States, Boulder, Coloradobased<br />

Roofnest, has decided to<br />

expand its sales network into<br />

the vibrant United Kingdom<br />

market.<br />

“Wild camping is more<br />

popular than ever across<br />

the UK. With more people<br />

exploring nature, we saw an<br />

opportunity to bring our brand<br />

of weather-resistant, accessible,<br />

and easy-to-use rooftop tents<br />

to the United Kingdom,” said<br />

Roofnest Founder Tim Nickles.<br />

“We are confident that<br />

would-be wild campers,<br />

especially those who live in<br />

cities, will find Roofnest’s<br />

rooftop tents the perfect way to<br />

explore more remote portions<br />

of Great Britain without<br />

sacrificing their city-size car or<br />

urban lifestyle.”<br />

Roofnest has spent years<br />

developing a diverse line of<br />

hard-shell rooftop tents from its<br />

mountain town base in Boulder<br />

and aims to make wild camping<br />

easier, more comfortable, and<br />

more fun. Roofnest tents can<br />

mount to any car, hatch, SUV,<br />

truck, or van and transform it<br />

into a campervan worthy of<br />

the most unique wild-camping<br />

experience.<br />

The company will begin in<br />

the UK market with its pop-up<br />

Sparrow and fold-out Condor<br />

models. The Sparrow pop-up<br />

tent measures 211 cm long and<br />

124.5 cm wide, comfortably<br />

sleeping two. The Condor is a<br />

compact 211 cm by 153 cm but<br />

opens up to double its footprint<br />

and sleeps two to three people.<br />

Roofnest tents fit a wide<br />

variety of vehicles, including<br />

cars and campervans too. Learn<br />

more online at:<br />

www.roofnest.com<br />

Warm and weatherresistant<br />

— The fibreglassreinforced<br />

top shell keeps<br />

rain out while the 280-<br />

gram polyurethane-coated<br />

polyester and cotton<br />

blend wall materials keep<br />

campers warmer than a<br />

traditional tent.<br />

Quick installation and<br />

removal — Unlike a bulky<br />

and expensive campervan,<br />

a Roofnest rooftop tent can<br />

be uninstalled from a car<br />

relatively easily and stowed<br />

away when not in use,<br />

saving weight and fuel.<br />

Comfortable and featurerich<br />

— All Roofnest tents<br />

include a six-centimetrethick<br />

foam mattress,<br />

detachable shoe bags, and<br />

built-in battery-powered<br />

LED light strips.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 17


The future’s bright,<br />

the future’s gas?<br />

With all the furore around electric vehicles, it’s easy to forget that there are other<br />

alternative fuel sources out there that could benefit the camping and caravanning<br />

industry. Natural gas is making a case for being a fuel of the future.<br />

Photo: Stellantis<br />

E<br />

■lectric is the future<br />

of the leisure vehicle<br />

industry. Right? Well,<br />

actually, it might not be the only<br />

solution for our industry as we<br />

look towards trying to create a<br />

future that is more sustainable<br />

and kinder to the environment.<br />

There is a clamour of movement<br />

and noise around alternatives to<br />

electric vehicles, despite them<br />

appearing to be considered the<br />

go-to solution to stop using<br />

fossil fuels. So, what are these<br />

alternatives? They almost all<br />

take the forms of natural gases.<br />

One such possible alternative<br />

is CNG or compressed natural<br />

gas. Unlike liquefied petroleum<br />

gas (LPG), CNG is not refinery<br />

gas but a natural gas and just<br />

as safe as petrol or diesel. It<br />

is usually compressed to 200<br />

bars before it is stored to<br />

save fuel tank space. CNG is<br />

already becoming more widely<br />

available around Europe, with<br />

an estimated 900 filling stations<br />

that supply this in Germany<br />

and 1,250 in Italy. Low base<br />

price and low consumption<br />

makes CNG much cheaper<br />

that petrol or diesel, which is<br />

another big benefit. It was made<br />

evident that CNG has some<br />

legs as a future fuel alternative<br />

when German motorhome<br />

brand Bürstner revealed its<br />

first eco-friendly natural gas<br />

campervan, the Eliseo CNG.<br />

Based on a 100 kW/134bhp<br />

Fiat Ducato Natural Power, this<br />

hybrid Eliseo mainly runs on<br />

natural gas but is also equipped<br />

with a petrol-powered backup<br />

engine. The vehicle is equipped<br />

with five natural gas tanks<br />

with an overall capacity of 22<br />

litres/36kg that are cleverly and<br />

safely positioned underneath<br />

the floor to ensure that they do<br />

not reduce the available living<br />

space. The press launch vehicle<br />

had a reach of 400 kilometres<br />

before the engine automatically<br />

switched to petrol.<br />

“With the Eliseo CNG, we<br />

want to provide our industry<br />

with yet more inspiration<br />

for a more environmentally-<br />

18 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photo: Bürstner<br />

▲ Bürstner gave us a glimpse of what is possible with compressed natural gas powered vehicles with its Eliseo motorhome.<br />

friendly future. At the moment,<br />

alternative engines for camper<br />

vans tend to be a more longterm<br />

issue. The respective<br />

demand is currently still low,”<br />

explained Bürstner’s managing<br />

director Jens Kromer.<br />

“However, as soon as we<br />

manage to increase their reach<br />

and the refuelling infrastructure<br />

improves, the development of<br />

alternative engine types may<br />

well gain considerably more<br />

rapid dynamics over the next<br />

few years.”<br />


But CNG is just one of the<br />

gas-based alternatives that are<br />

being experimented with vehicle<br />

manufacturers and leisure<br />

vehicle producers. Late last year,<br />

Stellantis revealed a hydrogenpowered<br />

version of its popular<br />

Opel Vivaro van. Named the<br />

Vivaro-e Hydrogen, the van is<br />

based on the existing battery<br />

electric Opel Vivaro-e, and<br />

with full tanks of hydrogen, the<br />

driving range is more than 400<br />

kilometres. The 45 kW fuel cell<br />

is capable of generating enough<br />

power for continuous highway<br />

driving. It takes only three<br />

minutes to refuel with hydrogen<br />

<strong>–</strong> about the same time needed<br />

to fill up a conventional diesel<br />

or petrol vehicle.<br />

The 10.5 kWh lithiumion<br />

battery provides dynamic<br />

peak power when required,<br />

for example, at start-up and<br />

under acceleration. Since the<br />

battery covers power needs in<br />

such situations, the fuel cell<br />

can run at optimum operating<br />

conditions. The battery also<br />

enables regenerative braking,<br />

while the plug-in capability<br />

offers the opportunity to<br />

recharge the battery externally,<br />

if necessary, for example at a<br />

charging station, providing<br />

50 km of pure battery electric<br />

range.<br />

Opel CEO, Uwe<br />

Hochgeschurtz, said: “With<br />

the new Opel Vivaro-e<br />

HYDROGEN we are opening<br />

the next chapter in our<br />

sustainable mobility offensive.<br />

▲ Is natural gas the fuel<br />

solution? (Photo: Stellantis)<br />

The clever concept combines<br />

the advantages of hydrogen<br />

fuel cell propulsion with the<br />

versatility and capabilities of our<br />

best-selling light commercial<br />

vehicle.”<br />

Opel’s original intention for<br />

this fuel type is commercial<br />

and logistics, but it is easy to<br />

see how it could be translated<br />

into the motorhome and<br />

campervan sector. The main<br />

issue with Hydrogen and CNG<br />

is the fact that they are not<br />

yet fully widespread, and the<br />

amount of popular opinion<br />

they have behind them is small<br />

in comparison to electric. It’s<br />

not clear yet whether electric<br />

vehicles are the answer to<br />

the mobility problem facing<br />

the world, but with smart gas<br />

alternatives making strong cases<br />

for themselves, it’s possible that<br />

the future may have more than<br />

one long-term solution.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 19


Photos: Allfair/<strong>Camping</strong> & Picnic Fair<br />

4<br />

Days celebrating all<br />

things camping<br />

127<br />

Brands exhibited<br />

their products<br />

40<br />

Brands relating to<br />

leisure vehicles<br />

2013<br />

The first year the<br />

show took place<br />

20 | www.campingtradeworld.com


<strong>Camping</strong> Fair in South<br />

Korea enjoys success<br />

on 10th anniversary<br />

67,195<br />

People attended<br />

the show<br />

South Korea’s leading camping exhibition the <strong>Camping</strong> & Picnic Fair celebrated its<br />

10th anniversary event in style with a large attendance and many happy exhibitors.<br />

What can we learn from it?<br />

T<br />

■he health of the camping<br />

industry in South Korea<br />

looks strong after more<br />

than 65,000 people attended the<br />

10th anniversary of one of its<br />

leading events, the <strong>Camping</strong> &<br />

Picnic Fair.<br />

Taking place from 10 to 13<br />

March at the Ilsan KINTEX<br />

exhibition centre just outside of<br />

the country’s capital city Seoul,<br />

the fair hosted 127 different<br />

brands including leading<br />

names such as KMZ, Snowline,<br />

Claymore, Wiwo, ABENAKI,<br />

Polaris, Lumera, and Decathlon<br />

Korea to name a few. The brand<br />

showcased products for the<br />

upcoming spring and summer<br />

camping season across many<br />

different product categories,<br />

with a particular upturn in the<br />

popularity of auto-camping<br />

or camping in vehicles such as<br />

campervans and motorhomes.<br />

There were around 40 brands<br />

exhibiting in the market sectors<br />

of camping trailers, motorhomes<br />

and caravans, with the trends<br />

pointing towards high-quality<br />

technology and also towards<br />

camping beginners.<br />

The show’s organisers, Allfair,<br />

said they hoped the show was<br />

a good opportunity to help<br />

campers widen their view in a<br />

short period of time and make<br />

more informed buying decisions<br />

by being able to compare so<br />

many products at once.<br />

Allfair also said: “We express<br />

our gratitude for the strong<br />

interest and affection from the<br />

visitors that attended the fair<br />

and claimed that it will try<br />

to spread the right camping<br />

culture.” <strong>–</strong> Allfair and the<br />

<strong>Camping</strong> & Picnic Fair have<br />

been running several campaigns<br />

to encourage correct camping<br />

etiquette, especially among<br />

newcomers to the hobby. One of<br />

its latest programmes was called<br />

‘Being quite a good camper’<br />

through its official SNS channel.<br />

Another highlight of the<br />

show was the official mascots:<br />

Seji and Somi, who made their<br />

debuts at the event. Fashioned<br />

as two campsite food favourites,<br />

a sausage and a marshmallow,<br />

Allfair said of the mascots:<br />

“The right camping culture<br />

is expected to be established<br />

through the pleasantly engaged<br />

campers linked in ‘Being a quite<br />

good camper’ with the friendly<br />

and cute Seji and Somi.”<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 21


Luxury travel<br />

is still in demand<br />

After the 100th Eriba Touring 820 caravan rolled off the German manufacturer’s<br />

production line, the company was left to examine just how high demand has<br />

been for premium quality models despite the individual financial strain many<br />

consumers are under. It seems quality will always sell.<br />

22 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photos: Eriba<br />

▲ The 100th Eriba Touring 820 luxury caravan to be produced by the company was reason for celebration among the team.<br />

W<br />

■hen legendary German<br />

caravan brand Eriba<br />

launched its Touring<br />

820 model to the world in 2019,<br />

the company claimed that it<br />

would set new standards in<br />

luxury travel and camping. The<br />

modern flagship model caught<br />

the eye with its contemporary<br />

design both inside and out. It<br />

was a rethinking of a classic<br />

and featured a larger floorplan<br />

than previous models as well as<br />

headroom of over two metres, a<br />

touring steel cage construction<br />

with smooth silver sheet metal<br />

cladding, 180-degree panoramic<br />

windows, and rounded and<br />

modern furniture that was<br />

designed to encapsulate the<br />

feeling of a luxury yacht. In<br />

short, this was a caravan pitched<br />

at the very top end for those<br />

who enjoy the finer things in<br />

life. By default, those kind of<br />

luxury purchases normally don’t<br />

shift in huge numbers <strong>–</strong> the<br />

limited number of people with<br />

the financial freedom to invest<br />

in the best there is to offer<br />

is a major reason. But Erbia<br />

has managed to strike a sweet<br />

spot with this touring caravan,<br />

so much so that it recently<br />

celebrated the 100th version<br />

rolling off the production line<br />

in Bad Waldsee, Germany <strong>–</strong> an<br />

impressive feat for a large luxury<br />

touring caravan.<br />

Eriba brand manager,<br />

Matthias Binder, explains:<br />

“This special anniversary once<br />

again confirms that at Eriba<br />

we understand and successfully<br />

serve the demands of modern<br />

travel culture on a vehicle. At<br />

the same time, this milestone<br />

proves to us that with the<br />

Touring series we have been<br />

offering the ideal home on<br />

four wheels since day one.<br />

Even though we are constantly<br />

evolving, we have remained<br />

true to the iconic design in<br />

connection with the traditional<br />

Eriba quality standards to this<br />

day.”<br />

As well as featuring a design<br />

that catches the eye, the Eriba<br />

Touring 820 is smart on the<br />

inside too. The equipment and<br />

technology on board meets<br />

the standards of even the most<br />

demanding end user, such as:<br />

Eriba Smart Home control, air<br />

conditioning, heating and hot<br />

water that can be controlled<br />

via a digital display <strong>–</strong> a display<br />

that also allows you to monitor<br />

battery charge status, and<br />

fill levels of the fresh and<br />

wastewater tanks.<br />

The Eriba brand has stood<br />

for quality and functionality<br />

since 1957 and has shaped the<br />

world of travel with innovative<br />

caravans. Starting with the<br />

construction of the original<br />

Troll, the Eriba Touring<br />

continues to set standards in<br />

terms of design, aerodynamics<br />

and travel comfort to this day.<br />

The cult caravan is the only<br />

one of the brand that has been<br />

produced continuously for 65<br />

years, because its uniqueness<br />

makes it the most successful<br />

series of the company.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 23


▲ The Knaus Tabbert headquarters: the German leisure vehicle manufacturer has reported strong figures for 2022 so<br />

+<br />

far.<br />

First quarter health<br />

check: we’re still flying<br />

After the past two years where records seem to have tumbled at every turn, it seemed<br />

only right to conduct a minor health check on the industry as the figures for the first<br />

quarter of 2022 start to filter through. Spoiler alert: the industry is still red hot.<br />

F<br />

■or a little while at<br />

least, it seemed like<br />

2022 was going to<br />

be the first relatively normal<br />

year for business in the postpandemic<br />

era. That quickly<br />

changed when conflict began in<br />

Europe and coronavirus began<br />

causing lockdown chaos in<br />

China once more <strong>–</strong> all of which<br />

has contrived to provide some<br />

serious supply headaches for<br />

the caravan, motorhome and<br />

camping industries. Despite<br />

these challenges, demand<br />

remains as high as ever, with<br />

the pandemic spike showing<br />

no signs of slowing. But<br />

all of this is just conjecture<br />

and estimation, what do the<br />

numbers say? Well, we did some<br />

digging for you to bring you a<br />

quick summary of the financial<br />

state of the industry via the first<br />

and second quarter reports of<br />

some of its biggest players.<br />

In Germany, one of the<br />

industry’s biggest players<br />

Knaus Tabbert, reported that<br />

the high demand for caravans<br />

and motorhomes remains after<br />

examining its figures for the first<br />

quarter of 2022. The company<br />

reported an order intake of<br />

6,000 units for the quarter as<br />

well as an increase of two per<br />

cent in units delivered to 7,247.<br />

However, the company’s order<br />

backlog also remained at a high<br />

level as of 31 March 2022 at an<br />

estimated 31,000 units <strong>–</strong> this<br />

was largely attributed to issues<br />

in the supply chain affecting the<br />

entire motorhome and caravan<br />

industry. While production of<br />

caravans increased by 45 per<br />

cent, production of higher-end<br />

motorhomes and vans declined<br />

by 33 per cent and 50 per cent<br />

respectively, despite strong<br />

demand due to anticipated<br />

chassis bottlenecks.<br />

24 | www.campingtradeworld.com


▲ Dometic has maintained strong profit margins so far in 2022.<br />

▲ VWCV managed to increase its operating profit significantly.<br />

Swedish headquartered<br />

industry giant Dometic brought<br />

some very strong numbers to<br />

the table with its first quarter<br />

results. The company reported<br />

a 55 per cent increase in net<br />

sales to an estimated US $742<br />

million. It also managed to<br />

maintain a very solid 14.8 per<br />

cent operating profit margin<br />

(EBITA) during that period.<br />

Dometic’s president and CEO,<br />

Juan Vargues, said: “Supported<br />

by an underlying strong end-user<br />

demand for Outdoor activities<br />

we are optimistic about the<br />

long-term trends in the Mobile<br />

Living industry. Our order<br />

backlog remains strong and retail<br />

inventory levels remain below<br />

historical levels across several<br />

vertical end markets. However,<br />

the current macroeconomic<br />

situation brings uncertainty,<br />

and it is difficult to predict how<br />

geopolitical developments and<br />

increased inflation will impact<br />

demand. While paying close<br />

attention to the short-term market<br />

development, we will continue to<br />

implement our strategic agenda to<br />

deliver on our targets.”<br />

Another positive result was<br />

seen by one of the motorhome<br />

and campervan industry’s most<br />

popular base vehicle manufactures<br />

Volkswagen Commercial<br />

Vehicles (VWCV). In a quarter<br />

the German firm says was<br />

dominated by challenges in<br />

production, the company saw its<br />

number of units shipped fall by<br />

14.5 per cent to 81,900, as well as<br />

a drop in turnover to €2.3 billion<br />

(previous year was €2.7 billion).<br />

Despite this, VWCV was actually<br />

able to significantly increase its<br />

operating profit to €46 million<br />

(a 61 per cent increase year-onyear).<br />

Michael Obrowski, brand<br />

management board member for<br />

finance and IT at VWCV, said:<br />

“Despite the reduced number of<br />

units shipped, we managed to<br />

significantly increase our profit.<br />

We are benefiting from stable<br />

prices in the markets, the high<br />

level of demand for our highquality<br />

California and still strong<br />

pre-owned vehicle trading. Our<br />

strict cost discipline has also<br />

played a key role in the positive<br />

development for our bottom line.”<br />

When it comes to taking a<br />

reading for the health of the<br />

industry, you could do worse than<br />

examining the financial results<br />

of the biggest producer of RVs<br />

in the world. That title belongs<br />

to THOR Industries, which has<br />

already released its second quarter<br />

figures, due to the way its fiscal<br />

year is structured. Its net sales for<br />

the period US $3.88 billion (a<br />

42 per cent increase compared to<br />

the same period in 2021) and a<br />

consolidated gross profit margin<br />

of 17.4 per cent. The company’s<br />

consolidated RV backlog as of<br />

31 January, 2022 was $17.73<br />

billion, an increase of over 60 per<br />

cent as compared to RV backlog<br />

as of 31 January, 2021. THOR<br />

president and CEO Bob Martin<br />

said: “As for the second fiscal<br />

quarter results, our performance<br />

was extremely strong, despite<br />

the continuation of supply chain<br />

challenges. Our results show the<br />

strong appeal of our products,<br />

the continued strong demand in<br />

our industry and the outstanding<br />

performance by our team<br />

members.”<br />

One of the United States’<br />

other major players, Winnebago<br />

Industries, is also onto its second<br />

quarters and reported revenues<br />

of US $1.2 billion, an increase<br />

of 39 per cent. Gross profit was<br />

$216.6 million, an increase of<br />

38.3 per cent compared to $156.6<br />

million for the fiscal 2021 period.<br />

President and CEO, Michael<br />

Happe, said, “Winnebago<br />

Industries delivered a strong<br />

second quarter performance,<br />

executing on sustained, elevated<br />

consumer demand for our<br />

expanded portfolio of premier<br />

outdoor lifestyle brands. Our<br />

second quarter performance and<br />

record sales results at recent RV<br />

and Marine trade shows further<br />

validate consumers’ embrace of<br />

the outdoor lifestyle. Winnebago<br />

Industries is capitalizing on<br />

that sustained demand <strong>–</strong> market<br />

share gains across our segments<br />

are evidence of deep affinity for<br />

our brands, which consumers<br />

recognize are differentiated due<br />

to our continued focus on quality,<br />

service, and innovation.”<br />

▲ Winnebago reported a 39 per cent revenue increase for Q2.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 25


DOING<br />


WITH...<br />

Photo: Takahiro Taguchi.(Unsplash)<br />

Japan<br />

It might not be the first nation that comes to mind, but Japan is definitely a camping<br />

country. It has a wide range of manufacturers, importers and exporters who are all keen<br />

to do business if you can find the right niche. Here’s our overview of the market.<br />

26 | www.campingtradeworld.com



▲ The Japanese public is gradually turning its attention towards camping for work and pleasure.<br />

J<br />

■apan is a country of great<br />

innovation combined<br />

with a proud history of<br />

manufacturing, which are traits<br />

that you can definitely see clearly<br />

when you examine the nation’s RV<br />

and camping market. The country<br />

has had a gradually growing and<br />

developing RV market that, like<br />

pretty much everywhere else on<br />

planet Earth, saw an influx of<br />

interest in light of international<br />

travel being restricted since the<br />

beginning of the pandemic in<br />

2020. It is estimated that the<br />

country sells somewhere between<br />

6,500 and 8,500 units per year<br />

with about half of the market<br />

share split between a handful<br />

of major suppliers, the rest<br />

belongs to smaller independent<br />

companies. These may seem like<br />

modest numbers when you think<br />

about Japan’s population and its<br />

standing as a major power in<br />

global economics but RVing has<br />

not always come naturally to the<br />

country. For starters, it is a very<br />

densely populated and urbancentric<br />

country with some of the<br />

best public transport networks<br />

on the planet. Many people<br />

don’t even own a car, let alone<br />

a caravan or motorhome, but<br />

this is gradually changing as the<br />

country becomes more interested<br />

in the hobby. These attributes of<br />

Japanese society also mean that<br />

the RV and camper infrastructure<br />

is not as highly developed as<br />

in many European countries,<br />

for example. That’s not to say<br />

Japanese campsites are poor <strong>–</strong> far<br />

from it <strong>–</strong> but there are not as<br />

many per person as a lot of other<br />

countries with similar camper<br />

levels. One final challenge that<br />

the RV industry faces in Japan is<br />

that in general it is a country of<br />

workaholics <strong>–</strong> people do not get<br />

very generous holiday allowances<br />

from their jobs and even when<br />

they do, they are often reluctant to<br />

take them.<br />

Despite all this, RVing is<br />

growing in Japan, but at a modest<br />

rate. Things are helped and<br />

encouraged by the Japan RV<br />

Association ( JRVA), which has<br />

more than 130 members and<br />

has been working to promote<br />

and improve the industry for<br />

more than 25 years. Many of<br />

the major manufacturers in<br />

Japan are not at the same levels<br />

of financial power compared to<br />

their counterparts in Europe or<br />

North America, but that’s not<br />

to say they are not growing, and<br />

the JRVA is helping with that.<br />

There is a strong programme of<br />

shows and exhibitions around the<br />

country, and the vibe at those over<br />

the last year has shown that the<br />

Japanese public are taking a much<br />

stronger interest in camping and<br />

caravanning than ever before.<br />

One thing that is a trend in<br />

Japan is that the RV market<br />

is very heavily slanted towards<br />

motorhomes and campervans.<br />

The towable market is very small,<br />

possibly due to the smaller nature<br />

of vehicles in Japan, or the highly<br />

urbanised environment previously<br />

mentioned. Nearly all of the big<br />

players are van or motorhome<br />

converters.<br />

In terms of tent camping, Japan<br />

is also strong in this area with<br />

several big-name brands that<br />

have transcended its own shores<br />

to become international players<br />

such as Snow Peak and Montbell.<br />

The reason for this is probably the<br />

attention to detail when it comes<br />

to design and quality with Japanese<br />

tents. They are often understated<br />

but have smart design features that<br />

make them very useable out in the<br />

field. They will also stand the test<br />

of time. With the example of Snow<br />

Peak, the brand has managed to<br />

strike a chord as a cult brand in<br />

countries such as the UK and USA<br />

thanks to its branding and Japanese<br />

appeal.<br />

Japan is a market that has<br />

potential to do business with,<br />

probably most likely as a supplier<br />

of parts or components. There are<br />

also one or two brands that could<br />

be imported from Japan, with the<br />

added benefit that most people<br />

around the world know and<br />

understand that made in Japan<br />

stands for high quality.<br />

Capital: Tokyo<br />

Population: 125,500,000<br />

Dialling code: +81<br />

Prime Minister:<br />

Fumio Kishida<br />

Official languages:<br />

Japanese<br />

Time zones: UTC+9<br />

Currency: Japanese yen<br />

Internet domain: .jp<br />


$5.3 trillion<br />

GDP (USD)<br />

$42,900<br />

GPD per capita (USD)<br />

2.9%<br />

GDP growth<br />

3%<br />

unemployment<br />


China<br />

ASEAN<br />

European Union<br />

USA<br />

Australia<br />


China<br />

USA<br />

ASEAN<br />

European Union<br />

South Korea<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 27



Japan is one of the most<br />

significant and influential<br />

economies in Asia <strong>–</strong> similar<br />

to the UK in Europe, Japan<br />

punches well above its<br />

weight when you consider<br />

the geographical size of the<br />

country. Since the 1960’s, the<br />

country’s economy has been<br />

on a steady growth curve,<br />

though not without hurdles<br />

such as a stock exchange<br />

crash in the early 90’s. In<br />

recent decades, GDP growth<br />

in Japan has managed to<br />

outstrip Europe and the<br />

United States, which is no<br />

mean feat. The country is<br />

well known for its strong<br />

manufacturing sector, which<br />

has some serious clout in<br />

the automotive industry.<br />

Anything made in Japan<br />

is considered to be of high<br />

quality and many Japanesemade<br />

brands are household<br />

names around the world.<br />

Outside of manufacturing<br />

and Japan has a very<br />

strong fishing industry<br />

<strong>–</strong> consistently ranking in the<br />

top ten for tonnage of fish<br />

caught worldwide.<br />

Elsewhere and Japan’s<br />

finance and service<br />

industries are also very<br />

strong. The Tokyo stock<br />

exchange is the third<br />

largest in the world and<br />

the country was making a<br />

concerted effort to attract<br />

more tourism to its shores in<br />

the years leading up to the<br />

COVID-19 pandemic.<br />

WHO’S WHO<br />

The industry in Japan is pretty different to that in Europe or in the United States. The base vehicles are very<br />

different and, as such, the motorhome and campervan conversions are pretty different too. This makes it<br />

imperative that you take some time to familiarise yourself with the companies that occupy the industry in Japan.<br />

There are many unfamiliar names, but certainly no lack of enthusiasm, expertise or innovation.<br />


The JRVA is a voluntary organisation set up to help look after the interests of the recreational<br />

vehicle industry in Japan. The organisation has many members across the entire country<br />

and works at a government level to help improve and boost the industry. It produces a<br />

regular magazine and also organises a large number of shows and exhibitions throughout<br />

the year. It also maintains statistics and facts about the camping industry.<br />

www.jrva.com<br />


One of Japan’s forerunners in terms of campervan and motorhome building, Vantech was<br />

established back in 2010 in Tokorozawa City and has gone from strength to strength ever<br />

since. The company creates a wide range of models of motorhome, mostly based on Toyota<br />

vehicles and is an ever-present at the country’s various shows and events.<br />

www.vantech.jp<br />


This famous company claims to have produced one of the first ever Toyota Hiace truck-based<br />

cab conversion motorhomes in Japan back in 1986. The company itself actually dates back<br />

to 1974 though and is now known as one of the most modern and stylish campervan and<br />

motorhome producers in the country. It actively works together with its customers on the<br />

development, manufacture and technological aspects of each camper.<br />

www.sekisohbody.com<br />

28 | www.campingtradeworld.com


CRAFT<br />

One of Japan’s best-known import companies, Craft has a long history of more than 30 years<br />

of importing RVs and motorhomes from both the United States and Europe and selling<br />

them to Japanese consumers. As well as selling brands including Adria< Sun Living and<br />

Annex, the company also has a maintenance and servicing department to help owners have<br />

long and happy experiences with their leisure vehicles.<br />

www.rv-craft.co.jp<br />


A manufacturer of campervans and other leisure vehicles for some 30 years, Mystic Planning<br />

has a focus on safety, high-quality and creating vehicles for life. The company has previously<br />

won several Good Design Awards for its campers and trailer tents and adopts manufacturing<br />

methods that specialise in reducing overall weight. The company believes this has helped it<br />

catch the eye of campers around Japan throughout its history.<br />

www.mystic.ne.jp<br />


Snow Peak is one of the leading tent camping companies in Japan <strong>–</strong> it has also become a<br />

brand that is gaining recognition on a global stage with subsidiary companies in both the UK<br />

and United States. The company focuses on high-quality and high-fashion and makes tents<br />

and camping furniture and accessories accordingly. Located up in the hills near to Awagatake<br />

and Mount Sumon, the country places huge emphasis on remaining close to nature.<br />

www.snowpeak.co.jp<br />


Established in Osaka in 1975 by Isamu Tatsuno, this is a brand that came from the love of a<br />

mountaineer. The company is known all over the world for its high-quality tents, outdoor<br />

clothing and other mountaineering equipment and has bases in North America and Europe.<br />

The company has long held a passion to protect and preserve the natural beauty of Japan<br />

and the rest of the world and now has an eco-focus to help reflect that.<br />

www.montbell.jp<br />


Japan is a country with<br />

a staggering number of<br />

shows and exhibitions<br />

dedicated to camping and<br />

leisure vehicles. Most of<br />

these shows are organised<br />

by the Japan Recreational<br />

Vehicle Association (JRVA),<br />

with the biggest one being<br />

the Japan <strong>Camping</strong> Car<br />

Show that takes place in<br />

Chiba City in February each<br />

year. This event attracted<br />

24,000 visitors in its most<br />

recent edition, who came<br />

to witness more than<br />

280 campervans from 66<br />

different brands, as well as<br />

assorted accessories.<br />

Aside from this main<br />

show, there are events in<br />

Nagoya, Osaka, Tohoku,<br />

Hokkaido, Kanagawa,<br />

Hiroshima, Tokyo,<br />

Yokohama and more<br />

throughout the year. By<br />

visiting www.jrva.com/en/<br />

event you should be able<br />

to find a complete list of<br />

Japanese camping industry<br />

shows throughout the<br />

calendar year.<br />

Pic below: ©JRVA<br />


Another high quality tent brand, Locus Gear specialises in outdoor shelters that offer<br />

lightweight, durable and easy to carry solutions. The company works only with high-quality<br />

and technical materials such as Dyneema, carbon poles and super-fine mesh. The company<br />

has long been regarded as a trailblazer in the Japanese camping industry and is also sold<br />

elsewhere in the world.<br />

www.locusgear.com<br />

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130+<br />

Members of the JRVA<br />

Photo: Shawn Liew (Unsplash)<br />

8,000+<br />

RVs registered in Japan<br />

each year<br />

90+<br />

Companies offering RV<br />

rental in Japan<br />

>1,000<br />

RVs are imported into<br />

Japan per year<br />

The rental market is one area where there is<br />

significant growth in Japan’s RV sector, which<br />

is another sign that more people are testing<br />

the waters with the hobby. The JRVA lists<br />

almost 90 different companies and locations<br />

that RVs can be rented from, which in a<br />

relatively small country geographically is<br />

quite a lot. As well as renting vehicles, many<br />

of these companies rent generic camping gear<br />

such as tents, awnings, furniture and tarps<br />

to help make the camping experience more<br />

enjoyable for all.<br />

Another thing that the JRVA does is help to<br />

educate new campers about the etiquette that<br />

is required to be a responsible camper in the<br />

country. The organisation has even produced<br />

a list of 10 rules to help campers camp more<br />

responsibly and reduce the risk of upsetting<br />

local people or harming the environment. It is<br />

clear that Japan is a nation that is intrigued by<br />

camping and that more and more people will<br />

be drawn to the hobby as the years progress.<br />

US$ 400m+<br />

Estimated total sales in<br />

Japan’s RV market per year<br />

30 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photo: Tiplada M (Unsplash)<br />

▲ Many campervans and campers in Japan are built on small and versatile vans such as the reliable Toyota Hiace.<br />


The campervan is without<br />

doubt the most popular kind<br />

of camping vehicle in Japan,<br />

with small vans such as the<br />

Toyota Hiace as popular as<br />

vans such as the VW T6 are<br />

in Europe. The Japan RV<br />

Association recently conducted<br />

a survey to find out more<br />

about this market segment and<br />

where it is headed for 2022<br />

and beyond. They discovered<br />

that the most common age<br />

for campervan owners was<br />

50s and 60s and of the people<br />

surveyed about 79 per cent<br />

owned a camper, while 86 per<br />

cent said they had used one.<br />

The most common usage was<br />

of course for leisure, but with<br />

this being the workaholic<br />

country that is Japan, about 15<br />

per cent said they used them<br />

for commuting or for a place<br />

to have a break in when at<br />

work. Interestingly, those who<br />

do use them for work say they<br />

use them mostly as a way to<br />

have accommodation when on<br />

work trips. The most common<br />

reason for using a campervan<br />

was to stay overnight at<br />

popular tourist spots or<br />

destination, while the second<br />

most common reason was<br />

simply to enjoy the pleasure of<br />

being outdoors in nature. One<br />

of the most popular benefits<br />

for having a campervan<br />

according to Japanese users<br />

was the freedom to be mobile,<br />

closely followed by the idea<br />

of having private space while<br />

travelling. Japanese campervan<br />

owners expect much the same<br />

things as those in Europe, with<br />

electricity, water systems, air<br />

conditioning and comfortable<br />

sleeping quarters the most<br />

important attributes to them.<br />

The most common length of<br />

ideal time spent in a campervan<br />

is a week or more and the most<br />

desired location to visit in Japan<br />

is Hokkaido. Most commonly,<br />

campervans are used by couples,<br />

and when pushed on their most<br />

desired international location to<br />

try campervan or RVing, North<br />

America came out on top.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 31


Adversity into opportunity:<br />

the Scalabros story<br />

With a background in producing high-quality products for buses and coaches, Italian<br />

firm Scalabros is now showing what it can do for the RV market with roller blinds,<br />

sun visors and more. Could this customer-focused firm become your next supplier?<br />

A<br />

■fter working for<br />

several years as export<br />

sales managers in the<br />

commercial and industrial<br />

vehicle markets, brothers<br />

Benedetto and Giovanni<br />

Scalabrini (pictured, right)<br />

decided they wanted to set-up<br />

on their own. They founded<br />

Scalabros as a representation<br />

company in 20<strong>08</strong>… just as the<br />

financial crisis struck.<br />

“We say that we are a<br />

company born during a crisis<br />

and we kept growing through<br />

32 | www.campingtradeworld.com<br />

several other crises,” explains<br />

Benedetto. After the financial<br />

crash of 20<strong>08</strong>, Scalabros decided<br />

to begin manufacturing its<br />

own rollerblinds and escape<br />

roof-hatches, sun-visors and<br />

led-lighting, just in time for the<br />

European sovereign debt crisis<br />

of 2012. Despite these hurdles,<br />

and the more recent ones such<br />

as the Covid-19 pandemic and<br />

the war in Ukraine, Scalabros<br />

has continued to grow at a pace<br />

of 15 to 20 per cent per year.<br />

Benedetto says: “Even in<br />

2020 when our usual business<br />

(very much linked to tourism)<br />

dropped by 50 per cent, we<br />

managed to end the year with<br />

a 50 per cent up thanks to<br />

our flexibility: in fact we were<br />

extremely quick in adapting our<br />

machinery into face-masks and<br />

hospital gowns production. 2021<br />

was probably the most difficult<br />

year because coach production<br />

hadn’t picked up yet and the<br />

business of the face-masks and<br />

gowns had gone already.” In<br />

2022, it’s so far so good for the


Italian entrepreneurs <strong>–</strong> they<br />

have seem their sales levels<br />

return to similar figures in<br />

that of the first third of 2019.<br />

When all your business has<br />

ever known is a world in crisis,<br />

it pays to have strong values.<br />

Benedetto explains: “Our values<br />

are: Customers orientation: we<br />

think that to be successful we<br />

need to sell to the customers<br />

what they need, not what we<br />

have. So we are very flexible and<br />

willing to take the challenges<br />

the customers’ require. Quality<br />

of course is very important, so<br />

since 2015 we are ISO certified.<br />

Flexibility is a must, and we<br />

try to get it through a good<br />

organisation. We also believe<br />

that we can’t be successful<br />

without our team, so we try<br />

to give the best attention and<br />

satisfaction we can to our staff.”<br />

Scalabros has slowly started<br />

to grab the attention in the<br />

RV market with smart and<br />

innovative products to go<br />

alongside this flexibility. Its<br />

roller blinds have been wellreceived,<br />

as have its awnings and<br />

other RV components.<br />


On the subject of the future,<br />

Benedetto has high hopes.<br />

“We believe that our biggest<br />

success is probably yet to come<br />

but it could be thanks to the<br />

incorporation of our North<br />

American branch in 2020. In<br />

fact, due to the Covid situation,<br />

we only started its real activities<br />

in August 2021, and we see<br />

great potential coming from<br />

there, especially from the luxury<br />

RVs.” The company has solid<br />

plans to increase the sales of its<br />

van manual roller awning and<br />

hopes to soon develop models<br />

for higher vans such as the Fiat<br />

Ducato, Mercedes Sprinter and<br />

Ram Promaster <strong>–</strong> it also plans<br />

to create a motorised one for<br />

bigger vehicles, which again<br />

are largely found in the North<br />

American market.<br />

Benedetto explains that<br />

Scalabros will definitely be<br />

exhibiting at Caravan Salon<br />

once again in Dusseldorf,<br />

Germany this summer as it<br />

believes that it gained good<br />

traction there last year. He said:<br />

“We think that there are a lot<br />

of Motorhome manufactures<br />

who may be interested in our<br />

rollerblinds, and van converters<br />

who may appreciate - as they<br />

did last year - our rolling<br />

awning. This is an awning that<br />

one person alone can open<br />

and close quickly thanks to its<br />

retracting system, it’s compact<br />

and quite good looking. Last<br />

year we had just the 180cm<br />

and 200cm sizes, this year we<br />

developed also the 250cm. We’ll<br />

also bring a new version of our<br />

self-sticking darkening cloth,<br />

which has no Alcantara, so it’s<br />

cheaper and lighter, and whereas<br />

last year we were proposing<br />

it just in rolls and customers<br />

had to cut to the shape of their<br />

vehicles, this year we developed<br />

the pre-cut sets for the VWT6<br />

and the Ford Transit.”<br />

Due to its history, its ethics,<br />

and its family-run set-up,<br />

Scalabros is a company that is a<br />

pleasure to work with in the RV<br />

industry. As Benedetto puts it:<br />

“[People should want to work<br />

with us] thanks to our flexibility<br />

and reliability. We are born as<br />

a commercial company, so the<br />

customers are our kings, who<br />

wouldn’t like to be treated as a<br />

king?”<br />

WHO ARE YOU?<br />

Company: Scalabros S.r.l.<br />

Location: Bazzano, Italy<br />

Products: Scalabros is an<br />

expert in cab sunshades,<br />

roll-up blinds, selfsupporting<br />

shades, rolling<br />

awnings and free-standing<br />

awnings for a wide range<br />

of RV base vehciles such<br />

as Fiat Ducatos and<br />

Volkswagen T5s and T6s.<br />

Other: The company has a<br />

history of making highquality<br />

products for the bus<br />

and coach market too, but<br />

the RV industry is becoming<br />

increasingly important.<br />

▲ Scalabros has a hard-working, dedicated and professional team ready to help your company.<br />

+39 051 832587<br />

info@scalabros.it<br />

www.scalabros.it<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 33


A better journey into<br />

the electric future<br />

Retrofitting existing vehicles to make them electric is an idea that sounds too good<br />

to be true. And it almost was had it not been for a pioneering partnership between<br />

two very innovative companies. Here’s how Lightning eMotors and SuperSprings<br />

International work together to make the journey better.<br />

W<br />

■e all know that electric<br />

vehicles are a huge part<br />

of the future for the<br />

campervan and leisure vehicle<br />

industry, but while many of the<br />

big manufacturers out there<br />

are working hard to create<br />

new space-age vehicle designs,<br />

there are others who take a<br />

different view. Colorado-based<br />

Lightning eMotors began its<br />

mission by asking itself: “what<br />

will happen with the multitude<br />

of vehicles already on the road<br />

now?”. The simple answer?<br />

They can be retrofitted. For the<br />

past few years, Lightning has<br />

been creating fully electrified<br />

engines that they then drop<br />

into what would otherwise be<br />

a traditionally powered vehicle.<br />

They can turn any cargo van,<br />

shuttle bus or campervan into<br />

a silent, electric vehicle that’s<br />

nothing like the ones you’ve<br />

seen before, simply because it<br />

looks like a regular vehicle.<br />

“We’ve been doing electric<br />

vehicle refits on a huge variety<br />

of chassis,” explains Chelsea<br />

Ramm, the vice president of<br />

global supply chain at Lightning<br />

eMotors. We’ve also been doing<br />

it for so many years that we<br />

can do it on an old chassis, a<br />

2016 vehicle, or a vehicle that<br />

was built this year <strong>–</strong> we have<br />

the engineering capability and<br />

expertise to be able to do that.”<br />

Okay, so the idea of<br />

retrofitting a vehicle to change<br />

it from standard combustion<br />

engine to electric might<br />

sound like the stuff of science<br />

fiction, but Lightning has<br />

the case studies to prove it<br />

really works. The company has<br />

completed a successful retrofit<br />

on an entire DHL delivery<br />

fleet in New York city using<br />

a full system that includes<br />

batteries, powertrain, and smart<br />

computer for the Ford Transit<br />

350HD. The all-electric<br />

powertrain and integration<br />

allows DHL to operate a fleet<br />

34 | www.campingtradeworld.com


of cargo vans throughout the<br />

metropolis without creating any<br />

emissions or stopping for fuel.<br />

What’s more, by fine-tuning<br />

the exact needs for DHL,<br />

Lightning has been able to<br />

create the fleet while only using<br />

one battery per vehicle. Less<br />

weight, higher efficiency, and<br />

plenty of driving range for the<br />

task at hand.<br />

Chelsea says: “We have<br />

been working really hard to<br />

figure out how to make these<br />

vehicle for DHL <strong>–</strong> it’s a unique<br />

platform and not something we<br />

make for anyone else. We do a<br />

lot of things that other people<br />

aren’t willing to tackle <strong>–</strong> but<br />

we’ve never backed away from a<br />

challenge and that’s what gives<br />

us an edge.”<br />

One of the most significant<br />

challenges that Lightning faced<br />

with this job was weight. The<br />

kind of batteries required to<br />

power Ford Transits are not just<br />

AAs, they are pretty large and<br />

also pretty heavy <strong>–</strong> and that is<br />

going to affect the ride height<br />

and the quality of the ride.<br />

If Lightning had overlooked<br />

this, then they probably would<br />

not have been as successful as<br />

they have. So, how did they<br />

overcome the problem? They<br />

teamed up with SuperSprings<br />

International. With the DHL<br />

fleet, the batteries had to be<br />

located at the rear, which was<br />

causing significant rear-end sag<br />

on the vehicles.<br />

Lightning eMotors<br />

marketing manager Dan<br />

Bennett explains: “We looked<br />

at the van and saw that the<br />

back was sagging so much that<br />

it would be compromised in<br />

its performance. One of our<br />

senior technicians had some<br />

prior experience with the<br />

steel SuperSprings suspension<br />

solution and didn’t skip a beat<br />

in recommending that they be<br />

added to address the issue.<br />

“So, we selected a product,<br />

brought it in, and that’s<br />

what we’re using. Adding<br />

SuperSprings is the obvious<br />

solution <strong>–</strong> it’s easy to install<br />

and you’re good to go!”<br />

As well as cutting out that<br />

sag and driving performance,<br />

SuperSprings International<br />

products also eradicate<br />

problems with diminished<br />

battery range <strong>–</strong> in short they<br />

are the perfect solution to<br />

help make the journey better<br />

for electric vehicles, as well as<br />

traditional ones too.<br />

SuperSprings International<br />

marketing director Tom<br />

Bateman said: “What is going<br />

to increase the advantage<br />

that Lightning has is that<br />

the Ford Transit chassis has<br />

no signs of leaving the road<br />

anytime soon. In fact, it’s<br />

quickly becoming one of the<br />

most difficult vehicles to get a<br />

hold of. Likely because it’s the<br />

arguably the perfect cargo van,<br />

passenger bus, and conversionready<br />

Vanlife vehicle. As the<br />

world moves toward electricpowered<br />

chassis, Lightning has<br />

positioned themselves to be at<br />

the front of the pack.<br />

“Lightning eMotors has a<br />

passion to make their retrofit<br />

vehicles the best they can<br />

possibly be. It just so happens<br />

we make journeys better. There<br />

isn’t a better fit.”<br />

So, there you have it. In<br />

perhaps the most challenging<br />

way it possibly could,<br />

SuperSprings International has<br />

once again proved its products<br />

perform beyond all expectations<br />

thanks to this partnership with<br />

Lightning eMotors. Could your<br />

plans for an electric campervan<br />

or motorhome be the next to<br />

benefit? Contact the team at<br />

www.superspringsinternational.<br />

com today to find out.<br />

▲ Lightning eMotors has used SuperSprings International products to help make its retrofitted electric Transits a dream to drive.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 35



Click the cover to read any of our back issues...<br />

C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />

C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />

C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />

C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />





SumoSprings: The new<br />

RV suspension standard<br />

Clean and green<br />

Natural toilet fluid for your camper<br />

Read more on page 38<br />

» Learn more on page 24<br />

»<br />

ISSUE 01<br />

ISSUE 02<br />

ISSUE 03<br />

ISSUE 04<br />

• What can we learn from<br />

the German leisure vehicle<br />

industry?<br />

• New camper retention: are<br />

we doing enough as an<br />

industry ?<br />

• A full profile on the<br />

camping market in New<br />

Zealand<br />

• A round-up of what was<br />

hot at the CMT Digital show<br />

• Exclusive interviews with<br />

SuperSprings International<br />

and OLPRO<br />

• Korean and Chinese shows<br />

lead the way in booming<br />

Asian market<br />

• Doing Business With<br />

Germany <strong>–</strong> expert insight<br />

from industry insiders<br />

• Spotlight on the global<br />

tent market to help your<br />

business grow<br />

• Are we doing enough to<br />

be green? One Belgian<br />

company believes we can<br />

do more<br />

• Why a partnership<br />

between SuperSprings<br />

International and United<br />

RV is huge for the industry<br />

• Full reports from two<br />

UK shows <strong>–</strong> the National<br />

<strong>Camping</strong> Show and<br />

Outdoor <strong>Trade</strong> Show<br />

• Heading to Caravan Salon?<br />

Read our show preview<br />

before you make the trip<br />

• Doing Business with the<br />

UK <strong>–</strong> expert insight into<br />

one of Europe’s major<br />

markets<br />

• Get the lowdown on the<br />

global motorhome market<br />

and the latest trends<br />

within it<br />

• Exclusive interviews with<br />

industry leaders from<br />

camping, caravanning and<br />

RVs<br />

• A huge 12-page wrap-up<br />

of Caravan Salon 2021<br />

• How to make new<br />

connections in France<br />

• A close-up examination of<br />

the global caravan market<br />

• Why your company’s<br />

culture is key and how to<br />

improve it<br />

• <strong>Camping</strong> industry buying<br />

trends revealed in UK<br />

• ​How a change in the law<br />

could affect European<br />

campsites<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com/magazine<br />

36 | www.campingtradeworld.com



Y<br />

C O N N E C T I N G T H E G L O B A L C A M P I N G I N D U S T R Y<br />


Y<br />







SuperSprings<br />


See more on page 34<br />

ISSUE 05<br />

• A 2021 health check on the<br />

industry<br />

• ​A preview of the CMT<br />

Show in Stuttgart<br />

• How to make new<br />

connections in the<br />

Swedish market<br />

• How and why you should<br />

be making better videos<br />

• Reports from leading<br />

exhibitions in Utrecht and<br />

Barcelona<br />

• Industry views with<br />

Benjamin Baur<br />

• Spotlight on the camping<br />

accessories market<br />

• ​How you can boost your<br />

diversity and why you<br />

should<br />

ISSUE 06<br />

• Scandinavian companies<br />

show power of teamwork<br />

• Inside the tent fabric tech<br />

arms race<br />

• A success in Leipzig:<br />

Touristik & Caravaning<br />

report<br />

• How to do business with<br />

the Australian market<br />

• Celebrating AL-KO’s 90th<br />

anniversary<br />

• How LIONTRON could<br />

help boost your sales<br />

• Exclusive interview<br />

with Caravan Industry<br />

Association of Australia’s<br />

Stuart Lamont<br />

• We demystify SEO and<br />

teach you how to use it<br />

ISSUE 07<br />

• Learn more about the<br />

camping and RV market<br />

in Italy<br />

• Sleeping mat expert<br />

Therm-A-Rest celebrates a<br />

big anniversary<br />

• SuperSprings International<br />

shows how to do product<br />

testing<br />

• Exclusive interview with<br />

Thetford marketing<br />

manager Norbert van<br />

Noesel<br />

• A closer look at the RV and<br />

leisure vehicle components<br />

market<br />

• How German brand<br />

PeggyPeg is bringing<br />

simple innovation to the<br />

global camping market<br />

• Do branding better, with<br />

our latest Become a Better<br />

Business feature<br />

Don’t miss a future issue of <strong>Camping</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>World</strong>, by subscribing today to have it delivered straight to your inbox six<br />

times a year. If you want to be featured in an upcoming issue, contact us at campingtradeworld.com/contact-us<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 37


Markus Heringer<br />

Managing Director Commercial at Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG<br />

As one of the most instantly recognisable names in the camping and leisure<br />

vehicle industry, Truma has a large sphere of influence. The company’s commercial<br />

managing director Markus Heringer explains how it plans to achieve its aim of<br />

making camping safer and more comfortable with continuous innovations.<br />

T<br />

■ruma is synonymous with<br />

innovations in the camping<br />

and leisure vehicle market.<br />

From air conditioning and heating<br />

through to its all-encompassing iNet<br />

System that helps users control almost<br />

every aspect of their leisure vehicle<br />

with ease, Truma has created a solid<br />

reputation for itself as an innovator<br />

and a creative problem solver. So how<br />

did the company get here? What are its<br />

aims for the future? How do its values<br />

affect how it goes about its business? To<br />

find the answers to these questions and<br />

more, we spoke candidly with Markus<br />

Heringer, commercial managing director<br />

at Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co.<br />

KG. Markus explained why family is<br />

so important to the company, how it<br />

leans on 73 years of history, and why<br />

innovation is in its DNA.<br />

38 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photos: © Truma<br />

▲ Truma’s products aim to seamlessly fit into every camping lifestyle and make it more comfortable and safer.<br />

Can you tell us something about<br />

the ethos at Truma? What are the<br />

values of the company?<br />

Truma was founded over 73<br />

years ago as a family business,<br />

which specialised in providing<br />

an unforgettable camping<br />

experience, thanks to its<br />

endless innovations. This<br />

DNA is still at the heart of<br />

our company today and we are<br />

constantly growing based on<br />

an abundance of <strong>–</strong> sometimes<br />

revolutionary inventions <strong>–</strong><br />

which have played their part in<br />

making Truma what it is today:<br />

an international consortium<br />

of progressive companies in<br />

Germany, the UK, the USA,<br />

China, Sweden, Italy and<br />

Australia, which pursue the<br />

goal of making travelling in<br />

recreational vehicles safer and<br />

more comfortable. We are<br />

always keeping the company’s<br />

values in mind, in every step<br />

we take: the first is competence<br />

<strong>–</strong> Truma has developed many<br />

innovations, thus setting new<br />

standards <strong>–</strong> for example the<br />

first liquid gas heater and the<br />

first manoeuvring assistant for<br />

caravans. Most recently, we<br />

have played our role in shaping<br />

the future of caravanning with<br />

the Truma iNet X System:<br />

various products and services<br />

from different manufacturers<br />

can be centrally controlled via a<br />

single control panel or app.<br />

Next is product quality<br />

<strong>–</strong> Truma counts on state-ofthe-art<br />

production facilities<br />

and manufactures products,<br />

which are among the most<br />

effective on the market <strong>–</strong> as<br />

they are highly reliable, durable<br />

and extremely efficient. This<br />

explains why the trade press<br />

regularly rates Truma as the<br />

best accessory brand in various<br />

product categories.<br />

Another important value<br />

is service quality <strong>–</strong> no matter<br />

whether you contact the help<br />

line or the Service Centre in<br />

Putzbrunn: all service staff<br />

are able to put themselves<br />

in the customer’s shoes and<br />

provide them with competent<br />

assistance. Truma service<br />

technicians with their service<br />

vehicles, travelling throughout<br />

Germany guarantee fast on-site<br />

help. We also have an extensive<br />

network of Service Partners. It<br />

is not just our end customers,<br />

who benefit from our swift,<br />

outstanding service, but our<br />

Partners too and we are proud<br />

to have received awards on a<br />

regular basis <strong>–</strong> most recently<br />

the LUPO 2021.<br />

We also place emphasis<br />

on customer proximity <strong>–</strong><br />

wherever the customer may<br />

be: an extensive sales network<br />

of specialist dealerships and<br />

Service Partners ensures that<br />

customers receive professional<br />

advice and can obtain spare<br />

parts, retrofit products and<br />

practical accessories regardless<br />

of their location. In more than<br />

30 countries.<br />

Another key value is family<br />

<strong>–</strong> we consider ourselves as a<br />

company which forms part of<br />

the camping community. We<br />

always develop our products<br />

and services in line with the<br />

demands and needs of our<br />

global “family”. A friendly and<br />

informal working atmosphere<br />

and a social company culture<br />

are very important within<br />

the company to Truma. This<br />

produces a strong feeling of<br />

identification among all of our<br />

employees <strong>–</strong> in production and<br />

in administration.<br />

Lastly, there’s sustainability<br />

<strong>–</strong> immersed in nature outdoors<br />

is what camping is all about.<br />

As such, it is particularly<br />

important to the community<br />

and the company to develop<br />

products and solutions which<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 39


▲ The iNet X System is one of Truma’s most recent innovations <strong>–</strong> Markus says it will help shape the future of caravanning.<br />

“Truma’s objective is to make camping safer and more comfortable<br />

with continuous innovations.”<br />


are sustainable and durable.<br />

Within the scope of our<br />

own certified energy and<br />

environmental management<br />

system, we have set a goal<br />

of significantly reducing our<br />

emissions by 2026 as well as<br />

producing a large proportion of<br />

our own energy requirements<br />

locally in a climate-friendly<br />

manner by means of<br />

photovoltaics, among other<br />

sources.<br />

How have things fared at Truma<br />

over the past two years? What<br />

challenges did you face during<br />

the pandemic and how did you<br />

overcome them?<br />

The pandemic and its impact<br />

caused us to reconsider how<br />

both our work and home<br />

lives operate. This was of<br />

course tricky to begin with.<br />

Nevertheless, new ideas provide<br />

new momentum and new<br />

impetus. Due to restrictions<br />

placed on package tourism,<br />

lots of people decided to<br />

give camping a go and the<br />

industry flourished. Over<br />

the past two years, we have<br />

witnessed plenty of changes<br />

internally, predominantly in<br />

terms of digitalisation and<br />

internationalisation.<br />

What are the greatest<br />

opportunities for the camping<br />

and recreational vehicle market<br />

right now?<br />

I believe the greatest<br />

opportunity and at the same<br />

time the greatest challenge is<br />

in the technological change we<br />

are currently undergoing, which<br />

the sector is currently involved<br />

in and will continue to focus<br />

on for years to come. Indeed,<br />

recreational vehicles of the<br />

future will be fully connected,<br />

for instance. This development<br />

to create a smart RV and<br />

new technologies naturally<br />

means that things will need<br />

to change. On the other hand,<br />

they provide a starting point<br />

for further innovative products<br />

and solutions <strong>–</strong> in particular the<br />

increasing trend of individual<br />

trips and the associated growth<br />

of the market.<br />

Do you think that the current<br />

boom in the camping industry<br />

will continue? How can we as an<br />

industry ensure that it continues?<br />

In future, the world will<br />

become even more digital<br />

and fast-moving. With this<br />

in mind, people will long for<br />

independence, freedom, the<br />

natural world and individual<br />

breaks more than ever.<br />

Considerably fewer long-haul<br />

journeys will take place due<br />

to the climate crisis. This<br />

40 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photos: © Truma<br />

WHO ARE YOU?<br />

▲ Markus believes that consumers will continue to long for the freedom that camping provides.<br />

is music to our industry’s<br />

ears. Provided we face the<br />

challenges associated with<br />

the technological change<br />

and convert them into<br />

opportunities, as well as think<br />

and act with the future in mind,<br />

then the industry certainly has<br />

the potential to grow.<br />

What is the most important<br />

product category for Truma and<br />

why? Has this changed? Do<br />

you envisage it changing in the<br />

future?<br />

Truma’s objective is to<br />

make camping safer and<br />

more comfortable with<br />

continuous innovations. This<br />

is the basis for all our products<br />

from heating systems, air<br />

conditioning systems and<br />

manoeuvring systems, to<br />

water or gas supply, through<br />

to the new Truma iNet X. We<br />

consider ourselves not just as<br />

a mere device manufacturer<br />

but rather as a systems and<br />

solutions provider. Indeed, the<br />

new Truma iNet X controls the<br />

devices installed in the vehicle<br />

via a central control panel or<br />

app and in doing so connects<br />

the entire system. The open<br />

interface also enables new<br />

products and systems to be<br />

subsequently connected as well<br />

as regular updates via the cloud.<br />

This means it can be flexibly<br />

adjusted to the individual<br />

future of caravanning. We are<br />

continuously extending our<br />

product range and designing<br />

sustainable and thus futureproof<br />

solutions.<br />

How important is the trend of<br />

the environment/sustainability<br />

for Truma and the industry as a<br />

whole?<br />

Caravanning and a passion<br />

for nature belong together.<br />

Environmentally conscious,<br />

sustainable action is also<br />

becoming increasingly<br />

important. We are certified<br />

in energy and environmental<br />

management and don’t take<br />

our responsibility lightly.<br />

Where possible, we use<br />

alternative energy sources in<br />

the production process and<br />

have set a goal of low emission<br />

manufacturing.<br />

What are the future plans for<br />

the company? Let us know what<br />

we can look forward to.<br />

At Truma, innovation has been,<br />

is and will continue to be a<br />

vital part of our DNA. In close<br />

communication with customers<br />

and partners, we are striving<br />

to continue this process, to<br />

set international standards<br />

and be at the head of our field<br />

as a connected solutions and<br />

systems provider.<br />

Company: Truma<br />

Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co.<br />

KG<br />

Founded: 1949<br />

Location: Headquartered<br />

in Putzbrunn, Germany,<br />

the Truma Group has<br />

other branches in the UK,<br />

Sweden, Italy, the United<br />

States, China and Australia.<br />

Products: Maker of coolers,<br />

leisure vehicle heating and<br />

cooling systems, caravan<br />

movers, water systems<br />

and more, the company<br />

also makes smart control<br />

systems.<br />

Other: The company has<br />

become a serious global<br />

player in the industry<br />

with a 98 per cent brand<br />

recognition level in the<br />

European market. The<br />

Truma Group employs<br />

more than 1,000 people.<br />

www.truma.com<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 41


Pic © KoA Jeff Dow<br />

Leading by example<br />

This year marks the 60th anniversary of one of the world’s largest networks of<br />

privately-owned campgrounds and most influential and innovative leaders. The<br />

Kampgrounds of America story has come a very long way since humble beginnings.<br />

W<br />

■hen the first ever<br />

Kampgrounds of<br />

America (KOA)<br />

site was established, it was a<br />

very different world. It was<br />

established in the sleepy<br />

mountain town of Billings,<br />

Montana in the early 1960s<br />

as a stopover for tourists who<br />

were making long journeys<br />

from across the country to<br />

attend Seattle’s Century 21<br />

Exposition (<strong>World</strong> Fair). Local<br />

businessman and entrepreneur<br />

Dave Drum saw an opportunity,<br />

not only to plant the first<br />

seeds of his ambitious business<br />

ideas, but also to help fellow<br />

travelling Americans on their<br />

long journeys. The site was<br />

picturesque, nestled on the<br />

banks on the Yellowstone River,<br />

and it was also reasonable.<br />

Campers were charged $1.75<br />

a night to pitch tents or park<br />

travel trailers and were treated<br />

to private fire rings, picnic<br />

tables, a small store, laundry,<br />

and hot showers. It was a<br />

glimpse into the future of what<br />

the modern day campsite and<br />

RV park would become: true<br />

hospitality on the road.<br />

“What began as just an idea<br />

and one campground has grown<br />

exponentially over six decades,”<br />

said Toby O’Rourke, president<br />

and CEO of Kampgrounds<br />

of America. “When KOA<br />

was founded, the goal was to<br />

provide easy access to camping<br />

options for travellers. We’ve<br />

taken that spirit of change<br />

and modernization and used<br />

it as a catalyst to become the<br />

leader in camping and outdoor<br />

hospitality.<br />

“While the beginnings of<br />

KOA might seem humble, Dave<br />

had an entrepreneurial spirit<br />

that still inspires our work. By<br />

keeping a progressive, customercentric<br />

approach to our business,<br />

we established ourselves at<br />

the forefront of this industry.<br />

In 2021, we marked our best<br />

year in company history by an<br />

astounding 33 per cent over the<br />

previous record. For a 60-yearold<br />

company, that’s the kind of<br />

42 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Pic © KoA Will Page<br />

Pic © KoA Micah & Jenna Kvidt<br />

Pic © KoA Dan Armstrong<br />

Pic © KoA Micah & Jenna Kvidt<br />

Pic © KoA<br />

momentum that will continue<br />

to propel KOA forward.”<br />


By the 1980s, KOA was a<br />

publicly traded company, but<br />

one of its most significant<br />

stockholders, Oscar Tang,<br />

decided he wanted to make<br />

a move. He purchased KOA<br />

in its entirety and returned<br />

it to private ownership <strong>–</strong> his<br />

values of fostering business and<br />

connecting people are reflected<br />

across the company today.<br />

“KOA provides places where<br />

campers can make memories,<br />

and small business owners can<br />

build their dreams,” said Oscar.<br />

“Over my four decades of<br />

owning KOA, I am proud of<br />

our work that has positively<br />

affected millions of people<br />

across the U.S. and Canada. It’s<br />

exciting to look forward and see<br />

endless opportunities within<br />

the camping, outdoor, and travel<br />

industry.”<br />

Today, KOA includes 525<br />

franchised and owned locations<br />

across the USA and Canada, it<br />

also owns 44 properties after<br />

expanding the campground<br />

portfolio by 15 further locations<br />

in last year alone. Further, KOA<br />

recently launched a new luxury<br />

brand, Terramor Outdoor<br />

Resort, which finished its<br />

first full season at its flagship<br />

property in Bar Harbor, Maine,<br />

at 80 per cent occupancy. The<br />

company is actively developing<br />

more Terramor locations across<br />

the country.<br />

KOA is now arguably the<br />

leading name in campgrounds<br />

in North America and continues<br />

to evolve its business to meet<br />

the needs of American and<br />

Canadian campers and RV<br />

users via the development<br />

of proprietary campground<br />

management software, access to<br />

industry-leading campground<br />

design professionals and bestin-class<br />

staff training.<br />



One of the ways in which<br />

KOA is planning to celebrate<br />

and build upon its 60 years of<br />

success is with a new corporate<br />

headquarters. The company<br />

has broken ground on a new<br />

facility in Billings, just a few<br />

short miles from the location of<br />

its spiritual home and first ever<br />

campsite. KOA says that the new<br />

building will represent both its<br />

rich history and also its bright<br />

and ambitious future, with the<br />

overarching them being to help<br />

connect Americans with the<br />

great outdoors.<br />

Another way that KOA<br />

plans to build on its long<br />

history of innovation is the<br />

implementation of a partnership<br />

with Jamestown Advanced<br />

Products, that will see Level<br />

2 EV chargers installed at<br />

campsites across the United<br />

States and Canada. Fans of<br />

KOA can also expect new main<br />

campground building designs<br />

and many other moves that<br />

will increase the company’s<br />

overall modernisation and<br />

sustainability.<br />

Toby O’Rourke added:<br />

“The real story of our 60th<br />

anniversary is that we are just<br />

getting started. With initiatives<br />

like the Campground of the<br />

Future, focusing on integrating<br />

emerging technologies like<br />

solar and electric charging<br />

and empowering our franchise<br />

owners to innovate, we are<br />

eagerly taking on the next 60<br />

years.”<br />

Learn more about KOA at<br />

www.koa.com<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 43


From stitches to riches<br />

It has been 65 years since Søren Odgaard sewed the first stitch on a ridge tent in his<br />

cellar at his home in Denmark. Fast-forward to today and his legacy has become one<br />

of the camping industry’s best-known awning brands. This is the Isabella story…<br />

T<br />

■hat iconic crown<br />

logo that is adorned<br />

on the recognisable<br />

circular windows on awnings<br />

at campsites all across Europe<br />

has taken on an extra special<br />

significance in 2022. The logo,<br />

which you will not doubt<br />

recognise as that of Danish<br />

awning authority Isabella,<br />

is especially significant this<br />

year because it is the 65th<br />

44 | www.campingtradeworld.com<br />

anniversary of the company.<br />

Over a lifetime of hard work,<br />

Isabella has grown to become<br />

an instantly recognisable brand<br />

that has become known for<br />

its quality, its innovations,<br />

and most recently, its growth<br />

in popularity. But how did it<br />

get here? The company’s story<br />

began back in 1957 when<br />

young and self-assured Dane<br />

Søren Odgaard couldn’t find<br />

a tent that matched his needs.<br />

So, like all folk for whom the<br />

entrepreneurial spirit flows<br />

through their veins, he decided<br />

to create his own. The moment<br />

of inspiration that saw those<br />

first stitches sewn in Søren’s<br />

basement sparked the beginning<br />

of Isabella <strong>–</strong> and luckily for<br />

thousands of campers around<br />

the world, he didn’t just stop at<br />

one tent.



These days, Isabella is a forward-thinking,<br />

ambitious, and modern company that<br />

is working hard to take full advantage of<br />

the current uptick in the camping and<br />

caravanning industry. To learn more, we<br />

spoke with company CEO, Morten Kjeldsen,<br />

to get his views on the current state of play.<br />

How is business going for Isabella right<br />

now? How have the last few years been?<br />

Business going very well at the moment, we<br />

have succeeded to develop new products<br />

that suits the caravan people. The last few<br />

years we have grown in all markets we are in.<br />

▲ Isabella founder Søren Odgaard, who sewed his first tent in 1957.<br />


There are few interesting things you should know about Isabella. First of all,<br />

the name came from Søren’s fascination with the classic car, the Borgward<br />

Isabella. Secondly, the company began only making ridge tents until in the<br />

1960s Søren saw that camping on two wheels was becoming more popular. He<br />

decided to follow this trend and in fact created the A-measurement system<br />

for caravans in 1967. Another thing you should know (and you already will<br />

if you’ve had the pleasure of using an Isabella product) is that the focus on<br />

quality is the same today as it was when Søren first started the company.<br />

Isabella prides itself on getting the details right, which has led to the company<br />

coming up with many much-needed innovations in the awning sector<br />

throughout its history. Take for example its Isacryl material, a spinneret-dyed,<br />

textured-weave, durable acrylic material that is used to create its awnings,<br />

giving them impressive water ingress protection, breathability, climate control<br />

and fade resistance. Or its CarbonX chassis that it introduced in the 2000s,<br />

which allowed awnings to be made far lighter than ever before without<br />

compromising on strength or durability. Quite simply, the company has always<br />

followed the initial ethos of its founder and aimed to offer products that solve<br />

the problems campers have and give them an extension to their camping living<br />

space that will last a lifetime.<br />

How important is the company’s long<br />

history in relation to how it is today?<br />

Our story is living in us. We have always been<br />

working on good relations with our suppliers<br />

and dealerships, and that is still a great part<br />

of our daily work.<br />

What are the most important recent<br />

developments the company has made?<br />

On the product side we are developing<br />

into the motorhome market right now,<br />

this is where the growth is the biggest. On<br />

the internal side we are back to where we<br />

came from, working with our core with the<br />

campers in mind.<br />

Do you predict the current boom in the<br />

camping industry will continue?<br />

How have you capitalised on it? We think<br />

that the business will slow a bit down, now<br />

everybody can travel again, and this will<br />

have an effect, but we are on a higher level<br />

than before. We are in constant process of<br />

developing new articles for the market, and<br />

we will continue doing this to keep or even<br />

grow our market share.<br />

What are Isabella’s plans for the future,<br />

without giving away any secrets, of<br />

course?<br />

Isabella will also in the future be a part of the<br />

caravanning business, and we will reinforce<br />

our current brands within the group.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 45


timeline<br />

1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s<br />

Søren Odgaard sews his first<br />

ridge tent in the basement<br />

of his home. He begins by<br />

renting tents for one Danish<br />

Krone per day. Soon the young<br />

entrepreneur starts production<br />

of his first villa tent the Capri.<br />

In 1964, Isabella produced its<br />

very first awning designed to<br />

fit the two-holiday homes that<br />

were prevalent on the market.<br />

Søren Odgaard also developed<br />

the A-measurement system for<br />

caravans.<br />

As camping begins to grow<br />

in popularity, more durable<br />

awnings are required. Isabella<br />

steps up to the plate by<br />

developing the first with acrylic<br />

canvas and polyester coated<br />

roof to replace cotton.<br />

An increase in the mobility<br />

of caravans leads Isabella to<br />

develop a revolutionary new<br />

fibreglass frame system: the<br />

IXL. These new frames are far<br />

lighter than ever before and<br />

allow caravanners to take them<br />

on their trips more easily.<br />

46 | www.campingtradeworld.com



The Isabella of today is an<br />

impressive company of some<br />

270 employees working across<br />

sales offices in seven different<br />

countries. Isabella products are<br />

sold in more than 35 different<br />

courtiers around the world<br />

and the company recently<br />

opened a brand-new 7,000sqm<br />

production facility in Poland<br />

that aims to further increase<br />

its capacity, efficiency, and<br />

profitability. The move was<br />

a sign of the times. Current<br />

CEO Morten Kjeldsen said<br />

that the facility will allow<br />

the company to streamline<br />

production and prepare for the<br />

growth it expects over the next<br />

few years. That’s impressive<br />

considering the company has<br />

already experienced some<br />

strong growth over the last<br />

decade. First, from the increase<br />

in interest in camping and<br />

caravanning and second, from<br />

the boost the whole industry<br />

received during the COVID-19<br />

pandemic. But Isabella’s current<br />

position has not been reached<br />

only by external influences,<br />

the company has constantly<br />

adapted to offer products<br />

that improve the camping<br />

experience and fit the current<br />

needs and trends of the market.<br />

As well as historic innovations<br />

such as the A-measurement<br />

system CarbonX and IXL,<br />

Isabella now offers awnings<br />

that are durable, keep a steady<br />

internal climate, protect from<br />

UV rays, and fit with modern<br />

camping styles. One of the<br />

company’s latest innovations<br />

that encapsulates how it<br />

works is the Air X-Tension<br />

<strong>–</strong> the company’s first freestanding<br />

air awning designed<br />

specifically for campervans.<br />

The Air X-Tension lets<br />

campervan users expand their<br />

living area by 8.25sqm with<br />

plenty of headroom and the<br />

option to zip out two of the<br />

sides to transform it into a sun<br />

canopy with fixed screen panel.<br />

It also boasts quick set-up<br />

and pack-down times thanks<br />

to its air tubes that feature<br />

a single inflation point and<br />

can easily be detached from<br />

a campervan or motorhome<br />

and left standing while you<br />

drive away <strong>–</strong> making it easy to<br />

use on longer camping trips.<br />

While Isabella is not the first<br />

company to create a product<br />

like this (and probably won’t<br />

be the last), it has done it with<br />

its typical attention to quality,<br />

performance, and products that<br />

the market actually wants. As it<br />

says in its own PR: “We believe<br />

that strong, hard-wearing<br />

materials, modern design and<br />

an exclusive finish are the icing<br />

on the cake when you want to<br />

relax and enjoy some downtime<br />

in your outdoor living room. It’s<br />

100% Danish hygge.”<br />

Learn more about Isabella at<br />

www.isabella.net<br />

1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s<br />

Isabella expands its range<br />

to cater to the needs of<br />

permanent pitchers and<br />

price-conscious campers<br />

by launching the Ventura<br />

awning range. The Ventura<br />

Pacific quickly becomes one<br />

of the company’s best-selling<br />

awnings.<br />

The company once again<br />

reveals a pole system<br />

revolution <strong>–</strong> this time with its<br />

CarbonX lightweight chassis.<br />

This carbon-fibre reinforced<br />

fibreglass frame is lighter and<br />

stronger than anything Isabella<br />

has ever made before.<br />

Isabella acquired Danish<br />

caravan and trailer tent<br />

manufacturer Camp-let in<br />

2017 and begins working avidly<br />

on developing new products<br />

and improving the already<br />

successful original range.<br />

At the beginning of this<br />

decade, Isabella has been<br />

focussed on creating products<br />

to suit the needs of modern<br />

campers who use motorhomes<br />

and campervans. Examples<br />

include the Levo Cosy Corner<br />

and all-new Air X-Tension driveaway<br />

awning.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 47


SECTOR<br />


Tents<br />

The tent market is experiencing a boom in sales and a boom in<br />

technological developments like never before. We examine the current<br />

trends and the forecast the areas where you could be most likely to<br />

strike up a meaningful and productive cooperation in the tent market.<br />

Photo: Glen Jackson (Unsplash)<br />

48 | www.campingtradeworld.com


T<br />

■he humble tent is<br />

how camping began.<br />

Without it, it’s doubtful<br />

whether we would have moved<br />

on to trailer tents, caravans,<br />

motorhomes and beyond. The<br />

simple act of sleeping outside<br />

under a canvas shelter hasn’t<br />

changed too much since it’s<br />

early days <strong>–</strong> humans have been<br />

doing it for a long time <strong>–</strong> and<br />

it is perhaps that ancient<br />

pull that makes it appeal to<br />

so many people today. The<br />

modern tent market is vibrant,<br />

diverse, and innovative. Many,<br />

many companies have turned<br />

their hands to making tents,<br />

and many more have become<br />

national and international<br />

successes. Popularity in tents<br />

has increased steadily over<br />

the last decade, receiving a<br />

particularly stark shot in the<br />

arm in the era during and after<br />

the COVID-19 pandemic <strong>–</strong><br />

for some, a tent was a more<br />

affordable way to try camping,<br />

for others it represented a way<br />

to get back to nature, and for a<br />

few more it was simply a new<br />

way to travel in a safer way.<br />

Whatever the effects recent<br />

global events have had on the<br />

tent market, things are certainly<br />

looking positive once again.<br />

The only real issue, which<br />

seems to be across almost every<br />

industry, is that of supply chain<br />

problems. So far, the camping<br />

and outdoor industries seem<br />

to have been able to navigate<br />

these with some success.<br />

One of the truly great things<br />

about the tent market is that<br />

there are relatively little regional<br />

or national restrictions or<br />

barriers in terms export. With<br />

RVs, there can be issues from<br />

country to country regarding<br />

whether a vehicle meets the<br />

standards of each nation’s road<br />

rules. With tents, in very simple<br />

terms, a tent is a tent. The same<br />

tent that caters for the needs<br />

of hardcore hikers patrolling<br />

somewhere in deepest, darkest<br />

British Colombia in Canada<br />

would be just at a home on a<br />

quiet campsite in the English<br />

Lake District, or a coastal<br />

retreat on the Italian island<br />

of Sardina. Producers of tents<br />

generally find them a relatively<br />

easy item to export around<br />

the world, with the right<br />

connections of course. The same<br />

can be said for retailers looking<br />

for their next best-seller <strong>–</strong> it<br />

could come from a brand in<br />

any corner of the world. The<br />

increasingly global nature of the<br />

tent market can be seen with<br />

the likes of American giant Big<br />

Agnes recently establishing<br />

a European headquarters to<br />

better serve the continent, or<br />

New Zealand brand Zempire<br />

establishing subsidiary or<br />

partner companies in the USA<br />

and the United Kingdom.<br />

Evidence of the global appeal<br />

of tents can be seen by the<br />

many retailers who have started<br />

up their own tent brands to<br />

sell directly to the entry-level<br />

customers they have.<br />

Tents are a product that can<br />

cater to all price points. You can<br />

spend literally thousands on a<br />

high-end family tent that can<br />

sleep eight to 10 people <strong>–</strong> or<br />

you can spend $100 on a cheap<br />

pop-up tent for a festival. The<br />

spectrum includes almost every<br />

conceivable level between these<br />

two extremes, but a sweet spot<br />

that many tent brands have<br />

been aiming for is the priceperformance<br />

ratio that allows<br />

newcomers to be able to afford<br />

their products at the lower end<br />

of the price spectrum, but still<br />

enjoying an excellent camping<br />

experience with them. One<br />

thing that can easily be achieved<br />

with tents is a customer journey.<br />

Most people start off with<br />

something inexpensive to dip<br />

their toe, but they quickly<br />

realise they need something<br />

bigger, better designed, or<br />

of better quality. Because of<br />

how many different levels<br />

of tents there are, you could<br />

conceivably take a consumer<br />

on a journey with your brand<br />

throughout their entire life<br />

if they stick with the hobby<br />

and you have the right<br />

products. Identifying which<br />

demographics are generally at<br />

which stages of the journey has<br />

proved to be an effective way<br />

for tent brands to market their<br />

products. Young couples will<br />

often start small but maybe<br />

move onto more technical or<br />

lightweight tents more quickly<br />

than families, who are more<br />

concerned with space rather<br />

than technical features.<br />


US$2.8bn<br />

Estimated value of global<br />

camping tent market<br />

10,000+<br />

Tents sold annually in<br />

the United Kingdom<br />

(estimated)<br />

US$80 to $250<br />

Estimated mean RRP of a<br />

camping tent<br />

9.1m<br />

First-time camper<br />

households in the USA in 2021<br />

56%<br />

Of new campers in 2021<br />

said they prefer tent<br />

camping<br />

61.3m<br />

Projected number of<br />

households that will be<br />

camping in North America<br />

in 2022.<br />

Global interest in Google search term ‘tent’ in the last year<br />

100<br />

75<br />

50<br />

25<br />

23 MAY<br />

2021<br />

10 OCT<br />

2021<br />

27 FEB<br />

2022<br />

Top five countries with highest<br />

Google search interest for the<br />

term ‘tent’ in the last year<br />

Australia<br />

New Zealand<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Netherlands<br />

Canada<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 49


Photo: Patrick Hendry (Unsplash)<br />

▲ In the warmer months, many adventure-style tents can be used without a flysheet, further increasing their portability.<br />


The trends on display in the<br />

tent camping market do vary<br />

quite considerably depending on<br />

which corner of the Earth you<br />

reside. In European countries<br />

like the UK, France, the<br />

Netherlands, and Germany, the<br />

largest part of the market is for<br />

good-sized family tents. Think<br />

anything from a four-person<br />

tent through to a 10-person<br />

tent, most of which nowadays<br />

feature inflatable tubes rather<br />

than traditional poles. This is<br />

probably down to the fact that<br />

families want to enjoy a much<br />

higher level of luxury than they<br />

once did on a camping trip, and<br />

the industry has responded in<br />

kind. It’s not uncommon for a<br />

large, multi-bedroom tent to be<br />

sold with a solid collection of<br />

furniture such as chairs, tables,<br />

carpets, wardrobes and more.<br />

This kind of camping normally<br />

sees families staying on one<br />

site for a prolonged period of a<br />

week or longer. In other nations,<br />

such as North America, while<br />

these larger family tents do have<br />

a place, smaller backpacking<br />

style tents tend to dominate the<br />

industry a little more. Besides<br />

cultural differences, a lot of<br />

this could also be attributed<br />

to the kinds of places people<br />

go camping. In Europe, welldeveloped<br />

campsites with good<br />

facilities and plenty of space<br />

for leisure vehicles mean that<br />

larger family tents are suited.<br />

In North America, it is much<br />

easier to go camping in the<br />

wilderness and not on a specific<br />

campground. This is partly down<br />

to access issues and also to the<br />

large amount of space North<br />

America has geographically.<br />

The backpacking or lightweight<br />

camping tent market is seeing<br />

some growth in Europe though,<br />

possibly down to a growing<br />

interest in the great outdoors<br />

from the general public and also<br />

driven by inspirational content<br />

provided on social media.<br />

You could be mistaken for<br />

thinking that a growth in<br />

family-sized tents would mean<br />

less of a focus on technical<br />

materials. In fact, the demand<br />

from consumers for their tent<br />

to be a proper home from home<br />

means that manufacturers are<br />

putting in more effort than<br />

ever to come up with more<br />

advanced technical materials<br />

that are also environmentally<br />

friendly. In Europe, Danish<br />

family camping brand Outwell<br />

recently revealed one of its most<br />

durable and protective materials<br />

ever, Outtex 6000 Endurance<br />

RS, while over in the United<br />

States, New Hampshire-based<br />

Nemo Equipment revealed<br />

an award-winning new fabric<br />

technology, OSMO, that scores<br />

well on the sustainability scale.<br />

The increasing demand for<br />

smarter technology is evident:<br />

a tent that doesn’t display any<br />

effort to have some kind of<br />

advanced technology within<br />

its construction will likely not<br />

be a huge hit with consumers.<br />

Equally important is that<br />

eco message. Consumers are<br />

becoming more environmentally<br />

savvy in general, but campers<br />

are perhaps even more so than<br />

50 | www.campingtradeworld.com


Photo: Oase Outdoors<br />

▲ Danish company Oase Outdoors, which owns brands like Robens and Outwell, has many innovative and unique tent designs.<br />

The increasing demand for smarter technology is evident: a tent that<br />

doesn’t display any effort to have some kind of advanced technology within<br />

its construction will likely not be a huge hit with consumers.<br />

the average. When your hobby<br />

involves spending time in nature<br />

and in the outdoors then you<br />

are naturally likely to be more<br />

in tune with being a greener<br />

consumer. Vango recently<br />

launched its Earth collection, all<br />

of which are made from recycled<br />

plastics. While other big-name<br />

brands such as Big Agnes use<br />

a much more environmentally<br />

friendly dying process when<br />

manufacturing their tents.<br />

This green trend is something<br />

seen across the whole camping<br />

industry, but with the close<br />

connection that tents give people<br />

to nature, it is perhaps even more<br />

pronounced in this market.<br />

One thing that is a certain<br />

trend in tent camping is that<br />

it’s still on an upward trend. A<br />

study by one of the UK’s leading<br />

camping and outdoor gear<br />

retailers, Cotswold Outdoors,<br />

recently showed that UKwide<br />

camping equipment sales<br />

have increased by 40 per cent<br />

compared to pre-pandemic<br />

figures, Scotland has seen the<br />

biggest sales boom (89 per cent<br />

increase), and monthly camping<br />

related searches online peaked<br />

in May 2021 when they were<br />

400 per cent higher than the<br />

monthly average. Year-on-year,<br />

the product category with the<br />

highest demand increase is<br />

camping picnic items (up 158<br />

per cent), closely followed by<br />

children’s sleeping bags (110<br />

per cent) and cookware (93 per<br />

cent). Stoves, lanterns, tables<br />

and chairs, two-person tents and<br />

sleeping mats all also saw good<br />

rises, but the real surprise was<br />

that six person tents or larger<br />

were down about 43 per cent.<br />

Cotswold reckons some of this<br />

could be because people have<br />

been camping in smaller groups<br />

in the last few years to practise<br />

social distancing, but it could<br />

also point to a trend for smaller<br />

tents and more backpacking over<br />

family-style home comfort tents.<br />

Tent manufacturers are often<br />

very connected with their end<br />

users, often through the use of<br />

social media influencers. Because<br />

of this, they are able to stay well<br />

on top of current and upcoming<br />

trends. There is perhaps much<br />

that could be learned from the<br />

way in which tent companies<br />

conduct their business that<br />

everyone in the camping<br />

industry could benefit from.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 51



The tent market is a vibrant and innovative place with brands that<br />

cover the entire spectrum of price points, from super-cheap, entry<br />

level, through to very expensive and technical products. Tents have<br />

the wonderful attribute of being a product that can be translated to<br />

any market anywhere in the world without any major modifications.<br />

So, with that in mind, here’s a snapshot of companies that could<br />

help you make a meaningful international business connection…<br />

There will likely be plenty of brands you have already heard of, but<br />

hopefully one or two that you haven’t. Either way, your next big<br />

partners could be lurking somewhere on these pages.<br />

Alpkit<br />

www.alpkit.com<br />

Black Wolf<br />

www.blackwolfoutdoors.com<br />

ESVO<br />

www.esvocampingshop.com<br />

Hilleberg<br />

www.hilleberg.com<br />

Alps Mountaineering<br />

www.alpsbrands.com<br />

Cabanon<br />

www.cabanon.com<br />

Eureka <strong>Camping</strong><br />

www.eurekacamping.com<br />

Hyperlite Mountain Gear<br />

hyperlitemountaingear.com<br />

Bell Tent<br />

www.belltent.co.uk<br />

Cabela’s<br />

www.cabelas.com<br />

Fjällräven<br />

www.fjallraven.com<br />

Jack Wolfskin<br />

www.jack-wolfskin.com<br />

Bergans<br />

www.bergans.com<br />

Caranex<br />

www.caranex.com<br />

Gelert<br />

www.gelert.com<br />

Kampa<br />

www.kampaoutdoors.com<br />

Big Agnes<br />

www.bigagnes.com<br />

Coleman<br />

www.coleman.com<br />

Helsport<br />

www.helsport.com<br />

Karsten<br />

www.karstententen.com<br />

Black Diamond<br />

blackdiamondequipment.com<br />

Easy Camp<br />

www.easycamp.com<br />

Highlander<br />

www.highlander-outdoor.com<br />

Kathmandu<br />

www.kathmandu.co.nz<br />

▲ Tent camping offers a level of freedom that is not always attainable with vehciles such as caravans or motorhomes.


Kelty<br />

www.kelty.com<br />

Outwell<br />

www.outwell.com<br />

Snow Peak<br />

www.snowpeak.com<br />

Westfield Outdoors<br />

www.westfieldoutdoor.com<br />

Khyam<br />

www.khyam.co.uk<br />

Oztent<br />

www.oztent.com<br />

SoulPad<br />

www.soulpad.co.uk<br />

Zempire<br />

www.zempire.co.nz<br />

Macpac<br />

www.macpac.co.nz<br />

Qube Tents<br />

www.qubetents.com<br />

SunnCamp<br />

www.sunncamp.co.uk<br />

Marmot<br />

www.marmot.com<br />

Quechua<br />

www.quechua.com<br />

Terra Nova<br />

www.terra-nova.co.uk<br />

MSR<br />

www.msrgear.com<br />

REI<br />

www.rei.com<br />

The North Face<br />

www.thenorthface.com<br />

Nemo Equipment<br />

www.nemoequipment.com<br />

OLPRO<br />

www.olproshop.com<br />

Outdoor Revolution<br />

www.outdoor-revolution.com<br />

Robens<br />

www.robens.de<br />

Royal<br />

www.royal-leisure.co.uk<br />

Skandika<br />

www.skandika.com<br />

Vaude<br />

www.vaude.com<br />

Vango<br />

www.vango.co.uk<br />

Wenzel<br />

www.wenzelco.com<br />

*Note: We know this isn’t every<br />

company that deals in tents on the<br />

planet, but we hope you can make<br />

a meaningful business connection<br />

through it. If you feel we’ve missed<br />

you out, contact us today to talk<br />

about editorial opportunities.<br />

▲ Wild camping is growing in popularity around the world with brands like Vango providing great one-person tents for it.


BECOME<br />

A BETTER<br />


Enhance your<br />

exhibition experience<br />

Despite all the advances of modern technology, the humble exhibition remains a key<br />

component of modern business. But how do you make the most of your exhibition<br />

experience? Our marketing guru has some ideas…<br />

A<br />

■n enforced break from<br />

exhibitions and shows<br />

due to you-knowwhat<br />

has led to somewhat of a<br />

renaissance for these kinds of<br />

events. They truly are one of those<br />

things that we didn’t know how<br />

much we needed until they were<br />

gone. And whisper it quietly,<br />

but it looks as though they are<br />

back for good once again. So,<br />

what better time to reassess<br />

how valuable they are to your<br />

business and also how you can<br />

make the very most from them<br />

as a company? Some companies<br />

have decided that the money they<br />

saved by not exhibiting could be<br />

better spent elsewhere, and that’s<br />

fine <strong>–</strong> each to their own. Just<br />

for the record, I’m a big believer<br />

in exhibitions. Whether it’s a<br />

consumer fair or a trade show<br />

<strong>–</strong> exhibitions are an integral tool<br />

in the business growth toolkit,<br />

which means that you should<br />

definitely spend more time<br />

planning and strategizing around<br />

them.<br />

One of the first things this<br />

unexpected break in live events<br />

should have helped with is the<br />

assessment of which shows you<br />

think are most important to your<br />

businesses. Do the audiences of<br />

any you attend overlap? Are there<br />

some that will better serve you<br />

in terms of growth in different<br />

markets or segments? Taking<br />

stock of the shows you attend and<br />

keeping an eye out for new and<br />

interesting ones should be your<br />

first port of call. If you do identify<br />

a new show that you’re interested<br />

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© Landemesse stuttgart<br />



CMT (Germany)<br />

ISPO (Germany)<br />

Outdoor Retailer Snow (USA)<br />

Caravan, <strong>Camping</strong> and<br />

Motorhome Show (UK)<br />

<strong>Camping</strong> & Picnic Fair<br />

(South Korea)<br />

All in Caravaning (China)<br />

Outdoor Retailer Show (UK)<br />

▲ Exhibitions can easily pass you by without proper planning and measurable goals.<br />

Outdoor Retailer Summer<br />

(USA)<br />

in, then unless you are hugely<br />

confident it’s right, then put<br />

down that booking form. The best<br />

thing to do is attend a show as a<br />

visitor first to get a feel for it. See<br />

who exhibits, see who the typical<br />

visitors are, maybe even use it as a<br />

chance to talk to the organisers in<br />

person before you take the leap.<br />

Exhibitions can be expensive,<br />

that is almost inevitable. But try<br />

to think about it a longer term<br />

view. You could set up a deal that<br />

six months down the line pays for<br />

the show ten times over. A show<br />

is the definition of speculating<br />

in order to accumulate. There<br />

are also always ways in which<br />

you could try to bring the costs<br />

down when it comes to travel and<br />

accommodation too.<br />

Once you’ve settled on the<br />

show you want to exhibit at,<br />

you then need to set clear goals<br />

that you want to achieve. Ideally<br />

those goals will be tied to your<br />

wider goals as a company which<br />

helped you select this show in<br />

the first place. Try to set some<br />

quantifiable goals that have some<br />

means of measuring whether<br />

you’ve been successful or not. If<br />

it’s not possible to be tangible<br />

with your results, then set some<br />

aspects of the score that you and<br />

your team score your performance<br />

on. Having a structured plan<br />

is absolutely key to enjoying<br />

a successful show. There’s a<br />

temptation to get bogged down<br />

in the logistics or to put things off<br />

until closer to the time, but those<br />

who prepare well will get the<br />

most from an exhibition.<br />

Having said that, some of the<br />

best things to come out of shows<br />

are those chance encounters that<br />

simply wouldn’t have happened<br />

without them. You never know<br />

who you might bump into and<br />

what you might chat about. The<br />

next person on the stand could<br />

be an influencer who could<br />

help elevate your marketing<br />

to a higher level, or maybe a<br />

distributor who could open up<br />

an entire territory. Even with a<br />

firm plan in place for what you<br />

want to achieve at an event, it<br />

really pays to be flexible and<br />

allow some time to freestyle. If<br />

it’s a trade show, try not to spend<br />

your entire day in arranged<br />

meetings. While these face-toface<br />

encounters are important, so<br />

is having a chance to let random<br />

things happen.<br />

At the end of the day,<br />

exhibitions tap into the most<br />

basic human instincts. We are<br />

social creatures, and having the<br />

opportunity to network, to meet<br />

and greet, and to talk face-toface<br />

with other human beings<br />

can sometimes create stronger<br />

bonds than any other type of<br />

marketing ever could. Long live<br />

the exhibition.<br />

Caravan Salon (Germany)<br />

Elmia (Sweden)<br />

Caravanmesen (Norway)<br />

Salon VDL (France)<br />

Salone del Camper (Italy)<br />

The Glamping Show (UK)<br />

Kampeer en Caravan<br />

Jaarbeurs (Netherlands)<br />

Mobicar (Belgium)<br />

Motorhome and Caravan<br />

Show (UK)<br />

Caravan Salon (Austria)<br />

Salon Caravaning (Spain)<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 55


TOP TIPS<br />

© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH<br />

TO HAVE A<br />

GREAT<br />

SHOW<br />

01 02 03<br />


To make the most of any appearance<br />

at an exhibition, it really helps to<br />

promote yourself to the audience<br />

before the show starts. Make people<br />

aware you are going to be there, get<br />

them excited about why they should<br />

come and visit you, try to make your<br />

stand unmissable. No matter how<br />

big your presence at a show, there’s a<br />

chance people might miss you in the<br />

hustle and bustle. By using methods<br />

such as email marketing, social<br />

media posts and press releases, you<br />

can make sure that your company’s<br />

name and logo is firmly in the minds<br />

of attendees to a show <strong>–</strong> whether<br />

end consumers or B2B visitors.<br />


Being at a show is only the first<br />

piece in the jigsaw of making it a<br />

success. To really make the most<br />

of it, you need to be engaging and<br />

welcoming towards passers-by. Too<br />

many times we have walked the<br />

halls of shows and seen staff sitting<br />

on stands looking bored or fed up<br />

and barely making eye contact when<br />

we come close. Exhibitions are hard<br />

work, they’re tiring, and there are<br />

always dull moments, but you have<br />

to try and keep your game face on as<br />

much as possible. Say ‘hi’ to people,<br />

welcome them, ask them how they<br />

are, you never know who you might<br />

be speaking to next.<br />


As just mentioned, shows can be<br />

hard work. Because of that, you need<br />

the right team for the occasion. Try<br />

to get as many people at the show<br />

as you can afford to and make sure<br />

they are the people who have the<br />

personalities that will come across<br />

best <strong>–</strong> everyone on your stand is a<br />

living, breathing representation of<br />

your company. Having a solid team<br />

will help with camaraderie and also<br />

allow you to give people decent<br />

breaks and downtime, which will<br />

boost your overall performance at<br />

the event.<br />

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© Landemesse stuttgart<br />

© Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH<br />

04<br />



If it’s possible, try to make your stand<br />

more than just a stand. Try to create<br />

an experience. A great example of<br />

that is British tent brand Vango,<br />

which often hosts a contest to see<br />

who can inflate one of its AirBeam<br />

tents the fastest, with a running<br />

leader board throughout the event<br />

and prizes for the winners. It’s not<br />

always practical, but by creating an<br />

experience, people are much more<br />

likely to remember your company in<br />

the blur of products and brands they<br />

will see over the days of a show. If you<br />

can’t create an experience with your<br />

products, then consider giving away<br />

a simple and useful free gift that will<br />

keep you in the mind of visitors.<br />


PLACE<br />


One of our favourite lines about<br />

shows, particularly trade shows,<br />

is that all the best deals are done<br />

outside the show. The social aspect<br />

of an industry can be a hugely<br />

important of a big get-together<br />

like an exhibition. Whether it’s in<br />

the bar, a restaurant, or some other<br />

more relaxed social setting, this<br />

is where you really get to know<br />

your customers or prospective<br />

customers and forge much stronger<br />

relationships with them. Having the<br />

opportunity to do it in a less formal<br />

situation is one of the best things<br />

about a show, especially if people<br />

have travelled long distances to be<br />

there <strong>–</strong> it’s a rare opportunity.<br />

06<br />



If you pay no attention to any of this<br />

article at all, then please at least<br />

take on board this point. You simply<br />

must follow-up leads and contacts<br />

from an exhibition otherwise it may<br />

have all been for nothing. Those<br />

chance meetings mean nothing if<br />

you don’t stay in touch with people<br />

afterwards. Sometimes the followup<br />

might mean arranging to meet<br />

someone at a future exhibition or<br />

event, sometimes it’s just calling<br />

or emailing afterwards, or sending<br />

some information you said you<br />

would. Strike while the iron is hot<br />

in the week or two after the event<br />

to be most effective with your<br />

following up.<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 57




GUARD<br />

Lippert claims that its new SolidShield Van<br />

Grille Guard is designed to take an innovative<br />

step forwards in fleet grille guard technology.<br />

Compared to the industry-standard twopoint<br />

system, SolidShield features a superior<br />

four-point mounting system that allows for<br />

maximum strength and rigidity and helps<br />

prevent damage to the vehicle. It gives the<br />

fleet an updated, sophisticated look with its<br />

vehicle-specific construction that contours<br />

to the front of the cargo van, creating a sleek,<br />

stylish appearance.<br />

www.lci1.com<br />



In an effort to make the camping<br />

experience more comfortable for<br />

everyone who undertakes it, Outwell<br />

has a range of sanitation facilities that<br />

can help you bring the home comforts<br />

along with you. A great example is the<br />

20-litre Solar Shower, which provides<br />

ample hot water for free using the<br />

sun’s rays to heat up the black bag.<br />

An integral thermometer allows you<br />

to monitor water temperature. These<br />

showers are also ideal for outdoor<br />

pursuits and washing off your dog after<br />

a walk along the beach.<br />

www.outwell.com<br />



Thetford is the inventor of the Porta<br />

Potti, which could make a case for being<br />

one of the most important products in<br />

the history of camping and caravanning.<br />

Now available in seven different<br />

variations, there is a Porta Potti for every<br />

campers needs. With different sizes and<br />

capacities, as well as smart features such<br />

as toilet roll holders, different flushing<br />

systems, and even the ability to be<br />

repaired with spare parts, it’s no wonder<br />

they have been so successful.<br />

www.thetford.com<br />

VOLT<br />


Made in the UK, Volt’s impressive Metro<br />

folding ebike features a sleek and<br />

modern design as well as high-spec<br />

components. Features include Tektro<br />

Hydraulic Brakes, an ABUS frame-lock<br />

on the rear wheel, Velo Plush saddle,<br />

ZOOM suspension seat-post and SR<br />

Suntour front fork suspension. Still one<br />

of the lightest ebikes on the market with<br />

a large capacity SpinTech Panasonic<br />

battery, the Metro folds down quickly<br />

and easily for storage or travelling.The<br />

Metro’s lightweight 16 inch frame and<br />

powerful 250 watt SpinTech motor<br />

results in a nippy and stylish way to get<br />

around<br />

www.voltebikes.co.uk<br />

62 | www.campingtradeworld.com




All Peggy Peg plastic screw-in pegs are produced from<br />

fibre-glass reinforced UV-resistant polyamide. The<br />

bright colour is so that they can be seen more easily.<br />

Peggy N is the height adjustable all-purpose Peggy<br />

Peg for awnings, cords and tents etc. Product testers<br />

travelling all around Europe have approved that Peggy<br />

N can be used in 90 per cent of all cases by its height<br />

adjustment. Pre-drilling might be useful in hard or<br />

frozen grounds (take a 10mm drill).<br />

www.peggypegs.de<br />

ROBENS<br />


Following the success of its Trace Hammock Set, outdoor specialist<br />

Robens has introduced a complete package for off grid overnight<br />

micro-adventures. The Trace Ultimate Hammock Set (pictured<br />

above) contains all required to create an ideal ‘leave no trace’ nest<br />

that can be quickly slung between trees to keep you comfortably<br />

off the cold, damp ground away from crawling insects and rain.<br />

Packing down to just 22cm x 31cm and weighing in at 1.84kg,<br />

the Trace Ultimate Hammock Set comprises: hammock with<br />

integrated mosquito net, tarp, slings and cord, and carabiners.<br />

www.robens.de<br />



Billed as the one-tent-wonder by Nemo, the OSMO Dagger<br />

is lightweight enough for backpacking, yet roomy enough<br />

for comfort on any adventure. It’s one of the first tents in<br />

Nemo’s iconic backpacking collection to feature its new<br />

proprietary OSMO fabric with advanced water repellency<br />

that lasts four times longer. This composite fabric has three<br />

times less stretch when wet, reducing sag and maintaining<br />

wind and rain shedding in any weather. OSMO fabrics<br />

are completely PFC- and PFAS-free, meet fire retardancy<br />

standards without the use of added chemicals, and are<br />

woven from 100 per cent recycled yarns.<br />

www.nemoequipment.com<br />

TELECO<br />


Teleco has introduced a new series of Portable Power Stations, designed to<br />

ensure campers always have the energy they need, no matter how long they<br />

spend off-grid. Featuring lithium-iron-phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, the two<br />

stations can power loads of various kinds, with the PPS500 model offering 460<br />

Wh and the PPS1000 offering 1110 Wh. In comparison to values normally seen<br />

on recreational vehicles, this means 38Ah and 93Ah respectively at 12 Volts. In<br />

alternating current, the smaller model guarantees up to 500 Watts of power,<br />

while the larger one provides 1000 W and can reach a peak power of 2000 W.<br />

www.telecogroup.com<br />

www.campingtradeworld.com | 63


ADRIA<br />

SONIC<br />

These premiu integrated motorhomes from Adria feature<br />

distinctive styling, an exclusive front mask and rear wall design<br />

and a durable Comprex body construction that is available in<br />

either silver or white. The aerodynamic exterior benefits from<br />

a large panoramic window while the double floor provides a<br />

single level throughout the motorhome and offers additional<br />

below-floor storage. The interior feature bright colours, simplistic<br />

styling, an open-plan design, controllable lighting system,<br />

multimedia entertainment and heating by Truma and Alde.<br />

www.adria-mobil.com<br />

HOBBY<br />

ONTOUR<br />

The OnTour caravan from Hobby is fresh from winning several<br />

awards in its native Germany and is designed to offer effortless<br />

travel to its users. The range weighs from as little as 1,200kg with<br />

2.2m of width making it compact and easy to tow, however the<br />

smart layouts mean the inside will not feel cramped but will feel<br />

more like a home from home. There are three different models in<br />

the range <strong>–</strong> the 390 SF, the 460 DL and the 470 KMF <strong>–</strong> that sleep<br />

between three and four people.<br />

www.hobby-caravan.de<br />



A product that is part of the new Dometic GO sub-brand,<br />

this hard storage case is versatile, easy-to-use and built to<br />

last. Made from a durable vertical aluminium and highimpact-resistant<br />

polymer, the case can take whatever you<br />

throw at it while its lid is designed to have other storage<br />

cases stacked on top of it for neat storage. Built-in handles,<br />

tiedown points, lock holes and secure easy-pull latches<br />

further add to the storage case’s usefulness.<br />

www.dometic.com<br />

CAMP-LET<br />


Designed to be the perfect trailer tent for a family of four,<br />

the Camp-Let Passion gives campers 18sqm of holiday<br />

accommodation as standard with the option to add-on additional<br />

space via annexes on either side. The trailer tent has a wellequipped<br />

kitchen and can be customised further with a wide<br />

range of accessories and add-ons. The Passion also has integrated<br />

blackout curtains as standard giving a comfortable indoor climate<br />

in the day and an undisturbed night’s sleep.<br />

www.isabella.net<br />

62 | www.campingtradeworld.com




Affordable camping brand Easy Camp has<br />

introduced two new Magnetar tents into<br />

its range that offer versatility and reliability.<br />

Designed to be practical and lightweight, the<br />

200 and 400 sizes of the new tent, are fast to<br />

pitch thanks to their tunnel designs and can<br />

be entered by a side door that provides ample<br />

storage space. Front and rear vents allow the<br />

adjustment of air flow inside the tent while<br />

the Sleep-Tight inner reduces light entry<br />

to enhance sleep quality. Available in two<br />

colours: rustic green on the 400 and rustic<br />

green or steel blue on the 200.<br />

www.easycamp.com<br />

PRIMUS<br />

LITE+<br />

This compact and lightweight<br />

backpacking stove system can feed<br />

up to two people and offers the most<br />

efficient heating in an easy to use and<br />

easy to pack footprint. Attach and lock<br />

the 0.5L pot to the burner with a simple<br />

twist. The Piezo igniter lights the stove<br />

with a push of a button so you can boil<br />

water quickly. The Laminar Flow Burner<br />

is extremely compact, and puts out a<br />

4500BTU (1500 W) flame, boiling 0.5L<br />

water in less than three minutes in a<br />

quieter cooking experience. Simply pour<br />

directly from the pot spout or use the<br />

included pots support pegs for use with<br />

ANY pot or pans.<br />

www.primusequipment.com<br />



TOILET<br />

The Trelino S is the alternative for a<br />

Porta Potti. No matter where you travel<br />

with your Van and where you want to<br />

stay overnight. It is always with you.<br />

This composting toilet boasts being<br />

ready to use immediately, is hygienic<br />

for both men and women, is easy to<br />

clean, doesn’t need water or chemicals,<br />

can be disposed of almost anywhere<br />

and is designed and manufactured<br />

in Germany. The Trelino has a tinted<br />

urine container for more privacy when<br />

emptying. Nevertheless, the fill level can<br />

still be read.<br />

www.trelino.com<br />

BAILEY<br />


AWNING<br />

Each Discovery Air Awning has been<br />

designed exclusively by PRIMA and<br />

is bespoke-fitted to each of the three<br />

Bailey Discovery caravan models, giving<br />

you more space to relax, eat, store and<br />

sleep. The awning quickly expands your<br />

space yet is easy to pitch, and packs up<br />

neatly for storage or travelling. There are<br />

no complicated pole configurations or<br />

set-up <strong>–</strong> simply thread the awning into<br />

the channel, inflate each beam and peg<br />

down. With large panoramic windows,<br />

huge skylights and fully removable<br />

doors, the awning can be transformed<br />

into a light and open space.<br />

www.primaleisure.com<br />

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Designed to protect caravans from the elements<br />

while they are stored away, covers from UK firm<br />

Specialised Covers feature door access, a storage<br />

bag, fitting poles and aerial and flue allowance<br />

if required. They feature a hydrostatic head of<br />

2,500mm and are also breathable, meaning that<br />

any internal moisture can easily escape. Specialised<br />

Covers make caravan covers in custom shapes and<br />

designs to fit almost any leisure vehicle.<br />

www.specialisedcovers.com<br />



Available in two pastel colours, the Seaford low chair is perfect for<br />

quality me-time like when relaxing on the beach in the sun. Four<br />

back positions and the back rest U-frame allows you to kick back<br />

upright with a good book or fold flat as a sun bed when topping<br />

up the tan. The strong, durable steel frame and easy-clean<br />

textilene provide great support while an integrated foam pillow<br />

enhances comfort.<br />

www.outwell.com<br />

SOG<br />


A smart idea from German company SOG comes in the<br />

shape of its Compact and Compact Close ventilation<br />

systems. They can be easily attached to most type of caravan<br />

or motorhome toilet seats and when the lid is opened a fan<br />

turns on and sucks unpleasant odours from the toilet bowl<br />

vial the aerodynamically adapted suction shaft <strong>–</strong> they are<br />

then discharged through a special high-performance filter.<br />

The Compact works on most toilets, while the Compact<br />

Close has been designed to work on toilet seats with softclose<br />

actions.<br />

www.sog-systeme.de<br />



The Fastpack Entry Sleeping Bag is a hybrid sleeping system comprised of a<br />

sleeping bag and attached mattress that enables you to set up your camping bed<br />

faster than ever. The Fastpack Entry Sleeping Bag features a modular dual zipper<br />

to allow separation into mattress/duvet, so you can adjust your sleeping style<br />

depending on the temperature. It’s the perfect sleeping bag for Spring/Summer<br />

and the polyester Hollow Fibre insulation retains warmth in temperatures as low as<br />

3°C. You can also attach two units together to create a double sleeping space that<br />

will comfortably accommodate two persons.<br />

www.snowpeak.com<br />

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REMIS<br />



Available for vans including Fiat<br />

Ducatos, Volkswagen T5/ T6, the<br />

Mercedes Sprinter, and the Ford Transit<br />

Custom, the REMIcare Van insect<br />

protection door is made of black, slightly<br />

pleated material. Even with the sliding<br />

door open, flies, mosquitoes, and gnats<br />

are kept out of the sleeping and living<br />

area, without obstructing the view.<br />

The insect protection door is so easy<br />

to install that end users can do it with<br />

minimal instruction.<br />

www.remis.de<br />




The Curt CrossWing 5th wheel hitch<br />

gives you the best of both worlds by<br />

packing extraordinary strength into<br />

one lightweight hitch. It’s 65 per cent<br />

lighter than most traditional 5th wheel<br />

hitches and still overs a 20,000lb<br />

weight capacity. To add to its superior<br />

strength and integrity, it is made with<br />

high-grade steel instead of aluminium<br />

to ensure uncompromising durability.<br />

The innovative coupling mechanism<br />

has a visible contact surface, meaning<br />

it eliminates the guesswork that similar<br />

hitches require when backing up to the<br />

trailer.<br />

www.lci1.com<br />



Expert in caravan and motorhome<br />

components, Baldacci, has launched<br />

a totally innovative system consisting<br />

of a backlit bar, available in any length,<br />

where a wide range of accessories can<br />

be inserted. A magnetic device allows<br />

the accessories to be quickly attached<br />

to the bar, guaranteeing maximum<br />

stability and avoiding vibrations.<br />

Accessories can be customised in terms<br />

of size and shape. A system that allows<br />

maximum flexibility.<br />

www.baldacci.it<br />

HELLA<br />


LAMPS<br />

Whether large or small quantities,<br />

the lamps of the innovative HELLA<br />

Shapeline series give vehicle series<br />

a consistent, yet individual look.<br />

The different light functions can be<br />

combined in this way to create an<br />

attractive, unique lighting design. The<br />

entire HELLA Shapeline series, and thus<br />

also the Shapeline rear lamps, impress<br />

with their high-quality materials, long<br />

durability, and energy-efficient, highintensity<br />

LED technology. Multi-voltage<br />

capability allows them to be used in<br />

both 12 V and 24 V environments.<br />

www.hella.com<br />

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