De Somfy Factor Part #2 UK


The Somfy Factor Part 2 Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in non-residential buildings using dynamic solar shading 1

The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong> <strong>Part</strong> 2<br />

Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions<br />

in non-residential buildings using dynamic solar shading<br />




A shining example.<br />

The jellyfish.<br />

Unloved.<br />

And therefore unknown.<br />

Entirely unfairly.<br />

The jellyfish can actually teach us a lot.<br />

About light absorption.<br />

About transparency.<br />

And about bioluminescence.<br />

In other words, an organism’s ability<br />

to generate its own light.<br />

Using the jellyfish as a shining example,<br />

<strong>Somfy</strong> developed something unique.<br />

Technology that lets buildings play<br />

with light in an unusual way.<br />

Letting them anticipate light and shade.<br />

Bringing outdoor light and interior lighting<br />

together harmoniously.<br />

As a way of creating a pleasant<br />

climate indoors.<br />

One that is sustainable as well as providing<br />

an optimum feeling of comfort and well-being:<br />

the <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>.<br />




The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong> <strong>Part</strong> 2<br />

Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in non-residential<br />

buildings using dynamic solar shading<br />

Foreword 10<br />

1 Sustainable development 13<br />

2 Climate and sustainability in the Netherlands 27<br />

3 Climate legislation 37<br />

4 Emissions of greenhouse gases 65<br />

5 Energy consumption and emissions of buildings<br />

and construction activities 79<br />

6 Certification for utility construction 103<br />

7 Glass, façades and dynamic shading 123<br />

8 Properties of technical fabrics in dynamic shading systems 143<br />

Appendices 161<br />

9 Parametric design 173<br />

10 Model for energy consumption and CO2 emissions<br />

in an office space 183<br />

11 Productivity and energy effects of dynamic solar and<br />

light shading in office buildings 195<br />

Appendices 227<br />

12 Sustainability as the top priority 241<br />

Supplement – Roderik Henderson 245<br />





A promise is a promise, of course, so here is <strong>Part</strong> 2 of The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>.<br />

The underpinning leitmotif for this, the second book, is the sustainability<br />

of society. In the meantime, thousands of scientists around the world<br />

have done a great deal of work to map out the human race’s influences<br />

on the climate and the environment, and how they are changing.<br />

The need to take action has now given rise to numerous new laws that<br />

directly or indirectly affect everyone on Earth. Their influences will be felt<br />

progressively in the years to come.<br />

Research has shown that buildings have a significant impact on climate<br />

change, so all kinds of efforts are being made to minimise or preferably<br />

eliminate those impacts. The effects arise partly from the construction<br />

work itself and the production of the building materials, but to a much<br />

greater extent during use.<br />

The impact during use is basically about the energy consumption for<br />

lighting, heating and cooling of buildings. Such considerations quickly<br />

take us to buildings’ façades – the walls with windows, whose functions<br />

include allowing daylight to get in. This obviously influences the use<br />

of artificial light heavily, and it also affects the temperature inside the<br />

building.<br />

We examined the influence of daylight on temperature and other indoor<br />

environment parameters. It is evident that some way of controlling the<br />

daylight in buildings is indispensable. It can be tackled in various ways,<br />

of course, including the use of dynamic solar shading.<br />

The book describes the creation of an integrated model for identifying<br />

the way dynamic solar shading influences the indoor environmental<br />

parameters, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of individual office<br />


uildings. The model quantifies the costs and benefits for office buildings,<br />

aiming to make the model a tool that will help people make betterinformed<br />

decisions about applying dynamic shading in office buildings.<br />

The knowledge acquired is now being utilised to make the model<br />

applicable to buildings in other domains as well, specifically the<br />

education and healthcare sectors. The model has also been designed<br />

so that various climate plug-ins can let it be used in other countries too.<br />

This was needed not only because the results depend strongly on the<br />

geographical location of the building and are therefore country-specific,<br />

but also because other parameters such as the costs require local<br />

adjustments if good results are to be obtained.<br />

Sven van Witzenburg<br />

Hoofddorp, March 2022<br />



1<br />




The Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals (SDGs) were defined in 2015 by the United Nations as the new<br />

global sustainable development agenda for 2030. They are promoted as sustainable development<br />

goals for use throughout the world. The SDGs apply from 2016 to 2030, replacing the Millennium<br />

<strong>De</strong>velopment Goals that lapsed at the end of 2015.<br />

In total, there are 17 goals and 169 underlying<br />

objectives for achieving them. The 193 member states<br />

who signed up to the policy are expected to translate it<br />

into their national policies.<br />

To monitor progress, a list of indicators has been drawn<br />

up in a UN context: the Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals<br />

Indicators.<br />

Status of the SDGs in the Netherlands<br />

The Netherlands already has various objectives and<br />

policy programmes in place in domains such as nature<br />

and the environment; these are in line with the SDGs.<br />

Statistics Netherlands conducted a baseline<br />

measurement in November 2016 of how the<br />

Netherlands is progressing with the SDGs.<br />

This study was prompted by a list of preliminary<br />

indicators for monitoring the various lower-level<br />

objectives of the SDGs. The overall picture that<br />

emerges from the figures available to date is that<br />

the Netherlands is doing well in many areas but that<br />

there are also significant areas of concern.<br />

According to a report issued in May 2020, the<br />

Netherlands scores relatively well on achieving<br />

the sustainable development goals. The country<br />

has achieved 26 of the 169 sub-goals, with only<br />

Scandinavia and a few other European countries doing<br />

any better. Areas for improvement for the Netherlands<br />

are in particular the thirteenth goal (climate action);<br />

the country could also score better on the fifth goal<br />

(gender equality). So there are still developments<br />

to be made.<br />



SDG 1:<br />

No Poverty<br />

The first goal is the eradication of poverty.<br />

According to the United Nations, it is also<br />

the most important objective. Nobody<br />

should be left behind in extreme poverty by<br />

2030. Under the Millennium <strong>De</strong>velopment<br />

Goals, extreme poverty meant having less<br />

than 1.25 dollars a day to spend. The World<br />

Bank raised that limit to $1.90 per day in<br />

2015. In 2012, 12.8 per cent of the world<br />

population lived under that poverty line of<br />

$1.90 – that’s 896 million people. In 1990,<br />

37 per cent of the world's population (or 1.95<br />

billion people at the time) still lived below<br />

this threshold.<br />

The number is expected to have dropped to<br />

9.5 per cent of the world’s population or 702<br />

million people by 2015.<br />

This goal has a total of seven objectives,<br />

five of which must be achieved by 2030; the<br />

last two have no specific end dates but can<br />

be seen as long-term aims.<br />

SDG 2:<br />

Zero Hunger<br />

By 2030, no one in the world should be<br />

going hungry. Everyone must have access<br />

to sufficient safe and nutritious food all<br />

year round. According to the World Food<br />

Programme, 795 million people currently do<br />

not have enough food to live healthy and<br />

active lives. That is about one person in<br />

nine, worldwide. Sub-Saharan Africa has the<br />

highest proportion of people suffering from<br />

hunger: one in four people in that region is<br />

malnourished. Almost half (45 per cent) of<br />

all deaths among children aged under five<br />

are also due to malnutrition. Around the<br />

world, 66 million primary school children still<br />

go to school hungry. This goal consists of<br />

eight objectives and fourteen ambitions that<br />

are related not only to ending malnutrition<br />

but also to producing sustainable food<br />

sources and to investments, research<br />

and new technologies. A study published<br />

in Nature has however shown that ending<br />

malnutrition by 2030 already seems<br />

impossible.<br />

SDG 3:<br />

Good Health and Well-being<br />

Goal three is about health and well-being<br />

for everyone, from young to old. According<br />

to the World Health Organization, the infant<br />

mortality rate in 2015 had fallen by 53%<br />

compared to 1990. Nevertheless, six million<br />

children still die before the age of five every<br />

year. The majority of those children live in<br />

Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Four fifths of<br />

the children who die before the age of five<br />

come from those regions. Maternal mortality<br />

dropped by 44 per cent by 2015 with respect<br />

to 1990, according to the World Health<br />

Organization, but advances are still possible<br />

there too. The maternal mortality figure in<br />

developing countries is still fourteen times<br />

higher than in developed countries.<br />

In addition to the topics just mentioned,<br />

the third goal’s agenda also deals with<br />

the impact of diseases that cannot be<br />

transmitted from person to person,<br />

accidents, pollution and universal<br />

healthcare.<br />

SDG 4:<br />

Quality Education<br />

The Millennium <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals in<br />

particular have led to big improvements<br />

in education in recent years, above all for<br />

women and girls. Currently, 91 per cent of<br />

children in developing countries attend<br />

primary school. The number of children not<br />

attending school has halved since 2000:<br />

from 100 million then to 57 million in 2015.<br />

Fifty per cent of the children of primary<br />

school age who do not go to school live in<br />

conflict zones.<br />

About 103 million young people worldwide<br />

are still illiterate.<br />

The fourth goal comprises ten objectives<br />

and eleven indicators. The objectives<br />

include not only free primary education,<br />

good secondary and higher education but<br />

also fighting discrimination in education<br />

and illiteracy, as well as promoting<br />

education about sustainability.<br />

SDG 5:<br />

Gender Equality<br />

The Universal <strong>De</strong>claration of Human Rights<br />

states that men and women have the same<br />

rights. “Equality between men and women<br />

is not only a human right but also the basis<br />

for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable<br />

world,” according to the United Nations. In<br />

practice, though, women and girls are still<br />

often at a disadvantage compared to men<br />

and boys. The fifth goal states that by 2030<br />

women and men should have equal rights to<br />

facilities such as education, healthcare and<br />

employment. Moreover, women and men<br />

must be equally represented in political and<br />

economic decision-making.<br />

The fifth sustainability goal comprises nine<br />

targets, dealing inter alia with ending discrimination,<br />

violence and exploitation of women,<br />

genital mutilation and forced marriages.<br />

SDG 6:<br />

Clean Water and Sanitation<br />

Clean drinking water and proper, clean<br />

sanitation have a positive impact on<br />

other Global Goals such as food security,<br />

education and health. There are fewer<br />

infections if clean drinking water is<br />

available, and clean toilets in schools<br />

mean that more girls keep going to school<br />

even when they are menstruating. There is<br />

enough clean drinking water in the world<br />

for everyone, but problems such as poor<br />

infrastructure or a weak economy mean<br />

that millions still die every year from<br />

diseases caused by polluted drinking water<br />

or poor hygiene.<br />


Since 1990, 2.6 billion people have been<br />

given access to clean drinking water, but 1.8<br />

billion people still get their drinking water<br />

from polluted sources. On top of that, 2.4<br />

billion people in the world still do not have<br />

access to clean toilets and other sanitary<br />

facilities.<br />

The sixth sustainability goal has six<br />

different targets dealing with drinking water,<br />

sanitation or hygiene, for example, through<br />

a programme that promotes not only hand<br />

hygiene but also efficient use of water<br />

and the search for ways to filter and store<br />

drinking water.<br />

SDG 7:<br />

Affordable and Clean Energy<br />

We need energy for our prosperity and<br />

wellbeing: for living, in our homes and at<br />

our work. Society could not have developed<br />

to be what it is today without energy. That<br />

is why it is important for everyone to have<br />

access to energy. One in every five people<br />

currently does not have access to energy,<br />

yet at the same time, energy is one of<br />

the biggest problems for the twenty-first<br />

century. We get too much of our energy from<br />

coal, oil and gas; these fossil fuel resources<br />

will run out sooner or later and they are<br />

causing climate change. At least 60% of<br />

greenhouse gas emissions are the result of<br />

energy generation.<br />

The objectives include access to affordable<br />

and reliable energy, with a key role<br />

envisaged for technology to improve energy<br />

production and storage.<br />

SDG 8:<br />

<strong>De</strong>cent Work and Economic Growth<br />

In many countries, having a job does not<br />

necessarily mean that you can escape<br />

poverty. That is why goal number eight<br />

focuses on decent work for all and<br />

sustainable and inclusive economic<br />

growth. This means that everyone who<br />

can work should have the opportunity<br />

to work, with good working conditions.<br />

These jobs should encourage economic<br />

growth without harming the environment.<br />

One of the targets for 2020 was reducing<br />

unemployment among young people.<br />

The eighth sustainability goal also helps<br />

strengthen financial institutions so that<br />

they can promote sustainable economic<br />

development.<br />

SDG 9:<br />

Industry, Innovation and<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Infrastructure means transport, roads,<br />

irrigation, energy and ICT.<br />

If improvements are to be made in<br />

education, healthcare or drinking water,<br />

infrastructure is needed. Without roads and<br />

transport, for instance, it is much more<br />

difficult for children from remote villages<br />

to go to school. Many developing countries<br />

do not have this basic infrastructure and<br />

without it, getting a job, doing business,<br />

receiving information and fetching bread<br />

are all harder. In other words, better<br />

infrastructure makes it easier to achieve<br />

other objectives and improves the quality of<br />

life overall.<br />

There are seven targets dealing with<br />

infrastructure and industrialisation. One of<br />

those objectives is about getting mobile<br />

signals for better connectivity.<br />

SDG 10:<br />

Reduced Inequality<br />

Inequality in income between countries has<br />

been reduced during the first decade of the<br />

21st century. Inequality within countries,<br />

though, has only increased. Between<br />

1990 and 2010, inequality of income<br />

within developing countries rose by 11%.<br />

And income inequality within developed<br />

countries has risen too. Realisation that<br />

economic progress alone is not enough to<br />

combat poverty is increasing worldwide.<br />

Economic growth has to be inclusive, i.e.<br />

everyone has to be involved. The concept<br />

of ‘economic growth’ also has to include<br />

paying attention to social aspects and to<br />

the environment. This development goal<br />

comprises ten objectives that are about<br />

reducing inequality between people, and<br />

that can refer to social, economic, financial<br />

or political inequality. They can also be<br />

about having equal opportunities and<br />

ending discrimination.<br />

SDG 11:<br />

Sustainable Cities and<br />

Communities<br />

Half the world's population – some 3.5<br />

billion people – live in cities and that<br />

proportion is expected to grow: nearly 60<br />

per cent of the world’s population may<br />

be living in urban areas by 2030. Almost<br />

all of that urbanisation (95 per cent) is<br />

happening in developing countries and the<br />

growth of urban areas is taking place in<br />

slums. Some 823 million people live in such<br />

neighbourhoods now, but the number is<br />

expected to keep growing.<br />

This goal is mostly about the development<br />

of cities. It is important that this<br />

development strikes a balance between<br />

social, economic and environmental<br />

sustainability.<br />

<strong>Part</strong>icularly during the Covid-19 pandemic,<br />

it became clear that many infections with<br />

the virus could be traced back to densely<br />

populated areas. Additionally, this goal<br />

addresses the development of career<br />

opportunities, transport and handling<br />

natural disasters.<br />

SDG 12:<br />

Responsible Consumption and<br />

Production<br />

Ensuring sustainable management and<br />

efficient use of natural resources.<br />


Given the growing world population, we<br />

have to produce our goods in much more<br />

sophisticated ways – ‘producing more<br />

with less’.<br />

This goal has eleven targets that deal with<br />

ecological improvement of current food<br />

production methods, as well as waste<br />

reduction. It is important to produce food<br />

sustainably in order to preserve nature<br />

and reduce our material footprint, thereby<br />

having a positive effect on the climate.<br />

SDG 13:<br />

Climate Action<br />

Every country on every continent is being<br />

affected by climate change. Global warming<br />

is already affecting the daily lives and<br />

incomes of millions of people worldwide and<br />

this is only going to increase in the future.<br />

This goal aims to tackle climate change<br />

through five targets that attempt to<br />

prevent climate disasters, increase our<br />

understanding and focus on policies for<br />

getting a grip on the problem worldwide.<br />

SDG 15:<br />

Life On Land<br />

This goal is about protecting, restoring and<br />

promoting sustainable use of ecosystems,<br />

managing forests sustainably, combating<br />

desertification and land degradation and<br />

bringing biodiversity loss to a halt.<br />

Woodland and forests cover 30 per cent of<br />

the Earth’s land surface. As well as being<br />

important for food security and providing<br />

shelter, they are essential for combating<br />

climate change and protecting biodiversity<br />

and they are the habitat of various<br />

indigenous peoples. We are losing 13 million<br />

hectares of forests every year and land<br />

degradation is causing the desertification of<br />

3.6 billion hectares of land.<br />

The development goal has twelve targets, all<br />

related to life on land. Plants are important<br />

for people and animals as food; agriculture<br />

is an important source of plants. Moreover,<br />

some species are in danger of disappearing,<br />

which can affect the ecosystem and<br />

endanger other species.<br />

Feeling safe and secure is a basic need.<br />

Exploitation and human trafficking is one<br />

example of a target, but aspects such as<br />

enforcement and compliance with the law<br />

can also be considered. Voting rights and<br />

participation, the feeling of having a voice<br />

that is heard in society, are also part of this.<br />

SDG 17:<br />

<strong>Part</strong>nerships for the Goals<br />

The last development goal consists of<br />

five different categories that in turn<br />

consist of targets in finance, technology,<br />

trade and systems, as well as support for<br />

self-development. This goal is essentially<br />

about cooperation between countries<br />

and it attempts to promote policies for<br />

sustainability.<br />

For all five secondary targets, it is important<br />

that the initiatives are launched properly<br />

and sustainably, looking at how the targets<br />

can be achieved for each country and<br />

between countries and sectors as fairly<br />

as possible.<br />

SDG 14:<br />

Life Below Water<br />

The oceans, with their reservoir of heat,<br />

their currents and their undersea life, are<br />

the engine of the global systems that make<br />

the Earth habitable for humans. They cover<br />

three quarters of the Earth’s surface.<br />

Our drinking water, our weather, climate,<br />

the coasts, much of our food and even the<br />

air that we breathe are all dependent on<br />

the seas.<br />

There are ten objectives for the<br />

development goal about water. These cover<br />

aspects such as pollution and protection<br />

of the ecosystems e.g. by avoiding overfishing.<br />

Pollution in the water is particularly<br />

important, given that a great deal of plastic<br />

worldwide ends up in the seas.<br />

SDG 16:<br />

Peace, Justice, and Strong<br />

Institutions<br />

The aim is to encourage peaceful and<br />

inclusive societies with a view to sustainable<br />

development. The Millennium <strong>De</strong>velopment<br />

Goals did not pay much attention to this,<br />

but almost everyone now agrees that<br />

development is all but impossible without<br />

peace, security and justice. Corruption, theft<br />

and tax evasion cost developing countries<br />

$1.26 billion a year – money that could be<br />

put to good use tackling poverty or letting<br />

children go to school. Half of primary school<br />

pupils in conflict zones leave school without<br />

any form of diploma. Peace, justice and<br />

strong public services lead to development<br />

and vice versa. They reinforce each other.<br />

The development goal list sixteen targets<br />

that deal with violence, peace and equality.<br />



Since its inception in 2015, the UN’s Agenda for 2030 has<br />

been a blueprint for shared prosperity in a sustainable<br />

world, one in which all people can live productive, active<br />

and peaceful lives on a healthy planet. It will be 2030<br />

in just under a decade from now and the question<br />

is whether our actions today are laying appropriate<br />

foundations for achieving the sustainable development<br />

goals (SDGs).<br />

The SDGs are a universal call to action for ending<br />

poverty, protecting the planet and improving the lives<br />

and prospects of everyone everywhere. The 17 goals were<br />

adopted in 2015 by all UN member states as part of the<br />

2030 Agenda for Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment, which sets<br />

out a fifteen-year plan for achieving them.<br />

Targets related directly to climate change<br />

On closer examination, not many of the SDGs are directly<br />

related to climate change. The goals directly related to<br />

that theme are numbers 7, 9, 11 and 13.<br />

SDG 7:<br />

Affordable and Clean Energy<br />

Even today, 13% of the world's population still has no<br />

access to modern electricity. Three billion people depend<br />

on wood, coal or animal waste for cooking and heating.<br />

Energy is the main driver of climate change, accounting<br />

for about 60% of total global greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

Indoor air pollution from using flammable fuels for<br />

household energy caused 4.3 million deaths in 2012, six<br />

out of ten of which were women or girls. The share of<br />

renewable energy in overall net energy consumption was<br />

only 17.5% in 2015.<br />


SDG 9:<br />

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure<br />

It has long been known that growth in productivity and<br />

incomes and improvements in health and education<br />

outcomes all need investment in infrastructure.<br />

Manufacturing operations are an important driver of<br />

economic development and employment. Another<br />

important factor to consider is the carbon dioxide<br />

emitted by production processes. Emissions have fallen<br />

in many countries over the last decade but the rate of<br />

decline has not been consistent throughout the world.<br />

Technological progress is the foundation underpinning<br />

the efforts to achieve environmental goals, such as<br />

increasing the additional resources and improving energy<br />

efficiency. Without technology and innovation, there will<br />

be no industrialisation – and without industrialisation,<br />

there will be no development. To increase efficiency<br />

and focus on mobile cellular services that improve the<br />

connections between people, more investment is needed<br />

in the high-tech products that dominate production.<br />

SDG 11:<br />

Sustainable Cities and Communities<br />

Half of all humanity – 3.5 billion people – lives in cities<br />

today and 5 billion people are expected to be city<br />

dwellers by 2030. It is expected that 95 per cent of urban<br />

growth in the coming decades will happen in developing<br />

countries.<br />

The world’s cities may only cover 3 per cent of the Earth’s<br />

surface but they account for 60-80 per cent of energy<br />

consumption and 75 per cent of carbon emissions. As<br />

of 2016, 90% of city dwellers were breathing unsafe<br />

air, resulting in 4.2 million deaths due to air pollution<br />

annually. More than half of the urban population<br />

worldwide was exposed to air pollution levels at least 2.5<br />

times higher than the safety standard.<br />

SDG 13:<br />

Climate Action<br />

From 1880 to 2012, average global temperatures rose by<br />

0.85°C. To put that into perspective, grain yields fall by<br />

about 5 per cent for every degree that the temperature<br />

increases. Yields of maize, wheat and other major crops<br />

decreased significantly by 40 megatons a year between<br />

1981 and 2002 due to the warmer climate.<br />

Oceans have warmed up, amounts of snow and ice have<br />

gone down and sea levels have risen. From 1901 to 2010,<br />

the global average sea level rose by 19 cm as the oceans<br />

expanded due to warming and as ice melted. The Arctic<br />

icecap has been shrinking every decade since 1979, with<br />

1.07 million km2 of ice being lost per decade.<br />

Given current concentrations and continued greenhouse<br />

gas emissions, it is likely that global temperatures will be<br />

more than 1.5°C higher by the end of this century than<br />

they were in 1850 to 1900 (for all but one scenario). The<br />

world’s oceans will warm up and the melting of ice will<br />

continue.<br />

The predicted average sea level rise is 24-30 cm by<br />

2065 and 40-63 cm by 2100. Most of the aspects of<br />

climate change will continue for many centuries even if<br />

emissions are stopped.<br />

Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased<br />

by almost 50 per cent since 1990 and they grew faster<br />


etween 2000 and 2010 than in any of the previous<br />

three decades.<br />

It is still feasible to limit the increases in average<br />

global temperatures to two degrees Celsius above the<br />

pre-industrial levels if a wide range of technological<br />

measures and behavioural changes are adopted. Major<br />

institutional and technological changes may make<br />

it possible to avoid global warming exceeding this<br />

threshold.<br />

Sources of climate change<br />

Anthropogenic warming reached about 1°C above preindustrial<br />

levels in 2017 and it is going up at an average<br />

of 0.2°C per decade. Warming that is above the global<br />

average has already been seen in many regions and<br />

seasons, with the average warming above land being<br />

higher than above the oceans.<br />

Most land areas are undergoing warming at above the<br />

global average rate, while most ocean areas are warming<br />

more slowly. <strong>De</strong>pending on the temperature dataset<br />

used, 20-40% of the world’s population live in regions<br />

that experienced warming of more than 1.5°C above preindustrial<br />

levels during at least one season in the decade<br />

from 2006 to 2015.<br />

Global warming rate<br />

Current rate of warming<br />

1.5˚C<br />

Anthropogenic warming<br />

2017<br />

Climate uncertainty<br />

for the 1.5°C graph<br />

Observed warming<br />

1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100<br />

Source: UN report ‘The heat is on’<br />


Past emissions alone are unlikely to raise average<br />

global temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels,<br />

but past emissions do cause other changes, such as<br />

further rises in sea levels. If all anthropogenic emissions<br />

(including those related to aerosols) were to be reduced<br />

to zero with immediate effect, any further warming<br />

above the 1°C already experienced would probably<br />

remain below 0.5°C over the next two to three decades<br />

and indeed below 0.5°C over a century, thanks to the<br />

opposing effects of various climate processes and<br />

factors. Warming by more than 1.5°C is therefore not<br />

geophysically inevitable; whether it will happen depends<br />

on future emissions reductions.<br />

All the 1.5°C pathways involve limiting cumulative<br />

emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases (including<br />

carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides), as well as<br />

significantly reducing other substances that affect<br />

the climate. Limiting cumulative emissions either<br />

means reducing net global emissions of long-lived<br />

greenhouse gases to zero before the cumulative limit<br />

is reached, or requires net negative global emissions<br />

(i.e. anthropogenic removal) after the limit has been<br />

exceeded.<br />

Sources associated with warming to 1.5°C above preindustrial<br />

levels can be identified using a series of<br />

assumptions about economic growth, technological<br />

developments and lifestyles. However, the lack of<br />

cooperation worldwide, the shortfall in political and<br />

administrative input about the energy and land<br />

transformations required, and increases in resourceintensive<br />

consumption are major obstacles to achieving<br />

the 1.5°C pathways. Available calculations aiming at<br />

exceeding the 1.5°C target by a limited amount (less<br />

than 0.1°C) or by zero assume 25-30 gigatons of CO2<br />

equivalents per year for greenhouse gas emissions by<br />

2030. This contrasts with the median estimates, which<br />

assume 52-58 Gt CO2(eq)/year by 2030.<br />

Pathways aimed at limiting warming to 1.5°C by 2100<br />

(after temporarily exceeding the temperature target)<br />

assume large-scale deployment of carbon dioxide<br />

removal measures, which are uncertain and carry<br />

obvious risks.<br />

In model pathways where there is zero or limited<br />

overshoot of the 1.5°C target, global net anthropogenic<br />

CO2 emissions fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by<br />

2030 and reach net zero around 2050. To achieve at<br />

least a 66% probability of limiting global warming to<br />

less than 2°C, most extrapolations suggest that CO2<br />

emissions must fall by about 25% by 2030 and reach net<br />

zero around 2070.<br />

Limiting warming to 1.5°C requires a clear shift in<br />

investments. Compared to pathways without new<br />

climate policies, additional annual average energyrelated<br />

investments for the period 2016 to 2050 in<br />

pathways that limit warming to 1.5°C are estimated<br />

at about $830 billion, on top of the pathways already<br />

taken (i.e. baseline). Total energy-related investments<br />

have to increase by about 12% in the 1.5°C pathways, as<br />

compared to 2°C pathways. Average annual investments<br />

in low-carbon energy technology and energy efficiency<br />

need to be scaled up by a factor of about six by 2050<br />

compared to 2015, overtaking fossil investments<br />

worldwide by about 2025.<br />


Change in surface temperature due to cumulative CO2 emissions<br />

Change in surface temperature from 1850-1900 (°C)<br />

3.0<br />

2.5<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000<br />

Cumulative carbon dioxide emissions since 1876 (GtCO2)<br />

Average historic ESMs/EMICs from AR5<br />

Average RCP8.5 ESMs/EMICs from AR5<br />

ESM/EMIC range from AR5<br />

Historic warming (observed)<br />

Historic warming (CMIP5)<br />

GMST historic warming (observed)<br />

16-84% TCRE range<br />

33-67% TCRE range<br />

average TCRE<br />

observed averages<br />

ESM: Earth system modelling<br />

EMIC: ESM with Intermediate Complexity<br />

AR5: 5 th assessment report (IPCC)<br />

RCP8.5: representative concentration pathway<br />

CMIP5: Coupled Model Intercomparison<br />

Project Phase 5<br />

GMST: Global mean surface tempeature<br />

TCRE: transient climate response to<br />

(cumulative carbon) emissions<br />

Source: UN report – The heat is on<br />

Cumulative CO2 emissions budgets<br />

Another way of setting emission reduction targets<br />

compared to today is based on the idea of a CO2<br />

budget, i.e. the maximum cumulative amount of<br />

CO2 that can be emitted into the atmosphere while<br />

maintaining a reasonable chance of avoiding a<br />

specified level of global warming.<br />

Various scenarios have been determined based on<br />

estimates for the CO2 budget in 2011:<br />

- For a 50 per cent chance of at least achieving the<br />

2°C target: no more than 1,300 Gt CO2(eq)<br />

- For a 66 per cent chance of at least achieving the<br />

2°C target: no more than 1,000 Gt CO2(eq)<br />

- For a 50 per cent chance of at least achieving the<br />

1.5°C target: no more than 550 Gt CO2(eq)<br />

Cumulative CO2 emissions between 2012 and 2016 came<br />

to about 184 Gt CO2(eq), which means that between<br />

2012 and 2016 the world consumed one sixth, one fifth<br />

and one third respectively of the available CO2 budget<br />

from 2011 for a 50 per cent chance of achieving the 2°C<br />

target, a 66 per cent chance of reaching the 2°C target,<br />

or a 50 per cent chance of attaining the 1.5°C target.<br />

The calculations show that the remaining CO2 budget<br />

will be consumed quickly at current levels of emissions.<br />

The situation is more extreme under the higherprobability<br />

scenarios and those limiting warming to<br />

lower levels. Once the budget for a given scenario has<br />

been exhausted, achieving the temperature target<br />

becomes less likely, more expensive or both. Managing<br />

a CO2 budget sensibly means reducing emissions so<br />


Remaining CO2 budget for various probabilities of restricting warming<br />

to 2°C or 1.5°C – Global warming rate<br />

CO2 budget for a 50% probability<br />

of restricting the temperature<br />

increase to 2°C<br />

CO2 budget for a 66%<br />

probability of restricting the temperature<br />

increase to 2°C<br />

CO2 budget for a 50% probability<br />

of restricting the temperature<br />

increase to 1.5°C<br />

Remainder Emissions from 2012-2016<br />

Source: UN, Climate action and support trends 2019<br />

that global carbon neutrality can be achieved before<br />

the budget runs out. According to the data, emissions<br />

have not yet peaked. The later the emissions peak and<br />

start to fall, the more CO2 will have accumulated in the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Cumulative CO2 emissions are kept within a budget by<br />

reducing global annual CO2 emissions to net zero. This<br />

analysis suggests a remaining budget of about 420 Gt<br />

CO2 for a two-in-three chance of limiting warming to<br />

1.5°C and of about 580 Gt CO2 for a fifty-fifty chance.<br />

The definition of the remaining carbon budget used here<br />

is the cumulative CO2 emissions from the beginning<br />

of 2018 until net-zero global warming emissions are<br />

achieved, defined as a change in air temperatures near<br />

the surface worldwide. Staying within a remaining carbon<br />

budget of 580 Gt CO2 means achieving CO2 neutrality<br />

within about 30 years, or only 20 years if the remaining<br />

CO2 budget is taken to be 420 Gt CO2.<br />

Effects of buildings<br />

Buildings account for 32% of global energy consumption<br />

(IEA, 2016c) and have massive energy-saving potential<br />

thanks to the technologies available such as energy<br />

efficiency improvements in technical systems, in<br />

thermal insulation (Toleikyte et al., 2018) and energy<br />

supply (Thomas et al., 2017). Kuramochi et al., (2018)<br />

show that the pathways to remain on track for 1.5°C<br />

warming require an 80-90% reduction in emissions from<br />

buildings by 2050, new buildings to be almost fossil-free<br />

by 2020 and existing buildings to be renovated faster<br />

at up to 5% per year in OECD countries (Organisation for<br />

Economic Cooperation and <strong>De</strong>velopment).<br />

The IEA-ETP (IEA, 2017g) identifies a large savings<br />

potential in heating and cooling through improved<br />

building design and more efficient equipment and lighting.<br />


Several examples of zero net energy in buildings are now<br />

available 1001 . In existing buildings, renovation can achieve<br />

both energy savings 1002 and cost savings 1003 .<br />

Reducing the energy in building materials further<br />

reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas<br />

emissions 1004 , particularly through increased use of<br />

sustainable materials 1005 and wooden structures 1006 .<br />

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP3)<br />

estimates that improving the energy embodied in<br />

buildings, their thermal performance and their direct<br />

energy can reduce emissions by 1.9 Gt CO2e/year (UNEP,<br />

2017b), with an additional reduction of 3 Gt CO2e/year<br />

through energy-efficient appliances and lighting (UNEP,<br />

2017b). Further increases in the energy efficiency of<br />

appliances and lighting, heating and cooling offer the<br />

potential for further savings 1007 .<br />

Recycling materials and developing a circular economy<br />

can be institutionally challenging, in that it demands<br />

advanced capabilities 1010 and organisational change 1011 ,<br />

but there are benefits in terms of costs, health,<br />

governance and the environment 1012 . No analysis of<br />

the effects on energy consumption and environmental<br />

problems is available, but substitution can play a key<br />

role in reducing emissions 1013 , although its potential<br />

depends on e.g. the demand for materials and the rate of<br />

conversion of buildings 1014 . Substitution of materials and<br />

CO2 storage options are being developed, e.g. using algae<br />

and renewable energy to produce carbon fibre, that can<br />

become a net carbon sink 1015 .<br />

Smart technology based on the Internet of Things and<br />

building information modelling offer opportunities to<br />

accelerate energy efficiency improvements in buildings<br />

and cities 1008 . Some cities in developing countries are<br />

already using these technologies to achieve low-carbon<br />

infrastructure, buildings and appliances 1009 .<br />

Notes:<br />

1001 Wells et al., 2018<br />

1002 Semprini et al., 2017; Brambilla et al., 2018;<br />

D’Agostino and Parker, 2018; Sun et al., 2018<br />

1003 Toleikyte et al., 2018; Zangheri et al., 2018<br />

1004 Cabeza et al., 2013; Oliver and Morecroft, 2014;<br />

Koezjakov et al., 2018<br />

1005 Lupišek et al., 2015<br />

1006 Ramage et al., 2017<br />

1007 Parikh and Parikh, 2016; Garg et al., 2017<br />

1008 Moreno-Cruz and Keith, 2013; Hoy, 2016<br />

1009 Newman et al., 2017; Teferi and Newman, 2017;<br />

Cross-Chapter Box 13 in Section 5<br />

1010 Henry et al., 2006<br />

1011 Cooper-Searle et al., 2018<br />

1012 Ali et al., 2017).<br />

1013 Ahman et al., 2016<br />

1014 Haas et al., 2015<br />

1015 Arnold et al., 2018<br />



2<br />




To tackle global environmental changes and improve people’s well-being, many countries have signed<br />

international treaties and agreements. The Netherlands has also undertaken to do this. At the request<br />

of two ministries, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has summarised the<br />

core messages of five recently published worldwide environmental reviews*), focusing on tackling<br />

climate change, land degradation and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. At the same<br />

time, there was a search for lessons that can be learned for the transitions that the Netherlands has<br />

embarked upon: towards a sustainable energy supply, towards closed-cycle agriculture and towards a<br />

circular economy.<br />

The five exploratory environmental reports present<br />

an unambiguous message: action is urgently needed<br />

to halt further environmental degradation and meet<br />

internationally agreed targets. Even if existing national<br />

plans to combat climate change are implemented in<br />

full, the world is heading for a three-degree rise in global<br />

temperatures, whereas the Paris Climate Agreement<br />

stipulates a maximum of two degrees. Although there<br />

is a global agreement to halt land degradation and<br />

biodiversity loss, extrapolating current trends points<br />

toward continued land-use changes (deforestation<br />

for agriculture in particular), declining soil fertility and<br />

further – possibly even accelerated – degradation of<br />

nature and ecosystem functions. The negative effects<br />

of environmental degradation are already visible and<br />

disproportionately affecting poor communities and<br />

vulnerable groups worldwide. Continuing on the current<br />

path will mean that internationally agreed environmental<br />

targets cannot be met. This puts pressure on the<br />

realisation of the Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals (SDGs)<br />

and therefore on the welfare of current and future<br />

generations. Moreover, it is in many cases cheaper and<br />

less invasive to take action now rather than later on and<br />

having to reverse further environmental damage.<br />

Mutual interconnectedness<br />

Climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss<br />

are environmental effects that are strongly interlinked.<br />

Not only do they affect each other negatively and<br />

derive from the same root causes, but their possible<br />

solutions are also strongly interconnected and can<br />

either reinforce or counteract each other. Changing<br />

consumption patterns, using natural resources more<br />

efficiently and restoring soils and ecosystems all help<br />

resolve multiple environmental and socioeconomic<br />

problems at the same time (synergy). In contrast,<br />

climate mitigation measures that require land (e.g.<br />

bioenergy and reforestation) and intensification<br />

of agriculture often involve numerous trade-offs.<br />

Large-scale production of biomass, for instance, may<br />

conflict with protecting biodiversity and improving food<br />

security; intensification of agriculture may go hand<br />

in hand with increasing nitrogen surpluses and water<br />

demand. Exploiting synergies and avoiding or reducing<br />

trade-offs demands an integrated approach aimed<br />

at policy integration and cohesiveness, addressing<br />

environmental issues as an interrelated whole.<br />


Consumption pattern<br />

The five exploratory environmental studies cover<br />

a wide range of behavioural, technological and<br />

management measures.<br />

The size and urgency of the task mean that measures<br />

from all three categories are needed. Changes in<br />

consumption patterns strengthen the synergy for<br />

achieving numerous environmental and social goals.<br />

There is also a growing awareness that technological<br />

solutions have their downsides. Greater emphasis on<br />

changing consumption patterns reduces dependence on<br />

technological solutions but also requires a major change<br />

in the welfare paradigm of material consumption and<br />

economic growth, particularly for the current generation<br />

with their large environmental footprint.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the policy efforts and the progress that has been<br />

made, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands<br />

are still high, livestock farming is pushing its ecological<br />

and social limits and biodiversity is under huge pressure.<br />

Compared to other European countries, the Netherlands<br />

scores very poorly. Moreover, Dutch consumers have a<br />

relatively high (and for some indicators even increasing)<br />

environmental footprint with a significant impact beyond<br />

the country’s borders.<br />

Several general lessons can be drawn from the key<br />

insights from the five global exploratory studies for three<br />

upcoming Dutch transitions: towards a sustainable<br />

energy supply (Climate Agreement 2019), towards<br />

closed-cycle farming (LNV vision 2018) and towards a<br />

circular economy (Nationwide Programme 2016).<br />

Perhaps the most important and at the same time<br />

maybe the biggest challenge are consumption<br />

patterns, such as reducing meat and dairy<br />

consumption. Promoting behavioural change is a<br />

challenge because it touches on people’s worldview<br />

and their views about the quality of life. Consumption<br />

patterns are largely determined by social routines that<br />

cannot be changed overnight.<br />

Ecological footprint<br />

A large proportion of the environmental burden is caused<br />

by the production processes used to make our consumer<br />

goods, which is why the UN panel is calling for a change<br />

in current ways of consuming and producing. The Dutch<br />

cabinet’s response has been to set a target of halving<br />

the ecological footprint of Dutch consumers by 2050.<br />

The environmental pressures associated with<br />

production and consumption are known as the<br />

ecological footprint. The Dutch ecological footprint<br />

quantifies the burden that national consumption is<br />

placing on the raw materials available worldwide. It<br />

covers the raw material requirements throughout the<br />

value chain from primary production and industrial<br />

processing to final consumption. This is the net<br />

combined consumption of the Dutch populace,<br />

including the consumption of governmental bodies.<br />

The ecological footprint is expressed in ‘global<br />

hectares’, the average amount of space needed<br />

worldwide to produce biological raw materials for our<br />

consumption. This includes the space that would be<br />

needed to offset the CO2 emissions of consumption by<br />

sequestering carbon in forests. This space is referred to<br />

as ‘virtual’ because it is not actually occupied.<br />



Dutch consumption has an ecological footprint that<br />

is typical of the consumption patterns of prosperous<br />

Western countries. The ecological footprint of Dutch<br />

consumption grew from the early eighties until around<br />

2007, after which falling energy use meant that the<br />

footprint began to shrink slowly. Much of the Dutch<br />

ecological footprint consists of the land needed to<br />

produce the food, paper and wood we consume, and<br />

more than half of it is the area needed to compensate<br />

for the greenhouse gas emissions due to energy used in<br />

Dutch consumption.<br />

that are felled to produce cattle feed on that land. The<br />

aim of halving the footprint thus requires both national<br />

policies for domestic consumption and production, and<br />

international policies for the environmental effects<br />

of production elsewhere. It should be noted that the<br />

consumption footprint does not include raw materials<br />

used in the Netherlands for producing food and goods<br />

that are exported, such as milk and cheese for foreign<br />

consumption. A proportion of the environmental impact<br />

of production in the Netherlands therefore falls outside<br />

the scope.<br />

The land-use footprint of Dutch consumption in 2017<br />

was about three times greater than the country’s land<br />

area. After shrinking during the economic crisis of the<br />

previous decade, it is now growing again. About 80 per<br />

cent of this land use is outside the Netherlands. The<br />

greenhouse gas footprint from energy consumption in<br />

2015 was 230 megatons of CO2 equivalents. About a<br />

third of these emissions are related to domestic energy<br />

use, both direct emissions at the consumer’s home and<br />

indirect emissions within the supply chains for producing<br />

electricity and fuels. As is the case for the land footprint,<br />

much of the greenhouse gas footprint lies outside the<br />

Netherlands (about 40 per cent); this is related to the<br />

production of goods and services abroad.<br />

Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals (SDGs)<br />

Resources and raw materials are indispensable for<br />

achieving the UN Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goals.<br />

Producing, processing and using raw materials creates<br />

environmental pressures and affects nature both on<br />

land and in water; SDGs have been formulated for<br />

these effects. The development goal for sustainable<br />

consumption and production patterns aims to balance<br />

the demand for raw materials on the one hand and limit<br />

impacts on the environment and nature on the other.<br />

Various footprint indicators can be used that cover the<br />

relationships between demand and effect.<br />

If the Dutch footprint is to be halved, the Netherlands will<br />

also have to adopt an international trade policy. Many of<br />

the goods and products we consume (e.g. food, energy<br />

and raw materials such as metals) are imported. Dutch<br />

consumption patterns therefore affect both nature in<br />

the immediate vicinity and nature and environmental<br />

conditions elsewhere in the world, such as the forests<br />


Relationship between sustainable development<br />

goals and footprint indicators<br />

Human needs<br />

Zero Hunger<br />

Affordable and<br />

Clean Energy<br />

<strong>De</strong>mand for<br />

resources<br />

Industry, Innovation<br />

and Infrastructure<br />

Sustainable Cities<br />

and Communities<br />

Source: JRC 2019; adapted by PBL<br />

Greenhouse gas footprint of the Netherlands<br />

The total greenhouse gas footprint created by<br />

consumption in the Netherlands in 2015 was 232<br />

megatons of CO2 equivalents, i.e. almost 14 tons of CO2(eq)<br />

per capita (Wilting et al., 2021). About a third of these<br />

emissions are related to domestic energy consumption.<br />

Greenhouse gas footprint of Dutch<br />

consumption, per person<br />

Tons of CO2 equivalents per capita<br />

20<br />

Responsible<br />

consumption<br />

and production<br />

Footprint indicators<br />

Use of resources<br />

Ecological footprint<br />

Materials<br />

Water<br />

Environmental<br />

burdens<br />

Greenhouse gases<br />

Nitrogen oxide<br />

Phosphates Impact<br />

<strong>Part</strong>iculate matter<br />

Ozone<br />

Land use<br />

Effects<br />

Biodiversity<br />

Eutrophication<br />

Ecosystem services<br />

Impact<br /><br />

Natural capital<br />

Clean Water and Sanitation<br />

Climate Action<br />

Life Below Water<br />

Life On Land<br />

This includes both direct emissions that occur at the<br />

consumer’s location such as heating and driving,<br />

and indirect emissions in the chain for producing the<br />

electricity and fuel consumed. Services (including trade<br />

and transport) contributed almost 40 per cent of the<br />

greenhouse gas footprint in 2015. A large proportion<br />

of the greenhouse gas footprint also lies outside the<br />

Netherlands (about 40 per cent) due to association<br />

with the locations where products and services for the<br />

Netherlands are made. The trend in the Netherlands’<br />

greenhouse gas footprint shows a steady downward<br />

trend over the period 2007 to 2015, albeit with some<br />

fluctuations. More recent trends (through to 2020) are<br />

not yet known, as international databases for calculating<br />

the foreign component are not yet available.<br />

Reducing the footprints<br />

Options for intervening in the production and<br />

consumption chain will differ in terms of how much they<br />

can help reduce footprints and meet biodiversity targets.<br />

Energy consumption by consumers (or more generally,<br />

the energy consumption of buildings) can for instance be<br />

reduced by insulation. The need for primary raw materials<br />

can be cut by circular reuse strategies: not only recycling<br />

products or reusing waste but also sharing products and<br />

reusing and redesigning them.<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2005 2007<br />

2009 2011 2013 2015<br />

Energy in the chain<br />

Energy for households<br />

Other services<br />

Trade and transport services<br />

Other goods<br />

Food<br /><br />

Relevance for the solar shading industry<br />

For this sector, consumption patterns may seem a bit<br />

more abstract. There are, however, points of interest that<br />

are much closer to home: climate and energy, as well as<br />

the circular economy.<br />

Source: PBL<br />


For climate and energy, there is a direct contribution<br />

by sun awnings as a product: applying dynamic sun<br />

shading can reduce energy consumption in buildings and<br />

simultaneously help cut emissions of greenhouse gases.<br />

The challenge for the sector is to present the narrative<br />

correctly, to provide the evidence in building-specific<br />

situations and to show that the entire value chain is (on<br />

balance) less environmentally harmful than the gains<br />

over the technical lifespans of the final systems.<br />

Together with DGMR, <strong>Somfy</strong> Nederland has developed<br />

a model that makes it possible to mimic energy<br />

consumption in a room; specifically, an office was<br />

used for the model. Based on that, it was possible to<br />

extrapolate the results to an entire office building.<br />

Office buildings are currently the priority, but it seems<br />

obvious to use the method for other types of buildings<br />

as well. In fact, the method makes it possible to give<br />

real-world answers to two questions, namely the<br />

energy consumption reduction achieved using dynamic<br />

shading in an office building, and the related reduction<br />

in CO2 emissions. This lets us help resolve the first<br />

two challenges described earlier in this section. The<br />

third point mentioned has already been the subject of<br />

research in Germany (see The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>, first edition<br />

p. 69) and remains unanswered here. The goal of a<br />

fully circular economy by 2050 and the intermediate<br />

objective of halving the use of primary abiotic raw<br />

materials by 2030 need to be made more concrete.<br />

For the intermediate objective, this concretisation<br />

includes the question of whether it also applies to<br />

fossil fuels, adopting a chain approach to give a<br />

clear picture of overall consumption of raw materials<br />

(including environmental burdens beyond the country’s<br />

borders), and utilising both production and consumption<br />

perspectives (as both offer relevant handles for setting<br />

policy). Current steering mechanisms that focus on<br />

the input of raw materials do not per se help lower<br />

environmental burdens and make supplies more secure,<br />

whereas they are the ultimate goals of the transition to a<br />

circular economy.<br />

In that respect, the sun awnings industry still has some<br />

way to go. The initiative will have to come from major<br />

manufacturers who have the knowledge and resources<br />

to create a full picture of that aspect of their processes<br />

and determine how circular their products are. There will<br />

hopefully be a readiness to improve once the baseline<br />

has been determined. Although we do not yet know the<br />

facts, it seems safe to assume that improvements can<br />

be made.<br />

Awareness (and raising the awareness level) are more<br />

effective and faster than waiting for new legislation,<br />

which can take years. Improvements can be accelerated<br />

by informing consumers better about this topic. This<br />

applies market pressure on producers, driving innovation<br />

and bringing opportunities to add value in the supply<br />

chain, as well as giving producers a chance to stand out<br />

from the crowd.<br />

* For the sake of completeness, here are the five exploratory studies in question: Global Land Outlook: first edition (UNCCD, 2017), Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018, IPCC), Global Environment<br />

Outlook 6: Healthy Planet, Healthy People (2019, UNEP), Global Resources Outlook 2019: Resources for the future we want (2019, IRP) and The Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity<br />

and Ecosystem Services (2019, IPBES).<br />








The Earth is getting warmer as a result of the huge quantities of greenhouse gases entering the<br />

atmosphere. The chief culprits are methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).<br />

Although these gases do belong in the atmosphere, their concentrations have gone up massively<br />

over the last 150 years because of human activity. These gases are collectively referred to as<br />

‘greenhouse gases’. It should be noted that without the basic concentrations of these gases, the<br />

average temperature on Earth would be -18 degrees Celsius. They retain the sun’s heat in the<br />

atmosphere. However, elevated concentrations increase this effect with a variety of consequences<br />

such as higher temperatures, rising sea levels and disrupted ocean circulation patterns.<br />

We can now consider global warming to be a fact.<br />

Estimates of the effects on the average temperature<br />

vary. According to calculations by the UN, the difference<br />

between a 1.5-degree and a 2-degree rise boils down to<br />

2.6 times more extreme heat, 10 times more summers<br />

without ice at the North Pole, 2.3 times more crop<br />

failures, occasional devastating floods, devastating<br />

forest fires like those in Australia and California, and<br />

50% less fertile farmland.<br />

We can’t get round it: Man is the biggest polluter. The<br />

main cause is fossil fuels such as oil, coal, lignite and<br />

natural gas. Fossil fuels are pumping CO2, formed from<br />

the remains of plants and animals that had been stored<br />

in the Earth’s crust for over 300 million years, back into<br />

the atmosphere. More than half of all anthropogenic<br />

CO2 emissions have been over the last 30 years. It’s no<br />

wonder that the planet is protesting!<br />

Rising sea levels<br />

At the end of 2019, scientists announced in a<br />

publication in Nature that the ice cap in Greenland is<br />

melting 4 times faster than in the twentieth century.<br />

Many people will remember the TV images from<br />

the summer of 2020 of swirling masses of water in<br />

Greenland as a result of a heat wave with temperatures<br />

rising to 20 degrees Celsius.<br />

If melting continues at this pace, sea levels will have<br />

risen 67 centimetres (!) by the end of this century. The<br />

knowledge institute <strong>De</strong>ltares has calculated that the<br />

sea level off the Dutch coast rose by an average of 1.86<br />

millimetres per year over the past century, a rate that<br />

is currently not accelerating. The rise off the coast here<br />

is therefore lagging behind the average, partly because<br />

the meltwater from Greenland has not reached the<br />

area (yet).<br />

The estimates of global warming doing the rounds in<br />

political circles are long outdated. Climate scientists<br />

at the University of Wyoming are now working with<br />

models in which warming is accelerating over time. It is<br />

probably more realistic to multiply the numbers that are<br />

currently circulating by a factor of two.<br />

Other countries may be affected earlier and will sooner<br />

or later face existential choices: letting land flood or<br />

carrying out massive infrastructure projects. Islands<br />

like Fiji and the Maldives may fear for their very survival<br />

with these rises in sea level. These countries will<br />

just literally disappear into the ocean if no swift and<br />



appropriate response is forthcoming. In the long run, of<br />

course, this is just as true for the Netherlands.<br />

Elon Musk, by the way, has come up with a revolutionary<br />

solution for this. He suggests digging up the seabed<br />

with giant excavators and using the material obtained<br />

for raising the Earth’s surface. Some scientists are<br />

calling it Musk’s most realistic plan yet...<br />

Climate mitigation<br />

Preventing further climate change by reducing<br />

greenhouse gas emissions is called climate mitigation.<br />

This works best when countries work together, so that<br />

has to be done at government level.<br />

The Netherlands has committed itself to several<br />

international agreements. The key ones are:<br />

- The 1992 United Nations Climate Convention; this<br />

was the first such treaty.<br />

- The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which states that<br />

emission reductions will vary from country to<br />

country and can be traded between them.<br />

- The UN climate summit in Paris (the Conference<br />

of <strong>Part</strong>ies – COP21) in 2016, at which the<br />

Netherlands agreed to a new UN climate<br />

agreement aiming to limit global warming to well<br />

below 2 degrees Celsius, with a clear route to 1.5<br />

degrees Celsius.<br />

The UN Paris Climate Agreement<br />

The 2016 Climate Agreement came into force in 2020.<br />

It was signed by the (then 28 ) EU member states and<br />

aims to reduce the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions<br />

by at least 40% by 2030. The European Commission<br />

checks the climate plans of the EU member states<br />

against the targets set.<br />

European Green <strong>De</strong>al<br />

Climate change and environmental degradation are<br />

putting the future of Europe and indeed the world at<br />

risk. In response, the European Commission drew up the<br />

European Green <strong>De</strong>al, an approach for transforming the<br />

EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive<br />

economy, with the primary goals of:<br />

- net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050<br />

- economic growth without exhausting resources<br />

- no person or region left to fend for themselves<br />

The European Green <strong>De</strong>al provides the blueprint for this<br />

dramatic transformation. All 27 EU member states are<br />

determined to make the EU the first climate-neutral<br />

continent by 2050 and they have therefore committed<br />

to reducing emissions by at least 55% (with respect to<br />

1990) by the end of 2030.<br />

The Green <strong>De</strong>al is being financed with one third of the<br />

1.8 trillion euros for the NextGeneration EU recovery<br />

plan and from the EU’s seven-year budget.<br />


<strong>De</strong>spite its name, the ‘deal’ is not a signed agreement<br />

but in fact an initial legislative proposal for making<br />

the EU climate-neutral by 2050. It is possible that the<br />

Green <strong>De</strong>al will give Europe an opportunity to present<br />

itself as one of the world’s leaders and let Europe show<br />

China and the USA the way forward – and in so doing<br />

perhaps become top dog again economically and<br />

technologically, ahead of China and the USA.<br />

Some key elements of the European Green <strong>De</strong>al, which<br />

contains a total of fifty climate-related actions, are:<br />

- An end to fossil fuel subsidies. According to an<br />

OECD estimate, €39 billion per year is spent on<br />

this in the EU.<br />

- A fund will be set up to provide financial<br />

assistance to the countries most affected by the<br />

energy transition as envisaged.<br />

- As the energy sector is responsible for 75% of<br />

greenhouse gas emissions, its use of fossil<br />

fuels will be phased out. There will be funds for<br />

developing renewable energy.<br />

- The price of polluting transport will become a fair<br />

reflection of the emissions. Tax exemptions for<br />

air and sea transport will be reconsidered.<br />

- There will be sustainability standards for<br />

European food, a plan to make food supplies<br />

more sustainable and a plan for making industry<br />

cleaner and more circular.<br />

As is well known, the United States withdrew from the<br />

Climate Agreement under Trump, while Biden rejoined<br />

it. As far as China is concerned, the economic situation<br />

means that the country has currently adopted a waitand-see<br />

attitude.<br />

The European Green <strong>De</strong>al also incidentally left open<br />

the possibility of implementing a CO2 tax for products<br />

originating from countries that do not tighten up their<br />

climate policies; this is naturally intended to protect<br />

European competitive positions, while at the same time<br />

providing an incentive for such countries to do so. It will<br />

surprise nobody to learn that China is not in favour of this.<br />

Calculations show that the current package of<br />

measures, applied by all countries combined, will still<br />

leave average temperatures on Earth rising by more<br />

than three degrees compared to the period before the<br />

Industrial Revolution; this is twice the limit that was at<br />

one time stated as being needed to prevent dangerous<br />

climate changes. In the meantime, investment in fossil<br />

fuels continues at a high level (estimated at $1.9 trillion<br />

since 2015).<br />

Apparently, trees are in again in Europe. Frans<br />

Timmermans, the European Commission's Executive<br />

Vice-President for the European Green <strong>De</strong>al, has set<br />

his sights on an additional 2 billion trees in the EU,<br />

the same figure that Jeremy Corbyn mentioned for<br />

the <strong>UK</strong> alone over the next 20 years. That’s quite a lot:<br />

it means 3 new trees every second, 24 hours every<br />

day. Both of them realise that trees take CO2 out of the<br />

air, which helps in Europe’s race to achieve climate<br />

neutrality by 2050.<br />




Madrid Climate Summit<br />

The outcome of the Madrid Climate Summit did not<br />

really satisfy anyone. China and the United States<br />

were at least talking, albeit reluctantly – and they are<br />

the world’s two worst polluters. The emission rights<br />

system has not turned out to be workable in practice.<br />

Another tricky issue is how poorer countries should be<br />

compensated for the costs of the transition.<br />

Netherlands: Climate Agreement<br />

On 28 June 2019, the Dutch Cabinet presented the<br />

Climate Agreement and started implementing it. The<br />

agreement contains more than 600 commitments to<br />

reducing greenhouse gas emissions, mainly under the<br />

aegis of the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate<br />

Policy (electricity and industry), the Interior (built<br />

environment), Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality<br />

(agriculture and land use) and Infrastructure and Water<br />

Management (mobility).<br />

The key points of the Climate Agreement:<br />

- Three hundred of the worst polluter companies<br />

will pay a national carbon tax on emissions that<br />

must also be reduced to meet the climate targets<br />

by 2030, while subsidies for sequestration and<br />

underground storage of CO2 will be limited.<br />

- The coal-fired power station at Amsterdam<br />

Hemweg has closed by now, the Maasvlakte<br />

coal-fired power station will close or switch to<br />

biomass by 2030, and the same will also apply<br />

to the Geertruidenberg power station. By 2030,<br />

more than 70% of electricity production must<br />

come from renewable energy sources.<br />

- Gas will become more expensive and electricity<br />

cheaper. There will be a heating fund for private<br />

individuals worth €50-80 million a year, through<br />

which members of the public can take out loans<br />

on favourable terms for purchasing heat pumps,<br />

for example. On top of that, the government is<br />

starting a subsidy scheme to the tune of €100<br />

million per year for investments in insulation and<br />

heating systems. By 2021, all municipalities also<br />

have to announce which districts will be taken off<br />

the gas supplies and when.<br />

- Major changes are also taking place in the<br />

mobility domain, with road use pricing once<br />

again being tabled as an option. From 2030<br />

onwards, all new vehicles sold will be expected to<br />

be electric. At the same time, the excise duty on<br />

diesel will be going up. The road tax for vans will<br />

go up in several steps between 2021 and 2024.<br />

- Money will be made available for greenhouse<br />

horticulture businesses to let them become more<br />

sustainable and for farmers in peatland areas to<br />

let them stop or relocate their operations. Cash<br />

will also be made available for owners of pig<br />

farms who are prepared to stop.<br />


There will be legislation to make construction and<br />

buildings more sustainable, and a knowledge and<br />

innovation platform will be created for making social<br />

properties more sustainable.<br />

In the meantime, numerous organisations, companies<br />

and umbrella institutions – including the financial<br />

sector (banks, pension funds, insurers and asset<br />

managers) – are committed to the Climate Agreement.<br />

The Climate Act in the Netherlands (2019)<br />

The Climate Act defines the percentage reductions in<br />

CO2 emissions that the country needs, thereby aiming to<br />

clarify the climate objectives. The climate objectives are:<br />

- 49% less CO2 emitted by 2030 (with respect to<br />

1990). To achieve that goal, the governmental<br />

authorities, companies and civil society<br />

organisations have signed a Climate Agreement<br />

that also contains agreements between<br />

the parties.<br />

- 95% less CO2 emitted by 2050 (with respect<br />

to 1990).<br />

Additionally, the Dutch state must be emitting at least<br />

25% less greenhouse gases by the end of 2020 than in<br />

1990. This was decided in court in 2015 in the climate<br />

case brought by Urgenda against the Dutch state. In<br />

the appeal in 2018 and the application to have the<br />

judgment quashed in 2019, the court also upheld the<br />

verdict. The ruling thereby became irrevocable.<br />

Climate Act, Climate Plan, Climate and<br />

Energy Exploratory Study<br />

In addition to the goals, the Climate Act also stipulates<br />

that the government must draw up a Climate Plan.<br />

The first Climate Plan covers the period 2021-2030<br />

and includes the main outlines of the policy through<br />

which the government intends to meet the objectives<br />

of the Climate Act. It also contains several further<br />

considerations, for example on the latest scientific<br />

understandings about climate change and on the<br />

economic consequences of the policy.<br />

One aspect that also needs to be seen in the Climate<br />

Plan is the impact that the government’s climate policy<br />

will have on the financial positions of households,<br />

businesses and governmental authorities, on<br />

employment (including education and training of<br />

staff), on how the economy will develop, on achieving<br />

a fair and affordable transition, and on the reliability of<br />

energy supplies.<br />

Progress on the implementation will be reported upon<br />

biannually and measures will be taken, if there is reason<br />

to do so in the light of the aims of the Act. Once a year,<br />

the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency<br />

(PBL) will publish a Climate and Energy forecast for the<br />

Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. The<br />

Climate and Energy exploratory report is a scientific<br />

report looking at the consequences of climate policy as<br />

conducted in the previous calendar year.<br />

Annually, on the fourth Thursday of October, the Minister<br />

of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy sends the<br />

Climate Memorandum to both houses of parliament.<br />

The Climate Memorandum contains inter alia the overall<br />

picture of progress of the climate policy as stated in<br />

the Climate Plan; the consequences of climate policy<br />

for departmental budgets; financial consequences of<br />


significant developments in climate policy that deviate<br />

from the Climate Plan for households, businesses and<br />

governmental authorities, plus reports on the progress<br />

of the implementation of the Climate Plan.<br />

The cabinet announced on Budget Day in 2021 that<br />

it would be spending €6.8 billion extra on climate<br />

measures. These include e.g. cutting greenhouse<br />

gas emissions and subsidies for making homes and<br />

infrastructure more sustainable.<br />

An independent advisory committee led by the former<br />

ombudsman Alex Brenninkmeijer studied in 2021 how<br />

the public could be involved better in climate policy.<br />

This was done at the request of the Rutte III cabinet.<br />

The study yielded the ‘Involved with the Climate’<br />

advisory report.<br />

One of the report's key conclusions is that there has<br />

only been limited systematic research into utilising<br />

various forms of public involvement in climate policy,<br />

which means that there is no overview. However, such<br />

a study would be desirable and could be carried out in a<br />

follow-up to this recommendation. Another conclusion<br />

is that a great deal is happening in terms of public<br />

participation and that there are instructive examples<br />

available that can provide insights. This empirical<br />

material provides an opportunity for more systematic<br />

forms of research and monitoring.<br />


Green <strong>De</strong>al approach<br />

The government launched a ‘Green <strong>De</strong>al approach’ as<br />

far back as 2011, intended as an interactive method<br />

for the government to give innovative, sustainable<br />

initiatives from society the space they need. This is<br />

being done by eliminating bottlenecks in legislation<br />

and regulations, creating new markets, providing good<br />

information and ensuring optimal partnerships. Clear<br />

bilateral agreements make it possible for participants<br />

to work towards real-world results, with each of those<br />

involved taking their own responsibility.<br />

This way of working, which is still fairly new, creates the<br />

requisite win-win situations. Not only the government<br />

can benefit from this: companies can also benefit by<br />

developing sustainable ideas into better competitive<br />

positions and greater export opportunities. The<br />

developments and innovations resulting from the Green<br />

<strong>De</strong>al approach can therefore significantly boost green<br />

economic growth. Meanwhile, more than 200 Green<br />

<strong>De</strong>als have been concluded with more than 1,300<br />

parties since the beginning of 2019.<br />

The main principle of the Green <strong>De</strong>al approach is to<br />

ensure that there are spinoffs, as successful deals<br />

should inspire many others in society to follow that<br />

lead. The driving force behind the transition should be<br />

society itself. It is thought that this approach can build<br />

a strong economy for future generations, letting us<br />

reduce environmental burdens and work towards an<br />

equilibrium for nature and the living environment.<br />


Sustainable construction<br />

Sustainable homes are better for the environment than<br />

traditional construction. Sustainable construction work<br />

saves resources, sustainable buildings are more energyefficient,<br />

and they are often healthier for their occupants<br />

and residents. Respect for people and the environment is<br />

paramount in the development of buildings. Sustainable<br />

construction is not merely about low energy consumption<br />

but also covers using sustainable materials that take<br />

account of the environment and the health of occupants<br />

and residents; a healthy indoor environment, e.g. thanks to<br />

good ventilation; pleasant and liveable houses, buildings,<br />

districts and cities; sustainable demolition so that materials<br />

recovered during demolition can be reused (recycling);<br />

responsible water use; and avoiding the depletion of raw<br />

material resources for building materials.<br />

The construction and use of housing and other<br />

buildings are subject to building regulations. The<br />

2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree lists the technical building<br />

requirements that buildings must comply with as a<br />

minimum. These are regulations about safety, health,<br />

usability, energy efficiency and the environment.<br />

There are various approaches, visions, steps or<br />

guidelines that can be adopted when designing<br />

sustainable homes and buildings. The best-known<br />

approach, which is still in use, is the Trias Energetica.<br />

If only the construction costs (for land and building) are<br />

considered, sustainable building can seem more expensive.<br />

The maintenance costs of a sustainable building are often<br />

much lower, though. The measures for saving energy and<br />

water are paid back during the usage phase of the house,<br />

resulting in lower energy and water bills – a plus-point for<br />

the buyers or users of a home or building.<br />

Central government encourages sustainable building in<br />

construction education curricula at the lower and higher<br />

vocational levels, as well as academic. Those students<br />

will soon become builders, contractors or architects.<br />

The earlier they come across sustainable construction,<br />

the more naturally it will become for them to use such<br />

methods in their work.<br />

That is why the national government commissioned<br />

the publication entitled (in translation) ‘Basisdoc:<br />

XS 2 sustainable building’. It is an aid for learning<br />

objectives and classroom material for sustainable<br />

building and sustainable urban planning, covering<br />

topics such as energy, materials, drinking water, the<br />

indoor environment and health, as well as the living<br />

environment. Sustainable building encourages new<br />

products. Consider water-based and high-solid paints<br />

that contain less harmful substances, for instance,<br />

or energy-efficient boilers and ventilation systems,<br />

heat pumps, solar boilers and solar panels. The<br />

sector developed these energy-saving devices when<br />

legislation about the energy performance of buildings<br />

(EPG) came into force.<br />

Sustainable refurbishment<br />

<strong>De</strong>mand for good homes and other buildings is<br />

continuing to grow and new construction alone will<br />

not meet the demand. Renovating buildings raises<br />

the quality levels and makes them comfortable again.<br />

Renovation is often more sustainable, cheaper and<br />

less damaging to the environment than demolition<br />


followed by new construction. Extending the lifespans<br />

of buildings is a very effective form of sustainable<br />

construction. Renovation often saves a lot of materials<br />

and the costs for new roads and sewers, for example,<br />

as well as avoiding construction and demolition waste.<br />

sustainable urban development, describing six<br />

examples of old neighbourhoods where renewal was<br />

chosen instead of demolition.<br />

Transforming unoccupied office buildings into homes,<br />

for example, is often more sustainable than demolition.<br />

At the same time, renovating houses presents an<br />

excellent opportunity for making them more energyefficient<br />

and healthier.<br />

<strong>Part</strong>s of the building are retained and less material is<br />

needed for the renovation than if the houses were built<br />

from scratch.<br />

In a study by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency<br />

entitled Kiezen voor nieuwbouw of het verbeteren<br />

van het huidige kantoor (Choosing new construction<br />

or improving current offices), the pros and cons of<br />

renovation are compared against those of demolition<br />

and new construction using five scenarios. The<br />

document called Renovatieconcepten en bouwstenen<br />

(Renovation Concepts and Building Blocks) gives an<br />

overview of the various ways to renovate.<br />

The publication Verbeteren in plaats van slopen<br />

(Improvements instead of demolition) is about<br />

The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has<br />

investigated what does not go so well when converting<br />

offices into homes. The results are contained in a<br />

research report entitled Transformatie kantoren gaat<br />

niet vanzelf (Transforming offices doesn’t just happen).<br />

Some 40,000 upper storeys above shops are estimated<br />

to be vacant in the Netherlands, the equivalent of<br />

about 1,500 hectares of new construction. These<br />

empty storeys represent wasted space and buildings<br />

that are empty after the shops’ closing time add to the<br />


unsafe atmosphere in inner cities. The municipality<br />

of Hoorn has for example made money available<br />

through an incentive scheme for creating residential<br />

accommodation above shops. The brochure called<br />

Wonen boven winkels (Living above shops) shows how<br />

other municipalities have tackled vacant premises.<br />

Subsidies<br />

Central government has therefore adopted various<br />

schemes for backing sustainable construction. A few<br />

examples are:<br />

- Green Projects Scheme: tax breaks for<br />

investments in recognised sustainable projects;<br />

- NESK: for energy-neutral schools and offices;<br />

- MIA: tax benefits for sustainable business<br />

investments.<br />

There are also various grants from municipalities<br />

and provinces.<br />

Renovation work can be a reason to take energy-saving<br />

measures such as double glazing, cavity wall insulation<br />

or a heat pump. There are some cases where subsidy<br />

schemes have been set up for the purpose.<br />

Connections to the gas network will no longer be<br />

standard in new housing estates. The government wants<br />

to replace the entitlement to gas connections with a<br />

right to heating. As a result, the energy performance<br />

requirements for new buildings are being tightened up.<br />

Existing homes will also have to be made more sustainable.<br />

This will be done step by step. The governmental authorities<br />

are also making agreements with municipalities,<br />

provinces, water boards and grid managers to make the<br />

built environment more sustainable.<br />

Building rules and regulations<br />

Principals in the construction industry must comply<br />

with the following legislation and regulations:<br />

- Housing Act<br />

This law is the basis for the building and usage<br />

regulations in the 2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree and its<br />

regulations (the Implementing Act).<br />

- 2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree<br />

This decree contains regulations about the<br />

construction and renovation of buildings, on the<br />

condition and use of buildings, open premises<br />

and areas, and about demolition and safety<br />

during construction and demolition.<br />

- Implementing Act for the Building <strong>De</strong>cree of 2012<br />

These regulations include requirements for CE<br />

markings and the connection of gas, electricity<br />

and water.<br />

- Environmental Licensing (General Provisions)<br />

Act (WABO)<br />

This law bundles the requests for various<br />

planning permissions together into one single<br />

environmental permit.<br />

- Environmental Law <strong>De</strong>cree (BOR)<br />

This decree defines further detail of the WABO<br />

regulations, such as the permit requirements and<br />

the designation of the competent authority, as well<br />

as the regulations for construction without permits.<br />

- Ministerial order on environmental and planning law<br />

These regulations state which documents<br />

(e.g. construction blueprint) and data (e.g.<br />

strength calculations) are required with the<br />


permit application (known as the ‘submission<br />

requirements’).<br />

The Dutch regulations may also have to cover the<br />

European rules. This is for example the case with<br />

construction products, which have to be tested and<br />

assessed in the same way throughout Europe. There<br />

is also a directive about the energy performance of<br />

buildings. This will ensure that the energy performance<br />

of buildings in the European Union improves.<br />

Municipalities enforce building regulations by ensuring<br />

compliance with the rules, from the permit application<br />

through to handover of the completed building.<br />

Policy for this is laid down by the municipality in an<br />

enforcement plan. Since 1 October 2012, the provinces<br />

have monitored the municipalities.<br />

Building <strong>De</strong>cree 2012<br />

A building must not present hazards to residents,<br />

users or the environment. The government therefore<br />

laid down regulations for safety, health, usability,<br />

energy efficiency and the environment in the 2012<br />

Building <strong>De</strong>cree. The decree is a building code that<br />

applies to construction both with and without planning<br />

permission. There is also an Implementing Act for the<br />

2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree. To meet the requirements of the<br />

2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree, various tools such as calculation<br />

methods, checklists and guidelines are available.<br />

An overview:<br />

- The NEN standards contain rules and calculation<br />

methods to determine whether regulations under<br />

the Building <strong>De</strong>cree are being complied with.<br />

- There are recognised quality marks stating<br />

whether the building material or building element<br />

complies with the requirements of the Building<br />

<strong>De</strong>cree.<br />

- Provisions for equivalent solutions so that the<br />

Building <strong>De</strong>cree can be complied with, creating<br />

the option of deviating from the performance<br />

required by the decree as long as the<br />

requirement’s functional purpose is met.<br />

- Practical guidelines for the Netherlands (NPRs)<br />

with instructions for checking if the minimum<br />

requirements of the Building <strong>De</strong>cree have been<br />

met.<br />

- Technical agreements for the Netherlands (NTAs),<br />

also simply known as ‘guidelines’, dealing with<br />

practical details of norms based on the Building<br />

<strong>De</strong>cree.<br />

The 2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree has been amended several<br />

times in the meantime:<br />

- As of 1 January 2018, environmental<br />

performance norms have applied to the<br />

construction of new homes and business<br />

premises of 100 m2 or more. As well as rules<br />

for the energy efficiency of buildings, a limit<br />

has been placed on the environmental impact<br />

of the use of materials in construction. The<br />

environmental burden calculation covers the<br />

entire lifecycle of a product, from mining raw<br />

materials through production and transport<br />

to the use and demolition of the structure.<br />

Recycling and reuse are also counted. See also<br />

the information sheet called (in translation)<br />

‘Introducing the limiting value’.<br />




- Since 1 July 2016, owners of indoor swimming<br />

pools have been obliged to prove that there is no<br />

longer any hazardous stainless steel present. The<br />

chlorinated air at swimming pools can weaken<br />

stainless steel. To avoid danger to visitors, the<br />

owner must remove or replace the metal.<br />

Advances in the understandings for buildings<br />

Residential construction<br />

We are facing ever-hotter summers, increasing the<br />

need to take measures against buildings overheating.<br />

New homes are built to be as energy-efficient as<br />

possible and therefore retain more of their heat.<br />

This can be an issue in the summer, with higher<br />

indoor temperatures creating health risks as well<br />

as discomfort. Retro-fitting inefficient portable air<br />

conditioning to keep indoor temperatures at acceptable<br />

levels runs counter to the policy of saving as much<br />

energy as possible. Overheating can be prevented as<br />

much as possible by carefully considering the design of<br />

a building. There are various options for this.<br />

One possibility is making sure that there are blinds<br />

when a new house is delivered, that the ventilation<br />

within homes has been properly thought out and/or<br />

that the orientation of the home to the sun has been<br />

taken into account. The new overheating requirements<br />

came into effect on 1 July 2020 at the same time<br />

as the requirements for nearly energy-neutral<br />

construction (‘BENG’ in Dutch). Kajsa Ollongren, then<br />

Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, thereby<br />

obliged the building sector to reduce the risk of the<br />

home overheating.<br />

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)<br />

commissioned W/E Consultants to study the criterion<br />

and limit value for cutting down the risk of overheating<br />

in newly built houses. That study resulted in the report<br />

entitled “Limit values in the Building <strong>De</strong>cree for summer<br />

comfort in new housing”. Based on that, RVO advised<br />

the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations<br />

to include the July temperature overshoot indicator<br />

– TOjuli – in the building regulations (Advice on the<br />

requirement to reduce risks of overheating in newly built<br />

houses in the Environmental Regulations).<br />

A limit value for TOjuli for new-build houses will be<br />

included in the building regulations. This is an indicative<br />

figure that gives a picture of the risk of the temperature<br />

being exceeded depending on the orientation of<br />

the building. The TOjuli is derived from the energy<br />

performance calculation according to NTA8800. The<br />

limit value is set at a maximum value of 1.0.<br />

A temperature excess calculation using a dynamic<br />

simulation programme can give a more specific<br />

prediction of the risk of the temperature being<br />

exceeded. If TOjuli exceeds the limit value of 1.0,<br />

a dynamic simulation programme may be used<br />

to demonstrate that the risk of overheating still<br />

remains acceptable.<br />

The limit value for the weighted temperature<br />

exceedance, according to established calculation<br />

principles, has been set at 450 hours. These principles<br />

will be included in the building regulations and<br />

detailed further.<br />


Utility construction<br />

The website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)<br />

has important instructions about applying automatic<br />

external blinds in non-residential buildings.<br />

A comfortable indoor climate is a key principle for<br />

selecting climate control systems in any building.<br />

This has implications for the cooling of a building.<br />

Sustainable cooling systems allow a comfortable indoor<br />

climate to be achieved for low energy consumption.<br />

More and more sustainable cooling technology is<br />

becoming available for buildings, such as chillers with<br />

natural refrigerants, systems that extract cold from the<br />

environment (soil, air or water) and diabatic* cooling.<br />

* <strong>De</strong>wpoint cooling, also known as diabatic cooling, is a new technique for cooling<br />

buildings such as sports halls and smaller office buildings. It is an energy-efficient and<br />

environmentally friendly form of technology that uses water as a cooling medium.<br />

The first step towards saving energy, however, is cutting<br />

down the demand for cooling, for instance by insulating<br />

the building properly. To prevent it from becoming too<br />

hot inside the building, measures are needed such as the<br />

use of overhangs, adjustable sunshades on the outside<br />

of the building and making the most of shade from trees<br />

and bushes. Good sun protection awnings are most<br />

effective if they can be controlled automatically.<br />

BENG requirements<br />

Since 1 January 2013, the regulations of the 2012<br />

Building <strong>De</strong>cree have applied when calculating the<br />

environmental performance of buildings. At the end of<br />

2020, the Netherlands stopped using the EPC method<br />

(Energy Performance Coefficient) and switched to a<br />

new method for quantifying and checking the energy<br />

performance of buildings. It was high time too, given<br />

that the EPG legislation dated back to 1994. In the EPC<br />

calculations, the proportion of energy gained through<br />

the glass was lower than the proportion of energy lost<br />

through the glass. In the meantime, however, thermal<br />

yields from the sun have become much more significant.<br />

Until the end of 2020, the energy performance of<br />

buildings was determined as per NEN 7120:2011 in<br />

order to demonstrate that new buildings complied with<br />

legislation on the energy performance of buildings (EPG).<br />

Stricter requirements have applied to new buildings since<br />

1 January 2021, known as the BENG requirements.<br />

From 1 January 2021 onwards, new buildings have<br />

had to meet more stringent requirements for energy<br />

use: the ‘BENG’ requirements for nearly energy-neutral<br />

construction. The new requirements form part of the<br />

2012 Building <strong>De</strong>cree as of 1 January 2021, ensuring that<br />

new buildings are more energy-efficient. The energy<br />

performance of buildings is determined by a Technical<br />

Agreement for the Netherlands, known as NTA 8800.<br />

Glass surfaces nowadays provide a net annual energy<br />

gain, with the gains from the glass area exceeding the<br />

losses. This is one reason why buildings are increasingly<br />

being “designed for the sun”, letting them make use of<br />

‘free’ passive solar energy.<br />

The BENG standard takes this into account to a<br />

greater extent, giving a better assessment for glass.<br />

Requirements imposed by the EU (Energy Performance<br />

of Buildings Directive, EPBD 2016) therefore assume<br />



that as little heat as possible is lost, in line with Step 1<br />

of the Trias Energetica for reducing energy demand.<br />

The Building <strong>De</strong>cree contains limit values for the TOjuli<br />

indicator within such calculation zones.<br />

The energy performance for BENG is determined on the<br />

basis of three independently attainable requirements,<br />

namely the maximum energy requirement in kWh per<br />

m2 of usable area per year (kWh/m2·yr, BENG 1), the<br />

maximum primary fossil energy consumption, also in<br />

kWh per m2 of usable area per year (kWh/m2·yr, BENG<br />

2) and the minimum renewable energy proportion as a<br />

percentage (%, BENG 3).<br />

Utility construction:<br />

One major concern is the risk of overheating. It can be<br />

prevented by using overhangs, for instance, or summer<br />

night ventilation and external blinds. It is important<br />

to consider the way the design and the energy<br />

performance fit together by making energy calculations<br />

from the very first sketch. In the design stage, it is often<br />

implicitly stated which options will be available later.<br />

Residential construction:<br />

Instead of expressing the energy performance<br />

requirements as an EPC value, the new BENG indicators<br />

apply (Bijna Energieneutrale Gebouwen = nearly<br />

energy-neutral construction). The BENG indicators are<br />

determined using the newly developed NTA 8800 norm,<br />

which has replaced NEN 7120 as the determination<br />

method. A newly developed NTA 8800 validation tool is<br />

used for calculating the BENG indicators.<br />

To give market parties a clear picture of the consequences<br />

of the new quantification method and the<br />

new BENG requirements, sample concepts have been<br />

developed and calculated on instructions from the RVO.<br />

The examples provide an understanding of the packages<br />

of measures that housing can use to meet the BENG<br />

requirements. In addition to the BENG requirements, the<br />

houses were also checked for compliance with the TOjuli<br />

requirement. The TOjuli indicator shows whether there is<br />

a risk of overheating in the homes. Checks against this<br />

requirement are only needed for calculation zones where<br />

no active cooling system is present.<br />

Good thermal insulation of the basic shell, fitting<br />

triple glazing and good airtightness are decisive<br />

factors in reducing the heat demand. In that context,<br />

it is important to take account of both the cooling<br />

demand in summer and the heat gain in winter to get<br />

the optimum distribution of the percentage of glass in<br />

non-residential buildings. This may mean less glass<br />

surface on the south-facing side to minimise the<br />

cooling capacity needed to meet comfort requirements<br />

in the summer. Dynamic solar shading is therefore<br />

increasingly being used in non-residential buildings.<br />

The BENG requirements are different for every type<br />

of building. The European EPBD directive states that<br />

government buildings have a role-model function and<br />

that new government buildings must therefore be nearly<br />

energy-neutral from 1 January 2019 onwards when an<br />

environmental and planning permit is applied for.<br />


Energy performance calculations and<br />

energy labels for residential buildings<br />

When applying for environmental planning permission<br />

and upon handover of a new residential building, the<br />

BENG requirements must be verified at the building<br />

level (each premises ID). In addition, the energy<br />

performance must also be calculated and recorded for<br />

each individual accommodation unit (e.g. the individual<br />

flats in a residential building). This is needed so that the<br />

energy performance will be made known in time to the<br />

potential buyers and users. This also gives a picture of<br />

the risk of overheating for each accommodation unit.<br />

The risk of excessively high temperatures is determined<br />

for residential premises for each calculation zone<br />

and for each orientation (the TOjuli indicator, which<br />

is given automatically by the drafting software). The<br />

TOjuli requirement test for new dwellings is only needed<br />

for calculation zones where there is no active cooling<br />

system. The Building <strong>De</strong>cree contains limit values<br />

for the TOjuli indicator within such calculation zones.<br />

Calculation zones where no active cooling system has<br />

been installed have to comply with this criterion.<br />

When registering the energy performance for residential<br />

premises for permit application purposes, an energy<br />

label is issued with a 'provisional’ status. When<br />

delivered, each individual residential building must<br />

have a registered energy performance report (an energy<br />

label). The energy performance is recorded on site for<br />

that purpose. An energy label with the status 'final’ is<br />

then issued for the energy performance as recorded.<br />

European Energy Performance<br />

of Buildings Directive<br />

The European Energy Performance of Buildings<br />

Directive states that all new buildings must be nearly<br />

energy-neutral. In short, that boils down to:<br />

- The directive promotes improvement of the<br />

energy performance of buildings, taking account<br />

of not only the climatic and local conditions<br />

outside the building but also the requirements for<br />

the indoor climate and cost-efficiency.<br />

- The directive sets out rules for (a) the general,<br />

common framework for a methodology for<br />

calculating the integral energy performance<br />

of buildings and building units; (b) applying<br />

minimum requirements to the energy<br />

performance of new buildings and new building<br />

units; (c) applying minimum requirements to<br />

the energy performance of (i) existing buildings,<br />

building units and building elements undergoing<br />

major renovations; (ii) building elements that are<br />

part of the building shell that after having been<br />

renovated or replaced will have a significant<br />

impact on the energy performance of the building<br />

shell; and (iii) technical systems in the building<br />

when they are installed, replaced or upgraded;<br />

- National plans must provide for an increase in<br />

the number of nearly energy-neutral buildings,<br />

the energy certification of buildings or building<br />

units, regular inspection of heating and airconditioning<br />

systems in buildings, independent<br />

systems for verifying energy performance<br />

certificates and inspection reports;<br />


- The directive’s requirements are minimum<br />

requirements and do not prevent a member<br />

state from enforcing or introducing more<br />

stringent measures. Such measures must be<br />

compatible with the Treaty on the Functioning<br />

of the European Union and must be notified to<br />

the Commission.<br />

transport) and for the Environmental Accounts as well<br />

as the environmental module of the National Accounts.<br />

To be able to implement international policy for tackling<br />

the enhanced greenhouse effect, the Intergovernmental<br />

Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has drawn up a<br />

regulation (IPCC, 2006 and its revisions) that every<br />

country must use as the basis of its reporting. The<br />

emissions reported this way can be compared across<br />

countries or added up to give a global figure (Olivier<br />

et al., 2002). Emissions of short-cyclic CO2 are not<br />

included in the overview of actual emissions because<br />

these are not deemed to be a net contributor to the<br />

greenhouse effect.<br />

The IPCC figure is also used for working out the<br />

reduction that can be achieved. The ‘bunker emissions’<br />

are also requested by the IPCC as a separate figure.<br />

Bunker emissions are the emissions from kerosene<br />

and fuels used by international shipping that are sold<br />

in the Netherlands.<br />

The Environmental Accounts are based on the National<br />

Accounts issued by Statistics Netherlands. These cover<br />

emissions caused by the activities of Dutch residents.<br />

Emission values<br />

Actual emissions for the Netherlands means the CO2<br />

emissions on Dutch territory. The emission value<br />

comprises several basic elements (stationary sources,<br />

short-cycle CO2 and mobile sources). These emissions<br />

can be found at They are<br />

used as input for model calculations (concentrations;<br />

The IPCC figure is also used for working out the<br />

reduction that can be achieved. The Netherlands is<br />

aiming to achieve a reduction of 55% by 2030 and 95%<br />

by 2050 (compared to 1990).<br />

Climate legislation is slowly but surely infiltrating all<br />

sorts of sectors; it is therefore increasingly going to<br />

affect both private individuals and companies.<br />


Financial sector<br />

Roughly fifty banks, insurers, pension funds and asset<br />

managers plus their various umbrella organisations<br />

signed up to the government’s climate targets on 10<br />

July 2019, undertaking to report on the climate impact<br />

of their financing and investments from 2020 onwards.<br />

Moreover, they were to have action plans ready by 2022<br />

that will help reduce CO2 emissions.<br />

institutions, including Invest-NL, to increase the funding<br />

options for climate-friendly projects.<br />

As set forth in the undertaking, the four financial<br />

umbrella organisations (the Dutch Banking Association,<br />

the Dutch Association of Insurers, the Federation of the<br />

Dutch Pension Funds and Dufas, the Dutch Fund and<br />

Asset Management Association) are organising working<br />

conferences on measuring and targeting climate<br />

impact. The Sustainable Finance Platform is involved<br />

in this. The aim is to share knowledge and experiences.<br />

This refers to knowledge about both the funding of<br />

sustainability projects and measuring the CO2 footprint<br />

of financing and investments.<br />

The sector is therefore helping both nationally and internationally<br />

to achieve the Paris climate goals. The undertakings<br />

are not without obligations. The commitment of<br />

the financial sector is continuously monitored and the<br />

agreements will be reviewed every five years.<br />

The financial sector wants to make a substantial<br />

contribution to sustainability projects to help implement<br />

the energy transition properly in various sectors of<br />

the economy and society. The sector is also going to<br />

improve cooperation between various types of financial<br />

An example: The biggest climate impact associated with<br />

ABN AMRO is the mortgage portfolio, with 800,000 homes<br />

that consume energy. ABN AMRO offers mortgage<br />

holders a free energy scan. This gives them a picture<br />

of possible improvements to the home, the costs and<br />

the returns. If necessary, loans can be offered at a<br />

lower interest rate for making the house more energyefficient.<br />

ABN AMRO is aiming for all the homes in its<br />

portfolio to have energy label A on average by 2030.<br />

Homeowners can choose from a wide range of sustainability<br />

measures. An understanding of the expected<br />

payback period is very important here. Investments in<br />

energy savings usually have shorter payback periods<br />

than investments in renewable energy generation.<br />

People who do not expect to stay in their current home<br />

for much longer are better off choosing cavity wall<br />

insulation (pays for itself over 3.3 years) than solar<br />


panels (which take 10 years). The payback times for<br />

underfloor insulation (9 years) and roof insulation (7<br />

years) are intermediate.<br />

On the other hand, there are also direct and anticipated<br />

consequences for corporate finance. Banks remain<br />

the key financiers for Dutch SMEs, both medium-sized<br />

companies and small businesses. According to the<br />

Dutch Banking Association, the vast majority of all<br />

outstanding loans (over 80%) are issued by the three<br />

major banks in the category up to €250,000. Those<br />

banks have over 390,000 customers in the category<br />

of loans up to €250,000, plus 60,000 customers with<br />

financing between €250,000 and €1 million and 28,000<br />

customers financed to €1 million or more.<br />

Banks, asset managers, insurers and pension funds<br />

are all actively addressing companies about their<br />

climate policies. This is being done for instance through<br />

Climate Action 100+, an international partnership of<br />

about 600 investors and asset managers aiming to<br />

bring the operations of the 167 most carbon-intensive<br />

companies into line with the Paris Climate Agreement.<br />

On top of that, various companies have made net-zero<br />

commitments under pressure from investors.<br />

reporting give financial institutions the understandings<br />

needed if they are to reduce their CO2 emissions.<br />

Examples are impact investments, lower interest rates<br />

for sustainable mortgage products and facilitating the<br />

construction of green roofs.<br />

At the portfolio level, for example, the PCAF method<br />

is used to show the absolute carbon footprint and<br />

the PACTA method for carbon intensiveness. These<br />

indicators provide different insights and can therefore<br />

be used alongside each other.<br />

CO2 emissions indicators for portfolios<br />

in the financial sector<br />

CO2e intensity indicators<br />

Indicators of<br />

CO2 content<br />

Total / Absolute<br />

CO2 emissions<br />

CO2e footprint<br />

CO2e intensity<br />

CO2e intensity<br />

portfolio weighted<br />

CO2e intensity portfolio<br />

weighted (sectorspecific)<br />

<strong>De</strong>scription<br />

CO2 emissions indicators for portfolios<br />

Total CO2e intensity<br />

of portfolio<br />

Normalised CO2e<br />

footprint per invested<br />

euro<br />

Volume of CO2<br />

emissions per euro<br />

of turnover<br />

CO2e intensity portfolio<br />

weighted<br />

Sector-specific<br />

indicators of financed<br />

activities<br />

CO2e<br />

Indicator<br />

CO2e / € invested<br />

CO2e intensity<br />

portfolio weighted<br />

CO2e / € turnover<br />

CO2e / MWh<br />

CO2/ km<br />

CO2/ m2<br />

CO2/ ton …<br />

Source: KPMG, Summary of climate measurement methods used<br />

in the financial sector in the Netherlands<br />

More than half the financial institutions who have<br />

signed the Climate Commitment already publish details<br />

of the CO2 impact of their investments and financing.<br />

From 2020 onwards, the financial sector's progress<br />

in reducing CO2 emissions is being reported annually.<br />

This approach will mean that the financial sector has<br />

a pioneering role in Europe, aiming to be a role model<br />

for other sectors. The measurements and the annual<br />


An example is given below of CO2 reporting by ABP, one of the largest investors in the Netherlands.<br />

ABP: PCAF to measure the CO2e emissions of investment portfolios<br />

PCAF at ABP17,18<br />

The ABP pension fund has published the CO2e emissions of its investment<br />

portfolio since 2015. For this purpose, ABP calculates the emissions of<br />

investments in equity and is also going to analyse other asset categories,<br />

such as bonds and property17. The analysis gives an impression of the<br />

total absolute CO2e emissions of all investments.<br />

Highlight: trend analysis of CO2e footprint and sectors<br />

ABP targets a reduction of CO2e emissions using the relative CO2e<br />

emissions. This lets ABP analyse trends in CO2e indicators, such as:<br />

- Absolute CO2e emissions with respect to a benchmark<br />

- Finding the sectors that contribute most to the CO2e emissions<br />

- Reduction in relative CO2e emissions of companies per invested euro,<br />

which can be attributed to a reduction in emissions by companies in<br />

the portfolio<br />

- <strong>De</strong>velopments in relative CO2e-footprint in CO2e intensive sectors<br />

ABP absolute and relative CO2e footprint of equity portfolio<br />

Absolute CO2 footprint against benchmark<br />

Relative CO2 footprint equity portfolio<br />

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

40<br />

20%<br />

+12%<br />

10%<br />

30<br />

0%<br />

0%<br />

20<br />

-10%<br />

10<br />

-15%<br />

-20%<br />

Target<br />

0<br />

-30%<br />

-28% -28%<br />

2014 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

ABP shares benchmark<br />

-40%<br />

-37%<br />

Source: ABP Duurzaam Beleggen 2019<br />

ABP trends in sectors<br />

Contribution of sector to the CO2 footprint (2019) Trends in CO2 intensive sectors<br />

100<br />

75<br />

9%<br />

32%<br />

50<br />

17%<br />

25<br />

27%<br />

Basic resources<br />

Utilities<br />

Energy<br />

Industry<br />

Other<br />

0<br />

Basic<br />

resources<br />

Utilities<br />

2014<br />

Energy Industry Other<br />

2019<br />

Source: ABP Duurzaam Beleggen 2019<br />

Source: KPMG, Summary of climate measurement methods used in the financial sector in the Netherlands<br />

The sector is moreover acting jointly with others, for<br />

instance as in the Net Zero Investment Framework,<br />

and over 300 investors worldwide – including many<br />

Dutch financial parties – are working together in the<br />

Climate Action 100+ Initiative. Another example is the<br />

Financieringswijzer providing advice about sources of<br />

funding. Over the coming period, the Dutch financial<br />

sector expects to take many more steps to get publicprivate<br />

investments off the ground.<br />

Real estate investors<br />

The Association of Institutional Property Investors in<br />

the Netherlands (IVBN) promotes the interests of<br />

members who invest in residential property and of<br />

members who invest in:<br />

Offices<br />

Taken as a whole, the IVBN members have about 5 million<br />

m2 of office space in their portfolio. The total stock of<br />

office space in the Netherlands is about 49 million m2.<br />

Shops<br />

IVBN members together have a portfolio of around 4.5<br />

million m2, split into stand-alone shops (high streets)<br />

and shopping malls. The total stock of retail space in the<br />

Netherlands is about 28 million m2.<br />

Here too, all sorts of movements are happening that will<br />

ultimately affect companies and individuals. Here are a few<br />

examples, specifically applicable to office investments:<br />

- IVBN members are developing portfolio roadmaps<br />

(completion by 2021) and reporting on the reduction<br />


(in the annual figure) of at least 49% by 2030 and<br />

a carbon-neutral property portfolio by 2050.<br />

- IVBN members are working with tenants to<br />

achieve sustainability targets, for instance<br />

through green leases, sharing data, periodic<br />

consultations with tenants and by undertaking<br />

specific sustainability projects together, such as<br />

installing solar panels.<br />

- IVBN members certify as many buildings as<br />

possible (e.g. with BREEAM, Well, GPR, DGBC<br />

Woonmerk) to give the best possible picture of<br />

the sustainability of the property portfolio.<br />

The rental of retail space provides another example.<br />

The IVBN has reached an agreement with, for instance,<br />

INretail about a standard green lease for the retail<br />

sector. This standard document can be used in addition<br />

to the template lease agreement for retail space from<br />

the Real Estate Council of the Netherlands (ROZ model)<br />

and lays down agreements about furnishing leased<br />

space, installing measuring equipment, sustainable<br />

maintenance and use, data sharing, health and welfare,<br />

and investments (including joint investments). The<br />

standard green lease can be seen as a ‘minimum<br />

standard’ in the market when signing new leases.<br />

The template should let parties reach sustainability<br />

agreements faster and with less discussion about<br />

mutual obligations and efforts.<br />

Private equity<br />

The website of the Dutch Association of Investment<br />

Companies (NVP) states that sustainability aspects<br />

play an increasingly important role in the selection and<br />

management of companies. A term often used in the<br />

investment world when talking about sustainability is<br />

ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance), meaning<br />

that factors such as energy consumption, climate,<br />

health, safety and good corporate governance are<br />

taken into account.<br />

ESG is about the search for a balance between financial<br />

economic results, transparency, social interests and<br />

the environment. There is an increasing amount of<br />

evidence that a good balance yields better results for<br />

the company, the investors and society.<br />

NVP members have played an increasingly important<br />

role in the economy in recent years, and with that<br />

comes a social responsibility. It means that private<br />

investment companies are increasingly taking<br />

sustainability into account in their investment selection<br />

and in the management of their companies.<br />

Sustainability can play a part throughout the<br />

investment process, from selection to exit. Because<br />

private investment companies are usually closely<br />

involved with portfolio holders, they have everything<br />

that is needed for implementing sustainable<br />

investment practices. Sustainability can make a<br />

major contribution to the success of companies and<br />

so help to create value.<br />

Numerous national and international guidelines,<br />

frameworks and other initiatives have now been<br />

developed to draw the attention of private investment<br />

companies to sustainability and provide the tools to<br />

integrate it into their investment processes.<br />



4<br />




Total emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) grew by 1.5 per cent a year between 2009 and 2018<br />

without allowing for land use change (LUC) and 1.3 per year with LUC, reaching a record high of 51.8<br />

Gt CO2e without LUC emissions and 55.3 Gt CO2e with LUC in 2018. The increase in GHG emissions was<br />

2.0% in 2018 and GHG emissions do not seem to have peaked yet.<br />

Global greenhouse gas emissions from all sources<br />

remained relatively stable over the past decade<br />

(IPCC 2019). Emissions of methane (CH4), the second<br />

Global greenhouse gas emissions (GtCO2e)<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

1990<br />

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018<br />

Land-use change (LUC)<br />

Fluorinated gasses (F-gas)<br />

N2O<br />

CH4<br />

Fossil CO2<br />

most important greenhouse gas, grew by 1.3 per cent<br />

a year and by 1.7 per cent in 2018. Nitrous oxide (N2O)<br />

emissions are increasing steadily, at 1.0 per cent a year<br />

over the past decade. Fluorinated gases (SF6, HFCs and<br />

PFCs) are increasing fastest, by 4.6 per cent a year over<br />

the past decade and 6.1 per cent in 2018.<br />

Source: Olivier en Peters (2019), Houghton and Nassikas (2017) for<br />

emissions from land use change, and Friedlingstein et al., (2019) for<br />

updates dating from 2016 to 2018/Emissions Gap Report 2019<br />

Emissions of greenhouse gases have increased<br />

every year since the global financial crisis in 2009.<br />

The increase in fossil-derived CO2 emissions can be<br />

ascribed to a strong increase in energy consumption.<br />

CO2 emissions from LUC represent about 7 per cent of<br />

the total amount of greenhouse gases (with a large<br />

GHG emissions are dominated by CO2, but 34 per cent of<br />

the overall greenhouse gas emissions, including LUC, are<br />

now gases other than CO2. The OECD economies have<br />

seen only very limited growth of CH4 and N2O, but rapid<br />

growth of fluorinated gases, leading to a slight decrease<br />

in overall GHG emissions. Non-OECD economies saw<br />

increases in non-CO2-related greenhouse gases, which<br />

lead to a general increase in GHG emissions of 2.5 per<br />

cent a year between 2009 and 2018.<br />

uncertainty and year-on-year variability) and have<br />


Geographical picture<br />

The biggest emitters of greenhouse gases (excluding<br />

emissions from land use change, due to a lack of reliable<br />

data at a national level) on an absolute basis (left) and<br />

per capita (right)<br />

The top four emitters (China, EU28, India and the USA)<br />

are good for over 55 per cent of overall greenhouse<br />

gas emissions in the past decade, excluding LUC. The<br />

top seven (including Japan, Russia and international<br />

transport) account for 65 per cent; while G20 members<br />

contribute 78 per cent.<br />

China is responsible for more than a quarter (26 per<br />

cent) of global emissions (excluding LUC) and, despite<br />

a significant contribution to the slowdown in global<br />

emissions from 2014 to 2016, emissions from the<br />

country increased by 2.5% in the past ten years and 1.6%<br />

in 2018, reaching a record high of 13.7 Gt CO2e in 2018.<br />

The USA caused about 13 per cent of global greenhouse<br />

gas emissions, with a gradual decrease of 0.1% per year<br />

over the past decade, but an increase of 2.5% in 2018<br />

due to the increased energy demand because of an<br />

unusually warm summer and cold winter.<br />

The European Union, responsible for 8.5% of global<br />

greenhouse gas emissions, saw a steady decline of 1% a<br />

year in the past decade and a decline of 1.3% in 2018.<br />

India, representing 7% of global emissions, kept growing<br />

by 3.7% annually in the past decade and 5.5% in 2018.<br />

The Russian Federation (4.8 per cent) and Japan (2.7<br />

per cent) are the next largest emitters. If LUC emissions<br />

are included, the rankings would change and Brazil<br />

would probably be the biggest emitter. The rankings of<br />

countries change drastically when the emissions per<br />

capita are examined.<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2019 (Fig. 2.3)<br />


By 2017, the GHG emissions of the EU had dropped by 22 per cent<br />

compared to the level in 1990 to 4.3 billion tons, while the economy grew<br />

by 58% in the same period, surpassing the objective of 20 per cent set<br />

for 2020. The rate of reduction has slowed in the past few years and<br />

emissions grew by 0.6 per cent in 2017, driven by industry and transport.<br />

The European Union (then 28 countries) had embedded an objective<br />

in its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of reducing GHG<br />

emissions by at least 55 per cent by 2030, to below the 1990 levels.<br />

Emissions of greenhouse gases per sector<br />

Energy supplies, industry, transport and agriculture are currently the<br />

dominant sources of emissions. Of the 50.8 Gt CO2 eq of emissions in<br />

2016, 17.3 Gt came from energy supplies, 11.4 Gt from combustion and<br />

processes in industry (including the use of fluorinated gases) and 7.0 Gt<br />

from transport (excluding international transport).<br />

Emissions of greenhouse gases per sector in 2016<br />

Land use and forests<br />

4%<br />

Waste<br />

2%<br />

International transport<br />

2%<br />

Buildings<br />

8%<br />

Agriculture<br />

13%<br />

Energy supply<br />

34%<br />

Transport<br />

14%<br />

Industry<br />

22%<br />

Source: UN, Climate action and support trends 2019<br />



Energy supplies and industry accounted for the bulk<br />

of the increase in emissions between 2010 and 2016.<br />

Emissions of greenhouse gases increased in all sectors<br />

except forestry and other land use, where emissions<br />

decreased and compensated for some of the increase<br />

in other sectors. While most sectors contributed<br />

comparable percentages to the increased GHG<br />

emissions in 2010 and 2016, global transport emissions<br />

grew disproportionately, meaning that the sector was<br />

responsible for a bigger share of the global emissions<br />

in 2016 than in 2010.<br />

Contribution to global increases in emissions<br />

in 2010-2016 per secto<br />

Contribution to emissions growth 2010-2016<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

-10<br />

-20<br />

47% 45% 29% 19% 6% 3% 0% -48%<br />

Energy supply<br />

Industry<br />

Transport<br />

Agriculture<br />

Waste<br />

Buildings<br />

Land use and forests<br />

The largest share comes from the production of bulk<br />

goods such as iron and steel, cement, limestone, plaster<br />

and other minerals that are usually used as building<br />

products, as are plastics and rubber.<br />

Two thirds of the material is used to make capital goods,<br />

of which buildings and vehicles are the most important.<br />

Although the production of materials consumed in<br />

industrialised countries over the period 1995-2015<br />

stayed within the range of 2-3 Gt CO2e, developing<br />

countries and emerging economies saw faster growth of<br />

material-related emissions (Hertwich 2019). Growth of<br />

investments is accompanied by rapid growth of metal<br />

use. Metal use is growing more rapidly in developing<br />

countries in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) than<br />

in industrialised countries because a larger proportion of<br />

the GDP there is in investments (Zheng et al., 2018).<br />

International transport<br />

-30<br />

-40<br />

-50<br />

Source: UN, Climate action and support trends 2019<br />

Emissions related to producing materials<br />

Producing materials is an important source of GHG emissions.<br />

In 2015, the production of materials caused 11 Gt CO2e<br />

GHG emissions compared to 5 Gt CO2e in 1995, with the<br />

contribution from such production rising from 15% of total<br />

global emissions to 23% over that period (Hertwich 2019).<br />


GHG emissions in Gt CO2e associated with the production of materials per material (left) and the first use<br />

of materials in subsequent production processes or final consumption (right)<br />

GtCO2e<br />

10<br />

11.5 GtCO2e<br />

1.4 Plastic and rubber<br />

0.9 Wood products<br />

Services<br />

0.6<br />

Final use<br />

0.8<br />

5<br />

1.1 Other minerals<br />

0.4 Glass<br />

2.9 Cement<br />

0.5 Others metals<br />

Other products<br />

1.0<br />

0.3<br />

Electronics<br />

0.9<br />

Transport<br />

equipment<br />

11.5<br />

GtCO2e<br />

5.0<br />

Construction<br />

0.6 Aluminium<br />

0.9<br />

Metal<br />

products<br />

3.7 Iron and steel<br />

2.0<br />

Machinery<br />

0<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2019 (Fig. 7.1)<br />

Latest projections<br />

The UN produces the “Emissions Gap Report” annually.<br />

At the time of writing this book, the 2021 UN Emissions<br />

Gap Report was the most recent published version;<br />

emissions for 2021 were not included. We will restrict<br />

our analysis that follows in this book to the key results.<br />

However, the Covid-19 pandemic led to an<br />

unprecedented drop in CO2 emissions of 5.4 per cent<br />

in 2020. From 2010 to 2019, emissions of greenhouse<br />

gases grew by an average of 1.3 per cent annually,<br />

both with and without accounting for land use<br />

change (LUC).<br />

Global emissions of greenhouse gases, 1970-2020<br />

Global greenhouse gas emissions (GtCO2e)<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

1970<br />

1975<br />

1980<br />

1985<br />

1990<br />

1995<br />

2000<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2021 (Fig. 2.1)<br />

2005<br />

2010<br />

Fossil CO2 LULUCF CO2 CH4 N2O F-gases<br />

2015<br />

2020<br />


Greenhouse gas emissions reached a record high of 51.5<br />

gigatons of CO2 equivalents (Gt CO2e) in 2019 without<br />

LUC emissions, or 58.1 Gt CO2e when including LUC.<br />

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions dominate overall greenhouse<br />

gas emissions, including LUC (66% since 2010). Fossil<br />

CO2 emissions reached a record of 37.9 Gt CO2 in 2019<br />

but fell to 36.0 Gt CO2 in 2020. LUC CO2 emissions have<br />

been 10 per cent of cumulative greenhouse gas emissions<br />

since 2010, though the figures can change considerably<br />

from year to year as a result of climate conditions<br />

(Friedlingstein et al., 2020; Canadell et al., 2021).<br />

The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 led to an<br />

unprecedented drop in fossil-based CO2 emissions,<br />

in both relative and absolute terms. Global fossil CO2<br />

emissions dropped by 5.4 per cent according to the<br />

dataset for the 2021 report. The changes in fossil<br />

CO2 emissions varied between countries. <strong>De</strong>spite the<br />

pandemic, fossil CO2 emissions in China grew by 1.3<br />

per cent in 2020, although drops were seen from most<br />

other major emitters, including the USA (10%), the EU27<br />

countries (10%), India (6.2%); international transport<br />

(shipping and aviation) also fell by 20%.<br />

Changes in emissions of greenhouse gases by country<br />

Brazil<br />

China<br />

EU27<br />

France<br />

Germany<br />

India<br />

Italy<br />

Japan<br />

Rest of world<br />

Russian Federation<br />

Spain<br />

<strong>UK</strong><br />

USA<br />

World<br />

-25%<br />

-20%<br />

-15%<br />

-10%<br />

-5%<br />

0%<br />

5%<br />

10%<br />

2020/2019 2021/2019<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2021 (Fig. 2.2)<br />


Emissions are expected to rise strongly in 2021. In April<br />

2021, the International Energy Agency estimated that<br />

emissions will increase by 4.8% in 2021 after a drop<br />

of 5.8% in 2020 (IEA 2021). Based on data for January<br />

to July 2021, the Carbon Monitor of Liu et al. (2020)<br />

estimates global fossil CO2 emissions to be just slightly<br />

lower in 2021 (by 1%) than they were in the same period<br />

in 2019. Of the large emitters, only Brazil, China and the<br />

Russian Federation showed increases in emissions from<br />

January to July 2021 compared to 2019. Based on data<br />

from the IEA and the Carbon Monitor, it is expected that<br />

fossil CO2 emissions will make a nearly full recovery in<br />

2021, with emission levels only slightly below the record<br />

high of 2019.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the sharp drop in CO2 emissions in 2020, the<br />

concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere grew by about<br />

2.3 ppm (parts per million), in line with recent trends.<br />

There are three reasons why it is unlikely that the<br />

emission reductions in 2020 will be reflected in the<br />

growth rates of GHG in the atmosphere.<br />

1. Although emission levels fell, they were still high<br />

and at much the same levels as in the early<br />

2010s, which means that the amount of CO2<br />

remaining in the atmosphere is expected to be<br />

only marginally less than if emissions were to<br />

keep increasing.<br />

2. CO2 is a cumulative pollutant with a long lifespan,<br />

so we need lasting emission reductions if we are<br />

to see a change in the atmospheric signature.<br />

3. The natural variability of about one part per<br />

million is many times greater than the effect of<br />

reducing emissions by 5.4 per cent.<br />

Similar effects mean that methane and nitrous oxide<br />

concentrations also kept growing in line with the<br />

trends; the increase in levels for them in 2020 was the<br />

highest ever registered. The absence of any change in<br />

atmospheric concentrations despite a record decline in<br />

emissions emphasises that the solution to the climate<br />

problem needs rapid and lasting emission reductions.<br />

In the text of the Paris Agreement (l/CP.21), parties with<br />

timeframes of up to 2025 for their intended nationally<br />

determined contributions (INDCs) would provide a new<br />

NDC, and parties with INDC timeframes of up to 2030<br />

would report or adjust that contribution by 2020.<br />

On 30 September 2021, 121 parties (including the<br />

European Union and its 27 member states, which<br />

submitted a single NDC) representing in total about 52<br />

per cent of global domestic greenhouse gas emissions<br />

in 2018 (Climate Watch 2021) submitted 94 new or<br />

amended NDCs. The NDCs submitted so far reflect<br />

emerging trends for the targets, form, coverage and<br />

conditionality of promises made about greenhouse<br />

gas mitigation, as well as the expected use of market<br />

mechanisms for realising them.<br />


Effect of NDCs submitted in 2021 on emissions of greenhouse gases in 2030<br />

New or updated NDC with lower<br />

2030 emissions than prior NDC<br />

New or updated NDC with equal or<br />

higher 2030 emissions than prior NDC<br />

No new or updated NDC submitted<br />

New or updated NDC not comparable<br />

to prior NDC<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2021 (Fig. 2.3)<br />


Of the 94 new or modified NDCs, just under half (46 NDCs<br />

from countries that represent 32% of global greenhouse<br />

gas emissions) lead to lower emissions in 2030 than<br />

under the previous NDCs. Eighteen per cent (17 NDCs<br />

from countries that represent 13% of global greenhouse<br />

gas emissions) stated in the new or amended NDCs<br />

that their emissions would not be lower in 2030 than<br />

under the previous NDCs. Thirty-four per cent (32<br />

NDCs from countries that represent 7% of the global<br />

emissions) could not be compared to previous NDCs in<br />

terms of emissions in 2030, mostly due to insufficient<br />

information in the previous NDCs, as transparency has<br />

improved in the current NDCs.<br />

The new or amended unconditional NDCs are estimated<br />

to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by about 2.9<br />

Gt CO2e by 2030, compared to the previous NDCs. This<br />

estimate includes reductions of about 0.3 Gt CO2e and<br />

is the result of other factors, including lower forecasts<br />

for international aviation and shipping emissions plus<br />

amendments made by countries that expect to exceed<br />

their NDC objectives. If the commitments announced<br />

by China, Japan and South Korea are included, the<br />

reduction goes up to 4.1 Gt CO2e.<br />

If we take a closer look at the G20 members, the<br />

combined impact of the NDCs submitted and the<br />

greenhouse gas reduction targets announced for 2030<br />

is an annual reduction of 3 Gt CO2e compared to the<br />

previous NDCs. By comparison: the total impact of<br />

the new or amended NDC submissions from non-G20<br />

members is an annual reduction of about 0.8 Gt CO2e<br />

by 2030.<br />

Taken as a whole, the G20 members are expected to<br />

fall short of their new or modified unconditional NDCs<br />

and other mitigation undertakings that were announced<br />

for 2030. It is also expected that the G20 members will<br />

fail to achieve their previous unconditional NDCs (as at<br />

November 2020).<br />

As a group, the G20 members are not on schedule<br />

to achieve either their original undertakings or the<br />

new commitments for 2030. Only ten G20 members<br />

(Argentina, China, EU27, India, Japan, the Russian<br />

Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey and the<br />

United Kingdom) will probably achieve their original<br />

unconditional NDC objectives under the current policy.<br />

Three of those members (India, the Russian Federation<br />

and Turkey) are expected to reduce their emissions<br />

to levels at least 15 per cent lower than their previous<br />

unconditional NDC emission objectives under the<br />

current policy, suggesting that these countries have<br />

considerable space to improve their NDC targets.<br />

As at 30 September 2021, India and Turkey have not<br />

yet submitted new or modified NDCs, while the Russian<br />

Federation submitted a new NDC that does reduce<br />

emissions but still leaves the figure higher than implied<br />

by the current policy.<br />


It is worth noting that Canada and the USA submitted<br />

tougher NDC targets although independent studies<br />

suggest that they are not on schedule to reach their<br />

previous NDC objectives under the policy as currently<br />

implemented. These two countries will therefore<br />

need to make considerable efforts to reach their new<br />

NDC objectives.<br />

The emissions gap for 2030 is defined as the difference<br />

between overall global greenhouse gas emissions in<br />

the cheapest scenarios that limit global warming by<br />

2°C, 1.8°C or 1.5°C (to various levels of probability) and<br />

estimated global greenhouse gas emissions resulting<br />

from full implementation of NDCs and the reduction<br />

undertakings that have been announced.<br />

The current policy scenario is expected to reduce global<br />

greenhouse gas emissions by about 55 Gt CO2e by<br />

2030, which is 9 Gt CO2e lower than the policy scenario<br />

from 2010. It is also 4 Gt CO2e lower than the median<br />

estimate for the current policy scenario in the 2020<br />

UNEP Emissions Gap Report. The implementation gap<br />

– the difference between emissions expected in the<br />

current policy scenario and the emissions needed to<br />

reach the NDCs and the reduction undertakings that<br />

have been announced – is estimated at 3 Gt CO2e and 5<br />

Gt CO2e for the unconditional and conditional NDCs and<br />

commitment scenarios respectively.<br />

Changes in projections for GHG emissions by 2030<br />

= Emissions Gap Report 2020<br />

70<br />

60<br />

-4<br />

-4<br />

-4<br />

= Change between<br />

Emissions Gap Report 2020 and<br />

Emissions Gap Report 2021<br />

Global GHG emissions<br />

(GtCO2e/yr) values for 2030<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

-2<br />

-2<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Year 2010<br />

policies<br />

Current<br />

policies<br />

Unconditional NDCs<br />

and pledges<br />

Conditional NDCs<br />

and pledges<br />

2°C<br />

pathways<br />

1.8°C<br />

pathways<br />

1.5°C<br />

pathways<br />

Source: Emissions Gap Report 2021 (Fig. 4.1)<br />


The above figure illustrates the emissions gap in 2030<br />

and emphasises the fact that the new and modified<br />

NDCs, together with mitigation commitments that have<br />

been announced, reduce the gap somewhat compared to<br />

previous NDCs but are nowhere near sufficient to bridge<br />

the gap. Compared to previous unconditional NDCs, they<br />

eliminate just 7.5 per cent of the expected emissions in<br />

2030, whereas 30 per cent would be needed for 2°C and<br />

55 per cent for 1.5°C.<br />

Full implementation of unconditional NDCs and<br />

reduction commitments that were announced is<br />

estimated to result in a gap of about 1.5°C or 28<br />

Gt CO2e (range 25-30). This is about 4 Gt CO2e less<br />

than the gap as assessed in the 2020 report (United<br />

Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2020), due<br />

to the amended NDCs and the promised reductions<br />

that were announced. If the conditional NDCs and<br />

reduction undertakings that have been announced are<br />

implemented in full, the emissions gap will be narrowed<br />

further by about 3 Gt CO2e. The emissions gap between<br />

unconditional NDCs and the reduction commitments<br />

that were announced and the pathways to stay under<br />

2°C is about 13 Gt CO2e (range 10-16 Gt CO2e), which is<br />

about 2 Gt CO2e lower than last year. Whereas the NDCs<br />

and announced reduction commitments will reduce<br />

global emissions by about 4 Gt CO2e compared to<br />

previous NDCs, the amended 2°C scenario estimate for<br />

2030 is about 2 Gt CO2e less than in previous emissions<br />

gap reports, meaning that the gap will only be narrowed<br />

by about 2 Gt CO2e.<br />

This year, the method for calculating emissions through<br />

to 2100 and the climate model used have been updated<br />

to use improved methods and the latest climate<br />

assessment of IPCC AR6 Working Group I. These updates<br />

alone result in temperature forecasts that are about<br />

0.2°C lower than in previous emissions gap reports;<br />

this should be allowed for when comparing the results<br />

below against past estimates. Continuing the efforts<br />

as implied by the most recent unconditional NDCs and<br />

the undertakings that have been announced is currently<br />

estimated to give warming of about 2.7°C (range 2.2-<br />

3.2°C) with a likelihood of 66 per cent. This implies a<br />

fifty-fifty chance of warming being limited to 2.5°C by<br />

the end of the century (range 2.0-2.9°C) and a 90 per<br />

cent chance of it being limited to 3.3°C (range 2.7-3.9°C).<br />

The net-zero commitments that were announced by<br />

many countries will reduce this estimated temperature<br />

rise by about 0.5°C if implemented in full. The 65th, 50th<br />

and 90th percentiles for the global warming projections<br />

will then be 2.2°C (2.0-2.5°C), 2.0°C (1.8-2.3°C) and 2.7°C<br />

(2.3-3.1°C) respectively.<br />

Even with the implementation of the current NDCs and<br />

all net-zero objectives, there is still a risk of more than<br />

15 per cent that global warming will exceed 2.5°C by the<br />

end of the century and a risk of just under 5 per cent that<br />

it will exceed 3°C.<br />



5<br />




In 2018, the property and construction sector was responsible for 36% of net overall energy<br />

consumption and 39% of energy-related and process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, with<br />

11% coming from the production of building materials and products such as steel, cement and glass.<br />

Global share of buildings and construction in overall energy consumption and emissions, 2018<br />

Energy<br />

Other<br />

4%<br />

Transport<br />

28%<br />

Non-residential<br />

8%<br />

Residentia<br />

22%<br />

Emissions<br />

Other<br />

7%<br />

Transport<br />

23%<br />

Residential (direct)<br />

6%<br />

Residential (indirect)<br />

11%<br />

Non-residential (direct)<br />

3%<br />

Other industry<br />

32%<br />

Other industry<br />

31%<br />

Non-residential (indirect)<br />

8%<br />

Construction industry<br />

6%<br />

Construction industry<br />

11%<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

Energy trends<br />

Overall total energy consumption in buildings worldwide<br />

increased by 1% in 2018 compared to 2017 and by more<br />

than 8 EJ (about 7%) since 2010. While strong growth<br />

in the principal construction sector came from the<br />

expansion of floor surface area (FSA) and personnel,<br />

outstripping the benefits from energy savings, the<br />

growth in floor area remains disassociated from the<br />

energy requirements, with FSA increasing by 3% in 2018<br />

compared to 2017 and by 23% since 2010. From 2010 to<br />

2018, worldwide consumption of electricity in buildings<br />

increased by more than 6.5 EJ, or 19%.<br />

Emissions from the fuel sources used for generating<br />

electricity, which still include a high proportion of coal<br />

in emerging economies in particular, also increased in<br />

2018. The ongoing drive to make electricity supplies lowcarbon<br />

should therefore be retargeted to low-carbon<br />

buildings with clean energy. Between 2010 and 2018,<br />

sustainable energy sources were the fastest-growing<br />

energy source for buildings; their use rose by 21% (3% of<br />

that in 2017-2018 alone). Use of natural gas rose by 8%<br />

over the same period, both to meet new demand as well<br />

as to supplant the use of coal, which dropped by almost<br />

10% worldwide between 2010 and 2018 (-2% from 2017<br />

to 2018).<br />

Net overall use of energy in the global construction<br />

sector per fuel type<br />

Final energy (EJ)<br />

150<br />

120<br />

90<br />

60<br />

30<br />

0<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Fuel type<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

Coal<br />

Oil<br />

Biomass (traditional)<br />

Commercial heat<br />

Renewables<br />

Natural gas<br />

Electricity<br />


Worldwide, increased energy consumption by end users<br />

is resulting in more emissions because of the sharp<br />

rises in energy use since 2010 for cooling rooms, devices<br />

consumed in heating and cooling, building regulations<br />

should be prioritised in policy, as should technological<br />

improvements.<br />

and hot water. <strong>De</strong>mand for cooling systems increased<br />

by more than 33% between 2010 and 2018 and by<br />

5% in 2017-2018 alone, while the energy demand for<br />

Overall energy intensity of the global construction<br />

sector per type of source<br />

appliances was up by 18% in 2018 compared to 2010,<br />

and by 11% for heating water. At the same time, demand<br />

for heating systems dropped by 1% from 2010, although<br />

it has remained stable during the past five years at one<br />

third of the total global energy requirements in buildings.<br />

Change in energy intensity since 2010<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

-5%<br />

-10%<br />

-15%<br />

-20%<br />

-25%<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Space cooling<br />

Appliances and<br />

other<br />

Cooking<br />

Water heating<br />

Lighting<br />

Space heating<br />

Energy consumption of the global construction<br />

sector per end usage type<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

Final energy (EJ)<br />

150<br />

125<br />

100<br />

75<br />

50<br />

25<br />

0<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Space heating<br />

Space cooling<br />

Water heating<br />

Lighting<br />

Cooking<br />

Appliances and other<br />

<strong>Factor</strong>s that influence energy consumption in the<br />

global construction sector include changes in the<br />

workforce, FSA, the demand for energy services<br />

(such as more domestic appliances and cooling<br />

equipment), variations in climate, and the way<br />

buildings are developed and used. <strong>Factor</strong>s that were<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

responsible for the higher energy demand since 2010<br />

are FSA, population growth and the use of buildings,<br />

From 2010 to 2018, changes in energy intensity per<br />

unit FSA – as a proxy for energy efficiency – show that<br />

the largest improvements (e.g. energy savings) were in<br />

global averages for heating systems and lighting (-20%<br />

and -17% respectively). Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)<br />

remain important for limiting the energy consumption<br />

for lighting, now that floor surface areas are increasing<br />

and the reduced consumption of heating systems shows<br />

while the improvements in building shells (e.g. better<br />

insulation and windows) and in the implementation of<br />

energy systems in buildings (e.g. heating, cooling and<br />

ventilation) have helped neutralise the growing energy<br />

demand. Nevertheless, the overall energy demand in<br />

buildings keeps increasing and major investments in<br />

efficiency and passive design strategies are needed to<br />

hold back demand and reduce the energy intensity.<br />

that building shells have improved. However, because<br />

floor surface areas are expanding quickly in warmer<br />

countries, demand for cooling is increasing. As better<br />

building shells are essential for reducing the energy<br />


<strong>Factor</strong>s influencing energy consumption in buildings, per type of building<br />

150<br />

Residential PJ<br />

Energy saved owing to efficiency<br />

Non-Residential PJ<br />

150<br />

120<br />

120<br />

90<br />

90<br />

Energy saved owing to efficiency<br />

60<br />

60<br />

30<br />

30<br />

0<br />

2010<br />

energy use<br />

Activity Structure Efficiency 2018<br />

energy use<br />

0<br />

2010<br />

energy use<br />

Activity Structure Efficiency 2018<br />

energy use<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

Net overall consumption in residential buildings was<br />

responsible for more than 70% of the global total in 2018,<br />

with growth mainly coming from more floor surface<br />

area and the growing population, whereas FSA remains<br />

the key driver of higher consumption in non-residential<br />

buildings. Consumption in residential accommodation<br />

Unlike the previous five years, emissions in the<br />

construction sector seem to have increased to 9.7 Gt CO2<br />

in 2018 – an increase of 2% since 2017, and 7% up<br />

on 2010. Buildings represent 28% of energy-related<br />

CO2 emissions worldwide (39% if the construction sector<br />

is included).<br />

increased by more than 5 EJ between 2010 and 2018,<br />

and by 3 EJ in non-residential buildings. Growth in<br />

residential demand continues to reflect population and<br />

FSA growth as well as development in the emerging<br />

economies and a shift from the traditional use of<br />

biomass to modern fuels (such as electricity, LPG and<br />

Indirect emissions (e.g. from energy generation for<br />

electricity and commercial heating) are responsible for<br />

the lion’s share of energy-related CO2 emissions in the<br />

construction sector, at about 68% of all building-related<br />

emissions from energy consumption in 2018.<br />

natural gas).<br />

Emission trends<br />

Energy-related emissions in the construction sector<br />

worldwide per type of building<br />

The increased emissions in 2016 and 2017 are in line with<br />

the rises in floor surface area and population, as well as<br />

the growth in electricity demand (i.e. indirect emissions).<br />

Emissions from building structures – i.e. related to<br />

Emissions (GtCO2)<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Non-residential<br />

(indirect)<br />

Non-residential<br />

(direct)<br />

Residential<br />

(indirect)<br />

Residential<br />

(direct)<br />

manufacturing the construction materials – were 11 Gt<br />

CO2 in 2018, representing 39% of global energy-related<br />

emissions.<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />



Changes in FSA, population, energy consumption in the<br />

construction sector and energy-related emissions<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

-5%<br />

Change since 2010<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018<br />

Floor area<br />

Population<br />

Energy<br />

Emissions<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

New nationally determined contributions 2020<br />

In 2020, countries were asked to state their new or<br />

amended nationally determined contributions (NDCs)<br />

when recording their efforts to limit national emissions<br />

and to adapt to the effects of climate change; that is<br />

why 2020 was an important year for countries to improve<br />

their NDCs and commit to more ambitious goals. In<br />

addition to NDCs, the scope and powers of construction<br />

decrees about energy performance and certification<br />

policy continue to expand.<br />

Conclusions<br />

- The real estate and construction sectors should<br />

be a primary target group for attempts to reduce<br />

greenhouse gases, as they are responsible for<br />

36% of net overall energy consumption and 39%<br />

of energy-related and process-related emissions<br />

in 2018.<br />

- The higher energy consumption in recent<br />

years was responsible for further increases in<br />

CO2 emissions.<br />

- Although heating systems, heating water and<br />

cooking remain the main sources of demand<br />

for end-user energy in the construction sector,<br />

cooling systems are the fastest growing area.<br />

- Emissions from the construction sector worldwide<br />

are dominated by indirect sources, electricity<br />

generation in particular.<br />

- <strong>De</strong>spite all the efforts, emissions from the global<br />

construction sector in 2018 rose for the second<br />

consecutive year, by 2% from 2017 to a record<br />

high of 9.7 Gt CO2, due to the increased FSA<br />

and demand for electricity (which is still mainly<br />

generated from fossil fuels).<br />

Reporting on NDCs is an international requirement for<br />

countries, announcing what they have agreed about<br />

limiting emission levels at a national level, where the<br />

increase of the average global temperatures by 2100 is<br />

to be limited to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) above<br />

pre-industrial levels, as specified in the Paris Agreement.<br />

To date, the majority of countries (184) plus the European<br />

Union have submitted their NDCs and many of them<br />

(136) mentioned buildings, although most NDCs still do<br />

not list explicit actions relating to energy consumption<br />

and emissions in the construction sector.<br />

To help countries tackle building-related emissions,<br />

GlobalABC has developed guidance for including<br />

buildings in the NDCs. GlobalABC supports ambitious<br />

climate-related actions in the construction sector,<br />

improving the resilience and adaptability of<br />

built-up areas.<br />


Energy standards for buildings<br />

Energy standards for buildings are requirements set by a legal authority (national or<br />

sub-national) that focuses on reducing the amount of energy used for a specific end<br />

use or building component. In 2018, 73 countries had mandatory or voluntary energy<br />

standards for buildings or were developing them.<br />

Energy standards for buildings have a key role in limiting energy demand in the<br />

construction sector in the long term. For maximum effect, it is important that energy<br />

standards for buildings have teeth and can be progressively improved over the course<br />

of time through effective implementation options. Countries should apply mandatory<br />

energy standards to both residential and non-residential buildings.<br />

Countries that use energy standards for buildings<br />

Mandatory for entire sector<br />

Mandatory for part of sector<br />

Mandatory for part of sector<br />

in major city<br />

Voluntary for part of sector<br />

Code in development<br />

No known code<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

Energy certification of buildings involves programmes and policies that evaluate the<br />

performance of a building and its energy service systems. Certification can focus<br />

on assessing the operational or expected/nominal energy consumption and can be<br />

mandatory or voluntary for parts of the specific construction sector or for that sector<br />

in its entirety. The goal of certifying the energy performance of buildings is to provide<br />

information to consumers about their buildings and to gradually create a market for<br />

more efficient buildings.<br />


From 2018 onwards, 85 countries introduced<br />

certification programmes for the energy performance<br />

of buildings, and several countries and sub-national<br />

jurisdictions also modified their certification policy for<br />

energy in buildings in 2017-2018. The use of certification<br />

programmes is growing, with voluntary certification in<br />

which good performance of buildings is becoming a<br />

popular way of adding value, but there is still no largescale<br />

implementation of full mandatory certification<br />

programmes outside the European Union and Australia.<br />

This means that tracking the energy performance of<br />

buildings over time and disclosure of that information is<br />

still limited in extent.<br />

Countries that use NDCs, energy standards<br />

for buildings or construction certificates<br />

NDC submissions<br />

Building energy codes<br />

Governmental authorities in Europe have either limited<br />

the expansion of investments (e.g. the United Kingdom<br />

and France) or cut it (e.g. Germany). In comparison,<br />

overall investment in real estate in China has grown<br />

by 6% per year since 2015 to more than $1.8 trillion in<br />

2018. Chinese investments focus mainly on residential<br />

buildings, where investments in efficiency rose to $27<br />

billion in 2018, an increase of 33% compared to 2015. In<br />

the United States, investments in both residential and<br />

non-residential buildings grew by 3.8% between 2015 and<br />

2018, to a level of a trillion US dollars, but the proportion<br />

of the investments in improving the energy efficiency<br />

of buildings has been falling, down to 2% of the total<br />

investment by 2018. The real estate market continues to<br />

welcome and invest in green buildings and classification<br />

systems for green buildings. This is a promising sign for<br />

the sector (GRESB, 2019).<br />

NDCs<br />

Buildings<br />

136<br />

194<br />

Country policy 62<br />

Country NDC 46<br />

0 Number of <strong>Part</strong>ies 197<br />

Investments in global energy efficiency and total<br />

expenditure for buildings, 2018<br />

Energy<br />

efficiency<br />

Renewables<br />

51<br />

104<br />

0 Number of <strong>Part</strong>ies 197<br />

Building energy certifications<br />

Country policy<br />

Country NDC<br />

2<br />

84<br />

0 Number of <strong>Part</strong>ies 197<br />

USD 4.5 trillion<br />

Total spending on<br />

buildings construction<br />

and renovation<br />

2018 energy efficiency<br />

spending in buildings<br />

Envelope<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />

USD 139 billion<br />

HVAC<br />

Investment and financing for<br />

sustainable buildings<br />

Overall energy efficiency spending for buildings was<br />

$139 billion in 2018, a drop of 2% compared to 2017 (IEA,<br />

2019). What prompted this slowdown was stagnation<br />

in investments within the European Union, despite the<br />

United States and China continuing to invest in more<br />

energy-efficient construction systems.<br />

Lighting<br />

Appliances<br />

Source: 2019 IAE Global status report for buildings and construction<br />



Where are we in 2021?<br />

Using various reports from the IAE, we can look at<br />

buildings, façades, heating and cooling.<br />

Buildings<br />

Direct and indirect emissions from construction activities<br />

plummeted to about 9 Gt in 2020, after increasing by 1%<br />

every year since 2010. Although minimum performance<br />

norms are being tightened, the use of heat pumps<br />

and renewable devices is accelerating and the energy<br />

sector is becoming more carbon-free, the drop in CO2<br />

emissions from the construction sector in 2020 was<br />

largely the result of low activity in the services sector.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the expected recovery of the emissions in 2021<br />

being tempered by the persistent decarbonisation of the<br />

energy sector, buildings remain quite far behind where<br />

they need to be to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.<br />

To achieve this objective, all new buildings and 20% of<br />

existing buildings need to be carbon-free as early as 2030.<br />

The drop in CO2 emissions in 2020 was principally a<br />

consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, and of making<br />

energy generation carbon-neutral. Reduced activity in<br />

the services sector (as a result of teleworking, closed<br />

schools and empty hotels and restaurants) was the<br />

prime reason why utility buildings registered the largest<br />

drop in energy demand in history. At the same time, the<br />

increased generation of renewable energy combined with<br />

a lower overall energy demand meant that the carbon<br />

footprint of electricity was lower in 2020 than in 2019. As<br />

economic activity increases again, demand for electricity<br />

will bounce back and the emissions will obviously rise<br />

again in 2021.<br />

Noticeable progress in energy efficiency in the past<br />

year has encouraged the progress in decoupling energy<br />

consumption from the growth of floor surface area created<br />

by the construction sector. Net overall energy consumption<br />

in buildings rose from 118 EJ in 2010 to almost 130 EJ<br />

Emissions (GtCO2)<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e<br />

Non-residential (indirect) Non-residential (direct) Residential (indirect) Residential (direct)<br />

Source: 2021 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction | Globalabc<br />


in 2019 by an annual average of 1%, lagging behind the<br />

average annual 2% expansion of FSA in the same period.<br />

The rapidly increasing end use of energy in buildings<br />

(for cooling systems, appliances and wall socket<br />

loads) is driving the growth of electricity demand in the<br />

construction sector. Whereas electricity was a third of<br />

the energy used in buildings in 2020, the use of fossil<br />

fuels has also increased since 2010 by a marginal<br />

annual average figure of 0.7%.<br />

The drop in energy used per square metre in buildings<br />

resulted from the development of energy codes for<br />

buildings in 80 countries; additional and stricter<br />

minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for<br />

appliances and a shift towards more efficient heating<br />

technologies such as heat pumps, which reached a total<br />

stock of 180 million units in 2020, an increase compared<br />

to 100 million in 2010.<br />

Nevertheless, the energy intensity of the construction<br />

sector needs to decline five times faster in the coming<br />

decade than it has in the past five years if it is to comply<br />

with the net-zero emissions scenario by 2050. This<br />

means the energy consumption per square metre has to<br />

be 45% less by 2030 than in 2020.<br />

Moreover, the traditional use of solid biomass – highly<br />

inefficient and associated with about 2.5 million<br />

premature deaths due to household air pollution in 2020<br />

– should be completely phased out by 2030.<br />

Final energy (EJ)<br />

Other<br />

6%<br />

22%<br />

Residential<br />

140k<br />

120k<br />

Transport<br />

26%<br />

36%<br />

8%<br />

Non-residential<br />

100k<br />

80k<br />

Other industry 26%<br />

6%<br />

Buildings<br />

construction<br />

industry<br />

60k<br />

40k<br />

Other construction industry 6%<br />

20k<br />

0k<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e<br />

Space heating<br />

Space cooling<br />

Water heating<br />

Lighting<br />

Cooking<br />

Appliances and other<br />

Source: 2021 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction | Globalabc<br />



Since 2010, rising demand for energy services in buildings –<br />

especially electricity for running cooling equipment, appliances and<br />

connected devices – has exceeded the gains from energy efficiency<br />

and decarbonisation. In particular, the proportion of households that<br />

have room cooling worldwide grew from 27% in 2010 to 35% by 2020.<br />

Extremely high temperatures and prolonged heatwaves are<br />

setting records in numerous countries, driving up the demand for<br />

air conditioning. In fact, 2020 was the warmest year on record,<br />

along with 2016 (when a strong El Nino and climate change raised<br />

temperatures around the world), and 9 of the 10 warmest Augusts<br />

(the month when global cooling demand is highest) have occurred<br />

since 2009. Average temperatures in Asia in the summer of 2021<br />

were more than 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average and some<br />

cities elsewhere registered record temperatures, for example Mexico<br />

City (50.4°C on 3 August 2021).<br />

The domestic share of worldwide end-user energy consumption for<br />

refrigerators and air conditioners is now over 80%, up from two thirds<br />

in 2010; just over 75% of lighting is residential. Attaining the net-zero<br />

emissions scenario by 2050 for the construction industry will require<br />

a rapid shift to the best available technologies in all markets by<br />

2030. Historical examples teach us that upgrading pays dividends.<br />

In the European Union, for instance, new refrigerators are now<br />

required to be 75% more efficient than they were 10 years ago, and<br />

labels comparing products were revised in 2021 to help consumers<br />

identify the most efficient ones. For some technologies, however,<br />

progress remains slow. Lighting policies in many countries have not<br />

been revised to phase out halogen bulbs, for example, which are only<br />

about 5% more efficient than incandescent bulbs.<br />


Final residential energy use covered by labels, 2000-2021<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Refrigerators Space cooling Space cooling<br />

2000 2010 2021<br />

Driven by existing policy aimed at reducing emissions<br />

plus several targeted governmental programmes,<br />

investments in energy efficiency in buildings were given<br />

a boost in 2020 and reached almost $180 billion, a<br />

growth of 11% with respect to 2019.<br />

Total investments in energy efficiency in the global<br />

construction sector were expected to increase even<br />

further in 2021. Almost half that investment is for the<br />

construction of new efficient buildings, while the rest<br />

is used for energy-related retrofitting and efficient<br />

appliances.<br />

Economic recovery in the construction and transport<br />

sectors is the key driver of the expected rise in total<br />

investments in energy efficiency globally in 2021.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the recent increase in efficiency investments,<br />

expenditure will need to triple by 2030 compared to the<br />

averages of the past five years if net-zero emissions<br />

are to be achieved by 2050. The scenarios focus on<br />

reaching high ‘energy retrofitting’ percentages of<br />

approximately 2.5% a year by 2030 and making sure<br />

that new buildings that are built in the coming decade<br />

comply with tougher efficiency standards.<br />

The construction sector has a very high carbon<br />

footprint when indirect emissions are taken into<br />

account. About 9% of energy-related and processrelated<br />

CO2 emissions worldwide are the result of using<br />

fossil fuels in buildings; a further 18% comes from<br />

generating the electricity and heat used in buildings,<br />

and another 10% is related to the production of<br />

construction materials.<br />

The entire lifecycle of buildings is therefore directly<br />

and indirectly responsible for about 37% of global<br />

energy-related and process-related CO2 emissions,<br />

which means that emission limits for the entire<br />

lifecycle are needed. American environmental product<br />

declarations are a good example of publicly available<br />

documents that certify the environmental effects of<br />

building materials.<br />

Implementing mandatory carbon-free building<br />

regulations for all new buildings by 2030 is crucially<br />

important if the building exploitation and construction<br />

sectors are to be put on course for achieving the key<br />

milestones for making them carbon-free (net-zero<br />

emissions) by 2050. These norms will have to cover<br />

both the energy intensity and the emissions in the<br />

exploitation and construction phases, as per the most<br />

recent EU policy developments such as the new French<br />

RE2020 norms, backed up by the E+/C label. They must<br />

also include EV recharging, demand management and<br />

flexibility requirements to help buildings accommodate<br />


variable renewable energy sources and a net-zero<br />

electricity system.<br />

Governments must make sure that their commitments<br />

are both clear and ambitious, giving the market the<br />

right signals for the long term. These undertakings<br />

should set specific policy measures such as tax<br />

and subsidy programmes, to enable and encourage<br />

the implementation of essential energy technology<br />

solutions with the aim of accelerating the transition to<br />

clean energy and reducing costs.<br />

In 2020, the Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance<br />

<strong>De</strong>ployment (SEAD) Initiative and the British<br />

government launched the COP26 Product Efficiency<br />

Call to Action to double the efficiency of important<br />

products by 2030, including general-service lighting,<br />

residential air conditioners and residential refrigerators<br />

and freezers. The IEA is developing an energy<br />

performance ladder to bring various policy measures<br />

together to set consistent performance thresholds for<br />

appliance efficiency; the aim is to gradually increase<br />

the policy targets or to switch to the best available<br />

products where possible. Product norms and technical<br />

specifications should be based on quantitative rules<br />

with scientific proof that they comply with the codes<br />

and exceed the MEPS. Using renewable resources<br />

should be promoted through a strict carbon accounting<br />

mechanism during the lifecycle, based on existing<br />

international standards.<br />

The building envelope<br />

About two thirds of countries did not have mandatory<br />

energy codes for buildings in 2020, meaning that<br />

over 3.5 billion m2 was constructed in 2020 without<br />

mandatory energy-related performance requirements<br />

– the equivalent of the entirety of current French real<br />

estate. To stay in line with the scenario for net-zero<br />

emissions by 2050, all countries must set mandatory<br />

carbon-free energy codes for buildings by 2030 at the<br />

latest and all new buildings must meet these standards<br />

from 2030 onwards. This requires 20% of the existing<br />

floor surface area of buildings to be renovated to<br />

that level by 2030, for which the annual renovation<br />

percentages for energy efficiency would have to go up<br />

from under 1% today to 2.5% by 2030, worldwide.<br />

The built-up FSA in buildings worldwide has increased<br />

by about 65% from 2000 to almost 245 billion m2<br />

in 2020. At the same time, the average energy<br />

consumption per m2 dropped by only about 25%. This<br />

means the growth of floor surface area overshadows all<br />

the efforts made in this period.<br />

Performance improvements in building shells are crucially<br />

important for achieving much of the net-zero emission<br />

target by 2050. Although countries are required to<br />

implement mandatory building regulations in the coming<br />

decade in order to meet the net-zero targets, most have<br />

not yet made it an explicit policy priority. Energy coding for<br />

built-up areas sets construction standards for buildings<br />

that meet minimum energy performance requirements.<br />

They are a proven and cost-effective way of improving the<br />

energy performance of both new and existing residential<br />

and commercial buildings.<br />


Even so, fewer than 85 countries currently have<br />

mandatory or voluntary energy codes for buildings.<br />

Where there are already energy codes for buildings,<br />

ongoing evolution of the norms is important so that the<br />

current and future status of construction practices,<br />

materials and technologies remain reflected in them<br />

and are encouraged. That is why many countries are<br />

modifying their energy codes to make the construction<br />

requirements more rigorous over time.<br />

According to the EU Energy Performance of Buildings<br />

Directive (EPBD), all new buildings should be almost<br />

energy-neutral from 2021 onwards (this rule has<br />

applied to public buildings since 2019). Nearly all EU<br />

member states meet these requirements and have<br />

amended their legislation accordingly.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the various positive signals from many parts<br />

of the world, there are insufficient measures to keep<br />

up with the overall rapid expansion of FSA worldwide.<br />

In the scenario for net-zero emissions by 2050,<br />

all countries must have implemented carbon-free<br />

building regulations by 2030 that apply to both new<br />

buildings and retrofitting of buildings that require<br />

major renovation or work. This is about emissions not<br />

just from construction activities (scope 1 and 2) but<br />

also from the manufacture of building materials and<br />

components (scope 3). More code coverage and strict<br />

supervision of compliance are needed to expand new<br />

high-performance constructions from the current level<br />

of 150 million m2 FSA to over 8 billion m2 by 2030. At<br />

the same time, the energy intensity of buildings will<br />

have to fall six times faster than in the past decade.<br />

In the short term, governmental decisions are needed<br />

to implement the carbon-free construction regulations<br />

in time by 2030. Implementation mechanisms are<br />

also needed to underpin this transition, which can be<br />

promoted e.g. by including compliance practices in<br />

construction regulations. Better building simulators,<br />

training, inspections and checks, as well as<br />

assessments and other stimuli, are important tools for<br />

increasing the level of compliance with construction<br />

regulations. The average retrofitting percentage of<br />

the existing building stock is currently about 1% per<br />

year; such retrofitting generally results in an average<br />

reduction in energy intensity of under 15%. To reach the<br />

scenario of net-zero emissions by 2050, the retrofitting<br />

percentages will have to go up to a level of at least<br />

2.5% by 2030.<br />

Progress is being made on various fronts, however,<br />

such as the EU’s revision of the European building<br />

directive in June 2018 to speed up the renovation<br />

of existing buildings. The European Committee also<br />

launched a ‘renovation wave’ to free up investments<br />

for renovating buildings, aiming to double the amount<br />

of renovation work on buildings in the coming decade.<br />

In 2019, the World Green Building Council network<br />

launched the BUILD UPON2 project in Europe to align<br />

and report about the running renovation efforts<br />

of buildings. Another interesting project is iBRoad<br />

(Individual Building Renovation Roadmaps), which is<br />

developing a tool to outline renovation plans tailored to<br />

individual buildings.<br />

In 2021, the Building Energy Codes working group of<br />

the Energy in Buildings and Communities Technology<br />


Collaboration Programme (EBCTCP) published a report<br />

on mandatory regulation tools that are used for existing<br />

buildings in IAE member state economies.<br />

In 2020, construction caused 10% of energy-related<br />

and process-related emissions worldwide, with building<br />

shells responsible for more than half of that, twice as<br />

much as in 2000. The requisite quantities of steel and<br />

cement weigh heavily in that figure. Compared to the<br />

expected FSA, demand for cement must fall by over<br />

250,000 tons and 75,000 tons less steel will be needed<br />

by 2030. As a result, demand for steel and cement is<br />

levelling off despite the expansion of the FSA by 2% per<br />

year through to 2030.<br />

Various international initiatives unite countries,<br />

organisations from the private sector and cities in<br />

reducing emissions, such as WorldGBC’s Bringing<br />

Embodied Carbon Upfront, in which eighty stakeholders<br />

in the building and construction chain signed up to a<br />

40% reduction in construction-related emissions per<br />

square metre of new FSA by 2030.<br />

Moreover, some American states (e.g. California)<br />

and cities (e.g. San Francisco, Seattle and New<br />

York) have recently adopted legislation about<br />

sustainable building materials. In California, the Buy<br />

Clean California Act encourages state purchases to<br />

switch to low-carbon materials, and Marin County<br />

has changed its building code to integrate limits on<br />

carbon emissions from concrete.<br />

for the energy performance of buildings. As well as<br />

promoting energy-neutral buildings, the directive<br />

trusts the development of Lifecycle Carbon 8 Energy<br />

Performance Certificates to ensure the reporting and<br />

monitoring of embodied emissions.<br />

This EU directive has already led to action, in<br />

particular the French RE2020 regulation requiring<br />

that all buildings completed after 2022 meet both<br />

energy and carbon norms, whereby the latter is<br />

calculated based on a dynamic lifecycle analysis<br />

that weights short-term emission reductions more<br />

heavily than long-term reductions.<br />

We urgently need measures to implement, upgrade and<br />

enforce energy codes for buildings in order to achieve<br />

the climate objectives. They must deal with the rapid<br />

expansion of the construction industry and improve<br />

the thermal comfort of buildings without significantly<br />

increasing the energy demand, and they also need to<br />

tackle the emissions from both the construction and<br />

the use of buildings. This policy should be developed<br />

now so that it can be in force by 2030 and have all the<br />

supporting tools and market capacity needed to ensure<br />

the regulations for carbon-neutral construction are met<br />

by 2030.<br />

The European Union is also focusing its strategy on<br />

lifecycle emissions accounting in its revised directive<br />


Sharing knowledge between countries so that energy<br />

codes for buildings can be determined, improved and<br />

enforced will help identify best practices and suitable<br />

technologies, for instance in using improved insulation<br />

techniques for building shells in cold climates to reduce<br />

thermal losses, and using cool roofs, dynamic shading<br />

systems and low-emissivity (low-e) windows to reduce<br />

the energy needed for cooling in warmer climates.<br />

Governments can set a good example by applying<br />

these measures, for example by requiring high-quality<br />

structures for new public buildings and offering<br />

financial incentives to encourage market acceptance<br />

of high-quality solutions.<br />

Building regulations that describe overarching<br />

requirements for the environmental performance of<br />

a building over its entire lifecycle are essential for<br />

reducing embodied emissions. Various international<br />

studies, such as the Building System Carbon<br />

Framework by the WBCSD, provide a framework that all<br />

members of the supply chain can use for quantifying<br />

their emissions and identifying opportunities for<br />

reducing embodied carbon.<br />

Standardised carbon accounting systems based on<br />

this type of framework and international norms (e.g.<br />

ISO14025, ISO14040, EN15804, EN15978, etc.) yield<br />

labels and performance measurements for the entire<br />

lifespan that stakeholders throughout the value chain<br />

for buildings and structures can use.<br />

Data is clearly needed for accurate accounting of the<br />

lifecycle emissions. That is why it is crucial that there<br />

are standardised environmental impact declarations<br />

for products, as this information is the basis for the<br />

carbon accounting systems. Carbon-neutral building<br />

regulations by 2030 should not be limited to just new<br />

buildings but should also cover retrofitting existing<br />

buildings. Governments should promote building<br />

designs that can be adapted to local climatological<br />

conditions, urban forms and construction practices,<br />

and that integrate passive strategies such as natural<br />

ventilation and passive cooling systems.<br />

Moreover, looking at buildings from the lifecycle<br />

perspective – even as early as in the construction<br />

phase – could be encouraged through greater use of<br />

sustainable materials, combined with improved building<br />

design and district and urban planning measures for<br />

building and renovation work. Actions like these can<br />

also reduce the building’s overall carbon footprint.<br />

What is more, the use of simulation and optimisation<br />

tools for designing buildings should be encouraged so<br />

that technological synergies can be achieved during<br />

the building’s design phase. It is important to train<br />

designers, engineers and systems installers so<br />

that best-practice building designs will be approved<br />

more easily.<br />



Implementing packages for high-quality construction<br />

and renovation demands better access to funding<br />

and the use of innovative business models that<br />

bring borrowers, financiers and regulators together.<br />

Governments can make that possible through policy<br />

interventions plus market regulations to improve<br />

access to funding and reduce the risks of investing<br />

in clean energy.<br />

Measures used can include tax exemptions, subsidies,<br />

loans, auctions and obligations. Governments can<br />

also collaborate with for instance the financial sector,<br />

banks and investors to create a common classification<br />

scheme and a sturdy scientific basis for such<br />

investments. Standardising the verification procedures<br />

so that the uncertainties about evaluations of energy<br />

savings are reduced would help investors understand<br />

the benefits of investments in buildings and the<br />

reproducibility of such savings, making investments<br />

more attractive.<br />

Governments should also expand the R&D funding<br />

for high-quality building shell technology with higher<br />

thermal capacity and thinner insulating layers (e.g.<br />

using vacuum insulation panels and aerogels). It<br />

is about making the building shell more capable of<br />

adapting to changes and variable needs, for instance by<br />

including dynamic envelope components or integrating<br />

renewable energy sources into the building shell.<br />

Heating<br />

The dominance of heaters and boilers based on fossil<br />

fuels has to be broken and their collective market share<br />

has indeed now dropped to under 50%. <strong>De</strong>spite this<br />

positive development, new boilers that run on fossil<br />

fuels are still a threat to achieving the net-zero emission<br />

goals because they mean extra CO2 emissions that will<br />

still be released in the future (boiler manufacturers are<br />

quick to claim technical operational lifespans of 15 to 20<br />

years). That is why we must stop installing such heating<br />

devices as soon as possible; heating solutions based on<br />

fossil fuels should be completely phased out by 2025 to<br />

comply with the net-zero emission scenario by 2050.<br />

The gradual replacement of conventional oil and gas<br />

boilers with condensation units (typically with 90-95%<br />

yields) has reduced emissions from boilers over the past<br />

decade by 10%. Progress at the current rate is nowhere<br />

near enough to achieve the net-zero objective, though.<br />

The steps being taken towards banning boilers that<br />

use fossil fuels are unevenly spread across the regions.<br />

Norway, Sweden and Finland have already banned the<br />

sale of oil-fired boilers in the past decade. The United<br />

Kingdom will probably follow suit with the publication<br />

of its heat and building strategy paper. Many other<br />

countries, including France, Ireland and Austria, will<br />

ban oil-fired boilers in new buildings by 2025 or earlier.<br />

To stay in line with the net-zero scenario, the share of<br />

clean energy technology such as heat pumps, solar<br />

thermal heating, low-carbon district heating systems<br />

and biomass boilers will need to be more than 80% of the<br />

sales of new heating devices by 2030.<br />


In addition to improvements to the building shells,<br />

using this low-carbon high-yield heating technology<br />

will help reduce the average energy intensity of heating<br />

globally in the coming decade by about 4% a year. The<br />

combined effects of improvements to efficiency, fuel<br />

shifts and the decarbonisation of the energy sector<br />

should reduce heating-related emissions of buildings<br />

by over 50% by 2030.<br />

In 2020, 180 million heat pumps were in use, compared<br />

to under 100 million in 2010. The bulk of this growth<br />

comes from higher sales of reversible units that can also<br />

be used for cooling, reflecting the increasing demand for<br />

cooling. But in general, heat pumps still meet no more<br />

than 7% of the heating needs in buildings, worldwide.<br />

However, to be in line with the net-zero scenario, 600<br />

million heat pumps will have to meet 20% of the global<br />

heating demand for buildings in 2030.<br />

Cooling systems<br />

Energy consumption for cooling systems has tripled<br />

since 1990, with considerable consequences for<br />

electricity grids, especially during peak periods and<br />

extreme heat events. The global demand for cooling<br />

systems kept growing in 2020, partially driven by<br />

a high need for domestic cooling systems as more<br />

people were spending time at home. Cooling systems<br />

accounted for almost 16% of the end use of electricity<br />

in the construction industry in 2020 (about 1885 TWh).<br />

Although very efficient air conditioners (AC) do exist,<br />

most consumers buy models that are two to three<br />

times less efficient. Implementing standards for energy<br />

efficiency should be capable of improving the energy<br />

performance of AC units by about 50% by 2030 and<br />

help cooling systems get on track to the net-zero<br />

scenario by 2050. Together with improved building<br />

designs, efficiency norms are a key measure for<br />

preventing the lock-in of inefficient units in the<br />

coming decades.<br />

About 2 billion AC units are in use throughout the<br />

world. This makes cooling systems one of the main<br />

drivers of the rising demand for electricity in buildings<br />

and of the additional generation capacity for meeting<br />

peak power demands. Residential units comprise<br />

almost 70% of the total.<br />

<strong>De</strong>mand for cooling systems has risen by an average of<br />

4% annually since 2000, twice as fast as the demand for<br />

lighting. Higher energy consumption for cooling systems<br />

particularly affects the peak demand for electricity,<br />

especially during hot days when devices are used at full<br />

capacity. Although the performance of cooling devices<br />

is constantly improving and electricity production is<br />

becoming less carbon-intensive, the CO2 emissions of<br />

cooling systems are increasing rapidly, almost doubling<br />

from 1990 to 2020 and reaching nearly 1 Gt.<br />

Globally, the demand for cooling systems increased by<br />

an average of 1% in 2020. With many people working<br />

from home in 2020 and 2021, residential consumption<br />

rose by over 2% while non-residential consumption fell<br />

away by about 0.5%.<br />

These trends may well be very specific to particular<br />

regions. Energy consumption for cooling systems<br />

increased in China and India in both the residential and<br />



the service subsectors, whereas demand for electricity<br />

for cooling systems dropped in various European<br />

countries in 2020 as a result of a cooler summer.<br />

The AC market in various regions was affected by<br />

lockdowns and heatwaves in 2020. In Europe, for<br />

instance, sales for domestic use rose because a large<br />

proportion of the population worked from home, and in<br />

the United States, the heat waves spurred the demand.<br />

The market for AC units for cooling systems has<br />

evolved a great deal over the past twenty years. China’s<br />

market share has doubled in the last two decades, now<br />

making up 40% of the global market for air conditioners<br />

and cooling systems. While China, the United States<br />

and Japan together account for two thirds of the AC<br />

market, with more than 1 billion units sold in these<br />

countries during the past decade, demand for AC grew<br />

faster in relative terms in India and Indonesia, with<br />

the average number of systems installed annually<br />

increasing by about 10% since 2010.<br />

<strong>De</strong>spite the rise in demand for cooling in recent years,<br />

there are still differences in AC ownership between<br />

households, depending on household income.<br />

Worldwide, about 35% of the population own an air<br />

conditioner, but only about 12% of the 44% of the<br />

world’s population living in hot climates own an AC<br />

unit. AC ownership exceeds 90% in the US and Japan<br />

but remains under 5% in sub-Saharan Africa and below<br />

10% in India, although the number of cooling days (the<br />

metric used to assess the need for cooling services) is<br />

twice as high in those countries.<br />

Rising living standards, population growth and more<br />

frequent and extreme heatwaves are expected to<br />

create unprecedented demand for cooling over the<br />

coming decade (see The Future of Cooling report).<br />

The number of AC units installed could therefore be<br />

expected to increase by a further 40% by 2030, so<br />

locking in inefficient appliances should be avoided.<br />

To be in line with the scenario of net-zero emissions by<br />

2050, the average efficiency of new AC units for use<br />

on domestic mains electricity would have to increase<br />

by at least 50% in all markets by 2030. In parallel with<br />

increased efficiency of the appliances, cooling demand<br />

in the net-zero scenario is also brought down by better<br />

building design, with 20% of existing building floor area<br />

and all new buildings being carbon-free by 2030.<br />

Passive and nature-based solutions can be some of<br />

the most affordable measures for reducing cooling<br />

consumption. The goal of the Million Cool Roofs<br />

Challenge is to use 1 million m2 of cool roofs (reflective<br />

surfaces that can help lower the indoor temperatures of<br />

buildings). In addition, the authorities in West Sydney,<br />

Australia, have announced a ban on dark roofs to<br />

prevent heat islands arising in future.<br />



6<br />




While the overall energy consumption of the global construction industry remained the same in 2019<br />

as in 2018, the CO2 emissions associated with operating buildings rose to the highest level ever at<br />

about 10 GtCO2, which is 28% of overall energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide. When emissions<br />

from the construction industry are added, the share is 38% of overall energy-related CO2 emissions<br />

worldwide. The slightly lower proportion of emissions from buildings compared to the 39% in 2018 was<br />

due to the increase in emissions from transport and other industries relative to buildings.<br />

Global share of buildings and the construction industry in final energy and emissions in 2019<br />

28%<br />

Transport<br />

8% Non-residential<br />

buildings<br />

22%<br />

Residential<br />

buildings<br />

23%<br />

Transport<br />

Non-residential<br />

buildings (indirect)8%<br />

3% Non-residential<br />

buildings (direct)<br />

11%<br />

Residential<br />

buildings<br />

(indirect)<br />

5%<br />

Other<br />

32%<br />

Other Industry<br />

35%<br />

ENERGY<br />

5%<br />

Buildings<br />

construction<br />

industry<br />

7%<br />

Other<br />

32%<br />

Other industry<br />

38%<br />


6%<br />

Residential<br />

buildings<br />

(direct)<br />

10%<br />

Buildings<br />

construction<br />

industry<br />

Source: GlobalABC - 2020 Global Status Report for buildings and constructions<br />

* Founded at C0P21, hosted by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and with over 150 members, including 30 countries, the GlobalABC is the leading global platform for governments,<br />

private sector, civil society, research, and intergovernmental organizations committed to common Vision: a zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector.<br />

The increased emissions from the construction industry<br />

result from continuing use of coal, oil and natural gas<br />

for heating and cooking in combination with higher levels<br />

of activity in regions where electricity generation is<br />

still largely coal-based. This leads to a stable level of<br />

direct emissions but growing indirect emissions (i.e.<br />

through electricity).<br />

This underlines the importance of a three-pronged<br />

strategy aimed at reducing both the demand for energy<br />

and emissions:<br />

- Radically reducing energy demand in<br />

built-up areas,<br />

- Making the energy sector carbon-free at the<br />

same time, and<br />

- Implementing materials strategies that reduce<br />

carbon emissions during the lifecycle.<br />


For the first time in three years, expenditure on energyefficient<br />

buildings rose in 2019, namely by 3% to $152<br />

billion. However, this is still only a small fraction of<br />

the $5.8 trillion spent in the construction industry.<br />

Investments in energy efficiency are lagging behind<br />

investments as a whole in the sector, so more effort is<br />

needed to make buildings carbon-free. For every dollar<br />

spent on energy efficiency in the building industry, 37 are<br />

spent on conventional construction solutions.<br />

Even so, there are positive signs that the<br />

decarbonisation of buildings and energy efficiency<br />

are gaining ground in financial investment strategies.<br />

Financial institutions and property companies realise<br />

the huge potential for growth and the investment<br />

opportunities in sustainable buildings.<br />

Of the 1,005 property companies, developers, REITs<br />

and funds that reported to the Global ESG Benchmark<br />

for Real Assets (GRESB) in 2019, jointly representing<br />

managed assets of $4.1 trillion, 90% take account of<br />

the assessment standards for green construction and<br />

operation in their projects.<br />

The construction and operation of buildings accounted<br />

for the biggest share of final energy consumption<br />

worldwide in 2019 (35%) and of energy-related CO2<br />

emissions (38%) in 2019. The building stock’s share in<br />

global energy and emissions has been stable since 2018<br />

(IEA 2020b). In the comparison with the 2018 Buildings<br />

GSR, it should be noted that the slightly lower proportion<br />

of emissions from buildings compared to the figure of<br />

39% in 2018 was due to the increase in emissions from<br />

transport and other industries relative to buildings.<br />

Construction industry: final energy consumption<br />

worldwide, 2010-2019<br />

Final energy (EJ)<br />

150<br />

120<br />

90<br />

60<br />

30<br />

0<br />

Source: IEA (2020b)<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

Fuel type<br />

Coal<br />

Oil<br />

Biomass (traditional)<br />

Commercial Heat<br />

Renewables<br />

Natural gas<br />

Electricity<br />

Green buildings form one of the biggest global<br />

investment opportunities of the coming decade,<br />

estimated at $24.7 trillion in 2030 by the International<br />

Finance Corporation (IFC). Governments play a key role in<br />

the exploitation of this opportunity.<br />

The total energy consumption in the operation of<br />

buildings was about 130 EJ – about 30% of overall final<br />

consumption – plus another 21 EJ for buildings and<br />

construction, or 5% of the total demand. Electricity<br />

consumption in buildings currently accounts for about<br />

55% of global electricity consumption (IEA 2020b). 2019<br />

was the first year since 2012 to see energy consumption<br />

in buildings remain stable, and the energy intensity in<br />

relation to the floor area improved (IEA 2020a).<br />


Emissions due to buildings and their<br />

construction<br />

Direct energy-related emissions and those related to<br />

the use of energy in the construction of buildings rose<br />

to slightly more than 3 GtCO2 and 6.9 GtCO2 in 2019,<br />

while the combined direct and indirect energy-related<br />

emissions due to the use of buildings rose to around 10<br />

GtCO2 in 2019, or about 28% of total global CO2 emissions<br />

(IEA 2020b). In addition, the production, transport<br />

The increase in emissions in the construction industry is<br />

the result of the continuing use of coal, oil and natural<br />

gas for heating and cooking in combination with higher<br />

levels of activity in regions where electricity generation<br />

is still largely coal-based. This leads to a stable level<br />

of direct emissions but growing indirect emissions (i.e.<br />

through electricity) (IEA 2020a). Although the direct<br />

emissions of electricity are low, it is still mainly generated<br />

using fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.<br />

and use of all the construction materials for buildings<br />

resulted in energy-related and process-related CO2<br />

emissions of around 3.5 GtCO2 in 2019, which is 10% of all<br />

emissions in the energy sector (IEA).<br />

Global building-related emissions, 2010-2019<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

Emissions (GtCO2)<br />

Non-residential<br />

(indirect)<br />

Non-residential<br />

(direct)<br />

Residential<br />

(indirect)<br />

Emissions data for the use and construction of buildings, 2019<br />

Buildings use phase 9953<br />

Coal 496<br />

Oil 939 9%<br />

Natural gas 1663<br />

2019 (MtCO2) Share<br />

direct emissions<br />

Electricity and heat 6855 19% indirect emissions<br />

Buildings construction 130<br />

Construction energy use 130<br />

Material manufacturing 3430<br />

Cement- and steelmanufacturing<br />

for construction<br />

2038<br />

Other 1 391<br />

Buildings and construction<br />

value chain<br />

10% indirect buildings and<br />

construction value<br />

chain emissions<br />

13512 38% of total energy related<br />

emissions<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

Residential<br />

(indirect)<br />

Source: IAE 2020b (Energy Technology Perspectives 2020)<br />

Source: 2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction<br />

The IEA estimates that the combined energy-related<br />

emissions due to buildings and the building industry<br />

account for 38% of global CO2 emissions. Emissions<br />

from the production of building materials and their use<br />

in construction are mainly driven by the production of<br />

cement and steel (IEA 2020b); growth in use of those<br />

materials is a key factor pushing up building-related<br />

The design and types of new buildings (high-rise) have<br />

led to higher demand for steel and cement, although<br />

such buildings may have a longer service life thanks<br />

to the use of these materials. The global construction<br />

industry accounts for about 50% of the demand for<br />

cement and 30% for steel. This shows the importance of<br />

extending the service life of buildings, reducing the use<br />

of those materials or replacing them with materials with<br />

a lower embodied carbon content.<br />

carbon emissions.<br />


Numerous analyses show that decarbonisation of the<br />

sector is possible, but it requires clear roadmaps that<br />

need to be developed and implemented to accelerate the<br />

necessary transition to carbon-neutral buildings by 2050.<br />

Countries can support this transition in various ways,<br />

for example by implementing progressive building<br />

regulations, with market rules and by facilitating<br />

investments in energy efficiency in existing buildings. An<br />

analysis by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) shows that<br />

the reduction in emissions needs to be taken further.<br />

According to a recent report, the reduction in emissions<br />

from buildings needs to be substantial and to be<br />

achieved quickly, with considerable reductions by 2030<br />

and almost complete decarbonisation by 2040. Based on<br />

the average of all the scenarios modelled by the CAT, the<br />

overall reduction in direct CO2 emissions caused by the<br />

sector in comparison with 2020 must be at least 45% by<br />

2030, 65% by 2040 and 75% by 2050.<br />

The indirect emissions due to the energy sector need<br />

to decrease even faster. The CAT analysis shows that<br />

completely eliminating emissions due to buildings by<br />

2050 is possible using existing technological solutions.<br />

However, this demands considerable investments<br />

in carbon-free heating and cooling sources and<br />

improvements to the building shell. In the scenario for<br />

sustainable development, the IEA estimates that direct<br />

emissions will not fall by more than 30% by 2030 and<br />

that total direct and indirect emissions will decline by 3.5<br />

Gt CO2 in the period 2019-30 (IEA 2020a). However, in<br />

the scenario of net-zero emissions by 2050 (NZE2050),<br />

focusing on the action needed to ensure the energy<br />

sector achieves net-zero emissions by 2050, the IEA<br />

reports that the direct CO2 emissions due to buildings<br />

will need to decline by 50% by 2030 and the sector’s<br />

indirect emissions must go down by 60% by 2030, driven<br />

by reductions in emissions due to energy generation<br />

(IEA 2020a). These efforts would need to achieve annual<br />

reductions of about 6% in the construction industry’s<br />

emissions between 2020 and 2030. To put that into<br />

perspective, CO2 emissions from the global energy sector<br />

fell by an estimated 7% during the pandemic.<br />

Most countries still need to submit their second nationally<br />

determined contribution (NDC); there is a good chance<br />

that they will include specific mitigation policies for<br />

buildings and will use codes, standards and certification<br />

guiding the sector towards zero carbon emissions.<br />

At the start of 2020, countries were asked to submit their<br />

new or revised NDCs to the secretarial office of the UN<br />

Framework Convention on Climate Change as part of the<br />

five-year cycle of reviewing countries’ objectives and<br />

undertakings following the Paris Agreement.<br />


Buildings sector emissions coverage in NDCs, 2018-2020<br />

New in 2020<br />

New in 2019<br />

New in 2018<br />

NDC: >75% coverage<br />



Buildings energy codes by jurisdiction, 2018-2019<br />

Mandatory for entire sector<br />

Mandatory for part sector<br />

Mandatory for entire sector<br />

in major city<br />

Voluntary part of sector<br />

Code in development<br />

No known code<br />

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and bounderies, and to the name of any territory, city or area.<br />

Source: GlobalABC/IEA/UNEP (2019). All rights reserved. Adapted from “Energy efficiency policies: Buildings”.<br />

Although energy codes for buildings are more common in<br />

high-income countries, considerable progress has been<br />

made around the world in formalising and regulating the<br />

construction industry.<br />

Certification for green or sustainable construction plays an<br />

important role for developers and owners who want their<br />

buildings to be distinctive as well as rewarding them for their<br />

efforts towards sustainable construction and operation.<br />

In the GlobalABC members’ survey, the respondents<br />

stressed the main developments in both energy codes<br />

and energy certification schemes for buildings. A<br />

substantial majority of respondents (79%) reported that<br />

their region or country had an energy code for buildings,<br />

whereas only 14% said that this was not (or not yet)<br />

the case. Certification for a building’s performance in<br />

terms of energy and/or sustainability gives a signal to<br />

the market and provides information to sustainabilityaware<br />

investors, lessees, policymakers and consumers.<br />

The use of certification allows you to assess and<br />

compare how well a building satisfies predefined<br />

criteria for a norm or meets relevant requirements. The<br />

certification of buildings is a tool for quality assurance<br />

during the design, construction and commercial<br />

operation. Given the lack of holistic, ambitious legislation<br />

in almost all countries and assuming the certification<br />

systems embrace the emissions targets of the Paris<br />

Agreement, such certification systems can fill that gap<br />

and act as an instrument that transforms the market and<br />


Buildings energy certification programmes by jurisdiction, 2017-2018<br />

<strong>Part</strong>ial mandatory with<br />

widespread voluntary<br />

<strong>Part</strong>ial mandatory<br />

Widespread voluntary<br />

Widespread voluntary with<br />

only a few projects<br />

No certification<br />

or no infotmation<br />

This map is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and bounderies, and to the name of any territory, city or area.<br />

Source: IEA (2019b). All rights reserved. Adapted from “Energy efficiency policies: Buildings”<br />

pushes it and its stakeholders towards more ambitious<br />

building practices.<br />

Increasing awareness and growing demand from the<br />

financial sector could lead to certification being used<br />

to verify the requirements for sustainable financing<br />

practices such as the EU’s taxonomy initiative.<br />

Ultimately, the certification of green buildings should<br />

be aimed at constantly raising the bar for quality and<br />

introducing transparency. The number of certification<br />

standards for green and sustainable buildings continued<br />

to grow in 2020 and more buildings than ever received<br />

a certification label. Globally, labels such as LEED,<br />

BREEAM, Passivehouse, DGNB and EDGE continue to be<br />

used on a large scale.<br />

Certification of green buildings and other sustainability<br />

labels aimed at buildings with low or near-zero emissions<br />

and energy consumption are an important ingredient<br />

in achieving a low-carbon building stock, but the<br />

certification must be based on common definitions and<br />

used in combination with mandatory building regulations<br />

and progressive policies. Many of these schedules have<br />

been made publicly available and they certify buildings<br />

that achieve net-zero emissions based on performance<br />

data. They include nine standards from Green Building<br />

Councils, such as the US GBC’s LEED Zero, EDGE Zero<br />

Carbon certification and ILFI Zero Carbon certification.<br />


Investing in green buildings<br />

The global incremental investment in energy efficiency<br />

in buildings was about $152 billion in 2019, an increase<br />

of 3% with respect to 2018 (IEA 2020c). This is a positive<br />

change after investment remained flat in 2017 and<br />

2018 at about $148 billion. However, the percentage<br />

increase is less than the rate of growth of investments<br />

in the construction of buildings, which was 4.9%, to<br />

$5.9 trillion.<br />

This increase in investments in energy efficiency is<br />

driven by both a rise in the investment activity in the<br />

construction industry on the world market, with an<br />

increase of 4.9% compared with 2018, and continuous<br />

policy efforts, particularly in European countries and<br />

China, to steer more investments towards the energy<br />

performance of buildings.<br />

Annual growth between 2014 and 2018 in the energy<br />

efficiency of buildings, measured as an improvement<br />

in the energy intensity, was 3.5%. This is in line with<br />

the 3% growth that is required to achieve the Paris<br />

targets and Sustainable <strong>De</strong>velopment Goal 7. However,<br />

this percentage is less than the rate of growth of<br />

investments in the construction of buildings in the<br />

same period, namely 4.5%. That means that the growth<br />

in investments in energy efficiency is not keeping pace<br />

with the construction of buildings worldwide, resulting<br />

in little change in the energy consumption by the global<br />

building stock.<br />

Building construction and energy efficiency<br />

investment and breakdown<br />

Source: IEA (2019b). All rights reserved. Adapted from<br />

“Energy efficiency policies: Buildings”<br />

Incidentally, a striking but not entirely unexpected<br />

feature is the big part played by the building envelope<br />

or shell.<br />

USD<br />

5.8<br />

trillion<br />

Total spending on buildings<br />

construction and renovation<br />

Cooling in buildings<br />

The energy requirements for cooling spaces could<br />

increase by a factor of three over the next 30 years (IEA<br />

2018), especially in hot and tropical countries. Houses<br />

account for more than two thirds of this increase.<br />

Global annual sales of air conditioning systems have<br />

increased nearly fourfold since 1990. About 2.8 billion<br />

people live all year round in places that have average<br />

daily temperatures in excess of 25°C and only an<br />

estimated 8% of them have air conditioning (GlobalABC<br />

2018, IEA 2018).<br />

USD<br />

152<br />

billion<br />

79 Envelope<br />

39 HVAC<br />

18 Lighting<br />

16 Appliances<br />

2019 energy efficiency spending<br />

in buildings (USD billion)<br />

This trend will continue and intensify, driven by rising<br />

incomes, the expected doubling of building floor area<br />

by 2060 (IEA 2019a) and a warmer planet with higher<br />

temperatures and increasingly frequent heatwaves.<br />


It will remain a major challenge to satisfy the demand<br />

for cooling in the future because of the vast quantity<br />

of building spaces that are being constructed around<br />

the world with little capacity for adapting to the local<br />

climate. Badly designed buildings using steel, concrete<br />

and glass can be liable to overheating without the<br />

correct thermal breaks, sun shading (dynamic or<br />

otherwise), ventilation or insulation. As a result, they<br />

need excessive amounts of energy for mechanical<br />

cooling in order to offer thermal comfort. Another<br />

challenge is the capacity of the electricity grid, which is<br />

often at its limit even in developed countries.<br />

Better building designs can reduce or even eliminate<br />

the demand for energy to cool spaces. Climateadjusted<br />

building envelopes, colours on the exterior,<br />

windows, natural ventilation, orientation and vegetation<br />

offer substantial opportunities for reducing the demand<br />

for energy for cooling purposes.<br />

If buildings are adapted to suit the local climate and<br />

passive cooling technologies are used, the buildings<br />

can stay cool naturally. Variations depend on the<br />

climate zone, the local building culture and the<br />

utilisation of the building.<br />

While there are many variations, the following principles<br />

apply: in humid climates, light to medium-heavy<br />

structures and open, spacious layouts ensure constant<br />

natural ventilation; in dry climates, buildings have to<br />

be very solid to keep out the heat during the day and be<br />

able to cool down naturally at night. However, climate<br />

change is speeding up, which means such rules of<br />

thumb are less significant.<br />

A key design aspect is determining an appropriate<br />

orientation for buildings with respect to the sun.<br />

Windows should be in shadow and the ratio of window<br />

area to wall area must be adjusted to suit the climate<br />

zone, while still guaranteeing sufficient daylight.<br />


Certification<br />

The website gives an overview of well-known international labels for buildings.<br />

Name Process Initial certification Renewal Focal areas Building types<br />

BOMA 360<br />



Gather all required<br />

documentation. Create<br />

an online account and<br />

complete the application<br />

form. Applications are<br />

accepted on a daily basis<br />

and designations are<br />

awarded quarterly.<br />

Fees are based on surface<br />

area, expressed in square<br />

metres. BOMA members<br />

receive a substantial<br />

discount and certifying ten<br />

or more buildings at the<br />

same time qualifies for a<br />

15% portfolio discount on the<br />

application fees.<br />

Renew every three years to<br />

maintain the designation.<br />

Buildings must also have<br />

their performance verified<br />

annually but there is no fee<br />

for the annual verification.<br />

Building operations and<br />

management, personal<br />

safety/security and risk<br />

management, training<br />

and education, energy,<br />

the environment and<br />

sustainability, and tenant<br />

relations and community<br />

involvement.<br />

Occupied commercial office<br />

and industrial buildings.<br />

Multi-purpose buildings are<br />

only assessed with respect<br />

to the office portion.<br />

BREEAM<br />

Register your project<br />

and complete the selfassessment.<br />

Receive an<br />

unverified score. Have an<br />

assessor verify the score to<br />

achieve full certification.<br />

$1,000 for access to the<br />

self-assessment tools. $750<br />

per certificate for each of<br />

the three parts.<br />

$250 each for renewing<br />

certificate without changes.<br />

This can be done up to two<br />

times. After two renewals<br />

or after far-reaching<br />

changes, recertification is<br />

required. This costs $750 per<br />

certificate.<br />

Management, health and<br />

welfare, energy, transport,<br />

water, materials, waste,<br />

land use, and ecology and<br />

pollution.<br />

All existing commercial<br />

buildings.<br />

CLASS-G<br />

Complete the selfassessment<br />

checklist and<br />

publish it. Order a plaque.<br />

Other registered users<br />

can submit comments for<br />

review, which will be studied<br />

by you and Class-G.<br />

Flat annual subscription rate<br />

of between $300 and $1,200<br />

depending on the number of<br />

locations and the length of<br />

the commitment.<br />

The subscription is renewed<br />

annually.<br />

Air and health, energy,<br />

water, materials and waste<br />

reduction.<br />

Any building or business that<br />

is committed to sustainable<br />

operations. A separate<br />

scorecard is available for<br />

data centres.<br />



Enter building data into the<br />

Portfolio Manager, which<br />

indicates whether you might<br />

be eligible. If so, complete<br />

the verification process<br />

and apply. Eligible buildings<br />

must score at least 75 out<br />

of 100 and are verified by an<br />

engineer or architect.<br />

Awarded once a year. No fee<br />

to apply.<br />

Can be renewed annually.<br />

Buildings that earn the<br />

ENERGY STAR can apply<br />

again one year after the date<br />

of the last energy data that<br />

was sent with the previous<br />

year’s application.<br />

ENERGY STAR is a singleattribute<br />

certification<br />

focusing on energy use, but<br />

the Portfolio Manager tool<br />

can also track waste and<br />

water.<br />

21 building types are eligible<br />

to receive a score.<br />

FITWEL<br />

Evaluate your building using<br />

the appropriate scorecard.<br />

Benchmark the performance<br />

and track it over time.<br />

Upload documentation<br />

for assessment by two<br />

independent reviewers.<br />

$500 per year for<br />

registration and a one-time<br />

project fee of $6,000.<br />

Reduced rates are available<br />

for companies that certify a<br />

whole portfolio.<br />

Certification is valid for three<br />

years. Recertification costs<br />

$500 plus 80 per cent of the<br />

applicable certification rate.<br />

Location, building access,<br />

outdoor spaces, entrances<br />

and ground floor, stairwells,<br />

indoor environments,<br />

workspaces or residential<br />

areas, shared spaces, water<br />

supplies, food services or<br />

grocery stores, vending<br />

machines or mini-markets,<br />

emergency procedures.<br />

For offices or multi-family<br />

units.<br />


Use the cloud-based<br />

assessment tool to gather<br />

data and implement<br />

best practices. When you<br />

are ready for a formal<br />

evaluation, a third-party<br />

assessor will visit your<br />

premises to provide<br />

guidance and quality<br />

assurance. Your score and<br />

rating are contained in a<br />

final report.<br />

Registration costs $1500.<br />

The costs per square<br />

metre depend on the<br />

building’s dimensions and<br />

characteristics, the type<br />

of certification, and the<br />

type and number of formal<br />

assessments you need.<br />

Green Globes encourages<br />

recertification after three<br />

years.<br />

Energy, water, waste and<br />

resource management,<br />

emissions and pollution,<br />

quality of the indoor<br />

environment and<br />

general environmental<br />

management.<br />

Any fixed-site commercial<br />

structure of more than<br />

37 m2, with specialised<br />

resources available for<br />

offices and healthcare<br />

sector buildings.<br />

LEED FOR<br />



AND<br />


Register to gain access to<br />

the tools and resources<br />

needed to earn certification,<br />

including an online project<br />

management tool.<br />

Flat registration fee, plus a<br />

certification fee that varies<br />

depending on the project<br />

size and the rating system.<br />

The term varies, depending<br />

on the LEED specialisation.<br />

LEED O+M requires ongoing<br />

recertification to ensure<br />

that the high performance<br />

continues. The other LEED<br />

systems do not require<br />

renewal.<br />

Location and transport, site<br />

management, water, energy,<br />

condition of the materials,<br />

quality of the indoor<br />

environment.<br />

All commercial and<br />

institutional buildings,<br />

although some (data<br />

centres, hospitality sector,<br />

schools and others) have<br />

tailored rating systems.<br />


Name Process Initial certification Renewal Focal areas Building types<br />



Register your project<br />

and gather the required<br />

documentation for all 20<br />

mandatory imperatives.<br />

An independent auditor will<br />

perform a content review<br />

and site visit on which your<br />

certification will be based.<br />

Costs are based on the<br />

building size, type of<br />

certification (full versus<br />

partial or zero-energy only)<br />

and whether you need a<br />

preliminary audit.<br />

Not needed. Issued once.<br />

Place, water, energy, health<br />

and happiness, materials,<br />

equity and beauty. <strong>Part</strong>ial<br />

certifications are available,<br />

as are zero-carbon and<br />

zero-energy designations.<br />

Any building type that can<br />

meet the requirements.<br />


GREEN<br />



Work out your building’s<br />

score with a downloadable<br />

spreadsheet. Hire an<br />

accredited verifier to<br />

conduct two inspections.<br />

A verification report will<br />

confirm whether you are<br />

eligible for certification.<br />

Projects are charged a flat<br />

fee for each building and<br />

an additional $20-30 per<br />

apartment.<br />

Not needed. Issued once.<br />

Plot and site development,<br />

resource efficiency,<br />

energy efficiency, water<br />

efficiency, quality of the<br />

indoor environment and<br />

homeowner education.<br />

Multi-family, including<br />

apartment blocks, housing<br />

with shared facilities and<br />

the residential portions of<br />

mixed-use buildings. New<br />

construction or renovation<br />

only.<br />


Register and participate<br />

in a planning phone call.<br />

Collect and submit the<br />

documentation. Get your<br />

project reviewed and sign off<br />

the final review.<br />

$1200-1500 for registration,<br />

$4500-6500 for<br />

certification.<br />

Certification is valid for three<br />

years. The recertification<br />

process is currently under<br />

development.<br />

Management, programmes,<br />

and technology and<br />

structure design.<br />

Any multi-storey parking<br />

structure.<br />



Submit a certification<br />

contract and register<br />

with the Passive House<br />

Institute. Upload the project<br />

documentation to Dropbox<br />

as instructed. Passive<br />

House will review the project<br />

performance and issue a<br />

certificate.<br />

Small building fees start<br />

at $1500. Larger buildings:<br />

$4000-33,125.<br />

Not needed. Issued once.<br />

Airtightness, energy source<br />

and climate conditioning of<br />

the space.<br />

Commercial, mixeduse,<br />

campuses and<br />

communities, as well as<br />

multi-family.<br />

PEER<br />

Register and submit<br />

payment. Complete<br />

your application with<br />

documentation and submit<br />

it for review. Certification is<br />

awarded, pending the review<br />

results.<br />

$1,200 for registration,<br />

$8000 for certification.<br />

Data must be submitted<br />

annually to maintain the<br />

certification. Recertify<br />

formally every five years.<br />

Reliability and resiliency;<br />

operations, management<br />

and safety; energy<br />

efficiency and the<br />

environment; electricity grid<br />

services; innovation and<br />

exemplary performance;<br />

and regional priority.<br />

All sorts of power systems,<br />

including campuses, microgrids,<br />

critical infrastructure,<br />

city grids and utility<br />

company premises.<br />

SERF<br />

Hire a professional to<br />

guide you through the<br />

certification process and<br />

verify performance. Submit<br />

the verified data to SERF,<br />

who will evaluate your<br />

application and issue the<br />

certificate.<br />

Initial fees of $4000-12,000.<br />

Annual renewal fee of<br />

$195-495. If you have<br />

made changes to your<br />

building that could affect<br />

performance, recertify it<br />

under the current criteria.<br />

18 or more categories,<br />

including energy and water<br />

efficiency, janitorial, waste<br />

management and recycling,<br />

lighting, air quality,<br />

transportation, landscaping<br />

and grounds management,<br />

plus some categories for<br />

specific building types.<br />

Offices, multi-family,<br />

retail, manufacturing and<br />

distribution, hospitals and<br />

institutional facilities. SERF<br />

may also work with buildings<br />

that do not fit these<br />

categories.<br />


SITES<br />

Register your project to<br />

gain access to the SITES<br />

worksheets. Collect and<br />

submit the documentation.<br />

GBCI will conduct a final<br />

review and issue the<br />

certification.<br />

$2500-3000 for registration<br />

and $6500-9000 for<br />

certification.<br />

Not needed. Issued once.<br />

Site context, pre-design<br />

planning, water, soil and<br />

vegetation, materials<br />

selection, human<br />

health and wellbeing,<br />

construction, operations and<br />

maintenance, education and<br />

performance monitoring,<br />

and innovation.<br />

New construction and<br />

existing sites that have been<br />

renovated, with construction<br />

in the last 2 years. Minimum<br />

185 square metres.<br />

TRUE<br />


Register your project.<br />

Complete the<br />

documentation and submit<br />

it for review. After your<br />

documentation is reviewed,<br />

an assessor will visit to verify<br />

compliance. A final review<br />

gives you the opportunity to<br />

add additional credits.<br />

$1250-1500 for registration.<br />

Certification requires a<br />

custom quote.<br />

Waste flow separation data<br />

must be submitted annually.<br />

Achieving net-zero waste<br />

status.<br />

Any physical facility,<br />

including campuses.<br />



Register with WELL Online<br />

and develop solutions<br />

customised to your project.<br />

Accredited professionals<br />

review your documentation<br />

and verify performance<br />

onsite. A laboratory<br />

checks the technical<br />

measurements.<br />

WELL v2 ranges from $1500-<br />

10,000 depending on the<br />

project type and size. WELL<br />

v1 is also still available.<br />

Recertification fees for v2<br />

range from $1.29 to 1.61<br />

per square metre, or flat<br />

fees from $3770-6525 for<br />

buildings under 4645 square<br />

metres.<br />

The new v2 has expanded<br />

the category list to include<br />

air, water, nourishment, light,<br />

movement, thermal comfort,<br />

sound, materials, mind,<br />

community and innovation.<br />

WELL v2 can be applied<br />

to any building type,<br />

including those that were<br />

tested in pilot versions of<br />

v1 (multi-family residential,<br />

commercial kitchens, retail,<br />

educational facilities and<br />

restaurants).<br />


Conclusions after analysing the overview:<br />

- <strong>De</strong>pending on the approach, some construction<br />

certification systems are based on selfassessment;<br />

institutions then offer software or<br />

web-based tools for the purpose. Other systems<br />

are based on third-party certification.<br />

- Eleven of the total of sixteen certification<br />

systems apply to commercial and institutional<br />

buildings.<br />

- Many of the systems were set up after 2000 but<br />

no figures are given for the number of buildings<br />

registered or certified. Numbers are only<br />

published for BREEAM and LEED, both of which<br />

work with certifications and assessments as a<br />

form of accreditation. The criteria used mainly<br />

apply to energy, water, pollution, materials,<br />

quality, emissions, management and processes.<br />

- BREEAM was established in 1988 in the <strong>UK</strong>.<br />

It is offered by the BRE Group and claims to<br />

have certified 575,000 buildings and registered<br />

2,300,000 buildings in over 85 countries.<br />

- In the case of LEED, founded in 1998 in the US<br />

and offered by the Green Building Council, the<br />

numbers are considerably lower. Around 50,000<br />

buildings have been certified and over 500,000<br />

buildings are registered.<br />

BREEAM<br />

BRE have been working on the development of<br />

standards for the built environment since 1921 and the<br />

group has grown significantly, especially in the last few<br />

years. They operate internationally and have offices,<br />

representatives and partners all over the world. BRE is<br />

part of the BRE Trust, which uses most of the profits<br />

from services to fund new research and education<br />

programmes. The independent certification body<br />

(BRE Global) provides impartial third-party certification<br />

services to companies, manufacturers and service<br />

providers worldwide for domains such as fire safety<br />

and security, environmental products, building<br />

information modelling (BIM) and management systems<br />

such as BREEAM.<br />

One specific focal theme within BREEAM certification<br />

is 'health and wellbeing'. A BRE Trust report published<br />

in October 2019 focuses inter alia on circadian lighting.<br />

The aim of circadian lighting is to improve alertness<br />

during working hours with brighter lighting and then to<br />

help relaxation with less bright and warmer light.<br />

The BRE Trust also regularly publishes about three<br />

essential aspects of indoor spaces: indoor air quality,<br />

lighting and acoustics. The health and wellbeing of<br />

people in non-residential buildings have now become<br />

an integral part of BREEAM certification.<br />


The latest published data for BREEAM certificates<br />

actually issued for non-residential buildings currently<br />

dates back to 2020.<br />

Number of ‘in use’ certificates issued, by building type<br />

Accommodation 7.22%<br />

Other types 4.12%<br />

A total of 20.6 million m2 of floor area was certified in<br />

the Netherlands through to the end of 2020; 13.4 million<br />

Industry 11.34%<br />

Conference 4.12%<br />

2020<br />

Offices 46.39%<br />

m2 of that was for buildings in use and 7.2 million m2<br />

for new buildings. The totals include both residential<br />

and non-residential buildings, although the number of<br />

Shops 26.80%<br />

BREEAM-certified residential buildings is very small.<br />

Source: BREEAM-NL website<br />

The number of buildings per year that acquire a BREEAM<br />

certificate is increasing rapidly but is still only a small<br />

fraction of the total building stock.<br />

Number of BREEAM certificates in the Netherlands<br />

Number of certificates issued for ‘new construction’,<br />

by building type<br />

Other types 10.00%<br />

Offices 19.00%<br />

Shops 1.00%<br />

2020<br />

2018 2019 2020<br />

350<br />

300<br />

Industry 70.00%<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

102 128 137 293 273 320<br />

New construction<br />

In use<br />

Source: BREEAM-NL website<br />

As in other systems, the measures and facilities in the<br />

building are categorised using a points system. The<br />

points sum up to give a total that determines whether<br />

certification can be granted and to what level. BREEAM<br />

certification also works with various levels.<br />

Source: BREEAM-NL website<br />

Looking at the totals for the categories that play a role<br />

The following illustrations give a picture for each type<br />

of building, based on the number of certificates issued.<br />

This clearly shows that it is more common for offices<br />

and industrial buildings to be certified.<br />

in certification, there are various categories where<br />

applying dynamic sun protection could be interesting.<br />


BREEAM-NL New construction 2020 V1.0<br />

category or sub-category score type of building<br />

Health<br />

HEA 01 Visual comfort 5 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

HEA 04 Thermal comfort 3 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

Energy<br />

ENE 01 Energy efficiency 15 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

ENE 04 Passive design and environmental impact 3 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

BREEAM-NL ‘In use’ V6.0.0 Non-residential construction<br />

category or sub-category score type of building<br />

Health<br />

HEA 01 Daylight 4 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

HEA 04 Counteracting light nuisance 4 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

HEA 06 Visibility (view out) 3 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

Management<br />

HEA 14 8 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

Energy<br />

ENE 01 Energy efficiency 40 points Offices/education/care sector<br />

LEED<br />

The US Green Building Council was founded in 1993<br />

with the mission of promoting sustainability practices<br />

in construction. Since the rating system was introduced<br />

in 2000, it has become an international standard for<br />

environmentally friendly buildings.<br />

LEED provides guidelines for constructing healthy, highly<br />

efficient and cost-effective green buildings. LEED covers<br />

all types of buildings and construction phases, such as<br />

new builds, furnishing, operation and maintenance as<br />

well as the shell or envelope construction. The system<br />

is very similar to BREEAM and is based on points that<br />

can be earned for facilities, implementations and<br />

specifications in various categories. Certificates are<br />

given when a certain minimum is attained, and the<br />

certification itself has various gradations depending on<br />

the number of points achieved.<br />

The vision of the US Green Building Council (USGBC)<br />

is that buildings and communities should protect,<br />

maintain and revitalise the health and vitality of all<br />

life within one generation. Its mission is to transform<br />

the way buildings and communities are designed,<br />

constructed and managed with the aim of making<br />

a human-friendly and environmentally-friendly,<br />

healthy and prosperous environment that improves<br />

the quality of life.<br />

The US Green Building Council was founded in 1993<br />

by Rick Fedrizzi, David Gottfried and Mike Italiano<br />

with the goal of promoting sustainable thinking in<br />

the construction sector. Other countries around the<br />

world have followed suit and established similar<br />

organisations, all headed by a Green Building Council.<br />


The growing interest led to the formation of the ‘United<br />

Nations of Green Building Councils’, whose mission is to<br />

support and unite Green Building Councils around the<br />

world with a shared voice and purpose. Green Building<br />

Councils are independent, non-profit organisations that<br />

work in the construction sector. They work to promote<br />

green building in their own countries, as well as joining<br />

forces with other Green Building Councils to achieve<br />

economic, social and environmental goals on a larger,<br />

global scale.<br />

In April 2018, the World Green Building Council released<br />

a new report highlighting the tangible economic<br />

benefits of green construction. The report shows<br />

that users become more satisfied when companies<br />

implement new health, wellbeing and productivity<br />

standards in existing green buildings. The report<br />

evaluates health and wellbeing features as integrated<br />

into the facilities, such as improved circulation of fresh<br />

air, acoustic privacy, better incident daylight and the<br />

use of biophilic design elements such as green walls<br />

and plenty of indoor plants.<br />

Companies that added health and wellbeing features to<br />

green-certified buildings found that absenteeism fell,<br />

operating costs went down and employees felt more<br />

productive and healthier.<br />

The report is based on a survey of more than 2000<br />

industry participants including architects, engineers,<br />

building contractors, owners, specialists, consultants<br />

and investors from 86 countries. It aims to analyse the<br />

level of green activity, the impact of green standards in<br />

construction on business operations, the measures that<br />

are most likely to lead to further growth of the green<br />

market and the potential obstacles to that.<br />

A total of 45 Green Building Councils (GBCs) from<br />

around the world took part in the study. The report<br />

highlights nineteen countries in particular, spread<br />

across six continents, that are each expected to show<br />

significant growth in the percentage of green projects.<br />

There is extra emphasis in this research on the social<br />

impacts, such as higher productivity among employees,<br />

creating a sense of community and supporting the domestic<br />

economy. Some of the key findings of the report:<br />

- Climate change remains a driving force for<br />

green construction: 77% of respondents stated<br />

that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an<br />

important reason for their organisation to build<br />

‘green’. In every region, energy savings were the<br />

key environmental reason for green building;<br />

energy is closely related to greenhouse gas<br />

emissions.<br />

- The advantages of green building for society<br />

are on the rise, especially in terms of the health<br />

and wellbeing of users. This emphasises the<br />

importance of people in the built environment.<br />

- Commercial construction remains the strongest<br />

sector for green building, but new residential<br />

construction has also shown steady growth in<br />

green projects since 2015.<br />


The international market for green building projects has<br />

grown substantially over the last decade and demand<br />

for green construction work is likely to grow over the<br />

next three years, according to a new report and sector<br />

survey published by Dodge Data & Analytics in 2019.<br />

IWBI brings together a global network of organisations<br />

through IWBI membership, works on relevant research,<br />

develops educational materials and is involved in<br />

policy-making that promotes health and wellbeing<br />

wherever it may be needed.<br />

WELL<br />

People spend around 90% of their lives in buildings<br />

and the conditions and culture inside those buildings<br />

therefore have a major impact on our health. If our<br />

environment is designed with wellbeing in mind, people<br />

in general will feel more comfortable, be more efficient<br />

and perform better.<br />

The WELL Building Standard was launched in October<br />

2014 after six years of research and development. WELL<br />

was developed by combining scientific and medical<br />

research into health, behaviour, health consequences<br />

and demographic risk factors affecting health with best<br />

practices for designing, constructing and managing<br />

buildings. WELL certification is carried out by external<br />

parties, often in conjunction with BREEAM certification<br />

for the building.<br />

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI)<br />

is now committed to transforming buildings and<br />

communities in ways that will help people’s wellbeing<br />

in buildings. IWBI provides the global rating system<br />

known as the WELL Building Standard, covering how<br />

buildings and everything in them can provide more<br />

comfort, better choices and improved health and<br />

wellbeing in general.<br />

According to the information on IWBI’s website, there<br />

were 35,103 projects underway or completed at the end<br />

of 2021 in a total of 109 countries, involving more than<br />

33 million m2 of construction.<br />

The WELL approach is to focus on the people in the<br />

building. WELL provides a framework for optimising the<br />

health and wellbeing of everyone who works in, visits<br />

or otherwise experiences a building. In a similar way to<br />

LEED or BREEAM, WELL works with various categories<br />

to give an overall final score for the building that is<br />

expressed as Silver, Gold or Platinum.<br />

WELL makes it possible to certify different types of<br />

buildings, such as new buildings, existing buildings and<br />

their furnishings.<br />

WELL is relatively unknown in the Netherlands as yet<br />

but it has been embraced as a standard by the Dutch<br />

Green Building Council (DGBC). This organisation<br />

administers the BREEAM-NL certification. The intention<br />

is to encourage more cooperation between the various<br />

certification bodies.<br />




7<br />




The sun produces about 3.85 x 1026 joules of energy per second (W), of which 1.74 x 1017W reaches the<br />

Earth (as measured at the outer limits of the atmosphere). The Earth receives the amount of energy<br />

consumed by humans every year from the sun in less than one hour. The energy reaches the Earth as<br />

radiation at various wavelengths, consisting of UV, visible light and infrared. The atmosphere filters<br />

and reduces the radiation so that only a fraction of it reaches the planet's surface. Infrared radiation at<br />

between 780 and 2500 nm is also called shortwave IR radiation, in contrast to longwave IR (5,000 to<br />

25,000 nm) or thermal infrared radiation, which is emitted by objects in our surroundings.<br />

Radiation that enters a room through glass as<br />

shortwave IR is absorbed inside the room and converted<br />

there into longwave IR that cannot escape from the<br />

room by the same pathway because glass does not<br />

let that type of radiation through. As a result, incident<br />

radiation in the room leads to a temperature increase.<br />

Sun’s angle of incidence<br />

The amount of energy that can pass through window<br />

glass into the room’s interior depends on the angle of<br />

incidence of the radiation onto the glass surface, i.e.<br />

the amount of energy falling directly on the surface.<br />

The underlying causes are the summer and winter<br />

orientations of the sun in relation to the Earth’s poles as<br />

the planet orbits the sun, as well as the time of day as<br />

the Earth revolves around its axis.<br />

In addition to direct radiation, glass surfaces in a<br />

façade also receive diffuse light from the sky and<br />

reflected light from the surroundings (including the<br />

Earth’s surface).<br />

The graphs below show the radiation hitting a vertical<br />

surface on days without cloud cover in summer and<br />

winter. They give a clear impression of the maximum<br />

amount of solar radiation incident on a vertical surface<br />

such as a façade.<br />

Solar radiation on glass<br />

40º Latitude N<br />

<strong>De</strong>cember 2021<br />

March 2021<br />

September 2021<br />

June 2021<br />

26.5º<br />

50º<br />

º<br />

73.5º<br />

Source: REVA Solar Shading Handbook<br />


Solar radiation incident on vertical surfaces<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

North Facade<br />

21 jun<br />

21 dec<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

East Facade<br />

21 jun<br />

21 dec<br />

W/m 2<br />

600<br />

400<br />

W/m 2<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

200<br />

0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

South Facade<br />

21 jun<br />

21 dec<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

West Facade<br />

21 jun<br />

21 dec<br />

W/m 2<br />

600<br />

400<br />

W/m 2<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

200<br />

0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

0<br />

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

Source: REVA Solar Shading Handbook<br />

The preceding graphs clearly show that the radiation on the eastern wall of a building<br />

peaks before noon and the radiation incident on the southern façade reaches its<br />

maximum around noon, whereas the radiation hitting the western wall reaches its<br />

maximum after noon. In winter, the amount of radiation hitting a south-facing side<br />

can in fact be greater than the amount in summer because the sun is lower above the<br />

horizon in winter and therefore shining in more horizontally.<br />


Plate glass<br />

Double glazing was developed in the 1960s, followed<br />

by further refinements involving filling the space<br />

between the two panes of glass with gases to optimise<br />

the insulating effect. Ways were also found to colour<br />

the glass or add coatings that could enhance certain<br />

functionalities.<br />

Glass can best be characterised by three parameters:<br />

than the U-value of triple low-e glazing (for which it is<br />

around 0.6 W/m2K).<br />

The differences in the other values between the various<br />

types of glass are much smaller. Other types of double<br />

glazing specifically affect the g-value, for example by<br />

having more heat absorbed or reflected in the outer<br />

layer or by using special coatings that affect the<br />

transmitted spectrum of the incident light.<br />

Thermal transmission (U-value)<br />

The U-value of glass is expressed in W/m2K and it<br />

quantifies the ability of the glass to transmit heat<br />

when there is a temperature difference between outside<br />

and inside.<br />

Light transmission (Tv)<br />

The light transmission value of the glass quantifies the<br />

amount of light that the glass allows to pass through.<br />

The g-value<br />

The g-value says how much of the overall amount of<br />

solar energy passes through and is converted into heat<br />

on the inside. The g-value depends on the angle at<br />

which the sunlight is incident on the surface.<br />

In general, glass allows quite a lot of heat through<br />

(in or out – that was also the reason why demand for<br />

double glazing arose). The space between the two glass<br />

surfaces (whether or not it is filled with gas) provides a<br />

buffer and increases the insulation value of the glass.<br />

Coating the glass with a very thin layer of a metal oxide<br />

(low-e coating) can greatly reduce the U-value. The<br />

U-value of clear single-glazing is about 10 times higher<br />

The glass production process<br />

Glass is made from a mixture of sand, limestone<br />

and soda. These raw materials are heated together<br />

to a temperature of around 1,500 degrees Celsius.<br />

The resulting liquid mass is then allowed to cool in a<br />

controlled way in a furnace. As the liquid leaves the<br />

furnace, an almost infinite ribbon of glass is created.<br />

A computer-controlled system then cuts the glass to<br />

the required dimensions. The panes of glass in various<br />

sizes are sorted at the end of the production line<br />

and put into crates separately to be delivered to the<br />

customer by road.<br />

The insulating effect of a pane of glass<br />

The heat losses in a building are caused by three<br />

major factors:<br />

- Thermal insulation of the structure, including<br />

windows and doors.<br />

- Thermal bridges (also known as ‘cold bridging’).<br />

- Airtightness of cracks and seams.<br />

Thermal insulation is expressed as the energy lost<br />

across a side of the structure when it is 20 degrees<br />

(inside) and the other side of the structure.<br />


The value is calculated as the number of watts per m2<br />

per Kelvin (delta T between the inside and out), i.e. W/<br />

m2K. This is also called the U-value.<br />

The lower the U-value, the better the insulation.<br />

In the Netherlands, the inverse is also sometimes<br />

used: the R-value in m2·K/W. The Rc value (for the<br />

whole structure) depends not only on the thickness<br />

of the insulation but also on Rse and Rsi: the<br />

thermal resistance of the exterior and interior of the<br />

structure respectively.<br />

Traditional uncoated double glazing has a U-value of<br />

only 2.6 W/m2K, but coated double glazing has U-values<br />

of between 1.6 and 1.2 W/m2K. The optimum size for the<br />

air gap is 15 to 16 mm. Narrowing or widening the gap<br />

affects the U-value negatively, although a larger cavity<br />

of e.g. 20 mm is better for noise reduction.<br />

Filling the cavity with a noble gas such as argon or<br />

krypton improves the U-value further, to 1.2 or even 0.8<br />

W/m2K. This is because the noble gases insulate better<br />

than just dry air.<br />

As a formula:<br />

Rc =((ΣRm+Rsi+Rse)/1+α) – Rsi – Rse<br />

where Rm = thickness of the material<br />

λ (lambda) = the thermal conductivity coefficient<br />

of the material in W/mK.<br />

Insulating glass was in the past always classified by its<br />

thermal performance into the following classes:<br />

Standard insulating glass .................................... 2.8 W/m2K<br />

HR ............................................... 1.6 > U-value U-value and

When designing a building, there is an unceasing<br />

search for the optimum values, with the percentage of<br />

glass in the façade also a major deciding factor.<br />

If a façade consists of 85% glass, it is better to<br />

lower the U-value and keep the energy transmission<br />

coefficient lower, for example a U-value of 0.6 W/<br />

m2K and a g-value of 40%. A proportion of 35% glass<br />

in a façade – the minimum prescribed in the Building<br />

<strong>De</strong>cree – needs a U-value of 0.7 W/m2K and a g-value of<br />

57% for the optimum energy effect, though.<br />

The U-value of glass shows how much heat is lost<br />

through the glass alone, i.e. without the heat loss<br />

through the entire outer wall opening, which consists of<br />

the transmission losses through the glass surface plus<br />

losses through the frame (U-glass and U-frame).<br />

The total energy transmission coefficient is also called<br />

the solar factor or g-value. This figure shows the extent to<br />

which the glass blocks (thermal) radiation. Solar-control<br />

glazing reduces the heat gain inside the building, which<br />

can be a solution in the summer in particular. The higher<br />

the solar factor, the more heat from the sun gets in. The<br />

difference between the g-value (used internationally)<br />

and the solar factor (ZTA) is that the latter is measured<br />

at an angle of 45°, whereas the g-value is measured<br />

perpendicularly to the glass.<br />

45º<br />

g-value<br />

90º<br />

The solar factor of a window system is the ratio of<br />

the solar radiant heat flowing in through that window<br />

system to the solar radiation falling on it (NEN 1068;<br />

NEN 7120:11.7.2).<br />

Tables 11.7 and 11.2 of NEN standard 7120 give the<br />

following values:<br />

Window ............................................................ g-value (ZTA)<br />

Clear single glazing ............................................................ 0.80<br />

Clear double glazing or single glazing with a<br />

second pane in front .......................................................... 0.70<br />

Heat-reflecting double glazing, not solar-control ....... 0.60<br />

Various types of solar-control glazing ............. 0.15 to 0.60<br />

Many utility buildings are fitted with glass that insulates<br />

better than standard double glazing. The highefficiency<br />

glass types HR, HR+ and HR++ have a neutral<br />

coating, not specifically for solar control, with high light<br />

transmission. A fixed value of 0.60 for the g-value will<br />

generally be used for these types of glass.<br />

Considerably lower g-values can be achieved for<br />

commercial buildings with solar-control glazing. The<br />

lower the g-value, the more limited the reduction in<br />

energy consumption for heating is, but the higher the<br />

reduction in energy consumption for cooling.<br />

When choosing the type of glazing, it is a question of<br />

finding a balance by looking at both summer and winter.<br />

In summer, it is pleasant to have the heat blocked off,<br />

whereas incoming warmth is desirable in the winter.<br />

ZTA value<br />

Source:<br />

To prevent overheating in the summer, building practice<br />

often aims to keep solar penetration as low as possible<br />


Violet<br />

and light penetration as high as possible. The sun’s<br />

heat is then kept out, but daylight can still get in nicely.<br />

Reducing the ZTA value is not the most effective way<br />

of avoiding overheating. Shade created by applying<br />

dynamic or fixed solar shading, overhangs or trees is a<br />

better option for keeping out the heat in summer. These<br />

types of measures let solar heat get into the building<br />

in the winter, which is when we do want to use that<br />

warmth inside as much as possible.<br />

Overheating in buildings can also be prevented by using<br />

the cooler outdoor air at night. The colder outside air is<br />

then allowed in through grilles on the ground floor, with<br />

the warmed air finally escaping through an opening<br />

somewhere high up in the building (night ventilation).<br />

Ingress of light<br />

The light admission factor (LTA), also known as the LT<br />

factor, is the ratio of solar radiation that gets in to the<br />

total incident amount. The higher this factor is, the more<br />

light gets in through the window.<br />

The amount of light that gets in through a window or<br />

façade is affected by the mass of glass, whether or not<br />

an insulating or solar-control coating has been applied,<br />

the presence of a screen print on the glass, applying a<br />

coloured sheet or foil within a laminated glass, use of<br />

dynamic glass (electrochromatic glass) or solar shading<br />

(dynamic or otherwise).<br />

External glass<br />

Direct Energy<br />

Reflection R e<br />

Light admission per type of glass (varying light<br />

transmission factors):<br />

Energy properties of glass<br />

Single glazing (clear float glass) ..................................... 90%<br />

Double glazing (clear float glass with a gap) ............... 82%<br />

Triple glazing (clear float glass with a gap) ................... 74%<br />

Solar-control double glazing ............................................. 61%<br />

The light characteristics only take account of the<br />

visible part of the solar spectrum (from 380 to 780<br />

nm). The light admission factor (or LTA) and the light<br />

reflectivity factor rv (or LR) are the fractions of visible<br />

light that pass through the glazing and are reflected by<br />

it respectively. As the radiation actually absorbed by the<br />

glazing has no visual value, it is usually ignored.<br />

The spectrum of solar radiation<br />

Radiation intensity (amount)<br />

Solar Radiation<br />

Ultraviolet<br />

7%<br />

External radiated<br />

Energy a<br />

Visible<br />

light<br />

Red<br />

44% 37%<br />

Near<br />

infrared<br />

Absoption<br />

Internal glass<br />

11%<br />

Solar <strong>Factor</strong><br />

g = T e<br />

+ q i<br />

Direct Energy<br />

Transmission T e<br />

Internal radiated<br />

Energy q i<br />

Source:<br />

Far<br />

infrared<br />

Microwaves<br />

Less than 1%<br />

TV Waves<br />

0.4 0.7 1.0 1.5 0.001<br />

Wavelength (μm)<br />

Wavelength (m)<br />

Source: Iowa State University/<strong>De</strong>partment of Agronomy<br />



The solar energy that enters a room covers the entire<br />

solar spectrum – in other words, ultraviolet radiation,<br />

visible light and shortwave infrared radiation. That<br />

energy can be restricted without limiting the light by<br />

using glass with an insulating coating that does stop<br />

the UV and IR radiation but not the visible light. That<br />

function of these coated glass products is what we<br />

refer to as ‘selectivity’.<br />

The selectivity of glazing is the ratio of the light<br />

transmission (LTA) to solar factor (ZTA), where<br />

selectivity = LTA ÷ ZTA. The selectivity is always<br />

between 0.00 and 2.33, where zero is opaque glass<br />

with no light transmission and 2.33 is the best possible<br />

selectivity. This is because visible light constitutes 43%<br />

of the solar spectrum’s energy. The closer you get to<br />

2.33, the more selective the glazing is.<br />

Natural light is a significant factor in a healthy indoor<br />

climate and sustainable comfort for living or working.<br />

Glass roofs and large windows in particular let a lot of<br />

daylight and warmth from the sun in. The type of glass<br />

also affects the amount of light that enters. There<br />

are also downsides to using normal glazing; heat and<br />

annoying glare are passed through almost completely<br />

unattenuated. However, to prevent overheating and<br />

annoyance from the sun, the glass can be fitted with<br />

dynamic shading inside or out, fixed awnings or solarcontrol<br />

glazing.<br />

Thermal properties of glazing<br />

The linear thermal expansion coefficient (α) of glass is<br />

8–9∙10-6/K and the thermal conductivity (λ) of glass is<br />

0.8 W/m2 K.<br />

Insulating glazing or double glazing has higher<br />

insulation values due to the enclosed cavity. The<br />

thermal transmission value of glass (the Ugl value) is<br />

largely determined by the thickness of the air cavity<br />

between the two constituent panes of glass. The air in<br />

the cavity must be so dry that condensation cannot<br />

normally occur between the panes. Relatively low Ugl<br />

values can be achieved by filling the cavity with a<br />

special gas (argon or krypton) or mixture.<br />

The NEN 7120 Energy Performance of Buildings (EPG)<br />

standard prescribes an average thermal transmission<br />

of 1.65 W/m2K for all transparent parts together, to be<br />

calculated according to NTA 8800, with a maximum<br />

of 2.2 W/m2K for each individual transparent part. For<br />

active façades, even lower values of 1.2-0.5 W/m2K<br />

should be aimed for.<br />

The U-value of a glazed frame or façade is determined<br />

not only by the U-gl (U for the glass) but also by the U-fr<br />

(U for the frame). U-fr varies roughly between 7.6 and<br />

0.81 W/m2K, depending on the material used for the<br />

window frame. To get the lowest possible U-value, it is<br />

advisable to use as much glass as possible with as few<br />

profile parts as possible.<br />

* In active façades, an outer shell – usually of glass – is placed outside the traditional façade. The cavity between the façade and the outer screen is<br />

in direct contact with the outside air. If the gap is wide, it is referred to as a second-skin façade.<br />


Radiation and absorption by the glazing<br />

The solar control effect of glass is quantified as the<br />

ratio between the amount of solar radiation transmitted<br />

(both directly and indirectly) and the total amount of<br />

incident solar radiation.<br />

The quotient of these two quantities is called the<br />

absolute solar factor (ZTA); many publications equate<br />

this to the g-value. In practice, the g-value is always<br />

greater than the solar factor because sunlight that is<br />

perpendicular to the glass is reflected less. The g-value<br />

for glass is determined as per NEN-EN 410.<br />

Light transmission factor<br />

Reducing the amount of solar heat passing in through a<br />

glass opening goes hand in hand with a reduction in the<br />

amount of daylight (visible solar radiation) transmitted.<br />

In many cases, this is a desirable side effect, but<br />

sometimes it is also perceived as an undesirable side<br />

effect. The amount of daylight perceived as being<br />

transmitted depends on the intensity of the incident<br />

radiation, the spectral transmittance of the glazing<br />

(plus blinds if applicable), the spectral sensitivity of the<br />

human eye and the spectral composition of sunlight.<br />

Ingress of light and heat<br />

Light and heat radiation coming from the sun through<br />

the atmosphere to the Earth has wavelengths<br />

expressed in nanometres. <strong>De</strong>pending on the wavelength<br />

of the radiation, a distinction is usually made between<br />

UV, visible light, shortwave infrared and thermal<br />

radiation (longwave infrared).<br />

Visible light, which has wavelengths of between 380<br />

and 780 nm, consists of the various colours that we<br />

see when light is refracted, for example in a rainbow.<br />

Normally we perceive such light as white. The sun’s<br />

thermal or infrared radiation is shortwave radiation<br />

ranging from visible light to approx. 2500 nm. Infrared<br />

in the longwave region is heat generated by people or<br />

released from objects. Longwave infrared has many<br />

different sources, such as the human body, radiators,<br />

artificial lighting and other heat sources.<br />

Diffuse radiation, for example the light incident on the<br />

northern side of a building, can easily reach 100 W/m2<br />

in the middle of the day. The energy incident on a vertical<br />

façade surface at midday in summer is barely half the<br />

energy shining on the façade on a cold winter’s day.<br />

The last three of these factors determine the amount<br />

of daylight that is perceptible. The absolute light<br />

transmission factor (the Tv value, formerly known<br />

as VLT) is the quotient of the amount of transmitted<br />

daylight and the total amount of incident daylight; it is<br />

a characteristic of the light elimination function of the<br />

sun shading system.<br />

After all, the sun is higher in the sky on average in<br />

summer than in winter. The sun in a summer morning<br />

rises very low in the northeast around 5 o’clock. This<br />

morning sun is not able to make the heat build up<br />

internally and cause overheating.<br />


ENERGY<br />

Sun<br />

Short waves<br />

Heating<br />

Long waves<br />

Light<br />

UV<br />

Shortwave infrared<br />

Longwave infrared<br />

280 380 780 1000 2000 2480 3000 50.000<br />

Wavelength in nm<br />

Source:<br />

Direct radiation in summer<br />

1000<br />

Direct radiation in winter<br />

Intensity of solar radiation(W/m2)<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

East-facing façade<br />

in summer<br />

East-facing<br />

façade<br />

in winter<br />

Flat roof<br />

in summer<br />

South-facing<br />

façade in winter<br />

South-facing<br />

façade in summer<br />

Diffuse radiaton<br />

in summer<br />

West-facing<br />

façade<br />

in winter<br />

Diffuse radiation<br />

West-facing façade<br />

in summer<br />

0<br />

4<br />

Diffuse radiation<br />

in winter<br />

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />

Hour of day (h)<br />

Source:<br />


Insulation by glass<br />

Until about the 1980s, not much could be done about<br />

the glass. At that time, we did already have solar<br />

control glass that was simply tinted right through, thus<br />

absorbing the heat. After that, people started using<br />

wafer-thin coatings involving a metal oxide layer,<br />

applied to the hot glass as it comes out of the furnace,<br />

that reflects both light and thermal radiation. Solutions<br />

like these do reduce the solar heat gain, but at the<br />

same time eliminate a lot of light.<br />

In non-residential construction, summer conditions are<br />

also considered so as to reduce the use of cooling in<br />

summer; the aim is to optimise energy consumption<br />

and avoid productivity losses. Such considerations are<br />

particularly important in non-residential construction<br />

because entire façades are often made of glass<br />

there and the glass therefore largely determines the<br />

optimisation of the indoor climate. The cooling capacity<br />

required is then largely determined by the solar control<br />

properties of the glass. In the ideal case, a building<br />

is optimised so that the indoor temperature does not<br />

exceed 23°C in the summer.<br />

There is an increased risk of errors in this respect as<br />

average temperatures outdoors are rising sharply due<br />

to climate change and the temperature taken into<br />

account can be an underestimate. There are examples<br />

of cities where the outside temperature in recent<br />

years has averaged 5°C higher than the figure used in<br />

calculations. It may also be the case that the glazing<br />

does not achieve the assumed solar control properties.<br />

Window panes actually have very poor insulating<br />

properties, as glass has a high emission value as<br />

well as a high heat transmission. Single glazing still<br />

provides some insulation because there is a layer of<br />

air on either side of the pane that insulates (known as<br />

the transition resistance).<br />

As a result of the EPC standard in the Building <strong>De</strong>cree,<br />

HR++ window panes are often used in residential<br />

construction. The glazing used has thermal protection<br />

properties but no solar-control properties.<br />

Modern European types of solar-control glass take both<br />

winter and summer situations into account. That is why<br />

window panes are made with solar control properties<br />

and a good insulation value of around U=1.0 W/m2 K. To<br />

assess the actual insulating value of glazing, you have<br />

to look at not only the loss of heat through the pane<br />

(U-value) but also the energy increase in the interior<br />

through the pane, known as the g-value. The energy<br />

transmitted through the window is expressed as an<br />

equivalent U-value, where Ueq = U-value – (g-value × f).<br />


The desired temperature<br />

A study by Prof. Hauser from Kassei shows that the<br />

desired indoor temperature is often not maintained in<br />

summer and that the indoor temperature is too high for<br />

a considerable number of hours a year, despite the use<br />

of solar control glazing. The graphic below shows the<br />

results of his research. The study was carried out using:<br />

- heat-reflecting glass with a g-value of 60% and<br />

adjustable blinds;<br />

- solar control glass with a g-value of 40% and<br />

switchable glass.<br />

ensuring good contact with the outside when the sun<br />

protection is closed or lowered. It is determined by two<br />

parameters: the normal transmission of light and the<br />

diffuse component of the light transmitted.<br />

Privacy<br />

Privacy is the opposite of visibility; it is about the<br />

view from the outside to the inside. Privacy is a<br />

classification to determine or guarantee the level<br />

of transparency in the inward direction with the sun<br />

protection closed or lowered.<br />

The measurements show that solar control glass<br />

is actually not enough to keep excessively high<br />

temperatures below the maximum of 500 hours a year.<br />

Heat classification as per NEN-EN 14501<br />

As well as the heat burden, light ingress (visual<br />

comfort), transparency, privacy and glare all play a role<br />

in creating a good working environment.<br />

Visibility<br />

Summer situation<br />

Overshoot temperature degree hours °h x (kH/a)<br />

2000h<br />

1500h<br />

1000h<br />

500h<br />

0h<br />

323 Kh 575 Kh 1167 Kh 2062 Kh<br />

Heat-reflecting glass g-value<br />

60% + adjustable horizontal blinds<br />

Solar control glass<br />

g-value 40% static<br />

Source:<br />

Façade orientation: east<br />

Night ventilation: n = 2/h, without cooling<br />

70% glass surface 90% glass surface<br />

Switchable glass<br />

Temperature control in room<br />

from 21°C is lowered<br />

Visibility means how well you can see from the inside to<br />

the outside. The view or visibility is a classification for<br />

86 Kh<br />

144 Kh<br />

Admissible future requirement value<br />

according to DIN 4108-2<br />

Glare<br />

Glare is about the reflections of sunlight: in other<br />

words, it is a classification for the amount of reflected<br />

light at the workplace when the solar shades are<br />

closed or lowered. Pale-coloured fabrics will diffuse<br />

(‘scatter’) more light into the room than darker colours.<br />

You therefore have to weigh up what is perceived as<br />

pleasant or comfortable, a pale surface with less<br />

contact with the outside or a dark surface with various<br />

points of light (resulting in direct glare) and better<br />

contact with the outside.<br />

Class 2 is sufficient for optimum working conditions with<br />

computer screens. Classes 3 and 4 progressively darken<br />

the room more and artificial lighting is often needed.<br />

These aspects are categorised in classes according<br />

to the NEN-EN 14501 standard. More generally, that<br />

standard classifies the thermal and visual properties of<br />

heat and light controls as follows:<br />



Energy flows<br />

Schematic representation of the main energy flows<br />

in a window opening plus outside blinds<br />

Convection<br />

Absorption<br />

Secondary<br />

long wave<br />

radiation<br />

Directly<br />

transmitted<br />

short wave<br />

radiation<br />

Shade<br />

Source: REHVA Solar Shading Guide Book<br />

When incident light hits a surface, there is always absorption, transmission and reflection.<br />

Absorption increases the surface temperature of both fabric (in the shading) and glass (in<br />

the window) and shorter wavelengths are also partly converted into longwave radiation:<br />

in other words, some of the energy is also released into the surroundings. Any mass of<br />

stationary gas or stationary air has an insulating effect; therefore so does the air mass<br />

between the fabric of the dynamic shading and the glass surface.<br />

Schematic representation of the main energy flows<br />

in a window opening plus inside blinds<br />

Convection<br />

Convection<br />

Secondary<br />

long wave<br />

radiation<br />

Absorption<br />

Directly<br />

transmitted<br />

short wave<br />

radiation<br />

Reflection<br />

Source: REHVA Solar Shading Guide Book<br />


When using dynamic shading indoors, the entire amount<br />

of solar energy falls on the window first, so that a large<br />

proportion of the energy has in fact already got inside<br />

and stays inside (except the fraction that reflects off<br />

the outer surface of the fabric used in the internal<br />

shading). The fabrics used in most cases are textiles,<br />

as they are for outdoor shading. The energy that enters<br />

the room is given off to the surroundings and a small<br />

proportion of it disappears again through the window.<br />

This is because the stationary air between the fabric and<br />

the window warms up, passing heat on to the glass; the<br />

glass will then partially transmit that heat to the outside<br />

because of temperature differences between the inside<br />

and outside (depending on the U-value of the glass).<br />

Within the system as a whole, this outgoing heat flow is<br />

relatively small. In fact, two factors are at play here as<br />

well as the transmission: reflection at the back of the<br />

fabric and the absorption of energy by the fabric itself.<br />

The glass surface temperature, especially of the pane<br />

on the inner side of double glazing under maximum<br />

burden without shading on the outside, ranges from<br />

35 to 40 degrees Celsius in Amsterdam. In all cases,<br />

the maximum values are achieved with low-e glazing<br />

compared to ordinary double glazing and special solarcontrol<br />

glass.<br />

Using sun blinds outside reduces that surface<br />

temperature by between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius,<br />

keeping the figures below 32 degrees Celsius (again<br />

measured under peak burden). This has a favourable<br />

effect on the indoor temperature in the summer, in<br />

the winter, under certain circumstances, it has the<br />

opposite effect.<br />

In general, higher glass surface temperatures will<br />

increase the functional temperature inside, affecting<br />

thermal comfort.<br />

The energy demand resulting from artificial lighting<br />

use in an office building with traditional lighting can<br />

quickly reach 40% of the total energy consumption<br />

of the building (with traditional lighting, that is; it<br />

is significantly less with modern LED lighting). Sun<br />

shading reduces the incident radiation and therefore<br />

the incident light. It is perhaps worth considering<br />

whether the reduction in cooling costs by using blinds<br />

would outweigh the additional cost of lighting due to<br />

increased demand. Lund University carried out research<br />

into this in 2007, reaching the conclusion (in this case)<br />

that internal blinds combined with low-e glazing did<br />

not require artificial lighting to be switched on while the<br />

blinds were in use, as the light values measured did not<br />

fall below the minimum required level.<br />

Energy effects of solar shades<br />

As the results depend partly on the geographical<br />

location, we are limiting the conclusions here to the<br />

situation in the Netherlands. For a typical office in<br />

Amsterdam, the cooling and heating needs are roughly<br />

balanced:<br />

- Solar heating in the winter means that the<br />

need for heating on south-facing façades is<br />

significantly less than on north-facing ones. On<br />

the other hand, there is a significant need for<br />

cooling in summer, with the associated energy<br />

consumption.<br />

- In general, the energy demand of an office that<br />

has dynamic shading on the façade is lower in<br />


summer than for an office without such shading.<br />

However, the effectiveness of dynamic shading<br />

depends heavily on the orientation of the façade<br />

to the sun. Measured on the south façade,<br />

applying dynamic shading saves about 40-50%<br />

of the energy for heating, cooling and lighting.<br />

- Under the same conditions, similar savings<br />

can also be achieved on east-facing and westfacing<br />

façades.<br />

The cooling burden as a function of façade orientation<br />

W/m2<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

Visual comfort<br />

Inside a building, there is usually a mix of daylight<br />

and artificial light during the day. The amount of<br />

daylight depends on the time of day, season, weather<br />

conditions, window dimensions and any measures<br />

taken to regulate incoming light. Another issue is the<br />

reflection of light off surfaces; this can disrupt visual<br />

comfort a lot.<br />

A good rule of thumb for visual comfort is the 1:3:10<br />

rule, which says that good daytime visual comfort<br />

needs the amount of light in the centre of the field of<br />

vision (computer screen) to be about 1/3 of the amount<br />

of light in the workplace with the surroundings being no<br />

more than 3 times brighter.<br />

50<br />

0<br />

north<br />

Source: REHVA Solar Shading Guide Book<br />

The solid lines in the graph represent the cooling load<br />

with no sun shading applied and the dashed lines are<br />

the cooling burden when dynamic sun shading is used.<br />

Thermal comfort<br />

east south west<br />

Thermal sensations as perceived by the human body<br />

depend on the air temperature and the temperature<br />

of the surrounding objects; the combined effect is<br />

called the operative temperature. The amount of<br />

incident sunlight obviously influences thermal comfort.<br />

This influence is greatest near the window and the<br />

temperature in a room can therefore easily vary several<br />

degrees, depending on where it is measured.<br />

Simulations during the design phase of a building<br />

can help make predictions about light incidence and<br />

temperature. All kinds of variables play a part in this. An<br />

indirect consequence of the incidence of light is that it<br />

also affects the air quality in the building.<br />

Thermal effects can affect the air quality in a building.<br />

Incoming solar radiation not only raises the temperature<br />

inside the building but also increases the temperature of<br />

the glass surface and of the rest of the building envelope.<br />

In this sense, using dynamic shading influences the<br />

temperature, light incidence and air quality.<br />


Ingress of sunlight and other radiation for<br />

various types of shading<br />

Retractable awnings<br />

The g-value was calculated by TNO Bouw and recorded<br />

in report B-92-0268 of 16 March 1992. The following<br />

assumptions were made for the calculation:<br />

- The sun’s elevation was at an angle of 45°,<br />

directly in front of the screen.<br />

- The wind speed was set to 1 m/s.<br />

- The outdoor temperature was 5°C and the indoor<br />

temperature was 20°C.<br />

- The distance from the screen to the façade is 50<br />

mm with free ventilation.<br />

The g-value depends largely on the colour of the<br />

textile. Green and blue have low transmissivity,<br />

whereas the figure is much higher for white and<br />

yellow. The reverse is true for absorption, but the<br />

reflection value hardly varies.<br />

Bartenbach Lichtlabor Prüfinstitut in Innsbruck.<br />

The assumptions made for this were:<br />

- Full sun shading.<br />

- Distance from the shading to the façade of<br />

50 mm with free ventilation.<br />

- Wind speed 1 m/s.<br />

- Slat orientation optimal for the position<br />

of the sun.<br />

The g-value depends on the slat shape and (to a limited<br />

extent) on the slat colour, ranging between 0.04 and<br />

0.19. For this type of blind, the ingress of light can be<br />

regulated as required.<br />

Dark-coloured slats reduce light reflection. Systems<br />

have been developed in which it is possible to vary the<br />

orientation of the uppermost slats with respect to the<br />

others, allowing additional daylight into the room (this is<br />

also known as ‘daylight transport’). This allows savings<br />

on the cost of using lighting.<br />

At higher wind speeds, the g-value will drop further; it<br />

will increase when the sun is at an angle to the façade<br />

and at lower sun elevations in the sky.<br />

Screens<br />

The g-value here was also calculated by TNO Bouw,<br />

with the same assumptions as for retractable<br />

awnings. The calculation was based on double glazing,<br />

4/12/4-EN 14501.<br />

Brise soleil systems, horizontal and vertical<br />

As far as we are aware, no general calculations have<br />

been done for these types of shading. The systems are<br />

so specific that a calculation would have to be made for<br />

each individual project. The g-value of fixed brise soleil<br />

systems that extend horizontally depends on how far<br />

they protrude and the orientation of the slats. After all,<br />

the lower the elevation of the sun, the more direct solar<br />

radiation there will be onto the glass.<br />

Venetian blinds on the outside<br />

The g-value has been calculated by e.g. the Fraunhofer<br />

Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg and the<br />

Movable or dynamic systems in particular will be able<br />

to achieve favourable g-values because the amount of<br />

light getting in can then be adjusted as required.<br />


Noise<br />

Although it may not seem obvious, noise is also an<br />

aspect that plays a role when dynamic sun shading<br />

is applied.<br />

Wind noise<br />

Resonance or other noises generated by the wind can<br />

occur in practice. This depends heavily on the specific<br />

architectural details, the substrate that the shading<br />

is fitted to, the dimensions and the wind forces on<br />

the façade.<br />

Motion sounds<br />

When the solar protection is moving, sounds can be<br />

heard that are related to the drive, friction between<br />

moving parts or the sounds of springs used in the arms<br />

of retractable awnings.<br />

An awning often has a cassette to protect the retracted<br />

fabric, which can amplify sounds. Amplification of the<br />

sounds can also occur in recesses where the blinds are<br />

placed or in the form of contact noises due to the way<br />

the shades have been hung.<br />



8<br />





Polyester<br />

Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from petroleum. It is one of the world’s most popular<br />

types of fabric and it is used in thousands of different consumer and industrial applications.<br />

Chemically, polyester is a polymer that consists of a chain of molecules linked together by<br />

ester functional groups.<br />

W.H. Carothers (at DuPont) discovered that certain<br />

alcohols and carboxylic acids could be successfully<br />

mixed to create fibres. It was two British scientists,<br />

Whinfield and Dickson, who patented the discovery<br />

in 1941. Polyesters include synthetic fibres such as<br />

Dacron (Terylene), which is based on polyethylene<br />

terephthalate. Later in 1941, the first polyester fibre,<br />

Terylene, was made by Whinfield and Dickson, together<br />

with Birtwhistle and Ritchiethey.<br />

Terylene was first produced by ICI (Imperial Chemical<br />

Industries). DuPont bought all the rights from ICI in<br />

1946. In 1950, DuPont produced a polyester fibre that<br />

they called Dacron. Mylar was introduced in 1952.<br />

Polyester was first introduced to the American public<br />

in 1951, as the magic fabric that does not have to<br />

be ironed. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and PEN<br />

(polyethylene naphthalate) are variants that improve<br />

certain characteristics. Both are trademarks of DuPont<br />

as variations on polyethylene.<br />

The polyester market expanded rapidly after the Second<br />

World War and textile factories started appearing all<br />

over America. The cheap and durable fibre quickly<br />

became popular and the industry rapidly expanded until<br />

the 1970s. Nowadays, polyester is considered a cheap<br />

fabric for clothing that is rather uncomfortable to wear<br />

for people with sensitive skin.<br />

With the rise of luxury fibres such as polyester<br />

microfibres and various other polyester mixes, polyester<br />

experienced another upsurge later on. The idea was to<br />

start focusing more on the wash-and-go properties of<br />

polyester instead of marketing it as a cheap fabric.<br />

Hoechst Fibers Industries also played a role. They did<br />

various studies from 1981 to 1983 and discovered that<br />

89% of people could not distinguish between polyester<br />

and other (natural) fibres such as cotton, wool and silk.<br />

People also appeared to be more interested in what the<br />

clothing looked like than the fabric it was made from.<br />

The discovery of microfibres boosted the appeal of<br />

polyester. Microfibres make polyester feel like silk.<br />

Polyester is a term often defined as “long-chain<br />

polymers chemically composed of at least 85%<br />

by weight of an ester and a dihydric alcohol and a<br />

terephthalic acid”. It means that lots of molecules are<br />

linked together as esters to make fibres. The reaction of<br />

alcohols with carboxylic acids produces esters.<br />

Polyesters can also be classified as saturated and<br />

unsaturated. Saturated polyesters refer to the family of<br />

polyesters in which the polyester backbone is saturated.<br />

They consist of liquids of low molecular weight that are<br />

used as plasticisers. Unsaturated polyesters are those<br />

polyesters in which the backbone contains double<br />


onds that are typical of e.g. alkyl thermosetting resins.<br />

These are mostly used in reinforced plastics.<br />

Due to its strength, polyester is also used to make ropes<br />

and cords. PET bottles are now one of the most popular<br />

uses of polyesters.<br />

Polyester fabrics and fibres are extremely strong,<br />

durable and resistant not only to most chemicals but<br />

also to stretching and shrinking, wrinkles, mildew and<br />

wear and tear. Polyester is quick-drying and can be<br />

used for insulation when hollow fibres are produced.<br />

Polyester keeps its shape and is therefore suitable<br />

for making outdoor clothing for use in very cold or wet<br />

climates. Polyester clothing is easy to wash and dry.<br />

Polyester is a naturally transparent fibre. During<br />

production, polyester fibres are generally stretched<br />

to about five times their original length. Stretching<br />

them even further makes them thinner: they become<br />

microfibres. Normal polyester fibre are long and<br />

smooth. Crimping the fibre can give it more volume<br />

and texture, improving its insulation capacity. When<br />

the polyester fibre is ready, it is used to make spun<br />

yarns. The yarns can be mixed with other fibres to<br />

make mixed fabrics. One popular combination is<br />

polyester and cotton.<br />

Trevira CS<br />

Trevira CS is a flame-retardant polyester produced by<br />

Trevira GmbH. They process the material into textile<br />

polyester products, including yarns (fibre, flat, filament<br />

and textured) for household textiles and functional<br />

clothing, as well as for technical textiles and hygiene<br />

products. The company’s specialities are fibres and<br />

yarns for flame-retardant technical textile fabrics<br />

(the Trevira CS brand) and textiles with a permanent<br />

antimicrobial effect (the Trevira Bioactive brand).<br />

Since 2019, all recycled Trevira products are certified by<br />

Control Union according to the GRS norm.<br />

PVC fabrics (polyvinyl chloride)<br />

Vinyl chloride or chloroethylene (the IUPAC name)<br />

is a chlorinated organic compound with the formula<br />

C2H3Cl. This substance is a colourless gas that<br />

dissolves poorly in water.<br />

Strangely, its history begins in two separate years<br />

(1838 and 1872) when the French physicist Henri<br />

Victor Regnault and the German chemist Eugen<br />

Baumann discovered PVC for the first and second<br />

times respectively. On both occasions, the polymer<br />

materialised as a “white solid” (in the form of a powder)<br />

in flasks filled with vinyl chloride gas.<br />

Global production of PET was 30 million tons in 2000.<br />

Production of PET textiles is increasing by 5% per<br />

year and production of PET bottles is going up by 10%<br />

annually. China produces the most polyester.<br />


After these independent discoveries, nobody controlled<br />

the use of PVC in commercial applications until 1913,<br />

when a German inventor called Friedrich Heinrich<br />

August Klatte decided to patent the substance. His<br />

polymerisation method for vinyl chloride used sunlight<br />

and companies all over the world started experimenting<br />

in the subsequent decades.<br />

Shortly after the turn of the previous century, B.F. Goodrich<br />

hired the industrial scientist Waldo Semon to develop<br />

a new, synthetic alternative for natural rubber, which<br />

was becoming increasingly expensive. Experiments<br />

were started with polyvinyl chloride, but the project was<br />

quickly threatened by the 1920 recession.<br />

After the idea arose to use PVC as a water-resistant<br />

coating for fabrics, sales of the material took off, with<br />

peak demand at the start of the Second World War when<br />

PVC was used as insulation for wiring, including on<br />

military vessels.<br />

By around the 1950s, production of PVC was increasing<br />

all over the world. Five companies in particular started<br />

testing revolutionary uses for PVC and found new<br />

applications for the substance in inflatable structures<br />

and fabric coatings. The construction industry quickly<br />

welcomed this durable plastic, largely due to its<br />

resistance to light, chemicals and corrosion, making it<br />

an important product in construction.<br />

Further improvements were made to the temperature<br />

resistance of PVC in the 1980s. Around the same time,<br />

people started using the material in sanitary systems<br />

in thousands of American homes. Today, we can find<br />

the material in many sectors, including healthcare, IT,<br />

transport, textiles and construction.<br />

PVC is produced by polymerisation of vinyl chloride<br />

monomer (VCM). Polymerisation is a process in which<br />

relatively small molecules, called monomers, are<br />

chemically combined to produce very large chain-like or<br />

networked molecules called polymers.<br />

About 80% of the production is done through<br />

suspension polymerisation. The raw material VCM<br />

is first compressed and liquefied and then fed into<br />

the polymerisation reactor, which already contains<br />

water and suspension agents. PVC is formed as small<br />

particles that grow and when they reach a desired size,<br />

the reaction is stopped and all the unreacted vinyl<br />

chloride is distilled and reused. The PVC is separated<br />

and dried into a white powder.<br />

In a different process, fibres are pulled from a mass<br />

of wadding and spun into threads; this turns the fibres<br />

into a yarn. Spinning can be done by hand but is done<br />

at a large scale using machines. Spinning PVC is the<br />

process that turns the material into a fibre.<br />



To turn a polymer into a fibre, the polymer has to be<br />

liquefied, which can be done in dry or wet spinning. In<br />

the dry spinning process, the polymer is dissolved using<br />

acetone, filtered and pumped by spinning mills at 70 to<br />

100 degrees in a chamber that has heated walls that<br />

air is fed into. The fibres are removed at the bottom<br />

of the chamber through a fine aperture and wrapped<br />

around a spool. The fibres are then stretched to ensure<br />

the molecular chains become aligned, which makes<br />

the fibres stronger. In the wet spinning process, PVC is<br />

dissolved in THF (tetrahydrofuran) to produce a highly<br />

concentrated solution that is spun into water through a<br />

rotating funnel.<br />

Specific characteristics of PVC fibre:<br />

- Contracts at temperatures above 78°C and<br />

shrinks into half its original length at 100°C.<br />

- Excellent resistance to sunlight.<br />

- Very resistant to insects and microorganisms.<br />

- Non-flammable.<br />

- Exceptionally resistant to caustic soda, nitric<br />

acid, sulphuric acid and many other chemicals<br />

including bleaches.<br />

water and chemical resistance, lifespan and because<br />

producing these fabrics demands less energy than<br />

most other types of industrial textiles. PVC has an<br />

amorphous structure containing halogens such as<br />

chlorine and fluorine, and it is known to be stable.<br />

This chemical stability is what makes PVC resistant<br />

to flames, chemicals and oils. PVC vinyl textiles are<br />

suitable for a wide range of applications, such as:<br />

- Protective suits for astronauts, firefighters and<br />

military personnel.<br />

- Industrial tarpaulins, hydraulic hoses, conveyor<br />

belts, geomembranes, bags and containers.<br />

- Automotive applications such as airbags, seat<br />

covers, roof liners, convertible car tops.<br />

- Aerospace applications such as hot air balloons,<br />

airships, space landing airbags and parachutes.<br />

- Marine applications such as covers for boats,<br />

sails, life jackets and hovercraft skirts.<br />

- Architectural and structural applications such as<br />

roofing, canopies and inflatable structures.<br />

- Fabrics for healthcare, including fire-resistant<br />

mattresses and antimicrobial privacy curtains.<br />

Weaving is a method of textile production where two<br />

different sets of yarns or threads are woven at right<br />

angles to each other to create a fabric or cloth. The<br />

longitudinal threads are called the warp while the lateral<br />

threads are called the weft.<br />

PVC vinyl textiles are synthetic technical fabrics that<br />

are strong, durable and flexible. They are resistant to<br />

wear and tear and deformation. Many manufacturers<br />

favour PVC fabrics due to their ease of use, versatility,<br />


PVC-coated fabrics are popular for architectural<br />

applications. Architectural PVC-coated fabrics are<br />

usually made by applying a liquid PVC coating. Vinyl<br />

and PVC can be easily mistaken for one another,<br />

but these two materials are not the same. Vinyls are<br />

petrochemical products made from various ethylenebased<br />

monomers and PVC is polyvinyl chloride, the<br />

polymer made from vinyl chloride.<br />

DuPont developed a suitable resin for combining<br />

the fibreglass with a plastic to produce a composite<br />

fabric in 1936. After the war, the substance became<br />

known more as a building material. Many fibreglass<br />

composites continued to be referred to as ‘fibreglass’<br />

(as a generic name) and the name was also used for<br />

the glass wool product with low density containing gas<br />

instead of plastic.<br />

Native polyvinyl chloride has very poor heat stability.<br />

For this reason, additives that stabilise the material<br />

at higher temperatures are usually added to it during<br />

production. Polyvinyl chloride emits toxic vapours<br />

when it is melted or exposed to fire. Most woven vinyl<br />

fabrics start with polyester yarn as the core which is<br />

then extruded with PVC. The PVC coating means that<br />

moisture cannot get to the polyester fibre, making it<br />

extremely durable.<br />

Fibreglass<br />

Woven fibreglass textile is an inorganic composite<br />

fabric consisting of glass strands of various sizes. All<br />

fibreglass fabrics are woven for fibre orientation and<br />

each fabric has its own unique weight, strength and<br />

fabric properties. The earliest patent was awarded to<br />

the Prussian inventor Hermann Hammesfahr (1845-<br />

1914) in the United States in 1880. Mass production<br />

of glass strands was accidentally discovered in 1932<br />

when Games Slayter, a researcher at Owens in Illinois,<br />

aimed a jet of compressed air at a stream of melted<br />

glass which then produced fibres. Fibreglass was<br />

originally a glass wool with fibres that contain a lot of<br />

gas, making them useful as an insulator, especially at<br />

high temperatures.<br />

The process of producing fibreglass is called pultrusion<br />

(pulling and extrusion). The production process for<br />

fibreglass suitable for reinforcement uses large ovens<br />

to gradually melt sand and other minerals until they<br />

form a liquid. This liquid is then extruded through dies<br />

containing lots of very small openings.<br />

These fibres are then coated with a chemical solution<br />

and then bundled in large numbers. These bundles<br />

are then used directly in a composite application. The<br />

term fibreglass refers to a group of products made<br />

from individual glass fibres combined in various forms.<br />

Glass fibres can be categorised into two large groups<br />

based on their geometry: the continuous fibres used in<br />

yarns and textiles, and the discontinuous (short) fibres<br />

used for sheets or plates for insulation and filtration.<br />

Fibreglass can be made into yarns, just like wool or<br />

cotton, and woven into a fabric.<br />

A long, continuous thread can be produced by rolling<br />

multiple strands onto a fast winder after the glass flows<br />

through the holes in the die. The winder runs at about 2<br />

miles (3 km) per minute, which is much faster than the<br />

flow speed of the die. The tension pulls on the thread<br />

while it is still molten, drawing it into strands that are<br />



just a fraction of the diameter of the openings in the die.<br />

A chemical binding agent is added to help prevent the<br />

fibre from breaking during later processing. The glowing<br />

thread is then spun onto tubes.<br />

Fibreglass yarns are usually covered with a PVC coating.<br />

Fibreglass cloth is mechanically highly resistant (to<br />

breaking and tearing) and can be placed under tension<br />

without getting deformed to create contours and<br />

volumes. The material does not deform when exposed<br />

to heat, barely shrinks and keeps its colours when<br />

exposed to sunlight (high UV resistance).<br />

The g-value and U-value<br />

The g-value is a measure of the amount of solar<br />

heat (infrared radiation) allowed to pass through a<br />

certain part of a building. A low g-value means that a<br />

window/fabric only allows a low percentage of solar<br />

heat to pass through.<br />

The U-value is a measure of the amount of heat<br />

that escapes through windows, walls and the roof.<br />

The U-value is often measured for the entire window<br />

structure, i.e. the combination of glass plus window<br />

frame. The lower the U-value, the better the window<br />

is insulated.<br />

In a normal residential building, there is estimated to<br />

be an average of 25 to 30 m2 window glass. Housing<br />

normally uses insulated glass with U-values of between<br />

1.2 and 1.6. Theoretically, a difference of 0.1 unit in<br />

U-value is equivalent to energy consumption of about<br />

9 kWh per m2 of glass per year. The difference between<br />

1.6 and 1.2 is 0.4 units, which saves (the difference in<br />

U-value) x (additional consumption) x (glass surface<br />

area) = 4 x 9 kWh/m2 x 30 m2 = 1,080 kWh/year.<br />

European standard EN 14501<br />

Thermal and optical values such as those defined in the<br />

European standard EN 14501 (for blinds and shutters,<br />

thermal and visual comfort, performance parameters<br />

and classification) are used to measure the solarcontrol<br />

properties of a fabric or textile. The standard<br />

is based on several criteria and defines various<br />

classifications for comfort.<br />

The solar factor is used for thermal comfort, and visual<br />

comfort refers to opacity: privacy at night, the view to<br />

the outside as well as reflecting and using natural light.<br />

There are five levels of performance classification:<br />

0 very little effect<br />

1 small effect<br />

2 moderate effect<br />

3 good effect<br />

4 excellent effect<br />

EN 14501 defines the total solar factor g tot<br />

(fabric<br />

used for sun protection + flat glass in the window<br />

frame) as the most important property for thermal<br />

comfort and the tv-value as the most important<br />

property for visual comfort.<br />


Two standards are used for calculating the total<br />

solar factor:<br />

NL13363-1<br />

This standard is a simplified method that calculates<br />

the estimated values for the total energy transmittance<br />

(g tot<br />

) of glazing and sun shading combined. Inputs for<br />

this calculation are the optical and thermal parameters<br />

of the glazing and sun shading. The calculation process<br />

can easily be done in a spreadsheet. The results of this<br />

calculation are generally higher (by up to 0.1) than the<br />

precise values from EN 13363-2.<br />

Thermal comfort<br />

The solar factor determines the percentage of solar<br />

energy entering a space through sun protection and<br />

glazing; it is expressed as an index from 0 to 1. The<br />

closer the index of the fabric gets to 0, the more<br />

efficient it is in terms of protecting against heat.<br />

NL13363-2<br />

The detailed calculation method calculates more<br />

accurate values for the total solar factor (g tot<br />

) of<br />

glazing and sun shading combined. This calculation<br />

is based on the spectral transmission and reflection<br />

parameters of the sun shading and glazing.<br />

The calculation requires specialised software for<br />

solving the non-linear system of equations. The<br />

results of calculations according to EN 13363-2<br />

are suitable as input for cooling load calculations.<br />

Radiation from the sun always partially passes<br />

through, is absorbed by or is reflected by the fabric.<br />

The sum of all three is 100% of the energy from the<br />

sun that is incident on the surface area.<br />

In general, external (in particular dynamic) sun<br />

protection provides better thermal protection than sun<br />

protection on the inside because the solar radiation,<br />

which is partially absorbed by the fabric before it<br />

reaches the glazing (As), is reflected outside.<br />

Dark colours protect better against heat than pale<br />

colours because they absorb more solar energy (have a<br />

lower value of Ts).<br />

Ts + Rs + As = 100% of the solar energy.<br />

Conversely, pale colours are more efficient when used<br />

indoors. They absorb less heat (a lower value of As) and<br />

reflect light more (higher Rs) than darker colours.<br />


<strong>Factor</strong>s that determine<br />

thermal comfort<br />

Translucency<br />

The proportion of the light energy that passes through<br />

the fabric. A low percentage means that the fabric<br />

performs well in lowering the temperature.<br />

Reflection<br />

Rs<br />

Rs<br />

Ts<br />

Ts<br />

Ts<br />

Total solar factor (g tot<br />

)<br />

The total solar factor indicates the proportion of the<br />

energy that actually penetrates OF through the sun<br />

protection and glazing into the space behind. A low<br />

value means good thermal performance. The solar<br />

factor has been determined for four standardised<br />

glazing types as defined in Appendix A of EN 14501. The<br />

basic glazing is type C (thermal transmission factor of<br />

the glazing merely U = 1.2 W/m2K, solar factor of the<br />

glazing only gv = 0.59).<br />

The impact of heating and air conditioning systems<br />

of buildings on both the environment and the climate<br />

is considerable: they represent 30 to 40% of the<br />

emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse<br />

gases. Improving the thermal performance of buildings<br />

is vitally important for achieving the Paris Agreement<br />

objectives and complying with both international and<br />

Tv<br />

local regulations.<br />

Tv<br />

OF<br />

OF<br />

Rv<br />

Rv<br />

Rv<br />

Rs<br />

The proportion of the solar radiation that is reflected<br />

by the fabric. A high percentage means that the fabric<br />

performs well in reflecting solar energy.<br />

Heat absorption<br />

As<br />

As<br />

As<br />

The proportion of the solar radiation absorbed by the<br />

fabric. A low percentage means that the fabric does not<br />

absorb much energy.<br />

Technical fabrics used for shading have two effects:<br />

Tv<br />

on energy consumption by reducing the use of heating<br />

and air conditioning and on comfort and the wellbeing<br />

of people in buildings by controlling the light and<br />

temperature in the winter and summer.<br />

T&F<br />

T&F<br />

There is a wide selection of fabrics with various<br />

openness factors and colours that can be used to<br />

T&F<br />

control how much daylight is allowed to pass through.<br />

The amount of available daylight also determines the<br />

amount of artificial light needed.<br />


<strong>De</strong>pending on the orientation of the façades of a<br />

building and the use of space, the light needs to be<br />

filtered to some extent to prevent glare. The denser<br />

Ts<br />

and darker the fabric, the more effectively the glare is<br />

controlled. Conversely, pale fabrics should be selected<br />

if you want to promote light penetration, as well as<br />

fabric with a high degree of openness.<br />

Using natural light improves the energy performance of<br />

a building, as well as enhancing the well-being of the<br />

users and raising productivity.<br />

Ts<br />

Ts<br />

Openness of the fabric (Tvnn)<br />

OF OF<br />

OF<br />

This is about the gaps in the fabric structure; it is a<br />

factor that is independent of the colour.<br />

Translucency (Tvnh)<br />

Emissivity<br />

The emissivity of a material is the ability to retransmit<br />

the energy acquired by conduction (heat or cold). When<br />

used indoors, fabrics with low emissivity will limit the<br />

effect of internal radiation. The energy emitted by this<br />

reflection remains indoors, reducing the consumption<br />

Rs<br />

Rs<br />

of energy for heating.<br />

Visual comfort<br />

Dark colours provide better transparency and give more<br />

opportunities for avoiding glare. On the other hand,<br />

paler colours in particular spread more natural light.<br />

Rs<br />

As<br />

Rv<br />

Rv<br />

Tv<br />

Rv<br />

Tv<br />

The factor refers to the total percentage of radiant<br />

Tv<br />

light passing through the textile over the range of<br />

wavelengths from 380 to 780 nm (nanometres), i.e.<br />

the visible spectrum.<br />

Light reflection (Rvnh)<br />

T&F<br />

T&F<br />

As<br />

T&F<br />

As<br />

This is the proportion of light that is reflected by<br />

the fabric.<br />


Natural light is an important factor for our well-being.<br />

Natural light regulates various endocrine functions<br />

and regulates sleep and the body’s water balance.<br />

It improves employees’ perceptions of their working<br />

conditions. <strong>De</strong>pending on the circumstances, however,<br />

you might need more or less natural light, or even need<br />

to prevent it from getting into a space.<br />

The level of light varies depending on the openness of<br />

the textile. The more open the cloth is, the more light<br />

passes through. The translucency depends partially on<br />

the colour and determines the brightness or shine.<br />

Dazzling<br />

Natural light must be properly managed to prevent<br />

dazzling. Glare is a source of eye strain, especially glare<br />

off computer screens. Just like heat, visual comfort<br />

helps ensure employees are efficient while they are at<br />

work. <strong>Factor</strong>s that make it possible to control glare are<br />

the openness of the textile and its translucency.<br />

The choice of fabric also depends on the geolocation<br />

and layout of buildings. Solar control textiles make it<br />

possible to regulate the luminance level of the window<br />

(the natural light spread throughout the room) as well<br />

as reducing disruptive contrasts between light and dark<br />

within the field of view. <strong>De</strong>pending on the colour, solar<br />

control textiles can become a light source if sunlight<br />

falls directly on them.<br />

Transparency of solar control fabrics<br />

A view to the outside lets you keep track of time and<br />

space, and is essential for your mental balance. It<br />

reduces stress and helps improve productivity.<br />

One determining factor is the openness of the textile<br />

used. Darker colours facilitate transparency. For<br />

maximum transparency, the openness factor should be<br />

higher than 5%.<br />

On the other hand (when it comes to privacy – and<br />

especially if a building is illuminated from inside at<br />

night), it is preferable to pick opaque awning textiles.<br />

Heat management<br />

Awnings are important in façades thanks to their<br />

influence on energy consumption, linked to the use of<br />

air conditioning and heating in the buildings.<br />

Summer comfort<br />

Fabrics for exterior solar control offer better thermal<br />

protection because the solar radiation – which is<br />

partially absorbed (As) by the fabric before it reaches<br />

the glazing – is reflected back outside. Dark colours<br />

protect better against heat than pale colours because<br />

they absorb more solar energy (a lower value of Ts).<br />

The luminance level of surfaces is measured according<br />

to the norm NF X 35-103. Acceptable values are<br />

between 16 and 150 Cd/m2. A sheet of paper is about<br />

100 Cd/m2.<br />


Conversely, pale colours are more efficient when used<br />

indoors. They absorb less heat (lower As) and reflect<br />

more light (Rs) than darker colours. Moreover, fabrics<br />

with a low emissivity reduce the perception of heat<br />

emitted through the windows.<br />

In the summer, awning fabrics improve energy savings<br />

by reducing the use of cooling systems and air<br />

conditioning.<br />

Winter comfort<br />

Awning fabrics have an insulating effect on glass and<br />

help reduce heat loss at night, while at the same time<br />

helping combat the cooling effect of glass during the<br />

day. Using indoor solar protection to control brightness<br />

affects energy consumption because the net-zero cost<br />

effect of the sun is partially retained. In the winter,<br />

awning fabrics help save energy on heating.<br />

Impact of awning fabric colours<br />

There are four important aspects to consider when<br />

picking a fabric.<br />

Translucency (Tv%)<br />

Translucency refers to the proportion of visible light<br />

passing through the textile. Generally, darker colours<br />

have lower values than paler colours. Fabrics with<br />

an openness factor of over 3% let large amounts of<br />

visible light pass through the fabric. A Tv value of 7%<br />

is reckoned to be the maximum level of visible light<br />

transmission for schools and offices, for example.<br />

The following three factors are taken together and<br />

are about what happens to all the energy: it is about<br />

the combination of light and heat. The combined<br />

percentages always add up to 100%.<br />

Absorption (As%)<br />

Light absorption means the amount of solar energy<br />

absorbed by the fabric. It is well known that dark<br />

colours absorb more solar energy than paler fabrics<br />

and will therefore have a higher As% value. If heat<br />

accumulation is a problem, people select a paler fabric<br />

or a dark one with a reflective backing for indoor use.<br />

Reflection (Rs%)<br />

The reflection indicates how much solar energy the<br />

fabric reflects. A high value means that the fabric<br />

performs well in reflecting solar energy back outside.<br />

Fabrics with reflective metallised backings generally<br />

have the best reflection values.<br />

Transmission (Ts%)<br />

The light transmission indicates the percentage of<br />

solar energy that is passed through the fabric to the<br />

environment. A low Ts% value means that the fabric<br />

performs well in reducing the amount of solar energy<br />

entering the building through the glass. Dark colours<br />

have lower Ts% values than paler colours because they<br />

block more light.<br />


There is often a conflict between reducing heat (pale<br />

colours preferable) and reducing light (dark colours<br />

preferable). That is why best-of-both-worlds grey<br />

shades are often used as awning textiles in nonresidential<br />

buildings.<br />

The ultimate compromise is often to select a fabric<br />

for indoor use with a highly reflective backing. The<br />

metallised layer faces the glass and gives a high Rs%<br />

value. At the same time, this backing creates a solid<br />

coating over the threads of the fabric, considerably<br />

reducing the light scattered by the yarns. This also<br />

achieves a low translucency (Ts%), irrespective of the<br />

fabric colour. There are fabrics that reflect 82% and<br />

absorb 15% of the light, i.e. only allowing 3% of the solar<br />

energy to pass through the textile into the building.<br />

Selecting the right type of textile<br />

for use in awnings<br />

In general, when selecting the best fabric for awnings<br />

it is important to know what the effect of a specific<br />

colour is. So in addition to a textile’s primary technical<br />

properties, the colour of the fabric also has an effect,<br />

although that is limited to a few percentage points.<br />

Awning fabrics are often selected for the colour and<br />

style that best fit the interior. Unfortunately, this<br />

aesthetic approach does not take account of the<br />

fabric’s ability to control dazzling, allow a view out, allow<br />

diffuse daylight into the space, or reduce solar heat<br />

gain. If colour is the key consideration when selecting<br />

a fabric, people are more likely to pick textiles that look<br />

good on the wall or the façade, but possibly do not give<br />

satisfactory daylight performance.<br />

The openness factor (OF) of a textile refers to the<br />

amount of light that can pass through the fabric<br />

unhindered. An openness factor of 5% means that 5% of<br />

the sunlight passes through at an angle perpendicular<br />

to the glazing. The remaining 95% of light is diffused,<br />

reflected or absorbed.<br />

Visible translucency (Tv) refers to the total amount of<br />

light and includes both direct and diffuse light. The Tv<br />

value of a colour is mainly influenced by the physical<br />

gaps in the texture and the colour of the fabric’s yarn,<br />

but it is also affected by the shape and specific pattern<br />

of the textile.<br />

Dark fabrics absorb more of the available daylight<br />

than paler ones. When the openness factors are equal,<br />

a dark fabric will often have a lower value of Tv than<br />

a paler shade. However, there can be considerable<br />

performance differences between fabrics of the same<br />

colour. When choosing the textile, it is also important to<br />

look at the Tv value to obtain a better understanding of<br />

how the product performs.<br />

The reflection value (Rs) refers to the percentage of<br />

the total solar radiation reflected by the outside of the<br />

material. Reflection values are largely determined by<br />

the colour or any coating there may be on the outside of<br />

the fabric.<br />

Dark colours absorb more of the available light energy<br />

and therefore provide lower reflection values. Paler<br />

fabrics reflect more of the solar energy and offer higher<br />

solar reflection values.<br />


A standard black textile usually offers an Rs value of<br />

close to 10% or even less, whereas a white fabric might<br />

have an Rs value of 50%. As a general rule, Rs values<br />

of over 30% provide some protection from solar heat,<br />

whereas an Rs value of 50% or more provides good<br />

thermal protection. It should be noted that there are<br />

ways of influencing the reflection value of a fabric of<br />

any given colour. In such cases, a coating is applied on<br />

the outward-facing side of the textile.<br />


FACTOR<br />

(OF)<br />

Various properties are related to each other. The<br />

relationship can be simply expressed in the formula<br />

that was stated earlier:<br />



(TV)<br />

GLARE Use low OF Use low Tv<br />


Use high Tv<br />

VIEWS Use high OF Use low Tv<br />


SOLAR<br />


(RS)<br />

Use high Rs<br />

For east and west-facing façades, in particular when<br />

they have clear glass that is directly exposed to the sun<br />

at sunrise or sunset, people often select textiles with an<br />

openness factor of 3% or less (1% is recommended). The<br />

lower openness factor creates a finer filter mesh over<br />

the window and effectively scatters even the disc of the<br />

sun when it is visible.<br />

Fabrics with openness factors of 4% or less (2% is<br />

recommended) are commonly used on south-facing<br />

windows and façades. Windows for light coming from<br />

the north often have fabrics with larger openness<br />

factors, allowing more of the directly available ambient<br />

light into the space.<br />

A textile with a low Tv value also provides good diffuse<br />

daylight regulation and limits the chance that the fabric<br />

will get too bright when dealing with intense daylight<br />

circumstances. Do not forget that white fabrics, even<br />

with low openness factors, can become very bright<br />

sources of dazzle when illuminated by direct sunlight.<br />

As (%) + Rs (%) + Ls (%) = 100%<br />

Textiles with different openness factors are often<br />

considered for projects so as to best meet the needs for<br />

regulating direct sunlight, depending on the direction<br />

the façade is facing and the height.<br />

If the design aim is to maximise the amount of glarefree<br />

daylight in a space to save the most energy, it is<br />

better to select textiles with higher Tv values. A higher<br />

Tv value increases the amount of light, both direct and<br />

diffuse, that can pass through the cloth into the space.<br />

The sharpness and clarity of the view through<br />

a fabric can be predicted as a function of the<br />

Tv value and openness factor. Dark fabrics with<br />

higher openness factors generally give a higher<br />

degree of clarity, followed by dark-coloured fabrics<br />

with low openness factors. Pale-coloured fabrics<br />


usually interfere most with the view outside and<br />

give somewhat confused or muted versions of the<br />

surrounding colours.<br />

Until recently, there were no statistics that defined<br />

the clarity of the view to help a design team specify<br />

a textile in a specific project. The View Clarity<br />

Index (VCI) ranks the clarity of the view from 0<br />

to 100%. A value of 100% means that the fabric<br />

causes no observable interference with the outside<br />

view. At 50%, most objects on the other side are<br />

recognisable, although the edges are blurry and the<br />

colours are visible but washed out. A value of zero<br />

means that you cannot see through the fabric.<br />

Manufacturers have developed colours that<br />

improve thermal management without negatively<br />

influencing the view outside. Double-sided fabrics<br />

were introduced to provide a considerably improved<br />

Rs value, often above 50%, which drastically<br />

improves the fabric’s heat repulsion without<br />

sacrificing the clarity of the objects or colours on<br />

the other side of the fabric.<br />

In summary:<br />

Pale colours<br />

- Pale colours have higher Rs values, which means<br />

that more heat is reflected. This can result in<br />

lower costs for cooling in a warm environment.<br />

- Paler colours also have higher Tv values,<br />

meaning they cause more dazzle than darker<br />

colours. This can be a problem in spaces where<br />

the focus is on a computer screen.<br />

- However, pale colours retain natural light<br />

and can therefore lower the need for lamps<br />

or overhead lighting.<br />

Dark colours<br />

- Lower Tv values allow for excellent control of<br />

blinding. A darker colour would be a better option<br />

for an entertainment space.<br />

- A higher value of As means that more light<br />

and heat are absorbed by the fabric, making<br />

it less efficient for lowering cooling costs than<br />

those with paler colours. In a very warm area<br />

and for windows with a view of the sun during<br />

the daytime, a dark colour might not be the<br />

best option.<br />

- Dark colours give a better view out during the<br />

day, making the environment more visible.<br />

- Dark colours show dirt less obviously than paler<br />

colours, which can also be taken into account<br />

based on the location.<br />






Anything an individual perceives visually that is not related to their perception of shape, size, surface<br />

texture, tone and movement of objects can be called ‘colour’.<br />

Some substances are colourless – take oxygen, for<br />

example. Various conditions have to be met if a colour is<br />

to be observed or a sensation of colour perceived. Light<br />

– a form of electromagnetic radiation – of a certain<br />

wavelength must be emitted or reflected by an object.<br />

The wavelength determines whether the colour is red,<br />

green or blue. Or a combination of the three. Colours<br />

can only be perceived when the human or animal has a<br />

properly functioning physiological system.<br />

Light has to be present for colours to be seen. Most<br />

light sources produce light in a variety of different<br />

wavelengths. Visible light consists of a broad range<br />

of colours that can be seen when a prism is used. A<br />

prism can refract light to break it up into its constituent<br />

colours. This range of colours is referred to as the<br />

spectrum and its colours, which each have their own<br />

wavelengths, always appear in the same sequence<br />

from red at one end through orange, yellow, green,<br />

blue and indigo to violet at the other. Red light has the<br />

longest wavelengths, green is in the middle and blue<br />

has short wavelengths.<br />


380<br />

V B G Y O R<br />

450<br />

495<br />

570<br />

590<br />

620<br />

750<br />

Color Wavelength Frequency Photon energy<br />

violet 380 - 450 nm 668 - 789 THz 2.75 - 3.26 eV<br />

blue 450 - 495 nm 606 - 668 THz 2.50 - 2.75 eV<br />

green 495 - 570 nm 526 - 606 THz 2.17 - 2.50 eV<br />

yellow 570 - 590 nm 508 - 526 THz 2.10 - 2.17 eV<br />

orange 590 - 620 nm 484 - 508 THz 2.00 - 2.10 eV<br />

red 620 - 750 nm 400 - 484 THz 1.65 - 2.00 eV<br />

Source:<br />

Cosmic<br />

radiation<br />

X-rays<br />

Ultraviolet<br />

radiation<br />

Visible<br />

spectrum<br />

Infrared<br />

Radar<br />

Radio<br />

1x to 100 pm<br />

100 pm to 1 nm<br />

1 nm to 380 nm<br />

380 nm to 700 nm<br />

700 nm to 1 mm<br />

1 mm to 30 cm<br />

30 cm to 100 m<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

380nm<br />

Violet<br />

Spectrum of visible colours<br />

Source:<br />

Source: Wikipedia<br />


In reality, there are huge numbers of colours within the range of the spectrum because it is a<br />

seamless scale and each of the colours gradually blends into the next. Each colour has its own<br />

wavelength of light that stimulates the human eye to produce various colour sensations.<br />

When we say that a clementine is orange-coloured, it would be more accurate to say that a sense of<br />

orange is generated by an area of the retina (at the back of the eye) that corresponds to where light<br />

rays from the clementine are received.<br />

Anatomy of the eye<br />

Retina<br />

Ciliary body<br />

Choroid<br />

Cornea<br />

Optic nerve<br />

Iris<br />

Lens<br />

Optic disc (blind spot)<br />

Sclera<br />

Vitreous body<br />

© Oogfonds<br />

Source:<br />

White light contains three primary colours: red, green and blue. These colours are referred to as<br />

'primary' because they are colours in themselves and they cannot be replicated by mixing other<br />

colours (of light). When the three colours are recombined, it produces white light again; this process<br />

is called additive colour mixing and it underpins the way projectors and computer screens work.<br />

They can be combined to produce the sensation of any other colour and are sometimes also called<br />

‘spectral’ colours.<br />

In pigments, dyes and inks, those primary colours almost always reappear. They can be mixed to<br />

produce other colours and are known as subtractive primary colours because any colour that is<br />

a combination is the result of subtracting (or absorbing) white light, either partially or completely.<br />

These properties are utilised by painters and printers. If all three subtractive colours are applied,<br />

black is created.<br />




The Low-Emitting Materials Third-<strong>Part</strong>y Certification table lists acceptable<br />

certifications and programmes for the LEED v4 EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials.<br />

LEED v4 EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials Third <strong>Part</strong>y Certifications and Labels September 8, 2021<br />

The following table lists acceptable certifications and programs for EQ Credit Low Emitting Materials.<br />

Note that the LEED v4 credit also requires reporting on TVOC levels. The programs deemed acceptable<br />

may already include this information-if they do not, project teams must request this additional<br />

information.<br />

Certification or<br />

Program<br />

BIFMA level (if 7.6.1<br />

and/or 7.6.2 were<br />

achieved in e3- 2011<br />

or later)<br />

Benchmark VOC<br />

Green Building<br />

Product<br />

FloorScore<br />

Green Label Plus<br />

Green Seal GS-11<br />

(Edition 4.0)<br />

Intertek Clean Air<br />

Silver<br />

Program<br />

Documents and<br />

Revision Dates<br />

ANSI/BIFMA e3-2011<br />

11/17/11<br />

WI-012 Version 0,<br />

Revision 8/30/2018<br />

SCS-EC10.3-2014<br />

September 2015<br />

Process and<br />

Procedures Manual<br />

11/10/2015<br />

GS-11 Standard for<br />

Paints, Coatings,<br />

Stains, and<br />

Sealers, Edition 4.0<br />

September 2021<br />

A2LA accreditation<br />

3/15/2016<br />

Testing Standard<br />

Referenced in Credit<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011 (R2016)<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Products Regulation<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.2-2017<br />

CARB<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

General Emissions<br />

Evaluation<br />

Yes<br />

Yes Hard surface<br />

flooring and flooring<br />

adhesives<br />

Yes Carpet, adhesive<br />

and cushion<br />

Yes<br />

Emissions and Content Requirements Eligibility<br />

VOC Content for<br />

Wet-Applied<br />

Yes<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Evaluation<br />

Yes (if certificate<br />

includes NAF or<br />

ULEF exemption)<br />

Furniture Evaluation<br />

Yes<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA<br />

e3-7.6.2)<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA<br />

e3-7.6.1)<br />

Certification or<br />

Program<br />

Intertek Clean Air<br />

Gold<br />

MAS Certified Green<br />

NSF/ ANSI 332<br />

SCS Indoor<br />

Advantage Gold—<br />

Building Materials<br />

SCS Indoor<br />

Advantage —<br />

Furniture<br />

SCS Indoor<br />

Advantage Gold—<br />

Furniture<br />

TPC list CARB<br />

ULEF label or CARB<br />

Exempt<br />

UL Greenguard<br />

Certified<br />

Program<br />

Documents and<br />

Revision Dates<br />

A2LA accreditation<br />

3/15/2016<br />

MAS CG Program<br />

Summary <strong>De</strong>c 2012<br />

NSF 332-2015 Jan<br />

2015<br />

SCS-EC10.3-2014<br />

September 2015<br />

SCS-EC10.3-2014<br />

September 2015<br />

SCS-EC10.3-2014<br />

September 2015<br />

Per CARB website<br />

UL 2818 3/14/2014<br />

and UL 2821<br />

3/14/2014<br />

Testing Standard<br />

Referenced in Credit<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

CARB or SCAQMD<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

CDPH Standard<br />

Method v1.1<br />

CARB or SCAQMD<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Products Regulation<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-<br />

2011<br />

General Emissions<br />

Evaluation<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes resilient flooring<br />

Yes<br />

Emissions and Content Requirements Eligibility<br />

VOC Content for<br />

Wet-Applied<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Evaluation<br />

Yes<br />

Furniture Evaluation<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA<br />

e3-7.6.2)<br />

Yes<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA e3<br />

7.6.1)<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA e3<br />

7.6.2)<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA e3<br />

7.6.1)<br />


Certification or Program<br />

UL Greenguard Gold<br />

Berkeley Analytical<br />

ClearChem<br />

Collaborative for High<br />

Performance Schools<br />

(CHPS)<br />

Blue Angel Floor<br />

Covering Adhesives<br />

and other Installation<br />

Materials<br />

Blue Angel Elastic<br />

floorings<br />

Blue Angel Textile<br />

floorings<br />

Blue Angel Thermal<br />

Insulation Material and<br />

Suspended Ceilings<br />

Program Documents<br />

and Revision Dates<br />

UL 2818 3/14/2014 and<br />

UL 2821 3/14/2014<br />

BkA-CC-01.2 8/31/2015<br />

Procedures and<br />

Standards for Product<br />

Inclusion Version 2.0 +<br />

July 2012 CHPS Criteria<br />

Interpretation 7/1/2012<br />

RAL UZ 113 May 2009<br />

RAL UZ 120April 2010<br />

RAL UZ 128 July 2011<br />

RAL UZ 132 Oct 2010<br />

Testing Standard<br />

Referenced in Credit<br />

CDPH Standard Method<br />

v1.1<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011<br />

CDPH Standard Method<br />

v1.1<br />

CARB or SCAQMD<br />

CDPH Standard Method<br />

v1.1<br />

AgBB<br />

AgBB<br />

AgBB<br />

AgBB<br />

General Emissions<br />

Evaluation<br />

Yes<br />

Acceptable for first party claims<br />

Yes<br />

Yes products with<br />

selfcertified claims<br />

but excluding products<br />

recognized only via CHPS<br />

approved thirdparty<br />

certifications<br />

For projects outside the U.S.<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

Emissions and Content Requirements Eligibility<br />

VOC Content for Wet-<br />

Applied<br />

Yes<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Evaluation<br />

Furniture Evaluation<br />

Yes (ANSI/BIFMA e3<br />

7.6.2)<br />

Certification or Program<br />

Program Documents<br />

and Revision Dates<br />

Testing Standard<br />

Referenced in Credit<br />

General Emissions<br />

Evaluation<br />

Emissions and Content Requirements Eligibility<br />

VOC Content for Wet-<br />

Applied<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Evaluation<br />

Furniture Evaluation<br />

Blue Angel Flooring<br />

underlays (cushion)<br />

RAL UZ 156 Feb 2011<br />

AgBB<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

eco-INSTITUT-Label<br />

Construction products<br />

& floor coverings March<br />

2015<br />

AgBB<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

NaturePLUS<br />

GL0100, GL0400,<br />

GL0600, GL0700,<br />

GL0800, GL0900,<br />

GL1000, GL1200,<br />

GL1300, GL1400, GL1700,<br />

GL1800 June 2015<br />

AgBB<br />

EMICODE EC1 07/28/2010 AgBB<br />

EMICODE EC1 PLUS 7/28/2010<br />

GUT GUT Test Criteria 2011<br />

Indoor Air Comfort<br />

Indoor Air Comfort GOLD<br />

Blue Angel Composite<br />

wood panels<br />

Indoor Air Comfort<br />

version 7 May 2021<br />

Indoor Air Comfort<br />

version 7 May 2021<br />

AgBB+ low formaldehyde<br />

requirement<br />

AgBB + low<br />

formaldehyde<br />

requirement<br />

EN 16516<br />

AgBB + low<br />

formaldehyde<br />

requirement<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also met)<br />

Yes** (if additional<br />

low formaldehyde<br />

requirement is also<br />

met. EMICODE has<br />

formaldehyde limit of 50<br />

μg/m3 after 3 days)<br />

Yes***<br />

Yes textile floorings<br />

Yes***<br />

Yes***<br />

Yes<br />

Yes Yes Yes<br />

RAL-UZ 76 Apr 2011 EN-717-1:2004 Yes<br />

Byggvaru bedömningen (BVB) November 9, 2011 EN-717-1:2004<br />

Yes, Recommended<br />

criteria met in 8.3<br />

Certification or Program<br />

Program Documents<br />

and Revision Dates<br />

Testing Standard<br />

Referenced in Credit<br />

General Emissions<br />

Evaluation<br />

Emissions and Content Requirements Eligibility<br />

VOC Content for Wet-<br />

Applied<br />

Composite Wood<br />

Evaluation<br />

Furniture Evaluation<br />

French VOC emissions<br />

labeling<br />

March 25, 2012 ISO 16000 Yes, Class A or A+<br />

Finnish Emission<br />

Classification of Building<br />

Materials<br />

TÜVRheinland Green<br />

Product Mark Furniture<br />

Taiwan Healthy Building<br />

Material Label<br />

M1-The emission<br />

classification of building<br />

materials November<br />

15, 2017<br />

ISO 16000 + low<br />

formaldehyde<br />

requirement<br />

Yes, M1<br />

LVI 05-10440 en EN-717-1:2004 Yes, M1<br />

M1- The emission<br />

classification of building<br />

materials November<br />

15, 2017<br />

ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011<br />

Yes, M1 (ANSI/BIFMA e3<br />

7.6.2)<br />

2PfG E1992:12.2012 ANSI/BIFMA M7.1-2011 Yes (ANSI/BIFMA e3 7.6.1)<br />

Operation Directions for<br />

Taiwan Healthy Building<br />

Material Label and<br />

v1/02.11.2019<br />

CDPH Standard Method<br />

v1.2-2017<br />

**The formaldehyde limit of 10 μg/m3 at 28 days must also be met when using the AgBB alternative, as specified for class A+ in French compulsory VOC emission class labeling.<br />

***Additional information regarding the formaldehyde limit at 28 days is not required for products meeting EMICODE EC1plus. Additionally, products meeting EMICODE EC1 or EC1plus<br />

automatically meet the wet-applied VOC content requirements, without additional documentation.<br />

Yes<br />


APPENDIX 3:<br />


STANDARD 100 from OEKO-TEX® is a label<br />

showing that the textile has been tested to<br />

confirm that no harmful substances have been<br />

used. The standard tells you that the item has<br />

been tested for harmful substances and is<br />

therefore harmless to human health. The tests<br />

are carried out by our independent OEKO-TEX®<br />

partner institutes on the basis of criteria laid<br />

down in a catalogue.<br />

The test takes account of numerous regulated and<br />

unregulated substances that may be harmful to human<br />

health. In many cases, the limit values for STANDARD<br />

100 are stricter than national and international<br />

requirements. The criteria catalogue is updated at least<br />

annually and expanded with new scientific knowledge<br />

or legal requirements.<br />

In principle, any textile item at any stage of processing<br />

is suitable for STANDARD 100 certification and may<br />

therefore apply to semi-finished or finished articles,<br />

such as baby textiles, clothing, domestic fabrics or<br />

decorative materials.<br />

Product class IV covers decorative materials and<br />

includes all such items, including initial products and<br />

accessories used for furniture and interior decoration<br />

(e.g. tablecloths, curtains and upholstery fabrics).<br />




Fabrics for indoor use, e.g. Kvadrat technical fabrics<br />

812 816<br />


Originals<br />

849 878 890<br />

103<br />

Comfort screen<br />

203<br />

Silver screen<br />

Omniscreen<br />

3%<br />

Silverscreen<br />

2% Low E<br />

Silverscreen<br />

4%<br />

Openness factor (%) 5 23 2 0 0 3 3 3-4 2 4<br />

Energy behaviour:<br />

Absorption in % 29 27 30 29 30 31 13 20 15 17<br />

Reflection in % 62 44 65 68 70 62 82 74 82 77<br />

Transmission in % 9 29 5 3 0 7 5 6 3 6<br />

Composition Trevira CS Trevira CS Trevira CS Trevira CS Laminated PVC 75% PVC 75% PVC 75%<br />

Polyester PET 25% PET 25% PET 25%<br />

Weight (g/m2) 95 70 132 142 325 250 450 440 400 400<br />

Thickness (mm) 0,2 0,23 0,26 0,23 0,33 0,44 0,58 0,55 0,5 0,5<br />

Certification:<br />

OEKO TEX 100 IV V V V V V V V V<br />

GreenGuard Gold (LEED) V V V V V V V<br />

Flame retardant V V V V V V V V V V<br />

Anti microbial V V V V V<br />

PVC-free V V V V V<br />

Helioscreen<br />

Serge 3% Serge 1% Staccato Scale<br />

Openness factor (%) 3 1 5 5<br />

Energy behaviour:<br />

Absorption in % 14 61 65 72<br />

Reflection in % 67 32 28 21<br />

Transmission in % 19 7 7 7<br />

Composition PVC coated PVC coated PVC coated PVC coated<br />

Glass fiber Glass fiber Glass fiber Glass fiber<br />

Glass 41,5% Glass 41,5% Glass 41% Glass 41%<br />

PVC 58,5% PVC 58,5% PVC 59% PVC 59%<br />

Weight (g/m2) 544 474 457 601<br />

Thickness (mm) 0,8 0,6 0,58 0,79<br />

Certification:<br />

OEKO TEX 100 IV V V<br />

Flame retardant V V V V<br />

BREEAM<br />

Visual comfort is an important aspect of BREEAM,<br />

a leading and very widely used environmental<br />

assessment method for buildings in Europe. Various<br />

credits can be earned (depending on the fabrics used)<br />

for managing daylight penetration, glare control and<br />

the outward visibility. Fabrics often also add to thermal<br />

comfort and help create energy savings.<br />

Solar control fabrics help to obtain credits in different<br />

categories:<br />

- Reducing the energy consumption of the building<br />

[MAN 05]<br />

- Visual comfort [HEA 01]<br />

- Quality of the air indoors [HEA 02]<br />

- Thermal comfort [HEA 03]<br />

- Acoustic performance [HEA 05]<br />

- Reduction of CO2 emissions [ENE 1]<br />

- Innovation [INI]<br />

The Dutch version of BREEAM even requires an<br />

anti-dazzle class of 3.<br />


LEED<br />

LEED is the North American equivalent of BREEAM.<br />

It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental<br />

<strong>De</strong>sign. It aims to promote environmental awareness<br />

among government authorities, architects, engineers,<br />

developers and builders. The most recent version<br />

of LEED is called LEED v4. Compared with LEED v3,<br />

LEED v4 takes a more performance-based approach<br />

to design, operations and maintenance that requires<br />

measurable results throughout the project lifecycle.<br />

Solar control fabrics help to obtain credits in different<br />

categories:<br />

- Ecological design of the premises<br />

- Energy and ambience<br />

- Materials and resources<br />

- Quality of the indoor environment (low emissions,<br />

natural ventilation, thermal comfort, natural<br />

lighting and acoustic comfort)<br />

- Innovation<br />






Parametrism is a style of architecture and product design that emerged around the end of the<br />

twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first. The architect Zaha Hadid is seen as its<br />

founder. The design process uses parametric equations a great deal and relies heavily on the use<br />

of software, algorithms and computers. From about 2020 onwards, not only parts of the outer<br />

envelopes of buildings will be designed that way but also floor plans and lines of sight.<br />

Parametrist buildings feature design patterns that are<br />

often three-dimensional. The patterns in Parametrism<br />

are neither completely loose nor fixed in a grid, but have<br />

a certain coherence that is generated by calculations<br />

(the parametric equations). These patterns tend to<br />

change over a certain spatial distance.<br />

In parametric building design, a decision is often<br />

made not to include the functions in the design,<br />

as was the case in Rationalism and Futurism. The<br />

designs often have a clear principal form in which the<br />

functional areas tend to flow into each other without<br />

being clearly separated.<br />

Zaha Hadid<br />

Zaha was born on 31 October 1950 in Baghdad, Iraq.<br />

She first studied mathematics at the American<br />

University in Beirut (Lebanon) and then architecture at<br />

the Architectural Association in London, where she also<br />

first met the architect Rem Koolhaas.<br />

After graduating in 1977, she worked at Koolhaas’ Office<br />

for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA). She started her<br />

own agency in 1979. Her designs from that time are<br />

in the <strong>De</strong>constructivist style, with angular geometric<br />

planes inspired by the Suprematism of Malevich and<br />

El Lissitzky. Her work slowly became less Brutalist and<br />

confrontational, with her later designs taking on<br />

a much more sensual line pattern; the buildings were<br />

also curved. She subsequently achieved the best score<br />

in several international competitions. These designs<br />

all remained unbuilt, though. Her first major design<br />

to be built in Europe was the fire station on the Vitra<br />

factory site in Weil am Rhein in 1993. This was followed<br />

by a long line of designs that brought her international<br />

renown and let her create impressive buildings all over<br />

the world.<br />

1992: Vitra Fire Station (1989-93) in Weil am<br />

Rhein, Germany<br />

1993: IBA Housing (1989-93) in Berlin, Germany<br />

1999: Millennium Dome in Greenwich, <strong>UK</strong><br />

2002: Ski-jumping ramp in Innsbruck, Austria<br />

2003: Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, USA<br />

2005: Central building of the BMW factory in<br />

Leipzig, Germany<br />

2008: Pabellón Puente (bridge) for the World Expo,<br />

Zaragoza, Spain<br />

2012: Aquatics Centre for the 2012 Summer Olympics<br />

in London, <strong>UK</strong><br />

As an industrial designer, she also designed lounge<br />

seating, ergonomic cooking islands, fittings for the<br />

construction sector, a concept car and women’s shoes.<br />

For the American art dealer Kenny Schachter, she<br />

devised an eight-metre-long aerodynamic speedboat<br />


Zaha Hadid’s final project:<br />

the One Thousand Museum in Miami, USA<br />


using asymmetric forms. Hadid’s agency also came up<br />

with the set decor for a Pet Shop Boys tour.<br />

By the end of her life, her own firm (Zaha Hadid<br />

Architects in London) had grown into an organisation<br />

with almost 400 staff and had completed over 950<br />

projects in 44 countries.<br />

The architect died on 31 March 2016 of a cardiac arrest.<br />

She was in a Miami hospital at the time, being treated<br />

for bronchitis.<br />

In addition to designing complex geometry and<br />

structures, parametric design also offers scope for<br />

making changes at a later stage in the design process,<br />

using a responsive model. The modifications and<br />

scenarios can be tested and consequences made clear.<br />

Because parameters can also be added during design<br />

(geometric constraints, structural requirements or<br />

material properties), better understandings of the<br />

consequences for realisation – or production in the case<br />

of an industrial manufacturing process – also emerge.<br />

Parametrically designed<br />

In parametric design, a design is generated on the<br />

basis of data and the relationships between parts.<br />

<strong>De</strong>fining those relationships is an essential component.<br />

It is a digital process in which the consequences of<br />

modifications or alternatives are calculated in a model.<br />

Those understandings are incorporated in a data model<br />

that works as a dynamic system.<br />

The human brain is only capable of handling a couple<br />

of variables at a time. Parametric design makes it<br />

possible to weigh many alternatives up against each<br />

other; in fact, you produce the design by calculating<br />

variations with specialised software, thereby making<br />

the consequences evident. On top of that, you can<br />

deploy artificial intelligence to let you proactively ask<br />

the system to make suggestions.<br />

In parametric design (also known as informed design or<br />

associative design), utilising algorithms allows designs<br />

to be generated rather than being created: it therefore<br />

also gets called ‘generative’ design.<br />

A parametric process reduces the risk of errors and<br />

makes it possible to clarify the various designs, for<br />

instance through simulations. It yields greater design<br />

freedom without directly compromising efficiency.<br />

The process requires relationships (processing logic)<br />

between the parameters. The designer defines not<br />

only the parameters but also the processing logic<br />

(the modelling) and so the software works as per<br />

the designer’s definitions, with the designer always<br />

being able to tweak the model. Such models are often<br />

created by architects in cooperation with programmers.<br />

Modelling is complex, but you don’t have to start from<br />

square one every time, as the models can in fact be<br />

used very nicely in subsequent projects.<br />

Parametric design therefore does result in a shift in the<br />

tasks: from repetitive work to investing in good models<br />

from a cross-project perspective, and with more time<br />

during the projects for integral coordination and the<br />

creation of genuine added value (plan improvement,<br />

cost reductions, etc.).<br />


The role of the architect in parametric design work<br />

Using algorithms created by the architect in<br />

cooperation with programmers allows designs to<br />

be generated (generative design). This changes the<br />

architect’s role: after all, the optimum solution must be<br />

selected from all the possible alternatives. Architects<br />

are thus better able to spend their time efficiently on<br />

other aspects of the building.<br />

Visual programming<br />

Nowadays, the visual approach to parametric design is<br />

being used more and more widely because it is more<br />

accessible and there is less of a barrier to using it.<br />

Visual programming makes it possible to set up a logic<br />

model without a need for textual coding.<br />

The case of textual programming is also referred to<br />

as a ‘code approach’, whereas scripting is a ‘low-code<br />

approach’ (as scripting offers a textual programming<br />

method for combining pre-programmed building blocks)<br />

and the case of parametric modelling is known as a ‘nocode<br />

approach’ because the programming is done visually.<br />

Parametric modelling offers important new possibilities<br />

for recording logic and reasoning in the computer<br />

and ‘playing it back’ in an automated way. When a<br />

parameter (an input) is changed, the logic model is<br />

recalculated using the relationships defined.<br />

Spreadsheets are not parametric software, strictly<br />

speaking, but they behave similarly: parameters can<br />

be defined (as numbers in cells) and relationships<br />

set up (by adding formulas). When an input is<br />

modified, changes are automatically processed in the<br />

spreadsheet by the logic defined.<br />

Parametric software use is rising strongly as an<br />

addition to BIM, and also increasingly offers links to<br />

other simulation and analysis software, which can<br />

often be used as plug-ins. Plug-ins are needed if you<br />

are to make the best possible use of Grasshopper.<br />

The Kangaroo plug-in, for instance, helps optimise<br />

the construction of your design (form-finding) and the<br />

Ivy plug-in helps create two-dimensional surfaces<br />

corresponding to a 3D design, as is often needed when<br />

producing a design.<br />

Parametric design can also be easily used for<br />

convincing stakeholders of what they want so that they<br />

make better choices. You can show them live what the<br />

consequences of specific choices are. Knowing that<br />

most incident light comes from the south and east can<br />

be a good reason to orientate certain rooms to suit.<br />

Grasshopper helps understand how long the sun shines<br />

in for during the day and how much incident daylight<br />

there actually is.<br />

Examples of widely-used visual software packages are<br />

Grasshopper, Dynamo and Generative Components.<br />

Nowadays, it is also possible to use parametric models<br />

in online or shared environments so that the only thing<br />

needed for accessing the model is a web browser.<br />



Selecting the principles<br />

Parametric designs can for example focus on the health and<br />

well-being of a building’s users. It is not primarily about a<br />

special building design per se; using a parametric model as<br />

an optimisation process can however also make a building<br />

measurably healthier and more sustainable.<br />

To create a parametric model, data and relationships between<br />

elements of a structure are analysed using algorithms.<br />

The algorithms can be used to get the optimum amount<br />

of daylight into the premises, for example. For BREEAM<br />

and WELL, you might want to maximise the parameter for<br />

incoming light while at the same time minimising the one for<br />

the warming it causes, so that you do not need a large airconditioning<br />

system. Many architects then have a tendency to<br />

design glass buildings, but that is no longer a contemporary<br />

solution at all. 9001<br />

The link between health, well-being and the façade<br />

The link between health, well-being and the façade is an<br />

obvious one to make, via the light and ventilation. As the<br />

façade is part of the building shell or envelope – a key aspect<br />

that an architect explicitly focuses on – it is an important<br />

transition. When you look at the building envelope, the façade<br />

does after all usually constitute an important aspect of the<br />

design signature.<br />

Parametric design means you develop more continuously,<br />

instead of a trial-and-error approach until a design optimum<br />

is achieved. That optimum is normally defined in advance.<br />

Changes to a design are almost inevitable but they can be made<br />

much more efficiently when based on a parametric design.<br />


If a façade is programmed using various elements<br />

and requirements in a dataset, you can always get it<br />

regenerated after changes to the design. That also<br />

saves time and money. Parametric design may be timeconsuming<br />

during the early phases but that digitisation<br />

process delivers nothing but benefits later on. 9001<br />

The main driving forces for parametric design:<br />

<strong>De</strong>sign<br />

For complex shapes, such as spherical structures or<br />

other double-curved surfaces, a parametric model can<br />

help generate a 3D model quickly.<br />

Why use associative design?<br />

Parametric design can also be referred to as<br />

‘parametric and associative design’. Associative means<br />

that there are relationships (processing logic) between<br />

the parameters. In parametric design, the designer<br />

defines not only the parameters but also the explicit<br />

processing logic (the modelling).<br />

In real-world terms, this means that parametric design<br />

will do exactly what the designer wants to achieve.<br />

The software is not a black box with hidden internal<br />

workings; the designer defines the rules, assigns the<br />

values, can see precisely what is happening, and<br />

initiates the adaptations.<br />

The parametric model reinforces the creative<br />

process by showing how much is possible, given<br />

the preconditions that have been imposed, and that<br />

is often much more than the designer might have<br />

imagined beforehand. Values can be added and<br />

modified throughout the process. This lets the model<br />

become more and more refined until the desired result<br />

is achieved.<br />

Production<br />

When there is a lot of repetition of the same type<br />

of calculations, parametric models can speed up<br />

the production process, for instance by generating<br />

quantities, reports and design drawings.<br />

Optimisation<br />

Structures that a fully parametric model has been<br />

created for are often suitable for optimisation<br />

studies. Evolutionary algorithms are used to perform<br />

optimisations more efficiently. Galapagos by<br />

Grasshopper is an example of one such algorithm.<br />

Flexibility<br />

Flexibility is valuable during the design process. A great<br />

deal is still unclear at the start of a design process.<br />

A parametric model lets the designer make changes<br />

quickly and map out the consequences. If there are<br />

changes, the same actions do not have to be repeated.<br />

There may be some market reluctance to adopting<br />

new technology. Parametric designing also requires a<br />

different working method. It can engender a shift from<br />

repetitive work to more time for integral coordination.<br />

It could also potentially lead to alternative business<br />

and earnings models.<br />


Does the market pay for the delivery of a design, for<br />

each variant, for the insights into the design choices or<br />

for the added value of advice? There will very probably<br />

be a shift towards higher-quality advice with the quality<br />

of the solution, the assistance provided or savings<br />

on the design counting, instead of remuneration for<br />

providing the initial solution.<br />

We may cautiously conclude the following about<br />

parametric design:<br />

- The process is accurate, as it precisely follows<br />

predefined rules.<br />

- The quality is more consistent, with fewer<br />

human errors.<br />

- The models can be reused in subsequent projects.<br />

- Simulation makes it possible to explore and<br />

understand different design solutions.<br />

- Relative performance can be quantified and<br />

compared to alternatives.<br />

- Solutions can be optimised.<br />

- It adds flexibility to the design process;<br />

potential changes can be anticipated.<br />

- <strong>De</strong>sign freedom is retained.<br />

- The process is made more efficient: less effort<br />

and shorter throughput times.<br />

Notes<br />

9001 Lennaert van Capelleveen, founder of ArchiTech Company<br />

Sources consulted:<br />

- Interview with Maria Selkou (1985), architect at ZJA Zwarts & Jansma Architecten<br />

for the BNA Academy<br />

- Kennisportaal Constructieve Veiligheid; Best practices voor parametrisch ontwerpen,<br />

Digital <strong>De</strong>velopments Task Group, version of 16 February 2021<br />

- Architectuur NL: BNA Academie/Workshop on parametric design provided by<br />

Pim van Wylick and Gijs Joosen.<br />

- Blog on Architectenweb, interview with Lennaert van Capelleveen,<br />

founder of ArchiTech Company<br />

- Wikipedia<br />

- The Guardian, 8 September 2013, Rowan More, “Zaha Hadid, Queen of the curve”<br />



10<br />





In this chapter, we examine the options for gaining an understanding of the energy consumption in<br />

an office space.<br />

This question arose from the need to investigate the relationship between energy consumption in<br />

a room used as an office and the use of dynamic solar shading. It is the second major step in our<br />

quest to answer four questions:<br />

- What influence does applying dynamic shading<br />

have on productivity, primarily of people in office<br />

environments?<br />

- What is the relationship between the use of<br />

dynamic shading in an office environment<br />

and energy consumption, with its associated<br />

CO2 emissions?<br />

- Can we bundle all these influences together into<br />

a single model so that we can provide wellfounded<br />

answers to questions that matter when<br />

making investments in dynamic shading, about<br />

payback times and returns on investment?<br />

- Can a parallel be drawn for the same questions<br />

for non-residential buildings in other sectors,<br />

such as education and healthcare?<br />

adjusted. The results are being published in the second<br />

revised reprint of The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>, <strong>Part</strong> 1.<br />

For putting flesh on the bones of the questions about<br />

energy consumption and CO2 emissions in office<br />

buildings, a two-step approach was chosen, first trying<br />

to determine the relationship between the use of<br />

dynamic shading and energy consumption (as well as<br />

CO2 emissions) for one office room, followed by<br />

a model mapping out the same relationship for an<br />

entire building.<br />

Once the relationship has been defined for an office<br />

building, a similar setup can be used at a later stage for<br />

buildings in the education and healthcare sectors.<br />

The issues are therefore about buildings with very<br />

different uses on the one hand, and on the other also<br />

about very different fields of science – which is why the<br />

decision was made to separate out the issues first and<br />

only then to try to recombine them again afterwards.<br />

The relationship between the use of dynamic shading<br />

and productivity in office environments has already<br />

been examined, described and modelled (see also The<br />

<strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>, <strong>Part</strong> 1), looking at office buildings. A<br />

further study for the education and healthcare sectors<br />

was based on that, with the productivity perspective<br />

For the purposes of this book, we first tried to produce<br />

a model describing the relationship between dynamic<br />

shading and energy consumption (plus the associated<br />

CO2 emissions). That gave an opportunity to combine<br />

the issues linked to productivity, energy consumption<br />

and CO2 emissions into an integrated parametric model.<br />

To implement that model, a project was set up that was<br />

split into three phases, the first of which is the subject<br />

of this chapter of the book:<br />


Phase 1: A model of dynamic shading versus energy<br />

consumption in a room used as an office.<br />

Phase 2: Extending the Phase 1 model with available<br />

data – research into productivity in an office<br />

environment.<br />

Phase 3: A complete model in which all aspects are<br />

clearly and integrally visualised, with a plug-in<br />

so that the model could also be applied in<br />

other countries.<br />

Energy management in an office<br />

Parametric design lends itself well to a study in which<br />

the requisite variables are linked to a typical room<br />

(a standardised office of 3.6 x 5.4 x 2.7 m). We can<br />

then work out various aspects on that basis, such as<br />

daylight, the view out, energy, indoor climate, cold air<br />

downdraughts and noise.<br />

As a starting point for constructing the model, we take<br />

the variable s that we used for modelling productivity<br />

(see The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>, <strong>Part</strong> 1) and provide outcomes<br />

that are applicable to the Dutch climate.<br />

Two software tools are used to construct the model<br />

and make the results visible, Ladybug Tools and<br />

EnergyPlus. Although the climatological data focuses<br />

on the Netherlands initially, it can subsequently be<br />

converted relatively easily to other geographical areas,<br />

so that similar models can be constructed for locations<br />

elsewhere in the world.<br />

Step-by-step working method:<br />


Scripting<br />

To do the calculations, a script has to be developed (with the help of software).<br />

Overview of the modelling<br />

A visualisation is given below of the model, in which the relationships between the various elements<br />

have been worked out based on the predefined variables.<br />

Model structure: made up of the following elements<br />

1. Structural geometry<br />

2. Dynamic solar shading<br />


3. <strong>De</strong>fining the principles for the building systems<br />

Calculating all the possibilities, assisted by the software<br />

The next step is to perform the calculations using the software to run through all the possibilities.<br />

To give you an idea: there are over 550 different conceivable scenarios that are then ranked<br />

according to their outcomes.<br />

All variables for the façade (see image below, in the horizontal direction) are calibrated to the<br />

possible outcomes (see image below, in the vertical direction) by the model.<br />

The software then calculates all possible combinations. The possible combinations and their<br />

outcomes are shown along the vertical axes in the right-hand section of the figure below. The<br />

results we are searching for are in blue above the axes (cooling load in summer, heating load in<br />

winter and reduction in annual CO2 emissions to the far right).<br />




Recording and selection<br />

For all scenarios, the variables and their outcomes are defined using a fixed method so that<br />

comparisons are possible. The least likely outcomes (or scenarios that overlap and may be less<br />

likely or less relevant) can easily be eliminated to make the number of relevant scenarios and<br />

possible outcomes more manageable.<br />

All data remains available in an underlying database and can be called up for inspection<br />

at any time.<br />

Selecting relevant results<br />

The relevant results can then be selected individually and displayed on a dashboard.<br />


The calculations can thus be used to rank the results of<br />

the various options.<br />

Comparing the outcomes of various scenarios then<br />

allows the influence of dynamic shading on the energy<br />

consumption and CO2 emissions of an office to be<br />

determined. The orientation of the façade, the glassto-wall<br />

ratio and the type of glass used in the façade<br />

can be freely adjusted, as can the use or otherwise<br />

of dynamic shading. The model provides four variants<br />

for the sun shading used: none, on the inside, on<br />

the outside or a combination of indoor and outdoor<br />

dynamic shading.<br />

The results show the difference (i.e. savings) between<br />

using dynamic shading or not for four possible<br />

orientations of the façade: north, east, west and south.<br />

The calculation took the following variables<br />

into account:<br />

- Glass percentage (30%, 50% and 70%).<br />

- Orientation of the room.<br />

- Type of shading.<br />

- The location of the daylight control point.<br />

- The control of automatic shading.<br />

Step 2: Extending the model<br />

Having constructed the model to identify the influence<br />

of dynamic shading on energy consumption and CO2<br />

emissions, we attempted to extend the model to include<br />

the elements that determine the effect of dynamic<br />

shading on productivity.<br />

Several items had to be added to the model, as was<br />

seen in <strong>Part</strong> 1 of The <strong>Somfy</strong> <strong>Factor</strong>.<br />

Summary of Step 1<br />

Principles used in the calculation:<br />

- Standard-format office with a single outer wall.<br />

- Dimensions 3.6 m by 5.4 m, 2.7 m high.<br />

- Climatological data for Amsterdam.<br />

- Reflection factors: wall 0.5, ceiling 0.7, floor 0.2.<br />

- Rc value for the façade = 4.755 m2K/W.<br />

- Thickness of the wall: 0.3 m.<br />

- Occupancy: 1 person per 10m2 (2 people).<br />

- Climate system design: ceiling induction units.<br />

- CO2 figure converted from the NTA 8800 energy mix.<br />

Parametric design also allows information from Excel<br />

to be utilised. This lets us convert results from the other<br />

model into a matrix. Converting the formulas used in<br />

the original model means we can also directly link the<br />

various productivity aspects to a space that we defined<br />

earlier. This gives rise to a composite model that maps<br />

the influence of dynamic shading onto the essential<br />

parameters for productivity in an office environment.<br />

These include air temperature, radiation temperature,<br />

glare, the view to the outside and control of the<br />

indoor environment.<br />


Summary of Step 2<br />

This addition creates an integral model in which we can link the results directly to each other.<br />

A single model is created that brings together productivity, energy aspects and CO2 emissions.<br />

The results can be bundled into a ready-to-use tool where everything can be presented visually<br />

for all the relevant stakeholders, who can then make informed decisions based on costs, savings<br />

and environmental aspects: information that is always substantiated and can also be reproduced<br />

at any time.<br />

Step 3: An integrated, international approach<br />

In Step 3, we eliminated the assumptions that had been made as simplifications for modelling the<br />

effect of using dynamic shading and replaced them with the variables from the parametric model<br />

for calculating the effect of dynamic shading on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This lets<br />

us maximise the benefits of parametric modelling. Several variables in the two models are similar<br />

and have now been allowed to vary when calculating productivity as well, making the results not<br />

only accurate but also completely consistent. To that end, we also categorise productivity into<br />

various classes, using the Programme of Requirements for Healthy Offices as a reference.<br />

A major benefit of this approach is that the model can also be extended to other countries by linking<br />

it to an alternative climatological file.<br />


This method creates a huge database of results that can be accessed through <strong>De</strong>sign Explorer<br />

in a kind of dashboard. Modifying the variables allows suitable situations to be filtered and<br />

displayed visually.<br />

As an example, a figure is given here that shows daylight calculations.<br />

To make the results available to the market and to allow discussion of the options with decisionmakers,<br />

a web-based tool was developed with which simulations can easily be made for specific<br />

situations, based on up to twenty reasonably easy-to-answer questions.<br />

As a subsequent step in the context of this book, a model has been created that extrapolates the<br />

situation in a single office room to a whole office building; that is covered in greater depth in the<br />

following chapter.<br />

Away from this book, work is now being done on two other steps:<br />

- A model using climatological plug-ins that can be applied internationally.<br />

- Tools that allow real-time monitoring of the situation in rooms or a building, thereby letting<br />

users take corrective measures or apply automation (façade management systems).<br />



11<br />





This chapter describes how the model for energy effects of dynamic solar and light shading for<br />

office areas can be used to build a complete model for determining the energy effects in office<br />

buildings. The model was completed by adding the productivity effects 1101 and the database needed<br />

to make calculations for Dutch office buildings. The model was then used as the basis for<br />

a practical web application for day-to-day use.<br />

Adding climate plugins and various other data for financial<br />

calculations to the underlying database allows the model<br />

to be used at other geographical locations as well.<br />

To get a usable end result, previous models were<br />

tweaked and improved, paying attention too to potential<br />

upscaling for other countries. The two models were then<br />

integrated, also permitting several indoor environment<br />

parameters to be calculated.<br />

After random verification of the results, the<br />

database was populated with all the data needed<br />

for calculations for the Netherlands.<br />

How the model and the web application fit together<br />

User input<br />

Standard office<br />

• Climate<br />

• Use<br />

• Building characteristics<br />

• Installations<br />

Variable building characteristics<br />

• % of glass in the façade,<br />

• Presence of solar control glazing,<br />

• Distribution of working areas over the façade,<br />

• Number of working areas perpendicular<br />

to the façade,<br />

• Number of people working together<br />

in a single room<br />

• Presence of a cooling system,<br />

• Employee occupancy of the working area.<br />

Intervention to apply<br />

• Daylight shading for each façade,<br />

• Solar shading for each façade,<br />

• Dynamic control<br />

Parametric<br />

model<br />

Parametric<br />

model<br />

Post-processing<br />

Web application<br />

Post-processing<br />

Web application<br />

Reference model<br />

• Productivity effect<br />

• Energy performance<br />

• Indoor environment parameters<br />

Intervention variant 1<br />

• Productivity effect<br />

• Energy performance<br />

• Indoor environment parameters<br />

Output<br />

Web<br />

app<br />

Gain of intervention variant 1<br />

• Productivity potential<br />

• Energy potential<br />

• Indoor environment effect<br />

• Pay-back period<br />

• Return on investment<br />


A summary of how it works:<br />

1. Input: the web application user enters the<br />

building characteristics and specifies the desired<br />

interventions (solar and light shading systems).<br />

2. Parametric model: performance figures for<br />

energy, productivity and indoor environment<br />

are mapped for the different variants given the<br />

various input data items (i.e. depending on the<br />

user’s input). All the necessary calculations<br />

are carried out and the results are saved in a<br />

database that is included in the tool.<br />

3. Post-processing web application: the results<br />

as included in the database based on the<br />

parametric model need post-processing to<br />

generate usable results for the user. Those<br />

calculations are done in the web application.<br />

4. Output: results that are relevant for the user<br />

are presented in the application. You can see<br />

what the effect of using dynamic solar and light<br />

shading is on the productivity potential, the<br />

energy performance, the indoor environment and<br />

the financial calculations.<br />

The ‘<strong>Somfy</strong> productivity and energy model for offices’<br />

was developed to give a clear picture of the effects of<br />

using dynamic sun and light shading in office buildings.<br />

The model has a scientific basis and uses the most<br />

advanced computer models, which have run hundreds<br />

of simulations.<br />

To gain an idea of how much the building<br />

characteristics affect the productivity potential,<br />

a best educated guess (estimate) is made of<br />

the effect of solar and light shading systems<br />

on the indoor environment, depending on various<br />

building characteristics.<br />

Generally, even if the model’s building and system<br />

characteristics are the same as those of the<br />

actual building, the results still depend heavily<br />

on user behaviour.<br />

The broad features of the building characteristics<br />

can be entered into the model, although in practice<br />

any building will deviate to some extent from the<br />

assumptions made in that model. The results are in<br />

particular meant to give a clear picture of the relative<br />

effects of different interventions and the role of the<br />

building characteristics.<br />

<strong>De</strong>sign and basic principles of the<br />

parametric model<br />

To estimate the influence of dynamic shades and<br />

blind systems, a calculation model was first developed<br />

for a ‘standard office space’. A number of variable<br />

building characteristics were then added so that the<br />

‘standard office space’ can be used as the baseline<br />

for the calculations for an office building. That is how<br />

the baseline ‘reference situation’ is created. The model<br />

gives the option of adding various types of dynamic sun<br />

and light shading systems for each façade orientation.<br />


Building characteristics of the ‘standard<br />

office space’<br />

Performance figures for the energy, productivity<br />

and indoor environment were calculated for the<br />

interventions to be used using a parametric model<br />

in a visual environment (Rhino 3D) combined with<br />

Grasshopper software and the Ladybug Tools plugin.<br />

The model assumes a standard office space for which<br />

fixed assumptions have been made regarding:<br />

- Dimensions of the room.<br />

- The climate.<br />

- The times when the room is in use.<br />

- Internal heat burden from people, devices<br />

and lighting.<br />

- Construction and insulation of the building.<br />

- Heating, ventilation and window/purge ventilation.<br />

See the assumptions made in Appendix 2 to this chapter.<br />

The values that the different parameters can take are<br />

described in Appendix 2.<br />

Additionally, there are several building characteristics<br />

for an office space (and how it is used) that can<br />

additionally be included to give an estimate of the<br />

productivity effect. Rather than including these<br />

aspects in the parametric model, they are part of the<br />

post-processing in the web application. The following<br />

parameters are processed:<br />

- Number of working areas perpendicular to the<br />

façade (2 options)<br />

- Number of people working together in a single<br />

room (4 options)<br />

- Employee occupancy of the working area<br />

(percentage of the time)<br />

- Distribution of the working areas over the various<br />

façade orientations (percentage).<br />

Variable building characteristics<br />

Different variants of a standard office space were<br />

used for the calculations, with the following building<br />

characteristics varying:<br />

- Façade orientation (4 options: north, east, south, west)<br />

- Percentage of glass in the façade (3 options:<br />

high: > 60%, average: 30-60%, low: < 30%)<br />

- Presence of solar control glazing for each façade<br />

(2 options: solar control glazing present or not)<br />

- Presence of a cooling system (3 options: no<br />

cooling system, top cooling, complete cooling).<br />

Accumulating the possible combinations meant that<br />

calculations were done for a total of 4x3x2x3 = 72<br />

reference models.<br />

The first part of the questionnaire in Appendix 1<br />

(I. Building characteristics) shows the questions that<br />

the user can use to specify the desired input values for<br />

these variables.<br />

Characteristics of interventions for solar and<br />

daylight shading<br />

The tool has various options for applying dynamic sun and<br />

light shading devices. The following definitions are used:<br />

- Light shading: products that are generally applied<br />

on the inside of a building (blinds, plissé, etc.)<br />

- Indoor solar shades: the same products as<br />

light shading but with a reflective aluminium<br />

microlayer, also used on the inside.<br />

- Solar shading: screens on the outside of a building.<br />


The user can choose to use the following (alone or in<br />

combinations) for each façade:<br />

- daylight shading (yes/no)<br />

- solar shading (choose one of four types/none)<br />

Additionally, there are various possible types of<br />

operation: automatic (switch criterion 150 W/m2) or<br />

manual (switch criterion 300 W/m2). The specifications<br />

of these systems used, such as the LTA (light<br />

transmission factor) and the g-values (solar factor), can<br />

be found in Appendix 3, as well as the guiding principles<br />

for the various types of system control mechanisms.<br />

The questionnaire about which intervention to use is<br />

given in Appendix 1 (III. Intervention to apply).<br />

Energy performance figures<br />

A full year was simulated for each scenario for the<br />

model and the interventions. This includes a look at<br />

the energy required for heating and cooling the space<br />

in question per hour. The calculation takes account<br />

of both internal and external factors that influence<br />

the cooling and heating requirements. These average<br />

hourly values were then translated to the outcome<br />

measures described below, so that different scenarios<br />

can be compared. The following results were generated<br />

by the calculation model:<br />

- Energy requirement for cooling per season per<br />

year in kWh/m2.<br />

- Energy requirement for heating per season per<br />

year in kWh/m2.<br />

- Total energy requirement for heating and cooling<br />

per year in kWh/m2.<br />

The amount of heating and cooling energy per m2 floor<br />

surface area was chosen for this because it can easily<br />

be translated to an entire building with façades facing<br />

in different directions. Moreover, this unit can be easily<br />

used to compare two different buildings that differ in size.<br />

Post-processing in the web application<br />

If choosing to use both sun shading and light shading,<br />

the principle is that light shading is used in the autumn<br />

and winter to prevent dazzling and solar shading is used<br />

in the spring and summer to prevent both dazzling and<br />

undesired heating in a room. The parametric model<br />

does not yet take account of the efficiency of the<br />

source of heating or cooling. The energy requirement for<br />

this is still corrected with a coefficient of performance<br />

(COP value) as given by the user (Question 6, Appendix<br />

1) to obtain a picture of the associated energy<br />

consumption. To estimate the costs needed for cooling<br />

and heating in various scenarios, the calculated energy<br />

consumption (kWh/m2) is multiplied by the number of<br />

square metres of office space. The estimate for the<br />

number of square metres of office space is made by<br />

multiplying the number of FTE of office employees (see<br />

questions 9 or 9a and 9b, Appendix 1) by the available<br />

floor surface area per employee (FTE) per room<br />

(Question 12b, Appendix 1).<br />




In addition to energy consumption, the associated<br />

CO2 emissions and costs were also considered. The<br />

following principles are used for this:<br />

- CO2 emissions: 0.34 kg/kWh (based on NTA 8800).<br />

- Energy costs are given in euros, assuming an<br />

energy price of €0.25 per kWh (all-electric system).<br />

These costs are used to calculate the payback times<br />

and the return on investment (ROI) due to the difference<br />

in energy costs. The expected investment for daylight<br />

and solar shading systems is divided by the annual<br />

difference in energy costs (variant minus reference).<br />

Productivity potential for each indoor<br />

environment parameter<br />

We are going to look more closely now at the principles<br />

used to make calculations of the potential productivity<br />

effect for each parameter.<br />

Air temperature<br />

A literature study 1101 shows that the productivity potential<br />

decreases with an increasing temperature (from about<br />

23°C upwards). The theoretical productivity effect as a<br />

result of the air temperature is determined for various<br />

temperature ranges, as shown in the following table.<br />

Overview of assumptions of the effect of air temperature<br />

on productivity (columns 1 and 2) and examples of<br />

possible outcomes of a variant (column 3).<br />

Temperature range<br />

The air temperature in the room was modelled using<br />

the specified building characteristics. Models were<br />

made for all possible combinations of the reference<br />

models and interventions to see what percentage of<br />

time (during the period of use) a particular temperature<br />

interval applied for (see calculation in the table,<br />

right-hand column). The productivity effect per year<br />

per variant was then calculated by multiplying the<br />

applicable time percentages by the productivity effect<br />

factor for that temperature interval (the final row in the<br />

table). The productivity effect due to the air temperature<br />

per façade is a direct outcome of the parametric model.<br />

Radiant heat<br />

Assumed<br />

productivity effect<br />

In addition to the influence of the air temperature, the<br />

effect of radiant heat due to incoming solar radiation<br />

falling directly on people who may be in the office<br />

building was also looked at. The influence of this on<br />

productivity is determined based on the influence of<br />

solar radiation on the sensation of heat according to the<br />

PMV model (at a constant air temperature).<br />

period of use<br />

Reference model v1<br />

< 24°C 0% 59%<br />

24 < 26°C -0.8% 22%<br />

26 < 28°C -3.2% 19%<br />

28 < 30°C -6.4% 0%<br />

30 < 32°C -10.5% 0%<br />

> 32°C -13.9% 0%<br />

Productivity effect -0.78%<br />

Based on a literature study 1101 , the basic principle is that<br />

a one-point rise in the PMV (compared to neutral) gives<br />

an estimated productivity effect of -2%.<br />


To map out the influence of the solar radiation alone, the PMV value is calculated twice:<br />

1. Radiant heat falling directly on a person and affecting the air temperature.<br />

2. Air temperature rise due to incoming solar radiation without the radiation component<br />

The difference between the two calculations is the increase in PMV value that can be<br />

attributed to the radiation component of the incoming solar radiation.<br />

Radiation component of direct solar radiation ingress<br />

The effect of radiant heat is calculated as the difference in radiation temperature as<br />

a function of incoming solar radiation and air temperature (ΔMRT). The solar radiation<br />

ingress can be calculated based on the parameters in the table below.<br />

Parameters needed to calculate radiation temperature due to incoming solar radiation<br />

with the value or range used in the productivity tool (ASHRAE-552) 1102<br />

Radiant heat parameters<br />

Value/range<br />

used<br />

<strong>De</strong>pendent on building<br />

characteristics<br />

Source<br />

1) Absorption of short-wavelength IR 0.7 Constant <strong>De</strong>fault ASHRAE-55<br />

2) Angular elevation of the sun 38° Constant latitude 52°N (21 Mar and 21 Sep)<br />

3) Angle of façade w.r.t. person 90° Constant<br />

4) Proportion of the sky visible to the user 0.1-0.3<br />

Distance to the façade’s<br />

glass surface<br />

ASHRAE-55 (perpendicular to<br />

the façade)<br />

ASHRAE-55<br />

5) Proportion of the body exposed to sunlight 0.3-0.7 Glass surface ASHRAE-55<br />

6) Incident solar radiation<br />

Parametric<br />

model<br />

Façade orientation<br />

Climatological file<br />

7) Ingress of sunlight g-value Glazing, intervention Appendices 2 and 3.<br />

The first three parameters are assumed to be constant in this scenario. Parameters 4<br />

and 5 depend on the building characteristics (distance of working area to the façade<br />

and the glass surface): the influence of radiant heat on the sensation of warmth<br />

decreases the further from the window you are (distance between working area and<br />

façade). Additionally, the influence is smaller when the glass surface is smaller<br />

because there will be less ingress of solar radiation. The values to use are based on<br />

ASHRAE-55 (see Appendix 4). ΔMRT can be calculated in an online PMV calculator 1103<br />

using the seven parameters in the previous table. A building factor was calculated for<br />

each combination of building characteristics (six possibilities), where:<br />

ΔMRT (°C) = building factor (°C/(W/m2)) * solar radiation * 10-2 (W/m2) * g-value<br />


A recap of the building factors as calculated is given in the overview below.<br />

Building factor based on the building characteristics for calculating ΔMRT in °C/(W/m2).<br />

2 desks or fewer 3 desks or more<br />

Not much glass 60% 3.4 3<br />

A simplification was made with the aim of limiting the possible outcomes in the<br />

parametric model and keeping the time needed for the calculations at a sensible level.<br />

For that reason, ΔMRT without the building factor was used: ΔMRT model = ΔMRT ÷<br />

building factor.<br />

However, the influence of the building factor was added in during the post-processing.<br />

Calculating the sensation of heat (PMV model)<br />

Input parameters for the PMV model for each season<br />

Winter Spring Summer Autumn<br />

With<br />

radiation<br />

No<br />

radiation<br />

With<br />

radiation<br />

No<br />

radiation<br />

With<br />

radiation<br />

No<br />

radiation<br />

With<br />

radiation<br />

No<br />

radiation<br />

Air temperature (°C) Ta Tawinter Tawinter Taspring Taspring Tasummer Tasummer Taautumn Taautumn<br />

Radiation temperature (°C) MRT MRTwinter Tawinter MRTspring Taspring MRTsummer Tasummer MRTautumn Taautumn<br />

Air humidity (%) RH 50<br />

Air speed (m/s) V 0.1<br />

Activity (MET) A 1.1<br />

Clothing insulation (clo) I 1 0.8 0.6 0.8<br />

PMV (-) PMVwinter PMVnr-wnt PMVspring PMVnr-spr PMVsummer PMVnr-smr PMVautumn PMVnr-autm<br />

ΔPMV (=PMV-PMVnr) ΔPMVwinter ΔPMVspring ΔPMVsummer ΔPMVautumn<br />

The air temperature (Ta) and the radiant heat (MRT model) are calculated in the parametric<br />

model. The ‘clothing insulation’ parameter was made into a variable depending<br />

on the season. The assumptions for air humidity, air speed and activity are fixed values.<br />

The calculation of the PMV value was done in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO 7730.<br />


The value for each façade can then be calculated by working out the annual average<br />

for the four seasons. The yearly average ΔPMV value due to radiant heat is multiplied by<br />

-2.0% in the parametric model to give an estimate of the productivity effect per façade.<br />

The outcome of the parametric model is the provisional productivity effect of radiation<br />

per façade.<br />

Pradiation yearly avg.= -2% * (ΔPMVwinter + ΔPMVspring + ΔPMVsummer + ΔPMVautumn) ÷ 4<br />

The influence of the building (building characteristics) is included in post-processing<br />

by taking account of the distance to the façade and the glass surface. The provisional<br />

productivity effect due to radiation as known in the parametric model is therefore<br />

multiplied in the web application by a factor that depends on the distance to the façade<br />

and the glass percentage in the façade.<br />

Productivity effect per façade: Pradiation = Pradiation yearly avg. * building factor<br />

Glare<br />

Due to the limited number of studies into the influence of dazzling or glare on<br />

productivity, the average of the outcomes of dazzling and visual comfort was taken:<br />

-11% and -3% respectively. 1101<br />

Because the scientific underpinnings for the effects of glare are poor and the value for<br />

glare is very high, the potential effect in the model has been reduced by 50%: if there is<br />

a risk of glare, the calculation uses a productivity reduction of 3.5%.<br />

In practice, the risk of glare due to daylight (daylight glare probability or DGP) depends<br />

on the position and the line of sight. To get an idea of the probability of glare for a whole<br />

room, the UDI (useful daylight illuminance) is used.<br />


The UDI uses the following categories:<br />

< 100 lux = too little daylight<br />

100 – 300 lux = additional lighting needed<br />

300 – 3000 lux = enough daylight,<br />

no additional lighting needed<br />

> 3000 lux = too much daylight,<br />

risk of nuisance/glare<br />

The light intensity in an office space due to daylight was<br />

modelled based on the specified building characteristics.<br />

For all possible combinations of reference models and<br />

interventions, the percentage of time (during the period<br />

of use) when the UDI value is higher than 3000 lux (for at<br />

least 50% of the floor surface) was calculated, because<br />

in these cases there is a risk of glare due to daylight.<br />

After that, post-processing is done in the web application.<br />

After all, the further people in the office building are from<br />

the façade on average, the smaller the risk of glare due<br />

to daylight. The calculated percentage of the time that<br />

the UDI value is above 3000 lux is therefore multiplied<br />

in the web application by a factor that depends on the<br />

distance from the façade.<br />


<strong>Factor</strong> for distance to façade for calculating the productivity effect of glare<br />

<strong>Factor</strong><br />

two desks or fewer 1<br />

three desks or more 0.83<br />

There is a reduction in the effect if the distance is for three desks or more. The<br />

percentage of the time is then multiplied by the productivity effect of 3.5%.<br />

Productivity effect per façade:<br />

PV(façade) = -3.5% * amount of time with daylight > 3000 lux * building factor<br />

View out and daylight<br />

Having a view and daylight both influence productivity positively. In other words, no<br />

view or daylight (or a poorer view/less daylight) can reduce the theoretical productivity<br />

potential in the model by up to 3%.<br />

The parametric model identifies what the risk is for each façade of having no view or a<br />

reduced view, compared to the baseline situation where there are as few obstructions as<br />

possible to let daylight in. The parametric model uses a number of outcomes for this:<br />

- LTA value of chosen shading and/or blinds.<br />

- LTA value of glazing.<br />

- % of the time that the sun and/or daylight shading systems are in use.<br />

Post-processing is then done in the web application again as using shades and blinds<br />

reduces the view and amount of daylight. The model uses the extent to which the LTA<br />

is reduced compared to ‘standard’ glazing to calculate the degree of view/daylight<br />

reduction. This calculates the yearly average LTA value during the period of use:<br />

Yearly average LTA = LTA shading * %time in use + LTA glass * (1 – %time)<br />


The amount of view and daylight generally depends on the following building<br />

characteristics:<br />

- The percentage of glass in the façade (low/average/high); the more glass in the<br />

façade, the more view and amount of daylight.<br />

- The distance of the desks to the façade (two desks or fewer/three desks or more);<br />

the closer the working area is to the façade, the more view and amount of daylight.<br />

It assumes that the view and daylight exposure decrease by 1/6 when the percentage<br />

of glass drops (for each category) and when the distance to the window increases<br />

(1 = the most view and daylight). Six building factors are known to influence the<br />

amount of view and daylight.<br />

Building factors for view and daylight based on building characteristics<br />

2 desks or fewer 3 desks or more<br />

Not much glass 60% 1.00 0.83<br />

Based on a literature study 1101 , the potential productivity loss due to reduced view<br />

and daylight is estimated at 3.0%. The theoretical production loss per façade is thus<br />

calculated according to the formula:<br />


Influencing by the individual<br />

Individual people’s opportunities to influence the indoor environment help to improve<br />

satisfaction and productivity. With full individual freedom to influence the solar and<br />

daylight shading systems, the model calculations use a productivity effect of 1.2%.<br />

The degree of individual influencing opportunities due to the presence of systems with<br />

manual and automatic operation depends on:<br />

- The percentage of the time that the sun shines on the façade and the user<br />

therefore has the opportunity to influence the indoor environment by using the<br />

sun and/or light shading devices. Basic principle: solar radiation incident on the<br />

façade > 150 W/m2 (outcome of the parametric model).<br />

- The number of people who work together in the same room: the more people<br />

there are together in one room, the smaller the individual scope for influencing<br />

(it becomes a joint decision).<br />

- The presence of dynamic daylight and/or sun shading; the influencing<br />

opportunities are the greatest when the user has access to both light<br />

shading and solar shading. When there is only one of the two, the influencing<br />

opportunities decrease somewhat.<br />

The influence of the number of people and availability of dynamic sun or daylight shading<br />

systems are included as post-processing in the web application according to several factors.<br />

Combined factor for the influencing opportunities<br />

Number of people in one working area<br />

Presence of both sun<br />

and daylight shading<br />

Presence of either sun<br />

or daylight shading<br />

No sun or daylight<br />

shading<br />

1 person 1 0.75 0<br />

2-3 people 0.8 0.60 0<br />

4-8 people 0.65 0.49 0<br />

>8 people (large open working areas) 0.5 0.38 0<br />

The productivity loss due to the lack of influencing opportunities with respect to the<br />

ingress of sunlight and daylight is calculated per façade. The basic principle is that<br />

the optimum situation serves as a baseline (0% production loss if both sun and light<br />

shading are used when one person is working in a room).<br />

Productivity effect per façade: PC = -1.2% * (1 - control factor) * time of sun on façade<br />


Office building: calculation of overall productivity effects and payback period<br />

To calculate the average annual productivity effects and payback period, the<br />

outcomes for the individual indoor environment parameters must be post-processed<br />

in the web application.<br />

Average building<br />

Based on the calculations, the theoretical productivity effect due to the influence of<br />

the intervention can be estimated for each indoor environment parameter (Px) for the<br />

entire building. In the calculations, the weighted average of the effect for each façade<br />

must be calculated.<br />

The annual average potential productivity effect for the four orientations must be<br />

multiplied by a factor giving the distribution of staff over the façades (employee<br />

percentage for each façade = EP):<br />

Annual avg. productivity effect = %EPnorth* Pxnorth + %EPeast*<br />

Pxeast + %EPsouth* Pxsouth + %EPwest* Pxwest<br />

Average productivity effect parameters<br />

To calculate the total productivity potential for the chosen intervention, the individual<br />

productivity effects (parameters) should be added up. Because a productivity reduction<br />

due to one of the parameters could affect the relative influence of the others, a<br />

correction for this should be made in the calculation. This correction is an assumption<br />

based on an article by Oseland & Barton (2012) 1104 that compares the results of the<br />

three multi-factor studies. The comparison resulting from this is:<br />

Ptotal = PI + ⅔·P2 + ⅓·P3<br />

From this formula it can be deduced that the productivity loss as a result of the first<br />

parameter is included fully, the second parameter is two-thirds included and the third<br />

parameter is one-third included. The following standard assumptions for calculating<br />

concomitant productivity effects are made in the web application:<br />


- The productivity reduction due to the lack of view because of sun/light shading<br />

never happens at the same time as productivity reduction as a result of<br />

temperature, radiant heat, glare or control through the use of sun/light shading<br />

(compared to the initial situation). No reduction is therefore applied for the view.<br />

- Productivity drops due to radiant heat and air temperature are added up without<br />

correction, as both affect the temperature as perceived by the users. The<br />

literature study shows that extreme values cause greater drops in productivity,<br />

at least equal to the sum (PTS = PT + PS).<br />

- The weighting factors are used in the same order as the sizes of the effects. The<br />

largest reduction factor is used on the smallest productivity effect. Example: If<br />

PTS > PV > PC applies in a situation: Ptotal = PU + PTS + ⅔ PV + ⅓ PC.<br />

This total should then be multiplied by the percentage of the time that staff work at<br />

their office workstation on average (i.e. not offsite or at home):<br />

Ppotential total = PTotal * % of work done at office workstation<br />

The value of the productivity potential can now be calculated based on the revenue or<br />

total costs associated with the staff members, depending on the type of organisation.<br />

In cases of a company or organisation operating to make a profit, the productivity<br />

potential per year (in euros) is calculated by multiplying the productivity potential total<br />

(%) by the revenue (in euros).<br />

In cases of non-profit companies or organisations, the productivity potential per year<br />

(in euros) is calculated by multiplying the productivity potential total (%) by the total<br />

annual personnel costs in euros.<br />




Influences on indoor environment parameters<br />

Temperature<br />

To compare the extent to which the chosen interventions help prevent excessive<br />

temperatures, the hourly average temperatures were compared against the class<br />

A, B and C upper temperature limits from the Programme of Requirements (PoR)<br />

for Healthy Offices 2021.<br />

For each class (A, B and C), the number of exceedance hours per year during the<br />

periods of use was calculated. The results have been broken down by season to show<br />

when the dynamic shading is most effective at preventing overheating.<br />

Calculated number of overshoot hours per class and per period for each model*<br />

Class C Class B Class A<br />

27°C 26°C 25°C<br />

Year<br />

Winter<br />

Spring<br />

Summer<br />

Autumn<br />

Based on the number of exceedance hours, the class (for temperature in the summer)<br />

from the Programme of Requirements that the situation complies with is also<br />

calculated. The requirement is that the limit value for the class in question must be met<br />

at least 95% of the time.<br />

Radiation temperature<br />

To what degree direct sunlight falling on a person affects their temperature perception<br />

is defined using the ΔMRT as calculated, including the building factors. The perceived<br />

temperature difference as a result of radiation on the body = ½ * ΔMRT.<br />

Seasonal average radiation temperature due to direct sunlight falling on a person*<br />

Avg. perceived temperature difference<br />

resulting from radiation falling on the body<br />

Winter Spring Summer Autumn<br />

*The tables have only been included to clarify the text and the numbers were deliberately omitted<br />


Glare<br />

When determining the influences of dazzling, the risk of glare plays a key role. In<br />

practice, the risk of glare due to daylight (daylight glare probability or DGP) depends on<br />

the position and the line of sight.<br />

However, the model uses a different method and metrics, because the DGP calculation<br />

only looks at one viewing direction. Moreover, the computing capacity needed for<br />

calculating all possible variants is too high. To get a picture of the risk of glare in the<br />

room as a whole, the UDI (useful daylight illuminance) is used.<br />

For all possible combinations of reference model and intervention, a calculation was<br />

made of the percentage of the time (during a period of use) when the UDI value was ><br />

3000 lux (for at least 50% of the floor surface area). In these cases, it was assumed<br />

that there is a risk of glare due to the bright daylight. Based on that, the influence can<br />

be expressed as a formula:<br />

Risk of glare = %time with UDI > 3000 lux (for at least 50% of the floor area)<br />

Daylight<br />

For daylight, the percentage of the time when the light intensity is at least 300 lux due<br />

to the ingress of daylight is shown. The effects of incoming sunlight and solar shading<br />

are also included here. To test whether enough daylight gets into a building, this model<br />

uses a method called Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA).<br />

This is a standardised method developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)<br />

that determines what levels of daylight the indoor environment has. The sDA shows<br />

what percentage of an area being analysed (in this case the room in the office building)<br />

achieves a minimum light intensity due to daylight (e.g. 300 lux) during all or 50% of<br />

the operating hours. Given that it is a standardised calculation that is used to give<br />

a clear picture and compare the quality of daylight globally, the operating hours are<br />

determined for the interval from 08:00 to 18:00, including weekends.<br />


Influencing opportunities<br />

To map out the level of opportunities to influence the environment using dynamic solar<br />

and daylight shading, the possible options are categorised on a five-point scale:<br />

1. No control of daylight and incoming sunlight.<br />

2. Little control of daylight and incoming sunlight.<br />

3. Some control of daylight and incoming sunlight.<br />

4. Reasonable degree of control of daylight and incoming sunlight.<br />

5. High degree of control of daylight and incoming sunlight.<br />

Score on a five-point scale for daylight and incoming sunlight<br />

Number of people in one working area<br />

Presence of both sun<br />

and daylight shading<br />

Presence of sun or<br />

daylight shading<br />

No sun or daylight<br />

shading<br />

1 person 5 5 1<br />

2-3 people 5 4 1<br />

4-8 people 4 3 1<br />

>8 people (large open work areas) 3 2 1<br />

Visualisation of the outcomes<br />

A conscious decision was made to visualise the outcomes of all calculations, for two<br />

reasons:<br />

- This makes it easier to discuss the outcomes of all calculations with decisionmakers<br />

and influencers.<br />

- Visualisation like this creates more opportunities for presenting the situation to<br />

owners and users on a more permanent basis in the form of a cockpit.<br />

The outcomes in the pathway for the decision to use dynamic solar and light shading<br />

solutions can be visualised using the web application.<br />

The structure of the application is set up as follows:<br />

Input<br />

The web app user enters the building characteristics from a 3D model and specifies the<br />

desired interventions (sun and daylight shading systems).<br />


Processing data in the application<br />

Performance figures for energy, productivity and the indoor environment parameters<br />

are worked out. To calculate the results, the application retrieves the data and does<br />

post-processing based on the project-specific input.<br />

Output<br />

The outcomes that are relevant for the user are presented in the application. This gives<br />

a picture of the impact of using the chosen sun and daylight shading solutions on the<br />

productivity potential, energy performance, indoor environment and payback period.<br />

The structure of the outcomes is displayed as KPIs in the scheme outlined below.<br />

Overview<br />

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)<br />

Productivity Energy Indoor environment ROI<br />

Main page<br />

theme<br />

Productivity<br />

overview<br />

Energy<br />

overview<br />

Indoor environment<br />

overview<br />

ROI overview<br />

Subtheme<br />

Productivity<br />

per parameter<br />

Energy per<br />

component<br />

Performance per<br />

parameter<br />

Outcomes per<br />

component<br />

<strong>De</strong>tailed display<br />

<strong>De</strong>tailed<br />

performance<br />

Most important key performance indicators<br />

Four KPIs were chosen as the most important outcomes:<br />

- Productivity potential total in % (difference between intervention and reference),<br />

- Reduction of CO2 emissions in kg/m2 (difference between intervention and reference),<br />

- Class for temperature in the summer, as per the Programme of Requirements for<br />

Healthy Offices - indoor environment (intervention),<br />

- Return on investment in % (intervention),<br />

The web application then gives you the option of looking at the information for all<br />

themes in greater detail.<br />


Productivity effect<br />

The main page for productivity shows the productivity potential after applying the<br />

intervention. The effects are broken down by indoor environment parameter.<br />

The relevant productivity subthemes can then be detailed further:<br />

- Temperature: productivity potential (caused by the air temperature).<br />

- Radiation: productivity potential (caused by the air temperature).<br />

- Glare: productivity potential (caused by dazzling).<br />

- View out and daylight: productivity potential (caused by the view out and daylight).<br />

- Influencing opportunities: productivity potential as a result of the opportunities<br />

to influence the shading.<br />

The annual average productivity effect resulting from each theme is shown for the<br />

reference, the intervention (variant 1) and the “gain” (difference between intervention<br />

and baseline). It is possible to add an extra variant to compare the effects of different<br />

interventions.<br />

Productivity subtheme: productivity effect of air temperature<br />

Energy performance<br />

The main page shows the reduction in CO2 emissions after applying the intervention,<br />

broken down into the effects resulting from cooling, heating and the total.<br />


Main energy performance page<br />

The subthemes for energy are:<br />

- Energy: energy use in kWh/m2 for each season.<br />

- Cooling: energy use for cooling in kWh/m2 for each season.<br />

- Heating: energy use for heating in kWh/m2 for each season.<br />

- Comfort: number of exceedance hours w.r.t. the class B requirements from the<br />

Programme of Requirements for Healthy Offices, for each season.<br />



An example display for the subthemes ‘Energy’ and ‘Comfort’ is given below. For all<br />

subthemes, the option of adding the outcomes of the reference and any other variants<br />

can be offered so that they can be compared.<br />

Example of a more in-depth look into the subtheme ‘Energy’<br />

Example of a more in-depth look into the subtheme ‘Comfort’<br />

Indoor environmental performance figures<br />

The main page for productivity shows the productivity potential after applying the<br />

intervention. The effects are broken down here for the relevant indoor environment<br />

parameters.<br />

Main page for indoor environmental performance figures<br />


These indoor environment themes can then be specified further.<br />

The subthemes for productivity are:<br />

- Temperature: exceedance hours of temperature limits for classes A, B and C.<br />

- Radiation: increased temperature caused by solar radiation falling on the body,<br />

for each season.<br />

- Glare: percentage of the time that there is a risk of dazzling.<br />

- View out and daylight: percentage of the time that enough daylight gets in.<br />

- Influencing opportunities: score for the opportunities for influencing solar<br />

radiation and daylight ingress.<br />

The outcomes of the intervention in each theme are displayed and compared against<br />

the reference baseline, showing the differences. The option of adding an extra variant<br />

(if created) can also be offered here to compare the effect of different interventions.<br />

Indoor environment subtheme: temperature performance figures<br />

The detail pages then give a picture of the outcomes for each façade orientation. There<br />

are detail pages for the air temperature, glare and daylight:<br />

- Temperature: this specifies the exceedance hours for all classes in each season, both<br />

at the building level and for each façade orientation (a separate graph for each),<br />

- Radiation: increased temperature resulting from solar radiation falling on the<br />

body for each season for the various façade orientations (graph for each),<br />

- Glare: the risk of dazzling is shown for each façade in a figure for the reference<br />

(baseline) and the situation with the chosen variant. When opting to use both<br />

solar and daylight shading for a single façade, figures are shown for each (with<br />

solar and light shading solutions),<br />

- Incoming daylight: the ingress of daylight for each façade in a figure (one page<br />

for each) for the reference (baseline) and the chosen variant.<br />


- Influencing opportunities: score for the opportunities for influencing solar<br />

radiation and daylight ingress for each façade (all in a single graph).<br />

<strong>De</strong>tail page for temperature exceedance hours specified by season and class (example:<br />

average value for the building)<br />

<strong>De</strong>tail page for the risk of glare in the room for each orientation of the façade<br />

ROI and payback period<br />

The productivity main page shows the return on investment (ROI) given the expected<br />

effects on energy and productivity. Additionally, the payback period (PP) is also shown,<br />

as are the costs and the budget.<br />

Main page for the ROI and payback period<br />


These themes are then worked out in more detail in subthemes:<br />

- Return on investment (ROI): ROI total and a breakdown for energy and<br />

productivity.<br />

- Payback period (PP): PP total and a breakdown for energy and productivity.<br />

- Costs: the costs for the interventions in total and for each component (daylight<br />

shading, interior solar shading and exterior solar shading solutions),<br />

- Investment budget: the calculated savings on the energy costs, the productivity<br />

potential and the total.<br />

Comparing variants<br />

The web application also offers the option of comparing different variants by saving<br />

a created variant and comparing it against an alternative variant. To that end, the<br />

application has the option of putting the outcomes of the different variants side by side<br />

to let you see the differences graphically.<br />


1101 “bba literatuuronderzoek productiviteit - <strong>Somfy</strong>" of 17-Jun-2020.<br />

“<strong>Somfy</strong> productiviteitstool DEF” of 20-Oct-2020.<br />

1102 Arens et al., (2018} Sunlight and indoor thermal comfort- Update to Standard 55,<br />

ASHRAE Journal July 2018<br />

1103<br />

1104 Oseland, N., & Burton, A (2012). Quantifying the impact of environmental<br />

conditions on worker performance for inputting to a business case to justify<br />

enhanced workplace design features. Journal of Building Survey,<br />

Appraisal & Valuation, 1(2), pp. 151-165..<br />






To enable calculation of the productivity potential in a building the following questions<br />

should be answered in the tool. The questions are divided into several categories:<br />

I. Building characteristics<br />

II. Productivity effect value<br />

III. Intervention to be applied<br />

IV. Investment<br />

I. Building characteristics<br />

1. What is (roughly) the percentage of glass surfaces in the façade for which solar<br />

and/or daylight shading is installed?<br />

a. Low use of glass < 30%<br />

b. Average 30 to 60%<br />

c. High use of glass > 60%<br />

2. Has reflective glazing been applied for the building?<br />

North: yes no<br />

East: yes no<br />

South: yes no<br />

West: yes no<br />

3. What is the (global) division of workstations across each façade?<br />

North: %<br />

East: %<br />

South: %<br />

West: %<br />


4. How many desks are positioned next to each other, perpendicular to one façade?<br />

a. 2 desks<br />

b. At least 3 desks<br />

5. How many people typically work together in one single space?<br />

a. 1 person<br />

b. 2 to 3 persons<br />

c. 4 to 8 persons<br />

d. > 8 persons (large open-plan spaces)<br />

6. Are there any cooling facilities in the building?<br />

a. Cooling is available<br />

b. Only top-cooling<br />

c. No cooling<br />

7. What percentage of the time is work (generating the turnover) effectively<br />

carried out at the work place in the building?<br />

% of the time that work is carried out at the office workplace<br />

(not at home or outside of the workplace)<br />

II. Productivity effect value<br />

8. Does the vast majority (> 90%) of the staff work at the office?<br />

yes<br />

no<br />

If question 8 is “No” continue with question 9a. If question 8 is “Yes” continue with question 9.<br />

9. How many FTEs do you employ? FTEs<br />

After question 9 continue with question 10<br />

9a. How many FTEs do you employ in total? FTEs<br />

9b. Of these, what percentage consists of office workers? %<br />


For the following questions please enter the data for the organisation as a whole<br />

10. Do the staff work for a company or organisation operating on a profit-making basis<br />

(e.g.: SMEs “yes” and government institution “no”)?<br />

yes no If question 10 is “No” continue with question 12.<br />

If question 10 is “Yes” continue with question 11.<br />

11. What is the annual turnover of the applicable department/organisation?<br />

in millions of euros<br />

<strong>De</strong>fault value: 350,000 euro/FTE<br />

12. What are the total annual costs per FTE? (<strong>De</strong>termine the total annual expenses and<br />

divide that number by the number of FTEs (labour costs, accommodation costs,<br />

etc.))<br />

in euros <strong>De</strong>fault value: 75,000 euro/FTE<br />

III. Intervention to be applied<br />

13. Apply daylight shading to:<br />

North: yes no<br />

East: yes no<br />

South: yes no<br />

West: yes no<br />

14. Apply solar shading to:<br />

North: yes, outdoor solar shading yes, indoor solar shading no<br />

East: yes, outdoor solar shading yes, indoor solar shading no<br />

South: yes, outdoor solar shading yes, indoor solar shading no<br />

West: yes, outdoor solar shading yes, indoor solar shading no<br />

15. Apply individual control and automatic control to solar shading.<br />


IV. Investment<br />

16. What is the total surface of glass per façade?<br />

North: m 2<br />

East: m 2<br />

South: m 2<br />

West: m 2<br />

17. What are the costs per m2<br />

Daylight shading €/m 2<br />

Indoor solar shading €/m 2<br />

Outdoor solar shading €/m 2<br />




This appendix describes the assumptions and characteristics for the ‘standard office space’ used in<br />

the calculations.<br />

Parametric model<br />

Various software packages and plug-ins were used<br />

for the model and calculations. The spatial model was<br />

displayed in a modelling environment called Rhino 3D.<br />

A software package for visual programming<br />

(Grasshopper) makes it possible to carry out parametric<br />

operations. The Ladybug Tools plug-in was used for<br />

doing the calculations. The last of these plug-ins makes<br />

it possible to carry out and combine both energy and<br />

sunlight/daylight studies.<br />

The computing core programs used for energy and<br />

daylight are EnergyPlus and Radiance; both these<br />

products come from the United States <strong>De</strong>partment of<br />

Energy. These computing cores are used worldwide in<br />

both open-source and commercial software programs.<br />

An IWEC climatological file was used for the various<br />

calculations (IWEC stands for International Weather for<br />

Energy Calculations). These files are available from the<br />

ASHRAE database. The reference year is constructed<br />

using measured data from previous years.<br />

Illustration of the calculation model and visualisation of the result.<br />


General description of the model structure<br />

The first step in the model is creating a spatial model (and<br />

parameterising it). This involves modelling six surfaces.<br />

Various properties are then assigned to those surfaces:<br />

- Adjacent structure (ground, outside air,<br />

an identical space, etc.).<br />

- Structural properties (material layers,<br />

insulating and reflecting properties).<br />

- The presence or otherwise of a window<br />

and the properties of the glass.<br />

Additional properties are then assigned to the space,<br />

such as:<br />

- Shading, with associated characteristics and<br />

control strategies.<br />

- Assumptions about the room temperature,<br />

heating/cooling.<br />

- Assumptions about the space: number of people,<br />

lighting, equipment, ventilation, infiltration, etc.<br />

- Diagrams and usage times for the assumptions<br />

mentioned above.<br />

- A concept for the installed systems, including the<br />

heating and cooling capacities.<br />

For the energy component, the post-processing then<br />

looks at the hourly average values for:<br />

- Heating and cooling demand.<br />

- Air temperatures and numbers of hours during<br />

which the limits for classes A, B or C are exceeded.<br />

- Radiation temperature.<br />

- Operative temperature (an average of the radiation<br />

temperature and the air temperature).<br />

- PMV exceedance due to incoming solar radiation<br />

falling on the body.<br />

The heating and cooling demand shows how much<br />

cold and heat are required at the level of the individual<br />

room. This is not the same as the capacity supplied by<br />

a generating system such as a central heating boiler,<br />

cooler, heat pump or whatever.<br />

That is adjusted in the post-processing. At this point, the<br />

type of generating system that is present in the building<br />

is defined, along with the efficiency of this source<br />

of heat or cold. That determines the ultimate energy<br />

consumption of the office unit. Various guideline values<br />

that can be used for inputting the efficiency figures are<br />

given below.<br />

In the structural model, the properties for an energy<br />

calculation and a daylight calculation are linked together.<br />

This information is in turn linked to the computing core,<br />

which runs a calculation or simulation of an entire year.<br />


Overview of guideline efficiency figures<br />

Heating<br />

Cooling<br />

Installation COP (coefficient of performance) Installation EER (energy efficiency ratio)<br />

Central heating boiler 1 Cooling unit (low temperature) 3<br />

Air/water heat pump 4 Air/water heat pump (high temperature) 4<br />

Water/water heat pump 5 Free cooling (closed source) 10<br />

Free cooling (open source) 16<br />

For the daylight component, the output for each measured point is the amount of<br />

incoming solar radiation per hour of the year. This applies to scenarios both with and<br />

without sun shading. <strong>De</strong>pending on the control strategy, the desired results are produced<br />

in post-processing. The results produced in post-processing include:<br />

- Amount of energy falling on the façade.<br />

- The number of hours that the shading device is down for.<br />

- Daylight quality (sDA),<br />

- Risk of glare (UDI).<br />

In addition, the results of the above-mentioned calculations also allow the requisite<br />

productivity parameters to be determined based on the assumptions in the model.<br />


General features and usage of the office space:<br />

Dimensions<br />

Width: 3.6 metres<br />

Length: 5.4 metres<br />

Height: 2.7 metres<br />

Building construction<br />

Internal wall (Rc value 2.0 m2 • K/W):<br />

Plasterboard 2 x 12.5 mm<br />

Insulation 75 mm<br />

External wall (Rc value 4.7 m2 • K/W):<br />

Outer envelope masonry<br />

Cavity<br />

180 mm rock wool<br />

Sand-lime brick inner shell<br />

Thickness of exterior wall: 400 mm<br />

Ventilation<br />

Basic ventilation: 40 m3/hour per person (class<br />

B of the Programme of Requirements for Healthy<br />

Offices) from 07:00 to 19:00<br />

Air infiltration: 0.0003 m3/s per m2 façade at a<br />

pressure difference of 4 Pa.<br />

Usage time of building/room<br />

Hours in use: from 07:00 to 19:00, 5 days a week<br />

(1 January to 31 <strong>De</strong>cember).<br />

Internal heat burden<br />

People (120 watts per person)<br />

2 people per office 07:00 to 19:00<br />

Laptop (100 watts) 07:00 to 19:00<br />

Lighting (5 W/m2, assuming LED lighting)<br />

Window (Uw value for the window: 1.65 W/m2 • K):<br />

Frame<br />

HR++-glass (solar control glazing or otherwise)<br />

ZTA value 0.3 or 0.6, depending on the calculation<br />

Floor/ceiling (Rc value 2.5 m2 • K/W)<br />

Linoleum<br />

50 mm floor layer<br />

70 mm floor topping<br />

270 mm concrete (hollow-core slab floor)<br />

Cavity<br />

Acoustic ceiling<br />

Heating<br />

Air heating, unlimited capacity.<br />

Variable building characteristics<br />

In the model, the following building characteristics that<br />

influence the calculated indoor environment and energy<br />

performance are variable and depend on the user input.<br />

Orientation of the building/the office spaces.<br />

Percentage of glass in the façade.<br />

With solar control glazing per façade.<br />


Percentage of glass in the façade<br />

Little glass: < 30% (a glass percentage of<br />

25% in the model)<br />

Average: 30% to 60% (a glass percentage of<br />

50% in the model)<br />

A lot of glass: > 60% (a glass percentage of<br />

80% in the model)<br />

With solar control glazing<br />

Solar control glazing: g-value 0.3<br />

Standard glazing: g-value 0.6<br />

Cooling<br />

None: 0 W/m2<br />

Top cooling: 30 W/m2<br />

Full cooling: 60 W/m2<br />

The capacity of top cooling was determined on the<br />

basis of practical experience. Threefold or fourfold<br />

ventilation is used to provide top cooling for a room.<br />

For full cooling, the assumption is a system with a<br />

climate-control ceiling, ceiling induction units or fan<br />

convectors. The lifting capacity stated is the upper<br />

limit of the deliverable capacity of these systems.<br />



Features of solar and light shading<br />

The following table lists the features of various sun and daylight shading systems.<br />

Based on the properties of various sun protection fabrics as supplied, the<br />

following have been adopted as reference fabrics and included in the calculation:<br />

Characteristics of interventions when used with ‘normal’ glazing<br />

and solar-control glazing<br />

Intervention<br />

Indoor shading,<br />

metallised<br />

Pale-coloured<br />

shading (outside)<br />

Dark-coloured<br />

shading (outside)<br />

Type<br />

Verosol<br />

OmniaScreen 293<br />

FD-01<br />

Verosol Originals<br />

816 - 000<br />

Pure black cloth<br />

(Sergé 3% Black)<br />

Thickness<br />

in mm<br />

Transmission<br />

of solar<br />

radiation<br />

Reflection of<br />

solar radiation<br />

on the outer<br />

surface<br />

Openness<br />

factor<br />

0.58 0.06 0.74 0.03<br />

0.20 0.29 0.44 0.23<br />

0.44 0.03 0.04 0.03<br />

Daylight shading Coulisse Paris 0.47 0.40 0.56 0.03<br />

Dynamic control<br />

Controller (automatic) option 1<br />

- Automatically controlled shades<br />

- Down when incoming solar radiation is > 150 W/m2<br />

- Up when incoming solar radiation is < 150 W/m2<br />

Controller (automatic) option 2<br />

- Automatically controlled shades<br />

- Down when incoming solar radiation is > 300 W/m2<br />

- Up when incoming solar radiation is < 300 W/m2<br />

Control dependent on the external temperature<br />

Controller (automatic) option 1<br />

- Automatically controlled shades<br />

- Down when incoming solar radiation is > 150 W/m2 and outside temp. is > 15°C<br />

- Up when incoming solar radiation is < 150 W/m2<br />

Controller (automatic) option 2<br />

- Automatically controlled shades<br />

- Down when incoming solar radiation is > 300 W/m2 and outside temp. is > 15°C<br />

- Up when incoming solar radiation is < 300 W/m2<br />




To calculate the influence of solar radiation on lightness, values are assumed<br />

for the proportion of the sky that is visible from the workplace and for the<br />

proportion of the body that is exposed to sunlight. These values depend on the<br />

building characteristics (distance of working area to the façade and the glass<br />

surface): the influence of radiant heat on the sensation of warmth decreases<br />

the further from the façade you are (distance between working area and<br />

façade). Moreover, the influence is smaller when the glass surface is smaller<br />

as there will then be less exposure to sunlight. The values to use for this were<br />

based on ASHRAE-55 and are specified further in the tables below.<br />

Parameter 4: Proportion of the sky visible from the user’s position, based on<br />

ASHRAE-55 and depending on the percentage of glass in the façade and<br />

distances of the workplaces from the window<br />

2 desks or fewer 3 desks or more<br />

Little glass, 60% 0.3 0.2<br />

Parameter 5: Proportion of the body exposed to sunlight,<br />

based on ASHRAE-55 and depending on the percentage<br />

of glass in the façade<br />

Exposure (-)<br />

Little glass, 60% 0.7<br />




12<br />




With an eye on achieving the EU’s climate and energy targets, it is vital that investments should<br />

target sustainable projects and activities. This needs a methodical approach and a clear definition<br />

of what sustainability means. In this context, work has been done on an action plan for funding<br />

sustainable growth and on introducing a common classification system for sustainable economic<br />

activities, known as the EU taxonomy.<br />

The EU taxonomy is a classification system for a list of<br />

environmentally sustainable economic activities and it<br />

is intended to play a major role in scaling up sustainable<br />

investments by the EU and the implementation of the<br />

European Green <strong>De</strong>al.<br />

The EU taxonomy should give businesses, investors<br />

and policymakers appropriate definitions of economic<br />

activities that can be deemed environmentally sustainable.<br />

This should create certainty for investors, protect<br />

consumers from greenwashing, help companies become<br />

more climate-friendly, reduce fragmentation in the market<br />

and help shift investments to where they are most needed.<br />

The Taxonomy Regulation was published in the Official<br />

Journal of the European Union on 22 June 2020 and it<br />

came into force on 12 July 2020.<br />

Under the Taxonomy Regulation, the European<br />

Commission had to draw up not only the actual list<br />

of environmentally sustainable activities but also<br />

technical criteria for each environmental goal.<br />

An initial act was adopted in principle on 21 April 2021<br />

and formally adopted on 4 June 2021 for review by the<br />

co-legislators; these were about sustainable activities<br />

relating to mitigating climate change and adapting to it.<br />

The publication of the first delegated act<br />

was accompanied by guidelines for the EU taxonomy,<br />

guidelines for sustainability reporting for companies<br />

and guidelines for using funding to achieve the<br />

European Green <strong>De</strong>al goals.<br />

On 6 July 2021, the Commission further specified<br />

the underlying methodology and presentation of<br />

information to be disclosed by financial and nonfinancial<br />

corporations about the proportions of<br />

environmentally sustainable economic activities in<br />

their businesses, investments and lending activities.<br />

This meant that companies could no longer sit and<br />

do nothing. National legislation will be amended and<br />

the entire financial sector will be utilised to drive the<br />

economy in the appropriate direction.<br />

Banks, pension funds, insurers and asset managers<br />

in the Netherlands therefore need to have stated<br />

by 2022 at the latest how they are going to reduce<br />

the CO2 footprints of their portfolios by 2030. From<br />

2020 onwards, the financial sector institutions in<br />

the Netherlands have been required to report the CO2<br />

emissions of loans and investments. In addition, fifty<br />

businesses from the financial sector in the Netherlands<br />

have signed a covenant underpinning the principles and<br />

the cooperation needed to attain a sustainable society.<br />

Together, the institutions represent investments worth<br />

€3,000 billion.<br />


The financial sector is applying the CO2 emission<br />

reduction principles to business customers but<br />

the scope also covers the financing of privatelyowned<br />

properties.<br />

Financial institutions naturally do not want to run the<br />

risk of being lumbered with loans that companies<br />

default on because they are put out of business as a<br />

result of the transition. Banks will also want to ensure<br />

in good time that properties used as collateral for<br />

financing meet the standards.<br />

Unsustainable portfolios of mortgages and other loans<br />

do not help financial institutions achieve their own<br />

sustainability goals, as well as representing an everlower<br />

value.<br />

Greenwashing<br />

Greenwashing means a company or organisation<br />

faking being greener or more socially responsible than<br />

it actually is, by pretending to deal sensibly with the<br />

environment and/or other social issues.<br />

Not every organisation that commits greenwashing<br />

does so deliberately. In many cases, people want to<br />

act socially responsibly but fail to realise that the<br />

company’s core processes also need to be adapted<br />

if they are to become genuinely socially responsible.<br />

So greenwashing is sometimes the first step towards<br />

genuinely socially responsible policies.<br />

For commercial properties, the legislation stipulated<br />

several years ago that offices must have at least<br />

energy label C by 2023, with the potential penalty of not<br />

being able to use such premises any longer. Legislation,<br />

too, is moving towards sustainability.<br />





As part of our study, which focuses on buildings, we asked Roderik Henderson to create a photographic<br />

anthology of developments in the architecture of office buildings in the Netherlands from roughly the last 30 years.<br />

So he travelled through the Netherlands armed with his inseparable backpack filled with his tools<br />

of the trade and that has now yielded a series of nearly 15,000 photographs.<br />

That material has all been produced in the last three months and the number of photos will undoubtedly grow<br />

yet further. Time has been too short to classify everything neatly and study it in greater detail. We thought it<br />

would be nice nevertheless to add a very small and fairly randomly chosen selection to this issue.<br />
















The photographer Roderik Henderson (b. 1965)<br />

and his wife Tanja roamed the southwest of the<br />

United States for many years. They crisscrossed<br />

the desert in a Jeep Wagoneer that wasn’t exactly<br />

in the first flush of youth plus a small Airstream<br />

Argosy caravan. “Hunting for the brightness of<br />

bare rock, burning sand and deafening silence.<br />

Unthinking, dreamless, with no ambitions – just<br />

total, phenomenal emptiness. Salt flats and lava<br />

beds were our home.”<br />

After spending a couple of winters in the Canadian<br />

wilderness, Roderik and his wife – now accompanied<br />

by two children – set off again in January 2010 on<br />

an existential, artistic trek through Chile.<br />

Roderik was a winner in the 2010 World Press<br />

Photo Awards, claiming first prize in the Portraits<br />

category. Roderik was also nominated for the 2020<br />

<strong>Somfy</strong> Photography Award. He recently relocated<br />

to the Netherlands.<br />





<strong>Somfy</strong> Nederland BV<br />

Jacobus Ahrendlaan 1<br />

Postbus 163<br />

2130 AD Hoofddorp<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Phone +31 (0)23 55 44 900<br /><br /><br />