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6th – 27th August 2022
In the Glasshouse acrylic and graphite on paper 91 x 71cm SOLD
Descending flight mixed media on paper 91 x 71cm SOLD
Pilgrim place I mixed media on canvas 90 x 90cm* £1200
Pilgrim place II mixed media on board 25 x 25cm SOLD
Ancestral find mixed media on board 17 x 16cm* £500
For the path mixed media on board 22 x 22cm £500
Coming down from the tops mixed media on paper 91 x 71cm SOLD
Ambiguous figure mixed media on paper 91 x 71cm £950
Life Study I graphite & chalk on paper 54 x 42cm* £500
Life Study II graphite on paper 50 x 42cm* £500
Dock II mixed media on card 28 x 34cm £500
Dock I mixed media on card 28 x 34cm £500
Drawing I acrylic & graphite on paper 29 x 19cm* £350
Drawing II graphite on paper 50 x 42cm* £350
Drawing III acrylic & graphite on paper 29 x 19cm* £350
Drawing IV acrylic & graphite on paper 29 x 19cm* £350
Valley Series I acrylic & graphite on card 34 x 28cm £500
Valley Series II acrylic & graphite on card 34 x 28cm £500
Life Study III acrylic & graphite on card 32 x 30cm £500
Valley with yellow acrylic on board 62 x 62cm* £850
Dockside acrylic on board 62 x 62cm* £850
Birdman walking with Ancestors acrylic on board 62 x 62cm* £850
Secret Postcard I acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard II acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm SOLD
Secret Postcard III acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm SOLD
Secret Postcard IV acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard V acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm SOLD
Secret Postcard VI acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm 400
Secret Postcard VII acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm SOLD
Secret Postcard VIII acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard IX acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard X acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard XI acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Secret Postcard XII acrylic & graphite on board 30 x 25cm £400
Nude I (front) acrylic & graphite on wood 15 x 10cm* £400
Nude I (back)
Of Boats I acrylic on paper 91 x 71cm £950
Of Boats II acrylic on paper 91 x 71cm £950
Of Boats III oil pastel on card 31 x 26cm £450
Propeller oil pastel on card 30 x 25cm £450
Nude II acrylic & graphite on canvas 10 x 8cm £350
Homage to Mabon acrylic & graphite on board 36 x 31cm* POA
Born in Hereford in 1946, <strong>Carolyn</strong> took up painting at the age of ten at<br />
Saturday classes in the old College of Art in Hereford. She attended full-time<br />
at Hereford College of Art as a mature student and then studied with Welsh<br />
artist Roger Cecil, who remained her mentor until his death in 2015.<br />
My paintings generally begin in an intuitive, almost impulsive way, learning from<br />
alterations, the original starting point somehow gets lost and then re-emerges as<br />
something different. Where to start? The poem by Jean Florence called ‘Carki’s<br />
Workshop’ best sums up my painting practice and also my studio; although the<br />
location has changed the inner essenceis the same. Of the works here in TheTable<br />
gallery there are several series - a run of thought and expression.
Carki’s Workshop<br />
for <strong>Carolyn</strong> <strong>Blake</strong><br />
A blue metal coffee pot sits on a log between the<br />
old black cast iron stove and the log box.<br />
You have lit the stove now and the shed is slowly warming<br />
although my back is still cold. You show me paintings in<br />
process stacked around the walls, blocks<br />
of colour, coloured arabesques, vibrating,<br />
creating tensions and resolving them or<br />
waiting for resolution. High in a corner<br />
Kokopelli, the flute player, hangs turquoise<br />
and angular on the drum you made seven<br />
years ago when you first brought back his familiar<br />
spirit from New Mexico.<br />
Squatting<br />
now on a paint saturated cushion<br />
on the paint spattered bark flecked floor<br />
in your paint streaked jogging bottoms, you scrub<br />
in turquoise, wipe it off with the sleeve of your sweater<br />
immersed and concentrated, the warmth of the stove<br />
soaking your back.<br />
The afternoon is greying.<br />
Beside me a shelf of stones and bones, the things<br />
that artists accumulate, and writers too, come<br />
to that: crab shells, ammonites, stones with holes<br />
two bleached jaw bones of a small animal<br />
a lamb perhaps, with all the teeth intact and<br />
an old worn fluid bone recalling<br />
Georgia O’Keefe whose work you love, and<br />
post cards, pigments, crayons, chalk and pastels<br />
and even a tin of Kiwi shoe polish, ox blood<br />
for finishing, you say when I ask.<br />
Framed<br />
in the window behind the bench dead bamboos like<br />
chinese brush strokes jostle and judder flying their<br />
pennants in the winter wind and through the<br />
window ahead of me Tibetan prayer flags<br />
flap up and down the washing line post beside<br />
the fresh cut stumps of a hazel. Beyond is a plain green<br />
field where dogs parade on leads towards the river<br />
this Saturday afternoon, a mini Crufts<br />
tempting me to waste time in counting breeds.<br />
The sun still touches the flank of the far hill<br />
picking out small trees.<br />
Where do you start?<br />
I ask. How do you know when you have finished?<br />
Start with the coffee pot, you say, producing<br />
it. A deeper blue than its original<br />
against a black flue in a deep red space.<br />
What is that blue? I ask. Lapis lazuli<br />
you say, showing me the pot from Venice.<br />
Blu Oltramare, ultramarine, madonna blue.<br />
The coffee pot, a solid blue triangle in a red<br />
field becomes Bellini’s Madonna of the Meadow<br />
I used to visit in the National on Sundays<br />
when I had the blues.<br />
Start with a blue triangle<br />
a madonna’s robe on a brown field, a Kokopelli.<br />
Start with a black dog on a green field<br />
start with a shell, a stone, a hazel stump<br />
a bamboo cane in the wind. Start<br />
with the coffee pot.<br />
Jean Florence
Green Line acrylic on card 10 x 10cm* £300<br />
To purchase work please contact Val Harris at or 07956 452195<br />
The gallery offers Collectorplan, an initiative administered by the Welsh Assembly,<br />
enabling you to purchase work up to the value of £5,000 with an interest free loan repayable over a year.<br />
All measurements are for framed sizes unless marked * where the paintings are unframed.<br />
The gallery is open Thursday - Saturday 10am - 3pm or by appointment during exhibitions.<br />
All paintings are for sale upon receipt of this catalogue.<br />
43 Lion St Hay on Wye HR3 5AA | 07956 452195<br /> |