2022 HPN Books / Ledge Media - About Us Flyer - 06-16-22

Conceived around the idea of an ultra-high end coffee table book, HPN Books is nearing it's 50 year anniversary. The Historical Publishing Network publishes coffee table books as a fundraiser to your organization. Everyone has a history! Let us tell your story and help you fundraise. HPNBooks.com has been doing it for nearly 50 years and has raised millions for nonprofit organizations!

Conceived around the idea of an ultra-high end coffee table book, HPN Books is nearing it's 50 year anniversary. The Historical Publishing Network publishes coffee table books as a fundraiser to your organization. Everyone has a history! Let us tell your story and help you fundraise. HPNBooks.com has been doing it for nearly 50 years and has raised millions for nonprofit organizations!


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ABOUT<br />

<strong>HPN</strong> BOOKS<br />



P. O. Box 230054<br />

Encinitas, CA 92023<br />

Daphne@<strong>Ledge</strong><strong>Media</strong>.net<br />


680 S. Cache St. Ste. 100<br />

P.O. Box 12679<br />

Jackson, WY 83001<br />

Mark@<strong>Ledge</strong><strong>Media</strong>.net<br />


11535 Galm Rd<br />

San Antonio, TX 78254<br />

Chris@<strong>Ledge</strong><strong>Media</strong>.net<br />

info@hpnbooks.com<br />

Toll Free - (800) 939-5311

ABOUT <strong>HPN</strong> BOOKS<br />

<strong>HPN</strong>books was conceived around the idea of an ultra-high-quality hardcover chronicle<br />

of a city or organization’s past. These exceptional books were also designed to raise<br />

funds for a partnering organization. As of 2020, <strong>HPN</strong>books has published more than<br />

200 titles, while raising millions of dollars for partnering organizations.<br />

Now a woman-owned company, <strong>Ledge</strong><strong>Media</strong> has further developed its network and<br />

incorporates many modern technologies such as embedding video into printed materials<br />

via QR code. <strong>Ledge</strong><strong>Media</strong> is a leading-edge multimedia company, now headquartered in<br />

Jackson, Wyoming, with its parent company, FRE-Enterprises. Its origins can be traced<br />

back to 1973, where <strong>HPN</strong>books, based in San Antonio, Texas, was helping businesses<br />

and historical societies tell their stories in the most compelling ways possible.<br />

For more information, or to inquire about producing your own fundraising publication,<br />

please visit www.ledgemedia.net or www.<strong>HPN</strong><strong>Books</strong>.com.

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