MAR 09 FINAL.indd - SUNY Delhi

MAR 09 FINAL.indd - SUNY Delhi

MAR 09 FINAL.indd - SUNY Delhi


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The saying “When it rains it pours.”<br />

perfectly fi ts this Monday morning<br />

for me. As I watch the rain washing<br />

down in buckets outside of Thurston<br />

Hall, all the events of the past<br />

few months seem to be washing<br />

over my mind simultaneously. I’m<br />

thinking, how does one overcome a<br />

problem, when the problem seems<br />

Letter From The Editor<br />

to be too many problems?<br />

I hope the worst of the <strong>Delhi</strong> Flu<br />

has fi nally passed by campus. At<br />

least classes seem fuller again and<br />

there’s less of a struggle to hear lectures<br />

over hacking and coughing.<br />

Students are slowly adjusting to the<br />

many changes that have come with<br />

the closing of Farrell Hall. Thurston<br />

has formed a small yet comfortable<br />

temporary hive for the hub<br />

of student activities business. I for<br />

one am enjoying the new Campus<br />

Voice offi ce and the convenience it<br />

brings to the process of journalism.<br />

The submission in student writing<br />

<strong>MAR</strong>CH 20<strong>09</strong><br />

has increased recently. I hope all<br />

students are aware that you do not<br />

have to be a staff member to write<br />

for our student newspaper. All you<br />

need is the desire to write and/or a<br />

good eye for photography. If you’re<br />

interested be sure to contact our<br />

staff at:<br />

campusvoice@delhi.edu<br />

Continued Gushing Over Obama for State of the Union<br />

By Sylvania Yip<br />

On Tuesday, February 24th, President<br />

Barack Obama addressed Congress<br />

and the nation about the distressed<br />

state that we are in and how<br />

we will recover. The President’s<br />

tone was optimistic, but also wary<br />

and understanding. He stated some<br />

specifi c goals to be achieved from<br />

the American Recovery and Reinvestment<br />

Act (stimulus package).<br />

Here are some numbers: Over the<br />

next two years, the recovery plan<br />

will create 3.5 million jobs (90% in<br />

the private sector), 95% of working<br />

households will receive a tax cut<br />

beginning April 1st (while the tax<br />

break will end for the richest 2%),<br />

and families struggling with tuition<br />

will receive a $2,500 tax credit for<br />

all four years of college.<br />

By Andrew Burns<br />

For those who don’t know, recently<br />

on YouTube 30,000 videos werdropped<br />

due to copyright issues. As<br />

well as many profi les having been<br />

deleted. Let’s Start with YouTube’s<br />

logo, what does it say? YOUTUBE<br />

broadcast yourself. Many others<br />

like myself have done just that.<br />

I am operating two different profi<br />

les in an effort to try and beat the<br />

system along with other YouTuber’s.<br />

One is bullshitman22 and the<br />

other is BurnsyRules (my original<br />

profi le). Personally I’m just going<br />

to come right out and say it. Because<br />

of what YouTube is doing<br />

many videos get straight up ruined<br />

with “mandatory music” or become<br />

silenced and are no longer available<br />

to the public. This is all a bunch of<br />

B.S.<br />

The week of March 16th – 20th<br />

the brothers and sisters of Zeta Phi<br />

Omega will be holding a “Support<br />

Our Troops Fundraiser”. The Fundraiser<br />

will be held from the hours of<br />

10am -4pm in Sanford Hall lobby.<br />

Any Proceeds made from the fundraiser<br />

will cover overseas shipping<br />

There were three things that the<br />

President cited as areas critical<br />

to our economic future: energy,<br />

healthcare, and education. Here are<br />

some highlights from all areas.<br />

Energy Goals: 1. double our supply<br />

of renewable energy in the next<br />

three years. 2. Ask Congress to<br />

place a market-based cap on carbon<br />

pollution 3. invest $15 billion per<br />

year to develop alternative energy<br />

technologies.<br />

Healthcare: Reform can’t wait! We<br />

will invest in electronic health records<br />

that will reduce errors, lower<br />

cost, and save lives.<br />

Education: This part of his speech<br />

was most moving to me. In the be-<br />

ginning of Obama’s speech, he describes<br />

the economy, in part as “the<br />

college acceptance letter your child<br />

had to put back in the envelope.” He<br />

later gives some sober facts about<br />

education in our country. Only half<br />

of our citizens have a high school<br />

diploma, half of the students who<br />

begin college never fi nish, and the<br />

US has one of the biggest dropout<br />

rates of all industrialized nations.<br />

He wants change in all parts<br />

and aspects of our education problem,<br />

from the education system (I<br />

was thinking Michelle Rhee.), to<br />

the student, to the parents. He encouraged<br />

every citizen to take on<br />

at least one year or more of higher<br />

education or career training and he<br />

promised those serving their community<br />

and country that they will<br />

The Great YouTube Copyright Debate<br />

When a video is cited for copyright<br />

issues the user has a choice. They<br />

can either replace the soundtrack<br />

to their video or it can be replaced<br />

with music that YouTube has<br />

dubbed worthy. A video I used to<br />

watch called Tail of the Dragon on<br />

Deals Gap was posted by user Jasondd23;<br />

it has unfortunately had<br />

this problem. In my opinion You-<br />

Tube should take the music and<br />

throw it out. How are we supposed<br />

to “broadcast ourselves” if we are<br />

the ones who can’t even use a song<br />

simply because we like it? From my<br />

research I have found out that You-<br />

Tube itself is the reason why videos<br />

are being shut down. The people<br />

behind YouTube are too poor to let<br />

the user profi les use the songs in<br />

their videos.<br />

Thanks to Steven Lillie, I have<br />

found out that there are 3 different<br />

performance agencies. They are<br />

ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. Now<br />

you can’t sign up with all three but<br />

it doesn’t really matter, you’ll get<br />

paid no matter what. When a song<br />

is played on the radio a number of<br />

times it is tallied up and these organizations<br />

charge a fee for playing<br />

the songs. Now with music being<br />

played on the internet it was easy<br />

to get away with it and not have<br />

to pay the money to the copy right<br />

agencies. With the way the economy<br />

is today the copyright agencies<br />

are catching up with YouTube and<br />

other sites. “Everyone wants the cut<br />

and YouTube isn’t willing to give it<br />

up” (Steven Lillie). So what do the<br />

main folks in charge of YouTube<br />

do? They take it out on all the people<br />

that make fan videos and ignore<br />

the profi les with full seasons of a<br />

ZPO Fundraises for The Troops<br />

By Jennifer Rooker, Zeta Phi Omega Community Service Director<br />

costs or will be used to buy items<br />

which are needed but were not collected.<br />

Zeta Phi omega will be selling Yellow<br />

Support Our Troops Ribbons<br />

for a dollar along with collecting<br />

change people are willing to donate.<br />

We will also be collecting<br />

any items on the list below to be<br />

shipped over seas to several different<br />

military bases. If your short<br />

on cash but still want to show your<br />

support for the troops over seas<br />

please feel free to write letters and/<br />

or create cards for up coming holidays.<br />

Try to include things about<br />

the local area like weather and such<br />

afford a higher education. When he<br />

said, “...dropping out of high school<br />

is no longer an option. It’s not just<br />

quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on<br />

your country,” Congress rose to a<br />

unanimous standing ovation.<br />

The rest of his speech was on how<br />

to cut the defi cit, our war situation<br />

(with a statement about how he will<br />

responsibly end the war in Iraq and<br />

forge a new strategy for Afghanistan<br />

and Pakistan), and three anecdotes<br />

on positive change. His mantra<br />

toward the end was “We are not<br />

quitters.” Hopefully, Obama’s confi<br />

dence, optimism, and action will<br />

translate to America’s rise again.<br />

television series. The hardest thing<br />

to understand is why YouTube can’t<br />

suck it up and pay the royalties.<br />

Most of the videos that end up on<br />

most watched are either promoted<br />

videos or music videos. So I say<br />

come on YouTube stop attacking<br />

the people that are making videos<br />

for fun and go after the profi les that<br />

are really stealing the music! Let us<br />

be, and leave our videos alone.<br />

“We are young, but we have heart,<br />

born in this world as it all falls<br />

apart, we are strong but we don’t<br />

belong, Born in this world as it all<br />

falls apart”. Hollywood Undead-<br />

Young<br />

Find me on YouTube and hear what<br />

I have to say if you agree I thank<br />

you.<br />

to make them feel at home. Write to<br />

them as a friend to show them you<br />

really care.<br />

We hope to see many faces stop by<br />

our table and show there support<br />

for our troops.

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