Truro Together July August 2022

A local #community magazine containing community, business and charitable editorial in the the Truro, Cornwall area. 8,300 copies printed and hand delivered by Royal Mail to residences and businesses in TR1 1 and TR1 2 postal code areas. Copies available at Visit Truro Information Centre and Tescos in Truro.

A local #community magazine containing community, business and charitable editorial in the the Truro, Cornwall area. 8,300 copies printed and hand delivered by Royal Mail to residences and businesses in TR1 1 and TR1 2 postal code areas. Copies available at Visit Truro Information Centre and Tescos in Truro.


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TRURO<br />

<strong>Together</strong><br />


In this issue:<br />

The magic of the Enchanted Trail<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Mayor enjoys Platinum Jubilee<br />

Support <strong>Truro</strong> Community Refugee group<br />

Win a trip to Colour's Cafe & Wellbeing Centre<br />

Complimentary copy, hand delivered by Royal Mail delivery to 8,300 homes and<br />

businesses in <strong>Truro</strong> and copies available at Visit <strong>Truro</strong> Information Centre.<br />

Supported by:<br />

Homeless Advice Line<br />

01872 264 153<br />

Do something amazing<br />

Donate now<br />

01637 889 926<br />

SUMMER EDITION <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2022</strong> Issue 2

TRURO<br />

<strong>Together</strong><br />

Useful Numbers<br />

Age UK helpline (Cornwall):<br />

01872 266 383<br />

Services include iTea & biscuits, exercise<br />

classes & social clubs.<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 9177 650<br />

Cornwall Council: 0300 1234 100<br />

Citizens Advice Cornwall: 0800 144 8848<br />

For a call back (exc weekends)<br />

Text: ADVICE to 78866 or DEBT to 78866<br />

Samaritans - if you need someone to talk to,<br />

they listen. They won’t judge or tell you what to<br />

do. Call 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org<br />

(24 hr response)<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> City Council: 01872 274 766<br />

Meet the Team<br />

Every<br />

Wednesday &<br />

Saturday<br />

09.00 -16.00<br />

on Lemon<br />

Quay<br />

Publisher, Editor & Sales<br />

Therese Cooklin - 07786 735711<br />

Magazine Designer<br />

Mathew Peet, Digital Bear Design - 01949 839206<br />

Content is accurate to the best of our knowledge, however <strong>Truro</strong><br />

<strong>Together</strong> part of Abstract Niche Ltd cannot be held liable for loss or<br />

damage, caused by errors or omissions. Inclusion of advertisers does<br />

not indicate our endorsement of their products or services.<br />

Drummer sculpture outside Hall for Cornwall on Lemon Quay<br />

Hello & welcome!<br />

Thank you for the lovely positive comments you’ve<br />

sent me, glad you liked the first issue! In this issue,<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> City Council feature the beautiful woodland<br />

walks, (p16 & 17), I share my experience of Cornish<br />

‘swimming’ (p24), why not try some of the Al fresco<br />

eateries (see p22 & 23) and enter the wonderful<br />

competition from Colour Cafe and Wellbeing Centre<br />

on pages 8 & 9.<br />

If you are into classical music look out for touring<br />

choral scholars singing for charity; DEC Ukraine on<br />

Friday 8th <strong>July</strong> (p4) and international tenor, think Go<br />

Compare actor, Wynne Evan and Cornwall Symphony<br />

Chorus perform at <strong>Truro</strong> Methodist Church on Sat<br />

23rd <strong>July</strong>, see p15 to book tickets. More events can<br />

be found on p18 - 20.<br />

We are fortunate to have amazing rescue and<br />

emergency services to keep us safe. The RNLI share<br />

their top 5 beach safety tips (p25) and if you want to<br />

support Cornwall Air Ambulance why not go to the<br />

inaugural family music and fun; Helifest (p18). Jeff<br />

gives us his fire expert advice whilst camping or in<br />

a caravan (p27), read about <strong>Truro</strong> Loops (p14)<br />

and if you need some healing, join me and other<br />

healing professionals on Sunday <strong>July</strong> 17th at<br />

Pinetum Gardens (p30). Have a great Summer!<br />

With love,<br />

Therese<br />

Next Copy Deadlines -<br />

September / October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Editorials: 3rd Aug<br />

Advertisers: 4th Aug<br />

t: 07786 735 711<br />

e: therese@trurotogether.co.uk<br />

w: www.trurotogether.co.uk<br />

Get your business noticed<br />

for as little as £36<br />

Royal Mail door-to-door delivery and<br />

drop-off sites to 8,300 homes in <strong>Truro</strong>,<br />

Cornwall area.<br />

e: sales@trurotogether.co.uk


Touring choral<br />

scholars sing for<br />

charity<br />

The choral scholars of St Columba’s<br />

College and St Albans High School are<br />

visiting <strong>Truro</strong> as part of their tour of<br />

Cornwall and will be performing Will<br />

Todd’s joyful, “Jazz Missa Brevis”, as well<br />

as a variety of other choral works.<br />

Their concert will be in aid of the DEC Ukraine<br />

fund and takes place at <strong>Truro</strong> Methodist Church<br />

at 7.30pm on Friday 8th <strong>July</strong> (this Friday)<br />

Tickets from Eventbrite (see link below) and<br />

purchased on the door. Children and students<br />

free, but voluntary donations are welcomed.<br />

Advance tickets can be booked via the<br />

following link.<br />

https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-choir-ofst-albans-high-school-and-st-columbascollege-tickets-322063389267<br />

Please view their Facebook event here.<br />

https://fb.me/e/2jYmkijWl<br />


<strong>Truro</strong> Methodist Church<br />

Union Place, <strong>Truro</strong> TR1 1EP<br />

St Albans High School and St Columba’s<br />

College Chamber Choirs, directed by<br />

Emma Price & Scott R McCall<br />

Friday 8th <strong>July</strong><br />

7.30pm<br />

Choral programme to include<br />

Jazz Missa Brevis by Will Todd<br />

Tickets £8 adults, children & students<br />

free. All proceeds to DEC Humanitarian<br />

Appeal. For advance tickets scan QR<br />

below or visit eventbrite.co.uk<br />

onestagetours,<br />

#onestageconcerttours<br />

@onestageuk<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Homeless Action Group<br />

Providing free hot cooked breakfasts to local homeless and<br />

vulnerable people every day of the year – except Christmas<br />

Day and Boxing Day when we cook a Christmas meal instead.<br />

If you would like to make a donation, please contact<br />

lovelockda@gmail.com for the THAG bank details.<br />

4 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>


<strong>Truro</strong> Community<br />

Refugee Support<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Community Refugee Support<br />

(TCRS) is a Community Sponsorship<br />

Group formed to welcome our<br />

local area families displaced by war or<br />

conflict and help them rebuild their lives.<br />

The original idea was raised at a Hendra<br />

Community Group meeting with members<br />

keen to welcome a family into their<br />

midst. The inspiration came from the<br />

Falmouth and Penryn Welcome Refugee<br />

Group. After some initial enquiries it was<br />

decided the project was too big for Hendra<br />

alone, so the net was cast wider. Over the<br />

past 18 months a group of committed and<br />

skilled people have gathered. They will<br />

support all areas of resettlement required by<br />

the Community Sponsorship programme,<br />

from learning English to finding schools for<br />

their children, translating and making a home<br />

their new sanctuary.<br />

A big challenge has been raising £9,000, a<br />

pre-requisite of the project. This has been<br />

hard, but the group has had the good<br />

fortune of generous support from All Saints<br />

Highertown, who raised £1,000 at a recent<br />

quiz night, a Christmas collection of over<br />

£500 made by the kind congregation of<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Methodist Church and a grant from<br />

The Shapiro Foundation of over £3,000,<br />

amongst other fundraising events and<br />

generous donations.<br />

The next challenge is finding a home.<br />

The housing crisis in Cornwall and the rise<br />

in Airbnb properties is affecting this and<br />

despite many letters to landlords, estate<br />

agents, the church and following up<br />

on leads and ideas this remains the next<br />

part of the journey. Anyone who has or<br />

knows someone who may be able to<br />

help can contact the group by emailing<br />

tcrstruro@gmail.com<br />

How you can support TCRS:<br />

• Sign up to Easyfundraising, then every time<br />

you shop online go via their website and a<br />

small donation will be made to TCRS<br />

• Go to TCRS GoFundMe page and make a<br />

donation<br />

• Join our Facebook group to keep up<br />

to date and share with your friends<br />

• Join us at TCRS by emailing<br />

tcrstruro@gmail.com<br />

Upcoming events:<br />

• 27th <strong>July</strong>: Party in the Park: Bands and<br />

Stalls in Victoria Gardens<br />

6 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>


MONTHS<br />



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To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />


DINING<br />

Wellbeing is not just for some it’s for<br />

everyone….<br />

Welcome to Colours Cafe and Wellbeing<br />

Centre. Meet Debi Dudding. Some of you<br />

may know Debi when her cafe was located in<br />

St Mary’s Street Mews in <strong>Truro</strong> five years ago<br />

and thrived for three years.<br />

Due to its success the cafe began to outgrow<br />

the location and an opportunity arose to move<br />

into New Bridge Street just a short hop and<br />

skip away; opposite Oxfam. Her passion for<br />

hospitality shone through during our chat<br />

and it is clear she wants people to visit from<br />

all walks of life and experience her vision and<br />

nirvana: a little retreat to unwind, breathe,<br />

gain perspective on life and eat wholesome<br />

and nourishing food or sip a cup of Organic<br />

Tea Tonic.<br />

She certainly has tenacity and hides it well<br />

under her calm and warm exterior. Having<br />

recently given birth to a baby girl (now 9<br />

months old), faced the challenges of running<br />

a new business whilst pregnant and during<br />

covid and several lockdowns, to her credit,<br />

she has come out the other side with renewed<br />

vigour and more passion to share Colours<br />

Cafe and Wellbeing Centre with <strong>Truro</strong><br />

residents, visitors and other Cornwall dwellers.<br />

The Wellbeing Centre offers classes from<br />

Iyengar Yoga, Breathe-Yoga-Relax, Pilates,<br />

Full Moon Feminine Circle, Morning Vinyasa<br />

and much more. As well as the classes, there<br />

are 7 therapists who offer their own individual<br />

specialty. I was fortunate to experience a<br />

well-needed massage from Elena West.<br />

She used a combination of Thai massage<br />

techniques, holistic massage and cranial<br />

sacral therapy on me. I felt so relaxed and<br />

rejuvenated after the treatment.<br />

Middle below: Elena West<br />

Bottom far right: Debi flanked by Bo on left and Adam on right<br />

8 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Competition<br />

Time!<br />

Win a trip to Colours<br />

Cafe and Wellbeing<br />

Centre experience for 2!<br />

The lucky winners will experience a class,<br />

3/4 hour treatment with Elena West and<br />

enjoy lunch, to include a main course,<br />

dessert and a drink.<br />

To enter, answer this simple question:<br />

What are the names of the cafe’s chefs ?<br />

Answer a, b, c, or d.<br />

Afterwards Debi ordered the Seasonal<br />

Buddha Bowl for me to try. Portions were<br />

sizeable and kept me going for the rest of<br />

the day! Most of the ingredients are made<br />

in-house by chef’s Adam and Bo, giving it<br />

that, ‘made from home’ feeling and a more<br />

deliciousness taste! If you haven’t tried vegan/<br />

vegetarian food before you will be pleasantly<br />

surprised at how good it tastes.<br />

a) Adrian and Bo<br />

b) Adam and Boo<br />

c) Anthony and Bo<br />

d) Adam and Bo<br />

To enter, go online:<br />

www.trurotogether.co.uk/competition<br />

Please read T’s and C’s carefully before<br />

entering.<br />

Competition closes 5th <strong>August</strong>.<br />

I highly recommend a visit!<br />

Opening Times<br />

Tuesday till Friday 10.30am until 4pm.<br />

Saturdays 10:30 - 9pm food served 10:30-3pm<br />

then 5pm - 8pm<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>July</strong> 12pm - 3pm open for<br />

Roast lunch<br />

See website for more details:<br />

www.colourscafewellbeingcentre.co.uk<br />

for full timetable of classes, therapists and<br />

treatments and table booking for dining.<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



The Mayor of<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> enjoys the<br />

Platinum Jubilee<br />

When I arrived at the museum,<br />

I was surprised to see so many<br />

already gathered.<br />

Mayors and deputy mayors from all over<br />

the county, the Town Crier, the High Sheriff<br />

and other significant persons from history.<br />

Cream teas were laid out with strawberry<br />

on top! Perfect, for this time of year.<br />

© PR4 photos<br />

The past, and future almost being<br />

celebrated together in this somewhat<br />

surreal living history. I still find it crazy<br />

when I open my eyes in the morning, and<br />

sometime throughout the normal routine<br />

it occurs to me that I am the Mayor of<br />

<strong>Truro</strong>. Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee and<br />

being part of it from this side felt even more<br />

special than other events.<br />

© PR4 photos<br />

Thousands of years of history in this building.<br />

A horse-drawn coach over 100 years old sat in<br />

the background with the High Sheriff wearing<br />

tights, and many mayors wearing chains from<br />

a similar or even earlier era.<br />

© PR4 photos<br />

We left the museum to line up in St<br />

George’s Road, joined by so many groups<br />

and volunteers. Chatting to the members of<br />

the public sitting along the side of the road,<br />

covered in blankets (although the sun was<br />

10 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

© PR4 photos<br />

blazing). Some as old as the Queen were<br />

excited and telling stories of previous<br />

jubilees they had been to.<br />

The parade began: everybody had a<br />

good day. Over the weekend I visited<br />

other community groups, a couple of<br />

street parties, and the word community<br />

was used more than any other word. Yes,<br />

the Jubilee was discussed, the Queen, and<br />

the celebrations. But it always came back<br />

to the community and that’s what I take<br />

away from this weekend. The sense of<br />

bringing it together, and if I can play a part<br />

in continuing that then I will have fulfilled<br />

my pledge. Everything I do, I try to stay<br />

true to my main aim which is to reduce the<br />

suffering for myself and others.<br />

Looking forward to more community<br />

events in the coming months and<br />

years. Anybody up for the coronation?<br />

A collective of independent stylists, working<br />

together in a completely inclusive environment<br />

and setting its prices on time and hair length,<br />

not on gender or any other boxes.<br />

Monday - Thursday: 8-4pm<br />

Friday - Saturday: 8-6pm<br />

Sunday: 10-4pm<br />

Book online at: www.koyohair.com<br />

e: info@koyohair.com<br />

t: 01872 300 222<br />

@koyohairtruro<br />

/koyohairtruro<br />

@koyohairtruro<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



Enchanted<br />

Woodland in<br />

<strong>Truro</strong><br />

Chris Waddle has been a <strong>Truro</strong> Woodland<br />

Ranger working for <strong>Truro</strong> City Council<br />

since 2019. He was inspired to create the<br />

Enchanted Trail. Chris told me that <strong>Truro</strong><br />

City Council took over ownership of the<br />

land from Cornwall Council a few years ago<br />

and Chris had the imagination to regenerate<br />

the whole area into a more useable space<br />

for everyone, as it was on the doorstep of a<br />

large housing area.<br />

John Rowe (local resident) volunteered to help<br />

Chris turn the woodland into an enchanted<br />

one, by using his carpentry skills to build<br />

magical fairy boxes with fairy doors to the<br />

woodland. With extra help from volunteers<br />

from different community groups such as St.<br />

Petrocs, residents, charities, learning-need’s<br />

groups, together Chris and John have made<br />

the woodland into the magical site - the<br />

Enchanted Trail it is today. Each fairy door has<br />

a story behind it and has been made for a<br />

particular person/people. Each creation takes<br />

around a week to make alongside other<br />

projects that John has ongoing.<br />

Skye (left) and Elsie (right) both enjoying looking at the Fairy<br />

doors.<br />

Pictured below is John’s favourite fairy door as<br />

many people helped to donate things for its<br />

construction and also, currently it is the largest<br />

fairy box in the woodland. Since its creation,<br />

at least 4-5000 people have visited and many<br />

have travelled far and wide to take a peak into<br />

this fairy land.<br />

John Rowe (left) and Chris Waddle (right) standing by the<br />

largest fairy door in the woodland.<br />

12 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

DAISY<br />



Professional fully trained cleaners,<br />

flexible 7 days a week, last minute<br />

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Sarah, a local mum from <strong>Truro</strong> only just found<br />

the ‘enchanted trail’, having been shown<br />

it by her friend Felicity a couple of weeks<br />

ago, and in turn she showed it to her friend<br />

Jenna, Elsie’s mum. Sarah knew the children<br />

would love it. She says, “I think anything<br />

that maintains childhood innocence and<br />

encourages them to “believe” for that little<br />

bit longer, should be treasured. What John<br />

has created is magical - he took the sorrow of<br />

lockdown 2020 and turned it into something<br />

joyful that can be enjoyed for years to come.<br />

Our children (both “lockdown babies”) were<br />

squealing with delight on finding the fairy<br />

houses, I don’t think they’ve ever voluntarily<br />

walked so far!<br />

Free quote<br />

www.daisycleaningcompany.co.uk<br />

info@daisycleaningcompany.co.uk<br />

07828 067 072<br />

Visit - ‘Visit <strong>Truro</strong> Information Centre’ in the<br />

City Centre and pick up one of their Wild <strong>Truro</strong><br />

Woodland Walks DL pamphlet or see the<br />

middle pages for other local walks in <strong>Truro</strong>.<br />

Or go online www.visittruro.co.uk<br />

Follow on Facebook: Fairy doors of Malabar<br />

and Coosebean.<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



Naturally<br />

Connected<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Loops is a project that was developed<br />

by <strong>Truro</strong> River Working Group (TRWG) with<br />

ideas and support from the community,<br />

looking at more and better access to the<br />

river and the countryside beyond to<br />

enhance outdoor opportunities for <strong>Truro</strong><br />

residents, visitors, and employees alike,<br />

for all abilities.<br />

The group is entirely run by volunteers and<br />

has been active since 2014 and was able to<br />

secure European LEADER funding in 2017.<br />

That enabled a Feasibility Study to be<br />

undertaken into the options for improving<br />

access to the river and countryside beyond.<br />

The Feasibility Study was concluded in March<br />

2018 and identified six potential loops for<br />

walking and cycling access, as well as two<br />

possible locations for bridges, alongside<br />

several complimentary projects such as<br />

interpretation and biodiversity enhancements.<br />

It defined the current scope of what is defined<br />

as the <strong>Truro</strong> Loops project, with lots of scope<br />

to expand in the future with more Loops and<br />

further projects.<br />

Following completion of the study, the <strong>Truro</strong><br />

River Working Group volunteers worked hard<br />

to look for funding to start implementing some<br />

of the recommendations in the study and<br />

built relationships with local stakeholders and<br />

partners to raise the profile of the <strong>Truro</strong> Loops<br />

project. This resulted in<br />

the project being shortlisted<br />

in the first stage of<br />

further European funding.<br />

The bid was successful,<br />

and supplemented by<br />

further funding from Cornwall Council, a first<br />

phase of <strong>Truro</strong> Loops is now under way and<br />

approximately £1.6 million is being invested in the<br />

local area, under the lead of Cornwall Council.<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> River Working Group have worked with<br />

the Town Deal team and provided detailed<br />

information for inclusion of the pedestrian and<br />

cycle lifting bridge connecting Boscawen Park<br />

and Newham in the bid. The bridge is now a<br />

priority project being considered by the Town<br />

Deal Board and included in the Business Case<br />

that is being prepared for submission and<br />

approval by government later this year.<br />

The first phase of <strong>Truro</strong> Loops now under<br />

implementation through Cornwall Council and<br />

Cormac includes improvements to Newham<br />

Trail and the City Centre, as well as TRWG<br />

providing a website, map, interpretation, and<br />

community engagement to further raise the<br />

profile of the <strong>Truro</strong> Loops project.<br />

Loops is a project being driven by the voice<br />

of the community and volunteers who<br />

have some time to spare. For volunteering<br />

opportunities, please look at our website and to<br />

stay in the loop with the latest news sign up to<br />

our quarterly newsletter, rounding up everything<br />

that’s been going on around our beautiful city.<br />

www.truroloops.co.uk<br />

14 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Celebrity Gala Concert<br />

with the<br />

Cornwall Symphony Chorus<br />

featuring<br />

Wynne Evans<br />

International Tenor<br />

(aka the Go Compare man)<br />

Saturday 23rd <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 7:30pm<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Methodist Church<br />

Musical Director: Alastair Taylor<br />

Accompanists: Philip Davey & Tania Lord<br />

Ticket prices: £20 (adults) £10 (under 16’s)<br />

Tickets available from chorus members or 01209 842977<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />


News from<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> City Council<br />

We are very fortunate<br />

to live in a city with an<br />

abundance of open<br />

green space. Our parks<br />

attendants, gardeners,<br />

and countryside rangers<br />

work hard to ensure that<br />

our city is a green and<br />

pleasant place in which<br />

to live, work, and visit.<br />

This summer, explore our<br />

outdoor spaces. You can<br />

use our Wild <strong>Truro</strong> guide to<br />

discover our lesser known<br />

outdoor spaces and find<br />

out more about the work<br />

of our parks and gardens<br />

team. You can collect the<br />

free guides from the<br />

Visitor Information Centre<br />

on Boscawen Street, or<br />

view a digital version on<br />

the Visit <strong>Truro</strong> website:<br />

www.visittruro.org.uk<br />

This year, we will also<br />

be running children’s<br />

entertainment for children<br />

of the City of <strong>Truro</strong>. We will<br />

be providing further details<br />

on this in due course. See<br />

the Visit <strong>Truro</strong> website for<br />

updates – www.visittruro.<br />

org.uk - as well as the <strong>Truro</strong><br />

City Council Facebook<br />

page: @trurocitycouncil.<br />

In the meantime, continue<br />

reading for more<br />

information on the<br />

outdoor areas we manage.<br />

Glasteinan Woods<br />

Nestled behind the<br />

Beechwood Parc housing<br />

estate you will find the<br />

Glasteinan Woodland.<br />

In the woodland you will<br />

spot many species of<br />

wildlife and wildflowers.<br />

The Glasteinan River runs<br />

through the woodland,<br />

with parallel footpaths<br />

making it easy for all the<br />

family to explore.<br />

Coosebean Woodland<br />

The Coosebean Woodland<br />

is located off Bosvigo Lane<br />

and is approximately 36<br />

acres of woodland. The<br />

City Council has recently<br />

acquired additional land in<br />

this area for residents and<br />

visitors to enjoy. We will be<br />

releasing more details on<br />

this in due course.<br />

Coosebean has benefited<br />

from a range of new<br />

footpaths, made possible<br />

by the much-appreciated<br />

help of local charities,<br />

community groups and<br />

volunteers, who worked<br />

alongside our Countryside<br />

Ranger. From here, you can<br />

walk alongside the river,<br />

wander through the<br />

broadleaved trees, and<br />

overlook the wildflower<br />

meadows.<br />

Within the Coosebean<br />

Woodland you will find<br />

the Enchanted Trail. This<br />

magical trail allows families<br />

and children to explore<br />

the fairy doors, which were<br />

created by volunteers and<br />

local residents. As well as<br />

the footpaths, there is<br />

also a cycle path that runs<br />

parallel to the Enchanted<br />

Trail.<br />

The Countryside Ranger<br />

team is dedicated to<br />

making sure that this area<br />

is accessible to all and have<br />

created boardwalks that are<br />

suitable for wheelchair users.<br />

16 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Daubuz Moor<br />

You will find Daubuz Moor<br />

behind Treseder’s Gardens,<br />

off Moresk Road. Its six<br />

hectares of former water<br />

meadows are incredibly<br />

diverse, with naturally<br />

formed ponds, streams,<br />

and open meadows.<br />

There is a circular footpath<br />

that loops you round the<br />

woodland, where you can<br />

spot wildlife and aquatic<br />

species. There is also a<br />

cycle path.<br />

Victoria Gardens<br />

Victoria Gardens is right in<br />

the heart of the city and is<br />

a wonderful place to relax.<br />

The Gardens also host<br />

several events throughout<br />

the year. During the<br />

summer season, you can<br />

attend free, weekly band<br />

concerts every Sunday from<br />

14.30. You can also enjoy<br />

refreshments from the<br />

Pollen in the Park kiosk.<br />

Boscawen Park<br />

and football pitches<br />

available to hire. Please<br />

see our website for details<br />

- www.truro.gov.uk - and<br />

contact parks@truro.gov.uk<br />

for further enquiries.<br />

The park is home to<br />

children’s play equipment,<br />

which is free to use.<br />

There is also a cafe - Cafe<br />

in the Park - which is open<br />

daily from 09.00 - 19.00<br />

during the summer season.<br />

Hendra Playing Field &<br />

Skatepark<br />

Hendra is a great space<br />

for all the family to enjoy.<br />

The popular skatepark<br />

is equipped with ramps,<br />

steps and jumps, and the<br />

children’s play area is just<br />

across the road. The open<br />

field is also a good spot for<br />

activities and relaxing.<br />

Tremorvah Playing Fields<br />

Tremorvah is a familyfriendly<br />

park with an<br />

outdoor fitness area,<br />

children’s play area, and a<br />

football pitch, the perfect<br />

place to burn off some<br />

energy this summer.<br />

Redannick Playing Fields<br />

The playing field at<br />

Redannick is equipped<br />

with a children’s play area<br />

and a separate sports<br />

court.<br />

Find out more<br />

For further information on<br />

all council services, please<br />

call or email us: 01872 274<br />

766; info@truro.gov.uk. For<br />

more updates, follow us<br />

@trurocitycouncil<br />

Boscawen Park is home to<br />

a wealth of activities and<br />

sporting facilities. There are<br />

tennis courts and cricket,<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



What’s on in <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong><br />

Lions Book Stall<br />

Saturday 2nd <strong>July</strong> & Saturday<br />

6th <strong>August</strong>, 09.00 - 16.00<br />

Lemon Quay<br />

Find the Lions Club’s Book Stall alongside<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Farmers Market on the first Saturday of<br />

the month up to October<br />

UK Comic Con<br />

Saturday 30th <strong>July</strong> & Sunday 31st <strong>July</strong>,<br />

10.00 - 16.30<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> College<br />

UK Comicon and Gaming Festivals returns<br />

for two days this year at <strong>Truro</strong> College with<br />

cosplay, gaming, traders, props and more.<br />

w: ukcgf.com<br />

Bandstand Concerts<br />

Every Sunday until Sunday 11th<br />

September, 14.00 - 16.00<br />

Victoria Gardens<br />

Enjoy weekly bandstand concerts in the<br />

idyllic setting of Victoria Gardens. Organised<br />

by <strong>Truro</strong> City Council. Booking not required.<br />

w: visittruro.org.uk<br />

Cornwall Air Ambulance - Helifest<br />

Saturday 16th <strong>July</strong> - 11am - 7pm<br />

A brand new blue light family festival coming<br />

to Padstow, Cornwall in Summer <strong>2022</strong>! A<br />

day of music and festival fun to celebrate<br />

the hard work of Cornwall’s vital blue light<br />

services. See www.cornwallairambulance<br />

trust.org/helifest/ for more information and<br />

tickets<br />

Blue Flag Day<br />

Sunday 31st <strong>July</strong>, 10.00 - 16.00<br />

Lemon Quay<br />

The local emergency service crews will be<br />

on Lemon Quay hosting a community<br />

engagement day, featuring demonstrations.<br />

Find out more about the work they do and<br />

how you can get involved.<br />

The BIG Summer Market<br />

Friday 19th & Saturday 20th <strong>August</strong>,<br />

09.00 - 16.00<br />

Lemon Quay<br />

Join both <strong>Truro</strong> Farmers Market and<br />

Duchy Fairs’ Cornwall Shop Small Market<br />

for their seasonal summer market this<br />

<strong>August</strong>. From fresh Cornish produce and<br />

local craft, to stunning homewares and gifts.<br />

w: trurofarmers.co.uk / duchyfairs.co.uk<br />

Celebration of Culture<br />

Sunday 21st <strong>August</strong>, time TBC<br />

Lemon Quay<br />

Join us in <strong>Truro</strong> for a day of entertainment,<br />

whilst celebrating cultural diversity.<br />

w: visittruro.org.uk<br />

Visit <strong>Truro</strong> Visitor Information,<br />

30 Boscawen Street, <strong>Truro</strong> TR1 2QQ<br />

t: 01872 274 555 w: www.visittruro.org.uk<br />

Open: Monday - Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm<br />

Like & Follow us on<br />

Recruitment Fair<br />

Thursday 21st <strong>July</strong>, 11.00 - 15.00<br />

@visittruro<br />

Lemon Quay<br />

Local businesses will be on Lemon Quay to<br />

tell you more about their job vacancies and<br />

answer any questions you may have<br />

w: trurobid.co.uk<br />

A service provided by <strong>Truro</strong> City Council<br />

18 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Cycling about<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> - NEWS<br />

Cycling around our Great Little City, I<br />

found Ben Minns Town Garden Supervisor<br />

busy planting. He has been a gardener for<br />

the council for 10 years and works under<br />

Richard Budge, Parks, Amenities and<br />

Facilities Manager.<br />

Ben was painstakingly planting the plants<br />

forming the beautiful Platinum Jubilee<br />

emblems.<br />

He shared with me that most of the plants<br />

used were grown from seed and included<br />

Alternanthera and Golden Moss. Well done<br />

to Ben and all the gardeners who work so<br />

hard to make our city look so beautiful.<br />

<strong>Truro</strong><br />

Antiques<br />

&<br />

Collectables<br />

Market<br />

Wednesday dates:<br />

20th <strong>July</strong><br />

3rd Aug & 17th Aug<br />

Sunday dates:<br />

7th Aug & 4th Sep<br />

Lemon Quay 9AM - 4PM<br />

FREE valuations from auctioneers<br />

Bonhams at Wednesday Markets<br />

On the hedgehog<br />

roundabout, I<br />

spotted this<br />

wonderful postbox<br />

with a royal hat<br />

on it, made in<br />

commemoration<br />

of the Platinum<br />

Jubilee. This<br />

knitted postbox<br />

topper was created<br />

by Crochet and<br />

Banana. A rather<br />

regal addition<br />

don’t you agree?!<br />

visittruro.org.uk or<br />

@visittruro for details<br />

Supported by<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />


Events at <strong>Truro</strong><br />

Community<br />

Library<br />

Storytime<br />

Mondays at 14.00 and Wednesdays at<br />

10.00 – join for stories, music and craft<br />

activities for babies and pre-schoolers.<br />

Reading Group<br />

1st Thursday of every month at 14.00 –<br />

join the group to discuss books you’re<br />

reading or have read. There’s no set<br />

book, just come along and share a love<br />

of reading.<br />

Poetry Group<br />

2nd Thursday of every month at 14.00 –<br />

enjoy reading or writing poetry? Come<br />

and join this friendly and supportive<br />

group to share a love of poetry and the<br />

written word.<br />

Material Girls<br />

Every Wednesday 10.00 – 12.00 – join a<br />

fun, informal social group of like-minded<br />

crafters using a variety of skills and<br />

materials. Chat, exchange ideas and<br />

skills and drink tea!<br />

Summer Reading Challenge<br />

The Summer Reading Challenge<br />

encourages primary school children to<br />

borrow and read six books from their<br />

local library over the summer holiday.<br />

Running from 9th <strong>July</strong> - 10th September<br />

Free event, with activities throughout the<br />

summer holiday to support the challenge.<br />

More details on @trurocommunitylibrary<br />

Volunteer Opportunity<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> Community Library is also looking<br />

for children aged 13-16 to volunteer to<br />

help with the Summer Reading Challenge.<br />

They will talk to the children about the<br />

books they’ve read, award their prizes and<br />

medals and help with the activities. Email<br />

heather.woods@liscornwall.org.uk for more<br />

information or to volunteer.<br />

Address: <strong>Truro</strong> Community Library,<br />

Union Place, <strong>Truro</strong>, TR1 1EP<br />

Tel: 0300 1234 111<br />

Email: truro.library@liscornwall.org.uk<br />

Repair Shop takes place at <strong>Truro</strong> Library on Saturday 6th <strong>August</strong> and 3rd September<br />

(1st Saturday of the month) on the 2nd floor (Union Place entrance.) Bring your simple every day<br />

household items, Eg, clothing, ornaments, and small items.<br />

Volunteers welcome to help during the sessions. Contact Lindsay: lindsay@headweb.co.uk<br />

20 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Brass Band<br />

players wanted!<br />

The City of <strong>Truro</strong> Brass Band has been in<br />

existence for over a hundred years.<br />

Throughout this time period the band has<br />

given great enjoyment to the residents of<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> as well as the thousands of holiday<br />

makers who visit the county during the<br />

summer period each year.<br />

The band has entered many brass band<br />

contests and achieved great results over<br />

the years, but now concentrate more on the<br />

social and enjoyment side of making music<br />

together.<br />

The past few years have been difficult for<br />

many bands, including <strong>Truro</strong>, but now that life<br />

is returning to normal the hope is that many<br />

players will return to the ranks to enjoy making<br />

music again.<br />

For further information contact Ben on<br />

01872 501789 or Chris on 07548 642152.<br />

Shadow lifted<br />

A major rockfall in April 2021, resulted in a<br />

path closure for over a year at Sunny Corner.<br />

On 19th April, <strong>2022</strong>, celebrating the full<br />

reopening of the site, the Mayor of <strong>Truro</strong> -<br />

accompanied by various Cornwall and Parish<br />

Councillors - formally attended the reopening<br />

ceremony, together with the Friends of Sunny<br />

Corner volunteers.<br />

Full access will<br />

facilitate the<br />

maintenance work<br />

that is needed to<br />

help return the site<br />

to its former glory.<br />

Paul Caruana,<br />

Chairman of the<br />

Friends Group, said<br />

he was very happy<br />

with the repair work<br />

undertaken by<br />

Cormac and that the finished job was looking<br />

good. His volunteers were ‘chomping at the<br />

bit’ to get the work started and having the<br />

whole area back to looking its best.<br />

The site is well-used by thousands of people<br />

who pass through it when going to Malpas<br />

village, and beyond. The Friends Group meet<br />

every Tuesday to undertake the maintenance<br />

of Sunny Corner. Paul said that it was a real<br />

team effort and that all the volunteers give up<br />

their time and energy to make sure the site<br />

looks its best.<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



Get ready for summer and<br />

al fresco dining!<br />

We are spoilt for choice in <strong>Truro</strong> for dining and as it’s summer it’s glorious to enjoy<br />

eating outdoors. We took a tour around our Great Little City to highlight some of<br />

the hidden dining gems for lunch or to enjoy a cake and a cup of tea al fresco...<br />

Colours Cafe<br />

and Wellbeing<br />

Centre<br />

15 New Bridge<br />

Street, <strong>Truro</strong>,<br />

Cornwall, TR1 2AA<br />

www.colourscafe<br />

wellbeingcentre.<br />

co.uk<br />

10.30am - 4pm<br />

Tuesday - Saturday.<br />

Now open Saturday evening for dinner. (see<br />

page 8 for details) Zen courtyard, seating 10.<br />

Enjoy vegan or vegetarian lunches. Drink’s<br />

menu has interesting selection of Organic Tea<br />

Tonics, Specialty Lattes, Jack’s Kombucha -<br />

crafted and brewed in Cornwall and tea and<br />

coffee using oat, soya or coconut dairy-free<br />

options.<br />

Elseafood Cornwall<br />

Lemon Quay, <strong>Truro</strong>.<br />

www.elseafood.co.uk<br />

Facebook: elseafood.uk or on mobile<br />

07498 027 176<br />

A family business,<br />

started at festivals<br />

and events in<br />

2013 now open<br />

on Lemon Quay<br />

in <strong>Truro</strong> serving<br />

fresh Cornish<br />

seafood and tapas.<br />

Kaku Chi<br />

St Mary’s Street<br />

Mews, <strong>Truro</strong>,<br />

TR1 2AF<br />

Facebook:<br />

kakuchi.ltd<br />

A little gem of a<br />

coffee shop<br />

located in the heart<br />

of <strong>Truro</strong>, with a sun<br />

trap outdoor seating<br />

area providing<br />

amazing cups of<br />

locally ground coffee, mouth watering<br />

pastries and cakes as well as fresh pasta<br />

and homemade sauces.<br />

22 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Pollen in the Park<br />

Victoria Gardens,<br />

<strong>Truro</strong>, TR1 3JE<br />

Facebook: Pollen<br />

in the Park<br />

Open every<br />

day when it’s dry<br />

- 10am - 4pm.<br />

Serving teas,<br />

coffee, cake,<br />

ice cream & snacks<br />

in a beautiful park<br />

location.<br />

The Cornish<br />

Vegan<br />

15 Kenwyn Street,<br />

TR1 3BU<br />

www.thecornish<br />

vegan.com<br />

Beautiful courtyard<br />

outside space<br />

seating up to 22.<br />

With outside heaters.<br />

Vegetarian,vegan and gluten-free options.<br />

Trennick Mill<br />

Boscawen Park,<br />

<strong>Truro</strong>.<br />

Facebook:<br />

trennickmill<br />

A family run<br />

business in a<br />

beautiful location<br />

who thrive to<br />

create a warm<br />

friendly atmosphere,<br />

with an extensive<br />

menu and Daily<br />

Specials.<br />

For more places to eat in <strong>Truro</strong><br />

go to: www.visittruro.org.uk/eating-out<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



Respect<br />

the sea...<br />

Living in <strong>Truro</strong>, there are many delightful<br />

beaches to visit. Although fairly new living<br />

by the Cornish sea, I have come to realise -<br />

through experience - that “I want to go<br />

for a swim” involves taking into account<br />

a number of crucial factors, one being -<br />

the tide!<br />

Checking the tide beforehand is critical. I once<br />

went to one of my favourite spots where the<br />

sun was just emerging and high tide had come,<br />

gone and going out again. There had been<br />

a storm the night before, the RNLI truck was<br />

parked at the entrance of the beach and the<br />

red flag was up. No-one could swim in those<br />

rollers! I hadn’t checked the tides or the<br />

weather before going. So, from now on<br />

whenever I want a swim - I do my homework!<br />

A few days later I decide to check out<br />

Trevaunance Cove in St Agnes, a new place<br />

for me. I checked the timetable, tide was high<br />

at 03.45am and it was definitely on the way<br />

out, but still the waves were quite strong, so<br />

I wasn’t wholly confident I was going to get a<br />

swim. When I arrived at 7.30am it seemed<br />

a surfers‘ paradise and therefore definitely<br />

not on my own! Phew! I felt safe enough to<br />

venture in…<br />

As long as you respect the sea - don’t turn your<br />

back too long on the waves - you can have<br />

great fun jumping waves and having a dip. If<br />

you are taking your family or alone make sure<br />

you do your homework first before you visit.<br />

Chapel Porth has become one of my favourite<br />

places to go. It’s easy to get to from <strong>Truro</strong>,<br />

(stop en- route with my coffee cup to pick up<br />

a coconut latte - 30p off with my own cup!). As<br />

a National Trust member car parking is free. If<br />

you get there early enough you beat the tangle<br />

of cars coming up and down the steep path<br />

- which can get tricky in the middle of tourist<br />

season. Recently, I arrived just before the tide<br />

was going out. I enjoyed my best swim ever -<br />

and actually had a swim! I picked the right time<br />

that’s for sure, and there was no one around, so<br />

it was like swimming in my own private, huge,<br />

salty bath!<br />

When the tide goes out, it leaves vast expanses<br />

of beach which are for the whole family’s<br />

enjoyment. As long as you know when the<br />

tide is coming back you can plan when to pack<br />

up your stuff and return home - and not get<br />

stranded, or wet! If in doubt seek, advice from<br />

professionals. Enjoy the beaches but keep safe<br />

and don’t take unnecessary risks!<br />

Useful websites:<br />

www.cornwall-beaches.co.uk<br />

www.rnli.org/beach-safety<br />

www.rnli.org/ripsafe<br />

In an emergency dial 999 for the coastguard<br />

And don’t forget to put on sun cream. If there<br />

is a slight wind it will make it seem cooler -<br />

that’s when you risk getting sun burn.<br />

24 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

RNLI top 5 Beach<br />

Safety Tips<br />

1 - Float to Live<br />

If you find yourself struggling in the water, or<br />

if you fall in unexpectedly, you should Float to<br />

Live. Just lean back and use your arms and legs<br />

to help you float. Wait until you can control your<br />

breathing, then call for help or swim to safety. If<br />

you have children, it’s important to teach them to<br />

float too. You could practice when you go to the<br />

swimming pool.<br />

One of the risks at the beach is rip currents. They<br />

are strong currents that can quickly drag you out<br />

to sea. Watch the video: www./rnli.org/safety/<br />

beach-safety<br />

4 - Call 999 in an emergency<br />

When you go to the beach, always carry a means<br />

of calling for help. If you’re going in the water,<br />

you can carry your mobile phone in a waterproof<br />

pouch. That way, if you find yourself or spot<br />

someone else in an emergency situation, you can<br />

get help.<br />

In a coastal emergency, call 999 if you’re in the<br />

UK and ask for the coastguard.<br />

2 - Choose a lifeguarded beach<br />

In 2021, RNLI lifeguards aided over 40,000<br />

people on the beach. Choosing to visit a<br />

lifeguarded beach gives you and your family the<br />

protection of highly trained lifeguards. They can<br />

see the dangers develop, prevent accidents<br />

before they happen and respond instantly if<br />

anyone gets into difficulty.<br />

5 - Know your flags<br />

If you visit a lifeguarded beach, there will be flags<br />

on the beach to show you where it’s safe to swim.<br />

If you’re planning to swim or bodyboard, stay<br />

between the red and yellow flags. For surfboards,<br />

stand-up paddleboards or other non-powered<br />

craft, go between the black and white chequered<br />

flag. You should not swim there.<br />

If a red flag is flying, the water is dangerous. Do<br />

not enter the water under any circumstances.<br />

3 - Know the risks and what to do<br />

When you’re heading to the beach, it’s<br />

important that you know the risks and what you<br />

can do to minimise them. From rip currents to<br />

tides, cold water shock to waves, being aware of<br />

the dangers will help you to stay safe.<br />

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) volunteer lifeboat crews provide a 24-hour rescue<br />

service in the UK and Ireland, and their seasonal lifeguards look after people on busy beaches.<br />

The RNLI are the charity that saves lives at sea. Will you help them today, to save someone’s<br />

tomorrow? Go to: www.rnli.org/support-us/give-money/donate and donate.<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />



Bringing colour<br />

into <strong>Truro</strong><br />

<strong>Truro</strong> BID funds and installs the<br />

annual colourful bunting to improve<br />

the appearance of the city centre.<br />

This year about four times the volume of<br />

bunting has been put up around the city<br />

including at Victoria Square, Boscawen Street,<br />

Lemon Quay, Pydar Street, Duke Street,<br />

Lower Lemon Street, Walsingham Place and<br />

King Street. Lemon Street Market and Tinners<br />

Court were also given a supply of bunting by<br />

<strong>Truro</strong> BID to install.<br />

The red, white and blue colours were<br />

chosen to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s<br />

Platinum Jubilee <strong>2022</strong> celebrations and the<br />

colourful bunting will continue to flutter in Our<br />

Great Little City until October.<br />

As well as the bunting, <strong>Truro</strong> BID funds 50%<br />

of the hanging baskets and seasonal planting<br />

which is delivered each summer by the Parks<br />

Team at <strong>Truro</strong> City Council to brighten up the<br />

city.<br />

Pounding the Beat<br />

During the first lockdown, Jenna, like<br />

everybody else, was looking to keep fit<br />

at home.<br />

A friend mentioned an exercise class inspired<br />

by the fun of drumming: Pound, the rockout<br />

workout! Pound is a whole-body workout for all<br />

fitness levels, with modifications for absolute<br />

beginners to total rockstars! During a Pound<br />

class you use drumsticks designed specifically for<br />

exercise (slightly weighted and thicker for easier<br />

grip) to drum to the beat of the music.<br />

Like most things, Pound was now being taught<br />

online, so Jenna attended classes all round the<br />

world. It was love-at-first-strike; Jenna wanted to<br />

share Pound with <strong>Truro</strong>.<br />

As well as classes, Pound also offered instructortraining<br />

online. This was perfect for furloughing<br />

from work, Jenna could now attend the<br />

training at home. On May 9th she gained<br />

her instructor-certificate and was now able<br />

to teach this infectious class.<br />

Jenna on the left with the ‘Pound’ ladies<br />

When classes could be taught inside again,<br />

Jenna was able to teach Pound. But then,<br />

the third lockdown came and the gym had to<br />

close. Jenna shelved her drumsticks.<br />

After the third lockdown a refurbished Threemilestone<br />

Community Centre re-opened and<br />

classes could be taught inside again, Jenna is<br />

now able to bring the class she loves to <strong>Truro</strong><br />

every Thursday night at 6.30pm.<br />

If you fancy giving this fun-class a go, then<br />

contact Jenna at jenzb84@googlemail.com,<br />

‘Pound with Jenna’ on facebook or<br />

‘poundin<strong>Truro</strong>’ on Instagram.<br />

26 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Fire and summer safety advice<br />

Avoid holiday complacency<br />

If you’re on holiday, it’s important to be<br />

even more aware of your fire safety and<br />

indeed general safety. Whether camping or<br />

caravanning, you need to think about fire<br />

safety and the safety of your family. Don’t<br />

let fire become your uninvited guest on<br />

your holiday.<br />

Know what to do in an emergency:<br />

Camping safety<br />

If camping, here is some general safety<br />

advice:<br />

· a fire can destroy a tent in 60 seconds, so<br />

make sure you have an escape plan. Make<br />

sure you have at least one torch, - never use<br />

candles or have any kind of naked flame in or<br />

near to a tent<br />

· find out what the firefighting arrangements<br />

are in place for the campsite<br />

· know the address of the campsite and<br />

postcode<br />

· tents should ideally be pitched at least six<br />

metres apart from other tents<br />

· do not smoke inside a tent and keep lighters<br />

and matches out of the reach of children<br />

· always cook outside and well away from your<br />

tent and don’t cook near flammable materials<br />

or long grass<br />

· store flammable liquids or gas cylinders away<br />

from the tent<br />

· take a Carbon Monoxide detector with you<br />

· In the event that someone’s clothes catch<br />

fire- stop, drop them to the floor, smother with<br />

a blanket or large item of clothing to quell the<br />

flames, then get them to roll<br />

Caravan and mobile home safety<br />

Much of the advice about fire safety in<br />

caravans and mobile homes is similar to<br />

that at your own home.<br />

· park caravans and mobile homes at least six<br />

metres apart<br />

· if there’s a fire – get out, stay out and call the<br />

Fire and Rescue Service immediately, know<br />

your location and postcode<br />

· fit at least one smoke alarm and Carbon<br />

Monoxide detector, test regularly<br />

· consider installing a fire blanket and fire<br />

extinguisher, read operating instructions<br />

· do not dry clothes on or right next to a heater<br />

· turn gas off and other appliances when not<br />

in use<br />

· do not smoke inside<br />

· never leave cooking unattended<br />

· never put water on burning oil or fat<br />

Fire Safety Cornwall was formed by Jeff Hick<br />

following serving 30 years in Cornwall Fire<br />

and Rescue Service. Jeff, along with former<br />

fire service colleagues, aims to provide high<br />

standards of service in all aspects of fire safety.<br />

including: Fire risk assessments, fire safety<br />

training and general fire safety advice.<br />

Jeff Hick GIFireE<br />

Fire Safety Advisor<br />

Fire Safety Cornwall Ltd<br />

01872 277 256<br />

07815 854 691<br />

www.firesafety<br />

cornwall.com<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />


<strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong><br />

Brain Matter<br />


Can you find FLOWERS all of these words SALAD hidden in<br />

the grid? They may run forwards or<br />

backwards HAY in a FEVER straight line SAND which travels<br />

either horizontally, HEAT vertically SHORTS or diagonally.<br />




HEAT<br />

SHORTS<br />



JUNE<br />

TENT<br />




Summer<br />

Can you find all of these words hidden in the grid? They may run forwards or backwards in a<br />

straight line which travels either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.<br />

Salad Bowl<br />

Y E G I S H O R T S E T R<br />

A V T D E R A C Z Y V T E<br />

L U N S C P R R A R C N T<br />

P S E E A K E D O J U S H<br />

T H T G E H I H U J Z U F<br />

P F Z U T L T L T G Z N J<br />

R L F A O D Y L M M X G H<br />

T O E H A Y F E V E R L V<br />

A W S C M V B D E O C A M<br />

E E S E D O D N N A E S W<br />

H R U V S R S A R A K S J<br />

H S U P A P I R L L S E J<br />

S O M B R E R O T A L S N<br />

S P S A W Z T V H E S E Q<br />

H Y O H O T I U Q S O M P<br />

Can you fit all of these words into the grid, then rearrange the letters in the yellow squares to<br />


form another word; something you might also find in a salad?<br />

4 letters RADISH<br />

Can you PEAS fit all of these TOMATO words into the grid,<br />

then rearrange the letters in the yellow<br />

squares 5 letters to form another 7 letters word; something<br />

you might CRESS also find in AVOCADO a salad?<br />

4 letters HERBS CHICORY<br />

7 letters<br />


5 letters 6 letters<br />




8 letters<br />

HERBS 8 letters<br />

CELERY<br />



Y E G I S H O R T S E T R<br />

6 letters<br />

Answer:<br />

A V T D E R A C Z Y V T E<br />


CARROT<br />

L U N S C P R R A R C N T<br />

P S E E A K E D O J U S H<br />


9 letters<br />

T H T G E H I H U J Z U F<br />


P F Z U T L T L T G Z N J<br />

ENDIVE<br />

R L F A O D Y L M M X G H<br />


T O E H A Y F E V E R L V<br />


A W S C M V B D E O C A M<br />

ONIONS<br />

E E S E D O D N N A E S W<br />

RADISH<br />

H R U V S R S A R A K S J<br />

TOMATO The word is: __________________________<br />

H S U P A P I R L L S E J<br />

The word is:___________________________<br />

S O M B R E R O T A L S N<br />

S P S A W Z T V H E S E Q<br />

H Y O H O T I U Q S O M P<br />

28 <strong>Truro</strong> <strong>Together</strong> is part of Community <strong>Together</strong>

Relaxed Opening<br />

Hours at Royal<br />

Cornwall Museum<br />

Did you know that the Royal Cornwall<br />

Museum in <strong>Truro</strong> offers monthly relaxed<br />

opening hours, 10am-12pm on the first<br />

Monday of every month?<br />

The museum’s relaxed opening hour is designed<br />

to accommodate those who appreciate a calmer<br />

visit. Visitors will have the freedom to explore the<br />

museum without the hustle and bustle of regular<br />

opening hours, with a dedicated chill out space and<br />

noise reductions in place throughout the museum.<br />

The museum’s welcoming team will be there to<br />

accommodate you the moment you step in<br />

through the door.<br />

Everyone is welcome, but this session is primarily for<br />

families with autistic children, autistic young people<br />

and adults, adults living with dementia, adults and<br />

children with mental health problems and any other<br />

visitors with sensory needs who may enjoy a relaxed<br />

visit with families, friends, and carers.<br />

Make it a night<br />

to remember!<br />

Lauren Campbell, Engagement Officer at the<br />

museum says, “We’ve been running relaxed<br />

opening hours for a number of months now<br />

and the response from the community has been<br />

really positive. Sometimes museums can be an<br />

overwhelming place for those with sensory needs<br />

but they also can have a wealth of benefits for<br />

people’s mental wellbeing. We hope that by<br />

providing these relaxed openings we can reach<br />

as many people as possible and enable them to<br />

engage with Cornwall’s art and heritage.”<br />

To attend the relaxed opening hours, usual entrance<br />

fees apply but there is no need to book ahead.<br />

Royal Cornwall Museum, River Street, <strong>Truro</strong>,<br />

Cornwall TR1 2SJ t: 01872 272205<br />

www.royalcornwallmuseum.org.uk<br />

Citizens Advice Cornwall will be hosting their<br />

first ever ball this September with tickets<br />

sales now open. Citizens Advice Cornwall<br />

is a charity - a fact that many people do not<br />

realise - raising money in Cornwall to support<br />

the people of Cornwall.<br />

The Blue and White Ball takes place on 23<br />

September <strong>2022</strong> at the Penventon Hotel,<br />

Redruth and will feature a three course meal,<br />

magician, auction and dancing. Tickets are<br />

available for £55 each or £500 for a table of 10.<br />

Chief Executive, Gill Pipkin, said:<br />

“This is the highlight of our fundraising<br />

calendar this year where we aim to raise<br />

much needed funds for our charity, which is<br />

at the forefront of helping people cope in<br />

the current cost of living crisis.<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />

“We are seeing more and more people<br />

struggling to cope and working hard every<br />

day to make life better by reducing or<br />

removing financial, housing and relationship<br />

pressures. Join us for a fun-filled night, a<br />

chance to enjoy ourselves and help us help<br />

more people who are struggling.”<br />

Citizens Advice Cornwall is a charity<br />

providing free, independent and confidential<br />

advice on a wide range of subjects for<br />

everyone in the community. To book tickets<br />

for the event or to become a sponsor please<br />

email: tamsin@citizensadvicecornwall.org.uk<br />

or call 07549 087 438<br />


<strong>July</strong> Event: Sunday 17th <strong>July</strong><br />

Event running from 11:00-17:00<br />

Imaginal Collective invites you to enjoy the beautiful tranquility of<br />

Pinetum Gardens for a day of Meditation, Healing and Live music. Experience<br />

taster sessions for a range of healing disciplines focusing on body, spirit,<br />

and mind.<br />

Twin-Hearts Meditation<br />

Imaginal Movement<br />

Pranic Healing<br />

Reiki<br />

Quantum Energetic Healing<br />

Indian Head Massage<br />

Metamorphic Technique<br />

Access Bars<br />

Reflexology<br />

Marma Therapy<br />

Live Acoustic Sounds and music to clear the mind and energize the spirit.<br />

A range of instrumental showcases followed by a full band. Kids are more than<br />

welcome, we have multiple activities arranged for them throughout the day.<br />

Kids Nature Walk | Face Painting | The Dream Cabin<br />

The Birds Nest | The Reading Nook<br />

For further information and booking visit<br />

www.imaginalcollective.eco<br />

Or call Simon on 07799 646024

Healing in the Community and Twin Hearts Meditation<br />

If you have any physical or emotional pain that you need help with, this<br />

non-touch, complementary therapy may help you. I am holding relaxed and<br />

calm 1/2 hour sessions for those in need.<br />

The Twin Hearts Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, increase memory,<br />

focus and positive brain activity. Flush out negativity and achieve peace and<br />

stillness in less than 30 minutes.<br />

Donations to MCKS Charity<br />

Wednesday 6th <strong>July</strong><br />

Healing sessions between 4.45pm - 6.30pm - email to book a slot.<br />

Twin Hearts Meditation starts at 6.45pm - 8pm<br />

Tuesday 12th <strong>July</strong><br />

Healing sessions for physical ailments or psychological<br />

Session starts between 10am - 12pm - email to book a slot.<br />

Wednesday 3rd <strong>August</strong><br />

Healing sessions between 4.45pm - 6.30pm - email to book a slot.<br />

Twin Hearts Meditation starts at 6.45pm - 8pm<br />

Wednesday 7th September<br />

Healing sessions between 4.45pm - 6.30pm - email to book a slot.<br />

Twin Hearts Meditation starts at 6.45pm - 8pm<br />

Location: Shortlanesend Village Hall, School Hill, Shortlanesend, <strong>Truro</strong> TR4 9DU<br />

Parking available. Wheelchair access and disabled toilet.<br />

Visit me at Pinetum Gardens, St Austell. on Sunday 17th <strong>July</strong> at the<br />

Kaleidoscope event - The Forces of Life. I will be giving taster sessions<br />

from 1pm to 4pm. Email to book a slot.<br />

Contact: Therese e: healing@pranichealingcornwall.co.uk<br />

or t: 07786 735 711<br />

To advertise please call 07786 735 711 or email marketing@trurotogether.co.uk<br />


FREE<br />

ENTRY<br />

for under 11’s

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