#ManchesterBizFair 2022 Online Event Guide

The #ManchesterBizFair 2022 Online Event Guide features details of products and services available to help and support businesses across the region - along with details of the features and activities taking place at the 2022 Greater Manchester Business Fair. Almost as good as being there!

The #ManchesterBizFair 2022 Online Event Guide features details of products and services available to help and support businesses across the region - along with details of the features and activities taking place at the 2022 Greater Manchester Business Fair. Almost as good as being there!


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eventprogramme<br />

Greater Manchester Business Fair <strong>2022</strong> sponsors and event supporters<br />

Greater Manchester<br />

Business Fair <strong>2022</strong><br />

Thursday 07 July <strong>2022</strong> AJ Bell Stadium

COVID-19 Precautions - Please be assured that we are working<br />

closely with the venue to ensure that the event is as safe and<br />

healthy an environment as possible for all who take part.<br />

welcome<br />

Welcome back to the Greater<br />

Manchester Business Fair at AJ Bell<br />

Stadium.<br />

Business to Business Exhibion - a wide variety of<br />

companies are showcasing their products and services to the<br />

hundreds of visitors aending the event.<br />

Exhibitors are on hand to provide advice and offer soluons on<br />

topics including markeng, cash flow issues,<br />

management/performance improvement and lots more. Plus<br />

there are some great free business workshops taking place<br />

throughout the day (listed on the right), with a Free Networking<br />

Session at 1pm hosted by Andy Guile..<br />

Ask the Expert - A range of Experts are on hand to provide<br />

advice and guidance on a range of issues<br />

Free 1-2-1 Ask the Expert Clinics from Chartered Management<br />

Instute for individuals and organisaons with queries around<br />

management and leadership development, personal /<br />

professional development, experienal learning, including<br />

business simulaon, and performance improvement.<br />

Make some USA business connecons by talking to Ruth King<br />

from Business Ventures Corporaon about profitability<br />

Explore the range of business support available to help you<br />

start or run your own business with BIPC Greater Manchester,<br />

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce and The Growth<br />

Company<br />

Visit the University of Salford, Salford Business School stand to<br />

find out more about how they might be able to help your<br />

business<br />

Speak to Eco-I North West to find out how they support<br />

businesses in the North West to develop low carbon innovaon<br />

and skills<br />

Discuss your business vehicle requirements with RRG Group<br />

Fleet<br />

The Home Office Future Borders and Immigraon System (FBIS)<br />

External Engagement Team will be on hand to answer any<br />

quesons around the new system and requirements for<br />

employing people from outside the UK<br />

For further information on future events, please visit our<br />

website www.businessfairsuk.com. Finally, thank you for<br />

attending and we hope that you have a productive and<br />

enjoyable time.<br />

Keep up to date<br />

with our events<br />

Scan QR code to be<br />

added to our mailing list<br />

for news and updates<br />

Seminars and Workshops<br />

Willows Suite 3rd Floor<br />

10.30am: An introducon to The Points-Based Immigraon System<br />

On the 1st January 2021, free movement ended, and the UK introduced a new points-based<br />

immigraon system. The new system treats EU and non-EU cizens equally and has transformed<br />

the way in which all migrants come to the UK to work and study. Anyone coming to the UK to<br />

work or study, excluding Irish cizens, will need to apply for permission in advance.<br />

This session will focus on:<br />

– Overview of points-based immigraon system – Skilled Worker Route<br />

– Overview of how to become a Home Office Sponsor<br />

Delivered by Home Office Future Borders & Immigraon System (FBIS) External Engagement Team<br />

10.50am: Goal seng the not so SMART way<br />

Seng goals and targets has long been seen as a vital part in the journey to success. This session<br />

explores the psychology of goal seng and how you can achieve success with goals in life and<br />

business.<br />

Delivered by Andy Guile, Master Coach & Trainer, Ask Andy Guile at New Direcons<br />

11.20am: 7 Dumb Financial Mistakes Business Owners Make and<br />

How to Avoid Them<br />

Would you prefer to find out you have cancer when it is at Stage 1 or Stage 4?<br />

Stage 1 of course – that’s why you get a health check-up.<br />

Would you prefer to find out you are headed for a business problem before you are in the middle<br />

of a crisis?<br />

Of course – that’s why you get a business financial health check-up.<br />

You’ll discover the seven dumbest financial mistakes business owners make...part of your<br />

business financial health check-up. Avoid these mistakes and you’ll be able to spot and take care<br />

of many issues before they become major crises....and stay healthy businesswise.<br />

You’ll leave with acons you can easily implement to stay profitable and build wealth.<br />

Delivered by Ruth King, Best Selling Author, Consultant and Entrepreneur<br />

12.00pm: Geng HR and Employment Law back on Track in <strong>2022</strong><br />

Helping Companies with their HR and Employment Law strategies and acons to help connue<br />

growth and recovery post COVID-19.<br />

Delivered by Enrique Garcia, Wilford Smith HR Consulng and Solicitors<br />

12.30pm: How to Stand out on LinkedIn<br />

In this short session, Jason Jones will give a brief outline on using LinkedIn to generate more<br />

prospects and more business.<br />

Delivered by Jason Jones, LinkedIn Coach, In Business Ninjas<br />

1.45pm: Planning your Markeng - geng the balance right<br />

Markeng is a key factor in running a successful business but with so many opons how can you<br />

decide what will give you the best outcome.<br />

Chris has been running effecve markeng campaigns for many years and will share some of his<br />

experience in this short session which will cover<br />

- Tradional v Digital Markeng<br />

- Some useful case studies<br />

- Avoiding common Pialls<br />

Delivered by Chris Roxburgh, Markeng Consultant and Social Media Trainer, My Markeng Guy<br />

2.05pm: Those with passion, Podcast<br />

21 million people listen to podcasts in the UK. 21 million!! That’s a large percentage of the<br />

populaon to potenally sideline if you’re not podcasng. The Two Marks, founders of The Pod<br />

Staon, will share some insights into the world of podcasng and show you how easily you can<br />

set up your own podcast to get your piece of that 21 million pie.<br />

Join them for an insighul and engaging chat on all things podcast.<br />

Delivered by Mark Pollard-Ali and Mark Latham, Founders of The Pod Staon<br />

1.00pm: Networking Session<br />

Come along and make lots of new business<br />

contacts - as well as catching up with familiar faces<br />

– at our free networking session<br />

hosted by Andy Guile<br />

NB Timings may vary on the day<br />

This eventprogramme is produced by Liverpool BA and is distributed free of charge. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in the eventprogramme, Liverpool BA cannot accept<br />

responsibility for advertising content and any omissions or inaccuracies it may contain. Registered address: 54 St James Street, Liverpool L1 0AB

exhibitors<br />

ABCounting Ltd<br />

ABCounting is a firm of Chartered Management Accountants based on the Wirral.<br />

Working alongside clients, helping them to grow their businesses through a greater<br />

understanding of their numbers.<br />

With specialist knowledge of the Digital and Creative industries, they are able to offer an<br />

outsourced finance function covering accountancy, tax, consultancy, and bookkeeping<br />

services.<br />

0151 528 8444 I: @abcounting.ltd LinkedIn:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/in/wedothesums/ www.abcounting.co.uk<br />

Absolute Clean Group<br />

A complete range of domestic and commercial solutions for cleaning, janitorial supplies,<br />

pest control and access hire.<br />

When you need that ONE local company to cater for your cleaning needs and much<br />

more then look no further…<br />

Contact us to see why we are Manchester’s number one preferred cleaning company…<br />

07763 713 246 T: @cleanabsolute F: Absolute Clean<br />

I: @absolute_clean_group www.absolutecleangroup.co.uk<br />

Acacia Homecare Stockport & Manchester<br />

Here are Acacia Homecare we are continuously searching for committed, hard working<br />

people. But most of all we are looking for those that have a genuine passion for care.<br />

Whether you have experience or not, looking for a change in your career or want<br />

something that will give you so many more rewards then joining the Acacia Homecare<br />

family could be for you.<br />

0161 660 4471 T: @AcaciaHC_STKMAN F: @AcaciaHomecareStockMan<br />

I: @acacia_homecare_stockman<br />

https://stockman.acaciahomecare.co.uk/careers/<br />

Acc Tax Pro<br />

Acc Tax Pro are a Digital Accountancy firm that offers a wide variety of accountancy<br />

services ranging from individuals all the way up to large businesses. We can assist with<br />

Accountancy Services, Compliance, Audit, Tax Advisory, R&D, Business Intelligence,<br />

Outsourcing and Wealth Management.<br />

03300 555 955 T: @AccTaxProLtd F: @AccTaxProLtd I: @acctaxproltd<br />

www.acctaxpro.co.uk<br />

Ancora Interiors<br />

An Interior Design Company providing both digital e-design and fully fledged interior<br />

design services for Commercial and residential properties.<br />

We help our clients visualise the design for their space before a paintbrush is lifted with a<br />

range of digital visualisation techniques. Contact Ishtar Pollard-Ali.<br />

07307 382 140 F: @ancorainteriors I: @ancorainteriors Pinterest:<br />

@ancorainteriors www.ancorainteriors.com<br />

Ask Andy Guile at New Directions<br />

Welcome to New Directions, the business coaching and training service.<br />

Through business coaching or training Andy helps SME’s and bigger businesses; sales<br />

teams and individuals achieve results and reach goals. He also provides strategic<br />

counsel to business owners around the what, the when and the how of running their<br />

company.<br />

Regardless of how long you have been in business for, how big or small your company<br />

is, Andy can create tailored business coaching or training to help you.<br />

Andy uses scientifically proven methods of Emotional Intelligence and Accelerated<br />

Learning to ensure he offers quality training and delivers results from day 1.<br />

If you are a SME or have bigger businesses with a team of 10 or more, if you need your<br />

team to perform a new skill, or improve on their current tasks and get that extra bit from<br />

them, Andy’s proven training methods are highly effective and achieve great results.<br />

Or, if you are a business owner wanting to take your business to the next level and<br />

achieve more, by working with him and using his coaching techniques, Andy will help you<br />

create the type of business you want. He will give you the confidence to grow your<br />

company and most importantly support you in taking your business from where it is now<br />

to where you want it to be.<br />

Andy’s approach is personal, fun and flexible. And while he does have many valuable set<br />

courses available, he is extremely adaptable, and always customises his coaching and<br />

training around every individual client’s needs.<br />

So, get ready, find your New Direction and call today.<br />

07960 888 001 T: @askandyguile F: @askandyguile<br />

https://askandyguile.newzenler.com/<br />

Aspect IT Limited<br />

Aspect IT has been providing professional IT services since their formation in 2003. Led<br />

by directors Ian and Peter, they have become one of the leading IT companies in the<br />

North of England, specialising in helping SME’s stay competitive in their industries<br />

through their strategic use of IT.<br />

0161 241 9050 T: @AspectIT F: @aspectit I: @aspect_it_manchester<br />

https://www.aspectit.co.uk/<br />

BBX UK<br />

BBX is a business tool that guarantees new customers, and reduces costs, through a<br />

preferred supplier community.<br />

Why should you open an account with BBX?<br />

· Guaranteed New Customers<br />

· Enhanced Profits<br />

· Increase Market Share<br />

· Improve Cash Flow<br />

· Interest Free Credit Facility<br />

· Access to BBX Rewards<br />

· Access to BBX Advantage<br />

0333 400 2014 T: @bbx_uk F: @ebbxuk I: @bbx_uk https://bbxuk.com/<br />

Business Connect Magazine<br />

An independent business to business bi-monthly magazine published both in print and<br />

online.<br />

Business Connect Magazine covers a wide range of regions and business sectors, and<br />

has an emphasis on B2B networking connecting many different businesses together on<br />

a common platform.<br />

Based in Greater Manchester, the magazine has been bringing the business community<br />

of the North together for over 8 years. IT has recently rebranded from GM Business<br />

Connect to accommodate fast growing interest from different business sectors across<br />

the UK and beyond.<br />

Connecting businesses has always defined Business Connect Magazine, and to now<br />

engage with businesses across the UK and further afield offers readers and advertisers<br />

an exciting set of opportunities for the future.<br />

07708 987 518 T: @GMBizConnect F: @BusinessConnectMagazine I:<br />

@business_connect_mag https://www.gmbusinessconnect.co.uk/<br />

Business & IP Centre Greater Manchester<br />

The Business and Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC) Greater Manchester can help you<br />

start, run and grow your business. From that first spark of inspiration to successfully<br />

launching and developing a business, you’ll find the tools, support and advice you need!<br />

0161 234 1990 T: @BIPCGM F: @bipcgm I: @bipcgm<br />

https://bipcgm.org/<br />

Business Ventures Corporation<br />

We give business owners the tools/processes to get and stay profitable, build wealth,<br />

and give back.<br />

(001) 770-729-8000 T: @RuthKing F: @ruthking1650<br />

www.ruthking.info<br />

Chartered Management Institute<br />

Professional body for Managers and Leaders, focusing on improving personal and<br />

organisational performance.<br />

We set the standards, support individual and organisational development, provide<br />

accreditation, qualifications and professional recognition, including Chartered Manager<br />

status.<br />

Attractive membership rates for individuals and organisations at each event.<br />

01539 726191 / 077 966 95259 T: @cmi_managers F: @bettermanagers<br />

I: @cmi_managers www.managers.org.uk<br />

CIEED<br />

The Centre of International Executive Education and Development (CIEED) team draws on years of<br />

experience gained both in the workplace (public, private and not-for-profit), as well as in the field of<br />

education, in developing a better understanding of how learning and development can make a greater<br />

impact, both for the individual and the organisation.<br />

CIEED offers a unique range and blend of learning and development aimed at developing current and<br />

future leaders and managers as professionals and executives.<br />

Whether you are an individual wanting to maximise your potential, an employer seeking to get the best<br />

out of your workforce, or an educational institution seeking to ensure your students are better prepared<br />

for the workplace and to achieve greater success in their careers, the CIEED is your ideal flexible<br />

partner, able to tailor a solution which best meets your needs.<br />

01539 726 191 / 07796 695 259 www.cieed.uk.com<br />

DCW Accounting Limited<br />

DCW Accounting provide friendly and knowledgeable Accountancy and bookkeeping<br />

services for your business.<br />

We offer a one stop shop when it comes to bookkeeping, payroll and accounting. We<br />

believe in offering a service that is personalised to each client that we work with.<br />

01457 779 228 T: @DCWaccounting F: @dcwaccountinguk I:<br />

@dcwaccounting1td LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dcwaccounting-limited/<br />

https://www.dcwaccounting.co.uk/<br />

Direct Affinity Europe<br />

Direct Affinity Europe are experts in customer contact.<br />

We’ve developed a toolbox that contains everything required to DETECT, DIAGNOSE<br />

and DEPLOY solutions to your business issues at any point in the customer journey. All<br />

are well-proven drivers of success, and all are underpinned by our cutting-edge GENBA<br />

software designed for high-volume “always-on” telephony and digital connectivity and<br />

transparent tracking and analytics.<br />

We work in multi sectors and we are also the largest in / outbound contact specialist to<br />

the UK automotive retail sector.<br />

Direct Affinity Europe – Trusted By Our Customers To Look After Theirs.<br />

01928 751 091 T: @direct_europe F: @DirectAffinityEurope LinkedIn:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/direct-affinity-europe<br />


PICK UP<br />

YOUR<br />

PICK UP<br />

YOUR<br />

BizConnectMag<br />

www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

Focus on the British and Irish Trade A liance<br />

including an interview with president Paul Whitne l<br />

and Manchester Chair, Christiane Hutchinson<br />

Analysis from Phil Jones MBE, MD of Brother UK,<br />

on businesses coming out of lockdown.<br />

Free adverts for our struggling busine s community<br />

who don’t qualify for government suppor through<br />

the crisis, plus analysis of lobbying e forts to persuade<br />

government to o fer support.<br />

Interview with Michael Dodd, CEO of V Site Pa s<br />

- a unique verification and compliance app designed<br />

for industrial users.<br />

Focus on the launch of the South Manchester Alternative Board<br />

including an interview with facilitator Mark Kane.<br />

PICK UP<br />

YOUR<br />

July/August/<br />

September 2020<br />

BITA president Paul Whitne l pictured in Central Manchester<br />

YOUR<br />


Get published with a business focus<br />

in Business Connect Magazine<br />

Celebrate a business anniversary,<br />

office move,<br />

rebrand,<br />

new product launch...<br />






BizConnectMag<br />

www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />



www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

BizConnectMag<br />

Theo Paphitis<br />

kicks off Many Hands<br />

Retail magnate and Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis kicks o f<br />

the Many Hands charity campaign on behalf of the<br />

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital at Manchester’s<br />

National Footbal Museum. Fu l event review plus interview inside.<br />

Central Manchester’s newest<br />

office brand<br />

Interview with Jason Davenport from<br />

The Offices, o fering a new approach<br />

to office le ting in the heart of Manchester.<br />

Driven by a Dragon<br />

Interview with Ed Ho lands from<br />

Driven Media, looking at his appearance<br />

on Dragons’ Den securing an investment<br />

from new Dragon Jenny Campbel.<br />

Salford Masterplan<br />

Focus on the huge new masterplan<br />

to transform the University of Salford<br />

and su rounding area over the next<br />

two decades.<br />

First Friday<br />

Connectworking<br />

City Centre Busine s Networking<br />

with GM Busine s Connect Magazine<br />

and Forever Manchester Charity.<br />

Fu l details on the back cover.<br />

FREE<br />

COPY<br />

June/July 2018<br />

Life after Den<br />

Interview with recent Dragon and Entrepreneur<br />

Jenny Campbell.<br />

Defining a Social Business<br />

Interview with Martyn Wi lcock from the University<br />

of Salford’s Busine s School looking at defining<br />

the new face of the third sector.<br />

The Impact of Brexit<br />

on Exporting<br />

Interview with Marie Boyer from France Line looking<br />

a the e fect on the UK’s Exporting activities.<br />

Small Business Commissioner<br />

The Altrincham & Sale Chamber brings Sma l Business<br />

Commi sioner to Tra ford.<br />

First Friday #Connectworking<br />

City Centre Busine s Networking with GM Business Connect<br />

Magazine and Forever Manchester Charity.<br />

FREE<br />

COPY<br />



June/July 2019<br />

Culture, community<br />

and connections<br />

Adapting, not optimising<br />

Slipping through the cracks<br />

The future of workforce<br />

verification and compliance<br />

Becoming better business leaders<br />

Ex-Dragons’ Den Entrepreneur Jenny Campbe l<br />

Photography by Martin Hambleton Photography, 0 7 6 815703<br />


Anyone can be accused of a crime...<br />

Interview with Lawyer Tariq Hu sain, Managing Director of Petherbridge Ba sra<br />

Solicitors, looking at potential problems with busine ses being accused<br />

of crimes including furlough fraud.<br />

Electric all the way<br />

Ireland’s commercial vehicle distributor succe s story Ha ris Group create a<br />

new base in Wa rington. Interview with COO John McEvoy.<br />

Manchester’s home for Gin<br />

The Atlas Bar on Deansgate share their experience in the hospitality sector<br />

over the last year of being on the frontline of restrictions.<br />

Preparing to trade with the EU and Ireland<br />

Looking a the impact of the new trading relationship with Michael Nolan,<br />

CEO of Irish customs clearance specialists, Declaron.<br />

Get yourself checked<br />

Important health information from charities Prevent Breast Cancer<br />

and Prostate Cancer UK.<br />



BizConnectMag February/March <strong>2022</strong><br />

BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />

Security: 20 years safeguarding<br />

businesses and the public<br />



BizConnectMag<br />

FREE<br />

COPY<br />

www.BusinessConnectMagazine.co.uk<br />


Leisure Guard Security share their busine s story<br />

in an interview with operations director Saj Kadva.<br />

IT: An integrated approach to managed IT solutions<br />

Interview with Ram Gupta, MD of Nybble, looking a the busine s<br />

of IT services and support.<br />

Apprentiships: National Apprenticeship Week<br />

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week with Salford City Co lege.<br />

Telecoms: Ready for the great copper switch-o f?<br />

Andy Thompson, MD of nxcoms, guides us through the changeover<br />

from old copper telecoms to new fibre-optic cabling.<br />

Hospitality: Go Wilde in the city!<br />

Review of Wilde Aparthotels by Staycity latest site opened<br />

on 9 February at St. Peter’s Square in City centre Manchester.<br />

Exporting: From mutineers to trade agreements<br />

Analysis of the CPTPP - the Comprehensive and Progre sive<br />

Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.<br />

April/May 2021<br />

PICK UP<br />

FREE<br />

COPY<br />

Safety: Keeping the workplace and public safe<br />

Focus on risk management for busine ses, also the ro lout of<br />

‘Martyn’s Law’ making venues safer from te rorism.<br />


L-R Carl Heyw od, Director of Client Services and Tony Hi l, A sociate Director of Leisure Guard Security,<br />

pictured outside newly opened Wilde Aparthotels by Staycity, St Peter’s Square, Manchester<br />

PICK UP<br />

YOUR<br />

FREE<br />

COPY<br />

The magazine for business people<br />

across the UK and beyond<br />


FREE Quarter Page Advert<br />

for all exhibitors and delegates when booking a<br />

double page business focus in our August/<br />

September or October/November edition.<br />

Theo Paphitis pictured outside the National Footba l Museum a the Urbis building in Central Manchester<br />

Photography by Joe Gardner Photography 07813 209341<br />



Tariq Hu sain, Managing Director of Petherbridge Ba sra Solicitors<br />

Contact Paul Mirage to be in the next issue...<br />

paul@businessconnectpublishing.co.uk • 07708 987518

exhibitors<br />

Eco-I North West<br />

The Innovatory is a member of a new £14million initiative – the Eco-I North West<br />

programme - to support businesses in the North West to develop low carbon innovation<br />

and skills, and to support ‘green’ economic growth.<br />

0151 794 2264 https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/environmental-sciences/theinnovatory/eco-i-northwest/<br />

Executive Training and Consultancy Ltd<br />

We are a business consultancy company working with small and micro business helping<br />

them to grow and increase their profits we have a number of programmes that are all<br />

proven to be successful, and we have been delivering them since 2002. What makes us<br />

different is that we Guarantee to increase the profits of any business we work with.<br />

0330 090 4565 T: @DougDAubrey F: @ETC.ExecutiveTraining<br />

www.exec-tc.com<br />

Face for Business<br />

Telephone Answering and Managed Live Chat for UK businesses.<br />

We provide call handling and outsourced reception for businesses of all types and sizes.<br />

Our PAs are the difference and really do aim to delight.<br />

0333 323 1007 T: @face4business F: @faceforbusiness1<br />

I: @faceforbusiness www.ffb.co.uk<br />

Flannery Plant Hire (Oval) Ltd<br />

From the original base adjacent to the Oval cricket ground, the business has grown rapidly. Now<br />

Flannery Plant Hire operates from a purpose-built Head Office next to Wembley Stadium, with a<br />

network of six depots in Newport, Birmingham, Manchester, Northumberland, Aberdeen and Dublin. A<br />

family business, people stand at the centre of the Flannery proposition, providing excellence in service,<br />

plant standards and safety. By listening to clients’ specific requirements, keeping abreast of the latest<br />

legislation and maintaining a relentless level of investment, the company has an unrivalled record of<br />

delivering quality and value. This investment drives our sustainable credentials; a modern fleet in<br />

excess of 3,500 units, over 50-delivery vehicles and 80 fitters covering sites across the UK 24 hours-aday,<br />

365 days-a-year. As our respected manufacturers continue to develop technology, Flannery<br />

continues to innovate, finding ways to turn data into meaningful analysis allowing customers to make<br />

hire decisions that deliver the most effective and reliable solution for them.<br />

Continuous Skills Development Flannery heavily invests in skills and development across the<br />

workforce. From new operator training through to senior management training, we continually look to<br />

upskill our people to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to carry out their job safely and<br />

efficiently. This message is led from the top down. The Flannery approach to training is driven by a<br />

company-wide ambition to be the best and lead the plant hire industry with its innovative approach and<br />

adoption of technology. Further to this a strong focus on upskilling our workforce drives the businesses<br />

claim to the best operators most equipped to deal with the demands of the modern construction site.<br />

Fairness Inclusion and Respect We are determined to ensure that we provide a safe, supportive and<br />

welcoming environment for our people and clients. We offer an environment free from discrimination,<br />

harassment and violence. We recognise that the industry is facing significant skills shortages and it is<br />

paramount that we continue to widen the talent pool and attract and retain individuals from different<br />

backgrounds, ethnicities (BAME), genders, sexualities, cultures etc. In order to achieve diversity and<br />

equality, we have fostered a culture of inclusion, understanding and appreciation of differences.<br />

Behavioural Safety Flannery recognises how desired people behaviours and attitude can contribute to<br />

ensuring an effective and safety focused project is delivered. As such, Flannery has implemented an inhouse<br />

behavioural safety programme called ‘OperateSafe’. Our aim is to ensure that our workforce put<br />

safety and well-being first and STOP any activity that could lead to harm to themselves or others.<br />

Above anything else, Flannery wants to ensure our workforce maintains a healthy and safe working<br />

environment and all can go home safely at the end of the day. The Flannery 5 behaviours: A Health and<br />

Safety First Attitude, Working Effectively, Positive Customer Relationships, Teamwork and Independent<br />

Working, Attitude and Discipline Health and Well-being Flannery is proud of our occupational health<br />

and well-being programme which is available to all teams across the business. Our occupational health<br />

practitioners have dedicated facilities at our depots and are accredited to deliver to CBH or SEQOHS<br />

standards. As a supporter of Mates in Mind, our people have access to a range of resources to support<br />

them with their mental well-being. Our in house ‘BuildUp!’ campaign encourages our people to build up<br />

the courage to talk and the strength to change. We have trained mental health first aiders throughout<br />

the business, and we also offer mental health awareness workshops to our people. Our occupational<br />

health and well-being programme provide the following services to our teams: Safety Critical ‘Fit for<br />

Work’ medicals for all operators (CBH/SEQOSH) Health Surveillance monitoring Mental Health support<br />

Health and Well-being support and advice Drugs and Alcohol Testing Supply Chain Sustainability<br />

School: People Matter Charter Organisations across our industry are faced with increasingly complex<br />

people challenges, sometimes in their own workforce but also within the wider supply chain. Whether<br />

related to poor diversity practices, a lack of necessary skills, the need for new entrants into the market<br />

or combatting exploitation within the supply chain, the reality is that all these issues are linked.<br />

01925 814 394 T: @flanneryplant F: @flanneryplanthire<br />

I: @flanneryplant https://www.flanneryplanthire.com/<br />

Funky Vibes Ltd<br />

Are you looking for the right vibe to attract your tribe?<br />

Funky Vibes are a modern thinking marketing agency, who provide a fresh and funky<br />

approach to your business through their range of services which include marketing<br />

strategies, graphic design, websites, video & audio production, and print. Contact Mark<br />

Pollard-Ali.<br />

0333 360 4117 T: @funkyvib3s F: @funkyvib3s I: @funkyvib3s LinkedIn:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/funky-vibes-marketing/<br />

https://funkyvibes.co.uk/<br />

Go-Fish Business Podcast<br />

The Go Fish Business Podcast series is a resource aimed at supporting small<br />

businesses facing those inevitable problems that we all meet during our journey as<br />

entrepreneurs. The podcasts provide business related advice, as well hints and tips, on<br />

a variety of interesting topics that will be useful in today’s business world. Hosted by<br />

three experienced business owners who have all walked the walk, and talked the talk,<br />

the podcasts reflect their knowledge and experience of the highs and lows of business.<br />

T: @gofishpodcast F: @gofishpodcast I: @gofishpodcast LinkedIn:<br />

@gofishpodcast YouTube: @gofishpodcast www.gofishpodcast.com<br />

Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce<br />

Greater Manchester Chamber is the largest accredited Chamber of Commerce in the<br />

UK, with over 4.500 members.<br />

The Chamber has a strong presence in Greater Manchester’s ten local regions helping<br />

its members grow their businesses through a range of services included in their<br />

membership package.<br />

Chamber membership gives businesses access to everything from local networking<br />

events, a huge range of award-winning international services to a unique venue at Elliot<br />

House with rooms for small private meetings up to major conferences available to hire at<br />

discounted rates.<br />

To find out more about these and all the other benefits Chamber membership could<br />

bring your business, call our membership team on 0161 393 4321.<br />

0161 393 4321 T: @gmchamber F: @greatermanchesterchamber<br />

I: @gmchamber www.gmchamber.co.uk<br />

Gridfox<br />

Still trying to grow your business using spreadsheets? Save one day a week with a<br />

simple, affordable and scalable platform that takes care of all your business processes.<br />

0113 543 1340 T: @gridfoxapp F: @Gridfoxapp https://gridfox.com/<br />

Home Office<br />

Home Office Future Borders and Immigration System (FBIS) External Engagement<br />

Team – we support businesses ensuring they understand the requirements should they<br />

wish to employ someone from outside the UK.<br />

By providing direct information on, skilled workers, how to become a sponsor, right to<br />

work checks, and the status of EU citizens.<br />

www.gov.uk<br />

In Business Ninjas<br />

Unlock the full power of LinkedIn by reaching out to thousands of highly targeted<br />

potential prospects.<br />

Then connect and engage with authentic and value-added messages leading to warmed<br />

up, pre-qualified leads.<br />

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/in-business-ninjas<br />

03333 112 230 www.inbusinessninjas.co.uk<br />

InternalRecruiter<br />

Internal Recruiter helps organisations to improve their direct hiring strategy, streamlining<br />

their hiring processes to develop highly effective recruitment campaigns and engage<br />

their employees.<br />

Using our Applicant Tracking System to help candidate management as well as creating<br />

you a targeted recruitment campaign that approaches the desired candidate using Job<br />

Boards, Social Media and a number of other strategies we have all the tools you’ll need<br />

to build a comprehensive and well rounded hiring strategy.<br />

01744 415 933 T: @InterRecruiter F: @InternalRecruiter<br />

I: @InternalRecruiter www.internalrecruiter.co.uk<br />

Jetchem Systems Limited & Superjet<br />

Jetchem Systems Limited is a manufacturer of high pressure water jetting equipment.<br />

We also deliver a wide range of health and safety training. Registered with several<br />

awarding bodies including; W.J.A. for all jetting courses, C & G for confined space<br />

training, Qualsafe Awards for First Aid, Fire Safety, Manual Handling, general Health &<br />

Safety and Risk Assessments.<br />

01706 828 888 www.jetchem.com<br />

Judge’s Demand Limited<br />

Judge’s Demand provide very unique and specialist debt recovery, debt collection and<br />

related services to our clients in the UK and Worldwide. Our specialist debt collection<br />

and debt recovery team have extensive experience and knowledge of debt collection<br />

and the UK Debt Recovery Law.<br />

You can contact us on 0151 329 2138, our email address is info@judgesdemand.co.uk<br />

and you can see our reviews at www.judgesdemand.co.uk.<br />

0151 329 2138 www.judgesdemand.co.uk<br />

Leaflet Drop Marketing<br />

Leaflet Drop Marketing is one of the leading direct marketing companies in the UK,<br />

offering a professional print and leaflet distribution service.<br />

0161 923 6877 T: @LDM_UK F: @ldmuk1 I: @LDM_UK1<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/9379239/<br />

www.leafletdropmarketing.co.uk<br />

Huge congratulations to Flannery Plant Hire<br />

on their 50 year anniversary

exhibitors<br />

Liverpool BA<br />

We have been organising Business Fairs and Exhibitions since 2002, when we<br />

first held our flagship event the Liverpool Business Fair at Liverpool Town Hall.<br />

Visiting our Business Fairs is free and there will always be a range of interesting<br />

features and lots of networking and business opportunities.<br />

And if you are looking at exhibition and sponsorship opportunities, we have a wide<br />

range of options to suit all budgets and requirements.<br />

0151 709 8932 T: @LiverpoolBA F: @liverpoolba.fairs<br />

I: @liverpoolba.fairs https://www.linkedin.com/company/liverpool-ba/<br />

https://www.businessfairsuk.com<br />

maxpotenti ltd<br />

Business & People Consultancy for Engineering and Manufacturing.<br />

We help Business Owners KNOW they have the right people to meet their<br />

business strategy.<br />

We streamline and focus business strategies.<br />

We co-create your effective marketing solutions.<br />

0161 4646 156 | 07515 507 337 T: @SimGoldblum LinkedIn:<br />

www.linkedin.com/simgoldblum https://www.maxpotenti.co.uk<br />

MSB Solicitors<br />

MSB is a progressive, full-service law firm that prides itself on providing legal<br />

services to meet the needs of the communities we serve.<br />

Established in 1988, the firm has forged a reputation for excellence of service and<br />

has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Law Society’s<br />

Legal Excellence Award for Practice Management. We are also proud to be ranked<br />

in the Legal500 and Chambers & Partners.<br />

0151 281 9040 T: @MSBSolicitors F: @MSBSolicitors<br />

www.msbsolicitors.co.uk<br />

My Marketing Guy<br />

Marketing Consultant and Social Media Coach offering outsourced services for the<br />

busy businesspeople with no time to keep up with their socials and remain top of<br />

mind to their target market. Contact Chris Roxburgh.<br />

07742 664 662 T: @Guy4marketing F: @mymarketingguy.co.uk I:<br />

@mymarketingguy LinkedIn: @mymarketingguy<br />

https://www.mymarketingguy.co.uk<br />

Nuts Digital<br />

Websites and digital marketing for small businesses offering affordable, effective<br />

solutions to increase leads and conversions from online.<br />

T: @NutsDigital F: @NutsDigital www.nutsdigital.co.uk<br />

Promio<br />

Relax, we have your marketing covered.<br />

Get everything you need to promote your business without having to spend hours<br />

learning complex software and keeping up with the latest technology.<br />

We take care of everything for you so you can get on with running your business.<br />

01978 898 652 T: @felixclarke https://promio.co.uk/<br />

PromoteSME<br />

Simple, affordable marketing solutions for new and small businesses.<br />

Our packages offer practical low cost marketing support when you need it, for as<br />

long as you need it.<br />

Choose PromoteSME membership for ongoing support throughout the year, or one<br />

of our short term packages to boost your own marketing activities, promote special<br />

offers or kick start your online and social media marketing.<br />

0151 709 8932 T: @PromoteSME https://promotesme.com<br />

Rapha Therapy and Training Services<br />

Rapha Therapy & Training Services guarantees to revive, restore and refocus you<br />

by equipping you and your team in weathering the storms of business and life by<br />

transforming organizations and Individuals. Transformation occurs through the<br />

delivery of cutting edge psychotherapy (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Coaching<br />

and dynamic CPD Accredited Employee Wellbeing training proven to improve<br />

performance, productivity, employee engagement/retention and profits. Our<br />

Accredited Expert Trainers combine current industry and professional knowledge<br />

which guarantees transformation through knowledge transfer, experiential bespoke<br />

psychological exercises proven to enhance retention of learning which leads to<br />

neuroplasticity and long term change beyond the training. Our Signature courses<br />

are impactful, engaging and accessible whilst providing learners with a plethora of<br />

opportunities to be confident in applying insights and knowledge in the workplace<br />

autonomously. Our robust and artistic assessments provide insights into the<br />

optimal training approaches that will be favourable to your organisation.<br />

0161 955 4720 T: @mrobertaw F: @RaphaTherapyServicesLimited<br />

I: @rapha_therapy_service www.raphatherapyservices.com<br />

Redcow Printing<br />

We are a bespoke wallpaper printer and manufacturer which prints and produces<br />

custom-made wallpaper and murals, perfect for a variety of settings and projects<br />

including restaurant and bar refits, commercial business premises, shell schemes<br />

for exhibitions, point of sale or even domestic homes.<br />

Our range covers a variety of products:<br />

- Switchscene bespoke wallpaper for commercial premises<br />

- Switchscene A Z wallpaper printed maps<br />

- Switchscene seamless one-piece wallpaper<br />

- Switchscene wide-width wallpaper<br />

- Switchscene superstrength magnetic paint<br />

- Switchscene Wipewall – a paint that transforms walls into wipe-clean spaces with<br />

a multitude of uses.<br />

0333 990 1001 www.switchscene.com<br />

RRG Group Fleet<br />

The dedicated RRG Group Fleet department is able to offer advice on the latest<br />

products from 8 automotive brands including Toyota and Lexus. The experienced<br />

team deliver a bespoke service to all business users including sole traders, SME’s<br />

and Blue-Chip companies; also supplying the broker market and major leasing<br />

companies.<br />

0161 728 8218 T: @RRGFleet F: @rrggroupfleet<br />

https://www.rrg-group.com/leasing-and-fleet/<br />

Rydal Group<br />

We are Rydal, a Communications, Managed IT, Security and Energy provider<br />

supporting thousands of SME clients.<br />

We supply easy to use, ultra-reliable technology solutions for business with fast<br />

installation and an award-winning customer service whilst helping to reduce<br />

monthly outgoings.<br />

01733 511 116 T: @rydalgroup F: @rydal.group I: @rydalgroup<br />

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rydalgroup<br />

www.rydalgroup.co.uk<br />

Sharples Group<br />

Epson inkjet printers are the greenest printers on the market today. Visit our stand<br />

to find out how you can cut your electricity bill with our live and interactive “What’s<br />

the Watt?” demonstration and for your chance to win a bottle of Champagne! For<br />

more information, please email Lee Brennen at Lee.Brennen@sharplesgroup.com.<br />

0800 195 0955 T: @SharplesGroupUK F: @SharplesGroup<br />

https://sharplesgroup.com/<br />

Studio Vega Myst<br />

A content production company and content marketing/distribution agency, with<br />

over 12 years experience. From small video adverts for locals to large television<br />

broadcasts to worldwide distribution of podcasts, we do it all! Creativity is at the<br />

heart of everything we say and everything we do.<br />

07368 562249 T: @StudioVegaMyst F: @StudioVegaMyst<br />

I: @studiovegamyst https://www.studiovegamystproductions.com |<br />

https://www.studiovegamystagency.com<br />

Sync<br />

Your specialist Apple, Microsoft and Google business partners. We work with<br />

businesses of all shapes and sizes to supply and support technology and business<br />

practices, through a blend of consultancy, provision, training and support.<br />


We manage tech so that businesses don’t have to! Whether it’s Apple, Windows,<br />

Google, or something else, we have got you covered. We manage over 38,000<br />

devices across the UK – and growing.<br />


Providing businesses with core services, including Mail (365 and G Suite),<br />

collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, backup and wifi – we map your core<br />

services to your business workflows.<br />


Whether it’s Adobe training, or Apple Certifications you’re after, we can help! We<br />

run over 300 training sessions per year.<br />


We provide dedicated tech support to over 250 organisations, acting as their inhouse<br />

support team, ensuring that everything is running smoothly.<br />


Stay up to date with the latest tech, and reduce your costs… Save up to 30% of<br />

the cost of adopting new IT.<br />

0161 605 3838 T: @SyncStoreUK F: @SyncStoreUK I:<br />

@syncstoreuk<br />

http://wearesync.co.uk<br />

Huge congratulations to Sync on their 30 year anniversary

media partners<br />

We manufacture and supply for both sale and<br />

hire a range of high and ultra high pressure<br />

water jetting and drainage machines. Nationwide<br />

stores for parts, service and repair. C&G Water<br />

Jetting Association and Confined Space training<br />

courses, Qualsafe First Aid, plus many<br />

more are also available.<br />

THE<br />

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www.jetchem.com<br />


SAFETY<br />



exhibitors<br />

TalkTalk Business<br />

TalkTalk Business offers a full range of business-grade communications products<br />

and services, spanning internet, voice and managed network solutions. Its mission<br />

is to deliver fast, reliable, affordable connectivity to its 180,000+ business, from<br />

small businesses through to Enterprise, offering innovative solutions and 365-day,<br />

UK-based support.<br />

03301 737 298 T: @TalkTalkBiz https://www.talktalkbusiness.co.uk/<br />

The Electric Bike Shop<br />

At The Electric Bike Shop we are committed to providing the best products and<br />

service. Our in-store experts can guide on bikes for leisure, commuting, and<br />

business - as well as being able to signpost you to services and schemes you can<br />

take advantage of.<br />

01625 441 696 T: @TheElecBikeShop F: @theelectricbikeshopwilmslow<br />

I: @electric_bike_shop www.theelectricbikeshop.co.uk<br />

The Factory Of Magic<br />

The Factory Of Magic is the UK’s only talent agency dedicated to the magical arts<br />

and our artistes are handpicked from the magic community. Be it close up magic,<br />

stage illusion, card magic or mind reading you can expect a mind blowing<br />

experience. Our exquisite customer service is quite unlike anything you have<br />

experienced before.<br />

Providing corporate entertainment for networking events, after dinner parties and<br />

ceremonies, at The Factory Of Magic we create memories that will last a lifetime.<br />

07941 006 425 F: @FofMagic I: @factoryofmagic LinkedIn: @thefactory-of-magic<br />

www.factoryofmagic.com<br />

The Growth Company – Education & Skills<br />

The Growth Company Education & Skills is one of the largest providers of workbased<br />

learning for young people and adults. We have been providing high-quality<br />

education and skills to individuals and businesses for over 30 years, and as an<br />

Ofsted Grade 2: Good provider you can be assured the quality of our training and<br />

excellent support can help you achieve your future goals. We’ve supported<br />

thousands of young people who want to kick-start their careers, and adults who<br />

want to raise their skill level throughout their working life and achieve their full<br />

potential. Email: business@gceducationandskills.ac.uk<br />

0161 233 2656 T: @GC_EduSkills F: @GCEduSkills<br />

I: @gc_eduskills https://www.gceducationandskills.ac.uk/<br />

The Meee Partnership Limited<br />

At Meee, we focus on inspiring everyone, everywhere to find, live and give their<br />

magic every day. Our business is founded on the idea that we’re all unique and at<br />

our best we can all be amazing. By using our values and natural strengths,<br />

combined with support from others, we can release the magic that is in all of us to<br />

thrive. Meee helps people live their best lives through our talks, workshops, tools<br />

and resources.<br />

07900 156 091 T: @Meee_HQ F: @MeeeHQ I: @meeehq<br />

www.meee.global<br />

The University of Salford - Salford Business School<br />

We aim to deliver industry relevant learning to every student in Salford Business<br />

School. Our programmes are designed by academic experts in the field, working<br />

with industry partners and students. This ensures that educational experiences and<br />

qualifications are contemporary, interdisciplinary, relevant to the world of work, and<br />

respected and valued by employers.<br />

At Salford Business School, we are proud of our close links with business. We<br />

have a long history of engaging with companies to provide work placements,<br />

internships, live briefs and team projects for our students. The opportunities we<br />

provide span across our entire range of courses and form part of all our<br />

undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. We work with companies of all sizes,<br />

from large multinationals to micro-organisations, finding real projects and positions<br />

so that students can make a difference to companies while enhancing their<br />

employability at the same time.<br />

Placements are an important opportunity for all students. They help them to apply<br />

the knowledge they have gained in the classroom, allow them to build their<br />

network, and introduce them to the realities of work.<br />

Most of our students who undertake a placement see quantifiable improvements in<br />

their academic results, and we encourage students to continue their association<br />

with the organisation they did their work placement with.<br />

Some organisations where students go on placement include:<br />

Ernst and Young (EY)<br />

Booth Ainsworth<br />

IBM<br />

Salford City Council<br />

NHS<br />

Enterprise Rent A Car<br />

0161 295 2222 T: @salfordbizsch F: @salfordbusinessschool<br />

I: @salfordbizsch LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4385122/<br />

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SalfordBusinessSch<br />

https://www.salford.ac.uk/salford-business-school<br />

Travel with LissyDe<br />

Hi everyone, my name is Annette and I’m a home based travel agent.<br />

I can book anything from your afternoon teas, Spa Days, to Caravans, Cruises and<br />

luxury holidays. Also I price match but I will always try to beat your quotes to save<br />

you money.<br />

07850 429 410 F: @TravelwithLissyDe I: @nettymcavoy<br />

https://annettemcavoy.inteletravel.uk/<br />

Wild Thang<br />

Creative Branded Clothing Merchandise & Print<br />

We are here to help with expert advice and are passionate about delivering world<br />

class creative branded clothing, merchandise and print.<br />

We have everything you could ever need to physically help promote, market &<br />

create the right image for your company, organisation, team or campaign.<br />

As manufacturers with state-of-the-art in house facilities & a highly creative design,<br />

branding, and marketing team, leads to only one conclusion: a solution led<br />

approach to even the most complex corporate schemes involving multi-territory<br />

logistics, warehousing, and tracking.<br />

Wild Thang have over 200 years combined Industry experience and are one of the<br />

foremost suppliers in the UK so you are in safe hands. Over the last 20+ years we<br />

have successfully produced work for many high profile brands such as SkyBet,<br />

Sony, Mercedes Benz, Unilever, Umbro, Trinity Mirror, Coca Cola, BBC, MAG, Aim<br />

higher, Bacardi, you will be in good company.<br />

Whether your company or organization is large or small your order will be met with<br />

the same high standards. As a member of BPMA, Promota, Sedex, holding<br />

ISO14001 and ISO9001 accreditation you are guaranteed a high standard of<br />

service and Industry integrity.<br />

0800 917 9809 T: @wildthangone F: @wildthangone I:<br />

@wildthangltd www.wildthang.co.uk<br />

Wilford Smith HR Consulting and Solicitors<br />

We are a Law firm specialising in HR consulting for SME’s giving Advice,<br />

Insurance and Policies from a commercial view point to become a Partner to your<br />

business.<br />

0808 169 5677 T: @WilfordSmithHQ www.wilfordsmith.com<br />

Worklife by OpenMoney<br />

Employee wellbeing is at the core of what we do, so our benefits are designed to<br />

encompass all aspects of life, from financial advice, to physical and mental<br />

wellbeing. We provide affordable and accessible employee benefits for businesses<br />

of any size.<br />

07984 119 729 T: @OMWorklife LinkedIn:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/company/worklife-byopenmoney/mycompany/<br />


additional exhibitors<br />

AlkalineBody.HealthyU Ltd<br />

Healthy lives matter - raising awareness about chemical free alkaline water.<br />

07863 957 182 F: @Alkalinebody.healthyu I:<br />

@alkalinebody.healthyu<br />

Community Computers (Renewal North West)<br />

Community Computers is a not-for-profit initiative by registered charity, Renewal<br />

North West (1145056). Donated IT devices are repaired, recycled and refurbished<br />

to provide them back into the community at low-cost to tackle digital exclusion;<br />

reducing the amount of e-waste going to landfill and ensuring hazardous materials<br />

are disposed of properly.<br />

0161 476 2777 T/F/I: @communitycomput<br />

www.communitycomputers.co.uk<br />

Primas Law<br />

Primas Law is a boutique corporate law firm with offices in Manchester and<br />

Cheshire. Primas Law specialises in corporate and commercial law including<br />

insolvency, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, employment, construction and real<br />

estate focusing on "quality as the priority" for hundreds of clients based across the<br />

UK.<br />

0161 835 9090 T: @PrimasLaw www.primaslaw.co.uk<br />

The Centre for Enterprise – Manchester Metropolitan<br />

University<br />

0161 247 3871 https://www.mmu.ac.uk/businessschool/business/sme-support/<br />

Open the doors to new opportunities, as you use Manchester Met’s networks,<br />

resources, and expertise to tackle business challenges, embrace new trends, and<br />

evolve with regional targets.<br />

Working with over 1,000 businesses* to drive change, we combine real life<br />

business insights with academic knowledge to help ambitious SMEs to reach their<br />

full potential.<br />

Whether it’s developing a new product or service, digital transformation or<br />

rejuvenating your business strategy, join a community of inspiring SMEs that are<br />

making real impacts in their organisations and the future of business!<br />

Come and find out more about two of our flagship fully-funded opportunities and<br />

speak to representatives of the Greater Manchester High Growth Network and the<br />

newly launched OPEN SME;<br />

Greater Manchester High Growth Network<br />

https://www.mmu.ac.uk/business-school/business/sme-support/greatermanchester-high-growth-network/<br />

A programme designed to support small business owners who are ready to<br />

achieve rapid growth by leading more effectively, generating more customers and<br />

turnover, scaling up, and bringing new products/services to market.<br />

OPEN SME<br />

https://opensme.ac.uk/ is an on-demand learning programme that aims to support<br />

small business owners to increase productivity, profitability, resilience, and<br />

sustainability. Delivered virtually, via a specially developed online platform, OPEN<br />

SME presents knowledge and expertise from Greater Manchester’s university<br />

business schools in bite sized chunks of learning leading to actionable outcomes<br />

across the topics of people, digital, finance and markets.<br />

Vigoroom UK<br />

The Vigoroom Employee Wellness Platform is designed to help employees<br />

develop and sustain greater levels of health and wellbeing, for both their own<br />

benefit and the benefit of their employers who are likely to see increased<br />

productivity and engagement, greater teamwork and altogether more beneficial<br />

workplaces.<br />

We are proud of the quality of resources we provide, rooted in our commitment to<br />

addressing the needs of the whole person, involving not just health and fitness, but<br />

also wider issues of wellbeing that have such an impact on people’s quality of life.<br />

01978 898 652 https://vigoroom.co.uk/<br />

Worldpay<br />

We help businesses get paid quickly safely and securely by a range of card<br />

payment terminals, ecommerce online integration, secure payment links and<br />

integrated till system solutions.<br />

07789 353 819 www.fisglobal.com

Unhappiness, s, stress s and anxiety<br />

are costing us all more than just<br />

money...*<br />

*Unhappiness, stress and anxiety are costing the UK upwards of<br />

£9.8 billion a year. Add to this the estimated cost of COVID-19 (currently<br />

at £100 billion+). And, that’s a lot of money, stress s and anxiety!<br />

But it doesn’t have to. Our happiness,<br />

financial wellbeing and health are all linked.<br />

Changing them can happen in just a minute...<br />

These three little books have helped ed over 20,000<br />

of us live happier and more meaningful ngful lives.<br />

Visit www.meeebooks.com ww.meeebook<br />

and find out how...

T<br />



Business<br />

Useful<br />

<strong>Guide</strong> -<br />

Sources<br />

Useful Sources<br />

of Help<br />

of<br />

and<br />

Help<br />

Information<br />

and Information<br />

Federation of Small Businesses<br />

The FSB is the UK's biggest business support organisation, with over<br />

215,000 members. The FSB lobbies tirelessly on behalf of the self-employed<br />

and members can take advantage of a wide range of benefits and services.<br />

www.fsb.org.uk<br />

Envirowise<br />

Envirowise seeks to provide support to all UK businesses on resource<br />

efficiency issues to help them minimise waste and maximise profits. We<br />

work closely with regional Business Support Organisations to ensure that the<br />

businesses we work with receive the support they need<br />

www.envirowise.gov.uk<br />

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme)<br />

WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) works in England, Scotland,<br />

Wales and Northern Ireland to help businesses and individuals reap the<br />

benefits of reducing waste, develop sustainable products and use resources<br />

in an efficient way<br />

www.wrap.org.uk<br />

Eco-Innovate<br />

The North West Eco-Innovation Programme provides free, tailored support<br />

to help you exploit the market for sustainable products and low-carbon<br />

solutions, helping you develop products and services suitable for a low<br />

carbon economy and move your business ahead of the rest<br />

www.eco-innovate.org.uk / www.ctechinnovation.com/eco<br />

Ask About Business<br />

Ask About Business is a partnership between fourteen library authorities<br />

across the north west. Led by Manchester Library & Information Service, Ask<br />

About Business provides information through libraries to support:<br />

* Pre-start and new businesses * Existing businesses<br />

* Jobseekers * Consumers * Inventors * Business students<br />

www.askaboutbusiness.org/<br />

Institute of Export & International Trade<br />

The Institute of Export & International Trade is the professional body<br />

representing and supporting the interests of everyone involved in importing,<br />

exporting and international trade. We offer a unique range of individual and<br />

business membership benefits as well as a world renowned suite of<br />

professional qualifications, training & CPD. Visit: www.export.org<br />

www.export.org.uk<br />

The Carbon Trust<br />

The Carbon Trust was set up by Government in 2001 as an independent<br />

company. The Carbon Trust's mission is to accelerate the move to a low<br />

carbon economy, by working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions<br />

now and develop commercial low carbon technologies for the future.<br />

www.carbontrust.co.uk<br />

HMRC <strong>Online</strong> Services<br />

HMRC offer a range of online services which aim to be efficient and<br />

customer friendly. Our continually developing services enable you to interact<br />

with us quickly, securely and at your convenience.<br />

We provide a range of services for:<br />

- individuals and employees - employers - businesses and corporations<br />

- tax agents and advisers - software developers<br />

www.hmrc.gov.uk<br />

Groundwork in the North West<br />

Providing through the ENWORKS programme:<br />

- FREE environmental resource efficiency reviews for businesses<br />

- Advice on Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

- Subsidised environmental training and accredited training courses<br />

www.groundwork.org.uk<br />

Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS)<br />

The Manufacturing Advisory Service aims to address the practical needs of<br />

British manufacturers by delivering hands-on advice and assistance from<br />

experts in a wide range of manufacturing disciplines.<br />

www.mas.dti.gov.uk<br />

The Chartered Institute of Marketing<br />

Whether you are just starting up or are a well established business, take<br />

advantage of our FREE marketing clinics with local Chartered Marketers.<br />

Visit us on our stand to book an appointment and let’s see if we can help<br />

grow your business with professional marketing advice.<br />

www.cim.co.uk<br />

Chartered Management Institute<br />

Professional body for Managers and Leaders, focusing on improving<br />

personal and organisational performance. We set the standards, support<br />

individual and organisational development, provide accreditation,<br />

qualifications and professional recognition, including Chartered Manager<br />

status.<br />

www.managers.org.uk<br />

Bionow<br />

Bionow is the cluster support group for the Northwest of England's<br />

biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.<br />

www.bionow.co.uk<br />

UK Trade & Investment<br />

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) can help you rise to the exciting opportunities<br />

and challenges that globalisation offers. We work with UK-based businesses<br />

to ensure their success in international markets. We also encourage the best<br />

overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice.<br />

www.ukti.gov.uk<br />

Business Support Agencies<br />

Invest in Cumbria<br />

www.investincumbria.co.uk<br />

Invest Sefton<br />

www.investsefton.com<br />

Invest Wirral<br />

www.investwirral.com<br />

Liverpool Vision<br />

www.liverpoolvision.co.uk<br />

Locate in Salford<br />

www.locateinsalford.info<br />

Manchester Investment Development Agency Service<br />

www.investinmanchester.com<br />

Chambers of Commerce<br />

Altrincham & Sale<br />

www.altrinchamchamber.co.uk<br />

Blackburn & District<br />

www.blackburnchamber.co.uk<br />

Borough of Congleton<br />

www.congletonchamber.co.uk<br />

Cumbria<br />

www.cumbriachamber.co.uk<br />

East Lancashire<br />

www.chamberelancs.co.uk<br />

Greater Manchester<br />

www.gmchamber.co.uk<br />

Halton<br />

www.haltonchamber.com<br />

Knowsley<br />

www.knowsleychamber.org<br />

Lancaster District<br />

www.lancaster-chamber.org.uk<br />

Liverpool & Sefton<br />

www.liverpoolchamber.org.uk<br />

Macclesfield<br />

www.macclesfieldchamber.co.uk<br />

North & Western Lancashire<br />

www.lancschamber.co.uk<br />

South Cheshire<br />

www.southcheshirechamber.org.uk<br />

South East Cheshire Enterprise<br />

www.sece.co.uk<br />

St Helens<br />

www.sthelenschamber.com<br />

Warrington<br />

www.warrington-chamber.co.uk<br />

West Cheshire and North Wales<br />

www.cepnwchamber.org.uk<br />

Wirral<br />

www.wirralchamber.org.uk<br />

Chambers of Commerce NW www.chambersofcommercenw.org.uk<br />

British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) www.britishchambers.org.uk<br />

Higher Education Institutions<br />

Greater Manchester<br />

Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.bolton.gov.uk<br />

Bury Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.bury.gov.uk<br />

Manchester City Council<br />

www.manchester.gov.uk<br />

Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.oldham.gov.uk<br />

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.rochdale.gov.uk<br />

Salford City Council<br />

www.salford.gov.uk<br />

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.stockport.gov.uk<br />

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.tameside.gov.uk<br />

Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.trafford.gov.uk<br />

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.wiganmbc.gov.uk<br />

Lancashire<br />

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council www.blackburn.gov.uk<br />

Blackpool Borough Council<br />

www.blackpool.gov.uk<br />

Burnley Borough Council<br />

www.burnley.gov.uk<br />

Chorley Borough Council<br />

www.chorley.gov.uk<br />

Fylde Borough Council<br />

www.fylde.gov.uk<br />

Hyndburn Borough Council<br />

www.hyndburnbc.gov.uk<br />

Lancashire County Council<br />

www.lancashire.gov.uk<br />

Lancaster City Council<br />

www.lancaster.gov.uk<br />

Pendle Borough Council<br />

www.pendle.gov.uk<br />

Preston City Council<br />

www.preston.gov.uk<br />

Ribble Valley Borough Council<br />

www.ribblevalley.gov.uk<br />

Rossendale Borough Council<br />

www.rossendale.gov.uk<br />

South Ribble Borough Council<br />

www.southribble.gov.uk<br />

West Lancashire District Council<br />

www.westlancsdc.gov.uk<br />

Wyre Borough Council<br />

www.wyrebc.gov.uk<br />

Merseyside<br />

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.knowsley.gov.uk<br />

Liverpool City Council<br />

www.liverpool.gov.uk<br />

Sefton Council<br />

www.sefton.gov.uk<br />

St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.sthelens.gov.uk<br />

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

www.wirral.gov.uk<br />

Police Services<br />

Cheshire Police<br />

www.cheshire.police.uk<br />

Cumbria Constabulary<br />

www.cumbria.police.uk<br />

Greater Manchester Police<br />

www.gmp.police.uk<br />

Lancashire Constabulary<br />

www.lancashire.police.uk<br />

Merseyside Police<br />

www.merseyside.police.uk<br />

North Wales Police<br />

www.north-wales.police.uk<br />

Science & Innovation Parks<br />

Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus www.daresburysic.co.uk<br />

Liverpool Innovation Park<br />

www.liverpoolinnovationpark.com<br />

Liverpool Science Park<br />

www.liverpoolsciencepark.co.uk<br />

Manchester Science Park<br />

www.manchestersciencepark.co.uk<br />

West Lakes Science Park<br />

www.westlakessciencepark.co.uk<br />

Business Link<br />

The regional Business Link advisory service will cease to operate from<br />

November 2011. Since April 2011 much of the local business support<br />

information that was previously found on regionally branded Business Link<br />

websites can now be accessed within the national Business Link website<br />

directories (<strong>Event</strong>s, Business Support Finder and Contacts). The Business<br />

Link website will remain and will continue to provide businesses of all sizes<br />

with access to information, support and government services.<br />

www.businesslink.gov.uk<br />

The North West Fund<br />

The North West Fund is targeted at growing businesses that are unable to<br />

secure funding from traditional sources in order to finance their growth plans.<br />

Consequently, The North West Fund is targeted at growing SMEs,<br />

irrespective of their “age”. However, there are restrictions around<br />

investments in businesses in difficulty and firms in certain sectors. A total of<br />

£184.4m is available across the six product funds for investment up to the<br />

end of 2015. Please contact the relevant Fund Manager for further<br />

information.<br />

www.thenorthwestfund.co.uk<br />

Edge Hill University<br />

www.edgehill.ac.uk<br />

Lancaster University<br />

www.lancs.ac.uk<br />

Liverpool Hope University Business Gateway www.hope.ac.uk/<br />

Liverpool John Moores University www.ljmu.ac.uk/businessengagement/<br />

Manchester Metropolitan University www.business.mmu.ac.uk/business/<br />

University of Bolton<br />

www.bolton.ac.uk/ServicesForBusiness/<br />

University of Central Lancashire www.uclan.ac.uk/information/business/<br />

University of Chester<br />

www.chester.ac.uk/business-research<br />

University of Cumbria<br />

www.cumbria.ac.uk/Enterprise<br />

University of Liverpool<br />

www.liv.ac.uk/businessgateway/<br />

University of Manchester<br />

www.manchester.ac.uk/business/<br />

University of Salford<br />

www.business-services.salford.ac.uk/<br />

Local Authorities<br />

Cheshire<br />

Cheshire East Council<br />

Cheshire West & Chester Council<br />

Halton Borough Council<br />

Warrington Borough Council<br />

www.cheshireeast.gov.uk<br />

www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk<br />

www.halton.gov.uk<br />

www.warrington.gov.uk<br />

Contracts Finder<br />

Contracts Finder is a free new service for businesses, government buyers<br />

and the public. This service comes from government under its transparency<br />

commitment, and you can find:<br />

· live contract opportunities · closed tender documentation<br />

· contract awards and contract documents<br />

You can also subscribe to email updates on existing or new items<br />

www.contractsfinder.businesslink.gov.uk/<br />

Cumbria<br />

Allerdale Borough Council<br />

Barrow in Furness Borough Council<br />

Carlisle City Council<br />

Copeland Borough Council<br />

Cumbria County Council<br />

Eden District Council<br />

South Lakeland District Council<br />

www.allerdale.gov.uk<br />

www.barrowbc.gov.uk<br />

www.carlisle.gov.uk<br />

www.copelandbc.gov.uk<br />

www.cumbriacc.gov.uk<br />

www.eden.gov.uk<br />


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