Ashburton Courier: July 07, 2022

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JULY 7, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

All systems go for Agri Kids<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

It’s harvest timefor pupils<br />

Edward Pottinger, Liam Lash<br />

andEdwardWhite competing<br />

tomorrow in the AgriKidsNZ<br />

grand final in Whangarei. The<br />

opening ceremonyistoday.<br />

After months of hard work<br />

learning as much as possible<br />

aboutagriculturalpractices,<br />

products andprocesses,the<br />

Longbeach School pupils, of<br />

team LongbeachFarmwise,<br />

are set to compete in the event<br />

against other scores of other<br />

primary school­aged<br />

competitorsfrom<br />

around the country.<br />

Amongthem two<br />

teams from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Intermediate School;<br />

AIS Contractors with Alice<br />

Johnson,KairaWrightand<br />

Laura Hyde; andAIS<br />

Harvestors withCallum Tait<br />

James Lansdown andEthan<br />

Graham.<br />

Teenagers Jack Fosterand<br />

James Clark, of MountHutt<br />

College,and Anna Barrieand<br />

Grady Hopkirk,ofGeraldine<br />

HighSchool,will represent the<br />

region in the Junior Young<br />

Farmerofthe Year grand<br />

final.<br />

TheLongbeach kids are as<br />

readyasthey can be and<br />

hopingthe hard work they<br />

havesowed,supported by<br />

familyand the school<br />

community, can finally be<br />

reapedwith anationaltitle.<br />

Especially in front of the<br />

familysupporters able to<br />

travel northwith them.<br />

The three boys all liveon<br />

farms; dairy,sheep andcrop,<br />

and have been able to share<br />

knowledge that could be<br />

coveredinthe competition<br />

from their respective fields<br />

with on­farm training days.<br />

It’s ranged from learning<br />

about cow breeds, sheep wool,<br />

bee hive tips, cropvarieties,<br />

horses and<br />

general<br />

information<br />

across all<br />

farmtypes<br />

andproducts.<br />

They also spent thebestpart<br />

of an hour with Honda Country<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Haydon South last<br />

weeklearning the ins­and­outs<br />

of quad bikes andtwowheelers,<br />

covering safety,<br />

basicmachine knowledgeand<br />

maintenance. Andhave had a<br />

visit from last<br />

year’s Young<br />

Farmer of the<br />

Year winner<br />

Jake Jarman.<br />

Continued Page 21<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Preschool’s<br />

new premises<br />

PAGE 8<br />

Postpartum<br />

bodies project<br />

AgriKidsNZ finalists Edward White, Edward Pottinger and Liam Lash, of Longbeach School, get valuable insight from Honda Country<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s Haydon South.<br />

100 years<br />

of rugby<br />

PAGE 35<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

IndiRoberts<br />

indi.roberts@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

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03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Uplifting project meets need<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Volunteers at the Cancer Society<br />

have been knitting scores of breast<br />

prosthesis for womeninneed.<br />

They areavailable for free through<br />

the Cancer Society.<br />

Knitting volunteers Sharon<br />

Thomas, MarilynCross andAvis<br />

Wakelin have made scores of ‘knitted<br />

knockers’ in varying sizes forwomen<br />

who have had amastectomy or other<br />

procedures to thebreast resulting in<br />

breast removal.<br />

Sharon said theKnitted Knockers<br />

were aspecial handmadebreast<br />

prosthesis for womenwho have<br />

undergone mastectomies or other<br />

procedures to thebreast.<br />

‘‘We want people to knowwehave<br />

got them and to feel freetocome and<br />

get one, or two,’’ she said.<br />

The Knitted Knockers project was<br />

startedbyagroup in theUnited<br />

States andhas more than 4655knitted<br />

knockers groupsglobally. There are<br />

now ahandful in New Zealand.<br />

Volunteers from MidCanterbury<br />

got involved after it wasshowcased<br />

ontelevision by an Auckland group<br />

doing the project.<br />

It set the wheels in motion, and<br />

included adonation ofwool from<br />

Ashford’s, in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Sharon said.<br />

Traditional breast prosthetics are<br />

often expensive, heavy, sweaty and<br />

uncomfortable andtypically require<br />

Council oppose Three Waters<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Councillors have approved a<br />

recommendation moved by mayor<br />

Neil Brown, that he andthe chief<br />

executive be authorised to approve<br />

council’ssubmission on the Water<br />

Services Entities Bill(Three Waters).<br />

MrBrown, speakingat last week’s<br />

council meeting, said thesubmission<br />

reinforcedthecouncils opposition to<br />

thereforms and ‘‘willmake reference<br />

to astrong local voice inour<br />

submission.’’<br />

CrAngus McKay saidhewas very<br />

surprised with the number of people<br />

that thought the councilhad a<br />

different view ‘‘tothat of anti this<br />

damn rubbishy Bill,that puts local<br />

assets up for grabs.’’<br />

Hesuggested the council’s<br />

opposition should be more clearly<br />

stated publicly rather thanjustonthe<br />

normal websites.<br />

‘‘Ihavebeen very surprised,<br />

Cancer Society volunteers Sharon Thomas, Marilyn Cross and Avis Wakelin<br />

with some of the knitted knockers available for those in need.<br />

special brasorcamisoles with<br />

pockets and are unablebeworn for<br />

weeksafter surgery.<br />

Knitted Knockers, made of cotton<br />

andanadjustable dacron filler, are<br />

soft,comfortable, beautiful and when<br />

placed in aregular bra theytakethe<br />

shape andfeelofarealbreast,<br />

Sharon said.<br />

Theknockersare made invarying<br />

Angus McKay<br />

especiallywith some emailswehave<br />

received frompeoplewho Ithought<br />

wouldknow ourposition of anti­ness<br />

andhow ourmayor has fought at<br />

regional and national level on the<br />

three waters,’’ he said.<br />

Thesubmissionisoutlined in the<br />

mayor’s report in themeetings<br />

agenda and states ‘‘itiscritical that<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>and Canterbury have<br />

Jock visits the neighbours<br />

cupsizes, mostly pale in colour to<br />

blend into abra cup, and usea<br />

stocking stitchonfourneedles.<br />

It’s adetailed pattern, which<br />

includes asimulated nipple ,she<br />

said.<br />

Theknockers areeasycare hand<br />

wash and can be adjusted to size and<br />

shapebyremoving or adding dacron<br />

filler through an opening in the rear.<br />

strong andclear mechanismsto<br />

ensurelocalperspectives areheard<br />

and considered by the newentity.<br />

‘‘We want assurance that consumer<br />

forums willachieve theirpurpose<br />

and that consumer needs,<br />

expectations andservice<br />

requirements are clearly understood.<br />

‘‘Council remainsconcerned at the<br />

lack of local inputand thatthe focus<br />

of thethree waters debate has been<br />

primarilyondrinking waterand not<br />

stormwater or wastewater (where the<br />

bulk of themoney is to be spent.) Our<br />

strong view is that the reformprocess<br />

shouldbepaused foruptofive years<br />

to letthe new regulator (Attenuate<br />

Aerial) settle in, and see how readily<br />

councils are meeting their obligations<br />

and responsibilities,’’ the report<br />

stated.<br />

Mr Brown said the community was<br />

welcome to makesubmissions on the<br />

Bill,via government’s website or to<br />

contact council. Submissions close<br />

<strong>July</strong> 22.<br />

by Christine Taylor<br />

Geraldine farmer,Christine Taylor has just<br />

published her latest children’s book –the 4th in<br />

the series about Jock,her adorable West Highland<br />

terrier and his exciting farmadventures.<br />

Written specifically forCampaignfor Wool NZ and<br />

Wool in Schools,this book sees Jock visiting his<br />

woolly friends on aneighbouring farm.<br />

With its rhyming story andstunning photos,this<br />

book will captivateand entertain your children<br />

while they learn.<br />

2490034<br />

2388023<br />

212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

New chapter for post building<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Theformer postofficebuilding<br />

on thecornerofEast and<br />

Cameron streets is bustling with<br />

people andproducts after being<br />

closed foranumber ofyears.<br />

BelAirDiscounter<br />

convenience store, nowBel Air<br />

Supermarket, hasrelocated<br />

alongtheroad to thenew<br />

locationand shopownerNavin<br />

Naikaristhrilled with having<br />

Above:The Bel Air Supermarket on East Street.Right: Owner<br />

Navin Naikar.<br />

more spacefor hisexpanding<br />

business.<br />

Navinsaid hehad beenon the<br />

hunt for abiggerpremises for a<br />

year.<br />

‘‘Weweregrowing there,I<br />

startedexpandingtheshopand<br />

Iran out of room, so we hadto<br />

findabigger place,’’hesaid.<br />

Thenew shop still has adairy<br />

with theusualproducts anda<br />

large selection of Asian food.<br />

ButNavin is excited about the<br />

newaddition,anareaofthe<br />

shop dedicated to Indianfood,<br />

possibly thebiggest selection of<br />

Indianfood in Mid Canterbury.<br />

Previously people havehad to<br />

travel to Christchurchtoget a<br />

good dealonIndianproducts<br />

butNavin thinks hecan<br />

compete with thebig smoke.<br />

‘‘I’vechanged thecultureof<br />

Asian,Island andIndian food<br />

buying in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,’’Navin<br />

said,‘‘bygivingpeopleavery<br />

good price, almost thesameasa<br />

Christchurch shop.There is a<br />

hugevarietyofIndian foodand<br />

previouslywedidn'thavethe<br />

spacetocaterfor that,now it is<br />

afullrange of Indian products.’’<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Policehavenamed the manwho<br />

diedinaquadbike crash in<br />

Lauristonlate last month.<br />

‘‘He was SubashGhimire, aged<br />

35.’’<br />

‘‘Ourthoughts are withhis family<br />

and friends.’’<br />

Enquiries into the circumstances<br />

of the crashwhichhappenedon<br />

June26are ongoing.<br />


Multiple winterillnesses continue to<br />

placepressure on Canterbury’s<br />

health system, withgeneral<br />

practices, pharmacies, urgent care<br />

facilitiesand the Emergency<br />

Departmentall stretched to capacity<br />

and beyond.<br />

Te WhatuOra, Canterbury is<br />

appealingtothe publictohelp take<br />

someofthe pressureoff the system<br />

by seekingthe right care in the right<br />

placeatthe righttime.Covid-19<br />

casenumbers remainvery highin<br />

Canterbury, and thereare similar<br />

numbers of people withflu-like<br />

illnesses. Urgent care and<br />

Emergency suchasambulance and<br />

the ED are feelingthe strainofthis<br />

sustaineddemand too.The public is<br />

asked to do what theycan to stay<br />

well: go to the rightplacetoget the<br />

careyou need.Leave the<br />

emergency departments forurgent<br />

care.<br />


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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Phoenix rises in new build<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Whina<br />

ReviewedbyRowena Hart<br />

This movie charts the life oficonic Maori leader and<br />

activist Dame Whina Cooper.<br />

While the film is apowerful portrait of the woman at its<br />

heart, it is also abreathtaking pictureofnearly acentury<br />

of social history inNew Zealand. Somuch changed in<br />

the nearly 100 years of her life.<br />

The sight of thousands of people walking over the<br />

Auckland Harbour bridge –anews clip from 1975 that<br />

Ihave seen many times before –brought metotears.<br />

Especially seeing Whina at the age of 80 leading the<br />

March.<br />

From ayoung age Whina was always standing up for<br />

those Maorithatwerestruggling.<br />

But there were many, including family that did<br />

everything they could to put her down.<br />

Ihaven’t been able to stop thinking about her quest.<br />

For example, she gathered agroup together to build a<br />

meeting house so she had aplace to bring people to<br />

work out new solutions to their problems. Many Maori<br />

carvers produced the most amazing workstoput around<br />

the interior,itwas beautiful.<br />

But she and her husband woke one night tothe haters<br />

burning down her new house ...itwas aterrible tragedy.<br />

Idon’t know how she had the courage to carry on ...<br />

Amust see to watch awonderful woman standing up<br />

forchange.<br />

2493790<br />

PhoenixPreschool celebrated its new<br />

premises this week withagrand<br />

opening nightheldfor childrenand<br />

families whohave an interest in the<br />

centre.<br />

The new facility, on the cornerof<br />

Middle and Belt roads,boasts<br />

purpose­built kitchenand washroom<br />

facilities, as wellasanon­mobile<br />

space forchildrenwith limited<br />

mobility, an extendedsleep room, and<br />

interactive indoor andoutdoorareas<br />

providing all­day enrichment forthe<br />

childrenincludingavegetable<br />

garden.<br />

Centre manager Ange Rossand<br />

assistant manager Gayle Smith­Busch<br />

saidithadbeen along18months but<br />

theywere happy to finally be in the<br />

new premises.<br />

‘‘It’samazing.Italmostfeels like<br />

we’ve always beenhere,’’ Ange said.<br />

‘‘All thechildrenand everyone have<br />

settledinsowell.’’<br />

The initial development wasmostly<br />

funded by theMinistryofEducation,<br />

withlocal organisationspitching in to<br />

helpfund further enhancementsto<br />

the preschool’s design, particularly<br />

the outdoor area.<br />

‘‘We’ve hadlots of parentworking<br />

beestohelp us move, and lotsand lots<br />

of supportfrom the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College,’’ Gayle said. ‘‘Some of the<br />

[agriculture] students actuallycarried<br />

sheds offtrailers and putthem into<br />

place. There’sbeen lotsofcommunity<br />

involvement getting us here.’’<br />

The new facility hasenabled the<br />

centretochangeits policytoallow<br />

childrentotransition to different<br />

Younger children play inside Phoenix Preschool’s new facility.<br />

educational areas based on their<br />

developmentalneedsrather than<br />

theirage groups.<br />

It hasbeen designed to feel funand<br />

inclusivefor everyonewhile ensuring<br />

thechildrenhave thebenefitofbeing<br />

in areas appropriate for their<br />

learning and play abilities.<br />

Separated by pool fencing, three<br />

outdoorspaces offercraftstations,<br />

playgrounds, sandpits, smooth<br />

concretepathswhich double as bike<br />

tracks, gentlegrassy hills, amini<br />

marae,and outdoor washbasins.<br />

Phoenix Preschoolhas been<br />

operating for 38 years andcaters to<br />

childrenfrom fivemonthsold through<br />

to schoolentry.<br />

They value inclusiveness and<br />

recognise<strong>Ashburton</strong>’sincreasing<br />

cultural diversity, offeringa<br />

‘‘community whereevery child<br />

belongs andisgiven every<br />

opportunity to grow as an individual’’.<br />

‘‘We’re so incredibly lucky here,<br />

we’ve had so much community<br />

involvement helping us get to thenew<br />

building,’’ Gayle said.<br />

Advance <strong>Ashburton</strong> fundedthe<br />

majority of the outdoorlandscaping<br />

which was carried out by Backyard<br />

Enhancementsand Smithscapes,<br />

while notable contributions werealso<br />

receivedfrom BraidedRivers<br />

Community Trust, PlaceMakers,and<br />

Ruralco.<br />

The preschoolwas located on<br />

WalnutAvenue and itsrelocationis<br />

partofabigger pictureplanfor the<br />

rebuildat<strong>Ashburton</strong>College.<br />

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Amarae playhouse highlights the preschool’s value of cultural diversity.<br />

Plenty of space to explore in the sun.<br />

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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Behind the scenes: amother’s self­love<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> photographer Jaime<br />

McLauchlan has beenpacking apunch<br />

withanot­for­profit photography<br />

project, Celebrate Postpartum Bodies.<br />

Theproject encourages mothers from<br />

aroundthe country to celebrate their<br />

bodies andthe mental and physical<br />

changes duringand after pregnancy.<br />

Behind the lens, Jaime uses simple<br />

butvivid black­and­white photographs<br />

to capture the figuresof different<br />

mothers, focusing on thestomach, hips<br />

and breasts wherechangesare most<br />

often visible.<br />

Jaime said she chooses to shoot in<br />

black andwhite because it eliminates<br />

thedistraction of prejudice views<br />

related to different skin tones or shades.<br />

‘‘It’s avery powerful waytolook at a<br />

body,’’ shesaid.<br />

Accompanying the photos are<br />

statements from the women, some<br />

sharing heartbroken truths about having<br />

notyet learned to love their body,<br />

though theyappreciate the phenomenal<br />

workitdid to grow another human<br />

being.<br />

Jaime shares thought­provoking<br />

captions online.<br />

They include the wordsofmothers<br />

whohaveexperienced everything from<br />

joyand pridetoheartacheand<br />

embarrassment.<br />

The individual voices and journeys<br />

areimportant, highlighting not only the<br />

stress the body goes through during<br />

pregnancy, birth, and postpartum,but<br />

also the hormonal and mentaltoll these<br />

changes take.<br />

Formost women, their bodies will<br />

never return prior to pregnancy.<br />

‘‘It’s averyemotional experience,’’<br />

Jaime said.<br />

‘‘Some women will cry duringthe<br />

Photographer Jaime McLauchlan is capturing women for her Celebrate Postpartum<br />

Bodies project.<br />


photoshoot, and Icry withthem.’’<br />

Thefocusofproject is acceptance,<br />

enabling women of all shapes, colours,<br />

and sizes to embrace the changes their<br />

bodies go through andlearn to love and<br />

respect every inch of themselves.<br />

Jaime said feedback from women<br />

involved in theprojectisvery positive.<br />

‘‘They say it’s confronting, but also<br />

empowering. They felt seen. And they’re<br />

able to seethemselves in adifferent<br />

light.’’<br />

Jaime has photographedover 130<br />

women from <strong>Ashburton</strong>and surrounding<br />

areas so far, including herself.<br />

Eachperson has their ownjourney,<br />

battle, andvictory to share.<br />

❛ Ididn’thave any<br />

expectations for<br />

postpartum,’’ wrote one<br />

participant. ‘‘ButIdidn’t<br />

expecttohate it and loveit<br />

at the sametime. ❜<br />

Amother of two, Jaime struggled with<br />

accepting her own postpartum body<br />

following an unplannedcesarean.<br />

Theheartbreak of notbeingableto<br />

birth her baby theway she had hoped did<br />

not just leave amentalscar, buta<br />

physical one, too.<br />

‘‘I didn’t look at my incision for weeks.<br />

It held alot of emotional trauma for me<br />

and Idecided ignorancewas bliss.’’<br />

Jaime has sharedher journey with<br />

others recognising the need to normalise<br />

the conversation.<br />

‘‘I can’t promote theacceptance of<br />

other women without accepting my own<br />

body.<br />

‘‘It’s not confidence, Idon’thave<br />

confidence. Iput it outthere knowing it<br />

will help someone else.’’<br />

‘‘Social media showsyou these<br />

pregnant women with perfectly round<br />

bumps and motherswith six­packs in<br />

yoga tights. It’s not real life.’’<br />

Jaime wants to change what is<br />

perceived as the ‘norm’ on social media,<br />

taking to Instagram and Facebook to<br />

share her photos and show people<br />

motherhood cannot be defined by a<br />

single shape or size.<br />

‘‘It’s importantfor people to see all<br />

bodies out there. It’s important for<br />

everyone, even women who haven’t been<br />

pregnant,tosee what postpartum is<br />

really like.’’<br />

Originally intended to be acoffee table<br />

book, Jaime would love to pursue an<br />

exhibition to help fund thedream, but<br />

for now is happy seeing the positive<br />

impacther project hasonpeople<br />

struggling with their body image. ‘‘Wear<br />

your stretchmarks andpostpartum body<br />

like abadge of honour,’’ writes oneofthe<br />

project’s subjects.<br />

‘‘Not everyone can have the privilege<br />

of growing ahuman.’’<br />

The next project shoot will be on<br />

September 18 from Jaime’s private<br />

home­based studio in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Bookings can be made viathe CPPB<br />

Facebook and Instagram pages, and cost<br />

$20.<br />

<br />

<br />

2492300<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Pretty in Pink money donation<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The annualPrettyinPink Ball<br />

raisingmoneyfor theMid<br />

CanterburyCancer Society<br />

was cancelledlastyear<br />

because of covid restrictions.<br />

But organisershavestill<br />

donated $10,000 to thecancer<br />

society thanks to the<br />

generosityofpeoplewho<br />

boughttickets to that ball.<br />

PrettyinPink Ball<br />

committee members Di<br />

Thomas andMoana Taylor<br />

saidwhenthe ballwas<br />

cancelled theygavepeople<br />

the option of arefund or<br />

donatingthe moneyto the<br />

cancer society.<br />

The $10,000 camefrom<br />

ticket sales and sponsors.<br />

‘‘It soonaddsup, we’renot<br />

evenhaving it and we still<br />

raised $10,000,’’ Moana said.<br />

Thisyear’s ball is at Trott’s<br />

GardenonOctober29, and<br />

don’t worry, despite the name<br />

you don'tneed to dress in<br />

pink.<br />

PrettyinPink was aname<br />

the ladies started with ‘‘and it<br />

juststuck’’.<br />

‘‘This year we arereally<br />

going to concentrate on it<br />

beingfun.It’s more about<br />

people getting out again and<br />

havingafun night,’’ Di said.<br />

‘‘Thereisn'tatheme, butit<br />

is kindofdress­up. Everyone<br />

wearstheir best gear.’’<br />

Mid Canterbury Cancer<br />

Society’s MandyCaseysaid<br />

From left, Pretty in Pink members Moana Taylor and Di Thomas present the Mid Canterbury Cancer<br />

Society's Mandy Casey $10,000, with Pretty in Pink member Carolyn Bond­Hood and Mid<br />

Canterbury Cancer Society volunteer Judith Crozier.<br />

thedonation was amazing,<br />

‘‘we’re reallygrateful.’’<br />

Moana saiditwas acause<br />

worth supporting.<br />

‘‘It effectseveryone, there's<br />

notmanypeople you know<br />

that haven'tbeenaffected in<br />

some waybycancer.’’<br />

Visit thePretty in Pink<br />

Facebook page to purchase<br />

tickets forthisyear’sball.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

9<br />

Council<br />

adopts<br />

annual<br />

plan<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

have voted to adopt the <strong>2022</strong>/23<br />

Annual Plan which includes a<br />

9.4% rate rise.<br />

At the meeting, chaired by<br />

councillor Liz McMillian,<br />

mayor Neil Brown moved the<br />

motion to adopt the annual plan<br />

and commented on the 9.4%<br />

rate rise ‘‘Inflation is definitely<br />

not our friend in this year’s<br />

budget, covid is not helping at<br />

all especially around staffing<br />

and staff availability...’’<br />

‘‘Supply chain issues are not<br />

helping again, with items not<br />

being able to be purchased and<br />

used, so it is going to be an<br />

interesting year ahead. This is<br />

our best estimate, and we will<br />

be doing everything we can to<br />

stick to it and deliver the work<br />

programme as well,’’ he said.

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Enquiries phone<br />

Mary,Jann or Karen<br />

on 308 7664 or call<br />

into 199 Burnett St.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />

DELLOW, Alva Jean:<br />

Peacefully at Terrace<br />

View Retirement Village,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> onJune 30, <strong>2022</strong><br />

aged 81 years. Much loved<br />

wife of Bruce for 60 years,<br />

dearly loved mother and<br />

mother-in-law of Bronwyn<br />

and Greg Menzies, Megan<br />

and Tony Houston, and<br />

Rowena and Ken Mackenzie.<br />

Much lovedNana of Courtney<br />

and Paul, Cameron; Ashleigh;<br />

Laura, and Taylor; and a<br />

great Nana of Payson, Greer,<br />

and Brylee. Special thanks<br />

to the staff of Terrace View<br />

for their dedicated care<br />

of Alva. Messages to: The<br />

Dellow family, c/- PO Box<br />

6035, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7742. In<br />

lieu of flowers donations to<br />

the Cancer Society would<br />

be appreciated. Aservice to<br />

celebrate Alva’s life was held<br />

at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA, Cox<br />

Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Monday,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 4, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 1229<br />

LLOYD, Lorraine Mary -on<br />

June 25, <strong>2022</strong> peacefully at<br />

home, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 70<br />

years. Dearly loved wife of<br />

the late Bruce. Much loved<br />

daughter ofthe late Colleen<br />

and Lawrence McCormick.<br />

Loved, cherished and<br />

treasured sister of David,<br />

Bernadette, Brian, and twin<br />

sister of the late Laurie,<br />

and Peter. Messages to the<br />

McCormick family, P O Box<br />

278, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />

Requiem Mass to celebrate<br />

Lorraine’s lifehas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong>7433<br />

McDOWELL Margaret Sophia,<br />

on <strong>July</strong> 3rd, <strong>2022</strong>, passed<br />

peacefully at Rosebank<br />

Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 95<br />

years. Dearly loved wife of<br />

the late Lester. Loved mother<br />

and mother-in-lawofAnnette<br />

and Alan, Virginia and Rick,<br />

David and Elizabeth, and<br />

Andrew. Loved grandmother<br />

and great-grandmother<br />

to all her grand and greatgrandchildren.<br />

Margaret’s<br />

wish was for aprivate family<br />

servicewhichhas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong>7433<br />

O’CONNOR, Robin John:<br />

At home in <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />

June 29, <strong>2022</strong> aged 75 years.<br />

Loved father and fatherin-law<br />

of Sharon, John and<br />

Amanda, Kellyanne and<br />

Tony Wright, and Lynette<br />

and Ben Frickleton, and a<br />

loved Grandad. Messages to:<br />

The O’Connor family, c/- PO<br />

Box 6035, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7742.<br />

A private family service to<br />

celebrateRobin’s lifehas been<br />

held.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 1229<br />

PHILLIPS, Colin Edward<br />

- Passed peacefully at<br />

Christchurch Hospital with<br />

his family beside him on<br />

<strong>July</strong> 1, <strong>2022</strong> after a short<br />

illness. Aged 85 years. Dearly<br />

loved husband of Raylene,<br />

and devoted father of Kem,<br />

Dell, Jan and Tod. Loved<br />

and respected father in<br />

law, grandfather and great<br />

grandfather to his wider<br />

whanau. Messages to the<br />

Phillips family POBox 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A private<br />

family cremation has been<br />

held and acelebration will be<br />

held at theCeltic Clubrooms,<br />

Keenans Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong>on<br />

Sunday <strong>July</strong> 10 at 11.30am.<br />

Allwelcome.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong> 7433<br />

PHILLIPS, Coiln Edward –<br />

On <strong>July</strong> 1, <strong>2022</strong>. Loved and<br />

respected father of Dell and<br />

Leanne,Grandad to Jade and<br />

Josh, Casey and Joe. Great<br />

grandad to Jett and Harley.<br />

“See you around the river<br />

bend old boy.”<br />

PHILLIPS, Colin – On <strong>July</strong> 1,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Loved brother in law<br />

of Peter (dec) and Judith<br />

Hickman, Kathryn and Trevor<br />

Shaw (dec) and David and<br />

CarolHickman.<br />

ROBINSON, Patricia Joan<br />

(Trish): Trish passed away<br />

peacefully at home on<br />

Thursday 30th June <strong>2022</strong><br />

afterashort illness.<br />

Dearly loved wife ofChris, a<br />

much loved Mum and Mumin-law<br />

of Bridgit and Mike<br />

Smith and Logan and Emma<br />

Robinson. Adevoted Nana to<br />

Charlie, Maggie, Carter and<br />

Alex.<br />

Loved daughter of Dudley<br />

(deceased) and Joyce<br />

(deceased) Harrison. Loved<br />

sister and sister-in-law of<br />

Anne (deceased) and George<br />

Mee, Judy (deceased) and<br />

Joe Barker, Alan and Diana<br />

Harrison, Sue and Pat<br />

Prendergast.<br />

Loving Auntytoall her nieces<br />

and nephews.<br />

Messages can be sent to<br />

bridgeandmike@yahoo.co.nz<br />

At Trish’s request a private<br />

servicewill be held.<br />

ROUSE, Adriane Eva - On<br />

<strong>July</strong> 2, <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully at<br />

Tuarangi Home, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Aged 80 years. Dearly loved<br />

wife of Vince. Much loved<br />

mum and mother-in-law of<br />

Gaeline and Robert Bullard,<br />

and Gregory and Sharyn.<br />

Treasured grandma of Alicia,<br />

Joshua, and Hayden; and<br />

Mark, and Lachlan. Loved<br />

sister and sister-in-law of<br />

David and Ady, Trevor and<br />

Anne and loved aunty of<br />

Tracey, and Jill. Messages to<br />

the Rouse family POBox 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A service<br />

to celebrate Adriane’s life<br />

will be held at our chapel,<br />

corner East and Cox Streets,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Monday<br />

<strong>July</strong> 11, commencing at<br />

2.00pm, followed byprivate<br />

cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong>7433<br />

STEPHEN, David John:<br />

Died 1<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at home in<br />

Whanganui. Dearly loved<br />

brother and brother-in-law<br />

of Ken and Jill Stephen.<br />

Treasured uncle of Kylie,Todd,<br />

Freddy and Sadie Grieve, and<br />

Nathan, Coryn, Millie, Paxton<br />

and Oakley Stephen.<br />

Memories areforever.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

JEFFERSON, John Charles,<br />

19 May <strong>2022</strong>. Rachael,<br />

Hayden, and Aaron, Bettyand<br />

Allan, John and Pat Low and<br />

the extended family, would<br />

like to express our heartfelt<br />

appreciation for all the<br />

messages of sympathy, cards,<br />

flowers, gift boxes, baking,<br />

meals and support that we<br />

have received after the sad<br />

loss of John. Thank you for<br />

your love and support and<br />

to all those who attended<br />

the service for John. Please<br />

accept this as a personal<br />

acknowledgement. John will<br />

be missed dearly by his family<br />

and all who knew him.<br />

WILLIS, David John (Dave):<br />

Lynda, Emily, Maysie and<br />

Rory along with Ruth and<br />

John and families wish to<br />

to sincerely thank those<br />

who supported usfollowing<br />

David’s sudden passing. We<br />

were overwhelmed by the<br />

many flowers, cards, phone<br />

calls, visits, food, memories<br />

and messages.Aspecial thank<br />

youtoeveryone at Geoff Read<br />

Ltd, CullimoreEngineering,Jo<br />

and Kate at Memory Funerals<br />

and our local emergency<br />

services. Please accept this as<br />

apersonal acknowledgement<br />

from our very grateful family.<br />

David will always live onin<br />

our hearts and our cherished<br />

memories.<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Jock’s new adventure<br />

Geraldine farmer Christine<br />

Taylorhas publishedher<br />

latest children’s book about<br />

her West Highland terrier<br />

named Jock.<br />

The book, ‘Jock visits the<br />

neighbours’, is the forth in<br />

the series and sees Jock visit<br />

sheep in aneighbouring<br />

farm.<br />

Thebookwas written after<br />

Christine was approached<br />

by Campaignfor Wool New<br />

Zealand and its Wool in<br />

Schoolsinitiative to help<br />

promote wool to school<br />

pupils.<br />

Christine said she felt<br />

proud to be giventhe<br />

opportunity to write the<br />

book.<br />

‘‘I lovethe concept of the<br />

WoolinSchoolsprogramme<br />

and felt humbled that acopy<br />

of ‘Jock visits the<br />

neighbours’ will be left at<br />

eachschool the mobile<br />

classroom visits throughout<br />

the country,’’ she said.<br />

TheWool in Schools<br />

initiative aims to help school<br />

children understand wool’s<br />

placeintheir lives,and why<br />

it should be part of their<br />

future.<br />

Mobile woolsheds travel<br />

the length of NewZealand<br />

teaching children about the<br />

wonders of wool,kids learn<br />

about wool processes,<br />

innovativethinking, design,<br />

and technology.<br />

Christine said most<br />

children were very aware<br />

of the rapidly changing<br />

environment, ‘‘by<br />

introducing and<br />

reinforcing the importance<br />

of wool through reading is a<br />

fun wayfor both kids and<br />

adults to learn.’’<br />

She is pleased with<br />

feedback fromparents<br />

saying they areenjoying<br />

the booksasmuch as the<br />

kids.<br />

‘‘It’s great to hear that<br />

dads, grandads and uncles<br />

Christine Taylor and pooch Jock explore awool shed.<br />


are nowvolunteeringto<br />

read the bedtime stories.<br />

‘‘Some will say that it’s<br />

the go­to book every night<br />

for their little toddler,’’<br />

Christine said.<br />

Christine doesn't have<br />

any more books planned,<br />

‘‘but that’swhat Isaidafter<br />

the first book, the most<br />

enjoyable thing for me<br />

aboutwriting and<br />

publishing the books has<br />

been sharing the stories<br />

with both rural, city folk<br />

including every<br />

generation.<br />

‘‘I love getting photos of<br />

children snuggled up with<br />

parents and grandparents<br />

reading the books and<br />

sharing avery special<br />

bond,’’ she said.<br />

Community grant funds<br />

Methven Toy Library has received$881.19<br />

funding in theJune roundofNew Zealand<br />

CommunityTrustgrants.<br />

Thefundingwas for the purchaseof<br />

equipment for the library.<br />

Otherrecipients to get ashare of the total<br />

of $202,775.12available in the Canterbury<br />

region were:<br />

Belfast Pony Club Branch Inc $5000 for<br />

horse yards; HalswellNetball Club Inc<br />

$4769 for playing uniformsincluding<br />

uniform design;LincolnRugby Football<br />

ClubInc, $10,000 for physio servicesand<br />

firstaid supplies; RichmondKeas Softball<br />

ClubInc, $5000for equipment and Selwyn<br />

NetballCentre Inc, $6608.69 for<br />

physiotherapyservices.<br />

South Island Masters Games TimaruInc<br />

$16,022.21for eventmanagement for South<br />

Island MastersGames, Sydenham Rugby<br />

Football Club Inc $10,725 for rugby<br />

development officers, Temple Basin Ski<br />

ClubInc $7664.85 for equipment and ski<br />

patrol jackets; and salariesfor Canterbury<br />

GolfInc ($35,000), Eastern Community Sport<br />

and Recreation Inc ($45,000),Jolt<br />

Charitable Trust($10,000),Parafed<br />

Canterbury Inc,($11,000),Special Olympics<br />

NZ ($23,087.52) and Surf LifeSavingNZInc<br />

($12,016.66).<br />

The grants were contributedtobygaming<br />

venues throughout Canterbury, including<br />

two at Methven.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Knowledge sharing collective<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Navigatingagricultural minefieldsand<br />

sharing information hasbeenmadeeasier<br />

forMid Canterbury farmers and<br />

landowners,following the establishment of<br />

theMid Canterbury CatchmentCollective.<br />

The collective, ledbysometopfarming<br />

minds,ismakingsure MidCanterbury<br />

farmers in different catchmentgroupsare<br />

getting practicaland workableknowledge<br />

aboutlandand watermatters affecting<br />

them.<br />

It will help unite communities,enable<br />

networking andlearning opportunities and<br />

encouragefarmer­to­farmerengagement.<br />

Collectiveco­ordinatorAngelaCushnie<br />

said thegroup wasawayfor farmers and<br />

landowners tobeinvolvedandengagedin<br />

land management regulationatthe ground<br />

levelandfind practical solutions.<br />

It wasanideainthe planning since 2018<br />

andalready hadsupport, shesaid.<br />

Membersofthe Hekeao Hinds Lowlands,<br />

theHekeao Hinds Hill Country and the<br />

Foothillscatchmentgroups hadcome on<br />

board, and Angelawas hopeful morewould<br />

follow.<br />

The groupputs farmers at the centreof<br />

informationand becomes ahub of<br />

knowledge shared among the catchment<br />

groups.<br />

“Collaboration, knowledge sharingand<br />

partnershipopportunities willbring more<br />

cohesiontothe overall visionofour<br />

region,” shesaid.<br />

It will help integrate sustainable<br />

principles (environmental, social,cultural,<br />

economicand recreational)into<br />

communitiesto achievebestpractice land<br />

andwater stewardship by its members for<br />

thebenefit of presentand future<br />

generations.<br />

KEEPING OURSELVES safe from scams and fraud<br />


Mid Canterbury CatchmentCollective, from left, co­ordinator Angela Cushnie, Garry<br />

Brown, ChrisGibbs,Phill Everest, Will Wright, JakeJarman (advisor), DairyNZ’sSarah<br />

How (facilitator), GeorgeDavidson, JeanetteMaxwell and chairman Duncan Barr.<br />

Absent Willy Leferink and Greg Low.<br />

In latelastyear it became an<br />

incorporated societyand acommittee was<br />

formed.<br />

At itsheadischairmanDuncanBarr,<br />

backedbycommittee members Garry<br />

Brown,Jeanette Maxwell,PhillEverest,<br />

WillyLeferink, Chris Gibbs,Will Wright,<br />

Greg Low andGeorge Davidson.<br />

Jake Jarman is an advisory member.<br />

Thecollectivewas formed to support<br />

catchment groups andencourage agreater<br />

cohesion between stakeholders acrossthe<br />

region,Angelasaid.<br />

In March thegroup receivedseed<br />

fundingthroughthe<strong>Ashburton</strong>WaterZone<br />

Committeeandare awaiting theoutcomeof<br />

Thousands of New Zealanders lose millions of dollars to fraudsters every year. Fraudsters are out<br />

there every day looking for victims. They will target you online, over the phone, bymail or in person.<br />

The impact of fraud on families and businesses can be devastating. Learn to fight fraud. “The Little<br />

Black Book Of Scams” includes 11 of the most common scams currently targeting New Zealanders. It<br />

is filled with tips and tricksonhow to protect yourself,and what to do if you get scammed. Anyone can<br />

be targeted, from young people to grandparents, to senior business managers, so the best thing you<br />

can do is report the fraud ...whatever the amount. DON’T BE EMBARRASSED as this will help others<br />

from falling for it. Agroup of local agencies have partnered to bring you information on scams/fraud<br />

over the next six weeks -look out for this feature page!<br />

aproposalwiththe Ministry forPrimary<br />

IndustriesEssential FreshwaterFund.<br />

Angela saidMid Canterburyfarmerswill<br />

nolonger have to work through themyriad<br />

oflandand water issues on theirown,but<br />

rather have thesupport of the collective<br />

andits catchment­by­catchmentapproach<br />

to intergenerational land andwater<br />

stewardshipforthe district.<br />

It is early days,butwearemaking<br />

progress,shesaid.<br />

There are loosely around16potential<br />

catchments in thedistrict, allwith their<br />

ownset ofissues/needsbetweenthe Rakaia<br />

andRangitata rivers,from mountains to<br />

the sea.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />

QUARTZ<br />

hits the<br />

road<br />

Four violinistsfromthe<br />

University of Canterbury School<br />

of Musicwillbegoingona<br />

10­concertnational touraround<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Thequartet will perform at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’sSinclair Centre on<br />

Saturday <strong>July</strong>16at3pm.<br />

Rakuto Kurano,Henry<br />

Nicholson, MekaelaFleener,<br />

andAyaMcLarty will be<br />

presentingIMPRESSIONS, a<br />

concertfeaturingmusic by<br />

Telemann, Bohm,Hofmann,<br />

Dancla, Massa,Kurano anda<br />

newcommissioned work by<br />

University of Canterbury School<br />

of Musicstudent OscarKersey.<br />

ThiswillbeKurano’sthird<br />

nationaltourthis year andthis<br />

timeheis takingonthe rolesof<br />

Tour Managerand Artistic<br />

Director.<br />

“I have luckily beenable to<br />

take partinnumerous national<br />

toursinthelastfewyears. This<br />

time,Iwantedtoorganise one<br />

myself,now that Ihaveabetter<br />

understandingofhow it all<br />

works”,saysKurano.<br />

ProfessorMark Menzies,Head<br />

of Performanceatthe University<br />

of Canterburyisthe violin tutor<br />

of allfour students goingontour.<br />

“I'mparticularly proudofthe<br />

accomplishments ofthese four<br />

young violinists, very muchat<br />

thestart of whatwillnodoubt be<br />

meaningful careersinmusicand<br />

as violinists.’’<br />


• You might get acall from someone claiming you have won aprize,you have avirus on your computer,<br />

you owe taxes, or there has been fraudulent activity in your bank account<br />

• HANG UP and call the organisation yourself, using the number from atrustworthy source (not the<br />

number the scammer gives you)<br />

• Donot share any personal or financial information with the caller<br />

• Ifyou have shared credit card or bank details CALL YOUR BANK IMMEDIATELY<br />

• Report the suspected scamcall to your telecommunications company,sothey can investigate and if<br />

necessary block the number<br />

• Report the scam to Netsafe phone 0508 638 723 (www.netsafe.org.nz)<br />


scammed?<br />

•Ifyou have sent money or your account has been compromised contact your bank immediately<br />

• Talk to someone local:<br />

Mid Canterbury Citizens Advice Bureau –03928 8761, email midcanterbury@cab.org.nz,<br />

or call in to 44 Cass Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Neighbourhood Support –03308 3558,<br />

email sue.abel@safer.org.nz <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library –03308 7192<br />

Digital Waitaha –email help@digitalwaitaha.org.nz<br />

• Report the scam:<br />

Contact Netsafe –www.netsafe.org.nz –0508 638 723 to report ascam<br />

Pick up your free copy from<br />

MidCanterburyCitizens AdviceBureau,<br />

44 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

or <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library,<br />

180 Havelock Street ,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

or we canemailyou acopy<br />


NEWS<br />

12 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Golden Tim Tam ticket winner<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

One <strong>Ashburton</strong> man’s life will never be<br />

the same after awhimsical Tim Tam<br />

biscuit purchase left him $100,000 richer.<br />

Wayne McDonald, of <strong>Ashburton</strong>,was at<br />

Countdown with the intention of buying<br />

milk when he noticed adeal on Tim Tam<br />

biscuits.<br />

In true Sunday style Wayne forgot what<br />

he was originally shoppingfor, so left the<br />

supermarket with two packets of the<br />

chocolate biscuitsinstead.<br />

Two days later,hepopped open one of<br />

the packs, only to discover the chocolate<br />

coating wasgolden.<br />

Thinking they were inedible, a<br />

disappointed Wayne brought the biscuits<br />

to his partner, Rose, to see whatshe<br />

thought.<br />

‘‘She opened upthe packet and ‘said<br />

there’s something wrong with them’,’’<br />

Wayne said.<br />

After readingthe promotional material<br />

on the packet and discovering the<br />

accompanying golden ticket,Rose asked<br />

Wayne if he’d kept his receipt, suspecting<br />

the strange­looking Tim Tam biscuits<br />

may just be agenie in disguise.<br />

And indeed they were.<br />

Every year, biscuit tycoon Arnott’s run<br />

their ‘Three Wishes’ campaign,<br />

scattering three packets of golden Tim<br />

Tam biscuits acrossAustralia and New<br />

Zealand,with the promise of granting<br />

three wishes up to the value of $100,000 to<br />

whoever purchases and discovers one of<br />

the packets during the campaign period.<br />

‘‘To be quite honest Iknew nothing<br />

about it,’’ Wayne said, of the ‘Three<br />

Wishes’ campaign.<br />

Wayne is the only persontohave<br />

discovered the golden Tim Tam biscuits<br />

in this year’s Australasia campaign,and<br />

the second personfrom the South Island<br />

ever to have won; aNorth Canterbury<br />

family discovered apack of golden of<br />

golden Tim Tam biscuits in 2019.<br />

‘‘It’svery humbling,’’Wayne said.<br />

Wayne McDonald (right) and partner, Rose, withthe packet of golden Tim Tam biscuits<br />

that has won them $100,000.<br />


‘‘We sat there in shockfor about five<br />

minutesafter wefound out we’d won.’’<br />

Wayne, afitter welder by trade,was left<br />

unable to work for 12 years after suffering<br />

aspinal injury, and has only recently<br />

rejoined the workforce.<br />

He has already planned whathewould<br />

like to do with his three wishes, claiming<br />

he’s going to buyfour second­hand<br />

Harley Davidson motorbikes,anew car,<br />

Arnott’s ThreeWishes goldenTim Tam biscuits are painted withedible gold leaf.<br />

❛ We sat there in shock for<br />

about five minutes after we<br />

found out we’d won. ❜<br />

—WayneMcDonald<br />

and then depositingwhat’s left into<br />

savings.<br />

Wayneand Rose have no intention of<br />

taste­testing the golden TimTam<br />

biscuits,despite the paint being perfectly<br />

edible.<br />

Instead they plan to find away to<br />

preserve the biscuits before encasing<br />

them in epoxyresin, where they’ll remain<br />

golden and glinting for years to come.<br />

Arnott’s brand manager Michelle<br />

Kitchen said there was no denying the<br />

love Kiwishad for Tim Tam biscuits –<br />

NewZealanders enjoyedover 65 million<br />

of them last year!<br />

‘‘We were excited to hear about Wayne<br />

discoveringone of the three golden packs<br />

of Tim Tam in <strong>Ashburton</strong> and we hope he<br />

enjoys his $100,000prize. What more<br />

could you wish for?”<br />

The campaign ended on <strong>July</strong> 4,and<br />

Wayne remaining the only prize winner.<br />


JULY8<br />

Methven Lions have announced the<br />

official opening ofthe Methven<br />

Walkway will be carried out by Lions<br />

International presidentBrian<br />

Sheehan at 2.30pm.<br />

Members of the community are<br />

invited to jointhe celebrations at Mt<br />

Harding Road.<br />

JULY9<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> AstronomyGroup is<br />

hostingtheir second Matarikistar<br />

gazefrom Argyle Park,in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Thesession is timed for<br />

the risingofthe star cluster andwill<br />

startfrom 5.30am.Access is from<br />

the southeast endcar park,off<br />

Middle Road. Clearskies needed.<br />

JULY9&10<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>ModelTrainShow,at<br />

Tinwald MemorialHall (10 Graham<br />

Street, Tinwald) from 9.30am to<br />

4pm.Entryadults $10, children$3,<br />

family (2 adults, 2children) $20.<br />

JULY10<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>MusicalClub are<br />

holding their first concert for the<br />

year. It is‘AWinter MusicalMedley',<br />

at the Sinclair Centre, at 2pm. Nonmembers<br />

$5 entry.Masksmustbe<br />

wornunless performing.<br />

JULY 16<br />

Geraldine Floral ArtClub will be<br />

hostinga‘Deck the hall’ display.<br />

Members will display an<br />

exhibitionoftraditionaland<br />

contemporary Christmas designs.<br />

Saint Andrews Church Hall,<br />

Wilson Street,Geraldine, 10amto<br />

4.30pm Admission $10, Children<br />

free.<br />

JULY22TO 24<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Glow in the Parkfrom<br />

6.00pmtill dark.<br />

Athree-night spectacular of lights<br />

at theTinwaldDomain, including<br />

The Plains Vintage Railway&<br />

Historical Museum area.<br />

Organised by EA Networks and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil.<br />

JULY25<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Community<br />

ConservationTrust(ACCT) is<br />

pleasedtobeshowing the film,<br />

Rohe Koreporepo -The Swamp<br />

The Sacred Place.<br />

It featuressignificant wetlands<br />

throughout NewZealand,including<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes andWakanui.<br />

Screening at the RegentCinema<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>from 4pm.

Winterhome upgrades,withoutthe DIY.<br />

50 % Sleepyhead Chiropractic<br />

off<br />

Bargainsonwhiteware<br />

Focusbeds #<br />

Excluding Pop-Up<br />

Chiropractic FocusFirm QueenBed<br />

$2199<br />

was<br />

$<br />

4399<br />

9067310 Validuntil2nd August <strong>2022</strong><br />

lessthan<br />

$12 perweekfor<br />

50 months on<br />

interest free*<br />

10kgFrontLoad<br />

Washing Machine<br />

8kgSeries 4<br />

HeatPump Dryer<br />

$1<strong>07</strong>9<br />

lessthan<br />

$12 perweekfor<br />

24 months on<br />

interest free* $1449<br />

9049609 BFL103ADW 9<strong>07</strong>2248 WTH8300AU<br />

LimitedStock<br />

lessthan<br />

$16 perweekfor<br />

24 monthson<br />

interest free*<br />

~ Via Redemption<br />

Perla 5SeaterLounge Suite<br />

Available in Stone(Pictured), Rust,Navy, andGrey<br />

$2899<br />

9068733<br />

was<br />

$<br />

4499<br />

Valid until26th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

lessthan<br />

$15 perweekfor<br />

50 monthson<br />

interest free*<br />

14kgTop Load WashingMachine<br />

with TurboClean3D<br />

Series4|14PlaceSetting<br />

FreestandingDishwasher<br />

$1699<br />

lessthan<br />

$18 perweekfor<br />

24 months on<br />

interest free* $1349<br />

9062539 WTG1434BHF 9068019 SMS4HVI01A<br />

lessthan<br />

$15 perweekfor<br />

24 months on<br />

interest free*<br />

Turin7Piece Dining Suiteset in Darkoak<br />

Available in Pumice(Pictured) andGunmetal<br />

$1899<br />

90540<strong>07</strong><br />

was<br />

$<br />

3859<br />

Valid until2nd August <strong>2022</strong><br />

lessthan<br />

$10 perweekfor<br />

50 months on<br />

interest free*<br />

Limited Stock<br />

Buyone,get one half<br />

priceonselected<br />

nursery* 1<br />

BigFill For2ToastieMaker<br />

8654964 GR6250<br />

$59<br />

was<br />

$<br />

129<br />

24<br />

MONTHS<br />

$499 &over*<br />


on purchases<br />


50MONTHS<br />

$999&over*<br />

on furnitureand beds<br />

Offers validuntil Tuesday 12th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, whilestockslastorunless otherwisestated. Some products on display in selected stores only —please call 0800 764847 to check availability.*Apple,selected computers,gameconsoles,giftcards, clearance items andsome promotionalitems are notavailable in conjunction<br />

with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, fees, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include one-off establishment fee of$45.00, amaintenance fee of $3.75 per month and exclude any insurance premium financed. Current<br />

interest rate of 23.95% applies toany unpaid minimum payments during the interest free period, and any balance after the expiry of (any) interest free period. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free for details. **Weekly equal instalments are based ona52 week finance period commencing 7days from<br />

the date interest isfirst calculated. Setting upanAutomatic Payment authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. Available in-store and online. Current interest rate of23.95% applies. There are no set-up, annual, oraccount maintenance fees –a$19 notification fee may apply<br />

in circumstances of default. Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/easycard for more details ortoapply for your EasyCard. #Discount is off our full retail price. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. *1Valid 6–26 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>. Buy any two qualifying Phil &Teds or<br />

MountainBuggy items and get asecond item half price. Second item must beofequal or lesser value than the first item. Applies toqualifying products purchased at the same time within asingle transaction. Subject to availability. Exclusions, terms and conditions apply

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 21<br />

7<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Do the Best YouCan<br />

‘Do the best youcan until youknowbetter.<br />

Then when youknowbetter,dobetter’-<br />

Maya Angelou.<br />

Maya was anAmerican memoirist, poet and civil<br />

rights activist.<br />

When Iwas aDean, the above quote iswhat Ihad<br />

written up on awhiteboardinmyofficetoremind<br />

me that, within my role, Imust do everything I<br />

can to support our young people so that they reach their individual<br />

excellence,while beinginastate of mauriora.<br />

As we developour knowledge about each student’s strengths and areas<br />

of development, our intention is to continue the upward trajectory<br />

of providing our students with the support they need to flourish at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College.<br />

As we have this expectation from ourselves asteachers, wealso expect<br />

our students to aim to‘do better’ after facing challenges in and out of<br />

the classroom.<br />

Istrongly encourage our students toutilise the people (Ako/Classroom<br />

Teachers, Deans, Guidance Counsellors, Heads ofSchool, Heads ofFaculty<br />

and Senior Leadership Team etc…) within the school, to explore how to<br />

make progress and/or improveinany aspectoftheir educational journey<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong>College.<br />

SauIaFestival by Tama MaiSauteDanceAcademy<br />

On Saturday 09<strong>July</strong>, our Pasifika group will be heading tothe Aurora<br />

Centre at Burnside High School to perform their set routine along with<br />

nineteen schools from across Ōtautahi/Christchurch.<br />

Since <strong>Ashburton</strong> College is the only school attending from outside the<br />

‘Garden City’, the group isaware that how they perform and how they<br />

conduct themselves isareflection oftheir aiga/kāinga/family and the<br />

value they place onthe school<br />

they represent.<br />

The time, dedication and<br />

persistence the members<br />

have invested to ensure their<br />

performance is of the highest<br />

quality (ako pai) has placed<br />

themingoodstead to represent<br />

our AshColl community<br />

with whakaute (respect) and<br />

manawa whakahi(pride).<br />

The students have been very fortunate to have been tutored and<br />

supported byMercy Seiuli and one of the co-founders/co-directors of<br />

Tama MaiSauteDanceAcademy, AlbanyPeseta.Ihavebeensoimpressed<br />

withtheir approach with our studentsand how they’vebeen able to get<br />

the best out of each<br />

individual.<br />

A testament to that<br />

is that our very own<br />

Alex Gabriel has been<br />

selected to lead the<br />

Taulauga (traditional<br />

SamoanDance) forall the schools at the end of the festival.The students<br />

areveryexcited to be performing and showcasingtheir culture and hard<br />

work and Iamveryconfident thatour studentswillrepresentusand their<br />

families very well.<br />

Staff Welcome<br />

Staff Farewell<br />

Nadine Pink<br />

Mainstream<br />

Learning SupportAssistant<br />

Helen Wakelin<br />

Helen Wakelin has been at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College since May 2017, initially as<br />

Arts Co-ordinator, apositionshe held untilNovember2019.<br />

Since May 2018 Helen has been avaluable teaching staff member ofthe<br />

Social Science Faculty. Head of Faculty Ange Mitchell said that Helen has<br />

taught Social Studies to numerous Year 9and Year 10 classes, aswell as<br />

Senior Law.<br />

She has made asubstantial contribution to the junior programmes with<br />

her significant knowledge ofother cultures, and her creativity. This, along<br />

with her caring andthoughtful approach, has been appreciatedbystaff and<br />

students.<br />

Helen has also shared her other talents in the Music and Languages<br />

Departments, teaching Junior Music and playing in the orchestra, as well<br />

as teaching Japanese.<br />

Helen came to College with International Schools’ teaching experience,<br />

and she takes with her our appreciation of her contributions to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College andverybest wishes as she finishesher timeus, this Friday, 08 <strong>July</strong>.<br />

Helen nowtravels nowtouplifther newposition as aSecondary Generalist<br />

Teacheratthe American International School of Guangzhou in China.<br />

Information<br />

Individual ExcellenceinaSupportiveLearning Environment<br />

Open Evening<br />

Thursday28<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

5:30pm–7:30pm<br />

TheAshColl Way<br />

Quality Pride Respect<br />

Futurestudents,parents/caregivers,whānau<br />

and communitymembers are<br />

warmly invited to attend our OpenEvening.<br />

Aparticular welcome,and encouragementtoattend,<br />

is extended to students who will be in Year 9in2023,<br />

and family members.<br />

During the evening youwill havethe opportunityto–<br />

• Meet and talk with the Principal, staff and students.<br />

• Hear and see whatthe College can offer your child and family.<br />

• View our facilities,and Subjectdisplays.<br />

• Meet with BYOD Retailers -College is aBYODschool [Bring Your Own<br />

Device]<br />

• Enjoyasausage sizzle,coffee,tea, juiceinthe staffroom.<br />

To makedecisionsreadyfor Enrolment Week (02-06 August) –<br />

therewill be information to help selectoption subjects for2023<br />

(Year 9students)<br />

Option subjects: nine subjects to be taken from twelveavailable:<br />

• Choose at least one from TheArts: Art, Drama, Music.<br />

• Choose at least one from Languages: German, Japanese,Māori.<br />

• Choose at least three from Technology: Agriculture,<br />

Designand Visual Communication, Digital Information Technology,<br />

Fabric Technology,Food and Nutrition, HardMaterials Technology.<br />

• Note: all Year 9students take English, Mathematics,<br />

Physical Education and Health, Science, Social Studies.<br />

• Additionally available: English as an additional language for<br />

students forwhom English is asecond language.<br />

If youhavenot yetchosen option subjects or requireassistancein<br />

choosing them through SchoolPoint, therewill be staff available in<br />

the College Office to assist you.<br />

Presentationsstart in the College Auditorium<br />

at 5:30pmand6:15pm.<br />

These arefollowedbyguidedtours of the College,<br />

or youmay choose to self-tour by following the signs.<br />


Events<br />

MatarikiCelebration at HakatereMarae<br />

Agroup of College students spent half aday, on Friday 17 June,<br />

helping with the set-up for the community Matariki celebration held<br />

on Saturday 18June. Teacher Liz Carrick said that the Marae Komiti was<br />

totally impressed with theworkofthese ākonga andtheir desire to help in<br />

anyway at all.<br />

(Pictured above, left to right): Alissa Mellish, Kawhakia Peetitumango,<br />

Shylah Johnston, Rico Hurst-Evangelista, Sasha Williams, Archie Glanville,<br />

Leah Doig,ZachRowlandand LukasFowler.<br />

Matarikiatthe Marae<br />

Additionally, Liz Carrick said thatanumberofourYear 13 students completed<br />

an assessmentbycreating astall forMatarikiatthe Marae.<br />

The students involved were TC Trusler-Clark, Gelaeya Hadfield and<br />

JonathonKilgour.<br />

Whānau at theMarae were really impressedwith the students’work, and<br />

needless-to-say their<br />

stall wascompletely<br />

emptywithin an hour,<br />

with the bookmarks<br />

beingparticularly<br />

popular.<br />

Liz said thatover800<br />

people attended this<br />

communityevent.<br />

(Pictured above,<br />

and right): Items<br />

forsale,including<br />

the popular<br />

bookmarks; and<br />

additional items<br />

on another stall.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Strong Outcome forKalym Chalmers at<br />

NewZealand SecondarySchools’<br />

Cross CountryChampionships<br />

College Year 9student Kalym Chalmers continues to perform well<br />

on the athletics scene, with his latest outing being at the above<br />

championships, held at Saxton Fields Sports Complex, Nelson on<br />

Saturdayand Sunday18and 19 June.<br />

At this event, from afield of ninety four competitors, Kalym finished the<br />

3000m eventin17th placeinatimeof10minutes and50seconds whichis<br />

asmart time over this distance in aCross-Country<br />

event. Thefirst place-getterfinished in 10 minutes<br />

and 12 seconds.<br />

Personal Best<br />

Kalym is reported as having an amazing race,<br />

setting anew Personal Best time on what was a<br />

very muddy andheavy track.<br />

RelayEvent<br />

Held on theSunday, Kalym wasthe first runner for<br />

the Year 9AorakiARelayTeam.<br />

(Pictured right): Kalym looking satisfied<br />

withhis efforts.<br />

(Pictured below): TheAorakiTeam, withKalymin<br />

the frontrow,second from the right.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 21<br />

7<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Congratulations<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College -<br />

Burnside High School Sports Exchange<br />

As advised, in our previous newsletter, we now look atreports of<br />

the remaining sports played atthe Burnside High School-<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College Exchange,onTuesday 14 June.<br />

At the time of compiling this newsletter the second ofthree exchanges<br />

wasscheduled,with RangioraHigh School, whichwe will reportoninnext<br />

newsletters.<br />

Reports<br />

Last week we reported onthe Boys’Under 15A Basketball game, and the<br />

three Netball team games.<br />

This week we includethe remaining reports.<br />

E-sports<br />

Two<strong>Ashburton</strong>College and twoBurnside teams contested thissport,with<br />

aresulting 3-1 win to Burnside.College Coach TomKitchen saidthe games<br />

were agreat effortfromthe teams.<br />

Burnside High School did have more experienced players to call on, with<br />

one member of their team ranked inthe best 0.1% of players in Oceania.<br />

This player regularly<br />

competes with people<br />

from the professional<br />

scene.<br />

(Pictured right, left and<br />

right): Adam Goudie and<br />

Neiv Solengrossed in coordinating<br />

an upcoming<br />

team fight.<br />

(Picturedabove,backrow,lefttoright):JubilantTeamMembers,post-matchwere:<br />

Hayley Smith, Darcy McCully,Katie Ashworth, Gracie Trotter,SarahMattson,<br />

Lusungu Mbambo, Micaela Gomez, Taylor King-Ryan, Melissa Mattson,<br />

Sifala Sagaga, Teagen Cameron.<br />

(Front row, left toright): Jamila Jimenez, Maddie Stirling, Donna Dandin,<br />

|EJElliott,Gabbie Tindall.<br />

Girls’ 1st XI Hockey<br />

After winning against Burnside High School 1st XI Girls in the Secondary<br />

Schools’Competition the week before, the AshColl Girls were keentoback<br />

it up with another win.<br />

This they achieved successfully with goals from Anna Gray (PenaltyCorner)<br />

and Honor Bradford(Field Goal).<br />

The coaches said that the team kept their structure for most of the game<br />

and, with space, kept the Burnside defenders scrambling with their<br />

breakaways. There were, for AshColl, afew attempts at goal which they<br />

were,though, unable to convert.<br />

However, the Penalty Corner goal in the first half got the score underway<br />

and although Burnside got one back, AshColl was able to score again in<br />

the second half. Some determined defence inthe last quarter stopped<br />

Burnside from being able to take any more chances and kept the game at<br />

2-1 in AshColl’s at the final whistle.<br />

PositiveOuting forAshColl Golf Team<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> College Golf team played Burnside atthe Templeton Golf<br />

Club in what turned out to be avery competitive day. Coach/Manager<br />

Royden Leath saidthatall three AshColl players led at various partsof their<br />

rounds. This waspositiveasthey were up againstanextremely competitive<br />

and talentedBurnsideteam,meaning the AshColl team wasinfor abattle.<br />

Thethree AshColl players were competing against players withasignificant<br />

handicap advantage, but they all overcame this on the day totake each<br />

match down tothe wire. Royden said they showed glimpses ofbrilliance,<br />

adesire not to give in at any stage and that they should be proud of the<br />

overall performances on the day.<br />

Results<br />

Sebastian McMillan,<br />

lost 4and 2;<br />

Mitchell Leath,<br />

lost 2and 1; and<br />

Mitchell Lyefinished all<br />

square.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

Sebastian McMillan<br />

in action.<br />

Team members were: (pictured above,leftand right):<br />

ATeam: Jade Jung (Captain), Matthew Wong,Jordan Green, RonNaui.<br />

(Outside photo, but ATeam member): Neiv Sol.<br />

BTeam: Conner Stewart(Captain), Conor Rogers,Lucas Wong,<br />

Adam Goudie,RyanHeal.<br />

Boys’1st XI Hockey<br />

This well-coached and committed team certainly put their stamp on the<br />

game against Burnside, gaining areal sense of satisfaction in it being the<br />

first time the College Boys’ 1st XI Hockey team has beaten Burnside in a<br />

school exchange in 10+ years.<br />

Goal scorers were Devon Flannery, Nicholas Stringer and Toby Grant (two<br />

goals each), and one goal each by Hamish O’Reilly and Will Rollinson.<br />

Team members forthisexchange were:<br />

(Back row, left toright): Braden Luxton, Nick Kershaw, Hamish O’Reilly,<br />

Sam Orr, Jack Ellis, HenryWallis (Captain), Archie Glanville, Devon Flannery,<br />

Will Rollinson, Joshua Cannan.<br />

(Front row, left to right): Toby Grant, Henry Thomas, Harrison Doak,<br />

Lachie Jemmett,Zane Cameron, Nicholas Stringer.<br />

Ryan Hampton is the team’s coach, although not able to be at Burnside;<br />

where the team had the support of Manager Jason Vannini. Players<br />

Riley Harrisand TomRosevearwerealso not at this game.<br />

Girls’ 1st XI Football<br />

Avery exciting game, from <strong>Ashburton</strong> College’s point of view, eventuated;<br />

motivated, we are sure, by customary coach Patrick Sandrey’s challenging<br />

wordsinthe Bus Baybeforethe team’s departure.<br />

As formanyteaching staff,Patrick stayedatCollege to lessenteachercover<br />

neededand to be available forthe parent-teacher-studentinterviewswhich<br />

startedearly afternoon.<br />

Support Staff Learning Support Assistant Cezarne Rodgers managed the<br />

team, withYear 13 students SarahMattson and Lusungu Mbambo proving<br />

very able player-coaches on the day.<br />

Thegirls playedasastrong team unit,dominating territory and playinthe<br />

first half to build asolid lead and battling to keep it this way asBurnside<br />

made some inroads in the second half. Cezarne said that the co-coaches<br />

worked very well together, with acombined understanding of all aspects<br />

of change needed.<br />

The5-3 win to <strong>Ashburton</strong>College provided averypositivefinaletothe day.<br />

Team members: (Pictured above, back row, left toright): Lily Davidson<br />

(didn’t play–injured), Leah Doig, Caitlin Collie, Laura Walsh, Olivia Muir,<br />

AmyMcLachlan,Rose Vannini, Alia Forrester,Jessie Pitney.<br />

(Front row, left toright): Emma Lill, Laura Cameron, Anna Gray (Captain),<br />

Holly-Jayne Feutz, Honor Bradford, SarahWilson.<br />

Team Coaches areSkipMuir and Jen Muir.<br />

Squash Team<br />

Three players represented College in the Squash exchange, upagainst<br />

proficientopposition which led to a3-0 win to Burnside.<br />

Regular senior players Devon Flannery and Lachie Jemmett were<br />

unavailable due to playing in the Boys’1st XI Hockey exchange, and Riley<br />

Broker was unavailable. These players, with Millar Newlands, play asa<br />

College team when thereare<br />

no other clashes.<br />

Millar said unavailability<br />

meant putting together<br />

a substitute team, with<br />

real appreciation to Year 9<br />

students Harry Trott and<br />

Samantha Nieman who<br />

stepped into the breach.<br />

(Pictured right, lefttoright):<br />

Samantha Nieman,<br />

Harry Trott,Millar Newlands.<br />

Collegewas up against<br />

awell-drilled Burnside<br />

team who playweekly in<br />

theChristchurch Super<br />

Competition, of topteams<br />

in the area. Thefixturewas<br />

playedtothe best of three games,withBurnside achieving their win after<br />

twogames.<br />

However, there were positives. Harry Trott played well against Burnside’s<br />

top player, winning one game, and Millar said that both Samantha and<br />

Harry did very well fronting up at theirage andexperiencestage,withboth<br />

looking ‘prettypromising’players of the future.<br />

(Pictured above, left to right): College players, interspersed with their<br />

Burnside counterparts,Sebastian McMillan,MitchellLye,MitchellLeath.<br />

Boys’Junior1st XI Football<br />

This was atough outing for the AshColl junior boys, against anextremely<br />

well-drilled Burnside team which benefitted from their core of eightplayers<br />

who play weekly in aclub team in the Christchurch schools’competition.<br />

With credit to the Burnside team, they were describedas ‘ready to unleash<br />

at everyopportunity’.<br />

However, College isinabuilding phase, with these players only looking<br />

to develop further with experience gained. They deserve recognition for<br />

hanging in on thefieldand keepingpositivity.<br />

The team (pictured above, back row, leftright): Drew Gilbert, Pedro Masino,<br />

Korin Chambers, Sam Kennerley-Drye, Ben Edkins, Daniel McBain,<br />

Millar McGrath, Will Paterson.<br />

(Middle row, left to right): Rico Hurst-Evangelista, Magnus Aragon,<br />

Kaizzer Lambinicio.<br />

(Front Row): SolomonBagenda (Coach), Guy Ward.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

<strong>July</strong><br />

08 Final dayofTerm Two<br />

Hockey Boys’1st XI, Ngā Puna WaiorMaristParkHockey Turfs,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Basketball Junior AGirls’, Pioneer Stadium, Somerfield,Christchurch<br />

South Canterbury SecondarySchools’Basketball –Junior Boys’<br />

A&B, Senior Boys’B,SouthernTrustEvent Centre, Timaru<br />

09-24 Term holidaybreak<br />

09-10 South Island SecondarySchools’Road Cycling Race,Christchurch<br />

10 NZ SecondarySchools’Shooting Championships (Triple S)<br />

Round 2, Home Range<br />

10-16 Kiribati Language Week<br />

11-12 Cycling Track Nationals,Cambridge<br />

11-13 South Island SecondarySchools’Junior Netball Tournament,<br />

Christchurch<br />

12 Basketball –Senior ABoys’and Girls’,Thomson and<br />

Whelan TrophyCompetitions,Christchurch



5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 3<strong>07</strong> 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,7<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 86<br />

Record consentskeep building team busy<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil processed<br />

arecordvalue of building consents in<br />

the 2021-22 financial year, issuing<br />

consentsfor building work valuedat<br />

$241.9million.<br />

Consents received for that period were<br />

valued at $255.8m; that compares with<br />

$212.6m lastyear.<br />

Strategy and ComplianceGroup Manager<br />

Jane Donaldsonsaid the 2014-15 financial<br />

year had set records with 1193 consents<br />

issued for work valued at $165.1 million,<br />

but the latest financial year had exceeded<br />

that.<br />

“The increase is the equivalent of about<br />

100 extrahouses on the previousyear, so a<br />

newrecordhas been set.”<br />

In the past year 983 consentswereissued,<br />

including 276 fornew homes.<br />

Ms Donaldson saidCouncil had sent some<br />

consentstobeprocessed by independent<br />

contractors but most were dealt with inhouse<br />

by ateamof15.<br />

“We processed just over half the number<br />

of consents(56.1%)within the 20 working<br />

day timeframe, but the sheer workload<br />

and extra processing time needed when<br />

building materials have been substituted<br />

because of supply chain shortages meant<br />

we couldn’t always meetit.<br />

“Wemight process ahouse withbrickon<br />

the outside and as we are about to issue<br />

the consent,the brick is swappedout for<br />

another cladding, so we havetore-process<br />

it.”<br />

Council has been working with local<br />

builderstoaccommodate any changes as<br />

quickly as possible.<br />

Ms Donaldson said consent-holders had a<br />

year to start buildingoncethe consent was<br />

issued, though that timeframe could be<br />

extended.<br />

“Some consent-holders have already<br />

negotiatedextra timetobegin work,based<br />

on uncertainties around finance, building<br />

materials and titles.”<br />

Council is expecting the consentboom to<br />

continue at least until November, when<br />

new regulations around insulation come<br />

intoforce.<br />

“To date, supply chain issues, inflation<br />

and increasing mortgage rates have not<br />

slowedconsentscoming in. Combine that<br />

withmorecompliancecheckingduringthe<br />

processing stage and therecould be more<br />

delays. Our teammembersare working as<br />

hard they can processing and inspecting<br />

building jobs.”<br />

There have been two milestones within<br />

the building services team inthe past<br />

year: Mike Farrell was acknowledged for<br />

carrying out more than 5000 inspections<br />

during his 15 years asabuilding official,<br />

and building services manager Michael<br />

Wong was made an associate member<br />

of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch of the Master<br />

Builders.<br />

Mr Wong has attended Master Builders<br />

meetings forthe past 10 yearstokeep local<br />

buildersabreast of changes to the Building<br />

Code, and to help them understand how<br />

the consenting process works.<br />

HamishRiach,CE<br />

Morequalify for<br />

ratesrebates<br />

The AnnualPlan is signed and<br />

sealed forthe new financial year,<br />

itsfinal form influencedinpart by<br />

more than 100 or so submitters<br />

who made their views knownto<br />

councilinthe consultationphase.<br />

While an average9.4 per cent rate rise<br />

across thedistrict mightseem high,itis<br />

arealistic riseinorder to keep providing<br />

the services thatratepayers expect.<br />

People said theydid notwant to see<br />

us doing less, and lobbied formore<br />

spending on footpaths androads.<br />

Councils up anddownthe country<br />

havestruggled with theirannual<br />

budgets thisfinancial year,because<br />

inflationand coviduncertainties have<br />

pushed up prices.<br />

Affordability is always topofmind for<br />

Councillors,soitwas good news then<br />

to hear thatGovernment hasmade<br />

somechangestothe eligibility of low<br />

income households forratesrebates.<br />

The<br />

RatesRebate Scheme is apartial refund<br />

to ease ratesbills forlow income<br />

people. It provides financial relieffor<br />

those whoown theirown homeand<br />

liveinit, and it includes people living<br />

in retirement villages, butdoes not<br />

apply to rental or holiday homes or<br />

commercial premises.<br />

The maximumannual rebate has<br />

increased from $665to$700. The<br />

abatement threshold increased from<br />

$26,510 to $28,080 income forthe year<br />

to March <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The increases mean morehouseholds<br />

in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>districtwill be eligible<br />

forassistance, helping them keep<br />

up with the cost of living.Call our<br />

customer services teamifyou think this<br />

applies to you.<br />

Another important document under<br />

wayisthe pre-election report.This is<br />

astate-of-play report on ourdistrict,<br />

to help inform those thinking about<br />

standing in thecoming local elections.<br />

Annual Plan sets budget<br />

forroads, water, services<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council has<br />

adopted its Annual Plan <strong>2022</strong>-<br />

23, confirming itwill allocate an<br />

extra$1.7milliontomajor roading<br />

repairs and do more work on<br />

drinking water and wastewater<br />

infrastructuretomeetnew national<br />

standards.<br />

Moneyhas also been re-prioritisedfrom<br />

existing budgets fornew footpaths, and<br />

Council will support the Rakaia Rugby<br />

Club via aloanfor the club to develop a<br />

communityrecreation centre.<br />

Mayor Neil Brown said Council had<br />

listened carefully to community<br />

feedback, which supported extra<br />

spending on roads.<br />

“We’ve challenged budgets across all<br />

Councilservicesto ensureonlynecessary<br />

work will be done, but we’ve included<br />

new work, like footpaths, asked for by<br />

some submitters.<br />

“Setting the next year’s programme<br />

of work has been tough because of<br />

record inflation, covid uncertainties and<br />

revaluationswhichhavehadabigimpact<br />

on urban properties, but the end result is<br />

realistic and ensures work thatneeds to<br />

be done, will be done.”<br />

The plan defers a$450,000 upgrade of<br />

Balmoral Hall but allocates money to<br />

remedy kerb heights at EA Networks<br />

Centre,which areatripping hazard.<br />

The averagerate rise across the district is<br />

9.4percent,thoughitwillvarydepending<br />

on where ratepayers live.<br />

“It is going to be an interesting year<br />

ahead. Council will be doingeverything<br />

it can tostick toand deliver the work<br />

programme,” MayorBrown said.<br />

Councilisalsolookingatotherissuesthat<br />

arose from the consultation process, like<br />

playground access forthe disabled.<br />

1 Thursday,7<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 86<br />


Localfaces front <strong>2022</strong> votercampaign<br />

Localfacesarefrontingacampaignin<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> district encouraging<br />

people to stand and voteinthelocal<br />

elections laterthis year.<br />

Seven people, a mix of ages and<br />

backgrounds, agreed to take part in the<br />

campaign and theywill appearonposters,<br />

advertising and social media in the leadup<br />

to theelections.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil Chief Executive<br />

HamishRiach said the campaignfeatures<br />

some well-known people, and their<br />

photographs were taken at various spots<br />

around the district.<br />

“How better to encouragepeople to vote,<br />

than to highlight our own people and<br />

some of the things that are important to<br />

ourdistrict.”<br />

Mr Riachsaid none of the peoplefeatured<br />

in the campaign were standing for a<br />

position themselves.<br />

“But they are keen to lend their<br />

support to this important message,<br />

and highlight issues such assupporting<br />

the local economy, rural communities,<br />

opportunities for young people and<br />

looking after our environment.”<br />

Alongside the campaign, the Council<br />

has also launched anew website for the<br />

election period -voteashburton.nz -that<br />

will provide information for voters and<br />

candidates.<br />

Mid Canterburyvoterswillelectamayor,<br />

nine district councillors, five Methven<br />

Mark Douglas and JorjiaDavisare twoofthe local facesencouragingpeopletostand and<br />

vote in the local elections. Photographs by TeganClark.<br />

Community Board members and six<br />

Braided RiversCommunityTrust(formerly<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> LicensingTrust) members.<br />

“Now’s the time tothink of anyone who<br />

would be agood representative for the<br />

communityonthe Council, and encourage<br />

them to consider standingfor election,”Mr<br />

Riach said.<br />

TheCouncilwillbeholdingafreecandidate<br />

information evening on Tuesday 19 <strong>July</strong> at<br />

5.30pm to help potential candidates find<br />

out moreabout the election process and<br />

what’s involved with representing their<br />

community.<br />

Later phases of the campaign will<br />

encourage residents tovote, with staff<br />

at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library ready to<br />

help people change their detailsonline,or<br />

registerasnew voters.<br />

“Enrolment packs are hitting mailboxes<br />

now, so please check your details areupto-date<br />

or if youhaven’t received one, then<br />

youshould makesureyou’re enrolled.”<br />

Theelectionwillbeheldby postalvoteand<br />

voting papers and information about the<br />

candidates will arrive inmailboxes from<br />

16 September. Voting closes on Saturday<br />

8October.<br />

Formoreinformationabout the elections,<br />

visit voteashburton.nz.<br />

Holiday fun at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library<br />

There isplenty of fun in store for those<br />

visiting the <strong>Ashburton</strong>PublicLibrarythese<br />

schoolholidays.<br />

On Monday 11<strong>July</strong>, the library will host<br />

constellation card craft at10.30am, and<br />

then at 7pm the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Observatory<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College will be open fornight<br />

sky observation.<br />

Seal ball and cup game craft will be the<br />

libraryactivityat10.30am on Wednesday<br />

13 <strong>July</strong>,with afamily movie night at 7pm.<br />

OnFriday15<strong>July</strong>,the10.30amcraftsession<br />

will be creating bookmark toppers, with a<br />

boardgame eveningat7pm.<br />

In the second week of the holidays, there<br />

will be ping pong trick shots and marble<br />

mazes at 10.30am on Monday18<strong>July</strong>.On<br />

Wednesday 20 <strong>July</strong>, children will have a<br />

chance at10.30am to play with food as<br />

well as eat it; aboard game evening is<br />

scheduled for7pm.<br />

On Friday 22 <strong>July</strong>,children will be able to<br />

make aMatariki game at10.30am, and<br />

take part in afamily movie night at 7pm.<br />

The star gazing will open happen if the<br />

weather is clear, sokeep an eye onthe<br />

library’sFacebook page forupdates.<br />

Forfurther information,contactthe library<br />

on 308-7192, email them at library@adc.<br />

govt.nz, or messagethem on Facebook.<br />


Meetings areatCouncilChambers,<br />

137 Havelock Street,unlessspecified<br />

LocalElection candidate information<br />

evening, Tuesday 19 <strong>July</strong>, 5.30pm<br />

Methven Community Board, Monday<br />

25<strong>July</strong>,10.30am, at Mt HuttMemorial<br />

Hall<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Water Zone<br />

Committee, Tuesday 26 <strong>July</strong>, 1pm<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

Council meeting, Wednesday 27 <strong>July</strong><br />

1pm (live-streamed)<br />



Winter is upon us,and we want<br />

everyone to be warm and cosy in their<br />

homes.Asmoke-free firemeans a<br />

warmer,cheaperfire–and cleaner air<br />

forusall to breathe.<br />

Environment Canterbury hasstarted<br />

itswinterair campaign and is urging<br />

people to rememberthesethree things<br />

to ensureasmoke-free fire:<br />

• Use of dry, well-seasoned wood<br />

• Adopting good burning technique<br />

• Use of amodern,well-maintained<br />

burner.<br />

Ensuring your wood is dryandwellseasonediskey<br />

to burning ahotter,<br />

moreefficient firewithless smoke. It’ll<br />

alsosaveyou money as you’ll use less<br />

wood to achieve abetter result.<br />

See alistofTrustedGood Wood<br />

Merchantsatwarmercheaper.co.nz,<br />

andwatch some video tips on burning<br />

"upsidedown",identifying when your<br />

chimneyneeds cleaning andlearn how<br />

to stack likeapro. p<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,7<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 86<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

David’s service recognised<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary Club hasrecognised<br />

David Mead withaPaul Harris<br />

Fellowship for hisoutstandingservice<br />

to the club and the community.<br />

It was presented by outgoing<br />

presidentLeicester Wilson last week<br />

at theclub’s changeover meeting.<br />

David joined the club in 2011 and<br />

sincethenhas had anumber of roles.<br />

He was international committee chair<br />

2014­16, foundation chair 2015­17, and<br />

was president elect 2016­17, becoming<br />

presidentin2017­18.<br />

He is averyactive member of the<br />

club always contributing cheerfully.<br />

‘‘He has taken amajor<br />

organizational role in Bookarama<br />

since2019, this involvescontinuous<br />

work throughout theentire year.His<br />

help with ourmajor fundraiser has<br />

been invaluable and is much<br />

appreciated.<br />

‘‘Rotary has been an important and<br />

enjoyable part of his life. Highlights<br />

were going on aRotary Exchange to<br />

Canada and hosting Rotarians in their<br />

home from different parts of the<br />

world, also during his Presidential<br />

year hosting theAmerican<br />

ambassador toNew Zealand.<br />

‘‘Born in Nelson and raised on a<br />

third­generation family farm. He<br />

began hisworking life at Wright<br />

Stephenson’s where he completed a<br />

mechanical apprenticeship. During<br />

this time he was avolunteer<br />

firefighter. His early career was<br />

interesting and varied, including time<br />

working in New Zealand Forestry,<br />

Mines in central Australia and fishing<br />

boats out of Darwin.<br />

‘‘On returning to New Zealand and<br />

becoming afamily man he worked first<br />

in Forestry and then ajob change to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary Club’s David Mead, left, is given his Paul Harris Fellowship<br />

from outgoing president Leicester Wilson.<br />


the Ministry of Works. He transferred<br />

to <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1977 as workshops<br />

manager.<br />

‘‘After15years theMinistry of<br />

Works closed in <strong>Ashburton</strong> and he and<br />

his wife took it over as amechanical<br />

workshop to the public and formed a<br />

company that bears his name. He<br />

joined the Motor Trade Association<br />

and served as the local presidentfor a<br />

number ofyears. Later they took over<br />

the Caltex Service Station at Tinwald<br />

and then Caltex <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

‘‘Hewent on to be part of theMTA<br />

Service Station committee in<br />

Wellington at an executive level. He<br />

also served on the Retailers Council<br />

for Caltex for anumberofyears.<br />

‘‘He is agreat family man always<br />

giving freely of his time to themany<br />

interests his family has had. While his<br />

two children were growing up,he<br />

became involved in their sport.<br />

He coached junior football and was<br />

amember of the Mid Canterbury<br />

Football Association committee.<br />

He hasbeen very supportive and<br />

has given up his time helping his wife<br />

with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts and<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> ArtGallery committee.<br />

‘‘His passion nowishis large<br />

extensive garden andheisamember<br />

of the South CanterburyRose<br />

Society.’’<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Get ready for<br />

local elections<br />

The ElectoralCommission has begunits<br />

enrolment drive to make sure people are<br />

enrolled for this year’slocalbodyelections.<br />

It’s when every body agedover the age of 18,<br />

can vote for the people they want to<br />

represent them on the council, andregional<br />

council.<br />

‘‘It’s timetocheck you're enrolled,and that<br />

you’re listed at the right address,soyou’re<br />

ready to voteinOctober localelections,’’<br />

says RossMcPherson,ActingNational<br />

Manager, Enrolment and Community<br />

Engagement.<br />

More than3.5million enrolment update<br />

packs werebeing sentout everyone<br />

currently listed on theelectoral roll.<br />

‘‘Checkyourdetails whenyou receive your<br />

pack. If they’re correct,you’reall set to vote.<br />

‘‘If anythingneeds changing, go to vote.nz<br />

to update your details onlineormake the<br />

changes on theform and send it back.’’<br />

If you have not got apack by today, it<br />

means you’re not enrolledoryou need to<br />

update your address, he said.<br />

And if yougot apack that’s not addressed<br />

to anyone at your house,please send it back.<br />

People can enrol or update theirdetails<br />

online at vote.nz using their New Zealand<br />

driver licence, NewZealand passport or<br />

RealMe verified identity.The local body<br />

electionswill be held in October for city,<br />

district,and regional councils.<br />

The elections are runbylocal councils and<br />

are held by postal vote.<br />

Votersneed to be enrolled at the correct<br />

address to receive their votingpapers in the<br />

mail.<br />

‘‘Councils make decisionsthat affect our<br />

daily lives on things likerates,rubbish<br />

collection, and public transport, so it’s<br />

important that you're enrolledand readyto<br />

haveyoursaythis October,’’ Mr McPherson<br />

said.<br />

We’vegot<br />

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thought,for less<br />

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On ourshelvesyou’ll find top<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Miniature magic at model train show<br />

The ModelTrain Show willbe<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>for the seventh<br />

time this weekend.<br />

The exhibition, at Tinwald<br />

Hall, will give the public a<br />

chance to experience an<br />

enchanting world of miniature<br />

trains chugging through<br />

beautifully craftedlandscapes<br />

so realisticone marvels at the<br />

skill of their creators.<br />

Model train enthusiasts Andy<br />

Munroand RobReadhavebeen<br />

hard at work organisingthe<br />

show restricted only by the size<br />

of thevenue that will house it.<br />

They have been constructing<br />

model train layouts and<br />

exhibiting them throughoutthe<br />

South Island formany years.<br />

During that time they have<br />

made the acquaintance of many<br />

other enthusiasts, someof<br />

whomhavebeeninvited to<br />

exhibit their exquisitework at<br />

the Tinwald exhibition.<br />

They have had plenty of<br />

interest frommodel train<br />

enthusiasts South Island­wide<br />

who are keen to contribute to<br />

the show.<br />

Andy said organisingamodel<br />

train exhibition is no mean feat<br />

and workingout the placement<br />

of the layouts involvedafair<br />

degreeofmathematical<br />

prowess.<br />

‘‘Firstupwedrew up ascaled<br />

down floor planofthe Tinwald<br />

hall and madepaper patterns of<br />

the modeltrain layouts and<br />

their protective barriers<br />

according to measurements<br />

supplied by the exhibitors.<br />

‘‘The numbered patterns<br />

were then laid out on thefloor<br />

plan jigsaw­style to establish<br />

the best use of theavailable<br />

floor space.’’<br />

There will also be trade<br />

displays of new and secondhand<br />

itemsatthe exhibition<br />

such as the ever­popular buy,<br />

sell and exchange tables where<br />

books, videos and newand used<br />

railway modelling equipment,<br />

such as scenery,buildings and<br />

engines will be on sale.<br />

Andy reckons that, having<br />

done it everysecond year<br />

except 2020 because of covid,<br />

setting up the nextexhibition<br />

ought to be much easierand the<br />

organisers have established the<br />

event on abiennial basis,<br />

alternating withthe Timaru<br />

exhibition which is also held<br />

two­yearly.<br />

Model trains comein<br />

different sizes and the<br />

exhibition will include models<br />

of varying sizes from NScale<br />

through to alarge GScale and<br />

also adisplay by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Model Engineers will be at the<br />

hall.<br />

He saidthe helpoflocal<br />

organisations such as<br />

volunteers from St Joseph’s<br />

Schoolwho will be there selling<br />

food and drink for afundraiser.<br />

Theexhibition will be run<br />

with proceeds going to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Railway<br />

Preservation Society (Plains<br />

Railway).<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Model Train Show<br />

will be open <strong>July</strong> 9and 10 from<br />

9.30 am to 4.30pm.<br />

Admittance is $10for adults<br />

and $3 for children.<br />

Family passes fortwo adults<br />

and twochildren will also be<br />

available at acost of $20.<br />

Visitors to the show will have a<br />

opportunity to see the detail of<br />

the model trains. PHOTO SUPPLIED<br />

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Suspended Seconds band members from left, Marc Calzada, Imogen Felton and Connor Stewart, of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College, rock it out on stage at the Smokefree Rockquest regional heats in Timaru.<br />


Rocking to their own beat<br />

Musicians fromboth Mid Canterbury<br />

high schools have made it through to<br />

the online regional final of<br />

SmokefreeRockquest <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

They are Suspended Seconds of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College, along with<br />

MONDAZE,and Goodbye Thursday,<br />

both of Mount Hutt College.<br />

The bands madeitthrough after<br />

performing alive performance in the<br />

Smokefree Rockquest <strong>2022</strong> regional<br />

heats competition, at Craighead<br />

Diocesan School, in Timaru last<br />

weekend.<br />

In all 16 bands, duos andsolo<br />

artists were lined up to compete,<br />

althoughsome were hit by illness<br />

and unable to perform.<br />

First place went to Third Junction<br />

from Timaru Boys High School, and<br />

secondwas Grace Coe, of Roncalli<br />

College.<br />

Others going through to the online<br />

regional final are:<br />

Zenith from Opihi Collegeand<br />

ACEfrom Craighead Diocesan<br />

School.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

21<br />

Community and<br />

school support<br />

for grand finalists<br />

FromPage1<br />

AgriKidsNZcompetitors Edward Pottinger,<br />

LiamLash and Edward White, of Longbeach<br />

School,were gratefulfor the ‘‘huge community<br />

support’’ they hadreceived in the lead up to the<br />

grand final, on now in Whangarei.<br />

It hashas included help from parents,<br />

businesses, school teacher­in­charge Debbie<br />

Boon,and their school peers.<br />

ForLiam, 13,who has been in anational<br />

final before, andEdward Pottinger,12, it will<br />

be their last timecompeting in the event; they<br />

both headtohighschool next year.<br />

However, dependingonthe result this week<br />

Edward White, 11,could still compete again.<br />

During the competition, which runs along<br />

side theNew ZealandYoung Farmerof the<br />

Year, andthe Junior YoungFarmer of the<br />

Year (formerly TeenAg) finishing on <strong>July</strong> 9, the<br />

boys will compete in arange of practical<br />

modules and challenges basedonthe food and<br />

fibre sector, hosted by sponsors.<br />

They will also compete in an agri quiz and a<br />

race offevent.<br />

Every year more than 400primary school<br />

aged studentscompete in regionalfinals in<br />

teams of three,withthe hope to make the top<br />

threeteams to qualify for the AgriKidsNZ<br />

grandfinal.<br />

NewZealand Young Farmers chief<br />

executiveLyndaCoppersmithsaidthe<br />

competition wasfor children from all<br />

backgrounds.<br />

‘‘You don't have to be from afarm to enter,<br />

kids of allagesenjoythecompetition.<br />

‘‘It’saway for them to get outside,have fun<br />

with their friends andlearn theimportanceof<br />

teamworkwhile also being exposed to where<br />

their food comesfrom,’’she said.<br />

Youcould be paying less for electricity<br />

It’s timetomakesureyou are.<br />

Below is a simple electricity cost leaderboard that shows what an average<br />

residential customer could pay annually for electricity in Mid Canterbury.<br />

Formore informationvisit eanetworks.co.nz/leaderboard<br />

It’s a good idea to check you are on the best plan. Consumer<br />

Powerswitch provides consumers with a free and independent<br />

price comparison. It’s quick and it’s easy.<br />

Visit powerswitch.org.nz to ensure you are on the right plan.<br />

Mid Canterbury’s lowestcostelectricity retailers*<br />

LeaderboardforJune <strong>2022</strong><br />

2nd<br />

Frank Energy<br />

$2,231pa<br />

1st<br />

Powershop<br />

$2,178pa<br />

3rd<br />

Electric Kiwi<br />

$2,382pa<br />

* Results were found using powerswitch.org.nz onTuesday21June <strong>2022</strong> at 2.30pm. Averagecostresults arebased on a<br />

3to4person household in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Forcomplete criteriaplease visit eanetworks.co.nz/leaderboard. Individual results<br />

may differ.EANetworksdoesnot makeany warranties or representations as to (and has no liability in respectof)the quality,<br />

suitability forany purpose, accuracy or completeness of any such information. Whilethe information presented may include<br />

statements, opinions orrefertocertain powercompaniesbyname, it does not constitute an endorsement by EANetworks.

NEWS<br />

22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Society of arts exhibiting excellence<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Society of Arts’ Annual Exhibition is on<br />

at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Art Gallery, with more than 300 mixed<br />

media artworks on display.<br />

Filledwith enigmatic colourand head­tilting<br />

sculptures, the 58th annual exhibition’s opening night<br />

was anelegantand engaging eveningboasting work<br />

from many Cantabrian artists and provided guests an<br />

opportunity to admire creative talents with bubbles in<br />

hand.<br />

With over 250 people present, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of<br />

Arts president Kay Begg said she was thrilledwith the<br />

turn out, ‘‘it was awonderful opening night.<br />

‘‘Thecommittee was very happy withthe standard of<br />

works presented and the many positive comments from<br />

those attending reinforced that view.’’<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts accepted all works<br />

submitted for their exhibition, which has created an<br />

energetic and diverse display for everyone to enjoy.<br />

All artworks were eligible to compete in thefive<br />

categories, with 17 placements available.<br />

Theart awards saw 10 locally­sponsored prizes<br />

presented in addition to the sculpture award, miniature<br />

award, and theapplied art, craft, andphotography<br />

award.<br />

Apremier award with acash prize of $3000was also<br />

available to allcategories, alongside apeople’s choice<br />

award presented toward the end of the opening night<br />

after thevotesofguests were counted.<br />

Theworks were judged by Christchurch Art Gallery<br />

lead curator Felicity Millburn, with compliments given<br />

to many of theartworks and artists.<br />

‘‘Thejudge was brilliant and Ithought hercomments<br />

and feedbacktothe artists were very insightful and<br />

encouraging,’’ Kay said.<br />

Seven guest artists were invited to participate in the<br />

exhibition, with local artists Brian Laubscher and Susie<br />

Millichamp showcasingtheir works.<br />

All 357 art pieces exhibited were available for<br />

purchase.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> ArtGallery and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society<br />

of Arts were thankful for the support provided by<br />

various local communitytrusts, organisations and<br />

volunteers who all helpedtomakethe opening night a<br />

success.<br />

Theexhibition is open to the public and runs until<br />

<strong>July</strong> 29.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery was bustling during opening night of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts’ 58th Annual<br />

Exhibition.<br />


ASA Awards presented as follows:<br />

RMF Silva Premier Award –Diana Peneamene “The Purple<br />

Shirt”<br />

Braided Rivers Community Trust Water &Nature Award –<br />

Adrienne Pavelka “Southerly”<br />

Rothbury Insurance Brokers, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Merit Award –Jo<br />

Loughnan “Best Dress Best Boots”<br />

Rosebank Village Local Award –Margaret Digby “Lyttelton<br />

From Diamond Harbour”<br />

NBS Local Merit Award –Brian Shimmin “Ash Bowl”<br />

Forest &Bird Nz Flora &Fauna Art Award –Pia Davie<br />

“Native Animals Of New Zealand”<br />

Scott Automotive Watercolour Award –Libby Kemp<br />

“Ruapehu From The Top Of The Bruce”<br />

Frame­Co Highly Commended Award –Marcia Scott<br />

“Foliage And Flower Series –1”<br />

Neumanns Tyres Highly Commended Award –Zita<br />

Waldron “Land, Sea And Sky”<br />

The Drawing Room Highly Commended Award –Rachel<br />

Savage “Watching”<br />

Gordon Harris Award –Cullen Higgins “Mondlicht”<br />

Latitude Magazine Sculpture Award –Kat Boland<br />

“Stoneware”<br />

Genesis Capital Miniature Award –Maree Peate “Golden<br />

Wind”<br />

Robin Corbett Handcraft Award –Karen Ellis “Necklace”<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Limited Award ­Sayoko Pettigrew<br />

“Hermit Crab”<br />

Unique Jewellery Local Award –Sarah Crispin “Evolution<br />

Of Pollution”<br />

‘‘Summer ­Corsair Bay’’ by Sue Currie. Oil painting.<br />

Sculptures by <strong>Ashburton</strong> artist Brian Laubscher.<br />

‘‘Spellbound’’ by Karen Boyce. Oil on canvas.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />

Chris bids farewell to Feds role<br />

Mid Canterbury farmer Chris<br />

Allen has bid farewell after<br />

many fulfilling years<br />

representing farmers at a<br />

national level.<br />

TheFederated Farmers<br />

stalwart has spent 11 years on<br />

national council and prior was<br />

Mid Canterbury provincial<br />

president; he hasalsohas been<br />

on the meatandwool council.<br />

He hasnoregrets.<br />

‘‘I got theopportunity to<br />

representFedsonthe Land<br />

and Water Forum, andwas<br />

involved in setting up the<br />

Biodiversity Collaborative<br />

Group with Forest &Bird and<br />

theMinistryfor the<br />

Environment ­both tackling<br />

huge issues aroundthe future<br />

of farming in New Zealand,’’ he<br />

said, in his final word.<br />

‘‘I've hopefully represented<br />

farmers views with an<br />

authentic tone and left the<br />

emotion out.It's been a<br />

absolute privilege to represent<br />

farmers on somequite tense<br />

andcriticaltopics’’.<br />

He said the highpoint of his<br />

time wasFederated Farmers<br />

responsetothe Canterbury<br />

floods.<br />

‘‘Telling the story, sending<br />

messages to where we could<br />

expecttoget politicalhelp and<br />

followingup.<br />

‘‘Part of atruly immense<br />

team effort,’’ he said.<br />

Thelowpoints included<br />

seeing the pain caused by ‘‘a<br />

heartlessand non­people<br />

focused Mbovis response in the<br />

earlydays,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Thankfully, it didimprove.<br />

Secondly, beingpart of an<br />

organisationaccusedof<br />

Chris Allen<br />

leakingsensitive water policy<br />

documents onlytofind outa<br />

year later it was agovernment<br />

organisation that didit.<br />

He said theconstantissue<br />

throughout hisyears on the<br />

boardwas the excruciating<br />

pace and workloadneededto<br />

respond to the plethora of new<br />

freshwater policies.<br />

‘‘The strainonour<br />

organisation (as well as other<br />

primary sector organisations)<br />

has and continues to be both<br />

immense and downright<br />

stupid.<br />

‘‘We have struggled to cope<br />

with unrealistic timetables for<br />

responses andtried to<br />

highlightthis as aproblem for<br />

us andothers with only limited<br />

success.<br />

‘‘It is hardnot to assumethe<br />

outcome was predetermined.’’<br />

He said it wastopped offlast<br />

week by the‘‘long­awaited<br />

release of an internalreport<br />

from Ministry for Environment<br />

into the way theagency<br />

developedand producedthe<br />

‘Essential Freshwater’<br />

regulations.<br />

‘‘Talesofministers ignoring<br />

advice, the entireagency being<br />

understaffed,under resourced<br />

and under skilledtocope with<br />

this issue as well asthe<br />

inevitable failureofthe<br />

process to be implemented<br />

wisely all came as no surprise<br />

to me andour staff involved.’’<br />

He said the release of the<br />

report proved to him that<br />

sometimes it was righttohold<br />

backand then just say ‘I told<br />

you so’ whenthe sky clearsand<br />

peoplestartthinking straight<br />

again.<br />

‘‘There's still alot to getright<br />

with theseregulations.<br />

‘‘It haswasted time, alot of<br />

money and burned out some<br />

very talentedpeople along the<br />

way.’’<br />

Mr Allen officially finishes<br />

up tomorrow andsaid<br />

‘‘governments are still writing<br />

rules, so holdon­itmight geta<br />

little bumpy.<br />

‘‘But that’s what Feds is for.<br />

Remember my ‘SPA’ rule to<br />

runyour advocacy: Keep it<br />

sensible, practical and<br />

affordable.’’<br />

‘‘Thankyou all for your<br />

support, it has been<br />

appreciated.’’<br />

National youth orchestra set to play<br />

TheNZSONational Youth<br />

Orchestra willperform in<br />

Christchurch this weekend for<br />

thefirst timeinfouryears.<br />

Theconcert at the<br />

Christchurch Town Hall on<br />

<strong>July</strong> 9willfeature oneofthe<br />

greatest symphonic worksever<br />

written.<br />

It is GustavMahler’s First<br />

Symphony Titan.<br />

AotearoaNew Zealand’s best<br />

young orchestral musicians<br />

will be ledbyAustralian<br />

conductor FabianRussell, who<br />

founded The Orchestra<br />

Project, atraining programme<br />

for pre­eminent young<br />

Australian musicians.<br />

The concert NYO Titan in<br />

Association with the Adam<br />

Foundation and Corporate<br />

Sponsor nzherald.co.nz, also<br />

features the world premiere of<br />

Wāhi Ngaro by National Youth<br />

Orchestra Composer­in­<br />

Residence David Masone and<br />

German composer Paul<br />

Hindemith’s dramatic<br />

Symphonic Metamorphosis of<br />

Themes by Carl Maria von<br />

Weber.<br />

Mason drawsonboth his<br />

Māori heritage and his<br />

classical music training for his<br />

newwork.<br />

“Byintegrating the style and<br />

colour of traditional Māori<br />

musicwith the vast malleable<br />

sonic capabilities of the<br />

Orchestra, Iaim to develop a<br />

whollyMāori orchestral<br />

sound,” he says.<br />

Inspiredbypiano duets from<br />

classical composer Carl Maria<br />

vonWeber,Hindemith<br />

borrowedfromWeber’s<br />

delightfultunes and<br />

symphonicallytransformed<br />

them.<br />

Theresult is his<br />

irrepressibly entertaining<br />

Symphonic Metamorphoseson<br />

Carl Maria vonWeber,<br />

overflowing withsplashesof<br />

orchestralcolour.<br />

Mahleralways thought a<br />

symphony shouldcontaina<br />

wholeworld.<br />

Titan celebrates the entire<br />

universe. TicketstoNYO Titan<br />

at Christchurch Town Hallon<br />

Saturdayare available via<br />

ticketek.co.nz<br />



The NZ Professional Firefighters’<br />

Union and Fireand Emergency NZ<br />

are working on aprocess to reengage<br />

constructively in collective<br />

bargaining.<br />

Amutually agreed third party is<br />

beingengaged to support and<br />

assist this re-engagement.<br />

The industrialactioncurrently<br />

under wayremainsinplace,but will<br />

not impact career firefighters’ ability<br />

to respond to emergencyincidents.<br />

Both parties have agreed not to<br />

engageinmedia interviews about<br />

theissues to be progressedthrough<br />

the collective bargainingprocess.<br />

Neither party willbemaking<br />

further commentonthe contents of<br />

this joint statement.Further updates<br />

willbeprovided in due course.<br />


Chocolate,pizza,candles and<br />

movies aresomeofthe gift package<br />

offers being sold as part of the ‘The<br />

Great NightIn’ fundraisertohelp<br />

Women's Refuge this month.<br />

People can choose awarming gift<br />

for themselves or someone they<br />

love.<br />

Theevent encouragesNew<br />

Zealanderstosettle in and get<br />

comfy for the cause on <strong>July</strong> 17 by<br />

choosing one of sevengift package<br />

options,available at www.safenight.<br />

nz that willultimatelyhelp women<br />

andtheirchildren escape family<br />

violence.<br />


The early morning death of a<br />

Taranaki cleaner has prompted<br />

WorkSafe New Zealand to remind<br />

businesses to think around the<br />

clockwhen it comes to worker<br />

safety.<br />

RobinKilleen, 74, dieddoing<br />

cleaningworkatANZCO in Eltham,<br />

in December 2019. Thecompany<br />

and its subsidiary,Riverlands<br />

Eltham Limited weresentenced in<br />

the Hāwera District Court for health<br />

and safety failings. AWorkSafe<br />

investigationfoundANZCO should<br />

havedeveloped asafe operating<br />

procedure for cleaning of the<br />

machine,and REL should havehad<br />

better hazard identificationand risk<br />

assessmentaboutthe cleaning<br />

process.<br />

Businesses may havecompetent<br />

staff and thorough procedures on<br />

site in daylight hours. Butmany<br />

businesses have cleanersorother<br />

contractors coming in afterhours for<br />

maintenance,soit’s criticalto<br />

considerthese people in healthand<br />

safety planningand assessment of<br />

risks.<br />

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NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Youth earn volunteer community awards<br />

Anna Tuamoheloa, JackKeane,Genna<br />

Oates, Grace Leahy, Danielle Faichnie,<br />

AlexCarr and Jessica Moore have been<br />

acknowledged in theVolunteering Mid&<br />

South Canterbury and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Youth Council VolunteerRecognition<br />

Awards.<br />

Anna Tuamoheloa was given the<br />

culturaland environmentyouth<br />

volunteer award. Anna’s quiet, humble<br />

styleofleadershipand givingback makes<br />

her an excellent nominee.<br />

She has been astudentatMount Hutt<br />

College for fiveyears. She has taken on<br />

the role as head of thecultural committee<br />

at Mt Hutt College this year. As aYear12<br />

student she volunteered to jointhe<br />

committee and was chosentorun it<br />

because of herkindness, compassion, and<br />

passion forraising cultural awareness<br />

and celebrating diversity.<br />

Anna is organised, inspires others to<br />

want to participateand MtHutt College<br />

has afully functioning cultural committee<br />

with arange of students on board.<br />

She is inclusive andleads by example.<br />

Annaisafantasticleader of GreenHouse<br />

this year.She hasconsistently shown Mt<br />

HuttCollege PRIDE values (passion,<br />

respect,integrity, diversity,and<br />

excellence).<br />

Jack Keane wasawarded the youth<br />

volunteer in thesport category of the<br />

awards. Jack, or JK as he is known, has<br />

been involvedwiththe Methven Cricket<br />

Club for several seasons.<br />

Over the past two seasons hehas taken<br />

on the role of coachingthe most junior<br />

players whoare starting out.<br />

JK has taken aseason off allsport due<br />

to fractures in his lower back. He is<br />

unable to play himself, but he was at<br />

cricket practiceevery Thursdaytocoach<br />

up to adozen children andteach them<br />

cricket skills.<br />

JK has some supportfrom other senior<br />

players butran thetrainings byhimself,<br />

planning outthesessions.<br />

He has also beenacoach with Methven<br />

Hockey Club and MethvenRugbyClub.<br />

Genna Oates was awardedrunner­upin<br />

the sports category of the awards. Sheisa<br />

memberofthe MethvenHockey Club who<br />

rely solelyonvolunteers like Genna.<br />

Genna plays hockey in high level<br />

representative teams andalreadyhas a<br />

huge commitmentjust to make her own<br />

games andtraining sessions. By<br />

volunteering to coach ayounger grade,<br />

she oftenspends most weeknights at the<br />

turf.<br />

It is Genna’s secondyear of coaching,<br />

and theclub has seen her grow in<br />

confidence. She is always friendly and<br />

polite, yetalsoassertive withthe juniors<br />

and has agreat rapport.<br />

She is an excellent role model.Genna<br />

also volunteers with Methven Tennis<br />

Club and Hotshot coaching which she has<br />

done for twoseasons.<br />

Above: <strong>Ashburton</strong> Youth Council<br />

member and Mt Hutt College head boy<br />

Janre Lim with Anna Tuamoheloa, and<br />

below: Danielle Faichnie, centre, with<br />

Dellwyn Moylan and Jono Hay.<br />

Grace Leahy was awarded the<br />

communityandsocial service youth<br />

volunteer. Grace hasbeen volunteering at<br />

theStJohn Opshopfor around 10 months.<br />

Shehas worked every second weekend<br />

on aSaturday and has helped out on the<br />

oddoccasion in school holidays. Being<br />

younger than other volunteers at the St<br />

John Op Shop, Grace bringsvibrancy to<br />

theteam.<br />

Sheiscomputer savvywhich canbe<br />

extremely helpfultoolder team<br />

members.<br />

TheStJohn Op Shop think it is very<br />

commendableaschoolstudent gives up a<br />

couple of days in their weekends to<br />

volunteer, as well as havingapart­time<br />

paid job. Customerslove her and she<br />

relates to all walks of life.<br />

Danielle Faichnie was awarded<br />

runner­upinthe communityand social<br />

service volunteer sector. Having<br />

completed theCactus programme herself<br />

andshowing leadership abilities,<br />

Danielle became apeer support leader. It<br />

meant attending Cactusfourhours aweek<br />

forTerm1,3and4plus three overnight<br />

camps and afour­night advancedcamp.<br />

Shewas in the role as aPeer Support<br />

Above: Grace Leahy, Jack Keane, Jessica Moore and Genna Oates recognised for<br />

their volunteer roles, and below: Alex Carr, centre, with Dellwyn Moylan and Jono<br />

Hay.<br />

Leaderfor three andhalf years and has a<br />

thoroughunderstanding ofthe<br />

programme. She shows empathy with the<br />

children. She is very skilled in anumber<br />

ofcamping activities including camp<br />

cooking, fire safety,erecting tents; skills<br />

she passes on to theyoung ones.<br />

She is agoodcommunicatorand works<br />

hard to ensure everyone is included. She<br />

alsoattends St John and passes on the<br />

information she learnstochildrenonthe<br />

programme.<br />

Alex Carr was awardedacertificate of<br />

appreciation in the community and social<br />

sector category. At the start of <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toy Libraryhad anotice in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College daily notices looking<br />

for oneortwo regular volunteers to help<br />

out.<br />

Alexstarted volunteering with them on<br />

February 12,<strong>2022</strong>. She mostly helps out<br />

for twohours on aSaturday, butwhile<br />

Year 9studentswere rostered awayfrom<br />

school on Thursdays formostofTerm 1,<br />

she helped outonaThursdayaswell.<br />

Alexisaquiet naturedyounglady but<br />

has ahuge, friendlysmile behind her<br />

mask.She uses herinitiativeanisalso<br />

happy to clean the toys regularly.<br />

Alexhas also joinedthe Litter Free<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> group for the 2020and2021<br />

Keep NZ Beautiful litter pick up eventsin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and on May 12,<strong>2022</strong>joined the<br />

group on herteacher only day fromschool<br />

fortheirmonthly litter pickup.<br />

JessicaMoore was awarded a<br />

certificateofappreciation in the<br />

community and social service sector<br />

category.Jessica began volunteering with<br />

MethvenPippins and Brownies<br />

(GirlGuiding New Zealand) at the<br />

beginningof2021. Sadly, this stopped<br />

beingrun in Methven thisyear.<br />

MethvenScouts invitedJess to join<br />

them at the beginningof<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Jess is an enthusiastic, motivated, and<br />

friendly person, and is passionateabout<br />

her community. Shehelped with the<br />

sessions, as well as organised and led<br />

some activitiesfor thetamariki.<br />

Jess is patientand caring and responds<br />

well to theneeds of the children she<br />

helps. Sheisalways on time and ready for<br />

anything which is askedofher, nothingis<br />

aproblem, and sheisalways ready to step<br />

up and lend ahelpinghand.<br />

Jess has shown herself to beavalued<br />

member of the MethvenScouts team; and<br />

they have been pleasedtosee her<br />

confidence andselfesteem grown over<br />

her time with them.<br />




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THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>07</strong>JULY, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online atgnews.co.nz<br />

Susanne West (left) and Alexia Bensemann look forward towelcoming and supporting newcomers to Geraldine. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

Support for newcomers to Geraldine<br />

Where<br />

Where<br />

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All small goods made on the premises<br />

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Geraldine Resource Centre community social<br />

support worker Alexia Bensemann, relatively<br />

recent newcomer SusanneWest and Multicultural<br />

Aoraki are excited torelaunch the Geraldine<br />

newcomersgroup, Newcomers 22.<br />

Alexiasays awelcome and chat get-together<br />

is planned for 9.30am on Monday 11 <strong>July</strong> at<br />

Mundells Café. Everyone new to Geraldine<br />

is invited to come along; support Mundells<br />

by buying a hot drink and abite to eat, meet<br />

other newcomers, and hear what wehave<br />

planned for the new group and our aim for the<br />

years to come.<br />

This is a great collaboration between the<br />

Geraldine Resource Centre, Multicultural<br />

Aoraki and otherpassionate people whohave<br />

found the need to have anewcomers group<br />

within Geraldine. The previous newcomers<br />

group merged into the Friends of Geraldine<br />

group, which still meets monthly for lunch.<br />

Newcomers 22 is anew beginning.<br />

Despite lockdowns and travel restrictions,<br />

the last few years have seen new arrivals to<br />

Geraldine from aroundthe country and overseas.<br />

Alexia says,Sometimes it canbehardtofind<br />

your feet in anew place.Finding new connections<br />

and supportinastrangetown can be daunting.<br />

This group is set up as asupport network and<br />

aconnectionnetwork to meet these needs.<br />

Supported by thosewho have been new to<br />

the area,this groupiscreated to be asafe place<br />

where people can come and chat, share and<br />

explore challenges andlearn aboutour unique<br />

community - understanding the local social<br />

groups, sports groups, craft groups or even<br />

walking groups and offering ways that people<br />

caninterconnectand support each other.<br />

Susanne West has lived inGeraldine for<br />

two years now and says, Fouryears ago when<br />

my husband, Simon, and Iweredoing a recce<br />

around the South Island, looking for a place<br />

to settle, we saw asmall notice advertising a<br />

newcomersgroup which met at Mundells Café.<br />

We thought that was anice touch and added<br />

it to theplusesforGeraldine in our notebook.<br />

When we eventually moved here, the notice<br />

was still up. Ienquired but heard it was no<br />

longer operating, which was ashame.<br />

So, Istarted going to churchinstead andhave<br />

met lots of people through that now.<br />

Alexia hopesthat the Newcomers 22 group<br />

willmeet the needs of those newtothe community<br />

and encourage integration. She says, It is<br />

intended to be arevolving, growing, and<br />

supportive group for all who come, no matter<br />

how longthey havebeen in Geraldine -itcould<br />

be afew days or afew months -encouraging<br />

and supporting them wherever they have<br />

come from.<br />

MulticulturalAoraki offers support, advice,<br />

and advocacy to multiculturaland newcomer<br />

communities.The GeraldineResourceCentre<br />

provides connections to local social support<br />

networks and interest groups within the<br />

community. For more information, contact<br />

Alexia on 03 693 7001. DEBBIE OLIVER

WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>07</strong>HŌNGONGOI, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Congratulations to BaileyBooth who has beenselectedfor<br />

the NZR NationalUnder 18 Māori Development Camp Tane<br />

from 17-20<strong>July</strong> in Rotorua. Baileyattended andhas been<br />

selected from one ofthe fiveregional ETuToacampsheld in<br />

April. Well done, Bailey. (Facebook/GRFC) PHOTO: Archives<br />

Our condolences to Andrew (Charlie) Charles family<br />

and to our police asthey mourn one of their own.<br />

He will be missed (see police tribute onpage 5).<br />

Last week we welcomed Hannaand herson Sasha<br />

to our town all the way from Ukraine. This week we<br />

read of an initiative to resurrect thenewcomers group,<br />

the old one having merged into afriendship group.<br />

We join with Newcomers 22 in welcoming all new<br />

Geraldinians to our slice ofheaven.<br />

We were newcomers ourselves around15years ago.<br />

Like Susanne West, wefound our way into the<br />

communitythrough involvement in St Maryschurch.<br />

For us, Geraldine has been aplace ofwelcome. We<br />

feel we belong,thoughweare awareofthose families<br />

who have been here for generations. Itseems tous<br />

that we newcomers and the old handsget along well<br />

in this eclectic mix of atown.<br />

And in Geraldine, there is no shortage of things to<br />

get involved with. In the last edition of each month,<br />

we publish an activity calendar collated by the resource<br />

centre.Theyare on Peel Street,just across the driveway<br />

next to FreshChoice. As well as suggestinggroups you<br />

might like toget involved with, they also maintain a<br />

list of local situations vacant.<br />

It is interesting that Geraldine ismuch more<br />

cosmopolitan nowthan it was, even afew years ago.<br />

It is ajoy to hear Spanish spoken (or yelled) on our<br />

football fields and amix of languages overheard in<br />

our supermarket.<br />

As we extol the virtues of our little town, we offer<br />

congratulations to Lynn River,who took out the Large<br />

Business awardatthe <strong>2022</strong> SouthCanterburyChamber<br />

of Commerce Ara Business Excellence Awards. We<br />

bask in their reflected glory.<br />

Wrap up warm as we enjoy frosty mornings and<br />

clear days. HUGH &FI<br />

Local ornithologist Paul Sagar to speak atGeraldine Historical Societys AGM. PHOTO: Archives<br />

Opportunity to get involved inGeraldines history<br />

The Geraldine Historical Societys<br />

20 <strong>July</strong> AGM offers the community the<br />

chance toget involved with Geraldine<br />

Museum andenjoy aguest presentation<br />

by Geraldine-based ornithologist and<br />

natural historian Paul Sagar.<br />

Secretary Margaret Chapman says,<br />

The AGM is an opportunity for people<br />

to come and learn what the museum is<br />

about and what were doing. They can<br />

findout about our new displaysand what<br />

we have planned.<br />

New committeemembers andvolunteers<br />

will be coming on board at ared-letter<br />

time. The museums extension opened<br />

in 2014; since then, the society has been<br />

developing its permanentdisplays.Were<br />

putting finishing touches on our last few<br />

displays andhopetohave agrand opening<br />

later this year, says Margaret.<br />

She says, Weve got agood team of<br />

volunteers, and the committeeworks well<br />

together and has lots of fun and laughs.<br />

The door is always open to fresh faces,<br />

however.<br />

New committee members with new<br />

ideas and enthusiasm are welcome as<br />

well as new volunteers. They might be<br />

new people to town, or newly retired<br />

people, who want tohelp develop the<br />

museum. We focus on local history. We<br />

only ask people to do things theyre<br />

interested in; you do what youre good<br />

at in the time you have available.<br />

The museums roster generally gives<br />

volunteers one two-and-a-half-hour<br />

weekday shifteachmonth, and committee<br />

members keep things running at the<br />

weekends.<br />

The AGMs special presenter islocal<br />

ornithologist Paul Sagar,who at one time<br />

was aresearcher at the NationalInstitute<br />

of Water and Atmospheric Research. He<br />

began visiting the sub-Antarctic Islands<br />

in the 1970s, and his southern Bullers<br />

albatross study began in 1992.<br />

The GeraldineHistoricalSociety AGM<br />

will be at Geraldine Museum at 7.30pm<br />

Wednesday 20 <strong>July</strong>. Formoreinformation,<br />

call into the museum at5Cox Street,<br />

phone 03 693 7028, or visit the museums<br />

Facebook page. JAN FINLAYSON<br />


Whenyou catchan<br />

adjective, kill it.<br />

No, Idont mean<br />

utterly, but kill most<br />

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the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, by appointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 82<strong>07</strong> to make an in-person<br />

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Borus Calvin McKechnie calls thedancing at thePeelForest Ceilidh. PHOTO: Archives<br />

Peel Forest Ceilidh set toraise the roof this weekend<br />

The 33rd annual Peel Forest Ceilidh, a<br />

much-loved mid-winter oasis of community<br />

warmth, is on 9<strong>July</strong>. As well as beinga<br />

hugely popular knees-up, with dancing<br />

courtesyoflocal band Boru andthe Peel<br />

Forest hall committee, the ceilidh<br />

(pronounced kaylee)isfor raising money<br />

andawareness. The<strong>2022</strong> eventsupports<br />

the Orari River Protection Group (ORPG).<br />

Pub anthems and country rock join<br />

the traditional Irish music Boru isbest<br />

known for, which getseveryone dancing.<br />

The bands dance caller, guitarist, and<br />

singer, Calvin McKechnie, says, We love<br />

thecommunity event andtosee all ages<br />

dancing together is wonderful. Iloveit.<br />

Original Boru member Catherine<br />

Sintenie started the ceilidh more than<br />

three decades ago to support the former<br />

Peel Forest Kindergarten. It has since got<br />

behind several local educational and<br />

environmental organisations deartothe<br />

hearts of band members.<br />

ORPG chair Drew Brown says the<br />

ceilidh isanexcellent way to boost the<br />

river protection organisation.Thewhole<br />

thing is music and dancing. Its agreat<br />

event. We work for the benefit ofthe<br />

community asawhole, and the ceilidh<br />

further attaches us to thecommunity.<br />

He says thatEnvironmentCanterbury<br />

and the CommunityTrust of Mid and South<br />

Canterbury have provided grants tothe<br />

ORPG for purposes from trapping to water<br />

quality testing.However, fundingfor dayto-day<br />

ORPG activityisstill needed.Thats<br />

where theceilidhs backingcomes in.<br />

The eventalso raises the groupsprofile,<br />

which began 19 years ago in response to<br />

adam proposal but shifted focus to<br />

protection and restoration work after<br />

that proposal was scuttled. Drew says,<br />

Itll raise awareness of our group in the<br />

community and increase our membership.<br />

ORPG t-shirts will be for sale at the ceilidh.<br />

Peel ForestCeilidh is 7.30pm, Saturday<br />

9<strong>July</strong> atPeel Forest Hall. Entry $15<br />

adults and $5 children; cash at the door.<br />

Bring your own drinks and aplate of<br />

food for ashared supper. Tea and coffee<br />

provided. For more information, call<br />

Drew on 03 692 2852. To find out more<br />

about Boru, go to the bands Facebook<br />

page. JAN FINLAYSON<br />

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IN BRIEF<br />

GPS runners excel<br />

at cross country event<br />

On Wednesday, 17June, Geraldine<br />

Primary School (GPS) cross country<br />

runners competed at the South<br />

Canterbury Schools Cross Country<br />

event in Winchester. The GPS teams<br />

did well,coming firstinthe Year 5girls,<br />

Year 5boys and Year 6girls events.<br />

Individual top 10placings were Year<br />

5-Ashlee Bolt (1st), Camilo Cisneros<br />

(1st), and James Bell (5th); Year 6-<br />

Justina Courage (1st), Logan Batty<br />

(2nd), and Sophia Cisneros (4th).<br />


Logan Batty runs home in the Year 6<br />

boys event. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Loya l locals<br />

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PHOTO: The Spinoff<br />

Hōngongoi<br />

Hōngongoi -<strong>July</strong><br />

With official Matariki celebrations behind us foranother<br />

year, itistime to look ahead to the new one, kicking<br />

off with the arrival ofthe month of Hōngongoi (<strong>July</strong>).<br />

Matariki, however, is far from over, and the cluster of<br />

stars will continuetobevisible foralong periodoftime.<br />

Suffice tosay, due to the fluidity ofthe Māori<br />

maramataka (calendar)the NewYeardoes not fall on<br />

the same day every year. After all, its about aligning<br />

the activities of the people with the environment, the<br />

readiness ofwhich dictates which phase of the<br />

maramataka weare entering into. It is for this reason<br />

that the maramataka works not byset dates that<br />

identify the start and end of amonth, but by tohu or<br />

signs that naturally occur to indicate which stage the<br />

environment is in; the maramataka informs us when<br />

the environment is ready for our engagement and in<br />

what way -not the other way around.<br />

This is consistent with the reciprocal relationship<br />

that Māorihavewith the whenua (land), arelationship<br />

that is both practical and spiritual. Living by the<br />

maramatakaisaway forustobeasmucharesource<br />

to the whenua as it is to us, and ensures that people<br />

work to the ebb and flow ofthe environment in a<br />

sustainable and respectful fashion.<br />

Traditionally,Hōngongoi wasaphase where much<br />

of the Pipiri (June) activitysurrounding Matarikiwould<br />

continue. This was atime to look ahead and plan for<br />

the future. With winter in full motion at this time of<br />

year, Hōngongoi was amonth of survival, where the<br />

provisions and preparations of the previous years<br />

harvest were paramount.<br />

- Kua tino mātao te tangata, me te tahutahu ahi,<br />

ka pāinaina.<br />

-Man is now extremely cold, and so kindles fires<br />

before which hebasks.<br />


Geraldine Rugby Football Club players sporting the clubs 125-year Jubilee jerseys. PHOTO: Gideon Snow<br />

Axemen fall to the Rams as Senior Bs make finals contention<br />

Last weekend, theGeraldineRugby Football<br />

Club (GRFC) senior sides took on country<br />

rivals the Rams of MacKenzie at Raukāpuka<br />

domain on agorgeouswinters day.Inthe<br />

days first clash, the GRFC senior Bside<br />

was looking toput pressure on the top<br />

four teams with awin andretain achance<br />

of makingthe semi-final playoffs in afew<br />

weeks.<br />

It didnt start well for the home side as<br />

MacKenziecamped the home team intheir<br />

in-goal line for aprolonged period. The<br />

visitors were rewarded with atry on the<br />

in-goal line asthe Bs tried to scramble<br />

theball away with aclearingkick, 7-0 after<br />

five minutes. The following 15minutes<br />

saw astruggle asthe GRFC side tried to<br />

assert dominance through the middle,<br />

with strong carries from Ted Kauri and<br />

Cody Roker-Hillegers. GRFC were finally<br />

rewarded as flanker Bailey Booth gothis<br />

hands on the ball and outflanked the<br />

MacKenzie side down theirrightedgeto<br />

score 7-5 after 20 minutes. Atense battle<br />

ensued as both teams tried togain the<br />

upper hand,with thehome side continuing<br />

through the middleand the visitors going<br />

wide -noone gave an inch until the<br />

Mackenzie side crashed over just before<br />

the half, 14-7.<br />

In the second half,the struggle continued<br />

until Josh Crichton found himself five<br />

metres out and burrowed over for the try,<br />

14-12 MacKenzie with 20togo. The Bs<br />

defensiveeffort was sublime as they filled<br />

thegaps from the firsthalf and never gave<br />

the visitors another sniff.Late in thesecond<br />

half, with10togo, Carrot Newark crashed<br />

over to put the home side up, with a<br />

conversion from Nate Robinson giving<br />

them a19-14 lead. GRFCheld out to take<br />

the hard-fought win.<br />

The Axemen started with ahissand a<br />

roar inthe main game as they put in<br />

substantial defensive hits torepel the<br />

MacKenzieonslaught. TheRamscontinued<br />

their push until apenalty saw them kick<br />

for the corner and undertake arolling<br />

mall from the lineout,crashing over to go<br />

5-0upafter10minutes. The Axemen took<br />

stock, putting phases together with ball<br />

in hand.This opened up some gaps in the<br />

Rams defensive line, with KDPaulo<br />

running strongly. Asurging run up the<br />

left-hand side saw the ball go through six<br />

sets of hands until man-mountain Toru<br />

Katuke found his way over the line.<br />

Asuccessful conversion from Brad Clark,<br />

7-5 GRFC at the half. The Axemen were<br />

buoyed by their first-halfdefensiveefforts<br />

and lookedtocapitalise on that dominance<br />

with ball-in-hand, but adropped ball off<br />

the kickoff allowed the Rams in. They<br />

scored immediately, and then it began -<br />

the Axemen didnt get back in the game<br />

and, after try-scorer Toru Katuke was<br />

yellow-carded for adubious high tackle,<br />

MacKenzie put themtothe sword. A flood<br />

of possession saw Mackenzie rack up 26<br />

points in as many minutes toearn an<br />

unassailablelead. The Axemen continued<br />

to fight, managing aconsolation tryatfull<br />

time, 12-31. Atu Katoa had astrong game<br />

at fullback, and returning Jimmy Pae<br />

Whenua added great direction for the<br />

team. Hamish Prattley and Toru Katuke<br />

were workhorses, and Luke Biutanaseva<br />

again showed his physicality atnumber<br />

eight. The Axemen will need to play for<br />

80 minutes if they want any chance of<br />

making the Scott Cup final. The GRFC<br />

teams face Pleasant Point away this<br />

weekend, so, asalways, come on down<br />

and support your local.<br />

JERSEY AUCTION After the games last<br />

Saturday, the 125-year Jubilee fundraiser<br />

ended as the finalbidsflew in for the oneoff<br />

Jerseys worn by the players against<br />

MacKenzie. Funds raised go towards the<br />

125-year GRFC Jubilee celebrations in<br />

2023, and organisers were delighted by<br />

theresponse.Club President Aaron Gregan<br />

was blown away by the outpouring of<br />

community and sponsorssupport. Abig<br />

thank you to all those who participated<br />

and supported our club. GIDEON SNOW<br />

Bar<br />

ek r sFoodstore &E<br />

reta<br />

y JULY<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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OPEN:<br />

Mon-Sun 8.30am- .4 30pm PHONE: 30 693 97277 ww<br />

ww.bar ekfo rsfoodstore.nz<br />

/bar ekfo rsf oodst<br />

ore<br />

/bar<br />

ekfo rsfoodstore

gnews ON THE BEAT<br />

THURSDAY, <strong>07</strong>JULY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />


SOME DIRT?<br />



• Tr ew<br />

foundations •Vegetation<br />

clearing/control •Landscaping<br />

•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />

•Certifying drainlayer<br />


Denys -027 686 2237<br />

Jared -027 277 9519<br />

or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Senior Constable Andrew Charles died on 26 June after abattle with cancer. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Farewell to Senior Constable Andrew Charles<br />

This is an end ofwatch broadcast for<br />

Senior Constable Andrew Charles(retired).<br />

Senior Constable Charles, or Charlie as<br />

his friends called him, joined the New<br />

Zealand Police in 1998 and worked in<br />

Hamiltonand Palmerston North before<br />

trading in urban streetsfor theruralones<br />

of Taumaranui.<br />

He transferred to Geraldine in May<br />

2012and servedour community foreight<br />

years. In May 2020, Charlie transferred<br />

to the highway division, his last assignment,<br />

which was completed in September 2021,<br />

ending acareer spanning 23 years and<br />

one day.<br />

Last week theAoraki policing district<br />

bid farewell to our brother-in-blueCharlie.<br />

His funeral service atHiltonview was<br />

attended by family, friends and hispolice<br />

family, by whom he willbesadly missed.<br />

SeniorConstableCharles,thank you for<br />

your commitment and service to the<br />

citizens of New Zealand and of this<br />

community. Charlie, you are now 10 0,<br />

end of watch. May yourest in peace.<br />




in theDESIGN STORE<br />

-1-866Z 8xxkb8-ED<br />

Call Gina<br />

03 693 9593<br />


made by Dutch company Authentic Models, these handcrafted models are made<br />

with attention to detail, which makes each and every piece unique<br />


earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now instore<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 305 3000<br />

carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz

WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>07</strong>HŌNGONGOI, <strong>2022</strong><br />



Expressions of interest are sought for<br />

relief bus drivers at Carew Peel Forest School.<br />

We offer modern, easy-to-drive buses and good pay rates.<br />

Ideally candidates will have acurrent P&Class 2Licence.<br />

However, we can support you to obtain licences.<br />

For more information please contact<br />

Craig Sedgwick, Principal on 03 696 3556<br />

principal@carewpeelforest.school.nz<br />


geraldine toy library<br />

Forpuzzles, games, Duplo, activity centres,<br />

Lego, train sets, electronictoys,ride-on,<br />

dress-ups, puppets, art sets, garden toys<br />

and much, more...<br />

117Talbot Street, Geraldine<br />



TUESDAY 10.30am-12pm<br />

SATURDAY 2pm-3.30pm<br />

To support us please visit:<br />

givealittle.co.nz/org/geraldine-toy-library<br />

Ōrari Equestrian Centre Inc (OEC)<br />

AGM<br />

Tuesday 26<strong>July</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

7.30pm<br />

Ōrari Racecourse, Ōrari<br />

ONLINE EDITION: gnews.co.nz<br />

Modern Lifestylee Living<br />

Whether you’re more inclined to enjoy the company of<br />

others,<br />

or prefer privacy and solitude, you’ll find your perfect lifestyle here.<br />

Architecturally designed Villas and Apartments available NOW.<br />

33 Connolly Street, Geraldine<br />

0800 845<br />

524 or03693 8340<br />

sales@mlv.org.nz<br />

www.mlv.org.nz<br />

A<br />

C<br />

C R E D I T E D<br />

V I L L A<br />

G E O F T H E<br />

R<br />

V<br />


gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews,email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt 027<br />

920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try to ensure<br />

any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask. Ads<br />

are63cents per word.<br />


Geraldine Historical Society AGM Wednesday<br />

20 <strong>July</strong>atHistoricalMuseum, CoxStreet, at 7.30pm.<br />

Guest speaker Paul Sagar,natural historian.All welcome.<br />



Wooden Skis&SnowShoes $400; OldWooden/Metal<br />

Wagon Wheels-any size- $200; Drey,Gig;Old Petrol<br />

Pumps $20,000; Enamel Signs$3,000-alsoTin Signs;<br />

Oil Cans&Tins, OldMetalSafe $300; CastIronKettle<br />

&Black Pots$100; Old Tea, Coffee,Biscuit, Macintosh<br />

Toffee Tins $100; Biscuit Signs (tin &cardboard), Scales,<br />

Egg Beater,Old Wood Working Tools, Hammers, Saws,<br />

Scribes, Cast Iron Levels $200; Metal Plane #1 $2,000;<br />

Plumbobs, Hand Drills, Wooden Work Bench $500.<br />

Anything else old&interesting for private collection.<br />

PhoneMurray021 441 400.<br />

WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />

gnewsresults<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB 30.06.22 Woodbury<br />

Handicap Pairs Session 2: 1st MBray &Julie<br />

Kelly 67.16% 2nd TBoyce&VCrawford 59.00%<br />

3rdRBray &JBruce 57.11%. 29.06.22 North<br />

South: 1st John Kelly&LPincombe 59.52%, 2nd<br />

LGraybill&CHampton 57.14%. East West: 1st<br />

ABlakemore &RHowie 64.29%, 2nd MHyde &<br />

MBourassa 47.62%.|GERALDINEGOLF CLUB<br />

02.<strong>07</strong>.22 Webb Cup: D&NDewe 64.5, M&S<br />

Morrison 68.0, JKellahan&MPatrick68.5,ROF<br />

4BBB KTyson &WPolson 62, IMacdonald &<br />



your business andtax requirements.Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


dogs. 208Woodbury Road. Phone 03 693 9929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, forall<br />

building work. Phone Ants 027 309 <strong>07</strong>98.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CHIMNEY SWEEP &REPAIRS Call Dan McKerrow<br />

021 1187580.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTERTAMING GeraldineComputerSolutions.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />

HEATPUMPS Clean,service, repairand install. Please<br />

call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />

TKerr 63, JGallichan &MMacdonald 64,<br />

KChappell &MFrisbee 65. Twos #9 TCook, #17<br />

MFrisbee, #12MMorrison. NTP#9Ladies SLyttle,<br />

Men TCook, NTP Ladies 3rd #18 HOldfield, Men<br />

2nd #18 MFrisbee 29.06.22: Stableford:<br />

DMannsen 40, HOldfield 38,TCook38, MWood<br />

37, MMacDonald 37, MChristian 37, DLaw 36,<br />

MMcKeown 35, CPhillips35, SWatson 35.Twos<br />

RScott 9, MChristian 9, RJeffrey 9, SCrook 12<br />

&17. NTP on 9-BPearsall.<br />


Manager<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021041 3318.<br />

PAINTER GERALDINE-BASED Friendlyprofessional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />

SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />

Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />


Computer Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

TECHSUPPORTGERALDINE Helpwith computers,<br />

phones and TV.Phone Shane 029 646 6327.<br />


ELECTRICIAN WANTED Laser Electrical Geraldineis<br />

looking for an enthusiastic Electrician and Electrical<br />

Apprentice to join our growing team, Call Simeon on<br />

027 293 5451.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />

Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />

NATUROPATH MandyWallace,Registered Naturopath,<br />

20 years in practice. Naturopathyconsultation, Therapeutic<br />

Massage, Reiki, Chakra Balance. Phone or text<br />

027 7053210 Email:MandyWallace@xtra.co.nzorlook<br />

me up on Natural Therapy pages NZ.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

THURSDAY, <strong>07</strong>JULY, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />



Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />

TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />

23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />

eatingout<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporatingBarker’s products with seasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm. Phone 03 693 9727.<br />

BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />

Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late(kitchencloses 8pm), Sunday 9am-4pm.<br />

Bookingsadvisablebyphoning 03 697 4959.<br />

CAFE VERDE Licensed café in adelightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />

options. Open 7days 9am-3pm. 45 Talbot St. Phone 03 6939616.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Satevenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menu are available8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP &CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Weekends<br />

8.30am-5pm. Menu choices change regularly.Somethingfor everyone. Come<br />

and check us out. Phone 03 6939514.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaways. Openfor dinner<br />

4pm-8pm Wed-Sat. 36 Talbot Street. Phone 03 693 9723 or order using the<br />

Regulr app. Delivering to Geraldine Township and the Downs.<br />

THE RUNNINGDUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km fromGeraldine. Phone03 971 6292.<br />



Funeral Director<br />

03 693 8788<br />

info@geraldinefunerals.co.nz<br />

www. geraldinefunerals.co.nz<br />


PH: 03 693 9399<br />



Laser ElectricalGeraldine,17Peel Street<br />

03 6939399|geraldine@laserelectrical.co.nz<br />


PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />


Buzz is back! Pixars all new animated feature<br />



MON 3PM |TUES 1PM<br />

WED(13) 3PM<br />

The all new animated family feature<br />



MON &WED (13) 1PM<br />

Rena Owen stars in<br />

WHINA<br />


SUN 3.30PM FINAL!<br />



SAT 3.30PM |MON 5PM<br />

WED (13) 7PM<br />

Tom Hanks &Austin Butler star in Baz Luhrmanns<br />

ELVIS<br />


SAT 7PM |SUN 5.45PM<br />

TUES 7PM<br />

Chris Hemsworth &Natalie Portman star in<br />



SAT 1PM |MON 7.30PM<br />

TUES 3PM<br />



PAGE 8|GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>07</strong>JULY, <strong>2022</strong><br />

COLAL LY<br />


P<br />


in the<br />

café<br />

HashBenny $12.99<br />

tr<br />

yry<br />

our new<br />

cre<br />

eation<br />

Avocado Large $2.49<br />

5-pack $4.99<br />

Yams $5.99kg<br />

free delivery<br />

within the GERALDINE town boundary<br />

PHONE: 03 693 9514<br />

in the<br />

farm shop<br />

r bird food shelves<br />

are restocked<br />

Check out the NEW Blueberry Cakes<br />

and Blueberry Jumbo Logs<br />

Onions $1.99kg<br />

5kg bag $9.80<br />

NZ Lemonss $3.99kg<br />

farm sh op<br />

specials<br />

10kg brushed<br />

Agria $10 bag<br />



The Farm Shop C éfa in Geraldine<br />

VISIT:<br />

geraldinefarmshop.co.nz<br />

nz<br />

56 Main North Road, Geraldine<br />

PHONE:<br />

30 693 9514<br />

OP<br />

ENS:<br />

CLOSES:<br />

Monday-Friday 8am<br />

Saturday-Sunday Sunday 8. .30am<br />

Public Holidays 9am<br />

Between 4pm-5pm -call ahead to be sure<br />



11am-3pm<br />






CALL FOR<br />










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Purpose-built,modernfacilities<br />

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CLINIC HOURS: 8am-5pm, MondaytoFriday<br />

PHONE: 6939060<br />

EMAIL: clinic@gatewayvets.co.nz<br />

For<br />

all your<br />

interior<br />

plastering needs<br />

MOB 027 313 8338 • HOME 693 9013

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rural road trip<br />

New Associate Minister of<br />

LocalGovernment Kieran<br />

McAnultyisplanning aseries of<br />

visits to all 55rural and<br />

provincial councils across the<br />

motu (country).<br />

He wants to connect with<br />

communities and hear directly<br />

about their issues.<br />

Mr McAnultysaidlocal<br />

government played acrucial<br />

roleinthe democratic system,<br />

and ensured people had avoice<br />

in the leadership of their<br />

community.<br />

“Each local council is distinct<br />

and in takingonthe role of<br />

AssociateMinister of Local<br />

Government, with aparticular<br />

focus on regional issues,I<br />

believe it’simportantIconnect<br />

witheach one,tohear directly<br />

about theparticular issues<br />

facing their communities, and<br />

support them in areas of<br />

potentialprogressand growth.<br />

“I understandthe challenges<br />

thatrural councilsand<br />

communities face, which often<br />

include lower ratingbases,<br />

rates pressures, housing<br />

pressuresand an increase in<br />

climate related natural<br />

disasters.<br />

“This is thefirst time we’ve<br />

had aminister with delegations<br />

acrosslocal government,<br />

transport,andemergency<br />

management, which are<br />

portfolios with aconsiderable<br />

impactonlocalcouncils,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Meeting with all rural and<br />

provincial councils willprovide<br />

Kieran McAnulty<br />

an opportunity formetomake<br />

connections across these<br />

portfoliosfrom alocal<br />

government perspective.<br />

“Asagovernment weare<br />

committed to collaboratingand<br />

working constructivelywith<br />

local councils and soitwas<br />

important to me to make the<br />

effort as earlyaspossible to<br />

meet all the rural and<br />

provincial councils.<br />

“These visitsare achance for<br />

me to listentotherural and<br />

provincial councils, and<br />

continue thework of my<br />

colleagues of engaging with<br />

rural New Zealand,”hesaid.<br />

Mr McAnultywill meet all55<br />

councilsahead of thelocal<br />

government electionsOctober.<br />

Thetrip starts next week with<br />

theWaimakariri, Hurunui,<br />

Selwyn, Horowhenua, Kāpiti<br />

Coast, Western Bay of Plenty<br />

andWhakatāne district<br />

councils.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

33<br />

Playground fun for children<br />

The YMCA and Sport<br />

Canterbury are back in action<br />

with their pop­up playground,<br />

located at Freidlander Park on<br />

Nelson Street, in Hampstead.<br />

Running from 3pm to 5pm<br />

every Thursday, the initiative<br />

is aimed at keeping children<br />

active and entertained after<br />

school.<br />

The YMCA welcomes<br />

tamariki of all ages and their<br />

whanau to come and play, with<br />

interactive games such as Tug<br />

o’ War, cornhole, badminton,<br />

giant Jenga, as well as the use<br />

of bean bags, and child­sized<br />

Zorb­like bubble balls.<br />

There is plenty of fun to be<br />

had, and use of the equipment<br />

Avery happy Pete got aHolden<br />

memorabilia prize from<br />

Morrison Mitsubishi <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

automotive manager Lyndon<br />

Moore.<br />

Pete has been aHolden<br />

owner since 1987 when he hada<br />

Holden Sunbird which he fitted<br />

a308 engine into.<br />

Since then, he hashad<br />

several Commodores, with his<br />

current 20<strong>07</strong> HSVClubsport<br />

pictured.<br />

When asked whathewill do<br />

withhis prize he said ‘‘it will sit<br />

pride of place in the man cave’’.<br />

Morrison Mitsubishi<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> offer full servicing<br />

and partsoptions for Holden<br />

owners, andencourage owners<br />

to come in and ask themabout<br />

their Holden Owners Club with<br />

service and membershipoffers.<br />

is entirely free.<br />

The pop­up playground will<br />

be available for extended<br />

periods of time over the school<br />

holidays, located in local parks<br />

or at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />

Memorabilia winner<br />

It’sdoggy<br />

regotime!<br />

It’snow timetoregisteror<br />

re-registeryour four-leggedfriend.<br />

Look outfor theinformationpackinyour<br />

mailboxorvisit ourwebsitetoregisteronline.<br />

EXPIRES 30 JUNE 2023<br />

0101<br />

All dogsoverthe ageofthree months<br />

need to be registeredby31<strong>July</strong>.<br />


NEWS<br />

34 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Local native birds<br />

could use ahand<br />


Beautiful views of Tasman Lake at Mount Cook people can do along the<br />

Roam driving loop.<br />

New app aimed at<br />

getting travellers<br />

off beaten trails<br />

Anew scenic drivingloopapp and<br />

website has been launched with<br />

the aim of unveiling someofthe<br />

centralSouth Island’s best­kept<br />

secrets.<br />

The Roam (River, Ocean, Astro,<br />

Mountain) drivingloop hasbeen<br />

developed by Venture Timaru, in<br />

collaboration with theMackenzie,<br />

Waitaki and Waimate tourism<br />

agencies.<br />

Venture Timaru operations<br />

manager Di Hay said the drivewas<br />

well­known by those who lived in<br />

the region, butlesssoby<br />

international and domestic<br />

travellers from outside the region.<br />

‘‘Whatwe’re trying to do is let<br />

people knowaboutthe loop with<br />

all thehighlights of our wonderful<br />

historic and geographic features<br />

along the way.”<br />

The Roam appand website will<br />

help visitorsplan their journeys,<br />

andoffers additionalinformation<br />

andhistory abouttheattractions<br />

along the route.<br />

pacific entertainment & Both Barrels music present<br />

Sun 11 September Hamilton, ClarenceStreet Theatre<br />

Book through Ticketek<br />

Tue 13September Whangarei, Forum North<br />

Book through Eventfinda<br />

Wed 14September Auckland,BruceMason Centre Book through Ticketmaster<br />

Thu 15September Taupo,Gt. Lakes Centre<br />

Book through Ticketek<br />

Fri 16September Napier,Municipal Theatre Book through Ticketek<br />

Sun 18 September Christchurch, James HayTheatre Book through Ticketek<br />

Mon 19September <strong>Ashburton</strong>, TrustEventsCentre(ATEC) Book through ATEC Ticketing<br />

Tue 20September Oamaru,OperaHouse<br />

Book through OperaHouse<br />

Wed 21September Dunedin, Glenroy Auditorium Book through Ticketmaster<br />

Thu 22September Gore,StJames Theatre<br />

Book through iTICKET<br />

Fri 23September Invercargill,Civic Theatre Book through Ticketek<br />

Sun 25 September Nelson, TheatreRoyal<br />

Book through TheatreRoyal<br />

Mon 26September Blenheim, ASB Marlborough Theatre Book through ASB Theatre<br />

Wed 28September Wellington, Opera House<br />

Book through Ticketmaster<br />

Thu 29September PalmerstonNorth,Regent On Broadway Book through Ticketek<br />

Fri 30September New Plymouth, TheatreRoyal Book through Ticketek<br />

Sun 2October Whakatane,GatewayTheatre Book through iTICKET<br />

Mon 3October Tauranga, BaycourtTheatre Book through Ticketek<br />

pacificentertainment.co.nz<br />

“You can learn about Ted’s<br />

bottleinWaihao Downs, the<br />

geology of the Clay Cliffs at<br />

Omarama,wander the glaciers of<br />

the Mackenzie or explore ancient<br />

Maorirockart in Timaru.’’<br />

‘‘Thecollaborating tourism<br />

agencieshope that the Roam loop<br />

will encourage visitors to divert<br />

from the traditionalStarlight<br />

Highwaytouristroute in the<br />

Mackenzie,and back through the<br />

lesser­known attractionsofthe<br />

region,’’ she said.<br />

“You can do the drive in six<br />

hours, but we’d love to see people<br />

take their timetoenjoythe<br />

different features, and stop and<br />

stayinour central region.”<br />

They alsohope that this willbe<br />

beneficial for businesses along<br />

the path, due to the increased<br />

visitation.<br />

If you wouldlike to learn more<br />

aboutthe driving loop you can<br />

visit roamloop.co.nz<br />

~Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

kevinbloodywilson.com<br />

Many New Zealandnative species are<br />

threatened with extinctionand many have<br />

beenlostforeverbecauseofhunting,<br />

predatorsand loss of habitat.<br />

Somenativebird speciesthrive alongside<br />

human development. Theblack­backed<br />

gull, Australasian harrierand blackswan<br />

seemtobefine.<br />

Other native birds and lizardsfacemany<br />

obstacles. Manyofthemare muchreduced<br />

in numbers andoften don’tbreed<br />

successfully duetopressure fromrats,<br />

stoats,hedgehogs, cats andmice.<br />

Westland petrelsand little blue penguins<br />

get killed by traffic anddisorientedby<br />

lights.<br />

Wasps take honey dewfrom beech trees<br />

thatshould befeeding bellbirds.<br />

There’s not much anindividualcan do<br />

about the traffic on thewestcoast butwe<br />

can do something for thenative speciesthat<br />

are found in ourlocal area.<br />

Fantails andsilvereyes arefrequent<br />

winter visitors to gardens and our actions<br />

can make adifference to their survival.<br />

Winter poses aburdenonmanybirds:<br />

snowfall in the forestscan diminish<br />

populationsoffantails andiffoodsupplies<br />

are wanting,their numbers maynotrebuild<br />

in thefollowing spring.<br />

To helpthe fantails get through awinter,<br />

we need to make our gardens “fantail<br />

friendly” all year round.<br />

Theyare insect eaters, so planting a<br />

variety of flowering plants that will attract<br />

insectsisakey factorfor their survival.<br />

Trapping predatorsinour backyards and<br />

nothaving acat (or, if you have one, keeping<br />

it inside) is also helpful.<br />

Refraining fromthe use of insecticidesis<br />

alsobeneficial to the birds–letthemeat<br />

the insects foryou!<br />


Silvereyes love picking at halved fruit placed<br />

on atray or dish that is well out of the way<br />

of cats.<br />


Silvereyescan also do with ahand during<br />

winter.<br />

Theyhave amore generaldietthan<br />

fantails andwill eatfromballsoffat hung<br />

up in trees andlovepicking at halvedfruit<br />

placed on atray or dish that is wellout of<br />

theway of cats. (But seeds, porridge, milk,<br />

and honey aren’t goodfoodfor them.)<br />

Andthese birds arelovely to watch –it<br />

can reallymakeyourmorning special to see<br />

silvereyes peckingawayatsomefruit.<br />

Tips for looking after<br />

yourself this winter<br />

Winterhas arrived in force, withflu,<br />

Covid­19 andrespiratoryillnessesputting<br />

increasing pressureonthe health system,<br />

including St John Ambulance.<br />

St John anticipatedanincrease in<br />

winter illnessesfollowing thelifting of<br />

pandemic restrictions, particularly flu<br />

and respiratorysyncytialvirus(RSV),on<br />

top of the ongoingOmicron outbreak.<br />

In response,StJohnstood up asmall<br />

EmergencyOperations Centre(EOC)to<br />

monitorworkload acrossthe country,<br />

adding or moving resources as required to<br />

meetdemand.<br />

While high demandisnot unusualin<br />

winter,ithas comeearlier thanpredicted<br />

thisyear.StJohn wants to reassure<br />

everyone will receive theemergency and<br />

acute care theyneedbut is also callingon<br />

people to be winter­ready by:<br />

­Keepuphealthyhabits (mask wearing,<br />

physical distancing, washinghands etc) to<br />

prevent spread of viruses and germs<br />

­Stayinghomeifyou havearespiratory<br />

illness, evenifitisn’tCovid­19<br />

­Getting your flujab and beinguptodate<br />

withother vaccinations<br />

­Haveawinter wellness kete–for when<br />

you,afriend or family member becomeill<br />

and need to stay home. If youoranyone<br />

you knowdoes become unwell and needs<br />

health advice or care, please callyour GP<br />

or Healthlinefor non­lifeorlimbthreatening<br />

problems.<br />

Where people do request an ambulance<br />

for anon­life or limb­threatening problem,<br />

theycan expectacall back froma<br />

registerednurse or paramedic, who will<br />

providethe samecareand advicethat<br />

would otherwise be afforded if an<br />

ambulance crew attended.<br />

Winter wellness kete:<br />

­Vitamin C<br />

­Paracetamol and ibuprofen for fever,<br />

headache and body aches<br />

­Honey or lozenges for asore throat<br />

­Vapour rubs and ahumidifier<br />

­Electrolyte rehydration solution or salts for<br />

vomiting or diarrhoea<br />

­Tissues<br />

­Hand sanitiser<br />

­Athermometer<br />

­Fruits and vegetables.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

35<br />

Milestone recognised ahead of event<br />

Allenton Rugby Club had a<br />

successful club day recently<br />

where they included their 100th<br />

year celebrations.<br />

There was fine weather, good<br />

rugby and great camaraderie,<br />

setting the scene for next year’s<br />

official centennial celebrations<br />

event.<br />

The club, which started in<br />

1922, turned 100 this year but<br />

official celebrations have been<br />

postponed until May 12 and 13,<br />

next year.<br />

Allenton Rugby Club’s<br />

centennial committee<br />

chairpersonKylieGrieve said<br />

peoplecan register for the<br />

centennial event via the<br />

Allenton Rugby Club website,<br />

and keep up to date with<br />

developments by liking the<br />

club’sFacebook page.<br />

The official celebrations next<br />

year willallow plenty of time for<br />

socialising,with informal get<br />

togethers, decade photosand<br />

plenty of rugby on offer as the<br />

JAB and SeniorB’s teams are<br />

due to play on the club grounds.<br />

Aformal evening dinnerwill<br />

be held on May 13 at the Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> with speakers, life<br />

memberpresentationsand a<br />

live band set to play.<br />

Last month’s club day<br />

celebrations includedanall day<br />

barbecue,team photos, the<br />

planting of aMaple tree with<br />

commemorative plaquebysome<br />

of the club’s life members, and a<br />

cake cutting by clubpatron<br />

Peter Sheate with youngest JAB<br />

playerJohan Driscoll, aged five,<br />

sharedwith all those present.<br />

There wereJAB games, the<br />

Allenton Senior B’s had a<br />

resounding 36 ­10win over<br />

Southern, and the Mid<br />

Canterbury CombinedUnder<br />

18s beatEllesmere 24 ­10.<br />

Old jersey’swere alsoupfor<br />

sale as well as acolouring<br />

competition for kids.<br />

‘‘It was agood day all round,’’<br />

Kylie said.<br />

Allenton Rugby Club’s centennial celebrations included, above: atree planting by Allenton Rugby<br />

Club president Todd Grieve, left, and some of the club’s life members; and below: acake cutting<br />

by youngest JAB player Johan Driscoll, left, and club patron Peter Sheate; and, at left, plenty of<br />

club rugby action.<br />


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NEWS<br />

36 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Greater scrutiny sought for packaging<br />

Positive signs are on the<br />

horizon, but much work is still<br />

to be done by supermarkets and<br />

food producers in taking<br />

responsibility for their food<br />

packaging, Dr Joya Kemper<br />

says.<br />

Dr Kemper specialises in<br />

consumer behaviour, the<br />

circular economy and<br />

corporate responsibility at the<br />

University of Canterbury (UC).<br />

“Supermarkets need to make<br />

sure that when they say plastic<br />

packaging is able to be<br />

recycled, it actually can be<br />

(through infrastructure) in New<br />

Zealand. When they say<br />

something is compostable, does<br />

it actually breakdown in<br />

compost within areasonable<br />

period of time?<br />

“We need innovative and<br />

bold solutions to tackle plastic<br />

pollution. That doesn’t mean<br />

settling for the easiest option –<br />

companies must do their<br />

research to truly understand<br />

the most sustainable solution<br />

for their packaging, especially<br />

as it’s not as black­and­white as<br />

we might think.”<br />

Dr Kemper has been looking<br />

at how people reduce their use<br />

and buying of plastic packaging<br />

in the face of damning evidence<br />

about the impact of plastics on<br />

our environment. She wanted<br />

to know why and how people<br />

reduce their use of plastics in<br />

their everyday grocery<br />

Dr Joya Kemper, at right, says more work is needed by<br />

supermarkets on recyclable plastics.<br />

shopping.<br />

“I chose grocery shopping<br />

because I’m passionate about<br />

transforming our food system<br />

into one which is healthy,<br />

sustainable, and equitable.<br />

Plastic pollution is largely<br />

made up of single use plastics<br />

that are predominantly found<br />

in the food system.<br />

“Food manufacturers and<br />

retailers must change their<br />

practices and make efforts to<br />

inform consumers about how to<br />

return, recycle or compost their<br />

packaging in order to transition<br />

to asustainable packaging<br />

system.<br />

“We’re seeing efforts in this<br />

area, but there is more to be<br />

done. For instance, there is a<br />

confusion around the<br />

differences between<br />

degradable, biodegradable, and<br />

compostable plastics, and many<br />

people don’t know where to<br />

dispose of them.”<br />

She says fancy and ‘good<br />

looking’ packaging may also be<br />

causing problems as using<br />

multiple types of plastic,<br />

different layers or coloured<br />

plastics in packaging makes it<br />

harder to recycle. Plus, some<br />

plastics (such as 3,4, 6and 7) are<br />

more difficult to recycle in New<br />

Zealand; often they’re not<br />

worth recycling and so are put<br />

into landfill.<br />

Dr Kemper spoke with<br />

people motivated to reduce<br />

plastic use largely because of<br />

seeing visible litter on the<br />

ground and in the oceans. Some<br />

tried buying recyclable plastic<br />

in their district while others<br />

refused to buy anything in<br />

plastic packaging.<br />

“People were frustrated by<br />

the amount of plastic in<br />

supermarkets and the<br />

unavailability of products in<br />

non­plastic packaging such as<br />

some fruit, meat substitutes,<br />

plant milks and snacks such as<br />

biscuits and chips.”<br />

People she spoke with learnt<br />

alot about recycling from<br />

friends, family, colleagues and<br />

online bloggers. The use of<br />

refillable (reusable) packaging<br />

was widespread and akey<br />

means for plastic reduction.<br />

“But the trouble was the<br />

inconvenience as people had to<br />

make multiple trips to different<br />

stores, specific stores which<br />

may be further from home than<br />

their local supermarket, the<br />

need to remember containers,<br />

and sometimes food items<br />

costing more.<br />

‘‘Interestingly, though, most<br />

mentioned they spend less on<br />

impulse purchases and only<br />

buy what they need, so some<br />

believed their grocery bill had<br />

decreased.”<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RURAL<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

Oldham wins farm management award<br />

Mid Canterbury farm manager<br />

Darryl Oldham has taken out<br />

the <strong>2022</strong> Rabobank Management<br />

Project Award,abusiness<br />

management prize for up­andcoming<br />

farmers.<br />

He wasselected from agroup<br />

of New Zealand’s most<br />

progressive farmer graduates of<br />

the 2021 Rabobank Farm<br />

Managers programme (FMP).<br />

Mr Oldham, whose family<br />

farming partnership is at<br />

Westerfield, near <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

was recognised for his business<br />

management project, which<br />

highlighted how he had utilised<br />

the lessons from the programme<br />

in hisroleasfarmmanager on<br />

the 200 ha farming operation he<br />

runs in partnership with his<br />

wife Anna, andparents Peter<br />

and Gael.<br />

TheFMP is designedfor<br />

emerging farmers and focuses<br />

on thedevelopmentofbusiness<br />

management skills, with an<br />

emphasis on business planning,<br />

leadership, people management<br />

and self­awareness. As the farm<br />

manager Mr Oldham is involved<br />

in allthe day­to­dayaspects of<br />

running the business which<br />

grows cereals, small seeds,<br />

peas, maize forsilage, and<br />

fodder crops for finishing<br />

lambs.<br />

He said his management<br />

project assessed the viability of<br />

converting all or part of the<br />

farming operation to sheep<br />

milking.<br />

‘‘Incorporating lessons from<br />

the FMP,Ilooked at the key<br />

financial performance<br />

indicators forthe current<br />

Rabobank New Zealand chief executive officer Todd Charteris and Mid Canterbury farmer Darryl<br />

Oldham.<br />


system, including with asheep<br />

milking unit added,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Todothis, Idesigned a<br />

business plan with conversion<br />

costs andgross margins to<br />

generate some financial<br />

information that could be used<br />

as performance indicators in<br />

the event sheep milkingwas<br />

introduced.’’<br />

Mr Oldham also looked at<br />

what adding sheep milking to<br />

the farming system would do to<br />

thefarms environmental<br />

footprint.<br />

‘‘I spoke with anumber of<br />

other farmers who aresheep<br />

milking as well as the local<br />

Ravendown Environmental<br />

Team to get afeelfor the<br />

environmentalimpact, and the<br />

initial analysis suggested sheep<br />

milking would have asimilar or<br />

lower environmentalimpact<br />

than ourexisting farming<br />

activity,’’ he said.<br />

While his analysis highlighted<br />

there were several meritstothe<br />

sheep milking option, Mr<br />

Oldham said, the partnership<br />

had decided not to add the<br />

sheep milking unit at thispoint<br />

in time.<br />

‘‘Thesheep milk processing<br />

plant that wasplanned to open<br />

in the area later this year has<br />

met with delays, and with this<br />

factory not expected to open<br />

until next year and no other<br />

factory near­bytocollect sheep<br />

milk theconversion didn't make<br />

sense right now.<br />

‘‘Myanalysis also found no<br />

strong financial advantage for<br />

going down the sheep milking<br />

routefor our business, with the<br />

forecast profitability largely in<br />

linewith that of our existing<br />

operation,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘However, we’ll continue to<br />

analyse the feasibility of adding<br />

sheep milking into our farming<br />

system and, if we can find away<br />

to increase theyield of milk per<br />

sheep, we maywell go down this<br />

path at some stage in the<br />

future.’’<br />

Mr Oldham was presented the<br />

award at the <strong>2022</strong> Farm<br />

Managers programme<br />

GraduationDinnerin<br />

Christchurch on June 23.<br />

Rabobank South Island regional<br />

manager Michael Dunn, who<br />

acted as one of thejudges for the<br />

ManagementProject award,<br />

said projects were undertaken<br />

so participants could put into<br />

practice thetools, theories and<br />

ideas introduced during the<br />

programme andutilise these on<br />

thefarming operations where<br />

they worked.<br />

"Darryl looked outside the box<br />

at an option with the potential to<br />

addvalue to the overall farming<br />

business. All of the judging<br />

panelwereimpressed by the<br />

high level of detail and<br />

thoughtfulanalysis<br />

incorporated within his project,<br />

anditwas clear to see he'd taken<br />

alot away fromhis attendance<br />

at last years programme," he<br />

said.<br />

Free trade deal,<br />

wins and losses<br />

New Zealand and the European<br />

Union haveconcluded<br />

negotiations on amajorfree<br />

tradeagreement(FTA),<br />

unlocking access to oneofthe<br />

world’sbiggest andmost<br />

lucrative markets.<br />

Butnot all are happyabout it.<br />

Thetradedeal with the<br />

European Union is aslap in the<br />

face for NewZealand farmers,<br />

FederatedFarmers president<br />

Andrew Hoggard says.<br />

‘‘Thatthe Europeans’<br />

protectionist mindset on<br />

livestock products remains<br />

entrenched is sadly not a<br />

surprisebut the verysmall<br />

quotas agreed are considerably<br />

worse thanweexpected’.’<br />

Mr Hoggard,who is alsoFeds<br />

tradespokesperson,said Prime<br />

Minister Jacinda Ardern<br />

recentlystated she would come<br />

homefrom the EU without a<br />

dealifthere was notagoodone<br />

on the table.<br />

This is what she should have<br />

done, he said.<br />

Thebeefquota for New<br />

Zealand is 10,000tonnes, just<br />

0.1% of the 6.5m tonnes of beef<br />

Europeans consumeeach year.<br />

The EU hasacheese marketof<br />

9.5 milliontonnes.<br />

After sevenyears New<br />

Zealand exporterswillhave<br />

access to just0.14% of this<br />

market.<br />

‘‘It’s justasmiserlyfor our<br />

other meatand dairy<br />

products,’’hesaid.<br />

However Ms Ardern said the<br />

EU­NZFTA is expected to<br />

increase the value of New<br />

Zealand’s exports to the EU by<br />

up to $1.8billion per yearfrom<br />

2035.<br />

‘‘Forcomparisonthat’s more<br />

lucrative than the benefits<br />

derived fromour recent UK<br />

FTA,” she said.<br />

“It’sastrategically important<br />

andeconomically beneficial<br />

deal thatcomes at acrucial<br />

timeinour export ledCovid­19<br />

recovery.<br />

“It delivers tangible gainsfor<br />

exportersinto arestrictive<br />

agricultural market.Itcuts<br />

costs and red tape for exporters<br />

and opens up new high value<br />

market opportunitiesand<br />

increasesour economic<br />

resilience through diversifying<br />

themarkets that we can more<br />

freely export into.<br />

“Thecomplete removal of<br />

dutiesonthe majority of<br />

productsNew Zealandexports<br />

to the EU is amajor<br />

achievementinadeal that<br />

coversmarket access into 27<br />

Europeancountries.’’<br />

Mr Hoggard said‘‘heavyhandedenvironmental<br />

pain<br />

NewZealand farmers are going<br />

through’’ was not<br />

acknowledged, or evenallowed<br />

forinthe future by this deal.<br />

‘‘Federated Farmers<br />

acknowledges the gainsmade<br />

in smaller exportingindustries<br />

such as honey, fish,kiwifruit,<br />

apples and arange of other<br />

foodsbut the verdict on our big<br />

two­meatand dairy­is‘deeply<br />

disappointing’. This is aFree<br />

Trade Agreement in name<br />

only,’’ he said.<br />

STAND<br />

forour<br />

environment<br />

Candidateinformation session<br />

Monday11<strong>July</strong>5.30pm<br />

Environment Canterbury, Tuam St, Christchurch<br />


RURAL<br />

38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Align win good employer award<br />

AlignFarmshave won the safe and<br />

healthy work environment awardinthe<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Primary Industries GoodEmployer<br />

Awards.<br />

Align Farms operates five dairy farms,<br />

one dairy support farm, and amarket<br />

garden out of MidCanterbury. The<br />

30­strongteampridesthemselves on ‘selfdisruption’<br />

–continually improving their<br />

employment practices andsetting a<br />

benchmark for the rest of theindustry.<br />

Acting Minister of Agriculture Meka<br />

Whairiti said awardwinners were<br />

selected from an extraordinary groupof<br />

finalists across the food and fibre sector,<br />

including wine, dairy, horticulture,<br />

forestry, apiculture, andfisheries.<br />

“They knowthe success of their<br />

businessesisadirect result of their<br />

people, andiftheir people thrive, so to do<br />

their businesses,’’ she said.<br />

JudgessaidAlignFarms championed a<br />

safe andhealthy workplace by: providing<br />

two health checks each year alongsidean<br />

app that allows them to share how they are<br />

feeling.<br />

It’s then collated intoentireteam<br />

averages, providing critical information<br />

for innovation or further support offering<br />

‘You Choose Afternoons’ –anafternoonon<br />

rotation where each team memberis given<br />

four hours to volunteerfor various<br />

organisationsorclubs.<br />

Atotal of 500 hours are spent<br />

volunteeringevery year.<br />

They also provided farm teams with 60<br />

percentoftheir food from their market<br />

garden and selling thesurplus to help<br />

contribute to the costs, as well as<br />

providing and fundingfullhealth<br />

insurance forall employees and their<br />

families.<br />

They also provide an In­HouseSafety<br />

Platform, an online tool built by theAlign<br />

Farmsteam to lift engagementand, in<br />

turn, lift performance and positive<br />

outcomes. High volumes of safety­related<br />

Rhys Roberts and the on­farm market garden benefiting staff and families in the Align<br />

Farms Group.<br />


data collection allows the team to make<br />

informed critical decisions. TheMinimise<br />

–Eliminate or Innovate (ME&I) safety<br />

initiative is part of the programme.<br />

Among the staffbenefitswas theofferof<br />

theAlign Farm Scholarship; ayearly<br />

scholarship for university students.<br />

Thefamilies of Align Farmsstaff have<br />

first right to the scholarship, anditthen is<br />

offered to the public. Scholars also receive<br />

a12­month position as board observers on<br />

theAlign Farms board.<br />

Thefood and fibre sectoracknowledged<br />

itspeople and leadership at the awards<br />

event lastweek as atimetocelebrate their<br />

passion towards supportingemployeesby<br />

putting their health,welfare andwellbeing<br />

first.<br />

Other winners were Raglan Food Co<br />

(employee development award&overall<br />

supreme award), Sealord Group Limited<br />

(inclusiveand diverse workplaceaward),<br />

Stefan and Annalize du PlessisofMosa<br />

FarmingLtd (smallbusiness recognition<br />

award) and Wini and Simon Geddes of Tāne<br />

MahutaNZLtd (Māori agribusiness award).<br />

Now in their third year, theAwardsare<br />

run by the Ministryfor Primary Industries<br />

and Agriculturaland Marketing Research<br />

and Development Trust to celebrate<br />

employers whoput their people at the heart<br />

of their businesses.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


The red meatsector is disappointed<br />

at the European Union-New<br />

Zealand trade deal, saying it will<br />

continue to put NewZealand at a<br />

disadvantage in NZ’s third largest<br />

export market. The deal concluded<br />

will see asmall quota for New<br />

Zealand beef into the European<br />

Union -10,000 tonnes intoamarket<br />

that consumes 6.5 million tonnes of<br />

beef annually -far lessthan the red<br />

meat sector’sexpectations.<br />

Meat Industry Association’s<br />

Sirma Karapeeva was ‘‘extremely<br />

disappointed’’.<br />


Environment Canterbury will be<br />

carrying out atrial flyoverofthe<br />

Waimakariri districtthis month to<br />

observe wintering practices and<br />

identify areas wherefarmers might<br />

need extra support. Industry<br />

representatives will be<br />

accompanyingECanstaff on the<br />

flight, but no video footage or photos<br />

will be taken. It is similar to flights<br />

undertaken by other regional<br />

councils to observe good<br />

management practices.<br />


A12-year-old bull with over150,000<br />

daughters has been inducted into<br />

an elite animal ‘Hall of Fame’ for his<br />

outstanding contribution to dairy<br />

herd improvement in New Zealand.<br />

Priests Sierra is the latest artificial<br />

breeding bulltoenterfarmer-owned<br />

co-operative LIC’s prestigious Hall<br />

of Fame, which dates back to the<br />

1950s.<br />

The accolade is for bulls with a<br />

profound influence across the New<br />

Zealand dairy industry, and are in a<br />

class of their own.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Photographic Society<br />

June has been a busy month for the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Photographic Society. We were<br />

lucky enough to have two portrait experts give<br />

us atalk on Wednesday night and then some<br />

members headed to the Plains Railway on<br />

Sunday to put into practice what we had been<br />

taught with amodel. Iwas terribly impressed<br />

with Steph and especially her amazing high<br />

heels. She was agreat model who was also<br />

helpful in giving us tips. It was agreat session,<br />

and Iamsure we all learnt alot.<br />

Our 2nd Open was judged by James Hope<br />

from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery.<br />

B Grade Digital Acceptance: “Cold And<br />

Miserable” Kyle Dickson, “Pretty Pink” Marie<br />

Hunter, “Curves” Michael Voss and “Out For<br />

Dinner” Sean McQuillan.<br />

BGrade Digital Honours: “Falls” Michael<br />

Voss and “Ghostly Images” Struan Christie<br />

A Grade Digital Acceptance: “Getting<br />

Smokey” Bailey Chambers, “Plenty ofLights”<br />

David Oakley, “Walkies” Jude Box, “Cherry<br />

Red” and “Working The Forge” Malcolm<br />

Whyte, “Soaking Up the View” Maria<br />

Chamberlain, “All Things Red” Megan Ellis<br />

and “Dandelion” Nicky Foden.<br />

AGrade Digital Honours: “My Girl” Anna<br />

McGregor, “The Great Hercules” Cindy Lovett<br />

and “Calm in the Harbour” Nel Davison.<br />

B Grade Print Acceptance: “Butterfly”<br />

Jenny Brady.<br />

AGrade Print Acceptance: “Black Fronted<br />

Dotterel” Bill Cabout, “Sheep on aHill” David<br />

Oakley, “Kotuku” Lester Hurst, “Mr Peacock”<br />

Nicky Foden and “Trackin the Sand” Suzanne<br />

Watson<br />

A Grade Print Honours: “Clouds Over<br />

Barren Hill” DavidOakleyand “Glass Half Full”<br />

Megan Ellis.<br />

About twenty members are off to Lake<br />

Brunner for the long weekend, this will cap off<br />

agreat June.<br />

Abouttwenty members have just spent the<br />

?<br />

An artistic capture sent in by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Photographic Society.<br />

long weekend over at the Lake Brunner Eco<br />

Lodge. It was astunning location with plenty<br />

for everyone to photograph, even when it was<br />

raining. Many thanks to Brenda Lynch for<br />

organizing this for us.<br />

What willyou<br />

discover when you<br />

ExploreDunedin<br />

this <strong>July</strong>?<br />

Dunedincomes alive this <strong>July</strong> with international test rugby,<br />

the magic of the Midwinter Carnival, andthe added<br />

excitementofthe schoolholidays.Whatever brings you to<br />

town, make sure you getyourcopyofExploreDunedin to<br />

help youplanthe perfect getaway.<br />

Filled with greattips on food,accommodation,shopping,<br />

andmore, Explore Dunedin is the must-have guideto<br />

enjoyingthegreatestlittle g<br />

city in the world.<br />

Download ororder your copy today at<br />

www.exploredunedin.co.nz<br />

Follow us<br />

U3A Report June <strong>2022</strong><br />

Dr Anne Ford, Associate Professor of<br />

Archaeology at University of Otago presented<br />

“First Footsteps: first peopling of Australasia<br />

and Pacific” outlining Pleistocene settlement<br />

by modern humans (Homo sapiens) about<br />

Scantoread<br />

ExploreDunedin<br />

online<br />

55-50,000 BP (Before Present) of Sahul and<br />

Near Oceania.<br />

From an early stage they adapted/modified/manipulated<br />

their environments. Marked<br />

differences from earlier humans’ smaller<br />

cranial/brain size explained having planning<br />

skills to produce toolsfor hunting and foraging;<br />

diverse, composite and specialised tools e.g.<br />

harpoons; rock art using pigments, mica<br />

jewellery and symbolism; language; long<br />

distance trading (obsidian 20,000BP); burials;<br />

organic material such as wood and antler.<br />

Neanderthal and Denisovan genes are in<br />

present-day humans. The Southern Dispersal<br />

Route out of Africa used coastal resources,<br />

10,000 years before Europe was populated,<br />

through South East Asia to Australia, by<br />

walking. Water craft 48.000 years ago was<br />

needed to cross Lombok Strait: the Wallacean<br />

Line between Sunda (South East Asia) and<br />

Sahul (Australia) was a clear boundary for<br />

fauna and mammals.<br />

Australian coastal resources and inland<br />

New South Wales’ Lake Mungo, and Tasmania<br />

were populated. Large hunted<br />

megafauna such as giant kangaroos became<br />

extinct 40.000 BP. Anthropogenic (human)<br />

influences altered Nothofagus forests to Eucalyptus,<br />

aiding hunting and plant regeneration.<br />

The 3.000 metre-high Ivane Valley in Papua<br />

New Guinea’s Highlands’ cloudforest showed<br />

aagriculture occurring 18,000 years ago, from<br />

burnt landscape and core samples of swamps.<br />

Speaker for <strong>July</strong>: Abbas Nazari, former<br />

refugee from Afghanistan.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Writers’ Group<br />

President Julie welcomed members and<br />

three visitors to the June meeting of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Writers’ Group. The quotation was<br />

–“The Pen is Mightier than the Sword”.<br />

The discussion point was from Stephen<br />

King – There is no Idea Dump, no Story<br />

Central, no Island ofthe Buried Bestsellers.<br />

Good story ideas seem to come quite literally<br />

from nowhere, sailing at you right out of the<br />

empty sky, two previous unrelated ideas come<br />

together and make something new under the<br />

sun. Your job isn’t to find these ideas but to<br />

recognize them when they show up.<br />

This idea caused a lot of discussion<br />

among members.<br />

The assignment was “The Uninvited<br />

Guest”.<br />

Members wrote of not okay, wedding<br />

couple, dementia,foul odour,new apartment –<br />

spider, nether regions, oxymorons, waking at<br />

night, ghost, demanding grandchildren.<br />

The instant exercise was to create a<br />

dialogue between two characters who hold<br />

different points of view e.g. an argument.<br />

To make sure each character has its own<br />

voice (way of speaking) and any topic or<br />

situation. Members responded to this challenge.<br />

The <strong>July</strong> assignment is“you wake up<br />

from asix month coma”. Visitors are welcome,<br />

please phone Rae at 3088927.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

After aquiet couple of weeks on the pistes,<br />

the Silver Tray Trophy was played against<br />

Papanui in Christchurch on Sunday with 12 of<br />

our members competing.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> was victorious with atotal of 55<br />

points over Papanui’s 29, after playing<br />

doubles and then triples. This is the first time<br />

we have won the trophy, so we had avan full<br />

of very happy people on the return journey.<br />

Having trialled Saturday play over the last<br />

three months we have decided to make this a<br />

permanent change. Club members have<br />

turned out in good numbers on aregular basis<br />

and we have attracted afew new comers to try<br />

the game.<br />

There will be Saturdays when the club is<br />

hosting an event but you are most welcome to<br />

come and watch those games to learn more.<br />

We are now wearing caps with our logo<br />

which match well with our shirts. Our next<br />

competition is the Club Men’s and Women’s<br />

Singles being held on Sunday, 24 <strong>July</strong>.<br />

Remember you are most welcome to<br />

come and watch competition games, and also<br />

to join us in play on any Tuesday, Thursday or<br />

Saturday at 1pm, at 115 Racecourse Road.<br />

Equipment and tuition are available.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pakeke Lions Club<br />

The 42nd Annual Changeover Dinner of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pakeke Lions was held at Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and in the absence of President<br />

Lion Robert Spencer the MC for the evening<br />

was Lion Milner Jacob. Milner extended a<br />

warm welcome to alarge turnout of members<br />

and visitors from various local Lions Clubs.He<br />

also welcomed District Governor Christine<br />

Stewart & Vice District Governor Garth<br />

Bateup. Apologies were read by Lion Bob<br />

Rodgers.<br />

Lion Malcolm McCormick proposed a<br />

toast to the Visitors which was replyed toby<br />

DG Christine Stewart. Lion Joe Butchard then<br />

toasted Lions International outlining the work<br />

that LCIF does around the world to elevate<br />

disasters andvariousmedical problems which<br />

has continued by the 1.4million members of<br />

the Lions Clubs which was started by Melvin<br />

Jones in Chicago in 1917.<br />

VDG Garth Bateup replyed on behalf of<br />

Lions Club International. AToast to Wives and<br />

Partners was proposed by Lion Trevor<br />

Andrews and replyed to by Stephanie<br />

Butchard. Grace and Thought for the Day was<br />

read by Margaret Pawsey.<br />

DG Christinethen inductedanew member,<br />

Mr. Dennis Bird, into the Club. Dennis was<br />

sponsored by Lion Jim Young and he was<br />

welcomed and wished all the best by those<br />

present.<br />

Presidents Appreciation Club Awards were<br />

presented by DG Christine toLion Bob Crane<br />

and Lion Derek Prebble. Lion Trevor Tindall &<br />

Robin Ford 10 year chevron; Lion Graeme<br />

Mabley 20 year chevron; Lion Derek Prebble<br />

25 year chevron; Lion Arthur Pawsey 40 year<br />

chevron; & Lion Murray Falconer 50year<br />

chevron. The prestigious Melvin Jones Fellowship<br />

Award for exceptional services to Lions<br />

over along period of years were presented to<br />

Lion Bob Rodgers and Lion John Lynch.<br />

The Presidents Report was read onbehalf<br />

of Robert Spencer by MC Milner Jacob.<br />

In Roberts comprehensive report he thanked<br />

theClub Membership for another successful<br />

year and lamented the loss of four members<br />

during the year being; Lions Noel Lowe, Ron<br />

Paterson,Owen Everestand past member Jim<br />

Allison. These members gave their all for<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pakeke Lions.<br />

He concluded that another successful<br />

Charity Market had been run.<br />

Induction of the New Board for <strong>2022</strong>/23<br />

was performed by VDG Garth Bateup in the<br />

absence of President Elec. Lion Jim Young<br />

who honoured his oath of office bytelephone.<br />

Lion Dave Bennett read Jim Youngs acceptance<br />

speech whose theme for the year is “Be<br />

Realistic -Yet Optimistic”. All members of the<br />

board were invited to stand at the front of the<br />

gathering to honour their oath. VDG Garth<br />

thanked Lion Robert for his year asPresident<br />

and wished the Club and new President Lion<br />

Jim Young all the best for the coming year.<br />

Lion Jim Martin thanked DG Christine forall<br />

her help, during what was adifficult year, and<br />

presented her with flowers.<br />

Raffles were drawn and Tailtwister Trevor<br />

Andrews fined members for misdemeanors<br />

that had happened to them during the month.<br />

MC Milner thanked all present for attending<br />

and the meeting concluded with the singing of<br />

the National Anthem. Members showed their<br />

appreciation to Milner for officiating the evening.<br />

The <strong>July</strong> Meeting of the LadiesCraft Group<br />

is to be held on Monday 11th <strong>July</strong> at Edith<br />

Paterson’s Home at10a.m.


40 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Colour use to give aroom atmosphere<br />


Whether we like it or not colour<br />

plays asignificant role in our<br />

lives, our homes, and our<br />

health,exertinganinfluence<br />

on our state of mind,our<br />

behaviour, and our<br />

personalities.<br />

In our homes we use colour to<br />

add or subtract dimensionstoa<br />

room, to add warmth, light, and<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Helen Keller (1880 –1968)<br />

blind and deaf from infancy,<br />

described colour to her as; “I<br />

understand how scarletcan<br />

differ from crimson because I<br />

know thatthe smell of an<br />

orangeisnot the smell of a<br />

grapefruit.<br />

‘‘In smelland taste there are<br />

variations not broad enough to<br />

be fundamental; so, Icall them<br />

shades.<br />

‘‘Theforce of association<br />

drives me to say that white is<br />

exultant, pure greenis<br />

exuberant, and red suggests<br />

love, shame, or strength.<br />

‘‘Withoutcolourorits<br />

equivalent life to me would be<br />

dark and barren.Avast<br />

blackness.”<br />

Colour is so important to our<br />

daily lives that we havea<br />

language of colour:<br />

Green with envy, red rag to a<br />

bull, black holeof Calcutta,<br />

white lie, blue collar workers.<br />

So now we understand just<br />

what an important role colour<br />

plays in our lives, let’s look at<br />

the colour wheel.<br />

In 1660 Sir Isaac Newton<br />

directed abeam of light<br />

through aprism to achieve an<br />

effectsimilar to that of a<br />

rainbow and the worlds’ first<br />

colourwheel was born.<br />

If you are floundering, as<br />

manyofusdo, invest in acolour<br />

wheel, they are brimming with<br />

information, yourlocal colour<br />

shop will have one.<br />

Neutrals<br />

These fall into two<br />

categories,warm and cool.<br />

Neutrals are easyonthe eye<br />

and perfectfor creating alook<br />

of understatedelegance. They<br />

provide astrongfoundationfor<br />

everyother colour and, they<br />

don’tdate.<br />

Accents<br />

As arule, it is best to use one<br />

colourasanaccent. Accents are<br />

statement pieces and may need<br />

to be changedasfashion<br />

dictates or, you may tire of them<br />

in favour of an alternative.<br />

Keep in mind thatacushion is<br />

easiertochange than achairor<br />

drape.<br />

Feature walls<br />

Feature walls have apurpose<br />

and when used correctly work<br />

well.<br />

Followingare some simple<br />

guidelines:<br />

Used to guide the eyes<br />

through an area,showinghow<br />

roomsflow into and out of each<br />

other.<br />

Used as an<br />

enhancement<br />

for art, a<br />

mirror, or artefacts.<br />

Used for changing the<br />

proportions of aroom, if the<br />

wallarea is architecturally<br />

deserving.<br />

How to begin<br />

Look for the elementthat will<br />

lay the groundwork for the<br />

colour design bothstructurally<br />

and visually.<br />

For example,the colour of<br />

the window frames, existing<br />

carpet, wooden flooring or<br />

artwork,­apainting can inspire<br />

apalate –existingfurniture or<br />

drapes.<br />

Questionhow the lighteffects<br />

the room? Doesthe room need<br />

warmth or coolingdown? Do<br />

you wish harmony or<br />

dissonance? Do you wish to<br />

change the proportionsofthe<br />

room?<br />

As the largest areas in aroom,<br />

the floor and walls will have the<br />

biggest impactonyour design<br />

scheme, so choose the colours<br />

for these two surfaces carefully.<br />

When planning your<br />

decorating scheme thinkofit as<br />

an equation made up of four<br />

parts:<br />

colour, pattern, texture,form.<br />

To achieve aharmonious<br />

whole, each of these items<br />

should be considered in<br />

relation to the others.<br />

Tip<br />

When workingwith a<br />

dominantfeature such as a<br />

patterned wallpaper or<br />

furnishingfabric pick out one<br />

colour from the design thatis<br />

represented in the pattern as<br />

an accent.<br />

Happy colouring.<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

41<br />

Getting the most from garden crops<br />

Vegetables<br />

Crop rotation may sound<br />

overly scientific for the<br />

ordinary gardener but it is an<br />

important way of getting the<br />

most from the vegetable garden<br />

and, at the same time,<br />

minimising the risk of diseases<br />

such as club root in cabbages or<br />

basal rot (caused by Fusarium<br />

oxysporum) in onions, garlic<br />

and leeks.<br />

Designed so crops take<br />

different minerals from the soil<br />

each year, good rotation will<br />

take account of chemical and<br />

physical differences between<br />

plants. The basic rule is never<br />

to grow plants from the same<br />

family or type in the same spot<br />

two years in arow.<br />

Leaving aside perennial<br />

vegetables such as rhubarb,<br />

globe artichokes and asparagus<br />

which stay in the same plot,<br />

divide your garden into three<br />

areas.<br />

Make alist of what crops can<br />

be grouped: potatoes, celery,<br />

leeks, carrots, parsnips and<br />

beetroot in one group; peas,<br />

beans (all types), onions and<br />

spinach in the second; and<br />

brassicas (including brussels<br />

sprouts, cabbages, broccoli,<br />

cauliflowers and kohl rabi) in<br />

the third. Grow them by groups<br />

this coming season.<br />

In the secondseason, growtaprooted<br />

plants (group one) in plot<br />

three, the groundpreviously<br />

used for brassicas. Put potatoes<br />

and the onion family into area<br />

one and brassicas in the<br />

remaining part of the garden.<br />

Year three sees brassicas in plot<br />

one, tap­rooted plantsinbed two<br />

and onionsaswell as potatoes in<br />

the third section.<br />

Continuethispracticein<br />

subsequent years. Agarden diary<br />

may make it easier to remember<br />

the movements or draw a<br />

computer­generated planand<br />

mark whatwas sown or planted<br />

where, with planting or sowing<br />

dates.<br />

Flowers<br />

Rose­planting time has arrived<br />

and nurseriessoon will be full of<br />

this most popular shrub. In a<br />

perfect world, the gardener<br />

wouldhave deeplydug the spot<br />

for newrosessome weeks ago to<br />

give the ground timetosettle<br />

naturally beforeplanting.<br />

In reality, this may not be done<br />

untilthe roses have been bought,<br />

so put the bare­rooted roses in a<br />

corner of the vegetable garden<br />

untilthe siteisready.<br />

Dig out holesfor roses1m<br />

apartand about 30cm deep. The<br />

depthdepends on the soiltype.<br />

Shallowerisbest in heavysoil<br />

but deeper holes are<br />

recommendedinlight, sandy<br />

soilsthatbecome hot and dry<br />

during summer. The holes should<br />

be wideenough to allow the roots<br />

to lie without obstruction. Help<br />

them rest slightly downwards by<br />

forming aslight moundinthe<br />

centre of the hole. Cover with<br />

goodsoil andapplycommercial<br />

rosefertiliser.<br />

Fruit<br />

Winter spraying of applesand<br />

pears with awinteroil spray will<br />

helpcontrol woolly aphids, scale<br />

insects and red spider. If you<br />

prefer not to spray,attracting<br />

waxeyes to the garden by putting<br />

ashallow container of sugar<br />

water on or near fruit treeswill<br />

encourage themtoclean up bugs.<br />

Goodgarden hygiene is also<br />

important in preventing or<br />

controlling disease.Any fruit<br />

remaining on treesoronthe<br />

ground through the winter may<br />

be asource of primary infection<br />

and should be removed.<br />

Apple trees infestedwith<br />

woolly aphids and pears with<br />

scale insects or red spidershould<br />

be given awinter oil spray.<br />

Thoroughly cover all parts of the<br />

tree.<br />

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42 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Aorangi Stylemaster Golf<br />

Played on Thursday 23 June<br />

at Temuka, Temuka and<br />

Mayfield take outStylemaster<br />

Foursomes title.<br />

Fourteen clubs competed in<br />

the Aorangi Women's<br />

Stylemaster competitionheld<br />

atTemukaGolf Club on<br />

Thursday 23 June in very cold<br />

conditions. Two pairs from<br />

each club played afoursomes<br />

competitionwith the team with<br />

the bestcombined net score<br />

winningthe Stylemaster Tray.<br />

The Temuka andMayfield<br />

teamsboth finished with net<br />

scoresof149,tohold the trophy<br />

jointly.<br />

Results:Stylemaster Tray,<br />

Temuka:Frances Mulvey and<br />

Robyn Will (73), Jenny Bolitho<br />

and Brenda Davies (76 )net 149<br />

Mayfield:Sue Grahamand<br />

Juliet McLeod (74), Christine<br />

Ross and Alison Vessey(75) net<br />

149.<br />

Runners ­up, Pleasant Point:<br />

Ali Barrett andAngelaCurry<br />

(71), RoseAllisonand Joan<br />

Greer (79) net 150.<br />

Methven Jug:Best pair not in<br />

the winningteam,Ali Barrett<br />

and AngelaCurry net 71<br />

(Pleasant Point).<br />

Runners ­up, BevConlan and<br />

DiCleveland, net 76 (North<br />

Otago), Marie Anderson and<br />

Lyn Dobson, net76(Fairlie),<br />

Marilyn Duthie and Isabell<br />

Bond,net 76 (Lower Waitaki),<br />

Two's: Susan Brown and<br />

Miriam Burnside(Timaru).<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> GolfClub 9Holers<br />

Last week, the winnersof<br />

round 5Gordon Clinton Putting<br />

Trophywere André van Rooyen<br />

&MurrayLister(17)followed<br />

by Gordon Clinton(18). The<br />

winners of round5Jean<br />

DrummondPutting Trophy<br />

were Robynne Nicoll &Janice<br />

Dunlop(16) followed by Elaine<br />

King (17). Murray Listerscored<br />

aSmith &Church Gobbleron<br />

the 6th hole.On7th <strong>July</strong>, we<br />

willplayround 5Heather<br />

Smith Trophy, Stableford and<br />

on the14th, best net, including<br />

Club Champs Qualifier4.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSAPetanque<br />

Club<br />

Silver Tray Challenge played<br />

at Papanui 10­7­<strong>2022</strong>, Wonby<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Doubles points:­ <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

36, Papanui 24.<br />

Triples points:­ <strong>Ashburton</strong> 19,<br />

Papanui 5<br />

Endtotals:­ <strong>Ashburton</strong> 55,<br />

Papanui 29.<br />

Allenton Bowling Club<br />

Winter BowlsResults: On<br />

Wednesday 29th June another<br />

round of the Kiddey Cup was<br />

contested and results were: 1ST<br />

Donalda Watson, Allan Miller 3<br />

wins 18 ends 35 points.2nd<br />

Denys McEvedy, Graeme<br />

Clarke3wins16ends 34 points,<br />

3rd Rosemary Bennett, Sandra<br />

Holdom2wins 15 ends 37<br />

points.<br />

On Saturday 2nd <strong>July</strong> another<br />

round of 2bowltriples and<br />

results were:<br />

1st Brent Mayson, Barry<br />

Molloy,Millie Foggo3wins 16<br />

ends 26 points,2nd Rosemary<br />

Bennett,Mike Quinn, Sandra<br />

Holdom2wins 19 ends 37<br />

points, 3rd Bob Holdom,Marty<br />

Watson, Alastair Thomson2<br />

wins 19 ends 36 points.<br />

UpcomingEvents Winter<br />

Bowls, Friday 8th <strong>July</strong>, 3Bowl<br />

Triples 12.00pm start, Saturday<br />

9th <strong>July</strong> 2­4­2 Pairs 12.00 pm<br />

start. Good bowlingeveryone.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> GolfClub<br />

Saturday 2/7/<strong>2022</strong>, Competition:<br />

President’s Cup & Plate<br />

Semi­finals + Stableford<br />

Round, President Cup<br />

Matchplay winners were; Peter<br />

Walker & Brent MacGregor,<br />

President Plate Match play<br />

winners were; Jordan Bird &<br />

Paddy Bradford.<br />

Radius Care Winner over the<br />

Field: Brendon Davidson<br />

78­7­71 37pts, 2nd David Rush<br />

37pts, 3rd Al Jopson 36pts.<br />

Other good scores were;<br />

Hilary Lovett 36pts, Terry Molloy<br />

36pts, Bev Chinn 36pts,<br />

Sebastian McMillan 36pts, Tom<br />

Blacklow 36pts,<br />

Paul May 35pts, Dylan Stoddart<br />

35pts, James McFarlane<br />

35pts, Ryan Stoddart 35pts,<br />

Dave Morrison 35pts, Terry<br />

McMillan 35pts, Don McQuarters<br />

35pts, Brent Smith 34pts,<br />

Ray Lambert 34pts, Terry Kingsbury<br />

34pts &Robbie Bell 34 pts<br />

Two’s: Dave Morrison x2,<br />

Peter walker, Paul May, Hayden<br />

McMillan, Sebastian<br />

McMillan, Hilary Lovett, Ron<br />

Carlson, Brent Smith, Ryan<br />

Stoddart &Kevin Smith<br />

Nearest The Pins: Hole 4#<br />

South IslandSeedProcessing&<br />

Storage Co: Chris Robertson<br />

Hole 8# Value Plus: Sebastian<br />

McMillan, Hole 12# 3<br />

Stooges (Brown Bombers):<br />

Dave Morrison<br />

Hole14# Mitre 10 <strong>Ashburton</strong>:<br />

Royce Jamieson, Hole 6# Hamish<br />

Niles Shout: Matt Tait<br />

Hole 9# Ton’s Thai: Chris<br />

Lovelock<br />

Birdie Jackpot Hole No7#<br />

Nett Eagle Jackpot Hole No<br />

17#<br />

Tinwald Tavern Bonus Spot<br />

Prize: Chris Robertson<br />


9Hole Competition:<br />

Stableford Round<br />

1st: Harvey Bakehouse Winner:<br />

Wendy Hopwood 18pts<br />

2nd Peter Woods 16pts<br />

3rd Gordon Clinton 15pts<br />

4th Elaine King 15pts<br />

Mid Canterbury Social<br />

Wheelers<br />

27 riders. 16km. 2nd <strong>July</strong> 22.<br />

1st. Pam Harcourt 31m 00s. 2nd.<br />

Kenny Johnston 30m 31s. 3rd.<br />

Lucy Kirwan 30m 32s. 4th. Ron<br />

Kennedy 31m 03s. 5th. Brent<br />

Hudson 30m 33s. 6th. Kimberly<br />

Marshall 26m 34s. 7th. Dave<br />

Shurrock 31m 05s. 8th. Paul<br />

Hands 31m 06s. 9th. Alan Johns<br />

31m <strong>07</strong>s. 10th. Liz Wylie 31m<br />

08s. 11th. Ross Proctor 31m 13s.<br />

12th. Noel Henderson 26m 57s.<br />

13th. Roger Wilson 27m 03s.<br />

14th. Charlotte Cox 27m 05s.<br />

15th. Mark Smitheram 28m 04s.<br />

16th.Matt Marshall 28m 28s.<br />

17th. Kristine Marriott 25m 29s.<br />

18th. Ross Templeton 25m 30s.<br />

19th. Nick Grijns 25m 30s. 20th.<br />

Richard Kirwan 26m 41s. 21st.<br />

Dave Knight 24m 00s F/T. 22nd.<br />

Tony Ward 24m 01s. 2f/t. 23rd.<br />

BradHudson24m 01s. 3f/t. 24th.<br />

Michael Gallagher 24m 02s. 4f/t.<br />

25th. Rob Hooper 24m 03s. 5f/t.<br />

26th. Mike Hansen 24m03s. 6f/t.<br />

27th. Doug Coley 27m 41s.<br />

Tinwald Cycling U17<br />

Development.<br />

Sunday 3rd <strong>July</strong> 22. Open 1.2<br />

Time trial .1st. Ryan Gallagher<br />

2m 11s. 2nd. Eliza McKenzie 2m<br />

14s. 3rd. Charlotte Neal 2m 20s.<br />

4th. Nick Dalley 2m 44s.Graded<br />

Results. A. 1st. Ryan Gallagher,<br />

2nd. Eliza McKenzie. B. 1st.<br />

Charlotte Neal. D. 1st. Nick<br />

Dalley. Open 8km Handicap.<br />

1st. Charlotte Neal 16m 38s.<br />

2nd. Ryan Gallagher 15m 00s.<br />

3rd. Eliza McKenzie 15m 01s.<br />

4th. Nick Dalley 22m 21s.<br />

Graded Results. A. Ryan Gallagher<br />

.2nd. Eliza McKenzie.B.<br />

Charlotte Neal. D. Nick Dalley .<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening –June 27th,<br />

Individual &Walker Trophies<br />

1st Allison &Chris Lovelock,<br />

2nd Dee Murdoch & Bronwyn<br />

Oakley, 3rd Ken Kingsland &<br />

Stylemaster Tray, from front left: Juliet McLeod, Sue Graham,<br />

Alison Vessey, Christine Ross (Mayfield), middle left: Frances<br />

Mulvey, Jenny Bolitho, Brenda Davies, back: Robyn Will (Temuka).<br />

JohnRickard, 4th Amanda Watson<br />

&Amanda Evans, 5th Bruce<br />

Heather Sim, 6th Bev Blair &<br />

Anne Gilbert<br />

Tuesday Evening –June 28th,<br />

Ron Sutherland Trophy<br />

1st Rewa Kyle &Trish Downward,<br />

2nd Eric Parr & Val<br />

Palmer, 3rdJudith Edmond &<br />

Mary Buckland, 4th Sue<br />

Rosevear & Maryke Blignault,<br />

5th Linda Baker &Leigh Wackrow,<br />

6th Audrey Rooney &Pat<br />

Jordan<br />

Wednesday Afternoon­ June<br />

29th, Individual Ladder<br />

1st Rewa Kyle & Maree<br />

Moore, 2nd Wendy &Eric Parr,<br />

ODTART2492366<br />

3rd John Irwin &Bev Macaulay,<br />

4th Alan Wright &Peter Wilson,<br />

5th Mary Buckland&Rosemary<br />

McLaughlin 6th Bruce &<br />

Heather Sim<br />

Thursday Evening – June<br />

30th, Smith Trophy<br />

N/S 1st Linda Baker&Audrey<br />

Rooney, 2nd Jan de Jong &<br />

Maree Moore, 3rd Bev Turton &<br />

Rewa Kyle<br />

E/W 1st JanMcClelland &Jim<br />

Rooney, 2nd Dee Murdoch &<br />

Eric Parr, 3rd Colin Clemens &<br />

Wendy Parr<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Pétanque<br />

Club<br />

Pétanque club played the silver<br />

tray challenge against<br />

Papanui pétanque club at<br />

Papanui. This tournament has<br />

been played since 2015 with<br />

Papanui winning every year.<br />

This time <strong>Ashburton</strong> finally<br />

bought the silver tray home<br />

winning 55 to 29.congratulations<br />

to the 12 players from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club, Ladies<br />

Golf<br />

Saturday 2nd &Tuesday 5th<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

LGUSilver –Vicki Moore–73<br />

on c/b from Wendy Parr<br />

Bronze I–Hilary Ward, Kay<br />

Fox –72<br />

Bronze II–Erin Porter –70,<br />

Trish Robertson ­72<br />

Nearest the Pins<br />

No 4 Chevalier Farm Ltd –<br />

Wendy Parr<br />

No 8Samantha Rose Flowers<br />

–Jan McArthur<br />

No 12 Lynn’s small Salon –<br />

Vicki Moore<br />

No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />

Not Struck<br />

No 18 2nd Shot –Sue Letham<br />

Twos: CatherineTrott, Sheryl<br />

Reid –No8,Sharon Bradford –<br />

No 14.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Veterans Golf<br />

Results of play 4th <strong>July</strong> at<br />

Rakaia Golf Club: 1st= Mark<br />

O'Malley and Jim Lattimore 43,<br />

2nd = David Fisher and AG<br />

Hortin 42, 3rd=Neal Jones and<br />

Brian Fielder 3<br />

TwosMark O'Malley and Neal<br />

Jones.<br />

Next game Canadian Foursome<br />

Mayfield <strong>July</strong> 18th.<br />




with the Otago DailyTimes<br />

New ZealandvsIreland rugbyspecial.<br />


Packed with the latest news from the New Zealand and Irish camps,<br />

player profiles, key statistics, adummies guide to the stadium,<br />

and much, much more.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


1 2 3 4 5<br />

6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13 14<br />

15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23<br />

24 25<br />

8/7<br />

Across<br />

1. At whichtelephone operator mayringthe<br />

changes at table (11)<br />

8. It is stimulatingformerspouse to be<br />

naming someone (8)<br />

9. Printsizecould belot lessthan topical (4)<br />

10. Tidiness in which one isright to be (5)<br />

13. Agirlfor onetoenter in thefinal(4)<br />

16. Cluemay be gotfromparagraphintext<br />

(4)<br />

17. Dreadful, to expire whenabout to start<br />

regeneration (4)<br />

18. Early pulpit putbackinthe job market(4)<br />

20. Don’t give adirectanswertothe quickset<br />

(5)<br />

24. It willirritateasorceresstolose herhead<br />

(4)<br />

25. Self-raising hisconfusionwith<br />

embellishment(8)<br />

26. Through themale child, laity is confused<br />

as to individuality(11)<br />

Down<br />

2. Where inScotlandwillitburn? (4)<br />

3. There’s acoachtoappear in the rut<br />

turningup(5)<br />

4. Muchmay turn on ginthatpossiblyhe<br />

swallowed(5)<br />

5. More than sufficientbeertokeep a<br />

politicianin(5)<br />

6. Aroundabout wayofsayingpairs perish<br />

(11)<br />

7. The wicked kind of illumination(11)<br />

11. This uncle will lecture one on treateach<br />

pays for(5)<br />

12. Sounded mad,giving ahail in theroad(5)<br />

14. Pin one down to hititonthe head? (4)<br />

15. Working at last, he looksdownhis nose<br />

at one (4)<br />

19. To turn up withafemale that’s different<br />

(5)<br />

21. Miss Terry, an actress playing Nell with<br />

energy(5)<br />

22. MighturgeLabour leader to make the<br />

porridge (5)<br />

23. One soundly failed to have obscurity (4)<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

43<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />

26<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Wall painting(5)<br />

4. Symbol(6)<br />

7. Intention (3)<br />

8. Foot decoration(6)<br />

9. Deliver asermon(6)<br />

10. Letter-writer(13)<br />

14. Aristocratic(5)<br />

15. At no time(5)<br />

18. Vision correctors (7,6)<br />

23. Daze(6)<br />

24. False (6)<br />

25. Finish (3)<br />

26. Daft (6)<br />

27. Voice alternating with<br />

falsetto (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Tropical fruit(5)<br />

2. Measuring stick(5)<br />

3. Most recent (6)<br />

4. Hire (6)<br />

5. Reproduce(5)<br />

6. Former prisoner (2-3)<br />

10. Sceptic (5)<br />

11. Christmas bird(5)<br />

12. Roof overhang (5)<br />

13. Conditions (5)<br />

16. Frightened (6)<br />

17. Overcast (6)<br />

19. Eightsome (5)<br />

20. Extraamount (3-2)<br />

21. Jotted down (5)<br />

22. Matched (5)<br />



Across: 1. Mural, 4. Emblem, 7. Aim, 8. Anklet, 9. Preach,10.<br />

Correspondent,14. Noble, 15.Never,18. Contact lenses,23. Stupor,24.<br />

Untrue, 25.End, 26.Stupid, 27. Yodel.<br />

Down: 1. Mango, 2. Ruler, 3. Latest,4.Employ, 5. Breed, 6. Ex-con,10.<br />

Cynic, 11.Robin,12. Eaves, 13. Terms, 16. Scared, 17. Cloudy, 19.Octet,<br />

20. Top-up, 21.Noted, 22.Equal.<br />


Across: 1. Switchboard 8. Exciting 9. Pica10. Order13. Enid16. Hint<br />

17.Dire 18. Ambo 20.Hedge 24.Itch25. Flourish26. Personality.<br />

Down: 2. Wick 3. Tutor 4. Hinge5.Ample 6. Periphrasis7.Candlelight<br />

11. Dutch 12.Raved 14.Nail15. Snob 19.Other 21.Ellen 22.Gruel 23.<br />

Mist.<br />

TARGET<br />

ahem apothem hate hath<br />

heapheatheath hemp home<br />

HOMEOPATHhoop hoot hope<br />

meth moth oath oomph opah<br />

path photo them<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

H P E<br />

M H O<br />

T A O<br />

Good 12<br />

Very Good 15<br />

Excellent 18+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Denise<br />

Russell<br />

Hello I’m Denise Russell alicensed salesperson working at Ray<br />

White. I’m aMum of 2grown sons and apassionate animal<br />

loverespecially dogs. Youwill often see me out with my best<br />

friend Stella, aHuntawaydog who isvery spoilt.<br />

Ienjoymeeting and working with people to help them<br />

achieve excellent results. Ilook forward tomeeting you.<br />

027 432 9717 •denise.russell@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •033<strong>07</strong> 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

Supporting the community<br />

96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 3<strong>07</strong>8317<br />

Real Estate MidCanterburyPropertyLtd Licensed REAA 2008<br />

OH BABY!<br />

Let<br />

MidCanterburyb<br />

knowaboutyour<br />

newarrival...<br />

...in the <strong>Courier</strong>’s monthly<br />

Baby Page completely free of charge.<br />

Simply post or email aphotoofthe new<br />

arrival along with the birth details to:<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz.<br />

Photos forAugust4to<br />

be received by 12 noon<br />

TuesdayAugust 2<br />

Donatedcots to supportprematurebabies<br />

The Rapid Relief Team charity has<br />

donated20newborncots to Christchurch<br />

Women’s Hospital as a way to cope<br />

with increasing demand in its neonatal<br />

intensivecareunit.<br />

Rapid Relief Team (RRT) provided the<br />

much-needed cots to the unit after<br />

reports of a significant increase in babies<br />

requiring care.<br />

The growth in the number of babies<br />

requiring specialised care led to bed<br />

shortages, placing immense pressure on<br />

hospital resourcesand staff.<br />

Rapid Relief Team New Zealand general<br />

manager Paul Simmons said RRT<br />

volunteers were shocked to hear of the<br />

bed shortages so jumped into action to<br />

assist.<br />

“The shortage of neonatal ICU beds mean<br />

that vulnerable babies are inless than<br />

ideal cots forthe deliveryofcare. We have<br />

also heard reports of cramped clinical<br />

rooms and lack of privacy amongst the<br />

patients,” Paul said.<br />

“We know how challenging this time is<br />

for parents and equally the healthcare<br />

staff, soweare pleased to donate these<br />

specialised cots to help relieve some<br />

pressure faced and provide more user<br />

andbabyfriendly cots.”<br />

The neonatal unit cares for infants born<br />

prematurely, or with surgical, congenital<br />

and medical complications.<br />

Christchurch Women’s Hospital neonatal<br />

nurse manager Debbie O’Donoghue said<br />

the extra cots would be agreat help to<br />

families and staff.<br />

“Towards the end of ababy’s neonatal<br />

journey oncemedically stable,babiesare<br />

able to graduate into acot. These new<br />

specialised cots donated byRRT will be<br />

of great benefit tothe neonatal service.<br />

Unlike our previous traditional cots, they<br />

areheightadjustable.<br />

‘‘These new cots allow for care to be<br />

delivered to meet the comfort and<br />

safety for both parents and staff alike.<br />

This improves the working environment<br />

for staff and improves accessibility and<br />

comfortfor parents when caring fortheir<br />

babies in NICU,” she said.<br />

RRT donated five specialised cots to<br />

Starship Children’s Hospital last year<br />

after responding to amother’s plea for<br />

support. It was also a donation well<br />

received.<br />

Starship Children’s Hospital nurse unit<br />

manager Dawn Tucker said the timing of<br />

the donation could not have been better,with<br />

cots checked out and in use within the hour of<br />

the arriving.<br />

“We knew there was a desperate need for<br />

further support so we reached out to the<br />

Canterbury DHB to offer further assistance,”<br />

Paul said.<br />

The donation was made possible by RRT<br />

thanks to the valued support ofthe National<br />

AssistanceFund (NAF).<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Kindergartens are agroup of well established, not<br />

for profit, professional kindergartens based in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

community, offering pre-school education for 3&4year olds.<br />


•Every child has the right to participate in high quality early childhood<br />

education<br />

•Kindergartens are centres of excellence and innovation<br />

•Our goals can best be achieved through collaborative relationships at all<br />

Levels<br />

•Kindergarten is responsive to the cultural and language aspirations of<br />

families<br />


• about children, families and whanau<br />

•committed to quality early childhood education<br />

•qualified and registered workforce<br />

•community based •not-for-profit •home grown •Kiwi owned<br />

Play is work<br />

and work is fun<br />

Where Children Learn<br />


Contact: Kindergarten<br />

Association Manager<br />

Ph: 308 3779<br />

Email: association@ashkindy.co.nz<br />

www.ashburtonkindergarten.org.nz<br />

Asmall homely centre,<br />

with anature based philosophy.<br />

Stephanie Hansen Amanda Moore<br />

Centre Directors<br />

7Roxburgh Place Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

phone 03 3<strong>07</strong> 0420 twpreschool@gmail.com<br />

2493840<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

17A NORMANDY STREET 4 2 2<br />


Affordable near new home beautifully<br />

maintained•Open plan kitchen/dining/living<br />

•Sep. lounge •Sep. washhouse •WIR •Over<br />

1/4 acre section •Fully Fenced • Positioned<br />

for the sun. BIR PBN $700K -$750K<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 13<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 2pm.<br />

View<br />

Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7KHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

7CHAPMAN STREET 2 2 4<br />


An entrylevel solid investment. Large 2023m2<br />

opportunity on offer in 2titles, original old<br />

home &alargework shop with apit +upstairs<br />

storage. With modern interior you can rent<br />

or use as office space. Great opportunity<br />

to purchase for business or investment<br />

to lease. BEO $689,000 + GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7BHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

114 THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />


3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />

section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />

School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />

via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />

Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />

roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6THYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />

to secure this unqiue property &benefit from<br />

it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />


Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />

home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />

kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />

offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />

survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />

sleep out, storage shed/garage up to 6. BEO<br />

$689,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/79HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

21 CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />


•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with shower &<br />

bathtub! •Separate toilet •Spacious &O/P<br />

plan kitchen & dining. • Back yard space,<br />

would make for great outdoor entertaining<br />

area! Call today to book aviewing, you don’t<br />

want to miss out on this property!<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

46 CAMBRIDGE STREET 4 1 2<br />


Location is perfect for family living, right next<br />

door to a kindergarten, short walk to the<br />

school, sports hall &local park &playground.<br />

4bdrms +asleepout for either ateenager,<br />

guests or a home office. Separate large<br />

garage with loads of storage. BEO $339,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />



•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />

min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Set back from the road with shared<br />

driveway, the spectacular property covers 2<br />

sections of flat land &positioned for the sun<br />

&Mountains. Opportunity to subdivide down<br />

to 4000m2 (subject to survey). PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6PHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Have you checked out our<br />

Facebook page yet?<br />

Make sure you like &follow our page tokeep<br />

up-to-date with all things real estate.<br />

Keep an eye out for our exciting competitions too!<br />

https://www.facebook.com/LJHooker<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company


Methven 83 Barkers Road<br />

Premium property,premium location<br />

Neatly positioned on arearsectioninaquiet subdivision, this home sitsonabeautifully landscaped 832sqmfenced<br />

section.Function, form and conveniencemake thishome abrilliant choice forprofessional couples, retiredfolk,<br />

holidaymakers,families, or investors. Thehomeboasts three spacious double bedrooms, all with built-inwardrobes.<br />

The masterbedroomfeaturesawalk-in wardrobe and dressingroom, as well as adisability access ensuite. The<br />

family bathroomincludes astandalone vanity withabath andaseparate shower.There is also an additional<br />

separatetoiletwith avanity unit. This home wasbuilt with winterinmind. Theheatpump,electric heating and wood<br />

burner are complemented by thewall, ceiling,and floor insulation anddouble-glazed windows.<br />

3 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu21Jul <strong>2022</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor<br />

021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5518811<br />


Methven Lot 174 Arrowsmith Drive, Camrose Estate<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Invest in your lifestyle<br />

Be quicktosecure this perfectlypositioned 705sqm<br />

(moreorless) sectionlocatedinthe highly sought-after<br />

CamroseEstate, Methven. The section position and<br />

orientationswillensureafternoonsun into your<br />

outdoor livingarea.<br />

Located within easy reach of Flow Pool andStudio,<br />

Opuke ThermalPools and Spa,localshops,eateries,<br />

and schools. You will also have the convenience of<br />

havingamultitude of recreationalactivities at your<br />

doorstep,includingskiing,mountain biking, fishing,and<br />

hiking.<br />

Secure this site today, plan your home, ring your builder<br />

and be readytoget building when titlesare issuedearly<br />

next year.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518862<br />

705sqm<br />

For Saleoffers invited over $250,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor<br />

021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> 132 Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> officebuilding<br />

Perfectly positionedinthe heartof <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s CBD<br />

are theseattractive andmodern office premises.<br />

Recently refurbished with an extension added in 2013,<br />

thisbuilding could presentthe perfectopportunity to<br />

occupyortenantand enjoy thereturns.<br />

With an NBSrating of 67%,the property is currently<br />

leased for$85,500 plusGST plus outgoings until mid-<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Included with the property are six off-street carparks<br />

andthereisplenty of on-roadparking forclients.<br />

Vendors are willing to entertain options of alease.<br />

LIM is available on request.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518123<br />

909sqm<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 4340139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> 92 EastStreet<br />

Vacantcommercialland<br />

Located in the main street of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, 92 East Street<br />

comprises a2<strong>07</strong>sqm freehold title ready for immediate<br />

occupation or development.<br />

Set between two existing buildings withaccess from<br />

East Street and Dobson Street,this propertywill suit a<br />

widerange of buyers includingdevelopers, owner<br />

occupiersand land bankers.<br />

Takeadvantage of this rareopportunitytopurchase a<br />

vacant commercialsection in <strong>Ashburton</strong>township.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518749<br />

2<strong>07</strong>sqm<br />

DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 12pm, Fri 8Jul <strong>2022</strong><br />

201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 4340139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />




Allenton 4/131 Harrison Street<br />

Is it time to downsize?<br />

This practical, comfortable, sunny 130sqm stand-alone<br />

townhouse offers low-maintenance living in Allenton.<br />

Comprising openplanliving, diningand kitchen,two<br />

bedrooms,bathroom, separatetoilet, separate laundry<br />

along with an internalaccess double garagewith<br />

automatic opener, this house wouldbeasolidchoice<br />

for thoselooking to downsize.<br />

Setoffthe road,this rear townhouseisheated by aheat<br />

pump, nitestore heater and is partially double-glazed<br />

whereyou needitmost; ensuringcomfortall year<br />

round.<br />

Move in andadd your owntouchestomakethishouse<br />

yourhome.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518739<br />

2 1 1 2<br />

DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 12pm, Fri 8Jul <strong>2022</strong><br />

201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 4340139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> 97 Wills Street<br />

Timeless character villa<br />

This timeless 1910svilla is built to lastwithmany of the<br />

original features;ornatefinials, high-studceilings, rimu<br />

flooringand stained-glass accents.<br />

The 193sqm homecomprises fourgenerousdouble<br />

bedrooms which areaccessedfromacentralhallway.<br />

Onehas an additional spacethat canbeusedasan<br />

office,sunroom,orwalk-in wardrobe.<br />

Thefamilybathroom hasashower over the bath,<br />

vanity, and toilet, with a second shower andtoilet<br />

besidethe laundry. Aspacious loungeadjoins the<br />

modernisedgalley-style kitchen anddining area.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518725<br />

1,014sqm 4 1 1 2<br />

For Saleoffers invitedover $649,000<br />

View Sun 3-3.30pm or by appointment<br />

Sam Gregory<br />

021 0283 8791<br />

sam.gregory@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Boundarylines are indicative only<br />

Lake Hood 14 West Bay Place<br />

Secure yourspot<br />

Thosewanting to build in the highly sought-after Lake<br />

Hood will be drawn to this1,026sqmsection in West<br />

Bay Place.Borderingacanal andset at the endofthe<br />

cul-de-sac, with power, water,andsewer available at<br />

theboundary, it's theperfect blank canvas to design a<br />

waterfronthome. House plans designedbyMoore<br />

ArchitectureLimited havebeen approved andare<br />

available to view onrequest.The makingsofaprivate<br />

jetty have already started, with the remainingtimber<br />

available as an additional purchase. Locatedinthe<br />

perfect spotfor all kinds of water sports and<br />

recreationalactivities, with theadded bonus of the<br />

popular LakeHouse restaurantashort walk away, this<br />

section is onlyminutesawayfrom the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

township.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518032<br />

1,026sqm<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

MikePreston<br />

027 43<strong>07</strong>041<br />

mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />

SimonSharpin<br />

027 631 8087<br />

simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Mayfield Lot2Arundel Rakaia GorgeRoad<br />

The hardworkisdone<br />

Located on the edgeofthe Mayfield township is this<br />

threebedroom, onebathroom home.Recently<br />

relocatedfrom Christchurch,thishouseon4,575sqm<br />

(subject to finalsurvey) of land isthe perfect startfor<br />

thosewanting thecountrylifestyle. Having been<br />

recently renovatedfrom toptotoe thisisanexcellent<br />

opportunity to own apropertywherethe hard workis<br />

alldone. Featuring anew kitchen, bathroom, roof and<br />

carpet as well as beingrewired and plumbed with a<br />

newheatpump installedpriortosettlement,thishome<br />

needs to be seentobeappreciated. Openplan living<br />

andexternalaccess fromthe kitchentoawest facing<br />

deck, withfantasticviews to themountains ensure it is<br />

theperfectplace to host family and friends.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518426<br />

4,575sqm 3 1 1<br />

Asking Price $510,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Simon Sharpin<br />

027 631 8087<br />

simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Mike Preston<br />

027 43<strong>07</strong>041<br />

mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />


ABOUT<br />


Mike is a Rural and Lifestyle specialist and with over twelve years in the<br />

industry, he is consistently one of Bayleys’ top sales people nationwide.<br />

Contact Mike and trust him to help you make your next move.<br />

Mike Preston<br />

027 430 7041 03 3<strong>07</strong> 7377<br />

mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services<br />


Dedicated<br />

to you.<br />

At RayWhite Mid-Canterbury, our 22 dedicated team members<br />

areheretohelp from the momentyou make contact.<br />

From the receptionist to the salesperson who closes your sale, the strength<br />

of ourteam is inour combined commitment to ensuring your journeywith<br />

us is agood one. We work together to makesure that with the RayWhite<br />

team, youget the results youwant. Chat toustodayon033<strong>07</strong> 8317.<br />

RayWhiteMid-Canterbury<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

96 TancredStreet<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

03 3<strong>07</strong> 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com<br />

Tinwald<br />

117a Archibald Street<br />

Tinwald<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong> 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com<br />

Methven<br />

4/36 McMillan Street<br />

Methven<br />

03 303 3032<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed(REAA 2008)


8Avalon Grove,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 1 2 AHB30325<br />

2Davis Crescent, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 1 0 AHB30306<br />

1/63 Short Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 2 1 1 AHB30313<br />

37 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 4 2 2 AHB30244<br />

79 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:45-11:15am 4 2 2 AHB30257<br />

197 Walnut Avenue,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 1 3 AHB30322<br />

30 Churchill Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 1 1 AHB30317<br />

13 Millibrook Place, Tinwald 11:00-11:30am 3 2 2 AHB30263<br />

2Turton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30326<br />

17 Kitchener Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 1 2 AHB30259<br />

73 Belt Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 1 AHB303<strong>07</strong><br />

36 Reighton Drive,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 4 3 2 AHB30282<br />

31b Charles Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30286<br />

81 Park Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:15-12:45pm 3 1 1 AHB30327<br />

48 Hakatere Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30305<br />

56 Albert Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:45-1:15pm 3 1 2 AHB30285<br />

29 Lismore/Mayfield Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:30-2:30pm 3 1 2 AHB30321<br />


2Turton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30326<br />

30 Churchill Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 1 AHB30317<br />

Open Home<br />

36 Reighton Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Whywait to Build when this Premium Allenton address<br />

awaits you right now.This lovely home is in one of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Premier locations, with beautiful properties<br />

all around. It is ideal foryoung families, being ever so<br />

close to high decile schools (Allenton Pre and Primary<br />

Schools plus <strong>Ashburton</strong> College not too far away).<br />

Alongwith the 3Double Bedrooms, the home has 3<br />

Bathrooms, 2Living Areas, an Office (orsmall Single<br />

Bedroom) and is beautifully positioned forthe sun.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30282<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onapplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday12:00 -12:30pm<br />

4 3 2<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Open Home<br />

2Turton Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Great Locale, Double Garage, Outdoorarea, Raised<br />

veggie gardens &good shed storage. Three double<br />

bedrooms, all with wardrobe space. Modern kitchen<br />

with dishwasher and agood oven. Features spacious<br />

dining area &adjoining lounge. Heat pump &nightstore.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH30326<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLtd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 21 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

Sunday11:00 -11:30am<br />

3 1 2<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

020 4<strong>07</strong>9 3871<br />

Open Home<br />

30 Churchill Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Sunny3bedroom home nestled in agreat location,<br />

close to amenities and schools. Modern style kitchen -<br />

dining open plan, aseparate loungewith French doors<br />

off dining area. Property has asingle garage, carport &<br />

off street parking.Easycare gardens and is well fenced.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH30317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 13 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />

Sunday11:00 -11:30am<br />

3 1 1<br />

Denise Russell<br />

0274 329 717<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Open Home<br />

79 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 2 2<br />

Open Home<br />

8Avalon Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

*Open plan kitchen, dining, living<br />

*Separate loungewith large stacker doors<br />

*Large family bathroom &separate toilet<br />

*4 heatpumps, DVS, Solarpanels<br />

*Large double garagewith shelving<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onApplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:45 -11:15am<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

*Sought afterBraebrook location<br />

*3bedrooms with ample storage<br />

*Separate toilet and spacious laundry<br />

*Entertainers kitchen<br />

*Fully fenced forprivacy and security<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$689,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />

Kim Miller<br />

027 236 8627<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30257<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30325<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

020 4<strong>07</strong>9 3871<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 3<strong>07</strong> 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 3<strong>07</strong> 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032




ASHBURTON 70 Cambridge Street<br />

1262sqm -Four Bedrooms &Five Car Garaging<br />

• Plenty of options here<br />

• Lookintosubdivision, remove propertyand develop or<br />

renovate!<br />

• Property has approx 25 metre street frontagewith<br />

1262section<br />

• All offers considered after 2pm, 12th<strong>July</strong><strong>2022</strong> (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $435,000<br />

VIEW<br />

12.00-12.30pm, Saturday 9<strong>July</strong><br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 4339695<br />

ALLENTON 178 Harrison Street<br />

Potential In Allenton<br />

Conveniently locatednear the Allentonshopping centre<br />

on asunny corner section. This property has pure<br />

potential, idealfor the astuteinvestor or first home buyer<br />

looking for an affordable home in agreat location. Double<br />

garagewith ample off streetparking. Be quick ...an<br />

opportunitynot to be missed!<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $420,000<br />

VIEW<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36302<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36281<br />

ASHBURTON 44 Sealy Street<br />

Townhouse Within The Avenues<br />

This very sunny townhouse is situated in aprime location<br />

only afew hundred meters from New World and the town<br />

centre. Pleasant outlook from living areas, private<br />

courtyardsatthe frontand rear. Updated kitchen, open<br />

plan living, bathroom plusseparateshower room. Single<br />

garagewith auto door. Early possession available.<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $419,000<br />

VIEW<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

ALLENTON Racecourse Road<br />

ABlank Canvas -8.3 Hectares<br />

Abeautiful, well locatedlifestyle block of land. This is a<br />

brilliant opportunity to start withablank canvas andbuild<br />

your dream home or land bank for the future. Powertothe<br />

boundary and located on the outskirts of <strong>Ashburton</strong> town,<br />

only ashort drivetothe town centre.<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

Dan van der Salm | M 021 918 233<br />

Tim Gallagher | M 027 801 2888<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36233<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36229<br />



'Brandon Green'<br />


• Executive bare land lifestyle sections<br />

• 1ha and 2ha lots available<br />

• Stunning mountain viewsand veryclosetotownon<br />

the favoured north-westside<br />

• Zoned Residential 9D with titles expected laterin<strong>2022</strong><br />

• Build your dream home and have plenty of room for<br />

children and pets<br />

Tim Gallagher | M 027 801 2888<br />

Dan van der Salm | M 021 918 233<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36033<br />

METHVEN 4Glennifer Lane<br />

All sold....but now one is available!<br />

Arare opportunity to purchase adesirablesection in the<br />

Camrose subdivision located in the growingtownship of<br />

Methven. All sectionsare sold butone has become<br />

available...soget in quick!Very nicely positioned<br />

maximisingviews to the mountains. Call today for more<br />

info.<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $265,000<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

DARFIELD 48 Graeme FooteStreet<br />

Premium Opportunity Awaits!<br />

• Three bedroomplus office, two bathrooms, new<br />

brickhome on large 1711m2 section<br />

• Modernkitchen, open plan dining/living/lounge<br />

with log burnerand heat pump<br />

• Blank canvasback yard, fully fenced and ready<br />

to add your personal touch<br />

• Double garage with internal access and<br />

additional secure off street parking<br />

• New build in anew subdivision,built to allow<br />

future options<br />


(UnlessSold Prior)<br />

Closes3.00pm,Friday 15 <strong>July</strong><br />

VIEW<br />

1.00-2.00pm, Sunday 10 <strong>July</strong><br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 918 233<br />

Min Cookson<br />

M 027 249 5417<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36116<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36194<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03308 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 <strong>07</strong>5 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

AnnDwyer<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />

Helping grow the country

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

51<br />

Close­knit relationships keep craft alive<br />

Blade­shearingmightbe<br />

something of adying art ­and<br />

Mid Canterbury hasits own<br />

stalwarts ­but, asAllied Press<br />

rural editor Sally Rae<br />

discovers, there is awoolshed<br />

in the Maniototo whereithas<br />

been going strong for the past<br />

six decades.<br />

RonnyHillcouldhave been<br />

soakingupthe warmer climes<br />

of Australia’s Gold Coastlast<br />

month.<br />

Instead, theDunedin­based<br />

shearing contractor was in the<br />

Maniototo where he woketo<br />

crisp frosty days, the<br />

temperature sagely described<br />

by one of hiscrewas‘‘minus<br />

quite afew’’.<br />

His family had headed to<br />

Brisbane on holidayto<br />

celebrate the 40th birthdayof<br />

his wife Tracey’s sister.<br />

Butfor Mr Hill, he was<br />

sticking to an annual<br />

appointment he has kept<br />

regularly since 1978 and one<br />

that his late father Ronkept<br />

prior to that.<br />

For the annual bladeshearing<br />

pilgrimage to the<br />

Smith family’s property<br />

Glenspec, near Naseby,<br />

celebrates 60 yearsthis year.<br />

Ron Hillstarted ashearing<br />

contracting business in 1961,<br />

based in Kurow,and Glenspec<br />

was oneofhis first sheds.<br />

Ronny, who took over therun<br />

with his wife Tracey in 1997,<br />

reckoned he had been shearing<br />

at Glenspec since1978 andhad<br />

not missedayear.<br />

Thisyear, acrew of about 15,<br />

including eight shearers, had<br />

9500sheep to shear.<br />

‘‘Wejust do it every day ’til<br />

the job’s done,’’ Mr Hill said.<br />

Relationships withfarmers<br />

like Phil andDonna Smith—<br />

and previously Phil’s parents<br />

Basil andValerie —were<br />

something he valued<br />

immensely.<br />

‘‘I wouldn’t be doing it now if<br />

it wasn’t for therelationships I<br />

have. I’ve shorn alot of places<br />

now second­generation. If I<br />

didn’t turn up, I’d feel likeI’ve<br />

let themdown,’’hesaid.<br />

Mr Smith said blade­shearing<br />

suitedthe family’s farming<br />

operation; rather than being in<br />

one block,the operation was<br />

very spread out. It totalled<br />

1500ha, plus the family’s<br />

shareholding in the Soldiers<br />

Syndicate.<br />

He described it as a‘‘massive<br />

insurancepolicy’’,asthey did<br />

nothavetoworry about snow,<br />

rain and wind.<br />

‘‘It’s just ahuge benefit for us,<br />

stockhealthwise. Dadtried<br />

cover combs for acoupleof<br />

years andwentstraight back to<br />

blades.’’<br />

He also liked the atmosphere<br />

in the shed, without thenoise of<br />

machines, and it meantthat the<br />

sheep werealso very settled<br />

andeasy to penup.<br />

Mr Hill said it was acloseknit<br />

crew —they slept together,<br />

atetogether andworked<br />

together so it was important<br />

that they all goton.<br />

At Glenspec, the shearers’<br />

quarters were originally the<br />

milking shed forNaseby,where<br />

Basil Smith used to milk cows,<br />

anditwas converted into<br />

quarters about1972.<br />

There were only threebladeshearinggangs<br />

left in New<br />

Zealand,the other twobeing in<br />

❛Wejust do it every<br />

day ’tilthe job’s<br />

done❜<br />

—RonnyHill<br />

NorthCanterbury.<br />

Theblade­shearing season<br />

ranfrom June until theend of<br />

Octoberand attracting blade<br />

shearers was ‘‘definitely not<br />

getting easier’’, Mr Hillsaid.<br />

He tried to start alearner<br />

each year; they would begin on<br />

thepressorasashed­hand<br />

before moving on to blades. It<br />

was, as he said, ‘‘bloody hard<br />

work’’.<br />

But manyinthegang were<br />

drawnbythe lifestyle; they<br />

travelled as farsouth as<br />

Waikaka and as far north as<br />

Fairlie, with quite abit of work<br />

around Tekapo,and also over to<br />

Glenorchy. It was an<br />

opportunity to getoff the<br />

beaten track and travel to highcountry<br />

stations.<br />

Mr Hill got akickout of giving<br />

young people achance,starting<br />

them in theindustryand seeing<br />

them develop. Many had never<br />

previously been in awoolshed.<br />

Asked why he had stuck with<br />

the industry, Mr Hilllaughed<br />

that it was definitelynot<br />

because of themoney, even<br />

though he had made agood<br />

living fromit.<br />

‘‘IfIwas afterthe money, I<br />

thinkI’d have tried something<br />

Photos; at right: Maniototo<br />

farmer Phil Smith (left) and<br />

Dunedin­based shearing<br />

contractor Ronny Hill mark a<br />

60­year business relationship<br />

between the two families, and<br />

below: former veteran blade<br />

shearer Brian ‘Baldy' Graham, of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, skilfully keeps<br />

length on the wool, in a<br />

showcase to Tinwald School<br />

pupils back in 2019. It allows<br />

lanolin to remain and keep the<br />

skin waterproof, especially<br />

beneficial for sheep in the high<br />

country.<br />


else.’’<br />

Now in his early60s,MrHill<br />

said he no longer triedtokeep<br />

up withhis younger<br />

counterparts.<br />

‘‘It usedto worryme, Iused to<br />

think ‘he ain’t going to beat me’.<br />

Now I’m happy to do 100 aday.’’<br />


Build customers, sales and profits,<br />

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Mobile 24/7<br />

Over 16,000 copies delivered every week<br />

Staveley<br />

Mount Somers<br />

Alford Forest<br />

Valetta<br />

Mayfield<br />

77<br />

Ruapuna<br />

Arundel<br />

77 1<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Forks<br />

Moranan Maronan<br />

Hinds<br />

Methven<br />

Winchmore<br />

1<br />

Willowby<br />

Lauriston<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

1<br />

Wakanui<br />

Chertsey<br />

Rakaia<br />

Orari Bridge<br />

Ealing<br />

Geraldine<br />

Lowcliffe<br />

Advertise with us today! ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz


52 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />



Have youhad your photo<br />

taken by our reporters?<br />

Order aPhotoToday!<br />

¼Page*<br />

$6<br />

*approx 6x4<br />

A5<br />

$8.50<br />

A4<br />

$16<br />

Ph: 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Letour<br />

HIGH<br />

readership<br />

stats ...<br />

...work<br />

for you!<br />

Call our<br />

friendly<br />

sales<br />

team at<br />

199 BurnettStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(03) 308 7664<br />

Advertising<br />

that works!<br />

Talk to Jann or<br />

Karentodayabout<br />

ways youcan reach<br />

potential customers<br />

or advertising<br />

with thatspecial<br />

differenceprofessionalservice<br />

with asmile.<br />

Phone:<br />

308 7664<br />

199 Burnett St,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone<br />

308 7664<br />

199 Burnett<br />

Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2376119<br />

2495065<br />


Michael Hurst In TheGolden Ass–Arts On Tour NZ<br />

Thursday14th <strong>July</strong> 7-30pm<br />

Adult $25* /Senior $20* Suitable 16 +<br />

Michael Hurst is Lucius Apuleius,avirile<br />

young Roman man who is obsessed with<br />

magic.OnatriptoThessaly,the weird<br />

centre of spookiness in the ancientworld,<br />

he finds himselfinaposition to witness<br />

an actual spell being cast.But his overenthusiasm<br />

leads him into an alarming<br />

accidental transformation. Oops!<br />

MadDoggerel Cabaret –ArtsOnTour<br />

Saturday20th August 7-30pm<br />

Adults $25* /Groups 6+ $20*<br />

Twopoets and amusiciancombine to<br />

presentacomic and lyric portrait of<br />

Aotearoa New Zealand and its placein<br />

the South Pacific today. Acabaret full<br />

of cascading words, wild musicalityand<br />

lightning humour.<br />

Kevin BloodyWilson<br />

19th September 7-30pm<br />

Premium $65.90* /AReserve $61.90 *<br />

He’s outrageously funnyKevin Bloody<br />

Wilson returns to New Zealand bringing<br />

Kiwi’s another side-splitting dose of fair<br />

dinkum Aussie humour.Supportedby<br />

JennyTalia from Australia we warn that<br />

Social JusticeWarriors and PC Advocates<br />

areinvitedtostayathomebut everyone<br />

else is welcome.R18.<br />

Tina –Simply TheBest<br />

Thursday13th October8pm<br />

Adult $61.30* /Group 6+ $56.30* /<br />

Child $36*<br />

Getthe electrifying concertexperienceof<br />

Tina Turner with this full stage production<br />

brimming with Tina hits from the 60’s,<br />

70’s, 80’sand 90’s. Featuring the powerful<br />

raspyvocals and thrilling stage presentof<br />

Caroline Borole liveonour stage.<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong> 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

WHAT better place for a<br />

public notice than <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

The <strong>Courier</strong>! Simply<br />

clip the form for a run-on<br />

advert like this or telephone<br />

us on 308 7664 if you<br />

require adisplay advertisement.<br />


ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Find us at www.<br />

supersucker.co.nz or<br />

phone John Cameron 027<br />

435 1042.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />


CHARLIES Blind Cleaning<br />

Service -same day service<br />

and repairs. Charlie can<br />

supply new blinds and<br />

racks and will hang drapes.<br />

Phone 03 3<strong>07</strong> 1936 or 020<br />

4169 0342.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 120 9292<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

*Servicefees apply<br />


COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

Sheep Drenching<br />

Injecting<br />

Jetting &more<br />

JimmyMcAndrew<br />

027335 3199<br />

jsconveying@outlook.com<br />

L I M I T E D<br />

2492011<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




Driver required withsuitable vehicle<br />

forbulk deliveryto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>residential addresses<br />

Hours negotiable,<br />

early Thursdaymorning.<br />

Generous<br />

payrate<br />

If this sounds like you, email your interest along<br />

with your name,address and phone number to:<br />

deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />


FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

2493723<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 3<strong>07</strong><br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

HEAT Pumps; Service,<br />

Clean, Repair and Install.<br />

Please call Silvery Bauman<br />

021 544 760<br />



New or existing,<br />

level 4finish, full skim<br />

plaster or repairs<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 3<strong>07</strong> 8870 2471054<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />

mold treatments, roof and<br />

gutter leak repairs, residential<br />

and commercial. For<br />

prompt service - call your<br />

local contractor - Tim on<br />

021 197 8128<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 3<strong>07</strong> 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />


‘Individual ExcellenceinaSupportive<br />

Learning Environment’<br />

Examination Centre Manager<br />

We areseekinganExamination Centre Manager to<br />

run theNCEAand NZ Scholarship examinations<br />

in <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Thesmooth andsuccessfulrunningof<br />

an exam centre is important for allstudents<br />

participating inthese examinations.<br />

Thepositionrequires youtocompleteanonline<br />

training programmeand attend aone-day training<br />

session with NZQAin August. Therewill be an<br />

additional trainingday in Septemberfor managing<br />

digital exams. Theposition requiresyou to<br />

completeanumber of administrativetasks to plan<br />

andpreparefor theexams. You must be available<br />

to work forthe entire exam period<br />

(Monday 7November to Friday2December<strong>2022</strong>).<br />

Ahigh leveloforganisationalskills withgreat<br />

attention to detail,strength in following processes<br />

precisely, confidence leading people of allages<br />

and proficiencyinusingacomputer areessential<br />

qualitiesfor this role.<br />

Remuneration is setbyNZQA.<br />

Applicationsclosenoon, Friday22<strong>July</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

Application is by wayofLetter and CV<br />

Information package enquiriesand applications<br />

please contact<br />

Jodee Ross,Principal’sSecretary<br />

Phone (03) 308 4193 ext809<br />

Email: rj@ashcoll.school.nz<br />


TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

8314.<br />

REF:EXAM22<br />


ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

2491719<br />

2495857<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



Retail Manager<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Here is a great opportunity for a suitably<br />

qualified person to joinNew Zealand’s leading<br />

retail hardware group as aRetail Manager at<br />

Mitre 10MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> ofapproximately<br />

70 staff.<br />

This is your chancetogrowyour career within<br />

our“big box”format store, whereyou will have<br />

the opportunity todevelop your skills, while<br />

working in arole with heaps of variety and<br />

scope to advanceyour career.<br />

Reporting to our Regional Retail Manager<br />

you will be responsible for the day-to-day<br />

management ofthe retail store toachieve<br />

maximum profitability, growth and efficiency<br />

within all the departmental aspects and<br />

procedures of the store.<br />

This will see youtaking accountabilityfor:<br />

• Ensuring the store iseffectively managed<br />

and maintained at all times;<br />

• Assisted by the Floor Manager and<br />

Operation Manager to continually ensuring<br />

the store achieves and maintains high<br />

standards throughout<br />

• Ensure customers are the number one<br />

priority, receiving the high standard of<br />

servicethey deserve;and<br />

• Oversee departmentSupervisors to ensure<br />

they are performing their role as required,<br />

promoting ateam culturethatencourages<br />

apositiveworking environment.<br />

We arelooking forpeople who have:<br />

• Retail leadership experience;<br />

• Sound experience in managing and<br />

mentoring staff;<br />

• Strong organizational and communication<br />

skills;<br />

• A passion for customer service excellence;<br />

and<br />

• Ability to develop and inspire team<br />

members to recognizeand meet their true<br />

potential<br />

If you enjoy working as part ofateam and<br />

have what it takes then we want to hear from<br />

you. In returnwecan offer youagreat working<br />

environmentand staff buying privileges.<br />

To apply to HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

attaching your CV and coverletter.<br />

Applications close on Thursday 14th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Letour<br />

HIGH<br />

readership<br />

stats ...<br />

...work<br />

for you!<br />

Call our<br />

friendly<br />

sales team at<br />

199 Burnett Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(03) 308 7664<br />

2441365<br />

EveryHome<br />

EveryWeek-that’s<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2376123<br />



2495453<br />

Camross Electrical & Air<br />

Conditioning are looking for<br />

aqualified electrician to join<br />

our team. We are a small<br />

family owned business<br />

established in 2011 working<br />

mainly in domestic, air conditioning<br />

and light commercial.<br />

Experience with heat pump<br />

and solar installation would<br />

be great however not essential<br />

as training will be provided<br />

to the right candidate.<br />

Experience using Fergus<br />

would also be handy but no<br />

essential.<br />

An ideal candidate will possess<br />

the following:<br />

* Have a good attitude to<br />

work<br />

*Anability to work unsupervised.<br />

*Behonest &reliable<br />

*Good time management<br />

*Sense of humour<br />

*Full drivers licence<br />

*Fully qualified or close to.<br />

In return we will offer excellent<br />

remuneration, Monday<br />

_Friday hours, vehicle and<br />

phone and most of all a<br />

positive working environment!<br />

Apply by email to office.<br />

camross@gmail.com with<br />

cv attached.<br />


Nightfill<br />

Team member<br />


Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>has avacancyfor a<br />

team member to join their Nightfill team.<br />

This position is permanent part-time for 15<br />

hours per week Monday–Friday6pm –9pm.<br />

The successful applicant will require these<br />

attributes:<br />

•Must be physically fit as liftingisinvolved<br />

•Able to work unsupervised<br />

•Goodcomputer skills<br />

•Bereliable<br />

If you think this position is suitable to you,<br />

please send your coveringletter with your c.v.<br />

to:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Thursday 14th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />



We are abroad acre spraying business servicing<br />

clients in Mid Canterbury. We operate three trucks<br />

and one self propelled 24 metre sprayer, we are<br />

looking forareliable andcompetentoperatortojoin<br />

ourteam.<br />

Experience isnot anecessity but applicant will<br />

ideally:<br />

• Haveminimum class 2licence<br />

• Beabletoworkunsupervised<br />

• Havegood attention to detail<br />

• Bemechanicallyminded<br />

• Beabletofollowinstructions accurately<br />

Acompetitiveremuneration package willbeoffered.<br />

Applicants forthis position should have NZ residency<br />

or avalid NZ work visa.<br />

ContactIan Howden formoreinformation<br />

0274445429 or email your CV to<br />

ihowden@xtra.co.nz<br />

2496533<br />


Is lookingfor anotherSUPERSTAR!<br />

Could thatbeyou??<br />

This is a Tuesday-Saturday position for a Salon<br />

Assistant which will lead to an apprenticeship for the<br />

right candidatewho fitsnot only ourteambut livesour<br />

team culture.<br />

No experience is necessary however the following<br />

attributes areaMUST<br />

• Energetic<br />

• Bubbly personality<br />

• Courteous<br />

• Kind<br />

• Wellgroomed<br />

• Impeccablemanners<br />

• Keentolearn<br />

• Teamplayer<br />

• Followdirection/instructions<br />

• Use initiative<br />

• Haveapassionfor making others feel great!<br />

• Excited to be apart ofadynamic fun team and<br />

embrace ourMissionStatement<br />

If this sounds like you and you’d love to be apart ofa<br />

team that has weekly training–monthly 1to1sessions<br />

–regularteammeetings –yourbirthdayoff–OHand<br />

lots of FUN in betweenthenapply now!<br />

Please emailjude@clippershairstudio.nz with your<br />

resume andapplicationletterORdropthemoffin<br />

person to oursalon Clippers Hair Studio 86 Harrison<br />

Street Allenton <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Applications closeTuesday 18th<strong>July</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

2495452<br />

2496531<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

WarehouseAssistant -<br />

Washdyke, Timaru<br />

Looking for your next opportunity to further your warehouse<br />

and logistics career?Full-time position available immediately.<br />

What we’relooking for<br />

• Teamplayer<br />

• Physically fit &solutions oriented<br />

• Excellent time management<br />

• Greatcommunication skills<br />

• Attention to detail<br />

**Forkliftlicense preferred, but not essential.**<br />

53<br />

Formoreinformation, visit: www.vendella.co.nz/careers<br />

Or email us at: careers@vendella.co.nz<br />

0800836 335 |www.vendella.co.nz<br />

Lifeguards<br />

What we can offer:<br />

• Competitivewages<br />

• Awesometeam environment<br />

• Opportunity to makeanimpact<br />

• Celebrate success<br />

• Regular Friday shouts<br />

We have full-time Lifeguard positions available now for individuals who are<br />

attentive andwho canwork well in ateamenvironment.Ifyou are16orolder,<br />

abletoswim200m under six minutes,and hold or arewilling to obtain aPool<br />

Lifeguard Practising Certificate, wewould like tohear from you please. Full<br />

training provided.<br />

For more information about this role<br />

or to apply online visit our website<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Applications close on Monday,11<strong>July</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

Family Case Worker<br />

RefugeeSettlement Support<br />

As aresult of an increase in funding SaferMid Canterburyiswishing to employan<br />

additional Family Case Worker within the Refugee Settlement Support Service.<br />

We are looking for someone seeking anew challenge in this rewarding role,<br />

assisting refugees to participate fully and integrate socially and economically<br />

into their new community. Youwould be partofawider team of individuals who<br />

are passionate about supporting refugees and would be given the privilege of<br />

playing asignificant role intheir lives as you support them on their settlement<br />

journey.<br />

If you enjoy engaging with people from diverse cultures, like working in an<br />

environment where noday is the same, and are ateam player, then this could<br />

be the perfect job foryou.Asafamily caseworker youwill be one of our primary<br />

supportpeople fornewly arriving families.<br />

The person applying forthis job must have relevantexperienceand/or training<br />

in afieldthatfurnishes them with the skills and experienceneeded foraposition<br />

of this type.Weare looking forcandidateswith the following key attributes:<br />

• Abilitytorelate with and supportpeople from differentcultural backgrounds.<br />

• Knowledge and experienceworking with children, youth and families.<br />

• Excellenttime managementand organisational skills<br />

• Hold acurrent motor vehicle driver’s licence and willing to travel to fulfil job<br />

requirements<br />

• Empathy with humanitarian causes<br />

• Enthusiasm and commitmenttoworkasateam member<br />

This position is for 20hours per week, we offer asupportive, flexible, family<br />

friendly work environmentwith greatworking conditions.<br />

To apply forthis position please go to the Careers section of our website<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz/careers/ to view the job description and<br />

download an application form.<br />

Forfurther information, please contactAni on 03 308 1395<br />

Applications close Monday<strong>July</strong> 11th<br />



54 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 7, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />


2492082<br />

ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

CASH PAID up to the following<br />

prices: Old Wooden<br />

Skis and Snow Shoes,<br />

$400; Old Wooden/Metal<br />

Wagon Wheels, any size,<br />

$200 Drey, Gig; Old Petrol<br />

Pumps, $20,000; Enamel<br />

Signs, $3,000, also Tin<br />

Signs, Oil Cans and Tins,<br />

Old Metal Safe, $300; Cast<br />

Iron Kettle and Black Pots,<br />

$100; Old Tea, Coffee, Biscuit,<br />

Macintosh Toffee Tins,<br />

$100; Biscuit Signs (Tin<br />

and Cardboard); Scales,<br />

Egg Beater; Old Wood<br />

Working Tools: Hammers,<br />

Saws, Scribes, Cast Iron<br />

Levels, $200; Metal Plane<br />

No. 1, $2,000; Plumbobs,<br />

Hand Drills, Wooden Work<br />

Bench, $500; anything else<br />

old and interesting for private<br />

collection. — Phone<br />

Murray 021-441-400.<br />

FOUR String Tenor Banjo<br />

and Two Row Button<br />

Accordian. Any condition<br />

considered. Phone 027 696<br />

7060<br />

SELL<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 3<strong>07</strong> 27<strong>07</strong><br />


2493751<br />

2493763<br />


to $2,000 for old shop<br />

display cabinet, e.g. ex<br />

jewellery cabinet or large<br />

shop display cabinet. —<br />

Phone 021-441-400.<br />



Friendly,relaxed,wellpresentedladies,40-70 years.<br />

Discretely earn and affordthe things youdeserve.<br />

Commercial companionship<br />

without emotional ties or expectations.<br />

Check out privatearrangements.co.nz<br />

then phone 028 2552 7060<br />



Dangerous Goods Course<br />

NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />

Dangerous Goods Course –½day courses.<br />

Locally in <strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />

Class 2&4course availableonrequest.<br />

Forfurther information<br />

Phone Christine 027 245 2563<br />






Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

MOVEMENT and Breath -<br />

Yoga - Helps to increase<br />

flexibility, Relieves stress,<br />

Increases focus and balance.<br />

For peace of mind<br />

and better feeling body,<br />

phone Marta Levitt 03 908<br />

1337<br />



2482183<br />

ASHBURTON MacKenzie<br />

Community Group, Firewood<br />

Raffle Result. Blondie<br />

- Ticket No. 138. Drawn<br />

under Police supervision.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per small bale or<br />

$40 medium square,delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Fordetailsand ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247 050<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />

2476342<br />

LINSEED Straw $5.50 bale,<br />

21 pack $100. Sheep<br />

manure $8. bag. Medium<br />

square pea and linseed<br />

straw available. Call Ian<br />

027 286 3697 or Dave 027<br />

601 1426. A Hinds Lion<br />

Project.<br />


Close main roll noon Wednesday, 13th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Call fornominations by Friday, 15th <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Close supplementaryroll noon Monday, 1st August <strong>2022</strong><br />

Nominations close Wednesday, 3rdAugust <strong>2022</strong><br />

Voting papers issued by Wednesday, 10th August <strong>2022</strong><br />

Election Day-poll closes 4pm Wednesday, 7th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Accept Postal votes Monday, 12th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Countvotes/declares results Tuesday, 13th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Boardtakes office Wednesday, 14th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

First boardmeeting Tuesday, 20th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

JennyThompson<br />

Returning Officer<br />

MountHuttCollege<br />

BoardofTrustees<br />

TRIENNIAL PARENT ELECTIONS<strong>2022</strong><br />

Triennial Elections will soon be underway for the Mt Hutt College<br />

Board of Trustees, calling for nominations for three (3) parent<br />

representatives. Being aschool trustee is an important role that needs people<br />

with arange of skills and experience, who will make apositive difference toour<br />

children’s learning. Further information will be advertised,and full information will<br />

be issued to parents /caregivers of all students on the school roll.<br />

Keydates are:<br />




AGM<br />

Clubrooms<br />

MaronanRd<br />

Sunday, 10 th <strong>July</strong><br />

at 10am<br />

All welcome<br />

Anyqueries,contactGreenie<br />

021 267 4209<br />

Mid Canterbury<br />

Soball<br />

AGM<br />

2492819<br />

<strong>July</strong> 19th, <strong>2022</strong><br />

6:30pm<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Club &MSA<br />

Cardroom<br />

Nominaonsby5pm,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12th, <strong>2022</strong><br />

2495524<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2493775<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 3<strong>07</strong> 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

2495487<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Model Train Show<br />

This Saturdayand Sunday<br />

9.30amto4pm<br />

Tinwald Memorial Hall<br />

Graham Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtontrainshow.co.nz<br />


CANCER<br />


2375512<br />

2495642<br />

An established supportgroup in <strong>Ashburton</strong>for<br />

men and their families who areliving with a<br />

diagnosis and treatmentfor prostate cancer.<br />


Tuesday12 th <strong>July</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

TIME 3.00pm<br />

VENUE Cancer Societyrooms,<br />

CnrKermode and Mona Sq.<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

CONTACT: Doug Collie 0275 100 556<br />

Email: ashburton@prostate.org.nz<br />


Formoreinformation call 0800 477 678<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ<br />


www.prostate.org.nz<br />

Busy Bees<br />

Commercial Cleaning Franchise -<br />

EXISTING Customers<br />

Location: <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Canterbury<br />

Busy Bees will provide youwith training,<br />

equipment, uniforms,business cards,etc.<br />

Email: canterbury@busybees.co.nz<br />

Phone: 020 4010 4248<br />


Have youseenaphoto published<br />

youlikeorhad your phototaken<br />

by our reporters?<br />

OrderaPhoto Today!<br />

¼Page*<br />

$6<br />

*approx 6x4<br />

Ph: 308 7664 199<br />

A5<br />

$8.50<br />

A4<br />

$16<br />

Burnett St <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


2474990<br />

2495<strong>07</strong>7<br />

Thurs 7th<br />

10.30<br />

10.30<br />

12.20<br />

1.30<br />

2.50<br />

3.30<br />

5.40<br />

5.40<br />

7.30<br />

8.10<br />


Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

ELVIS<br />

Thor Love &Thunder<br />

Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

Whina<br />

TopGun Maverick<br />

Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

ELVIS<br />

Thor Love &Thunder<br />

Fri8th<br />

3.00 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

3.15 Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

5.15 ELVIS<br />

6.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

8.00 TopGun Maverick<br />

8.10 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

Sat9th &Sun 10th<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

10.15 My Sweet Monster<br />

11.45 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

12.10 ELVIS<br />

2.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

3.10 Lightyear<br />

3.50 Minions TheRiseofGru<br />

5.15 Whina<br />

5.40 TopGun Maverick<br />

7.30 ELVIS<br />

8.10 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

Mon11th, Tues 12th<br />

&Wed 13th<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

10.00 My Sweet Monster<br />

11.45 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

12.00 Lightyear<br />

2.00 Minions TheRise of Gru<br />

2.00 ELVIS<br />

3.40 Whina<br />

5.15 Jurassic WorldDominion<br />

5.45 TopGun Maverick<br />

8.00 ELVIS<br />

8.15 Thor Love &Thunder<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Minions TheRise of Gru,<br />

My Sweet Monster,<br />

Thor Love &Thunder<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

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PG<br />

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PG<br />

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PG<br />

PG<br />

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PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

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PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

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CLINIC<br />

Enhances your<br />

body’s own natural<br />

self-healing<br />

Pain relief/Speeds recovery<br />

from illness, injury and surgery.<br />

•Noneedles/safe for all ages<br />

•Good-Health Maintenance<br />

•Affordable/flexible hours<br />

•Home visits on request<br />

Janet Hayes<br />

Ph 308 6951<br />

registered practitioner<br />

2460903<br />

206 CLUB - provides company,<br />

fun, entertainment,<br />

games, speakers and more<br />

for those 65 years and over.<br />

Friendly, supportive<br />

environment, two course<br />

hot mid-day meal, very<br />

minimal cost. Come and<br />

join us. We now have<br />

vacancies on a Monday<br />

and Wednesday, 10am to<br />

2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />

Centre, 206 Cameron<br />

Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />

phone 308 6817 or 027 281<br />

9113.<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury.<br />

Dealing with alife limiting<br />

illness? Contact us to see<br />

how we can support you.<br />

Phone 3<strong>07</strong> 8387 or 027 227<br />

8387.<br />

STRESSED? Call Pete.<br />

Social Worker/Life Coach.<br />

Phone 027 280 0889. Web:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz<br />


WANTED Two pure white<br />

pecan ducks. Phone 027<br />

444 3892.<br />


FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />

and Agria $2.per kg,<br />

10kg bags for $15. Phone<br />

03 308 3195 or 027 531<br />

9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />


Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />

20%<br />

off<br />

Winter SofaSale<br />

Orson 3Seater<br />

$6799 $5439<br />

Demi 3 Seater<br />

$2,999 $2,399<br />

Monterey3Seater<br />

/Corner Chaise<br />

$7,999 $6,399<br />

Gilmour 3Seater<br />

$6,499 $5,199<br />

OurEuropean Tile Picks<br />

This rangeispredominantlysourced from Spain and Italy, the powerhouses of styleand design<br />



Ardesia stone is formed with cracks from<br />

seismic movement andhas strong<br />

variation in patterns.<br />

SELVY BEIGE 600×600<br />

Selvy from Geotiles is an Travertine stone<br />

effect with an inside/outside finish and<br />

large variations for anatural stone effect<br />

floor and wall.<br />

NAZARI SAFI 115×115<br />

Abeautiful replication of ancient<br />

Moroccan Zellige tiles available in<br />

three colours.<br />

Visit Us:<br />

174 Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Monday–Friday: 9am –5:30pm<br />

Saturday: 10am –1pm<br />

Furnishing |Flooring |Interiors<br />

www.redmonds.co.nz<br />

03308 5269



2012 SUBARU<br />


• 1600cc, petrol<br />

• 2WD<br />

• Auto<br />

• Hatchback<br />

• ABS<br />

• Rear spoiler<br />

• 48,000kms<br />

2½ stars<br />

$11,995<br />

NISSAN<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc, auto, 4WD,ABS, cam chain, 110,000kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 57,558kms .................. $10,995<br />

2013 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc, auto, ABS, 41,000kms ....................................... $10,995<br />

2006 NISSAN CUBE, 1400cc, 5door, auto, 55,000kms......................................................SOLD<br />

MAZDA<br />

2010 MAZDAPREMACY, 2000cc, 7seats,auto, timing chain, 126,000kms............$9,995<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA, auto, cam chain, 61,495kms ....................................................... $10,995<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA20S, 2000cc,auto, 5door, ABS, air con, 79,117kms ..................SOLD<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA, 2000cc, auto, ABS, body kit, 84,000kms .......................................SOLD<br />

2006 TOYOTA<br />

ESTIMA G<br />

• 2400cc, hybrid<br />

• 8seater<br />

• Auto<br />

• 4WD<br />

• ABS<br />

• Reverse camera<br />

• 127,000kms<br />

2012 SUZUKI<br />

SWIFT XG<br />

• 1200cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Autostop<br />

• Pushbutton start<br />

• 60,114kms<br />

2001 TOYOTA<br />

OPA<br />

• 1800cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 2WD<br />

• 5door<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• ABS<br />

• 155,331kms<br />

3 stars<br />

$11,995<br />

3½ stars<br />

$10,995<br />

$4,995<br />

SUBARU<br />

2012 SUBARULEGACY 2.5iB, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS,95,000kms........ $11,995<br />

2014 SUBARUIMPREZASPORT, auto, hatchback,cam chain, 70,100kms .......... $11,995<br />

2012 SUBARUIMPREZA, 1600cc, auto, ABS,hatchback, 47,000kms...................... $11,995<br />

2011 SUBARUIMPREZA, 2000cc, auto, camchain, rear spoiler,43,000kms........ $12,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2015 SUZUKI SWIFTXG-DGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 61,159kms ...........$11,995<br />

2012 SUZUKI SWIFTXG, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 60,114kms ........................ $9,995<br />


2015 MITSUBISHIMIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2008 TOYOTAMARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS,air con, S/W,89,000kms....................$9,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags, body kit, 82,000kms $11,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA RAV4, 2400cc, 4X4, auto, alloys,ABS ....................................................... $12,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA ALLION, 1800cc,auto, sedan, ABS,75,000kms.......................................$7,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUA S, 1500cc, auto, 5door,ABS,cam chain, 87,990kms ..................SOLD<br />

2006 TOYOTA RACTIS, 1500cc,auto, ABS, cruise control,88,824kms.........................$6,995<br />

2011 TOYOTA RACTIS G, 1300cc, 5door,ABS, cam chain,49,391kms.................... $10,995<br />

2001 TOYOTA OPA, 1800cc, auto,5door,cam chain,ABS, 155,331kms ....................$4,995<br />

2006 TOYOTAESTIMA G, 2400cc, 8seater, auto, 4WD,reversecamera.................. $11,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2008 HONDA FITRS, 1500cc, auto,hatchback,alloys,53,000 kms......................... $10,995<br />

2010 HONDA INSIGHT G,1300cc, alternative, auto, 5door, cam chain .................. $9,995<br />

KIA<br />

2006 KIA CERATO, 2000cc, auto, 2wheel drive, one owner,74,461kms......................$7,995<br />


2012 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc, auto, 59,000kms<br />

2010 TOYOTA PRIUS, 1800cc, hybrid,42,000kms<br />

2013 NISSANSYLPHY, 1800cc, auto, 22,000kms<br />

<br />

3081396<br />


&RENTALS<br />

470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br />

www.atob.co.nz<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />

loads also available.<br />


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