Cork Mercantile Chronicle 17 May 1802

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to confider that if Ruffia went to war with us it was<br />

derfrood tq ntertain, fentiments the moll favourabl e<br />

HOU"E OF COMMOl.fS . -FRID.\Y MAY 7. to libehy, ?ut who would not ran1ly b accufed of becaufc we refufedto cede Malta, andthatthough the<br />

difputewith the Northern Powerswasnowft:ttled,we<br />

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· . h cl • , · b l · h · f h r<br />

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Powel"S might be enabled to fopply France with naval<br />

I wai:ns Mini!l:ers p1cvcr to trufl to the rcprefentatwns<br />

T«- r-&£CHi.S o, MR. , n:1uii.s AND LORD BLGRAV!!:, ON .<br />

want of ability to forrn an accuratt: notion of geue·<br />

• l f l f . h"<br />

; .; LATE o no:. IN r tu Housis u;• cuM.-loNs ll'l THE ;; ral policy. la the lirl o t 1e e maxims t 1s wt : 1ter a g,venuptnat po1111' y w 11c 111 uture wars, t e1e<br />

Ir. NIC HOLS rofe to make his promifed mo- of E _<br />

migrants, ecaufe they ere in general either fl:ores. On a view of the obje8:s of th e war, then,<br />

it appeared that in gaining thefe objeO:s the Right<br />

tjqn fo . an Add!1'cfo to his Majdly, thanking him '. deceved themklves, o,; then· mere!l: was _<br />

fo maten-<br />

Honoui-ablc. Gentleman had failed, and that in his<br />

fr having n:mo•,t:d the Right Honourable William ally molved they co\1ld not. fail to deceive others.<br />

Pitt frnm his Otrnncils. He had beer. in,duced par- j The 1{1gt Hoiournble1 9"e tlean had wholly- for- condu6: of the war no p1•oofs of wifclom were to be<br />

ticularly to !Hect this Right Ho!wurable Gentle- , gotten thts maxim, nd, rn ) udgrng of the f1:ate f difcovered. Rejoicing, as he did, in the, Peace, he<br />

man, not merely becaufe he formed th e moft promi- I France, had bec!n ch1efiy g _<br />

u_1ded by the reprefentat1-<br />

rejoiced in, it nly becaufe the war had made it ne-,<br />

nrnt charactier in the I.ate Admioifiration, but be- ' ons of the French nobility who had fled f r om celfary. No man could vindit'ate fnch a Peace as<br />

c'.l.u!e circumlhmces applied to him :'excluJive of the I France and otained an afylum in this peaceful<br />

had been concluded, but from a contemplation of<br />

rcll uf hil> coUeagl,es in office. In laying before the land. The Right Honourable yentlema? ought the ftate to which the war had reduced tl1e country.<br />

Houfe the- gmt1nds of the motion with which he n_ot only to have known ho_w allacious fuchrnforma- He did rtot meari to fay that the efforts of the co unmeant<br />

to c-ortclu

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