Groveport Messenger - July 24th, 2022

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<strong>Messenger</strong><br />

<strong>Groveport</strong><br />

<strong>July</strong> 24 - August 6, <strong>2022</strong> www.columbusmessenger.com Vol. XL, No. 3<br />

Hometown Realtor<br />

Marylee Bendig<br />

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Farmer’s Market underway<br />


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<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Rick Palsgrove<br />

The <strong>Groveport</strong> Farmer’s Market is underway for the season. The market is held every Thursday through<br />

Sept. 8 from 4-6 p.m, at <strong>Groveport</strong>’s Heritage Park, 551 Wirt Road (with the exception of Aug. 4 when the<br />

market will be held in conjunction with First Thursday in Cruiser Park, 4677 Bixby Road). Pictured here,<br />

Kristiauna Trelay buys some produce from <strong>Groveport</strong>’s Brian Casserly at the Farmer’s Market on <strong>July</strong> 14.<br />

Homicide/suicide<br />

at local warehouse<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

Decision on fireworks use delayed<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> City Council has again postponed further<br />

discussion and a vote on an ordinance regarding<br />

the personal use of fireworks within city limits.<br />

Because of this, as of now, the use of personal<br />

fireworks remains banned in <strong>Groveport</strong>.<br />

At council’s <strong>July</strong> 11 meeting, council decided to<br />

delay more talks or action on the legislation until its<br />

<strong>July</strong> 25 meeting because Councilman Ed Dildine<br />

was not present at the <strong>July</strong> 11 meeting. Council<br />

members felt all members should be present during<br />

consideration of the fireworks legislation.<br />

The proposed ordinance originally restricted the<br />

personal use of consumer grade fireworks to only on<br />

the Fourth of <strong>July</strong> within the <strong>Groveport</strong> city limits.<br />

However, on June 27 by a 4-2 vote, council amended<br />

the proposed ordinance to instead allow the use of<br />

personal fireworks on 15 days, which would make it<br />

consistent with the new state law regarding the personal<br />

use of fireworks. (Council members Jean Ann<br />

Hilbert and Jack Rupp opposed the amendment.)<br />

A new Ohio law, which went into effect <strong>July</strong> 1,<br />

allows individuals to possess consumer grade fireworks,<br />

eliminating a requirement that purchasers<br />

transport consumer grade fireworks out of the state<br />

within 48 hours of purchase.<br />

The new state law allows any person authorized<br />

to possess consumer grade fireworks to discharge<br />

them on their own property or on another person’s<br />

property with permission on the following days:<br />

New Year’s Day; Chinese New Year; Cinco de Mayo;<br />

Memorial Day weekend; Juneteenth; <strong>July</strong> 3, 4, and<br />

5 and the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays preceding<br />

and following; Labor Day weekend; Diwali; and<br />

New Year’s Eve.<br />

However, the law permits local governments to<br />

restrict the dates and times when individuals may<br />

discharge consumer grade fireworks or to impose a<br />

complete ban on the use of consumer grade fireworks.<br />

A motion on June 27 to pass, as an emergency<br />

measure, <strong>Groveport</strong>’s amended ordinance that<br />

would adhere to the new state law failed by a 3-3<br />

vote. (Five votes are needed to pass legislation as an<br />

emergency. Council members Ed Dildine, Scott<br />

Lockett, and Becky Hutson voted to approve while<br />

Jean Ann Hilbert, Jack Rupp, and Shawn Cleary<br />

opposed.)<br />

The amended ordinance goes on to its third reading<br />

and a possible final vote on <strong>July</strong> 25. If it is<br />

passed at that time it would go into effect 30 days<br />

later and then allow the use of personal fireworks on<br />

the days listed in the state law.<br />

See FIREWORKS, page 3<br />

A woman and a man are dead as the result of a murder/suicide<br />

that occurred at a warehouse near <strong>Groveport</strong>.<br />

According to <strong>Groveport</strong> Police, at about 5:24 a.m. on <strong>July</strong> 11,<br />

police officers were dispatched to the SK Food Group warehouse<br />

in the 3000 block of Toy Road on the report of an active shooter.<br />

Upon arrival, officers learned it was a possible domestic situation<br />

between the adult female victim and an adult male suspect, both<br />

employees of the warehouse through a temp agency. The male suspect<br />

approached the female in the locker area of the business and<br />

an argument allegedly ensued. The male suspect then shot the<br />

woman multiple times with a handgun before fleeing the building.<br />

According to <strong>Groveport</strong> Police Detective Josh Gilbert,<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police patrol officers arrived on the scene quickly and<br />

began conducting life saving efforts on the woman. He said the<br />

woman was transported to Grant Hospital where she died of her<br />

wounds.<br />

Gilbert said the male suspect allegedly attempted to shoot himself<br />

inside the same locker area in the building, but his gun malfunctioned.<br />

The suspect then fled the building.<br />

According to Gilbert, the suspect then lay down in the roadway<br />

in an apparent suicidal effort to have vehicles run over him. When<br />

that failed, the suspect climbed a nearby utility pole. The suspect<br />

was found dead at the base of the pole.<br />

According to Gilbert, it has not yet been<br />

determined whether the suspect died from<br />

electrocution from the power lines or from a<br />

fall from the pole.<br />

Gilbert said it is not known what the victim<br />

and the suspect were arguing about.<br />

According to the <strong>Groveport</strong> Police, no<br />

other employees at the business were injured<br />

as a result of this incident and there were no<br />

shots fired by law enforcement.<br />

“SK Food Group does a good job of safety<br />

training and the company made sure its<br />

employees were safe,” said Gilbert.<br />

See HOMICIDE, page 3<br />

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PAGE 2 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Free clothing and shoes<br />

There will be a free clothing and shoe give away on Aug. 6 from<br />

10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at <strong>Groveport</strong> United Methodist Church, 512 East<br />

Main St., <strong>Groveport</strong>. Gently used clean clothing and shoes will be<br />

available for all sizes from newborn to adult. This is open to all.<br />

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Another local church could close<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> may possibly lose another historic church<br />

congregation.<br />

A year ago the <strong>Groveport</strong> Presbyterian Church,<br />

which had operated on College Street since 1853,<br />

closed due to decreasing membership and finances.<br />

Now, the Catholic Diocese of Columbus is considering<br />

closing St. Mary Catholic Church, 5684 <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Road, as part of its Real Presence Real Future initiative<br />

that includes the potential consolidation of parishes.<br />

No decision has been made yet on whether St. Mary<br />

Catholic Church will close as the Real Presence Real<br />

Future initiative is still in its research phase.<br />

According to realpresencerealfuture.org, “Real<br />

Presence, Real Future is a two-year diocesan-wide consultative<br />

process that invites participation from clergy,<br />

lay ecclesial ministers, parish volunteers, and all the<br />

faithful. By listening to the needs of our people and<br />

hearing your ideas, concerns and desires, this process<br />

will help determine the best path forward to increase<br />

the presence of the Church throughout the Diocese of<br />

Columbus.”<br />

The website states the initiative is considering people’s<br />

needs as well as the needs of the culture.<br />

According to Jason Mays, director of communications<br />

with the Diocese of Columbus, more information<br />

about the program and its potential impact on St.<br />

Mary Catholic Church can be found at realpresencerealfuture.org<br />

and on a video at<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F5RDjWznTw&fe<br />

ature=emb_title.<br />

Per the video, attendance at mass in the entire diocese,<br />

which serves a mix of 105 urban, suburban, and<br />

rural parishes in central and southern Ohio, has<br />

dropped from 80,000 in 2008 to 48,500 in 2021.<br />

Information on the video indicates that decreasing<br />

attendance leads to fewer resources. The diocese has<br />

more priests retiring or passing away than there are<br />

new priests to replace them. Consolidation of parishes<br />

is one of the options the diocese is considering to<br />

address these issues.<br />

Per information provided in the video, attendance<br />

at mass at St. Mary in <strong>Groveport</strong> has declined from<br />

274 in 2019 to 192 in 2021.<br />

One plan under consideration by the diocese is to<br />

consolidate St. Mary with St. John XXIII, which is<br />

located at 5170 Winchester Southern Road in Canal<br />

Winchester. Mass attendance at St. John XXIII has<br />

decreased as well, from 649 in 2019 to 456 in 2021.<br />

The Real Presence, Real Future initiative is considering<br />

a variety of options for the diocese and the review<br />

and study of the situation is ongoing.<br />

Recommendations are pending.<br />

St. Mary Church member speaks<br />

“It’s devastating,” said Kathy Frank, a member of<br />

St. Mary Catholic Church since 1967, of the potential<br />

closure of her church.<br />

She said the church fulfills a vital spiritual role in<br />

the community as well as a helping hand to those in<br />

need.<br />

“We do a lot of community outreach that helps both<br />

the <strong>Groveport</strong> community and the <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison<br />

school district,” said Frank.<br />

She said examples of the church’s community outreach<br />

include helping people in financial and material<br />

need under its St. Vincent DePaul program; providing<br />

assistance to the <strong>Groveport</strong> Food Pantry; and providing<br />

food to a homeless shelter in Columbus.<br />

“If we’re not here, the community loses these vital<br />

services as well as others,” said Frank.<br />

She said the church fosters a family, close knit<br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>Messenger</strong> photos by Rick Palsgrove<br />

St. Mary Catholic Church in <strong>Groveport</strong>.<br />

A special feature at St. Mary Catholic Church is its<br />

Stations of the Cross garden located behind the<br />

church.<br />

atmosphere.<br />

“We have generations who have attended here,”<br />

said Frank. “Our choir is small, but mighty, and it feels<br />

like if the church closes we’ll lose our choir family and<br />

our church family as everyone would most likely disperse<br />

elsewhere.”<br />

Frank said a special feature of St. Mary is the<br />

Stations of the Cross located behind the church.<br />

“It’s a comforting, beautiful place where people can<br />

go to contemplate regardless of their denomination.<br />

It’s very spiritual,” said Frank, who said the Stations<br />

of the Cross area is open during daytime hours.<br />

She said church members are writing letters to<br />

Bishop Earl Fernandes in support of keeping St. Mary<br />

open. Bishop Fernandes will also attend a special service<br />

at the church on Aug. 15 at 5:30 p.m. that the public<br />

is invited to attend. A reception follows the service.<br />

“We are banding together in support of our church,”<br />

said Frank. “We’re not going to give up.”<br />

St. Mary first opened in 1871 in a small brick<br />

church on the southwest corner of Blacklick and Front<br />

streets in <strong>Groveport</strong>. The building was expanded in<br />

1949 and the church served the community at that site<br />

until 1977 when a new (now current) church was built<br />

at 5684 <strong>Groveport</strong> Road.<br />

A long time popular community event at the church<br />

is the smorgasbord, which began in 1951. Many people<br />

know the familiar red, white, and black sign that pops<br />

up in town announcing the event each year.<br />

Visit groveportstmary.org for information on the<br />


www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

Neighborhood security<br />

Elmont Place subdivision<br />

plans to install security<br />

cameras in neighborhood<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />


Residents in a <strong>Groveport</strong> neighborhood<br />

are taking steps to improve the safety and<br />

security there.<br />

At <strong>Groveport</strong> City Council’s <strong>July</strong> 11<br />

meeting, J. Scott Bumgardner, president of<br />

the Elmont Place subdivision’s homeowners<br />

association, said the group plans to buy<br />

and install three security cameras to be<br />

placed on poles at strategic spots in Elmont<br />

Place.<br />

He noted the Elmont Place area has<br />

recently suffered from a couple of shootings,<br />

speeders, and other problems.<br />

One shooting occurred in August 2021<br />

where a man fired 15 rounds from a rifle<br />

inside his house in the subdivision before<br />

police arrested him.<br />

Then in December 2021 a suspect fired<br />

six rounds from a .40 caliber weapon at a<br />

house in the subdivision.<br />

No one was injured in either of the<br />

shooting incidents.<br />

Bumgardner said the camera will cap-<br />


Continued from page 1<br />

ture the license plate numbers of vehicles<br />

entering the subdivision and, if the technology<br />

detects there is a warrant out on<br />

that number, the camera’s computer will<br />

notify the police and enable officers to<br />

investigate.<br />

The gathered information would be<br />

stored on a police computer server. The<br />

camera can also register the speed a vehicle<br />

is traveling.<br />

Bumgardner said the camera system<br />

will cost the homeowners association<br />

$7,500 per year and that the group is ready<br />

to make the purchase, but needs council’s<br />

approval to place the camera poles in the<br />

right-of-way.<br />

“We feel like this is a good idea for the<br />

city and for Elmont Place,” said<br />

Bumgardner.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Law Director Kevin Shannon<br />

advised council that it can consider a<br />

licensing agreement with the Elmont Place<br />

homeowners association that would allow<br />

the group to place the camera/security<br />

poles in the right of way in the subdivision.<br />

There would also be signage at the entryways<br />

to the subdivision announcing that<br />

the premises/area are monitored by security<br />

surveillance.<br />

Council could possibly consider entering<br />

into the licensing agreement with the subdivision<br />

at council’s <strong>July</strong> 25 meeting.<br />

Gilbert said, in addition to the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police, other responding law<br />

enforcement and emergency agencies that<br />

responded to the incident included the<br />

Madison Township Police, Obetz Police,<br />

Columbus Police, Franklin County Sheriff<br />

deputies, Franklin County SWAT team,<br />

Madison Township Fire Department,<br />

Hamilton Township Fire Department, and<br />

Columbus Fire Department.<br />

Gilbert said the warehouses in the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> area are large structures and<br />

when there is an incident at one of them it<br />

is not easy for officers to know the situation<br />

immediately.<br />

“We treat it as an active shooter and<br />

respond accordingly until we know otherwise,”<br />

said Gilbert. “Our officers run<br />

toward the bullets and put their lives on<br />

the line. Our officers are human and regular<br />

people, but they do not hesitate to confront<br />

danger.”<br />

Gilbert said there has not been an<br />

increase in violent crime in the warehouse<br />

industrial parks in <strong>Groveport</strong>. He said the<br />

more common crimes in the warehouse<br />

area are property crimes, such as stolen<br />

cars.<br />

“This particular shooting incident<br />

stemmed from issues outside of <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

brought on by people not from <strong>Groveport</strong>,”<br />

said Gilbert. “It is an isolated incident.”<br />

The investigation remains ongoing by<br />

the <strong>Groveport</strong> Police.<br />

Continued from page 1<br />

According to <strong>Groveport</strong> City<br />

Administrator B.J. King, under existing<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> law there is currently a complete<br />

ban on the use of personal fireworks<br />

in the city.<br />

Council members Lockett and Dildine<br />

have both expressed the desire that<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> follow the new state law that<br />

allows the personal use of fireworks and<br />

make changes if problems arise.<br />

Hilbert and Rupp favor restricting the<br />

use of personal fireworks. Both said they<br />

are concerned about the potential injuries<br />

brought on by the use of personal fireworks.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police Chief Casey Adams<br />

said individuals must be responsible when<br />

using personal consumer grade fireworks.<br />

He said people must ensure everyone in<br />

and around a launch is safe and the fireworks<br />

are launched away from others and<br />

structures that could sustain injury or<br />

damage when the fireworks explode and<br />

fall to the ground. He said the negligent<br />

use of fireworks without proper precautions<br />

could lead to criminal charges being<br />

filed against those responsible for the fireworks.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police statistics<br />

June crime statistics, according to the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police: 13 arrests, 13 accidents,<br />

2 assaults, 1 burglary, 5 domestic disputes,<br />

4 domestic violence, 3 OVI and alcohol, 11<br />

thefts/robberies, 1 stolen/unauthorized<br />

use, 0 missing persons, 2 weapon related<br />

calls, 0 narcotic related offense, 2 parking,<br />

2 threats, 2 vandalism, 1 juvenile complaint,<br />

49 traffic citations, 0 sex related<br />

crimes, 0 <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison School<br />

District criminal reports, 0 <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Madison School District non-criminal<br />

reports, 3 suicide/attempts.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> news<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong> - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - PAGE 3<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> city<br />

income tax revenue<br />

The city of <strong>Groveport</strong>’s income tax revenue<br />

year-to-date as of June 30 was $10.4<br />

million, which is 15 percent higher than<br />

the same time in 2021, according to<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Finance Director Jason Carr.<br />

Carr noted the general fund balance was<br />

$6.2 million as of June 30 or $1.5 million<br />

higher than the same time last year.<br />

Income tax revenues year-to-date comprise<br />

54 percent of all city revenues, the largest<br />

part of all the city’s revenues.<br />

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PAGE 4 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

They’re heading out west to the rodeo nationals<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

A pair of friends are fulfilling some<br />

rodeo dreams this summer.<br />

Arly Kisner of <strong>Groveport</strong> and Allie<br />

Beerman of Columbus qualified for the<br />

National High School Finals Rodeo in<br />

Gillette, Wyoming, from <strong>July</strong> 17-23.<br />

Kisner competes in team roping, breakaway<br />

roping, goat tying, barrel racing and<br />

pole bending events. She qualified for<br />

Nationals in team roping, goat tying and<br />

pole bending.<br />

Beerman runs barrels and poles in her<br />

rodeo events. She qualified for Nationals in<br />

barrel racing.<br />

Both attend Eastland Career Center.<br />

Kathy Kisner, Arly’s mother, said Arly<br />

started riding horses at age seven. She said<br />

Arly and Allie are rodeo friends.<br />

“Arly began competing in rodeo events<br />

at age 10,” said Kathy. “She was introduced<br />

to rodeo by family friends Kim<br />

McCutchen and Valerie Burch.”<br />

Arly competes in rodeos with two horses<br />

- Yoder, a 17-year-old gelding she has<br />

worked with for two years; and Bunny, an<br />

11 year-old mare she has been competing<br />

with for five years.<br />

“Arly was named the Female Rookie of<br />

the Year in the state of Ohio as this is her<br />

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first year competing,” added Kathy.<br />

Arly said she “loves the challenge of<br />

rodeo and working towards getting faster<br />

times in all her events.”<br />

According to Arly, her most exciting and<br />

memorable experience with rodeo was<br />

when she broke the arena record for pole<br />

bending at Crazy Woman Ranch in<br />

Lancaster during the 2020-21 Winter<br />

Rodeo series.<br />

Allie’s horse’s name is Shiner.<br />

“Allie started riding when she was nine<br />

and participated in some small local rodeos<br />

and at age 14 she started competing in the<br />

Ohio high school rodeo association,” said<br />

Allie’s mother Robin Rodgers. “She loves<br />

competing and when she has a good run, it<br />

makes her feel like all the hard work she<br />

puts in with Shiner pays off. Plus she<br />

enjoys encouraging others to excel in their<br />

events.”<br />

According to Allie, one of her best<br />

moments was going to Fort Worth earlier<br />

this year to compete at the Junior Patriot<br />

Rodeo.<br />

“It was a great experience,” said Allie.<br />

Rodgers said Arly and Allie have been<br />

friends since elementary school.<br />

Ryan Gasser, Eastland-Fairfield Career<br />

Center coordinator of communications and<br />

marketing, said Arly, a junior, and Allie, a<br />

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<strong>Messenger</strong><br />

South<br />

Arly Kisner and her horse in action.<br />

senior, are both enrolled in the welding<br />

program at Eastland Career Center. Arly’s<br />

home high school is Teays Valley and<br />

Allie’s is Hamilton Township.<br />

“Having two area students and both<br />

being welding students at Eastland Career<br />

Center is pretty awesome,” said Gasser.<br />

Photo courtesy of Abbey Schulz of Schulz photography<br />

Kathy said Arly would like to go on to<br />

college and also compete in collegiate<br />

rodeo.<br />

Rodgers said in the future Allie wants to<br />

start her own welding business and continue<br />

rodeoing.<br />

Allie Beerman and Shiner in action.<br />

Photo courtesy of Robin Rodgers

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong> - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - PAGE 5<br />

Back - to - School<br />

The history of the graduation cap<br />

Graduation ceremonies are a tradition<br />

that dates back to the first high<br />

schools and universities. While many<br />

aspects of graduation ceremonies have<br />

evolved over the years, the graduation<br />

cap has remained a hallmark of such ceremonies.<br />

Graduation caps are one of the most<br />

visible aspects of graduation dress. Many<br />

scholars believe the mortarboard style<br />

cap graduates don was developed from<br />

the biretta, a similar-looking Italian hat<br />

worn by Roman Catholic clergy. In the<br />

12th and 13th centuries, students and<br />

teachers typically wore clerical clothing<br />

because the church was highly influential<br />

at this time. Medieval universities<br />

helped inspire academic dress, including<br />

the familiar graduation cap.<br />

Mortarboards are shaped like a<br />

square, perhaps to give them a scholarly appearance like a book or to<br />

represent the shape of a quad on the campus of England’s Oxford<br />

University, where many graduation dress customs are believed to have<br />

originated. Others theorize that the mortarboard, which is named after<br />

the flat board used by bricklayers and masons, represents the skill of a<br />

master workman.<br />

Many graduation caps were<br />

initially black or gray. When<br />

color photography became the<br />

norm in the 20th century,<br />

schools began to use gowns and<br />

caps in different shades<br />

because they would show up in<br />

photographs. Schools often<br />

coordinate caps and gowns so<br />

their colors reflect their official<br />

school colors.<br />

While certain degrees warrant<br />

different styles of gown,<br />

cowls and hoods, mortarboard<br />

caps are relatively standard.<br />

In addition to the cap, there is<br />

a single button at the top.<br />

Tassels hang from these buttons.<br />

At commencement, tassels<br />

are traditionally worn on<br />

the right side of the cap and then moved to the left once graduates<br />

receive their diplomas.<br />

Graduation caps are part of the larger scope of academic dress that<br />

comprises school traditions. Millions of graduates across the globe will<br />

don their caps and toss them into the air later in celebration of their hard<br />

work.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong><br />

history films<br />

Two documentary films<br />

on the history of <strong>Groveport</strong>,<br />

produced by the <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Heritage Society and<br />

Midnet Media, are now<br />

available for viewing online<br />

on YouTube.<br />

The films are:<br />

“<strong>Groveport</strong>: A Town and Its<br />

People” and “The Story of<br />

John S. Rarey and Cruiser.”<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Heritage Museum<br />

The <strong>Groveport</strong> Heritage<br />

Museum contains photographs,<br />

artifacts, and documents<br />

about <strong>Groveport</strong>’s<br />

history. The museum is<br />

located in <strong>Groveport</strong> Town<br />

Hall, 648 Main St., and is<br />

open during <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Town Hall’s operating<br />

hours. Call 614-836-3333.<br />

614.574.4100 Grades K-4 614.574.0037 Grades 5-8<br />

4485 S. Hamilton Rd., <strong>Groveport</strong>, Ohio 43125<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Community School<br />

Now Enrolling K-8<br />

Check out our Facebook Page or our website<br />

www.imaginegroveport.com to see what we are all about.<br />

Developing Character<br />

and Enriching Minds<br />

• All Day Kindergarten<br />

• Free Breakfast and Lunch<br />

• Free Tuition<br />

• Individualized and small group instruction with rigorous curriculum<br />

• Dress Code<br />

• 1:1 Technology will be offered for all students<br />

• We also offer Gym, Spanish, Music, Technology, Art and Life Skills

PAGE 6 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

Back - to - School<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Resident Day<br />

at Motts Military Museum<br />

City of <strong>Groveport</strong> residents will receive<br />

free admission with a complimentary event<br />

ticket to Motts Military Museum, 5075 S.<br />

Hamilton Road, on Aug. 6 from 9 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m. Pick up your complimentary event<br />

ticket at <strong>Groveport</strong> Town Hall, 648 Main<br />

St., from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from <strong>July</strong> 6 to<br />

Aug. 4. Proof of residency required. Must<br />

live within the 185 tax district. For information<br />

call 614-836-3333.<br />

School board meetings<br />

The <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Board of<br />

Education meets the second and fourth<br />

Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the<br />

District Service Center, 4400 Marketing<br />

Our Family Caring For Yours<br />

Place, Suite B, <strong>Groveport</strong>. The board may<br />

also schedule special meetings, as needed.<br />

Helping youth<br />

Dylan Knecht, a <strong>Groveport</strong> resident and<br />

a co-owner of RE/MAX Apex in Lithopolis,<br />

is volunteering along with two of our other<br />

real estate agents at Camp Hamwi, a camp<br />

in Danville, Ohio, for youths with diabetes<br />

– put on by Lifecare Alliance/Central Ohio<br />

Diabetes Association. Knecht is a Type 1<br />

diabetic and attended the camp as a youth.<br />

Southeast Library<br />

The Southeast Branch of the Columbus<br />

Metropolitan Library is located at 3980 S.<br />

Hamilton Road, <strong>Groveport</strong>. For information<br />

visit www.columbuslibrary.org or call<br />

614-645-2275.<br />

Dr. Sacheen Garrison<br />

5055 S. Hamilton Road<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong>, OH 43125 614-836-0500<br />

www.groveportsmiles.com<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Madison school<br />

start and dismissal times<br />

There is a change in the start and dismissal<br />

times for <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison<br />

Schools for the <strong>2022</strong>-23 school year. To<br />

allow for more time for teacher collaboration<br />

and professional development opportunities,<br />

school start and dismissal times<br />

(bell schedules) have been modified slightly<br />

for the upcoming school year. The times<br />

are: high school 7:20 a.m. — 1:45 p.m.; middle<br />

schools 8:15 a.m. — 2:45 p.m.; and elementary<br />

schools 9:15 a.m. — 3:40 p.m.<br />

Open house schedule<br />

Every <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison school hosts<br />

an open house/welcome night before the<br />

start of the school year. Open houses help<br />

parents and students familiarize themselves<br />

with their school and meet our<br />

teachers and principals. Open houses are:<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Madison High School — Aug. 9,<br />

5—8 p.m.; Middle Schools — Aug. 10, 5:30—<br />

7:30 p.m.; Elementary Schools — Aug. 11,<br />

4—6 p.m.; and Kindergarten (all schools) —<br />

Aug. 16, 4:30—6:30 p.m.<br />

School supply lists online<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Madison School supply lists<br />

are available on gocruisers.org. Having the<br />

necessary supplies and materials for students<br />

to meet their educational goals is a<br />

partnership between the school district<br />

and our families. <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison<br />

Schools provides our schools with most of<br />

the essential materials and supplies they<br />

need; however, many class- and teacherspecific<br />

supplies are also required from<br />

families.<br />

School supply lists for each of our elementary<br />

and middle schools are available<br />

on the district’s website at<br />

gocruisers.org/backtoschool<strong>2022</strong>.aspx. The<br />

district does not publish traditional school<br />

supply lists at the high school level<br />

because of the array of courses available.<br />

Instead, the high school teachers will<br />

inform their students of any supplies or<br />

materials needed for specific classes once<br />

students arrive.<br />

Golden Cruiser Club<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Schools invites senior<br />

residents of the district to attend athletic<br />

and performing arts programs showcasing<br />

the talents of its students. The<br />

Golden Cruiser Club is a free program for<br />

residents of the <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison School<br />

District who are age 60 and older. Club<br />

membership provides free access to all<br />

school and district sponsored athletic contests,<br />

plays, concerts, and other events. To<br />

become a member of the Golden Cruiser<br />

Club, obtain an application at<br />

www.gocruisers.org, at any of the school<br />

offices, or call (614) 492-2520.<br />

The requirements for membership are<br />

that applicants be age 60 or older and be a<br />

resident of <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Schools<br />

(verified by the Franklin County Auditor’s<br />

website).<br />

Boy Scout Troop 71<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> area scouts of Boy Scout<br />

Troop 71 meet at <strong>Groveport</strong> United<br />

Methodist Church, 512 Main St. Cub<br />

Scouts, boys and girls in grades K-5, meet<br />

on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts ages<br />

11-18 meet Tuesdays at 7 p.m. The Girls<br />

Troop ages 11-18 meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m.<br />

For information visit Beascout.org or contact<br />

Tina Dillman at<br />

christinadillman@aol.com.<br />


Madison Christian students<br />

excel with faith based education<br />

Madison Christian School offers quality<br />

Christian education with a classical approach for<br />

preschool through 12th grade on a beautiful 64-<br />

acre campus in <strong>Groveport</strong>, Ohio.<br />

A commitment to biblical truth and a passion<br />

for excellence permeate everything Madison<br />

Christian does in and around the classroom.<br />

Families experience a wonderful community in a<br />

partnership to develop students into strong<br />

Christian servants who will lead in their vocations,<br />

churches, and families.<br />

Students enjoy outstanding faith-based education,<br />

quality athletic teams, fine arts offerings,<br />

and other exciting extracurriculars in a safe community<br />

environment. Madison Christian is<br />

pleased to offer many diverse opportunities for<br />

students to explore their interests as they grow<br />

into the confident young man or woman they will<br />

become by graduation day.<br />

Madison Christian’s spiritual formation, rigorous<br />

curriculum, and faculty mentoring all foster<br />

some of the most important things parents can<br />

give their children: a relationship with Jesus, an<br />

excellent education, and a desire to bless and<br />

serve others.<br />

A current parent recently described Madison<br />

Christian School as an “academically challenging<br />

school that teaches from a strong biblical worldview.<br />

Not only prepares your student for college<br />

if they choose that path, but prepares them for<br />

life.”<br />

Visit mcseaglesoh.org, call 614-497-3456, or<br />

schedule a campus tour to learn more!

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong> - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - PAGE 7<br />

Back - to - School<br />

Superintendent search continues<br />

By Rick Palsgrove<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

The <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Board of<br />

Education is reviewing its options in its<br />

search for a new district superintendent.<br />

At its <strong>July</strong> 13 meeting,the board heard<br />

presentations from two organizations that<br />

could possibly assist in the superintendent<br />

search - Finding Leaders and the Ohio<br />

School Board Association. However, the<br />

board delayed making a decision on selecting<br />

either organization.<br />

“We are still working on what we want<br />

to do, as a board,” said Board President<br />

Chris Snyder. “The tight time frame is<br />

adding some extra pressure to the decision,<br />

but we want to make sure that we are taking<br />

in all of the thoughts and concerns of<br />

our board before we decide what to do. The<br />

choosing of a search firm seemed a bit premature<br />

(at the <strong>July</strong> 13 meeting), so we<br />

wanted to wait a bit to really think about<br />

the decision, and therefore we tabled the<br />

vote (on selecting a search firm).”<br />

The new superintendent will replace<br />

former superintendent Garilee Ogden, who<br />

left the district to become superintendent<br />

of Reynoldsburg City Schools on <strong>July</strong> 1.<br />

Ogden served as <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison<br />

superintendent since 2018.<br />

Snyder previously said the board hoped<br />

to have a new superintendent starting on<br />

Photo courtesy of the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Heritage<br />

Museum<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong><br />

School<br />

playground<br />

Aug. 1.<br />

When asked what qualities and experience<br />

the board is looking for in the new<br />

superintendent, Snyder said, “We would<br />

like to select someone with district knowledge<br />

and experience. We would like to<br />

have a superintendent who can cultivate<br />

strong relationships with our community<br />

leaders, and is able to work well with staff,<br />

parents, and community members. We<br />

would also like someone who is able to continue<br />

our academic growth and who also<br />

has the ability to deal with the operations<br />

of the district.”<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Deputy<br />

Superintendent Jamie Grube agreed to<br />

serve as the district’s interim superintendent<br />

until <strong>July</strong> 30.<br />

New computers for schools<br />

The board approved the purchase of 500<br />

Dell Chromebook computers for the high<br />

school and middle schools and 300 Dell<br />

Chromebook for the elementaries for the<br />

<strong>2022</strong>-23 school year from XTek Partners at<br />

a cost of $265,000. According to district<br />

officials, the computers will be paid for<br />

from equipment funds in the budget.<br />

School playground project<br />

The board approved $126,396 in funding<br />

for a playground equipment and<br />

repairs project for the district’s elementary<br />

schools.<br />

Our Pictorial Past by Rick Palsgrove<br />

This is a view from<br />

1926 of the playground<br />

at<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> School<br />

(now <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Elementary. Up<br />

until the 1950s, the<br />

school housed all<br />

12 grades. In the background at right, part of the Elmont Hotel, which was once<br />

next door to the school, is visible. Playground equipment in the photo includes a<br />

set of swings and “teeter-totters.” Also, faintly visible at the left of the photo is a<br />

pole with heavy hanging chains with stirrups that kids would hold on to and spin<br />

around the pole. This pole with the chains was still in use up until the 1960s.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> School, built in 1923, will celebrate its 100th birthday next year. The<br />

school is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.<br />


FOR THE <strong>2022</strong>-2023 SCHOOL YEAR<br />

DON’T WAIT!<br />

Register your child for school today using our online<br />

system, SpeedyStart. Begin the process by visiting our<br />

website at gocruisers.org/enrollment.aspx. It’s as easy<br />

as 1, 2, 3.<br />


Don’t wait until August to register<br />

your child. Enrolling early helps to<br />

ensure a smooth start to the school<br />

year for your child – and you!<br />


Even if your child is already enrolled<br />

in <strong>Groveport</strong> Madison Schools, but you’ve<br />

moved to another address within the District,<br />

you must log into your FinalForms account, found at<br />

gocruisers.org/FinalForms.aspx, to update your address<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Welcome Center<br />

4400 Marketing Place, Suite B<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong>, OH 43125<br />

(614) 491-8288

PAGE 8 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Kendall Collins is a survivor<br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

By Linda Dillman<br />

Staff Writer<br />

There are many chapters to the story of<br />

Kendall Collins, a woman shot 15 times by<br />

her estranged husband in 2015 and left for<br />

dead by the side of the road near the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Recreation Center.<br />

Domestic abuse, a plea deal with a<br />

lawyer that never should have happened,<br />

gun violence, three months in Grant<br />

Hospital and a series of 31 corrective surgeries<br />

over seven years with more planned<br />

are all a part of her life.<br />

But Collins is the first person to tell you<br />

that she is a survivor because of her family,<br />

faith and fortitude.<br />

The Lockbourne resident and her former<br />

husband were high school sweethearts who<br />

met in 2000.<br />

“All throughout high school we dated<br />

and attended two proms together,” recalled<br />

Collins. “We had a seemingly normal relationship,<br />

young love you could say. From<br />

the beginning he was controlling and jealous,<br />

but I thought that meant he loved me.<br />

We stayed together for many years with<br />

rough patches and many break ups.”<br />

The couple had two children. Their relationship<br />

continued to deteriorate, eventually<br />

leading to multiple separations.<br />

“In 2013 we hit a breaking point...he<br />

locked me in my room while my children<br />

were in the living room,” said Collins. “We<br />

ended up getting into a fight that began<br />

with him tackling me to the ground. I called<br />

the police that night and he was arrested<br />

and taken to jail for domestic violence.”<br />

At his court hearing, he faced a felony<br />

charge. However, Collins’ lawyer advised<br />

her to lower the charges to a criminal mischief–a<br />

misdemeanor instead of a felony.<br />

“The lawyer said he would be court<br />

ordered to attend counselling and would<br />

have to complete anger management courses.<br />

I agreed to lower the charges down to a<br />

misdemeanor,” said Collins. “He attended<br />

his counseling faithfully for the year and he<br />

seemed to benefit from it. He seemed happier<br />

and was less aggressive towards me<br />

verbally and we did not have any other<br />

physical fights during that time.”<br />

After the year was up, Collins said he<br />

fell back into his previous pattern of<br />

aggression. She filed for divorce in the summer<br />

of 2015 and on Sept. 10 of that year,<br />

her life changed forever.<br />

Because the domestic abuse charges<br />

were reduced to criminal mischief, her former<br />

husband was able to buy a gun legally<br />

at a gun store two days before he shot<br />

Collins eight times in her right leg, three<br />

times in the right arm, one time in the<br />

stomach, once in the chest, once in the<br />

lower back and once in the pelvic bone.<br />

“We had just had a meeting two days<br />

before (Sept. 8) with the lawyers and had<br />

<strong>Messenger</strong><br />

<strong>Groveport</strong><br />

BEST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER in <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

Pick-Up At These<br />

Locations:<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Senior Village - 5124 Hendron<br />

Madison Township Office - 4575 Madison Lane<br />

Paddock Pub/<strong>Groveport</strong> Golf Ctr. - 1005 Richardson Rd.<br />

Southeast Library - 3980 S. Hamilton Rd.<br />

Asbury Methodist Church - 4760 Winchester Pike<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Municipal Building - 655 Blacklick St.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Town Hall - 648 Main St.<br />

Flyers PIzza/<strong>Groveport</strong> - 296 Main St.<br />

Ace Hardware - 726 Main St.<br />

Little Italy Pizza - 619 Main St.<br />

Huntington Bank/<strong>Groveport</strong> - 556 Main St.<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Recreation Center - 7370 <strong>Groveport</strong> Rd.<br />

READ US ONLINE: www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>Messenger</strong> photo by Linda Dillman<br />

Kendall Collins stands not far from a field near the <strong>Groveport</strong> Recreation Center<br />

where she was shot 15 times in the early morning hours of Sept. 10, 2015.<br />

signed paperwork for custody of the kids<br />

and how we would separate the assets,”<br />

said Collins. “After church, he called and<br />

asked if I could meet him at Arby’s on Alum<br />

Creek to give me money for the kids. I<br />

agreed to meet him after the kids were<br />

asleep at my mom’s house.”<br />

As soon as he got inside Collins’ car, she<br />

realized the meeting was a mistake. She<br />

said he began screaming as she turned onto<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Road.<br />

“He did not let up as we drove a little<br />

further,” Collins recalled. “I was finally fed<br />

up with his yelling and I told him that I<br />

loved him, but I was no longer in love with<br />

him. At that point he pulled out the gun<br />

and laid it on his lap pointing it at me. I<br />

remember how shiny it was, and it scared<br />

me as I screamed. I remembered that there<br />

was a cornfield beside the rec center, and I<br />

thought that I could run and hide in the<br />

cornfield to get away from him in the darkness<br />

of the night.”<br />

She was about to open her door and run<br />

when she saw police lights coming towards<br />

her and did not know what to do. If she ran,<br />

she thought the police might think she was<br />

running away from them.<br />

It was around 2:30 a.m.<br />

“As I came to the stop sign, the police<br />

had their lights on my car. My (former)<br />

husband picked up the gun and cocked it.<br />

Without thinking I reached over to him and<br />

said ‘Put the gun away. We can get out of<br />

this.’ He looked at me and said, ‘I’m sorry it<br />

has to be this way.”<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Police Sgt. Josh Guiler was<br />

responding to another call when Guiler saw<br />

Collins’ auto in the recreation center driveway<br />

facing southbound near a stop sign. He<br />

watched her former husband attempt to<br />

exit the car and then heard the distinctive<br />

sound of a firearm hitting the pavement.<br />

“I then pulled my service weapon out and<br />

started to command him not to pick up the<br />

gun,” said Guiler. “I saw him reach for the gun<br />

and as he did, he stayed ducked down behind<br />

the passenger door. At this point I believed he<br />

was going to grab the gun and either come up<br />

shooting at me or take off running.”<br />

Guiler found what happened next unbelievable.<br />

“I saw his back turn as if he were going<br />

to run away from the vehicle,” said Guiler.<br />

“He then fired two shots into the vehicle<br />

which I believe hit Kendall Collins and ran<br />

to the rear of Kendall’s car. I then could<br />

see him looking through the back windshield<br />

for her. I then made a split second<br />

decision to fire a shot through the front<br />

windshield towards him hoping to pin him<br />

down. While waiting on back-up I was very<br />

focused watching for him to come back up.<br />

I then saw Kendall crawling from the driver<br />

seat to the passenger side of the vehicle.<br />

I yelled for her to stay in the car but she fell<br />

out on the ground in the fetal position facing<br />

him and the rear of the vehicle.”<br />

Guiler said as soon as Kendall hit the<br />

pavement, her former husband fired several<br />

rounds at her, never coming up from<br />

behind the vehicle. Guiler said he felt hopeless<br />

at this point thinking he could not get<br />

to her in time due to the distance between<br />

them.<br />

“After he shot her several times, I knew<br />

I had to get to her,” said Guiler. “He finally<br />

jumped up from behind the vehicle and<br />

started running away pointing his firearm<br />

See SURVIVOR, page 9

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong> - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - PAGE 9<br />


Continued from page 8<br />

at me. I then fired several more rounds at him as he ran to the<br />

cornfield. He did fire one more shot.”<br />

Another sergeant arrived and kept watch on the cornfield.<br />

Guiler heard Kendall yelling and moving and could not believe she<br />

was still alive. <strong>Groveport</strong> Police Officer Danny Amabile arrived on<br />

scene and the two used a cruiser as a barricade to get to Collins.<br />

“She rolled over from her side and said, ‘Will you do me a favor<br />

and get my hair out of my face?’ I couldn’t believe she was still able<br />

to communicate with us and I did move her hair out of her face,”<br />

said Guiler, who moved Kendall to a safe place. “She had to be<br />

moved because the medics would not respond directly to her<br />

because the scene was still active and we did not know his location<br />

or if he was still a threat. As I sat her down in the grass, I could<br />

see she was losing a lot of blood from her leg. Franklin County<br />

deputies were able to escort the medics to her now that she was in<br />

a safe place. They then took Kendall and were able to stabilize her<br />

until they reached the hospital.”<br />

Guiler said several agencies responded to the scene, including<br />

Hilliard’s K-9 unit which helped locate Collins’ former husband in<br />

the cornfield. He was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted<br />

gunshot wound.<br />

On the way to the hospital, as one of Collins’ lungs started to<br />

collapse, she prayed to stay alive and breathe. She said she made<br />

a silent pledge to God that if she lived, she would tell everyone He<br />

saved her life and had given her a purpose.<br />

She was in a medically induced coma for 18 days and spent<br />

three months in the hospital. She then spent three months in a<br />

rehabilitation facility learning how to walk again.<br />

“I had to learn how to talk, walk, write and all basic things all<br />

over again,” said Collins. “It was a long process. I was very lucky<br />

to have my current husband Seth there with me every day. He<br />

helped keep me motivated when I felt like giving up. Seth stayed<br />

with me through everything. He has been my rock. Life has not<br />

been easy for us, but we have made it together.”<br />

For women experiencing domestic abuse, Collins urges them to<br />

leave before the situation escalates.<br />

“It will get worse,” Collins said. “Lean on your faith and family,<br />

but get away from the abuser. Abusers do not change. They only<br />

get worse when they lose that control. Protect yourself and your<br />

children. A restraining order is only a piece of paper.”<br />

For help 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call the National<br />

Domestic Abuse Hotline, 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE); LSS Choices<br />

Crisis Line, 614-224-4663 (HOME); or the Ohio Domestic Violence<br />

Network, 1-800-934-9840.<br />

CW Blues and Ribfest<br />

The annual Canal Winchester Blues and Ribfest will be held<br />

<strong>July</strong> 29-30 in historic downtown Canal Winchester.<br />

The two day summer street celebration features live blues<br />

music, world-class ribs, a wide variety of quality non-rib food<br />

options, children’s activities, fan-cooled dining areas, and a beer<br />

and wine garden for guests age 21 and over.<br />

On/off-street public parking is available in the areas adjacent<br />

to the festival grounds. Handicap tag and sticker parking available<br />

at the West Waterloo Street entrance east of Washington<br />

Street.<br />

As Ohio’s only blues and ribs festival, this event draws serious<br />

rib and blues aficionados from around the state with annual<br />

attendance estimates in excess of 32,000.<br />

Visit www.bluesandribfest.com for more information and a<br />

music performance schedule.<br />

Concert in the Park<br />

The city of <strong>Groveport</strong>’s Concert in the Park summer music<br />

series will be held the last Saturday of the month in <strong>July</strong> and<br />

August in Heritage Park, 551 Wirt Road. Bring a picnic dinner, a<br />

blanket or lawn chair, and invite your friends and family to this<br />

free concert series. Food Trucks will be available to purchase food<br />

and non-alcoholic beverages from 5:30-8 p.m. Bands play from 6-<br />

8 p.m. Scheduled bands are: <strong>July</strong> 30 - Rob Adams; and Aug. 27 -<br />

The Outlaw Uprising. For information call 614-836-3333.<br />


Deadlines: <strong>Groveport</strong> and West editions, Wednesdays at 5 p.m., • South/Canal Winchester, Grove City, Madison editions, Tuesdays at 5 p.m.<br />

All editions by phone, Tuesdays at 5 p.m. • Service Directory, Tuesdays at 5 p.m.<br />

xPreschool/Daycare<br />





in<br />

The <strong>Groveport</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong><br />

For More Info, CALL Kathy<br />

614-272-5444<br />

Preschool/Daycare<br />



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Author. We want to Read<br />

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Wesley Financial Group,<br />

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Experts Over<br />

$50,000,000 in timeshare<br />

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0363<br />


Looking for assisted living,<br />

memory care, or<br />

independent living? A<br />

Place for Mom simplifies<br />

the process of finding<br />

senior living at no cost to<br />

your family. Call 1-833-<br />

910-1576 today!<br />

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macnet#6258<br />

xAdult Care<br />

Call us for an extra set<br />

of hands with shopping,<br />

cooking, chores,<br />

laundry, gardening,<br />

small repairs and so<br />

much more.<br />

Paying top cash for men’s<br />

sportwatches! Rolex,<br />

Breitling, Omega, Patek<br />

Pillippe, Heuer, Daytona,<br />

GMT, Submariner and<br />

Speedmaster. Call 833-<br />

603-3236<br />

Safe Step. North<br />

America’s #1 Walk-in Tub.<br />

Compreshensive lifetime<br />

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Now featuring our free<br />

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Financing available. 1-<br />

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Looking for assisted living,<br />

memory care, or<br />

independent living? A<br />

Place for Mom simplifies<br />

the process of finding<br />

senior living at no cost to<br />

your family. Call 1-844-<br />

428-0445 today!<br />

Discount air travel! Call<br />

Flight Services for best<br />

pricing on domestic &<br />

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2014<br />

Like getting ting a little help<br />

from your friends ®<br />

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advertise<br />

Adult Care<br />

Donate Your Car To<br />

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Support our Veterans.<br />

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100% tax deductible. Call<br />

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Safe Step. North<br />

America’s #1 Walk-in Tub.<br />

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Financing available. 1-<br />

855-417-1306<br />

Home & Heart<br />

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<br />

<br />

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Call Kathy<br />

at The <strong>Messenger</strong><br />

For More Info<br />

272-5422<br />


<br />

Aloe Care Health medical<br />

alert system. The most<br />

advanced medical alert<br />

product on the market.<br />

Voice-activated! No wi-fi<br />

needed! Special offer<br />

w/code CARE20 for $20<br />

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855-341-5862<br />



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1-866-433-8277<br />

Become a Published<br />

Author. We want to Read<br />

Your Book! Dorrance<br />

Publishing Trusted Since<br />

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4998 or visit<br />

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Update your home with<br />

beautiful new blinds &<br />

shades. Free in-home<br />

estimates make it<br />

convenient to shop from<br />

home. Professional<br />

installation. Top quality -<br />

Made in the USA. Free<br />

consultation: 877-212-<br />

7578. Ask about our<br />


PAGE 10 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />


Deadlines: <strong>Groveport</strong> and West editions, Wednesdays at 5 p.m., • South/Canal Winchester, Grove City, Madison editions, Tuesdays at 5 p.m.<br />

All editions by phone, Tuesdays at 5 p.m. • Service Directory, Tuesdays at 5 p.m.<br />

xEmployment<br />


SIGN<br />


TO ADVER<br />


Call Kathy at<br />

The Columbus <strong>Messenger</strong><br />

614-272-5422<br />


Protect your home from<br />

pests safely and<br />

affordablly. Pest, rodent,<br />

termite and mosquito<br />

control. Call for a quote or<br />

inspection today 844-394-<br />

9278<br />

Directv Stream - Carries<br />

the Most Local MLB<br />

Games! CHOICE<br />

Package, $89.99/mo for<br />

12 months. Stream on 20<br />

devices in your home at<br />

once. HBOMax included<br />

for 3 mos (w/CHOICE<br />

Package or higher.) No<br />

annual contract, no hidden<br />

fees! Some restrictions<br />

apply. Call IVS 1-866-629-<br />

6086<br />


Stroke & Cardiovascular<br />

disease are leading<br />

causes of death according<br />

the American Heart<br />

Association. Screenings<br />

can provide peace of mind<br />

or early detection! Call<br />

Life Line Screening to<br />

schedule your screening.<br />

Special offer - 5<br />

screenings for $149. 1-<br />

866-518-8391<br />


TRUCKS, SUVs<br />

**American and Foreign**<br />

Any Condition. Buying<br />

entire car collections.<br />

$$PAYING CA$H$$<br />

Please call 717-577-8206<br />

KRMiller1965@yahoo.com<br />


WANTED!<br />



Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki,<br />

Yamaha, Triumph, BSA<br />

and other foreign models.<br />

$$PAYING CA$H$$<br />

717-577-8206<br />

KRMiller1965@yahoo.com<br />

Thinking about installing<br />

a new shower? American<br />

Standard makes it<br />

easy. FREE design consulation.<br />

Enjoy your<br />

shower again! Call 1-<br />

833-769-0995 today to<br />

see how you can save<br />

$1,000 on installation, or<br />

visit www.newshowerdeal.com/mac<br />


AT&T Internet. Starting at<br />

$40/month w/12-mo agmt.<br />

1 TB of data/mo. Ask how<br />

to bundle & SAVE! Geo &<br />

svc restrictions apply. 1-<br />

855-364-3948<br />

Eliminate gutter cleaning<br />

forever! LeafFilter, the<br />

most advanced debrisblocking<br />

gutter protection.<br />

Schedule a FREE LeafFilter<br />

estimate today. 15% off<br />

Entire Purchase. 10% Senior<br />

& Military Discounts.<br />

Call 1-855-791-1626<br />

Looking for auto insurance?<br />

Find great deals<br />

on the right auto insurance<br />

to suit your needs.<br />

Call today for a free<br />

quote! 866-924-2397<br />


READER<br />


The National Trade Association<br />

we belong to has<br />

purchased the following<br />

classifieds. Determining<br />

the value of their service<br />

or product is advised by<br />

this publication. In order<br />

to avoid misunderstandings,<br />

some advertisers do<br />

not offer “employment”<br />

but rather supply the<br />

readers with manuals, directories<br />

and other materials<br />

designed to help<br />

their clients establish mail<br />

order selling and other<br />

businesses at home. Under<br />

NO circumstance<br />

should you send any<br />

money in advance or give<br />

the client your checking,<br />

license ID or credit card<br />

numbers. Also beware of<br />

ads that claim to guarantee<br />

loans regardless of<br />

credit and note that if a<br />

credit repair company<br />

does business only over<br />

the phone it’s illegal to request<br />

any money before<br />

delivering its service. All<br />

funds are based in US<br />

dollars. Toll Free numbers<br />

may or may not<br />

reach Canada. Please<br />

check with the Better<br />

Business Bureau 614-<br />

486-6336 or the Ohio Attorney<br />

General’s Consumer<br />

Protection Section<br />

614-466-4986 for more<br />

information on the company<br />

you are seeking to<br />

do business with.<br />

Employment<br />




Advertise with us. You<br />

choose where you want<br />

to advertise. 800-450-<br />

6631 visit macnetonline.<br />

com for details.<br />

DISH TV $64.99 for 190<br />

Channels + $14.95 high<br />

speed internet. FREE installation,<br />

Smart HD DVR<br />

included. Free Voice Remote.<br />

Some Restrictions<br />

apply. Promo Expires<br />

1/21/23. 1-866-590-5561<br />

Attention Viagra users:<br />

Generic 100 mg blue pills<br />

or generic 20 mg yellow<br />

pills. Get 45 plus 5 free +<br />

S/H. Call Today 1-877-<br />

707-5518<br />

Elminate gutter cleaning<br />

forever! LeafFilter, the most<br />

advanced debris-blockiing<br />

gutter protection. Schedule<br />

Free LeafFilter Estimate<br />

today. 15% off Entire<br />

Purchase. 10% Senior &<br />

Military Discounts. Call 1-<br />

833-610-1936<br />

The Generac PWRcell<br />

solar plus battery storage<br />

system. Save money,<br />

reduce reliance on<br />

grid, prepare for outages<br />

& power your home. Full<br />

installation services. $0<br />

down financing option.<br />

Request free no obligation<br />

quote. Call 1-877-<br />

539-0299<br />


The Generac PWRcell, a<br />

solar plus battery storage<br />

system. SAVE money,<br />

reduce your reliance on<br />

the grid, prepare for power<br />

outages and power<br />

your home. Full installation<br />

services available. $0<br />

Down Financing Option.<br />

Request a FREE, no obligation,<br />

quote today. Call<br />

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The bathroom of your<br />

dreams for as little as<br />

$149/month! BCI Bath &<br />

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Available. Limited Time<br />

Offer - FREE virtual inhome<br />

consultation now<br />

and SAVE 15%! Call<br />

Today! 1-877-540-2780<br />





Advertise it here and in<br />

neighboring publications.<br />

We can help you. Contact<br />

MACnet MEDIA @<br />

800-450-6631 or visit our<br />

site at MACnetOnline.<br />

com<br />


DATES in as little as<br />

ONE DAY! Affordable<br />

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Senior & Military<br />

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Internet &WIFI Starts at<br />

$49 Call us Today to Get<br />

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Internet with Fiber Optic<br />

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0515<br />

Don’t let the stairs limit<br />

your mobility! Discover<br />

the ideal solution for<br />

anyone who struggles on<br />

the stairs, is concerned<br />

about a fall or wants to<br />

regain access to their<br />

entire home. Call<br />

AmeriGlide today! 1-844-<br />

317-5246<br />


NOTICE<br />

The following states: CA,<br />

CT, FL, IA, IL, IN, KY,<br />

LA, MD, ME, MI, MN,<br />

NE, NC, NH, OH, OK,<br />

SC, SD, TX, VT and WA<br />

requires seller of certain<br />

business opportunities to<br />

register with each state<br />

before selling. Call to<br />

verify lawful registration<br />

before you buy.

www.colulmbusmessenger.com<br />

xCome & Get It!<br />

<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong> - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - PAGE 11<br />

xClassified Services<br />


Need to Get Rid of Something Fast - Advertise It Here For FREE!<br />

Deadlines are Mondays by 5 pm.<br />

Call For Publication Schedule 614-272-5422<br />

FREE Garden Straw for gardens or bedding. Call for appointment for pickup.<br />

Circle S Farms, 9015 London-<strong>Groveport</strong> Road, Grove City, 43123<br />

Grove City - 614-878-7980<br />

.FREE - Downed Tree, needs cut into sections. Free for anyone that wants it.<br />

CC - Obetz - 614-632-1013<br />

FREE - Children’s Wooden Play Set - Good Condition w/Sand Box under it, Step Ladder up<br />

Slide to go down & a rope swing. Also separate Swing Set w/4 swings.<br />

190 Inah Ave., Cols, 43228 near the Fire Dept.<br />

West Columbus - 614-878-1930, ask for Linda<br />

. Come and Get It! is a bi-weekly column that offers readers an opportunity to pass<br />

along surplus building materials, furniture, electronic equipment, crafts, supplies,<br />

appliances, plants or household goods to anybody who will come and get them - as<br />

long as they’re FREE. NO PETS! Just send us a brief note describing what you want to<br />

get rid of, along with your name, address and phone number. Nonprofit organizations<br />

are welcome to submit requests for donations of items.<br />

Send information to The Columbus <strong>Messenger</strong>, Attention: Come and Get It, 3500<br />

Sullivant Ave., Columbus, OH43204. Deadline is Tuesdays by 5 pm for following<br />

Mondays publication. <strong>Messenger</strong> Newspapers is not responsible for any<br />

complications that may occur. Please contact us when items are gone. 272-5422<br />


Vivint Smart Security.<br />

Professionally installed.<br />

One connected system for<br />

total peace of mind. FREE<br />

professional installation!<br />

Four FREE months of<br />

monitoring! Call to<br />

customize your system. 1-<br />

855-870-2073<br />

Dental Insurance -<br />

Physicians Mutual Insurance<br />

Comopany. Covers 350<br />

procedures/ Real insurance -<br />

not a discount plan. Get your<br />

free dental info kit! 1-855-<br />

.526-1060 www/dental50<br />

plus.com/ads #6258<br />

DISH TV $64.99 FOR 190<br />

Channels + $14.95 High<br />

Speed Internet. Free Installation,<br />

Smart HD DVR<br />

Included, Free Voice Remote.<br />

Some restrictions<br />

apply. Promo expires<br />

1/21/23. 1-866-479-1516<br />

Prepare for power outages<br />

today with a GENERAC<br />

home standby generator.<br />

$0 Money Down + Low<br />

Monthly Payment Options.<br />

Request a FREEQuote--<br />

Call now before the next<br />

power outage. 1-855-465-<br />

7624<br />

Directv Now. No Satellite.<br />

$40/mo 65 Channels.<br />

Stream news, live<br />

events, sports & on demand<br />

titles. No contract/<br />

commitment. 1-866-825-<br />

6523<br />

Protect your home w/home<br />

security monitored by<br />

ADT. Starting at $27.99/<br />

mo. Get free equipment<br />

bundle including keypad,<br />

motion sensor, wireless<br />

door & windows sensors.<br />

833-719-1073<br />

Come & Get It!<br />


New authors wanted!<br />

Page Publishing will help<br />

self-publish your book.<br />

Free author submission<br />

kit! Limited offer! 866-<br />

951-7214<br />

Attention oxygen therapy<br />

users! Inogen One G4 is<br />

capable of full 24/7 oxygen<br />

delivery. Only 2.8<br />

pounds. Free info kit.<br />

Call 877-929-9587<br />


USERS! 50 Generic pills<br />

SPECIAL $99.00. 100%<br />

guaranteed. 24/7 CALL<br />

NOW! 888-445-5928<br />

Hablamos Espanol<br />

Prepare for power<br />

outages today with a<br />

GENERAC home standby<br />

generator. $0 Down + Low<br />

Monthly Pmt. Request a<br />

free Quote. Call before the<br />

next power outage: 1-855-<br />

948-6176<br />


$10K-$125K+ Get Fresh<br />

Start or Forgiveness.<br />

Call 1-844-431-4716<br />

Monday through Friday<br />

7am-5pm PST<br />


Personal Property of<br />

Dena J. Stone-A11, C17;<br />

Jade N. Eberhardt-A29;<br />

Chester Isaacs-B16;<br />

Johnny Estep-B33; David<br />

Newman-C4; Thomas<br />

Braswell-K20, C8; Kim<br />

McLean-C12; Greg Clark<br />

Jr-C26; Samantha<br />

Barrow-D9; Stephanie<br />

Harley-D11; Christina<br />

Harrell-F4; Michael Jones-<br />

E9; Austin Burgett-H3;<br />

Jacob Patterson-H7;<br />

Desereie L. Coleman-<br />

H21; Daniel McComis-I38;<br />

James Ratcliff-J24; Allisen<br />

Hapke-I19 to be<br />

auctioned at 10am on<br />

Friday, <strong>July</strong> 29th, <strong>2022</strong> at<br />

Access Storage Ohio Inc,<br />

5625 <strong>Groveport</strong> Rd.,<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong>, OH 43125<br />


Get A Head Start<br />

on Fall Enrollment!<br />

ADVERTISE Your<br />

Preschool/Daycare<br />

in the <strong>Messenger</strong><br />

Call Kathy at<br />

The <strong>Messenger</strong><br />

272-5422<br />


Kings Kids Daycare in<br />

Grove City is hiring fun,<br />

loving teachers for PT&<br />

FT shifts. Pleaes email<br />

sarragc@outlook.com or<br />

call 614-539-0349<br />

PT Helper Needed<br />

for Lawn Care Service<br />

3-4 Days a Week<br />

Call 614-935-1466<br />


We Buy Cars & Trucks<br />

$300-$3000.614-308-2626<br />


WANTED<br />

Victrolas, Watches,<br />

Clocks, Bookcases<br />

Antiques, Furn.<br />

Jeff 614-262-0676<br />

or 614-783-2629<br />


Call anytime 614-774-6797<br />


LPs and 45s - 1950-80s<br />

Rock, Pop, Jazz, Soul.<br />

614-831-0383<br />

We Buy Junk Cars &<br />

Trucks. Highest Prices<br />

Paid. 614-395-8775<br />

MISC.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Electric Wheelchair - If<br />

interested, call 614-928-2352<br />



Complete System<br />

Clean & Check<br />

$49.95<br />

Free Electronic Leak Testing<br />

All Makes • All Models<br />

46 Yrs. Exp. • Senior Discount<br />

614-351-9025<br />



Sealcoating & Services LLC<br />

Quality Materials Used<br />


Driveway Seal & Repair!<br />

Top Seal Cracks!<br />

Residential & Commercial<br />

Mulching, Edging & Clean-ups<br />

“Ask for whatever you need.”<br />

BBB Accredited-Fully Insured<br />

Call or text for Free Est.<br />

614-649-1200<br />

AGM OHIO<br />

ROOFING &<br />


Free Estimates<br />

Cell 614-512-1699<br />


CARPET<br />

Gray Saxony<br />

270 sq.ft. w/6 lb Pad<br />

$398.00<br />

Other Carpet AvailableA<br />

Phone or text Ray<br />

740-927-3504<br />

Delivery & Inst. avail.<br />


Looking for Mrs. Clean?<br />

For excellent cleaning serv<br />

at reas. rates w/great refs,<br />

dependable. 10% Seniorr<br />

Disc. Free Est. Also runs<br />

Errands - Gwen 614-226-5229<br />


7/31 A<br />


Driveways & Parking Lots<br />

614-875-7588<br />

8/14<br />

A/M<br />



Any 5 areas ONLY $75<br />

Home Powerwash $99-$300<br />

614-805-1084<br />

Specializing in Pet Odors<br />

FOR ONLY<br />

$74.00<br />

You Can Reach<br />

Over 41,000 Homes<br />

In<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> & South/<br />

Canal Winchester<br />

For Info Call<br />

272-5422<br />

7/31 e/se<br />


AJ’s Concrete,<br />

Masonry<br />

Good Work - Fair Prices<br />

Block Foundations<br />

Driveways • Sidewalks<br />

Epoxy/Overlay Floors<br />

Bonded-Ins. • Free Ests.<br />

614-419-9932<br />

www.hastingsnsons.com<br />

Driveways & Extensions<br />

Patio & Walkways,<br />

Porches & Steps,<br />

Garage/Basement Floors<br />

Hot Tub/Shed Pads,<br />

Stamped/colored concrete<br />

Sealing of new &<br />

existing concrete.<br />


Contact Adam<br />

614-756-1754<br />

hastingsandsons.<br />

columbus@gmail.com<br />



All Types Concrete Work<br />

New or Tear Out-Replace<br />

40 Yrs. Exp.<br />

(614) 207-5430<br />

Owner is On The Job!<br />



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PAGE 12 - GROVEPORT MESSENGER - <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Keep tabs on the latest news in<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> & Madison Township<br />

Look for <strong>Groveport</strong> <strong>Messenger</strong> on<br />

Become a fan!<br />

southeast<br />

<strong>Messenger</strong><br />

(Distribution: 8,000)<br />

Rick Palsgrove ...................................<strong>Groveport</strong> Editor<br />

southeast@columbusmessenger.com<br />

Published every other Sunday by<br />

The Columbus <strong>Messenger</strong> Co.<br />

3500 Sullivant Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43204-1887<br />

(614) 272-5422<br />

The Columbus <strong>Messenger</strong> Co. reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel<br />

any advertisement or editorial copy at any time. The company is not<br />

responsible for checking accuracy of items submitted for publication.<br />

Errors in advertising copy must be called to the attention of the company<br />

after first insertion and prior to a second insertion of the same advertising<br />

copy.<br />

www.columbusmessenger.com<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong>’s agricultural heritage<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> is a town with deep agricultural<br />

roots extending from its founding in<br />

the early 19th century through most of the<br />

20th century.<br />

Editor’s Notebook<br />

Rick<br />

Palsgrove<br />

Even in the rapidly<br />

commercially developing<br />

21st century,<br />

some active farms<br />

still neighbor the town.<br />

In the late 18th and into the 19th century,<br />

settlers were drawn to the <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

area by the rich land and abundant fresh<br />

water that made for great farming. Early<br />

county histories referred to Madison<br />

Township as the garden spot of Franklin<br />

County.<br />

Businesses throughout much of<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong>’s history were geared to serving<br />

the many Madison Township farms that<br />

encircled the town. These included blacksmiths,<br />

a creamery, wagon makers, farm<br />

implement dealers, livestock dealers, canal<br />

shipping, grain dealers, sawmills, railroad<br />

shipping (in 1875, five million pounds of<br />

freight of mostly livestock and grain were<br />

shipped by rail from <strong>Groveport</strong>), hardware<br />

stores, and more.<br />

An ad from 1944 for one business, the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> Chickery, which operated just off<br />

west Main Street, said it could quickly provide<br />

farmers with young chickens and chicken<br />

feed as well as with brooder equipment.<br />

But one did not have to reside on a farm<br />

to embrace the agricultural lifestyle. In<br />

essence, throughout <strong>Groveport</strong>’s history,<br />

everyone who lived within the town limits<br />

was a farmer in their own way. Residents<br />

maintained large vegetable gardens in<br />

their big yards for their own use and sometimes<br />

sale. Particularly in the older parts<br />

of town the individual residential lots were<br />

originally platted to be large to accommodate<br />

big gardens, barns, and livestock. If<br />

you take a walk through the alleys in historic<br />

areas of town you can see many of<br />

these old barns, stables, and chicken coops<br />

still standing, though they are now used as<br />

garages and storage buildings.<br />

The “garden” at the Elmont Hotel, once<br />

located on Main Street where Middle<br />

School Central now stands, at one time featured<br />

14 acres of potatoes and another 40<br />

acres of tomatoes, cabbage, beets, onions,<br />

peas, beans, asparagus, melons, apples,<br />

plums, cherries, and strawberries.<br />

Many town residents raised chickens and<br />

tended hogs. People stabled horses they<br />

used for transportation. Crops were important<br />

enough that in the 1870s Dr. J. H.<br />

Saylor stored wheat in the unfinished front<br />

room of his large brick home on Main Street.<br />

The Palsgrove farmhouse along<br />

Shannon Road in Madison Township as<br />

it looked in 1940. The house was built<br />

in 1849 by William Whims.<br />

An example of how this agrarian focus<br />

carried on well into the 20th century is a<br />

livestock audit of <strong>Groveport</strong> completed by<br />

Franklin County in 1920. It revealed that<br />

living in <strong>Groveport</strong> at that time were 14<br />

horses, 16 cows, 4 sheep, 32 hogs, and<br />

1,543 chickens, ducks, and geese.<br />

Farming once boomed so much in the<br />

<strong>Groveport</strong> area that two, grain elevators -<br />

North Grain and the Farm Bureau - operated<br />

along the railroad tracks near Front<br />

Street in the 20th century.<br />

“Gro”-veport has always been good at<br />

growing things!<br />

Rick Palsgrove is editor of the <strong>Groveport</strong><br />

<strong>Messenger</strong>.<br />


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