North Canterbury News: July 28, 2022
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Locals<br />
Supporting<br />
Locals<br />
Thursday,<strong>July</strong><strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> | Issue1006 |<br />
Lifestyle choices ... People are moving to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for its lifestyle, business reasons, and its proximity to Christchurch and an international airport.<br />
Resilient, confident and attractive<br />
The townshipsand fields of <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> hold asecret that might<br />
surprise the rest of the country, but for<br />
localsithas been obviousfor some time.<br />
Economically, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>is<br />
booming, and people are attracted to it for<br />
its lifestyle options, resilience and<br />
location.<br />
Confidence in the futureissoaring and<br />
peopleare flocking to workand live in the<br />
region.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s April<br />
business opinionsurvey showedwhilethe<br />
national business confidence was<br />
plummeting 33 percent, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
was going againstthe trend with arise of<br />
4%.<br />
The March Infometricsreport for the<br />
Waimakariri District showed GDPgrowth<br />
of 10.5% was double the 5.2% for New<br />
Zealand, and consumer spending was up<br />
11% compared to 6.1% for New Zealand.<br />
Rangiora is the district’smain urban<br />
centre, and it has been described as<br />
having arock star economy by property<br />
company Colliers.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> business<br />
support manager Miles Dalton saysafastgrowingpopulation<br />
and having business<br />
communities not so reliant on<br />
international tourism as otherparts of<br />
New Zealand, havemade abig difference.<br />
‘‘Primary industries continueto<br />
perform well,and that is abig part of our<br />
community.<br />
‘‘Ourbusinesses are more resilient.<br />
We’vebeen throughafew earthquakes<br />
now whichhas taught us many valuable<br />
lessons.’’<br />
WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon agrees<br />
thatthe present is bright, and the future<br />
looks even brighterfor his area.<br />
He says afantastic lifestyle means it is<br />
not surprisingmore and more peopleare<br />
wantingtomove to the area for lifestyle<br />
and business.<br />
Mr Gordon says another attraction is<br />
how quickly residents can access<br />
Christchurch andits international airport,<br />
thanks to the opening of the new<br />
Christchurch <strong>North</strong>ern Corridor and<br />
Western Belfast Bypass motorways.<br />
Growth can be seen right across<br />
Waimakariri District, which is expected to<br />
growby13,000 residents over the next 10<br />
years and to 100,000by2050.<br />
Meanwhile, Mr Gordon sayshouse<br />
values have gone up by about 30% in<br />
Rangiora,and the district is getting<br />
continual interest frombig and small<br />
businesses lookingtodevelopand operate<br />
there.These include national brandslike<br />
Rebel Sport.<br />
‘‘ Those national chainslook at our<br />
district and say we wanttobehere.’’<br />
Developers are also rushingtobepart of<br />
the success story in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Hurunui District Council building and<br />
property manager Kerry Walshsays the<br />
numberofconsents for new homes in<br />
Hurunuihas jumped by 60% in the past 12<br />
months.<br />
Mr Walshsays Amberley, the district’s<br />
largesttown, is more popular than it ever<br />
has been, and says one possiblereason is<br />
the larger section sizes Hurunui can often<br />
offer.The Hurunui areaisadesirable<br />
area for alot of people.MrWalsh says<br />
being close to the <strong>North</strong>ern motorway has<br />
helpedpeople get into town easier.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
Rangiora<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Grow<br />
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<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
bestread<br />
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Readership: 51,000 weekly<br />
Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />
to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />
and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />
&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />
news<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
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NC is apopular placetolive<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s building boom<br />
continues.<br />
The Waimakariri and Hurunui district<br />
councils are continuing to process high<br />
numbers of consents for new houses, as<br />
the housing boom shows no signs on<br />
letting up.<br />
In the six months to June 30, 435<br />
consents for new houses were issued in<br />
the Waimakariri district.<br />
While this is 12 percent down on the<br />
same period last year, 400plus consents<br />
was anormal year for Waimakariri<br />
before the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes,<br />
Deputy Mayor Neville Atkinson said.<br />
Last year 935 consents were issued for<br />
new houses and asimilar result was<br />
predicted for this year.<br />
‘‘It’s really booming. Why would you<br />
not want to live in Waimakariri?’’ Mr<br />
Atkinson said.<br />
‘‘When we set out rates for this year we<br />
put the range at around 900 consents and<br />
we are halfway at six months, so we are<br />
definitely on track.’’<br />
Woodend led the way with 144<br />
consents, followed by Kaiapoi with 139<br />
and 86 consents in rural areas.<br />
There were 38 consents issued in<br />
Pegasus and just 25 in Rangiora.<br />
Mr Atkinson said the bulk of Kaiapoi’s<br />
growth was in the Silverstream subdivision,<br />
with the smaller sections and<br />
high density housing.<br />
While Rangiora’s consent numbers<br />
were down, it would pick up again soon<br />
with new developments in the pipeline.<br />
One proposed subdivision in<br />
Rangiora, Bellgrove, was recently fasttracked<br />
under the Covid19 Recovery<br />
Fasttrack Consenting Act 2020.<br />
The 63 hectare site is expected to open<br />
up soon for 209 sections in stage one and<br />
up to 1100 sections over five stages.<br />
People enjoy smaller communities -Mayor<br />
From Page 1<br />
Hurunui Mayor Marie Black says<br />
Amberley is experiencing exceptional<br />
residential growth, and has done so over<br />
the last few years.<br />
‘‘From what Ihear, people enjoy<br />
coming to an area where they still get to<br />
know their neighbours, they have that<br />
neighbourliness in asmaller community<br />
focus.’’<br />
She says an attractive neighbourly feel<br />
comes from the district being arange of<br />
small villages based around arural<br />
economy.<br />
‘‘It creates anice balance with<br />
business.’’<br />
Meanwhile, aplanned new retirement<br />
village in Amberley, Amberley Country<br />
Estate, is intended to cover 16ha and<br />
house 500 people in 250 villas.<br />
Waimakariri District has new housing<br />
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Regional growth ... Waimakariri Deputy<br />
Mayor Neville Atkinson says the region is<br />
‘‘booming’’.<br />
The Waimakariri district’s population<br />
has already passed 66,000 and was on<br />
track to top 78,000 by 2031.<br />
Long term projections suggest<br />
Waimakariri could approach 100,000 by<br />
2048, with Rangiora expected to pass<br />
30,000.<br />
Kaiapoi is set to run out of room for<br />
expansion, but could continue to grow<br />
with ‘‘infill’’ and subdividing into<br />
smaller sections and more high density<br />
housing, Mr Atkinson said.<br />
‘‘That’s one of those issues we will<br />
face, whether people see it as agood<br />
developments and more proposed to<br />
come, which Mr Gordon says will<br />
encourage more businesses to come and<br />
existing ones to expand.<br />
The proposed Rangiora Industrial<br />
Park has 35 lots, and he says when<br />
developed this will lead to more jobs,<br />
more economic activity and agreater<br />
range of products and services for local<br />
residents.<br />
New developments and industrial<br />
parks mean potentially more sales for<br />
service industries such as Rangiora<br />
Bakery.<br />
It has been in the Waimakariri district<br />
for 150 years and is now owned by Ron<br />
Van Til who says Rangiora is agreat<br />
community to live in.<br />
Although Covid presented him with<br />
many challenges, he is now more<br />
confident and sees the potential for<br />
Large and Giant Dog Groomer<br />
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thing or not is adifferent story.’’<br />
He said careful planning and working<br />
together with the Greater Christchurch<br />
partners was essential.<br />
‘‘We can’t rest on our laurels when<br />
planning for our future.<br />
‘‘We have to make sure our systems<br />
can handle the growth and that we can<br />
continue to keep up with climate<br />
change.<br />
‘‘And we need to remember everything<br />
flows to Kaiapoi so we’ve got to be<br />
smarter with the way we handle our<br />
water systems.’’<br />
The Hurunui District Council issued<br />
194 consents for new houses in the year<br />
to June 30, up from 118 the previous year<br />
anincrease of 60%, building and<br />
property manager Kerry Walsh said.<br />
Amberley led the way with 100<br />
consents for new houses, followed by<br />
Hanmer Springs with 45 consents.<br />
Total consents issued in the last six<br />
months were 317 with abuilding value of<br />
$52 million, compared with 300 at a<br />
value of $42 million for the same period<br />
last year.<br />
The Kaikoura District Council has<br />
issued 73 building consents for the first<br />
six months of this year, after issuing 154<br />
building consents during the 2021<br />
calendar year.<br />
The council has also issued 50<br />
resource consents (such as subdivisions<br />
and land use), compared to 44 resource<br />
consents for the same period last year.<br />
Public interest journalism is funded<br />
by New Zealand on Air.<br />
future growth.<br />
Mr Van Til says new subdivisions like<br />
Bellgrove will help the district grow<br />
further.<br />
‘‘That’s going to drive awhole lot more<br />
economy and business around town as<br />
well. We’ve got strong growth coming<br />
forward.’’<br />
Brydon Heller of Hellers agrees<br />
Covid’s impact was tough, but says they<br />
are also out the other side and looking<br />
forward with confidence.<br />
The smallgoods manufacturer based<br />
in Kaiapoi is amajor employer in the<br />
Waimakariri District.<br />
‘‘We’ve grown with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and the motorway has helped with<br />
travelling into town,’’ Mr Heller says.<br />
‘‘The residential growth happening<br />
here also allows that business growth.<br />
‘‘There is apositive vibe out here.’’
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Kairaki Beach lifestyle option<br />
An innovativelifestyleoptionwill<br />
soon becomeavailable at Kairaki<br />
Beach, east of Kaiapoi.<br />
Fortysections for nonpermanent<br />
buildings willbeoffered for lease in<br />
the Kairaki regeneration area in<br />
Featherstone Avenue.<br />
The land was formerly red zoned<br />
afterthe 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.<br />
It is now part of the Tuhaitara<br />
Coastal Park, managed by Te Kohaka o<br />
TuhaitaraTrust.<br />
The benefits of the leaseproposal<br />
are twofold.<br />
It willprovide people with a<br />
differentlifestyleoption.<br />
It willalso provide the trustwith<br />
valuable funds to continue developing<br />
thepark.<br />
It is hopedthe ‘‘nonpermanent<br />
buildings’’ proviso will addcultural<br />
vibrancy to the Kairaki Beach<br />
community.<br />
This was arecurring request made<br />
by members of the publicin<br />
submissions abouthow theywould<br />
like to see the red zoneland developed<br />
following the quakes.<br />
Tuhaitara CoastalPark general<br />
manager Greg Byrnessays many<br />
people are exploring differentways of<br />
living.<br />
‘‘Itisnot unusual for peopletolive<br />
in national parks overseas, and that is<br />
actuallyseen as abenefit to those<br />
areas,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘The trust is aware that many<br />
people are struggling at the moment<br />
3<br />
and want to liveinsmaller homes.<br />
‘‘We want to finddifferentways to<br />
help with that,’’MrByrnes says.<br />
With this in mindthe trust began<br />
developing aconceptplan for the<br />
Kairaki Beachsections in 2018.<br />
‘‘We have been battling away<br />
completingthat process since then,<br />
and now we are ready to see if people<br />
are interested in what we are<br />
proposing,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘We are also formalising our<br />
criteria for the selection of lessees.’’<br />
The trust has written to Land<br />
Information Minister Damien<br />
O’Connor to advise him it intends to<br />
ask for expressions of interest from<br />
potentiallessees of the sections.<br />
It will begin advertising for<br />
expressionsofinterest next month.<br />
Funding boost for Kaikoura housing<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Housing projects in Kaikoura are set to<br />
be fasttracked, thanks to a$7.8 million<br />
Government cash injection.<br />
Funding from Kainga Ora’s<br />
Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF)<br />
will fund infrastructure to support more<br />
than 400 new homes in Kaikoura,<br />
including housing for the elderly and<br />
those on low to medium incomes.<br />
Housing is planned across two<br />
different sites, including aproposed<br />
new subdivision in the town, Vicarage<br />
Views, and Ocean Ridge, south of<br />
Kaikoura.<br />
The project is one of seven around the<br />
country which secured Government<br />
funding announced by Housing Minister<br />
Dr Megan Woods on Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 21.<br />
Kaikoura Mayor Craig Mackle said the<br />
project will help to fill agap in modern,<br />
low to medium income housing and<br />
elderly housing units.<br />
‘‘The funding from the IAF is a<br />
potential game changer to help address<br />
this need within our housing stock both<br />
now and into the future.’’<br />
It will support new roading, footpaths<br />
and cycle ways to connect the two subdivisions<br />
and the town.<br />
Mr Mackle said the council had been<br />
working closely with Ocean Ridge<br />
developer Garry Robertson on the<br />
proposed 83 home Vicarage Views subdivision<br />
on the former <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Transport Infrastructure Recovery<br />
Alliance (NCTIR) village site, near<br />
Ludstone Road.<br />
It is subject to aresource consent,<br />
while aplan change will be needed for a<br />
proposed Ocean Ridge expansion.<br />
The infrastructure upgrades are<br />
expected to begin over the next 12<br />
months, with the first IAFenabled<br />
houses planned to be built next year.<br />
Stage one comprised 43 modern<br />
homes, including 20 elderly housing<br />
Cash injection ... The Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund is set to support the<br />
development of around 400 new homes in Kaikoura.<br />
units, which would qualify for the<br />
Government’s First Home Grant House<br />
Price Cap scheme.<br />
To support stage one, infrastructure<br />
will include afootpath connecting<br />
Vicarage Views to schools on Ludstone<br />
Road and the town centre, and the<br />
initial stages of acycle way from<br />
Ludstone Road to Ocean Ridge, via<br />
Green Lane.<br />
The sealing and upgrading of Green<br />
Lane, anew rail crossing and afurther<br />
extension of the cycle way were also<br />
planned.<br />
Later stages of the project will involve<br />
river protection works and an upgrade<br />
to the council’s three waters<br />
infrastructure to enable additional<br />
homes in the Ocean Ridge subdivision.<br />
Dr Woods said the fund was set up to<br />
jumpstart housing developments by<br />
funding the necessary services, like<br />
roads and pipelines to homes, which<br />
would otherwise hold up development.<br />
Public interest journalism is funded<br />
by New Zealand on Air.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Driving programme restores independence<br />
Ping Zhoucouldn’t sleep the night after<br />
she passed her drivers’ licence.<br />
And for the following three to four days<br />
the nearly 66yearold found herself<br />
jumping for joy on occasions.<br />
It had been along journey. Her success,<br />
she says,isdue to the Salvation Army<br />
Community DrivingMentor Programme<br />
based in Rangiora.<br />
Ping’sendeavourstoget adrivers<br />
licence beganin2014, with her husband as<br />
her tutor.<br />
But lessonsreached the pointwhere<br />
that partnership no longer worked,and<br />
Ping’sconfidence had plunged to zero.<br />
When Ping’s husbandbecame ill and<br />
couldn’t drive, it meant Ping had to ask<br />
familyand friends to help get him to<br />
appointments, and to visithim in hospital.<br />
‘‘Now Ican drive there and back, and I<br />
can drive down to the hospitaltosee him,’’<br />
she says.<br />
‘‘I am now independent and confident,’’<br />
says Ping.<br />
Julia Graham, the programme’s coordinatorsays<br />
Ping,whom she mentored,<br />
is one of 70 who havesuccessfully<br />
negotiated the programme in the past two<br />
years.While not everyone lasts the<br />
distance, agood 90 percent do, and of<br />
those there is a100 percent pass rate.<br />
She says it is an amazing programme for<br />
the Waimakariri to host, is fullyfunded,<br />
and takes referrals from agencies, or those<br />
who selfrefer.<br />
Peopleinthe programme often have<br />
financial woes,nocar to learn to drive in,<br />
have tangled with the police for driving<br />
without alicence, or haveother barriers<br />
hindering them getting behind the wheel<br />
legally.<br />
Julia says the programme is designed to<br />
Independent and overjoyed ... Ping Zhou and Julia Graham, the Salvation Army<br />
Community Driving Mentor Programme coordinator, celebrate Ping passing her drivers’<br />
licence.<br />
install good safehabits behindthe wheel<br />
thatwill ‘‘stick’’.<br />
Mentor Chris Haskins gets ahuge kick<br />
out of people getting their licence.<br />
‘‘Itisthe mostrewardingthing Ihave<br />
everdone,’’ saysChris.<br />
‘‘Itgives them freedom to get their own<br />
car,independence,and getsthem out in<br />
the real world, opening up opportunities<br />
to get ajob,’’hesays.<br />
The programme also teachesthem to be<br />
safe, conservative, confident drivers, and<br />
to drive like they were on their driving<br />
test.<br />
For Katelyn Stoneithas given her the<br />
independence she craved,particularly<br />
now she has ayoung baby. She no longer<br />
has to relyonfamily to drive her to get<br />
groceries, or takeher littleone on abus, or<br />
walk to do shoppingand chores.<br />
‘‘Confidence is abig thing for me, and I<br />
now finally haveacar Ican keep<br />
maintained,’’ she says.<br />
She selfreferred to the programme,<br />
desperate for adrivers licence, but lacking<br />
the finance needed to takeprivatelessons<br />
at $80 to $100alesson,and the $134.80fee<br />
to sit her restricted licence.<br />
It tookabout four months,with Covid<br />
interruptingher progress, but she is now<br />
mobile and loving it.<br />
Her mentor DaveHarvey says the<br />
programme is ‘‘life changing’’.<br />
Their selfesteem grew,and ajob often<br />
All smiles ... Katelyn Stone is all smiles<br />
after successfully gaining her drivers’<br />
licence.<br />
followed for young peoplegetting their<br />
licence through theprogramme.<br />
Therewas also benefits for the driving<br />
coach.<br />
‘‘I get huge satisfactionout of seeing<br />
another humanbeing gainconfidence and<br />
self belief,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘It is an incredibly positive programme<br />
and changes lives in asignificantway.<br />
‘‘It is almost aprivilege to be abletodo<br />
this.<br />
‘‘It can be challenging for the coachand<br />
the client,but it is incredibly rewarding.’’<br />
It also helped to prevent young people<br />
from going to Court because theyhave<br />
committedanoffenceofdriving without a<br />
licence or on their learners’ licence.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Most Exciting NEWRetirement Village!<br />
Amberley Country Estate -Coming Soon!<br />
We are delighted tointroduce Amberley Country Estate, anexciting NEW 250 home Retirement Village,<br />
coming soon at the gateway tothe Hurunui District. You’ll find generously-sized, spaciously spread out,<br />
energy efficient Villas with fully maintained private space, lawns and landscaped gardens. Our 330m 2<br />
Residents Centre will beavailable for the very first Residents! And, for your peace of mind, wehave a<br />
modern hospital and care facilities coming too. If you’re 65+ and seeking anactive lifestyle with laid-back<br />
country estate living, we invite you to register your interest today. Visitour website or call 0800573 573.<br />
Available from 94-182m 2 ,our<br />
stunning Villas are being built<br />
with the highest efficiency in<br />
mind: thicker walls with more<br />
insulation, thermally broken<br />
windows and ducted central<br />
heating, so power bills are<br />
low and you're warm and<br />
comfortableyear round.<br />
10 Teviotview Place, Amberley ● ● Call Free: 0800 573 573
An ‘unworkable mess’<br />
Environmental legislation is an<br />
‘‘unworkable mess’’, says Jamie<br />
McFadden.<br />
He says farmers and others will be<br />
breaking the law every day because of<br />
multiple zonings in rural and urban<br />
areas that all have different rules, and<br />
require resource consents.<br />
‘The whole system will grind to ahalt<br />
because the rules are so unworkable and<br />
anonsense,’’ says Mr McFadden, a<br />
Groundswell NZ spokesperson, and<br />
member of the Rural Advocacy Network,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Mr McFadden says all of New Zealand<br />
—rural and urban —should be<br />
extremely concerned, and there’s aneed<br />
to mobilise as anation to fight what’s<br />
happening.<br />
‘‘I don’t want to scare people, but I<br />
want to give them aheads up and tell<br />
them the truth about what is<br />
happening.’’<br />
He points to the West Coast where over<br />
1500 West Coast property owners<br />
received letters in the mail, ‘‘out of the<br />
blue’’, stating their properties had been<br />
zoned for ‘‘takeover by state control and<br />
that restrictions would take immediate<br />
legal effect’’.<br />
Mr McFadden says there was no<br />
consultation with affected property<br />
owners and no compensation for loss of<br />
use or drop in property value.<br />
‘‘Property owners have been left in a<br />
state of shock and angry at the lack of<br />
respect and fair process.<br />
‘‘This takeover of private land came<br />
about after the four West Coast councils<br />
released acombined district plan last<br />
week, called Te Tai oPoutini. The<br />
zonings include sites of significance to<br />
Maori, historic areas, outstanding<br />
natural landscapes, and significant<br />
natural areas (SNAs). Both urban and<br />
rural residents are impacted.<br />
‘‘In taking this draconian action, the<br />
councils have now turned anything that<br />
has cultural, historic, or natural value<br />
into aliability.<br />
‘‘Would you want any of these features<br />
on your property if it would make you<br />
vulnerable to losing the use of your land,<br />
and the resulting drop in the value of<br />
your property?’’ Mr McFadden asks.<br />
One farmer had seven different zones<br />
on his property with different rules.<br />
‘‘How does he farm it? Just by keeping<br />
his head down and carrying on?<br />
‘‘We are not heading in the right<br />
direction, with alot of what is happening<br />
relating to personal freedoms and the<br />
rights of property owners.<br />
‘‘With the combination of other rules<br />
and now zoning, and the loss of local<br />
democracy and local voice, people are<br />
feeling stifled,’’ says Mr McFadden.<br />
He says the taking of private land ‘‘by<br />
the state’’ is accelerating throughout<br />
New Zealand, as local councils are being<br />
forced by Government directive to<br />
Jamie McFadden<br />
enforce unworkable regulations.<br />
‘‘The raft of illconceived regulations<br />
coming out of Wellington is causing<br />
considerable stress and anxiety for the<br />
thousands of people caught up by the<br />
legislation.<br />
‘‘This is the main reason Groundswell<br />
NZ started campaigning.’’<br />
Groundswell NZ is calling for the West<br />
Coast councils to immediately withdraw<br />
the Te Tai oPoutini plan and to support<br />
their communities in lobbying the<br />
Government for workable legislation<br />
that focuses on achieving positive<br />
environmental outcomes, while working<br />
with and respecting the rights of people<br />
and communities.<br />
Mr McFadden says the Hurunui<br />
District Council is possibly the only one<br />
in New Zealand to stand its ground,<br />
refusing to include Significant Natural<br />
Areas in its district plan in 2016, or<br />
cultural landscapes, because it<br />
recognised the ‘‘sensitivities’’ around it,<br />
and because it wasn’t prepared to do<br />
that to the community.<br />
He says the whole town of Moeraki is<br />
zoned asite of significance, along with<br />
half of Hampden and Kakanui.<br />
‘‘It is scary, amess and the whole<br />
environmental legislation thing is an<br />
unworkable mess’’.<br />
However, Mr McFadden who runs a<br />
native nursery and environmental<br />
planting business north of Cheviot, says<br />
on the positive side farmers in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> are doing some amazing<br />
work around plantings, erosion work<br />
and protecting wetlands.<br />
‘‘They are carrying on regardless of<br />
their work possibly being caught up in<br />
new legislation,’’ he says. This could<br />
mean farmers would have areas zoned<br />
on their properties as being significant,<br />
they had helped to save, at their cost, for<br />
the greater benefit. ‘‘<br />
r<br />
e<br />
.<br />
p<br />
e<br />
.<br />
a<br />
Charlotte Watson<br />
Audiologust<br />
MNZAS<br />
Vera Setz<br />
Audiologist<br />
MNZAS<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Get ahead of the spread<br />
One maturenassella tussock plant canproduce over<br />
100,000 seeds. How many of these plants areyou<br />
prepared to leaveuncontrolled on your property?<br />
Forinformation about how to control nassella,<br />
availablecontractors, and how we canhelp,visit<br /><br />
Contact the Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
biosecurity team on<br />
or<br /><br />
Alison Highman<br />
Ear Nurse<br />
RN<br />
We’re your local hearing<br />
and ear health experts!<br />
Vera Setz:<br />
(03) 423 3158<br />
Clinics in Rangiora,<br />
Amberley, Cheviot,<br />
Hanmer Springs<br />
Ear Care:<br />
020 4124 25 25<br />
Clinics in Rangiora,<br />
Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />
5<br />
E22/9049<br />
6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Ok<br />
Around the electorate with<br />
The impact of policies<br />
Unrest in the Netherlandshas seen30,000<br />
Dutchfarmers taketothe streets with their<br />
tractors to protestagainst Government<br />
climate changepolicies.<br />
The final strawfor them was aplan to<br />
limitnitrogen fertilisers whichinturn will<br />
lead to reduced production duringaglobal<br />
food shortage.<br />
Sevenyears ago the United Nations<br />
vowedtoeradicate hunger by 2030, yet345<br />
million people are currently experiencing<br />
acutefoodinsecurity which is<br />
unprecedented.<br />
The war in the Ukraine has certainly<br />
exacerbated the shortages, but carbon<br />
taxesand increasingcurbsonagricultural<br />
production sent the world down this path<br />
yearsago.<br />
We onlyhave to look at what has<br />
unfolded in Sri Lankawhere the<br />
Government banned the importationof<br />
syntheticfertilisers, to see the impactof<br />
bad policies.<br />
Rice production fell by 20 percent in just<br />
six months and has led to an economic<br />
crisis.<br />
Here in New Zealandwehave the<br />
Climate Change Commission (CCC)<br />
following the same policypathway with<br />
theirrecommendation to put acarbon<br />
priceonfertilisers as soon as possible.<br />
But not content to just add costs to our<br />
food,the CCC also want farmers to fight<br />
with theirhands tiedbehind their backs<br />
with the recommendation to not allow<br />
farmers to offsettheiremissions with their<br />
shelter belts and riparian plantings.<br />
This begsthe obvious question, why does<br />
the CCC wanttocountall carbonemissions<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Jul <strong>28</strong> Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3<br />
Rise 7:46am<br />
Set 5:25pm<br />
Best 12:05pm<br />
Times<br />
Fair<br />
Rise 7:45am<br />
Set 5:26pm<br />
Best 12:30am<br />
Times 12:54pm<br />
Rise 7:44am<br />
Set 5:27pm<br />
Rise 7:45am<br />
Rise 8:21am<br />
Rise 8:52am<br />
Set 4:30pm<br />
Set 5:33pm<br />
Set 6:38pm<br />
Moderate SW turning<br />
SE Gentle SW Moderate SW<br />
but not all carbon sequestration? One<br />
could be forgiven for thinking the CCC has<br />
somethingagainst our biggest export<br />
sector.<br />
It does not makeany sense to not allow<br />
trees,shrubs and plants that are<br />
sequestering carbon to be included in the<br />
Emissions TradingScheme (ETS). Fruit<br />
trees,grape vines, and Pinus Pinea (Stone<br />
Pine) are not eligible for inclusion in the<br />
ETS eitherasthis Governmentchooses to<br />
not allow them (because theyproduce<br />
food).<br />
Other countries do allow this, and Ihave<br />
yet to hear agood reasonwhy trees that<br />
produce food should be excluded, other<br />
than to clobber agriculture. Allthis flies in<br />
the faceofarticle 2(b)ofthe Paris Accord<br />
which New Zealand signed up to, which<br />
states:<br />
(b) Increasing the ability to adapttothe<br />
adverse impacts of climate changeand foster<br />
climate resilience and low greenhouse gas<br />
emissionsdevelopment,inamanner that<br />
does not threaten foodproduction.<br />
We mustplayour part in the reduction of<br />
greenhouse gas emissions, it actually<br />
makes good business sense, but we must do<br />
this in asustainableway that doesnot<br />
threaten food production.<br />
We alsomust not merely shift<br />
production offshore to less efficient<br />
producers, or leakageasitistermed.<br />
Reductions and removals (emissions<br />
and sequestration),have the samevalue<br />
and must be treatedassuch. Also, lowering<br />
emissionsinNew Zealandtosee<br />
emissionsshiftoffshore is merelyanact of<br />
selfflagellation.<br />
Fair<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
1:17am<br />
1:40pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:43am<br />
Set 5:<strong>28</strong>pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:03am<br />
2:25pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:42am<br />
Set 5:29pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Waimakariri<br />
Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />
2:47am<br />
3:08pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:41am<br />
Set 5:30pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
3:30am<br />
3:51pm<br />
Rise 9:17am<br />
Rise 9:40am<br />
Rise 10:01am<br />
Set 7:44pm<br />
Set 8:49pm<br />
Set 9:55pm<br />
Moderate SW turning<br />
S Moderate S Moderate SW<br />
Weather impacting<br />
Waimak District<br />
We have certainly had about of wild<br />
weather in our Districtrecently.<br />
Flooding and thenhigh winds<br />
causedpower outagesand water<br />
conservation beingrequiredwere just<br />
some of the issues.<br />
Iwant to thankeveryonewho<br />
contactedcouncil’s CustomerServices<br />
to lodge service requests and update us<br />
on their situation.<br />
Pleaseremember you can also report<br />
issuesquicklyand easily via Council’s<br />
website:<br />
or on the<br />
Facebook page.<br />
We had contractors on the ground<br />
clearing trees, and council’sCivil<br />
Defence team were on hand.<br />
It is always abusy timefor council<br />
staff and contractors in weather<br />
emergencies,but we are here to help<br />
so please keep us updated.<br />
We also keep our districtupdated via<br />
our Facebook page and website with<br />
new information as it comes to hand.<br />
There’s still alot of winter to come so<br />
whether it is aweather event like we’ve<br />
experienced recently, or heavy frosts<br />
and icy roads,please take care and<br />
look after each other.<br />
Some of you may be aware that<br />
council has decided to make a<br />
submission opposing aPrivate Plan<br />
Police incidents in Nth Canty<br />
Tuesday,<strong>July</strong> 19: Several youths are being<br />
dealt with for damaging Southbrook<br />
School property; Graffiti reported at the<br />
Blake Streetcar park in Rangiora.<br />
Avehicle was broken into and coins<br />
taken, at Allison CrescentKaiapoi<br />
(overnight <strong>July</strong>1920).<br />
Wednesday, <strong>July</strong> 20: Aburglary occurred<br />
at an address in Bain Street, Amberley.<br />
Fuel was stolen. Aburglary occurred at a<br />
HarlestonRoad address.Two ebikes,<br />
clothing,sports equipment, electrical<br />
equipment, and ahandbag were stolen<br />
from the garageand avehicle at the<br />
address (overnight <strong>July</strong> 2021).<br />
Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 21: Avehicle was broken<br />
into at Cass Street in Kaiapoi. Cardsand<br />
keyswere stolen; Amember of the public<br />
called police regarding avehicle which<br />
they saw weaving on the road. APegasus<br />
resident was processed for drivingwith<br />
excessbreath alcohol.AnAmberley<br />
resident noticed their credit cardhad<br />
beenused to purchase itemsonline; An<br />
electric fence unit was stolen from<br />
Terrace Road in Cust (overnight <strong>July</strong><br />
2122).<br />
Friday, <strong>July</strong> 22: A55yearold malewas<br />
arrested for aggravated burglary and<br />
assault with aweapon after an incident in<br />
Oxford; Dangerousdriving reportedon<br />
Chapmans Boundary RoadinCust; A<br />
suspiciouscar was reported in Kaiwara<br />
Roadinthe Hurunui.<br />
Saturday, <strong>July</strong>23: Police have spoken to a<br />
number of youths seen on the roof at<br />
Broomfield School; Agarage doorin<br />
Blackett Streetwas damaged by children<br />
throwing stones.<br />
Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 24: Avehicle involved in a<br />
crash on Carlton Road was damaged prior<br />
to being recovered;Graffiti was found on<br />
the Rangiora Cenotaph, the publictoilets<br />
at <strong>North</strong>brook Road and Dudley Park.A<br />
Kaiapoi resident reported losinga<br />
significant sum of money to aFacebook<br />
investment scam;Dangerous driving<br />
reported lower SeftonRoad and Swamp<br />
Road, Loburn. Monday and Tuesday, <strong>July</strong><br />
25 and 26: AWhite Mitsubishi Airtrek<br />
stolenfrom Tuahiwi Road.<br />
Good<br />
Rise 7:39am<br />
Set 5:31pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
4:12am<br />
4:34pm<br />
Rise 10:21am<br />
Set 11:01pm<br />
Moderate SW turning<br />
S<br />
Change (PC 31) by Rolleston Industrial<br />
DevelopmentsLimited that proposes<br />
to urbanisepart of Ohokawith up to<br />
850 new households.<br />
While council is certainlynot against<br />
developments, we workvery hard to<br />
ensure our District Plancaters to the<br />
future needs of everyonein<br />
Waimakariri, and that it upholds the<br />
unique character of our District.<br />
That is why we cannot take lightly<br />
any changes to the Plan. In thiscase,<br />
we don’t feel the proposed Private Plan<br />
Change is in keeping with our vision as<br />
outlined in the ProposedDistrict Plan<br />
or Rural Residential Development<br />
Strategy, so we have decidedtosubmit<br />
againstit.<br />
The full details of our opposition will<br />
be madepubliconthe councilagenda<br />
ahead of the August2,council meeting.<br />
My weekends are spentout and<br />
about at community events, which I<br />
enjoy.<br />
This weekendIwill be attending the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> FinalsDay at the<br />
KaiapoiRugbyClub Grounds and am<br />
lookingforwardtoit.<br />
Anyone who needs assistance or<br />
wants to discussanissue emailmeat<br />
dan.gordon@wmk.govt.nzorphone<br />
021906437.<br />
I’m here to help.<br />
Lost, found<br />
The following property has been<br />
reported to the police as being lost in<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> –have you seen it?<br />
Akey fob for aToyota; aSignet ring<br />
and gold ring with pink stone;a<br />
Samsung Galaxy S21.<br />
The following property has been<br />
found: Aset of keys, includingsmall<br />
blue fob; Morrison car companytag<br />
for Nissan vehicle and clippers; blue<br />
framed glasses; keys with Thompson<br />
crest; ablue Conquest bike; abrown<br />
and blackDog pencil case/wallet; a<br />
Black Unit wallet; aBlack Colorado<br />
purse; aGrey Smiggle wallet and a<br />
gold ring, 4claw, and diamonds.<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
E1.3 m E0.8 m SE 0.7 m SE 0.8 m SE 1.0 m SE 1.1 m E1.0 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
1<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 4:19am 2.1 10:<strong>28</strong>am 0.7 5:01am 2.1 11:10am 0.7 5:42am 2.1 11:51am 0.7 6:24am 2.1 12:19am 0.7 7:07am 2.1 12:58am 0.7 7:50am 2.1 1:39am 0.7 8:35am 2.1 2:21am 0.7<br />
Mouth<br />
4:42pm 2.2 10:59pm 0.7 5:21pm 2.3 11:39pm 0.7 6:00pm 2.3<br />
6:40pm 2.2 12:31pm 0.7 7:21pm 2.2 1:11pm 0.7 8:05pm 2.2 1:53pm 0.7 8:51pm 2.2 2:38pm 0.7<br />
Amberley 4:19am 2.1 10:<strong>28</strong>am 0.7 5:01am 2.1 11:10am 0.7 5:42am 2.1 11:51am 0.7 6:24am 2.1 12:19am 0.7 7:07am 2.1 12:58am 0.7 7:50am 2.1 1:39am 0.7 8:35am 2.1 2:21am 0.7<br />
Beach<br />
4:42pm 2.2 10:59pm 0.7 5:21pm 2.3 11:39pm 0.7 6:00pm 2.3<br />
6:40pm 2.2 12:31pm 0.7 7:21pm 2.2 1:11pm 0.7 8:05pm 2.2 1:53pm 0.7 8:51pm 2.2 2:38pm 0.7<br />
4:<strong>28</strong>am 2.1 10:37am 0.7 5:10am 2.1 11:19am 0.7 5:51am 2.1<br />
6:33am 2.1 12:<strong>28</strong>am 0.7 7:16am 2.1 1:07am 0.7 7:59am 2.1 1:48am 0.7 8:44am 2.1 2:30am 0.7<br />
Motunau 4:51pm 2.2 11:08pm 0.7 5:30pm 2.3 11:48pm 0.7 6:09pm 2.3 12:00pm 0.7 6:49pm 2.2 12:40pm 0.7 7:30pm 2.2 1:20pm 0.7 8:14pm 2.2 2:02pm 0.7 9:00pm 2.2 2:47pm 0.7<br />
4:30am 2.1 10:39am 0.7 5:12am 2.1 11:21am 0.7 5:53am 2.1<br />
6:35am 2.1 12:30am 0.7 7:18am 2.1 1:09am 0.7 8:01am 2.1 1:50am 0.7 8:46am 2.1 2:32am 0.7<br />
Gore Bay 4:53pm 2.2 11:10pm 0.7 5:32pm 2.3 11:50pm 0.7 6:11pm 2.3 12:02pm 0.7 6:51pm 2.2 12:42pm 0.7 7:32pm 2.2 1:22pm 0.7 8:16pm 2.2 2:04pm 0.7 9:02pm 2.2 2:49pm 0.7<br />
4:25am 1.4 10:<strong>28</strong>am 0.4 5:07am 1.4 11:10am 0.4 5:49am 1.4 11:51am 0.4 6:31am 1.4 12:25am 0.4 7:13am 1.4 1:06am 0.4 7:56am 1.4 1:48am 0.4 8:40am 1.5 2:31am 0.4<br />
Kaikoura 4:46pm 1.6 11:04pm 0.4 5:26pm 1.6 11:44pm 0.4 6:06pm 1.6<br />
6:46pm 1.6 12:32pm 0.4 7:<strong>28</strong>pm 1.6 1:15pm 0.4 8:12pm 1.6 1:59pm 0.4 8:59pm 1.5 2:45pm 0.4<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
SPORTS AWARDS <strong>2022</strong><br />
Celebrating the Sporting Achievements of the region’s<br />
Athletes, Administrators,Officials &Supporters<br />
The<strong>2022</strong> NC Sports Awards willcover THREE years of dedication<br />
and success by our leading sports peopleand clubs. Don’t miss your<br />
chancetonominate them forthis prestigious award, with winners<br />
announced at agala eventatMainPower Stadium on 14th October.<br />
Nominationsinthe <strong>2022</strong> MainPower<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> SportsAwardsare soughtfor 13categories:<br />
•Sportsman •Sportswoman •Sports Team •Administrator<br />
•Coach •SportsOfficial •Masters Sportsperson orTeam<br />
•Junior Sportsman •Junior Sportswoman •Athletewith aDisability<br />
•SportsEvent •Sports Clubofthe Year •Service to Sport(x3)<br />
Nominations close 5pm Friday2nd September <strong>2022</strong><br />
what are you<br />
waiting for?<br />
Join our next 8-Week“Life-Changer”Challengee<br />
TODAY<br />
There’sNOBETTER waytokick startyour summerhealthand<br />
fitness goals than the NCSRT 8-Week “Life-Changer”Challenge.<br />
We provide youwith targeted workouts,group sessions and moretohelp you<br />
find ways to includecardio,weightlifting and healthyfood optionsinto your<br />
busy lifestyle. Results aren’t based on weightloss alone -weaim to improve<br />
your stats across awide range of health and fitness criteria.<br />
Ourchallenge isn’t just about the next 8weeks -it’sabout the REST OF YOUR LIFE!<br />
Talk to staff to findout moreorvisit /register at...<br /><br />
5 SEPT<br />
SEPT <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
MA<br />
O<br />
22 ND AUGUST <strong>2022</strong>
Product knowledge and passion drives the Orizen Rangiorateam<br />
Orizen Tyres, which has opened its doorsin<br />
Southbrook, is part ofagroup of independently<br />
owned tyre stores offering an extensive range of<br />
products to enhanceany vehicle.<br />
Store manager JT Freeman says Orizen supplies and<br />
installs everything underneath the car, including tyres,<br />
wheelrims, brakes, shock absorbers, suspension parts<br />
and spring coils.<br />
Wheel alignment puncture repairs, fittingand<br />
balancing, and brakeinspections are also offered.<br />
JT comes to Rangioraafter working forthe past five<br />
years at Orizen Tyresstore in FerryRoad, Christchurch,<br />
where he wasworkshop manager fortwo years.<br />
Orizen TyresRangioraisjust the second Orizen store<br />
to openinthe SouthIsland and the thirteenth store in<br />
NZ. It is located at 343E Flaxton Road, in abrand new<br />
building with all newequipment,including thelatest<br />
wheelalignment technology.<br />
It has an impressiverange of tyre brandsforcars,utes,<br />
vans, classic cars, American musclecars andfour-wheel<br />
drivevehicles, which includes Continental, Maxxi,<br />
Kenda, Pirelli and Toyo.<br />
For those buyingContinental and Maxxi tyres, there is a<br />
road hazard warranty of12,000km or 12 months, which<br />
is exclusivetothe Orizen Group.<br />
‘‘Animpressive range of alloyand steel wheels are<br />
in stock, withdifferent sizes and styles which canbe<br />
customised to your tastes’’ JT says.<br />
Orizen supplies partsfrom Shock Shop, and a<br />
wide range of suspension parts are available from<br />
factoryshock replacements to shockupgrades and<br />
performancesuspension.<br />
If youare lookingto upgrade your work truck or your<br />
four-wheel drive, OrizenTyreshas all the gear youneed<br />
includingsnorkels, flares, light bars and bullbars.<br />
Product knowledge and passion reallydrives the<br />
OrizenRangiorateam, and if theydon’t have your<br />
requirements instore, theycan orderitintomeetyour<br />
needs.<br />
Financeisavailable forupto24months,withthe firstsix<br />
months interest free, throughSmart Cover, Zippay and<br />
Humm.<br />
TheOrizen groupwas establishedinMay last year when<br />
Cooper Tyreswas rebranded.<br />
It is nowone of the fastest growing tyre store networks<br />
in NewZealand due to theexcellent options Orizen has<br />
to offertobothcustomers and store owners alike.<br />
For Orizen Tyres, Rangiora,the advantage of being part<br />
of the nationwide franchise is being able to offerawide<br />
range of products.<br />
‘‘This definitely setsusapart and we’reproud to see the<br />
growth in the SouthIsland,’’ JT says.<br />
2488785b<br />
343EFlaxtonRoad,Rangiora<br />
Phone 03 424 1170<br /><br />
Waimak MP slams authorities<br />
WaimakaririMPMatt Doocey has<br />
slammed the Governmentand transport<br />
agencyfor what he says is ‘‘prioritising<br />
consultationover safety’’.<br />
Mr Doocey asked araft of written<br />
parliamentary questions of Transport<br />
Minister Michael Wood, seekinganswers<br />
about plans for the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
highway between Kaiapoi and Waikuku.<br />
However when responseswere not<br />
provided, he was forced to write to the<br />
Speaker of the House in order to get his<br />
questions answered.<br />
‘‘Thisisexactly the problem. We have<br />
been asking for information,and action,<br />
for years, and yet it is neverforthcoming.<br />
‘‘The people of Waimakarirideserveto<br />
know how much longer they have to<br />
wait.’’<br />
Mr Doocey said whenhefinally<br />
receivedthe responsestohis questions<br />
he was alarmed to discover there was no<br />
funding for the works, which includes<br />
wire ropebarriers from the Cam Riverto<br />
the Ashley/RakahuriRiver.<br />
‘‘So the transportagency(WakaKotahi<br />
/NZTA)has funding for the design, but<br />
not the build. It begs the question,what<br />
havethey been doing for so long, and how<br />
muchhas this projectcost in<br />
consultation?<br />
‘‘This is avery valid question for those<br />
residentsliving in Woodend, Pegasus<br />
and othercommunities with real safety<br />
concerns.’’<br />
Mr Doocey saysthere is no funding for<br />
the works, the transportagencyhas no<br />
indicativestartdate,and no idea when it<br />
will be completed. The workisalso<br />
dependent on project prioritisation and<br />
funding availability,something he said is<br />
deeplyconcerning.<br />
‘‘As we have seentime and timeagain,<br />
hardworking<strong>Canterbury</strong>commutersare<br />
being fleeced and forgotten under this<br />
government, as road users charges are<br />
siphoned off to pay for pet public<br />
transport projects in Auckland.<br />
‘‘Thisisnot good enough, Waimakariri<br />
deserves saferoads just as much as<br />
anywhere else.Iwillkeep fighting for<br />
safetyfor our communities until Isee<br />
some action.’’<br />
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency<br />
director regional relationships, James<br />
Caygill, outlines on goingwork on the<br />
State Highway 1safety programme<br />
below.<br />
Safety improvements ongoing<br />
By DAVID HILL.<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Planning for safety improvements at<br />
Woodend is progressing.<br />
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency<br />
director regional relationships, James<br />
Caygill, says the agency’s State Highway<br />
1Ashley to Christchurch safety<br />
improvements programme is ongoing.<br />
He was responding to comments from<br />
WoodendSefton Community Board<br />
chairperson Shona Powell, who was<br />
calling for action on cycle ways and<br />
safety improvements in Woodend and<br />
Pegasus.<br />
The section between Tram Road and<br />
Cam River, near Kaiapoi, was<br />
completed earlier this year.<br />
Attention has now turned to the<br />
section from Cam River to Saltwater<br />
Creek, north of Ashley River. This<br />
Call for action ... Shona Powell, Woodend<br />
Sefton Community Board chairperson.<br />
section includes Woodend and Pegasus.<br />
‘‘We have some important planned<br />
and ongoing conversations with<br />
partners and key stakeholders –the<br />
people who may be more directly<br />
affected by this work and should be<br />
engaged with first,’’ Mr Caygill said.<br />
‘‘Once these conversations are<br />
completed, we will be coming to the<br />
wider community.’’<br />
Mr Caygill said the agency’s vision was<br />
to have completed bike networks to<br />
support more people choosing to ride<br />
their bikes.<br />
‘‘We can do this by altering existing<br />
streets’ space allocated for cycling or<br />
shared paths, and in doing so, making<br />
cycling amore enjoyable and safe<br />
experience for everyone.<br />
‘‘Waka Kotahi would like to work with<br />
Waimakariri District Council to discuss<br />
the network plan and from there, how<br />
we can best support them.’’<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Widest<br />
Music<br />
Variety<br />
9<br />
Friday 6pm &<br />
replayed at 12pm<br />
Sunday<br />
Tune in nowtolisten on<br />
104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />
andKaikoura<br />
<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Academy of<br />
Music<br />
Est.1983<br />
Instrumental and singing tuition<br />
For all ages and abilities<br />
for new enrolments<br />
Rangiora Town Hall Studios<br />
Property owners stuck in limbo<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Some Rangiora property owners have<br />
been left in limbo as they attempt to<br />
subdivide their sections.<br />
Residents in Rangiora’s West Belt<br />
have say they have been left high and<br />
dry by recent legislative changes.<br />
The residents had engaged a<br />
consultant and were going through the<br />
process of preparing aresource<br />
consent application prior to the<br />
Waimakariri District Council notifying<br />
the proposed Waimakariri District<br />
Plan in September last year.<br />
But the subsequent passing of the<br />
Resource Management (Enabling<br />
Housing Supply and Other Matters)<br />
Amendment Act at the end of last year<br />
has forced the council to make changes<br />
to the proposed District Plan by August<br />
20.<br />
The new legislation meant there<br />
were now new rules for urban housing<br />
for large urban areas such as Kaiapoi<br />
and Rangiora.<br />
Property owners will be able to build<br />
two to three storey buildings or<br />
multiple units on asingle section<br />
under the new rules, without needing a<br />
resource consent.<br />
The new rules do not apply to new<br />
subdivisions, meaning any consent<br />
applications were likely to come from<br />
property owners with one or two lots,<br />
rather than developers.<br />
Council staff hoped to notify a<br />
summary of submissions to the<br />
proposed District Plan soon, acouncil<br />
spokesperson said. Staff expected to<br />
be able to provide an update next<br />
month.<br />
Public<br />
interest<br />
journalism is<br />
funded by New<br />
Zealand on Air.<br />
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*Prices shown excludes on road costs [which includes WoF, registration, 1,000km road user charges and a full tank of fuel] and Clean Car Fees - if applicable.<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora | 03 941 3175 |<br />
from $35,990 +ORC<br />
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10 year /160,000km Powertrain Warranty(whichever comes<br />
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Finance offer available on new Nissan Navara (D23) and X-TRAIL (T32) models registered between 08/07/<strong>2022</strong> and 31/07/<strong>2022</strong>. Approved applicants of Nissan Financial Services New<br />
Zealand Pty Ltd (Nissan) only. Fixed interest rate of 1.9% p.a. only available on loan terms up to 36 months (2.9% p.a. applies for 37-48 months and 3.9% p.a. applies for 49-60 months loan terms).<br />
No deposit required. This offer includes an establishment fee of $375, PPSR fee of $8.05 and $10 per month account keeping fee. All lease and some fleet purchasers excluded. Nissan<br />
reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this offer. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Additional terms and conditions apply and can be viewed at<br />
RANGIORA NISSAN, 29 Southbrook Road,Rangiora<br />
Ph: 03 941 3175<br /><br />
EVENT<br />
MustEnd 7th August<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />
Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />
in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />
same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />
be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />
Spend them &<br />
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*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />
Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />
in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />
same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />
be lowerthan thatadvertised.
SORTED.<br />
ASKUS<br />
ABOUT<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />
Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />
in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />
same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />
be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />
SORTED.<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
11<br />
Take time selecting an early learning service<br />
Thereare anumberofoptions to<br />
chosefrom whenyou are looking for<br />
an earlylearning service.<br />
To narrow them down makeoflist of<br />
what you need, visit thoseyou think<br />
can deliverthem, check the Education<br />
Review Office review of prospective<br />
centres,and don’t be afraid to ask<br />
opinions of other users.<br />
Asking otherparents about early<br />
learning services and kohangareo in<br />
your area,toget firsthand knowledge,<br />
is often very helpful.<br />
Parents and caregivers have firsthand<br />
experience, andcan be agreat<br />
source of information.<br />
Asking friends and family, and<br />
researching online can also help you<br />
make achoice.<br />
Spaceatthe centre, the locationto<br />
ensure yourlittle personisnot too far<br />
from yourwork, home, or whereyou<br />
study, the styleofcare,and the<br />
servicesoffered, are all important<br />
questionstohave answered.<br />
Your queries might include if meals,<br />
drinks, and nappies are provided.<br />
The centre’sfees are alsoabig<br />
component, and if they are open<br />
during school holidays, and the<br />
Christmas/New Year period, arealso<br />
considerations.<br />
Affording thefees is important,<br />
rememberingeven withthe<br />
government’s 20 hoursbolster, cost is<br />
paramount.<br />
You alsoneed to find out aboutthe<br />
educators or parents runningthe early<br />
learning service or kohanga reo, their<br />
qualifications and experience, along<br />
with how many childrenattend, and<br />
how many adults work there.<br />
Your children’s wellbeingshould<br />
also feature, therefore discuss how<br />
much individualattention the<br />
children get, the daily routine and<br />
activities, and when the children<br />
Selecting aservice ... Daily routines, activities and asupportive environment are just some things to look out for.<br />
sleep.<br />
Behaviour management at the<br />
centreisalso important,along with<br />
accidents and sickness, and the all<br />
important communicationwith<br />
parents.<br />
Lastlyvisitingthe centre to get the<br />
feel of it is important. Is it awarm,<br />
encouraging and supportive<br />
environment, with good supervision?<br />
ERO’s reports provide information<br />
for parentsand communitiesabout<br />
strengths and next steps for<br />
development for each early learning<br />
service or kohanga reo.<br />
The reports cover things like the<br />
learning environment,processes and<br />
procedures,how educators relateto<br />
students, the commitment to<br />
biculturalpractices and how they<br />
support Maori learners, how they<br />
review andmonitor themselves,and<br />
their vision and philosophy.<br />
Early learning servicesand kohanga<br />
reo are reviewed on average once<br />
every three years.<br />
ERO reports are available freeon<br />
the ERO website, along with abooklet,<br />
Early Childhood Education: AGuide<br />
for Parents.<br />
For furtherinformation you can<br />
download the Ministry of Education<br />
booklet, Choices,from its website.
2499729<br />
Come<br />
and<br />
join<br />
the<br />
fun!<br />
Toddler Sense is designed to enhance all aspects of<br />
development for children between 1and 3.5 years. Our<br />
sessions consist of adventure play and group activities,<br />
which change everyweek based on the theme.<br />
Classes in Rangiora are on Thursdays,<br />
10am at the Jubilee Events Centre.<br />
Phone Lucy 027 523 0934 for more information,<br />
or book at<br />
2500804<br />
Pre-school and nursery 0-6 years<br />
Excellent child/staff ratios<br />
Exciting and caring environment<br />
Hours 7.00am-6.00pm<br />
Welcome Special for new enrolments,<br />
where the first 4weeks are FREE<br />
48 Church Street, Rangiora<br />
Phone (03) 313 5675<br /><br />
Beautifully designed<br />
and well resourced with the<br />
latest equipment and plenty of<br />
outdoor space, Active Explorers<br />
Kaiapoi is the childcare centre of<br />
choice for many local families.<br />
12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Activities help young to learn<br />
Did you know that learning to read, write<br />
and do maths starts at birth?<br />
Many of the everyday activitiesyou do<br />
with your baby or young child helpsmake<br />
connectionsintheirbrainand gets them<br />
ready for literacy and numeracy.<br />
There are manydifferent waysyou can<br />
help your childdevelop alove for reading,<br />
writing and mathematics in their early<br />
years —talking, reading, playing, singing<br />
or counting games.The goldenrule is to<br />
keep it fun for everyone.<br />
How can Iencourage my child in maths?<br />
Havinggood mathematicalskills is<br />
important for your child’s future —itwill<br />
help them solve problems and think<br />
creatively.Opportunities to use mathsare<br />
everywhere.Mathsisaboutcounting,<br />
measuring, sorting,patterns, numbers,<br />
shapes, size and position. It’seasy to<br />
include mathematical ideas in your child’s<br />
everyday activitiesand in theirplay.<br />
Talkaboutshapes at home—around<br />
plate,anoval frame, asquarebox. What<br />
makes them the same? What makes them<br />
different?<br />
Makesmaller groups from alargegroup<br />
of objects,like blocks.Cut an apple into<br />
enoughpieces foreveryone and talk about<br />
what you are doing.<br />
Playgames thatget children going over,<br />
under,through, behindand above.<br />
Talkabouthow things are the same or<br />
different. Look for the patterns in leavesor<br />
on shells. Match things up —socks, pyjama<br />
top and bottom, shoes.<br />
Findout who’staller. Have your child<br />
and their friends or familystand backtoback<br />
to see who is taller and who is<br />
shorter.<br />
Workout which lids fit on which pots.<br />
What about teaching numbers? Children<br />
love countingand it’simportant your child<br />
gets usedtonumbers because these lead<br />
on to most other mathematics skills.<br />
Children will often count in orderbefore<br />
Building the skills of children ... Everyday activities help young children develop alove<br />
for reading, writing and numeracy.<br />
theyunderstand what the numbers mean.<br />
Link numbers with objects to show them<br />
what‘‘one’’, ‘‘two’’, ‘‘three’’ or ‘‘five’’mean.<br />
For instance, one nose, one mouth, two<br />
ears, two legs andfive fingers.<br />
Read stories and rhymes (eg Three<br />
Blind Mice, Goldilocks and the Three<br />
Bears) and sing songs that use numbers.<br />
Count as you walk up and down steps,do<br />
up bottons, lay the table or fill their<br />
lunchbox.<br />
Spot numbers on letterboxes.<br />
Cook —measure the ingredients, share<br />
foodevenly.<br />
Listentomusic —clap, countand sing<br />
the rhythm.<br />
Shop —count how many cansare in the<br />
trolley.<br />
Build —use building blocks, measure<br />
lengthand height, match size and shape.<br />
Your childlearns by repetition, and is just<br />
like learning to dress, or set the table.<br />
Do early childhoodeducation services<br />
teach reading, writing and maths?<br />
Children are exploring, experimenting<br />
and testingout ideasabout reading,<br />
writing and mathematicsaspart of their<br />
everyday experience at theirearly<br />
childhoodeducationservices and kohanga<br />
reo. Different services have different<br />
approaches to literacy and numeracy.<br />
Most services will not teachreading as<br />
you might be used to, but they use<br />
activities to prepareyoungchildren for<br />
learning to read at school. Some do begin<br />
working with the alphabet and alphabet<br />
sounds.<br />
Source:<br />
Our passionate and commited<br />
teachers deliver the very best care<br />
and educational opportunities so<br />
you can rest easy inthe<br />
knowledge that you’ve<br />
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We can help!<br />
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Parenting Education and Support Service<br />
We believe the key to creating<br />
empowered parents is ensuring they<br />
are well informed, well supported<br />
and have strong relationships with<br />
other local families.<br />
Contact Jaimee 0273782476<br />
Local Antenatal Education<br />
Postpartum Support<br />
Birth Doula<br />
Sibling Support<br /><br />
Empowered Parents<br />
GLASS<br />
Your Preferred Choice of Glazier<br />
For All Things Residential, Commercial and Auto<br />
Now under new ownership the team at <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Glass is looking forward to supporting<br />
our local <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community and helping<br />
to provide you with your glass solutions.<br />
We are passionate about working with the<br />
community to provide the best product and service.<br />
Offering a wide range of services including<br />
supply and installation of new glass, repairs, or<br />
replacement of glass for your home, car, oryour<br />
business.<br />
Products and Services include:<br />
• Broken window repairs<br />
• Retro-fit double glazing<br />
• Frameless glass showers<br />
• Cat & dog doors, including microchip pet<br />
doors<br />
• Custom made painted splashbacks<br />
• Glass balustrades<br />
• Mirrors cut to size<br />
• Logburner door glass<br />
• Logburner pyroseals<br />
• Picture frame glass<br />
• Glasshouse glass<br />
• Ranch slider repairs<br />
• Window handles<br />
• Security stays<br />
• Security screens &doors<br />
• Fly screens<br />
• Window films<br />
• Laminated safety glass<br />
• Toughened safety glass<br />
• Rubbers &sealants<br />
• Polycarbonate &acrylic (perspex)<br />
• Auto glazing<br />
• Shop front windows<br />
Insurance quotes are also available.<br />
Our work come with aguarantee of workmanship.<br />
Come in and see Ray and the team in our Albert<br />
Street, Rangiora showroom to talk through<br />
your glass solutions, or call us to arrange for a<br />
free measure and quote for your home and /or<br />
business needs.<br />
2496951<br />
Meet the Team<br />
Office Staff<br />
Amanda and Kathy, with Raymond<br />
New Owners, Hayley and Raymond Barrow and Daughter Nevaeh<br />
Wayne Roy Barry<br />
10 Albert Street, Rangiora |03313 5335 |
RangioraToyota<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2007Toyota BladeHatch<br />
• 2.4L PetrolAuto, 7-Airbags<br />
• Camera, Alloys, Half Leather<br />
• 80,300kms<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$12,995<br />
$<br />
11,995<br />
2017 CorollaGLXHatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys,<br />
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•Only 47,700km<br />
2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />
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$<br />
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19,995<br />
2013Daihatsu Sirion<br />
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WAS$10,995<br />
$ NOW 9,995<br />
2013LexusIS350 F-Sport<br />
•3.5LPetrol, Leather,Camera,<br />
•18” Alloys, Keyless,<br />
•5-Star Safety, Satnav,<br />
•Only 62,900kms $35,995<br />
2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol<br />
•Leather Interior, 5-Star Safety<br />
•Satnav,Only 35,800kms<br />
$<br />
34,995<br />
2019 Toyota C-HR Limited<br />
•1.2LTurboAuto, 2WD, Satnav<br />
•NZNew,Leather<br />
•Only 11,650kms<br />
2019 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol, ClothInterior<br />
•Camera, Rebate Eligible<br />
•Only 2,750kms<br />
2018 Toyota C-HR<br />
•1.2LPetrolTurbo,5-Star Safety<br />
•Satnav,NZNew,Camera<br />
•Only54,900km<br />
$<br />
37,995 $<br />
37,995<br />
$<br />
27,995<br />
2014 Toyota Highlander GX<br />
•3.5Lpetrol, 7- Seater<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•Towbar<br />
2018 Toyota HighlanderGX<br />
•3.5LPetrol, 8-Speed Auto<br />
•7-Seater,Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•84,700km<br />
2017 Toyota Highlander GXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol, 8-Speed Auto<br />
•Leather,Satnav<br />
•Roof Rack,Towbar<br />
$<br />
31,995 $<br />
41,995<br />
$<br />
35,995<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$43,995<br />
2018 Toyota HighlanderGXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol<br />
•Leather 7-seater,SAT/NAV<br />
•Camera, only29,300km<br />
NOW<br />
2016 HighlanderGXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol, 7-Seater Leather<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•Only 72,500kms<br />
2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />
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2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Canopy<br />
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•Cruise Control<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$39,995<br />
$<br />
37,995<br />
2014 Hilux2WD<br />
•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual, Alloys<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
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$<br />
22,995<br />
2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
•Canopy, Towbar<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$37,995<br />
$<br />
35,995<br />
2015Ford RangerXLT<br />
•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto, 2WD<br />
•Alloys, Bluetooth, Tonneau<br />
•Rear Sensors<br />
NOW<br />
WAS$29,995<br />
$<br />
27,995<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Ex-Demo Hilux<br />
SR5 Cruiser<br />
2016 HiluxSR5 Limited 2017 HiluxSR2WD 2021 Daihatsu Hijet 2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />
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•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
Dump Truck<br />
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•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather,18”Alloys •Alloys, Bluetooth, Camera<br />
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54,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186 any time •<br />
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Signature<br />
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2495655<br />
Creative group ... Members of Indigo,agroup of artists, Rachel Hirabayashi (left), Shaun<br />
Burdon, Judy Cockeram, Nigel Wilson, Jillian Porteous, Lynne Wilson, Megan Huffadine and<br />
Luke Anthony, who are exhibiting their work at Kaiapoi’s Art on The Quay Gallery until<br />
August 17.<br />
Indigo acollaboration<br />
Agroup of Central Otago artistshave<br />
brought theirwork north for Indigo,an<br />
exhibition at Art on the QuayGallery in<br />
Kaiapoi.<br />
The collaboration has evolved<br />
through supporting each other and<br />
showing theirwork together.<br />
The experienced groupofartists,<br />
comprising Shaun Burdon,Megan<br />
Huffadine, Nigel Wilson, Jillian<br />
Porteous, LynneWilson, Rachel<br />
Hirabayashi,Judy Cockeram, and Luke<br />
Anthony, have all known each other for<br />
anumber of years and produce awide<br />
variety of work.<br />
Work ranges from landscape,and<br />
flora and fauna, through to<br />
environmental concern, history, and the<br />
sociological considerationofplace,<br />
Direct bus route ahit<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Directbus services connecting<br />
Rangiora and Kaiapoi to Christchurch<br />
have continued to be wellsupported,<br />
despite the challenges of Covid19.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan) says<br />
the Rangiora (91) and Kaiapoi (92)<br />
services have enjoyed asolid 18 months,<br />
despite the variouschallenges from<br />
Covid and driver shortages.<br />
‘‘The pastyear has seen morepeople<br />
working from homeand reluctant to use<br />
publictransport due to an increase in<br />
community transmission of Covid19,’’<br />
an ECan spokesperson said.<br />
‘‘Despite these circumstances, May<br />
<strong>2022</strong> was the bestmonth for the Kaiapoi<br />
service since it began, and the Rangiora<br />
service has also performedwell during<br />
May and June.’’<br />
The Kaiapoi service had 2380<br />
passengers in May, while the Rangiora<br />
service had well over 3816 passengers<br />
in May and 3382inJune.<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon is a<br />
regular user of ECan’s bus service.<br />
‘‘I use it myself whenheading into<br />
Christchurchinthe morning for regular<br />
councilrelated meetings and it’s fast,<br />
convenient,affordable and ontime all<br />
thingsthat agreat bus service should<br />
using ceramics, painting, sculpture,<br />
photography and mixed media.<br />
Indigo is the 11thexhibition the<br />
artistshave held which theybelieve is a<br />
first for the South Island and possibly<br />
New Zealand.<br />
The group’s spokesman,Shaun<br />
Burdon, travelled from his home in<br />
Bendigo, to assist with the installation<br />
of the exhibitionand attend the<br />
opening.<br />
Luke Anthonyalso travelled to<br />
Kaiapoitohelp install the exhibition.<br />
Shaun says group members‘‘liketo<br />
mix the work up abit to tell astory,’’ in<br />
their exhibitions rather than feature<br />
anyone’s work.<br />
‘‘We are all friends. Thereare no egos<br />
involved.’’<br />
Indigo closes on Wednesday, August<br />
17.<br />
be.<br />
‘‘It’s greattosee growthinthe service<br />
from Kaiapoiand generally to see that<br />
more residents are using bus services.<br />
‘‘For anyone who commutes to<br />
Christchurch for work, I’d strongly<br />
encourage you to give this service ago.’’<br />
All other Waimakariri services have<br />
also shownanincrease in patronage<br />
since halfprice fareswere introduced<br />
in April, the ECanspokespersonsaid.<br />
Overall bus patronage for Greater<br />
Christchurch for the year to June<strong>2022</strong><br />
was 8.7 millionboardings,which was<br />
just twothirds of preCovidservice<br />
levels.<br />
In contrast the MyWaybus servicein<br />
Timaru has enjoyedpatronageat5.6%<br />
higher than preCovid levels, which will<br />
be good news for advocates hoping to<br />
bring the servicetoWaimakariri.<br />
Last month, MyWay recorded its<br />
second highest number of rides in aday<br />
with 614, whiledailyaverage rides<br />
ranged from 490 to 580.<br />
Ondemand trials in the Greater<br />
Christchurch areawere being<br />
considered as part of ECan’s LongTerm<br />
Plan and the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Regional<br />
Public Transport Plan,the ECan<br />
spokespersonsaid.<br />
Public interest journalismisfunded<br />
by New Zealand on Air.<br />
Situated within theWaitaki Boys High<br />
School groundsDon HouseHostelis<br />
well positioned to take advantageofthe<br />
outstandingfacilities within theschool.<br />
We have fullaccesstothe school gym,<br />
school pooland divingpool, trap shooting,<br />
football,and rugbyfields andthe recently<br />
added multi-sport turf whichisimmediately<br />
adjacent to DonHouse.This is alongside<br />
the8ha workingsheep blockFraserFarm.<br />
Fraser Farm is unique to Waitaki Boys<br />
High School andprovides on site and<br />
handsonagricultureteachingand learning.<br />
These facilities provide ourboardersthe<br />
opportunity to developlifeskillsand enjoya<br />
wonderful hostelexperience.<br />
Alongside theseoutstanding facilities<br />
DonHouse provides awraparound<br />
supportservicefor allboarders. Their<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
15<br />
Home away from home<br />
at Waitaki Boys High<br />
Advertising<br />
Feature<br />
extensive programmescover,Tuakana/<br />
Teina, physical developmentwithour<br />
Year 9rec programme,teamwork,<br />
brotherhood,leadership,and prep that<br />
encouragesacademic success. Within these<br />
programmesDon Houseboardersfeela<br />
strongsense of belongingand canexpress<br />
themselves as individuals. Thisisled by the<br />
experienced,knowledgeable, andenergetic<br />
staffing team that encourage personal<br />
growth andportray theDon Housevalues<br />
each day.<br />
DonHouse has developedand is more<br />
than a“home away from home”. We provide<br />
theboarderswithaunique experience that<br />
sees them leavingatthe endoftheir time<br />
with awonderful education, lifeskillsand<br />
abrotherhood that continues throughout<br />
their adultlife.
NEWS<br />
16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
On song ...<br />
The lead singer for Bayley, afunk soul band, Colin Bayley, performs<br />
at the third session of the monthly Down by the River Kaiapoi Music<br />
show held at St Bartholomew's Church in Kaiapoi last Sunday.<br />
Bayley is aformer band member from the hit 80s band MiSex. Allan<br />
Cattermole backs him up on drums.<br />
Sunday music<br />
The thirdsessionofthe<br />
monthlyDown by the River<br />
KaiapoiMusic showwas<br />
heldatStBartholomew’s<br />
Church in Kaiapoi last<br />
Sunday.<br />
The prospect of rain<br />
forced the move to the<br />
church hallfromthe band<br />
rotunda. The KaiapoiBrass<br />
Bandstartedthe twohour<br />
showoff with some rousing<br />
numbersbeforethe rock trio<br />
of Bayleytook to thestage<br />
and entertained the more<br />
than50people with hits from<br />
the 70s and80s.<br />
Organiser Nigel Cooksays<br />
it wasagood show forthe<br />
final of thethreemonthly<br />
shows he hadorganised.<br />
“There areshowsusually<br />
run hereevery month and<br />
theyserve to helppromote<br />
the great depth we have in<br />
our local bandscovering<br />
jazz, rock, funkand soul and<br />
brass bands.”<br />
Ecology lectures popular<br />
Aseries of five free public<br />
lectures showcasing<br />
Waimakariri’s diverse ecology<br />
are proving popular thiswinter.<br />
The hour and ahalf, fortnightly<br />
lectures are being heldbythe<br />
WaimakaririBiodiversity Trust<br />
and the WaimakaririDistrict<br />
Council.<br />
The first lecture, Backyard<br />
Diversitythe Good the Bad and<br />
the Bugly! was held on <strong>July</strong> 5at<br />
the Woodend Community Centre<br />
with guest speaker MikeBowie,<br />
an ecologistand entomologist<br />
from Lincoln University and the<br />
secondone, S.O.SSave Our Soils,<br />
was heldon<strong>July</strong> 19 in the<br />
Rangiora Town Hall function<br />
room, withguest speaker Dr<br />
Anish Shah, asoil scientist at<br />
Lincoln University.<br />
One of the trust’s trustees,<br />
Felicity Wolfe, says about40or50<br />
peoplehave attended each talk.<br />
‘‘We have been verypleased with<br />
the turnout so far. Therehave<br />
been somegreat questions and<br />
discussions with the attendees<br />
and presenters.’’<br />
The third lecture, Options for a<br />
Fiery Future: Wildfires, Plant<br />
Flammability and Green Fire<br />
Breaks, will be held next<br />
Tuesday, August 2, starting at<br />
7pm, in the Rangiora Town Hall,<br />
with guest speaker Associate<br />
Professor Tim Curran, aplant<br />
ecologist at Lincoln University.<br />
The final two lectures in the<br />
series,<br />
Indigenous Dryland: Beyond<br />
Biodiversity,(TuesdayAugust 16),<br />
and NatureAcross Urban and<br />
Natural Environments (Tuesday,<br />
August30), will both start at 7pm<br />
and will be held in the Rangiora<br />
Town Hall function centre.<br />
The WaimakaririBiodiversity<br />
Trust was established last year to<br />
raise awarenessofthe<br />
biodiversity and environments in<br />
Waimakaririand support<br />
activities that protect and restore<br />
the district’s unique rangeof<br />
habitats.<br />
For more information about the<br />
talks and to register: go to<br />
WaimakaririBiodiversity Trust<br />
Facebook, Eventbriteorcontact<br />
Felicity on 027 251 8789.<br />
Draft plan in final stage<br />
AdraftVisitHurunui<br />
destination management plan<br />
aimstohelpgrow and maintain<br />
tourism whichbenefits<br />
communities,iwi,businessesand<br />
the environment.<br />
It is aMinistry of Business,<br />
Innovationand Employment<br />
initiative aimedatguidingthe<br />
futureoftourismincommunities,<br />
and follows public sessions,a<br />
round of onlinesubmissions,and<br />
discussionswith arangeof<br />
stakeholders.<br />
Visit Hurunui is now calling on<br />
residents, ratepayers and<br />
businessowners to help finalise<br />
the plan.<br />
Visit Hurunuimarketing<br />
manager Shane Adcocksays<br />
community commentary, feedback<br />
anddiscussionhas helped inform<br />
thedraftplan.<br />
‘‘We’d lovetoget your thoughts<br />
andhear your views on whether<br />
we areontheright track.’’<br />
Shanesays Visit Hurunuiis<br />
thrilled with theengagement from<br />
thecommunity so far, and is<br />
confident the planwillbe<br />
representativeofthe diversityof<br />
thecommunity.<br />
‘‘Thisisvery muchadestination<br />
management planfor the<br />
community,byour communities.’’<br />
Common themessofar include:<br />
Thecommunity of Hurunuiand<br />
theenvironment come first;<br />
Hurunui needs to make the<br />
most of itsnaturalassets, but<br />
ensurethattheyare there for<br />
futuregenerations to enjoy;<br />
The Hurunuihas ahistorical<br />
connectiontosupporting peoples<br />
spiritual,physicaland mental<br />
wellbeing.<br />
Public sessionswill be heldonthe<br />
following dates:<br />
August9,CheviotTrustHotel6pm<br />
to 8pm.<br />
August10: Waiau Community Hall<br />
10am to 12noon; HanmerSprings<br />
Top10 meetingroom 1pm to 3pm;<br />
HanmerSprings Top10 meeting<br />
room 6pm to 8pm.<br />
August11: Hurunui Memorial<br />
LibraryRSA room 10amtonoon;<br />
Waipara Hills3pm to 5pm.<br />
Areyou<br />
aWaititi?<br />
No matterwho you<br />
are, yourcreative<br />
project may be<br />
eligible for funding.<br /><br />
The second round of applications for the year<br />
will close on Monday 29 August <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
#ArtsForAllKinds<br />
Or more of<br />
aWhitney?<br />
The Creative CommunitiesScheme supports<br />
local artists to create. Visit your nearest<br />
Waimakariri Library toget help with your<br />
funding application.
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Henderson, Howick, and Papakura).See individual products on for details.
Selwyn<br />
Events<br />
Botanical Expo<br />
17–18 September<br />
Lincoln Events Centre<br />
Acelebration offlowers, plants and gardening. From<br />
house plants and succulents tobonsai and bulbs. There<br />
will be speakers, workshops and demonstrations and of<br />
course,the legendary sales table.<br />
Hororata Highland Games<br />
5November<br />
The 11th Hororata Highland Games will be welcoming<br />
people back toenjoy aday of all things Scottish. From<br />
the caber toss to highland dancing, best dressed<br />
lad and lassie,bagpipes and haggis, the day won’t<br />
disappoint. Make sure you check out the great<br />
accommodation options close byand make anight of it!<br />
We’reBack!<br />
Meet us in the countryand enjoya<br />
wide range of exciting events.<br />
Check out to<br />
find out more information.<br />
Bookings are essential.<br />
Follow<br />
Share<br />
Selwyn NZ<br /><br />
Selwyn Winter Festival<br />
27 August<br />
Larcomb Estate<br />
One for the grownups! This cosy bespoke event<br />
showcases local wineries,craft breweries, whisky and<br />
gin. With great food and entertainment, it is amust<br />
attend winters afternoon and evening in Selwyn.Check<br />
out the event website for transport options.<br />
Selwyn Spring Show<br />
14–16 October<br />
Show day 15 October<br />
The Selwyn Spring Showisafamily-fun event<br />
showcasing countrylife in Selwyn. Excited to be back<br />
and open to the public this year,there will be wearable<br />
arts, food and beverage -including agarden bar,<br />
farmyard animals, ponyrides, dog trials and much more.<br />
Held at the Leeston Showgrounds, the show isabrilliant<br />
way tocelebrate Spring.<br />
Courtenay A&P Show<br />
19 November<br />
Just 20 minutes from Christchurch at the Kirwee<br />
Showgrounds, the Courtenay Show has been held<br />
for over 147 years. From traditional equestrian, farm<br />
animals, grain and seed, aproduce shed including<br />
baking, sewing, knitting, photography,tovintage<br />
tractors, machinery and cars. Plenty of food, fairground<br />
rides and entertainment. Come along to experience<br />
rural agricultural life.<br />
For further information about these events and others go to
NEWS<br />
20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Important communities are represented<br />
Local government in NewZealandis<br />
facing aperiod of significantchange<br />
and it’s important that communities<br />
are wellrepresented in these<br />
changes, says Hurunui District<br />
Council chief executiveHamish<br />
Dobbie.<br />
He saysthere are changesproposed<br />
to the delivery of services likewater,<br />
Civil Defence,resourcemanagement<br />
and transport.<br />
Mr Dobbie saysitisgreat to see a<br />
coupleofnamesalready frompeople<br />
puttingtheirhand up forelection.<br />
While it takes abit of timetolearn<br />
the ins andouts of how acouncil<br />
operates, he says, it is important and<br />
wellworthstanding forcouncil.<br />
‘‘Asacouncilloryou get the<br />
opportunitytorepresent thevoiceof<br />
yourcommunity.<br />
‘‘Beingacandidateisabout being<br />
aware of what’s going on, seeingthe<br />
biggerpicture, and seeking the<br />
opportunityinthis election process<br />
as away to constructively make<br />
change,byputting your ownname<br />
forward.”<br />
The roleofacouncillor covered two<br />
main areas —representing<br />
community andtaking governance<br />
oversight of the operations of the<br />
council as awhole.<br />
Mr Dobbie saysage does not matter,<br />
nor where you liveinthe district or<br />
whatyou do for aliving.<br />
‘‘Beingable to run arobust Local<br />
BodyElection with ahealthy number<br />
of people standing is areflection of<br />
livinginadistrict wherepeople care<br />
about how issues are dealt withata<br />
nationaland locallevel,withthe<br />
wellbeingoftheirown peoplebeing at<br />
the forefront of alldecisionsmade.’’<br />
Council’s deputyelectoral officer<br />
Naomi Woodham saysdemocracy is<br />
bestserved whenpeoplehavea<br />
choice.<br />
‘‘Weget amuch better<br />
representationofthe district when<br />
there’s diversity as people want to<br />
votefor people whoare like them.’’<br />
Waimakariri District Council<br />
deputy electoral officer Sarah<br />
Nichollssays communityboards are a<br />
goodplacetostart for people<br />
interested in makingadifference in<br />
their community.<br />
‘‘It’sreally important thatwedo<br />
havethat agediversity as wellas<br />
differentskills andexperience<br />
around thetabletomakedecisionson<br />
behalfofthe community.’’<br />
Nominationscloseat12noon on<br />
Friday,August12.<br />
Acommon pitfall is that candidates<br />
mustbenominated by two electors<br />
who are enrolledtovoteinthe<br />
Hamish Dobbie<br />
district,ward, community board or<br />
subdivision theyare standing in.<br />
The only major change to thisyear’s<br />
election rulesiscandidates are no<br />
longerrequiredtohaveaphysical<br />
addresswith their authorisation on<br />
advertisingand billboards.<br />
Candidates aresimply required to<br />
includeaway to contactthem,<br />
whether phone,email, PO Box,<br />
Facebook link or their physical<br />
address.<br />
Billboards cangoupfromAugust6<br />
andmust be taken downbymidnight<br />
on October 7.<br />
Votingpapersare posted on<br />
September 16, with special votes<br />
available fromthatday.<br />
Anyoneaged18years or over can vote<br />
in adistrict where they are resident<br />
and/or wheretheypay rates on<br />
propertythey own.<br />
To register on theratepayer roll, go to<br /><br />
Voting closesat12noononSaturday,<br />
October8,withpreliminaryresults<br />
expectedlater in the day.<br />
Prospectivecandidates canfind out<br />
more at their local council’s website.<br />
Elections across <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>:<br />
Waimakariri: (35 positions)Mayor, 10<br />
councillors across3wards, 24<br />
membersacross 4community boards.<br />
Hurunui: (22 positions) Mayor,10<br />
councillors across3wards,5<br />
membersHanmer Springs<br />
CommunityBoard, 6trustees Cheviot<br />
Licensing Trust.<br />
Kaikoura: (8 positions) Mayor, 7<br />
councillors elected at large.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>: 2<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> ward councillors.<br />
Mandeville Hunt agathering of hunters<br />
The Mandeville Tavern deer and pig<br />
hunt is areunion of hunters old, who<br />
were now being joined by agreat bunch<br />
of keen young hunters, says tavern<br />
owner Lindsay Peters.<br />
The competition runs from Friday,<br />
August 12 with the final weight in at 2pm<br />
at the Mandeville Tavern in Raven<br />
Quay, Kaiapoi, on August 14.<br />
Hunters taking part in the Mandeville<br />
Pic Hunting committee’s competition<br />
will be taking aim at pigs and deer over<br />
the duration of the hunt, to be in for a<br />
share of the prize pool.<br />
Mr Peters says the prize pool for the<br />
annual events is $10,000, including a<br />
$1000 rifle sponsored by Hazeldine<br />
Construction.<br />
One lucky entrant will have the<br />
opportunity to win the rifle, but will<br />
need to present their Firearms Licence<br />
to claim the prize.<br />
Other major sponsors are PreCut<br />
Construction, Hunting and Fishing<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, Dr Collision and<br />
Forbes Builders.<br />
There are prizes for the heaviest boar,<br />
sow, stag and hind, and the heaviest<br />
average weight of agroup of pigs.<br />
There will also be alarge variety of<br />
spot prizes for those entering the<br />
competition.<br />
Entries close on Wednesday, August<br />
10, at 5pm.<br />
Hefty line up ... Some of the many<br />
animals entered in aprevious Mandeville<br />
Pig Hunting competition.<br />
•Bar snacks available at all times<br />
•Happy Hour Thursday &Friday 5pm to 7pm, Free Nibbles<br />
•9Pokie Machines •Courtesy van available<br />
•Great outdoor area<br />
The Mandeville Tavern Annual Deer &Pig Hunt Competition,<br />
Friday 12 th August to Sunday 14 th August, weigh in no later than 2pm Sunday.<br />
99 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi • Phone: 03 327 8010<br />
FOR LESS<br />
Winter<br />
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Nordik Dining<br />
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FROM<br />
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559<br />
Iris Sofa<br />
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Indulgence Mattress<br />
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FROM<br />
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Bedsides From $389 $299<br />
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Under bed storage $209 $189<br />
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Exclusionsmay apply on somebrands advertised.<br />
Exclusionsmay applyonsome brands advertised. Offers end close of trade 7th August<strong>2022</strong>, whilestocks last. Available at participating stores only.Multi Deal only available in store. Varietals may<br />
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NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
23<br />
The Widest Music Variety<br />
Friday 6pm & replayed at 12pm Sunday<br />
Demonstration ... Kaikanui Aqualand NZ director Mark Holder demonstrates cable wakeboarding<br />
at Lake Courtenay, Kaiapoi, earlier this year.<br />
Park seeks more time<br />
By DAVID HILL.<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
The Waimakariri District Council will<br />
vote on Tuesday, August 2, on whether to<br />
extend an agreement to develop a<br />
proposed aqua sports park in Kaiapoi.<br />
Two options will be on the table after<br />
the Kaiapoi East Residents’ Association<br />
(KERA) presented an alternative option<br />
to the WHoW Charitable Trust’s<br />
proposed aqua sports park to aKaiapoi<br />
Tuahiwi Community Board meeting last<br />
week.<br />
Community and recreation manager<br />
Chris Brown said areport had been<br />
prepared outlining the choice between<br />
extending the memorandum of<br />
understanding (MOU) with the trust for a<br />
further two years or allowing KERA to<br />
develop acommunity space on the site.<br />
The MOU was signed between the<br />
council and the trust in August 2020 for<br />
two years, with the option of atwo year<br />
extension, to develop an aqua sports<br />
park concept in the Kaiapoi east<br />
regeneration area to the north of<br />
Kaiapoi River.<br />
Aseparate threeyear license to<br />
occupy agreement was signed last year<br />
allowing the trust to operate an aqua<br />
play park in Lake Courtenay, to the<br />
south of the river.<br />
Mr Brown said there was no reason<br />
why both proposals could not be<br />
accommodated.<br />
KERA chairperson Michelle<br />
MacWilliams proposed turning the site<br />
into anative regenerating forest with<br />
picnic areas, walkways and areas for<br />
free activities such as petanque.<br />
‘‘We have reached out to business<br />
owners and many of them are on their<br />
knees. We don’t want them to have to<br />
wait for another three years for<br />
something that might not happen.<br />
‘‘We are looking at something that will<br />
bring benefit in the spring. It will bring<br />
people in and it’s free, so people can<br />
spend their money in the stores.’’<br />
Ms MacWilliams said the proposal had<br />
support from Ryman Healthcare and<br />
other potential funders.<br />
The KaiapoiTuahiwi Community<br />
granted KERA permission last year to<br />
establish apocket forest around the<br />
perimeter of the site.<br />
Mr Brown said should councillors<br />
decide to extend the MOU with the<br />
WHoW Charitable Trust, he would reach<br />
out to KERA.<br />
Options for how the two organisations<br />
could work together and how KERA’s<br />
ideas could be accommodated on the site<br />
and on other council reserve land would<br />
be discussed.<br />
‘‘There are some environmental<br />
regeneration projects already under<br />
way, such as the Honda Forest, and<br />
we’ve been developing dog parks and<br />
walk ways, but there’s always room for<br />
more,’’ Mr Brown said.<br />
‘‘The council just needs to look at the<br />
proposals and make adecision for<br />
what’s going to be the best four<br />
economic, social, environmental and<br />
cultural wellbeing for the district and<br />
long term what’s going to be the best for<br />
Kaiapoi.’’<br />
When asked at last week’s community<br />
board meeting whether KERA would be<br />
willing to work with the trust, Ms<br />
MacWilliams gave an emphatic ‘‘No!’’.<br />
Public interest journalism is funded<br />
by New Zealand on Air.<br />
Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />
STAND<br />
forour<br />
environment<br />
NEWS<br />
24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Anniversary organisers ... Members of the Kaiapoi High School 50th anniversary committee, Jackie Watson, left, Karen Bailey and Kath<br />
Adams, Jade Wilson and Annie Saunders, right, who are also pupils at the school.<br />
Kaiapoi HS 50 year celebration<br />
KaiapoiHighSchool is celebratinga<br />
special anniversary duringLabour<br />
Weekend, withabig range of events<br />
planned.<br />
The school’s50th anniversary will give<br />
those attendinganopportunity to catch<br />
up withold friends, reminisce about their<br />
timeatthe schooland see howthings<br />
havechanged.<br />
The events areopentoexstudents and<br />
staff, plusmembersofthe school's Board<br />
of Trustees (BOT), ParentTeacher<br />
Association(PTA) and anyother<br />
supportersofthe school, saysKath<br />
Adams,amember of theorganising<br />
committee.<br />
ActivitiesbeginonFriday, October21,<br />
witha‘‘meetand greet’’ at theKaiapoi<br />
Club. Tickets cost $20 forthe informal get<br />
together.<br />
Theregistration pack for theweekend<br />
will be availabletocollect at the cluband<br />
include the Anniversary Magazine,<br />
information aboutactivitiesand<br />
mementos of thecelebrations. ‘‘On<br />
Saturdaymorning theformal opening of<br />
thecelebrationwilltakeplace at the<br />
schoolwith awelcome andassembly in<br />
theauditorium,’’ Kathsays.<br />
It will include guest speakers outlining<br />
therolethe schooland its students have<br />
played in the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
community over the years.<br />
Theschool willbeopen for people to<br />
wanderabout, with the library featuring<br />
photosand schoolmagazines. Decade<br />
photoswill be taken, and abarbecue<br />
provided whilepeoplewait their turnto<br />
be photographed. Later in theafternoon<br />
an inaugural meeting of aFriends of the<br />
Schoolorganisation willbeheld to ensure<br />
people cancontinuetheirassociation<br />
withthe school. In theeveningthere is a<br />
dinner and dance in thegymnasium.<br />
All the entertainmentisprovided by exstudents.LouiseKerr,aka<br />
Sport Susie,<br />
willshowcase hercomedyand gymnastic<br />
skills,followedbythe formalafterdinner<br />
speechbyCallumBell,anexheadboy<br />
and current staff member at theschool.<br />
Dwayne Bennetts band willprovide<br />
music. On Sunday morningexstaff, BOT<br />
and PTAmembers can gather at the<br />
school for breakfast. Forthe rest of the<br />
day the schoolwillbeopen for arangeof<br />
picnic andsports opportunities, hopefully<br />
including netball,6asidehockey,<br />
football, touch, basketballetc withraces<br />
and lollies for children, Kathsays.<br />
Humanatixisproviding registration<br />
and ticket sales for theeventand the<br />
KaiapoiHighSchool Anniversary website<br />
and Facebookpage haslinkstothat<br />
service.<br />
Country music<br />
on track<br />
Covidhas failed to dampen the spiritsof<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s countrymusic fans.<br />
The inaugural Waimakariri Country<br />
MusicFestival might have been cancelled<br />
in February due to Covid restrictions, but it<br />
has simply made theorganisers more<br />
determined to bringthe event to Rangiora.<br />
Planningcommittee chairperson Kevin<br />
Taylor saysthe extra yearhas giventhe<br />
committee moretime to fundraise and to<br />
fine tune the event programme.<br />
The inaugural festival will now be held<br />
from February 10 to 12 next year in the<br />
Rangiora ShowgroundsFunctionCentre.<br />
‘‘After two yearsofplanning and<br />
fundraising we are nearly there thanks to<br />
the dedicatedcommittee, who have put in<br />
many hours to makethis event successful,’’<br />
he says.<br />
Kevinsays there have been lotsof<br />
enquiries from country music fans from<br />
throughoutNew Zealand, including plenty<br />
of <strong>North</strong> Islanders who are keen to attend.<br />
Two bands willbetravelling to Rangiora,<br />
afterperforming at the Buller Gorge<br />
Country Music Festival in Murchisonthe<br />
previous weekend.<br />
The bands willbeperformingthroughout<br />
the weekend and Kevinsays there are<br />
plenty of singers from <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
Christchurch and further afield ready to<br />
perform alongside them.<br />
As the eventgets closer, Kevin says he<br />
has had good support from the community,<br />
with the KaiapoiMenz Shed making some<br />
signage for the event. More fundraising<br />
events are planned. The next fundraising<br />
eventisat theRangiora Showgrounds<br />
PaviliononSunday,<strong>July</strong> 31, from11am to<br />
4.30pm, with guestartist The Wahines and<br />
walkups welcome.Entryis$5per adult,<br />
accompaniedchildren free. Bringyour own<br />
lunch. Go to the Waimakariri Country<br />
MusicFestival Facebookpage or<br /><br />
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30th Birthday<br />
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Eva Chair<br />
WAS $<br />
579<br />
ON SALE<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
479<br />
Clover<br />
Ottoman<br />
– Small<br />
WAS $ 129<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
79<br />
3 Seater NOW $ 999<br />
2 Seater NOW $ 849<br />
Alma Barstool<br />
WAS $<br />
219<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
179<br />
Woodwall Room Divider<br />
with Shelves<br />
WAS $<br />
549<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
449<br />
ON SALE<br />
Bookcase NOW $ 999<br />
Dining Table –W210 NOW $ 849<br />
Entertainment Unit NOW $ 699<br />
Lamp Table NOW $ 299<br />
Haven Dark Queen Bed<br />
WAS $<br />
1149<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
Ramsey Single/Single Bunk Bed<br />
WAS $ 1499<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1299<br />
Atlantic King Bed<br />
WAS $ 1199<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
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250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />
0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br /><br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />
15/08/22. Sale Excludes Accessories.
NEWS<br />
26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
South Island team ... Stephen Hill (Coach), Kruize Pelesa, Ruslan Hill, Luca Martin, MaciJane Martin.<br />
Wrestlerheadstogames<br />
Rangiora Amateur Wrestling Club<br />
member, MatthewOxenham,has<br />
been selected for the Birmingham<br />
CommonwealthGamesinthe 86kg<br />
FreestyleDivision.<br />
Matthew has trained with the<br />
Rangiora Amateur Wrestling Club<br />
for the past threeyears after<br />
moving to Christchurch to attend<br />
University.<br />
He is in Poland at the Polish<br />
Open International Tournament as<br />
part of his build up.<br />
Unfortunately three time<br />
CommonwealthGames<br />
representative Sam Belkin, with a<br />
bronze medal at one of them,was<br />
overlooked in theselections.<br />
The club is verydisappointedin<br />
the process as Sam had arecordof<br />
averyhigh standard.<br />
The selectionperiod was in a<br />
stateofdisarray because of Covid<br />
19 and the resultant cancellation of<br />
two OceaniaChampionships<br />
meant substitute tournaments for<br />
selection purposes were hard to<br />
come by.<br />
The last chancewas to attend the<br />
Australian Championships but not<br />
all prospectscould attend because<br />
of theshort notice given.<br />
The Rangiora Club has had two<br />
years of turmoil as aresult of Covid<br />
and club numbers have<br />
diminished, mostly because alot of<br />
tournamentsinthe South Island<br />
were cancelled because of Covid<br />
rules.<br />
The cost of travelling to the<br />
<strong>North</strong> Islandwas also adeterrent<br />
for athletes and parents. It<br />
travelled to Goreearlier in the<br />
seasonfor asmalltournament and<br />
has just competed in the South<br />
IslandChampionships held in<br />
Mosgiel. Theteam of fourathletes<br />
is the smallest number ever to<br />
traveland compete at aSouth<br />
IslandChampionships.<br />
Placingsgained were:<br />
MaciJayne Martin, under 10 years,<br />
24kg, Silver;RuslanHill,1013<br />
years,34kg, Silver; Luca Martin,<br />
38kg, Gold; KruizePelesa,1416<br />
years,55kg, Gold.<br />
RuslanHill also won the<br />
Marlborough Centennial Cup for<br />
the Most Promising wrestler at the<br />
Championships.<br />
The clubishosting the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Championships at the MainPower<br />
Stadium on Sunday, August21. The<br />
club is workinghard to get more<br />
members to participate in the<br />
competition especially as they do<br />
not have to travel.Teams from<br />
Gore, Mosgiel and Dunedin are<br />
expected to participate.<br />
Cycleway closer<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Aproposed cycle way from<br />
Christchurch to Waipara is<br />
closer to becoming areality.<br />
The Pegasus Bay CycleTrail,<br />
formerlyknownasWheelsto<br />
Waipara, is fasttakingshape<br />
linking cycle trails in<br />
Christchurch, Waimakariri and<br />
Hurunui.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(ENC), the economic<br />
development arm of the<br />
Waimakariri and Hurunui<br />
district councils,received a<br />
$296,000Lotteries Community<br />
FacilitiesGrant lastmonth.<br />
It will be used to upgrade two<br />
existing Waimakariri cycle<br />
trails to completethe first two<br />
stages of the Pegasus Bay Cycle<br />
Trail.<br />
Chiefexecutive Heather<br />
Warwick said ENC was<br />
collaborating with<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(ECan) to upgradethe Kaiapoi<br />
Island Trail, alongthe<br />
Waimakariri and Kaiapoi<br />
Riverstopbanks. It will also<br />
work with Te Kohaka o<br />
TuhaitaraTrust to upgradethe<br />
Tutaepatu Trailalong the<br />
coastline, linkingWoodend<br />
Beachwith Waikuku Beach.<br />
Mrs Warwicksaid oncethe<br />
upgrades werecompleted,the<br />
Pegasus Bay Cycle Trail<br />
partners would begin<br />
promotingthe trail.<br />
‘‘Everything is offroad. It just<br />
needsthe signage.’’<br />
Stageone wouldtake cyclists<br />
from The Square,following the<br />
Avon LooptoNew Brighton,<br />
following Marine Parade to<br />
Bottle Lake Forest and then<br />
Spencer Park, throughKainga,<br />
crossingthe Waimakariri River<br />
and along the Kaiapoi Island<br />
Trailinto Kaiapoi. Once in<br />
Kaiapoi,cyclists had several<br />
choices, including taking the<br />
PasschendaeleMemorial Path<br />
to Rangiora.<br />
Amore scenic route took the<br />
Pegasus and Tutaepatu trailsto<br />
Waikuku Beach, or cyclists<br />
couldturn off at Woodend<br />
Beachand takethe Jill<br />
Creamer Trail and Rangiora<br />
Woodend Path to Rangiora.<br />
The Rakahuri Trail, along the<br />
AshleyRakahuri River, also<br />
linksWaikuku Beach with<br />
Rangiora.<br />
Arrangements are being<br />
made with private cycling<br />
companies to transport cyclists<br />
from either Rangiora or<br />
Waikuku Beach to Waipara,<br />
untilmore funding is secured<br />
to complete stage three.Once<br />
in Waipara, cyclists can tackle<br />
the 16kmVineyard Track.The<br />
entire trail,once complete, will<br />
be athree to four day journey.<br />
ENC is leading the project, in<br />
partnership with<br />
ChristchurchNZ, ECan, Te<br />
Kohaka oTuhaitara Trust, the<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Wine<br />
Growers’ Association and<br />
private cycling companies.<br />
Mrs Warwicksays Kaiapoi<br />
had becomeapopular<br />
destinationfor Christchurch<br />
cyclists since the opening of the<br />
new cycleway alongside State<br />
Highway 1inDecember 2020.<br />
Public interest journalism is<br />
funded by New Zealand on Air.<br />
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such as diarrhoea, bloating,abdominal<br />
pain andevenskinproblems. Mycotoxins<br />
typicallyfound in grains arealso<br />
asignificantsourceoffood-borne<br />
contaminants.<br />
Microbes such as bacteria andparasites can<br />
contaminatefood andcause inflammation<br />
of thestomach,intestinesand liver.<br />
Microbes cancause diseases, nutrient<br />
deficiencies, andother health<br />
complications.<br />
The Scan at Marvel Health thoroughly<br />
examines thebodyfor some of the<br />
common causes of digestive issues,<br />
including:<br />
Microbes- Viruses, Bacteria,Fungi<br />
Food Allergies -Wheat,Milk,Peas, etc<br />
Food AdditivesSensitivities<br />
Overload of Toxins<br />
NutrientDeficiencies<br />
Chronic inflammation andDiseases<br />
After thescan, internationaldoctorsand<br />
healthcare specialists at Marvel Health<br />
will studythe report andrecommend<br />
targetedscience-based naturaltreatments<br />
andlifestyle changes to support thebody’s<br />
healing.<br />
Disclaimer: The inspection from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. Itisnot designed to state the final diagnosis<br />
Total Health MOT<br />
Whole Body Diagnostic Scan,<br />
Report, Consultation and Therapy<br />
All included: • Detailed Examination of All Organs & Systems • Diseases Present and Complications<br />
• Detection of Viruses, Bacteria & Fungi • Food Allergies & Sensitivities • Non-invasive Blood Test<br />
• Detection of Lead, Mercury & other Environmental Toxins • Body Composition Analysis<br />
Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora | 293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch<br />
CALL TODAY 03 669 5410<br />
Disclaimer: The inspection from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not designed to state the final diagnosis
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Luxury Freestanding Oven<br />
Induction cooktop<br />
5Zones<br />
8Function<br />
$<br />
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24 Month Warranty<br />
90cm<br />
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Side-by-sideFridge<br />
Freezer<br />
Multi-Airflow<br />
$<br />
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353483<br />
24 Month Warranty<br />
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Aurora Plus Smart<br />
HeatPump<br />
DC Inverter<br />
WIFI Ready<br />
R32 Gas<br />
EnergyEfficient<br />
Room Size:15~25m²<br />
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899<br />
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370726<br />
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CarbonInfra-Red<br />
Outdoor Heater<br />
$<br />
199<br />
740105<br />
Freestanding Carbon<br />
Infra-Red Heater<br />
$<br />
249<br />
740110<br />
12 Month Warranty<br />
Linear Basin &<br />
ShowerMixer Set<br />
AllPressure<br />
Watermark Approved<br />
$<br />
199<br />
244230<br />
10 year Warranty<br />
Bathroom Mirror<br />
850mmRound<br />
$<br />
79<br />
260850<br />
Novo Wall Vanity<br />
Soft Close Drawer<br />
$<br />
499<br />
902502<br />
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Edge Side Cabinet<br />
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Edge Wall Vanity<br />
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Soft Close<br />
$<br />
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211199<br />
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$<br />
449<br />
261557<br />
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Black Shower<br />
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$<br />
599<br />
908142<br />
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Premium Wall Oven<br />
Induction Cooktop<br />
Canopy Rangehood<br />
FreestandingDishwasher<br />
Quartz Sink Insert<br />
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399<br />
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$<br />
999<br />
352307<br />
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Washing Machine<br />
Washing Machine<br />
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Washer Dryer<br />
7kg<br />
8kg<br />
8kg<br />
5kg<br />
8kg<br />
10kg<br />
10kg<br />
$<br />
350<br />
361170<br />
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699<br />
361<strong>28</strong>1<br />
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$<br />
1049<br />
361308<br />
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399<br />
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$<br />
949<br />
360173<br />
24 Month Warranty<br />
PricesGuaranteed as of 30/7/22. Subject to change.<br />
CAN-N19<br />
<strong>28</strong> The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Labour shortages continue on dairy farms<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> dairy farms and<br />
agricultural contractorscontinue to<br />
facelabour shortagesasthe new<br />
season gets underway.<br />
Changestothe Visa application<br />
processand theopeningofthe border<br />
in recent monthshave beenwelcomed,<br />
but Covidisstill having an impact,<br />
FederatedFarmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2191656<br />
• Post Driving<br />
• Stock Fencing<br />
• Stockyards<br />
• Post and Rails<br />
• Lifestyle etc<br />
Ph Andy Horn<br />
021 214 1201 or<br />
(03) 314 9460<br />
For all your<br />
Spraying &Fertiliser& Requirements<br />
Proof ofplacement mapping<br />
p Spreadmark Certified<br />
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Registered Chemical Applicators<br />
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Ph Andrew 027 437 2006<br />
or 03 313 5278<br />
or Graham 027 433 3786<br />
or 03 313 7723<br /><br />
-Curtain- Siders tokeep itdry<br />
-Cranetruckfordifficult lifts.<br />
-Flat- decks for machinery<br />
-Bulk- units for grain, feed &fertiliser& 2498695<br />
presidentCaroline Aymes said.<br />
‘‘Thetalentisstillthere, butwedon’t<br />
have thestudents coming into the<br />
country forworkingholidays.<br />
‘‘It’s still reallychallenging and I<br />
know of quite afew farms who have<br />
roles open.’’<br />
Shesaid thehigher level roles were<br />
beingfilled,but therewerestill<br />
vacancies for farmassistantsand<br />
machinery operators.<br />
Theexisting workforce remained<br />
loyal, with several young people taking<br />
theopportunity to move up the ranks.<br />
Contractorswere strugglingtoget<br />
enough machinery operators, so Ms<br />
Aymesadvised farmers to maintain<br />
good relationshipswiththeir<br />
contractorsand book theminearly.<br />
Small things like havinggates open<br />
andhaving materialsand machinery<br />
ready could helptospeedthingsupfor<br />
contractorsand save time.<br />
With anew wave of Covid infections<br />
starting bite, staffsickness and<br />
workersisolatingcouldhavean<br />
impact.<br />
Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>dairychairperson and<br />
Cheviot sharemilkerRebecca Green<br />
said shewas fortunate to haveloyal<br />
staff,with no staff turnover in thelast<br />
four years.<br />
Butshe wasaware thattherewere<br />
still anumber of onfarm vacancies<br />
aroundthe region.<br />
‘‘It’s not say we haven’t had to<br />
Trucks for everything you need shifted!<br />
Livestock<br />
Fertiliser<br />
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Freight<br />
Ph 03 315 3033 -Fax 03 315 8413<br />
-Livestock -Bulk grain –Shingle –Coal –Golden Bay Cement -Daily Freight Services<br />
2215674<br />
Caroline Aymes<br />
increased theirwages to keepthem,<br />
but paying people extra becausethey<br />
workhard and they’re takingonextra<br />
responsibility is worth it,’’MsGreen<br />
said.<br />
‘‘Ithasn’t been hardtoget goodstaff,<br />
it’sjust gotmore competitive.<br />
‘‘There’s stillCovidaround and<br />
there’s alot bugsgoinground and<br />
people aren’t moving as freely, butit’s<br />
goodthat theborders are openagain.’’<br />
While calving was well under way on<br />
farms throughout <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
Ms Green saidthe bulkofher herdwas<br />
not due to calf until August 1.<br />
The recent wetweatherwas not<br />
helping stresslevels, withlastweek’s<br />
rainleavingsurfacefloodingand flood<br />
damage around theregion.<br />
‘‘Everything is just so wet at the<br />
moment,there’s nowhere forthe water<br />
to go,’’ Ms Aymessaid.<br />
‘‘A fewnicedayswouldbegood.’’<br />
Farmersare beingencouraged to<br />
reach out to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Rural Support Trust and Federated<br />
Farmersiftheyare feeling stressed or<br />
needing assistance duetothe weather<br />
and anyotherissues affecting their<br />
farmingregimes.<br />
Publicinterest journalismisfunded<br />
by NewZealandonAir.<br />
Groundspread launches website<br />
Groundspread NZ is the new public face<br />
for the NewZealand Groundspread<br />
Fertilisers’Association (NZGFA).<br />
The organisation was established in<br />
1956 to promote and protect the interests<br />
of bothindividuals and companies<br />
involved in the groundspread fertiliser<br />
industry.<br />
The association has 110 voluntary<br />
membersfrom throughoutNew Zealand<br />
committed to promoting bestpractice<br />
fertiliser placement. This requires skilled<br />
operators, soundspreading equipment,<br />
and appropriate fertilisers.<br />
Groundspreaders are typically the first<br />
step in ensuring onfarm productivity. By<br />
spreading nutrients accuratelyand evenly<br />
using the latest technology,finely<br />
calibrated vehicles, and highly trained<br />
operators, groundspreaders helpfarmers<br />
and growers get the best outoftheir<br />
nutrient spend. The skillinvolved in<br />
Groundspreading ... Anew name Groundspread NZ and website are helping farmers<br />
and growers to find aspreader in their area committed to promoting best practice in<br />
fertiliser placement.<br />
groundspreading means food production<br />
in New Zealand gets the best start<br />
possible.<br />
The new name and new website better<br />
share the storyofhow the association’s<br />
members contributetoonfarm<br />
performance, and are initiatives driven by<br />
the association’s strategicplan.<br />
Farmersand growers can now visit<br /> to finda<br />
spreader in their area,learn more about<br />
how the association supportsmembers to<br />
operateatthe high levelthat they do, and<br />
learn more about the Spreadmark scheme.<br />
Spreadmark, established by<br />
GroundspreadNZin1994,was bornfrom<br />
acommitment by the association’s<br />
members to improve spreader<br />
performance and outcomes for their<br />
clients andthe environment. Proper<br />
placement of fertiliser is of considerable<br />
agronomic benefit to farmers and growers,<br />
and helps protectthe environmentfrom<br />
the undesirable side effects of poor<br />
fertiliser spreadingpractices. The latest<br />
data from the scheme’s auditor (QCONZ)<br />
highlightssolid growth in spreader unit<br />
capabilities. In 10 years, spreadingwidths<br />
have increased from 19m to 27m for most<br />
products, so farmers can be assured their<br />
product placement is accurate and fewer<br />
runs of the paddockare required to<br />
reduce application costs. Today, the<br />
Spreadmarkscheme is governed by the<br />
Fertiliser QualityCouncil. —NZ<br />
Groundspread Fertiliser Association<br />
2410273<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
&WILD GAME<br />
313 0022
FROM 5IN1TO<br />
The health and welfare of our<br />
animals is really important to<br />
us, so we use products that<br />
achieve results<br />
Hayden Ashby<br />
Livestock Operations Manager,<br />
Brownrigg Agriculture<br />
When you’re running big numbers of sheep and cattle… there’s one number you want<br />
to keep really low. And that’s unnecessary losses from Clostridial disease.<br />
That’s why Brownrigg Agriculture have stepped up from 5 in 1 to Coglavax8<br />
vaccine to protect against 8 Clostridial diseases present in New Zealand.<br />
CEV0001 APFP<br /><br />
Ceva Animal Health (NZ) Limited. P: 09 972 <strong>28</strong>53 ACVM No. 75<strong>28</strong> References: 1. JS Munday, HBentall, DAberdein, MNavarro, FAUzal &S Brown, Death of aneonatal lamb due to Clostridium perfringens type B<br />
in New Zealand, New Zealand Veterinary Journal 2020. 2.West, Dave M., Bruere, A. Neil and Ridley, Anne L.The Sheep, Health, Disease and Production. Auckland: Massey University Press, 4th ed., 2018. Print.
Rangiora Toyota<br />
Percival St, Rangiora<br />
(03) 313-8186<br /><br />
Proudly supportingsport<br />
in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Rangiora CBK nearly upsets Harewood<br />
HOCKEY<br />
In arguably one of its best performances<br />
of the season the Rangiora CBK<br />
women's Division 1hockey team almost<br />
upset highflyers Harewood in the latest<br />
round of <strong>Canterbury</strong> Hockey<br />
competition.<br />
Both teamswere forced to bring in<br />
players from other divisions due to<br />
illness andinjury, but with Harewood<br />
sittingthird on the table comparedto<br />
Rangiora'seighth it would have beena<br />
brave gambler to give the green and<br />
golds any chance.<br />
Rangiorascored early through Lucy<br />
Murray then defended its lead for the<br />
majority of the game before Harewood<br />
scored late to equalise.<br />
Thiswas agreat result given CBK lost<br />
to Harewood 50 in their previous<br />
encounter.<br />
Next week Rangioraplay topofthetable<br />
Carlton Redcliffs in its last game of<br />
pool play.<br />
RangioraGold returned fromatwo<br />
week layoff to record astrong win over<br />
UC Barbarians.<br />
Thiscompletes the Division 2round<br />
robin competition with Rangiora Gold<br />
comfortable in second place.<br />
It plays topofthetable UC Vikings<br />
next for direct entry into the final.<br />
Rangiora Oddfellows couldn't convert<br />
its chances against Waikirikiri so head<br />
into their finals series hoping to<br />
continue its improving form to maybe<br />
cause an upset.<br />
RangioraKorimako continue to find<br />
the going tough since promotion to the<br />
On defence ... Rangiora Road Runners goalkeeper Rose West had astrong game against<br />
Avon St Michaels. She is supported in defence by Erin Cook.<br />
women's Division 2competition, but the<br />
young teamscan be happy with their<br />
showing against topofthetable Hornby<br />
and head into their finals series with<br />
someconfidenceoffinishing theseason<br />
with awin or two.<br />
In Platinum grades the Jets and the<br />
Snakes find themselves at opposite ends<br />
of the table with just one roundof<br />
regular season to go in boys Division 2,<br />
but with the way their finals competition<br />
is structured they could meet again in<br />
the semis.<br />
After starting the season with several<br />
winsRangioraKakahave found the<br />
going tougher in recent weeks and sit<br />
7th in Platinum Girls Division 2with just<br />
two weeks leftinregular season to find<br />
some form ahead of the finals. Rangiora<br />
Kakariki are faring better inPlatinum<br />
Girls Division 4and will be aiming to<br />
finish second or third to avoid the<br />
dominant HinemoaKaiapoi team until<br />
the finals.<br />
In Mid week action both Men's teams<br />
scored wins and losses in the past two<br />
weeks.<br />
The Mighty Mid Week demolished<br />
Avon 73 then found themselves on the<br />
wrong end of the same scoreline against<br />
Southern the following week.<br />
Meanwhile the Allsorts weren't ableto<br />
capitalise on aweakened Southern<br />
team, but then dominated much of the<br />
game in their bottomofthetableclash<br />
against Waikirikiri at Foster Park in<br />
Rolleston to record amuch needed win.<br />
Rangiora Hurunui Hares secured a<br />
valuable draw against table topping<br />
Carlton Redcliffs and was able to do<br />
enough against HinemoaKaiapoi to eek<br />
out another win and maintain second<br />
spot on the Division 1table.<br />
Results<br />
Division 1women Rangiora CBK 1<br />
drew with Harewood 1.<br />
SSL PremiershipwomenRangiora<br />
Korimako 0lost to Marist Green 5.<br />
MWO WomenDiv 1Rangiora Hurunui<br />
Hares 0drew with Carlton Redcliffs<br />
Blue 0.<br />
MWO WomenDiv 1Rangiora Hurunui<br />
Hares 2defeated Hinemoa Kaiapoi<br />
Rata 1.<br />
MWO Women Div 3Rangiora<br />
Piwakawaka abye.<br />
SSL Premiershipmen Rangiora Gold 8<br />
beat UC Barbarians 3.<br />
SSL Championship men Rangiora<br />
Oddfellows 0lost to Waikirikiri Raptors<br />
4.<br />
MWO men Div 1RangioraMighty<br />
Midweek Men 7beat Avon 3.<br />
MWO men Div 1Rangiora Mighty<br />
Midweek Men 3lost to Southern 7.<br />
MWO men Div 2Rangiora Allsorts 1<br />
lost to Southern 4.<br />
MWO men Div 2Rangiora Allsorts 2<br />
beat Waikirikiri 1.<br />
Platinum Grades: Girls RangioraKaka<br />
0lost to Carlton Redcliffs 1; Rangiora<br />
Kakariki 0lost to HinemoaKaiapoi<br />
Tawa.<br />
Boys Rangiora Jets 6beat Southern 1;<br />
Rangiora Snakes 1lost to Southern 4.<br />
Rangiora Golf Club<br />
Ninehole competition: Stroke /Jingles<br />
Men:Terry Courtney21, Richard Luisetti<br />
18, Ross McQueen 15 c/b.<br />
Women:Rita Moore 29, Sarah<br />
Rutherford 24, Pam Holland 22.<br />
Lucky Card: Women: Jenni Brook,Men:<br />
Robert Madden.<br />
Amberley Golf<br />
<strong>July</strong> 23: DWalker 71, GDemmocks71, B<br />
Balderstone72, AGenet 72, SHeslop 72,<br />
PWylie 73, SManson 73, GDunlop 74.<br />
Women:JCumming 74, LSchwaiger75.<br />
Mid WeekMen:RWilshire43, B<br />
Fitzgerald 36, LBrown37, NGrainger36,<br />
JWigley 36, BBalderstone 36.<br />
Finals day for Nth Canty rugby<br />
Kaiapoi hosts FinalsDay on<br />
Saturday with all grades from Under<br />
14 1 ⁄2 upwards playing.<br />
The winner of the Division 1,<br />
GrandFinal is not easy to pick.<br />
If there is any truthinthe old<br />
adagethat ateam needstolose a<br />
finalbefore theycan win one, then<br />
Kaiapoi has the inside running as it<br />
won the title last seasonand this is<br />
the third consecutive year it has<br />
competed in the final.<br />
Hurunui,onthe other hand, has<br />
nevercontested agrandfinalsince<br />
the formationofthe club in 1995.<br />
It was 1989 when players from this<br />
district, playing under the bannerof<br />
CulverdenWaiau, last won a<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Division 1title.<br />
The team, though,isajudicious<br />
mix of experience,particularly in<br />
the form of Nordy Anderson and<br />
formerCrusader BenFunnell, and<br />
has awealth of precociousyoung<br />
talent.<br />
It is playing verygood rugby, and is<br />
clearlywell coachedbyBede Crean<br />
and JasonMcDonald, making it hard<br />
to beat.<br />
These two teams have already met<br />
on three occasionsthis season and<br />
although Kaiapoi has emerged<br />
victorious each time, it has been by<br />
the narrowest of margins.<br />
An enthralling encounter awaits.<br />
Saracens will playOhoka in the<br />
Plate Final, while in the Division 2<br />
Grade Kaikoura,which has lost only<br />
one match this season, inexplicably<br />
to the lowlyranked Woodend, will<br />
match up against the rapidly<br />
improvingOhoka side,which only<br />
finished sixth in the roundrobin, but<br />
has struck arich vein of form since.<br />
Ashley plays Oxfordinthe Division<br />
Two Plate Final.<br />
Proudly bringing<br />
youupdates from<br />
the region’s<br />
sporting events<br />
If you’d like to help support our sports pages,<br />
please email
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SPORT<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
31<br />
Hurunui, Kaiapoi to meet in final<br />
RUGBY<br />
and LINDSAY KERR<br />
Amonth ago, if anyone had said that<br />
Hurunui and Kaiapoi would play off in<br />
the Grand Final of the Luisetti Seeds<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> competition they<br />
would have been offered astronomical<br />
odds by any local bookmaker.<br />
Clearly such an outcome could not<br />
transpire –but it has.<br />
In contrasting semifinals Hurunui led<br />
all the way and in the end accounted<br />
quite comfortably for Ashley, winning<br />
3117, whereas Kaiapoi had to fight back<br />
from a313halftime deficit.<br />
It responded by accumulating 15<br />
unanswered points over Glenmark<br />
Cheviot, and eventually prevailed 1813.<br />
Unusually, both semi finals were won<br />
by the visiting team.<br />
Ashley vHurunui<br />
Hurunui put on all the early pressure.<br />
Ashley looked unsure under the high<br />
ball when firstfive Kyle McKenzie, who<br />
was to become akey figure in the match,<br />
peppering Ashley with some towering<br />
punts.<br />
However Ashley gathered its<br />
resources and survived this early<br />
onslaught, aided to adegree by<br />
Hurunui’s penchant for conceding<br />
penalties at the breakdown.<br />
It was not until the 20th minute that<br />
Hurunui got any reward for its<br />
dominance when full back Digby Heard<br />
chimed in to finish off agood team try.<br />
Ashley hit back when it completely<br />
dominated aset scrum, and Jack<br />
Marshall landed the resultant penalty.<br />
Winger, Hunter Johnson put Hurunui<br />
further in front soon after. Jono<br />
Schwass, who was having an excellent<br />
game at halfback, ran strongly on the<br />
short side before unloading to Ben<br />
Funnell who timed his pass to Johnson<br />
to perfection.<br />
But with half time approaching,<br />
Hurunui made one of its rare errors,<br />
dropping the ball behind the advantage<br />
line. Ashley swooped on the opportunity<br />
and Anthony Tavendale scored which<br />
meant that Hurunui took anarrow lead<br />
into the second half.<br />
There was awatershed moment early<br />
in the second half. In an unexpected<br />
change from the policy they had been<br />
following most of the season, skipper,<br />
Louis James passed up the opportunity<br />
of avery easy penalty kick which would<br />
have narrowed the gap to just one point,<br />
and ordered akick into the corner.<br />
Hurunui survived this threat and<br />
proceeded to stamp its dominance on<br />
the match.<br />
The Hurunui forwards continued to<br />
win the lion’s share of possession and<br />
the halves pairing of Schwass and<br />
McKenzie directed play to their team’s<br />
strengths. In the midfield Matt Hickey<br />
and Josh Cavanagh both ran strongly<br />
and were very staunch on defence.<br />
It was the lanky lock, Flynn Crean,<br />
who was also adominant figure in the<br />
lineout, who scored the vital try. He<br />
scooped up aloose ball and sprinted<br />
through ayawning gap in the Ashley<br />
defence to score beneath the posts for<br />
McKenzie to add the inevitable<br />
conversion. He kicked another penalty<br />
four minutes later to rub further salt<br />
into the wound and livewire flanker Gus<br />
Waghorn rounded off Hurunui’s scoring<br />
blitz with atry in the 65th minute.<br />
Ashley was fortunate there was no<br />
TMO in operation or they would have<br />
been down to 14 players when McKenzie<br />
was the victim of adangerous tiptackle.<br />
However it did not give up and was<br />
rewarded with aconsolation try to<br />
James in injury time. Ashley is ayoung<br />
side who have played very good rugby,<br />
Who is who ... Referee Russell Lane is in perfect position to award Kaiapoi’s first try as<br />
mudsplattered Zane Carey barges over.<br />
especially in the latter part of the<br />
season.<br />
While Hurunui thoroughly deserved<br />
this win, there is no doubt that this<br />
Ashley team has avery bright future.<br />
Ashley 17 (Anthony Tavendale, Louis<br />
James tries, Jack Marshall 2conversions<br />
,1penalty) lost to Hurunui 31 (Digby<br />
Heard, Hunter Johnson, Flynn Crean,<br />
Gus Waghorn tries; Kyle McKenzie 4<br />
conversions,1 penalty).<br />
GlenmarkCheviotv<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
GlenmarkCheviot controlled the<br />
scoreboard in its semi final encounter<br />
with Kaiapoi for all but 10 minutes. This<br />
was the 10 minutes that mattered most<br />
when Kaiapoi snatched the lead to<br />
finish 1813 victors.<br />
Played in what became mud bath<br />
conditions at the Omihi Domain, the<br />
game was aclash between two even<br />
sides that still tried their hardest to run<br />
the ball. The conditions also warranted<br />
agood share of kicking as each side<br />
tested the aerial defence of their<br />
opponent.<br />
The home team started the scoring<br />
after 10 minutes with aCaleb Beck<br />
penalty. This was against the run of play,<br />
aperiod that had seen and subsequently<br />
continued to see Kaiapoi camp in the<br />
GlenmarkCheviot half. Kaiapoi turned<br />
down apenalty attempt in favour of a<br />
line out drive. This move ended with a<br />
turnover and an infringement that<br />
resulted in Kaiapoi playing with 14<br />
players for the remainder of the half.<br />
In the 10 minutes prior to the break,<br />
GlenmarkCheviot struck hard scoring<br />
two unconverted tries and went to the<br />
break with ahandy 133 lead.<br />
The first try came from arolling maul<br />
near the line and prop Ben Reid<br />
burrowed over to score. Right on the half<br />
time whistle fullback Matt Holmes<br />
seized on awayward bounce that arose<br />
from aclever Jordy Gray box kick.<br />
Holmes ran 20 metres to score.<br />
In between Taine JacobsLawson put<br />
Kaiapoi on the board with apenalty.<br />
Kaiapoi showed it was still in the<br />
contest and made an encouraging start<br />
to the second half. After asolid build up,<br />
amud covered and unrecognisable Zane<br />
Carey crashed over to score.<br />
The try was converted and the<br />
difference between the sides was<br />
reduced to three.<br />
At the 25 minute mark, the home team<br />
was close to scoring after asuccessful<br />
clearing kick charge down, but it was<br />
Kaiapoi that finished the better and<br />
after amove involving backs and<br />
forwards an overlap was created that<br />
allowed Codey Grimes to score and<br />
Kaiapoi to take the lead.<br />
GlenmarkCheviot attacked in the<br />
final moments, but it was too late. The<br />
conditions were against them, as was<br />
being down to 14 players, along with a<br />
Kaiapoi unit that was determined not to<br />
fall into the trap that had seen them lose<br />
to Ohoka the week before.<br />
The result was afitting tribute to<br />
Kaiapoi’s outstanding second five eight<br />
Dante Love who played his 100th<br />
Division 1game for the club.<br />
Although no longer living in the area,<br />
the match was watched by two of<br />
Glenmark’s former prominent All<br />
Blacks and international coaches with<br />
Alex Wyllie and Robbie Deans on hand.<br />
GlenmarkCheviot 13 (Ben Reid, Matt<br />
Holmes tries. Caleb Beck penalty) lost to<br />
Kaiapoi 18 (Zane Carey, Codey Grimes<br />
tries, Taine JacobsLawson conversion,<br />
two penalties.<br />
Ohoka vOxford<br />
Danny Brooker, playing his 50th match<br />
for Oxford starred with ahattrick of<br />
tries.<br />
Rob Tucker and Rex Kloppers were<br />
others to stand out for Oxford while<br />
Angus Leckie, Jack Wedlake and Sam<br />
England were among Ohoka’s best.<br />
Ohoka 34 (Will Clifford, Ryan McCallum,<br />
Ben Gold, Angus Leckie, Felipe Pizzaro<br />
tries Scott Allin 3conversions, penalty)<br />
beat Oxford 24 (Danny Brooker 3tries<br />
Matt Roberts 3conversions, penalty).<br />
Saracens vWoodend<br />
Two players brought up milestones in<br />
this match. For Woodend Adam Brand<br />
played his 100th open grade game while<br />
Matt Freeman played his 50th Division 1<br />
match for Saracens.<br />
Luke Palliser was Woodend’s forward<br />
of the day and Joel Stockwell the back of<br />
the day.<br />
Saracens 52 (Kerran Jenkins, Alex<br />
Kennedy, Josh Maynard, Willy Kerr 2,<br />
Brett Hancox, Toby Ashby tries Ricky<br />
Allin 5, Dion Jones conversions beat<br />
Woodend 12 (Joel Stockwell, Jayden<br />
Stokes, tries, Jordan Swaine<br />
conversion).<br />
SUB UNION-30<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Finals<br />
Time!!<br />
All games to be held atKaiapoi.<br />
For all information and updates<br />
please keep up to date with<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />
Under 14.5<br />
10.10am Field 1<br />
RHS Green vs RHS Gold<br />
Under 16<br />
10.10am, Field 2<br />
RHS vs Hurunui<br />
Under 18<br />
11.40am, Field 1<br />
Hurunui vs Kaiapoi<br />
1st XV<br />
11.40am, Field 2<br />
RHS vs CBHS<br />
Colts<br />
11.30am, Oval<br />
Ashley vs Kaiapoi<br />
Division 2<br />
1.10pm, Oval<br />
Kaikoura vs Ohoka<br />
Division 2Reserve<br />
1.10pm, Field 1<br />
Oxford vs Ashley<br />
Division 1Plate<br />
1.20pm, Field 2<br />
SaracensvsOhoka<br />
Division 1<br />
3.00pm, Oval<br />
Kaiapoi vs<br />
Hurunui<br />
Printed draw proudly supported by<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Your home forlocal property<br />
0800 7891011<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
For all draw information and updates<br />
please keep up to date with<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />
Our Results<br />
Four SeasonsRealty<br />
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SOLD<br />
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SOLD<br />
Belfast Office<br />
03 323 6045<br /><br />
804Main<strong>North</strong>Road, Belfast<br />
Hanmer Springs Office<br />
03 3157084<br /><br />
Shop3,12aConicalHillRoad,HanmerSprings<br />
HornbyOffice<br />
03 349 9919<br /><br />
395 Main South Road, Hornby<br />
Kaiapoi Office<br />
03 327 5379<br /><br />
154 Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008
There’sareason so many Cantabrians choosetosellwith Harcourts.<br />
Properties SOLD by your local Harcourts Four Seasons consultants forthe month of June <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
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Lincoln Office<br />
03 662 9933<br /><br />
6Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />
RangioraOffice<br />
03 3136158<br /><br />
15 Good Street, Rangiora<br />
Rolleston Office<br />
03 347 4711<br /><br />
Unit 13,70 RollestonDrive, Rolleston<br />
The Palms Office<br />
03 385 0343<br /><br />
39 Marshland Road,Shirley
Fernside 862 Oxford Road<br />
New Listing<br />
Entry Level Lifestyle Property<br />
Offeredtothe market by vendors who havemade the decision to downsize, this entry levellifestyle property boastsasmuch<br />
potential as it doescharacter. Built in the 1980s, this property offers three bedrooms,anopen-plan living area,atidy kitchen,<br />
conservatory, separatelaundry room and afamily bathroom. The log burnermeans the home is always warm and inviting,<br />
while excellentindoor/outdoor flowensures you'll spend plenty of time outside. Outside,on1.99 hectares of land it features<br />
an established garden framing the house with mature trees,avegetable garden with planters abevy of barns, double garage<br />
with workshoparea, chook house, stable, dogkennels so there is plenty to keep you busy.Ofcourse, the location is exceptional<br />
too, with easy access to both the Rangiora township and Christchurch city ensuring you'll want for nothing,and the setting<br />
creates awelcome respite from thehustle and bustle of modern life.Our vendorshave cherished their timehere but the time<br />
to downsize has arrived, and with the next chapter in their lives beckoning they are determined to achieve aresult as quickly as<br />
possible.<br />
3 1 1 2<br />
For Sale Buyers $760,000+<br />
View Sun 31 Jul 2.00 -3.00pm<br />
Web<br />
Victoria McKenzie-Browne<br />
M 021 413 883 E<br />
Cheviot 721Claverley Road<br />
Just imagine<br />
78 ha of flat to rolling coastalpropertyintwo terraces.The viewsfromthe top terrace over thesea are stunning. Great<br />
building sitesfor asecond dwelling. Subdividedinto 22 main paddockswith post and wire and post andnetting. Areas of<br />
nativebush with localinhabitants runningwild. Water comesfrom aprivate water scheme with approximately 10 units being<br />
availabletothe property. Improvements include:•Sheep and cattle yards•Up to 5stand woolshed(1standcurrentlyused)<br />
•3bay hay-shed •Tractorand implementshed •Workshop. The houseisa1970s build with Summerhill stone exteriorand<br />
iron roof, 158sqm. Three good sized bedrooms,two livingareasincluding a31sqm conservatory. Open plan<br />
living/kitchen/dinning.Separate bathroomand laundry. Heating is log burner with awet back.AnEQC payment will be passed<br />
to the purchaseratpossession date. Deadlinesale closing 9/8/<strong>2022</strong>at2pm (unless sold prior) plusGST (if any).<br />
Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 9th August, <strong>2022</strong> at 2.00pm,<br />
(unless sold prior)<br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
E<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
M 027 240 1718<br />
E<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> 35<br />
Age no barrier for Ashley rugby coach<br />
At ‘‘nearly 73’’ Ashley Rugby<br />
Football Club’s Personality of<br />
the Year, Steve Mitchell,<br />
thought his days coaching<br />
rugby were over.<br />
But that changed earlier<br />
this year when Steve, who is a<br />
life member of the club with 30<br />
years of coaching experience,<br />
agreed to assist Andrew Dunn<br />
coach Ashley’s senior Division<br />
Two team.<br />
‘‘I think Imight be the oldest<br />
coach in New Zealand,’’ he<br />
says. But he was happy to<br />
oblige. ``It is avery hard job<br />
for one person.’’<br />
The team has excelled<br />
under their coaching this year<br />
and on Saturday will play<br />
Oxford on Finals Day at<br />
Kaiapoi in the Division Two<br />
Plate Final.<br />
It is an exciting result but<br />
Steve is underplaying his<br />
contribution to the team’s<br />
success.<br />
‘‘Andrew has been coaching<br />
them all year. Ihave just come<br />
in in the last few months,’’<br />
Steve says.<br />
He believes in keeping<br />
Team talk ... Ashley Rugby Club’s president, Murray Goodwin, far<br />
right, with the club's Senior Division Two team coaches, Andrew<br />
Dunn, left and Steve Mitchell, centre, during the club’s Senior<br />
Division One game against Hurunui at the Loburn Domain last<br />
Saturday.<br />
things simple as acoach.<br />
‘‘When Icame in they had all<br />
these fancy moves they<br />
wanted to do. They see them<br />
on the television and they<br />
want to do them too.’’<br />
He narrowed down the<br />
fancy manoeuvres, and asked<br />
the team to focus on doing the<br />
simple things well.<br />
‘‘If we get that right we can<br />
make progress,’’ he told them.<br />
‘‘Getting everyone focused is<br />
the key,’’ he says.<br />
Steve has been playing<br />
rugby since he was fiveyears<br />
old and is still ahuge fan of<br />
the game, particularly<br />
‘‘grassroots rugby’’ because<br />
everyone can be involved.<br />
‘‘Rugby is still the only sport<br />
where every body type can<br />
play and be good at it,’’ he<br />
says.<br />
‘‘That is the appeal of it and<br />
people like being in teams<br />
because they provide great<br />
social connection.’’<br />
The Ashley club’s secretary<br />
David Gambold says Steve is<br />
an invaluable member and<br />
fantastic supporter of the<br />
club, who was ‘‘a good player<br />
in his day and really knows his<br />
rugby’’. Steve has enjoyed<br />
coaching the Division Two<br />
seniors this year. ‘‘These boys<br />
are great kids,’’ he says.<br />
He has always loved ruby<br />
and plans to continue<br />
supporting the club as much<br />
as he can, but he is not looking<br />
to make his coaching role<br />
permanent. ‘‘We are trying to<br />
encourage younger guys to<br />
take on the role, but it is not<br />
easy because everyone seems<br />
to be so busy these days.’’<br />
Waikari Op Shop celebrates first birthday<br />
St John,the Hawarden Waikari<br />
CommunityVehicle Trust, the<br />
Hurunui Police, alocal youth<br />
groupand the Menzshed, are<br />
some of the local organisations<br />
that have benefited from<br />
proceeds from the Waikari Op<br />
shop.<br />
The shop opened ayear ago<br />
withthe purpose of providing<br />
affordable clothing to those in<br />
need, aplace to recycleclothes<br />
no longer worn, aplace to meet<br />
and share stories,and to raise<br />
funds for the local community.<br />
Organisers say it has<br />
surpassedall their<br />
expectations, and has grown<br />
much faster than anticipated<br />
with many peopledonating<br />
clothes and small household<br />
items.<br />
Ateam of volunteers, who<br />
love serving their community<br />
and meeting people, work at<br />
the shop in the Anglican<br />
Church Hall. It celebrated its<br />
birthdaywith cake and a<br />
cuppa.<br />
The shops is open on<br />
Mondaysand Thursdays<br />
10.30amto2pm.<br />
YOUR<br />
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Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 |<br />
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For contact details see page 2<br />
KaikouraDay Trip<br />
Wednesday 20th <strong>July</strong><br />
$25pp return<br />
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Tours<br />
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Daytrips<br />
Orari GorgeStation<br />
Thursday27th October<br />
$50pp return<br />
We canprovide shuttle and coachhire<br />
Call Reid Tours 0800446 886<br /><br />
Email to join our mailing list<br />
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What’s happening inyour<br />
community…<br />
Orange traffic light restrictions are in place -visit for further information.<br />
First Chlorination Exemption<br />
Application Submitted<br />
The Council has submitted the first ofits<br />
applications to new water regulator, Taumata<br />
Arowai, seeking anexemption from having touse<br />
chlorine in water supplies.<br />
Taumata Arowai took over responsibility for<br />
regulating drinking water from the Ministry of<br />
Health in November 2021, via the Water Services<br />
Act, which now requires all registered water<br />
supplies to submit aDrinking Water Safety Plan<br />
(DWSP) aswell as introduce aresidual disinfectant,<br />
such as chlorine -unless awarded anexemption.<br />
Water Asset Manager,ColinRoxburgh says staff<br />
havebeen preparing updated DWSPsfor all the<br />
Council’swatersupplies, and residual disinfection<br />
exemption applications forall its on-demand supplies.<br />
“Our first exemption application for the Cust<br />
drinking water supply has been submitted, and<br />
we plan tosubmit the remaining five applications<br />
before the November deadline,” says Colin.<br />
“Councils mustdemonstratethe highest levels of water<br />
qualityand management practices,which is why we’re<br />
continuing to investigate options to improve reliability.”<br />
Over the years, Council has had ahigh level of<br />
engagement with the Cust community about their<br />
supply. ACust Water Supply Advisory Group was<br />
established back in 2008, and public meetings<br />
have been held more recently in 2020 togain the<br />
views ofthe wider community, prior to the recent<br />
upgrade ofthe headworks.<br />
“Strong feedback from the community was that<br />
investment in the village’s water supply would be<br />
worthwhile, if it would provide the best chance of the<br />
water remaining chlorine free in the future,” says Colin.<br />
While we’re making every effort todemonstrate the<br />
safety and quality of our water supplies, exemptions<br />
may be subject to further work taking place, and<br />
may require chlorine to be administered temporarily.<br />
Alternatively, the applications may be declined, and<br />
chlorine could become permanent, depending on the<br />
assessment made by Taumata Arowai.<br />
All Council schemes have chlorination equipment<br />
ready to be used as and when required and has<br />
been in place for some time, if achange in water<br />
quality or the risk profile of asupply were to change.<br />
The schemes that are currently unchlorinated<br />
(or intended to be unchlorinated subject to<br />
the application process) are Rangiora, Kaiapoi,<br />
Woodend-Pegasus, Oxford, Waikuku Beach and Cust.<br />
We will keep residents updated on the status<br />
of our exemption applications throughout the<br />
process, as well as any subsequent decisions<br />
from Taumata Arowai.<br />
More information on Taumata Arowai and<br />
drinking water standards can be found on the<br />
regulator's website.<br />
Free Digital<br />
Skills Classes<br />
Introduction to SmartPhones<br />
Kaiapoi Library<br />
Monday 25<strong>July</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
RangioraLibrary<br />
Friday 29<strong>July</strong> • 10–11.30am<br />
Introduction to Apps<br />
Kaiapoi Library<br />
Monday 1August • 10–11.30am<br />
RangioraLibrary<br />
Friday 5August • 10–11.30am<br />
Bookings Essential<br /><br />
03 311 8901<br />
Image: Shubha Narayan<br />
Immigrant journeys<br />
Exhibition 2–7August kaiapoi Library<br />
Discover the rich diversity that our most recent<br />
immigrants bring to Aotearoa New Zealand.<br />
Through their skills, cultural backgrounds and<br />
experiences, they strengthen and add immense<br />
value to this country and help shape its future.<br />
This exhibition is an original idea of the Lady<br />
Khadija Trust in collaboration with Telling Lives<br />
and Janneth Gil Photography.<br />
Want to learn to cook<br />
different and interesting<br />
dishes from other cultures?<br />
Global locals of Waimakariri (GLOW) in partnership<br />
with the Waimakariri District Council are hosting a<br />
10-week Multicultural Cooking Class Series.<br />
27 <strong>July</strong> –<strong>28</strong>September <strong>2022</strong> | 5.30–7.30pm<br />
‣ Kaiapoi High School<br />
‣ Rangiora New Life School<br />
Register at<br />
Have YouRegistered<br />
Your Dog Yet?<br />
By now you should have received your<br />
<strong>2022</strong>-23 dog registration application.<br />
If youhaveadog and havenot receivedyourdog registration<br />
contact us on 0800 965 468 or email<br />
to update your records.<br />
To avoid penalties, pay your annual dog registration by<br />
31 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
All dog registrations can be paid online at<br />
or at our service centres in Oxford, Rangiora and Kaiapoi.<br />
If you are paying by internet banking, please use the first<br />
animal ID number listed on the form as areference.<br />
Register now at:<br /><br />
$<br />
20<br />
per class<br />
Road Stopping<br />
Portion of JamesonsRoad thatdissects 461Constitution Road in Culverden,Hurunui District.<br />
Public Notice isherby given that, pursuant to Section 319(h) and 342(a) ofthe Local Government Act 1974, the<br />
Hurunui District Council proposestostop partofthe road described in the schedule mhereto:<br />
Area (m 2 ) Shownonthe plan as Plan<br />
34900 Road to be stopped (proposed) Misura Drawing number 21081-00-001 BDate6/04/22<br />
The portion of road when stopped shall be amalgamated pursuant to Section 345(1)(a) of the Local government Act 1974<br />
with adjoiningland as follows:<br />
Area (m 2 ) Shown Landtobeamalgamated with<br />
34900 Road to be stopped (proposed) Section1(road to be stopped) be amalgamatedwith<br />
parts Lot 3DP2021 (RTCB33K/940),PartLot 6&7DP<br />
2696 &PartSection121, Part Section121X,PartSection<br />
122 &PartSection 123X SQUARE 89 AMURI<br />
(RTCB21B/100), RS 38775 &RS38776 (RT CB1B/1026)<br />
andone record of title be issued for all parcels.<br />
Theabove-mentioned plan may be viewed at the AmuriCommunityLibrary &Service Centre at AmuriArea<br />
School, Culverden or theHurunui District Council Offices at 66 Carters Road, Amberley during normaloffice<br />
hoursoronthe Councilswebsite underConsultations.<br />
If you would liketoobjecttothisproposalyou must lodgeyourobjectioninwritingtothe Hurunui District<br />
Council Attn: Liz Atkins either in person to 66 CartersRoad, Amberley, or posted to POBox 13, Amberley<br /> to arrive no later than 5:00pm9September <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Dated at Hurunui DistrictCouncil,Amberleythis14day of <strong>July</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Thisisthe second publicationofthis notice.<br />
HDobbie<br />
Chief Executive Officer<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Not Typical Limited, Unit<br />
5/246 High Street, Rangiora<br />
has made application<br />
to the District Licensing<br />
Committee at Rangiora for<br />
the issue of aOn-Licence<br />
in respect of the premises<br />
situated at Unit 5/246 High<br />
Street, Rangiora known as<br />
La Luna Eatery&Bar.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Restaurant.<br />
The days on which and<br />
the hours during which<br />
alcohol is (or is intended to<br />
be) sold under the licence<br />
are Sunday to Thursday<br />
8.00am to 11.00pm, Friday<br />
& Saturday 8.00am to<br />
1.00am following day.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing ofthe objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Private Bag 1005, Rangiora<br />
or email to records@wmk.<br /><br />
No objection to the issue<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 105 (1) of the Sale<br />
and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />
2012.<br />
This is the first publication<br />
of this notice.<br />
2495098v1<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. For a quote, phone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Terrible<br />
<br />
Debt<br />
<br />
<br />
a free and<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Kiwisaver<br />
teach<br />
manage<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
the Waimakariri<br />
or Hurunui<br />
District<br /><br />
<br />
other agencies<br />
<br />
Sharon Grant <br />
<br />
<br />
Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />
Supported by: <br />
<br />
Registered Charity Number: CC10710<br />
is turning 100 this year!<br />
Centennial celebrations will be<br />
held this Labour Weekend,<br />
21 st to 23 rd October.<br />
All past members are invited to email<br /><br />
for further details<br />
Gardening<br />
Services. Phone Ben for a<br />
free quote 027 350 1963.<br />
Gardening<br />
2501322<br />
mowing, weed spraying,<br />
fertilizing. Please phone<br />
027 632 7216.<br />
Public Notices<br />
2497526v2<br />
NORTH <strong>Canterbury</strong> Cycle<br />
Club AGM, Sunday 14th<br />
August, 5.30pm, Rangiora<br />
Town Hall, meeting room,<br />
upstairs.<br />
CLUB<br />
GROUP<br />
Enjoy day trips<br />
into country from<br />
Christchurch by bus<br />
We meet on the 3rd<br />
Saturday of themonth<br />
Talk to our<br />
President Rose on<br />
021-146-5571<br />
for more details<br />
2500815<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
FALCONS &<br />
WANTED<br />
Suitable for<br />
dismantling or repairs<br />
Ph 313 7216<br />
2412522<br />
Automotive Services<br />
CARAVANS &<br />
Interior &exterior repairs,<br />
maintenance & upgrades,<br />
based in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Solar, satellite, awning<br />
installations. Sheetmetal,<br />
light engineering &welding<br />
services. Professional<br />
coach builder specializing<br />
in the RV industry 25 years.<br />
Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />
Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />
Motorcycles<br />
MOTORCYCLE wof,<br />
service &repairs at South<br />
Pacific Motorcycle<br />
Services, Mandeville.<br />
Please phone 03 312 0066<br /><br />
Notice of MainPower<br />
Trust Annual Meeting<br />
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of<br />
Beneficiaries ofthe MainPowerTrust will be held on<br />
Wednesday 17August at the MainPower head office<br />
building, 172 Fernside Road, Rangiora following the Annual<br />
General Meeting of MainPower New Zealand Limited which<br />
will commence at 5:30 p.m.<br />
The safety ofour community isour priority. Ifthe region’s<br />
COVID-19 status makes holding aphysical meeting<br />
impractical, the MainPowerTrust may determine to hold the<br />
meeting online by audio-visual or audio means.<br />
Notice of this determination will be published on the<br />
MainPowerTrust website by5:00 p.m. on Monday 15August,<br /><br />
Agenda<br />
1. Apologies.<br />
2. Confirmation of the Minutes ofthe Annual General<br />
Meeting held 21st September 2021.<br />
3. Adoption of Annual Report.<br />
4.To appoint Deloitte as Auditor in accordance with Section<br />
101 ofthe Electricity Industry Act 2010 and to fix the fees<br />
and expenses of the auditor.<br />
5.To consider any general business which may be properly<br />
brought before the meeting.<br />
All members of the public are invited to attend.<br />
KM Hansell<br />
Secretary<br />
MainPowerTrust<br />
Livestock<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
313 0022<br />
2466978<br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
2312759<br />
Pets<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
DEER -ELK BULL, born<br />
2016, rising 6 yr old in<br />
November. Used as sire<br />
stag. Good temperament.<br />
Breeding history available.<br />
Viewing at <strong>North</strong> Loburn,<br />
Rangiora. 027 646 6773<br />
(txt or leave message).<br />
Asking price $3,800 (+<br />
GST $570 =$4370).<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
★ ★ ★<br />
Cash paid. Please phone 027<br />
682 3222.<br />
For Sale<br />
• DOG FOOD<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
313 0022<br />
2490219<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
37<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Mini Bus Trust<br />
AGM<br />
The Annual General Meeting of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Mini Bus Trust will be held in the Meeting Room<br />
Rangiora Public Library at12.00 noon on Thursday<br />
18 th August <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Business<br />
• Apologies • Minutes of last AGM<br />
• Chairman’s report • Annual Accounts to 31/3/22<br />
• Confirmation of Officers • General Business 2499044<br />
“The Key ofKnowledge ..”<br />
(Luke 11:52)<br />
Before His ascension into heaven the Lord Jesus spoke ofthe<br />
Kingdom ofGOD, “During His forty days after His crucifixion He<br />
appeared to His apostles from timetotime…. And He talked to them<br />
about the KingdomofGOD”Acts1:3. It continues in Acts 1:6 “they<br />
kept asking Him ‘Lord has the time come for you to free Israel and<br />
restoreour kingdom?” The Lord’s reply was “The FATHERalone has<br />
the authority to set those dates and times”. From these quotes we<br />
can seethatthe KingdomofGOD is connectedtothe nationofIsrael.<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Ad# 40367<br />
We are looking for<br />
mature, animal loving<br />
homesitters from<br />
October onwards in<br />
Christchurch and<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
All lovely homes and pets.<br />
Search<br />
for more details.<br />
Star Media is seeking reportersto<br />
join its Christchurch news room.<br />
Theroles coverarangeofnewsfromthe metropolitan<br />
focusedThe Star to neighbourhood community titles.<br />
The successful applicants will need to have apassion<br />
forstorytellingand the communitiestheywill write<br />
about, and liveand breathe journalism.<br />
If youthinkyou havewhat it takestobepart of a<br />
progressive companyand competitivenewsroom<br />
send your CV to Editor in ChiefBarry Clarke,<br />
or call him formoreinformation021 359-426.<br />
Star Media is adivision of Allied Press.<br />
We are looking forawell organised personto<br />
manage the distribution of advertising material<br />
&local newspapers intohousehold letterboxes.<br />
This is apart-time contract position where you can co-ordinate most of<br />
your work from home, allowing the opportunity to continue or apply<br />
for w <br />
Theposition may include managing ateam of deliv This role could<br />
suit an at home parent, retiree or someone returning tothe workforc<br />
Youwill need asuitable van, mobile phone, computer with internet<br />
access and be able to provide short-term undercover stor<br />
Interested? Contact:<br /><br />
Interested? Contact:<br />
Phone<br />
Martin 027 226 2164<br />
2499736<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Supervisor wanted. We<br />
are looking for a well<br />
organised person to<br />
manage the distribution<br />
of advertising material<br />
and local newspapers<br />
into household letterboxes<br />
in Amberley.<br />
This is apart-time contract<br />
position where<br />
most of your work can<br />
be done from home.<br />
This may include managing<br />
a team of local<br />
deliverers. This role<br />
could suit an at home<br />
parent, retiree or someone<br />
returning to the<br />
workforce. For more<br />
information please ph<br />
Martin on 027 226 2164.
38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>July</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Situations Vacant<br />
DeliverersWanted!<br />
Need some extracash??<br />
Whynot get fit earningit!<br />
Be part of adynamic team from areputable and<br />
well-respectedcompanyand deliver advertising<br />
material and newspapers to local homes.<br />
Interested?<br />
We requirehonest,reliable people,<br />
aged 11 or over,inyour area NOW!<br />
Forfurther details contact:<br />
Martin Foley at Mainland Distribution<br />
Email:<br />
Please include your<br />
name, address and<br />
contact details<br />
Entertainment<br />
RANGIORA (N.C)<br />
Monday 1 st August, 7pm<br />
Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />
Function centre,<br />
156 Ashley Street.<br />
New Singers and visitors<br />
welcome<br />
Enquiries Bob 021 111 5534<br />
2500902<br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary up to<br />
NCEA level 3. In centre<br />
(Rangiora) or interactive<br />
online from your home.<br />
Each student on an individually<br />
tailored programme.<br />
Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years. Give<br />
us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.<br /><br />
Garage Sales<br />
Trade&Services<br />
DOWNSIZING -Sat 30th ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
<strong>July</strong>, 7.30am, 171 Ashley Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
St, Rangiora. Clothing, 2 & operated. Covering all<br />
weddingdresses, 2washing areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaran-<br />
renovations,<br />
KITCHEN,<br />
machines, single bed &<br />
bedding, trampoline and teed, service. Firebox<br />
more.<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Home Services Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
CARPET &UPHOLSTERY pruning, height reduction,<br />
CLEANING Commercial & hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
Residential. Servicing<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. Ph Dave tree planting, firewood.<br />
at Christchurch Carpet Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Cleaning 021-638-637 Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
2475427<br />
Flushing Officer -Part time<br />
The 3WatersTeam has avacancy for apermanent part<br />
time position of Flushing Officer.<br />
This role will support water operations by carrying<br />
out regular flushing and inspections of fire hydrants<br />
and flushing points within our drinking water network,<br />
to maintain the quality ofwater within our reticulated<br />
water supply networks. Youwill work closely with the<br />
Team Leader Field Operations -3Waters to perform<br />
hydrantflushing and identifyhydrantsthat require repair<br />
or maintenance.<br />
You will have astrong desire to contribute to the<br />
successful operations ofthe water supply network,<br />
and operate equipment in asafe and efficient manner.<br />
Identifying and actioning improvements in the current<br />
procedures for the provision of water services is akey<br />
focus in thisrole. Demonstrable experienceofworking<br />
in ateam and contributing positively to its success is<br />
also essential.<br />
Youwill have fullNew Zealand Driver’s license and enjoy<br />
driving, including 4-wheel driving. Experience entering<br />
data, keeping accurate records with the applications<br />
and toolsprovided and carrying out minor maintenance<br />
would be desirable.<br />
For enquiries about the role please email Charlie Hutt,<br />
charlie.hutt@hurunui.govt.nzorphone 027 808 9113.<br />
To apply for this job go to:<br />
Vacancies &enterref code:6030494.<br />
Applications close 05 August<strong>2022</strong><br />
Trade &Services<br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br /><br />
bathroom,<br />
decking,<br />
pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />
reliable licenced builders.<br />
Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 54<strong>28</strong> or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
Log Fires<br />
Pellet Fires<br />
Heat Pumps<br />
HOMEKILL & Wild<br />
Game meat processing. Ph<br />
313 0022.<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please phSteve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
Reg Tradesman<br />
Interior,exterior.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />
specialising in decorating for<br />
over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />
Free quotes.<br />
Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />
Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />
Rob 03 327 7899<br />
or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 1<strong>28</strong> 9867<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
2500887<br />
Sales<br />
Service<br />
Installations<br />
Free Quotes<br />
03 343 1651<br />
472 Blenheim Rd<br /><br />
2220615<br />
Trade &Services<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />
2362002<br />
027 216 0000<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
CRAIGS Trees<br />
(03) 327-4190<br />
Free Quotes<br />
027 2299 454<br /><br />
Guide<br />
2225862<br />
2434390<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email<br />
Accountant<br />
Automotive &Recovery<br />
Butchery<br />
Carpentry<br />
Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />
Ph 027673 3330<br />
We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />
salary &wage earner,self employed, rental,<br />
business,farm,GST,pay dayfiling, rentalreturns<br />
2469229<br />
2070788<br />
• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />
• Vehicle Servicing &<br />
Repairs<br />
• Tyres &Punctures<br />
• Jump Starts<br />
• Towing &Salvage<br />
• Courtesy Car Available<br />
Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />
0272 588 366<br />
13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />
Swannanoa<br />
Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
2227889v2<br />
2475070v2<br />
Quality Workmanship •Friendly Service<br />
New Builds, Renovations, Alterations, Decks, Pergolas,<br />
JoineryInstallation (incl. Windows), Roofing<br />
Ph: 027 390 3307 Email:<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email<br />
Cattle Problems<br />
Chiropractic Care<br />
Computer Repairs<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
• Live Humane Capture<br />
• Trucking<br />
• Tagging<br />
• Testing<br />
• Sale of unruly, difficult, pesky<br />
cattle<br />
Profit share 50-50<br />
Craig Flintoft 03312 9432<br /><br />
2459888<br />
Dr.YvonneShaw Chiropractor(B.Chiro)<br />
(03) 975 5135<br />
18 BlakeSt, Rangiora<br /><br />
ncnSymC1006<br />
Bruce Evans<br />
131 Ohoka Road<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
03 327 3111<br />
021 293 6331<br /><br /><br />
Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />
Prompt professional services<br />
2276525v2<br />
Virus &malware removal<br />
New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
2273277<br />
Ear Health<br />
Electrician<br />
Engineering<br />
Garry WMechen<br />
Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />
Phone (03) 313-9192<br />
38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
* I S<br />
2495004<br />
HOURS<br />
8.30am -12noon<br />
- Monday to Friday<br />
A V C<br />
For a/h repairs<br />
phone (03) 310-3044<br />
Mobile Welding /Fabrication<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue808 |<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />
1902273<br />
• Ear Health checks.<br />
• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />
• Removal of foreign bodies<br />
• Basic hearing aid care<br />
• ACC provider<br />
• WarVeteran provider<br />
• No medical referral<br />
required<br />
Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />
Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />
Bookings: Online |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />
Email | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2324849<br />
We Install<br />
Pet Doors<br />
According<br />
To Your<br />
Pet’s Needs<br />
Glass<br />
Pet doors installed<br />
from only $175<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Glass<br />
10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />
03 313 5335<br /><br />
2497591<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Supply and Install<br />
of Seamless Gutters<br />
10 year no leaks<br />
guarantee<br />
• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />
large colour range available<br />
• High grade and thicker material used<br />
• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />
• Undertake all insurance work<br />
• Independently owned and operated<br />
• Competitive pricing<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />
Call Marvin 027 371 4179<br /><br />
2481421<br />
• All Commercial &Residential electrical work<br />
• Fault finding and Test &tag<br />
• Heat pumps, TV comms /Data<br />
Daniel Parkin P 03 314 3706 |022 642 7078<br />
Dirk Potgieter P 03 960 3798 |022 658 3344<br />
E | W<br />
2130 Omihi Road, Greta Valley, 7483<br />
Landscaping<br />
For all your landscaping needs<br />
All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />
Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />
and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />
Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br /><br /><br />
2372616v2<br />
Plumbing<br />
For all<br />
general<br />
aspects of<br />
plumbing<br />
Discounts for over<br />
65 years old<br />
Fast friendly service<br />
All work guaranteed<br />
Aaron McCartney<br />
Certifying Plumber<br />
Cell 027 366 9091<br />
A/H 03 310 2137<br />
Free Call:<br />
0508 44EVER<br />
EMAIL:<br /><br />
2172994<br />
2464654<br />
2269236<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 <strong>28</strong>21<br /><br />
Lawn Care<br />
Love your lawn? You will!<br />
Lawn mowing - complete lawn care<br />
Cost effective lawn care; fine home and business<br />
lawns; sports turf. Mowing (reel and rotary),<br />
edging, fertilising, weed elimination, soil<br />
improvement, de-thatching, core aeration.<br />
Ph oremail David now tosecure your spot<br />
for thecoming season 021 02417759<br /><br />
2500209<br />
AND BE THE<br />
FIRST<br />
Advertise with<br />
us and get<br />
noticed<br />
today!<br />
Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br /> to find out how we can help!<br />
Wheels &Tyres<br />
343 Flaxton Rd, Rangiora | Ph03424 1170<br /><br />
2489072<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email
The Multi-Feederthatfeedsevery feed type without blocking<br />
up or breaking down.Feedout anyRound or Square Bales,<br />
Silage, Maize, Corn, Root Crops &Food Wastewith ease<br />
NOW!<br />
+ Unbeatable versatility -one Machine, any Feed<br />
+ Best visibility -ability tosee the entire load from the<br />
tractor seat<br />
+ Accurate feed delivery –scale ready and optional<br />
Feedlink feed management system<br />
+ Easy loading –low loading height<br />
+ Load dividing design –reduce the load onall drives<br />
for alonger-lasting machine<br />
+ Central greasing –comes standard for the axle and<br />
difficult to access grease points<br />
+ Massive drawbar clearance –industry-leading<br />
clearance for perfect manoeuvrability intight<br />
lanes and gateways<br />
+ Single elevator ram –eliminates twisting, reduce<br />
maintenance and mounted out of harm’s way<br />
+ Integrated access ladder –easy access when<br />
removing bale strings<br />
+ Standard feedpad kit –nomore spillage or<br />
tyre running over the feed row<br />
COMBI CM<br />
The HustlerCombi rangeis<br />
available in twoversions:<br />
chain rear floor (Combi CM)<br />
and chainless rear floor<br />
(Combi RX)<br />
FROM $72,890<br />
... and don’t forget about the<br />
ChainsawPromo<br />
COMBI RX<br />
FROM $85,600<br />
PurchaseANY Hustler machine&get in the draw to winaStihl MS 291FarmBoss® chainsaw,worth$1295. Anew winner in New Zealand<br />
willbedrawn each&every month from MaythroughSeptember <strong>2022</strong>. Find our<br />
UNROLLALX104<br />
>Toughest Bars &Chains<br />
>Connect from either end<br />
>Tough dual<br />
latching system<br />
FROM<br />
$10,250<br />
>Feeds Round &Square Bales<br />
>Notrouble-some feed<br />
chains or bushes<br />
>Dual latching system<br />
FROM<br />
$15,990<br />
>Patented Total Control<br />
loading system<br />
>Feeds Round&Square Bales<br />
(Shown with optional extras)<br />
FROM<br />
$24,490<br />
>Tough and versatile tip trailer<br />
>Central greasing<br />
>Side toolboxes<br />
>Hydraulic tailgate releasee<br />
>8and 10-tonne models<br />
FROM<br />
$32,990<br />
>100% Roller Chains |Industry First<br />
>Virtually Indestructible Hungry Boards |Industry First<br />
>TwinFeed right and left hand discharge |Industry First<br />
>Simple Operation with only one set ofhydraulics<br />
>Unique Uni-Body Design and large suspension travel<br />
FROM<br />
$65,690<br />
Most useful tool you can think of<br />
High Strength &Made to Fit<br />
High Quality &Ability<br />
All prices exclude GST.<br />
FROM $8,900 FROM $1,680 FROM $5,900<br />
Assured Quality<br />
Trusted Experience<br />
World Class Service<br />
51 Carters Road, Amberley 0800908 908
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />
Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />
in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />
same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />
be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />
Spend them &<br />
Earn them here<br />
*Ifyou find alower priceonanidentical in-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />
Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />
in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />
same productcheaper from another Mitre10store or we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />
be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />