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q u e e n s l a n d h o T E L S a s s o c i a t i o n<br />

A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />

star struck<br />


FEATURE:<br />






Bernie Hogan with Mel Porter, Shelley and Mick Porter at the Plainlands Hotel<br />


...FOR THE NEXT<br />

12 MONTHS ANY<br />








BEFORE...<br />

This most recent budget passed by the Queensland Government contained some<br />

initiatives that the <strong>QHA</strong> trust will be warmly welcomed by the Queensland hotels<br />

sector. Firstly, as we all know, gaming machines are in short supply in the hotel sector.<br />

Despite being limited to only 45 machines, demand for hotel gaming machines has far<br />

outstripped the supply for several years.<br />

In an attempt to encourage hotels to donate some machines into the tender process,<br />

the Queensland Government has reduced the commission taken from sales to 15%<br />

for the next 12 months. Obviously this is good news for the seller of any machines as<br />

they stand to get greater value for their asset in the sale.<br />

Further to this, in an agreement with the Queensland Treasury, the Public Trustee<br />

of Queensland and the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation, there is to be a<br />

published minimum acceptable price for future tenders. This “floor” price will give even<br />

greater certainty for any members that decide to sell some authorities, but also gives<br />

their financiers greater confidence on the value of every EGM authority in Queensland.<br />

To those unfamiliar with the Queensland gaming machine system, this may all sound<br />

very technical. However, to summarise, for the next 12 months any Queensland hotel<br />

that surrenders a machine will receive more for their asset than ever before and every<br />

machine authority in Queensland will now have a published value. The <strong>QHA</strong> believes<br />

this is a step forward for every hotel that offers this type of entertainment and is<br />

grateful for the collaborative assistance of the Queensland Government in achieving<br />

this.<br />

Now, it is up to us. For members that had dreams of updating some part of their<br />

venue, building their business or realising any other lifelong goal – you will never get a<br />

better opportunity to realise the value in your machines.<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> CHIEF EXECUTIVE/EDITOR<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 3

FEATURE:<br />


q u e e n s l a n d h o T E L S a s s o c i a t i o n<br />

A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />






star struck<br />

o u r c o v e r :<br />

Star Residences<br />

are adding<br />

another option for<br />

accommodation on<br />

the Gold Coast<br />



A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />

<strong>QHA</strong><br />

Level 14, 270 Adelaide Street<br />

Brisbane, Queensland 4000<br />

GPO Box 343<br />

Brisbane, Queensland 4001<br />

Phone: 07 3221 6999<br />

1800 177 594<br />

Fax: 07 3221 6649<br />

Web: www.qha.org.au<br />

Email: info@qha.org.au<br />

Office Hours<br />

8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday<br />

President<br />

Mr Tom McGuire AM<br />

Senior Vice President<br />

Mr Richard Deery<br />

Vice Presidents<br />

Mr Scott Armstrong<br />

Mr Brad Fitzgibbons<br />

Mr Matthew Coorey<br />

Chief Executive and Editor<br />

Mr Bernie Hogan<br />

www.qha.org.au<br />

6 NEWS<br />

18 FEATURE<br />


26 INSIGHTS<br />



50 TOP DROP<br />



60 WINE<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 4<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW is published by the Queensland<br />

Hotels Association ABN 54 878 166 941.<br />

All information is correct at time of going to press.<br />

The publishers cannot accept responsibility for<br />

errors in articles or advertisements, or unsolicited<br />

manuscripts, photographs or illustrations.<br />

The opinions and words of the authors do not<br />

necessarily represent those of the publisher. All<br />

rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is<br />

strictly prohibited without prior permission.<br />


For all editorial and advertising queries:<br />

Simon Cross 0413 698 630<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> Industry<br />

Engagement<br />

Manager<br />

A hospitality industry<br />

professional with over<br />

30 years’ experience<br />

in liquor, gaming and<br />

operations. Damian<br />

has a strong focus<br />

on compliance and<br />

legislation.<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> Training Manager<br />

An experienced VET<br />

sector professional,<br />

Therese manages<br />

the <strong>QHA</strong> Training<br />

department and is<br />

responsible for the<br />

development and<br />

delivery of quality training<br />

for <strong>QHA</strong> members and<br />

other hospitality venues.<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> Membership Officer<br />

Paul is the face of the<br />

Association to many <strong>QHA</strong><br />

members as he travels the<br />

length and breadth of the<br />

state visiting, advising and<br />

assisting publicans.<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> Accommodation<br />

Division Manager<br />

As a professional<br />

advocate for the<br />

accommodation sector<br />

of the hotel industry,<br />

Judy advises and<br />

represents members on<br />

matters including tourism<br />

legislation, marketing<br />

strategy, risk management<br />

and airline regulation.<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> Employment<br />

Relations Manager<br />

Joanna has spent her<br />

career developing a<br />

broad knowledge and<br />

skill base, providing<br />

formal representation<br />

in jurisdictions such as<br />

Fair Work Commission,<br />

the QIRC, and the<br />

ADCQ.<br />



Attorney-General and<br />

Minister for Justice<br />

Shannon Fentiman<br />

is the Labor member<br />

for Waterford in the<br />

Queensland Legislative<br />

Assembly. She is also<br />

the Minister for Women<br />

and the Minister for the<br />

Prevention of Domestic<br />

and Family Violence.<br />


Commissioner for<br />

Office of Liquor and<br />

Gaming Regulation<br />

Queensland<br />

Victoria is responsible<br />

for the regulatory policy<br />

and strategic direction<br />

of product safety,<br />

licensing, compliance<br />

and enforcement<br />

activitiestoprotect market<br />

integrity and keep<br />

Queenslanders safe.<br />


Managing Partner,<br />

Mullins<br />

With over 30 years’<br />

experience in property,<br />

liquor and gaming law,<br />

Curt is recognised<br />

as a leader in this<br />

field. He advises pub,<br />

club, nightclub,<br />

restaurant, resort and<br />

accommodation venue<br />

owners and operators.<br />


Hostplus, Group<br />

Executive, Member<br />

Experience<br />

Paul provides key-executive<br />

strategic leadership,<br />

development, and<br />

management of Hostplus’<br />

Member Experience<br />

division, responsible<br />

for the achievement of<br />

high-quality membercentric<br />

experiences and<br />

outcomes for Hostplus’<br />

members, employers and<br />

stakeholders.<br />


State Manager (Qld)<br />

Aristocrat<br />

Nick has a proven<br />

history in wholesale<br />

liquor, electronic<br />

gaming, and hotel and<br />

restaurant operation.<br />

He now heads up the<br />

state team for one<br />

of Australia’s leading<br />

manufacturers of<br />

gaming machines.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 5

NEWS<br />

STAR<br />


TO SHINE<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 6<br />






NEWS<br />

The latest element of the comprehensive<br />

development that is The Star Gold Coast, The<br />

Star Residences include 422 modern one and<br />

two-bedroom apartments on the upper levels of<br />

the $400 million, 53-storey tower.<br />

The apartments, designed by architects Cottee<br />

Parker, will be available for short-term stays,<br />

long-term rentals and permanent residency.<br />

Chief Operating Officer of The Star Gold<br />

Coast Jessica Mellor said the opening of The<br />

Star Residences marked a huge milestone<br />

in the expansion of The Star Gold Coast and<br />

introduced an entirely new world of possibilities<br />

for leisure and corporate travellers looking to<br />

make the most of the Gold Coast lifestyle.<br />

“Whether you’re a family looking for a longerterm<br />

holiday destination or travelling to the<br />

Gold Coast for business, our new serviced<br />

apartments provide the best of both worlds –<br />

the convenience of home amenities, plus a full<br />

suite of bars, restaurants and entertainment on<br />

your doorstep,” Jessica said.<br />

“We’ve already seen fantastic pick-up of the<br />

new apartment-style offering with our first shortterm<br />

guests checking into their apartments<br />

today, and a strong pipeline of bookings.<br />

“Equally exciting is the concept that we will<br />

welcome our first permanent residents to the<br />

Island who will live like they’re on holidays yearround.”<br />

The apartments are kitted out to operate as<br />

a home away from home, with high-quality<br />

Wi-Fi, laundry facilities and space to unwind.<br />

For the work traveller there are a selection of<br />

apartments that include a study to keep work<br />

separated from play.<br />

Being in the heart of a resort means apartment<br />

guests and owners have access to The Star’s<br />

range of award-winning restaurants, bars, and<br />

leisure spaces, as well as a dedicated private<br />

recreation deck on Level 20.<br />

The recreation deck includes a resort-style pool,<br />

a sauna, steam room, fully equipped gym, yoga<br />

and pilates studio and a range of casual dining<br />

areas and private dining rooms that can be<br />

hired for bigger events.<br />

The Star Residences takes the current<br />

accommodation options at The Star Gold<br />

Coast, including those at The Star Grand, The<br />

Darling and the Dorsett Gold Coast hotels, to<br />

over 1,100 rooms.<br />

As part of its $2 billion masterplan the resort is<br />

also expecting to open a second $400 million<br />

63-storey tower featuring 457 one, two- and<br />

three-bedroom apartments in 2024.<br />

The Star Residences are taking bookings now,<br />

with 1-bedroom apartment short-term stays<br />

starting from $278 per night.<br />

Visit: star.com.au/goldcoast/hotels-and-spa/<br />

the-star-residences<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 7

NEWS<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 8<br />





Queensland Sales Director Patrick Donohue said<br />

recent campaigns for XXXX and XXXX Zero had turned<br />

the spotlight on the big volume brands, reminding<br />

consumers what they stood for in Queensland in<br />

particular.<br />

In the craft and premium categories, Lion Australia has<br />

also seen steady growth.<br />

“Byron Bay Premium Lager and Hahn 3.5 are some<br />

of the fastest growing contemporary brands in the<br />

Queensland market, which we are very excited about,”<br />

Patrick said.<br />

“We are leading the way in premium with what we<br />

think is the best craft beer portfolio in Australia, with<br />

Little Creatures and Stone & Wood at the forefront,<br />

and we are investing in these brands to maximise their<br />

success.<br />

“We are also leading the way in mindful choices with<br />

Hahn, Heineken 0.0, XXXX Zero, and with White Claw<br />

as the number one hard seltzer in Australia, and James<br />

Squire Ginger Beer continuing to grow in volume.”<br />

When XXXX Zero launched in May, Lion unveiled a<br />

custom-made, solar-powered, 2m high esky at Pacific<br />

Fair Shopping Centre before rolling it out again at the<br />

Teneriffe Festival.<br />

The esky, which dispersed cold XXXX Zero via a<br />

vending machine style mechanism, has been named<br />

The Big Cooler in a nod to Queensland’s other “big”<br />

icons such as The Big Pineapple.<br />

The beer is being promoted as Australia’s first carbonneutral<br />

alcohol-free beer – and Lion celebrated its<br />

sustainability credentials with the unveiling of a mural in<br />

Brisbane created with the use of CO2-absorbing paint.

NEWS<br />



The XXXX Zero product has Climate Active carbon<br />

neutral certification and XXXX has pledged to use 100<br />

per cent renewable energy by 2025.<br />

Lion is pushing hard on its sustainability initiatives, with<br />

the launch in July of the Give a XXXX brand campaign<br />

across television, billboards, digital and social media<br />

channels.<br />

Chief Marketing Officer Anubha Sahasrabuddhe said<br />

the campaign, by Thinkerbell, was about celebrating<br />

and protecting the Aussie “good life”.<br />

“The platform is a call to arms for beer drinkers to give<br />

a XXXX about the things that matter most to them,”<br />

Anubha said.<br />

“The idea is about embracing the growing importance<br />

and recognition of what the XXXX matters, which<br />

shows through conscious effort, people reap the<br />

rewards of a good life and things that matter to them<br />

the most across the country.”<br />

Thinkerbell’s National Chief Creative Jim Ingram said<br />

the idea represents a modern mindset about what<br />

Queenslanders truly care about.<br />

“As an iconic Australian brand, XXXX has a role to play<br />

in encouraging Queenslanders to care about the things<br />

they give a XXXX about – and giving a XXXX can be<br />

about anything, the community, your mates, or in this<br />

case the end of the world, and therefore, the end of<br />

beer,” Jim said.<br />

Digging deeper into Lion’s brand identity,<br />

Patrick said it was all about helping people<br />

to live their best lives.<br />

“At Lion, our core purpose is to<br />

make the world a better place<br />

by championing sociability and<br />

helping people to live well,” he<br />

said.<br />

“Our brands bring joy to every<br />

adult social occasion, and we<br />

create crafted adult beverage<br />

brands and products that<br />

consumers love and that brings<br />

them and their communities<br />

together for sociability and<br />

human connection.<br />

“We believe in being a<br />

force for good, and from an<br />

environmental perspective, that<br />

means we collaborate across<br />

our supply chain to support a<br />

healthy planet by minimising our<br />

water use, reducing our carbon<br />

emissions, and promoting<br />

circular economy solutions for<br />

our packaging.”<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 9

NEWS<br />

TOP DOC<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 10<br />




NEWS<br />

The importance of the Royal Flying Doctor Service<br />

(RFDS) is one rural and regional publicans know all too<br />

well.<br />

If they haven’t themselves been helped by the Flying<br />

Doctor, then it’s a sure bet their patrons have.<br />

Acting as the “support crew” for the doctors, nurses,<br />

and pilots of the RFDS is a whole community of local<br />

heroes keeping the Flying Doctor in the air.<br />

This year, former co-owners of one of Australia’s<br />

most iconic outback pubs, The Birdsville Hotel, are<br />

RFDS Local Hero Awards winners, recognising people<br />

who give their time and energy to support RFDS<br />

and promote the importance of healthcare in their<br />

community.<br />

David and Nell Brook have spent much of their life<br />

supporting RFDS.<br />

It’s a cause close to their heart, like it is for most<br />

people who live in the outback. But there’s a special<br />

connection and history that runs deep for the family,<br />

who are now into their fourth generation as Birdsville<br />

residents.<br />

“People in the outback relate to the Flying Doctor as a<br />

mantle of safety,” Nell explains.<br />

It is why, through their roles with the Birdsville Race<br />

Club, they have helped RFDS fundraise at one of the<br />

town’s most popular events, the Birdsville Races.<br />

It is their unwavering loyalty to supporting the Flying<br />

Doctor – and the people it supports – that has earned<br />

them an RFDS Local Hero Award.<br />

David has lived in the town his whole life – and<br />

struggles to pinpoint just why he loves the town<br />

so much. It’s a love affair that his parents and<br />

grandparents also shared.<br />

There’s a strong sense of community. With a<br />

population of about 140 people, the community David<br />

refers to also encompasses more than 100,000 visitors<br />

to the town every year, many of those coming for the<br />

iconic Birdsville Races and supporting RFDS.<br />

“The Flying Doctor doesn’t just look after us living<br />

here in town and on properties, but the visitors we<br />

have every year as well – if they fall ill while travelling<br />

through, or are involved in a road accident.<br />

“The nearest hospital is about 700km away. It’s not<br />

uncommon for the RFDS plane to be here a couple of<br />

times a week. And that’s why it’s so important.”<br />

Through their roles as President, Secretary, Treasurer,<br />

and a host of other roles over the past 50 years, David<br />

and Nell and the club’s committee have supported<br />

the RFDS to raise more than $500,000 for the Flying<br />

Doctor.<br />

While humbled by the nomination for an RFDS Local<br />

Hero Award, and then to be named the winner<br />

for Charleville region – they wish for no personal<br />

accolades.<br />

They just want others to realise the importance of<br />

having the Flying Doctor there in your time of need.<br />

“We’ve had the Flying Doctor personally help us twice<br />

with our daughter, and our grandson most recently<br />

when he was visiting here and developed breathing<br />

issues,” Nell explains.<br />

“They flew Joshua from Birdsville to the hospital in<br />

Toowoomba. I was able to go with him and see how<br />

they operate.<br />

“The whole team was amazing. The nurse made<br />

Joshua feel very comfortable and even gave him a little<br />

rug with RFDS embroided on it. It was a little gesture,<br />

but Joshua still asks, ‘where is my rug?’. It’s a small<br />

thing, but it’s a comfort for children.”<br />

It’s a common saying in the outback: You hope you<br />

never need the Flying Doctor, but it’s good to know it’s<br />

there if you do.<br />

With David’s family connection to Birdsville tracing<br />

back to the 1880s, he has heard stories from his<br />

grandmother of a time without the Flying Doctor.<br />

“My grandmother’s brother had twins who died of<br />

pneumonia back in the early 1900s,” David recalls.<br />

His family are one of the many families who were the<br />

catalyst for founder, Reverend John Flynn, to start this<br />

crucial service.<br />

It is why David and Nell – and now their own family –<br />

continue to support RFDS.<br />

“Once you start something, you like to keep it going,”<br />

David said.<br />

It’s reflective of the same ambition Rev. John Flynn<br />

shared.<br />

“If you start something worthwhile - nothing can stop<br />

it.”<br />

There is a Local Hero Award winner connected to each<br />

of the nine RFDS Bases in Queensland – Charleville,<br />

Longreach, Mount Isa, Rockhampton, Roma,<br />

Townsville, Cairns, Bundaberg, and Brisbane. To vote<br />

for the overall winner, visit rfdslocalhero.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 11

NEWS<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 12<br />


Say “wheat beer” and the thought of lush green rolling<br />

landscapes of the Germanic variety are likely to jump<br />

to the front of the seasoned beer drinkers’ brain.<br />

Using wheat in beer has a long history in Germany,<br />

where “Weisenbier” was first brewed, however, as with<br />

most things, the style and technique of brewing has<br />

evolved somewhat since the ye olde days (think 800<br />

BC).<br />

As Germans immigrated to other parts of the world,<br />

so too, did the taste for wheat beer and the brewing<br />

knowledge to add the style to the product lists of<br />

various breweries throughout the world.<br />

The good news for fans of the flavour is that a bunch<br />

of Australian craft brewers have put their heads<br />

together to bring back wheat beer options with an<br />

Aussie twist.<br />

In the coming months, Matilda Bay, Mountain Goat,<br />

4 Pines Brewing Company, Pirate Life and Green<br />

Beacon Mollyhawk, will each release their own take on<br />

an Aussie Wheat Ale.<br />

At the heart of the Aussie Wheat Ale is a process<br />

that replaces a portion of the barley usually used in<br />

production with wheat malt supplied by local farmers.<br />

The result on the beer has been described as giving<br />

the beer a “soft fluffy head with subtle aroma, delicate<br />

malt sweet taste and bright haze that glows like<br />

sunlight in the glass”.<br />

Among the creators of the Aussie Wheat Ale is Matilda<br />

Bay’s Phil Sexton – who first dabbled in the genre<br />

in 1984 with the release of the Redback beer based<br />

mostly in traditional German hefeweizen style.<br />

He describes Matilda Bay’s Aussie Wheat Ale as<br />

somewhere between “a pacific ale style and a<br />

Redback”.<br />

“There’s a little bit of baggage with traditional wheat<br />

beers,” Phil said.<br />

“Some people think of wheat beer as heavy tasting<br />

and that doesn’t necessarily fit our Australian lifestyle<br />

and climate,” he said.<br />

“Aussie Wheat Ale is unlike anything that you might’ve<br />

tried in the past. We’ve paired some of the country’s<br />

best brewing wheat with a new and exciting hop,<br />

Australian Eclipse, to give us a very fresh and vibrant<br />

beer that takes the wheat beer category in a very new<br />

direction.”<br />

For Mountain Goat Head Brewer Alana Rees, playing<br />

with the wheat beer flavours has paid off.<br />

“This beer is for a whole generation of drinkers, made<br />

with locally-grown wheat and hops. It’s the cleanest,<br />

most sessionable beer we have ever created with a<br />

nice mouthfeel and a soft citrus note,” Alana said.<br />

Beers to look out for, as described by the breweries,<br />

include:<br />


This bright and fresh brew is equal parts<br />

hazy and lively, combining all Australian<br />

wheat and Australian Eclipse hops. Aroma<br />

of mojito lime, ripe tangerine and fresh<br />

cut grass gives way to hints of tangerine<br />

flesh, Seville orange, a silky full body from the<br />

Australian-grown wheat, with subtle bitterness and a<br />

crisp tight finish.<br />


The Pirate Life Aussie Wheat Ale pours<br />

a luminous pale straw. Expect a fluffy<br />

white head and delicate floral and citrusy<br />

aromas. To drink, it’s crisp and well<br />

balanced with a clean, refreshing finish.<br />



Aussie Wheat Ale pours light in colour<br />

with a slight haze that reminds you of<br />

golden days. Castilla and Amarillo hops<br />

pack a fruity aroma of stonefruits, ruby red<br />

grapefruit, and raspberries, complemented<br />

by a citrus kick from small additions of yuzu<br />

peel.<br />



Mollyhawk Aussie Wheat Ale - packed full<br />

of Aussie wheat, naturally hazy and super<br />

pale. Aromas and flavours of fresh citrus<br />

with hints of juicy tropical fruit.<br />


Soft citrus on the front palate from the<br />

hops, with a smooth, creamy body and a<br />

crisp finish that’s immensely refreshing.

Pirate Life head brewer Lewis Maschmedt and<br />

brewing team leader Sam Petering<br />

Mountain Goat brewers Kenny Doyle and Alana Rees<br />

Green Beacon, Johann Mollyhawk<br />

Harry and Phil Sexton - Matilda Bay<br />

4 Pines Head Brewer Andrew Tweddell (Tweeds)

Parkwood<br />

Go lf<br />

Hole<br />

Sponsorships<br />

Available<br />

Golf Club<br />

Tickets<br />

on sale<br />

now!<br />

Day<br />

T U E S<br />

D A Y<br />

6 2022<br />


enquiries kmott@qha.org.au<br />

web qha.org.au

Nick Bainbrigge GAMING<br />

- CALENDAR AUG/SEP 2022 -<br />

Responsible management of licensed venues (RMLV)<br />




Finally! … we get to have an AGE show this year<br />

after two cancelled events. It’s a great opportunity to<br />

see everyone again but also a great platform for us<br />

to showcase our wide range of games, systems and<br />

services to our customers.<br />

We have a theme of Innovation in Motion because<br />

we’re moving forward and showcasing innovation<br />

across our product portfolio - such as our <strong>Digital</strong><br />

Wallet – but it’s in games where you’ll see some new<br />

ideas that haven’t been in the market before.<br />

If you come to the show, you’ll see an exciting line-up<br />

of products that work for you and your customers with<br />

a mix of proven, performing, Hold n’ Spin mechanics<br />

and brands, as well as exploring some new gaming<br />

trends. There’s a wide range of game play experiences<br />

that cater to every player.<br />

The ‘motion’ is not only are we moving forward,<br />

but we have two new train-themed games being<br />

revealed. You’ll be the first to see our golden train –<br />

Cash Express Luxury Line – with three classic games<br />

brought right up to date with a steam powered feature.<br />

We think this game will be a powerful performer.<br />

Our second train-themed game is Midnight Express.<br />

This game family was designed with today’s player in<br />

mind. It features a twist on our famous Hold & Spin<br />

segment, multi denominations – plus a brand-new<br />

Midnight Express mechanic that can award players 2x<br />

or 3x multipliers on all Cash on Reel symbols!<br />

Plus, we’re excited about our newest release which<br />

is one of our most innovative game titles – Scorchin’<br />

Fortune. Scorchin’ Fortune is our first multigame<br />

that includes three different Hold & Spin (H&S)<br />

experiences - heating up the H&S segment by mixing<br />

innovation with the player favourite mechanic!<br />

With world-class products and new technology<br />

solutions developed by the best talent in the industry,<br />

we aim to bring more excitement and entertainment to<br />

the stand than ever before.<br />

We’re looking forward to showing you our innovation<br />

in motion at the Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) in<br />

Sydney (9-11th <strong>August</strong>)<br />

Toowoomba 03 Aug Gold Coast 09 Aug<br />

Virtual Classroom (online) 09 Aug Brisbane 11 Aug<br />

Virtual Classroom (online) 16 Aug Rockhampton 17 Aug<br />

Virtual Classroom (online) 18 Aug Virtual Classroom (online) 23 Aug<br />

Virtual Classroom (online) 30 Aug Virtual Classroom (online) 01 Sep<br />

Member Price $395.00 / Non-Members $495.00<br />

Virtual Classroom (online)<br />

Virtual Classroom (online)<br />

CLO Video Connect<br />

22 Aug<br />

GNT Video Connect<br />

08 Aug<br />

Member $70 /<br />

Non Member - $90<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> Member /<br />

Non-member price: $495.00<br />

*Note: Classroom-based training resumes.<br />

**RMLV/GNT Virtual Classroom (Online) courses will be added as required<br />


Visit www.qha.org.au for any of the training courses mentioned here<br />

or Email: training@qha.org.au

NEWS<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 16<br />

The consolidation of Queensland’s craft brewing<br />

industry is continuing with the announcement that<br />

West End based Catchment Brewing Co has acquired<br />

100 per cent ownership of Fortitude Brewing Co’s<br />

business and brands.<br />

Fortitude Brewing Co operates a fully operational<br />

taphouse, restaurant and functions business on Mount<br />

Tamborine as well as a large brewery facility capable of<br />

producing more than 500,000 litres of beer a year.<br />

It was founded in 2012 and is well known for its<br />

light craft beer Fortitude Pacer and its core range of<br />

products including Fortitude Summer, Pale Ale, Stout,<br />

Golden Ale and Lager. It also has a seasonal range<br />

under the label Noisy Minor which includes award<br />

winning beers such as Admiral Ackbar, Anzus IPA and<br />

Bad Wolf. The ginger beer Roots and Leaves is also a<br />

Fortitude Brewing Co product.<br />

Catchment Brewing Co CEO and major shareholder<br />

Matt Newberry said the group was delighted with the<br />

purchase.<br />

“We are delighted and excited to acquire the Fortitude<br />

Brewing Co business and brands,” Matt said.<br />

“Our West End brewery is running well over its<br />

capacity and this brewing facility gives us the ability to<br />

bring all our contract brewing back in house.<br />

Fortitude Brewing Co Owner Jim O’Conner and Catchment Brewing<br />

Co CEO and shareholder Matt Newberry.<br />

“With our acquisition plans to acquire up to 10 more<br />

venues the additional capacity is needed to service our<br />

growing on and off premise business.<br />

“The Fortitude brands are well known in the industry<br />

and with existing ranging in many hotels and retailers<br />

including Dan Murphys, it allows our growth strategy<br />

to accelerate in the market.<br />

“We are looking forward to engaging with the local<br />

Mt Tamborine community and tourists to bring our<br />

passionate hospitality values to the business.”<br />

This acquisition comes on the back of Catchment<br />

Brewing Co acquiring the high-profile Paddington<br />

Hotel “Darling & Co” in September last year from<br />

Australian Venue Co.

NEWS<br />


Ainsworth Game Technology Ltd presents a comprehensive line-up<br />

of energized themes for the innovative A-Star® cabinet at the 2022<br />

Australasian Gaming Expo (AGE) to be held at the ICC, Sydney.<br />

Headlining Ainsworth’s stand is upcoming new brand Grand<br />

Fortune! Grand Fortune is the latest games series incorporating<br />

the unique Ainsworth “Hold ‘n Stack” feature made popular in<br />

brands Treasure Spirits and Cash Stacks. Initially available as a<br />

link, Grand Fortune incorporates a Win/Reset feature and multiple<br />

standalone jackpot progressives with instant win options. Launching<br />

with three titles; Wild Eyes, Buddha’s Temple and Prosperity Bull,<br />

Grand Fortune is sure to cater to a range of players.<br />

Also on show will be the newly approved* Ultra Shot, a new<br />

games series in the credit collection genre featuring multi-level<br />

collection points with multipliers. A multi-denomination group with 2<br />

levels of standalone jackpots and 2 levels of scalable bonuses, Ultra<br />

Shot also features two types of configurations, a fixed lineage bet<br />

and a 5-line variable bet.<br />

Debuting with 4 titles - Tiger, Sapphire Eyes, Royal Diamonds and<br />

Panda, each game has a unique free game feature which is sure to<br />

keep players engaged. This mix of free game features and themes<br />

from classic legacy content coupled with the all new Ultra Shot<br />

feature provides a combination of familiarity but with strong bonusing<br />

credit elements.<br />

In celebration of the Ultra Shot release, Ainsworth is excited to<br />

announce that AGE attendees will have the opportunity to “Take the<br />

Ultra Shot!” with some on-stand fun & competitions giving venues<br />

the chance to win some great prizes.<br />

Attendees will also get the first look at Ainsworth’s A-Star® Slant<br />

Top. The newest addition to the A-Star® cabinet series has all the<br />

same features of the A-Star® with a 27” screen and an optional<br />

27” topper allowing increased visibility across any gaming floor. This<br />

key feature makes the A-Star® Slant Top the most versatile and<br />

comfortable cabinet on the market.<br />

The top performing Treasure Spirits together with King of Wealth<br />

Cai Shen, a new high denomination game, Mega Choice Gold, a<br />

new multi-game and additional support titles to the current popular<br />

Ainsworth brands will round off the extensive product range on the<br />

2022 AGE Stand.<br />

Ainsworth’s General Manager – Sales & Marketing AU, Troy Primmer,<br />

said “We are delighted to be displaying the new range of Ainsworth<br />

hardware and software at AGE 2022. The event has been cancelled<br />

in recent years and so we are focused on the opportunity to get<br />

together and showcase the changes implemented under new CEO,<br />

Harald Neumann. Ainsworth is entering an exciting new era, so<br />

come and see for yourself!”<br />

Visit agtslots.com/au for the latest product range.

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 18<br />

Renee Green Studio






Renee Green Studio<br />

Renee Green Studio<br />

The business celebrated a win for Best Detached<br />

Bottleshop for its Sue’s Korner Bottlemart at<br />

Boondall in the recent <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for Excellence<br />

2022. It was also among the finalists in a number of<br />

other categories including Best Redeveloped Hotel -<br />

General Division.<br />

The hotel, which overlooks north Moreton Bay, on<br />

Eagle Terrace in Sandgate, was purchased by the<br />

Dowling family in 2015, with publicans Lucinda<br />

Dowling Black and her husband Toby Black<br />

overseeing its operations.<br />

Lucinda said the family eagerly began discussions<br />

to upgrade the venue and in 2016 they engaged<br />

with one of Brisbane’s most renowned Architects,<br />

BSPN, who put forward a contemporary, yet classic,<br />

concept to refresh the building and make better use<br />

of the available space.<br />

One of the first steps with BSPN in 2017 was to<br />

relocate and update the existing 35-machine gaming<br />

room.<br />

Lucinda said the family engaged Aussie Fit Outs at<br />

Brendale for the construction and had great feedback<br />

from customers who enjoy the experience the new<br />

room provides with its modern design, elegant décor<br />

and the latest in technology and gaming machines.<br />

While the intention was to continue with the<br />

refurbishment works in 2020, by updating the dining,<br />

bar and entertainment spaces, COVID got in the way<br />

delaying the start of the next stage until July 2021<br />

when construction was finally able to begin.<br />

Lucinda said Aussie Fit Outs were engaged once<br />

again for their valued expertise, commitment and fine<br />

attention to detail.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 19



Creating bespoke designs<br />

for over thirty-five years.<br />

After five months, battling material supply shortages,<br />

lockdowns and other COVID-related challenges,<br />

the refurbishment was successfully completed in<br />

late November 2021 – in time for Christmas trade.<br />

In January this year the final touch, in the form of a<br />

custom designed children’s play area, The Treehouse,<br />

was added as the cherry on top.<br />

BSPN Partner Luis Nheu said the team had looked to<br />

the surrounding heritage and colonial Queenslander<br />

style homes of Sandgate and Shorncliffe, and the<br />

bayside position of the venue, for inspiration for the<br />

design.<br />

“It was about going back to the area, looking at the<br />

beautiful Queenslanders – and using features such<br />

as double hung windows, and exposed stud frames<br />

of the old Queenslanders as design elements which<br />

now make the kitchen a showpiece alongside cabinet<br />

joinery and brass detailing,” Luis said.<br />

“The impactful blue tones featured throughout the<br />

hotel give you that coastal relaxed holiday feel that<br />

Sandgate is historically well known for.<br />

“It’s a destination hotel. We used some of the classic<br />

features of the 150-year-old establishment, including<br />

the decorative ceiling where we worked with the<br />

existing heights and just layered the space using<br />

hanging plants and windows with colonial glazing to<br />

help zone the areas.”<br />

Toby said the new-look venue had been popular with<br />

locals and newcomers to the area, with the business<br />

pleased to report a notable increase in first time<br />

visitation to the venue since the refurbishment was<br />

completed.<br />

The 2022 version of the historic establishment<br />

combines a laidback, coastal feel with upgraded<br />

amenity and functionality.<br />

Warm timber tones, VJ walls and large windows have<br />

created a homely feel that has continued through<br />

to the newly-extended, 70-seat, dining space and<br />

innovative children’s area which was designed for<br />

creative play by Rosenthal Creative Co and contains<br />

an impressive artificial tree, lovers swing, grassed area<br />

for lawn games, play vegetable patch, reading nook<br />

and a clothesline.<br />

07 3851 9100 brisbane@bspn.com.au bspn.com.au

Renee Green Studio<br />

Renee Green Studio<br />

Renee Green Studio<br />

Renee Green Studio<br />

Renee Green Studio

Renee Green Studio<br />





<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 22<br />

“The Treehouse is a unique, custom designed space,<br />

with inspiration taken from a classic treehouse found in<br />

the quintessential backyard in Queensland,” Toby said.<br />

Catering to a wide range of occasions the venue<br />

layout works for large gatherings and smaller groups,<br />

using booth seating with a mix of screening features to<br />

create more intimate zones throughout, which creates<br />

atmosphere and gives guests a sense of having their<br />

own space.<br />

The high, open, ceilings and decorative hanging<br />

gardens create a relaxed ambience, assisted by a<br />

creative approach to lighting, artwork and décor.<br />

The styling elements, artworks and decorative hanging<br />

gardens were curated, designed and installed by<br />

Rosenthal Creative Co., with all of the new furnishings<br />

sourced by Lightfoot Commercial Furniture.<br />

Other, less obvious elements of the refurbishment<br />

included an update to the keg room, allowing for<br />

greater storage, efficiencies and more beers on tap,<br />

and a 100kw solar panel system to offset energy costs<br />

and reduce environmental impact.<br />

The venue offers live entertainment, ranging from<br />

soloists and duos, up to seven-piece bands on Friday<br />

and Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons, with<br />

trivia, music bingo and other entertainment during<br />

the week, all complimented by improved sound and<br />

lighting equipment including the directional, modular<br />

JBN Sound Ceiling immersing the listener in high<br />

quality, full frequency sound.<br />

The refurbishment provided Lucinda and her team the<br />

opportunity to rebrand the venue by refreshing the Full<br />

Moon Hotel website and logo, colour palate and brand<br />

personality used through various marketing channels<br />

too.<br />

Partnering with Kartia Design, a Sandgate local<br />

creative design and marketing agency, the Full<br />

Moon Hotel embraced a new look to engage wider<br />

audiences and reflect the businesses new goals and<br />

offerings.<br />

The Full Moon Hotel is open for lunch and dinner<br />

seven days a week, and with its four local bottleshops<br />

the organisation employees over 80 staff.<br />

With the staffing crisis impacting the industry, Lucinda<br />

said recruiting and retaining staffing was now her<br />

“greatest priority, every day” to ensure they continue<br />

to maintain the level of standard the dedicated service<br />

team pride themselves on.<br />

Looking towards the end of the year and beyond<br />

Lucinda said the vision is to continue to evolve the<br />

business, looking for ways of improving its offering<br />

and operations to best meet customer trends and<br />





Downtown Sandgate shoppers are enjoying the recent<br />

store transformation of Bottlemart Ibis Cellars, located<br />

in Ibis Central Shopping centre.<br />

Bottlemart Ibis Cellars is a detached bottleshop<br />

which runs off the recently renovated Full Moon Hotel<br />

Sandgate, owned and operated by the Dowling family.<br />

It is the tenth Queensland Bottlemart outlet to be<br />

refreshed this year, and since its completion in March,<br />

another five store makeovers have been completed,<br />

with another five planned for later this year.<br />

LMG’s Queensland State Manager, Shaun Landy,<br />

said: “I’m thrilled to be collaborating with our member<br />

partners to lift their customers’ shopping experience<br />

through an enhanced in-store environment.”<br />

“The completed renovations not only look fantastic,<br />

but these stores now have more space to support<br />

an increased range of products, as well as improved<br />

display solutions to execute key marketing and<br />

promotional initiatives,” added Landy.<br />

The refreshed LMG member store layouts now include<br />

four-way mobile display units, beer stackers and<br />

premium product display stands, and are designed to<br />

provide added flexibility in both range and presentation<br />

to accommodate marketing activity and featured<br />

products.<br />

Scott Strathearn, Retail Manager, NT Pubco said: “The<br />

Bottlemart team worked hard to bring our refreshed<br />

store to life. The result has been a more premium,<br />

stylish space for our customers. More floor space for<br />

wine, ambient beer and spirits; and cold space for<br />

craft beer, white wine, and bubbles, has resulted in<br />

increased sales and profitability as shoppers respond<br />

to the enhanced in-store experience.”<br />

For more information on LMG’s store refresh program,<br />

please contact Shaun Landy, Queensland State<br />

Manager on 0436 002 418 or slandy@lmg.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 23

LEGAL MATTERS with Curt Schatz<br />


On most occasions, I write an article for this <strong>Review</strong><br />

that is based on matters relating to the law.<br />

On this occasion, I thought I would simply write an<br />

article that reflects my view of the current pub market<br />

without significant reference to the law.<br />

Some of you may be most pleased by this approach<br />

given that the law can, on occasions be extremely<br />

tedious.<br />

My general objective for writing about my view of<br />

the market is based on my team working on a large<br />

number of pub transactions at all times and looking at<br />

any recent trends which may assist you in any of your<br />

thinking around acquisition or disposal.<br />

I guess the first thing for me to say is that there always<br />

remains a strong interest in good Queensland pubs.<br />

As usual, this interest is evidenced by various types of<br />

potential buyers including trusts.<br />

We have seen a number of trusts/funds come into<br />

the fray with large and deep pockets with a view<br />

to acquiring either a freehold with a great tenant or<br />

alternately freehold and going concern where the risk<br />

is less.<br />

There are a few of these funds floating around at<br />

the moment remaining aggressive in their stance on<br />

acquisitions.<br />

Over the Covid and post-Covid period, the interest<br />

from the southern states, in particular, New South<br />

Wales and Victoria seems to have strengthened for<br />

Queensland pubs.<br />

In my case, I have been introduced to a number of<br />

“new” clients from New South Wales and Victoria<br />

looking to buy a Queensland pub. In the past, I have<br />

often reflected on why the Southerners want to buy<br />

Queensland pubs and for the most part, I think that<br />

they feel that their pubs down south are overpriced,<br />

and in addition, the Queensland pubs present a better<br />

opportunity for revenue growth.<br />

This is not hard to understand given the demographic<br />

growth of Queensland on a comparative level with<br />

New South Wales and Victoria.<br />

Interest rates have been at an all-time low for a long<br />

time, and this is probably another factor in creating the<br />

fervour around acquisition interest.<br />

It is obvious that the headwinds including the Ukraine<br />

and Russia war, rising interest rates, rising inflation,<br />

rising labour costs, everlasting Covid restrictions and<br />

a multitude of factors have put a lid on transactional<br />

activity for some time.<br />

However, Queensland’s demographic growth, the<br />

perception of Queensland as a comparatively safe<br />

haven from Covid, the Olympic Games in 2032, and<br />

our law in relation to retailing out of the detached<br />

bottleshop regime, all add up to there being a strong<br />

interest in Queensland pubs.<br />

Therefore, I would say that the interest in pubs has<br />

never really been stronger apart from circa 20 years<br />

ago when Woolworths and Coles needed to acquire<br />

pubs to generate revenue from the retail sale of<br />

packaged liquor.<br />

So, in any event, both the historical support for pub<br />

transactions, coupled with the continued interest by<br />

Southern buyers, property funds, and also the general<br />

publican in the current Queensland system, means<br />

that all of you should continue to consider your options<br />

in relation to any disposal.<br />

We will also continue to provide our best level of<br />

services to the entire pub sector no matter what time<br />

of the day or week you may need such services.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 24

Paul Watson SUPERANNUATION<br />



While a new financial year often brings new rules and<br />

changes to be aware of, it’s also a great time to start<br />

thinking about super contribution strategies.<br />

There are a variety of strategies that your staff may be<br />

interested in learning more about. Some that could<br />

help them save on tax!<br />

Salary sacrifice contributions and spouse contributions<br />

are two simple ways staff can grow super and save<br />

on tax. In situations where one partner is taking time<br />

off work to look after family, spouse contributions in<br />

particular are a great way to boost household super.<br />

By doing so, some eligible households could receive a<br />

spouse contribution tax offset of up to $540.<br />

Low-to-middle income earners may also be eligible<br />

to receive extra money from the Government just<br />

by contributing to super. Through the government<br />

co-contribution scheme, those eligible could receive<br />

an extra 50c from the Government for every dollar<br />

contributed to super – up to a maximum of $500.<br />

If any staff would like to learn more about the<br />

contribution strategies available, we have some<br />

information available on our website at hostplus.com.<br />

au/super/maximise-your-super.<br />

Talk to a financial planner<br />

Hostplus offers a range of financial guidance and<br />

advice on other tax-effective super strategies, now and<br />

into the future. This includes our popular online advice<br />

tool, Super Adviser, and more comprehensive advice<br />

through our financial planning team, to equip your staff<br />

with the right tools to make informed decisions about<br />

their financial futures. That’s a plus.<br />

Visit our financial advice page at hostplus.com.au/<br />

financial-planning to find out more.<br />

Past performance is not an indication of future<br />

performance. This information is general advice<br />

only and does not take into account your personal<br />

objectives, financial situation or needs. You should<br />

consider if this information is appropriate for you<br />

in light of your circumstances before acting on it.<br />

Please read the relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure<br />

Statement (PDS), available at hostplus.com.au before<br />

making a decision about Hostplus.<br />

* For a description of the target market, please read the Target Market Determination (TMD), available at hostplus.com.au. Past<br />

performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.<br />

Hostplus has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 to facilitate the provision of<br />

personal financial advice to members of Hostplus. Advice is provided by financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of<br />

IFS. Fees may apply for Comprehensive Financial Advice, further information about the cost of comprehensive advice is set out in<br />

the relevant IFS Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available from your financial planner. Hostplus has engaged Link Advice<br />

Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836, ASFL 258145 to facilitate the provision of limited personal financial advice to members of Hostplus via<br />

the web-based product Super Adviser.<br />

Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund)<br />

ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 25








It’s a unique part of the world where the famous Great<br />

Barrier Reef meets the Daintree Rainforest – sites so<br />

special they have both been granted UNESCO World<br />

Heritage status.<br />

It’s where the rich and famous come to holiday away<br />

from the crowds and the press.<br />

It’s also about as far away from Australia’s southern<br />

capital cities as you can get without leaving the country<br />

to experience a large-scale resort complete with<br />

multiple pools, top-end dining, and even a swim up bar.<br />

For Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas<br />

while the COVID years have not been without their<br />

challenges, its unique offering, including two hectares<br />

of pool area, have helped to keep the rooms ticking<br />

over, a large core of staff in jobs and the business<br />

itself poised to come back strongly once local and<br />

international borders opened.<br />

General Manager Steve Molnar said while<br />

Queenslanders had embraced the resort while the<br />

domestic borders were closed, once the doors to the<br />

south were flung open again the resort had seen a<br />

spike in demand peaking with April returning the best<br />

monthly result ever, since the resort opened in 1987,<br />

followed closely by May with the second-best month<br />

on record.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 28


Another key driver for the business has been the return<br />

of the events and group bookings market, a strength<br />

recognised in this year’s <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for Excellence<br />

where the resort was awarded the title of Best Meeting<br />

and Events Venue.<br />

Steve said the resort, which has won the Meeting<br />

and Events award several times over the years, had<br />

fine-tuned its processes around group bookings and<br />

operated with all hands on-deck, himself included,<br />

when the groups arrived.<br />

He said there were many benefits of having traditional<br />

back-office staff involved in the meeting and greeting<br />

process, including quicker processing times which<br />

made for happier customers, and a more collegiate<br />

team environment where everyone chipped in to get<br />

the job done.<br />

Steve said another benefit was having direct exposure<br />

to the all-important check-in process which enabled<br />

administrative staff to better understand the challenges<br />

changes to computer systems, booking processes<br />

and the like created for staff working the front desk<br />

every day.<br />

While the last major overhaul of the venue was a $48<br />

million refurbishment in 2016, Steve said the team was<br />

always working to improve the property and find new<br />

stories to share with guests.<br />

The resort has committed to sharing the history of<br />

the region in which the 147-hectare property sits,<br />

where sugar cane was the driver of the economy<br />

before tourism stepped in and Italian immigrants built<br />

a community based on camaraderie and support for<br />

family. As well as sharing the stories with guests, the<br />

resort has developed an Italian a la carte menu in the<br />

all-day restaurant and is offering a range of local rum<br />

tasting experiences linked back to sugar cane.<br />

For the Meetings, Incentives, Conference and<br />

Exhibition (MICE) market Sheraton Grand Mirage<br />

Resort Port Douglas offers plenty of options for guests<br />

– from the on-site golf course to adventures into the<br />

Daintree Rainforest or out to the Great Barrier Reef.<br />

It also offers 295 rooms and another 50 villas for rent,<br />

with the villas being self-contained two, three or fourbedroom<br />

properties. It boasts the most rooms with<br />

direct pool access of any resort in Australia.<br />

Steve said having the backing of the Sheraton brand,<br />

which has been serving high-end travellers around the<br />

world since 1937, certainly helped when it came to<br />

providing confidence for travellers looking to book their<br />

post-COVID holidays, both domestically and, more<br />

recently, from overseas.<br />

Having the Sheraton sitting among the 30 brands<br />

of the Marriott International group also added to the<br />

resort’s ability to attract and retain staff keen to be part<br />

of a major international hotel business which is actively<br />

promoting its opportunities via its “Life with the Works”<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 30<br />

Marriott is now the largest hotel chain in the world<br />

based on the number of available rooms, with 8000<br />

properties containing 1,423,044 rooms in 121<br />

countries and territories. Of these 8,000 properties,<br />

2,149 are operated by Marriott and 5,493 are operated<br />

by others pursuant to franchise agreements.<br />

Despite the COVID challenges, the resort stayed open<br />

throughout the past two years, retaining as many staff<br />

as possible. It is now operating with 300 staff, just shy<br />

of its peak season requirement of 330 staff.<br />

He said a challenge for the resort, and many other<br />

businesses in Port Douglas, has been the influx of<br />

property buyers in the market pushing up prices for<br />

local homes and lowering rental affordability and<br />

availability for staff.<br />

Steve said while the resort had been lucky to be able<br />

to house some of its staff on site, it was not a longterm<br />

solution and the group would continue to work<br />

with Council and other businesses in a bid to find<br />

better outcomes for the region.<br />

Looking to the second half of 2022 Steve said the<br />

resort was gearing up to play host to the foodie feast<br />

that is the Taste of Port Douglas from <strong>August</strong> 11 to 14.<br />

He said the resort is the major sponsor of the fourday<br />

food extravaganza which brought the best chefs<br />

from around the country to town to share their talents<br />

and showcase the produce of North Queensland with<br />

guests from Australia and beyond.<br />

The venue has recently launched monthly Sheraton<br />

Sunset Sessions too, bringing together live music and<br />

outdoor dining as another way of encouraging locals<br />

and visitors to the region to make the most of the<br />

resort.<br />

With international travel starting to kick back in Steve<br />

said the resort had already welcomed some American<br />

travellers through the doors and he expected to see<br />

more travellers from New Zealand and Japan once<br />

direct flights to Cairns were back on the agenda in<br />

July.<br />

With pent up demand and delayed bookings to be<br />

honoured Steve said he suspected the resort would<br />

not have a “low season” for at least a year and a half.<br />

The Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas was also a<br />

finalist in the Best Deluxe Accommodation category of<br />

the <strong>QHA</strong> Awards this year – a title that went to Westin<br />

Brisbane.<br />

Winning the <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for Excellence for 2022 for<br />

Best Meeting and Events Venue means the resort will<br />

be judged by the Australian Hotels Association for<br />

the National Hotel Awards to be held in November in<br />

Sydney.<br />

Other finalists in the Best Meeting and Events category<br />

of the <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for Excellence 2022 were:<br />

Eatons Hill Hotel, Howard Smith Wharves, Porters<br />

Plainland Hotel, RACV Royal Pines Resort, Brisbane<br />

Showgrounds, Sandstone Point Hotel, Spicers Hidden<br />

Vale and The Westin Brisbane.


<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 31

FOCUS<br />

GREEN<br />

LEADER<br />







DIRECTOR DAVID FINLAYSON AT THE 2022 <strong>QHA</strong><br />


FOCUS<br />

Howard Smith Wharves CEO Luke Fraser said the<br />

awards were a welcome recognition for the 1000 or so<br />

staff that helped to keep the Howard Smith Wharves<br />

ticking over every day.<br />

While for Culinary Director David Finlayson the Award<br />

was somewhat more personal, the Environmental &<br />

Energy Efficiency award reflects on the entire team<br />

and the hard work that has gone into developing a<br />

waste management strategy that sees rubbish sorted<br />

into 17 different streams and has led to a 95 per cent<br />

reduction in waste that would otherwise be sent to<br />

landfill.<br />

It is the second year in a row HSW has won the award,<br />

a reflection on the continued drive toward the goal of<br />

being “the most environmentally sustainable precinct<br />

on the planet”.<br />

“It’s a really lofty goal – and we know it won’t happen<br />

overnight,” Luke said.<br />

“But we thought, let’s find out what the best is and<br />

figure out how we can make it happen in Brisbane,” he<br />

said.<br />

The Howard Smith Wharves precinct is under the Story<br />

Bridge, at 5 Boundary St, and includes a host of food<br />

and drink venues including the Felons Brewing Co and<br />

Felons Barrel Hall, Mr Percival’s, Stanley Restaurant,<br />

Gigi’s Homestyle Cooking, La Mexicana Pop-up,<br />

Ciao Papi, Goodtimes Gelateria, Yoko Dining, Greca<br />

Restaurant, Polpetta, Fiume Rooftop Bar and Betty’s<br />

Burgers. There’s also a hotel - Crystalbrook Vincent<br />

which features 166 rooms.<br />

Luke said being environmentally sustainable was an<br />

important part of the DNA of the wharves and had<br />

been part of the planning from the outset – built into<br />

the building and infrastructure design.<br />

He said they had focused heavily on the waste<br />

management strategy and set themselves an<br />

ambitious target of reducing landfill from the site by<br />

95 percent – a target that’s taken nearly four years to<br />

achieve.<br />

Culinary Director<br />

David Finlayson.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 33

FOCUS<br />






<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 34

The 17 different streams of waste include e-waste, tin,<br />

cardboard, coffee, co-mingled paper, and food waste.<br />

He said half of the waste of the site was food waste<br />

from left over food in the kitchen or food returned from<br />

tables at the end of meals – accounting for about 50<br />

tonnes a month.<br />

Of that waste, half is composted on site at Howard<br />

Street Wharves, turned into natural fertiliser within 24<br />

hours and gifted to local farmers to improve their land.<br />

“We have another program where we are giving our<br />

oyster shells to the Moreton Bay Shellfish Recycling<br />

Centre,” Luke said.<br />

“They take them and sterilise them and the put them<br />

into steel cages and take them out into Moreton Bay<br />

and recreate reefs.<br />

“Every oyster shell will provide a home for about 10<br />

baby oysters.”<br />

At Felons Brewing Co the spent grain from the<br />

brewing process is also provided back to farmers as a<br />

feed source for cows.<br />

A welcome side-effect of the waste management<br />

program has been a reduction in the number of trucks<br />

required each week to take waste away – saving<br />

about 100 truck movements a week.<br />

Luke said having a strong environmental focus in the<br />

precinct had helped when it came to attracting staff<br />

as well, particularly the younger generations who were<br />

invested in taking steps to protect the planet.<br />

While the team may have hit their waste target Luke<br />

said they were constantly evaluating changes in<br />

science and technology that may offer better options<br />

for the area.<br />

He said there had been big steps taken in the<br />

conversion of food waste to energy which they were<br />

investigating now.<br />

On the energy side, they are also planning to<br />

make better use of the venue’s roof space with the<br />

installation of solar panels to boost power.<br />

Luke said while many smaller operators had been able<br />

to achieve amazing results in terms of sustainability<br />

the challenge for HSW was to find solutions that would<br />

work at scale.<br />

He said the right solutions, delivered at scale, offered a<br />

real opportunity to make a big difference.<br />

Asked how the general business conditions were for<br />

HSW in June Luke was upbeat.<br />

“We’ve definitely felt that domestic tourism is coming<br />

back,” he said.<br />

“We know there are visitors from interstate here. It feels<br />

like confidence is returning and while the CBD’s not<br />

back to pre-COVID it’s certainly returning.”<br />

Another trend Luke said they had noticed in the<br />

beverage side of the business was the growth in<br />

demand for cocktails among patrons who had been<br />

creating their own at home during COVID.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 35


with Damian Steele<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 36<br />

All stakeholders in the licensed industry have a vested<br />

interest in minimising the negative impacts of the misuse<br />

of alcohol. One of the mechanisms employed<br />

in Queensland to generate solutions, cooperation<br />

and shared commitment to action is the local Liquor<br />

Accord.<br />

Liquor Accords, in the Queensland context, are a<br />

series of agreed actions or principles by a group of<br />

local stakeholders in the licensed industry aimed at<br />

addressing any local problems or issues which are of<br />

common concern, and at the same time, demonstrate<br />

their commitment to best practice.<br />

The <strong>QHA</strong>’s position is that participation in liquor<br />

accords should be considered by members, on five<br />

conditions:<br />

• Accords should be about mechanisms to derive<br />

and manage local solutions to local issues;<br />

• Participation should be voluntary;<br />

• Participants should engage as equals in the accord<br />

process – they are not simply another forum for the<br />

regulator or those in authority to hijack or impose<br />

industry agendas;<br />

• The accord process should be structured to<br />

include all willing stakeholders, and involve a basic<br />

communications and management structure; and<br />

• Accords should involve voluntary collaboration,<br />

participation, communication and action by<br />

participants. Proposals should be transparent and<br />

action and commitment should be based on trust.<br />

The following guidelines are offered to <strong>QHA</strong> Members<br />

considering active involvement in accords:<br />

• Accords are legitimate: When properly<br />

constituted and conducted, accords can be a<br />

powerful form of self-regulation which can help to<br />

reduce and minimize anti-social behaviour. There<br />

are more than 50 accord groups in Queensland.<br />

• Accords have official status: the Liquor Act 1992<br />

(Qld) effectively defines the liquor accord and gives<br />

it status within the regulatory framework. The Act<br />

provides that a Liquor accord for a locality, means<br />

an agreement voluntarily entered into to promote<br />

responsible practice, minimise harm, and promote<br />

public order.<br />

• Accords involve a wide range of stakeholders:<br />

to be effective and credible, Liquor Accords should<br />

involve as many different stakeholders as possible<br />

including: licensees, representatives from local<br />

businesses, local council(s), police, community<br />

organisations and government representatives.<br />

• Accords are local: Accords must be about<br />

building local solutions to local problems.<br />

• Accords are not the total answer: Accords<br />

are simply one of a varied range of regulatory<br />

mechanisms and vehicles that can assist in the<br />

development and promotion of best practice, and<br />

improve our industry’s performance and public<br />

image.<br />

• Accord participation is not to be feared: When<br />

properly constituted and conducted, accords act as<br />

an excellent pressure valve for local liquor-related<br />

issues. They also offer excellent potential for the<br />

establishment of strong personal relationships<br />

between stakeholders, which can benefit improved<br />

communications and problem solving, and generate<br />

mutual respect. It’s simply a variation of ‘is it better<br />

to be inside or outside the tent ?’


In the case of <strong>QHA</strong> Members, there are a number of<br />

key issues to be mindful of when considering whether<br />

to engage in or continue with a Liquor Accord process.<br />

These include:<br />

• Not a policy development forum: Sometimes<br />

an idea or solution developed or promoted by a<br />

local accord group will begin to snowball and make<br />

its way up the policy development pipeline. When<br />

this begins to happen, it is important that <strong>QHA</strong><br />

stakeholders are aware of the potential for policy<br />

corruption, and to stress that policy development<br />

should be evidence based, and not made on the<br />

run. This is a real case of ‘one size does not fit all’.<br />

• Dominant parties: Sometimes, and accord<br />

group or agenda can be dominated by a particular<br />

person, group or agenda, with the result that the<br />

accord is not effective, popular, or enduring. In such<br />

circumstances, accord participants should express<br />

their concerns about this situation, and/or make<br />

efforts to broaden the leadership participation of<br />

stakeholders.<br />

• Overall effectiveness in meeting objectives: It<br />

is both the objective and the implied responsibility<br />

of all accord participants to achieve progress and<br />

results, otherwise, their time and effort put into<br />

the accord process is wasted. Therefore, accord<br />

groups should informally monitor progress in terms<br />

of achieving the aims of:<br />

o minimising anti-social behaviour;<br />

o increasing cooperation between stakeholders;<br />

and<br />

o promoting responsible practice<br />

Conclusion<br />

Liquor accords are a common part of the liquor<br />

regulation scene in Queensland and aim to gather<br />

local liquor industry stakeholders together to consider,<br />

develop and deliver actions and strategies aimed at<br />

minimizing any local anti-social aspects of liquor<br />

mis-use. Accord participation is voluntary, and aimed<br />

at finding and delivering mechanisms to manage local<br />

alcohol-related issues. Accords by themselves are not<br />

the solution to all of society’s woes. They can however<br />

provide a valuable forum for local leaders to find local<br />

solutions to local problems and build relationships<br />

across the stakeholder groups.<br />

For comprehensive information and a list of current<br />

Liquor Accords in Queensland see the OLGR website:<br />

business.qld.gov.au/industries/hospitality-tourismsport/liquor-gaming/liquor/liquor-accords<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 37

EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS with Joanna Minchinton<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 38<br />

On Wednesday, 15 June the Fair Work Commission’s<br />

Expert Panel (‘Panel’) handed down its Annual Wage<br />

<strong>Review</strong> Decision (‘Decision’) for 2021-22.<br />

This article discusses the Panel’s Decision, and the<br />

timeframes to be aware of as a result.<br />

Increase Decision<br />

With regard to modern award wages, the Panel<br />

determined to increase wage rates in all awards:<br />

• By a flat rate amount of $40.00 per hour where<br />

the full-time weekly rate (in place at the time of the<br />

Decision being handed down) is less than $869.60<br />

per week; and<br />

• By 4.6% for award wages above $869.60 per week<br />

for a full-time employee (as in place at the time of<br />

the Decision being handed down).<br />

Timing of the Increases<br />

1 July 2022<br />

Wage rates in some awards increased from the first full<br />

pay period on or after 1 July 2022.<br />

Therefore, for those hospitality employers who refer<br />

to any of the below listed awards due to any of them<br />

covering an employee’s employment, wage rates have<br />

already increased:<br />

• Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020<br />

• Clerks—Private Sector Award 2020<br />

• Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020<br />

• Manufacturing and Associated Industries and<br />

Occupations Award 2020<br />

• Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010<br />

• Live Performance Award 2020<br />

• Miscellaneous Award 2020*<br />

• Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2020<br />

• Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020<br />

* relevant for the national training wage.<br />

The Employment Relations team has produced wage<br />

rate guides for the above awards, and members can<br />

download a copy of any of the above guides from the<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> website (member log in required).<br />

Alternatively, <strong>QHA</strong> members can contact the team and<br />

request a copy via er@qha.org.au.<br />

1 October 2022<br />

The majority of <strong>QHA</strong> members need to only be<br />

aware of this date. This is because wage rates in the<br />

Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 (‘HIGA’)<br />

increase from the first full pay period on or after this<br />

date.<br />

The above referred to wage increase means HIGA<br />

classifications of level 4 and above will receive a 4.6%<br />

increase, and the levels covering the introductory level<br />

and levels 1 and 2 will be increased by a flat rate of<br />

$40.00 per week. Schedule A provides the relevant<br />

definitions of each of the classifications and levels.<br />

Wage rates guides will be prepared for members<br />

closer to the operative date.<br />

The following awards that the <strong>QHA</strong> produces wage<br />

rates guides for will also increase from the first full pay<br />

period commencing on or after 1 October 2022:<br />

• Registered and Licensed Clubs Award 2020<br />

• Restaurant Industry Award 2020<br />

Once the above referred to wage rates guides have<br />

been prepared, <strong>QHA</strong> members will be advised via the<br />

electronic ER Bulletin or <strong>QHA</strong> Update.<br />

Other Relevant Increases<br />

Despite HIGA wage rates not increasing until 1<br />

October 2022, from the first full pay period on or after<br />

1 July 2022, employers also need to be aware of the<br />


Joanna Damian Minchinton Steele EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS<br />

1. National Minimum Wage (‘NMW’)<br />

For those employees who are not covered by a<br />

modern award or agreement, the NMW is the<br />

legislated base rate of pay.<br />

The NMW increased by 5.2% from the first full pay<br />

period commencing on or after 1<br />

July 2022 with:<br />

• The NMW increasing to $812.60 per week for a fulltime<br />

employee or $21.38 per hour.<br />

• The increase represents a weekly increase of<br />

$40.00 per week.<br />

2. High Income Threshold<br />

From 1 July 2022, the high income threshold<br />

increased from $158,500 to $162,000 per annum.<br />

Why is this annual amount relevant? Section 382 of<br />

the Fair Work Act 2009 provides that for the purposes<br />

of an unfair dismissal application, an employee who<br />

earns at least the high income threshold per annum,<br />

and whose employment is not covered by an award<br />

or an enterprise agreement, cannot pursue such an<br />

application with the Fair Work Commission.<br />

What is a Pay Cycle for the purposes of the “first full<br />

pay period”?<br />

With regard to the operative date, where an employer’s<br />

pay period commences prior to the date the increase<br />

will have effect, for example, on 30 September 2022<br />

(and the increase date is 1 October for the HIGA), the<br />

increase provided in the Fair Work Commission’s wage<br />

increase decision will not affect wages until the next<br />

pay cycle.<br />

This is due to the pay cycle commencing prior to<br />

1 October. The Panel’s Decision states the HIGA<br />

increase applies to a full pay cycle that commences<br />

(i.e. the first day of the cycle) either on, or after, 1<br />

October.<br />

NEED HELP?<br />

For further information and assistance,<br />

the <strong>QHA</strong>’s ER Department can be<br />

contacted for a confidential discussion<br />

by calling (07) 3221 6999 or emailing<br />

er@qha.org.au.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 39


with Therese Kelly<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 40<br />

An Australian Apprenticeship – that is an<br />

apprenticeship or traineeship – is a great way for<br />

employers to bring new and valuable resources<br />

and skills and knowledge into a business. So what<br />

exactly is an apprenticeship? Who can become an<br />

apprentice? How to recruit an apprentice? Below is a<br />

brief overview.<br />


Australian Apprenticeships often referred to as<br />

apprenticeships or traineeships and are available<br />

to anyone of working age and who meet eligible<br />

citizenship requirements.<br />

Australian Apprentices can be for a school student<br />

(a school-based Australian Apprenticeship can be<br />

started while still at school from Year 10, 11 and 12),<br />

school-leaver, a job seeker, a person re-entering the<br />

workforce, a current employee or a person simply<br />

wishing to change careers.<br />

An Australian Apprentice can be employed<br />

through the following employment arrangements:<br />

• Full-time – traditionally 38-40 hours per week as<br />

per the award or instrument of employment<br />

• Part-time – minimum 15-20 hours per week<br />

depending on the qualification (may be averaged<br />

over a four-week period)<br />

• School-based – minimum of 7.5 hours per week<br />

of paid employment engaged in the vocation to<br />

which they are registered, which may be averaged<br />

over a three-month period.<br />

Note: Apprentices cannot be casual workers, subcontractors,<br />

or commission-only workers.<br />

Australian Apprenticeships offer opportunities for a<br />

person to train, study and earn an income at a variety<br />

of qualification levels in most occupations as well as in<br />

traditional trades.<br />

An Australian Apprentice combines time at work<br />

with training and on successful completion of the<br />

Apprenticeship, the apprentice or trainee will have<br />

completed a nationally-recognised qualification that<br />

can take them anywhere in Australia.<br />



A person wanting to undertake an apprenticeship or<br />

traineeship must be an Australian or New Zealand<br />

citizen or be someone who is allowed to work in<br />

Australia and have a valid Visa that is listed on<br />

the eligible visa list for those Visa’s which lead to<br />

permanent residency.<br />

Note: The eligible visa list can be found at -<br />

https://desbt.qld.gov.au/training/providers/inclusive/<br />

visa-eligibility<br />


Employers can recruit apprentices and<br />

trainees by:<br />

• Visiting the Jobactive website<br />

• Searching or registering with www.<br />

tradeapprentices.com.au for an out of trade<br />

apprentice.<br />

• Talking to an Apprenticeship Network Provider.<br />

• Placing an advertisement in the paper, on a<br />

recruitment website or using a recruitment<br />

company.<br />

• Contact your local high school<br />

• Contacting local training organisations (RTO)<br />

• Contact a Group training provider<br />

• Offering apprenticeships or traineeships to current<br />


Do you need more information?<br />

For all queries about Australian Apprenticeships contact an<br />

Apprenticeship Network provider –<br />

www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au<br />

For information about courses, training organisations, and more go<br />

to the myskills website – www.myskill.gov.au<br />

To explore options and career pathways, head to the Australian<br />

Apprenticeships Pathways website –<br />

www.aapathways.com.au<br />

For help with particular course information contact a Registered<br />

Training Organisation -<br />

www.myskills.gov.au/registeredtrainers<br />

For workplace rights and obligations visit the Fair Work<br />

Ombudsman website –<br />

www.fairwork.gov.au/find-help-for/apprentices-and-trainees<br />

Or give the <strong>QHA</strong> training team a call on 07 3221 6999 or email<br />




<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 42<br />

Providing exceptional service to travellers has led the<br />

Pullman Brisbane Airport hotel to be named as the<br />

best of the best for 2022 in the Australia/Pacific region<br />

at the recent Skytrax World Airport Awards held in<br />

Paris, France.<br />

It is the second time the venue has been named the<br />

Best Airport Hotel Australia/Pacific.<br />

It also secured the sixth position in the World’s Best<br />

Airport Hotels 2022, after Crowne Plaza Changi<br />

Airport, Hyatt Regency Shenzshen Airport, Pullman<br />

Guangzhou Airport, Hilton Munich Airport, and<br />

Fairmont Vancouver Airport.<br />

Brisbane Airport Hotels Group Chief Operating Officer<br />

Alex Penklis said the two accolades are testament to<br />

the dedication and determination shown by everyone<br />

involved within the hotel, especially during these<br />

challenging times.<br />

“The entire team at Pullman Brisbane Airport is<br />

extremely proud of these Skytrax accolades, especially<br />

maintaining our position as the number one airport<br />

hotel in the Australia/Pacific region for the second<br />

time in four years – with two of those awards years<br />

impacted by a global pandemic.<br />

“I am incredibly proud of what our dedicated team has<br />

been able to achieve for both our guests and owners<br />

given the challenging couple of years we have had,<br />

and we’ve never stopped working hard to maintain<br />

and deliver our world-class Pullman service.”<br />

This is the second Skytrax Award for Pullman Brisbane<br />

Airport having received the Best Airport Hotel Australia/<br />

Pacific in 2019, as well as securing 5th position in the<br />

World’s Best Airport Hotels 2019.<br />

The hotel was developed in 2017 by Anthony and<br />

Scott Flynn, of Flynn Property Group and Scott Flynn<br />

Properties respectively and is part of a $150 million<br />

project which includes the 243-room ibis Brisbane<br />

Airport and the 1,800sqm Brisbane Airport Conference<br />



The Flynn brothers have also delivered a quality 4.5-<br />

star hotel at Brisbane Airport’s Skygate precinct, the<br />

Novotel Brisbane Airport.<br />

The three hotels with a combined total of 532 guest<br />

rooms sees the Flynn’s as the largest franchisee<br />

partner for Accor in the region.<br />

Pullman Brisbane Airport opened in October 2017<br />

as a 5-star luxury offering, and features 132-rooms<br />

including 2 Executive Suites, 6 Junior Suites and<br />

twelve Deluxe Executive Rooms.<br />

It offers food and beverages at its Apron Restaurant<br />

and Bar, and the opportunity to relax by the pool or<br />

unwind in the Executive Club Lounge.<br />

For more on the Skytrax World Airport Awards see<br />

http://www.worldairportawards.com/<br />

Other hotels to make the top five in Australia/Pacific<br />

2022 from second to fifth were: Rydges Sydney Airport<br />

Hotel, Novotel Auckland Airport, Parkroyal Melbourne<br />

Airport and Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 43









<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 44<br />

For Intercontinental Hospitality Group (IHG) and<br />

Vista Hospitality Group (a newly formed joint venture<br />

between Pro-Invest Group and Next Story Group) the<br />

official opening of voco Brisbane City Centre in June<br />

marked another step in an expansion story spreading<br />

all over the globe.<br />

Since launching in 2018 the voco brand has now been<br />

applied to 35 hotels across the word catering for 8,523<br />

rooms, with plans for another 36 hotels in the pipeline.<br />

Described as an “upmarket” brand, voco, which<br />

means “invite or to come together” in Latin, has been<br />

applied to the completed refurbished building that was<br />

previously the Mercure North Quay Brisbane.<br />

All 194 rooms have been converted into premium<br />

guestrooms “featuring an abundance of natural light,<br />

plus sustainable bedding, vibrant artworks, smart inroom<br />

technology, modern bathrooms and sweeping<br />

views over the city or river”.<br />

Designed by Sydney-based interior design studio,<br />

JPDC, the interiors of the hotel are heavily influenced<br />

by its riverside location, as seen in the bed head mural<br />

of the river weaving its way through the CBD, to create<br />

an upscale, laidback look and feel.<br />

The venue also has a 24-hour fitness centre, a rooftop<br />

pool, the Kraft & Co café / bar and 1200sqm of event<br />

space across 11 premium meeting and function<br />

spaces, including the Grand Chelsea Ballroom which<br />

has a capacity for 600 guests.<br />

Kraft & Co has been designed in line with the voco Life<br />

brand proposition which aims to activate social spaces<br />

for visitors to enjoy a range of food and beverage<br />

experiences throughout the day and then evolve as a<br />

bar late into the night.<br />

Vista Hospitality Group Board Member and Pro-invest<br />

CEO Jan Smits said the launch of the voco brand into<br />

Brisbane’s hotel scene signalled an exciting period of<br />

growth for the city.

“The voco brand is renowned for its charmingly fun<br />

attitude and we’re excited to be able to share this<br />

uniquely different property with guests while injecting<br />

some colour and personality into the River City,” Jan<br />

said.<br />

“This is the first hotel to open under the Vista<br />

Hospitality Group portfolio and we are proud to be a<br />

custodian of IHG’s fast growing voco brand.<br />

“Sustainability is a key pillar for our group, and we<br />

were naturally drawn to IHG’s voco brand as it places<br />

emphasis on green and sustainable practices which<br />

aligns with our 2030 Net Zero carbon strategy.<br />

“We are excited for guests to experience the voco<br />

hospitality and interact with the spaces we have<br />

created and look forward to being part of the social<br />

and economic fabric of Brisbane”.<br />

Matthew Tripolone, IHG Australasia & Pacific Managing<br />

Director, said voco had been well received in Auckland<br />

and Melbourne where it launched last year, and was<br />

the fastest growing brand in the IHG stable.<br />

On the environmental side of things, voco Brisbane<br />

City Centre is implementing a number of sustainable<br />

initiatives such as aerated shower heads that<br />

reduce water and usage, plush bedding filled with<br />

100% recycled materials, large refillable Antipodes<br />

amenities, all designed to reduce the impact on the<br />

environment. In addition, guests can enjoy free access<br />

to handcrafted bamboo bikes from Wyld Bikes which<br />

are easy on the environment and encourage guests to<br />

‘tread lightly’.<br />

voco Brisbane City Centre is at 85/87 North Quay,<br />

Brisbane. See ihg.com/voco/hotels/us/en/brisbane/<br />

bnecr/hoteldetail<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 45


with Judy Hill<br />



<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 46<br />

Queensland hotel and accommodation operators<br />

who make the trip each year know that, “If you’re not<br />

visiting the NoVacancy Expo, you’re not giving your<br />

property its best chance of success”.<br />

Following a tumultuous few years for our sector, let’s<br />

take a quick recap of what NoVacancy is, why it’s<br />

important for you and your team to be there, and what<br />

you’ll get out of it.<br />

The What<br />

NoVacancy is the big annual trade show for the hotel<br />

and accommodation industry. It’s held at the ICC<br />

Sydney Exhibition Centre each year, and it’s free to<br />

attend for industry professionals – including <strong>QHA</strong><br />

Members.<br />

Covering 14,000 square metres of space (the<br />

equivalent of two rugby league fields), it’s filled with<br />

more than 300 suppliers of everything essential,<br />

innovative, and new to our industry. From amenities,<br />

to self-check-in, front and back of house software, to<br />

the hottest new sustainability and energy efficiency<br />

solutions and everything in between, it’s like a<br />

Westfield Shopping Centre where every shop is<br />

relevant and dedicated to helping you run a successful<br />

accommodation business.<br />

The Education Program<br />

Also free, the event offers a comprehensive<br />

program of sessions dedicated to core areas of<br />

running a successful accommodation business<br />

across four theatres. An entire theatre dedicated to<br />

accommodation marketing, another to revenue and<br />

distribution, one for the latest technology, another<br />

on leadership challenges (like staffing), the growingly<br />

important sustainability summit, two days for interiors<br />

and refurbishment, and an entire day for smaller<br />

operators – All under one roof.<br />

This year the organisers have made the commitment<br />

to a minimum 50/50 gender balance to the speaker<br />

program, believed to be the first commitment of its<br />

type for an accommodation industry event anywhere in<br />

the world.<br />

The Networking Event of the Year<br />

When was the last time you were in a room with more<br />

than 5,000 accommodation industry friends, peers,<br />

media, consultants and suppliers? With so many<br />

attendees you’ll be sure to find others who share your<br />

daily challenges, have ridden a similar Covid wave and<br />

are attending for similar reasons.<br />

6 months of meetings in 2 days?<br />

Many hoteliers use NoVacancy as their annual supplier<br />

catch-up and review forum. Rather than having<br />

suppliers pitch new solutions unwantedly through<br />

the year, calling and knocking on our doors, they use<br />

NoVacancy to schedule meetings, check out other<br />

supplier offerings and shop for upcoming purchase<br />

and CAPEX projects.<br />

Pre-scheduled meetings<br />

A few weeks before the exhibition you get access to<br />

an online meetings platform that lets you connect and<br />

book in with suppliers you want to meet. Looking for<br />

new mattresses? Tick the box during registration, log<br />

into the platform, and communicate with the suppliers<br />

you choose to lock in a time.<br />

The platform also enables you to connect with other<br />

attendees. Want to catch up with that GM you worked<br />

with eight years ago in Melbourne? Strong chance<br />

they’re attending, look through the platform, schedule<br />

a catch up, and make the most of your time at<br />

NoVacancy.<br />


What:<br />

When:<br />

Where:<br />

Details:<br />

Cost:<br />

NoVacancy | Hotel & Accommodation<br />

Industry Expo<br />

Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th<br />

September, 2022<br />

ICC Sydney Exhibition Centre,<br />

Darling Harbour (Level 4)<br />

www.NoVacancy.com.au<br />

FREE for industry professionals<br />

(must pre-register online. $70 onsite)


SAVE<br />

THE<br />

DATE<br />


Conference<br />

2022<br />

8 SEPTEMBER 22<br />


Join the <strong>QHA</strong>’s Employment Relations team on Thursday,<br />

8 September 2022 for its 13th annual full day Conference.<br />

Given the year that is to come, staffi ng challenges arising from it,<br />

and the ever-changing employment matters to be aware of, this<br />

Conference will be one you don’t want to miss!<br />

Book your tickets now at qha.org.au


The Honourable Shannon Fentiman MP<br />


The Palaszczuk Government is committed to making<br />

it easier to do business in Queensland and to<br />

strengthening the state’s economy through the<br />

2022-23 Queensland Budget.<br />

The Budget builds on the more than $1 billion invested<br />

to support hospitality and tourism operators during the<br />

COVID-19 pandemic.<br />

It includes a $1.2 billion investment to continue<br />

delivering high quality training and creating career<br />

pathways for Queenslanders which will be essential<br />

to addressing the labour and skill shortages being<br />

experienced by the hospitality industry.<br />

On top of the support for the industry announced<br />

in this year’s Budget, we have also introduced a<br />

12-month trial of reduced fees to incentivise the<br />

transfer of existing hotel gaming machine authorities<br />

to help address the low number of authorities currently<br />

available in the market.<br />

In consultation with the Queensland Hotels<br />

Association, the government has reduced transfer<br />

fees for the sale of hotel gaming machine authorities<br />

from 33 per cent to 15 per cent. This will not only<br />

benefit hotel operators that are seeking to increase<br />

the number of machines they operate, but also those<br />

wanting to begin gaming operations in new hotel<br />

developments.<br />

The government also increased the TITO limit for<br />

gaming machines to $500 – up from $199.99 –<br />

earlier this year with a view to helping hotels achieve<br />

gaming floor efficiency, improved security and better<br />

customer service. This means patrons will be able to<br />

transfer their gaming machine payouts across gaming<br />

machines via a TITO ticket up to the value of $500.<br />

Cash input limits will remain limited to $199.99 to help<br />

minimise potential harm from gambling.<br />

On the topic of gambling harm minimisation, the<br />

Palaszczuk Government released its four-year<br />

plan to prevent and minimise gambling harm to<br />

Queenslanders, families, and local communities in July<br />

2021.<br />

The Gambling harm minimisation plan for Queensland<br />

2021-25 outlined the shared roles and responsibilities<br />

for government, industry and community to reduce<br />

gambling-related harm in the state.<br />

Since then, we have made significant progress in<br />

delivering the plan, including most recently launching<br />

the Let’s Start Yarning About Gambling campaign<br />

during Gambling Harm Awareness Week 2022. The<br />

campaign aims to promote safe gambling messages<br />

in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.<br />

The campaign is one of a number of targeted<br />

campaigns that acknowledge the need to deliver<br />

gambling harm education to a range of groups in our<br />

Queensland community including young people and<br />

culturally and linguistically diverse communities.<br />

The hotel industry will play a key role in a range of<br />

broader initiatives that are being progressed through<br />

the plan which are supported by the Responsible<br />

Gambling Advisory Committee and two working<br />

groups.<br />

I look forward to seeing government, industry<br />

and community continue to work together on this<br />

important plan to reduce gambling-related harm in<br />

Queensland.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 48

Victoria Thomson OLGR<br />


It was great to see hotels across Queensland involved<br />

in Gambling Harm Awareness Week (18 to 24 July)<br />

last month with venues and Gambling Help service<br />

(GHS) providers coming together to support all<br />

Queenslanders, particularly those most vulnerable,<br />

to gamble safely. It provided a timely reminder of the<br />

importance of the relationship between venues and<br />

GHS providers.<br />

Gambling Help Community Educator David McAnalen<br />

said venues play a vital role in connecting their patrons<br />

with GHS providers.<br />

“Venues are incredibly important community partners<br />

for GHS providers to have, as they see more people<br />

with poor relationships with gambling each day than<br />

the GHS does,” Mr McAnalen said.<br />

To help minimise gambling harm, it is important that<br />

your staff are aware of their local GHS provider, the<br />

free and confidential services provided and how they<br />

can successfully refer any at-risk patrons. Venue<br />

managers should also maintain regular, meaningful<br />

contact with their local GHS provider.<br />

One of the services offered by GHSs is free support<br />

provided directly to venues. This includes employee<br />

professional development such as training on how<br />

to identify the signs of problem gambling as well as<br />

assistance with patrons who want to self-exclude from<br />

venues.<br />

An external review of the state-wide GHS system<br />

was completed last year under the Gambling Harm<br />

Minimisation Plan for Queensland 2021-2025. The<br />

review considered how well the support system<br />

operates to meet the specific needs of individuals and<br />

communities.<br />

The review found that while the GHS system is<br />

meeting the needs of its current clients, several<br />

enhancements are required to ensure it effectively<br />

meets the specific needs of a changing and diverse<br />

client base.<br />

A key part of the solution is enabling greater access to<br />

non-therapeutic supports such as financial counsellors<br />

for people experiencing gambling harm. To support<br />

these essential services, the Queensland Government<br />

has committed to funding training for additional<br />

specialist problem gambling financial counsellors in<br />

Queensland and an online problem gambling toolkit for<br />

generalist financial counsellors.<br />

You can also expect to see another Queensland<br />

Household Gambling Survey and a targeted Aboriginal<br />

and Torres Strait Islander youth gambling research<br />

project across the next 12 months.<br />

The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR)<br />

will share updates on the implementation of the<br />

Gambling Harm Minimisation Plan on our Facebook<br />

page and Inside Liquor and Gaming newsletter. I<br />

recommend subscribing to these channels to ensure<br />

you get the latest news on projects and changes as<br />

they happen.<br />

Finally, as the Attorney-General mentioned in her<br />

message, the government has recently reduced<br />

transfer fees for hotel gaming machine authorities.<br />

OLGR has been working with the Queensland Hotels<br />

Association to finalise these arrangements ahead of<br />

the next gaming machine authorities tender which is<br />

expected to be held by the end of <strong>August</strong>. Licensees<br />

will receive further information about the upcoming<br />

tender via email in the coming weeks.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 49

TOP DROP<br />




Moffat Beach Brewing<br />



Garage Project<br />

Beers<br />



Black Flag<br />

Brewing<br />

THE CHOP<br />

IPA<br />

Hop Nation<br />

Brewing Co.<br />

Really nice with good<br />

carbonation, beautiful<br />

notes of mandarin, pine<br />

and citrus peel thanks to<br />

the beer’s centrepiece,<br />

the Australian hop Eclipse.<br />

There’s a magic subtle<br />

sweetness that transforms<br />

into an equally subtle<br />

bitterness making this<br />

beer something quite<br />

special. As you work your<br />

way through the can the<br />

flavour profile continues<br />

to build making each<br />

sip better than the one<br />

before.<br />

It’s refreshingly light with<br />

nice “juicy” notes of<br />

tropical fruit that make it<br />

super easy to drink and<br />

not super heavy on the<br />

alcohol content, which<br />

you would expect from a<br />

beer of this nature. What<br />

this boils down to is you<br />

can indulge in a few and<br />

not be completely off your<br />

chops. Savour the aroma<br />

and flavour, indulge a little<br />

and then be on your way.<br />

An enjoyable yet sensible<br />

hazy IPA.<br />

A very nice west coast IPA<br />

that clearly packs a punch<br />

at 7% abv but doesn’t<br />

show it. There’s just this<br />

clean grapefruit taste with<br />

an underlying bitterness<br />

that is not overly powerful.<br />

It’s restrained in a good<br />

way.<br />

Love the name and the<br />

beer. The ever-reliable Hop<br />

Nation have delivered the<br />

goods with the ever-reliable<br />

mix of Citra, Mosaic and<br />

Simcoe hops. Citrus and<br />

tropical notes with hints<br />

of grapefruit and a wellbalanced,<br />

mild bitter finish.<br />

Another please.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 50

TOP DROP<br />



Revel Brewing Co.<br />


Hawkers<br />

Beer<br />


COLD IPA<br />

Black Hops Brewery<br />


SOUR ALE<br />

Catchment Brewing<br />

Co.<br />

If you are on the fence<br />

and wondered what all<br />

the fuss is about craft<br />

beers then you should try<br />

this. If this doesn’t convert<br />

you, I don’t know what<br />

will. Incredible. Dank, a<br />

bit of spice and all things<br />

fruity and nice.<br />

It is nice enough with<br />

notes of pineapple, citrus<br />

and lime and a creamy<br />

mouthfeel and dry finish.<br />

It just didn’t knock my<br />

socks off like I anticipated<br />

it might. It was enjoyable<br />

enough but missing the<br />

“massive juicy characters”<br />

that were promised.<br />

The first one I tried I found<br />

the flavours subdued. I<br />

wondered if the ‘cold’<br />

robbed the IPA of its<br />

punchy flavour profile.<br />

The method is intended<br />

to allow the hops to shine<br />

but be more crisp and<br />

clean, but not quite to the<br />

extent of a lager. Anyhow,<br />

by the second I was a<br />

convert. It is always good<br />

to try new things and find<br />

new flavour sensations.<br />

The brewers of sours<br />

are experimenting with<br />

all kinds of ingredients<br />

given the increasing<br />

popularity of the beers.<br />

I am still converting but<br />

am warming to the variety<br />

of flavours on offer. This<br />

rendition is an enjoyable<br />

offering that is expectedly<br />

quite floral in its nature<br />

and tart.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 51


<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 52<br />





For 4 Hearts Brewing general manager Torsten Werner<br />

there’s a sense of relief that the most recent flooding in<br />

the Brisbane region did not make its way up Limestone<br />

Street in Ipswich and into his venues.<br />

There’s also an understanding that the devastation<br />

the floods caused is far from being over for many local<br />

residents and businesses where rising waters ruined<br />

lives and livelihoods.<br />

A two-and-a-half hour commute to work each<br />

day thanks to the late May closure of the Colleges<br />

Crossing bridge at Karana Downs, where water<br />

continued to pour over the bitumen as late as May<br />

27, is just another reminder that life is not yet back to<br />

normal for many residents living along the overloaded<br />

river systems.<br />

Wanting to try and help, Torsten and the 4 Hearts<br />

Brewing team turned to what they do best and<br />

developed a limited release beer, The Aftermath,<br />

which they put out into the market in April, with a<br />

commitment to donate a percentage of its sales<br />

revenues to flood relief causes.<br />

Torsten said the beer, an 8 percent ABV Imperial<br />

Brownie Porter brewed with East Kent Golding and<br />

Cascade Hops, had been a big seller and he was<br />

looking forward to tallying up the results and making<br />

the donation in June.


Change and challenge has been part of the<br />

landscape for the team at 4 Hearts Brewing and<br />

its associated venues Pumpyard Bar and Dovetails<br />

Dining over the past 12 months.<br />

On the brewing side, Torsten said their former head<br />

brewer Ken Friend had decided to move to Canberra<br />

and his former assistant Reece Richards had now<br />

stepped up to take the head brewer role, already<br />

making his mark with seasonal releases including a<br />

Raspberry Doughnut Sour, Mango & Lychee Session<br />

Pale Ale and a Southern Cross Edition: Australian<br />

IPA, Aftermath and XPA 88.<br />

The brand has grown outside of its original intent as<br />

a beverage for the restaurant and bar and is now<br />

available through BWS and Dan Murphy’s in about<br />

56 stores in South-East Queensland, Sense of<br />

Taste bottle shops, selected Star Liquor stores and<br />

other banner stores, managed by Liquid Specialty<br />

Beverages and Australian Liquor Marketing groups.<br />

“We’re available anywhere between Cairns and<br />

Adelaide now – although there’s lots of gaps in<br />

between,” Torsten said.<br />

He noted that the Beer Locator tab on the<br />

4heartsbrewing.com website was always up to date<br />

with 4 Hearts flags appearing on locations where the<br />

product could be bought.<br />

Stretching the brand even further afield Torsten said<br />

they were in discussions with Trade Investment<br />

Queensland to try and break into the Japanese beer<br />

market, talking to Japanese importers about adding<br />

4 Hearts to their lists.<br />

The next two beers on the cards for release are<br />

Reposition – a cryo-hopped dark New England India<br />

Pale Ale (NEIPA) in June and a West Coast – Double<br />

IPA, scheduled for IPA Day on <strong>August</strong> 4.<br />

Torsten said Reposition was timed to coincide with<br />

winter and the traditional “dark” beer season.<br />

It combines the popularity of the NEIPA style beer<br />

with a dark style to create a beer that’s described<br />

as having the flavour profile of a NEIPA, with tropical<br />

fruit bursts based on the use of Motueka, El Dorado,<br />

Mosiac and Cryo Pop hops, with the addition of a<br />

subtle roast from cold steeped dark malts to make it<br />

dark, but not overpoweringly so.<br />

“This beer is like a NEIPA only… Dark!” is the<br />

catchphrase of choice.<br />

On the West Coast – Double IPA the product brief<br />

notes that the change of head brewer has brought<br />

with it a change of brewing style, and that this beer<br />

is a part of that journey.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 53


“This beer is our take on a West Coast IPA only<br />

doubled. The brew team wanted to go back to the<br />

traditional beer concepts that 4 Hearts are well known<br />

for already and showcase that although we are<br />

challenging the status quo, we still have the ability to<br />

hone our skills in the traditional “clean” beer world.<br />

The new beers will add to 4 Hearts Brewing’s core<br />

product range of the Ipswich Challenger – Light<br />

English Mild (2.9%), Super Model Australian Pale Ale<br />

(3.5%), Sunshine Lager – New World Pilsner (4.6%),<br />

XPA88 – Extra Pale Ale (4.8%), Kickback Red IPA (7%)<br />

and Coal Miners Stout (5.5%). They also produce an<br />

alcoholic ginger beer, Gilly’s Ginger Beer (3.5%).<br />

With a restaurant and a traditional bar as part of the<br />

package at 88 Limestone Street, 4 Hearts Brewing has<br />

plenty of opportunity to explore new ideas, including<br />

a recent Beergustation event offering guests a multicourse<br />

dinner with the brewer, with beers matched to<br />

each course and an after hours brewery tour on top.<br />

The Dovetails Restaurant has been lauded for its wine<br />

list, Awarded 1 Glass winner at the Australian Wine List<br />

Awards 2020 & 2021 and in November 2021 picked<br />

up the title of Best Contemporary Informal Restaurant<br />

at the Restaurant & Catering Awards of Excellence.<br />




It was also named as a finalist in the <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for<br />

Excellence 2022 in the category of Best Restaurant –<br />

Metropolitan. Dovetails is being led by Giulia Vercesi as<br />

the Restaurant Manager and Shannon Ellison as Head<br />

Chef.<br />

The Pumpyard Bar, offering a full range of core and<br />

seasonal beers on tap and a solid menu including<br />

burgers, hot dogs, fries, wings and pizzas is open<br />

Wednesday/Thursday, Noon to 9pm, Friday/Saturday,<br />

Noon to late and Sunday, 11.30am to 5pm. It is closed<br />

on Mondays and Tuesdays.<br />

4 Hearts Brewing Co, Pumpyard Bar and Dovetails<br />

Restaurant can all be found at 88 Limestone Street,<br />

Ipswich. Phone 07 3282 9076 or 07 3819 0264<br />

respectively, or see 4heartsbrewing.com.<br />

During the colder months, Pumpyard also offers<br />

Smoke Stall Sundays where Head Chef Shawn Breen<br />

smokes up a wide selection of meats that add to the<br />

menu on the day.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 54




WE’RE A<br />

V E N U E<br />

WARM<br />

Welcoming.<br />

Attentive & here to assist.<br />

Respectful & responsible.<br />

Manners matter.<br />

visit our website for<br />

more info qha.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 55

A CRAFTY<br />

BUNCH<br />

W H Y N O T S T O C K & S U P P O R T<br />

4 Hearts Brewing<br />

The first brewery to open its doors in<br />

Ipswich in over 100 years, 4 Hearts’<br />

brew masters are committed to<br />

premium local ingredients and<br />

profound taste. Preservative free and<br />

all natural they use the highest quality<br />

ingredients to consistently deliver a<br />

tasty beer every brew. Our core range<br />

features modern spins on traditional<br />

brews while our ever growing range<br />

of seasonal beers takes things to<br />

more adventurous levels, utilising<br />

local seasonal produce as inspiration<br />

(honey, rosella or carrots anyone…)<br />

0439 439 710<br />

4heartsbrewing.com<br />

Ballistic Beer Co.<br />

At Ballistic we have a simple theory.<br />

Fresh beer is the best beer. That’s<br />

why we brew in small batches, more<br />

frequently, and store it cold so you get<br />

the same blast of flavour our brewers<br />

do. Our pale ales, lagers, IPAs, sours<br />

and special releases will blow away<br />

the traditional ideas and expectations<br />

of what beer should be.<br />

Set in an old World War II<br />

ammunitions factory in the historic,<br />

industrial suburb of Salisbury Ballistic<br />

HQ is home to a team of innovative<br />

brewers who believe everyone should<br />

have the chance to enjoy a well<br />

crafted, quality beer.<br />

07 3277 6656<br />

ballisticbeer.com<br />

Helios Brewing Company<br />

Helios is the sun god of Greek myths.<br />

Each morning the rising sun marks<br />

Helios’ crossing over into the mortal<br />

world, driving a chariot drawn by<br />

wild horses that only he can control.<br />

Helios Brewing Company harnesses<br />

the sun’s power to sustainably create<br />

craft beer. Our brewing infrastructure<br />

has been custom-designed to<br />

maximise energy and water efficiency,<br />

minimize waste and carbon-footprint<br />

while capitalising upon Queensland’s<br />

renewable natural resources. We brew<br />

beers that are malt-forward, balanced,<br />

and intense using only the best<br />

ingredients, impeccable technique and<br />

sustainable practices.<br />

07 3392 9739<br />

heliosbrewing.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 56<br />

Slipstream Brewing<br />

Slipstream Brewing is an<br />

independently owned brewery based<br />

in Brisbane. We are a small but<br />

passionate team, producing some of<br />

the most accessible and sessionable<br />

craft beers in Australia. We’re the<br />

missing gap between bland beer and<br />

wanky beer, our beers hit the bullseye,<br />

brewed with nothing but pure flavour<br />

in mind. Hops are the heroes and<br />

we milk them for all their worth. We<br />

love the freshness, juiciness the zing<br />

and the zest. One sip, it tastes so<br />

good – capture that feeling and fill the<br />

fridge with it. Beer is the last thing you<br />

should settle on, so come and get<br />

caught in Slipstream.<br />

07 3892 4582<br />

slipstreambrewing.com.au<br />

Burleigh Brewing Co<br />

Founded in 2006 by Peta and Brennan<br />

Fielding, Burleigh Brewing was one of<br />

the first independent craft breweries in<br />

QLD. Now celebrating 15 year of the<br />

brand, Burleigh Brewing has upgraded<br />

their Taphouse in Burleigh Heads, won<br />

countless awards for both business<br />

and beer (a testament to their shared<br />

and individual strengths), grown to a<br />

team of 70, and in their own humble,<br />

hard-working way, helped transform<br />

the Gold Coast’s craft brewing scene<br />

into one of the most vibrant and<br />

thriving in the country.<br />

07 5593 6000<br />

burleighbrewing.com.au<br />

Terella Brewing<br />

Terella means “Little Earth”, and<br />

we’re building our vision of a dream<br />

brewery, drawing inspiration from<br />

science, a serious love of beer, and our<br />

connection to the local land.<br />

We’ve planted ourselves in North Arm,<br />

a rural setting between the hinterland<br />

and farms of the Sunshine Coast,<br />

surrounded by crops and free roaming<br />

cattle. Our concept is based on a<br />

sustainable cycle, producing what we<br />

need and using what we produce.<br />

22 rotational taps and a new exciting<br />

beer released every week! Pushing<br />

the limits of Hops and Grains to<br />

produce quality small batch brews for<br />

enjoyment.<br />

0492 929 357<br />

sales@terellabrewing.com.au<br />


Q U E E N S L A N D L O C A L S<br />

A CRAFTY<br />

BUNCH<br />

Your Mates<br />

Your Mates isn’t just a brand, it’s<br />

a lifestyle. Drinking good beer with<br />

good mates and having a bloody<br />

good time. We believe these simple<br />

pleasures are much sweeter with a<br />

good beer in hand. Mateship is our<br />

founding principle, it’s why we exist<br />

and encompasses everything we do.<br />

Our beers are represented by a few<br />

legendary characters we’ve all met<br />

in our lives, with distinct personalities<br />

matching their flavour styles. Our vision<br />

is to inspire mateship through great<br />

beers, and our mission is to build<br />

an inclusive beer community at our<br />

brewery on the Sunshine Coast, our<br />

beautiful backyard in Queensland and<br />

beyond!<br />

0456 492 889<br />

yourmatesbrewing.com<br />

Felons Brewing Co<br />

Founded by Brisbane locals, Felons<br />

Brewing Co. is a modern-day brewery<br />

proudly positioned on the banks of the<br />

Brisbane River. Our brewery is nestled<br />

down under the Story Bridge, within<br />

Howard Smith Wharves. We truly<br />

believe that beer is what binds us all<br />

to this great part of the world and as<br />

proud brewers, we believe in brewing<br />

with passion and freedom.<br />

07 3188 9090<br />


W H Y N O T S T O C K & S U P P O R T<br />

A CRAFTY<br />

BUNCH<br />

Brouhaha<br />

In 2016, four Sunny coast locals set<br />

out to build their ultimate brewpub. One<br />

that produced premium quality beer<br />

and serviced fresh, local food. Cut to<br />

today, Brouhaha has expanded to Aura<br />

with a seaside production brewery &<br />

taproom, making Maleny the pilot kit for<br />

new and bespoke seasonal brews.<br />

toby@brouhahabrewery.com.au<br />

0405 707 975<br />

brouhahabrewery.com.au<br />

Revel Brewing Co.<br />

We are proud to be one of<br />

Queensland’s best independent<br />

breweries consistently producing<br />

Australian & International award<br />

winning beers.<br />

Bringing brewing back to Bulimba<br />

where the original Eagle Brewery<br />

resided in 1883 and the essence of<br />

QLD brewing began. Our beers are<br />

bursting with flavour and personality<br />

whilst possessing drinkability for<br />

everyone.<br />

Come and be a part of the Revel-ution!<br />

Matthew Flexman<br />

matt@revelbrewingco.com.au<br />

Boiling Pot Brewing Co.<br />

Everything we do at Boiling Pot<br />

Brewing Co. is influenced by our<br />

birthplace, Noosa, with all its beauty,<br />

nature and damn fine beer-drinking<br />

weather.<br />

We named the brewery in honour of the<br />

first headland in Noosa National Park,<br />

Boiling Pot, if you know it, you know it.<br />

If we could bottle the feeling you get at<br />

Boiling Pot, it’d be a bestseller.<br />

At Boiling Pot, we take what we do<br />

seriously but we know we’re not<br />

saving the world. Our mission is<br />

simple: to make life that little bit better<br />

for beer drinkers, one beer at a time.<br />

#cheerseverybody<br />

0414 415 920<br />

boilingpotbrewingco.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 58<br />

Granite Belt Brewery<br />

Granite Belt Brewery is a small batch<br />

brewery with a passion for creating<br />

unique, full flavoured beers that are<br />

perfect for every occasion. Our beers<br />

are made purely... to be enjoyed.<br />

We brew and bottle everything onsite<br />

in Stanthorpe on the Granite Belt, and<br />

is available for wholesale distribution<br />

07 4681 1370<br />

granitebeltbrewery.com.au<br />

The Catchment Brewing Co<br />

Catchment Brewing Co, located in a<br />

beautiful art deco building in West End<br />

is a fully functioning brewery, bar and<br />

restaurant and your one stop shop for<br />

all things craft beer, awesome food or<br />

functions.<br />

Whether sampling the medal winning<br />

core range beers named after iconic<br />

streets in the local catchment or the<br />

seasonal smash hits that will amaze<br />

you, it’s well worth a visit for a taste of<br />

West End.<br />

Catchment Brewing Co - For locals,<br />

by locals, everywhere.<br />

07 3846 1701<br />

bookings@catchmentbrewingco.com.au<br />


Paul St John-Wood PUB TALK<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> & IGT Golf Day<br />

The <strong>QHA</strong> & IGT Golf Day is quickly approaching. This<br />

event is set to be our biggest Golf Day yet with a<br />

double shotgun start scheduled to accommodate all of<br />

the attendees. There are still limited places for teams<br />

and individuals in either the AM or the PM start times<br />

so if you have not yet registered please do so at your<br />

earliest convenience to avoid missing out. The event<br />

will include a casual cocktail function and presentation<br />

following the golf at the Aviary Rooftop Bar at Mantra<br />

which all players and Hole Sponsors are encouraged<br />

to attend. Mantra has also offered a discounted<br />

accommodation rate for those wanting to stay on the<br />

coast. All event information, including registrations, is<br />

on the <strong>QHA</strong> website.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> & IGT Golf Day – The Club at Parkwood Village<br />

Gold Coast – Tuesday 6th September.<br />

Date Change – Rockhampton Hoteliers Meeting<br />

Due to the disruption of the heightened flu season<br />

during the majority of July we have changed the date<br />

of the Rockhampton Region Hoteliers Meeting to<br />

Tuesday 23rd <strong>August</strong> to ensure we can have as many<br />

attendees as possible without causing any further<br />

disruption to current staffing levels for venues from<br />

around the region. The meeting will be held at Bartletts<br />

Tavern Rockhampton from 10:30am-12:30pm with<br />

light lunch and refreshments included. Further details<br />

of the meeting have been sent to all licensees from the<br />

Rockhampton region. We look forward to seeing you<br />

there!<br />

One-off Extended Trading Hours Permits<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> has made representation to OLGR to consider<br />

a number of changes in regard to the XHP’s including<br />

reverting the application process back to the previous<br />

criteria which allowed the licensee to make application<br />

for benefit of their own business. Licensees would be<br />

aware the current criteria stipulate that the request<br />

(application) can only be for a special occasion for<br />

which a person—independent of the licensee, owner<br />

or occupier of the licensed premises—wishes to<br />

celebrate at the licensed premises. Those in regional<br />

areas know that significant events do not generally<br />

happen unless the licensee puts them on. With a<br />

number of significant events on the horizon taking<br />

place outside of standard trading hours, the Soccer<br />

World Cup being one, <strong>QHA</strong> will continue to push<br />

for more favourable criteria for those business who<br />

wish to operate around these significate occasions,<br />

or simply provide a late night event for regional<br />

community members to enjoy.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> Regional Board Meeting – Longreach<br />

The tradition of the <strong>QHA</strong> Regional Board Meeting<br />

continues and this year Central West Queensland<br />

is the chosen destination. The meeting will be held<br />

in Longreach on Tuesday 16th <strong>August</strong>. Detailed<br />

invitations will be sent via post and email to hoteliers<br />

in the region. The trip will also include a tour of Winton<br />

pubs which local hoteliers are welcome to join.<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 59

HOUSE<br />

OF THE<br />

DRAGON<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 60<br />

In the entertainment world, planning a new television<br />

series is about much more than just hiring actors and<br />

videographers.<br />

It’s about planning for launch days, building the hype<br />

and developing a range of merchandise that fans will<br />

line up to buy.<br />

For the launch of HBO’s House of the Dragon series<br />

Warner Bros. Consumer Products have partnered with<br />

Treasury Wine Estates to launch Wolf Blass’ limited<br />

edition House of the Dragon Cabernet Sauvignon<br />

Shiraz 2021.<br />

Released to Dan Murphy’s and BWS nationally on<br />

June 22 the wine will be presented with three, striking,<br />

limited-edition labels.<br />

Described as a deliciously fiery, high quality, classic<br />

Australian red blend wine, the Wolf Blass product will<br />

retail for $32 a bottle.<br />

Warner Bros. Consumer Products ANZ vice-president<br />

Andrew Bromell said the excitement around the new<br />

series was palpable.<br />

“With such immense anticipation and momentum<br />

building ahead of the launch, we knew we needed<br />

to partner with a globally recognised brand of quality<br />

that shared the same vision and ambition – which was<br />

tapping into the zeitgeist and identifying an appetite for<br />

a wine that was aligned with the world of Westeros,”<br />

Andrew said.<br />

“We have no doubt Wolf Blass’ House of the Dragon<br />

Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz will be a blockbuster with<br />

consumers, regardless of whether they are returning<br />

Game of Thrones fans or tuning in to the franchise for<br />

the first time this <strong>August</strong>,” he said.<br />

Wolf Blass Chief Winemaker Chris Hatcher said it was<br />

exciting to be involved.<br />

“This classic Australian blend, was born out of<br />

Wolf Blass’ spirited approach to soar above the<br />

rest, encapsulating the brand’s refusal to settle and<br />

passionately strive for the best through premium,<br />

quality, affordable wine,” Chris said.<br />

“This exciting partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer<br />

Products is the next chapter in the Wolf Blass story,<br />

defining the brand’s philosophy now and into the<br />

future.<br />

“It follows Wolfgang Blass’ attitude to life and wine,<br />

challenging the status quo and encouraging fans and<br />

wine drinkers from around the world to not to settle for<br />

anything less than great.”<br />

The House of the Dragon will air globally from <strong>August</strong><br />

22 on Foxtel and Binge in Australia. It is set 200 years<br />

before the events of Game of Thrones.

WINE<br />


Wine drinkers in Australia should brace<br />

themselves for a new look on the shelves of<br />

major retailers including Liquorland and First<br />

Choice Liquor Market.<br />

The launch of Packamama’s eco-flat bottles, in<br />

partnership with Accolade Wines and Taylors Wines in<br />

Australia, will see a range of Banrock Station and One<br />

Small Step wines delivered to consumers in recycled-<br />

PET bottles.<br />

The PET bottles are designed to be flat in shape<br />

to save space. They are made from 100 per cent<br />

recycled PET and produced by Visy in Melbourne.<br />

The size change means 1152 eco-flat bottles can be<br />

loaded on to a pallet, compared to the typical 768<br />

round glass ones in Australia.<br />

It is estimated that if Accolade Wines and Taylors<br />

Wines were to switch entirely to eco-bottles it would<br />

cut impressive 250,000 kms of road freight a year<br />

or the equivalent of a semi-trailer travelling from<br />

Melbourne to Broome 50 times.<br />

While the shape of the eco-bottle is a departure<br />

from the traditional round wine bottle, Packamama’s<br />

chief executive and founder Santiago Navarro is<br />

confident the time is right for Australian winemakers to<br />

respectfully challenge a couple of centuries of tradition.<br />

“Australia is globally recognised as a leader in wine<br />

packaging thanks to break-through innovations,<br />

including bag-in-box casks and screw-top caps for<br />

wines, and we are highly motivated to launch our<br />

climate-friendly bottle at Coles with Accolade Wines<br />

and Taylors Wines,” Mr Navarro said.<br />

Coles Liquor Acting General Manager Customer, Trade<br />

Planning and Insights Mia Lloyd said it was exciting to<br />

be at the leading edge of packaging innovation.<br />

“We know our customers want us to do more in<br />

relation to sustainability and this exclusive collaboration<br />

with Liquorland, First Choice Liquor Market,<br />

Packamama, Taylors Wines and Accolade Wines<br />

significantly reduces the carbon footprint of wine for<br />

customers every day.<br />

“The lightweight and flatter eco-bottle also gives our<br />

customers a convenient new option when they’re<br />

packing for that camping or caravan holiday”, Ms<br />

Lloyd said.<br />

Accolade Wines is on a mission to improve the<br />

sustainability of the wine industry and has ambitious<br />

targets to advance circular economy packaging across<br />

its entire portfolio.<br />

“In the last 18 months alone, we have launched<br />

a variety of sustainable and innovative packaging<br />

solutions including wine in cans, wine on tap,<br />

bagnums, as well as a world-first circular, sustainable<br />

packaging solution for on-premise partners,” Accolade<br />

Wines Global Chief Marketing Officer Sandy Mayo said.<br />

“We chose Banrock Station to launch the eco bottle<br />

in Australia, because the environmental credentials fit<br />

perfectly with the brand’s 25-year sustainability heritage<br />

and its commitment to forging a more sustainable<br />

future for the planet.<br />

“By purchasing Banrock Station wine, wine-lovers can<br />

rest assured that they are doing something positive for<br />

the environment while enjoying delicious, sustainablymade<br />

wine from South Australia.”<br />

The potential for the eco-wine bottle to improve the<br />

carbon footprint for winemaking is important for Taylors<br />

Wines particularly given that viticulture is one of the<br />

most climate-sensitive agricultural businesses.<br />

Taylors third-generation Winemaker and Managing<br />

Director Mitchell Taylor said the eco-bottle delivered a<br />

more sustainable bottle for consumers and provided<br />

another way for wineries to improve their carbon<br />

footprint.<br />

“We know that Australian wine drinkers are very open<br />

to innovation when it provides real benefits, like this<br />

sustainable eco-bottle does,” Mr Taylor said.<br />

“Australia led the global change from cork to screwcap<br />

and Taylors was the first major producer to bottle all<br />

our wines under the closure.<br />

“We believe Australians will again lead in adopting this<br />

more sustainable bottle.”



Your trusted advisor, helping you identify the risks your<br />

business faces and finding the right insurance solution to<br />

protect the future of your business.<br />

Call: 1800 240 432<br />

www.ajg.com.au<br />


Foxtel Business delivers the magic of sport to venues –<br />

bringing people together, entertaining them and contributing<br />

to a boost in trade. And with over 50 live sports, there’s<br />

something for everyone. Serve your customers the best<br />

sporting action with Foxtel.<br />

P: 1300 761 056 www.foxtel.com.au/venues<br />

<strong>QHA</strong><br />

MEMBER<br />

OFFER<br />


No matter the size, shape or demands placed on your<br />

business, we have the ability to deliver equipment that is<br />

functional, adaptable and reliable. Convotherm, Waldorf,<br />

Waldorf Bold, Turbofan, Washtech.<br />

P: 1300 268 798 E: info@moffat.com.au<br />

Service department: 1300 264 217<br />


Over 25 years of commercial cleaning services | Triple certified<br />

Quality assured | EcoClean Certified using environmentally<br />

friendly products. Get 2 weeks free with any 12 month<br />

contract when mentioning this advert.<br />

Free Quotations P: 1300 630 636 or 07 3391 2005<br />

www.citypropertyservices.co<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 62<br />


For more information on advertising and<br />

promoting your business in the <strong>QHA</strong><br />

REVIEW contact Simon Cross<br />

qhareview@qha.org.au<br />

or 0413 698 630



Mullins’ hospitality team has unrivalled experience in the liquor<br />

and gaming sector, developed over 40 years. From greenfield<br />

applications and integrated developments to liquor and<br />

gaming compliance and employment advice - we are your<br />

one-stop-shop to ensure the best outcomes for your hotel.<br />

Curt Schatz, Managing Partner | Direct: 07 3224 0230<br />

Email: cschatz@mullinslawyers.com.au<br />

mullinslawyers.com.au<br />


Stoddart are one of Australia’s leading manufacturers and<br />

importers of a large range of world leading equipment for<br />

food service and bar applications.<br />

Darrin Miller<br />

P: 0417 867 979 E: dmiller@stoddart.com.au<br />

stoddart.com.au<br />


The commercial team at Ramsden<br />

Lawyers has extensive expertise in<br />

hospitality, liquor and gaming law.<br />

Call us today for a free 30-minute<br />

consultation.<br />

P: 1300 749 709<br />

www.ramsdenlaw.com.au<br />


Footrest, slimline and cashless bases<br />

available. Casino Consoles, the only<br />

name you need when it comes to<br />

professional poker machine bases<br />

and screening.<br />

P: 07 3890 2969<br />

www.casinoconsoles.com.au<br />


This new generation of exciting game<br />

content draws on the strength of<br />

Scientific Games to create one of<br />

the most dynamic game libraries<br />

in the market.<br />

P: 07 3458 9180<br />

www.sggaming.com/australia<br />


Trust the experts in CCTV / Facial<br />

Recognition, Alarm and access<br />

control Systems plus all your data<br />

needs. Get the competitive edge with<br />

the latest digital advertising displays,<br />

LED screens, Music and TV systems<br />

P: 0411 799 914<br />

darren@electrica.net.au<br />

www.electrica.net.au<br />


Full range of commercial legal services<br />

to assist the liquor and gaming<br />

industry, including all Liquor/Gaming<br />

applications and advisory, WHS,<br />

employment and property services.<br />

Robert Lyons<br />

P: 07 3135 0559<br />

E: Robert.Lyons@holdingredlich.com<br />

www.holdingredlich.com<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 63

<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />





<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 64<br />


Student One Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 07 3085 3050<br />

studentone.com<br />


BDO Australia<br />

Ph: 07 3237 5999<br />

bdo.com.au<br />

HLB Mann Judd -<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

Ph: 07 3001 8800<br />

hlb.com.au<br />

Prosperity Advisers QLD<br />

Ph: 07 3007 1971<br />

prosperity.com.au<br />

SW Accountants &<br />

Advisors<br />

Ph: 07 3085 0888<br />

sw-au.com<br />

Quantaco<br />

Ph: 02 8346 6000<br />

www.quantaco.co<br />

Clarity Management<br />

Ph: 3058 9732<br />

claritymg.com.au<br />

Hotel Accountants Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 07 5560 8988<br />

hotelaccountants.com.au<br />

McGrathNicol<br />

Ph: 07 3333 9800<br />

mcgrathnicol.com<br />

Professional Client Services<br />

(QLD) P/L- Accountants &<br />

Business Advisors<br />

Ph: 07 3209 4452<br />

pcsqld.com.au<br />





Ashley Cooper<br />

Construction<br />

07 3142 5915<br />

ashleycooper.com<br />

BSPN Architecture<br />

Ph: 07 3851 9100<br />

bpsn.com.au<br />

Open Projects<br />

Ph: 1800 461 421<br />

openprojects.com.au<br />

Paynters - Design &<br />

Construction<br />

Ph: 07 3368 5500<br />

paynters.com.au<br />

Rohrig Constructions<br />

Ph: 07 3257 4411<br />

rohrlg.com.au<br />

BWC Constructions Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0403 579 997<br />

bwcgroup.com.au<br />

Caughley & Co<br />

Ph: 0434 549 242<br />

caughleyco.com.au<br />

ICM Construction<br />

Ph: 1300 798 107<br />

icmco.com.au<br />

IQ Construct<br />

Ph: 3667 8202<br />

iqcontruct.com.au<br />


Accolade Wines<br />

Ph: 07 3252 7933<br />

accolade-wines.com<br />

Brown-Forman<br />

Australia P/L<br />

Ph: 07 3010 2000<br />

brown-forman.com<br />

Campari Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 07 3253 1801<br />

camparigroup.com.au<br />

Carlton & United<br />

Breweries<br />

Ph: 07 3666 4104<br />

cub.com.au<br />

Coca-Cola Europacific<br />

Partners<br />

Ph: 13 26 53<br />

ccamatil.com<br />

Coopers Brewery<br />

Ph: 07 3275 3732<br />

coopers.com.au<br />

CUB Premium<br />

Beverages<br />

Ph: 07 3666 4104<br />

cub.com.au<br />

Diageo<br />

Ph: 07 3257 0800<br />

diageo.com<br />

Lion<br />

Ph: 07 3361 7400<br />

lionco.com<br />

Liquid Specialty<br />

Beverages<br />

Ph: 07 5440 2006<br />

liquidsb.com.au<br />

Pernod-Ricard Australia<br />

Ph: 07 3340 5471<br />

pernod-ricard.com<br />

Red Bull Australia<br />

Ph: 02 9023 2892<br />

redbull.com.au<br />

Samuel Smith & Son<br />

Ph: 07 3373 5777<br />

samsmith.com<br />

Sirromet Wines<br />

Ph: 07 3206 2999<br />

sirromet.com<br />

Southtrade International<br />

Ph: 07 3085 7418<br />

southtradeint.com.au<br />

Treasury Wine Estates<br />

Ph: 03 9685 8000<br />

treasurywineestates.com<br />

Your Mates Brewing<br />

Company<br />

Ph: 07 5329 4733<br />

yourmatesbrewing.com<br />

4 Hearts Brewing Co.<br />

Ph: 0428 236 436<br />

4heartsbrewing.com<br />

Heads of Noosa Brewing<br />

Co.<br />

Ph: 0401 399 625<br />

headsofnoosa.com.au<br />

Terella Brewing<br />

0408 920 759<br />

terellabrewing.com.au<br />


& SERVICES<br />

Bunnings<br />

Ph: 07 3452 5725<br />

bunnings.com.au<br />



Best Security - Security<br />

and Training<br />

Ph: 07 3212 8460<br />

bestsecurlty.net.au<br />

Frontier Leadership<br />

Ph: 0423 097 246<br />

frontierleadership.edu.au<br />

Federation Academy<br />

Ph: 0423 097 246<br />

federationacademy.edu.au<br />

Lighthouse Safety &<br />

Compliance<br />

Ph: 0422 669 631<br />

www.lighthousesafety.com.au<br />

Professional Hospitality<br />

Ph: 07 3160 8132<br />

professionalhospitality.<br />

com.au<br />

MLKA Hospitality<br />

Recruitment<br />

Ph: 07 4128 8400<br />

mlkarecruitment.com.au<br />

TAFE Queensland<br />

Ph: 1300 308 233<br />

tafeqld.edu.au<br />

Tribe Workforce Solutions<br />

Ph: 07 3238 0808<br />

tribeworkforce.com.au<br />

Zenith Hospitality Staffing<br />

Solutions<br />

(07) 3002 4000<br />

zenithhospitality.com<br />


BOC Limited<br />

Ph: 07 3212 4135<br />

boc.com.au<br />

TransTasman<br />

Energy Group<br />

Ph: 1300 118 834<br />

tteg.com.au<br />

ELGAS<br />

Ph: 02 9672 0777<br />

elgas.com.au<br />

Horan and Bird<br />

Ph: 1300 467 262<br />

horanandbird.com.au<br />

Sun Flux Solar Australia<br />

Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0421 082 828<br />

sunfluxsolar.com.au<br />




Beyond Payments<br />

Ph: 07 3505 2217<br />

beyondpayments.com.au<br />

BDO Australia<br />

Ph: 07 3237 5999<br />

bdo.com.au<br />

Commonwealth Bank of<br />

Australia<br />

Ph: 0476 824 307<br />

CommBank.com.au<br />

Gallagher Insurance<br />

Brokers<br />

Brisbane: 07 3367 5000<br />

Nth QLD: 07 4753 5311<br />

Toowoomba: 07 4639 7102<br />

ajg.com.au<br />

Shift<br />

Ph: 0498 137 007<br />

shift.com.au<br />

Green Finance Group<br />

Ph: 0457 883 700<br />

greenfinancegroup.<br />

com.au<br />

GSA Insurance Brokers<br />

Ph: 02 8274 8138<br />

gsaib.com.au<br />

Waratah Debt Capital<br />

Ph: 0448 681 783<br />

waratahmanagement.<br />

com.au<br />

Westpac Banking<br />

Corporation<br />

Ph: 0438 701 195<br />

westpac.com.au<br />

Austcover<br />

Ph: 0412 286 511<br />

austcover.com.au<br />

Banktech<br />

Ph: 1800 080 910<br />

banktech.com.au<br />

BUPA - health insurance<br />

Ph: 134135<br />

(quote ID 2139463)<br />

bupa.com.au<br />

CTB & Co (Cooking the Books)<br />

Ph: 1300 911 282<br />

cookingthebooks.com<br />

Trinitas Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Ph:1300 836 025<br />

trinitas3.com.au<br />



Bidfood Australia Limited<br />

Ph: 0434 939 134<br />

bidfood.com.au<br />

PFD Food Services<br />

Ph: 131 733<br />

pfdfoods.com.au<br />

Simon George and Sons<br />

Ph: 07 3717 1400<br />

simongeorge.com.au<br />

CTB & Co<br />

(Cooking the Books)<br />

Ph: 1300 911 282<br />

cookingthebooks.com<br />

Food and Agribusiness<br />

Network<br />

Ph: 0419 651 157<br />

foodagribusiness.org.au<br />

Goodrop Oils<br />

Ph: 0439 206 664<br />

goodropoils.com<br />

The Entertainment Group of<br />

Australia Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0413 035 482<br />

entertainment.com.au<br />


Table Top Innovations<br />

07 5532 7191<br />

tabletopinnovations.com.au<br />


Ainsworth Game<br />

Technology P/L<br />

Ph: 07 3209 6210<br />

ainsworth.com.au<br />

Aristocrat Leisure<br />

Industries<br />

Ph: 07 3727 1600<br />

aristocrat.com.au<br />

IGT<br />

Ph: 07 3890 5622<br />

igt.com.au<br />

Konami Australia<br />

Ph: 02 9666 3111<br />


<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />

MAX<br />

Ph: 0436 839 857<br />

max.com.au<br />

Foxtel for Business<br />

Ph: 1300 720 630<br />

austar.com.au<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> PLATINUM PARTNERS<br />

Scientific Gaming<br />

Ph: 02 9773 0299<br />

scientificgames.com<br />

Simtech<br />

Ph: 07 5596 6993<br />

simtechcreations.com<br />

Tabcorp Keno<br />

Ph: 07 3243 4113<br />

tabcorp.com.au<br />

TAB<br />

Ph: 1800 823 888<br />

tab.com.au<br />

UTOPIA Gaming Systems<br />

Ph: 1800 200 201<br />

utopiagaming.com.au<br />

Australian Pokie Consoles<br />

Ph: 0413 261 777<br />

clubsandpubs.com.au<br />

Casino Consoles<br />

Ph: 07 3890 2969<br />

casinoconsoles.com.au<br />



AHS Hospitality<br />

Ph: 07 5512 6143<br />

ahshospitality.com.au<br />

DASK Entertainment<br />

Group Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0452 640 418<br />

daskentertainment.com.au<br />

DNS Specialist Services<br />

Ph: 0433 906 809<br />

dnsspecialistservices.com.au<br />

DWS Hospitality Specialists<br />

Ph: 07 3878 9355<br />

dws.net<br />

Professional Hospitality<br />

Ph: 07 3160 8132<br />

professionalhospitality.<br />

com.au<br />

Sculpture Hospitality<br />

Queensland<br />

Ph:0427 532 925<br />

sculpturehospitality.com<br />

Marmalade<br />

Ph: 0407 040 733<br />

withmarmalade.com.au<br />

Now Book It<br />

Ph: 1800 265 726<br />

nowbookit.com<br />

Nuvho<br />

Ph: 07 3357 9951<br />

nuvho.com<br />

Prostaff Events Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 07 3061 8644<br />

facebook.com/Prostaff-Events<br />

Queensland Risk<br />

Ph: 0408 840 969<br />

E: franz@qrisk.consulting<br />


Fox Sports<br />

Ph: 0403 061 412<br />

foxsports.com.au<br />

Sky Channel<br />

Ph: 07 3228 6344<br />

Freecall: 1800 251 710<br />

skychannel.com.au<br />

The Card Network<br />

Ph: 1300 375 346<br />

thecardnetwork.com.au<br />

Damian’s Games<br />

Ph: 0412 726 688<br />

accounts@damian.com.au<br />

Grub Lab<br />

Ph: 0437 875 134<br />

grublab.io<br />

Nightlife - Music & Video<br />

Freecall: 1800 679 748<br />

nightlife.com.au<br />

Pro Score - Sporting<br />

Promotions<br />

Ph: 0431 366 800<br />

proscore.com.au<br />

Rooks Entertainment<br />

Ph: 07 4068 8633<br />

rooks-entertainment.com.au<br />


BOC Limited -Gas/<br />

Reticulation Supply<br />

Ph: 07 3212 4322<br />

boc.com.au<br />

Reward Hospitality<br />

Ph: 07 3341 5929<br />

rewardhospitality.com.au<br />

Stoddart<br />

Ph: 0437 576 447<br />

stoddart.com.au<br />




Off Market Hotels<br />

Chris Cameron<br />

Ph: 0477 271 875<br />

offmarkethotels.com.au<br />

Power Jeffrey & Co -<br />

Hotel Brokers<br />

Ph: 07 3832 6000<br />

powerjeffrey.com.au<br />

CRE Brokers<br />

Ph: 07 5371 0165<br />

crebrokers.com<br />

HTL Property<br />

Ph: 02 8016 3810<br />

htlproperty.com.au<br />

JLL<br />

Ph: 07 3231 1311<br />

jll.com.au<br />

LEGAL<br />

Mullins<br />

Ph: (07) 3224 0222<br />

mullinslawyers.com.au<br />

Corrs Chambers<br />

Westgarth – Lawyers<br />

Ph: 07 3228 9778<br />

corrs.com.au<br />

BDO Australia<br />

BSV<br />

CashZone<br />

Off Market Hotels<br />

13cabs<br />

Best Security<br />

Beyond Payments<br />

BOC Limited<br />

BSPN Architecture<br />

Coopers Brewery<br />

Grayza<br />

Green Finance Group<br />

GSA Insurance<br />

Brokers<br />

HLB Mann Judd<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> DIAMOND PARTNERS<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> GOLD PARTNERS<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> SILVER PARTNERS<br />

Prosperity<br />

Advisers QLD<br />

Simon George & Sons<br />

Tanda<br />

Trans Tasman Energy<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> BRONZE PARTNERS<br />

Liquid Specialty<br />

Beverages<br />

me&u<br />

MSL Solutions<br />

Open Projects Group<br />

Paynters<br />

Platypus Print<br />

Packaging<br />

Power Jeffrey and<br />

Company<br />

Quantaco<br />

Rohrig Constructions<br />

Group<br />

UTOPIA Gaming<br />

Systems<br />

Your Mates Brewing<br />

Company<br />

Red Bull Australia<br />

Secure Access I.T.<br />

Shift<br />

Simtech<br />

Southtrade<br />

International<br />

SW Accountants<br />

& Advisors<br />

The Card Network<br />

Waratah Debt Capital<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 65

<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />










KNOWLEDGEABLE. THANKS, <strong>QHA</strong>.”<br />


Online RSA/RSG Training<br />

Gaming Nominee Training<br />

Employment Relations Training<br />

Employment Relations Webinar<br />

Responsible Management of Licensed Venues<br />

Training is a mandatory training requirement<br />

for those applying for a liquor licence, and<br />

applicants for an Approved Manager’s Licence.<br />

Training is offered face to face at regional<br />

centres throughout Queensland.<br />

For more information please contact the<br />

<strong>QHA</strong> Training Centre<br />

Ph: 07 3221 6999 Fax: 07 3221 6649<br />

Email: training@qha.org.au<br />

Web: www.qha.org.au<br />

Holding Redlich<br />

Ph: 07 3135 0500<br />

holdingredlich.com<br />

HopgoodGanim Lawyers<br />

Ph: 0419 762 469<br />

hopgoodganim.com.au<br />

MBA Lawyers<br />

Ph: 07 5619 7319<br />

mba-lawyers.com.au<br />

Ramsden Lawyers<br />

Ph: 07 5554 1964<br />

ramsdenlaw.com.au<br />

LIQUOR<br />


Bottlemart<br />

Ph: 1300 733 504<br />

bottlemart.com.au<br />

Independent Liquor<br />

Group<br />

Ph: 07 3713 2751<br />

ilg.com.au<br />

Liquor Legends<br />

Ph: 07 3107 7422<br />

liquorlegends.com.au<br />

LIQUOR<br />


ALM (Australian Liquor<br />

Marketers)<br />

Brisbane: 07 3489 3600<br />

Townsville: 07 4799 4022<br />

Cairns: 07 4041 6070<br />

almliquor.com.au<br />

Your Mates Brewing<br />

Company<br />

Ph: 07 5329 4733<br />

yourmatesbrewing.com<br />

4 Hearts Brewing Co.<br />

Ph: 0428 236 436<br />

4heartsbrewing.com<br />

Terella Brewing<br />

0408 920 759<br />

terellabrewing.com.au<br />



Beyond Payments<br />

Ph: 0408 730 455<br />

beyondpayments.com.au<br />

CashZone<br />

Ph: 0466 148 752<br />

cashzoneatm.com.au<br />

MSL Solutions<br />

Ph: 0448 134 625<br />

mslsolutions.com<br />

Banktech<br />

Ph: 1800 080 910<br />

banktech.com.au<br />

Bepoz Retail Solutions<br />

Ph: 1300 023 769<br />

bepoz.com.au<br />

Harris Data Systems<br />

Ph: 07 5535 7677<br />

harrisdata.com.au<br />

Platypus Print Packaging<br />

Ph 07 3352 0300<br />

www.platys.com.au<br />


Best Security<br />

Ph: 07 3212 8460<br />

bestsecurity.net.au<br />

CMBM Facility Services<br />

Ph: 07 3391 1040 /<br />

0419 708 715<br />

cmbm.com.au<br />

Future Business Technology<br />

Group<br />

Ph: 1300 706 155<br />

fgtgroup.com.au<br />

Lotus Commercial Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 1300 653 536<br />

lotusfilters.com.au<br />

Luxxe Outsourced Hotel<br />

Services<br />

Ph: 03 8761 9156<br />

luxxe.com.au<br />

Tru Security Services<br />

Phone: 0452 377 662<br />

trusecurity.com.au<br />



Ph: 1300 467 875<br />

hostplus.com.au<br />



BSV<br />

Ph: 1300 244 727<br />

bigscreenvideo.com.au<br />

Grayza<br />

Ph: 1300 944 131<br />

grayza.com<br />

me&u<br />

Ph: 02 9057 8500<br />

meandu.com.au<br />

Secure Access I.T.<br />

1300 880 565<br />

secureaccess.com.au<br />

Tanda<br />

Ph: 1300 859 117<br />

tanda.co<br />

Compassify Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0406 624 677<br />

compassify.com.au<br />

Cherry Hub Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0409 548 276<br />

www.cherryhub.com.au<br />

Chewzie Table Ordering<br />

Ph: 1300 243 994<br />

chewzie.me/<br />

DQ VIP Systems<br />

Ph: 0448 749 008<br />

getdqd.com<br />

Future Business Technology<br />

Group<br />

Ph: 1300 706 155<br />

fgtgroup.com.au<br />

JB Hi-Fi Commercial<br />

Division<br />

Ph: 07 3360 9925<br />

jbhifi.com.au<br />

Klackit<br />

Ph: 0404 840 858<br />

klackit.com<br />

Mr Yum<br />

Ph: 0448 504 121<br />

mryum.com.au<br />

MyVenue Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0407329 953<br />

myvenue.com<br />

onPlatinum ICT<br />

Ph: 0402 281 561<br />

onplatinum.com.au<br />

Qantum Network Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0417 125 566<br />

qantumnetwork.com.au<br />

Scantek Solutions<br />

Ph: 1300 552 106<br />

scantek.com.au<br />

TableTime Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0405 052 682<br />

tabletime.com.au<br />

Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 3503 6806<br />

oztix.com.au<br />

Vix Vizion Pty Ltd<br />

0413 026 918<br />

www.vixvizion.com<br />

13001 COMMS Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 1300 126 667<br />

13001comms.com.au<br />


A.P. Eagers Limited<br />

Ph: 07 3109 6731<br />

apeagers.com.au<br />

13cabs<br />

Ph: 132 227<br />

13cabs.com.au<br />


Bottlecycler (QLD) Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 1300 306 039<br />

bottlecycler.com<br />

Envirobank Recycling<br />

Ph: 07 3063 7677<br />

envirobank.com.au<br />

MyVenue Pty Ltd<br />

Ph: 0447 129 873<br />

myvenue.com/pubs-cafes-bars<br />

IDU Technologies Pty Ltd<br />

mitch@idu-identification.com<br />

idu-identification.com<br />


THURSDAY 25<br />

AUGUST<br />

2022<br />

ANNUAL<br />



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