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WOMEN<br />
<strong>Women</strong> & Youth:<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> the<br />
Future Generations<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, Volume 6 Issue 3
Contents<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>. Volume 6, Issue 3<br />
profiles<br />
features<br />
16<br />
Introducing the FAWCO Youth Program<br />
In 2013, the FAWCO Board launched the FAWCO Youth Program, which<br />
has now run seven times in different countries across the world.<br />
In Their Own Words 17, 28, 41, 49, 57 & 63<br />
8<br />
18<br />
30<br />
Our Cover Story<br />
Finding the Eureka Moments<br />
Dr. Pooja Joshi runs science workshops<br />
for young children, nurturing<br />
their problem-solving capabilities.<br />
"Everyone Is Who<br />
They Are for a<br />
Reason"<br />
Paula Brandenburg<br />
helps adults and<br />
teens develop the<br />
mindset and skillset<br />
of respect.<br />
Habits of Mind:<br />
Art Tours with<br />
3rd and 4th<br />
Graders<br />
Pat Lawrence is a<br />
docent at the Museum<br />
of Fine Arts, Houston,<br />
where she conducts<br />
40 tours a year.<br />
42<br />
"What Makes You Different From<br />
Everyone Else?"<br />
Marelie Manders loves to learn what<br />
makes her students tick.<br />
50<br />
58<br />
Developing the<br />
Leaders of the Future<br />
Elizabeth Kelly teaches<br />
an international program<br />
in Belgium which prepares<br />
young people to be<br />
future business leaders.<br />
Sponsoring<br />
Childrens'<br />
Summer<br />
Activities<br />
Nancy Evans sets<br />
up a project in her<br />
daughter's memory.<br />
23<br />
A Club Inspires:<br />
AIWC Rabat<br />
Club President<br />
Nancy Lukas-Slaoui<br />
and FAWCO Reps<br />
Hafida Lahrache<br />
& Souad Tadlaoui<br />
introduce their club<br />
to us.<br />
37<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
Future<br />
Generations<br />
Katja Malinowski<br />
uses the Sustainable Development Goals in<br />
her teaching.<br />
47<br />
FAWCO Youth<br />
Cultural<br />
Volunteers<br />
Program <strong>2022</strong><br />
The American<br />
<strong>Women</strong>'s Club<br />
of Amsterdam<br />
hosted this program for 15 volunteers<br />
from 11 countries.<br />
55<br />
Learning Leadership<br />
and Practical Life<br />
Skills<br />
Kristin Bayer is chair of<br />
the Berlin unit of the USA<br />
Girl Scouts Overseas.<br />
65<br />
"What Is Going<br />
On Here?"<br />
Jane Indreland,<br />
is a docent at the<br />
Yellowstone Art<br />
Museum in<br />
Billings, Montana.<br />
77<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> the<br />
Future<br />
Generation -<br />
One Award at<br />
a Time<br />
Barbara Bühling explains how the<br />
FAWCO Education Awards function.<br />
85<br />
Live in the Garden with Friends<br />
Carol-Lyn McKelvey, one of the hosts of<br />
the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> LIVE Garden Party,<br />
tells us more<br />
about the<br />
event.<br />
91<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads:<br />
What is a Perfect<br />
World?<br />
by Nancy Lynner is the<br />
author of What is a<br />
Perfect World? - her first<br />
book for children,<br />
parents and teachers.<br />
profiles cont.<br />
68 80<br />
Destined to Be<br />
a Teacher<br />
Rebekka Klingshirn<br />
started her teaching<br />
career when still a<br />
child herself!<br />
5<br />
A Note from the Editor<br />
Liz MacNiven<br />
6 Advertisers Index<br />
95<br />
7<br />
93<br />
86<br />
Working to Provide Quality<br />
Education to Children in Nepal<br />
Mary Palmer has spent two months<br />
every year volunteering in Nepal since<br />
she retired.<br />
Introducing This Issue<br />
More about what you can find<br />
in this issue from Elsie Bose.<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> You<br />
in every issue<br />
94<br />
96<br />
Empowering<br />
Athletes to<br />
Achieve Their<br />
Best<br />
Kayleigh Karinen is<br />
a four-time world champion athlete who<br />
works with and enables athletes globally.<br />
More About This Issue<br />
Our Next Issue<br />
That’s Inspired!<br />
“There is no shortage of<br />
reasons for pessimism in the world<br />
today: climate change, the pandemic,<br />
poverty and inequality, rising distrust<br />
and growing nationalism. But here is<br />
a reason for optimism: children and<br />
young people refuse to see the world<br />
through the bleak lens of adults.”<br />
Henrietta Fore<br />
Former Executive Director - UNICEF<br />
For this issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> we decided<br />
it was time to turn our attention to our young<br />
people and those who work with them. Did you<br />
know more than half the world’s population<br />
is under 30 years old, which is the largest it’s<br />
been in history? There is also an expectation<br />
that the world will get even younger with 10<br />
billion more people to be added to that group<br />
over the next century. That’s a lot of people!<br />
It seems to me that young people play an<br />
increasingly vocal part in world affairs than<br />
was true when I was a kid. The UNICEF global<br />
study of young people from 21 countries done<br />
in 2021 had some interesting conclusions:<br />
“Born into a more digital, interconnected<br />
and diverse reality, young people see a<br />
world that is largely a better place for<br />
children than the one their parents grew<br />
up in – a safer and more abundant world<br />
that offers children better education,<br />
opportunities and hope for the future.<br />
At the same time, young people are not<br />
complacent. They report greater struggles<br />
with mental health conditions. Amid a sea<br />
of mis- and disinformation, they report low<br />
levels of trust in the information sources<br />
they use most.”<br />
Henrietta Fore also said that compared with<br />
older generations :<br />
“The world’s young people remain<br />
hopeful, much more globally minded,<br />
and determined to make the world a<br />
better place. Today’s young people<br />
have concerns for the future but see<br />
themselves as part of the solution.”<br />
So it seems to me what is essential is that<br />
those of us of an older generation give these<br />
hopeful young people a voice and a place,<br />
so that their optimism can be nurtured and<br />
lead to progress. Young people need to know<br />
that even if they are not globally well-known<br />
a note from<br />
the editor<br />
like Malala or Greta Thunberg, they still have an<br />
important part to play in making things better.<br />
There are various formats for young people to<br />
get involved globally, which you can read more<br />
about. For example, I was interested to learn<br />
about the Global Shapers Community and the<br />
Millennial Manifesto, which has six key<br />
principles:<br />
1. We will create space for<br />
intergenerational dialogue.<br />
2. We will ask big questions to<br />
advance bold solutions.<br />
3. We will pursue systems change<br />
and collective action.<br />
4. We will make space for diverse<br />
lived experiences.<br />
5. We will embrace uncomfortable<br />
conversations.<br />
6. We will care for ourselves, others<br />
and our ecosystem.<br />
FAWCO itself has been working with young<br />
people for many years, creating a space for<br />
intergenerational discourse and learning,<br />
amongst other things. We also have many<br />
members across the world who use their skills<br />
and talents, working with the youth of today.<br />
I hope you enjoy reading the profiles and<br />
features about it in this issue.<br />
Here at <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> magazine, we aspire<br />
to remain young and fresh and, in this vein,<br />
I am sure you have already noticed the new<br />
layout (big thanks to Kristin!).<br />
We would really<br />
appreciate your<br />
views on it via our<br />
survey (see p. 93<br />
for the link).<br />
Best wishes and<br />
happy reading!<br />
Liz<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong>women.<br /><br />
advertisers<br />
index<br />
Be Fearless.<br />
introducing<br />
this issue<br />
The Short List pp. 14 & 15<br />
The Short List assists students with the<br />
college admissions and application process.<br />
If your child is about to start or is in the<br />
midst of the admissions process, register<br />
for their next FAWCO Club Workshop<br />
webinar scheduled for October 6th.<br />
Your questions will be welcome!<br />
London & Capital p. 29<br />
Whether you are a US Citizen living abroad<br />
or a foreign entity with US reporting, their<br />
dedicated teams take care of your wealth,<br />
giving you time to concentrate on the things<br />
that matter to you. London & Capital has<br />
been supporting FAWCO since 2016.<br />
TASIS p. 35 NEW!<br />
The American School in England TASIS<br />
England is a leading international day and<br />
boarding school (ages 3-18) located 35<br />
minutes from central London on a beautiful<br />
campus in Thorpe, Surrey. Register for their<br />
next Whole School Open Morning on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 30th.<br />
Tharien's Art p. 35 NEW!<br />
AWC Antwerp member and former Target<br />
Program Chair Tharien van Eck is a superb<br />
artist. She creates beautiful hand painted<br />
cards and prints. Proceeds from her cards<br />
continue to support education programs for<br />
Hope for Girls and <strong>Women</strong> Tanzania.<br />
London Realty Intl. p. 45<br />
London Realty Intl. is owned by AWC London<br />
member Lonnée Hamilton, who is a worldwide<br />
property consultant. Her firm works with the<br />
best agents across the globe to fulfill your<br />
property needs.<br />
Janet Darrow Real Estate p. 79<br />
Around the corner or a world away, contact<br />
Janet Darrow, FAUSA member, to find the<br />
best properties. FAWCO referrals to Janet<br />
help the Target Program!<br />
The Pajama Company p. 89<br />
The Pajama Company, founded by<br />
Ellie Badanes, member of FAUSA and<br />
AW Surrey, sells pajamas that are cozy,<br />
cheerful and available online!<br />
The current generation has a<br />
responsibility for our community<br />
and for making it a place that is<br />
worth passing on to the next<br />
generation. It’s never a perfect<br />
world when it is passed on but<br />
there should at least be a solid<br />
foundation with a tease of exciting<br />
potential that makes the future<br />
worth it.<br />
Worldwide, we are contending with a growing force of naysayers who are afraid<br />
of the future. I am not sure if they are evil or ignorant. They deny science and<br />
eschew facts. They lie with reckless abandon. Many are downright cruel because<br />
their power allows it. And they are gaining ground.<br />
So, current generation, we have a bit of work to do.<br />
Those who teach and work with our youth are part of a partnership between<br />
education professionals, support organizations, parents and families. This<br />
partnership, when carefully managed and nurtured, creates a place for growth,<br />
knowledge and confidence. Youths prosper in this environment, as does the<br />
community.<br />
Throughout the years FAWCO has relied on advertisers and sponsors to augment its<br />
income. This revenue has allowed FAWCO to improve services and the flexibility to try the<br />
latest innovations to enhance the FAWCO experience. FAWCO’s advertising<br />
partners believe in our mission and support our goals. Some directly<br />
support our activities and projects.<br />
We encourage club leadership throughout the FAWCO network to<br />
share our publications with their membership. Our advertising<br />
partners have valuable products and services and we want your<br />
members to take advantage of what they offer. Please support them!<br />
For more information on these advertisers or if you have any questions about<br />
FAWCO’s advertising program, please contact Elsie Bose:<br />
The FAWCO members profiled here are in a special position. Their work with<br />
youth is helping to shape the leaders and guardians of tomorrow. These women<br />
are either working with young people from their host countries or with those who<br />
are experiencing a new country or culture. They are adding cultural awareness to<br />
the partnership’s tool kit, which is vital to a better understanding and acceptance<br />
of the differences that exist in the world.<br />
Here’s hoping that we can equip our youth with knowledge and experience that<br />
allows them to live a life that’s fearless, not reckless.<br />
Elsie<br />
Founder<br />
profile<br />
Finding the Eureka<br />
Moments<br />
Pooja Joshi, a member of HIWC (Heidelberg International <strong>Women</strong>'s Club),<br />
runs science workshops for young children, nurturing their problemsolving<br />
capabilities.<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up in Pune, India at a time when India was<br />
opening up to the world - with an influx of new<br />
ideas and fresh outlooks. My parents shared their<br />
openness and compassion with me along with<br />
affording me a safe space to question everything<br />
– traditions, religion, science and more. The<br />
possibility of experiencing and understanding a<br />
lot of life‘s important lessons from a very young<br />
age had the most impact on my life. I am able to<br />
accept people, young people included, as equally<br />
able individuals with independent thoughts and<br />
ideas. I remember spending my summers<br />
playing with my cousins and friends. There were<br />
no restrictions on what we poked or prodded and<br />
investigated. We made up our own games and<br />
played them as long as we wanted to. Thinking<br />
back, this kind of boundless free play was key in<br />
my creative journey.<br />
Ready for<br />
investigating<br />
the world of<br />
microbes!<br />
Pooja Joshi<br />
After leaving home<br />
I volunteered to teach underprivileged children<br />
and help them with Science and English while<br />
I was still a teenager. I left home to complete<br />
my higher education, traveled and explored the<br />
world for myself away from the safety net of the<br />
known – in a foreign country to add to the<br />
adventure! After receiving the Commonwealth<br />
Scholarship from the British Commission and<br />
the University of Leeds, I wanted to give back to<br />
society and taught Biotechnology to graduate<br />
students at the University of Pune.<br />
I got involved in outreach programs later on<br />
when I was doing my PhD, where making<br />
science easy first took root in my mind.<br />
Organizing<br />
members of a<br />
cultural group of<br />
native Marathi<br />
speakers in<br />
Heidelberg,<br />
Germany.<br />
Life changes<br />
After having worked in the UK for over a decade,<br />
I moved to Germany to support my husband as<br />
he changed roles at work. I prioritized my young<br />
family when we first moved. As we settled into<br />
the humdrum routine, I struggled to find jobs<br />
in the industry without any knowledge of the<br />
German language. I then prioritized the<br />
language learning process, which also opened<br />
up new friendships and partnerships that have<br />
become my support systems in this foreign land.<br />
Pooja Joshi and family – hiking in the Alps.<br />
To help my son get accustomed to the BIG<br />
change in his life, I wrote a storybook for<br />
him, about him, with a different name for<br />
the protagonist - The Boy Who Had Many<br />
Friends. The book helped him reconcile<br />
that he hadn’t lost all his friends and that<br />
he would soon find new friends in the new<br />
place. My boy loves books and stories and<br />
his own world of imagination, so I started<br />
converting our science adventures into<br />
books for him. Like The Boy Who Loves BIG<br />
Words, where we explored words like<br />
Metamorphosis, Photosynthesis,<br />
Germination, Vaccination, etc. My son went<br />
to a bilingual kindergarten (German –<br />
English) and I started doing volunteer work<br />
Exploring the world of science with some<br />
little scientists.<br />
there with the kids, reading them well-loved<br />
stories followed by science activities based<br />
on the stories. For example, we followed Julia<br />
Donaldson’s The Detective Dog by investigating<br />
the sense of smell, where they tried to guess the<br />
smells around them with closed eyes. We even<br />
tested how taste and smell are connected all<br />
the way back to the brain. I loved feeding their<br />
curious minds with knowledge bites and<br />
watching the awe in their eyes. For me science<br />
is a way of life, and to have this opportunity to<br />
share it with young minds filled<br />
me with so many creative ideas,<br />
I had to do something about it.<br />
That’s how my little business started.<br />
It was born out of my need to<br />
tell stories and my<br />
passion for all things science!<br />
Involvement in youth and youth<br />
work<br />
I’m always intrigued by how<br />
curious young people can be and<br />
how much unbridled joy they can<br />
get when they are given the independence<br />
to realize their ideas. I<br />
love sharing the energy and the<br />
enthusiasm they feel when they<br />
discover something new. It’s the<br />
Eureka moment when they figure<br />
something out for themselves. It's<br />
priceless!<br />
I always loved making scientific<br />
concepts easier for everyone to<br />
understand. After giving birth to my son, I could<br />
experiment to see how simple I could make<br />
science. I started exploring ways to nurture<br />
my son’s inherent curiosity and that led me<br />
to designing experiments for little children to<br />
explore and understand. My son’s birth was<br />
the catalyst that made me really reflect on<br />
how big a role science plays in our lives.<br />
My experience in academia and research<br />
prepared me for the scientific aspect of the<br />
work I do, but I am self-educated when it comes<br />
to working in the early education sector. As<br />
Little scientists at work.<br />
a scientist, research comes easily to me, so I<br />
researched and read from the early education<br />
gurus. My biggest mentors, though, were all the<br />
little scientists who patiently allowed me to work<br />
with them – their brutal honesty about what<br />
they liked, they disliked, and their innocence<br />
when they happily shared what they understood<br />
and what they didn’t have helped me hone my<br />
skills as an educator. I always have a list of the<br />
most probable answers for any experiments I<br />
have designed for them, but the little scientists<br />
never fail to go above and beyond, coming up<br />
with novel ways to solve a problem. Every<br />
workshop is also a learning experience for me.<br />
It’s a gentle reminder that the problem-solving<br />
capabilities in kids are not for me to instill in<br />
them, only for me to nurture.<br />
Contributing to a better future generation<br />
I think my biggest mission is to dispel the stigma<br />
and the supposed difficulty surrounding science.<br />
I want to make science<br />
easy and simple,<br />
because that is exactly<br />
what it is. I look forward<br />
to a world where our<br />
kids can grow into<br />
THINKING adults who<br />
do not simply consume<br />
but understand and<br />
critically look at how<br />
and what they<br />
consume. Catch them<br />
young, as they say! The<br />
books and stories that<br />
I write for the science<br />
workshops are usually<br />
centred around a<br />
model that aids kids<br />
to process more than<br />
what they are told<br />
without the added<br />
baggage of always<br />
being right or looking<br />
for the right answer.<br />
That for me is the<br />
beauty of science:<br />
to tinker about and<br />
experiment and figure<br />
out what might be<br />
the answers to your<br />
questions, whilst<br />
happily stumbling upon<br />
yet more questions to<br />
explore. It's a world<br />
away from the trappings of fake news and into<br />
a world of the scientific method.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
Personally my biggest challenge is<br />
communicating science in a language that is<br />
my fourth language – after moving to Germany<br />
I conducted several workshops for kids in<br />
German but I am still finding my comfort zone.<br />
Even after four years here, I find giving the<br />
exact same workshop in English much easier<br />
to conduct.<br />
Professionally my biggest challenge was<br />
leaving the comfort of academia, where I<br />
worked all my adult life by venturing into the<br />
unknown. I started a science-themed workshop<br />
series for kids, going back to the basics and<br />
digging deep to make it appealing to parents<br />
who probably were traumatized by the school<br />
system into “studying science” and convincing<br />
them that science can be fun and playful, too!<br />
Instead of teaching science, I show them the<br />
science already present in their lives.<br />
Pooja conducting science workshops for kids.<br />
I still remember how difficult it was to get kids<br />
into the first workshops. We had the minimum<br />
number of participants, just enough to avoid<br />
making a loss. At the end of the workshop<br />
though, the parents who were initially anxious<br />
and hesitant about sending their kids to a<br />
so-called science workshop were my biggest<br />
champions in spreading the good word and<br />
promoting the workshops in the wider<br />
community. Some of the little scientists since<br />
have attended every single workshop. It has not<br />
only been encouraging but gives me immense<br />
joy in seeing them grow up into these amazingly<br />
aware human beings.<br />
Things that make me sad<br />
I am saddened that the world of science is<br />
ageist and gendered. Under the umbrella of<br />
STEM activities, a lot of science gets categorized<br />
– cars for boys, glittery slime-making for girls,<br />
programming for boys, perfume-making for<br />
girls. A lot of the biases are social and cultural.<br />
I believe science communication is mostly<br />
targeted toward adults. That<br />
is too little, too late. We<br />
need to have more science<br />
communicators and engaged<br />
science teachers who can<br />
speak the language of the<br />
youth and make them<br />
comfortable with the scientific<br />
method. We need to have<br />
young cheerleaders for<br />
science to take us forward<br />
into the future. When kids<br />
can look at science without<br />
fear of judgement and<br />
discrimination, we can<br />
expect a fairer future for all.<br />
Pandemic changes<br />
If it wasn’t already huge, the<br />
many ways in which young<br />
people can consume content<br />
online have exploded during<br />
the pandemic. A huge<br />
percentage of young kids have<br />
been raised in front of screens<br />
in the last few years. Right or<br />
wrong is not the argument I<br />
would like to pose. I feel we<br />
should accept that change<br />
and improve and regulate consumption. The<br />
way forward is to make kids more aware of how<br />
and what they receive.<br />
A new skill I'd like<br />
I would love to learn more about creating<br />
content for kids in an interactive way –<br />
making videos about scientific concepts. There<br />
is so much misinformation on the internet, that<br />
I would love to have content that could rival fake<br />
news. When someone searches for a fact they<br />
should not encounter opinions. The scientific<br />
method and logical thinking should be in the<br />
spotlight.<br />
Science is everywhere<br />
The biggest myth is that science is not for<br />
young children. Science is everywhere and in<br />
everything, from getting your center of mass<br />
in the right spot as you wake up and stand, to<br />
the water you drink. It's in the chemicals in the<br />
toothpaste you put in your mouth, to the food<br />
you eat, and the smartphone you have in your<br />
pocket. Science is what makes buildings you<br />
live in stable and able to weather all seasons.<br />
It’s part of everything from the transportation<br />
you use to the end of the day when you fall<br />
asleep and your brain cells fire up even as your<br />
body relaxes. It is all Science. Science is in the<br />
air. Kids experience science without knowing<br />
the vocabulary for it. What I want to do is add<br />
to their ever-expanding vocabulary so that<br />
scientific words don’t feel difficult or alien when<br />
they first come across them. They are part of<br />
daily parlance.<br />
The best advice I gave myself was to trust my<br />
instinct and experience. Coming out of academia,<br />
I questioned my ability to teach very young kids<br />
(four- eight years). I have had to learn to<br />
consciously avoid letting the impostor syndrome<br />
creep in and to keep reminding myself why I do<br />
what I do – make science simple and accessible<br />
for all.<br />
My guiding principles<br />
I love putting everyday things under the<br />
microscope – literally and figuratively – and<br />
finding the EXTRAORDINARY in the ordinary.<br />
Curiosity, creativity and wonder are my guiding<br />
principles. I use stories as a medium to engage<br />
kids in thinking and experimenting and<br />
discovering for themselves the secrets of<br />
science. Stories and storytelling are universal<br />
to our human experience, making them a<br />
wonderful tool to communicate complex ideas<br />
simplistically. Children find science easier to<br />
digest when they SEE it in their everyday lives<br />
and can apply the concepts seamlessly by using<br />
plain common sense. It brings science into the<br />
realm of language – as commonplace, not<br />
something that is difficult and therefore needs<br />
to be learned!<br />
A story from my childhood<br />
My mother often tells my son that I always<br />
opened up all the gadgets in the house. It<br />
started with pens. I always opened them up for<br />
investigation – why does it click, where is the<br />
ink, what does the spring do and so many other<br />
questions. These included fountain pens, ink<br />
pens, ball pens, and sketch pens; I even opened<br />
up a wooden pencil to look what the lead<br />
inside looked like. They were all fascinating to<br />
me. I opened up so many pens for so long that<br />
my parents started hiding pens from me, just<br />
to have at least one properly functioning pen<br />
around in case of emergencies.<br />
This constant need to understand how things<br />
worked has made me the scientifically thinking<br />
person that I am today.<br />
Pooja with her mother and son.<br />
Resemblances to my mom<br />
My mother was an educator as am<br />
I. In caring for my son, I am like my<br />
mother – she was always present<br />
whenever I needed her, and she has<br />
been my therapist throughout my<br />
life. It’s her rebellious behaviour that<br />
made my attitude seem acceptable<br />
and normal to me. Growing up in the<br />
Indian patriarchal society she was the<br />
person who made me confident in my<br />
uniqueness.<br />
feature<br />
Introducing the FAWCO<br />
In their own words Dubai 2013<br />
Youth Program<br />
My-Linh Kunst, AWC Berlin<br />
Inspired by former United Nations<br />
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s statement<br />
“Working with and for young people is a<br />
priority in my Five-year Action Plan,” the<br />
2013-2015 FAWCO Board under the<br />
leadership of President My-Linh Kunst<br />
launched the FAWCO Youth Program<br />
in 2013.<br />
Youth make up nearly half (48%) of the<br />
Berlin 2018 with chairs Karen Castellon and My-Linh Kunst.<br />
world's population, and in less than 10<br />
years will account for almost 75% of the<br />
global workforce. It is time for our youth<br />
to start working together and empowering one another towards creating a better world for<br />
future generations. FAWCO, being a global family, is in an advantageous position to engage<br />
our members’ children in this endeavor.<br />
The Cultural Volunteers module of FAWCO's Youth Program is designed to foster cultural<br />
awareness and volunteerism among FAWCO youths. The program is hosted by a FAWCO<br />
member club, open to high-school-aged children of<br />
FAWCO members. The teens stay with club member<br />
families for a week and experience a new culture<br />
while volunteering with local charities. The purpose<br />
of the program is to help the youth discover<br />
volunteering, develop their cultural understanding,<br />
and raise their awareness of global issues and their<br />
sense of global citizenship.<br />
Our inaugural Cultural Volunteers program was in<br />
Dubai (2013), followed by Shanghai (2014), Mumbai<br />
(2015), Dublin (2016), Berlin (2018) and Athens (2019).<br />
After a two years’ pause during the pandemic, <strong>2022</strong><br />
was hosted by AWC Amsterdam on June 25 - July 2<br />
(see page 47 for a recap of the program).<br />
Throughout this issue, you will find<br />
pages (starting with the opposite<br />
page) called In Their Own Words<br />
with quotes from participants from<br />
the Cultural Volunteers Program.<br />
All were asked:<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
Julia Goldsby, AIWC Cologne<br />
On meeting other third culture kids and local Emirati kids: We may dress differently and<br />
practice different religions, but teenagers around the world are pretty much the same—<br />
we're all goofy, curious, and hoping our generation can improve life for all of us.<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
Monica Jubayli, Program Chair<br />
I'll never forget the first FAWCO Youth Cultural Volunteers who had just experienced<br />
Ramadan with Emirati teenagers, waiting respectfully while the Emiratis prayed before<br />
"iftar" (the meal breaking their Ramadan fast), and then all joined in to share the homecooked<br />
food. The girls wore their abayas (coat dress) and shaylas (scarf), and the boys were<br />
in their kandouras (robe) and ghutras (headdress). By the end of the evening, my living<br />
room was full of noisy teenagers who could have been from anywhere in the world. Later,<br />
driving to another event, my two young charges (I hosted two young men) spoke candidly<br />
between themselves. I was the proverbial "fly on the wall" during their conversation. I<br />
knew the FYCV program was a success when I heard them comment that Muslims were<br />
often misjudged in Europe. They realized that underneath it all, there are more similarities<br />
than differences.<br />
Ben Maher, AWC Dublin<br />
But what sticks out most in my mind is the coming<br />
together, the universality of us as people,<br />
and the possibility of becoming friends with<br />
people strange to us if only given the opportunity.<br />
It was undoubtedly the best programme I have<br />
ever been involved with. It was a pleasure and an<br />
experience of a lifetime.<br />
profile<br />
Habits of Mind: Art<br />
Tours with 3rd & 4th<br />
Graders<br />
Pat Lawrence, FAUSA member and former member of MIWC (Munich<br />
International <strong>Women</strong>'s Club), is a docent at the Museum of Fine Arts,<br />
Houston, where she conducts 40 tours a year.<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up in the NJ suburbs with my parents and<br />
three sisters. My mom was an artist. I was a very<br />
active Girl Scout and enjoyed camping, hiking and<br />
canoeing. During the summer, my grandparents<br />
would take my older sister and me across the<br />
country on a train to visit relatives in the<br />
Midwest and West starting when I was four.<br />
One trip I fondly remember was visiting my aunt’s<br />
dude ranch in Tumacacori, Arizona, and then the<br />
newly opened Disneyland in California. That<br />
started my love of travel. On most Christmases,<br />
my grandmother, who grew up in Manhattan,<br />
would take the girls to church at St. Patrick’s<br />
Cathedral and then Radio City Music Hall for the<br />
Rockettes and Holiday Show. That started my love<br />
for NYC. We spent many summer vacations at the<br />
Jersey Shore in Long Beach Island. I graduated<br />
from Rutgers U in New Brunswick, NJ with a<br />
degree in Sociology but took several Art History<br />
and Art classes and received my MBA from<br />
Fordham University in NYC.<br />
Pat in one of her dirndls.<br />
After leaving home<br />
Upon receiving my BA, I worked in the field of<br />
Marketing Research. It was fascinating to learn<br />
how people develop preferences and why they<br />
make the choices they do. I lived in NYC and<br />
moved into Brand Management<br />
for Loewe’s Corporation and the<br />
company that makes Lysol. Brand<br />
Management is like being the hub<br />
of a wheel and leading all aspects<br />
Pat Lawrence<br />
to develop a brand, from strategy<br />
to advertising and promotion to packaging and<br />
profit. I frequently walked to my office on Fifth<br />
Avenue from my apartment on E. 84th St. This<br />
entailed walking through the Central Park Zoo<br />
and the Alice in Wonderland Plaza, then past<br />
Bergdorf’s and the Plaza Hotel. I considered it a<br />
privilege to see those sights daily! I would ride<br />
my bike on Sundays to the Metropolitan<br />
Museum of Art and spend hours appreciating<br />
the beauty around me. The ad agencies would<br />
take me to the best restaurants in town and<br />
I’d golf in Greenwich, Connecticut with<br />
Sports Illustrated people. It was an<br />
exciting time.<br />
Life changes<br />
I met and married my husband in<br />
NYC although, oddly enough, we<br />
grew up about 10 miles from each<br />
other in NJ. He is an engineer in the<br />
petroleum industry and at some<br />
point, he found a position in<br />
Houston, TX. We thought it might<br />
be time to begin a kinder,<br />
gentler life outside of the city and I<br />
networked to see if there were any<br />
Brand Management positions in<br />
Houston. I was fortunate to find the<br />
perfect spot as a Marketing Director<br />
for Minute Maid and Hi-C juices and<br />
drinks with the Coca-Cola Company.<br />
By the time I left Coke, I was the<br />
Managing Director for the Southeast<br />
area and commuted from Houston<br />
to Tampa, Florida.<br />
Houston, I promptly joined FAUSA and applied<br />
to become a docent at the Museum of Fine Arts,<br />
Houston. It was something that I had wanted to<br />
do for a long time. My husband still works in the<br />
petroleum industry, my son lives and works in<br />
NYC in a tech field that didn’t exist when I was<br />
growing up, and my daughter is a doctor in<br />
Michigan. I stay active with docent tours and the<br />
study of art history, leading FAUSA meetings, two<br />
book clubs, water aerobics and travel. And we<br />
just purchased a vacation casita in Santa Fe,<br />
New Mexico.<br />
about what it means to them. It’s amazing when<br />
students bring up a point that I hadn’t noticed<br />
and show great originality.<br />
Contributing to a better future generation<br />
The art tours with third and fourth graders help<br />
them to develop critical thinking skills and<br />
patterns of intellectual behaviors,<br />
called Habits of Mind, that lead to<br />
productive actions. The tours are<br />
designed to help them think deeply<br />
about a work of art and overcome<br />
the fear of ambiguity, develop grit<br />
through problem-solving skills, and<br />
understand bias and assumptions.<br />
My role is mainly as a facilitator of<br />
conversation about an object so<br />
that students participate and<br />
communicate. For future scholars<br />
and cutting-edge work, regardless<br />
of the field, students need to<br />
communicate well, take risks, be<br />
unafraid of failure and work well<br />
with others.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
I love working with the kids!<br />
Although I have taught graduate<br />
students before, I wasn’t sure if I<br />
would be able to relate to eight to<br />
ten year olds in a teaching<br />
situation. It takes a little extra<br />
patience at times. And the<br />
students come in with different<br />
bases of knowledge and different<br />
life experiences. Many have never<br />
been to a museum before, some are<br />
hungry and tired, and some speak<br />
only Spanish, so I need to adjust my<br />
I also started my family and we had<br />
a boy and a girl. When my daughter<br />
turned two years old, I quit the<br />
commute and consulted for several<br />
companies in Houston, such as Shell.<br />
I also taught Brand Management to<br />
MBA students at Rice University’s<br />
Jones School of Management.<br />
For all the international travel that<br />
my husband did, I stayed in Houston<br />
while the kids attended school.<br />
However, when he received a Munich<br />
assignment, I officially retired and<br />
joined him there. The timing was perfect as my<br />
son had just graduated from New York<br />
University and my daughter was attending<br />
Harvard College. They were both on the East<br />
Coast and visited us more often in Munich<br />
than they did in Houston. When we returned to<br />
Pat giving her art tours to 3rd and 4th graders.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
Spending time with young people keeps me<br />
energized and young at heart. I love when they<br />
consider a work of art, whether it’s a portrait or<br />
an abstract painting, and have an epiphany<br />
I became a docent when I returned from living<br />
overseas in Munich. It was something that I had<br />
always thought about doing but never seemed<br />
to have the time for. It involved 18 months of<br />
training and I had to commit to giving 40 tours a<br />
year. The museum mostly hires former teachers<br />
or artists; however, I believe that my college art<br />
history courses and passion for touring<br />
museums in Europe helped me become a<br />
viable candidate.<br />
Listening to young people<br />
I like to really listen to what they<br />
have to say and build upon their<br />
comments, peppered with a few<br />
facts. It makes each person feel<br />
special and know that they have<br />
something to contribute. When they<br />
know that their opinions count they<br />
are inspired to think more critically<br />
and let their creativity show.<br />
Working with Third and Fourth Graders<br />
I love working with the kids! I never thought I<br />
would have the patience to deal with third and<br />
fourth graders, but I find them to be refreshing<br />
and interesting. The best experience is when<br />
students volunteer that they want to come<br />
back to the museum with family. That tells<br />
me I’ve been successful in engaging them.<br />
feature<br />
A Club Inspires:<br />
AIWA Rabat<br />
Nancy Lukas-Slaoui, Club<br />
President of AIWA Rabat, and<br />
FAWCO Reps Hafida Lahrache<br />
and Souad Tadlaoui introduce<br />
their club to us. AIWA is one of<br />
four clubs in FAWCO's Region 7.<br />
T<br />
he precursor of today’s American<br />
International <strong>Women</strong>’s Association<br />
Rabat was the American <strong>Women</strong>’s<br />
Association, which was started by<br />
the United States Embassy wives in 1962. The<br />
association was formed to engage in charitable<br />
work in the greater Rabat-Sale area and offer<br />
cultural exchange activities for embassy wives.<br />
The original association was open to all<br />
embassies and therefore had an international<br />
composition to it. It was and still remains an<br />
English-speaking association whose focus is<br />
on community service and cultural exchange.<br />
How many members do you have and what is<br />
their nationality?<br />
The current AIWA-Rabat membership is 125,<br />
and the majority of the ladies are Moroccan.<br />
Typically, our international members are expats<br />
from the United States, Europe, Asia and<br />
Spanish-speaking countries, as well as US<br />
embassy wives. Our large Moroccan contingent<br />
is made up of professional ladies who may have<br />
studied abroad or lived in the US, Canada, or the<br />
UK. Regardless of our backgrounds, we all share<br />
a common bond of helping the less fortunate<br />
through our CDC (Community Development<br />
Committee) work and enjoying a spirit of<br />
cultural learning.<br />
AIWA General<br />
Meeting, Mega<br />
Mall, Rabat<br />
How does the club run?<br />
We try to have at least two vice<br />
presidents or co-chairs in every<br />
Fundraising: Christmas Bazaar at the Rabat<br />
American School.<br />
board position, of which there are eleven<br />
(general meeting, cultural exchange,<br />
communications, fundraising, CDC, membership,<br />
hospitality, recording secretary, treasurer,<br />
FAWCO reps, board advisors and US Embassy<br />
liaison rep). There is only one AIWA president<br />
and vice president. As with most associations,<br />
there is a core of 40+ ladies who are very active<br />
and carry the club. We encourage all members<br />
to get involved, build friendships, find joy in<br />
community service and be proud of making a<br />
difference in the lives of so many less fortunate<br />
in the greater Rabat area. In the spring, our<br />
board advisors form a selection committee,<br />
and a specific protocol is followed to vote in<br />
the new board.<br />
What kind of events do you have in your club?<br />
We have several fundraising events that are<br />
organized by our VPs for fundraising and carried<br />
out by the fundraising committee. Our annual<br />
fundraisers are the Thanksgiving Walk-a-Thon,<br />
the Christmas Bazaar, Valentine’s Day Candy-<br />
Gram Sale, and a Spring Fair event. Additionally,<br />
we have a Moroccan cookbook/travelogue for<br />
sale in both Morocco and the United States.<br />
We schedule monthly general meetings that<br />
host a large variety of Moroccan, international,<br />
male and female guest speakers, and we offer<br />
sales tables to our women’s cooperatives.<br />
Our cultural exchange activities are organized<br />
by the VPs with the help of their committee.<br />
for members and their spouses for Halloween,<br />
Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day.<br />
In conjunction with the US embassy, we usually<br />
have a Welcoming Tea, Christmas Party, and<br />
End-of-the-Year Tea at the residence. AIWA has<br />
an annual Ramadan Food Drive, Ladies’ F’tir, a<br />
Chabana afternoon event and<br />
an Achoura gift-giving party for<br />
the children in the Ibn Sina<br />
Children’s Hospital. In addition,<br />
International <strong>Women</strong>’s Day<br />
events are organized that may<br />
include a guest speaker panel<br />
on women’s issues at the March<br />
general meeting, a luncheon,<br />
and/or a health and wellness<br />
yoga/Zumba morning workshop.<br />
AIWA Cultural Exchange: St. Patrick's Day Party at the Sofitel Hotel, Rabat.<br />
Members can look forward to a new members'<br />
tour of the Rabat medina with lunch at a lovely<br />
riad and two annual excursions to other cities<br />
not too far from Rabat such as Kenitra, Tangier,<br />
Sale, etc. Holiday cocktail parties are organized<br />
Do you raise money for any<br />
particular cause?<br />
All the money that is raised<br />
through fundraising goes to<br />
our CDC to support the 30 plus<br />
local charities that rely on us to<br />
provide humanitarian assistance.<br />
Local charity organizations send<br />
us a request for materials with<br />
pricing. The CDC meets monthly to review the<br />
requests. Visitations are scheduled to speak with<br />
the director(s) and inspect the sites. The CDC<br />
then votes on how much we can help with each<br />
project. Requested materials/needed items are<br />
CDC: Blankets and warm clothing for the people in the Atlas Mountains to be distributed by the ENIAS university students<br />
when they make their yearly medical caravan into the mountain villages.<br />
Fundraising: 2 nd Hand Caftan Sale with proceeds going to AVENIR Children's Center.<br />
purchased and a follow-up visit is scheduled to<br />
inspect the delivered equipment.<br />
Here are the names of just a few of the local<br />
charities we support:<br />
• Avicenne Ibn Sina Children’s Hospital:<br />
Association Kaouthar.<br />
• AVENIR Children’s Cancer Center.<br />
• Dar Taliba: a resident home for girls<br />
from rural areas to enable them to<br />
finish their studies.<br />
• Vaincre L'Autisme Rabat: training center<br />
for young adults with autism.<br />
• Residential Center for Displaced Elderly<br />
Persons, Ain Atiq.<br />
• BADEL Center for Children with Diabetes.<br />
• Adult Training Center for the Blind .<br />
• A variety of women’s training centers<br />
and cooperatives.<br />
What was your favorite activity last year?<br />
I really don’t think we as a group have one<br />
favorite activity because all our events are fun,<br />
knowledgeable, offer a sense of community and<br />
help build bonds of friendship. However, if I had<br />
to pick one, I think the ladies on the board enjoy<br />
welcoming new members, especially those new<br />
to Morocco at the Welcoming Tea and new<br />
members' tour of the Rabat Medina. We love<br />
sharing the beauty of this country, its<br />
indescribable sense of hospitality and its<br />
cultural richness.<br />
What else would you like us to know about<br />
your club?<br />
<strong>Women</strong> who become members of AIWA-Rabat<br />
enjoy a kindred spirit of community service and<br />
a desire to know and appreciate other cultures.<br />
The ladies of AIWA-Rabat are as dear and<br />
caring as all the women who are involved in the<br />
FAWCO clubs. Our shared goals are our strength<br />
as we continue to make effective changes in big<br />
and small ways. We build bridges between<br />
different nationalities, cultures and religions.<br />
Thus, we empower ourselves and others to make<br />
a difference, work towards positive change, and<br />
bring improvements and dignity to the lives of<br />
many around the world.<br />
Tell us a little bit about Rabat and Morocco<br />
Rabat is one of the four Imperial Cities of<br />
Morocco but didn’t actually become the capital<br />
of Morocco until 1912 when the French<br />
Protectorate moved the title from Fes. This<br />
picturesque city, which lies on the banks of<br />
the Bou Regreg River, embodies the dignity of<br />
ancient Rome with its Chellah Necropolis, the<br />
unique Moorish architectural and decorative<br />
style of the past, the art deco facades of the<br />
colonial era, and now the impressive, modern<br />
structures of a 21st-century capital city. This<br />
distinct blending of the old and the new makes<br />
Rabat one of the most attractive cities in<br />
North Africa; it is now a center for culture and<br />
tourism, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage<br />
Site. Without a doubt, expats and embassy<br />
personnel living here find Rabat to be a very<br />
attractive city, easy to live in with all its modern<br />
conveniences, yet it retains an ambiance of<br />
historical and cultural beauty that is intriguing<br />
and endearing.<br />
Any unusual/interesting traits of the locals?<br />
Morocco is internationally renowned for its<br />
warm and inviting hospitality a reputation that is<br />
well deserved. Its cuisine is rated one of the top<br />
three in the culinary world. It is often referred<br />
to “a cuisine of 1001 flavors.” The blend of<br />
varied spices is a culinary art that is rich and<br />
multi-layered. Moroccan food has a distinct,<br />
savory appeal due to the variety of<br />
vegetables used in making salads and<br />
tagines (stews made with meat,<br />
chicken, lamb, or fish); the use of<br />
olives in some tagines and prunes,<br />
apricots, honey and almonds in<br />
others; grains like couscous and<br />
delicious breads; and honey, almond<br />
and sesame desserts. Enjoying a<br />
Moroccan meal is the ultimate cultural<br />
treat and one that you will look<br />
forward to having again and again.<br />
ornate Morocco homes that have been turned<br />
into lovely hotels. Enjoy a real taste of the beauty<br />
of Morocco with their rooftop restaurants for<br />
dining and drinks with views overlooking the city<br />
and surrounding areas. Breathtaking. There are<br />
also many fantastic hidden gems for exploring<br />
nature and appreciating the country’s culture.<br />
• Hiking in the Middle Atlas Mountains:<br />
Ifrane, Aguelmam Azigza, and Tazekka<br />
National Parks, Sefrou, Ouzoud,<br />
Paradise Valley and Jbel Aklim<br />
• The natural stone arch of Imin n’Ifri<br />
• The waterfalls of Oum Er-Rhia River<br />
• The water cisterns and UNESCO-listed<br />
Mazagan Fortress of El Jadida<br />
What are a few undiscovered gems?<br />
Discovering the medinas of Rabat and<br />
Morocco is always a treat. It’s like walking back<br />
hundreds of years into the past. Some hidden<br />
gems in the medinas are the riads – beautiful,<br />
Thank you for your willingness to support this<br />
very important fundraising project. All proceeds<br />
from the sale of this book will aid the less fortunate<br />
in the Moroccan greater Rabat-Salé area through the<br />
charitable work of AIWA’s Community<br />
Development Committee (CDC). The price of the<br />
Presents:<br />
All proceeds<br />
Casablanca<br />
from<br />
and Volubilis<br />
the sale of this book will aid the less fortunate<br />
in the Moroccan greater Rabat-Salé area through the charitable<br />
work of AIWA’s Community Development Committee (CDC). The<br />
Examples of AIWA-Rabat support in the Rabat-<br />
Salé AIWA area includes cookbook Children’s Hospital; costs Center for $20 and is available exclusively at<br />
Children with Diabetes; Center for the Blind;<br />
equipment for handicapped in rural areas;<br />
support<br />
AIWA cookbook is $20 and available exclusively<br />
at At the Lulu website, click on<br />
Wish to order our cookbook/travelogue?<br />
Cookbook of 70+ recipes covering:<br />
Soups<br />
Bastila<br />
Fish<br />
Chicken<br />
Beef<br />
Lamb<br />
Salads & Pickles<br />
Vegetables<br />
Couscous<br />
Bread<br />
Desserts<br />
Infusions<br />
And a Travelogue for Rabat, Fes,<br />
Meknes, Marrakech, Tangier,<br />
of various women’s cooperatives including rural<br />
farming and rug-making; support of women’s health<br />
issues; supporting school and training for children<br />
and young adults with autism; supporting vocational<br />
training to young people in smaller towns; etc.
In their own words<br />
Shanghai 2014<br />
We<br />
understand<br />
your world<br />
Jacob Barnes, AWC Dublin<br />
While most of the surprises I met were pleasant, I was not so happy about a number of<br />
unexpected aspects. The biggest of the unwelcome surprises I met whilst in China was<br />
the extreme poverty that exists. Stateside, most of what we hear about China is on their<br />
growing economy and swift progression from "Developing" to nearly "Developed,"<br />
leaving me appalled at how negligent the government seemed to be of the most<br />
vulnerable in their society. While working with the children of migrant workers, we got to<br />
visit the home of one of the children. We found that the family of six was living in what<br />
many of us would consider a small room, with several of the children sleeping on no more<br />
than broken cardboard boxes. For a country that is constantly being heralded for its<br />
growing economy, I expected it to recognize the needs of its people more aptly.<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
Charlotte Knopp, AWC The Hague<br />
“Heart to Heart” funds surgeries for underprivileged children from all over China. In China,<br />
healthcare is only available in the province of birth. In some provinces, adequate healthcare<br />
is unavailable, meaning that all necessary medical care must be received in another<br />
region, and thus must be paid for out of pocket. The expat organization shares the<br />
hospital's playroom, which is used for hospitalized children and children visiting hospitalized<br />
families. After the playroom opened, I helped<br />
one boy pick out a book. He was probably six or<br />
seven and Tibetan – meaning we couldn’t communicate<br />
in the slightest nor understand the Chinese<br />
characters. We sat and flipped the pages,<br />
followed the pictures, and made up stories,<br />
trying to get the gist of the book. It brought<br />
about a wave of nostalgia for when I was teenytiny,<br />
pretending to read by myself but really just<br />
paging through the pictures.<br />
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"Everyone Is Who They<br />
Are for a Reason"<br />
Paula Brandenburg, member of AWCL (American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
London), helps adults and teens develop the mindset and skillset<br />
of respect.<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up in the United States, in Oklahoma and<br />
Colorado. My parents divorced and remarried<br />
when I was very young. I was raised by two<br />
different sets of parents who were very different<br />
from each other.<br />
In Colorado, I had a very large, Italian family living<br />
in a small community. My grandmother took care<br />
of my cousins and me while our parents were<br />
working. My cousins and I spent our days playing<br />
outdoors. My sister was born when I was ten.<br />
I remember the first day that I saw her; I<br />
immediately loved her with all my heart.<br />
In Oklahoma, the only family I had was my mom<br />
and dad. I attended a small, private school. There<br />
was one teacher I had, every year for eight years,<br />
Mr. Sennhenn. As an adult, I realized that he had<br />
been a rock for me; he was there for me day by<br />
day. He taught me the importance of consistency<br />
and dedication.<br />
I loved growing up with diversity. I loved and will<br />
always love all four of my parents. They each<br />
played an important role in my life and had a<br />
hand in me becoming the person that I am today.<br />
Paula Brandenburg and her teacher<br />
of eight years, Mr. Sennhenn.<br />
After leaving home<br />
I studied Early Childhood Education at university<br />
and supported myself waiting tables. In my<br />
program of study, another student made a very<br />
large impact on the person that I am. She always<br />
wanted to be in groups with me and sit next to<br />
me. I wasn’t rude to her, but I did try to<br />
avoid her as much as possible. She was<br />
too needy. In one of our psychology<br />
Paula Brandenburg<br />
classes, she shared<br />
that the year before<br />
she started university,<br />
she was pregnant and<br />
lived in her car with<br />
her dog. One day, as<br />
she put a gun to her<br />
head, her dog licked<br />
her. She realized that<br />
she couldn’t leave her<br />
dog; he needed her.<br />
The moment that she<br />
shared that, I felt<br />
terrible and ashamed.<br />
There was a reason<br />
that she wanted a<br />
person in her life. In<br />
every class that I have<br />
taught, whether it’s<br />
children, young adults<br />
or adults, I end the<br />
sessions with this: “Everyone is who they are<br />
for a reason. We may never know that reason,<br />
it is not our right to know that reason, but we<br />
should always treat everyone with respect."<br />
Life changes<br />
I married my childhood crush, Rob. With his<br />
profession, we moved many times. In each<br />
new location, I located our doctors, the kids'<br />
schools and, just as important, friends for us.<br />
We have two biological sons, Robert and Lee.<br />
As soon as the boys were old enough to join<br />
the Boy Scouts, I also became involved. I joined<br />
a Boy Scout leadership and team building<br />
training, Wood Badge. This is an intense six-day<br />
training that immerses adults in team building<br />
and leadership activities. At the conclusion of<br />
my session, I was asked to be on the staff of<br />
the next session. Serving on a Wood Badge<br />
staff is a big honor; I have served on five. In<br />
addition to being on Wood Badge staff, I<br />
became the director of a National Day Camp<br />
Paula with her family, "adopted" daughter (above) and her "drama" son (left).<br />
school. This is an intense training that certifies<br />
adults to start and run a day camp for Scouts.<br />
The Boy Scouts of America was a place where I<br />
could give to communities.<br />
As soon as the boys were settled in their new<br />
community, I also taught in their school district.<br />
Even though I had the luxury of being a housewife,<br />
I couldn’t stay out of the classroom. One<br />
year, I had a 12-year-old student who had a<br />
very challenging past. She was abandoned at<br />
a train station in India when she was around<br />
three years old. The local authorities took her<br />
to an orphanage, where she lived for a little<br />
more than a year. A woman of Indian descent,<br />
who lived in the United States, adopted her.<br />
Unfortunately, when she was my student, her<br />
adoptive mom became abusive. My family and I<br />
became a respite family for that student. When<br />
her mother would have a spell, she would<br />
temporarily live with us. At age 17, she became<br />
a permanent member of our family.<br />
That same year, I had a student who was<br />
unable to get involved in the school’s drama<br />
department because he depended on the bus<br />
to get home after school. I knew this young<br />
man had a passion for the technical side of<br />
theater. Unfortunately, his single parent<br />
wasn’t interested and didn’t feed that passion.<br />
With permission from his mom, I became his<br />
“drama mom.” I was his transportation and held<br />
the parental role that all the other drama<br />
parents held. I am extremely proud to say that<br />
he was successful through high school, was the<br />
first generation in his family to go to college<br />
and is a technical director of a theater. He also<br />
became a member of our family; I am no longer<br />
his “drama mom.” I am his “white mom” and<br />
we are his white family. That year, Rob and I no<br />
longer had two children, we had four.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
I enjoy the challenge of getting to know them,<br />
figuring out what makes them click. I love the<br />
fact that they are one person when I first meet<br />
them and as I work with them, they grow into a<br />
different human being. I don’t work to change<br />
them into what I think that they should be, I<br />
allow them to grow into the person that they<br />
are, deep in their core.<br />
Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a<br />
teacher. At university, I learned about<br />
Differentiated Instruction. This new knowledge<br />
showed me the path to be the teacher that<br />
was naturally me; I was born to teach. I always<br />
knew that teaching was more than lecturing<br />
and distributing new information. I knew that<br />
I would expend the energy to learn and teach<br />
each individual how they best learned and at<br />
the level they needed. I now had the skills to<br />
make that happen.<br />
Going to make a difference in this world<br />
I have a degree in Early Childhood Education.<br />
However, I have a mentor who made more of<br />
an impact on me than anything. In 1986, I was<br />
17 and participating in the Model United<br />
Nations. Betty Williams, a Nobel Peace Prize<br />
Laureate, was a guest speaker. One of her<br />
statements was: One person who believes<br />
deeply enough and is concerned enough can<br />
make a difference. As she addressed the<br />
audience, there were a few moments when<br />
she and I made eye contact. After her speech,<br />
I walked to the podium and introduced myself.<br />
She grabbed my hand with both of hers and<br />
said, “Paula, you are going to make a difference<br />
in this world.” I wrote her and thanked her a few<br />
years ago and she replied. One of my biggest<br />
wishes in life is to shake her hand again.<br />
Contributing to a better future generation<br />
During the last few years in a classroom, in<br />
addition to teaching youth, I was coaching<br />
their parents to parent. It seemed that parents<br />
were taking a step back and no longer teaching<br />
their children how to be respectful, to build<br />
their character. Through the Boy Scouts, I<br />
was educating adults on youth character<br />
development when I realized that most parents<br />
needed that training. That is when I developed<br />
Respekt, LLC. I started it to help teens and adults<br />
develop the mindset and skillset of respect,<br />
which is needed to succeed not only in their<br />
personal and professional lives but ultimately<br />
in the communities in which they live. I worked<br />
with youth and parents and I was also hired for<br />
executive coaching and employee development<br />
in companies that were having a difficult time<br />
growing. I hope to better our communities one<br />
person at a time.<br />
Importance of face-to-face interaction<br />
Many adults and youth spend more time face to<br />
face with their phones than each other. Time in<br />
the car, in the grocery store and waiting in lines<br />
is time that parents could have their child’s<br />
attention. Instead, they allow their children to be<br />
entertained by a screen.<br />
Paula out hat shopping in London.<br />
I don’t know what we can do about it; I find it very<br />
sad. I am thinking about making a business card<br />
that briefly states the importance of face-to-face<br />
interaction. As I am walking away from a parent<br />
who is allowing their children to sit with a screen<br />
to their face, I can hand them the card. Maybe it<br />
will make a difference in at least one family.<br />
Favorite way to inspire young people<br />
One year I had a 6-year-old student who was the<br />
mascot of the Crip gang. I recognized how much<br />
he loved music and liked to sing. Just spending<br />
the first 10 minutes of class dancing, I turned<br />
Michael from a violent gang member to a learner.<br />
I taught him how to read, but more importantly,<br />
I taught him to love learning. I have a talent for<br />
observing people and finding commonalities.<br />
Through those commonalities, I gain trust, and<br />
through that trust, I educate. I inspire youth by<br />
accepting who they are and show them, through<br />
experiences, how they can grow as a person.<br />
Story from childhood<br />
I spent my childhood growing up in two very<br />
different areas and communities at the same<br />
time. I see differences as the norm. In one of<br />
those communities, Oklahoma, we did not have<br />
family. My parents' friends and a few of my friends<br />
became our family. I have always brought people<br />
together; I build communities, through kindness.<br />
Working on teens social skills<br />
My degree is in Early Childhood Education.<br />
I wanted to teach 6 to 10-year-olds. I was<br />
terrified of young teens and teenagers. After<br />
several years of teaching, I branched out and<br />
learned how exciting teaching young teens is.<br />
While working with that age group, there are<br />
days when academics need to be set aside, to<br />
spend time working on social skills. Young<br />
teens are at an age when they are exploring<br />
and experimenting with who they want to be.<br />
I love being part of that process.<br />
feature<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Future<br />
Generations<br />
Katja Malinowski, a member of AWCB<br />
(American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of Berlin),<br />
uses the Sustainable Development<br />
Goals in her teaching.<br />
“There is no more powerful<br />
transformative force than education—<br />
to promote human rights and<br />
dignity, to eradicate poverty and<br />
deepen sustainability, to build a better<br />
future for all, founded on equal rights<br />
and social justice, respect for<br />
cultural diversity, and international<br />
solidarity and shared responsibility, all<br />
of which are fundamental aspects of<br />
our common humanity."<br />
Irina Bokova, former Director-General<br />
of UNESCO<br />
T<br />
oday, there are 1.8 billion people<br />
between the ages of 10 and 24 –<br />
they are the largest generation of<br />
youth in history. Connected to each<br />
other like never before, young people want to<br />
and already do contribute to the resilience of<br />
their communities, proposing innovative<br />
solutions, driving social progress and inspiring<br />
political change.<br />
To change course, the world<br />
needs our youth to have the<br />
knowledge, values and skills to<br />
better navigate this uncertain<br />
future and tackle its profound<br />
challenges. Research shows that<br />
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is<br />
a crucial tool, which not only empowers<br />
students to shape a better world, but also<br />
perform better in school.<br />
What is ESD?<br />
ESD is not about inserting new thematic content<br />
into an already overcrowded curriculum, which<br />
would make it impractical – both time and<br />
content-wise – especially for the teacher. Nor is<br />
it about removing or minimizing the importance<br />
of academic content. Instead, it is about<br />
reorienting subjects into serving a more<br />
socially and globally relevant purpose: that of<br />
contributing to a sustainable, just and peaceful<br />
world, with young people motivated, prepared<br />
and empowered to address persistent and<br />
emerging local and global challenges. Now,<br />
more than ever, education has a responsibility<br />
to be in sync with 21st-century challenges and<br />
aspirations, and foster the right types of values<br />
and skills that will lead to sustainable and<br />
inclusive growth, and peaceful living together.<br />
My introduction to the SDGs<br />
I was first introduced to the SDGs, 17 ambitious<br />
objectives for a greener, healthier, more<br />
peaceful and equal planet, in late 2015 right<br />
after they were adopted by the United Nations<br />
Campaign’s<br />
Global Festival<br />
of Action in<br />
2019.<br />
while I was teaching IBDP Geography. I was<br />
immediately attracted to them not only because<br />
of the bright colors, but because they seemed<br />
to give so much purpose and meaning to the<br />
world – they were a roadmap/blueprint to a<br />
better future at a time when our children were<br />
demanding answers to uncomfortable questions<br />
and inconvenient truths regarding the<br />
environment and their future.<br />
The importance of SDG 4 for me<br />
As a History, Geography and Politics teacher,<br />
TeachSDGs Ambassador and Advocate, and<br />
Mentor for SDGs and Education for Sustainable<br />
Development, SDG 4 - Quality Education is very<br />
close to my heart, in particular target 4.7. This<br />
aims at ensuring that by 2030 “all learners<br />
acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote<br />
sustainable development, including among<br />
others through education for sustainable<br />
development and sustainable lifestyles, human<br />
rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture<br />
of peace and non-violence, global citizenship,<br />
and appreciation of cultural diversity and of<br />
culture’s contribution to sustainable<br />
development.” At the core of my teaching lies<br />
the desire to instill a sense of social and<br />
environmental justice, a healthy and robust<br />
sense of inquiry and creativity, as well as a<br />
deeper commitment to global citizenship. One<br />
of the greatest testaments to the worldview of<br />
my students is their engagement with the UN<br />
Sustainable Development Goals, empowering<br />
them with the knowledge, skills and pathways<br />
to be effective and confident agents of change<br />
and advocates of shaping the future they<br />
would like to see and live in. The Global Goals<br />
empower them by giving them permission to<br />
believe in a better world. Activating our youth<br />
then happened in three stages: Awareness,<br />
Understanding and Action. I have been in a<br />
truly unique position of influence to educate<br />
my students to overcome the greatest<br />
challenges of the 21st century and lead healthy<br />
and productive lives, in harmony with nature.<br />
A recurrent theme for me<br />
The SDGs became a recurrent theme and<br />
common thread throughout my teaching<br />
and our school’s curriculum, providing many<br />
opportunities for interdisciplinary projects<br />
and student-led actions, e.g., our annual Week<br />
to Act 4 SDGs, creating an SDGs in Action<br />
newsletter or organizing regular events for our<br />
school community with expert guest speakers<br />
on SDG related topics. The students have<br />
participated in various global projects, e.g.,<br />
the Goals Project, for which they designed a<br />
life skills unit on sexual harassment with the<br />
support of UN <strong>Women</strong> and the HeforShe<br />
Campaign linked to SDG 5 – Gender<br />
Equality, and have connected with 16 other<br />
schools around the world to focus on SDG 17 –<br />
Partnerships for the Goals. Meanwhile, we have<br />
embedded and infused the goals and education<br />
for sustaniable development across the sections<br />
of our school and have put them in the focus of<br />
a whole-school approach, while redesigning our<br />
curriculum. With the help of the Design Thinking<br />
method, a problem-solving approach, our<br />
students have been inspired through<br />
extracurriculars like the SDG Action Club, Model<br />
United Nations and the Biomimicry project in<br />
Science to design, create and discuss innovative<br />
and sustainable solutions to the global issues<br />
we face today. We achieved the same level of<br />
activism in a pilot project in which we turned a<br />
Geography class into an SDGs course aligned<br />
with the Berlin state curriculum. Additionally,<br />
we expanded our annual “Amazing Race History<br />
Challenge” in Berlin, which is a photo scavenger<br />
hunt highlighting Berlin’s rich and diverse<br />
history. This year, the students launched an<br />
SDG edition of the “Amazing Race,” encouraging<br />
other students to walk through their city with<br />
open eyes and find evidence of sustainable<br />
development. In some cases, students showcased<br />
littering in the park or found the SDGs<br />
visually on government buildings. It is this<br />
commitment to education for sustainable<br />
development for which we were awarded the<br />
Eco-School certificate.<br />
Is any of this achievable?<br />
While wanting to give the students hope, there<br />
was always that sense of disillusionment and<br />
skepticism from their side regarding the<br />
achievability of the Global Goals and the<br />
question if they were not too ambitious.<br />
After more than two years of COVID-19<br />
John F. Kennedy once said to the<br />
youth „...I come here today...not just<br />
because you are doing well and because<br />
you are outstanding students,<br />
but because we expect something of<br />
you. […] We ask the best of you...I<br />
congratulate you on what you have<br />
done, and most of all I congratulate<br />
you on what you are going to do."<br />
This perfectly sums up what I desire<br />
most for my students and future<br />
generations.<br />
reversing any progress towards the SDGs, their<br />
criticism is, of course, valid. At the same time, it<br />
was important to prove to them how important<br />
partnerships and commitment worldwide<br />
were. My students and I had the incredible<br />
opportunity to go to the SDG Action Campaign’s<br />
Global Festival of Action in 2019, where they<br />
met and interacted with politicians, social<br />
entrepreneurs, business people and youth<br />
activists from all around the world and<br />
experienced and were inspired by the<br />
tremendous actions and projects to make the<br />
world a better place. I remember how<br />
disappointed they were that, although a lot of<br />
topics and workshops were about the youth,<br />
they were the only young people at the event.<br />
However, this in turn, encouraged them to<br />
become engaged even more.<br />
The importance of engaging with youth<br />
Over the last years, I/we have been very<br />
fortunate to have been supported by the United<br />
Nations Association in Germany, which has<br />
hosted many incredible events and panel<br />
discussions with amazing guest speakers on<br />
SDG-related issues as well as SDG weekend<br />
seminars in which many of my students have<br />
participated. From gender equality, sustainable<br />
cities, climate action and ocean protection to<br />
sustaining peace and partnerships for the goals,<br />
the students have been inspired on so many<br />
different levels. The experience of participating<br />
in Model United Nations and global conferences<br />
enhances their world view and their<br />
engagement with global issues. This has led<br />
to many students wishing to pursue their<br />
university studies in international relations and<br />
sustainable development.<br />
In the context of the SDGs, we have seen an<br />
extraordinary movement of young people from<br />
all around the world who have come together<br />
and become agents of change. Youth leadership<br />
is essential in rebuilding a post COVID-19 world<br />
with the SDGs. We have to harness the momentum<br />
of this movement and their engagement<br />
and continue to empower our youth.<br />
Provided with the necessary skills and<br />
opportunities needed to reach their potential,<br />
young people can be a driving force for<br />
supporting development and contributing to<br />
peace and security. With political commitment<br />
and adequate resources, young people have<br />
the potential to make the most effective<br />
transformation of the world into a better place<br />
for all. Inspired by the words of Robert F.<br />
Kennedy – “Some men see things as they are<br />
and ask why. I dream of things that never<br />
were, and ask why not.“ – I aim to instill a<br />
sense of social and environmental justice and<br />
responsibility in my students to take action<br />
and transform our world.<br />
Teaching the SDGs is about changing the<br />
angles of how we view things. It’s an adventure,<br />
but it’s a good one with very positive learning<br />
outcomes. It’s what we want to give the<br />
students; it’s what we owe them.<br />
In their own words<br />
Louisa Bühling, AIWC Düsseldorf<br />
Mumbai 2015<br />
The experience of the FAWCO Youth Program really opened my eyes to the inequalities<br />
in the world, and visiting the four different charities showed me for how many different<br />
reasons people in our world need help.<br />
Meenakshi Advani, Program Chair<br />
All involved in the program have lasting impressions of this incredible week. Some of the<br />
host moms with children at home found that sharing their space with a child from the<br />
program improved their own child's experience at home in a unique way.<br />
The participants became best friends, cried, laughed, and were inseparable; were all well<br />
behaved at their host homes; shared with us their sensitive emotions while visiting our<br />
Mumbai supported charities; fit right into the cultural environment with no fuss and<br />
ate the local foods; loved meeting and interacted beautifully with our membership; felt<br />
the vast impact of being in a five-star hotel after visiting a homeless group of women<br />
living in a garage together; spent their down time discussing their personal lives and daily<br />
observations; spread their joy and knowledge not only to themselves but also to all of us<br />
in Mumbai!<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
Renger Van Eerten, AWC The Hague<br />
These (charity) experiences really stood out<br />
for me and gave me a completely different<br />
perspective on what I had previously thought<br />
about Mumbai and charity work in general.<br />
It taught me that I had to be a lot more<br />
appreciative of the things around me and to be<br />
less wanting.<br />
profile<br />
"What Makes You<br />
Different From<br />
Everyone Else?"<br />
Marelie Manders, a member of HIWC (Heidelberg International<br />
<strong>Women</strong>'s Club), is a university lecturer and she loves to learn<br />
what make her students tick.<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa.<br />
Something that really stood out to me as a child<br />
was the moment when the first democratic<br />
elections in South Africa took place. I believe<br />
I was about 12 years old at the time and I<br />
remember the atmosphere in the country.<br />
I remember taking my bicycle and riding up and<br />
down past the voting station to see everyone<br />
voting. That election resulted in Nelson Mandela<br />
becoming the president of South Africa.<br />
After leaving home<br />
After leaving school I didn’t move too far from<br />
home, about 40 minutes away to Pretoria.<br />
There, I went to university to study law, which I<br />
really enjoyed. While I was at law school I found<br />
my ultimate passion in law - international law.<br />
International law as a subject made a big<br />
impression on me as it was exciting, more<br />
current and deals with the relationship between<br />
countries on the international scale. I ended up<br />
staying in Pretoria for six years and completed<br />
my masters degree in international law.<br />
Marelie and her husband Bart<br />
For work I eventually relocated to Durban, a<br />
lovely city on the eastern coast of South Africa.<br />
It was the first time I was truly in a city of my<br />
own, without any friends or family<br />
nearby, and this ended up<br />
being the best experience of my<br />
life. I met wonderful people and<br />
eventually ended up meeting my<br />
Marelie Manders<br />
husband, who was in the city for a<br />
hear. We are lucky that our subject<br />
matter is current, which piques their<br />
interest even more. Interestingly I also<br />
learn from them, as they teach me about<br />
German law and how it differs from the<br />
foreign law I am teaching them, which is<br />
great, as the legal systems are theoretically<br />
completely different.<br />
Contributing to a better future<br />
generation<br />
During exam time I always ask students<br />
one question: "What makes you special/<br />
different from everyone else?" The<br />
responses I get are so wonderful and<br />
varied, and this really teaches me who<br />
my students are. In Germany the<br />
classroom culture is very different and<br />
the relationship between lecturer and<br />
student is more formal.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
With the subjects I teach, I hope to inspire<br />
at least a couple of students to go on and<br />
follow careers in the fields of human rights<br />
or international law. Having the right<br />
people in these positions would hopefully<br />
end up making a bigger difference in the<br />
lives of people internationally.<br />
Marelie podcasting during the pandemic.<br />
short time on an assignment for his company,<br />
which is based in Germany. From there he asked<br />
me to accompany him to his next assignment in<br />
Brazil, and I agreed.<br />
Life changes<br />
Living in Brazil was challenging, as we were<br />
based in a small town. But we eventually<br />
managed to learn Portuguese and enjoyed our<br />
time there. I spent my time teaching English as<br />
a volunteer and met some wonderful people at<br />
the language school, including life-long friends.<br />
After three years we returned to my husband’s<br />
“home base” for work, Germany, and we still live<br />
here now, about six years later. We will probably<br />
stay in Germany permanently and I think it is<br />
a good balance between the places we’ve lived<br />
before. I am proud to say that we are integrated<br />
and I am very happy that I prioritized learning<br />
German immediately when I arrived. At home it<br />
is just me and my husband.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
I have worked at universities as a lecturer on<br />
and off since I left university myself and it seems<br />
I just can’t step away from university settings!<br />
Honestly it gives me immense pleasure working<br />
at universities and enjoying the wonderful<br />
atmosphere on campus. In my current job I am<br />
teaching first-year students and students on<br />
exchange to Germany.<br />
I love working with young people, and especially<br />
the first-year students, as it is just wonderful<br />
to see them grow from high school kids,<br />
completely from “school mode” where they are<br />
the seniors, into "university mode," where they<br />
are adults who have to take charge of their own<br />
lives at university. I am in a unique position<br />
where I get to teach them exciting and out of the<br />
ordinary courses, and I really enjoy seeing their<br />
faces light up in excitement at the things they<br />
The biggest challenge I have had to<br />
overcome was certainly the language and<br />
cultural differences working in a foreign<br />
university environment. Reaching students<br />
is certainly much easier now that I<br />
understand the differences in the classroom<br />
culture in Germany.<br />
A big difference in how young people are<br />
seen between here and my home country,<br />
at least from my background, is that<br />
students in South Africa are not always<br />
treated like independent adults when they<br />
are at university. I have to say that this could<br />
have changed since I lived there, as I last<br />
lived there about nine years ago. But I feel<br />
like the students there were still “spoon fed”<br />
a little more and treated less like adults than<br />
is the case in Germany.<br />
The relationship between lecturer and<br />
students in South Africa was also less formal<br />
and much more open than the relationship<br />
between German students and lecturers<br />
here. I am always trying to encourage my<br />
students to approach me when they need<br />
help with anything, including personal<br />
problems, but I haven't had many visitors come<br />
through my door in Germany.<br />
In South Africa students were not afraid to ask<br />
for help. Lastly, the socioeconomic differences<br />
between South African and German students<br />
are, of course, very clear. Some South African<br />
students also had a clear disadvantage coming<br />
out of high school and had to work extra hard to<br />
catch up and succeed at university. I saw some<br />
wonderful students succeed in these situations<br />
after brutally hard work! Some of these are now<br />
successful lawyers and advocates in South Africa<br />
today. This is really the most inspiring to see!<br />
Inspiration from my mother<br />
Although we always think that we would not<br />
want to be like our mothers, I think many of us<br />
realize that this is inevitable. I have inherited<br />
my mother’s personality and her drive to always<br />
be busy with something. She is really energetic<br />
and is always busy with diverse projects, social<br />
or otherwise. She managed to put this to good<br />
use to create ways for our family to earn extra<br />
money while we were students. Luckily I have a<br />
love for cooking, which I did not inherit from my<br />
mother - so in that sense we are very different.<br />
feature<br />
FAWCO Youth Cultural<br />
Volunteers<br />
Program <strong>2022</strong><br />
Boat ride on<br />
the IJ River.<br />
Here, the CVs<br />
posed with<br />
91-year-old<br />
World War II<br />
survivor Myriam<br />
Mater, who<br />
shared her<br />
inspiring<br />
message of<br />
tolerance and<br />
kindness and a<br />
positive outlook<br />
for this future<br />
generation.<br />
The American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
Amsterdam hosted this program<br />
for 15 volunteers from 11 countries.<br />
T<br />
he American <strong>Women</strong>’s Club of<br />
Amsterdam successfully hosted the<br />
<strong>2022</strong> edition of the FAWCO Youth<br />
Cultural Volunteers Program from<br />
June 25th to July 2nd. This was an especially<br />
exciting event after two postponements due to<br />
the pandemic. During the one-week itinerary, 15<br />
Cultural Volunteers (“CVs”), aged 15-18, traveled<br />
from 11 different countries (Belgium, Denmark,<br />
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Scotland,<br />
Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the US), stayed<br />
with local host families and immersed<br />
themselves in a variety of enriching activities<br />
which were designed to provide insights into<br />
critical global issues and Dutch culture while<br />
offering them opportunities to give back to the<br />
local community … all while making new friends<br />
and having a ton of fun.<br />
Here are a few highlights from their week:<br />
The CVs learned from engaging and inspiring<br />
speakers, covering topics from WWII to the<br />
current refugee crisis, homelessness and<br />
human trafficking.<br />
It was difficult to imagine how 285 Eritrean and<br />
Ethiopian refugees took a voyage from Egypt to<br />
Italy on the very same boat that the CVs rode<br />
on the IJ River. They were inspired by Tommy’s<br />
personal story of leaving his home country after<br />
persecution and the challenges he encountered<br />
as a newcomer to the Netherlands.<br />
No trip to Amsterdam is complete without a ride<br />
through the canals. The Plastic Whale Boat Tour was an<br />
opportunity to check this off the bucket list while also<br />
learning more about sustainability and having a friendly<br />
competition to see which team could collect the most<br />
trash in a two-hour period. As you can see, both boats<br />
did a great job!<br />
The CVs volunteered to prepare a meal at a<br />
homeless day shelter, spruced up a kids’<br />
playground, and maintained yards in a social<br />
housing area, meeting residents who were<br />
grateful for help with gardening tasks they<br />
were unable to do. The CVs found the activities<br />
rewarding and enlightening.<br />
In their own words<br />
Dublin 2016<br />
The group enjoyed some typical Amsterdam<br />
pasttimes - visiting the Rijksmuseum, picnicking<br />
on Museumplein (complete with a pick-up<br />
football match), and biking from the quaint village<br />
of Haarlem to the beach. Some even swam in<br />
the chilly North Sea. They dined with local families<br />
and youth at garden dinners hosted at AWCA club<br />
members' homes.<br />
Sustainability was also the focus of a visit to de<br />
Ceuvel, an innovative, creative social enterprise<br />
for a sustainable workplace, and to the Fashion<br />
for Good museum, where the CVs learned about<br />
the economics of fast versus sustainable fashion<br />
and the wave of the future where more clothes<br />
CVs volunteering at a homeless shelter and doing gardening tasks.<br />
are made of reclaimed materials and colored<br />
by bacteria and air pollutants. They learned<br />
how many of these topics link closely to the<br />
Sustainable Development Goals.<br />
This group of volunteers was intelligent,<br />
inquisitive, engaged, and eager to return<br />
their new learnings to their home countries.<br />
We hope the program in Amsterdam instilled<br />
new perspectives, purpose, and a life-long<br />
desire to give back to their communities. Many<br />
thanks to the AWCA community for donating<br />
their time to house, feed, educate and hang<br />
out with the Amsterdam Cultural Volunteers!<br />
Tot ziens!<br />
Pascal Shrady, AIWC Cologne<br />
I think what will stick with me most from the program were the days we spent doing volunteer<br />
work. I know, some people may argue that it doesn't sound very exciting cutting<br />
the hedges and mowing the lawn for someone. It was really fun: I could not believe how<br />
satisfying it was to let years of anger out on gigantic plants.<br />
I also felt that we all learned so much about teamwork during those two days. Not only<br />
did it bring all of us together and strengthen bonds within the group, but it also built up<br />
our confidence to take matters into our own hands and to want to volunteer in the future.<br />
Personally, I learned again how much little things can have a huge impact. The two people<br />
we helped with their yards seemed so grateful, and that is what really matters. Now I have<br />
more of an idea about First World volunteering and experience to go along with it.<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
Harriet Käte Ludolph, AWC Hamburg<br />
We helped an organization called “Serve the City”. They do work for people who are not<br />
capable of doing it themselves anymore. That could be because of a handicap (mental or<br />
physical) or just simply old age. We helped an old man with anxiety issues with his garden<br />
work. We stayed there for five hours and I feel like in those five hours we really accomplished<br />
something. It felt good to be able to help somebody with a simple task like that. To<br />
make someone's life a bit easier. Back home most<br />
volunteering work is very organized with no loose<br />
ties and strict guidelines. Climbing around on<br />
sheds and ripping out weeds was a great change<br />
especially since I was not surrounded by people<br />
my mother’s age. Not that I'm complaining, I love<br />
babysitting refugee kids with my mother. But doing<br />
garden work was very satisfying and I enjoyed<br />
being able to make life a tad bit more enjoyable<br />
for him.<br />
profile<br />
Sponsoring Children's<br />
Summer Activities<br />
Nancy Evans, a member of AWCB (American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of Brussels),<br />
on losing her daughter suddenly and setting up a project in her memory<br />
to help the children whom she loved.<br />
My life journey<br />
I was born in New Jersey, then moved to a little<br />
town in upstate NY, and later to a suburb of<br />
Boston, where I attended high school. My<br />
teenage years with a local youth group in<br />
Newton, Mass. greatly influenced my future,<br />
by getting me involved in community service.<br />
Lina in front of<br />
the New York<br />
city skyline, her<br />
favorite city.<br />
After leaving home<br />
Right after I graduated from high school, my<br />
dad got a job in Brussels, Belgium. So, I came<br />
to Brussels even before my family arrived. I<br />
enrolled in a beginner’s French class during the<br />
summer and two months later started my<br />
university studies in Medical Technology, in<br />
Leuven (in French!). I met my future husband<br />
there, who was Syrian. We got married during<br />
my final year of college. After college I was very<br />
lucky to find the job of my dreams, working in<br />
the Microbiology department of a local hospital<br />
here in Brussels. It was very difficult to obtain<br />
a work permit, but the hospital was so pleased<br />
with my work that they did everything possible<br />
for me to stay and it worked out well. I held<br />
down a full-time job, while raising three children.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
I worked at the hospital for 45 years, taking a<br />
year’s sabbatical from 1992-1993, to go back to<br />
the US with my youngest daughter, Lina, who<br />
Children's<br />
was seven at the time. When we returned to<br />
artwork from<br />
Belgium after a year, it was very important to<br />
Lina's Project,<br />
Nancy Evans<br />
depicting some<br />
me that my daughter stay in contact with her<br />
of the summer<br />
activities they<br />
50 participated in.<br />
Last day of work. Nancy with her boss.<br />
them involved. I love sharing<br />
what I know and encouraging<br />
them to try something new. I<br />
think hands-on activities are<br />
the best way to do this.<br />
I discovered my affinity when<br />
I became a single mom and<br />
was free to explore many<br />
possibilities that were not an<br />
option while I was married.<br />
My current project sponsoring<br />
summer activities for<br />
underprivileged children in<br />
Brussels was sparked by my<br />
daughter’s passing. I wanted<br />
to do something that was a<br />
continuation of who she was.<br />
Contributing to a better<br />
future generation<br />
Children are our future. Those<br />
who come from low-income<br />
families deserve to dream,<br />
broaden their horizons, and<br />
have new experiences, just<br />
as much as any other child.<br />
Summer activities can<br />
accomplish this and the<br />
memories last a lifetime.<br />
It gives them hope and<br />
self-confidence that will help<br />
them in the future as they<br />
grow into adulthood.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
Raising money so that Lina’s<br />
Project can continue is my<br />
biggest challenge. Every year<br />
we sponsor more children<br />
and I hope I don’t ever have<br />
to turn anyone away for lack<br />
of funds.<br />
Best experiences<br />
I usually organize a party<br />
in <strong>September</strong> for all the<br />
participants and their<br />
families to meet the<br />
children and hear about<br />
their experiences (except<br />
during COVID-19,<br />
restrictions). The smiles on<br />
the children’s faces and the<br />
gratitude expressed by the<br />
parents are the greatest<br />
gifts I could ever receive.<br />
The youth-related issue<br />
that makes you saddest<br />
Seeing girls left behind. So<br />
my project makes sure that<br />
girls participate.<br />
Inspiration from my mother<br />
My mom and I are very different, but she definitely<br />
passed on to me her organizational skills, her<br />
determination, and her capacity to survive despite<br />
difficult times. I have her genes and I am very grateful<br />
that she gave me life.<br />
Importance of languages<br />
I hated studying French in high school. I never thought<br />
I would speak it fluently! I’m glad I do now. It has<br />
opened many doors. I loved learning words in Arabic<br />
to communicate with my in-laws. I would never have<br />
imagined that in the past either.<br />
American culture. So, we joined an English-speaking<br />
church, Girl Scouts and an English-speaking sports<br />
association for children. As a scout leader and Sunday<br />
school teacher in my free time, my focus was working<br />
with children and being active in community service. I<br />
was divorced by this time and wanted my daughter to<br />
learn generosity and compassion for others through<br />
hands-on activities. She did in fact learn these lessons<br />
and grew to become a kind, generous young woman.<br />
Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly of a<br />
pulmonary embolism in 2016, at the age of 30.<br />
I decided to start a project in her memory involving<br />
children, whom she loved. With the help of her former<br />
employer and the non-profit organization Nativitas, we<br />
set up Lina’s Project, sponsoring summer activities for<br />
children in Brussels.<br />
Working with young people<br />
They are enthusiastic and are interested in so many<br />
things. You just need to capture their attention to get<br />
Nancy with her son, Jamale,<br />
and her daughter, Rime.<br />
“We have a powerful potential in our<br />
youth, and we must have the courage to<br />
change old ideas and practices so that we<br />
may direct their power toward good ends”<br />
Mary McLeod Bethune<br />
feature<br />
Learning Leadership<br />
and Practical Life Skills<br />
Kristin Bayer, member of AWCB<br />
(American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
Berlin), is chair of the Berlin unit<br />
of the USA Girl Scouts Overseas<br />
All around Berlin, troops of girls from five<br />
to 18 years old are being trained to be<br />
the next generation of female leaders.<br />
And, of course, having a lot of fun doing<br />
it. Who are we? We’re the Berlin unit of the USA<br />
Girl Scouts Overseas.<br />
Camping<br />
Trip <strong>2022</strong><br />
In over 90 countries globally, USA Girl Scouts<br />
Overseas (USAGSO) is delivering the same Girl<br />
Scout Leadership Experience that is available to<br />
girls and their families in the US. Though most<br />
troops tend to center around military and<br />
diplomatic communities, our unit in Berlin is<br />
different in that we’re now made up of mostly<br />
civilian families.<br />
In 1999, I made my first Girl Scout pledge as a<br />
Daisy Scout in the US. 23 years later, it is my<br />
honor and privilege to serve as the Chair of our<br />
Berlin unit and make use of my own 12 years<br />
of Girl Scout leadership training, having gone<br />
through the program myself until I graduated<br />
from high school.<br />
The vision for generations of female leadership<br />
began over 100 years ago. In 1912 in Savannah,<br />
Georgia, Juliet Gordon Low believed that girls<br />
should learn leadership and practical life skills<br />
and founded what is now known as the Girl<br />
Scouts of America. And here’s a<br />
fun fact: the first age group of<br />
Girl Scouts is called Daisies<br />
because Juliette Gordon Low's<br />
nickname was “Daisy.” It’s a sweet<br />
reminder that we begin our Girl<br />
Kristin Bayer<br />
Scout journey in the footsteps of our founder.<br />
The program has adapted through the years to<br />
the times, but today as in the past, Girl Scouts<br />
is at its core focused on being girl-led.<br />
To be girl-led means that, as girls keep aging up<br />
in the program, they should be able to plan and<br />
carry out more and more of it for themselves<br />
and for the younger scouts. After all, when a<br />
girl is five or six years old, it is much more<br />
exciting to learn from an older girl who feels<br />
more like a cool sister than just another adult.<br />
And the older girls simultaneously learn key<br />
leadership skills that will serve them well into<br />
adulthood, no matter what path they take.<br />
Some highlights of our leadership program<br />
have been girls earning one of Highest Awards<br />
(Bronze, Silver, and Gold). Over the past years,<br />
we have seen various troops and girls earn<br />
each type of these. The Gold Award – the<br />
Left<br />
Junior Girl Scout bridging<br />
to Cadettes at the <strong>2022</strong><br />
Campout.<br />
In their own words<br />
Berlin 2018<br />
Below<br />
Fall 2021 All-Level Service<br />
Project - Leaf Raking.<br />
Anna Sheehan, AWC Berlin<br />
capstone of the Girl Scout experience – asks the<br />
Girl Scout to identify a problem in society and<br />
develop a sustainable program to tackle this issue.<br />
We are fully volunteer-run here in Berlin and<br />
have had great adult participation over the past<br />
few years. The secret about doing Girl Scouts as<br />
an adult is that it can be just as much fun to do<br />
as it is for the girls. It’s also a great way to bond<br />
with your daughter. And dads are welcome too!<br />
In June, we held our annual all-level campout in<br />
the German state of Brandenburg. A highlight of<br />
the trip was our bridging ceremony, which<br />
Kristin Bayer is a Gold Award Girl Scout and Lifetime<br />
Member turned adult volunteer. Since <strong>September</strong><br />
2019, she has served on the board of the Overseas<br />
Committee Management Team for the Berlin unit<br />
of the USA Girl Scouts Overseas. She currently lives<br />
in Berlin, Germany with her beloved husband Paul,<br />
splitting her time between working full-time, taking<br />
economics classes at Humboldt University, and<br />
volunteering with the Girl Scouts. Kristin has been a<br />
member of the American <strong>Women</strong>’s Club Berlin since<br />
December 2018 and was a recipient of the 2020<br />
FAWCO Foundation <strong>Women</strong> in STEM Award.<br />
celebrates Girl Scouts aging out of a certain<br />
troop level (Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, etc.)<br />
and being welcomed into the next level. The<br />
girls made a bridge with their arms for the<br />
“bridging” girls to run to, symbolizing them<br />
leaving one level of scouting to cross onto the<br />
next. In 2021, three of our Girl Scouts bridged<br />
for the final time into adulthood. It was an<br />
amazing testament to our younger girls about<br />
how far Girl Scouts can bring you by the time<br />
you graduate from high school.<br />
Although COVID-19 has had a substantial impact<br />
on the types of activities we have been able to<br />
do over the past two years, we are so grateful<br />
that we were able to resume camping and alllevel<br />
events. There is no greater feeling of<br />
success than watching the older girls spending<br />
time with the younger ones. The leaders also<br />
find supportive friendships in each other as<br />
we all work towards developing the girls in our<br />
care. At the end of the day, we are all there for<br />
the same goal. Juliette Gordon Low summed it<br />
up best when she said, "Scouting rises within<br />
you and inspires you to put forth your best."<br />
May we all put forth our best daily as we honor<br />
those who mentored us and work hard for the<br />
future of the girls still to come.<br />
This trip has inspired me to do more<br />
because I am fortunate enough to have<br />
the ability to do so. I want to thank the<br />
FAWCO Youth Program for helping me<br />
find what makes me passionate and<br />
makes me strive to be better, not just<br />
for myself, but in hopes that one day I<br />
can do better for this world.<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
My-Linh Kunst, Program Co-Chair<br />
The highlight for me each year is reading their post-program personal essays. The<br />
preparation and execution of each year’s program is busy, leaving little time for reflection.<br />
But when I read the youth’s essays, I am proud and happy to see our goals achieved. We<br />
aim to raise their awareness that social inequalities and people in need are everywhere<br />
(even in “rich” places like Dubai), and to show that they CAN make a difference – in big and<br />
small ways. Another program goal is to get the teens together to share their experiences<br />
as mixed-culture kids living outside their parents’ home countries. The youth write about<br />
their continued friendships from the program. I hope that these short one-weeks will leave<br />
lasting impressions and spark a lifelong interest in our youth to engage in social issues.<br />
Natalie Parker, AWC Amsterdam<br />
During this trip, our group spent a lot of time<br />
talking about world issues. We discussed what<br />
issues are prevalent in the places we live and the<br />
differences and similarities in our cultures. These<br />
discussions also helped me gain a new perspective<br />
on different cultures around the world.<br />
profile<br />
Developing the Leaders<br />
of the Future<br />
Elizabeth Kelly, a member of AWCA (American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
Antwerp), teaches an international program in Belgium that<br />
prepares young people to be future business leaders.<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up in New Mexico with my two younger<br />
brothers and wonderful parents. While I have<br />
many fond memories of childhood, the two<br />
things that seem relevant are (1) the diversity<br />
of New Mexico with its a large Hispanic<br />
population and significant Native American<br />
population and (2) hosting an exchange<br />
student from Japan during high school. Both<br />
circumstances introduced me to cultures that<br />
were new to me and later helped me to<br />
appreciate the value of differences and that<br />
effectively interacting with people requires effort<br />
but the benefits are worth it.<br />
After leaving home<br />
As a young adult I worked in the healthcare<br />
industry as a healthcare executive. When I<br />
wasn’t working, I worked with the youth of<br />
my church. It was always nice to see them<br />
grow and develop more confidence in who<br />
they were becoming.<br />
Elizabeth Kelly<br />
The third phase of my life began when I met and<br />
married my amazing Belgian husband.<br />
Continuing my work in healthcare didn’t seem to<br />
be an option so I began to teach, first English as<br />
a second language and ultimately intercultural<br />
communication skills. During that time I began to<br />
learn about other cultures and the importance<br />
of understanding and appreciating differences.<br />
Over the last 20 years I have had<br />
the good fortune to work with or<br />
teach individuals, mostly young<br />
people from more than 60<br />
countries. During the last six<br />
years I have taught at a college in<br />
Elizabeth and<br />
her husband<br />
Belgium in an international business program.<br />
We are helping to develop future leaders.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
What I love most about working with young<br />
people is the perspective on life. Most young<br />
people are quite open, willing to share ideas<br />
and opinions, willing to listen to other<br />
perspectives without being too judgmental.<br />
I have learned so much from young people<br />
about cultures from around the world. It has<br />
been interesting to see how much students<br />
from around the world have in common, but<br />
also their differences. It has been fabulous to<br />
see them expand their knowledge, tolerance<br />
and respect for cultural differences and<br />
attitudes towards a variety of topics.<br />
In addition to cultural variations, they have also<br />
taught me about sexuality and gender. I had<br />
to learn new terminology but it also impacted<br />
other aspects of life. They introduced me to<br />
the idea of gender-neutral toys. Just after a<br />
presentation, I had to buy a baby present and<br />
their insights influenced my present choice<br />
and how it was wrapped. Change takes time<br />
and is gradual, but there is value in continuing<br />
to learn and evolve.<br />
Contributing to a better future generation<br />
The international program in which I teach is<br />
preparing young people to be future business<br />
leaders around the world. The world is getting<br />
smaller and the more people understand<br />
cultural variations, the more successful<br />
businesses can be.<br />
We teach respect, tolerance and understanding<br />
about differences. In addition, we teach young<br />
people the importance of being authentic and<br />
true to themselves. There is a term coined<br />
by Andy Molinsky, "Global Dexterity," which<br />
Right<br />
Elizabeth's<br />
thesis<br />
presentation.<br />
Below<br />
Artevelde<br />
presentation,<br />
2016.<br />
means it is important to adapt to the<br />
culture in which you live and/or work,<br />
but you must also be yourself. We are<br />
each unique and I try to impart to the<br />
students the importance of leveraging<br />
their cultural differences.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
Technology entered my life a bit later;<br />
consequently, my aptitude for technology<br />
was limited. However, even before<br />
COVID-19, I had to learn to use various<br />
tools and new technology to manage the<br />
classroom and administrative functions.<br />
Within days, COVID-19 required us to<br />
teach online, learn to use new tools and<br />
to problem shoot issues. Most of the<br />
time, I can solve technical issues. Not<br />
something I would have ever believed.<br />
Favorite way to inspire<br />
It is my enthusiasm and passion for<br />
whatever I teach. Students can tell that I<br />
love what I do and they appreciate my<br />
authenticity. They know that I am<br />
interested in learning from them and that<br />
their voices matter. I also encourage them<br />
to appreciate all of their experiences and<br />
learn from them. Life isn’t a freeway but a<br />
series of paths. Most of the time, the less<br />
direct routes lead to the most worthwhile<br />
destinations in life.<br />
Most important message to pass on<br />
Many of the young people at our<br />
university are the children of immigrants<br />
who moved to Belgium for a better life,<br />
particularly for their children. These<br />
young people know the sacrifices their<br />
parents made to give them a better<br />
opportunity than their home country<br />
offered. The drive and hard-working<br />
attitude of these young people are<br />
impressive. I wish these stories were<br />
the ones being told to the average person,<br />
because it might help people see that most<br />
people are not trying to abuse social systems;<br />
they simply want more for their children.<br />
Who doesn’t?<br />
In their own words<br />
Athens 2019<br />
Story from childhood<br />
As a shy, small girl, I was picked on a bit and<br />
mostly ignored. At some point in college,<br />
that person disappeared. I learned that I<br />
had value and something to offer people.<br />
Over the years, I have had good mentors who<br />
saw my potential, gave me opportunities to<br />
grow and shine and encouraged me to strive<br />
for excellence. While I thrive in positive<br />
environments, I have used negative situations<br />
to learn what I don’t want to be. I am a strong<br />
believer in self-direction, but being supported<br />
and nurtured helps tremendously.<br />
Inspiration from my mother<br />
Pioneering, supportive and much more are<br />
just a few of the adjectives that I would use<br />
to describe my mother. She was intelligent,<br />
fair, hardworking, determined, and always<br />
expressed her opinion. My mother had one<br />
of the first Apple computers because it would<br />
make her work more efficient and she didn’t<br />
shy away from a challenge. If we commented<br />
that she didn’t work, she always corrected us<br />
saying "I work from home, but I work." She<br />
encouraged me to work hard and believe in<br />
myself. In reverse order, I always have an<br />
opinion and am not shy about sharing it. I<br />
view challenges as an opportunity and address<br />
them head-on. Especially in teaching, I have<br />
endeavored to be fair and transparent. My<br />
employees knew where they stood with me<br />
as do students in my classes. I believe I’m<br />
intelligent: at least I’m smart enough to know<br />
that there is a lot I still don’t know. I’m always<br />
interested in learning more.<br />
Our profilees in this issue were asked: "If someone wrote a book about your life,<br />
what would the title be?" Here are some of the titles ...<br />
Bennett Motha, AIWC Cologne<br />
I was impressed by the history of Greece. I personally enjoyed the food, although it was<br />
sometimes too much :). But most of all, I enjoyed the social work we did. It felt very good to<br />
support people and improve their lives during difficult times. Working in the soup kitchen<br />
was the highlight of my week because we could actually engage in conversation with the<br />
people we were helping. That was probably the experience that touched me the most. To<br />
see how much the food was appreciated was especially moving. Through these social<br />
projects, we also became more aware of the many challenges Greece faces.<br />
Stacey Papaioannou, Program Chair<br />
Leading the Athens program reminded me what an inspiration teen volunteers can be,<br />
and their sensitivity and perceptiveness touched me. They also were able to “go outside<br />
the box” in their takeaways from their volunteering experience by seeing both the small<br />
details as well as the bigger picture of the problems faced by the folks they encountered.<br />
I have no doubt that 20 years from now each participant will be doing something in the<br />
way of volunteering because of the time they spent in Athens.<br />
Sophia Kusch, AWC Zurich<br />
"What was the highlight of the<br />
experience for you?"<br />
It was very satisfying to volunteer at so many<br />
charities, especially when you could see the need<br />
for it when just walking down a street. You don’t<br />
see these things in Zurich, so the sheer amount<br />
of people was slightly shocking. My favorite day<br />
of volunteering was when we visited the Caritas<br />
soup kitchen. There we gave food to people in<br />
need and sorted clothes for the same people.<br />
It was my favorite because you could directly<br />
see the people you were helping, and I felt like I<br />
made a difference, however small it may be.<br />
feature<br />
“What is going on here?”<br />
Jane Indreland, a member of FAUSA, is a<br />
docent at the Yellowstone Art Musuem in<br />
Billings, Montana.<br />
All of my life, I harbored a desire to<br />
visit England, so I was thrilled when<br />
my husband Terry told me that we<br />
had an opportunity to live in the area<br />
that is now North Lincolnshire. We lived there<br />
four years before returning to the US. After<br />
two years in Ponca City, Oklahoma, we moved to<br />
London, where I discovered the AWC London,<br />
FAWCO, and The Foundation. I loved working<br />
with these inspirational women, and when<br />
we returned to our roots in Billings, Montana,<br />
FAUSA gave me the opportunity to keep those<br />
connections through the last 23 years.<br />
Education Department — outreach to children<br />
In the year before COVID-19, the Education<br />
Department connected with approximately<br />
8,400 children.<br />
Hank French<br />
looking at Willem<br />
Volkers's Portrait<br />
of My Father.<br />
Between a Rock<br />
and a Hard Place<br />
Bently Spang<br />
(Northern Cheyenne)<br />
Tsetsêhesêstâhase/<br />
So'taahe<br />
This work refers to<br />
the Indian Boarding<br />
Schools, where the<br />
boys had their braids<br />
cut off when they<br />
arrived. This was<br />
devasting culturally.<br />
After a few months, I saw an ad looking for<br />
docents at the Yellowstone Art Museum, and<br />
my volunteer life took a new turn.<br />
Yellowstone Art Museum background<br />
In 1964, the Yellowstone Art Center opened<br />
in the former Yellowstone County Jail. (Some<br />
believe that the building is haunted by its<br />
previous occupants!) After a $6.2 million<br />
expansion campaign, the new state-of-the-art<br />
Yellowstone Art Museum (YAM) opened in 1998.<br />
Montana is in a region that generally focuses on<br />
historical or Western art, but the YAM focuses<br />
on contemporary, avant-garde work originating<br />
in the northern Rockies region. It promises “to<br />
connect the contemporary past and present by<br />
preserving and exhibiting art. We promise to<br />
inspire and educate curious minds of all ages.”<br />
Currently, the museum has 8,500 works of<br />
historic and contemporary regional art and<br />
archival items, either on view or stored in a<br />
separate building called The Visible Vault. In<br />
addition to its own works the YAM features<br />
traveling exhibitions.<br />
There are studio opportunities for children and<br />
families including:<br />
• z Art and a Story for young children.<br />
• z YAM Camp for two weeks during<br />
the summer.<br />
• z Art Academy for one week in partnership<br />
with Rocky Mountain College.<br />
• z Summer Art Studio, one day a week for<br />
eight weeks.<br />
• z Studio Second Saturday October-May<br />
• z Fam at the YAM, classes taught by<br />
local artists every first Friday (a city -<br />
wide event the first Friday of the month).<br />
• z Explorer’s Academy Head Start –<br />
approximately 300 Head Start<br />
students do an art project in their own<br />
classrooms followed by a tour at the<br />
YAM and another art project. An<br />
exhibition in the Young Artists Gallery<br />
for the children and their families<br />
attracts many people who had never<br />
seen the museum.<br />
• z YAM Teens—A group that is currently<br />
working on a mural.<br />
Hank French looking at a work created by Sean Chandler, an Aaniiih (Gros Vente).<br />
“Chandler feels responsible for working toward cultural revitalization for his tribe. He is the president of Aaniiih Nakoda<br />
College in the Fort Belknap Reservation in Harlem, Montana, and is dedicated to revitalizing the Indigenous lifeways and<br />
language of Aaniinen and Nakoda Tribes, all alongside his artistic practice. “ Lisa Ranallo, Minneapolis Institute of Art<br />
• z Partnership with Billings Public Schools:<br />
• y Juried Exhibitions in the Young Artists<br />
Gallery for Grades 5, 7, and 8 with free<br />
bussing for Grade 5.<br />
• z Outreach to underserved populations:<br />
• y Crow Agency Elementary School on the<br />
Crow Indian Reservation (one-hour drive).<br />
• y Students from Lame Deer, on the<br />
Northern Cheyenne Reservation, visit<br />
the YAM for a tour and an art project,<br />
followed by an exhibition in the Young<br />
Artists Gallery.<br />
• z The education department also<br />
has partnerships with three other<br />
surrounding communities.<br />
What is a docent?<br />
The word “docent” is derived from the Latin verb<br />
“docere,” meaning to teach, but a docent is often<br />
much more than a (usually) volunteer museum<br />
tour guide. A docent is the public face of the<br />
museum, and the visitor’s experience is often<br />
determined by the docent.<br />
The 20 members of the YAM Docent Corps<br />
have much more flexibility than those from larger<br />
museums. We give tours, assist in the studio,<br />
visit classrooms, and help out in any way needed.<br />
The group meets every Monday morning,<br />
<strong>September</strong> through May, so we get to know<br />
each other very well.<br />
My specialty is visiting the 4th grade school<br />
classrooms to present the Art Suitcase Program.<br />
When I started 21 years ago, we hauled posters<br />
to schools, but now the images are shown<br />
electronically on the classroom smart board.<br />
During COVID-19, we did it through Zoom, which<br />
was challenging for me, because it was difficult to<br />
see and hear the students.<br />
Our goal as guides is to help the viewers engage<br />
with the artwork. When I started, I thought that<br />
my job was to give information about the artwork<br />
and artist, which didn’t always interest the<br />
students. Then we were educated about Visual<br />
Thinking Strategies. VTS sounds simple at first.<br />
In involves three questions: 1. “What is going<br />
on here?”, 2. “What do you see that makes you<br />
say that?”, and 3. “What more can we find?”. The<br />
leader shows respect to the child by paraphrasing<br />
the answer and pointing out the thing they are<br />
talking about. The presenter never tells a student<br />
that she or he is wrong. In its purest form, the<br />
guide never gives information or tries to lead the<br />
group to a conclusion. I discovered that<br />
using VTS results in a much more engaged<br />
group. (However, personally, I do inject a little<br />
information now and then as well.)<br />
Indian Education for All<br />
Approximately 4% of Montana’s current<br />
population is American Indian. Most tribal<br />
groups currently refer to themselves as<br />
“American Indian,” but the term “Native<br />
American” is frequently used, and when I speak<br />
with the students, I use the term “Native.” There<br />
are 13 tribes and eight reservations in Montana,<br />
and many of them are working on preserving<br />
their original languages and tribal names.<br />
When Montana rewrote its constitution in 1972,<br />
it included Article X, Section 1(2): “The state<br />
recognizes the distinct and unique cultural<br />
heritage of American Indians and is committed<br />
in its educational goals to the preservation of<br />
their cultural integrity.” In 1999, the legislature<br />
enacted the law referred to as Indian<br />
Education for All. It states, “Every Montanan,<br />
whether Indian or non-Indian, should be<br />
encouraged to learn about the distinct and<br />
unique heritage of American Indians in a<br />
culturally responsive manner … all school<br />
personnel should have an understanding<br />
and awareness of American Indian tribes to<br />
help them relate effectively with American<br />
Indian students and parents …” My personal<br />
observation is that the decision to include<br />
American Indian studies in the elementary<br />
curriculum has made a difference. When I<br />
started visiting classes 20 years ago, it appeared<br />
to me that the Native children were reluctant<br />
to participate, but now it seems that they have<br />
more confidence in expressing their opinions.<br />
In spite of their small numbers, Native artists<br />
have made a huge impact on the art of the<br />
Northwest, and many works by Native women<br />
and men are in the permanent collection. I<br />
am proud that the YAM is trying to increase<br />
diversity by reaching out to the Crow (Apsaalooke)<br />
and Northern Cheyenne (Tsetsêhesêstâhase/<br />
So'taahe) tribes, as well as others.<br />
For a docent, there is nothing much more<br />
rewarding than to see children’s eyes light up<br />
when they suddenly connect to an artwork. It<br />
has been my pleasure to work with the staff<br />
and other docents to bring that moment of<br />
inspiration to the museum visitors.<br />
Hank French is looking at pots by Jesse Albrecht,<br />
above and below. They have harrowing images<br />
from Albrecht's military service in Iraq. After his<br />
tour in Iraq, he struggled with PTSD, leading to<br />
seven weeks at the Veterans Affairs hospital.<br />
profile<br />
Destined to Be A<br />
Teacher<br />
Rebekka Klingshirn, HIWC (Heidelberg International <strong>Women</strong>'s Club),<br />
started her teaching career when still a child herself! She has tried other<br />
things over the years, but always seems to come back to teaching.<br />
"I'm about 5 or 6 years old in this picture –<br />
of course I can’t remember when it was taken<br />
and what I thought of or felt that moment. But<br />
looking at it now, I see a strong, cheeky, happy<br />
me. Does it show me as someone who would<br />
teach and love it? No, I wouldn’t think so. But I do<br />
remember that I’ve been wanting to be a teacher<br />
since second grade."<br />
My life journey<br />
I grew up between Bonn and Cologne, in a<br />
village called Niederkassel-Rheidt. Before we<br />
moved to our own house, we lived in a cul-desac<br />
and had lots of children our age close by.<br />
We built igloos in winter and played at the playground<br />
closeby, but we did have to be home<br />
for dinner at six.<br />
My favorite memories of my childhood were<br />
the picnic we had in our playroom (we had been<br />
promised one, but on the day it was raining,<br />
so my parents arranged everything for inside:<br />
we had a green carpet, it was perfect!!!), that<br />
my dad took each of us on a cycling tour over a<br />
weekend when we were in third grade, and that<br />
my mom managed to make my birthday special<br />
every time (it’s during the summer break when<br />
lots of kids were away).<br />
I have always loved going to school. When I<br />
started in secondary school, I would go in early<br />
and meet with two friends to watch rabbits and<br />
have the place to ourselves. I enjoyed learning<br />
all the languages I did (Latin, English, French,<br />
Spanish) during my years at the school. In 11th<br />
grade, I took part in an exchange program and<br />
went to high school in Texas before graduating<br />
in 1994.<br />
After leaving home<br />
I started university the same fall,<br />
at the University of Heidelberg. I<br />
was born in Heidelberg, and my<br />
grandma lived in the same house<br />
we live in now, but we didn’t live<br />
together back then – she didn’t<br />
Rebekka<br />
Klingshirn in<br />
New York,<br />
on top of the<br />
Empire State<br />
68 INSPIRING WOMEN Building.<br />
understand the idea of using the<br />
phone to chat and that could have<br />
caused a lot of problems … Instead,<br />
we met each other every week –<br />
except for when I was traveling all over<br />
the world during the semester break.<br />
She passed away just before I went<br />
away for yet another stay abroad; this<br />
time I went to the University of Stirling<br />
in Scotland.<br />
After I had finished university with an<br />
MA in English and German linguistics<br />
and literature in 2000, I was lucky to<br />
be offered a job at Universiti Teknologi<br />
Mara (UiTM) in Shah Alam, Malaysia,<br />
to teach German as a foreign language.<br />
I ended up staying for two years<br />
instead of one, and would have<br />
probably stayed even longer, had I<br />
not met my now husband at the end<br />
of my second year.<br />
Christoph and I got together at my sister’s<br />
wedding, and it was hard to go back to Malaysia<br />
to teach – we basically “instantly” (I had actually<br />
known my sister’s best friend for about eight<br />
years before that wedding) knew that we would<br />
get married. When I returned to Germany, he<br />
was still in Kaiserslautern to finish his PhD; I<br />
commuted between Heidelberg and there, but<br />
Rebekka and her family on a recent trip to Scotland.<br />
then was accepted to do my own PhD in<br />
linguistics at the University of Kiel (ALL the<br />
way in the North of Germany), with a part-time<br />
teaching load. After all the commuting and<br />
trying to figure out what I actually wanted to<br />
do to earn money (I figured life should be<br />
something besides teaching, see more on that<br />
below), we moved to Niederkassel again.<br />
Christoph got a job in Cologne and I was still<br />
commuting to Kiel, but at least the commute<br />
was cut from almost<br />
eight to almost five<br />
hours …<br />
Eventually, I realized that I simply had to do my<br />
student teacher training, and was just about<br />
finished when we were expecting our son.<br />
Christoph realized that he wanted a job change,<br />
applied, and we’ve lived in my grandmother’s<br />
house since 2008, right before Linus was born.<br />
I went back to teaching when he was almost a<br />
year old and am still teaching.<br />
My training and mentors throughout the years<br />
I have formal training for students from 5th-13th<br />
grades (secondary / high school) in Germany, in<br />
English and German as subjects. I love to teach<br />
English, German is ok … (I am German, mind<br />
you). I have not had official mentors, really, but I<br />
had two wonderful elementary school teachers,<br />
Ms. Hunger (German) and Ms. Sick (math) – no<br />
laughing at names here – who were kind, strict<br />
and generous. My mom was a teacher, and<br />
she was my teacher in sixth grade (religious<br />
education). My German teacher in high school<br />
(grades 5-10), Mr. Jacob, taught me to speak up<br />
for myself and use my voice. My US high school<br />
math teacher, Ms. Hebert, was so smart and<br />
was able to “unlock” my brain on so many more<br />
levels than just math. As much credit goes to<br />
these teachers as, unfortunately, has to go to<br />
the terrible ones I’ve had: those were teachers<br />
who were lazy, arrogant towards us students,<br />
who didn’t listen, weren’t empathetic. I never<br />
wanted anyone else to have such bad teachers.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
Some of the biggest challenges I have faced<br />
were school-related but not teaching-related. I<br />
have been bullied for making my family my first<br />
priority (mind you, I had just lost a child six<br />
months before). My official “mentors” during my<br />
teacher training didn’t mentor me – one even<br />
ate crisps/chips during an official visit from the<br />
My parents and I in 2011 on our way to Kiel to receive my PhD in English Linguistics on the “Syntax and Semantics<br />
of Shakespeare’s Adjectives.” It was such a long and rocky road, but they were always by my side – as was my<br />
husband Christoph, who took the photograph and made my hat, displaying all the things I / we had gone through<br />
during those tedious years. I cannot thank them enough for all the guidance, teaching, mentoring in all these 46<br />
years.<br />
A couple of years ago,<br />
I taught sewing to a<br />
group of students at<br />
an inclusive<br />
elementary school.<br />
We made aprons for<br />
the coming students<br />
as the farewell and<br />
thank-you present at<br />
the end of the school.<br />
The proud moment<br />
for them (and thus<br />
for me) was when the<br />
kids turned the workpiece<br />
inside out and<br />
all of a sudden saw<br />
their finished aprons.<br />
Visiting an experimental art museum with my students in 2018; they graduated<br />
last year. The experiments started before we went in with a rather wet art<br />
installation right at the entrance – heaven-sent on a hot, hot day.<br />
school board (!!!). Currently, the biggest<br />
challenge I face is paperwork that has<br />
nothing to do with teaching and wearing a<br />
mask during the lessons – both these things<br />
tire me out. In these and similar situations,<br />
I have looked for my own, real mentors –<br />
people that inspired me and that I wanted<br />
to learn from.<br />
Best successes<br />
A lot of my (vocational) students tell me that<br />
they are afraid of speaking English because<br />
their previous teachers made fun of them.<br />
Usually, when they leave my classroom<br />
at the end of a school year, they speak at<br />
least a little English – even the refugees that<br />
have not heard a word of English before.<br />
Today, I saw a student for the fourth time<br />
this school year: first session, two class tests<br />
(which he obviously failed) and today. He<br />
said, “I really can’t speak English and I’m<br />
afraid of it, but I thought I’d give it a try with<br />
you.” We have one more session before the<br />
end of the school year. I thought that was<br />
a huge success for both of us. What makes<br />
me happiest as a person is when former<br />
students have become my friends: I don’t<br />
know what I did to make that happen in<br />
any of the four cases I have in mind, but<br />
I am so glad that I get to call my former<br />
students – Pala, Wiebke, Destan and<br />
Sandra – my friends.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
What I love most about teaching (young<br />
and old students) is that they teach you<br />
so much. Of course, there are curricula<br />
that I have to follow, and I sometimes have<br />
to push to get things done, but the indirect<br />
feedback I get is incredible. Sometimes it’s<br />
the keen interest in a topic, sometimes the<br />
improvement of the students’ grades that<br />
let me know something went well. The<br />
same goes for lessons that were boring<br />
– both for them and me. When listening<br />
to students and their experiences, I have<br />
found that that helps me to provide lessons<br />
for them so that they can learn what I have<br />
to teach them.<br />
I think I have been a teacher all my life,<br />
really. As an older sibling, I would (sorry<br />
to have to admit that) boss around my<br />
younger brother and sister, thinking that<br />
was teaching. At the same time, I also<br />
learned from my older sister about how<br />
to navigate life. I have wanted to become a<br />
teacher since I was in second grade, and I<br />
started tutoring other kids and working at<br />
a summer camp when I was in 10th grade.<br />
Even though I thought that I was meant to<br />
do other, bigger things for a while, it turned<br />
out that everything I did and tried ended<br />
up in me teaching somebody something.<br />
In the end I caved in.<br />
Inspiration from my mother<br />
I am a teacher, like my mother, although<br />
I think that our methods of teaching are<br />
quite different from one another. She’ll be<br />
80 this fall and still teaches. I guess it runs<br />
in her blood just as it runs in mine: I take a<br />
sewing class at a community college once a<br />
week, and everyone helps out the beginners<br />
whenever the teacher is busy. Quite often,<br />
I am told “Thanks, I’ve learned so much<br />
from you. You explain so well. You should<br />
be teaching.” It makes me smile.<br />
Getting advice<br />
The worst piece of advice was not to trust<br />
students. I have experienced so much trust<br />
and respect because of me trusting my<br />
students. I don’t think that needs an<br />
explanation. The best piece of advice I<br />
have given myself is to trust my guts and<br />
instincts. That might have saved a student’s<br />
life this year: I had a feeling when I saw<br />
him sitting in the hallway and asked him<br />
what the matter was; he had experienced<br />
his friend’s suicide online, while video<br />
chatting with him.<br />
First aid training for teachers<br />
I would really like to have mandatory first<br />
aid training for teachers. A student had a<br />
terrible accident at the beginning of 2020;<br />
he fell off a railing and onto a staircase.<br />
Luckily, we had three or four teachers who<br />
could rush to give first aid. I organized a<br />
first aid course for our colleagues this year;<br />
only 20 signed up out of 60. That makes me<br />
sad and angry.<br />
I would also like to see more empathy and<br />
the corresponding training for all teachers;<br />
this should also be mandatory. It makes me<br />
furious when I tell colleagues about classes<br />
with harassment situations, students with<br />
(mental) health problems, dyslexia, etc., and<br />
that we should get together to find a solution<br />
– and the answer is: “I am a teacher,<br />
that’s not my job.” What also infuriates me is<br />
that not enough is done to detect and help<br />
dyslexic children at an early age. I have no<br />
solution to that, I’m afraid.<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> young people<br />
I learn my students’ names by heart in the first<br />
lesson I have with them. This year, that’s about<br />
280 names in 12 classes. All I do is ask them<br />
their names and to tell me the one thing that is<br />
their superpower. What it does is to make them<br />
think about themselves in a positive way and<br />
that sets the tone for the whole school year.<br />
The fun thing for me is that after about the<br />
third or fourth students, the explanations<br />
usually become longer and longer, and that<br />
gives me more time to connect faces and<br />
names. I have had several students contact<br />
me once they had started university, asking<br />
me how I do that: memorize so much in such<br />
little time. And that leads to another, informal,<br />
lesson on how to get organized and focus on<br />
something important. My superpower and<br />
passion is teaching, by the way, but I think that<br />
has become quite obvious by now.<br />
Story from childhood explaining who I am<br />
That is probably the other most difficult<br />
question I have ever come across. I don’t think<br />
there is one simple answer to that, but my<br />
travels all over the world, getting to know<br />
another culture, “surviving” on my own in a new<br />
environment is probably what has made me<br />
an open-minded, soulful, thoughtful, restless,<br />
relentless and inspired person. If I am lucky,<br />
also an inspiring one.<br />
Who knew?<br />
I never, ever thought I would enjoy<br />
gardening and experimenting in the<br />
garden. My dad, a lawyer, frequently asked<br />
for help when we were kids and showed us<br />
how to do this and that, and I hated it every<br />
single time. Turns out, he was also a teacher<br />
in more ways than one. I am so happy with<br />
growing my own tomatoes and trying my hand<br />
at growing potatoes and onions as well as<br />
experimenting with which flowers and herbs<br />
grow best in my garden. It gives me peace of<br />
mind, it relaxes me, it brings me joy – just like<br />
it did (and still does) for him.<br />
Some creative examples of projects and<br />
activities, such games, role playing, and<br />
English conversation that Rebekka has<br />
used to inspire her students.<br />
Contributing to a better<br />
future generation<br />
I do hope that all of my students<br />
are more empathic and kinder to<br />
each other after my time with them,<br />
and that that is my doing. I would<br />
love for them to be proud of their<br />
accomplishments, yet humble.<br />
feature<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> The Future<br />
Generation - One Award<br />
at a Time<br />
Barbara Bühling, President of the<br />
FAWCO Foundation, explains how the<br />
FAWCO Education Awards function.<br />
T<br />
his issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> is<br />
truly about each and every FAWCO<br />
member past and present. Whatever<br />
role you choose to play in FAWCO,<br />
large or small, shows that you care.<br />
Your involvement with FAWCO can serve as a<br />
role model for other members, and your<br />
fundraising activity helps more students further<br />
their education. We at the FAWCO Foundation<br />
are very proud of what we have achieved in our<br />
efforts to provide Education Awards to FAWCO<br />
members and their children.<br />
I believe that the best way to inspire the<br />
future generation is to invest in it and, as any<br />
investment adviser will tell you, the wisest way<br />
to invest is to diversify! The FAWCO Foundation<br />
Education Award Program has been diversifying<br />
its investments in the future for over 50 years!<br />
The first Education Award was given to Joy,<br />
whose mother was a member of AWC Madrid.<br />
Since then, the FAWCO Foundation has given<br />
out 359 awards totalling $1,142,000!<br />
Here are some of the most common categories<br />
of Education Awards offered:<br />
Arts, Humanities and Sciences:<br />
These award categories are our<br />
mainstay. At least one award in<br />
each category has been offered<br />
each year since 2005.<br />
Special Challenges:<br />
There have been ten awards granted in this<br />
category. These awards were given out before<br />
the world went digital; this means that we have<br />
limited information about the recipients.<br />
Vocational:<br />
This category has been offered since 2019.<br />
Sadly, in <strong>2022</strong>, there were no applicants. We<br />
believe that this is a wonderful opportunity for<br />
an individual enrolled in a training program or<br />
course at a trade school – we can only<br />
encourage you to apply!<br />
Dual Cultural:<br />
First awarded in 1988. Since then, 29 Dual<br />
Cultural Awards have been given to children of<br />
FAWCO members who have one American and<br />
one non-American parent and who have lived<br />
outside of the US for more than six years. With<br />
the award comes the opportunity to attend an<br />
American high school or structured summer<br />
educational program in the US, allowing the<br />
recipient to experience the American way of life.<br />
Member Awards:<br />
Approximately 50 Member Awards have been<br />
granted since 1997. FAWCO members have<br />
benefited in many ways by pursuing a further<br />
degree, by learning a new skill or by broadening<br />
and fine-tuning already existing qualifications.<br />
Setting up<br />
Silent Auction<br />
items at<br />
Foundation<br />
Night.<br />
This article would be incomplete without recognizing the inspiring women who have spent amazing<br />
amounts of time and energy to fundraise for the FAWCO Foundation Education Awards Program<br />
as well as those who work behind the scenes to review all the applications. Everyone does her part,<br />
and together we keep the Education Awards Program alive. As a team, we can be proud to call<br />
ourselves inspiring women for the future generation.<br />
Barbara Bühling<br />
There are many, many different kinds of awards<br />
that have been given, sponsored by individuals<br />
or clubs. There have been Foundation Awards,<br />
Federation Awards, Achievement Awards. We<br />
have lists of all awards, but often the details<br />
are lacking. If you have any information about<br />
awards (especially pre-2010), please share and<br />
send it to me at<br />
Each and every award given has helped to<br />
shape a future, and we would love to know<br />
more about them!<br />
We have received wonderful messages from the<br />
EA recipients who had dreams of being doctors,<br />
lawyers, architects, scientists, teachers, fashion<br />
designers and more, as well as from students<br />
enrolled in varying degree programs. What is<br />
common to each communication is the heartwarming<br />
messages of gratitude and thanks.<br />
Bernadette: “I could not have done<br />
this without you and send<br />
a multitude of thanks to<br />
FAWCO.” (2003)<br />
Martha: “I would like<br />
to thank FAWCO for<br />
making this life changing<br />
experience possble.” (2004)<br />
Robin: “I would like to<br />
express my gratitude for<br />
the support that FAWCO<br />
and the FAWCO<br />
Foundation have provided<br />
not only to me, but also<br />
to past recipients. For<br />
students, whether at the undergraduate or graduate<br />
level, acquiring funding for their research<br />
is extremely difficult. This support is pivotal for<br />
young scholars just beginning their careers and<br />
acts as the seed for future research, scholarship,<br />
and advocacy.” (2020)<br />
Not only have these students benefited from the<br />
award money itself, they have learned the value<br />
of philanthropy. For example, 2020 Dual Cultural<br />
Award recipient Alisa told us she tutored<br />
students in her school in math and science to<br />
help raise money for our Target Project S.A.F.E.<br />
And many of you know the story of 1993<br />
Foundation Award recipient Sami, who<br />
generously donated money to fund the <strong>2022</strong><br />
Foundation Award; he was so appreciative of<br />
the help he had received when he was a student<br />
that he wanted to help someone else. The<br />
generosity of paying it forward is an incredibly<br />
inspiring way to support the future generation.<br />
Barbara stepped into the world of fundraising at<br />
the Silent Auction in Bern (2013). She headed<br />
the Silent Auction team before becoming the<br />
FAWCO Foundation’s VP Fundraising in 2017.<br />
Barbara has been the FAWCO Foundation<br />
President since 2019.<br />
“I believe my inclination to be involved in fundraising<br />
for Education Awards began when I was a teenager.<br />
My father (Col. J.J. Ward USMCR) was President of the<br />
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, and for several<br />
years, my sisters and I were hostesses at the<br />
Leatherneck Ball in New York. I think I am just following<br />
in my father’s footsteps.”<br />
profile<br />
Empowering Athletes to<br />
Achieve Their Best<br />
Kayleigh Karinen, a member of AWCF (American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
Finland), is a four-time world cheerleading champion who now coaches<br />
young cheerleaders.<br />
My life journey<br />
I could never have imagined that signing up<br />
for the cheerleading team as a child would<br />
eventually open the doors to higher education,<br />
foreign studies, and an international sports<br />
community. Cheerleading unexpectedly<br />
became the catalyst that set me off on a path<br />
to new opportunities, including becoming a<br />
four-time world champion athlete with Finland,<br />
the nation of my heritage. Most importantly,<br />
joining a sports team gave me a supportive<br />
community, one I found to be inclusive and<br />
inspiring. Sports provide an environment for<br />
people to come together to reach a common<br />
goal regardless of their history, linguistic<br />
background, and gender identity.<br />
Ultimately, my involvement in sports led me to<br />
pursue a degree in a foreign language, which<br />
led me abroad and enabled me to impact young<br />
people as a coach, as well as establish lifelong<br />
connections across culturally and linguistically<br />
diverse communities.<br />
Kayleigh Karinen as a child.<br />
My journey athletically first brought me from<br />
Michigan to Kentucky then to Oklahoma. After<br />
that I studied abroad in Spain, Chile and<br />
ultimately in Finland. In all of these places I<br />
became involved with cheerleading, both as<br />
an athlete and coach.<br />
I grew up in the lower peninsula<br />
of Michigan. I started<br />
cheerleading around age eight/<br />
nine. When I was 13, I started<br />
living half the week in Chicago<br />
and half the week in Michigan in<br />
Kayleigh with<br />
her medal.<br />
order to compete at the elite level. I learned a<br />
lot about time management. Overall, this<br />
experienced shaped me in a lot of ways as an<br />
athlete and a person.<br />
I graduated from high school a year early and<br />
moved to the University of Kentucky to cheer<br />
but did not make the team there for a year. I<br />
then went to Oklahoma State University, where<br />
I cheered for one and a half years before going<br />
abroad to Spain, then to Chile and eventually to<br />
Finland through my linguistic interests.<br />
After leaving home<br />
Currently I am in Helsinki, Finland, where I work<br />
as an entrepreneur owning a cheerleading<br />
business. A list of recent successes includes<br />
being four-time world champion athlete with<br />
the Finnish National Team, a <strong>2022</strong> female<br />
athlete of the year nomination, and a FAWCO<br />
Foundation Education Award to support my<br />
academic research. I am finishing my Linguistic<br />
Diversity and Digital Humanities master’s degree<br />
at the University of Helsinki. My MA thesis<br />
research focuses on the role of sports in<br />
language revitalization/normalization with<br />
Basque as the case study.<br />
Sparking my interest<br />
I starting coaching in 2009. It all happened<br />
because I loved the sport and just wanted to<br />
get more involved. Since moving abroad, I knew<br />
I wanted to coach but not maybe to the extent<br />
that I am now. I am fortunate that I just ended<br />
up in the situation I am in and sometimes it<br />
feels like it all just fell into place.<br />
Training and mentors throughout the years<br />
I have a bachelor’s in Spanish Philology and am<br />
completing a master’s in Linguistic Diversity.<br />
Related to my work, I just completed a<br />
specialization portion of a degree for sports<br />
entrepreneurship. I constantly attended cheer<br />
conferences and trainings to expand and share<br />
my knowledge. I have had many, many mentors<br />
in, and outside of cheerleading; I cannot imagine<br />
getting to where I am without the guidance and<br />
advice from these special individuals.<br />
Biggest challenges<br />
My biggest challenge was being an immigrant.<br />
When I first moved to Finland, I was a cleaner at<br />
the cheerleading gym, coaching part-time, and<br />
sleeping on the couch of the gym. I have had so<br />
many struggles with immigration, but somehow<br />
all while, studying, working full-time and winning<br />
four world championship titles along the way.<br />
Young people in Finland<br />
In Finland young people have more freedom to<br />
think for themselves. They have the opportunity<br />
to contribute to the conversation and change<br />
things whether it is in sports teams or in the<br />
community. I was so accustomed to a system<br />
of “You do what I say” coaching mentality;<br />
coming to Finland where athletes and young<br />
people have such open hands was like a breath<br />
of fresh air.<br />
Saying no<br />
I believe my ability to understand my value and<br />
also to say "no" are valuable skills. As a female<br />
entrepreneur in sports, I under-sell myself too<br />
often. I would never let my athletes do that,<br />
so why should I let myself? In addition to<br />
embracing my value, saying “no” to<br />
opportunities that do not serve me is a journey<br />
I am on and working to improve.<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> young people<br />
I think my coaching style is empowering as<br />
opposed to demanding. I have learned so much<br />
through living in different countries and being<br />
exposed to different ways to approach youth. I<br />
think this style works so well because while you<br />
still have a superior position, the athletes feel<br />
much more appreciated and not talked down to.<br />
Inspiration from my mother<br />
I think we are both very easygoing but also can<br />
stress too much about work. My mom is more<br />
of a homebody, and I am the complete opposite.<br />
Currently coaching has me in a different country<br />
every two weeks.<br />
Too much and too little time<br />
I spend way too much time 1) on social media<br />
Story from childhood<br />
When I was eight or nine I opened<br />
the Yellow Pages and found a<br />
cheerleading gym. I called and asked<br />
if I can join: the rest is history. I have<br />
always been very proactive and if I<br />
want to do something, I make it<br />
happen no matter the circumstances.<br />
mostly because of the nature of my work and<br />
2) overthinking raising prices for my clients. I<br />
don’t spend enough time reading, investing in<br />
different cultural events that I love, and just<br />
simply being.<br />
feature<br />
Live in the Garden<br />
with Friends<br />
4<br />
One of the hosts of the <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> LIVE Garden Party,<br />
Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA<br />
member, tells us more about<br />
the event.<br />
Screen shot of<br />
“<strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong> LIVE<br />
- It’s a Garden<br />
Party”<br />
1 2 3<br />
With a glass of Pimm’s in hand<br />
and festive fascinator in place,<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>’s Editor-in-Chief<br />
Liz MacNiven, AIWC Cologne, welcomed almost<br />
50 gardeners and aspiring gardeners to the<br />
“<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> LIVE - It’s a Garden Party”<br />
event on June 8. Amanda Kreuder-Carrington<br />
(AIWC Düsseldorf) kicked off the party with a<br />
tour of her beautiful garden of both indigenous<br />
and non-indigenous plants, while giving helpful<br />
tips for those aspiring to create a similar<br />
garden universe. A picture of her relaxing in<br />
her fabulous cabana made us all want to head<br />
to Düsseldorf!<br />
During the first break out, fellow gardening<br />
aficionados were able to choose from three<br />
fabulous sessions: Busy Bees Bring Better<br />
Blooms, hosted by Liz Janson (FAUSA) (photos 1<br />
& 4); Let’s Get Dirty - the Benefits of Composting,<br />
hosted by Sandra Montgomery (AWC Bogotá)<br />
(photo 2); and Getting Started - Planning your<br />
Flower Beds, hosted by Kit Desjaques (AAWE<br />
Paris) (photo 3). These informative presentations<br />
were enhanced with Q & A time that bloomed<br />
organically from the participants!<br />
The group came back together to hear and learn<br />
from Margaret Hunter (AWC Denmark) as she<br />
discussed Permaculture - A Revolution Disguised<br />
as Gardening. We were all inspired to look<br />
beyond the beauty of our gardens to find their<br />
functional value and their yummy offerings!<br />
Our second break out featured three more<br />
innovative gardeners: Sharon Smillie (AWC<br />
Amanda Kreuder-Carrington's garden<br />
Amsterdam) hosted Bugs, Birds, Bullfrogs –<br />
Biodiversity in the Garden; Judy Steinemann<br />
(AWC Bern) hosted Gardening Adventures with<br />
Children; and Berit Torkildsen joined us from<br />
AWC Oslo to share the secrets to her delicious<br />
and highly sought after chutneys. A field trip to<br />
Oslo at the holidays might just be in order!<br />
A special thank you to the knowledgeable<br />
presenters who shared their colorful,<br />
fragrant, functional and/or delicious<br />
corners of the FAWCO world with<br />
us. Thanks, too, to Liz MacNiven,<br />
Elsie Bose (AWC Paris/FAUSA)<br />
and Michele Hendrikse DuBois<br />
(FAUSA), whose vision for the<br />
Garden Party several months<br />
ago culminated in a fun and<br />
informative event. The<br />
atmosphere was jubilant as<br />
participants leaned into the<br />
theme with drinks, outfits and<br />
backdrops. Everyone came away<br />
with at least one tip to apply in<br />
their own spaces, be they big or<br />
small. With a nod to Claude Monet,<br />
we hope that you were inspired to make YOUR<br />
garden “the most beautiful masterpiece.”<br />
profile<br />
Working to Provide<br />
Quality Education to<br />
Children in Nepal<br />
Mary Palmer has been a member of BWN (Barcelona <strong>Women</strong>'s<br />
Network) since 2011. Born in Spain, she considers herself an<br />
international person, having traveled & lived in other countries.<br />
Mary now lives between Spain - Barcelona and Nepal - Pokhara.<br />
My life journey<br />
I was born in a small village in the Spanish<br />
Pyrenees, near France, where I spent my<br />
early childhood. I went on to obtain a full<br />
teaching degree in three stages: basic in<br />
Huesca (Spain), further development in<br />
Barcelona (Spain) and then in Edinburgh<br />
(Scotland) with a Master of Education.<br />
My married life was spent in Edinburgh,<br />
Scotland, where my son was born. I have worked<br />
in education my entire life - in Spain, France,<br />
Scotland, England, the USA, and at present in<br />
Nepal at Shamrock School. I consider myself<br />
an international educator and I have extensive<br />
experience and total dedication. I have also<br />
been running English Summer Camps for<br />
children and teens in the Spanish Pyrenees<br />
and in Edinburgh, Scotland, for many years.<br />
Involvement in youth and youth work<br />
I have been involved with youth and in<br />
youth work throughout my life<br />
and most specifically since my<br />
retirement in 2010.<br />
Mary in Nepal<br />
walking to the<br />
Mary Palmer<br />
villages in the<br />
Annapurna.<br />
Fundraising dinner for Shamrock.<br />
Earthquakes are one of various natural disasters<br />
which affect the country, and every 60-80 years<br />
Nepal can expect to be hit by a big earthquake.<br />
Effect of earthquakes on education<br />
More than 8500 schools were destroyed or<br />
badly damaged and many children became<br />
orphans and homeless. Some students were<br />
compelled to leave their studies forever. Most<br />
of them went to the cities to look for work and<br />
some of them were sold into India at the open<br />
border shared by the two countries. Many<br />
children are still suffering from mental illnesses<br />
due to the effect of the earthquake. So far only<br />
5400 schools have been re-built. I believe that<br />
education is the only source to help.<br />
During my first visit to Nepal in 2010 I<br />
encountered children from the villages walking<br />
to school a minimum two hours each way.<br />
There is hardly any medical care in the country<br />
and certainly no education for all the children.<br />
There is definitely no Special Needs Education<br />
and many issues such as "Menstrual Health"<br />
are not covered. This can all be resolved<br />
by providing children the means of receiving<br />
an education.<br />
Recently, with the cooperation of a team of<br />
trustees, I have set up a charity in Barcelona,<br />
Spain – Asociación Shamrock Nepal – to help<br />
sustain Shamrock School Nepal<br />
(<br />
I believe that we must work together to provide<br />
good quality education to children in Nepal. I<br />
am proud to say that not only did I think this, I<br />
said it and have done something about it too!<br />
Interest in education<br />
Since my childhood I have been interested in<br />
education and helping others. Being the eldest<br />
of five siblings I had to help at home. My father<br />
was an open-minded person who believed in<br />
education for his children and freedom of<br />
movement to achieve that. I was inspired to<br />
follow that route, quite unusual in Spain in the<br />
1940s (I was born in 1945). I feel privileged to<br />
be able to help children in Nepal, which I never<br />
imagined I could do …<br />
I visited Shamrock School, Pokhara, Nepal for<br />
the first time in October 2010, after retiring<br />
from Oak House School in Barcelona, Spain,<br />
where I had been a teacher and Primary<br />
Coordinator for 31 years. Since then, I have<br />
spent two months each year at Shamrock School<br />
in Nepal volunteering my efforts and sharing my<br />
experience and knowledge. I truly believe the<br />
work I am<br />
doing in Nepal<br />
is extremely<br />
important and<br />
absolutely<br />
worthwhile.<br />
earthquakes in 2015, when the world focused<br />
for just a few days on this incredible country.<br />
It occurred on Saturday, April 25th, and about<br />
9000 people were killed and thousands more<br />
were injured. The magnitude of that earthquake<br />
was 7.8 on the Richter scale. Let's not forget that<br />
this year is the seventh anniversary of one of the<br />
most devastating earthquakes in Nepal.<br />
Nepal<br />
earthquakes<br />
Most people<br />
have forgotten<br />
about Nepal<br />
after the<br />
devastating<br />
Oak House School<br />
Barcelona, Spain<br />
retirement photo<br />
with the children<br />
in Infants.<br />
feature<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads:<br />
What Is a Perfect<br />
World?<br />
Nancy Lynner, a member of<br />
American <strong>Women</strong>'s Club of<br />
Central Scotland,is the author of<br />
What is a Perfect World? – her<br />
first book for children, parents<br />
and teachers. With a Master of<br />
Education degree in Curriculum<br />
from Vanderbilt University,<br />
Nancy has taught performing arts,<br />
drama, and theater to people of all<br />
ages. She has run a family events<br />
business, The Wonder Company,<br />
and managed events and<br />
development at the Smithsonian<br />
Institution and at the John F.<br />
Kennedy Center for the Performing<br />
Arts.<br />
She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.<br />
uring the summer of 2020,<br />
D<br />
during the first lockdown, my<br />
son and daughter-in-law were<br />
expecting their second child.<br />
This inspired me to think about<br />
the state of the world. I wrote<br />
this book for my two grandchildren.<br />
How long did it take you to<br />
write the book?<br />
Including all the drafts, it took less than a<br />
week. I had been writing children’s stories<br />
for 15 years, and never published. Amanda<br />
Drollinger (AWC Central Scotland) introduced me<br />
to Tharien van Eck (AWC Antwerp) and through<br />
several months of teamwork, the three of us<br />
produced the book. Joyce Halsan (AWC Central<br />
Scotland) became our designer. The four of us are<br />
all invested in dedicating all proceeds to the Target<br />
projects of FAWCO Foundation.<br />
What is the most important thing you want<br />
readers to take from your book?<br />
To inspire children and their readers to<br />
improve human life on this planet now and<br />
for future generations …<br />
When did you start writing?<br />
I started writing children’s books, and<br />
creating story theater and plays in the 1990s.<br />
As a writer, what would you choose as your<br />
mascot/avatar/spirit animal?<br />
A Red Bird.<br />
What is your favorite childhood book?<br />
I love the books and the illustrations of<br />
Rosemary Wells. Her McDuff series are<br />
underappreciated. McDuff is a West<br />
Highland terrier.<br />
What are you reading now?<br />
In the Shadow of the Mountain by Silvia<br />
Vazques-Lavado, for FAWCO. It’s a difficult<br />
read because of the struggles she suffered,<br />
and for an emotional break I interspersed<br />
reading that with Richard Osmond’s second<br />
book from his Thursday Murder Club series<br />
The Man Who Died Twice.<br />
If you could tell your younger writing-self<br />
anything, what would it be?<br />
• Never give up<br />
• Look for creative solutions to all<br />
questions<br />
• Never give up<br />
A short summary of the book<br />
What is a Perfect World? helps a reader share<br />
11 world issues with two seven-year-old<br />
children. By having the title as a question,<br />
reader and listener start with a dialogue<br />
about the issues brought out in the text, and<br />
in the illustrations. From clean air and clean<br />
water to the right to food, medical help and<br />
education, the whimsical illustrations (by<br />
Tharien van Eck, AWC Antwerp) lead the<br />
reader through a journey of hope for what a<br />
perfect world will include. Vital global issues<br />
are addressed but the weightiness of the<br />
topics is lightened by a soft finish.<br />
Each page has a red bird flying, playing,<br />
nesting, or listening to the book along with<br />
the reader. The characters in the book were<br />
all given names by FAWCO members who<br />
were approached by van Eck. A glossary of<br />
the characters is in the back of the book.<br />
The simple text means this book functions as<br />
an Easy Reader.<br />
All proceeds from the book go to the<br />
FAWCO Foundation.<br />
Books presented in the<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> Reads feature are<br />
available for purchase via<br />
the FAWCO website in the<br />
Books by Members or Books<br />
by Clubs sections.<br />
Enjoy!<br />
inspiring you<br />
Founded in 1931, FAWCO is a global women's NGO (non-governmental organization), an<br />
international network of independent volunteer clubs and associations comprising 58 member<br />
clubs in 31 countries on six continents. FAWCO serves as a resource and a voice for its members;<br />
seeks to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide, especially in the areas of human rights,<br />
health, education and the environment;advocates for the rights of US citizens overseas; and<br />
contributes to the global community through its Global Issues Teams and The FAWCO Foundation,<br />
which provides development grants and education awards. Since 1997, FAWCO has held special<br />
consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.<br />
our mission statement<br />
FAWCO is an international federation of independent organizations whose mission is:<br />
• to build strong support networks for its American and international membership;<br />
• to improve the lives of women and girls worldwide:<br />
• to advocate for the rights of US citizens overseas; and<br />
• to mobilize the skills of its membership in support of global initiatives for<br />
education, the environment, health and human rights.<br />
magazine feedback<br />
We want this magazine to be interesting for all FAWCO members.<br />
In an effort to provide articles of interest to all our readers,<br />
we have created an online feedback questionnaire.<br />
It should only take a few minutes of your time to complete<br />
and will be a great help to us!<br />
Please click on the link or paste it into your browser<br />
to complete our short five-question survey.<br />
thank you!<br />
SURVEY<br />
Advertising disclaimer<br />
FAWco receives financial remuneration for page space from advertisers. Views expressed or<br />
benefits described in any display advertisement, advertorial or in any webpage visited online<br />
directly from these adverts are not endorsed by FAWCO.<br />
copyright <strong>2022</strong> fawco<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>© <strong>Magazine</strong> is owned and published electronically by FAWCO.<br />
All rights reserved. All bylined articles are copyright of their respective authors as indicated herein<br />
and are reproduced with their permission. The magazine or portions of it may not be reproduced<br />
in any form, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means - electronic,<br />
mechanical, photocopy or otherwise – without written consent of the publisher.<br />
more about<br />
this issue<br />
The <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team<br />
our next issue<br />
Coming in<br />
November <strong>2022</strong><br />
Liz Elsie Karen Berit Michele Haley Kristin<br />
For more information about this magazine, please contact a member of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team:<br />
Editor in Chief, Liz MacNIven,<br />
Advertising and Sponsorship Manager, Elsie Bose,<br />
Distribution Manager, Karen Boeker,<br />
Social Media Manager, Berit Torkildsen,<br />
Features Coordinator, Michele Hendrikse Du Bois,<br />
Profiles Coordinator, Haley Green,<br />
Layout Coordinator, Kristin D. Haanæs,<br />
Acknowledgements:<br />
Thanks to our profilees: Elizabeth Kayleigh, Marelie, Mary, Nancy, Pat, Paula, Pooja and Rebekka,<br />
with thanks also for the use of their photos and those of their friends and families. Additional<br />
thanks to Althea, Ann Marie, Barbara, Carol-Lyn, Hafida, Jane, Katja, Kristin, Meg, My-Linh, both<br />
Nancy’s and Souad for their work on the features.<br />
The cover photo is of the FAWCO Youth Cultural Volunteers during their week in Amsterdam in<br />
late June. They had just returned to the dock after spending a rewarding and fun morning on two<br />
boats, competing to see which team could gather the most (and most interesting) trash from the<br />
famous canals during a cleaning expedition. This tour was led by Plastic Whale, an Amsterdam<br />
social enterprise with a mission to rid the sea and land of plastic worldwide, while educating<br />
people about the economic value of plastic waste.<br />
Special thanks to the proofreading team of Karen Boeker (AWC Denmark), Laurie Brooks (AWC<br />
Amsterdam/ AWC The Hague,and FAUSA) Mary Stewart Burgher (AWC Denmark), Sallie Chaballier<br />
(AAWE Paris), Janet Davis (AIWC Cologne), Kit Desjacques (AAWE Paris), Mary Dobrian (AIWC<br />
Cologne), Carol-Lyn McKelvey (AIWC Cologne/FAUSA), Lauren Mescon (AWC Amsterdam) and<br />
Jenny Taylor (AIWC Cologne and Düsseldorf).<br />
Please note: images used in this publication are either sourced from the authors themselves or<br />
through or<br />
We would like you to post the link for this issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />
<strong>Women</strong>, <strong>Women</strong> and Youth: <strong>Inspiring</strong> The Future Generations,<br />
in your club publications until "Who Would Have Thought" is<br />
published on November 15, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Call for November Nominees!<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> is known for<br />
selecting big themes for every<br />
issue and we are always surprised<br />
and amazed at the interesting and<br />
high quality individuals profiled<br />
and the features written for every<br />
theme. But as much as we like to<br />
Deadline for Submissions<br />
<strong>September</strong> 23 rd<br />
believe we are on top of all the<br />
current trends, we don’t know everything! So we are taking advantage of FAWCO’s big tent full of<br />
women with vast and varied ideas and we are seeking out members and stories about issues and<br />
trends that haven’t, as yet, hit our radar. For our November issue we are looking for someone in<br />
your club who has been doing something - a hobby, a talent, a task, a passion - that they have<br />
turned into something “more”. We are looking for people who can say, “I always loved to read so<br />
I started a book program for kids", " I like to knit, so I started a group that makes baby caps and<br />
booties for the infants of single mothers", ”I love to ride my motorcycle so I started a senior biker<br />
group". Maybe it's simply something that gives meaing to your life. Why do you love what you do?<br />
These women have a passion for something which they have then taken to the “next level”.<br />
Please tell us your story or nominate someone else you think has a story to share.<br />
To nominate candidates for profiles, please send the candidate's name, candidate's email<br />
address and a brief description (50-100 words) of why you think they are inspiring and fit the<br />
theme for the issue. Send the information to<br />
To submit a feature: We use features to complement the theme. This can be broadly applied;<br />
let us know what you'd like to write about! Our features are 700-800 words plus photos.<br />
Contact Michele at<br />
Photographs are integral to our magazine. We end each issue with a page of a photograph<br />
that offers a unique perspective on its theme. The photo can be provocative, amusing,<br />
entertaining and/or a photo that you think says "That's Inspired!" for this issue. Please contact<br /><br />
The deadline for submitting<br />
nominees, features and photos<br />
for our next issue is ...<br />
That's<br />
Inspired!<br />
96<br />
Photo by Anna Ljung Grüner-Hegge,<br />
a Swedish photographer living and<br />
working in Colombia.<br />
Photo title, Divine Inspiration,<br />
Villa de Leyva, Colombia, 2021.<br />
"Divine Inspiration is an ode to all the<br />
nuns who work tirelessly and selfishly<br />
with youth here in Colombia. So many of<br />
the orphanages and recreational centers<br />
in this part of the world are run and<br />
operated by nuns who manage to survive<br />
solely on private donations and working<br />
many tireless hours themselves."