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ISSN: 2059-8440

ISBN: 9781916200746 (Print Edition)

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Editor’s Welcome, Dr Sarah Harding 5

AGRICHEMICALS - The formula for success in crop

protection 6

CBA - Supporting the industry for nearly 100 years 12

SAFIC-ALCAN - A journey of entrepreneurship and

resilience 18

THE KERFOOT GROUP - Premium oils for personal

care: the perfect fit for skincare formulations 24

BRB INTERNATIONAL B.V. - A unique player in the

global silicone industry 30


chemicals giant 34

ELECTRIC DREAMS - A look at recent advances in

electric vehicles 40


Section 1 - General and Fine Chemicals 46

Section 2 - Plant, Materials & Apparatus 140

Section 3 - Services 142

Index to Suppliers 156

Trade Names 164

An index, published annually, to the principal sources of supply of

General, Speciality & Fine Chemicals, Ingredients, Metals, Oils,

Plastics, Chemical Plant, Apparatus & Services to the Trade.

Edition number 164

Cover Price (inc P&P):

UK GBP 115.00

Overseas GBP 130.00

Billing currency GBP Euros or USD

July 2022 - July 2023

Published annually every July

Entry deadline May 2023

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to the 2022-23 Where to Buy Directory

Who moved my chemicals?

Do you remember the motivational business fable Who Moved

My Cheese? Now approaching its 25th year in print, Spencer

Johnson’s fabulously quirky literary phenomenon considers various

approaches to major change, and how we might react in our

hunt for life’s “cheese”.

Yet, even in his passion for embracing change, surely even

Johnson himself could never have imagined the past couple of

years. Fast on the heels of Brexit on this side of the pond, and

political and economic incentives to take manufacturing back onshore

in the United States on the other, we have seen a global

pandemic, and then the war in Ukraine… there are so many

changes in today’s world that, wherever your business is located,

and in whichever sector you work, terms such as ‘risk mitigation’,

‘risk aversion’ and ‘contingency planning’ are being used more

frequently than ever before.

In times like these, when it seems that we are navigating a

world of disruption, it is important to remember that every change

contains the seeds of opportunity. For example, digitalisation – a

buzzword of the twenty-tens – accelerated at a hitherto

unimaginable rate during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID has

changed the way in which we do business – e-commerce, virtual

meetings, and even remote manufacturing plant management

(minimizing the number of people required on-site) have all

contributed to a new way of working that is generally recognised

as more efficient, reducing the cost of operations while providing

greater flexibility to the workforce.

It is likely that many of these changes may have taken place

anyway – eventually. Certainly, growth in e-commerce was

already strong prior to the pandemic, but its growth was slowing

until 2020 marked a turning point. Following surging online

demand during global lockdowns, e-commerce is now here to

stay. The shift offers manufacturers, distributors and retailers

opportunities to play to their core strengths, altering many business

models as new prospects are realised.

Many changes also had a positive impact on the environment.

Less commuter traffic (and international air travel) would have had

an impact on global carbon emissions and, in a time when the

world’s leaders are focussed on Net Zero and sustainability,

changes in our attitude to travel can only be a good thing.

Nevertheless, supply and demand on the global wholesale

energy market has led to an energy crisis in many European

countries. Pundits predict 50% price increases by mid-2022,

and say that the consequences of the war in Ukraine could lead

to even further increases later on, as sanctions against Russia

are likely to cut off next winter’s gas supply routes. As well as

impacting household bills, this has a tremendous impact on the

cost of operations for many manufacturing and commercial


This was very worrying, until I remembered that in the 1980s,

my A’level Chemistry teacher told me that we would exhaust all

supplies of fossils fuels by 2020. Clearly, her source for that

nugget of information was a little ‘out’, but I can’t help thinking

that we’re on borrowed time anyway. Rather than bemoaning the

lack of access to Russian gas, shouldn’t we be focussing on (and

supporting) those companies that are working on alternatives –

cleaner, more sustainable alternatives, of which an accelerated

uptake must be a desirable outcome?

Speciality chemicals have a key role to play in those clean

energy technologies, as well as in life-changing pharmaceuticals,

world-feeding agrochemicals, flavours, fragrances, personal care

and cosmetics, adhesives, coatings, lubricants, polymers and

more – all included in this Directory. The past few years have

been far from easy, and the issues mentioned above are far from

exhaustive. However, glass-half-full people might say that they

provided opportunities for accelerating positive changes that

might otherwise have taken decades.

That’s not to trivialise the challenges that the specialty

chemicals industry has faced; nor to suggest that every

opportunity has been capitalised. However, I believe that this

industry is possessed of ingenuity and resilience that is rarely seen

elsewhere. Examples of those qualities and strengths abound, as

some of our contributing authors share in the following pages. In

such an uncertain world, I would not dare to predict what the

future holds, but I do predict that – whatever it brings – the

specialty chemicals industry will survive, and probably thrive.

Almost as if modelled on Spencer Johnson’s teachings, this

industry is ready for the cheese to move, and then for the cheese

to move again and, every time, it will adapt and succeed.

Finally, as I hop on board as the new Editor of Where to Buy,

I am sure you will join me in thanking Dr Andrew Warmington for

his years of Sterling service in the role. We certainly wish him all

the best in his next endeavours… and the very best quality

cheese, wherever those endeavours may lead.

Dr Sarah Harding – Editor

Where to Buy Directory

Chemicals, Plant & Services

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 5


The formula

for success in crop protection

The importance of co-formulants in the development of effective plant protection products,

with insights from the experts at Croda, Oro Agri and Stepan.

The discovery of novel compounds that

protect agricultural crops from pests

and disease is a great headline grabber

– especially those with new modes of

action that might combat pesticide

resistance. However, the discovery of a

novel compound is not enough on its

own – just as important is the work

performed by formulation experts who

make the active ingredient suitable for

use. In fact, one of the biggest

challenges for producers of plant

protection products is not identifying new

products – it is formulating those products

in a way that provides the solutions that

farmers and growers need.

Cracking co-formulants

In order to maximise the effectiveness of

any active compound, it must be

formulated with the goal of better

targeting, penetrating or protecting the

plant at risk of pestilence or disease. This

generally involves the use of co-formulants

– wetting agents, dispersants, emulsifiers

and anti-foaming agents, for example,

are commonly added to pesticide

products or spray mixtures to enhance

their performance and physical

properties. Through expert formulation,

these products can have an amazing

impact on the performance of pesticides

and other agrichemicals.

For example, Renaud Perrin,

Formulation Technical Specialist at

Stepan, pointed out that most pesticide

active ingredients are insoluble in water.

“Upon dilution, they would just form

clumps and they would not reach their

target upon application,” he says. “Take

the classic example of water and oil. If

you mix them together in your kitchen,

they will not blend, no matter how hard

you try. Yet, when you add a little bit of

mustard and elbow grease, you can

easily make vinaigrette!”

Many pesticide active ingredients are

also incompatible with liquid fertilizers,

meaning that they precipitate out on

mixing, clogging spray nozzles and not

reaching their targets upon application

“To address this, Stepan developed

STEPGROW TM CT, a tank mix

compatibility adjuvant which enables

growers to mix more inputs into their

tank, thus reducing water and energy

usage,“ explains Renaud.

Through lengthy trial and error, the

formulator’s work ensures that plant

protection products deliver the best

possible biological activity, while

balancing physical performance, cost,

ease of use, off-target toxicity and longterm

chemical and physical stability

through a range of temperatures.

All this within strict regulatory

requirements. Often overlooked,

formulation is part science, part art – and

it is crucial to the effectiveness of a plant

protection product.

According to Carol Pullen, General

Manager at Oro Agri Europe, “We

believe adjuvants will increase in

importance, to both growers and

pesticide producers.”

This, she says, is because farmers and

growers need additional tools to ensure

the spray hits the target crop, minimizing

drift and optimizing their spray

application. That means that today’s coformulants

need to not only improve

wetting, spreading and penetrating

properties – they should also be

designed to consider UV protection, drift

reduction, re-wetting, masking odours,

drying time (speeding up drying of

morning dew), cleaning of spray nozzles

and preventing clogging.

Martin Shaw, Technology

Development Manager, Croda Europe

Ltd, agrees that the importance of

adjuvants is growing, citing growing pest

resistance, regulatory pressures, and a

general lack of pesticides with new

modes of action as factors that are

driving pesticide producers to look at

more complex, multi active systems that

optimise the efficacy of available plant

protection products. However, he notes

that trends for more complex systems

come with challenges of their own,

which can only be solved with the

addition of yet more co-formulants.

“It increases difficulty in developing a

stable system,” he says. “For example, in

SC [suspension concentrate] formulations,

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crystal growth becomes a key issue. We

can solve problems like this with novel

products like our newly-developed

aqueous dispersant Atlox 4917, which

controls crystal growth in many of these

complex systems. This technology

combines multiple modes of stability aid

into one polymeric material.”

Enhancing the efficacy of a plant

protection product through the addition of

adjuvants can also reduce the amount of

product that needs to be applied. This is

important because, as well as potentially

reducing costs, good agricultural practice

places a focus on MRL (maximum residue

levels), which is the maximum legally

tolerated concentration of a pesticide

residue in or on a crop. If the addition of

an adjuvant can reduce the amount of

active ingredient required, that could

bring very meaningful benefits.

As highlighted by Oro Agri’s Carol

Pullen, “The goal is to ensure that the

lowest concentrations of plant protection

product actives achieve the highest

results, therefore reducing MRL values.”

Such is the importance of

agrichemical adjuvants in ensuring

pesticide performance, and therefore

increasing crop yields, that the sector’s

global market size was valued at $3.1

billion in 2020, and projected to reach

$4.4 billion by 2026 (according to

market analysts MarketsandMarkets).

This is a healthy growth rate, reflecting

the widespread use of these compounds.

Going green

A growing interest in so-called ‘green coformulants’

is consistent with a crossindustry

focus on sustainability. Although

every organisation might approach it

differently, it seems that every company

in the chemicals space now has a

strategy for improving their sustainability

profile, from using raw materials from

responsible sources, to process

improvements that minimise material and

energy inputs and reduce emissions.

Sustainability is not a trend; developing

sustainable products, services and

solutions is the ‘new normal’, and it is an

industry shift that few chemical producers

in any sector can afford to ignore.

For those involved in crop

protection, according to Croda’s

Martin Shaw, “Considerations of

sustainability within the design and

application of additives within

agricultural applications will be a key

driver in developments going forwards.”

He noted that while there is much

focus on the renewable nature of

chemistries across all industry sectors, it is

equally important to consider the safety

profile of these materials, both during

manufacture and when being used by

the farmer. Consistent with a multi-faceted

viewpoint of ‘sustainability’, the

Organisation for Economic

Cooperation and Development (OECD)

proposes production-based and

environmental-impact-based definitions

for green co-formulants.

• According to the production-based

approach, co-formulants are defined

as green if they are manufactured

using renewable raw materials as

much as possible, while making

efficient use of energy (preferably

renewable energy).

• According to the environmental

impact approach, co-formulants are

defined as green if they have a low

human and environmental impact, do

not increase active ingredient

environmental mobility and/or toxicity

to humans and non-target organisms,

do not increase exposure to these

active substances, and lower the

impact of formulated pesticides by

enhancing the performance of active

ingredients and reducing the required

active ingredient dosage.

Oro Agri has shown a commitment to

greener technologies, as Carol Pullen

explains, saying “Oro Agri has been

very active in developing greener

adjuvant technology because we need

to ensure adjuvants enhance the efficacy

of other greener technologies and

remain compliant with stringent organic

rules, which often are stricter than

government mandated guidelines. With

the new EURO 2030 farm to fork

strategy requiring 25—30% increase in

organic production area, the use of

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 7


adjuvants could facilitate improving

efficacy of the organic actives and

synergy of organic actives.”

Stepan’s Renaud Perrin notes that, “In

our experience, the companies most

interested in green alternatives are

smaller companies focusing on biological

active ingredients or targeting organic

farming. Requirements however can be

difficult to fulfil.”

He says that biodegradability and

lack of hazard phrases are the most

sought-after characteristics. Many

synthetic inerts already have a good

biodegradability profile, but safety and

efficiency don’t always go hand in hand.

For example, with surfactants, a more

efficient product is usually more irritating

to the eyes and skin. Also, most of these

co-formulants currently come from

petroleum sources, as bio-based

feedstocks are still fairly expensive

in comparison.

“On occasion, customers ask for ‘no

chemical transformation’, but such

products are very rare, expensive and

may require a lot of energy and raw

materials to produce and therefore are

not so green,” Renaud explains, citing

essential oils as an interesting example.

“They are naturally occurring and

produced via extraction from plant

material, so without chemical

transformation. But the amount of oil

extracted can be as low as 0.1% or less.

This means one ton of plant material may

be required to produce one kilogram of

essential oil. In this regard, the carbon

footprint is worse than using

petrochemical feedstock. That is not to

say that we shouldn’t go green, but

synthetic products made from renewable

feedstocks can make more sense than

plant extracts.”

This type of example certainly

demonstrates that ‘going green’ might not

be as simple as it first seems.

Renaud continues, “Stepan has also

made significant investments in

fermentation, to produce rhamnolipid

biomaterials at a commercial scale.

Natural raw materials such as oils or

sugars are converted to products that are

biodegradable, exempt from tolerance

limits, exhibit very low toxicity and can

be used for organic farming.

Rhamnolipids also exhibit biofungicide

properties which can contribute to

sustainable agriculture.”

Martin Shaw also provided two

examples of Croda’s commitment to

providing greener solutions: the

elimination of nonyl-phenol ethoxylates

(NPEs) and reducing the carbon footprint

of technologies used in plant protection


“Croda committed in 2019 to

eliminate NPEs from all of the products it

sells globally,” he says. “NPEs are toxic

to aquatic life and, as such, their

release into the environment can be very

detrimental; we are focussed on the

development of novel solutions that meet

and improve on the performance of

NPEs with the elimination of related

hazards… Then, Croda has gone a

step further in its drive to reduce the

reliance on petroleum derived raw

materials. Ethylene oxide, which is used

at the company’s US manufacturing

plant, is now derived from bioethanol,

and is used exclusively across Croda’s

ECO range of materials. This is part of

a drive to reduce the carbon footprint

of technologies used in plant

protection products.”

Such is the appeal for green

adjuvants, analysts report that growing

demand for these compounds is now a

key factor driving the growth of the

agricultural adjuvants market.

Biological loveliness

Taking another step closer to the green

movement, consumer demand for

organic produce, and the banning of

conventional chemical pesticides due to

reports of toxicity, are driving a growth in

biological solutions. Harnessing the

relationship between natural enemies, or

applying natural pheromones to control

infestations, these solutions can be

beautiful in their simplicity, and in their

application – who wouldn’t enjoy

watching a Loveliness of spotted

ladybirds controlling their aphids? (Yes,

it’s true – a group of ladybirds is called

a Loveliness!)

There are thousands of

microorganisms reported to be used

successfully as biopesticides, and around

two hundred microorganisms are already

commercially available in the 30

countries affiliated to OECD. For

example, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a

naturally-occurring soil bacterium that has

been proven effective against a range of

insect pests, and since the banning of the

pesticide chlorpyrifos in 2016, turf

managers have increasingly turned to

beneficial nematodes to control

leatherjacket populations.

Nature offers a huge untapped

resource for biological plant protection

products. However, these too need to be

formulated properly for optimal use. It is

unfortunate that, when the movement for

commercial biopesticides emerged in the

1980s, many early products failed due

to sub-optimal formulation techniques that

prevented full efficacy from being

achieved. Three decades later, there is a

much deeper understanding by

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companies developing these products

that formulation is the key to success.

For example, just as with chemicals,

getting biologicals to where they need to

be on a crop is key to performance.

However, many biologicals use

excessive amounts of water, leading to

run-off and loss of the active ingredient.

To address this problem, adjuvants can

facilitate enhanced spray coverage,

while potentially allowing for a reduction

in spray volume. This means more

hectares can be sprayed per tank, as

well as keeping more spray on the plant

and less on the ground.

Finding the right adjuvants for

biological products can be a particular

challenge, especially when dealing with

microbial agents. As well as providing the

required optimising effects, adjuvants must

be compatible with the active organism

and suited to its application technique.

Another major challenge is

formulating biopesticides in a way that

enable farmers to use them as if they

were their old familiar chemical solutions.

Anecdotes abound regarding nozzles

blocked with clumps of fungal spores, or

non-viability of organisms in the field due

to sub-optimal atmospheric conditions.

However, recent innovations in this area

have led to remarkable advances in

enhanced ease of application, and

extended persistence, adherence and

survival on the target plant, all leading to

better pest control.

Looking to the future

As well as presenting an important shift

in the market, this is all highly topical

because, as Sir David Attenborough

famously said last year, “The living world

is a unique and spectacular marvel, yet

the way we humans live on earth is

sending it into a decline.”

Beyond concerns over honeybees

and other pollinators, there is particular

anxiety over soil health. Healthy soil

should be teeming with invertebrates

(like earthworms) and micro-organisms –

in one gram of healthy soil, there can be

as many as a billion bacteria.

Collectively referred to as the soil

microbiome, these organisms are

essential for plant health and yield. They

break down plant and animal tissues,

providing natural carbon capture, while

releasing stored nutrients and converting

them into forms usable by plants. As

agriculture has become more intensive,

with heavier machinery, larger fields,

and contamination by toxins that harm

the microbiome, soil fertility has

dramatically declined. In recognition of

this problem, the UK government’s 25

Year Environment Plan states that soils

must be managed sustainably by 2030,

and the EU has committed to a 50%

reduction in pesticide use by 2030

to protect soil health, the ecosystem

and wildlife.

Croda’s Martin Shaw comments, “In

order to protect the future of our planet it

is obvious that sustainability

considerations should be at the forefront

of everyone’s thoughts. Croda is

committed to a goal of being net zero by

2030 and this is driven by a series of

validated science-based targets. Within

these commitments there are the targets

to be Climate, Land & People Positive.

These pledges have been recognised at

the recent World Sustainability Awards

where Croda was awarded Business of

the Year.”

Regulations and certificating bodies

also have a role to play. Active

ingredients are regularly reviewed and

increasing numbers are banned in many

jurisdictions. According to the Pesticide

Action Network (PAN), more than 225

pesticides are currently banned in the UK

and EU. Regulatory forces such as these

are driving the use greener actives,

formulated with greener co-formulants.

However, greater clarification and

harmonisation from regulatory and

certification bodies would be beneficial

to the adoption of greener solutions.

As highlighted by Stepan’s Renaud

Perrin, “In the USA, the National

Organic Program (NOP) only allows coformulants

based on EPA lists 4A/4B

which have been frozen since 2004.

This means no new synthetic products

have been added to the list of allowed

co-formulants for over 15 years!

Currently, no synthetic products can be

added, on the grounds that they are

synthetic, regardless of how green they

may be. The lack of co-formulant options

makes formulating a plant protection

product under NOP a complex task and

a formidably challenging one under

OMRI. By contrast, certifications such as

Ecocert, Ceres or Fibl do not have

positive or negative lists of inerts. This

lack of information generates uncertainty

as to whether a formulation will pass

certification. This drives customers

towards NOP/OMRI, which are more

difficult yet have clearer rules. Over 60 or

our products are NOP and we are in the

process of registering a selection with

OMRI under the Ecostep® range. Going

forward, we will register more products to

support our customers’ projects.”

Irrespective of these challenges, the

current environment presents opportunities

for novel approaches and formulations

that address policy changes and

consumer demand for greener

ingredients, or for compounds that do not

impact non-target species. These market

shifts could offer considerable scope for

companies with their eye on

sustainability, supporting efforts against

the climate crisis as well as worldwide

demands for more environmentallyfriendly



Dr Sarah Harding


Where to Buy Directory

Chemicals, Plant & Services

Tel +44 (0) 7932 691281

Email: sarah.j.harding@outlook.com

Web: www.w2bchemicals.com

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 11



the industry for nearly 100 years

The Chemical Business Association (CBA) has been the voice of the UK chemical supply chain

for almost a century. Tim Doggett, CEO of the CBA, explains how the industry’s fortitude has seen it

through the challenges of the past few years.

There can be no doubt that the past

few years have seen an incredible

number of challenges across all industry

sectors. Although the word

‘unprecedented’ has been much

overused by the mainstream media, it

really is the only way to describe the

compound impacts of Brexit, a global

pandemic, a climate change crisis, and

now the geopolitical fall-out from the

conflict in Ukraine.

When the British Chemical and

Dyestuffs Trading Association was

founded in 1923, its founder members

could have no more envisioned such

dramatic changes over such short a time

than they might have imagined their

organisation playing such a key role in

navigating those changes. Yet, nearly a

century after its foundation, the Chemical

Business Association (CBA) will be

celebrating its upcoming centenary, not

just in acclaiming our industry’s advances

in technology and globalisation, but also

by continuing to support the UK chemical

supply chain as the impacts of the past

few years’ events continue to resonate.

supply chain, along with an extensive

and in-depth range of expertise and

knowledge. It also provides us with

unique insights into recent challenges

associated with chemical supply chains.

In addition to battling COVID-related

challenges, companies have had to deal

with regulatory changes and increased

bureaucracy due to Brexit. New

legislations covering imports from, and

exports to, the EU were compounded by

disruptions to international supply chain

routes. Chemical supply chains have

experienced multiple disruptions,

including the ongoing shortage of HGV

drivers, an issue which has intensified

in recent years. There is continued

impact of manufacturing plants closing

(or running at reduced capacity) due to

the pandemic, shortages of raw

materials, and rocketing energy costs,

while distributors have struggled with

Tim Doggett

became Chief

Executive of the

Chemical Business

Association in

early 2021

disruptions in manufacture and supply,

and considerable impacts on cost. To

give just one example, ethoxydiglycol is

a widely used solvent, used to improve

Supply chain

The CBA has grown to be the voice of

the UK chemical supply chain,

representing distributors, manufacturers,

traders, warehouse operators, logistics

and transport companies, many of whom

are SMEs and who are the main industry

interface providing products and services

to thousands of UK downstream

chemical users. Such a diverse

membership gives a distinct advantage

and a 360-degree view of the chemical

Figure 1. CBA members experiencing issues with the chemical supply

inaccessible chain (Q3–Q4 supply 2021) chain partners,

the texture of skincare products and to

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help them spread on the skin. As

recently as November 2021, this

product was in short supply in the UK

and prices were reported to have risen

by as much as 30%.

The shortage of HGV drivers is a

chronic issue, as the occupation has

generally had a less than stellar

reputation, including long hours, poor

pay, and difficult working conditions.

The number of drivers has been

continually falling while there is an everincreasing

demand for transport. This

decline is primarily due to an ageing

workforce that is not being replaced as

quickly as drivers retire and other drivers

leaving the industry to work elsewhere.

While these problems pre-date Brexit

and COVID, they have been

exacerbated by them, resulting in the

‘perfect storm’ that the supply chain

continues to try to deal with. It should be

noted as well that this is not a situation

that is unique to the UK, but one that

exists worldwide and is particularly

prevalent in the USA.

The CBA’s members have reported

without exception major disruption and

ever-increasing problems throughout the

supply chain (Figure 1). This included

rapidly escalating and unpredictable

costs and a shortage of ocean

containers resulting in not only delayed

deliveries, but in some cases, deliveries

not being made at all. In a survey

conducted during Q4 of 2021, 93% of

members reported that they were

encountering problems with UK road

haulage capacity, an increase of over

30% on top of an all-time high just three

months earlier.

The impact of Brexit did see a

reduction in the number of EU drivers

working in the UK, whilst the

introduction of regulatory changes and

an increase in bureaucracy and

paperwork for freight made it more

difficult to move goods between the UK

and the EU. All of these combined to

slow down or create barriers to the

movement of goods and delays in

manufacture. What is more, factors such

as UK REACH and the widening gap

between EU and UK regulations mean

chemicals currently used in the UK may

be prohibited or simply become

commercially inviable. The impact of

this would result in serious manufacturing

challenges or even the non-availability

of products down the line.

Local solutions

The fact that the UK chemical industry

has so far survived these challenges is

testament to its strength and resilience,

and the country’s excellent global

reputation for high quality products that

keep order books full. In addition, the

CBA has been in a prime position to

lobby the UK government on behalf of its

members, to find rapid solutions to these

supply chain challenges. One of the

chief roles of the CBA is to lobby on

behalf of members. This is something it

does at the highest levels and, over the

years, the UK chemical industry has

benefitted significantly from the CBA’s

interventions. Most recently, its leadership

in highlighting and addressing the HGV

driver shortage issue led to the

introduction of various short and mediumterm

remedies, and it continues to work

with various stakeholders towards more

long-term solutions.

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Besides lobbying, the CBA also

offers advocacy, representing businesses

in both Whitehall and Westminster, as

well as in Brussels, where it has effective

working relationships with policy

makers, regulators and legislators alike.

The combined experience and

capabilities of the CBA and its members

enable it to play an active and

instrumental role with policymakers

and, in the UK, the association works

closely with and engages at all levels

of Government to provide evidence,

feedback and advice directly to

Ministers along with various

departments such as the DfT, BEIS

and DIT, including bodies such as the

Health and Safety Executive.

Additionally, following Brexit, the

CBA played a key role in helping

members understand transport in the EU,

customs formalities, and changing

import and export rules.

International relations

Further afield, the CBA is in discussions

with both the Indian High Commission

and the German Embassy to promote

trade between the UK and these two

important economies. Furthermore, the

CBA is an active member of the

International Chemical Trade Association

(ICTA) and prides itself on taking a

leading role in working with national

chemical industry associations across

Europe and the rest of the world.

Since the turn of the century,

globalisation has increased rapidly, with

a major migration of chemical

manufacturing assets and investment in

countries such as China. This has been

enabled by an integrated global supply

chain that has grown and evolved to

become highly optimised, transporting

massive volumes of freight efficiently and

cost-effectively. However, the initial

impact of the pandemic led to a rapid

decline and change in volumes,

disrupting regular routes and sailings,

and displacing vessels and shipping

containers. These supply chain issues

associated with the pandemic – hot on

the heels of HSE deviations and data

integrity scandals in China a few years

back – mean that the ‘Made in the West’

label has never been more valued. This

has led to many companies in Europe reshoring

their businesses from Asia and

looking for chemical manufacturers closer

to home.

This could be a great opportunity for

the UK chemical industry. For example,

ready to meet the demand arising from

opportunities such as these in the

European landscape, 2M acquired a

manufacturing site in Milton Keynes

which has been integrated into their

existing network. Not only has this

maintained the UK production of betaines

and other products, it has also led to

further employment opportunities and

upskilling of existing employees through

the creation of an innovation hub. A

further benefit is that, by creating a

Northern and Southern Hub within their

network, they are able to service their

customers from sites local to them and, as

a result, 2M has further reduced its

Carbon footprint.

Similarly, longstanding CBA member

Alcohols Limited has made a multi-millionpound

investment to construct a new

purpose-built facility at Rugby,

Warwickshire. This will consolidate the

company’s existing operations and allow

for further expansion, while at the same

time converting its Oldbury site to support

innovation along with an interactive

visitor centre.

Another CBA member, Clydebridge

Chemicals, has significantly enlarged its

operations increasing their solvent

handling capacity by 75% and

extending its facilities by 33%, with future

plans to further extend its external

racking. Over and above this, the

company has made additional

investments in modernising its existing

premises as well as replacing its

handling equipment with electric

powered state of the art ‘narrow aisle’

fork lift trucks.

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Compliance and regulation

Myriad laws regulate the chemical

industry and industries that use

chemicals. In fact, it is often said that

chemical legislation is as wide-ranging

as the possible chemical applications.

With more than 95% of all manufactured

products containing inputs from the

chemicals industry, and with multiple

moving parts and many stakeholders

involved, it is challenging for companies

everywhere to keep operations

compliant and running smoothly.

To prevent risks such as breaches of

regulations, laws, or international

agreements – and the ensuing fines and

reputational damage – compliance with

legal requirements as well as

commitments to environmental, human,

and ethical behaviour are prerequisites

for the chemical supply chain industry.

Considering this, an area of major

concern is UK REACH (Registration,

Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction

of Chemicals). Introduced following

Brexit, it is effectively a replication of


With significant penalties for noncompliance

– with both UK and EU

REACH rules – and with companies

challenged not only with achieving

compliance, but also with protecting

their trading and outsourcing

arrangements against future regulatory

divergence and rising compliance costs,

the CBA has raised concerns about the

practicality and workability of UK

REACH, and the need for duplication

and repeated costs from the outset.

The association has continued to

press the government and, in late 2021,

it achieved a significant breakthrough

when DEFRA announced it would consult

on extending the deadlines for UK

REACH and investigate a new data

model that would be workable and

affordable for business and deliver the

appropriate levels of data to support UK

REACH registrations.

with industry and government working

together to increase investment in

research, development, and skills outside

of London and the South East.

This has particular relevance to

clusters of chemical manufacturers,

distributors, traders, warehouse

operators, logistics and transport

companies located in the North East of

England, Scotland, Wales, and

Northern Ireland. Of particular note, the

plan includes a £26 billion of public

capital investment for the green industrial

revolution and transition to Net Zero –

something that our increasingly

sustainability-focussed industry is looking

at, and which could bring considerable

support for those efforts.


Environmental regulations are another

challenge that the chemical supply chain

industry faces, and like all other sectors it

is focused on making considerable

progress towards sustainability while

reducing and minimising the impact of its

operations on the environment. Contrary

to perceptions, the chemical industry is

heavily involved, and even instrumental,

in finding solutions to solve the problems

of climate change.

The CBA’s commitment towards

sustainability dates back to at least

1993, when it became actively involved

with the Responsible Care Programme.

This voluntary global initiative goes

beyond legislative and regulatory

requirements, providing the chemical

supply chain industry with an ethical

framework for the safe use and handling

of chemical products, while seeking

ongoing improvement in health, safety,

security and environmental performance

across the industry. Companies can

benefit from and participate in the

Responsible Care Programme through

their membership of the CBA.

Practical support

Playing a highly valuable role, the CBA

also supports UK businesses on the

ground. This includes training in the form

of workshops and seminars, which are

available online as well as face-to-face.

These workshops and seminars cover a

wide range of subjects that are of value

and benefit to both members and nonmembers,

including compliance,

A level playing field

Another opportunity that the UK chemical

industry is ready to take advantage of is

the UK government’s ‘levelling up’

campaign. A Levelling Up White Paper,

published in February 2022, sets out

how HM Government will spread

opportunity more equally across the UK,

16 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

regulations and best practice. The CBA

also offers Dangerous Goods Safety

Adviser (DGSA) services through its own

in-house DGSAs, as well as training and

support on everything from the carriage

of dangerous goods through to the

Control of Major Accident Hazards


Furthermore, the association provides

a helpdesk which members can contact

for assistance on everything from

technical advice through to questions on

importing and exporting and customs

formalities. This service has seen record

levels of demand over the course of the

last few years, especially due to the

significant changes, continuing

challenges and ongoing disruptions.

The CBA is also internationally

recognised for its expertise in chemical

security, as well as for providing

workshops on transport site security and

countering the threat of terrorism to

members and provides representation

and consultancy services to various

overseas security and government


In addition to the services it offers, the

CBA understands the importance and

value of networking for members and

facilitates this through events such as

regular member engagement days,

attending exhibitions and an annual

lunch. Held in London and affectionately

known as ‘Floggers,’ the annual lunch

has for decades been an unmissable

event for anyone and everyone in the

chemical supply chain and attracts

attendees from all over the world.

The future…

Realistically, there is little likelihood of a

quick end to current supply chain

disruptions, particularly because of the

current war in Ukraine, which is

significantly exacerbating existing issues

and wreaking further havoc on an

already disrupted global supply chain.

Supplies of key chemical components,

many operating on a just-in-time basis,

have become ever more erratic, with

consequences for the manufacturing

and process industries. This is a

critical issue not only for the affected

industries, but also for the wider UK and

global economy.

Such is the scale of the current

problem that governments from almost

every country have become involved.

The CBA identified and highlighted this

at a very early stage and continues to

work hard on behalf of members. It has

persistently lobbied the UK government

and featured heavily on the BBC, ITV,

and other national news programmes to

raise and highlight concerns on supply

chain issues. The association continues to

lead on this issue and will keep pursuing

longer term solutions with Government.

Unfortunately, there are no quick,

simple, or low-cost solutions and, in the

short term, businesses that rely on the

chemical supply chain are likely to

continue to experience less reliable lead

times. This will almost inevitably mean

that purchasing strategies will change,

with consignments becoming larger but

moving less frequently and local stock

levels increasing to compensate for the

reduced reliability and ability to make

just-in-time deliveries.

That said, the chemical industry is

generally resilient and able to adjust and

adapt. This has been proven repeatedly

throughout the pandemic and after the

UK exited the EU. Issues caused by the

pandemic will start to fade as

vaccination rates across the globe

increase and restrictions ease, while the

‘teething problems’ associated with

Brexit will be solved or resolved,

enabling the now separate entities to

focus not on the issues of the divorce

settlement but on the pragmatics of

making it easier for companies to trade.

Technology, of course, will also have

a greater part to play in the future.

Greater digitisation, together with

technology and the increased use of AI,

will improve some supply chain issues,

such as order processing, consignment

tracking and the monitoring of chemical

quality in transit and storage.

The CBA has been the voice of the

UK chemical supply chain industry for

almost a century, and as we look

forward to celebrating our centenary

year in 2023, the association’s remit

continues to expand, as do the issues

affecting the industry. As chemicals

become increasingly important and

critical to industry as well as everyday

life, with constant changes to and

divergence in regulation, policy and

markets, and with continued and rapid

innovations in technology, its vital role

within the chemical supply chain will only

grow and become ever more important.

With its fingers firmly on the sector’s

pulse, the CBA will endeavour to

maintain its position as a thought leader

and influencer in areas such as science,

innovation, and investment, which are

integral and vital to the future success of

the industry.


Tim Doggett

Chief Executive

Chemical Business


Tel: +44 1270 258200

Email: tim.doggett@chemical.org.uk


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A journey

of entrepreneurship

and resilience

Yann Lissillour, CEO and Head of Group M&A at Safic-Alcan, describes the company’s history over

175 years of navigating the raw materials and specialty chemicals world, and offers a vision for the future.

When I first joined Safic-Alcan 22

years ago, our market and our

industry were very different. During my

time within the company, I have held

various commercial and managerial

positions and am still in charge of our

different acquisitions around the globe.

This first-hand experience of the

evolution within the specialty chemical

distribution market has shown me that

celebrating 175 years of existence is

also an ode to the history surrounding

the supplying and distribution of raw

materials/specialty chemicals and, even

more so, to the French and global

historical accounts as well.

In this article I would like to take you

on a journey beginning with the beautiful

entrepreneurial and resilient story of our

company, founded in the distant year of

Yann Lissillour,

CEO and Head

of Group M&A

at Safic-Alcan

1847. I’ll also share our vision for the

future of our role in the industry. Only

through the establishment of true durable

links – with our partners, customers,

employees and society in general – will

we continue to reinvent and innovate

within the chemical universe.

After a series of highly difficult years –

through pandemics and current uncertain

times of war – we, from Safic-Alcan,

through the narrative of our own

adventure, would like to convey to you a

message of hope and passion for the

industry and market in which we all

evolve. Happy Reading.

An entrepreneurial adventure

Around the year 1830, the Industrial

revolution was already taking its first

steps in Europe, benefiting consumer

goods in particular and, as new frontiers

were explored, exotic products started to

flood the markets, gradually changing the

economic scenario of European States

in particular.

However, when in 1847 (even before

the Eiffel Tower was built – which only

happened in 1889) the sons of Maurice

Hecht, a former craftsman turned ivory

broker, founded the tropical products

importing company Hecht Frères et Cie

(in English: Hecht Brothers & Co), France

and Europe were going through a serious

economic crisis.

Though agricultural in origin, the

recession quickly spread to industry,

commerce and banking, resulting in a

long list of bankruptcies. The slump

worsened during the revolution of 1848.

Facing an unfavourable context, the very

first Safic-Alcan adventure struggled to

achieve results before 1850.

Under the second empire, however,

business began to blossom. The Hecht

brothers – Myrtil, Albert and Henri – were

not only first-rate businessmen, but also

outstanding characters, each in his own

way. One was the government's art

advisor. Henri was a friend of Léon

Gambetta’s, the most popular leader of

the republican opposition to Napoleon III.

During the Franco-Prussian War of

1870, Henri Hecht gave financial

support to Gambetta, then minister of the

interior in the government of National

Defence. On 7th October he helped him

to leave the capital by balloon to lead

the resistance from Tours. Most of the

balloons used in the siege of Paris were

built at Orléans Station and were

covered with an envelope waterproofed

by a rubber solution – the material which

would become a core component in the

writing of our history.

Rubber: a long and durable


Initially, the Hecht brothers imported

several types of tropical products,

excluding rubber, which was still very

little used in France. In 1850, the year in

which it was first known to have been

used, the Magasins Généraux

warehouse in the Le Marais district

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recorded the following:

• 38,960 canes (including 14,430

red and white Manila canes and

1,000 Malacca canes) for making

walking sticks and umbrella handles;

• 2,140 rattan canes, Asian tropical

climbing palms used to make bands,

cane bottoms of chairs and


• 6,945 Far Eastern yellow bamboos,

widely used in the production of

rustic furniture;

• 2,041 animal horns (1,282 from

Calcutta [Kolkata], 759 from Siam –

modern-day Thailand), the ivory of

which was used for billiard balls and

some sculptures;

• 1,940 bay trees, the leaves of which

were consumed as condiments.

The appearance and

endurance of rubber

Rubber from the west coast of Africa

appeared on the French market in 1856.

Two years later, on 14th December

1858, the Hecht brothers imported their

first 11 cases of crude rubber.

From then on, the rise of rubber was

meteoric. In 1859 rubber (mainly from

Java and Brazil) already accounted for

32 tonnes out of total imports of 149

tonnes, that is, 21%. The other items

were mother-of-pearl (78 tonnes, 52%),

saffron (12 tonnes, 8%) plus cocoa,

cane, shellac, elephant tusks and orchil

(a lichen that grows in the Mediterranean

region and Madagascar and is used to

dye wool and silk dark red).

Barely two years after entering this

market, the Hecht Frères firm, which had

been one of the first in the world to take

a systematic interest in crude rubber, was

already meeting 11% of domestic

requirements, and in 1864 we made our

first sale of Rubber to the Hutchinson

company, making them one of our oldest

clients. By 1870 Hecht Frères et Cie

were supplying 28% of the 800 tonnes of

crude rubber consumed in France. Rubber

accounted for the company’s entire

trading business in 1881 (127 tonnes).

From product to industry

Continuing to be a major supplier of

natural Rubber, the Hecht brothers kept,

nonetheless, an eye at diversification, not

only of products, but also of markets.

Following the trend of trading with

colonies and non-European countries, our

company established activities in places

such as Gabon, the French Congo and

Madagascar, a very early glimpse of

something which would become an

integral part of our DNA: a global

presence, with a multicultural ecosystem.

As for the product, Rubber was soon

to become a key component within a

broader industry in the hands of people

such as Thomas Hancock, Charles

Macintosh and, of course, Charles

Goodyear, whom discovered by chance

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that when heated, rubber mixed with

sulphur becomes insensitive to

temperature changes. He developed

“metallisation”, which consists of

plunging rubber into molten sulphur, but

omitted to patent it. Hancock, who was

aware of the result, conducted his own

research and called his process –

which he patented on 21st November

1843 – “vulcanisation”.

Vulcanised rubber exhibits mechanical

and physical properties far superior to

those of raw rubber. The Englishman

Parkes improved the method in 1846 by

using a solution of sulphur chloride in

carbon sulphide. In 1858, the

Americans invented ‘devulcanisation’ to

regenerate used rubber.

The rest – as you all in our industry

know well – is History.

Changing and adapting

through times

From the 20th century onwards, the

company went through major shifts in

management, structure, products and

positioning, exploring materials as

different in nature as elastomers and

palm oil and latex from then distant Asia.

It was around that time, in the late

1920s, that we first built our business

relationship with DuPont, by becoming

their agent in Europe, specifically due to

their interest in accelerators (mineral or

organic substances that accelerate the

reaction between sulphur and gum

during vulcanisation), antioxidants,

pigments etc.

Two World Wars came and went,

shaking manufacturing to its core, testing

our industry and, moreover, our

businesses. Times were, as now, uncertain




and the economy was shaky, but through

a series of bold decisions, then

administrators made one last change to

the company’s face. So, in 1938, we

became Safic (Société Anonyme

Française pour l’Importation du

Caoutchouc)-Alcan. The directors were

Maurice Alcan, Etienne Crémieu-Alcan,

André Steinberg-Terquem and Harry Levis.

In the decades after the war, filled

with market turmoil and a swift change in

our business focus, especially through the

oil crisis in the 70s and 80s, and with

trading proving volatile, our CEO at that

time, Alain Alcan, decided to focus on

relaunching the group’s distribution

activities, which were the limited to

France and Spain, and to a lesser extent,

Italy and the United States.

The arrival of my predecessor Martial

Lecat in the late 80s was a game

changer. With the massive task ahead of

him to reposition and broaden our

portfolio, he was also responsible for

building a European distribution network

to underpin this work.

Next move, The World

Focused on relaunching, adhesives

and plastics, particularly in France,

Safic-Alcan, shaken after some difficult

years after latex prices dropped, also

decided to eliminate risky business such

as cocoa, coffee, cashew nuts and

cattle feed.

Once the risks and business assessed,

it was time to take off into foreign

markets. Our strategy? The human and

amicable acquisitions. This approach

has allowed us to ensure, very early on

in the process, that the company in

question is compatible with the rest of the

group. After 30+ successful acquisitions

globally, we are proud of our model.

Most of the time, Safic-Alcan

approaches family businesses that can

relate to the company and its plans.

Many directors like the idea of becoming

“intrapreneurs” within the group after the

merger and acquisition is complete and

choose to carry on their career there,

alongside their employees.

Our UK, Belgium, Nordics, Maghreb,

North American, Eastern Europe and

many other operations, came to life

following the path of integrating local

structures into our existing group, giving

us a sense of belonging and shared

responsibility with local leadership.

A move we are particularly proud of

was made in 2015, when the

management team and our employees

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became majority shareholders of our

company, thus reinforcing the strong

ties and the “family owned business”

sentiment we share globally with

one another.

Through hardships and uncertainty,

our history shows that resilience,

strong bonds and mostly our people are

the main drivers behind our decisions.

From our acquisition process to the fact

that we are an employee-owned

company, it was only a matter of time

before our focus naturally turned to

questions of responsible and

sustainable development.

Sustainability: A question of

past, present and, most

importantly, future

Nowadays, to be sustainable, a

chemical distributor not only needs to be

the link between clients and suppliers,

but also so much more. In addition to

strength and reliability of working

capital, we need impeccable logistic

services (given current supply chain

mayhem, this is a major challenge) a

clear path on digitalisation (a state-of-theart

Website coupled with the imminent

launch of our product picker, our

marketing initiatives and constantly

improved reporting systems) and an ESG

program that can unite employees and

partners alike.

The role of a distributor in the

sustainability chain may not always be

immediately apparent. One of our

greatest responsibilities is to influence the

usage of products with sustainable

advantages. We do this by working

closely with our principals, but also by

constantly scouring the market for

innovative products that have a

sustainable edge.

We have been forging ahead at

pace since joining the UN Global

compact in 2018. We employed a

Group ESG Manager from 2019,

starting the deployment across the

company with our Innovation and

Sustainability council and sub-councils to

monitor our initiatives and performances

in responsible Innovation, environment,

and societal responsibilities. This led us

to publish our first Sustainability Report in

2019, and we released our second in

2021. 2022 has seen the launch of our

carbon footprint assessment, where we

are assisted by an external consultant,

given the complexity attached to our

supply chains. Our EcoVadis and CDP

ratings are testament of our progress on

this key pillar for Safic-Alcan.

Committed to promote health and

wellbeing, we encourage our employees

to participate in the “Feet Week

Challenge” every year. This event is

organised by a leading cosmetic partner

to support the Fondation Arthritis and, all

money raised goes towards supporting

medical research on rheumatism and

musculoskeletal diseases. This event is an

opportunity for us as well to strengthen

the human link between all the teams.

The human link has always been

significant in our way of conducting

business. We have been forging human

connections in across industries since the

1800s. Understanding and respecting

our human relationships is equally

important to us today, as demonstrated

by our amicable acquisitions approach.

A brighter future ahead

The unprecedented supply chain

challenges we face as an industry also

present us with great opportunity. As we

desperately seek to source raw materials,

it has never made more sense to put

sustainability at the heart of all we do.

We believe that embracing

responsible practices is the best way to

ensure the viability of our sector as we

continue to expand. Put simply, the

chemical industry is here to stay, and

sustainability is a key factor to create

added value while taking our

responsibilities by contributing to our

common sustainable development goals.

From sourcing innovative new

products and encouraging the use of

more responsible materials to critically

examining our own practices, Safic-

Alcan will continually strive for

excellence in this field.

I leave you with these thoughts and

invite you to discover the full story of

Safic-Alcan with the release of our book

later this year, A History of Progress. As

we reflect on our history, we look

forward to a future where our human

links, the well-being of all our partners

and responsible practices form the strong

foundation for our next 175 years!


Loraine Lombardi

Head of Digital Marketing


Tel: +33 63 4 87 54 49




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Premium oils

for personal care: the perfect

fit for skincare formulations

Simon Corner, Sales & Marketing Director at The Kerfoot Group, describes the boost

that premium oils can offer new and emerging personal care brands

As with other sectors and industries,

the COVID-19 pandemic had an

overwhelming impact on the personal

care market and consumers across the

globe. In particular, the pandemic fuelled

growth in well-being products. The

wellness sector had already been

growing for some time, but COVID-19

definitely accelerated this trend. In fact,

some experts go so far as to describe the

pandemic as a ‘key market contributor’,

as consumer appetite for products

offering health-fortifying and wellbeing

benefits have risen significantly over the

past two years.

It is estimated that the Global Beauty

and Personal Care Market, valued at

$435 billion in 2020, is projected to

register a compound annual growth rate

(CAGR) of 4.35% during the period

2021–2026. 1 Reflecting the

accelerating trend for well-being

products, it is anticipated that the positive

effects of beauty and personal care on

health, self-esteem and social interaction

are key drivers propelling this market

growth. A spin-off is that shoppers are

now looking for stronger nutritional

profiles in the products they purchase.

While the personal care market is ripe

for new product development, staying

competitive means that brand owners

must keep on top by innovating to

keep ahead of new consumer trends

and requirements.

However, achieving market share

relies on being creative not just with

developing new products, but with new

consumer experiences too. Consumers

are engaging with novel textures and

formulations that can be used to evoke

excitement and fun, and experts in

rheology are responding to these trends

with products that provide sensual

experiences over and above original

product claims and purpose.

Oil blends offer opportunities for

formulators to create category disruption,

enabling them to design products that

will stand out on crowded store shelves,

while maintaining supply chain

simplicity. It is all about the experience:

seeking fresh new products that intrigue

and delight using ingredient and

application innovations.

While sustainability, traceability and

branding still play a key role, capturing

the attention of the enlightened and

involved consumer means that brands

must harness ingredients into product

formulations that will turn an everyday

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product into a sensual event. This is

closely related to a similar consumer

requirement for products that can ‘do

more’ and fulfil multiple roles. Brand

owners looking to engage with today’s

switched-on consumer are becoming

more selective with ingredients, and

formulators are aiming for fewer total

ingredients in their products, adhering to

clean label principles, but coupled with

boosted nutrients.

Why use premium oils?

While an oil blend might seem a simple

concept, it does have a host of

advantages. Oil blends combine multiple

high-quality ingredients and combinations

of carrier and essential oils, into one stockkeeping

unit. This approach comes with

significant benefits in manufacturing such

as the streamlining of storage, handling

and auditing. For product developers, it

can unlock new levels of creativity.

Infusing fresh flavours or aromas into

personal care products and harnessing

the powerful qualities of natural oils can

instantly boost the perceived value for the

consumer. Oil blends also simplify range

expansions and provide a faster route to

market than would otherwise be


This is a trend that global intelligence

agency Nielsen attests to in its Global

Premiumisation Report. It found that over

half of shoppers reported that premium

purchases make them feel good, and that

42% of consumers were happy to pay

higher prices for organic and authentic

ingredients. This has resulted in many

formulators looking to natural and

botanical ingredients such as plant–based

oils to instantly boost the nutritional profile

of a personal care brand.

Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil is versatile, powerful, and

easy to incorporate into formulations, and

offers a host of proven benefits. This

ingredient is immensely popular in

personal care formulations. According to

global intelligence agency Precision

Reports, the international market for

Rosehip Oil is expected to reach a value

of $281.6 million by 2027, up from

$154 million in 2020 – representing a

robust CAGR of 10.5%.

Not to be confused with Rose Oil,

which is extracted from the flower of the

rose plant, authentic Rosehip Oil is

sourced from pressing the seeds of the

wild rose shrub. Cold-pressing ensures

that as much of the oil’s natural nutrients

and qualities stay intact as possible –

making it highly sought after for its

versatility and protection.

The oil offers a unique and useful

combination of nutrients, including linoleic

and alpha linolenic fatty acids. These

compounds place the spotlight on

Rosehip Oil as an excellent choice for

moisturising and hydrating skin care

applications, which will leave the skin

feeling healthy, refreshed, and hydrated –

a winning combination.

Rosehip Oil is also naturally rich in

vitamin A – with resultant mild antiinflammatory

and skin healing properties,

while other nutrients help boost the

production of collagen to support skin

elasticity and firmness. Rosehip Oil can

be used in formulations that treat

pigmentation and early signs of ageing –

and has some well documented statistics

backing up its hydrating effect on dry

skin. It helps skin keep an even tone,

while remaining nourished and supple. It

is often used in products that claim to

reduce the appearance of scarring, fine

lines, wrinkles and stretching.

Kerfoot’s range of Rosehip Oil grades

include Chilean Rosehip Refined, Chilean

Rosehip Organic, Rosehip Refined and

Rosehip Organic Cold Pressed.

Depending on the grade, Rosehip Oil

varies from a rich orange to a light yellow.

It is non-greasy and extremely light, for

easy absorption into the skin. Rosehip oil

has a diverse application and can be

used in the manufacture of: moisturisers for

the face and body; massage, therapeutic

and skin care products, including antiageing

creams and serums; toners and

exfoliators; hair care applications, such as

shampoos, conditioners, serums and hair

masks; sun care formulations and

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cosmetics. The latter also includes lip

balms, cuticle oils and makeup removers.

Borage/ Starflower Oil

With its natural hydration properties,

Borage Oil is seeing surging demand in

skin and hair care applications.

According to retail intelligence agency

Grand View Research, the global Borage

Oil market is projected to surpass a value

of $54.9 million by 2024, buoyed by a

robust compound annual growth rate of

5.5%. The oil is harvested from the

Borage plant, which has a short cycle of

less than four months, making it an ideal

rotation crop.

With its great nutritional profile, and a

generous gamma linoleic acid (GLA)

content, Borage Oil’s most promising

growth areas lie in personal care and

cosmetic formulations. It is known to

restore moisture and smoothness to dry

and damaged skin by reducing transepidermal

water loss. It is a powerful

addition to personal care formulations

featuring natural hydration properties, but

also acts as a mild anti-inflammatory that

is kind to sensitive skin. Kerfoot’s

ingredient profile offers it in 19% and

22% GLA concentrations. Keep an eye

on this ingredient as it meets consumer

demand for performance and

authenticity, while also offering wonderful

versatility during formulation.

Argan Organic

Sourced most from Morocco, Argan Oil

is rich in vitamin E, a powerful

antioxidant that uses essential fatty acids

to hydrate the face, skin, hair and nails

while locking in moisture. It is popularly

used in several skincare and therapeutic

applications. Studies show that Argan

Oil has a beneficial effect on the

treatment of dry skin and its welldocumented

emollient effect makes it

ideal in anti-ageing and moisturising

product formulations with a wonderful

amber colouring and sweet aroma. The

oil is non-greasy and can be easily

absorbed into the skin without irritation.

Argan Oil is also a popular addition to

hair care products, making hair softer,

silkier and shinier, and is an important

ingredient in all-round skin and personal

care new product development.

Pomegranate Oil

Pomegranate Oil a fantastic addition to

skincare and cosmetic formulations. It is

an ideal moisturiser as it heals the outer

layer of the epidermis, while nourishing

the deeper layers of skin, allowing the

skin to keep in moisture for longer. With a

strong dose of antioxidants in its chemical

make-up, the ingredient is ideally placed

to help fight free radical damage and

aids in the prevention of wrinkles.

Pomegranate Oil also stimulates the

production of keratinocytes, which play a

key role in forming a skin barrier against

external damage, while oestrogen aids

in collagen production to improve the

texture of skin, leaving it feeling plumped

and smoother. Pomegranate Oil is noncomedogenic

and will not clog pores

and cause breakouts – even when used

on oily skin. This benefit, alongside its

anti-inflammatory properties and boosted

production of keratinocytes, helps

accelerate wound healing and has a

restorative effect on scars and breakouts.

Lastly, a punchy kick of Punicic Acid, a

beneficial omega-5 fatty acid, offers a

soothing effect on eczema or psoriasis,

as it hydrates the skin whilst calming

redness and inflammation. A stunning

ingredient that is fully in line with

consumer trends and requirements! 2

Plum Oil

The oil of plums is a wonderful addition

to skin and haircare products due to its

potent concentration of antioxidants

which brighten and plump skin, protect

against radical damage and oxidative

stress, and aid in cellular repair, sebum

production and skin regeneration. It is

suitable for use in products aimed at all

skin types and is lightweight, noncomedogenic

and safe for acne-prone

skin. Plum Oil is perfectly placed for use

as a nutrient-rich daily treatment beneath

heavier creams or serums for the face,

neck and decolletage. It is also great

when used as a hair treatment. Its

lightweight texture makes it ideal for

daily use without overly saturating the

hair shaft. 3

Plum Oil is high in antioxidants like

vitamins E, C, and A and can be paired

with other lightweight antioxidant-rich oils

like pomegranate and buckthorn seed oil

during formulation. As an excellent

hydrator, Plum Oil acts as an antiinflammatory

ingredient that brightens

and plumps skin, protects against radical

damage and oxidative stress, and aids in

cellular repair, sebum production leading

to a younger and healthier looking skin.

Science behind the scenes

Engaged and informed consumers are

looking for scientific validity of any

claims, and products with demonstrated

efficacy will garner more purchases and

recommendations than advertisements,

loyalty rewards or discounts. In an era of

ever-increasing competition within the

personal care sector, using scientific

studies to back up efficacy claims, as

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well as providing the extensive safety

data required by regulators, is an

essential offering.

To ensure that all oils in the Kerfoot

range comply with stringent safety tests

while assuring customers of their

commitment to innovation and industry

compliance regulations, Kerfoot has

invested in new in-house laboratory

facilities. These incorporate a range of

equipment to support customers, including

Rancimat, Gas Chromatography and

Mass Spectrophotometry technology.

To further ensure quality is in line with

global requirements, the technical team

is highly skilled at carrying out a range

of activities involving in-house testing or,

where needed, will make use of

accredited external laboratory facilities

for specialist requirements. The company

also works with parent company, Avril

Group, to provide customers with the

analytical services they need to meet

their latest formulation and industry

regulation requirements.

Established in 1983, the Avril Group

was initially set up as an initiative of

French farmers to assure sustainable

outlets for their production of rapeseed,

sunflower, olive, soybean, and protein

crops including pea, field bean and

lupin. This provides a natural heritage for

Kerfoot and its enviable portfolio of oils.

The experienced global team can

help brand owners and product

formulators quickly and effectively create

formulations that speak to the demands of

today’s consumer. It can also support the

unique needs of manufacturers with

product offerings from sister companies

Novastell and Oleon for all your

tocopherol and glycerin requirements.

In conclusion

If you need soap bases, essential or

carrier oils, exfoliators, waxes, infusions,

and extracts, Kerfoot has the range

capability to support your new product

development project. Constantly on the

look-out for the next new personal care

product trends, Kerfoot understands the

need for unique product design with

supporting its personal care customers.

Bespoke innovative infusions and

customised blends are just part of a

product portfolio that includes cold

pressed oils in its fully certified UK and

French processing facilities.

With flexible pack designs, from

100ml to 1,000 litres, Kerfoot exports to

over 40 countries globally and supplies a

range of technical accreditations

including Organic (Soil Association,

COSMOS), Kosher and British Retail

Consortium. The company’s technical

team can advise on product application

needs e.g., alternative oil specification to

reduce cost or improve performance;

oil certification, nutritional and allergen

information; compliance and

regulatory requirements.


1. Markets & Markets. Beauty and

Personal Care Products Market -

Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact,

and Forecasts (2021 - 2026).

May 2021



2. Evolve Organic Beauty. Ingredient

Focus: Pomegranate Seed Oil.

April 29, 2019



3. Didonato J. Plum Oil Has a Massive

List of Skincare Benefits. January 11,

2022 (www.byrdie.com/plum-oil-forskin-and-hair-5088983).


Simon Corner

Sales & Marketing Director

The Kerfoot Group

Tel: +44 (0)1609 766790

Email: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk


28 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Sustainable innovations

towards a brighter future


A unique player

in the global silicone industry

BRB – Thinking big, acting big, forty years and counting!

BRB was founded at a kitchen table in

the southern part of The Netherlands

in 1981. Forty years later, the company

is a global player in silicones, additives

and chemicals. Entrepreneurship,

ambition, courage and hard work have

been the dominant factors all that time.

The founder, Guus Viguurs, started

the company on 14 September 1981 in

the trading of Texaco lubricant and

German NTZ lube oil fine filters. Later,

Guus added silicones into the business

line by supplying silicone oil to

Rockwool and silicone emulsion to

Smeets, a printing house in Weert, for

web-offset printing. Along the way, a

viscosity index (VI) improver was

developed, as an additive for lubricants,

with the help of Wiro Bakker who later

became the co-owner of BRB. Guus

exited the business when he turned 55

and sold the remaining shares to Wiro

and Ralph Pinckaers.

Wiro became the co-owner of BRB in

1993, bringing with him experience in

oil wholesaling, and a focus on lube oil

trading. Due to the implementation of

higher import duties on lube oil by



CEO at


BRB Worldwide locations


Foam is ubiquitous in our lives, often

enriching it, for example with luscious

bathing foams or sensorial shaving

experiences. However, encountering it in

industrial practice usually presents

detrimental and costly issues. Processes

and formulations are equally impacted.

For instance, unwanted foam can inhibit

productivity levels, curtail the performance

of a laundry soap-powder, or simply

present an eye-sore on water courses.

Formulated compounds and emulsions

offer an efficient and cost-effective

chemical solution to suppress foamforming

tendencies. BRB has decades of

experience manufacturing oil, solvent and

water-based products, under the Akasil

brand, based on optimised compounded

blends of silicone oil and silica. The twopart

antifoaming effect is well studied by

physical chemists (see Figure).

Akasil products have a surface tension

of just 22 mN/m, allowing their rapid

transport into the foam’s stable liquid film,

then the balanced insolubility of the

compounded silica particles aids

dewatering, effectively bursting the


Foam Control Theory - Mechanism

Key attributes of Akasil are easy

dilution and dosing, and rapid foam

suppression with long-lasting durability to

limit recurrence. They are unreactive and

non-metabolizing, leaving zero odour or

taste-taint, making them ideal for

processing foods and beverages

including jams, confectionery,

vegetables and salads.

BRB hosts extensive technical support

to assist the deployment of antifoams

using state-of-the-art Contifoam testing kit.

The offer is further supported with a host

of regulatory approvals in compliance

with FDA, JECFA, Kosher and Halal


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Poland, BRB started in-house

manufacturing in Poland, as there were

no duties on base oil and other raw

materials. This led the way for BRB to

enter lube oil additives manufacturing

with a VI improver as its first product. As

Wiro termed it, “VI improver is an

additive which mostly consists of oil with

a little bit of rubbers.”

Ralph joined BRB in 1994 as a

chemist responsible for silicones

development and he was later promoted

to the Head of Silicones Business Unit.

Both Wiro and Ralph greatly expanded

the business abroad to the Americas,

Asia and Australia, after they took over

full ownership from Guus in 1999 and

kept the company independent. As the

team within BRB grew, and because of

lifestyle preferences, Wiro set off sailing

with his wife in 2006, leaving Ralph as

the CEO. During Ralph’s leadership, the

BRB team doubled the size of the

business in just 5 years, and further

expanded its territories by adding sales

offices in Asia, Turkey and South Africa,

and setting up a joint venture in the

USA. In 2014, BRB entered into a deal

with Bencis, a private equity fund based

in Amsterdam, in order to implement a

further expansion plan. Then, in

September 2019, BRB was acquired by

PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad,

the largest chemical conglomerate in

Southeast Asia.

PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad

(PCG), a listed company in the Kuala

Lumpur Stock Exchange. It has been in

the basic petrochemical business for

more than 30 years, producing 12.8

million tonnes per annum (million tpa) of

various chemical types. In order to

support its future growth aspiration, PCG

started to expand into specialty

chemicals between 2014 and 2015,

by working with its long-term partner

BASF to produce aroma ingredients, 2-

Ethylhexanoic acid and highly reactive

Polyisobutene (HR-PIB) in Malaysia. PCG

also invested in a facility to produce

Isononanol (INA), which is scheduled to

be operational in 2022.

Personal Care

Silicone chemistry is playing an

increasingly important role in modern

personal care and cosmetic formulations.

A unique and multifunctional set of

properties combine to ensure silicones

stay at the top of the formulator’s toolkit,

delivering superior aesthetics with

unmatched sensory benefits.

Silicones, referred to as ‘dimethicones’

under INCI nomenclature, allow the

possibility of introducing luscious textures

to skincare products, proven colour and

heat protection into hair styling-aids, and

excellent spreading, long-lasting effects

into deodorant-sticks.

In today’s cosmetic market, consumers

demand highly effective products with

perfect sensory profiles. Silicone

elastomer gels, also known as silicone

cross-polymers, enjoy a reputation for

delivering the silkiest, smoothest velvety

feel to skincare lotions and creams. BRB

has formulated a complimentary range,

marketed under SG brand, delivering

unique viscositying and mattifying effects

alongside their sensory profile.

The chemistry of BRB SG brand

silicone cross-polymers, is illustrated in the

Figure below. An addition cured reaction

involving Si-H functional and vinyl

siloxane is completed within a cosmetic

fluid system, liberating a soft gel structure

with a 3D crosslinked network. The

second step requires shear processing

and additional dilution to give the

finished product its desired


BRB’s process allows us to control the

sensory profile of the resulting crosspolymer

delivering the specific sensory

characteristics demanded by the customer.

Supporting the product offer, BRB’s

Formulation of Magic Water Bead Cream

No Ingredients INCI Suppliers Dosage (%)

A1 DI water Aqua 79.00

A2 Sodium chloride Sodium chloride Merck 1.00

A3 Glycerin Glycerin Local supplier 5.00

B1 BRB 6373 Cyclopentasiloxane (and) PEG/PPG-1-/18 Dimethicone BRB 5.50

B2 BRB CM56-5 Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Cyclohexasiloxane BRB 5.00

B3 BRB SG 506 Dimethicone (and) Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Cross-polymer BRB 1.5

B4 BRB DM 10 Dimethicone BRB 3.00

C1 Preservative q.s


1) Mix A1–A3 well

2) Mix B1–B4 separately

3) Add phase 1 slowly into phase 2 while stirring

4) Add C1 into bulk and mix well

Silicone crosspolymer

production method

team of cosmetic scientists helps to deliver

on-trend concepts and guide formulations,

as in the Table below, supported by a full

regulatory questionnaire.

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BRB R&D lab at Ittervoort, The Netherlands


BRB presents a range of organosilanes

under the Silanil brand name,

complementing its core silicone

capabilities. The unique chemistry of

silanes, illustrated below, allows these

substances to impart novel reaction

possibilities, taking part in adhesion

promotion, surface modification and

Basic functions of silanes

chemical cross-linking between organic

and inorganic moieties.

Under prescribed conditions, the silane

undergoes hydrolysis, forming a silanol,

enabling adhesion to inorganic substrates

such as fillers, glass fibres and metallic

surfaces. Subsequent condensation,

based on careful selection of the

appropriate organic functional group,

enables the silanol to chemically bond into

a resin, rubber or plastic substrate.

BRB technical know-how is

available to inform end users with

optimized techniques to include silanes

into their formulations. Applications

are found across a broad industrial

spectrum – including but not limited to

chemicals, electrical, automotive and

construction applications.

BRB has recently launched the latest

technology silane oligomers (see Figure),

delivering lower VOC during the

hydrolysis phase compared to

conventional monomeric silanes. These

materials, presented with amino and

epoxy groups, provide enhanced

grafting efficiency onto polymers and, in

water-based systems, enhance stability of

formulated products.

BRB Silanil® 533 ESO (Silane oligomer)

BRB was acquired after PCG

scrutinised over 7,000 companies. The

acquisition provides PCG with an

understanding of the specialty chemicals

business and ecosystem, which gives it a

foundation for growth in this sector. The

silicones business is independent of oil

and gas prices and allows PCG a

competitive edge over its peers.

In return, PCG presents BRB with the

opportunity to further expand its market

share through PETRONAS’ existing global

and broad presence. With the support

from PCG and with a short time frame,

BRB set up and commissioned an 8,000

tpa silicone blending facility in September

2021, located in PETRONAS’

petrochemical hub in Gebeng, Kuantan,

Malaysia. This plant is designed to

produce silicone gum blend, silicone

antifoam and EMPOL & conventional

mechanical silicone emulsion.

Being the largest independent

silicone formulator in the world, BRB

offers unique buying leverage on raw

materials, flexible compounding units

with low overhead costs, a solid

network of toll manufacturers and a

constant cost optimisation by internal

make-or-buy challenge.


Marc Ballmann

Account Manager UK & Eire

BRB International BV

Tel: +31 475 560 300

Email: MBallmann@brbbv.com


32 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Over 175 years of continuous

innovation in chemistry

William Blythe is a

manufacturer of

inorganic speciality

chemicals and

advanced materials.

Connected to our customers,

ready for your challenge.



of a chemicals giant

Andy Bolland, Associate Director – Sales, reviews ICL’s steady growth over the years.

Industrial Chemicals Ltd (ICL) is one of

the UK’s largest independent chemical

manufacturers, owned solely by the

Carver family. Headquartered in Grays,

Essex, UK, the company has nine sites

throughout the UK and one in the USA.

ICL has an annual turnover in excess of

£125 million, employing more than 500

people across its operations. We

provide more than one million tonnes of

specialty chemicals annually to a global

client base.

Market scope

Supplying an extensive product portfolio

of chemicals to a variety of industries,

many of ICL’s customers are recognisable

household names. With customers

ranging from large multinationals to small

family-owned businesses who appreciate

the reliability and dependability of

service that the company offers, our

products are used in a variety of sectors,

including agriculture, water treatment,

steel production, energy, pharmaceuticals

and homecare products.

Operating a fleet of over 90

dedicated bulk chemical delivery vehicles

at five sites across the UK, and with a

recent investment in excess of £2 million,

ICL’s modern fleet of vehicles and tankers

are capable of running at a gross weight

of 44 tonnes, carrying a net payload of

up to 30 tonnes. We pride ourselves on

a service to customers that is flexible,

reliable and professional.


Established in March 1976, ICL started

as an Essex-based transport company.

Five years later, the owners purchased

the Titan Works site in Grays – which is

still our Head Office today – and quickly

established production of Sodium

Silicate and Aluminium-based coagulants

at this site.

Our position as a leading supplier of

water treatment chemicals was

strengthened by purchases of sites in

Newcastle (1987) and Widnes (1992),

focusing on Ferric Sulphate production.

In 1996 we purchased a site in West

Thurrock, Essex – located on the River

Thames, and with its own jetty, this was

to become our largest production site.

We initially set up a number of bespoke

ICL’s West

Thurrock site

and jetty

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processes for a major customer, and then

in 2000 the jetty was made operational

to receive bulk powder vessels. Further

work continued and in 2008 we

expanded the jetty operation to be able

to take bulk liquid vessels; the following

year we commissioned bulk storage

tanks allowing us to import Caustic Soda

by ship.

Ferric Chloride was added to our

range in 2010 when we purchased a

production site in Runcorn. This was

followed in 2011 with the addition of

Ferrous Chloride, giving us the full range

of Iron and Aluminium-based coagulants

and establishing ICL as a key supplier to

the UK water industry.

Also in 2010, ICL announced a £25

million investment in a Chlor-alkali plant

at our West Thurrock site for the

production of Sodium Hypochlorite,

Hydrochloric Acid and Caustic Soda.

The first such plant to be built in the UK

for over 50 years, this represented a

major step change for ICL and

demonstrated the owners’ commitment to

the UK chemicals industry – production

started two years later in 2012.

Shortly after this, a further £15 million

investment was agreed in order to

double capacity, and in 2016 line 2

was commissioned. Based on the newest

membrane cell technology, the plant has

two independent production lines – this

allows us to adjust the mix of production

to meet customer demand and means

that we can take one line down for

maintenance whilst still maintaining

supply. The plant operates 365 days per

year, including both loading and lab

support, allowing us to meet the needs of

our customers.

ICL also owns the jetty at West

Thurrock that allows the importation of

bulk caustic ships from a wide variety of

locations into two dedicated storage

tanks. In addition, ICL imports a number

of chemicals to support water treatment

production at West Thurrock and Grays.


In 2011 ICL acquired a site in Selby,

North Yorkshire – although

decommissioned at the time, the site had

previously been used for chemical

production and, as well as numerous

storage tanks and reactors, there were

also a number of spray dryers, which we

decided to recommission. All dryers are

manufactured from stainless steel and

allow disk atomisation or high-pressure

spray nozzles. With a range of sizes and

evaporative capacities up to 1000

kg/hr, our dryers are available with dust

filtration or wet scrubbing; we can dry

emulsions or solutions, and dust

explodable products can be handled

under ATEX directives. We can

manufacture solutions under IPPC or

process supplied solutions in a range of

packaging sizes to bulk container supply.

If your requirement is in a new material or

project, our laboratory possess pilot scale

dryers for R&D purposes with evaporate

capacities from 5 kg/hr.

Selby was also the first location for

our Packed Chemicals Division. Set up in

2011 with the aim of providing a “one

stop shop” to our major water treatment

customers, the business was then

expanded to our West Thurrock site in

2013. Initially focused on supplying our

own product range in smaller packs, it

grew to include a number of traded

products and by 2020 we were

supplying a wide range of industries and

had a turnover of over £15 million.

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Plant at ICL’s

West Thurrock


Although successful, we decided to sell

the Packed Division in order to focus on

our core business – this was completed

early in 2021.

Meeting demand

As an independent company, we are

able to focus our infrastructure

investment to where it is required most.

This meant that in 2017 we were able

to respond quickly when we were

forced to develop a new production

route for Ferric Sulphate following

Spray drying

facilities at

ICL’s Selby site

supply issues with one of the traditional

raw materials. After successful trials we

converted our sites at West Thurrock

and Widnes to operate this new

process, and have since expanded

production at both sites in order to cope

with increased demand. Additional

investment has been made to further

increase output from both sites, and

construction of a new plant for Ferric

Sulphate at our site in Port Clarence

(Teeside) is due to begin soon – this will

ensure that we have more than enough

capacity to cope with existing and

future demand.

Water Treatment is our largest market

sector. We can supply in bulk all of the

chemical needs of the UK Water

Industry, from pH correction,

coagulants, disinfectants and corrosion

control chemicals. We are unique in

the UK in that we manufacture a

comprehensive range of iron and

aluminium coagulants that ensures

security of supply and prompt delivery.

To back up this service, we also offer

extensive technical and laboratory

support for all of our water treatment

products. We know that demand

will increase significantly over the next

five years due to stricter consent limits

for phosphorous in wastewater and

increased use of iron salts in primary

treatment for carbon re-direction

and increased energy production

from sludge.

An important and developing part of

our technical offering to water

companies is to maximise the amount of

biomethane that can be produced from

sludge through our carbon redirection

process. This maximises the amount of

energy produced (digestor to CHP)

while reducing the amount of energy

required on site for wastewater

processing. This offers an overall cost

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saving (more power credit / less power

demand) and helps to achieve the

water companies’ Carbon Net Zero

2030 commitments.

ICL is also investing in further R&D in

this area and is developing a

proprietary process to extract additional

energy from sludge at the same time as

reducing the amount of sludge that

needs to be handled by dewatering

and spreading, or other means of


Sulphuric Acid is ICL’s largest volume

raw material. The primary use for

Sulphuric Acid is in production of

Ferrous Sulphate via Magnetite for Ferric

Sulphate production, also for Aluminium

Sulphate production at our site in

Newcastle upon Tyne, and to a lesser

extent in production of Polyaluminium

Chloride at our Headquarters in Grays.

In addition to this we supply Sulphuric

Acid to various customers throughout the

UK, predominantly for water treatment

but also used in industrial, food and

pharmaceutical applications.

Early in 2021 the only UK producer

announced the closure of their plant and

withdrawal from the market. With

longstanding relationships in place, ICL

imports product in shipments of between

3000 and 5000 tonne parcels to the

East coast from a number of locations

throughout Europe. We have storage of

5400 tonnes at our own site on the

RIver Tees, Port Clarence and three

more tanks on lease with a storage

company at Seal Sands equating to a

further 9,000 tonnes storage. We are

also able to ship product to our West

Thurrock site on the River Thames where

we are currently installing two new

tanks offering a further 8,000 tonnes

storage capacity. This allowed us to

respond quickly and source additional

material following the plant closure to

allow supply to many UK users to

continue without disruption; this includes

dilutions to 88%, 77%, 50%, 35%, 32%

or lower, via our dilution plant at Selby


The future…

At ICL, we are dedicated to ensuring

our customers are at the forefront of

everything we do. Our aim is to be the

leader in our field whilst keeping our

family feel and providing the best

possible customer experience. We

seek to build long-term, collaborative

relationships with both customers and

suppliers, allowing us to target

resources and meet existing investment

and future needs.

Andy Bolland


Director – Sales,


Chemicals Ltd


Andy Bolland

Associate Director – Sales

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 7710 726561

Email: ABolland@icgl.co.uk


Spray dried



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A look at recent advances in electric vehicles, and how novel approaches and speciality

materials are contributing to a vision of achieving ever greater efficiencies and range.

Electric cars are the future of private

transport, with futuristic, space-age

technologies. Yet, electric vehicles were

first developed in the 1800s – the land

speed record was held by an electric

vehicle until around 1900. However,

their high cost, low top speed and short

range shifted consumer preference

towards the internal combustion engine

for the private vehicle market. Most

electric car makers stopped production

in the 1910s and, despite a brief revival

of interest following the 1970s energy

crisis, by the end of the last century

almost all cars on the road had an

internal combustion engine.

What a difference two

decades makes!

Since the beginning of the 21st century,

growing awareness of the problems

associated with hydrocarbon-fuelled

vehicles – especially damage to the

environment caused by their emissions,

which account for 27% of the world’s

greenhouse gas emissions – have driven

a renewed interest in electric and

alternative fuel vehicles.

In order to achieve the goals of the

Paris Agreement on mitigating climate

change, there were widespread calls for

reduced combustion of fossil-derived

fuels. This was reflected in the COP26

declaration on accelerating the transition

to 100% zero emission cars and vans

(published in May 2022), which stated

a goal of “all sales of new cars and

vans being zero emission globally by

2040, and by no later than 2035 in

leading markets.”

This is consistent with plans already

put in place in many countries, including

the UK, which in 2020 took an historic

step on the path to ending its

contribution to climate change by

announcing the end of the sale of new

hydrocarbon-fuelled cars by 2030.

The EU and US have made similar

commitments, with a later target

date of 2035.

Global commitments such as these

have led to a growing demand for

electric cars across the world. According

to market analysts MarketsandMarkets,

the global electric vehicle market is

projected to grow from 8.15 million units

in 2022 to 39.21 million units by

2030, at a very rapid CAGR of 21.7%.

It’s electrifying!

This increased demand, and consumer

enthusiasm, reflects the success of

industry efforts to overcome many of the

obstacles associated with electric

vehicles – especially the aforementioned

high cost, low top speed and short

range. The past decade has seen

tremendous advances in car and battery

design, intended to deliver greater

efficiencies and resolve many of the

challenges that used to make electric

vehicles less desirable.

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Terrific tyres

A tyre's composition affects road grip,

longevity and fuel economy, so a lot of

work has been done in recent years to

create tyres that improve fuel economy

and performance, and to reduce

environmental impact. Perhaps most

important, road tyre rubber is

formulated to balance grip, rolling

resistance and wear – the so-called

‘performance triangle’.

As well as steel wire, textiles,

antioxidants, antiozonants and curing

systems, the main synthetic rubber

polymers used in tyre manufacturing are

butadiene rubber and styrene butadiene

rubber – they typically make up 24% of

the tyre and are used in combination

with natural rubber. Physical and

chemical properties of these polymers

determine the overall tyre performance

such as rolling resistance, wear

and traction.

In addition, carbon black and silica

are used as fillers to reinforce the rubber.

They improve properties such as tear,

tensile strength and abrasion. For silicareinforced

compounds, control over the

polymer–filler interaction is realised by

chemical coupling of the silica to the

rubber by different silane coupling

agents. Different molecular structures

lead to changes in macroscopic material

properties, including rolling resistance or

wet skid resistance.

The role of the speciality chemicals

sector in these tehcnological advances is

exemplified by Lanxess, a leading

speciality chemicals company based in

Cologne, Germany. At the 2022 Tire

Technology Expo, the company

presented its range of solutions for clean

and efficient tyre production, including

permanently coated vulcanisation

bladders, run-flat tyres that enable safe

driving in the event of pressure loss, and

a comprehensive portfolio for tyre

production, from vulcanising agents and

rubber additives to processing

accelerators, anti-reversion agents, zinc

oxide, anti-degradants and mastication

agents. A further range of release agents

comprises granulated batch-off products,

single- and multiple-release inside paints

and bladder coatings.

Clearly, the recent advances made in

tyre technologies would not have been

possible without speciality chemicals.

Lovely lightweights

The use of novel composite materials

and super alloys are enabling

manufacturers to create lighter and

stronger car chassis, which boost

efficiency while maintaining safety and

performance. Because it takes less

energy to accelerate a lighter object

than a heavier one, lightweight materials

offer great potential for increasing

vehicle efficiency. In fact, according to

the United States Department of Energy,

a 10% reduction in vehicle weight can

result in an 8% fuel economy


Once the domain of steel, rubber and

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glass, the exterior of most modern cars

now comprises body panels from lighter

plastics and advanced composites,

transparent engineering polymers in

windows and LED lighting, and multilayered

protective and decorative

coatings and paints. Replacing

traditional iron and steel chassis

components with lightweight materials

such as high-strength steel, magnesium or

aluminium alloys, carbon fibre or

polymer composites can reduce the

weight of a vehicle by up to 50% – by

the above ratio (assuming a linear

relationship), that alone could work out

to a 40% saving in fuel.

While many vehicle manufacturers

use lightweight materials to increase

speed and handling, they are especially

important for electric cars, because

lightweight materials can offset the

weight of heavy batteries and electric

motors, improving overall efficiency and

increasing the car’s range before it

needs to recharge. Alternatively, the use

of lightweight materials could be applied

to allow the use of smaller and lower

cost batteries, which would keep a car’s

range lower but could significantly lower

the cost of a little family run-about.

Research and development into

lightweight materials is already resulting

in lower costs and benefits in fuel

economy. It is also bringing specialty

chemicals into the automotive industry at

a level not seen before, as demand for

plastics, polymers and advanced

composites, for example, take the place

of heavier traditional commodity

components. As a result, according to

the American Chemistry Council, a

typical modern car now contains more

than US$3,000 worth of chemistry,

including more than 150 kg of plastics

and polymer composites, and over 120

kg of rubber, textiles and coatings.

The involvement of the chemicals

industry in modern vehicles is reflected in

BASF’s ‘virtual car’ – an interactive tool

that presents the company’s portfolio of

engineering plastics and coatings,

cathode materials, fuels, lubricants and

other automotive solutions to help

customers in the automotive space. The

virtual car is designed to show vehicle

designers and manufacturers how BASF

materials can help solve the challenges

facing the industry – now and for the

future. According to the company’s

website, “It was important to create a

balance to show which BASF solutions

can help answer the question, ‘what

now?’, while also providing a glimpse

into how they can help answer the

question, ‘what’s next?’”.

Evonik, a leading specialty chemicals

company headquartered in Essen,

Germany, also appears (from its website)

to be working on a ‘virtual car’ concept

to highlight its offerings to automotive

customers. The company states that,

“By focusing on dynamic trends and

developments, resource efficiency and

sustainable transportation we stand

behind OEMs in their quest to meet the

key demands of the automotive industry.”

Evonik provides a wide product

portfolio, from panels made of

composites and lightweight polymers,

to coatings and adhesives, over parts

under the hood, tubing systems or

interior applications.

Brilliant batteries

While increasing numbers of car

manufacturers are introducing electric

models, range anxiety and the length of

time required to recharge batteries

remain a common concern among

consumers. Therefore, the quest for safe,

high-performance batteries that charge

rapidly and offer extensive range has

been the recent ‘holy grail’ of the electric

car market.

Clearly, a lot of chemical processes

are involved in making a battery. Even

the most primitive battery is based on

oxidation and reduction – the exchange

of electrons between chemical species –

but the choice of chemicals used inside

a battery can enable more rapid

charging, greater resistance to heat, and

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 43


longer-lasting efficiency over years of

charging and discharging.

In recent years, lithium-ion batteries

have become the technology of choice

for electric vehicles. This is because of

their high energy per unit mass relative to

other electrical energy storage systems.

They also have a high power-to-weight

ratio, high energy efficiency, good hightemperature

performance, and low selfdischarge.

Specialty additives, coatings,

binders and composite materials are

widely used to make or improve the key

elements of a lithium-ion battery –

cathodes, anodes and electrolytes. Using

alternative composite materials instead of

metal is another solution developed by

the specialty chemicals industry to make

batteries more efficient. For example,

using silicon in the battery’s electrodes

could boost the range of electric vehicles

by several factors. Some additives

influence the electrochemical reactions

and can therefore improve the battery’s

performance, while others can help

prevent overheating and breakdown.

Another challenge with electric

vehicle batteries is that battery metals

like lithium need to be mined from the

earth. This means that – one day, albeit

a long time from now – there may be no

more lithium to mine. Meanwhile,

especially with rising geopolitical

tensions, many manufacturers are aware

that the growing demand for battery

materials such as lithium is unlikely to be

met by mining alone. This realisation has

driven advances in battery recycling,

and a circular economy for certain types

of battery.

For example, a consortium formed in

2021 by Renault, Veolia and Solvay is

working to enable the circular economy

of electric vehicle battery metals in

Europe through closed-loop recycling.

The effort combines Renault’s pioneering

position with electric vehicle batteries

(you might recall that, about 5 years

ago, Renault teamed up with Powervault

to give used electric vehicle batteries a

‘second life’ as home energy storage

units), Solvay’s expertise in the chemical

extraction of battery metals, and Veolia’s

experience in lithium-ion battery

dismantling and recycling via a

hydrometallurgical process.

Initiatives such as these will help to

ensure security of supply, as well as

minimising the environmental impact of

used batteries.

2020s vision...

As a result of recent technological

breakthroughs, modern electric cars can

have ranges of around 400 km without

having to recharge – and recharging

can be completed in less than half an

hour. However, if electric vehicles really

are the future, and if they are going to

offer the solution to zero-emission

transport, the demand for ever more

efficient, affordable and safe

technologies is only going to intensify

over the rest of the 2020s.

Manufacturers are investing huge

amounts to establish a new generation of

electric cars. This is a tremendous – and

rapid – shift for the automotive industry,

as the world gears up for a greener

future by banning the sale of new

hydrocarbon-fuelled cars over the next

two decades. This seems like an

incredibly challenging goal, but when

we look at the developments and

advances made over the past two

decades, perhaps it is quite credible

after all.

At the heart of many of these

developments and advances, we will

find the specialty chemicals industry.

There can be no doubt that the next

stages in creating even more efficient,

safe and affordable electric vehicles for

the mass market will continue to involve

specialty chemicals, and this opens vast

opportunities for companies to enter or

expand their presence in the automotive

space, as well as their global reach. In

recognition of these opportunities, the

European Chemical Industry Council

(Cefic) recently wrote that “Many

chemical companies are pooling their

research and development efforts into

helping create better batteries, for


I like to think that as we emerge from

the COVID pandemic, the world is a

little kinder, more co-operative and

focussed on a better future for all.

Therefore, the suggestion that various

organisations will be working together to

drive improvements in batteries (and

other materials) for electric vehicles

certainly fits with my vision for the future.

I am optimistic that a new world order of

collaboration and support will help the

world to overcome the many challenges

it faces, and… well… if the speciality

chemicals industry grows stronger as a

result, I see that as no bad thing!


Dr Sarah Harding


Where to Buy Directory

Chemicals, Plant & Services

Tel +44 (0) 7932 691281

Email: sarah.j.harding@outlook.com

Web: www.w2bchemicals.com

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(1S, 2R)-1-(N’-tert-


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E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

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Chemical Raw Materials Ltd

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W: www.chemrawmat.co.uk

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propanol, 99%, for analysis



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Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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Thermo Fisher Scientific

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t: @thermofisher

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propanol, 99+%

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

(1R, 2S)-1-(N’-tert-




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

(1R, 2S)-1-(N’-tert-


indanol cyclicsulfamidate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

(4S, 5R) - 4,5- Diphenyl- 3-

tert- butoxycarbonyl- 1, 2,3-

oxathiazolidine- 2,2- dioxide

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

(4S, 5R) - 4- Methyl- 5- phenyl-

3- tert- butoxycarbonyl- 1,

2,3- oxathiazolidine- 2,2-


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a:3,4-a′] dinaphthalen-4-yl)


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Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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(S)-1-Phenylethylamine (S

PEA) Ultra High Purity

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

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propanol, 99.5+%, pure

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

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1,2-Hexane Diol





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propanol, 99.9%, for


Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Hexamethyldisilazane, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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1,2 Octane Diol (Caprylyl


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NiCHe Materials Ltd

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Spectrophotometric Grade,

99% min

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

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Thermo Fisher Scientific

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E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1,2-Ethanedithiol, 98+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

1,2-Propanediol, 99+%, for


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1,3 Diphenyl Acetone

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com





Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



m chloride

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

1,4 Butanediol

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

1,4-Butane sultone, 99+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1,4-Dioxane, 99+%, extra

pure, stabilized

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 47

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


1,4-Dioxane, 99.5%, Extra

Dry over Molecular Sieve,

stabilized, AcroSeal®



1-Bromoheptane, 99%


HPLC Grade, 99.5%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1,4-Dioxane, 99.8%, Extra

Dry, stabilized, AcroSeal®


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd





Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1-Dodecanol, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1-Methyl Imidazole

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



hydrochloride, 98+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1-Heptanesulfonic acid

sodium salt monohydrate,

HPLC grade

Zanos Ltd (Part of The Stort


T: +44 (0)1565 755899

F: +44 (0)1565 755799

E: info@zanos.co.uk

W: www.zanos.co.uk

t: @zanosltd

i: company/zanos-ltd




T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

1,8-Diaminooctane, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific




Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

1-Aminoindan, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1-hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/




Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


ACS grade, 99.0+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

1-Octanesulfonic acid,

sodium salt, HPLC grade

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

2,2,2 Trifluoroethanol

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Chemical Raw Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0)1428 648851

E: info@chemrawmat.co.uk

W: www.chemrawmat.co.uk

i: company/chemical-raw-materialslimited

48 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com




2,3-Dimethylbutane, 98+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

2,2-Biquinoline, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


dicarboxylic acid


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


picrylhydrazyl (free

radical), 95%

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com






T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/



sodium salt hydrate

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

2,6-Dichloropyridine, 98%

High Performance Chemical

Additives from Quality Manufacturers


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066



W: www.nichematerials.com

2,3-Butanediol, 98%,

mixture of racemic and

meso forms, techn.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific




Paints & Coatings | Pipes & Fittings | PVC Film

Moulded Articles | Medical | Packaging | Apparel

Foot ware | Cables | Coated Fabrics | PVC Profiles

Automotive | Wall Coverings | Hose & Tube

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

addi-tec.co.uk | +44 (0)161 629 2125 | sjo@additec.harke.com

Peter Minister House, 26-30 Station Road, Urmston, M41 9JQ

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 49

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1









NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


hydrobromide, 99%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


hydrochloride, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

2-Aminopyrimidine, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

2-Bromobenzoyl chloride,


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


monohydrate, synthetic,

98+% (dry basis), Thermo


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


We are a global supplier of high purity and commercial grade

inorganic compounds. We aim to provide our customers with

the highest quality products for the best possible price.

Based in Warrington, Cheshire, we have gained a great

reputation with our clients, both large and small, who now

use us as their preferred supplier. Our diverse product range

enables us to work within a wide range of sectors.

If you would like more information on any of our services, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team using the details below.

Landline: 01925 213 620 Mobile: 07525 816 944 Email: sales@combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

50 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

2-Mercaptopropionic acid,


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

2-Ethylhexanol (Ethyl


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

2-Ethylhexyl Acetate

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

2-Ethyl Hexyl Acrylate


Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-



de, 97%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


sodium salt, 40 w/w

% aqueous solution

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


isothiocyanate, 97%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


For Grignard reaction,

anhydrous, stabilized

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

2-Phenoxyethanol (Phenol


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz


Production, Supplies & Distribution

Tradebe is a global specialist producer and

distributor of quality-approved fine and speciality

chemicals. We offer a complete service for our

customers’ requirements.

Global Chemical Sourcing

Flexible Chemical Processing Inc. Simple,

Complex & Multi-Step

Batch & Continuous Chemical Processing

Blending, Formulation, Filtration,

Reclamation, Purification

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Chemical Storage, Filling, Packaging

Warehousing & International Distribution

Supply Chain Management

T. +44 (0) 845 603 2893

E. info@tradebe.com, W. www.tradebe.co.uk / www.tradebe.com

UK Contract Chemical Manufacturers

Providing Specialist Chemical Services

Including Chemical Milling and Pelletizing









The Protol Group began trading in 1994 as contract chemical manufactures, and has

developed into the current company trading out of Widnes, Cheshire, UK, close to its

original base in Speke, Liverpool. It is a privately owned company providing specialist

chemical services, which can boast an impressive customer list that spans from large

Plc manufacturing companies to small trading houses.

The Company philosophy is to provide the broadest range possible of specialist

chemical services to the market with complete confidentiality. Protol is committed one

hundred percent to contract chemical manufacturing and does not make products of its

own or trade materials directly or indirectly into any market. In this way it avoids any

competitive conflict with its customers and potential customers. Protol is unusual in that

it provides capacity for contract processing of both powders and liquids which many

contractors do not. As a result it can offer "one stop" facilities and avoid the need for

multi-contractor use.

Protol's chemical manufacturing facilities are located in the north west of England

close to Merseyside and Liverpool, John Lennon Airport and the motorway network.

As contract chemical manufacturers, Protol like to be considered as a problem solver

for its customers and is happy to tackle any job large or small.


Teal Business Park, Dennis Road, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 0YQ

TEL: 0151 423 9390 FAX: 0151 420 4222

EMAIL: protolcomar@btconnect.com WEB: www.protol.co.uk

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 51

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


3,6-Dichloro Benzene 1,2


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com





NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com



disulfonic acid

monosodium salt

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com




NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com




E, 97%



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

3-Chloroperoxybenzoic acid


Sholkem Chemie Associates Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 293 2524

F: +44 (0)113 350 3360

E: sholkem@ntlworld.com

W: www.sholkemchemie.com

4 Chloro Benzotrifluoride


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/




Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

4-Aminophenylacetic acid,


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

4-Hydroxy-3-Nitro Pyridine

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

4-Methoxybenzyl Chloride

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

4-Tertiary butyl Catechol


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

3-Aminopyridine, 99%

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com




NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

5-Sulfosalicylic acid



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

7-Aminoactinomycin D

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

52 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23




for Industry

Our Performance Additives business unit aspires to be a reliable and expert partner for

producers of adhesives and sealants, paints and varnishes, printing inks, and

construction chemical products.

Combining comprehensive raw material expertise for the specified fields of

application and advanced laboratories, we are able to continually develop new

products and applications, whilst still ensuring excellent technical support to our

partners . As both an independent distributor and an experienced producer, we are

able to work closely with customers to obtain significant benefits.

Contact us for more details:

Tel +44 (0) 1260 291000


General and Fine Chemicals Section 1




poranic acid

Acetic Acid

Acetone, technical

Acetonitrile, 99.9%, Extra

Dry over Molecular Sieve,


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

9-Acetylanthracene, 95%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

12-Hydroxy Stearic Acid

(12HSA) flakes and powder

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

18-Crown-6, 99%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

ABS Acid

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Accelerators for



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Acetic Acid 80% & Various


Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Acetic Acid Tech 80%

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk


Elementrix Limited

T: +44 (0)15242 74343

E: info@elementrix.co.uk

W: www.elementrix.co.uk

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Acetone-d6, for NMR, 99.5

atom % D

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk

Acetonitrile, 99.8%, for


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Acetonitrile, 99.9%, for

HPLC, far UV, conform


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Acetonitrile, 99.9%, for

HPLC gradient grade, ACS

reagent, Reag. Ph.Eur


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Acetonitrile, 99.9+%, Extra

Dry, AcroSeal®

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Acetonitrile, HPLC Grade,

99.7+% min

ACES (N-(2-Acetamido)-2-

aminoethanesulfonic acid)

Acetone, 99.8%, Extra Dry,



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

54 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Acetyl Acetone (2,4-


Acrylic Acid


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

Acrylic & Styrene-Acrylate

Copolymer Emulsions

Acrylic Copolymer


Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group


PVC/Pthalate Technology


Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group

Acrylic Resins

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Acrylic Resins & Emulsions

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

ACS Reagents

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Actinomycin D

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Wilfrid Smith is one of the leading independent distributors of raw materials and chemicals in the UK.

We represent many world class manufacturers and supply into a wide variety of markets including Personal Care, Plastics & Rubber,

Refractory & Ceramics, Coatings & Inks, Adhesives, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Paper, Horticulture and Health Food.

Our highly skilled team prides themselves on providing the highest levels of commercial and technical expertise, support and

service to our customers, while maintaining the personal touch of an independent company.

T: 01536 460020 W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

Elm House, Medlicott Close, Oakley Hay, Corby, Northants, NN18 9NF

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 55

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Active Pharmaceutical

Ingredients (API’s)

Adipic Acid

Alcohol, Isopropyl (IPA)


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Addition Cure Silicones

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Additives & Driers

Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Alcohol, n-Propyl

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Alkanes, High Purity

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Allantoin, 98%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Allyl Alcohol

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited


Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

TotalEnergies Marketing UK


T: +44 (0)20 7339 8008

E: specialfluids@totalenergies.com

W: www.services.totalenergies.uk

t: @TotalEnergiesUK

Alkenes, High Purity

Chemical Raw Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0)1428 648851

E: info@chemrawmat.co.uk

W: www.chemrawmat.co.uk

i: company/chemical-raw-materialslimited


bromide, 99%


Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group



T: +44 (0)1223 828 640

E: info@teruk.co.uk

W: www.teruk.co.uk

t: @TerChemicals

i: company/terchemicals

Adhesives and Sealant

Additives, Minerals and

Speciality Chemicals

Synthite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1352 752521

F: +44 (0)1352 700182

E: sananiazi@synthite.co.uk

W: www.synthite.co.uk

Alcian Blue 8GX (C.I. 74240)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Alkyl Poly Glucosides


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Almond Oil

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Alcohol, Butyl

Richard Baker Harrison Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 938 3000

E: sales@rbhltd.com

W: www.rbhltd.com

i: company/richard-baker-harrisonlimited

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

56 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Almond Oil, Sweet (All


Alumina, Trihydrate

Kerfoot Group Ltd

T: +44 (0)1609 766790

E: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk

W: www.kerfootgroup.co.uk

t: @KerfootGroup

i: company/kerfoot

Almond Oil, Sweet


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Aluminium Brightener

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Aloe Vera Extracts

Alutech Surface Treatments


T: +44 (0)1535 286 853

E: sales@alutech-ast.co.uk

W: www.alutech-ast.co.uk

Aluminium Chloride


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Aloe Vera Organic

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Aluminium Chlorohydrate –

Antiperspirant Actives

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

alpha-Bromo-m-xylene, 96%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Aluminium Hydroxide /

Aluminium Trihydrate

Alpha Methyl Styrene


Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Aluminium Nitrate

He’s not keen on bubbles.

Neither are we.


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri

w w w . p e n n w h i t e . c o . u k


specialist antifoams and defoamers

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 57

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Aluminium Oxide

Aluminium Sulphate

Amine Oxide

Aminopyrazine, 99+%

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Aluminium oxide, for

chromatography, neutral,

Brockmann I, 40-300 µm,


Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Aluminium Sulphate


Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

Amino Acid Derivatives

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Amino Silanes

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Aluminium Paste / Flake

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Aluminum chloride, ultra

dry, 99.999% (metals basis)

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Amino Acids

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Amino Silicones

S+A Blackwell Limited

T: + 44 (0) 1253 738121

F: + 44 (0) 1253 735831

E: info@sandablackwell.com

W: www.sandablackwell.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv



Esseco UK is a wholly owned subsidiary of Esseco

Group, a family owned Italian industrial chemical

group that has focused on the manufacture of

inorganic chemicals and winemaking products for

more than a century.

Esseco UK manufactures a wide range of high-quality

sodium, ammonium and potassium derivatives for

global supply into a broad range of different industries

including water treatment, oil and gas, feed and food,

agriculture and specialty de-icing.

Esseco UK was originally founded in 1878 and today still

operates from its original site in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

Esseco UK has grown substantially during the

last decade and progress will continue through

planned investment in and development of its core

skills and technologies.

Our current range of products revolves around the use

of several key raw materials including Sulphur, Carbon

Dioxide, Ammonia, Alkali Hydroxides, Allyl Chloride and

several key organic acids.

The Company places a strong emphasis on the

quality of its products and services, of which adherence

to its Corporate Policies and ISO 9001:2015 play an

integral part.

+44 (0) 1924 371919 | +44 (0) 1924 290408 | info@essecouk.com | www.essecouk.com

58 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Ammonia, Aqueous (All


Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonia, ca. 7N solution

in methanol

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Ammonium Carbonate

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonium Chloride

Ammonium Thiosulphate

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd




Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Ampicillin sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Ampicillin Trihydrate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Analytical reagents

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Ammonium Acetate

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk


Anhydride Catalyst

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonium Bicarbonate

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Amphoteric Diproprionates

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Animal Feed Products

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonium Bifluoride

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Ammonium Bisulphite

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonium Formate

Propionate Solutions

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Ammonium Nitrate

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Ammonium sulfate, 99.5%,

for analysis

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

Amphotericin B

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Amphoteric Surfactants

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

Ampicillin anhydrous

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Anionic Phosphate Esters

J1 Technologies Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 875 2110

F: +44 (0)161 875 2129

E: kevin.burgess@j1technologies.com

W: www.j1technologies.com

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 59

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Anionic Surfactants

Anti-Caking Agents

J1 Technologies Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 875 2110

F: +44 (0)161 875 2129

E: kevin.burgess@j1technologies.com

W: www.j1technologies.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Anti-Corrosion Pigments


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Shrieve Products International Ltd

T: +44 (0)1732 520 600

E: emea@shrieve.com

W: www.shrieve.com

i: company/shrieve


Antibody &


Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals


Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Anti-Foaming Agents

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Anti Corrosion Additives

Addi-Tec Ltd (HARKE GROUP)

T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: sjo@additec.harke.com

W: www.addi-tec.co.uk


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

PennWhite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1606 734 820

F: +44 (0)1606 837 867

E: info@pennwhite.co.uk

W: www.pennwhite.co.uk



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Antimony Trioxide

(Antimony White)

Sholkem Chemie Associates Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 293 2524

F: +44 (0)113 350 3360

E: sholkem@ntlworld.com

W: www.sholkemchemie.com


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Accepta Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 877 2334

E: info@accepta.com

W: www.accepta.com

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Anti-infective reagents


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Anode Materials

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Anti-Static Additives

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited


acid, 99%


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

PennWhite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1606 734 820

F: +44 (0)1606 837 867

E: info@pennwhite.co.uk

W: www.pennwhite.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

PennWhite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1606 734 820

F: +44 (0)1606 837 867

E: info@pennwhite.co.uk

W: www.pennwhite.co.uk

Antioxidant – Tenox

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan


Antioxidant 1010

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

60 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com



Antiperspirant Actives

Arbidol hydrochloride

Aromatic Esters


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Argan Oil

Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

Aqueous Cleaners


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Antioxidants for Plastics

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Aqueous Silver and

Graphene Conductors /


Strem Chemicals UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1223 873028

E: enquiries@strem.co.uk

W: www.strem.co.uk

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Aromatherapy Oils

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Berkhamsted Toiletries Ltd

T: +44 (0)1296 630091

F: +44 (0)1296 630608

E: ali@berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

W: www.berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Ascorbic Acid

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Ascorbic Acid



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Our formula for your success | Call +44 (0) 161 775 1888

UK Manufacturer of Speciality Chemicals

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Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd | Brinell Drive, Northbank Industrial Park, Irlam, Manchester, M44 5LF, United Kingdom

Call Libra+44 (0) 161 775 1888 | Email Librasales@librachem.co.uk

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 61

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1



Barium Fluoride

Benzoic Acid (B.P.)


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Barium Nitrate

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd


Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

Benzoxazole, 97+%


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Azobenzene, 97+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Benzyl 4-hydroxyphenyl

ketone, 97%

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Bactimos SC

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Benzyl Alcohol

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd


Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Bamboo Extract

Benzoate Esters


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Benzoate Plasticisers

Euram Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1628 472848

F: +44 (0)1628 890095

E: sales@euramchemicals.co.uk

W: www.euramchemicals.co.uk


Combined Chemical Services (UK)


T: +44 (0)1925 213 620

F: +44 (0)7525 816 944

E: sales@combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

W: www.combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

i: company/combined-chemicalservices-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

62 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 63

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Bespoke Raw Materials

Bio Solvents (Sustainable)

Bismuth & Bismuth Salts

J1 Technologies Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 875 2110

F: +44 (0)161 875 2129

E: kevin.burgess@j1technologies.com

W: www.j1technologies.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Bismuth Carbonate


Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Bilberry Extract


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk


Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

Chemlink Specialities Ltd (HARKE


T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: tec@chemlink.harke.com

W: www.chemlink.co.uk

t: @chemlink

i: company/chemlink-specialities

Bioconjugation Crosslinker

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Biogas Additives

OMEX Environmental Ltd

T: +44 (0)1553 770092

E: environmental@omex.com

W: www.omexenvironmental.com

t: @OMEXCompanies

i: company/omex-agriculture

Biological Buffers

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

TotalEnergies Marketing UK


T: +44 (0)20 7339 8008

E: specialfluids@totalenergies.com

W: www.services.totalenergies.uk

t: @TotalEnergiesUK


Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri


Holiferm Limited

T: +44 (0)7467 547 979

E: info@holiferm.com

W: www.holiferm.com

i: company/holiferm




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Bismuth Metal & Alloys

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Bismuth Oxide

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri

Bismuth Salts

Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Bis-Tris, 98+% (dry basis),

Ultrapure, Thermo


Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri

Bio Photo Metal

Bismuth Subgallate

Holiferm Limited

T: +44 (0)7467 547 979

E: info@holiferm.com

W: www.holiferm.com

i: company/holiferm

Strem Chemicals UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1223 873028

E: enquiries@strem.co.uk

W: www.strem.co.uk

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

64 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Bismuth Subsalicylate

Blowing Agents

Boronic Acids & Boronic



Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Bisphenol A (Diphenylol


Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Blasticidin S hydrochloride

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Bleomycin sulfate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Blown Oils (Oxidised)

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk


complex, 1M solution in

THF, Stabilized, AcroSeal®

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Brake Fluid Components

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

















Custom Processing Performance Products Solvent Recovery

As one of the largest independent contract manufacturers in Europe, Chemoxy has expanded and diversified

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Seqens Group Limited, All Saints Refinery,

Cargo Fleet Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS3 6AF, UK

P: +44 (0) 1642 248555

F: +44 (0) 1642 244340 www.seqens.com

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 65

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Brake Fluids

Bromophenol Blue

Butyl Acetate

Butyl Glycol

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Brass Powder


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Bromothymol Blue

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Butyl Acrylate

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Butyl Glycol Acetate

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: company/cp-internationalchemicals-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Bromoxynil Octanoate

Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Butylated Hydroxy Anisole

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Butyl Stearate

Brominated Products

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Bromine, 99+%, extra pure

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Bromine, 99.6%, for


Briar Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 242424

E: info@briarchemicals.com

W: www.briarchemicals.com

t: @BriarChemicals

i: company/briar-chemicals

Bronze Powder

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: company/cp-internationalchemicals-ltd

Buchwald Ligands and



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Butylated Hydroxy Toluene

& Food Grade


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Butylated Hydroxytoluene


H Foster 1875 Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 243 9016

E: sales@hfoster.co.uk

W: www.hfoster.co.uk

i: company/h-foster-1875-limited

Cable Lubricants

PennWhite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1606 734 820

F: +44 (0)1606 837 867

E: info@pennwhite.co.uk

W: www.pennwhite.co.uk

Calcium Acetate

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Bromoacetyl bromide, 98%

Strem Chemicals UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1223 873028

E: enquiries@strem.co.uk

W: www.strem.co.uk

Butanol, Tertiary


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Calcium Carbonate

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Bromocresol Green

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-


Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Butyl Diglycol


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Calcium Carbonate (Direct

Compression Grades)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

66 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Calcium Carbonate (for DC



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Calcium Chloride

Calcium Fluoride

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Calcium Formate

Calcium Hydroxide

(Hydrated Lime)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Calcium Lactate

Calcium Propionate

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Calcium Sulphate (Food


Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Camostat Mesylate

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Calcium Gluconate


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Calcium Oxide

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cancer Research Products

and Antivirals

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/


Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 67

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Cantharidin (B.P.C. 1949)

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Caprylyl Glycol

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Carbenicillin disodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Carbon Black


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Carbon black, Super P|r

Conductive, 99+% (metals


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Carboxymethyl Cellulose


Chemcolloids Ltd

T: +44 (0)1260 223 555

F: +44 (0)1260 222 986

E: info@chemcolloids.com

W: www.chemcolloids.com

t: @chemcolloids



Castor Oil, Dehydrated

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Castor Oil, Hydrogenated


Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Castor Oil, Sulphated

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Castor Oil No 1

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Catalyst, Spent

London Chemicals & Resources


T: +44 (0)20 7183 0651

E: info@lcrl.net

W: www.lcrl.net

i: company/london-chemicals-&-




T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Strem Chemicals UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1223 873028

E: enquiries@strem.co.uk

W: www.strem.co.uk

Carrier Oils

Kerfoot Group Ltd

T: +44 (0)1609 766790

E: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk

W: www.kerfootgroup.co.uk

t: @KerfootGroup

i: company/kerfoot

Thomas Swan & Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1207 505131

F: +44 (0)1207 590467

E: enquiries@thomas-swan.co.uk

W: www.thomas-swan.co.uk

t: @ThomasSwanChem

i: company/thomas-swan-co--ltd-


Castor Oil

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Castor Oil (BP/EP)

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Castor Oil, Blown

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

68 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Cathode Materials

Caustic Potash KOH

(Solution & Flakes)

Caustic Soda (Pearl Form)


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Cationic Surfactants

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

Vynova Group

T: +44 (0)7860 317518

E: nick.pickering@vynova-group.com

W: www.vynova-group.com

t: @Vynova_Group

i: company/vynova-group

Caustic Soda

Airedale Chemical Company


T: +44 (0)1535 286 853

E: enquiries@airedalechemical.co.uk

W: www.airedalechemical.com

t: @AiredaleC

Caustic Soda (Liquor)

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Caustic Soda NAOH LYE

Vynova Group

T: +44 (0)7860 317518

E: nick.pickering@vynova-group.com

W: www.vynova-group.com

t: @Vynova_Group

i: company/vynova-group


Cefazolin sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cefoperazone sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cefotaxime sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

A leading industrial chemical distributor and

manufacturer of blended cleaning products

℅ Knowledgable sales team offering expert advice for all users

of industrial and precision chemicals.

℅ Own transport fleet with hazardous goods trained drivers.

Official distributors of:

Cleaning and metal


Mykal solvent and aqueous

cleaning products

Chemical blacking, polishing

materials and metal


Web: www.stowlin.com

Email: info@stowlin.com

Tel: 0116 278 5373

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 69

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Cefozopran hydrochloride

Cesium, 99.98% (metals



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cefsulodin sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Ceftriaxone disodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cefuroxime sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cephalothin sodium

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Cetearyl Alcohol

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Chelated Agricultural

Micronutrients Straights

and Custom Formulations

Align Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0)1494 728458

E: barry.langdon@alignchemical.com

W: www.alignchemical.com

Synthite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1352 752521

F: +44 (0)1352 700182

E: sananiazi@synthite.co.uk

W: www.synthite.co.uk

Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

Chemical Merchants

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Chemical Solutions

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Chemical Traders

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Chiral Compounds

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Chlorinated Products

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Chlorinated Solvents

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Chloro Acetyl Chloride


Sholkem Chemie Associates Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 293 2524

F: +44 (0)113 350 3360

E: sholkem@ntlworld.com

W: www.sholkemchemie.com

Chloroform, 99+%, for

HPLC, stabilized with


Chemical Blends

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Cerium silicide, 99.9%


Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Chiral Ligands

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Chloroform-d, for NMR,

99.8 atom % D

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

70 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1






RBH sources materials that help manufacturers

overcome challenges in the production of

complex formulations.

Richard Baker Harrison Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)161 938 3000

Albion St, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 OFP, UK

Email: sales@rbhltd.com

Web: www.rbhltd.com



alcohol 24:1(v/v), for

molecular biology, DNAse,

RNAse and Protease free

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Chloroform Ethanol /

Amylene Stabilised

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Chloroquine diphosphate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Chromic Acid

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Chromic Oxide

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Stort Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 755151

F: +44 (0)1279 755246

E: sales@stortchemicals.co.uk

W: www.stortchemicals.co.uk

t: @StortChemicals

i: company/stort-group


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Chondroitin Sulphate


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

We, Barentz UK Ltd (formally

NK Chemicals Europe Ltd)

are a global life science

ingredients distributor

specialising in personal care,

pharmaceuticals, human

nutrition, and animal nutrition,

creating unique synergies

across all fields of expertise.

Barentz UK Products

n Natural ingredients/actives

n Natural alternatives to synthetic products

n Specialty surfactants

n COSMOS approved physical sun filters

n Specialty Esters

n Conditioning polymers

n Performance products

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Citric Acid

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Email: Infonkc@barentz.com

Tel: +44 (0)1924 844820


Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

72 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Citric Acid (B.P/Food




Colours, for Printing Inks

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Citric Acid, Anhydrous

Rigest Trading Limited

T: +44 (0)1535 286 853

E: sales@rigest.com

W: www.rigest.com

Click Chemistry

Conjugation Linkers

Cornelius Group PLC

T: +44 (0) 1279 714 300

F: +44 (0) 1279 714 320

E: sales@cornelius.co.uk

W: www.cornelius.co.uk

t: @CorneliusGroup

i: company/cornelius-group-plc

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Colloidal Silica


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Colours, (Mineral) Black

Oxide of Iron

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Colours, Pigment

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Cloxacillin sodium



T: +44 (0)1223 828 640

E: info@teruk.co.uk

W: www.teruk.co.uk

t: @TerChemicals

i: company/terchemicals

Cobalt powder, 1.6 micron,

99.8% (metals basis)

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Colours, (Mineral) Oxide of

Iron, Red & Yellow


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Colours, Synthetic Iron


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Coating Additives

Addi-Tec Ltd (HARKE GROUP)

T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: sjo@additec.harke.com

W: www.addi-tec.co.uk

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Coating Additives, Minerals

and Speciality Chemicals

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Cobalt Salts

Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

Coconut Fatty Acids

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Coconut Oil

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Colours, for Cosmetics


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Colours, for Plastics


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Combinatorial Screening

building blocks

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Completely Denatured

Alcohol (CDA)

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk

Composite Additives,

Minerals and Speciality


Richard Baker Harrison Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 938 3000

E: sales@rbhltd.com

W: www.rbhltd.com

i: company/richard-baker-harrisonlimited

Coconut Oil, Crude

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Richard Baker Harrison Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 938 3000

E: sales@rbhltd.com

W: www.rbhltd.com

i: company/richard-baker-harrisonlimited

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 73

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Compounding Ingredients

for Rubber

Copper Nitrate Solutions


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Construction Chemical


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Coolants – Electronic

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Coolants – Speciality

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Copper Acetate

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Copper Chloride

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Copper Compounds

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

Combined Chemical Services (UK)


T: +44 (0)1925 213 620

F: +44 (0)7525 816 944

E: sales@combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

W: www.combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

i: company/combined-chemicalservices-uk-ltd

Copper Iodide

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Copper Nitrate

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Copper Oxide

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: company/cp-internationalchemicals-ltd

Copper Oxychloride

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Copper Powder

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: /cp-international-chemicals-ltd

Copper Sulphate

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Cosmetic Actives


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Cosmetic Chemicals

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Infinity Ingredients

T: +44 (0)1344 354 900

E: technical@infinity-ingredients.co.uk

W: www.infinity-ingredients.co.uk

t: @Infinity_ingred

i: company/infinity-ingredients


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Cosmetic Fruit Extracts

Birchwood Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (020) 8207 3222

E: sales@birchwoodchem.co.uk

W: www.birchwoodchem.co.uk

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Copper Carbonate

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri

IMCD UK Ltd (Personal Care)

T: +44 (020) 8770 7090

E: cosmetics@imcd.co.uk

W: www.imcdgroup.com


i: company/imcd-group

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

74 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Cosmetic Ingredients

Cosmetic Ingredients,

Organic (COSMOS


BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Kerfoot Group Ltd

T: +44 (0)1609 766790

E: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk

W: www.kerfootgroup.co.uk

t: @KerfootGroup

i: company/kerfoot

Cosmetic Plant Extracts,


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Cornelius Group PLC

T: +44 (0) 1279 714 300

F: +44 (0) 1279 714 320

E: sales@cornelius.co.uk

W: www.cornelius.co.uk

t: @CorneliusGroup

i: company/cornelius-group-plc

Infinity Ingredients

T: +44 (0)1344 354 900

E: technical@infinity-ingredients.co.uk

W: www.infinity-ingredients.co.uk

t: @Infinity_ingred

i: company/infinity-ingredients

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Cosmetics and Toiletries,

Raw Materials

Cornelius Group PLC

T: +44 (0) 1279 714 300

F: +44 (0) 1279 714 320

E: sales@cornelius.co.uk

W: www.cornelius.co.uk

t: @CorneliusGroup

i: company/cornelius-group-plc

Registration open

Picture © Katrin Heyer

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group

Kerfoot Group Ltd

T: +44 (0)1609 766790

E: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk

W: www.kerfootgroup.co.uk

t: @KerfootGroup

i: company/kerfoot

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan


June 29, 2022 is the date.

Registration for the industry event of the

detergents/cleansers, cosmetics and fragrance

sector in Europe opens.

Of course, there’s still a bit of time before

October, but remember – tickets for the

A 昀 er Event are scarce and sold on a 昀 rstcome

昀 rst-served basis.

So, register now and be there!

See you 昀 nally live again in October.

Register now

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Seppic SA

T: +33 (0)142 91 4000

E: cosmetic.seppic@airliquide.com

W: www.seppic.com


i: company/seppic

Coupling Reagents

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com




WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 75

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Covid-19 Research


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Cream of Tartar

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Crown Ethers

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Crystal violet (C.I. 42555)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Cupric Oxide

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: company/cp-internationalchemicals-ltd

Cuprous Thiocyanate

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Curcumin Extract


Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Curing Agents

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Custom Synthesised


Advanced Chemical Intermediates


T: +44 (0)1840 261451

F: +44 (0)1840 261451

E: enquiries@acints.com

W: www.acints.com

Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

Custom Synthesis


Arc Pharma (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)20 8427 2921

F: +44 (0)7515 442095

E: sales@arcpharma.co.uk

W: www.arcpharma.co.uk


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Cyclohexane, 99+%, pure

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/


99+%, PURE

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

CP International Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 506330

E: chemicals@cpgroup.co.uk

W: www.cpchemicals.com

t: @CPChemicals

i: company/cp-internationalchemicals-ltd

Cuprous Oxide

Bardyke Chemicals Ltd

T: 44 (0)1698 823361

F: 44 (0)1698 820535

E: duncan@bardyke.com

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Synthite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1352 752521

F: +44 (0)1352 700182

E: sananiazi@synthite.co.uk

W: www.synthite.co.uk

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-


SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Cytotoxins & High Potency


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

D(+)-Mannose, 99+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

76 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

10th & 11th May 2023 The NEC, Birmingham, UK


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General and Fine Chemicals Section 1





De-Icers (inc Aircraft /


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

D-Sorbitol, 97%

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

De-icing Products


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

PennWhite Ltd

T: +44 (0)1606 734 820

F: +44 (0)1606 837 867

E: info@pennwhite.co.uk

W: www.pennwhite.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

D-(+)-Galactose (Nonanimal


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Shrieve Products International Ltd

T: +44 (0)1732 520 600

E: emea@shrieve.com

W: www.shrieve.com

i: company/shrieve



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

D-(+)-Maltose Monohydrate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

De-ionised Water

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Demineralised Water



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

DAST (Diethylaminosulfur


Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

D Chlor Tablets

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Dearomatized Aliphatic




TotalEnergies Marketing UK


T: +44 (0)20 7339 8008

E: specialfluids@totalenergies.com

W: www.services.totalenergies.uk

t: @TotalEnergiesUK


Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Denaturants for Alcohols

Joseph Mills (Denaturants) Ltd

T: +44 (0)151 421 0014

E: orders@ethanol.co.uk

W: www.ethanol.co.uk

Denatured Alcohols

Elementrix Limited

T: +44 (0)15242 74343

E: info@elementrix.co.uk

W: www.elementrix.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

78 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Desethyl Chloroquine

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Dextran sulfate sodium

salt, MW ca 40,000

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Di-Isononyl Phthalate

Di-n-Butyl Ether

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Di-n-butyl ether, 99+%,

extra pure

Diacetone Alcohol

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Diagnostic Raw Materials

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Deuterium oxide, for NMR,

99.8 atom % D

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Di-n-Butyl Adipate

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Diagnostic Reagents

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Di-tert-butyl dicarbonate



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Collinda was established in 1981 and today is a leading

supplier of speciality chemicals including AMS, curing

agents, high purity aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons,

hydroxides and coumarone tackifiers. Collinda’s technical

focus means that we will work with you to identify the

chemical solution you need and our long-term cooperation

with our principals allows us to benefit from their in-house

expertise. We offer a hands-on approach and you will always

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We supply into the pharmaceutical and reagents, resins,

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the rubber industries. With a significant UK stock holding,

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our experienced customer service team will ensure your

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Collinda provides first rate products by working

with leading European and American producers

to ensure consistent product quality, supply security and

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Collinda puts the customer first and is the vital link

between the supplier and the customer. We look

forward to serving you.

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

T: +44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk


WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 79

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Diammonium Phosphate

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Diazo Chemistry

Dichloromethane, 99.9%,

Extra Dry, stabilized,


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Dicloxacillin sodium



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Diethyl Suberate

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Diflufenican (DFF)

Dimethicone Fluids and


BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Dimethyl Adipate

Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

Dibasic Esters (DBE)

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Briar Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 242424

E: info@briarchemicals.com

W: www.briarchemicals.com

t: @BriarChemicals

i: company/briar-chemicals


SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens


Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Ferro Metal & Chemical Corp Ltd

T: +44 (0)118 965 3868

F: +44 (0)118 965 3860

E: info@fmccorp.co.uk

W: www.fmccorp.co.uk

Diethylene Glycol

Stort Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1279 755151

F: +44 (0)1279 755246

E: sales@stortchemicals.co.uk

W: www.stortchemicals.co.uk

t: @StortChemicals

i: company/stort-group



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Dimethyl Isosorbide

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Diethyl Ether (B.P.)

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Di Iso Propyl Adipate

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Dimethyl Succinate

Dicalcium Phosphate

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Dichloro-m-Xylenol (DCMX)

Sholkem Chemie Associates Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 293 2524

F: +44 (0)113 350 3360

E: sholkem@ntlworld.com

W: www.sholkemchemie.com

Dichloromethane, 99.8%,

Extra Dry over Molecular

Sieve, Stabilized,


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Diethyl Ethoxymalonate


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Diethyl isopropylmalonate

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens




Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Dioctyl Adipate (DOA)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

80 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Dioctyl Maleate (DOM)

DL-Serine, non-animal,

98.5+%, Thermo Scientific

Dodecyl sulfate, sodium

salt, 99%, for biochemistry


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Dioctyl Sebacate (DOS)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Dioctyl Sulphosuccinate

Sodium Salt (DOSS)

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Dipotassium Phosphate

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Dipropylene Glycol

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Disodium Phosphate,

Anhydrous & Crystal

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

DLCT (Dark Liquid

Coumarone Tackifier)

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

DMAP (4-


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Dow Corning|r High-

Vacuum Grease

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Dowex 1X8, 50-100 mesh,

ion-exchange resin

Libra Speciality Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 775 1888

F: +44 (0)161 777 9109

E: sales@librachem.co.uk

W: www.librachem.co.uk

t: @LibraChem

i: company/libra-chemicals

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Dispersing Agents


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Dioctyl terephthalate


Borregaard UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 285400

E: enquiries.uk@borregaard.com

W: www.lignotech.com

t: @Borregaard


Your Total Chemical

Solutions Partner

Euram Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1628 472848

F: +44 (0)1628 890095

E: sales@euramchemicals.co.uk

W: www.euramchemicals.co.uk





Zanos Ltd (Part of The Stort


T: +44 (0)1565 755899

F: +44 (0)1565 755799

E: info@zanos.co.uk

W: www.zanos.co.uk

t: @zanosltd

i: company/zanos-ltd

Titanium Dioxide

Carbon Blacks





T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Dipicolinic Acid

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Organoclays, Carbon Blacks, Silica Matting Agents, Dibasic Esters,

Epoxy Curing Agents, Propylene Carbonate, UV Absorbers

Our sales team are dedicated to working with

you to explore options and develop plans that

meet your business needs. From our external

salesforce to our internal customer support,

supply chain and management, we all

understand the importance of our roles in

delivering a seamless, efficient and trustworthy

source for your raw materials. As part of our ISO

standards we regularly discuss our performance

with our customers to ensure that we continue

to meet or exceed all of your expectations.

We promise to deliver:

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n Supported by a dedicated sales and

customer service team

Castlegate Business Park, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 5AD

Tel: + 44 (0) 1291 422747 Email: enquiry@uk.megachem.com Web: www.uk.megachem.com

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 81

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Dowex 50WX8, 100-200

mesh, ion-exchange resin

Drierite® with indicator, 8



Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Echinacea Extracts


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


Doxycycline hyclate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Drierite|r, indicating


Dyes & Dye Intermediates


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Dyes Stains & Indicators


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

EDAC hydrochloride (N-(3-




Chemlink Specialities Ltd (HARKE


T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: tec@chemlink.harke.com

W: www.chemlink.co.uk

t: @chemlink

i: company/chemlink-specialities

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Edible Oils (Vegetable)

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

EEDQ (2-Ethoxy-1-




T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Cod Beck Blenders Ltd

The company's 8 acre site has

been developed as a multifunctional

contract facility

capable of blending powders and

liquids, liquid adsorption, sieving,

size separation, chemical drying,

powder and liquid packing.

Dedicated facilities for

pharmaceutical, quasipharmaceutical

and fine

chemicals have been

constructed in separate


Our production systems have

quality accreditation to BS EN ISO

9001:2015, BRCGS Halal, Kosher,


Additionally the company holds a

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

manufacturers licence.

• Drying

• Powder blending

• Powder packing

• Milling

• Sieving

• Kibbling

• Liquid blending

• Liquid packing

• Tanker filling

• Container loading

Cod Beck Blenders Ltd, Cod Beck Estate, Dalton, Thirsk,

North Yorkshire, YO7 3HR, UK Tel: (+44) 01845 577117

www.cbchem.co.uk email enquiries@cbchem.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan


Chemlink Specialities Ltd (HARKE


T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: tec@chemlink.harke.com

W: www.chemlink.co.uk

t: @chemlink

i: company/chemlink-specialities

Seppic SA

T: +33 (0)142 91 4000

E: cosmetic.seppic@airliquide.com

W: www.seppic.com


i: company/seppic

Endotoxin Tested


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Energy Materials, Batteries


Strem Chemicals UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1223 873028

E: enquiries@strem.co.uk

W: www.strem.co.uk

82 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23



When new challenges blow up a storm,

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innovation and environmental responsibility.

Trust in us to guide you through these choppy waters.









Contact us: info@arpadis.com


WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 83

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1




Epoxy Curing Agents



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Enzymes (Proteolytic)



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Enzyme Substrates


T: +44 (0)161 938 3200

E: sales@rbhltd.com

W: www.geniechem.com/index.php

i: company/richard-baker-harrisonlimited


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Essential Oils and


Joseph Mills (Denaturants) Ltd

T: +44 (0)151 421 0014

E: orders@ethanol.co.uk

W: www.ethanol.co.uk

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Epoxide Resins & Curing




T: +44 (0)1223 828 640

E: info@teruk.co.uk

W: www.teruk.co.uk

t: @TerChemicals

i: company/terchemicals

Berkhamsted Toiletries Ltd

T: +44 (0)1296 630091

F: +44 (0)1296 630608

E: ali@berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

W: www.berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

Birchwood Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (020) 8207 3222

E: sales@birchwoodchem.co.uk

W: www.birchwoodchem.co.uk

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-


Association Approved

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Epoxy Resins


EST 1940

John Kellys (London) Ltd

T: +44 (0)203 930 0833

E: trading@johnkellys.com

W: www.johnkellys.com

Joseph Mills (Denaturants) Ltd

T: +44 (0)151 421 0014

E: orders@ethanol.co.uk

W: www.ethanol.co.uk

Ethanolamines, Mono-, Di-,


Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group

Epoxy and Polyester




T: +44 (0)1223 828 640

E: info@teruk.co.uk

W: www.teruk.co.uk

t: @TerChemicals

i: company/terchemicals

Kerfoot Group Ltd

T: +44 (0)1609 766790

E: info@kerfootgroup.co.uk

W: www.kerfootgroup.co.uk

t: @KerfootGroup

i: company/kerfoot

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Epoxy Silanes

Ethoxy Propanol

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

84 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Ethyl 2-fluoro-3-


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Ethyl 2-fluoroacetoacetate

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Ethyl 3–Ethoxypropionate


acid, tripotassium salt

dihydrate, 99+%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Ethylene Glycol

Manufacturers & Distributors of

Speciality Mineral Salts


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Ethyl Acetate

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Ethylene Glycol Diacetate

Elementrix Limited

T: +44 (0)15242 74343

E: info@elementrix.co.uk

W: www.elementrix.co.uk

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Ethyl Diglycol

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Ethylhexyl Glycerine (EHG)

At Celtic Chemicals we manufacture, process & distribute

specialty mineral salts for niche markets. The company was

established in 1979, starting its life as a trading company before

launching its small production facility to supply inorganic metallic

salts to the laboratory reagent market.

Since then our expertise and production capability has grown,

and we now manufacture and supply a greater range of products

into a variety of markets;

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Ethyl Diglycol Acetate

Orange Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1962 842525

F: +44 (0)1962 841101

E: sales@orangechem.co.uk

W: www.orangechem.co.uk

Ethylene Bis-Stearamide


Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

n Nutrition: Human, Animal & Plant

n Pharma / Biotech Applications

n Metal Finishing & Surface Treatment

n Laboratory Reagents

n Raw Materials for Capacitors

n Inks / Colours

n Anaerobic Digestion / Biogas

Please refer to our website www.celticchemicals.co.uk

for product details or call +44 (0)1656 749 358

email sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 85

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Ethylhexyl Glycerine (EHG)


Fatty Acids

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Ferric Chloride

Ferrous Chloride

SACHEM Europe B.V.

T: +31 (0) 418 682 000


F: +31 (0) 418 682 082


E: info@sacheminc.com

W: www.sacheminc.com


SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Ethyl Methyl Amine

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Ethyl Trifluoroacetate

Chemical Raw Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0)1428 648851

E: info@chemrawmat.co.uk

W: www.chemrawmat.co.uk

i: company/chemical-raw-materialslimited

Eucalyptus Oil

Berkhamsted Toiletries Ltd

T: +44 (0)1296 630091

F: +44 (0)1296 630608

E: ali@berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

W: www.berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk


Fatty Alcohols

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

H Foster 1875 Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 243 9016

E: sales@hfoster.co.uk

W: www.hfoster.co.uk

i: company/h-foster-1875-limited


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Fermentation Chemicals

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Ferric Chloride 40%

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Ferric Hydroxide

(Desulphurisation for

Biogas Plants)

Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

Ferric Nitrate

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Ferrous Sulphate


Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Fillers, for Plastics

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Fillers, for Rubber


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Fats, Edible & Technical

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Fatty Acid Esters

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Ferric Ammonium Citrate

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Thomson & Joseph Ltd

T: +44 (0)1603 781217

F: +44 (0)1603 781149

E: enquiries@tandj.co.uk

W: www.tandj.co.uk

t: @TandJ_Agri

Ferric Sulphate

Filtration Media (Air & Gas)

Roxchem Limited

T: +44 (0)1244 536700

F: +44 (0)7884 316149

E: mail@roxchem.com

W: www.roxchem.com

Fine Chemicals


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Ferric Ammonium Citrate


R A Watts Ltd

T: +44 (020) 8781 1818

F: +44 (020) 8781 1821

E: sales@rawatts.co.uk

W: www.rawatts.co.uk

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Syntor Fine Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1928 579 865

F: +44 (0)1928 579 734

E: sales.uk@aceto.com

W: www.syntor.co.uk

t: @SyntorLtd

86 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23




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General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Fine Chemicals (Cont)

Fire Retardants (Alumina


Flame Retardants

Fluorescent Reagents &


Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan


T: +44 (0)161 938 3200

E: sales@rbhltd.com

W: www.geniechem.com/index.php

i: company/richard-baker-harrisonlimited

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fluorinated Ketoesters

Fingolimod hydrochloride

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Fire Retardant Fillers

(Plastics & Rubber)

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Fisher Tropsch Waxes

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Fish Oils

J1 Technologies, a speciality

chemical company

J1 Technologies, incorporated in 1999, is a

speciality chemical company focused on

the development of formulated products

and surface active agents, through

application testing and research.

Our product range has evolved by working

closely with our customers to solve

problems and optimise performance in a

wide range of industrial processes.

Currently it encompasses a combination

of standard products and unique

formulations specifically designed to meet

the requirements of individual customers.

J1 Technologies was one of the first

chemical companies in the UK to be issued,

by the Environment Agency, a permit under

The Integrated Pollution Prevention and

Control (IPPC) regulations, to manufacture

Surface Active Agents (Surfactants),

involving reaction.

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Based in Trafford Park, Manchester, at the

heart of the UK motorway network, and

minutes from Manchester International

Airport, J1 Technologies world-wide

customer base can access our facilities and

services quickly and easily.

Continual development and appropriate

expansion has enabled J1 Technologies to

increase its range of services to customers

and serve their needs and expectations.

Speciality processes include:

Phosphation, sulphation, esterification,

amidation, neutralisation, emulsification,

dispersion. J1 Technologies also offer

manufacturing of products based on the

customer’s formulations from small trial

batches to bulk quantities. Products are

made to ISO 9001 standards using

procedures that have a low impact on the


Phone: +44 (0)161 875 2110 Fax: +44 (0) 161 875 2129

Email: kevin.burgess@j1technologies.com www.j1technologies.com

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Flame Retardants

(Magnesium Hydroxide)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Flame Retardant


William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited


Berkhamsted Toiletries Ltd

T: +44 (0)1296 630091

F: +44 (0)1296 630608

E: ali@berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

W: www.berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

Fluorescein (free acid)

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Fluorescein sodium salt

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Fluorinated Organic


F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Fluorinated Speciality


Chemlink Specialities Ltd (HARKE


T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: tec@chemlink.harke.com

W: www.chemlink.co.uk

t: @chemlink

i: company/chemlink-specialities

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fluorination – Selective


F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

88 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

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Flutec PP3 (Perfluoro-1,3-




NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Flutec Fluids

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Fmoc-Cl (9-



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc-D-Amino Acid


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc-L-Amino Acid


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc-L-Amino Acid


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc-L-Aspartic Acid

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc-L-Glutamic Acid

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Unique Global Sourcing Specialists

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l Fast response times

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l Recent projects include

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l High purity inorganics (4N – 6N)

l Propellant modifiers

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Dedicated to your business needs

Email us office@nichematerials.com | Call us +44 (0)1202 67 1066

…or read what our customers say at www.nichematerials.com

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General and Fine Chemicals Section 1






NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Fmoc Amino Acid (For

Peptide Synthesis)

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Foaming and Conditioning


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com


Berkhamsted Toiletries Ltd

T: +44 (0)1296 630091

F: +44 (0)1296 630608

E: ali@berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

W: www.berkhamstedtoiletries.co.uk

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Food Additives


Rigest Trading Limited

T: +44 (0)1535 286 853

E: sales@rigest.com

W: www.rigest.com

Fuel Additives

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Food Chemicals

Shrieve Products International Ltd

T: +44 (0)1732 520 600

E: emea@shrieve.com

W: www.shrieve.com

i: company/shrieve

Cornelius Group PLC

T: +44 (0) 1279 714 300

F: +44 (0) 1279 714 320

E: sales@cornelius.co.uk

W: www.cornelius.co.uk

t: @CorneliusGroup

i: company/cornelius-group-plc


Varichem Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1495 312388

F: +44 (0)1495 312167

E: enquiries@varichem.co.uk

W: www.varichem.co.uk

i: company/varichem-co-ltd


Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Synthite (MOLD) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1352 752521

F: +44 (0)1352 700182

E: sananiazi@synthite.co.uk

W: www.synthite.co.uk


Fumaric Acid

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Fumed Silica

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Euram Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1628 472848

F: +44 (0)1628 890095

E: sales@euramchemicals.co.uk

W: www.euramchemicals.co.uk

90 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

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Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Ginseng (Powders &


Experts in Fluorination

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Gelling Agents


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Gemcitabine hydrochloride

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

General & Fine Chemicals

Combined Chemical Services (UK)


T: +44 (0)1925 213 620

F: +44 (0)7525 816 944

E: sales@combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

W: www.combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

i: company/combined-chemicalservices-uk-ltd

Gentamycin Sulfate

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Giemsa Stain


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd


Peter Whiting (Chemicals) Ltd

T: +44 (0)207 605 7880

F: +44 (0)207 603 3240

E: sales@whiting-chemicals.co.uk

W: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uk

Glucosamine Sulphate

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk



T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Perfluorinated Fluids

F2 Chemicals Ltd utilise their ability to manufacture

elemental fluorine on demand to manufacture a wide

range of high purity perfluorinated fluids under the

Flutec trade name. The fluids are fully fluorinated and

contain only fluorine and carbon atoms. Their

properties include excellent thermal stability, chemical

inertness, electrical resistivity and gas solubility. They

are also non-toxic and non-flammable.

Flutec Fluids are specialist performance fluids that can

be used in a wide range of industries that includes

amongst others: oil, gas and atmospheric tracing;

building management; semiconductor manufacture;

cosmetics; medical applications; and dielectric fluids

for cooling high powered electronics.

Selective Direct Fluorination

F2 Chemicals also have the technology to carry out

Selective Direct Fluorination utilising elemental

fluorine and organic compounds. We have the

expertise and capacity to manufacture SF5

compounds and fluorinated ketoesters, both of which

have important functions as pharmaceutical

intermediates, and other products too./p>

Research and Development

We also utilise our fluorination skills to assist

customers undertake Research and Development

work that requires expertise in the handling of, and

formulation with, elemental fluorine.

F2 Chemicals Ltd is a fully owned UK subsidiary of Showa Denko K.K.


F2 Chemicals Ltd

Lea Lane

Lea Town

Nr. Preston


PR4 0RZ (UK)


Helen McNamee



Tel:+44 (0) 1772 775804

Fax:+44 (0) 1772 775809

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 91

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Glutaric acid

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Glycolic acid, 70%


Witton Chemical Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1638 716001

E: enquiries@witton.com

W: www.witton.com

Glutaric Anhydride

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens


Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Glycerine (B.P.)

Glycerine (B.P.) (Vegetable)

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Glycerol, 99+%, extra pure

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Glycol Ethers

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Gold(I) sodium thiosulfate

hydrate, 99.9% (metals


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Grapeseed Oil

H Foster 1875 Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 243 9016

E: sales@hfoster.co.uk

W: www.hfoster.co.uk

i: company/h-foster-1875-limited

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz



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Graphene Dispersions



HATU (O-(7-



um hexafluorophosphate)

Herbal Extracts

Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Graphene Oxide

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Guanidine hydrochloride,

99.5%, without anticaking


Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

Heat Transfer Fluids


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Grease (Silicone)

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Green Shell Mussel Powder

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Guanidine Thiocyanate

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

F2 Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1772 775804

F: +44 (0)1772 775809

E: helen.mcnamee@f2chemicals.com

W: www.f2chemicals.com

Shrieve Products International Ltd

T: +44 (0)1732 520 600

E: emea@shrieve.com

W: www.shrieve.com

i: company/shrieve

Hemp Seed Organic

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Heterocyclic Compounds

Green Tea Extract


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


Guar Gum

Chemcolloids Ltd

T: +44 (0)1260 223 555

F: +44 (0)1260 222 986

E: info@chemcolloids.com

W: www.chemcolloids.com

t: @chemcolloids



Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

HEPES (4-(2-


ethanesulfonic acid)

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com




T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Guanidine Hydrochloride


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Haematoxylin (C.I. 75290)


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd


BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Hexylene Glycol

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 93

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Hexylene Glycol (Cont)



Hyaluronic acid

Hydrocarbon Solvents


Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Ascot International Ltd

T: +44 0161 476 6161

F: +44 0161 476 5775

E: yogesh@ascot1.com

W: www.ascot1.com

t: @ascotuk

Barrettine Industrial

T: +44 (0)1179 600060

E: sales@barrettine.co.uk

W: www.barrettine.co.uk

HFIP (Hexafluoro-2-


Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

High Purity Metal Organics

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Home Care Chemicals

IMCD UK Ltd (Homecare)

T: +44 (020) 8770 7090

E: homecare@imcd.co.uk

W: www.imcdgroup.com

i: company/imcd-group

Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group

Hydrazine Hydrate


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Hydriodic acid, 57% w/w

aq. soln., stab with 1.5%

hypophosphorous acid

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydrocarbon Resins

TotalEnergies Marketing UK


T: +44 (0)20 7339 8008

E: specialfluids@totalenergies.com

W: www.services.totalenergies.uk

t: @TotalEnergiesUK

Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

Airedale Chemical Company


T: +44 (0)1535 286 853

E: enquiries@airedalechemical.co.uk

W: www.airedalechemical.com

t: @AiredaleC


T: +44 (0)1493 660800

F: +44 (0)1493 843067

E: sales@chemtek.co.uk

W: www.chemtek.co.uk

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Pearl Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1785 819747

F: +44 (0)1785 811567

E: enquiries@pearlchem.co.uk

W: www.pearlchem.co.uk

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Hydrocarbons High Purity

Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 22%

Collinda Ltd

T: +44 (0)208 763 3790

+44 (0)121 820 2600

E: info@collinda.co.uk

W: www.collinda.co.uk


T: +44 (0)1493 660800

F: +44 (0)1493 843067

E: sales@chemtek.co.uk

W: www.chemtek.co.uk

94 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Forward Thinking Formulating

Open your eyes to a world of solutions at SCS Formulate. Over the two days you will

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products for today’s reality.


15-16 Nov 2022 Coventry Building Society Arena

WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 95

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)



T: +44 (0)1493 660800

F: +44 (0)1493 843067

E: sales@chemtek.co.uk

W: www.chemtek.co.uk

Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

28% – Bulk

Hydrogenated Coconut Oil

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk


Hydrocarbon Resin

Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Hydrogen peroxide, pure,

50 wt% solution in water,


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydrolysed Proteins

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose



Chemcolloids Ltd

T: +44 (0)1260 223 555

F: +44 (0)1260 222 986

E: info@chemcolloids.com

W: www.chemcolloids.com

t: @chemcolloids


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Align Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0)1494 728458

E: barry.langdon@alignchemical.com

W: www.alignchemical.com

Hydrogen chloride, 4N

solution in 1,4-dioxane,


Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk



Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 36%



T: +44 (0)1493 660800

F: +44 (0)1493 843067

E: sales@chemtek.co.uk

W: www.chemtek.co.uk

Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydrogen Peroxide

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydroxypropyl Methyl

Cellulose (HPMC) Industrial



T: +44 (0)1493 660800

F: +44 (0)1493 843067

E: sales@chemtek.co.uk

W: www.chemtek.co.uk

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Hydrochloric acid, ACS

reagent, ca. 37% solution

in water

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydrogenated Castor Oil

(HCO) Flake and Powder

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

Industrial Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1375 389000

F: +44 (0)1375 389112

E: info@icgl.co.uk

W: www.icgl.co.uk

Resource Chemical Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1280 843800

F: +44 (0) 1280 701705

E: mark@resourcechemical.ltd.uk

W: www.resourcechemical.co.uk

i: company/resource-chemical-ltd

Stowlin Ltd

T: +44 (0)116 278 5373

F: +44 (0)116 277 2616

E: info@stowlin.com

W: www.stowlin.com

i: company/stowlin-croftshaw

Hydrogen peroxide, for

analysis, 35 wt.% solution

in water, stabilized

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Hydroquinone bis(2-

Hydroxyethyl) Ether (HQEE)


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/


Zanos Ltd (Part of The Stort


T: +44 (0)1565 755899

F: +44 (0)1565 755799

E: info@zanos.co.uk

W: www.zanos.co.uk

t: @zanosltd

i: company/zanos-ltd



Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Chemcolloids Ltd

T: +44 (0)1260 223 555

F: +44 (0)1260 222 986

E: info@chemcolloids.com

W: www.chemcolloids.com

t: @chemcolloids

Hydroxy Silicones

BRB International BV

T: +31 475 560 300

F: +31 475 560 323

E: info@brbbv.com

W: www.brb-international.com

i: company/brb-international-bv

Imidazole, 99%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific



NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

96 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

Can’t find it? More Products, Services, CAS & Suppliers visit www.w2bchemicals.com


Imipenem Monohydrate

Industrial Additives

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Indian Herbal Extracts

Slater & Frith Ltd

T: +44 (0)1692 584977

E: info@slaterandfrith.co.uk

Addi-Tec Ltd (HARKE GROUP)

T: +44 (0)161 629 2129

F: +44 (0)161 629 2128

E: sjo@additec.harke.com

W: www.addi-tec.co.uk

Industrial Detergents


Indium shot, 5mm (0.2in) &

down, Puratronic|r,

99.9999% (metals basis)

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Zanos Ltd (Part of The Stort


T: +44 (0)1565 755899

F: +44 (0)1565 755799

E: info@zanos.co.uk

W: www.zanos.co.uk

t: @zanosltd

i: company/zanos-ltd

Industrial & Institutional

(I&I Chemical Products)

IMCD UK Ltd (Homecare)

T: +44 (020) 8770 7090

E: homecare@imcd.co.uk

W: www.imcdgroup.com

i: company/imcd-group

Scott Bader Co Ltd

T: +44 (0)1933 663100

F: +44 (0)1933 663028

E: enquiries@scottbader.com

W: www.scottbader.com

t: @ScottBaderCoLtd

i: company/scott-bader-group

Esseco UK Limited

T: +44 (0)1924 371919

F: +44 (0)1924 290408

E: russel.etherington@essecouk.com

W: www.essecouk.com

i: company/brotherton-esseco-ltd

Inorganic Chemicals

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

Inorganic Chemicals, High


NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Intermediates for


Safic Alcan UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1925 848110

F: +44 (0)1925 848119

E: info@safic-alcan.co.uk

W: www.safic-alcan.com

i: company/safic-alcan

Inverse Emulsions

Barentz UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1924 844820

F: +44 (0)1924 849754

E: infonkc@barentz.co.uk

W: www.barentz.com

i: company/barentz

Bulk Chemicals

UK Logistics

Toll & Contract Manufacturing

ICL supply a wide variety of industry not

only throughout the UK, but also across

Europe and parts of Asia. These customers

range from large international “Blue Chip”

companies to small family businesses.

Water Treatment


Metal Treatment


Power / Energy

ICL can work with you on any scale

to provide solutions for your process


Blending & Mixing

Bulk Handling


Grinding / Milling / Extrusion


Spray Drying


General 01375 389000

Accounts 01375 389010

Transport 01375 389100


Cleaning & Detergents

Food & Drink

Agricultural & Feed




WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 97

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Iodides and Iodates

Ionic liquids

Isopropanol, 99.5%, for

molecular biology, DNAse,

RNAse and Protease free

Celtic Chemicals Ltd

T: +44 (0)1656 749358

F: +44 (0)1656 746490

E: sales@celticchemicals.co.uk

W: www.celticchemicals.co.uk

i: company/celtic-chemicals-limited

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

Ion Pair Reagents

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Combined Chemical Services (UK)


T: +44 (0)1925 213 620

F: +44 (0)7525 816 944

E: sales@combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

W: www.combinedchemicalservices.co.uk

i: company/combined-chemicalservices-uk-ltd


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

William Blythe Ltd

T: +44 (0)1254 320000

F: +44 (0)1254 320001

E: info@williamblythe.com

W: www.williamblythe.com

i: company/william-blythe-limited

Iodinated Products


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com

IPTG (Isopropyl-beta-Dthiogalactopyranoside)

Apollo Scientific Ltd

T: +44 (0)161 406 0505

F: +44 (0)161 406 0506

E: sales@apolloscientific.co.uk

W: www.apolloscientific.co.uk

t: @ApolloSciUK

i: company/apollo-scientific-ltd

Iridium(IV) oxide, Premion|r,

99.99% (metals basis), Ir

84.5% min

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk

Isobutyryl Chloride

Sholkem Chemie Associates Ltd

T: +44 (0)113 293 2524

F: +44 (0)113 350 3360

E: sholkem@ntlworld.com

W: www.sholkemchemie.com

Isocyanates (HDI, TDI and




Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Isopropanol, 99.6%, ACS

reagent, meets the

requirements of


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Isopropanol, technical

NiCHe Materials Ltd

T: +44 (0) 1202 67 1066

E: mike.norman@nichematerials.com

W: www.nichematerials.com


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Isoamyl Acetate

Arpadis UK Ltd

T: +44 (0)1244 661666

F: +44 (0)1244 661766

E: s.phoenix@arpadis.com

W: www.arpadis.com

i: company/arpadis-uk-limited

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


T: +44 (0) 1993 843 081

F: +44 (0) 1993 841 261

E: info@oqema.co.uk

W: www.oqema.co.uk/en/

Iodomethane, 99%,


SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Isoamyl Alcohol

MegaChem (UK) Ltd

T: +44 (0)1291 422747

E: enquiry@uk.megachem.com

W: www.uk.megachem.com

t: @MegachemUKLtd

i: company/megachem-uk-ltd


Isopropyl Acetate

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

SEQENS Custom Specialties

(Chemoxy International Ltd)

T: +44 (0)1642 248555

F: +44 (0)1642 244340

E: info@seqens.com

W: www.chemoxy.com

t: @Chemoxy

i: company/seqens

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

Solventis Ltd

T: +44 (0)1483 209982

E: sales@solventis.net

W: www.solventis.net

t: @SolventisUK

i: company/solventis-ltd-

98 www.w2bchemicals.com WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23

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WHERE TO BUY CHEMICALS Directory 2022-23 www.w2bchemicals.com 99

General and Fine Chemicals Section 1


Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) (Cont)

Kanamycin Sulfate



L(+)-Arginine, 98+%

TRADEBE Chemicals

T: +44 (0)1524 853053

F: +44 (0)1524 851284

E: uksales@tradebe.com

W: www.tradebe.co.uk

Isopropyl Myristate


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Isopropyl Palmitate


T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com



T: +44 (0)1260 291000

E: contact@lehvoss.co.uk

W: www.lehvoss.co.uk

i: company/lehvoss-uk-ltd

Kaolin Heavy (B.P.)

R A Watts Ltd

T: +44 (020) 8781 1818

F: +44 (020) 8781 1821

E: sales@rawatts.co.uk

W: www.rawatts.co.uk

Kaolin Light (B.P.)

Azure Specialty Chemicals Limited

T: +44(0) 7770 983 290

E: enzo.costa@azurechem.com

W: www.azurechem.com

Kerosene, low odor

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific


Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

L(+)-Glutamic acid

monosodium salt

monohydrate, 99%

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

L-alpha-Lecithin, granular,

from soybean oil

Jojoba Oil

Hampshire Commodities Ltd

T: +44 (0)1252 613058

E: sales@hampshire-commodities.co.uk

W: www.hampshire-commodities.co.uk

R A Watts Ltd

T: +44 (020) 8781 1818

F: +44 (020) 8781 1821

E: sales@rawatts.co.uk

W: www.rawatts.co.uk

Wilfrid Smith Limited

T: +44 (0)1536 460020

F: +44 (0)1536 462400

E: info@wilfrid-smith.co.uk

W: www.wilfrid-smith.co.uk

t: @Wilfrid_Smith

i: company/wilfrid-smith-limited

Thermo Fisher Scientific

T: +1 781 622 1000

E: lab.chemicals@thermofisher.com



t: @thermofisher

i: company/thermo-fisher-scientific

Serving the chemical and associated

industries throughout the UK and Europe

Amongst our extensive product range are:-

n Acetic Acid

n Aluminium Chloride

n Ammonium Chloride

n Benzotriazole

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n Large Range of Phosphates

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