02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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AT KEZAR<br />




TO ALL i!<br />


;. Volume 60. No. 1 ,'y •/ San Francisco, California, Tuesday, February 17, ID12 - / '-J > Founded January, 169B<br />

253 New Students<br />

Register At <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Many New Student<br />

Leaders Join Ranks<br />

NEW<br />


Casaba Team Takes<br />

On Bulldogs Today<br />

Varsity Cagers Out<br />

To Win in Fifth Tilt<br />

Two hundred iifty-threu njw<br />

freshmen and sophumuces have j<br />

thU term joined the ranks at <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

family. This briugit tho total<br />

number of students cm oiled up to<br />

2£2,*i In a building originnlly ilcsirtied<br />

to hold 1.2M. i<br />

Among the newcomers are many,<br />

who were outstanding in many<br />

field- in their previous schools.<br />

From Marina comp* Arthur;<br />

Houston, student body president; ]<br />

Samele Moncharsh, vice-president!<br />

of rt'jdent body; Robert Gomperts,!<br />

who wi\s prominent in debating.'<br />

nnd Joyce Kodcg'-rdtM, M-er'-lury :, afco on the basketball u-m". -<br />

John Hanson, class prvxy mid sm-- 1<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s twice defected crgere<br />

clush with thu Kven more nbused<br />

Commerce Oulluogs In a tilt that<br />

may fd^rlKo everyone and bo one<br />

of the better contest* of the seaiton<br />

thii afternoon at Kezar Pa*<br />

vltion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cards who mm de'eat last<br />

week nt the hands of the Balboa.<br />

;»f|Uad. -trc out for sweet revenge<br />

nt the cxpvn»r of the Bulldogs, nntl<br />

thu.* atone for their poor ahowmg<br />

last Tuesday.<br />

Coleman Trails Itaker<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians will 1M> led by Bob<br />

Cherry nnd Jerry Caleman. the<br />

latter in imiUngJim linker of Poly<br />

for high point nonon of the loon.<br />

A priirtpcrous afternoon will ennbie<br />

him to take over t.tc tend in the<br />

m.ints scored department. Cherry,<br />

th>* broad shouldered center is tho<br />

cor manager; Frank Klfswnrtli,<br />

veritable ram-rod of the !>i Sacred<br />

Ruth Heppner. mtsistam editor of<br />

Heart gam'-, he hopes to take tho<br />

the paper; Kmest Fried, yell •<br />

j Bulldogs a* dwj* Frank Kti'felkn,<br />

leader; Necna Klimoff. student<br />

the Cards' other starting forward.<br />

body secri-tary; basketball player,'<br />

Charlie Cooke. Frank Wlgmore,<br />

Dan Tenttun. • Mr. Stephen* rtincrniula.-w <strong>Lowell</strong>'* new student fiody ufficrr*. Heading from left lo right are Janet amj ]tul Thompson, the three tl*<br />

Coming from John Swett h de- Itico, vicr.prr*iuVnt: Strve Mntur, secretary; Mr. Stephens; Paul Jh.pp+r, treasurer; Mare William*. Irrnatln : first string gur.rd*i, who<br />

bater Invin Goldstein.<br />

president; and Art lloppe. yell leader. —Photo by Kd Hnlscy are the ____ heart and soul of the<br />

Presidio graduates are led by!<br />

team's defrmte, can loosen up a<br />

Robert Ifansnhoff. student body<br />

prexy: Gilbert Pavlovsky, Amen- • CALENDAR-<br />

Student Body Card Ssle b'l, and work on an offense against<br />

ran legion Award winner; Harry<br />

Martin and<br />

Pavlovsky. who plnyed basket ha II. Feb. Ii>-P.-T. A. Meeiing.<br />

Starts; 100'' or Bust "'cwwfc, Lead, MOV<br />

, „ <strong>The</strong> tip-off, which is alaicd tor<br />

From Portola comes Mel Will* Feb. 2fl—Washington Assembly.<br />

back, who played basketball.<br />

Hauck, New "Orif humlrod ,irr c-ii' i.r bi;«t! n::to. will find tV *30*s on the<br />

Feb. J.'l — Washington Itirthday.<br />

That's _ what Tn-asur.-r Paul haulwoods .against a tough Cull-<br />

Among those from Grant nre<br />

i IliippiT h:nl lo MV when asked pup collection, but with high point<br />

Harold Newman, student body sec- Holiday.<br />

; how many stu'icnt body cards he mutlt j a c l c Crowtey. popping 'em,<br />

retary; Claude Rosenberg, stiHent Feb. tM—Itn, and White sale !*•<br />

thouirht ruukt _l-f *dil during th«- nn,| pBVe Sheldon plus Frank Sanbody<br />

treasurer; llasw Kndcnhatigh,<br />

editor of the paper; Carolyn Kipf.* Ft-b, i.<br />

: tr, student body prvsident; Hooper<br />

(Continued on Page 4)<br />

r firm :<br />

ford, the lcnuut<br />

i—Institute. Holiday.<br />

Many<br />

Ilii'l M;irun wni> rhurrn ar mwi- for the ratlin, hut Willinm Tnkni.<br />

Feb. 2o<br />

paintel and was forced to xig zag nil the way to San Francisco. In :he<br />

excitement of the voyage, one man went boserk when h* thought he<br />

heard the motor* "f Japanese homers. Itob, however, did not quit hif<br />

job rnd now handles a .HO caliber machine gun for tlcfvnue against<br />

bomhing atlark-t on the ship. I ~' "~<br />

Flwh: Ijwt *«-k at tin- St. *"* '»'"'' PtvUy fnst.<br />

MaiyV prom. I» CVrPs cirl friend <strong>The</strong>y're Off AKitin<br />

wan voted queen of the ball. Seem* If ymi think th.« Chicago fimt-,<br />

like the farmer U*etl hatkelbnll ball eleven of n few years back<br />

star still hnx plenty on the ball. * n * bad. you ir«* in for an implras-<br />

Cunitnuniriue ant ourprine. I^K( report* frt.m<br />

No. I from the windy city *]•>•»' that their<br />

tlii! Itcl and »a-»kflfiall team i* wo.*>e. Thry've<br />

White luad- ju-*t 1«H| their Iwenty-flflh cm-<br />

«iuartt*nakfng of Prnmiitionn<br />

firmed by re- r'oncratulations to two ex-Lowliable<br />

Miiim.**; ..Mtv*. Mu«iv manttr Mr. Mi-vlin<br />

that the re-1 f,,r moving ntntiil tu S. F. J. C.<br />

eeipt trouble, MU{ .Mi,,,, Mart*- Duffy who was<br />

encountered in trans furred l» Poly as head of<br />

the lost fdi-iian^j,,,!,,. department. ( '' n< louiucrx you ever saw. ,. • •<br />

dent. Hetty Solu'n.i immediate \n*V >M>fon a<br />

ttu'ni. ?« l Tinc thai thU term is welt<br />

tinift-r wcy- No «*'t*'.iitr pliiiis haw<br />

lN*fii iti;i'i«' T*.r .iiiy e'wi!' artivitit'i*.'<br />

to .<br />

Many Tournaments!<br />

"Thfir silver tmigui's will bring;<br />

honii' fiuMt'ii trophit-ii." proplit'.iird •<br />

('nacli (It-orge r. \jn\wr tit biit d"liatirn<br />

and urntors.<br />

LtiM«'M% Joint Harti-y will rrp-',<br />

rocnl tlif eighth district in thi*<br />

Amirican Legion conli«.t. ha vine<br />

liti'n rh«rM*n the heM r>tMMki*r in<br />

the city control. \<br />

Tin<br />

Assembly Held<br />

Because the birthday's of George<br />

Wuhinlno. • " Abnif Abrar . I Lincoln. Uncfn<br />

nnd Pre«Wtiit Kooievelt fall with<br />

.-,,-, name checked, off a list to be kept i hk id<br />

•' • by the P.ed end White sUff.<br />

Study of W»r<br />

Looking through the r,ewspapers,<br />

we found a very Interesting<br />

;•- article. It Jcems that a certain<br />

'' Dr. James Shotwcl! of Columblt<br />

1 LyonV Club otntory co.iipc-j<br />

titinti was entered by Shirley Me-.<br />

I'lie, who won thir a.l-city >wel| has attained.<br />

You owe II to the sthool lo Klve your full co-operation at HIT<br />

rallies, assemblies, and athletic events. In this way only can <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

nwinlsin her supremacy in the sports world.<br />

Scholarship, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s proud heritage, will be maintained only if yoa<br />

do your work day hy day faithfully and well.<br />

les. these are whole-hearted tasks we ask of you. but If you accept<br />

the challenge, your years at Uwrll will be ones lonr remembered.<br />


- LX>\VEJJLj®<br />

«d by tb» Ayocl*t#«i St<br />

of Lowdl Hifh Hehool<br />

ifOO H»yti StrMt. Sui tTr»Mlie«.<br />

CsllfornU<br />

U H. S. S. A. M«tnb«n ***•<br />

3IanagIng Editor.<br />

Feature Editor.<br />

Sport* Editor.<br />

Hew* Editor.<br />

Exchange Editor.<br />

jack Fisfcr<br />

Juna Gueaacr<br />

V*ttr Hinder<br />

Kfcfrr<br />


FRANK I'lOMIfO<br />

Stanford Itosvnbt-rg<br />

Mary Fletcher<br />

Ed MeArthur<br />

Jh. I dunno—<br />

icb> ? 7—1 xiirm Id scratch."<br />

Louise Kfyburn: **I would Rrab It. Brer<br />

Mince the draft we can't be loo choonir." (Ain't<br />

i| the truth?)<br />

Paul Hopper: "Are you kidding?"<br />

Janet Kico: "Well, It just di'per.ds—whether<br />

it's a blond or a brunette."<br />

Now for the definition: According to Webster,<br />

an khtbyornith(formes lit $n oruvr of extinct,<br />

toothed birds (superorder i d t t h K<br />

Catch on ? We don't.<br />

Heil Heel!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Password<br />

Glancing guiltily *,ver hii aholiluVr<br />

to 1M* sure he wasn't followed,<br />

the tall, auspicious-looking nun<br />

ducked into the alley. Quickly ht<br />

turned in the doorway of one of<br />

the dark and seemingly empty<br />

houses lining the street. After<br />

three short knocks on the door, a<br />

small panel opened. A swarthy<br />

mutt with a criminal face stared<br />

out through the ttny opening.<br />

"Whaatcha want?" h«r growled,<br />

"Joe sent me," nervously whwlU'rcd<br />

the stranger.<br />

Slowly the panel opened wider,<br />

and ibt man on the inside began a<br />

whispered consultation with the<br />

stranger.<br />

•That II cost ya a lot of dough."<br />

doubtfully stated the thug. "We<br />

take an awful chance getting riifa<br />

illegal stuff now. you know."<br />

••J'm willing to pay anything for<br />

them," the man breathlessly re*<br />

plied.<br />

<strong>The</strong> exchange of money and the<br />

package took place. As the<br />

stranger started tu leave, he heard<br />

a whispered warnlpy,<br />

-lie careful of th.it package,<br />

bud; ami don't let the coppers s^tt<br />

you. Rubber hsels for shoe* are<br />

illegal to sell now, ya snow."—Son<br />

Jose High School HeraM.<br />

| Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

"No word bites so fiercely as an<br />

evil toncue."—Sir P. Sidney.<br />

Hiive you awakened to that fact<br />

yet? We have, and as a result.<br />

starting as of now, no more deep<br />

Brilliant deduction: I hate Chem., that'* why dig* will be shoveled out from thU<br />

I don't like it.<br />

column. Only shallow ones.<br />

This one is about six Inches<br />

deep: Ed Odenthnl Keen having a<br />

One who Is f>ut*of-!ov

• 3 1*'• " v -<br />

ideline<br />

quabbles<br />

By Ed McArthur '•<br />

Let's bulldoze thoie BUIICIOKUM!<br />

When the talented Card five<br />

take* to' the hardwoods today<br />

aitatnit a lucklew Commerce qnln-.<br />

i«t,rth« wavering Neff troop will,<br />

not be rated;too highly, resulting<br />

from a sor-<br />


Oarsmen Get Test<br />

In Regatta Sunday<br />

Veterans May Pull<br />

Through For Cards<br />

'<strong>The</strong> Saihe Old Story^i<br />

Itj* Joan Simon<br />

When Coach Stan Ughty's latest<br />

Another "sedulous"<br />

edition of crew power takes to the<br />

meaning busy . . . G. A. A. Bav In the<br />

term has been planned by the new<br />

""""a' Washington<br />

officers and five gym teachccrs. Day regatta at the Aquatic Park<br />

the Hnye* Many events are being discussed this Sunday, the Card product will<br />

3treeten» can to make this one of the be«i terms hare more than its share of expo-1<br />

scoot pat.t the yst<br />

" .. nrrt<br />

four remaln-<br />

New Officer*<br />

rlencal oarsmen In thii title bound "<br />

Inglng oppo- Officers uuicent elected were jTesidcnti"*""<br />

nents, second Rttn Wicland, Secretary Shirley Although Neptune's spray has<br />

- honora will be Friedrich*. and Clerk of Awards t hindered the <strong>Lowell</strong> twelve from<br />

our*. So, let'i In--- Milling. Block L I'rcxy Ro-<br />

gn out today salie Zteglcr head* the clean-up<br />

and maHh that committee, assisted by Secretary<br />

Bulldog • mrat Eleanor Fox.<br />

Into nothing. Arc you with u«7 <strong>The</strong> managers of afler*nchool<br />

sportM this term ar«-: Jane Sachs,<br />

Twiley Rreak* Inlo Headline* badminton; J u a n 11 a Erlckson.<br />

Uttlc Colon Toolcy hr.s broken baseball; I'at Synnn. bicycling:<br />

into the headlines. After Cat Hubcr, dancing; <strong>The</strong>reat /leg*<br />

the ciuwba tussle with the "Hon- ler, honeback riding; Dythe-Mary<br />

tut Abes" a few wcoka ago, Neffn Hertert. Ice skati.ig: Ruth Kriie.<br />

chief scorekcepcr wan interviewed swimming, and Jean Dfettcrle. ten*<br />

by a local sports writer, who in- nix. Manager* for golf and howlquired<br />

ax to whnt the smaller of ing have not yet been elected.<br />

the Toolcy boys thought of the<br />

Schedule<br />

winning outfit. In return, C. T.<br />

remarked that the boys looked <strong>The</strong> following Is the probable<br />

iht good, but hod to improve, schedule for G. A. A. sports:<br />

If they wanted to nip Poly or Monday—Ice skating, dancing,<br />

Washington.<br />

Result, the intermediate and advanced swimnext<br />

day Toolcy received a spread<br />

of eight inches En one of the daily<br />

publications, plus a bit of kidding<br />

from just about everyone.<br />

Pent email tint<br />

Probably <strong>Lowell</strong>'* most underrated<br />

varsity cagers Is n;nrnM*ive<br />

I rank Wijrmore. Known to all for<br />

his top notch ability on the gridiron.<br />

Frank is seeing his fourth<br />

year an u <strong>Lowell</strong> hasketecr. haV'<br />

ing knocked about for three sea'<br />

sons on the unlimited* and one on<br />

the thirties. Throughout the league<br />

rjlay. our Scroll head has played<br />

a consistently good floor game,<br />

sparkled by a very capable eye.<br />

. . . Rugged Frank "Sunshine"<br />

Sonfnnl should also receive much<br />

credit for his yeoman work in the<br />

preliminaries. "Sunshine's" leadership<br />

and able shooting has lead<br />

the thirties in their march to the<br />

win column.<br />

Changing to the outdoor climate,<br />

we find this year's muscle-bound<br />

twelve, more commonly known as<br />

crewmen, led by Terrific Tom<br />

"Duck" Strel, who Is holding down<br />

the port stroke job in the '42 cam- J<br />

p&ign. Tom lit another who has<br />

had hi* share of athletics. In his<br />

l'irst two years in thr Red Crick<br />

tuiidiitp, he landed - a starting<br />

perth on the thirties, nne a championship<br />

group, while his upper<br />

ls fd hi fit<br />

1<br />

becoming n seasoned, outfit, the<br />

big Iwys still have n good chance<br />

of coming through, providing thai<br />

they overcome the powerful Saint<br />

Ignatius group, defenders of the<br />

rowing crown. Sunday's affair I<br />

will be a non-league encounter nnd j<br />

not too much will count on the outcome<br />

of the sprint. <strong>The</strong> regular<br />

A. A. A. run-off will not commence<br />

until some time in April.<br />

Starters<br />

It nerer fail*! . . . Throughout the football, basketball, and track<br />

<strong>The</strong> likely varsity boat will con-<br />

MtaAoiu. Joe High School atway* manage* to show up to nee the<br />

sist of Tom Strci, Harry Rahl-<br />

major sport activities, but when baseball and other minor aportfl<br />

r.unn. Ken Hall, George Kritsky,<br />

roll around do they eel the name support? You guessed it. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

Ernie Nnckord, and Dick Lee on<br />

don't. How about changing thin itory to crowds at erery atblette<br />

the port side, with newcomers<br />

erent? We can do HI -<br />

on their heel*. <strong>The</strong> pulling on the<br />

mlng. i starboard will be supplied by Ler<br />

Tuesday—basketball.<br />

Petterson, Connie Glafkldes. Jack Card Baseballers<br />

Wednesday—bowling, golf, bad- Ilnhcrmcycr, and Hob Anderson,<br />

minton, baseball, volleyball, ping with the other two berths open for<br />

pong, beginners' nnd Intermediate Ronald Sockotav. Rcmo Cunlberti, Will Be Tough<br />

horseback riding, bicycling. Jack MacDougall, Ed McArthur,<br />

Thursday — advanced horseback nnd Henry Walsh, the latter three,<br />

riding.<br />

together with Kritsky nnd Nack- Things will be different on the<br />

Friday—beginners' swimming. ord, served as first boaters on thelocal<br />

baseball front this season!<br />

Tennis is played throughout the JlO's in the Ml campaign.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>'s won't be the usual<br />

week. And speaking of Irani*.<br />

Rita Wieland and Sue Springer<br />

Lightweight*<br />

"brenther," the soft touch for other<br />

were finalists in the lennla tour- In the papoose bracket, only one I A. A. A. nines as has so often been<br />

nament of lant term.<br />

— * past years will return, ihe case, for many hard hitting,<br />

Tournaments<br />

clean fielding players have turned<br />

<strong>The</strong> Golden Gate aPrk Junior; top man for the third time. sen- out for Voyne's dinmondeers In<br />

Tennis Club wjll hold the annual -ingraft pilot In his frcshmnn term. the eyes of Coach Mike, this wilt<br />

Day Counties Tennis ~ Tournament,] Aiding "" Yamanaka " nre second fill many weak gaps in the line-up<br />

March 27 to April 2. Entry fee. stringer* Bud Silvermnn, man, Hatsuro<br />

will be $1.00. Entries can be taken Azawa, Paul White, and a host of<br />

and provide the Cards with a wide<br />

to either the gym or to Ruth Mar-1 beginners of which <strong>Lowell</strong> Bust- awake team that'll hit and fiJd<br />

tin, 136. So cotnc on, you champ*!, Incchl and Bob Hulsten loom the j so not to "blow" games, which wa»<br />

Enter nnd win! • class.<br />

the reason for last year's cellar<br />

standing.<br />

Vets Return<br />

Tracksters Open Season With<br />

<strong>The</strong> strength of the team will<br />

| he centered around Bob Cherry,<br />

Richmond Dual Meet, March 6 I Jerry Cotcman, and Paul Oral.<br />

Cherry is an all-city outfielder,<br />

who batted at a .500 clip in '41;<br />

When the Hayen Street "light-<br />

I £UCe On Coleman, a star short stop, swatted<br />

clad" spcedstern take to the track<br />

.333; and Oral, a fastball pitcher<br />

for their first dual meet. March u*. Competition and good hitter.<br />

ppe<br />

class years found him a first<br />

with Richmond, great showings<br />

Bill Brown, a good catcher, but<br />

stringer in the Cant unlimited firs cut* ire expected. With the experience <strong>Lowell</strong>'s championship swim*: weak hitter, has improved his bat-<br />

ter. And don't overlook Tom onof<br />

last year's veterans, Arnot, ming team looks toward* the openting to almost assure, him of u<br />

Voyne's eleven next term, he's HIrahfJeM, Brevier. Roach, and<br />

tops on the field as well as on the<br />

ing of the 1D42 season with bright stnrtlng berth.<br />

water.<br />

others, under the watchful eye of hopes.<br />

Carrying the name of <strong>Lowell</strong> Coath Elmer Harris, a successful<br />

Starter* <strong>The</strong>artened<br />

<strong>The</strong> varsity is captained<br />

with them in their colloglnte af- season Is In sight.<br />

p by] Threevets Three who mighTgnib off<br />

fairs nre ex-N'fffmen Don Ilur- Although hindered by San Km Frank Grannls. star free-styler of|th« open infield jobs arc Mornard,<br />

nesft. Howie Palltnar. and Hill<br />

Cowden. Alt are Htorient on Ev-<br />

Cisco -liquid sunshine," diligent "' I ing the his Indian third mermen, year of action. who Is enter-, i Newman Xewnwnnnd<br />

Marlowe. Four new*<br />

erett DeanV five down on thetraininir<br />

In the form of a few<br />

comers, Kudclka. Gill. Steinberg;<br />

School Prtxy Davo Williamj U and Liclmuitt. who have had cxpefarm.<br />

Ditto over at Rerkclejr. mites walking daily nnd workout* Luwt'H's entr^- in the .W.yanl free riencc in semi-pro games and<br />

where Dare Thurm is right up every day has already shown it* »tyle. while the 100-yanl fuu win'"how much promUe, may break<br />

thrre. an Is Eddie Cerf at Saint<br />

Mary's.<br />

mnrk.<br />

jj.CjUlnCn.nnI. and Don,;<br />

Century Spurt<br />

on the mound<br />

Minor Sports<br />

Nnw that the cage shuW4 arc<br />

Leading the field in the 100-<br />

hff<br />

reaching their final performance*.<br />

yard jnunt arc speedster* Jack<br />

:ho less publicised jiport activities<br />

Rreiuiler, Frank Piombo, and Jack<br />

Mill 5oon start taking their sports Riefc; nil are also 220-yard npurt*!<br />

under the limelight. Although the era. <strong>The</strong> 410 will be taken cure uf<br />

boy.' work just as earnestly as by Morton Roach, Jim £hcppard.<br />

the more popular activities, such Dick Hirshtiold. and "Dippy"<br />

TU footbMI or basketball, they do Evans. Distant men Phil Arnot.<br />

not get the supjrort they shoutd. "Dippy<br />

After all, they do mo'c than do<br />

their share of making <strong>Lowell</strong> the<br />

top athletic school In the city. Why<br />

not give our championship swimming<br />

and tcnnU teams, our A-l<br />

crew, baseball, and track squads<br />

the backing the*' duacrve?<br />

A. A. A. VARSITY<br />



Won Lost<br />

Poly<br />

li 00<br />

Saint Ignaliun. •<br />

Washington<br />

l<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> „._._ 3 2<br />

Sacred Heart...<br />

o<br />

Mission<br />

• Balboa -1.1 2 .3<br />

Galileo<br />

.«__ j 4<br />

Lincoln ^_ 0 5<br />

. Commerce ., - 0 5<br />

1 * Evans, and Don Wirktcr<br />

arc competing i» the 880.<br />

In the mile run, the newcomer*<br />

take the Held with Ed O'Donnell.<br />

Don WInklcr, Bob Biutc. nnd Ed<br />

Honey, all tryinff for top honors.<br />

Hopinjr to pole vault their way<br />

to fame thin season are Bob Me-<br />

LaughHn and Russ Conn. At Ocrand<br />

Will spin the dlncusa while<br />

Bob Carlson takes a ftinir at the<br />

high jump. Ed lltR-jre. Jwe N'USKbaum,<br />

and John Itir-wrnvc* will<br />

w»r the Canl colors in Ihe hurdles.<br />

Light welsh I*<br />

Also starting • V - :I Cagers Seek<br />

Win Against<br />

Bulldog Five<br />

(Continued From Page 1)<br />

vanity eager* witli Poly'i regular<br />

Kuardfl out for the flea»on. If the<br />

Eagle* should take the Parrou.<br />

and the Red and White continue<br />

unmolested, a three-way tie would<br />

result, with <strong>Lowell</strong>, Poly, and<br />

Washlnrton splitting up the melon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> starting line-up for the varsity<br />

and lightweights will be:<br />

Varsity Thirties<br />

F.—Coleman K.—Sheldon<br />

F.—Kudelka F.—Rader<br />

C—Cherry C.—Crowley<br />

G.—Wigmore C—Sanford<br />

C—Cooke C—Bailor<br />

Big Ten Scoring<br />


F.G. F.T.<br />

Baker (P) 20 11<br />

Prieto (M) ..- 10 !3<br />

Coleman (L) 15<br />

Conti (I . 17<br />

. 19<br />

. 17<br />

. 18<br />

I"<br />

Wclln. Bob Uujr mil uke cat-or ,v||| be Thomson ami Charfcc. u<br />

the 220 event. Dlvlnii klnw of (oulhpaw. Other returning vetthe<br />

Cards are Runin Brewer and I cran* In the line-uo race or. Odcn '<br />

T<br />

;d KnntVird. both experiencfd ,hal. Voldnun, and rittson.<br />

en.<br />

Meets are Kheduled with Buriinirame.<br />

San Meteo. Sequoia. Tamal- Card 30's Quintet<br />

patit, Berkeley, nnd the Cal. frojh,<br />

all of of'which which "win w take piac«i'aViui-' Steadily Improving<br />

tant plunges.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Itifch School, meet your<br />

Experience Makes 130-pound basketball team!<br />

., „ ... , . .1 In the first five, the battling<br />

Up Card Net Squad forward* are Dave Sheldon Bui<br />

I Dal Radcr. Many a crucial crucia basket<br />

| has been ncored d b by these h tw L<br />

Hoping to ha%*e another blue rib- eli forward wall stalwart*.<br />

bon bn year iis<br />

the fami^l <strong>Lowell</strong> Occupying the erer-Importsnt<br />

tennis i team.<br />

t ii Jk C1<br />

Again, the<br />

- -<br />

Richmond, the ..„<br />

comprhed mostly of<br />

Leo .<br />

tiriOl* ^IIVIIUK. ,,. I|IW ^">\# .i* U|^V ~ ~»f • ~ — " ^<br />

nromislt'u;, til is Sinn Rosenberg i Bill _ Iwnl °''?i.''' J ?t ! * lf<br />

vetornnj George Clilchestcr awl Fnik "Sunshine" Sanfonl and' Corns bis.. S

By '•<br />

Stanford Rosenberg<br />

Mgr. Editor<br />

Trom vice.pres.dVu to vice-, Wlgmoro WIgmorc make* makes a..-*"* all-dty.<br />

resident In three haitf year*. N N°« t diti f th<br />

n °t **• prediction of the bo*-<br />


Various Clubs To<br />

Meet This Week<br />

Something New Has<br />

Been Added-Gad!<br />

THE r<br />

PEACE<br />

PIPE<br />

By Bert Burn*<br />

Among the activities setting<br />

under way for the spring term are<br />

the different clubs about school<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* 'assistant , Avel-pounder<br />

the story behL— .-that<br />

function during after-school<br />

and AH-Amcrlcan fir).<br />

*ntile Prank Wifrmore. , hours.<br />

Starting his string of sport*<br />


Thi* story bejriif three yean conquest*. *arly. Wigmore wrote Plans for this term'* procedure<br />

back. In January, vfaen Mis* Rico the first chanter in thin story by In thc Psychology Club are yet<br />

took the reins of leoc vship for the " ' on the championship bos- unset. All tho topis* that are to<br />

first tine, to gutdo \ her fellow team at Rooicvelt, be undertaken will be those chonen<br />

mariners-us v.ce-prex.T of Mnrinn At <strong>Lowell</strong> Thing* Happen<br />

by the members of the club,<br />

Junior Hfeh.<br />

playing under the guiding hand<br />

Johnston, thc sponsor, said.<br />

Win* Clttzenshlp Award , of Coach Ben Xcff, the casaba President Louise Reybum will<br />

.Winner of the American Uftion genius, he blossomed out into a conduct tho first meeting next<br />

Award for cit'zensniu, at the pen. great ball.player, probably one of Tuesday, when intelligence teats<br />

ruin palace, cUmiuInx three years the most underrated in the city. will be di*cu**ed nnd a complete<br />

program for this term set.<br />

of hard work, started our blue- No Mhilikt a* Pipkin SUr •<br />

eyed mis* on the road to *uccess Thn scribe* failed to mention<br />

at the Hayes street rfscnrstlon. <strong>Lowell</strong>'* stocky end at the Htart of In-pirntiokKmf^rely votun-<br />

It wasn't lonr before her talent* the rridlron conim*. when an<br />

were' distortrtd and *he was on<br />

the'wsy op,<br />

.-•AS "an "upper classman, she was<br />

awarded membership In the Shield<br />

and L for fine service rendered.<br />

Kfnirs Belt Axiin<br />

Outstanding in sports, drs*<br />

matiea. and what have you. il Ht*Je<br />

31 iM Rico rang the bell again<br />

when she won the job of viceprexy.<br />

Always wearing a smile, which<br />

i* pretty hard to keep during these<br />

times—always offering a £« , m lie Criteenden exuded a flow of reminded 5. M. it not a co-ed U<br />

adjectives and transitive verb* in.(at least the Ciiel prof* are under<br />

a manner as cool and sophisticate.* {said Impression), and all we could r<br />

a*, a Tommy Dorsey rendition of isee In the way of shorts and—er-<br />

"Smoke Gets In Your Eye;." —tipper*—were the Gael csiabs!:<br />

Spring '42 and the arrival of n towers, with o caption that'road),<br />

- • - • "Rome Back Kids. Trip fjp 8. cl.<br />

. Can't Fool 'Em<br />

37-35." In the aforementioned entj<br />

<strong>The</strong> green freshman no longer Ed Cerf and Gat Mota. former*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and Poly men were smiling<br />

at each other. * Ashamed' of<br />

from Poly, Wlgmore wan awarded stories, essays, nnd nny other form individuals knows<br />

»• ^ i «# i!»hk.».»n . l.»^ianU«». tl>«* ,j.vHrt f In/ii* hm nrf rrvnms nflii t nt* lift n : - . -*^ _? _ " UIMI with all-city hom>rs.r of lileraturo throughout the term., floor has art rooms nnd the fifth. -.'A, <strong>The</strong> land era* .<br />

Only future success in store Reading — _ before thc club during Just isn't, knows when to go "P "f"r ,„.,.„ "|mb,,<br />

for this Lowcllite, whoso hat<br />

i...<br />

slic<br />

-.— i<br />

mectinf.')<br />

..._ — Thursdays af tor stairs and when lo go down, knows I °7, ,.£*'„,• ,!lZi ft,.<br />

1 Knowinc:<br />

will come<br />

on ...u.^...Jn »•. v — — - --. - -<br />

has stayed tho some unui'r tho j 'writers fchool ore receive. llif pct*.r the r.rtmt of RUB.<br />

^assffiiss^s's-. Lm"^d£y l! , Tht. advanced llridgi Clu<br />

j her?. wh.» meet every .Momlny<br />

thSn? s<br />

rfftor »chool, stage u tdtirnjirnvnt' kon^. fe^^;M;3'<br />

^*—--'-' - --- ,.---. — w- —i~~"Y" ' rf * fc f." «"*yZ£ i •»? ' Parrot" we came across<br />

uiv ITIIU of thc tt'inii ttftcfr •<br />

Red and White Sale<br />

To Start Feb. 24<br />

assembly and American ixgton computing the!- *core«. the right<br />

Award winner; "alter( Su(,*armtin, | p]ayi:r1i witn tne highest avcritRts<br />

cloa* troa*urcr; laut iAizman, ] mctlt jn „ ^p^-jni tourniimcnt.<br />

da»« pre.id«nt ami cnsalia twtrler;,<br />

Bob Stanford, paaketbult captain:<br />

mark<br />

period<br />

dents<br />

spring ..<br />

Red and White.<br />

If you intend to order a book Lnurinnnc Sprintnitvcr. *ccrvtno' I •" vntcrintr it* wt-oml u*rm of |»wt-ll in . . , wonilcrful . . . a I'lut* pm-fitri|)r, weighintr about<br />

you raiut do «o by paying your of hor clan* and American Legion' learning how to mal;«.- ilrcfuen. knit the tonchcr* art* . . . marvel- 180. Stirnucl K. Polland, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

money during the time allotted. Award winner: Connie Dlcktnan.if'" iiw Red CroM mid mnki- pr CLUB<br />

(2) Attendance office indow class president: Nancy Hutchin*. Under Mr. Peterson'* direction — -, _ -,. . . _<br />

(first floor). •<br />

also A clos* president: claim offi- thl* hl club lb i i* going i to take k n rrgu- Scroll and Shield<br />

(3) Book room (second floor). cer* Bob Patterson and Lois Brew- lar FIr»t Aid cum-;<br />

Jean<br />

(4) Room 313 G'.ilrd floor).<br />

In addition, collectors' will also<br />

work on the Bridge Annex during<br />

fifth and sixth perind lunch, and<br />

In room 313 after school.<br />

New students are especially cautioned<br />

io bring their dollar at an<br />

early date, thus assuring themselves<br />

a spring journal.<br />

Mrs. Jordan Suggests<br />

Courses for Defense<br />

Schools and colleges throughout<br />

the United State* are turning, their<br />

effort! to the pnraraouct task facing<br />

America today: .<strong>The</strong> winning<br />

of the wan _.<br />

' <strong>Lowell</strong> is In the vanguard of the<br />

change to "education for victory."<br />

While college, shorten their grad*<br />

nation time, <strong>Lowell</strong> is putting a»ded<br />

emphasis on such vital course<br />

as mthmti bi l i<br />

n i" lv P'anteu nis orogans «n m-<br />

„ medem freshmnn bid UB good f When queried as to hi* most<br />

,'night and we ntumbled. reflective- adept and successful pupil*, he<br />

ly, up the *Uir* to our rnt-ritMen P,w»«I by Wayne Morri*, the<br />

L'arrvt we fondly refer to an home. : the II wd. star twho had flunked,<br />

by the way), and quoted .Carol<br />

Cnsnning and Lee Pope as being<br />

lar FIr»t Aid cour* 1 !.<br />

It takes up how to handle any<br />

• iiuation that arine* when an inbare<br />

McClymond, prominent In<br />

dramatic*, glee and debating: Barbara<br />

Heeler and Aloha Butler,<br />

prominent thesplan* and singers;<br />

and Margaret Rotiewear, dramatics.<br />

Parkside send* u* Frank Me-<br />

Cord, winner of the American Legion<br />

Award and also class officer..<br />

Pacific Height* I<br />

Entering from Pacific Heights<br />

are Nancy Botcher, student bod* I<br />

president: John Kiyaau, secretary |<br />

of the student body; Bob Lewek,:<br />

das* president and American La-1<br />

cion Awanl winner; Herbert Ya-i<br />

mate, clan* secretary, and Jen-1<br />

sukc Matsuzakl. outstanding In;<br />

athletic*.<br />

Among those from Paul Revere t<br />

arc Frieda Bisslfr, student body |<br />

secretary; Emu Kurrlc, prexy of<br />

as. mathematics, pbvsics, cl.caistry,<br />

typing, biology, and foreign<br />

languages. Red Cross classes<br />

have been added to the curriculum,<br />

and greater changes are in pros-<br />

Mrs. Jordan, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s head counsellor,<br />

emphasize* the need for<br />

student* to take Advantage of opportunities<br />

to Increase t'uclr value<br />

ti> their country.<br />

She pointed out a few of the<br />

iDvrjr. sndtutK now In the «r-,<br />

vlceru. Georse Bertrand, Sgt<br />

Al- Farren, at Dutch Harbor:<br />

GeprgQ Toraey, sfRiial eorpiman;<br />

and U. Bud Ranlels.<br />

, "Every student," said Mrs. Jordan,<br />

"owes It to himself and to<br />

his'country to learn everything<br />

'thatrmay enable Mm to better<br />

. serve the war itfort*<br />

New Yd! Leaders<br />

Leading <strong>Lowell</strong>'s rooting section<br />

at the games this season. Art<br />

Hoppe. will have Al Feder and Don<br />

;, Schumacher helping him.<br />

At the first G. A. A. rally of this<br />

•Hal " " A m M^ fi MI ^ - • *• _ . A«_ _<br />

tera. .<br />

jnrl* head<br />

and hen<br />

. «totan»:.wlll<br />

tho<br />

"II" AS hi* drama proteges have<br />

1 dlM.-overed, fi. K. P. has memorized<br />

' lit one time or another all the<br />

plays his students read or give In.<br />

in class, and no doubt quite a few<br />

... intn action with the' more.<br />

*Uirt of the semester, new uffl-i So, student*, bow low from the<br />

Camera Contest For ccrr nf the Shield nnd Scroll have!wui*t, and give due praice to<br />

mapped an ambitious program for."Skippy*' Holland, a teacher, and<br />

Winter Carnival Page thi* term** freshmen reception. ; friend of no mean way*! (Inei-<br />

Ann« Wlgle i* the new prexy!dentally, we're taking drama II,<br />

Shutter-bug* and snap-shot nf tho Shield with Connie Witnon • to . . .)<br />

fiends an* getting a chance as vice-iiresident and Ruth<br />

to show their talent*, for the<br />

Red and White camera contest<br />

opens today with thc<br />

first issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Inrtead of a "Summer<br />

Memories" section appearing<br />

on the inside pages, as was<br />

thc case in the lost Red and<br />

White Issue, the picture<br />

scheme this time will be a<br />

"Winter Carnival," *> the<br />

more snow picture* the better.<br />

the student body: and Marjcnn<br />

Cover charge for one cou-<br />

Lambertson. society editor of thc<br />

ple at tli" Rose Room Bowl<br />

of the wince Hotel, bo-ides<br />

. „ . Valley School fend*<br />

having- your mime printed<br />

under tho chosen "pic" are<br />

jlctty Taylor, treasurer, vlcc-pres- tho prize* offered to the pnrdent.<br />

and president of the student j ticinnnts.<br />

body in succeeding term*, and<br />

American Legion Awnrtl winner. All of the pictures turned<br />

From Grattan School come* stu- En will be judged by the jourdent<br />

I>ody prc*|t honors. Sey- Girts<br />

mour.vMelster, former Lo*el]ite<br />

Silk's*** Sunllfled for the'<br />

.Sa.^iii;y?<br />

anrd, cmt'mfwy<br />

)<br />

1 liockut. lie changed his mind; he .v<br />

Under Iho Icndcrshln of Boys' changed it again. <strong>The</strong>n he set<br />

Block L President Ernie Nackord<br />

and Girls' Block L President Rosn-<br />

High. "I llko liwell." she<br />

said, "and hone to send my dauchter<br />

here." Miss Duffy has been<br />

transferred to Toly. Miss Pcicra<br />

Is In Honolulu, and Mr. Kelly at<br />

Lincoln. Mr. Devlin has been pwmoted<br />

to the S. F.J. C. 4eDartment<br />

of music. - *:; .,<br />

11<br />

grimly to work, consclus of the<br />

he was doing, but determined<br />

to see it through. Suddenuu—..<br />

...^^ .w.».ci me miui-,ly Mrs. Hill was coming toward<br />

nine ning big things things.<br />

him down thc the ninle. ainle He slipped ><br />

Assisting President N'ackord aro his hands nonchalcntlv into M» %<br />

Vice-Prexy Jack Stoll, Secretary pockets, and forced himself to • j<br />

Kemo Cuniberti. and Clifford Too* smile nt her. ,• J<br />

ley. crclk of awards. Eleanor Fox. (Did .he suspect? Was the *jlg" ;<br />

girls' secretary, will be kept busy up?) A guilty blush enveloped .'.3<br />

helping President Zlegler. hb face, but kept up the casrsl •»<br />

<strong>The</strong> Boys' r.lock L has com- smile as Mrs. Hill approached.<br />

pletely assumt.'l morning traffic -Having trouble. Jim?" '1<br />

duties, oa directed In thc <strong>Lowell</strong> **So, thank you.**<br />

constitution, in addition to their<br />

other school services. Big Brother,<br />

She Walks By<br />

clean-up, and keeping order nt the<br />

<strong>The</strong> IIIG I1UI normalcy IlltalVjr U& at*4B of his<br />

rallies and games. <strong>The</strong> girls are<br />

amaied him. <strong>The</strong> teacher<br />

carrying out plans for a bigger<br />

by and he breathed again.<br />

and better clean*up campaign, for<br />

more he set to work, awa<br />

which volunteers are rapidly sign-<br />

Ume was short. He dotted, thtj<br />

ing up. '<br />

last st "i" as the bell rang.<br />

Ji Jim td turned toward d his h<br />

Both societies encourage stu- who had watched him<br />

dents, especially newcomers, to go most of the period.... '/<br />

out for a sport, and will climax "Well." he grinned. "»t<br />

the.term with their big picnic and I've got my name carved onj<br />

thc dlock L dance.<br />

desk before I graduate."-**<br />

Son Jose High School.Herald.:;,;<br />

':-J V<br />


<strong>The</strong> EiSkft of fieorgc Washington while not a high ncorinjr tram urc<br />

tail and aicgrciMire. Four of 'he Lloyd Leith coached eager* are<br />

t)hff*n here a* they limber up tor '.odiiy'n rncuunler at Kexar. Left<br />

to right are 1'hII lUrri*. Hill Umv, fton £11 if. and Cliff Centner.<br />

—Councsy of the Washington Eaglo<br />


EACLES<br />

TODAY<br />

at the hand* of the Eagles meunint-<br />

fourth place, a rung lower than<br />

the previous nil-time low.<br />

Secondly, the Carl* arc nut to<br />

break the two-year Knule jinx, n<br />

jinx that ended Lcwcll's five-year<br />

title streak, and 'ent the Intlf&nn<br />

slipplnjr down the league ladder.<br />

Antl lastly to utay ahead in the<br />

(Continued d to<br />

t-rvvt'iit tvach- '<br />

:r& from tnkintr<br />

a run nut<br />

powder to a<br />

nearby sumnil-.<br />

1 CSF and Plans<br />

<strong>The</strong> first r.i»-»tmi* of the C. ri.<br />

F. was held mently. Thb lenn'i*<br />

•iffifi-rs an-: Ursula Wtilff, presi-<br />

--!•• picture ("chrnK- of<br />

'• the It.^l nnd White will be n "Windent:<br />

Karbara Mrlntyn-, vic«-nrc»ter<br />

Carnival.' **o the mem- snow idi-nt; and l-'ranci<br />

|i!i-t'ir»-s the better.<br />

Winner* v-itt receive u r.,ver<br />


Krid.iy. Mart-h i;i. tit 8:00<br />

>. rn., thi? um-*i l.-iN'Hl in thi*<br />

—wil! prt-'seni huntoniUH mid<br />

resort. dramatic dii-liitnaticn." in tin'<br />

<strong>The</strong> thought audititrititn.<br />

of tune hers<br />

Maying hook- Swiicn from -Of Mice and<br />

Men" nnd "<strong>The</strong> Great Dictn-<br />

llereV (iood<br />

t«r" are only two of the nets<br />

NCWM for You<br />

•m the program, ndmiKxion to<br />

Time ICeduccd: All tfrwc flu- which En only l.*» cvntK. Ticko.-*itit<br />

who bemoan the fact that et* are available from Debat-<br />

it taken four years or more (?) ing Society memben'.<br />

complete the high school course<br />

will be glad to hear that Northwestern<br />

University will admit a<br />

limited number of exceptional stu.<br />

dvnts after three years of high<br />

school. This will probably net n<br />

precedence that will be followed<br />

by a majority of U. S. colleges.<br />

1 * Newman, we*<br />

rclary-tri'ji)turttr.<br />

Tti'-v |tla n Big Program, Dsince, Refreshments<br />

Planned for Incoming <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />

WVli-ome, ncwrnmotfi!<br />

That*!! the kcynntv nf the bijr Frtithmen Hcct-ption the i^hieM nnd<br />

Scroll an- jrivinc next Friday. .March 13. <strong>The</strong> program—at which all<br />

new student;* are (iu*»tit—i* Ijowell's way of flaying,<br />

"We're Kind you're with m! We<br />

tn sptinhor a I'aii-<br />

you like it i««r<br />

Anurrii'an Day nnd will hnvr a <strong>Lowell</strong> Hi W ins<br />

ilance later in thr term. <strong>The</strong>re will<br />

Tno<br />

bour-lone pro-<br />

also U' a cruiip (.-onferi-nci! at Hal- AtKlDOn Contest >-am. >-ram. will il cunxiit cuniit t of f fifteen fifteen acu, acu. u<br />

IHIC Hiirh ,i^ nil Stiii rranrt.ocii<br />

~ Home of f which whih are r the th Florodora F l d<br />

S , n ballet<br />

Membership in ihe l\ fi. F. i.-* Winniiur the junior division com-<br />

Sll<br />

luhifviil by getting at kn>t three' iwtiliun at Kipun la« Saturday,<br />

AV and one IJ a.-* finals in rreparert Lowt.ll Mnrted anothvr rea.toti an<br />

itml unp re parti] tuibjecti*. A "it'One of the top icnao!* of the state<br />

the student. A total of; in thy forensic field.<br />

ten C. S. K. hinur<br />

|minu* In re-<br />

•ititred.<br />

IJ.<br />

j charge for one couple at the Ratv<br />

Itoom Howl of the Palace Hot'I<br />

nnd their namcn printed under the<br />

chitxvn hnapxhots.<br />

Subject matter, uniqucncflK and<br />

IclearnosK will bv the main points<br />

cre all collccicd anil civen to the j<br />

Red crow or norno other worthy Teachers In Uniforms<br />

e&iue?<br />

f Tom L.id Henry Clausen<br />

defeated seven other schools to;<br />

e mentlwnihip is attained by win tht* flmt place medals and<br />

being t>n th» C. S. F. roll two- nlac.)iu>.<br />

thirds of the terms one is at Low- <strong>The</strong> four.man learn of Norman j<br />

ell, nltovc freshman standing, and Kramer. Kramer, Dave Daw Teilrlbaum Teitflbiium Jaekj Jack; shield Prcxy<br />

one of these m'.wt be the h'ghCioldbcre,<br />

and Clarence Kubensleln<br />

senior year.<br />

took Htcond place in the senior di|<br />

<strong>The</strong> membf.9 w:tn Ii^'<br />

regiBtric are;<br />

M-A-II3—7:.*i>tl .rr Alrluuwn. Henry<br />

Kukul. llu.l Murtirt. Wllllum Tukul,<br />

U-HIIP OJIVUII. WJru.' T1IIIHHII». ; Scroll Prnidem F.-ank Wlcaore<br />

l'renno Next I and Shield I'rnldent Anne Wl>le<br />

Kinon -vaa the first lounamcnt > will introduce Scroll and Shield<br />

of the tnriu.- term, the next be- memhers to the outline no that<br />

|injr Frc«no, Ma.-h 21, where, ora-'the«e new Uwellitea will become<br />

tor>' nnd cxtempon.~eou« »pcaklnB Iniernted In xehool nerTlce. and<br />

field« will be opeiu ,V«idcs thejevemuallrset on the Shield or the<br />

rc>:u]ur ilcbntlni;. * ! Scroll.<br />

In the Native Sons andAnvfoin'<br />

cinc in Gym<br />

tion of the American .<br />

We Heard It at<br />

Not long BR-O their unit raised<br />

<strong>The</strong> Coldcn (iale over $l,ao for a mobile canteen.!<br />

Good Sluff: At the Tommy Dor- Now every Saturday, from four in t<br />

»ey «how hut week, a 30i Club the afternoon until midnight. JliM 1<br />

entertainer imitatinc; I'reiident<br />

Roonevelt, laid: "Sure, we'll iharc<br />

U'Scur and Mm. Close nre on duty;<br />

drivinE the ocean with Japan. Well take<br />

thin canteen. In their,<br />

the ton and they can have the bot-<br />

kitchen-like truck they brine !">t<br />

tom."<br />

coffee nnd food to the soldiers on<br />

duty.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Khool d>p>rlm«il hu<br />

»orlctd out . »j»lcm that iiuiirtu<br />

Ihc »»frty ot all xudcnln.<br />

In cue or • r«ld, an alert rig.<br />

pal or thrn nhort taptt on the pasa.<br />

•if bell I» Hounded. S:ui!enM with<br />

paaiea ahould .how them io Ihelr<br />

teacher and then «o directly home.<br />

Pirteen nlnutn laler the aound<br />

or tliret ihort bdU neans that all<br />

Ihoct atudenla on the third and<br />

, ... - — Jitlm l'«"il, Cialr« Korvl,<br />

lUU \VU-)un.l. Julie Vtx-atcr.<br />

i I.i-K-133-riiilii, Arimi, Jowpli I-kk-<br />

1".'.. 1 5sr- Lr »j<br />

(Continued on I'acc 4)<br />

L3's Start Plans<br />

For First Dance<br />

—having won the city and county, ifter the program, and then, as<br />

contest*—will jro on to the region- 1 m^-y have done before th-m, the<br />

nl ebmlnation. to be held noon. J neu. ..i|ldentJ wiU (,anctf ^ <br />

Kruimeyer to Perform (Cym, whMi will have Wen decoin,-<br />

commit.<br />

Low-3 class officers have started<br />

plans 'or their dance with a flourish.<br />

Pros/Jent Ken Wells, Vtee-Prcslrourlh<br />

rloon paaa to the lianemcnt<br />

by the iron! malm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second rioor pauses lo the<br />

nntt by the court slalra. Annex<br />

entem the rintt rloor corridor and<br />

the boyM in the icym yard report lo<br />

Ihe «n locker room.<br />

At a Nienal or two xhorf lielln.<br />

Ihme In rintt rtoor claques flic Into<br />

Ihe corridor.<br />

'<br />

W<br />

drnt HarfT HIcra, nnd Secretary<br />

Bob Don selected their commmittcc<br />

after much serious thought. <strong>The</strong><br />

students rhoscn an. 1 all Northern Calironia In the Na-|"<br />

: Gene Vayssic,<br />

10H; Colh Toolcy, 219; Ed Barthold,<br />

:;0Ga: Frances McDride,<br />

aOGb; Vernon Norrls, 403: Marie<br />

Wagner, 216; and Audrey Hmiscn.<br />

108g<br />

108. SUKC there hadn't hadnt been a com- co<br />

mittee meeting i before bf Md Monday, a<br />

definite date wasn't set for the<br />

first dance of the term.<br />

Marge Hi r re enthusiastically<br />

Btalid, "Some of the themes th4t<br />

have been ituecested for our fitst<br />

donee nre: A Spring Festival.-<strong>The</strong><br />

Basket Bait, and a patriotic dance.<br />

nd hnve orther<br />

| « go

TWO<br />

1100 ltayM BtrMt. Su Frmnelaeo.<br />

callxanua<br />

L. It S. s. A. Vcmbrra FCM<br />


EDITOR<br />

Hunging Editor.<br />

Venture Editor<br />

'Sports Editor...<br />

'New, Editor<br />

Exchange Editor.<br />

nEI'ORTKRS<br />

Jlatr Brandt Pan tur<br />

Jack Fxter - LoMaa Manluim<br />

Jus. aurtftr Pat Otlo<br />

Sattr mniWn Olorla OuatiiU<br />

Ulldred Kl«f«r Bud Sll^rman<br />

Sana Larorto Bub Sturtevant<br />

Z^iula L«!ttio.d lla Sullivan<br />

Jacquellno labourite!<br />

Kicujty AdvfMr. •. A. It. McKWer<br />

Do You Sleep Well?<br />

If Not, Lend an Ear<br />

THE LOWEXI..' FRIDAY. MARCH g. 1842<br />

rjSupporlJXCtnbr Sports I: •>; :<br />

Now that basketball season is practically<br />

completed, most student* think that<br />

the athletic program for spring i.i over.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'seem to think that they have done<br />

their part na far as student support is<br />

concerned.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y forget that the so-colled minor<br />

sports arc beginning to open their season.<br />

Baseball, crew, track, swimming—all<br />

arc just starting.<br />

<strong>The</strong> participants in these sports work<br />

just as hard and practice just as much as<br />

football and basketbull players.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y'll bring tame their share of<br />

championships. Get behind them! <strong>The</strong>y<br />

deserve your support.<br />

Clean-Up Committee Receioes<br />

Little Credit; Ttoes Big Job<br />

Lets' take our hats off tc the Cleanup<br />

Committee.<br />

This group receives little credit for<br />

the swell job they're doing in the school<br />

Stuff<br />

I Ali's Secretary |<br />

Dear All's Secretary: : : .<br />

Doubt ha» entered my mind<br />

lately, as to Uw price of the poison<br />

they servo In the cafe. Is that<br />

extra cent a death tax?<br />

—Late Cute Customer.<br />

Dear All's Secretary: •'•'<br />

Why do we have so many rallies<br />

and dances. We come to school<br />

to team. Let's do away with social<br />

life nt school. —I. M. Brainy.<br />

Dear Brainy:<br />

Kiddinfr, of course!<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

Now, U!ds, we nopey-S<br />

You'll like thaw Jokes<br />

We've tried'. to;* make • thea 1 -<br />

But still It's hard . ' .•-,<br />

To find the kind • ' ,••.-.'' *<br />

That penetrate through wood.*<br />

DearUCCs i<br />

He: "You look rood enough too<br />

cat."<br />

In Germany we hear they eat | She: "I do eat. Where i<br />

mice. Need we say more? we (to?"<br />

—All's Secretary.<br />

Man: "Is Insomnia c«tchlni?;H<br />

Woman: "It fsvlf your baby&<br />

has It."<br />

Notes from a little boy's diarjr:~3<br />

February 25: Got an airgun torV for'r;<br />

my birthday. •••#:•<br />

Februory 20: Snowing. Can't J •<br />

go hunting. •>>,<br />

February 27: Still snowing. ' r<br />

Februaiy 28: Still n t " ;<br />

Shot irmndma.<br />

Customer: "Waitress, what**-^<br />

; Dear AHV Secretary:<br />

wronc with the egjr?"<br />

court. Everyday at lunch time, the com- | ,i,»lrr,ran,.,w,lmtSri Waitress:<br />

It'* KO rrowdird. I enn't ever get l T,r 7- ,,- **I<br />

r.. don't know. -,-•-,-• I .<br />

mittee patrols the yard onddepositspapers j to my locker. People just won't ! only """'„" on tnc tame a lew minor<br />

scraps of food, which thoughtless stu- I move. Picmc help me. I m " "»°- m , #<br />

dents leave lying around, in the nsh cans. —Small and Inconspicuous<br />

This seems like a little task, but in n „ ,,<br />

"i&^rT iTSl^ j SS?' """<br />

keep our .school clean!<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Vuncc acin zc lectio "Tipsy. Nahman making the round* of thei ing.<br />

—Ali's Secretary.<br />

Fivi*-ycar-old Sally woko up'<br />

about two in the morning. '<br />

"Tell me a story, mama," ihe •<br />

pleaded.<br />

''Hush, darling," said mother,<br />

"daddy will be in soon and tell us •<br />

both one." •<br />

By Mary Urandt<br />

Slet'p is one of the bent forms Tale Teller," and ve dos mean tip- glamour girls at the Iiwt court {never<br />

of relaxation there Is. Anyway,<br />

*y, pokes hcea cabcza (that's head'<br />

that's what the boob said.<br />

After reading the "seven official<br />

rules for wooing ilecp," we compared<br />

what really happens with<br />

those rules.<br />

1, Git ready for bed leisurely,<br />

lots of Ume In the bath.<br />

. . . We fly into n shower,<br />

lake three mlnulm, only to have<br />

the family prot«U lhat we upend<br />

all of our time in the bathroom.<br />

2. Read in bed, choose a longhaired<br />

book "that will bore your<br />

mind into unconditional surrender."<br />

We Jut do homework.<br />

diinct ' <<br />

A few daffynition«:<br />

Grand jur>'—One that joys "Not '<br />

executive-Wife of an<br />

in Spanish—we tearnej it from<br />

Miss Met calf!) troo dc door and<br />

erclnims: **Ah ha, we hear n certain<br />

clique of boys had a U'P in<br />

the Terrace Plunge at *.\o Fairmont<br />

Hotel—with their cl-thea<br />

ill! T»k, uk _ . seen "jt the<br />

Mark, Janet Rico jind Hardy<br />

Itapp— along with some otficr typicntj«.<br />

, . .<br />

For a real laugh, drop in 306<br />

some sixth period and sen Alice<br />

Jean Bauer. Barbara Leonard,<br />

and a few other "actrcMcs." . . .<br />

Johnnie Moriarlty. Bob von der<br />

Lcith, and Roy Kettlcr are having<br />

a fine tfnw playing pirates (cuttlnji;<br />

each other's throats) over a<br />

certain Helen Ward . . . but<br />

3. Forset fears and hates byJTHE MIM Wani prefers the 'latter<br />

thinking about pleasant things.<br />

. . . . We think about tomorrow's<br />

tests—oh, yeah?<br />

4. Hop from one subject to an-<br />

^ e di!3o& thinItInir pirate, or to It seems. <strong>The</strong><br />

perfect windmill, or Al Feder.<br />

. . . Pat Simmons and bosom<br />

pal, Paul Orsi, are the Card's<br />

hurlera this season: we might cull<br />

them slow but faster . . . we're<br />

- ^"^f only kidding!<br />

consciousness that PRECEDES That Mm Again<br />

deep.<br />

Paul McEvoy now sporting Bet-<br />

. . Precede* sleep nolhlnc— ey Hanscn's pin. We just discov-<br />

that'a oar astul'traui of ihoo«ht. ered Warren Simmons Is a high<br />

, 7. Get rid of pressure or pain, me!! Dumb, Isn't hell . . . Ru-<br />

'-•••— bed «>»er» and nlitht mor links Barbara pixley at.: Paul<br />

Hopper. If you look at the back<br />

So we freeze to death— of the court. 5th period, bet you'll<br />

Just to eneonraiee somethinic that find Pat Huber and Hugh Dravey<br />

aerer .(almost) naterlallies.<br />

tttlll talking about that ingrosslng<br />

subject.<br />

-. 6. Imitate the slotr, deep rhyth-<br />

.mie-breathinr sT sleep.<br />

Dapper Frank Halloran, only<br />

. . . .\yttHtr. but lhat ahrsrs man (T) on the west side of Mr.<br />

brinn (Ae UMt or that Isst ham- Dunn's 1st period ch chem. class—<br />

- bdrfer.we hat],<br />

by choice. Personalitjty Pat Krill,<br />

pocket edition of tho Krill clan, isj<br />

7. JW»x the muscles completely. the new H3 vice-prexy. National<br />

.: • What muacIesT We Just<br />

let-our bones sar-<br />

"Sow^yoo ••Svrrjm know IqioW our tricks, See<br />

how iirifwo>.',?iorjou.<br />

It IT<br />

1<br />

defense at <strong>Lowell</strong> in the form of<br />

Jackie Eentfleld and Mary She^oy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y keep up the morals of the<br />

merchant marine. Norm<br />

Harry High School in Class<br />


'&L'&U 55e>fiL M J51 * s ftru R1K6S;:<br />

TewKeo -£NO \EM&<br />

1 (.irl.t! Cirlo! tlful, .rrcsisuibli.*, charming, K>4MI>-I<br />

Evelyn «r Mnriv—pruning prob-joruu*. and just wonderful. Shcj<br />

lem of Bill Lau—nct'd nny help ? i uiys so, herself . . . with Oldi <strong>The</strong><br />

It arma like the aid grads can't Sol reigning over San Francinco,'<br />

keep away from their old stam- <strong>Lowell</strong>'* tnn-seeking lad* and j<br />

pcdinic ground*. Oh. by the way,I lapses monopolize tho warm<br />

has Ed McArthur caught up with • xtretchvs of i>and nt Kelly's Cove, Peace Pipe<br />

thct blonde* he's been chasing? j Seen there. Pat Otto, Jackie Kent-'<br />

. . . Pat Hut chins and Dick Ho-{field, Hetty Hanncn, Carol Layman j fly Uert Hums<br />

nenblatt ut the Old Colonial ngafn. ami Co. Palace-paradi'mr, MiM i , w „ „•„„«- *»«•» /r *-\ i<br />

So Ed Odrntha! can't figure out Sandy Johnston. «*cort unknown.! •"*• Iroducts pept: (Corn) ;<br />

how news euut nround—Hey, care* . . . Mark Hoppinir were June "WhatVe you got? -Three acc*,^<br />

ful, Al Hngerty, measles are catch-' Wtnkler and Won Schumacher. . I win." "So _ you don'L." "Whatf "What/<br />

! you got." "Two acea and a razor."<br />

Daisy Moriarity's WANT ADS "Yep, you win. Boy, you sure are',<br />

lucky! Poodle asleep on a log.,<br />

Pride is Injured WANTED—(She ulready got It) Forest fire. Hot d.>g!! And then,,<br />

Pat Simmon's football on Jackie there's thi* letter from college*^ -<<br />

Jenkins* neck.<br />

"Dear Dad: Guttt what I needy •<br />

(Under the heading, -Short TO LEASE — Fritxi Glcuscr's molt. That'$ right. $end it along. "<br />

Short Slory of the Week." come* heart. Attention: Bob Cherry. Best Withes. Your son, Frank."<br />

the following literary gem.—Edi- Watch out or Jimmie will get<br />

tor.)<br />

you—John Stephens. (Remem- Dear Son: NOthing ever hapber,<br />

Barbara, Johnnie's only a pens ' ere. We KNow you like -<br />

Red's little underslung jeep, dude.)<br />

schoc.. Write u* aNOther NOte<br />

complete with heater and cooler<br />

(Red's a cautious person) was sil-<br />

NEEDED—Some more glamour soon. NOw we must say good-<br />

like Toots! Grand! and Butty<br />

houetted against the sky. That<br />

bye." How typical-<br />

Stadtfcld. Mary Sheffey wants<br />

was, I guess, the way It looked to Camp Roberts to move in on Phoney Phact*. Dep't: If you •;<br />

Sara and Dirk, who were Just pull-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

happen to be up Alaska way and :<br />

ing fn behind us.<br />

WANTED—A hitching post In stumble across a block of ice la--,<br />

We'd juit had a pretty hectic<br />

234 for Shirley Pnrklnsjn. beled "Kashga." then you ore at<br />

TO LEASE—(We'll even give it<br />

evening uf being jolted around and<br />

an Lukuuu city lull. Do we -<br />

away. )Lipstick and comb-for<br />

scared out of ten years' growth. freshmen.<br />

doltrify you 7<br />

Yes. we'd besn to the beach—all NEEDED—More attention from Plug Dept't: Click! Now over<br />

four of us. We went on every- Paul Gilbert for Carol Layman. here." Click. "Thanks loads, felta.".<br />

thing worth riding. We braved<br />

WANTED—For Don Lawrence and Recognize the clicking? It's the<br />

Dick Droulet: two high fresh-<br />

the Big Dipper twice and the Roll- men girls.<br />

Red and White camera contest.<br />

0-Pl.tne once. That En Itself ATTENTION BOYS—Watch Au-<br />

Bring your camera to school and<br />

called for some such lighter diver* drey Hanson. Margaret Scholed win the Palace Hotel dance prize. :;v;<br />

sion, such as we were now under- will trade one dirty raincoat for If you lose, your picture may be In //.<br />

taking.<br />

some more j-ood excuses. the journal anyway. But why not<br />

It sure felt gooj to just sit on a WANTED-P a t McCarthv; -I<br />

want ONE unconceited <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

nice solid—but soft—seat and man." (Impossible.)<br />

know nothing more than the ex*<br />

uding of Red's charms would overtake<br />

me. Having been on dates<br />

with him before. I was used to sit*<br />

ting In the dark with him, and the<br />

restfulness of the moment was—<br />

us*huh-huh—awfully nice.<br />

Red's muscular charms evolved<br />

an arm about my shoulders and<br />

me—awfully nice.<br />

We were both quiet, I was exhausted,<br />

and Red's vitamin pills<br />

had borne the limit. It was a<br />

perfectly de-llusclous night. Just<br />

bogs of stars, and the moon was<br />

In its banana'iihaped stegc.<br />

aeftftTcHtsO VAOVINS TO ooze<br />

Now—Red and I are awfully<br />

good friends. Our folks are<br />

friends, but not of the cupid variety.<br />

I like Red and I guess he<br />

likes me, • And really it wax awfully<br />

nice just sitting there, but;<br />

you've i-ot to understand. Red and<br />

I were always just good friends.<br />

Well—It was real quiet and<br />

peaceful and awfully nice, and Red<br />

whispered a suggestion fn my ear.<br />

Will! I was pertified—to think<br />

that Red—my good friend Rcil—<br />

would so much as suggest—he<br />

really couldn't mean it.<br />

I wan really hurt and !n my<br />

loudest peak-to-peak voice I<br />

sweamed, -Iti-d Murphy, you know<br />

dam well that 1. Daisy Woriarity<br />

or ycu elther,< you heathen, cannot<br />

..t. •—...«... .•— Frtffoyt"<br />

:<br />

WIN? :.<br />

(Continued on Page 4) "'<br />

Suzie Student in Class

'Indian-Eagle<br />

Cage Feud<br />

Toss-Up<br />

Same Starters<br />

Coach Neff is ngnin starting tho<br />

f : vc thnt have taken the cuurt cvsry<br />

vamv. Opcninir at one forward<br />

will be Jerry GMcmnn, third<br />

highest in the loop, who has bucketed<br />

an amazing 77 points.<br />

His running matt 1 nt the other<br />

forward will I* Frank Kudclka<br />

who ho* g&thored in .13 point*. At<br />

center w.Il be Bob Cherry. ^ n unsurpassed<br />

rcbounder, who has<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kuanl positions will be handled<br />

by Frank Wfgmure and Charlie<br />

Cooke. each with H points to<br />

his credit.<br />

Side Attraction Spontaneous<br />

<strong>The</strong> ftcrne behind (fie scene angle<br />

of Ihw game will fraiurc the<br />

"sixth man" uf these tea mi*. Ben<br />

Neff anil Muyd Uilh, both of<br />

f*liom are rated among iht* slale'M<br />

tup notch coachM. While Neff<br />

limit* hitnurlf to verbal assertion*<br />

and nail chewing. Lei In explode.*<br />

in a more vocifcrotui manner.<br />


Preview of Minor Sports in Coming Campaign<br />

TENNIS<br />

for th« Red and White crewmen, Coleman returning.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mermen'* Mason owns<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s neUnen expect to be the who have their eyes on the title. Balboa faces <strong>Lowell</strong> In the open* March 10, alter which the Cards<br />

champion* again, when the "net Out two other schools say "No" In er, Gilileo on Starch 26. April 7 will engage In some out of-town ~<br />

result*" of this, •colon's tennti a convincing way. <strong>The</strong>y are St Ig- I* theVlate scheduled for the tussle practice meets.<br />

trams are given.<br />

natius, the present titltv holders, with Commerce. 3L Ignatius plays<br />

Again out-classing the runner- who beat out- the mst of the league Liwellon the tenth. On the 14th, TRACK" •' />;t<br />

up teams, the Cards seem to have last year, and a strong Galileo..<br />

It wtl'be Sacred Heart's turn, and<br />

(Continued From Page 1) no competition In the league, with group, who may be tabbed ~ i I'nlr- will play <strong>Lowell</strong> on the 17th.<br />

grudge series which stands at the possible exception of Washing- "dark horses."<br />

! Mission and Washington culminate<br />

From the rest of the league, JIM- the season on April 21 and 24, re-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> three wins, Washington<br />

Poly and Mission may be classed slon seems to be the i only ono who<br />

spectively. . . -.<br />

two.<br />

os fair beta to beat Washington, «wM hope to be * better than me-<br />

Eagle's Record Better<br />


and the rest of the competing Hlocre.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only advantage the Eagles<br />

Wltli the opening of the swimteams<br />

are Just so much "dogmeaf."<br />

hold over the Cards Is a five win, It looks like the Card netmen BASEBALL<br />

mine season Ijoming ever cJowr,<br />

t)ic Low* II Indians ore again the<br />

two defeat record, compared to will continue to be the "aces" In March 20 will herald the open-! chuice to repeat the lost year's<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s four wins and three the deck.<br />

Inic of the A. A. A. baseball sea- performance and take the A. A. A-<br />

lotscs.<br />

son. As usual, <strong>Lowell</strong> will field a swimming championship.<br />

CREW<br />

hustling baseball aggregation un- <strong>Lowell</strong> i* annual rivals In the<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> lcam has shown a As the season draws nearer. der Coach Mike Voyne. Although water. St. Ignatius, will enter the<br />

little more aggressive punch than Lowelt'ft oarsmen are drawing- Galileo has last year's champion- season a somewhat weaker team<br />

the Eagle*, running up 200 points nearer—to championship form. shin nine almost intact, <strong>Lowell</strong> than last year's outfit With Gal-<br />

tu I be latter'* 181. <strong>The</strong> difference With five returning veterans in makes a stronger than usual bid ileo's star, [toddy Andrew's' grad-<br />

the vanity boat, things look bright with all-city veterans Cherry and<br />

In fhe way the I cams score is that<br />

uating Galileo also will be weak.<br />

Washington npr«*«djt iu scoring<br />

equal.) among tin five starters, of<br />

whom Ktrrfat. c 10-pointer, Is the<br />

."•iMjfcwI. *hlte the <strong>Lowell</strong> caging Is<br />

done by'ttr Colcman-Chtrry-Kudelkn<br />

irin, which hoN poured<br />

the hoop uver lhrcc*quarlers of the<br />

Card** total.<br />

r: :%/; , ,<br />

When the <strong>Lowell</strong> clhdemien In*<br />

vade Kexar Stadium In May for<br />

the Triple A championship, you<br />

ean throw your statistics to tho<br />

wind, tear, un'the experts' dope<br />

sheets and watch, as anything can<br />

happen at the track meet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indian speedster* are ex*<br />

ceptloncily y stronjr * In the " varsity<br />

division bui lut the lightweights can't<br />

be Judged at this early date.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> opposes Richmond today.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n come meets with Santa Rosa,<br />

Sevastopol, Poly, Balboa, Berkeley,<br />

and Sacramento. Aflvr this<br />

tough schedule, the Redskin spikemen<br />

will be ready for that all Important<br />

"city meet."<br />

Baker High Scorer! Card Track<br />

Mr. James Baker, Esq., Poly's<br />

eager of no mean ability, sort of Team Meets<br />

iut the scoring title In a vise Fritlny<br />

night—with himself holding<br />

the hnndle. | Richmond _ Hi<br />

When <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Jerry Coleman i ._<br />

dropped In only «ix points to Ba- „ _ , .<br />

ker'a twelve. Colemnn dropped! „, By Bob Busse<br />

clear to third spot behind Mis-; Two score practice-bored <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Al Prieto. the three bavin* totota,JP*«W» will pile frnin a special<br />

of 88, 82, and 77 respectively.<br />

bu l.j h i* .?? e , rn . < ? on .. a i !H c !? m _ on _ d !<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s ace still has a chancej£<br />

to crack the league record, a featif-. - .~_ "_-::_ r'y ZnV*i~ ~~J<br />

J slinnks will twitch concurrently in<br />

expectation, and then the starter's<br />

gun will send them off to take the<br />

East Bay institution in the manly,<br />

. time-honored art of putting one<br />

leg before the other, but FAST!<br />

> Mile Slant<br />

By Joan Simon<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s win-hopes are based on<br />

such events o» the helf mile, where<br />

Something that alt of you who Co-Captain Phil Amot and "Mehl"<br />

nrc participating in bowling Evans arc figured to scoot to first<br />

might like to know is that the new and second places, abetted by Har-<br />

"ball and alley" manager Is Juan* rison and Hannon lor place.<br />

dn L o y s e n. Bowling started A 53-fiecond quarter mile Is fore-<br />

Wednesday nt the Lincoln Bow], seen from the combined talents of<br />

Sixth avenue and Clement. "Sleepy Jim" Sheppard, Mort<br />

Attention, golf fans: fatw! You will Koach, Koach. and Dkk Dick Hlrschfirld. I while<br />

• happy to know that golf if* go- the 100 and 220 event* loom pow-<br />

30*s Underdogs<br />

g to be an _ after-school __. .(port sport erful with such double duty yeo-<br />

In the preliminary tussle, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

'-thirties" will be after thoir<br />

played at Lincoln<br />

fifth victory while attempting to<br />

put the lid on the favored Eagles'. . . . ... .,<br />

seven-game winning strtik.; Breaking kig ar around a Commerce mmerce man ma is I* Jerry Coleman, <strong>Lowell</strong>s ccandi-<br />

Here's haw the Card starters have<br />

^jty honorn, and co-holder of the one game high scor<br />

scored: Sheldon, 38; Crowley, 33; in* record. Dropping 23 points through the hoop against the<br />

Sanfo:d, 27: Ruder, 23, and Solo-! Blld Bulldogs recently tl bbrought h t Jr Jerry citywide itid f fame. H'll He'll mainstay instay<br />

mon, 10.<br />

the Injun* five n£uln*t the Eagles loday.Courtcny of S. F. Chruniclc<br />

Sideline<br />

Uy Ed McArlhur<br />

Sports Editor<br />

Squabbles..,<br />

It's not often that two rival teams, such as Poly and <strong>Lowell</strong>, suddenly<br />

become much allies, but a few weeks ago that wss the case. It<br />

alii took place *t the MIsslon-WashlnKton casaba tuule, where the basketball<br />

representatives of the city's two oldest schools tried their luck<br />

cheering someone else to upset the Eagle. But to no avail.<br />

. . . <strong>The</strong> Eighteenth Street Bears were overshadowed by the strong<br />

Richmond quintet by the slimmest of margins—1 point.<br />

Conjcrstulalions lo Jerry Coleman for tying the ;Uy aeorinr record<br />

for one game. . . . <strong>The</strong> sum? . . . 21 clean digit*. Incidentally,<br />

our boy* Jerry, has the learue'a top ^verage for swishing in free<br />

throws. Twenty-one out of twenty-seven isn't bad anywhere!<br />


When the final gun barks »»..». to __ w^ end the <strong>Lowell</strong>l-lllssion ba ^c<br />

counter next Wednesdayrv~a<br />

gTeat"ma^'rity of KefFs proteffes will hang<br />

up thoir uniforms and I bid adlos to - . prep - basketry. Donning their Card<br />

tights for the last time t Wedncsduy wiL will be Bob Cherry, ,----. Jerry Coleman, -<br />

Frank Kudelka, Charlie Cooke, Frank Wigmore, H Cards Set to Take<br />

Swim Laurels<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School may well<br />

feel confident that the Cardinal<br />

pnddlers will again brine home the<br />

championship to the "little red<br />

school bouse" as a resell of Its<br />

masterful efforts In the swimming<br />

Boob" Thomson, Joe<br />

Wynn, and Bill Miller. Good luck in your coming hoop days, boys. Itc<br />

know you'll be tops in whatever you do ofter graduation.<br />


It seems that <strong>Lowell</strong> just can't get rid of some of these guya that<br />

hang around. . . . For instance, those "eternal seniors," Bill Erwin.<br />

Bill Marshall, and Bill "Bock" But»anan. <strong>The</strong>y have been here so long<br />

that they are more of an antique than the abused bust of James Kussell<br />

But Uie three Bills have been doing their share for the alma mater<br />

by assisting Couch Llghty in his work on the crew. All are ex-flist<br />

boaters In the Can! rowing group, and can really show the newcomers<br />

how it's done.<br />

Talking about crew, tho cutter headquarters may be changed from<br />

the Aquatic.Park to Lake Merced, all because of the war. It seens<br />

that Uncle Sam has taken over the Bay and thinks it would bv better<br />

i}' the p«p« adjourn to the lake. What will come of It remains to be<br />

ietn, but tl,e sport will still go on, unless It Is Imperative to disband.<br />


Last »»k, the male members of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> staff got Into a huddle<br />

and decided on a team consisting of the league's standout performers.<br />

Xcre it is. What do you think of It]<br />

Forward—Jerry Coleman (<strong>Lowell</strong>).<br />

• Forward—Jim Baker (Poly).<br />

Center—Ernie Filiberti (I'oly).<br />

Guard—Bnb Cherry (<strong>Lowell</strong>).<br />

Guard—Kevin O'Shea (St. Ignatius),<br />

th b ld<br />

1<br />

th aenu<br />

Attention,<br />

be T<br />

rful ih such double duty yeo<br />

again. Itll Iw playe at L men OR Jack Brenlcr and Keefe,<br />

Park Golf Course with Mr. Cuneo Frank IMombo. John KHIday. and<br />

on instructor.<br />

"Likable Joe" N'owack.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dance group tins enlarged. Milers Lowrie O'Donnell, Bob<br />

Ye?, there urc more than twenty Busse. Dick Wfngler, Eds Roney<br />

who have "enlisted." An4 this time, and Drelsen, and the "Blarney<br />

t?ierc are many upper-classmen, Kid." Santiros Chalfos. will try to<br />

too, who have taken to modern correct "Sleep Jim's" impression<br />

dancing, which includes making of their abilities by mixing sturdy<br />

up original dances and working on femurs and second winds for a win<br />

techniques.<br />

in the four lap grueler.<br />

Topping the Hurdles<br />

Badminton Changes Topping the hurdles will be<br />

Something new has been added! Rogers, Hardgrave, Co-Captain<br />

This term, badminton, sponsored by Carlson, Roach, Sheppard, and Joe<br />

Mta Boehm. will be altogether N'usabaum.<br />

different, for it'll be held each<br />

Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30 at<br />

McLaughlln, Conn, and A vaunt-<br />

the California Badminton Club,<br />

ed vaulter from Hawaii will today<br />

under the expert instruction of<br />

be soaring to new heights In Imi-<br />

Mr. Reg Hill, a professional player.<br />

tation of Connie Warmerdaoi.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be twelve lessons given.<br />

Weights will be well taken care<br />

Maybe- some experts will spring<br />

of, thank you, by Bob Rermanson,<br />

out of these "bird" courts. You<br />

Big BUI Lawe, Jerry Dell'Osso,<br />

pools of the city.<br />

never can telll<br />

and Bob Montgomery. v<br />

•Bob Carlson, far and away the<br />

On February 20, the trials for<br />

Announcing a Badminton Coach but In his Held, will handle the<br />

ing Seiwion today at San Francisco high jump, with Piombo, Nowtclt.<br />

the team were held at the Jewish Junior Ciltfge! Miss Boehiw and arid others In the brood jtunp.<br />

Community Center. For the var- eight player* were "cordially in- Star lightweights - Include .Bob<br />

sity, those who qualified for the vited to attend** this afternoon's Sturtevant, Ernie Cowell, Bill<br />

SO-rard free style were Bob Don<br />

program.<br />

A k a r d, Clement, Oppenhelmer,<br />

and Don Wells. Csptaln Frank<br />

Swimming Crowded "Lightning" Lee Ellis, and Joe<br />

Was the Y. W. a A. Pool crowd- San Felipe.<br />

Grannls and Don Wells will hold ed Monday. March 2 (the starting Local experts claim Indications<br />

down the 100-yard free style erent. date)! Want to know the reason? point to our men coming home<br />

<strong>The</strong> long 220 "free" will have Bob Well, about 120 girls have signed with a win neatly tucked under<br />

Eddy representing <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

up for swimming here at <strong>Lowell</strong>. the elastic bands of their running<br />

Such energy!<br />

pants T<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians have three backstroke<br />

stars In Captain GrannU,<br />

Ben Hunsen, and Vemon Narrls. Crew Eyes Championship<br />

In the breast-stroking event will<br />

be Veteran Clyde Burch. Rounding<br />

out the team will be Divers In Future; New* Men Good<br />

Ruitin Brewer and Ted Stanford.<br />

Thus, <strong>Lowell</strong> will be entering Pulling their way closer to the<br />

a formidable team and one that<br />

inaugural race of the season, dome<br />

time in April, Coach Lighty's;oars-<br />

will be touch to beat.<br />

men have great hopes for captur-<br />

Trials were also held far the ing the Triple A championship. .<br />

130-pound learn on February 20.<br />

Newcomers<br />

However, only two events were Newcomers destined to moke a<br />

good showing ate led by JoeEckart,<br />

xtaked, the 60-yard free style and whole sbllity has improved with-<br />

the backstroke, both ron by a in the few short months of. train-<br />

newcomer, Roger Sobel. Sobel ing. Dan Miller, well known to all<br />

conquered the 50 yards In the for his top notch ability on the<br />

gridiron, and Frank CardellE,. an-<br />

Hpccdy time of :27— that's 27 short other gridiron star, .ire fast be-<br />

HfcandM. Sobel. only a soph, shows coming equally fine, crewmen<br />

GuardKevin OShea (St. I<br />

much promise and £n dmtlned to go Two moru newcomers also deu-<br />

' Here's why. the above v/orc plced: •<br />

far In prep swim races.<br />

tlned for fame Are Charlie Sim<br />

Jerry Colemaii nnd Jim Baker: Who could be better than thff<br />

' lcagu«s\ — ' * scoring - ' ''- kings -• to lead a star stai team? Iloth boys are also expert<br />

Captain Al Margolfs leads the<br />

mons and Mayani Smith.<br />

Cocch Has Awifltiuf* i<br />

rffuardsmen, and by their all-around id showings, can not be left out in the lightweights this season.<br />

AfLBistitin i Coach Ch Light* In Irsin-<br />

•cii)d.;Krnio FJlibertl: One of tr the sparkplugs and scorers of hh Hostilities will open for <strong>Lowell</strong> Ing his leant.ore the Thtee Btlb,<br />

i s:ro08ro!y.M<br />

early In March with a series.of MarshaU Enrin, aitl Httthauan,<br />

;:wlth ijio best, i<br />

practice meets with Tamalpaiu. Se-<br />

all experlencei<br />

quoia, Sui Mateo, Burlingame.<br />

Palo Alto, and Cal. froit,<br />

1 Swells crew will pat up a good<br />

fight for the championship.<br />

Offering the strongect competition<br />

this year is defending champion<br />

St. Ignatius. St. Ignatius also<br />

won the Columbus Day races last<br />

fall.-' <strong>Lowell</strong>'s crew took third<br />

ptace. last year In thn AAA. but<br />

n for better things this sea-<br />

Ufthtwclghtii<br />

.A the lightweight division, the<br />

crew !s almost completely new,<br />

with the exception of a-few veterans.<br />

Greatest competition for the<br />

lightweights U Galileo defending<br />

champs. Winners o?-'fcecond place<br />

last year in" loc.1 lightweight*<br />

have every possibility of galnlnc<br />

a first place this year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual Washington Pay regatta<br />

at tho Aq untie H'atc scaed-<br />

, crewaicn but inel uled for February S3, w-j* called<br />

iglUe to participate thli season. off because the cosines fc't the-r<br />

With thf* 'roetb'ncd experienced teams' had not suiflclent time tu<br />

teachlnr and sMIJty tf the lesa. train.<br />

• iV'*man, w riicht behind • ....... _..., _.—— _. ..._ ...—_ r —-<br />

"-• .'control of the backboards, rates a cuard spot with O'Shea, who pepped<br />

r ; his Wildcat teammates to a successful season. ; -<br />

• - • /

School's Namesake Great<br />

American Teacher<br />

Early<br />


Hoppe Shows 'Em How<br />

Ursula Wolff<br />

CSFr>exy<br />

(Continued From Pag* 1)<br />

By Carol Layman .<br />

<strong>The</strong> man for whom oui school) Jackie Kcnfield Elected<br />

is named-James Russell <strong>Lowell</strong>— j Yell Leader; Barb.<br />

«us author, teacher, public «r-i<br />

Snt, and the foremost American! Oliver, A»«'t<br />

man of letters !u his time.<br />

All <strong>Lowell</strong> students should know C A. A. membera showed thi«.t<br />

something about him.<br />

they liknl girls with a tot of school<br />

<strong>The</strong> steps In the development of spirit for yell leadem when they<br />

hi. character are as plain and sim- elecied Jackie Kentficld. U-22G,<br />

ple as the »lone» and bricks upon heiid yell lender by a three to one<br />

which the frame-work of our mniurity. llarbarti Oliver, UWJt,<br />

school reals.<br />

was elected as her assistant.<br />

He was serious In his purpose, Jackie, who «n> 113 vicc-presi-<br />

almmt as serious as the scholarly dent, said:<br />

mrmbor" of our C. S. F.<br />

"I'd like to take this opportunity<br />

Leaves Imprint<br />

lo thank the 0. A. A. for electing<br />

Durham and m». Wu'ie going to JJ|M !„» being head yell leader thinks Art Hoppe a« he eoache» girl can.<br />

He left his Imprint In the pe- ... 0UI. hardest to keen up the fa- didates In the Intricacies or cheer leading. Shown above arr: Hear,<br />

ilcdlcals of his Lime. l'rrii.i,.s the<br />

result of such an Imprint can be<br />

incus n. l^well Umell<br />

^ .n spirit. rit " I left lef< lo 'o rlchl. rlchl fieorgla Siayrr, Sayre Ida Friedberg. Friedherg Angela Anne a Asaro. Aiuro. Marie Mane<br />

Iluanic. Hetty Waldrn. Krnnl. Irfl In rlghl, Jackie henfield.<br />

Other Klr!« who ran were: Ida.<br />

found in the writings of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

. (,«rbara Oliver, lilane I'os, s.id Virginia Srhuilz. <strong>The</strong> Misses Kenjournalist*;.<br />

Friedlwrc. U-noii: Marie u llluan-1 l 1 field and Oliver were tulored su well Ibey won In Ihe election<br />

ic. 1H-30S: Diane I'of. LS-210:' held recently. —I'hoto by fcd liaise)-<br />

He loved to read: mayhe that Is<br />

Georgie Snyre. L-l-2"(j;<br />

why «e have such a line library<br />

; Virginia' g<br />

with pleisanl, instructive books<br />

114-225. s: and Betty "•»""•• '<strong>Lowell</strong>' Home Lost<br />

filllne its shelves.<br />

j To Mech. Drawing<br />

He wus kind, -ise, patient, and Usten Teachers! \ ^ ^ — _ understanding.<br />

ami thc<br />

Mr. Stephens, our principal, is Dnhhov iff S**S»rr*» vtm-eii nf carpenters may soon ring<br />

kindly and understanding of the KUDDer is ocarce<br />

problems of the students. Ih is<br />

[n the tnin, 'noor to.ridor!<br />

wise in administration and patient<br />

, ,' Xo, I/>well itun't to be torn down<br />

with our faults.<br />

It is a beautiful rainy day and _nm the mechanical drawing<br />

Versalilitv Iteflecled Wilbur, lint tied in sweat. ,* labor* j room ;Hl» will Iw expanded right<br />

Swell's great versatility In ev- OVIT the Ia.«t question of a hit*- into <strong>The</strong> UwellV home room .113.<br />

ery .ispect of living can be reflect- • test. He i* obviously muck. ^It Xnecm* ^ that. T nthere,<br />

nru eight<br />

ed in the students who chnoi.e lo pcratchejt hi* head, ntWei* hi» alternative*—L-iihcr to increase or<br />

follow his credo of life.<br />

hair his inurruvvi'd nnd runs a lirmv. cl.-imtny Ik' hand IWk* at reduce drawing facilities.<br />

the the clock and tu hhte<br />

horror find- fnd .Mr. JlrCord will imw be beable<br />

to<br />

James HUKSCU <strong>Lowell</strong> has ^ that temj>u.« hh hi i l<br />

j in fuirUinc ricnt ab.r.u- carry thrtiUKh hiij wparsion<br />

dead for fift;--o:ie years. But it is<br />

nnd in dfs|>t-'nitt«>n hihi<br />

partition will be replaced by a<br />

only in flesh that he ceases to live.<br />

ik'nttcretl wits nnd start* writing.<br />

glut's and wood MM: t ion.<br />

In the hearts of every student,<br />

L« new journnlicm room is ax<br />

James Ruwell <strong>Lowell</strong> will always<br />

Feveruhly he<br />

,criliWniir<br />

dmvn his thought* in a race with!<br />

mean their loyalty and their love<br />

for the red brick building they call time which watts for no man. much | Block L Girls Give<br />

<strong>The</strong>n from nowhere,!<br />

"Khoul."<br />

cettninly not his mind, thought j<br />

I Peace Pipe Mtrike* him—the answer. A light;<br />

spread* over his face, he fearly j<br />

(Continued From TaKe 2) (warn*. Kor once he looks almost \<br />

How City Newspaper* Work i"<br />

Dep'l: Being a columnist (?), we<br />

decided to visit the Chronicle and<br />

see how u paid columnist vorks.<br />

Ho v/e dropped in, hid under a desk<br />

and waited. Soon there was action<br />

—a leather dud foot tapped out<br />

the Hut Sut Song on our tonjo<br />

(sinking our floating rib), and a<br />

real columnist started to work. Be-<br />

1 ; 1 '"-' 0 " 1 ;, . I , mm ;* t :'' ) :',^..f l WalHh, fliu O'.N'clU. Ursula ..«•«..<br />

L.tJ-10t—Hi-nry Le*. KIkuka Kub*.<br />

lUtrt Oxbom*.<br />

K-3U—l)nit JI#yn*roao, U • r t<br />

r. Jlnrjorii. IltJIer, Oift/lutto Mil.<br />

Kltuhiih H(-wur»:<br />

Alw\J<br />

Ilrown, Marittutt Lu>s, Ucl'y ilclo-<br />

Il«<br />

I13A3I(rt<br />

Journal Sale Ends; llni:. I^iuro. 'ilio<br />

lt:-U.2l'*—Um<br />

Editor Jubilant<br />

One of the most Hlicccssful Red - -<br />

and White sales closes today after \ .'"y^<br />

two weeks of Uwellilm erowdlmr K' ^ "<br />

the corridor?, bank counters, and KjeittVi<br />

Time For Clean-Up<br />

<strong>The</strong> Block L girls of LowHl have<br />

donate. . •-" Under the able leadtrnhiy of I members the • standard course,<br />

President Shirley McRae, Vice*' which includes methods jf mohtlix-<br />

<strong>The</strong> council covent all Sun Fran* rrcttidrnt Walter Vella, and See-'injr parti of the body, uses of the,<br />

CIKCO County public high nchoolti 1 reUry Crawford Cooley. this club; triansulnr bondaccs, how to take<br />

and aeveral • of - the - Catholic - high han ' been • very active - amid<br />

is care of wounds, burns, and poison-<br />

By<br />

school*. Two Htudcnttt rrpreaenl cruwinj- fast.<br />

i . how to t ran&port patient*.<br />

STANFORD KOSENHEKC each Kchool at the meetlitRH and' MUSIC CLUIt<br />

nnd many other thing*.<br />

Manaxins Editor Jhe two Lfiwelliten acting an rep* <strong>The</strong> Music Club, under the upon- As a person wouldn't have much<br />

rcM-nlatlvm are HiKli-l Stanley corah in of Miss Alexander, has equipment to work with in times<br />

Cumbrrpatch, who In aluo presi- elected Rita d'Neiiri.residcnt, and « emergency, Mr. I'ctenou<br />

dent of the council and ltctty Sol- George S; itlenmn is nerving as showing hlit pupils how to n« the<br />

Each iuue MO endeavor to filvc the low-down on two prominent omon, Iow-t, who I* ttecretary. <strong>The</strong> i>ccreuiry.<br />

materials they have on hand—for<br />

seniors. Althoufch there are ninny y worthy subjects in the hiuh senior vfcc-prcnitlcncy IK fillet) by an Thw term, the group has decided instance, a broomstick for a tour*<br />

Abraham Lincoln Hlch School jjirl. to select a different composer each nlquet.<br />

cliui, l , h Is, I , of f course, , lCl flfc to interview ii nil il of them. h <strong>The</strong> h few f<br />

All the work which in done by<br />

week, studv his life and the types At the end of the term, the stu-<br />

that are the subjects in these articles each Issue, nre typical of Lawell the Juniur Red Cross members is<br />

of inuitlc he composed, and then dents take an examination. If<br />

sector*, and show no partialUy.<br />

under the supervision of the Senior<br />

nlny recordings or piano selections they pass, they nre awarded their<br />

iOF/BCKART<br />

years of soccer.<br />

Red CroM. Knitting, canteen<br />

of hli* work.<br />

first nld certificates.<br />

. "Work, wait, and you are bound After a year or BO of maln-itaywork<br />

and volunteer work ut headquarter;*<br />

are the new activities<br />

« <strong>Lowell</strong> debaters, Eckart was under thu war-time condition*. <strong>Lowell</strong>ites Join Junior Army;<br />

Ever sec these words before? elected their president during the Collections for the Junior Kcd<br />

.-..To refresh your memories, it's an iprlnir of '-12.<br />

Cross War Relief Fund will begin<br />

' old debater's proverb.<br />


within a month. Plans for the, Will Aid in Civilian Defense<br />

"Work and wait*? art. two'words<br />

drive will be discussed at the next; Students and teachers arc plane Construction that Mr. Mc-<br />

-Busy as a bee.<br />

meeting of the council, it was un- working hard on the organization Cnrd will handle. ,.<br />

that Joe Eckart know* the mean' That's a <br />

Stri more be *Ud about the<br />

-^Tlten'-btitin^Wfl*, Joe'n work on<br />

Aid class held here at <strong>Lowell</strong>. This I realized the need of training In beep one soldier eoinff. Mrs. ittt-'.;{<br />

hl(th senior chuu U'inic 50 out* class, taught during after school Some fi«ld thnt will aid their coun*<br />

, tHcMniun'a'craclf demoting society,<br />

.ian. alone with Miss USetir. Mr. -.<br />

standing with r-pr«sci.tiUvcs iuch time, is headed by Mr. Peterson,! try. Mure than eighty perron*: Neff; Mr. Vctersen. and Mr. Mf^<br />

' ttijl .haTinr; time to' play three as Miss Wfauln'v.Jjid Eelcart? and Is carried on In - cunncctlcnislgned up In the claw for Air- Cord are helping <strong>Lowell</strong> studeott.«<br />

with the Junior Red Crow. . Craft Idcnification and Model Air* to help their country. '•'-&£

-THIS WILL<br />

KILL YOU,<br />

HA! HA!<br />


MCMXUI;? 'ffU> 0' Somewhere in Kallfornla, late In March<br />

/Looking<br />

Around'<br />

' By Frank PJorabo<br />

Don't worry folks. Even though<br />

you can't rccognixe the paper. It<br />

is really <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>. And those<br />

rciewy stories and pajre makeup<br />

were not mistuke* on the part of<br />

the printer. No, It's our one and<br />

r' ly humiir edition. We hope you<br />

h > it.<br />

... f:<br />

Founded 1400; B. C<br />

Graff Expose Shocks StudentBcjdp<br />

Caught in <strong>The</strong> Act!<br />

Attor'y Milfer Charge*<br />

PreXy with E,mb*2zzleml\t<br />

Blasted from its rock-bottom tradition yesterday wag San<br />

Francisco's oldest and highest regarded prep school.<br />

Shocking revelation of graft in the student body association<br />

of I-owoll High held faithful members awe-stricken.<br />

Investigation of the recent "<strong>Lowell</strong> Defense Tax." paid<br />


upon the purchase of n student body card, revealed that the<br />


fund* entered no defense charity<br />

<strong>The</strong> Red and White, which you<br />

l J<br />

were so fortunate to buy lost<br />

jiuin<br />

term, had new honors henned upon<br />

: MOJJOUIOI jnj j in ion liooq ttut( tttjJX<br />

it. At the University of Califor-<br />

' 'ajiujan w| udn<br />

nia Annual Pics* Convention Inn<br />

week-end, our year book walked<br />

away with first place honor*—o<br />

handsome plaque. Nice<br />

Kant:. Oh yen, the nnpi-r was rep- j<br />

renvMed at Berkeley by einhl I<br />

members of the staf.*. All nre ex- [<br />

JMTIWI to recover noon.<br />

# aip IU«MII»J other thon Prexy Williiims* noeket<br />

O Cj snd then came to a dead - end.<br />

^William* hod bought o couple of<br />

ttJX drrupitntcd fish for Kin ret trained<br />

3uij 0UI| l Dcfcnue? Yen, Williams'<br />

|»|U<br />

you n<br />

the fdood l>nt)k<br />

will trlndly rcpiVr it with Fume donated<br />

by Mrs. Jordan.<br />


Northwestern University hn«<br />

ichL,l*?u n n < io W inf lw' .iw! 1 KACfLTV ItKI'ltKSKNTHII<br />

IN IIKKKNSK I'ICOCIIAM | Cninwmr T,«,l,-v Is »rrn •>„,.,• .rrivinc ju»l in tlmr In null ctllpriN '<br />

p<br />

» you worry when nn nir rniil < Have Willinm. Irfl. nnd I'nul lltippor in Iheft «f l)rfcn«i* Jlond* frum '_....,<br />

alarm rmir«? t)o.-« your lirart! "•»<br />

You,<br />

'<br />

School imtilute thl» aummer. Thi»<br />

cr.,up rcprewntinir the t i '<br />

t u l t l hfch<br />

1 *" M| ...._,.. Mm uodn 'SUIJ aui|j3 seal.<br />

|VM| am jo J4p«4] at{i VUJBJJ|)« <<br />

«•'*: TiwjM U «l«r wllnnw in thr prmrclilliinV njalw to]' . Mrs. Jordan nnd<br />

Miss Carojynn II. Id'cdeman Jire<br />

l»uth air nild warden instruct on*<br />

Mr. II. Karpoiutein in a fire warden.<br />

And If any of you should<br />

own defense from beinjr liquidated<br />

p^iujuiuioj u'('Ap\' *p.|) *Au«d by hi* starved playmate!)<br />

-wo;) uwq u JOJ iv.i o) nn wo-tj Fund* Traced<br />

X9WK am jiojjon u*U 'II -toil *H <strong>The</strong> probe, which Is bclnir enjriajg<br />

dtp wop nv tu[jjiiM iHpiicujj neeri'd by Honest Dan Miller and<br />

jno.< II 1 J° 1O.C K»AJ|[JJ 3U]pK]i|3,h{K jfrtiepome colleague. Key-hole<br />

jnq *X^|ad »t»q aqi sf )tuuo]i., [Toolcy, made public further infor-<br />

1u»u»ists .HUiBiiHAV mation on the wheareaboutx of<br />

•ttuiuiiu.w pun'collections made by and for the<br />

•umtM.mi.aj xii i student association.<br />

•jn»s:<br />

Twelve nnd one half dollars allowed<br />

Treasurer Hopper for erection<br />

of a billboard at Fifth and<br />

•p,r\ouMJ<br />

Mnrket Street* publicizing the stu-<br />

VxM«H<br />

Icnt t body by card cad sale e was a traced (racd to t<br />

r\ jo |mi<br />

iU final reHtintr place in the treaaor>*<br />

of Boon Sister*, exclusive<br />

-MOM putt HUIOOJ Jd U| KUOfl tiports tpt apparel ppa pare siiop- (Have you<br />

noticed tid Hu H Ickie Murder;'<br />

-30(103 ai{i (,,ino<br />

titj.iui<br />

Hunjrry flopper'ji new<br />

moleskin puunts?<br />

Priccil $l±50 at<br />

j.w pun) mo {k'tjjj<br />

BBoos' ' complete l with h free f Cuba Cb Li- U<br />

Blonde Galore _<br />

bras in the Cellar Salon.)<br />

Aid lo Leaders<br />

Move<br />

.(l Conspiring with Williams and<br />

•dot uj(K)j wnoucA |<br />

In lh«- mrrry. mi-rry nionlli ^ ^ ^ ^ ,itlle • ISIoIsy Genii in Hi3's<br />

hu Bt'ta nn attack nf KpniDf nicetivM of an nir*rufd,. we, think ( o l o 9 IflSt'S U S<br />

fi-ver. <strong>The</strong>y Hav the cun- for >*«'" shmild first know the<br />

'Swing it'<br />

Were Hot certain, because we<br />

K|irn,i- fever in to take 11 done of didn't near jnformeil a thint;. u« that but an some! air<br />

In Los Angeles<br />

Btilphiir and htolaMM. Some peo- *>n»»thi*' mid tit ulwiiyK informed preceded us thnt.anairt by loud •<br />

pie do mid mime ' don't. It!],ur|w.<br />

on whether they like it or- Thp»p are not jui*t to ncnd nhivnot.<br />

'vnt up your npinr. or to make ynur<br />

(lettine hnrk to the ynunc man. \ ^'f Jjf,""^ '""" r " t * : th X y hv\t ti^r<br />

UC* see whrrv did we leave him? vnu*<br />

your ni,.^,.,.^,,^ mrnmri pU^urf, iV the<br />

1'or.lun u». a minute ptcaw, while Ivy n, il.l.<br />

^ "'*""* "" '" ""' fin " f '" W n " 1 '"-1 l ' l '" r ' V " nH<br />


By Sillimnn Dwyer<br />

Blood clots on the battle-j<br />

fields of Red Russia! j One for the money, two for<br />

Australian* Keek shelter]the show, three to get ready<br />

from bursting bombs! j. , , . and we're off to<br />

it prr. l» the Cho.sen correspondents p wit-] that gala fest, festival, the High g<br />

code »rt do«n «« ness these international Three Shindig lf« at the Coco-<br />

. - T''^ '" *""<br />

rcprewnnir the n a t i o , „ „ hol „„ ,„,, „ h<br />

jnit ulentnl hfch Khool »tu- nhur nnd molaxcs. lint »om.- |.eo- l,eit Wat. Oh. well, anjway Jt'»' _ [r:|.c<br />

dent., will hav,. one of the peak e«- „,„,,„„., |||,c »u||,hur »d«ln«w, a »iren. • l<br />

M '- strugslus. But of far greater nut Grove thfc. year (reduced ratci<br />

"Vn" I" """ "T",*'"^ , HZZ HZ'"Z" "h'JZ'J hJZJ and t.-o \ \ consequences consequences are the affairs affairs you kno»-«ur hiEh threo<br />

officer.<br />

er. Thi» »«»• '""»«»• '">« ««-t»'nir cf nnd calihaRC. Knives<br />

—an iron lung!<br />

•ret fichty and death nttc rises.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fighting Irish arc victorious<br />

Commented Sloppe, "Priorities m* no priorities, I'll show with drooling victirrw in every<br />

comer.<br />

MAIIC1I 19—Staff dwindle*. Four<br />

Flash . . . Commerce High, San<br />

more journalUtK hlle the dust'<br />

and die of acutr Indiftextion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Associated Students of this fine institution nre to- With hammer In one hand and<br />

day calling n huge rally in an effort to raise funds to fix the Klckle in the other the Managing<br />

Editor Mpcak* and Commutibim!<br />

roof of their recently caved-in classroom.<br />

lurkii on the horiion. HIM re-|<br />

Student body President Jaspar Gee): announced that the vesting wordii were, kawotc—<br />

I'll be ltl-:i>-dy whrn you ComJ<br />

school "will band together in a concerted effort to hit the IIADK—unkawote.<br />

50% mark In S. B. cord sales." Proceeds of the drive will be ] MARCH -"^rCommunism ha«_arused<br />

to buy materials to repair the collapsed ceiling.<br />

rived. Following luitily is Fas-1<br />

cutm In person of the Kdltor-in-<br />

Sturdy Block "C" men. who have been holding up their Chicf. "We've done it ajniln,"<br />

run-down roof during recitation periods, commented,<br />

so speaks the Editor. Communism<br />

and Fascist* clash. Score<br />

: £; "A little faster on the plaster, Jaspitr."<br />

31-10 In favor of the Communist*.<br />

(Editor hit a f/ist one<br />

thi-uujth the left-field window<br />

_. *•:'>. Alcatrsz, California ... .; and Inquisitively tried to follow<br />

It was reporter here, today; by unreliable sources that I it.) Glass Bill: $086 KOvern-<br />

•/Kill Somebody,, America*s,,foremost murderer, wns throwi.* raent, federal and state, and syn<br />

tar Included. .<br />

into Ktlitary ^onfinsinent yesterday. It seems that he was<br />

v" , •<br />

MARCH 21—S'jff deleted. Publl-<br />

caught cheating in a game of solitaire: ,<br />

cnUon r - Urunhing Shoulderj<br />

Your hiwtwu »nd hiMtit, Pat<br />

Krill. Stan Dcforde. and Ken Me-<br />

I-cllUn greet you with happy<br />

mnlle*. You nmEle beck dazedly<br />

and nail onto the dance floor. Iroagine<br />

brutthing tdiauldvn. with the<br />

BUTE!!<br />

What a program! To play for<br />

the firet half hour will ill be Glen<br />

Mill Miller, and d you fl float Into to your r<br />

partner's arm* for the first dance<br />

—that luscious melody "Moonlight<br />

Cocktail."<br />

Before you realize It. OCavler<br />

Cugat rcplacen smooth Miller and<br />

you swine into that tantalizing; bit<br />

bUHlnrMit*iikc proportion* what of rhythm, "<strong>The</strong> Rumba Cttrai."<br />

with a referred prize-fight In Maeiriro Autocraphi<br />

the Sport* Department, a Fin- In quirk succmslon nwlon follow follo Count<br />

xerina Content judging In the Kasir. Freddie Martin, Mi and Benny<br />

Feature* Department, and a re- Goodman. Of course, you Ret all<br />

enactment of the I'earl Harbor their autographs. i<br />

attack, realistically presented All too Koon the danreii come*<br />

'•' the ral-a-tat-tat of ma lo an end and you find yourself<br />

outside once more In the cool,<br />

Factor*!! ttweet, frasranee af a Ilollywood<br />

nlsht.<br />

<strong>The</strong> moon . . , . t^e «tar»<br />

. . . .the heady scent t. * mas*<br />

notfa bloHsomit . . . . the<br />

dream of your Ufa beside you. Ah<br />

heaven.<br />

p ioe t v<br />

Xtpuiuu.—ES U<br />

\\lt\y j<br />

; IH*tV ->*<br />

date canceled. ..<br />

JI O Hall, Snow or Sun<br />

*V Windy Hygrometer, a user ot<br />

X d biff wortlfl. was taking a stroll by<br />

his favorite rendezvous, the Wet<br />

f i?I Weather River. - He stumbled over<br />

J»IP«m« HI-01<br />

**X Mil ;o Xrp iit»— L<br />

I imlv J9U» jt«(l—z iM<br />

^tta •.100JTI1«V— I'lHdV<br />

i " 1bi L tl ! b 'Adolescent," asked Windy, '"are<br />

you not;, endeavoring v_to Jnduer<br />

members of the finny tribe-to engulf<br />

Into their dentfcuIatedjnonUu<br />

A barbed nook, upon which 'you<br />

have affixed a dainty altor«meat?"<br />

:<br />

"Naw," /laiil the kid. "I'm<br />

flhi'^*<br />


TWO<br />

tit 1 j-wotl lllih Hebool<br />

1100 Hnyta Stntt, Ran Franolieo.<br />

1* 1L 3. 8. A. M*mbtn Krw<br />


Aulitant Squirt — U. C. Hownbon:<br />

Stuff ami Junk. Squaw..... Ulackle Fletcher<br />

Athletic Cunnimcr _..Gen«ml McArthiir<br />

Dowt.olMhe-work-Chlef. Simple Simon<br />

Hrai tint ruM<br />

—Warrior*—<br />

Fin JUlilticirt)<br />

Can V. «<br />

Shiny '>tl<br />

ll"tirr "' t..t«m<br />

Stiotty Qi IlUl.tt<br />

flnlily : *il< tt-niun<br />

ScArW't I<br />

fjink.? l>. u iVltlIn.!,)<br />

Si tirt^vjnt<br />

Silly Stllll<br />

VJll<br />

Wn>nv» .••'/•<br />

TAliky ' iM.ilrml<br />

I11oii.ll- 1!<br />

1"—lli*f" 1•V<<br />

human stepped hack into the ceri*<br />

ter of thu rinir for another batti""inl<br />

of two-fluted jokes dished out t<br />

by oncumer* from.uvury side, i<br />

Have you heart! about the count I<br />

who cot off the train looking<br />

•lightly icreen. 11 in friends asked<br />

him why he looked so 111.<br />

"Well," he replied, "whenever I<br />

ride backward! on a train I always<br />

Ret nick." "Why dliln't yju<br />

ask the person In the opposite scat<br />

to trade with you" querricd hU<br />

friends. -Well. 1 thought of that."<br />

he said, "but no one was Kitting<br />

opposite me."<br />

Picture . . . . Two gab<br />

stealing horses and soon followed<br />

by two dangling bodies . .<br />

hanging from the old bam iloor .<br />

Let's see, hang-hung-hung. Using<br />

.the present participle plus irregular,<br />

and orthographic, but rtdlcal<br />

changing verb hater "to dp." I<br />

wonder if the owner of the horses!<br />

had anything "to do" with It?<br />

Laying a concrete foundation for<br />

a more cultured life are those<br />

groups of peoplo who study the<br />

ever-present subject of loolosy.<br />

Everyone in studying in the class<br />

of -varm-blooded vertebrates covered<br />

with hair—bolds to you! Well<br />

anywho everyone in studying Peacocks<br />

In the Court on Saturdaynights.<br />

. I wonder why?<br />


- And then there was the boy who named his<br />

irfrl "appendix" 'cause It cost so much to take<br />

her'out. • L L L —<br />

Said one ear to the other: "Funny wp haven't<br />

met before—we live on th« same block.<br />

Earl to rise and ditto to bed<br />

Maltts « rn.nhg.lthy. but socially dead.<br />

You would not knock the-Jokes »e use<br />

•II you could but see the ones we trcfiue.<br />

(Krntlnued From Left)<br />

- y^tT,"!. 1 * • llrl " i ""' scholar of the finer things<br />

. ,.to."Llfe" (lllc at all news-stands).<br />

' /SEPTEMBER—(Illopopotamu.)<br />

J.ym won't be Ihe «msllmt creature roaming<br />

. this earth, yet your slie will VTavt to ^ lo your<br />

advantaite. 1 ou will never n| . HIt In a ciowded<br />

slrwl-car. and TOO will be able lo lose weight<br />

^fcKt""" " d "<br />

.;"". Your zodiac nlgn wt Indeed • happy one. You \<br />

]oip_ ov lOBlng and climb. Dntlny innixu that ynu<br />

be a flre-miin.<br />

NOV NOVEMBER—(Panther) • •''<br />

\<br />

:, You will be beautiful yet handsome. You will.<br />

m i n i u T<br />

&cois£33&: "<br />

.;' This sign Is not uncommon among the zodiac<br />

•iKiu.'r'It means that you love to bent the bush<br />

arouni . .• '.-;;,-<br />


Let's Keep Oar<br />

Squaws Painted!<br />

To preserve thu benuty of <strong>Lowell</strong> iliirh<br />

Schonl'x Kir In, we must sec to it that ench<br />

room is supplied with n mirror and n<br />

qunntity of cosmetics.<br />

WQ must show our tciichers that "n<br />

thins of Iwauty (even if artificinl) Is »<br />

joy forever."<br />

It is pitiful that <strong>Lowell</strong>'s beauties<br />

must sneak a dash of roKMe acrosu their<br />

lips when the instructors arc not looking,<br />

lleforc class can proceed with a joyful<br />

spirit the war paint of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s squaws<br />

must be replenished.<br />

We can lirinit this heartfelt need to<br />

the faculty'* attention in several ways:<br />

(1) When n «Irl in class liegiiiK to<br />

"primp up." all boys present should rise, i<br />

point at her, anil shout, "Oive them mirrors<br />

or jrive us death!" j<br />

(2) When a ("irl applies makeup in i<br />

class, the boys should rise and sinu; "<strong>The</strong> !<br />

Sweetheart of Si|:m;i Chi."<br />

(.'!) Upon such occasions boys should<br />

produce razors and bejjin shaving. (If<br />

this impossible, take out tweezers and<br />

pluck the fuzz.)<br />

SupiHirt this movement. We must have<br />

victory:<br />

S37OOV<br />

Wurw than mvlalea! Worse than scarlet<br />

fewer! Worse than mumn»I—Thflt'n Sf'IUN'G<br />

KKVEIt! I-owellite» are Kointr balmy! L*nvi-llltc*<br />

jre Koinir steady!—Oh well, they're always thut<br />

way.<br />

It was a dark and Ktormy ni^ht,<br />

Thu xtrvets weru full uf rain,<br />

An old. old woman crept tilont,'.<br />

Her shoes were full of—fift.<br />

Did you know? It's April Fool's Day totluy—<br />

well nlmoit.<br />

Have you heard? A certain Cert BOM to the<br />

Alhambra all the time now—could it be Hed<br />

GreenT? . . . France* Mandich U on the loone<br />

again, boy*. . . . .What happened to that J.<br />

C. fellow, Corlnne?? . . . Tw0 women are an<br />

awful lot to handle on one picnic, Coleman. . . .<br />

Ever no out of the news but ntlll so popular ii*<br />

Hetty Kinghant. . . . Ellie Mosclcy mill coin;<br />

Hteady with her Stanford man.<br />

Where'* the ItaMketball<br />

What happened Bill Lau? She doeittt't wear<br />

your basketball anymore!!! . . . Did Fran dincourage<br />

you so soon, DunwoodEe?? ? A good man<br />

never gives up!! . . . Barbara Oliver and for*<br />

mer <strong>Lowell</strong>ite, Ralph Kjar, seen together at the<br />

Ye Olde Colonial. . . . la Mad Tracy going<br />

steady, or Isn't sho?!? . . . Did you finally<br />

get around to askine ,i cert bin brunette named<br />

Itrautiful. hhrcr. dark, dull, mft, nhady coot, completely without iJ1u*w t;<br />

mlnntfon IhU Invely ncene wan photographed completely illustrative of £<br />

the p>r«!tiliItilieM pot!*iliilittc» confronting jtrtintt »rti«ln ax u they ppaint<br />

black-out. Thui^,&<br />

unununl photograph should he valued !»> all no-ire palni-hru-h wMder*. (<br />

All house painter*, ntceple./jick-. and flac-pole wiper*, incorporated, *.will<br />

IK* given copir* nf I hit extraordinary picture up*n request to Ufa- j<br />

win Van Storage I'hnne IIEaven 7771. _*<br />

L TIE;<br />

.11(1<br />

l[V J y {^uv J"<br />

•pu{iu JJIJ un SUIJ^L'IU JUIII (urii n iiui.Miq '^ttsnujjf<br />

aizjuj * - * " i > tin auiiqtiup .»JB U.»^<br />

*iq2I]u»j po~KHI<br />

q uopo[n(JoU ajuut tf.uoMoq iitqi muanoqi o}<br />

iqdji aujiuni .Cduej n.utttu Junn.< v inoqc amip<br />

uiu>< p}iM 9ouo ouo.iuo* wqi vn ot<br />

M'l.up|p an *U|*ai JUI u) i»Jd- o|<br />

Could It Happen Here?<br />

JOE tlOOK^ Hft$ PfiRfEcT S^ L€ftRMS<br />

* fORAMOMTH ftB0V)T '<br />

'WelI,Who Cares?<br />

Signed Adolph<br />

Ity A^ftansinated I'rw<br />

<strong>The</strong> people uf Nazi Germany an<br />

iiul aro?«e that mornlnir. cooked<br />

j thf'r breakfaHi. ate thrir break-<br />

I fa.nt, brnuKht in the morning paper,<br />

read the morninc paper, on which<br />

headline* remj "Cermany Wins<br />

War." which KurptUed rrer^body,<br />

and mndr thrm t*ive loud r>hout

Imm<br />

^Sideline By GEN. ED.McAltTIIUIt<br />

Sporta Connoisseur<br />

_ :V -. J » When Polleo.Chlef Dullea'i howltxer split the .<br />

. air and accideritolly^plcked off 26 Gestapo membert,<br />

plus 35 Nlpponef* nnughticfl. when start-<br />

Ing the annual News Croai-CJty jaunt on March<br />

14.1042, A. D. No one In the emwd thought that<br />

"Dilatory" Lowrle O'Donnel!, a <strong>Lowell</strong> spikoter,<br />

would walk uwny with the sprint.<br />

Well, they were right, he didn't. But he managed<br />

to plate 23th out of 37 partclpantn (or maybelt<br />

was 23). At any KATE he In good.<br />

In a meat with Not So Falrviow, Lanky Low-<br />

. rle mnnnjred to vek out n win in the mile In the<br />

slow time of three minutes, two seconds, fivo fevt,<br />

five inches, blue eyes, hlonde hair and whooooon*.<br />

Mavle we had better get bark to track.<br />


Ilamblintr round the rlnn In almost record<br />

time is cindcrpath captain Frolicking Phil Ar»U<br />

Phil goes eround the track so fast that he has received<br />

offrrs to masquerade as » rabbit to lead<br />

the field En a doir nice. (Wo know it wns bad<br />

Out it wns nn Town cornfield track.)<br />

Talking about going around In circles bring*<br />

to mind the one ahout the drunk who krpt walking<br />

around a telephone polr for about two hours.<br />

feeling it a* hi* did so. Finally he gave up and<br />

said: ~'S no we. I'm walled in."<br />

P.ut ffrioiwly, uur track team i* good. As-k<br />

them yourself!<br />


Undoubtedly, everyone knows who Locomutlv<br />

Dan Miller is. Well, a few days ago, we vevrv<br />

walking down the corridor, after heartnir G. W.<br />

B. condemn the Demtcrnts, when who did our<br />

gaze Until upon but Silent Dan.<br />

With more l>ooks under one arm than in the<br />

school library* an 'l hi* "nthlettc equipment" under<br />

the other, he WHS rapidly approaching us as wo<br />

gave him n knowingly greeting.<br />

"LocnV fare then created into a faint grin.<br />

Wltit his fuiouldcni hack, chin in. head erect, he<br />

cave a short, precise nod with his head . . .<br />

and Itetlrve it or £Ixe naiil: "Hello."<br />


TIIROU(. I!<br />

Now that baKcball season has<br />

emerced, we wonder who will be<br />

the lucky striker un this year's hit<br />

parade!<br />

i Home<br />

From the booming upset over<br />

the .._ "battered" Balboa Buccaneers, -~,<br />

Coohln' wit gas!<br />

Elmer** tune la pri<br />


-, "i ".i.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Boys Are<br />

Coming Back<br />

Must Return<br />

To <strong>Lowell</strong>' -y<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> cage fnns—Coach<br />

Ben Neff, in particularwere<br />

jubilant today when it<br />

wns revealed by Principal<br />

Leroy K. Stephens that: •<br />

Stanford tasketballen,<br />

Dun Burncss, Bill Cowden,<br />

and Howie Dallmar must all<br />

return to <strong>Lowell</strong> next- semes-<br />

_„_ again. Here ,,v i„,,<br />

ground*, l.rft to right are Howie<br />

the three ex-Lowciliics who must Hull mar. Hill Cowden. and Don<br />

return to the old Htamping Hum CM.—Courtesy S. F. Chronicle.<br />

Track Meat Going Good Drip! Life<br />

'etty blast}' 777" ~ Under a Boat<br />

It losks like the Cards wEHI have when It comes to nil troop of<br />

more than one dinmondeer on the "devils", indisputably the nrns.<br />

top nf the slugging list. Although , devastating cinder breezes this side Cncketeers Pin Stripe Drapes; Feature Is All Wet<br />

our boy? slugged homers, triples, or the other of Dncpropetpivitktwo<br />

baggers, singles, etc., nil over • Syktyvkar in their two-piitt- cer'tte Kno Games Scheduled! Thr other day there wan i_<br />

the lot tli* Southerners, 1>OW«1PS <strong>The</strong>ir blood-shot peepers are now<br />

I unusual fish a-hanglng around<br />

modest FcoreKeeper recorded only (Continued on Page Four) For Gym This Year >ought harbor, lie wa» slap happy<br />

four hits, supplied by Dill Brown,<br />

because something had hit him.<br />

Cahrli* Monard, Ernie Marlowe,<br />

I In fact he wan hit »o durn hard<br />

and John Urban.<br />

It) Honey Hindcn that one eye had moved around his<br />

But Just wait until they loosen GALS<br />

I went to xei> the Lowtll-Bur- hall-catcher and wu flirting with<br />

lln^ame baseball game. It was the other eye. He had lo breathe<br />

up, then watch them go to town.<br />

sooooooo thrilling, [ must tell you <strong>thru</strong> one fin.<br />

Bv the way. the final of the Due<br />

affair was tros a dos en favor dc<br />

about it. when Interviewed at De RagneoKtr*.<br />

escucla.<br />

Well, it all started about li gV* flnh Market wear a woman<br />

o'clock In the afternoon and you was looking at him wondti-lnjc<br />

"No glove" Colcman and "Lend This will be of »'i-tal corweni •i^ould haw seen thoiie Burlingame weather to make oyster ttlew or<br />

roc a leg" Lcibowltx thrilled the to nil frcrfh-man!<br />

Honest, they were posj- ha»h. he said:<br />

th throng with ith th those SPECTACU-<br />

SPECTACU Those scan-tl-ly clad humans In j tivcly puny Mxt t(( tho8c maKnin- "I'm just a minnow looking prct<br />

LAR one-handed grasps at the blue you „_,. sec wnl:kir.« „ and run- _.. C(.nt ^pvcimens of ours. . ty mad. •<br />

horse hide. U'mmm. what's the nlng a-round In thit yard ev-ery<br />

I Splash!<br />

matter? Leather going up? pcr-i-od arc called girls (pro-<br />


I noun~ced gurla or irrrlu,<br />

TO WORK<br />

Once again the netty neuters<br />

are settling down to work. (Settling<br />

down to work, meaning<br />

sprawling on the park lawn and<br />

watching others knock the sphere<br />

back and forth.)<br />

Led by Forty Loves Chtchester<br />

and Under the Mesh Sockalov, the<br />

1 ter because all nro missing<br />

n one-tenn completion of credit<br />

hours. This was learned after a.<br />

study of graduate records In Misi<br />

Harrison's office showed that all<br />

three star hoopstcrs were minuj a<br />

haif of a half of ml unprepared<br />

subject necessary for proper graduation.<br />

Coincidental with tho announce*<br />

ment was the statement thnt tlv<br />

A. A. A. coaches will soon put Into'<br />

effect a nine term participation<br />

law that will serve to legally put<br />

the hoopstcrs on the liae of the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Indian In next spring's tl'ts.<br />

Neff To EAT AfiALV<br />

Rumored at a IOM for competent<br />

barter's next season. Coach H«n<br />

Nerr received the new* with an<br />

"I cat for one year" attitude. Reliable<br />

source* Indicated that he had<br />

previously contemplated using his<br />

red-haired son as a '43 started In<br />

a last ditch effort for a championship<br />

quintet.<br />

Flushed with the prospect of an<br />

undefeated vanity next year, Mr.<br />

Neff was seen laughing up his<br />

sleeve at the influential. aluruni<br />

that had been howling for h<br />

Like Creek Gods<br />

meaning Welt, our boyit came<br />

"You sea, I wan out swimming<br />

' mem-ber of the fe*male sex).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se girl* are not mem-ber* of<br />

the Zicg-fleld FoMIei; they arc<br />

members of a gym class.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cos-tumea they have on are<br />

called bloomers (pro*noun-ced<br />

Mew-mem or bloo-mers; mean-ing<br />

a frock of loose trou-sers).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se girls par-tl*c.-pate in riding,<br />

golf, ten-nb, bas-ket ball,<br />

base-ball, swim-minir, vol-Iey ball.<br />

f »<br />

scalp for the failure of the Lowe,<br />

team to come out on top in the<br />

schedule just completed.<br />

Marlon Burncss. registry 100,<br />

cousin of Atl-Atnerican Don, acting<br />

as a representative of she scorc-<br />

I some three, made public yesterday<br />

I their intended programs during<br />

I their coming half-year Spring reengagement<br />

by Hayes Hoopstcrs<br />

and Grove Getters, Inc.<br />

Tough Prorratn—No Lunch<br />

Here is the Intended program of<br />

the men who will replace Franklin<br />

"Sweet Swin" Kudelka ax the "Apples"<br />

of Mr. Nefr« *ye.<br />

1. Advanced Gym<br />

2. Autograph*<br />

3. Study<br />

4. Autographs<br />

5. Social Study—Inner Court<br />

6. Social Study—Inner Court<br />

7. Intermediate Chess<br />

8. Basketball<br />

Reached down on the Farm, the<br />

three unfortunates expressed con-<br />

cern over their ability to pass such<br />

a stiff course. ,<br />

"Xeffs Ice Cream Cones are the<br />

best In town, though," they ejaculated<br />

In fond memory.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y looked Just like Greek gods<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're not kidding!<br />

in a marcaslte (or is it a mara-j . . . . .<br />

bout) race Anyway, it proved to be the<br />

boy who tried to iteflne Indbcreet. ny ot-her p<br />

& Kd Iltuon (he's our catcher) hit March 16.<br />

He itated that ft meant "a place Thcap jrfrU are Lo-well'a ell'a cirln. the Imlt nice and easy and two <strong>The</strong>y stuck sticks In the water<br />

where little children ihouldn't and they re-prc-sent Lo-i well " in all m-n on base ran home on what I all around me ant! pulled and<br />

nlay." girls' ath-let-ic e-vents.<br />

think is cilled ft punt. pu||fd. All they caught was cold.<br />

Our boys were dressed In stun* I wns just thinking that they<br />

qo i nlng white satin trimmed with didn't holu a torch to that Su Ig-<br />

uo iou<br />

;no.< Invelv cinnamon red numbers on natius power-house oar to Galileo.<br />

'aajpud *pjnt| the back, and they looked de-luxiou<br />

!<br />

um.il<br />

inQ<br />

' tM , , I Suddenlyekr<br />

*[ 33UJUJUIJ«S<br />

'pus au.1 vi «{*ix<br />



Itjr A. Fische<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has a swimming team.<br />

K Is a good team.<br />

We like our team. W? hope to<br />

win with this team. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

aity (that's the blj- fellom).<br />

•UKUIt)MJJ RfUJOj<br />

3I<br />

U. 'IMUI<br />

) I !!3» *I II!*<br />

K uo Simmons HltR Fowl one of tho«e atlrfcs hit me ao<br />

Can you Imagine! Tat Simmons hard that I flue through the air<br />

Hlriiek out 14 men hut once the atti landed on the wharf,<br />

ball hit thr bat and it (the ball) I want to go back to the Washwent<br />

oul Into the field so fast that inBton na RejcaUa. I want to<br />

•*! Ill* *I '****» I could hardlr "« »• M<strong>The</strong>n Ihe'undrr t Sain( Ignatiua boaL «ar<br />

o) Xu|oa Hi *»u '<br />

£n *( JO<br />

vampire called a "Towi" and thr U l l I ih d if I<br />

it)Bd||<br />

i|x '9J<br />

piny wa* no good. WM I mad!!IRc my iung nnted again.<br />

Wrll. that was all I noticed; (Further information concerning<br />

nttout the gam**, but —what's | the nlight of noor Heel Pcskus may<br />

* k nt? <strong>The</strong> score? Just A minute.: he obtains! iron, him at his next<br />

I'll find out. Wo won ity one j nubl : c appearance next Friday<br />

ntifnt, 7-1. Aren't we cood ? Hur*! night at dinner time at the O'Fli<br />

rah for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s baseball team! ' hcrty's.<br />

ipA<br />

m aq ivui tun)<br />

)MUt * M| jCtl<br />

Latcsi on Track Deal<br />

(Continued From Page Four)<br />

ntl around glacing at clocks, meas- treating hlit ternperatnentat lica<br />

uring, then gabbing and writing ment with Doc Jokobce'a flea ex-<br />

stuff down. All suspicions were tract: **Bullet" Husse's touring the<br />

diverted when a huge riot broke mile in -16<br />

out bc.lwi.in the three lojnl <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

lugs and four Durmcnitcs Hostll<br />

ities were ended a feu houT latter<br />

when the National Gua.d busted it<br />

UP Cootl frierdahlp was renewed<br />

after they paid and Indemnity of<br />

lbs ofMUgar<br />

\1I in all it WMI prosperaos<br />

w kt.oU to you"; "I'ttMT<br />

Foot" Carlson itralo«i hered an<br />

amaunr 3", fcetslen. "Headetor" r,'<br />

Piombo ac«red CO with brokea leg **^<br />

u enj- handicap. -Caca" Ronch ** -<br />

lost hbt shadow for ono o' ihem<br />

had to finish and he wu poor*)<br />

and "Alloy** Sfaepparrf took 'he 50<br />

by 60<br />

Ml In all It waja prnperoiu For rtowlnir ct I klt'ns ktns u great<br />

monlli with our Ihleres brlnxin bis s tifht «oe» o to Lion<br />

fan.<br />

home the bacon Hen fat lhei"l}-»! HnnlirraM! Bi wr I<br />

renult. -Twlnk|e[ Ti«s" \rnot I Brmlor and "Snake nlp Slra.1<br />

'•=•»;<br />


mm<br />

^ Lv~ -By U. &'R&K&bsnc*.. '.'.' "<br />

It'lain'l fair ..its?"..! I'rnean<br />

• suiting out thla mesa of a piper.<br />

Pra agin' II. butohat can I do?<br />

I'm only the Chief nig Squlck but<br />

Mini Ulg Chief him aay the paper<br />

must going to oft nula, but not this<br />

article. Instead this la going to<br />

be .•aerfoda andtrue story. It actually<br />

happened.<br />

-~ -.A --cabellero. senor Snorta by<br />

name, waa mining oro (gold) In<br />

Ihe hllla of California .-•>, one day<br />

he awakened to aee a g^nt. enor-<br />

Blonde Commits<br />

Suicide - -<br />

WhoKilled'er?<br />

. " H e l p , p o l i c e . " s c r e a m e d A n a s -<br />

t s s l a - h y s t e r i c a l l y a s s h e p h o n r i<br />

D e t e c t i v e I . K n o w a l l , "Ml** I t a l i c<br />

j i i s l c o m m i t t e d s u l c l d e r<br />

mous, rattlesnsue, curled at his K n o w a l l r u s h e d t o t h e j t p r y<br />

feel.<br />

K c n e w h e r e h e f o u n d t h e d r i p p i n g<br />

Loco, not<br />

c o r p s e o f t h e b l o n d M i s s S h e r A .<br />

"Carumba! I link I gone loco, I H a g s ; r e s t l n s ; o n h e r i r o o * e d o w n<br />

tlnk! hJ said. Cut eet Is true, eet c h a i s e I n a p o o l o f b l o o d . I n h e r<br />

was el rattlesnake.<br />

l e f t h a n d l a y t h e m i n a n d i n h e r<br />

He packed his belongings (el bo- r i f f h t w a s a c r u m p l e d l e t t e r w r l t -<br />

. i l i l<br />

i i il ' l i i<br />

' i . l . i .<br />

i .<br />

i l i<br />

l l i ' l l i i l .<br />

, i i l<br />

' i .<br />

l , ' l ' . ' l i i i<br />

i l '<br />

' ii ll l l . '<br />

l l l ' l i ll<br />

<strong>The</strong>'n«"t d;7he"BiTup'a"nd"Ihci Are You Still Kesdine?<br />

t a m e m a k e I s t h e r e a C T f n T h s T h e d o o r e a d n g o n t o h e r b a -<br />

g ru e > j « o n f o r t r o c * « d a s s na n d I nI nn cc hh o o c o n y w a s o c k e d f r o m t h e n s d e<br />

( ... t h a t.. s L. h i s .. f r s. t n a m e ) „ ds e_ s r d M ^ t._ o i ^ ^ a u w j a l l t h e w i n d o w s h a d p n i n s .<br />

m a k e n f r e n d o f t h e s n a k e T h s p u z z e d t h e d e t e c t v e n o h e<br />

C a s h m I c n o<br />

b e g a n q u e s t o n n g ? A n a M a n a<br />

H e d o e s a n d g v e s h m n a m e o f<br />

" W e r e y o u e m p o y e d b y M b<br />

I e p t o B n K K ? "<br />

W e e I a n c h o a n d » c j j - o a r e " I v e b e e n h e r p e r s o n a m n f o r<br />

g o o d f r e n d s a n d o n e d a y w h e n n e a r y n i x y e a r n a n d s h e s n e v e r<br />

I a an ne eh ho o h e w a n tt s s t o g o t o t o w n h e<br />

k e d r h e r sse f b e f o r e I c a n t u n -<br />

d e sd d e a t o l a k e k I c' p l t o t i n h * i d du ff ff e demand It."<br />

bar.<br />

"Did anyone come here this nft-<br />

In •>• town iw.1 I'aneho • •IICHU »-m«ir gamble* at ... • the •« i orjioon," he continued A" he eyed<br />

ea*lno and win-» rrftt .mount of, thc telephone iiad nnd pencil on<br />

ntcney. A thirf follow* I'ancho -• -<br />

*<br />

! - L i i . l<br />

- •-'-••- -• •*-- --•'t<br />

u c k t o I h e h o t e l . !".: I ' a n c h n i s<br />

w n * n n d h e r r t f I n ! > « a f t e r e t -<br />

" *- ft i l .<br />

ll l . i<br />

l l<br />

.<br />

' i i i l .<br />

i l l l . i .<br />

i l i i l l i i<br />

l i . i i '<br />

i l l i , ' i<br />

. . , l<br />

. . . l l i<br />

l<br />

i i . i l .<br />

l l i<br />

, i l ,<br />

l<br />

i , i . '<br />

l i<br />

l . i i i<br />

l ,<br />

i<br />

t h e r g h t H [ I I I > o f t h e t a b e<br />

O n y h e r la wa y we<br />

r H e r m e IInn "—' - c snakr.<br />

t e h e r tt h ah t st h e i t iin*<br />

o u t o r t h e h a * nnd hpr beathfr WM j.oinK Io g e t<br />

I e p t o g o t * ! n t o a c t o n ! h i . * f a v o r t e r u b b e r h e e S h e<br />

W h e n t h e c r o o k o p e n s t h e d o o r w - m r d a w f u y u p » e H h e d d "<br />

P c p h t o c l mib s b u p t h e h c u rtt a n s i da<br />

n d<br />

» n * t I h N E x c t n g ?<br />

R O C S o v e r t h e s k y g h t W h e n t h e<br />

A t t h s p o n t a p o I c e m a n r a m c<br />

thief comes In Pcpito strikes, bites j<br />

w t h K a r p r t t a j r r S k c x *<br />

the crook on the<br />

n d M r S h y s t e r t h e n w -<br />

over<br />

_ > • w e r e u c o n v n c e d t h a t<br />

tho iwlicelJ!<br />

t h e c a n e n h o u d \ w p u t d o w n i n t h e<br />

Who said a doe was man'n J-cst b o o k s a s s u c d e e x c e p t K n o w ! 1<br />

friend?<br />

" A o f y o u h a d n r c e s n t n t h s<br />

r o o m " h e w h s t e d t h r u h i s t e e t h<br />

" a n d a n y o n e o f y o u c o u d h a v e<br />

Defective Agency<br />

c o m m t t e d t h s m u r d e r T h e r e s<br />

o n y o n e t h n e t h a t y o u n c o v e r -<br />

o o k e d T h e v c t m W M r f j h t<br />

We Follow Teachers<br />

h a n d e d a n d s f n r c t h e i n w w a s<br />

f o u n d i n h e r e f t h a n d I c h n r t r c<br />

WU1 Sell Tests Cheap<br />

t h e m u r d e r o f S h v z A . R a m : t o<br />

( C o n t n u e d o n p a g e G )<br />


Man<br />


Young Lady (under 25)<br />

Witlntap<br />

P. O. Box 000<br />

AreYou<br />

Fussy 7<br />

For Home-like<br />

Comfort try<br />

our superlined<br />

coffins<br />

for the Rest<br />

of your<br />

life<br />

Call: Gravestone 0000<br />

You'HNeverKnow<br />

Coffin Makers<br />

wmmm<br />

Debaters Are<br />

Good.--U SayrSo Hecr,<br />

What's all the commotion in<br />

room. 151 every fifth and sixth period?<br />

A hen paur? No! A'ineet- />g<br />

injt of the botanlctil society? ><br />

Wrontr ajminl It's cmJy a<br />

Good Orators Orate<br />

k i d s , t h e o n l y o n e ? n t L o w e l l w h o<br />

c a n b o a s t o f h o l n c b o r n w i t h a<br />

• l i v e r t r o p h y i n t h e i r m o u t h s .<br />

T h e y ' l l a r c u i * a t t h e d r o p o f a<br />

t r a v e l , n n d t h e y ' l l « % * e n o b l i j i c i f<br />

l y o u h . i v c n ' t a t r a v e l .<br />

; confab '^<br />

61 <strong>Lowell</strong>'s prixe loudmouthj dtscusslnjr<br />

the main loves of their ^<br />

lives—debatesl - V<br />

Over In this corner, we find<br />

thoie two love-birds, John Harvey,<br />

creat debater and tlcbtmltcr^ii*<br />

and Gracte Hannon. <strong>The</strong> title of ;yH<br />

thin picture Is "<strong>The</strong> Courtship of : '"'t]<br />

Handy Harvey!"<br />

And across the room, whom do<br />

w- spy hut Frank Davis, tho ffreat<br />

proff'o himMf, recitinjr a fragment<br />

Will SrakMpeare wrote<br />

about eatini- at a restaurant:<br />

"Rome-owed what JulI*cU" We<br />

pass out nnd on, and come to the<br />

main croup of noise-makers who<br />

arc nicvicwine coming debating -<br />

attractions.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're really a ffreat bunch of<br />

S E A G U L L ' S L A M E N T<br />

V o u ' v e c a l l e d m r a V c r e e c h e r * . a ' w r e a m r r ' .<br />

D u b b e d m e " P c a v e n g c r - h i r i T a n d * a p < f ,<br />

Y i t u ' v r N h n i H ^ J m e f r o m n * « v a n d f r o m i t l v a m r r<br />

T H m y f a r - a w a y F u n - a l o n e n e n t .<br />

H u t n m e m l K T , m y w i n g i n t h e m o d e l .<br />

F u r a i r p l a n e * t h a t s k i m t h r o u e h t h e s k y .<br />

A n d w i t h o u t m e \ i i u r a r m y w o u l d w a d d l r<br />

T h r o u g h m u d f l n t n o r J u n g ( e x , t o d i e .<br />

I f t u h h l e w h a t I e e t a c r i p o n .<br />

F i » h o r M e f . h f r o m t h e f i e l d * * o r t h e c a n .<br />

H u l I r a n ' t * t < > m a c h e x p o r t s f r o m N i p p o n ,<br />

O r l a b e l e d w i t h . " M a d f i n J a p a n ! *<br />

S o r n d u p t h i n w a r i n a h u r r y .<br />

A n d b l a c k o u t t h e I t e d K i t t i n g S u n ,<br />

H e r d m y o c r c e c h o f e m a c i a t e w o r r y<br />

I f y o u d m T l , a n d T H E Y D O . t h e n I * m d o n * .<br />


IT'S SO QUIET ! Important<br />

TRACK TIDINGS J _ „..<br />

(Continued From Page Three) f (Continued From Pace One)<br />

Marinj; a: the beauty brawl =1 tres lon&er, for we arc fairly certain<br />

*d mayo de mil. navecientos cua-' that curlers, cold-crvam, and nljrht 1<br />

'1 y ADOGADO (to Im.j«h[rU wiU soon be laitcst fashion j<br />

time ago (exact date and place<br />

military secrets).<br />

Foist Olood<br />

Leaving the fslrw«7« and greens<br />

M just memories of the past, cinder<br />

rUnt Coach E. Harris is now<br />

putting all bin time and money on<br />

Yotfll r Never<br />

Eat Anywhere<br />

here to fio. I<br />

p^n^rJffir.rri<br />

t o n « » 7 H e r e * y o u r c h a n c e ! I f<br />

In the Country;! Announcement!<br />

is Cheaper<br />

t h e w o n t r o t n e * t o t h e I h e w o r s t ,<br />

y o u ' c a n a l w a y s n a y t h a t y o u w e r e<br />

chi nirig k JapV<br />

I Ever visit overnight at Zckc 111i<br />

pants 1/16 acre ranch in the coun-<br />

Tag! Your'e It<br />

m p l e ' t e l y ! xt you n n v c n t t h i l<br />

' «<br />

chasinR' 11 waminfr: If you have, it will;<br />

H y M r . C I I A K L E S P . W A L S H<br />

Gutter's Barber<br />

Shop<br />

Customers Shaved<br />

in the back while<br />

Shop is under repair<br />

the race track (hiffh school run. s w i t c h e d<br />

i n m a t t f s , n i l<br />

nla'.of cbun«)V ). Already y he has a J n p s . . - "" i i n ' t w e ? only irritate old wounds.<br />

lead hl> "Habit" meat to a ifeei<br />

I f y o u u h a p p e n t o b e i n a m o v ii e , ,<br />

t h<br />

rtire 2{{ to^'l^ triumph over I)ur><br />

h e w o r a t t tt h t a t c & n h a p p e n l a thh a t e v c r v t h i n i r i s f i ]<br />

y o u i l ( r a b I h e w r o n i r b l o n d e . H u t ' , ? , / „ ' . . t '<br />

tnenVDarber Collar**<br />

a n y m a i d I n a r a i d , w e a l w a y . » a y . ' £<br />

Due' to the rubber >horta»<br />

LoWfU's typicala had to tramp*the<br />

99 mlleJ to Durmen Field. On art<br />

a n l As you arrive in the afternoon,'<br />

-if you dlsrc-;<br />

c l l l<br />

" J " that } ' you practically |<br />

I to dismantle the whole house!<br />

; Above all, keep calm! keey c— to find just the right thines to!<br />

WJf*.*M V* 17 ., EeekI An wi , r ERADICATED<br />

inack in your overnight bajr.<br />

rlvine two weeks latter Harris waa I wha't'll I do, folk^-l'm coini: I All Is Peaceful<br />

shocked gre to find his reform- mad! I'm going to faint. l'|op!i <strong>The</strong> country air la fine and Ihe<br />

era fagged so lenient rimer re- !sunset l« beautiful: but from here<br />

Vend them of a warm up<br />

Now was then big moment. It<br />

was here at last Whalta thrill'<br />

In unison they chirped "On, on<br />

SthColuainhU!;:<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were q Mr loolcln 1 Ion In Ihinga gel pretty bad. fi<br />

Censored! j Ihe country air Hllm one*, appetite.<br />

- I However, you. droll in peace aa the<br />

•„.- v ~ lodor of cooking food drifts out of<br />

Fire, <strong>Lowell</strong> females were killed U,. k|lchm. ,,„,, of Munl(., ,onr<br />

and fix<br />

geeks<br />

Mrlousl, Injured. yesler.|hoat „„ to work ,,„ ^ j ^ ,<br />

(Continued 0.1 Pag« Three) - I* *. stampede In Ihe girl*<br />

EatatTomaine's<br />

1 ,.,, numc until dark—war lime.<br />

' . When you<br />

ussing of Wouldn't enjoy It<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

hood;-tlie possessor of »»iM«s,jn*w^|!h*iSnlterieSl^watch<br />

A '?***' ,° M hMd( tnlK OT no.(<br />

p u u o a u p<br />

n o X s u p u u<br />

j n o . { u t ; d b j a u g u c a u m \ \ \<br />

a u i u j o t u D t | i * u [ d n O I ) I I M n o ^<br />

' U i O O J J 3 l | J O 1 U U . 1<br />

u j n i o i u u o '<br />

pun<br />

i O L ' O f i p U U<br />

« p u u i n u t s s t p [ \ { J i<br />

g o | n o . f p u u * i U 9 } u a i n o q u<br />

j n n . . < < a u ou oi u i o n K U pp aa ii ii n rr tt s<br />

n o X i 3 u | ( | ( u 8 i p j o a i p p j t u o t i t u t<br />

AV I<br />

adamV apple and —'-- ' -<br />

i««y<br />

-<br />

biu-you take travel from the<br />

131 WANTED<br />

Buoys' Bysickl<br />

One With<br />

Buoy. Prefered<br />

Aplie: Gurl<br />

! °1 1°^ oj ^sul tun no.{<br />

!<br />

> m i u r u o . U a<br />

<strong>The</strong> male In question la now<br />

practically non-exUtent, due to hl»<br />

ectl<br />

r s Jim<br />

a l l y , o n u r e r o u t e t o t h e i r c a v e r n . ! - . \ a a a i j * p u v U I O O J ^ u t A t t d t n v i ^ 1 i m ^ n<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has new ituleiits. If<br />

they are sttmllwe rail them fresh*<br />

mnn. We arc nice to our freshmen.<br />

,. So they.-Act ;* reception,<br />

* . ' '<br />

o u a J a w s . A f t e r d i n n e r , y o u c a n . i u u i s • n a n o a o | n n i « o q i o ] i u ) u s " » » , « t « one last Friday It wa«<br />

n o t - u n d e r s t a n d w h y t h e d o n a l o o k . • • i | . u . a j i i n o ^ ' X t l K r | s 3 3 a 0 1 a n p F r i d a y Ithe<br />

thirteenth, but thst<br />

a o f u l l a n d y o u f e e l s o e m p t y - a p a j a i ^ o a i r i u o t ( M ' X i j t u n i u x ilitln't " ' '" matter. Oui receptionx<br />

In the auditorium.- This on«<br />

Judge 'Frosh<br />

Receptacle* Good

Volume M. No. 4<br />


Term Play to<br />

Open May 26;<br />

Is Comedy Hit<br />

Curtain going up!<br />

Curtain going up on the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> term ploy, "Fly Away<br />

Home,*' n three-net comedy to j<br />

be given at 8:00 on the eve-j<br />

ningn of May 2G, 28. and 29,<br />

In the auditorium.<br />

Not only is thin one of the l»c*.t<br />

play* to be undertaken nt <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

fit vrr-s a Broadway succe** stnrrinj-<br />

Thomas Mitchell, and a San<br />

^<br />

San Frenclrco, California, Thursday. Aprl|i30,.104!<br />

'Hotel<br />

Eighth Period<br />

Entertainment Kept<br />

A Dark Secret ><br />

By Louise Slanhelm: ;->-.:<br />

"It'i-golng to be s hotel dance<br />

and the biggest success thnt wo'va<br />

ever had," declared niembers of the<br />

low-four dance committee. \<br />

Rumors have It that today's<br />

dance will find room 306 decorated<br />

with slum from the Mark Hopkins,<br />

SL Francis, Palace, and other lead*<br />

I ing hotels. ,<br />

Ottlttr* Ready<br />

In approved hotel greeting style,<br />

! the dnnce committee Is all set to<br />

; welcome you this afternoon. Stand*<br />

iintr at the door will be the class<br />

: president, John Wulbwhlcger,.actjinjr<br />

as manager. Betty Solomon<br />

will be the excited receptionist sit*<br />

; ting in the outer office, and Betty<br />

Holt will be busy performing her<br />

iera"einnm an uaiuwon Lom-i<br />

. mnndcr (_4ii«nei .^lartin was nn Lieutenant-Colonel uaitalton Lom-j<br />

f formancc of f this hi merry mix-up i r ill every (rood d American Ai to t obey b all il llaws,<br />

William Culpepuer, followed _.<br />

go to the P.-T. A. So save up ; ur ,P(, ham. afii)caicd tft ,/ollt Mnior .Maxwell James, battalion<br />

t}tc boi,x of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hiyh, in executive officer.<br />

•,-r-'.:t- •:•»• i ; 3J emu, and fly away to set Juur c,.cni „.„„ /(, x,o/, Urhl'jintJ ilinnrace In llunr school. IIV die Co-oneratlng in the present, noticket*<br />

for "Fly Away Home now! ...».....;, ,,lofr;,i;; (/„•„ ...... ..... „„, lMt .—.. ap,,rttl ...w..». tn ..- I/OK. ;r»i>. 011(7 « llll/cmi *•—• it — llaH name v timiol emergency, iclccted officers<br />

• effect, tin: "Office" indicates tcrcrc penalties for those who I !Vr*iii<br />

Air Raid Drill<br />

'-.•'JWSf'l Procedure<br />

K#S<br />

n £- n ' •* i • t-iviiiiin oir Introi,<br />

n • i<br />

\vmcn<br />

"M*!?<br />

rentiers<br />

.I -<br />

(tmobcjt. J them^ n twenty I.our course in In-<br />

Be » lnu*-ab;dinjr American, a jroutl <strong>Lowell</strong>ite, and pro-1 ^E. 1 /** l ) r & Eckart, Davis<br />

H-4 Officers<br />

"'*<br />

tcct yourself by not hitch hiking—don't force the "Office" to ome Th" many San FranclU' ?<br />

the<br />

' BILL SALES.<br />

f ^ c<br />

In ease of an air raid drill Ihe milkc Joe Eckart, registry 13-J, was<br />

unanimously chosen valedictorian<br />

"» example of you. •••••—- xchool* that • • --.-.-— participated in<br />

Davis, registry 310, wn< elected<br />

.- —<br />

following procedure, which was re-,<br />

; Easier Victory Pnrndie.<br />

class historian at the high-four<br />

meeting held recently.<br />

cently revealed by Mr. Stephens,<br />

Eckart was selected to repre-<br />

will prevail:<br />

sent his class because of his out-<br />

Cabs Put Oat Paper standing Achievement at LowetL A<br />

Schools will<br />

graduate o( Jefferson Grammar<br />

What l» dii with the next ed School, he has btcn o nrominont<br />

tint*? , "Oh. -•:-. we're -,-,- tired." — Vil- groan —v the,<br />

member of the Debating Society.<br />

Aid U. S. War Efforts regular editorial slafr, -why not nnii has made the C. S. F. wveral<br />

let Ihf cuh reporter* put It out7";t[mcj(<br />

r "vn°k Piomho came "ihf , D " v 'i J?*<br />

of lellinir Uwell'. future E, i?v^, -.<br />

When the "all c<br />

Kiren, pupils will<br />

nriylnai class. At —<br />

the ntudents, who hare been<br />

cused. will return lo school.<br />

Round the<br />

eservation<br />

|<br />

umial is 1 <strong>The</strong> hlph nchool wsniim will slnrt on Jun.wvII bids goodbye to Sirs. Miller,<br />

[J; Lacosle and Mr. Polland for Ihewho,<br />

after yean of faithful ser-<br />

Flkg Oa>:>elebri;llon and lo Mrs. vice In the attendance office, takes;<br />

Coesler. for the defense program. •• a moat ile'orvcl rest. Mrs. Sillier j<br />


retired Apii! 12, and has been re-j<br />

In the complaint department, we placed by Mrs, Appclson.<br />

have something never mentioned! TKACIIEItS IN DEFENSE ,<br />

before, the conduct of <strong>Lowell</strong> »tu> I More (^JWCII teaehern in defense'<br />

denu during patriotic rallies. It I work! Under thin heading come'<br />

•Isn't, lilco good Lowe Hi ten ur goodlMimt Andentoit, who works in the'<br />

Americans to laugh and talk while I Victory llook look campaign and at the<br />

the national n-jthem Is being ourteen - >««» Baknslefer. «..—.-»- .who . ...I<br />

played. This Is a mattct which no<br />

.,;one likes lo point out. For the<br />

most part^our attention has been<br />

'great, so..let's watch it especially<br />

while the anthem Is bclrgtung. v<br />

' Wt'vo all given our whplc^haarted<br />

support .t^tjnsketbtill.ani 7oot-<br />

Irfl, will, but the other otherjKwyitled ao^cctled ralnor minor<br />

sporta %rt forsotUn Let'fl cat out<br />

If* heiar^uils Satu-dny. i*nd really<br />

(ft behind our track team <strong>The</strong>y<br />

work hard to brine home the hon<br />

!<br />

work* with disaster relief under<br />

the Ited Cross, and Mr. Fast, who<br />

is kept busy en chairman of Draft<br />

Board B8.<br />


<strong>The</strong> worried expressionsncen on<br />

mariy students' faces this past<br />

week can I* attributed to the fact<br />

that.irrades jro In May 8. That's j<br />

riitht—we report cards Mun '<br />

da> 11<br />

I<br />

Well that'! 301<br />

votr to become'feature'edirorand 1:30 o'clock. This graduation will<br />

nocrnphy. office «»• | h.ndlr Ihe weond HBK^ white J«k be one of the lerRcst In. Low«I11<br />

chines, drafting weldtnir. shop p^e, p^ WM chosen chosen to edit <strong>Lowell</strong>s <strong>Lowell</strong>'s history. Diploma. wIU.be con<br />

mnthcmatics, auto mechanics, and jport f front. <strong>The</strong> Th news editor's di' Jb Job ffcrred d on almost l t fu four hudd hundred stu- t<br />

(Continucd nn I'auc Four) ' went to Mildred Klefer. 'dents.<br />

'A Jeep a WeekVWar Stamp Goal<br />

Selling War Slamp. lo julriollc <strong>Lowell</strong>itei<br />

t* an KMlKninent.'lJot ; Kipps vcfinit tn<br />

enjoy. -1-l.Mo by U Hater<br />

Never let It be «aid that <strong>Lowell</strong> itudetitB are<br />

IflBKnrdx when n campaiffn Is afoot. <strong>The</strong>y set<br />

in nnd back the project In question to tho tnaxl<<br />

mum every time.<br />

So it Is with the latest effort—und the biftctst<br />

ouv they've ever hsd to tackle—that of doihir<br />

their hit to "help beat the axis" by buyinir war<br />

Ktnmps and bonds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hallle cry around the HUle old red iirlck<br />

.chool house now b "A Jeep .week." and Mudenla<br />

and teachers alike are out io do just that.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of Mrs. Coester's sales II elan<br />

are cnthuiinstically lcadinir this drive." -<strong>The</strong> class<br />

is divided Into several committees, the members<br />

. of which offer. their servlecii to this effort by<br />

selling stamps and bonds during registry, in room<br />

' 14!, and durii.tr the lunch period* In tho court.<br />

. .<strong>The</strong> "Ralef barometer," designed by members<br />

:. of.lhls group',:will occupy itiTnositiun in the court<br />

.. for. the duration. II < «ho»m better than any.<br />

•- Ihlne.-eUe, how Uwellileii an rail oui" for mlory.<br />

\ i<br />

With spirit like this, how ran <strong>Lowell</strong>-f.U to<br />

surpass tho efforts of any,other:school In the<br />


-.'-, o;<br />

Z-l "LJOWELL-®<br />

ol OUOTISG" mam. HOMMHSB'<br />

U II. 8. B. A. llmUTi Fr«<br />


"• """" BOB CTORTEVANT<br />

Feature' Editor „ lla Sullivan<br />

.'Sports Editor. '«* Feder<br />

News Editor . ; Mildred Klefer<br />

Circulation Slanamr. Loulte Jlanheim<br />


Faculty Advliwr<br />

Too Much Confusion in Halls;<br />

Something Mast Be Done<br />

It in the function of a newspnper to<br />

print editorials in praise, in explanation,<br />

or in criticism.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> dislikes the latter.<br />

However, when suck an unpleasant<br />

situation as runuiug in the An//* presents<br />

itself, tec feel something should 6c tloiw.<br />

In answer to complaints, your reporter<br />

walked down the halls recently, noting<br />

the (lateral confusion that reigned.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results were terrific.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was so much rushing about that<br />

we were almost trampled..<br />

Much bumping nnil dropping of books<br />

and papers was common. It wasn't a very<br />

plowing spectacle.<br />

We saw one small boy, limping along<br />

"OH crutches, knocked violently into the<br />

Hall lockers by tico laughing, burlu fellows.<br />

Is that typically Loiccll? We hope. not.<br />

Besides, why run when the bell rings<br />

—you're, already late for class. It just<br />

doesnt'make sense.<br />

WhatTtiey Might'veSaid- But Didn't<br />

Dave Williams—A Rlrl with good sense has<br />

more sense than to look like a girl with good<br />

sense. ' • i<br />

Barbara Leonard—If you wanna forget all<br />

about the war Just wear tight shoes.<br />

-~Bud Martin—True, I'll'graduate in one day,<br />

but It took me four yearn to learn how.<br />

Dan Miller-rSome girls are so dumb you can t<br />

'-blame them for being pretty.<br />

Margie ]fgu'ck—Boys aren't entirely useless.<br />

Any one of them can serve sa a horrible example.<br />

That's Al; No, That's Jack; Twins<br />

', Big'Froblem Here At Reservation<br />

Keepftm guessing!<br />

Could, this .bo.the motto of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s baffling<br />

phonomen6ns-~twins ?<br />

"Hello. Jack!"—gay assured voice.<br />

Blank look from so-called "Jack."<br />

.."Hello, Alt"—questioning and still trying.<br />

> Smile envelopes. Al's countenance and to your<br />

conclusion Is, "It Is AL"<br />

This scene could be a display of stubbornness<br />

on Al's part, but then how often would you say<br />

hello o neople If they called you by a name nther<br />

than you own 4 Yes, we know—but you aren't a<br />

twin<br />

Poor Twins!<br />

To an onlooker it seems that twins' should<br />

have a dreary outlook on life. Why?<br />

Because—the onlookers believe—there are two<br />

of Uiem <strong>The</strong>y are the same belght, same color-<br />

Ing, Identical. People know one of the set <strong>The</strong><br />

people do not know which one they actually know.'<br />

When thoy we one or tho other of the twins, Instead<br />

of showing their Ignorance, they say nothuig<br />

no lignt of recognition whatsoever.<br />

With this reaction from all acquaintances,<br />

the Identical twin goes through life believing he<br />

Is a dull droop wbo nobody remembers or cares<br />

to remember Poor twinl. .<br />

>» ' : Identicals<br />

- Victims of thta' sad state of affairs are Corinne<br />

and Catherltu. Brash, Jack and Al Feder-<br />

June and Jean Stewai\ Clara and Esther Rlchelt.<br />

( f Geraldme and Gcneview Galllett and Patricia lid<br />

> Nancr Murphy'.<strong>The</strong>y are all.identical twins.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are the couples who mint exist during a<br />

lifetime sharing:beauty and looks, friends and<br />

• enemies sickness and health. Twins must-share<br />

I'i-Unldentlcats '<br />

Still twins but eaillv distinguished from their<br />

rfepeUive brother or suiter are the Juzijt. Busse.<br />

ZlMler, Uvlson,^Johnson;KKay, Goldberg, and<br />

Cook sets of boy-girl ..<br />

r <strong>The</strong>'Juihc tw&s,;Helen and Marie, are blond<br />

and -brunette, respectively.' Huth> and Robert<br />

LorUon are short and Ull.bwMti bdnff girl and<br />

tor ^Tinse an U» twfns who aid you In keepof<br />

mind.<br />

r : /a<br />

. THURSDAY. APB1L M.-IP42<br />

-'Always Ready Teddy£_ ^ Studentfgequqei<br />

g> For Summer Worm<br />

Attention, all <strong>Lowell</strong> boys of IS or IT jaSjj<br />

"' Uo °>ou want to breathe good, clean country!<br />

air this summer? , - in the Letter<br />

Itox: wen if Et IS GOOD, well u*e ft.<br />

Ali's Secretary | ;<br />

'Dear Alt':<br />

ES1IEE!:<br />

Arc the m>H!?rs nt the annex eate any induce- ^<br />

j A novt'H-day week-end for Bar- numt tn the otntnpHlnp jnls raeinir in their direc- •<br />

j barn Wmle.<br />

tint, at .1:10? I've tried to leave by that entrance -<br />

I An automobile nnd someone to hut my frail frame can't take It. Can you help<br />

so with her new driver'* Iicenne,<br />

by Corinne O'Brien.<br />

I A little rccofrnltfon of Shirley<br />

Plymire. She's 5*iper!<br />

A black rinse for ISYrman Kramor*<br />

Ten itlcult caps for the ten un-<br />

, fortunate members of the crew<br />

team who were victims of the<br />

schlitzy-blltz.<br />

Berffer? <strong>The</strong>y're really hep. So<br />

wax Gert Bcrgard at thi Polnce<br />

with not one but two ex-<strong>Lowell</strong>itea.<br />

. . . Wow!<br />

<strong>The</strong>re's No Denying Dept.:<br />

That June Winklcr has been set*.<br />

ing quite a lot of Wayne Jin rah<br />

lately. . • . That a certain ffirl,<br />

wl^se first initial* arc Gl inna<br />

Martin, has been seen out \v»7r<br />

danhing Bob Crovvder.<br />

Ht-nrj" MtirrU IK a very under*<br />

rated character in debating, Stop<br />

by 305 any first period and Union<br />

to bin orations on how he was<br />

cheated out of a few points in hE«<br />

ln«t chem. test. DInKtMtinjr. isn't<br />

it. Hank?<br />

It Mrem» that the romance of<br />

blond llvtty llingham and Tom<br />

Cuercna ha* hit the rwkn. . , ,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blrl'* version or the "zoot<br />

nult" «ontt: "I want a cute brute,<br />

with convertible roi'pr, and a June<br />

moon with a new tune. . . ,<br />

That's almost tut lud an the man<br />

who died with hi* bootn on becautte<br />

he didn't want to tttub hta toe<br />

when he kicked the bucket. Ah! So<br />

you listen to Kay Kyser. loo?<br />

BUI Lou seems to hnvt> changed<br />

his mind again. Now it's Marie.<br />

. . . Seen dancing nt the Mark<br />

t'other evening, Frances Gnllo, escort<br />

unknown. . . . Don Schumacher<br />

and Ken Larkins daring<br />

each other to go down the flairs<br />

leading to the girls* gym. Sold<br />

Don: *Aw go on, Ken. I've done It<br />

before. Very Interesting, very in.<br />

terestinff.<br />

Well, with these tasty tidbits<br />

well be leaving you, cause eeee<br />

gad,' here comes B-B eyes.<br />

: .<br />

me? Clamorous.<br />

Dear Ctumour Girl:<br />

Xext time try Whcatie*.<br />

Ali'i* Secretary.<br />

• * « • -<br />

Denr All: ' '<br />

I would like tn donate some of mr blood to, "-!<br />

the T.tooil liank. How about some information? •,<br />

Vourt for Another Pint/ •<br />

Denr niooiilexs: -"*<br />

FccMnc rather tray and Mc-hcarted, I, too. ?.<br />

t'ecldcd tn donate a "pint." A doctor came along* .'<br />

ntuck a thermometer In my mouth, a needle In .!<br />

my nrm. and onrnce juice In my hand. Before I<br />

knew It a pint of Mood had been given and I waf ,'<br />

on my war out with a gold pin on me—cood look- "j<br />

Inc. too (no. not me—the pin). For Rood red ''.<br />

fun. cat! 0 Roys tone 0373,<br />

AH'* Secretary. '<br />

• * • • • . ••<br />

Dear AH: "'<br />

When Tht> <strong>Lowell</strong> COIDM out I take it home )<br />

nnd drop it ncmewhere. When I try to find it, *<br />

mr little brother hm hJn none Rtuck to it. What<br />

enn I ilo? Seeker of Justice.<br />

DOT a. O. J.: ;<br />

- Tnkf your little brother to a none specl&llit<br />

Ali'f Secretary* .;='<br />

May Day Tomorrow; Characters of ;'<br />

All Types Will Be at Park Festivities.;,<br />

"Fouls' namm^nd fools' faces always appeot, -<br />

in public placcn/' ' ;:-•.<br />

In accordance with thin undent adage, thlf;-<br />

••('tmrimrnt ailvliioit nil Its readers to observe May,;<br />

Day tomorrow nt the public celebration In Gotdetiy<br />

Onie Park nml rvntl on as we recall observers al •<br />

laat year's fete.<br />

Tho first who cornea to our mind Is A 21-year- J<br />

rid Ktntleman with nuburn hair and large.blue <<br />

eyci>, who attends because he loves things of<br />

beauty. Incldrntnllv, Uncle Sam has probably<br />

conflwatcrl fuch a magnificent specimen us ho—<br />

that in, unices ho Is class 4-F. This group only ;<br />

•!oc» home xervfee. <strong>The</strong>y won't bfl called until<br />

the JnpA grt an far a* Fifth and Market. Tht<br />

they tnke the -I-F'n nnd hastily apply them at tnt ..<br />

front—us itnnd-bngs.<br />

But tra la—la—t'morrow i> May Day.<br />

Another lust, year attendee was ,ft happy<br />

motherly woman with two equally happy.children.^.<br />

<strong>The</strong> family trio escaped tho business of awak awaken-^<br />


• • *•- *•£<br />

Swim Choices<br />

ltjr JACK FEDEIt. Sports Editor<br />

With anger eyes ull Lowcllitcs<br />

nre looking forward to<br />

the month 1 Attemptlnir to add t» their<br />

strlnir of three straight titles,'<br />

Uwcll's 1942 edition of Coach]<br />

oOIny, for in this Hill Felling's aquacade will take to<br />

month nre held the A. A. A. thc Crystal Palace Plunge, May 0,'<br />

swimming nnd track meets. for the All-City A. A. A. swimming<br />

meet.<br />

First listed lit the all-city<br />

!•• tl.o expected limelight will be<br />

trnck meet which takes plnce<br />

the two powerful Uiwell and St.<br />

Saturday nt Ke.mr. <strong>Lowell</strong>, | lifiiatlu* trams. From their prac-<br />

as alwK.vs, will enter a formlda<br />

tice- me<br />

Inir in the ,20. ; T1 a later da I.*, njwln limms a* the hot' teppard.<br />

Frank<br />

by Jim MucKU<br />

" thlrtlt*. captalneil by Al<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'HIKIOIWK, feit hv Al Marco*; Margolin, -.tack up pretty well, but<br />

[[«. will aNo he a tough team t«;i neterlhclnu the la«It of keeping up!<br />

Act * rindrrrnen who will neon* valuable point* for the Indian track team Saturday are: Bresler. Sheppai<br />

" ' Tniic «r ih» «.l,..h i HirNchfield. am) Arnol. Other leaders on <strong>Lowell</strong>** sport front are: varsKy swim captain. Frai<br />

ur. | Io " r or ? *;""• , j Grannlx, left; Crewcm Slr-i nnd Taylor; and II Khtwefchl ttwim captain, Al MantoH*.<br />

5^j^-»ri*^^?5=arfiirack Finals May 2 at Kezar;<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Chances to Win Good<br />

KOUnClS BfOUPht<br />

hclnu the la*k of keeping up ~,, _. ... . _ „ „ •<br />

^JF!l&EtfrS&2.\**. 7°"' ° r -"en.,r»ieh,;Three First Places m 100 yd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> flRhtwrlKhtr arc: nicker IniTriple A tillw< In expected to be a p. , I?" U«. ni 1 O A i-r<br />

e v,o. cmanitih in the lick-,t»unhone. iDash; iiiight Places; lo Qualitv<br />

stroke, k and d Mnroomsky M k in I (h the How i| the h luthtwelcht Ifhih water-hole hl *<br />

brraxt-Ktrnke. <strong>The</strong> 20V will be<br />

represented hy Sohel. fianz, andsplash<br />

will come out, even n* fnr Uni,cr ..t(|ktf jt M|(y.. fl ,t,r fr|>m Coach E,mer llaTril( ^^.^ ci||.<br />

OK piedictlans tro. id still n question dor runner* rompt^l to quitlifyintr place* in the city meet's elimination<br />

J,<br />

Crew Will Take<br />

On Lions Friday;<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Favored<br />

<strong>The</strong> lightweight medley team ex- mark, att there hasn't been any y nninds at Kozar. April 21-22. in preview of Saturday'* finals.<br />

perts in do great things, their as-<br />

Fciiturintr three spectacular first<br />

scout in jr oWcn'.ntions ni> 1? the<br />

piration i* In crack the city meet<br />

DIUCC* in the hundred yard dash,<br />

record of 1:1.1:2. Good luck!<br />

toughness of competition. *h*tt tumvd the Red team's chances<br />

Pulling Oar* With<br />

| rosy, the Hayes street harriers<br />

<strong>The</strong> Crew<br />

I placed men in all cicht events.<br />

Cardinal Nesters I Eiehteen Qualify<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s oar pullers, powerful oi<br />

Dark lionte Jack Uresler thunever,<br />

arc took Inir forward to the Expect lo Win Again j ^ . ^ ^ «,^ ^<br />

city races.<br />

<strong>The</strong> varsity is led by Veteran<br />

i Koefe served contention notice by<br />

Tom Strci, who stroke.* the first "History repeat* Itself-<br />

boat. <strong>The</strong> :tO's boat is led bythat<br />

well known<br />

Stroke Jack Taylor.<br />

I.IIch<br />

!nwn<br />

!<br />

Frank Plomho rani; up u win!<br />

TlWe on the vanity crew are:<br />

t"ilS<br />

Port<br />

*»—Slret, Tom<br />

5— KrllBky, Ge<br />

4—Itahlman. Harry<br />

.1—TolliKchonn. Phil<br />

2—Nneknrd. Ernl*<br />

1—Eckart, Joe<br />

Starboard<br />

ft—Anderson, Bob<br />

5—•Macltoujcatl. Jack<br />

I—McArthur. Ed<br />

.1— Smith. Viynmrd<br />

2— Clnfkide*. Connie<br />

I— Sokolor. Ronnie<br />

Odd* 'n End*<br />

Department<br />

Under the sponsorship of Ben<br />

Tfcff. l^well's R. O. T. C. recently<br />

stacetl n bniketbali competition between<br />

thc four Co.'s. An eighteen<br />

man roster has been nicked to play<br />

the GPIIICO R. 0. T. C. in the very<br />

near future. In the news Is Ed<br />

Russell, a recent crad. A star on<br />

lnst season's St. Alary'* freshmen<br />

tm'd team. Ed Is now slated for tho<br />

pecond-strinsr fullback job on the<br />

Gael vanity.<br />

Although the baseball scaion {*<br />

not over, we have ventured to pick<br />

an All-Clty team. Hen* (toes:<br />

!t~Re*tell[. Galileo.<br />

2It—Gloracchlnl, l.alifca<br />

3B--Silvera. St. Icnatlus<br />

S. S—It. nrown, Caillen<br />

L. P.—SejEarlnl. Mission<br />

a F—Cherry. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

R. P.—Prfeln, M'snlon '<br />

C.—Iteck. Miiwlon<br />

P^-Uwmnn. Mission<br />

P. Shechan. Galileo<br />

P^—Ralaro, St. Yffnatlo*<br />

Senior-Faculty Baseball<br />

Game Is Set<br />

HIshllRhtfnfr the end of the<br />

term will be the annual seniorfaculty<br />

baseball classic set for the<br />

bovs' \ard which the entire school<br />

will witness<br />

Accurdtnff to Miko \oyne ai<br />

senior who hasn't played baiebi—<br />

on <strong>Lowell</strong> s team may play for tho<br />

^students<br />

' Last year we took the sen'on,<br />

but this vear we may hava troa<br />

-Ve." predicted Mr Voyne<br />

bv lhp wIlUh ufa!l II Hill'<br />

i '<br />

in 10.8.<br />

Jim<br />

w '<br />

«n.nd .l,m«i up and are rMin, each week<br />

nt the St. Francis Rldinjc j Academy. y<br />

Tlw<br />

•» !*""-ard low hurdles, abetted M M Saturday afternoon in the two cuttcm, which meet tomorrow.<br />

I.o.lns firlp? ! bv MortHoach and Bob Sim In near future. ' Both Crews Seasoned<br />

Competition has jmnroved Im-' rt ?i^ES l . r j!r t Competition has Improved Im-" j"hn ii.Xr.Vi irIomnh.H In'<br />

*rinn.I,l>ll lni .Mills ColleBe has invited Uwell Under the er« of Coach U«htr<br />

and Captain Tom Strei. much<br />

power has been put out by our<br />

mu*clemen, not mentioning the<br />

5IIII » College has Invited <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

'SSSL.'^LSSJS ' S !;»„^.he J t^»., I ,•r•d r ' I h'u ^ •rdL l .n U .^;e Ph ,^eJP rider, ,„_ attend their show which<br />

ZSSG* dcteriora'S. TuT &* 'V^ ^JVTXT2 I<br />

enough to cost the Trib. the A. A. .'JS,'•[„»•«• rl'c7"£u t&fc<br />

lS« such star. a. Ted Mv.r. •» "•' J«'»« '"°''> jf.^,ln'"«T<br />

and Harry Llkas. was quite a blow.I?""" ft* *'"}, " , h . u to be held en May 10, at Mills.<br />

Howler* Busy<br />

Snn KrancEsco J. C. has invited<br />

In to stem<br />

i<br />

the<br />

K'"tSS:<br />

I'oly-<br />

I<br />

but lo offset this, the ap<br />

twelw <strong>Lowell</strong> bowlers to compete<br />

of two of the most promls<br />

in a tournament. Audrey Stafford<br />

in year. George Chichester and<br />

Hard 410 liun is the hitch scorer at <strong>Lowell</strong>. Re-<br />

Morris Sockalor, help, rtoth are<br />

scheduled to he the fame studded<br />

players their precedents were.<br />

44*0'ii,* which" is "called'"the" track<br />

S. I. IlanKerous<br />

Le» Price. Bill Bcale. and ^Var- „.„ „„_ .,„,„ o,.,_ .,,„<br />

rpn Lomn compromise the rest of|pn|| Arnol. stepped Into Ihe finals'<br />

the sinyle'a team. .by virtue of their two-lap stunts.!<br />

In the doubles, Gould and 'j|||w uwry O'Oonnell :<br />

rorbeM, piu* tne team ol ^ari-!*|,_ (•loflut in a shade und<br />

wriRht and Manuel*, form a w("'<br />

; « Culn h ? wi - Other outstandinc scormost<br />

trruellnir race. '«-'" arc D. Bridges, II. Buckley, A.<br />

Strictly under blankets, <strong>Lowell</strong> 1 spirit which is ever incrcin.nfj.<br />

Not funrcttinf- the "opponent.<br />

Coach UwU of Galileo a^o has his<br />

boys in tip top shape. Experience<br />

I* always a merit of a Lewis crew,<br />

and this one Is no exception.<br />

Newcomers Good i -<br />

* x. Christian, and M. Jfarshall.<br />

*—** -"— "Mrhl Evans and , „<br />

N'ew to thc aquatic sport this<br />

Lesson* Are Fun<br />

year ore Joe Eckart and Maynard<br />

<strong>The</strong> badminton piayent at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Smith. Both have (grabbed off a<br />

•.•ally enjoy their weekly les*ons<br />

BMrtinc place In the Can) navy. .<br />

.— ..-,—_ I Halbon'rt Patteraon in a bit slower<br />

j ctcnt. Anderson, Glafkldes and Co.<br />

Saint Ignatius is liable to prove aua|jfyitnc arind.<br />

T. Rep. Hill.<br />

on the starboard and Stret, Rahlone<br />

tin of nf thomorodanitcrou»team»in|^ thif morn ilnnirnrniia tenrrm in cilman *^;i *.. _ hit u:. ten . ... fcrl to staj- In! Six ice skating enthusiasts an maim. Krltiky. N.ckord. and Co.<br />

S-,^thnff. IB !!I e il2riK l "n l< Ji ;t ' 1 " V 01 * oltt I s ^l-" 1 "*"" »"- al«o takhiK loisons. Thc group ?" 'ff I"' 1 '"'• "• out to skin<br />

. day, dnshmnn.<br />

1 '203' Qoint Wirs<br />

LiehtwciRhts<br />

ter-class^<br />

<strong>The</strong> winninc combJnation con- nn "' ? Bn<br />

' noon ut WinterlamL Every l*hurs> Last Thursday. <strong>Lowell</strong> tasted its<br />

(dav- however, six of the girls urv first victory of the year, when tho<br />

. Our Htchtwclchts are led bv Uobi takinir figure skatini; lessons. Win-, Card junior varsity nipped a hutre<br />

Sturttivant. i.-o Kills, Stan Itn/tcn-j tcrland closes on May 10. which and powerful Mission group by<br />

berg. nnd-i*.:!—d by Clements and' will force the Kroup to meet at Su-j three quarters of a length. Spurred<br />

by Actinic Coxswain Ernie Co Got<br />

iball championship,' O'Dowil and ami Conn in In the tho ftfBh, hlch, KIIHC Rink. AI At present present, no definite plans; 'Km" Nnckord, the second boaters<br />

n*l« in tho finale Jurnp. Winkler, Tonnnl. - it. Chalko. have been made.<br />

i took an early lead and never iost<br />

. ^^j gftn Feline, dash stars, and and| Every Wednesday Wednes_. afternoon the an Inch with th* exception of a<br />

sEsted of Wllb McKunc and Lcn Ja-<br />

Quandt, shot putter, are all counted •'-'-' sir! irolfcm • " piny ' at thc Uncoln few seconds when the ttda throw<br />

cobs at forwards, Don Steinbenc<br />

on for their share of points. I Golf Club.<br />

the Red flanhlt) aside<br />

at the pivot, with Dave Mayor andi<br />

Harry Kotsch handling thc jninnll<br />

posittons. Backing up theu five BASEBALL STASTISTICS<br />

was Tom McCauley.<br />

Leasue Hattins; Averages<br />

Season at a Glance<br />

Seasonal Baltinr Areraites ~ J<br />

It was all "wlfferoo" competition<br />

until the 203, 312, 231 and 207<br />

Above .300<br />

(Including Practice Gamu)<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 0 10 2 0 1 0—I<br />

quints wound up In the semi-final*. (Including Fire Games)<br />

AB H A<br />

„ 0 0 2 1 0 0 0—3<br />

Two hundred nnd three and 312<br />

then knocked 231 and 217 out ofPlayer<br />

AB<br />

-.020 0 to 1—1<br />

AYR.<br />

0.0 2 113 0—7<br />

contention, setting up the "bli<br />

one ** Dynamite 203 put a loii-<br />

Marlon e W 8 ,.571 — 0 l;0 0 12 I—5<br />

;_•_ no zoo 2 0—t<br />

nd to Benny Neffs schedule, Rro^rn'..«—.«. -.15 S .JS33 <strong>Lowell</strong> :.„ 2 0 010 0 0 0—3<br />

slashing out a 1G io 11 triumph mph<br />

over 312. Steinberg- paced thc itlonard...—. —17, 6.. J53. MlMion- Mlio _•...... 0 0 2 0 10 0 1—I<br />

Uwell "^j;'..;; o;o n;x't 0 1—<<br />

champs tanklntc 0 .^ilitU. "<br />

Uwell .^j<br />

IJebd»iil ._: -3 1 J33 Washlniclon ; 2 3 0 oo 010 i p 1 S, 17 w ciii\SZ~Z2

Life<br />

•y;S.F; State Grad<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Speakers<br />

Win at Contest<br />


Buy a Bond |<br />

.... Iwfil be composed of teachers fro] Presiding at the aiscmbly was C. Aitivitics/<br />

at Deaman Junior nigh School' junior and senior hlch Kuools. Ursula W olff, C. S. F. president, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> students, themselves,<br />

then to <strong>Lowell</strong>. 1 Tho distribution of the rationing who introduced the cuest speakers: are trcttlng a itet'er understand-<br />

We started ._.-.—__._.. to ask him a . qucs-'cards _. . i __j_ will ... be • organized ,..j into .— .1.— three a history professor at the Unlver- inn of the situation bv e"ay writ-<br />

Uon, but the bell intrrruptcd uJ.i shifts: morning, by the I'.-T. A.<br />

Quick as lightning, tfce wise-crack- volunteers; afternoon, by cicmnn- cellor versity of of the California, consulate and general the cban- of are ing. writing <strong>The</strong> various compositions Enttlish on classes "What<br />

Ing professor boiteft for the door, tary teachers; evening, by second* Mexico. <strong>The</strong> latter spoke on "How Inter • American Co - operation<br />

Oops, he tripped! I ary "" teachers. " "<br />

Students in American Schools Can Moans to Me and My Country."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Clubs Are Acti.veJ|<br />

Most Fields Covered<br />

••'.•"•'.", B, Frank I'lombo .<br />

• As we walked down the third<br />

. floor corridor, a loud voice boomed<br />

-out. "Let's net some work done: 1 :<br />

~ Could It—yes. It did. Tho wall-<br />

•-iiiakinir yell had emerged from<br />

'room "331, our immediato dcstinntlon.<br />

Undaunted, however, we<br />

slowly tip-toed up to the door and Cnpturlnir first place In extem-<br />

cautiously peeked In.<br />

poraneous itpcnklnjr, John Harvey<br />

Perched Atop Desk proved his nblllly In the Northern<br />

A ignite sight met our eyes. California forensic contest at<br />

' Perchud atop a small desk was ourStockton,<br />

April 21-25.<br />

Intended victim. Mr. Barry. In his<br />

hand was that latest seller, "How! Entrants from <strong>Lowell</strong> partici-<br />

to Mix Acid ard Influence Con- pated in nil fields and were repre-<br />

~ In front of him, busy stu- sented by finalist* in every event.<br />

dents bint over scales, and with<br />

delicate hands, clumsily upset all<br />

Pisces Taken<br />

the apparatus.<br />

debating. Clarence Kubcn-<br />

Taking courage, we strolled Into i4lein-l)nrlN Kruttneycr and John<br />

IhU harem of physicists. Mr. ».j Harrey.firave llann.m tied for tecinterrupted<br />

his reading and greet-• . viM-mmi Krnmr tnr,tc &tcf»rt<br />

IIM with A **frlendlv** **Whal do I **""• *iorin»»n i\raiiit.r i«un o«».<br />

you want?** >nd to Harvey In extemporaneous<br />

After we had explained our mis- speaking, and finalists were »jcK<br />

A teacher, explaining Inflation.<br />

Its after effects anil causa.<br />

lion.<br />

Advised all her scholars<br />

Co-operation and organization and handwork . from (ho*e coun.:<br />

constitute the theme - at <strong>Lowell</strong> trim and trying a hand at the IanlIIKh<br />

School. A proof of this is<br />

the large number of dubs already Another, very popular langtu^^<br />

organized.<br />

group is the uern.cn Club, ipen* •„<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is club dealinic with sored by Dr. i!.irtfne. Tha only i>3<br />

nearly every conceivable field. requirement for membership Is t<br />

Among them nre: Chens, chcmiitry, knowledge of tto language.<br />

slide rule. ski. rndlo, and the P*jr- pbna Are Made<br />

choloiry Club. New* members ore A group meeting has bent';<br />

welcome to all of these. 'planned and will be held an April '<br />

Latin American Atmosphere 126 here at <strong>Lowell</strong>, at which Cfcflii<br />

Last term the Spanish Club was j Junior Statesmen of <strong>Lowell</strong> will/<br />

started with MIMM MHcalf ** upon- meet thoae from Ilurlingam*, San,'<br />

nor. Elizabeth Douglan U the stu Mateo, San lUrael. and San Ansel-<br />

dent president. <strong>The</strong>y meet every ran, Shirley McIUe of <strong>Lowell</strong> will<br />

Tuesday aflernnon at 3:IC. In room prodde orer thlx meeting.<br />

218. -.„ <strong>The</strong> ..,.- member* ~... hate — had very —„, <strong>The</strong> Chew Chess Club, sponsored by t<br />

enjoyable timett ntudying the cus-j.Mr. Hcnrich. meet* informally ev- :;<br />

tomN of our Latin American! cry duy in room TO, at wh'ch time '• '*<br />

friend*, viewing article* of doth t the members play chess.<br />

Swank, Davis To <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Drive\<br />

Enter Finals Nets 900 Books<br />

«Ion; the physics teacher Invited us Hoscnthal and Ciartfne* lluMn-<br />

0IUH. WIV |"IJ<br />

ein.<br />

To save up their dollars<br />

to sit down.<br />

To 1K> or not to be! That will be<br />

Ah. that great moment in his-<br />

In the field of declamation* were<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> did Its bit!<br />

Anil buy Iwnds to safeguard tin; question nt 7:30 tonight, when<br />

tory had arrived! <strong>Lowell</strong> student*<br />

Urnuta Wolff, dramntico; Mnnc<br />

would now Icam the story of the<br />

Wa«ner, humoiou*; and Dnve Tci- the Nation.<br />

nt the Humboldt Evening nudito- paign,<br />

Durinv<br />

which'jnsted<br />

the Victory<br />

from<br />

Book<br />

February<br />

Ca<br />

school's only red-heatlcd teacher.<br />

telbaum nnd Hugh Draney in ora-<br />

rium. the Fifteenth Annual U3 to March 13. over 900 books<br />

Cogswell Graduate<br />

torical.<br />

Shakespearean Declamation Con- \ wore collected for the soldiers, sail-<br />

| IMp troth tl.»j.p.Bl»«in! test will take place. Ors. and marines. Miss Anden.cn .<br />

"Well. I was born, that Is, my Tournament at V. S. F.<br />

» t*ui r Inlo U. S. tW wide contest will be Jnne Swank,: thc drive here nt school,<br />

an earl; age I showed signs of n tournnment tit which Frank<br />

who wUlgi^ a selection from''Ro-! Tho ^ ^ MSembJcd and<br />

great promise."<br />

Dnv.» nnd Joe Evknrt to«ik second<br />

Such modesty!<br />

and third in itiun'ff uralory. ri-<br />

K °^<br />

Cogswell High School was honored<br />

bv the presence of our friend. " in the womens women's field. Shirley Me<br />

Here, Mr. Barry Barrj *« was sports editor Kne wa» w awanictl il the h thil thinl place la<br />

of the school paper. San Francisco • trophy.<br />

State was the next milestone in his<br />

education, and he managed lo become<br />

editor of the school annual.<br />

Throughout the interview, pur interviewed<br />

refuted to tell where he Plan Devised<br />

was born.<br />

Ho said, with with u murderous murderous elintl elint With xugar mtioninir in the of<br />

in hi his ryes, " "<strong>The</strong>yre T h t istill l l Iookinff]finc, Iki I,owcH teacher* have enlisted<br />

for me. i to hvl| distribute the sugar tation-<br />

Attended U. S. C. jinc boolut.<br />

. From Stale, .Mr. Harry went to' <strong>The</strong>se books will be given out<br />

Santa Birbira. where he taught Mu d f t 9<br />

t th Ji hih hl Whil<br />

J "LL C ;nTi F .^ n i k nJ?nS! brought to the bookroom by room<br />

iKrwerdedaln?. <strong>Lowell</strong>ites go<br />

Pan-American<br />

Pan Americanism —the irood- jMiy np^ and the best<br />

neighbor policy between the Amcr-!<br />

lca i 5p(.ak, G, nnd 7, from 5 to 9, A ntutient of <strong>Lowell</strong> High School pins.<br />

at the Junior high school. While,p. m.. by all elementary and a few. would answer, "By an annual Pan* However, these two Reclaimers,<br />

teaching there, he managed to at- secondary schools. On the days | American nssembly, and through t coached by Mr. Watch, hope to In*<br />

tend thi* University of Southern! rationing books arc distributed. It j the writing of essays." ,nt.1e to bring hack to <strong>Lowell</strong> thc<br />

California and receive his second-: is propnm.d to maintain minimum} And he would be correct. • cup, which was won in the contest<br />

1 In" or! .„"%";,. Phil Amot and Bill JM, dejthe<br />

ereat honor of entering 'he!J-ered^he l^^to^he ma.n^pul,<br />

i <strong>The</strong> Humboldt Evininit Adult I "udentsvoluntcered^to process the<br />

1 Center, whir is sponsoring the<br />

I competition, will award to the best<br />

Newman. Florence Muhlmann, Joe<br />

Ecknrt, Lt>on Slow, Jiarjorie Galvan,<br />

Louise Rcyburn, pnd Dythe<br />

Marj* Hcrtert.<br />

Among the books donated were:<br />

Knbloona. for Whom the Bells"<br />

"Storm," and "Good Earth."<br />

Members of Miss L* Seur'a and<br />

Mr. Power's public speaking<br />

classes ipecded the drive when<br />

they spoke to all registries tluring<br />

the campaign. Mrs. Croker's registry,<br />

room 131. donated the moit<br />

books.<br />

65 Highest Count<br />

On 1st Honor Roll<br />

•mini. -V Rim*. It. lt.*\>*. M. Ul „. ... _..„ ,.<br />

iKiwrn. I'. A. linrrimtr, *:. Toriloy. SS«—It. }l»lt. tT 1 -<br />

V*ycr. U Stiller, J. Mnrtltitlll, M. 3nfi«— II. \V;irrcri. >*; M. Kantskl. • Kunumiiip. II. Satkr..... ln... .-.<br />

IVnmn. *'.; IL .Mii>:.MIIlnii. 114: K. ifarvtliaM, | llr.ilcr». U. >!t-Mnli..ti. D. Shftilon. 1.<br />

It « C7ldent that the tndftloiU W«IM. K. MlnttHrrmlv, ll. xma*n. K Sclin-.l^r. V. Wtot*. S. Antara. K. Wl-il. t->IIUl^.. U SI. llrrcavleh<br />

Of <strong>Lowell</strong> hav been upheld royally tt#%r «,. J - Tnyior. W. lln>-wnr.I. (•-.IMWII. .M. Mmitoi., K. WVlln. C. i:ioli>.Si>: C. .\i>t^r, J Inerani. I 1 . O'IKiw<br />

Fiances Katase. Katase, Mar MarJorie '<br />

Henry- FBVUI, Julie1<br />



^M&^mm<br />

IP MwcIlHes To GFadiiale Jup IS<br />

'Looking |<br />

Around'<br />

= By Frank Piombo<br />

News item:<br />

Senior Ball at<br />

Fairmont,<br />

June 16<br />

Block L Rally<br />

Set For Friday<br />

<strong>The</strong> Block L picnic, held Wedn«-><br />

day. June 3, wan acclaimed a huge {<br />

success by all who attended.<br />

Exercises at Opera ^H?:<br />

House, 2:00 PJVL<br />

Ilf Edna Lafforlo<br />

Tfi« Senior UalL the hut dance<br />

X^E, Suf<br />

Room of the Fairmont Hotel.<br />

As clasn president. Bud Martin ' w By Mary Fletcher<br />

Four hundred and ten seniors, clad in traditional caps<br />

nnd gowns, will gather at the Opera House at 2:00 p. m.,<br />

To -110 <strong>Lowell</strong> seniors, June<br />

; s.me. of i,.Hbali and rwib.il June 16, to participate in Swell's second commencement.<br />

«* enjoyed by all.<br />

exercises since the war began.<br />

16 will end high school days.<br />

To many it will murk their<br />

promised nt the beginning bcR.nning of the<br />

,lf term. there will bo a top b.md<br />

thiptv, «..„ „,.,_ I <strong>The</strong> strains of the processional, "Pomp and Circumstance*,"<br />

played by the <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra under the direction<br />

debut into the worlii. To all playing li fo h hi J^<br />

it will be one of the hliwest days La'rr"y Cannon and his"' or-1 hot dogs, beans, soft drinks, and of Mr. Reginald Krieger, will help to usher the gradua'ea<br />

in their life. But If any senior<br />

chemra. chestra. And <strong>Lowell</strong>s <strong>Lowell</strong>'s, own Dolo Dolo* ] ice cream.<br />

down the ailes to the stage.<br />

res Piirodl will sing, no it Is cany to<br />

: <strong>The</strong> program will open with an<br />

tells you that he's glad to leave tec tliat the music situation I, At the Block I. Rally, which will<br />

I Introduction _ by Samuel ".Bud"<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, emblien. Adams, Mtas Mctcnlf, Miss Dcnl-j Kctiremrnto, transfer*, and Un-<br />

i student speaker* addre*alnjc the<br />

—the athletic events.<br />

try, and mcnil>cnt of the commit-'cle Sam will reduce the present.<br />

Attention. <strong>Lowell</strong>,lei! : uu-ecblaee will be Eda Ugorj. tal-<br />

<strong>The</strong>ne and many more, no senior ttf, Marge Hauck. Connie Glaf-, faculty lint by eight teachers. Mr.! Here, fr.r you to fill out and.tnled Uwell dramatist, who will<br />

will ever forget.<br />

kidcif, Cal Atkins, Dolores Parodi,- Stephens announced yesterday.'<br />

keep. i» a Mimplr ballot, similar to, rccItr a poem, and John Harvey,<br />

Joe Kcknrt. Ruth 5chwedhclm,|Thi* account* for the three Engthe<br />

one ynu will receive at iwttry »(,„ wj|| mnke an addresa.<br />

Credit Where<br />

Stan Charles, Anne Wigle, Ititt- li*h count* recently dropped from<br />

on June 11. Below are listed the, ^ . .<br />

Credit IN Due<br />

Wetland. Kaj BlomquEst, Betty nvxt ttrmntter** program. <strong>The</strong> candidates for student body offl- Musical Selections Itendered<br />

To Dave Williams, our Mtudcnt IlanKon, Bob Kcs.er, nnd Phyllis trncher*' name* were withheld.<br />

con*, sn check your choire.<br />

body presEdt-nt, .'very Lotvvtlito I.udliim, are planning a prom t« ¥_—^__^^_^^__—_^_-—_^___<br />

I<br />

owes n vote be remembered. *~*~-^———<br />

of thanks for<br />

the fine<br />


work he has<br />

done this Though you go forth 'mid war-time dizzy reel.<br />

term. Our<br />

rnlliis *tfenj To fight your way through whirlwinds of despair.<br />

.•huck full of And stagger onward through a blinding muze<br />

en tertain- Choked with the dryncw of a dust-filled air.<br />

m«nt nnd<br />

fun. Our Waste not your tears on arid desert sands.<br />

school sipirit! That drink and dry or e'er your tear drops fall:<br />

was kept!<br />

high. What Or do but sift o'er pathways to your goal,<br />

goes for] Or paint mirages as you blindly crawl.<br />

Daw, goe-i!<br />

If you must moan in consecrated mood,<br />

for the other officers. <strong>The</strong>y came I<br />

through with flying colors. ' O'er ideals shattered by a War-lord's greed.<br />

Speaking of officer*. ex-Low- Lay up your sorrow in an eager heart,<br />

eliileH Bud Spiegel and (.tiry KrIII To nourish you against a deeper need.<br />

htTe breu elected president and<br />

Tice-ptenidcnt, respectively, of the Oh, keep your vision set on mountains high,<br />

U. C. soph cliuts. Geary Krlll will That edge the barren wastes you now must plod;<br />

be remembered as vicc-prexy when 'Tis in their shades your soul-sought treasures lie.<br />

attending here * year a (to.<br />

For there is peace, and gentleness, and God.<br />

We arc glad to know that De-j<br />

baters Clarence Kulxmstefn and<br />

—By Charles F. Walsh.<br />

Doris Thompson will nttend the<br />

: Northw*sttirn U. summer school<br />

for public sneaking ns a result of<br />

an article in this column. Good<br />

luck. Seniors Will Frolic as<br />

LcwrllilcM Win<br />

Many Hononi ;<br />

In all fields of endeavor, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students have teen extremely busy. Comic Characters Fri.<br />

And, as usual, they hnw walked<br />

home with their share of prizes.!<br />

For Instance, Journal Editor June<br />

in the funny pa-<br />

Sutton won honorable mention in<br />

R&W Out Friday<br />

thlii year's WIHhn. Alpha Cooper. .. , hU-h i-nior ....„<br />

Prire Contest In German. Patricia j this, you can believe li i it. bbecause<br />

an <strong>Lowell</strong>'s eagerly awaited Ki-d<br />

Moffit won the James D. Phelun | Friday all of the Kra*Juatcs*to*bc nnd White will be out Friday.<br />

Fund Rckular Scholarship in Art.<br />

tfchool dressed as Editor June Sutton hue picked<br />

Third place In the Veterans' of<br />

comie strip jn entirely different theme for the<br />

Poreitm Wars' city-witlc essay con-<br />

[characters. journal this time, "the present con-<br />

. test went to June Brooks.<br />

trusted with the past," in a unique<br />

, Fram sixth to third. That's the<br />

Warm Turns<br />

record uur traffic boys strung up<br />

For five term*<br />

in their annual review Irntt month.<br />

(he prmdi Winner of the Red ni>d<br />

. Nice coinjr, boys.<br />

II I' H hare White camera content lit Ilob<br />

watched senior Plumb, reg. 109. Annual Ed*<br />

Well, now Is ri-e time for nil<br />

day being cele- Itor June Sutlon announced<br />

icood editors (?) to say goodbye.<br />

brated. <strong>The</strong>y yeiiterduy. Plumb'* prize U<br />

Get before I sign off my hut<br />

have seen ho-<br />

column. I would like to thank the<br />

"free dancln* for two" at the<br />

bOH. cowboys,<br />

rcjre rditors and the rest of the<br />

Palace. generaUHly donated<br />

and bibir* pa«nstaff<br />

fur the fine work they have<br />

by that popular hutH'n mnn-<br />

Ing in revlew.l<br />

done. Ami here's wishing next<br />

Now, they are,<br />

agement.<br />

term's editor lou of luck.<br />

guing to have<br />

their turn at manner that rannot be revealed nt<br />

dressing up.<br />

Many of, the athletic hcrocswili,<br />

to school<br />

permen. Those<br />

intcd<br />

. friends will come as Felix<br />

the Cat, Pluto, or Mickey Mouse.<br />

' Today—Girls' Election Rally.<br />

Biff Dsnce<br />

AJune 10—Distribution of Red and .... traditional Senior<br />

Uanee will he held in I he gym.<br />

1 ; Musical itclcctioits, directed by<br />

; Miss Hazel Alexander, and accom-<br />

It ESI DENT<br />

id t tho<br />

3.1.1—Hop;*, Art<br />

by<br />

201—Homier, Paul<br />

Han*<br />


305—Clayton. Carrin«<br />

22tf— Kenficld, Jackie<br />

201—Menarj*. Carol<br />

UNI—Solomon, Betty<br />


•lOCa—Bcrriman, In*inc<br />

100—Eddy, Bob<br />


.<br />

Joseph Eckart<br />

109—DeForde, Satnte;<br />

Valedictorian<br />

220—Morjcolis. Alan<br />

}of the Priests from Alitalia," by<br />

YELL LKADEIt Mendelssohn, will be played by the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra.<br />

228—Schumacher, Don....<br />

Preceding,<br />

Preceding,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

latter<br />

latter<br />

will<br />

will<br />

be<br />

be<br />

the<br />

the<br />


Skluie<br />

l<br />

to the<br />

h<br />

FIuic<br />

FI<br />

and<br />

d<br />

the<br />

h<br />

playing<br />

of the "Star-Spangled Banner, li<br />

ill—Ue. Charles<br />

i:W—Salinger, Herbert<br />

LOWELL<br />

303—Simon, Joan <br />

201—Sturtevant. Robert<br />


220—Minaker. Patricia<br />

201—Netson, Henry •——•<br />

35,000.00 SALE OF<br />


1 * led<br />

by R. O. T. C. Major Maxwell T.<br />

Jcmes.<br />

DIplomaM Conferred<br />

Mr. Stephens, <strong>Lowell</strong>V prlndp*l<br />

will confer diplomas upon<br />

graduates, uufeted by high senior<br />

registry teachers, Mendame* A. L.<br />

Bach, F. M. Crocker, M. IL Le-<br />

Seur, E. M. Olborn. Dr. F_ M. Mcr*<br />

tine, and MetMrs. I. C. Marker. R.<br />

Barry. L. S. Rerlough, A. E. John*<br />

uton, and M. S. Power.<br />

Graduates will" reassemble in<br />

the evrninir for the Senior Ball to<br />

be held this year at the Terrace<br />

Room of the Fairmont HoteL<br />

this time.<br />

< A su.-prise awaits all readers<br />

-— ~ 1" I when they turn to the senior<br />

vwo who »»vc always U c , *A wmp|ete chancP of<br />

- ac L?, UI An almost unbelievable total of<br />

$.15,000 worth of U. S. War Bonds!<br />

ami Stamps—cash enough to pur*'<br />

chase seventy jeeps—durinjjMay by<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Volunteer S^n'ice<br />

?__l?. £r"S_»?Iii»tyl«<br />

styl<br />

ted.<br />

vcata has the . Iwen effected, „..? of which the «tu redents<br />

instead of their achieve*<br />

merits.<br />

Day<br />

nce will he held in the gym. Ann W!*Ie.<br />

A A ! <strong>The</strong> dance'commltfee bi headed Members of the Senior Day com-<br />

• •*•*•.! tar. Prnor-Bad Martin. Vice-Prezy m!tt« are Bab Knox. Max James,<br />

\ii*rs~luixit£ H HauCV and'3eerelary nd Scretary Con- Stevi Dotur, Wilicmay WiulDR.<br />

nie ^Ufkldtf. <strong>The</strong>r nltl b* ai-Bob<br />

von drr Lcttb, Mary Fletcher,<br />

Senior silted by-Cat Atkins, Kaj Bloom- Finnic ?iombo,: Janet Rico, Dav^<br />

^'oaLrt,' Stan Chariot.-Joe',Eckart Williaru. Willi oUrjorie .77elce., Car-<br />

y Hasstn, Bob Xewler, PhlKs barn '^Tyler.' Tyler. Culbert Atkins, Pat -Pat<br />

ftm. -.DolorM,7?Parodf,: Jlnth Hutching. Phil At Amtt, and d Bud<br />

~ lia,.RlUj WttUn^mnd Murtin. --<br />

;<br />

under Mrs. Covstcr.<br />

ThrnuRh the work of thbt Rruup.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ix well on its way to a<br />

Kual of $50,000. Thin achievement<br />

followed a pvhod of practically no<br />

wale* tbr fir*! few months of the<br />

/ear.<br />

Teachrr* Hare Helped<br />

OutJidu buyinc bonds has helped<br />

to rake the toUil an have the<br />

teachers' purchaich. Credit is also<br />

line them for their constant enjournvement<br />

of pupils to cooperate.<br />

Keslftlrleii that have bought constantly<br />

ttlncethe besinnlnr of the'<br />

drWc aro 102, 153, 154. 203. 207,<br />

316, 108. 105. 103. 131. and 319.<br />

Least response Has come from<br />

the low four's as a whole.<br />

Ruy for Victory<br />

Mrs. Coester mmtcud up the<br />

campaign. Its purpose and its need,<br />

with these words:<br />

**W* mutt-realize that we are<br />

now In the midst of a vital conflict.,<br />

. .. . <strong>The</strong> only wayui can help 1<br />

R.O.T.C. Hopes to<br />

Maintain<br />

Hoping to maintain It. l».t<br />

T. C, led by Colonel Bud Martin,<br />

>va<br />

" h«Pefu»y '»r word on the re-<br />

«»« f"!"<br />

the war effort Is buying stamps<br />

and bonds eoaklitently. We must<br />

remember that-to be. good Americans<br />

^ta'crtfice for our;country U es*<br />

1 Il"Peetlon. CnMen<br />

» lllt "> lr '> - »«»' WBh Mloolj<br />

tlirouirhout the country iu an<br />

"llonnr School" but year, Lowe!) :<br />

tape* again to be in this bracket.<br />

<strong>The</strong> R. O. also finished third high-<br />

Mt in th si<br />

« «h Corps Area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ritle team this year took<br />

niHi term's military dance was<br />

held June 2, and amontr other functions<br />

there was n two-dny march In<br />

Marin County. June G ana 6.;<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual banquet will be held<br />

Friday wcnlntr, and - announce-<br />

-" •--- -m be<br />

<strong>The</strong> Second Annual Super- '<br />

fnLcndcni'i Review of the R.<br />

O. *T. C. of 'Saif'-Pstorliw -<br />

•£hfzh schools wfll Iv-heitlto-.<br />

'^rayrrow^flt l:30-.o<br />

canssacri<br />

sentiaL" -p-<br />

i *Joc3£.»* It;,<br />

wflttake place atlTexv SU--<br />

: dium and-tbe^pnbU^Uiln-^<br />

;-Tited..: r . .-.•' ^.rs&z?-

. THE LOWELL, TUESDAY. JUNE 0, 1042<br />

Testament of Senior Class s<br />

Various Jobs ForjJoe Smith, American,<br />

'42 Grads in 195211s Typical <strong>Lowell</strong>ite<br />

Jnnc 16, 1052. i<br />

Dear Dave; . \<br />

Do* you recognize that date?. You<br />

should. " . " •<br />

that day. And were we glad to'<br />

get out! Remember? .<br />

Boy!, the things that went on in<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>! .Tho hilarious times we<br />

had!. And the gam* w'fl pulled!<br />

OK-well, those memories could'<br />

fill a book and this letter might I<br />

end up In book form it I don't gct|<br />

down to the main reason I'm writ- [<br />

By Carol Layman<br />

Commencement is in the offing. To that young senior— ;<br />

"Joe Smith, American"—this means the end of one phase of<br />

his life and the start of another. :<br />

It's pretty important to Joe Smith, this word "commi'iice-<br />

! begins to think in a more serious groove. Before<br />

he'd- always thought of;<br />

Picked by Seniors<br />

i , - . , ..,:i.<br />


Given in Poems<br />

• poor persons ons who are. taking slip" to Incoming troth. Boi ell dance band, according to Dob<br />

receivers ra of f this ter term's group Sctraklan leaves htf palpitating Von Der Lieth. Studious Lucille<br />

'of high:seniors' ,»_u- - t—« T..i. Last wills Wills and __:i* heart to Ruth Gumbreclit. Renee Dldier wills her physics book lo<br />

.Testaments. <strong>The</strong>y prove tre» tres: Baron Is the lucky receiver of someone who can understand it.<br />

interesting! v: •- j Dolores l"arodi'a singing ability. To Brother Roland'<br />

"V Leslie Galvan merely leaves ail George Chichester bequeaths his Klchard Gee leaves his It. 0. T.<br />

herfun!7I in physics II to cou-i'"'' slie twelves to that up and C. ririe to Illtle brother llonatd.<br />

-.In M.rinrli. ftosalie Zaisler mm-1 coming tennis star, Morris Socko- Here'n a very thoughtful fellow!<br />

•' erou'ly wllh afX school's"55, ta». Nancy Barnett says, "I will Eddie Clinton will* his flat feet lo<br />

S l l noil l*SnGlris'Block £l ">>' *>ny apple- turnover to nnyono Uwell's first draftee. With Ihe<br />

rubber shortage In mind. Hill Uansudden<br />

' splurge of generosity, Figure It out yourself.<br />

dy ' wil will* his gym shoes lo Howard<br />

humbly bestows her excess honor mil llrown wills his baseball Gelelll.<br />

points Into a sinking fund for despike*<br />

to Charlie<br />

— ~<br />

Murnnrd.<br />

.<br />

UrsU' Jenn Mario Bont «iya, "I lea'<br />

la Wolff leaves her name to some my place as "shortie" of the Girl Sff<br />

spalring frosh. ; shy girl who wants lo blush. Frank Advanced Glee Club to Maiy Anne<br />

"BrolyP- gift** of i Clarvoe leaves the red zone around Slcele." Generously, Joan McCnf-<br />

A puxxle lo us Is- the the <strong>Lowell</strong> to all driven to park on. ferty wills her gym locker to a<br />

June Schmulisn. who In her Ilarbara Melealf leave* her half portion with n ga*<br />

"hairy arms and watch'<br />

locker lo "Ilroly."<br />

.Duane<br />

""""<br />

Tweed- empty.boltle or 11202 lo Connie<br />

dale gives hut swimming miuclea Cnolu. ll'» a bis arcrct, but Claire<br />

T mask. Patricia<br />

Slchcrin graciously lets Beth Outunn<br />

have a hoy not named Bill or<br />

... Llltle Gem" Lawrence. Georie! Welnhold. will tell anyone Inter.'Bob. Dorothy Smith Elves her<br />

Fortayon leaves what !a left ofj ruled how to open room 313. Rob.i southern accent to whoever wnnts<br />

his ambition lo same laxy soph, crt Illoek leave* his speaking abill-' it—sho''nuff.<br />

Connie V.'ll«on wills all her bor- ly and "polne" !„ Paul While.; I'oor June!<br />

rowed elolhra to Jean Tucker and, Ituln SchwedhHm wills her corner 1 uoUy i.nn,Cn loaves nil her<br />

Anlla Shlfflcr. 1 in Ihe courl lu any nalure Inver. trou|,iOT W|tn the fellas to June<br />

Well. Mow me down: Charlotte;''"' Olloleavc. her boolcroom Job . Wbiekkr—belter .luck. Junoll Malili<br />

l ll th bath lt lo Well. Mow me down: Charlotte;'"' Olloleac h<br />

Mlilinff leaves all the breath lost Karbara Kngler | LBin i th iver f the<br />

lo Dallas Rider:<br />


I would I were an anne),<br />

Innocent as a tot,<br />

By Rob' Slurtevanl<br />

WW,, all the A's I have to Kot.l F,fly »5niS 3i\an't ba S<br />

Got<br />

- I wrong! g Doet Do t rtlinir state-<br />

t met ment leave lave - yiu hait? NoT<br />

Hud Martin: .Well Well, we e ihair eexplain.<br />

When a '<br />

I would I were a billowy cloud tj<br />

tonj parent rent ent ind« iend« his offspring to<br />

Floating overhead. • I <strong>Lowell</strong> t fi and andd<br />

ho h is i a principal riil at t ,<br />

With h all ll the th thing! thi I'm I' aiked -to another hi high school it only pro\» (<br />

•nt* . . . one _>» *l>fktM thing—<strong>Lowell</strong> F #i**»tl is fa all *itl Lt'd it's fa- f«» * i<br />

mous for. -3 < -<br />

Although the first statement was •-><br />

Frank Piombo:<br />

"slightly* exaggerated as there -<br />

I would I were on C. S. F., are only three high schools and<br />

My teachers not so rude. ! three lower grade principals who<br />

And afl.thc things I'd like to know,;havo sent children here,<br />

Knewcdl<br />

thU is still a good percentage,<br />

i 21 Parents Teach<br />

Dolores Parodi:<br />

, After a recent surrey' It waa<br />

I would 1 were a dickey bird, found that 21 <strong>Lowell</strong> pupils can<br />

A little springtime herald. say they have "parent teachers."<br />

t\ lime RpruiKiunB uvruiu, . —* -—.» , r, ••" CjJC ^L!,)<br />

With all the »o«K» I have to sing, Of these, elghl are high school<br />

Carolled. i teachers, four leach at grammar<br />

biekrbelter luck. J u l M<br />

:school*; two are proferisors at Cal-<br />

Karbara Kngler.<br />

r|c LoBinncu is the receiver of the I). Allan<br />

llfornia, one U at a luntor MiE"<br />

miffing up to the third floor loony ">' A Any old Old EExperiment*?<br />

different different hair-dos hair-dos of Jenn Jenn Uank. Dank. | lUill a little boy<br />

freshman. Bright is Glcnna Mar- 'f- Gene VnyMio Is to receive ail U* U Memlclson M l l leave* l hi* h "[lll "oily;<br />

tin who bequeaths her huw bottle H"; the old physics experiments of wood hair cut" lo Tom '<strong>The</strong> Duck . ,„ w] IIralI<br />

of peroxlle to dazilInK llnrbnra raii'ark Loughlln. Elaine Thibodcau Strel. Hero's • tall story! frank Wth all the<br />

Guldottl. Ain't love grand! May-1 (eaves n pair of shoulder pads to Gucrcna leaves hi* is «ix;f.t frame S<br />

nanl Smth. sentimentally leaves the frosh in locker room 123. John, to Jock Irvine. Joe Jc kcknrt jays,<br />

his heart nr.d slltxy to Barbara Oil , Umlntrom wills h!« parking space "I leyvo nil the ht hot air i I vo v ux_<br />

ver. I'at Lturphy wills her bench: 10 [j,u|, Schmidt. Scholar Jinn nelleil In nubile speaking-to »ne of |<br />

ut the court fiances to all wnll.i^w )cnvcs her eraser crumbs to thi' Anny humps. June Sutton<br />

flowers. nil who moke mistake*. Dorothy k'Jtvi'i* nil her henilai-hes as vclitor<br />

Ilctle I* Generous ; Warren'* gym shoe* nnd "suits' t'| I"' , next one. Ilila II r»u know the editor's middle nwne.<br />

resent <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

( • * • •<br />

He sheepishly grins us he However, some Interesting <strong>The</strong> paper his more Kraft than<br />

looks back upon former days; things turned up. tteven tree turgeons.<br />

those memory packed days of Of the 100 irirls questioned, 55 '<br />

life at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

twr rent attend church rcnularly Just because you're clrcuUtloT<br />

and 43 per cent, often or occa- manaeer don't feel too important—•<br />

Looks Forward sionally. Only S per cent never go. that'!* an eighteen letter. combo<br />

Joe is nt the top of the Tabulstlons or the number or a for' stamp ticker.<br />

crest, and he ia looking back ti these ntudcnt* had moved<br />

• • • • : ' -, ,<br />

with wistful eyes, and looking ?!""*,<br />

<strong>The</strong> sports editor is usually tht ^crl<br />

forward with courageousiJi, ,0 .fiST",, V»<br />

clou character— •portlnjc itripe*. "<br />

You micht say he's the blic ihotof,^j<br />

^*!" •"?« E the<br />

ones... Underneath his bow- <strong>The</strong> fact that <strong>Lowell</strong> is the choice the Bout Artillery. And -i<br />

:h and talk he is a I"''many children, of army officers<br />

if c^teflo;ljT)e;«edy?iouji.<br />

>W. jnfy'eseifiBgcali'iJcverj-.tlme'?.<br />

1 — J<br />

ajcainv;yoa mlsht not. -<br />

• • • *<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Scene," . room SIX L( 4 .<br />

qalet Httlff nook—about an qolet ,!<br />

ft* pay. day at 2I«Ihleheia.<br />

;i- ; • - •••• • : • • -,:<br />

;<br />

\Vbat wltt<br />


Presenting a picturesque example of what<br />

happens when the camera Rets "shultcrilis"<br />

around the old red brick schoolhousc:<br />

: One more second and Track Captain I'hil<br />

Araot, extreme left, would have dashed right<br />

out'of the picture, but Joe Kckart. orator extraordlnnry.<br />

would probably liare pulled him<br />

back with that long arm. Prexy Dave Williams<br />

stands patiently waiting for "order in<br />

the court," as Dolores I'arodi gives oul with<br />

some sweet swine- <strong>The</strong> beautiful form (tennis,<br />

naturally) belongs to Net Star Rita Wleland.<br />

Usually as handsome as they come.<br />

Colonel Bud Martin was caught in one of his<br />

sterner moments (extreme right).<br />

"ra J. Cooper (J for juve-<br />

» n:icj, ntut you be so immodest<br />

, about your dainty shaped noggin?<br />

: <strong>The</strong>y're crowlnjr heir-longer these<br />

o*y»'or h»vcn*t you noticed? .-<br />

•;:Keti«d? Noticed wlwt?<br />

leaa Mayrisnl Smith'<br />

,_ Oliver.'-.- Abo Gloria<br />

and Bob 'Carrier.* We<br />


All this and students, too! Anne Wiglc<br />

and Hans Ury arc right in the groove nnd<br />

hcat'ng it nut with Einstein and Avngadro<br />

(to jour left).<br />

What would a photograph depicting <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

jife be without n display of the typical dancing<br />

slySe? Jerry Coleman and Jeannelte Bravinder<br />

do it up right, as they glide off into<br />

dreamland. .Marge Hauck and Connie Glafkides.<br />

the dancing twosome on the right, execute<br />

the same difficult (?) steps, but with increased<br />

gaiety.<br />

Shirley'MacRac looks over the situation<br />

before arguing the issue, but those vitamin<br />

^ j - ? # 4 g ^ ^<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Hambome Ransom MacBridc. It<br />

Is said bf feminine TO( n -,tVhelloberta<br />

.ll«tihew'it .cuie^ little • <strong>The</strong> odds are going up on the Freshman f<br />

Mrta'W Jerry. «Mm to Ummk- 'smnurtlwt Bea".°Brummel TWl has<br />

ingaa item ef tUiwIw*'.Dilto^newr taken-a girl out'in-airhS<br />

1 Hsshr?- j.Itomember..<br />

bora? ' ••••.'..- • .:'-i'-"^;::... . . •x-M«i>le'Waen«r<br />

seen with ariuind'<br />

some ti.tS..F. senior, yesiyw'

Cards Retain<br />

Swim Crown<br />

Ball Team Varsity y Relay<br />

PlaCCS 4th Wi Win Nips S S. II.<br />

Attain dominating tha local walerways,<br />

the strong <strong>Lowell</strong> swim<br />

THE LOWELL. TUESDAY. JUSE ». 1043.<br />

3 HD TITLE IN<br />

l<br />

with - Mlwion, w- , — —<br />

Ignatlul. the <strong>Lowell</strong> baseball team<br />

of the All-City Meet, taking a G7<br />

found Itsdf In third place in the to 51 varsity thriller, while the<br />

A. A. A. competitions.<br />

lightweights surprised with a 73 to<br />

Xowell lost to the Bears and triumph over second place St.<br />

Lions and were upset by the boys<br />

on the hill.<br />

Bill Brown deserves cheers for <strong>The</strong> thrill packed varsity affair<br />

his high batting average, Paul found <strong>Lowell</strong> hard pressed by St.<br />

£^i'^ P ?, u l ?£!,&'*,&£; I^ tiu Ity Hob<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> runners took 8 mlnuteu,<br />

17 arc! 7/10 second* of collective<br />

effort to establish themselves In<br />

the records as Champions-1942, Ian<br />

Mny 2.<br />

But behind thin were weeks of<br />

practice that brouKht them to a<br />

fim* itralned pitch for the ONE;<br />

meet—the blue ..'hipii were uown<br />

and the th Red ami am White tenm raked<br />

them in in. proving that a "Harris- Harris- •<br />

coached squad, given a iteming<br />

chance, h will ill come hhome<br />

the h vie- i<br />

»' hoMlne a 47 to 48 edge<br />

.... . .„ _ - !•« lhc l»te«nt was on d«k.[ His-; tont gh(ip|wrd ArnoIi .„ nrwt(r! »<br />

a catcher. Bob Cherry and Jerry tory wan repeated once again as Acclaim mu«t go to Sheppard,<br />

Coleman for consistently playing a tne GrannEs- Wiilliam*- Stafford -' who tallied fight _ dig point*; to<br />

« me ' h "° 1!h A cheerful old mammy<br />

named Hannah.<br />

Wlio'd liveil eighty yean in<br />

Savannah<br />

good game. .Wells retay iv*>m ewne HHUUKII «> Arnol, who miiwcd a new reconl<br />

'" ••••«•». --•-•. .,.-_ — ,,---, - _.—<br />

To the rest of the team: Mur-| " , !"* . . , , . by j of a ftccond a* I-athcr Time Sai,I—"Sho'nuff, III buy<br />

Defense Honda, 'cause I<br />

Am in luve with the Star<br />

Hannah!"<br />

low, Momanl. Simmons. Leibo- .*« cIule h Wlth a dean win. lawrhwl: and to Brciwler. for his<br />

wftx. and Newman, to Coach Mike Cop Fire Finis . upn«t win in the 100 yard datm. .<br />

vffW'vfik t0 i th niiV"p m "i>" l iS? 1 Vaciti « lhe C!inl '* foUrth * tra[ K hl ' Itecognitum must go to Wi*.<br />

S&lS&tt mailrTg<strong>The</strong> S title were thrve wins in the six! garUon "J^^-jJSSJl<br />

onp io remember. : event J. AS predicted. Captain for "och ,,iamed a leaf in the<br />

, Frank Grannis took the 100-free mythical victory crown. i<br />

Tennis Team<br />

'style with Clydu Burch winnimr Hardicnvc. Kcefv. Himhfield,'<br />

i th« lOO-breaKt stroke. <strong>The</strong> cm- Lowe, and Itonch were sadly over* I<br />

WillS XrOphV cial "^-rotay «ave <strong>Lowell</strong> the me«< l>ut \HOy Handkerchief I<br />

are the .(rally adding Up to victory Dry .those tea that you ml|cht|<br />

(tl the itood showing of the other<br />

nj mcmbvrH Stafford and William* -1<br />

Popular LoweII Teacher<br />

Leaves for New Yorlc<br />

Miss Wilson t<br />

Take Over<br />

New Job<br />

llrlp buy ihr pl»n*« >fvrl<br />

tanks nrnW la •maah<br />

itH- Ail.I S*** with U. S.<br />

for Music-<br />

Announced ; c *<br />

By Gloria Qttuidt ./<br />

Myitery of the month: <strong>The</strong>'JUappcarancu<br />

of Mi" Janet WJUon.<br />

Without warnine. <strong>Lowell</strong>'a offi.<br />

cial dance recoptioniit and mott'<br />

"be* orchlded" teacher vaniihed.<br />

New York, it lecmf, called h«p to<br />

fulfill an Important defense po«I.<br />

tlon Immrdlatelr.<br />

Th« trreat mrs*<br />

tvry cincerni th*.<br />

nature of her position.<br />

Man in View<br />

Quote Mr. Stephens;<br />

<strong>The</strong> ta'eh<br />

of the f aca |tv<br />

ty think that a<br />

man U involved—<br />

nuthlnr I«M than<br />

a colonel!" Bat<br />

who known?<br />

Mil* Wileon<br />

graduated from<br />

I/jwtll in 1922,<br />

thus endine an active<br />

high school<br />

career. She then<br />

turned her mannet<br />

i * m to tht<br />

Berkeley campui,<br />

there becomlnc<br />

sirW none and<br />

cheer leader ami<br />

member of the Bis<br />

prey meet finalit, Mny 11-16. r.0. while \\'~ll* and Mr.yer rrpral- J/<br />

»--'•»: a score of 6-1. G f. for „, (n (h 22n< SorrU cndrd ,hir(1<br />

h C th<br />

' whiir ffJrSl '" * 100-bww and Eddy in*<br />

Jocltolov gained firth in the IOO.frt?r. Brewer and<br />

7-5. c-:i. to capture th*» double* C«p*> handled the diving grace*,<br />

prize. In ti-am points, the singles taking n »ecMid nnd fourth.<br />

scon* was H5.il, and the doubles Amazing I iirhtweiehtt<br />

" <strong>The</strong> other alneles player* in the wi:h n Iitttc more *"*• tIu '<br />

meet wen? Bill Beale, Paul Jacob- lightweights made it eight in a<br />

son. Warren Mangels, while the re- r,,-.v. with :. 'J puint margin, feumaining<br />

iioublcs stars consisted of ........i i... •*:»... /•»*» htn..,.. A»r;i * •*»/•<br />

Douglas Cnrtwright and Howard t« «•'^ fivi? fm nlaew awl II r«-<br />

Smith. Jack Crawler and George 1 « lJ - T ' ly m" 11 ^ ***** brokt " lhe<br />

hU the fact that that mouled ««»«^« Announced j ne*tiw at Lick<br />

mt,n# thnt fOI,hioncp »t fiwi- I After her graduation in 1£»M, 1<br />

Jicvm. Coach Kl-mur-r HarriM <strong>The</strong> foltowinK are the cuunvi in | nhe returned to San Francifco /<br />

w II In- around. a« (wr usual. <strong>The</strong> instrumental mumf at I.uw«;ll t» be j and hc^nn her teaching r»rwr :<br />

' '< "" f<br />

Uebes and Everett Gould and only record of the day, clipping 2.3<br />

Lester Price. scvonds iff the old mark.<br />

k II In und. a (r u<br />

taken by b muKical-inlndt'tl i l i d j student*: dt j | at t James J Lick Lik Junior J i High. |Uh<br />

itoSMnltt* Orchrxlra (String..):; In 1»^. MIM Wilson came to Low-<br />

Students with about nix months' I «'• where she taught girls physfrvhestralinstru-<br />

I education and was social a*J-<br />

GALS<br />

ment.fi-r<br />

and faculty riding adviser.<br />

lUxinnint: Kami (lira**): stu- All Lowirll regrets the leavta*<br />

with six month*' experience of one of its most popular facility<br />

un band instrument.<br />

members. e Her Hr interest i s t in ffrU ff'.rU' ,<br />

lutrrmrdiate Orchcxlra; For r sportii pt and central centrl activities actiities mu '<br />

with atHiut one year's train-1 part<br />

prt<br />

of<br />

f Lll'<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

trditin<br />

tradition. Beit<br />

Bit<br />

'<br />

r .'" At least that's what<br />

h^<br />

ani;" w<br />

tT»,ru,,yTnor.,,Tm,^ he diam<br />

on tilt squad! Urap? will be Jerry Coleman and Dob Cherry. Xo basetall<br />

player, will-be allowed to participate, *<br />

" End of litll "<br />

SL'V.te'^J*? *Wi o :'i."J I i,. fo i. u . i .! i . t .f!! ! out-rowetl Ilalboa by puttlntr on a<br />

last lair sprint to take a five-foot Kelly, und Itowertl. Co\inc<br />

decision. Breakins a half mile waM Martin.<br />

. . . deadlock, they put on the heat to<br />

Varsity Clone |<br />

•Denver" down St. Icnatius by two lemtths Despite a not«so-j:ood record, the<br />

in the clincher.<br />

varsity made a Kood ahow of it by<br />

bcatine Balboa by four lengths and<br />

15 Man Turn.Out losing to Galileo and Mission by<br />

Leadla* the succeasful combina- close one-lenxth margins.<br />

tion were Itua Silrerman at the advanced<br />

starboard position and Bob<br />

Holaten at port stroke. Duma,<br />

•acchl. Butler, Welnmafr Orr. De.<br />

vine. Swartz. arrrll:<br />

3, Coliei,; :, Glafkldcs; ar,

| Waahinf Ion-<br />

Xo«el| (iwr<br />

Today<br />



Volume SI, No- 1 Son Francisco, California, Wednesday. September 30, 1042<br />

Editor's<br />

Colyum<br />

Sgt. Jack Patterson of U. S.<br />

In Eagle Game TToda^r<br />

; By Bob Sturlevant •'<br />

Wartime <strong>Lowell</strong>—his it changed<br />

po radically In ten Bhort month*?<br />

In (hat old pep and spirit gone?<br />

We don't think so, but the proof I*<br />

New <strong>The</strong>me for<br />

entirely up lo you. each and errry<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> student I<br />

Newcomers Picked<br />

With our second game of the<br />

season today, wo can no out to<br />

Kezar and yell and cheer louder<br />

! <strong>The</strong> "Xcwcomcr's Reception" will<br />

and longer than ever Iwforc. Wo<br />

; l>e this yi-arV wctcomo to those<br />

can crt out there and show our<br />

| new at <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> program has<br />

team that we're behind them 2,000<br />

; a completely different theme from<br />

utronjr.<br />

Wo may not Ret so many rallies<br />

j those of former terms. In keeping<br />

and double lunch periods thin term,<br />

but if it's possible. Mr. Stephen*<br />

wilt do hi* host to hnvc nil he can.<br />

Regard I*"" of restrictions, we<br />

know that <strong>Lowell</strong> will make that<br />

showing that has kept it on top<br />

these many years.<br />

Ret out to that game today and<br />

nupport YOUR team—It's working<br />

for you.<br />

Lincoln fiai. _<br />

25-0! Sure that was a swell<br />

rcorc. <strong>The</strong> team wan playing for<br />

all it wan worth, and that stands<br />

for a lot on thin season's talent*<br />

heavy aggregation. Today we expect<br />

even more of the Lowoll root-<br />

Inir section. You were right behind<br />

our boys at the last game, but you<br />

can even do belter. Those of you<br />

who for some inexcusable reason<br />

couldn't make the MustnnK tattle,<br />

be on hand for the opening It Irkoff<br />

thin afternoon. <strong>The</strong> Iwini needs<br />

you! _ _ _^_____ _ _<br />

Ma>' we nUKBc*t that you pur j "*"<br />

more attention to ynur yell trad- IltrcV that man again! Only thin lime he'x In the Marin<br />

? Don and M* two aM*l»tant*, - . . . ... ..<br />

CU d W Si<br />

1<br />

Chances Bright for^ 1<br />

Indian Grid Eleven<br />

Dy Bob Basse<br />

<strong>The</strong> George Wnshington Esgles<br />

would sacrifice their last feather<br />

for a victory over <strong>Lowell</strong> this aftcrnoon.<br />

' '"-<br />

Coming up against n school that<br />

they well wish could be called their<br />

i with tmditlon, surprise fs one of "traditional rivals," they arc still<br />

j the big elements.<br />

bitter and beaten from the 25-0<br />

' All students new to tre school pouncing hv the Commerce Bull-<br />

j will be received by the two honor dogs scarcely a week ago.<br />

societies, the Shield and L and the <strong>The</strong>y see <strong>Lowell</strong>, already termed<br />

1<br />

Scroll nnd L, who are arranging"the<br />

cocky, vain Indians by the<br />

I the program. Through them tho Chronicle, fresh off a bit; score win<br />

• frfuhmun will be Introduced to<br />

j <strong>Lowell</strong>'s many and varied activities. LOWELL LINE-UP<br />

<strong>The</strong> cntertnlnmcnt is In tho able : «im, left end; Morris, left tackle:<br />

I hands of Jim Oliver.<br />

ISlrei. left guard; Bull, center; Ed<br />

j Mi»M Lacoste Sponsors<br />

Itennril, right guard; Soekalov,<br />

right tackle; Buchanan, right end;<br />

I This program, n* well as theMornard,<br />

quarterback: Oral left<br />

j other duties nnd wrvfecs nf tho so* halfback: Fuida, right halfback; Ir*<br />

' cietles. In planned with the ntvei- vine, fullback.<br />

) fnilim* help nf Miss Laconte. vice*<br />

j principal and dean of girls.<br />


j Discussion nf the reception It, England, right end; IE. W.<br />

started at the first meetings of the Smith, right tackle; I', Draalerno*,<br />

term colled by Presidents Barbara | rIKhl guard: B. Durnal. center; Z.<br />

'Ijur.""'! Ceoree Lkbes, of the I Kaplan, left guard: 1. fllirksberg.<br />

'Shield and Scroll, respectively. j left tackle; P"DU»OI«. left end: ft<br />

I Members for Term ', '• Smith, auarlerbsek: A. Manboi<br />

<strong>The</strong> other officers of the Shield I ."•*.''«!"<br />

y<br />

*<br />

,<br />

• - •<br />

l L"}" a ''i' Sulherland, left<br />

,-. . . ; I mr for the [iiu KiiniiiK coming icim term lire: are: Vicc- l"'fl""*: Flynn. fullback.<br />

flee-<br />

ri» tnai man a »•>">• «nij «tn* uuir iicn HI me .•!«•• ••••.-n. r* It!AlEt! inc iiwm* »«*'*•« 11ft* till Wanda McKenxic nndover<br />

courageous Lincoln, and<br />

1 nt Wanda McKenXiC nni<br />

Mine Wlaw »lH.vr tiportini* the neritrantV »f ripm i» mint other than: seVrSary Georgene Britton <strong>The</strong> —<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s faviirilr nrrviee man. Jack ratlerxin. Scribvx «n <strong>The</strong>' membiTKhin i* made un of Emily f tempted to overlook them In favor<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Maff. or in journalism well rfmrmlicr him as one of the A)ijj,on Catherine Brash Marion o *" mare Mnrii Mian. »r in ji,ur.ii.ii»m »vn "»'"'«• »»« »* "•'«;«, Alllxon, Catherine Brash. Marion<br />

respected opposition In<br />

**»_~..j* prnui *Hnu« mow! «—lji.»f tnlnrfu] nl •*»• perMmniTf*. *-•_«««. it *MJ Prwrnlinif 1*rs»fe.>nlinir nim liivn a n placf|tic «ins>tfalli» IN Its Mm. UrM_ hurnmiN • » . \larv *. Cflmnhetl *» •.. Darin - latter »-*.__-. season. — . —<br />

Ituel linker, in honor£f the .Marine-, hl.lurl«; stand „„ Wake l.l..i:|S; Xlic? DrSFn. MarJoVie That one factor, overconfldence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Maff lakw (hl» clunro in «ay: "Hi, chief! ' fialvan, Helen Johnston. Mildred<br />

b.5<br />

h<br />

F«7fAn v^tm tRn ,innnri,tr.. nf Vn JOCK rOdCr IleailS the mlKMy 1'aniWl Py .tir. Uglily ailll .nr. Mtr- liuicnvr. au. ni.vcr.ian.<br />

rffes amHt mav S te ka°d thai? triumvirate that will KUlde the: pcnsidn will >ro to Centcrvllle. Tho»e. Ken Wells.barren<br />

&lMIdlu m ?KlnB?vtaKtnem!'!'';h «nl.r class to graduation.; J,,y, „,„ ll • l« Stan DeForde. .MembiTS scrv-1 Nobody ever said the Rlchraonders<br />

Congraui Oepnrtmenl . I ine ihi» yunr are Kd Barthold.! lacked anyth'nj- In the spirit side.<br />

Tor inVlrTunofuI shSwInTat X« cimpafenlnu- within fifiy feet A Kroup of one hundred <strong>Lowell</strong>' Oeome Bull. Ilol- Bd.lv, Leo Kills,; Whether that will be enough to<br />

inepatrFo'leXemonle.on'.SundaJlorthe polls was the rule Septem- slu.lent. are scheduled to help with; Alan *«'«•. ^/"{jjL^j? S'^i "«j« °« "">•"

•••^••'••^•sa'ts^^^^^SMIHBLVHflH^^^HHsssa^Lsia^HBss^Lsa^La^H<br />

p.ssv<br />

1100 IbrHrllrtalU S«n Pnnelaeo.<br />

•' u v. a. e. K ambm n—<br />


ppiT<br />


Managing Edltor_ — Joan Simon<br />

Feature Editor.. . Ha Sullivan<br />

Sports S t Editors—Bud EditB Silverman and Bob Busse<br />

Girl Sport! Editor.. June Gunner<br />

News Blitor—; . Bert Burns<br />

Circulation Manager .—Louise Manhehn<br />


Iub.1,-<br />

Welcome to Another Group<br />

Of Future <strong>Lowell</strong> Leaders<br />

Down <strong>Lowell</strong>'s corridors have trod<br />

many an ambitious young newcomer. Now<br />

we welcome another group of <strong>Lowell</strong>itci.<br />

the freshmen.<br />

We know you. You are those busy folk<br />

who scurry down the halls to class just a<br />

trifle foster than the "old-timer." We<br />

know, too, that you are the future leaders<br />

who will carry on tradition after the rest<br />

of us are graduated. We have our eyes<br />

on you because we realize your ambition<br />

and capability. We entrust you with our<br />

greatest pride, or now we say, YOUR<br />

greatest pride, <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

It doesn't take you loni; to get accustomed<br />

to thin newness. You have already<br />

begun to settle down, make new friends,<br />

acquaint yourseifves with the surroundings<br />

and feel like part of our miniature<br />

democracy.<br />

You have found that at <strong>Lowell</strong> the<br />

doors to learning are always open, and<br />

that during your four year stay, you will<br />

pass through many such open doors.<br />

WELCOME!!!<br />

Nea Students Comment<br />

On <strong>The</strong>ir Nalioe Lands<br />

A seaport like San Francisco attracts people<br />

from every comer of the world. <strong>Lowell</strong> has Its<br />

•hare of newcomers, too. <strong>The</strong>y come from every<br />

section of the United States. Among the new<br />

ttudents are also some from Canada, Australia,<br />

the Canal Zone, and Hawaii.<br />

Norma Goudy, Re*. 300. hails from the wheat<br />

country of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada. Sho finds<br />

San Francisco very different from her hometown.<br />

"No dlmouts there" she recalls, "and the weather<br />

is better—no to* to freeze in!" She was happy<br />

about the rate, .of exchange, "lough. Canadians<br />

make ten eenta profit on every dollar.<br />

From Roosevelt High School in Honolulu,<br />

T. H, are Phoebe Pa-.on anil Charmaine Beckman,<br />

who have been In this city for three months.<br />

Phoebe has lived in Hawaii all her life and remarks,<br />

with a glance out the window, that she<br />

would Just as soon be back there. Charmaine<br />

shuddered when we mentioned poi—she detests it. v<br />

Peter and Warren Scott have been at the<br />

Army Post In Balboa. Canal Zone, for three years,<br />

and returned to San Francisco in a convoy with<br />

Army families: uul workmen, and survivors'<br />

from sunken ships. * • *<br />

Fete hauled c shiny Panamanian sliver dollar<br />

from his pocket and exhibited It. adding tut<br />

there m also coins of om-i|uarer, one-half and<br />

one and one-half cents. Thore are only two seasons<br />

in Panama, he says—the rainy season, ten<br />

months Ions;, and the dry season, when hot wjidj<br />

blow. '-' ,<br />

Dick Ktble. from "way down under" informs<br />

us that Australians order their milk shakes at a<br />

Stuff and Things<br />


Teepee Tattle Tales |<br />

Another term-*moro Teepee!<br />

Happy? We are, too.<br />

Many <strong>Lowell</strong>iles spent light,<br />

happy weeks at summer school.<br />

Among them was that famous cutup,<br />

"Noisy" Nahman. Johnnie<br />

Stephens was seen at Lake Taboo<br />

and, of course, lots of. Indians<br />

iloncin'. prancin', and romancin* at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s favorite spot on the river.<br />

Carol Layman says It was her first<br />

After meandering around a bit<br />

here In <strong>Lowell</strong> and doing a little—<br />

shall wo say "«leuthin«"?—we<br />

came upon our own Frankio San-<br />

Con!, dreaming as usunl. Thin time<br />

•• - orlto . . . that all<br />

ho^<br />

£C SSSt'ci Uj^SA^<br />

fflWET.-. Teddy°S£!jf 1 o t rd li .nd:<br />

Ift ^S-ff^ "i<br />

ncr entering <strong>Lowell</strong> just _<br />

"Toolnle" lcavex. . . . Jnckle<br />

Jenkins liken that, but definitely<br />

. . . she always did like blondes<br />

anyway, so she tsald.<br />

Quite a little fracas at <strong>The</strong><br />

Den" some little while back.<br />

Wholesale swapping of pins, rings,<br />

etc.. with Route Loviner coming out<br />

on top ... as usual.<br />

Notes at : andnm: Watch those<br />

Bennett twins. Ed nnd BUI . . .<br />

nomc fellows, and O. K. In our<br />

\ioo\u . . . Pat Brandon, cute<br />

little soph, having a (rood time nt<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. . . . Art Hoppcs powder<br />

blue convertible with the<br />

nlaid scat covers, which features.<br />

Incidentally. Barbara Guidotti every<br />

mom and eve. , . . What*<br />

ever happened to the "only one<br />

week" romance of hlond but cute<br />

Ruth Sanford and Frank "One of<br />

Thoie Boyi" Burke? . . . Who<br />

else saw Audrey Hanson nnd Buth<br />

Ouuen enjoying Yosemlte** sports<br />

and an "oh no cute" mail clerk?<br />

Old Old News: Jackie Wise and<br />

Jack Irvine. _ , t<br />

Glad to nee Gert Burgard back.<br />

<strong>The</strong> school wasn't complete. Sorry<br />

about the accident. Hear Nell<br />

O'Donnell had n g*»d Urn** at thit<br />

dance the other night . . .<br />

Great time had. by all at Helen<br />

Want'-, house, September 4th<br />

. . . especially "Hick** Hawler.<br />

. • . Nan Travcrso doesn't Mem<br />

to iikn conceit . , . Better<br />

Rumor has It that<br />

Is not Jnclf-<br />

S' ifXTonow^contaln, any<br />

''• thine true or pertaining to fact, It<br />

r ;i « furelv Inelltntal ,n"il no fault<br />

f ^ the cutest-Jun.<br />

K'erthan the-weetest-Frlt-<br />

the lo,,e.,-Bar-<br />

Quieter than the quietest—Marilyn<br />

Wlsslng,<br />

Have you noticed 9<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s sweetest twosome ax of<br />

last term. Violet Vincent and Bob<br />

Eddy. Dolores Mojica i- Mill holding<br />

the interests oi the older Vayssie.<br />

<strong>The</strong> younger Vaysaie In<br />

either undecided or hasn't got "it."<br />

Some girls find It hard to choose<br />

between the army and the navy,<br />

don't they, Pat Mmaker?<br />

Howard Dank Is too busy play-<br />

ing hia trumpet to notice the girls<br />

—but but theyre they're not too busy to no no*<br />

tkc Dank? Listening, Howard?<br />

^t Krill. she's pcttlnfc there or<br />

Is she. Bob?<br />

Farewell, AH<br />

IN MEMORIAM volvcd In the war. His thoughts<br />

We mark the pMstne of AH Ban strayed to his friend, M. K. Gand-<br />

Jo, ttometimes called "All's Secrehi, nnd the column suffered from<br />

tary." with great sadness. inattention. Now half Ju former<br />

<strong>The</strong> 3Etc „ Itcd first saw All - when — six*, the answers wore evasive,<br />

even Faul Orsi was too young to without the straightforwardness<br />

grow a "Up Hollywood." <strong>The</strong> for- ut his hcydey.<br />

eign-born student, here on a achol*<br />

nlcknam,*? him. Sickly a!£p C ^t^Sara<br />

a sorrowful sight to see<br />

nlcknam,*? him. Sickly a!£pi5! 'i5! fcfc^KStj.<br />


181i^lII?SPiiiftlP#e^t^^<br />

Indians Pour It On in<br />

First Five Minutes!<br />

'*• "Gassed bj'team play, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

Model "T" erun.'hed over Lincoln<br />

to a;wol|.oiled 25-0 triumph but<br />

I<br />

Thursday at Kezar. T<br />

, Nary a sputter marred the oner-!<br />

rations, ns "Our Boys" proceeded<br />

CU1R§ EL<br />

Team Not Too jSnioothy<br />

Soft Touch in Washington Eagle?<br />

<strong>The</strong> 3942 "Model T" hnsstarted rolling, and haii.definiteiyS ...<br />

surlously to register two crowd-1<br />

! pleasing touchdowns In the gamo's<br />

first five minutes and give the<br />

Cardinals > working eilRo tho 1<br />

established itself as the team to beat As to the actual ;V<br />

strength of the team there in one biff question, mark. Lincoln,<br />

the first test, .was green and inexperienced, and consequently •<br />

ragged, proving nothing aH to the actual pressure tho Cards<br />

Muaungk never qulto could recover can stand up under. Today, against Washington, whc'haven'c<br />

from.<br />

beaten the Cards since '38, the "T" • _<br />

Touchdown numbov one was tho<br />

surprise. Established in Lincoln<br />

faces another green unit. <strong>The</strong>se!years. Hike is again steering •<br />

territory before two minutes Low- early season soft touched, which J winning <strong>Lowell</strong> grid machine under<br />

ell counted on Paul Orsi's fade- often damage tears*, will give the same gloomy shadow* of war.<br />

back pass that splralod inugly Into Coach Voynu a chance to smooth It was In 1921 when Hike<br />

elusive Charlie Howard's hands in<br />

ths pay-off tone.<br />

out his raugh-in*spots grid machine switched oTrr to American football<br />

Tho Baber, playing their first<br />

for the mid-sear-on toughics. Last That year, also, he put Card team*<br />

league sneountrr. punted on second ychr, this very situation hit <strong>Lowell</strong>, up as Mr. Big*, and has never re-<br />

after tnc klckoff, and Oral gal- wd, if not for the alcrtneu of the linquished that hold. In a twentyloped<br />

Into Mustang pacturcs. team, would have meant the title. one ye*r stretch as arid mentor, his<br />

MomarJ got thrrt. and then In the opener, <strong>Lowell</strong> T'd" off on record alone puts him as the city's<br />

ChW Jrvlne. jaw let. smaihcd<br />

down the thf r.ittdtc mKdlc for -10 40 yards, to<br />

Wcshlngton. the cellar-dwellers, 351 top coach. It reads: 7 champion<br />

add six more big ores. he con<br />

to 7, and in the nixt tilt, when they | ships, 8 seconds. 3 third, 2 fourths,<br />

version. Again failed.<br />

came up against the first division > and only one team out of the fint<br />

LOWRII next started to roll on Commerce bunch, they fell apart.;division.<br />

their 42. With Mort Roach's kneehigh<br />

catch, and Irvine and Oral Backfield Clicks Mike Again<br />

power, the Indians went to Lincoln's<br />

14, before being checked. Althoujth the "T* never went i <strong>Lowell</strong> every year walks away<br />

<strong>The</strong> loser's longest march followed;<br />

and without the stellar piny<br />

of linemen McLaughlin, Sockalov.<br />

Morris, and Strei. the Lincoln score<br />

Off to the races again, Paul Orel slips through Mustang defenders, re- would have betn more than a hope. welke but""th. '{£»«! \ll!!e.? ill "•«• «>-yanl line fights. Even in<br />

turning a punt to the Lincoln 40. Although not scoring, Orsl'ii <strong>The</strong> '•T" found itself in definite<br />

pausing and running featured the Card** seventh consecutive scoring position on the Red and<br />

loaded with dynamite. Charlie' 10-10, when the <strong>Lowell</strong> bait club<br />

triumph. —Courtesy <strong>The</strong> Chronicle. Yellow's ten in the last Period. Moinard, filling the key quarter- dropped out of tho first division,<br />

Parry! Richardson engineered the<br />

third score, Dick Calendar romp- pwulnir. pwulnir. Tho right hnlT hnlT jpot, I y .<br />

winner.<br />

THAT EAGLE GAME I GOOF FOOTBALL injr over from the five.<br />

whih which hd had b bwn doubtful, dbtfl come out; <strong>The</strong>n In 1941, he pulled the "hn-<br />

Andrew BacigalupJ finished Lowwith Herb Fuliln, the human tat- noulblo" T out or hl> b»)t "f tricks,<br />

ell's tallying bv intercepting Mo-<br />

(Continued From Pace 1) Encouraged by a turnout of<br />

tcrlni; mm, and ipccily Mort' Not only did ho win the championrasch's<br />

pass and booting the con- K^^^t . -LE— !_--* Lf. Hfn *-> — *I_—» J^--.—<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> rah-rah will decide. As It forty buys, whom he termed us version for 25-0.<br />

loach.<br />

looks now, the scales balance In, "better than average," the frosh- <strong>The</strong> rugged work of Buchanan.<br />

Red and White favor. fnoph football mentor, Conch Llghty.<br />

Bull. Horn, and Sim must be men- Irvine Rambles<br />

nu-ntloncd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lino Is solid and deep In ev- j is putting tho team through its.<br />

Let ft be said that <strong>Lowell</strong> won'backs rents on J<br />

ery position, Ask the men who paces daily at the old stadium um in wont through for a scant hundred' preparation for o p j i<br />

yards' gain last Thursday. jgame schedule with tho Lincoln<br />

Ends Buchanan, Sim, and Cha-j "goofs" on October 8. Strewing<br />

neyt the "Biz Kids," did their jobs, the physical fitness program,<br />

well. We'd like to ses them pull; Couth Ltjrhty puts the boys<br />

down more than one Oral pass, | through n vigorous program of;<br />

come playing time. [ calisthenics before practice.<br />

If Bull, tho Bennett combo, Mor-1 Unlike their big brothers, the<br />

rii. Strei, Horn, and Sokalov tacklelittle<br />

Indians do not use the tricky<br />

as vlcluxily as In the Lincoln en- "T" formation, but rather straight<br />

away stuff.<br />


Although Mr. Lighty hasn't<br />

made up his different squads, he h<br />

Sept. 30—Washington it Kt> has given out a list of his better<br />

zar.<br />

end and backs. <strong>The</strong>y are George<br />

Oct. 9—Sacred Heart at V. Dow, Charles Conron, Tony Di An-<br />

S.F.<br />

drea, Rober Torres, Douglas S*o-<br />

Oct. 16-Galileo at Kezar. vil. Eugene Trcasrou, Donald Tier-<br />

Oct. 21—St. Ignatius at U. ney, AI Jonta, Roger Johnson,<br />

S, F.<br />

Oct. 27—Mission at Kezar.<br />

Steve Marx, Warren Simmons, Bob<br />

Nor. 10—Commerce at Ke- Fagan, Pete Schoonmnker. Bill<br />

Evers. Larry Wolf, and Don Pettit,<br />

Xor. 26—Poly at Kezar.<br />

Dec 2—Batboa at Kezar.<br />

Klckoffs of the afternoon Papooses will<br />

games are at 3:30: Saturday<br />

games at 2:30.<br />

Start Season<br />

cannier, then the Eagles had best "Prospects are good, but don't<br />

bring along a king-size bottle of hold your hopes too high," said<br />

nibbing liniment for screaming Coach X'cff, mentor of the light-<br />

Jex* after the game.<br />

weight basketball teams, with his<br />

*Tts bandied about that "Iurs- usual optimism.<br />

Ie" Orsi Is again set to ramble, as M**. Voff prvdicU a good season<br />

Mr 1041, and that serves to brighth<br />

i<br />

1 "hip, but his "T formation" drew<br />

the largest crowds In the history of<br />

the local prop league. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

Poly battle alono recorded 37,000<br />

. <strong>The</strong> boonfboom power of thefans<br />

moro than many 11<br />

Let ft be said that <strong>Lowell</strong> won'backs rents on Jack Irvine's shoulbecause<br />

of *..— team-work, . over a came,! _ derm. . Against . . wt unco|n he proved big collego game.<br />

nfoht * tougher opponent than those digits!himself an All-City AU* threat, and Is Reign of Terror<br />

,. .., ..ading the loop In yards<br />

sained from scrimmage. As for ricking u>> where they left off<br />

I'aul Oral, the real spark of thelast<br />

November, the <strong>Lowell</strong> T* will<br />

YARDSTICK ;"T," he Is the claw of the league: be out for Its eighth straight win,<br />

'everything he don t* or A)l*CIty and will try lo keep, its goal line<br />

,|ni calibre..<br />

untouched for the fifth lime Is *<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Lincoln<br />

'jw. Another Interesting fact about<br />

Yards gained scrim.. ...210 118<br />

Yds. lost scrimj<br />

Voyne Goes For Eighth the "T and its dominance Is that<br />

... 20 21<br />

Net yards scrim.........<br />

j For the third time In a<br />

in Its nine games it has never been<br />

_190 97<br />

Passes attrmnlrd ... 10<br />

[lone, long history, a <strong>Lowell</strong> foot-<br />

scored upon In the first half.<br />

712<br />

Pause* completed — .. 4 ball team takes the field under<br />

Passes had inter- .. 2<br />

, wartime conditions. <strong>The</strong> first time In a recent gnme of chance<br />

Yds. gained pass _ 43 10 ! wui during the Spanish-American against the feature page, the sports<br />

Total yards<br />

I War. Thosu were the days when department took over halt of the<br />

pasS'Scrim.-.—.... ...291 128 1 touchdowns netted 4 points and theletter<br />

bpx which hangs outside the<br />

First downs ... 10 5EIE conversions 2. <strong>The</strong>n, nineteen years<br />

office door . . . so if any of<br />

Fumbles<br />

... 5 later, during World War I, It was<br />

you, athletes or otherwise wish to<br />

Own fumbles rec. . _. 2 rugby. That year. Mike Voyne wax<br />

comment on any artlcie, pcrsonM-<br />

Penalties :. _ 7 coaching and put out a winning<br />

Ity, or any new Idea," drop LS sTllne<br />

.uuvlimK U1IU |IUV UUb • WlllillHK*. • . but don't give us too much<br />

Yds. lout pen. . _. 45 35<br />

team. Now, after twenty-five more rope!<br />

No. of puntH..... _— ... 8 10<br />

Av. length punts ... 28S 26.6<br />

Av. length punt ret— _ 8.5 •1.8<br />

Only Six Veterans :<br />

Returning for Soccer,<br />

W. ( ' T * ..liy abt veterans return-?<br />

inr «iic <strong>Lowell</strong> soccer team, prac-<br />

*: 'air dally at the Ucach Chalet,<br />

h. > nirh honelt of brineinfc another<br />

K.- '.,,. jiiahlp back to the pchool.<br />

•/ ; 'lx returning veterans are<br />

P». .upper. Georjre Gromceko,!<br />

Dot: £chumaktr, and John Hard-i<br />

eravb, forwards: and Victor Bota-1<br />

pcrie and Paul Yde, bacta. All &aw!<br />

. ,. - , , . ..plenty of action last year. <strong>The</strong>irt<br />

because of tho good material that j experience will be a valuable assct|<br />

^.rr^ hr ln °dTrv;:^r.o^orkS<br />

wS£r.ho l wod hl a" brlef'S n'j— "£ £ %***«£ 'jaS^ecVK" WarKn !<br />

hi. booming touchdown gaHop ^Z^^^L^^^fS^^ff^SSffSni-.<br />

the firii contest.<br />

* Stagecoach Roach looked hot as<br />

* firecracker in several breakaways,<br />

and coupled with menacing<br />

Herb Fulda, the right half Job<br />

looks well handled, thank you. Outstanding<br />

field general Mornard<br />

niLpvb6 counted on for his usuolly<br />

crafty performance.<br />

I;,,, Sprinklo In Calendar, MacLnughr<br />

'^ifft.-MeLennnn. MacDougall, Lar-<br />

~ kins, Collschaun, Grerr.e, Deford,<br />

- Mlcnardson, Clemente, and Sheldon,<br />

;v~and you have a ; , , ,<br />

tho fastest In the league. Also<br />

ers, Ray. B. Epxtoin, Jacnech, Hong, and landing speed to the team are AI<br />

Among the newcomers to theSaroni<br />

and Herb Salinger.<br />

g<br />

<strong>The</strong> defense will bo strong.<br />

20's will be Holman, Ccrf, and Sol with rugged Irv Bailor, AI Orr,<br />

omon, brothers nf Hal Holman, Ed Paul Chaboya. and Ward Pcnning-<br />

Ct!rf. and Dick Solomon, who have ton at fullbacks.<br />

all played for Air. Ncfi. Other<br />

"papooses" arc Turner, Cslnc,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s title hopes suffered c<br />

severe Jolt when the nee forward.<br />

Kelly, and Crawford. <strong>The</strong> first in- Nick Danlloff broke an anklo in u<br />

Jury of the season came to Griffin, shipyard, accident, putting him out<br />

a hffjh-1, hfjh1 who broke his arm out of for the season. To top this. Vie-'<br />

school. hl<br />

tor Bofsscrle crocked an ankle In<br />

:uffvcd group of<br />

,- backer-uppers. \'<br />

pn] ipooses' i" are made scrimmage and will not bo ai.lo to'<br />

fj<br />

_ _ _ _ llowari play for three week? • • - I<br />

' "Yep, it looks 10:1! the ol' Indian ^Epstoii,.KurtelUi.,OJIell.Smlth.l stm 0DlImtat,Ct CoaCh u ^<br />

_ robe, with tho ilk-sag pattern, will<br />

«blanket Eagle hopes.<br />

Kazas, Valona, and tjmnrfx. Mygi ,.\Ve'vo got a green team, b«.<br />

fe.. Coach.Mike said irn would lose<br />

About ten mow win makn_up throe weeks' practice and they<br />

?<br />

^* game. We don't'ihlnk he meant<br />

the 110's rosUr of players.'<strong>The</strong> will be rugged. I th'nk v.ith<br />

schedule is-.not known at present, league opener with Balboa on'Ocbut<br />

somo of t^)e game" will be tobc;'-I2, the team will.oe^a real<br />

played In the g>m after ichooL title contender." .- V" -- r<br />

Thj litt!o papooses aro made<br />

up of Flahavan, Howard. Frnnchia,<br />

J Eti Kurtella.;O-NeII. Smith.<br />

In lypi-»l fashion. Jack I-rine lit nhown smashing throujh (be Washington<br />

lint far 16 yarjx. J«ek scored a tcucadown and played s

O '-.•<br />


IGTORY<br />

BUY<br />

UNITED<br />

STATES<br />

WAR<br />

BONDS<br />

AND<br />

STAMPS<br />

WANTED<br />

$10,000 to be Invested In<br />

War Honds<br />

Shorts<br />

Bussel<br />

nnd<br />

Starlna riftht back at you is this<br />

term'B first installment of "Senior<br />

Stamps.<br />

Short*," In which wo Intend to<br />

, Greatly exeltcd-at tba prospect<br />

to fill <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

Klvo tho "Inside" on some untusncctlne<br />

senior. , ,t.<br />

of Interviewing tho much publlci»d<br />

"Rod Hot Mamma'' of slaite.<br />

September quota.<br />

Incidentally, everybody tike* to<br />

Hnd mail, and "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>* H no<br />

screen, radio,; night clubs, and<br />

! exception, so slip any and nil<br />

Array camps, the one and only So-<br />

Small amounts \ communiques Into the Letter Box.<br />

nhle Tucker, we phoned the St.<br />

Francis tu make a •"date" for an<br />

accepted.<br />

Snanecba, comradel<br />

Wo lead off with Morton Ooxon<br />

Interview.<br />

I Rouen, athlete.<br />

But hopes of a personal inter-<br />

Mort wu born at an early<br />

view were politely .but firmf-<br />

Apply<br />

•ty acre age<br />

! wuy down Sooth In tnasiesta- Kiuelched by Hiss Tucker's mata,<br />

who detailed the bwy schedule of<br />

to your<br />

hnpny border town of Calexlco. He<br />

fmmfenitcd to our fair city after<br />

the star. However, tile ever-original<br />

Sophie .untested an interview<br />

room representative. a major eorthqunke rudely jolted<br />

everybody from tliclr ihut-eye one<br />

day.<br />

"""Always willing to try something<br />

Leaving Dudley Stone Grammar<br />

new, we mailed tho question, and Graduation Exercises , Clubs Catering to School with many memories, plus a<br />

received her answer, in tho next<br />

fractured finicur finicu from baseball, aseball, he<br />

Can Not Be Held at , . Wide Varieties of ttraveled l d on t tobt<br />

and d better bttr<br />

Asked for a thumbnail descrip-<br />

hli fild l<br />

tion of herself, the throaty singer Opera HouseWhere? Student Interests<br />

admitted to "flvo-fcet two. blondo<br />

^^*^^^ I ^^^_^_ • tit wiiiui HI; JUII,<br />

hair, blue eyes, white skin. 172<br />

pounds, all the look of a Rrd Hot For the first time in three year.<br />

3fsmroa#"<br />

Having >ieard since childhood of<br />

Sophie Tucker, we wondered what<br />

had made her success so long-lived.<br />

Her ter»o reply WM" Hard work.<br />

Hard knocks."<br />

Her thirty-fiyo years in show<br />

business started at the tender age<br />

of seventeen. But how slw got her<br />

start will remain a mystery to<br />

readers of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> until her autobiography<br />

I. published in 1043<br />

''incidentally, her grim advice to<br />

anyone with ambitions to become a<br />

singer or have a stage career '<br />

"Stay homnllll"<br />

She opened her ""e eyef for the<br />

first time in the New England<br />

town of Hartford, Connecticut.<br />

Since then. Mis* Tucker, a product<br />

of public schools, ha. appeared in<br />

! Wunt to learn the art of con-i° ncc ",5 o , rt 1 h .'l ri<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s graduating clajj will not: tract bridge? Interested In becom-, " ere tlmt UT M. a It. played a terrific Wt^fS<br />

footbsll for Coach.Mike last sea.i<br />

son. and now he finds himself pit-3<br />

tine *peed and craft azainst Ilerbl<br />

for tho first string riffht half Job.:<br />

You'll know him .... his r<br />

beris**13." -<br />

Ever heard the expressions<br />

WTe's a gentleman and a scholar"?<br />

Mort Is a gentleman.<br />

In this corner we discover „<br />

Allison, big etin fn actlvitfe*^<br />

uround theso h'yar parts. •-**»<br />

Shes' a Presidio prixe, where ib* i<br />

was well known for her culinary f<br />

skill. She made biscuits that wen 1<br />

hard to leat—and eat! •- : «j<br />

Skipping to <strong>Lowell</strong>. Miss A., dtl<br />

the blonde hair und blue eyes, dot*<br />

Immediately into library mnnai<br />

ment, and did a stunt under J<br />

athletic fields at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Potland with her usual Ability.<br />

He snorts two stripes for track, Now n Shlcld-er. Em Is on 1<br />

In which he rant; un some perform- Frosh Reception Committee. s__<br />

• about, if heyou<br />

can bet your bottom nickel *<br />

that she will make ft a success!<br />

">-<br />

hold Its commencement exercises in! jnj- a junior statesman? Or may-.<br />

the Opera House. Such was the: be musk or dramatics is your field,! u i<br />

announcement made by by Miss La- or the hankerim* hankering for becoming nj nj^icicn<br />

to - War. feace, everything<br />

coste at the first class meeting, debater is becoming stronger. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

September 15. •jtudenu, here's your chance! ,<br />

y <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> orders came from the Boanl, <strong>Lowell</strong> offers ittt pupils a wide; Council; Sapiro Boys Talk Enthusiasts<br />

of Education Edti and d has hs been b sent ent to t nnd j varied vrid asitortmcnt a s t t of f _„ club*.<br />

,<br />

all the San Francisco schools that' Each of the fourteen clubs Is spon-l Helen Johnston was elected prcs-i Some months ago. President<br />

iiold their graduations at the Opera ittontl liy n member of the faculty] inVnt of the Girls' Council, and ! Roosevelt told the nation, ""*<br />

House, according to Miss Lacosto. who advises the officers nnd spends Wnrrcn Snpiro was elected to lead; must win the war and win<br />

Where tho exercises will be held much of his spare time in making j|the Hoys' Council at the first meet-t peacu that will follow." With —<br />

has not yet been decided, but there the club a successful one. ;ini* of the room rep*, which was I in mind, <strong>Lowell</strong>*,* Debating Society<br />

-ire many possibilities including the! <strong>The</strong> dance orchestra, under the! held in tho auditorium. in tnthuslastlcaljyprenarinic for<br />

auditorium* of Commerce and Mis- direction of Mr. Kricpcr, p.aysi Tho room reps will try to sur-' ^/"N n I n , d ,' lp , rin ,' t <br />

tlons. we thouRht Sophiu would be<br />

all "Tucker-ed" out, so wo mentally<br />

said. "Thank you. Mis. Tucker.<br />

Goodbye!"<br />

Latest News About<br />

Some Famous Alumni<br />

Here", the latest news about<br />

some of our famous alumni.<br />

George Chysosky Is a First Class<br />

Seaman at Port Hueneme. Re Is<br />

Instructor of military etiquette and<br />

the handling of small boats.<br />

Summer Worker.<br />

During the summer, Rosalie<br />

Zlegler worked at the Interceptor.:<br />

Janet Rico at the City of<br />

Paris: Edna Lagorio at tho Emporium.<br />

Congrats to Tod Myers lor »|nnlnir<br />

a tennis championship at Port<br />

Stkton Td was t ly i th<br />

: and p m|«. Span lu, cliem-: Vote; lOTt—Cnrolyn Finher, Harold the the fio«t fio*t debating season darimt i A r vote<br />

cmemcacy. ! |»trj., onU the C. S. P.<br />

TV II. O. T. C. is now the best, E,,ch c]ub hold, weekly<br />

mean:: of preparauon for future monlh!y merfinK.. and student* studet ,..-,<br />

war d ,ty<br />

,ty, and <strong>Lowell</strong> men realize t(.rMte,| t| {„ { fining fini ru»h h right ighdown<br />

this. l.e Wt A slgnincant in- ,„ tho teacher In charRC.<br />

crease In enlistment hns taken •<br />

TOlc ,<br />

I Newman: :M)tf—Unrbara Engler, 1 which tho Debating Society trat«ls^_l5 A n'tehmaniiBob Eddy Seeks Full ifj'i'V'j, 10<br />

KoBcr Johnson: 207c — Adrlcnno .Sl,,r),r,t Rnj» C^rA S.\, C'RJ .K"J r uoccr . _ _ . _. Student Body Card Sale f for t '<br />

{jcal<br />

...._ ....... .. ....y'thlnT'S gS^^^Er<br />

New Wartime<br />

33 ^** 8 *! "«oa«« buy beards earl, Mf^'aV.""<br />

le f _ . .<br />

j |j which oyt hlBh and school iterestwas pcunle find orlgt en- "n«coll, Jack Taylor. | „,„, vt n n ^ ,„„ f | m Kh00*, to i'dimn till<br />

Courses Due' I Joyment and interest was orifci-l L3 ih« ^i tn k»n IM «• UM I.I.> Alth.—*._<br />

.....i i... t-__.. .... o..i ._ 1 lao—Pot jicjlcr, nrai]<br />

1 ""*** by Kramer and Rubonstcin.<br />

~~~ i <strong>The</strong> "III!" staffs, includtai; retcni.<br />

photographers,<br />

Wartime not only exacts many . Crs and talented high school people,<br />

demands but offers unusual cduca- arc now tainc sole-ted in a scries<br />

shp tional opportunities to American! Qf auditions. <strong>The</strong> prouram U<br />

Stockton. Ted was -.;- tof<br />

play youth. One of thu greatest prob.! schedule! for release nn October 3.<br />

— {» the<br />

national champlowhi 'hip lor for iplayers<br />

lem. of thi. H'ar is to supply a suf- • ..<br />

:<br />

under 18. at Culver, - I.IUI»..». i,,,, this<br />

ficlent number of pilots to mnn our ... i _ _.<br />

planes and to train them in the High Fours Choose<br />

summer but was unalle to be there. shortest possible time. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s!<br />

Down On the Farm courso in aeronautics Is designed Dance Committee<br />

At StanfonCBob Knox I« • "bigto<br />

help meet this problem. Toi<br />

committee man": Frank Wllonore shorten the period od of Instruction struction in in | chosen n as member, m r , of tho o hlgh-4 hlgh4<br />

istr?ln«_ out for tho, football PS"*>* nav av gallon, gallon galon, aircraft aircraft i^e i^nce committee itt were CUUB U Sffl<br />

Sfflsquad:<br />

Bill Joslyn is helplnc to Mntlfication. and d mmeteorology, t l cers Jack k Fedcr. Fd president: idt Alice Ali<br />

coacli the learn: Milt Vucfnlcn is San Francisco', high school, are jean Bahr, vice-president; and<br />

olayinit center for tiie first time; providing this training. Thus, the Oavc Sheldon, secretary. Also in-<br />

Maxwell Myer. U drculaUon man- A5<br />

jser of.the Chapar.li and a member<br />

of Ihe NaUonal numor Sudti<br />

Betty Sullivan la bud of t<br />

OakLind Post-Enquirer morn<br />

Pal Simmons In Richmond Aar<br />

yard, belong, to number two, stave<br />

yard shift.<br />

mS ; i> 1 dt ^ VyA ' r .? orn V wlIlb ? !clu t t e an be the first *chool in dines till<br />

the city to hava WO per cent alt," Sine prfc,. ,<br />

130Pat Mcilcr, Brad CIIMJ ' were the words of Bob Eddy, sto sto- fe<br />

1:10—Courtney Cowgill, Tont Stock-1 Stock1 dvnt body treasurer, treasurer uttcrcj at ths •'<br />

ton: 221—.Nan Llpsctl, Stanley;'i'rally. £•<br />

Uchtcnstein; 231—Ignore 231Ignore Kawcett.l for or the thenew<br />

students. K-.2 state- her ViT<br />

Harmon Tataalh: Tataalch: :il)lShile :il)l—Shirley R Ro i meut may have h n meaning hot<br />

nan. Wilbur McCune; 31?—Anita' 100 Per cent<br />

MCl Dik W h S C<br />

d«l *«e Betty Folomon. Art<br />

able to devote more time to actual I nop,,e. Carol Menary. Al Foler.<br />

"*"« „ .Betty Btty Mlny Mvlnerny. ... Wr Snplro,<br />

Women pilot, arc taking nn ac- ontl Nancy Travcrso.<br />

live nart in this war. No wonder'<br />

we.flnd a itlrl—Pal Jlinakcr—«n.<br />

rolled In Mr. McConl'. das. ofFall<br />

Track Turnout<br />

: £ Retumi!<br />

e new students. K-.2 state- « »her« ViT,<br />

y have no meaning, eaning, ho hot ftrouo f'trouo if<br />

ent in student t body canwibtftned l^<br />

Dick Waiik-h: SIS—Con- l b h f every hijt hit j; seeded<br />

: sales b the Ron! of every hi** t; seeded<br />

stance Gilk'spie. Thomas Stwce;; school treasurer, and everyone SCO*. &Mr, IJrhtv<br />

:12I—Cluiru Stewart. INtRor Unna;: operation Is needed. *"15for the «/<br />

•102—Hvlcn .Martin, Cni;rford Coo- \ A. many cood dcslnns were mb- ^narinir thi*<br />

ley; ley: -l -lOS Klcanor Pctirsin, Arthuri milled, it was hard to choose toe«• At Brent<br />

i bwtV 'and the "design "that<br />

A<br />

«r<br />

113<br />

chosen is very nttrsctive Dor<br />

Jn! i bwtV and the design that warg« fil<br />

chosen is very nttrsctive. Dorothy kwere e -Mtili<br />

100—1'utricia Morlarlty, Ccnc | Uienby. a low-4. .ubmitted it. f fsrmcr?<br />

Vuywile: 108—HOIK.' Schroeder, &1waril<br />

llarthold; 132—Frances Mc-<br />

Uridc. Lyrrv CreenbcrE: 210—Seth<br />

Haley. Wilbur Grant: 331—Joun<br />

Levy, Colin Tooley.<br />

1.1<br />

104—Corinne Kllcline, Paul Unb-<br />

^aj^m^oJaa .<br />

Library Makes Change.<br />

In Holding Books<br />

To make tint library more convenient<br />

for student., several<br />

Chans*, nvn been-nude.'-. Books<br />

which ftrraerly would,b« Cept only<br />

one nixnt may now bo kept out for<br />

two nlghta, and week bnoks can be<br />

had for two weelu. This cinn^e<br />

wlil prevent the large-number of<br />

renewal.. s> -< . •"•- --,. I<br />

Helphur Mis. Scott and Miss An-!<br />

forty-five <strong>Lowell</strong>ites.<br />

Mr. McCord .tate. that both<br />

aeronautic. I and II will be offered<br />

next semester.<br />

w^b.X^ur^de^wt<br />

havsvoluntecred £ help t&hool<br />

Helps in Spring<br />

1-2-3-1. 1-2-3-4. No it', not an<br />

nrny camp. This I. just tho way<br />

Mf. Ilai<br />

imp.<br />

irris. —•»* «• *•*• ^———»» coach u. of the **•«« track %a^^.tt<br />

team, gets his fall clndermon into<br />

shape. Many veteran, hnvo returned<br />

to compete In the "six day 1 A girl.' roll? was.held In.tfci<br />

Weinman; 138—Paula Jiidia-. Ken auditorium on September 23. lap<br />

HeLellait; 213—Mnrgnret Shole., Mllllne. C. A. A. president. Intro-<br />

Rudolph Oppenheimer: 2M—Joke- duccd the nine sport manurers for<br />

nhinc Kelly, Sill Larkins: 222— this term. From here It look. «»•<br />

Babette Llchtman, Dick Salti- If ever}- clrl is slKned un in « •<br />

man; 228—Dorothy Cook, Donald '«•« one sport. PcRay Will'—<br />

*<br />

nnd cross country race, tho conch<br />

1. planning.<br />

N'ot all schools have a fall.fuck<br />

team, hut looking bnck to the'reccrd.<br />

made by past track teamg at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, one will nee |hu advantages<br />

nf the r^fwell system.<br />

v<br />

Cochran: 234 — Katherinc Com- swimming manage!', reported<br />

stodk. Bill Curlcy: 32S—Babelto i more nirl. are taking liwlir<br />

Lcvincston, Edmond Roncy. than ,nny oUier .port Alto- --<br />

U4 sport" have' held their meetlnpi.<br />

NIcholMDanlloff:<br />

"double or nothlcir^ teamfof JroyS,<br />

Melvlri, Thoma. Strel;<br />

and Jean Stewart. • SfW<br />

Lo Bianco Wllv T<br />

H-.i CL-IJ.^ -'<strong>Lowell</strong>'.'-B**;<br />

Mr.<br />


HI VA<br />

EFROSH!<br />

SflN Ff7rrc their personalities are taken<br />

Red and White<br />

. ..ere all glr.d to hear the Red<br />

White will appear next Junr.<br />

will bf two books In one, devoted ; tify her nomination. She In a mem-<br />

III— fall M9 42 claim »1*ia*t and -irtH ttiat the amrlfltr s p t • ... *. > > • _• ni.t a , •<br />

<strong>The</strong> most we can do to,<br />

bring the money<br />

,.. record time. <strong>The</strong><br />

the sale Is October |<br />

mts till you have SI JO.<br />

s price, and it fill lie worth II.<br />

—L—<br />

Crop I'iekinic<br />

1<br />

y<br />

<strong>The</strong> three California iHrls with the<br />

Oebatcr anil journalist, "Shleldcr"<br />

Kiefer has a lone list of activities<br />

and honors which dearly jus-<br />

White<br />

tho Dvlmtinc Society. Her<br />

t-ice and work devoted to the<br />

L— •• m That's' latter group won her the honor of<br />

jocinc the fintt president of the<br />

I <strong>Lowell</strong> Dcbntinrc Society ever to be<br />

, I elected vtcctcd while a low-l. Iow-4. <strong>The</strong> prelim. prclim-<br />

„ from Brcntwoml, Brcntwl, Inary examinations nrc lo start Im<br />

they were In choree oree of a\mediately, a \ medatey, d t l under de the direction of<br />

of fifty Lottvll bo>*n, wnoi i M Mr. G G. C Lorbccr. Lb<br />

Iped harvest foal when help was!' ~h ' n , „ ' n.Mt u not the Friend. He nsked my opinion of<br />

«ie,l most, Mr. Karr«n.tein and;o J«± ?•A "• £""„„", ne In 3lo! 310. »"e ?f hh. yells. BoMlke.1 my .UKrafi!!<br />

P<br />

!wll T "^ l*» l '* huiiinE In 310.<br />

taS'«he ilclmten.' hendquartcw. Prep-<br />

""""^ration, are. now -mder mder way for<br />

L<strong>Lowell</strong> l l to t tne tn semi-annual<br />

smiannual<br />

^m^' mtrth<br />

mphles and cups in this<br />

rs ffiSl?J"fi camo to meet hit theJS^'°<br />

""< «" other particl<br />

k th t th fi<br />

l hl <strong>The</strong><br />

arn " m '" 1 ""< «" other particl.<br />

them to the fields, where „,,!„. »,.hools as a whole. <strong>The</strong><br />

i? 1 on July ». 1024. When one year JJJJJJ, •«*-, •»<br />

old, Paul went to Washington, school days In October, sales show<br />

D. C, where he lived for four an uvenice of $500 dally, which Is<br />

yt-ant. When he was hut five, his one-half of our quota of $1,000.<br />

liarcnts brought him to San Frnn- j •<br />

cinco, where he attendci West ¥*->•- in<br />

tal Grammar School and Aptox<br />

Junior Hlfh.<br />

Wins Two Block*<br />

"I didn't run for any office tit<br />

Apto*—I don't know why, J KUC5ft<br />

It didn't cntnr my mind," cfclare*<br />

f^P ••j»t»_^pitMriiWS.l will offer contests in<br />

,-J melon racking sheds. .<br />

I <strong>The</strong> pay y for the farm work wast<br />

nts an hour and different!<br />

wast<br />

CarJ Sales Near 100V<br />

for piece 'vork. <strong>The</strong> irreatest .<br />

nt earned in the two weeks . . .<br />

M the nveraite Mmlnit, _O;.ihundrcd and thirtystudents<br />

ISO.<br />

are hoMinir up tho toal of 100 per<br />

ft? the<br />

cent fnr student body sales.<br />

the full two s,* but only Bob Eddy, trensurcr. and Alan<br />

quit, l&o rest being forced tc Mnruolls. who took Eddy"s place<br />

Inen or termination whllo Bob was away picking toma-<br />

...*.. _.». . I toes, reached 00 per cent in the<br />

1 Do you feel excited? Are you<br />

•ill up in the air? Well, you should<br />

be, because November 6 fs not far<br />

away. Of course, you (.now what<br />

that Red Letter Day is. It's the<br />

day you're coinj- to hove fun at thbazaar<br />

and dance Riven at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

increasing participation during by the P.-T. A.<br />

September ami October. <strong>The</strong>y are From 2 until S, you will have the<br />

Marietta Stollcr and Marie Sncad, opportunity to witness a wrestllnf-<br />

1.19; Jeanne Paddock, 153: Rose match, to shop for your dristmo*<br />

Schmedor, 108; Rudolph Oppcn- triftK at several booths, eat at the<br />

hefmer and Margaret Scholes. £13; fountain exprcscly made for the<br />

Anno Psaltis and Audrey Stafford, purpose, and dance to the musk of<br />

. :ws In downtown stores was his<br />

r.cxt job, and he worked up to In*<br />

spector. Last Chrintma«, hf. helped<br />

out In the mail department.<br />

Lost summer, Prcxy P-u<br />

or recreation, t<br />

. their choice of<br />

1 Victory Varieties<br />

New Term Play<br />

Taking on n military theme in<br />

keeplnir with the times, Victory<br />

With the mysteriouf hush-hush<br />

Varieties promises to be the most<br />

tactics characteristic of dance com-<br />

spectacular and entertaining vimftteo<br />

chairmen President Gd<br />

riety show ever jfiren at <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

Itarthold of the hlgh-S class prvuie-<br />

*ay« Mr. Polland. who In busy with<br />

Jndy reveals a few meaner details<br />

the cast to have the plav ready by<br />

of the b!jf day that is apprnnchinir<br />

the first week of December... *<br />

l>y leaps and bounds,<br />

Twenty entirely different sklu,.<br />

October .10 Is the date set for the Including "Btackout," will be F«Jflif<br />

by committee members Beth •"nteil in a brand new way.<br />

Haley. Dctty Stadtfcld. ilit White. M!w Alexander's advanced cice,<br />

Hdxbarn Guldottf. Carol Allan. Dick Mr. KrJeger'it orchettra, with a<br />

Calendnr, Douir Horncr, Ken Schu- flpeciftl brass quartet, and Miss<br />

chnrd. Wilbur Grant, and President Monsfnjr'a and Miss Buehm'o jaxz<br />

. worked Barthold.<br />

tlancc choruses will provide the<br />

In a luml»cr camp and on week- Tho themo of the blir dance has dance and music for this promisends<br />

and nlRhts in n fruit shed. been termed a huee sKtet. <strong>The</strong> ing production. -<br />

Like most bovs, his desire was to above-named indMdua.it tossed In A magician wlllbe them to«ur-<br />

own a car. His summer earnings thi>ir thiir uleen and<br />

cnawed d their teir fin- fi nrlsc the spectators by culling eww<br />

would have been the means; but tccrnailfl il for f a l ^ ti time bfefore bf out of D collar and rnbblts out of u<br />

.... „ ... cars, he. dtcld'ri. were things to they decided m an apnronriate<br />

hat. Mexican songs will have the<br />

EJdv hns sold canlrt to. the;keep dronmlnfj about and not own. Idea: ff one ponders onder a hit ht on n th the fipprnpriatt' atmosrhort: with- the<br />

of, oUendlnit dances j <strong>Lowell</strong> crop pickers In Drentwood tin war times.<br />

date, October 20, onr, can determine beautiful costcm^*. - '". ••v* . •<br />

atthccarn carnV'twice a week, and has boosted the sales b; pbout I'aul reached the top air <strong>Lowell</strong>, |t abo'jl what tho scow is, how- Specially,designed m-enery.^ IW- .<br />

po)t,Qfthc th bo\B who dill t.iisl2 per cent. Eddy and MnrtTolIs point; from treasurer to president. r<br />

*njc.naiiiled,-Jty Mn,.Nelson's.art..<br />

rkiTiows kiTiows that' that'nearly a,1,want tp'v.'ant to thank the room repiwen- After he eradiates, he Intends to Mcht aswell as-well spiU the beans ^ "ajisos. Open inikf'and'closing' dance<br />

• 'baclc-'for bl'f two nce com It tee, the h »irew<br />

hey liked the job Oat-well! ' In the xal6tf the canl>.<br />

Academy. ,: ,.~T<br />

knous nll'I<br />

Vi "<br />

fca'.urea'-'ere •beliurprepa/fd- by •,<br />

Mrs. Clos». ..--•>.<br />

"= - • ».«

WHAT IF-<br />

' Dick were peppeman instead of SalUmon ?<br />

; PhD wen joke Instead, ot Rlddlo?<br />

WoUgang wen goer Instead of Rammer?<br />

htA wen flirt Instead of Coy?<br />

Boberta wen never-more: instead of Everall?<br />

Paul were Jumper Instead ,of Hopper?<br />

Rene wen Marquis Instead of Baron?<br />

John wen happy Instead ot Grim?<br />

Donald wen too-bad instead of Goodenough?<br />

Alexander wen pennies Instead of ,Wehol«?<br />

Elva wen Iron Instead of Steele?<br />

Robert wen akldleu instead of Skldmon?<br />

Rhjda wen new meadow Instead of Oldsfleld?<br />

Mai were Garnet Instead ot Diamond I<br />

Beverly wen parenthesea instead of Brackett?<br />

Frank wen McSMng Instead of McCord?<br />

Lester wen beginning Instead ot Dunn ?<br />

Patricia wen O'NIght instead of ODe»? ,<br />

Alice won mountain Instead of Hill ?<br />

NaW7 were double instead, ct Sincje?<br />

Bib were >»yon ituwpd of Nllon? '?: : v<br />

Jato! wen auditrilum instead of Bill?<br />

E4 were'zorgeour Instead of Derine * -<br />


Teepee Tattle.Tales<br />

.PeSl'n'g •peang SrSaWTJra. at rallies, and the 28 yel--*-<br />

*>' • *- —•<br />

Mntm wn« faVon ktr thin M eonte2'» was taken by this<br />

liilti".<br />

M lulu": Taking his place among local<br />

"Sic 'em, Hi* 'em,<br />

"hciM»ts" (swing devotees) is the<br />

Bow>wow-wow,<br />

";;ory - tickler" (piano player)<br />

Orosky-Wowsky,<br />

Saunders King. His plotter, titled<br />

towell-wow!"<br />

"What's Your Story, Morning Glo.<br />

ry?" reveals his talent, but defl-<br />

Yei. indeed, fellow Junior Com<br />

mandos, that was <strong>Lowell</strong>l<br />

nltelyl<br />

feme to think of It, "Our Boys"<br />

Ayofcer Boogle-Woogle artist.<br />

are.iMt now starting to take up<br />

Freddie .Slack, is mating himself<br />

die Mr. Yamanouchl on his<br />

known #with such recordings as<br />

"visit M" talk!<br />

Ma.» Morris and ^Cow-Cow Boo-<br />

;MMtiy In "P-MVI<br />

What If You Met<br />

A<br />

&*?" riiAKMO1 cunrnui<br />

'•"' b n. a B. A. Utmbtn rne<br />

.:; ."; LOWELL, STAFF<br />

z<br />


Editor. —Joan Simon<br />

Fmiiira EdSnr -'"a Sullivan<br />

Sports Editors-Bud Sllrcman and Bob Busse<br />

Gin Snort. Editor — June Guesjer<br />

New. Editor ——=—JkJ* Burna<br />

Circulation Manager. Louise Mnnticim<br />

War has Given Our Lines<br />

Meaning and Importance<br />

War has always brought change,<br />

change in the actions and in the thoughts<br />

of the people.<br />

With us the change has come in a turning<br />

from commonplace thinking, to<br />

thought of the new and different future<br />

we face; a turning from normal education<br />

to concentrated preparation for our part<br />

in the war effort.<br />

Our appreciation of America has<br />

changed; our pledge of allegiance is offered<br />

with new-found sincerity and pride.<br />

Our position has undergone change;<br />

once regarded as carefree children, we<br />

now have sacred duties and responsibilities<br />

of vital importance to victory and to<br />

the future of our nation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se changes have come. Though<br />

brought about by the coming of world conflict,<br />

they have enriched our lives, given<br />

our existence new significance and importance.<br />

Our thoughts of the future, our concentrated<br />

efforts in behalf of victory, our<br />

new appreciation of America, our greater<br />

responsibilities; these war has brought.<br />

We are the better that they have come.<br />

YOU CAN'T WIN!<br />

If you speak to everyone, you're trying to<br />

make on Impreulon;. If you don f t, you're a .nob.<br />

If you're on the C. S. F., you're a drip; If<br />

you're not, you'ro a moron.<br />

If you get your name in Teepee frequently,<br />

you're a publicity hound; If you don't, you're a<br />

If you talk the current aUuiguage, you'ro a<br />

copy-cat: If you don't, you re old-fashioned.<br />

If you're « big .hot, you are dMlked because<br />

you're above the majority; !.' you're not, you are<br />

dJitiked becauM you're below them.<br />

'.If'you cheat, you're committing a disgusting<br />

crime; if you don't you're a goody-goody.<br />

If you're a girl and go .tag to a Service Men',<br />

dance, you're cheap; if you don't, you're unpatriotic..—t-<br />

<strong>The</strong>re', Just one thing you can do without<br />

loiing out lomewhere—BUY WAR BONDS AND<br />

STAMPS<br />

"Massive Brown 1<br />

Well, hen we are again, you going over.to the U.<br />

campus so often. Shirley<br />

Bloch . remember that time<br />

w.ter'h'ut^^s.w.i over at Mission, Shirl? Oh hum!<br />

that way.<br />

Geometry again Invades the In-<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are some new oddities ner sanctums of <strong>Lowell</strong> as that<br />

which have turned up lately—since eternal triangle pops up. .<br />

we *alked to you last—tuch as It seems that Gene Vayssio Is the<br />

the swap of pins between object of some one's affections,<br />

Detrich. . Rrnufn'' . . and Mary Helen but she won't attempt to solve the<br />

we. true to us. Wo thought he problem because a dose friend of<br />

with no hair , . . BobBovd hers. Margie Illers, seems to have<br />

„ he was rath- priorities. Well!<br />

er odd with hair anyway. . . , Random thoughts of the week:<br />

That boys' girl Merrilee sitting in theConnie'<br />

Cook and Beth Haley are<br />

Unity * "V yard surrounded with mascu- tcood friends despite "dear old Ed."<br />

y the first and last ten min- First casualty of Bill Bennett's<br />

ute* of the lunch period . . . affections. Blossom Anubaugh.<br />

whose orders? Dusty Johnston . . . Evelyn Toeplce Is going In<br />

plus a blonde and then minus one.! for Jayscc men. <strong>The</strong> old reserva-<br />

It seems that there am certain tion isn't interesting enuf for her,<br />

people always in the news. It Just evidently. Her opinion is widely<br />

can't be helped. <strong>The</strong>y do strange shared. Marilyn Cope, the lift of<br />

things; in fact, they are strange. every party. Bob Holsen, always<br />

That Is our explanation for repeat- followed by feminene sighs. A<br />

Injr names. Sorry . . . but here certain Lee always thinking of Lar-<br />

we go again.<br />

ry Brown. Have you noticed Dar-<br />

Marilyn Witting? Guess he's exryl and Helen? Ask Slolse what<br />

hausted tho supply. . . , happens nightly . . .<br />

Nohtnan is more her age. . . . Late scoop of the week!! ! Just<br />

Please don't call B. Oliver e "Pigeon listen to this one: Carol (you know<br />

Legs"—she Is satisfied, ed, so leave who) and another gal whose Inlher<br />

alone. . . . Art rt Hoppc I and t|nif arc Marilyn Wlsslng. both<br />

Fat Kelly again, she I* In a po»i;'wanted Prank "can't decide betive<br />

daze. . . . Wo hove (rood tween them** Sanford'* medal.<br />

Imaginations . . . in fact, we "Wlss" irot It: BUT. Prankle haji a<br />

dreamed we saw Nell O'Donnell be- dale with Carol—nt her request.<br />

Injf given the big rush. . . . What you YOU make of that?<br />

Mickey afcKlnnon and Dave Factor<br />

together— ugh . . . where «u<br />

We almost forgot to ask Bette<br />

M Shff*<br />

Crooke* about that Joe Wynn deal.<br />

What's the matter, .10 more fellows<br />

Incidentally, orchid* to Dick on the string, Bette? After all,<br />

"Run->9Q-vanu-to*a*touchdown" Cn- that's trespassing!<br />

lander. Keep It up.<br />

It's surprising and disgusting<br />

Say, we heard that Jim Oliver ..ow the hlfih and mighty "men of<br />

and Lydia Mills arc going places— the world** upper classmen lead the<br />

and htmd-In-hand at that. <strong>The</strong>y innocent, but willing, lower claw<br />

were seen not only at a recent mcn flround . especially the<br />

dance together but monkey.^xing adventurous ones .1 Was<br />

at tho Zoo!<br />

Glorin Unti the lucky °ne. sur-<br />

Burned In effigy—Paul Orsi nt rounded by the hnndxome alumni,<br />

thb Washington rally. He can stand Jorr>* Colcman _ and _ Bob Cherry _„ the<br />

a little scorching. My yes! other day. .M mm mm, who else no-<br />

A certain person asked us to put ticed Willie Grant making an Item<br />

in a word of praise far<br />

of himself over the freckle-faced<br />

for trying to make all-city water publicity hound who we hate to<br />

boy this season.<br />

mention again!!!<br />

A fact: Juveniles who can't seem Easy to get. Jack Stotl—but they<br />

to pull themselves away from their wish they could get Don Homey.<br />

yo-yo's stand on the front steps Jackie Jenkins makes that old<br />

exhibiting their skill!!! George adngc come true, "Men arc like<br />

Bull looked part mummy In thestreet<br />

cars—there's always one<br />

days when his nose wns taped. He coming along." Speaking of adages,<br />

says it was fractured practicing. remember "A bird In the hand Is<br />

What we want to know is who's the worth two in the bush**—remem-<br />

"gal" you were practicing on. ber that, Pat Rodegcrdts . . .<br />

Gcorgle?<br />

and "People who live In glass<br />

Objects of interest: Connie Dick-<br />

houses shouldn't throw stones."<br />

0. K., we'll take the hint. Not an-<br />

TcT&^'Janlili I »SS bm« U clmnsLfor th <strong>The</strong> Mystery: A Wanderoo.<br />

. Plot: To stump <strong>Lowell</strong>itefc<br />

Word, are funny things, especially<br />

don't know what they mean. What wout<br />

If you met a WANDEROO on a dark II'<br />

night? Several brave <strong>Lowell</strong> student. 1 ,<br />

what they would do if this thing crowed<br />

"" Wolfgang Schwahacher scratched his head'<br />

knowingly Mid, "I would test it for nitrate.'<br />

Paul Orsi grinned, rippled hia-weiMcu,<br />

muscles, and devilishly stated that he;would<br />

thrilled to swap a muscle or two with the "<br />

ing creature. • • ~<br />

Barbara Guidotti imlUJ hewitchingly and ta<br />

'•Why I'd grab it and put it In cold storage"<br />

cause maybe It would be a man, tnt, whit*, i<br />

available.'' #<br />

Warren Saplro: "First I would hit It hai"<br />

would begin to cry—then I would cry. We _,<br />

cry together—there on the corner, mi* and<br />

wanderoo." '<br />

Don Schumacher didn't hesitate _ .__<br />

when he said. "First I would grab On thins;<br />

embrace it—then I guess the telephone ~<br />

would be n«xt."<br />

Jim Oliver had that g!eam In hi. eye whta<br />

said, "If I dood It I dct a whlppln' . . . I<br />

It!"<br />

Marilyn Cope (Oklahoma gal): "You all<br />

mind yo own business. It's a deep sect'<br />

guess £he told us!)<br />

Paul Hopper: !!?"•—??!!—??? Cost)<br />

Would you really like to know what a *i<br />

deroo Is? Webster says a WANDER-00<br />

any of several Asiatic long.tailed monkey* ~<br />

he fooled YOUI<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Lad and Lassie<br />

Dream of Favorite'<br />

THE LAD'S t<br />

I think that I shall never see j<br />

A girl refuse a meal that 'a free.—Shirley Sletga*<br />

A girl whose hungry eyes aren't fixed<br />

Upon a shake that*, being mixed—.—Carol hv'<br />

man.<br />

awhi!;<br />

known that Dean's her guy. . . . anyway.<br />

Louise Stoneson, Is Bob Burhnnan'r- •—• — — • •—.<br />

her guy? . . . Jay Mtnkler<br />

DISCussions<br />

Editor's Note: This Is the first<br />

Counter In • Merles of columns that will be<br />

devoted to the latest releases of<br />

Clockwise the popular recording companies.<br />

Our columnUlH flare for the "Jfre"<br />

By Bob Busxe<br />

language force* us to insert the<br />

Gleaned from a 1010 <strong>Lowell</strong>: translations. If you hare any re-<br />

This was the year of the first mark* to sresent. either pro or<br />

Big Clash. America had not yetcon,<br />

they will be received through<br />

entered.<br />

the letter bor.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>, a gentleman of small<br />

stature stepped uu to the speaker's Newest and smoothest current<br />

platform. Ho was introduced as release Is the Count Basle record-<br />

Sataro Yamanouchl, a visiting high ing of "It's Sand, Man." <strong>The</strong> same<br />

school principal from Japan. group having recently completed a<br />

With a toothy smile the foreign local engagement, is also respon-<br />

emissary gave forth a speech on<br />

"Japanese Educational Ideals." He sible for the disc vocallxcd by Joe<br />

closed with the Invitation to Running, called "I'm Gonna Move<br />

"come to Japan someday." to the Outskirts of Town."<br />

Somehow we feel that his kind Abe Lyman's "Amen" and Kay<br />

remark was not taken seriously.<br />

You <br />

<strong>The</strong> light and heavy rescue squads m:<br />

bombed buildings and remove the victims Hi,'<br />

first nid teams may give them temporary bit<br />

<strong>The</strong>se three divisions are the nucleus of tie II<br />

aster Relief work.<br />

In <strong>Lowell</strong> we have not only rescue s<br />

bera Richard Blumberg, Reginald<br />

Ronald Gee, Earl Lawrence. Bob Neuhaus, I<br />

bert Salinger. Bobby Schwartt. and Roger Tai,,<br />

son. but someone In practically every other fc<br />

Bert Pederson and Al Saron! are connn'<br />

with communications. Warran Hayward *-<br />

Larry Horn are with the messenger corns. B4<br />

Crowd! |. a aurgeon'. assistant and with theK<br />

and fuel division. Miss Boehm serves as n»<br />

tlonlst interviewer at George Washington. *<br />

Balenslcfer nnd Mr. Peterson nre with the Ml<br />

Center. "j £<br />

Each district has a unit of Disaster R*-'<br />

Standnrd First Aid Is a pre-requislte. When <br />

. <strong>The</strong>se people nre not the ones who are U*<br />

ing about being patriotic. <strong>The</strong>y are the ones*'<br />

nre doing the work. You can register at Cl^'i<br />

Defense Headquarters. •^jf-<br />

I Stuff and Thingsf<br />

"Why does a dock run?"<br />

; 3fc<br />

jfr* •<br />

"You would too. If you had ticks." ;pi<br />

• • • • 'W*<br />

"Leave the room, please." *£<br />

"I wasn't goinir to take It with me."<br />

That will be enough oat of you,"<br />

doctor stitching up his patient.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little raindrops crept up to a L<br />

dust and said, "From now on your name I<br />

* * * * " • *<br />

A disconsolate Russian named Lowof&l<br />

Th,^».d5n|t<br />

Wasn't pleamnt a bit<br />

But Lowoff was always a show off. Pi<br />

Office Boy: -Mr. White, cou'd I han'i<br />

row aftetnoon off V -n"<br />

Mr. Whlt«: "Ah, yes. Yoor |<br />

supposeJ",.-'- ; ,<br />

Offlre K

l^_ -~,rtr- f ' -n,V •— r<br />

£ *******<br />

-#• - T-w I3H • '5ft- - »tS* *• THE LOWKLL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, Ittt A-<br />

" Takes Tuesday;<br />

Bears No Pushover-Ask Poly!<br />

: How<strong>The</strong>y Line Up<br />

ilt's Cards 7 to I<br />

LOWELL<br />

(As up ta'St* Ignatius frame.)<br />

Position MISSION<br />


By Bod-J<br />

CAPERS<br />

No Cure Yet For Red Plague^<br />

Loom Stronger TKan- J 4J2I<br />

Still pumping on all eights,Xoweirs "T" haa rolled over<br />

IU eleventh straight victim. In Its potential twelfth, the ;<br />

Cards will meet one of the smallest, toughest, fastest outfits •fn<br />

the league. .". . the Mission Bears, who lost to undefeated<br />

Poly by only a conversion, and to co-favored Balboa*<br />

39 Bill Bennett LER Tuiy Hardy _14<br />

<strong>The</strong> Model "T" leaves the up-tonbw<br />

smooth highway to the cham- Bennett, a senior, comes from Sacramento, playing hfs ftir*V-yesr*<br />

pionship next Tuesday and encoun- of football He has shown uncanny skill In ,uus snagging, scaring four<br />

ter* Mission, the first of a terlcs touchdowns. Hardy played on the Mission varsity last yearjtot seeing<br />

of rocky stretches on the Cardinal enough action to count. EDGE TO LOWELL. 4<br />

victory path. <strong>The</strong> contest could<br />

well Drove whether the A. A. A.<br />

• signpalnler 'trill put the Indian*<br />

namcplate on' the frosted 90 Ron Sokolov LTR Lincoln Holmgren 24<br />

9 to 6. It will be the CaHs' explosive land and air punch,<br />

glass door that leads Into the office<br />

not smoothness, that places them lose ' the " title- "" for " " them .<br />

of the prep kin*. ' _ Sockolov, the biggest man In the <strong>Lowell</strong> line, started one came lost in tho favorite role. This punch neither' could they , block<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bears are hungry. <strong>The</strong>y season. He is a tough one to get around. Holmgren, starting off the can be shown atone In the 103 tackle. Now. with five games<br />

have been cheated of meat twice in season as a second stringer, has worked himself up to one of the city's<br />

points the Cards have already under their belts, they are the best<br />

their three-gsmc 1942 career*.<br />

rolled up In four games, almost defensive line In the loop, and im-<br />

better linemen, specialising In defense. NO EDGE.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y scored "near misses" on Poly<br />

twice as much as the surging Sues, prove offensively with every game.<br />

and Balboa, and are out an under*<br />

and as much as tho seasonal total So improved h the forward wsJl,<br />

dogs to slash the tires of the "T"<br />

of the Ml T." Last year It was that they have held the opposition "<br />

[n a try to make successful their 51 Tom Strel LGR Ernie Skladis 16 a 40-yard pass and an all-Orst 60- to a scant average 41 yards from<br />

third chance at challenger ton*<br />

yard drive that won 13 to 0. This scrimmage per game.<br />

pi in jr.<br />

Although out most of lost season with a broken rib, Strei, rugged year It should be about the some Linemen are always the last to<br />

That the Voyncmen will not beand<br />

smart, plays a big part in the <strong>Lowell</strong> forward wall. Sklsdls, hav-<br />

story.<br />

gel recognition. Especially this<br />

idle during this attempt is a cering only worked himself up to first tiring In the last game, is yet i Backs Have What It Takes season, with LowelL Bslbos, and<br />

tainty. Mid-season finds them<br />

touch, vicious, clever, and, what's little green. EDGE TO LOWELL.<br />

If the "T" again sweeps the ^L<br />

even more important, undefeated!<br />

league for the title, the all-around<br />

Double-Edged<br />

Card backfleld will be the main<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir land-air attack has proved 87 George Bull ruason. First of all. It has the<br />

BHI Dutto 28 league's class in running, passing.<br />

itself potent In five wins.<br />

sntT kicking with left half Paul<br />

» With Quarterback Charlie Mor- Bull, second stringer last year. ha. turncl into the loops outstand- J,,.",'JJ'Jfp ^-Mo pitcher and<br />

nard in a sky-cyed mood, the *T" ing center, turning in a steadily strong defensive and offensive game, second fullback in right half Herb<br />

will be "way over" the Bear heads. Dutto, starting his second game ot center while Reitcrman is taking Futda: In Jack Irvine, who has<br />

Should the passing frame by some over at tackle, has no experience, but plays a smooth game. ..EDGE TO<br />

* * fail to produce, then "Our<br />

' can resort to a ground at* LOWELL.<br />

E that is as sharp ax the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

axe. <strong>The</strong> almost equally versatile<br />

juggernaut, Chief Irvine, Orsi, Futds.<br />

Roach, and Calendar, gives<br />

something for the Dolores Strcctcrs<br />

to fearfully anticipate.<br />

lCi?<br />

ha nL n * % ?5'y "wlwl-yo*<br />

ouid-eair backfields in the ' city,<br />

their line* are apt to be over*<br />

30 Ed Bennett RGI, Bob iMeckicfch 31<br />

p<br />

All-City? I<br />

Bll 0 Bennett lit playing his first yt'ar in the local league, but has hnd<br />

experience with McCIntchy of Sacramento. Switching over to tackle<br />

I<br />

?<br />

wncn shsdawed and underrated, which<br />

they are.<br />

Cards Go Wrong Way<br />

No one can cay the Cards aren't<br />

good guys. In four games, with<br />

... only 32 penualtlcs to their credit,<br />

rippcd.up and through every team they have advanced their opposo<br />

far, the Xo. one fullback; and nents (seeing that the opponents<br />

an accurate passing, smart, fast couldn't do It themselves) 275<br />

quarterback in Charlie Mornurd. yards. Four of these thirty-two<br />

Figures speak far themselves. I times they not only went in to*<br />

... ,. «. I wrong direction, but gave up<br />

It's a Line Now I three touchdowns. Jock Iirvine thS<br />

After the opener, it was the victim, and set up 0 points for poor<br />

weak <strong>Lowell</strong> line that was going to Galileo another time.<br />

needed, he toughens up the Card line. Mcckeclch saw action last<br />

r niiii fif.; >' «• •» « n the<br />

ear nnJ has started all the games this y<br />

iu uaiiui-i-uHvnvi UI-UIKI! UU1I *'1CS f. _. __ ,_ , -.,.,11 .<br />

with Milt Rciterman In a contest Bcnr power. EDGE TO LOWELL<br />

which will probably decide all-city<br />

line claims.<br />

Milt Reiteran 11<br />

Hank Morris, sans ackle Injuries, spot. Th will 86 Hank Morris UTL<br />

be rest back, of the in Hnc-ui his ip tackle^ will re feature, spot. <strong>The</strong> bar-<br />

ring 1 injuries,<br />

.Morris Is the only j.iayer fn the <strong>Lowell</strong> line with three years' expo-<br />

to-havc-i tohavearound uviiuut-ui, uum j» . ._ • - ,. t. •<br />

and end on the right side. Sock- «"•• " hiftin « trom h: rient!C<br />

- He In a fast tfharccr and a tou«h nut to crack. Captain Rciter-<br />

» ""^ » D strengthen the left Hide of the<br />

Sockalov at the other tackle. aJ- line, is performing all*nrround<br />

as the city's 1«« lineman. EDGE TO<br />

most immovable Tom Strel at left .•MISSION.<br />

guard, finishing off with Chancy,<br />

currently holding a tot-hold on the<br />

left-end job.<br />

Coach Mike has seen fit to play 21 Ken Chaney<br />

the second string just as much a»<br />

the first, and that's why tho lied<br />

and White mentor can throw gridwise<br />

hugiw like Sim, Larkfns,<br />

Horn/ MacDougall, MacLauchlin,<br />

Sheldon. Green*. Consey. and Injury-ridden<br />

Buchanan, Astrahanseff,<br />

and DcForde Into the breech.<br />

Gomes (as In "gnomes") will un<br />

"ouch." I<br />

We hop* that by the time dusk;<br />

makes the players' shadows mere<br />

pinpoints, Scnor Gomes Is happily!<br />

nursing a set of well-earned cal-<br />

vot 120's Beat Lions. 110's Trackmen Prepare For<br />

Lose; Hopes Are High I Spring; Good Prospects<br />

against Galileo* <strong>The</strong><br />

21-11, but the 120'sannual<br />

"six-day" race In the school<br />

emerged victorious, 34-12. yard because U. S. F. field Is not<br />

«<br />

Kurtclta, Ftahaven. Fracchia, available.<br />

Epstein, anil Howard started for<br />

the 110's. Kurtella and Flahavan<br />

<strong>The</strong> main trouble with running<br />

were high.point men.<br />

in the yard U that the fifth period<br />

<strong>The</strong> starting lineup for the ISO's class has to run through the fel-<br />

consisted of Fanfelle, Moore, Eplows who always manage to get in<br />

REL Manuel Williams 2 stein, Hines, and Jacnsch, who was the way. Rudy Oppenhftlmer broke<br />

high point man.<br />

After playing ball over in Hawaii, Chancy entered <strong>Lowell</strong> this <strong>The</strong> next league game was<br />

his wrist because someone got in<br />

term, taking over nt right end. He in the only junior on the starting<br />

played against St. Ignatius, Ston- his way.<br />

di<br />

eleven. He ploys an outstanding defensive sumo. Williams has shown<br />

enough stuff to earn a starting berth in his first varsity campaign. fo?the12oV!?»s 2-M2. Flah*va class A ar. Curtis and Sweeny, and<br />

NO EDGE.<br />

played a very food gome, scoring! Kaufman and Bonne. <strong>The</strong> class B<br />

12 points. leaders are Kirk and Pistole, and<br />

—: ——r~. Caton and Fried. Novalis and le-<br />

C h e<br />

«" John Lane 3<br />

Shinkickers Tie Poly, vln, and Scars and Vandery are<br />

Bow Before Washington<br />

Understudying all lost season, Mbmard hits taken over the quarterback<br />

spot, having plenty of speed and being an accurate passer. He has Eagerly looking forward to the<br />

scored one touchdown and tossed four others. Lane, not having any initial league encounter with Poly,<br />

Ml brcaking-In, has worked himself up two strings to a starter. He IK<br />

the date of ahich has not been decided,<br />

thn sower team, practicing<br />

a good pass receiver and has scored once. EDfiE TO LOWELL. daily at the Beach Chalet, has high<br />

iopes of annexing the championship.<br />

85 Paul Oral LHR Ray Fassler 5 Although the team has lost practice<br />

games with Washington and<br />

U. S. F., this Is not to be held<br />

All-City Paul Is the standout of the loop. He Is the best passer,<br />

classiest runner, and mast consistent kicker. Speedy Fowler, with<br />

hardly any experience, has turned Into a dangerous Bear threat* For<br />

Prom pedestrian to equcstriitn In<br />

ten not so easy lessons Is the goal<br />

his one touchdown he tore off 65 yards from scrimmage. EDOE TO<br />

set by Manager Pat Krill for theLOWELL.<br />

Riding Club this term.<br />

<strong>The</strong> riders, who meet at the St<br />

Francis Riding* Academy, plan a 88 Herb Fulda RHL Lafe Bottoroff 4<br />

bigger and better show than ever<br />

at the end of the term, during Fulda has turned out to be one of the key men in the "TV* back-<br />

Sports Week.<br />

field. He lit dynamite through the lino and will dud with Bottoroff to<br />

Mr. Boris, the instructor, and<br />

Miss Adams, the sponsor, look for-<br />

the right of the league's top left handed chuejecr. Bottoroff, with alward<br />

to much friendly rivalry bemost no previous grfd experience. Is a fast and steady ball player. He<br />

tween the three classes. <strong>Lowell</strong>, as has one score. "SO EDGE.<br />

always, has a great deal of champion<br />

material among the 104 girls<br />

taking the sport.<br />

Swimming as a required course 53 Jack Irvine Charlie Collins 21<br />

In high school? . . . Impossible—but<br />

many high senior girls are<br />

Irvine has gone through three football seasons, making first string<br />

finding this true since the Board last year. This season he Is the hardest, most powerful hitter In the<br />

of Education's latest ruling requir- city, and a top line backer. He has scored seven touchdowns—four offiing<br />

seniors expecting to graduate cially. <strong>The</strong> best defense for Jack: dipping. Collins Is powerful nnd<br />

to pass a test on swimming, diving,<br />

and life*«aving. <strong>The</strong> new course Is<br />

fast, having one season's experfencn. He is backed up by triple threater<br />

being held at the Y. W. C. A. with Alex Borovkoff. EDGE TO LOWELL.<br />

Miss Adsms In charge.<br />

At the last GirU' Block L meeting,<br />

under the direction of Mfss<br />

Flynn. committees for the clean-up<br />

campaign were appointed, and the Mrs. Crew Is a San Jose State<br />

way ft looks from hen, <strong>Lowell</strong> graduate and has come here to take<br />

shows some sign of being spick the place of Mrs. Smith, who Is on<br />

- and span once more. JI<br />

i Several new faces have appeared<br />

leave of absence. She will ba In<br />

In the girts' gym. with new teach- charge of tennis and Ice-skating,<br />

ers as well as students.<br />

major sports for girls.<br />

•"*; Miss Hera, who replaced •"Miss Random<br />

Adams' for a" brief time, was a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> gnd, and /mm <strong>Lowell</strong> went<br />

1 leading class C<br />

In the fifth period class A group,<br />

we find O'Donnel and Neuhaus<br />

first; Evans, who also received a<br />

suit. Is second, only through his<br />

good partner, Stockton. Hard luck<br />

was handed to the team of Clements<br />

and San Felipe when Clemenu,<br />

crack half-miler, injured<br />

hfs knee and was benched.<br />

u. o. r« inra to «ut w uv stein<br />

against them, since they did not After the "six-day" races are<br />

have the services of John Hard* over. Coach Harris plans to run<br />

re. Paul Hopper. Jack Kecfc, cross-country races which will<br />

__] Yde, Irv. Bailor, and Wilbur please O'Donnel. Busse. San Felipe,<br />

Grant, plucky little forward whose and Wlnkler, our best distance run-<br />

fight fs not to be exceeded. Also runners.<br />

to be taken Into account is the fact<br />

that these were tfao first games for<br />

six of the eleven men and naturaly<br />

the fellows had to learn the<br />

hard way.<br />

Bob Hermansen. fullback, slightly<br />

Injured in the Washington contest,<br />

will be ready for the Poly<br />

<strong>The</strong>* team has also been handicapped<br />

by tho absence of Coach<br />

Harris who halt been teaching<br />

swimming, but he will be back<br />

soon and the boys know he won t<br />

let them down.<br />

Goof Team Beaten By<br />

Lincoln, Balboa Gridmen<br />

Although they buffered • heartbreaking<br />

defeat at the hands of the<br />

Lincoln<br />


Friday, October 23-Netrcomers<br />

Reception.<br />

Tuesday, October 27—Mission<br />

vs. LowelL<br />

Note: Mrs. Crew's has-<br />

rVdsr. October 30—Bfch-3<br />

bsnd Is now serving In Uncle Sam's VriSr^Knrr mter S-P.-T. A.<br />

to Cai. to complete her education. Submarine Force.<br />

Bazaar.'<br />


Practice makes perfect. If there<br />

is a drop of truth in that adage,<br />

then Ben Ncff will have two more<br />

lightweight casaba titles Id his<br />

credit.<br />

With a host of promising/, but<br />

Inexperienced ball tosMrs on 1 ctll<br />

the tens and twenties, thing* «y.* and a few irauies<br />

the team.<br />

be piayce In the jnm. Come sea<br />

the "little fellaj': they're Kood.<br />

3E; ^-»

. S. Fers<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Academically<br />

' Thli term there are 120 C. S F.<br />

members and novitiates. Tho officera<br />

are Donald Shaman, presldent:<br />

Franco Newman, vlce-presldent:<br />

and Wolfgang Schwabacher.<br />

secretary. <strong>The</strong> following li a Hit<br />

. of the "<strong>Lowell</strong> brainstorms" who<br />

are. prespective life memben of<br />

thi« tehofutlc organisation for the<br />

fall tern:.. •-••<br />

Alexander Nichols, Corinnc<br />

Brmih. Lillian Brown, Marion B<br />

i sasaar3<br />

Miriam Bercovich, Jean ingrain,<br />

Marie Lo Bianco, Doimld Shsnuan,<br />

and Frances Newman.<br />

<strong>The</strong> «nUre Hit of C. 5. F. member*<br />

followi.<br />

114<br />

Lillian Brown. Marion Burness,<br />

Barbara Laundrie, Ceclle Wohl,<br />

Jane Brahtar, Carol Claibournc,<br />

Dythe-Mary HerUrt, Louise Reyburn,<br />

Barbara Smiley, Betty Holt,<br />

Jack F«der. Miriam Bercovich,<br />

Jean Ingram, Marie Lo Blanco,<br />

Donald Shaman, Emllie Allison,<br />

Eleanor Brotman, Florence Wuhlnunn,<br />

Frances Newman, and Joan<br />

Simon. u<br />

-TUBLOV'SU* FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1312 -<br />

New <strong>Lowell</strong> Course^Tomato Picking - Senior<br />

Shorts<br />

I By; Bob<br />

' Busse<br />

mean gome of football In the key<br />

Doet this column set with 1 our guard position.<br />

fancy—are you passing up Teepee His one worry? Gettlnr fat!<br />

to read II first J<br />

Yes sir. If in the Examiner man-<br />

Do we choose the right people to ner we iRgued trawling ban,<br />

"dissect"? Is the selection-circle Jackson would ITTS'J the leather<br />

limited to a "certain" group? luggage. With ft, f 4 would so far<br />

Our only way of finding out —very farl<br />

what you think on the subject Is<br />

through <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> letter box. Inside<br />

the main entrance.<br />

And now to Prances Mandfch.<br />

So drop us a whine. Ye Cards!<br />

You would have to take off your<br />

shoes to count her reservation do-<br />

• < • • ings. - .<br />

Surprise surprise! And guess<br />

who grabs the brass ring this<br />

She's been fn the term play,<br />

time?<br />

planned the frosh entertainment,<br />

and made the Shield tor checking<br />

Yep, Jack MacDougall. the wavy- on why you weren't here last Frihaired<br />

Atllasltc.<br />

day.<br />

"Chalk up" credit to Jackson for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s first-rate shotting in the Habit*? She** given to eyebrow<br />

scrap drive. As Block L major lifting in attempts to solve per*<br />

domo, he has brow-beaten the plexing problems.<br />

stripe wearers Into yeomen efforts. Incidentally, we discovered Fran<br />

Ills mettle has been shown. Sure, was on the traffic squad in her<br />

that's "tinny." but the raucous youth at Presidio Junior High.<br />

sound of a growing pile is music Wasn't there a bulletin notice<br />

to the Army's ears.<br />

t'other day requesting volunteers<br />

As a sideline. "Half Breed" (as for just such a job ?<br />

ho Is cslled by cohorts), plays a Aw, c'mon. . . ,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Works To Scrap Record Made<br />

Help War Effort By BlockL Society<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Is helping In the war efort!<br />

Yes. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s students and faculty<br />

arc really rolling up their<br />

Over 200 Ion* of red globes packed with vitamins for the armed force* sleeve* and d<br />

and the civilian army were navrd from loas by fifty <strong>Lowell</strong> girl<br />

Robert Kapsteln. Adrienne Ap*<br />

in lots to do!<br />

harrentrrs in the past two week*. <strong>The</strong> lomato picking was dune Eid<br />

plegarth. Lorraine Bowman, Ruth<br />

Evidence of this was the hugc|pra{sed the boys for the splendid<br />

on farms nrar Pleasant on. Mrs. Jordan and Mlas Adsms lived and<br />

Krile. June Prehuer, Doris Thomp.<br />

pile of scrap metal that adorned showing. He o!so listed the many<br />

worked with the girl*. —I'Icturo Courtesy S. F. News.<br />

son, Joyce Young, June Brooks,<br />

Julian Martin. Mildred Klcfer, Jane<br />

Boeder, Eva Wolff. Virginia<br />

Wurm, Alan Margolfs, Carmen SH- War Affects<br />

va, Merrill Muh*. ililUrd Perstein.<br />

Wilna Rasmusicn, Donald<br />

Cochran, Milan Yurosh, Jocdyn School Clubs<br />

Vollmar. Elizabeth Douglas, Jean<br />

Duff,<br />

DimiuU, gasoline and sugar m*<br />

H3<br />

tloning, identification toga, and<br />

Thomas Griswold, Esther Voa-<br />

no journal this term. Yes, the war<br />

qu,-i, Marie Wagner, Bill Epstein,<br />

has affected us In a small way, but<br />

Bubette Livingston, Edward Bar-<br />

WW&. *£<br />

Clarence'has^affected these after school ac-<br />

| Pan American conditions, the<br />

LJ Spanish Club Is<br />

South<br />

Morton Cohen, William Bealt, ^"SffeS-<br />

Tom : Steege. Dorothy Apostol, »'*/«"<br />

Dick' Wlnkier. Helen Dcnckerf ffL,?« igf.„'<br />

assisted by Vice-<br />

N t n and Sec-<br />

Clalrr Stewart, Loralne Pielhop.1 Pl ?iH'S , in" *-»—<br />

Martha Schwlmley, Carlisle Lan? ""L 1 ? HeIc With the traditional <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit,<br />

Block L boys turned In an<br />

amazing record in the scrap drive,<br />

collating a ton and a half of scrap<br />

sleeves and digging In! For there i in i ninety it minutes it on October Ob 9.<br />

President Jack MacDougall<br />

ised the boys for the pldid<br />

:he front of our building recently.! other activities of lh#* society. <strong>The</strong><br />

Hcri\ everything from a meat) morning traffic squad I* composed<br />

grinder to an antiquated jalopy • rntircly of letter men. <strong>The</strong>se hsrd-<br />

R.O.T.C, Plans could lie found. Already several \<br />

thousand tons of scrap have been I<br />

gathered bv tho Block L boys, the j<br />

Many Activities honor Rocicties, and the Junior j<br />

Statesmen, under the direction of VICTORY<br />

Mock battle tactics anil maneu- Mr. Monroe and Mr. Johnston.<br />

vers will 1H> practiced during the<br />

Every day sees the pile Increasing.<br />

Already thirty-eight cartons of BUY<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> It. 0. T. C'fi forthcoralnc popular current magazines and<br />

ovor-ntcht hike In .Marin County, books are on the way to the tads<br />

It was rrvt-oled by Cadet Colonel in the nc/vicc oversea*. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

Emerson.<br />

been gathered together by Miss<br />

Anderson and will provide many<br />

<strong>The</strong> last two weeks have seen the hours of entertainment for lonely<br />

organization of the It. O.'s annual soldiers, sailors, and marine. Many<br />

football tournament. Already, com- more arc needed, and y,& the drive<br />

panies A, B, C, and D have chosen<br />

will hist for the rcmaiiiJer of the<br />

term there Is still time to bring in<br />

their teams. Each company Is those books and magazines that<br />

prepared for a hard hattlc with you have at home.<br />

the other three. <strong>The</strong> It. O. T. C. Three- torpedoes tire headed to*<br />

band hits also organized a team wants some Japanese man of war,<br />

thanks to the students who have<br />

and may piny one or more of the brought In their old keys. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

compfinios.<br />

are kept separate from the ncra,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> kharp-shootcr* have been metal and will bv accepted In SO'<br />

? ^encker. _<br />

.T.m.. James Barrett, Ramit llvmnn Hyman BIk, niv Arun-<br />

.. to isy incorporated Into a rifle tenm as long as the scrap metal drive<br />

Arun." Club _.T*' are members studying of the tho raw Chemistry mate- which will try to win new laurels lasts. <strong>The</strong> success of this camdale<br />

Vrabee, and Barbara Blume. rials that sre necessary In war. fur Its school. This term's team paign Is due In part to the room<br />

HZ<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have already been through sees the return of three veteran representative*.<br />

SUnley Yep, Noel McKenna, the laboratories at St. Mary's Hos- Ilos- members, they arc Captain Hid- So STOP your hoarding,<br />

Elisabeth Storen, Joan Fdher,' pitaL it! N Now, according dl t to MMr.<br />

zkk. First Lieutenant Vurosh, turn in magazine*, scrap metal, and<br />

Clara Richert, Esther RIchert,! Schwartt, they arc planning a trip and First Sergeant James. "All in- keys this way everything<br />

Mary.. Ellen Leonard. Gertrude to the Blood Bank. Weekly meet- dications show that it'll be anoth- can do the most good for your<br />

stl* Inn fsinm ** flriFft RIcluer, Allen " Newell. Richard Ings are conducted In 333 every I er top team, said Emcrnon. Fmiirvnn .

'**<br />

3^<br />

Ff?iig scores of E'8-0 and IKf-U.<br />

it !)urlng tlic first fi%'u yearn of<br />

£gridir»n struggle- with Poly, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

rfemerged vic:ur five time* under<br />

'Jthe able coaching of Courtney<br />

rjoremn.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n . . . tragedy, unsafely,<br />

s fear . . . war! <strong>Lowell</strong> concn cn-<br />

£ lifted on December 13, 1917. He<br />

twos replaced by an Indian alumni<br />

land a U. C. grid star, Mike Voyne,<br />

^who is now widely known aH the<br />

Inmost outstanding San Francisco<br />

21 Warn n Coach<br />

Coach Voyne it still producing<br />

fchamjuonHhip teams on the old re*- !<br />

iJervu'Jon. Tuie year's team may<br />

jrave to be another "wonder team"<br />

i; v^iut that famous eleven in 1939.<br />

Because of the tireK-nt world eon-<br />

!..rt. the Parrot** famous Joe Verlucci<br />

has left to be t-eptuced by Milt<br />

Lfl» Win !<br />

-We all loolr fuiward to a victory<br />

r the favored Parrots, for we<br />

_|ixe thitt perhap* thin iff the last<br />

lance we may have to piovu thnt<br />

-JV <strong>Lowell</strong> Indians art: boiler team<br />

jupportcrs und that the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

elivcn iias better player-.<br />

c This (a the twenty-ninth game,<br />

Erhatw llio las*, for the duration.<br />

• know I need say no more<br />

. . Sec you there!<br />

NVxt spring's giant "Itcd<br />

and White" will contain,<br />

among many other interesting<br />

feature*, twelve puces of<br />

enndid camera shots. So<br />

here'* your chance, camera<br />

hounds! Brine 'em in in<br />

drown!<br />

Hut the editors don't want<br />

all of thei>c photon tn lie of<br />

Lowvll's "big shots." <strong>The</strong>re<br />

should be- lotx of freshmen<br />

and sopuhomorcs in these<br />

pictures. Ijirge groups are<br />

to Iw avoided—four or five<br />

people at most.<br />

r ear a Badge of Service;<br />

Enlist in Victory Corps<br />

What hif-li school students can do Everyone enrolled in the<br />

on the home front to r " '<br />

._ war has been outlined<br />

.Jnited States i>ovTnmcnt -<br />

lUtlon-widc Victory Corps<br />

Member* of ths fifth pet<br />

riod clean-up committee have<br />

t received th& commendation oi'<br />

I Mr. \VaU*i, thu committee di-\<br />

Krector. ?or the excellent jobv<br />

J they arc doing In keeping<br />

I <strong>Lowell</strong> looking well.<br />

1 Co-opCi'atioii on the imrt of<br />

Laft students, however, has In<br />

£ tor? and must be Improved, 'it<br />

b was stated. :<br />

i^' Among tho .-ncniliors of tho<br />

K committee nro Eiine Cowell.<br />

KJohn Collan, and Joriy DeU<br />

Special Service Divisions, each not a word of protest was M*A.<br />

with tiarticulnr requirements. All Impossible? No, because the fitagrcgistry<br />

teachers have full Infor^'wred hours program went into .>f-<br />

matfon on JIMS requisites. I feet, and school will open nt 0:00<br />

After frigning up. members of the<br />

Corps will tic entitled to wenr Insignia<br />

Indicating their service.<br />

Thic program to enlist high<br />

school students where they arc<br />

most needed and In what they can<br />

do best Is nation-wide [n IKVPC. fnduiiing<br />

all public and unvote sec-1<br />

ondnrv schools. However, the adt<br />

m(i:ixtratlo^ tcill be locnl. In addf-<br />

[Ifon, each rchool wMI hov« a Vic-<br />

| tory Corps Council of mcmltent,<br />

na-wnts, and teachnrs, whose jub It<br />

wHl be to develop policies and<br />

pIn nil. ,<br />

nnd close nt 2:*'O. making the <br />

nrc^n.m arc to give youths<br />

.cdlite, accelerated, nnd spec ol n.iw«inn w»r vuon. i, ,—j- .<br />

lluWta ancl 8li<br />

-lining for the war service they 3. Continuon* srrvtvc :w air raid<br />

[III perform after they .wive warden, first watcher, U- S. O. volhool,<br />

and at the same time to unteer, builder of model airplanes, c*. wj<br />

lint out Hie ratpoiMibimic* thnt r.wl Cross work, farm a'd. salvage'Ot S£2QT tlOUTS<br />

cycm shoulder now. ,work. can, of smali children for; ® S <strong>The</strong> staff of the-Kdd nnd White<br />

hits has brought In thu total iof<br />

»13J5<br />

ber 12. Ilomc-and-home discussion from Its sale of tho (riant sprlnir<br />

nrogmms were held with Oakland edition. This represents the sale<br />

High »nd the U. S. F. freshmen. of MM Journals. Two hundred<br />

<strong>The</strong> Navy has moved into the de- more will be set aside for tho newbator's<br />

hungout, 319. <strong>The</strong> room is comers to <strong>Lowell</strong> next spring.<br />

no longer adorned with "ci "and This super-journal vrf'J be thu<br />

debate xchcdulcs, but with the re- lanrest in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s histo.7. wd will<br />

sult of Mr. Lorbcer's plan of tench- be the first annual. Inciudld in the<br />

ing Navy rulimcnU. Beneath sig- Red and White will be complete<br />

nal codes and knot boards, the air uictures of the fall anV. spring<br />

stilt grows warm, while Coach Lor- srailuctlnc classes, photon atul sto-<br />

~ , becr kans tmcU in his chair and nes for a wnole year of Jports and<br />

" Memhenhtti Meanx Service |working puretits, ami many other A ffootc<br />

smiles.<br />

lOutllned In tho plan of the "teen- necessaary jobs. JXTTeClS<br />

.Mr. Barry is the Bed nnd White's<br />

rim> sponsor.<br />

«-o army" are tho services that stu-f sP«l«l Service Divtalorut !<br />

1.6<br />

.-^ :;,;

EDITOR<br />



rv j,/-;;:-::i:Tl<br />

Managing Editor-<br />

Feature Fr*"<br />

- Joan Simon<br />

tftf re F ...<br />

Sporta Erilf""<br />

, .... iin Sullivan<br />

1<br />

Clrl Sporta Editor<br />

Defense Editor<br />

Circulation M""nicf<br />

Mary Brandt<br />

Hotirw ctwIlM<br />

Alan Orr<br />

Gloria. Qiundt<br />

Clannca Kub«nittln<br />

Joo 8*n Fallpc<br />

Jora Dnuktn<br />

Uob H<br />

r<br />

—Bud Silverman<br />

tone Guesser<br />

.Mildred Kiefer<br />

Manhelm<br />


lUb lUrbam nnltlen<br />

•Nornun Kramer<br />

Itlctutnl Mobfer<br />

Manramt tfcholra<br />

Itetijr Solomon<br />

HoMr Ttiompiion<br />

Marjorle W»Ui<br />

This is Thanksgioing 1942 -<br />

Ji Holiday Changed By War<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re are no ration cards. <strong>The</strong> lights<br />

burn brightly; there is no blackout. This,<br />

you Fee. is America, and today is Thanksgiving."<br />

<strong>The</strong>se sentences were taken from <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s 1941 Thanksgiving editorial. We<br />

were thankful then that we were a neutral<br />

nation and had not felt the effects of war.<br />

We had won the football championship,<br />

and the victory made the day complete.<br />

Since that day things have changed.<br />

In December we entered the war. Blackouts<br />

were frequent. May found us standing<br />

in line for sugar ration books. We<br />

began saving scrap. Dimout laws were<br />

put into effect Now, gasoline and meat<br />

are to be rationed.<br />

Last year we were grateful that we<br />

didn't have to worn' about these things.<br />

Today such inconveniences are immaterial<br />

; for we have higher values.<br />

We are thankful today that our homes<br />

have not been attacked and that we still<br />

have a plentiful supply of food. More than<br />

that. President Roosevelt's recent words<br />

express - our feelings: "Americans are<br />

united as never before. <strong>The</strong> strength of<br />

the United Nations is on the upgrade."<br />

This is Thanksgiving, 1942.<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales Has<br />

Opened a Second Front<br />

So long, gossip—Teepee has opened a<br />

second front1<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has always been tops in everything.<br />

<strong>The</strong> football team has won more<br />

championships than any other school;<br />

Patrick Henry has always had many of<br />

his successors in this school—in other<br />

words, unsurpassed debaters; scholarship,<br />

tops alumni, successful. When Uncle<br />

Sam called the students of America to participate<br />

in Hie war effort, <strong>Lowell</strong> was<br />

right there on call. <strong>The</strong> 3tudent body purchased<br />

an enormous amount of war<br />

stamps and bonds; books and magazines<br />

were brought for the armed forces; and<br />

scrap metal was collected in huge amounts.<br />

': Those are the things that make <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

outstanding, not petty gossip. For that<br />

reason, gossipy Teepee Tattlctales will be<br />

no more. Instead there will be information:<br />

about those who are so generously<br />

giving their time to the war effort.<br />

.. So long gossip 1<br />

' Victors Corps Enables You<br />

'"...••••-.. To Aid the War Effort<br />

We know that you want to help win the<br />

war—nothing else is possible.<br />

| -But you want to know exactly what,<br />

when, and where the Government actually<br />

want you. High school students arc now<br />

being told definitely and clearly just how<br />

they can best help.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Government set up the Victory<br />

Corps for the single purpose of making<br />

better- use now and in the future of<br />

teen-age efforts. This program tells how<br />

each ot.us can be of more service to our<br />

country;<br />

All that is necessary to become a member—that-.is,<br />

.recognition that you are<br />

'working:for the nited States—is service<br />

to your nation.<br />


Fun For All At<br />

Big Game Rally<br />

"We'll Win" Is<br />

General Opinion<br />

Click click to the tune of Glenn<br />

Miller's "Knit One Purl Two"—no<br />

very many <strong>Lowell</strong> Kirh ar« knitiini?<br />

sweaters for Red Cross. Ann<br />

total Is five. Five happy<br />

—1-1:— .....L -i t o o<br />

most of them tire so fixed up that<br />

the man liasn't got a chance to ask<br />

who ho wants. Our vote for oddity.<br />

of the month in the Copicy, Joan 1<br />

Wonder and Ken Wells trio. Who<br />

said he felt like the humnn ash<br />

tray on the last Wonder-fuI (kid-;<br />

ding, of course) date? I<br />

, Talk int: about dates, who Is that I<br />

boy from "way down under"— AMtrolitt<br />

to you dupes, who seems to<br />

pet alonjt so famously with Beth<br />

HaW and who cMortcil "Pigcon-<br />

1CIM M short, shoulders too tight, but at<br />

least the girls are trying—that's<br />

more than we can say for some of<br />

those publicity hounds who try to<br />

bribe us for mention in these col-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> was welt represented lost<br />

Saturday in ull downtown department<br />

stores. Everyone seems to be<br />

working now.<br />

Mnry Shcffcy has done some<br />

very nlcasant war work as a Junior<br />

U. S. O. hostess.<br />

Oliver to a recent shindig? Ytifve heard the slogan "Zip<br />

Dtitcs—und more dotes—and Doug your Hp"— well, so hnvo we. So<br />

Homer ii date with a Atrctchcr! we II do it—but, although it's sabo-<br />

i es, he's a stretcher bearer. tage to listen to rumor, we're coing<br />

Jackie Tnbournel Is a C. D. re- to do jusr that thing:<br />

ceptionist at Aptos Junior High. All richt. you R. O. T. C. fellows<br />

v> e hear she also does some recep- nut your cuns away. We're not<br />

tionlnt; of Washington men—who allies, we just want to be ready to<br />

always seem to call.<br />

inform you of ntl tliat happens!<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Spirited Scrap Drives<br />

Led by Generous Teachers<br />

Old keys, compacts, furs. maga-| Throuch the efforts of Miw Anslnes.<br />

pots and pan*, books—th's dcrson, Mr. Johnston nnd their colmay<br />

sound like a junk denter's col- lectors, nnd you who nro helping<br />

lection, hut it's the battle cry of nml have helped atrcaily bv bring-<br />

Miss Anderson, who has led <strong>Lowell</strong> i ing your scrap, we have turned in<br />

into the thick of the f'ght wittijovcr 0,000 keys, tnicklondu of<br />

one of the most complete iiml pro- j metal scrap, nnd shipments of<br />

iluctive salvage drives in any hign • hooks am! magazines,<br />

rtchool. | Hut these drives aren't over.<br />

Inspired by the contribution Mr.,^ nrc «' !1 ««*«* °»- And they<br />

Johnson and the Block L boys made; ""*£ .>°" r ft J^fe . Con . tri t U , tI °, 1 !to<br />

the war effort wl'h the very sue- JfeL' M r ono y for you t0 hoIp In<br />

*"<br />

that may sound small, but are »° I k Th£nm man, ,tude..ls who are<br />

Important.<br />

already doing their pert .that have<br />

tTake fur.for example. <strong>Lowell</strong> is<br />

.„,. „_.- ... «.**••'•-••.*. wu"^.. ."I"*'* Ku^iL'u ."!'" 4«ny recognition. DC*<br />

the qnly school in the city that In have rcfilly done ImnorUnt work.<br />

colIp;tinR this vital scrap. <strong>The</strong>oWl At the Irwfn MemoriM BIotK 1<br />

pieces of skin that you turn in R«nlt. Mnc Hunter, WocI McKcntw,<br />

will nrobably actually save a life,} France* NVwman. tyuluc R*»'.-burn,<br />

the lift; of one of those unsung he-1 Barbara Smiley, La Verne Stoutcnroos,<br />

the merchant marine. - <strong>The</strong>, ben,*, nnd Raw; Sultan are among<br />

_.-.._».(— i- n .L-. thnt . branch - - • of - service -• thnv> dolnir clerical work.<br />

lira mat, many from exposure. A If you think this Is where you<br />

fur-llntd Iccfcjt mlKht bi the dif- can help, so Mti* Anderson about<br />

ference between life and death. working there.<br />

Lieutenantin. Waacsj ^ - ^<br />

Former <strong>Lowell</strong> Student<br />

Although such'sounds as "forward marcV*<br />

"rompanv halt" are the most umial for 2nd L.,_,<br />

tenant Kelley. she seemed quits at home amid:<br />

the noise and confusion of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Bauuuv^P<br />

After being introduce*!, we set about asking:<br />

the trim officer a few vital Questions whlchicairi<br />

Are you going? ! am, and ao Of the many replies to our query<br />

nro a lot or other students. Well '—"What Is your opinion on the<br />

have lota of fun. <strong>The</strong> Empire la a outcome of tho BlgCame?" . . .<br />

swell theater, Just the plnco for ths wo picked a laxr of the lesaer. shall<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>-Poly night rally, and the we sny emotional ones, to repeaat<br />

price only 30 cent*.<br />

to you, and here they are:<br />

If you net there by 7:30, you will Merle Moore, end, rubbed his<br />

see and hear all the entertainment chin, thought deeply and uttered:<br />

Paul Hopper ha* ready.<br />

"It'll be A good game because It's<br />

Do you remember Ira Thompson<br />

for tho championship. <strong>Lowell</strong> will<br />

and Bob Arnold? <strong>The</strong>y were paat<br />

win by one touclidown."<br />

presidents of LowelL <strong>The</strong>y're ga*<br />

Sandy Johnston: "Loads of luck<br />

me to say a few words. <strong>The</strong> hand<br />

to a ftwell bunch of fellows and a<br />

will be thcro to furnish some music.<br />

championship team."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pupils that went to tho last<br />

Paul Hopper. In the midst of a<br />

rally can tell you that the commun-<br />

bevy of beauties aUted: "We're<br />

ity singing of college song* is real-<br />

the underdo?, and the underdog has<br />

ly A lot of fun.<br />

always won In the past. Let's hop*<br />

It hatipens again."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be speeches by Mike Cliff Gome*, our hula-hula kid,<br />

Voyne and tho captains of the stopped for a minute, went into o<br />

Thansgiving Day fracas teams. Al conference with Ed Bennett and<br />

Hoyman, the yell leader of two Ken Chancy, and came out with<br />

terms ago, will be at the rally to this resolution: "Poly has a very<br />

lend a couple of yells.<br />

stronir team, but well try to bo<br />

Don Urush and Joe Cullen, two better."<br />

cx-grads, are going to put on a Don Schumacher, our swell yell<br />

skit or two.<br />

leader who has a tremendous Job<br />

Y«, I'll be there, and so will ahead ot him, says: "If you kids<br />

you, 1 hope. Don't forget, the Em will follow directions, especially for<br />

piro <strong>The</strong>ater, West Portal and Vin the Cnrd stunts, the spirit should<br />

ccnle,' November 24, 7:30, and 30 be as high an we hope the score<br />

cent*.<br />

will be."<br />

j Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Traisa the Lord and Pass thoi Juno Mangini has been working<br />

Ammunition," a good song. Is all hard with the Junior A. W. V. S.<br />

you you hear over the radio. Today, She is busy being backed up by<br />

yes, right now, we are going to do about fifty-'fiv? <strong>Lowell</strong> girls.*<br />

xomc little little praising praising and and quite a Pets enter the defense work,<br />

bit of f pausing—yes, i you g set! a iin<br />

too. Xo wonder Donnldine Bridges<br />

Teepee Tattle Talcs —._ before yo „—. your htm been so busy. Shcs' training<br />

eyes . . . were passing up hcr U Ti>k^e My Place—Bill She*<br />

dar. to Jackie Kenficld.<br />

MIMIIT Five bv Fire—Hnnk Morris.<br />

Ju»t AH Tinich Vou Were Here—Jean Barbe to<br />

Dnve Williams.<br />

Amen—Betty. Darin, and "Sandy."<br />

He's Mv Ruy—Violet V'ncent to Bob Eddy.<br />

You're Ka«y to Dane** With—Frank Snnford.<br />

Srrenitdc in Itlue—Cat Capxev.<br />

Mbw Vnu-Gtorin Unt' to Bob Cherry,<br />

lie Cnrrful. ffn My Heart-Jackie Tabournel tf<br />

the Washington football team.<br />

Can't Hut netirnfn OK My Mind—Maurice 0*BrlB<br />

to Georgia Sayrc. .<br />

Jingle Ja-'Rle Jinjile—Your money for War Bow<br />

and Stamps.<br />

Poll Announcement<br />

To be featured In our senior issue will be tJ*<br />

teturns of the following poll in which we wov!<br />

like every one of you to participate. ^<br />

Ballots must be In the Lflter Box not to?<br />

than Krijay. December 18. Ballots will not bj]<br />

counted unless thev nrc signed by the studttfj<br />

onil, thcreftirc. u ruling of one ballot to a studestj<br />

must lui mnae.<br />

Titles to l>c voted on ore:<br />

Mont Popular Girl<br />

Most Popular Boy<br />

Most Sophisticated Girl<br />

Most Hn-hful Boy<br />

School Nitwit<br />

School'* nig Shot<br />

Typical High School Boy<br />

Tyi.Scnl High School Girl<br />

Smoothest Dancer (Girl)<br />

Smoothest Dancer (Boy)<br />

Cutest Couple

Tear Up Past Records--"Big<br />

Little Game" Finally Here<br />

Jl'S ::LOWELL\<br />

JyJo^Player' ; V ;..:?':Iine>upi'-^;::;;^ppLY ••• _<br />

.."-<br />

||67OitI Bennett<br />

j;Ot Ron Sockplor<br />

j'91 Tom Slrel<br />

787 George Bull<br />

; 13 Ken Larklns<br />

- Ed Bennett<br />

I"37 Ken Chancy<br />

I J9 Chas Mornard<br />

I 76 Paul Oral<br />

93 Herb Fulda<br />

S3 Jack Irvine<br />

Wt. Pos WL Player "-'.iL No.%,<br />

177 LER 172 BobMcLtan; G7^<br />

205 LTK 200 Werner Plagge 60^<br />

175 LGR 18S Dick nallgren SS<br />

165 C 167 Don Kodgers '73<br />

158 RGL 174 Bob Dodda 75<br />

175 RTL 210 Norm Morrlll 98<br />

175 REL 180 Bob Gray 54<br />

1-10 Q 155 Bob Griffin 63<br />

175 LBR 155 Russ Ramos 66<br />

185 RHL 157 Harry Wilson 52<br />

185 F 205 BUI Whitehorn 53<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Squad<br />

Klnir 42 Colrndnr<br />

•" 5 Mncitlo 45 JlacDouimH<br />

10 Nave 45 ~ "" "<br />

It Bandarrca GO<br />

.12 AstrnhantsefrB<br />

1:13 Vnyuie 05<br />

Gilt C8<br />

I 17 Gomes 72<br />

|!20 Brown 73<br />

21 Richardson 77<br />

22 Janssen 81<br />

23 Lawrtnro 82<br />

,24 Horn 84<br />

2S Sdmhanl<br />

Top. Itfl lo rlKht: Mghl half Herb Fulda, quarterback Chsrlle Mornard. left halfback N'ek Antrahanlseff. IS Sf.fi'f 11 "' 1<br />

Poly Squad<br />

Collishan<br />

Roach<br />

Sheldon<br />

Merccrcau<br />

Barthold<br />

Copsey<br />

McLennan<br />

Quondt<br />

Green<br />

Pittson<br />

Moore<br />

McLaughlln<br />

Morris<br />

and fallback Jack Irrlne. Bottom, left to right: Ken Chanejr, Ed Ilrnncll, Ken Larkin*, George Ball. 3? 8Sj<br />

Clement e<br />

Tom Slrel. Iton Sockolor, and Dill Bennett. —Photo by Henry Albert, jj umntk DeFord<br />

Buchanan<br />

Dotur<br />

Simm<br />

Wells<br />

Bcrriman<br />

MacMillan Chan<br />

E5 Wllloughby 83 Van Houtte<br />

66 Mllslcy 91 Shutta ShutU<br />

Kl .. Axell 30 Barry -<br />

01 T. Tlcaczyk &7 Lane '<br />

62 Coreris lfl Ki.d<br />

Lamayion<br />

J. Tkaok<br />

Rudolph<br />

D. Johnson<br />

States<br />

Curran<br />

Crouch<br />

Either<br />

Castillo<br />

Marqucz<br />

Rarncss<br />

Mooihei<br />

N. Ronuisanta<br />

Tucker<br />

Peterson<br />

Scafire<br />

Minor Sports: <strong>The</strong> Same Old Story<br />

Soccer Team Booted '10s, 20s Come Through<br />

Althoufch thc soccer team ended<br />

'n fourth place In the lentrue, it was<br />

a dark horse, upsetting «uch favorites<br />

na Commerce and Poly in<br />


! ««-<br />

p Varieties<br />

"Hit <strong>Lowell</strong> on<br />

Decf2 and 4<br />

, Jam packed wltl. entertainment,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 1 * "Victory Varieties" nllpn<br />

Into top billing on the school *chodulo<br />

Wednesday and Friday with<br />

two performance* of what may be<br />

the lout appearance uf the xemf-annual<br />

production* far the duration.<br />

Mr. I'olland, dramatfcR conch,<br />

rich fn utttfte-gawy, nan expended<br />

vvery moon* to make thir the mottt<br />

nucreiuful of hi* lonjc Hut of *mn*h<br />

hlU.<br />

' . Never IW«re<br />

U%t*rythlnir \* iww. <strong>The</strong> twentytwo<br />

net* and black-out nkitit are<br />

strictly flrnt time on the I^owt-II<br />

t<br />

<strong>The</strong>y feature Morm Kratr.tr nnd<br />

Hob RtilwnKlcin Iii "Morning Kxcrri«e."<br />

a fimt little burlequc on physical<br />

eiluration by way of tho loud<br />

niH'dker. In the |iart of I'mfiiuwiT<br />

"Mou" JJpptnan, Kramor fa can*<br />

ceded tti be one of thn hiKh spot* in<br />

the Inuch-crammed nrojmtn.<br />

Veteran Jim Oliver, with Shirley<br />

Plymire. Tom Stccgt-, Mttrilyn<br />

Cone, Jack Cooper, Junt; "" '<br />

homme. Eft nbotit. right face,<br />

Konvnrd march, a faster pace,<br />

! On the double, keep in ntcp.<br />

f Enoush;<br />

Little brotherV dtwovcrlni* cm<br />

morc.<br />

barraMcd xInter'K lovo-mnkinjr EM *"<br />

IN-, low on the ttround, crab your h«L<br />

the theme of '<strong>The</strong> Wry Xnkt-d '<br />

V»m*vi« no idea how irood you'll feel.<br />

Hoy," featuring Dout; Homer in Graduate Guide) <strong>Lowell</strong> Boys Answer Hospital's N*(iw nn I'our toco, hup, hup,<br />

the doubtfully envious position uf<br />

Fur coodnoK xntce, please net up.<br />

the unclad urchin.<br />

l'«'t«r ciri.4, you're tired, no duubt<br />

Caroline Nnhmnn if* the ulum-<br />

Wo rccnmmonil "T h r i 11! n K.". nu „],„ r,Hoivc(Yiiu' mosl uni-spilct- Call for More Stretcher Bearers Wi'H. f»r iroodnpRd FJII:C; they're<br />

all par>fed out!!!<br />

•'JI!«»ln>. *' -—-••"'» «•••-••• L'nks. "•"• nnd ••Adventure" • — ••-•••»•« r | it; «• minor hraur ihls ihl month- l Jshc Si was elect-1 l<br />

. ,<br />

for tho the nanlyofhcnrt hnrdy-of-heart. LllV' <strong>Lowell</strong>'*'cti unwlilviit ! of the delating fn- Kcsnondiin,' to nil indent need for trained .itrelcher iiear-<br />

Strftcher:ncarcni will be m attend-jt«nii:y ut State. S\w nh» wiiiku;<br />

'., forty-four<br />

-w *<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> hoys have umlt-*rj;om* 11 course of iti- i- Basic Naval Course<br />

•tand the caff of thiw chiller,.. | jcrr>. » "Clolden colenmn Cuter." and n.,b Cherry \'im It<br />

i-llnwr J.,

SSI<br />


^Volume 81. No. A<br />

1 o k in g<br />

Ar o u nd<br />

Lo•<br />

w e11<br />

i s<br />

By Rob Slurtcvant, Editor<br />

».> January 25 is u very special day)<br />

If '- fcr 230 <strong>Lowell</strong> students. To the i<br />

1/ hiifh seniors, graduation day will ^M<br />

;«nJ forever nigh school daynJIM<br />

Graduation on that day will mean! . To I*jn:l Hopper, every<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 5tu«lent owes a vote of<br />

thank* for tha efficient way En<br />

which h good officer*. LOMeSt L1OS6S IOF<br />

for Lhe Job next lerm will 1* very:<br />

IMPI. Vot-i for the person you:<br />

know will IK: a cie.iit to <strong>Lowell</strong>. Student Body Card<br />

Worth Repeating ]<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> -"udoni hody U<br />

N'I-XL term'it Ktinlent IMMIV c:ird<br />

will lie somethinir tti tulk' about,<br />

probably lln-d of hcarinc<br />


San FtnnclKo, California. Wtilanulay, January 20.1043<br />

Candidates Await Verdict<br />

U|_ w A*V A*«t^S,j^^^^%j<br />

230'Seniors;<br />

TajGradiiate<br />

January 2 5thj<br />

' Tomorrow .._ In registry, <strong>Lowell</strong>'* office and won Block L member-<br />

student body officers . for the ship for hi* iwlmming ability. Ray<br />

spring term will bo chosen. At ... the IN ... i-rexy ,..». of „» the ...v Iorr-3 .«.,-«. claw. *.««i, Block »•»••<br />

nrimary cWtiont, held on January r L memfier, *nd a football and basil,<br />

the candidate* for each office j kcthnll player,<br />

were singled down to two, «•-•-- Chief ... "money counter" will be Graduation Exercises<br />

Eddy v* null<br />

Ed Rarthold. high-3 prexy. or<br />

Hoping to be able to iiudres* Allan Mancoll*. Both are Scroll ;At Opera Hou««<br />

stud'nts at court lollies and lead and Block L . member*.<br />

In other activities are George Bull "LoweL r<br />

and Bob Eddy. George Is well Who will be chief In the news- "Conjcratalatlonsr J<br />

known as the nil-city football cen- room? Will it be Mildred Kfefer, "Thank you. Mr. Stephens.**^ I<br />

ten Ho holds a membership in the who has spent two terms on <strong>The</strong><br />

Block L nnd Scroll, and works in; <strong>Lowell</strong> staff and one Jcrm on the<br />

<strong>The</strong>se words will be repeated o-A<br />

Miss Harrison's office.<br />

Red and White staff? Sho is a<br />

sWO <strong>Lowell</strong> graduates who will ro-i<br />

Bob Eddy is another of Mis* Block and shield member as well<br />

eelvo their diplomas on Xoii&y,*<br />

Harrisun's hoy* and a xnorts en- as a debater and was cub man-<br />

January 25. at the Opera HODS*. {<br />

thjxiant. . He Is an outstanding aging editor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

California's oldest high school<br />

Vrxity wrxity swimmer swimm and nd was prcxy rxy of f 'wnn wnr • • i<br />

hU low junior claxx. Bob will vie<br />

•• - •••<br />

had its first commencement ezer-:<br />

with George for the office of prcs- „<br />

Jilent t n Shield member, and also haf<br />

Vice presidential candidates are upent one term on the Red and<br />

Ruth Gumbrecht of the advanced White staff?<br />

orvhextra, and Pnt Krili, C. A. A.<br />

Favorite*<br />

rtdinr manager. Illock L member, Juanltn Roymonandt<br />

vice-president of her hfj;h>3 claim, posed for the office of<br />

and helper In Mr. Monroe's office, j manager. We know she Is antlcl-<br />

¥J <strong>The</strong>re "** were — only ' * two candidates' " * nntlng ulng hnnl work In the coming<br />

^*ff _ ._ >rm, nnd, because oC her previous<br />

taker, without showing any favor-' experience, she will prove more<br />

ilium on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>'s pnrt, will than capable.<br />

undoubtedly Iw a boy. <strong>The</strong> two <strong>The</strong> trnilitior.nl cjtc yell will be<br />

for !>ccrct) ' r ell tends forth 230 rtudcuts who*"v.i't<br />

enter Into a heavy-hearted<br />

world. But it is through thaw<br />

and all hIKh-spint*>d and vietorym'nded<br />

young Americana that our<br />

goal will be achieved. Fourteen<br />

boys who have already joined the<br />

armed forces will be graduated fa<br />

y« Next Jerm's^note-j term, nnd, I<br />

ibjtcntln.<br />

'Pom p and Circumstance,"<br />

plavcd by y the <strong>Lowell</strong> oorchestra, h t<br />

will accompany the " up tovoice<br />

the introduction. <strong>The</strong> class<br />

Warren Simmon*. Doris* Thornp- you to chooi"** a good set of ofi'i- history is to be reviewed by Irftan.<br />

Juanlta Reytnenandl. cors.<br />

ving Hammer. It will bo the history<br />

of four years of close associa-<br />

: m<br />

j lion and everlasting memories—of<br />

a* I Minute, dnneen, gamen, parties, rallies, don*<br />

»: Urad Giles hie lunches, nnd even those dreadis<br />

in the running] cd report card days. With In*<br />

lor yell lender, world situation* clamping down<br />

Hraii is known | upon many moments of relaxation,<br />

for .... good [every <strong>Lowell</strong> memory will be prc-<br />

work as one ofciou.i.<br />

the nft'<br />

this term.<br />

Under the direction of Miss Hazel<br />

Alexander, the Girls' Glee Club<br />

will sine. *Trnyer From Hnnsel<br />

and Gretel" and "Allah's Hclllday."<br />

Joan Duff will (rive n reading.<br />

Alt good things come to on end<br />

j Victory Corps iWar Stamp Goal to<br />

nnd Betty Solomon, In her vale-<br />

Plans Proceed Be Reached Soon dictory, will hid farewell to LowelL<br />

Mr.lt. C. Kricjrer will direct the<br />

At Good Speed' W» uw »nlc» In Doccmbcr <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra in the ployinir of<br />

the Svmnhonie tuom. M I>hnnn "<br />

I Annual to 1<br />

iMST' J . Jl ' mar y ** thc fina ! mon , th in Many Candid Shots<br />

•"""*"• n-hivli the S100.COO goal can be at- J<br />

<strong>The</strong> stuiknt body Imrkinir. the Tuckl'r 'will hnvc^'a"* hard" time j **>'- «nd production— are or-n to ,Vart:c7pat«Hl thft"<br />

yelL* nnd ehrrrx niv what the tenm c|1(l(I>Iinjr the winning ilcxlgn. I<br />

ulty ad- :.,iti^]. An ndditloimi sale of Slt,-<br />

- -'"•--•* - • • Ji,,ri! than this Pictures, pictures, and mom plcil<br />

everj* other jttircH will be the prevailing fea-<br />

u t"IH-'r clafsmen and to Inv.vr class- j<br />

needs. We can fhoiy every other '" " I men who nra specially quuli:"<br />

schiol we can Iwa*. UK nttj-mlanre Mr. Johnston, chief fncuhy «,.at<br />

ifmw. \Vc hnvp a swell team. Schedule Changes viser for th» Victor)- Corps, utatvit Ty-m iV needed"<br />

Donit let It down. _ _, . _, that about "CO ftudent have signet!' • ' * •<br />

Wei. thu is vour lost !/twcll p o r Spring Termlun. nnd ih.it this i« n ^mall per- 1<br />

f»r this ;»?nn an-I my Ia?t column. r ° ccnuige<br />

Tbunks. nnd thatV thirty. t „, ,, _ , ,__, ,.,„ -ou;work has 1<br />

from <strong>Lowell</strong>'s champhnehip march<br />

J will enhance the Red and White.<br />

Debaters Beat Parrots'35,«ff35.» 1 Take a good look at thin, . .<br />

clcx-k xlavrx. llcrc'if the new schwl-<br />

3*fcite<br />

arc to be used.<br />

. nqu«t. it . _<br />

ei'rnfnjr at a downtown ii!£tiiunint,<br />

will be thfc announcement of next<br />

.term'* officer* nnd the awarding<br />

of the ran for thi- n,.wt rfficlent I.unch, 11 :.1"-12:07—lower divl- j<br />

.company in th*i Kchool battnlfon. »n.<br />

'' <strong>The</strong> promotion of the officers in<br />

divided by the rt^ulu nf cmnjuti-<br />

•la. 11:27-12:20.<br />

Uve examinations. <strong>The</strong> cup is<br />

Hi. 12MS-I2:r

;-•••!> •<br />

sli<br />

We're Proud of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Boys<br />

Who Are Off Fighting the Foe<br />

We have won the football championship.<br />

. . . <strong>Lowell</strong>'s seniors had a big<br />

hand in that.<br />

We have bought many War Bonds.<br />

. . . <strong>Lowell</strong> seniors again did their<br />

share.<br />

And now, after four years of fellowship,<br />

we'll miss their help. Wo shall miss<br />

the laughs they gave us in varieties and<br />

plays. We shall miss their able leadership<br />

at rallies, games, and nances.<br />

We shall know that they, too, will miss<br />

us, especially when they can no longer<br />

read the gossip about their friends in<br />

Teepee Tattle Tnlcs—when they must hid<br />

farewell forever to Shield and Scroll<br />

meetings, court dances, and game rallies.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y will miss the excitement of elections<br />

and Block I, railics. Yes, they will miss<br />

us but, for most of them » new and completely<br />

different life will begin, une that<br />

although different will contain the same<br />

amount of fun, happiness, and for those<br />

who endeavor—'iiiccess.<br />

Whether they arc going on to college<br />

or into the ntnwd services . . . no<br />

matter where they go, wo knov that they<br />

will be doin; their best, for after all didn't<br />

they do that same thing for us?<br />

Yes. we'll miss you. We hope that<br />

you miss us. Farewell, seniors, nnd with<br />

you goes our every wish.<br />

Whether College or Service<br />

Bound, Seniors Will Be Missed<br />

"He passed his physical."<br />

.'. "February 1 he will probably leave, if<br />

hot sooner."<br />

This is common talk around <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

these days because we all know or knew<br />

of someone whom the Army, Navy, Coast<br />

Guard, or Merchant Marines has claimed<br />

recently.<br />

Do we feel sad to see them go?<br />

We feel proud to think when we hear<br />

of a victory in the Solomons, in Tunisia,<br />

or in Guadalcanal, that maybe one of us—<br />

a <strong>Lowell</strong>ite—helped defeat our mutual<br />

enemy.<br />

- When we hear o* our troops landing in<br />

Africa tc help the Allies, we say that who<br />

knows but that a former In'lian is helping<br />

scalp those little mustaches off Hitlerites<br />

.just as they scalped our foes on the football<br />

field.<br />

<strong>The</strong> great institution of <strong>Lowell</strong> hud<br />

turned many great men into mnny great<br />

fields. But no man has had more courage,<br />

greater Io >'aity, or strengthening faith<br />

Bum have thesa—our boys—who are joining<br />

the Armed Forces of the United<br />

States of America.<br />

.; WhaUf •<<br />

_*What I£ Helen were Private-room instead of<br />

Ward. ~ . f /• . ^.z.<br />

What u Jacquoltr.o were Ignorant Instead of<br />

What If Howard vere Rank instead of iJapk.<br />

What .If, Donaldlne wrw TunaeU Instead of<br />


*N»W niANCUCOV OUktlTHOM KNOCK. Nt\VlI>APTNC5 / entor ^siWLill anb Cceftament<br />

- • ~ Lowtll lliiiSseliool<br />

r r iio . iu r<br />

• U n. 8. a A. iltmbin Fnt<br />

!••• ' LOWELL STAFF<br />


Manaffinjr Editor-, -Tirr* Simon<br />

Featura Editor -* '..,. lla Sullivan<br />

SporU Editors<br />

Bud Silverman<br />

Girl Sport. Edlur-<br />

DefenM Editor<br />

-Mildred Klefer<br />

Circulation Manager. -Louisa Manheim<br />


ltnrb*m < „<br />

Norman Kramer<br />

lUchanl Uobtor<br />

Manmrvl Hcnufeti<br />

lt>tty Kolutnan<br />

Hear ye] Hear ye! Gather 'round Miriam Dibble bequeaths to<br />

and listen to the readinic of this Wiekf SchulU all tho "rood" food<br />

will. You may be ono of the lucky In the cafo. Hank Nelson leaves<br />

one*. <strong>The</strong> high senior* have Doris Thompson tho<br />

spoken.<br />

Hob Mclaughlin very generously<br />

leaven lo all future football player*<br />

hi* bruises. Charlotte Fredericks<br />

bequcathe* to some pair of<br />

fey hand* some nice warm mittens.<br />

Mclvfn Evan*<br />

leaves lo o lome poor<br />

sucker who Is Kolnj* Kolnj out for dis distance<br />

runninjr i his beloved l d track k<br />

shoes. Joan Cnravellas wills her<br />

dirty saddle* to any freshman<br />

with a bottle of shoe polish.<br />

Hob Uushc leaves his white susnender*<br />

to Russell Sweeney. Ilev<br />

Orackett wills her Spanish hook*<br />

to any frcshmsn who wants a<br />

headache. Dave Sheldon bequeath*<br />

to Parnnbv Brooks his bike num-<br />

H <strong>Lowell</strong> Represented Inf<br />

World War II Battl^<br />

Red and<br />

White" headache. Barbvra Stnner<br />

Is the luckv receiver of anythinir<br />

she can find In the locker of Doris<br />

Flynn. Leo Ellis was left Ward<br />

I'ennlnffton's worn-out sweat<br />

socks^ Christ Challo* leaves to<br />

Beverly Andrews a comb to comb<br />

her curly locks. DytheMay Iler<br />

broken mirror.<br />

Gcorglt Sayre leaves her red and<br />

green stripped mirror to Claire<br />

Stewart. Bert Burns leaves Dawn<br />

Canon a little gold axe, forever.<br />

Ah! Lovg) Butty Saekman beaucaths<br />

her blonde hair to Janet<br />

Smith. Ed Drccfsen leaves James<br />

Tufts the things "we love so dear."<br />

her 5. Wllma Melvin is the donor> I wonder what he means I!<br />

ul ho; typewriter In 135 to Betty' Betty Holt wills her desks in tho<br />

Cohn. A <strong>Lowell</strong> escapist leaves to classrooms to some freshman,<br />

all <strong>Lowell</strong> interns his greatest: Marilyn WfesEntr is the recipient of<br />

sympathies, _ I Frank Snnford's shoes to dance in.<br />

Pat Krll) U left some standing It won't be quite the same, eh,<br />

room on the Potk bus by Margaret Marllvn? And Jack Fcdcr, always<br />

Croiiby. Pnt was also willed Mr. the generous one, leaves no one<br />

Barnes, and physics II.<br />

(rood luck. <strong>The</strong> next occupant of<br />

Irvine Hnmmer declares that Louise Rcyburn's locker will re-<br />

Jay Minklcr ran have nil his phyceive the picture gnllery there.<br />

sicn papers, so he can flunk, too. Calvin Aptcr leaves to anyone who<br />

.lant Brashcar leaves a freshman will take it the title oi Bandleader.<br />

her tzym suit. Nickic Daniluff be- Ullian Brown leaves all the nonqueaths<br />

his M sweater to a freshacademic education she cot here<br />

man. Lucky youth 1 Betty Solo* to nnv freshman. Why LIU!<br />

man leaves nil the rest of the Marion Burness bequeaths to<br />

maritime cadets to some other cirl. nny Innocent and unsuspecting<br />

Larry Horn wills his draft num- freshman her gvm suit, complete<br />

ber 12200 to any frcshlc. Mary with socks. Ugh! Sophie Evan-<br />

Campbell leaves any lazy freshman K?lnu leaves the broken door of her<br />

her alarm clock. Mary Huffcrnan locker to the pcraon who broke it.<br />

leaves Louise Leichton her ability Barbara Novstrup Is left all of<br />

to come utrniflhE to school. Kid- Dorm Christie's discarded men.<br />

ding ? Larry Johimon bostown Snare the wealth, Doris.<br />

upon some Innocent freshman the <strong>The</strong>n, of course, there is always<br />

tftrl pictures for his looker. Pola Jane Houitoun. who doexn't believp<br />

Brntvermnn leaves to Thclma Mar- in wills, because they're a dead<br />

Kulvdit her scat on the bench. give-away.<br />

By Bob Bussc '.'•' .' •.''±'i$B<br />

"Greetings from the President of these United!<br />

States." "You have been selected . • ." andJ<br />

so It goes un—and on. Your Uncle Sam now hus<br />

seven million of the nation's men under armtS<br />

About a million and a half of these are In oveivg<br />

seas service.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Signs Up<br />

As a natural course of this gifcantlc c...<br />

tion program, many <strong>Lowell</strong> students have<br />

**blue'* to tho "red and white," and donned I<br />

Ull.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir names are as familiar ai tneur »ces-£^<br />

Art Honne, gvnlnl politico: Jim Oliver,' drauu§<br />

king; Lowrio O'Donnell, top-flight roiltr^last^<br />

spring; Bob Searle. the "Henry Busse? of car*J<br />

dance combo; Bob Sim. who caught the' winning<br />

touchdown pass in the Poly game, and others rt-%<br />

membered for less prominent roles, but all baiufaiT'<br />

together now in the common cause. - ^.'<br />

Big List p r .<br />

Men, and we mean that, Ittce Lloyd Lee. Barry<br />

Greenberg, Jack Alberts, CIvde Von Stetnnun,<br />

George Omas, Nwl Brown, Bill Newman, Ttodr<br />

Clcmente. AU>ert Denn, Boh Stutz, Dave Sepplca,<br />

Boh Rubcmtein, Ed and BUI Bennett, and Jack<br />

Wilson.<br />

"Give 'm the axe," fellows!<br />

Perfect Senior Typified<br />

At last we have It! Who realty lire the favuritm of this year's senior<br />

clawt? Well, lifter each ami every vote from the members of the<br />

CIOHK were collected nnd tallied, w ndued them up with tho l>cit of our<br />

mathematical ability, lletc are :hc results:<br />


All Around Ability<br />

Jackie KcnfieM<br />

Prctticrt Eyes<br />

Corlnne Clayton<br />

Best Dre*.«cd<br />

Nancy Travcmn<br />

Prctticxt Hair<br />

Gloria Unli<br />

Protticst Voice<br />

Belly Solomon<br />

Smoothest Dancer<br />

Roberta Matthew*<br />

Best Personality<br />

Sandy Jnhnitton<br />


All Around Ability<br />

Paul Hopper<br />

Prettiest Eyes<br />

Al Clemcntc<br />

Dent Phvslnue<br />

Tom SI ret<br />

Prvttleitt Hair<br />

Jim Greene<br />

H?*t Athletic Ability<br />

Jack Irvine<br />

Smoothest DanciT<br />

Frank Sanfurd<br />

Best PcrKonnlity<br />

Art Hoppc<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

Not Yehudi or the Little Man<br />

that Wasn't <strong>The</strong>re, just your Teciwc<br />

Tattler .eporthig for duty to<br />

give vou the low-down un happeniriKd<br />

'round the reservation.<br />


work unil <strong>Lowell</strong> fellows too young<br />

for the draft?<br />

A few more name* must be add*<br />

oil to the list of students doing<br />

their bit toward victory: Dick<br />

Lai-scn nnd Gerald Olsen, ace mu-<br />

Why does Mary Shcffy and Co.jnictnn«, have entertaini-d'at U. S.<br />

have n service flag in the locker? i O. center*. Hetty Kahn enter-<br />

Could It be for those two cute en- talned Uncle Sam'* fighting forces<br />

sign* seen with her nnd Barbara * l*y givintr " ' swimming ' exhibitions.<br />

Stnner at the Mark? By the way, Plvam* tell un whnt kind of fire en-<br />

Vance. Mary's brother is doing his gine Warn-n Sapiro was working<br />

part for defense by building model on _ thin summer, - ^.. or - did he mean<br />

air planes for the government. ho worked J ! ke a fire engine?<br />

Rumor has it Unit little B. O. Among <strong>Lowell</strong>'* "younger set" arc<br />

Isn'i. getting quite the rush and is i many boys making model planes<br />

losing her S. A., but Johnnie Ste- fur the Armv anil Navy. Among<br />

phens remembered her this Christ-! tticm nr» DIclc Gnylc. Stan Altmas.<br />

Speaking of dates, what's ! shuler, ami John Bowes,<br />

thi* we hear about Tat Kelly and* Some of the not 1,0 linnpy<br />

our own Mrs. Crew double-dating changes were occasioned when Bob<br />

with two aviation cadets????? j nuchannn gave Louto Stoneson<br />

Don't tell us that the Roriirer>j the air . . . and the popularity<br />

edU-Copsey duo id still going of Marilyn Cone faded overnight,<br />

strong. . . . It just wasn't j <strong>The</strong>n there wns the climax of the<br />

meant to be. Did you know that famous Pnt JMatliPWH*Jerry Cole-<br />

Cal worked as a stevedore on plc-sj man duet. . . , But to put us in<br />

7, 46. and 177—not that it mat- a lighter mood, let's think of thorn*<br />

Urn. famous atendiex, Gloria UntI and<br />

Why docs Bob Crowdcr call Bob Cherry.<br />

Jackie "Baby"? Could It bo ho One non-glamourous <strong>Lowell</strong>still<br />

has Glennn on hi* mind? Frod.-fcht. little Jeanne Erb, Teems<br />

..Given seeing Betty Crooks again]^.o:o^ apncaHne to Prexy Paul<br />

• A • ?%»•»««»« «»W?T?.|roppcr. <strong>Lowell</strong> tennis sta.<br />

Saw Joe Kane in his monkey ncttv Mac Tohn win. B

eard(9uirit Paste Abes in Opener;/ «^<br />

** l ' -w. *"Set to Open Up on Bucs Today<br />

Neff Pity Doesn't<br />

Even Help Mustangs<br />

c. Kldire muishsnod our an Inef<br />

Uifecthe y jtnnic. the l_wel. In-.*.,<br />

'slut .Tildny turned back thn Lin-<br />

"coin Kiuad by a 3W5 core nt Keiiimr*<br />

Pavilion In;the first league<br />

'•came for both teams In the 1943<br />

rbukethaH season. ,. '<br />

Credit " large part of tho high<br />

icore to Bill Lau, Card, forward,;<br />

who i.t>nslstcntly controurd backil<br />

play. In a manner<br />

of Bob Cherry, last season<br />

.'-'jnat. Henenledly;. he would go<br />

' : ' nigh undetivatb the basket to re-<br />

' - /over n fruitless shot. vrhttil, and<br />

•' either "feed" to a team-mute, 'or<br />

tank a "set-up" himself.<br />


Both Card Teams<br />

Favored to Survive<br />

nyi^TjTu. <strong>Lowell</strong> is Still Mr.'Big, But<br />

Now that Coach Nefrs band of „>, .•:•;,• ,,r ;. '• 6 > •<br />

&^-.|?^& d f£JttJffi..- What's Wrong:<br />

SeeW t*e<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lincoln fivo wan never in<br />

the rnme. literally speaking. Eleven<br />

points had been rung up in<br />

~h,ilf thtt many minutes by the<br />

JJoff men before the "Colts" seer;<br />

able ot link their firit marker.<br />

Rob Buchanan, cavorting In confi.Jcnct<br />

at center, m-oved particularly<br />

deadly on a mid-caurt "rubh"<br />

Cards Twin-Kilt S .H.<br />

Too much of everything<br />

and at »he ritrht time. I.cwell<br />

"Piilitl Sacred limit in<br />

both er.di; of a double header,<br />

lh« var*iiy walklnjc away 26<br />

to 10. the fhtrClc* .2 to 10,<br />

to became ranked with hoth<br />

the St. IjtnntiiiA tcanm as<br />

loop favorite**<br />

In the variily scramble,<br />

Lau'it nnd />uchan*nV back*<br />

board control, along wllli<br />

FuMa, T > .<br />

he.-tMIke) penwnaiiy lead<br />

It l h i h i H<br />

•''»» «w m the current rice, the !«akcst ai<br />

Three bbreaii:, rourlnt: down<br />

courf. arc Cardlnalt Truleson<br />

(3). Fulda (\ti). and Buchanan<br />

(12), to help force ttie attack<br />

on the poor Mu^tanRii.<br />

—Photo by Dob Lcvioon<br />

I'ruelion, Ken Lealle, and Gcorj:o an;<br />

Thirties Go , Hull rourdinc out the outfit, it it.<br />

To Town in<br />

VI/"1J .O i' Iuc jilt the services "of Lcdermaa',1 '39 Is Best Year<br />

if^Vi<br />

»c "r.ml TJIS"e<br />

Wild Upener ^JB^&TJBS<br />

h °P°. t0 ..ri V0 «•* thr: 1I\' ual ' t r| Tne biggest clcan-tjp&ftiUes. on-<br />

?in»?t i thnt M* *¥*}* H ko St and<br />

it-am* to championships. He waa<br />

raplain of the winning ragby team,<br />

and he was the main rbsaon th%t<br />

: """ track and field t«j>m ;<br />

emerged victorious In the S. P. A. :<br />

L. over thlrtf-flre other Western<br />

leans."<br />

And still, taenty-ssvm yean ,<br />

later, Mike Is hcadinr. champion-* •<br />

nhip teams, and for tlie same ol'<br />

great school.<br />

l." Hera is how it went: <strong>Lowell</strong> coach, Ben Keif: lh*n there<br />

\»PJI mannCII. •«n--ta, . Xeff, thi> %n\- cuiiiici builder t^i cf "jiiutitifiuaia, champions. v;,, * the ex-<strong>Lowell</strong> '" •; —• ------ coach. Tom - --— De-<br />

. .took In Ms fifch conjccutlvc case Nike.-rto Is now tutorlnir Callleoi<br />

Sometime Soon Icrown. Tlie track squa.1 then nulleil! •""• tlw ex-<strong>Lowell</strong> player, Louis<br />

Either u» of thu lultcr four is up with their first cinder victory Batmale, now coa:hinit at Coais<br />

eyo" ye nnd start .'i seven . yearn. <strong>The</strong> bAscballcrs nierce.<br />

e bnhktt • from - all ancles. ^luRKtJ - their • way to the • ton: then • Erenluallr. <strong>Lowell</strong> is bound lo<br />

that Tracl&on. compared the tunnm, coif, nnd swimming hit one "cold" name in the sched-<br />

j with Franklin Kudelka 'of tennis won. Next, the 10's banket- ule, , - no , lei'* , hope --.- it is today f —-, against<br />

ba.lent were hittinc for another<br />

nen;A ine Uw.ll 130 pounu La- ; SoInmaIU ^ ^ „ •<br />

kutoaK team scaml J surprwinu' ,an, and Akanl. n.s IteliLwefehl*,<br />

-ld-23 victory over th*- Lincoln , mnke the Bij; Red lo^k i\,-sy.<br />

Hchtwriffhts in n same pluyed at '<br />

Kczar PaviHoi; n« a preliminary<br />

tu the LowtU-Lllcoln var*-ttv pimc ,,,)m, . ... _ .,_ . „„„„.<br />

Lnft Friday.<br />

Despite tlie scari:, the ^ain beat <strong>Lowell</strong> 24 to Id, which rccord-<br />

| in a decatlo. but hlnco then, it has' id the first-ever Buc win over a<br />

tlnfn LtweJl's ^reat i; ; fell ell by ? points,<br />

always with u Uit<br />

Ml s • « I«I ; rCcond recond basket. banket.<br />

VARSiTV<br />

MS i. ],'.',<br />

I Poly In just as potent a poison<br />

vo*. jjji? -<br />

to <strong>Lowell</strong> i«» , ; » coached only eulntct in the city lo spill<br />

Iciirht lltlu winnim- duos in his them both.<br />

Thn victon- threw the Red andj >h«ir •>. Cpor<br />

an atUmpt, while sikolov, (Sa)^!U«l Bartp,an\41> wiu fof'fiirtner<br />

action. - <strong>Lowell</strong> won %hi llgl ifhlwcl,ht lau!e «-28. - • -. J —Photo by'BoVLevtoai<br />

•"•••(i<br />


54jihro'phies Shine in 319;<br />

' "All Have Tradition, Glory<br />

TUB LOWFLU WEDNESDAY. JANUAItt 80. 1313 ^ 3.<br />

Draft'Board arid Biology 1<br />

-Occupy Life of Mr. Fast<br />

0!*° tl*e hlack windowed iloor<br />

~w«_-«~,.~ ^w.—j|of nm 3,a OMl l cn,cr ,„„ h m(,<br />

We drbln'o this column tn o'.rlof tho mokt inlcrcathK rooms In<br />

ilumlii who, have Joined.Usennuoj | the lla>e* strn. liiitilution. A re<br />

"forces, and/especially tb'liro wltn piplffnucnt cabinet stretching threohavo<br />

(riven thelr.Hvcn for our cbtm-.J fourth the width of tho room Imtry.-<br />

i; - .. '••:••''.'• Imciitatelt. catches thu attention.<br />

U. David White. V2,-m, bllM I It. It ore tho trOESlireii trophies<br />

while flying tho nulls. Wchard | won by Lo«?cll_delntc» (luring the<br />

Dorham, -"XI, former U. Colonel of<br />

tho <strong>Lowell</strong> Battalion, was killed at<br />

Guadalcanal last November.<br />

Marine Gunner Dudley Haeen.<br />

*:• has pcrfonnsd duty In Guam<br />

and•;China. JJn a recent letter he|till<br />

wr&s, "<strong>The</strong> education gained |<br />

while at - T <strong>The</strong> outaUindimr itiindlmr recoro record of nine- time* r\r XL— I C:__<br />

p<br />

erh ip" loii'vc wonderM wno >„ *>. —<br />

teen pin u<<br />

tha. frlwiillv looking mml-m-M it.* jj- .••<br />

injit me K***** ••* ."i"."..^ .-•« • — —<br />

who weal* th« laboratory SCTOCIC~SJ2(5'_<br />

uorklnc <strong>The</strong> *mn I ROIU nin<br />

the hl|* '<br />

and whi> It irreeleil b» friendly Jjf^ ~~<br />

hll • »w h« im thrw thi<br />

achieve.<br />

receiving<br />

<strong>The</strong>y<br />

fellow eho«n bv tho wnlon ta|teac!,Bn Ond m<br />

last decade.<br />

well th<br />

/>wcll has helped ma<br />

i<br />

Corps!<br />

Tho la»t report of .._<br />

Thomas M»twe III, '27, sufd he was<br />

bainer hclJ a prisoner on the Jap*<br />

onose Island or Shlkoku.<br />

Radio Presents<br />

rtunities<br />

Oppor Jerry Kilty, Don MJnkJcr, Italpli<br />

Griiwald witu acnin! You. for {Mf '••»'.<br />

the recond time this term Thomas If «>'iBh vr w,.|,,,i,.." ir" r i'is<br />

Crlswald of re«i:try 210 has tho i 1w. si" "UtVr it" a: «iw! i),<br />

hinliest honor count In school.! g: wiff R. «: •»•"». «- Kinir u.<br />

Both timer, he has achieved a score , ""HII,',,^ i" Viti/'ii iV)iii',.,mi'i,u<br />

of CS'iiotnt*. Close behind him. r j..* i» t^.r.i,. V. johi'H^n r- i:. A. ="•<br />

»itb M poinU, are Mary Joyce it* !«-«»lu«li.r A U:»arw>li><br />

received 57 points. Tnoie with 1 .":'"vr il. .slIiliTi ii. T.'iVr !i "•. A:<br />

S£ Included Joccl>*n 'ltortsrs. Mar- l K.<br />

fi nnjt £" y - Amy Caiu » 1 " :r . m i I»KW"-IT;"5I",,,, •JI!, U JTISS? {•::<br />

Uons;Thuiii?xon. n.iit \V.. ii,,ir,, p., ainnni n. c. A.<br />

HeRlatry 133 had 'Jie hiehest | i»j(^ .,,_.,,,,„,„. „ ..4. ,.„„,<br />

points. '' _ . jlMiy ^i. Yiirr"'* "'* "'"*— '*' ''"' **<br />

•IS. CntntM-tl M, llrotiKin J« rtrwti. c. A. 17-<br />

IS;j.rtii'll-k_lt...T(ilMtHrrml'*J.. IiieMrriti<br />

11*1*. Sli- 1l»ny.v1r)i M, CO; f> Illnn-<br />

*o iU tfc; Hmwr. M Wllllim H, In-<br />

itercstcil in amateur performances open window,* in 2o7, he cor.tin-jei<br />

the traditional semi-annuai ivu. i-,. . > c? • ••_<br />

Sun Franciwo Junior Coll«« Krame.-. Frank Ihivii, Scymnur<br />

Mr. Rny Da:iKhcrty nnd Mr. Ste-, Cleghom 3 Spirit<br />

chonx* will nnftiiit in Rivimr out thV«i#Ntop K. CUrk D^ Ilo<br />

V.. riMnry M.. ITall JM AuynUlK<br />

ir a::McK<br />

tnnn J» ;»rh.'h«rtl<br />

Tif^r A,<br />

J J, M; 1.nrt 1nr- Ow O Atlmrer<br />

son S.. Kmllh (?. hiolcliflr R."inttl« 0<br />

C A If

Sun Francisco. California. WednatJay, M«rch 10, H43<br />

I Put <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

In <strong>The</strong> Sky<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Sury-Q'"inTl the "Yankee<br />

Doodle" ana all the other bomber*<br />

( that have graced the pages of the<br />

I nation'* magazines are going to tw<br />

! joined by a new little number.<br />

'THK LOWELL." ~<br />

That i*. "THE LOWELL" will be<br />

famous ff WQ raise the nfiestary<br />

funds to buy it before June 10,<br />

three monf.hu from tclay. <strong>The</strong><br />

fund* will be our bond and stamp<br />

sale*, no it Is just a question of'<br />

> dointr nil lour buying here Instead<br />

of downtown, getting all the family<br />

to buv hen*, and lentuaiiing nil the<br />

friends of the family to let you get<br />

stnmps and bonds for them here at<br />

Lowull.<br />

, Kvery poxsiblo resource will have<br />

to lie tapped, and everyone will<br />

• havu to do the tappinir to raise thu<br />

! amount It takes to buy a bomber.<br />

i A medium two-engine bomber cost*<br />

317*1,0-0. which is a neat pile of<br />

: r.ioncv, but a Flying Fortress retail*<br />

at $000,000.<br />

We havo c cood-aired start<br />

February 1—It hardly n-cmi like;<br />

- n new term* but it mui>t be. <strong>The</strong><br />

people have gotten nmultcr again.<br />

This war the freshmen re»]|y ore<br />

littler.<br />

Saw a sicn on Mr. Algcr's room,<br />

"Beware of the Di>«." Someone**<br />

ttntv of humor Isn't very clear.<br />

February '•!—I'VeithmtMi art 1 lak-<br />

'nging a back rent In into rent thin<br />

term, '.rith the "HEir Water" mill<br />

raging up in Mr. ItarnvK* room.<br />

Good old IAWCII. celling* f.ill in<br />

roofs leak, but onirlt ttnys strong.'<br />

February -I—*Vhen y«>u see a<br />

Rrm« Hkc the one with Snint Ignstliu,<br />

last night, it Rinks* you apprelate<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Definitely under* ,<br />

tatvi, our team outplayed them<br />

mint of the game. After the enmc,<br />

the rooting section won a trnrnl<br />

victory with the hinging »f ttii 1<br />

school hymn. It wan the perfect<br />

touch.<br />

Februiy 5—By the ivay tho<br />

Fchool band is really good this<br />

year.<br />

TICW lunch • ; «il is still tie- -... „ . , , .„ ,. ,. , . , , ... ,, „ . ; though. By special arrn*]gcmc:>t<br />

fuddling some people,<br />

•<br />

and<br />

•<br />

others<br />

are managing to have the lunge*!<br />

• « Thw flying by buying fortrrK* at* many will fly bontN Ihruueli and Mam^i* the iky an Inuring pu»*iMr. our^ndnml** Tin? campaign nan»> [•. gtilng lf(we lo all lake Kbpport plucc from Uncle March Sam sales with tbo nf !nflt TrciuuiY ttrm Department, may be counted our<br />

lunch hours. But everyone, well al 10 le June 10. — Courtesy of thu San Francisco Examiner in'o o-jr bomber fund. And tho<br />

riQnt everyone, haft flopped caMin — —— totals $I.t:..2OO.<br />

I It Ir certain that we shall be<br />

„ Prominent Group Let's Dedicate Our Bomber To ) able tu get a medium plane in<br />

. thrci months. But uftcr all, San<br />

With ail the (kinds and rtainpH « rt r »j p, j . i<br />

JOHC High did that In two necks.<br />

All <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

<strong>The</strong>y did thnt and had enough left<br />

February"il—A*t the Lincoln's' • Or New Students!<br />

over for a torpedo boat.<br />

Day nrogratn. the orchestra molo Amiiiic the nw r'tuilrnt* lookine ,\ |>,ltnbcr for <strong>Lowell</strong>, a tribute ii,.r:(<br />

!he *how. Mr. Krlegcr cerulnlyifyr tne .wimnnnir punl MI the fifth t,, <strong>Lowell</strong>*, fighting graduates, n<br />

Wields<br />

So.<br />

of this World War II.<br />

ell .hou'd<br />

Ajid_wJ_th<br />

itocrve. an honorary Block L for flwr arc mapy ex-offii-ern from memorial to Mose 1 owell grail- \|r < 'Md Lt. Leonard 'inlx. U. S. /<br />

hirwoVkwiththc.tand'aWoKhei.jthijcity grammar ,,n,l junior h^ B^H<br />

lr Febn».-y 15-Got a letter ,e^» j KK^XlTnV SS^i'",«3_i° .tJ.^«U.« «^^^<br />

with itmie gossip In it tn the Low-i<br />

nil Mail Box outside the main oftice.<br />

That's tho right spirit, becaunc,<br />

nftcr ail. It's your paper,!<br />

and anything nf interest Is gladly<br />

ncecpted. We Uko comments aid,<br />

even criticisms- In fact, that is!<br />

the only way «'o know what you,<br />

want j<br />

Fehiuary 187-Todav vns Ilic;<br />

xi r rchol iccprrn. hs me<br />

U' rally to cflnosc the atwii-itant! I)|. Wayne Allen, president,<br />

Lt. Fred Kolmshaw. U. S X ' '<br />

• jfll leaders. Ui>pcr division has tin and Delia Monroy are here from) Serves <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

ut^rmbly sixth period, and thr low- E t t<br />

er division, srventh; «ThU always<br />

>at *rill, vicc-presidcnt.andJohnd<br />

" from U. S. S. Hornet Inj nyJIanlBrovCjiwcrcUry.<br />

Everett-<br />

| South"Pajiflcl<br />

U S f d<br />

Grant Large Contributor j<br />

........*« - ..,...*. v--->« «..-- , v.ant has #ent us six of her cx-<<br />

at the audl'orium dooM, but today ,.ff;Ct>ni. largest number of any<br />

it was almost a dangerous otlua- 1 grammar school. Don Stow, prcstion,<br />

b-caujte of the pushintr of the. Went: Barbara Were. '<br />

pee-pte to u-t In. <strong>The</strong>y didn't give 1 Dick Calender won tho race for<br />

Leo Ellis, president of the Scroll,\„£*•_ Safari Stadfcldt.JJ. S% X. L-4 pres.dcnt. Hfc atwlstants nre<br />

and Gene V*yssle, secretary, wit'n!Class of %l. Killed Dccemlter.l Vlce-PrcsIdcnt Vice-Prcsidcnt Isabel Philow and<br />

the Shield officers—Georgcne tirit

m 1<br />

uWlsl tit I r II • AMMIMed SlUMMl*<br />

or Lbw.ll II ell 8CMSM<br />

IIM HSJM fttnvt San IT» K* ic<br />

U»l fort »<br />

I- IL H. h, A Mtmbcrs Prw<br />


EDITOIt, _ HLDl<br />

Assoelah Mltnr<br />

rcature Vetre Ki Kilitor___.:_.../::<br />

Sport* Editor ._i<br />

Ha Sull »an<br />

Maoraret<br />

Margaret Jcholcs<br />

fcholcs<br />

--/.Bull SUvcrman<br />

News Editor -..'-- J-J'niy Brandt<br />

IMfcnK, Editor - -Norman Kramer<br />

Girls"- SlmrW &lilor:. ~.JIartha Sthwlmley<br />

ClrculaUor. Manager ager— ii<br />


..Alan -Orr<br />

sst<br />

Welcome, Freshman Class<br />

<strong>The</strong> Future Is Up To You<br />

Freshmen don't seem to ba .so pcarcd<br />

these days. <strong>The</strong>y run nround the Italia i"<br />

if they were right at home.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y seem to kiow nil about traditions,<br />

the swimming pool, nnd about the<br />

breaks Principal Stephens gives the student<br />

body when they deserve them.<br />

Even the room numbers seem familinr<br />

to them! To this nciv generation we seniors<br />

arc glad to entrust the care of the<br />

campus mid all its traditions, the faculty,<br />

and habits.<br />

Victory Varieties<br />

' Riding down ttic slight hill on Hayes street,<br />

looking thoughti'ully out uf the windows r-f iheir<br />

"21" car, ho** mativ war wirker*. cnilstud men.<br />

und IntcteuM civilians mu.ucn luncn an "<strong>The</strong>n: Arc Stuh<br />

Thlnca." "I Hail the Craileit Dream," enu "Don't<br />

Get i 'iround -Much Anymore" will be arouml a<br />

lonjr time. Here's hoping some of -those fine<br />

discs that have been heard on the all* will uc cut<br />

soon. -:. , - . ^- • ,-;<br />

" By the way. It's afact >hat Benny (jowlm&n"<br />

will plav the Golden Gato <strong>The</strong>ater, al feai;t so our<br />

friends "in the know" tell us. Should i>c Joon.<br />

100. .• . ,-. - ,v," :. r<br />

Cantalh Glenn Miller is planning to establish<br />

dance bands st each of the thin; technical train- .<br />

Inir command' Stations. At someLof tne iarscr sta-.~"<br />

tlons scvcral'teroups will combine to form march-;.<br />

intr bands. ./,_• - ;; ')<br />

Service Roll of Honor |<br />

V icirt?(I Hut of t «jif *M_ >i ri M i_4jrp*<br />

Jrr-y III) IS \i ny \ r -tn ' M K 11 \j. y<br />

#* r {Mir I \ri> w L q ,U 1r-<br />

HIr. « if jr Mi<br />

II I tMta. I s- r<br />

•it H nt tt ,P. SH v<br />

• p * in tr<br />

\n \i<br />

U w W tfy L 39 \r y<br />

"si *, *-I - IBS k K-upe "~l-3t n Ml 1<br />

II I W I<br />

\! 1 Ui r r 1 in y<br />

jtn i rr« < \rn><br />

I<br />

1 t ii »••» 1<br />

\MV<br />

t ><br />

1 ^ SI JT » % y<br />

^ Ituli K m, 'W :,^.i*mwi<br />

- N»r> A.r rn M<br />

Teepee Tattle Tales<br />

\W liko a gossip column,<br />

We think they're fun.<br />

\\'c never worry;<br />

We tu'vcr read one. . .<br />

We're the writers.<br />

At the latest po»'-wow held In<br />

the icetwc "f ye olde. rc^frvntion<br />

•tnr feature Klvcn poor reviews.<br />

Shr «lewr.ci» o lot tetter.<br />

I.eft ou> In the colt]. Don 5chumukL*r—<br />

nlvvayp too mid, Curtl Al-<br />

Heuutiful ryjt. iwrsonnllty plus,<br />

tilt; anitwer to u fellow's prayer—<br />

nnd duwnriKht dUcximimiliW evi-l*" mctrt . n 5i"^h<br />

drr.ee. So. "IM your Uatu?' put! jV' lVJ e J 1 ha* fl'jw—<br />

:<br />

„,. ,__. J ......nnu weapons y.l.n'l (don't •Mill „<br />

did me dirt,<br />

"= Ul" *"*<br />

: ugiiutod), urtd here goes!<br />

I!ut I ulM'ny» knew<br />

,. WEiii-kler, that odd shadv;<br />

Hi* wcru a flirt!<br />

Menvjriziittt these line-it yet, pat?<br />

" • h c C y ?<br />

.-ing all<br />

,..„ hut Itelty<br />

; Umuy ant) Barbara Sheldon arc<br />

Tlie new I^wd! chant:<br />

jr'JU nrowljitg. Clooil cHldbler, are<br />

What is lovu?<br />

Ee( Jprr.* "Hairy" Miller is hack<br />

nble to say the game fur Jean u-ith Un. <strong>The</strong> war docs do funny<br />

Tucker ami fr'nin* Detlner? Not: things.<br />

if his rovJnjr eyvit spot Winonnl Good man for anv.inc'.-* money is<br />

Mcninntjw o»raln. tLoat time itrb;irn Len<br />

ties wo hope you r««d Iti <strong>The</strong> I»W<br />

uiifd.' Proven incorrect, this fine feilfl'.v will'in- :<br />

.•1st thnt hi? intermctatimi is tho onl

By Dick.hoiehlluilI^vr!;;,}^<br />

$ -'Still' clfiiipwr to a; slim matho->'•'<br />

P matte*, rhnnce.to jdwre tbu itrcti'^<br />

i-buVcibuW title with; St. .Iunutlu*.!.<br />

^<strong>Lowell</strong>'* - Indian* ftco iWLtoni at],<br />

f Galileo Frldny night, on the mn-J mn-J'<br />

tplt flcor.of Kcsar IVvllIor., , in oner<br />

'df the city** troiiltlunnl co- co-tabu'<br />

lil'<br />

,If iho Card* win Prlrfay and 1'oly j .<br />

u St. Iciuiiu* Friday. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

ihe.WiWcau will to-Urn! tor<br />

On nrcvlou* performance* out"<br />

'tr-lnfl I* favored to defeat the<br />

JJcns. hut this Season's past reeortj*<br />

haven't been much more reliable<br />

th-'tn International law. <strong>The</strong><br />

rum', bowinir 0 onl/'to SlTlfrnj-l Camthl hi •dlMi aiCJiul SI. InMtln an four of llw Ord»* Nnhlwcleht Here (her ins—Ihe might or<br />

So°and Washington. Led by the 1 ??£"£•, Contry llnjj the "Jump" is llorlmm (10), wllli Soclolov machine, hih f Rlil<br />

C 6 tlun and Wa/nintrton. Led. by the<br />

) Slomon HO and W t (31) lll ti Th Cd lf l<br />

|<br />

1<br />

e (her insIhe might or Bcnn? Nrfr"i ellthlrenih <strong>Lowell</strong> cure<br />

£"£•, Contry llnjj the Jump is llorlmm (10), lli Soclov machine, which face. Ralilco In traditional Vlralrr lodar. From<br />

C). Solomon HO. and .West (31) awallltiK action Th« C«rd« left lo rlehl .re Ken Leslie (7). Herb Fulda (10). Gcone liull (9).<br />

y<br />

NBFF-DENUvB SEUIES °°"*""""' "»'° ''•<br />

BUI Uu (4). and Bob Buchanan 02.) -Photo by Bib Lcvlnion<br />

YKAU-<br />

IM?<br />

1K» -.. .<br />

i!»»<br />

IMC- . .<br />

mi .—<br />

133.'<br />

OT*: l??3 .-<br />

jranie that will he disunited in Ignatius, and WtmhinjEton. lotting<br />

vnt*e circles lor yi>nrn. This claim! hfnrfhrcikerK In Ilalbo*, .'.Union,<br />

wan followed by a tiirlUimr 32-311und I'nly, each hy Ihe H.i&i margin; +<br />

triumjih over Poly, last year's or l**u pcinlK. f.'alilco, after a ulnir, 1 rtxir^ll-lis. l?lnn Raitlae<br />

i-hnnw, an.) n lap-*ufed 33-21 aunt- uteri, ha* cme hack lo defeat thej *-»OWCil"VJtc\liJCU DilUieS<br />

: hiliulcp of M in* Ion. J league fowling Ilatbon fire, throw- '<br />

Starting Five I' n C * nP "" CT into • tie with Mitt-,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s tttnrtfnir five will to *'•••• '°, r f init ulace. Sockolov,}<br />

rhofer. nmoiiK Junior* Hill Lau. £!* l ;5fjj,3' i! 1 «?£* MiL 1 !" I *' or the first time in nine S'*** th * <strong>Lowell</strong>-Galileo **bifffeJ^errfir^-fooffi,<br />

SSiT-diir 1 '* Urt f ° r "'* '"! little" p.me is scheduled for the final week of play. At the<br />

clipped ihn WIPIPI of the Wiuhlnt-' So. nil you la.l.t find la-aka, cc-me' ^easont'3 outset, it sfttfmd as though this spot for the conteit<br />

tun KiiKlu), and coniom Hvrbv Ful- " * * . . . .<br />

;<br />

da. Cieorpc Dull, and Duck Buchan-<br />

• bail "i'nd f bSltalf "ptawn f Ain't What <strong>The</strong>y Used To Be<br />

•?• So. nil you latin find In«m>s, ccme's««J«<br />

j£ Smc^f bnskc'tlmll" "'""" * "" i «ecmed'aii if by a .hop from heaven that the great <strong>Lowell</strong> and<br />

-- Galileo of old would return once<br />

| ni s uuuwi, ii sct-inu as inougn mis spor lor ine corneas<br />

ul-jout and support your teams. Itrtn^Iwns h "natural"—n Card-Lion clash for the championship in<br />

n- fifteen cent* and your *princ »tu-jthe loop's fhutle—for both teams were biff and strong. It<br />

n- d.-nt bojy car. ami wltnen a real aeemed ns if bv n drob from heaven that t»w trrcat LOWMJI nnA<br />

ii: Curia, wlio hy casinc .13 points<br />

HJ', acainst rtaUwa, rlimlnntcd the old<br />

•.j* prep worini: twonl CH dirlHivclv an i<br />

: ; Rnmmvl was eliminated from<br />

• I Libya, our foes will un:h>uhtc<br />

'took ciitht titles and Galileo tonr.idneli the third of flic .trailtlit II-<br />

•, tin ere which now Icavca <strong>Lowell</strong>; tlca. That was tile li»t roar ut-<br />

— jttud GaliU-o ranklnt; one and two teird by the I,Ion».<br />

; in Ihe number of titles won, twelve Although without the chnmrionyenre<br />

which established Benny. ,hiD tans, today 1 ! match, for Ihe<br />

_ j Neff an the ouUtandinir 'lly coach: rir»t llm In a decade, is w.raethlnit<br />

! hut a htlle feud ju»t wafn't 111 the Hke the Knmos of old; forXowcli ia<br />

— Ibookc. St. iBMtius saw to that. .till mathematically in the race,<br />

— Xcff-DeNikt! Xo. 17 and thv Lionw nic cportinK 4<br />

I Allhoonh utartlni: back in 1820. ll ttaliico-^boih •'midr.ir.'onwrinie «a> ^~ .*•-. - -.6 * ;<br />

Marx. Bon<br />

a'ul Gerald Haywi*rd.<br />

Tho thirties eta will bo built mYnutcs,'\he"uiij;rji.ir"cirds''"w"er?i' . -- - J<br />

l "'! ini : :ll n<br />

- the lonw. As Ihe ctral. slow. KO-|'' " I"' —<br />

,. «blnr.|lke;M«ht dre.- to Ita elosln?!o«tv.n tolll<br />

'».lt«rl —— l -.-,-<br />

rou rans Bill<br />

llolstcln,-Wll- prolectlnK' i 12 lo 8 Ie»d. • <strong>The</strong>n<br />

bur around veterans Louis Bob ' ' " -»•-•••—-•.•<br />

..._ aul"nir<br />

Don L. we Nine the discus<br />


lanlljr v^Mt<br />

\\nnr^»tl«nr \KI«<br />

Mun "-I' J "> .-L— • •- .1<br />

Lo Gunnic, tnd wild the fury.of a »lld Hon., ft«--Tfcmi"fr/- it<br />

:tach,U)!hty Is dynsmlle-.11 fed -Ralllcana broke ,J*°\{j!SJZ<br />

»---»••<br />

IB a 'lye-<br />

10<br />

" 1<br />

1 May<br />

'" i---<br />

»- ^

tNew Plan'Adopted<br />

For Senior Speakers<br />

Serves<br />

Eisenhov/er<br />


AI! Even! Three<br />

Teachers Replaced;<br />

. Losing two teachers jn I gutmno;<br />

Wh.it happcnel to Mli» Chiso'lwo >• the lot if Lo»fll lljrfh•<br />

- 1 / >».<br />

,-rtS-<br />

-SENIOR<br />

SHORTS<br />

Ha<br />

Sullivan* *an confer. • > " jtfon Division, XOT Mil east -_<br />

- In place of the old meena of elec- j training school, and was awarded<br />

tion. all H-l students who wish to "•<br />

lie yalcdtetorisn. historian, or es-<br />

.saylil and hive entrance, reeommendntiuns<br />

for tho University of<br />

California','will<br />

1 during his Hophom*ire year<br />

*!u>jvtl<br />

it,<br />

t |<br />

_ __„.. ..,„,.<br />

t<br />

<strong>The</strong> valedictory -nmit not ho « t"e chew can oc convinced not! mcnt Is nnt as plentiful na unual.i<br />

lonirer than fifttcn m<br />

had<br />

: nutcs. the " "wrcooK it- j once ncoin moro <strong>Lowell</strong> 21rla havo<br />

ef3ny ten minutes, and the hUtoiy | ^ ^ [ J ^ ^ j j * ^ ^ **!<br />

tlotu Jano irraduatcs with Cal tec-1 amjo/^n his Krf mn»l«s the thinl, Under tho suldnnco of the P. E.'<br />

ummcndatlov whether you hnvu 1 Incmt> c mini«.«!nnrd .ifflevr<br />

CIMO tournamen* v. aun; onp woman who left .1 fourth floor<br />

Frnnci*eo Su:tt<br />

in liir Army lletterve Curp^.<br />

pe tojma-!art room In <strong>Lowell</strong> and followed,<br />

—L—<br />

mcnt~derinlte.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ruptuln und ^lr»». Kali*<br />

nf tourna-; hcr cnj| to duly l0 tnr! fOCT, cf Lon* J<br />

ment—Indcrinitc.<br />

At tin recent C, A. A. rally, bt«-(i art* now making their<br />

u u fcuncc, Jon nnd the ilcucrts "f Africa.<br />

la ths dilemma which facet the<br />

' Picitident Jvni) Dietcrle intrnducvl home in Snn Kranciwro.<br />

syrinc term's DcbntinR Society of- —BUY A BOMBER— ' the followirnr manager* of cirls' *<br />

ticera who. happily, have been<br />

jiiporUt: Ihidminton, Shirley Burke:<br />

elected, definitely.<br />

250 <strong>Lowell</strong>itoWork<br />

Shi?lcy tturwitx: haa- —HUY A HOMHEK—<br />

At the head of me of the most<br />

1<br />

uctlvc and wcll-knuwn debating To Speed Victory kctbnll, Dorothy Cook; vldlnc. Car- ^. ••• r* r -^ - A I<br />

rruaprf * in the xtatc utatc Is Dick ~ Roevn.<br />

jmen Silvn: Hwlmmlnir, Mm^ret; Civihan Deffchsc *•>.<br />

tlittl, , who ho has haa Bcr;ed sen-cd <strong>Lowell</strong> a* an Membcni of tho Victory Corps 1 Utitrj-; buwlinir, June Mnnct.il;, For Volunteer f<br />

active ti anil victorious debater for for! not wear brait buttons nivMoncInjr, I*ne S*.ruc!;meyor: r&myor: bate bnsc-<br />

Meetings Held 2:35<br />

rs^cnoi.o(iYcLUii<br />

Do you put bird need in your<br />

cofffc? Do you iweak your<br />

1<br />

friemlit' rant 7 Do you wear a pret- •<br />

i *P1 in your buttonhol.; ? ]{ to. roo<br />

:<br />

)"h hiittorj-. tht« <strong>Lowell</strong> Chapter of<br />

the Junior Slateimen a( America<br />

U fa^'ini: wh»t nr«imi»eti to Mm<br />

ev«"n itioii! nttfvi' term than '»*?wh'vh<br />

culmEndtetl in tF<br />

: Unna. Ijlr Brewer wo» electri<br />

thai ox Wcc-prc » —<br />

Thompson, debater and editor of<br />

te,! ""»•"•» Kcnnnly. Sllirley, Tlll. office of Civilian Defend at! >'-Prc«Ment; Hyman Blk. Mtr^<br />

°Th.re°a% 250 studenw who taw' r » lwl '*"- »>o protldent of the; M2 Market «reet l« In need of: »gi °Bob HarVv'a.S^'t<br />

kl I b * S h S ! Dlo.1; L will l l hl i I kl !! ""' Bob - »>o protldent of the; M2 Market «reet l« In need of: g Bob HarVv'a.S^<br />

Dlo.1; L, will be a»»!«M In tho.clerical holn ami I. Mklnc !««•!. :","'• f «»"> »«"« <<br />

Bob «»"> »«"<br />

S^ c?J ISJmSSK'i.cth?" 1 '' 0 ' 1 ' ". oh "!oRroplier's assist- ciconup nimpnten l,y Secretary'"S"" 0 '.'.. 1 "JJ n "<br />

Z"SSSCS&trf "."reslSi: US.? ° n soSo V °,.'ir C ir\!oW"" > »fte r ;!" Crev Wlllhn " nni1 C '" k "••«<br />

temporaenoi's speaker. ns an overseas operator. ,<br />

Hard-worlclnsr is the proper ad-i Forty-two uirls han-csled tnmajective<br />

for able.Dave Teltelbaum,i toes nt Plcnsanton lo«t year. Mrs.| I CALENDAR<br />

treasurer. Capable Tom Stcctto Ht Jordan expects many more to fielp<br />

\*aliantly<br />

alian<br />

rlatu<br />

serving as debating libra-1<br />

this<br />

this<br />

«ummcr.<br />

summer.<br />

Ae»mmotbtlon<br />

Ae»mmotbtlon<br />

T/lll<br />

atu . i 1M better, because arrangements<br />

T/ill<br />

Freshman Rccclilinit—March 2C<br />

Ai io tho futuro tournaments.; are bl belne r.udo d f for uso of f a hih high<br />

CM rallonlr.it han curtailed all «; schopl which is Mar reclentlon in-<br />

L-3 Dance—April 0.<br />

teiuiro out-of-town auto ridlnir, cllltlcs. Somo mothers nn plan- H-J Dance—April 30.<br />

ith the r ! tht L l l ill t\"}"e |o accompany and work with<br />

:<br />

will work or.e afternoon n week! CIlEJIISTm CLLH<br />

1<br />

from tlireo until five. Xo clerical; Under Mr. Schwarti' ablo super-<br />

^xiiericnce Is required. Thirty; vision, tho <strong>Lowell</strong> Chemistry Clob<br />

I Lowrllltcs are nlrrody dolntr their nns nn Interesting time of it. Ibt<br />

I p(.rt at the O. C. D. ! club ha* A total membership of fif-<br />

• "Thl» Thl» b only the beginnine beginni of! \<br />

volunteer l t w war work k f for hteh school I SIS 1<br />

including Darbara Cboler,<br />

- • Bulerl. '<br />

Undents," Undents, Miss.Anderson Miss.Anderson declared declare I£5»;<br />

I "S ".Soon even- hih high school h l b boy anillJJ^, l rerwrS? on raw irS<br />

Rirl will have an opportunity to aid vital to tho ivar and they<br />

•A.<br />

! " the ffeht by donu«ng h * time X . to tho Suffic ptaM<br />

» nd with the result that <strong>Lowell</strong> will not' "liR<br />

«»-;pa;j,Uj. hl ,(;f4cMiM Boenm' the<br />

154, on Ihecvenlni-of Kebrunrj-5.|Girls' niock L fs worklnc for a,<br />

Dave, now another yowiic douRh-1 n».i succcsjTul elenn-up campaign ••ynlen tho 'Ear. Francisco' s«IU<br />

boy, fa a member of Uncle Sam's'""." «•{"• T up campaign<br />

Uf-.of'this cam- !<br />

nrmy. , g<br />

'"" "•'•'— -'• room iSonmrks that resliUT<br />

wtan(rl. ot tho „,.„„( ^A jHn<br />

'cii^r.lfJlT"^! w 1 * 1 ''" 11 : thl! .court c t for f their thi eonvu:. I<br />

"• aeln bring<br />

%<br />

lw:k ll,o»'San Fn»-<br />

lf mori<br />

Wentlflcatlon brace, t » pro- J S r S S S enlnuS<br />

sentcd Dave by hu fuilow studtntA of lort term's four outstanding<br />

'- • " - hd! w '»l« !r Up i<br />

M<br />

L'«n<br />

-lla<br />

and<br />

vrni<br />

A<br />

. Ue<br />

cor.t<br />

.. eolu<br />

iam<br />

afte<br />

ores<br />

fron<br />

Cnm<br />

aso.<br />

•mm<br />

' eolu:<br />

* f^<br />

- tlvn<br />

" bon<br />

. Paj<br />

Am<br />

wlt|<br />

mm<br />

b»n<br />

dl<br />

for<br />

, • ar,»<br />

tlm<br />

'-• !!"" honi<br />

.theif<br />

--•§£<br />

hcln brine lw°kYho."'San"Fran-<br />

:.cce. ciKU, iliwo." |n In n %do etomj race, from Fr«- as<br />

ll help "clean nmrv VW. this l came out os<br />

top . with A total purchase •<br />

As yet no word has reached (workers » — Barbra Barbara Gels*! rjtab<br />

Lwell as to D.no's *h-ronbouu. h-reabouu. fB"-.'^!?"';. -S^IX'*", Virdnta TO I C,b,o,,;|, .fl^t^T£* Jffi<br />

then v uldjw ta Block I, danct;<br />

-Snead arc rthe bond salesmen<br />

but Bob revealed that-the^boys<br />

the vlnnlng registry.*<br />

. uouid hold their annual ptcnie.<br />

Mrs. I'arker pnlied the entfjv<br />

•"An aim mstha Girls' Block h\<br />

this term is to keep the courts and<br />

slusni and energy shown by Wv<br />

doir house fret of lunch papers.<br />

students during tin.* contest, ~7<br />

Eterv plrl in the block vllftie on • BUY A BOMBER• . Tim nfxt "-jur places urero<br />

M , "Clean-up Commlttco" for a<br />

bv reg'ttrfes 102. no, snd 234.<br />

•MCtk.<br />

total Kalw or tno fifteen<br />

'ninounU'l tctSJS&OO. . '<br />

Xl<br />

be<br />

F«<br />

ri\<br />

lh<br />

S<<br />

• nv<br />



/FOttWAim<br />

By ti&e Day<br />

thing very Intercut inn — Miiu<br />

SdiouV Insurance* letter. Tht*<br />

m«t export sleuth* nn Ihc *taff<br />

ant tit (I I trying lo Mud I hi: nn<br />


Sin Inincisco Cfcllfona Wednesday April 14 1013<br />

Smash Brbidway Cbniedy Hit •$.100 'BpndsDayJ-kGoafesi^^^<br />

^ To Be <strong>Lowell</strong>'s terifi Bay<br />

, llr Editor Mlld«d Klefer _#j<br />

March H*-W« may be nroju-l J Brtot. brciay, ami hlunt' ...... ^,<br />

1 York critics '<br />

diced, uut this was the day of n ha ", TV*' 1 ? mcdy<br />

Rreat event, the /Iret luue of <strong>The</strong> 1 »"'nWRulnif plot.<br />

Lou-ell for Jprine 1043 api-cnrcd. Vmr? 1 " 1 '. an! TO ravlni: about?<br />

March 12-Tho last: Basketball I!" 1 York critics' ileMribeTii.' "ill<br />

rumanco, and! Senior Prom<br />

* ""• torm play, -Best FoV, At Fairmont<br />

rsUy "f the year and the classic ro- forward to bo elven on tho eve<br />

irark of of tho year share today's, "'"K'. of_ May 26, 20, and 28. In Wcdncwlay nishl, Juna 10, Lwnipclkht<br />

' <strong>The</strong> rally rjll> uas was for the the""><br />

"cnool auditorium<br />

«"• An ImttU<br />

Cnmmcrci .tmt which b> tho way' Bo« loot forw the<br />

lld<br />

1<br />

1 Bonds We Have; Boost]<br />

••• »"* Performance will go to<br />

ce^ji). <strong>The</strong> system would havo to;l^»wctl« P.-T. A. for '<br />

operate continuously during fouith. w»rk for I>i\vell sttidc<br />

and fifth pcrlfxlx. Of courcc. the 1<br />

daylight might La cut off, and *JM|P— «. A 17 1<br />

installation would probably co.ic CA £ .OieegC, A, Vrabec<br />

much ax a now .girls' gytn. but! * , „ n 11<br />

w« would surely have gitincd one, J^eau IlOnOr Koll<br />

more person to work on the cic&it*.<br />

°"&h 23-<strong>The</strong> r.ell-kno»n cold' „ 'i' 1 f. r ' : V! lc Sn f " lr Jf'^"""5 f 5 it vary liifflcult.<br />

&^?*^{5gg£&5yi<br />

'<br />

Anril &—To the frlnidd of Jan-<br />

— ., .._... We appreciate y«__.<br />

continued Intertst in our gossip<br />

u member of the Scroll, /iinn ed a<br />

. ct'iumn. Your letter. Haying the<br />

utruitfht ih A reconl, Vrnbec who<br />

;ame thing It said Insl year, came<br />

cnrrle* u program of six prvparod,! d<br />

after tho second page had gene to<br />

hi cr B p<br />

'<br />

press. ress.<br />

haii Dcupite one B.the the shortened program<br />

Apri! 8—We received n and tinrticipatiim ii IIn<br />

ninny<br />

n painjr<br />

th J ft tivities by Lowc!Ht«* th<br />

Comp at Topaz. Utah, a fit^mmcnt few days i the ..ruin parade was as strong as<br />

ngo, and rfcogn>zcd Home <strong>Lowell</strong> ever with many Hludcnts making<br />

nair.es in the sporU and goaxlp 20. 5. r » or CO paints and with it few<br />

*' columns. regLttrie? obtnining clan averages<br />

Today we have siore new* ! llVcr - 5 l )oi » tjI -<br />

froni them. Thoi«> former ntudentu<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> had reail uf our<br />

boaber campaign. Even in To- Art Classes Draw<br />

Pazlfc* <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit and the<br />

Amerkan spirit rame through Bomber Posters<br />

• *llh: Ilrirjr rolors. <strong>The</strong>y mined<br />

none* and art* buying all their To aid <strong>Lowell</strong>'s campaign to buyj<br />

bonds :— and -• stamp* -...r- through r- I^w- — - . a bomber corrj'ing tho school nntnc,<br />

-- ro that we »ey. Kvt I he credit [t|ie att c|aan^ arc prodacing ninny<br />

•or our bomber. attractive and colorful poster*. <strong>The</strong><br />

*^n you njvlwnciiUy that you j tncant spot* on tho bulletin boards'<br />

are chowlng OH much interest u |are be(nK fjncj w;th postsn show-i<br />

these peope who are now hun- \inK ^ l i 0 Lowdl" flylj.g on iln way<br />

dreds or miles from their former \ia ilt.|,, w|n tho war.<br />

• oraes... -. ^ Th(t 1tnnll.'r \Viri£ w a s (jonc under<br />

- ....... 0—Tho low juniors held<br />

' Jhelr first clnss dance, "Cutter's;<br />

Caper." As !n all school affairs,;<br />

tnoit that took part enjoyed thcm-|<br />

. wivei, end there were even a fcwi<br />

L-3*5 on tho dance floor. -<br />

%^{}, Butwhcru was our famed dance j<br />

April 12—<strong>Lowell</strong> has really .tonto<br />

was. Boyo.id the drives nnd t*rour<br />

garden on *-*-<br />

.. .tow sports vcgoL<br />

ajict, thev wwill<br />

be: vegctv]<br />

»mo day, we ho hope. '<br />

April 14—And<br />

today<br />

i ~ t th iM another<br />

thtt *ii|MT;t*ioii 01 Mrs. C. Buns.<br />

Many of the studentii were new to<br />

art work, und others had nover<br />

dnii any previous ' poster v work.<br />

Th^r completed work, however, is<br />

effective and attractive. ,, :•<br />

Among the- students who drew<br />

tho posters were B. Prciton, H.<br />

Wilson. M. Coiw. a Self. It. Bu-,<br />

chanan, JOMeElroy, E. HcmminJ<br />

A. CpIitemiL-p. Runyan. C. Law-j<br />

ronc«V W.' Rlyore, A. Kruer.<br />

Walker, J. Xowcll, L. SchlikofT. v-.<br />

April 14—And today another<br />

Krcercweer.iS. Emlay, G. Do Vtxf<br />

. ~..Kreai~ovant, another iMucof.<strong>The</strong> fTh<br />

tinl, and L..S5tneidcr.r ^-y<br />

; <strong>Lowell</strong>. Wo hoiw you like It, and Thft streamer banhor tnsfde. tho<br />

-• • wo hope you wl'l contlnuo nutting main-entrunco which stooK-iui 011<br />

V^Wniticsi -and critlclnns In- the bur way to'buy thnt hot'dog and<br />

llh fctll<br />

i^'-Tiw^jtTs'there for that Purpose<br />

^: and that purpose only. L '•<br />

^f;.Thi.t'f;thlrt^>^-: ••:• -'<br />

Our drive for tho Treasury Flag<br />

througn '00 per wnt participation<br />

in each ro^&try Is continuing. Bwt<br />

now, upeciftl Iniurcst is conturvd 011<br />

the rorr.ing S100 d.»y. ".<br />

<strong>The</strong> C. S. F. will do its part to Hemcmber, Friday is tho day.<br />

nivmotu good will relationship with Boy your b.-*J, go; a friend to buy<br />

the Prn-American countries In a a l-ond. so your room will ** doing<br />

program to be held In the nudito* its part. r<br />

rlum the first iwrlod today for the, liny to fly "Tha l/>weIL"<br />

scnion and the memoirs of the )r- <<br />

|;ganl2ation. •<br />

Mn,. Harriflon, who b the uutt.*Jt!<br />

of the new fiction host neller, "Captuln<br />

of the Andci.," wilt be tho|<br />

princijial guest speaker of the nro-( Out-Of-Town<br />

gram. Also to speak is Frsd Wathcr,<br />

un oxchango student from, NNorman<br />

Xrair.rr and Jack Gold-'<br />

bouth America who is now study- !""* f " hi*?<br />

ing at thu University of Califor-I ma.ls headlines In California't hfe<br />

n\i. He will discuss conditions and nchool dcbi):;ii^ world this month.<br />

hi* experiences In South America. In tho American Loirton conteAi.<br />

* TMsn words fol- At the end of thu program Mr. Norman ucc=mc tho <strong>Lowell</strong>:n-prn<br />

low the coming of nprlng us Moore, C. S. F. counselor, will talk "y<br />

spring iUtfif fullows winter. on scholarship.<br />

And wo all know what it<br />

means ... haxeluill, bmcliall,<br />

America's favorite game!<br />

Spring Is hero right nlong<br />

with thr birds and the bees,<br />

and the tendency if a young<br />

man's fancy. <strong>The</strong> kids love<br />

it: wo love It, and America<br />

loves It. It Is here along with<br />

sunny days, blue *kic*, and<br />

that lackadaisical mood.<br />

You have seen springs<br />

eumc and spring! go. You<br />

have liked their coming nnd mako thi<br />

hutod their departure Just as<br />

bus every one else, nnd<br />

you vo nbm hated the end of<br />

a season's baseball. Whether<br />

it is tho neighborhood team,<br />

thu old home team, or oven'<br />

thu major lca',rue, the end is<br />

always sad.<br />

Incidentally, r«woll DOES<br />

have a tanebail team, or<br />

didn't you l:now'.'T?<br />

1 ?" "' 1» fint contsl<br />

nounces that additional entertain*'<br />

munt will l»u supplied by Hay vVn*.<br />

Kon, bilcnted II-a student, who will<br />

do a Spanish ~ dance. <strong>The</strong> other 1<br />

hai.<br />

feh<br />

th.<br />

i<br />

•"•••»;«•» *t ^jj***<br />

dents. . Dandni? will'bo to th6;t«ne^CS : dents. ,Danc/n<br />

if#j^<br />

of records whi<br />

th the ffi """"""" <strong>The</strong> dancp comrrittce^#pg<br />

Dick Calender, Isabel p<br />

,y Angard. Ken Wells,<br />

JO, Carol Allen, "" '<br />

Bgh Haley.. Ray<br />

AtcanL<br />

7 • i* hV."* T- a^fay-^r\yi}

B#:<br />

"•'"•'IM; :•' -IMC 2Urn 8trMt..Sui Pranri<br />

7.i*V-^r yr.7*'-~; - CaUfornl* :^u \i . '<br />

pi^iArL. 1L R *;*.xonfera Fn.<br />

j LOWELL STAFFF . .j. X- >.'•'<br />

EDITbll£_i_.__i_PJIILbRED KIEKKIt<br />

—, ilii Sullivan<br />

Scholo<br />

; ^ " . — M a r y Brandt<br />

I)ofelue.Editor—!- : ;. ...-.Norman Kntmor<br />

Sporti»'JSdttor.:l__ uMattha Schivimley<br />

Circulation ll»na|ror.._—i— Alon Orr<br />

SCv * ? •>?' HKl'OUTEItS<br />

» <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Service Flag?<br />

Where is Our Scroice Flag?<br />

-- We'd Like<strong>The</strong> Mystery Solved<br />

Where is <strong>Lowell</strong>'s servile DOB'/<br />

Last January's graduating china presented<br />

a beautiful service flfcg to the<br />

school. Many wern moved by tin> prcsun-<br />

'"• tation nnil were stirred by the beauty of<br />

• Jio Hag. itself.<br />

Since thai day in tho c^url. when the<br />

student body viewed the thtc at its presentation<br />

ceremonies it hns di.sunpwrcd.<br />

L'ould it have been hied uv.ny to some<br />

. dark corners/<br />

Couid it be hniiginx behind u heavy<br />

door, loat from admiring look*"<br />

Or could it ba tucked away for wifekccpinK.<br />

but no glory?<br />

In any case. \vou!on Dtnoto, '41<br />

Alan ltcflcurc, '-..<br />

K:nnk Antobe, VI..<br />

Kntnir WIjtmorc, ! 4± . „<br />

Krpnclst Onintr, '-M<br />

Stan Luvlu, *:«»<br />

nitt !init-r. 'so ;;;<br />

Cnr.rlex Slanninw. '.19....<br />

Drve Wilwn, 'S3 ' '<br />

noli rmir. •& Z.T<br />

Krid ISctivcr. Mf»<br />

•timmy Knrncrt, '-10<br />

Wayne Wright. *4i»<br />

Rratit Walker, '42~<br />

•loo Grecly. '-ttl<br />

Jack ffnrr)*nn, M9<br />

T E«lwi«r.!«, '40<br />

RnlK?rt Stytz. '4'i.<br />

K H ?;:^:^.^:<br />

Cliff Wr.lwficlrl. "40<br />

I^coiiard Yiu'dall. '4a<br />

Jack I-VMinan. ',10<br />

»ub I'lun-I.. •« '".'.'"'.'.<br />

-Army:<br />

. Jlnrltia Corpi<br />

«.Army<br />

...Army A|P Ccna<br />

_An.iy Air Corpi<br />

-Army Air Corf,<br />

...Army Air Coroi<br />

-Amy. .nlr Corvi..<br />

. Army Air Corn*<br />

.Army Air Corpt<br />

-Anry Air Corr«<br />

-Nivy<br />

..Na-y<br />

.. Navy<br />

... Army A'r'Conij<br />

.. Army •Mr-Corpt<br />

-. Army<br />

- \rmv<br />

.. Navy<br />

...Xnvy<br />

- Anr.r<br />

-Navy A'r Corp;<br />

- Navy A.r Corp*<br />

'"- my Air Corpi<br />

Old Locker Blues Kaunt Ms<br />

or<br />

<strong>The</strong> Case of the Bad Vocabulary<br />

"Kuft U r->t nnd we.-t i.< wejst, anil ncv*»r t.V<br />

*.T.iin j.i*al| niLtt." i>xcc)>t when two K<br />

f-tal<br />

Jum<br />

~im<br />

IH<br />

eu<br />

Ln<br />

cka<br />

tHrt<br />

cm<br />

."!<br />

win<br />

dta<br />

rrfa<br />

55/<br />

O<br />

OK<br />

bon<br />

f»li<br />

corn]<br />

itr^l<br />

coin,<br />

Tl<br />

crnil<br />

I<br />

Sen<br />

both<br />

erf.<br />

bdii<br />

al <<br />

Plavi<br />

.. Th<br />

^O'Shi<br />

ultcfc<br />

• ;«uv<br />

to 11<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Gain.<br />

•...ba<br />

ianin<br />

.torou<br />

: j<br />

ba<br />

pll<br />

thi<br />

.ffl<br />

let ]<br />

on<br />

foo<br />

•£<br />

th,<br />

an<br />

fas<br />

•U«»J<br />

«t»<br />

not<br />


To ^Straight;<br />

. ;;Take Fourth<br />

Title In Five Years<br />

Ily Al Orr<br />

r Today, our classy track team<br />

- meet* the Galileo nquail it Kexar,<br />

?:»Udmni,. Thin meet will pribably<br />

f j^u dueVfor hiith point h(.non» 1M»-I<br />

t twwa Earl .MnKnonl. Gnllleo flach,;<br />

' d "Lour John" Harhrravt, oar 1<br />

„ • »n. roan, rilnco .since the the Uan'n Lion. fujnhd «,nBd<br />

1(1 very f«w ^t-Rdlcr,. tho;<br />

momUw to OT In Iiwcliv:<br />

on (Jj) .. _.; ,^__Ji _ __<br />

n Bcat 1 tim e- 23.3 jwomls. City recur:!- *1 f^<br />

OgnrU run-BJIh (L), Hngoplnn (L)<br />

?<br />

Stockton (L) ___'•'•___<br />

1 8 1<br />

* '': B4 2 secod Cit 1<br />

; : ^; 2 i«'''>/- CHy re'eord: 6W ;:-<br />

-I—-Clements (L), Oppenliciincr CL),<br />

. 8<br />

—--..-• _6 3<br />

A '• At the -lose ot e,«sry spring term. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> sport puiso.•--•<br />

x<br />

i features naummaryor, the year. Also splashed In headlines'<br />

j is <strong>Lowell</strong>'s Irmlitlomil.Mr. Bljr stntus in prep sporting rii.nkB.<br />

_ This This set set .ite .tie to to womlerinjr. ivonilerinjr. It It is is a a known known fact fact that thnt <strong>Lowell</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> it). i>;-.<br />

•'("<strong>The</strong> "<strong>The</strong> Nnmo" Nnmo" in in propdom, propclom, for a game against afininst <strong>Lowell</strong> to'tliS'-", h'tluv<br />

)"l)ig taeV.'fur cvarj' fchool.'lnit how long fins this Jlr/Big><br />

l •ui.o stjilo oi of ' niiu.rjt— nf/uir*—this mis conslntcnci cohsDitcnC) —<br />

.vcariv .yoariv moaplnc-up mnaplnB-up of tlMea-ibl* titlcn-dat- •>«"• «»« flr-k tlrft laucbnll bucbnll penn»ntr-«vli<br />

penn»ntr«vli<br />

bln«.?.. II.PEin^- -hrouKh png-ji uvl ynn after tho ICOR. . „„ ..„„»„<br />

pnnoi r.r nncioi.t anntt,;, nnd ,,„. rated. Llko trnci i hbtnri,-, i«t?.j<br />

e , gt un un" i '-"-J" "J" high hhurdle*—HnrdKravc<br />

(10 llui-liiii<br />

L1 eHnr (L)<br />

l>l*u« Thru*,-i>,..ml»|n»<br />

(L) Y,°", °"\V \Vm ?' ,<br />

-0<br />

Clean «ww. r,i>,.r»r ftirtbroni<br />

City record: J5.7 >iecoiid!i.<br />

i. I -..I-. as t\)«Ut;\\ () 1 /<br />

\ ' I.JW. •in,] •».n- will lat». II<br />

t floar. *\-.eut if<br />

ni* into form. l_*tw«> ix nl-io<br />

i a hurdie*<br />

I ti.l IIIK >i iumm>r.<br />

\ nhwli rvt nt«" li>* |ii.-k« tin n lot<br />

I ooinio a* w -II .->« .'Ii<br />

i I_.KU>.<br />

* Mfl'hi 4<br />

f emit<br />

-: fc"» f re<br />

Our<br />

hnrf.<br />

fraud<br />

1 * 1 , n t.<br />

! iii-<br />

MJU-lJ<br />

'l.i * <<br />

ll'.HH*<br />

fftn'|U'*r.ii # pm. """" inte i t ...... t*U jji-.. -«,„„;. ;(»..iirollcabrlK!i'oro»iecondtltl-<br />

(nci« bnck : ,!.« Into —>, wh-n "'"Id l» captured. Vnitr tho nijtiinlcticu<br />

wc IUhi : fntpF- "Action of illke Voyne,' tho third<br />

1^....... wni|ic-i;.p.. lyioiiini? oier cup cono in loai. Thpn thep-weni<br />

fi shjio Into M,mni«.;«.r I r.iunO t^nt two ulraluht In -M md '27.<br />

| tho ^rlnB »,,„,>;, in.<br />

Mi»I-ptii—<br />

(K). J " ' Papke (Ci)<br />

Ik.t (lisi.-mco: -10 ft. 8 in. City records: -18 ft. 1.5 in.<br />

l.>wciis throw—Orr (D I.owc (I.). Mrfhw (L)<br />

Ue.st distance: 101 ft. City rucnnl: 1»S ft. 1 in.<br />

in Pole Vault—Ciilini.ii (I,). Conn (I,). Moore (L) . .<br />

»f<br />

nirinc n menn<br />

Best hr::i'U: 10 ft S in. rjty ruvunl: i:t fl. S-j-j in.<br />

Fjih(Hii«re, haft<br />

uik *>•**. it.\v thniv.*'iiir irtitchins(»n (G) .<br />

i* stead ily improving. nest hcijriil: ('• ft. City rcc. :. fi ft. :*» in.<br />

. ranil \n pp'-ff.i* >ri TlnvtM|imrtiT '"i'e tvhiy—1-oweii ...<br />

,i.<br />

(Illlv 1 lll| • K Ilfst tinii>: :':2",.8 min. City record: 2:1R.S min.<br />

.(•; tin* Tin. ••<br />

- «.f til.- li-HUUr, lift w..:ir ii:u3..i4 io<br />

cnr>..clim!. out of the pecond dh'^Ion<br />

'-'•'- Finally. I.. ;937. Loa-cll<br />

"' "O. S'W nnoth.r •'nlm-S tn'<br />

:.r ly.w.-.l was f...<br />

i- city tilk- in the<br />

'tr.^.-.l.<br />

w r ' lcr *" T - "Oiiatir attempt, it<br />

.!ir.p>. *Tlinl i "trin* of.twujWy »trair;ht E. :-. A.<br />

r][, (.,,.,. f(l|. I . <br />

Wa«liiiii:t.in t.-:.ms of 'ir,<br />

cim:p-|:W; thrri-an.| four.<br />

s,-.-,,ra tl-c Ti.p rfl|, ,i,<br />

-. •> t.'r-<br />

..ii'l ill.; rti.r«l-<br />

••(. relay train of<br />

Cans. SoM. ami MurcnlU will r»to<br />

thn Hi!O for nnnihcr trl-<br />

yc-i;«r(iay. IHH stuli.L'n<br />

ilcparturi: from l/iwi-11 ki't<br />

th« Card nine without r.<br />

atiarlopluir, for hitt verriutili:<br />

hittinif, dutcii fielding, combmcJ<br />

with cxiK-rionc", 1P;K!crvhJp,<br />

ami fire, was to supply<br />

tho Cardinal'* punch.<br />

F*n3t year n^ a star thin!<br />

baxrmnn, .Mot nurd iipnjmpiUhcd<br />

nucli fcatrt as topping<br />

tt.9 infield ir. field:up perevntape.<br />

crnckinir out n 3t»5 fon!<br />

hptner. and hittinjr at tt .GUV*<br />

clip in the playoffs to lead all<br />

battffra of the four teams entered.<br />

He al.tti camed two lutU.TH<br />

*>n ve la«t two eiianrnienithin<br />

footLall ek-v\ns, Icadintr tho<br />

42 team at th* k,.« nuartcruack<br />

position. Having had<br />

tho oe«t toajnic pircpntaRC in<br />

cotnpl-ted pnsscs, plus toiw-<br />

«W six of thorn for scores,<br />

b*:ter«l bv none, Jfornnrd<br />

wa» tabbad, the city's oalitniidinc<br />

i)unrtr.iMcX.<br />

Hu joins Bill and Ed Dcr.<br />

nett and Dob Sim. who n-«*<br />

now m tho Coaat Guard, nmt<br />

who were his foothall buddies<br />

wut year.<br />

1 .-, f.ophomnri'' hroin:!;: upon<br />

1**1"." win itK ^'" rt '" K' n «vimm!nir, tlii.i<br />

wly but xurcly coming<br />

'i>!fhi|>. person- ":«'K.<br />

h "•= rtartlnir' ' ol,,. i?,..",•& 'J ' h?e .\,3,S St" '•• umtli °'" ni " « f "» ^ julopfon,<br />

ladder at tbo present moment, and P" 1 •nvorite .'ruvjn rreax. hb<br />

dcs record Mel T%IP<br />

first^Iniis mutcrfal. Mr. Mon- While .these quentfoiu we^ beinc who hfehTjumped 1£3 V * In52<br />

fsi rubbinc ilia hands in mntfci-lwndoMd tho Krmat symbol of tho covered tftlow hSrdi^ £'S<br />

o.i of another trophy. - g 1 "? 111 mile, Clnrk in' tfcr mile. Foind<br />

Joslyii in lite dmcu.*. Up*<br />

inun m tho shot put, and Georjro<br />

Canficld. who competed In tho pol

F^ultyrSoris in Services<br />

to Defend Old Glory<br />


SENIOR<br />

SHORTS<br />


Every ilay, the notices tiro rend<br />

', Law* 1<br />

in all ... . ... __.<br />

ellites are urged to do their part*<br />

in the numerous drives aiding the 1<br />

Seven <strong>Lowell</strong> teachers havo nons<br />

Tho University of California Will;.;<br />

in the .Armed Forces, one has n<br />

.Iconic fivo of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s feminine,<br />

daughter In the W. A. A. C, andsnorts-enthusiast*<br />

thin F from Hi" »<br />

thwo have sons doing work in ton- when it hot's IU annual<br />

nection with the army. <strong>The</strong>y r*oresent<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> In many places, fror.i<br />

Washington, to Pearl Harbor, to<br />

Australia.<br />

Mr. Walsh, English teacher, lias<br />

a ton who is a first lieutenant sta-<br />

war effort. •-<br />

tioned at Camp Davit,. X. C. Ho<br />

Every .«. a 1>OIIIIH.T<br />

ere not Uiddi Uiddinir.<br />

pilot, lie ' played A' V All-City tm.«kct- Ii<br />

Sl'AMSH CLUB<br />

t'uit. s!mp!v by<br />

in th.-<br />

ilk d l f<br />

t was tilt 1 We're not Uiddinir. you can do just<br />

' ! ! b bii h ld j:rc:it .«uc-••'«••* ty'2 moml-er* and nuny morl<br />

aliv j!paniv<br />

ty d n<br />

itk and nylon ho»c ;hntarccliitt[*nd hours nlr<br />

. YunMlu H. TftuM.