South Dakota Nurse - August 2022
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<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
NURSE<br />
Vol. 13 • Number 3 Quarterly publication distributed to approximately 16,450 Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s and Licensed Practical <strong>Nurse</strong>s in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
AUGUST <strong>2022</strong><br />
By M. Claire May, <strong>South</strong><br />
<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation<br />
Community Board Member<br />
Drive, Dedication, Hard Work, and Mindfulness<br />
Assuredly, it does take plenty<br />
of drive, dedication, hard work,<br />
and mindfulness to complete a<br />
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)<br />
at Northern Kentucky University<br />
in Highlands Heights, KY, in<br />
<strong>2022</strong>. In addition to her graduate<br />
studies, this <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Foundation 2021 SDNF Scholarship recipient fulfills her<br />
responsibilities to the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> State University (SDSU),<br />
Aberdeen, College of Nursing Accelerated BSN program<br />
students as a full-time lecturer. Furthermore, she is on call as<br />
needed as an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) staff nurse at Avera<br />
St. Luke's, Aberdeen, SD. This phenomenally focused woman<br />
is none other than Instructor Lyncee Monson.<br />
Monson tells her story.<br />
“I was born and raised in [Groton, SD], graduating from<br />
Groton High School and [getting] my bachelor's in Nursing<br />
at Presentation College in Aberdeen, SD. My background<br />
in healthcare began in my teens when I took a position as<br />
a Certified Nursing Assistant at a local nursing home. I<br />
come from a long line of healthcare workers, and despite my<br />
desire to ‘do something different,’ I ended up accepting the<br />
calling and began my career as a Registered <strong>Nurse</strong> in 2001.<br />
“My clinical practice began on the Medical floor at<br />
Avera St. Luke's [Aberdeen, SD], and I soon went on to<br />
work in Intensive Care, Cardiac Rehab, and as a House<br />
Supervisor. In 2006, I also took an adjunct position as a<br />
clinical instructor and really enjoyed training nursing<br />
students. I continued to work as a clinical instructor for<br />
both PC [Presentation College] and SDSU. In 2014, I<br />
graduated with my Master's in Nursing Education from<br />
Western Governor's University [Salt Lake City, Utah].<br />
“In 2015 I took a full-time position at SDSU. I continue<br />
to keep an active clinical practice working as a staff nurse<br />
in both ICU and Cardiac Rehab. I live in rural Groton, SD,<br />
with my two daughters, Hailey and Hannah. I am excited<br />
that both of my daughters are interested in healthcare<br />
careers. Hailey, 19, is beginning her nursing courses this<br />
fall at SDSU in Brookings, and Hannah will be a junior at<br />
Groton High School.”<br />
current resident or<br />
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Monson chose the DNP program as it is a practicefocused<br />
doctorate. “I am very passionate about education.<br />
I believe that effective nurse educators have a strong<br />
background in practice and should be able to integrate<br />
current practice with progressive, evidence-based theory.”<br />
“While the most common doctorate for educators<br />
is the PhD, the DNP can be better suited for the nurse<br />
educator. A PhD is focused on research, while the DNP<br />
prepared educator has a strong background in clinical,<br />
are considered practice experts, and can help students<br />
effectively integrate evidence-based practice into all<br />
elements of patient care,” she elaborated. Monson’s bottom<br />
line is patient safety and promoting collaboration amongst<br />
professions to assure the best possible care for patients.<br />
“The DNP nurse will evaluate research, collate<br />
best practices, and initiate practice changes to improve<br />
healthcare practice. Currently, I am working on an<br />
onboarding program for new graduate nurses to ease the<br />
transition into practice, improve critical thinking skills, and<br />
build resiliency amongst new nurses through simulation<br />
activities, didactic coursework, and reflective discussion.”<br />
Monson seeks to influence change in the nursing<br />
practice. “I hope to work with nurse scientists to lead<br />
change in my practice setting where currently only one<br />
bedside nurse has a doctorate.” In healthcare, change is<br />
inevitable and necessary to assure good patient outcomes.<br />
Monson clarified her role as an educator. “I am<br />
challenged to facilitate effective learning, communicate<br />
clearly, and help students develop critical thinking skills.<br />
Through assessment, I can identify the experiences and<br />
skills that the student brings and implement teaching<br />
approaches that affirms the student and supports them in<br />
constructing meaningful nursing knowledge and skills.”<br />
“My greatest strength is probably my ability to bring<br />
a personal touch to teaching and patient care in the form<br />
of humor and storytelling,” interjected Monson. “I find<br />
that adding humor helps to reduce stress and tension,<br />
improves retention of information, and promotes creative<br />
understanding. Demonstrating a good sense of humor can<br />
help the new graduate nurse to develop their own coping<br />
strategies, which will benefit them throughout their<br />
careers and help to relieve stress, prevent burnout, and<br />
increase job satisfaction.”<br />
She added, “I like to interweave my instruction<br />
with personal stories to help them visualize a scenario,<br />
Index<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation Scholarships .. 3<br />
President’s Message .........................3<br />
District News ..............................4<br />
<strong>2022</strong> SDNA Annual Convention ...............5<br />
SDNA Candidates for Office. .................6<br />
Welcome New Members. .....................7<br />
<strong>2022</strong> SDNA Calendar of Events. ...............7<br />
helping them retain the content and principles that<br />
I am trying to teach. It is important that education<br />
includes the opportunity to role model patient advocacy,<br />
professionalism, and the EBP change process. Storytelling<br />
is a fundamental component of effective teaching, and<br />
sharing my personal stories of how patient advocacy and<br />
EBP positively impacted a patient helps light that fire in<br />
our next generation of nurses.”<br />
Monson's doctorate project is titled “Supporting<br />
New <strong>Nurse</strong> Transition into Practice: Development of<br />
a Structured Orientation Program.” “This project was<br />
designed at the request of my practice facility in order<br />
to create an organized approach to orientation of new<br />
graduates to facilitate an improved transition into<br />
practice. This project has included the restructuring of the<br />
orientation competency checklist, integration of a learning<br />
management system, development of didactic coursework,<br />
creation of an unfolding simulation, and design of a<br />
debriefing exercise to promote critical thinking and<br />
resiliency in practice," she said.<br />
Not only is she driven by her passion for the profession,<br />
Monson also finds inspiration through her colleagues and<br />
family. "I have been lucky enough to have an amazing<br />
group of family and friends that have helped me become<br />
who I am today. Professionally, I have been exposed to so<br />
many amazing nurses, both educators and practice nurses.<br />
Lastly, I certainly wouldn't be the person I am today<br />
without learning from the patients and students that have<br />
been in my life. They have all taught me the strength of<br />
the human spirit!"<br />
On a personal note, Monson and her daughters enjoy<br />
camping, girl trips, and will “travel to anywhere with a<br />
beach.” Monson’s bucket list includes “a trip to Europe.”<br />
The fourth member of the family, Rylee, a Treeing Walker<br />
Coonhound, does not do much traveling with the family<br />
because “she howls too much.”<br />
“Drive, dedication, hard work, and insight/<br />
mindfulness” are the pillars that anchor Monson as she<br />
completes the excellent work of the DNP that she has<br />
begun. As a future Doctor of Nursing Practice, Monson<br />
sees "the potential to revolutionize the current healthcare<br />
system and contribute meaningfully to the evolution of our<br />
profession in education, practice, research, and service to<br />
our communities.”<br />
The SDNF awards scholarships to nurses who reflect<br />
the foundation's education, research, and service purposes.<br />
Find details at https://sdnursesassociation.nursingnetwork.<br />
com/page/72461-scholarship-applications<br />
Auction Items Needed. .......................8<br />
Membership Application .....................8<br />
WHY NURSING? ..........................9<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association Elects Jennifer Mensik<br />
Kennedy As New National President. .............9<br />
ANA’s Racial Reckoning Statement. ........... 10
Page 2 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
SDNA Board of Directors<br />
President<br />
Term: 2021-2023<br />
Deb Fischer Clemens<br />
District 10<br /><br />
Vice President<br />
Term: 2021-2023<br />
Kay Foland<br />
District 1, 2, 3<br />
Office: 605.394.2878<br /><br />
Secretary<br />
Term: 2020-<strong>2022</strong><br />
Dawn R. Warren<br />
District 2<br />
Office: 605.791.6348<br /><br />
Treasurer<br />
Term: 2021-2023<br />
Sara Watson<br />
District 5-7<br /><br />
Government Relations<br />
Committee (GRC) Chair<br />
Term: 2020-<strong>2022</strong><br />
Ashley Kingdon-Reese<br />
District 5-7<br />
Huron, SD<br /><br />
W: 605.352.4663<br />
President, District 1-3<br />
Term: 2020-<strong>2022</strong><br />
Linda Wolden<br /><br />
President, District 4<br />
Term: <strong>2022</strong>-2024<br />
Carrie Clausen-Hansen<br /><br />
President, District 5-7<br />
Term: 2020-2021<br />
Sara Watson<br /><br />
President, District 8 & 9<br />
Term: 2021-2023<br />
Venita Winterboer<br /><br />
President, District 10<br />
Term 2020-<strong>2022</strong><br />
Gala Woitte<br /><br />
Cell: 605-376-8639<br />
President, District 11<br />
Term: 2021-2023<br />
Charlene Bierema<br /><br />
SDNA Staff<br />
Eric Ollila<br />
Executive Director<br />
PO Box 1015 Pierre SD 57501<br />
Phone: 271.7708<br />
Fax: 888.600.1232<br /><br />
Revised Feb. 2021<br />
The SOUTH DAKOTA NURSE is published quarterly<br />
every February, May, <strong>August</strong> and November by the <strong>South</strong><br />
<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (a constituent member of<br />
the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association) and Arthur L. Davis<br />
Publishing Agency, Inc. All rights reserved by copyright.<br />
This newspaper or parts there of must not be reproduced in<br />
any form without permission in writing from the publishers.<br />
For advertising rates and information, please contact<br />
Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc., PO Box 216,<br />
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613, (800) 626-4081. SDNA and the<br />
Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. reserve the right<br />
to reject any advertisement. Responsibility for errors in<br />
advertising is limited to corrections in the next issue or<br />
refund of price of advertisement.<br />
Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement<br />
or approval by the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
of products advertised, the advertisers, or the claims<br />
made. Rejection of an advertisement does not imply a<br />
product offered for advertising is without merit, or that<br />
the manufacturer lacks integrity, or that this association<br />
disapproves of the product or its use. SDNA and the Arthur<br />
L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. shall not be held liable<br />
for any consequences resulting from purchase or use of an<br />
advertiser’s product. Articles appearing in this publication<br />
express the opinions of the authors; they do not necessarily<br />
reflect views of the staff, board, or membership of SDNA<br />
or those of the national or local associations.<br />
ETC. <strong>2022</strong> deadlines for articles submitted to the <strong>South</strong><br />
<strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>: October 7 – November issue.<br />
The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> accepts and encourages<br />
manuscripts or editorials. We will determine which letters<br />
and articles are printed by the availability of publication<br />
space and appropriateness of the material. We welcome<br />
signed letters of 300 words or less, typed and double spaced<br />
and articles of 1,500 words or less. All materials should be<br />
mailed to: <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association, P.O. Box 1015,<br />
Pierre, SD 57501 or e-mailed to:<br />
The views expressed in the articles and editorials are those<br />
of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect<br />
the viewpoint of SDNA.<br />
<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> is the newsletter of the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Direct inquiries about SDNA or this<br />
newsletter to:<br />
<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
PO Box 1015, Pierre, SD 57501<br />
Phone: 605-945-4265<br />
Fax: 1-888-600-1232<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
‘Like’ us on Facebook!<br /><br />
Our nurses<br />
• Up to $10,000 sign-on bonus<br />
• Work/life balance<br />
• Low-stress work environment<br />
•<br />
package<br />
Competitive wages<br />
• Flexible scheduling<br />
• Tuition reimbursement<br />
•<br />
•<br />
training<br />
• 24-hour management<br />
support<br />
• New grads welcome!<br />
“I enjoy what I do every day, and look<br />
forward to more milestones in the future.”<br />
-Delany, RN<br />
To learn more or to apply, visit
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> Page 3<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Foundation Scholarships<br />
October 1st Deadline<br />
President’s<br />
Message<br />
Carman Timmerman, EdD, RN (ret.)<br />
SDNF Treasurer and<br />
Scholarship Committee Chair<br />
With appreciation for the many individuals who’ve<br />
contributed to the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation,<br />
the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundations is proud to offer<br />
these scholarships for nurses advancing their education.<br />
Here are the details about the <strong>2022</strong> scholarships:<br />
<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation<br />
Scholarship (1 available):<br />
Amount—$2000<br />
Purpose—To support a registered nurse pursuing<br />
a master’s or doctoral degree with the career goal of<br />
education program.<br />
Criteria<br />
1. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> resident.<br />
2. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> RN license.<br />
3. Member of SDNA for at least one year.<br />
4. Graduate student pursuing a master’s or doctoral<br />
degree in nursing or a related field in an<br />
accredited program with the goal of practicing<br />
nursing in a <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> high need area or<br />
teaching in a <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> baccalaureate or<br />
higher degree nursing education program.<br />
5. Cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher upon completion<br />
of highest degree, i.e., baccalaureate nursing<br />
program or master’s in nursing program.<br />
6. Career goals and personal qualities congruent<br />
with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation purposes.<br />
7. Evidence of leadership, compassion, involvement<br />
in professional organization(s), professional<br />
activities, and community service.<br />
Rita H. Walsh Scholarship (2 available):<br />
Amount—$2000<br />
Purpose—To support a person pursuing a nursing<br />
education. The scholarship will be awarded annually for<br />
the spring semester.<br />
Criteria (please note these are NEW, and<br />
BROADER criteria)<br />
1. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> resident.<br />
2. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> RN license if an RN.<br />
3. A student pursuing a bachelor’s degree (or higher)<br />
in nursing.<br />
4. Demonstrates the qualities of patient advocacy,<br />
patient education, compassion and leadership.<br />
Marianne M. Stenvig Scholarship<br />
(1 available):<br />
Amount—$1000<br />
Purpose—To support a male registered nurse in<br />
pursuit of his educational goals.<br />
Criteria<br />
1. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> resident.<br />
2. Current <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> RN license.<br />
3. Male RN pursuing a graduate degree in nursing<br />
(preferred) or a related field in an accredited<br />
program.<br />
4. SDNA membership preferred.<br />
5. Career goals consistent with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Foundation purposes of education, research and<br />
service.<br />
6. Evidence of leadership, compassion, involvement<br />
in professional organization(s), professional<br />
activities, and community service.<br />
Dr. Carl and Leona Stadler Scholarship<br />
(1 available)<br />
Amount—$500 (may be funded for a second year if<br />
eligible)<br />
Purpose—To support a Native American student’s<br />
nursing education.<br />
Criteria<br />
1. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> resident.<br />
2. Enrolled member of a recognized tribal nation in<br />
<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>.<br />
3. Admitted to the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> State University<br />
College of Nursing.<br />
4. Documentation of enrollment in Semester 1 or 2<br />
of the standard undergraduate nursing major at<br />
Rapid City site.<br />
5. Documentation of tribal enrollment (form BIA-<br />
4432 or equivalent).<br />
6. Application must include a 500-word essay<br />
describing “My Passion for Learning.”<br />
7. Selected scholarship recipients who remain<br />
in good standing will be funded for a second<br />
consecutive year without reapplication.<br />
Scholarships’ Application Deadline:<br />
A postmark or email date of October 1, <strong>2022</strong> is<br />
the deadline for the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation<br />
Scholarships.<br />
Award Date for Scholarships: Fall <strong>2022</strong><br />
Applying for More Than One<br />
Scholarship:<br />
If you meet the criteria for more than one<br />
scholarship, consider applying for more than one<br />
scholarship.<br />
Application Materials for Scholarships:<br />
Access the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (SDNA)<br />
website at / <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation / Scholarships. Alternatively,<br />
contact the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association office at<br /> or 605.945.4265.<br />
Questions About Scholarship Eligibility<br />
and Applications:<br />
Contact Carman Timmerman, SDNF Scholarship<br />
Chair and SDNF Treasurer, at 605.391.4053 or<br /><br />
Supporting the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong><br />
Foundation:<br />
The fact that these scholarships are available<br />
underscores the generosity of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> nurses as<br />
well as their families and friends. We thank you for<br />
that generosity. If you are interested in donating to<br />
the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation, your gift will<br />
help sustain the Foundation’s efforts to endorse the<br />
nursing profession as SDNF promotes positive health<br />
care changes in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>. Please make your check<br />
payable to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation Fund<br />
and send your check to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Community<br />
Foundation ~ Box 296 ~ Pierre, SD 57501.<br />
SDNA Convention to<br />
be in Sioux Falls in<br />
October; and Time to<br />
pass Amendment D<br />
Deb Fischer Clemens, President, SDNA<br />
Happy Summer. I am not<br />
sure about you, but I am finding<br />
it hard to believe we only have<br />
half of the summer left. My<br />
advice is to take time to enjoy<br />
this <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> summer.<br />
One thing that brings my<br />
thoughts to the fall is the<br />
planning for our annual SDNA<br />
Convention. As chair of the<br />
planning committee, our group<br />
has put together a powerful group<br />
of nurse leaders to provide panel<br />
discussions. The convention Deb Fischertheme<br />
of “Better Together – Clemens<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s are Community” provides the opportunity to learn<br />
and discuss the roles and work of nurses in our community<br />
outside of the hospital and long-term care environment. As<br />
you consider attendance for the event on October 2nd & 3rd<br />
at the Sioux Falls Ramkota, plan to be wowed by the work<br />
of these community nurse leaders.<br />
We will hear about school nurses, community health<br />
workers, legislators, palliative care network and state<br />
department nurses. I am confident that it will be a<br />
valuable learning experience. I am excited to see you<br />
all and hear how you are all doing. Plan to bring an<br />
auction item.<br />
As I close this out let me add one thing about<br />
Medicaid Expansion. Effective Monday July 11th at<br />
5:00pm IM28 was pulled from the ballot by the sponsor.<br />
We are grateful to have all Medicaid Expansion<br />
supporters working together now to pass Amendment D.<br />
It is exciting to have the <strong>Dakota</strong>n for Health volunteers<br />
joining with the strongest, broadest, bipartisan coalition<br />
members. From the beginning as history tells us that<br />
a Constitutional Amendment is the way to achieve our<br />
goal of expansion for the working poor to have access to<br />
Medicaid by July 2023.<br />
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide<br />
in speaking to others and asking for support of<br />
Amendment D.<br />
Do you want off rotating shifts? Do you want<br />
holidays off? Do you want the possibility of<br />
working a condensed workweek?<br />
This could be for you!<br />
The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Department of Health<br />
is hiring a full time Registered <strong>Nurse</strong> II/<br />
Health Facilities Surveyor.<br />
Areas surveyed include nursing practices,<br />
medication administration and pharmaceutical<br />
standards of care, patient activities, dietary,<br />
infection control, resident rights, and physical<br />
environment. The Surveyor’s role is to ensure<br />
compliance with state and federal regulations<br />
for the protection of health and safety hazards.<br />
Travel and get paid per diem, as well as the<br />
use of a state vehicle while on the road. These<br />
position(s) have the option of being located in<br />
multiple locations throughout the State.<br />
Come join us!<br />
For more information and to apply, please go<br />
to<br />
or contact any <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Department of<br />
Labor and Regulation Local Office.
Page 4 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
District News<br />
District 1, 2, 3 Report<br />
We met with a hybrid meeting on 6/16/<strong>2022</strong> at<br />
Minerva’s Restaurant and with members also attending<br />
by Zoom. Our May meeting to celebrate <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Week<br />
was postponed due to myself contracting Covid. Our<br />
meeting’s highlight was our guest speaker: Yuliya<br />
Grassby, a nurse originally from Ukraine. She did not<br />
pursue getting her RN licensure after her entry to the<br />
US but pursued additional education with a degree in<br />
Healthcare Administration and has worked in several<br />
capacities for the past 20 years. She is currently with<br />
Phoenix University’s nursing program in compliance<br />
and licensure. Her presentation focused on her mission<br />
trip home several years ago and noted that war injuries<br />
from Russian aggression has been ongoing since 2014.<br />
An overview of Ukraine since 2000 provided a very<br />
interesting and informative presentation. Ms. Grassby<br />
provided information on where donations are best<br />
utilized for the current war. Her parents and other<br />
family members remain in Ukraine and currently are<br />
safe.<br />
The limitations of a individual Zoom account was<br />
noted in time (40 min) and that holding a Zoom in a<br />
public place was not conducive for the participation of<br />
the Zoom audience.<br />
Our next meeting is scheduled for <strong>August</strong> 9, <strong>2022</strong><br />
at 5pm, this will be held by Zoom due to my absence.<br />
Topics will include: donation to a Ukraine support<br />
agency, convention auction items, nominations for<br />
award recipients, setting topics for future meetings and<br />
meeting frequency.<br />
A PDF with information presented by Ms. Grassby<br />
and the suggested agencies for donations can be<br />
forwarded to any interested parties.<br />
Linda Wolden, RN, BSN, District 1,2,3 President<br /> 605 381 1289<br />
District 5-7 Report<br />
Hello, fellow nurses.<br />
Are you ready to get involved? Let me tell you how;<br />
we currently have leadership positions available right<br />
here in Districts 5-7. Feel free to reach out to me via<br />
email, text, or phone call to serve today.<br />
District 5-7 is a strong supporter of future nurses<br />
in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>. We have the pleasure of five nursing<br />
schools in our districts. Shout out to Faculty and<br />
students at Lake Area Technical College, Sinte Gleska<br />
University, <strong>Dakota</strong> Wesleyan University, Mitchell<br />
Technical College, and <strong>South</strong>east Technical College.<br />
Our social media following on Facebook has been<br />
continuing to grow. Everyone is welcome to follow<br />
us and check out giveaways of donated prizes, news,<br />
articles, statics, and events both locally and at the state<br />
level.<br />
Just a reminder Ashley Kingdon-Reese from our<br />
district is running for GRC chair again so don’t forget to<br />
vote. There are many great future leaders of the SDNA<br />
board awaiting to serve as you vote them into office this<br />
fall. It will be awesome to connect with you all at the<br />
Annual Convention in Sioux Falls on Sunday, October<br />
2, <strong>2022</strong>, from 8:00 am CT - Monday, October 3, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
at 4:00 pm CT<strong>2022</strong>! 3200 W Maple St. Sioux Falls, SD<br />
57107 don’t forget to register.<br />
District 5-7 would like to remind its members<br />
that nominations are due by September 1, so let’s<br />
highlight nurses in our districts and celebrate them<br />
with nominating for the following awards: District<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong> of the Year Award, Rookie of the Year Award,<br />
Distinguished Service Award, Nursing Practice Award,<br />
Joy of Nursing Award, Pioneer in Nursing Award, The<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong> Educator Award, SDNA Hall of Fame Award.<br />
Can’t wait to celebrate the awesome nurses of District<br />
5-7! Ashley and I are serving locally on the nursing<br />
taskforce to address how the Huron area can:<br />
1) Maintain and sustain the nursing programs and<br />
expand opportunities of support for addition<br />
health care roles in community.<br />
2) Ensure enrollment<br />
3) Develop strategies so students stay in our<br />
community<br />
It has been awesome to connect with many caring<br />
community leaders at the HRMC hosted meeting. The<br />
group is mixed members who are stakeholders in the<br />
future of our profession.<br />
The last area I have been working on is planning for<br />
the 2023 Annual Nursing Convention hosted by District<br />
5-7 next year. We are forming planning committees<br />
with district members.<br />
The committees are:<br />
Convention Program Committee (5-10 members)<br />
Exhibit/Sponsor Committee (5 members)<br />
Registration/Hospitality Committee (5-7 members)<br />
Auction Committee (5-10 members that are not<br />
on the Registration/Hospitality Committee –<br />
activities take place at the same time)<br />
Decorations Committee (2-5 members)<br />
To stay up-to-date with district news, check out the<br />
Facebook link to follow us is: https://www.facebook.<br />
com/<strong>South</strong><strong>Dakota</strong><strong>Nurse</strong>sAssociationDistricts57<br />
Looking forward to hearing from you,<br />
Sara Watson, MBA, MSN, RN<br />
District 5-7 President<br />
SDNA Treasurer<br /><br />
Cell (605) 353-5799<br />
District 8&9 Report<br />
In May District 8 & 9 hosted representatives of<br />
“Feeding Brookings.” They presented the history of the<br />
Feeding Brookings organization and shared information<br />
about food insecurity in the area. The program<br />
originally began serving around 75 families and has<br />
grown to currently feeding about 300. The organization<br />
is staffed by volunteers who pack boxes and assist with<br />
delivery. Several District 8 & 9 members volunteered<br />
this summer with the program.<br />
In June, Deb Soholt presented an overview of<br />
“Influential She.” SDNA members were treated to<br />
information on podcasts, blogs and social media posts<br />
that can help accelerate women’s influence. Deb shared<br />
the 10 identified high leverage practices (HLPs) that<br />
“Influential She” refers to as the “Talismanic 10.”<br />
Attendees learned more about each HLP as well as<br />
some of the influential women featured in the podcasts<br />
on the website that have overcome hardship and become<br />
influential in a variety of fields.<br />
Venita Winterboer, District 8& 9 President<br />
District 10 Report<br />
District 10 is very excited to be hosting the SDNA<br />
Fall conference on Oct. 2 and 3 at the Ramkota Hotel<br />
and Conference Center, 3200 W Maple St. Sioux Falls<br />
SD 57107. We have been busy working on putting on<br />
a Fabulous conference. We have been meeting once a<br />
month to discuss our progress. Our next meeting is July<br />
19th at 6pm at Scooters 57th and Western.<br />
If you would like to be involved please reach me at<br /> or Marie Cissell marieanncissell@<br /> or come to the meetings and we can find<br />
something you will enjoy doing.<br />
Our conference will be a panel presentation with<br />
every speaker having a nursing background. I am<br />
so excited to be a part of this program. Deb Fischer<br />
Clemens and her committee has worked hard to put<br />
together an outstanding program.<br />
We have a block of rooms saved for this conference.<br />
Online Registration is here:<br />
We will also have a live and silent auction. Items are<br />
still needed for both auctions.<br />
Please let us know if you have any questions on the<br />
auction items. These will be brought to the conference<br />
for display and bidding.<br />
We are looking forward to seeing you at the<br />
conference!<br />
Gala Woitte District 10 President<br /><br />
605-376-8639<br />
District 11 Report<br />
District # 11 met April 19, <strong>2022</strong>, at Sanford<br />
Vermillion Hospital. D. Sternhagen representative from<br />
Call to Freedom was the guest speaker. Call to Freedom<br />
is an organization that deals with human trafficking.<br />
The District did not meet during the months of May<br />
and June.<br />
Charlene Bierema, District # 11 President<br />
Join SDNA Today!<br /><br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> Page 5<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association Annual Convention<br />
October 2-3, Best Western PLUS Ramkota, Sioux Falls, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association Annual Convention<br />
October 2-3, Best Western PLUS Ramkota, Sioux Falls, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>
Page 6 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
SDNA Candidates for Office<br />
Carol Stewart, DNP, FNP-BC,<br />
PMHNP-BC<br />
• School/College of Nursing:<br />
Mount Marty University,<br />
University of Mary, Rocky<br />
Mountain University<br />
• Area of Practice: Rural<br />
healthcare as a RN,<br />
Family and Psychiatric<br />
Mental Health <strong>Nurse</strong><br />
Practitioner; Nursing<br />
Education - teaching<br />
experience at the Practical Nursing, Bachelor<br />
of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in<br />
Nursing programs<br />
• Present position and place of employment:<br />
Associate Professor of Nursing, Graduate Program<br />
Director, FNP Track and Clinical Coordinator<br />
- Mount Marty University; Family and Psychiatric<br />
Mental Health <strong>Nurse</strong> Practitioner – Wapiti Medical<br />
Staffing and NativeArc Medical Staffing (work<br />
primarily at Indian Health Services)<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District<br />
(Region), Council, State, National Level(s) for the<br />
past five years, including Student Association office:<br />
MNNP, Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing<br />
Society, and PEO (current chapter president);<br />
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education<br />
(CCNE): Site Evaluator’ Quality Matters: Master<br />
Reviewer<br />
• Personal Statement: My professional goal is to<br />
provide high-level, evidence-based care to benefit<br />
a diverse population while gaining knowledge and<br />
understanding to further benefit clients and students<br />
I serve while enhancing professional growth.<br />
Throughout my nursing career, I have served in<br />
various frontline and leadership positions in practice<br />
and academia. I have served on the nominations<br />
committee and am interested in becoming more<br />
directly involved with the SDNA and look forward<br />
to the opportunity to participate in the growth of the<br />
nursing profession during these new and challenging<br />
times.<br />
Ashley Kingdon-Reese<br />
• School/College of<br />
Nursing: (MBHCA)<br />
Western Governor’s<br />
University, (BSN) <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
Wesleyan University<br />
• Additional Professional<br />
Education: MBHCA,<br />
SANE Trained, ANAI<br />
Scholar, Goldman Sachs<br />
10KSB Allumni, LNC,<br />
Forensic <strong>Nurse</strong> Training,<br />
Certified BLS Instructor<br />
• Area of Practice: Home health, Behavioral health,<br />
Assisted Living, Aging adults, Occupational<br />
medicine, community outreach, memory care,<br />
persons with disabilities, Chronic disease<br />
management, patient advocacy, SANE trained- care<br />
• Present position and place of employment: Executive<br />
Director of Independent Health Solutions, COO<br />
Angelhaus Huron, Owner & Co-founder PRN<br />
Professionals<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District<br />
(Region), Council, State, National Level(s) for the<br />
past five years, including Student Association office:<br />
Current GRC Chair, ANAI Lobbyist Scholar <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
SDNA, ANA, SANE taskforce, Beadle County<br />
COVID taskforce, Aging Adult Coalition, Goldman<br />
Sachs 10kSB 2019, ANCA member<br />
• Personal Statement: My goal is to continue to<br />
serve SD nurses as GRC Chair and advocate for<br />
our profession, policies, and patients regarding<br />
legislative decisions. My focus will remain on<br />
promoting policies which elevate the value of<br />
nurses that assist the most vulnerable populations,<br />
including workplace violence prevention, mental<br />
health awareness, nurse burnout and shortage. I<br />
hope to unite and amplify the voices of nurses in<br />
ALL fields by continuing to seek input from YOU,<br />
my fellow nurses.<br />
Madeline Miller<br />
• School/College of<br />
Nursing: <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
State University<br />
• Additional Professional<br />
Education: ANCC<br />
Psychiatric and Mental<br />
Health Nursing<br />
Certification<br />
• Area of Practice:<br />
Psychiatry/Mental Health,<br />
Addiction Medicine,<br />
Pediatrics and Adults<br />
• Present position and place of employment: <strong>Nurse</strong><br />
Manager, The Link Community Triage Center,<br />
Sioux Falls, SD (Avera McKennan)<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District<br />
(Region), Council, State, National Level(s) for the<br />
past five years, including Student Association office:<br />
Leadership <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Program Participant,<br />
2023 Cohort; SDNA Annual Conference Speaker,<br />
<strong>2022</strong> (upcoming); Sioux Falls Community Health<br />
Improvement Plan (CHIP) Committee, <strong>2022</strong>;<br />
Registered Lobbyist and Bill Author (SB 136, HB<br />
1121), 97th Legislative Session, <strong>2022</strong>; Member<br />
APNA 2018, 2019; Member SDNA, 2018, 2019,<br />
<strong>2022</strong>; Sioux Falls Young Professionals Network,<br />
2021, <strong>2022</strong>; EmBe Center for Nursing Workforce<br />
Leadership Program Participant, 2021 Cohort;<br />
Avera Rising <strong>Nurse</strong> Leader Program Participant,<br />
2018 Cohort<br />
• Personal Statement: My personal mission is<br />
to support and encourage others by fostering<br />
meaningful relationships. These relationships are<br />
incredibly important in the world of government.<br />
As a registered nurse, I want to use my professional<br />
position to advocate for my community members<br />
and their families and to influence lawmakers to<br />
develop public policies that will support our local<br />
healthcare agencies and the people we serve..<br />
Brittany Brennan, PhD, RN,<br />
CHSE<br />
• School/College of<br />
Nursing: 2009, BAN,<br />
Concordia College,<br />
Moorehead, MN<br />
• Additional Professional<br />
Education: 2016, MSN<br />
Nursing Education,<br />
Purdue Global University,<br />
Davenport, IA; 2021,<br />
PhD Nursing, SDSU,<br />
Brookings, SD<br />
• Area of Practice: Nursing Education, Simulation,<br />
Critical Care<br />
• Present position and place of employment:<br />
Implementing and Expanding Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
Funding Opportunity Currently Open for Applications<br />
Funding Objective: Facilities could utilize American Medical Association and Johns Hopkins Blood<br />
Pressure Control Program, Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring*, Check. Change.<br />
Control, Million Hearts SMBP, Target: BP or similar program guidance to implement SMBP within their<br />
practice, add additional patients to current program, or expand to additional providers or sites.*<br />
RFA Release: October 1, 2021<br />
RFA Due Date: This is a rolling funding opportunity. Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted.<br />
Project Period: Project period lasts one calendar year, beginning one month after award<br />
Anticipated Award Amount: $20,000 per facility (including up to $2,500 for purchase of blood<br />
pressure cuffs)<br />
Primary Contact: Rachel Sehr, Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Coordinator<br />
Primary Contact Email:<br />
Application Procedure: Applications are due via electronic submission to<br />
*Healthy Heart Ambassador Program is for non-clinical locations only. All awarded initiatives would be developed<br />
and implemented with assistance from the 1815 team. 1815 team consists of experts from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> Foundation for<br />
Medical Care (SDFMC) and SD Department of Health who have knowledge and experience related to 1) data, workflow,<br />
process analysis, 2) strategic plan development and implementation, 3) PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) cycles, and 4) policy<br />
and protocol development. Additional partners may be utilized as needed. All team members are available to awarded<br />
facilities as a resource for accepted activities at no cost to the awardee.<br />
View the full instructions and application at<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> Page 7<br />
Beginning in <strong>August</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, Instructor, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> State University College of<br />
Nursing; 2013 to <strong>2022</strong>, Nursing Instructor, Lake Area Technical College; 2010<br />
to Present, PRN Registered <strong>Nurse</strong> Critical Care Unit, Prairie Lakes Healthcare<br />
System; 2019 to Present, Clinical Teaching Assistant, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> State<br />
University<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District (Region), Council, State, National<br />
Level(s) for the past five years, including Student Association office: Sigma Theta<br />
Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Phi Chapter Member, 2008-present;<br />
Phi Chapter Leadership Succession Committee, 2020-present; 2019 STTI Research<br />
Day Conference Poster Judge, 2020 Research Grant Recipient, & <strong>2022</strong> Presenter;<br />
National League for Nursing Member, 2013-present, NLN Mary Anne Rizzolo<br />
Doctoral Research Award Recipient, 2021; Graduate Nursing Student Academy<br />
Member, 2014-2021; American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association Member, 2015-present; Midwest Nursing Research Society Member,<br />
2018-present; International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and<br />
Nursing Member, 2020-present; Society for Simulation in Healthcare Member,<br />
2021-present; Presenter at SSH International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare<br />
Conference, <strong>2022</strong>, IMSH 2023 Content Reviewer for Research Abstracts<br />
• Personal Statement: During the unprecedented times nursing has recently seen, it<br />
has been more important than ever for nurses to be an advocate for the safety of<br />
patients and themselves. I believe nurses individually and collectively, have the<br />
power and passion to fulfill that advocacy role and inform practices and policies<br />
in healthcare and nursing. By means of the SDNA, nurses have that collective<br />
voice to address current nursing issues and concerns. My passion for nursing<br />
and preparing the future generation of nurses has led me to seek opportunities to<br />
influence change. On the nominations committee, I will promote nursing and seek<br />
opportunities to develop future members and leaders in SDNA and nursing.<br />
Stacy Eden<br />
• School/College of Nursing: <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> State<br />
University<br />
• Area of Practice: Education, Acute Care, Correctional<br />
Medicine<br />
• Present position and place of employment: <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
Wesleyan University, Administrative Chair of Nursing<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District (Region),<br />
Council, State, National Level(s) for the past five<br />
years, including Student Association office: SDNA<br />
Nominations Committee, 2020-current<br />
• Personal Statement: I love the phrase that decisions are<br />
made by those who show up. This has somewhat become<br />
a part of my mantra. As a part of the nominations committee, I would love to be a<br />
part of getting others involved and helping others “show up.”<br />
Dawn R. Warren<br />
• School/College of Nursing: 1991, BSN, SDSU; 2000,<br />
MSN, SDSU; 2014, EdD, USD<br />
• Area of Practice: ED, ICU, and Nursing Education<br />
• Present position and place of employment: USD<br />
Department of Nursing, Rapid City, Site Director and<br />
Faculty<br />
• Professional Organization Activities at District (Region),<br />
Council, State, National Level(s) for the past five years,<br />
including Student Association office:<br />
o SDNA Secretary, 2016-<strong>2022</strong><br />
• Personal Statement: I have had the honor of being a RN<br />
practicing in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> since 1991, and I am a firm believer that if you want to<br />
be involved in what is happening in our state in relation to nursing, then you must<br />
be involved. I have worked in critical care, emergency nursing, nursing education,<br />
and am currently the Director of the USD Department of Nursing at the Rapid City<br />
site. I have been the SDNA Board Secretary since 2016. I would be honored to be<br />
a part of the Nominations Committee.<br />
District 1, 2 & 3<br />
Katelynn Gray<br />
Alex Vander Hoek<br />
Jacquelyn Ahlcrona<br />
Catherine Miglionico<br />
Susan Mekala<br />
Karen Murphy<br />
Maretta Afraid of<br />
Bear<br />
Heather Hazen<br />
Sept. 14-16<br />
ANA Lobbyist Meeting<br />
October 2<br />
SDNA Board of<br />
Directors Meeting<br />
(Sioux Falls)<br />
Welcome<br />
New Members<br />
District 5-7<br />
Amber Moody<br />
Angela Deboer<br />
District 8&9<br />
Tara Rodriguez<br />
District 10<br />
Rachel Matthaei<br />
Paula Pulse<br />
Chase Ditmanson<br />
SDNA<br />
Calendar of Events<br />
If you have events that you want posted on the SDNA<br />
Calendar of Events please contact the SDNA Office at<br />
(605) 945-4265 or by email at<br /><br />
October 2-3<br />
SDNA Annual<br />
Convention (Sioux Falls)<br />
October 10<br />
SD <strong>Nurse</strong> Article<br />
Submission Deadline<br />
Ariel Neu<br />
Joseph Ray<br />
Deanna Stoll<br />
Julie Bostic<br />
Madeline Miller<br />
Carrie Ensz<br />
District 11<br />
Karyl Yockey<br />
Barbara Buss<br />
December 1<br />
District Leadership<br />
Reporting Form Due to<br />
SDNA Office
Page 8 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
PO Box 1015, Pierre, SD 57501<br />
P: 605.945.4265 | F: 888.600.1232 | E:<br />
STATE / ZIP<br />
E-MAIL<br />
RN employed full or part time<br />
RN enrolled in baccalaureate, masters or doctoral program, at least nine (9) credit hours per calendar year<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association Annual Convention<br />
Hello from SDNA District 10:<br />
October 2-3, Best Western PLUS Ramkota, Sioux Falls, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong><br />
The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association’s annual convention offers the opportunity for<br />
nurses to build professional relationships and share practice and professional issues. The<br />
<strong>2022</strong> convention will be held October 2 and 3 at the Ramkota Hotel at 3200 West Maple<br />
in Sioux Falls. Our celebration theme is Better Together: <strong>Nurse</strong>s Are Community.<br />
In addition to being our annual meeting, the annual convention serves as the primary<br />
SDNA fundraiser, helping us to remain as a non-profit organization. The Auction<br />
Committee seeks items to be auctioned at both the silent and live auctions. We are<br />
asking for donations of 1) high-quality items and 2) theme baskets valued at $40 or more.<br />
Moneys raised from these auctions will assist SDNA’s efforts to continue representation<br />
of the nursing profession.<br />
As in the past, individual members are encouraged to provide donated items and/or<br />
baskets of items for the auction or ask businesses and organizations for a donation. Some<br />
ideas for basket themes include baby, personal spa, wine, cooking, reading, family night,<br />
etc. Baskets are a great opportunity to use your creativity to celebrate NURSING AND<br />
THE SDNA. Any item is welcome!<br />
Please contact us at if you have any questions.<br />
An Auction Item Form for donations is on our convention website here: https://bit.<br />
ly/3LNFheF. Please complete one form for each item or basket donated. Forms should<br />
accompany the auction item to the convention or be emailed to marcusgoodfellow25@<br /><br />
Attention District 5-7 members:<br />
We will be hosting October<br />
2023 Convention!<br />
Beyond Excited!<br />
Looking to fill a few committee positions: Convention Program Committee,<br />
Exhibit/Sponsor Committee, Registration/Hospitality Committee, Auction Committee,<br />
Decorations Committee.<br />
If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact via text or phone call our<br />
current District President Sara Watson (605) 353-5799.<br />
RATE)<br />
RN who is unemployed<br />
- OR - over 62 years of age & earning less than maximum allowed receiving Social Security benefits<br />
- OR - enrolled in baccalaureate, masters or doctoral program, at least 20 credit hours per year<br />
YEARS)<br />
RN who is over 62 years of age and unemployed<br />
- OR - who is totally disabled<br />
RN employed full or part time<br />
According to Federal tax law, you may claim 50% of your annual SDNA/ANA dues as a tax deduction. The other<br />
50% are used in lobbying activities and are not tax deductible.<br />
FULL ANA/SDNA MEMBERSHIP $23.59 $277.00<br />
$17.82 $207.75<br />
$12.04 $138.50<br />
$6.27 $69.25<br />
SDNA ONLY MEMBERSHIP $16.04 $186.50<br />
Read, sign the authorization, and enclose a check for the first month’s payment (amount shown in bold above); onetwelfth<br />
(1/12) of your annual dues will be withdrawn from that checking account monthly, in addition to an annual<br />
$6.00 (50¢ per month) service fee (total is amount above).<br />
AUTHORIZATION: This authorizes ANA to withdraw 1/12 of my annual dues and any additional service fees<br />
from the checking account designated by the enclosed check for the first month’s payment. ANA is authorized<br />
to change the amount by giving the undersigned 30 days written notice. The undersigned may cancel this<br />
authorization upon receipt by ANA of written confirmation of termination 20 days prior to the deduction date as<br />
designated above. ANA will charge a $5.00 fee for return drafts.<br />
___Full annual payment—automatic annual credit card payment (automatic renewal)<br />
___Monthly payment from credit card<br />
___Full annual payment---one year only<br />
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __<br />
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Visa/MasterCard _______ Expiration date
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> Page 9<br />
Ashley Kingdon-Reese<br />
WHY NURSING? No, seriously…why? You may have<br />
asked yourself this question at one time in your career, but<br />
maybe especially in light of recent events. You may have even<br />
asked others this question, others who are just contemplating<br />
a nursing career. We survived two long years (and counting)<br />
of COVID torture only to end up in a staffing crisis with<br />
amplified responsibilities, increased nurse violence, blurred<br />
liabilities, and an obvious disregard from our legal system.<br />
We all have our individual reasons as to why we serve as<br />
nurses, but collectively the answer is the same, we were called<br />
to do so. That calling may be generational with influence from<br />
our family members who have also served. It may be a personal medical experience<br />
that evoked feelings of responsibility to help those in need. At times, this calling may<br />
seem like a thankless and demanding life commitment that has little reward, no matter<br />
what specialty you are in. Here is where having a professional support system in place<br />
can save a dedicated nurse from burnout. This is one reason why the SDNA and ANA<br />
involvement are so important to our vocation and can support our decision to be nurses.<br />
Lately I’ve taken solace in collaborating with fellow nurses in a national program,<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong> Advocacy Institute (ANAI). This remarkable opportunity offers a yearlong<br />
mentored program, that educates and trains nurses to be more effective in advocacy<br />
for our profession and our patients. This program promotes nurse collaboration and<br />
works to unite us to lead legislative decisions that affect healthcare. We are EXPERTS at<br />
patient care.<br />
Healthcare decisions should be made by us, the experts. Not paid legislators that<br />
will never hold the hand of a patient in crisis, or respond to an emergency code, or<br />
design a person-centered care plan for an individual that cannot afford their prescribed<br />
medications. We pay the consequences as care providers for decisions that often don’t<br />
take into consideration the impact on us, the experts. It is time to lean in and lend<br />
our voice to the legislative process. It is time to reignite nurses to reconnect with our<br />
profession and invest our efforts in the prevention of poor decision making versus<br />
cleaning up the wreckage afterward.<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s are not heroes, we MAKE heroes! We celebrate the Aides who go the<br />
extra mile to support us, we praise the patients who meet their goals, we promote<br />
those community resources that serve our most indigent, we nominate and elect nurse<br />
legislators to represent our field; we MAKE heroes.<br />
The ANAI program gave me the opportunity to meet hero-makers from all over<br />
the country. We worked together to address opportunities that allow us to: Serve as an<br />
advisor to state <strong>Nurse</strong>s Associations in establishing legislative/regulatory priorities,<br />
recommend strategies for execution in advancement of a policy issue, educate colleagues<br />
about the political realities, and promote nurse engagement. More specifically, ANAI<br />
encourages participants to contribute to column(s) in the state nurse association’s<br />
newsletters; present at the annual convention; and participate in the lobby day, serving as<br />
the “go to” contact for legislators within their district.<br />
Since its introduction, ANAI has educated 229 nurse participants from 46 states.<br />
I am proud to participate and represent <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> nurses in this year-long session.<br />
Although the pandemic halted our in-person advocacy (meaning no field trip to DC), one<br />
of the unforeseen benefits of virtual meetings is increased nurse teamwork; it’s been a<br />
privilege to support fellow nurses in their endeavors to better our profession and protect<br />
our patients.<br />
This ANAI session has been wrought with complicated issues like nurse safety,<br />
APRN full practice authority, safe staffing, nurse mental health, workplace violence,<br />
continuing education, reproductive rights, telehealth practices, continuing education for<br />
nurses, and of course COVID. Here is a limited highlight reel from a few nurses around<br />
the Nation.<br />
Indiana: Members Denise Kerley MSN, RN, CNRN, AG-CNS & Jean Ross<br />
MHA, BSN, RN are working with the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association and Indiana<br />
State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association from October 2021 to October <strong>2022</strong> to focus on identifying<br />
legislative opportunities to impact nurse staffing in Indiana. Denise and Jean are<br />
counting on the stories and experiences of Indiana nurses to present legislative needs.<br />
In fact, Denise and Jean will be conducting 1:1 interviews and surveys over late<br />
fall and winter <strong>2022</strong> to further paint the personalized picture of a day in the life of<br />
nurses. As reference, here is a link to the survey developed to reach nurses Indiana<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong> Staffing Interviews (<br />
Louisiana: Member Ahneyel Burkes is striving to enact R.S. 37:936 and R.S.<br />
40:2009.13, relative to safe harbor protections for nurses; ViewDocument.aspx (la.<br />
gov). allows nurses to invoke safe harbor in certain circumstances; to provide for a<br />
procedure to invoke safe harbor; to require healthcare facilities to establish a safe<br />
harbor process; to prohibit certain actions against nurses who invoke safe harbor; and<br />
to provide for related matters.<br />
Illinois: Member Elizabeth (Liz) Aquino is working on establishing the template<br />
for a campaign school assisting nurses, and formally supporting this field.<br />
Many others are still working to complete their projects, so stay tuned for more updates.<br />
My project was focused on opposing Amendment C , which we <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong>ns defeated<br />
on the ballot in June. The Legislature-driven measure was at complete odds with how the<br />
Legislature itself is run. Ballot measures in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> currently need only a simple<br />
majority vote (50%+1) to be adopted, but Amendment C would have changed our constitution<br />
by requiring any citizen initiative to pass legislation by a super-majority of 60%.<br />
<strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> nurses have a history of proposing health and safety initiatives like<br />
seatbelt use, texting and driving laws, smoking in public, and car seat requirements,<br />
and several SANE measures. If Amendment C passed, nurses (along with all citizens)<br />
would have had to gain super-majority support, instead of obtaining a required number of<br />
voters’ signatures to put a measure on the ballot. It was the type of amendment that the<br />
SDNA, the ANA, and our valued ANAI were meant to defeat, and we did.<br />
So why nursing? It’s simple. Because we make differences everywhere we go and in<br />
everything we do. Because care, concern and professionalism are always our standard.<br />
Because our nursing process is effective and efficient and may be applied to ALL aspects<br />
including legislation. Because from the bedside to the boardroom, we nurses are called to<br />
make heroes.<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
Elects Jennifer Mensik<br />
Kennedy As New National<br />
President<br />
Shannon McClendon,<br />
Keziah Proctor,<br />
SILVER SPRING, MD - Today, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association (ANA) Membership Assembly elected<br />
Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-<br />
BC, FAAN, of the Oregon <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association as the<br />
association’s next president to represent the interests<br />
of the nation’s more than 4.3 million registered nurses.<br />
Mensik has more than 25 years of nursing experience in<br />
a variety of settings ranging from rural critical access<br />
hospitals and home health to hospital administration, and<br />
academia. She has served as President of the Arizona<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association and 2nd Vice President and Treasurer<br />
of ANA. The term of service for Dr. Mensik and all other<br />
newly elected leaders will begin January 1, 2023.<br />
ANA’s Membership Assembly also elected four members to serve as officers of<br />
the 9-member board of directors. The newly elected board members are: Secretary<br />
Amanda Oliver, BSN, RN, CCRN, of ANA – Illinois; Director-at-Large, Edward<br />
Briggs, DNP, MS, APRN, of the Florida <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association; Director-at-Large,<br />
Jennifer Gil, MSN, RN, of the New Jersey State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association; and Director-at-<br />
Large, Staff <strong>Nurse</strong>, David Garcia, MSN, BSN, RN, PCCN, of the Washington State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
The following ANA board members will continue their terms: Susan Swart, EdD,<br />
MS, RN, CAE, of ANA-Illinois as Vice President; Joan Widmer, MS, MSBA, RN,<br />
CEN, of the New Hampshire <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association as Treasurer; Amy McCarthy,<br />
MSN, RNC-MNN, NE-BC, of the Texas <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association as Director-at-Large;<br />
and Marcus Henderson, MSN, RN, of the Pennsylvania State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association as<br />
Director-at-Large, Recent Graduate.<br />
Elected to serve on the Nominations and Elections Committee are: MaryLee<br />
Pakieser, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, of ANA Michigan; Jennifer Tucker, MA, RN, of the<br />
Minnesota Organization of Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s; and Kimberly Velez, MSN, RN, of<br />
ANA - New York.<br />
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May email resume to
Page 10 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
ANA’s Racial Reckoning Statement<br />
Opening<br />
This is a journey.<br />
Throughout our history, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association (ANA) has sought to lead nursing into the<br />
future. Through acts of omission, when we failed to<br />
act, and commission, when ANA’s actions negatively<br />
impacted nurses of color, we have caused harm and<br />
perpetuated systemic racism. This statement serves as<br />
a starting point for a journey during which we seek to<br />
acknowledge past actions that continue to impact the<br />
profession today and as a starting point of a new journey<br />
toward the future.<br />
ANA begins this journey in conjunction with the<br />
efforts undertaken by the National Commission to<br />
Address Racism in Nursing (the Commission). This<br />
statement focuses on ANA’s own actions, while the<br />
Commission seeks to address racism in nursing within<br />
the broader profession. We recognize that as a leader,<br />
ANA holds accountabilities at both the organizational<br />
and the broader professional level. Through both<br />
efforts, we are striving for a more inclusive, diverse,<br />
and equitable professional organization and a nursing<br />
profession that meets the needs of all people.<br />
Our intention with this statement is to publicly<br />
identify and acknowledge our past actions while<br />
addressing the harms that continue today. The section<br />
on ANA Reckoning is not meant to be a complete listing<br />
of all ANA actions that have caused harm. Historical<br />
exclusions of and transgressions against Black nurses<br />
will be discussed in this document. This harm has<br />
undoubtedly extended to all nurses of color. In addition,<br />
there is much debate about labels and terms to identify<br />
racialized minorities. We have chosen to use the term<br />
“nurses of color” to reflect all nurses representing race<br />
and ethnic groups. It is our intention to be fully inclusive<br />
in the use of this language.<br />
In the end, it is our actions that will truly reflect the<br />
sincerity of this apology and serve as the underpinning<br />
for forgiveness. For it is forgiveness that we seek —<br />
forgiveness from nurses of color, the nursing profession<br />
and the communities that have been harmed by our<br />
actions. We fervently hope that this statement, its<br />
subsequent work and the efforts of the Commission will<br />
contribute to healing — individual healing for nurses,<br />
reconciliation with the ethnic-minority nurse associations<br />
and healing of the profession. ANA wants this statement<br />
to reflect genuine reconciliation and acknowledgment<br />
and hopes that it is a step toward forgiveness. Ultimately,<br />
we seek to contribute to the healing of nursing.<br />
ANA Reckoning<br />
There is much that can be said about ANA’s history<br />
and failure to include and represent the views and needs<br />
of nurses of color. The examples below are not to be<br />
considered as a complete reckoning of ANA’s past, but<br />
they are representative of times and actions when ANA<br />
failed.<br />
To begin, we must acknowledge that from 1916 until<br />
1964, ANA purposefully, systemically and systematically<br />
excluded Black nurses. ANA’s predecessor organization,<br />
the <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Associated Alumnae of the United States and<br />
Canada, was open to alumnae associations of schools<br />
of nursing, including Black hospitals and nurse training<br />
schools (Hine, 1989). The <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Associated Alumnae<br />
became the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association, and in 1916,<br />
the membership rules shifted away from an alumnaebased<br />
membership to that of a state- and district-based<br />
membership. This resulted in Black nurses being denied<br />
membership in some state nurses associations. Despite<br />
significant advocacy and pressure from the National<br />
Association of Colored Graduate <strong>Nurse</strong>s (NACGN),<br />
this discrimination persisted. In 1946, the ANA House<br />
of Delegates voted to adopt a statement that urged the<br />
“removal, as rapidly as possible, of barriers that prevent<br />
the full employment and professional development of<br />
nurses belonging to minority racial groups” (Carnegie,<br />
1991, p. 76). And in 1948, the ANA House of Delegates<br />
established an “Individual Membership Category” that<br />
was open to all nurses who were not accepted through<br />
a state or district association. However, it was not<br />
until 1964 that a final district in Louisiana dropped its<br />
discriminatory rule for membership (Carnegie, 1991).<br />
This timeline reflects the failure of ANA leaders to<br />
aggressively pursue changes in its discriminatory<br />
membership rules and allow for full membership<br />
regardless of race. While membership within ANA<br />
was hard fought by NACGN, the full inclusion of Black<br />
nurses within ANA leadership and decision-making<br />
remains unrealized and elusive for all nurses of color.<br />
One representative incident from 1939 involved<br />
Estelle Massey Riddle Osborne, president of NACGN<br />
from 1934-1939. In 1939, President Osborne was invited<br />
by ANA President Julia C. Stimson to meet with ANA’s<br />
Advisory Council to discuss the status of Black nurses<br />
in the profession. The site of the meeting was the St.<br />
Charles Hotel in New Orleans, where Black guests were<br />
required to use the service entrance and freight elevator.<br />
President Osborne called on ANA and President Stimson<br />
to adamantly protest this discrimination. Instead of<br />
protesting the discriminatory policy, President Stimson<br />
offered to enter the hotel with President Osborne through<br />
the service entrance. In the end, President Osborne<br />
decided against attending and ANA failed to step into a<br />
space of advocacy and support (Hine, 1989).<br />
President Osborne was the first Black nurse to earn<br />
a master’s degree in the U.S. and became the first Black<br />
nurse elected to the ANA board in 1948. However, after<br />
her four- year term, there were no Black nurses elected to<br />
the board again until 1970 (Carnegie, 1991). This lack of<br />
representation on the policy level for 22 years concerned<br />
many Black nurses, and when it was brought up at ANA’s<br />
1972 convention, it was communicated that the only<br />
obligation of ANA from the dissolution of NACGN was<br />
the awarding of the Mary Mahoney Award.<br />
In 1965, ANA approved a position paper on nursing<br />
education that recommended the minimum preparation<br />
for “beginning professional nursing practice should be a<br />
baccalaureate degree” (ANA, 1976). The stated rationale<br />
for this change was the increasing complexity of nursing<br />
activities and patient care. One result of ANA taking this<br />
position was the disenfranchisement of institutions and<br />
schools of nursing that were available to students of color<br />
and the exclusion of nurses who graduated from those<br />
programs. ANA sought to advance the educational level<br />
of nurses without ensuring that all nurses would have the<br />
same access to the education necessary to achieve the<br />
desired educational level for entry into the profession.<br />
There continues to be a need to examine how this policy<br />
advances nursing today and to examine strategies for<br />
ensuring that educational opportunities are equally<br />
available to all students, especially students of color.<br />
In 1970, Dr. Lauranne Sams organized a meeting with<br />
200 Black nurses for the primary purpose of organizing<br />
a Black nurse association. The group reported the<br />
following concerns (Carnegie, 1991):<br />
1. Concern over the absence of Black nurses in<br />
leadership positions at ANA.<br />
2. Limited opportunities for Black nurses to support and<br />
shape ANA policies.<br />
3. Persistent tokenism.<br />
4. Limited recognition of Black nurses’ contributions to<br />
the profession.<br />
5. Lack of significant increases in the number of Black<br />
registered nurses.<br />
6. No recognition of achievement with awards (other<br />
than the Mary Mahoney Award).<br />
7. Limited appointments of Black nurses to committees<br />
and commissions.<br />
In 1973, in her first address to the newly created<br />
National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (NBNA), Dr.<br />
Sams considered the question of why a Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association was needed:<br />
“No, I am speaking about all the past deficits and<br />
discriminatory practice which have continuously<br />
disgraced and limited the full potential, the<br />
development, the selfhood, and the self determination<br />
of Black folk. I am speaking about today, Here and<br />
Now.”<br />
In telling the history of the formation of the NBNA,<br />
the article From Invisibility to Blackness: The Story<br />
of the National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Association by Gloria<br />
R. Smith notes that there was a desire on the part of<br />
the <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Associated Alumnae of the United States
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>South</strong> <strong>Dakota</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> Page 11<br />
and Canada and ANA for Black nurses to be members,<br />
but these professional associations granted them few<br />
privileges “other than paying dues” (1975, p. 225).<br />
Although by 1964 there were no tangible rules<br />
preventing membership for nurses of color, it was evident<br />
that exclusionary practices and a failure to represent all<br />
nurses remained. Similar to the concerns raised by Black<br />
nurses, in 1974, led by Dr. Ildaura Murillo- Rhode, a<br />
group of 12 Hispanic nurses who were also members of<br />
ANA came together to consider establishing a Hispanic<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Caucus within ANA because “ANA was not<br />
being responsive to the needs of Hispanic nurses”<br />
(National Association of Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s, <strong>2022</strong>).<br />
Ultimately, this core group and their organizing efforts<br />
led to the establishment of the National Association of<br />
Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s (NAHN). Today, “NAHN members<br />
advocate, educate, volunteer, seek partnerships, and<br />
conduct programming in the Latino community to<br />
improve outcomes, elevate literacy, heighten education,<br />
and influence policy. We also work collaboratively with<br />
others to improve health equity and to create a future<br />
in which everyone regardless of race or ethnicity has<br />
opportunities to be healthy.”<br />
ANA recognizes that issues of racism persist today<br />
and continue to harm nurses of color. Findings from<br />
the Commission’s 2021 national survey on racism in<br />
nursing (n = 5,600) noted that racist acts are principally<br />
perpetrated by colleagues and those in positions of<br />
power. Over half of nurses surveyed (63%) said they had<br />
personally experienced an act of racism in the workplace<br />
with the transgressors being either a peer (66%) or<br />
a manager or supervisor (60%). Fifty-six percent of<br />
respondents also noted that racism in the workplace has<br />
negatively impacted their professional well-being. During<br />
listening sessions with nurses of color convened by ANA<br />
and the Commission, persistent themes of stereotyping,<br />
prejudice, discrimination, exclusion, oppression,<br />
tokenism, inequity, and insistence on conformity and<br />
assimilation were found (National Commission, 2021).<br />
The impact of these experiences is demoralization,<br />
exhaustion, spirit murder (murder of the soul), invisible<br />
workload, silence, invisibility and self-doubt.<br />
“The power in nursing is primarily held by middleage<br />
to old-age white women who have just recently<br />
begun to consider racism in nursing care. There are<br />
racist principles that have been carried down through<br />
history and never challenged.”<br />
(Anonymous Quote, National Commission to Address<br />
Racism in Nursing, 2021)<br />
Seeking Forgiveness<br />
As leaders of ANA, we apologize for the named<br />
and the unaccounted-for harms. Our past actions have<br />
caused irreparable physiological, psychological and<br />
socioeconomic harm, not only to nurses of color but to<br />
all patients, families and communities that depend on<br />
ANA as the national leader of the nursing profession. We<br />
failed to live up to the professional values established<br />
through the Code of Ethics for <strong>Nurse</strong>s (ANA, 2015) and<br />
our social contract that guides the relationship between<br />
the nursing profession and society and their reciprocal<br />
expectations (ANA, 2010). In addition, as ANA sought<br />
to “professionalize” nursing, we failed to support a<br />
robust education approach that included the appropriate<br />
preparation to care for ALL our patients, especially<br />
patients of color.<br />
More specifically, we apologize to all nurses of<br />
color. Not only is the profession richer for your having<br />
persisted, but the people you cared for and continue to<br />
care for today have been better served. ANA failed to<br />
uphold your work and support you as you advanced in<br />
nursing and worked to improve the profession. Having<br />
failed you, ANA also failed in supporting and caring for<br />
communities of color and other marginalized people.<br />
We apologize to the ethnic-minority nurse<br />
associations that have ably represented the needs of their<br />
nurses and communities. Early in the profession’s history,<br />
there was a stated desire for one association to meet the<br />
needs of all nurses. ANA only represented the needs of<br />
some nurses and some patients. <strong>Nurse</strong> leaders of color<br />
stepped into the breach. ANA’s failure to lead resulted<br />
in a fragmentation of the profession that contributed<br />
to a fragmentation in nursing care for minoritized<br />
communities.<br />
Moving Forward<br />
As important as it is to reconcile ANA’s history, our<br />
path points toward the future and actions that should<br />
be taken as a means of holding ANA accountable,<br />
continuing reconciliation to repair the breach and<br />
becoming a restored association. Each of the actions<br />
below will lead to additional actions and efforts as ANA<br />
continues the journey.<br />
Therefore, the ANA Board of Directors will:<br />
• Continue to reckon with and apologize for past<br />
harms that are made known to ANA.<br />
• Engage in direct reconciliation with each of the<br />
ethnic-minority nurse associations.<br />
• Develop and implement a diversity, equity and<br />
inclusion impact analysis that is considered in all<br />
policies and positions of the association.<br />
• Initiate an oral history project dedicated to<br />
amplifying the contributions by nurses of color to<br />
ANA and the nursing professions.<br />
Therefore, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association will:<br />
• Continue to serve as a partner in and support<br />
the National Commission to Address Racism in<br />
Nursing as it strives to create antiracist practices<br />
and environments.<br />
• Advocate for and follow established guidance on<br />
the reporting of race and ethnicity in professional<br />
journals and publications.<br />
• Advocate for appropriate representation and<br />
inclusion in textbooks and other educational<br />
material.<br />
• Actively engage in a program of diversity, equity<br />
and inclusion within the association.<br />
• Provide transparency into the race and ethnic<br />
makeup of the ANA Board of Directors, leadership<br />
and staff.<br />
• Deliberately work to build diversity within ANA’s<br />
volunteer and governance structure.<br />
Conclusion<br />
We, as ANA, are on a journey — a journey of<br />
reckoning and reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.<br />
This journey will take some time, but it is one that ANA<br />
is fully committed to. We invite others to join us as<br />
ANA seeks to strengthen who we are as a professional<br />
association and the broader nursing profession through<br />
inclusion, diversity and equity as we strive for antiracist<br />
nursing practices and environments.<br />
“As nurses we need to unlearn much of what we<br />
thought we knew about racism — and get comfortable<br />
being uncomfortable about our profession and our own<br />
way of being — need to see nursing through a new<br />
lens and be open to what we might see versus stating<br />
that racism does not exist.”<br />
(Anonymous Quote, National Commission to Address<br />
Racism in Nursing, 2021)<br />
References<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (2015). Code of ethics for<br />
nurses with interpretive statements. American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association.<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (2010). Nursing’s social policy<br />
statement: The essence of the profession. American<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (1976). One strong voice: The<br />
story of the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. American<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
Carnegie, M.E. (1991). The path we tread: Blacks in nursing,<br />
1854-1990. National League for Nursing Press.<br />
Hine, D.C. (1989). Black women in white: Racial conflict<br />
and cooperation in the nursing profession 1890–1950.<br />
Indiana University Press.<br />
National Association of Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s. (2021). History.<br /><br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (2021).<br />
Defining Racism. final-defining-racism-june-2021.pdf<br />
(<br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (2021).<br />
Summary Report: Listening Sessions on Racism in<br />
Nursing. final-racism-in-nursing-listening-sessionreport-june-2021.pdf<br />
(<br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing.<br />
(<strong>2022</strong>). Survey Shows Substantial Racism in Nursing.<br />
(<br />
Sams, L. (1973, September). Presidential Address. National<br />
Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Cleveland; Ohio.<br />
Smith, G.R. (1975). From invisibility to blackness: The story of<br />
the National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Nursing Outlook,<br />
23(4), 225-229.