The Hawai'i Nurse - August 2022
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Hawaiʻi-ANA<br />
Empowers nurses<br />
to advocate for the<br />
improvement of the<br />
healthcare system in<br />
the communities where<br />
we live and work.<br />
<strong>The</strong> official Newsletter of<br />
Hawaiʻi - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
Quarterly publication distributed to approximately 9,400 RNs and LPNs in Hawaiʻi.<br />
<strong>August</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | Vol. 3 No. 1<br /><br />
Join Hawaiʻi-ANA & ANA Today!<br />
Only $15 per month.<br />
October<br />
22<br />
Hawai’i-ANA<br />
9am – 3pm | Hilton<br />
Hawaiʻian Village<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Annual Conference<br />
save<br />
the date<br />
Visit<br />
to find out more or to join!<br />
BECOME A<br />
Links to Other Nursing<br />
Organizations<br />
Hawai’i Board of Nursing<br />
Hawai’i Association of Professional <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong>sʻ Association-OPEIU Local 50<br />
Hawai’i State Center for Nursing<br />
Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
Philippine <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association of America<br />
American Association of <strong>Nurse</strong> Leaders Hawaii<br />
Hawaiʻi - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association will be hosting the <strong>2022</strong> Annual Conference<br />
on Saturday, October 22nd from 8:00am - 4:00pm in-person at the Hilton Hawaiian<br />
Village in the Tapa Room, and shared by live webinar across the islands. <strong>The</strong>me:<br />
“Together, We Can!”<br />
This conference is open to all nurses in Hawaiʻi. Invitations are sent out to other nursing<br />
organizations in Hawaiʻi for their members to join in the festivities, so please spread the word!<br />
<strong>The</strong> conference will feature local and national nursing leaders. Focus will be on nurses’ ability<br />
to be powerful voices in policy and government, how to get involved in legislative activities,<br />
and how policy positively impacts your nursing practice and the care your patients receive. We<br />
will offer continuing education*, networking opportunities, booths where vendors will provide<br />
information on their products and services, great food, and much more!<br />
Hawaiʻi-ANA Business Meeting will be open to Hawaiʻi-ANA members where the Board of<br />
Directors will share our strategic and financial plans soliciting input from members for direction<br />
of our Association. Results of the annual election of new Board and Nominating Committee<br />
members will also be announced.<br />
Join us Saturday, October 22nd, <strong>2022</strong> from 8:00am to 4:00pm in person or via Zoom<br />
webinar for engaging opportunities to network with colleagues from around the state!<br />
Register online.<br />
*Northeast Multistate Division (NEMSD) is accredited as a Provider of nursing continuing professional<br />
development by the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Hawaii-ANA is a<br />
member of the NEMSD. This activity is being provided by Hawaii-ANA as a member of NEMSD.<br />
current resident or<br />
Non-Profit Org.<br />
U.S. Postage Paid<br />
Princeton, MN<br />
Permit No. 14<br />
Hawai’i-ANA Annual Call for Nominations.2<br />
Why I Became a Member ..........3<br />
Our Mission & Purpose ............3<br />
A Memoir of the <strong>2022</strong><br />
ANA Membership Assembly ..... 4-6<br />
Index<br />
ANA Acts on Climate Change<br />
and Key Nursing Issues .............8<br />
Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s Page ...............9<br />
Hawai’i-ANA Membership .........10-11<br />
ANA-ONLY Members ..............12<br />
<strong>The</strong> power of nursing returns to<br />
Washington, DC in force .........4<br />
<strong>The</strong> New Graduate<br />
RN Workforce Report ...........13-16<br />
ANA’s Racial Reckoning Statement . . 7
Page 2 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Official Announcement of <strong>2022</strong> Call for Nominations<br />
for Elected Positions, on behalf of Hawai’i-ANA<br />
Nominating Committee and Board of Directors.<br />
As required by the Hawaiʻi-ANA Bylaws 2021, notice is hereby given<br />
to all Hawaiʻi-ANA members of the opening for nominations<br />
for election to office of the following positions:<br />
Vice President<br />
Treasurer<br />
Directors at Large (2 positions)<br />
Nominating Committee (3 positions)<br />
Please consider volunteering your time and talent. Your impact can<br />
make a difference in the lives of many! Join your colleagues already<br />
serving their communities and profession: the benefits are boundless!<br />
Consider your<br />
impact!<br />
Expand your<br />
professional<br />
network!<br />
Be a voice for<br />
change in the<br />
Legislature!<br />
Mentorship!<br />
Advocate for our<br />
profession and our<br />
community!<br />
Learn new skills!<br />
Executive Director: Linda Beechinor, DNP, APRN,<br />
FNP-BC<br />
President: Katie Kemp, BAN, RN, GERO-BC<br />
President-Elect: Nancy Atmospera-Walch, DNP,<br />
Vice President: Linda Beechinor, DNP,<br />
APRN, FNP-BC<br />
Secretary: Marion Poirier, M.A., RN<br />
Treasurer: VACANT<br />
Neighbor Island Director: Denise Cohen, PhD,<br />
APRN, FNP-BC<br />
Director-at-large: Bob Gahol, RN, BSN,<br />
Director-at-large: Taryn Amberson, MPH,<br />
Director-at-large: Robin Zachary, DNP, Ed.S, RN<br />
Director-at-large: Tiffany Hooks, DNP,<br />
FNP-C, RNC-OB<br />
For more information on nominating yourself or a colleague please visit the Hawaiʻi-ANA website<br />
Nominating Committee Chair: Pokiʻi Balaz, DNP,<br />
Member: Brian Fikes, MS, APRN, ACHPN-BC<br />
Member: Soroya Acosta, BSN, RN-BC<br />
Member: Doreen Nakamura, DNP, MBA, RN,<br />
NEA-BC, CCM<br />
Member: Michael Kaneshiro Chou, RN, PCCN, CMGT-BC<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Call for Nominations for Elected Positions<br />
Dear Colleagues –<br />
On behalf of Hawai’i-ANA Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce that<br />
the annual <strong>2022</strong> Call for Nominations for Elected Positions is now open.<br />
Please consider volunteering or nominating for any of the following open positions. Open positions are listed below.<br />
All terms are for 2 years, to begin at the close of the <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi-ANA Annual Conference October 22, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Vice President<br />
<strong>The</strong> Vice-President reports to the President and is responsible for the newsletter and social media;<br />
membership growth and diversification; development, communications, and coordination of District activities;<br />
other activities as assigned by the President; and, in the absence of the president, shall assume the duties of<br />
that office. <strong>The</strong> Vice President is a member of the Executive Committee.<br />
Treasurer<br />
<strong>The</strong> Treasurer shall be accountable for the fiscal affairs of Hawai’i-ANA and shall provide reports and<br />
interpretation of Hawai’i-ANA’s financial condition to the Board of Directors, the Annual Conference, and the<br />
membership. <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall be chairman of the Finance Committee. <strong>The</strong> Treasurer is a member of the<br />
Executive Committee.<br />
Director-at-Large (two seats)<br />
<strong>The</strong> Director-at-Large serves on the Hawai’i-ANA Board of Directors to represent the membership who<br />
elected them. Duties are commensurate with assignments made by the Executive Committee, such as to chair<br />
and participate in committee work of Hawaiʻi-ANA.<br />
Nominating Committee (three seats)<br />
<strong>The</strong> Nominating Committee member serves per the committee duties outlined in Article II, Section 2.3. of<br />
the Hawaiʻi-ANA Bylaws 2021.<br />
Timeline:<br />
For more information on how to become a candidate in this election, go to the Hawaiʻi-ANA Website.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 1, <strong>2022</strong> - September 21, <strong>2022</strong><br />
September 22, <strong>2022</strong><br />
October 1, <strong>2022</strong> - October 22, <strong>2022</strong><br />
October 22, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Nominations for positions are open<br />
Slate of eligible candidates will be published to the membership<br />
Voting is open to the membership<br />
Results of the elections will be made available<br />
In accordance with Hawaiʻi-ANA Bylaws 2021, nominations are open <strong>August</strong> 1, <strong>2022</strong> and will close September<br />
21, <strong>2022</strong>. <strong>The</strong> slate will be published to all members with information about each candidate. Voting will be by<br />
secret ballot, beginning October 1, <strong>2022</strong> and closing October 22, <strong>2022</strong>. <strong>The</strong> election will be conducted via an<br />
independent third-party vendor to assure security. Results of the election will be announced at the Hawaiʻi-<br />
ANA Business meeting on October 22, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Publisher<br />
Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc.<br />
Editor and Publisher are not responsible nor liable for editorial or<br />
news content.<br />
Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong> is published four times a year, February, May,<br />
<strong>August</strong>, and November, for the Hawai’i - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association, a constituent member of the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association. Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong> provides a forum for members to<br />
express their opinions. Views expressed are the responsibility of<br />
the authors and are not necessarily those of the members of the<br />
Hawai’i-ANA.<br />
Articles and letters for publication are welcomed by the editorial<br />
committee. Hawai’i-ANA Editorial Committee reserves the right to<br />
accept or reject articles, advertisements, editorials, and letters for<br />
the Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong>. <strong>The</strong> editorial committee reserves the right to<br />
edit articles, editorials, and letters.<br />
Address editorial comments and inquiries to the following<br />
address:<br />
500 Lunalila Home Road, #27-E<br />
Honolulu, HI 96825<br /><br />
No parts of this publication may be reproduced without<br />
permission.<br />
Subscription to the print version of the Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong> is included<br />
with membership to the Hawai’i - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association/<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Complimentary electronic<br />
copies are sent to all Hawai’i nurses and posted on the<br />
Hawai’i - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association website at hawaii-ana.<br /> Address such requests to the Hawai’i-ANA<br />
Office at the address above or email<br />
Circulation 9,400.<br />
For advertising rates and information, please contact Arthur L.<br />
Davis Publishing Agency, Inc., PO Box 216, Cedar Falls, Iowa<br />
50613, (800) 626-4081, Hawai’i-ANA and<br />
the Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. reserve the right to<br />
reject any advertisement. Responsibility for errors in advertising<br />
is limited to corrections in the next issue or refund of price of<br />
advertisement.<br />
Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement or<br />
approval by the Hawai’i - American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association of<br />
products advertised, the advertisers, or the claims made.<br />
Rejection of an advertisement does not imply a product offered<br />
for advertising is without merit, or that the manufacturer lacks<br />
integrity, or that this association disapproves of the product or<br />
its use. Hawai’i-ANA and the Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency,<br />
Inc. shall not be held liable for any consequences resulting from<br />
purchase or use of an advertiser’s product. Articles appearing in<br />
this publication express the opinions of the authors; they do not<br />
necessarily reflect views of the staff, board, or membership of<br />
Hawai’i-ANA or those of the national or local associations.
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 3<br />
Why I Became a Member...<br />
“It makes me feel like I’m a part of something greater<br />
and actually making a difference in my community<br />
and my profession.”<br />
“I love networking and meeting so many nurses<br />
around the island”<br />
“With a new mentoring program and combined<br />
networking/education events, there is ample opportunity for<br />
nurses in all career stages to connect and grow with others.”<br />
Our Mission:<br />
Hawaiʻi-ANA empowers nurses to<br />
advocate for the improvement of the<br />
healthcare system in the communities<br />
where we live and work.<br />
Our purpose is to:<br />
1. advocate for nurses in the<br />
workplace, legislature, and the<br />
community<br />
2. provide opportunities for<br />
mentorship, leadership,<br />
continued education, community<br />
engagement, and promotion of<br />
the nursing profession.<br />
3. build a network of empowered<br />
nurses to inspire change and<br />
improve our healthcare system<br />
and community.<br />
“As an active-duty military spouse subject to frequent relocations,<br />
Hawai’i ANA has helped me connect to my local and<br />
interdisciplinary nursing community.”<br />
“It feels great to serve my community”<br />
Your Dream<br />
Find<br />
Job Now!<br />
Page 4 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
A Memoir of the <strong>2022</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
(ANA) Membership Assembly by Hawaiʻi-ANA<br />
President-Elect Dr. Nancy Atmospera-Walch<br />
June was a very exciting month for the Hawaiʻi<br />
- American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association as it is the month<br />
where the three of its Executive Board Members<br />
were excitedly planning their trip to Washington D.C.<br />
to attend the first Face to Face ANA Membership<br />
Assembly post-covid. Talking about covid,<br />
unfortunately, President, Katie Kemp, could not join<br />
Executive Director/Vice-President Dr. Linda Beechinor<br />
and I, as covid got to her on the day we were all<br />
going to fly out!<br />
Upon arrival in Washington D.C. on June 8,<br />
<strong>2022</strong>, my husband Gerhardt Walch and I invited<br />
Dr. Beechinor and some of my dear friends from<br />
Philippines <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association of American (PNAA)<br />
Metropolitan DC chapter: Dr. Christine Garcia-Pabico<br />
(also Director, Pathway to Excellence Program at<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Credentialing Center) and her<br />
husband, with Maricon Banzon-Dans (also Assistant<br />
Director, Pathway to Excellence Program at ANCC), to<br />
the prestigious Sulgrave Club. <strong>The</strong> evening went fast<br />
as everyone had stories to share about their favorite<br />
travel places while enjoying our sumptuous dinner<br />
and a private tour after. What a beautiful beginning<br />
for an exciting visit in the nation’s capital.<br />
(LEFT) ANA President Dr. Ernest Grant with Hawaiʻi-ANA President-Elect Dr. Nancy Atmospera-Walch<br />
(RIGHT) Hawaiʻi-ANA President-Elect Dr. Nancy Atmospera-Walch with Executive Director/<br />
Vice President Dr. Linda Beechinor<br />
<strong>The</strong> ANA Membership Assembly officially started<br />
on June 9, <strong>2022</strong>. Dr. Beechinor and I went down to<br />
the meeting proudly wearing our Lei Poʻo (Haku Leis),<br />
which immediately communicated to all that we are<br />
the Hawaiʻi-ANA representatives. It is amazing how<br />
many praises we received. Thanks to Dr. Beechinor<br />
for hand-carrying them and we were able to wear<br />
them for the entire Convention.<br />
Welcome Remarks from ANA President Dr. Ernest<br />
Grant were followed by a keynote address from U.S.<br />
Congresswoman Lucille Royball-Allard (D-CA).<br />
<strong>The</strong> power of nursing returns to Washington, DC in force<br />
Jun 10th <strong>2022</strong><br />
For the first time in three years, nurses, students,<br />
and other leaders gathered today in Washington, DC<br />
for ANA Hill Day on June 9, a related event to the ANA<br />
Membership Assembly Meeting June 10-11. <strong>The</strong>y will<br />
bring nursing priorities to meetings with members of<br />
Congress and their staff to build support for federal<br />
legislation addressing workplace violence and burnout,<br />
preventing unnecessary delays in patient care, and<br />
removing barriers to APRN full practice authority.<br />
Nearly 300 participants from across the country<br />
are sharing their perspectives and expertise during<br />
hundreds of scheduled visits on Capitol Hill and virtually.<br />
Before setting out, participants attended a breakfast<br />
briefing, where they learned more about ANA-supported<br />
legislation and were welcomed by ANA President Ernest<br />
J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN.<br />
“We are here today to do what nurses do best:<br />
advocate,” Grant said. “<strong>The</strong> meetings you will take part<br />
in today will forge and strengthen the relationships<br />
with your elected lawmakers and their staff that will<br />
ensure that our voices are heard, and that the nursing<br />
profession is given its well-deserved, hard-earned seat at<br />
the table,” said Grant.<br />
<strong>The</strong> three key issues that Hill Day attendees are<br />
calling attention to are:<br />
• Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act<br />
(3018/H.R. 3173)<br />
• Full practice authority for Advanced Practice<br />
Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s (APRNs)<br />
• Valuing the Nursing Workforce – Workplace<br />
Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social<br />
Service Workers Act (4182/H.R. 1195)<br />
Grant participated in the ANA Hill Day version of a<br />
“fireside chat” with U.S. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-<br />
CA), the first Mexican-American woman elected to<br />
Congress and co-chair of the Congressional Nursing<br />
Caucus. Roybal-Allard, whose health policy analyst is an<br />
RN, who talked about the need to pass legislation that<br />
would grant full practice authority to APRNs through the<br />
Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured<br />
Federal Workers Act (H.R. 6087), which would expand<br />
the role of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in<br />
providing services to injured federal workers under the<br />
federal workers’ compensation program. <strong>The</strong> bill passed<br />
the House in early June and is expected to pass the<br />
Senate.<br />
Roybal-Allard encouraged RNs to take steps in their<br />
own communities to advocate for patients and the<br />
profession. “Get to know your elected officials and their<br />
staffs at the state and local level. <strong>The</strong>y are the ones who<br />
create the laws and policies that affect your profession.<br />
Offer to help and educate them.”<br />
What’s next<br />
ANA and its organizational affiliates, comprised largely<br />
of specialty nursing associations, are poised today to<br />
share updates and explore areas for collaboration on key<br />
issues.<br />
In a ceremony later Thursday evening, ANA will honor<br />
the recipients of the <strong>2022</strong> President’s and National Awards.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>2022</strong> ANA Membership Assembly, a meeting of<br />
the association’s governing body, begins Friday, June<br />
10 to address a range of issues, including the impact of<br />
climate change on health, workplace violence, and nurse<br />
staffing, as well as organizational-focused actions.<br />
Stay up to date and join the conversation<br />
For news on ANA Membership Assembly and related<br />
activities, follow us on ANA’s Facebook and Twitter<br />
channels. To follow Hill Day, search #ANAHillDay on<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 5<br />
Dr. Beechinor and Dr. Atmospera-Walch then<br />
UBERed to the Capitol for this day called “ANA Hill<br />
Day.” We met with Congressmen Ed Case (D-HI) and<br />
Kaialiʻi Kahele (D-HI) and his Legislative Correspondent,<br />
Kadara Marshall. We were not able to see US Senator<br />
Brian Schatz, but we had a great meeting with his<br />
assistant, Gabrielle Schecter. We also had a virtual<br />
meeting with US Senator Mazie Hironoʻs assistant<br />
Artin Haghshenas. With all of them Dr. Beechinor<br />
and I advocated for their support on three issues:<br />
1) Advanced Practice Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s (APRNs)<br />
by supporting the removal of burdensome barriers<br />
permanently for all four APRN roles, 2) We requested<br />
their support of removing practice barriers for nurses<br />
and improving access to care, and 3) Improving<br />
Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2021. In each of<br />
our visits, we showed our Aloha Spirit by gifting them<br />
with our local and delicious shortbread cookies or<br />
macadamia nut chocolates. <strong>The</strong> best part for us was<br />
being able to eat in the Capitol Cafeteria which had just<br />
opened again to the public.<br />
In the evening of that second day, we attended a<br />
Welcome Reception, and it was a great surprise to see<br />
two very great friends from PNA: Dr. MJ Dia, PNAA<br />
President, representing PNAA as an Organizational<br />
Affiliate, and Dr. Nelson Tuazon, as a member of the<br />
ANA NOMELEC Committee (pictured below)<br />
And here I am as a 1st Attendee for being the<br />
President- Elect of Hawaiʻi-ANA. “Go PNAA SPARK and<br />
SHINE!”<br />
<strong>The</strong> reception was followed by the Presidential<br />
Award Ceremony. This year, President Grant awarded<br />
seven magnanimous nurse leaders, recognizing their<br />
significant contributions to the advancement of ANA’s<br />
strategic activities on behalf of registered nurses and<br />
the nursing profession. This year’s recipients were<br />
honored for their outstanding efforts to advance<br />
inclusivity, promote equity and diversity, and address<br />
the issue of racism in the nursing profession. <strong>The</strong>se<br />
are some of the <strong>2022</strong> recipients:<br />
● Karen Daley, PhD, RN, FAAN, Board<br />
Member, American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation:<br />
During her tenure as ANA President, Dr. Daley<br />
had the vision to leverage the combined<br />
strength of ANA, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Credentialing Center, and the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Foundation (the Foundation) to create the<br />
ANA Enterprise. She currently serves on the<br />
Foundation Board, where she helped lead<br />
dramatic growth in annual fundraising to<br />
support research, education, and scholarships.<br />
In addition, Dr. Daley represents the Foundation<br />
on the National Commission to Address Racism<br />
in Nursing, a collaborative of leading nursing<br />
organizations examining the issue of systemic<br />
racism in the profession.<br />
● Rumay Alexander, EdD, RN, FAAN,<br />
Scholar-in-Residence, American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association:<br />
Dr. Alexander spearheads ANA’s strategic<br />
initiatives surrounding equity, diversity, inclusion<br />
and racism in nursing across education,<br />
practice, policy, and research. She was pivotal<br />
in the launch of the National Commission to<br />
Address Racism in Nursing. She also developed<br />
a new definition of racism to set a foundation<br />
for the work ahead and was instrumental in<br />
the creation of the Commission’s Foundational<br />
Report on Racism in Nursing. Her insightful<br />
guidance informed the path forward for ANA’s<br />
own Racial Reckoning journey.<br />
• Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, CEO,<br />
National League for Nursing:<br />
Dr. Malone brings her extensive experience<br />
as a global health care leader, innovator, and<br />
nursing champion to guide initiatives to improve<br />
inclusivity and equity in the nursing profession.<br />
She contributed expert considerations to ANA’s<br />
racial reckoning journey, ensuring that it<br />
focuses on acknowledgement, accountability<br />
and the need for healing in the nursing<br />
profession. Dr. Malone previously served two<br />
terms as ANA president. In <strong>2022</strong>, Dr. Malone<br />
was featured as one of 25 outstanding women<br />
for Women’s History Month by Diverse: Issues<br />
in Higher Education.<br />
Memoir continued on page 6<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are the nurses of American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association state associations at “ANA Hill Day” June 9, <strong>2022</strong>, in front of the U.S. Capitol, the meeting place of<br />
the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government.<br />
Can you identify the two nurses representing Hawaiʻi-ANA?
Page 6 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Memoir continued from page 5<br />
June 10, <strong>2022</strong> and an all-day meeting, meals, and<br />
more meetings! I found myself thoroughly enjoying the<br />
ANA Assembly and I am grateful that Dr. Beechinor was<br />
with me, a first timer attendee. As a former active ANA<br />
and Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (HNA) Board member<br />
before it separated from ANA, Dr. Beechinor knew many<br />
people. It was exciting as we were meeting the nurses<br />
who want to lead ANA in the next year. <strong>The</strong> candidates<br />
were impressive and for me, it was hard to decide as<br />
I have not been active in attending the ANA national<br />
conventions; thus, I really did not know the candidates.<br />
But I was lucky as Dr. Beechinor knew a lot of them or<br />
knew someone who knew them as she is a Veteran to<br />
ANA.<br />
I was invited to the ANA Foundation Leadership Donor<br />
Luncheon and since my husband had another meeting<br />
to attend, Dr. Beechinor took his place. It was a great<br />
event as I learned that the Jeannine Rivet National<br />
Leadership Award was made possible by the United<br />
Health Foundation. It was great as I know the President<br />
of the United Health Care in Hawaii, the business side of<br />
the UHC Foundation, who also was one of the Philippine<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association of Hawaii Sponsors during its recent<br />
Induction Gala.<br />
<strong>The</strong> third day ended with a relaxing by Invitation only<br />
ANA Wes-PAC Reception at their new office PH Roof<br />
Garden: (2 photos below)<br />
Hawaiʻi Flag joined the other Constituent States’ Flag.<br />
Standing in the front and looking around as the 500<br />
attendees were looking at us was just so emotionally<br />
energizing and I knew Dr. Beechinor and I were floating<br />
without wings.<br />
I also participated in one of the Question and Answer<br />
sessions, and all of a sudden, everyone was wanting to<br />
have a picture with me. Actually, one said, “Can I have<br />
a picture with the Hawaiʻi Celebrity?” I didn’t realize that<br />
my simple statement on Abuse and Workplace Violence<br />
made such an impact on the attendees. I met new and<br />
wonderful people, and I’m looking forward to seeing<br />
them again in the near future.<br />
To add to the emotional day, I was saying GoodBye<br />
to Dr. Grant. I met Dr. Ernest Grant in 2018 and saying<br />
goodbye to him today knowing that he will not be with<br />
us next year, was a very difficult act to do. <strong>The</strong> love for<br />
him from everyone was palpable in the entire room, and<br />
the farewell presentation from North Carolina ANA was<br />
moving and filled with kind and loving statements.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was a run off for the Secretarial position, and<br />
even this was effortless. Time to find out who won the<br />
election! I just VOTED & now, we will find out the result.<br />
How wonderful to have the outcome on the same day.<br />
And the WINNERS are:<br />
• President: Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD,<br />
MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, of the Oregon <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association.<br />
• Secretary: Amanda Oliver, BSN, RN, CCRN, of<br />
ANA – Illinois.<br />
• Directors-at-Large: Edward Briggs, DNP,<br />
MS, APRN, of the Florida <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association;<br />
Jennifer Gil, MSN, RN, of the New Jersey State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
• Director-at-Large, Staff <strong>Nurse</strong>: David Garcia,<br />
MSN, BSN, RN, PCCN, of the Washington State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
We got together for this photo with the<br />
Representatives from our Island Constituencies: Virgin<br />
Islands, Hawai’i, and Guam (above).<br />
I was feeling so great, I told Dr. Linda that we were<br />
going out to dinner and celebrate the exemplary ending<br />
of the <strong>2022</strong> ANA Membership Assembly. We had another<br />
delicious dinner at the impressive Private Cosmos Club,<br />
pictured below.<br />
However, going to the Cosmos Club was an ordeal as<br />
the traffic was constipated (literally) due to the PRIDE<br />
Parade. But we tolerated it as the ANA’s success was<br />
worth celebrating!<br />
<strong>The</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (ANA) is the Queen<br />
of every Nursing Organization in the world, with its 4.3<br />
million RN members nationally.<br />
<strong>The</strong> ANA Enterprise has three distinct components<br />
that makes the engine of ANA running efficiently and<br />
smoothly: ANA website<br />
<strong>The</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (ANA)<br />
<strong>The</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Foundation (ANF)<br />
<strong>The</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Credentialing Center (ANCC)<br />
During the <strong>2022</strong> ANA Membership Assembly, it<br />
was very visual on how the three organizations work<br />
so independently and yet collaboratively that each<br />
component’s contributions to the ANA Enterprise was<br />
felt, seen, and heard. A very organized and impressive<br />
organization and I am proud but humbled and grateful<br />
that I am a part of this magnanimous organization that<br />
is Making a Difference in this world for the health and<br />
betterment of humanity.<br />
June 12, <strong>2022</strong>, Sunday. My elated feeling<br />
continued, so I arranged a last get together Sunday<br />
brunch with more friends from DC/Maryland. I<br />
am so thankful, <strong>The</strong> Pacific Club has so many<br />
reciprocity club members in DC and yes, we went<br />
to another private club, <strong>The</strong> Georgetown Club.<br />
My longtime friend, one of my Bridesmaids, and<br />
the Godmother of my daughter, Ann McHale was<br />
able to join us. You may remember her from <strong>The</strong><br />
Queen’s Medical Center. And we had one Lei Poʻo<br />
(Haku Lei), for her, which was befitting as we had<br />
a pre-birthday celebration. Her birthday is also our<br />
Wedding Anniversary.<br />
I have to close this article with joy and gratitude<br />
for the unbelievable experience I had during the<br />
short trip to our nation’s capital. Aloha, until we meet<br />
again!<br />
Saturday, June 11, <strong>2022</strong>, which means we are on our<br />
last day of the ANA Membership Assembly <strong>2022</strong>. It also<br />
means it is the Voting Day, and Yes, I voted! <strong>The</strong> voting<br />
process was very impressive and organized, but what<br />
impressed me the most was the neutrality of everyone<br />
helping in the voting process. As I entered the Voting<br />
Room, I was told very nicely to remove the campaign<br />
button of one of the presidential candidates, which I had<br />
placed onto my name tag. So, I have to say it again, that<br />
the last three days have been busy but full of learning<br />
and positive experiences for me as a 1st time attendee.<br />
This was a very memorable day for me, and<br />
Dr. Beechnior as Hawaiʻi-ANA was introduced and<br />
acknowledged as the 51st ANA C/SNA and had our
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 7<br />
ANA’s Racial Reckoning Statement<br />
Opening<br />
This is a journey.<br />
Throughout our history, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association (ANA) has sought to lead nursing into the<br />
future. Through acts of omission, when we failed to<br />
act, and commission, when ANA’s actions negatively<br />
impacted nurses of color, we have caused harm and<br />
perpetuated systemic racism. This statement serves<br />
as a starting point for a journey during which we<br />
seek to acknowledge past actions that continue to<br />
impact the profession today and as a starting point<br />
of a new journey toward the future.<br />
ANA begins this journey in conjunction with the<br />
efforts undertaken by the National Commission to<br />
Address Racism in Nursing (the Commission). This<br />
statement focuses on ANA’s own actions, while the<br />
Commission seeks to address racism in nursing<br />
within the broader profession. We recognize that<br />
as a leader, ANA holds accountabilities at both<br />
the organizational and the broader professional<br />
level. Through both efforts, we are striving for a<br />
more inclusive, diverse, and equitable professional<br />
organization and a nursing profession that meets the<br />
needs of all people.<br />
Our intention with this statement is to publicly<br />
identify and acknowledge our past actions while<br />
addressing the harms that continue today. <strong>The</strong><br />
section on ANA Reckoning is not meant to be a<br />
complete listing of all ANA actions that have caused<br />
harm. Historical exclusions of and transgressions<br />
against Black nurses will be discussed in this<br />
document. This harm has undoubtedly extended<br />
to all nurses of color. In addition, there is much<br />
debate about labels and terms to identify racialized<br />
minorities. We have chosen to use the term “nurses<br />
of color” to reflect all nurses representing race and<br />
ethnic groups. It is our intention to be fully inclusive<br />
in the use of this language.<br />
In the end, it is our actions that will truly<br />
reflect the sincerity of this apology and serve<br />
as the underpinning for forgiveness. For it is<br />
forgiveness that we seek — forgiveness from<br />
nurses of color, the nursing profession and the<br />
communities that have been harmed by our<br />
actions. We fervently hope that this statement, its<br />
subsequent work and the efforts of the Commission<br />
will contribute to healing — individual healing for<br />
nurses, reconciliation with the ethnic-minority<br />
nurse associations and healing of the profession.<br />
ANA wants this statement to reflect genuine<br />
reconciliation and acknowledgment and hopes that<br />
it is a step toward forgiveness. Ultimately, we seek<br />
to contribute to the healing of nursing.<br />
ANA Reckoning<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is much that can be said about ANA’s<br />
history and failure to include and represent the<br />
views and needs of nurses of color. <strong>The</strong> examples<br />
below are not to be considered as a complete<br />
reckoning of ANA’s past, but they are representative<br />
of times and actions when ANA failed.<br />
To begin, we must acknowledge that from<br />
1916 until 1964, ANA purposefully, systemically<br />
and systematically excluded Black nurses.<br />
ANA’s predecessor organization, the <strong>Nurse</strong>s’<br />
Associated Alumnae of the United States and<br />
Canada, was open to alumnae associations of<br />
schools of nursing, including Black hospitals and<br />
nurse training schools (Hine, 1989). <strong>The</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s’<br />
Associated Alumnae became the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association, and in 1916, the membership rules<br />
shifted away from an alumnae-based membership<br />
to that of a state- and district-based membership.<br />
This resulted in Black nurses being denied<br />
membership in some state nurses associations.<br />
Despite significant advocacy and pressure from<br />
the National Association of Colored Graduate<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s (NACGN), this discrimination persisted.<br />
In 1946, the ANA House of Delegates voted to<br />
adopt a statement that urged the “removal, as<br />
rapidly as possible, of barriers that prevent the<br />
full employment and professional development<br />
of nurses belonging to minority racial groups”<br />
(Carnegie, 1991, p. 76). And in 1948, the ANA<br />
House of Delegates established an “Individual<br />
Membership Category” that was open to all nurses<br />
who were not accepted through a state or district<br />
association. However, it was not until 1964 that a<br />
final district in Louisiana dropped its discriminatory<br />
rule for membership (Carnegie, 1991). This timeline<br />
reflects the failure of ANA leaders to aggressively<br />
pursue changes in its discriminatory membership<br />
rules and allow for full membership regardless<br />
of race. While membership within ANA was hard<br />
fought by NACGN, the full inclusion of Black<br />
nurses within ANA leadership and decision-making<br />
remains unrealized and elusive for all nurses of<br />
color.<br />
One representative incident from 1939 involved<br />
Estelle Massey Riddle Osborne, president of<br />
NACGN from 1934-1939. In 1939, President<br />
Osborne was invited by ANA President Julia C.<br />
Stimson to meet with ANA’s Advisory Council<br />
to discuss the status of Black nurses in the<br />
profession. <strong>The</strong> site of the meeting was the St.<br />
Charles Hotel in New Orleans, where Black guests<br />
were required to use the service entrance and<br />
freight elevator. President Osborne called on<br />
ANA and President Stimson to adamantly protest<br />
this discrimination. Instead of protesting the<br />
discriminatory policy, President Stimson offered to<br />
enter the hotel with President Osborne through the<br />
service entrance. In the end, President Osborne<br />
decided against attending and ANA failed to step<br />
into a space of advocacy and support (Hine, 1989).<br />
President Osborne was the first Black nurse to<br />
earn a master’s degree in the U.S. and became the<br />
first Black nurse elected to the ANA board in 1948.<br />
However, after her four- year term, there were no<br />
Black nurses elected to the board again until 1970<br />
(Carnegie, 1991). This lack of representation on<br />
the policy level for 22 years concerned many Black<br />
nurses, and when it was brought up at ANA’s 1972<br />
convention, it was communicated that the only<br />
obligation of ANA from the dissolution of NACGN<br />
was the awarding of the Mary Mahoney Award.<br />
In 1965, ANA approved a position paper on<br />
nursing education that recommended the minimum<br />
preparation for “beginning professional nursing<br />
practice should be a baccalaureate degree” (ANA,<br />
1976). <strong>The</strong> stated rationale for this change was<br />
the increasing complexity of nursing activities and<br />
patient care. One result of ANA taking this position<br />
was the disenfranchisement of institutions and<br />
schools of nursing that were available to students<br />
of color and the exclusion of nurses who graduated<br />
from those programs. ANA sought to advance<br />
the educational level of nurses without ensuring<br />
that all nurses would have the same access to<br />
the education necessary to achieve the desired<br />
educational level for entry into the profession.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re continues to be a need to examine how<br />
this policy advances nursing today and to<br />
examine strategies for ensuring that educational<br />
opportunities are equally available to all students,<br />
especially students of color.<br />
In 1970, Dr. Lauranne Sams organized a meeting<br />
with 200 Black nurses for the primary purpose of<br />
organizing a Black nurse association. <strong>The</strong> group<br />
reported the following concerns (Carnegie, 1991):<br />
1. Concern over the absence of Black nurses in<br />
leadership positions at ANA.<br />
2. Limited opportunities for Black nurses to support<br />
and shape ANA policies.<br />
3. Persistent tokenism.<br />
4. Limited recognition of Black nurses’ contributions<br />
to the profession.<br />
5. Lack of significant increases in the number of<br />
Black registered nurses.<br />
6. No recognition of achievement with awards (other<br />
than the Mary Mahoney Award).<br />
7. Limited appointments of Black nurses to<br />
committees and commissions.<br />
In 1973, in her first address to the newly created<br />
National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (NBNA), Dr. Sams<br />
considered the question of why a Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association was needed:<br />
“No, I am speaking about all the past deficits and<br />
discriminatory practice which have continuously<br />
disgraced and limited the full potential, the<br />
development, the selfhood, and the self<br />
determination of Black folk. I am speaking about<br />
today, Here and Now.”<br />
In telling the history of the formation of the<br />
NBNA, the article From Invisibility to Blackness: <strong>The</strong><br />
Story of the National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Association by<br />
Gloria R. Smith notes that there was a desire on<br />
the part of the <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Associated Alumnae of the<br />
United States and Canada and ANA for Black nurses<br />
to be members, but these professional associations<br />
granted them few privileges “other than paying<br />
dues” (1975, p. 225).<br />
Although by 1964 there were no tangible rules<br />
preventing membership for nurses of color, it<br />
was evident that exclusionary practices and a<br />
failure to represent all nurses remained. Similar<br />
to the concerns raised by Black nurses, in 1974,<br />
led by Dr. Ildaura Murillo- Rhode, a group of 12<br />
Hispanic nurses who were also members of ANA<br />
came together to consider establishing a Hispanic<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Caucus within ANA because “ANA was not<br />
being responsive to the needs of Hispanic nurses”<br />
(National Association of Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s, <strong>2022</strong>).<br />
Ultimately, this core group and their organizing<br />
efforts led to the establishment of the National<br />
Association of Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s (NAHN). Today,<br />
“NAHN members advocate, educate, volunteer,<br />
seek partnerships, and conduct programming<br />
in the Latino community to improve outcomes,<br />
elevate literacy, heighten education, and influence<br />
policy. We also work collaboratively with others<br />
to improve health equity and to create a future in<br />
which everyone regardless of race or ethnicity has<br />
opportunities to be healthy.”<br />
ANA recognizes that issues of racism persist<br />
today and continue to harm nurses of color.<br />
Findings from the Commission’s 2021 national<br />
survey on racism in nursing (n = 5,600) noted that<br />
racist acts are principally perpetrated by colleagues<br />
and those in positions of power. Over half of<br />
nurses surveyed (63%) said they had personally<br />
experienced an act of racism in the workplace with<br />
the transgressors being either a peer (66%) or a<br />
manager or supervisor (60%). Fifty-six percent of<br />
respondents also noted that racism in the workplace<br />
has negatively impacted their professional wellbeing.<br />
During listening sessions with nurses of color<br />
convened by ANA and the Commission, persistent<br />
themes of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination,<br />
exclusion, oppression, tokenism, inequity, and<br />
insistence on conformity and assimilation were<br />
found (National Commission, 2021). <strong>The</strong> impact of<br />
these experiences is demoralization, exhaustion,<br />
spirit murder (murder of the soul), invisible<br />
workload, silence, invisibility and self-doubt.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> power in nursing is primarily held by middleage<br />
to old-age white women who have just<br />
recently begun to consider racism in nursing<br />
care. <strong>The</strong>re are racist principles that have<br />
been carried down through history and never<br />
challenged.”<br />
(Anonymous Quote, National Commission to<br />
Address Racism in Nursing, 2021)<br />
Seeking Forgiveness<br />
As leaders of ANA, we apologize for the named<br />
and the unaccounted-for harms. Our past actions<br />
have caused irreparable physiological, psychological<br />
and socioeconomic harm, not only to nurses of<br />
color but to all patients, families and communities<br />
that depend on ANA as the national leader of the<br />
nursing profession. We failed to live up to the<br />
professional values established through the Code<br />
of Ethics for <strong>Nurse</strong>s (ANA, 2015) and our social<br />
contract that guides the relationship between the<br />
Racial Reckoning Statement continued on page 8
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Racial Reckoning Statement continued from page 7<br />
nursing profession and society and their reciprocal expectations (ANA, 2010).<br />
In addition, as ANA sought to “professionalize” nursing, we failed to support a<br />
robust education approach that included the appropriate preparation to care<br />
for ALL our patients, especially patients of color.<br />
More specifically, we apologize to all nurses of color. Not only is the<br />
profession richer for your having persisted, but the people you cared for and<br />
continue to care for today have been better served. ANA failed to uphold your<br />
work and support you as you advanced in nursing and worked to improve the<br />
profession. Having failed you, ANA also failed in supporting and caring for<br />
communities of color and other marginalized people.<br />
We apologize to the ethnic-minority nurse associations that have ably<br />
represented the needs of their nurses and communities. Early in the<br />
profession’s history, there was a stated desire for one association to meet<br />
the needs of all nurses. ANA only represented the needs of some nurses and<br />
some patients. <strong>Nurse</strong> leaders of color stepped into the breach. ANA’s failure<br />
to lead resulted in a fragmentation of the profession that contributed to a<br />
fragmentation in nursing care for minoritized communities.<br />
Moving Forward<br />
As important as it is to reconcile ANA’s history, our path points toward<br />
the future and actions that should be taken as a means of holding ANA<br />
accountable, continuing reconciliation to repair the breach and becoming a<br />
restored association. Each of the actions below will lead to additional actions<br />
and efforts as ANA continues the journey.<br />
<strong>The</strong>refore, the ANA Board of Directors will:<br />
• Continue to reckon with and apologize for past harms that are made<br />
known to ANA.<br />
• Engage in direct reconciliation with each of the ethnic-minority nurse<br />
associations.<br />
• Develop and implement a diversity, equity and inclusion impact analysis<br />
that is considered in all policies and positions of the association.<br />
• Initiate an oral history project dedicated to amplifying the contributions<br />
by nurses of color to ANA and the nursing professions.<br />
<strong>The</strong>refore, the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association will:<br />
• Continue to serve as a partner in and support the National Commission<br />
to Address Racism in Nursing as it strives to create antiracist practices<br />
and environments.<br />
• Advocate for and follow established guidance on the reporting of race<br />
and ethnicity in professional journals and publications.<br />
• Advocate for appropriate representation and inclusion in textbooks and<br />
other educational material.<br />
• Actively engage in a program of diversity, equity and inclusion within the<br />
association.<br />
• Provide transparency into the race and ethnic makeup of the ANA Board<br />
of Directors, leadership and staff.<br />
• Deliberately work to build diversity within ANA’s volunteer and<br />
governance structure.<br />
Conclusion<br />
We, as ANA, are on a journey — a journey of reckoning and reconciliation,<br />
forgiveness, and healing. This journey will take some time, but it is one<br />
that ANA is fully committed to. We invite others to join us as ANA seeks to<br />
strengthen who we are as a professional association and the broader nursing<br />
profession through inclusion, diversity and equity as we strive for antiracist<br />
nursing practices and environments.<br />
“As nurses we need to unlearn much of what we thought we knew about<br />
racism — and get comfortable being uncomfortable about our profession<br />
and our own way of being — need to see nursing through a new lens and<br />
be open to what we might see versus stating that racism does not exist.”<br />
(Anonymous Quote, National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing, 2021)<br />
References<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive<br />
statements. American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (2010). Nursing’s social policy statement: <strong>The</strong> essence<br />
of the profession. American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. (1976). One strong voice: <strong>The</strong> story of the American<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
Carnegie, M.E. (1991). <strong>The</strong> path we tread: Blacks in nursing, 1854-1990. National<br />
League for Nursing Press.<br />
Hine, D.C. (1989). Black women in white: Racial conflict and cooperation in the<br />
nursing profession 1890–1950. Indiana University Press.<br />
National Association of Hispanic <strong>Nurse</strong>s. (2021). History.<br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (2021). Defining Racism. finaldefining-racism-june-2021.pdf<br />
(<br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (2021). Summary Report:<br />
Listening Sessions on Racism in Nursing. final-racism-in-nursing-listeningsession-report-june-2021.pdf<br />
(<br />
National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (<strong>2022</strong>). Survey Shows Substantial<br />
Racism in Nursing. (<br />
Sams, L. (1973, September). Presidential Address. National Black <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
Cleveland; Ohio.<br />
Smith, G.R. (1975). From invisibility to blackness: <strong>The</strong> story of the National Black<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Nursing Outlook, 23(4), 225-229.<br />
ANA Acts on Climate Change and Key Nursing Issues<br />
Jun 14th <strong>2022</strong><br />
Shannon McClendon,<br />
Keziah Proctor,<br />
SILVER SPRING, MD – <strong>The</strong> representatives of ANA’s Membership Assembly,<br />
the governing and official voting body of the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
(ANA) have acted on compelling and critical issues that greatly impact the<br />
nursing profession and the health of global populations. More than 300 nurses,<br />
observers, and other leaders attended a two-day governance meeting in<br />
Washington, DC, June 10-11. Eligible representatives elected national leaders<br />
including the next national president and acted on nurse staffing, verbal abuse<br />
and workplace violence, and climate change.<br />
• <strong>Nurse</strong> staffing: Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated<br />
long-standing nurse staffing issues, the Assembly considered changes to<br />
existing ANA policy related to nurse-to-patient ratios. Participants stressed<br />
the need for enforceable staffing standards and shared their successes<br />
and challenges in implementing various models. Assembly representatives<br />
approved a recommendation that ANA supports safe patient standards<br />
including ratios that are acuity and setting-specific as per nursing<br />
assessment and enforceable, and that ANA will engage with its constituent<br />
and state nurse associations (C/SNAs) to develop further details regarding<br />
standards, implementation, and enforcement. Assembly representatives<br />
also called on ANA to collaborate with organizational affiliates and C/<br />
SNAs to begin to develop evidence-based staffing standards for all nursing<br />
disciplines for publication.<br />
• Addressing verbal abuse and workplace violence: Often, healthcare<br />
stakeholders’ approach to workplace violence (WPV) in health care<br />
focuses on responses to, and prevention of, physical assaults in hospitals.<br />
Discussions often overlook verbal abuse, which can be a risk factor for<br />
physical violence. In addition, practice and policy recommendations<br />
developed for inpatient settings may not be appropriate for or helpful in<br />
community settings, such as schools, community health centers, public<br />
health facilities, and similar places where WPV can occur. Assembly<br />
representatives called on ANA to engage key stakeholders to identify,<br />
develop and advance strategies resulting in a comprehensive culture of<br />
safety and zero-tolerance approach to verbal abuse and violence in all<br />
care settings, advance workplace violence prevention priorities in nursing<br />
practice and public policy, and advocate for better data collection to inform<br />
policy development.<br />
• Impact of climate change on health: Citing statements from<br />
International Council of <strong>Nurse</strong>s, the World Health Organization, and the<br />
American Academy of Nursing, along with editorials from several health care<br />
journals on the danger of climate change on global health, representatives<br />
proposed that ANA, as the leading nursing organization, should take a<br />
strong leadership position in addressing the impacts of climate change on<br />
human and population health and help prepare nurses to engage patients in<br />
conversations about climate change and its health impacts; impacts which<br />
disproportionately affect the most vulnerable populations. To help address<br />
the public health crisis caused by climate change, Assembly representatives<br />
approved the recommendation that ANA, C/SNAs and individual member<br />
division (IMD) include climate crisis and its consequential impact on human<br />
and population health as an essential component of their policy platform.<br />
Voting representatives also endorsed that ANA revise and establish as an<br />
official position the 2008 House of Delegates Statement on Global Climate<br />
Change and Human Health. Finally, the representatives called on ANA, C/<br />
SNAs and the IMD to promote nursing knowledge on the relationship<br />
between climate change and human and population health.<br />
# # #<br />
<strong>The</strong> American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (ANA) is the premier organization representing<br />
the interests of the nation’s 4.3 million registered nurses. ANA advances the<br />
profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting a safe<br />
and ethical work environment, bolstering the health and wellness of nurses, and<br />
advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public. ANA is at the<br />
forefront of improving the quality of health care for all. For more information,<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 9<br />
Hawaiʻi Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (HSNA) is a<br />
member of the National Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
(NSNA).<br />
HISNA has six chapters in these Hawaiʻi<br />
undergraduate nursing programs:<br />
- Chaminade University of Honolulu<br />
- Hawaiʻi Pacific University<br />
- Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing<br />
(NAWSON) at UH Manoa<br />
- University of Hawaiʻi Hilo<br />
- University of Hawaiʻi Maui College<br />
- University of Hawaiʻi Kapiʻolani Community College<br />
Are you an undergraduate nursing student but not<br />
a member of Hawaiʻi Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association?<br />
Join HISNA Today!<br />
*If your school does not have a chapter of HISNA, please<br />
contact Linda Beechinor, Executive Director at Hawaiʻi-<br />
ANA for assistance ( or<br />
text/call (808) 779-3001.<br />
All student nurses in Hawai’i can become Student<br />
Subscribers to American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association for FREE<br />
Join Hawai’i-ANA as a Student Subscriber<br />
<strong>The</strong>se Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s in Hawai’i are<br />
ANA Student Subscribers:<br />
Kiana Meyers<br />
Stephanie Shirota<br />
Samuel Fullmer<br />
Amanda Lauren Barlan<br />
Ka’Imionalani Cobb-Adams<br />
John Mendonca<br />
Whitney Mitchell<br />
Ashley Gusman<br />
Daniel Gardner<br />
Joda P. Derrickson<br />
Sheila Mae Cabasag<br />
Alana Galloway<br />
Patricia Poston<br />
Jillian Raiger<br />
Jennifer Olson<br />
Sequoia Dahlberg<br />
Kacie Shimizu<br />
Laurie Soon<br />
John Eharis III<br />
Uiyeol Yoon<br />
Janina Abdelahad<br />
Janeen Payne<br />
Kathryn Moreno<br />
Alexis Kalani<br />
April Miles<br />
Autumn Devlin<br />
Fatima Reed<br />
Angelique Mara<br />
Matthew Whisenant<br />
Bree Watanabe<br />
Christa Clerico<br />
Joan Cayaban<br />
Evan Manning<br />
Brianna Ganal<br />
Louis Langi<br />
Jennifer Freeman<br />
Jennifer Proctor<br />
Raisa Strom-Okimoto<br />
Melinda Belmodis<br />
Jessica Cocson<br />
Aliyana Haag<br />
Alexis Cortes<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Hilo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Kailua<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kalaheo<br />
Kahului<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pearl City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Lihue<br />
Aiea<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Mililani<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honolulu<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Wailuku<br />
Hilo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Makawao<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Makawao<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Aiea<br />
Kapaa<br />
Lahaina<br />
Honolulu<br />
Aiea<br />
Hawaiʻi-ANA respects the insights and contributions of students as the nurse leaders of tomorrow.<br />
We’re here to support you in your journey, every step of the way. <strong>The</strong>re’s no need to wait for<br />
licensure to start benefiting from Hawaiʻi-ANA and ANA – as a Student Subscriber, you’re ahead of<br />
the game with access to:<br />
Welcome to the Profession Kit<br />
<strong>The</strong> Welcome to <strong>The</strong> Profession Kit is a comprehensive collection of digital resources created<br />
specifically for you by fellow health professionals who have been in your position.<br />
Developed especially for new nursing graduates and early career nurses, this digital kit is an<br />
online resource hub designed to help you find your first job, enhance your employability, and<br />
grow your nursing career.<br />
Exclusive Online Student Community<br />
Join a vibrant online community where thousands of nursing students just like you are navigating<br />
nursing school and facing similar challenges. As a Student Subscriber, you have exclusive access to<br />
the student community which offers a unique experience built on networking, sharing, and trust.<br />
Member-Only Content<br />
As a Student Subscriber, you’ll enjoy access to member-only digital content on nursingworld.<br />
org. Additionally, you’ll have access to the full suite of ANA digital publications such as American<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong> Today and ANA SmartBrief. As well as full ANA Position and Policy papers on important<br />
nursing issues, such as safe patient handling and the opioid epidemic.<br />
Advocacy Alerts and ANA’s Legislative Blog<br />
When nurses speak, Washington listens! As the premier organization for all RNs, ANA brings<br />
nurses together to advance their careers and the profession through legislation and advocacy.<br />
Get involved to learn the key issues facing nurses right now. Also get access to ANA’s advocacy<br />
blog,<br />
Access to Resources<br />
For example, the vital Code of Ethics for <strong>Nurse</strong>s, the ANA Career Center, and <strong>The</strong> Healthy <strong>Nurse</strong>, and<br />
Healthy Nation Grand Challenge.<br />
In addition, Hawaiʻi-ANA offers<br />
o this monthly newsletter “<strong>The</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong>” that goes out to over 9000 nurses in Hawaiʻi, and you<br />
can receive it as a student subscriber!<br />
o to connect nurses and nursing students in Hawaiʻi, to address state and national issues of interest<br />
to our profession<br />
o this Student <strong>Nurse</strong> Page: dedicated to student issues<br />
o opportunity to publish student papers: we solicit scholarly papers quarterly for publication and<br />
distribution throughout Hawaiʻi<br />
o attendance and participation in Hawaiʻi-ANA Board meetings, annual events during <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Week,<br />
annual Membership Assembly, and other volunteer community activities that include networking and<br />
continuing education programs throughout Hawaiʻi.<br />
Jessica Ely<br />
Andy Tran<br />
Christian Okawa<br />
Lyka Faye Dumbrigue<br />
John Jacob Ferrer<br />
Mary Hall<br />
Alexander Pogzeba<br />
Janeen Payne<br />
Christy Ujimori<br />
Jessica Burke<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Anahola<br />
Wailuku<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Waianae<br />
Kapaa<br />
Yun Han<br />
Hailey Tuesday<br />
Jannet Brown<br />
Lili Younce<br />
Harlee Fujimoto<br />
Deva Siblerud<br />
Jennifer Glade<br />
Celeste Pasion<br />
Menierva Lynn Lagundi<br />
Juaquina Soland<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Lihue<br />
Lihue<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach
Page 10 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
If your name is here, you enjoy the benefits of joint membership with ANA and Hawaiʻi-ANA, with 343 other RNs in Hawaiʻi.<br />
If your name is here you can vote in Hawaiʻi-ANA Elections in October, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
JOIN HAWAIʻI-ANA if your name is NOT here.<br />
Melissa Harauchi<br />
Patricia W. Nishimoto<br />
Jailu Navarrete<br />
Marion F. Poirier<br />
Mary G. Boland<br />
Alice Tse<br />
Jennifer Herrington<br />
Valerie Janikowski<br />
Jennifer O. Galicinao<br />
Ruth Honda<br />
Susan Anderson<br />
Lori Kaneshige<br />
Jennifer Zafrani<br />
Paula Sanders<br />
Rosie Elento<br />
Julie Bagchi<br />
Anne Scharnhorst<br />
Shelley Ann Repercio<br />
Mary Frances Oneha<br />
Catherine Marin<br />
Leeah Javier<br />
Kirsten Fisher (nee Bennet)<br />
Jaimelee Peleiholani<br />
Laura Blue<br />
Thyra Wilbur<br />
Ali Bernhardt<br />
Roberta Losik<br />
Carol Petith-Zbiciak<br />
Kimberly Gibu<br />
Len Tanaka<br />
Christine Kramer<br />
Monica Joiner<br />
Anita Becker<br />
Katherine Kemp<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Lanai City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Kailua Kona<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Dallas<br />
Wailuku<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pahoa<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Hilo<br />
Waianae<br />
Beavercreek<br />
Aiea<br />
Kailua Kona<br />
Wailuku<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Marie Hammond<br />
Nancy Atmospera-Walch<br />
Tara Wilson<br />
Christina Ranan<br />
Francisco Conde<br />
Feliciana Sales<br />
Linda Price<br />
Rachel Cabel<br />
Andrea Montgomery-Kylie<br />
Mazie-Rose Coloma<br />
Valerie Parayno<br />
Karen Kalanta<br />
Lynne Faulkner<br />
Liza Oasay<br />
Elsa Talavera<br />
Suzette Wright-Maximo<br />
Dana Ramos<br />
Lani Tsuneishi<br />
Jill Slade<br />
Michele Hadano<br />
Michelle Higgins<br />
Jennifer Wold<br />
Laura Jambura<br />
Martina TaylorCampbell<br />
Holly Fontenot<br />
Janice Ferguson<br />
Joan Takamori<br />
Peter Gampon<br />
Rhoberta Haley<br />
<strong>The</strong>resa Abraham<br />
Claudine Tomasa<br />
Aileen Siliado<br />
Stephanie Higa<br />
Veronica Mitchell<br />
Hilo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Hilo<br />
Hilo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pukalani<br />
Kailua<br />
Kahului<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honolulu<br />
Hilo<br />
Kapolei<br />
Kailua<br />
Pearl City<br />
Mililani<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kahuku<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kapolei<br />
Waipahu<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Kailua<br />
Dallas<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kahului<br />
Kailua<br />
Kekaha<br />
Hilo<br />
Waipahu<br />
Kimberly Hayashi<br />
Jaymilette Moken<br />
Patti Dellaport<br />
Christy Rios<br />
Rachel Coolidge<br />
Elizabeth Pavlik<br />
Laila Kemmerly<br />
Sheri Richards<br />
Wainani Ballard<br />
Zachary Johnson<br />
Lydia Brandes<br />
Alison Diehl<br />
Melveen Camba<br />
Kimberly Chow-Rule<br />
Cortez Fabia<br />
Perie Danao<br />
Jayson O’Donnell<br />
Ruthie Clearwater<br />
Liza Dernehl<br />
Shannon Kunimura<br />
Valerie Gourley<br />
Kawailehua Paikai<br />
Patrick Shine<br />
Katherine Jeffrey<br />
Gayle Bovee<br />
Linda Fukuhara<br />
Ma. Lourdes Brexy Abara<br />
Marlo Lyman-Kekaualua<br />
Susan Minnich<br />
Hulali Trask<br />
Trevor Lidge<br />
Patricia Hensley<br />
Alexandra Gesin<br />
Christian Joseph Gaerlan<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kent<br />
Wailuku<br />
Mililani<br />
Kailua<br />
Madison<br />
Aiea<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Hilo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kula<br />
Fredericksbrg<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Keaau<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Kailua<br />
Kapolei<br />
Hilo<br />
Pahoa<br />
Hilo<br />
Pearl City<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Hilo<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Keaau<br />
Mililani<br />
Keaau<br />
Haleiwa<br />
Mililani<br />
Wendy Lai<br />
Chelsey Williams<br />
Nhi Quach<br />
Nancy Capuano<br />
Shelly Lynne Jaynes<br />
Heideman<br />
Margaret Plyler<br />
Maria Fe McGehee<br />
Sorayda Comiso<br />
Emily Levitt -gopie<br />
Young Schoen<br />
Nicasio Baldonado<br />
Kayoko Miura<br />
Melito Orosco<br />
Molly Moore<br />
Katherine Davis<br />
Robin Kalohelani<br />
Darlena Chadwick<br />
Matthew Jenkins<br />
Hilda Vigil<br />
Lynn Dagan<br />
Karen Sawyer<br />
Siarah Roberts<br />
Kara Gormont<br />
Priscilla Morales<br />
Arlene Milam<br />
Daryle Ann Ho<br />
Kimberly Matsunaga<br />
Chutima Forkner<br />
Mohamed Elshehaby<br />
Haley Deforest<br />
Jeny Bissell<br />
Alaina Abbott<br />
Katie Risley<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Wailuku<br />
Hanapepe<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kapolei<br />
Lihue<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Mililani<br />
Hilo<br />
Lihue<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kihei<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kapolei<br />
Wailuku<br />
Kihei<br />
Kalaheo<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 11<br />
HAWAI’I-ANA MEMBERSHIP (continued)<br />
Hawai’i-ANA Members continued from page 9<br />
Deborah Michiko Fried<br />
Donna Torres<br />
Melanie Tsukamoto<br />
Sapi Purcell<br />
Amelia Greenidge<br />
Kelly Johnson<br />
Dawn Styner<br />
Denise Cohen<br />
Jo Wakayama<br />
Brenda Jackson<br />
Jennifer Booker<br />
Kathleen Burger<br />
Barbara Karodia<br />
Kathleen Sullivan<br />
Abbie Neves<br />
Maureeb Camacho<br />
Natalie Kitamura<br />
Yuka Hazam<br />
Vanessa Lyons<br />
Lisa Ushiroda-Garma<br />
Charlotte Baylon-Jones<br />
Katherine Converse<br />
Elizabeth Seymour<br />
Kathleen Acierto<br />
Teri Fonoti<br />
Shellie Norman<br />
Ethel Koga<br />
Tracy Ingram<br />
Helen Hudson<br />
Janel Manos<br />
Mary Volenec<br />
Andrea Manaea<br />
Ray Morikawa<br />
Christine Prentice<br />
Gary Yoshimoto<br />
Nora Phillips<br />
Verona Chiutena<br />
Barbara Insisiengmay<br />
Dida Dodhi<br />
Anna Schulte<br />
Hilo<br />
Aiea<br />
Aiea<br />
Laie<br />
Kahului<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua Kona<br />
Kahului<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Covington<br />
Pearl City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua<br />
Honolulu<br />
Wailuku<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kailua<br />
Kailua<br />
Aiea<br />
Kailua Kona<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Mililani<br />
Cottonwood<br />
Kapolei<br />
Everett<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waianae<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Julie Bremholm<br />
Chelsie Miyao<br />
Jason Robinson<br />
Carissa Hamelin<br />
Christy Monaghan<br />
Katherine Silvestri-Elmore<br />
Taryn Amberson<br />
Francia Birulin<br />
Pola Isabelle Bonete<br />
Natalie Mark<br />
Kathryn Jones<br />
Quanae Lill<br />
Jenny Greenlee<br />
Soraya Acosta<br />
Ferna Idica<br />
Rica Lorraine Rabanal<br />
Carrie Alexander<br />
Laine Shikuma<br />
Sarah Perkins<br />
Corinne Suzuka<br />
Erin Von Der Ahe<br />
Patricia Brooks<br />
Cassie Ann Claveria<br />
Fina Havelock<br />
Jason Poe<br />
Lani Untalan<br />
Jessics Caudill<br />
Crystal Nelson<br />
Veronica Russell<br />
Anna Weigand<br />
Noelia Velez<br />
Elvie Marie Quemado<br />
Kirsten McCullum<br />
Karla Hall<br />
Laureen Watanabe<br />
Cristina Vocalan<br />
Philmar Mendoza-Kabua<br />
Paula Nichaelle Aquino<br />
Pablito Gahol<br />
Cheryl Kaaialii<br />
Welcoming 24 New<br />
Members of Hawaiʻi-ANA,<br />
between 05/10/<strong>2022</strong> and<br />
07/10/<strong>2022</strong>:<br />
Moanikaimalinamaealani Bertelmann<br />
Jill Bowman<br />
Julie Bremholm<br />
Verona Chiutena<br />
Analiza Corpuz<br />
Rachelle Cortez<br />
Mohamed Elshehaby<br />
Chutima Forkner<br />
Kimberly Gibu<br />
Joycelyn Gilliam<br />
Helwa Hamdallah<br />
Daryle Ann Ho<br />
Henny Hodges<br />
Karen Jackson<br />
Vanessia Klein<br />
Amy J Lee<br />
Lara Lee<br />
Kimberly Matsunaga<br />
Karen Meredith<br />
Arlene Milam<br />
Janica Solano<br />
Paige Sumida<br />
Leizel Taroma<br />
Kamuela<br />
Waianae<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kalaheo<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kapolei<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Waianae<br />
Pearl City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kapolei<br />
Waipahu<br />
Kailua<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pearl City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Hilo<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honolulu<br />
Sunnyvale<br />
Kailua<br />
Kapolei<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Henderson<br />
Bremerton<br />
Mililani<br />
Makawao<br />
San Francisco<br />
Santa Rosa<br />
Kailua<br />
Waianae<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waimanalo<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Haleiwa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Sterling<br />
Mililani<br />
Naalehu<br />
Kalaheo<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Haiku<br />
Waianae<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kailua<br />
Kailua<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Leesburg<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Aiea<br />
Kailua<br />
Waianae<br />
Mariam Moran<br />
Makawao<br />
America Toralba<br />
Aiea<br />
Jason Austria<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Juanita Geronimo-Babas<br />
Hilo<br />
Emily Sutton<br />
Kailua<br />
Jaryn Iwamoto<br />
Aiea<br />
Courtney Gunter<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Larisa Skripchenko<br />
Hilo<br />
Alexis Noh<br />
Honolulu<br />
Tiare Caycayon<br />
Honolulu<br />
Juval Tomas<br />
Honolulu<br />
Donna Vanstralen<br />
Kahului<br />
Jill Green<br />
Honolulu<br />
Abigail Sharpe<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kevin Abee<br />
Kapolei<br />
Merlene Jose<br />
Honolulu<br />
MAE Diloretto<br />
Honolulu<br />
Nancy Manali-Leonardo Honolulu<br />
Dulce Gonzalez Melgar Honolulu<br />
Denise Yamada<br />
Honolulu<br />
Margielyn Acierto<br />
Pearl City<br />
Louisse Gayle Aque<br />
Waipahu<br />
Krystel Anne Ordonez<br />
Lihue<br />
Meryl Kate Rebamonte Honolulu<br />
Julienne Mateo<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Celestia Parsons Yellowstone National<br />
Park<br />
Christina Nases<br />
Hakalau<br />
Kimberly Simmons<br />
Makawao<br />
Toni Ballard<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kiana Perez-Santos<br />
Honolulu<br />
Michele Brailo<br />
Mililani<br />
Tina Salvador<br />
Honolulu<br />
Janine Jessica Aguinaldo Waipahu<br />
Sherrane Vargas<br />
Honolulu<br />
Tiffany Hooks<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Justine Tallon-Satink<br />
Honolulu<br />
Danette Butterfield Ewa Beach<br />
Amy Olsen<br />
Laupahoehoe<br />
Renee Shove<br />
Kailua Kona<br />
Opportunities for<br />
Members:<br />
Attend Hawaiʻi-ANA Board and Committee Meetings:<br />
all members are welcome to attend. Introduce yourself<br />
and learn about the many opportunities available to you<br />
as a member of Hawaiʻi-ANA.<br />
Log into our webpage under<br />
Upcoming Events at Events Page<br />
Click on the Meeting of your choice to register for the<br />
event and acquire the zoom link, such as the next<br />
Board of Directors Meeting:<br />
Saturday, September 10, <strong>2022</strong> at 9:00am HT<br />
Committees you can participate in:<br />
- Advocacy Committee<br />
(policy/legislative & coalitions)<br />
- Student <strong>Nurse</strong>s Committee<br />
- Mentorship Committee<br />
(new graduates, senior students,<br />
mentors, etc.)<br />
- Events Planning Committee<br />
- Marketing Committee (website,<br />
social media, newsletter, advertising)<br />
- Districts & Membership Engagement<br />
Committee (DME: works with Student<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Committee to link Schools of<br />
Nursing in each District)<br />
- Continuing Education Planning<br />
Committee<br />
- Finance Committee<br />
Contact Linda @ or text/<br />
call (808)779-3001 for assistance with any networking<br />
opportunities.<br />
Joycelyn Gilliam<br />
Witsudar Phothini<br />
Kristen Stone<br />
Deborah Mattheus<br />
Philip Higgins Weimer<br />
Nikki Richardson<br />
Misako Kawakami<br />
Justin Ager Tabbay<br />
Michael Froebel<br />
Maria Lourdes Akagi<br />
Blessie Vergara<br />
Katie Talbot<br />
Michelle Tom<br />
Erin Rodgers<br />
Ricardo Nunez<br />
Kelsey Miyasato-Tanioka<br />
Brittnny Pulido<br />
Rachelle Cortez<br />
Angela Dubbs<br />
Gary Abegonia<br />
Paige Sumida<br />
Jill Bowman<br />
Janica Solano<br />
Moanikaimalinamaealani<br />
Bertelmann<br />
Leizel Taroma<br />
Helwa Hamdallah<br />
Henny Hodges<br />
Vanessia Klein<br />
Karen Jackson<br />
Analiza Corpuz<br />
Maureen O’Brien<br />
Kristine Yearwood<br />
Edna Smith<br />
Michelle Chapman<br />
Karol Richardson<br />
Linda Beechinor<br />
Joan Parker-Dias<br />
Jaclyn Griffin<br />
Carol Lee<br />
Sidney Macaw<br />
Karen Dureg<br />
Naomi Yoshimoto<br />
Petronila Cabana<br />
Kamomilani Anduha Wong<br />
Paul Hannigan<br />
Dolores Soler Bergau<br />
Joselyn Ponce<br />
Maria Moreno Chow<br />
Roxann Rowe<br />
Kathleen Hagan<br />
Sean Slentz<br />
Kristine Qureshi<br />
Kathrine Pope<br />
Gerilyn Corpuz-Takemoto<br />
Marianela Jacob<br />
Alison Kaneshiro<br />
Macey Luo-Souza<br />
Brian Fikes<br />
Leanne Kihara<br />
Mayona Villapando<br />
Brendon Friedman<br />
Marilen Camero<br />
Lena Gebelein<br />
Kathleen Tomasa<br />
Becky Yoza<br />
Katie Azama<br />
Yushiu Lin<br />
Kathleen Garo<br />
George McElravy<br />
John Yoza<br />
Josette Dudoit<br />
Leslie Ann Yanagihara<br />
Kimm Goshi<br />
Lara Lee<br />
Carrie Urban<br />
Karen Meredith<br />
Teah Karamath<br />
Betty Bartleson<br />
Kealohakuualohakuupokii<br />
Aiea<br />
Konstantina Rose<br />
Jason McGregor<br />
Carmen Tsiopanas<br />
Robin Zachary<br />
Rose Hata<br />
Jonathan Felarca<br />
Faith Olivera<br />
Natasha Payne-James<br />
Deborah Virginia Lichota<br />
Waianae<br />
Kapolei<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Waimanalo<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kahului<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Volcano<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Makawao<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Wailuku<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Kapolei<br />
Hilo<br />
Waianae<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Kamuela<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Pearl City<br />
Kapolei<br />
Kailua<br />
Waipahu<br />
Kalaheo<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Waianae<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Aiea<br />
Honolulu<br />
Wahiawa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pearl City<br />
Hana<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Kailua<br />
Hilo<br />
Paia<br />
Honolulu<br />
Haleiwa<br />
Kapolei<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Aiea<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ellicott City<br />
Hilo<br />
Waipahu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waipahu<br />
Dpo<br />
Kailua<br />
Pearl City<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Waipahu<br />
Wailuku<br />
Pearl City<br />
Waianae<br />
Mililani<br />
Honolulu<br />
Pearl City<br />
Herndon<br />
Honolulu<br />
Mililani<br />
Lahaina<br />
Balaz<br />
Paia<br />
Kaneohe<br />
Waikoloa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Honolulu<br />
Ewa Beach<br />
Honokaa<br />
Honolulu<br />
Page 12 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
If your name is on this list of 93 RNs, you are a member of ANA-Only, and you are not a member of your state nurses<br />
association at Hawaiʻi-ANA. As a member of ANA-Only you cannot vote in elections or represent Hawaiʻi-ANA.<br />
Want to join Hawaiʻi-ANA jointly with ANA? Just email Linda at and say you<br />
“want to be a joint member of ANA and Hawaiʻi-ANA.” We will help you (bonus: it is less $$!).<br />
Kris Aceret<br />
Paula Hulme<br />
Richard Ramirez<br />
Joint membership with ANA and Hawaiʻi-ANA<br />
costs $15 a month or $180 annually<br />
and provides these benefits:<br />
Cindy Arce<br />
Kristin Arrindell<br />
Elizabeth L. Asahara<br />
Tori Ikehara<br />
Christine Inamine<br />
Kristen Ishikawa<br />
Madonna Reisert<br />
Brian Rose<br />
Mary Rovelstad<br />
Free Navigate Nursing webinars with FREE CE<br />
Rosemary Baugh<br />
Nancy Bellatti<br />
Mary Jang<br />
Avril Jenkins<br />
Lindsay Sanchez<br />
Merita Sao Auelua<br />
Save $100 on ANCC certification (initial or renewal)<br />
ANA Community of members-only online discussion groups<br />
Manuel Calupe Jr<br />
Natalyn Cayetano<br />
Clementina D. Ceria<br />
Allan Johnson<br />
Martin Katz<br />
Leanne Kauwe<br />
Karoline Searing<br />
Raelene Shinchi<br />
Sharon Skouge<br />
Advocacy to strengthen nursing’s voice<br />
Opportunities to network with over 240,000 ANA members<br />
Kristen Collat<br />
Mae Kimberly Corpuz<br />
Bobbie-Jean Crivello<br />
Josette Kawana<br />
Ethel Koga<br />
Lydia Ligon<br />
Sharlene Skripko<br />
Dorota Strugala<br />
Cari Suhr<br />
American <strong>Nurse</strong> journal<br />
OJIN - <strong>The</strong> Online Journal of Issues in Nursing & ANA SmartBrief<br />
Trisha Devereaux<br />
Corey Dillman<br />
Glenda Dumayas<br />
Madelyn Locquiao<br />
Alison Lovell<br />
Rachael Lund<br />
Kanoe Tani<br />
Linda Thorp<br />
Janina Tod<br />
ANA Mentorship Program<br />
Discounts on ANA books, professional development resources, and CE<br />
Belinda A. Dungca<br />
Eileen Factora<br />
Janet Francisco<br />
Catherine Marquette<br />
Stephanie Marshall<br />
Tammy McKee<br />
Kim Tomasa<br />
Joyce Trompeta<br />
Jolly Anne Uclaray<br />
Professional tools such as CINAHL, PubMed Citations,<br />
and the Global Disease Alert map<br />
Marcelina Gallardo<br />
Arthur Garza<br />
Cherry Elaine Medina<br />
Mi Mende<br />
Patti Urso<br />
Janet Uyehara<br />
Personal Benefits - Professional Liability Insurance (NSO)<br />
Joseph Giovannoni<br />
Caroline Glover<br />
Mark Mendoza<br />
Semico Miller<br />
Coraleen Valdez<br />
Kristina Valenzuela<br />
Personal Benefits - Term Life and AD&D (Prudential)<br />
Eden S. Goto<br />
Haunani Miller<br />
Susan Von Essen<br />
Personal Benefits - Student Loan Solutions (Laurel Road)<br />
Michelle Grandalen<br />
Frankie Hale<br />
Shirley Morca<br />
Priscilla Navares<br />
Jasmine Wagner<br />
Kimberly Webster<br />
Personal Benefits - Financial Wellness (Prudential)<br />
Linda M. Hamada<br />
Susan Ohlson<br />
Aya Windham<br />
Personal Benefits - Travel Discounts (BookingCommunity)<br />
Cindy Hanscam<br />
Madeline Harris<br />
Grace Pakele<br />
Jennie Pasalo-Dominno<br />
Shelley A. Womack<br />
Elena Woo<br />
Personal Benefits - Long Term Care Insurance (Mutual of Omaha)<br />
Eunice Hipolito<br />
Ralf Ian Pasion<br />
Monina Yamashita<br />
ANA Career Center access<br />
Katie Hokama<br />
Beverly M. Hookano<br />
Melanie C. Pekala<br />
Sandra Quipotla<br />
Valerie Yim<br />
Leigh Ziegler<br />
Want to join Hawaiʻi-ANA jointly with ANA? Just email Linda at and say you<br />
“want to be a joint member of ANA and Hawaiʻi-ANA.”
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 13<br />
<strong>The</strong> New Graduate RN Workforce Report<br />
<strong>The</strong> New Graduate RN Workforce Report on the Hawai’i State Center for Nursing’s<br />
website Released April, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
To subscribe to Hawaiʻi State Center for Nursing (HSCN) newsletters: click here.<br />
How many New Grads are in Hawai‘i’s<br />
Workforce and Where Do <strong>The</strong>y Work?<br />
We estimate that as of July 2021, there were<br />
approximately 15,070 RNs employed in a variety of<br />
roles throughout Hawai‘i (Hawai‘i State Center for<br />
Nursing, 2021a). Of these, 11% were new graduates.<br />
Why is this information important to you?<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Center’s strategic plan through 2023 places emphasis on research as a vehicle<br />
through which the Center will be data-driven and evidence-based in its decision-making<br />
related to:<br />
• program development, revision, and implementation;<br />
• participation in statewide initiatives related to nursing and healthcare workforce<br />
development;<br />
• support of public policy with implications for the practice of nursing.”<br />
Hawaiʻi State Center for Nursing (<strong>2022</strong>, April 29). Workforce Reports. Retrieved from<br /><br />
New graduates are not equally likely to work in all<br />
settings. When we examine the composition of the<br />
RN workforce in each of five major types of practice<br />
settings, we find that new graduates account for<br />
nearly 20% of the workforce in post-acute/longterm<br />
care settings but 10% or less of the workforce<br />
in any other setting. Similarly, when we examine<br />
the distribution of RNs’ employment setting by their<br />
new graduate status, we find that new graduates<br />
are notably more likely to work in post-acute/longterm<br />
care settings and less likely to work in acute<br />
care hospitals than non- new graduate RNs. Taken<br />
together, these data indicate that new graduates are<br />
overrepresented in post-acute/long-term care settings.<br />
Report continued on page 14
Page 14 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Report continued from page 13<br />
What’s the Educational Background of the<br />
New Grad Workforce?<br />
A prevailing belief about the new graduate RN<br />
workforce is that Hawai‘i’s schools of nursing are the<br />
primary contributors of new graduates to the local<br />
workforce. Our current Supply Survey data validate<br />
this belief. Nearly 75% of the new graduate RNs<br />
currently working Hawai‘i received their initial nursing<br />
education from a local school.<br />
<strong>The</strong> current statewide nursing shortage (Hawai‘i<br />
State Center for Nursing, 2021d) warrants renewed<br />
focus on addressing the barriers that limit in-state<br />
schools’ ability to expand enrollment in their prelicensure<br />
RN programs and graduate enough new<br />
nurses to meet workforce demand. We have written<br />
several times over the last four years that the two<br />
primary constraints on local schools’ capacity to<br />
educate new nurses are the nursing faculty shortage,<br />
especially for University of Hawai‘i System schools,<br />
and a limited supply of curriculum-appropriate clinical<br />
placements. If these crucial resources continue to<br />
be limited, we are concerned that local schools will<br />
be unable to sustain the RN workforce, especially as<br />
the number of people in the population with greater<br />
healthcare needs grows, such as kūpuna and people<br />
with long-lasting effects of COVID-19.<br />
Despite being affected by constrained resources,<br />
Hawai‘i’s in-state schools of nursing graduated an<br />
average of about 430 new prospective RNs from ADN,<br />
BSN, and GEPN programs each year between 2018<br />
and 2020 (Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing, <strong>2022</strong>b).<br />
Students from BSN or GEPN programs account for<br />
69% of these new graduates. This is consistent with<br />
the 71% of new graduate RNs who told us on our<br />
Supply Survey that they were initially educated in a<br />
BSN or GEPN program. <strong>The</strong> high proportion of new<br />
graduates entering practice with a BSN or graduate<br />
degree has contributed to Hawai‘i having one of the<br />
most highly educated RN workforces in the country<br />
since 2017 (Campaign for Action, 2019).<br />
To access electronic copies of the<br />
Hawai’i <strong>Nurse</strong>, please visit<br /><br />
How Long Does It Take for New Grads to Enter<br />
the Workforce?<br />
One of the most important issues for employers,<br />
schools, and new graduates is how long it takes<br />
new graduates to enter the workforce after<br />
graduation. While the job market is the primary<br />
driver of new graduates’ time to initial employment,<br />
having difficulty scheduling or passing the NCLEX-<br />
RN or lengthy license application review times can<br />
also delay new graduates’ initial job attainment. To<br />
address this possibility, we asked new graduates<br />
how long it took them to get licensed after<br />
graduation.<br />
More than 40% of new graduates reported that<br />
they were licensed less than three months after<br />
they graduated. Within six months of graduation,<br />
more than 80% of new graduates had licenses<br />
in-hand. <strong>The</strong>se data suggest that there are no<br />
significant barriers keeping new graduates from<br />
getting their licenses and becoming eligible to<br />
enter practice quickly after graduation. Without<br />
barriers to licensure, employers can expect an<br />
influx of new graduates to the workforce twice<br />
per year in March and <strong>August</strong>, about three<br />
months after December and May graduations,<br />
respectively.<br />
We also asked new graduates to report<br />
how long after graduation it took them to get<br />
their first nursing jobs. By three months after<br />
graduation, 36% of new graduates were working<br />
in their first nursing job. By six months after<br />
graduation, 65% of new graduates had entered<br />
the nursing workforce.<br />
<strong>The</strong> amount of time it took new graduate RNs<br />
to enter the workforce varied considerably by their<br />
initial employment setting. New graduates whose<br />
first jobs were in non-acute settings had a shorter<br />
time to initial employment than those whose<br />
first jobs were in hospitals. <strong>The</strong> majority of new<br />
graduates whose first jobs were in post-acute/longterm<br />
care (74%), ambulatory (82%), or home health/<br />
hospice settings (88%) were employed within six<br />
months after graduation. In contrast, 54% of new<br />
graduates who took their first jobs in hospitals were<br />
working within six months of graduating. Almost 20%<br />
of new graduates whose initial nursing jobs were in<br />
hospitals took a year or longer to enter the nursing<br />
workforce.<br />
Why Aren’t <strong>The</strong>re Jobs for New Grads in Hawai‘i?<br />
Strong competition for new graduate jobs in<br />
acute care sometimes creates the impression that<br />
the job market in Hawai‘i is inhospitable to new<br />
graduates. In reality, there are ample opportunities<br />
for new graduates to get to work quickly, though<br />
those opportunities may not exist in hospitals.<br />
New graduates who went to work in home<br />
health had the shortest time to initial employment;<br />
75% of new graduates in home health were in<br />
the workforce within three months of graduating.<br />
Among new graduates who chose jobs in postacute/long-term<br />
care or ambulatory settings, about<br />
40% were in the workforce less than three months<br />
after graduation.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se data demonstrate that local new graduates<br />
can get hired in Hawai‘i within a few months of<br />
graduation if they are willing to take their first jobs<br />
in non-acute care settings. Despite most non-acute<br />
settings offering a faster path to initial employment,<br />
hospitals are the most in-demand setting for new<br />
graduates’ first jobs. Hospitals have fewer jobs to<br />
offer than there are new graduates who want them,<br />
a fact which is sometimes interpreted as hospitals<br />
not wanting to hire new graduates. We address that<br />
interpretation in the next section.<br />
Why Don’t Hospitals Want to Hire New<br />
Graduates?<br />
Among graduates from nursing schools in Hawai‘i,<br />
75% indicated that they wanted their first employment<br />
setting to be in a hospital. In contrast, only 31% of<br />
new graduates reported that they actually obtained<br />
employment in a hospital following graduation. This<br />
corresponds to the share of new graduates that<br />
hospitals in the Hawai‘i NRP (HNRP) Collaborative<br />
reported hiring. Between 2018 and 2021, hospitals<br />
that were members of the HNRP hired an average<br />
of about 90 new graduates each year (Hawai‘i State<br />
Center for Nursing, 2021c). If we estimate that<br />
hospitals that were not members of the HNRP hired<br />
another 30 nurses annually, then hospitals hired about<br />
31% of the 400 new graduates who completed ADN or<br />
BSN programs each year during the same time frame.
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 15<br />
Hospitals’ willingness and ability to hire new<br />
graduates varies as a function of several factors such<br />
as the availability of resources to provide transition<br />
to practice support, relative need for generalists vs.<br />
specialty RNs (which new graduates are not), and<br />
relative demand for nurses vs. other types of nonnursing<br />
health professionals. Though these and other<br />
factors influence the acute care new graduate RN<br />
job market, we argue that the single most influential<br />
factor driving hospitals’ limited hiring of new graduates<br />
is that hospitals employ a smaller share of the entire<br />
RN workforce as compared to 15 years ago.<br />
As models of healthcare emphasize disease<br />
prevention, health maintenance, and aging-in-place,<br />
demand for nurses in ambulatory and home health<br />
settings has increased. Simultaneously, the average<br />
patient length of stay in hospitals has become<br />
shorter which has increased demand for nurses in<br />
post-acute/long-term care settings and created a<br />
corresponding decrease in the share of nurses that<br />
work in hospitals. According to historical Supply<br />
Survey data, the proportion of the total RN workforce<br />
that reported a primary employment setting in a<br />
hospital decreased from 62% in 2007 to 42% in<br />
2021. As more nursing care is delivered in nonacute<br />
settings, hospitals employ less of the total<br />
RN workforce, and by extension, less of the new<br />
graduate workforce.<br />
A good question may be why do so many new<br />
graduates want to work in hospitals as compared<br />
to other settings? <strong>The</strong>re are some good reasons for<br />
this, such as:<br />
• Most of nursing students’ clinical hours are<br />
conducted in hospitals. This promotes new<br />
graduates’ familiarity with hospitals as a<br />
practice setting and (erroneously) establishes<br />
an expectation that most nursing practice<br />
happens in hospitals.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> patient load for nurses employed in<br />
hospitals is generally much smaller than that of<br />
nurses who work in most post-acute/long-term<br />
care settings. Having fewer patients to care for<br />
during any given shift makes for a less stressful<br />
and more manageable practice environment,<br />
especially for new nurses.<br />
• Hospitals are more likely than other settings to<br />
offer new graduate NRPs which help to ease<br />
new graduates’ initial transition into practice.<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s who complete a new graduate NRP are<br />
more likely to remain in their jobs for at least<br />
a year than nurses who do not receive formal<br />
transition to practice support.<br />
• <strong>Nurse</strong>s who work in hospitals are paid more per<br />
year on average than nurses who work in other<br />
settings, sometimes by an extraordinary margin<br />
(Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing, <strong>2022</strong>a).<br />
While some of these advantages are unique to<br />
acute care and cannot easily be replicated in other<br />
settings, it is important for non-acute employers to<br />
recognize the specific advantages that hospitals<br />
have in the new graduate job market. If non-acute<br />
employers can implement programs or initiatives that<br />
can increase the desirability of their own settings,<br />
then they can draw some of the new graduate<br />
employment demand away from hospitals. Doing so<br />
would benefit new graduates and employers in all<br />
settings over the status quo.<br />
Before we close this section, we want to note<br />
that hospital hiring has been unusually high in 2021<br />
and <strong>2022</strong>. Members of the HNRP hired nearly 290<br />
new graduates for the 2021-<strong>2022</strong> NRP year, most of<br />
whom were hired by hospitals. This is the largest<br />
number of new graduates hired by HNRP facilities<br />
in a single year since at least 2015 (Hawai‘i State<br />
Center for Nursing, 2021c). <strong>The</strong> recent spike in<br />
hospitals’ hiring of new graduates is in response to<br />
a statewide nursing shortage stemming largely from<br />
the COVID-19 pandemic.<br />
As a result, we expect that future Supply Survey<br />
data will reflect a higher proportion of new graduate<br />
hires into acute care than the historical data would<br />
forecast.<br />
How Many Local New Grads Has Hawai‘i Lost to<br />
Out of State Jobs?<br />
When our stakeholders express their concern<br />
about the local job market being unfriendly to<br />
new graduates, we are often asked to quantify the<br />
number of local graduates who have left the islands<br />
for jobs in other states or countries. Unfortunately,<br />
we do not have the data necessary to answer this<br />
question.<br />
<strong>The</strong> major limitation of our Supply Survey is that<br />
nurses complete it when they renew their Hawai‘i<br />
nursing license. If a graduate from a local school<br />
never got a Hawai‘i license or decided not to renew<br />
a Hawai‘i license because they started working in<br />
another state, they do not have access to our Supply<br />
Survey. Additionally, in 2021, we had an unusually<br />
low response rate as compared to prior survey years<br />
(Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing, 2021b). Ordinarily,<br />
our sample is large enough that we have enough<br />
data to compare local graduates who left the state<br />
to those who stayed in Hawai‘i. Those comparisons<br />
do not provide a definitive estimate of the number<br />
of local graduates who have left the state, but we<br />
can formulate a profile of them so we can better<br />
understand their decision to leave. <strong>The</strong> unusually<br />
small sample size in the 2021 study prevented us<br />
from being able to make those comparisons this year.<br />
Though we do not have the data we need to<br />
develop a profile of the local new graduates who<br />
left the state this year, we did have enough data in<br />
2019. We provided a thorough discussion of what we<br />
knew about the local nurses who left the state in our<br />
Education Capacity Report for Academic Year 2018-<br />
2019 (Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing, 2020, pp.<br />
22–26). Two findings from that report are especially<br />
relevant here.<br />
First, in 2019 about 90% of local new graduates<br />
reported a primary residential location in Hawai‘i.<br />
If we extrapolate that proportion to the number of<br />
new graduates from in-state schools, Hawai‘i loses<br />
about 40 prospective RNs to other states or countries<br />
annually. Whether the loss of 40 new graduates<br />
is cause for alarm is a matter of perspective, but it<br />
is the case that most of our local graduates remain<br />
in Hawai‘i. Second, local new graduates who left<br />
the state were much more likely to be employed in<br />
hospitals as compared to new graduates who stayed<br />
in Hawai‘i. <strong>The</strong>se data suggest that new graduates<br />
who had a non-negotiable preference to work in<br />
acute care were willing to take jobs out of state<br />
rather than delaying their entry to the workforce<br />
as did many of their counterparts who remained in<br />
Hawai‘i.<br />
Do Most New Grads Receive Formal Transition<br />
to Practice Support?<br />
NRPs provide new graduate nurses with formalized<br />
support, mentorship, and education during their<br />
transition from their role as student to their role as<br />
practicing clinicians. As a result, NRPs are widely<br />
regarded as playing an important role in increasing<br />
first- and second-year retention rates for new<br />
graduate nurses.<br />
In 2021, less than 30% of new graduate RNs<br />
reported that they had either completed or were<br />
currently participating in an NRP. <strong>The</strong> low overall<br />
rate of NRP participation among new graduates<br />
is explained by the absence of formal NRPs in<br />
non-acute settings. As of October 2021, all of the<br />
members of the HNRP Collaborative were acute<br />
care hospitals (Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing,<br />
2021c). While the Center has worked with postacute/long-term<br />
care to identify and reduce barriers<br />
to implementing NRPs, formal new graduate RN<br />
residencies remain largely a resource provided by<br />
hospitals. As a result, 60% new graduates whose<br />
first or current nursing jobs were in hospitals were<br />
more likely to have completed or currently be<br />
enrolled in an NRP. In contrast, only 6% of RNs<br />
whose first or current jobs were in non-acute<br />
settings have participated in an NRP.<br />
Are Most New Grads Likely to Leave <strong>The</strong>ir Jobs?<br />
Much of the interest in establishing new graduate<br />
NRPs stems from concerns over high rates of firstyear<br />
attrition. Because the transition from student to<br />
nurse is challenging, in the absence of formal support<br />
many new graduates find the nursing profession<br />
overwhelming. Many leave their first employers<br />
within a year in search of more support. In the<br />
worst cases, some new graduates leave the nursing<br />
Report continued on page 16
Page 16 • Hawaiʻi <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Report continued from page 15<br />
profession altogether. Because of the high rate at<br />
which new graduates in Hawai‘i are employed in nonacute<br />
settings that do not have formal NRPs, we are<br />
interested in whether an unusually high proportion<br />
of new graduates are contemplating leaving their<br />
current jobs.<br />
Another worrisome finding is that new graduate<br />
nurses’ intention to leave their current position<br />
varies markedly by their primary practice setting.<br />
Specifically, new graduates employed in postacute/long-term<br />
care settings were much more<br />
likely than nurses in any other setting to have<br />
plans to leave their current jobs within a year. In<br />
contrast, new graduates working in acute care<br />
hospitals were more likely than nurses in any other<br />
setting to indicate having plans to remain in their<br />
current jobs.<br />
Though we do not have the data to test a causal<br />
relationship between NRPs and new graduates’<br />
intention to stay in their current jobs, our data do<br />
suggest that the statewide workforce would likely<br />
benefit from an expansion of NRPs into post-acute/<br />
long-term care settings.<br />
Are New Grads More Diverse & Representative<br />
than More Experienced <strong>Nurse</strong>s?<br />
As compared to nurses who graduated prior<br />
to 2017, new graduate RNs are more likely to be<br />
men, of mixed ethnic ancestry, Native Hawaiian,<br />
or Hispanic/Latinx, but by small margins. Despite<br />
small and important improvements, men and<br />
Native Hawaiians continue to be substantially<br />
underrepresented compared to the residential<br />
population of the state.<br />
We asked nurses to report how likely they were to<br />
leave their current positions within the next 12 months<br />
(equivalent to the middle of <strong>2022</strong>). In comparison to<br />
the rest of the RN workforce, new graduate RNs<br />
expressed less optimism and more uncertainty about<br />
their career intentions for the next year. While more<br />
than 60% of experienced RNs reported that they were<br />
likely or very likely to stay in their current job through<br />
the middle of this year, fewer than 45% of new<br />
graduates reported the same.<br />
Perhaps the most alarming finding related to new<br />
graduates’ 12-month plans was that 33% of all new<br />
graduates were uncertain of whether they would<br />
remain in their current role for the next year. New<br />
graduates’ lack of certainty about changing jobs<br />
creates a challenge for employers who are unable to<br />
plan for turnover that they do not know is coming.