
A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.

A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.


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Nepal Red Cross Society Ageing & Health Project Baseline Study Report

Table 5: Use of pension

1. Male 2. Female Total

% of Total


Responses (multiple) No. % No. % No. % n=148

1 Support family/household expenses 29 24.37 25 15.15 54 19.01 36.49

2. Pay school fee for children 0 0.00 1 0.61 1 0.35 0.68

3. Religious activities 1 0.84 1 0.61 2 0.70 1.35

4. Pay for own health care/medicine 42 35.29 70 42.42 112 39.44 75.68

5. Personal use 45 37.82 66 40.00 111 39.08 75.00

6. Donation for social work/charity 2 1.68 2 1.21 4 1.41 2.70

Total 119 100.00 165 100.00 284 100.00 191.89

Table 6: Old age benefits received in public services

1. Male 2. Female Total % of Total cases

Responses (multiple) No. % No. % No. % n=68

1. Discount in transport/bus 26 42.62 16 35.56 42 39.62 61.76

2. Discount in hospital 9 14.75 5 11.11 14 13.21 20.59

3. Priority (no queuing) in govt. offices 3 4.92 0 0.00 3 2.83 4.41

4. Priority in private offices (i.e. Banks) 2 3.28 1 2.22 3 2.83 4.41

5. Priority seat in public transport 21 34.43 23 51.11 44 41.51 64.71

Total 61 100 45 100 106 100 155.88

About the discount in public transports, there was mixed views from FGD participants regarding the

availability of discount in public transport. Almost all expressed that pubic transports tend to ignore

the discount to senior citizen. Priority seat are also not given to senior citizen. Almost all expressed

their dissatisfaction to the sheer lack of 'waiting place' in the bus stand, where they could sit and wait

for the public transport.

"it (the discount in the public bus) is for those who can argue (with the bus conductor),

they ask for ID card even though they know the person is 80 years old" (72 years old


"some give it (to older person), and some just ignore and do not give up (the priority

seat)" (65 years old female)

An interesting observation

"Girls tend give up (the priority seat to older people) compared to boys" (72 years old


C. General health condition and access to health services

At the time of interview, 74% of the respondents were receiving one or another medicine/treatment

for their health problem. While the majority reported very good to moderate general health condition,

quite a few reported bad (31%) to very bad (4%).

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