
A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.

A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.


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Nepal Red Cross Society Ageing & Health Project Baseline Study Report

1. Male 2. Female Total

Number % Number % Number %

1. None 39 15.23% 16 6.25% 55 21.48%

2. Mild 39 15.23% 34 13.28% 73 28.52%

3. Moderate 22 8.59% 49 19.14% 71 27.73%

4. Severe 12 4.69% 30 11.72% 42 16.41%

5. Extreme/cannot do 2 0.78% 13 5.08% 15 5.86%

Grand Total 114 44.53% 142 55.47% 256 100.00%

Nearly half of the respondents (47.6%) visited hospital/health facility within last three months for the

main health problems like hypertension (40.9%), diabetes (32.7%), heart problem (17%), asthma

(15%) and so on (Please refer annex tables for detail).

But interestingly, among those who visited hospital or health facilities (N=122), majority had gone to

private hospital and very few (only two person) went to close-by health post in the same ward (Table

10). This clearly calls for improving the services from the health post and build confidence of senior

citizen in utilising the facility. Moreover, it is important to make the health facility old age friendly.

Table 10: Where did you go

1. Male 2. Female Total

Health facility visited Number % Number % Number %

1. Government hospital 12 9.84% 19 15.57% 31 25.41%

2. Health Post 2 1.64% 0.00% 2 1.64%

3. Private hospital 14 11.48% 31 25.41% 45 36.89%

4. Ayurvedic hospital 0.00% 1 0.82% 1 0.82%

5. Private clinic (Doctor) 10 8.20% 18 14.75% 28 22.95%

6. Medical store/Pharmacy 3 2.46% 12 9.84% 15 12.30%

Grand Total 41 33.61% 81 66.39% 122 100.00%

Cost of health services

Cost of health services can be exorbitantly high beyond the reach for many as it is not fully free even

in the government hospitals. Those who are depending on social pension for their health care, hospital

or medical cost could be prohibitive to access the health services when required. Health insurance

therefore plays a very vital role to many. But only 20% of the respondents had government health

insurance (Table 11). Red Cross in collaboration with Ward office can encourage old age people and

their family to get enrolled in the government health insurance scheme and make people aware

about the facilities available in hospitals.

Table 11: Access to health insurance

1. Male 2. Female Total

Number % Number % Number %

1. Yes (Government Insurance) 26 10.16% 27 10.55% 53 20.70%

2. Yes (Other Insurance) 13 5.08% 12 4.69% 25 9.77%

3. No 73 28.52% 90 35.16% 163 63.67%

4. Don't Know 1 0.39% 13 5.08% 14 5.47%

Missing value 1 0.39% 0.00% 1 0.39%

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