
A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.

A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.


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Nepal Red Cross Society Ageing & Health Project Baseline Study Report

Executive summary

Nepal Red Cross Society has included ageing as one of the key programmes in its five year

development plan considering older people as one of the vulnerable groups and prioritised ageing

population as priority beneficiaries of its development interventions. In line with this, NRCS in

collaboration with Swiss Red Cross intends to initiate a pilot on Ageing and Health at Suryabinayak

Municipality, ward no 2 (Balkot).

Keeping this in view, with the purpose of preparing a baseline status of old age people of the ward no

2 of Suryabinayak municipality (Bhaktapur district), this study was conducted during November-

December 2021 applying mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) and participatory approaches

engaging the older people. The specific objectives were to identify issues and needs of the aging

population of the area along with use of government policies and facilities by the senior citizen. It also

aimed to identify senior citizen and their family’s knowledge, behaviour, and practices in relation to

healthy ageing.

Major findings

Among the respondents, 55% (142/256) were female and 44.5% (114/256) were male. 48%

(N=123/256) were from 60-69 age bracket, and 62% were 70+ age group. 46% of the respondents

were living there for 20 years or less where as 64% were living there for longer period of over 20 years.

Clearly, this area (ward number 2) is rapidly urbanising with influx of people from all over the country.

The data suggested that Senior citizen in ward number 2 are generally happy and majority are living

in a joint family. Corollary to this, 78% expressed their overall satisfaction to the life they are living

and only less than 4% expressed their complete dissatisfaction. But this situation may change as social

and family structures are changing rapidly.

"Daughter in law (Buhari) care for me, prepares my favourite meals, but during day time there

is no one to stay with me" (82 years old female)

As for the daily routine is concerned, most had 'normal' routine fixed, like engaging in household

activities, watching TV , using social media, go out and meet friends in tea shops and so on. Only small

percentage (12%) of elderly people in this area were engaged in some sorts of income earning

activities. Data also did not suggest that the majority of the senior citizen were keen on engaging in

income generating work.

Among all those who are 70 years old and qualified for pension (N=148/256), 68% of the respondents

were receiving social pension or single women allowances (Rs 4000, USD 35/month) and 30% were on

retirement pension. Those who do not have other income source, Rs 4000 was said to be too small to

cover their basic needs.

Contrary to the near universal access to social pension, access to and use of other old age benefits

announced by the government 1 were not satisfactory as many people (62.5%) were not aware of such

facility. Service providers were also not very supportive in implementing the government policy.

Utilisation of the government health insurance too was not satisfactory either, with only 20%


Govt. Announced facilities includes -discount in public transport, discount in hospital charges, free treatment for

certain conditions i.e. dialysis for kidney patients, cash contribution towards treatment of major diseases like

cancer, heart problem etc)


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