
A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.

A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.


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Nepal Red Cross Society Ageing & Health Project Baseline Study Report

affirmative. Only less than 4% of the respondents said that they do not feel respected or supportive.

Although most felt safe while walking in the morning or evening and no fear of mugging, but often felt

unsafe and frightened by fast driving motorbikes and care.

"Wish they could drive slow and care for walking persons" (78 years old male)

"It is frightening while crossing the road because of fast racing car (and bikes)" (70

years old male)

Key Informants, mainly the municipal and ward authority had positive attitude and expressed their

willingness to support senior citizen. Ward office has allocated some fund for social cause which can

also be available to activities related to senior citizen. All key informants said that

"Senior citizen are our guide, they are the torch blower, and they have rich

experiences that we should learn and use their expertise"

But when it comes to addressing specific needs (open space, meeting forum) and understanding the

specific problems (i.e. health, psychosocial) of older people most were not quite appreciative to it.

And also when it comes to reallocating the resources – they often say that rules do not allow for this.

Rhetoric on older people and their issues was common among the policy makers.

Major recommendations

A forum (self-help club) needs to be established where senior citizens can freely come, meet friends,

share their ideas and feelings and try to do some creative work for themselves and for the larger

community towards building age friendly community In other words, support organising various

activities through the established forum that empower the older people. Red Cross can initiate this in

collaboration with Ward office. With careful planning such forum is possible to make itself selfpropelling

managed by old age people themselves voluntarily with no or little support. First piloting

with one, such forum can be promoted in different locales depending on the interest of the older


Engage young people and family members along with older people in ageing and health programme.

Ultimately it is the family members who should take the full responsibility of old people. Engaging

young people would not only bring new dimension to the ageing programme, it will also be more

sustainable. Moreover, this would contribute in creating an environment that respects older peoples'

dignity and human rights, free from gender and age based discrimination.

Though the government health insurance is a good programme, the low enrolment in it is a big

challenge that Red Cross can intervene and encourage people to join and use the facility. Moreover,

since the cost of treatment was mostly paid by the family members, it must of an interest of the family

members too to get enrolled in the health insurance plan.

Red Cross might play a role by advocating with municipality mayor and local ward authority to

approach Ministry of Health to address the health insurance concern. Senior citizen would be happy

to join hand with Red Cross in this.

Red Cross can also facilitate routine health check-up (monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar, routine

urine test etc.) and conduct health education sessions either coordinating with local health post or


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