The Manufacterer Newsletter 2022 EMAG

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Marketing for the

Future of Business



Ms. Tricia Coosal, President TTMA


The President’s Message

The Power of TTMA’s


Now that we have some distance from the more intense aspects of the pandemic, the

opportunity is at hand to assess how it was managed by individual businesses and those

that form a sector of the industrial operations in Trinidad and Tobago. In hindsight therefore,

one of the key elements of such an assessment is the role that the TTMA played for its

membership. With pandemic conditions as unique and unprecedented as they were,

the membership was able to turn to their compatriots and competitors in a safe space

for support and to the TTMA to provide leadership and guidance in navigating individual

operations. This network of sustenance is essentially the power of TTMA’s advocacy for

its members and an example of what the organization has been doing for the last six plus

decades for the manufacturing sector in this country.


Advocacy by general definition from the Merriam-

Webster dictionary is: “the act or process of

supporting a cause or proposal” on behalf of united

individuals, businesses and organizations. The

TTMA concentrates these individuals and firms

around manufacturing and then represents their

causes and interests in the wider environment of

Trinidad and Tobago’s socio-economic landscape.

The years 2020-21 have been a period in which

this goal was tested with the membership seeing

and experiencing the benefits of such a wealth of

organization and unity. The top three benefits of

TTMA’s dedication and loyalty to members have

been: (1) protecting members interests; (2) building

partnerships and alliances and (3) increasing

engagement and reach. Over the past two years and

as the country and world continue to emerge from

the pandemic, these benefits of TTMA’s advocacy

have materialized in a variety of forms.

Through the lockdown parts of the pandemic period,

the TTMA helped its membership transition to or

strengthen their online presence with recurrent, ondemand

training courses for various staff. During

this time, the TTMA helped the manufacturing sector

retool and refocus on parts of their operations that

during normal operations, are given little attention.

The TTMA was able to lobby the government to

keep some manufacturers’ doors open, staff safely

employed as well as arranging a variety of passes

and operational exemptions. Working closely with

relevant ministries also allowed the TTMA to be

involved with the nation’s ‘Vaccinate to Operate’

campaign. TTMA mobilized its Board of Directors

and Secretariat and deployed all resources with the

support of the membership to dispense over 40,000

vaccination shots to those who wanted to protect


Simultaneously, TTMA continued to work with

various agencies to ensure that business could

be facilitated despite the challenging conditions.

Another example of this is in finding an alternative

way of conducting trade missions that were still not

physically possible. In the last quarter of 2021, TTMA

pivoted to virtual trade missions to Curacao, Antigua

and Barbuda and Grenada as these countries were

identified as export markets of interests. More than

one hundred virtual business meetings were held

with companies from different sectors during these

missions ensuring that business continued. With

face-to-face meetings being still high risk, TTMA

continued with an intense line up of webinars. Some

of the key ones were with agencies such as CARICOM

Private Sector Organization, exporTT, Ministry of

Trade and Industry, Trinidad and Tobago Bureau

of Standards and Caribbean Export Development

Agency (CEDA).


Access to foreign exchange continued to be a

challenge in 2021. As such, TTMA continued to work

closely with EXIM Bank to ensure that the members

had access to the forex facility. TTMA also noted the

need to keep a keen eye on illicit trade and work

with the relevant authorities to address this issue.

The Anti-Illicit Trade Task Force spearheaded by the

Ministry of Trade and Industry was established in

May 2021. The taskforce was formed with the goal

of taking a coordinated approach to combatting

illicit trade in Trinidad and Tobago and mitigating

the impact it has on legitimate and compliant

businesses. In 2021, TTMA partnered with Arthur

Lok Jack Global School of Business to promote

their initiatives that support the use of technology

in manufacturing. Two key ways this happened were

in their Business Roundtable Webinar Series and

Industry 4.0 Conference.

There is little doubt that the last two pandemic

years were some of the most trying times in the

history of TTMA, the manufacturing sector and on

the population at large. While some fall out was

unavoidable, it is strength in unity that saw the

sector and country through. This is the power of

TTMA’s advocacy at work for its membership. As

the organization moves through its seventh decade

of business support, its founding principles remain

as clear as it was on one day. The TTMA is here to

provide and deliver to each member, a three-part

assurance of: (1) protecting members interests; (2)

build partnerships and alliances and (3) increasing

engagement and outreach according to the

concerns and services of each member. Joining the

TTMA today will afford the opportunity of gaining the

solid backing of this advocacy organization to help

you to move to your envisioned future.


About the


Ms. Tricia Coosal

Ms. Tricia Coosal is an Executive Director of

Finance and Administration at the Coosal’s Group

of Companies which allows the management and

execution of a wide range of economic aspects. Her

role in the 70-year-old plus Coosal’s Group allows

her to possess a broad range of managerial skills,

which is not only limited to finance and administration

but extends to manufacturing, wholesale and retail.

Managing and overseeing various departments

such as Finance, Audit, Marketing, Sales, Human

Resources, Information Technology, Security

Management and Future Business Development

also comprise her portfolio. She possesses

administrative and financial background in the

development of strong organisational systems

and processes.

Ms. Coosal is the current President of the Trinidad

and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA)

and Trustee of Guardian Neediest Cases Fund

(GNCF). She is also the Founder, Managing Director

and Corporate Secretary of Top Class Distributors

Limited, a Company which falls under her sole


Ms. Coosal holds a Bachelor of Business

Administration with a minor in English and a Master’s

in Business Administration. After completion of

her studies, she joined the Coosal’s Group of

Companies in 2011. Currently is the Chair of the

TTMA’s Legislative Committee and sits on TTMA’s

Productivity Committee.





Trade missions have a very essential part in

commercial international relations because they

directly enable the internationalization process of

companies or businesses. They assemble small

and medium enterprises (SMEs), large businesses,

entrepreneurs and multinational corporations

in contact with companies in potential export

markets of interest. The commercial officials and

trade promotion professionals that organize these

missions assist companies from their home country

to overcome barriers to internationalization by

hosting them to potential partners in foreign export

markets and by allowing them observe those

markets themselves. In some cases, it can go

beyond observation, in those transactions such as

business deals, partnerships and joint ventures can

also take place.




Suriname is a member of CARICOM and therefore

TT exporters are able to export duty – free into this

country. In other words, no import duty is imposed.

Suriname’s main trade partners are the Netherlands,

the United States, Canada, and Caribbean countries,

mainly Trinidad and Tobago and the islands of the

former Netherlands Antilles. Several TT companies

have exported to Suriname from both the food and

non-food manufacturing sectors and therefore,

Trinidad and Tobago has a long-standing relationship

and many TT goods have been identified in this

country. In 2020, Suriname imported goods from

Trinidad and Tobago in the value of TTD$2.1bn .

Top non-energy goods imported from Trinidad

and Tobago into Suriname include beverages,

iron and steel related products, propane, cereal

and cigarettes.


What are the benefits of trade missions? Trade

missions can be very helpful as networking events

with ‘match-making’ opportunities that can result in

both inward and outward increase in Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI). Further, there is also associated

benefit of the recognition of export opportunities

and the potential of finding partners that can help a

company operate in the target market.

It is against this background; the Trinidad and

Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) has

prioritized trade missions as one of the initiatives to

increase exports as outlined in the TTMA’s strategic

plan to double exports by 2025. In 2020 and 2021,

the travel restrictions created the avenue for virtual

trade missions that were successful. These virtual

missions were held in Curacao, Grenada, Jamaica,

Barbados and others. In 2022, the Association

resumed physical trade missions with a physical

trade mission to Guyana in March. A total of twentyseven

(27) participants from different sectors partook

in the trade mission including construction, apparel,

food, shipping and logistics, chemicals and other

non-energy sectors.

TTMA is keen on many markets for expansion both

in the region and external to the region. For example,

the Association is to host a trade mission to Suriname

in last week of June 2022 where we also expect to

participate in Suriname 2022 Oil and Gas Summit.

frozen cuts and edible offal of fowls, sodium cyanide

and many other products.

Suriname’s GDP per capita is $6,491 (2020) and has

undergone a gold rush in recent years, and in 2020,

hydrocarbons were discovered offshore, signalling

potential for an emerging oil & gas industry. Recent

exploratory success shows several discoveries

have been made in 2020, where it is envisioned

the country to become an oil production hot spot

in the near to mid-term. Some noted events include

the country discovery of its first offshore discovery

of hydrocarbons in offshore Block 58 in 2020 and

in January 2021, the Keskesi East-1 discovery was

announced in Block 58. TT manufacturers should

take note of these discoveries and the potential


As indicated above, TTMA is hosting a trade mission

to Suriname in June 2022. Companies can meet

buyers and participate in the Oil and Gas Summit.

It should be noted that local companies can also

participate in the trade mission directory (magazine)

that will be disseminated during the trade mission

to various stakeholders such as Suriname business

persons, regulators and also international officials.

For more information about the

trade mission, you can contact TTMA

at 675-8862 extensions 248 or 238.

In terms of its overall country characteristics,

Suriname is a coastal country and is located in

South America. It borders on Guyana, French Guiana

and Brazil. Suriname is a small commodity-based

economy that depends heavily on the revenues from

crude oil and gold; rice, fish, timber, and bananas

are also important exports. Some of Suriname’s

top imported goods include liquefied propane,

petroleum, portland cement, cane or beet sugar,



The Future of

Marketing at TIC

The 23rd Installment of the Trade and Investment

Convention (TIC 2022) hosted by the Trinidad and

Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) is on,

from the 25th to 27th August, 2022 at the Centre of

Excellence, Macoya, Trinidad and Tobago. TIC 2022 is

sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.


As we recognize the significance of this event

occurring during the waning months of the

pandemic, and with the need to recognize the

resilience of manufacturers, service providers,

consultants and investors alike, to turn adversities

into business opportunities, the theme of TIC 2022

is, “Business Resilience!”.

This year’s theme signifies the core purpose of

the Trade and Investment Convention, during this

time of economic uncertainty, which is to serve

as an impetus and platform for encouraging and

promoting economic stimulation and growth in

Trinidad and Tobago, and the region.

The Trade and Investment Convention remains to be

the premier business networking trade show in the

English-speaking Caribbean with TIC 2022 being no

exception. This event promises to create the ideal

forum for local, regional and international attendees

to network, discover new products and services,

and meet with hundreds of participants from various

countries and business sectors.

TIC 2022 boasts as the optimum opportunity for

marketing and promotion to a wide market of buyers

and consumers across the globe. Trade shows, even

during the pandemic have maintained the critical

purpose of being one of the most effective ways

of marketing and promoting a business and its




Each year, companies; large and micro, find

innovative ways and utilize highly effective and

creative mechanisms to stand out in a crowd, and to

attract their target audiences at these events. These

exhibits range from small booths, which encapsulates

the most effective use of space, signage, and

product displays and information, to macro exhibits,

where the sky is the limit on innovation regarding

lighting, with the latest in audio/visual technology

and full displays of machinery and of industry 4.0.


TIC 2022

will host over 125 booths and sponsor pavilions and

exhibiting companies from various business sectors

inclusive of Food and Beverage, Construction,

Information, Technology and Communication,

Automotive, Beauty Products and Services, Fashion,

Jewelry and Home and Office Décor to name a few,

in the Bougainvillea Hall of the Centre of Excellence.

The Trade and Investment Convention offers it all;

a range of exhibits geared towards showcasing the

best in export marketing to participants from over 25

countries, combined with the virtual matchmaking

B2B Meeting Service and Business-Education

Webinar Series. TIC 2022 will host virtual Business

to Business (B2B) Meetings and Webinars via the

Zoom platform, to minimize face to face interactions

over an extended period of time. Any impromptu

meetings at the conventions site will be facilitated

in our Business Lounge/meeting rooms which is

sponsored by NAGICO Insurances.

Safety is our Priority at TIC 2022. All COVID-19

protocols for all participant-sectors of the event;

Exhibitors, Buyers/Consumers, Contractors and

Vendors will be enforced, which will ensure the

utmost health and safety of all patrons!

For more information and to register to attend TIC

2022, visit ttma.com/tic or email ticsales@ttma.com








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Digital Marketing

and the Impact due to COVID-19

Founded in 2013, Createm Designs is an ambitious Graphic Design Company with the goal of providing

the same services as an advertising agency, but at a fraction of the cost. Createm has seen steady growth

since its inception, and continues to provide cost-effective, quality service to each of their valued clients.

The year 2020, for Createm, was set to be one full of promise, but as all other businesses around the world

would also come to realise, it was merely the start of a series of challenging years, both economically and

socially, as the COVID-19 pandemic took center stage. However, from these challenges, many valuable

lessons were learned, and Createm was able to adapt to the changing environment by embracing new

opportunities and new ways of doing business.

Before the onset of COVID-19, social media was already firmly on the upswing in terms of the business

side of things worldwide; but in Trinidad and Tobago, the adoption of this business aspect of the platform

still had not gained traction for most companies, which continued with what worked traditionally –

especially with regard to advertising. The falling price of crude oil and the country’s dwindling natural

gas resources did not help instil an abundance of confidence in trying something new. In fact, it would

have taken some significant development to change this mindset. Enter the pandemic.

With the very “social” nature of the virus, the world was soon introduced to the new norm of “social

distancing”, and for companies across the world, this was a game changer. In T&T, a visible shift towards

the use of social media was evident. Was this because of the pandemic? A case could be argued for both

yes and no. However, what is in fact undeniable is that the pandemic definitely opened our eyes to the

impact that social media could have for business and the relevance of electronic commerce.

For example, some of the key takeaways from January 2022 global overview are: More than half of the

world now uses social media (58.4%) 4.62 billion people around the world now use social media, 424

million new users have come online within the last 12 months.


Facebook user growth rate was estimated at 8.7

percent in 2020. This was the highest growth

measured over the evaluated period. With the

coronavirus outbreak at the first half of 2020,

internet users resorted to social media to stay



When creating a marketing campaign (pre-pandemic), one of the

first avenues that would come to mind was the traditional trifecta of Press, Radio and TV. Social

Media was often considered as not as important, or left by the wayside altogether. Now, it’s a no

brainer...along with having a significant presence online. Granted, many companies still use traditional

media but Social Media advertising has become first on the list – not just because it’s so much more cost

effective, but the ability to tailor your ads, interact with your customers and specify your target audience

is unbeatable. Also, whereas previously, many companies did not see the importance of having an

Ecommerce website and were comfortable operating without one, COVID-19 health restrictions

dissuaded consumers from physically going into stores. This, in turn, led to an increased online purchases

from competitors who had such websites. Perception (and habits) definitely changed thanks to the

explosion of social media and ecommerce usage.

What caused the explosion on social media?

With the government sanctioned lockdown resulting in reduced operating

levels (or in other cases, physical closure), businesses needed to find a cost effective

way to still reach their customers. This was through the use of Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram ads,

Facebook/instagram accounts, Stories and Reels.)

Creating a full ecommerce website can be very expensive and time consuming.

Therefore, individuals and businesses alike turned to Facebook as it can function

similar to an ecommerce site.

The pandemic caused massive job losses, and out of this rose thousands of people trying to make ends

meet – in effect, birthing a new wave of pandemic-inspired entrepreneurs.

Today, many companies are now taking onboard the lessons learned from the last few years and have the

opportunity to use Marketplace on Facebook, and some are finally using Ecommerce websites, while

realising the potential and benefits of doing so.


So just what are the many benefits?

Social media marketing offers direct targeting unlike traditional media which is more broad. For

example, let’s say you’re selling flowers and running a promotion for Valentine’s Day. You can directly

target individuals in a relationship, who are married or even newlyweds. How would you do that with a

press ad or radio ad?

It’s cost effective. Let’s use a fullpage press ad for this comparison. You could spend an upwards of

TTD$8,000 on a press ad that, yes, will reach thousands of people, but hundreds if not thousands of

those people may not be your target. Alternatively, you could spend USD$500 for 7 days on a Facebook

ad and get an estimated reach of 27.1K - 78.4K people per day. This is value!

It’s all about engagement. We believe this is hands down the best part of social media. Being able to

build a customer base that you can interact with, sell a product or service, resell and resell again is gold

to an advertiser/business. This type of platform allows you to directly ask questions (though polls and

quizzes) and get instant, invaluable feedback and ideas from your customers, while making the

interaction organic and fun. For example, Facebook competitions are an excellent way to not only

garner participation from your followers, but also increase loyalty and reward them for it with


While it’s great that many companies now boast a presence online and are using the correct platforms,

are they using it the correct way? Here’s what we recommend:

Don’t just jump online.

• Take a strategic approach.

• Take time to build a content database.

• Create a monthly plan consisting of info, design, layout, promotions etc.

• Define your target audience.

• Have a monthly budget.

• Most of all, love what you do and have fun.

Createm Designs will help you get noticed by all the right

people. Whether through strategic targeting or multimedia

placements, we have the tools to make you stand out.

Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to enter the fast

progressing digital world of business…together.





How to Create Persuasive

and Engaging Ads

for Your Business

Digital advertising is a fast-paced and ever-evolving

industry and it’s a booming one. According to 2021

predictions, companies were on track to spend

$450 billion on digital ads. The U.S. is the largest

global market for mobile advertising spending.

Crafting an ad that can stand out amongst the

plethora of digital campaigns can be challenging.

When it comes to internet advertising, it can feel

like there are an overwhelming amount of details to

consider. The following 5 tips can help you build a

digital advertising strategy that is scroll-and-swipeproof

and will boost engagement across platforms.

Create Goal-Oriented Ads

The first thing to consider when creating an

advertising campaign is what your end goal should

be. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish with

the campaign and begin building from there.

Once you’ve identified the goal, catering the ad


campaign around it can feel less challenging. If the

business is in the hospitality industry, for example,

consider ways to create an ad campaign that

emphasizes on-site bookings, driving traffic to the

website, and increasing their revenue. No matter

what the goal is, ensure that it’s clear from the ad

you create. If the organization is hoping to drive

traffic to their website, include a direct link to the

site on all digital ads.

Once the user has clicked through to your website,

make sure you utilize their conversion. The landing

page is the face of your brand to the customer

and can be a huge driver in sales if designed

well. Having a clear call to action, incorporating

images and videos, and having eye-catching copy

are all strategies to increase conversions on the

landing page.

Identify the Target Audience

Understanding the demographic an ad campaign is

targeting can help increase its success dramatically.

Consumers expect ads to be personalized. In fact,

80% of consumers say that a more personalized

brand interaction increases the likelihood they

support a brand.

There’s a variety of ways to establish what an ad

campaign’s target audience is, and though it can

feel like limiting an ad’s reach, it actually increases

marketing ROI. In the same way, you want to create

an ad with a specific goal in mind, creating an ad

with a specific target audience can further increase

the success of the ad campaign.

Tailor the Ad to a Platform

It’s also important to consider what platform the

campaign is for. The audience of a Facebook

page may vary greatly compared to its Instagram

account’s audience. Whichever platform you’re

targeting, be sure to tailor the ad to the audience of

that platform.

Sizing and strategy can also vary depending on the

platform. In the same way that the audience may

vary greatly between Facebook and Instagram, so

too will the most effective strategy. For example,

Facebook has approximately 3 billion daily users,

a significant audience for any business. Successful

Facebook ads focus more on strategy than on

design, a fact that may be completely different from

another social media platform.

Incorporate Trending and Relevant Topics

Social media is a space ruled by trends. Incorporating

trending topics or keywords into an ad campaign

can help expand its reach and success. Identifying

the relevant and trending topics is the first step

to including them in an ad campaign. Previously,

Twitter was the go-to platform to catch up on

what’s trending. In the last year, TikTok has taken

over as the new hub for trends. The app itself is built

on trends, so it offers the perfect solution to any

searching advertiser.

Regardless of what topic or trend you choose to

include in an ad campaign, be sure to be intentional

about it. Using trends to your advantage is all

about understanding when they’re appropriate to

incorporate––and when they’re not.


Understand the Analytics

In the same way that different aspects of an ad

can vary in importance, the analytics can also vary

depending on the platform. On a platform like

Instagram, followers are one of the most important

metrics and can help a brand understand its reach

and engagement. However, a Facebook page

could not be analyzed based on follower count, as

business Facebook pages are organized by page


Some other relevant kinds of metrics include

impressions, reach, and website visits. Impressions

and reach can help you stay on top of how many

people your content is reaching; taken together,

they can help you identify which posts have been

seen the most times and which posts are being

shown to the most people. Website visits are

another important metric to consider monitoring if

you’re looking to increase leads and sales. Driving

traffic to your website is a hugely important piece of

a successful digital ad strategy.

Regardless of where you run an ad, ensure that

you’re familiar with its metrics. That way, you can

effectively monitor the ad’s performance and make

improvements and adjustments in the future.

Schofield, L. (2022, February 18). How to create

persuasive and engaging ads for your business. Digital

Agency Network. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from https://



TTMA 2022

New Members

1. SGS Trinidad Limited

2. Leadership Consulting Group Limited

3. Inter-Ocean Foods Limited

4. Bellcom Technologies Ltd

5. Echo Marine Limited

6. Clark Distributors Limited

7. The Vege Bistro Limited

8. Precision Cybertechnologies and Digital Solutions Ltd.

9. Pinguino Purified Water

10. Metamorphosis Business Solutions Limited

11. Pre - Fab Supplies and Maintenance Services Ltd. (PSMS LTD.)


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Design and Layout by Createm Designs

createmdesigns@gmail.com | createmdesigns.com


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