2022 All Saints' Guide To Ministries

Take your time looking over All Saints' Guide to Ministries, and see what is happening here. There's a lot. This is a vibrant and committed church, deep and wide. As you do, ask God where your deep passion might meet the world's deep needs in ways great and small. Everyone counts. Everyone belongs here. We are more when we are one body in Christ. Welcome home.

Take your time looking over All Saints' Guide to Ministries, and see what is happening here. There's a lot. This is a vibrant and committed church, deep and wide. As you do, ask God where your deep passion might meet the world's deep needs in ways great and small. Everyone counts. Everyone belongs here. We are more when we are one body in Christ. Welcome home.


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A L L S A I N T S ' G U I D E T O<br />



ALL AGES and<br />

STAGES,<br />

ALL RACES and<br />

PLACES,<br />


STATIONS, and<br />





and MENDERS,<br />



ALL SORTS,<br />



Welcome Letter from Simon<br />

1 Worship <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

5 Music <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

6 Adult Formation<br />

11 Children's <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

13 Youth <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

15 Young Adult <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

16 Service <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

19 Parish Life<br />

24 Stewardship<br />

26 Pastoral Care

W E L C O M E<br />

Dear saints,<br />

I wonder if you have ever stopped to think about the words we use at the<br />

invitation to communion, 'Whoever you are, wherever you are on your<br />

journey, you are welcome at this table'. In many ways, this invitation is the<br />

conviction that lies at the heart of what it means to be a Christian community<br />

in this place. Here, you are welcome. Here, you are accepted. Here, you are<br />

valued. Here, you have a place to be and a part to play.<br />

This ministry brochure takes that invitation and puts it into a myriad of forms,<br />

trusting that among all that you will find offered here you will be able to find<br />

your place at the table in the community of the saints. There are no<br />

prerequisites to get involved in this church. We need your unique and<br />

infinitely valuable contribution so that we can be the church God calls us to<br />

become. Without your part, your ministry, your decision to love and serve the<br />

Lord here, we are missing something vital.<br />

So, I encourage you to take your time looking over what is happening here.<br />

There's a lot. This is a vibrant and committed church, deep and wide. As you<br />

do, ask God where your deep passion might meet the world's deep needs in<br />

ways great and small. Everyone counts. Everyone belongs here. We are more<br />

when we are one body in Christ. Welcome home.<br />

Peace,<br />

T h e R e v . D r . S i m o n M a i n w a r i n g , Rector


M I N I S T R I E S<br />


E U C H A R I S T<br />

At the Holy Eucharist, we celebrate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. Also called Holy<br />

Communion, it has been described as “a meal that tastes of freedom” because it comes from Jesus’<br />

commitment to love and liberation, demonstrated throughout his life. This sacred meal rests at the<br />

heart of our Sunday worship services, described below.<br />

8:00 a.m.<br />

We kick-off Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. with our most traditional service (Rite I), held in the<br />

small chapel to the side of the main church. There is no music at this brief 45-minute service, which<br />

includes a short message, classic Episcopal prayers, scripture readings, and communion.<br />

9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.<br />

Our largest gatherings of the week, the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. worship services follow a similar order of<br />

worship (Rite II). At 60-70 minutes, these services feature timely preaching and timeless music,<br />

with pipe organ, congregational hymns, and anthems offered by our choir. We are also joined by<br />

our Youth and Children's Choirs as well as guest classical and jazz instrumentalists for special<br />

occasions throughout the year.<br />

5:30 p.m.<br />

This evening service (Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer) in the chapel is a wonderful way to<br />

close the day and enter the new week spiritually refreshed. Enhanced by evening light and<br />

shadows, this 45-minute worship experience includes a short sermon and communion, with brief<br />

moments of silence and contemplation interspersed. There is no music at this service..<br />

02<br />

W O R S H I P S E R V I C E S<br />

S U N D A Y<br />

W E E K D A Y S<br />


Noonday prayer is a short, spoken service held in the church each week during our program year<br />

Mondays through Wednesdays beginning at 12:05. <strong>All</strong> are welcome to join the clergy as we pray<br />

for our city and the needs of the world.<br />


Contemplative prayer at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ is very simply an hour of being intentionally present to God.<br />

The group opens sessions on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., reading aloud from and discussing<br />

contemplative writings. At 7:30 p.m. we begin a 20-minute session of centering prayer as<br />

described by Fr. Thomas Keating, OSB, in his Open Mind, Open Heart.<br />

Feel free to drop in or stay the full hour, but please allow at least 20 minutes for your labyrinth<br />

walk. A few minutes of thoughtful contemplation is a balm and source of strength and at a time in<br />

the world when focused collective prayer can be immensely powerful and where our own path to<br />

the Divine within can be deepened. <strong>All</strong> are welcome, whether brand new to the practice of<br />

Centering Prayer or longtime practitioners. For more information, contact Gretchen Chateau.<br />


The Labyrinth at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ Ministry welcomes you to the spiritual practice of walking a labyrinth<br />

with trained facilitators and guides as hosts for these special gatherings. Walking the twists and<br />

turns of the single path of the labyrinth is a meditative ritual — a metaphor reflecting the passage<br />

through one's own life with its recurring corners, which must be encountered one step at a time.<br />

For more information, contact Barrie Gibby or Virginia Schenck.<br />




Any person in grades 6–12 may serve as an<br />

acolyte. Acolytes are trained and then<br />

assigned to a team that will serve<br />

approximately once a month, primarily on<br />

Sundays, alternating between 9:00 and 11:15<br />

a.m. worship services, as well as at festival<br />

services during Christmas, Holy Week, and<br />

Easter.<br />

Contact: Hope Westervelt.<br />


<strong>All</strong> Saints’ Altar Guild is responsible for the<br />

care, cleaning and repair of altar linens, the<br />

hangings, silver, brass and candles used in<br />

the church and chapel. The guild is<br />

composed of three teams and two co-chairs.<br />

Each member serves on a rotating basis, one<br />

weekend every three months. Members<br />

meet on the assigned weekend on Saturday<br />

to prepare for the Eucharists on Sunday. On<br />

Sunday, members clean up and put away<br />

chalices, patents, and hangings after the<br />

services.<br />

Contact: Rainey Woodward or<br />

Lynn Bryant.<br />


Eucharistic Ministers are lay people in the<br />

church who assist the priests with the<br />

distribution of Holy Communion during the<br />

Eucharist. Training is provided to new team<br />

members, usually on a Sunday between the<br />

two main services. Scheduling is on a<br />

voluntary basis via email and Eucharistic<br />

Ministers are needed for all services. Serving<br />

as a Eucharistic Minister provides a special<br />

way to deepen your spiritual connection<br />

during the Eucharist.<br />

Contact:Jan Kibler<br />


<strong>All</strong> Saints’ is well-known for its beautiful<br />

flowers! In addition to flowers for weddings<br />

and the Sunday altars, the Flower Guild<br />

provides festal floral decorations for<br />

Christmas Eve, Easter, and <strong>All</strong> Saints’<br />

Sunday. Joining this team offers a wonderful<br />

education in flower arranging. <strong>All</strong> levels of<br />

flower talent are welcome!<br />

Contact:Alvin Moore<br />


Do you have a strong reading voice? <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’ Lectors and Intercessors is a group of<br />

about fifty people who make themselves<br />

available to serve at any of the Sunday<br />

services and on occasional week-day<br />

services.<br />

Contact: Ivy Moultrie.<br />

USHERS<br />

<strong>All</strong> Saints’ Usher Ministry provides a very<br />

valuable ministry of hospitality, friendship,<br />

teamwork and worship assistance services<br />

within our community of faith. Dedicated<br />

members are present to help and<br />

communicate warm welcomes to everyone.<br />

Ushers are cordial and attentive with each<br />

person they greet, make them feel<br />

comfortable and learn names and remember<br />

faces. Assigned monthly ministry duties<br />

include welcoming and seating parishioners,<br />

passing out bulletins, answering questions,<br />

and assisting with collections and<br />

communions during the 9:00 and 11:15am<br />

Sunday services. Ushers also serve as<br />

needed on special occasions and at funerals.<br />

Please contact the <strong>All</strong> Saints’ Usher Ministry<br />

leader to learn more and to join this terrific<br />

ministry.<br />

Contact:Charlie Rigby or Rick Woodward<br />


The Verger Ministry has its roots in the<br />

earliest days of the Church's history. <strong>To</strong>day,<br />

vergers are lay volunteers who serve the<br />

parish in a ministry of liturgical coordination<br />

and welcome. The role a verger plays<br />

ultimately has a singular goal - to ensure that<br />

worship takes place in a reverent, dignified,<br />

organized, and seamless manner. This<br />

logistical support allows the priests more<br />

time for pastoral and sacramental<br />

responsibilities. Vergers can expect to serve<br />

at 2-3 services each month and may skip<br />

months as needed. Vergers undergo<br />

extensive training and must complete certain<br />

diocesan required classes concerning safety<br />

of children and youth.<br />

Contact:Ellen Porter or John Carter<br />





The Baptism Banner Committee is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers who enjoy<br />

craft projects to come aboard! Please consider the opportunity of this heartfelt service<br />

to the families of the newly baptized through the gift of a homemade, commemorative<br />

banner. No sewing skills are required, and we provide easy templates to follow. An<br />

estimated time commitment is four hours per banner (give or take, the process gets<br />

more streamlined the more banners you make!), and with enough active volunteers in<br />

our group, you might be asked to make three or four banners per year.<br />

Contact: Kate Mary<br />


The Wedding Guild is made up of teams of two women who guide brides, grooms,<br />

attendants and families through the rehearsal and through the wedding. The schedule<br />

is made up at the first of the year so the teams know when they will have to serve if a<br />

wedding is planned for that time.<br />

Contact: Lynne Holley<br />


The Guild of the Good Shepherd offers a ministry of hospitality to families and friends<br />

of the bereaved. Members of the Guild, or Shepherds, host receptions either before or<br />

after funerals or memorial services. The Guild provides home prepared sandwiches,<br />

cookies and other refreshments. It has been referred to as “the ministry of the pound<br />

cake.” The receptions differ according to the time of day and wishes of the families. No<br />

matter how simple or informal, members of the Guild work hard to make the receptions<br />

as welcoming and attractive as possible.<br />

Contact: Elizabeth Robertson<br />

04<br />


MUSIC<br />



<strong>All</strong> Saints’ is blessed to have one of the Episcopal Church’s leading music programs. We<br />

raise our voices – and our hearts – in song. Our six choirs (ages 4 to 104), guest<br />

performers, the <strong>All</strong> Saints’ Concert Series, and our grand Kenan Memorial Organ<br />

enhance our worship with music’s gift of inspiration, comfort, and healing. For more<br />

information about our programs, please contact the program director:<br />

Kirk Rich, Director of Music<br />

Brendan Conner, AssociateDirector of Music<br />

Karol Kimmell, Director of Youth and Children's Choirs<br />

A D U L T S<br />


The Parish Choir is an auditioned group of<br />

volunteers and professional singers. This<br />

choir provides musical leadership at the<br />

9:00 am service during the program year.<br />

As the primary adult choral ensemble, the<br />

Parish Choir also sings for major festival<br />

services throughout the year, including<br />

Christmas Eve, Easter, and <strong>All</strong> Saints<br />

Sunday, often with chamber orchestra or<br />

brass.<br />

SCHOLA<br />

The Schola is a chamber choir of auditioned<br />

singers selected from the Parish Choir. This<br />

ensemble provides musical leadership at the<br />

11:15 am service during the program year,<br />

often presenting a full choral mass in addition<br />

to anthems and motets. The ensemble sings<br />

special services throughout the year,<br />

including the annual Lessons and Carols on<br />

Christmas Eve.<br />


The Summer Choir is open to auditioned<br />

singers who cannot attend weekly<br />

rehearsals during the program year. This<br />

ensemble rehearses on Sunday mornings<br />

just before the 10 am service between<br />

Memorial Day and mid-August.<br />


The Concert Series enriches the life of the<br />

parish through a wide variety of<br />

performances throughout the year. Featured<br />

artists have included professional choral<br />

ensembles and collegiate choirs, concert<br />

organists, seasoned instrumental musicians,<br />

early music ensembles, and opera singers.<br />

Lunchtime concerts in the Kennedy<br />

Courtyard have expanded to feature local<br />

artists, jazz bands, and our partnership with<br />

Challenge the Stats, empowering musicians<br />

of color in our community.<br />



Our campus rings with the sounds of youthful<br />

voices singing. <strong>All</strong> Saints’ has an active choir<br />

program, inviting children in grades PreK<br />

through Twelfth, to sing and learn songs of faith<br />

through age-appropriate musical experiences<br />

and training. We offer Cherub Choir for PreK-<br />

Kindergarten, Primary Choir for grades 1 & 2,<br />

Junior Choir for grades 3-6, and Junior<br />

Handbells for grades 4-6. <strong>All</strong> choirs rehearse<br />

weekly throughout the school year and provide<br />

special music for Sunday worship and other<br />

events in the life of <strong>All</strong> Saints’ parish. We learn<br />

about the music of the church through the<br />

singing of hymns and liturgy. <strong>All</strong> our children’s<br />

choirs wear robes. As they progress through the<br />

choirs, children earn beads for their cross<br />

necklaces, which are worn with the robe once<br />

they begin Junior Choir (3rd grade).<br />


Come join this stellar choir at practice on Sunday<br />

afternoons as we sing challenging music of many<br />

styles (Renaissance to Baroque to Classical to<br />

Gospel) from around the world, singing in unison,<br />

two, three, and four-part harmony. We also<br />

travel out of town each year to perform,<br />

spending the weekend singing and having fun.<br />

Youth are also invited to ring handbells! Notereading<br />

is helpful; ability to count to eight<br />

required! Commitment and regular attendance<br />

are a must for those wishing to ring with these<br />

groups. Join us!<br />


4:00-4:30 p.m. - Cherub Choir (ages 4-6)<br />

4:35-5:10 p.m. - Primary Choir (grades 1-2)<br />

5:15-6:00 p.m. - Junior Choir (grades 3-6)<br />

6:00-6:30 p.m. - Junior Handbells (grades 4-6)<br />


4:15 – 5:00 p.m. Youth Handbells (grades 7-12)<br />

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Youth Choir (grades 7-12)<br />


SING TO<br />

THE LORD A<br />

NEW SONG;<br />

SING TO<br />

THE LORD,<br />

ALL THE<br />

EARTH.<br />

PSALM 96:1<br />



Adult Formation at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ seeks to invite the Holy Spirit’s transformation in our lives,<br />

deepening our Christian faith for the sake of the world. Organized into fall and spring<br />

offerings, opportunities for formation range from large-group speaker or dialogue<br />

gatherings in our parish hall to more intimate classes both in-person and online. We<br />

seek to be contextual theologians, learning from and for the life of the world around us,<br />

especially in this city God calls us to love and serve.<br />

Contact: Lynda Herrig, Simon Mainwaring, or Rebecca Parker<br />


The Adult Formation Committee meets to imagine and plan adult formation offerings for<br />

Sundays through the program year and coordinates with other church groups to<br />

facilitate offerings beyond Sunday mornings.<br />

Contact: Simon Mainwaring<br />


This class is designed for people who are interested in learning more about the Christian<br />

faith as it is expressed in the Episcopal Church. Meeting on Wednesday nights, the 4-<br />

week class is led by the Rector and follows a format that enables people to learn from<br />

and about one another as well as pursue questions of faith at a deeper level.<br />

Participants might include people interested in growing in their faith or in their<br />

connection to the church, people interested in being confirmed or received into the<br />

Episcopal Church, or just folks who want to grow in community with others. Classes are<br />

offered twice a year: once in the Fall and once in the Spring.<br />

Contact: Tracey Sage<br />


Adult pilgrimage is an opportunity for the sacred journey that changes us within by<br />

inviting us to journey into the world God has made. Pilgrimages are as local as weekend<br />

journeys across state lines to Selma and Montgomery, AL, and as international as multiweek<br />

voyages to Israel, Jordan, Greece, and Turkey.<br />

Contact: Simon Mainwaring<br />




Arts Theology provides opportunities for <strong>All</strong> Saints’ parishioners to explore the Atlanta<br />

arts scene, including a wide variety of art and artists. This group also creates Christian<br />

education classes featuring local artists and brings “art,” in its many and varied forms, to<br />

<strong>All</strong> Saints’ parishioners, inspiring thoughtfulness, creativity, discussion, and joy.<br />

Contact: Matt Collins<br />








FAITH<br />

THE WORLD.<br />



A four-year program of the School<br />

of Theology of the University of the<br />

South that covers the basics of<br />

theological education in the Old<br />

and New Testaments, church<br />

history, liturgy, and theology.<br />

Participants meet regularly, usually<br />

once a week, in seminars under the<br />

guidance of trained mentors.<br />

Contact: Ethel Ware Carter or<br />

Steve Hines<br />


Once each month, we gather for<br />

breakfast, and guest speakers are<br />

invited to speak on topics that are<br />

related to their professions, how<br />

the economy is affecting their lives,<br />

and how faith plays a role.<br />

Contact:Dave Chambliss or<br />

Kevin Hayes<br />


PAGE<br />

Jesus on the Front Page is a<br />

nonpartisan weekly reflection on a<br />

current news story. Meeting on<br />

Sundays from 9-9:50 a.m. in Parish<br />

House (P305/P306), we explore<br />

how we, as a community of faithful<br />

Christians, are called to respond to<br />

the world this story offers us?<br />

What brokenness is revealed, what<br />

reveals grace, how is this our story,<br />

where is God in this story? Are we<br />

called to pray differently, to think<br />

differently, to act differently?<br />

Contact: Ethel Ware Carter<br />




Jezebels is a reading and discussion group for<br />

women of all ages and interests. Meeting for<br />

more than 20 years, Jezebels has explored a<br />

wide variety -fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays,<br />

religious writings, occasional films and even a<br />

field trip or two. We meet weekly on<br />

Wednesdays from 5 to 6 pm, beginning in<br />

September and going through May. There is no<br />

attendance requirement for joining Jezebels,<br />

and we always welcome previous members after<br />

an absence. We take turns leading the weekly<br />

discussion of a portion of the current book<br />

under exploration. Currently we meet in a<br />

combination of zoom and/or in person at <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’. We’d love to have you join us!<br />

Contact: Mimi Sprang<br />

10<br />



Meeting in the Parish House the third<br />

Wednesday evening of each month from 7-8:00<br />

p.m., September through May, parishioners<br />

explore the theology of a novel selected and<br />

read in advance. A different parishioner or<br />

priest leads each discussion. Book discounts are<br />

available at a local bookstore.<br />

Contact: Laura Trott<br />


A formation series where parents with kids at<br />

any stage or age can get together to share<br />

wisdom, questions, concerns, about this<br />

incredible journey we are on together with the<br />

Holy Spirit. We take a book or topic and learn<br />

how to weave out faith into each developmental<br />

stage, our everyday life, and our own faith<br />

journey. We learn and practice noticing God in<br />

our life, praying and playing together, and<br />

sharing our faith with our children.<br />

Contact: Kathy Roberts<br />


Popcorn Theology meets monthly<br />

throughout the year, usually on the third or<br />

fourth Friday of the month in the Ross Room<br />

from 7-9:30 p.m. (ending time may be earlier<br />

depending on length of movie). When<br />

possible, it is the same night as the youth<br />

Attic Invasion in hopes that parents may<br />

want to stay on campus and watch a movie<br />

in the community of parishioners. Movies can<br />

be any genre or topic that leads to an<br />

interesting discussion afterwards. We aim to<br />

have a good variety of movies and discussion<br />

leaders. Popcorn is provided. <strong>All</strong> else is<br />

BYOB.<br />

Contact: Ann Stuart Pearce or Ellen Porter<br />


Please join in conversation on the 3rd Thursday<br />

of each month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. online via<br />

Zoom as we begin each session by talking<br />

about sports and then using humor (perhaps<br />

irony) to transition the conversation to<br />

spirituality. Bring your favorite sports story<br />

from any sport of your choice. Be part of a<br />

joyful experience that will bring Glory to God -<br />

especially while we learn from those who<br />

compete "against" each other. These<br />

conversations will be online via Zoom because<br />

they are short in nature (1 hour) and held during<br />

early evening hours during the weekday.<br />

Contact: Paul Terlemezian<br />


The Journey with the Rev. Karen Evans is a Bible<br />

study group that meets Mondays at 11:00 AM.<br />

We study one book at a time, exploring the<br />

history, context, and uniqueness of each book.<br />

We also talk about what each passage has to<br />

say to us today and how it builds our faith. The<br />

only requirement is that you have a Bible<br />

(although if it has footnotes so much the<br />

better). The group meets via Zoom and the link<br />

is sent weekly to those registered for the class.<br />

Contact: Karen Evans<br />

<strong>All</strong> Saints’ will<br />

challenge you to<br />

ask questions, seek<br />

answers, find your<br />

spiritual path, and<br />

grow together<br />

within a supporting,<br />

loving community.


We want our children to know from day one that they are known and loved, that they matter, and<br />

that they are called to join with God's people in building a more beloved community—where<br />

justice, kindness, and compassion prevail and everyone is accepted for who they are. We also<br />

believe that children have a natural sense of spirituality and that faith is caught more than taught.<br />

We offer programming each week to engage our kids in the stories, teachings, and love of Jesus<br />

to help build the faith that is already within them.<br />

Contact: Kathy Roberts, Director of Children's <strong>Ministries</strong><br />


AGES: BIRTH - 4<br />



Our care and concern for our youngest members begins in the Nursery proper. <strong>All</strong> Saints’ is<br />

blessed to have top quality rooms, furnishings and equipment for the care of even the youngest<br />

infants. We are also blessed to have a competent and caring Sunday morning paid staff with years<br />

of experience here at <strong>All</strong> Saints’. The guiding principles for nursery care begin with our<br />

commitment to offering loving, safe, compassionate and Christ-like care.<br />



Our youngest saints go to Little Saints’ Church as they are able and enjoy the Bible stories<br />

through song, dance, play, and their imagination. A short worship service is led by parent<br />

volunteers on a rotational basis using our curriculum. Parents receive a family page with ideas to<br />

continue the learning at home with their child. Children then return to their Nursery rooms for a<br />

snack and a Sunday School lesson/craft.<br />


As the newest members of our family ministries, you may not know many other folks with little<br />

ones yet. These get togethers are a great way to meet other families with kids of the same age,<br />

learn about all the opportunities to serve and enjoy our Children’s and Youth programs and<br />

events, and make ‘church friends’ that will make your kids (and you!) happy to return each<br />

Sunday.<br />


The Red Aprons are volunteers who help in the nursery classrooms (infants through three-yearolds)<br />

and also as greeters to welcome families to the nursery. Volunteers are needed on a<br />

rotational basis throughout the school year.<br />


C H I L D R E N ’ S C H U R C H<br />

Kindergarten – 3rd grade<br />

12<br />



SUNDAY - 8:30 A.M.– 9:00 A.M., 2ND FLOOR,<br />



Gathering Time is a time for arts and crafts,<br />

songs and music, and fellowship as everyone<br />

arrives for the service.<br />


SUNDAY - 9:00–9:30 A.M., 2ND FLOOR,<br />



Children’s Church worship is led by the<br />

Children’s <strong>Ministries</strong> Director, Kathy Roberts,<br />

and the Children’s Choir Director, Karol<br />

Kimmell. Parent volunteers act of Greeters, to<br />

welcome families and help kids sign in, and as<br />

Gatherers, to help during the Gathering time<br />

and during the worship service. The service<br />

includes music, prayers, a creed and blessings<br />

that are appropriate for children and prepare<br />

them for being an active participant in ‘big<br />

Church’. Children join their parents in the main<br />

church during the announcements, just after<br />

the Peace (save them a seat and keep standing<br />

until they find you!). Children older than third<br />

grade can attend as a Shepherd and help with<br />

the younger kids.<br />

V A C A T I O N B I B L E S C H O O L<br />


We hold a week-long VBS each year around<br />

the first week of June. Volunteers are needed<br />

in each area: Science, Art, Bible Stories, and<br />

Recreation. We also need snack helpers,<br />

greeters, decorators, set up and clean up, and<br />

group leaders. It is a fast-paced, fun week for<br />

all with a deeper dive into some of our Bible<br />

stories and characters.<br />



C H I L D R E N ’ S F O R M A T I O N<br />

The <strong>All</strong> Saints’ rotation schedule encompasses<br />

a four-year cycle for Spark and a two-year<br />

cycle for Connect, with each cycle covering<br />

foundational Old Testament and New<br />

Testament stories. Center<br />


SUNDAY - 10:20–11:05 A.M., 2ND FLOOR,<br />


During four years in Spark, the children will<br />

learn the names and stories of important<br />

figures of our Christian faith. We want to<br />

encourage children to turn to the Bible for<br />

knowledge and guidance, now and throughout<br />

their lives. Our hope is that the children will be<br />

able to tell these stories to others, make a<br />

connection for how the story is relevant in<br />

their lives, and take ownership of the message<br />

of God’s love. <strong>To</strong> reach different learning<br />

styles, each room incorporates different<br />

activities. These activities include arts and<br />

crafts, drama, storytelling, cooking (and<br />

eating!), science experiments, and videos on<br />

the story.<br />

CLUB 45 (4TH AND 5TH GRADES)<br />

SUNDAY - 10:20–11:05 A.M., 2ND FLOOR,<br />


Club 45 two year program taking children on<br />

a deeper dive into familiar stories using the<br />

Connect curriculum, which makes<br />

connections across stories and throughout<br />

the Bible. The “tween” years are unique and<br />

deserve a unique and quirky curriculum that<br />

recognizes that they are no longer young<br />

children and not yet youth. Kids receive their<br />

own Connect Bible to use in class, decorate,<br />

and write their notes and ideas within. After<br />

the 2nd year of Club 45, there is a Moving Up<br />

Ceremony to mark this milestone, their time<br />

in Children’s <strong>Ministries</strong> and their journey<br />

upstairs to the Youth floor.<br />

S P E C I A L C H I L D R E N ' S E V E N T S<br />

Throughout the year, we have lots of special events for the children that require volunteers to help teach,<br />

lead, prepare crafts, set up/clean up, prepare food, and more. You do not have to have a child to help our<br />

youngest Saints – in fact, the more we do cross-generationally, the more we are living out our Baptismal<br />

vows. These include: Backpack Buddies, End of Summer parties, Fall Fun Days, Thanksgiving <strong>To</strong>iletry Bag<br />

Hand Out, The Advent Event, St. Nicholas Celebration, Christmas Pageant, Family Stations of the<br />

Cross/Walk Through Holy Week, Easter Day events, Pentecost Event, Moving Up Celebrations, End-of-<br />

Year parties, Pop Up Kindness Shops, Sandwich Making Service Days, and more.




GRADES 6-12<br />

Youth Formation is an important, engaging ministry for teens. At <strong>All</strong> Saints’, Sunday formation<br />

helps students look at issues around living into their baptism and being faithful followers of Christ.<br />

Youth are given the opportunity to explore their faith commitment, ask questions, and journey<br />

with their teachers while learning what it means to follow Jesus in this world.<br />

Contact: Hope Westervelt<br />

6TH GRADE<br />

After spending grades K–5 exploring<br />

scripture, 6th graders spend a year revisiting<br />

the basics of the Christian faith through a<br />

catechism-based curriculum that covers<br />

topics.<br />


8TH GRADE<br />

During the confirmation process, each teenager<br />

decides if they want to make an adult<br />

affirmation of their Christian faith. Confirmation<br />

at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ is really a four-year curriculum<br />

that takes place during Christian formation<br />

between grades 6–10. Throughout the student’s<br />

8th grade year, the staff at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ teach 10<br />

confirmation classes. Classes cover the Old and<br />

New Testaments, church history,<br />

the sacraments, the creeds, and the Book of<br />

Common Prayer. Attendance at classes is<br />

required. If your child Is in the 8th grade or<br />

older and wishes to be confirmed, he or she<br />

must attend nine of the ten classes, in addition<br />

to attending the confirmation rehearsal.<br />

RITE 13: 7TH GRADE<br />

The Rite 13 class includes a closer look at<br />

scripture through the Rite 13 curriculum,<br />

which uses fun activities, discussion, and<br />

reflection to dive deeper into faith. In Sunday<br />

worship, Rite 13 also includes a liturgical<br />

celebration to acknowledge that each child is<br />

entering adolescence and closer to<br />

adulthood.<br />

9TH - 12TH GRADE<br />

Our high school students follow the Journey<br />

to Adulthood (J2A) curriculum throughout<br />

the program year. J2A focuses on<br />

“Spirituality, Society, and Self”—<br />

corresponding to the Biblical call to love God<br />

and to love our neighbors as ourselves.<br />

@yall.saints.atl<br />






7-9PM<br />

Once a month on Friday night from 7-9pm<br />

Middle School Attic Invasion is a chance for<br />

our middle schoolers to have full reign over<br />

the The Attic, with an emphasis on making<br />

friends and having fun. We play crazy games<br />

in the gym, watch movies, and enjoy dinner<br />

together. Some things to look forward to this<br />

year include a Wacky Welcome Back, a<br />

haunted attic night, movie night, and so much<br />

more! Dinner is included and friends are<br />

encouraged to come.<br />



SNL is a classic “youth group” experience<br />

for all young people in grades 6 through 12.<br />

We gather every Sunday evening for a<br />

combination of community building,<br />

worship, service, and lots of fun. Some<br />

things to look forward to this year include<br />

exploring different religious traditions,<br />

service projects benefiting our core<br />

ministries, a multitude of celebration parties,<br />

and even a karaoke night! Dinner is always<br />

included.<br />



Youth trips are a way for our 6th-12th<br />

graders to build community and grow<br />

deeper in their faith while on the road! Trips<br />

can be in town and include going to Six<br />

Flags, White Water, museums, and other<br />

local places. They can also be out of town,<br />

like our Middle School Beach Retreat and<br />

diocesan weekends to Camp Mikell!<br />



Youth trips are a way for our 6th-12th<br />

graders to build community and grow<br />

deeper in their faith while on the road! Trips<br />

can be in town and include going to Six<br />

Flags, White Water, museums, and other<br />

local places. They can also be out of town,<br />

like our Middle School Beach Retreat and<br />

diocesan weekends to Camp Mikell!<br />

play, and work to build<br />

to learn, pray,<br />

We welcome all young people to<br />

community, together.<br />

join with us as we gather<br />



The Children and Youth <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

Committee aims to build engagement,<br />

ownership, and commitment to our wideranging<br />

children and youth ministries at <strong>All</strong><br />

<strong>Saints'</strong> as we seek to be the village that<br />

raises our parish children and youth.<br />

Contact: Amy Gaynor<br />

a more beloved<br />



College-aged, 20s, and 30s<br />

Young Adult <strong>Ministries</strong> at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ are one of the best kept secrets in our city! We are<br />

single, partnered, sometimes prefer expansive pronouns, and we welcome you to build<br />

beloved community with us! We hang together in all sorts of settings, offering our gifts<br />

to serve in traditional parish ministries and enriching one another’s lives through<br />

friendships that prioritize fun. Whether you decide to hit the trail with us for a familyfriendly<br />

hike, pull up a chair for a conversation engaging queer theologies, share your<br />

spiritual story with us over brunch, roll up your sleeves to help with a service project, or<br />

find a new friend to join for church on Sundays, we are delighted God has brought you<br />

among us in the Body of Christ!<br />

Contact: Jacob Clifton Albritton or Rodell Jefferson<br />


Spare us your poster girls and martyrs. St. Cecilia's gathers noble women of multiple<br />

generations, from grad students to working moms, creatives to contemplatives, who<br />

dare to forge connections that spark joy and laughter. We aim to create grace and ease<br />

through shared connections, even as we bear witness to the multi-faceted layers of our<br />

embodied experience. This group isn't afraid of sweat or tears, though we relish<br />

generosity of spirit that flows among sisters in Christ.<br />

Contact: Lauren Moran<br />




BE PART OF A<br />

MAKE<br />


MAKING A<br />


A<br />






Grounded in our Christian responsibility to love our neighbors and promote<br />

the common good, our four core ministrieseach began at <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong> and have<br />

grown to meet the evolving needs of our city. They include Midtown<br />

Assistance Center (MAC), <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong> Refugee <strong>Ministries</strong>, Threads clothing<br />

ministry for children and families, and the Covenant Community lifestabilization<br />

program for men recovering from addiction. Through these and<br />

other vital community and global ministries, <strong>All</strong> Saints’ has served as a<br />

steadfast beacon for God's love and justice in the world.<br />



Our Service Committee is made up of<br />

the Directors of our four core ministries,<br />

and several parishioners. The mission is<br />

to increase awareness both outside and<br />

within the parish of the work of core<br />

ministries and to discover ways to<br />

increase volunteerism. One of the goals<br />

is to provide intergenerational<br />

opportunities along with making sure we<br />

are supportive of these organizations in<br />

as many ways as possible. The Service<br />

Committee enables these leaders to<br />

interact with one another and share best<br />

practices. So much of what we do on<br />

our block has everything to do with<br />

Threads, Refugee <strong>Ministries</strong>, Midtown<br />

Assistance Center and Covenant<br />

Community.<br />

Contact:Sloan Smith<br />



The Peoplestown Partnership offers<br />

opportunities for parishioners to build<br />

bridges of relationship with our<br />

neighbors in tutoring elementary school<br />

aged children, work on a team in the<br />

Bridge of Hope neighboring program,<br />

and immerse themselves in the life of<br />

the Peoplestown community in<br />

numerous other ways.<br />

Contact: Joe Crespino or<br />

Nadia Fountain<br />




Covenant Community is a residential life<br />

stabilization program for addicted men,<br />

located on the Spring Street side of our<br />

campus. Most residents arrive after<br />

detoxification to live in Covenant<br />

Community for six to nine months,<br />

building a new life without addiction and<br />

learning new life skills to enable their<br />

success. Upon effectively completing the<br />

program, the men move to Sterne House,<br />

a drug-free residence. Parishioners can<br />

volunteer primarily by preparing supper<br />

for the men on Mondays and then sitting<br />

down and breaking bread with them.<br />

Contact: Kevin Lyman or Barbara Blender<br />


CENTER (MAC)<br />

Located on the <strong>All</strong> Saints’ campus, MAC,<br />

an interfaith ministry of Midtown religious<br />

institutions, provides rent, utility, and<br />

food assistance to individuals residing in<br />

10 zip codes around Atlanta who are in<br />

economic crisis. MAC also maintains a<br />

food bank, men’s clothing closet and<br />

assists with rent, utility and transportation<br />

funding. Clients are directed to<br />

appropriate community agencies to meet<br />

a particular need. Volunteers are needed<br />

during the week to perform a variety of<br />

tasks with and for clients.<br />

Contact: Wendy Silliman<br />

We are<br />




For 30 years, <strong>All</strong> Saints’ Refugee <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

has offered hospitality, healing<br />

relationships, and support to refugee<br />

background and asylee families from East<br />

and Central Africa, the Middle East, Latin<br />

America, and East Asia. Some of our largest<br />

communities are from Rwanda, the Congo,<br />

Nepal, Burma, Afghanistan, and Iran. We<br />

work with around 75 families at a time<br />

through educational and emotional support<br />

for children, and acclimation and welcome<br />

for newly arriving families. Some of our<br />

services include resettlement, academic<br />

tutoring for children 2nd – 12th grade,<br />

swimming buddies, backpack buddies,<br />

social gatherings, and seasonal parties.<br />

Orientation and support is provided for all<br />

volunteers.<br />

Contact: Louisa Merchant,<br />

Director of Refugee <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

18<br />


Threads is a volunteer ministry driven by<br />

a desire to provide children (newborn -<br />

5th grade) in need with clean, well-fitting<br />

clothes and footwear. Located in Tate<br />

Hall on the <strong>All</strong> Saints’ campus, Threads<br />

serves families referred to us by social<br />

service agencies around Atlanta.<br />

With the help of volunteers from <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’, we clothe children with dignity<br />

by providing an experience that is similar<br />

to shopping in a boutique, with a wide<br />

variety of attractive clothing options.<br />

Contact: Lori Guarisco, Director of<br />


PARISH<br />



<strong>All</strong> Saints’ offers many opportunities for you to get involved with churchwide<br />

events, celebrations, and small groups that help you connect with<br />

others while exploring issues that matter to you.<br />

Contact:Jill Gossett, Director of Parish Life<br />


<strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong> Connects Small Groups invite<br />

participants to grow spiritually, within<br />

Christ-centered community. Whether you<br />

join a group during our seasons of engaging<br />

in service or our seasons of reflecting<br />

together on life and faith, we invite you to<br />

lean into the grace of this shared journey of<br />

friendship with God and one another.<br />

Contact: Jillian Robertson<br />


The Archives Committee is a group of<br />

parishioners dedicated to preserving,<br />

organizing and sharing the church’s rich<br />

historical archives. The committee is looking<br />

at the the best method of maintaining our<br />

current collection, adding to the collection<br />

and sharing it with the parish. The church<br />

has a fantastic trove of oral histories,<br />

photographs, newspaper articles, bulletins,<br />

vestry minutes, sermons and ephemera. A<br />

revolving exhibit of archival treasures is<br />

planned for the library as well as making<br />

more of the material available on-line.<br />

Contact: Francie Root or David Smith<br />


If you have an interest in cooking, writing and<br />

fellowship, please join the fun as we honor<br />

the past and include new creations!<br />

Contact: Jim Conrad<br />


Faithful Advocates is a group that seeks<br />

opportunities to be involved in voting and<br />

elections, homelessness, immigration, and<br />

many social justice issues. We visit the<br />

Capitol during the legislative session,<br />

encourage advocacy through email and<br />

phone calls to legislators regarding bills in the<br />

legislative process, and work in the area of<br />

elections by encouraging voting and voter<br />

registration. This year, we have an Election<br />

Panel planned for October 23 at <strong>All</strong> Saints.<br />

We also help members of our parish know<br />

how to advocate for issues of concern.<br />

Frequently, we collaborate with other<br />

midtown faith groups to have programs such<br />

as the recent Souls to the Polls <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Contact: Suzanne Wakefield<br />

20<br />


For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief &<br />

Development has been working together with<br />

supporters and partners for lasting change<br />

around the world. Each year the organization<br />

facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for<br />

close to 3 million people struggling with<br />

hunger, poverty, disaster, and disease.<br />

Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25,<br />

Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the<br />

expertise and resources of Anglican and other<br />

partners to deliver measurable and<br />

sustainable change in three signature program<br />

areas: Women, Children, and Climate.<br />

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering<br />

with the Convocation of Episcopal Churches<br />

in Europe to help local congregations<br />

throughout Europe provide assistance to<br />

Ukrainian refugees. We work directly with<br />

Anglican Communion and other partners to<br />

carry out our mission of empowering people<br />

to find lasting solutions to poverty, hunger<br />

and disease.<br />

Contact: Victoria Cork<br />


One of the very best ways to get to know<br />

fellow parishioners in a big church like <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’ is through informal, small dinner group<br />

gatherings at one another’s homes. The<br />

groups formed are a great mix – single,<br />

married, and families with children of a varied<br />

status and age. Many close friendships have<br />

been formed through these great dinner<br />

gatherings: it’s a perfect, low-key way to<br />

make connections. We will gather up to six<br />

times per year beginning in September and<br />

going through May.<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />


Volunteers gather seasonally, and whenever<br />

necessary to plant and tend the gardens and<br />

grounds of the church.<br />

Contact: Betsy Robinson or Kathy Hendricks<br />

19<br />



Located in Egleston Hall, the lovely <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong><br />

Library contains theological and Biblical<br />

reference materials, along with books on a<br />

number of spiritual subjects - both fiction and<br />

non-fiction - including books by <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong><br />

authors. Many are purchased or donated to<br />

support the various reading groups and classes.<br />

The Library Committee is responsible for<br />

processing new materials and maintaining the<br />

collection.<br />

Contact: Gail Rogers or Robert Higdon<br />


Parishioners volunteer for one day a week to<br />

deliver noon meals to elderly residents of<br />

Roosevelt House, located near the church.<br />

Contact: Lee Walter<br />


Calling ALL moms who are looking for a mom<br />

community to offer support, friendship, and<br />

encouragement as we navigate motherhood.<br />

Whether your kids are newborn or twenty, there<br />

is a seat for you at our table. We meet the first<br />

Saturday of every month for a morning of<br />

coffee, advice-sharing, and decompressing<br />

together as moms of <strong>All</strong> Saints. Bring a mom<br />

friend and join us from 9:00-10:00 am at Tic Tac<br />

Coffee across from Piedmont Park for an hour<br />

of fellowship!<br />

Contact: Erin Cassel<br />


Socialize with saints in your neighborhood! Our<br />

Neighborhood Connections Groups invite<br />

everyone to engage in fun, social activities with<br />

saints who live nearby. Group members might<br />

organize activities such as sharing a cup of<br />

coffee on a porch, taking a cooking class over<br />

Zoom, or going for a walk or hike together. Each<br />

neighborhood group will have a volunteer<br />

coordinator to help organize activities based on<br />

the interests of those participating.<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />


The Parish Life Committee began in June of<br />

<strong>2022</strong> and is designed to provide support for the<br />

Parish Life Director. <strong>All</strong> Saints’ is a large parish<br />

with so many wonderful things happening. This<br />

committee helps with events, encouraging<br />

volunteerism, and connecting people and<br />

programs. They can provide valuable insight<br />

and energy while keeping the entire<br />

congregation in mind. Invitation and inclusion<br />

are at the forefront of their work.<br />

Contact: Lillian Huber<br />



This job is a great way to see what really<br />

goes on at <strong>All</strong> Saints’. These volunteers are<br />

calm on the phones and cheerful with visitors.<br />

They work from 9:am-1:00 pm on the days<br />

the church office is open, and they love it!<br />

Each of them comes in once every other<br />

week. Sometimes, staff members may ask<br />

them to help with projects that need to be<br />

done urgently.<br />

Contact: Marie Louise Muhumuza<br />


The goal of the Roundtable is to educate a<br />

group of parishioners about the various<br />

ministries of <strong>All</strong> Saints’, how the church<br />

operates, and “who does what.” The group<br />

meets monthly for nine months for fellowship,<br />

food, and learning about our parish.<br />

Representatives of the clergy, core ministries<br />

(Refugee Ministry, Threads, Midtown <strong>All</strong>iance<br />

Center, Covenant Community), music ministry,<br />

children’s ministries, facilities, and finance meet<br />

with the group for in-depth discussion. The<br />

hope is that the participants will find new<br />

interests, strengthen current relationships, and<br />

move into leadership positions in the parish.<br />

Contact: David Smith<br />


Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved<br />

Community, The Episcopal Church's long-term<br />

commitment to racial healing, reconciliation,<br />

and justice in our personal lives, our ministries,<br />

and our society. Sacred Ground is an 11-part<br />

dialogue series built around a powerful<br />

curriculum of documentary films and readings<br />

that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and<br />

Asian/Pacific American histories as they<br />

intersect with European American histories. If<br />

you are interested in joining a small group<br />

dialogue circle as a participant or facilitator, or<br />

if you would like to be a part of the Sacred<br />

Ground administration team, please e-mail<br />

sacredground@allsaintsatlanta.org. We typically<br />

aim to start new circles in January which run<br />

until June or July with meetings every two<br />

weeks. <strong>To</strong> learn more from the national website,<br />

go to https://episcopalchurch.org/sacredground/.<br />

Contact:Ann Stuart Pearce<br />

21<br />




Saints that love to have fun during the day time.<br />

We meet four times a year for sing a longs,<br />

great speakers and fellowship. In the recent past<br />

we have done caroling, and heard from major<br />

developers in the Midtown area.<br />

Contact: Art and Mary Wyche Lesesne or<br />

Vic and Sarah Hansen<br />


St. Catherine’s chapter is for women of the<br />

parish who are between 40 to 60 (though that<br />

criteria is not strict!) who are seeking a social<br />

connection. We try to gather quarterly and<br />

whether we meet out at a restaurant or meet up<br />

at someone’s house, there are always plenty of<br />

laughs to be had, connections made, and<br />

deeper conversations shared.<br />

Contact: Ann Henn<br />


GUILD<br />

St. Claire’s Needlepoint Guild meets weekly on<br />

Mondays, 12:00–2:00 p.m., in the Parish House<br />

(P201) to work on different projects for the<br />

church and community.<br />

Contact: Martha Griffith<br />


St. Helena’s is group of active women, most of<br />

whom are in their 60s and 70s; we welcome<br />

members of all ages. Our chapter meets<br />

September – May, in members’ homes, and we<br />

alternate lunchtime and evening meetings. Our<br />

meetings include purely social gatherings,<br />

presentations from speakers on various topics,<br />

and work on community service projects. We are<br />

best known as “the hot pepper jelly ladies” as we<br />

make and sell hot pepper jelly to raise funds for<br />

donations the chapter makes to charities our<br />

members select.<br />

Contact: Margaret Daniel<br />


St. Luke’s Women’s Chapter is composed of<br />

about 50 women at <strong>All</strong> Saints’ many of whom<br />

have been gathering monthly for more than 50<br />

years. Most members are in their late 70s or 80s.<br />

The group is open to any woman who fits the<br />

age group. We meet in the Ross Room on the<br />

second Tuesday of each month during the<br />

school year, except December, from 10:00-<br />

12:00.<br />

Contact: Ann-Marie Sparrow<br />


This chapter was formed 30 years ago when<br />

each of us had a new baby. Now we are emptynesters<br />

- some with careers and others,<br />

retired. We get together for fellowship about 6<br />

times per year. The commitment is easy and fun.<br />

We welcome new members too!<br />

Contact:Ellen Hayes<br />


Formed in 2019, The MICAH Project is a<br />

coalition of parishioners committed to racial<br />

healing as part of our spiritual formation. We<br />

look for ways to learn, talk about, and share<br />

experiences of race in the safe space of our<br />

faith community. Each member of our<br />

leadership Round Table forms a team that<br />

creates opportunities for parish conversations.<br />

For <strong>2022</strong>-2023, we're including day and<br />

overnight pilgrimages, the arts, education, small<br />

group discussions, and the national church’s<br />

Sacred Ground curriculum. Our monthly<br />

newsletter, available to all parishioners,<br />

highlights parishioner and clergy engagement<br />

with race, historic events, and activities in and<br />

beyond the parish. Would you like to talk about<br />

race? We seek and welcome your ideas and<br />

participation in any of these initiatives.<br />

The Arts: Erin Cassel Erin Cassel<br />

Communications: Nancy Wade<br />

Education: Caroline Enloe<br />

Pilgrimages: Jan Kibler<br />

Sacred Ground: Ann-Stuart Pearce<br />

Small Group Conversations: Paige Martin and<br />

Ross Nicholas<br />

Spiritual Friend: Rodell Jefferson<br />

Advisor: Sarah Hill<br />


Transformational ministry opportunities are<br />

available for those wanting to help make all feel<br />

welcome on our campus. We need friendly<br />

hosts and warm hospitality throughout the year.<br />

Consider joining this welcoming presence that<br />

is a potential game changer for those who are<br />

new to <strong>All</strong> Saints’.<br />

Contact: Dan Pennywell<br />

.<br />

22<br />




KANUGA is an <strong>All</strong> Saints’ tradition and has been for forty<br />

years. Many of our parishioners mark their calendars for the<br />

weekend and pack up their cars to travel to Kanuga<br />

Conference Center in beautiful Hendersonville, North Carolina.<br />

Everyone enjoys abundant fellowship, fun, worship, music,<br />

special children’s programs, and a great time for all ages and<br />

all stages. There is always time for meditation and relaxation,<br />

too. The cabins are all unique and of varying sizes. The Inn<br />

rooms, which are great for one or two people, are renovated<br />

and lovely. The most stunning spots of all is the lake with a<br />

beautiful wooden cross in the distance. Peace and serenity<br />

abound.<br />

Contact: Clifton Askew & Jack Norton<br />


Pentecost Sunday typically marks the date of our annual<br />

parish picnic each year. This year’s picnic takes place in<br />

August immediately following the 10:00 service and often<br />

consists of barbecue picnic fare, relaxing musical<br />

entertainment, activities and fun for everyone at every age.<br />

Fellowship time at its best takes place on the grounds of <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’.<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />


St. Nicholas Supper is an annual tradition where we celebrate<br />

St. Nicholas day with a holiday supper and children’s<br />

program. St. Nicholas himself has been known to appear to<br />

read the story of St. Nicholas and share candy with the<br />

children.<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />


Wednesday evenings are big at <strong>All</strong> Saints’! Our choirs rehearse<br />

and many of our small groups meet. Everyone is invited to<br />

drop by for dinner between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. <strong>All</strong> ages enjoy<br />

an evening of no cooking. Children have an opportunity to<br />

play outside when the weather permits and work on fun crafts.<br />

Adults enjoy sitting around the tables laughing, sharing and<br />

relaxing. It is a wonderful tradition of breaking bread together<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />


The annual women’s retreat is a weekend long respite for the<br />

women of the parish at a nearby peaceful destination.<br />

Contact: Jill Gossett<br />

.<br />


The Annual Canvass Committee is focused on growing the participation of all<br />

parishioners in the Annual Canvass. This group offers volunteers a wide range of<br />

opportunities: Social events, Phone-a-Thons, mailing preparation sessions, and liaisons<br />

to all aspects of the parish. It is fun and goal oriented, and we have something to offer<br />

everyone.<br />

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Contact: Ann and Charlie Henn<br />


<strong>All</strong> Saints’ is a parish that is deeply committed to offering high-quality music, worship<br />

and programs. We dig deep to share our resources for our outreach ministries.Thank<br />

you for supporting this vibrant community by making generous pledge commitments<br />

and gifts.<br />

Contact:Ellen Hayes, Director of Stewardship & Development<br />


This hard-working team examines our campus with a critical eye and makes<br />

recommendations and decisions about repairs, renovations, construction projects and<br />

beautification on the <strong>All</strong> Saints’ campus. They work within a tight budget to keep our<br />

facilities and grounds in good working order. Its members tend to have backgrounds in<br />

construction, real estate, interior design and historic preservation.<br />

Contact: Mark McDonald<br />


The Endowment Committee meets throughout the financial year to oversee the<br />

management of <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong> Endowment offering careful stewardship of gifts entrusted to<br />

the parish in perpetuity.<br />

Contact: John Frazer<br />


The Finance Committee members have extensive experience in financial responsibility.<br />

They pay attention to the way money moves through the parish, design the budget, and<br />

review the operating financial statements, balance sheets, statements of receipts, and<br />

disbursements. The committee selects and meets with the auditors. They also work with<br />

the stewardship team regarding pledge payments and giving, the Buildings and Grounds<br />

Committee with its detailed expenditures, and other tasks.<br />

Contact: David Aldridge



When parishioners and their loved ones want to remember<br />

and honor others with financial gifts to <strong>All</strong> Saints, gifts are<br />

sent to the Memorial and Gifts fund. These funds support and<br />

enhance worship at this church by purchasing altar supplies,<br />

vestments, processional banners, communion kits, garden area<br />

improvements, children’s church and much more. The<br />

committee is responsible for the usage of these funds and<br />

works closely with other ministry areas.<br />

Contact: Charlie Boyd<br />



The Planned Giving Committee and the Cornerstone Society is<br />

an enthusiastic team of financial advisors, attorneys,<br />

development professionals and others who had made planned<br />

gifts to <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong>. There are so many ways to make a planned<br />

gift and this team works to encourage more people to make<br />

these kinds of future-focused gifts. Education is the heart and<br />

soul of our work.<br />

Contact: David Begley<br />


This committee examines all types of generosity at <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong>.<br />

The group learns about all aspects of giving and the data we<br />

collect. They look towards a broad goal of building a generous<br />

community at <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong>.<br />

Contact: Ann Stallard<br />

VESTRY<br />

Serving alongside the rector, the vestry strives to model<br />

faithful leadership through the giving of time and talent,<br />

treasure and expertise to the building up the church. The<br />

vestry is elected by the parish and led by the wardens (chairs)<br />

and other executive officers. The vestry represents the<br />

community in all areas of decision-making and welcomes<br />

feedback any time.<br />

Contact: Russ Wofford<br />

Give a Gift or Make a Pledge Payment <strong>To</strong>day:<br />

Text to Give: text <strong>All</strong>SaintsAtlanta to 73256<br />

Online at allsaintsatlanta.org/give<br />

Mail a check to:<br />

<strong>All</strong> Saints’ Episcopal Church<br />

634 W. Peachtree St.<br />

Atlanta, GA 30308<br />

.<br />




Bereavement Callers are<br />

trained members of the parish<br />

who periodically reach out by<br />

phone and follow up with<br />

those who have recently<br />

experienced the loss of a loved<br />

one. We strive to listen,<br />

support, connect, console,<br />

share, and love those who<br />

mourn.<br />

Contact: Betsy Robinson<br />


Eucharistic Visitors are trained<br />

and commissioned<br />

parishioners who take and<br />

share communion with those<br />

who are unable to be<br />

physically present at <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’. Training includes<br />

completion of diocesan<br />

requirements for Safeguarding<br />

God’s People as well as going<br />

through EV orientation. A<br />

volunteer can expect to serve<br />

no more than once a month<br />

(and may skip months as<br />

needed) and visit one<br />

parishioner on any day of their<br />

assigned week that is<br />

convenient for their schedule.<br />

Contact: Ann Hidden<br />

E - CARE<br />

E-Care is an email-based<br />

ministry of prayer. E-Care<br />

Members receive about three<br />

email messages a week<br />

containing requests for prayer<br />

for those experiencing illness,<br />

grief, joy, or other life events.<br />

Subscribers need only pray in<br />

response to messages. <strong>To</strong><br />

subscribe to E-Care, send an<br />

email to E-<br />

care+subscribe@groups.io with<br />

“subscribe” in the subject line.<br />

Contact: Fifi Guest<br />


Note Writers uplift and<br />

support parishioners who are<br />

experiencing a significant life<br />

event through the writing of<br />

personal notes delivered<br />

through postal mail. Recipients<br />

are identified from E-Care<br />

messages or by the clergy or<br />

parishioners. Note Writers<br />

receive a weekly list and can<br />

choose to write as many or as<br />

few notes as they desire at any<br />

given time.<br />

Contact:Ellen Porter<br />

E - CARE MEALS<br />

E-Meals prepares meals that<br />

are then frozen and later<br />

delivered by volunteers to<br />

parishioners and families as an<br />

expression of love from the<br />

parish. Volunteers can expect<br />

to gather about 2-3 times a<br />

year to prepare the meals.<br />

Contact: Denise Funk, Fifi<br />

Guest, or Mary Jo Bryan<br />



The Pastoral Care Committee<br />

meets to coordinate the wide<br />

array of pastoral care<br />

ministries parishioners can be<br />

involved in as well as identify<br />

areas for <strong>All</strong> <strong>Saints'</strong> to grow in<br />

its provision of pastoral care as<br />

a church.<br />

Contact:Ellen Porter<br />


If you are looking for a fun, flexible, and fulfilling<br />

volunteer job, come to Respite Care Atlanta! <strong>All</strong><br />

Saints’ is one of the founding congregations and<br />

volunteer providers for Respite Care Atlanta<br />

(RCA). RCA is a much needed program that<br />

provides daily activities for adults with cognitive<br />

challenges. These activities not only promote the<br />

emotional and spiritual well-being of the<br />

participants but also welcomed respite for their<br />

caregivers. RCA is flourishing and growing,<br />

providing opportunities for both participants and<br />

volunteers to become involved. Housed at<br />

Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church at<br />

Peachtree and East Wesley, RCA currently serves<br />

“members” of Club RCA on Tuesdays and/or<br />

Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.<br />

Contact: Harriet Shaffer<br />


Sunday Callers re-arrange flowers from the<br />

High Altar each Sunday into individual vases<br />

that are then delivered to parishioners in need.<br />

Sunday Callers often work in teams and can<br />

expect to serve no more than one Sunday a<br />

month and may skip months as needed.<br />

Volunteers are required to complete diocesan<br />

training requirements for Safeguarding God’s<br />

People and go through a brief SC orientation.<br />

Contact:Pat Robinson or Ellen Porter<br />


Join us at Onrealm.org to<br />

find contact information for each<br />

of our programs.<br />

634 West Peachtree Street NW | Atlanta, Georgia 30308-1925<br />

telephone: 404.881.0835 | facsimile: 404.881.3796<br />


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