Catalyst | August 2022
Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at SPK Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon
Monthly insight of student and teacher activities at SPK Sekolah Pelita Bangsa Cirebon
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Principal's Message<br />
Indonesian Independence<br />
Day Celebration<br />
EduTech <strong>2022</strong><br />
Respect Class Party<br />
Students' Achievement<br />
Student Club <strong>2022</strong>-2023<br />
ECE - Kindergarten<br />
Immunization Program<br />
Spotlight On<br />
Good mental health habits for kids<br />
by Michael Grose<br />
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This month Indonesia celebrates its 77th<br />
Independence Day with a theme of “Pulih<br />
Lebih Cepat, Bangkit Lebih Kuat”.<br />
Sekolah Pelita Bangsa shares the<br />
optimism and challenges the theme<br />
entails to recover from the pandemic<br />
and emerge as a stronger learning<br />
community. The last two academic<br />
years posed a lot of challenges to all<br />
of our students. While most of our<br />
students strived academically, we<br />
have noted that our students need to<br />
focus more on developing certain skills<br />
such as communication, collaboration,<br />
psychomotor, and social-emotional skills.<br />
While it is a big task to tackle during this<br />
still uncertain time, the collaboration<br />
and support from all SPB stakeholders<br />
coupled with patience, dedication, and<br />
hard work are a guarantee of success.<br />
Warm Regards,<br />
I would also like to commend the<br />
achievement of many of our class of<br />
<strong>2022</strong> students (former JC2) in their<br />
Cambridge AS/A Level examination,<br />
taken in May-June <strong>2022</strong>. This class<br />
set a new record on the number of<br />
students getting A and A* in various<br />
Cambridge AS/A Level subjects at<br />
Sekolah Pelita Bangsa. In the same<br />
way, I would also congratulate many<br />
of our JC1 students who also scored<br />
very well in their Cambridge IGCSE<br />
examination, the May-June <strong>2022</strong><br />
series. They proved that with resilience<br />
and perseverance, they could<br />
overcome all the challenges they faced<br />
during the two years of learning online<br />
before the examination.<br />
Please enjoy the special articles<br />
curated just for you and your family,<br />
along with updates and news about<br />
our school. Please look forward to the<br />
exciting activities we have prepared for<br />
our students to celebrate Indonesian<br />
Independence face to face this year.<br />
Good mental health habits for kids<br />
by Michael Grose<br />
19<br />
Regina Elisabeth T. B.Sc, M.Ed<br />
(Executive Principal)<br />
Nusantara : Cirebonese Language<br />
Apa itu Speech Delay, Bagaimana Cara<br />
Mencegah dan Mengatasinya?<br />
20<br />
22<br />
is SPB new magazine in digital format<br />
– Save the earth<br />
– Easy acess & archive, get the previous edition in a finger tip<br />
– Colorful & clean template design<br />
– More interactive! Click to view video<br />
Location : Kindergarten Classroom<br />
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Click link below for share your child achievements:<br /><br />
Video<br />
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Empathise: Invite your son to see the<br />
behaviour through the eyes of his sister.<br />
‘How do you think your sister/friend feels<br />
right now?’<br />
Teaching boys to<br />
respect women<br />
by Dr Rosina McAlpine<br />
Most studies shows that a boy’s disrespect<br />
towards girls generally begins in childhood.<br />
Disrespect shows in small behavioural ways<br />
that can often be ignored or go unnoticed.<br />
These behaviours include teasing, using<br />
put downs and through verbal bullying and<br />
harassment. We can break the cycle by<br />
teaching our children to be respectful and<br />
caring toward all genders from a young age.<br />
Start the conversation about respect early<br />
Start by responding to your child calmly<br />
when they are disrespectful to others.<br />
The following three-step communication<br />
approach can be used from early childhood<br />
through to teen years. Let’s put it into<br />
practice. If a boy is making fun of his sister<br />
or a female friend:<br />
Stop: Respond calmly rather than react<br />
asking him to stop the teasing. It’s handy to<br />
have a phrase you can rely on when under<br />
pressure. For instance, “Stop please. That’s a<br />
personal put down. We don’t use put downs<br />
in this family.<br />
Educate: Provide options such as ignoring<br />
his sister or friend if she’s annoying him or<br />
providing an appropriate social script he can<br />
use to communicate his thoughts such as,<br />
“I find it annoying when you don’t share the<br />
computer”<br />
The acronym SEE (stop, empathise,<br />
educate) will help you remember these<br />
steps.<br />
It’s a marathon, not a sprint<br />
When it comes to gaining academic<br />
knowledge and learning skills, parents<br />
know it takes years of consistent effort<br />
from childhood through to adolescence.<br />
In the same way, parents can take a longterm<br />
approach to teaching life skills such<br />
as respecting women, beginning right from<br />
toddler to teen.<br />
Resources you can use<br />
The Stop it at the Start campaign provides<br />
parents, family members and others with<br />
information and practical resources to selfreflect,<br />
and talk to boys and girls aged 10-<br />
17 about being respectful and caring. You<br />
can find videos, guides and other resources<br />
to help you have conversations with your<br />
children here.<br />
There is so much we can do in families<br />
to develop healthy attitudes toward<br />
women. Through modelling and teaching<br />
we can change entrenched attitudes and<br />
behaviours that will put an end to the cycle<br />
of violence against you as<br />
the person who taught them the skills of<br />
emotional intelligence. How cool is that?!<br />
Source:<br />
16 17
Good mental health habits for kids<br />
by Michael Grose<br />
Having good mental health doesn’t<br />
mean kids don’t experience difficulties or<br />
worries. Feeling worried, sad or fearful is<br />
normal. Kids who are mentally healthy are<br />
equipped to handle many of life’s curve<br />
balls that come their way. They also don’t<br />
let their emotions overwhelm them. As<br />
a result they learn better and have more<br />
friends as well.<br />
As a parent it’s useful to reflect on the<br />
mental health habits that you promote in<br />
your kids. Here are ten ways to promote<br />
good mental health and wellbeing in kids.<br />
1. Model good mental health habits: If<br />
you, like many parents, live constantly<br />
with stress then consider ways to actively<br />
minimise it, such as getting regular<br />
exercise, plenty of sleep and doing<br />
relaxation. Not only will this improve<br />
your mental health, and make you easier<br />
to live with, it will send a strong positive<br />
message that mental health is important.<br />
It’s worth remembering that kids learn<br />
what they live, so make sure they see<br />
good mental health habits first hand.<br />
2. Make sure they get enough sleep:<br />
Sleep is the one of the building blocks<br />
of mental health and wellbeing. Many<br />
children and just about all teenagers<br />
are sleep-deprived at the moment.<br />
Many parents are sleep-deprived as<br />
well! Children need between 10 and 12<br />
hours’ sleep to enable proper growth and<br />
development, while teenagers need a<br />
minimum of nine hours. One of the single<br />
most powerful strategies to improve<br />
kids’ abilities to cope with stressful or<br />
changing situations is to ensure they get<br />
enough sleep.<br />
3. Encourage your kids to exercise: When<br />
my mum would tell me all those years<br />
ago to turn the television off and go<br />
outside and play, she didn’t know she was<br />
promoting good mental health. She just<br />
knew that physical activity was a good<br />
thing for an active growing boy. Kids<br />
today get less exercise than those of past<br />
generations, which is an impediment to<br />
mental health. Exercise stimulates the<br />
chemicals that improve mood and release<br />
the stress that builds up over a day. An<br />
hour’s movement per day seems the<br />
minimum for kids. How much exercise<br />
does your child receive?<br />
4. Encourage creative outlets: Kids should<br />
practise creativity if for no other reason<br />
than it helps them experience the state<br />
of ‘flow’. This is the state of getting so<br />
immersed in an activity that you forget<br />
about time and place. Writers and other<br />
creatives understand the concept of flow.<br />
It’s energizing and helps take stressed and<br />
worried kids out of themselves.<br />
5. Provide a space of their own: Children<br />
of all ages benefit from having some<br />
space of their own where they can<br />
think. Quiet time and down time give<br />
boys the chance to let their thoughts<br />
wander around inside their heads. It also<br />
helps them get to know, and even like,<br />
themselves. Boys will often do their best<br />
thinking on their own, so they tend to<br />
retreat to their caves (bedroom) when<br />
things go wrong at school or in their<br />
relationships. They need to go within to<br />
find their own answer.<br />
6. Talk about their troubles: A problem<br />
shared is a problem halved. Talking about<br />
what’s worrying you is a great way to<br />
remove the burden of worry and reduce<br />
anxiousness. Some kids bottle up what’s<br />
inside, while others will catastrophise a<br />
situation, which can make matters seem<br />
worse. If your child has a problem let him<br />
know that his concerns are important to<br />
you. Kids often can’t tell you what may<br />
be wrong, so be observant and gently ask<br />
questions to help gain a clearer picture of<br />
how kids may be feeling.<br />
7. Help them relax: Make sure your child<br />
has a hobby or activity that relaxes them.<br />
The ability to relax and get away from the<br />
stresses of everyday life is essential.<br />
Some children who have real difficulty<br />
switching off may benefit from<br />
practising meditation or mindfulness,<br />
but most kids just need time to chill out<br />
so they can relax naturally. (I personally<br />
practise mindfulness and have found it<br />
a really helpful way to turn off my brain<br />
for a while!)<br />
8. Have two routines – weekday and<br />
weekend: Most households are pretty<br />
highly scheduled these days. There are<br />
routines for getting up, coming home,<br />
eating meals and going to bed. These<br />
structures are necessary when we’re<br />
busy. Families need a second, more<br />
relaxed weekend routine that helps kids<br />
relax and unwind. It’s important to have<br />
this release valve if families are flat out<br />
busy during the week.<br />
9. Foster volunteering and helpfulness:<br />
Social isolation is a huge predictor of<br />
poor mental health. Encourage your<br />
child to be connected to and help<br />
others in any way possible. Helping<br />
others reinforces social connectedness<br />
and the importance of being part of<br />
a community, as well as providing<br />
opportunities for positive recognition.<br />
10. Bring fun and playfulness into<br />
their lives: Kids should be the kings<br />
and queens of play; however, some<br />
children live such full-on, organised<br />
lives that much of the natural fun<br />
and spontaneity has been stripped<br />
from their everyday life. Mucking<br />
around, which is code for having fun,<br />
is something many children of this<br />
generation don’t have time for. If you<br />
see your child constantly stressed or<br />
overwhelmed by events, change the<br />
mood by going to a movie, joining them<br />
in a game or seeking other ways to<br />
have some fun.<br />
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Apa Itu Speech Delay, Bagaimana Cara<br />
Mencegah dan Mengatasinya?<br />
Elizabeth B. Hurlock, seorang<br />
pakar psikologi perkembangan<br />
mengatakan bahwa seorang anak<br />
dikatakan mengalami speech delay<br />
jika perkembangan bicaranya<br />
terlambat dibanding dengan anak<br />
sebayanya. Maksud terlambat di sini<br />
adalah dalam hal kejelasan dan ketepatan<br />
penggunaan kata maupun kosa kata yang<br />
dimiliki.<br />
Apa saja penyebab anak terlambat<br />
bicara?<br />
1. Kurangnya stimulasi<br />
Anak dibiarkan beraktivitas sendiri tanpa<br />
diajak bicara. Orang yang berada di<br />
sekitarnya pun tidak mengajaknya bicara.<br />
Membiarkan anak berinteraksi dengan<br />
gadget sepanjang hari disinyalir sebagai<br />
salah satu sebab anak terlambat bicara.<br />
Karena anak hanya mendengar tanpa ikut<br />
bicara.<br />
2. Biasa mengungkapkan keinginan<br />
dengan menunjuk<br />
Kebiasaan orang tua yang cepat tanggap<br />
melayani anak tanpa dia mengucapkan<br />
apa yang dibutuhkan juga menjadi salah<br />
satu penyebab.<br />
Anak satu tahun seharusnya sudah<br />
bisa mengucapkan satu kata, seperti<br />
susu, minum. Jadi jangan langsung<br />
mengambilkan minuman ketika anak<br />
hanya berbunyi "eee..", sambil menunjuk<br />
gelas minumnya. Hal ini akan membuat<br />
anak malas memaksa dirinya berlatih<br />
bicara, toh semua kebutuhannya dapat<br />
terpenuhi hanya dengan menunjuk.<br />
3. Pembiasaan cara bicara yang salah<br />
Anak kecil yang berbicara dengan bahasa<br />
bayi yang cadel memang terdengar lucu<br />
dan menggemaskan. Namun tidak boleh<br />
dibiarkan, orang tua harus mengoreksi<br />
agar anak tahu cara mengucapkan yang<br />
benar.<br />
4. Gangguan pendengaran<br />
Anak yang mempunyai masalah dengan<br />
pendengaran, otomatis kesulitan bicara.<br />
Karena mereka tidak mempunyai rekaman<br />
kata-kata dari pendengaran, selain itu area<br />
otak yang mengatur fungsi komunikasi<br />
juga tidak berkembang dengan baik ketika<br />
pendengarannya bermasalah.<br />
5. Masalah pada alat ucap<br />
Jika ada masalah pada alat ucap,<br />
tentunya bantuan ahli diperlukan.<br />
Penanganan sejak awal dapat mengurangi<br />
bahkan menghilangkan masalah yang<br />
timbul.<br />
Bagaimana mencegah dan mengatasi<br />
masalah terlambat bicara?<br />
1. Bijaksana dalam memanfaatkan gadget<br />
Gadget tidak selalu buruk, banyak hal<br />
yang bisa dipelajari anak dari gadget<br />
selain berfungsi menghibur. Saat<br />
anak menonton, misal lagu anak-anak,<br />
ajak anak mengikuti kata dan gerak<br />
penyanyinya. Ini akan melatih anak<br />
mengembangkan kemampuan bicara dan<br />
juga melatih motoriknya.<br />
2. Ucapkan apa yang sedang dilakukan<br />
ketika bersama anak dengan bahasa yang<br />
benar.<br />
Biasakan mengajak anak bicara sejak dia<br />
bayi. Bahkan ada ahli yang mengatakan<br />
bahwa baik untuk mengajak bicara<br />
bahkan sejak masih di dalam kandungan.<br />
Begitu pula ketika orang di sekitarnya<br />
sedang melakukan sesuatu dan anak<br />
mengamati. Jelaskan padanya apa yang<br />
sedang dilakukan orang tersebut.<br />
3. Ucapkan pula apa yang sedang<br />
dilakukan anak<br />
Misal ketika anak mendorong mobil<br />
mainan. Katakan, “Adek sedang<br />
mendorong mobil”. Jika anak sudah<br />
berusia 18 bulan ke atas, minta<br />
anak mengulangi yang kita ucapkan,<br />
“mendorong mobil”.<br />
Intinya orang tua, pengasuh dan orang<br />
yang berada di sekitar anak harus rajin<br />
bicara dan mengajaknya bicara. Ini<br />
adalah stimulus terbaik bagi anak.<br />
4. Latih anak mengatakan apa yang dia<br />
inginkan (terlebih jika sudah berusia<br />
satu tahun ke atas)<br />
Jangan memberi respon kalau hanya<br />
sebatas menunjuk saja. Walau<br />
ucapannya belum sempurna, meminta<br />
anak berbicara membuat anak tahu<br />
bahwa hanya dengan berusaha<br />
mengatakan apa yang diinginkan.<br />
Setelah adanya usaha bicara dari anak,<br />
baru orang tua bereaksi.<br />
5. Apresiasi lengkap dengan ekspresi<br />
setiap usaha anak berbicara<br />
Misal ketika anak menunjuk-nunjuk<br />
boneka. Katakan “Adek mau boneka..,<br />
coba bilang “Mau boneka”. Mungkin<br />
kemampuannya mengulang baru<br />
sebatas “ Au neka”.<br />
Kita apresiasi dengan senyuman<br />
dan pelukan, saat berikan boneka<br />
kepadanya ulangi “Mau boneka”. Anak<br />
akan jadi paham bahwa begitulah cara<br />
pengucapan yang tepat.<br />
6. Bacakan cerita setiap malam<br />
Seorang peneliti dari New York<br />
University, School of Medicine<br />
bahkan melakukan penelitian yang<br />
membuktikan bahwa bayi yang<br />
dibacakan cerita sejak usia enam bulan<br />
memiliki kosa kata yang jauh lebih<br />
banyak dibandingkan bayi yang tidak<br />
dibacakan cerita oleh orang tuanya.<br />
Jangan sepelekan pentingnya<br />
perkembangan bicara pada anak.<br />
Kemampuan bicara besar pengaruhnya<br />
pada perkembangan kognitif anak,<br />
bahkan pada kemampuannya<br />
bersosialisasi.<br />
22 23<br />
Do you need space to support your event?<br />
Pelita Auditorium<br />
a theatre seated-style,<br />
just might be the right<br />
choice for your venue!<br />
It can accomodate up to 189 person,<br />
equipped with sound mixer, projector,<br />
as well as well-padded accoustic wall.<br />
It also has a spacious foyer space to<br />
support your event.<br />
Further info:<br />
Marketing office: (0231) 208887<br />
Special price for SPB family member<br />
Post your<br />
product in<br />
SPB News<br />
– SPB News is supposedly read by more than 1,000 readers per edition<br />
– Well segmented target market<br />
– It’s a right place to build your brand awareness<br />
– Very affordable<br />
Further details, please contact us at:
Connect with us<br />
(Click The icons)<br />
Sekolah Pelita Bangsa<br />
@sekolahpelitabangsacirebon<br /><br />
0231-208887<br />
0897 8407 888<br /><br />
Sekolah Pelita Bangsa<br />
Inspiring Minds Podcast<br />
Taman Cipto Blok A1<br />
Kav 6, Cirebon – 45131<br />
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