Alabama Nurse - August 2022
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A publication of<br />
The <strong>Alabama</strong> State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> • Volume 49 • Issue 3<br />
A quarterly publication distributed to more than 72,000 RNs and LPNs in <strong>Alabama</strong><br />
A message from your<br />
ASNA President<br />
Dr. Lindsey Harris, DNP, FNP-BC<br />
SEPT 19-21. <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Grand Hotel Golf Resort<br />
& Spa in Point Clear, AL<br />
Inside<br />
Hot Jobs! .................................... 2<br />
LPN Corner. .................................. 3<br />
Passing the Torch. ............................. 3<br />
Five Auburn graduate students named to state’s<br />
largest cohort of Albert Schweitzer Fellows........... 4<br />
Welcome New ASNA Members. ................... 5<br />
ASNA Names New Executive Director. .............. 6<br />
Convention News. ........................... 6-9<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Dr. Moore Distinguished Faculty Award<br />
Is Presented To Dr. Barbara Wilder................. 9<br />
Getting Clear on Bullying Versus Incivility ........... 11<br />
How Can Employers Address the<br />
Nursing Shortage Post-COVID?. .................. 12<br />
I want to thank you all for the opportunity to<br />
serve. Serving as President of the <strong>Alabama</strong> State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (ASNA) is such an honor. The last<br />
two years have been very challenging, momentous,<br />
and revealing. Life is very different from what we<br />
remember before the pandemic. For many, new<br />
experiences have provided new vision and a new<br />
purpose in life.<br />
Over the past two years <strong>Alabama</strong> nurses have risen<br />
to the challenge. The challenge of saving lives, the<br />
continuing challenge of staffing shortages, the challenge<br />
of low pay wages, the challenge of virtually engaging<br />
students, and the challenges of work/family life balance<br />
all during the COVID-19 pandemic. <strong>Nurse</strong>s across the<br />
state have publicly spoken on their concerns for the<br />
profession and the patients they serve and revealed the<br />
need for self-advocacy and collective power. I am so<br />
PROUD to say I am a <strong>Nurse</strong> in <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
The term resilience continues to permeate the nursing<br />
profession. The definition of resilience is the capacity<br />
to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness, and<br />
the ability of a substance or object to spring back into<br />
shape; elasticity. <strong>Nurse</strong>s have and continue to experience<br />
transitions, pivots, and recovery. The <strong>Alabama</strong> State<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s Association has done so as well! We have had<br />
three staff to retire while maintaining a steady ship,<br />
hired an interim Executive Director and now a full-time<br />
Executive Director. We have responded, implemented,<br />
and have spoken on the needs of <strong>Alabama</strong> nurses; and<br />
Six months ago I assumed<br />
the role of interim Executive<br />
Director for ASNA. I honestly<br />
thought this would be a six<br />
week role of holding court,<br />
but with the support of Dr.<br />
Lindsey Harris, incoming<br />
President James Hardin,<br />
and an active and forwardthinking<br />
Board of Directors<br />
we looked to the future and<br />
made changes to make ASNA<br />
run more efficiently and economically. YOUR ASNA<br />
Board has been intricately involved in finding solutions<br />
to guide ASNA to becoming one of the most highly<br />
regarded State Nursing Organizations in the country.<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> ASNA Convention will be held in Point<br />
Clear, AL, at The Grand Hotel. The convention<br />
planning committee meets every other week to<br />
ensure that the Convention will be educational, fun,<br />
and engaging. The Convention will be ASNA’s first<br />
Convention since 2019 and will be an amazing way<br />
to reconnect, rekindle friendships, make new friends,<br />
learn about programs that promote nurses throughout<br />
our state, and have FUN! YOU can engage in the<br />
decision-making of the Association by serving as<br />
a delegate for your region. Not been active in your<br />
region? This is an excellent way to be engaged in<br />
your Region and the State Association by serving<br />
ED’s Notes<br />
we have built stronger relationships and partnerships,<br />
developing more opportunities to continue the mission<br />
and vision of the organization.<br />
You can't build a great building on a weak foundation.<br />
You must have a solid foundation if you're going to<br />
have a strong superstructure.<br />
~Gordon B. Hinckley~<br />
The cohesive support from ASNA’s president-elect,<br />
entire board, past presidents, office staff, and members<br />
has provided great opportunities for the future of<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>s. We have captured the attention<br />
of citizens, hospitals, and governmental officials.<br />
We must continue to spread the word amongst our<br />
colleagues, continuing to build our nursing family and<br />
a solid foundation of unity. The <strong>Alabama</strong> States <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association voice has been amplified and we must<br />
continue to accelerate and advance the pace by coming<br />
together to use our collective power. I will always<br />
cherish this opportunity to serve! Again, thank you!<br />
Our Mission:<br />
Commitment to promoting excellence in nursing.<br />
Our Vision:<br />
To be the professional voice of all<br />
registered nurses in <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
Interim Executive Director Update<br />
as a delegate. Unsure as to whom to contact – call<br />
April Bishop, ASNA Administrative Director at<br /><br />
It is my pleasure to announce that after an extensive<br />
Executive Director search the search committee and<br />
ASNA Board of Directors have selected Dr. Laura Hart<br />
as the full-time Executive Director. Dr. Hart has a strong<br />
background as an emergency nurse practitioner. She<br />
is a strong advocate for nursing and has an unmatched<br />
passion for promoting the role of nursing. Dr. Hart will<br />
assume the full-time permanent Executive Director role<br />
on September 1, <strong>2022</strong>. Please welcome her and support<br />
Dr. Hart and the Board of Directors in ASNA’s mission<br />
statement of “Commitment to promoting excellence in<br />
nursing.”<br />
Over the next month, Dr. Hart and I will be<br />
transitioning the responsibilities of running the<br />
Association. It has been a true pleasure to have served<br />
as the interim Executive Director over the last six<br />
months. ASNA serves a vital role in the health and<br />
life of nursing and nurses and I know that under<br />
the leadership of Dr. Hart and the BOD ASNA will<br />
continue to move forward and impact the state of<br />
nursing in <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
D’Ann Somerall,<br />
Interim Executive Director<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association
Page 2 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
HOT JOBS!<br />
The <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association is proud<br />
to announce a fresh UNIQUE opportunity for job<br />
seekers and employers. Our new Career Center, HOT<br />
JOBS marries two services that have great benefits<br />
for job seekers and employers. The HOT JOBS site,<br />, helps the prospective employee<br />
(nurse) enhance their chances in the application / interview<br />
process with FREE consultation from ASNA’s professional<br />
career coach, Bridget Stevens. Bridget has over 25 years<br />
experience as a recruiter in the medical field and is widely<br />
respected by major employers in the state. You can ask for<br />
her help at the email provided below.<br />
Employers will love using HOT JOBS to prioritize<br />
high demand positions in their posts. Bridget can help<br />
employers get set up on HOT JOBS and refer qualified<br />
candidates with no recruiting fee! If you are a job seeker<br />
or HR staff, give Bridget a call or email and find out how<br />
ASNA’s HOT JOBS can help you.<br />
ASNA Board of Directors<br />
President Lindsey Harris, DNP, FNP-BC<br />
President-elect James Hardin, MSc, BSN, RN, NE-BC<br />
Vice President Jennifer Humphries, DNP, CRNP, NNP-BC<br />
Secretary Lisa Gurley, PhD, RN, CNE, COAT<br />
Treasurer Frankie Wallis, DNP, FNP, NEA-BC, COI<br />
District 1 Kindra Swauger, BSN, RN, CRC<br />
District 2 Abby Horton, EdD, RN, CHC, CLC<br />
District 3 Adrienne Curry, DNP, RN<br />
District 4 Brenda Woodmansee, DNP, RN<br />
District 5 Katilya Ware, PhD, RN<br />
Commission on Professional Issues: Jo Ann Otts, DNP,<br />
RN, NEA-BC<br />
Parlimentarian: Philip Cohn, RN<br />
Recent Grad Liaison: Kristina Gentle,<br />
BSN, RN<br />
ASNA Staff<br />
Interim Executive Director, D'Ann Somerall, DNP,<br />
Programs & Structural Unit Coordinator,<br />
April Bishop, MPA, BS, ASIT<br />
Updated Author Submission<br />
Guidelines for <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong><br />
Manuscript Format – Submit in APA style as double<br />
spaced word document using 12 –point font. Include article’s<br />
title and author(s) name, credentials, organization/employer,<br />
contact information and current email address. Authors must<br />
address any potential conflict of interest, whether financial or<br />
other, and identify any applicable commercial affiliation.<br />
Photographs – Photographs of high resolution (300 dpi<br />
preferred) may be submitted digitally as a separate file in<br />
.jpg or .tiff format. Photos taken for ASNA related purposes<br />
may be used in ASNA publications/social media unless other<br />
requested by the subject. Supply a caption or photo credit for<br />
each photo. All material submitted become the property of<br />
ASNA.<br />
Advertising – Product, program, promotional, or service<br />
announcements are considered advertisement, please contact<br />
our publisher, Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. at<br /> or phone 800-626-4081.<br />
Our Mission<br />
ASNA is committed to promoting excellence in nursing.<br />
Our Vision<br />
ASNA is the professional voice of all<br />
registered nurses in <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
Our Values<br />
• Modeling professional nursing practices to other<br />
nurses<br />
• Adhering to the Code of Ethics for <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
• Becoming more recognizably influential as an<br />
association<br />
• Unifying nurses<br />
• Advocating for nurses<br />
• Promoting cultural diversity<br />
• Promoting health parity<br />
• Advancing professional competence<br />
• Promoting the ethical care and the human dignity of<br />
every person<br />
• Maintaining integrity in all nursing careers<br />
Advertising<br />
For advertising rates and information, please contact Arthur<br />
L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc., PO Box 216, Cedar Falls,<br />
Iowa 50613, (800) 626-4081, ASNA and<br />
the Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. reserve the<br />
right to reject any advertisement. Responsibility for errors in<br />
advertising is limited to corrections in the next issue or refund<br />
of price of advertisement.<br />
Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement<br />
or approval by the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association<br />
of products advertised, the advertisers, or the claims<br />
made. Rejection of an advertisement does not imply a<br />
product offered for advertising is without merit, or that<br />
the manufacturer lacks integrity, or that this association<br />
disapproves of the product or its use. ASNA and the Arthur<br />
L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. shall not be held liable<br />
for any consequences resulting from purchase or use of an<br />
advertiser’s product. Articles appearing in this publication<br />
express the opinions of the authors; they do not necessarily<br />
reflect views of the staff, board, or membership of ASNA or<br />
those of the national or local associations.<br />
The <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> is published quarterly every February,<br />
May, <strong>August</strong> and November for the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association, 360 North Hull Street, Montgomery, AL 36104<br />
© Copyright by the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association is a constituent<br />
member of the American <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association.
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 3<br />
LPN Corner<br />
Communication<br />
Perspectives On<br />
Clients With Dementia<br />
Gregory Howard<br />
LPN<br />
Working as a Healthcare<br />
Worker without compassion and<br />
patience is unacceptable. For<br />
people with dementia, they need,<br />
must, have care with a deep<br />
understanding of their disease<br />
process. Dementia is loss of<br />
memory, inability to perform<br />
daily tasks and the deterioration of<br />
communication skills, etc. Although medication is the main<br />
treatment for this condition, the physical treatment by the<br />
Healthcare Worker is an important part of their care.<br />
I believe these actions are a must:<br />
1. Speak softly<br />
2. Try to redirect inappropriate behavior<br />
3. Delegate familiar tasks to the individual<br />
4. Try music or a TV program the person will enjoy<br />
5. Go for a walk in a controlled environment<br />
6. Offer tasks associated with past work or pleasure<br />
activities<br />
Passing the Torch<br />
James Hardin, MSc, BSN, RN, NE-BC<br />
President-Elect, ASNA<br />
After nearly 30 years of practicing as a nurse, it<br />
is easy for me to forget the excitement and anxiety<br />
of being a new nurse. Dr. Jennifer Humphries and<br />
I were honored to pin our daughters this spring<br />
as they graduated from nursing school. Jennifer's<br />
daughter, Alisha Isbell, graduated from the University<br />
of <strong>Alabama</strong> Capstone School of Nursing, while my<br />
daughter, Hunter Hardin, graduated from Marian<br />
University's School of Nursing in Nashville. Alisha<br />
is working in the Emergency Department at DCH<br />
Regional Hospital and Hunter is working in the<br />
Operating Room at Vanderbilt University Hospital.<br />
Going through the process with my daughter brought<br />
back memories of both the relief of completing a<br />
grueling nursing program and the anxiety of taking<br />
on the responsibilities of a challenging career. I know<br />
Jennifer and I both worry about the stressors and<br />
risks our daughters will face in this ever-changing<br />
healthcare environment. As we both pass the torch,<br />
we hope to continue to advocate for nurses for<br />
generations to come.<br />
Also remember this could be you, and how would you<br />
like to be treated?<br />
Just remember compassion and patience.<br />
Dr. Jennifer Humphries, Vice-President ASNA<br />
and daughter Alisha Isbell<br />
James Hardin, President-Elect ASNA and<br />
daughter Hunter Hardin
Page 4 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Five Auburn graduate students named to state’s largest cohort<br />
of Albert Schweitzer Fellows<br />
Amy Weaver | Auburn Advancement<br />
Five Auburn University graduate students are part of<br />
the <strong>2022</strong>-23 class of Albert Schweitzer Fellows, the largest<br />
cohort to date for the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
The class of 20 students, representing fields of<br />
medicine, pharmacy, nursing, nutrition science, public<br />
health, dentistry and counseling at Auburn and the<br />
University of <strong>Alabama</strong> at Birmingham, will spend 13<br />
months immersed in community public health projects.<br />
Their projects will improve the health and social<br />
well-being of their populations of choice throughout the<br />
state while simultaneously strengthening their leadership<br />
skills. In doing so, they will continue the legacy of the<br />
fellowship’s namesake, the famed physician-humanitarian<br />
Dr. Albert Schweitzer.<br />
Auburn’s fellows are Chelsea Gayre, College of<br />
Nursing; Chigozie “Joi” Chinakwe, Micah Grey and<br />
German “Andres” Tovar, Harrison College of Pharmacy;<br />
and Jou-Chun “Renee” Pan, College of Education.<br />
“We share in the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong>’s commitment to meeting the current and future<br />
needs of underserved communities through the training of<br />
the next generation of medical professionals,” said Hollie<br />
C. Cost, assistant vice president for University Outreach<br />
and Public Service at Auburn. “We are particularly excited<br />
about the unique opportunity this provides our graduate<br />
students to develop and implement field-based projects that<br />
positively impact these <strong>Alabama</strong> populations, perpetuating<br />
AU Outreach’s commitment to equity.”<br />
Growing up in the small, rural community of<br />
Carrollton, Ohio, Gayre developed an interest in rural<br />
communities and health care access. Her fellowship<br />
project involves implementing telehealth services within<br />
primary care offices.<br />
“The goal is to identify disparities in care, identify best<br />
practices and implement those for the purpose of testing<br />
feasibility of long-term success within the community<br />
health centers,” she said. “We hope to close gaps in<br />
social determinants of health for those residing in rural<br />
communities who are unable to travel for specialty care.<br />
I will work with the telehealth platform Vital Engine<br />
LLC. and partners at the University of <strong>Alabama</strong> at<br />
Birmingham.”<br />
Gayre currently holds a part-time registered nurse<br />
position in the cardiac catheterization lab at Wellstar<br />
Health System in Georgia. She received an associate<br />
degree and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Kent<br />
State University in Ohio before coming to Auburn for her<br />
master’s degree in nursing.<br />
Pan, a first-year master’s student in the clinical<br />
rehabilitation counseling program, has a passion for<br />
working with youth and emerging adults with disabilities<br />
to help them improve their quality of life and support<br />
their willingness to break the stigma against disabilities in<br />
society.<br />
Her project involves working with young adults with<br />
disabilities, including their caregivers, at the BraveHeart<br />
Center for Place and Purpose in Auburn to address their<br />
special needs by using assistive technology to improve<br />
their quality of life. In addition to enhancing youths’<br />
time management, medication management, nutritional<br />
awareness and social interaction skills, this health and<br />
wellness project aims to support each student in achievin<br />
their specific goals for the next chapter of their lives by<br />
using a holistic and person-centered approach.<br />
Pan says the ultimate goal will not only encourage<br />
a higher level of independence as they transition into a<br />
working environment or continue their education, but also<br />
provide a channel for the participants to establish selfadvocacy,<br />
self-determination and empowerment skills.<br />
Chinakwe and Grey, members of the pharmacy Class<br />
of 2025, are partners in their project, “Junior Healthcare<br />
Leaders of <strong>Alabama</strong>,” which focuses on providing health<br />
literacy and health equity to underserved communities in<br />
Macon County, <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
“Being able to give back to <strong>Alabama</strong>’s underserved<br />
communities like those that reflect Macon County,<br />
Marengo County and Dallas County has been a passion<br />
of mine since attending Tuskegee University,” said<br />
Chinakwe. “Being able to carry Dr. Schweitzer’s legacy,<br />
teachings and generosity to areas of <strong>Alabama</strong> where I have<br />
not only witnessed but experienced those hardships is so<br />
fulfilling.”<br />
To address this issue, Chinakwe and Grey will provide<br />
an after-school course to teach students how to manage<br />
disease states, prevent negative health outcomes and<br />
prepare them for health events that commonly impact<br />
Alabamians on a day-to-day basis.<br />
The purpose of the ANE/SANE funding is to increase the number of<br />
Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s (RNs), Advanced Practice Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s (APRNs)<br />
and Forensic <strong>Nurse</strong>s trained and certified as sexual assault nurse examiners<br />
(SANEs) in communities on a local, state or regional level.<br />
USA offers two online didactic<br />
pathways to SANE education:<br />
1. Community and<br />
2. Academic (sub-specialty) Advanced Forensic Nursing.<br />
Simulated patient clinical skills training, certification preparation,<br />
continuing education and networking opportunities are available.<br />
Contact us: or (251) 517-5171<br /><br />
“This publication is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services<br />
(HHS) as part of an award totaling approximately $1.1 million with zero percentage financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those<br />
of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.”<br />
“This fellowship will equip me with the tools<br />
needed to successfully plan and run a community<br />
service project, geared toward improving health<br />
disparities, as well as health literacy in these<br />
counties,” said Grey.<br />
For Tovar, a member of the pharmacy Class of<br />
2024, his project, “Substance Use Disorder and its<br />
Impact on Adolescent Brain Development,” involves<br />
addressing how adolescence is characterized by<br />
numerous neurologic changes and increased hormonal<br />
production, both impacting behaviors.<br />
Though trends of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana<br />
use among adolescents are decreasing nationwide,<br />
Tovar notes that trends in <strong>Alabama</strong> are higher than<br />
national averages, making it vital to educate teenagers<br />
and prevent the development of substance abuse<br />
disorder.<br />
“I found that, by empowering our youth’s agency<br />
through knowledge and connection, it will enable<br />
them to make better choices with the ultimate goal<br />
of improving lives and improving society,” he said.<br />
“I feel inspired by the example of past and current<br />
fellows and hope that I can add to success of the<br />
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship as they have done.”<br />
Schweitzer Fellows work closely under the<br />
guidance of community site partners and academic<br />
mentors throughout the project period. Gayre is<br />
mentored by nursing Professor Linda Gibson-Young.<br />
Pan is mentored by Jinhee Park, assistant professor<br />
and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program<br />
coordinator.<br />
Chinakwe and Grey are mentored by Lawanda Gray,<br />
coordinator of school health services with Macon<br />
County Public Schools, and Pamela Stamm, associate<br />
professor in the Harrison College of Pharmacy’s<br />
Department of Pharmacy Practice. Tovar is mentored<br />
by Lindsey Hohmann, assistant professor in the<br />
Department of Pharmacy Practice.<br />
“The selection of new fellows each year is always a<br />
highlight, but this year held special significance due<br />
to the over 40 percent growth in the size of our <strong>2022</strong>-<br />
23 cohort,” said Kristin Boggs, executive director<br />
of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
“As vulnerable populations in our communities face<br />
significant obstacles to health and improved quality of<br />
life, it is encouraging to see more students rise to the<br />
challenge of tackling these issues head-on.<br />
“We are excited to come alongside these students,<br />
along with our academic and community-site partners,<br />
to channel their ideals and grow their commitment<br />
to using their knowledge to affect change for underresourced<br />
communities.”<br />
Upon completion of their fellowship year, the 20<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong> Schweitzer Fellows and approximately 200<br />
other <strong>2022</strong>-23 Schweitzer Fellows from across the<br />
United States will become Schweitzer Fellows for<br />
Life, joining an active network of Schweitzer alumni<br />
continuing their commitment to improving the public<br />
health of underserved communities throughout their<br />
careers.<br />
Neal Reid, Matt Crouch and Latha Bhavnani<br />
contributed to this story.<br /><br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 5<br />
Membership Corner<br />
Welcome New ASNA Members<br />
(April 16 – July 15, <strong>2022</strong>)<br />
DISTRICT 1:<br />
Alison Baker<br />
Stacey Barnett<br />
Robert Barricks<br />
Mollie Brackett<br />
Gloria Daniels<br />
Erica Hall<br />
Cori Johnson<br />
Morgan Jordan<br />
Barbie Kingsolver<br />
Deeann Kizziah<br />
Preston Miller<br />
Liza Moss<br />
Roxanne Navarro<br />
Mackenzie Shrock<br />
Ashley Smith<br />
Jessi Tidwell<br />
Shelley Torres<br />
Mary Utsey<br />
DISTRICT 2:<br />
Janice Barnes<br />
Kandice Bryson<br />
Kacie Duncan<br />
Amanda Forister<br />
Shannon Hall<br />
Vicki Hannah<br />
Jasmine Hardy<br />
Alva Johnson<br />
Jennifer Josey<br />
Aleshea Nicholson<br />
Sherjohn Solis<br />
Brooklyn Weems<br />
DISTRICT 3:<br />
Jessica Begue<br />
Ethan Broadhead<br />
Angela Bumpers<br />
Cathy Byers<br />
Amy Causey<br />
Leslie Cox<br />
Amanda Davis<br />
Mardell Davis<br />
Kate Fuah<br />
Angela Glassford<br />
Faith Gosa<br />
Karen Michelle Isbell Hansen<br />
Ina Helton<br />
Pamela Henley<br />
Lynda LaRue<br />
Tiffany McCurdy<br />
Angela Medici<br />
Joseph Mitchell<br />
David Mobley<br />
Mercy Mugo<br />
Maria Orrego Salas<br />
Dannelle Paz<br />
Fara Poe<br />
Sameera Rajpari<br />
Whitney Rucker<br />
Amanda Sanford<br />
Cecelia Sims<br />
Briania Smith<br />
Daphne Smith<br />
Paula Sullivan<br />
Emmalee Tidwell<br />
Kimberly Turner<br />
Lorene Waller<br />
Tamela Washington<br />
Donna Wiggins<br />
Rachel Willoughby<br />
Brian Wingate<br />
DISTRICT 4:<br />
Abiodun Ajayi<br />
Jessie Black<br />
Kelli Boots<br />
Tracy Bucher<br />
Jacobie Cheeseboro<br />
Stacy Clements<br />
Tara Coody<br />
Toinetta Coolie<br />
Hannah Crespo<br />
Tamara Dabney<br />
Susi Greene<br />
Whitley Harper<br />
Donna Holmes<br />
Holly Horne<br />
Marissa Jenkins<br />
Melanie Love<br />
Kenyada Marshall<br />
Sheri Salas<br />
Erin Sheppard<br />
Kimberly Shoemaker<br />
Amanda Yarbrough<br />
DISTRICT 5:<br />
Jeremy Allen<br />
Kathleen Beesley<br />
Sharon Blondheim<br />
Dadreion Calhoun<br />
Ariel Chavis<br />
Kerrie Cox<br />
Amy Dempsey<br />
Jessica Gentry<br />
Michelle Gilbert<br />
Ida Graham<br />
Kasey Holley<br />
Crystal Hopkins<br />
Molly Mims<br />
Krystal Niel<br />
Valarie O'Bannon<br />
Ashley Pippin<br />
Katrina Scruggs<br />
Nikeysa Smith<br />
Gary Walker<br />
ASNA/ANA membership only $15 a month! Join your colleagues at!
Page 6 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
ASNA Names New<br />
Executive Director<br />
The <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association (ASNA) Board of Directors<br />
and Search Committee have named Dr.<br />
Laura Hart as the next Executive Director<br />
(ED) for the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association. Dr. Hart officially assumes<br />
the ED role on September 1, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
succeeding Dr. D’Ann Somerall who has<br />
served as the interim ED since February<br />
1, <strong>2022</strong>. Dr. Hart has been a long-time<br />
member of ASNA and has played an<br />
active role in advancing the mission of<br />
ASNA over the years.<br />
Dr. Hart brings a wealth of clinical<br />
experience to the ED role which will<br />
serve all <strong>Alabama</strong> nurses well in knowing<br />
firsthand the issues and struggles of<br />
nurses. Dr. Hart is currently an Emergency <strong>Nurse</strong> Practitioner at Riverview<br />
Regional Medical Center. She recently developed and owns a family practice<br />
clinic in Rainbow City, <strong>Alabama</strong>.<br />
Dr. Hart’s involvement in ASNA includes serving on the Legislative<br />
Committee since 2020. She has a vast knowledge of the components that are<br />
required for Certified Registered <strong>Nurse</strong> Practitioners to gain full practice<br />
authority (FPA). Dr. Hart’s Doctor of Nursing Practice scholarly project<br />
explored FPA legislation and what is needed for AL NPs to gain FPA. Dr. Hart<br />
earned her DNP in 2020 from the University of <strong>Alabama</strong> at Huntsville.<br />
Dr. Hart is excited about the opportunities that are ahead for ASNA and<br />
nurses in <strong>Alabama</strong>. She recently stated, “I am passionate about improving the<br />
role of the nurse in <strong>Alabama</strong>. I have worked my entire professional career for<br />
an opportunity like serving as the ED of ASNA. I look forward to working<br />
with the BOD and nurses throughout <strong>Alabama</strong>.”<br />
Please feel free to contact Dr. Hart beginning September 1, <strong>2022</strong> at<br /><br />
Convention News<br />
Conference Theme:<br />
<strong>Nurse</strong>s: Up for the Challenge<br />
ASNA <strong>2022</strong> Annual In-Person Convention<br />
September 19–21, <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Grand Hotel | Point Clear, <strong>Alabama</strong>
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 7<br />
Convention News<br />
Guideline for Writing Resolutions<br />
A Resolution reflects the priorities of any organization. The <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
Association (ASNA) incorporates our Resolutions into the organization’s Strategic Plan<br />
for the following year. Shorter is better in writing a Resolution.<br />
The title of a Resolution should reflect the intent of the document. Structurally, it begins with<br />
“Whereas” statements. This will provide reasons and basic facts supporting the resolution of<br />
the issue. The statements should lead the reader to your conclusion (resolved). They should be<br />
factual rather than speculative and include references and/or statistical information to provide<br />
support for the document. Structurally the statements need to be brief, specify the issue, reflect<br />
urgency of the problem, effect of the issue, and indicate a call to action.<br />
The Resolution concludes with a “Resolved” statement identifying a specific proposal<br />
or course of action. This statement should be both actionable and measurable. Each<br />
Resolution should be a single sentence in length and make sense when read alone as this<br />
is a request for adoption of policy by ASNA.<br />
Structure is as follows:<br />
Whereas<br />
Whereas<br />
Whereas<br />
Resolved,<br />
Resolved,<br />
Resolved,<br />
The text of first preamble clause;<br />
… text of the next to last preamble; and<br />
… text of the last preamble clause; now, therefore, be it<br />
The text of the action to be taken;<br />
… text of next to last action to be taken; and<br />
… text of last action to be taken.<br />
Duties of Elected Officers<br />
1. assume the duties of the president in his/her absence.<br />
2. serve as a delegate to ANA House of Delegates.<br />
3. serve as a liaison to the districts.<br />
1. be responsible for monitoring the fiscal affairs of the association and shall<br />
provide reports and interpretation of ASNA's fiscal condition to the House of<br />
Delegates, the Board, and the membership.<br />
2. serve as chairperson of the Committee on Finance.<br />
1. submit the proposed slate of nominees to the Board for approval.<br />
2. develop and implement criteria for solicitation and selection of nominees.<br />
1. develop policy alternatives essential to the purpose of the association and<br />
submit recommendations to the Board.<br />
2. provide for dissemination of information.<br />
Nominations And Election Of Officers<br />
<strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association’s (ASNA) nomination and election of<br />
Officers shall be conducted in accordance with the current issue of Robert’s Rules<br />
of Order during the official meeting of the ASNA House of Delegates (HOD).<br />
A. Nominations Committee<br />
a. Nominations from the Nominations Committee shall be accomplished<br />
according to ASNA Bylaws.<br />
B. Nominations from the floor of the HOD shall be accomplished according to<br />
the current issue of Robert’s Rules of Order.<br />
A. Elections will be online/electronic.<br />
B. A link will be sent to delegates following the close of the House of Delegates.<br />
Positions for <strong>2022</strong> - 2024 Elections<br />
President-Elect/Delegate<br />
Treasurer<br />
Commission on Professional Issues (4 positions)<br />
Nominating Committee (3 positions, one each from Districts 1, 2 & 3)<br />
Kierra Montgomery<br />
Page 8 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
ASNA Delegate Responsibilities<br />
Being a Delegate to a state convention can be an exciting experience but one has inherent<br />
responsibility. As you know, the House of Delegates (HOD) is the governing and official<br />
voting body of the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association (ASNA). The House meets annually<br />
per the ASNA by-laws. Members of the HOD play a crucial role in providing direction<br />
and support of the work of the <strong>Alabama</strong> State <strong>Nurse</strong>s Association. Delegates are elected<br />
to the HOD to work for the betterment of ASNA and the nursing profession. Each delegate<br />
is expected to study the issues thoroughly, attend each session of the HOD (including the<br />
Open Forums), and engage in active listening and debate. Also, delegates are encouraged to<br />
use the extensive resources and collective knowledge available at each meeting to provide<br />
direction and support for the work of the organization. Such a commitment benefits the<br />
individual delegate, the association, and the nursing profession.<br />
If a delegate is unable to attend the <strong>2022</strong> ASNA House of Delegates, his/her district nurses<br />
association should be notified at once. When alternate delegates are substituted for delegates,<br />
it is the responsibility of the District President to notify ASNA of the change immediately.<br />
Important information for ASNA Delegate Registration<br />
Delegates are encouraged to register for convention in advance to expedite the<br />
on-site credentialing process. Full registration includes all convention functions, meals<br />
and events. Please note the cutoff date for the hotel discount is <strong>August</strong> 18, <strong>2022</strong>. ASNA<br />
has blocked a certain amount of rooms for this convention.<br />
Convention News<br />
To ensure eligibility for the credentialing process, delegates are required to present<br />
their one picture ID at the Delegate Registration desk. Membership will be verified<br />
on site at the time of registration. Each delegate will be issued a name badge, a delegate<br />
ribbon, and informational materials upon proof of identification. The name badge<br />
and delegate ribbon must be worn in order to be admitted to the floor of the House of<br />
Delegates.<br />
Please call the ASNA office at 1-800-270-2762 or 334-262-8321 if you have questions<br />
or concerns.<br />
Procedure for Registration of a Delegate<br />
1. The most current membership roster available from ANA will be available either in<br />
online or printed version.<br />
2. The duties of the ASNA Delegates Credentials Committee (DCC) include all<br />
phases of delegate registration. ASNA Staff will be on hand to assist and answer<br />
questions.<br />
3. All delegates must provide a current membership card and 1 (one) photo ID.<br />
a. If the delegate’s name and membership card match the current roster, a member<br />
of the DCC will proceed to register the delegate.<br />
b. If the delegate’s name and membership number do not match the current roster,<br />
the DCC will check the Master Delegate List (the original information supplied<br />
by the district president). If the name appears on this list, the procedure for<br />
registering an alternate delegate as a delegate will be followed.<br />
4. Each delegate will be provided a name badge identifying them as a delegate.<br />
5. The delegate is to be instructed to retain the House of Delegates name badge. This<br />
name badge and some form of photo ID must be available during all sessions of<br />
the House of Delegates, should the presiding officer call for a check of delegate<br />
credentials.<br />
6. The delegate’s name will be marked on the control listing to develop a running<br />
tally of those delegates who have completed delegate registration.<br />
To access electronic copies of <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong>, please visit<br />
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 9<br />
Convention News<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Dr. Moore<br />
Distinguished Faculty<br />
Award Is Presented<br />
To Dr. Barbara Wilder<br />
The Dr. Jemelene Chastain Moore Distinguished<br />
Faculty Award was established by Dr. Moore’s son Hugh,<br />
daughter-in-law Ann, and grandson David to honor Dr.<br />
Moore, the first instructor hired by Dean Mary Woody in<br />
the new school of nursing in 1979.<br />
The award, presented annually, serves to recognize<br />
a faculty member who has demonstrated exemplary<br />
accomplishment in teaching, research, outreach, and/<br />
or service. This is the fourth year that the College of<br />
Nursing has presented this award. Dean Newschwander<br />
invited Hugh Moore, who was at the pinning ceremony<br />
on May 6, to present the award to Dr. Barbara Wilder.<br />
Page 10 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Secret of How to Get Rich and Retire Comfortably<br />
Hint: If you are over 50 don’t bother reading<br />
Mark Miehle<br />
There is line from an old TV commercial about Fram®<br />
oil filter. The line goes like this: Pay Me Now, Or Pay Me<br />
Later. The implication is that you can pay only a couple<br />
of dollars for the oil filter now, or a whole lot of money to<br />
repair the engine later. Saving for retirement is a lot like<br />
protecting your car. If you start saving a little early, you<br />
won’t be forced to save a lot later or worse not be able to<br />
retire.<br />
Albert Einstein called compound interest the 8th<br />
wonder of the world. When we talk with older nurses about<br />
retirement, almost without exception every one tells us they<br />
wish they had started earlier. The reason for their wish<br />
is simple: time. They have learned that time allows money to grow. Properly<br />
invested in a taxed deferred account your money will double every 10 years at a<br />
7.2% return (1) . Here are three examples of how time, compound interest and a tax<br />
deferment can work for you.<br />
Make only one $5,000 contribution into a retirement program at the age of 25<br />
earning 7.2%. By the time you were 65, that $5,000 would have grown to $80,000!<br />
($160,000 if you wait until age 75) Instead if you wait until the age 55 to start<br />
saving you would have to make ten $5,000 contributions, one every year until you<br />
age 65 (1) . Which would you rather do?<br />
- One payment of $5,000 and let time make up the other $75,000 or<br />
- Ten payments of $ 5,000 for a total of $50,000 to earn $30,000?<br />
Don’t have $5,000 to contribute in one year? Here is another example:<br />
- Make 9 payments of $2,000 a year starting when are age 30 for a total<br />
contribution of $18,000. The $18,000 will be worth $ 148,859 by age 65<br />
(assuming 7.2% return(1) ).<br />
- Or wait until age 39 and start making payments of $ 2,000 a year, every year<br />
until you are 65 for a total contribution of $52,000. The $52,000 will be<br />
worth $ 146,968 by assuming 7.2% return(1)). Which would your rather do?<br />
Don’t have $ 2,000 a year? How about $100 a month?<br />
- If you save $100 a month starting at the age of 20, by the time you are 65 you<br />
will have a nest egg of $908,734(1)!<br />
- Or wait until you are 55 to start and you will have only $20,146(1). (see chart)<br />
Which amount would your rather have?<br />
We have all heard the adage that time is money. Use time to your advantage! So<br />
when is the best time to start saving for retirement? The correct answer is when<br />
you first start working. But since there is no time machine, the best time is now, no<br />
matter how old you are. Don’t put off saving until a rainy day. Make plans now.<br />
If you would like a free savings calculator that will show you how big your nest egg can be<br />
or want to learn how to set a plan, contact me at<br />
(1) The examples shown are hypothetical illustrations only and are not indicative of any<br />
particular investment or investment performance. It does not reflect the fees and<br />
expenses that might be associated with any particular investment, which would reduce the<br />
performance shown in this hypothetical illustration if they were included. In addition, rates<br />
of return will vary over time, particularly for long-term investments.<br />
Copyright © <strong>2022</strong> First Fidelity Group LLC
<strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> • Page 11<br />
Getting Clear on Bullying Versus Incivility<br />
Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CSP<br />
Reprinted with permission from<br />
Florida <strong>Nurse</strong>,<br />
February <strong>2022</strong> issue<br />
Numerous studies show the<br />
prevalence and devastating<br />
impact disruptive behaviors<br />
have on nurse retention and<br />
satisfaction, patient safety<br />
and the financial health of<br />
an organization. Today, more<br />
than ever, the unpredictable, life-and-death nature of<br />
the pandemic has created an environment that is ripe<br />
for an increase in workplace bullying and incivility.<br />
Research at the Healthy Workforce Institute shows an<br />
uptick in bad behavior and nurses are experiencing<br />
greater workplace incivility now more than ever before.<br />
Additional studies show:<br />
• 45.7% of nurses said they witnessed more<br />
incivility than before the pandemic (El Ghaziri et<br />
al., 2021).<br />
• 14.3% of surgery patients had higher<br />
complications with surgeons who had one to three<br />
reports of unprofessional behaviors compared to<br />
those surgeons who had no reports of disruptive<br />
behaviors (Cooper et al., 2019).<br />
• 94% of individuals have worked with a toxic person<br />
in the last five years; 51% of the targets stated they<br />
are likely to quit as a result (Kusy, 2017).<br />
Developing successful, targeted interventions to<br />
reduce bullying and incivility among nurses will require<br />
that leaders develop awareness and understanding of<br />
nurses’ unique experiences with disruptive behavior.<br />
One of the biggest areas of confusion that makes it<br />
difficult to address and eliminate bad behavior is a<br />
misunderstanding about the differences between bullying<br />
and incivility.<br />
An important first step to educating yourself and your<br />
employees is to get clear on those differences. This will<br />
help you raise awareness, set expectations, and develop<br />
appropriate strategies to eliminate each type of disruptive<br />
behavior. Bullying should be a NEVER event, but not<br />
everything is bullying and when we call everything<br />
bullying, we lessen our chances of identifying and<br />
addressing true bullying behavior.<br />
For a behavior to be considered bullying, it must<br />
include three things:<br />
A Target-This target can be a single person or group of<br />
people. Group targets can include the opposite shift, new<br />
nurses, or nurses who have a particular ethnic background.<br />
Harmful-The behavior must be harmful in some way.<br />
This harm can be to the target or harmful to a patient.<br />
Repeated - The most important element of bullying.<br />
The behavior can’t be just a one-time event, it must be<br />
repeated over time.<br />
Incivility is different from bullying but tends to be<br />
much more pervasive. While the behaviors can be similar,<br />
they tend to be lower level. Incivility shows up as your<br />
typical rude, unprofessional, inconsiderate behaviors: eyerolling,<br />
condescension, favoritism, alienation, gossiping,<br />
mocking, cursing. Make no mistake about it, incivility is a<br />
healthy and professional workplace killer, and needs to be<br />
addressed.<br />
The Bottom Line<br />
Bullying and incivility can destroy work<br />
environments and impact patients in a negative way.<br />
The key is to get very clear on the behavior – is it<br />
bullying (target, harmful, repeated) or incivility (low<br />
level, rude, and unprofessional). We are hemorrhaging<br />
nurses due to bad behavior and it’s time we get<br />
educated on how to recognize and address bullying and<br />
incivility so that we can cultivate a more respectful and<br />
professional work culture.<br />
References<br />
Cooper, W., Spain, D., Guillamondegui, O., et al. (2019, June).<br />
Association of Coworker Reports About Unprofessional<br />
Behavior by Surgeons with Surgical Complications<br />
in Their Patients. JAMA Surgery, 154(9), 828–834.<br />
doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2019.1738<br />
El Ghaziri, M., Johnson, S., Purpora, C., Simons, S. and<br />
Taylor, R. (2021, July). Registered <strong>Nurse</strong>s’ Experiences<br />
with Incivility During the Early Phase of COVID-19<br />
Pandemic: Results of a Multi-State Survey. Workplace<br />
Health & Safety. doi:10.1177/21650799211024867<br />
Kusy, M. (2017). Why I don’t work here anymore: A leader’s<br />
guide to offset the financial and emotional cost of toxic<br />
employees. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press<br />
Bio:<br />
As an international speaker and consultant, Dr. Renee<br />
Thompson tackles the challenges facing healthcare leaders<br />
today. With 30 years as a nurse, Renee is an expert on<br />
creating healthy workforces by eradicating bullying &<br />
incivility. She is in demand as a keynote speaker and has<br />
authored several books on bullying.<br />
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Page 12 • <strong>Alabama</strong> <strong>Nurse</strong> <strong>August</strong>, September, October <strong>2022</strong><br />
How Can Employers Address the Nursing Shortage Post-COVID?<br />
Annice Deweese<br />
As people live longer and require more healthcare<br />
services in old age, the demand for nurses is rising.<br />
And even before COVID-19, we faced a rising nursing<br />
shortage due to other factors, such as high turnover,<br />
too-few nursing educators, and a lack of family<br />
care benefits. Now that more nurses are leaving the<br />
profession due to burnout and stress, we need some kind<br />
of intervention.<br />
Employers need solutions to the nursing shortage.<br />
But, as with many things in life, quick fixes are not<br />
enough, and the solution is more complicated.<br />
Let’s explore some realistic nursing shortage<br />
solutions to help organizations fight the shortage and its<br />
inevitable impact on healthcare professionals, patients,<br />
and the entire profession.<br />
Nursing Shortage Solutions for Employers<br />
Here are some things employers can do to start<br />
changing things.<br />
According to a policy brief from the International<br />
Council of <strong>Nurse</strong>s (ICN), over 70 percent of National<br />
Nursing Associations (NNAs) say their countries are<br />
working to increase their number of nursing students.<br />
However, that still leaves three to four years between<br />
new nurses as students complete school. At the same<br />
time, other pressing matters related to the shortage<br />
remain.<br />
While governments will need to address some areas,<br />
employers are responsible for making changes in others.<br />
Prioritize Support for Current and Future <strong>Nurse</strong>s<br />
As employers wait for nurses in training, they should<br />
put their efforts into retaining current nurses,<br />
recruiting new nurses intelligently, and encouraging<br />
former nurses to return. That means developing smart<br />
recruiting and retention strategies through:<br />
• Improved working conditions<br />
• Better pay and benefits (including family care<br />
benefits)<br />
• Protecting nurses’ safety on the job<br />
• Providing adequate psychological support to address<br />
trauma, burnout, and other mental health issues<br />
• Addressing the gender gap in nursing to ensure<br />
fair pay<br />
This all means fostering a healthy work environment<br />
for everyone. Maybe that includes setting up a wellness<br />
area for hospital staff to relax, sleep, and eat during<br />
breaks. Other ways to support team members and create<br />
a space workplace include:<br />
• Fitness memberships<br />
• Healthy snacks<br />
• Virtual counseling<br />
• Wellness workshops<br />
• Leadership development<br />
• Childcare assistance<br />
• Regular “mental health days”<br />
Organizations should ask themselves what nurses<br />
genuinely want and need to have the nurse stick around.<br />
Widespread answers are a healthy work environment,<br />
reasonable workloads, more work-life balance,<br />
recognition for a job well done, and promotion and<br />
continuing education perks.<br />
Consider what you can offer employees to make you<br />
a more desirable and supportive place to work.<br />
Offer Education and Career Development<br />
Opportunities<br />
Healthcare organizations can help boost hiring<br />
numbers by making it easier for nurses to complete their<br />
education and pursue career goals. For example:<br />
• Tuition reimbursement<br />
• Integrated education programs<br />
• Housing assistance<br />
• Flexible schedules that work around class times<br />
• Childcare assistance<br />
• On-site leadership development programs<br />
• Internal career paths<br />
• Certification training<br />
These workplace benefits can help employers attract,<br />
recruit, and retain nursing staff by supporting them<br />
with their long-term goals.<br />
Lean on Data and Digital Marketing<br />
Make sure your recruiting and marketing methods<br />
are data-driven and target your ideal candidates.<br />
Find out what nurses in your area want most from an<br />
employer, and tap into those areas in your policies,<br />
workplace environment, and recruiting and marketing<br />
efforts.<br /><strong>2022</strong>/07/01/howcan-employers-address-the-nursing-shortage-post-covid/