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The GP Federation for<br />
Guildford & Waverley<br />
Quality care for our local community<br />
Chief Executive Officer<br />
Candidate information pack<br />
October 20<strong>21</strong>
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
About Us<br />
Working together throughout the system will<br />
make a better NHS.<br />
Procare’s aim is to support General Practice to<br />
work at scale in order to achieve efficiencies of<br />
scale whilst respecting the autonomy of individual<br />
General Practices. This includes working with other<br />
local healthcare providers to develop and provide<br />
health services to the benefit of our patients.<br />
Procare has grown out of this new drive for<br />
integration. We help member practices to work<br />
together to jointly address issues which are difficult<br />
to resolve individually and offer expertise and skills<br />
individual practices find uneconomic to employ. By<br />
working at scale, we can ensure the projects we<br />
take forward on behalf of our members will allow<br />
patients in our area to have more consistency in, as<br />
well as choices about, their care.<br />
A federation of GP surgeries across Guildford<br />
and Waverley<br />
Procare represents 19 of the 20 GP practices<br />
in our area. This means that we can work in an<br />
integrated way throughout Guildford and Waverley.<br />
Our member surgeries remain independent<br />
organisations whilst working together at scale to<br />
further develop patient care. We believe that local<br />
GPs are ideally placed to design and deliver services<br />
which are in the best interests of our patients. Being<br />
GP led ensures we always put the patient at the<br />
heart of what we do.<br />
Working at scale means that, due to integrating our<br />
working practices and coming together on specific<br />
initiatives, we have more access to more resources<br />
so that we can use NHS funding more efficiently.<br />
We passionately believe in the NHS, and we<br />
recognise that healthcare provision requires change<br />
to cope with the challenges that we face.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Member practices<br />
We work across Guildford and Waverley. All<br />
these practices are members of the federation.<br />
• Austen Road Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• Binscombe Medical Centre – Godalming, Surrey<br />
• Chiddingfold Surgery – Chiddingfold, Surrey<br />
• Cranleigh Medical Centre – Cranleigh, Surrey<br />
• Dapdune House Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• East Horsley Medical Centre – East Horsley, Surrey<br />
• Fairlands Medical Centre – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• Grayshott Surgery – Grayshott, Surrey<br />
• Guildowns Group Practice – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• Haslemere Health Centre – Haslemere, Surrey<br />
• Merrow Park Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• The Mill Medical Practice – Godalming, Surrey<br />
• Shere Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• Springfield Surgery – Godalming, Surrey<br />
• St Lukes Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• The Villages Medical Centre – Woking, Surrey<br />
• Witley & Milford Medical Partnership – Witley,<br />
Surrey<br />
• Woodbridge Hill Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
• Wonersh Surgery – Guildford, Surrey<br />
Our values<br />
Inspire – Innovate – Integrity – In Touch<br />
We are proud of everyone working as part of<br />
Procare Health. We are working with GPs to<br />
ensure they have the equipment, tools, support and<br />
infrastructure that they need to provide the highest<br />
level of patient care.<br />
Everything we do and achieve for local people is<br />
highly respected and appreciated not only by Procare<br />
but by all health and care system partners across<br />
Guildford and Waverley.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Our Services<br />
We offer services at scale for our GP practices<br />
and community in Guildford and Waverley<br />
We deliver project management and innovation over<br />
a wide range of initiatives in our area.<br />
Adult Community Services<br />
Integrating Community Care and Primary<br />
Care<br />
Since 1st April 2018 the Community Services for<br />
Guildford and Waverley are being run in a Joint<br />
Venture between Procare and Royal Surrey County<br />
Hospital.<br />
Our ambition in running these services is to improve<br />
the integration between GP, Community and<br />
Hospital services so that they work more closely<br />
together. We know that we can provide a better<br />
service for the individual if the system works as<br />
one, allowing our teams work more closely together<br />
and the information to be available to support their<br />
patient throughout their illness.<br />
Covid Vaccinations<br />
Leading the Immunisation of our Community<br />
Over 180,000 vaccinations already delivered<br />
This joint venture will help to put primary care back<br />
at the heart of patient care. It is the first contract of<br />
its kind in the country, where an acute trust partners<br />
with a GP federation.<br />
Adult community health services provide care to<br />
patients in the community; maintaining their health<br />
and independence and preventing unnecessary<br />
hospital admission. They include services like district<br />
nursing, podiatry, rehabilitation beds, therapists and<br />
the Minor Injuries Unit at Haslemere Hospital. They<br />
complement the services provided by GP practices,<br />
Royal Surrey County Hospital and other healthcare<br />
organisations.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Primary Care Networks<br />
Building an inspiring team that supports<br />
innovation in Primary Care<br />
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a key part of the<br />
NHS Long Term plan, with General Practices being a<br />
part of a network, typically covering 30,000-50,000<br />
patients. The networks will provide the structure<br />
and funding for services to be developed locally, in<br />
response to the needs of the patients they serve.<br />
PCNs are small enough to provide the personal<br />
care valued by both patients and healthcare<br />
professionals, but large enough to have impact and<br />
economies of scale through better collaboration<br />
between general practices and others in the local<br />
health and social care system. In Guildford and<br />
Waverley there are 4 PCNs, Guildford East, North<br />
Guildford, East and West Waverley. They are led by<br />
Clinical Directors, separate to the Procare Board.<br />
Delivering at scale<br />
Procare provides the employment and administrative<br />
support to help Guildford and Waverley’s four<br />
Primary Care Networks function efficiently. Procare<br />
delivers the Improved Access service on behalf<br />
of the PCNs and employ many of the new Allied<br />
Health Professionals who are a key part of delivery<br />
of the additional services in Primary and Community<br />
Healthcare. Procare supports the recruitment and<br />
financial management of the networks.<br />
Procare also works with Guildford and Waverley<br />
Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) alongside<br />
other Health and Social Care providers to deliver<br />
integrated care in our community in a collaborative<br />
approach.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Improved Access<br />
In Guildford and Waverley, Procare is working with<br />
local practices to provide additional GP and nurse<br />
appointments.<br />
Patients registered in Guildford and Waverley can<br />
now book GP appointments beyond their usual<br />
practice hours. The service began in August 2019<br />
and provides well over a hundred hours of GP, nurse<br />
and healthcare assistant time every week, including<br />
Saturdays and Sundays. Over 15,000 patients have<br />
already been seen.<br />
Patients can book these appointments no matter<br />
which local GP practice they are registered<br />
with. Services available include standard GP<br />
appointments, dressings, phlebotomy and asthma<br />
reviews. More services will be added as we continue<br />
to develop.<br />
The clinics are already filling almost to capacity, and<br />
there has been excellent feedback from patients<br />
who appreciate the convenience and shorter<br />
waiting times.<br />
IT Projects<br />
Better IT to improve efficiency for busy GPs<br />
The Procare IT Group is a collection of local GPs<br />
with an interest in IT, who have created efficiencies<br />
for working for GPs and their teams, through several<br />
projects.<br />
These include the use of Dual screens for GPs and<br />
their staff in order that the patient notes can be seen<br />
side by side with letters about that individual.<br />
They also rolled out Phase 1 of a macro software to<br />
automate regular tasks. Due to Windows 10 refresh<br />
this project was temporarily stopped, but is due to<br />
be restarted.<br />
They also helped to secure the use of the Clarity<br />
software, Teamnet for practices to use as a local<br />
intranet but also as a way to connect with the ICP<br />
and RSFT.<br />
In addition to this they are looking at ongoing ways<br />
new technology can help the modern day patient<br />
and GP. For example in the Guildford East PCN<br />
they introduce video conferencing equipment for<br />
practices to help them to communicate with each<br />
other without the need for travel, particularly useful<br />
in Covid times.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Job Description<br />
Job Title<br />
Department<br />
Reports to<br />
Hours of<br />
work<br />
Day of work<br />
Work Base<br />
Chief Executive Officer<br />
Corporate – Executive<br />
Chair of the Board<br />
Full time (up to 37.5 hours per<br />
week)<br />
Monday to Friday, with flexibility<br />
expected for director on call rota<br />
Haslemere Hospital, with the<br />
requirement to travel to different<br />
sites each day across Guildford,<br />
Waverley and Surrey<br />
Procare is the overarching brand name for two<br />
companies: Procare Health Ltd and a wholly owned<br />
subsidiary Procare Community Services Ltd. This<br />
role covers Procare Health and Procare Community<br />
Services.<br />
Procare Health is the Guildford and Waverley GP<br />
federation which is jointly owned by 19 out of 20 GP<br />
practices working with the 4 Primary Care networks<br />
across the Guildford & Waverley Integrated Care<br />
Partnership. The contracts Procare health provides<br />
are Primary Care Network support including<br />
employment of allied health professionals for the<br />
ARRS scheme; Improved Access and the PCN covid<br />
vaccination programme.<br />
Procare Community Services Ltd provides adult<br />
community nursing services including District Nursing,<br />
Care Home Matrons, Community Matrons and the<br />
Community Night Nursing Services across Guildford<br />
and Waverley. Both companies work as “not for profit”<br />
and any surplus is reinvested in local services.<br />
Job Summary<br />
The post holder is accountable for ensuring the<br />
delivery of high quality, safe and effective clinical<br />
services across Procare Health Ltd and Procare<br />
Community Services Ltd.<br />
As an Executive Director of Procare, the post holder<br />
is accountable with the other Procare Director Board<br />
members for the development and implementation of<br />
the company’s strategic business plans, the business<br />
assurance framework and corporate management<br />
functions including financial and risk management,<br />
quality and governance, and health and safety.<br />
The Procare CEO will take a system leadership role<br />
within the local Guildford and Waverley Integrated<br />
Care Partnership and across the newly forming<br />
Alliance representing Procare, Procare employees,<br />
local GP practices, the people, patients, carers and<br />
citizens of Guildford and Waverley to promote high<br />
quality, safe and effective practice, innovative service<br />
transformation and new models of care to ensure<br />
the best use of resources. This role will represent<br />
Procare at Surrey Heartlands CCG level.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
The Procare CEO will be accountable for ensuring<br />
and assuring a safe, effective, caring, responsive<br />
and well led company that is forward thinking<br />
and fit for the <strong>21</strong> st century. This will include the<br />
codesign of an overarching company strategy and<br />
objectives, quality and performance standards,<br />
and regulatory and legal systems and compliance<br />
. On appointment the Procare CEO will work with<br />
other Procare Directors to develop and implement a<br />
five-year strategy for both companies to review the<br />
organisational form and a workforce strategy for the<br />
effective delivery of high quality and safe care.<br />
The CEO will be a collaborative and effective system<br />
leader within the local Integrated Care Partnership<br />
ensuring that effective partnerships are developed<br />
and maintained for the benefit of the wider system<br />
transformation and improved outcomes for local<br />
people. This includes leading Procare employees and<br />
GP members to support Primary Care Networks with<br />
their development and their employment needs.<br />
The Procare CEO will be required to participate in<br />
the director on call rota<br />
Procare Philosophy and Values Framework<br />
The post holder will ensure that patients, services<br />
users, families and carers have a positive safe<br />
and high-quality experience when accessing and<br />
receiving care, treatment, advice and support from<br />
Procare employees and will ensure learning is<br />
shared and embedded in situations where things<br />
did not go as well as they should have.<br />
Patients are the most important people in the<br />
health service and are at the centre of primary and<br />
community health care services. As patients and<br />
carers are the ‘experts’ in how they feel and what it<br />
is like to live with or care for someone with an illness<br />
or condition, all Procare employees are guided by<br />
real experience of our services to guide quality and<br />
service improvements. Underpinning this philosophy<br />
is a Values Framework using the mnemonic<br />
‘PATIENT’ with the expectation that all Procare<br />
employees demonstrate behaviours both during the<br />
recruitment and selection process and every day at<br />
work against each area in the Values Framework.<br />
Procare ‘PATIENT’ Values Framework:<br />
• Person centred care with a client centred focus<br />
• Achieves clinical excellence, and inspires<br />
others.<br />
• Teamwork, working together in an integrated<br />
environment because everybody matters.<br />
• Integrity, in all that we do<br />
• Experiences, are used for quality improvement<br />
and continuous learning.<br />
• New ideas, for clinically and cost-effective care<br />
• Takes care of self, our own personal wellbeing<br />
is paramount.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Organisational Structure<br />
Procare Board Structure<br />
Phil Ridsdill-Smith<br />
Chairman<br />
(0.3 FTE)<br />
Tammy<br />
Harrow<br />
Board PA<br />
(1 FTE)<br />
??<br />
Chief<br />
Executive<br />
(1 FTE)<br />
Dr Rishi<br />
Barai<br />
Medical<br />
Director<br />
(0.1 FTE)<br />
Dr Andrew<br />
Cook<br />
Medical<br />
Director<br />
(0.1 FTE)<br />
Wendy<br />
Newnham<br />
Nurse<br />
Director<br />
(1 FTE)<br />
Richard<br />
Curtin<br />
Director of<br />
Compliance<br />
(0.2 FTE)<br />
Carolyn<br />
Rawlings<br />
Director of<br />
Finance<br />
(0.2 FTE)<br />
Shabita Sumaraj<br />
General Manager<br />
(1 FTE)<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Key responsibilities / outcomes<br />
• Management and Professional Leadership<br />
• To set and deliver a strategy for Procare to<br />
include its form, workforce, premises and<br />
future developments<br />
• To be responsible for overall executive function<br />
of Procare Health Ltd and Procare Community<br />
Services with overall responsibility for the<br />
delivery of services of the two companies<br />
• To provide leadership to the Procare Board,<br />
Procare employees, stakeholders and<br />
professional partners across the local health<br />
and care system<br />
• To ensure the successful delivery of the<br />
strategic plan for Procare<br />
• Lead on analysis and interpretation and<br />
understanding of highly complex situations,<br />
which require mediation and influence to<br />
achieve effective decision making in potentially<br />
unsolvable situations<br />
• Build the corporate function that Primary<br />
Care through Primary Care Networks are<br />
a fundamental part of an Integrated Care<br />
Partnership<br />
• To be the external executive face of Procare<br />
ensuring valuable and positive relationships<br />
with the Integrated Care System and partners<br />
• Works collaboratively with external partners, the<br />
ICP and Procare in the development of services<br />
• Provide advice and support to develop<br />
practice, and to prepare colleagues and<br />
employees for the development of new/<br />
changing roles and responsibilities.<br />
• Responsible for implementing and<br />
monitoring any identified and appropriate<br />
risk management control measures within<br />
designated area(s) and scope of responsibility.<br />
• Ensure that service managers and those with<br />
responsibility for budgets understand SFIs,<br />
the financial system and how to monitor and<br />
manage all budgetary resources with particular<br />
emphasis on the management of bank and<br />
agency staff, safe staffing and overseeing of<br />
safe cost-effective rostering.<br />
• To oversee all resources are deployed to<br />
achieve best outcome with reference to the<br />
performance contract and business planning.<br />
• The post holder will be required to participate in<br />
the director on-call rota, with responsibility for<br />
ensuring the safe running of clinical services.<br />
Patient Safety, Quality and Experience<br />
• To ensure that the organisation meets full<br />
compliance with CQC standards, key lines of<br />
enquiry, regulations, and notifications.<br />
• To define operational, quality and governance<br />
frameworks, providing monitoring and<br />
assurance with associated improvement<br />
methodology for improved services and better<br />
outcomes<br />
• Ensures that all policies, procedures and<br />
guidelines are aligned to best practice and<br />
reviewed as per schedule / changes in policy /<br />
legislation<br />
• Act on legislation, national policies and<br />
guidance and assess their impact; ensuring<br />
effective policies are in place and audited<br />
• Demonstrate highly developed analytical and<br />
interpretation skills enabling judgements on a<br />
range of frequently highly complex and often<br />
conflicting facts and circumstances, including<br />
undertaking complex investigations involving<br />
employment or clinical matters as required<br />
• To ensure that learning from incidents,<br />
complaints, compliments and significant events<br />
are analysed, triangulated and disseminated<br />
for learning both within and outside the<br />
organisation<br />
• Ensure practice is continually reviewed and<br />
developed in line with Quality Governance<br />
requirements, acting as a change agent and<br />
supporting staff to implement new initiatives/<br />
practices<br />
• To lead or support relevant staff in the<br />
investigation, root cause analysis and action<br />
planning into significant clinical incidents<br />
• To ensure that patient and service user<br />
feedback and experience is sought in an open<br />
and transparent way and use this information<br />
to triangulate with other metrics and data<br />
for continuous learning, service and quality<br />
improvement<br />
• To provide visible senior leadership through<br />
‘back to the floor’ and open-door policy<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Workforce<br />
• The strategic HR function is delivered in<br />
collaboration through the Procare CEO<br />
and board, and the Royal Surrey NHS<br />
Foundation Trust to consider, design and<br />
deliver strategic workforce development<br />
including the advancement and supervision<br />
of apprenticeships, professional practice and<br />
supporting the education and training of new<br />
and emerging roles<br />
• Accountable for the governance and<br />
workforce development including associated<br />
HR functions, recruitment and retention<br />
strategies, workforce planning, safe staffing<br />
levels, professional standards and professional<br />
registration requirements<br />
• Accountable for the governance and strategic<br />
oversight of the learning and development<br />
function including continuing professional<br />
development, organisational development and<br />
leadership, organisational values and behaviours<br />
framework, appraisals and midyear reviews, and<br />
statutory and mandatory training compliance<br />
• Identifies new ways of working, oversees skill mix<br />
reviews and for safe and effective service delivery<br />
of high-quality care supported by evidence and/or<br />
well-reasoned cases for change with quality and<br />
equality risk impact assessments to ensure that<br />
all legal and professional implications have been<br />
identified and addressed<br />
• Ensure measures are taken to demonstrate<br />
adequate governance where staff expand their<br />
skills and knowledge base, including assisting<br />
with the design of robust assessment of<br />
competence frameworks for new roles<br />
• Takes into consideration options for revised,<br />
new or substitution roles, dependency and<br />
acuity tools and technological solutions<br />
to support effective safe practice and the<br />
management of capacity and demand<br />
• Participates and responds to any findings from<br />
internal / external audit and commissioner /<br />
regulatory reviews providing assurance that<br />
recommendations are implemented where<br />
appropriate<br />
• Ensures effective internal structures (to include<br />
PCN General Managers) are in place in relation<br />
to supervision, work programmes, recruitment<br />
and retention, induction, appraisal, appraisal<br />
reviews and effective management of sickness<br />
absence<br />
Learning and Development of self and others<br />
• Attends all statutory and mandatory training<br />
and adheres to all Policies<br />
• Participate in own annual individual<br />
performance review process where<br />
objectives will be agreed, performance<br />
monitored to identify own personal<br />
development and training needs, undertaking<br />
appropriate training/education as agreed<br />
with the Chair<br />
• Maintains own revalidation requirements<br />
to retain professional expertise and clinical<br />
credibility<br />
• Ensure systems are in place throughout<br />
Procare to provide career development<br />
through the appraisal review process and that<br />
strategies are in place for management 1-1’s<br />
and supervision for all employees<br />
• Select and support others to develop and<br />
agree a delegated responsibility for direct<br />
reports and other staff<br />
• Supports an effective recruitment and retention<br />
strategy, supporting initiatives to improve the<br />
quality of working lives and staff wellbeing<br />
• Chair or contribute to disciplinary hearings and<br />
processes as required, with disciplining powers<br />
up to and including dismissal<br />
Communication<br />
• Effectively engage, communicate, and provide<br />
information of a highly technical, complex, and<br />
sensitive nature in an understandable format<br />
to all stakeholders as appropriate, including<br />
professional networks, Procare employees,<br />
external bodies, commissioners etc. This will<br />
be high level verbal, written or presentation<br />
formats on a variety of subjects including<br />
professional / clinical issues, human resources<br />
and operational issues and producing highquality<br />
written reports including for Board.<br />
• Utilise a range of strategies to support effective<br />
communication within the organisation<br />
and across the wider health and social care<br />
economy in ensuring that all employees are<br />
informed and consulted and can contribute<br />
their views whilst applying professional<br />
challenge where appropriate.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
• Seeks to involve, engage and consult with<br />
patients, carers and families about plans and<br />
the provision of / any changes to services<br />
as Procare wholeheartedly embraces the<br />
principles of patient partnership and has made<br />
clear its commitment to involve patients in<br />
key aspects of its work, which will be further<br />
strengthened as the company grow.<br />
• All employees should communicate effectively<br />
in their day-to-day practice with patients and<br />
should support and enable patients/carers to<br />
make choices, changes and influence the way<br />
their treatment or care is provided, promoting<br />
effective patient, carer and public involvement<br />
at all times<br />
This job description is not exhaustive, and the post<br />
holder may be required to undertake such other<br />
duties from time to time as are consistent with the<br />
responsibility of the role requirements. This job<br />
description is subject to review and development<br />
from time to time in liaison with the post holder<br />
The NHS Constitution establishes the principles<br />
and values of the NHS in England. It sets out rights<br />
to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and<br />
pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve,<br />
together with responsibilities, which the public,<br />
patients and staff owe to one another to ensure<br />
that the NHS operates fairly and effectively. As an<br />
organisation that delivers NHS services, Procare<br />
Health expects high standards from all of its<br />
employees and, in line with the key principles of the<br />
Constitution, Procare Health aspires to the highest<br />
standards of excellence and professionalism in<br />
the people it employs, the education, training and<br />
development they receive and in the leadership and<br />
management of the organisation.<br />
Areas applicable to all Procare Employees:<br />
The NHS Constitution establishes the principles<br />
and values of the NHS in England. It sets out rights<br />
to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and<br />
pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve,<br />
together with responsibilities, which the public,<br />
patients and staff owe to one another to ensure<br />
that the NHS operates fairly and effectively.<br />
As an organisation that delivers NHS services,<br />
Procare expects high standards from all of its<br />
employees and, in line with the key principles of<br />
the Constitution, Procare aspires to the highest<br />
standards of excellence and professionalism in<br />
the people it employs, the education, training and<br />
development they receive and in the leadership and<br />
management of the organisation.<br />
All post holders should seek to involve, engage<br />
and consult with patients, carers and families<br />
about plans and the provision of / any changes to<br />
services as Procare wholeheartedly embraces the<br />
principles of patient partnership and has made clear<br />
its commitment to involve patients in key aspects of<br />
its work, which will be further strengthened as the<br />
company grows.<br />
All employees should communicate effectively in<br />
their day-to-day practice with patients and should<br />
support and enable patients/carers to make choices,<br />
changes and influence the way their treatment or<br />
care is provided, promoting effective patient, carer<br />
and public involvement<br />
Clearance Checks<br />
Health clearance is required for this appointment.<br />
Applicants must complete a medical questionnaire,<br />
return it to the Occupational Department and, if<br />
required, undergo a medical examination before<br />
appointment.<br />
A Disclosure and Barring Service check and disclosure<br />
will be required before appointment for this post as the<br />
Company provides services to children and vulnerable<br />
adults. In addition, completion of the Fit & Proper<br />
Persons check is also required.<br />
Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information<br />
In the course of your normal work you will come into<br />
possession of confidential information concerning<br />
patients, Procare Health and its staff. This information<br />
should always be treated according to company rules<br />
on confidentiality. Any inappropriate disclosure or<br />
breach of confidentiality may be subject to disciplinary<br />
procedures and may result in dismissal.<br />
Behaviour and Raising concerns<br />
All people, whether staff, patients or visitors, are<br />
entitled to an environment in which the dignity<br />
of the individual is respected. Procare are firmly<br />
committed to promoting an organisational culture<br />
which values diversity and equality of opportunity<br />
and to preventing discrimination in all aspects of its<br />
employment practices and services. Procare regard<br />
harassment and bullying as totally unacceptable<br />
forms of behaviour that will not be tolerated or<br />
condoned.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Staff may on occasion have genuine concerns<br />
about healthcare matters and consequently Procare<br />
endorses the principle that these must be raised<br />
in a responsible and appropriate manner, and if<br />
necessary, through the Whistle blowing Policy.<br />
Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality<br />
The conduct of employees should be scrupulously<br />
impartial and honest, and, in this context, any offers<br />
of gifts or hospitality should be discussed with the<br />
Procare Directors, prior to acceptance.<br />
Codes of conduct and professional standards<br />
All staff must adhere to any codes of conduct or<br />
professional standards set by the regulatory bodies<br />
with whom they are registered or by professional<br />
bodies of which they are a member. It is the post<br />
holder’s responsibility to ensure they are familiar<br />
with these requirements and maintain their<br />
professional membership to the relevant body.<br />
Security, Health and Safety<br />
Procare is unable to accept responsibility for articles<br />
of personal property lost or damaged on its premises<br />
whether by burglary, fire, theft or otherwise and<br />
staff are advised to insure against all risks. Staff<br />
must wear their identity badge at all times to assist<br />
in maintaining the security of the company; be<br />
observant, and not afraid to enquire of people as to<br />
their business on a work premises, any suspicious<br />
behaviour must be reported to your line manager.<br />
All staff are advised that, under the Health and<br />
Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated legislation,<br />
it is the duty of every employee to take reasonable<br />
care for their own health and safety and that of<br />
other people who may be affected by their activities<br />
at work, and also to co-operate fully with Procare<br />
and others in connection with any arrangements<br />
to satisfy the statutory duties and responsibilities<br />
under the Act, including undertaking appropriate<br />
mandatory and health and safety training.<br />
It is the duty of every employee to work in such a<br />
way that accidents to themselves and to others<br />
are avoided, and to co-operate in maintaining their<br />
place of work in a tidy and safe condition, thereby<br />
minimising risk. Employees will, therefore, refer any<br />
matters of concern through their respective line<br />
managers. Similarly, it is each person’s responsibility to<br />
ensure a secure environment and bring any breaches<br />
of security to the attention of their line manager.<br />
No Smoking<br />
Smoking by employees, patients, and visitors, will<br />
not be permitted anywhere on Procare Health<br />
premises including all buildings, grounds and within<br />
leased/owned vehicles of the Trust. Failure by<br />
staff to comply with this requirement may result in<br />
recourse to the disciplinary procedure.<br />
Infection Prevention and Control<br />
All employees must be aware of their responsibilities<br />
for ensuring infection control and to maintain<br />
hygiene standards in accordance with infection<br />
control policies and instructions. Compliance with all<br />
infection control policies and procedures will form<br />
an integral part of the practice of all staff working<br />
in a clinical environment. Each employee will be<br />
responsible for familiarising themselves with the<br />
Infection Prevention and Control Policy and must<br />
seek support and advice from Infection Control in<br />
all instances where cross infection is likely to have<br />
occurred or when managing situations involving<br />
patients with infections where guidance provided in<br />
the Policies is not applicable.<br />
Employees must contact the Occupational Health<br />
service and Infection Prevention and Control<br />
Specialists if they are suffering from any form of<br />
infection which may put patients and other staff at risk.<br />
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults<br />
Procare as an employer is committed to<br />
safeguarding and promoting the welfare of<br />
children and adults at risk of harm and expects<br />
all employees to share this commitment. If the<br />
post is one that involves access to children and<br />
vulnerable adults during the course of their normal<br />
duties, an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service<br />
(DBS) check will be required. All employees have<br />
a responsibility for safeguarding children and<br />
vulnerable adults in the course of their daily duties<br />
and for ensuring that they are aware of the specific<br />
duties relating to their role.<br />
Equal Opportunities<br />
Equality of opportunity is an integral part of<br />
recruitment and selection process and recruiting<br />
managers must ensure that they comply fully with<br />
Equality & Diversity Policy. Procare aims to ensure<br />
equality of opportunity for all irrespective of their<br />
age, colour, creed, ethnic or national origin, marital<br />
status, nationality, physical or mental disability, race,<br />
religious belief, sex or sexual orientation.<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Person specification<br />
Job Title: Chief Executive Officer<br />
As the attached job description outlines the main<br />
duties and responsibilities of this post, so the person<br />
specification lists the requirements necessary<br />
to perform the job. Candidates will be assessed<br />
according to the extent to which they meet the<br />
specification.<br />
It is therefore important that applicants pay close<br />
attention to all aspects of the person specification<br />
when deciding if their skills, experience and<br />
knowledge match these requirements.<br />
Essential: E<br />
Desirable: D<br />
Procare Values Framework<br />
Person centred care –<br />
Achieves clinical excellence<br />
Teamwork, where everybody matters, and inspires others<br />
Integrity, in all that we do<br />
Experiences, are used for continued learning and quality improvement<br />
New ideas, for clinically and cost-effective care<br />
Takes care of self, our own personal wellbeing is paramount<br />
Education / Training / Qualifications<br />
Educated to degree level (or equivalent experience)<br />
Relevant Master’s degree<br />
Recognised leadership course / qualification<br />
Demonstrable evidence of on-going continuous professional and management development<br />
Project management qualification<br />
Knowledge, Skills and Experience<br />
Experience of setting a vision and energising internal and stakeholders to realise it<br />
Experience of working at Director level and successfully influencing decision-making and action<br />
Proven ability to build strong relationships with Board members, peers and professional partners<br />
Ability to manage highly complex clinical and operational situations that involve staff from all<br />
levels within an organisation and across a range of professional and organisational boundaries<br />
Experience investigating and managing disciplinary and performance issues and appeals,<br />
including complex investigations across organisational boundaries<br />
Proven ability to interpret national and local policy drivers and translate them into practice<br />
Recent experience of working at a senior level in the NHS, in particular community and primary<br />
care settings<br />
Significant operational, management and leadership experience in community and primary care<br />
settings<br />
In-depth knowledge of the current NHS agenda and challenges, particularly related to the<br />
challenges and future direction in community and primary care policy<br />
Computer literate, able to use databases and other relevant programmes, such as MS Word and<br />
Excel<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
D<br />
E<br />
E<br />
D<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
D<br />
D<br />
D<br />
E<br />
Candidate Pack • Chief Executive Officer<br />
Data / Financial / Business Acumen<br />
Demonstrable track record of successful financial management<br />
Ability to interpret, analyse and utilise information effectively including the triangulation of<br />
numerical, quality and financial information<br />
Ability to horizon scan for opportunities and to manage the translation of strategic intent into<br />
operational business reality<br />
Personal Qualities<br />
Self-motivated, flexible and enthusiastic approach towards work<br />
Organised and independent thinker with demonstrable ability to plan and deliver successful<br />
projects over extended period of time<br />
Politically astute with the ability to gain trust and respect of colleagues and external<br />
organisations, generating and influencing new ideas that come to fruition<br />
Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate and negotiate effectively with a<br />
wide variety of stakeholders and to provide a clear vision for change that inspires and motivates<br />
others<br />
Emotional intelligence and personal resilience to maintain a high level of performance even when<br />
faced with opposition from others, and when working under stressful conditions<br />
Able to participate in Director on call rota<br />
Car driver and able to travel across Guildford, Waverley and all of Surrey – usually on a day-today<br />
basis<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
E<br />
This job description is a guide to the duties you<br />
will be expected to perform immediately on your<br />
appointment. It is not an exhaustive list, and<br />
such duties may well be altered from time to<br />
time to meet changes in the requirements of the<br />
company.<br />
Any such changes will be commensurate with<br />
the grade of the post and will be discussed with<br />
the postholder prior to the changes being made.<br />
Employment for all staff at Procare is offered<br />
subject to successful completion of a six-month<br />
Probationary Period.<br />
How to apply<br />
All applications must include:<br />
• A full and up-to-date CV, including a contact<br />
email address and telephone number.<br />
• A covering letter (no more than two pages)<br />
indicating how you meet the selection criteria<br />
and articulating why you are interested in the<br />
role and Procare.<br />
• Contact details of up to four referees (who will<br />
not be contacted without your permission).<br />
• Details of current remuneration and notice<br />
period.<br />
Please send by email to Brendan Davies at our<br />
recruitment partner, Hunter Healthcare, marked<br />
‘<strong>PROCARE</strong>’: bdavies@hunter-healthcare.com.<br />
The GP Federation for<br />
Guildford & Waverley<br />
Quality care for our local community<br />
Hunter Healthcare<br />
T: 020 7935 4570<br />
E: enquiries@hunter-healthcare.com