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Judge Terri B. Jamison is originally from Welch, WV. After moving to Columbus, Ohio, she<br />
owned and operated an insurance agency for more than 16 years. Transferring from Columbus State<br />
Community College, she received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, minor in<br />
Human Resources Management, cum laude, from Franklin University.<br />
She graduated from Capital University Law School with a Doctor of Jurisprudence in 2004.<br />
Judge Jamison began her legal career with the Franklin County Public Defender's Office as an<br />
assistant public defender. After a short time, she began Jamison Law Offices Co., LPA with offices<br />
in Columbus, Mansfield, and Springfield.<br />
In 2012, Judge Jamison was elected to the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, Division of<br />
Domestic Relations and Juvenile Branch. She was successfully re-elected in 2018. In 2020, Judge<br />
Jamison was elected to the Tenth District Court of Appeals for the State of Ohio.<br />
She has been recognized by many organizations for her service in the community. In 2019, she was<br />
featured in PUSHOUT: Criminalization of Black Girls in School which premiered during the<br />
Congressional Black Caucus highlighting disparities in school discipline. In 2021, she was the<br />
commencement speaker and was conferred a Doctor of Community Leadership from Franklin<br />
University, Hon. Causa. She has published articles as a guest columnist in the Columbus African<br />
American news journal.<br />
Judge Jamison holds membership in several professional and community organizations: American<br />
Judges Association, a member of the Military Committee of the National Council of Juvenile and<br />
Family Court Judges, Ohio Association of Juvenile Court Judges (Board Member), Ohio State Bar<br />
Association, Columbus Bar Association, NAACP, National Association of Blacks in Criminal<br />
Justice, and the Columbus Section of the National Council of Negro Women. She is a founder and<br />
executive board member of the Ohio Black Judges Association. She works within her home church,<br />
Divine Kingdom Builders, where she spearheads many outreach projects to help homeless teens and<br />
families.<br />
Judge Jamison is married to Ricardo "Ty" Gary, a realtor, veteran of the United States Marine Corps,<br />
and retired Franklin County Deputy Sheriff. They are a blended family of 3 sons, 8 grandchildren<br />
and one great-granddaughter. Judge Jamison is thankful for all opportunities that she has been<br />
presented. Marian Wright Edelman’s quote, “service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very<br />
purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time” is indicative of her life of service.
Welcome by Worship Leader<br />
Melva Williams-Argaw<br />
Invocation ............................................................................................................................... Roxyanne Burrus<br />
JESUS. JESUS. JESUS. There is something about that name<br />
MASTER. SAVIOR. JESUS. Like the fragrance after the rain<br />
Let all heaven and earth proclaim. That kings and kingdoms will pass away.<br />
But there is something about that name<br />
Celebration Hymn ................................................................................................................................ Women’s Chorale<br />
Women’s Day Litany ................................................................................................................................ Pamela Garrett<br />
Leader: With holy reverence, we remember irreplaceable women, O God. We honor those who nurtured us and<br />
taught us to honor and love you, O God.<br />
People: May their example of Christian faith help transform us into your image.<br />
Leader: We honor women who feed the hungry, clothe the unclothed, befriend the lonely, and comfort the<br />
comfortless. We bless them for unselfishly loving your people as you love us.<br />
People: May you continue to meet their needs as they minister to others.<br />
Leader: We honor women grieving the loss of loved ones.<br />
People: May you, O God, continue to comfort them with your Word, spoken and blessed. May we learn to<br />
encourage them as they have encouraged us.<br />
Leader: We honor women pregnant with your unborn sons and daughters, O God.<br />
People: May You shelter them and the children they bear under the shadow of your almighty Presence.<br />
Leader: We honor our sisters throughout the world who need your spiritual, economic, and physical healing.<br />
People: May you meet their needs, Holy One, according to your riches in glory, we pray.<br />
Leader: We honor all the women who have gone before us, named and unnamed.<br />
People: We give you thanks, O God.<br />
Leader: We bless those who wept for us, rejoiced with us, wiped our tears, prayed for us, and laughed with us.<br />
People: We give you thanks, O God.<br />
Leader: We women, the wise builders who build our foundations on solid ground, prepare for the storms<br />
and listen to hear from you.<br />
People: In our quietness you hear our cry and make provisions that we cannot see. Thank you, O God, for<br />
your blessings.<br />
Leader: We ask of you O God to pour into women your word so they may continue to be wise builders all of<br />
their days. Lord, you are their dwelling place where they seek after you when entering the<br />
sanctuary.<br />
People: Thank you, God, for your great creation and your instructions that guide women daily, helping them<br />
to be wise builders and not foolish ones.<br />
Leader: We bless those who undauntedly sacrificed for us.
People: We give you thanks, O God.<br />
Leader: We honor all those who stand alongside and for these women. We bless those who encourage them<br />
to dream, who bring out the best in them, who help them bear their burdens, and who love them rightly, O<br />
God.<br />
All: May You watch over and keep all your people, these women and all who love them, with your care,<br />
gracious God. Consecrate this day for your glory. In the name of the Triune God, the one who parents us<br />
and creates us, who redeems us, and empowers us forever. Amen<br />
Mary Alice Perkins<br />
Musical Selection ........................................................................................................................Sabrina Tutstone<br />
Welcome Visitors ............................................................................................................................. Pamela Bolte<br />
Dance Selection ................................................................................................................................ Leap of Faith<br />
Announcements ............................................................................................................................ Regina Bronson<br />
25. Paris Fluellen 26. Martin Rutledge<br />
Musical Selection ........................................................................................................................ Sabrina Tutstone<br />
Tithes and Offerings/Women’s Day Offering ................................................................................ Priscilla Smith<br />
All things come of Thee, O Lord; and of Thine own have we given Thee. AMEN<br />
Introduction of the Speaker .............................................................................................. Melva Williams-Argaw<br />
Sermonic Selection ..................................................................................................................... Sabrina Tutstone<br />
Pamela Bolt<br />
Regina Bronson<br />
Closing Remarks / Benediction .............................................................................. Rev. Morné E. Meyer, Mdiv<br />
Spirited Women: Uplift, Inspire, and Empower<br />
When women are true to themselves, accepting and embracing the God-giving gifts that give women their innate<br />
beauty and strength, they sustain and care for humankind. Just like Mother Earth, women naturally protect, grow, and<br />
foster others. When humankind listens and uses the woman’s accumulated wealth of knowledge and wisdom, the<br />
world profits from her intuition, generosity, and faith.<br />
If you ask your mothers and grandmothers how they got over? They may respond, only by the Grace of God. “You<br />
never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” Where God guides, he provides. Our<br />
women ancestors and present day sheroes are witnesses. Thus, we take this Sunday in worship to celebrate them and<br />
the difference that all women have made in our lives.<br />
Thank you for joining the women of The Historic Saint Paul AME Church in celebrating what women do. We want<br />
you to leave uplifted, inspired, and empowered to activate your personal power that comes to you from the Grace of<br />
God.<br />
Blessings,<br />
Melva Williams-Argaw, Women’s Day Chairperson<br />
Roxyanne Cartier Burrus<br />
Pamela Garrett<br />
Melva Williams-Argaw, Chairperson<br />
Rebecca Roberts-Holliman<br />
Priscilla Smith
Thank you for worshipping with the family<br />
of St. Paul AME Church Columbus. Your attendance<br />
has been a Blessing to us and we hope that you<br />
have received a Blessing from us.<br />
• Tuesday afternoon bible study 3:00 PM CLICK HERE<br />
Dial In (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 336 206 2587<br />
• Mid Week Motivation each Wednesday on Facebook<br />
@StPaulColumbus<br />
• Friday Prayer 10:10 ten minutes of prayer @ 10:00 AM<br /><strong>28</strong>24401?pwd=cm9KTVNaOEc2bitvVHRNNXcrZ2J<br />
WZz09<br />
• Pastor’s Prayer Line 937-7<strong>08</strong>-9411 /<br />
• Sunday Sept. 11 th - Men’s Day<br />
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