Bay Harbour: August 31, 2022

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

VOTE<br />

JASON<br />

CREW<br />


AKAROA<br />


✔<br />

Remembering<br />

Trudi in<br />

a new book<br />

Pages 4 & 5<br />

Curry in a<br />

hurry proves<br />

a winner<br />

Page 11<br />

Authorised by Jason Crew - ejcrew@gmail.com<br />

Redcliffs landowner loses<br />

quake damage battle<br />

• By Tina Grumball<br />

A REDCLIFFS man has failed in<br />

his latest bid to make the Crown<br />

pay for earthquake damage to his<br />

land and fix the cliff wall that still<br />

threatens his property.<br />

In a judgement given by Justice<br />

Kós last week, he said Steven Young<br />

had owned the land since 1979 and<br />

spent about 35 years developing it.<br />

When the February 22, 2011<br />

quake struck, more than 30,000<br />

tonnes of rock and debris fell from<br />

the cliffs above his land, nearly<br />

killing his wife and making three of<br />

five dwellings uninhabitable.<br />

Though the neighbouring clifftop<br />

properties were acquired by<br />

the Crown soon after they were<br />

red-zoned, Young rejected all offers<br />

to buy his land, even though it was<br />

red-zoned for the continued cliff<br />

instability.<br />

It was mentioned Young had<br />

almost completed the works for a<br />

subdivision when the quakes hit;<br />

the only work not done was engineering<br />

to protect against rockfall.<br />

In response to the quake, the<br />

Christchurch District Plan was<br />

introduced by the city council in<br />

2014/15, which prohibited certain<br />

areas, including where Young’s<br />

land was, from building or doing<br />

subdivision works.<br />

• Turn to page 7<br />

DAMAGED: Steven Young just wants to rebuild after tonnes of debris fell from cliffs in the February 22, 2011<br />

earthquake.<br />


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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


Are you honest, reliable and over<br />

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and get fit doing it. Get in touch<br />

with your interest today:<br />

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Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />

12,000 readers every week.<br />


Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Nielsen Media NRS<br />

Your chance to meet the candidates<br />

THE MT Pleasant and Redcliffs<br />

residents associations are holding<br />

two ‘meet the candidates’ meetings<br />

in September.<br />

Said Mt Pleasant Centre manager<br />

Derek McCullough: “We sense a<br />

greater interest in this election, and<br />

knowing the candidates encourages<br />

greater participation.<br />

“As with the last elections the<br />

meetings are being held over two<br />

nights to give more time for each<br />

candidate to answer the questions<br />

put to them.”<br />

The meetings for city council and<br />

community board candidates is<br />

on September 7, and mayoral and<br />

Environment Canterbury candidates<br />

on September 14, both at 7pm.<br />


An advertising feature in last week’s<br />

sport<br />

issue on election candidates said<br />

Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Board Akaroa candidate<br />

Jason Crew was part of The<br />

People’s Choice party. This was<br />

incorrect. Crew is an independent<br />

candidate.<br />

It also said that there were two<br />

vacancies in the Banks Peninsula<br />

Ward council seat. There is actually<br />

only one seat.<br />

Award ceremony at Sumner Rugby<br />

The Sumner Rugby Club recently held its annual awards event.<br />

Recipients were presented with trophies for outstanding achievements.<br />

Page 12<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19 20<br />

21 22 23<br />

24 25<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />


Candidate for<br />

Christchurch City<br />

Council and<br />

Community Board<br />

Banks Peninsula<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

021 08737502<br />

8. Tomato sauce (7)<br />

9. Bright blue (5) Down<br />

10. Glide over the surface 2. Gambling (7)<br />

electjjsmith@electjjsmith.kiwi<br />

(4)<br />

3. Reverberation (4)<br />

11. Impassioned (8) 4. Changeable (13)<br />

13. Thankfulness (9) 5. Calm (8)<br />

www.electjjsmith.kiwi<br />

17. Total (8)<br />

6. Blusher (5)<br />

Authorised by R Hawarden<br />

17 Jane Deans Close Riccarton Christchurch<br />

12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19<br />

21 22<br />

20<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Capable (4)<br />

4. Sports official (6)<br />

19. Howl (4)<br />

21. Bush (5)<br />

22. Christen (7)<br />

23. Hinder (6)<br />

24. Quaint (4)<br />

7. Small-minded (5)<br />

8. Smooch (4)<br />


Across: 1. Able, 4. Umpire, 8. Ketchup, 9. Azure, 10. Skim,<br />

11. Vehement, 13. Gratitude, 17. Absolute, 19. Bawl, 21.<br />

Shrub, 22. Baptise, 23. Impede, 24. Twee.<br />

Down: 2. Betting, 3. Echo, 4. Unpredictable, 5. Peaceful,<br />

6. Rouge, 7. Petty, 8. Kiss, 12. Fallible, 14. Examine, 15.<br />

Pause, 16. Glee, 18. Scrum, 20. Spat.<br />


Across: 1. Dimples 5. Press 8. Vinegar 9. Larch 10.<br />

Diligence 12. Rim 13. Apart 17. Bag 19. Under fire 21.<br />

Oriel 22. Chewing 24. Belly 25. Younger.<br />

Down: 1. Divide 2. Mangled 3. Log 4. Siren 5. Polyester 6.<br />

Error 7. Scheme 8. Gradually 14. Coining 15. Absorb 16.<br />

Merger 18. Grill 20. Decry 23. Emu.<br />

12. Flawed (8)<br />

14. Inspect (7)<br />

15. Hesitate (5)<br />

16. Delight (4)<br />

18. Rugby formation (5)<br />

20. Minor quarrel (4)<br />


7<br />

2/9<br />

Down<br />

puzzles<br />

Across<br />

1. Quietly smiled about showing them,<br />

perhaps (7)<br />

5. The newspapers: does that ring a bell? (5)<br />

8. After six, anger can turn to bad temper (7)<br />

9. Find a tree in a particular churchyard (5)<br />

10. Steady application one found in the old<br />

4. Between Poles, anger sounded a warning<br />

Test your (5) skills<br />

5. Artificial material from which one may style<br />

Cryptic crossword, rope (9) quick crossword, code cracker and sudoku – have a<br />

6. It may have to be corrected with the 3Rs,<br />

go at one of Old our English (5) brain teasers.<br />

French coach (9)<br />

12. Russian space station turned back on the<br />

brink (3)<br />

13. A role to play when separated (5)<br />

17. The game got by a slovenly woman (3)<br />

19. Is being shot at like the ashes in the grate<br />

(5,4)<br />

21. Room with a window built out of a college<br />

(5)<br />

22. Use of the teeth, when cig is being rolled<br />

(7)<br />

24. Part that swells out by about a yard and<br />

a quarter (5)<br />

25. As the years roll by one doesn’t get any,<br />

junior (7)<br />

Page 16<br />

1. In a low den I’d got to split (6)<br />

2. Was mutilated, having been through the<br />

wringer (7)<br />

3. A record of one’s progress may be<br />

committed to the flames (3)<br />

7. A plan to mechanise, in a lost fashion (6)<br />

11. Changing of the Guard supporter, a bit at<br />

a time (9)<br />

14. Making of money by saying phrase not<br />

heard before (7)<br />

15. Soak it up in bar: sob about it (6)<br />

16. With the REME, King George formed a<br />

combination of companies (6)<br />

18. Closely examine somebody on the<br />

gridiron (5)<br />

20. City area, in being teetotal, one will<br />

criticise as being worthless (5)<br />

23. European currency system will not get off<br />

the ground (3)<br />

I E E<br />

Fall in love<br />

A D G<br />

G S N<br />

Good 28<br />

with your favourite<br />

Very Good 39<br />

Excellent 47+<br />

furniture all over again!<br />

egged ends engaged gads gaged gained<br />

ganged geed idea nagged need needs sagged<br />

said sand sedan sedge seed seeding seined<br />

send side signed singed snagged snide<br />

dang dean deign deigns denies dens dense<br />

design dies digs dine dines ding dings dins<br />

DISENGAGE eased edge edges edging egad<br />


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TARGET<br />

aged aide aids aniseed aside dags dais<br />

EASY<br />

TARGET<br />


Somerfield Upholstery welcome you to email a<br />

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SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />

I CAN<br />

COME<br />

TO YOU<br />



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How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless before the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

after<br />

Read local<br />

Somerfield Upholstery Ltd<br />


6/47 Sonter Road, Wigram | Ph 021 251 6200 | 349 0456

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 3<br />

Uncovering the queen of crime’s secrets<br />

DAME NGAIO Marsh’s life was<br />

almost as much of a mystery as<br />

her famous detective novels.<br />

She lived a very private life, in<br />

spite of being dubbed one of the<br />

“Queens of Crime” alongside<br />

names like Agatha Christie, and<br />

selling more than two million<br />

copies of her novels.<br />

Her life was also full of dualities.<br />

When Dame Ngaio was not<br />

walking down the streets of<br />

London in her most extravagant<br />

fashion, she was rehearsing a<br />

play with students in a cold, old<br />

brewery in Christchurch, smoking<br />

cigarettes and eating chicken<br />

sandwiches for lunch.<br />

Living independently and<br />

providing for herself all her life,<br />

she was pretty unconventional<br />

for the times – an enigma.<br />

These days, her home, Marton<br />

Cottage on the Port Hills, has<br />

been turned into a museum and<br />

is preserved by Ngaio Marsh<br />

House and Heritage Trust volunteers.<br />

This year marks 40 years since<br />

Dame Ngaio passed away.<br />

All of this has inspired the<br />

Christchurch City Libraries to<br />

go In Search of Ngaio for its latest<br />

exhibition.<br />

Running until November 27,<br />

the exhibition at Tūranga uncovers<br />

her work and life as a crime<br />

writer, theatre director, painter<br />

TRAILBLAZER: Ngaio Marsh, pictured in 1977, was the first<br />

woman to receive an honorary doctorate from Canterbury<br />

University for her contribution to literature and theatre.<br />


and mentor.<br />

“Amongst the material, a keen<br />

detective eye will be able to find<br />

rare manuscripts and writing<br />

notes (she burnt most of them),<br />

play production books, her own<br />

artwork and even a beret – her<br />

signature style accessory,” said<br />

exhibitions project manager<br />

Louisa Vowles.<br />

“We’re really excited for people<br />

to come, learn more about and<br />

ICON: The exhibition, In Search of Ngaio, reveals the life<br />

and work of Christchurch’s queen of crime.<br />

celebrate this Christchurch<br />

icon.”<br />

Throughout September,<br />

October and November there<br />

will be guest readings of Dame<br />

Ngaio short stories. There will<br />

also be a panel discussion with<br />

crime writers Val McDermid,<br />

Michael Robotham and J.P.<br />

Pomore, before they present the<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Ngaio Marsh Awards on<br />

September 15.<br />

The exhibition includes material<br />

from Ngaio Marsh House<br />

and Heritage Trust, St Margaret’s<br />

College, Alexander Turnbull<br />

Library, Ngā Taonga Sound and<br />

Vision and Christchurch City<br />

Libraries.<br />

Ngaio Marsh House and<br />

Heritage Trust chair Jessica<br />

Petersen said: “We are delighted<br />

to partner with Christchurch<br />

City Libraries in this fascinating<br />

exhibition. Dame Ngaio was<br />

a trailblazer who shaped the<br />

development of the crime fiction<br />

genre and the theatre scene New<br />

Zealanders enjoy today.<br />

“We hope the exhibition will<br />

help more people uncover the<br />

incredible story of the city’s most<br />

famous grand dame.”<br />

• Exhibition details can be<br />

found at my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/blogs.<br />

You can also book a tour<br />

of Ngaio Marsh House, her<br />

home for more than<br />

70 years.<br />


SUN 4 TH SEPT<br />

get the family together for<br />

pizza republic this father’s day<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

4<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Columnist Trudi’s cancer journey<br />

• By Rebecca Ryan<br />

TRUDI JOHNSTON never<br />

expected her weekly newspaper<br />

column Living with a Brain<br />

Tumour to gain such a big<br />

following.<br />

For almost two years, the<br />

young Christchurch woman<br />

wrote a diary in The Star of her<br />

experience with cancer, unwavering<br />

in her determination to<br />

get something to print almost<br />

every week, even during her<br />

toughest times.<br />

Her readership grew quickly,<br />

as she gave an inspiring and very<br />

honest account of her journey,<br />

right up until her death in 2006.<br />

Sixteen years later, Trudi’s<br />

writing is continuing to have an<br />

impact, with the launch of a new<br />

book, Trudi’s Diary: Living With<br />

A Brain Tumour– a collection of<br />

her weekly columns in The Star,<br />

as well as photos and poems,<br />

detailing her life and experience<br />

with cancer.<br />

Trudi, who was born and raised<br />

in Oamaru, started writing the<br />

column in 2004, age 24. The<br />

Star editor Barry Clarke had<br />

approached CanTeen, looking for<br />

a young person living with cancer<br />

to write about their journey.<br />

Trudi, who was living in<br />

Christchurch at the time and had<br />

recently been diagnosed with a<br />

brain tumour, was quick to put<br />

DIARY: Jock and Pat<br />

Johnston with the<br />

book of daughter<br />

Trudi’s weekly<br />

newspaper columns.<br />


her hand up to do it. Because<br />

of her links to Oamaru, it was<br />

decided her columns would<br />

also be published weekly in<br />

the Oamaru Mail.<br />

While her parents, Pat and<br />

Jock, had some reservations, she<br />

convinced them that sharing her<br />

To order a copy of Trudi’s Diary: Living With<br />

A Brain Tumour go to trudijohnston.co.nz<br />

experience publicly would be a<br />

great opportunity to raise awareness<br />

of CanTeen, an organisation<br />

she had been involved in since<br />

her early teenage years, after she<br />

was first diagnosed with cancer<br />

– non-Hodgkin lymphoma – age<br />

8. She had been in remission for<br />

14 years, until the brain tumour<br />

was discovered.<br />

Writing a weekly column was<br />

not an easy assignment. Clarke<br />

warned Trudi that there would<br />

probably be times she would<br />

want to give up, and if things<br />

got bad for her health-wise, she<br />

would need to be honest and<br />

straight with readers.<br />

But she was up for the challenge,<br />

and shared her journey<br />

“warts and all’’ with readers of<br />

the two newspapers, inspiring so<br />

many people with her courage,<br />

honesty and relentless positivity,<br />

Jock said.<br />

Not wanting Trudi’s inspirational<br />

story to end up as just<br />

yellowing newspaper cuttings<br />

in the garage, Pat and Jock had<br />

always planned to get all of their<br />

daughter’s columns printed<br />

in book form as a tribute to a<br />

remarkable young woman and<br />

a record for family and friends.<br />

If it could inspire other young<br />

people living with cancer, that<br />

would be a bonus, they said.<br />

Voting is open from 16 September to noon, 8 October<br />

ccc.govt.nz/elections<br />


Ferrymead<br />

Better the Blood<br />

by Michael Bennett<br />


Hana Westerman is a tenacious Māori detective juggling single motherhood<br />

and the pressures of her career in Auckland’s Central Investigation Branch.<br />

When she’s led to a crime scene by a mysterious video, she discovers a man<br />

hanging in a secret room. As Hana and her team work to track down the killer,<br />

other deaths lead her to think that they are searching for New Zealand’s first serial killer.<br />


With little to go on, Hana must use all her experience as a police officer to try and find a<br />

motive to these apparently unrelated murders. What she eventually discovers is a link to an<br />

historic crime that leads back to the brutal bloody colonisation of New Zealand.<br />


When the pursuit becomes frighteningly personal, Hana realises that her heritage and<br />

knowledge are their only keys to finding the killer.<br />


But as the murders continue, it seems that the killer’s agenda of revenge may include Hana –<br />

and her family . . .<br />


Tools For The Top Paddock<br />

by Kane Brisco<br />

Farmer Kane Brisco’s tools for the physical and mental strains of life on the land.<br />

When Kane Brisco was at his lowest ebb, he could barely even look at his stock. He stood<br />

in the middle of a paddock, with water flowing over his boots, trying to comprehend how<br />

many days of rain he’d endured without a break. Three weeks later, the ground had turned to<br />

concrete, split by huge cracks. Consumed by a myriad of problems, the weather tipping him<br />

over the edge, Kane lost confidence in his own ability and didn’t know if he could financially<br />

survive. Every day felt like a disaster and, even at the end of the day when he was at home<br />

with his family, his mind was still out on the farm, worrying about his animals.<br />

Farmers have to make tough decisions on a daily basis while shouldering a mountain of<br />

pressure alone. Good physical health and strength might lead to better all-round resilience,<br />

but often farmers are so concerned with doing the right things for their animals that they forget<br />

about looking after themselves. What Kane Brisco came to realise is how important ‘farm<br />

fitness’ is to coping with the daily challenges and unpredictability of life on the land.<br />

In Tools for the Top Paddock, Kane shares the experiences that made him almost quit farming,<br />

along with the simple methods he developed for dealing with the mental and physical strains<br />

of life on the land. He offers advice for people doing it tough, as well as how to build the<br />

fitness required to thrive in good times and bad.<br />

‘Kane’s journey of wisdom is both relatable and of high value’ - DOUG AVERY, The Resilient<br />

Farmer<br />

ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


book<br />

release<br />


We have one copy of Better the Blood to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To be in the<br />

draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with Better the Blood in the subject line or write to Take Note<br />

Book Giveaway, Better the Blood, Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw,<br />

all entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries close Tues September 13. The<br />

book winner for Portrait of an Unknown Woman is Jacqueline Wright of Heathcote Valley.

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 5<br />

in print again<br />

With the help of Clarke and<br />

an old Oamaru friend, Bruce<br />

Doran, who formerly worked at<br />

the Oamaru Mail and now runs<br />

a printing business in the North<br />

Island, they finally got started<br />

about two-and-a-half years ago and<br />

the book has now<br />

been released.<br />

The columns<br />

in the book are<br />

produced as they<br />

appeared in the<br />

newspapers, and<br />

Pat has also shared<br />

A Mother’s Tale<br />

of Trudi’s story<br />

up to when she<br />

started writing her<br />

columns. The book<br />

ends with letters<br />

of support written<br />

to Trudi and her<br />

family, and a<br />

selection of Trudi’s<br />

poems.<br />

While it had a<br />

sad ending, Trudi’s Diary: Living<br />

With A Brain Tumour was an<br />

inspirational book, full of humour<br />

and hope, Pat said. Trudi had<br />

remained positive throughout her<br />

treatment, never complaining and<br />

always looking forward.<br />

“It doesn’t mean she wasn’t<br />

concerned or worried about herself,<br />

as you can see in the diary,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

“She’d wake up at night and<br />

worry about the scan coming up<br />

and all the rest of it – she was only<br />

human.<br />

“She just had a good attitude to<br />

dealing with it.’’<br />

For Pat and Jock, going back<br />

through all of<br />

Trudi’s columns and<br />

poems, and all the<br />

messages of support<br />

they had received,<br />

had been tough.<br />

But they knew<br />

Trudi would be<br />

“really happy’’ the<br />

legacy of her diary<br />

lived on, and her<br />

support for CanTeen<br />

was continuing, with<br />

proceeds from the<br />

book going towards<br />

the organisation that<br />

supports young New<br />

Zealanders impacted<br />

by cancer.<br />

Clarke said the<br />

book was a tremendous tribute to<br />

Trudi.<br />

“Trudi was a truly inspirational<br />

person, with a big heart and<br />

determination to match. When she<br />

was simply too unwell to write her<br />

column, my phone would ring hot<br />

from readers wanting to know why it<br />

hadn’t appeared, and if she was okay.<br />

“She captured the hearts of many<br />

people.”<br />

MEMORIES: Pat and Jock with Trudi in 2006. (Below) – Trudi with All Black great Dan<br />

Carter in 2005.<br />



This year, because<br />

of the easing Covid<br />

restrictions we’re back<br />

to the ‘chasing start’<br />

character of our race.<br />

The slower runners<br />

(based on their<br />

expected running times<br />

as submitted with their<br />

entry) will start first with<br />

the progressively faster<br />

runners starting later<br />

in groups and chasing<br />

the earlier starters<br />

down. The first runner<br />

into Lyttelton is a bit of a lottery and depends on<br />

how well the individual has run. One of the slower<br />

runners may have had a good day and have stayed<br />

ahead or similarly one of the faster runners may<br />

catch everyone. It’s the tortoise and the hare<br />

situation. It<br />

makes for a most<br />

interesting race<br />

finish and typically<br />

most runners, -<br />

faster and slower<br />

together, arrive<br />

at the finish in a<br />

crowd. Last year<br />

we had a range<br />

of finishing times<br />

of between under<br />

30 mins to over<br />

90 mins so there<br />

is a place for<br />

Peter<br />

Coughlin<br />

everyone.<br />

So with entries<br />

closing on Friday<br />

advertorial<br />

September 9th it<br />

time to get your<br />

entries in by googling<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

to Lyttelton Road<br />

Race.<br />

As with last year, the<br />

finish will be straight<br />

ahead to the Lyttelton<br />

Recreation Ground<br />

rather than turning<br />

left into Charlotte<br />

Jane Quay.<br />

We are offering<br />

the option of bus<br />

transport from Lyttelton to Governors <strong>Bay</strong> before<br />

the race start this year and gear transport back to<br />

Lyttelton afterwards to help ease transport and road<br />

congestion issues.<br />

Sadly, this year we’re without one of our race<br />

founders, Terry Lucas, who retained an interest in<br />

our Methodist club all his life and was our pre-race<br />

announcer for many of his later years.<br />

But on the other hand, we still have Peter<br />

Coughlan, who competed in the original race<br />

in 1962, lining up again in pretty good nick and<br />

rearing to go with a chance at the winner’s prize –<br />

Go Peter!<br />

There are floral prizes and gifts for the first across<br />

the line, and the fastest, and for each finisher,<br />

all donated by our race sponsor - Aromaunga<br />

Baxter Flowers<br />

Aromaunga wishes all the competitors good<br />

fortune for the race, and thank their very good<br />

and loyal customers for support over the year and<br />

would welcome any potential new clients to check<br />

them out.<br />

At the start line in Govenors <strong>Bay</strong><br />


BAY TO<br />


17TH SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong><br />


To enter google Governers <strong>Bay</strong> to Lyttelton Road Race<br />



Generously sponsored by:<br />





03 384 8296<br />

Details and entries: www.canrun.nz/eastside-series

6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Welcome Spring With<br />

mitre 10 meGa Ferrymead<br />

Fathers Day<br />

sUNDay<br />

sePt. 4th<br />

Ferrymead<br />

Makita<br />

Lawnmower 18 Volt<br />

18V LXT Li-Ion cordless 33cm lawn mower. Optimal for use in home<br />

gardens. Plastic cutting deck allows for a lightweight design to increase<br />

manoeuvrability, and storage. 3 in 1 (Cutting / Collecting /Mulching).<br />

391141<br />

Kiwicare<br />

LawnPro<br />

Smart<br />

Lawn Seed<br />

1kg Brown<br />

323346<br />

20%<br />

ExTRA<br />

Black+Decker<br />

18 Volt Cordless<br />

Line Trimmer<br />

Kit 2AH Battery<br />

25cm Cut<br />

289800<br />

$32 98<br />

$130<br />

$429<br />

Kit includes 1 x 4.0ah Battery and 1x charger<br />

Fiskars<br />

Weed Puller Xact<br />

321413<br />

$79 98<br />

Tui<br />

Seaweed and<br />

Fish Fertiliser<br />

Bonus Pack 1 litre<br />

377035<br />

$12 98<br />

25%<br />

ExTRA<br />

Stanley Fatmax<br />

Powered Pruner - Skin<br />

Only 18 Volt<br />

387515<br />

NeW PrOdUCT<br />

$159 $159<br />

Stanley Fatmax<br />

V20 Battery & Charger Kit 4.0Ah 18 Volt<br />

363952<br />

Sold separately<br />

eXCLUSIVe<br />

Masport<br />

Ava Series GO P40 Water Blaster 1700 Watt 1740psi<br />

4 cylinder non rust premium grade aluminium pump delivers long<br />

lasting durability and optimum performance. Patented adjustable Zoom<br />

Lance - customise the length of the lance to suit your height and comfort.<br />

Cleverly designed short trigger allows the users to working in tight places.<br />

385214<br />

$349<br />

Jobmate<br />

Petrol Lawn Mower 400mm 132cc<br />

This is a fantastic entry-level mower for small to medium sized suburban<br />

lawns. A no fuss mower that will get the job done without breaking the<br />

bank. Cut & Catch. 132cc engine. 400mm cutting width. 2 year warranty.<br />

381386<br />

Was $309<br />

now<br />

$ 299<br />

Kiwicare<br />

Weed Weapon Rapid<br />

Action Weedkiller Spray<br />

1 litre White<br />

184754<br />

$19 98<br />

Number 8<br />

Metal Garden Fork<br />

<strong>31</strong>8865<br />

Fiskars<br />

Powergear X Bypass<br />

Lopper S LX92<br />

292872<br />

Karcher<br />

K3 Power Control Deck Kit 1950psi<br />

Perfect water blaster for use around the home. This<br />

model comes with a Deck Kit which includes a deck<br />

scrubber and 500mL Patio & Deck detergent. Ideal for<br />

small & quick jobs for cleaning area up to 25m2 per hour.<br />

Patented Nozzle Technology. 100% anti-rust pump. 8m<br />

hose length. The spray gun displays the water pressure<br />

level. Dirt blaster included for 100% more cleaning power.<br />

399570<br />

Yates<br />

Weed n Feed<br />

Hose On 4 litre<br />

138437<br />

$59 99<br />

$27 98<br />

eXCLUSIVe<br />

eXCLUSIVe<br />

$29 98<br />

Bahco<br />

Secateurs 190mm<br />

120357<br />

$27 94<br />

each<br />

Yates<br />

Thrive All Purpose<br />

Fertiliser Granules 2Kg<br />

368967<br />

$13 98<br />

NeW PrOdUCT<br />

$<strong>31</strong>9<br />

Topflite<br />

Wild Bird Seed Mix 5kg<br />

<strong>31</strong>8522<br />

Jobmate<br />

Watering Can<br />

10 Litre Green<br />

236303<br />

Number 8<br />

Wheelbarrow<br />

72 litre Blue<br />

376874<br />

Jobmate<br />

Retractable<br />

Hose Reel<br />

With 20 Metre<br />

Fitted Hose<br />

238111<br />

$22 98 $24 99 $89 99 $169<br />


Big range, Low Price, Local advice<br />

mitre 10 meGa Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Christchurch<br />

Phone: 366 6306<br />

Find us at: /MEGAFerrymead<br />

Opening Hours:<br />

Monday – Friday:<br />

7am – 7pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays:<br />

8am – 6pm<br />

www.mitre10.co.nz/local/megaFerrymead<br />


THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 20 2<br />

PA SIONATE: Ga by Sanders has always had an<br />

interest c oking and says f od can be used as a<br />

way to bring people together.<br />

Ga by Sanders is trave ling to Australia to compete for a golden chef’s hat award.<br />

Reporter Emily M orhouse talks to Sanders about her unlikely favourite f ods as<br />

a child, her thought proce s behind a su ce sful menu and why she is pa sionate<br />

about c oking<br />

in the grand finals of the 20 2<br />

remembers trying to help her and that curiosity in the kitchen Nestlé Golden Chef’s Hat<br />

mum in the kitchen when she has paid off – next month<br />

was li tle girl was probably she wi l be Melbourne<br />

“quite a noying”.<br />

representing the South Island<br />


But fast forward 20 years<br />

Time for a new<br />

hairstyle or maybe<br />

just a trim up<br />

Haircuts for the whole family<br />

by our trained stylists…<br />

EVERY 8 TH<br />


IS FR E!<br />

With your<br />

loyalty card<br />

co necting you with your neighbourh od<br />

Award<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

w.starnews.co.nz<br />

Open 7 Days - no a pointment nece sary<br />

Bush I n Cnr. Ri carton & Waimairi Rds. Ph 0 348 7 08<br />

South City 5 Colombo St. Ph 0 3 6 0619<br />

• By Kurt <strong>Bay</strong>er<br />

A FATHER who deliberately drove<br />

off the road at 130km/h, killing his<br />

six-year-old son in a fiery car crash,<br />

has been jailed for five years.<br />

An emotional sentencing hearing<br />

at the High Court in Christchurch<br />

yesterday heard from Lachlan Gebhardt’s<br />

heartbroken mother Kim<br />

Manson who called her ex-partner<br />

Niklas Gebhardt a “coward” and a<br />

“monster”.<br />

Manson said her “beautiful,<br />

sweet son” – who she called her best<br />

friend – was killed in a “planned<br />

and calculated” act.<br />

While she knows Gebhardt – who<br />

claims he has amnesia and cannot<br />

remember why he drove off the<br />


road – was convicted on a charge of<br />

manslaughter, she said it will always<br />

be murder to her.<br />

‘SAD CASE’: Niklas Gebhardt has been jailed over the death of his six-year-old son Lachlan (inset).<br />

• Turn to page 4<br />


Influenza cines<br />

now available<br />

w.ri cartonclinic.co.nz<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

Ph: 34 3 61 | 4 Yaldhurst Rd<br />

Hornby HS<br />

students<br />

raise road<br />

safety<br />

concerns<br />

No<br />

a poiNtmeNts<br />

Nece sary,<br />

just come on in<br />

3977<br />

• By Tina Grumball<br />

“We had to remove the panels,<br />

restore the artwork and have a<br />

AFTER BEING destroyed by topcoat seal applied to protect it.”<br />

graffiti, a Lyttleton mural has Two layers of a protective seal<br />

been resurrected “better than were put over top of it so if it was<br />

ever”.<br />

tagged in the future, it would be<br />

Te Hau Tāhengihengi was much easier to clean.<br />

originally put up at Christmas, Lyttleton artist Amber Moke<br />

but had to be removed after it oversaw the creative aspects<br />

was targeted by vandals.<br />

of the artwork and worked on<br />

“It was disappointing to see restoring it.<br />

the artwork damaged by graffiti,” The panels were put up<br />

Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks on Monday on the corner of<br />

Peninsula Community Board Norwich Quay and Canterbury<br />

member Reuben Davidson told St.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News.<br />

• Turn to page 7<br />

RESURRECTED: Artist Amber Moke hangs the mural on<br />

Monday, helped by a Fulton Hogan staff member.<br />

Left – Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Board member Reuben Davidson and Moke at the first<br />

workshop for the mural last year.<br />

Authorised by R Hawarden<br />

17 Jane Deans Close Riccarton Christchurch<br />

• From page 1<br />

In 2017, Young brought an<br />

action against the Crown,<br />

claiming they had an obligation<br />

to remove the rockfall and<br />

remediate the risk.<br />

Alternatively, he sought an<br />

award of damages for the value of<br />

property he lost.<br />

His claim was dismissed by<br />

Justice Dunningham last year,<br />

and he was ordered to pay the<br />

Crown more than $329,000.<br />

He appealed both decisions in<br />

front of Justices Kós, Cooper and<br />

Dobson in April.<br />

The main issue was whether<br />

Dunningham had erred in assessing<br />

the Crown’s obligation, or<br />

erred when ordering costs.<br />

Kós said they found the Crown<br />

was not liable for the damage<br />

done by the quake as it did not<br />

own the cliff-top properties at the<br />

time, nor did it retrospectively<br />

adopt the former landowners<br />

potential liability when it<br />

acquired the properties.<br />

Any liability it did have due<br />

to the continuing rockfall when<br />

it acquired the properties was<br />

dismissed as Young’s property<br />

value was already affected by<br />

wholesale loss of value due to<br />

losses of the quake, rockfall,<br />

continuing cliff instability<br />

and continuing nuisance from<br />

neighbouring land.<br />

Since Young’s land also includes<br />

a part of the cliff, and the<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

majority of rockfall was from<br />

that part, the justices could not<br />

see that the Crown should be<br />

solely responsible for the loss.<br />

They did not see it appropriate<br />

for the Crown to be responsible<br />

either due to the societal responsibilities<br />

it had in the wake of the<br />

quake.<br />

Offers to buy red-zone<br />

properties by the Canterbury<br />

Earthquake Recovery Authority,<br />

on the Crown’s behalf, was never<br />

meant to compensate or provide<br />

welfare.<br />

“The reality, however, is that<br />

the Crown spent over a billion<br />

dollars acquiring almost worthless<br />

land . . . the red zone scheme<br />

was essentially a form of social<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Crown not liable for earthquake damage<br />

THE LATEST <strong>2022</strong> Nielsen<br />

readership report is out and<br />

it shows that Star Media has<br />

achieved further growth in<br />

readership across our titles.<br />

Said Star Media regional<br />

manager Steve McCaughan: “It<br />

is very pleasing to see our titles<br />

are now read 210,000 times a<br />

week, which is 11,000 times up<br />

on last year, offering massive<br />

reach to our market.<br />

“When looking at a comparison<br />

of titles The Press v The Star<br />

in Christchurch, The Star alone<br />

is now read by 33 per cent more<br />

readers than The Press, for an<br />

average issue.<br />

The Nielsen report shows that<br />

readership in the Christchurch<br />

urban area for The Star is now<br />

96,000 while The Press is now<br />

72,000.<br />

Looking at our other local<br />

titles, total readership of the <strong>Bay</strong><br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> News has increased to<br />

12,000 (up 3000 on last year)<br />

Selwyn Times has increased to<br />

48,000 (up 3000 on last year)<br />

and North Canterbury News has<br />

increased to 54,000 (up 6000 on<br />

last year).<br />

Said McCaughan: “I believe<br />

the above survey results are a<br />

testament to a great team reporting<br />

news to our readers that<br />

is engaging and trustworthy. It<br />

is very encouraging to see that<br />

readership of our community<br />

newspapers continues to grow<br />

and is offering our advertisers<br />

top value.<br />

“Our brand audience<br />

combined now surpasses 1.5<br />

million each month.”<br />

Thursday, <strong>August</strong> 4, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Moody’s cancer<br />

campaign<br />

close<br />

to home<br />

– page 3<br />

Christchurch’s best read and largest circulating newspaper<br />

Get adventurous<br />

in a RAV4<br />

hybrid<br />

Opportunity awaits<br />

passionate junior chef<br />

Man who killed son<br />

labelled<br />

a ‘coward,<br />

monster’<br />

Showhome<br />


Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 <strong>August</strong>, 10am-3pm<br />

RSVP is essential, call Wendy on 342 4755<br />

to make an appointment.<br />


25 Steadman Road, Riccarton Park<br />

rymanhealthcare.co.nz<br />

CHANGES MAY be made to busy<br />

Waterl o Rd in response to safety<br />

concerns raised by Hornby High<br />

Sch ol students.<br />

Students from the sch ol – which<br />

is on Waterl o Rd – a proached the<br />

Waipuna Halswe l-Hornby-Ri carton<br />

Co munity Board, wo ried<br />

abou the sp ed and volume of traffic,<br />

including heavy vehicles, using<br />

the road.<br />

City council staff have since done<br />

an a se sment of the road and have<br />

proposed a number of changes to<br />

make it safer.<br />

The changes, which are now out<br />

for publi consultation, include<br />

a ding a new pedestrian refuge<br />

island on Waterl o Rd betw en<br />

th entry points to Hornby High<br />

and the new Hornby Centre, and<br />

constructing a shared 3m pathway<br />

on both sides of the road.<br />

The sp ed limit on Waterl o Rd<br />

wi l be reviewed later in the year as<br />

part of a citywide review of sp ed<br />

limits around sch ols.<br />

City council transport operations<br />

manager Stephen Wright said the<br />

proposed changes on Waterl o Rd<br />

wi l make the road environment<br />

safer for everyone.<br />

“Waterl o Rd is a very busy road<br />

and because there is both a primary<br />

and a secondary sch ol on it, there<br />

are often large groups of children<br />

and young people walking, cycling<br />

or sc oting along it. We wan to<br />

make it safer for them and for the<br />

whole co munity, ’ he said.<br />

• A dington sp ed limits, page 3<br />

– page 29<br />

programme,” Kós said.<br />

“The Crown entered the<br />

picture effectively as a rescuer,<br />

without intent to occupy, develop<br />

or otherwise exploit the land<br />

it had no realistic choice but to<br />

acquire.”<br />

The justices were not convinced<br />

Dunningham had erred in her<br />

decision to dismiss Young’s<br />

claim.<br />

As Dunningham had found<br />

the Crown the successful party<br />

in that decision, she found them<br />

entitled to costs.<br />

Kós said they were not<br />

convinced she had erred in this<br />

decision either, as the Crown’s<br />

duty to abate the continuing<br />

rockfall or damage was adequately<br />

reached when they put forth an<br />

offer of about $2 million in 2015<br />

and again in 2017.<br />

The offer would allow the<br />

Crown to buy the land, but<br />

Young to keep any insurance<br />

money on the three properties<br />

deemed uninhabitable.<br />

“The Crown’s responsibility for<br />

the continuing rockfall risk to<br />

the already gravely impaired land<br />

owned by Mr Young was met by<br />

the offer it remade in 2017,” Kós<br />

said.<br />

However, Young was granted<br />

leave to file a further appeal.<br />

“We are conscious in delivering<br />

this judgement that it will come<br />

as a considerable disappointment<br />

to Mr Young.”<br />

Readership growth for Star Media titles<br />

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Landmark<br />

building for<br />

sale again<br />

Page 3<br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

New Mazda<br />

CX-30 ticks all<br />

the boxes<br />

Page 18<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Your<br />

local news.<br />

anywhere,<br />

anytime.<br />

Vandalised mural is back<br />

and ‘better than ever’<br />


Candidate for<br />

Christchurch City<br />

Council and<br />

Community Board<br />

Banks Peninsula<br />

021 08737502<br />

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Have you claimed your<br />

Southern Response<br />

compensation?<br />

Homeowners who cash-settled their claims with AMI or Southern Response before 1 October 2014<br />

were underpaid by about 20 per cent. Over 1,300 homeowners are yet to claim their compensation.<br />

Anthony Harper has recovered over $30 million for Southern Response claimants, with cash settlements averaging $175,000. We will<br />

file your claim, and give independent legal advice on your full entitlements for a nominal fixed fee, subsidised by Southern Response.<br />

Visit our dedicated website to learn more and start your claim.<br />

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Anthony Harper is a leading New Zealand law firm with offices in Christchurch and Auckland. Further information about Anthony Harper can be found at www.anthonyharper.co.nz

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Tennis<br />

club holds<br />

open day<br />


its annual open day on Sunday,<br />

September 11 from 11am-4pm<br />

at its courts at 75 Main Rd,<br />

Redcliffs.<br />

The club will be pleased to<br />

welcome guests who wish to<br />

have a look at the facilities and<br />

explore what it offers.<br />

In addition, there will be music,<br />

a sausage sizzle and games<br />

and prizes, to make it an extra<br />

fun free day out.<br />

Redcliffs Tennis Club courts<br />

were purchased almost 100<br />

years ago, and it is a club that<br />

remains a special point of<br />

connection in the Redcliffs<br />

community.<br />

THE NEW landscape of Te<br />

Raekura Redcliffs School has<br />

achieved great success at the<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Landscapes of Distinction<br />

Awards over the weekend.<br />

Nationwide, 132 projects were<br />

entered into the awards held by<br />

Registered Master Landscapes.<br />

The awards were a celebration<br />

of the quality trade, craftmanship<br />

and expertise of the best landscapers<br />

in New Zealand. Award<br />

winning projects represent the<br />

top echelon of landscaping<br />

design and construction in the<br />

country.<br />

Canopy NZ Ltd were the<br />

landscapers behind the school’s<br />

new look.<br />

The landscape won the premier<br />

award in landscape design and<br />

a gold medal in the commercial<br />

project landscape design: open<br />

project value and property size<br />

(built project).<br />

The design for the new<br />

primary school provided an<br />

activated landscape for play and<br />

learning, while creating diverse<br />

and unexpected playscapes and<br />

opportunities to engage.<br />

Separate sports and play<br />

spaces have been developed<br />

for the junior and senior<br />

school, including natural play<br />

areas, edible gardens, outdoor<br />

SUCCESS: The landscape of Te Raekura Redcliffs School<br />

was one of four Canterbury projects to achieve outstanding<br />

results at the <strong>2022</strong> Landscapes of Distinction Awards.<br />

School landscaping nets top accolades<br />

performance spaces, and<br />

custom play elements such as a<br />

fireman’s pole to allow the kids to<br />

transition to the different levels<br />

in a playful way.<br />

The judges said the school’s<br />

landscape shows what can be<br />

achieved through thoughtful,<br />

sensitive engagement with the<br />

physical, historical and cultural<br />

context of a site.<br />

“Creativity and imagination<br />

are enriched, and the design<br />

encourages children to connect<br />

with topography; soil, water,<br />

plants and other organisms to<br />

enhance their understanding<br />

of practices necessary for their<br />

future as managers of the planet,”<br />

the panel said.<br />

Registered Master Landscapers<br />

chief executive Janine Scott congratulated<br />

all the award winners<br />

from across New Zealand and<br />

acknowledged the 50 per cent increase<br />

in the number of entrants<br />

this year.<br />

“This represents a major step<br />

forward,” she said.<br />

“The landscape industry is<br />

going from strength to strength,<br />

with so much young talent<br />

entering the industry and some<br />

extraordinary projects being<br />

undertaken by businesses<br />

throughout New Zealand.”<br />

Our readership<br />

is skyrocketing<br />

AGAIN!<br />

Our readership is<br />

up 13%<br />

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Reach more customers and grow your profits with our free professional<br />

advertising consultancy for your business. Contact Shane on 021 381 765 /<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />




ON SALE<br />

3 Piece Dining Set<br />

– W180<br />

WAS $<br />

1479<br />

Andie Double/Queen<br />

Headboard<br />

WAS $<br />

699<br />

winged!<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

549<br />


Woodwall Ballet<br />

Corner – Duck Egg NOW $ 950<br />

Desk – Dark<br />

WAS $<br />

299 1.5 Seater – Duck Egg NOW $ 900<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1129<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

229<br />


ON SALE<br />

Tallboy<br />

NOW $<br />

799<br />

Dbl/Qn Headboard<br />

NOW $<br />

399<br />

Buffet NOW $ 949<br />

Entertainment Unit NOW $ 749<br />

Side Table<br />

NOW $<br />

279<br />

Jensen<br />

Corner Suite<br />

WAS $<br />

<strong>31</strong>99<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

2199<br />

Foster Queen Bed<br />

with Drawers<br />

WAS $<br />

1399<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1149<br />

adjustable headrest<br />

Demi Electric Recliner<br />

WAS $<br />

1199<br />

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10 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 11<br />

ENTREPRENEURS: The team – Lupe Mahoni, Ashlyn<br />

Reddy, Azkiya Mohammed, Dipshay Prasad and Nitin<br />

Raturi – has been selling its combination Mexican and<br />

Indian food at Mt Pleasant Food Truck Alley.<br />

‘Mindian’ curry in a hurry proves a winner<br />

HOW TO EAT curry on the<br />

go? Turn it into burritos and<br />

quesadillas.<br />

Launched by five enterprising<br />

year 13 students from Te Aratai<br />

College, Cheeky Grills combines<br />

the best of Indian and Mexican<br />

food to create exceptional butter<br />

chicken burritos and quesadillas.<br />

It all started when Azkiya Mohammed,<br />

Ashlyn Reddy, Nitin<br />

Ratui, Dipshay Prasad and Lupe<br />

Mahoni wanted to produce some<br />

soul-warming food.<br />

Said Mohammed: “We discovered<br />

that Indian food was<br />

a staple in many families go-to<br />

take-out stops, and Mexican<br />

food was making a comeback in<br />

New Zealand.”<br />

Ratui’s father, who is an Indian<br />

food chef, decided to assist the<br />

group in developing their signature<br />

butter chicken curry sauce.<br />

The secret to their dish is their<br />

smoked chicken.<br />

Said Mohammed: “We added<br />

Mexican spices to our chicken,<br />

giving it a smoked, birria flavour<br />

when boiled and shredded for<br />

tenderness and the right balance<br />

of texture and flavour explosion<br />

when combined.”<br />

Since March this year, the students<br />

have been selling at their<br />

school sites and Mt Pleasant<br />

Food Truck Alley. The group<br />

said they wanted to know if<br />

the public enjoyed their grilled<br />

burrito and quesadilla as much<br />

as they do.<br />

They were amazed by the success<br />

of their “Mindian” dishes.<br />

Cheeky Grills have sold out<br />

at the locations they’ve been to,<br />

with the most successful stint at<br />

the food truck alley.<br />

Said manager Derek Mc-<br />

Cullough: “These are incredible<br />

young people and their Mindian<br />

food is a winner. It’s delicious.<br />

“I hope they go on to do great<br />

things!”<br />

As the food truck alley had<br />

been closed for the winter,<br />

Cheeky Grill will be back at the<br />

JOU<br />

I N<br />

S<br />



market on September 25.<br />

These young entrepreneurs are<br />

determined and ready to take<br />

over the hyped culture of street<br />

food.<br />

“Our mission is to create a new<br />

big fast-food chain proudly made<br />

in New Zealand and to provide<br />

New Zealand a homegrown,<br />

quick-service restaurant service,”<br />

Mohammed said.<br />

Their goal is to have a Cheeky<br />

Grill food truck in each city<br />

around New Zealand.<br />

SATURDAY 1 OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />

Visit ticketek.co.nz to purchase tickets

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

12<br />

SPORT<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Fat Boy Cup – Joel Batchelor (middle) with father Brendon<br />

(left) and Jack Kearns.<br />

Isaiah Malaulau (right) with the Robbie Timo<br />

Wave Player of the Year Award, alongside<br />

Willie Saukuru.<br />

Club Person of the Year Hugo O’Loughlin.<br />

Sumner Rugby players get awards<br />

• By Andrea Heffernan<br />

SUMNER RUGBY honoured its<br />

best at the club’s annual senior<br />

prize-giving last Friday.<br />

Over 30 players were recognised<br />

in everything from best<br />

forward and best back, most valuable<br />

player, best and fairest, most<br />

improved and top try scorer, to<br />

several top accolades.<br />

However, it was a season that<br />

had its fair share of challenges.<br />

‘It’s been a rollercoaster of a<br />

season. The Omicron outbreak at<br />

the start and scrambling for players<br />

due to injuries, flu and Covid.<br />

However, the club refused to back<br />

down,’’ club president Matt Wood<br />

said.<br />

“With pure grit and determination,<br />

the club achieved two finals<br />

and a semi-final for the Storm,<br />

Wave and Tsunami. It’s a massive<br />

achievement for the coaches,<br />

players, volunteers and supporters,’’<br />

Wood said.<br />

In the final to regain the Colts<br />

trophy, the Storm demonstrated<br />

what a formidable team they<br />

were. They just fell short of a<br />

three-peat victory and were<br />

defeated 22-26 by strong rivals,<br />

Marist Albion.<br />

As the premier Wave team<br />

entered the back end of the<br />

season, the momentum started to<br />

shift, and they were on their way<br />

to reach the plate final against<br />

University. However, they were<br />

still a success, as they matched<br />

last year’s position of eighth on<br />

the table. With a young, talented<br />

group they are keen to tackle next<br />

year head-on.<br />

The premier reserve team,<br />

the Tsunami, also had a great<br />

season. From last year – not being<br />

able to field 15 players without<br />

calling on the likes of Robbie<br />

Timo, aged 51, to play 80 minutes<br />

regularly – to reaching the plate<br />

semi-final.<br />

Always keeping the banter<br />

strong and the spirits high are<br />

the Sharks, who won the ‘best<br />

worst’ trophy of their competition,<br />

by not getting the wooden<br />

spoon.<br />

The main award winners:<br />

• The Fat Boy Club Best and<br />

Fairest Player – Joel Batchelor.<br />

This young man quickly grew to<br />

become one of the Tsunami’s finest<br />

leaders on and off the pitch. A<br />

natural communicator with great<br />

leadership qualities.<br />

• Shagged Rock Trophy Team<br />

of the Year – The Storm Colts,<br />

who had a formidable season and<br />

made it through to the finals.<br />

• Norm Fraser Supporters<br />

Trophy – Jason Gunn. He turned<br />

up to the sheds at the start of<br />

the season with some words of<br />

encouragement that have stuck<br />

for the team.<br />

• President’s Award – Ryan<br />

Turner, a manager who is completely<br />

dedicated to the club and<br />

has created a solid foundation<br />

and a stellar colts team, and has<br />

installed a positive culture within<br />

the club.<br />

• Senior Coach/es of the Year –<br />

the Storm Colts; steered the Colts<br />

through to the grand final this<br />

year.<br />

• Dingo Memorial Trophy –<br />

Jason Marsden of the Sharks; who<br />

has been a constant anchor for<br />


Sumner Rugby’s<br />

award winners.<br />


BLUNT<br />

the team the last 20 years.<br />

• Club Top Try Scorer – Jack<br />

Jones of the Storm; scored 18 tries<br />

over the season.<br />

• Robbie Timo Wave Player<br />

of the Year – Isaiah Malaulau, a<br />

player who is humble and committed,<br />

a “human wrecking ball”<br />

of the Wave team.<br />

• Club Person of the Year –<br />

Hugo O’Loughlin. The club is<br />

only as good as its culture and<br />

values, and Hugo has shown this<br />

on and off the field. He is the only<br />

player to have played for all three<br />

teams on the same day; he has<br />

grown as a man and a player.<br />

Griff <strong>Bay</strong>ley (left) and Kurtis Alridge.<br />

Sharks boys.<br />

Jason Gunn (left), Supporter<br />

of the Year and club president<br />

Matt Wood.<br />

Jason Marsden with<br />

the Dingo Memorial<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />

Summerset Prebbleton<br />

selling now! *<br />

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By following our Covid guidelines it’s safe to visit our villages.<br />

For the latest information visit summerset.co.nz/covid-19<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

14<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Treasures from the past:<br />

The humble bilge pump<br />

IN DAYS gone by, when sailing<br />

ships were constructed entirely<br />

of wooden planks, sailors lived in<br />

constant fear of the ever-present<br />

leaks through the hull and into<br />

the bilge waters below decks.<br />

Often the bilge would also<br />

double as a latrine, especially<br />

on the larger ships with many<br />

sailors and just the one ‘head’.<br />

And it has been said that the<br />

bilge water’s stench was also the<br />

welcome perfume of a healthy<br />

hull, as any freshness would<br />

indicate fresh sea water and a<br />

potential leak!<br />

In storms, large waves and<br />

fierce rains would add to the<br />

water level down below, with<br />

the lives of all aboard finely<br />

balanced against Archimedes’<br />

principle concerning the force of<br />

buoyancy.<br />

With this in mind, one<br />

of the most neglected yet<br />

essential pieces of equipment<br />

guaranteeing the very last hope<br />

for any sailor’s survival at sea,<br />

beyond lost rigging or a broken<br />

rudder, is the humble bilge<br />

pump.<br />

Up until the industrial<br />

revolution and the advent of<br />

machined metal ‘patent’ pumps<br />

in the mid-to-late-1800s, there<br />

were three basic types of bilge<br />

pump, the origins of which<br />

are ancient and were used in<br />

European sailing ships from the<br />

1400s on.<br />

These were the burr pump,<br />

usually a spike with leather<br />

burr that drew water up a pipe<br />

fashioned from wood. This form<br />

of pump is still in common use<br />

today for small boats, dinghies<br />

and canoes.<br />

The chain pump used a chain<br />

loop on sprockets with buckets<br />

attached to collect water. This<br />

form of pump was used in<br />

ancient China, Babylonia and<br />

later in Roman barges, but was<br />

generally only fitted to European<br />

naval vessels from 1700 to the<br />

early 1800s.<br />

The last and most common<br />

type of bilge pump was the<br />

suction pump that used a handle<br />

BILGE PUMP: A hand-operated deck pump with brass bolts. Te Ūaka The Lyttelton<br />

Museum ref. 32.1, https://www.teuaka.org.nz/online-collection/470000.<br />

to drive one or more cylinders,<br />

often in brass or bronze<br />

housings, with valves that were<br />

commonly made from lignum<br />

vitae hardwoods.<br />

Many ingenious versions<br />

of suction or force pumps are<br />

known from ancient Greek<br />

and Roman times, and modern<br />

versions using synthetics and<br />

marine grade metals are still in<br />

common use today.<br />

An innovation on the suction<br />

pump was the introduction of<br />

the iconic, manually driven<br />

flywheels on the decks of larger<br />

ships, which kept the pumping<br />

momentum going.<br />

These ancient forms of bilge<br />

pump were superseded in the<br />

late 1800s by a revolution in<br />

pump design driven by the<br />

industrialisation of metallurgy<br />

and machining.<br />

Called ‘patent’ pumps due<br />

to the explosion in design<br />

patents, these were all-metal,<br />

manual or motorised pumps<br />

with a multitude of innovative<br />

variations on pump design.<br />

One such variation is the<br />

cast iron Edson diaphragm<br />

deck pump patented by the US<br />

Edson Company in 1880 and<br />

in common use from 1890 to<br />

the 1920s on American fishing<br />

schooners.<br />

The museum’s deck pump<br />

(pictured) appears to be a copy of<br />

a D2 size Edson pump from that<br />

era. A 1050mm handle would<br />

have fitted the pump’s socket and<br />

been used to manually work the<br />

internal diaphragm that would<br />

suction and pump bilge water<br />

through two chambers.<br />

A similar D2 Edson copy,<br />

branded ‘Ajax’, is fitted to the<br />

Maritime Museum of<br />

Tasmania’s ketch May Queen in<br />

Hobart.<br />

Manual deck pumps such as<br />

the Edson were mainly in use on<br />

smaller wooden hulled vessels<br />

of up to 200 or 300 tons, with<br />

many larger sail ships still using<br />

flywheel suction pumps.<br />

The later motorised ketches<br />

and schooners in Australian<br />

and NZ waters also used these<br />

diaphragm pumps, as their<br />

auxiliary engines were not<br />

usually fitted with bilge pumps,<br />

while steamships used bilge<br />

pumps connected to their engine<br />

rooms.<br />

However, after WW2 cast iron<br />

manual bilge pumps such as the<br />

Edson were superseded by the<br />

modern motorised bilge pumps<br />

in common use today.<br />

Nonetheless, Edson still<br />

manufactures a modernised<br />

version of their old diaphragm<br />

pump, should you need a manual<br />

back-up for your yachting<br />

adventures.<br />

Many thanks to Ian Scales<br />

for identifying the museum’s<br />

pump and providing text for this<br />

article.<br />

See also Ship’s Bilge Pumps:<br />

A History of their Development<br />

1500-1900 by Thomas J Oertling.<br />


Ross Taylor – Black & White<br />

by Paul Thomas<br />

Ross Taylor has scored the most runs, made the most<br />

centuries and taken the most catches by a New Zealander<br />

in international cricket. The numbers are extraordinary but<br />

they don’t tell the whole story. Here is the whole story - in<br />

black and white.<br />

A Load of Bull by Amanda King<br />

Amanda King on her OE trvaels met a Kiwi farmer, and<br />

ended up living on a farm in Canterbury, New Zealand,<br />

and falling head-over-heels in love with country life<br />

as well as the farmer! Photography started off as a<br />

favourite hobby -and then an opportunity arose to<br />

photograph a stunning highland cow. Amanda also<br />

tells brief stories of some of these animals, their<br />

personalities, and how the shoot day went. As you<br />

may imagine, it’s not always entirely straightforward!<br />

1005 Ferry rd Ph 384 2063<br />


While stocks last<br />

(see instore<br />

for terms and<br />

conditions)<br />

PleAse<br />

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everyone!<br />

Barry & kerry

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />

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Prices Guaranteed as of 3/9/22. Subject to change.<br />

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$<br />

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CAN-C 24<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

16<br />



1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19 20<br />

21 22 23<br />

24 25<br />

2/9<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Across<br />

1. Quietly smiled about showing them,<br />

perhaps (7)<br />

5. The newspapers: does that ring a bell? (5)<br />

8. After six, anger can turn to bad temper (7)<br />

9. Find a tree in a particular churchyard (5)<br />

10. Steady application one found in the old<br />

French coach (9)<br />

12. Russian space station turned back on the<br />

brink (3)<br />

13. A role to play when separated (5)<br />

17. The game got by a slovenly woman (3)<br />

19. Is being shot at like the ashes in the grate<br />

(5,4)<br />

21. Room with a window built out of a college<br />

(5)<br />

22. Use of the teeth, when cig is being rolled<br />

(7)<br />

24. Part that swells out by about a yard and<br />

a quarter (5)<br />

25. As the years roll by one doesn’t get any,<br />

junior (7)<br />

Down<br />

1. In a low den I’d got to split (6)<br />

2. Was mutilated, having been through the<br />

wringer (7)<br />

3. A record of one’s progress may be<br />

committed to the flames (3)<br />

4. Between Poles, anger sounded a warning<br />

(5)<br />

5. Artificial material from which one may style<br />

rope (9)<br />

6. It may have to be corrected with the 3Rs,<br />

Old English (5)<br />

7. A plan to mechanise, in a lost fashion (6)<br />

11. Changing of the Guard supporter, a bit at<br />

a time (9)<br />

14. Making of money by saying phrase not<br />

heard before (7)<br />

15. Soak it up in bar: sob about it (6)<br />

16. With the REME, King George formed a<br />

combination of companies (6)<br />

18. Closely examine somebody on the<br />

gridiron (5)<br />

20. City area, in being teetotal, one will<br />

criticise as being worthless (5)<br />

23. European currency system will not get off<br />

the ground (3)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19<br />

20<br />

21 22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Capable (4)<br />

4. Sports official (6)<br />

8. Tomato sauce (7)<br />

9. Bright blue (5)<br />

10. Glide over the surface<br />

(4)<br />

11. Impassioned (8)<br />

13. Thankfulness (9)<br />

17. Total (8)<br />

19. Howl (4)<br />

21. Bush (5)<br />

22. Christen (7)<br />

23. Hinder (6)<br />

24. Quaint (4)<br />

Down<br />

2. Gambling (7)<br />

3. Reverberation (4)<br />

4. Changeable (13)<br />

5. Calm (8)<br />

6. Blusher (5)<br />

7. Small-minded (5)<br />

8. Smooch (4)<br />

12. Flawed (8)<br />

14. Inspect (7)<br />

15. Hesitate (5)<br />

16. Delight (4)<br />

18. Rugby formation (5)<br />

20. Minor quarrel (4)<br />


Across: 1. Able, 4. Umpire, 8. Ketchup, 9. Azure, 10. Skim,<br />

11. Vehement, 13. Gratitude, 17. Absolute, 19. Bawl, 21.<br />

Shrub, 22. Baptise, 23. Impede, 24. Twee.<br />

Down: 2. Betting, 3. Echo, 4. Unpredictable, 5. Peaceful,<br />

6. Rouge, 7. Petty, 8. Kiss, 12. Fallible, 14. Examine, 15.<br />

Pause, 16. Glee, 18. Scrum, 20. Spat.<br />


Across: 1. Dimples 5. Press 8. Vinegar 9. Larch 10.<br />

Diligence 12. Rim 13. Apart 17. Bag 19. Under fire 21.<br />

Oriel 22. Chewing 24. Belly 25. Younger.<br />

Down: 1. Divide 2. Mangled 3. Log 4. Siren 5. Polyester 6.<br />

Error 7. Scheme 8. Gradually 14. Coining 15. Absorb 16.<br />

Merger 18. Grill 20. Decry 23. Emu.<br />


TARGET<br />

aged aide aids aniseed aside dags dais<br />

dang dean deign deigns denies dens dense<br />

design dies digs dine dines ding dings dins<br />

DISENGAGE eased edge edges edging egad<br />

egged ends engaged gads gaged gained<br />

ganged geed idea nagged need needs sagged<br />

said sand sedan sedge seed seeding seined<br />

send side signed singed snagged snide<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

I E E<br />

A D G<br />

G S N<br />

Good 28<br />

Very Good 39<br />

Excellent 47+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />

Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm


Coastal Flair and Finesse<br />

22 Marama Cres, Mt Pleasant<br />

Auction Wed 21 Sept from 5pm<br />

at the Sumner Surf Life Saving Club<br />

(unless brought forward).<br />

3 bedrooms, 2 living, 2 bathrooms,<br />

3 toilets, 2 car garaging<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA30287<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday 5.00-6.00pm,<br />

Saturday & Sunday 11.00-11.30am<br />

Premier positioning and a picturesque<br />

perspective are just a couple of the drawcards<br />

to this premium residence, which reflects<br />

spectacular family living on the prized lower<br />

slopes of Mt Pleasant.<br />

Enjoyed by the vendors for a considerable<br />

number of years, they lived here in their<br />

original abode pre-quake and built this<br />

exceptional architectural home in its<br />

place in 2013, demonstrating their immense<br />

appreciation for the location.<br />

Engineered and designed to a superior<br />

standard, this home basks in the supreme<br />

comfort offered by modern construction<br />

while its cutting-edge form immediately<br />

grabs your eye.<br />

Wide-scale glazing is a prominent feature<br />

of the build and not only maximises the<br />

sun-soaked aspect but showcases the exquisite<br />

panoramic views over the estuary, sea, city,<br />

Alps, Kaikoura's and upwards to Castle Rock.<br />

Covering approx 300sqm including the main<br />

balcony over two family-focused floors, the<br />

entry-level is the primary setting for everyday<br />

living. The elegantly appointed kitchen,<br />

dining, and living sit beneath a soaring<br />

ceiling and extend outdoors to the hardwood<br />

deck framed by glass balustrades, ensuring an<br />

unimpeded outlook from every angle.<br />

The main bedroom also occupies this floor<br />

and luxuriates with its ensuite, WIR and deck<br />

access where you can appreciate the seascape<br />

and city lights by night.<br />

The ground floor is a retreat well-suited to<br />

teens and guests, boasting another living<br />

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />


room and two double bedrooms assisted by a<br />

family-sized bathroom.<br />

Spanning approx. 868sqm, the section benefits<br />

from established plantings that deliver peace<br />

and privacy, with the internal access double<br />

garage offering another advantage.<br />

Ferrymead, Sumner beach and the coastal<br />

pathway are in easy reach, with currently in No.1 Sales Consultants 2017-<strong>2022</strong><br />

zone Mt Pleasant School nearby.<br />

Simon and Paula Standeven<br />

The estate has issued a clear directive to sell,<br />

M. 0274 304 691 Office: (03) 384 4179<br />

Ray White Ferrymead - Prier Manson Ltd.<br />

and buyers are advised to act with haste. (Licenced REAA 2008)<br />

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motor vehicle purchase<br />

See our ad on page 2<br />

18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Off-road champion and city slicker<br />

I FIND IT HARD to believe there<br />

has been a model nameplate that<br />

has been around for longer than<br />

I have.<br />

Well, it’s not older by much,<br />

but Toyota’s Land Cruiser has just<br />

reached 70 years in production<br />

and to celebrate a new model has<br />

just landed.<br />

While its basic concept hasn’t<br />

changed, the Land Cruiser 300<br />

is very fresh, it gets a brand new<br />

engine and, what’s more, there is<br />

a GR option that adds ingredients<br />

through Toyota’s performance<br />

arm – Gazoo Racing.<br />

The Land Cruiser 300 has a<br />

platform that has served the test<br />

of time in terms of how it has<br />

been engineered for purpose, its<br />

reputation as one of the industry’s<br />

best off-road drivelines is still<br />

well intact. The ladder chassis,<br />

the four-wheel-drive mechanicals<br />

and a big engine all combine<br />

to provide a vehicle that is an<br />

off-road champion and a station<br />

wagon/sport utility vehicle with<br />

few competitors.<br />

The Land Cruiser 300 (no<br />

longer 200) in Gazoo Racing<br />

form gets plenty of adornments,<br />

the interior is coloured with rich<br />

red leather highlights, sporty<br />

GR badging and logos splashed<br />

throughout the model.<br />

Under the bonnet things<br />

have changed dramatically, no<br />

longer does that wonderful V8<br />

turbo-diesel lurk there, Toyota<br />

has lopped off two cylinders, the<br />

new model now has a diesel-fed<br />

twin-turbocharged V6. If you are<br />

thinking that’s a backward step,<br />

think again, the new engine is<br />

more powerful (up 27kW and<br />

50Nm), it is a lot lighter and,<br />

according to Toyota, at 10.2-litres<br />

per 100km/h, it has an improved<br />

combined cycle fuel usage average<br />

over its predecessor.<br />

For the record, during my time<br />

with the evaluation car the fuel<br />

usage readout was sitting around<br />

12l/100km with 9.8l/100km available<br />

instantaneously at 100km/h,<br />

the engine loping over gently at<br />

just 1400rpm.<br />

In terms of power, the new V6<br />

is rated at 227kW and a massive<br />

700Nm of torque, both outputs<br />

available low in the rev band at<br />

4000rpm and 1600rpm respectively,<br />

and that is the type of<br />

power delivery you want when it<br />

comes to off-road travel, a gentle<br />

harnessing of power and delivered<br />

smoothly through a series of<br />

complex drive modes.<br />

Another big change for Land<br />

Cruiser 300 is the fitment of a<br />

10-speed automatic transmission,<br />

it is delightful with undetectable<br />

shifts and ratios that cater for all<br />

environments. I would have liked<br />

to see paddle shifters but even<br />

though they aren’t fitted, manual<br />

changes can be made from the<br />

main gearshift lever itself.<br />

The Land Cruiser 300 has an<br />

uncanny willingness beneath<br />

the throttle and it does so with<br />

GRIP: Off-road tracks are not trouble to the Land Cruiser.<br />

TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 300 GR SPORT: Gazoo Racing has had an influence on trim details.<br />

a characteristic V6 growl that is<br />

delightful to listen to. Where the<br />

Gazoo Racing aspect comes in<br />

is through a choice of multiple<br />

sport driving modes, they are<br />

largely functioned through electronics<br />

hastening engine urgency,<br />

ideal for the long haul over the<br />

Akaroa hill or other demanding<br />

situations. For interest’s sake the<br />

new engine has the ability to<br />

take 2630kg from a standstill to<br />

100km/h in under 7sec, which I<br />

think is pretty impressive.<br />

The Land Cruiser has ride quality<br />

to envy, it merely floats over<br />

bumps and lumps, yet has the<br />

rugged essentials so that off-road<br />

travel can be completed capably.<br />

That is the secret of Land Cruiser,<br />

it is soft and sultry to drive in<br />

the everyday environment, yet<br />

it is technically superior when it<br />

comes to travel off-road.<br />

I took the evaluation car on<br />

some easy tracks that lead parallel<br />

to one of our main rivers, it was<br />

perfect for the role with huge grip<br />

and drive programs which can be<br />

dialled in depending on the surface<br />

likely to be encountered. The<br />

main switch is for low and high<br />

range, but there are also a host<br />

of other mechanisms that can be<br />

initiated in advance of the terrain<br />

ahead. The driver can dial up the<br />

appropriate setting through those<br />

choices.<br />

The Land Cruiser is complex,<br />

there’s no denying that, but the<br />

• Price – Toyota Land<br />

Cruiser 300 GR Sport,<br />

$147,990<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4995mm; width, 1990mm;<br />

height, 1945mm<br />

• Configuration – V6,<br />

four-wheel-drive, 3346cc,<br />

227kW, 700Nm, 10-speed<br />

automatic<br />

• Performance –<br />

0-100km/h, 6.7sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 10.2/100km<br />

result is extraordinary off-road<br />

prowess, it is so capable the driver<br />

can glean confidence from the<br />

vehicle, and yet at the same time<br />

each occupant is cocooned in a<br />

lap of luxury.<br />

If the GR treatment isn’t to<br />

your liking and its price tag of<br />

$147,900 is a little overwhelming,<br />

then there are VX and VX Limited<br />

variants of the new 300 series,<br />

they list at $127,990 and $141,990<br />

respectively. If you are serious<br />

about off-road travel and want<br />

all of the best mechanisms in<br />

place, then the GR with its kinetic<br />

dynamic suspension system will<br />

give you the best ride quality and<br />

performance off-road.<br />

Even though the Land Cruiser<br />

has been given a massive refresh,<br />

it is still the quintessential family<br />

wagon with vast interior space<br />

and associated comfort.<br />

I picked up a friend from the<br />

central city and took him to the<br />

airport. He travels light so there<br />

was no problem with cargo space<br />

but even though it is a big vehicle<br />

I felt comfortable tackling a Hereford<br />

St car park. At almost 5m in<br />

length it was a bit of a mission but<br />

with good vision all round and<br />

clever parking assistance devices<br />

the job was completed without<br />

concern.<br />

Convenience features are too<br />

numerous to mention, but there<br />

are the usual high profile items<br />

that add to the luxury feel within<br />

the vehicle. It’s also important to<br />

mention that the Land Cruiser is<br />

rated with a 3500kg tow figure,<br />

that’s massive and way in advance<br />

of the weight that I loaded onto<br />

the tow bar when I took advantage<br />

of the free Mitre 10 trailer<br />

hire after purchasing several<br />

lengths of Marley guttering for<br />

the garage spouting project I’m<br />

working on.<br />

The Land Cruiser 300 serves<br />

in the everyday role. I’m not 100<br />

per cent convinced with the GR<br />

badging, Gazoo Racing has done<br />

an important role in building a<br />

sporting image in the Toyota lineup,<br />

the Land Cruiser is no sports<br />

car, it is designed for a completely<br />

different role.<br />

But I will say I do like the<br />

interior GR treatment; it wouldn’t<br />

be fair to say the Land Cruiser<br />

300 is ageing gracefully, it is<br />

looking extremely youthful.<br />

has motoring covered!<br />

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ISSUE 667 | FrIday 20 novEmbEr 2020<br />

sherborne st, edgeware<br />

iggest range of vehicles<br />

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ISSUE 668 | FrIday 27 NovEmbEr 2020<br />

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For more see their advert on pages 6 & 7<br />

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Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />


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Have you had your drains<br />

checked post earthquake?<br />

Free CCTV Drain<br />

Camera Inspection.<br />

Call now for a FREE quote!<br />

Call: 022 375 8506<br />

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Website: www.mtpd.co.nz<br />

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Trades & Services<br />

Landscape<br />

and Garden<br />

Services<br />

Need help with<br />

your garden?<br />

We provide a quality<br />

service for all your<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />

(hedges, lawns,<br />

line trimming, weeding)<br />

and Landscaping needs,<br />

(fencing, paths, drives,<br />

retaining and earthworks).<br />

Ph 021 272 0303<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

00<strong>31</strong>81, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />


SWEEPS<br />

We’ll sweep your<br />

logburner’s flue, check<br />

firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />

& controls. We’re experts<br />

on coal-rangers, and can<br />

sweep any sized open fire.<br />

We quote & undertake<br />

repairs, flue extensions &<br />

install bird netting. 0800<br />

22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />

nz<br />


JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered..<br />

Expert in all home<br />

electrical repairs &<br />

maintenance.Call James<br />

027 4401715<br />


Andrew Martin Electrical.<br />

25 years experience.<br />

Specialize in home<br />

renovations, repairs and<br />

maintenance. Call Andrew<br />

0274 3<strong>31</strong> 183<br />



Have you checked<br />

your drains since the<br />

earthquake? Call now: 022<br />

375 8506<br />



Total gutter / spouting<br />

clear out & clean. House<br />

wash & windows. For a<br />

professioanl & reliable<br />

service call Greg Brown<br />

A1 Spouting Cleaning 027<br />

616 03<strong>31</strong> or 384 2661<br />

HOME<br />


Decks, fencing, retaining<br />

walls, kitchens, sleepouts,<br />

kitsets, renovations and<br />

more. Greg 022 475 8227<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Do you need a reliable<br />

plumber? Quality and<br />

timely services. No job<br />

too big or small. Phone<br />

V Plumbing Ltd. 022 351<br />

4125<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

Gardener available for<br />

maintenance, weeding<br />

pruning, spraying,<br />

planting, advice. Qual &<br />

exp. Ph Richard 0274 918<br />

234, 03 349 4022<br />

Real Estate<br />

WANTED Section / Clear<br />

land from 400 sq to 20<br />

ha on Banks Peninsula to<br />

buy or lease (long term).<br />

Looking to move Tiny<br />

House (off grid) on to site.<br />

Prefer site in Eastern <strong>Bay</strong>s<br />

area, but any assessable<br />

site would be looked at<br />

seriously. Contact Shane<br />

021 381 765 or email<br />

shanejohnvictor@gmail.<br />

com<br />

To Lease<br />

Office space to lease,<br />

CBD area. 60 - 100 sqm.<br />

Comp priced. Flexible<br />

lease period. Call Shane<br />

for more details on 021<br />

381 765<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

<strong>31</strong>3 8156<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />

Public Notice<br />

Notice for consultation on a proposed Enrolment Scheme<br />

amendment for Te Raekura Redcliffs School<br />

The Ministry of Education has identified that Te Raekura Redcliffs School requires an<br />

amendment to their enrolment scheme and has given the school board notice of this.<br />

After engagement with the Board, we have developed a proposed enrolment scheme for<br />

Te Raekura Redcliffs School under the Education and Training Act 2020.<br />

As part of this process, we are consulting with the school’s community and with people<br />

living in the area for which the school is a reasonably convenient school.<br />

Under this scheme, students will be able to enrol if they live within the proposed home<br />

zone. The enrolment of out-of-zone students is governed by the provisions of the<br />

Education and Training Act 2020.<br />

A copy of the proposed enrolment scheme is available at<br />

https://consultation.education.govt.nz/education/redcliffs-school-enrolmentscheme-amendment/<br />

If you have any feedback about the proposed enrolment scheme, please visit the<br />

website, read the information and complete the survey before 30 September <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Contact email; Canterbury.EnrolmentSchemes@education.govt.nz<br />

Public Notices<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

This Blue September do something<br />

blue to help a mate through.<br />

Every year 4,000 kiwi men are diagnosed with prostate cancer.<br />

The funds raised by every Blue Do help us make a real difference<br />

to the lives of blokes living with prostate cancer.<br />

Organise your Blue Do or<br />

blueseptember.org.nz<br />


Prostate Cancer<br />

Foundation NZ<br />

Te Kahui Māte Pukupuku Repe Tātea o Aotearoa

20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


FOR LESS<br />

48 MONTHS<br />


*48 months interest free is available on in-store Long Term Finance (LTF) Q Card and Q Mastercard purchases $999 and over until 05/09/<strong>2022</strong>. Exclusions applies, see offer for details. Lending<br />

criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. $55 Establishment Fee applies to your first Long Term Finance (LTF) transaction, $35 Advance Fee applies to subsequent LTF transactions. At<br />

end of interest free period, Q Mastercard Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate of 27.99% p.a. applies. Standard Interest Rate applies to Standard Purchases after 3 months<br />

interest free period ends (Q Mastercard 26.69% and Q Card 27.99% p.a.). Rates and fees subject to change. Columbus Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the<br />

right to amend, suspend or terminate the offer and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.<br />




$<br />

1599<br />

Austin<br />

3 + 2 Lounge Suite<br />

Orbit<br />

Chair<br />

Rake<br />

Chair<br />



$<br />

139<br />

Available in<br />

Black & Grey<br />

$<br />

109<br />

Available in<br />

Black & White<br />

Affordable<br />


$<br />

139<br />

Radius<br />

Dining Chair<br />

Radius Dining<br />

Table1600<br />

$<br />

749<br />

Bradman<br />

Lifter Chair<br />

Nova Bedroom<br />

Collection<br />

Grey PU<br />

Beige PU<br />

Black PU<br />

$<br />

959<br />

Marlow Chair<br />

& Stool<br />

$<br />

859<br />

Electric Lifting<br />

Bedside 2 Draw From $299<br />

Bedframe From $1009<br />

Under Storage Small $199<br />

Under Storage Large $219<br />

6 Drawer Tallboy $949<br />

6 Drawer Lowboy $879<br />

FREE<br />



BATH ST<br />

WE ARE<br />

HERE<br />





MON-FRI 9:30AM – 5:00PM<br />

SAT-SUN 10AM – 5:00PM<br />

0800 268 264

Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />




22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


7 FRANCIS JAMES LANE | High Quality | High Calibre HOME<br />

AUCTION: 12PM, 3 SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong>, ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR)<br />

Positioned at the end of Francis James Lane with an outlook of our coastal<br />

playground, stretching as far as the Kaikoura Ranges, 7 Francis James Lane is in<br />

a position second to none.<br />

3 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />

1,068 M2<br />

(MORE OR LESS)<br />

A 2020 post quake construction gives peace of mind that the home has been built<br />

to its highest quality and using the latest in engineered foundation technology.<br />

With no expense spared in the finishing of this HOME, it is a perfect place to<br />

relax and entertain.<br />

The master bedroom is accompanied by a walk-in robe & ensuite, the other 2<br />

bedrooms are also fully equipped with wardrobes allowing for perfect storage.<br />

The main living area expands out to the wrap-around deck, capturing all day sun<br />

for basking in the unique hillside lifestyle this HOME has to offer.<br />

The kitchen is the ultimate hub of the HOME and fully spaced for the chef of the<br />

family, complete with the highly valued butlers pantry. Featuring a separate wet<br />

room off the internal access garage and ample storage to complete this carefree<br />

family HOME.<br />

Being situated in one of Christchurch's most desirable locations, with close<br />

proximity to Sumner Beach, coastal walkways and Ferrymead shopping center,<br />

there's no reason why this HOME shouldn't be on the top of your shopping list!<br />


021 156 5884<br />


Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 23<br />

266 MAJOR HORNBROOK ROAD | Contemporary Coastal Chic<br />

AUCTION: 1PM, 10 SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong> | ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR)<br />

Enviably situated high atop Mt Pleasant, this expansive 410 m2, four<br />

bedroom, three bathroom HOME offers the very best of hillside living with<br />

a sheltered aspect, sweeping views over the city, tiered outdoor living, and<br />

close proximity to hillside recreation.<br />

This HOME has recently been fully refurbished and offers new Abodo<br />

Vulcan cladding, double glazing, and a chic, contemporary, coastal finish<br />

throughout that could have it easily mistaken for a new build.<br />

4 BED 3 BATH 2 LIVING 2 CAR<br />

1,008 M2<br />

(MORE OR LESS)<br />

Anchoring the open plan living and dining area, the stunning kitchen<br />

designed by award winning Modi Design, offers high quality appliances, an<br />

integrated central island timber dining table, and engineered stone bench<br />

tops. On trend timber flooring flows seamlessly through the dining area<br />

and open plan lounge, while a separate lounge with 5.1 surround sound<br />

offers a snug retreat with exceptional views and a multi-room sound system<br />

provides the perfect atmosphere no matter the occasion. The sheltered<br />

deck area provides the ideal space for alfresco entertaining on long<br />

summer evenings.<br />

The internal access double garage with workshop also offers on-site<br />

parking outside - a necessity for hillside living, while a stylish laundry<br />

room, a full alarm and security camera system and gorgeous landscaped<br />

outdoor living areas with established planting completes the picture.<br />


021 156 5884<br />

eddie@homechch.co.nz<br />


021 363 944<br />


24 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>August</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />



ASKING PRICE $519,000<br />

3 BED 1 BATH<br />

119 BOWHILL ROAD<br />


4 BED 1 BATH<br />


DEADLINE: 3PM, 14 SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong>*<br />

4 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />


ENQUIRIES OVER $589,000<br />

3 BED 1 BATH 2 CAR<br />



DEADLINE: 12PM, 6 SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong>*<br />

2 BED 1 BATH 1 CAR<br />

10 MECCA PLACE<br />

OFFERS OVER $469,000<br />

3 BED 1 BATH<br />


106 BREEZES ROAD<br />

SOLD | $255,000<br />



SOLD | $579,000<br />

3 BED 1 BATH 2 CAR<br />

28 PINE AVENUE<br />

SOLD | $645,000<br />

4 BED 2 BATH<br />

451 RIDGE ROAD<br />

SOLD | $1,100,000<br />

3 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />

1 8 6 MA I N R O A D , RE D C L I F F S<br />

03 930 1323<br />


SOLD | $1,100,000<br />

3 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />

5/35 CRAVEN STREET<br />


3 BED 1 BATH<br />



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