Rajah News - August 2022

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years since opening these initial facilities, new facilities were built. The new hospitals in Cincinnati and Galveston were competed

in 1992 and the new facility for a burn hospital in Boston was completed in 1999.

Plus, the addition of a burn treatment center was opened in 1997 at the new Shriners Hospital for Children in Sacramento,

California, in 1997.

Along with Orthopedic and Burn treatment,

Shriners Hospitals added two more treatment


In 1980, Shriners Hospitals responded to

another pediatric need by opening a spinal cord

injury rehabilitation unit at the Philadelphia


This was the first pediatric spinal cord injury

unit in the country.

In 2005, the organization discovered that

facial clefts are one of the most common birth

defects in the U.S. Despite the frequency of its

occurrence, and the severity of the deformities,

complete care and treatment can be difficult

to obtain. As a result, Shriners Hospitals for

Children added a fourth official specialty to its

care disciplines: cleft lip and palate.

In the early 1960s, the health care system

aggressively entered the structured research

field. The innovative research conducted at

Shriners Hospitals for Children increases the total worldwide body of medical knowledge, potentially benefiting people of all ages

around the globe.

Shriners Hospitals for Children is changing lives every day through innovative pediatric

specialty care, world-class research and outstanding medical education. This care is given

to these patients, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Their care and treatment is not

based on one’s ability to pay for any of their treatment, whatsoever.

All services are paid by the Shriners from a hospital fund supplied by the Shriners

Hospitals for Children Endowment Fund, which is supported by the gifts and bequests

of Shriners, their families, and the general public. Additional revenues come from fundraising

events and from an annual hospital assessment paid by each member of the Shrine.

In 2021, Shriners Hospital for Children officially changed its name to better reach

out to all children who may be suffering from a specific physical need and not just those

described by the former name of the philanthropy.

Now, “Shriners Children’s” currently includes hospitals/medical centers, orthopedic

units, several satellite clinics and four burn centers, including the Sacramento Hospital

which treats patients for both burns and orthopedic needs.

So, from that humble beginning of the founding of the first Shriners Hospital in 1927,

a group of specialized hospitals have grown into a health network of 22 specialized

hospitals providing expert medical care to more than 1,500,000 children,

regardless of the patient’s or their family’s ability to pay. These Shrine

supported “Temples of Mercy” have come to be known as the “World’s

Greatest Philanthropy,” operating throughout North America, including

20 facilities in the United States and one each in Mexico and Canada.


Spinal cord rehabilitation unit established at

Shriners Philadelphia, 1980

Shriners Hospitals added

Facial Cleft treatment in


In the next edition of the Rajah News, we’ll look at more ways the

Shriners Children’s has helped over one million patients and how the

treatment has expanded and has become even more accessible to more

patients and their families.

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