ECSA Trade Pharma and Nutrition | Market report preview 09.2022 ECSA Trade Preview ➡ Download full version
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SEPTEMBER 2022<br />
<strong>ECSA</strong> TRADE<br />
What’s going on in the market?<br />
In May <strong>and</strong> June, after the declaration of force majeure<br />
from Celanese <strong>and</strong> Ineos, as a result of unanticipated<br />
interruptions in raw material supply in the Texas Gulf<br />
Coast, the situation has been getting better <strong>and</strong> the prices<br />
dropped.<br />
But according to traders, signs of a possible price rise are<br />
beginning to appear on the horizon due to of new raw<br />
material quotas <strong>and</strong> spot acetic acid that is hard to find on<br />
the market, see Asia for imports were the prices are rising<br />
too.<br />
The Acetone price surge in the European region for the<br />
second quarter of 2022, due to the supply shortage after<br />
the sanction on the Russian imports. The increased dem<strong>and</strong><br />
from the downstream derivative manufacturers pushed the<br />
Acetone market. Furthermore, the increasing dem<strong>and</strong> from<br />
the regional market <strong>and</strong> the growing road freight charges<br />
due to the rise in fuel prices pushed the Acetone values. A<br />
price decline is expected for the third quarter due to a likely<br />
worldwide recession.<br />
After a few months of strongly increased prices <strong>and</strong> long<br />
delivery times, the trend is currently moving in the other<br />
direction. Due to the global weak dem<strong>and</strong>, products can be<br />
shipped promptly from all Chinese suppliers. Oversupply<br />
lead the price go down.<br />
The supply situation in Europe is better too.<br />
Palm fruit oil <strong>and</strong> palm seed oil (the latter also called palm<br />
kernel oil) are vegetable oils obtained from oil palms.<br />
The use of palm oil has grown steadily in recent years,<br />
so much so that it has become not only one of the main<br />
ingredients of the food industry but also a very important<br />
raw material in various sectors, such as cosmetics. For this<br />
reason, has emerged the need to provide precise st<strong>and</strong>ards that can<br />
promote the growth <strong>and</strong> use of palm oil-based products resulting from<br />
the responsible management of oil palm plantations that have now<br />
become so important for numerous production chains.<br />
Cecilia Picinotti<br />
Quality assurance<br />
& CLP Assistant<br />
RSPO – Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil<br />
is a non-profit association that aims to promote the cultivation <strong>and</strong> use of sustainable palm oil through global certification st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />
The main objective of RSPO is therefore to encourage not only the cultivation but also the use of sustainable palm<br />
oil in order to reduce the environmental <strong>and</strong> social impacts resulting from the cultivation of this type of oil.<br />
The RSPO certification is therefore the main international sustainability st<strong>and</strong>ard that guarantees the production<br />
<strong>and</strong> trade of palm oil obtained without damaging the living conditions of the communities <strong>and</strong> local biodiversity.<br />
To promote this kind of sustainable business, RSPO has four different types of models/certifications:<br />
• Preservation of identity<br />
• Segregation<br />
• Mass balance<br />
• Book <strong>and</strong> Claim<br />
While the first three models allow the physical control of palm oil throughout the supply chain, the last supports the<br />
production of sustainable palm oil through the sale of certificates.<br />
This is just<br />
a sneak peek...<br />
Wanna read more?<br />
> Products trends commented by <strong>ECSA</strong> experts<br />
> Up to date analysis about the World economic situation<br />
> A quick overview of price trends<br />
> News about <strong>ECSA</strong> Chemicals<br />
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