Ashburton Courier: September 08, 2022
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SEPTEMBER 8, <strong>2022</strong> | |Phone: 3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
Annie’s Ajoins hot rod cruise<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Annmarie McCloy builther very<br />
own hot rod a1929 Ford Model<br />
A. It has aspecial Betty Boop<br />
monogram on therearsaying<br />
Annie’s A.<br />
The Kermitgreencoloured<br />
hot rod took Annmarie twoyears<br />
to complete fromscratch.<br />
It maybealow budget car <br />
according to Annmarie but it<br />
has a302 V8 poweredmotor and<br />
driveslike adream.<br />
And this week Annmarie’s<br />
husband, Gerard is driving it the<br />
length of the country in theNew<br />
Zealand Hot RodAssociation’s<br />
60th anniversary Diamond<br />
Cruise.<br />
It startedinBluff on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 1and will<br />
finish in Cape<br />
Reingaon<br />
<strong>September</strong> 14.<br />
The inaugural nationwide<br />
cruise has a14day itinerary.<br />
The group andtheir hot rods<br />
were at the Americars Rod &<br />
Custom Club in Tinwald,last<br />
week for an afternoon tea break.<br />
It was daytwo of thecruise and<br />
drivers had arrived from<br />
Dunedin, viaWhitestone Rod&<br />
Custom Club inOamaru,the<br />
Tornados Rod &Customs Club in<br />
Timaru andthen on to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
some takingthe scenic route via<br />
Geraldine.<br />
Annmarie was on sitewith<br />
club members lendingahelping<br />
handand welcoming visitors <br />
including Gerard.<br />
The couple and others were<br />
then headingnorth to<br />
Christchurch for an evening<br />
dinnersession at Kustoms Car<br />
Club at McLeans Island, before<br />
the cruisecontinued tothe West<br />
Coast the following day.<br />
Being amemberofthehot rod<br />
association wasagreat chance to<br />
catchupwith friendsand family<br />
and meet likeminded people.<br />
There is great camaraderie<br />
among members andbeing<br />
involved offers achance to meet<br />
different people fromall over the<br />
countrywithsharedinterests,<br />
Annmariesaid.<br />
Shesaid Gerard had never<br />
visited Cape Reinga or Bluff, and<br />
is joining around 30 other<br />
enthusiasts planningtodo the<br />
wholenationwide cruise,<br />
includingahandful of others<br />
fromMid Canterbury.<br />
Otherswill join<br />
in at<br />
various points along the<br />
itinerary route. There were set<br />
stoppingpoints, as wellasplaces<br />
of interest for club members to<br />
visit.<br />
The McCloys have been<br />
members of the Americars Rod<br />
andCustom CarClub in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>which is an<br />
affiliation of the NewZealand<br />
Hot Rod Association for more<br />
than 15 years. It has over 60<br />
membersand often joins other<br />
Hot Rod Clubs to participate in<br />
events.<br />
Thecouplealsorun theRods<br />
at Methven Hot Rod Show every<br />
twoyears in Methven.Proceeds<br />
raised from the event goes to the<br />
Methven Volunteer Fire<br />
Brigade. In the past there was<br />
also money giventowards the<br />
establishment of theMethven<br />
Skatepark.<br />
ThenextRods at Methvenwill<br />
be from December 28 30,2023.<br />
“Time flies when youare<br />
having fun,” Annmarie said.<br />
PAGE 3<br />
Sharing the<br />
love of books<br />
PAGE 5<br />
Foodbank<br />
supermarket<br />
Annmarie McCloy with the 1929 Ford Model Ashe built.<br />
PAGE 17<br />
High school<br />
hockey action<br />
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SEPTEMBER 8, <strong>2022</strong> l l Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
1901<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Ara Institute ofCanterbury isjoining TePūkenga,<br />
New Zealand’s Institute of Skills and Technology.<br />
Find out more
Exciting newera forAra<br />
AraInstitute of Canterburyisembarking<br />
on one of themostsubstantialchanges<br />
of its121-yearhistory.<br />
Along with 15 other polytechnics and technical institutes around<br />
the country, Ara —which has campuses in Christchurch, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Timaru and Oamaru —will become part ofthe recently formed<br />
New Zealand Institute ofSkills and Technology, known asTe Pūkenga.<br />
Te Pūkenga is the result ofthe government’s Reform ofVocational<br />
Education which represents the most significant change for<br />
New Zealand’s tertiary education sector inmore than 25 years.<br />
By bringing all the country’s polytechnics, technical institutes and industry<br />
training organisations together into asingle entity, TePūkenga will provide<br />
on-the-job, on campus and online vocational education and training within<br />
aunified, regionally accessible network.<br />
Ara’s acting chief executive Darren Mitchell says Ara is excited for the<br />
positive changes TePūkenga will bring tolearners, employers, communities<br />
and industry throughout Canterbury and beyond.<br />
Mitchell is confident that the values Ara has established over its long<br />
history will remain as strong as ever.<br />
“When Ara formally becomes Te Pūkenga, our local flavour and focus<br />
won’t change, but our learners’ opportunities to achieve their goals<br />
in life will become even greater. Local employers and industry will<br />
benefit from the changes too, especially interms of the depth and<br />
breadth of the skilled workforce TePūkenga will help to produce.”<br />
Youcan find out more at<br />
Ara’s origins date<br />
back to 1901<br />
1901<br />
1903<br />
1906<br />
19<strong>08</strong><br />
1918<br />
1934<br />
1948<br />
1965<br />
1967<br />
1973<br />
1979<br />
1980<br />
Timaru Technical College wasestablished<br />
in aroomatTimaruMain School<br />
Christchurch Technical Associated<br />
classesstartedinChristchurch<br />
Christchurch Technical College opened<br />
Christchurch School of Domestic Instruction was<br />
incorporated andmoved to Moorhouse Avenue in 1911<br />
Timaru Technical Collegeoffered full-time dayclasses<br />
with atechnical biasfor highschoolstudents<br />
Timaru Technical Collegewas renamed<br />
Timaru Technical High School<br />
Christchurch Technical College introduced daytime<br />
classesfor plumbing, carpentry, motor engineering,<br />
sheet metal, and electrical engineering<br />
Christchurch Technical Institute waslaunched<br />
Timaru Technical High School wasrenamed Timaru College<br />
Nurse training wasintroducedat<br />
Christchurch Technical Institute<br />
Agrowingawareness of Māoriculture was<br />
reflected with the appointmentofHohua<br />
Tutengaeheasthe firsthonorarykaumatua<br />
Christchurch Technical Institute was<br />
renamed ChristchurchPolytechnic<br />
1980s<br />
1983<br />
1987<br />
1993<br />
Japaneseand Mandarin language programmes<br />
were introduced at Christchurch Polytechnic<br />
Media programmeswerefirstintroduced<br />
at ChristchurchPolytechnic<br />
Timaru Technical College was renamed Aoraki Polytechnic<br />
First degree programmes were introduced at Christchurch<br />
Polytechnic bythe New Zealand Broadcasting<br />
School and Department ofJapanese Language<br />
Future proofing<br />
vocational education<br />
The worldofwork is changing<br />
significantlysovocationaleducation<br />
in NewZealandneeds to adapt to stay<br />
ahead of these changes.<br />
In 2020, the government reviewed New Zealand’s vocational education<br />
system to ensure it was equipped for afast-changing future ofskills,<br />
learning and work. This review concluded that the current vocational<br />
education system doesn’t always meet the needs oflearners, employers<br />
or regions. Italso found that the system underserved Māori, Pasifika,<br />
learners with disabilities, and learners with special learning needs.<br />
As aresult ofthe Reform of Vocational Education, the government<br />
has created asingle vocational education organisation tasked<br />
with supporting agrowing economy that works for everyone. That<br />
organisation —TePūkenga —brings together all the country’s institutes<br />
of technology as well asmany ofits industry training organisations.<br />
This strong national network of vocational education expertise means<br />
Te Pūkenga can plan better for the future needs of Aotearoa.<br />
Learners will have more choice and flexibility inwhat, where and how they<br />
learn throughout New Zealand.<br />
The transformation is ajourney that will take time, but one thing is clear –<br />
everything Te Pūkenga does iscentred around learners and their whānau.<br />
2000<br />
2011<br />
2015<br />
2016<br />
2017<br />
2019<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Christchurch Polytechnic was renamed CPIT<br />
In response tothe Canterbury earthquakes, CPIT increased<br />
trades training, introduced He Toki ki teRika (Māori<br />
Trades Training) and Pasifika Trades training to upskill<br />
more Cantabrians for the rebuild of the city and began<br />
the Campus Master Planning programme of updating<br />
facilities through refurbishment and new construction<br />
The new TeWhareora (Science and Wellbeing facility) was<br />
opened at CPIT’s City campus by Prime Minister John Key<br />
CPIT and Aoraki Polytechnic joined together to create<br />
Ara Institute of Canterbury toprovide innovative<br />
vocational training to the entire Canterbury region<br />
Kahukura, anew $34million, 6500sqm building<br />
on Moorhouse Avenue housing Ara’s Engineering<br />
and Architectural Studies Department, was<br />
opened by Prime Minister Bill English<br />
Manawa, astate-of-the-art hub for health research and<br />
education in Christchurch’s Health Precinct, was officially<br />
opened. Apartnership between Ara, the Canterbury District<br />
Health Board and University ofCanterbury, ithouses health<br />
students, researchers, educators and technical staff<br />
Ara formerly joins Te Pūkenga New Zealand Institute of<br />
Skills and Technology on1November
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
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news<br />
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IndiRoberts<br /><br />
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03 3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
Strokes don’t discriminate<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Meeting Brett Curwood for the first<br />
time, with his quickwit and ready<br />
smile, you wouldn't think he has had<br />
astroke let aloneeight in the last<br />
seven years.<br />
At 44yearsold, Brett has a<br />
cheerful, positiveoutlook on life<br />
alongside wife Kylie and three<br />
children.<br />
The first stroke happenedwhen<br />
Brett was 37yearsold.<br />
He woke one night at 2am with a<br />
splitting headache and foundthe left<br />
side of his body numb.<br />
Brett said he had no idea what was<br />
happening ‘‘I woke up, my left side<br />
completelynumb, Ithought ‘shit I<br />
can’t move it, what’s going on?’soI<br />
woke Kylie up.’’<br />
Kyliethought he was havinga<br />
nightmare but soon realised it was<br />
seriousand called an ambulance.<br />
Brett stayedovernightinhospital<br />
and because of his age and general<br />
good health the doctors thought he<br />
had only sufferedasevere migraine,<br />
but on Kylie’s insistence they ran CT<br />
scans and discovered Brett had<br />
suffered astroke.<br />
‘‘I didn't fit under those normal<br />
characteristics for astroke, like age,<br />
bad diet, lifestyle and all that, Iwas<br />
ahealthyman,’’ Brett said.<br />
Within two weeks he had asecond<br />
more severestroke while having<br />
breakfast.<br />
The second stroke presented<br />
differentially and was worse with<br />
Brett having ahallucination<br />
followed by aseizure, Kyliesaid.<br />
Brett was put on blood thinning<br />
medicationand eventually began to<br />
get back on top of things,even<br />
startinghis own company.<br />
However after four years of nearnormality<br />
he had his thirdstroke.<br />
Sincethen he has had five more.<br />
Doctors are at aloss as to why Brett<br />
has had so many strokes and have<br />
tried avarietyofblood thinning<br />
medications, aspirin and cholesterol<br />
medication, testsand scans.<br />
‘‘They did alot of tests, alot of MRI<br />
scans,’’ Brett said.<br />
One theoryisBrett has agroup of<br />
veins in his shoulder which could<br />
cause clots to be pushed through to<br />
the braincausingastroke.<br />
But there is only aone percent<br />
chanceofthis being the cause.<br />
Kyliesaid going overseas for<br />
treatment is somethingthey are<br />
considering.<br />
‘‘If there is another one, then we’re<br />
going to look at the Royal Melbourne<br />
Hospital, theyhave abig unit that<br />
specializes in strokes.’’<br />
She thinks it is important for<br />
Brett and Kylie Curwood takingeach day as it comes.<br />
peopletounderstandastroke doesn't<br />
discriminate and can happen to<br />
anyoneatany age,not just the<br />
elderly even babies can have<br />
strokes.<br />
FASTiswhat the Ministry of<br />
Healthuse as astroke symptom<br />
guideline, standing for: Face<br />
drooping, Arm weakness, Speech<br />
slurredand Take action,but Kylie<br />
said Brett never had any of those<br />
symptoms.<br />
‘‘All eightofBretts have been<br />
completely different from that, I<br />
think lettingpeopleknow if they<br />
have anythingunusual happen<br />
where you think it could be just a<br />
migraine, call 111.’’<br />
Brett now describeshimself as<br />
being in semi retirement as he can no<br />
longerwork because of the effecton<br />
his health; he has aslightlimp, his<br />
memory is not great and he is tired<br />
most of the day.<br />
It is hard for the couple to planfor<br />
the future but they remain positive.<br />
‘‘Let’s be honest even though the<br />
future doesn't look great, we’re still<br />
optimistic.Welearn to take each day<br />
as it comes, family and friends have<br />
been awesome,sosupportive of us,’’<br />
Kylie said.<br />
Brett says he probably wouldn't be<br />
here if it wasn't for Kylie’s support.<br />
‘‘It’s good to have her in my corner,<br />
she puts aupagood fight with the<br />
specialistsand doctors,<br />
unfortunately you have to do that to<br />
get their attention.’’<br />
He keepshimself occupied around<br />
the home, in the vege garden and<br />
tinkering on his Triumph motorbike.<br />
Before the strokes Brett used to do<br />
Taekwondo and now, he said with a<br />
laugh,he’ll calm that down to Tai<br />
Chi.<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
3<br />
Teaching children to love literature<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
New Zealand authorDavid Riley visited<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Intermediate School this<br />
week to promote literature to primary<br />
age groups.<br />
Aformer teacher, David’s goal is to<br />
providechildrenwith stories<br />
representingtheir diverseinterests,<br />
cultures and lives.<br />
He has helped childrenacross the<br />
countrytoengageinreadingand has<br />
used his knowledgeand experience to<br />
help children publishtheir own books,<br />
showingthem ‘‘writers are ordinary<br />
people like you and me’’.<br />
An Englishteacherof20years, David<br />
began his careerinthe North Island at a<br />
school where the studentbody was 90%<br />
Pasifika.<br />
‘‘I was teaching at my schooland sent<br />
my kids(to the library) to do somesilent<br />
readingand they’d come back five<br />
minutes latersaying there was nothing<br />
to readthat interested them,’’ he said.<br />
He recognised alack of culturally<br />
diversebooks and books targetedfor<br />
boys.<br />
‘‘There weren’t many stories where<br />
they couldsee themselves and things<br />
that they valued,’’hesaid.<br />
Whenheasked his students what they<br />
wantedtoread about, they answered<br />
‘‘BenjiMarshall’’.<br />
David took it upon himself to meet the<br />
demand.<br />
He reached out to Benji Marshall’s<br />
manager and got permission to writea<br />
story based on the thenflourishing<br />
professional rugby leagueplayer.<br />
Soon he had writtenall about Benji’s<br />
life, from his upbringing in asmall<br />
North Island town to his international<br />
After hearing Ben Carson’s story, pupils Ridge Amador, Caleb Smith, Cassias Van<br />
Vliet andKowhai RimeneBird talk‘books about rocks’ with David Riley.<br />
recognition as one of the greatest rugby<br />
league playersinNew Zealand history.<br />
David hoped Benji’s story would<br />
provideanexcitingread to young Kiwis<br />
and encourage them to chase their<br />
dreamswhile teaching them about<br />
positivity and perserverance.<br />
He sent the story to publishing<br />
agencies, hoping they would understand<br />
the gap he was trying to fill. They didn’t.<br />
‘‘They said kids who play leaguedon’t<br />
want to read,’’ David said. ‘‘But that<br />
wasn’t true, they just didn’thave<br />
anything to readthat interested them.’’<br />
In the aftermath of countless<br />
rejections,David refused to let someone<br />
else determinethe worth of his mission.<br />
He chose to selfpublished, and soon<br />
had printed copiesofSteppin’ with<br />
Benji Marshall for his students to read.<br />
And they loved it.<br />
David’s passionfor education and<br />
storytelling has lead him to write and<br />
selfpublish almost 60 books to date.<br />
Reading Warriors series tells the<br />
journeyand successoficonicsportsmen<br />
such as Sonny BillWilliams, Kieran<br />
Read, Joseph Parker, and Steven<br />
Adams, inspiring youngreaders with<br />
‘‘positive role models and achievers’’.<br />
Pasifika Heroesisaseries that<br />
represents Tokelau,Samoan,Niue,<br />
Cook Islands, and Tongan cultures.<br />
Davidaims to diversifybookshelves<br />
with tales enjoyable and relatable,<br />
giving children an opportunity to<br />
recognise themselves within the stories<br />
and learn to love literature.<br />
David Riley andYear 8pupil Selonia<br />
Ulupanowho received asigned copy of<br />
David’sbook Freestyle.<br />
He told studentsabout how reading<br />
one bookcould change your life, sharing<br />
the story of Ben Carson, ayoung boy<br />
from alow decile household in America<br />
who, after reading abook about rocks in<br />
school,discovered his own intelligence.<br />
He later went on to become a<br />
psychologist and neurosurgeonand was<br />
on the team of groundbreaking surgeons<br />
who completed the firstsuccessful<br />
separationofcraniopagus(conjoined at<br />
the head)twins.<br />
‘‘Reading is life changing,’’ David told<br />
the pupils.<br />
He set them achallenge of reading<br />
one bookaweek and encouraged them<br />
to write theirown stories, ‘‘When it<br />
comes to writing you don’t have to wait<br />
for someone to pick you or believein<br />
you, you can pick yourself and publish<br />
your own writing.’’<br />
Davidisvisitingnine schools within<br />
the South and Mid Canterburyregions<br />
as part of Read NZ’s Writers in Schools<br />
programme,sharing the story of people,<br />
like himself, who have found literature<br />
to be life changing.<br />
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Catherine<br />
03 307 9028<br />
177 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong> phone:03307 9028<br />
NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Family fun<br />
Mid Canterbury TimeBankand Mid<br />
Canterbury Newcomers Network have<br />
organised aMulticultural FunDay at<br />
HakatereMaraeonSaturday.<br />
Theevent, will be heldatthe marae on State<br />
HighwayOne,nearFairton, between2pm and<br />
5pm,and willbepacked fullofactivities<br />
representing different culturesaroundthe<br />
world.<br />
From making poi to boardgamestoorigami<br />
workshops, there’s something for everyoneto<br />
enjoy. Childrenwill be abletoenjoyapiñata<br />
while havingplenty of space to run around and<br />
learnaboutdifferent cultures.<br />
Kate White, the coordinatorofMid<br />
Canterbury Timebank, said ‘‘we’re all about<br />
helping people to connect.The aim is that<br />
we’ll seepeoplethere of differentcultures.’’<br />
Therewill be plenty of activitiestoget<br />
involved with.‘‘It’s justaboutjust gettingto<br />
knowpeople and connectingwithothers, so if<br />
people just want to have acup of tea and chat<br />
then they canjustdothat’’.<br />
Kate estimates around eight cultures will be<br />
representedthrough art,games, activitiesand,<br />
hopefully, food. The event is free, but guests<br />
are asked to bringsomething for the shared<br />
afternoon tea.Visit<br />
multiculturalfunday for more info.<br />
Ruby’s Choice<br />
ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />
Another good Aussiemovie.This time wesee<br />
afamilyinstrife.<br />
Dads ahoarder whowouldbeaperfect choice<br />
forAmerican Pickers.<br />
He has car parts and memorabilia everywhere.<br />
Grandmahas set her house on fireand moves<br />
in with the family.<br />
She gets toroom with her granddaughter.<br />
Then Mums brother and his son are destitute<br />
and get to stay...<br />
So everyone has to work together.<br />
But everything gets really tough when<br />
Grandmaisshowing signs of dementia.<br />
It’s brilliant seeing how the family comes<br />
together to work thingsout.<br />
It’s afunny, moving and very heartfelt story<br />
with agreat castofactors.<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
2509710<br /><br />
Sam’s selfless service<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
SamCullimore has beennamedMid<br />
Canterbury’sYouth Volunteer of the<br />
Year by Volunteering Mid and South<br />
Canterbury.<br />
Sam, from Methven,has been<br />
recognisedfor hiscontribution to<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer Fire Brigade,<br />
Methven Land Searchand Rescue,<br />
and Pilgrim Bandits.<br />
The three organisations nominated<br />
the24yearold for his service to the<br />
community.<br />
VolunteeringMid and South<br />
Canterbury manager Dellwyn<br />
Moylan said ‘‘Our community is<br />
fortunate to have young people like<br />
Samwho give their timeand talents<br />
to help andsupport others.’’<br />
Sam, who had no idea he had been<br />
nominated, thankedthe<br />
organisations, hisfamily and friends<br />
fortheir support. ‘‘Without having<br />
thesupport of everyone Icouldn’tdo<br />
it. So thank you, Ireallyappreciate<br />
it.’’<br />
SamjoinedMethven Land Search<br />
andRescue(LandSAR)in2015.<br />
He was oneoftheir most active<br />
members, getting involvedin<br />
everything from social activities,<br />
meetings, fundraising activities and<br />
training.<br />
He has put training to practice,<br />
responding to events when people<br />
arereported injuredormissing in<br />
theoutdoors.<br />
Don Geddes,chairperson of<br />
LandSAR said,‘‘Sam’s commitment,<br />
enthusiasm,highlevel of fitness, and<br />
hisempathy for others has<br />
contributed significantly to the many<br />
operations he has been involved in<br />
during his timewith the group.’’<br />
Samwas voted on to the LandSAR<br />
management committee and served a<br />
twoyear term in 2019. He wasreelectedfor<br />
afurther term in 2021.<br />
‘‘Sam is agoodteamplayer andhas<br />
fittedwell into the group’s team<br />
dynamics,’’ Donsaid. ‘‘Hegives100<br />
percentineverythingheengages in<br />
andhis commitmentextendsalso to<br />
histeammateswhere he is always<br />
looking out for their welfare as well<br />
as hisown.’’<br />
InNovember 2016, aged 19,Sam<br />
volunteered to be apart of therural<br />
firebrigade.<br />
He was eager to develophimself<br />
andquickly gained the necessary<br />
skills andexperience to be granted<br />
Fire Ground Entry, and attend fires<br />
as an active duty firefighter.<br />
His enthusiasm is reflectedinhis<br />
work,and he was ‘‘quick to put his<br />
Volunteering Mid and South Canterbury manager Dellwyn Moylan with<br />
award winner Sam Cullimore and <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council emergency<br />
management officer Jim Henderson.<br />
hand up when looking for crew to<br />
assist with the Port Hill fires back in<br />
2017’’ said <strong>Ashburton</strong> rural firechief<br />
GregBruce.<br />
‘‘Evenafter along day upand down<br />
hills, dragging heavy hoses, he was<br />
still keen to do more to assist home<br />
owners and families. This is justone<br />
of many times he has put himself out<br />
there for others.’’<br />
While attending Lincoln<br />
University SamjoinedRolleston<br />
FireBrigade to continue his<br />
voluntary service. Upon his return to<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,herejoined the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />
where he hasremained.<br />
In addition to his work with Mid<br />
Canterbury’s emergency response<br />
services, Samhas alsospent about<br />
three years as asafety volunteer for<br />
Pilgrim Bandits.<br />
It is anotforprofit workingwith<br />
injured service personnel to<br />
continueliving theirlivestothe<br />
fullest.<br />
Samhas volunteeredasasafety<br />
managerduring excursions<br />
organisedbythe organisation.<br />
AmyBaynes, coordinator and<br />
trustee of Pilgrim Banditssaid,<br />
‘‘Sam’sskills areprofound.Heis<br />
empathic, caring and has often been<br />
thefirst person to volunteer to carry<br />
apackfor oneofthe injured<br />
participants in an activity.’’<br />
Sam’s charitable spirit has been<br />
recognised by his peers in every<br />
group he is involved with.<br />
He completedthe Kepler<br />
Challenge in 2018, covering 60km of<br />
mountainous terrain in less than 12<br />
hours atrack typically completed<br />
over four days. Samcompletedthe<br />
ultramarathon, whichincluded a<br />
1350 meter climb in ruralfiregear<br />
and helmet, usingthe feat to raise<br />
over $2500for Ronald McDonald<br />
House.<br />
He also ran theMission Mount<br />
Somersinfire gear in October 2018 to<br />
preparefor the Kepler Challenge.<br />
In 2020 he participated in the EA<br />
NetworkGym Australian Bushfire<br />
Appeal, completing astair run in fire<br />
fightinggear and carrying afire hose.<br />
Dellwyn, whopresented Sam his<br />
award alongside<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council emergency management<br />
officer Jim Henderson at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Fire Station on Tuesday<br />
night, said it was an easy decision to<br />
recogniseSam as Mid Canterbury’s<br />
Volunteer of the Year. ‘‘Sam<br />
epitomises whatvolunteeringis<br />
about, givingselflessly to others and<br />
not expecting anyrewardfor helping<br />
out in hiscommunity andbeyond.’’<br />
Sam’s family, alongwith members<br />
of the Rural Fire Brigade, Pilgrim<br />
Bandits, LandSAR, and<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
mayor Neil Brown, were present to<br />
recogniseSam’s selflessness and<br />
celebrate his nomination.<br />
Super<br />
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sega golf is hosting a FREE Titleist Custom Fitting Day<br />
at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Golf Course Driving Range,<br />
Titleist provides the full range of custom fitting fromDrivers,Fairwaywoods,<br />
Hybrids,UtilityIrons,Ironsets and Wedges.Everything is tailored to fit from<br />
beginners through to tour professionals.<br />
1LITRE<br />
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Offers end Sunday18Sept.<br />
*Terms and conditions apply<br />
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sega golf<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Golf Club l Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 9380<br />
2511254<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
5<br />
Foodbank supermarket opening<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
The Salvation Army <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
will add another string to its<br />
bow with anew foodbank<br />
supermarketopening later<br />
this year.<br />
Withafundingboost of<br />
$30,000 fromThe Community<br />
Trust Mid &South Canterbury<br />
the supermarkethas been<br />
given thegreen light.<br />
Salvation Army<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Corps officers Semi Ratu and<br />
Elizabeth WalkerRatu are<br />
excited to openMid<br />
Canterbury’s first foodbank<br />
supermarket.<br />
Elizabeth said they were<br />
always looking to try andmake<br />
things better forthose who<br />
accessedtheir services.<br />
‘‘One of the biggestthings<br />
that happenstosomeone who<br />
comes in is they have had all<br />
these choices taken from<br />
them. We really want to give<br />
people choiceasmuchaswe<br />
can,’’ shesaid.<br />
The supermarketwill be<br />
located in the Salvation Army<br />
church on Cass Street.<br />
Unused offices in the facility<br />
will be converted intoanopen<br />
space to house the<br />
supermarket.<br />
Semi said apoint system will<br />
be used for clientswho use the<br />
supermarket.<br />
‘‘The idea is when they come<br />
in, we ask them how many<br />
family members theyhave and<br />
then give them acertain<br />
Salvation Army <strong>Ashburton</strong> Corps officers Semi Ratu (left) and Elizabeth WalkerRatu.<br />
amount of points to use at the<br />
supermarket.<br />
‘‘Each fooditem is worth<br />
points,sothis brings in<br />
budgeting skills as well, they<br />
will have an amount of points<br />
andwill need to spendwithin<br />
that,’’hesaid.<br />
Traditionalfoodparcels will<br />
still be available for peoplein<br />
need but havingthe<br />
independence to choose food<br />
thatsuitsfamily and cultural<br />
requirements is important.<br />
‘‘Wecall it Mana<br />
enhancing,’’ Elizabeth said,<br />
‘‘theideathatthey can<br />
choose as afamily or a<br />
culture what they want to eat,<br />
they can make mealssuited to<br />
them.’’<br />
Observing the items people<br />
chooseatthe supermarket<br />
will help the Salvation Army<br />
streamlinewhat theyput in<br />
thefood packages thatare<br />
sent outtothe community.<br />
‘‘We’llbeable to see easier<br />
what food people are<br />
choosing,sowepotentially<br />
won’t bring in food that isn't<br />
goingtogo back out,’’<br />
Elizabeth said.<br />
They hope to have the<br />
supermarket open October/<br />
Novemberthisyear.<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Keeping plastic breadtags outof<br />
landfill forthe pastthreeand ahalf<br />
years hasresultedin14 people in<br />
needgetting wheelchairs in South<br />
Africa. But, with all of the final<br />
breadtags nowwiththe collectors<br />
beingsortedaroundthe country,<br />
therewill still be more funded. Bread<br />
Tagsfor WheelchairsNZhave<br />
postedtheir thanks on Facebook to<br />
all whotookpart. ‘‘Togetherwe<br />
havemade ahugeimpact on the<br />
environment as well as each<br />
recipient's quality of life.Thank you<br />
to eachand all. Aroha nui ki a<br />
koutou(much love to you)!’’<br />
The FMGYoung Farmer of the Year<br />
contest is trialling anew structure in<br />
the Northernand Waikato/Bay of<br />
Plenty Regions. The two-day events<br />
will see day oneresembling the<br />
traditionaldistrict contest and day<br />
two aligningmoreclosely with a<br />
regionalfinal. NZYF chief executive<br />
Lynda Coppersmith saidthe long<br />
seasonput pressure on member<br />
volunteers to deliver events. “We’re<br />
triallingthis to lookatways thatwe<br />
can stillfind New Zealand’s best<br />
Young Farmer, but in away thatis<br />
potentiallymorestreamlined”.<br />
Aconfirmedbovis property in Mid<br />
Canterbury has beenidentifiedvia<br />
routinetesting.Itwas not<br />
unexpected. TheMycoplasmabovis<br />
eradication programmeiscarrying<br />
outcattlemovement tracingand<br />
genomic analysis andalso working<br />
closely with the farmer.<br />
NZ’s best sleep<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
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Bayleys <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 7377<br />
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LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 20<strong>08</strong><br />
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Sleepyhead Matrix MKIIPlush Queen Bed<br />
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TOTAL PAYMENT: $3383<br />
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THAN $ 22<br />
9070943<br />
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TOTAL PAYMENT: $168<br />
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Fisher&Paykel 60cm<br />
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THAN $ 19<br />
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TOTAL PAYMENT:$2<strong>08</strong>3<br />
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Save$600onselectedSleepyhead mattresses<br />
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TOTAL PAYMENT: $1613<br />
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THAN $ 11<br />
LG 14 PlaceSetting<br />
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$1199<br />
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Offers valid until Tuesday 13th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, while stocks last or unless otherwise stated. Some products on display inselected stores only —please call <strong>08</strong>00 764 847 tocheck availability. *Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift cards and some<br />
promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include aone-off establishment fee of$45.00 and a<br />
maintenance feeof$3.75 permonth.Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. appliestoany balance remaining afterexpiryofany interest free period.See in-store or visit details.**Terms, conditions,and credit criteria apply.Available in-store<br />
andonline. Weekly equalinstalmentsare based on a52weekfinance periodcommencing7daysfromthe date interest is first calculated.Setting up an automatic payment authority will help youtoavoid missed paymentsand additional interest charges.Thereare no set-up,<br />
annual,oraccount maintenance feesbut fees mayapplyondefault. Currentinterest rate of 23.95% p.a. appliesafter expiry of the interest free period.See in-store or for more details, or to applyfor your EasyCard.#Discount is offour full retail<br />
price. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. ^Offer valid 3rd June -19th<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>. Minimum spend of$8,000 must beinasingle transaction. Excludes chest freezers and laundry appliances. Cashbackavailable via redemption only. For full T&Cs, visit www.<br />^2Price Promiseterms, conditions,and exclusionsapply.See details.^3 Termsand conditions apply. Valid24August -27<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.Applies to qualifyingproductspurchased in asingletransaction.One<br />
discountedmattressper qualifying transaction.Discount automaticallyappliedatcheckout. If an orderiscancelled or productreturned then discountedmattressmustalsobereturned.Personalshoppersonly.ExcludesCommercial andTrade sales. We reserve the rightto<br />
limit commercial quantities. ^4 Terms andconditions apply.Offer valid25August-30 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.Visit to redeem your bonus batteryortoview full details. *1 3x Airpointsoffer valid31Aug -13Sep <strong>2022</strong>.Termsand conditions apply.Visit smithscity.<br /> for more detail. *2 Offer valid 07-13Sep <strong>2022</strong>, or while stock lasts only, onselected ranges only. Availability may vary between stores. Not available inconjunction with any other offer. Limits and other exclusions may apply, ask in-store for details. Inthe event<br />
of an order cancellation orrefund, the bonus/freeproduct must also bereturned. Personal shoppers only. Trade not supplied. Matching kettle must besame brand and model to the toaster.
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Snapshot of today for tomorrow<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Future generations will geta<br />
peek at life in <strong>2022</strong> when they<br />
open atime capsule being<br />
placed into the new Library<br />
and Civic Centre on Havelock<br />
Street.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />
groupmanagercommunity<br />
servicesSteve Fabish said the<br />
contents of thecapsule will<br />
represent acrosssection of<br />
our cultural landscape at this<br />
point in time.<br />
‘‘The specific contents of the<br />
time capsule areyet to be<br />
considered by council, but<br />
could includemapsand<br />
photosofthe district as it<br />
stands today, recordsthat<br />
show the journey of the<br />
buildingitself, messages and<br />
photoscontributed by the<br />
peopleof<strong>Ashburton</strong>, and<br />
objects that showwhat life was<br />
likefor our residents in <strong>2022</strong>,’’<br />
he said.<br />
Thecavitywhere the<br />
capsule will be placedis<br />
565mmwide x428mmdeepx<br />
300mmhigh.<br />
Construction of thetime<br />
capsuleisexpected to take<br />
place in the firstsix months of<br />
2023.<br />
In 2020 two timecapsules<br />
where uncoveredfrom the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>War Memorialin<br />
Baring Square West while<br />
undergoing adeepclean.<br />
Theteam from Stoneface<br />
Ltd came across two airtight<br />
An artist impression of the completed civic building complex.<br />
copper boxes encasedinthe<br />
memorial behind one of the<br />
tiles that had been removed<br />
for cleaning.<br />
The firsttimecapsule was<br />
laid when thememorial was<br />
unveiled in June 1928.<br />
It is reported to include the<br />
names of the 97,335 members<br />
of the New Zealand<br />
Expeditionary Force who<br />
served overseasduringWorld<br />
WarI.<br />
It is alsosaidtoinclude a<br />
copyofthe proclamation of<br />
peace issued by King George V<br />
and severallocal books,<br />
newspapers and items from<br />
the time.<br />
Jubileebookletsand<br />
catalogues from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A&PAssociation and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Countyare inside,<br />
as is ahistory of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
compiledbythe <strong>Ashburton</strong>AA<br />
and aMāori souvenir of New<br />
Canterbury <strong>2022</strong>: An overview<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil<br />
has congratulatedthe<br />
CanterburyMayoral Forum<br />
on itsupdated wellbeing<br />
overview,adocument seen as<br />
avaluableresource forthe<br />
next three years.<br />
The wellbeing overview<br />
includes highlevel<br />
informationonthe current<br />
state of theregionand trends.<br />
Thedocument paints a<br />
picturefor theCanterbury/<br />
Waitaha community about<br />
what’s goingonacross the<br />
region.<br />
The wellbeingoverview was<br />
first published in 2019 and has<br />
been updated in recent<br />
months.<br />
There has been some<br />
changeinthe past three years<br />
–amixtureofbothpositive<br />
andnegativedependingon<br />
what areasyou’relookingat.<br />
Council chiefexecutive<br />
Hamish Riachsaidthe<br />
overviewlooked at thefour<br />
wellbeings local authorities<br />
promoted under theLocal<br />
Government Act<br />
(environmental, economic,<br />
social andcultural), and living<br />
standards.<br />
“We know the Covid19<br />
pandemic hashad abig<br />
impact, andwillhavealong<br />
tail. We also know that the<br />
impactonregionaleconomies<br />
hasvaried.<br />
“Inthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
ouragriculturalsector<br />
provided some protection<br />
against those impacts, though<br />
across the district hospitality<br />
andtourism, particularly<br />
Methven, havesuffered.”<br />
Theoverview looks at water,<br />
air and biodiversity, as wellas<br />
climatechange. Summer<br />
rainfall is expectedto<br />
increaseupto20 per cent in<br />
theinland plains, while<br />
winter rainfall is expectedto<br />
increaseupto40 per cent in<br />
theeastern part of theregion.<br />
Mr Riachsaid while warmer<br />
temperatures, alonger<br />
growing season andfewer<br />
frosts would provide potential<br />
opportunities to grow new<br />
crops, the changing climate<br />
also meantlandand<br />
infrastructure hadtobeable<br />
to withstandorsurvive<br />
natural hazards like flooding.<br />
“Agriculture playsa<br />
significantly more important<br />
role in Canterbury’s economy<br />
Zealand booklet.<br />
Schools and churches<br />
contributed with magazines<br />
and souvenir booklets.<br />
Samples of wheat and<br />
woollen products producedin<br />
the district are also inside.<br />
Both capsuleswere stored at<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Museum and<br />
then reinstated after the<br />
cleaning was completed.<br />
Neitherofthe capsules were<br />
opened at the time.<br />
thaninthe economies of<br />
Auckland andWellington<br />
regions andthis contributes to<br />
our economic wellbeing.<br />
“Our own surveys and<br />
consultation help us keep<br />
connected to howpeoplein<br />
the<strong>Ashburton</strong> district are<br />
feeling, andcoping,and this<br />
wellbeingoverviewaddsto<br />
ourown data collection.”<br />
Theoverviewalso talks<br />
abouthousing, education,and<br />
health, as well ascultural<br />
diversity.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Districthas the<br />
highestpercentageofpeople<br />
in Canterbury whoidentify as<br />
Pacific (3.4%).<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> wellbeing<br />
overview canbe found at<br />
Canterbury Mayoral Forum<br />
(<br />
Cross Stitch Friday at Annie’s<br />
CountryQuilts.Bring yourstitching,<br />
nibbles &drink.Nocharge. 5-8pm<br />
MainSouth Road, Tinwald.<br />
South Canterbury VintageCar Club<br />
swapmeet, at WinchesterDomain<br />
on State HighwayOne. Gates open<br />
7.30am.<br />
RebeccaNelson,vocalist withthe<br />
Royal New Zealand Navy Band,<br />
performingatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Musical Club Concert in the Sinclair<br />
Centre at 7.30pm. Cost $20for nonmembers,<br />
$10 membersand<br />
students free. Suppertofollow.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>BirdClub, Bird and<br />
Accessory Sale.9am -2pm.<br />
Presidents Room, TinwaldHall.<br />
The Multi-cultural Fun Dayat<br />
Hakatere Marae from 2-5pm. Bring<br />
acultural dish and enjoythe games.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Community<br />
Conservationtrustannual planting<br />
day at HarrisScientificReserve,<br />
Lovetts Road, offMaronanRoad<br />
starting at 9.30am.<br />
Meetthe candidatesevent at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>EventCentrefrom 2pm<br />
to 4pm.Achance to hearfrom<br />
candidates running for mayor,the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Wardand Environment<br />
Canterburyinthe local body<br />
elections.<br />
Meet the candidates event at Mount<br />
HuttMemorialHall, in Methvenfrom<br />
7pm.Achance to hear from<br />
candidatesrunning for mayor,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> WesternWard,Methven<br />
Community Boardand Environment<br />
Canterbury.<br />
Mid CanterburyVintage Machinery<br />
Clubcelebratethe 175th<br />
anniversary of Massey Fergusson<br />
with astatic display of all things<br />
Massey. It will be at the farm of<br />
AnthonyHampton, 1448 Methven<br />
ChertseyRoad, Lauriston, from<br />
9am to 4pm. $10 for adults.<br />
Handbags and Gladrags fundraiser,<br />
organised by CanBeadand Safer<br />
Mid Canterburyfor thelocalWhite<br />
Ribboncampaign, at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
MSAfrom 7pm.Ticketscost $30<br />
eachfrom Safer Mid Canterbury or<br />
by emailing<br /><br />
Two1bedroom apartments<br />
now available<br />
These apartments won’t last long.<br />
Each serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />
laundry facilities and of course anurse call system for peace of mind.<br />
One apartment also offers north facing scenic views.<br />
contact our Facility Manager Donna Coxshall 03 307 6140<br />
–Love where you live –<br />
2468639 249<strong>08</strong>90
Family Notices<br />
Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />
BRADLEY, Clinton Wayne<br />
(Wayne), on August 30, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
peacefully at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital, surrounded by his<br />
loving family, aged 77 years.<br />
Dearly loved partner of the<br />
late Yvonne Hawke. Much<br />
loved father and father-inlaw<br />
of Robert and Donna,<br />
Christopher and Wendy,<br />
Aaron and Tracey, and<br />
Nicola. Loved stepfather and<br />
friend of Michael and Heidi<br />
Hawke, and Theresa and<br />
Craig Roulston, and treasured<br />
Grandad of Adam; Lily, and<br />
Alex; Rhiannon; Macie; Jorja,<br />
and Sam. Messages to the<br />
Hawke and Bradley families,<br />
POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />
At Wayne’s request aprivate<br />
cremation has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
ESKER, Graham Bruce<br />
(Grayway and Wildman):<br />
Slipped away with Heather<br />
by his side at Christchurch<br />
Hospital on August 31 <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
aged 70 years. Soulmate and<br />
devoted husband of Heather,<br />
adored and empowering Dad<br />
of Jay, Aleisha, and Hayden.<br />
Much loved grandad of Aura,<br />
Elijah, Titan, and Caesar.<br />
Respectedfriend to many.<br />
In lieu of flowers, donations<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong> St John<br />
Ambulance would be<br />
appreciated and may beleft<br />
at the service.<br />
Messages to:The Esker Family,<br />
c/- PO Box 6035, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
7742.<br />
A service to celebrate<br />
Graham’s life was held at the<br />
Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Racecourse<br />
Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> onTuesday,<br />
<strong>September</strong> 6th.<br />
<strong>08</strong>00 2MEMORY<br />
027 637 1229<br />
MOODIE, Lois Lorna, on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 2nd, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
at Radius Millstream,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, in her 90th year.<br />
Dearly loved wife of Peter.<br />
Much loved mother of John,<br />
and Sharron. Loved motherin-law<br />
ofthe late Herbie, and<br />
Tina, and Trish. Treasured<br />
Nan of Kirsty, Alicia, Zak, the<br />
late Dylan, and Kylie; Tia, and<br />
Shama, and a much loved<br />
great-Nana. Messages to the<br />
Moodie family POBox 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A service<br />
to celebrate Lois’ life will<br />
be held at the Alford Forest<br />
Hall, Arundel Rakaia Gorge<br />
Road, on Friday <strong>September</strong><br />
9, commencing at 2.00pm,<br />
followed bycremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Crematorium. For<br />
anyone wishing to view the<br />
service online go to www.<br />
patersonsfuneralservices.<br /> ‘Funeral Notices’ and<br />
click onLois’ notice for the<br />
link.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Enquiries phoneMary,<br />
Jann or Karen on<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
orcall into<br />
199Burnett Street.<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since 1982<br />
QUIGLEY, Edna Agnes: Our<br />
beautiful Mum, Nana and<br />
family matriarch Edna joined<br />
pop (Peter) on Father’s Day,<br />
<strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2022</strong> peacefully<br />
surrounded by family at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital, aged 85<br />
years.Loved mum and mumin-law<br />
of Joyce and Derek<br />
Bingham, David and Jill, Lyn<br />
(Netty) and Trevor Andrew,<br />
Barry and Pauline, much<br />
loved by her grandchildren<br />
and great grandchildren and<br />
her many friends. ‘Fly high<br />
our shining star’. Messages to<br />
the Quigley family, POBox<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. In lieu<br />
of flowers, donations to the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Cancer Society<br />
would be appreciated and<br />
may be made online at<br /> A<br />
service for Edna will be<br />
held in Our Chapel, corner<br />
East and Cox Streets,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on FRIDAY,<br />
<strong>September</strong> 9, commencing<br />
at 2pm, followed byprivate<br />
cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Crematorium. For anyone<br />
wishing to view the<br />
service online go to www.<br />
patersonsfuneralservices.<br /> ‘Funeral Notices’ and<br />
click on Edna’s notice for the<br />
link.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
QUIGLEY, Edna Agnes:<br />
At <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital, on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 4, <strong>2022</strong>, aged 85<br />
years. Loved wife ofthe late<br />
Peter and daughter of the<br />
late Bella and John Gray and<br />
much loved sister and sisterin-lawofthe<br />
late Mervyn,and<br />
Joan Gray, Bruce and Yvonne<br />
Gray and Shona and Bill Weir.<br />
Aloved aunty to her nieces<br />
and nephews. A service<br />
for Edna will be held in our<br />
chapel, corner East and Cox<br />
Streets,<strong>Ashburton</strong>onFRIDAY,<br />
<strong>September</strong> 9, commencing<br />
at 2pm, followed byprivate<br />
cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Crematorium. ‘Adored and<br />
sadly missed’<br />
TEMPLETON, Pamela Mary<br />
Grace(Pam) (nee Dawson), on<br />
August 30, <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully<br />
at Terrace View Retirement<br />
Village, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 88<br />
years. Dearly loved wife of<br />
the late Eddie. Much loved<br />
mother and mother-in-law<br />
of Kerry and Don, Gavin<br />
and Gabrielle, Ross and Sue,<br />
and Tracy and David. Loved<br />
Nana of her 11 grandchildren<br />
and 6 great-grandchildren.<br />
Messages to the Templeton<br />
family POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
7740. Aservice toremember<br />
Pamhas been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
Acknowledgement<br />
DELLOW, Alva Jean: Bruce,<br />
Bronwyn, Megan, Rowena<br />
and families<br />
wish to sincerely thank all<br />
who offered kindness,<br />
support and expressions of<br />
sympathyfollowing the<br />
loss of our much loved wife,<br />
Mum, Nana and great-Nana.<br />
Special thanks to Terrace<br />
View,Memory Funerals and<br />
BernardEgan.<br />
Please accept this as a<br />
personal acknowledgement.<br />
GEERING, Geoffrey John<br />
(Geoff): Susan, Philippa,<br />
Joanne and families wish to<br />
thank everyone for the cards,<br />
flowers and messages of<br />
sympathy and to those who<br />
attended Dad’s farewell.<br />
Please accept this<br />
acknowledgement as an<br />
expression of our gratitude.<br />
MANSON, Sinclair (Mansie):<br />
Yvonne,Donella, Paul,Darren,<br />
Jody and families wish to<br />
sincerely thank everyone who<br />
supported us through the<br />
loss of amuch lovedhusband,<br />
father, father-in-law and<br />
grandfather.<br />
Thank youfor all the beautiful<br />
flowers, food, the many<br />
cards, visits and phone calls,<br />
and to those who attended<br />
the service. All ofthis was<br />
much appreciated. The<br />
many kindnesses shown to<br />
us helped us through avery<br />
sad time.<br />
Special thanks to Jo and Kate,<br />
and to Carol Gunn and the<br />
Nurses in Ward 1.<br />
Sinclair your battle is over.<br />
Rest now with those who<br />
have gone beforeyou.<br />
We miss youMansie.<br />
PRATT, Peter: Jo, Rachel,<br />
Sarah and families sincerely<br />
thank everyone who<br />
supported us with visits,<br />
cards, flowers and messages<br />
of sympathy in the passing<br />
of Peter.<br />
Please accept this as our<br />
personal acknowledgement<br />
of thanks.<br />
In Memoriam<br />
OAKLEY,BeverleyEleanor<br />
23-12-1934 –11-9-2017<br />
Passed away fiveyears ago.<br />
Loving memories of you<br />
todayand always.<br />
Foreverinour hearts,<br />
always in our thoughts.<br />
Your loving family, husband<br />
Murray, sons; Allan, Warren,<br />
David and Pete, their wives,<br />
partners and families.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Gymnastics Club members in the four to six age group<br />
in training for their annual competition.<br />
Gymnasts set<br />
for success<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Gymnastics<br />
Club is gearing up forits annual<br />
competitionwhich will seeover<br />
180 young gymnasts fromacross<br />
the South Island competingin<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
The club trains more than 90<br />
children in the sport from a<br />
committee of eightvolunteer<br />
coaches whoare alsoformer<br />
club students.<br />
The annual competition,<br />
which is the club’sbiggest<br />
fundraiser, willsee gymnasts<br />
aged fromasyoung as five years<br />
old competing.<br />
Club headcoach Sarah<br />
Grieves said ‘‘Atacompetition<br />
we promote being asupportive<br />
team member, doing your best<br />
andnot comparing yourself to<br />
others, havingfun, being strong<br />
andbrave andthen we say to<br />
our gymnasts ‘anything else is a<br />
bonus’.’’<br />
Sarah said even though some<br />
gymnasts choose not to<br />
compete, every student<br />
receives the samequalityof<br />
training.<br />
The annual competition will<br />
be the firstlargescale<br />
competitionthe club has held<br />
since 2019, withcovid<br />
restrictions having impacted<br />
the abilitytocompete in recent<br />
years.<br />
Competitors willbeallowed<br />
to perform one routine on each<br />
apparatus, such as the bars, the<br />
mat, or the beams.<br />
The club’s overalltraining is<br />
based on the ‘Top of The South’<br />
routinesorchestratedby<br />
Blenheim gymnast coach Tony<br />
Quirk.<br />
Sarah says all other clubs in<br />
the South Island also use the<br />
routine as afoundation for<br />
their trainings.<br />
‘‘Not every session is based<br />
on theTop of the South<br />
Routines,’’ Sarah said.<br />
‘‘We try andbalance it out so<br />
the (children) learnnews skills<br />
andtechniquesand have fun<br />
tryingnew things.<br />
‘‘Wehavearegular circuit of<br />
competitions that we enter and<br />
they include competing at The<br />
Christchurch School of<br />
Gymnastics, West Melton<br />
Gymnastics Club, Olympia Gym<br />
Sports, Affinity Gymnastics<br />
Academy, Blenheim<br />
Gymnastics Sports and South<br />
CanterburyGymnastics Club,’’<br />
Sarah said.<br />
‘‘Weusually have quite abig<br />
team that competes in these<br />
competitions.’’<br />
Shesaid it’s not often the<br />
club’sgymnasts come away<br />
from competitions without any<br />
medals, andthough winning is<br />
not the club’spriority,she is<br />
alwaysproud of how welltheir<br />
teams performwhen<br />
competing.<br />
Theclub is in popular<br />
demand withwaitlistsfor all<br />
age groups.<br />
‘‘Every termwetry and get as<br />
many as we can fromthe<br />
waitlist,’’ Sarah said.<br />
‘‘Wehavegymnasts that are<br />
now13years old who have been<br />
with us since theywereas<br />
young as four or five’’.<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Gymnastic<br />
Cluboffer‘boys club’sessions<br />
which teaches boys a<br />
combination of parkour and<br />
gymnastic skills in asafe and<br />
educationalenvironment.<br />
Parkour, atype of freestyle<br />
movement that involves getting<br />
around, over andacross objects<br />
with nothingother than your<br />
ownmovement to rely on, is<br />
commonlydescribed as an<br />
‘extremesport’ and has become<br />
astunt sensationover the years.<br />
Sarah says the boys also learn<br />
tricksand cancompete.<br />
Trainingfor all children is<br />
held on Thursdays at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Hall, with<br />
separatetimeslots for<br />
differentage groupsand<br />
abilities.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
11<br />
New mental health facility build to begin<br />
The muchneededand<br />
improved youth mental health<br />
facility,set to begin<br />
construction next month in<br />
Christchurch,will be called<br />
Kahurangi, meaning ‘blue<br />
skies’.<br />
The namewas announcedat<br />
the Māia Health Foundation<br />
Feastlast week as more than<br />
300 peoplefilled Te Pae<br />
Christchurch in an emotionfilled<br />
event highlighting<br />
realities of acute demand for<br />
mental health services.<br />
The annual feast fundraiser<br />
raised $300,000 the mostthe<br />
foundationhas ever raised at a<br />
single event for thecreationof<br />
Kahurangi as amodern,fitforpurpose<br />
mental health<br />
outpatient facility for children<br />
and young peoplein<br />
Canterbury.<br />
Māia Health have committed<br />
to raising$6m for the facility.<br />
Maia Health chiefexecutive<br />
Michael Flatman said hearing<br />
about the numberand severity<br />
of children desperately<br />
needingsupport for their<br />
mental health was heartbreaking.<br />
“Hearingfrom the frontline<br />
was intense and, at times,<br />
confronting but it reinforced<br />
how desperatelyweneed to<br />
bring Kahurangitolife. It also<br />
gaveusarenewedappreciation<br />
for thosewho work in our child,<br />
adolescent andfamily mental<br />
healthservicewho,despite<br />
beingfaced with increasing<br />
demand andincredible<br />
challenges,changelivesevery<br />
day throughthe exceptional<br />
care they provide and the hope<br />
they give our young people and<br />
their families.<br />
“Thanks to all those who dug<br />
deep at the feast we now have<br />
$3.5 of the$6million we need.<br />
We’re enormouslythankful for<br />
the generosity of the<br />
Canterburycommunity, andwe<br />
know thatgenerosity will help<br />
usreach ourend goal of<br />
creating amodern, welcoming,<br />
respectful facility wherewe<br />
can give our tamariki and<br />
rangatahithe nurtureand<br />
An artist’s impression of the soon to be built Kahurangi youth<br />
mental health facility in Christchurch, and at left, Michael Flatman.<br />
support they need,” he said.<br />
Māia Health Foundation has<br />
partnered with Te Whatu Ora<br />
Waitaha Canterbury (previously<br />
CanterburyDistrict Health<br />
Board) to develop Kahurangi.<br />
The $13.5 million facility is<br />
being located in the former<br />
Canterbury Linen Services<br />
Building, on the outskirts of the<br />
Hillmorton site. Hann<br />
Construction has been<br />
appointed structural contractor<br />
for the facility.<br />
Māia’s contribution will give<br />
upgrades otherwise not<br />
possible, including aseparate<br />
space and private entrance for<br />
emergencypresentations.<br />
Te WhatuOra Waitaha<br />
Canterbury child &adolescent<br />
psychiatrist Dr Valerie Black<br />
said Māia’s funding will take<br />
Kahurangifromabeige, boring<br />
space to adestination lightfilled<br />
and offeringasense of<br />
welcoming, belonging, and<br />
hope.<br />
“Thisfacility isgoing to bring<br />
acompletely different<br />
emotional experience to those<br />
who step through itsdoors and<br />
weknow that will make an<br />
enormous difference to the<br />
clinical journey for our children<br />
and theirwhānau.”<br />
Dr Black is the clinical<br />
director ofthe child, adolescent<br />
and family mentalhealth<br />
service andspoke with feast<br />
emcee Mike McRoberts about<br />
the realitiesofher work,<br />
describing the struggle to keep<br />
up with the high level of young<br />
people whoare really unwell<br />
and/or acutely disturbed.<br />
She said in an emergencya<br />
young person is often brought<br />
into the service by the police<br />
and can be in avery<br />
dysregulated and confused<br />
state.<br />
On average the service<br />
receives 57 emergency<br />
presentations each month.<br />
“It’s terribly distressing for<br />
the young person and their<br />
family, whoare often in<br />
disbelief that they’ve reached<br />
this point. When you’re in a<br />
really distressed state having to<br />
walk past awaiting room filled<br />
with other families andchildren<br />
waiting for scheduled<br />
appointments can be horrific<br />
for those involved and<br />
frightening for others using the<br />
service.<br />
“Māia’s funding will ensure<br />
our emergency care spaces are<br />
private and confidential and,<br />
most importantly,<br />
psychologically safe. It will<br />
preserve the mana of the young<br />
person andtheir family at what<br />
can be the most difficult time in<br />
their lives,” she said.<br />
It will also provide stateoftheart,<br />
purposebuilt rooms at<br />
the new facility including<br />
sensory rooms, physiotherapy<br />
and occupational therapy<br />
rooms, play therapy rooms,<br />
observation spaces, and<br />
dedicated rooms forgroup<br />
therapy, along with specialised<br />
equipmentand spaces for<br />
contemporarytreatmentsnot<br />
possible in the current<br />
environment.<br />
Mr Flatman said ‘‘every<br />
donation, bigorsmall, will make<br />
adifference in thelives of our<br />
community’s tamariki,<br />
rangatahi, and their whānau.”<br />
GrantRounds<br />
<strong>2022</strong>/2023<br />
Closing Dates<br />
Operational Costs<br />
(programme or event)<br />
Up to $15,000<br />
Friday, 8th April <strong>2022</strong><br />
Friday,9th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Capital Projects<br />
Up to $20,000<br />
Friday, 15th July <strong>2022</strong><br />
Friday, 3rdFebruary2023<br />
Major Grants Round<br />
Over $20,000<br />
(Phone to discuss priortoapplying)<br />
Friday, 27th May<strong>2022</strong><br />
Friday, 7th October<strong>2022</strong><br />
Seeour websitefor further information and to<br />
makeanonlineapplication.<br /><br />
To discuss anyapplications<br />
Phone: 03 687 7360 or <strong>08</strong>00 672 287<br />
Email:<br />
2462442<br />
OPEN 7DAYS 9.30am -4.30pm.<br />
Phone 307 6277 l l Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 29<br />
8<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Message From ThePrincipal<br />
Beginning forRebuild<br />
Last week was away to a great start with the<br />
beginning of our new build.<br />
This was signalled with acultural blessing and a<br />
ceremonial earth-turning. The latter was carried<br />
out by Lilly Allen and Logan Bradford, who<br />
have the distinction ofbeing the very youngest<br />
students at<strong>Ashburton</strong> College.Their involvement<br />
wasasimpleway of signalling thatschools always<br />
have studentsattheir core.<br />
My thanks are given toeveryone who joined us for the morning. The<br />
main contractor has now been confirmed as Hawkins Construction. To<br />
be considered forthese large school buildsafirm needs to have aproven<br />
track record in their construction, and be on the Ministry ofEducation’s<br />
preferredcontractor’slist.<br />
The first block is due for completion later next year, with the thirty-two<br />
classroomstobeinuse in 2024.<br />
WinterSportsTournamentWeek<br />
Last week saw the annual Winter Sports Tournament Week take place.<br />
College had teams involved in Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Basketball,<br />
Football and Equestrian. These teams were competing all over the<br />
mainland from Invercargill to Nelson. It’s agreat experience for our<br />
young athletes.Manyofuscannotrecallindividuallessons at school but<br />
mostpeople can clearly recall anysporting or cultural trip they went on.<br />
Iamsurepsychologists would have some form of explanation forthis?<br />
College Derived Grade Exams<br />
Next week sees the round of school exams which are known as ‘derived<br />
grade’ exams. These exams give an indication of students’ progress<br />
towards the external exams but are also important, as the results from<br />
these exams are the grades allocated tostudents who are unable to sit<br />
theNCEAexternal exams in November. Most years we have anumber of<br />
students who are unable to sit exams for avalid reason, such as illness,<br />
abereavement in the family, or an accident; (note: sleeping through the<br />
alarm isn’t avalid excuse!). For example, last year, astudent was hit and<br />
injured from an electric scooter accident, while walking to school to sit<br />
their exam. Iamalso very confident that all the students who needed<br />
derived grades in November were no doubtthinking‘they would be fine’<br />
at the time of the College DerivedGrade exams.<br />
Senior StudentReports<br />
Our senior school reports were sent to families on Friday 26August.<br />
These report onprogress towards end-of-year results.The vast majority<br />
of our seniors should be fine but,clearly,someare going to have to put<br />
in a‘finishing burst’asthe endofyear approaches.<br />
StudentAttendance<br />
There has been alot of national coverage of school attendance rates as<br />
acause ofconcern. Ican share with you that the AshColl average for all<br />
year levels forthe year-to-date is 81%, whichissignificantly higher than<br />
the national average.<br />
Ross Preece,<br />
Principal •Tumuaki<br />
Events<br />
Open MicReturns to the College Stage<br />
Thursday25August sawthe return of the very popular free lunchtime<br />
concert, OPEN MIC, to the <strong>Ashburton</strong>College Auditorium stage.<br />
DirectorofPerformanceClaireBubb said thatOpen Micisanopen invitation<br />
to all performers from across the disciplines of Dance, Drama and Music to<br />
take to the stage in frontoftheir peers.<br />
TheCollege Auditorium waspacked with averysupportiveand vocal crowd<br />
forthe first Open Micofthe year,and they were treatedtoavarietyoftalent<br />
and experiences.<br />
This Open Mic was also special as it was, additionally, a‘celebration of<br />
Filipino Language Week‘, kicked off by Gwen Zamora singing atraditional<br />
Filipino song,followedbyher rendition of Love, by Keysia Cole.<br />
(Pictured left): Gwen Zamora opening<br />
the lunchtime performance programme.<br />
Gwen had the Auditorium rocking within<br />
seconds of her opening number.<br />
Next, the band Suspended Seconds<br />
rocked the crowdwith twooriginal songs<br />
which saw them win through to the<br />
Regional Finals in Rockquest recently.<br />
(Pictured below, left toright): Suspended<br />
Seconds Band members Conner Stewart,<br />
Imogene Felton, Marc Calzada.<br />
Events<br />
NewBuild SiteCultural Blessingand Ceremonial Earth Turning<br />
This was held at8:20am on the crisp, clear morning of Monday 29August<br />
by Walnut Avenue on the former communitypool site, wherethe new build<br />
will begin.<br />
College teacher of te reoand tikanga Tiipene Philip led the blessing in front<br />
of invited guests and staff who gathered to celebrate the commencement<br />
of anew era for the College site. Ministry ofEducation and Hawkins<br />
Construction representatives were in attendance, alongside local District<br />
Council, Hakatere Marae and community groups’personnel, and Board of<br />
Trustees representatives.<br />
(Pictured above): Some of the crowdgathered forthe event.<br />
(Pictured right):<br />
Tiipene Philip leading<br />
the blessing,with<br />
(lefttoright) Principal<br />
Ross Preece, student<br />
Logan Bradfordand<br />
Hakatere Marae<br />
representative<br />
Michelle Brett<br />
standing by.<br />
Congratulations<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College -LincolnSportsExchange: RugbyResults<br />
We nowreportonthe lasttwo games of the Lincoln Sports Exchange.<br />
Girls’ 1st XV Rugby<br />
Normally this team is aMid CanterburyCombined team, being acomposite<br />
of <strong>Ashburton</strong>College and MountHutt College players.<br />
However, for inter-school fixtures the team is required to revert to being<br />
comprised of solely ‘own school’/<strong>Ashburton</strong> College players. This brought<br />
about the addition of seven Under 15 players who, itwas said, ‘really<br />
stepped up to the mark’.<br />
Team members for this fixture were - (pictured above,back row, lefttoright):<br />
Honey Reuben; Jas King, Tiresa Kwan Wing (Under 15); Edelma Kelsall,<br />
TC Trusler-Clark, Angel Spooner, Ripena Umaga Vaeila; Poppy Vaevae,<br />
Chloe Graham, Siosiana Taufa, Lusi Tagicakibau (Under 15).<br />
(Front row, left toright): Siasini Satui, Mere Apaipo (back), Sasha Williams<br />
(front), Shelley Cossey (back), MiaManoa (back); Lily Kwan Wing (Under 15);<br />
Eteta Tanunu,Chloe Robinson.<br />
Honey Reuben has been aloyal and supportive team member, and watergirl,<br />
continuing to come to all games since being ruled out playing due to<br />
concussion earlier in the season.<br />
Despite the significant winning score of44-17 to <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, the<br />
game wasaphysicaland hard-foughtfixture.<br />
This was followed by the Filipino Dance<br />
Group entertaining with Alitaptap and the<br />
Candle Dance, and then Max Nicol and<br />
Libby Alford's contemporary dance<br />
duet. Isabel Wang ended the lunchtime's<br />
entertainment with herversion of Hallelujah.<br />
(Pictured pictured,leftand right): MaxNicol and<br />
LibbyAlford.<br />
Next Open Mic<br />
The next Open Mic will be in Week 9ofthis<br />
term,onThursday22<strong>September</strong>, and anyone<br />
is welcome to signup-just email MrsBubb on<br /><br />
The majority ofour current buildings has been available as alearning<br />
environmentfor 50-plus years with much of the campus,asusers will testify,<br />
well-ready foramodernised upgrade.<br />
Contractor Hawkins Construction has advised that work onthis site ofthe<br />
first block to be built is to startthis month, with machinerydue to move in.<br />
The block is due for completion later 2023, ready for classrooms’use early<br />
2024.<br />
(Pictured right, leftand<br />
right): College's two<br />
youngest students,<br />
Logan Bradford<br />
and Lilly Allen,<br />
undertaking the first<br />
turning of the earth<br />
on the sitesoon to be<br />
humming to the tune<br />
of machineryand<br />
building.<br />
This sitewas prepared<br />
initially with the<br />
demolition of the<br />
previous Phoenix<br />
Pre-school,with this enterprise nowrelocatedinanew building off Middle<br />
Road,the siteofthe previous netball courts.<br />
Theoccasion concluded with the singing of the Waiata,Whakatakatehau.<br />
College Build CommunityPresentation andInformation Evening<br />
Preceding the above event was apresentation and information evening<br />
for interested whānau and community members, held in the College<br />
Auditorium during the evening of Thursday25August.<br />
Presenting and answering questions at this meeting were<br />
Ursula Adams,Architectwith Baldasso Cortese Noordanus (BCN Architects);<br />
Andrew Lapsley, Director/Senior Project Manager, Verve Projects; and<br />
Martin Connell,DeliveryManager,MinistryofEducation.<br />
Try-scorers were TC Trusler-Clark (two), and one each to Mere Apaipo,<br />
Edelma Kelsall, Mia Manoa, Sioasini Satui, Siosiana Taufa, Ripena Umaga<br />
Vaeila. Twoconversions were kicked by Angel Spooner.<br />
Appreciation is given toCo-captains and Player/Coaches for this fixture:<br />
TC Trusler-Clark and Ripena Umaga Vaeila who stood in forregular Coach<br />
JohnnyGalbraith.<br />
Boys’Under 15 Rugby<br />
Coach Kevin Urquhartsaidthatthe exchange fixturewas the boys’final hitout<br />
beforeheading off to Nelson to competeinthe Rural Livestock Under 15<br />
Winter TournamentWeek event, along with twenty nine other school teams<br />
from around the country.<br />
The boys took the field full of confidence after acouple of great results<br />
leading into the game, against Darfield and Rollestonteams.Fromthe kickoff,the<br />
team set to work with some hard-working runs from Josh Eketone,<br />
Ma’a Lene and Suli Hala’ufia, while the backs kept Lincoln on their toes<br />
with some nicetouches.The first half wasatit-for-tataffair,with thescores<br />
locked up at 19-all at half-time.<br />
In the second spell, itwas the same game plan set by the coaching staff<br />
and led by Captain Emmett Rowlands and Kymani-Cruz Pupuke and<br />
Jaykob Argyle constantly making ground in the mid-field.<br />
Once again, the game was tied up 31-all one minute before full-time, but<br />
the College forward pack kept pressuring the Lincoln goal line and, after<br />
four minutes of pressure, Riley Prendergast crashed over to give College<br />
thewin andhandLincoln their first loss in three years.<br />
Year 9players Joel Moffett,JJTupa and Alex Urquhart showed some nice<br />
touches on attack and defence.<br />
Kevin said he,the team, and additional coach Phil Prendergast,are looking<br />
forwardtoWinterTournamentWeek,which they have beenbusy fundraising<br />
foroverthe past fewweeks.<br />
The team (pictured above, back row, left toright): Jordy McGillen, JJ Tupa,<br />
Mei Vaeila, Joel Moffett, Ma’a Lene, Jacob Carr, Apai Hala, Isaac Mataiti,<br />
Emmett Rowlands, Kayden Smith-Ackerley,Kymani-Cruz Pupuke.<br />
(Row, second from back, left to right): Alex Urquhart, Niko Ulupano,<br />
IhakaPenehaWehipeihana, Josh Eketone.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Riley Prendergast, Makaia Allen, Cooper Kellett,<br />
Jaykob Argyle,Suli Hala’ufia, Kingston Culshaw, Jacob Robinson.<br />
(Front): Kalym Chalmers; (Absent): Vena Naitoga; (Unavailable through<br />
injury): Isaiah Cuthers.
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 29<br />
8<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Congratulations<br />
Aoraki BadmintonChampionships<br />
These were held at the Southern Trust Events Centre in Timaru on<br />
Tuesday 09 August (Girls’Competition)and Thursday11August(Boys’<br />
Competition).<br />
Girls’Competition<br />
Four College Girls’ teamswereentered:<br />
Team 1-AGrade: Simone Forster Lobato de Faria, SaiSukumar,<br />
ZoeCribb,Yumi Cabalse.<br />
Team 2-AGrade: Hope Mendez, Ysabella Tawatao, Jasmine Galos,<br />
AliceHomer.<br />
Team 3-BGrade: Janelle Galos, Jessica Hayman, LynMilitante,<br />
Orpah Sildo.<br />
Team 4 - B Grade: Mikaella Rigor and Leah Thomas plus two subs from<br />
various other schools, to cover two College players not<br />
able totravel due tosickness.<br />
The teams travelled with Lloyd Tuhao and Sunny Rana as coaches, and<br />
Sports Co-ordinatorDarion Gray and MandyHarrison as Managers.<br />
Darion said that the Southern Trust Events Centre presented competitors<br />
with twelvecourts,showcasing back-to-back games of singles and doubles<br />
with no stoppages forthe entireday.<br />
The AGrade Competition was comprised of six teams, and BGrade eleven<br />
teams.<br />
The AshColl AGrade Team 1 fought areal battle against Mountainview<br />
High School with the resultsbeing decided by points forthe winner, which<br />
College narrowly missed out on. Game and setscoreswere even at 3-3, 6-6,<br />
with the points decider being 210-219.<br />
However, points went in College’s favour from the BGrade AshColl 3Girls<br />
vWaitaki Girls’High School Lemon game (3-3) with points at 104–103 in<br />
College’s favour.AsDarionsaid,itdoesn’tget much closer than that.<br />
Final Results<br />
AGrade:Play-off for5th and6th place<br />
Both <strong>Ashburton</strong> Team 1and Team 2finished 3rd in their respective pools<br />
(A and B), andtherefore weredrawntoplayeachotherinthe cross-overs.<br />
Team 1, in aclose game, emerged the winner; 7matches to 6(214 -200<br />
points).<br />
BGrade:<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 3had three losses and one win, while <strong>Ashburton</strong> 4had two<br />
losses and one win.<br />
Summary<br />
Darion noted that the highlight of the day was the College AGrade teams<br />
playing each otherfor 5thand 6th placings.<br />
Thematches over the daywerehighly contested and thoroughlyenjoyable<br />
for all. Appreciation went to Mandy Harrison, ‘super-efficient’ Team<br />
Manager forthe day.<br />
Lloyd Tuhao and Sunny Rana both did themselves proud ascoaches and<br />
did a‘super job’. They were thanked forarrangingpractices,team selection<br />
and fortheir enthusiasm at this tournament.<br />
The College girls and coaches (pictured above, back row, left toright):<br />
SunnyRana, LynMilitante,Orpha Sildo,Leah Thomas.<br />
(Middle row, left to right). Lloyd Tuhao, Zoe Cribb, Simone Forster<br />
Lobato de Faria, Jessica Hayman, AliceHomer.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Sai Sukumar, Hope Mendez, Ysabella Tawatao,<br />
Mikaella Rigor, Yumi Cabalse. (Absent from photo were): Janelle Galos,<br />
Jasmine Galos.<br />
Darion said the team players were apleasure totake to atournament and<br />
that, while the results maynot have gone their way, their appreciation and<br />
sportsmanship wastop notch!<br />
EightYear Drought Broken by Boys’AGradeBadmintonTeam<br />
Boys’Competition<br />
ThreeCollege Boys’teams were entered:<br />
Team 1–AGrade: LloydTuhao, SunnyRana, Ken De Lara, Gabriel Teves.<br />
Team 2–BGrade: Gabe Rigor,Ian Pepito, Sir Aron Da-al,plus a<br />
WaitakiBoys’HighSchool substitute.<br />
Team 3–BGrade: Parteshwar Lal, RedictTeves,Julius Apolonio,<br />
Harsh Patel.<br />
As for the girls’ competition, the teams travelled with Lloyd Tuhao and<br />
Sunny Rana as coaches, and Darion Gray and Mandy Harrison as<br />
Managers. The AGrade Competition was comprised of four teams, and<br />
BGrade tenteams.<br />
The boys’ teams (pictured above, back row, left toright): Redict Teves,<br />
Parteshar Lal,Ian Pepito, Harsh Patel, Julius Apolonio,Gabe Rigor.<br />
(Front row, left to right): Sir Aron Da-al, Sunny Rana, Lloyd Tuhao, Ken De Lara,<br />
Gabriel Teres.<br />
Results<br />
AshColl 2 had atough day atthe office with four losses. However, that<br />
didn’t denttheir enthusiasm and perseveranceduring the day. Darion said<br />
they were most appreciativeofWaitaki Boys’High School loaning College a<br />
playertofill agap.<br />
AshColl 3 had three losses and agreat win over St Kevin’s College,5-1.<br />
AshColl 1–Winners of Aoraki SecondarySchools’ Championship<br />
Darion’s statementwas thatthey ‘leftthe best to last’.<br />
With AshColl 1and Mountainview High School 1both on two wins and a<br />
loss,the result for1st placecame down to points.<br />
Lloyd Tuhao, Sunny Rana, Ken De Lara and Gabriel Teves were exceptional<br />
and came up with the goods, 570 points–519 points to win the<br />
Championship.<br />
This trophyhas been in the hands of WaitakiBoys’ High School forthe<br />
last six years ofcompetition, and it was 2014 since the silverware has<br />
been in the AshColl trophycabinet.<br />
This wasdescribedasasuper waytoend theday,with the outcome so welldeservedtothese<br />
wonderful school ambassadors.<br />
Thewinning team with<br />
their trophy (pictured<br />
above,lefttoright):<br />
Gabriel Teves,<br />
Lloyd Tuhao,<br />
Ken de Lara,<br />
SunnyRana.<br />
Target Shooters Successful at<br />
South Island Championships<br />
In the lastmonth ourCollege Student Target Shooters have been busy<br />
with qualification and competition events. Inthis newsletter welook<br />
at resultsfromthe SouthIslandTarget Shooting TeamsChampionships<br />
were held on Saturday 30 July, in Oamaru, atthe end of Week 1this<br />
term.<br />
Andrew&Faulkner andGreenhough Shields Competed For<br />
ManagerNina McKenzie saidthatAssociations’teamsfromacross the South<br />
Island, both Open and Junior, were present in the hunt for the prestigious<br />
Andrew &Faulkner Shield (Open teams) and theGreenhoughShield(Junior<br />
teams). It is importanttonotethatcompetitors need to qualify to compete<br />
in this competition.<br />
Shooting spanned all day, with each team fielding one team member per<br />
round, which means the results build across the day toavery exciting and<br />
much-anticipatedfinal round andconclusion.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College had the following students gain selection for<br />
this prestigious event:<br />
• BreeGreer (as part of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Association Team)<br />
• Charlotte McKenzie (Mid Canterburyteams, Open and Junior)<br />
• Jack Jones(Captain of the MidCanterburyJuniorTeam)<br />
• Madi Tourle (Mid CanterburyJunior and Open Teams)<br />
• Phoebe McKenzie (Mid CanterburyJuniorTeam)<br />
• Sama Sooialo (Mid Canterbury-Timaru Combined Associations<br />
Junior Team)<br />
• Tāne Moore(Mid Canterbury Junior Team)<br />
• Luke Rhodes (selected for the Mid Canterbury-Timaru Combined Team<br />
but sadly unable to compete dueto‘isolation’requirements)<br />
Nina said thatall the junior shooters should be commendedfor selection to<br />
this competition (apparently the largest indoor smallbore competition of its<br />
kind in Australasia).<br />
The course of fire isone double (200.20) and one single (100.10) match,<br />
contributingtoafinal total foreach shooter out of 300.30.<br />
Scores were as follows:<br />
Bree Greer 284.10 CharlotteMckenzie 287.10<br />
Jack Jones 289.13 Madi Tourle 292:13<br />
Phoebe McKenzie 286.07 Sama Sooialo 286.05<br />
Tāne Moore 280.07<br />
CombinedJunior Team Section<br />
Sama Sooialo competed in ateam in the Combined Junior Team section<br />
–which allows for Association entries where the Association isn’t large<br />
enough to field six junior shooters at this level (Juniorbeing Under 21), plus<br />
from Associations who alreadyhaveaJunior Team but have enough quality<br />
Juniors to combine with another group.<br />
In this instance Sama Sooialo, and Luke Rhodes were selected toshoot<br />
with four Timaru Association Juniors. Asnoted above, unfortunately for<br />
Luke he wasinisolation, whichwas described as ‘rotten luck’. Hisspot then<br />
went to the first on-call shooter, Jack McIntosh, who was also unable to<br />
compete, and so then to Eliza McKenzie (StJoseph’s School,283.10and an<br />
exciting addition to the AshColl ranks in 2023).<br />
WinnersofCombinedTeams’Section<br />
This team acquittedthemselvesverywell, andnot only wonthe Combined<br />
Teamssectionbut were 6th overallJuniorteam!<br />
(Pictured above): The Mid Canterbury-Timaru Combined Team with their<br />
Combined Junior Team Champion Medals.<br />
(Back row, left toright): Nicole Curtis (Timaru), Charlotte McKenzie, Tāne<br />
Moore, Jack Jones,Phoebe McKenzie.<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): Eliza McKenzie,SamaSooialo; Liam Harding (Timaru),<br />
Madi Tourle and Emmily MacLean (Timaru),<br />
(Absent from photo): Amelia Swan (Mid Canterbury), Riley Anderson (Timaru).<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Association Open Team<br />
Bree Greer competed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Association Open team, which<br />
finished 10th and did extremely well in the Open (ie: senior age) section.<br />
Information<br />
(Pictured left):<br />
Bree Greer.<br />
MidCanterburyOpenTeam<br />
Charlotte McKenzie and Madi Tourle joined together with the<br />
Mid Canterbury Open team to go very close tothe title, ending up 4th<br />
overall.<br />
Return of Greenhough Shield toMid Canterburyand Title Defended<br />
Andthe big result of theday was JackJones(Captain), CharlotteMcKenzie,<br />
Madi Tourle, Phoebe McKenzie and Tāne Moore, together with Mt Hutt<br />
College student,Amelia Swan 288.06, putting on 1442.49togoclearand<br />
defend their South Islandtitle of 2021 and returnthe GreenhoughShield to<br />
MidCanterbury.<br />
This score was seven points better than the exact same team members’<br />
score from 2021, and surpassed some excellent finishes from North Otago<br />
(three points behind) insecond, and afast-finishing and very experienced<br />
team from EastOtago (DunedinCity) in third(four points behind), with this<br />
team containing anumber of university-aged students. Nina said that the<br />
winning team wasagainaclass act.<br />
(Pictured above, left toright): The Mid Canterbury Greenhough Team with<br />
their South Island Junior Team Champion Medals and the Greenhough<br />
Shield –Phoebe McKenzie, Charlotte McKenzie, Jack Jones (Captain), Tāne<br />
Moore, Madi Tourle.<br />
(Absent from the photo): Mt Hutt College studentAmelia Swan.<br />
We welcome the<br />
return of another<br />
of our keycultural<br />
events,<br />
afterthe previous<br />
COVID-restrictions.<br />
If youare able<br />
to attend,diary<br />
this eventwhich<br />
showcases the<br />
musical talent<br />
of manyofour<br />
5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website<br />
NW wastewaterextension under way<br />
Work begins this week on aninemonthprojecttoexpand<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
wastewater pipe network into the<br />
north-westpartoftown.<br />
The $3.285m project involves laying 2km<br />
of pipes and building apump station that<br />
will pump wastewater toMiddle Road,<br />
where itwill enter the town’s existing<br />
wastewatersystem.<br />
New pipes will run along Carters Road,<br />
Farm Road and Allens Road, and the pump<br />
station will be built on Allens Road, near<br />
Mill Creek.<br />
Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />
Neil McCann saidthe contract forthe work<br />
had been awarded to Tru-Line Civil, who<br />
were ready to start work this week.<br />
“Public traffic through Allens Road<br />
between Turton Street and Racecourse<br />
Road will be affected attimes and traffic<br />
controlswillbeinplace,howeverresidents<br />
will always have access during the course<br />
of the work. Our contractors will keep<br />
residents updated as the project moves<br />
through fivedifferent stages.”<br />
The stages of work will require traffic<br />
managementonthe following roads:<br />
• Allens Road, between Turton Street<br />
and Racecourse Road –7<strong>September</strong><br />
to 11 October<br />
• Carters Road, between Allens Road<br />
and Farm Road –12October to 8<br />
December<br />
• Farm Road, between Carters Road<br />
and Racecourse Road –9December<br />
to 17 January2023<br />
• Farm Road, between Carters Road<br />
and Middle Road –18January2023to<br />
1March 2023<br />
• Allens Road, between Carters Road<br />
and Middle Road –2March 2023to29<br />
May 2023<br />
Full road closures will be required at<br />
times because of the depth of the new<br />
wastewaterline (up to 4.2m)and the size<br />
of the line (up to 300mm in diameter).<br />
Mr McCann said the roads maybeclosed<br />
temporarilytoallvehiclesandpedestrians,<br />
except residents.<br />
“This has to be donetoprotectthe crews<br />
working on those deep trenches and also<br />
to protectthe generalpublic andvehicles.<br />
Residents onthe closed sections will be<br />
contacteddirectly by thecontractorprior<br />
to works beginningand they willbekept<br />
up to date about restricted access by the<br />
crews on site.<br />
“We will be doing our best toensure<br />
people are not unduly inconvenienced.<br />
We know there are also many people in<br />
the wider community who usethis area for<br />
recreation so we are asking them to also<br />
From Central Otagoto<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Council has recently welcomed<br />
Leanne Macdonaldasthe new<br />
Group ManagerofBusiness<br />
Support,whichincludes the<br />
finance, information systems,<br />
communicationsand Council<br />
property teams:<br />
I’mreally pleased to be living herein<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and gettingtoknowmynew<br />
community. Sincearriving afew weeks<br />
ago, I’vebeen focusedonmeetingmy<br />
teams andlearning about someofthe<br />
keypieces of work thatwill fall under<br />
my scope overthe next fewyears.<br />
The Business Support group is wideranging,<br />
with people responsible for<br />
communications, finance, Council<br />
property,information systems and legal<br />
counsel.<br />
Above: The first phase of work will be on Allens Road, between Turton Street and<br />
Racecourse Road.<br />
be prepared for disruption to their usual<br />
routines.”<br />
The newwastewaterline willenablemore<br />
residentialdevelopmentinthearea,which<br />
is mostly zonedResidentialC.<br />
Mr McCann said there were currently<br />
about 50 properties in the area thatwould<br />
be serviced by thenew network,but over<br />
the next 10 years another thousand new<br />
sections couldbecreated.<br />
“The new pipes will also allow some<br />
people to decommission their septic<br />
tanks.”<br />
Anyone wanting to be kept informed of<br />
updates on the project should signup for<br />
free notifications at<br />
ashburton-district/projects.<br />
Council’s website will also carry regular<br />
updates about the project.<br />
LeanneMacdonald-Group Manager Business Support<br />
And three big things thatIcan already<br />
see on the listofupcomingwork are<br />
funding forthe proposed second<br />
bridge,the move to the newlibraryand<br />
civicbuilding and the 2024-34 Long<br />
Term Plan, planning forwhich has<br />
already started.<br />
Ifeel very proud to be workingfor<br />
the Council andpleased to have the<br />
opportunity to lead the group-thereis<br />
much to learn and Iamenjoyinggetting<br />
stuck in.<br />
My husband has also secured ajob<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, andwehavebought a<br />
houseand already feel quite settled.<br />
Our twofur-babieshavejoinedadoggy<br />
day-care,sothe entire family has<br />
settled in well to this very warm and<br />
welcomingcommunity.<br />
Iamchartered accountant by trade<br />
andhaveahistory of local government<br />
that started withthe PalmerstonNorth<br />
airport,beforeImovedtoaregional<br />
council and then ontodistrictcouncils.<br />
Formethe district councils arevery<br />
special as we (thestaff)areverymuch<br />
part of andwithin the community,<br />
supporting our community.<br />
While Iinitiallyhailed from theNorth<br />
Island, IamverymuchaSouth Island<br />
girl at heart. Ihavespent the past three<br />
yearswith the Central OtagoDistrict<br />
Council, looking after similar corporate<br />
services (excluding property) and<br />
really enjoyedthe role, andthe district,<br />
especially thelakes, the rocks and the<br />
trails.<br />
That being said, we love the diversity<br />
of thesceneryherein<strong>Ashburton</strong> from<br />
therollinggreen pasturethrough to the<br />
Thursday,8<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 95<br />
Playground<br />
poplarstobe<br />
removed<br />
Access to the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain<br />
children’s playground and nearby<br />
carpark will be restricted next week<br />
when arborists take down two<br />
poplar trees.<br />
The trees are scheduled to be removed<br />
on Thursday 15<strong>September</strong> and Friday<br />
16 <strong>September</strong> and the area will then be<br />
replantedand extrapicnic tables installed.<br />
Thepoplarsare betweenthe playground<br />
andthe access road, and the area will be<br />
closed to cars while the arborists work.<br />
The operating area will be roped off and<br />
under supervision, but walkers can still<br />
access all other parts ofthe domain and<br />
carparking isavailable on Walnut Avenue.<br />
Community Services Group Manager<br />
SteveFabish said poplarswereknown to<br />
cause problems when they reached old<br />
age.<br />
“While these two trees are still relatively<br />
young, longterm theyreally arethe wrong<br />
tree in the wrong place. Removing them<br />
now will make way for ustoplant trees<br />
that arebetterfor shade.<br />
“It also provides an opportunity to<br />
make that side of the playground more<br />
connected and accessible to the whole<br />
site, as notedinarecent report.”<br />
beautiful snow-coveredalps,and of<br />
course the beautiful Mt Hutt.<br />
My husband and Iare really looking<br />
forwardtoexploring the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Districtand the widerregion on our<br />
gravel bikes, and simply enjoying<br />
the countryside with our twodogs<br />
and generally getting to knowwhat<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>has to offer.<br />
So if yousee me outand about please<br />
feel free to sayhello.Ilove meeting new<br />
people, especially in the community<br />
thatIamheretosupport.<br />
1 Thursday,8<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 95<br />
Localelection voting packs arrivingsoon PUBLICNOTICES<br />
It’s just over aweek until voting<br />
packs for the local elections start<br />
arriving in mailboxes around the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>District.<br />
Aside from the mayoral race, nine<br />
councillors will be elected torepresent<br />
three wards, as well as five Methven<br />
Community Board Members and<br />
six Braided Rivers Community Trust<br />
members.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil Chief Executive<br />
Hamish Riach said people looking for<br />
more information about the candidates<br />
haveseveral options.<br />
“There will be information about<br />
candidates in the voting packs, but<br />
voters can also go to our voteashburton.<br />
nz website now and browse through the<br />
candidate profiles to easily see who is<br />
standing in their ward.”<br />
The profiles include contactdetails forthe<br />
candidatesaswell.<br />
Mr Riach said therewereseveral meetthe<br />
candidates events being organised and<br />
he encouraged voters to go along anddo<br />
their due diligencebeforeticking the box<br />
on their voting papers.<br />
The first event isonthis Sunday at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre, at 2pm, and<br />
people can find more details on the<br />
main page of An<br />
event has also been organised at the Mt<br />
Hutt Memorial Hall in Methven on 13<br />
<strong>September</strong>,at7pm.<br />
For those wishing todig in abit deeper,<br /> (hostedbyThe Spinoff)has given<br />
all candidates standing in local elections<br />
the chance toshare their thoughts on<br />
variousareas of policy. Notall candidates<br />
have contributed, but for those who<br />
have, it’s agood way tosee what they<br />
think abouttopics suchasrates, our local<br />
economyand climate change.<br />
Mr Riach said it wasalso timely forcouncil<br />
this week to thank three long-serving<br />
members of the Methven Community<br />
Board for their contributions over many<br />
years.<br />
Dan McLaughlin, Sonia McAlpine and<br />
RonSmith attended theirlastcommunity<br />
boardmeetingonMonday –the three are<br />
notseekingre-election.<br />
Mr McLaughlin was elected in 2010 and<br />
has been chair since 2016, Mrs McAlpine<br />
waselected in 2013 and has been deputy<br />
since2016and Mr Smith wascompleting<br />
his second term after being elected in<br />
2016.<br />
“Their contribution to the board and<br />
the Methven community is greatly<br />
appreciated. They have been great<br />
ambassadorsfor Methven,”MrRiach said.<br />
Voting in all the local elections starts on<br />
16 <strong>September</strong> and closes at noon on<br />
Saturday 8October. Find out more at<br /><br />
Park 'n' bark: Check out our newcar park<br />
People exercising their pooches at<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Dog Park can now<br />
use thenew 20-spacecar park at the<br />
facility, with access off Cass Street<br />
next to the new Kmart development.<br />
Asloping path leads from the carpark to<br />
the entrance to the dog park, which has<br />
separate areasfor small andall dogs. The<br />
entrance also has plastic poo bags and<br />
awater foundation for both dogs and<br />
humans.<br />
Community Services Group Manager<br />
Steve Fabish said there wasstill work to do<br />
on the newdog park entrancebut people<br />
Hearaboutour<br />
Māori history<br />
Join usatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery<br />
and Museum next Wednesday (14<br />
<strong>September</strong>) at 6pm during Te Wiki<br />
oteReo Māori for aspecial event<br />
from the Tāngata Ngāi Tahu authors<br />
and researchers. The team will be<br />
presenting thelives and contributions<br />
of variousNgāiTahu people associated<br />
withthe Hakatere <strong>Ashburton</strong> District.<br />
The connected Kā Huru Manu<br />
exhibition, which provides an insight<br />
into the Ngāi Tahu history of our<br />
district,runsuntil 18 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Above: Retiring members of the Methven Community Board (from left) Dan<br />
McLaughlin, Sonia McAlpine and RonSmith.<br />
couldbegin using the carpark.<br />
“Staff will beinstalling rubbish bins and<br />
there’s also agility equipment to put in,<br />
as well as ashingle pathand moreplants.<br />
We’ll be planting extra trees inside the<br />
exercise areasfor shade.”<br />
The dog park has had abig makeover,<br />
following the floods of May 2021 when<br />
it was mostly under water after the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> River burst itsbank,taking out<br />
fences and depositing shingle and debris<br />
aroundthe park.<br />
It has been rebuilt 50 per cent bigger, with<br />
newfences,new dogplay equipment and<br />
Draft StormwaterBylaw<br />
Our stormwaternetwork does<br />
the essential job of collecting<br />
and carryingrainwateraway<br />
from buildings androads.<br />
We’vedraftedanew bylawtomanage<br />
our stormwaterinfrastructureand help<br />
protectboththe environmentand<br />
publichealth. We’d like your feedback!<br />
We want to hearfrom YOU!<br />
Visit or<br />
scan the QR code to viewthe consultation<br />
documentsand shareyour feedback by 5pm,<br />
Sunday 18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
anew entranceoffCass Street.<br />
“Aswellasundertakingtherepairwork,we<br />
have removedtrees, recontouredthe bank<br />
to make it easier to mow and maintain,<br />
and increased the overall area by quite a<br />
lot. It’sgetting greatuse and we’vehad lots<br />
of positive feedback,”MrFabishsaid.<br />
“The newcar park hasroom for20vehicles<br />
and lighting,and weencourage peopleuse<br />
this spaceratherthan the old carpark at<br />
theend of William Street.”<br />
The dog park is adesignated area where<br />
people can exercise their dogs off the<br />
leash.<br />
CLOSURE:<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil givespublic<br />
noticeofaproposal to temporarily close<br />
roads to ordinary vehicletraffic to enable<br />
the holdingofacommunity event –<br />
RakaiaSchool 150th Jubilee.<br />
Roads proposed tobeclosed:<br />
• MACKIE STREET, from Elizabeth<br />
Avenue to DunfordStreet<br />
• DUNFORD STREET, from Cridland<br />
StreettoMackie Street<br />
Period of closure: From 10am until<br />
11.30am on SATURDAY, 22 October<br />
<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Any person objecting to theproposal<br />
should lodgenoticeoftheir objection<br />
and the grounds fortheir objectionin<br />
writing by post or email (info@adc.<br /> to the Council, 5Baring Square<br />
West, <strong>Ashburton</strong> by 4pmonFRIDAY,16<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
GroupManager InfrastructureServices<br />
Meetings areheld in theCouncil<br />
Chambers, 137 Havelock Street,<br />
(unless otherwise advised).<br />
Council Agencies (six-month<br />
reports) -Wednesday 14 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
9.30am (live-streamed)<br />
Council Hearings(<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Airport Development Plan) -<br />
Wednesday 14 <strong>September</strong>,1.00pm<br />
(live-streamed)<br />
Council Meeting -Wednesday 21<br />
<strong>September</strong>,1.00pm (live-streamed)<br />
Council Activity Briefings -<br />
Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,9.30am<br />
Audit &Risk Committee -<br />
Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,1.30pm<br />
(live-streamed)<br />
Council Hearings(Stormwater<br />
Bylaw) -Thursday 29 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
9.00am (live-streamed)<br />
Remember to putyourwindstrapon<br />
wheneveryou put your wheeliebins out,<br />
no matter the weather! Thestrap helps<br />
keep lids shut on windy days,and when<br />
binsare blownorknocked over. They’re<br />
specially designed to be undone as the<br />
bin is picked up and emptied.<br />
Haven't gotawindstrap?Gotoour<br />
website<br />
rubbish-and-recycling and requestone.<br />
5Baring Square West<br />
Mon,Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />
Thursday9am -5pm<br />
180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />
Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />
Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />
20 River Terrace<br />
Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />
Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />
327 WestStreet<br />
10am -4pm daily<br /> Thursday,8<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 95<br />
NEWS<br />
16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Vintage beauties on show for cancer<br />
Classicand modern beauties on<br />
show at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Vintage<br />
Car Club’s annual Daffodil Day<br />
show and shineraised $3100 for<br />
Mid Canterbury’s Cancer<br />
Society.<br />
Themoney was handed over<br />
by club members Peter Jacob<br />
and Colin Sweetman last week<br />
to Mid Canterbury Cancer<br />
Society’s Mandy Casey and<br />
Annie Bonifant.<br />
Thecar club’s showand shine<br />
last monthsaw vehicles from<br />
across theageslinedupfor<br />
viewingatthe club grounds in<br />
Tinwald. Hundreds of people<br />
attended viewing160 cars of all<br />
makes andmodelsonshow.<br />
Club members also had their<br />
museum open forviewingand<br />
among those on show is arare<br />
1978 Reliant Super Robin GB<br />
Special.<br />
TheReliant Robin was<br />
produced in the UK between<br />
1973 and 1981, then revamped<br />
and producedunderadifferent<br />
management from 1989 to 2002.<br />
Thethreewheeled Robin in<br />
the museumwas sold newinthe<br />
UK andbought from<br />
Nottinghamin2010. It has a<br />
850cc, all alloyOHV Reliant<br />
engine andafour speed manual<br />
gearbox.<br />
It was handbuilt by Reliant in<br />
Tamworth, UK andwas one of<br />
just ahandful produced as a<br />
convenient mode of transport<br />
that could be driven on amoped<br />
licence. They were also<br />
cheapertoregister.<br />
The original owner wasan<br />
elderlyladywho useditfor a<br />
fewyears prior to her death.<br />
It was stored for 25 years<br />
beforebeingrediscovered with<br />
just 23,000miles (37,015km) on<br />
the speedometer.<br />
The robin was produced with<br />
three wheelssoitcouldbe<br />
driven on amoped licence and<br />
fit into the lower tax and<br />
registrationbracket than cars<br />
in the UK.<br />
It was officially registered as<br />
atricycle.<br />
It was popular withmany<br />
motorcyclists and those with<br />
basic moped licences.<br />
It was cheap to purchase,<br />
register and run averaging<br />
around 70miles per gallon and<br />
atop speed of around85m/h<br />
(137km/hour).<br />
The Reliantcompany has<br />
been making three wheeled<br />
vehicles since 1935 with around<br />
250,000 produced in many<br />
forms.<br />
The last Reliant Robin was<br />
made in 2001.<br />
The car club’s museumis<br />
open every Saturday from 10am<br />
to noon, or on request by<br />
phoning 3<strong>08</strong>4595.<br />
The museum showcases some<br />
of the work of members who<br />
have restored some rare old<br />
beauties,with up to 40 vehicles<br />
and 15 motorcycles in the<br />
collection.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Vintage Car Club<br />
members Colin Sweetman,<br />
Karen Bell and Peter Jacob<br />
handover $3100 to Cancer<br />
Society Mid Canterbury’s Annie<br />
Bonifant and Sharon Robinson,<br />
and, at right, the 1978 Reliant<br />
Super Robin GB Special on<br />
show in the club’s museum.<br />
Tummy grumbles and gripes?<br />
SOLGAR<br />
Vegan DigestiveEnzymes 250s<br />
now$73.49 was$97.99<br />
Milk Thistle 50s<br />
now$26.24 was$34.99<br />
Bromelain 300mg 60s now$24.74 was$32.99<br />
Lactase 3500 30s<br />
now$20.99 was$27.99<br />
DigestiveEnzymes 100s<br />
now$28.49 was$37.99<br />
L-Glutamine 500mg 50s<br />
now$22.49 was$29.99<br />
Betaine Hydrochloride 100s<br />
now$20.24 was$26.99<br />
SAVE<br />
25%<br />
2500770<br />
<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
October<br />
12, 13, 14, 17, 18<br />
November<br />
8,9,10, 14, 15, 16<br />
2512820<br />
Proven 6-year trackrecordasyourdistrictcouncillor<br />
Passionate about ourdistrict andour people<br />
Commonsense decisionmaker<br />
Fiscally responsible<br />
Strong businessmanagementskills<br />
Authorised by RussellEllis,RussellEllis.<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2511485<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
17<br />
Combined <strong>Ashburton</strong> side take to field<br />
AMid Canterburycombined secondary<br />
schools boys hockeyteam convincingly<br />
beat aWest Coast combinedteam 41 in<br />
their final matchofplay last week.<br />
Thegame for 7th and8th was played<br />
at the NBSTurf,inthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Domain, and was the end of aweeklong<br />
secondary schools Tier4tournament<br />
hosted by Mid Canterbury Hockey.<br />
Both teamswere combinationsides<br />
made up of pupils from avariety of<br />
schools.<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong> team had players from<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College,<strong>Ashburton</strong> Christian<br />
School andMount Hutt College,while<br />
theWestCoast team wasmadeupof<br />
players from Greymouth High School,<br />
John Paul II HighSchool andWestland<br />
HighSchool.<br />
The twoteams battled to thefinal<br />
whistle, but <strong>Ashburton</strong> provedtoo strong<br />
and at theend of the fourthquarter were<br />
ahead by three points.<br />
Tournament director DarrylLaw, of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, said eight boys teams,and<br />
eight girls teamsfrom Christchurch to<br />
Dunedin and the West Coast were<br />
entered in thetournament the first of its<br />
kind to be held in twoyears due to covid.<br />
Players stayed at variouslocations<br />
around the district.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>sidewas made up of<br />
players fromaround the district to even<br />
out the draw to ensurethere wasnobye<br />
during theboys competition, he said.<br />
The Tier 4side was theonlyMid<br />
Canterbury team to play at the event, with<br />
both the<strong>Ashburton</strong> College boys and girls<br />
firstXIhockey teams playing in their<br />
equivalent level tournamentin<br />
Christchurch. In those games the boys<br />
team placedsecond, and the girls third.<br />
Howeverthe Tier 4finals in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
played lateonFriday afternoon, saw<br />
LoganParkHigh (of Dunedin) play<br />
RollestonCollege in theboys final, and St<br />
Andrew’s Collegesecond XI play<br />
RollestonCollege in thegirls final.<br />
TheoverallwinnerswereLogan Park<br />
High in theboysfinal (winning 32)and St<br />
Andrew’s Collegeinthe girls final<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, in red, play West Coast in secondary schools tier 4play.<br />
(winning 21).<br />
Theprizegiving<br />
presentationsweremadeafter<br />
each game by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District councillor Rodger<br />
Letham, stepping in formayor<br />
NeilBrown.<br />
Withjust afew younger age group<br />
representative hockey gamesleft to play,<br />
Mr Law said if there wasenough interest<br />
Mid Canterbury Hockey was nowlooking<br />
to set up asummer leaguecompetition.<br />
Whole teams could be entered or<br />
people couldbeplaced into teams if<br />
needed.<br />
Anyone interested cancontact Mid<br />
Canterbury Hockey, he said.<br />
Vote<br />
RichardWilson<br />
for the EasternWard<br />
Local knowledge<br />
Proven experience<br />
Effectivevoice<br />
2509888<br />
~Authorised by RichardWilson, Hinds Arundel Road
Celebrating 30 years in business<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Skip and JenMuir arecelebrating 30 years servicing our community<br />
It has been a<br />
lifelong affiliation<br />
forSkip(real<br />
name David),<br />
who startedasan<br />
apprenticeflooring<br />
installer at age<br />
15 with familybased<br />
business<br />
Redmonds,in<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
David as ababywas giventhe nickname Skip,after Skippy<br />
the bush kangaroo. Italso made it easier forthe family as<br />
his father wasalso named David,sothe name stuck.<br />
Afterseveral years working forRedmonds and completing<br />
his apprenticeship,inhis early 20s Skip made amoveto<br />
Christchurch wherehejoined DeluxeCarpets.<br />
It waswhile working forDeluxethathebadly rolled an<br />
ankle and thoughttohimself thatifithad been aknee<br />
injury, it mightbethe end of aflooring career. Hestarted<br />
considering whathewould do in thatsituation and<br />
thoughtabout opening his ownshop in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Twomonths aftergetting advice-and the thumbs up -<br />
from bank manager Jim Lischener and accountantTrevor<br />
Croy,who both said “giveitgo”,Skip-2-ItDial-A-Carpet<br />
Services wasborn.<br />
Skip opened his first shopat92 Victoria Street,inAugust<br />
1992.<br />
Back then, the first companycar wasaHolden Belmont<br />
station wagon (pictured right).<br />
It wasbit old and rustysowhen new laws startedcoming<br />
in regarding rust on vehicles,Skipdecided to cover it in<br />
carpet.<br />
Thecarpet action resulted in articles appearing in local<br />
and regional papers and even an Australian car magazine.<br />
Even nowpeople still remember it.<br />
Afterabout 18 months,the firmmoved to 110 Victoria<br />
Street (corner of Victoria and Cass Streets), wherehe<br />
remained forthe next seven years. During this time he<br />
also branched out by adding curtains and blinds to the<br />
business. Healso introduced atiling servicewhich has<br />
sincebeen taken over by brother,LintonMuir.<br />
Ironically,when he startedhis ownbusiness,Skipused to<br />
joke thathewould have to marry an accountanttomake<br />
his lifeeasier.Then he did.<br />
In 1997, Skip met Jenny(nee Smyth) who wasworking<br />
(Pictured topleft):<br />
First shop,<br />
92 Victoria Street.<br />
as an accounting clerkatLeech &Partners –who is now<br />
both his wifeand businesspartner.<br />
In 2001 they relocatedto240 Burnett St (former<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Traders building), having boughtthe building<br />
sightunseen at the adviceofSkip’sfather-in-law. This<br />
move gave the business greatervisibilityand higher foot<br />
traffic which continued its success.<br />
When the global financial crisis hit in 2009,<br />
work got tight, margins tighterand they<br />
had to lay-off astaff member.<br />
It wasthen they made the decision to join<br />
the newly formed Flooring Xtragroup<br />
which givesthem better buying power,<br />
autonomyand also corporatesupportand<br />
benefits.<br />
An additional appeal wasFlooring Xtra<br />
wasaco-operativestartedbyindividual<br />
carpet storeowners and not afranchise.<br />
“The supportand guidanceprovided by<br />
Flooring Xtrahas been invaluable in being<br />
able to constantly improve<br />
our business”Jen said.<br />
Afterearthquake damage<br />
to the building was<br />
considered unfeasible<br />
to repair,and afterthree<br />
years of looking foranew<br />
building,they movedto<br />
their current siteon68<br />
Cass Street in 2016.<br />
They also completed the<br />
build of anew warehouse<br />
at the NorthparkBusiness<br />
Estate in 2018.<br />
Skip and Jen have always<br />
appreciatedthe support<br />
of the MidCanterbury<br />
communityoverthe<br />
past 30 years and have<br />
thereforehad astrong<br />
focus on giving back to the community<br />
through sponsorship. This sponsorship has<br />
included several squash clubs,bowls clubs,<br />
hockey teams,rugbyteams,and other<br />
individuals over the years. “Ourfamily<br />
has alwayshad astrong focus on sport,<br />
and we felt it wasimportanttoassist the<br />
communitythatsupportour business,so<br />
thatwas one waywecould help”Jen said.<br />
Skip and Jen aregrateful forthe supportof<br />
their family and clients over the years and<br />
look forwardtoenjoying the next 30 years<br />
and beyond offering atop flooring service.<br />
Owner operators Jen and Skip Muir.<br />
Skip-2-ItFlooring Xtracurrently have four full time and twopart<br />
time staff in the shop,including acouple of long serving staff,<br />
Cath and Phil,who have beenwith them formorethan15years.<br />
They also have seven installers on<br />
their books. The couple areproud<br />
to have trained 10 apprentices over<br />
30 years,with three morecurrently<br />
training.One of their current installers,<br />
Lenny, wastheir first apprentice, and<br />
aftersome time away he has now<br />
been back working forSkip-2-Itfor<br />
20 years. “We have an awesome team<br />
who we aresoluckytohave. We<br />
have oftenhad compliments over the<br />
years on howgreat ourstaff were to<br />
deal with, whether it is helping the<br />
customer make adecision in the shop<br />
or the installers in their home”said<br />
Jen.<br />
Installers: (back) Lenny, Ricus,Ken, (front) Dylan, Liam, Courtney, Connor.<br />
(Pictured topright):<br />
Second shop,<br />
110 Victoria Street.<br />
(Pictured bottom left):<br />
240 Burnett Street.<br />
(Pictured bottom right):<br />
Currentpremises at<br />
68 Cass Street.<br />
Shop staff (lefttoright): Carmen, Savanna, Kirsty, Laura, Cath, Phil (in front)<br />
Long serving staff (lefttoright): Phil,Lenny, Cath.<br />
2504755<br />
SAVE<br />
the GST<br />
See for full T&Cs. Promo expires 31 October <strong>2022</strong>, or until stocks are sold. Offers can not be used in conjunction with any other offers.<br />
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^Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs<br />
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27.99% p.a. applies (see Ts&Cs for QMastercard Standard<br />
Interest Rate). $55 Establishment Fee or$35 Advance Fee<br />
applies. See for full T&Cs.<br />
Example Flooring Xtra<br />
Your store address goes in here<br />
E:<br />
68 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> P: 03 3<strong>08</strong>0266<br />
www.flooringxtra/<br />
NEWS<br />
20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Identifying the real cost of seed<br />
Arablefarmers need to<br />
understand their ‘truecost’ of<br />
production to ensure<br />
continued financial viabilityand<br />
Federated Farmers has a<br />
spreadsheettodoexactly that.<br />
Thenew cost of production<br />
spreadsheetoffers growers a<br />
unique tool to analyseall<br />
relevantcosts associated with<br />
growing ryegrassand white<br />
clover seed crops and running<br />
the farm.<br />
It even allows for areturn on<br />
investment.<br />
FederatedFarmers herbage<br />
seed chair John McCaw, of<br />
Methven, said herbage seed<br />
production was arisky<br />
business. ‘‘Farmers deserve<br />
better than break even.’’<br />
Thespreadsheet release<br />
coincides with arecent<br />
Foundation for Arable<br />
Research (FAR) gross margin<br />
analysis for ryegrass seed<br />
production.<br />
It showed abreakeven<br />
result on seed production but a<br />
profit from associated lamb<br />
trading.<br />
TheFederated Farmers<br />
spreadsheetincludes lamb<br />
grazing income, but Mr McCaw<br />
concedes notall arable<br />
farmers arewilling or ableto<br />
trade lambs.<br />
‘‘Grazing lambs requires<br />
capital, labour, and<br />
infrastructure quite separate<br />
to that of seed production.<br />
Foundation for Arable Research herbage seed research manager<br />
Richard Chynoweth, at right, during afield day event discussing<br />
white clover management.<br />
‘‘Having ryegrassinthe<br />
system facilitateslamb grazing<br />
but thisshould not be usedto<br />
justifyalower seed price to<br />
growers."<br />
While gross marginshave<br />
their place,MrMcCaw is<br />
concerned they arenot the<br />
right tool in this instance.<br />
‘‘It’s all about the cost of<br />
production. Gross margin<br />
analysis is simplistic and<br />
usefulonly for considering one<br />
crop option against another.’’<br />
‘‘Each crop must carry its<br />
fair shareofthe unseen cost of<br />
running afarmincluding<br />
wages of management, rates,<br />
insurance,and<br />
administration.’’<br />
Being abletoallocate a<br />
share of all those ‘other’ costs<br />
(about $1300 per hectare) to an<br />
otherwise simple grossmargin<br />
assessment was alightbulb<br />
moment for Mr McCaw.<br />
‘‘I’vebeendoing gross<br />
marginsonour farm for 20<br />
years, thinkingIunderstood<br />
our cost of production.Iwish<br />
I’d had thistool earlier Ithink<br />
we would be farming very<br />
differently now if we had.’’<br />
He suspectedplant<br />
breeders’ focus on herbage<br />
productionhas come at the<br />
cost of seed yield.<br />
Laterheading varietiesoften<br />
yield less seedand require<br />
additional water and<br />
fungicides.<br />
Yield gainshad plateaued<br />
while growerpriceshave<br />
languished.<br />
‘‘It’s been happening over<br />
many years but now<br />
productioncosts have risen<br />
steeply, and we have a‘cost of<br />
living crisis’ in the herbage<br />
seed industry."<br />
The extenttowhich prices<br />
must increase to return<br />
growers to profit is of concern<br />
to both growersand<br />
merchants.Aresetwas<br />
needed, not just an inflation<br />
adjustment.<br />
The question is howto<br />
achieve that without pricing<br />
ourselves outofthe<br />
internationalmarket, he said.<br />
Farmers resilience with challenges<br />
Beef+LambNew Zealand’s (B<br />
+LNZ) lateststocknumber<br />
survey showsfarmersadapting<br />
quicklytochallenging<br />
circumstancesincluding<br />
droughts, processing delays<br />
and Covid19,while<br />
afforestationremains a<br />
significantconcern.<br />
Thereport highlights the<br />
extent of farmlandbeing<br />
convertedtoforestry, which<br />
continuestohaveanegative<br />
impact on rural communities.<br />
B+LNZ economic service<br />
chief economist AndrewBurtt<br />
said the increase in farm<br />
sales into forestry is yet to<br />
lead to asignificant reduction<br />
in stock numbers, but it can be<br />
expected verysoon.<br />
“There is usually alag<br />
between farm sale and<br />
plantings, and planting is<br />
constrainedbyavailabilityof<br />
seedlings and labour to plant<br />
them,” he said.<br />
“Afterthe original landhas<br />
been planted, how livestock<br />
movethrough the system on to<br />
other farms before being sent<br />
to processing or directly to<br />
processing influences what<br />
statistics show.<br />
‘‘Much depends on the<br />
circumstances on individual<br />
farms.”<br />
B+LNZchief executive<br />
SamMcIvorsaidthe extent of<br />
sheepandbeeffarmland<br />
beingconvertedtoforestry,<br />
alongwith the cumulative<br />
impactofarange of other<br />
policies on farm viability, is<br />
concerning.<br />
He said there neededtobe<br />
specificlimitsontheamount<br />
of forestry usedtooffset fossil<br />
fuel emissions in the<br />
EmissionsTradingScheme<br />
(ETS).<br />
“NewZealand is theonly<br />
country to allow 100percent<br />
forestryoffsetting.<br />
‘‘Other countries only allow<br />
about 10 percent,’’ he said.<br />
‘‘Withoutthese limits all<br />
other policychanges,while<br />
helpful,willnot solvethe<br />
problem.’’<br />
The Government needed to<br />
takeurgentactiontostop the<br />
lossofproductivefarmland<br />
andthe decimation of rural<br />
communities, he said.<br />
Thereportshowedsheep<br />
numbers in NewZealand<br />
were steadyoverthe past 12<br />
monthsand beef cattle<br />
numbers fellonlyslightly,<br />
despite unfavourable<br />
conditions in someregions.<br />
Thetotalnumberofsheep<br />
in New Zealand came to 25.78<br />
million, compared to 25.73<br />
million last year, while beef<br />
cattle numbers decreased by<br />
0.9 percent, to an estimated<br />
3.93 million.<br />
Canterbury /Marlborough<br />
andEastCoastwerethe only<br />
regions where there was an<br />
increase.<br />
Their total sheep numbers<br />
were up 1.5 percent to 6.59<br />
million and 5.7 percentto5.81<br />
million, respectively.<br />
The EastCoast alsosawa<br />
total beef cattle increaseof<br />
6.5percent to 1.02million,<br />
while Marlborough /<br />
Canterbury’sbeefcattle<br />
numbers rose by 6.2 percent<br />
to 756,000.<br />
“Marlborough /<br />
Canterbury’sincreased<br />
numbers of breeding ewes,<br />
hoggets, total sheep, and total<br />
beef cattle in 202122 can be<br />
attributed to rebuilding from<br />
the previous two difficult<br />
seasons, when they<br />
experienced dry conditions<br />
and drought.’’<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Applications are openfor the<br />
agriculture focusedAdairFarm<br />
scholarship, offered by Aoraki<br />
EducationTrust Board. The<br />
scholarship was foundedin2002<br />
from fundsout of the closure of the<br />
educational facility AdairFarm, run<br />
by the then-AorakiPolytechnic.<br />
Mostofthese fundswere giftedto<br />
the polytechnics training facility in<br />
the mid-80sbylocalfarmers.Since<br />
inceptiontherehavebeen41<br />
recipients including latest Kate<br />
Crawford,studyingfor abachelor in<br />
agriculturescience at Lincoln<br />
University. Shesaid the scholarship<br />
‘‘helpedconsiderablywith my<br />
accommodation costs’’. Innes<br />
McMillan, chair of theAdair Farm’s<br />
subcommittee,said it was hoped<br />
manyapplicants wouldapply forthe<br />
$5000 available to encourage<br />
tertiary study in agriculture,<br />
horticultureorotherprimary<br />
industry fields. Applications can be<br />
madebyemailing aetb.<br /> andclose on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 21.<br />
Agriculturalindustry safety group<br />
Safer Farmshas anew chief<br />
executive officer -DrLyndsey<br />
Dance. She comes onboard as the<br />
groupfinalises its FarmWithout<br />
Harmstrategy to protect farming<br />
people from preventable harm,<br />
every day. Theagriculture sector is<br />
one of the most dangerousplaces<br />
for NewZealanders to work, with<br />
high harm statistics and17<br />
workplacedeaths ayear. Safer<br />
Farms chair Lindy Nelson said<br />
SaferFarmswereonamission to<br />
rewrite the storyofharmand keep<br />
New Zealand farmers safe.<br />
“Lyndsey has experience in the<br />
public and private sector as well as<br />
having worked alongsidethe<br />
agricultural industry in the UK, she<br />
is an expertproblem solverand is<br />
theperfectperson to lead ourmahi<br />
helping keep Kiwifarmers safe,”<br />
she said.<br />
Chris Blackisset to jointhe<br />
RabobankNew Zealand board and<br />
become thenew chair, followingthe<br />
decision by current chair Andy<br />
Borlandtostep down fromthe board<br />
this Novemberafter six years.Mr<br />
Blackhas governance and<br />
executive experience, and astrong<br />
backgroundinrural insurance,<br />
banking andinvestment<br />
management.Heretired last year<br />
after13yearsaschief executiveof<br />
ruralinsurance groupFarmers<br />
Mutual Group (FMG).Hewill be an<br />
observeratthe next board meeting<br />
in <strong>September</strong>and formally jointhe<br />
board at its November meeting.<br />
Let’s start by protecting<br />
our corner of the world<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
My motivation:<br />
Climate<br />
change<br />
Nitrates in<br />
water<br />
Smarter<br />
budgeting<br />
<br />
<br />
Vote for someone in your corner,fromyour corner. Vote Ian Mackenzie for the ECan Council.<br />
Ian Mackenzie<br />
2512578<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
21<br />
Massey power goes on show<br />
If it roars like abeast and has<br />
the powerofabeast, surely it is<br />
abeast.<br />
The Masseybeast; a1986<br />
MasseyFerguson 4880, with 320<br />
horsepower,and the onlyknown<br />
one of its kind in New<br />
Zealand.<br />
And for members of the<br />
publicthere is achance to see it<br />
up close this monthatthe Mid<br />
Canterbury VintageMachinery<br />
Club’s Massey Ferguson display<br />
event.<br />
Lauriston farmer Anthony<br />
Hampton, who likes big<br />
articulated tractors,isputting<br />
the 4880 on displayalongside<br />
othersfrom his extensive<br />
MasseyFerguson collection.<br />
The event,bythe Mid<br />
Canterbury VintageMachinery<br />
Club,ispart of atribute to the<br />
175th anniversary of Massey<br />
Ferguson.<br />
“It’sjust abig ol’ American<br />
gruntmachine,” Mr Hampton<br />
said, of the 4880.<br />
It has a903 Cummins engine,<br />
V8 powered and turbo charged.<br />
“It has just real goodold<br />
lugging horsepower. It’s<br />
comfortabletodrive, got all the<br />
mod cons bar for electronics.<br />
Air conditioning.<br />
“It’s avery nicetractor to<br />
drive.”<br />
The 4880 was the Hamptons<br />
latestacquisition and sourced<br />
out of Ohio, in the United States<br />
at the instigation of Mr<br />
Hampton’s son.<br />
It was preowned, with very<br />
low hours.<br />
“He wanted it so we bought it<br />
in,” Mr Hampton said.<br />
“It hasn’t done alot of work.’’<br />
But that no doubt was set to<br />
change, with the Hamptons<br />
planning to use it for heavy<br />
cultivation work.<br />
The club’s Massey tribute is a<br />
staticdisplay of all things<br />
Masseyrelated and held in a<br />
field on the farm at 1448<br />
MethvenChertsey Road, at<br />
Lauristonon<strong>September</strong> 17<br />
from 9am .Itwill be on wet or<br />
fine.<br />
It will alsoserve as a<br />
fundraiser to fitout and build a<br />
club library usedtostore<br />
historic machinery and parts<br />
manualsdonatedbylocal<br />
businesses.Entry costs $10 per<br />
adult, children free.<br />
Anybodywith Masseys are<br />
also welcome to bring them<br />
along for show.<br />
Club members are hopingto<br />
see arange of Masseys<br />
spanning at least 100 yearswith<br />
anything from 12 to 200<br />
horsepower,and up to 400<br />
horsepower.<br />
Mr Hampton’s oldest tractor<br />
is a1928 Wallis, apredecessor<br />
to Massey Harris.<br />
More power ... Anthony<br />
Hampton with his latest<br />
acquisition, a1986 Massey<br />
Ferguson 4880 with 320<br />
horsepower among his<br />
working farm tractors, and<br />
below, some of the collection<br />
to be on show.<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Farmerscan access knowledge of<br />
theirpeers and leading industry<br />
thinkers in apodcast series<br />
covering everything fromgrazingto<br />
governance.The Tune Up podcast,<br />
produced by farm reporting<br />
software company Trev, is designed<br />
to helpfarm owners,staff, rural<br />
professionals, and shareholders<br />
with actionable farm business<br />
informationand insights for decision<br />
making.<br />
CEO Scott Townshend saysthe<br />
serieshad respected industry<br />
leaders, happy tosharetheir<br />
knowledge.The six week series is<br />
hosted by Trev director Will Burrett.<br />
The Tune Up is accessibleeither as<br />
avideo or audio podcast from the<br />
usual platforms,includingwww.<br />
mytrev.comfor access to exclusive<br />
informationfrom guests.<br />
Beef+Lamb NewZealand (B+LNZ)<br />
board is seeking anew associate<br />
director. It is aone-year term<br />
established by B+LNZ to give<br />
aspiringleadersinthe agricultural<br />
sector the chancetoobserveand<br />
participate in governance.The<br />
successful candidatewill join a<br />
board of six farmer-elected<br />
directors, two meat industryappointed<br />
directorsand one<br />
independent director. B+LNZ<br />
Northern South Island director Kate<br />
Acland wasassociate directorin<br />
2018. Shesaid the role enabledher<br />
to develop in several key areas.<br />
Interested people can apply online<br />
at<br />
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NEWS<br />
22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Abortists have removed eight<br />
unhealthy Ash trees along East<br />
Street, between Moore and<br />
Kermode streets this week.<br />
The work in <strong>Ashburton</strong>was<br />
initially scheduled for late July,<br />
but delayed due to the high<br />
winds at the time.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />
community services group<br />
manager Steve Fabish said the<br />
trees had been alovely feature<br />
of the green for years, but had<br />
been deteriorating.<br />
“Our specialist tree staff have<br />
nurtured them for as long as we<br />
can but the trees look<br />
noticeably poorly and it’s time<br />
for them to go. They’ve had a<br />
long life and been enjoyed by<br />
visitors and locals alike, either<br />
walking along the green or<br />
seeking shadewhile having<br />
lunch.<br />
“We will replace them with a<br />
species of Oak trees called<br />
Quercus ellipsoidalis,” he said.<br />
<br />
VOTE<br />
ShfireSapphire<br />
for <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward and<br />
Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />
<br />
<br />
Iopposethe 3waters reform<br />
Let’sbring our differences together<br />
and find common ground<br />
<br />
Isupportour farmers and businessowners<br />
“Our land,our people,our future.This is your Aotearoa!”<br />
Your voicematters!<br />
2510254<br />
/shfiresapphire /shfire_sapphire /shfiresapphire<br />
~Authorised by ShfireSapphire, 021681989
Jill Della Tracey Sarah<br />
NEWS<br />
24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Paved paradise now for dog park users<br />
The new dog park entrance enables access to the ‘all dogs’ and ‘small dogs’ areas.<br />
The new sealed car park can facilitate up to 20 vehicles.<br />
The new CassStreet car parkareaisopen<br />
to the public, enabling<strong>Ashburton</strong> Dog<br />
Parkusers apot holefree experience<br />
whenventuringout with their dogs.<br />
The purposebuilt car parkoffers 20 car<br />
parking spaces in aculdesac style area,<br />
withanoverview of boththe ‘all dogs’and<br />
‘small dogs’exerciseareas.<br />
Dogsowners willappreciatethe new<br />
gravelpathwayleadingtothe dualaccess<br />
exercise areas,aswell as thenew bins<br />
stationedateitherentrance which were<br />
installed last week.<br />
The car parkitselfisequipped with<br />
lightsand has beensurroundedbynative<br />
shrubs.<br />
The new parking lotispart of ayearlongredevelopmentproject<br />
lead by<br />
council to improvethe dogparkafterit<br />
was damagedinlast year’s floods.Aspart<br />
of the redevelopment thedog park was<br />
split intotwo fullyfenced areas,offering<br />
asafespace for littledogs to enjoy as well<br />
as aspace for all dogstoexercise in.<br />
The dog park also receivedrolling,a<br />
process usedtosmooth the ground and<br />
sew newgrass, as well as new fencing<br />
along the riverside perimeterwhichhad<br />
become damaged duetoflooding.<br />
Anew water fountain suitable fordog<br />
and human use has beeninstalled by the<br />
new carpark.<br />
The Cass Street car park is adrastic<br />
improvement fromthe old car parkatthe<br />
end of William Street, which hadlimited<br />
visibility of oncoming trafficwhen<br />
entering and exiting andwas riddledwith<br />
potholes.<br />
Users can enjoy agravel footpath and<br />
plenty of dogfriendly shrubbery.<br />
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Hiring...<br />
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THE<br />
geraldinenews<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong> SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />
view online<br />
David Keen with son Josh, about to beginarefurbishmentmission at Stans Hut on the West Coast. PHOTO:Jan Finlayson<br />
David Keen: Monarch of the Glen<br />
Where<br />
Where<br />
the<br />
the<br />
foodies choose<br />
foodies choose<br />
to<br />
shop<br />
MEAT &<br />
6WILSON ST, GERALDINE 03693 8538<br />
to<br />
shop<br />
$16.99kg<br />
$14.99kg<br />
All small goods made on the premises<br />
from fresh local ingredients<br />
Geraldine man and long-time New Zealand<br />
Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) member<br />
David Keen has beenawarded the organisations<br />
supreme annual tribute, the Monarch of the<br />
Glen trophy.<br />
NZDA presidentCraigBenbowsays,<br />
Itsfor someone whos gone above and beyond;<br />
someone whos outstanding and deserves<br />
recognition beyondthe regular. Itsapremier<br />
award.<br />
NZDA chief executive Gwyn Thurlow<br />
presented the award at the 10,000-member<br />
Associations recent annual conference in<br />
Hamilton. Davids one ofthose people who<br />
doesnt come along very often. He givesall of<br />
his owntimefor otherpeople, he says.<br />
David has been an exceptional volunteer<br />
for all New Zealand backcountry users. Hes<br />
given countlesshours towardhut construction<br />
andmaintenance, hes aqualified trainer and<br />
has trained dozens of hunters and volunteers,<br />
andhes an exceptional hunterhimself.<br />
The awards title references Sir Edwin<br />
Landseers iconic paintingofthesamename.<br />
Created around 1851, itdepicts astag with<br />
12-point antlers -aRoyal stag -dominant<br />
in itswildScottishsetting.<br />
David says, It means alot.Im grateful to<br />
have been presented the award, Aswell as<br />
hut construction and maintenance and teaching<br />
the Hunter National Training Scheme (HUNTS)<br />
course, he has been part of the organisations<br />
leadership,competitionjudging, andadvocacy,<br />
and he represents the NZDA inmulti-party<br />
groups.<br />
Two such groups -the Department of<br />
Conservations Tahr Plan Implementation<br />
Liaison Group and the New Zealand Tahr<br />
Foundation, of which he is vice-chair -focus<br />
on one of his mostsignificant huntinginterests.<br />
Tahr is my favouritespecies (alsofallow deer),<br />
and South Westland is afavourite place. The<br />
tahr ballot blocks [annual balloted landings<br />
in West Coastwilderness areas,where humansupporting<br />
infrastructureisnormally prohibited]<br />
are my favourite too.<br />
David says, People have no ideahow much<br />
country there is in there [the wildernessareas].<br />
You feel so small and insignificant. Its great<br />
country. Were prettylucky to be able to go in<br />
there and do that. Ironically, the love of tahr<br />
huntinginthose awe-inspiring places regularly<br />
sees him confined to meeting rooms wearing<br />
his advocates hat.<br />
Local recreationists benefit from Davids<br />
work close to home. He has relocated and<br />
refittedVeil Biv; donerepairs and maintenance<br />
at EadeMemorial,Red Stag, and Steffan huts;<br />
installed athunderbox -portable toilet -at<br />
Forest Creek; and supported the NZDAs<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> branch at Boundary, Potts, and<br />
Top huts.<br />
TheNew ZealandDeerstalkersAssociation<br />
was formed in 1938 and has 49branches<br />
nationwide. To find out more, visit<br /> JAN FINLAYSON
WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>08</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Colin Johnstone says they are grateful for the use of Ōrari racecourse for the swapmeet. PHOTO: Archives<br />
SCVCC swapmeet at Ōrari racecourse this weekend<br />
Wednesday, 14<strong>September</strong>, isthe 50th anniversary of<br />
te Petihana Reo Māori (the Māori Language Petition)<br />
presented to Parliament in 1972. Since 1975, the third<br />
week of <strong>September</strong> has been celebrated as Māori<br />
Language Week (this year from 13-19 <strong>September</strong>).<br />
On 1August 1987, Māori became anofficial language<br />
of New Zealand byAct of Parliament. Interestingly<br />
no such act exists for the English language.<br />
The South Canterbury Vintage Car Club<br />
(SCVCC) Swapmeet, delayed sinceApril<br />
due to Covid restrictions, will finally go<br />
aheadthis Saturday, 10 <strong>September</strong>. However,<br />
it will now be at the new location of the<br />
ŌrariRacecourse.<br />
Swapmeet committee chair Colin<br />
Johnstone says, Due to groundconditions<br />
at Winchester Showgrounds, weve had<br />
to find anew location with short notice.<br />
We are grateful to Lee Burdon and the<br />
Ōrari Equestrian Centrefor being extremely<br />
helpful and accommodating.<br />
We willbeatthe Ōrari Racecourse all<br />
weekgetting ready and hope to have the<br />
same setupasother years.Stall numbers<br />
are looking to be nearmaximum, although<br />
we always get afew extra on the day, as<br />
some stallholders are weatherdependent.<br />
This is the clubs only fundraiser, so<br />
we are incredibly grateful that we could<br />
get this later datevto hold it. All going<br />
well,next years swapmeetwill be in April.<br />
TheSCVCC Swapmeet is on Saturday,<br />
10 <strong>September</strong>, new venue, Ōrari<br />
Racecourse, Ōrari Station Road. Gates<br />
open at 7.30am entry is $5 per adult,<br />
children 15 years and under are free.The<br />
swapmeet finishes around 3.30pm.<br />
Last week Jordyn laid down some <strong>September</strong> wero<br />
(challenges) for us. The first one was togreet people<br />
in Māori. That is possible for us all. Instead of gday<br />
or hi, we can all make the effort to say kia ora in<br />
the supermarket or post office. Itisnt so long ago<br />
that an employee ofacertain firm was disciplined<br />
for using that greeting. It is great to see that times<br />
are indeed changing.<br />
Whakamoemiti (praise/thanks) to the two young<br />
women from Geraldine High School, Amelia McKeown<br />
and Molly Kate Morrison, who have promoted the use<br />
of a karakia at Rotary meetings. It goes to show that<br />
it doesnt have to be Māori language week to use a<br />
bit of te reo in everyday settings. If we feel a little selfconscious,<br />
that is why we say kia kaha (be strong)<br />
or indeed kaua ewhakamā (dont be shy).<br />
You dont have to be a rugby fan to text FIELD OF<br />
DREAMS G.R.F.C. to 8833. Your vote could help our<br />
local rugby club get its ground refurbished. The obvious<br />
beneficiaries will be the players and fans. However,<br />
the whole town benefits indirectly.Whats not to like<br />
about abetter facility inour town? Just do it. Ithas<br />
to be done soon as the results are out Sunday.<br />
Ka kite ano (see you soon). HUGH &FI<br />
GIRL GONE FISHING after JS Sargent<br />
You can cutall the<br />
flowers,but you<br />
cannotkeep spring<br />
from coming.<br />
PABLO NERUDA (1904-1973)<br />
SPRING after Édouard Bisson<br />
earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now instore<br />
LA GRENOUILLÈRE after Renoir<br />
40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 305 3000<br /><br />
NEWS: | 027 920 8751<br />
ADS: | 027 899 0703<br />
DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />
ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />
Spring’s Here!<br />
List now and get ahead<br />
of the competition!<br />
Call Anna Coleman<br />
027 2207788<br />
Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracyofinformation in thispublication,<br />
GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />
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THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />
From left: Brigham and Eden Riwai-Couch, Kelsea Elkington, Fabian Scott and Adelaide Couch-Snow. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />
Rangatahi visit GHS Whanaungatanga group<br />
On Wednesday, 31 August, 17 members of the<br />
Whanaungatanga group at Geraldine High<br />
School (GHS) received avisit from four rangatahi<br />
(young people) currentlystudying at Canterbury<br />
University.<br />
Assistant principal Suzanne Pidduck is<br />
the teacher responsible for the group.<br />
Whanaungatanga means kinship or close<br />
connection. Suzanne explainsthat the group<br />
was set up to offer support toMāori students<br />
at the school.<br />
Whaea (1) Adelaide Couch-Snow,awell-known<br />
advocate for Māori education in the region,<br />
introduced the rangatahi, two of whom areher<br />
grandchildren, Brigham Riwai-Couch and<br />
KelseaElkington with their respectivepartners<br />
Eden Riwai-Couchand Fabian Scott.The general<br />
message was one of encouragement to take on<br />
tertiary education and make the most of it.<br />
Brigham and Kelsea, who were both educated<br />
through the medium of te reo Māori through<br />
the Kura Kaupapa Māori (Māori immersion<br />
schools), say that being Māori isapoint of<br />
difference to be celebrated. Brigham, who is<br />
studyingcommunications, noted that inmany<br />
media and government positions, knowledge<br />
of tikanga andtereo are sought-after attributes.<br />
Whaea Adelaide also introduced matua (2)<br />
Jim Hopa as kaumatua to the group. Jim says,<br />
Te reoisabonus.Itsawonderful gift. Adelaide<br />
told the students, You are future leaders; you<br />
will be in the boardroomsofour country. After<br />
ashort question-and-answersession, the group<br />
shared lunch.<br />
The Whanaungatanga group supports students<br />
who want to further their knowledge of te ao<br />
Māori (the Māori worldview), irrespective of<br />
ethnicity. Students Maddison Phimister and<br />
Ella Hole are putting inabid for next year's<br />
cultural leader position. Neither has ablood<br />
connection to anyiwi,but both saytheywould<br />
like to see the school domore to foster the<br />
inclusion of Māori culture. Maddison, who<br />
comes from the North Island, says that Māori<br />
are almost invisible in Geraldine. She says,<br />
It would begood even to see some bilingual<br />
street signage. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />
(1) Whaea (mother or aunt) is aterm of<br />
respect accorded to women.<br />
(2)Matua (father, parent, uncle) is aterm<br />
of respect accorded to men.<br />
Funny fundraiser<br />
asell-out success<br />
The Geraldine Kindergarten fundraiser<br />
wasindeed agreat laugh.Event organiser<br />
Nicky Taylor saysthatthe show wasasellout<br />
with 23 tables ofeight and 40 spare<br />
seats sold (224 inall). With the help of<br />
our generous sponsors we havemade the<br />
$10,000 mark.<br />
Our localperformersShelleyIñón and<br />
Al (HotSauce) Bolland acquitted themselves<br />
well. The professionals Tony Lyall and<br />
Aaron Beardcauseddangerous amounts<br />
of hilarity,with the whole lot tied together<br />
by MC Mike Boon.<br />
During the evening, the audience<br />
learned that Aaron Beard and Geraldines<br />
ConstableDaveBrayare old school chums.<br />
As expected, our local cop came in for a<br />
bit ofaroasting. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />
Not aspare seat in the house for the<br />
Geraldine Kindergarten annual fundraiser.<br />
PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty
WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>08</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Our services include<br />
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Denys-027 686 2237<br />
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or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />
SiyaAgaja wearing the traditionalchaniyacholisentfromIndia by hergrandmother;Siyawithher winners trophy. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />
Siya wins best-dressed at Navarātrī<br />
Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />
staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />
the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />
Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />
Protection Framework,<br />
the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />
8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />
Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />
or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />
to discuss all your legal matters.<br />
Local five-year-old Siya Agaja recently<br />
celebrated the Indian festival Navarātrī,<br />
billedonline as the biggestdance festival,<br />
in Christchurch withher familyand friends.<br />
She returned home with the winning trophy<br />
of Best-dressed Female Child.<br />
While India traditionally celebrates<br />
Navarātrī from 26 <strong>September</strong> till5October,<br />
Siyas father Jigs says, Over hereinNew<br />
Zealand, different groups celebrate at<br />
different times, so we celebrated at the<br />
Christchurch festival on the evening of<br />
Saturday 27 August. Agroup of Indian<br />
performers were touring Australia and<br />
came to New Zealand. They performed at<br />
the Christchurch festival.<br />
Navarātrī,meaningninenights,isone<br />
of the most revered Hindu festivals. Held<br />
biannually over the first 10 days of the<br />
fortnight of Āśvina-Āśvayuja (<strong>September</strong>-<br />
October), Navarātrī honours Mother<br />
Goddess Durgā,who is worshipped in her<br />
nine differentmanifestations.<br />
Siyasmother, Beena, says, Thefestival<br />
has Indian street food, music, and lotsof<br />
dancing. The traditional Indiandanceat<br />
Navarātrī is theGarba,[adanceperformed<br />
by women in acircle aroundaclay lantern<br />
with alight inside].Music is very important;<br />
the festival and celebrations are impossible<br />
without music.<br />
We all got dressed up in traditional<br />
Indian clothing. The dress that Siya wore<br />
is called chaniya choli -chaniyameaning<br />
bottomskirt, cholimeaning the top part.<br />
The dress was gifted by Siyas granny and<br />
sent over from India. This was not the<br />
firsttimeSiya has worn traditionalIndian<br />
clothing, but it wasthe first time she had<br />
worn this particular dress.<br />
The festival celebrationsstartedaround<br />
7pm with lots of dancing, singing and<br />
excitement. It was not until around midnight<br />
that they announced the best-dressed<br />
winners. Siya was very, very tired and<br />
almost readytofallasleep, but when she<br />
wasannounced thewinner, she wassuddenly<br />
wide awake and wanted to continue to<br />
dance.<br />
Jigs adds, Siya got awarded atrophy<br />
whichshe gets tokeep. She was very excited<br />
to tell her friends about her win and show<br />
photos of herself all dressedup.<br />
Phone 03693 8207<br />
or visit our website:<br />
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THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />
Students andstaff at Geraldine Primary School spent lastThursday dressed up as theirfavouriteliterary characters.PHOTOS: Debbie Oliver; Facebook/Geraldine PrimarySchool<br />
Dress-up day ahighlight of GPS book week<br />
Last week was Book Week at Geraldine Primary<br />
School, culminating in the Grand Parade, an<br />
eventthat saw students,teachersand support<br />
staff cometoschooldressedupastheirfavourite<br />
literary characters.<br />
School caretakerMalcolm Campbell delighted<br />
students by exchanginghis broom and shovel<br />
for atop hat and cane and spending the day<br />
as Willy Wonka of chocolate factory fame.<br />
During the week, there were visits from<br />
local childrens book author Christine Taylor<br />
and Belinda Roberts from the Page and Post<br />
Booksellers, both of whom read stories to the<br />
children. The students also participated in a<br />
colouring competition decorating bookmarks,<br />
the lucky winners receivingbooksdonated by<br />
Property Brokers Geraldine. The Geraldine<br />
Primary Home and School Committee held a<br />
book sale whichwas also well received.<br />
Year 6teacher Chelley Leov said, Wow,<br />
what afantastic week we havejusthad. Everyone<br />
was buzzing, especially onThursday during<br />
our dress-upday.Therewas so much laughter,<br />
and the incredible effort put into the costumes<br />
was amazing. Everyone was commenting on<br />
how the vibe was one of pure enjoyment and<br />
agood reminder that we need to make time<br />
in our lives for more of this. DEBBIE OLIVER
WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>08</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Locally Grown Produce . Homebaking . Jams<br />
Plants . Flowers . Handmade Arts &Crafts<br />
Great Food &Coffee . Local Entertainers<br />
New Stallholders Welcome<br />
from 24 <strong>September</strong>ember<br />
The OldPost Office, Geraldine<br />
PHONE 03 6939070<br />
Geraldine High School Principal Simon Coleman and Geraldine High School Foundation chair Mark Mulligan. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Foundation keen to attract donations<br />
After nearly aquartercentury of substantial<br />
behind-the-scenes supportfor Geraldine<br />
High School, the Geraldine High School<br />
Foundation (GHSF)decided to fly theflag<br />
in the wider school community at itsrecent<br />
Annual GeneralMeeting.<br />
Foundation chair Mark Mulligan says<br />
the GHSFs purpose is to grow an<br />
endowment fund for the benefit of Geraldine<br />
High School and itspupils.Itwas setup<br />
in 1998 as the Geraldine High School<br />
Trust.Recently renamed, the foundation<br />
has committed to spending some of our<br />
funds on alumni outreach.<br />
He says the foundation is keen to attract<br />
donations and bequests. Our job is to<br />
grow the fund. We have about $850,000<br />
under our management. We have an<br />
investment policy; its prettyconservative.<br />
Despite that focus on growth, the<br />
GHSF continues to get behind projects<br />
at the school.<br />
Mark says, Theres amix of handing<br />
money out and keeping some. Theres a<br />
disbursement policywere guided by. We<br />
keep it as broad as possible to benefit as<br />
many students as possible.<br />
Geraldine High SchoolPrincipal Simon<br />
Colemansays the foundation hasrepeatedly<br />
proven its worth in supporting projects<br />
that fall outside Ministry of Education<br />
fundingcriteria. Ministryfundingdoesnt<br />
allow us to provide all thethingswedlike<br />
to provide; things well never be able to<br />
get through any form of ministryfunding<br />
for schools.<br />
He says in recent years, the GHSF has<br />
supported aschool car, which is used<br />
24/7, its supported our playground, and<br />
its givensupport to theHauora Hub [the<br />
schools wellbeingcentre]withasignificant<br />
amount of money towards its development.<br />
The big picture isthat its adding tothe<br />
schooland whatever it sees as vital at the<br />
time.<br />
Mark says, The trustees are people<br />
who have afeel for the school and have<br />
relevant skills. Present trustees are<br />
Elizabeth Harper, Mark Mulligan,<br />
Liz Nattrass,DamonOBrien, WillPolson,<br />
Guy Slater, and Martin Stockley-Smith.<br />
The Geraldine High School principal is<br />
an ex officio foundation member.<br />
To donate ormake abequest tothe<br />
Geraldine High School Foundation, contact<br />
Mark at 027 449 8101. To register on<br />
the Geraldine High School alumni<br />
database and receive updates, email:<br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
David Bray with the newly inducted Rotarians. PHOTO: Supplied<br />
Rotary refresh: record number<br />
of new members and akarakia<br />
Rotary Club President DavidBray reports<br />
that on 23 August, the Temuka-Geraldine<br />
Rotary Club adopted anew karakia<br />
(prayer/invocation) at themonthly meeting<br />
heldatthe Teapot InninTemuka.Nicky<br />
Donkers says, The karakia was prepared<br />
and presented by Amelia McKeown and<br />
Molly Kate Morrison,two wonderfulyoung<br />
women in Year 13 atGeraldineHighSchool<br />
who are now associate student Rotarians.<br />
They coached the meeting and all those<br />
attending throughthe process.<br />
Amelia says, We wereboth privileged<br />
to have been askedbyNicky andDave to<br />
introduce akarakia into Rotary. We met<br />
beforehand to discuss howimportant we<br />
feel itistoacknowledge and appreciate<br />
the history of our New Zealand culture.<br />
As apartofthe Rotary refresh,wefeel it<br />
is theperfecttime to introduce anew ritual<br />
into our club. We cant wait to see this<br />
karakia become aunique aspect ofthe<br />
Temuka-Geraldine Rotary.<br />
David says,Seven new membersand<br />
one associate member were inducted at<br />
the meeting. This is arecord for the club.<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />
The trig station was abeacon of hope, says Bianca Sheed. Her photos demostrate its location before, and after. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />
Local landmark removed by nature<br />
Local fitness legend Bianca Sheed hiked<br />
up Huatekerekere (LittleMountPeel) on<br />
Sunday, 21 August. She says, I was shocked<br />
to see the trig had been blown over. She<br />
understands that GPS technology has<br />
rendered it obsolete, but for her and for<br />
many, it is more than ageological marker.<br />
The trigisabeacon of hope when your<br />
lungsand legs areburning, says Bianca.<br />
[It is]asacred spot for many -marriage<br />
proposals, spreading of ashes etcetera.<br />
Having something to touch physically<br />
makes the journey complete.<br />
There is already some talk in the<br />
community about replacing theobsolete<br />
beacon with amonument of some kind<br />
so that hikers will againhave agoaltoaim<br />
for and something for that selfie to document<br />
their climb.<br />
Conservationist Jan Finlayson believes<br />
that the mountain should beleft alone.<br />
She says, Its greatthat the hill is free of<br />
the structure. Its anice minor example<br />
of how the humanfootprint on nature can<br />
be reduced. People have gotten used to<br />
seeing trig stations but looked at objectively,<br />
theyre really intrusive. Soits positive<br />
that technology now allows surveying<br />
without them.<br />
Do you have aview as to what,<br />
if anything, shouldreplace the trig point?<br />
Let us know at<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
The Geraldine Rugby Football Club are pleased<br />
to announce the openingofregistrations for the<br />
club’s 125thJubilee which will take place <br />
,2023.<br />
GRFC inwith achance to<br />
win their field of dreams<br />
Geraldine Rugby Football Club (GRFC)<br />
member Dave Keane says that for the<br />
month of August,PGWrightsonTurfand<br />
sports talkback radio station SENZ ran<br />
acompetition offering to upgrade a<br />
community sports field.<br />
The four finalists, decided on the basis<br />
of a100-word funny story submitted by<br />
each club, announced on 31 August,<br />
include our own GRFC.<br />
The winner will bedecided by the<br />
people ofNew Zealand. Dave Keane<br />
strongly encourages every cellphone<br />
owner in the wider Geraldine districtto<br />
text Field of DreamsG.R.F.C. to 8833 so<br />
that GRFCs field of dreams will be in<br />
great conditionfor the 125thanniversary<br />
celebrations on Anzac weekend, 21-23<br />
April next year.<br />
Davesays, If youdont know howto<br />
text, get asmall child to do it for you.<br />
•can be left at Geraldine RugbyClubBar<br />
• HHA Associates Ltd,Four Peaks Plaza -<br />
there is abox at the bottom of thestairs;<br />
•emailed<br />
•orposted to PO Box 50, Geraldine 7956<br />
NAME(S)<br />
EMAIL<br />
£ Meet &Greet Friday, 22 April, 2023; 6pm<br />
$60 SINGLE No. Attending: .......................<br />
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Decade Speakers<br />
Presentation of 100 game cap<br />
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03 614 3996 •<br />
Bluestone Herefords focuses on supporting the needs of thedairy andbeef industry<br />
by concentrating on short gestation, calving ease, and low birth weight genetics.<br />
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On-farm sale 5October <strong>2022</strong> •Starts 1pm<br /><br />
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REFERENCE: your name
WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>08</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Maize orcorn was introduced to New Zealand as early<br />
as 1772. Itquickly became an important crop for Māori,<br />
who called it kānga. This family is gathering maize in<br />
the Nelson region inthe 1880s. PHOTO: Alexander Turnbull<br />
Library, Tyree Studio Collection (PAColl-3064); Ref: 10x8-0944-G<br />
Māra<br />
Māra -Garden<br />
This week we move outside of the whare again to explore<br />
kupu related to the māra,orgarden.Aswelook towards<br />
kōanga (spring), thisisanexcellenttimefor us to practise<br />
kupu that we can use whilst tending the gardens.<br />
Mārakai is an example of howwecan elaborateby<br />
identifying what kind of garden we aredescribing -in<br />
this instance, māra is paired with kai, which tells us<br />
that what grows isedible. This is commonly used to<br />
discuss avegetable garden. A māraputiputi is aflower<br />
garden, with putiputi being the kupu for flower.<br />
Affectionately,putiputiisoften used to describe beauty<br />
by referring to someone as being like aflower. Some<br />
phrases that could beuseful to use whilst interacting<br />
with our māra are listed below:<br />
Keria te paru -Dig the dirt<br />
Whakatō ingā kākano -Plant the seeds<br />
Whāngai ingā kākano -Water the seeds<br />
Hutihutia ngā tarutaru -Pull the weeds<br />
Youmay recognise the word kākano,whichmeans<br />
seedling.Awhakataukī (Māoriproverb)belowincorporates<br />
this kupu:<br />
- Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai<br />
-Nurture the seed, and it will blossom<br />
As we have learned in ourpreviouscolumns, planting<br />
and harvesting timesin te ao Māori (Māoriworldview)<br />
are dictated by the maramataka (lunar calendar),<br />
which indicates the ideal time for these activities to<br />
occur. ManyMāoricontinue to liveby themaramataka<br />
today and interact with the whenua (land) and their<br />
māra accordingly. JORDYN OSBORNE<br />
POLYNESIAN CROPS Before Europeans arrived in<br />
New Zealand, Māori grew crop plants that the first<br />
Polynesian settlers brought from tropical Polynesia.<br />
European explorers observed that Māori had neat<br />
gardens, about 0.5-5 hectaresinsize, on sunny, northfacing<br />
slopes. Thesegardens were communally owned<br />
and worked.<br />
NATIVECROPS Afew nativeplants were cultivated<br />
for food, although perhaps not as intensively asthe<br />
Polynesian crops. Some central North IslandMāorigrew<br />
cabbage trees (Cordyline australis) for their edible<br />
rhizomes (roots). Karaka trees were planted near<br />
settlementsfor their fruit. Brackenrhizomes were eaten<br />
when other root crops were in short supply. It is likely<br />
that Māori cultivated plants for ornamental reasons,<br />
because sites settled by Māoricoincide with the current<br />
distribution of the attractive native shrubs kākā beak<br />
(Clianthus maximus) and napuka(Veronicaspeciosa).<br />
GARDENINGMETHODS Beforeplanting, Māoricleared<br />
and burned forest, and prepared the ground. They<br />
spread ash overthe garden and addedsand and gravel<br />
to heavyloam and clay soils. Usually,the land wasnot<br />
completely dug over. Instead, the gardeners formed<br />
the earth into small mounds for planting kūmara, or<br />
scooped it into shallow hollows for growing taro or<br />
gourd. They used the garden for two to six years and<br />
then left it fallow for several years, during which time<br />
acover of fast-growing native shrubs developed.<br />
WEED-FREEGARDENING Pre-EuropeanMāori gardens<br />
were not plagued with weeds. New Zealands native<br />
floradoes not include weedy annuals or biennial plants<br />
that invade cultivated soils.<br />
Waihi Lodge volunteers enjoyed anafternoon tea last Tuesday, with facility manager Mike van der Hayden describing<br />
them as salt of the earth people. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />
Waihi Lodge volunteers salt of the earth<br />
An afternoon tea was held last week to<br />
thank Waihi LodgeCare Centre volunteers.<br />
Manager Mike van der Heyden says that<br />
the volunteers give the Geraldine<br />
community heartand make Waihi Lodge<br />
special.<br />
We are proud and honoured to<br />
acknowledge the fantastic individual,<br />
community group and business support<br />
that makes Waihi Lodge the sought-after<br />
care facility for Geraldines aged care<br />
residents.<br />
Mike acknowledged the SeniorCare<br />
Geraldineboardand consultants for their<br />
governance, knowledge,and experience.<br />
He says thatthe drive to future development,<br />
the personalgivingoftime and resources<br />
andthe support of staff and management<br />
are appreciated.<br />
The Geraldine Community Services<br />
committee, Cycling Without Age riders,<br />
maintenance and gardening workers,<br />
morning tea ladies, weekly flower arrangers,<br />
musicians, pamphlet deliverers, church<br />
ministers,the residents advocate, cultural<br />
advisors andthe Meals on Wheels volunteers<br />
were among those thanked. Mike says<br />
they are also grateful for the support of<br />
Rosies RecycledClothingshop, Barkers<br />
of Geraldine, the Berry Barn Bakery and<br />
Geraldines service groups, Rotary and<br />
Lions.<br />
Afeature of the event was the official<br />
naming of the Jim Hodges lounge at the<br />
Waihi Lodge.Mikeacknowledged the late<br />
Jim Hodges as asignificant contributor<br />
to Waihi Lodge over many years.<br />
Long-time volunteers Jack Ellery and<br />
Jenny Leishman shared memories of Jim<br />
with the volunteers, with Jack saying,<br />
Jim put his heart and soul into Waihi.<br />
Jenny added, Jimwould havebeen very<br />
pleased.<br />
While acknowledging past andpresent<br />
volunteers, Mike says, We alwayswelcome<br />
new volunteers, the residents really<br />
benefitfrom one-on-onetime with them;<br />
please comeand see us if youare interested.<br />
SeniorCare activities for people living<br />
in the community,which have beencurtailed<br />
because of Covid, aredue to recommence<br />
in <strong>September</strong>.<br />
For more information onbecoming<br />
avolunteer atWaihi Lodge, contact<br />
Mike vander Hayden on 03 693 8131.<br />
| Annual Membership: $10 | Life Membership: $500 | Donation: $ | Receipt required<br />
NAME:<br />
ADDRESS:<br />
PHONE:<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
New chairperson sought for<br />
Change isinthe air at<br />
(, Janene<br />
Adams recently resigned as<br />
promotions coordinator, securing a<br />
job with Aorangi VeterinaryServices<br />
(GNews 21.07.22).<br />
Last month, the board also<br />
accepted Hugh McCaffertys<br />
resignation as chairperson and<br />
board member<br />
<br />
<br />
EMAIL:<br />
| By direct credit: make apayment to Seniorcare Geraldine Inc, Account Number 02 <strong>08</strong>40 0017729 00<br />
then post or drop this form in to the address below<br />
Stepping in as acting chair,<br />
Nicky Donkers says, Hugh wears a<br />
great number of hats in our<br />
communityand recently found that<br />
his workload had become untenable.<br />
The boardsincerely thanksHugh for<br />
his serviceand supports his decision<br />
to lighten his commitments in order<br />
to maintain his personal well-being.<br />
We have been fortunate in<br />
| By cash or eftpos: at Waihi Lodge reception, 16Shaw Street, Geraldine<br />
securing the services of Nikki Lang,<br />
who brings manyuseful skills to the<br />
role of coordinator. Aspecial general<br />
meeting will be held as part ofthe<br />
next B@6 meeting on 20 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
where we will elect anew chair.<br />
We hopetosee good attendance for<br />
thisimportant meeting. SUBMITTED<br />
On behalf of the Geraldine community weoperate<br />
Waihi Lodge Care Centre and Cottages, awonderful<br />
community owned not-for profit residential and<br />
elder care facility including cottages, serviced apartments<br />
and the function centre. We also support the wellbeing<br />
of the elderly living independently in our community.<br />
We would love to welcome some new members today.<br />
Please complete and return the application below with<br />
your payment. Thanks somuch for your membership<br />
and support.<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />
LOCAL ELECTIONS <strong>2022</strong>: MEET THE CANDIDATES<br />
Wayne ODonnell says, Right time, right choice. PHOTO: Supplied<br />
Wayne ODonnell for ward councillor<br />
Show your love and think local<br />
Ihave spent the last 21 years residing in<br />
Geraldine, avibrant and progressive town.<br />
Iamthe localbusiness ownerofGeraldine<br />
Auto Restorations and Ōrari Irrigation.<br />
Ialso have commercialproperty in Geraldine.<br />
Ihave always participated in local<br />
sponsorship, including sports teams,<br />
individuals, the performing arts and<br />
numerous other events.<br />
For the past nine years, Ive had the<br />
honour of servingaschair of the Geraldine<br />
Community Board and as apast board<br />
member of Iamone of the<br />
trusteesofthe GeraldineDistrict Foundation<br />
andnew health centre, acommittee member<br />
of the Geraldine Vehicle Trust, and a<br />
member of the Geraldine VintageCar and<br />
Machinery Club.<br />
During that time, Ihavehad the<br />
opportunity to lead afantastic group of<br />
board members who have witnessed the<br />
completionofnumerous projects, including<br />
themulti-turf domain project,the Geraldine<br />
Strategic Plan for the Future, the Geraldine<br />
Transport Strategy, future subdivision<br />
areas and the Geraldine Sculpture Trail.<br />
Iwant to be part of astrong council<br />
that will continue to promote theGeraldine<br />
ward. Iamopposed to Three Waters and<br />
co-governance as theyre undemocratic.<br />
Inow have the time, knowledge and<br />
experience to represent the Geraldine<br />
ward with astrong proven practicalget it<br />
done attitude.<br />
As ateam, we can build abetter<br />
community for our district, create and<br />
enhance green spaces, initiate and see<br />
projects through to the end and improve<br />
our declining roading network. We can<br />
nurture biodiversity,improve our general<br />
services, create more walkways, cycle and<br />
horse trails and value transparency and<br />
democracy. SUBMITTED<br />
7TALBOT STREET |PH03693 8877<br />
CURRY OF THE DAY $18<br />
TUESDAY : Chicken Rogan Josh<br />
WEDNESDAY : Beef Vindaloo<br />
THURSDAY : Veg Bhuna Masala<br />
FRIDAY : Saag Aaloo<br />
SATURDAY : Dal Tadka<br />
SUNDAY : Lamb Jalfrezi<br />
Products, gift vouchers and bookings available<br />
online at or in salon<br />
Extensions |Manicures |Gel polish|Nail Strengthening |Nail Art<br />
027 248 8384<br /><br />
Ford Plumbing<br />
100% Kiwi Owned<br />
Hearing Clinic<br />
We are100% locally ownedand<br />
operated and promise togive you<br />
expert care andattention forevery step<br />
of your hearing journey.<br />
•Diagnostic hearingtests<br />
•Hearing aidfittings<br />
•Freehearing screening<br />
•ACC registeredprovider<br />
•Hearing aid repairs<br />
•Veteran’s affairsprovider<br />
Call us today foracomplimentary hearing<br />
screening.<br />
Residential | Commercial | Rural<br />
Hot Water | Water Pumps & Filtration<br />
Emergency Repairs<br />
Drain CCTV and Unblocking<br />
Authorised Wallace Pump Service Agent<br />
022 601 3216<br /><br /><br />
03 683 1545<br />
245 OtipuaRoad, Highfield,<br />
Timaru<br />
JulietMarsden &BarbaraBrown<br />
WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>08</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />
One bedroom apartment with ensuite.<br />
Includes living area and kitchenette.<br />
Lovely river outlook.<br />
Care packages available if required.<br />
Small, friendly environment.<br />
$180,000 for ORA<br />
Call 03 693 7205<br />
for further information<br />
Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust bus<br />
goes to Timaru every Tuesday<br />
We pick you upand drop you home<br />
DEPARTS 9.30am |RETURNS 2pm<br />
COST: $15 Return<br />
CALL 03 693 1007<br />
Bee carrying pollen in apollen basket on its rear leg. Aswell as collecting pollen for their hive bees pollinate plants as they<br />
move from flower toflower. An estimated one in every three mouthfuls of food we eat results from this pollination.<br />
PHOTO: Revati Vispute (ApiNZ Photo Competition <strong>2022</strong> Supreme Award winner)<br />
Take time to care for honey bees<br />
Beekeepers are calling on bee-lovers<br />
acrossNew Zealand to learnmore about<br />
bees and what actions they can take to<br />
support the healthand resilience of Kiwi<br />
bee populations this Bee Aware Month.<br />
Apiculture NZ CEO Karin Kos says,<br />
Honey bees are critically important to<br />
New Zealands environment, food chain<br />
andeconomy. Bees need our help to stay<br />
healthy, and Bee AwareMonth is about<br />
encouragingpeople to do those small but<br />
vital things that make areal difference.<br />
Throughout <strong>September</strong>, Apiculture<br />
NZ members and supporters will share<br />
informationabout bees andbee-friendly<br />
habits. Thesehabits include:<br />
1. Planting bee-friendly plants each<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
This Saturday, 10August, kicking<br />
off at 1pm at RaukāpukaReserve,<br />
the RaukāpukaRoosters will take<br />
on theChristchurch-based Air New<br />
Zealand Golden Oldies.<br />
Roosters presidentDaveKeane<br />
sayshehopes to see agood turnout,<br />
both of players andspectators.No<br />
matter how the game goes, the<br />
season so bees can feed all year.<br />
2. Choosing plants with single flowers<br />
-flowers with one set of petals -asthey<br />
aremore accessible for beestofeedfrom.<br />
3. Providing asaucer of clean water<br />
for bees. Put afew pebbles or sticks in<br />
the water,sothe bees havesomething to<br />
stand on.<br />
4. Avoiding using pesticides in your<br />
garden when plants are flowering. If you<br />
must spray, avoid flowers and buds and<br />
spray after sunset when bees are not<br />
active.<br />
5. Takingabreak from lawnmowing<br />
-dont mow so often and let the clover<br />
flowers grow.<br />
Bee Aware Month isanational<br />
Calling all Roosters: get your boots on<br />
Rooster Roaster, apurpose-built<br />
roasting machine, will be in<br />
operation to givethe Christchurch<br />
visitors agood feed before they<br />
head home. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />
The Roosters in fine form at a<br />
recent match. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />
educational campaign initiated and<br />
coordinated by Apiculture NZ. Beekeeping<br />
clubsand supporters around the country<br />
willvisit schools andrun events. Educational<br />
resources produced forschools, community<br />
groups and families are available on the<br />
Apiculture New Zealand website:<br /><br />
Buzzing with questions? Apiculture<br />
NZ is also inviting Kiwis to ask a<br />
beekeeper their questions about bees,<br />
beekeepingand honey. People can submit<br />
questions via the website, and our experts<br />
willprovide answers on our social media<br />
pages throughout <strong>September</strong>.<br />
south canterbury<br />
DROP-OFF<br />
POINT<br />
Smaller donations to your<br />
Hospice Shop can now be dropped off<br />
to Hammer Hardware Geraldine<br />
To leave your items, use the customer parking off<br />
Wilson Street. If you need assistance just ask the<br />
friendly Hammer Hardware team.<br />
Larger items please call<br />
03 688 3965<br />
and we will arrange collection<br />
Thanks for your support<br />
Turning Pre-Loved Goods Into First Class Care<br />
Wemakeithow you likeit!<br />
VEGO<br />
VEGAN<br />
G-FREE<br />
MILD<br />
SOME DON’T<br />
LIKE IT HOT!<br />
MEDIUM<br />
HOT XTRA-HOT | $2<br />
03 693 9723 Wedeliver!<br />
gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />
✔ Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />
✔ Direct billing toInsurance Companies<br />
✔ TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />
GNews NOTICES<br />
DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />
you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />
GNews,email or call or txt 027<br />
920 8751. We’lltry to get one to you and try to ensure<br />
any delivery issues are resolved.<br />
CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />
10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask and<br />
come to the front door.Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />
ARE YOU SEARCHING for the deeper meaning for<br />
life and peace you can’tfind in this world? Come and<br />
listen to the story and teachings of Jesus Christ.Christian<br />
meetings: Geraldine High School, Sundays 4.30-<br />
5.30pm (except 25 <strong>September</strong>). Enquiries 027 423<br />
9876.<br />
PLACEAGREETING TO AFRIEND just 60cper word.<br />
or drop in to the Resource Centre. 60c per word.<br />
Death notices: first 15 words free.<br />
one child (5 months).Monday-Friday withanoccasional<br />
Saturday during summer.4-5 hours per day,daysof<br />
work during weekcan be flexible.Pleasecall Charlotte<br />
on 027 388 7609.<br />
light gardening, cleaning, meal prep (good<br />
vegetarian/omnivorian cook), animal care &such.<br />
Call Jane 021 073 0792.<br />
gnewsresults<br />
SINGLE METAL BED GOING FREE All enquiries to<br />
027 759 8421 by the weekend of 10/11<strong>September</strong>.<br />
ATOBLAWNS &SERVICES Available now for<br />
lawnmowing and garden maintenance. Ph/Txt Brad<br />
on 021 192 0660.<br />
your businessand tax requirements. Phone Raylene<br />
on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />
Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />
dogs. 2<strong>08</strong>Woodbury Road. Phone 03 693 9929.<br />
BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, forall<br />
building work. Phone Ants 027 309 0798.<br />
CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />
Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />
owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />
CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />
Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />
COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Call Geraldine Computer<br />
Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />
03 693 9496.<br />
Glass 03 693 9927.<br />
HEATPUMPS Clean,service, repairand install. Please<br />
call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />
DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />
Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />
GERALDINEBRIDGE CLUB Handicap Pairs Session4,18.<strong>08</strong>.22: Waihi Handicap Pairs<br />
Session 2, 01.09.22 North South: 1st SStevens 7KGidlow-Black 72.11% 2nd PTaylor<br />
&GSullivan 59.52% 3rdJohnKelly &JMeijer 55.71%. 31.<strong>08</strong>.22 North South: 1st RScott<br />
&RHobbs 65.83%, 2nd =MThatcher &MBray49.17% 2nd =ANuman&FNuman 49.17%.<br />
East West: 1st TBoyce &DCrafts 55.21%, 2nd MMcColl &CMarshall 54.17%<br />
GERALDINE DISTRICTGOLFCLUB 30.<strong>08</strong>.22 Ladies Stableford: DDewe 41pts,DKenny<br />
38, JKellahan 37,ABurrows 37, CGibbs 36, AReid 35. 31.<strong>08</strong>.22 Mixed Stableford:<br />
MBensemann 41pts, RStevenson 40, JGoodman 40, CPhillips 37, DLaw 36, DDeeks<br />
36, NCollins 36, IMacdonald 36, TPutze 36, PGrant 36. Twoss MWood, TPaulin,JShirtcliff,<br />
CPhillips, KSilcock, KTyson NTP CPhillips. 03.09.22 Club Champs Finals: Men Sen<br />
MMorrisondef IMacdonald,Inter GGallichan def NDewe, Jun ADLilley def RIrvine, Jun<br />
BRHolling def MPatrick. Ladies GBolderston def JKellahan, CGibbs def ABurrows,<br />
DDewe def SDwyer. ROF Stableford TPutze 38pts, MBensemann 36, TClayson 36, R<br />
Putze 35, MAmos 35. Thanks to all who supported our finals day.<br />
GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 04.<strong>08</strong>.22 Bisque Par Round Stroke Round/3LP Giles Patrick<br />
82-9-73-64, DBruce 88-14-74-67, MO'Malley 84-15-69-67, JMuff87-11-76-67, GMarshall<br />
90-18-72-67, JBell 88-17-74-68, JRate92-20-72-69,MLang 88-13-75-69, RRamsay 92-<br />
17-75-69,GOliver 95-18-77-69, SScott 92-20-72-70, AMuff92-14-78-71,TKerr 91-15-76-71,C<br />
McNulty 100-16-84-75, MDenton 100-25-75-76, GAPatrick 101-18-83-77, BMiller 103-24-<br />
79-78,CSeaton 102-20-82-80 Twos DBruce #9 N/P #9 BMiller<br />
Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />
021 041 3318.<br />
PAINTERGERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />
service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />
Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />
PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />
Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />
WILTONSMALL MOBSHEARING Available for your<br />
shearing, crutching and all animal health products<br />
for your sheep, alpacas and goats. Please phone<br />
/txt Mike and Nicola 020 40117629.<br />
Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />
Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />
Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />
Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />
NATUROPATH MandyWallace,Registered Naturopath,<br />
20 years in practice. Naturopathyconsultation, Therapeutic<br />
Massage, Reiki, Chakra Balance. Phone ortext<br />
027 7053210 or look<br />
me up on Natural Therapy pages NZ.<br />
DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />
23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call <strong>08</strong>00 441-331<br />
eatingout<br />
BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />
menuincorporating Barker’s products withseasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />
8.30am-4.30pm.Phone 03 6939727.<br />
THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />
Thu-Sunand Fri&Sat evenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />
MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />
and lunch menuare available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />
Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />
GERALDINE FARM SHOP &CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am, Weekends<br />
8.30am. Closes4pm-5pm -call ahead to be sure. Menu choices change regularly.<br />
Something for everyone. Come andcheckusout. Phone 03 693 9514.<br />
THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Food Takeaways are OPEN! New hours<br />
THURSDAY-SUNDAY 4pm-8pm. TO ORDER CALL: 03 693 9723; ONLINE<br /> Check out our new menu.<br />
THERUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />
popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />
8am-4pm;Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />
THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />
phone03693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />
WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />
restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />
-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km fromGeraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />
augustweather<br />
RAUKĀPUKA For August, we had 71.8mm of rain over 14 days, and ninefrosts<br />
were recorded. Maximum temperature for the month was 19.6˚C recorded on<br />
Wednesday the 3rd, with the month’s minimum being -3.9˚C recorded on the<br />
morningofFridaythe 12th.<br />
TRIPPSETTLEMENT Rainfall 79.5mm; temperature high 16˚C, low -4˚C.<br />
August 7broughtsnow,which did not sitlong as 8.5mm rain(withthe melted<br />
snow) soon arrived.<br />
Experienced arborist available for all your<br />
tree pruning and removal needs<br />
Phone Li Tane on 022 3<strong>08</strong> 1858<br />
OR EMAIL: for afree quote<br />
Casual Staff<br />
Required<br />
Avariety of casual positions available:<br />
-Truck Driving<br />
-CalfRearing<br />
-Bobby Calf Lifting<br />
-GeneralFarm Work<br />
Call Alex<br />
0274343 040<br />
PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />
This is not fiction! It really did happen!<br />
Cliff Curtis stars inthe true story.<br />
MURU<br />
SATURDAY 4.15PM<br />
Hurry final shows! Based on the best-selling novel<br />
SAT 7.15PM |SUN 1PM FINAL!<br />
Emma Thompson stars in this sexy British comedy.<br />
SUNDAY 3.30PM<br />
True story ofthe famous bomber plane.<br />
PAGE 12 |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>08</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong><br />
DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />
GLASS<br />
Double Glazing, Insurance<br />
Repairs, Splash Backs,<br />
Window Repairs, Mirrors &<br />
Showers, Insect Screens<br />
03 693 9927<br /><br />
11am-3pm<br />
Afun music session for parents,<br />
carers and young children<br />
9.30am Tuesdays in term-time<br />
St Andrew’s Hall<br />
When it’s time to sell, talk to the team who get results.<br />
Call us today for anoobligation appraisal.<br />
National Food Franchise<br />
Great Opportunity<br />
Wolseley Hotel<br />
South Canterbury<br />
Rare Opportunity Business<br />
Oamaru<br />
Irrigation and Well Drilling<br />
Timaru<br />
$50 BALE<br />
$50 BALE<br />
Consistently ranks in the top 10 stores in New<br />
Zealand, making this agreat store toget your<br />
hands on.<br />
Asking $375,000<br />
Mark Talbot<br />
027 2043625<br />
Ref 32916<br />
Awell-established business withasolidcustomer<br />
base and outstanding reputation both locally<br />
and nationally.<br />
Asking $775,000<br />
Mark Talbot<br />
027 2043625<br />
Waitaki Heavy Vehicle Maintenance is a wellestablished<br />
business and is thelargest heavy vehicle<br />
serving business in the area.<br />
Price onApplication<br />
Mark Talbot<br />
027 2043625<br />
Orari Irrigation and Orari Well Drilling are<br />
well-structured, well-respected businesses, with<br />
simple expansion opportunities for growth.<br />
Asking $1,685,000 +stock<br />
(includes land and buildings)<br />
Mark Talbot<br />
027 2043625<br />
Ref 33244 Ref 32909<br />
Ref 33480<br />
Licensed REA 20<strong>08</strong><br />
Free measure "e<br />
with award winning service<br />
in your area<br />
102 Hilton Highway, Timaru P: 03 688 2829<br />
E:<br />
CARE<br />
Satisfaction<br />
guaranteed<br />
Greatafter care<br />
Great quality<br />
Fast and friendly<br />
Competitiveand affordable pricing<br />
41 ChurchStreet,Timaru<br />
(opposite Tony’s Tyres)<br />
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm |03688 6182<br /><br />
JennyWang PG Dip CDT<br />
Registered Clinical Dental Technician<br />
Caira UyPG Dip CDT<br />
Registered Clinical Dental Technician<br />
Ensuring NZ has a<br />
skilled workforce<br />
Government is committed to<br />
ensuring New Zealand has the<br />
skilled workforce needed for a<br />
secure recovery by making sure<br />
businesses here in the<br />
Rangitata Electorate have the<br />
workers needed to get the job<br />
done, while helping Kiwis into<br />
careers.<br />
Our Government is delivering<br />
on our promise of aresponsive<br />
and streamlined immigration<br />
system, and new immigration<br />
settings.<br />
Our new streamlined green<br />
list is working to attract<br />
migrants in hard to fill roles<br />
like health workers, tech and<br />
construction engineering, and<br />
tackling immediate skill<br />
shortages.<br />
These immigration settings<br />
are helping to relieve<br />
workforce shortages.<br />
From earlier this week,<br />
eligible skilled migrants with a<br />
job or ajob offer in specific<br />
roles on the Straight to<br />
Residence pathway will be able<br />
to apply for residence, both<br />
from on shore and overseas.<br />
The Straight to Residence<br />
pathway provides an incentive<br />
for migrants who have skills in<br />
hardtofill, nationally<br />
significant roles that New<br />
Zealand and the Rangitata<br />
electorate, needs to speed up<br />
our economic growth.<br />
This new pathway offers<br />
potential migrants, like health<br />
practitioners, engineers,<br />
construction and infrastructure<br />
workers, and IT professionals<br />
more certainty.<br />
The streamlined process<br />
makes it easier for employers to<br />
attract and hire people that will<br />
help address shortages in these<br />
highly skilled areas.<br />
We’re also growing skills at<br />
home, ensuring we have the<br />
workforce we need while<br />
supporting people into jobs,<br />
through initiatives like<br />
apprenticeship boost and free<br />
trades training.<br />
Our free apprenticeships and<br />
targeted trades training has<br />
supported 215,375 people since<br />
July 2020, including 98,000<br />
apprentices, and many here in<br />
Rangitata.<br />
Our Apprenticeship Boost<br />
Initiative scheme, which helps<br />
employers to retain and<br />
encourage more people to take<br />
up apprenticeships has so far<br />
supported 48,999 apprentices.<br />
Ialso wanted to quickly touch<br />
on the business case for the<br />
second bridge Iunderstand<br />
Waka Kotahi are reviewing the<br />
business case, and will be<br />
working with the council on the<br />
process ahead. Iwill continue<br />
to advocate for our community<br />
and region with my Ministerial<br />
colleagues.<br />
When the <strong>Ashburton</strong>/<br />
Hakatere bridge was damaged<br />
in the flood event last year it<br />
really highlighted for us all the<br />
importance of the bridge for<br />
connectivity throughout the<br />
South Island. It is important for<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> community we<br />
have aresilient connection to<br />
the lower South Island. The<br />
business case for asecond<br />
bridge has been along time<br />
coming and it’s great to have<br />
this analysis putting the case<br />
forward for asecond bridge.<br />
10-DAY TOUR<br />
RETURN<br />
16-25April2023<br />
$5,950<br />
per persontwin share<br />
Tour Includes: Meals: 9xbreakfasts, 7xdinners&5xlunches. 2x<br />
complimentary beveragevouchers to be enjoyedonboardeach heritage<br />
trainday. Accommodation: All accommodation will be at least 4-star<br />
rated. Tour Guides: Youwill be accompanied by experienced Tour Captains<br />
whoare there to guide andassistyou throughoutyour journey. Transfers:<br />
Afleetofluxurycoaches will escortthe trainthroughoutthe journey,<br />
providingseamless transferstoyouraccommodation and excursions.<br />
Experience<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
thejourney of a<br />
lifetime<br />
HeritageTrain<br />
TranzAlpine<br />
LuxuryCoach<br />
Highlightsinclude:<br />
Call <strong>08</strong>00373 363 or visit<br />
37<br />
Inspired by one of thegreatestand<br />
most iconicadventurers of ourtime,<br />
theSir EdmundHillary Explorer is your<br />
chance to explorethe SouthIslandin<br />
uniquestyle by heritage trainand<br />
luxury coach.<br />
Enjoyluxuryaccommodation,<br />
sumptuousmeals, and incredible<br />
adventures on this journeyofa<br />
lifetime.<br />
TranzAlpine viaArthur'sPass<br />
CruiseLakeWakatipu<br />
Gourmet BBQ lunchatWalterPeak<br />
Homestead<br />
FranzJoseph hotpools<br />
SirEdmundHillary Alpine Centre at<br />
Aoraki/Mt Cook<br />
KingstonFlyer experience<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Rotary Club<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Rotary Club<br />
<strong>September</strong> 26 -October 2•Sports Hall Tancred Street<br />
WANTED<br />
BOOKARAMA proceeds are used by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary Club and<br />
its Charitable Trust, both here and overseas, for charitable purposes<br />
and to support Rotary projects.<br />
Please phone any of the following members, if you would like<br />
donated books etc. collected.<br />
David Mead (Convenor) 3<strong>08</strong> 9991 or 027 471 6661<br />
Lindsay Holland 3<strong>08</strong> 3201 or 027 452 3107<br />
Book Drop off /<br />
collection points<br />
• Allenton Auto Centre<br />
• Caltex <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
• Community House<br />
• Mobil Service Station<br />
• Frame Co Netherby<br />
• SuperValue Tinwald<br />
• New World<br />
• Cafe Time, Tinwald<br />
• RuralCo <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
• Evolution Vets (was ShopCanterbury)<br />
• Farm Source Methven<br />
• Rakaia RuralCo<br />
• PGG Wrightson, Methven<br />
Bookarama has been running successfully for 43 Years<br />
NEWS<br />
38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Val Clemens captured Pied Stilts /Poaka at Wakanui Hapua which has filled with<br />
water over the winter and is now providing excellent conditions for wading birds<br />
and ducks.<br />
Known elsewhere as the blackwinged stilt, the pied stilt is atruly cosmopolitan<br />
bird with breeding populations throughout many of the tropical and warmer<br />
temperate regions of the world. They are believed to have been in New Zealand<br />
since the early 19th century, with the main growth in population from about<br />
18701940.<br />
Got aphoto you want to share? Then submit your photo capturing Mid<br />
Canterbury to:<br />
Health<br />
Messagingsystemfor the body<br />
To understand how chiropractic works,<br />
it’s important toconsider the spine’s role<br />
in the body. The spine is there toprotect<br />
the spinal cord, which is partofthe central<br />
nervous system. The spine is like aset of<br />
armour made up of segments,sothatitcan<br />
bend and move naturally with the body.<br />
Underneath that armour, a whole lot is<br />
happening. Messages travel from around<br />
the body, upthe spinal cord and into the<br />
brain. Thebrain processesthose messages,<br />
and sends replies back down the spinal<br />
cord to tell the body how to respond.<br />
The central nervous system is one big<br />
information highway, and it carries vital<br />
messages to everypartofyour body.<br />
Sometimes, the wear and tear of everyday<br />
life can impact the spine and cause spinal<br />
segments to move in away thatisdifferent<br />
to normal –inadysfunctional way. That<br />
wear and tear can happen gradually, such<br />
as from bad posture, or it can happen<br />
suddenly, which is common with sports<br />
injuries.<br />
Because of the close relationship between<br />
the spine and the nervous system,<br />
everyday strains can actually impact the<br />
flowofinformation between the brain and<br />
the body. Messages may not be delivered<br />
to the brain, or they maybeinaccurate.<br />
When that miscommunication occurs<br />
&<br />
Injury Prevention<br />
HolisticHealth<br />
• Relief from<br />
back/spinalpain<br />
• Improvedhealth and<br />
injury prevention<br />
• Move, heal,rest,<br />
digestbetter<br />
• ACC registered<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 9516<br /><br />
First Floor Smith &Church Building<br />
Moore Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Wellbeing<br />
due to abnormal movement in the<br />
spine, chiropractors call this a‘vertebral<br />
subluxation’. As such a chiropractor’s<br />
number one role is to correct vertebral<br />
subluxations of your spine to improve the<br />
function between the brain and the rest of<br />
the body.<br />
Chiropractors make fast, gentle<br />
adjustments to the spine to help restore<br />
natural movementand improvethe flowof<br />
information through your nervous system.<br />
2512250<br />
Consider your central nervous system as<br />
the ‘engine’ ofyour body; achiropractor<br />
acts like amechanic -tuning the spine and<br />
central nervous system so that your body<br />
can run like aracecar.<br />
Would you like to know more about<br />
how Chiropractic can help you? Book a<br />
free chiropractic assessment online at<br /> or<br />
phone 3<strong>08</strong>-9516.<br />
Locally owned Keune exclusive<br />
salon offering awide<br />
variety of services<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong>4292<br />
218 Chalmers Avenue,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2512251<br />
Allenton<br />
School’s<br />
125th<br />
anniversary<br />
Bruce Tilby<br />
Allenton Primary School willcelebrate its<br />
125th anniversary next month.<br />
Former pupils,board of trustee members<br />
andstaff are invited to join thecurrent<br />
schoolcommunity to mark theoccasion with<br />
eventsplanned across three days.<br />
Principal BruceTilby says theorganising<br />
committee asks people to set aside October<br />
27 to October 29, <strong>2022</strong> foranniversary<br />
events. The school’s annual athletics day<br />
will also be open to the publiconTuesday,<br />
October 25, providing another optionto<br />
visit.<br />
On offer willbeschool tours and visual<br />
displays of current pupils art work, an<br />
afternoon of activities featuring aroll callby<br />
decades, cake cutting and sculpture<br />
unveiling, as well as an informal drinks<br />
evening within the revamped school hall,<br />
and an adultsonly dinner at the Hotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Details will be finalised thismonth and the<br />
organising committee willadvertising soon.<br />
While notasbig an occasion as the<br />
centennial in 1997, Mr Tilby says the event is<br />
importanttomarkasAllenton Primary<br />
School is vastly different from even aquarter<br />
of acentury ago. Withhousing<br />
intensification and growthwithin Allenton<br />
suburb, the school has seen steady roll<br />
growth in recent years.<br />
With new classrooms planned, it is<br />
forecast Allenton Primary School could<br />
surpass 600 students within fiveyears. This<br />
is afar cry from its humble beginnings<br />
opening in 1897 as the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Side<br />
School with handful of pupils and asole<br />
teacher Mrs Elizabeth Forrester.<br />
People wanting to register interest in the<br />
anniversary celebrations or with<br />
information, photosorschool memories to<br />
share, can contact theschool office on (03)<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 6495 or via<br />
nz.<br />
Updates on 125th anniversary plans will<br />
also be on the Allenton School Facebook<br />
page.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
39<br />
RuralWomen NZ<br />
At the recent Mid Canterbury<br />
Provincial RWNZ AGM Elsa Hydes<br />
was electedasthe incoming<br />
President. We welcome Elsainto<br />
this position and look forward to<br />
supporting her.Sandra Curd<br />
continues on as Secretary and Trish<br />
Small as Treasurer.<br />
Membership renewals were sent<br />
out electronically at the beginning of<br />
July or withthe latest Express<br />
magazine, but if you haven’t<br />
received arenewalnotice,please<br />
contact Felicity at National Office or<br />
our Secretary Sandra for help.<br />
The NationalAGM is on<br />
November18th, in Wellington, so if<br />
you are interested in attending,<br />
keep thisdate noted.<br />
Our hearts go out to all those in<br />
our Nation, whohave suffered and<br />
been affected by recent flooding. As<br />
we know in Mid Canterbury,the toll,<br />
flooding canhaveonour Rural<br />
Communities is hugeand the<br />
lasting effects can take longerto<br />
heal thanfirst imagined.Soifyou<br />
know of someone whohasbeen in<br />
the midst of flooding,keep in<br />
contact with them, well into the<br />
future.<br />
Our next Provincial Meeting is on<br />
Friday 9th <strong>September</strong>, <strong>2022</strong>, at the<br />
Sinclair Centre,starting at 9.45am.<br />
If youare aBranch or Individual<br />
member, or are keen to learn more<br />
about Rural WomenNZ, pleasefeel<br />
welcometoattend.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Writers' Group<br />
President Julie welcomed all<br />
present to the meeting, especially a<br />
visitor. Thequotation was read by<br />
Debbie –“Iwrite to givemyself<br />
strength, Iwrite to be characters<br />
that Iamnot,Iwritetoexplore all the<br />
things Iamafraid of”. Cobygave a<br />
report on our Short Story<br />
Competition at the Creative<br />
Communities Presentation and said<br />
therehad been many questions.<br />
Julie Fechney reported on the<br />
successful visit to the Rotary Club of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> meeting. Julie F, Julie S,<br />
Rae, Nigel andStacey had all<br />
participatedinthis presentation.<br />
Elsa Hydes, Rural Women NZ Mid Canterbury provincial president<br />
<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Many entries are arriving.<br />
The prizegiving ceremonyatthe<br />
museumisonFriday 16 <strong>September</strong><br />
at 3.30pm.<br />
The discussion point was the<br />
quotation which members agreed<br />
with, especially about the<br />
characters.<br />
The assignment was“Begin a<br />
story with acharacter who haslost<br />
something important to them”.<br />
Members spoke of marbles,coffin,<br />
sweetheart, perfect day, brooch,<br />
bathroom, keys, dark paintings,<br />
grandson, “it”, marriageand birth<br />
notice. The instant exercisewas<br />
“IdealHoliday”. Members spoke of<br />
Rarotonga,family,Hanmer bach,<br />
hot air, underthe sun, unexplored<br />
roads, sand/sea/sex,cathedrals,<br />
deserted island, silent house and<br />
NewYork city. The <strong>September</strong><br />
assignment is “write about an<br />
incident thatcouldbeused against<br />
you if youever ranfor political<br />
office.” Visitors arewelcome, please<br />
phone Rae at 3<strong>08</strong> 8927.<br />
Plains Ladies Friendship Club<br />
TheAugust meeting washeld at<br />
Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Monday 22nd<br />
Augustat9.45am.<br />
MiniSpeakers were Joan<br />
Prendergastand Anie Whiting who<br />
took a5day trip to Stewart Island<br />
withBeckleyTours-running trips<br />
Mayand June with 20 pergroup.<br />
Down to Balcutha first night,<br />
drove through Catlins, gardens of<br />
Tea Pots in Bluff where they took<br />
the boatover to Stewart Island.<br />
Bush is down to the seaand has a<br />
population of 400people.<br />
Stayed at South SeasHotel for 2<br />
nights, weather fine ,not cold.<br />
Took minibus around some<br />
beautiful views.<br />
Visit the Museum andMerino<br />
Shop. The school has 60 children<br />
and they were doingthe running<br />
race on the beach.<br />
On wayhome hadanight<br />
stopoverinGore. Both hadenjoyed<br />
their trip.<br />
Main Speaker-Ian Soper -<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Parks andGardens.<br />
Ian has only been in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
for 14 months.<br />
Born in Otago, did his training at<br />
Taieinursery,working around<br />
Dunedin then 10yrs in Nelson,Gore<br />
and <strong>Ashburton</strong> work the same way<br />
and have people goingthrough<br />
apprenticeship,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain has agood<br />
stock of trees -springtimeis<br />
daffodilsand attending to mulching<br />
and fertilizing yourgardens. The<br />
domain grows 38,00 plants. At<br />
homeif you have aglasshouse you<br />
will be able to start plants off earlier.<br />
New entrance to domain to be<br />
reviewed. Scale on Roses use oil<br />
spray.<br />
Ian was thankedbyJoyce.<br />
Next meeting is our birthday on<br />
26th <strong>September</strong>, visitors very<br />
welcomering Alison Doig 3<strong>08</strong>7109.<br />
U3AReport<br />
August 30th<strong>2022</strong>. Geology<br />
Series 2David Barrell “Formation of<br />
Mid Canterbury Mountains, and<br />
Impacts of Glaciation”.<br />
Compression over 100millionyears<br />
alongthe Hikurangi Fault to the<br />
present has shapedus. Zealandia<br />
broke away from Antarctica<br />
circa77Ma (Million Years Ago).<br />
Antarctica, was ice-free c65-55Ma.<br />
In c35Ma sea-water surrounding it<br />
formed the South Ocean,affecting<br />
climate. c14Mathe Tasman Sea<br />
subducted under New Zealand,the<br />
start of the Alpine Fault.Zealandia,<br />
in latitudes 50-75 degrees,was<br />
bathed in warm water, similar to the<br />
Gulf Stream affectingEurope today.<br />
Over millions of years New<br />
Zealand movedslowly intoits<br />
present position.The Plains-<br />
Foothills-Southern Alps-Westland<br />
Lowlands’ profile is shaped by the<br />
west’s Australian Plate, and the<br />
eastern Pacific Plate. Basement<br />
rocks/alpineschist/foothills<br />
greywacke/surface sediments push<br />
up from the plains to form<br />
mountains. The many fault linesin<br />
Mid Canterbury mountainsand<br />
along the Plains boundary are<br />
mostly inactive. Asanexample,the<br />
RakaiaValleyglacier, c18,000Ya,<br />
receded rapidly,leaving river,<br />
morainesand alluvial fans.<br />
Our climate evolution, withthe<br />
mountain relief, determined the<br />
extent of ice-age glaciers.The Mid<br />
Canterbury mountain-scape grew<br />
during earlier NE-SW compression,<br />
replacedbydominant NW-SE<br />
compression.Changeisongoing,<br />
andinevitable.GeologySeries 3:<br />
6th <strong>September</strong>, Daphne Lee:<br />
FouldenMaar.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>MSA Petanque Club<br />
The second round of the Interclub<br />
was played on Tuesday,where the<br />
Christchurch Club was the victor,<br />
andour club 4th.The next one is at<br />
Papanuiagain being hosted by<br />
Christchurch as their Club area has<br />
started its rebuild. On Wednesdaya<br />
vanloadofustravelled to Oamaru<br />
to competeinthe Drawn Triples. It<br />
wasafun day andgreat to play with<br />
other people,representingDunedin<br />
area, <strong>Ashburton</strong>and the host area.<br />
Over half of our participants took<br />
home aprize of some sort with<br />
Shelagh Field’s team third in the<br />
Championship, NickyFoden’s team<br />
wonthe Special Plate with Joan<br />
Healey’s team runner up, Ellen<br />
Pithie’s team were 2nd in the Bowl,<br />
while JonathonCrum and Linda<br />
Millard’s teams were 1st and2nd in<br />
the Saucer. Half of the pistes were<br />
on aslope which proved<br />
challenging, interesting and fun. We<br />
are keen to go backforthisday next<br />
year.<br />
The Club pointing competition is<br />
being held this coming Sunday<br />
whichhelps improve our skills.The<br />
last Interclubisbeing hosted by us<br />
in the last week of this month,and<br />
apart from afew away tournaments,<br />
things are quietening down for the<br />
last quarterofthe yearlocally.<br />
Remember we play Tuesday,<br />
Thursday and Saturday meeting<br />
about 1pm to be playing shortly after<br />
at 115Racecourse Road.<br />
Equipment and tuition are available.<br />
Celtic club members and<br />
supportershaveraised$5985<br />
for the MidSouth Island<br />
Women’sRefuge andFamily<br />
Safety Services.<br />
Club membersheld acodewideeventinvolving<br />
squash,<br />
netball,JAB, coltsand seniors<br />
rugby to acknowledgewomen<br />
involved inthe club andraise<br />
funds for the service.<br />
It wasaday building on the<br />
success of their first Celtic<br />
Ladies Day back in 2021.<br />
Celtic club membersand<br />
supporters were encouragedto<br />
bring itemssuch astoiletries,<br />
sanitary products,nappies,new<br />
underwear, fuel vouchers and<br />
grocery voucherstobedonated<br />
to help womeninneed.<br />
Playersacrossthe sporting<br />
codes and localbusinesses <br />
donated items for luxury<br />
hampersraffled duringthe day.<br />
The proceedsfrom these<br />
raffles also went to therefuge.<br />
During theday activitiesfor<br />
JAB kidswere organisedinthe<br />
clubrooms where they could<br />
create acard to thank allthe<br />
mums, stepmums,<br />
grandmothers, auntiesand<br />
sisters whosupport them from<br />
thesidelines.<br />
Whilst themaingame<br />
between Celtic andMethven<br />
played outinfrontofthe Celtic<br />
grandstand, mums, wivesand<br />
girlfriends of the senior men’s<br />
teamweretreated to drinks and<br />
nibblesintheir owntentand at<br />
the conclusion of the game<br />
teammembersapplaudedthem<br />
to show theirappreciation for<br />
supporting themduringthe<br />
season.<br />
In the eveningtherewas a<br />
silent and mainauction, once<br />
againsupported by local<br />
businesses.<br />
Dawn RangiSmith, CEO of<br />
MidSouth Island Women’s<br />
Refugeand Family Safety<br />
Services,was blown awayby<br />
the effortsofthe club, and said<br />
fundsand itemsdonatedwould<br />
be earmarkedfor women in<br />
needinthe Mid Canterbury<br />
district.<br />
VOTE<br />
Rodger Letham<br />
Authorised byRodger Letham. 7Filey Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700.
Environment CanterburyRegionalCouncil<br />
Southern News<br />
Flood protection repairs<br />
underwayafterrecord<br />
rainfall<br />
Our riversfield team and contractorshavebeenbusy repairing considerable<br />
river erosion damage throughout Waitaha/Canterbury. Theconstant riseand<br />
fall of flows, likethose experiencedfromthe multiple weather events over<br />
Julyand August,can causesignificantlymoredamage than isolatedevents.<br />
Thephotosand captions below show one example ofour teams’ work,to<br />
protect the damagedstopbank above Mill Road on the Lower Ōpihi River.<br />
This photo shows lateral erosion, which is sidewayserosion that widens the<br />
river,which causedthe damage to the stopbank on 20 July. Lateral erosion is<br />
acommon issue for Canterburybraidedriversthat develops as flows riseand<br />
fall and gravel patterns change in the river,the risk of lateralerosion is higher<br />
when we have repeatedhigh flow events in ashort space of time.<br />
Upper Waitaki projects getaboost!<br />
TheUpper Waitaki WaterZoneCommitteehas beenbusyworking<br />
towardsthe goals of its three-year actionplan, with afocusonimproving<br />
thehealth ofkey waterwaystoprotect andenhancemahinga kai.<br />
LakeŌhau cotoneaster and LakeMiddleton willow control<br />
Twopesky plant species arethe target of aco-ordinated pest control<br />
project to enhance biodiversity, water qualityand mahingakai resource<br />
gatheringopportunities. TheŌhauConservationTrust has been allocated<br />
over $23,000for further worktocontrol pest plantscotoneaster and crack<br />
willows around theedges of Lake Ōhauand LakeMiddleton<br />
LakeTekapo/TakapōWillow Bayand lagoon planting project<br />
Twoprojects to enhance the LakeTekapo/Takapō area willgoahead<br />
with over$4,900support from the zone committee.Native plantings<br />
will enhanceawalk/cycle trail (1.2 km) from Pines Beach in the Regional<br />
Park to WillowBay on theshores of LakeTekapo/Takapō.<br />
Nativeplanting and rabbit prooffencing forplants will enhance alagoon<br />
on Sawdon Station Lagoonwalkingand biketrail.<br />
Ōmarama soil moisture monitoringpilot project<br />
TheŌmarama Water User Group is investigating technologythatcan<br />
improve nutrient loss management,supportedby$21,000 of funding.<br />
Thegroup aims to makeimprovementstothe overalleffectivenessof<br />
moisture technology by collaboratingtomanage,understand and use<br />
this equipment anddata in acatchment-wide approach.<br />
Find out<br />
This is the same location one month later.Hereyou cansee the completed<br />
works to protect the Mill Road stopbank.Temporaryworks wereimmediately<br />
put in placewhen the river washigh and threatening to break out,which<br />
contributedsignificantlytothe stopbank holding up duringthe next weather<br />
events. Thefinal repair includesabuilt-up gravel berm which will be planted<br />
to resist erosion, protectedbyarockwallalong the front edge.Thereisa<br />
reducedlevel of protection until plantings canbeestablishedinthis zone<br />
We’remonitoring the riversclosely as the river system is still fragile.<br />
We encourage people to stayup-to-date with flood warnings on our website,<br />
as well as the MetService weather warnings.<br />
Need help?Contact us if youhaveany questions or concernsabout river<br />
or coastal damageon<strong>08</strong>00 324686.<br />
Newmonitoring equipment at<br />
LakeBenmore<br />
Ourscientists will gainabetter understandingofthe health of Lake<br />
Benmore-thanksto anew,purpose-built monitoringstation.<br />
Theequipment includes alarge yellow hull (about 1.5metreswide)<br />
with asolar panel on top,six orange marker buoys, andunderwater<br />
anchorropes.Itwillgiveusayear-round pictureand better idea of<br />
howthe lakeisrespondingtopressures such as changesinlanduse,<br />
andchangesinclimate.Lakeusers areurged to keep their distance<br />
from the gear,which sits inthe Haldon Arm -north of Whanau Island,<br />
so importantdata canbegatheredwithout interruption.<br />
Consent reviews on tracktokeep<br />
morewater in the<br />
Hakatere/<strong>Ashburton</strong> River<br />
Recordrainfallover the last month has left our riverflows in a<br />
constant rise andfall,howeverthe lackofwaterinthe Hakatere/<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Riverhas been aconcernofriverusers for many years<br />
andisstill being addressed.From1July2023, newminimum flow<br />
limits areset to keep more waterinthe river andprotect the natural<br />
character andmauri of theriver.It’sall part of rulesrequiredbythe<br />
Canterbury Landand WaterRegional Plan (LWRP). We continue<br />
to workclosely withconsent holderswithin the catchmentto<br />
implement thenewrules throughresourceconsent reviews and is<br />
assisting affectedlandownerstoexploretheirwater supplyoptions<br />
andreduce thewatertheytakeattimes of lowerriver flows.<br />
To read more updates head to the news sectionofour website<br />
E22/6830<br />
@EnvironmentCanterbury<br /><br />
<strong>08</strong>00 324686<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> office: 4McNallySt,7700<br />
Timaru office: 75 Church St,7910<br />
Taking action together to shapeathrivingand<br />
resilientCanterbury, nowand forfuturegenerations.<br />
Toitūtemarae oTāne, toitū te marae oTangaroa, toitūteiwi.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
41<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> BridgeClub<br />
MondayEvening –Aug 29th,B<br />
&CLadder<br />
1stMervyn Jones&Pauline<br />
Scott, 2nd DeeMurdoch &<br />
Bruce Leighton,3rd Karen<br />
Chettleburg&AmandaEvans,<br />
4th Allison &ChrisLovelock,<br />
5th Heather &BruceSim,6th<br />
Margaret &John Rickard<br />
Tuesday Evening–Aug 30th,<br />
HazelmereTrophy<br />
N/S 1stAudrey Rooney &Pat<br />
Jordan,2nd David Sewell &<br />
John McDonald, 3rd Jim<br />
Rooney &LindaBaker<br />
E/W1stTrishDownward &<br />
Mary Buckland, 2ndAlanSim &<br />
JohnShearer, 3rd Leigh<br />
Wackrow &MaureenKolkman<br />
WednesdayAfternoonAug<br />
31st, 3rdsdiff ptr<br />
1stRewaKyle &Kay Robb,<br />
2nd TrishDownward&Mary<br />
Buckland, 3rd MervynJones &<br />
Rosemary McLaughlin, 4th<br />
JohnnyWright&Janet Cuttle,<br />
5th Maree Moore&Colin<br />
Clemens,6th JohnShearer&<br />
JohnIrwin<br />
Thursday Evening–Sep 1st,<br />
Eileen Willoughby<br />
Sect A1st RewaKyle &Mary<br />
Buckland, 2nd Ian Doel &Jim<br />
Rooney, 3rd =PatJordan&<br />
Linda Bakerand Mike<br />
Holdaway &LeighWackrow,<br />
4th =KayRobb&Rosemary<br />
McLaughlinand Carolyn<br />
Cameron&John McDonald<br />
Sect BN/S 1st Bev Turton &<br />
RaylenePhillips, 2ndKate<br />
White &TrishDownward, 3rd<br />
BevMacaulay &Trevor Coulter<br />
E/W1st DeeMurdoch&<br />
Shirley Harris,2nd Alan Sim &<br />
David Greenslade, 3rdVal<br />
Palmer&JohnnyWright<br />
FridaySep2nd Methven<br />
Tournament<br />
N/S 1stLoisRose &Audrey<br />
Rooney, 2nd Kay Robb &<br />
Rosemary McLaughlin, 3rd<br />
David Sewell&DebbieSeddon<br />
Sewell<br />
E/W1stSue Rosevear &Anne<br />
Reid, 2ndPaul&Pauline<br />
Fergus, 3rd Bev Turton &<br />
Raylene Phillips<br />
Run andWalk <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
ClubRoad Championships<br />
heldonSaturday27th August<br />
starting from Ashford Avenue,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate.<br />
Event wasasealed handicap on<br />
a2km loopcourse.<br />
Walkers 6km:1st place and<br />
winner on handicap Stacey<br />
Hooper43:36;2nd placeDave<br />
Strong 44:47; 3rdplace Judith<br />
Crozier 46:04; Marie Batty<br />
48:25; Lori Rusbatch50:58;<br />
Barbara Taylor 51:52; Karen<br />
Hodgson57:43;David<br />
Wilkinson71:23.<br />
Runners:Senior Women6km<br />
1st place andwinner on<br />
handicap all grades Ashlea<br />
Norris 26:55; Vet Women6km:<br />
1st place TamGrant 31:37;<br />
Alison Conway 36:03; Kathryn<br />
Page 40:38. Veteran Men 4km:<br />
SamLampe 18:04.Veteran Men<br />
8km: 1stPlaceand winneron<br />
handicap EamonHooper 59:33.<br />
Men65and over 6km:1st place<br />
Merv Gilbert 40:22; Mike<br />
O’Callaghan 56:18. Girls U14<br />
4km:1st placeSophie Lampe<br />
15:19; 2ndplace Carina Lupse<br />
22:36. Girls U102km: 1st place<br />
IsabelleLampe 10:52. Girls U10<br />
6km: 1stplace AddisonPage<br />
40:38.Boys U18years 6km: 1st<br />
Place Kalym Chalmers 23:18.<br />
Boys U14 years 4km: 1st Place<br />
JackHooper 21:14; Boys U14<br />
2kmRobbie Lampe 8:51.<br />
Thank you to our<br />
timekeepers Viv Strong,Debra<br />
Curtain,Janet Hood and<br />
Gordon Clinton,and Ian<br />
Broadbeltfor layingout the<br />
course.<br />
AllentonBowling<br />
On Wednesday 31stAugust<br />
Allentonplayed host to Timaru<br />
Bowling Club.Play started at<br />
10.30amonafabulous sunny<br />
warm day, eight teamsplayed<br />
triplesformat.<br />
Results wereasfollows:<br />
Allenton16wins 1draw 115<br />
ends, Timaru 7wins 1draw96<br />
ends. Thanks to all players who<br />
made themselves available and<br />
special thanks to Faye and<br />
ladiesthatprovided amagic<br />
lunch and morning and<br />
afternoon tea.<br />
Mid Canterbury Social<br />
Wheelers<br />
Eighteenriders.3rd Sept 22.<br />
1st.Ron Kennedy 33m01s. 2nd.<br />
Allan Johns 34m 04s.3rd.<br />
Michelle Davidson29m 57s.4th.<br />
Michelle Knight29m 58s. 4th.<br />
KennyJohnston 30m 58s. 5th.<br />
Dave Shurrock30m 58s. 6th.<br />
BrentHudson 30m 59s. 7th. Don<br />
Morrison30m 59s. 9th.Ben<br />
Ward 26m 21s 4f/t. 10th Paul<br />
Summerfield 26m22s 5f/t. 11th.<br />
Charlotte Cox 26m27s.6f/t.<br />
12th.Jelle Hendriksen 26m 45s.<br />
7f/t. 13th. JohnUden 26m 46s<br />
8f/t. 14th. Mark Smitheram 26m<br />
53s 9f/t.15th.Andrew Shepherd<br />
30m57s.16th.Michael<br />
Gallagher26m 10s F/T. 17th.<br />
GedWall26m 10s. 2f/t. 18th.<br />
Nick Grijns 26m 13s3f/t.<br />
Tinwald CyclingU17<br />
Development<br />
Sunday4th Sept 22.Race One<br />
5.5km Handicap .1st. Eliza<br />
McKenzie CT.10m 29s HT.30s.<br />
RT. 9min59sec. 2nd. Charlotte<br />
Neal CT.10m 3s. HT. Go.RT.<br />
10m35s.3rd.Ryan Gallagher<br />
CT.11m 06s. HT. 1.35m.RT.<br />
9min 31sec. Graded Results. A.<br />
1st. Eliza McKenzie,2nd,Ryan<br />
Gallagher, B. 1st. Charlotte<br />
Neal, RaceTwo 2kmTime<br />
Trial. 1st. Charlotte NealCT.<br />
4m 10sHT. 30s.RT. 3m 40s. 2nd.<br />
Eliza McKenzie CT.4m25s. HT.<br />
1.00m.RT. 3min 25sec. 3rd.<br />
Nick Daley CT.4m33s. HT.Go.<br />
RT.4min33sec. 4th. Ryan<br />
GallagherCT. 4m 53s.HT.<br />
1.30m. RT.3min23sec. Graded<br />
Results.D.1st. Nick Dalley, B.<br />
1st. Charlotte Neal, A. 1st.Eliza<br />
McKenzie2nd. Ryan Gallagher.<br />
AorangiWomen's Veterans<br />
Golftournament<br />
The Aorangi Women's<br />
Veterans tournamentwas held<br />
at the Rakaia Golfclub on<br />
Thursday 1<strong>September</strong> in warm<br />
spring conditions.<br />
Colleen Gibbs, of Geraldine<br />
wonthe HedgesKennard<br />
Trophy (bestgrossover the<br />
field 88), Heather Robertson of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> claimed the<br />
Clarkson Tray (bestnet 65 years<br />
and over73), Felicity Lambie of<br />
GrandeVue took homethe<br />
Euny Peg Trophy (best<br />
Stableford70years andover<br />
34).<br />
Class Anet: CGibbs<br />
(Geraldine)67. ClassBnet: B<br />
Sutherland (Rakaia) 66,<br />
Stableford:MHurst (Rakaia)<br />
37,Runner up StablefordD<br />
McDonald (<strong>Ashburton</strong>) 34.<br />
Grade Cnet:HRobertson<br />
(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) 73, Stableford: F<br />
Lambie(Grande Vue) 34,<br />
Runnerup stableford, JBruhns<br />
(Tinwald)33<br />
2ndShotnearest the pin:<br />
Grade A:ABurrows<br />
(Geraldine), Grade B: MWatson<br />
(<strong>Ashburton</strong>),GradeC:J<br />
Helmore (Methven) Twos: A<br />
Firstly,myapologies thatIwon’t<br />
be at the ‘meet the candidates’<br />
eventonSunday 11th as Iwill be<br />
in Christchurch, farewelling my<br />
daughterwho is moving to Europe.<br />
Youare all invited to take partinmy<br />
job interviewsfor the position of<br />
Mayor, which will be held at:<br />
TheSinclair Centre,<br />
74 Park Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Monday-Friday,<br />
12-30 <strong>September</strong><br />
7.15pm-8.30pm<br />
Burrows(Geraldine).<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Nine Holers Golf<br />
Last week Anne Fleming&<br />
Chris Anderson (34 nett) won<br />
the Netherby Pharmacy &Sega<br />
GolfAmbrose. Followedby<br />
Stewart Bennett &Joy Nicholas<br />
(36 nett). Smith &Church Twos:<br />
AnneFleming &Chris<br />
Anderson on number8and<br />
Smith &Church Gobblerwas<br />
scoredbyStewart Bennett.<br />
Today our 9Hole<br />
ChampionshipsSemiFinal<br />
matches willbeplayed.For<br />
other players, Netherby<br />
Pharmacy best nett.On15th<br />
<strong>September</strong>weplay Netherby<br />
Pharmacy Irish Stableford.<br />
Authorisedby:Jeffrey-robert: MillerAvenue,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Murray will be coming to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on Thursday 15 th <strong>September</strong>. Please<br />
contactthe officetobook afree<br />
measureand quote forthese or forany<br />
otherproductsinthe HomePlus range.<br />
88 Gasson St,Sydenham |03379 3740 |<br />
2512717<br />
2501385<br />
435WESTSTREET,ALLENTON,ASHBURTON <strong>08</strong>00-86-22-44<br />
15%<br />
YOUR<br />
OFF<br />
NEXT<br />
EXP 30 SEPT <strong>2022</strong> HIRE
Draft StormwaterBylaw<br />
Our stormwaternetwork does<br />
theessentialjob of collecting<br />
and carryingrainwater away<br />
from buildings and roads.<br />
We’vedrafted anew bylaw to manage our<br />
stormwaterinfrastructureand help protect<br />
boththe environment andpublic health.<br />
We’dlikeyourfeedback!<br />
We want to hear from YOU!<br />
Visit or scan the QR<br />
code to viewthe consultation documentsand share<br />
your feedback by 5pm, Sunday 18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
This Motorcycle Awareness Month<br />
we’reasking all road users to look<br />
again formotorcyclists. Motorcyclists<br />
can be hard to see andone look before<br />
turning is not enough.<br />
Allroad usersneed to look againtobe<br />
surethe road is clear beforeturning.<br />
Some other top tipsyou cantaketoensure thesafety of<br />
motorcyclistsonthe road include:<br />
Slow down behind motorcyclists.<br />
Check your blind spots.<br />
Drivetothe conditions.<br />
Always use your indicators.<br />
Know that motorcycles can appear quickly.<br />
Motorcycle indicators don’tautomaticallyturnoff.<br />
Makesurethe rider is turningbefore pulling out.<br /><br />
Choosing the righthelmet<br />
Let’sget this straight –open-facehelmets aresignificantly less safethan<br />
others.That muchshould be obviouswhen 34.6%of head impacts in<br />
crashes areto the chinarea.<br />
Flip-front or system helmets<br />
suffer from afew related<br />
weaknesses versus a<br />
conventional full-face. One is<br />
that the chin bar lock doesn’t<br />
always keep the chin bar in<br />
place in acrash.Ifyou look at<br />
the testspublishedby SHARP,<br />
you’ll see apercentage figurefor flip-front helmets. It shows how often the<br />
chin bar stayedclosedduringtheir impact tests.The lowest figureis17%,<br />
and several others only stayedclosed 20% of the time.<br />
Another downside of flip-front or system helmets is that, even if the<br />
chin bar stays in place, the structural integrity of atwo-piece helmet is a<br />
compromise versus aonce-piece full-face. Finally,even though you’renot<br />
meantto, some peopleride alongwith the chin piece up, as thoughit’san<br />
open-face helmet.<br />
So, aflip-front lid is betterthan an open-face, butthe best design for<br />
protection is always full-face.<br />
How the helmet should fit<br />
How ahelmet fits youcanbeas important as howitperformsintests. For<br />
astart, youmust notbeable to remove it without undoing the chin strap.<br />
To test for this, youtry to roll the helmetforward offyour head. Thechin<br />
strap should adjust to fit closely under your chin without feelinglikeit’s<br />
stranglingyou.<br />
Next comethe closenessand comfort of the fit. Thehelmet should fit<br />
snuglyand evenly all around your head,with no pinching or loose areas.<br />
Above all, the helmet must fit closeenoughthat it won’t move around on<br />
your head,but not so it gives youaheadache.<br />
Buyingaused helmet<br />
Avoidbuying aused helmet.Helmetsshould be replaced roughly every<br />
three to fiveyears,mainly because the impact-absorbingliningand the<br />
inner linerwill have deteriorated. And you’ll neverknow if ahelmethas been<br />
dropped onto ahardsurface,which canmeanthe shell is compromised.
30 years in busin<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
1 2 3 4<br />
5 6<br />
7 8 9<br />
11 12<br />
14 15<br />
13<br />
16 17<br />
18 19 20<br />
21<br />
22 23<br />
10<br />
9/9<br />
Across<br />
1. Show how adevil mis-treats it (11)<br />
7. Storyillustrating some deep Arab legend<br />
(7)<br />
9. Tacitlycondone an eye-drop (4)<br />
11. Thethick-skinnedmay be shortof<br />
money(5)<br />
12. Onewho will die,ormaltput outfor<br />
him (6)<br />
14. It made America dryin1920 (11)<br />
18. PutupwithEnglish,under revision(6)<br />
20. He is asoothsayer, or aguruperhaps<br />
(5)<br />
22. In theSoutheast it providesaplace to<br />
build (4)<br />
23. Ilet cat out,ithaving crossed bars (7)<br />
24. Ringsone cutout foraword to pass<br />
sentry(11)<br />
Down<br />
2. Previously, it couldberare to lie in (7)<br />
3. Get rid of that hut in thegarden(4)<br />
4. Turn it into adance of the 60s (5)<br />
5. Recreationofthe kind quietlyincluded<br />
(5)<br />
6. The artistrywith whichnoend of thin<br />
gruelwas made (5)<br />
8. Fraternitymightbeshort,but that’s<br />
aboutright (8)<br />
10. Marked difference seen torn apart<br />
among the players (8)<br />
13. Declinetobeseeninwebbing (3)<br />
15. It is continuingondeparture(7)<br />
16. Arichmeal quicklygoesaround start<br />
of evening (5)<br />
17. The misery one comesto, acropper(5)<br />
19. The tot I’d ordered –the same again<br />
(5)<br />
21. There’s impish enjoyment in ashort<br />
part-song (4)<br />
44<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1to9.<br />
24<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
8<br />
9 10<br />
11 12 13<br />
14 15<br />
16<br />
17 18 19<br />
20<br />
21 22 23<br />
24 25<br />
Across<br />
1. Chicken (6)<br />
4. Second-hand store<br />
(colloq) (2,4)<br />
9. Tantrum (colloq) (5)<br />
10. Illness (7)<br />
11. Infinite(7)<br />
13. Creative (4)<br />
14. Rude (3-8)<br />
17. Matured (4)<br />
18. Fulfil (a need) (7)<br />
21. Quick-tempered<br />
person (7)<br />
22. Allocation (5)<br />
24. Humble (6)<br />
25. Rubbish (6)<br />
Down<br />
1. Police officer (colloq)<br />
(6)<br />
2. Aroll or bundle (3)<br />
3. Verse (5)<br />
5. Hallway(7)<br />
6. Cruel (9)<br />
7. Quick look (4)<br />
8. Motley assortment<br />
(4,3,4)<br />
12. Pleased (9)<br />
15. Lunacy (7)<br />
16. Go around (6)<br />
19. Chef’s hat(5)<br />
20. Buddy (4)<br />
23. Paddle (3)<br />
Across: 1. Coward, 4. Op shop, 9. Paddy,10. Disease,11. Endless,13.<br />
Arty, 14.Ill-mannered, 17.Aged, 18. Satisfy, 21.Hothead, 22. Quota, 24.<br />
Modest, 25. Debris.<br />
Down: 1. Copper, 2. Wad, 3. Rhyme, 5. Passage,6.Heartless,7.Peek,8.<br />
Oddsand sods, 12. Delighted, 15.Madness, 16. Bypass,19. Toque, 20.<br />
Chum, 23.Oar.<br />
Across: 1. Demonstrate 7. Parable 9. Wink 11.Rhino 12.Mortal14.<br />
Prohibition 18.Endure20. Augur22. Site23. Lattice 24.Countersign.<br />
Down: 2. Earlier 3. Shed4.Twist 5. Sport 6. Skill8.Brothers 10.Contrast<br />
13. Ebb15. Ongoing 16.Feast17. Grief 19. Ditto21. Glee.<br />
TARGET<br />
chow cowpatcrawcrow hawk<br />
PATCHWORK prow thawthrow<br />
thwack trow wack wacko warp<br />
wart watch whack whacko<br />
whapwhatwhoa whop work<br />
wort worth wotcha wrack wrap<br />
wrath wroth<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
H K T<br />
A W R<br />
O P C<br />
Good 16<br />
Very Good 21<br />
Excellent 25+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />
ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
“I’m interested in knowing what myhome is<br />
worth.”<br />
Bruce and Denise McPherson<br />
027438 4250<br />
“I’d love to help with that. Let’s organise a<br />
time to meet soIcan prepare afree no<br />
obligation market appraisal on your home.”<br />
96 Tancred Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven<br /> •03307 8317<br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 20<strong>08</strong>)
FOR RENT<br />
We live here too.<br />
PGGWrightson have adedicatedResidential and<br />
Lifestyleteambasedin<strong>Ashburton</strong>and Rakaia.<br />
Ourcomprehensive network of salespeople and supportstaff covers the whole<br />
of New Zealand.Weknowwhatiseffectivetomarket real estate.Wetake pridein<br />
putting thatknowledgetogood use on behalfofour clients.<br />
Through the strength of our brand,our connectionsintocommunities throughout<br />
the countryand the experiencethatour team brings,wedeliver results.<br />
TomokoWright<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
Dannii May<br /><br />
M 021 124 6412 Deb Roberts M 021 075 2180<br />
M 027 543 5799 Linda Fogarty M 027 294 4818<br />
M 021 02813310 StephenWatson M 027 433 9695<br />
PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA 20<strong>08</strong>.<br />
Tidy Westside Unit<br />
Sunny twobedroomunit in sort after Allenton area. Open<br />
plan living heated by aheat pump, internal access garage<br />
and smalleasy care section. Close to schools and shops.<br />
Available 14 October.<br /><br />
FOR RENT<br />
Warm Red Bricker<br />
Three bedroom brick family home,with lock up garaging.<br />
Fully compliantwith insulation in the ceiling and<br />
underfloor, new heat pump installed this year.Close to all<br />
amenities. Available 27 <strong>September</strong>.<br /><br />
2 1 1<br />
$370 PER WEEK<br />
VIEW By AppointmentOnly<br />
Kelsi Tait | B 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
Sharon Muir | B 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
3 1 1<br />
$380 PER WEEK<br />
VIEW By AppointmentOnly<br />
Kelsi Tait | B 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
Sharon Muir | B 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
PENDARVES 638 Chertsey Kyle Road<br />
Immaculate Pendarves Opportunity<br />
• Immaculately presented 263haturn-key arable and lamb finishing unit with aprized Pendarveslocation<br />
• Approximately 251ha effective, irrigated fromcombination of ground waterand Acton Scheme with pond<br />
• ALU completed, FEPwith A-Audit,Year-endnutrient budgets all done and detailed crop history available<br />
• Over1000T of grain storageavailablewithdrying capabilityand numerouslarge implement sheds<br />
• 3-stand woolshed withcovered yards, workshop, all sitting in atidy well laid-out yard<br />
• Proven production history from the well maintained soils, immaculate fencing,all weather laneways. Twohomes<br />
Plus GST (if any)<br />
(UnlessSold Prior)<br />
Closes 3.00pm,Thursday 22 <strong>September</strong><br />
Tim Gallagher<br />
M 027 801 2888<br />
Calvin Leen<br />
M 027 453 0950<br /><br />
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 20<strong>08</strong><br />
191 Burnett Street &<br />
447West Street<br />
Phone:033<strong>08</strong> 6173<br /><br /><br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
Office Manager/Sales<br />
M027 543 5799<br />
Robin Ford<br />
Rural Sales<br />
M027 433 6883<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M027 433 9695<br />
TimGallagher<br />
Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />
M027 801 2888<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
Residential Sales<br />
M021 075 2180<br />
Dan vander Salm<br />
Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />
M021 918 233<br />
Dannii May<br />
Residential Sales<br />
M021 0281 3310<br />
Sharon Muir<br />
Property Manager<br />
B033<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
Tomoko Wright<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M021 124 6412<br />
Kelsi Tait<br />
Property Manager<br />
B033<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
elping growthe country<br />
Mark Hanrahan<br />
Rural Sales<br />
M027 432 4028<br />
DebJolly<br />
Office Administrator<br />
B033<strong>08</strong> 6173<br />
PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA20<strong>08</strong><br />
Helping grow the country
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Baybury Views, Majors Road, Geraldine<br />
611 -969m2<br />
Well now you can atthe stunningly affordable Baybury Views, located in the sought-after Geraldine property market. These sections range<br />
in size from 611sqm to 969sqm with prices starting from $195,000. There are services to the boundaries and covenants are in place to assure<br />
investors of the quality of the development.<br />
Geraldine isabeautiful market town nestled between the Orari and Hae Hae Te Moana River, there’s something for everyone.<br />
The town and wider region is an unmissable destination packed with lots of adventures and activities for you and your whole family. Bike,<br />
ski, art, walk, drink, eat, shop, work, stay –this town is ahaven for art and creativity with an amazing array of shops, craft centres and<br />
activities.<br />
These sections are in afast-developing area sought-after by investors and home-owners alike. You would be best to act promptly given<br />
Canterbury, Otago and the Lakes District are still performing well in the current property market.<br />
To discuss your confidential interest further, call our team now.<br />
FOR SALE<br />
From $195,000<br />
VIEW<br />
Request aprivate viewing.<br />
Scott Parkin<br />
027 598 2833<br /><br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
027 259 4644<br /><br /><br />
Town to Country<br />
Each office independently owned and operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 20<strong>08</strong><br />
Prices/availabilities subject to change without notice<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate is afully serviced 80 hectare commercial and industrial development located north-east of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
town boundary. The estate has been developed by <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council to provide awell-planned and serviced development option<br />
for businesses looking to come to the district and for local businesses looking to expand their operations. With enterprises across arange<br />
of industries, its business community reflects the region’s strong, proud heritage founded on industry and agribusiness, as well as forward<br />
thinking investment and innovation.<br />
If you are looking for somewhere to start abusiness or grow your existing company, then <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate is an ideal base for your<br />
operations. It is an industrial-zoned development that offers some of the lowest industrial-zoned land prices in the region, flexible ownership<br />
options, site customisation, and low water and rate costs. For your staff, the Business Estate also offers an enviable work environment.<br />
Ideally located 5minutes North of<strong>Ashburton</strong>; on State Highway 1, 50 minutes from the Christchurch CBD and 45minutes from the<br />
Christchurch International Airport, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business park is easy tolocate and access, and the recent confirmation that itwill connect<br />
with the NZ Rail Network, from within the park, make it an Inland Port with huge potential for Business Development.<br />
Design and build, or build and lease back -there is arange ofvery affordable options to suit your business.<br />
PRICE Wide Range of Options<br />
to Suit Your Business<br />
VIEW<br />
Request aprivate viewing.<br />
Scott Parkin<br />
027 598 2833<br /><br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
027 259 4644<br /><br /><br />
Town to Country<br />
Each office independently owned and operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 20<strong>08</strong><br />
Prices/availabilities subject to change without notice
2/55 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45-10:15am 2 1 1 AHB30374<br />
111a Thomson Street,Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 3 2 2 AHB30264<br />
107 Creek Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 4 1 0 AHB30328<br />
4Porter Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 1 2 AHB30366<br />
7/42 Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 1 AHB30342<br />
1/35 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30347<br />
93 Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 0 0 0 AHB30357<br />
2Turton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30326<br />
20 Pages Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 2 2 AHB30346<br />
60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia 11:00–11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30387<br />
2KerrStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 1 1 AHB30376<br />
81 Park Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30327<br />
15 Reed Street, Hinds 12:00-12:30pm 4 1 4 AHB30331<br />
36 Reighton Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 3 2 AHB30282<br />
10 Woodham Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 4 2 2 AHB30324<br />
41 Redhaven Rise,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />
34a Woodham Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 3 1 1 AHB30372<br />
60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia 11:00–11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30387<br />
41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />
We make home<br />
loans simple.<br />
Open Home<br />
41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Location, sunshine, design and the homely feel of<br />
this beautiful home makes it stand out from the rest.<br />
Located inone of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s desired &established<br />
developments, you are surrounded with qualityowner<br />
occupied homes in asafe crescent. Designed with<br />
inter-generational living in mind, you have three lounge<br />
areas, 4bedrooms, plenty of private space &outdoor<br />
flowfrom the lounge/dining/kitchen. The masterhas a<br />
generous ensuite and WIR and its own lounge retreat<br />
area ,that could be amedia room.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 20<strong>08</strong>)<br />
SetDate of Sale<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
closing 16 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at 027 410 6216<br />
5:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:00 -1:00pm<br />
Sunday11:30 -12:00pm<br />
4 2 2<br />
Angela Wanoa<br />
MobileMortgage Adviser<br />
029 988 7766<br />
New Zealand’s widest range<br />
of banks and lenders you<br />
know and trust.<br /><br /><br />
In partnership with<br />
Open Home<br />
107 Creek Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
4 1 0<br />
Whether you’re buying your first home, moving up or down the propertyladder,<br />
managing your property portfolio, or refinancing your mortgage, Angela at Loan Market<br />
Paramount can help. Angela will be in the RayWhite<strong>Ashburton</strong> Office on <strong>September</strong> 14th<br />
<strong>2022</strong> if youwould like to speak with her. This expert advice isfree.<br />
Call Angela direct or call us at RayWhite 03307 8317 to make anappointment.<br />
First home buyer or investors property on the ever<br />
popular Creek Road.<br />
*Four bedrooms &Two toilets<br />
*Modern kitchen and dining area<br />
*Compliant log fire, heat pump and HRV system<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA20<strong>08</strong>)<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$410,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Open Home<br />
2/55 Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 1<br />
Open Home<br />
34a Woodham Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 1<br />
*Updated Kitchen including Dish DrawerDishwasher<br />
*Large open plan layout with Vaulted Ceilings<br />
*Internal Access Garage with Auto Door<br />
*Compliant Log Fire &Heat Pump<br />
*Aluminium Single Glazed WindowJoinery<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$419,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday9:45 -10:15am<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
*Freehold crosslease title (one of two units)<br />
*Separate bathroom and WC downstairs<br />
*Galleystyle kitchen (laundry in this area)<br />
*Separate loungewith clinker brick featurewall<br />
*Lovely private easycare section<br />
ForSale<br />
Price onApplication<br />
View<br />
Saturday1:00 -1:30pm<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 20<strong>08</strong>)<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA20<strong>08</strong>)<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Denise Russell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 432 9717<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Carey VonLubke<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 697 6948<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Manjit Singh<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
020 4079 3871<br />
Janene McDowell<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 287 3388<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3ALFORD FOREST 3 1 1<br />
O/P kitchen/dining/lounge, 3bdrms, prestine<br />
drinking water from mountain, adjacent<br />
to Council parkland, organic fruits/trees,<br />
glasshouses. Solid brick home with cosy fire.<br />
This rare country property on alarge section<br />
is only 12min to Methven &9min to Mt bike<br />
park. Buyer Enquiry Over $560,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br /><br />
Agent Manu Otene 022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885 &<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
26 KAWAU CRESCENT 3 1 1<br />
Fantastic Home! Ready for your own stamp<br />
of style! Jump on the property ladder,<br />
whether it’s your 1st or 2nd home for an<br />
investment. 3 dble bdrms, generous size<br />
living, woodburner with wetback, sleep out,<br />
single garage with an attached workshop in<br />
aquiet settled street. Offers Over $449,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 12.00 -12.30pm<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885<br />
45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />
Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />
home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />
kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />
offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />
survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />
sleep out, storage shed/garage up to 6. BEO<br />
$689,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
WARM &COSY<br />
3 1 1<br />
This warm & cosy, permanent material,<br />
1980’s classic home features 3dble bdrms,<br />
gas hot water, single garage & lots of OSP.<br />
Located close to schools & shops, with town<br />
just down the road. Offers over $449,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885<br />
SOLD<br />
374 WRIGHTS ROAD 5 2 3<br />
O/plan, 4living/lounges, 5bdrms, 2bthrms<br />
entertainment area, 4bay shed.This lifestyle<br />
block has huge potential with ample space<br />
&opportunity to renovate at your leisure. 4ha<br />
been leased byafarmer, with land in good<br />
condition. Lots of potential to develop into a<br />
premium property. Offers Over $729,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 12.15 -12.45pm<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Opportunity here to start your own Cafe<br />
at an affordable price, on the Main Street<br />
on Methven! Entry level only cost of plant<br />
&chattels. Commerical Lease 9years left.<br />
Approved for 50 chairs. Put your own touch<br />
on the premises &it’s ready to go!<br />
Price by Negotiation.<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent Manu Otene 022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885 &<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
46 CAMBRIDGE STREET 4 1 2<br />
Location is perfect for family living, right next<br />
door to a kindergarten, short walk to the<br />
school, sports hall &local park &playground.<br />
4bdrms +asleepout for either ateenager,<br />
guests or a home office. Separate large<br />
garage with loads of storage. BEO $339,000<br />
View<br />
SOLD SOLD SOLD<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885<br />
3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />
•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />
•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />
Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />
Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />
to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />
to secure this unqiue property & benefit from<br />
it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Private lifestyle section situated in adesirable<br />
location amongst new housing. Build the<br />
home of your dreams, fully fenced & shelter<br />
belt. Lifestyle sections like this do not come<br />
along often. Temporary power supply,Town<br />
water, & Fibre at the gateway. Up to 1000<br />
litres per day. BIR PBN $330,000 -$380,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Talk to us today about how to prepare your<br />
residential, rural orlifestyle property<br />
to sell this spring and get ahead start<br />
on the rest of the market.<br />
Call us today on <strong>08</strong>00 554 274<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
021 354 885<br />
Manu Otene<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
022 3<strong>08</strong> 6885<br />
LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone <strong>08</strong>00 554 274 | Visit<br />
Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 20<strong>08</strong> *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company
OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.45am -11.15am<br />
OPEN HOME l 11.30am -12.00pm<br />
OPEN HOME l 12.15pm -12.45pm<br />
85 BowenStreet,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Spacious open plan living,with heat<br />
pump and log burner<br />
•Master bedroom with en suite, plus two<br />
moredouble sized bedrooms<br />
•1012sqm section with plenty of offstreet<br />
parking<br />
•Glasshouse and woodshed<br />
$700,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
40 Michael Street,Rakaia<br />
•Spacious open plan living,diningand<br />
kitchen<br />
•Four bedrooms -master with en suite<br />
and walk in wardrobe<br />
•Nofuss,easy care1012sqmsection<br />
•Privatebackyard entertaining area<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$699,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
1Michael Street,Rakaia<br />
•Spacious master bedroom with en<br />
suite, twodouble bedrooms plus office/<br />
fourth bedroom<br />
•Two separateliving areas<br />
•West side location, corner section<br />
•Attached double garage with internal<br />
access,plus separatestandalone<br />
double garage.<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$795,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
3Bowen Street,Rakaia<br />
•3double bedrooms<br />
•Beautiful rimu throughout<br />
•Log burner and 2xheatpumps<br />
•Established 1012sqm section located<br />
on the westside of Rakaia<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$545,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
OPEN HOME l 1.00pm -1.30pm<br />
34 Cridland Street,Rakaia<br />
•Spacious 180sqm,3bedroom<br />
townhouse<br />
•Double glazed,heatpump and<br />
ventilation system<br />
•Easy to maintain, 5<strong>08</strong>sqm section<br />
•Close to Rakaia shopsand medical<br />
centre<br />
6Lane Street,Allenton,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three double bedrooms<br />
•Updatedheatpumpand pelletfire<br />
•Generous living area opening to<br />
aconservatory<br />
•Double garage<br />
46 Lot2McGrath Road,<br />
Elgin<br />
•Power and fibretothe gate<br />
•Quiet landway<br />
•5000m² section<br />
•Completewith title<br />
8Carters Road,Allenton,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three spaciousbedrooms<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
•Ensuitewith tiled shower<br />
•157.5sqm homeona450sqm section<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$540,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$520,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
$330,000<br />
Craig Philip<br />
027 952 8722<br />
$684,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
139B Allens Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
96A Thomson Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
5Carters Road,<br />
Allenton<br />
15 JagWay,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three bedrooms, master with an<br />
en suite<br />
•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />
area<br />
•Tiled bathroomsand loadsofstorage!<br />
•Single garage with internal access<br />
•Three bedrooms<br />
•Two bathrooms one being an en suite<br />
•Open plankitchen, dining and living<br />
•Single internal access garage<br />
•Brand new spec house!<br />
•Three bedroomsand twobathrooms<br />
•Ensuiteinthe master<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
•Four double bedrooms<br />
•Double garage,internal access<br />
•Two living areas<br />
•Open plan kitchen and dining<br />
$614,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
EnquiriesOver<br />
$599,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
$668,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$890,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
LakeHood 12 Torbay Avenue<br />
809sqm 3 2 2 2 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 28 Sep<strong>2022</strong><br />
201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
View Sat 10.30-11amorbyappointment<br />
EmilySmith 027 2224596<br />
Modern living at LakeHood<br />
Situated onaquiet street in desirable Lake Hood is thiswaterfronthome. Built by Jennian Homes in 2013, it includes<br />
three bedrooms andtwo bathrooms. Open plan kitchenand living makesthishomethe perfect place to host friends<br />
and family, asecond lounge can be closed off,oraspace forkids to relax. Doors from the living areaopenout to a<br />
private patio,ideal forentertaining in thewarmermonths.The large master incorporatesanensuite andwalk-in<br />
wardrobe.Enjoy views of the canal from multiple areas throughout the home,aslidingdoorgives accesstothe deck<br />
whichleads to your ownprivate jetty. Theconvenient floorplanallows forgueststohavetheir own spacewhen<br />
visiting, which can be shut off in thecooler months. Adouble garage with internal access allowsplentyofroom for<br />
vehicles, toysand extrastorage.<br /><br />
Tinwald 5Birchside Lane<br />
938sqm 3 2 1 1<br />
ForSale offers invitedover $630,000<br />
View Sat 10.45-11.15am or byappointment<br />
Mick Hydes 027437 9696<br />
Handy to town<br />
Built in 2013byDes MillarConstruction this 156sqm home hasplenty of scope to add value and your own touches,<br />
without delaysand the hassle of anew build. This well-maintained property is situated on a938sqm (moreorless)<br />
section down aprivate lane,just ashort drive or strollinto town, cafes, andagardencentre.Comprisingthree<br />
bedroomswith built-inwardrobes,abathroom andseparate toilet, it is perfect for afamily. Living areas arekept cosy<br />
by aclean air approved log fire and heat pump;aseparate kitchen, laundry, and singlegarage complete thepicture of<br />
thishome. Thereisplentyofspacetoadd another garage or workshop as thesection is mainlylawnwith some<br />
perimeter plantings. the opportunitieshere areendless andaquickturnaround is possible.<br /><br />
Allenton 14 DavidsonStreet<br />
801sqm 3 2 1 2<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View Sat 11.30am-12.15pmorbyappointment<br />
Mick Hydes 027437 9696<br />
Perfectstarter<br />
Don't missthe opportunity to take up residence in this sought-after area,located on aquiet street with Allenton<br />
Primaryand <strong>Ashburton</strong>College close by.The home has been well maintainedand comprisesthreedouble bedrooms,<br />
abathroom, kitchen/dining,two living areasplus an office nook.<br />
Youwillbekept cosy andwarmduringthe winter months by anew log fire, andthree shade sails areincluded to<br />
provide some welcome shadefor your outsideentertaining during thesummermonths.<br />
Featuringestablishedgardens,anoutdoor/BBQ area,adouble garage and good off-street parking, this property has<br />
wide appeal.<br />
Actswiftlyonthis one,contact the agent to view or formoreinformation.<br /><br />
SOLD<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 97 Wills Street<br />
1,014sqm 4 1 1 2<br />
ForSale<br />
SamGregory 021 0283 8791<br />
Timeless character villa<br />
This timeless 1910svilla is adream home youcan be proudtoown;move straightinand take advantage of all the hard<br />
work of previousgenerations, alternatively take theopportunity to enhance value.<br />
Built to last with many of the originalfeatures;ornate finials,high-stud ceilings, rimu flooringand stained-glass<br />
accents.The 193sqm (moreorless) home comprisesfour generous double bedrooms whichare accessed froma<br />
central hallway.One hasanadditional spacethat can be used as an office, sunroom, or walk-in wardrobe. The family<br />
bathroom has ashower overthe bath, vanity, and toilet, withasecond shower and toiletbeside thelaundry.<br />
Aspacious lounge adjoins the modernisedgalley-style kitchen and dining area.You will be keptcozyinwinter with a<br />
freestanding log burner, two heatpumps, ceiling and underfloorinsulation, and aLossnay home ventilation system.<br /><br />
Elgin 347Milton RoadSouth<br />
1.938ha 4 2 3 1 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 5Oct <strong>2022</strong><br />
201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
View Sat 10.45-11.30am or by appointment<br />
Simon Sharpin 027631 8<strong>08</strong>7<br />
Mike Preston 027430 7041<br />
Lifestyle opportunity<br />
Situated on1.9 hectares (moreorless) in Elgin is this four-bedroom bungalow home. Allday sun soaks therecently<br />
renovated kitchen, livingand dining areas, providingawarm placefor allthe family to gather. Aseparate loungegives<br />
the opportunitytoentertain family and friends. The fourbedrooms offerample space for anyyoungfamily-the<br />
master completewith ensuiteand walk-inwardrobe.Alarge bedroom at theend of the home provides an excellent<br />
play space for kids or hangoutfor teenagers, while thefourth bedroom with external access offersanexcellent guest<br />
wingorworkspace forahome business.Multiple storageoptionsincludeanattacheddoublegarage, alarge<br />
workshopareawith attached closed-in shed, andapole shed with lockablegates and singlestandwoolshed.<br /><br />
Allenton 374 Racecourse Road<br />
2.0234ha 3 1 2 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 28 Sep<strong>2022</strong><br />
201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
View by appointment<br />
Simon Sharpin 027 6318<strong>08</strong><br />
Mike Preston 027430 7041<br />
Racecourse Roadlifestyleopportunity<br />
Make that move you'vebeen dreaming of andlap up the country living lessthan tenminutes from the convenience of<br />
town.The three-bedroomhome is tucked away amongst mature treescreating apeaceful and secure family base.<br />
Offeringamplespace with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, the greatbones are there should you wishto<br />
renovate andadd value. The house is positioned formaximum sunand features solidbrick construction. Winters will<br />
be no match forthe large log burner, night store andHRV system,plus the master ensuite has the luxury of underfloor<br />
heating.Outside, the two-hectares (more or less)isdividedinto threepaddocks withsheep netting and postand wire<br />
fencing.The attractive rowsofmaturewalnut trees alsooffer theprospect of asecondary income.<br /><strong>08</strong>7<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 132Burnett Street<br />
909sqm<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Ray Knight 027 434 0139<br />
Central <strong>Ashburton</strong>office building<br />
Perfectly positioned in the heart of<strong>Ashburton</strong>'sCBD arethese attractiveand modern officepremises.Recently<br />
refurbished withanextension addedin2013, this buildingcould presentthe perfectopportunity to occupy or tenant<br />
andenjoy thereturns.<br />
With an NBS ratingof67%, thepropertyiscurrentlyvacant andhas previously been leased for $85,500 plusGST plus<br />
outgoings.<br />
Includedwiththe propertyare six off-streetcarparks andthere is plentyofon-road parking for clients. Vendorsare<br />
willing to entertainoptions of alease.<br /><br />
Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services<br />
Methven 16 Mt HardingRoad<br />
4,078sqm 4 1 3 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu6Oct<strong>2022</strong><br />
View Sun 1.30-2pm or by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />
Why build? Your dream home could already exist<br />
Prepare to be delighted when stepping into this architecturally designedhome, with four bedrooms and three<br />
bathrooms. Lessthan three yearsold, andlocated on a4,078sqm section in the exclusive Thymestream development<br />
in Methven,New Zealand. Our vendors aredownsizing, and have meticulouslypresented theirmuch-loved property.<br />
Without doubt, thishighcalibrehome is built for longevity, withahigh standardoffunctionality as wellasbeauty. The<br />
living room features afivemetre chapel ceiling leading to astunning cathedral window,which frames the majestic<br />
Mount Hutt. Amodern and efficient wood burner,plusheatpumps ensurescomfortthroughoutthe winter months.<br />
The kitchen includes alarge walk-in pantry, qualityappliances, engineered stone andstainless benchtops with<br />
abundant drawer storage. Family-sized dining and an office nook complete this area.<br /><br />
Methven<br />
60 SpaxtonStreet<br />
Methven<br />
12C Carr Street<br />
513sqm 3 1 1<br />
2 1<br />
For Sale offers invited over $455,000<br />
View Sun 12.30-1pm or by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021705 014<br /><br />
For Sale offers invited over $290,000<br />
View Sun 11.30am-12pm or by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021 705014<br /><br />
Snugasabug<br />
Nest or invest<br />
This alpine styled home presents an opportunity for<br />
the savvy investor, alock and leave for the holiday<br />
maker or alovely home forthe firsthome buyer. The<br />
70sqmfloorareaisperfectly positioned on a513sqm<br />
section and boaststhreebedroomsand one<br />
bathroom. Apitched alpine ceiling withquaintfeature<br />
lightingmakes the open plan kitchen andliving area<br />
feelspacious.<br />
Hereisyourchance to acquireyourown two-bedroom<br />
alpinechaletinthe picturesquevillage of Methven.This<br />
cottage has been thoughtfully refreshed throughout,<br />
boastingamodernised bathroom, paint joband new<br />
carpet. Heated by both alog burner andheat pump,<br />
compactand low maintenance,this is the perfectlock<br />
and leave opportunity for theholidaymaker,<br />
professional couple, orinvestor.<br /><br /><br />
Methven<br />
Lot174 Arrowsmith Drive<br />
Methven<br />
8Lampard Street<br />
705sqm<br />
7 2 2<br />
For Sale offers invited over $250,000<br />
View by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021705 014<br /><br />
DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 2pm, Wed28Sep <strong>2022</strong><br />
View by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br /><br />
Invest in yourlifestyle<br />
Primarylocationand space<br />
Be quicktosecure thisperfectlypositioned705sqm<br />
(more or less)section locatedinthe highly soughtafter<br />
Camrose Estate, Methven. The section position<br />
and orientationswill ensureafternoonsun into your<br />
outdoor living area. Located within easy reachofFlow<br />
Pooland Studio, Opuke Thermal Poolsand Spa,local<br />
shops, eateries, and schools.<br /><br />
Arealopportunity exists here for potential buyers as<br />
this seven bedroom home setona1,012sqmsection is<br />
ideallypositioned for convenienceand future<br />
improvement. Spanning 340sqm acrossasinglelevel;<br />
thefloor plan playshost toamultitude of areas. Afreeflowing<br />
livingand diningroomisenjoyed with apellet<br />
burnertakingcentrestage where you can entertain<br />
and effortlessly engagewith guests.<br /><br />
Methven<br />
Lots 1or2ofLot 4Hobbs Road<br />
Methven<br />
Lot 2, 33 Main Street<br />
5,000sqm<br />
4,012sqm<br />
For Sale offers invited over $450,000<br />
View by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021705 014<br /><br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br /><br />
Stunning mountain and ruralvistas<br />
The best of townand country<br />
Lots1and 2are both approximately5,000sqm<br />
(subject to final surveyand titles beingissued)Titles<br />
are expected beforeChristmas.Theyare fully fenced,<br />
with town water andelectricity close to the boundary.<br />
Septicsystemsare required.Purchase themnow and<br />
begin designing your dream home, or secure ahighly<br />
sought afterinvestment in atownthatistaking off.<br />
Only a500m strolltothe town centre, this perfectly<br />
located 4,012sqmsection(subjecttofinal survey and<br />
title) sits on the entrancetothe stunning township of<br />
Methven.Thissite is apremium locationfor families,<br />
with both Mount Hutt Collegeand Our Lady of the<br />
Snows located directly acrossthe road, and Methven<br />
Primary schooljustaround thecorner,school dropoffswill<br />
be made alittle simpler.Townservicesare to<br />
the boundary.<br /><br /><br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 3<strong>08</strong> 7664 or email<br />
2512231<br />
•Restoration<br />
•Modifications<br />
•Rust Removal<br />
•Custom Fabrications<br />
•WOF Reports<br />
• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />
16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 3<strong>08</strong> 0387<br /><br /><br />
Automotive<br />
Diagnostics &<br />
Servicing<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 6646<br />
GLASS<br />
Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />
We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />
AUTO and HOUSE<br />
“Your placeorours”<br />
2512248<br />
•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />
and diagnostics<br />
•Latest scan tools and<br />
servicedata<br />
•All makes and models including<br />
European and Japanese<br />
•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />
TheBig Blue Shed<br />
CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
152 Wills Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ph.3<strong>08</strong> 8485<br />
2512224<br />
Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />
027 282 89<strong>08</strong> or 027 2828909<br />
Computer/Tech Help<br />
Need personalised help with your<br />
computer, programs orbackups?<br />
Trouble with your –PC–iPhone/iPad<br />
–printer –network –electronic stuff?<br />
Special price for Seniors<br />
Iwill come to you.<br />
Call Frank 021-120-9292<br />
MSc (Electronic Engineering)<br />
Apple and Windows logos belong to their respective companies<br />
Interior and Exterior Painting<br />
Interior Plastering<br />
EFTPOS available<br />
Wallpapering<br />
2512221<br />
Kitchen dreams can come true<br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
Custom madeand designed especiallyfor you<br />
Free measureand quote<br />
606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
03 3077131<br />
2512244<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: 03 3<strong>08</strong> 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
2512235<br />
03 307 0506<br />
154 Dobson Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br /><br />
Approved repairer for:<br />
Advice &Insurance<br />
2512240<br />
trusted trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 3<strong>08</strong> 7664 or email
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 3<strong>08</strong> 7664 or email<br />
Help in person by appointment<br />
Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />
Ph 05<strong>08</strong> CANLAW<br />
(05<strong>08</strong> 226 529) to makean<br />
appointment.<br />
Help by phone Infoline<br />
03 371 3819 or 05<strong>08</strong> 226 529<br />
215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2512225<br />
JukeBox Hire<br />
Weddings,21st,<br />
PrivateFunctions<br />
Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />
Phone DJ Dave<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 5106<br />
027 251 0015<br /><br />
Does your garden need monthly<br />
maintenance to keep it tidy and<br />
looking good through the seasons?<br />
Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />
or pruning completed?<br />
We can help!<br />
Allgarden wasteremoved<br />
ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 267 5403 or 3<strong>08</strong> 2333<br />
Email:<br />
2494834<br />
2512233<br />
115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br /><br />
2496464<br />
2512209<br />
Prompt Service Guaranteed<br />
<br />
<br />
Repairs and renovations<br />
Switchboardupgrades<br />
LED lighting systems<br />
House rewires<br />
Sheds,garages,sleepouts<br />
Call 021 576 044<br />
Retrofit Double Glazing<br />
Aluminium Windows and<br />
Doors Replacement<br />
Glass ShowerEnclosures<br />
Glass Splashbacks and more<br />
027 2796771<br /> l 163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2503813<br />
2512219<br />
Experts in glass<br />
3<strong>08</strong>-3918<br />
206 Chalmers Avenue,<br />
NetherbyShopping Centre,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br /><br />
2512241<br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />
2512213<br />
Our authorised techniciansns<br />
service and repair all<br />
makes and models of<br />
sewing machines and<br />
overlockers<br />
Ash Solar Power<br />
South Island<br />
BUY 1<br />
BUY 1<br />
GET 1<br />
GET 1<br />
BUY 3<br />
HALF<br />
HALF<br />
GET 1<br />
PRICE * PRICE * FREE *<br />
OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />
Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br /><br />
2497306<br /><br />
2512222<br />
Sales l Service l Repairs<br />
P 03 3<strong>08</strong> 7982 - E<br />
W -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2512232<br />
Jann or Karen acallon<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
PACKAGE^<br />
$<br />
FROM149<br />
SERVICE –03307 8438<br />
For Passenger, Commercial and<br />
Farm Vehicles<br />
Bridgestone Tyre Centre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cnr Cox &East St. Book now on 03 307 8438<br />
*Selectedtyres only.^Includes up to 4.5litresofPenrite oiland<br />
astandardoil filter. Conditions apply,see in storefor details.<br />
03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />
trusted<br />
<strong>2022</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 3<strong>08</strong> 7664 or email<br />
$30<br />
<strong>08</strong>00 424 335<br />
OFF!<br />
APPOINTMENT<br /><br />
<strong>08</strong>00 4 A GEEK<br />
•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />
Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />
•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />
warmer,quieter home<br />
Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />
PHONE 3<strong>08</strong> 8493. EMAIL:<br />
8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2494730<br />
Lubes WOF<br />
Allmechanical repairs<br />
Victoria Street,<br />
TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: (03) 3<strong>08</strong> 6772<br />
2512243<br />
Letthe team at<br />
Insideout takecareof<br />
all your painting and<br />
property maintenance<br />
• Painting<br />
• Carpentry<br />
• Renovations<br />
• Projectwisdom<br />
• Maintenance&repairs<br />
2010 LTD<br />
Call Shanetodayon03307 7071<br />
2512228<br />
GIVE<br />
Jann or Karen<br />
acall on<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
We’re <strong>Ashburton</strong> local,<br />
and our team have more<br />
than 50 years experience<br />
Your solution for:<br />
•Security systems • Building compliance • Gate automation<br />
•Fire extinguishers• Fire alarms • Alarm monitoring<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 7778<br /><br /><br />
Contact us today<br />
free quote l advice l discuss<br />
2512238<br />
UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />
level of service<br />
&quality cleaning<br />
*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />
*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />
*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />
*Commercial<br />
PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />
2512227<br />
“we clean to a<br />
standard,<br />
not aprice”<br />
• regular full house cleans<br />
• one off spring cleans<br />
• farm houses<br />
• builders cleans<br />
• <br />
100% LOCAL<br />
03 307 2656<br /><br />
2512216<br /><br />
2512218<br />
Jann or Karen acallon<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
Protect what<br />
youvalue the<br />
smartway<br />
Manage your<br />
safety&security<br />
anywhere, anytime<br />
Call <strong>08</strong>00 788 393<br />
57 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
HartleyCurd 021 328 301<br />
Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />
2497309<br />
Forall your tyre requirements,<br />
see the localexperts<br />
•Wheel alignments<br />
•Wheel balancing<br />
197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l<br />
Phone 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
Winter<br />
Special<br />
$<br />
22<br />
While<br />
stocks<br />
last<br />
Thetford<br />
Aqua<br />
Kem<br />
Green 2L<br />
Septic tank safe<br />
Come in and check out<br />
our full range<br />
Available from:<br />
19 J.B. Cullen Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 8353<br /><br /><br />
2482997<br />
2512237<br />
including<br />
Interior andexterior Roofs<br />
Residential andcommercial<br />
Interior gibstopping<br />
Anyjob bigorsmall<br />
Call Tony 0273283124<br />
Fresh&frozenfood available<br />
Beef &wild gamemince<br />
Dogrolls Dogbones<br />
Frozenchucks<br />
Briskets<br />
Locally<br />
owned and<br />
operated<br />
027 461 9162<br /><br />
99 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2512934<br />
2497330<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
55<br />
TheBoss –Bruce Springsteen TributeShow<br />
Wednesday14th <strong>September</strong> 7-30pm<br />
A-Reserve $65 /B-Reserve$55*<br />
Four years in the making “The Boss”is<br />
tuned to perfection bringing youathree<br />
hour world–class showfeaturing the<br />
entireBornInThe USA album plus more<br />
than twenty of the Boss’s greatest hits.<br />
Enjoysome of the best songs ever written<br />
in rock nrollhistory.<br />
Stevie Nicks,Linda Ronstadt,Carole King Songbook<br />
Thursday15th <strong>September</strong> 7-30pm<br />
Adult $49.50* /Gold Card $42 */Kids$35*<br />
Threeofthe worlds most recognised voices<br />
arebroughttoyou in the brand new show<br />
by singer/songwriter Bloom who is known<br />
as one of Australia’s greatest powervocalists.<br />
Aftergracing our stage as AmyWinehouse<br />
and Adele Bloom is set to wowher audiences<br />
in whatcan only be described as incredible.<br />
Jesus Christ Super Star<br />
1Oct -8Oct, 1st October7-30pm,<br />
2nd October2pm, 3rd-8th October<br />
7-30pm ,Adult $69* /Senior $59* /<br />
Student$49* /Group 6+ $55pp*<br />
Presentedbythe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event<br />
Centre in association with VarietyTheatre<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>and proudly sponsored by<br />
Mediaworks. Aglobal phenomenon that<br />
has wowedaudiences and nowcelebrating<br />
its 52nd anniversary.<br />
Tina –Simply TheBest<br />
Thursday13th October8pm<br />
Adult $61.30* /Group 6+ $56.30* /<br />
Child $36*<br />
Getthe electrifying concertexperienceof<br />
Tina Turner with this full stage production<br />
brimming with Tina hits from the 60’s,<br />
70’s, 80’sand 90’s. Featuring the powerful<br />
raspyvocals and thrilling stage presentof<br />
Caroline Borole liveonour stage.<br />
Engineering Positions Available<br />
Gray Engineering Solutions specialise in dairy,<br />
pumping, augers, land rollers, spiral pipe welding,<br />
general engineering and industrial fitting &<br />
maintenance.<br />
We have thefollowingpositionsavailable:<br />
•Welders/Fabricators<br />
•Fitter &Turners<br />
We are locally owned &operated, notwo days are<br />
the same, you’ll get towork both in the workshop<br />
andonsite, andwehaveagreat team.<br />
We offer flexibility,competitiverates,andpotential<br />
work vehicle forthe rightcandidates.<br />
Interested?<br />
Send acurrentCVtoHayden Bonnington at<br /> or<br />
call 027 346 8173tofind out more.<br /><br />
Fashion Sales Person<br />
2512998<br />
We have an exciting position available in our<br />
Men’sand Women’sClothing and Footwear<br />
Store. If youenjoypeople,clothingand fashion,<br />
want to work forawell established family<br />
company, be partofadedicated, talentedteam,<br />
then we want to hear from you.<br />
At Sparrows our clothing and customer service<br />
is whatsets us apartand we arelooking for<br />
aperson who has the abilitytounderstand<br />
customer needs and will ensuretheirin-store<br />
experienceisamemorable one.<br />
Hours areflexible,however they will include<br />
rostered weekend hours.<br />
If this sounds like youthen please email your<br />
CV<br />
Applications close on Sunday, <strong>September</strong> 11, <strong>2022</strong><br />
2513037<br />
Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong>CommunityFoundation<br />
ExecutiveOfficer<br />
Are you looking for an inspiring job where you<br />
canmakeareal difference?<br />
Advance <strong>Ashburton</strong> Community Foundation (AACF)<br />
is acharitable trustfounded to benefit the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
region. Our aim is tomake positive and real change<br />
for the people and projects in our community by<br />
connecting generous people who care with causes<br />
that matter. Since its establishment, the Foundation<br />
has distributed $6.4 million to our community.<br />
We have an exciting opportunityfor anew Executive<br />
Officertolead the organisation’s growth andenhance<br />
the work we aredoing throughout Mid Canterbury.<br />
In this role, you will provide leadership and<br />
managementtoour smallteamof staffandvolunteers<br />
and work closely with the BoardofTrustees to realise<br />
AACF’s vision of adynamic and responsivecharitable<br />
organisation.<br />
Reporting to the BoardChair,this 35 hours-per-week<br />
role,basedin<strong>Ashburton</strong>, will:<br />
• Build and nurture relationships with current and<br />
potential donors<br />
• Build and nurture relationships with existing, and<br />
identifyfuture,worthyrecipients andcauses in our<br />
community<br />
• Activelypromote AACF to our community<br />
The successful applicant must have a genuine<br />
interest in charitable giving and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
region, be astrong leader andcommunicator, ableto<br />
build strategicrelationships with the communityand<br />
display ahigh level of integrity.<br />
If you are passionate about making areal difference<br />
to our community please send your CV and cover<br />
letter to:<br />
TheChair<br />
Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong>CommunityFoundation<br /><br />
Applications close <strong>September</strong> 26<br />
Aposition description and application form are on<br />
our website:<br />
2512780<br />
2511758<br />
03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br /><br />
*Servicefees apply<br />
Owner retiring<br />
Asburton’s long established, well regarded and highly popular catering<br />
business ALL FED UP is looking forthe district’snextcatering star.<br />
Owner Dan Lysaght’s retirement means agreat opportunity toput<br />
your own stamp on agood, honest, value for money tradition that has<br />
provided literally hundreds of weddings, company work do’s, family<br />
occasions, service club functions and general catering services to<br />
multiple generations over the past 20 plus years (around Canterbury<br />
area).<br />
Thebusiness would suit aperson who is aself starter, well organised and<br />
enjoys creating catering solutions forall situations.<br />
With the festive season fast approaching, now is asplendid time to<br />
pursue this opportunity.<br />
Included is stock, plant and equipment, website, and kitchen lease at<br />
Creek Road (if required), forward bookings, and assisting the purchaser<br />
towardsasmooth transition, to set them on their way.<br />
Expressions of interest to:<br />
Dan Lysaght ALL FED UP<br />
Email:<br />
2513079<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Grain and<br />
Seed Warehouse Position<br />
Cates was one of the first independent grain and<br />
seed company in Mid Canterbury specialising in<br />
the multiplication and production of clover, cereals,<br />
pulses and brassicas as well as forage and pasture<br />
solutions.Fornearly 50 years we have been offering<br />
strategic understanding, practical advice and huge<br />
localknowledge to the farmers we grow with.<br />
Due to continued growth and expansion, we are<br />
looking to fill aposition in our <strong>Ashburton</strong> grain and<br />
seedwarehouse.<br />
Reporting to the warehouse manager your duties<br />
will includeserving farmerclients, forkliftoperation,<br />
on farm deliveries, handling and mixing ofseed,<br />
maintaining our agri-chemical warehouse and<br />
generalwarehouse duties.<br />
Thesuccessfulapplicant willhavecustomer contact,<br />
so afriendly and efficientmanner is essential.<br />
Applicants will need to be physically fit with a<br />
positiveattitudeand be abletowork well in asmall<br />
friendly team environment.<br />
Knowledge of the grain and seed industry and a<br />
current forklift licence would be an advantage, but<br />
not necessary as full training willbegiven.<br />
Applicants must have acurrent full motor vehicle<br />
licence.<br />
Applications, including acurrent CV, close on Friday<br />
16th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>with:<br />
TheManager<br />
Cates<br />
POBox337<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740<br />
Email –<br />
All applications orexpressions of interest will be<br />
treatedinthe strictest of confidence. 2512176<br />
QualityEuropean<br />
Vehicle Servicing<br />
•Advanced<br />
Diagnostics<br />
•Experienced<br />
Technicians<br />
•Collection/Delivery<br />
‘Free of Charge’<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />
309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />
Tel: 03 3<strong>08</strong>7282 •<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />
phone/text 021 554 570<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
TO LET<br />
TWO bedroom flat to let,<br />
warm and tidy. $260. a<br />
week. References required.<br />
Phone 0274 155 120.<br />
EveryHome<br />
EveryWeek-that’s<br />
Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2376123<br />
Call us for a<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTE<br />
2500238<br />
ARE you looking for a<br />
flatmate, somewhere to<br />
rent or a boarder? What<br />
better place to advertise<br />
than The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />
mending and trouser hemming,<br />
curtain alterations<br />
and curtain making. Call<br />
Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />
BUILD work to do? Contact<br />
Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />
Ltd. Alterations,<br />
Renovations, New builds<br />
and repairs. Qualified<br />
Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />
027 418 7955.<br />
CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />
flooring needs. Supplier<br />
and installer of carpet and<br />
vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />
carpet cleaning. Phone<br />
Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $70<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.
56 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Full or parttime position<br />
Caci is open in <strong>Ashburton</strong>and we’relooking forasuper star Skin Therapist to<br />
join our Team! Areyou ready to work with NZ’smost iconic skin and appearance<br />
company? If youare looking foranexciting career with further development<br />
opportunities –we’dlovetomeet you!<br />
ABOUT THE ROLE OurSkinTherapists arepassionate,fast paced and focused on<br />
delivering amazing results forour customers on their journey to skin confidence!<br />
Working with customers to deliver skin treatments best suited to their concerns<br />
Managing the customers journey through their TreatmentPlan –including<br />
cross-selling treatments whererecommended (for example,appearance<br />
medicine or injectables) Maintaining atight-knit relationship with the clinic<br />
team to ensureweall achieveour targets while meeting our high, performing<br />
team values Always doing rightbyour customers and delivering the best forthe<br />
brand Generating and facilitating customer enquirie<br />
We have full and part-time roles available.Our training academy: Centre of<br />
Excellence(based in Auckland) offers advanced learning pathways withamix<br />
of face to faceand online training,including personal development, technical<br />
skills and practical training on advanced Caci treatments.Along with abase<br />
hourly rate,you will have access to treatments,products at special staff prices<br />
and commission! To further your professional development, we host an annual<br />
Conferencewith an excitingCaci Awards Night, developmentdaysand in-clinic<br />
training.<br />
You’ll need to be customer focused,with acan-do attitude,the abilityto<br />
collaborate,workasateam and be passionate about delivering results forour<br />
customers! You’ll carefully consider all possible outcomes beforetaking action,<br />
focus on the task at hand,look towards long term outcomes when making<br />
decisions.You’ll have exceptional customer serviceand have an absolutely<br />
passion forskincareand the knowledge to match! Caci stars aremotivatedby<br />
achievement, resilient, adaptable with high emotional intelligence, accountable<br />
and efficientwith their time managementand organizational skills.<br />
YOUWILL IDEALLYHAVE: Aflexible approach to work and be punctual Passion<br />
forskincareand the knowledge to back it up Dedication fordelivering great<br />
customer service, no matter whatAdesiretogrowand be partofahigh<br />
performing team Interest in skin, beauty, cosmetic and cosmetic medicine Great<br />
presentation and someone who lovestoshine!<br />
HOWTOAPPLY! If youthink you’ve got whatittakes,<br />
or youreally want to join us we would love to hear<br />
from you. While it would be awesome if youpossessed<br />
expertskinknowledge,it’syour ambition, drive, and<br />
experiencethatweare after. We can teach youthe rest<br />
as yougrowand develop with the role.<br />
Please email and<br />
submit your cover letter and CV!Wecan’t wait to hear<br />
from you.<br />
Horticulturalist<br />
Our OpenSpacesteamproudly manageand maintain 86 parksand reserves<br />
through our district. While their work is physically demanding, the results<br />
of their effort goonshow for the entire community tosee providing much<br />
satisfaction.<br />
Performing arangeofamenity horticulturetasks, we arelookingfor someone<br />
who is physically fit to join ourteam.<br />
Our standardworking week is Monday toFriday,8hourseach daystarting at<br />
7.30am.<br />
To find out more about this vacancy<br />
and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council has to offer you -gotoour<br />
website.<br />
Applications close on Monday, 12<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br /><br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />
spyware<br />
cleanup. On-site day or<br />
evening. Low fees. Call<br />
Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 3<strong>08</strong><br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />
equipment and fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Find us at www.<br /> or<br />
phone John Cameron 027<br />
435 1042.<br />
HEATPUMP maintenance,<br />
installation and repairs.<br />
HRV filter replacement.<br />
single storey homes and<br />
2512591<br />
COMPUTER Problems? For<br />
prompt reliable computer<br />
servicing and laser engraving,<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
Areyou honestand reliable?<br />
Need some<br />
extracash?<br />
Competitive<br />
ratespaid.<br />
Whynot get fit<br />
earning it!<br />
If this soundslikeyou,email your interest along<br />
with your name,address,suburband phonenumber to:<br /><br />
2xClass 5Drivers Required<br />
Mayfield Transport Ltd is one of Mid and South Canterbury’s leading transport<br />
companies.<br />
The locally owned and operated transport business services clients in the Mid,<br />
South andwider Canterbury district.<br />
Thecompanyisbased out of our depot in theMayfield township.<br />
Our business consists of stock, bulk, general and blower cartage along with<br />
fertiliser spreading.Ithas aRavensdownconsignmentstore at Mayfield.<br />
We require aLivestockdriver for our 9axleunit andBulk driver forour 7axle unit<br />
Mayfield TransportLtd provides:<br />
• Excellenthourly payrate<br />
• Uniform andprotectiveclothing<br />
• Workphone<br />
• Modernfleet<br />
• Inhouse training<br />
• Top workingconditions<br />
• Assistance in findingaccommodation if relocating<br />
• Rostered time off<br />
• LoyalClientele withsolid workinghours<br />
• Bepartofsmall friendly progressivecountrytransport team<br />
Thesuccessful applicants will needthe following attributesand be responsible for<br />
one of the following positions:<br />
• Exceptional stock sense and handling ability<br />
• Ability to useaugers and grainvacuums<br />
• Befit, healthy, punctual,reliable,haveastrong work ethicand have theability<br />
to work flexiblehours.<br />
• Health and safetyand wellbeing focused with HSAW Act2016 knowledge<br />
• Motivated to deliver top quality service toour customers and have excellent<br />
communication skills<br />
• Self -motivated, shows initiative and who can work independently as well as<br />
being and excellentteamplayerwith apositiveattitude.<br />
Applicants forthisposition must have NZ residency or avalid NZ work visa.<br />
Please email CV with twoReferences to trucky@mtrans.nzor<br />
ContactAndrewCarr(Trucky) on 0274701067<br />
2481142<br />
CONCRETE Services -<br />
Driveways, paths, patios,<br />
mowing edging. Decorative<br />
Concrete Specialist operating<br />
locally with 30 years<br />
experience. No job too big<br />
or small. Contactless service<br />
offered. Phone Paul<br />
021 152 1966.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can Collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />
FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />
servicing. On farm/<br />
contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />
boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />
Mack at Doors and More on<br />
027 396 0361.<br />
work. Phone Steven on 021<br />
2509002<br />
483 376 2493723<br />
Looking forthe ideal<br />
part-time job?<br />
We need School BusDrivers!<br />
Driving aschool bus is very rewarding and allows<br />
you plenty of time to follow other pursuits in<br />
between daily trips.<br />
We currently have vacancies within our companyfor<br />
School Bus Drivers in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>area.<br />
Assistance may be available for suitable applicants<br />
to obtain therequired licences.<br />
Forfurther information, please directenquiriesto:<br />
TheManager<br />
PearsonsCoachlines Ltd<br />
403 West Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Email:<br />
Phone: 03 3<strong>08</strong> 2992 or 021 344 647<br />
Website:<br />
‘Individual ExcellenceinaSupportive<br />
Learning Environment’<br />
25<strong>08</strong>996<br />
Learning SupportAssistant–<br />
English as an Additional Language (EAL)<br />
This is afixed-term, term-time only position<br />
to commenceimmediately forthe remainder<br />
ofthe <strong>2022</strong> school year.<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwill be supporting students<br />
to whom Englishisanadditional language and who<br />
struggle with learning.<br />
Hours: 20 hoursper week,tobeconfirmed<br />
with successful applicant.<br />
Employmentisunder the SupportStaffinSchool’s<br />
CollectiveAgreement, Grade B.<br />
Initial paymentstepcommensuratewith experience.<br />
Applications close noon,<br />
Monday12<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Application is by wayofletter andcurriculum vitae to:<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />
Email:<br />
Ref:EAL22<br />
2509735<br />
Deliverydriver /Odd jobs /<br />
Part time position<br />
We have an opportunity for aself starting reliable<br />
applicant to join our team at My Farm Fresh<br />
asparagus.<br />
We areasmall family owned asparagus business on<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>townboundary.<br />
Youneed:<br />
• Goodcommunicationskills<br />
• BePhysically fit<br />
• Agreatattitude with asense of humour<br />
• Acurrent New Zealand drivers license<br />
• Confidenttowing atrailer<br />
• Beable to help at markets if required<br />
This position is seasonal and will startearly October<br />
to end ofNovember <strong>2022</strong>. $25.50/hour including<br />
holidaypay.<br />
Come join our team<br />
Apply to<br />
2513338<br />
DENTURE repairs. Dr Peter<br />
Rumping, retired dentist,<br />
repairs dentures. Phone<br />
027 220 9997.<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all your<br />
domestic and industrial<br />
pest control needs phone<br />
AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />
Control on 03 3<strong>08</strong> 8147 or<br />
027 432 5447<br />
avacuum system to clean<br />
out the debris is a faster<br />
and cleaner process. Call<br />
Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />
LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and<br />
bifold door roller repairs.<br />
Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />
Doors and More on 027 516<br />
7104.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Town<br />
Caretaker<br />
This is apart-time position,offering two permanent,six to eight hour daysper<br />
week Saturday and Sunday.You will take responsibility forensuringour public<br />
conveniencesinthe CBD areofahigh standardfor our residents and visitors<br />
alike.<br />
To find out more about this vacancy<br />
and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council has to offer you -visit our<br />
website.<br />
Applications close on Monday, 12<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br /><br />
Digital Access<br />
Coordinator<br />
Permanent, full-time opportunity inour Library team for atechnically savvy<br />
individual who will develop and promote the digital offerings for our broad<br />
customer base and help manage the digital content about the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Public Library’sservices andprogrammes.<br />
To find out more about this vacancy<br />
and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council has to offer you, go to our<br />
website.<br />
Applications close Monday, 12<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br /><br />
Mid-SouthCanterbury Life EducationTrust<br />
PermanentParttimeEducator<br />
Job share.5FTE<br />
An exciting opportunity hasbecome available to workwithin an organisation<br />
making apositiveimpact on young people’slives in the Midand South<br />
Canterbury schools.<br />
As ourlocal face, your ability to build relationshipswithschoolsand<br />
understandthem as thecustomer willbekey to successfullymeeting their<br />
needs and to ultimately assist with their children’slearning. Youwill also have<br />
strong organisational skills,enablingyou to plan in advance to maximise your<br />
teaching time.<br />
So if you’reamotivated andtalentedteacherlookingtotakethe next step,<br />
offering aflexible work environment, then we’re verykeen to hear from you.<br />
Email Michelle at to apply,orfor more<br />
informationgoto:<br />
Applications close5pm <strong>September</strong> 18th, andwe’llbeassessing applications<br />
as theycomeinsoare keentohearfromyou sooner ratherthanlater!<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
to get the job done right.<br />
027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />
1693.<br /><br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />
office relocations -<br />
call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027 224<br />
0609.<br />
2512680<br />
Builder, specialising in<br />
Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />
restoration and Timber<br />
window repairs. General<br />
home-handyman work.<br />
Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />
0205.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br />
57<br />
Working in construction and<br />
looking forsomething new?<br />
Considering Australia?<br />
HBK Buildingisbuilt by Kiwis and has long and<br />
shorttermopportunities available now.<br />
Kiwi culturewith Kiwi values make us a<br />
greatteam to be apartof.<br />
Contactusvia email on<br /> or<br />
phone +61449021352<br />
2513146<br />
Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />
24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />
will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />
wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />
call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />
telephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />
Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />
Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />
MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />
and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the Healthline on <strong>08</strong>00 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6733 Fax: 03 3<strong>08</strong> 6755<br />
TRAVEL<br />
TRAVEL<br />
18 Sept CHCH City Garden Tour<br />
26-28 Sept Dunedin Tour<br />
1Oct Horse PowerRally<br />
8Oct MāoriSide-steps<br />
22-26 Nov Collingwood/Takaka<br />
HEATPUMPS and Ventilation<br />
Systems: Service,<br />
clean, repair and install.<br />
Please call Silvery<br />
Bauman, Ph 021 544 760.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 3<strong>08</strong> 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />
Texture/Specialist<br />
Coatings.<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2501816<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone <strong>08</strong>00 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br /><br />
Forbookings phone<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 0224 l 027 265 6883<br />
25<strong>08</strong>838<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />
mold treatments, roof and<br />
gutter leak repairs, residential<br />
and commercial. For<br />
prompt service - call your<br />
local contractor - Tim on<br />
021 197 8128.<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes, offices<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, www.<br /> Member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
58 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />
and Agria $2.per kg,<br />
10kg bags for $15. Phone<br />
03 3<strong>08</strong> 3195 or 027 531<br />
9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Now is the time to dig in<br />
our topqualitymushroom<br />
compost to your vegetable<br />
garden. Ideal to replenish<br />
nutrients used by previous<br />
crops and improvethe soil<br />
structure.<br />
It also adds beneficial<br />
micro-organisms to<br />
thetired soil.<br />
$60 per cubic metre<br />
or $10 bag.<br />
Freedeliverywithin<br />
town boundary.<br />
Open 6daysaweek at<br />
our Tinwald yard,<br />
2<strong>08</strong> Maronan Road.<br />
Phone 021 129 8936<br />
Jordan’<br />
91 PyeRoad,<br />
The Downs, Geraldine<br />
SPRING<br />
ONLY<br />
Wed-Sat 10am-4pm<br />
Or by arrangement<br />
Tel03693 8332or0274311 815<br />
2507213<br />
SHEEP manure $8. bag. 3x3<br />
linseed straw at $35 abale,<br />
3x4 linseed at $40 abale.<br />
Call Ian 027 286 3697 or<br />
Dave 027 601 1426. A<br />
Hinds Lion Project.<br />
DRY Firewood, split and<br />
delivered, 3.6 3 m cord.<br />
$275. Phone 021 102 0017.<br />
$140 per cord<br />
GREEN<br />
$120 per cord<br />
$150 per cord<br />
$350 per cord<br />
C.O.D. in town<br />
Adams Sawmill<br />
Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />
Phone<br />
3<strong>08</strong>-3595<br />
2512623<br />
25<strong>08</strong>456<br />
ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />
Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />
etc. Free light-grade metal<br />
in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />
weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />
Rd, (behind<br />
PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />
3<strong>08</strong> 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />
WHAT better place for a<br />
public notice than <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong>! Simply<br />
clip the form for a run-on<br />
advert like this or telephone<br />
us on 3<strong>08</strong> 7664 if you<br />
require adisplay advertisement.<br />
CANCER<br />
An established supportgroup in <strong>Ashburton</strong>for<br />
men and their families who areliving with a<br />
diagnosis and treatmentfor prostate cancer.<br />
Tomcat chip and neutering - FREE for<br />
communitycardholders during the<br />
months of August,<br />
<strong>September</strong> and October.<br />
Phone todayfor an appointment.<br />
Food donations kindly accepted.<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
Kindly sponsored by<br />
9:30am -noon<br />
Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 4432 or<br />
027 332 9286<br />
TAKE your life to the next<br />
level with an experienced<br />
life coach/mentor. Call Pete<br />
Young Mentoring Services<br />
today and get started.<br />
Phone 027 280 <strong>08</strong>89. Web:<br /><br />
SELL<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 3<strong>08</strong> 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$28.50<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2493751<br />
2493763<br />
something youwant<br />
TO SELL?<br />
Advertise with the<br />
Phone 03 3<strong>08</strong> 7664<br />
Tuesday13 th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
TIME 3.00pm<br />
VENUE Cancer Societyrooms,<br />
CnrKermode and Mona Sq.<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
CONTACT: Doug Collie 0275 100 556<br />
Email:<br />
Formoreinformation call <strong>08</strong>00 477 678<br />
Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ<br /><br />
2506164<br />
2512205<br />
180216<br />
2513012<br />
Vocalist with the RoyalNew Zealand Navy Band<br />
Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 10, 7:30pm at the Sinclair Centre<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Musical Club<br />
This is apublic concert and there will be adoor charge of<br />
$10 members, non members $20 and students free<br />
EnrolmentScheme<br />
and Cohort<br />
Wakanui School is likely to have 8places forOut of<br />
Zone enrolments in 2023 forNew Entrants and 2<br />
places in each of Years 2, 3and 4.<br />
Application enquiries canbemade by emailingthe<br />
school whereby<br />
youwill be forwarded theappropriate documents<br />
to be returned by the 23 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>deadline.<br />
AllInZoneapplicationsshould also be made by this<br />
date to assist in determining the exactnumber of<br />
OutofZoneplaces.<br />
If OutofZone applications exceed the number of<br />
places,aballot will be required.This will takeplace<br />
on 30 <strong>September</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />
CohortEntry<br />
Wakanui School operates aCohortEntry Policy.<br />
Therewill be 8entry points fornew entrantswho<br />
have had their 5th birthday:<br />
30 January 06March 24 April 29May 17 July<br />
21 August 09 October 13 November<br />
Forenquiries regardingeither theEnrolment<br />
Scheme or CohortEntry,please contactthe school<br />
officePh3023899.<br />
HospiceMid Canterbury<br />
Masks must be worn. Supper will be served.<br />
2512702<br />
Dealingwith alifelimiting illness?<br />
We can supportyou and your family<br />
to makeevery daycount.<br />
Allservicesare free.<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387<br /><br /><br />
hospicemidcanterbury<br />
2504327<br />
2513210<br />
2512503<br />
The Methven Primary School Board of<br />
Trustees is accepting applications from<br />
parents/caregivers who wish to enrol their<br />
child at MethvenPrimary School in 2023.<br />
An enrolmentschemeand zone is in place and<br />
details of this can be obtained from theschool<br />
officeorwebsite.<br />
Thedeadlinefor outofzone applications for<br />
2023 is 3pm, Friday 14 th October.<br />
Application forms areavailablefrom:<br />
School Office -03302 8500<br /><br />
We invite parents/caregivers to contact the<br />
office if they wish to learn more about our<br />
school and arrangeatour.<br />
SCVCC Annual Swap Meet<br />
NOTE: Newvenue<br />
Orari Racecourse, Sept. 10th,<br />
gates open 7.30am<br />
All makes car display<br />
Something for everyone<br />
Sites –Michelle Munro Ph 03 6864824<br />
Or email<br />
2503999<br />
Thurs 8th<br />
10.15<br />
10.30<br />
12.20<br />
12.30<br />
2.10<br />
2.10<br />
3.50<br />
3.50<br />
6.00<br />
6.00<br />
7.40<br />
8.00<br />
Fri9th<br />
Lancaster<br />
3000 Years of Longing<br />
Good Luck LeoGrande<br />
Whetu Marama<br />
Beast<br />
TheRailway Children Return<br />
Muru<br />
Wherethe Crawdads Sing<br />
Rubys Choice<br />
Gloriavale<br />
Hallelujah<br />
Muru<br />
10.00 3000 YearsofLonging<br />
10.20 Lancaster<br />
12.00 Wherethe CrawdadsSing<br />
12.30 Whetu Marama<br />
2.10 Beast<br />
2.10 TheRailwayChildren Return<br />
3.50 Muru<br />
3.50 Hallelujah<br />
5.45 Rubys Choice<br />
6.00 Gloriavale<br />
7.50 Good Luck LeoGrande<br />
8.00 Muru<br />
G<br />
M<br />
M<br />
G<br />
R13<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
G<br />
M<br />
M<br />
G<br />
M<br />
G<br />
R13<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
G<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
Sat10th<br />
10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru PG<br />
10.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
11.45 3000 YearsofLonging M<br />
11.50 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
1.40 Hallelujah<br />
G<br />
1.45 Lancaster<br />
G<br />
3.50 Whetu Marama G<br />
4.00 Good Luck LeoGrande M<br />
5.40 TopGun Maverick M<br />
6.00 TheInvitation R13<br />
8.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
8.10 Beast<br />
R13<br />
Sun 11th<br />
10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru PG<br />
10.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
11.40 Rubys Choice<br />
PG<br />
11.45 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
1.30 3000 YearsofLonging M<br />
1.50 Lancaster<br />
G<br />
3.30 TopGun Maverick M<br />
4.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
5.50 Hallelujah<br />
G<br />
6.00 Beast<br />
R13<br />
7.50 TheInvitation R13<br />
8.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
Mon12th, Tues 13th<br />
&Wed 14th<br />
10.15 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
10.15 Rubys Choice<br />
PG<br />
11.50 Lancaster<br />
GMMG<br />
12.20 Good Luck LeoGrande<br />
1.45 3000 YearsofLonging<br />
2.10 Whetu Marama<br />
3.45 Rubys Choice<br />
PG<br />
4.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
5.50 Wherethe Crawdads Sing MGM<br />
6.00 Hallelujah<br />
8.10 Muru<br />
8.15 Beast<br />
R13<br />
NO COMPS<br />
3000 YearsofLonging,Muru.<br />
206 CLUB - provides company,<br />
fun, entertainment,<br />
games, speakers and more<br />
for those 65 years and over.<br />
Friendly, supportive<br />
environment, two course<br />
hot mid-day meal, very<br />
minimal cost. Come and<br />
join us. We now have<br />
vacancies on a Monday<br />
and Wednesday, 10am to<br />
2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />
Centre, 206 Cameron<br />
Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />
phone 3<strong>08</strong> 6817 or 027 281<br />
9113.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FanciersSociety<br />
PoultryAucon<br />
16th October <strong>2022</strong><br />
Entries Close<br />
25th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Writefor Selling<br />
Schedule to:<br />
BGlassey<br />
No 4RD,<strong>Ashburton</strong>, 7774<br />
or go to our website<br />
2513041<br />
BOTANICAL Expo. Lincoln<br />
Event Centre, 15 Major<br />
Drive. 17 <strong>September</strong> 1pm-<br />
5pm, 18 <strong>September</strong> 10am-<br />
4pm. $5. entry. Alpine and<br />
small treasures. Floral art,<br />
daffodils, Workshops and<br />
Demonstrations, Julia<br />
The place where farmers get their quality agricultural<br />
replacement parts and equipment<br />
Arable<br />
Plough Parts<br />
Shares to suit<br />
Vogel &Noot<br />
Parts tosuit<br />
Overum<br />
Dale Shares<br />
Wings to suit Simba<br />
Cultivation<br />
Parts<br />
Points to suit<br />
Sunflower &<br />
Salford<br />
Points to suit<br />
Vibroflex<br />
Cast Points<br />
Points to suit<br />
Overum<br />
Points to suit<br />
Kverneland<br />
Reversable Points<br />
to suit Lemken<br />
Knife Coulter to<br />
suit Lemken<br />
Shares to suit<br />
Dowdeswell<br />
Points to suit<br />
Clough<br />
Slipdown Points<br />
Pan Buster Points<br />
Legs to suit<br />
Vibroflex<br />
Legs to suit<br />
Vibroflex<br />
STines<br />
Coil Tines<br />
Rexius Point to suit<br />
Vaderstad<br />
Shares to suit<br />
Lemken<br />
Trashboard to suit<br />
Kverneland<br />
Shares to suit<br />
Kuhn<br />
Points to suit<br />
Gregoire Besson<br />
Landside wear plates<br />
to suit Kverneland<br />
Points to suit<br />
Goliath<br />
Yeoman Clamp<br />
Coil Tine Clamp<br />
50 mm<br />
Topdown Points<br />
Points to suit<br />
Vogel &Noot<br />
Points to suit<br />
Kuhn<br />
Shares to suit<br />
Kverneland<br />
Plough Share<br />
Rebuilds<br />
Plough discs<br />
Springs to suit<br />
Goliath<br />
Points to suit<br />
Maxitill<br />
Springs to suit<br />
Vibroflex<br />
Point to suit<br />
Berends<br />
and much much more!<br />
TheBirdscarer<br />
34 Robinson Street,Riverside Industrial Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 6509<br /><br />
34 Robinson Street,Riverside Industrial Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 3<strong>08</strong> 6509<br />
(ByFisher &Paykel)<br />
®<br />
(ByFisher &Paykel)<br />
®<br />
was$899<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
688<br />
$4.81 weekly<br />
• 7kg, medium capacity<br />
• Autosensing,saves time<br />
and money<br />
• Rear venting<br />
• 856mmH,<br />
597mm W,<br />
584mm D<br />
was$929<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
748<br />
$5.20 weekly<br />
• 13 placesettings<br />
• 6wash programmes,clean<br />
avariety of dishes<br />
• Delaystartoption, set to go<br />
when it suits you<br />
• 850mm H,<br />
598mm W,<br />
598mm D<br />
was$1469<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
877<br />
$6.04 weekly<br />
• 6kg, compactmodel<br />
• Soak option, helps clean<br />
stains etc.<br />
• Quick wash option, great<br />
forsmall loads<br />
• 975mm H,<br />
575mm W,<br />
642mm D<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
2 5 OFF<br />
ON SIDES<br />
was$1799<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1588<br />
$10.69 weekly<br />
• Bakeand grill functions,<br />
easy to use<br />
• Powersockets on both<br />
sides,convenientfor<br />
kettle etc.<br />
• Warmerdrawer,heat<br />
plates/rest meat<br />
• H905mm<br />
W610mm<br />
D610mm<br />
43’’FHD TV 48’’OLED TV 55’’4KSMART TV 65’’OLED TV<br />
was$999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
594<br />
$4.20 weekly<br />
570mm<br />
was$3599<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
2175<br />
$14.64 weekly<br />
2<br />
ONLY<br />
618mm<br />
was$2299<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1275<br />
$8.64 weekly<br />
IN<br />
STOCK<br />
NOW<br />
725mm<br />
was$7999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
5335<br />
$35.29 weekly<br />
STOCK<br />
835mm<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
2 0 OFF<br />
970mm<br />
• Panasonic 43’’FullHigh DefinitionTVisdesigned to<br />
enhanceyour viewing experiencewith natural skin tones,<br />
enhanced brightness and sharpimage details to improve<br />
pictgurequality<br />
• Panasonic Android operating system allows youtowatch<br />
all your favouritemovies and apps straightfromyour TV<br />
Trundle Domino<br />
• Panasonic’s OLED panel delivers incredible colour that<br />
brings images to life<br />
• Panasonic Processor offers afastrefresh rate to deliver<br />
smooth motion perfect forsportand movies<br />
• Panasonic 4K panel is designed foramoresuperior<br />
watching experience. Greatfor watching sportand<br />
everyday television<br />
• Panasonic easy to use large button remotemakes it<br />
wasy to navigate the Android TV operating system and<br />
find all your favouriteapps<br />
Chorus DeluxeQueen<br />
• Panasonic Premium in-built surround sound system<br />
delivers incredible sound results<br />
• Panasonic OLED 4K panel delivers brilliantcolour that<br />
brings images to life<br />
Lavish Queen<br />
was$1899<br />
NOW<br />
1071mm<br />
1250mm<br />
1450mm<br />
$<br />
1398<br />
$9.45 weekly<br />
was$2499<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1490<br />
$10.05 weekly<br />
was$10,999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
5499<br />
$38.24 weekly<br />
• 3-in-1 bed with strong metal trundleunit.Ideal<br />
l<br />
forthe kids room or accommodating extraguests<br />
overthe holidays.<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
MEDIUM<br />
• Pillowtop Pocket Spring System– Helps to reducepartner<br />
disturbance<br />
• Ultra-Fresh forAllergy Support–Afresher,cleaner and<br />
morehygienic sleep experience<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
QUEEN<br />
SIZE<br />
Bed<br />
MEDIUM<br />
• Twinpocket on pocket spring to provide the perfect<br />
combination of comfortand support<br />
• Fusion Gelprovides activesupportfor your body<br />
whereyou need it most<br />
• Graphene MemoryFoam, get into bed feeling fresh<br />
and cool and staythatway longer<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
3 5 OFF<br />
was$1999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1290<br />
$8.74 weekly<br />
was$1999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1290<br />
$8.74 weekly<br />
was$4999<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
3950<br />
$26.12 weekly<br />
Laboratorytechnology graduate<br />
TamaraBoon-Harris.<br />
Pacific Trades<br />
Training scheme<br />
creating bright futures<br />
Tony Siva is aproud Samoan and even<br />
proudersince he returned to studyand<br />
gothimselfanapprenticeshiptobecome<br />
abuilder.<br />
“My plan forthe futureistobuy or build my ownhouse and hopefully go back<br />
to Samoa to rebuild my village,” Tony says.<br />
“<br />
The tutors were great.<br />
They were very supportive<br />
and understanding.<br />
”<br />
Opportunities for<br />
Māori in science<br />
TamaraBoon-Harris (WaikatoTainui,<br />
Ngāpuhi) is agreat exampleofa<br />
young Māori woman thriving<br />
in the field of science.<br />
“I want to encourage anyone —but especially Māori —toconsider acareer<br />
in science,” Tamarasays. “Most of the technology we have todayisthanksto<br />
science; it’s what helps us createabetter future.”<br />
Tamaraadds that “tikanga Māori is abit different to Westernthinkingand we<br />
often have differentviews.Iwouldrecommend maintaining your mātauranga<br />
Māori while pursuing acareerinscience.”<br />
Tamaradiscoveredher passionfor sciencewhile at university.<br />
“I discovered Ireallyenjoyedworking in alaboratory,” the 27-year-old says.<br />
“I wanted to know more about the world around us andhow Icould make a<br />
differencethrough newtechnologiesand research.”<br />
So,after completing her degree, followedbyafewyearsworking, Tamara<br />
enrolled in the GraduateDiplomainLaboratoryTechnology at AraInstituteof<br />
Canterburytoequip herself with skills and knowledge for alab-based career.<br />
TamaradescribesAra as asafelearning spacewhereshe could freely express<br />
her thoughtsand ideas with her tutors and other students. “The tutors were<br />
great.Theywereverysupportiveand understanding, and really helpful if you<br />
had queriesabout asubjectoryou were struggling with something. They<br />
were moreone-on-onethan at universityand youcould always talk to them<br />
and ask questions.”<br />
Tamara’stutors were therefor herwhen she experienced financial hardship<br />
duringher studies. “Theyencouraged and helped me to apply forthe Pūtea<br />
TautokoMāori laboratory technology scholarship.Igot it and that’s what<br />
pushed me through the course —justthat extrafinancial support.”<br />
Tamarasays herwork placement at Plant and Food Research wasahighlight<br />
of her Araexperience andone of severalwaysAra helped her<br />
to become work ready.<br />
“Theyalso helpyou with your CV,theyhelpyou to preparefor interviews and<br />
theyset youupfor the professional world.”<br />
With agraduatediploma and work experienceunder her belt,Tamaragained<br />
employment at medical laboratoryCanterburySCL,which she’s loving.<br />
“Scienceisaboutunderstanding the world aroundyou. If youwanttocome<br />
up with newideas to push our societytowards agreen future, I’dsay that<br />
scienceisthe avenue to take, and thatAra is definitely agreat placetostart<br />
your career.”<br />
Prior to studying at Ara, Tony worked as asalesassistant forFonterra.Hesayshe<br />
decided to become aqualified builder because he wanted to build abetter future<br />
forhis family.<br />
Tony completed the NewZealandCertificateinConstruction Trade Skills at Ara,<br />
which wasfreethrough Ara’sPacificTradesTraining scheme. During his studies,<br />
Tony wasencouraged to explorehis culture.<br />
“Weweregiven our owntools forthe course, and we learned howtointerpret our<br />
culturethrough woodwork,” he says.“So as well as learning howtobuild ahouse<br />
and things likeretaining walls,decksand fences, Ialso made aTo’oto’o(Samoan<br />
chief’s staff).”<br />
Ara’sPacificTradesTraining scheme providesextensive pastoralsupportto<br />
students. “It helps youget to your end goal,” Tony says.“There’slotsofcareand<br />
supportprovided –likebus money, petrol vouchers,food vouchers,counsellors and<br />
advisors.The Pacific Island StudentsAssociation offers alot too, and Araputson<br />
lotsofsocial and sports eventsthroughout the semester.”<br />
Tony says returning to study as an adult wasalittle daunting, especially as this<br />
washis firstexperienceoftertiary-levelstudy.“At firstIthoughtitwould be abit<br />
awkwardbecause of my age, being surrounded by kids who justfinished school.<br />
But my tutors were great –theymade learning relevant and fun –and Iwas<br />
encouraged to persevere and completethe course.”<br />
Tony is undertaking his apprenticeship with Home NZ Construction. He’s applying<br />
the skills he learned at Araand picking up manymoreonthe job,while earning a<br />
good wage. He’s quick to encourageother adultstoconsiderlearning atrade.<br />
“It’s nevertoo late to studyorchange your career path. If youwork hardand put<br />
the time andeffortintoatrade, Iguarantee you’ll reap the benefits.”<br />
“<br />
It’s never too late<br />
to study or change<br />
your career path.<br />
”<br />
Carpentrygraduate<br />
Tony Siva.
Cookery managed<br />
apprenticeships<br />
awin-win<br />
Learningonthe job is proving to be<br />
mutually beneficialfor Timaru hospitality<br />
business co-owner Kristy Phillipsand<br />
twoofher employees.<br />
By participating in AraInstituteofCanterbury’smanaged apprenticeship scheme,<br />
Chloe Lysaght and Mikayla Ratcliff,both employees at popular Timaru restaurant<br />
Cactus Fire,are upskilling while on the job.<br />
In this mutually beneficial arrangement,both employees will gain Level4<br />
certificates in cookerywhile their employer, Kristy,will retain her valued staff and<br />
supportthem to grow their confidence, capabilityand readiness to takeonmore<br />
senior roles.<br />
Chloe and Mikayla startedtheir managed apprenticeships after Aracookerytutor<br />
Wally Katene approached Kristy to tell her about the scheme, which seesemployees<br />
learnfromamentor at their workplace. Araprovidesstructureand supportfor the<br />
employer, mentor and student,and stagesworkshops,assessmentsand practical<br />
teststo gauge the student’s progress.<br />
Seeing the potential benefitsofthe scheme, Kristy suggested it to Chloe and<br />
Mikayla who were both keen. Shethen enlistedCactusFire’shead chef Sarah<br />
Heurea to be their mentor.Kristy says the managed apprenticeship scheme has<br />
worked well forthem. “That’s because we’vehad people invested in making it<br />
asuccess:Wally in communicating with each party,Sarah in taking the time to<br />
mentor,and Chloe and Mikayla learning to be organised and plan. It’s taken all of us<br />
to be ‘onthe same bus’ to get the girls to such asuccessful destination.”<br />
As well as gaining moreskills and confidencethrough the scheme,<br />
apprenticeMikayla says she’s rediscovered her love forthe industry.<br />
Kristy Phillips (centre), co-owner of Cactus Fire bar and restaurant in Timaru,<br />
is enormously proud of her employees Mikayla Ratcliff (left) and Chloe Lysaght<br />
and all they’ve achieved as managed apprentices.<br />
“It’s an incredible experiencegetting your qualification while in the workplaceand<br />
it’s not as hardasit mayseem. Our tutor Wally wasincredible to work with. He was<br />
kind and understanding of everyone’s different situations.Hekept in constant touch<br />
about our lessons and answeredevery question we had. And Icouldn’t have wished<br />
forabettermentor than Sarah. Shewas agreat asset to my studies–incredibly<br />
knowledgeable, ready to help with anyquestions Ihad and extremely encouraging.”<br />
Chloe says doing the managed apprenticeship hasbeen thebest career move she’s<br />
ever made. “I’ve gained moreconfidenceand my overall skillset in the kitchen has<br />
improved so much.I’vegrown intoawell-rounded chef because of the course and<br />
wouldrecommendittoabsolutely anyone.”<br />
Kristysaysthe skills Chloe andMikayla have learned have already been an asset to<br />
thebusiness. “They’re helping to trainnew staffinthe kitchen environment and upskill<br />
all the team around them. Our conversations around newmenu ideas,costings and<br />
ordering targetsare easier and moreinclusive.”<br />
Kristybelievesit’suptohospitalityemployers to grow thenextgeneration of leaders.<br />
“Weneed to enable it,not hinder it,and to celebratethe wins with our teams as they<br />
learnnew skills.I’m excitedtobeable to help Chloe