Ashburton Courier: September 15, 2022

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SEPTEMBER <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Rememberingthe Queen<br />

~See pages 16,23, 26<br />

Smoke<br />

coming<br />

soon<br />

PAGE 4<br />

Inside the new<br />

civic building<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Slowed cooked smoked meats, wood­fired<br />

pizza, craftbeers and an artisan butchery<br />

anddeli with all the trimmings.<br />

It is thelatest vision ofbusiness woman<br />

Vanetia Bingham setting up Smoke<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>inempty premises in the<br />

Triangle shopping complex in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

It is set to open next year.<br />

It’s abig job. The 540sqm site, which<br />

runs from Victoria Street throughto<br />

Cameron Street with aside entrance on<br />

Cass Street hashad many uses and was at<br />

one timeasupermarket.<br />

It is in need of afullfitout to fulfill<br />

Vanetia’s vision.<br />

It will have abutchery/deli area fronting<br />

VictoriaStreet with internal accesstothe<br />

HONDA HF2417<br />

Ride on Mower<br />

Smoke <strong>Ashburton</strong> owner Vanetia Bingham and general manager Jinson Fernandez.<br />

rear industrial­look restaurantand bar<br />

with an open­plan kitchen concept.<br />

An outdoor deckwith sliding doors will<br />

front Cameron Street.<br />

Therewill also be agarden bar.<br />

‘‘I wanttosupply an amazing place for<br />

local people,’’ Vanetia said.<br />

Sheisnostranger to hospitality and has<br />

worked more than 20 years in the industry,<br />

including the tough times caused by the<br />

covid pandemic.<br />

Sheowns the Lakehouse Restaurant at<br />

Lake Hood as well as Smoke Rolleston,<br />

and herlatest venture is settofillagap in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> market.<br />

‘‘We’vegot through (covid) andcome out<br />

really well on the other side. As tough as it<br />

was, Istill wanted to expandand see<br />

Strowan Fields.<br />

Selling fast.<br />

(Smoke <strong>Ashburton</strong>) asagood opportunity.’’<br />

‘‘Smoke <strong>Ashburton</strong>will be acasual drop<br />

in burger and wood­fired pizza joint and<br />

American street food venueduring the<br />

day,with afocus onlow andslow barbecue<br />

andgreat casual drinkingspot in the<br />

evening with numerous craft beer<br />

options,’’she said.<br />

It will serve American­style smoke<br />

house barbecue meats like smoked brisket<br />

(breast section), St Louisribs, Boston butt<br />

(pork shoulder) or Texan smokedchicken<br />

cookedonone of two 1.2tonne outdoor<br />

smokers atthe side of the premises. There<br />

will also be take away options from the<br />

butchery/deli.<br />

Sections available. Priced from $220k.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

PAGE 5<br />

Event locked<br />

and loaded<br />

PAGE 8<br />

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Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />

Michele Strange<br />

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jennian.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Display Home<br />

1Waterford Place<br />

Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

IndiRoberts<br />

indi.roberts@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Market day gets green light<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Market Day has been given<br />

the green light by council and<br />

organiserCarol Johns is over the<br />

moon.<br />

The last hurdlewas overcome last<br />

week when councillors approved the<br />

closure of East,Burnett and Tancred<br />

streets for the marketday. It has since<br />

become apublicmemorial day<br />

holiday for thelate­Queen.<br />

Carol hasform when it comes to<br />

running successful eventsintown<br />

including Mardi Gras in 2020,the<br />

SantaParade and Waitangi on East.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Market Day will happen<br />

on East Street fromHavelock to<br />

Moorestreets on <strong>September</strong> 26 with<br />

stallholders takingupcar park<br />

spaces, thepublic willbeable to walk<br />

down the centreof the road and<br />

peruse what is on offer.<br />

The footpaths will be free of stalls<br />

so businessesand shopsthat open can<br />

be accessed as usual.<br />

Carol said the marketwillbasically<br />

be BoulevardDay whichhas been<br />

goingfor over40years.<br />

‘‘Halfthe peopleupthe streetwill<br />

be locals, likeservice clubs, Lions, the<br />

AviationMuseum, thenwe have got a<br />

huge amount of talented local<br />

crafters.’’<br />

Burnettand Tancred streets are<br />

requiredtobeclosedbecause they<br />

are both one way off East Street.<br />

Business owners opposed to the<br />

roadsbeing closedmade their<br />

submissions at the council hearing,<br />

saying they could losebusiness if the<br />

roadswere shut down on marketday.<br />

‘‘That’swhat the opposition was<br />

about,’’Carol said ‘‘ because basically<br />

what the council havedone by doing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Market Day organiser Carol JohnsonEastStreet.<br />

the one way system, they havegrid<br />

locked our town,that not only effects<br />

thisiteffectsthe Santa parade.’’<br />

Carolacknowledgesthere has been<br />

tensionbetween herself and<br />

Boulevard Day organisers.<br />

‘‘People knowthe history,Idid try<br />

andtake it over, there has beenabit<br />

of conflict in the past.’’<br />

When it was announced Boulevard<br />

Day wasn't going to happenCarolwas<br />

inundated withmessages from stall<br />

holders asking her to organise<br />

something.<br />

‘‘I’m abit of apeopleperson and I<br />

always go forthe underdog andthe<br />

stall holders have lostsomuch in the<br />

lastfew years,they rely on these<br />

events to trade.<br />

‘‘I justwant to see some vibrancy<br />

backinthe town,we’ve doneall this<br />

work, why wouldn'twewant to invite<br />

peopletocome and see it?’’<br />

She said although some shopswere<br />

opposedtothe market she has<br />

received messages from businesses<br />

happy the market day willgoahead.<br />

‘‘It’snice to hear from apositive<br />

retailer,one of themsaid to me ‘we’ll<br />

be welcoming peopleinto our shop’.’’<br />

Carol had the requireddocuments<br />

tickedoff by councilincluding a<br />

traffic management plan,insurance<br />

and health and safety.<br />

Withthe day of the market now a<br />

publicholiday Carol thinks more<br />

peopleand families may come along.<br />

Stall holders will comefrom as far<br />

away as Blenheim and Carolexpects<br />

to haveall the stalls filled on the day.<br />

‘‘It willbepackedthereare alot of<br />

new stalls as well, there will be at<br />

least 20 new people, I’mblown away<br />

by theirtalent.’’<br />

Artisan restaurant and butchery<br />

From Page1<br />

Vanetia Bingham, of Smoke<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, has the business support<br />

of generalmanager Jinson<br />

Fernandez and Smokepit master<br />

Ken Lindeboomeworking together<br />

to get the new site ready andappoint<br />

staff for the venture.<br />

Positions for around<strong>15</strong>crew are<br />

being advertisednow.<br />

‘‘It’ssodifferent from the<br />

Lakehouse.It’s adifferent market,’’<br />

she said, of Smoke<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The artisan butchery and smoke<br />

shopwill have low andslow smoked<br />

and barbecueproducts withcutsof<br />

meat for barbecuing, or slow<br />

cooking. There will also be products<br />

available vacuum­packedorhot for<br />

take away meals andbarbecue<br />

school masterclasses on smoking<br />

andbarbecuing like aking, she said.<br />

Building owner Justin Skilling<br />

said Smoke <strong>Ashburton</strong> was agood fit<br />

forthe Triangle space and<br />

complemented other developments.<br />

He is settomove his own sign and<br />

design business,Juice, across the<br />

road, leavingthecorner space<br />

vacant for its new tenant.<br />

Vanetia Bingham<br />

FARM the making of aclimate activist<br />

Nicola Harvey<br />

Is it possible to surviveasanew farmer and change the futureoffarming<br />

at the same time?<br />

Foryearswe’ve been told thatthe food system is destroying theplanet.Thatthereare too<br />

manycowsand tractors,too much fertiliser,too much waste, and thatfarmers and food<br />

manufacturers arepolluting ouratmosphere. But we’vealso been told thatfood can help<br />

save us from the worst of global warming.How can it be both destroyer and saviour?<br />

In this profoundly personal story, Harveytakes readers into the heartofthe<br />

industrialised global food system to sharewhatlifeonthe land is like when you’re a<br />

new farmer just trying to survive—and change the status quo.<br />

‘Renders in full colour arguments aboutfood andclimatechange that toooften are<br />

portrayedasblackand white.’ Alicia Kennedy<br />

‘Morethanamemoir,Farm is acall to arms for farmers to do better,for people to<br />

understand food systems better,and for all of us<br />

to jointogether andhelp heal<br />

the planet.’ MatthewEvans<br />

2509572<br />

2388023<br />

212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Ram raiders strike <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s CBD<br />

StirlingSportswas thevictim of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s first‘ram raid’ stylerobbery<br />

this week.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Stirling Sports franchise<br />

owner Matt Lewissaid despite having to<br />

deal with extensivedamage andthe<br />

‘‘chaotic’’ aftermath of the raid, they will<br />

bounce back.<br />

Police responded to callsmade about<br />

thesports shoponTancred Street around<br />

3.45am Monday. They said ‘‘avehiclewas<br />

used to gainentry to the store’’.<br />

Thevehicle intentionally smashedinto<br />

thestorefront anddrovethrough the store<br />

andintothe backwall, causing damage to<br />

both the front and rear of thebuilding.<br />

‘‘Therewas fairly substantial damage<br />

butwe’ve hadBradfords, Electraserve,<br />

andalso Cranfield Glass who’vegone<br />

above andbeyond,’’ Mr Lewis said.<br />

Hewas gratefultohis staff for their<br />

helpand understanding, and for the<br />

support of surrounding businesses, ‘‘even<br />

the community in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, it’s asmall<br />

town and once they getwind of something<br />

they’realways interested to help out.’’<br />

Glaziers andbuilders wereseen<br />

promptlyrepairing some of the<br />

immediatedamageonMonday, which<br />

included the front doors.<br />

Mr Lewissaid thestore may look abit<br />

differentfor awhile,but they areupand<br />

runningagain and look forward to seeing<br />

customers return.<br />

Policesaidone of theoffenders,a<br />

youth,was transferred to hospital in<br />

‘‘moderate condition’’ after beinginjured<br />

during theburglary. They also confirmed<br />

the vehicleused in the robbery had been<br />

reported stolen.<br />

PoliceandMrLewis have said at this<br />

stage they arestill determining what<br />

stock may have beenstolen.<br />

‘‘We’ll just try andsoldier on and<br />

hopefully we’veseen the last of it in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,’’ Mr Lewis said.<br />

Builders repair some of the damage caused to Stirling Sports by the ram raid early<br />

Monday morning.<br />


Spring Whiteware<br />



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Tayla Davidson celebrates with teammates<br />

at the Commonwealth Club Champs in<br />

Birmingham.<br />

Tayla wins<br />

at karate<br />

champs<br />

Talented karate champ Tayla Davidsonhas<br />

won silver in theIndividual Kata andagold<br />

medalinTeamKumite at the<br />

Commonwealth ClubChamps in<br />

Birmingham, UK.<br />

Tayla, <strong>15</strong>,said she had an amazingtime in<br />

Birmingham.<br />

‘‘I have metsome amazing competitors<br />

andlearnt heaps,’’ she said.<br />

Over 1300 competitors from 26 countries<br />

tookpartinthree days of competition.<br />

When shewas selected to represent New<br />

Zealand Tayla and her father Greg<br />

organised fundraising eventstohelp get<br />

Tayla overtothe UK.<br />

They raised almost$9000 thankstothe<br />

generosity of the Mid Canterbury<br />

community.<br />

Greg said he was ‘‘super proud’’ of is<br />

daughter, ‘‘She workedsohard.’’<br />

The event wasn't streamed live, so Greg<br />

had to rely on messages.<br />

‘‘Whichstartedat8pm Saturday and<br />

didn't stop until 7am Sunday,itwas ahuge<br />

day competing,’’ he said.<br />

Tayla said ‘‘To all my coaches and<br />

supporters and all thefundraising<br />

supremo's thank you, Iwouldnot be here if<br />

it wasn't for you.’’<br />

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Immediate delivery Trade-ins Finance terms AA Rewards<br />


NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Council stoked for civic build<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Hallelujah: LeonardCohen,<br />

AJourney, ASong<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

This new documentary tells the entwined<br />

stories of asongwriter and his best-known song.<br />

Hallelujah of course. It’s quite a story. It took<br />

Leonard 7years to finish and he came up with<br />

about 180 verses starting with the one everybody<br />

knows….aboutthe secret code thatDavid played<br />

and pleased the lord. ..<br />

Cohen lived to see the song triumph, and the<br />

last third ofthe documentary isdevoted to his<br />

comeback, including generous clips from his later<br />

concerts. Heis, throughout, avivid, complicated<br />

presence —witty, melancholy, well-dressed and<br />

soft-spoken.<br />

We meet many ofhis friends and colleagues and<br />

get to hear their times with Leonard.<br />

BobDylan, who admired Cohen, added“Hallelujah”<br />

to some of his set lists in the late ’80s. John Cale’s<br />

and Geoff Buckleys cover brought the song to<br />

wider attention.<br />

We see K.D.lang sing Hallelujah at his memorial<br />

concert...wowit’sincredible!<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

www.regentcinema.co.nz<br />

2493790<br />

2509712<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil are<br />

eagerly awaiting thecompletion of<br />

the new public library and civic<br />

building.<br />

While it remains very much in the<br />

‘in progress’ phase, the new library<br />

hasbeendubbeda‘‘creative space’’<br />

by <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil chief<br />

executive officerHamish Riach.<br />

Hesaidthe abundanceofbooks<br />

will be more of afeaturethan afocus<br />

anddescribed the new library as ‘‘a<br />

creativecommunity hub ­the<br />

community’s living room’’.<br />

‘‘There’s all sorts of things like a<br />

sound studio, wetand dry areas so<br />

people can come in and explore<br />

creativity,’’ he said.‘‘There’s the big<br />

screen,things likethe Lego pits in<br />

Tūranga(Christchurch’s public<br />

library), lotsoflittle nooks and<br />

crannies so people can relax and<br />

explore the space.’’<br />

The new public library will<br />

combinethe historic Pioneer Hall<br />

building with anew 2450sqm<br />

purpose­built space, enteredfrom<br />

Havelock Street.<br />

Userswill wander pastthe town’s<br />

timecapsule which will be encased<br />

in the walland on display for people<br />

to observe.<br />

Havelock Street’s PioneerHall<br />

will be preserved as part of the<br />

children’s library, and will feature a<br />

glazedatrium that will encapsulate<br />

the roof andbridge the newly­built<br />

east and west civic buildings.<br />

A‘sky bridge’ will enablepeople to<br />

walk over the old Pioneer Hall while<br />

looking down through the exposed<br />

raftersand into the children’s<br />

library.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>mayor Neil Brown<br />

likened the project to ‘building anew<br />

house’, saying ‘‘you can see the<br />

shapes taking form now, it’s good, it’s<br />

exciting’’.<br />

He said, ‘‘having the library<br />

integrated will make abig difference<br />

of keeping our community together,<br />

the council andthe community all in<br />

onebuilding.’’<br />

There willbeanespresso bar on<br />

the groundfloor where people can<br />

grabsome cabinet food and<br />

beverages.<br />

Mr Brownsaid local hospitality<br />

businessowners willbeinvited to<br />

bidoperating theespresso bar,<br />

enabling themtoextend theirbrand<br />

intothe community space.<br />

Thenew library and civic building<br />

will feature open­plan spaceswith<br />

modernwood panelling andplenty<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District mayor Neil Brown and chief executive officer Hamish Riach<br />

beside the proposed location for the time capsule inside the new civic<br />

building.<br />

of natural light offered by large<br />

windows, some of which will<br />

overlookBaring Square.<br />

Anartisanheatingsystem willbe<br />

used to circulatehot water through<br />

the walls andfloors.<br />

The civic building willbecome the<br />

hub for <strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />

staff and operations.<br />

Three storieswillfacilitate an<br />

open andwelcomingreception with<br />

apurpose­built waiting area<br />

convenient tothe espressobar.<br />

Upper levels willaccommodate<br />

public offices, meeting rooms, and<br />

private work stations.<br />

‘‘It willbelargelyopen­plan,’’ said<br />

MrRiach. ‘‘Acoupleofoffices, lots<br />

of meeting spaces, butessentiallya<br />

big space for all our people.’’<br />

Itwillbebuilt to an Importance<br />

LevelFour, andshould remain<br />

stable and operationalfollowing a<br />

large earthquake,whichisan<br />

importantfactor as it will facilitate<br />

Civil Defence Headquarters.<br />

Thebuild has been fitted for solar<br />

panelsorrenewableenergysources,<br />

howevercouncil hasdecided notto<br />

utilisethese at this stage.<br />

Thepublic spaceswill feature<br />

NewZealand woolcarpet, which Mr<br />

Brownsaidhefeltwas important.<br />

Another must wasapitchedroof.<br />

The$56 millionbuild, of which<br />

$20millionwas contributed by<br />

government, isexpectedtobe<br />

completeinOctober 2023.<br />

This date comes after asix month<br />

delay causedbydisruptions to<br />

constructionstaff and supply<br />

chains.<br />

While council admitthere is<br />

pressure on thebudget, they’re<br />

pleased it has not yetbeen<br />

exceeded.<br />

‘‘We’llkeepthe community<br />

informed,’’ Mr Brown said.<br />

The new civic building and library is due to be completed in late 2023.<br />

Pinot Noir SPECIALS<br />

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Plastic welding<br />

We repair all types of plastic products<br />

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HOURS<br />

Monday&Tuesday 10:00am -6:00pm<br />

Wednesday&Thursday 10:00am -8:00pm<br />

Friday&Saturday 10:00am -8:00pm<br />

Sunday<br />

10:00am -6:00pm<br />



*Terms and conditions apply<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Military show set for October<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

TheMilitaria andAviation Extravaganza<br />

willstartwith abangatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Aviation museum,withmockbattlesand<br />

plenty of militaryhardware on show.<br />

Re­enactorsfrom theAllied and<br />

German armies, dressed in authentic<br />

WWIIuniforms andarmed withreplica<br />

weapons,were on site last weekendto<br />

giveataste of what the public can expect<br />

at theextravaganzanextmonth. It is<br />

being held duringLabourweekend.<br />

Itwillraise money foranew hangerto<br />

house the evergrowingaviation<br />

museum’s aircraft collection.<br />

Military Adventure Group (MAG)<br />

member PhilNelson said the group<br />

specilisedinWWIIre­enactment andalso<br />

collected items from theMaori wars<br />

through to modern times, ‘‘we plan to<br />

haveaselection of those uniformson<br />

display in the hanger, expandingonthe<br />

aviation museums attractions,’’Philsaid.<br />

Themuseumwillhave aselectionof<br />

their aircraftonshowoutsideand the reenactors<br />

willhave their displays set up<br />

between the aircraft.<br />

An M42 WalkerBulldog tank, ownedby<br />

alocal collector, is alsoexpectedtobeon<br />

show.<br />

Oneofthe highlightswill be amock<br />

skirmishbetweenthe German and Allied<br />

re­enactors.<br />

‘‘The setting willbe1941Greece/Crete<br />

type scenario, we’re on thelosingend of<br />

that one unfortunately, but we’re telling<br />

thehistory howitwas,’’Phil said.<br />

The mock battle willinclude some<br />

pyrotechnics withrifleand machine gun<br />

fire andsmoke grenadesgoingoff.<br />

TheGermanre­enactors from3.<br />

Kompanie LSSAH hadtheir campsetupa<br />

respectful distance away fromthe Allied<br />

troops.<br />

But theGermans couldn't resist buzzing<br />

theenemy positionontheir BMW<br />

motorbike with aMG34machinegun<br />

mounted on the sidecar.<br />

Thegermanre­enactors takepride in<br />

their collectionofauthentic military<br />

items that willbeonshowfor thepublic.<br />

Althoughitisall done in good humour<br />

andisafun hobby, Philsaidbeing areenactor<br />

was away to remember whatour<br />

troops went throughwhile serving.<br />

‘‘It’s acase of remembranceofthe<br />

sacrifice of ourguyswho went overseas<br />

andwhatthey went through.<br />

‘‘I think there maybeabit of a<br />

disconnectthesedaysfromsomeofthat<br />

history.’’<br />

Phil has apersonal connectionwith the<br />

Great War, recently discovering his<br />

Grandfather wasinGallipoli.<br />

‘‘Hewas wounded thereand evacuated<br />

to theUK, thensentback to Gallipoli,he<br />

was evacuated againbecauseofillness<br />

andspent therest of the war in the<br />

Military Police.Hewas away from1914to<br />

Above: Military Adventure Group (MAG) members Mark Harris (left) and Phil Nelson.<br />

Below: German re­enactors from 3. Kompanie LSSAH, from left Mitchell Soper, Russell<br />

Hawe, Richard Bunce and Lindsay Trotter.<br />


1919.’’ Phil said.<br />

Eventteamleader, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />

Museum’s DennisSwaneysaid they<br />

appreciatedthe MAGguyscoming down.<br />

‘‘Their supportand helpand whatthey<br />

aredoing is absolutely fantastic.<br />

‘‘Toget the hangerwe’rehoping to raise<br />

$1.5m,thiseventwill helptowardsthat<br />

total.’’<br />

The eventhas been rescheduledfrom<br />

WaitangiDay last yearwhich was<br />

cancelledbecause of covid restrictions.<br />

This year’s Militaria andAviation<br />

Extravaganzawill go ahead rain or shine<br />

on October 22­23 at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Aviation Museum.<br />



Mid CanterburyVintage Machinery<br />

Clubcelebrate the 175th<br />

anniversary of Massey Ferguson<br />

with astatic display of all things<br />

Massey. It will be at the farm of<br />

AnthonyHampton, 1448Methven<br />

ChertseyRoad, Lauriston, from<br />

9am to 4pm. $10 for adults,children<br />

free.Lauriston School will also be<br />

running abarbecuefundraiser.<br />

SEPTEMBER 23<br />

Handbagsand Gladrags fundraiser,<br />

organised by CanBead and Safer<br />

MidCanterburyfor the local White<br />

Ribbon campaign, at the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

MSA from 7pm.Tickets cost $30<br />

eachfrom Safer Mid Canterbury or<br />

by emailing<br />

annaarrowsmith@hotmail.co.nz<br />

SEPTEMBER 26<br />

Bookarama -run by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Rotary Club-opens at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Sports Hall, Tancred<br />

Street. Runsuntil October 2.<br />

Prelovedbooks, games, puzzles<br />

and morefor sale duringthe annual<br />

fundraiser.<br />

OCTOBER 1<br />

PLANTS4U@RAKAIA fundraiser,<br />

organized bythe St Andrew's<br />

PresbyterianChurch, in Rakaia will<br />

be held on the church grounds on<br />

the main highway (opposite Mobil)<br />

from 9am to 1pm. Huge variety of<br />

plants for all gardeners at affordable<br />

prices on display in the church hall.<br />

Contactdottsknights@gmail.com<br />

OCTOBER 8<br />

Mid CanterburyRural Support<br />

Trust and FarmStrong arebringing<br />

stand up comedy to MtHutt<br />

Memorial Hall at Methven as partof<br />

aCanterbury tour. Featuring<br />

comediansNickRado, Courtney<br />

Dawson, Tevita Manukiaand<br />

Tarun Mohanbhai. Ticketscost$20<br />

-fromwww.trybooking.co.nz/kts -<br />

and includes supper.Cash bar.<br />

Doors open from6pm,showat<br />

7pm.<br />

Pendarves YoungFarmers are<br />

celebratingthe club’s 75th Jubilee.<br />

It willbeheld at Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

from 6pm. Register through the<br />

Pendarves Young Farmers<br />

Facebook page.<br />

St David’s Church fair &garage<br />

sale on at Allens Rd, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

from 9am to midday. Baking, jams,<br />

preserves, walnuts,plants,BBQ,<br />

morning tea, children’s games and<br />

more.<br />

Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />

Hartford<br />

Table $1,399<br />

Ondata Round<br />

$950<br />

Ondata Oval<br />

$1,799<br />

Spring Arrivals<br />

Biancaa Lorenne<br />

Yuttari Sage Comforter<br />

$689 – $799<br />

Paragon<br />

Buffet<br />

$3,699<br />

Quixote Table<br />

$1,699<br />

Ondata Buffet<br />

$3,799<br />

MM Linen<br />

Jardin Teal Duvet Set<br />

$249.90 –$349.90<br />

Visit Us: 174 Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> FURNISHING |FLOORING | INTERIORS<br />

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23 Bank Street, Timaru PHONE 03 687 2033<br />


Dee Street, Oamaru PHONE 03 434 9860<br />


West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE 03 3085119<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Seymour seeking to slash bureaucracy<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

ACT party leader David<br />

Seymour is sharpening his<br />

shears and is ready to cut the<br />

red tape suffocating thelife and<br />

productivity out of Kiwis.<br />

David wasin<strong>Ashburton</strong> last<br />

weekand spoke at Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, wherehetalked<br />

strongly against the amountof<br />

bureaucracy stiflingprogress<br />

and innovationinNew<br />

Zealand.<br />

Beforethe talkSeymoursaid<br />

he had meetwiththe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />

mayor andcouncillors earlier<br />

in theday andtalked aboutthe<br />

upbeat vibe he gets from the<br />

region,but changeisinthe air.<br />

‘‘Due to good pricesand<br />

crispblue air there is areal<br />

positive vibe here,there is also<br />

beneath thesurface apalpable<br />

frustration with agovernment<br />

that people feeldoesn't listen,’’<br />

Seymour said.<br />

‘‘Regulation has becomea<br />

way of scoringpoliticalpoints<br />

instead of away of alleviating<br />

conflictswithinthe<br />

community, so peoplehavehad<br />

to jumpthrough hoopsbecause<br />

theGovernment canmake<br />

them,not because there is a<br />

genuineproblemtobesolved.’’<br />

Seymour pointed out the<br />

pressure thecurrent<br />

governmenthas put on the<br />

primaryindustries.<br />

‘‘Look at the fresh water law,<br />

ACT Party leader David Seymour holds atalk at Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

winter grazing, the cropping,<br />

the currentneedtoget farming<br />

environmental plansdone by<br />

the endofthe month,that's not<br />

the Kiwi way, it’s an<br />

authoritarian approachrather<br />

thanacommunity approach<br />

andthatisdamaging New<br />

Zealand’s moral,its damaging<br />

people’s confidenceintheir<br />

ownplace inthe country.’’<br />

With plenty ofemployment<br />

opportunitiesinthe region but<br />

notenoughhousing,Seymour’s<br />

solution is straightforward.<br />

‘‘Allow themarketto<br />

function, theymake it toohard<br />

to buildahome,too hard to get<br />

infrastructure connection, the<br />

practicalsolution we have is<br />

sharehalfthe GST on<br />

construction withlocal<br />

council,givethe councilthe<br />

incentivetosay yesto<br />

building,’’hesaid.<br />

Whenaskedabout the<br />

second <strong>Ashburton</strong> bridge,<br />

Seymour again sees bloated<br />

bureaucracy as theproblem.<br />

‘‘Whatshocks meisthe<br />

inflation that’s happened on<br />

thatbridgedue to excessive<br />

bureaucracy, it was $37mil 10<br />

years ago, now they tell meit's<br />

$113mil.<br />

‘‘How has the cost escalated?<br />

They havebeentoldthey have<br />

to have cycle andwalking<br />

lanes, 100 yearsago they built<br />

thebridgeand added aclipon,<br />

we’ve lostthatspirit in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

‘‘Ilook at traffic management<br />

plans­the orange cone<br />

industry, we’ve nowgot more<br />

orange cones thanpotholes,we<br />

puttoo much bureaucracy in<br />

theway of practical people<br />

solvingproblems.’’<br />

Seymourisstill optimistic<br />

aboutthe future of New<br />

Zealandand theKiwispirit,<br />

butbelieves there is afew<br />

challenging years aheadbefore<br />

the goodtimes areback.<br />

‘‘I think NewZealand is<br />

going through one ofits<br />

difficult periods, which<br />

happen aboutevery 50 years,<br />

they happenedinthe 30s,the<br />

80sand now.<br />

‘‘But we’ve alwayscome<br />

through these periods stronger<br />

than we started,soIamahuge<br />

optimistabout NewZealand,<br />

the nextfew yearswill be very<br />

challenging.<br />

‘‘We’re going to have to<br />

choosewhatisthe New<br />

Zealandidentity ­are we two<br />

typesofpeopleoronetype of<br />

person?Whatare we going to<br />

do aboutproductivity, are we<br />

going to spend the restofour<br />

lives being box tickers or<br />

actually be productive?’’<br />

Vote<br />

RichardWilson<br />

for the EasternWard<br />

Local knowledge<br />

Proven experience<br />

Effectivevoice<br />

2509888<br />

~Authorised by RichardWilson, Hinds Arundel Road<br />

Funding grants<br />

Aorangi Golf Inc wasamong the<br />

manyorganisations to receive<br />

funding in theNew Zealand<br />

Communities Trust funding<br />

round lastmonth. Theyhave<br />

received$<strong>15</strong>,000 for salary<br />

costsfrom atotal poolof<br />

$965,446distributed<br />

throughoutCanterbury.<br />

Also amongthose to get<br />

funding wereCanterbury<br />

ArtificialSurfaces Trust who<br />

got $393,020 forartificial<br />

hockey turf costs,Pukeko<br />

Centre Inc $<strong>15</strong>0,000 for<br />

construction of sports hall,<br />

Canterbury Hockey<br />

AssociationInc $125,000 for<br />

salary, EdgewareTennis Club<br />

Inc $25,000 court repairs,<br />

Canterbury Refugee<br />

Resettlement andResource<br />

Centre Inc $20,000for minibus<br />

purchase, ChristchurchSquash<br />

Rackets Club Inc $20,000for<br />

contractor, HeathcoteCricket<br />

ClubInc $<strong>15</strong>,000 for contractor ­<br />

coachingstaff, Christchurch<br />

Boys High School $10,000 for a<br />

rowing boat, Marching<br />

CanterburyAssociation Inc<br />

$10,000 for venue hire,<br />

Merivale Papanui Cricket Club<br />

Inc$10,000 contractor,<br />

RiccartonHigh School $10,000<br />

travel and accommodation,<br />

Riverside BoxingClub Inc<br />

$35,000 vehicle purchase, Royal<br />

NZ Ballet $30,000 orchestra<br />

fees forChristchurch event and<br />

venuehire for Auckland and<br />

Christchurch events, Wharenui<br />

GatorsInc $10,000salary,<br />

Cansail Charitable Trust $2000,<br />

CanterburyBoxing Association<br />

Inc$5000, CashmereBowling<br />

ClubInc $6,000and Cashmere<br />

Tennis ClubInc $6000.<br />

Two1bedroom apartments<br />

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Deaths<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

HUGHES, David Alexander<br />

(Dave), on <strong>September</strong> 9,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, peacefully, with his<br />

family, atRadius Millstream,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 83 years.<br />

Dearly loved husband of<br />

Yvonne for 56years. Much<br />

loved father of Malcolm,<br />

Leora, Rachael, and Greg,<br />

and lovedPop to Sam, Shyan,<br />

Harper, Bonnie, and Olive.<br />

Messages to the Hughes<br />

family POBox472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Aspecial thank you to<br />

the staff at Radius for their<br />

care ofDavid.<br />

A service to<br />

remember Dave was held<br />

in our chapel, corner East<br />

and Cox Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on Tuesday <strong>September</strong> 13,<br />

commencing at 1.30pm,<br />

followed bycremation at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

CORBETT, Thomas Frederick<br />

(Tom): On <strong>September</strong> 10,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, peacefully, aged 77<br />

years. Loved and respected<br />

husband of Sue and father<br />

of Elizabeth, Nicola, and<br />

Thomas. Much lovedbrother<br />

of Margaret and Ruth and<br />

dearly loved uncle. AtTom’s<br />

request a private service is<br />

to be held. Messages to the<br />

Corbett family c/- PO Box<br />

472 <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Family and<br />

friends are invited to gather<br />

and celebrate Tom’s life on<br />

Saturday 24th <strong>September</strong>,<br />

between 2-4pm at his home.<br />

Please bring your best smile<br />

and astory to be shared.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

KEIG John Bernard<br />

(JOHNNY) (3.2.70 - 9.9.22).<br />

Much loved husband<br />

and best friend of Steph.<br />

Treasured and respected<br />

stepfather of Brad and Lauren<br />

Caley, and Sam Caley and Fi.<br />

Adored Grandad of Maddie,<br />

and Charlie John, and much<br />

lovedby‘Tarn’dog. Messages<br />

to the Keig family, POBox<br />

472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. In lieu<br />

of flowers donations to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Cancer Society,<br />

would be appreciated and<br />

may bemade online at bit.<br />

ly/jbkeig0909 and Leukaemia<br />

& Blood Cancer NZ at bit.<br />

lyjbkeig090922. A service<br />

to celebrate Johnny’s life<br />

will be held today, Thursday<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, commencing<br />

at 2.00pm, followed by a<br />

private family interment<br />

at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

Racecourse Road, on<br />

Thursday <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>,<br />

commencing at 2.00pm,<br />

followedaprivate family.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 307 7433<br />

KEIG John Bernard<br />

(JOHNNY) (3.2.70 - 9.9.22).<br />

Our dearest and beloved<br />

Johnny sadly passed on<br />

Friday 9th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Treasured eldest son of John<br />

Keig, and Francie Boyce.<br />

Proud big brother of Aaron<br />

and brother-in-law of Jo<br />

Keig. Much loved stepson of<br />

Lalita Keig, and Marty Boyce.<br />

A loved nephew of Colin<br />

and Gilian Gilbert and their<br />

families. Grandsonofthe late<br />

Jack and Kate Keig, and the<br />

late Bernie and Agnes Dynes.<br />

“A Courageous Crusader Taken<br />

Unfairly”.<br />

KEIG, John Bernard<br />

(JOHNNY) (3.2.70 - 9.9.22).<br />

Much loved and respected<br />

son-in-law of Ron and the<br />

late June Kircher. Loved<br />

brother-in-law of Brent and<br />

Jill Kircher,Rhonda and Grant<br />

Smith, and their families.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Birth, engagement, anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $18 foramaximum of 35<br />

words, thereafteronaper-line basis of $2.50<br />

for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese notices 10am Wednesday<br />

prior to Thursdaypublication date.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Enquiries phone Mary,Jann or Karenon<br />

308 7664 or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.<br />

WILTSHIRE Pamela Ann<br />

(Pam). Chris, Carly, Wayne<br />

and Quinn; Ben, Zander and<br />

Madoc would sincerely like to<br />

thank everyone fortheir love,<br />

support and expressions<br />

of sympathy following the<br />

loss of a much loved wife,<br />

friend, mother, motherin-law<br />

and Grandma. We<br />

thank you for the love and<br />

friendship shown to us in this<br />

difficult time, expressed to<br />

us in so many different ways,<br />

including cards floral tributes,<br />

and visits.<br />


Awife,amother,agrandma<br />

too<br />

This is the legacywehave<br />

from you.<br />

Youtaught us love and how<br />

to fight<br />

Yougaveusstrength, yougave<br />

us might.<br />

Astronger person would be<br />

hardtofind<br />

Andinyour heart, youwere<br />

always kind.<br />

Youfoughtfor usall in one<br />

wayoranother<br />

Not just as wife not just as<br />

mother.<br />

Forall of us yougaveyour best<br />

Nowthe time has come for<br />

youtorest.<br />

So go in peace, you’ve earned<br />

your sleep<br />

Your love in our hearts,we’ll<br />

eternally keep.<br />

As it is impossible to thank<br />

everyone individually<br />

please accept this<br />

acknowledgement as an<br />

expression of our gratitude.<br />

Memorial Service<br />

PATERSON, Ronald William,<br />

“A Celebration of Ron’s<br />

Life”, who passed away on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 8, 2021, will be<br />

held at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

Racecourse Road,onSaturday<br />

<strong>September</strong> 17, commencing<br />

at 2.00pm. All welcome. For<br />

anyone wishing to view the<br />

service online go to www.<br />

patersonsfuneralservices.<br />

co.nz ‘Funeral Notices’ and<br />

click on Ron’s notice for the<br />

link.<br />

In Memoriam<br />

HUGGINS,<br />

Peter:<br />

Remembering Peter, loving<br />

husband to Patsy, loved<br />

‘Huggy’ to the Currey Family.<br />

Passed away one year ago.<br />

You are easy to remember,<br />

we do it everyday.<br />

The official notice announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II issued by Buckingham Palace<br />

on <strong>September</strong> 8.<br />

Roadworks at the Walnut Ave/ West Street intersection, looking south.<br />

Crossing access to close<br />

Work alongWalnut Avenue continuesin<br />

preparation for traffic lights replacing the<br />

roundabouts eitherside of the railway.<br />

At the end of <strong>September</strong>, WakaKotahi<br />

(NZTA) are proposingtoclose Walnut<br />

Avenue between East and West Streets for<br />

up to seven weeks.<br />

It was due to closeon<strong>September</strong>26.<br />

In astatement NZTA said ‘‘Therehas been<br />

alot of complex planninginpreparation for<br />

thisphase of work.Toensurethesafety of<br />

workers, the public and to ensure all the<br />

newinfrastructure in theroad and rail<br />

corridors ties together properly,weare<br />

proposingtoclose Walnut Avenue between<br />

East and West Streets for up to seven weeks,<br />

startingon Monday26<strong>September</strong>.<br />

‘‘The closure is still aproposal and will<br />

not be confirmed until the traffic<br />


management planisapproved.’’<br />

To minimise disruptiontothe community<br />

NZTA will operate apedestrian crossing<br />

across thetracks during schools days from<br />

8am until 5pm. It will not operateduring<br />

school holidaysorweekends.<br />

On weekends, during school holidays and<br />

before 8am and after 5pm on school days,<br />

pedestrians will need to detour over the<br />

pedestrian bridge,oppositeWills Street.<br />

NZTA will also have signs in place showing<br />

drivers whereto detour.<br />

‘‘Ourfriendly staff on site canalso assist<br />

with any queries,’’ they said.<br />

‘‘We apologise for this inconvenienceand<br />

wesincerely appreciate thepatience shown<br />

by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> community.’’<br />

NZTA say they are still on schedule to<br />

finish thework by theend of theyear.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

Keeping up to date<br />

with your vaccinations<br />

is really important,<br />

even if you’vealready<br />

had COVID-19.<br />

Youcan catchCOVID-19 morethan once.Boosters<br />

help protect youfromgetting very sick from COVID-19,<br />

ending up in hospital, and even death.<br />

Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is one ofthe mostimportant things<br />

you can do to help protect yourself,your whānau and your community.<br />

Abooster will provide extraprotection from aprevious vaccination and<br />

help your immunity be stronger and lastlonger. And, by staying as healthy<br />

as you can, you help reduce pressureonour communities,businesses and<br />

the health sector.<br />

If you’vehad COVID-19, you can get your booster threemonths after you<br />

tested positive. Make sureyou areuptodatewith your COVID-19 vaccinations.<br />

Check your eligibility at Covid19.govt.nz or call 0800 28 29 26.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 30<br />

<strong>15</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Head of Senior School Message<br />

Looking Ahead to 2023<br />

It's that time ofyear again when we start to<br />

plan and look ahead to 2023, which involves the<br />

Year 12 students applying to attend Leadership<br />

Camp. This takes place atthe Mt Hutt Retreat<br />

at the start ofnext year. During this camp the<br />

studentswork on leadershipactivities and select<br />

studentsfor HouseExecutive Leadership.<br />

House and StudentExecutives<br />

The House Executive runs the House activities throughout the College,<br />

which consist of both sports andcultural activities.<br />

The Head Students and Deputy Head Students are selected each year<br />

and lead the Student Executive. The Student Executive consists ofsix<br />

Heads of Committees, a Treasurer/Secretary and Board of Trustees<br />

StudentRepresentative.<br />

The Committees are: Ball; Environment and Canteen; Student Welfare;<br />

Community Services, Ambassador, Cultural; Sports; and AshColl Way.<br />

Each committee is led by aStudent Executive member andselectedYear<br />

13 and12studentsformeach committee.<br />

StudentExecutiveEvents<br />

The Student Executive has been working through the term to create<br />

events for the school, and to raise awareness for groups around New<br />

Zealand. The Blood Drive saw our Student Leaders donating blood<br />

to those who are inneed. Multiple Language Weeks are held by the<br />

Cultural Committee throughout the term to highlight the multi-cultural<br />

community throughout <strong>Ashburton</strong> College; such as Filipino, Cook<br />

Islands,Samoan, Māoriand SignLanguage week.<br />

Rubbish clean-ups are held regularly by the Canteen and Environment<br />

Committee, and they work to keep our environment tidy, and<br />

conservationalive.<br />

The Student Welfare Committee organised the 40-Hour Famine, held<br />

recently to raise money forfamilies and children who areinneedofclean<br />

andfresh water.<br />

With the end of the year approaching, the Student Executive has the<br />

task of leaving their legacy behind at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College for the future<br />

students. They’ve chosen to create aseries offlags representing the<br />

AshColl Way Values of Pride, Quality and Respect tobedisplayed in<br />

frontofthe school forvisitorstorecogniseastheycome into <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College.<br />

For the remainder of the term, the Student Executive is keeping busy<br />

with DOC’s ConservationWeekfromthe 05-12 <strong>September</strong>; Mental Health<br />

Week from 26 <strong>September</strong>-02 October; selling and promoting Lachie’s<br />

Laces (funds toCancer) throughout the rest of the term, and wearing<br />

them on23<strong>September</strong>; Student Executive vs Staff Dodgeball; more<br />

Language Weeks and tying up all of the loose ends from previous terms<br />

as Year 13 students near theend of their time at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College.<br />

Throughout Conservation Week, the Canteen and Environment<br />

Committee is organising quizzes which can be played onthe Student<br />

Executive social media platforms. There are prizes of Beeswax lunch<br />

wraps from the Year 13 business group @_beewrapped_ up for grabs<br />

forthose who answer correctly! They arealso organising awhole-school<br />

rubbish clean-up to helpkeep AshColl tidy.<br />

Congratulations<br />

WinterSportsTournamentWeek<br />

It was with real excitement and appreciation that teams headed<br />

away for this long-awaited week which isahighlight onsecondary<br />

school calendars. Weneed no reminding that this normally annual<br />

opportunity wasinterrupted in the previoustwo years due to COVID.<br />

Appreciation<br />

Appreciation is given to the outstanding mahi given by coaches<br />

and managers to our College teams. This support provides ongoing<br />

opportunities and experiencefor so many of ourstudents.<br />

Team Reports<br />

In this newsletter we look at manyofthese team reports,and celebrate the<br />

successes.<br />

Basketball<br />

College had four teams involved in this week; two in Nelson, one in<br />

Dunedinand oneinInvercargill wheresnowextended their stay!<br />

Senior Girls’Basketball<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> Southern Schools’Cup (Girls’competition) was held in Dunedin<br />

from 30 August-02 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Coach Geoffrey Chapman said this tournament provided an excellent<br />

opportunity to close out the <strong>2022</strong> season on ahigh after the 3rd placing<br />

achieved in the season’s McDonald Thomson Trophy competition. Team<br />

Managerwas Faauma Sa.<br />

At this event, Geoffrey saidthatthe team played‘really good team basketball’,<br />

and highlighted their improvement with a67-39 win over Riccarton High<br />

School,whichearlier in the year,resulted in aclose 8point game.<br />

GameResults were –<br />

Wins over Riccarton High School (67-39), Queen’s High School (74-30) and<br />

Logan Park High School(96-41).<br />

Losses came at the hand ofColumba College (38-60) and Hagley College<br />

(34-63), giving the team a3-2 record (301 points for, 236 against) for 5th<br />

placingfromthe nine teams in the competition.<br />

The team’s 5th placing was asuccessful send-off for College’s Year 13<br />

graduates Claudia Thomas, Gelaeya Hadfield and Amelie Robertson as<br />

well as an introduction of newYear 9talent from Lucy Pearce and Year 10<br />

Jorja Abernathy.<br />

Mental Health Week, led by the StudentWelfare Committee will involve<br />

aPurple Shirt non-uniform day on 27 <strong>September</strong>, totie in with the New<br />

Zealand Mental Health Foundation’s purple colour. The Student vsStaff<br />

Dodgeball is held during lunch time and is usually avery entertaining<br />

watch. Fingers crossed the StudentExeccan get the win this time!<br />

Lachie’s Laces –Monies RaisedtoCancer<br />

KiaOra etewhānau -hereatAshColl we aresellingLachie’s Laces! Lachie’s<br />

Laces are vibrant yellow shoelaces that his parents created inmemory of<br />

Lachie Sutherland,‘our beautiful,brightboy who died from cancer in 2020,<br />

aged 12’. Lachie would have been <strong>15</strong>this year on 25 <strong>September</strong>, which<br />

is aday that weencourage people to wear their Lachie Laces. Asthat's<br />

aSunday this year, here atschool we are going to wear them on Friday<br />

23 <strong>September</strong> (last day ofterm) to show our support asaschool. Toget<br />

your hands on apair of these laces just get in contactwith one of our Exec<br />

members or order via br@ashcoll.school.nz. They are $5apair, with all<br />

money we make going back to Lachie’s Laces. Youcan paybycash or bank<br />

transfer,just make sureyou get in quick beforethey areall gone!!!<br />

On Monday 26<strong>September</strong> the Student Welfare Committee and Student<br />

Executive are joining the nation by hosting aMental Health Week here<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College. With twenty percent of our youth in New Zealand<br />

most likely struggling with mental health, we thinkthis week is crucial for<br />

the students to see thatitisoktonot be ok,and to speak up.During this<br />

week there will be different activities every day, such as an appreciation<br />

board where students can come and write positive things about others;<br />

on Tuesdaywewill have aguest speaker coming in; Wednesdaytherewill<br />

be asausage sizzle and social media posts; Thursday will be having anouniformday<br />

in purple theme,and on Fridayagumboot-throw competition<br />

and awrap-up on the appreciation board. Allfunds raised will go to local<br />

mental health foundations.<br />

Leadership Camp<br />

We encourage Year 12 students to put their names forwardfor Leadership<br />

Camp. For those who are upfor achallenge, and want to help us strive<br />

to meet our Mission Statement of‘Individual Excellence inanSupportive<br />

Learning Environment’, consider putting your names forwardtobeaHead<br />

Studentin2023.<br />

Approaching Year End<br />

As we approach the end of our school year, many ofour students are<br />

also approaching the end of our time at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College. This is a<br />

bitter-sweet feeling formany, with afamiliar chapter closing and another<br />

unknown one opening.Although thereare manyexciting new beginnings<br />

in the near future, there isstill alot of hard work that needs to be put in<br />

for all of our senior students, with Derived Grade Exams coming up on<br />

13 <strong>September</strong>.It'stimetofocus on putting in the mahi to ensureyou get<br />

the NCEA credits that you need, and to meet the entry requirements for<br />

tertiaryeducation or your new job,career or apprenticeship.<br />

Your future is in your ownhands so makethe most of it,<br />

all the hard work thatyou put in nowwill pay off later.<br />

Acknowledgments: To Head Students Jack Brown, Jorja Roulston,<br />

Millar Newlands and TC Trusler-Clarkfor their supportinwriting this article.<br />

AbbeyBruce<br />

Head of Senior School<br />

Most Valuable Team Player for the Season was Lily Bron Williams<br />

averaging <strong>15</strong>.3 points and 11.2 rebounds.<br />

Geoffrey said thatthis year wasdedicatedto‘development’with full rotating<br />

rosters and inclusiveplays,addingwith coaching staff also‘developing’…….<br />

mental fatigue and high blood pressure!<br />

But -they all made it!<br />

Theteam (pictured left,<br />

back row,lefttoright):<br />

LauraWinchester,<br />

Holly Sa,<br />

Claudia Thomas<br />

(Co-captain),<br />

Amelie Robertson,<br />

GelaeyaHadfield,<br />

Angel Spooner.<br />

(Front row,lefttoright):<br />

Hannah Rose Joyce,<br />

Lily Bron Williams<br />

(Co-captain),<br />

Lucy Pearce,<br />

Jorja Abernathy.<br />

Junior Girls’Basketball<br />

This team competed in the South Island Secondary Schools’ Prems<br />

Tournament, in Nelson from 27-30 August.<br />

Team members were – Milla Overend (Captain), Yasmin Larry (Vice-<br />

Captain), Casey Cousins, Libby Feutz, Grace Johnston, Taylor Lamont,<br />

PennyMarriott,RubyPatterson, Lily Rosevear,Ally Thomas.<br />

Coach and Manager were – Summer Anderson (Coach) and<br />

Bridget Overend (Manager).<br />

Overall Results–7th Placing<br />

Eleven teams contested this competition, with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College placing<br />

7th from three wins and four losses.<br />

The wins included asignificant one over Cashmere High School (67-52),<br />

who had beatenthe College team 56-35 during their weekly competition.<br />

Summer said that the girls’ play had improved tremendously throughout<br />

the year, with the highlight ofthe season being the above game result<br />

against CashmereHigh School.<br />

Congratulations<br />

(Pictured right): In the game<br />

against Cashmere High<br />

School –Milla Overend taking<br />

the ball towards the goal.<br />

She said that the results<br />

were also a massive step-up<br />

from their very first game<br />

of the season where they<br />

went down to Rangiora High<br />

School 23-91.<br />

AshColl playedRangioraHigh<br />

School in the quarter-finals, only losing 45-67. Summer said she was very<br />

proud of them, and noted the Rangiora coach congratulated them also on<br />

their improvementthrough the season.<br />

Summer concluded by saying it was a‘fabulous season for all’, and wished<br />

the Year 10 players all thebest for2023.<br />

Senior Boys’Basketball<br />

The Senior Boys’ Basketball team took part in the South Island<br />

SecondarySchools’ZoneFourChampionships,heldinInvercargill from<br />

31 August-03 <strong>September</strong>, with twenty four teams involved.<br />

Coach Mark Douglas said that the team lost their first two rounds of pool<br />

play, meaning they entered cross-overs for positions 17-24. After two<br />

close losses, including one in overtime, they won their last game against<br />

Marlborough Boys’High School.<br />

Individual game scores were –against Christchurch Boys’ High School<br />

(101-110); Rolleston College (78-107); Shirley Boys’ High School (60-99);<br />

St Bede’s College (64-98); James Hargest College (79-75); Riccarton High<br />

School (92-104); and againstMarlboroughBoys’High School 85-71 fortheir<br />

concluding win of the tournament,tofinish23rd.<br />

Farewell to Year 13 Students<br />

At this tournament three Year 13 students signed off their Senior College<br />

Basketball careers. Ethan Reodique, Caleb McNulty-Burns and Riley Sa<br />

are thanked for their contributions to College Basketball. Team Captain<br />

Riley Sarounded off an amazing <strong>Ashburton</strong> College career by scoring 56<br />

points in his final game.<br />

Team members (pictured above, back row, left toright): Ashlin Hala’ufia,<br />

Taniela Palavi, Tom Patterson, Riley Sa (Captain), Caleb McNulty-Burns,<br />

Jesse Nieman.<br />

(Front row, left to right): Daniel Ditmer, Ethan Reodique, Nick Taojo,<br />

Newel Buenafe.<br />

With the team were Coach Mark Douglas, Assistant Coach Ben Ditmer,<br />

ManagerJulie McGrathand ScorekeeperPaulaStrawbridge.<br />

JuniorBoys’ Basketball –Medal Winners<br />

This team played inBasketball NZ South Island Junior Premiership<br />

Zone 4‘AGrade’ Championship <strong>2022</strong> -hosted byNelson basketball,<br />

from 27-39 August.<br />

The team is coached by Year 13 students Caleb McNulty-Burns and<br />

EthanReodique,with Lisa Elliott as Manager.<br />

Lisa said thatthe Junior SecondarySchool Regional competitions were held<br />

across New Zealand, with 143 teams taking part across four tournaments.<br />

While these tournaments do not progress onto the National Championship<br />

stage,they areagreat chancefor young basketballers to experienceaBBNZ<br />

(Basketball New Zealand) tournament specifically created for junior school<br />

teams.<br />

The Zone 4Junior SISS Tournament was outlined as an amazing four days<br />

of basketball, which kicked off at Saxton Stadium on Saturday 27August<br />

with thirty-six teams competing to be crowned the Junior South Island<br />

Champions.Itwas alsotouchand go as to whether the tournamentwould<br />

go ahead,asNelson wasinastate of emergency, due to the floods<br />

Results<br />

Eleven teams contested this grade, with College emerging victors from<br />

three of their four Pool Agames.<br />

Individual game results were – wins against Middleton Grange<br />

(108-49), John McGlashan College(89-71), and aloss to Burnside High School<br />

(70-89).<br />

The quarter final match brought a win against Darfield High School<br />

(104-64), as did the semi final game against John McGlashan College<br />

(70-55).<br />

AGrade Final -Match Winners<br />

This wasplayedagainst Nelson’s GarinCollege,after they had awin against<br />

Burnside High School in their semi-final. Itisnotable that <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

only loss was against Burnside during pool play. The final winning score to<br />

Collegewas 83-67.<br />

This scorecamevia 28 points fromTaniela Palavi,including two3-pointers; 30<br />

pointsfromDanielDitmer–three,3-pointers,1freethrow;10pointsfromLiam<br />

Elliott; 6pointsfromRikiPhilpott; and 4pointseach from WilliamWoods and<br />

Josh King.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 30<br />

<strong>15</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Congratulations<br />

(Pictured right): Thecoveted winners’<br />

medal.<br />

DuetoSenior ABasketball Student<br />

Co-coaches,Caleb McNulty-Burns and<br />

Ethan Reodique,needing to fly to their<br />

tournamentinInvercargill,they were<br />

unable to see their team completethe<br />

tournamentand claim the championship.<br />

PipJohnston, who had been helping out<br />

with the Girls’Junior Ateam during the<br />

week,willingly stepped into the pressure<br />

seattocoach the team in the final.<br />

(Pictured left, back row,<br />

lefttoright):<br />

JoshKing (Year 10);<br />

William Woods and<br />

Riki Philpott (Year 9);<br />

TanielaPalavi (Year 10);<br />

JackSpicer (Year9).<br />

(Front row, lefttoright):<br />

Ranz Buenafeand<br />

Liam Elliott (Year 9);<br />

DanielDitmer(Captain)<br />

andOllyPrince(Year 10).<br />

Appreciation<br />

Amassive thank you isgiven to the Nelson community for helping put<br />

together this tournament. Without the help of volunteers for score bench<br />

duties and refereeing it wouldn’t be able to happen.<br />

College Referees<br />

Abig shout-out to thereferees over the course of the tournament.<br />

Year 10 student Jorja Abernethy and Year 9student Jack Strawbridge<br />

represented<strong>Ashburton</strong> College,asreferees.<br />

Congratulations to Jack Strawbridge who was selected to referee the<br />

Boys’AGrade final.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

Jorja Abernethyon<br />

refereeing duties.<br />

(Pictured below):<br />

Jack Strawbridge<br />

organising matters forhis<br />

refereeing role.<br />

(Pictured left): College in the<br />

final against GarinCollege<br />

(clockwise from front)<br />

Ranz Buenafe(number 7),<br />

William Woods,Taniela Palavi<br />

(shooting forpoints).<br />

During the final,the Phil Kouka-coached (formerly of <strong>Ashburton</strong>) Garinteam<br />

was very physical and had agood start, leading 7-1 until AshColl worked<br />

their wayintothe game.<br />

Lisa said that the game was agood tussle up to 50 points-all, late inthe<br />

thirdquarter. <strong>Ashburton</strong>pulled away afterthis,asthree Garinplayers were<br />

fouled out of the game which Garincouldn’t recover from. This wasdespite<br />

avaliant35points from their team’s Elijah Inwood.<br />

Elijah was wound down by arelentless defensive effort from <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

Taniela Palavi and crafty attacking skills from Captain Daniel Ditmer with<br />

Palavi, eventually having Elijah fouled out of the game early in the 4th<br />

Quarter. Kouka’sgrandson wasalso fouled out of the game. Daniel Ditmer<br />

was inform with his shooting in the final, after coming from the semi-final<br />

against John McGlashan wherehescored50points.<br />

Boys’Under <strong>15</strong> RugbyTeam<br />

This team took part in the South Island Secondary Schools’ Rural<br />

Livestock Under <strong>15</strong>Boys’ Rugby Competition, in Nelson from 29-31<br />

August.<br />

Coach Phil Prendergast said that the College Boys’Under <strong>15</strong> Rugby team<br />

participated in the three-day tournament in Nelson, with thirty other<br />

Under <strong>15</strong> Rugby teams.<br />

The team played two games each day with great merit and, attimes, were<br />

unlucky not to get the win. On the final day they did gain agood win over<br />

Waimea College Under <strong>15</strong>.<br />

All games were played ingreat spirit and commitment, with some players<br />

excelling throughout thetournament.<br />

Game Scores were – against Whakatane High School (5-33); but averyclose<br />

loss to Mt Aspiring College (28-26); and against Rangiora High School (17-<br />

12). Thescore against Verdon College wasa24-12 loss,followedbythe win<br />

against WaimeaCollege (19-10).<br />

In the forwards there was tireless work up-front from Joshua Eketone,<br />

RileyPrendergast and Cooper Kellett, with the help of the loose forwards<br />

EmmettRowlands,Ma’aLene and Joel Moffett.<br />

Halfback Alex Urquhart worked tirelessly throughout the games while<br />

Kymani-Cruz Pupuke, Niko Ulupano and Ihaka Peneha Wehipeihana<br />

were hard ballcarriers and evasiverunners againstthe opposition.<br />

CollegeUnder <strong>15</strong> Playerofthe Tournament - Kymani-Cruz Pupuke.<br />

Team members (pictured above, back row, left to right): Jacob Carr,<br />

Kymani-Cruz Pupuke, Me’i Vaeila, Jaykob Argyle, Emmett Rowlands<br />

(Co-captain), Joel Moffett, Jordy McGillen, Kayden Smith-Ackerley,<br />

Kingston Culshaw, Isaac Mataiti, Niko Ulupano (obscured), Josh Eketone<br />

(Co-captain).<br />

(Middle row,leftand right): Kalym Chalmers,AlexUrquhart.<br />

(Front row, left to right): Ihaka Peneha Wehipeihana, Vena Naitoga,<br />

Riley Prendergast, Ma’a Lene, Suliasi Hala’ufia, Jacob Robinson,<br />

Cooper Kellett,Apai Hala, JJ Tupa.<br />

(Absent from photo): Isaiah Cuthers.<br />

Coach/Managers were Kevin Urquhartand Phil Prendergast.<br />

First XI Girls’Football<br />

This team playedatthe NewZealand Secondary Schools’GarySowden<br />

Tournament held inBlenheim from 28 August-01 <strong>September</strong>. Patrick<br />

Sandrey wasthe Coach and Jayne Cornelius,Manager. Tenteamswere<br />

in this competition, with teamsplaying in twopools of fiveteams.<br />

Patrick said that the girls had atough start tothe draw with two losses on<br />

Monday and Tuesday. Adifficult 5-0 loss began their campaign, against<br />

Christchurch’s Rangi Ruru Girls’ School who would go on to win the<br />

tournament.<br />

Tuesday saw amore concerted effort against Marlborough Girls’ College,<br />

with AshColl keepingthem scoreless in thesecond half.<br />

Rounds three and four saw two smash-and-grab losses toUpper Hutt<br />

College and Villa MariaCollege.These gamessaw AshColl playsometerrific<br />

football but ultimately failing to deliver theknockout blows.<br />

The team’s final game against Wellington’s St Mary’s College saw some<br />

fantastic attacking play from Gracie Trotter and Hayley Smith, while<br />

support through the midfield and defence gave the team their first and<br />

solitarywin of thetournament.<br />

Individual game scores were – the losses toRangi Ruru Girls’School (5-0)<br />

and Marlborough Girls’ College(4-1);followedbytwo close losses to Upper<br />

Hutt and VillaMaria Colleges (both 1-0). The game against St Mary’s College<br />

broughtabout the welcome 2-1 win.<br />

The College team’s Tournament Most Valuable Player was<br />

Hayley Smith who exhibited tenacity and determination throughout the<br />

entiretournament.<br />

Senior ANetball Team<br />

Thecompetitionfor thisteamwas the South IslandSecondary Schools’<br />

Netball Tournament held, this year, inTimaru, from 29 August-01<br />

<strong>September</strong>.<br />

The three regions’ netball tournaments (Lower and Upper North Islands)<br />

encompass ahuge numberofteams,who playfor therightofentry to the<br />

New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Championships, where the top twelve<br />

teams inNew Zealand vie for the national title. This happens during the<br />

second week of the October studentholiday break.<br />

Thirty twoteamscontested AGrade,with BGrade and CGrade competitions<br />

also running.<br />

Results<br />

ManagerTania Rulesaid thatthe team startedthe tournamentwith a41-38<br />

win against Riccarton High School who play inthe Christchurch Supernet<br />

Competition.<br />

SecuringAGrade for 2023<br />

Thetournament endedbyplaying RiccartonHigh School again, to securea<br />

spot in theAGradecompetitionfor 2023, winning 51-35.<br />

Individual Game Scores were – as above, the first-up win over Riccarton<br />

High School (41-38), followed bylosses against Wakatipu High School<br />

(25-41), Otago Girls’High School (27-51), Nayland College (26-32), Kaiapoi<br />

High School (26-43) and CentralSouthland(28-43).<br />

The all-important games toretain their place inAGrade for 2023 were<br />

against South Otago High School (37-34) and the second game against<br />

RiccartonHigh School(51-35).<br />

Through the week the players met many teams who had plenty of height<br />

and were aclass above theCollegeteam;and an injury to Olivia Pearce did<br />

nothelp College’s cause.<br />

However, the team never gave up and left plenty out on the court. Tania<br />

said theywerepleased to seethe finalday as illness wasstarting to appear<br />

within the team. Their final day produced two fantastic games and itwas<br />

greattosee thatexpressed by the players.<br />

Plenty of experience was gained by the players and they were anabsolute<br />

pleasure, and represented AshColl well on andoffthe court.<br />

The team (pictured above, back row, left toright): Tania Rule (Manager),<br />

Makeleta Ula, Sera Ula, Sophie Gibson, Molly Milmine (Captain), Ruby Gray<br />

(Captain), Cecillia Vaaelua, Denise Jerao,Olivia Pearce,Meg Lill.<br />

(Front row, left to right): EmmaSilva(Coach), Amelia Harris, PoppyJemmett.<br />

DebSilvawas with the team as ahelper, andwas invaluable.<br />

Information<br />

We welcome the return of another of our keycultural events,<br />

afterthe previous COVID-restrictions.<br />

If youare able to attend,diarythisevent which showcases the<br />

musical talentofmanyofour students.<br />

BalanceofWinterTournamentWeekReports<br />

In next week’s newsletter we will report onBoys’1st XI Hockey Johnson<br />

CupTournament, the Girls’1st XI Hockey Audrey Timlin CupTournament,<br />

the South Island Secondary Schools’Equestrian Championships, and the<br />

Boys’2nd XI Hockey.<br />

The team (pictured above, back row, left to right): Taylor King-Ryan,<br />

MicaelaGomez,Melissa Mattson,Sifala Sagaga, ZoeNicholls,Darcy McCully,<br />

Gabbie Tindall, Patrick Sandrey (Coach).<br />

(Front row, left to right): Donna Dandin, E-J Elliott, Georgie Poole,<br />

Sarah Mattson (Co-captain), Lusungu Mbambo (Co-captain),<br />

Katie Ashworth, Gracie Trotter,HayleySmith, JamilaJimenez.



5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,<strong>15</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 96<br />

Feedback on plantolower speed around schools<br />

The Council isproposing to lower<br />

speed limits around the district’s<br />

schools as one of three key<br />

principles in a new draft interim<br />

speed management plan, released<br />

this week forpublic feedback.<br />

If the community supports the proposal,<br />

30km/h permanent speed limits would<br />

be established outside 16 of the district’s<br />

urban schools, with 60km/h variable<br />

speed limits (applicable during school<br />

travel periods only) for five schools on<br />

ruralroads.<br />

The three Methven schools would also<br />

havelowerspeedlimits,butwouldneedto<br />

wait forWakaKotahi NZ Transport Agency<br />

to develop aspeed management plan, as<br />

they’relocatedonastate highway.<br />

Council Infrastructure Services Group<br />

Manager Neil McCann said lowering<br />

speed limits outside schools had strong<br />

community support when the Council<br />

consulted on the topic in2020, but was<br />

notable to proceed under the Ministryof<br />

Transport Ruleinplaceatthattime.<br />

“Recent changes to government<br />

regulations and direction from Waka<br />

Kotahi means that once weconfirm this<br />

draft planwith the community,wecan get<br />

on withmaking these changes.”<br />

Anew Land Transport Rule (Setting of<br />

Speed Limits <strong>2022</strong>) came into force in<br />

Workhas begunthisweek to install<br />

new guard rails on the Rangitata<br />

Diversion Race bridge onPudding<br />

HillRoad, near Methven.<br />

The $300,000 projectisbeingundertaken<br />

by Fulton Hoganand should be finished by<br />

Christmas.<br />

The existingwooden rails will be removed<br />

StudentsfromLongbeach School talked to Council recentlyabout slowingthe speedofvehicles outsidetheirruralschool.<br />

May and allows territorial authorities to<br />

develop speed management plans for<br />

local roads.<br />

The Council’s draft interim plan also<br />

proposes giving the Councilthe abilityto<br />

lowerspeeds around the fringes of urban<br />

areasastheydevelopandloweringspeeds<br />

inareaswithahighnumberofactiveusers,<br />

suchaswalkersand cyclists.<br />

“Ournew CBDisanexample of abusy area<br />

witha30km/h speed limit already in place<br />

which makes it safer for pedestrians and<br />

cyclists.”<br />

Mr McCann saysthatthe draft interim plan<br />

will offer amore flexible approach that<br />

better acknowledges the local conditions<br />

andthe surroundingenvironment.<br />

“Previously every change in the speed<br />

limit required public consultation before<br />

it could be implemented, butnow we can<br />

intervene faster whenchangesinthe local<br />

environment requireitand theshift aligns<br />

with the adopted speed management<br />

plan.”<br />

He said the Council would be getting in<br />

touch with schools and encouraging them<br />

to givefeedback.Onlylastweek,students<br />

from Longbeach School petitioned the<br />

Council for alower speed limit outside<br />

their rural school.<br />

Newguard rails forPudding HillRdbridge<br />


and replaced with galvanised steel rails.<br />

Council Infrastructure Services Group<br />

Manager Neil McCann said the new<br />

galvanised steel rails offered more<br />

protection and would help keep vehicles<br />

on the bridgeinthe event of acrash.<br />

“People travelling on Pudding Hill Road<br />

over the next few months will find the<br />

bridgeisdowntoone-lane while thework<br />

is done, but our contractors areworking as<br />

quickly as theycan.”<br />

Walkers and cyclists using the Methven<br />

walkwaywill still haveaccess to the track.<br />

“Wehave$600,000 in the budgetfor road<br />

signs and infrastructure improvements<br />

associatedwiththespeedlimitsatschools.<br />

If the community supports this plan, we<br />

could have new limits around schools as<br />

soonasthe first term of next year.”<br />

Mr McCann expects the community will<br />

be passionate about the topic, with the<br />

lastspeed limit reviewreceivingover400<br />

responses.<br />

“Ultimately for speed limits towork well,<br />

theyneedtobeunderstoodandsupported<br />

by the community.”<br />

Submissions close on 16 October. Have<br />

your sayatashburtondc.govt.nz/speed<br />

Hamish Riach -Chief Executive<br />

Officially marking the end of an era<br />

The passing of QueenElizabeth<br />

II marks the end of an erafor the<br />

Commonwealth,aswewill surely<br />

notsee another monarch reign for<br />

70 yearsormore.<br />

While the main eventistaking place in<br />

the United Kingdom, halfaworldaway,<br />

therehavebeen discretepreparations<br />

in NewZealandtowardsthis time.<br />

Our Council hasbeen receivingadvice<br />

from the Department of InternalAffairs<br />

and theGovernor-General’s officeon<br />

eventstomark the Queen’s passing,<br />

acknowledgethe changeofheadof<br />

stateand allowKiwistomourn.<br />

We haveabook of condolences in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> PublicLibraryfor residents<br />

to sign and remember Queen Elizabeth,<br />

and thatbookwill be preservedhere<br />

as ahistorical record.The library has<br />

been running adisplaywith aRoyal<br />

theme, andofcourse we willsoon have<br />

aphotograph of King Charles III in our<br />

chambers.<br />

NewZealandwill mark thepassing<br />

of Queen Elizabeth II withastate<br />

memorial serviceand one-off public<br />

holiday on Monday 26 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Mayor Neil Brownwillattend the event<br />

in Wellington –itwill be broadcastlive<br />

and be achancefor all of us to celebrate<br />

her lifeand reign.<br />

Our flags in BaringSquareWestwill fly<br />

at half-mastuntil the end of the dayof<br />

the NewZealand memorial service.<br />

Some in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>districtwill have<br />

very special memories of her visits here<br />

in 1954 and1981,and at Council we<br />

have the signatures of the Queen and<br />

PrincePhilip in our visitor book from<br />

that lastoccasion.<br />

Forthose who areinterested, the<br />

Governor-General’swebsitehas ahost<br />

of informationabout official events,<br />

theQueen and herrelationship with<br />

NewZealand and about the newKing,<br />

whohas visitedNew Zealand10times<br />

between1970 and 2019.<br />

Another erathatiscoming to an end<br />

is the three-yearlocal government<br />

cycle.Wearepreparingtofarewell and<br />

acknowledge the serviceofelected<br />

councillorsAngus McKay,John Falloon,<br />

Diane<br />

Rawlinson<br />

and Stuart<br />

Wilson, whoare<br />

all retiring, so therewill be at leastfour<br />

newfaces on the newcouncil that will<br />

be formed after local body elections on<br />

8October.<br />

Residentsshould receivetheirvoting<br />

papersinthe mail in the next fewdays<br />

and Iurgeyou to do your duediligence<br />

on all the candidates, thenvoteand<br />

sendthe papersbackinthe envelope<br />

provided. It’sbeen good to see<br />

community groupsorganisingmeetthe-candidateseventsthatprovide<br />

an<br />

opportunity forvoterstogather good<br />

intel.<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>15</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 96<br />


Voting startstomorrowinlocal elections<br />

With voting packs for local<br />

elections arriving in mailboxes<br />

from tomorrow, all people need to<br />

remember is a simple three-step<br />

process:Vote, pack andpost.<br />

When your pack arrives, read the<br />

instructions carefully and complete your<br />

voting document. Pack it back into the<br />

supplied orange envelope and putitinthe<br />

postbefore4October to ensureitarrives<br />

beforethe noon deadline on 8October.<br />

Youcan also return your completedvoting<br />

documents tothe orange ballot boxes at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library, Methven<br />

iHub or <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

administration building right up until<br />

voting closesatnoon on 8October.<br />

If youforgot to enroloryour votingpapers<br />

haven’tarrivedbythemiddleofnext week,<br />

youmay stillbeable to cast aspecial vote –<br />

voteashburton.nz<br />

but this canonly be done at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council office during business<br />

hours.<br />

Candidate profiles will be included<br />

with the packs, but are also available at<br />

voteashburton.nz, along with information<br />

about specialvoting.<br />

Meetthe candidatesmeetings have been<br />

organised by the Rakaia Community<br />

Association at 7.30pm onThursday 22<br />

<strong>September</strong> atthe Rakaia Memorial Hall,<br />

and by Greypower at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Seniors CentreonMonday 19 <strong>September</strong>,<br />

at 2pm.<br />

Oncevotingstarts,dailyvotereturnswillbe<br />

available from electionz.com. Preliminary<br />

results are expected somewhere around<br />

1pm on 8October.<br />

The first meetingofthe inaugural Council<br />

has been tentatively scheduled for<br />

Thursday 27 October, at 1.30pm, when<br />

councillors and Methven Community<br />

Boardmembers will be sworn in.<br />

Some public toilets to be locked at night<br />

Council has begun closing some<br />

of its public toilets at night inan<br />

attempt todeter vandals that have<br />

been targetingfacilities.<br />

About twiceaweek overthe past several<br />

months, staffcleaningthe public toilets at<br />

Argyle Park and EastStreethavearrived to<br />

find graffiti on the walls of toiletcubicles,<br />

or soap dispensers ripped from their<br />

fittings and toiletpaper strewn about.<br />

Afirewas deliberately lit in one cubicle at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain playground.<br />

CommunityServicesGroupManagerSteve<br />

FabishsaidpublictoiletsatArgylePark,the<br />

WalnutAvenue sportspavilion, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Domain picnic ground and children’s<br />

playground were now being closed at<br />

night by Council’ssecuritycontractor. The<br />

toilets areunlockedagain in the morning.<br />

“Theonly public toilets open as usual are<br />

the ones near thedomain entrance, which<br />

arewell used by the travelling public, the<br />

Rebatesteam<br />

hitstheroad<br />

Our Customer Services team is<br />

heading to Methven and Rakaia early<br />

next month to talk ratesrebates.<br />

Council staff will be at the Mt Hutt<br />

Memorial Hall on Wednesday<br />

5 October, from 10am until 12<br />

noon; and at the Rakaia Library<br />

on Wednesday 12 October, from<br />

10am until 12noon. Residents can<br />

call Council on 307 7700 tobook at<br />

appointment at Methven or Rakaia.<br />

Many low income households are<br />

eligible for increased support to pay<br />

their council rates, especially with<br />

changes to the rates rebate scheme<br />

thattookeffectinJuly.Themaximum<br />

annual rebate has increased from<br />

$665 to $700 and the abatement<br />

threshold has increased from $26,510<br />

to $28,080 income.<br />

The EastStreetdisabled access toiletwill<br />

continue to be open during thenight.<br />

East Street disabled access toilet and a<br />

toilet block at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>cemetery.<br />

“It’s ashame it has come to this, but we<br />

are working with police onways to stop<br />

thisrepeated vandalism and locking some<br />

toilets overnight removes anopportunity<br />

to causedamage.”<br />

He said the recent spate of vandalism to<br />

the public toilets wasconcerning.<br />

“Residents end up paying for vandalism<br />

through their rates, so we have been<br />

forcedtotake whatwehopeisatemporary<br />

measuretoclose someofour public toilets<br />

at night.<br />

“Sadly, many other councils around the<br />

country have been locking their public<br />

toilets at nightbecauseofvandalism. This<br />

is not the <strong>Ashburton</strong> way and we need<br />

your help.<br />

“Soweare askingresidentstokeep an eye<br />

out and report this sort of behaviour to the<br />

policeiftheysee it happening.”<br />

Mr Fabish said Council had security<br />

cameras in various locations and were<br />

supplyingfootage to police.<br />

“These cameras don’t always capture<br />

the people doing the damage, so we are<br />

askingthe community to help be our eyes<br />

and ears.”<br />

If you see our public toilets being<br />

vandalised, please call policeon105.<br />

BringingtereoMāori to life<br />

Te wiki otereo Maori is agood time<br />

torevisitthetwoMāorinames,gifted<br />

by Arowhenua, for the Council’s<br />

new library and civic building. The<br />

library willbeknown as Te Pātaka o<br />

kā Tuhituhi and thecivic centreasTe<br />

Waharoa aHinePaaka.<br />

Te Pātaka o kā Tuhituhi means the<br />

storehouse of written publications, while<br />

Te Waharoa aHine Paaka derives from<br />

an ancient matai tree that once stood at<br />

Alford Forest. Known as Hine Paaka, the<br />

tree was asignificant landmark to Māori<br />

travelling through the district.<br />

Council is also encouraging membersofits<br />

communities to download atereo Māori<br />

app designed for its staff so that more<br />

people can learn more about local Maori<br />

language and protocols during Māori<br />

languageweek.<br />

TheTūwhanaappcameaboutafterCouncil<br />

piloted atereo Māori course for staff in<br />

2019toimprove cultural competency. The<br />

app also features Tagalog (the primary<br />

languageofthe Philippines) andSamoan.<br />

It is available free on both Apple and<br />

Android play stores.<br />




Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong>islooking for<br />

volunteers to help this Saturday as part<br />

of Keep NewZealand Beautiful Week.<br />

The group is planningclean-ups at some<br />

localhot-spotsand is lookingfor helpers<br />

between10amand 1pm.<br />

Volunteersshould meetatthe West<br />

Streetcarpark at 9.45am on Saturday 17<br />

<strong>September</strong>.Rubbish bags anddisposable<br />

gloves provided.<br />




Needanoteonyour fridge to remindyou<br />

whetherit'sglass or recycling day? Or<br />

sometipsabout how to reduce waste?<br />

We'vereprinted ourBin it Right booklet,<br />

whichhas everythingyou need to know<br />

aboutour<br />

solidwaste<br />

andrecycling<br />

programme.<br />

Call in to our<br />

Council office<br />

on Baring<br />

SquareWest<br />

andpick<br />

up afree<br />

bookletand/<br />

or akerbside<br />

collection<br />

calendar.<br />



Meetings areheld in theCouncil<br />

Chambers, 137 Havelock Street,<br />

(unless otherwise advised).<br />

Council Meeting -Wednesday21<br />

<strong>September</strong>, 1.00pm(live-streamed)<br />

Council Activity Briefings -<br />

Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,9.30am<br />

Audit &RiskCommittee -<br />

Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,1.30pm<br />

(live-streamed)<br />

Council Hearings(Stormwater<br />

Bylaw) -Thursday 29 <strong>September</strong>,<br />

9.00am (live-streamed)<br />


Remember to putyourwindstrapon<br />

wheneveryou put your wheeliebins out,<br />

no matter the weather! Thestrap helps<br />

keep lids shut on windy days,and when<br />

binsare blownorknocked over. They’re<br />

specially designed to be undone as the<br />

bin is picked up and emptied.<br />

Haven't gotawindstrap?Gotoour<br />

website ashburtondc.govt.nz/services/<br />

rubbish-and-recycling and requestone.<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon,Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>15</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 96<br />


NEWS<br />

16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

When Queen Elizabeth II came to town<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

QueenElizabeth II visited<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>twice duringher 70<br />

year reign, the first on abalmy<br />

summer day on January 22,<br />

1954.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>visit waspart<br />

of the Queenand the Dukeof<br />

Edinburgh’s post­coronation<br />

NewZealand tour.<br />

The royals stayed in town for<br />

less than an hour but thousands<br />

of locals managed to see the<br />

royal coupleatapublic<br />

reception at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Domain.<br />

Although the <strong>Ashburton</strong>visit<br />

was short anewspaper article<br />

at the time said ‘‘Her<br />

appearance wasenjoyedtothe<br />

full and we feel certain that<br />

everyone of thethousands<br />

assembled today will have<br />

cherished memories of a<br />

charming personalty.’’<br />

As the couple made their way<br />

to <strong>Ashburton</strong>inconvoy, people<br />

from the ruralcommunities<br />

lined theroute from<br />

Christchurch to <strong>Ashburton</strong>to<br />

see the royal convoypass.<br />

‘‘Thosewaysidewelcomes<br />

thoughquieter than the<br />

tumultuous crowds of<br />

Christchurch were<br />

nevertheless noticed by the<br />

Queenand Duke.They<br />

acknowledged every cheer with<br />

an almostperfectwave,’’ a<br />

reporter wrote. The royal car<br />

slowed as it passed though<br />

Rakaia and theroof wasfolded<br />

back, local childrenwaved flags<br />

and shoutedtheir excitement,<br />

the Queen and Dukesmiled and<br />

waved back.<br />

Theconvoyarrived at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain 45 minutes<br />

late, which addedtothe<br />

anticipationofthe waiting<br />

public, includinghundreds of<br />

flagwavingchildren eagerly<br />

awaiting her arrival.<br />

As the cardrove on to the<br />

domain’s oval theywere<br />

greeted with criesof‘‘Here she<br />

comes!’’ Cheering broke out<br />

and themany children waved<br />

their flags andshouted<br />

excitedly.<br />

Elderly folk had seating<br />

provided on the eastern side of<br />

the grounds, hospitalpatients<br />

on the westernside. RSA<br />

membersformed lines on<br />

either side of the driveway<br />

where theroyal car drove and<br />

circled theovalonthe way to<br />

the dias.<br />

The mayor, Mr Ernest<br />

Bathurst presented the Queen<br />

with two Robinwulrugsmade<br />

at Lane, WalkerRudkins<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> factory, ablue one<br />

for Prince Charlesand apink<br />

one for PrincessAnne.<br />

TheQueen signed theofficial<br />

visitor’s book of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

BoroughCouncil.<br />

Once thenationalanthem<br />

was sung, and the dignitaries<br />

met, the Queenand Duke<br />

departedtothe Longbeach<br />

Estatefor afew days rest.<br />

On abeautiful spring day 27<br />

years later theQueenand Duke<br />

visited <strong>Ashburton</strong>again in<br />

October 1981.<br />

The coupledined at Coniston,<br />

beforegoing for a50­minute<br />

walk in the domain,where they<br />

viewed locally madecrafts.<br />

The Queenand Duke were<br />

impressed by ajewellerybox<br />

created by amemberofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pottery Society and<br />

showed interest in the IHC<br />

basketware display.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch of the<br />

Riding for the Disabledgave the<br />

Queen abadge to be passed on to<br />

her sister, the movements<br />

patroness Princess Anne.<br />

The badge was giventothe<br />

Queen after she viewedactivities<br />

by members fromthe branch.<br />

Anews articlewritten at the<br />

time said‘‘Both the Queenand<br />

Duketook time to speaktoriders<br />

and instructors, showing<br />

particular interest in the horses<br />

used.<br />

‘‘The Queenasked particularly<br />

how the horsesbehaved during<br />

theirwait for the visit, whilethe<br />

Duketook time to speaktothe<br />

riders.’’<br />

The Queenwas in thecountry<br />

for eight days followinga<br />

CommonwealthHeads of<br />

Governmentconferencein<br />

Melbourne.<br />

Above: The Queen talks to Joy<br />

Ashford during her 1981 visit.<br />

Below left: The Queen and<br />

Mayor Bathurst, right, Queen<br />

Elizabeth and the Duke of<br />

Edinburgh at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Domain in 1954.<br />

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*Offervalidto11.10.22orwhilestockslast.Discountoffersapplytoselectedbedsandbeddingonly, pricesasmarked.OffersexcludeEverydayDreamprices,runouts,clearancestock(unlessotherwisestated)andnottobeusedinconjunctionwithanyotheroffer.Seein-storefordetails.Wereservetherighttocorrecterrorsandmisprintsandtochangeproductspecifications.Allproductsareadvertisedingoodfaithandwillbeavailable,exceptincircumstancesbeyondourcontrol.Productrangesvarybetweenstoresandsomeproductsareavailableinselectedstoresonly.

Local Elections <strong>2022</strong><br />


*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Meet your MayoralCandidates...<br />

Neil Brown<br />

I have been an <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

citizen my entire life, with<br />

long family ties tothe area.<br />

My wife Judy and Ihavebeen<br />

married for30yearsand have<br />

been farming in<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

our entire lives. We have<br />

three adult children, with our<br />

eldest son taking over the<br />

family farming interests. We<br />

also have business interests<br />

throughout the district, and both of us have volunteered<br />

for different organisations over the years and continue to<br />

do so.<br />

Forthe past three yearsIhave had the honour of being the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor, arole that has presented its challenges<br />

in these unprecedented times with aglobal pandemic, 1<br />

in 200-year severe floods with the subsequentdevastation,<br />

and major infrastructure issues that will have ongoing<br />

effects for our future. My experience in local government<br />

has served mewell to meet these challenges and has<br />

helped to put <strong>Ashburton</strong> onthe national stage. Ihave<br />

championed <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s interests atthe highest levels of<br />

government, to the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers,<br />

and have successfully help secure $20 million for our new<br />

Civic Building (keeping the costs to ratepayers down),<br />

successfully lobbied foreconomicreliefafter the May2021<br />

floods, and have presented analternative solution to the<br />

complete takeover ofthe Three Waters by acentralised<br />

agencytoretain localcontrol over our water. Additionally,<br />

by working strategically with key Ministers, such as Hon.<br />

Michael Wood, I have lobbied for central government<br />

support for our Second Urban Bridge and to reach<br />

agreementinfinallyrelocating the railyards from our town<br />

centre to the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Business Estate. Atthe present<br />

time,the business case forfunding to make up the shortfall<br />

for the Second Urban Bridge is being presented toWaka<br />

Kotahi (NZTA) who have agreed to prioritise this issue<br />

given the critical importance to keeping the South Island<br />

openduring emergencyevents.<br />

Iamrunning for mysecond term as Mayor so<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District will have the most consistent, stable and positive<br />

leader it needsfor its future, and to ensurethe goodwork<br />

currently underway isseen to completion. Iwant tosee<br />

throughthe criticalissues facingour community, including<br />

the Three Waters Reforms, the opening of our new Civic<br />

Building,the building ofthe Second Urban Bridge, and get<br />

our roads in better condition. Avote for me is avote for a<br />

safe future.<br />

-AuthorisedbyNeil Brown, Mitcham Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511434<br />

Jeff Swindley<br />

My principal place of<br />

residence is within the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District. Iamalso<br />

known as The Bald Barber.<br />

While Idon’t have auniversity<br />

degree, nor am Iafarmer,Ido<br />

have aMasters in Common<br />

Sense.<br />

With my business, I have<br />

proved Iamalateral thinker,<br />

strategicplanner and have the abilitytogauge the political<br />

landscape.Iamanactivelistener and am solution-oriented.<br />

Ihave navigated many changes inmybusinesses over the<br />

years and now Iwant toapply those same skills to being<br />

your voice in<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Ibelieve Ican be the mayor our<br />

district needs. One who stands on his integrity, for both<br />

rural and urban sectors of our community. If elected, Iwill<br />

begin with the unfair rate rises, the increasing burden of<br />

complianceand financial accountabilityofthe council itself.<br />

To get to know moreabout me and my mayoralchallenge,<br />

youare all invited to take partinmypublic meetings,which<br />

will be held at:<br />

TheSinclair Centre, 74 Park Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Monday-Friday, 12-30 <strong>September</strong><br />

7.<strong>15</strong>pm-8.30pm<br />

Authorised by :Jeffrey-robert: Miller Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

2512718<br />

2509625<br />

Voting in localbodyelections<br />

Local body elections will be held by postal vote and sent<br />

out to people registered on the electoralroll.<br />

Voting papers and information about the candidatesyou<br />

can chose from in our local body elections will arrive in<br />

mailboxes.<br />

The voting -which happens every three years -opens<br />

from tomorrow (<strong>September</strong> 16) and closes at noon on<br />

Saturday, October 8.<br />

The official results of the elections will be known from<br />

October 13.<br />

They are powerful papers. They are your chance to<br />

influence local democracy around decisions affecting<br />

infrastructure, services and activities happening in our<br />

area and make your voiceheard.<br />

In these elections you get to say what’s important to<br />

you and select people you believe will most effectively<br />

representthose views.<br />

In Mid Canterbury elections are being held for the<br />

mayoralty; councillors in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Western and<br />

EasternWards; and representatives on the Braided Rivers<br />

CommunityTrust,the MethvenCommunityBoardaswell<br />

as EnvironmentCanterbury.<br />

It will depend on whereinthe districtyou live.<br />

Youwill be asked to vote for amayor and councillors to<br />

represent your ward (<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Eastern orWestern) on<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil,aswell as twocouncillors<br />

to represent the Mid Canterbury constituency for<br />

EnvironmentCanterbury.<br />

Residents in Methven will vote for members of their<br />

communityboard.<br />

Most residents (apart from Rakaia and the northern part<br />

of the district) will also be asked to electmembers to the<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust.<br />

Onceyou have receiveyour voting papers,make sureyou<br />

read the accompanying information, then have your say<br />

by completing your voting document, and returnitusing<br />

the supplied postage-paid envelope.<br />

Then put it in the post.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> local elections will use the First Past the Post<br />

(FPP) voting system, where the candidates who receive<br />

the most voteswill be elected.<br />

Alternatively completed voting documents can also be<br />

placed in the orange collection box atthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

PublicLibraryor<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCounciladministration<br />

building.<br />

People who do not receive avoting paper in the post<br />

will be able to request and complete aspecial vote (a<br />

statutorydeclaration is also completed).<br />

Special voting is available if: your name does not appear<br />

on the final electoralroll but youstill qualify,you did not<br />

get aposted voting paper,your voting paper wasspoiled<br />

or damaged, you will be overseas during the election<br />

period or if you’re on the unpublished (private) roll.<br />

Youneed to be on the electoral roll to request aspecial<br />

vote.Toenrol,visit vote.nz, call 0800 36 76 56, or freetext<br />

your name and address to 3676.<br />

Special voting documents will be available from 9am to<br />

5pm Monday toFriday, from Friday 16<strong>September</strong> until<br />

Friday7October at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil Office,<br />

5Baring SquareWest,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Special voting will also be available on Saturday8October<br />

from 9am until voting closes at noon.

Local Elections <strong>2022</strong><br />


*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Meet your DistrictCouncil <strong>Ashburton</strong>WardCandidates<br />

Thelma<br />

Bell<br />

Ihave lived in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

for over 30years. I enjoy<br />

volunteering wherever<br />

I can, while juggling<br />

my family and work<br />

responsibilities. I am<br />

involved in schools, value<br />

our church family and<br />

recently started work inanage care facility. Iwelcome<br />

newcomers to the districtand enjoyseeing them being<br />

integrated into the community. Through my work as a<br />

Justice ofthe Peace itisaprivilege to assist them with<br />

their documents. Itisapleasuretosee them benefiting<br />

from their hardwork.<br />

Ihave attained university qualifications both in the<br />

Philippines and New Zealand and Iknow full well the<br />

struggles involvedingetting employmentlocally.<br />

During my term at the council, Iamproud to say, I<br />

was the first person of Filipino heritage to become a<br />

member of Local GovernmentNew Zealand.<br />

Aftermyprevious experienceasaCouncillor,Ifeel Istill<br />

have much to offer. Ibelieve indiverse representation<br />

and equal opportunity. It’s time to get back and<br />

contribute tothe development ofour district. When<br />

making decisions around the council table, Iconsider<br />

all sides of the story and the impact itwill have onthe<br />

community.<br />

Authorised by Thelma Bell,thelma.bell63@gmail.com<br />

2512053<br />

Leen<br />

Braham<br />

It has been a privilege<br />

to be a councillor for<br />

the last six years, and<br />

immensely satisfying<br />

to see the finished CBD<br />

redevelopment, Civic<br />

Centre progress and<br />

the final business case<br />

regarding the 2e bridge project.<br />

Born in the Netherlands, the family values of honesty,<br />

loyaltyand respectfor others were instilled in me at an<br />

early age and continue to guide me.<br />

MidCanterburybecame our home in 1982, and Lianne<br />

and Ihaveenjoyedraising afamily hereand being apart<br />

of many community groups. Sports, church, theatre<br />

and music continue to enrich our livesand those of our<br />

children and grand-children.<br />

Being a self-employed landscape designer requires<br />

vision, the ability tolisten and interpret, clear thinking<br />

and problem solving skills. These qualities and skills<br />

have helped me be an effective, independentcouncillor.<br />

CommunityGovernanceroles with <strong>Ashburton</strong>College,<br />

Tinwald School and the Tinwald Reserves Board,<br />

combined with twoterms as Councillor helped develop<br />

strategic thinking and leadership skills and increase my<br />

communityknowledge.<br />

Your vote for mewill befor commitment, honesty,<br />

inclusiveness,integrity,openness and common sense. I<br />

bring no agendas or affiliations,just adetermination to<br />

do my best forthe district.<br />

Authorised by Leen Braham, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511202<br />

Brie<br />

Burgess<br />

With roots in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District dating<br />

back four generations,<br />

through Staveley,<br />

Methven and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

it is my privilege to<br />

run for Councillor of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward. I<br />

would describe myself<br />

as apassionate individual with the integrity toask the<br />

hard questions needed to overcome the challenges<br />

presentedinOffice.<br />

I am opposed to the Three Waters reforms and I<br />

believe it’s time to step back to basics and focus our<br />

attention on the infrastructure ofour District. With fit<br />

for purpose water and wastewater systems and hard<br />

wearing roading with repairs that will stand the test of<br />

time. Toachievethis,weneed astrong team adopting<br />

a common-sense mentality to assist with making<br />

practical budget decisions.<br />

Ihope to be the driving force behind decisions based<br />

on what the ratepayers have indicated the district<br />

needs and keeping wasteful spending to aminimum.<br />

I will hold the decisions of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Council<br />

accountable to the ratepayers.<br />

Iwill bring afresh approach to local government with<br />

my strong will and tenacious attitude,helping to shape<br />

the brightfutureofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>District.<br />

Authorised by Brie Burgess,<br />

briannonburgess@hotmail.com<br />

2510808<br />

Carolyn<br />

Cameron<br />

It would be a privilege<br />

for me to be re-elected<br />

to work for the people of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and continue<br />

to supportour community.<br />

Igrew upinthe farming<br />

community of Eiffelton,<br />

and now work and<br />

live in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. I believe my local knowledge<br />

and governance experience can make a valuable<br />

contribution to our District.<br />

Living and working in <strong>Ashburton</strong> has given meagreat<br />

opportunity tospeak to many people of their hopes,<br />

and aspirations for our town and also their insights<br />

as to how wecan develop in the future. Icontinue to<br />

want to be part ofacouncil to make those ambitions<br />

possible.<br />

If re-elected, I will safeguard ratepayers return on<br />

their rates by supporting careful, accountable and<br />

transparent expenditure. My priorities will be the core<br />

business of council of developing and maintaining<br />

infrastructureservices to our District, including roading,<br />

footpaths, and drinking and waste waters. Council<br />

also is asteward of facilities such as our parks, library<br />

and museum and Iwill continue to champion these<br />

communityassets.<br />

Healthcare isanother of my passions; centralisation of<br />

the health system makes it more important than ever<br />

that local voices are heard ifweare to maintain access<br />

to qualityhealthcare.<br />

First and foremost, <strong>Ashburton</strong> isour town. Let’s keep<br />

moving forward and make it an even better place to<br />

live. Authorised by Carolyn Cameron, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2514266<br />

Russell<br />

Ellis<br />

Ihave along association<br />

with <strong>Ashburton</strong> and am<br />

passionate about our<br />

district.<br />

I brought my business<br />

knowledge, community<br />

leadership and enthusiasm<br />

to the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council table in 2013 and served as your<br />

councillor through to 2019. Iwas also Chair of the<br />

Finance and Business Support Committee for the last<br />

18 months of that. With six years’experienceofCouncil<br />

process and protocols, my enthusiasm for serving<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>isundiminished.<br />

The four well-beings (Social, Environmental, Economic,<br />

Cultural) arenow legislatedintoour Council’s decisionmaking.<br />

These are really important tomeand will be<br />

central tomyinput -Iamcurrently on the board of<br />

Safer Mid Canterbury. Iknow this year’s 12% rate rise<br />

hit some households hard. Ihave aconsistent record<br />

of voting to contain spending while ensuring the best<br />

outcomes for our community. Ibring acommon sense<br />

attitude thatbenefitsresidents -this must be the basis<br />

of all decisions made by council.<br />

If successful Iwill beresigning from my employment<br />

to throw myself full time into the role ofbeing your<br />

councillor.<br />

Ilook forwardtoagain working hardtoensurethe best<br />

outcomes forall residents of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>district.<br />

Authorised by Russell Ellis,<br />

RussellEllis@gmail.com<br />

2511190<br />

Carol<br />

Johns<br />

To stand forCouncil is not<br />

a decision I have made<br />

lightly.<br />

As a possible incoming<br />

Councillor, I understand<br />

that people may want<br />

change but Iamalso very<br />

awarethatnot all thathas<br />

been done can be undone. SoIcome looking to the<br />

futureofMid Canterbury, to make sound judgments on<br />

what Isee and hear in the community and to listen to<br />

the people and whatthey see and want to happen.<br />

My wish is forMid Canterbury’scontinuing prosperity, to<br />

see growth and vibrancyinour town, and to encourage<br />

local ideas and involvement inevents nomatter how<br />

big or small.<br />

Iwill domyutmost torepresent and be the voice of<br />

reason forthe people in MidCanterburywithmyvoice<br />

on the council and in the community. Ifully support<br />

keeping all infrastructure and decision making at a<br />

local level to make sure Mid Canterbury residents are<br />

well looked after.<br />

I would endeavour to remain pro-active in the<br />

Communitydoing events and the Christmas Parade .<br />

FollowmyFacebook page -Carol Johns Candidate<strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Districtand feel free to ask anyquestions.<br />

Authorised by CarolJohns,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2509626<br />


LocalElections <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong>Ward<br />

*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Shfire<br />

Sapphire<br />

I love New Zealand, and<br />

want the future topresent<br />

our community with a<br />

plethora ofopportunities.<br />

I oppose mandates as<br />

people have lost their<br />

careers, businesses and<br />

homes.<br />

I’m pro-choice, your body is your business. Ibelieve in<br />

true democracy, where everyone’s opinions are just as<br />

important asthe next. Censorship is morally wrong.<br />

Let’s bring our differences together and find common<br />

ground.Ifelectedfor this role Iwilllistentothe people<br />

and bring the desired results.<br />

Isupport our current council with their opposition to<br />

the 3waters reform. I’ll make all grants well known to<br />

the public, and implement more strategies to hasten<br />

the building consents, tomeet the high demands of<br />

our growing society. I’ll make road maintenance a<br />

priority, and encourage many businesses to invest in<br />

our town. Iwilltry and cut the cost of council contracts<br />

in the ten year plan. Ioffer full transparency and take<br />

responsibilityfor everydecision Imake.<br />

Isupport our farmers and business owners. Ibelieve<br />

thatifthe governmentwantstoimplementsomething<br />

they must let the people vote. Our land,our people, our<br />

future. This is your Aotearoa!<br />

Authorised by Shfire Sapphire, 021681989<br />

2510255<br />

Bev<br />

Skates<br />

IamBev Skates and Iwant<br />

to be your representative<br />

forthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>Ward.<br />

Having had aprofessional<br />

background in Education<br />

I am a strong advocate<br />

forCounciltolisten to the<br />

voiceofthe Community.<br />

Iamcommitted to help further improve <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />

enable it to be amorevibrant and progressiveplacenot<br />

only forour locals but forthe wider Community.<br />

Istarted Litter-Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> Volunteers group four<br />

years ago and as part ofthis group our volunteers<br />

regularly collect large amounts of rubbish left around<br />

different areas.<br />

Iwill listen and be avoice for the Community working<br />

on further developmentofgood sporting facilities and<br />

activities for all age groups. Iwant tomake sure that<br />

our green spaces continue to be protected and well<br />

maintained along with our roading network for future<br />

generations.<br />

Iamateam player and Iwill domypart tomake sure<br />


spending so that<strong>Ashburton</strong>isaplacetobeproud of and<br />

for everyone toenjoy, one that provides opportunities<br />

across all age groups and aplacewhereweall feel safe<br />

and respected.<br />

Authorised by BevSkates<br />

2510851<br />

Hayden<br />

Tasker<br />

Greetings folks.<br />

To be honest this is the bit<br />

I’mnot really comfortable<br />

with.<br />

Ihave been brought up<br />

to be humble . . . self<br />

promotion is the opposite<br />

of this.<br />

I’m 49. Ihave lived in the district all my life. Iwent to<br />

primary school at Ruapuna, secondary at<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College.I’m an Ag contractor and livein<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

This means Ihavecontactwith people from all over the<br />

county.<br />

I think this gives me a balanced perspective and<br />

local knowledge ...two key ingredients for prudent<br />

governance. Ihavealwayshad an interest in local body<br />

politics. Itwould be fair to say Ihave been brought up<br />

with it.<br />

Things Ilike ...Roads. Bridges. Plumbing. Electricity.<br />

Water. Alluseful things.<br />

Ireckon worth maintaining, improving and protecting<br />

forfuturegenerations.<br />

I consider myself very privileged to live in mid<br />

Canterbury. I’m very lucky tobeable to call myself a<br />

bornand bred local.<br />

Ilovethis placeand would like an opportunitytomake<br />

apositivecontribution to the futureofmid Canterbury.<br />

FormetodothatI’m humbly asking foryour vote in the<br />

upcoming elections.<br />

Authorised by Hayden Tasker<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Ward<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Western Ward<br />

attractions to our District.<br />

Tony<br />

Todd<br />

Fashion Retailer (retired)<br />

after 54 years in the<br />

fashion industry.<br />

Wish to play a positive<br />

role in encouraging<br />

and attracting further<br />

development ofbusiness,<br />

sporting and tourist<br />

Have a true passion to continue to make our<br />

District a great place to visit and play. Am<br />

empathetic and have good communication skills.<br />

CommunityInvolvement- Past member,Presidentand<br />

Senatorof<strong>Ashburton</strong>Jaycee. Member of RotaryClubof<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, past President and Paul Harris Fellow. Was<br />

aBoard member of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust for 30<br />

years, the last 12 as President. Life member of NZLTA.<br />

Am presently involved with HospiceMid Canterburyin<br />

afund-raising role and the HospiceShop,and Chairman<br />

of Trott’s CommunityGarden CharitableTrust.<br />

In brief, we need long term protection of our hard-won<br />

communityassets.e.g., 3Waters, EANetworks. Support<br />

the promotion of the 4-lane motorwaytoChristchurch.<br />

Ensuring tourist attractions in our Districtare positively<br />

promoted. Continue development ofLake Hood and<br />

associatedrecreational opportunities.<br />

VOTE TONY TODD. Having avision moving forward<br />

to enhance and grow our District. Am passionate in<br />

making your placeabetter placetolivein.<br />

Authorised by Tony Todd,WinterStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511647<br />

Rodger<br />

Letham<br />

Born at Rakaia and<br />

educated at Lauriston<br />

Primary and Timaru Boys<br />

High School.<br />

From school Ifarmed at<br />

Lauriston until taking<br />

over the family farm in<br />

the early eighties. During<br />

that time, Iwas involved and held leadership positions<br />

in Young Farmers Club, Federated Farmers, Jaycees,<br />

Methven and <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lions, Lauriston School<br />

Committee, Methven High School Board ofGovernors.<br />

Currently amember and Past President ofthe Rotary<br />

Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

In the late eighties, economic and climatic conditions<br />

forced achange of direction and Ibegan a33-year<br />

career in Rural Real Estate with Hastings McLeod Real<br />

Estate. I believe that my past experiences give me<br />

agood understanding of the whole district and of<br />

governance.<br />

The future looks bright but all elected councillors will<br />

need clear critical thinking and be wary and focussed to<br />

get the best outcome forour ratepayers.<br />

Challenges that I see are: Three Waters; Reform of<br />

Local Govt Act; Review of Resource Management Act;<br />

Upgrading of Rural WaterSupplies.<br />

These matters will take time and require clear thinking<br />

and common sense while also maintaining day today<br />

running of the council.<br />

I’ve enjoyed myfirst term as aCouncillor but there are<br />

things still to come which Iwould like to see completed.<br />

Authorised by Rodger Letham, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511078<br />

Liz<br />

McMillan<br />

I am excited to stand<br />

again to represent<br />

you as a Western Ward<br />

Councillor. I have the<br />

following qualities to<br />

continue in this role.<br />

Ihaveexperience-Served<br />

for nine years on the<br />

Methven Community board and two terms as Western<br />

Ward Councillor, including aterm asDeputy Mayor.<br />

Knowledge of Long Term Plan process, budgets and<br />

policies.<br />

Ilisten –bybeing out and about every day learning<br />

more about our district. Easily contactable and Imake<br />

myself available forcommunityevents.<br />

Iaminformed -keeping across proposed changes to<br />

local government including 3waters, RMA and future<br />

of local government, as well as local roading, drinking<br />

waterand flooding issues.<br />

I am connected - In past two terms I have joined<br />

meetings connecting me with the district; Methvenand<br />

Mayfield Reserve and hall boards, MtSomers Citizens<br />

Association, Safer Mid Canterbury board, road safety<br />

and regional landfill to name afew.Also attend school,<br />

serviceclub and sporting celebrations.<br />

Iamcommunity minded –have been aresident of<br />

Methven for over 20 years, mother of two teenage<br />

students, and involved in many community projects<br />

including chairing the committee to build the Methven<br />

skateparkand chairing the Walking Festival group.<br />

Authorised by Liz McMillan<br />

liz4westernward@gmail.com<br />

2510323<br />


Local Elections <strong>2022</strong><br />


Western Ward<br />

Eastern Ward<br />

*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Lynda<br />

Topp<br />

Iwas born in the Waikato<br />

to dairy farming parents<br />

and at the age of 16<br />

joined the territorial army<br />

and did my basic training<br />

at Burnham Military<br />

Camp. Along with my<br />

twin sister I started my<br />

entertainment career as the Topp Twins in the 1980s<br />

and as they saythe rest is history.<br />

IbelieveIhavethe necessaryskillstooffer.<br />

Fairness,truth, transparencyand inclusiveness of all the<br />

people who liveinthe area areimportanttome.<br />

Water, roading, tourism, climate change and fair and<br />

reasonable rates will behigh on my agenda, aswell as<br />

the needs of business owners and farming communities<br />

IlovelivinginMethven, we have an amazing community<br />

and an awesome adventure playground waiting for us<br />

to enjoy.<br />

Letmebeyournew cowgirlfor the WesternWard.<br />

Authorised by Lynda Topp,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Lynette<br />

Lovett<br />

Your Rural Voice working<br />

for both Town and<br />

Country.<br />

Iamseeking re-election<br />

for my third term on<br />

Council. Ihave the ability,<br />

energy and will give my<br />

time to enable the best<br />

outcome for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District to grow and excel<br />

to be adesirable place tolive, work and play. Ibelieve<br />

in local voices forlocal people which is the cornerstone<br />

of our community.<br />

I’mproud to be living on our family farmthathas seen<br />

fivegenerations in the Eiffelton District, which givesme<br />

agood grounding on the agricultural industryand rural<br />

communities.<br />

My interests and volunteering are, County Lions, Civil<br />

Defence, Red Cross, Rural Women and past President<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>A&P Association.<br />

Ilook forward tobeing part ofthe future Council to<br />

continue with the ongoing projects and developments.<br />

I’mherefor all <strong>Ashburton</strong>people and apositivefuture.<br />

AuthorisedbyLynetteLovett,DawsonsRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Rob<br />

Mackle<br />

Hi I’mRob Mackle and I’m<br />

putting my hand upasa<br />

councillor for the Eastern<br />

ward Area. Isee this as an<br />

opportunity togive back<br />

to acommunity which I<br />

am passionate about.<br />

Iwas born and raised in<br />

Kaikoura but choose to make <strong>Ashburton</strong> our home,<br />

having farmed in the districtfor 17 plus years.<br />

Ihave been married to Debbie for 30years and we’ve<br />

raised our four children in this district. Our family isall<br />

proud to call <strong>Ashburton</strong>home.<br />

Icall it how Isee things and have an eye for detail, I<br />

would like to see <strong>Ashburton</strong> continue to prosper with<br />

good infrastructure inplace. Itruly believe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

should be adestination of choice.<br />

Communication is akey going forwardand Ibelieveall<br />

ratepayers should be allowed avoice, so that council<br />

driven results reflectthe majority’sdesired outcome.<br />

Ivalue diversityand would promoteequalitywithin our<br />

community.<br />

Coming from a farming background I have many<br />

transferable skills, aslateral thinking and outside of<br />

the box solutions are aneveryday occurrence. Iam<br />

a solution focused problem solver who thrives on<br />

challenge and implementing change.<br />

Authorised by RobMackle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2513481<br />

2511439<br />

2512918<br />

Eastern Ward<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />

Richard<br />

Wilson<br />

Iama54-year-old father<br />

of four married to Melissa.<br />

I am a farmer who has<br />

lived in the eastern<br />

ward for my entire life,<br />

attending Hinds School,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College then<br />

Lincoln (BComag), two<br />

years Rural Banking<br />

followed, then home to a family partnership. After<br />

building equity, I purchased part of the farm and<br />

convertedfrommixed cropping to dairy. Ilovefarming<br />

and the vibrant community centred around it. Ibring<br />

a sound local knowledge of the issues facing Mid<br />

Canterburyresidents.<br />

My off-farm interests include,MHV irrigation and Chair<br />

of the Rangitata Diversion Race. Being involved has<br />

givenmeanunderstanding of water and environmental<br />

issues facing the Easternward.<br />

The continuing vibrancy of Rakaia, Hinds and the<br />

other settlements in our ward is something I am<br />

passionate about. Iwill be avoice around council for<br />

our community. Iamnot afraid to express my opinion<br />

but can also see the merits in others’views, however I<br />

will alwaysadvocate forwhatisright.<br />

Having good councillors is essential as we face the<br />

uncertainties of 3 waters and local government<br />

restructuring. I have the skills to advocate for our<br />

district.<br />

Vote Wilson forsound responsible decision making.<br />

Authorised by RichardWilson,Hinds Arundel Road<br />

2509889<br />

Keiran<br />

Breakwell<br />

Born, raised and educated<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Ihave lived<br />

and worked heremyentire<br />

life. I am enthusiastic<br />

about continuing to offer<br />

my skills for the benefit of<br />

the community.<br />

At 21 years old Istarted myfirst business which I<br />

recently sold in order to focus on my other entities in<br />

the residential, commercial and agricultural sectors<br />

locally. Overthe last three years Ihavebeen involved in<br />

property developmentinRakaia and <strong>Ashburton</strong>among<br />

other investmentsectors.<br />

Iunderstand what ittakes for abusiness to grow and<br />

succeed and have enjoyed being part ofaprosperous<br />

and growing <strong>Ashburton</strong>business community<br />

Elected tothe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Board in2016 Ihave<br />

completed two three-year terms. Iamproud of what<br />

has been achieved by the current board and hope to<br />

continue to contributetothe futuresuccess of the trust.<br />

Iamproud of our communityand Ihavethe enthusiasm<br />

and drive required for this important position. My<br />

business management, decision making and leadership<br />

ability contribute tothe balance ofskills around the<br />

Trust table. Itwould be aprivilege to be elected with<br />

your vote and support.<br />

Authorised by Keiran Breakwell,<br />

Torbay Avenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

251<strong>15</strong>95<br />

Robert<br />

Harnett<br />

Iamaregistered valuer<br />

and real estate/property<br />

manager who is well<br />

knowninthe community,<br />

where I live with my<br />

wife and three children.<br />

With my background<br />

knowledge of property, I<br />

am the perfect addition<br />

to the trusts table. “It has been aprivilege to be able<br />

to deliver faithfully maintained assets and cash to the<br />

communitygroups in our district”.<br />

Iaminmysecond term and the current deputy chair. I<br />

enjoy the involvement that the Trust brings attending<br />

many sporting and cultural events fostering the good<br />

work of theCommunityTrust and the Lion Foundation.<br />

Ilook forward toremaining with the Braided Rivers<br />

Community Trust and the chance to continue<br />

supporting local organisations.<br />

Authorised by RobertHarnett<br />

2509629<br />


Local Elections <strong>2022</strong><br />


*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />

Chantelle<br />

Quinn<br />

Since being elected<br />

in 2019, I’m proud to<br />

have been part of the<br />

transformation from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing<br />

Trust to Braided Rivers<br />

CommunityTrust.<br />

In that time I have<br />

been thrilled to be part ofthe team which has given<br />

continued support toour local community through<br />

numerous grants. Highlights have been being able to<br />

help Kaifor Kids,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Youth Cafe,&Riding forthe<br />

Disabled.<br />

We have such amazing volunteers and groups which<br />

make <strong>Ashburton</strong>afabulous town. I’mproud to livehere<br />

and be partofits growth.<br />

As alocal business owner and Mum toan<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College teenager, Iwill continue to apply my decisionmaking<br />

through alens which considers whatisbest for<br />

our next generation.<br />

I’mstanding forre-election to continue thatgreat work<br />

the Trust can offer. Growing up here, as an adult Iam<br />

nowhonoured to have the chancetogiveback.<br />

Authorised by C. Quinn, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2513671<br />

Chris<br />

Robertson<br />

It has been aprivilege to<br />

be part of our Braided<br />

Rivers Community Trust<br />

Board, and to lead the<br />

Board asthe Chairperson<br />

forthe last three years.We<br />

have aproactive, talented<br />

Board that debates<br />

matters in a considered<br />

and open way, and which is able to reach consensus<br />

decisions.<br />

We have aCommunity Trust that isquietly growing in<br />

stature and significance within our community. It has<br />

a100 year vision to be afund thatcan do “good”inour<br />

community, in afriendly and considered way. It can, and<br />

will,only improveour already outstanding community.<br />

Iampleased to offer myself for re-election for afinal<br />

three year term. Iwould like to complete the Trust’s<br />

embedding into the fabric of our community. Isee that<br />

involving improved synergies with other community<br />

funders so thatall areas of need in our communitycan<br />

be reached,big or small,new or old.<br />

Ihavelived in <strong>Ashburton</strong>since1984, and together with<br />

my wife Margaret, raised and educated three children<br />

via <strong>Ashburton</strong> College. Iamaco-owner of RMF Silva<br />

Lawyers. Itruly believe that Mid Canterbury isaplace<br />

where kids and things grow well. Ithank you for your<br />

consideration of my candidacy.<br />

Authorised by Chris Robertson, Level3,<br />

Somerset House,161 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511677<br />

Gerard<br />

Rushton<br />

A solid local Mid<br />

Cantabrian, married with<br />

four children, having<br />

farmed at Anama, we<br />

moved into <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

in 2011. Owning and<br />

developing my own<br />

businesses and with my<br />

extensive community involvement Ihave developed a<br />

diverse range of skills to offer to the wider community<br />

through the Braided Rivers Trust.<br />

IhavebeenChairmanontheMCRUBoardsince20<strong>15</strong>and<br />

have overseen sports administration and governance<br />

locally for39years. NationallyIhaveservedNZR on the<br />

Appointments and Remuneration Committee and as a<br />

Heartland Representative. Iamthe current Chairperson<br />

for Meningitis Foundation Aotearoa NZ. Iwas also a<br />

National delegate on the NZ Groundspread Council.<br />

Having developed substantial governance and fiscal<br />

experience from these roles and with my strong<br />

connections to the wider <strong>Ashburton</strong> community I<br />

offer my business, governance, and leadership skills to<br />

ensure the legacy and stewardship passed on by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Licencing Trust to the Braided Rivers Trust<br />

continues to develop and supportour local community.<br />

Being well known across both the urban and rural<br />

sectors, these strong connections give me the ability<br />

to appreciate the needs and requirements of the vast<br />

number of organisations and groups we have in our<br />

region. Irecognise the supportthe Braided Rivers Trust<br />

provides to our community and Iwould beproud to<br />

continue to help to deliver this greatasset we have, and<br />

to serve the <strong>Ashburton</strong>districtinthis role.<br />

~Authorised by Gerard Rushton<br />

2510<strong>15</strong>9<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />

Ecan<br />

Shfire<br />

Sapphire<br />

I love New Zealand, and<br />

want the future topresent<br />

our community with a<br />

plethora ofopportunities.<br />

I oppose mandates as<br />

people have lost their<br />

careers, businesses and<br />

homes.<br />

I’m pro-choice, your body is your business. Ibelieve in<br />

true democracy, where everyone’s opinions are just as<br />

important asthe next. Censorship is morally wrong.<br />

Let’s bring our differences together and find common<br />

ground.Ifelectedfor this role Iwilllistentothe people<br />

and bring the desired results.<br />

Isupport our current council with their opposition to<br />

the 3waters reform.I’ll make all grantswell knowntothe<br />

public. Ioffer full transparency and take responsibility<br />

forevery decision Imake.<br />

Isupport our farmers and business owners. Ibelieve<br />

thatifthe governmentwantstoimplementsomething<br />

they must let the people vote. Our land,our people,our<br />

future. This is your Aotearoa!<br />

Authorised by Shfire Sapphire, 021681989<br />

2510257<br />

Tim<br />

Silva<br />

Iamapartner at RMF Silva.<br />

I specialise in property,<br />

agribusiness, commercial<br />

lawand succession. Apart<br />

from five years in London<br />

I have lived in Mid<br />

Canterbury since 1996.<br />

I am married to Rachel<br />

with twin boys aged 12<br />

and lifestyle farmonthe outskirts of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

I joined the Trust in 2017 and the experience has<br />

been immensely enjoyable. Myentry coincided with<br />

extensive strategic planning and policy formulation<br />

for the Trust. The overriding goal is to ensure that the<br />

Trust supports our communityfor generations to come.<br />

We need to ensure that the Trust is in aposition to<br />

consistently grant tothe community without eroding<br />

the Trust’s capital.<br />

IbelieveIcan continue to add value from my experience<br />

as alawyer and from other governance roles. There is<br />

still much to be done to ensurethatour 100 year vision<br />

forthe Trust becomes areality.<br />

Outside of work,Ilove thehigh-country–inparticular,<br />

hunting,flyfishing and adventuring with my family.<br />

Authorised by TimSilva, Level3,<br />

Somerset House,161 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2511676<br />

Ian<br />

Mackenzie<br />

I’ve lived and farmed<br />

Akaunui, south east<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong> since<br />

graduating from Lincoln<br />

College.<br />

I bring local leadership<br />

with asound knowledge<br />

of the Canterbury region<br />

but particularly the <strong>Ashburton</strong>and Selwyn districts.<br />

I have a long history of serving my community in<br />

a variety of roles, including leading environmental<br />

stewardship initiatives across the region and on my<br />

ownland.<br />

As acouncillor I’ve been leading reviews ofour flood<br />

protection and river management and how wefund<br />

these, with particular consideration of the additional<br />

threat climate change brings. I’ve brought governance<br />

skills, pragmatism, and common sense to the council.<br />

I’m led by science and facts rather than political<br />

rhetoric; and advocate for afrugal and accountable<br />

regime when spending your ratepayers’ money.<br />

However, Iacknowledge there isstill much to be done<br />

in improving our biodiversity and freshwater values,<br />

building on the huge amountofworkalready underway.<br />

ImplementingtheNPSFW to set usonthe pathto further<br />

protect and improve water quality while maintaining<br />

socialandeconomicbenefitswilltakecarefulleadership.<br />

Having served one term on council I’m offering myself<br />

forre-election.<br />

Authorised by Ian Mackenzie,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2512387<br />


Local Elections <strong>2022</strong><br />


*All profiles featured on these<br />

pages arepaid advertisements<br />

Ecan<br />

John<br />

Sunckell<br />

It has been a privilege<br />

to represent Mid<br />

Canterbury, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and Selwyn Districts for<br />

the past six years.<br />

Iamafather, farmer and<br />

paramedic first and a<br />

politician second. Iknow<br />

the challenges that weand the environment face and<br />

the requirementfor balanced decision making.<br />

Three ofmystandout achievements this term include<br />

instigating the public transport reduced fare trial, the<br />

removaloffarezonesinSelwyn and getting the Selwyn<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong>rivercatchments firmly onto our agenda<br />

following the 2021 floods.<br />

Our biggest challenges in the coming term will be<br />

giving effect tothe torrent ofpolicy and rule changes<br />

coming at us from CentralGovernment.<br />

One in particular how werewrite through co-design<br />

with Ngai Tahu our environmental planning rules to<br />

meet the Governments new requirements under the<br />

National PolicyStatement on Freshwater.<br />

These changes are going to override alot of local<br />

communitywishesand aspirations.<br />

It is critical thatthe wider communityget as early asay<br />

in these matters because our statutory responsibilities<br />

aretoyou theratepayers.<br />

Therefore myexperience counts as we navigate this,<br />

Iseek your ongoing support asanadvocate for Mid<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Authorised by John Sunckell jsunck@xtra.co.nz<br />

2511650<br />

Peter<br />

Trolove<br />

Water isthe key issue for<br />

these elections.<br />

For 40 to 50 years the<br />

Canterbury Regional<br />

Council has known that<br />

diffuse nitrate pollution<br />

of groundwater is related<br />

to land use.<br />

From 2010 until the end of 2019, undemocratic<br />

Government appointed commissioners controlled<br />

Ecan in order to massively increase the area of irrigated<br />

land in our region. The result of asingle focus on<br />

increasing GDP that has caused measurable harm to<br />

our environment<br />

Initial concerns about the loss of our native and<br />

recreational fish and later an awareness of the public<br />

health consequences of nitratepollution prompted me<br />

to take action and advocate on behalf of our diminished<br />

waterqualityand braided rivers.<br />

My interactions with Ecan as afreshwater advocate<br />

prompted the minority of councillors who are<br />

concerned about our freshwater tosuggest Imight<br />

consider standing forCouncil.<br />

Ibelieve wehave alimited window toprotect our<br />

valued groundwater before the deeper aquifer layers<br />

become as polluted as the shallowaquifer.Wemust not<br />

pass this problem to future generations. Ibelieve the<br />

current LWRP is inadequate.<br />

Ihavequalifications to understand the scienceand the<br />

passion to make adifference.<br />

Authorised by PeterTrolove, trolovep@gmail.com<br />

2514080<br />

NEWS<br />

22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Targeting district crime<br />

Two <strong>Ashburton</strong>men are among18<br />

people facing araft of charges<br />

following raids targeting<br />

unlawfulgang activity.<br />

A45­year­old man is facing 67<br />

charges,including 61 charges of<br />

offering to supply<br />

methamphetamine, and two<br />

charges of unlawful possession of<br />

afirearm, anda50­year­old man<br />

facing 26 charges of possession for<br />

supplying methamphetamine, and<br />

nine of possession of aClass C<br />

drug have been remandedin<br />

custody to reappear in<br />

Christchurch District Court on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 19.<br />

The men wereamong the arrests<br />

fromOperation Mastiff, part of<br />

nationally­focusedOperation<br />

Cobalt, targeting and disrupting<br />

unlawful gang activity.<br />

It was one of the biggest drugs<br />

operation in <strong>Ashburton</strong> in recent<br />

years which resulted in more than<br />

160 charges filed against 18<br />

people, following aseries of<br />

search warrants in thearea.<br />

Police officer in charge, Senior<br />

Sergeant Leigh Jenkins, says it’sa<br />

hugeblow for methamphetamine<br />

and associated offending in the<br />

region.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Police enlisted the<br />

helpoftheir colleagues in<br />

Christchurch and Timaru for the<br />

operation lastweek, which<br />

involved just over 100 officers<br />

including membersofthe Armed<br />

OffendersSquad,dog units, and<br />

the Specialist Search Group.<br />

He said it was ‘‘really significant<br />

–we’ve taken into custody local<br />

peoplewho have done an<br />

incredible amount of harm in our<br />

community.<br />

“The people of <strong>Ashburton</strong> can<br />

be reassured that thanks to the<br />

success of thisoperation, we have<br />

dealt ablowtoorganised crime<br />

and gang activity in our area.”<br />

Twenty nine warrants were<br />

conductedat addresses across<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Along with those arrested, items<br />

seized include drugs with alikely<br />

street value in excess of $70,000,<br />

includingmethamphetamine,<br />

cannabis, LSD, andother<br />

restricted drugs, nearly $20,000 in<br />

cash, two shotguns, acrossbow,<br />

Police conduct search warrants in <strong>Ashburton</strong> targeting unlawful gang<br />

activity.<br />


seven imitation firearms,<br />

ammunition, and anumber of<br />

other restricted weapons and<br />

prohibited firearmsparts.<br />

Those arrested are all local to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> andmainly associated<br />

with the Mongrel Mob, while<br />

others have links to Mangu Kaha,<br />

Headhunters, and Highway 61<br />

gangs.<br />

Senior Sergeant Jenkins said<br />

smaller communities like his are<br />

not exempt from serious drug and<br />

gang­related offending.<br />

“Our staffdoanawful lot of work<br />

in order to identify, monitor, and<br />

prosecute those who create this<br />

serious harm in our communities.<br />

“And it’s not just thosewho are<br />

personally involved in the drug<br />

world who are affected. This<br />

impacts families, friends,<br />

colleagues, as well as other<br />

membersofour community who<br />

become victimsofrelated<br />

offending such as burglaries,” he<br />

says.<br />

Also seized during the search<br />

warrants were asmall number of<br />

power tools believed to have been<br />

stolen in aburglary in town.<br />

Other significant arrests were:<br />

A28­year­old man faces nine<br />

charges, including sixcharges of<br />

supplying cannabis andone of<br />

conspiracy to deal<br />

methamphetamine.<br />

A40­year­old man faces nine<br />

chargesofconspiracy to deal<br />

methamphetamine.<br />

A53­year­old man faces seven<br />

chargesofpossession of aClassA<br />

drugand onecharge of breaching<br />

aprotection order by being in<br />

possession of an imitation<br />

firearm.<br />

In total, 18 peopleface<br />

approximately 165 charges,<br />

mainly relating to thesupplyof<br />

methamphetamine.<br />

Most were expected to appear in<br />

court in either <strong>Ashburton</strong> or<br />

Christchurch in thedays following<br />

the arrests.<br />

Smooth smokefree status<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil’splan<br />

to help the district’s transition to<br />

asmokefree status be as smooth<br />

as possible.<br />

Bold new measuresannounced<br />

bygovernment late last year for<br />

the Auahi KoreAotearoaMahere<br />

Rautaki 2025 (the New Zealand<br />

Smokefree2025 Action Plan),<br />

include banningthe sale of<br />

cigarettes to future generations,<br />

restrictingthe number of shops<br />

able to selltobacco and limiting<br />

products to low­levelnicotine.<br />

Theplan alsoprovides$36<br />

million for health promotion<br />

programmes,scaling up stop<br />

smoking servicesand for Pacific<br />

health providers to tailor support<br />

for Pacific communities.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District mayor Neil<br />

Brown said council recognised<br />

theimportance of leadership at<br />

all levels,and across all sectors<br />

andorganisations to achieve a<br />

SmokefreeAotearoaby2025.<br />

Theaction plan would see<br />

childrenprotected from exposure<br />

to tobacco marketing and<br />

promotion, reducethe supply of<br />

anddemand for tobacco as wellas<br />

providethe best possible support<br />

for quitting, he said.<br />

‘‘Council firstintroduceda<br />

SmokefreePlayground Policy<br />

Neil Brown<br />

trial in 2007 and now have a<br />

SmokefreeOutdoor Areas Policy<br />

as we believethat thechildren<br />

andyoung people of ourdistrict<br />

have aright to beabletoenjoy<br />

playground andsportfield<br />

facilities provided by council in a<br />

smoke­free environment.’’<br />

He said existing measureshad<br />

gone someway to promoting<br />

cessation and protecting youth<br />

uptake, but there was support for<br />

furtherinitiativesand measures<br />

to make the Smokefree 2025 a<br />

reality.<br />

‘‘Asanearlyadopterofa<br />

smokefree outdoor areas policy,<br />

we wouldbeheartened to seeall<br />

local authorities mandated to<br />

designate their outdoor areas<br />

smokefree by 2025.’’<br />

In 20<strong>15</strong>, councils (including<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil) and<br />

Local Government New Zealand<br />

requested government develop<br />

and implementlegislation to<br />

prohibitsmokingoutside cafes,<br />

restaurants and bars. Many<br />

jurisdictions in similar countries<br />

(Australia, Canada, andthe USA)<br />

have for manyyears hadeffective<br />

lawsfor various types of<br />

smokefree outdoor areas, he said.<br />

‘‘People trying to quit smoking<br />

needplaces where being<br />

smokefree is normal, and<br />

international evidence indicates<br />

that smokefree outdoor<br />

hospitality areas increase<br />

quitting attempts and reduce<br />

relapses,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘Wewould support this<br />

legislation being developed as a<br />

further measure in theSmokefree<br />

AotearoaActionPlan.‘‘<br />

Mr Brown said council would<br />

not support designated smoking<br />

areas within hospitality venues as<br />

as way to achieve Smokefree 2025.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />



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Queen’s death,<br />

money matters<br />

The Queen’s death, andthe<br />

accession of her heir, will not<br />

affect coinsand banknotes in<br />

circulation, as those bearing her<br />

image remain legal tender, a<br />

Reserve Bank spokesman says.<br />

In fact, the Queen is likely to<br />

remain on $20 banknotes issued<br />

from existing stock for many<br />

years to come.<br />

Themonarch’s face in many<br />

forms during her 70­year reign<br />

has been on our money ­although<br />

the tiaras would comelater ­the<br />

first time Queen Elizabeth II<br />

appeared on our money, awreath<br />

sat atop her head.<br />

It was 1953 and the 27­year­old<br />

was the newly crowned monarch<br />

of NewZealand, her Mary<br />

Gillick­sculpted portrait<br />

replacing that of her late father,<br />

King George VI, on ourcoins.<br />

Theyouthful effigy would<br />

remain until the switch to<br />

decimal currency in 1967 when<br />

the new coins came with aArnold<br />

Machin­sculpted portrait of the<br />

monarch, diamond tiara­a1947<br />

wedding giftfrom her<br />

grandmother Queen Mary ­<br />

perched upon the blow­waveddo<br />

of the now 41­year­old mother of<br />

four.<br />

Decimal currencyalsosaw a<br />

change to our banknotes, with<br />

the monarch featuring for the<br />

first time.<br />

The Queen's image was added<br />

to all our new banknotes,<br />

remaining on each until notable<br />

New Zealanders replaced her on<br />

all but the $20 bill in 1992.<br />

By then the image of the Queen<br />

struck into our coins had been<br />

updated to more closely<br />

resemble the now­pensioner.<br />

Raphael Maklouf's 1985<br />

portrait showed the Queen's<br />

permed hair topped by the royal<br />

diadem, an ornamental<br />

headband normallyworn to and<br />

from the State Opening of the<br />

United Kingdom parliament,<br />

according to the Royal Mint.<br />

Unlike the Gillick and Machin<br />

effigies, Maklouf returnedtothe<br />

‘‘couped’’ portrait ­cut offatthe<br />

neck, which had been favoured<br />

on coins issued by the Mint<br />

earlier in the century.<br />

The monarch had returned to a<br />

tiarabythe late 1990s, when Ian<br />

Rank­Broadley won a<br />

competition to design anew<br />

royal portrait, with the sculptor<br />

describing his subject as<br />

someone who ‘‘needed no<br />

flattery’’.<br />

Commemorative coins with the<br />

Queen's image have also been<br />

struck over the past seven<br />

decades, including thoseto<br />

acknowledge her Coronation in<br />

1953 and the SilverJubilee in<br />

1977 that also marked Waitangi<br />

Day ­which shared the<br />

anniversary of King George VI's<br />

death.<br />

The Queen's death, and the<br />

accession of King Charles III,<br />

won't affect coins andbanknotes<br />

in circulation.<br />

‘‘Banks, retailers,individuals<br />

and others using or handling<br />

cash will not need to do anything<br />

differently.<br />

‘‘We manufacture these notes<br />

infrequently and do not plan to<br />

destroy stock or shorten the life<br />

of existing banknotes just<br />

because they show the Queen.<br />

‘‘This would be wasteful and<br />

poor environmental practice.’’<br />

All coinstock fora<br />

denominationshowingthe<br />

Queen would alsobeissued<br />

before newstock went out with<br />

her successor's image, he said.<br />

‘‘This may be afew years after<br />

achange of sovereign. We will<br />

let everyone know when coins<br />

bearingthe image of the new<br />

sovereign are due to enter<br />

circulation.’’<br />

The Office of the Governor­<br />

General has also confirmed the<br />

annual holiday celebratingher<br />

birthday will nowhonour King<br />

Charles IIIin2023.<br />

2512586<br />

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NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

One-off public day<br />

to mourn Queen<br />

NewZealand will mourn the<br />

death of QueenElizabeth II with<br />

aone­off public holiday on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 26.<br />

The publicholiday willbe<br />

called ‘‘Queen Elizabeth II<br />

MemorialDay’’ andlegislationis<br />

settobepassednextweekto<br />

bringtheholidayinto force.<br />

AState Memorial Service for<br />

the Queen will also be held at<br />

Wellington Cathedral of St Paul<br />

on the same day.<br />

It will be televised and<br />

livestreamed.<br />

PrimeMinisterJacinda<br />

Ardernsaid as NewZealand's<br />

Queen andmuch loved<br />

Sovereign forover70years,it<br />

wasappropriateher life of<br />

dedicatedpublicservice was<br />

acknowledgedwithaState<br />

Memorial Service and aone­off<br />

public holiday.<br />

The public holiday allowed<br />

people to pay their respects and<br />

for communities around the<br />

country tocometogether andpay<br />

tributewithlocal events, she<br />

said.<br />

MsArdernand Governor<br />

GeneralofNew ZealandCindy<br />

Kiro will representNew Zealand<br />

at the Queen's funeral at<br />

WestminsterAbbey in Londonon<br />

Monday (10pm NZT).<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Caci <strong>Ashburton</strong> clinic owner Shelley Maiava.<br />

Client confidence key<br />

Caci skin andappearance<br />

specialists havesetupa<br />

clinicin<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

They arehaving agrand<br />

openingtomorrow<br />

(<strong>September</strong> 16)intheir new,<br />

modern premisesonthe<br />

corner of Queen’s Drive and<br />

West Street, at thenorthern<br />

endoftown.<br />

There willbeacosmetic<br />

injectables demonstration,<br />

skincare andtreatment<br />

advice, as well as drinks and<br />

canapes.<br />

It runs from 5pm to 8pm.<br />

Clinicowner Shelley<br />

Maiava has spent the past 13<br />

years in thehair andbeauty<br />

industry, andof late was<br />

working nationwide as a<br />

national operation and<br />

business manager.<br />

She saidopening Caci in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> was achanceto<br />

do somethingfor herself,in<br />

an industry she loves.<br />

‘‘Ilovebeauty and<br />

injectables. It’s suchan<br />

evolving industry.’’<br />

Setting up in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

which wasexperiencing alot<br />

of growth was anadded<br />

bonus, she said.<br />

‘‘It’sreally exciting,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Wehave agreatclient<br />

base andit’slovelytoget to<br />

know themonapersonal<br />

level.’’<br />

Theclinic has four<br />

treatmentroomsand uses<br />

the latesttechnologyfor<br />

treatments.<br />

It hasbeen operating in<br />

town for the pastseven<br />

weeks,and offers clients ­<br />

womenand men­arange of<br />

skin, laserorinjectable<br />

treatments.<br />

It wasalsofillingagapin<br />

the market, Shelley said,<br />

with Botoxand Xeomin<br />

treatments, Fractional CO2<br />

Laser treatments (nonsurgicalskinlifts)and<br />

Chill<br />

Sculpt options.<br />

‘‘We're here to help<br />

women, and men, feel better<br />

about themselves andmore<br />

confident,’’ she said.<br />

Shelley, 38, trained in the<br />

industrybut had stepped<br />

awayfrom doingtreatments<br />

to focus on business<br />

operations, andnowrun her<br />

own clinic.<br />

Shehasawealth of<br />

experienceinher team<br />

which includesbeauty<br />

therapistsToriand Tesha,<br />

andregistered nurse<br />

Belinda.<br />

Thereisalso an<br />

opportunity foranadditional<br />

beauty therapist to join the<br />

team,she said.<br />

Theposition was currently<br />

beingadvertised.<br />

At the clinic clients are<br />

able to getthe best advice,<br />

products andtreatments<br />

usingthe latest technologies.<br />

Since firstopeningin<br />

Auckland 27 years ago, Caci<br />

has becomeawell­known<br />

name in the skinand<br />

appearance industry.<br />

Thereare nowmore than<br />

70 locationsnationwide.

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NEWS<br />

26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Public welcome to sign condolence book<br />

Mid Canterbury residents<br />

wanting to show their respect<br />

for the passing of Queen<br />

Elizabeth II can sign the<br />

condolences book at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library or<br />

leave unwrapped flowers in<br />

Baring Square West.<br />

Queen Elizabeth II, the<br />

Commonwealth's longestserving<br />

monarch died at the age<br />

of 96 after 70 years on the<br />

throne.<br />

The condolences book will<br />

remain at the library until<br />

<strong>September</strong> 23.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

mayor Neil Brown has had the<br />

honour of writing in the front of<br />

the condolences book and<br />

inscribed the following since<br />

her passing at Balmoral, her<br />

Scottish estate, on <strong>September</strong> 8,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

‘‘On behalf of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District, Iwould like to express<br />

our condolences and sadness<br />

on the passing of Her Majesty<br />

Queen Elizabeth II.<br />

‘‘Our thoughts are with the<br />

Royal Family through this<br />

difficult time and we wish to<br />

acknowledge the deep impact<br />

that Her Majesty has had on<br />

New Zealand throughout her<br />

long and inspirational reign.<br />

‘‘She has devoted her life to<br />

serving Britain and the<br />

Commonwealth and has been a<br />

rock of stability during her long<br />

reign, for which she will be<br />

fondly remembered and<br />

respected. She was simply<br />

quite remarkable,’’ he wrote.<br />

The council, with support of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA, are happy<br />

if people want to leave<br />

unwrapped flowers at the base<br />

of the southern flagpole in<br />

Baring Square West as a<br />

tribute.<br />

However council requested<br />

no flowers wrapped in plastic,<br />

or non­floral items such as<br />

candles or soft toys.<br />

The flags on the two poles in<br />

Baring Square West have been<br />

lowered to half mast.<br />

At the passing of Queen<br />

Elizabeth II, her son, Charles,<br />

has ascended to the throne and<br />

will be now be known as King<br />

Charles III. Aceremony to<br />

proclaim him as King Charles<br />

III of New Zealand was held at<br />

Parliament on Sunday. His<br />

accession to the throne saw the<br />

New Zealand Flag on all<br />

government and public<br />

buildings around the country<br />

flown at full mast during the<br />

day, before returning to halfmast<br />

position where they will<br />

remain up to and including the<br />

day of the State Memorial<br />

Service in New Zealand of Her<br />

late Majesty Queen Elizabeth<br />

II.<br />

It will be held after her<br />

official state funeral which is<br />

being held in London at 11am<br />

on Monday (10pm Monday<br />

NZT).<br />

The condolences book will be<br />

preserved as ahistorical<br />

document at council, and sit<br />

with the book of condolences<br />

for Prince Philip, who died last<br />

year, aged 99.<br />

Photos, above: floral tributes<br />

for the Queen’s passing lay at<br />

Baring Square West, from top<br />

right, abook of condolences is<br />

available for signing in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library until<br />

<strong>September</strong> 23; at bottom, head<br />

librarian Jill Watson and former<br />

military man Michael Jackson<br />

take amoment to sign the book.<br />



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TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />

| 16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

LEFT: This portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II, takenbyDorothy Wilding, is the first formal portrait study taken after her accession to the throne. The circlet (crown) has been worn by queens of<br />

England since Queen Victoria.The photograher was well-known for known for her portraits of the British Royal Family,some of which were used to illustrate postage stamps (Wikipedia). PHOTO: Royal<br />

Collection Trust RIGHT: Apreviously unseen portrait of the Queen enjoying amoment of levity was unveiled earlier this year in celebration of Her Majestys Platinum Jubilee. Theimage, titled Platinum<br />

Queen: Felicity, which sees themonarch smirking at ajoke just madebyher assistant, was captured in atest shot taken byRob Munday during a2004 photoshoot. The photographer found the<br />

striking image last year as he sifted through morethan 8,000 photos of Her Majesty taken during two photo sessions at Buckingham Palace. (Everything Zoomer) PHOTO: Royal Portrait Society<br />

HM Queen Elizabeth II, 1926-<strong>2022</strong><br />

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Early risers on Friday watched news reports<br />

of concern forthe Queens health quickly change<br />

to an announcement of her death. It was not<br />

unexpected,but death, when it comes, is always<br />

ashock.<br />

For many, social media, particularly Facebook,<br />

has become the place of meetingand memories;<br />

images, reflections and prayers began to flow.<br />

The broadcast media had but one topic, and<br />

so slowly, we came to terms with the fact that<br />

our sovereign had died.<br />

Condolence books have been set up both<br />

in the library and at St Marys Church. The<br />

latter also offers the opportunity to light a<br />

candle which gives many the sense of making<br />

some gestureofhope.<br />

At the RSA, whichmeets for aregularsocial<br />

on Friday night, toasts were proposed to the<br />

memory of Her Majesty, and for the first time<br />

in 70 years, the loyal toast to His Majesty the<br />

King. Ex-navyman Campbell Paton has been<br />

keeping the remains of abottle ofnavyrum<br />

foraspecial occasion. What better occasion<br />

than to toast our late Queens memory and<br />

drink atoast to King Charles.<br />

At St Marys Anglican Church, at about 5pm,<br />

the bell was tolled 96 times, once for every<br />

year of the Queens life. At 6pm, Vicar Tony<br />

Kippax presided over ashortservice of prayer<br />

and reflection led by Rev Hugh McCafferty;<br />

around 30 people were inattendance. The<br />

service concluded with the first verse of the<br />

national anthem, God saveour gracious king.<br />

Some of the older participants remembered<br />

singing it in their younger years, but the words<br />

did not come easily for most.<br />

On Sunday at St Marys, the congregation<br />

joined the worldwide Anglican church in<br />

following an order of service designed especially<br />

for this occasion.<br />

If youwish to signthe booksofcondolence,<br />

St Marys is openbetween 8.30am-5pm daily;<br />

the librarys hours are 8.30am-5.30pm Monday<br />

to Friday. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

The books ofcondolence atStMarys church<br />

and at the library; Rev Hugh McCafferty rings<br />

the church bell 96 times. PHOTOS: Fi McCafferty

WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Ma te Atua ewhakaora teKingi.<br />

God save the King. PHOTO: RTE<br />

It is not even aweek ago that the anticipated death<br />

of ourSovereignLadyQueen Elizabeth II nevertheless<br />

came as ashock. Iknow weare not alone in having<br />

the endlessbroadcasts,nonewithmuch new to say,<br />

as abackground to our Friday. Asthe tributes roll in,<br />

the chairman ofthe Geraldine Community Board,<br />

Wayne ODonnell, speaks for all of us when he says,<br />

Her Majestys incredible dedication, continuity and<br />

stabilityover70years of servicetoher countriesrealm<br />

and commonwealth nations has beensecondtonone.<br />

Her caring, understanding and love of all people<br />

around the world will never beforgotten. Rest with<br />

your beloved Prince; you deserve it.<br />

Change is the only constant in life. With Janenes<br />

departure from Geraldine.nz, three appointments<br />

havebeenmadetofill various of her roles. This week<br />

we featuretwo of them, NikkiLangand Rosie Woods<br />

(page 8). We hope to catchupsoon with Alex Thorpe,<br />

who will be managing the Harcourts Geraldine Festival.<br />

Geraldine Anglicans said farewell to Vicar Tony<br />

Kippax last Sunday (page 7). Financial constraints<br />

meanthat the parishislooking forsomeoneonapart<br />

stipend. Inthe meantime, Hugh will turn his collar<br />

back to front and look after Sunday services while<br />

members of vestryand others attend to pastoral care<br />

and other matters. On Wednesday,asthis paper was<br />

printing, SarahDavidson hadher last dayasmanager<br />

of Barkers Foodstore and Eatery,asshe takesupthe<br />

position ofevents manager for <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council. We shall miss her.<br />

HowisMāori languageweek goingfor you? We are<br />

impressed, as usual, by the leadership shown by our<br />

rangitahi (page 4), andofcourse, if yougotoGeraldine<br />

Kindergarten, everyweek is Māorilanguageweek.<br />

Nga mihi nui. HUGH RĀUA KO FI<br />

Kua hingatetotara<br />

itewao nui aTane<br />

Thetotara has fallen<br />

in the forest of Tane<br />



Alison Bragg, along-time Royal fan, with her Royal Invitation from 1990. BELOW: Jan Olivers new stamp set. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

Royal fans remember the Queen<br />

GNews caught up with local royalists in<br />

the wake of the death of Her Majesty<br />

Queen Elizabeth II.<br />

Alison Bragg, who met the Queen in<br />

1990 (GNews 30.6.22),says, After hearing<br />

the news, Ithought to myself, Well, that<br />

was the end of an era. Iwas sadbut also<br />

pleased for the Queen that she wasnt<br />

suffering anymore, and Iamsure her<br />

husband, the Duke, would be waiting<br />

for her.<br />

Alison was 19 when King George VI<br />

died and remembers her late husband<br />

Harold, who was courting her at the time,<br />

knocking on her bedroom window on his<br />

way to work and saying, The King is dead;<br />

we will getaholiday.<br />

New Zealandersdid get apublic holiday<br />

when the King died, which, because we<br />

were young, we were rather excitedabout.<br />

Alison says she is pleased that King Charles<br />

III will soon be crowned. I think he will<br />

go very well; he has waited for this for a<br />

long time. Imsure he will be ready.<br />


Self-avowed royalist Jan Oliver has a<br />

display of memorabilia set up at her house<br />

to acknowledgethe Queenspassing. She<br />

says, Itistoacknowledge the 70 glorious<br />

years of her reign and now Ihave an<br />

addition to the collection acquired from<br />

afriend -asheet of British stamps with<br />

royal portraits from 1957-2020. Iam<br />

privileged and very lucky to have them.<br />



Jan remembers liningupinthe streets<br />

of Temuka in 1953 to catch aglimpse of<br />

the Queen onher visit. She says she has<br />

been afan ever since. As to King Charles,<br />

Jansaysthat shethinkshehas developed<br />

alot recently.Ithinkhewillbevery good<br />

andwillcarry on his mothers expectations<br />

of the monarchy. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />



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TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong> |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |WHĀRANGI 3<br />




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FROM LEFT: Emily Johnston and Amelia McKeown with Kate and Horst Elsen as they receive the donations. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

GHS Necessities Day benefits foodbank<br />

GeraldineHigh School (GHS) Head Girl<br />

Amelia McKeown says that the student<br />

council recently decided to make some<br />

changes to free-dress day.<br />

Shesays, The name change, from mufti<br />

day to free-dress day, occurred in 2021,<br />

following the realisation that the former<br />

term was culturally insensitive, leading<br />

to the same changeinmanyother schools.<br />

Instead of bringing acoin for the<br />

foodbank, students are now invited to<br />

bring an item ofnecessity. She says that<br />

doing this brought home the fact of<br />

hardshipinamore concrete way.<br />

Necessities Day took place on Friday<br />

9<strong>September</strong>. Studentsbrought donations<br />

along to school according totheir year<br />

group: non-perishable food Years 7-8,<br />

toiletries Years 9-10, and cleaning and<br />

sanitary productsYears 11-13. Thepublicity<br />

for the event reminded students that<br />

14 per cent ofNew Zealanders face food<br />

insecurity and need assistance. The student<br />

council is awarethat someGHS students<br />

also face hardship and ensured itwas<br />

acceptable to bring inexpensive items such<br />

as atoothbrush or acan of beans out of<br />

the cupboard.<br />

Accepting the donations onbehalf of<br />

Geraldine Foodbank, Kate Elsen says,<br />

We areoverwhelmedwith the generosity<br />

shownand delighted with thisinitiative.<br />

It will make asignificant impact inour<br />

small community. Not everybody is aware<br />

thatthere are significant pocketsofextreme<br />

hardship in Geraldine.<br />

Deputy head girl Emily Johnstonsays<br />

that aspart ofthe day, Alistair Bolland<br />

provided the makingsfor abarbequelunch.<br />

Money collected for the lunch was also<br />

donated to the foodbank.<br />


Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 8207 tomake anin-person<br />

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to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

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or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />

Grace Warner representing New Zealand at the Oceania speed skating championships held in Timaru. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Grace represents New Zealand at speed skating champs<br />

Last weekend 12-year-old speed skater<br />

Grace Worner wore aNew Zealanduniform<br />

for the first time after being selected as<br />

partofthe teamtorepresentNew Zealand<br />

at the <strong>2022</strong> World Skate Oceania Speed<br />

Championships in Timaru.<br />

Graces mother, Andrea, says,Oceania<br />

is an event held annually,usually at Easter,<br />

but Covid has caused disruptions to the<br />

event inthe last few years. It alternates<br />

between being held in New Zealand and<br />

Australia. When in New Zealand, it is<br />

always held in Timaru.<br />

Thiswas the firstyearGrace was eligible<br />

for selection after turning 12. Her grade<br />

is Cadets, with skaters aged 12-14 years<br />

old. She won three silver medals against<br />

some very tough competition, including<br />

some very tall, strong 14-year-olds.<br />

The races were much faster than any<br />

Ihave seen inNew Zealand competitions.<br />

Grace received the medals in the 1,000-<br />

metre race, 3,000-metreelimination race<br />

and the 3,000-metre team relay. Being<br />

the youngest in her grade, there to gain<br />

experience, she was not expected to win<br />

any medals or even get into any finals.<br />

We were all very excited for her to make<br />

such agreat achievement.<br />

Grace says she enjoyed participating<br />

in the competition and winning the medals,<br />

but being part of the New Zealand team<br />

was ahighlight. I really enjoyed staying<br />

with the New Zealand team inTimaru;<br />

Ihad afun time. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />




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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


This well-known 19<strong>15</strong> painting by Gottfried Lindauer<br />

shows ayoung chief onthe King Country frontier<br />

receiving achisel moko. The tohunga tā moko<br />

(tattooing expert) holds his uhi (chisel) in his left hand,<br />

with its blade dipped in blue pigment. Round his little<br />

finger is wrapped soft flax pith for wiping away blood.<br />

In his other hand heholds his māhoe (mallet). To the<br />

left sits an elderly chief, who may be chanting a<br />

karakia (prayer) to encourage the moko recipient to<br />

be strong and endure the pain (teara.govt.nz).<br />

IMAGE: Auckland Art Gallery -Toi oTāmaki; Reference: 19<strong>15</strong>/2/49.<br />

Oil onboard byGottfried Lindauer.<br />

Karakia<br />

Karakia -prayer, incantation, chant<br />

Karakia have avast array ofpurposes and meanings.<br />

There are karakia for all aspects of life: birth to death,<br />

celebration to loss, daily activities tomajor rituals,<br />

incantations to well-wishes.<br />

Notall karakiaare religious, nor aretheyall considered<br />

prayers; many speak about the natural environment<br />

or present positive hopes for the day ahead. Alevel of<br />

union is achievedthrough karakia: the actofstanding<br />

and speaking as one with those presentunites people<br />

towards acommon goal.<br />

Karakia are usually spoken orchanted without a<br />

tune but with feeling and stillness of the body as you<br />

centreonthe task of recitation. The karakia belowcan<br />

be used to begin the day peacefully and positively.<br />

Kia hora temarino<br />

Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana<br />

Hei huarahi mā tātou iterangi nei<br />

Aroha atu, aroha mai<br />

Tātou iatātou katoa<br />

Hui e, tāiki e<br />

May peace bewidespread<br />

May the sea glisten like greenstone<br />

Apathway for usall on this day<br />

Give love, receive love<br />

To one and toall<br />

Bind us all together<br />


Carew Peel Forest Schools Tom Ketter, Hunter Tasker, and Jayne Rayner at the Clarke Flat signs unveiling; the whole Carew Peel<br />

Forest community isonboard, from parents and former students to the schools bus drivers, who took on barbecue duties for the<br />

occasion. PHOTOS: Jan Finlayson<br />

Carew Peel Forest sign recognises<br />

schools kaitiakitanga (guardianship)<br />

An interpretive panel created by Carew<br />

PeelForest Schools childrenwiththe help<br />

of the DepartmentofConservation(DOC)<br />

andProject Peel was unveiled last week.<br />

Located at Clarke Flat in Peel Forest,the<br />

sign representsalongstanding collaboration<br />

in guardianship there.<br />

In 2007, DOC invited the children to<br />

become kaitiaki ofthe kahikatea forest<br />

alongside the flat. Fifteen years later,<br />

CarewPeelForestPrincipal Craig Sedgwick<br />

says the sign acknowledges the people<br />

who came before, the present, and what<br />

canbedoneinthe futurefor thisbeautiful<br />

place in the forest.<br />

Jayne Rayner, theschoolsenviro leader,<br />

and DOC PredatorFree RangerTim Exton<br />

say itisanever-deepening relationship<br />

involving theschool whanui, time, wider<br />

forest exploration, getting hands dirty,<br />

and science. At apractical level, Jayne<br />

says, Its about pest control -removing<br />

plant pests and predator control -and<br />

more planting. Aswell astrapping,<br />

Tim says, Welldosomeeducationabout<br />

whywere doing it.<br />

Weta nesting boxes, installed in the<br />

relationships earlydays to give theancient<br />

invertebrates sanctuary from predators,<br />

are acase inpoint. Think about whats<br />

coming back. Thewetaare indicator species.<br />

If they arent being eaten, theyll be coming<br />

back. The why and how will help the<br />

children make the best decisions on this<br />

and other work in the forest.<br />

Volunteer biodiversity group Project<br />

Peel has abroad view of Peel Forest Park<br />

Scenic Reserve and supports the kaitiaki<br />

relationship. Chair Bruce Allan says,<br />

Wesee ourselves as caretakers for all of<br />

the reserve, and were keen to see others<br />

take achunk of that. DOCs reserves are<br />

stretched to breaking point. For the good<br />

of the reserve, thereneeds to be something<br />

else happening Were keen to see the<br />

relationship continue.<br />

The kahikatea forest and the wider<br />

reserve exert apull on the school going<br />

beyond the black letter of the kaitiaki<br />

agreement. Jayne says the children<br />

walk Peel Forests tracks, ascending<br />

Huatekerekere(LittleMountPeel) at least<br />

once in their time at the school. Indeed,<br />

she says, The school has been built so<br />

you can see Huatekerekere and Tarahaoa<br />

(Mount Peel).<br />

DOC Geraldine recreation and historic<br />

supervisor Chris Dyson says the new sign<br />

is suchapositive thing. The relationship<br />

between DOC and the children is going<br />

to the next level. Its getting the kids out<br />

of school and educating them about the<br />

challenges were all facing.<br />

Kahikatea is our tallest native tree,<br />

growing toheights of 60 metres or more,<br />

with trunks measuring up to two metres<br />

across. Datingback to the Jurassic period,<br />

they can live for 500 years or more. Today<br />

only two per cent of kahikatea forest is<br />

thought to remain (doc.govt.nz).<br />




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TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong> |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |WHĀRANGI 5<br />

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LEFT: GHS Rangatahi Committee members (at rear from left) Gorga Macale and Savannah Watson (in front) Piper Macale,<br />

Charlotte Marriott, and Ella Hole. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty RIGHT: Tuakāna Aidan Christie and Gus McKeown hi-five their tēina.<br />

PHOTO: Facebook/Geraldine Kindergarten<br />

Kōrero Māori<br />


GeraldineHigh School (GHS) Rangatahi<br />

Committee is encouraging greater use of<br />

te reo during TeWiki oTeReo Māori.<br />

LeaderCharlotteMarriott says, We arent<br />

abletodoas much as we didduringMatariki<br />

because of exams, but we are doing some<br />

small things to promote the language.<br />

One of the features of the week is the<br />

daily phrase. For example, on Tuesday,<br />

students were encouragedtouse kia ora<br />

as athank you, whileteachersweretasked<br />

with using whakarongo mai, titiro mai<br />

in place of listen up and pay attention.<br />

Points are awarded for using the days<br />

phrase, which translates to house points<br />

for the studentsand an as-yetundetermined<br />

prize for the teachers. Charlottesaysthat<br />

encouragingothersisaway of encouraging<br />

themselves.<br />

On Wednesday, PiperMacalewill have<br />

led the first in-person assembly ofthe<br />

year. The committee members have<br />

produced acompilation video of themselves<br />

performing their mihi. She says it is an<br />

efforttonormalise the use of Māoriinthe<br />

school. She explains that students are<br />

expected to learn their mihi in Years 7-8.<br />

After that, whenever they are giving a<br />

speechasanEnglish assignment,theyare<br />

expectedtopreface it with amihi.<br />

At midday on the same day, theschool<br />

performs the waiata TakahiaPaki in the<br />

nationwide Māori Language Moment,<br />

which this yearmarksthe 50th anniversary<br />

of the MāoriLanguagePetition.Ella Hole<br />

saysthatthe five committeememberswill<br />

all be at the school next year and hope to<br />

buildonthisyearsefforts. Theynotethe<br />

absence of boys in the group. They hope<br />

that getting agroup of boys interested<br />

and involved will create acritical mass<br />

and bring in more.<br />

TwoGHS tāne,AidanChristie and Gus<br />

McKeown,were at Geraldine Kindergarten<br />

as tāne (big brothers) tokindergarten<br />

tēina (young brothers) as aspects of culture<br />

arebeingexplored. Teacher Rachel Johnston<br />

says, The specialnotionoftuakāna-tēina<br />

(older and younger) is valued very highly<br />

at the kindergarten. Tuakana-teina<br />

relationships reflect anatural whānau<br />

environment. Younger andolder tamariki<br />

work and play together -weare shown<br />

arohaand manaaki (support). Together,<br />

we learn the values of whānaungatanga<br />

(building close connections/relationships/a<br />

sense of family connection).<br />


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Show your love and think local<br />

We’ll take you where you want to go<br />

Visit friends, goto acafé, the supermarket, the<br />

pharmacy, orthe library, goshopping in Geraldine<br />

or visit some of our local attractions<br />

Appointments with doctors, dentists, hospitals;<br />

eye, hearing, and hairdresser appointments<br />

School, Kindergarten and Preschool transport<br />

Wheelchair transport: Total Mobility accredited service<br />

Weekly trips are scheduled to Timaru<br />




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Geraldine $5.00<br />

Orari $10.00<br />

Barkers $10.00<br />

Winchester $11.00<br />

Temuka $17.50<br />

Timaru $35.00<br />

Woodbury $10.00<br />

Peel Forest $24.00<br />

Tuesday Trip toTimaru: $20<br />

Leaves Geraldine: 9.30am<br />

Leaves Timaru: 2.30pm<br />

Discounts available for<br />

Total Mobility cardholders<br />

These are the first fare increases since 2014<br />

and will be effective from 1October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Here to help<br />

Jacqui Dean<br />

MP forWaitaki<br />

Contactmeanytime<br />

waitaki.mp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

127Thames St, Oamaru<br />

0800 MP WAITAKI<br />



Authorised by Jacqui Dean,<br />

Parliament Buildings,Wgtn.

WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


BIRTH TO 10YRS<br />

The Old Post Office,<br />

Geraldine<br />

PHONE 03 693 9070<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

The Geraldine FarmersMarketcommittee. STANDING: RachelWilson (chair),Vicky Sorenson,Karen Sorenson, Kristine Diehl-Breading,<br />

andAnne Griffiths. KNEELING: Nikita Ozols andRachelBurgess (secretary andtreasurer). ABSENT: CaseyOHara. PHOTO: JanFinlayson<br />

Fresh approach tofarmers market<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

Geraldine Farmers Market (GFM) will<br />

launch into the <strong>2022</strong>-23 season on<br />

24 <strong>September</strong>. Market-goers will find a<br />

revamped approach, saysthe GFMsmedia<br />

spokesperson Kristine Diehl-Breading.<br />

There are changes indirection. Itll<br />

be more open. Therell bemore variety<br />

andmore stalls; itll be more of acommunityminded<br />

thing. Thevibe on the day is that<br />

of an outing for people. People can pick<br />

up their groceries and listentogood music;<br />

families can have agreat time.<br />

She says aGFM committee survey of<br />

market-goers last seasonshowed adesire<br />

for more.The feedbackshowed thatthe<br />

community wanted more variety atthe<br />

market. More variety means more stalls.<br />

Between long-standingand new regular<br />

market offerings, thats largelywhat buyers<br />

andbrowsers willexperience. In addition,<br />

theyll find aspirit of spontaneity. Kristine<br />

says the committee welcomes proposals<br />

for ad hoc stalls and has even created a<br />

space for young vendors. We welcome<br />

young entrepreneurs under 10, shesays.<br />

There arealso fundays once amonth,<br />

each themed differently. For example,<br />

weve had abest-dressed superhero day<br />

andatreasure hunt day; there are Christmas<br />

and Easter ones and days with dress-ups,<br />

crafts, and painting.<br />

In keeping with farmers markets<br />

everywhere, local and fresh products are<br />

cornerstones. The Geraldine Farmers<br />

Market is proudtosupport locallygrown<br />

and produced products, says Kristine.<br />

We currentlyoffer fresh, spray-free fruit<br />

and vegetables,specialtybread, homemade<br />

baking, hot food and coffee, plants and<br />

flowers, clothing, soaps and lotions, and<br />

arts and crafts.<br />

Geraldine Farmers Market is held<br />

from 9am until 1pm every Saturday at<br />

St Marys on Talbot Street. The <strong>2022</strong>/23<br />

season begins on 24 <strong>September</strong>. Food<br />

stalls require appropriate certification.<br />

Visit the markets FacebookorInstagram<br />

pages to learn about being amarket<br />

volunteer(setting up and taking down)<br />

or becoming astallholder. JANFINLAYSON<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Locally Grown Produce . Homebaking . Jams<br />

Plants . Flowers . Handmade Arts &Crafts<br />

Great Food &Coffee . Local Entertainers<br />

New Stallholders Welcome<br />


from 24 <strong>September</strong><br />

ember<br />



TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong> |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |WHĀRANGI 7<br />

Alan French contemplates the eye-watering water rates increase. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Sudden increase in Te Moana<br />

water rates ashock<br />

Alan French says, I sawmywife coming<br />

back from the post box last week; from<br />

the look on her face asshe opened the<br />

letter, Ithought somebody had died. He<br />

says the couple has been shocked by the<br />

57 per cent increase in their water rates.<br />

According to thecouncil website,the tank<br />

charge for Te Moana rural water scheme<br />

customers increases by$299, up from<br />

$527 to $826. The unit charge goes up<br />

from $253 to$395, an increase of $142<br />

per unit.<br />

Geraldine Community Board Chair<br />

WayneODonnell says that he firstbecame<br />

aware of the increase when his phone<br />

began to ring with irate rate-payers<br />

demanding an explanation. He says, The<br />

mayorand [Timaru District Council] CEO<br />

[Andrew Dixon] attendedthe community<br />

board meeting in August where Iraised<br />

the matter under urgent business. They<br />

agreed that therehad been an oversight.<br />

Wayne says that they also agreed to provide<br />

more information and an apology.<br />

Councillor Gavin Oliver says that he<br />

understands aletter of apology has been<br />

sent regarding the lack ofnotification.<br />

What they are getting is amuch-improved<br />

water systemwithnomore need for boil<br />

water notices. He said that the detail of<br />

how the rate was struck was amatter for<br />

the council officers.<br />

Aletter of apology signed by Andrew<br />

Dixon and an explanation of the charges<br />

has beensenttoall Te Moana customers.<br />

The explanation and apologydonot satisfy<br />

Alan French, who has writtenbacktothe<br />

council under the title, Apology not<br />

accepted. He writes, Iunderstand<br />

thatupgrading systems arenecessary, but<br />

what Icantunderstandisyou putting the<br />

charges up so much inone hit and not<br />

spreading them over several years.<br />

Im not the only one who isvery angry<br />

aboutthis. It shows atotal lackofempathy<br />

for your consumers, many of whom are<br />

pensioners and low-income families like<br />

ourselves.<br />

Alan says the increase is imposing a<br />

horrendous strain on himself and his<br />

wife, Sandy. He says they are tempted to<br />

withdraw from the scheme, though the<br />

costs in doing so make that option<br />

impracticable. We may have to sell up<br />

and move.<br />

Mark Worden, who is also affected by<br />

the increase, agrees with Alan that the<br />

figuresdont add up and that, in any case,<br />

the amount should be paid off over time.<br />

Alan invites anybody interestedinjoining<br />

him to makerepresentationtothe council<br />

to contact him at alan_hj60@yahoo.com.au.<br />


T<br />




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S<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Farewell to Anglican vicar<br />

Geraldine Anglican Parish said farewell<br />

to VicarTonyKippax and his wifeChristine<br />

last Sunday. The packed service was<br />

attendedbyBishopPeter Carrell, his wife<br />

Teresa, and regular parishioners and<br />

guests.<br />

Parishioners provided entertainment<br />

at aluncheon organised by peoples<br />

warden Susanne West. Vicars warden<br />

(nowbishopswarden) Paul Sagar gave<br />

aspeechofthanks,asdid former warden<br />

RobertScott.The RevAlistair McNaughton<br />

of St Andrews church said how much<br />

he had appreciated Tony as acolleague<br />

and friend. Rev Hugh McCafferty and<br />

his wife Fisang aprayer and blessing.<br />

Gifts were presented to Tony and Christine,<br />

including aphoto byMatt Searles as a<br />

memento of their time here.<br />

The Geraldine parish is now inthe<br />

care of the two wardens, with Rev<br />

McCafferty responsible forservices until<br />

anew vicarisappointed. MOLLYMALONE<br />

Esther Paddon presents Tony Kippax with<br />

akete filled with good wishes from<br />

parishioners, while Paul Sagar looks on.<br />

PHOTO: Supplied<br />



✔ Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

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WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


The sculpture trail masterplan shows the different loops<br />

that will make upthe trail. IMAGE: Supplied<br />

Welcome to this new column, created to keep you<br />

in the loop of what is happening with the Geraldine<br />

SculptureTrail project. We plan to share operational<br />

progress eachmonth and anyother related news.<br />

For this inaugural edition, we have the following<br />

to share:<br />

Environment Canterburywill be working on the<br />

riverbanks to cleartargetedweeds from <strong>September</strong><br />

to the end of December.<br />

Onthe green area by the main riverbridge, true<br />

left side, the picnic table and rubbish bin will be<br />

removed.<br />

Signage is being finalised to show the location<br />

of each loop of the Sculpture Trail. This should<br />

be put inplace inthe next few weeks.<br />

The ongoing refreshofKennedy Park is happening,<br />

including the laying of hot mix at both ends of<br />

the trail. Recent weather has caused somedelays.<br />

The newemail address forthe Geraldine Sculpture<br />

Trail is: sculpture@geraldine.nz<br />



LINZ says the<br />

ground mark at<br />

Little Mount Peel<br />

is still valuable<br />

and must not be<br />

removed. PHOTO:<br />

Jan Finlayson<br />

Iread with interest your article on the demolished<br />

Little Mount Peel trig station and the thoughts of<br />

conservationist Jan Finlayson. <br />

Surveyors use trig stations as local reference<br />

points to produceacalibratedand accuratereference<br />

positionfor surveying alocal area. Ihaveused trig<br />

station positions to identify an exact reference for<br />

asurvey for producing afarm map so that we all<br />

know the whereabouts of the property in relation<br />

to aknowngridreference. Thereare several different<br />

options forareferenceposition,NZTM [New Zealand<br />

Transverse Mercator] being one ofthem.<br />

Technology has not made these trig stations<br />

redundant. Correction signals for GPS surveying<br />

canberelayed by cellphone, but not all areas have<br />

cellphone coverage, as in the backcountry. Also,<br />

the further away from the base station that the<br />

cellphone is relying onfor correction signals, the<br />

greater the inaccuracies.<br />

LINZ [Land Information New Zealand] provide<br />

aweb page which recordsthe positionand reference<br />

data of all survey points in the country. It is called<br />

Geodetic. PHILIP BROWN<br />

GNews reported the damaged station to the LINZ<br />

site and received this response: Thank you for the<br />

feedback regarding the destroyed trig beacon on<br />

ILittle Mt Peel (1113). The LINZ policyisthat anybeacons<br />

thathavelittle use arenot replacedifdestroyed. The<br />

expenseofreplacing this beacon cannotbejustified.<br />

However the ground mark (the iron tube) is still<br />

valuable andmustnot be removed. KELVIN TAIT<br />

LEFT: Geraldine.nz Promotions Coordinator Nikki Lang isexcited by her new job. PHOTO:Hugh McCafferty RIGHT: Rosie Woods says<br />

managing the Geraldine Sculpture Trai project will be alot of fun. PHOTO:Supplied<br />

New faces atGeraldine.nz<br />

On Thursdayoflast week, the Geraldine.nz<br />

board announced they had appointed<br />

three people to take over the various jobs<br />

previously contracted to Janene Adams.<br />

Alex Thorpe will coordinate the Harcourts<br />

Geraldine Festival, Rosie Woods will<br />

manage the Geraldine Sculpture Trail<br />

project, and appointed to the role of<br />

Geraldine.nz Promotions Coordinator is<br />

NikkiLang.<br />

GNews caughtupwith Nikki and Rosie<br />

this week, andwillintroduce Alex in next<br />

weeks edition.<br />

Nikki says, I have abackground in<br />

business development and marketing and<br />

throughout my career have worked within<br />

awide range of industries and sectors.<br />

Ilook forward to using this experience to<br />

help identify uniqueopportunities for us<br />

to showcase why Geraldine is aplace where<br />

both domestic and international visitors<br />

should take their time to stop, stay and<br />

explore.<br />

She says that she worked in asimilar<br />

positioninHanmer and looks forward to<br />

bringing skillsand ideasfromthatposition<br />

to her new roleinGeraldine.Geraldine.nz<br />

is amember organisation-Nikkisays she<br />

is thefaceofthe team. She looks forward<br />

to building relationships and being part<br />

VEGO<br />

VEGAN<br />

G-FREE<br />

of the team that is the Geraldine community.<br />

Among the connections that Nikki<br />

hopes to build are to the rural sector and<br />

to Māori. Ive always known that<br />

Iwhakapapa to Ngai Tahu. Ionly found<br />

out recently that Ialso connect to<br />

Arowhenua.<br />

Her first public event will be a<br />

Business@Six on Tuesday, 26 <strong>September</strong>,<br />

hosted at Mundells jointly with Property<br />

Brokers.She is looking forwardtomeeting<br />

the membership there.<br />

Among the projects recently accrued<br />

to Geraldine.nzisthe GeraldineSculpture<br />

Trail. It has been along time coming, but<br />

now,despite inclement weather andpetty<br />

vandalism, the first loop of the project is<br />

walkable.<br />

It is acomplexundertaking. According<br />

to the Geraldine.nzwebsite, the organisations<br />

forming the Geraldine Sculpture Trail<br />

Group include members from the<br />

Geraldine Community Board, Geraldine<br />

Licensing Trust, Department of<br />

Conservation, Timaru District Council,<br />

[and] Geraldine.nz ... There is also arange<br />

of key stakeholdersinthe project,including<br />

Te Rūnanga oArowhenua.<br />

In announcing Rosie Woods asthe<br />

new manager ofthe sculpture trail,<br />

Wemakeithow you likeit!<br />



MILD<br />

Geraldine.nz said, [Rosie] hasbeen living<br />

and working in the Geraldinecommunity,<br />

following her interests/passions, which<br />

have encompassed awiderange of voluntary<br />

activities includingthe South Canterbury<br />

Rhododendron Group, Geraldine Riding<br />

for the Disabled, Geraldine Community<br />

Vehicle Trust, Woodbury domain, [and<br />

the] Library and Interest Group.<br />

Her face is known to the public, as she<br />

previously worked asamedicalreceptionist<br />

at Four Peaks Health for eight years. She<br />

is now employed in asimilar capacity by<br />

Geraldine Physiotherapy. She says, It<br />

was humbling to be asked to take on the<br />

project by Janene [Adams] and Nicky<br />

[Donkers].She says she is looking forward<br />

to starting the work. It is afantastic project<br />

itwill be alot of fun.<br />

Rosie lived inEngland, Spain and<br />

America in her adult years. Latterly she<br />

has lived in Taranaki. She says that she<br />

is inspired by theartwork inNew Plymouth<br />

and believes that Geraldine has much to<br />

learn from whattheyhavedone, including<br />

some of their mistakes. The GNews column<br />

In the Loopwill keep readersuptodate<br />

with the trails development, which will<br />

eventually have four loops.<br />


SOME DON’T<br />

LIKE IT HOT!<br />

MEDIUM<br />

HOT XTRA-HOT | $2<br />

03 693 9723 Wedeliver!<br />

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TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong> |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |WHĀRANGI 9<br />

LOCAL ELECTIONS <strong>2022</strong>: MEET THE CANDIDATES<br />

Gavin Oliver says, Geraldines future is bright. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Gavin Oliver for ward councillor<br />

As the incumbent councillor, Ilook back<br />

on aterm that has achieved alot: anew<br />

sculpture trail,several newfootpaths, and<br />

the significantupgrade of the Ōrari Back<br />

Road. Geraldine has benefited from<br />

major rural water-supply upgrades,<br />

beautification projectsand improvements<br />

of the Serpentine Creek.<br />

Having lived in Geraldine my whole<br />

life, it is important to me to keep it a<br />

thriving and vibrant town that offers a<br />

high-quality lifestyle. Iknowwhat it takes<br />

to maintain this.With this in mind, Iwill<br />

continue tosupport local projects by<br />

advocating for strong council support.<br />

Like many rural regions, Geraldine<br />

faces challenges requiring solid stewardship<br />

-successful transport networking,<br />

infrastructurefunding, andavailable land<br />

and buildings, to mention afew. Iwillbe<br />

giving emphasis to creating more<br />

walking/cycling ways, bettermaintenance<br />

of our roading networks, and securing<br />

more resilience during adverse weather<br />

events. Residential growth and urban<br />

development are essential to support<br />

businesses in the Geraldine district.<br />

Offering more residential sections will<br />

keep Geraldine aplace thats affordable<br />

to live.<br />

Geraldines future is bright. That a<br />

clutch of large infrastructure projects is<br />

in planning orabout to begin inboth<br />

Geraldine and our outlining rural areas<br />

is exciting. Iwill continue to advocate<br />

strongly for double lanes on the Ōrari<br />

Bridge, support the TimaruDistrict Council<br />

on Three Waters reforms, and support<br />

rates affordability that reflectthe costof<br />

living.<br />

Its beenaterm of great personal and<br />

professional learning. Ibelieve Ihave<br />

represented the Geraldine community at<br />

council with the utmost honesty and<br />

integrity. With the experience ofaterm<br />

at council under my belt, Iwill only grow<br />

to be an even better councillor.<br />

Iwant torepresent the Geraldine<br />

community for asecond term, and Iam<br />

again seeking your support to do this.<br />


The Geraldine RugbyFootball Club are pleased<br />

to announce the opening of registrations forthe<br />

club’s 125th Jubilee which will take place <br />

, 2023.<br />


•can be left at Geraldine Rugby Club Bar<br />

• HHA Associates Ltd,Four Peaks Plaza -<br />

there is abox at the bottomofthe stairs;<br />

•emailed to grfcjubilee@gmail.com<br />

•orposted to PO Box 50, Geraldine 7956<br />


Proud to support<br />

our community!<br />

PropertyBrokers Geraldine<br />

1TalbotStreet, Geraldine P 03 69313<strong>15</strong><br />

NAME(S)<br />

EMAIL<br />






£ Meet&Greet Friday, 22 April, 2023; 6pm<br />

$60 SINGLE No. Attending: .......................<br />

£ Jubilee Dinner Saturday, 23 April, 2023; 7.30pm<br />

$80 SINGLE No. Attending: .....................................<br />

Happy Hour, Buffet<br />

Welcome from Chairman of Jubilee Committee<br />

Decade Speakers<br />

Presentation of 100 game cap<br />

£ BOTH EVENTS Friday&Saturday 22/23 April, 2023<br />

$120 SINGLE No. Attending: ...................................<br />

£ TOTAL PAID $ ...........................................................<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property BrokersLtd Licensed REAA 2008 PB057711<br />

BANK PAYMENT TO: BNZ 02-0840-0014739-005<br />

REFERENCE: your name

WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Retail Position<br />

Louk Clothing is looking forareliableperson<br />

to join our team of three.<br />

The successful applicant will need to be<br />

neatly presented and cheerful, with excellent<br />

customer serviceskills.<br />

Confident computer skills areessential.<br />

Louk is apositiveand rewarding environment<br />

offering regularpart time hours with<br />

flexibility forawork-lifebalance.<br />

Forthe right person this position will<br />

progressintoamanagement role.<br />

If youthinkyou have whatweare looking for<br />

(orthe ability and desiretolearn)<br />

drop your CV intoLouk,<br />

or email: louknzclothing@xtra.co.nz<br />

The OldP<br />

dPost Office, Geraldine<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />

Steve Jones Painting<br />

Quality Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Over 20 years experience<br />

Steve Jones<br />

owner-operator<br />

027 651 414040<br />


Office<br />

Manager<br />

5 DAYSPERP<br />


Situation Vacant due to retirement<br />

We are acommunity-based organisation<br />

that provides apassenger transport and<br />

rental service. Our drivers are volunteers.<br />


Excellent communication skills<br />

Great administration skills<br />

Well-organised<br />

Skilled in Word and Excel<br />

Please forward applications to<br />

Helen May at: helen.michael@xtra.co.nz.nz<br />

027 259 7160<br />





OMPLEX<br />

Desire toLearn, Aspire toAchieve<br />

Whāia ekoe te iti kahurangi<br />

2023 OUT-OF-ZONE<br />


The Geraldine Primary School Board ofTrustees<br />

is accepting applications from parents/caregivers who<br />

wish to enrol their child in 2023. Enrolment packs are<br />

available from the school office. As well as in-zone places,<br />

alimited number of out of zone places will be available.<br />

An enrolment scheme or zone is in place and details of<br />

this can be obtained from the school office.<br />

The deadline for out-of-zone applications<br />

for 2023 is 3pm, Friday 14 October.<br />

Application forms for out-of-zone enrolments are<br />

available from the school office -phone 03 693 8208,<br />

or by email: office@geraldine.school.nz.<br />

Parents /caregivers of children living within our<br />

enrolment zone who intend to enrol their child at<br />

Geraldine Primary School during 2023, should also<br />

notify the school office by Friday 14 October.<br />

We invite parents to contact the office if they wish to<br />

learn more about our school and arrange atour.<br />

For all your interior plastering needs<br />

MOB 027 313 8338 •HOME 693 9013

TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong> |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |WHĀRANGI 11<br />

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

eatingout<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews,email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt 027<br />

920 8751. We’lltry to get one to you and try to ensure<br />

any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask and<br />

come to the front door.Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />


PLACEAGREETING TO AFRIEND just 63cper word.<br />


YOUR NOTICE HERE Email ads@gnews.co.nz<br />

or drop in to the Resource Centre. 63c per word.<br />

Death notices: first <strong>15</strong> words free.<br />



one child (5 months).Monday-Friday withanoccasional<br />

Saturday during summer.4-5 hours per day,daysof<br />

work during weekcan be flexible.Pleasecall Charlotte<br />

on 027 388 7609.<br />


light gardening, cleaning, meal prep (good<br />

vegetarian/omnivorian cook), animal care &such.<br />

Call Jane 021 073 0792.<br />


PIANO, SINGINGLESSONS Teaching for leisure,exam<br />

prep including NCEA. Phone 027 494 7700.<br />

Seeking Kitchen Hand<br />

Superstars<br />

WHEELCHAIRWANTEDTOBUY Easy to push please<br />

Phone 03 692 2883.<br />

WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />


Great location, flexible hours, great team environment! What<br />

more couldyou want in aworkplace!<br />

We arenow seeking part-time and casual Kitchen Hands to provide<br />

quality catering services to the Residents of McKenzie Healthcare<br />

under the direction of the Head Chef.<br />



•Preparing nutritious and varied snacks and meals to meet the<br />

dietary needs of the Residents according to setmenus.<br />

•Preparing meals on time according to pre-set menus forthe<br />

numbersrequired and portion size, paying attention to the<br />

attractivepresentation of themeals.<br />

•Ensuring thatthe kitchen, kitchen equipment and machinery is<br />

maintained to meet requirements and complies with NewZealand<br />

Health and Safety Standard.<br />

•Food preparation and delivery according to regulatory and food<br />

industry hygiene requirements and health and safety standards.<br />

• Regular cleaning to ensureacleanand safework environment<br />

according to aregular kitchencleaning schedule.<br />


The shifts are6am to 2.30pm and 2pm to 7pm. 20 hoursminimum<br />

per week.Some weekend work will be required.<br />

ABOUT US:<br />

McKenzie HealthCareissituatedinthe lovely rural village of<br />

Geraldine in South Canterbury.Weare an agedcarefacility for<br />

71 residents; we caterfor residents with complex needs at Hospital,<br />

Palliative, Rest Home and Dementia levels of care.Wehave71beds<br />

plus 10 we holdcontractfor ACUunits.<br />

ABOUT YOU:<br />

• An experienced and organised Kitchen Hand.<br />

•Toenjoyworking as part of ateamwith greatpeopleskills.<br />

•Excellent communication skills.<br />

•TobeaNewZealand Citizen, Permanent Resident or holdavalid<br />

Work Permit.<br />

To applyfor our Kitchen Hand position please send your CV<br />

and coverlettertoour HR Managerathr@mhc.org.nz.<br />

.nz.<br />



PHONE: 0369<br />

36938299<br />

ATOBLAWNS &SERVICES Available now for<br />

lawnmowing and garden maintenance. Ph/Txt Brad<br />

on 021 192 0660.<br />


your businessand tax requirements. Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


dogs. 208Woodbury Road. Phone 03 693 9929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, forall<br />

building work. Phone Ants 027 309 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTERTAMING Geraldine Computer Solutions.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />

HEATPUMPS Clean,service, repairand install. Please<br />

call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />

gnewsresults<br />


DISCOUNT <strong>15</strong>%off alland labour prices only.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021 041 3318.<br />

PAINTERGERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />


Computer Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

WILTONSMALL MOBSHEARING Available for your<br />

shearing, crutching and all animal health products<br />

for your sheep, alpacas and goats. Please phone<br />

/txt Mike and Nicola 020 40117629.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg$<strong>15</strong>,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />

Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />

NATUROPATH MandyWallace,Registered Naturopath,<br />

20 years in practice. Naturopathyconsultation, Therapeutic<br />

Massage, Reiki, Chakra Balance. Phone ortext<br />

027 7053210 Email:MandyWallace@xtra.co.nz or look<br />

me up on NaturalTherapy pages NZ.<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB Waihi Handicap Pairs Session<br />

3, 08.09.22: 1st JMeijer &LPincombe 59.95%, 2nd PTaylor&<br />

GSullivan 55.56%, 3rd MThatcher&DHarrison 55.46%. 07.09.22:<br />

1st CHamptom &MHyde 63.19%, 2nd RScott &ANuman<br />

59.03%, 3rd MBourassa &KMiles 58.33%.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLFCLUB 11.09.22Stableford Rd 1stGOliver<br />

84-18-66-38stbs, RPutze 91-24-67-37, JCox 88-21-67-37,<br />

RStevenson 89-21-68-36,J Rate92-20-72-34, DLaw 85-14-71-<br />

33,TKerr 87-<strong>15</strong>-72-32, MLang 87-<strong>15</strong>-72-32, RRamsay 91-18-73-31,<br />

DBruce 88-<strong>15</strong>-73-31, BSimpkins 81-7-74-30, MO'Malley 89-<br />

<strong>15</strong>-74-30, MDenton100-25-75-29, AMuff91-14-77-27, DWynn<br />

120-36-84-21. Nett Eagles BSimpkin#3, RStevenson #6<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporatingBarker’s productswith seasonal ingredients.Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm. Phone03693 9727.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sunand Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 6963567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm.Breakfast<br />

and lunch menuare available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP & CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am, Weekends<br />

8.30am. Closes4pm-5pm -call ahead to be sure. Menu choices change regularly.<br />

Somethingfor everyone.Come and check us out. Phone03693 9514.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Food Takeaways new hours THURSDAY-<br />

SUNDAY 4pm-8pm. TO ORDER CALL: 03 693 9723; TO ORDERONLINE:<br />

theluckyclubparade.co.nz. Check out our new menu.<br />

THE RUNNINGDUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />


Casual Staff<br />

Required<br />

Avariety of casual positions available:<br />

-Truck Driving<br />

-Calf Rearing<br />

-Bobby Calf Lifting<br />

-General Farm Work<br />


PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />


George Clooney &Julia Roberts star in this<br />

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An amazing cinematic experience ofthe<br />

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True story ofthe famous bomber plane.<br />



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Emma Thompson stars in this sexy British comedy.<br />








SAT 12.30PM |SUN 1PM

WHĀRANGI 12 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>15</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Right<br />

Time<br />

Right<br />

Choice<br />

Togetherwecan:<br />

Initiateand seeprojects through to the end<br />

Improve ourdeclining roading network<br />

Build abetter community forour district<br />

Improveour general services<br />

Value transparencyand democracy

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />

Maori legends to help literacy<br />

‘Taniwhaand theRakaia<br />

Gorge’isone of three books<br />

about Maori legends being<br />

giventoMid Canterbury<br />

children to help oral language<br />

andliteracy skills.<br />

Thebooks depictthree<br />

pūrākau (myths) with<br />

significance to Te Taumutu<br />

Rūnanga oNgāiTahu.<br />

Theother two are Ruru and<br />

the GiantPouākai, and The<br />

CreationofTuna.<br />

University of Canterbury<br />

(UC) Wellbeing Institute<br />

director professor Gail Gillon<br />

says the new books, being<br />

giventoschools, early<br />

childhoodcentresand<br />

libraries throughout<br />

Canterbury, areabout local<br />

Māori legends.<br />

Thebooks are the result of a<br />

collaboration between the<br />

University of Canterbury Child<br />

Wellbeing Research Institute<br />

and Taumutu,and fundedby<br />

the Ministry of Education.<br />

Six hundred copies of the<br />

books will be distributed in the<br />

Taumutu takiwā (area), from<br />

Taumutu and Waihora (Lake<br />

Ellesmere) as far southasthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> River and Hakatere<br />

in MidCanterbury.<br />

Larger sizeversions for<br />

teachers to read arebeing<br />

distributed this month, along<br />

with smaller versions,called<br />

readers.The readers have<br />

simplertext for children to<br />

readthemselves afterthey<br />

haveheard the longer<br />

versions.<br />

University of Canterbury’s professor Gail Gillon with books of<br />

Maori legends for children to help oral language and literacy<br />

skills.<br />


Professor Gillon(Ngāi<br />

Tahu) saysthe books are<br />

designed to developoral<br />

languageand literacy skills<br />

while alsohelpingchildren<br />

learn about Māori legends and<br />

places that areanimportant<br />

part of their local cultural<br />

history.<br />

“Weare delighted to have<br />

been able to work alongside<br />

Te TaumutuRūnanga to bring<br />

these stories to life for young<br />

readers.<br />

“The books were developed<br />

as partofaresearch project<br />

withinthe Better Start<br />

NationalScience Challenge in<br />

response tothe rūnanga’s call<br />

forculturally appropriate and<br />

place­basedstoriesrelevant<br />

to local communities.<br />

‘‘Localrangatahi have<br />

createdthe illustrationsand<br />

the result is abeautifulseries<br />

of books,”Professor Gillon<br />

says.<br />

UC AmokapuaPākākano<br />

Tuarua |deputy assistant vice<br />

chancellor Māori Liz Brown<br />

(NgāiTahu), whoisalso chair<br />

of Te Taumutu Rūnanga,says<br />

receiving the bookswill be<br />

“hugely beneficialfor the<br />

well­being andmana” of<br />

young people in the Taumutu<br />

Rūnanga.<br />

“It shows their cultureand<br />

background is valued. Kaiako<br />

(teachers) willbeable to use<br />

the bookswith tamariki in<br />

their care andshare these<br />

amazing stories.”<br />

The books were produced as<br />

part of apilotstudy for an<br />

earlychildhood literacy<br />

approach, inpartnership with<br />

KidsfirstKindergartens,<br />

called WordsCan POP.<br />

Led by Professor Gillonand<br />

Professor BrigidMcNeill from<br />

the University of Canterbury,<br />

The Words Can POP<br />

framework builds three to<br />

four­year­old children’s skills<br />

in oral language, early<br />

phonemeand print<br />

awareness,vocabulary and<br />

story­tellingskills.<br />

Thepilotresearch was<br />

successfully implemented in<br />

partnership withKidsfirst in<br />

24 of their kindergartens in<br />

the Canterbury region.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Police aremakinginquiries<br />

following areportofasuspicious<br />

approach to achild.<br />

Theincidentwas understood to<br />

haveoccurred on Monday morning<br />

around 8.30am whilethe childwas<br />

on his way to school.<br />

The young boytold his mother<br />

when he got home fromschoolthat<br />

aman in awhite oldervehicle<br />

approached himandhis friend,<br />

wound down his window and said<br />

“getin” while they were scootering<br />

to school.<br />

They continued on to school.<br />

Theman wasdescribedas<br />

wearing ablack hatand possibly a<br />

mask or balaclava.<br />

Policeask anyone with<br />

information to contactthemvia 105<br />

on file number 220912/8118.<br />


Te Whatu OraWaitahaCanterbury<br />

is windinguptheirseven day<br />

testing service at theCommunity<br />

Testing Centre on South Street,in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Theservicewillend this<br />

Saturday. It will be closedon<br />

Sunday and Monday,but reopen<br />

on Tuesday(<strong>September</strong> 20)with<br />

newhours -Tuesdays, Thursdays<br />

and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.<br />

Allenton Pharmacy, TancredStreet<br />

Dispensaryand Wises Pharmacy<br />

(whichisalsoopenSundays10am-<br />

1pm) will distribute RAT testsfor<br />

people in need. For their open<br />

hoursoralternate PCR testing<br />

providers,people can visit www.<br />

healthpoint.co.nz/covid-<br />

19/canterbury/ashburton/ or call<br />

the Covid-19Healthline on 0800<br />

358 5453.<br />

*<br />



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ashburton@colourplus.co.nz |www.colourplus.co.nz<br />

*Conditions and exclusions apply.Pleasesee in-storefor details. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.Orders must be confirmed by 10 October <strong>2022</strong><br />

to be eligible forthisoffer.^Travel parameters mayapply.<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

41<br />

Covid changes, life returning to normal<br />

Life in NewZealand is<br />

returning to something<br />

approaching normalitythis<br />

week as mostCovid­19public<br />

health measurescametoan<br />

end.<br />

New casenumbers of the<br />

disease havedropped<br />

dramatically in recent days ­as<br />

of Monday there were 1149 new<br />

cases nationally and 10,974<br />

active cases,comparedwith<br />

1653 and16,968respectively a<br />

fortnightago.<br />

Prime MinisterJacinda<br />

Ardern said the declineincase<br />

numbers gavegovernment<br />

confidence it was time to safely<br />

endalmost allcovid restrictions<br />

immediately. ‘‘It’s timetosafely<br />

turn thepageonour Covid­19<br />

management, and live without<br />

theextraordinarymeasures we<br />

have previously used.’’<br />

DisabledPersons Assembly<br />

chief executivePrudence<br />

Walker wasnot surprised by the<br />

policy change, butwas<br />

concerned it might make<br />

vulnerable people reluctant to<br />

getout andabout.<br />

‘‘There are some disabled<br />

people andpeople with health<br />

conditions whobasically have<br />

notleft their home in thepast<br />

twoand a­half years andthis is<br />

just acontinuation of thatfor<br />

them.<br />

‘‘Thereisstill afearthere and<br />

covid is still having asocial<br />

impact on people.’’<br />

‘‘Noteverybody has the luxury<br />

of health,and Iwouldhope<br />

people would continue to think<br />

about howto protectour whole<br />

community.’’<br />

However Canterbury<br />

Employers’Chamberof<br />

Commercechiefexecutive<br />

Leeann Watson saidscrapping<br />

the Covid­19Protection<br />

Frameworkwas theright<br />

decision.<br />

As wasremoving the<br />

requirementfor household<br />

contacts to isolate if theydo not<br />

havecovid.<br />

‘‘Relieving businesses of the<br />

burden of enforcingmaskwearing<br />

requirementsand<br />

dealing with hostilebehaviour<br />

from somewill be areliefto<br />

many business owners and<br />

frontlinestaff,’’she said.<br />

‘‘For two years businesses<br />

have navigated thecomplexand<br />

rapidlychanging rules thathave<br />

at times been inconsistent and<br />

outrightconfusing.<br />

It is asignalweare moving on,<br />

whichwill renew asense of<br />

trust andconfidence withinthe<br />

business community.’’<br />

Changes: ­Masks will onlybe<br />

requiredin healthcare settings<br />

andaged­care facilities,<br />

although employers, businesses<br />

andvenues can still request<br />

maskuse.<br />

­Only Covid­19 cases have to<br />

isolate forseven days;<br />

householdcontactsmusttest<br />

daily butcan move about if they<br />

test negative.<br />

­All Government vaccine<br />

mandatestoend on <strong>September</strong><br />

26.<br />

­Vaccination requirements<br />

forincoming travellersand air<br />

crew scrapped.<br />

­Leave support for covid<br />

cases willcontinue.<br />

­Atanemployer’s discretion<br />

if staff are requiredtobe<br />

vaccinated.<br />

Capelli welcomes<br />

Experience<br />

thejourney of a<br />

lifetime<br />

Caitlin Wood<br />

With four years experienceinthe<br />

hairdressing industryCaitlin looks<br />

forwardtowelcoming new clients<br />

at Capelli’s<br />

Caitlin is excitedtolookafter all of<br />

your hair needs and in particular<br />

balayage and creating blonde work.<br />

Monique Smith<br />

Being 20 years within the<br />

hairdressing industry, Monique is<br />

senior stylist qualified in all aspects<br />

of hairdressing. Monique is available<br />

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expense,it’saninvestment’<br />

Book beforethe end of October and receivea<br />

complimentaryhot towelmasque treatment.<br />

Seeour newstylistsworkonInstagram<br />

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Draft Interim Speed<br />

Management Plan<br />

Theway we dealwith speed on<br />

NewZealandroads is changing.<br />

We want your feedback on anew plan that<br />

proposes threekey principlesfor howweapproach<br />

speedmanagement on Mid Canterburyroads.<br />

1. Keeping ourkidssafebyloweringspeedlimits<br />

around allschools in theDistrict.<br />

2. Having the flexibility to lowerspeeds<br />

around thefringesofour townsasthey<br />

grow andbecome more developed.<br />

3. Lowering speedsinareas wherewehavealot<br />

of activeusers, such as walkersand cyclists.<br />

Feedback closes 5pm, Sunday 16 October.<br />

Draft Stormwater Bylaw<br />

Our stormwaternetwork doesthe<br />

essential job of collecting and carrying<br />

rainwater away from buildings androads.<br />

We’vedraftedanew bylawtomanageour stormwater<br />

infrastructureandhelp protectboth the environment and<br />

publichealth. We’d likeyourfeedback!<br />

Feedback closes 5pm, Sunday 18 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

We want to hear from YOU!<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

43<br />

Free machine pitch league for pupils<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Anew softball league ­tobridge<br />

the gap between T­ball and<br />

softball ­isbeing set up in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The freecompetition, for<br />

primary school players aged<br />

nineto 13 yearsold, willrun at<br />

Hampstead Softball Club<br />

grounds everyFriday during<br />

Term 4.<br />

Promoters Simonand<br />

Lyndall Chisnall, of Hampstead<br />

Softball,say the league ­called<br />

machine pitchleague ­usesa<br />

LouisvilleSlugger pitching<br />

machine to make sure all<br />

pitches are accurate.<br />

‘‘It’s wayeasier, they don’t<br />

have to worry about beinghit by<br />

the ball,’’ Simonsaid.<br />

‘‘This version of softball is<br />

played all over theworld, but it<br />

will be the first time it hasbeen<br />

played in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

‘‘It is designedtohelp kids<br />

transition from T­ball to little<br />

leaguesoftball.’’<br />

The Chisnalls are hoping to<br />

get up to 12 school teams on<br />

boardto play in theinaugural<br />

competition runover nine<br />

weeks. The games will be<br />

played between 4pm and<br />

6.30pm. Each game is 45<br />

minutes long.<br />

Machinepitch league is<br />

structuredtoresemble<br />

traditional softball but using<br />

the pitching machine as well as<br />

fielders assigned in traditional<br />

positions.<br />

‘‘The good thing aboutthis<br />

league is every pitch is hittable<br />

and very accurate. Battersdo<br />

not have to worry about being<br />

hit by apitch.’’<br />

Notonlydotheygain<br />

confidence battingbut it also<br />

develops fielding skills as the<br />

ball is hit more frequently.<br />

The school focus was to<br />

preventany clashwith clubs<br />

and weekendgame.<br />

Individual players, or groups<br />

of friends, werealso welcome<br />

to enter teams,Simon said.<br />

Twoslingshotpitching<br />

machine’s, costing around $300<br />

each, have been secured by the<br />

club for use and will be used on<br />

two diamonds in use at the<br />

sametimeduringtheleague.<br />

Each batter faces five<br />

pitches, or three strikes when<br />

batting.<br />

Theslingshots will be<br />

operated by adults, or senior<br />

softball player,during the<br />

games.<br />

Fundingfor theleague had<br />

beengenerously sponsored by<br />

realtorDebbieBoon, of First<br />

National<strong>Ashburton</strong>,sothere<br />

was no cost to parents or<br />

caregivers. Therewas also<br />

sports gear available for use.<br />

There had already been some<br />

interestfromsome schools<br />

keentotake partand the<br />

Chisnalls were also planningto<br />

visitothers to garner interest.<br />

Howeveranyoneinterested<br />

in playing can make contact via<br />

the Hampstead Softball’s<br />

Facebook page.<br />

Simon Chisnall, of Hampstead Softball Club, with softballers, from left, Ruby McKay, 12, Asher Cavill,<br />

12, Kymani Waaka, 11, and Amaia Paetai Nipu, 10, keen to try the new league using the Louisville<br />

Slugger pitching machine.<br />


NEWS<br />

44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Toastmasters<br />

Toastmaster of the day, David,<br />

introduced the first speech<br />

agenda item, the special<br />

cultural share. Jeff spoke about<br />

theculture of generations,<br />

specifically the generation<br />

known as generation Xand the<br />

way of lifefor those growing up<br />

in the late 60s and 70s. His<br />

personal accounts from<br />

childhood were interspersed<br />

with many observations from<br />

family andcommunity life.<br />

These included warm milk<br />

issued at primary school, Guy<br />

Fawkes, petrol station sales and<br />

visits to school dental nurses<br />

(nicknamed the ‘murder house’<br />

by children).<br />

Rebecca gave ahumorous<br />

speechabout ‘yesterself’ where<br />

shediscussed “things that we<br />

worry about that don’t happen.”<br />

One example Rebecca cited was<br />

that there was ahigher chance<br />

of being hit on the head by a<br />

falling objectthan being bitten<br />

by ashark if one was to go<br />

swimming in the ocean. The<br />

speecheven explored the<br />

practice of referring to<br />

horoscopes for those that seek<br />

to know of their future.<br />

Robin introduced Matt who<br />

gave the second main speech of<br />

theeveningtitled ‘No man is an<br />

island.” Matt began with<br />

reciting apoem by John Donne.<br />

Matt spoke abouthis love of<br />

poetry and the role it played in<br />

hislife as well as the meaning<br />

behind the poem.<br />

The Table Topics session<br />

provided an opportunity for<br />

seven memberstopresent very<br />

shortimpromptu speeches<br />

making pleas to Noah to<br />

consider givingaplaceinhis<br />

ark for nominatedanimals or<br />

insects. An amusingsession for<br />

all who took part judging by the<br />

laughter throughout.<br />

We meet on Wednesdays<br />

every fortnight ­our next<br />

meeting is <strong>September</strong> 28 ­inthe<br />

Doris Linton Lounge, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

RSA starting at 7:30 pm. Anyone<br />

wishing to build some speaking<br />

skills is most welcometocome<br />

along and visit us.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Photographic<br />

Society<br />

In August we caught up with<br />

our Night Photography meeting<br />

that was delayed from July. This<br />

was agood night where there<br />

were some interesting lights to<br />

photograph. It was afun evening<br />

with lots of different options to<br />

photograph.<br />

Our field tripwas Margaret’s<br />

Quiz that sent members off to<br />

Methven with aquiz prepared<br />

by Gayleen andJude. It proved a<br />

good challenge for members<br />

power of observation, which is<br />

an important asset for a<br />

photographer.<br />

Results of our Natural History<br />

competition are:<br />

Print Acceptance:“Fulica atra<br />

“Bill Cabout, “Kotare” Gaynor<br />

Hurst, “Red Striped Anemone”<br />

Maria Chamberlain, “Korimako<br />

(Bellbird)” Megan Ellis and<br />

“Takahe” NickyFoden.<br />

Print Honoursand Top Print:<br />

“Birds Nest Fungi ­<br />

Nidulariaceae”Nel Davison.<br />

DigitalAcceptance:<br />

“Callipepla Californica” Anna<br />

McGregor, “Pacific Bleeding<br />

Heart (Dicentra formosa)” Dale<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Photographic Society photo of aKotare.<br />

Abbott, “Bellbird” David<br />

Oakley, “South Island Robin”<br />

Gary McIntyre, “Chafer beetles”<br />

Gaynor Hurst, “Gymnopilus<br />

junonius” Lester Hurst,<br />

“Kingfisher” Malcolm Whyte,<br />

“Californian Quail” Maria<br />

Chamberlain,“Seal Pups “Nel<br />

Davison and “South Island Pied<br />

Oystercatcher” Struan Christie.<br />

Digital Honours: “Matuku<br />

moana” Cindy Lovett, “Kereru”<br />

Megan Ellis and<br />

“Phalacrocoracidae ­Shagon<br />

it's Nest”Nicky Foden.<br />

Top Digital: “Kereru”Megan<br />

Ellis.<br />

Well done to our members<br />

and thankstoBill for reading<br />

the results, Itrip overmytongue<br />

reading the English names, the<br />


Latin ones are just too<br />

challenging!<br />

MSA Outdoor Bowling Club<br />

Friday Triples Skips: Skips<br />

entered MSA Outdoor Bowling<br />

Clubs Friday Triples, sponsored<br />

by Skip2It FlooringXtra for<br />

Friday 16th <strong>September</strong> from<br />

12.30pm. D.Muir, R.Mitchell, D.<br />

Kinvig, MSkilling/M Hill, T<br />

Inwood, GTaylor, NAtkinson/D<br />

Thorn, BHopwood, HGoodall,<br />

EMaw/J Smart, MAnderson, G<br />

Clarke, JArgyle. Team entry $30<br />

includes acomplimentary raffle<br />

ticket. whites or club shirts to be<br />

worn.<br />

Peters Cup: Skips entered in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>MSA Bowling<br />

Club, Paterson Funeral<br />

Services sponsoredPeters Cup<br />

Open 4s TournamentonSunday<br />

18th <strong>September</strong> from 9am.<br />

MSkilling,BMayson, LMuir,<br />

GClarke, CCarter, GEder/ R<br />

Bennett, MAnderson, TInwood,<br />

LLuke, CCleghorn/ RBroker, A<br />

Millar, GBishop, CHarrison, N<br />

Atkinson. Entry fee$40.00 per<br />

team. Pies available for lunch if<br />

required.<br />

Altrusa Club Report<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> :Last month<br />

we enjoyed an extra social night<br />

with acommunal meal, and<br />

talked aboutawide variety of<br />

our own books that we have<br />

enjoyed. Our annual Spring<br />

Raffle will continuetoearly<br />

October, with tickets soldat<br />

supermarkets and theFarmers<br />

Market. Theusual commitment<br />

to Books on Wheels and Meals<br />

on Wheels has been organised.<br />

The Literacy Committee has a<br />

display in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Library to celebrate the Altrusa<br />

International Literacy Day:<br />

<strong>September</strong> 8th. Our six­weekly<br />

Foot Clinic at the Oxford Street<br />

site of theHakatere Parish had<br />

34 clients, with <strong>15</strong> Altrusans<br />

helping.<br />

Lucky clientsappreciated the<br />

vintage carpick­up! We have<br />

advertised ourannual Health<br />

Bursary for 2023inthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Guardian and<br />

<strong>Courier</strong>;<strong>Ashburton</strong> College and<br />

Mt Hutt College, and Otago<br />

Polytechnic.<br />

Our seamstresses will be<br />

making swimming and<br />

washbags forRefugee<br />

Settlement Support, andweare<br />

providing embroidery resources<br />

for them. It is good to be meeting<br />

again as an active Club.<br />

<br />

VOTE<br />

ShfireSapphire<br />

for <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward and<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />

<br />

<br />

Iopposethe 3waters reform<br />

Let’sbring our differences together<br />

and find common ground<br />

<br />

Isupportour farmers and businessowners<br />

“Our land,our people,our future.This is your Aotearoa!”<br />

Your voicematters!<br />

2510254<br />

/shfiresapphire /shfire_sapphire /shfiresapphire<br />

~Authorised by ShfireSapphire, 021681989

Jill Della Tracey Sarah<br />


NEWS<br />

46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Joint effort to improve rural wellbeing<br />

Fonterra andthe Rural Support Trust (RST) have<br />

formed athree­year partnership to support rural New<br />

Zealanders by improving accesstowellbeingand<br />

resilience services for farming families doing it tough.<br />

Farming has aunique set of challenges and research<br />

shows asignificant proportionofNew Zealand farmers<br />

neglect their own wellbeing.<br />

The first priority for the partnership is to develop a<br />

rural specific national strategy, expected to be in place<br />

early next year.<br />

RST havealong history of standing by rural<br />

communities andhelping when times aretough and<br />

Farm Source groupdirector Richard Allen said<br />

Fonterra andRST had successfully worked together in<br />

the past.<br />

Projects included lastyear’s rugby event in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> when aFonterra and RST ‘good together’<br />

rugby team playedthe parliament teamtohelp raise<br />

more than $100,000 to help flood­affected South Island<br />

farmers.<br />

Fonterra was also one of the sponsors of RST<br />

ambassador Matt Chisholm’s nationwide Time OutTour<br />

for RST.<br />

Mr Allen saiddeveloping anational,long­term<br />

strategy with clear objectives and actions that address<br />

mental health and otherrural challenges was ‘‘simply<br />

AFonterra and RST ‘good together’ rugby team playing<br />

the parliament team in 2021 at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

the right thing to do’’.<br />

‘‘Farming is an animal andproduce business, but it’s<br />

also very much ahuman business.<br />

‘‘It’s right to show up for communities during events<br />

and emergencies, but the partnership also recognises<br />

an ongoing need forsupport of,and commitment to,<br />

New Zealand communities.’’<br />

Farming may be one of the most rewarding jobs, but<br />

it can also be stressful anddemanding.<br />

According to 2020 research from DairyNZ, 62% of<br />

dairy farmers saidtheyorsomeone on their farm<br />

experienced mental health issues in theprevious 12<br />

months.<br />

RSTnational council chair Neil Bateup said Kiwi<br />

farmers andgrowers ran ‘‘pretty special businesses, but<br />

they’re businessesthat arevulnerable to abunch of<br />

significant external factors ­manyof which areout of<br />

their control.<br />

‘‘A good exampleisthe extreme weather andflooding<br />

experienced across parts of New Zealand recently.<br />

Farmers are also feeling increasing pressures dueto<br />

things likerisingon­farm costs, the labour pinch and<br />

increasing compliance obligations.<br />

‘‘We’vecomealong way in the last decade or so, in<br />

that there’s more recognition thatmind health is just as<br />

important as physical wellbeing, but we know there’s<br />

still alot of work to do in this area.’’<br />

Fonterra hasalsoindefinitely extended its Employee<br />

Assistance Programme (EAP) to Co­op farmers.Itisa<br />

professional and confidentialcounselling service<br />

provided by independent company,EAP Services.<br />

Fonterra funds the service to help those experiencing<br />

personal or work­related difficulties.<br />

militaria and aviation<br />

extravaganza<br />

Labour Weekend<br />

Saturday 22nd &Sunday23rdoctober <strong>2022</strong><br />

•BattleDisplays<br />

•Red HotNana’s<br />

•Militaryvehicles<br />

•HighlandDancing<br />

•Music<br />

•Food available<br />

•Suitablefor allages<br />

Full eventprogramme at<br />

www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />

Raising funds to extend our<br />

existing display<br />

Getupclosetoa<br />

military vehicle<br />

anduniforms,<br />

weapons, aircraft,<br />

vintage cars and<br />

living history.<br />

387 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Open 9am to 4pm both days<br />

Adults $<strong>15</strong> – Children $5 (<strong>15</strong> and under).<br />

Family Pass $35 (2 adults, 2 children)<br />

www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />


2503427<br />

Farmer confidence down<br />

Farmer confidence earlier<br />

thisyear mayhavebeenat<br />

lowest levelrecorded in<br />

Federated Farmer biannual<br />

surveys since 2009, butamid<br />

yearsurveyhasfound it has<br />

droppedevenfurther.<br />

More than 1200 farmers<br />

fromaroundNew Zealand<br />

respondedtothe July survey<br />

and anet 47.8% of them<br />

considered current<br />

economic conditionstobe<br />

bad,down 55.6 pointsfrom<br />

January when anet 7.8%<br />

considered conditionstobe<br />

good.<br />

FederatedFarmers<br />

presidentand trade/economy<br />

spokesperson Andrew<br />

Hoggard saiditwas ahuge<br />

dropinsix months.<br />

‘‘Obviouslyinflationand<br />

supplychain disruption<br />

fallout from covid and<br />

Russia’s invasion of the<br />

Ukraineare partof it,but<br />

continued concern over the<br />

paceand direction of<br />

government reformand<br />

regulation, not to mention<br />

staff shortages, are also<br />

contributing to uncertainty<br />

and gloom,’’ he said.<br />

Anet 80.9% of respondents<br />

expect generaleconomic<br />

conditionstoworsen over the<br />

next12months, up 16.9<br />

points on the January survey.<br />

It was not inconsistent with<br />

results from other business<br />

confidencesurveys,Mr<br />

Hoggard said.<br />

Farmers identified top<br />

concerns as climate change<br />

policy &ETS;regulation and<br />

compliance costs; input<br />

costs; and debt,interest,<br />

banks. And with raised<br />

awareness of Foot andMouth<br />

Rising farm input costs are among concerns of farmers.<br />

Disease in Indonesiaand<br />

Malaysia, biosecurity has<br />

rocketed up the list of top<br />

concerns that farmers want<br />

government to confront, with<br />

others beingfiscal policy;<br />

economy &business<br />

environment;regulation &<br />

compliance costs.<br />

Despitethe slide in<br />

confidence, farmers’<br />

profitability expectations<br />

haven’t taken as big ahit as<br />

might have beenindicated.<br />

Anet 55 percentof<br />

respondents said they are<br />

currently makingaprofit ­<br />

six pointsdownonthe<br />

Januarysurvey. Looking out<br />

overthe next 12 months,anet<br />

53.1% of respondents expect<br />

their profitability to decline,<br />

up 11.9 pointsonthe January<br />

<strong>2022</strong>survey whenanet 41.2%<br />

expected it to decline.<br />

This was perhaps to be<br />

expected given thesqueeze<br />

from higher input costsand<br />

high commodityprices<br />

retreating, Mr Hoggard said.<br />

‘‘What’s also worrying is<br />

that forthe firsttime in our<br />

survey’s historywe’ve<br />

recorded anet negative score<br />

for production expectations.<br />

Anet 0.5%offarmers who<br />

answeredour questions<br />

expect their production to<br />

decline over thenext 12<br />

months,down 2.3 pointson<br />

the January result.’’<br />

Anet 54.6% of respondents<br />

expect their spending to<br />

increase over the next 12<br />

months,slightly up on<br />

January‘‘butthis will be due<br />

to inflation of input prices<br />

rather thanspending on<br />

more goods and services,’’ Mr<br />

Hoggard said.<br />

The Fedssurvey indicates<br />

aslight easing in the labour<br />

market ‘‘but it’s still very<br />

tight,’’ Mr Hoggard said.<br />






03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RURAL<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

47<br />

Tryphena through to nationals<br />

Southland ploughwoman<br />

Tryphena Carter is goingto<br />

the National Ploughing<br />

Championships next year.<br />

The Waimea Ploughing<br />

Club member­who is<br />

formerly of Rakaia ­qualified<br />

for the nationals on the first<br />

day of the Middlemarch,<br />

Taieriand Tokomairiro<br />

ploughing matches in Strath<br />

Taieri.<br />

‘‘That’s really exciting,’’<br />

Cartersaid.<br />

She got podiumfinishes in<br />

the conventional class on all<br />

three days —the Tokomairiro<br />

match in Sutton on August 26<br />

and the Taieriand<br />

Middlemarchmatchesin<br />

MiddlemarchonAugust 27<br />

and 28 respectively.<br />

‘‘You couldn’thave asked<br />

for abetter weekend.’’<br />

Born and raised on a<br />

Canterbury cropping farm,<br />

she now works as aland<br />

valuerinRiversdale.<br />

Her mid­1980sFord 4110<br />

tractor and Kverneland match<br />

ploughwere onlyused when<br />

she competed, she said.<br />

‘‘The plough never comes<br />

off it.’’<br />

The appeal of the sportwas<br />

its social aspectand the<br />

mental challenge.<br />

‘‘It’s quite mathematical.<br />

You’ve got to be patient and<br />

have abit of skill —it’s quite<br />

hard work for yourbrain.’’<br />

She had been competing for<br />

more than 20 years.<br />

Some competitors were<br />

‘‘rough and ready’’but most<br />

enjoyed the sport because you<br />

needed to be ‘‘particular and<br />

mathematical’’.<br />

‘‘If you like ploughing,<br />

you’re that sort of person.’’<br />

She was the only woman<br />

competinginthe South.<br />

‘‘There’severyone else and<br />

me.’’<br />

She encouraged more<br />

womentocompete.<br />

‘‘There’snoreason they<br />

shouldn’t be.’’<br />

MiddlemarchPloughing<br />

Club president Sean Leslie, of<br />

Middlemarch, said Carterwas<br />

one of threecompetitors at<br />

the matchestoqualify for the<br />

nationals.<br />

The Taieri club struggled to<br />

find paddocks to plough in its<br />

area.<br />

Ground conditions had been<br />

too wet for the Tokomairiro<br />

club to hold its match in<br />

Milton this year.<br />

The back­to­backmatches<br />

over three days were ‘‘magic’’.<br />

‘‘The weatherwas superb<br />

and you couldn’t have got the<br />

groundconditions, food and<br />

peopleany better—all round<br />

it was perfect.’’<br />

About 20 contestants<br />

competed eachday in six<br />

classes —contemporary,<br />

conventional, classic, horses,<br />

Ploughwoman Tryphena Carter of Riversdale, left, and above<br />

competing in the conventional class at the Tokomairiro<br />

Ploughing Match in Sutton.<br />


reversible and vintage.<br />

‘‘It was one of the biggest<br />

turnouts for ploughing<br />

matches in Otago and<br />

Southland for avery long<br />

time.’’<br />

The three clubs were<br />

considering holding asimilar<br />

event next year.<br />

National Ploughing<br />

Championships co­organiser<br />

Scott McKenzie, of Clinton,<br />

said more than 40 competitors<br />

would plough at the nationals<br />

in Milton on April 21 and 22<br />

next year.<br />

Practice dayswouldbeheld<br />

from April 18.<br />

Competitors would plough<br />

three paddocks, amix of grass<br />

and grain, opposite Calder<br />

Stewart’s Revolution Hills in<br />

Milton.<br />

The paddockswere owned<br />

by Calder Stewart and leased<br />

to Barrie Allison.<br />

Match functionswouldbe<br />

held at the Milton Town Hall.<br />

The nationals was being be<br />

held in the Tokomairiro club<br />

area for the firsttime.<br />

Clubs in Tokomairiroand<br />

South Otago were combining<br />

to host the nationals.<br />

The organisation of the<br />

event was going well,hesaid.<br />

‘‘Slowly but surely. You<br />

can’t rush thesethings but it’s<br />

all coming together.’’<br />

The same team organising<br />

the Miltonevent was also<br />

organising the World<br />

Ploughing Championships in<br />

Hawea Flat around Easterin<br />

2029.<br />

~Rural Life<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Wealleans Bay ofPlenty Limited<br />

has beensentencedfor sendinga<br />

dense cloud of limedustacross a<br />

motorway, resulting in afatality.The<br />

companywas spreading lime on a<br />

farm next to the Tauranga Eastern<br />

Link RoadonFebruary 5, 2020<br />

whenthe dustclouddrifted across<br />

the motorway on the wind–limiting<br />

visibility.SusanWalmsley,64, was<br />

injured whenshe collided with acar<br />

in front, and was thenstruckfrom<br />

behind.She died in hospital days<br />

later.WorkSafe’sarea investigation<br />

manager PaulWest said it wasa<br />

preventable tragedy andmore<br />

should havebeendonetoaccount<br />

for the risk to roadusers. ‘‘Although<br />

the circumstances are uniquely sad,<br />

this incidentcouldhavehappened<br />

anywhere in the country so the<br />

agriculture sector more widely<br />

should takenotice.”<br />


Crop-packaging distributorProAg-<br />

Wearparts has joined the Plasback<br />

on-farm plastics recycling scheme.<br />

It is the third distributor of hay and<br />

silagenets,twinesand wrapstodo<br />

so. ProAg-Wearparts’Nathan<br />

Wycherleysays it joinedtosupport<br />

itscustomers andwider agricultural<br />

industry to establish world-leading<br />

sustainability practices. “We have<br />

beenconcernedabout the lifecycle<br />

of agricultural plastic for sometime,<br />

and todaythereismuch more<br />

awareness of the issue among<br />

farmersand thepublic,”hesaid.<br />

‘‘We hopethat our support willhelp<br />

them continue to develop a<br />

collection servicethat is<br />

economically viabletoour<br />

customers andprovides more<br />

efficientprocessing of usedsilage<br />

wrap.”<br />


New Zealand Young Farmers<br />

(NZYF) has launched its FMG Young<br />

Farmer of the Year Contest into its<br />

55th season. It kicks-off on October<br />

<strong>15</strong> withthe firstof11district contests<br />

nationwide. NZYF members are<br />

invited to register for the agricultural<br />

challenge to flaunt practical and<br />

theoretical know-howinthe bid to<br />

qualify through to the next round, the<br />

regional finals. The district contests<br />

are one-day eventsorganised by<br />

NZYF Clubs and the topcontestants<br />

from eachcontest will progress<br />

through to regionalfinals, to<br />

demonstrate the broadand varied<br />

skillset of amodern farmer. Seven<br />

regional finals will be held between<br />

February and April2023,before the<br />

grand final in Timaru in July 2023.<br />

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Contact<br />

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Leeston 03 324 3791 Amberley 03 314 9055 <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8027 Timaru 03 688 2179<br />




LOCAL ELECTIONS 8 OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />

Vote,Pack, Post<br />

Vote<br />

Onceyou receiveyour voting papers,<br />

read the instructions carefully and<br />

complete your votingdocument.<br />

Pack Pack it back in theorangeenvelope<br />

provided.<br />

Vote for<br />

your future<br />

The local people whofeatureinour advertising arenot standing in the <strong>2022</strong> LocalElections.<br />

Post<br />

Post it back nolater than Tuesday<br />

4October to ensureitarrivesbefore<br />

the deadline.<br />

No Voting Papers?<br />

If youforgottoenrol oryoudon't receive<br />

voting papers, youmay still be able to cast<br />

aspecial vote.<br />

Votingcloses noon, Saturday 8October<br />

Find outmoreat voteashburton.nz<br />


Urban Commuter Halfday $20<br />

www.rideforever.co.nz<br />

NewZealand has some of<br />

the most scenic rides in the<br />

world and greaton-road skills<br />

areneeded to get the most<br />

enjoyment from riding them.<br />

Ride Forevercan giveall<br />

motorcyclists the skills to<br />

get the most out of every<br />

ride. Ride Foreveronroad<br />

coaching is available nationally,with arange of courses<br />

available from beginners through to the most experienced<br />

motorcyclists.<br />

Each course gives riders the skillsand knowledge to get the<br />

most out of every ride.<br />

UrbanCommuterisgreat for new riders<br />

and offers morecontrol andconfidence<br />

in urban situations.<br />

Bronze<br />

The Bronze course is ideal for riders on their<br />

learner licence who arepreparing for the<br />

restricted licence, and helps practise skills,<br />

increase confidence andbetter understand<br />

their bike’s capabilities.<br />

Silver<br />

The Silver courseisdesigned forthose<br />

who want to learn the skills to reach their<br />

full licencesand is ideal for returning<br />

riders who have had abreak from riding.<br />

Full day$20<br />

Full day$50<br />

Ride Forevertrained motorcyclists are27% less likely to crash<br />

and have amotorcycle-related injury, ACCevidence shows.<br />

Gold<br />

Full day$50<br />

The Gold course is great for those<br />

experienced riders wanting to getthe most<br />

out of their bikeand hone their riding skills<br />

and techniques. Groupscan determine their<br />

own course content for the day.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

49<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9 10<br />

12 13 14 <strong>15</strong><br />

16 17 18<br />

19 20 21 22<br />

11<br />

16/9<br />

Across<br />

7. Feel deeplythe threattoKateIorganised<br />

(4,2,2,5)<br />

8. Wheremedicationisconcerned,here’s<br />

the rub (11)<br />

12. Give megin aroundstartoflunch and be<br />

amixer (6)<br />

14. It couldcome near to being overelaborate<br />

(6)<br />

16. Leg,due to break, mayoverwhelmone<br />

(6)<br />

18. Dresstotreatone to(6)<br />

19. Thedamage no giniscausing,blending<br />

in (11)<br />

23. Coats forCapuchins? (6-7)<br />

Down<br />

1. Ornamental materialfor aboot-tie(4)<br />

2. In short, aboy maygotopot (4)<br />

3. The oarsman givesone alineinwriting (6)<br />

4. Work givenup, thanks to King Edward(6)<br />

5. Beautifulfairy is prefixed around (4)<br />

6. Ringtail-ender first, withabroad smile(4)<br />

9. Am in all of amuddle withthispaper (7)<br />

10. There’snothing to VAT, takingone on<br />

popular reception (7)<br />

11. Give waytosomeprecedent (4)<br />

12. Fashion,ifadded to rate, is reasonable(4)<br />

13. Be behindanold prisoner(3)<br />

<strong>15</strong>. Rubbishontelevisionstartsthe decay (3)<br />

17. Hisnameisthe book title, or poem<br />

written out about New York (6)<br />

18. Creature as farmed by GeorgeOrwell (6)<br />

19. Winnie theoverturned ring of wood (4)<br />

20. Will be inclined to be alibertine (4)<br />

21. Topoflittlefinger being lost, it becomes<br />

black(4)<br />

22. It is posted at theentrance (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />

23<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13 14 <strong>15</strong><br />

16 17 18<br />

19 20 21<br />

22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Intended(5)<br />

4. Begin(an enterprise) (6)<br />

7. Operate(3)<br />

8. Morose (6)<br />

9. Offtarget (6)<br />

10. Bodily(8)<br />

12. Positionorstanding<br />

(4)<br />

13. Thump(6)<br />

<strong>15</strong>. Underground passage<br />

(6)<br />

16. Skilful (4)<br />

17. Luxury (8)<br />

19. Heavenly(6)<br />

20. Biased (6)<br />

22. Hottub (3)<br />

23. Away out(6)<br />

24. Get up late(3-2)<br />

Down<br />

1. Delectable (5-8)<br />

2. Sicken (3)<br />

3. Loosetop (5)<br />

4. Flyer (7)<br />

5. Statement (9)<br />

6. One thingcausing<br />

another(5,8)<br />

11. Patience (9)<br />

14. Superiorskill (7)<br />

18. Typical (5)<br />

21. Charge(3)<br />



Across: 1. Meant,4.Launch, 7. Use, 8. Sullen,9.Astray, 10.Physical,<br />

12. Rank, 13. Wallop, <strong>15</strong>.Tunnel, 16. Deft,17. Opulence, 19. Divine, 20.<br />

Unfair, 22. Spa, 23. Egress,24. Lie-in.<br />

Down: 1. Mouth-watering,2.Ail,3.Tunic, 4. Leaflet,5.Utterance,6.<br />

Chain reaction, 11. Solitaire,14. Prowess,18. Usual,21. Fee.<br />


Across: 7. Take it to heart8.Embrocation12. Mingle 14. Ornate16.<br />

Deluge 18. Attire 19. Harmonising 23.Monkey-jackets.<br />

Down: 1. Lace 2. Herb 3. Stroke 4. Potato5.Peri6.Grin 9. Manilla 10.<br />

Ovation11. Cede 12.Mode13. Lag<strong>15</strong>. Rot 17. Eponym 18.Animal19.<br />

Hoop 20. Rake21. Inky 22. Gate.<br />

TARGET<br />

abeam abelia able alba alembic<br />

ambiance amble amiable<br />

amicable bail balance bale<br />

balm banal bane beam bean<br />

becalm bema bile blain blame<br />

blanc cabal cabin cable cambia<br />

cambial climb iamb IMBALANCE<br />

lamb limb minable nimble<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

N E A<br />

I B M<br />

A C L<br />

Good 18<br />

Very Good 25<br />

Excellent 30+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />


“I’m interested in knowing what myhome is<br />

worth.”<br />

Denise Russell<br />

027 432 9717 denise.russell@raywhite.com<br />


“I’d love to help with that. Let’s organise a<br />

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obligation market appraisal on your home.”<br />

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<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

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rwashburton.co.nz •03307 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyPropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)


4Porter Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9:45-10:<strong>15</strong>am 3 1 2 AHB30366<br />

111a Thomson Street,Tinwald 10:00-10:30am 3 2 2 AHB30264<br />

107 Creek Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 4 1 0 AHB30328<br />

2/55 Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 2 1 1 AHB30374<br />

7/42 Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 1 AHB30342<br />

1/35 Havelock Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30347<br />

2Turton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30326<br />

20 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 2 2 AHB30346<br />

60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia 11:00–11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30387<br />

36 Reighton Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:<strong>15</strong>-11:45am 3 3 2 AHB30282<br />

2Kerr Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 1 AHB30376<br />

<strong>15</strong> Reed Street, Hinds 12:00-12:30pm 4 1 4 AHB30331<br />

41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />

34a Woodham Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00-1:30pm 3 1 1 AHB30372<br />

50 Lampard Street, Methven 1:30-2:00pm 3 1 2 MVN30041<br />


60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia 11:00–11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30387<br />

41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />

Open Home<br />

107 Creek Road, Allenton<br />

First home buyerorinvestors property on the ever<br />

popular Creek Road.<br />

*Four bedrooms &two toilets<br />

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*Compliant log fire, heat pump and HRVsystem<br />

Situated next door to apark. Modernised kitchen with<br />

modern appliances, near newcolour steel roof &aneasy<br />

care section, makes it agreat choice for afirst home or<br />

rental investment property.<br />

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Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

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Asking $405,000<br />

View<br />

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Open Home<br />

60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia<br />

Standing Tall and Proud!!!<br />

Lovely tidy 2bedroom compact family home with<br />

modern kitchen. So cosy and warm with heat pump<br />

plus insulation under the floor and in the ceilings. Great<br />

double garage onalarge 1012sqm fully fenced section.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30387<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Enquiries over$450,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

2 1 2<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Open Home<br />

2Turton Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

Open Home<br />

20 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 2 1<br />

*Modern kitchen<br />

*Separate dining<br />

*Lounge/sunroom<br />

*Separate studio with toilet and hand basin<br />

*Double garage<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$450,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

020 4079 3871<br />

* 1988 built 2storey home<br />

* Open plan kitchen, dining, living<br />

* Heat pump<br />

* Single glazed aluminium windows<br />

* Double garage &large 852m2 section<br />

ForSale<br />

Price bynegotiation<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30326<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30346<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 <strong>15</strong>28<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

020 4079 3871<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

Let me write your next<br />

Real Estate success story!<br />

Contact me forafree no obligation<br />

market appraisal and let’s<br />

getyour home<br />

SOLD!<br />


AWARD<br />

WINNER<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527 | armand.vandereik@raywhite.com<br />

www.facebook.com/armandvandereikrealstate/<br />

https://armandvandereik.raywhite.co.nz/<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3ALFORD FOREST 3 1 1<br />


O/P kitchen/dining/lounge, 3bdrms, prestine<br />

drinking water from mountain, adjacent<br />

to Council parkland, organic fruits/trees,<br />

glasshouses. Solid brick home with cosy fire.<br />

This rare country property on alarge section<br />

is only 12min to Methven &9min to Mt bike<br />

park. Buyer Enquiry Over $560,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7WHYK<br />

Agent Manu Otene 022 308 6885 &<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

26 KAWAU CRESCENT 3 1 1<br />


Fantastic Home! Ready for your own stamp<br />

of style! Jump on the property ladder,<br />

whether it’s your 1st or 2nd home for an<br />

investment. 3 dble bdrms, generous size<br />

living, woodburner with wetback, sleep out,<br />

single garage with an attached workshop in<br />

aquiet settled street. Offers Over $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/80HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />


Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />

home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />

kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />

offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />

survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />

sleep out, storage shed/garage upto6. BEO<br />

$689,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/79HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

374 WRIGHTS ROAD 5 2 3<br />


O/plan, 4living/lounges, 5bdrms, 2bthrms<br />

entertainment area, 4bay shed.This lifestyle<br />

block has huge potential with ample space<br />

&opportunity to renovate at your leisure. 4ha<br />

been leased by afarmer, with land in good<br />

condition. Lots of potential to develop into a<br />

premium property. Offers Over $729,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7YHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



Opportunity here to start your own Cafe<br />

at an affordable price, on the Main Street<br />

on Methven! Entry level only cost of plant<br />

&chattels. Commerical Lease 9years left.<br />

Approved for 50 chairs. Put your own touch<br />

on the premises &it’s ready to go!<br />

Price by Negotiation.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/82HYK<br />

Agent Manu Otene 022 308 6885 &<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />


WARM &COSY<br />

3 1 1<br />

This warm & cosy, permanent material,<br />

1980’s classic home features 3dble bdrms,<br />

gas hot water, single garage &lots of OSP.<br />

Located close to schools &shops, with town<br />

just down the road. Offers over $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7NHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />

to secure this unqiue property & benefit from<br />

it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



Private lifestyle section situated in adesirable<br />

location amongst new housing. Build the<br />

home of your dreams, fully fenced & shelter<br />

belt. Lifestyle sections like this do not come<br />

along often. Temporary power supply,Town<br />

water, & Fibre at the gateway. Up to 1000<br />

litres per day. BIR PBN $330,000 -$380,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7QHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company

OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />

OPEN HOME l 10.45am -11.<strong>15</strong>am<br />

OPEN HOME l 11.30am -12.00pm<br />

OPEN HOME l 12.<strong>15</strong>pm -12.45pm<br />

18 Elizabeth Avenue,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•Recently renovated with new carpets,<br />

vinyls and paint<br />

•Sunny, three bedroom home<br />

•Heatpump and diesel firefor warmth<br />

•Double garage,large backyard on<br />

1012sqm section<br />

EnquiriesOver<br />

$490,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

3Bowen Street,Rakaia<br />

•3double bedrooms<br />

•Beautiful rimu throughout<br />

•Log burner and 2xheatpumps<br />

•Established 1012sqm section located<br />

on the westside of Rakaia<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$545,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

85 BowenStreet,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•Spacious open plan living,with heat<br />

pump and log burner<br />

•Master bedroom with en suite, plus two<br />

moredouble sized bedrooms<br />

•1012sqm section with plenty of offstreet<br />

parking<br />

•Glasshouse and woodshed<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$680,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

40 Michael Street,Rakaia<br />

•Spacious open plan living,diningand<br />

kitchen<br />

•Four bedrooms -master with en suite<br />

and walk in wardrobe<br />

•Nofuss,easy care1012sqmsection<br />

•Privatebackyard entertaining area<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$699,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

OPEN HOME l 10.30am -11.00am<br />

6Lane Street,Allenton,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

•Three double bedrooms<br />

•Updatedheatpumpand pelletfire<br />

•Generous living area opening to<br />

aconservatory<br />

•Double garage<br />

59A Grigg Street,Allenton<br />

•Open plan living and kitchen<br />

•Great borough location<br />

•Three double bedrooms<br />

•Main bathrooms plus an en suite<br />

89 EtonStreet,<br />

Hampstead<br />

•Fivebedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms<br />

•Good sized sunnylounge<br />

•Agood sized family section<br />

8Carters Road,Allenton,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

•Three spaciousbedrooms<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Ensuitewith tiled shower<br />

•<strong>15</strong>7.5sqm homeona450sqm section<br />

EnquiriesOver<br />

$520,000<br />

Debbie Boon<br />

027 448 4006<br />

PriceBy<br />

Negotiation<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 22813<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$468,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$684,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

139B Allens Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

96A Thomson Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

<strong>15</strong> JagWay,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

•Three bedrooms, master with an<br />

en suite<br />

•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />

area<br />

•Tiled bathroomsand loadsofstorage!<br />

•Single garage with internal access<br />

•Three bedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms one being an en suite<br />

•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />

•Single internal access garage<br />

•Brand new spec house!<br />

•Three bedroomsand twobathrooms<br />

•Ensuiteinthe master<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Four double bedrooms<br />

•Double garage,internal access<br />

•Two living areas<br />

•Open plan kitchen and dining<br />

$614,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

EnquiriesOver<br />

$599,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$668,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$890,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />



Methven 7Burbank Place<br />

658sqm 3 1 2 2<br />

PriceonApplication<br />

View by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Artist's impression<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Brand new, modern and convenient<br />

Set amidst Camrose Estate just ashortstrollfrom Methven town centre andOpuke ThermalPools, thisbrand-new<br />

homecurrentlyunder construction offers an exceptional lifestyle.Designed by DetailConsultancy with aview to<br />

efficient and easy living,indoor and outdoorliving bask in anorth-facing aspect.<br />

With an impressive contemporary street frontage, amodern mix of shadowcladding and cedar guidesvisitors to the<br />

front entrance.Inside, the entryfoyer flows throughtoopen plan living anddining,and ahigh-spec kitchen.Inthis<br />

natural hub forliving and entertaining, engineered stone benchtopsare complemented by quality appliances.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519360<br />


Methven 8LampardStreet<br />

1,012sqm 7 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Wed28Sep <strong>2022</strong><br />

View Sun 2.30-3pm or by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Primary location and space<br />

Areal opportunity exists here forpotentialbuyers as thisseven bedroom home set on a1,012sqm (more or less)<br />

sectionisideallypositioned for convenience and futureimprovement. Spanning 340sqm, afree-flowing living and<br />

dining room is enjoyedwithapelletburnertaking centrestage whereyou can entertain and effortlessly engagewith<br />

guests. Of theseven bedrooms, twoare locatedatthe front of thehouse andenjoy thecomforts of aprivate living<br />

area complete withlog burner andanensuite. The other five generousbedrooms are locateddownacorridor and<br />

share acommunal bathroom consisting of four showersand three toilets.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/55<strong>15</strong>393<br />


Methven<br />

12CCarrStreet<br />

2 1<br />

For Sale offers invited over $290,000<br />

View Sun 11.30am-12pm or by appointment<br />

FeeEnsor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Nest or invest<br />

Here is your chance to acquire yourown two-bedroom<br />

alpine chalet in the picturesque villageofMethven. This<br />

cottage has been thoughtfullyrefreshed throughout,<br />

boasting amodernised bathroom, paint job and new<br />

carpet.Heated by both alog burner and heat pump,<br />

compact and low maintenance, this is the perfect lock<br />

and leave opportunity forthe holidaymaker,<br />

professional couple, or investor.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519176<br />

Methven<br />

60 Spaxton Street<br />

513sqm 3 1 1<br />

For Sale offers invited over $455,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

FeeEnsor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Snugasabug<br />

This alpine-styled home presents an opportunityfor<br />

the savvy investor,alock and leave forthe holiday<br />

maker or alovelyhomefor thefirst home buyer. The<br />

70sqm floor area is perfectly positioned on a513sqm<br />

(more or less) section and boasts three bedrooms and<br />

one bathroom.Apitched alpine ceiling with quaint<br />

featurelighting makes theopen-plan kitchen and living<br />

area feel spacious.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518678<br />

Methven<br />

Lots 1or2ofLot 4HobbsRoad<br />

Windwhistle<br />

Lot 38/623 Coleridge Road<br />

5,000sqm<br />

For Sale offers invited over $450,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

FeeEnsor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Stunning mountainand ruralvistas<br />




Lots1and 2are bothapproximately5,000sqm<br />

(subject to final surveyand titles beingissued)Titles<br />

are expected beforeChristmas. Theyare fully fenced,<br />

with town water andelectricity close to the boundary.<br />

Septic systems are required. Purchase themnow and<br />

begin designing your dream home, or secureahighly<br />

sought afterinvestment in atown that is taking off.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519136<br />

546sqm<br />

For Sale offers invited over $249,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Sliceofparadise<br />

On offer is Lot 38 Tussock Lane, aquiet,peacefuland<br />

private part of TerraceDownsResort, situated<br />

overlookingthe fifth fairwayand hasthe fourth green<br />

on your doorstep. This 546sqm (more or less) section<br />

in the heart of an alpine paradise has mountains views<br />

and thebonusofmature trees surrounding forshelter.<br />

Terrace Downsisaworld-renowned resortlocated<br />

only ashort hour drive fromthe Christchurch<br />

international airport.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518813<br />



Methven 16 Mt HardingRoad<br />

4,078sqm 4 1 3 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu6Oct<strong>2022</strong><br />

View Sun 1.30-2pm or by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Why build? Your dream home could already exist<br />

Prepare to be delighted when stepping into this architecturally designedhome, with four bedrooms and three<br />

bathrooms. Lessthan three yearsold, andlocated on a4,078sqm section in the exclusive Thymestream development<br />

in Methven,New Zealand. Our vendors aredownsizing, and have meticulously presented theirmuch-loved property.<br />

Without doubt,this high calibre homeisbuilt for longevity, with ahigh standardoffunctionality as wellasbeauty. The<br />

living room features afive metre chapel ceiling leading to astunning cathedral window,which frames the majestic<br />

Mount Hutt. Amodern and efficientwood burner,plusheatpumps ensurescomfortthroughout the winter months.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519227<br />

Elgin 347Milton RoadSouth<br />

1.938ha 4 2 3 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 5Oct <strong>2022</strong><br />

201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Simon Sharpin 027 6318087simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Mike Preston 027430 7041 mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Lifestyle opportunity<br />

Situated on 1.9hectares (moreorless) in Elgin is this four-bedroom bungalowhome, withall-day sunsoaking the<br />

recentlyrenovated kitchen, living and dining areas, and aseparatelounge that providesentertaining options. Four<br />

bedroomsofferexcellent space -mastercomplete with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe, fourth bedroom withexternal<br />

access. Multiplestorage optionsinclude an attached double garage, alarge workshop area with attached closed-in<br />

shed, and apoleshed with lockablegates andsingle standwoolshed.<br />

Boundarylines are indicativeonly<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518660<br />

Allenton 374 Racecourse Road<br />

2.0234ha 3 1 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 28 Sep<strong>2022</strong><br />

201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Simon Sharpin 027 6318087simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Mike Preston 027430 7041 mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Racecourse Roadlifestyleopportunity<br />

Make that move you'vebeen dreaming of andlap up the country living lessthan tenminutes from the convenience of<br />

town.The three-bedroom home is tuckedawayamongst mature treescreating apeaceful and secure family base.<br />

Offeringamplespace with threebedrooms andtwo bathrooms, the greatbones are there should you wish to<br />

renovate andadd value. The house is positioned formaximum sunand features solidbrick construction.Winterswill<br />

be no match for the large log burner, night store andHRV system, plus the masterensuite hasthe luxury of underfloor<br />

heating.Outside, the two-hectares (more or less)isdividedinto threepaddocks withsheep netting and postand wire<br />

fencing.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519087<br />

Major Business<br />

Partner<br />

Official Community<br />

Partner<br />

Principal Partner<br />

Strategic<br />

Partner<br />






Backing<br />

our environment<br />

Backing<br />

learning for all<br />

Backing<br />

collaboration<br />

Backing<br />

life balance<br />

Bayleys <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 7377 | Bayleys Methven 03 303 3093 | Bayleys Timaru 03 687 1227<br />


Residential /Commercial /Rural /Property Services<br />



LakeHood 12 Torbay Avenue<br />

809sqm 3 2 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 28 Sep<strong>2022</strong><br />

201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View Sat 10.30-11amorbyappointment<br />

EmilySmith 027 2224596 emily.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Modern living at LakeHood<br />

Situated onaquiet street in desirable Lake Hoodisthis waterfront home. Built by JennianHomes in 2013, it includes<br />

three bedrooms andtwo bathrooms.Open plan kitchenand living makesthishomethe perfect place to host friends<br />

and family, asecond lounge can be closed off,oraspace forkidstorelax. Doors fromthe living area openout to a<br />

private patio,ideal forentertaining in thewarmermonths.The large master incorporates an ensuite andwalk-in<br />

wardrobe. Enjoy views of thecanal from multiple areas throughout the home, aslidingdoorgivesaccesstothe deck<br />

which leads to your own private jetty. Adouble garagewithinternal access allowsplenty of room for vehiclesand<br />

toys.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519<strong>15</strong>5<br />


Tinwald 5Birchside Lane<br />

938sqm 3 2 1 1<br />

ForSale offers invitedover $630,000<br />

View Sat 10.45-11.<strong>15</strong>am or by appointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027 4379696mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Handy to Town<br />

Built in 2013byDes MillarConstruction this <strong>15</strong>6sqm home hasplenty of scope to add value and your own touches,<br />

without delays and the hassleofanew build.<br />

This well-maintained property is situated on a938sqm (moreorless)section down aprivate lane, just ashort drive or<br />

strollintotown, cafes, andagarden centre.<br />

Comprising three bedrooms with built-in wardrobes,abathroom andseparate toilet, it is perfect forafamily. Living<br />

areas arekeptcosy by aclean airapproved log fire and heat pump;aseparatekitchen, laundry, and single garage<br />

complete the picture of this home.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518965<br />


Allenton 14 DavidsonStreet<br />

801sqm 3 2 1 2<br />

Asking Price $589,000<br />

View Sat 11.30am-12.<strong>15</strong>pmorbyappointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027437 9696 mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Realistic and motivated vendors<br />

Vendorshave purchased,don't missthe opportunity to takeupresidenceinthis sought-after area, locatedonaquiet<br />

street withAllentonPrimary and <strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegeclose by. Thehomehas been well maintained and comprises<br />

three double bedrooms, abathroom, kitchen/dining, twolivingareas plus an office nook.<br />

You will be kept cosy andwarm during thewinter months by anew log fire, andthree shade sailsare included to<br />

provide some welcome shadefor your outside entertaining during thesummer months.<br />

Featuringestablishedgardens,anoutdoor/BBQarea, adouble garage andgood off-street parking, this property has<br />

wide appeal.<br />

Actswiftly on this one, contact the agenttoview.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519160<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

132Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

92 East Street<br />

909sqm<br />

207sqm<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> office building<br />

• Recentlyrefurbishedand extension added in 2013<br />

• Occupy or tenantand enjoy the returns<br />

• NBS rating of 67%<br />

• Vendors arewilling to entertainoptions of alease<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518123<br />

For Sale offers invited over $118,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Vacant commercialland<br />

Offers invitedover Rateable Valueplus GST (if any)<br />

• 207sqm (moreorless)freeholdtitle<br />

• AccessavailablefromEastStreet andDobson Street<br />

• Suitablefor awide range of buyers<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518749<br />


BETTER<br />







Connecting peopleand propertyiswhat<br />

we do,and we’vealways endeavoured to<br />

do it better.Byputting our clientsfirst.<br />

We have built our businessaround finding,<br />

selling and renting propertyfor people like<br />

you. Peoplewho think that flexibility,quality<br />

consultancyand exceptional serviceare not<br />

aluxury,but agiven.Peoplelikeus.<br />

Justthink about it,wehaveall the strengths<br />

of anationalbrand,with apassionate team<br />

of agents who know theins and outs of<br />

every postcode across Canterbury –and<br />

NewZealand.<br />

What doesthatmean foryou? It means that<br />

wherever youare or wherever youwantto be,<br />

you’ll have better access to ournational market<br />

insightsand local expertise as astandard.<br />

If you’re now thinking we’re exactly the<br />

kind of people tofind you the perfect<br />

buyer or tenant, you’d bespot on.<br />

Let’s work together<br />

Bayleys <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 7377<br />

Bayleys Geraldine 03 687 1227<br />

Bayleys Methven 03 303 3093<br />

bayleys.co.nz/canterbury<br />







NETHERBY 35 Davis Crescent<br />

Modernised &Affordable<br />

This solid red bricker boasts amodern kitchen &bathroom<br />

and has been recently painted throughout.Heatedbya<br />

log burner ,hot water heated by gas. Afamily size section<br />

with plenty of off-street parking and adouble garage .<br />

Being located near akindergarten and school and backing<br />

onto the sportsfieldsoftheShowgroundsmake this<br />

fantastichome perfect for families.<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36583<br />


ENQUIRIES OVER $429,000<br />

VIEW<br />

10.00-10.30am,Saturday 17 <strong>September</strong><br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

Welcome<br />

SUE<br />


to the <strong>Ashburton</strong>team.<br />

Sue is excited to have joined us at PGG Wrightson Real Estate.<br />

She has many yearsofexperience having been in thereal<br />

estateindustrysince 2009inresidential/lifestyle sales and<br />

property management.Sue has strong network expertise<br />

and has made manylong term connections through her<br />

career.Her passion is enhancing interiors andgardens<br />

and spending time with her gorgeous grand children.<br />

Sue has an easy to get along with approach and<br />

will be an asset to our team.<br />

ALLENTON 18 Miller Avenue<br />

Family Friendly Allenton<br />

Fantasticopportunity to purchase arenovated solid red<br />

brick home.Updated carpet, sunnyliving area opening to<br />

the huge deck, perfect for all the summer entertaining. Gas<br />

hot water, logburner and heat pump. The big back yard is<br />

perfect for the children and pets to enjoy.Loads of off<br />

street parking,garden shed,double garagewith auto<br />

doors.<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36577<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $539,000<br />

VIEW<br />

By Appointment Only<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

M 027 543 5799<br />

SuePrendergast<br />

PropertyManagement<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008.<br />

M 027 625 5954<br />

E sue.prendergast@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

Helping grow the country<br />


ELGIN Lot3Trevors Road<br />

Trevors Road -Residential C-Subdivision.<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate are proud to offer for sale<br />

5.5 Hectares of prime bareland zoned residential C<br />

situated on the rural outskirtsof<strong>Ashburton</strong>, yetonly<br />

minutes from the CBD and local amenities.<br />

This property offers enormous potential for the<br />

astute developer to obtain aprime piece of real<br />

estate to land bank or develop into adesirable<br />

residential subdivision subjecttocouncil consent.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> is alarge towninthe Canterbury Region<br />

on the East Coast of the South Island. It is the 29th<br />

largest urban area in New Zealand and the fourth<br />

largest in Canterbury.<br />


GST Inclusive<br />

Closes 4.00pm,Monday 24 October<br />

VIEW<br />

By AppointmentOnly<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

M 027 543 5799<br />

PENDARVES 638 Chertsey Kyle Road<br />

Immaculate Pendarves Opportunity<br />

Immaculately presented 263ha turn-key arable and<br />

lamb finishing unit. Approximately 251ha effective,<br />

irrigated from combination of ground water and<br />

Acton Scheme with pond. ALU completed, FEP with<br />

A-Audit, Year-end nutrient budgets all done and<br />

detailed crop history available. Over 1000T of grain<br />

storage available with drying capability and<br />

numerous large implement sheds. 3-stand woolshed<br />

with covered yards, workshop, all sitting in atidy<br />

well laid-out yard. Proven production history from<br />

the well maintained soils, immaculate fencing, all<br />

weather and two homes.<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

(Unless Sold Prior)<br />

Closes 3.00pm,Thursday 22<br />

<strong>September</strong><br />

Tim Gallagher<br />

M 027 801 2888<br />

Calvin Leen<br />

M 027 453 0950<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36541<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36357<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03308 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 075 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

DebJolly<br />

Office Administrator<br />

B03308 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />

Helping grow the country

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



BeautifulHome<br />

Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Viewingbyappointment only<br />

Furtherenquiries to 027 653 6593<br />



Well presented, broad minded ladies 40-70 years<br />

discretely earn/affordthe things youdeserve.<br />

Commercial companionship<br />

without emotional ties or expectations.<br />

Check out privatearrangements.co.nz<br />

then phone 028 2552 7060 (no texts)<br />

Letour<br />

HIGH<br />

readership<br />

stats ...<br />

...work<br />

for you!<br />

Call our<br />

friendly<br />

sales team at<br />

199 Burnett Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

(03) 308 7664<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$<strong>15</strong>0 per cord<br />

2514933<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />


FOR SALE<br />

Have you had your photo<br />

taken by our reporters?<br />

OrderaPhoto Today!<br />

¼Page*<br />

$6<br />

*approx 6x4<br />

2441365<br />

A5<br />

$8.50<br />

A4<br />

$16<br />

Ph: 308 7664 -199 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2508456<br />

2376133<br />




We areseeking afull time caregiver to work night<br />

shift (11pm –7am)<br />

Youwill needtobeable to work independentlyas<br />

well as part of ateam.<br />

Apositiveand caring dispositionisimportant, as is<br />

personal integrityand reliability.<br />

Applicants mustalso have NZ Residency or a<br />

minimumof1year work visa.<br />

Position descriptionand application form is<br />

AvailablefromRosebank<br />

77 WalnutAvenue, <strong>Ashburton</strong>oremail<br />

admin@rosebanklifecare.co.nz<br />


STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

TO LET<br />

ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom<br />

flat, close in, westside. Log<br />

burner, heatpump, fibre,<br />

internal garage opener.<br />

Small lawn, garden. Suit<br />

quiet, mature person or<br />

couple. $370. Phone 021<br />

0884 9434<br />



HEATPUMP maintenance,<br />

installation and repairs.<br />

HRV filter replacement.<br />


single storey homes and<br />


work. Phone Steven on 021<br />

483 376<br />


mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Find us at www.<br />

supersucker.co.nz or<br />

phone John Cameron 027<br />

435 1042.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 120 9292<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />


25<strong>15</strong><strong>15</strong>3<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 <strong>15</strong>2 1966.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

DENTURE repairs. Dr Peter<br />

Rumping, retired dentist,<br />

repairs dentures. Phone<br />

027 220 9997.<br />

FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

2493723<br />


ashburtoncranes20<strong>15</strong>@gmail.com<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


59<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong>Super Liquor arelooking<br />

foraBottle Store Manager<br />

Youmust have apassion forthe liquor industry, aknack fordealing with people,<br />

an understanding of new products and the abilitytomanageahigh performing<br />

store.<br />

Must haveskills:<br />

• Aminimum of 2years’ormoreexperienceinthe liquor industrywould be an<br />

advantage<br />

• Strong interpersonal andselling skills<br />

• Excellentcustomer service, rapportbuilding and people managementskills<br />

• High energy and apassion forthe industry<br />

• Qualification -Manager’sCertificate<br />

• Willing to work under pressure.<br />

• Stock controland ordering<br />

If this sounds like you, please email your CV plus acovering letter to ops@<br />

ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />


GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

HEATPUMPS and Ventilation<br />

Systems: Service,<br />

clean, repair and install.<br />

Please call Silvery<br />

Bauman, Ph 021 544 760.<br />


Builder, specialising in<br />

Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />

restoration and Timber<br />

window repairs. General<br />

home-handyman work.<br />

Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />

0205.<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />


A NEW LOOK<br />

that lasts!<br />

Existing kitchens, doors,<br />

furniture &appliances<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2501817<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />

mold treatments, roof and<br />

gutter leak repairs, residential<br />

and commercial. For<br />

prompt service - call your<br />

local contractor - Tim on<br />

021 197 8128.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

Applications close Friday, 30 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

2493801<br />

Blacklows TradeZone<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Automotive Machinist<br />

South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

25<strong>15</strong><strong>15</strong>5<br />

An opportunity exists in our engine reconditioning<br />

workshop foranexperienced<br />

AutomotiveMachinist/Engineer.<br />

We areseeking aversatile, motivatedindividual with<br />

amatureoutlook. Alevel of competence on<br />

machines associatedwith automotiveengineering<br />

is required.<br />

We offerchallenging variety of work and competitive<br />

remuneration.<br />

If youwould liketobeconsidered forthis position,<br />

please send your application and CV to:<br />

PeterBlacklow,<br />

G.J. Blacklow &CoLtd.,<br />

BlacklowsTradeZone <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

PO Box135, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

or email peter@blacklows.co.nz<br />

Applications close Friday16th <strong>September</strong>,<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />

TradeZ one<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Building Supplies<br />

Customer Servicerole<br />

Twopositions<br />

Mitre 10MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> isalocally owned,<br />

fastgrowing business and has vacancy for 2<br />

customer servicepeople fortheir busy Building<br />

Supplies department serving both Trade and<br />

DIY customers. These positions would ideally<br />

suit someone with apassion forDIY or looking<br />

foracareer in the building supplies arena and<br />

enjoys working with people. These positions<br />

are full time 41.5 hours per week 8am –6pm<br />

with aTuesday -Saturday roster and involves<br />

picking orders,ensuring stock is replenished.<br />

If youhavethe following attributes,wewould<br />

like to hear from you:<br />

• Stronginterest in DIYortrade experience<br />

• Current forklift certificate or has the ability<br />

to get one<br />

• Bephysically fit<br />

• Reliable<br />

• Great customer serviceskills<br />

• Enjoyworking in ateam environment<br />

In return weoffer job security and excellent<br />

staff buying privileges.<br />

Please email your C.V.and acovering letter to:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />



60 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />



TwoPositions<br />

•BathroomSales person<br />

•Kitchen designer<br />

Permanentpart-time<br />

Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>have twovacancies,<br />

these positions are permanent part-time both<br />

20 hours per week: 1.Kitchen Design and 2.<br />

salesperson in our busy Bathroom department<br />

with Tuesday –Saturday rosters. These roles<br />

could be suitable as acombined 40 hour week<br />

role to the rightapplicant.<br />

To be successful, applicants will require the<br />

following skills:<br />

• A flair for design and interest in home<br />

renovation<br />

• Great customer serviceskills<br />

• Competentcomputer skills<br />

• Good team player<br />

• Attention to detail essential<br />

• Physically fit and able to lift<br />

In returnweoffer:<br />

• Job security<br />

• Full training forboth roles<br />

• Excellentstaff buying privileges<br />

Please email your covering letter and c.v. to<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close Friday23rd<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong>CommunityFoundation<br />

ExecutiveOfficer<br />

Are you looking for aninspiring job where you<br />

canmakeareal difference?<br />

Advance <strong>Ashburton</strong> Community Foundation (AACF)<br />

is acharitabletrust founded to benefit the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

region. Our aim is tomake positive and real change<br />

for the people and projects in our community by<br />

connecting generous people who care with causes<br />

that matter. Since its establishment, the Foundation<br />

has distributed $6.4 million to our community.<br />

We have an exciting opportunityfor anew Executive<br />

Officertolead the organisation’s growth and enhance<br />

the work we aredoing throughout Mid Canterbury.<br />

In this role, you will provide leadership and<br />

managementtooursmallteamof staffand volunteers<br />

and work closely with the BoardofTrustees to realise<br />

AACF’s vision of adynamic and responsivecharitable<br />

organisation.<br />

Reportingtothe BoardChair,this 35 hours-per-week<br />

role,basedin<strong>Ashburton</strong>, will:<br />

• Build and nurture relationships with current and<br />

potentialdonors<br />

• Build and nurture relationships with existing, and<br />

identify future,worthyrecipientsand causesinour<br />

community<br />

• Actively promote AACF to our community<br />

The successful applicant must have a genuine<br />

interest in charitable giving and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

region, be astrong leader and communicator, ableto<br />

build strategicrelationshipswith the community and<br />

display ahigh level of integrity.<br />

If you are passionate about making areal difference<br />

to our community please send your CV and cover<br />

letter to:<br />

TheChair<br />

Advance<strong>Ashburton</strong>CommunityFoundation<br />

chair@advanceashburton.org.nz<br />

Applications close <strong>September</strong> 26<br />

Aposition description and application form are on<br />

our website: www.advanceashburton.org.nz<br />

2512780<br />

2514900<br />



Little Red Cafe<br />

Staff wanted<br />

Part-timerole<br />

Approximately <strong>15</strong> hours per week over3days.<br />

1weekend dayper week.<br />

Available to work on some public holidays,and<br />

moredaysand hours as required.<br />

Expressions of interest to:<br />

suemoorren@gmail.com<br />

Sales Superstar<br />

Flooring Department<br />

We think youwould look greatinOrange!<br />

Do you love helping people? Have apassion<br />

forinteriordesign? Enjoysales?<br />

We are seeking a sales superstar for our<br />

Flooring department, one of our most dynamic<br />

and growing departments.The position is full<br />

time (40 hours per week) with aTuesday to<br />

Saturdayroster.<br />

Experienceinflooring would be an advantage,<br />

although it is not essential as full training will<br />

be given.<br />

We are seeking candidates with the following<br />

skills and attributes:<br />

• Must be customer focused delivering<br />

excellentcustomer service<br />

• Keen and proactivetolearnnew skills<br />

• Excellentcommunication skills<br />

• Good team player<br />

• Physically fit as thereissome lifting involved<br />

• High level of accuracy and attention to<br />

detail<br />

In returnweoffer:<br />

• Job security working for alocally owned<br />

and national brand<br />

• Great buying privileges<br />

Please send your covering letter and C.V.to<br />

hr.ashburton@mitre10.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club &MSA arelooking<br />

foraPart-time Administrator<br />

Primaryduties will includebut not limited to:<br />

• Payroll<br />

• PAYE&GST Returnpreparation<br />

• Accounts Payable<br />

• BalanceSheet Reconciliations<br />

• Policies<br />

• Board management, minutetaking<br />

• Other general administration duties and to<br />

supportthe wider team.<br />

Skills and experienceweare looking forinclude:<br />

• Advanced communication skills and the ability<br />

to actprofessionally with all stakeholders.<br />

• 3-4yearsofadministrationexperienceinasimilar<br />

role.<br />

• Self-motivation, adaptability and superb time<br />

managementskills.<br />

• Excellent computer skills and experience using<br />

MYOB.<br />

• An effective problem solver with exceptional<br />

attentiontodetail.<br />

To be successful in this role you will be highly<br />

organised, an excellent multi-tasker and people<br />

orientated. A naturally bright and outgoing<br />

personality with a great sense of humour is an<br />

absolutemust.<br />

If you feel that your background and experience<br />

suits this role,wewouldlovetohear fromyou!<br />

Please email acoveringletter with your CV to<br />

ops@ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />

2514860<br />

2514900<br />

25<strong>15</strong>187<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Deliverydriver /Odd jobs /<br />

Part time position<br />

We have an opportunity for aself starting reliable<br />

applicant to join our team at My Farm Fresh<br />

asparagus.<br />

We areasmall family owned asparagus business on<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>townboundary.<br />

Youneed:<br />

• Goodcommunicationskills<br />

• BePhysically fit<br />

• Agreatattitude with asense of humour<br />

• Acurrent New Zealand drivers license<br />

• Confidenttowing atrailer<br />

• Beable to help at markets if required<br />

This position is seasonal and will startearly October<br />

to end ofNovember <strong>2022</strong>. $25.50/hour including<br />

holidaypay.<br />

Come join our team<br />

Apply to admin@myfarmfresh.co.nz<br />

2513338<br />

GymInstructor<br />



is an industry leading Australian<br />

based) fire protection products<br />

and installation company<br />

number of staff to fill avariety<br />

installation and administration<br />

with immediate<br />

Due to expansions, Firemex<br />

production staff with door<br />

processing skills through to<br />

ational skills, as well as qualified<br />

that have door installation<br />

further, an office person with<br />

skills for managing staff on<br />

projects.<br />

In-house training will be<br />

previous experience will be<br />

Firemex offer an awesome work/life<br />

a great team environment<br />

fashioned family values, so<br />

become a valued contributor<br />

established company offering<br />

ment prospects.<br />

Please contact Firemex directly<br />

admin@firemex.com.au<br />

0061-7-3277-3200.<br />

Areyou passionateabout health and fitness and enjoy helping others to reach<br />

their goals? We’re looking for afull-time Gym Instructor to be on the floor<br />

providing exceptionalcustomer serviceand encouragement to our clients. To<br />

ensureour customersget the best,you’ll need to hold arelevant qualification<br />

or have previousexperienceinthe industryaswell as beingable to work on a<br />

full-timerosteredbasis.<br />

To find out more about this vacancy<br />

and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council has to offer you, go to our<br />

website.<br />

Applications close on Monday, 19<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

ArtGalleryand<br />

MuseumEducator<br />

This full-time, permanent role will allow you todevelop and deliver high<br />

quality and innovativeeducationprogrammes and learning experiences that<br />

alignwith theAotearoaNew Zealandcurriculumand that engage our schools<br />

and communities with the Gallery andMuseum’s collectionsand exhibitions.<br />

To find out moreabout this vacancy<br />

and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council has to offer you -go to our<br />

website.<br />

Applications close on<br />

Monday,3October <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />


Realty<br />

Look out for<br />

your copy<br />

everyweek!<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

61<br />



Engineering Positions Available<br />

Gray Engineering Solutions specialise in dairy,<br />

pumping, augers, land rollers, spiral pipe welding,<br />

general engineering and industrial fitting &<br />

maintenance.<br />

We have thefollowingpositionsavailable:<br />

•Welders/Fabricators<br />

•Fitter &Turners<br />

We are locally owned &operated, notwo days are<br />

the same, you’ll get to work both inthe workshop<br />

andonsite, and we have agreat team.<br />

We offer flexibility, competitiverates,and potential<br />

work vehicle forthe rightcandidates.<br />

Interested?<br />

Send acurrentCVtoHayden Bonnington at<br />

hayden@engsolutions.co.nzor<br />

call 027 346 8173 to find out more.<br />

www.engsolutions.co.nz<br />

Casual Class 5Drivers<br />

We arelooking forexperienced Truck and Trailer<br />

Drivers to provide cover on acasualbasis<br />

as workload requires.<br />

Experienced in tipperwork, carting and spreading<br />

aggregatesand /or Ready-mixdeliveries<br />

Call MauriceWotton ,027 484 11<strong>15</strong><br />

Nightfill<br />

Team member<br />

Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>has avacancyfor a<br />

team member to join their Nightfill team.<br />

This position is permanent part-time for <strong>15</strong><br />

hours per week Monday–Friday6pm –9pm.<br />

The successful applicant will require these<br />

attributes:<br />

• Must be physically fit as lifting is involved<br />

• Acurrent forkliftlicenceorabilitytoget one<br />

• Able to work unsupervised<br />

• Good computer skills<br />

• Bereliable<br />

If you think this position is suitable to you,<br />

please send your coveringletter with your c.v.<br />

to:HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on<br />

Tuesday20th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

FixedTerm<br />

Sales person<br />

Mitre10MEGA<strong>Ashburton</strong>has avacancyfor a<br />

sales person in their Garden department. This<br />

position is fixed term to cover the busy season<br />

from 7October <strong>2022</strong> –28th February 2023.<br />

This position is 32 hours per week Wednesday,<br />

Thursday, Friday, Saturday.<br />

Skills required necessary:<br />

• Passionate about gardening<br />

• Great customer serviceskills<br />

• Reliable<br />

• Physically fit and able to lift<br />

• Abilitytoworkunsupervised<br />

If you think you have the necessary skills for<br />

any ofthis position, please send acovering<br />

letter and c.v. stating which position you are<br />

applying forto:<br />

HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on<br />

Monday 19th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

2512998<br />

25<strong>15</strong>174<br />

2514906<br />

2514894<br />


‘Individual ExcellenceinaSupportive<br />

Learning Environment’<br />

Gateway Coordinator &<br />

Trades Programmes Administrator<br />

We areseeking aGateway Coordinator<br />

to coordinate the structured workplacelearning<br />

opportunities forsenior students by<br />

organisation of the<br />

Gatewayand Trades Programmes.<br />

This is apermanent, term-timeonly position to<br />

commence17October <strong>2022</strong><br />

or as soon as is practicable.<br />

Ahigh level of organisationaland communication<br />

skills,attention to detail,the abilitytoworkwith<br />

and build relationships with students,families and<br />

external agencies,and proficiencyinusing acomputer<br />

areessential qualities forthis role.<br />

Hours: 35 hours per week,<br />

with additional hours by arrangement.<br />

Employmentisunder the SupportStaffinSchool’s<br />

CollectiveAgreement, Grade 4.<br />

Initial paymentstepcommensurate<br />

with experience.<br />

Applications close noon,<br />

Wednesday28<strong>September</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

Application is by wayofLetter and CV<br />

Information package enquiries and<br />

applications please contact<br />

Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />

Phone (03) 308 4193 ext809<br />

Email: rj@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

REF: GATE22<br />

2514912<br />

2xClass 5Drivers Required<br />

Mayfield Transport Ltd is one of Mid and South Canterbury’s leading transport<br />

companies.<br />

The locally owned and operated transport business services clients in the Mid,<br />

South andwider Canterbury district.<br />

Thecompanyisbasedout of our depot in theMayfield township.<br />

Our business consists ofstock, bulk, general and blower cartage along with<br />

fertiliser spreading.Ithas aRavensdownconsignmentstore at Mayfield.<br />

We require aLivestockdriver for our 9axleunit andBulk driver for our 7axle unit<br />

Mayfield TransportLtd provides:<br />

• Excellenthourly payrate<br />

• Uniformand protective clothing<br />

• Workphone<br />

• Modernfleet<br />

• Inhouse training<br />

• Top workingconditions<br />

• Assistance in finding accommodation if relocating<br />

• Rostered timeoff<br />

• LoyalClientele withsolid workinghours<br />

• Bepartofsmall friendly progressivecountry transport team<br />

The successful applicants will need the followingattributes andberesponsible for<br />

one ofthe following positions:<br />

• Exceptional stock sense and handling ability<br />

• Ability to useaugers and grainvacuums<br />

• Befit, healthy, punctual,reliable,haveastrongworkethic and have theability<br />

to work flexiblehours.<br />

• Health and safetyand wellbeing focusedwithHSAWAct 2016knowledge<br />

• Motivated to deliver top quality service toour customers and have excellent<br />

communication skills<br />

• Self -motivated, shows initiative and who can work independently aswell as<br />

being and excellentteamplayerwith apositive attitude.<br />

Applicants forthis position must have NZ residencyoravalid NZ work visa.<br />

Please email CV withtwo References to trucky@mtrans.nz or<br />

ContactAndrew Carr (Trucky)on0274701067<br />


ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

SELL<br />

SHOTGUN 12ga, pump,<br />

short and long barrels.<br />

Large gun safe. Heaps of<br />

gun books and magazines.<br />

Electric chainsaw. Old<br />

Popular Mechanics magazines.<br />

Phone 021 140<br />

1392.<br />

SELL<br />

2509002<br />

COLLECTION of Lawn Bowling<br />

Club badges. Collection<br />

of postage stamps. Old<br />

sewing and craft items.<br />

Phone 027 616 0285.<br />



Courtesy van<br />

runs every<br />

Thursday, Friday<br />

and Saturday<br />

from 4pm<br />

Join the RSA (the friendly club)<br />

2513210<br />

NevilleWilkins &TheViscounts<br />

Saturday17th <strong>September</strong> 8pm<br />


12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />

Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />

SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />

2493763<br />

2493751<br />

2509827<br />

CLUB DAY<br />

Sunday 18 th<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 1pm<br />

@<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club and MSA<br />

NOTE: Earlier start.<br />

All welcome -<br />

No covercharge<br />


2513814<br />

EXPERIENCED Carer,<br />

housekeeper, qualified<br />

cook. Available to come to<br />

your home. References<br />

available. Contact<br />

Christine, Phone 027 218<br />



62 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


206 CLUB - provides company,<br />

fun, entertainment,<br />

games, speakers and more<br />

for those 65 years and over.<br />

Friendly, supportive<br />

environment, two course<br />

hot mid-day meal, very<br />

minimal cost. Come and<br />

join us. We now have<br />

vacancies on a Monday<br />

and Wednesday, 10am to<br />

2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />

Centre, 206 Cameron<br />

Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />

phone 308 6817 or 027 281<br />

9113.<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury -<br />

here when you need us. If<br />

you or someone you care<br />

about has a life limiting<br />

illness. Phone 307 8387 or<br />

027 227 8387.<br />

TAKE your life to the next<br />

level with an experienced<br />

life coach/mentor. Call Pete<br />

Young Mentoring Services<br />

today and get started.<br />

Phone 027 280 0889. Web:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz.<br />



BOTANICAL Expo. Lincoln<br />

Event Centre, <strong>15</strong> Major<br />

Drive. 17 <strong>September</strong> 1pm-<br />

5pm, 18 <strong>September</strong> 10am-<br />

4pm. $5. entry. Alpine and<br />

small treasures. Floral art,<br />

daffodils, Workshops and<br />

Demonstrations, Julia<br />

Atkinson-Dunn.<br />





Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per small bale or<br />

$40 mediumsquare, delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Fordetails and ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247 050<br />

FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />

and Agria $2.per kg,<br />

10kg bags for $<strong>15</strong>. Phone<br />

03 308 3195 or 027 531<br />

9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

SHEEP manure $8. bag. 3x3<br />

linseed straw at $35 abale,<br />

3x4 linseed at $40 abale.<br />

Call Ian 027 286 3697 or<br />

Dave 027 601 1426. A<br />

Hinds Lion Project.<br />


Lincoln EventCentre<br />

<strong>15</strong> Major Driveway<br />

17 <strong>September</strong> 1pm –5pm<br />

18 <strong>September</strong> 10am –4pm<br />

$5 entry<br />

•Alpine and small<br />

treasures<br />

•Floral Art<br />

•Daffodils<br />

•Workshops and<br />

•Demonstrations<br />

Julia Atkinson-Dunn<br />


2505780<br />

MIXED aged, Crossbred<br />

Ewes with 8week old tailed<br />

and drenched twin lambs.<br />

$250. a set. Please ring<br />

evenings, ph 03 302 7272.<br />


2512859<br />

ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />


Peter Blacklow<br />


Come andtalktothe people who know<br />

PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />

TradeZ one<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

Rosebank Lifecare<br />

30 yearscelebration<br />

Ex staffare invited to a<br />

Buffetlunch<br />

Sunday6th November <strong>2022</strong><br />

Enquiries and RSVP to Debbie 0273598044<br />

by 23rdOctober <strong>2022</strong><br />

2514301<br />

2023 Health Studies Bursary<br />

Altrusa International of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Inc.<br />

invitesapplicationsfor this bursary<br />

valued at $1,000<br />

Forfull criteria and an application form<br />

please email<br />

kbegg@xtra.co.nz<br />



At Hinds School we focus on bringing learning to life<br />

through exploring,empowering and challenging our<br />

students. Asaschool we pride ourselves on knowing<br />

our learners and shaping education and learning<br />

programmes to bestsupportour students. Aspecial<br />

feature ofour rural school is the year 1-8 structure<br />

and growth of our students as active contributing<br />

learners. Weaim for our students to leave Hinds<br />

School as capable and confident learners; as<br />

well rounded individuals who have strong Hinds<br />

Dispositions and can embrace challenge and<br />

opportunity. Hinds School leads the MidCanterbury<br />

Technology Centre, our senior students actively<br />

explorearich, wide curriculum and lead initiatives.<br />

TheHinds BoardofTrustees invites applications from<br />

parents/caregivers who wish to enrol their child at<br />

Hinds School for 2023. Enrolment atthe school is<br />

governed by an enrolment scheme. Out-of-zone<br />

places are available for 2023. An enrolment scheme<br />

is available from the school officeHinds.<br />

For students seeking enrolment, the deadline for<br />

out-of-zone applications for 2023 is3pm, Monday<br />

1st November <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

We would appreciate parents/caregivers living<br />

within Hinds School enrolmentzone who intend to<br />

enrol their child at any time during the next year,<br />

notifying us of their child’s enrolment for 2023, by<br />

20th October <strong>2022</strong>, to assist with school planning.<br />

Application forms areavailable at the school office,<br />

03 303 7208 or via email office@hinds.school.nz<br />

We invite parents to contact the office tolearn<br />

moreabout our school and join us foratour.<br />

2513362<br />

2511149<br />

K<br />

w ...<br />



2700psi. i 11.3 litre.<br />

6.5HpHonda engine.<br />

BAR2565C-H<br />

$1650+GST<br />

175 YearsofMassey<br />

Display Day<br />

17th <strong>September</strong><br />

9am–4pm<br />

Anthony Hamptons Farm<br />

1448 MethvenChertseyRoad<br />

Fundraiser forMid Canterbury<br />

VintageMachineryClub<br />

$10 peradult,children free<br />

Sausagesizzle runbyLauristonSchool<br />

Enquiries 027 436 5510<br />

2514607<br />




ShortStreet Studio<br />

Opens Sunday18th <strong>September</strong><br />

11am-4pm<br />

continuing until SundayOctober 9th<br />

Guest: Ruth Killoran,<br />

plus 17 local members exhibiting a<br />

greatselectionofnew work.<br />

Weekends 11am -4pm<br />

Weekdays when signout.<br />

Enquiries Ngaio 3084533<br />

At the Cancer Societyweknowhow acancerdiagnosis can<br />

affectevery aspectofyourlifeand we areheretohelp.<br />

Ourservices arefreeand confidential.<br />

If youorsomeone youcareabout hascancer<br />

please contactusfor supportand information.<br />

Nau MaiKiTeKorero Wewelcomeyour call<br />

2499857<br />

25<strong>15</strong>133<br />

MidCanterburyCentre<br />

Phone: 307 7691<br />

Facebook:@CancerSocietyMC<br />

www.cancernz.org.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Borough School Open Day<br />

22nd <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Acelebraon of learning will be on displayinthe<br />

Performance Centre from 10.00am to 2.00pm, please view at<br />

your leisure.<br />

Guided toursofthe school will go ahead at<br />

11.00am and1.00pm.<br />

Formoreinformaonabout our school please go to www.ashburtonboroughschool.nz orph307 8529<br />

2514935<br />

10.30<br />

10.30<br />

12.30<br />

12.30<br />

2.40<br />

2.40<br />

4.20<br />

4.45<br />

6.00<br />

6.30<br />

8.00<br />

8.10<br />


Thurs <strong>15</strong>th &Fri 16th<br />

Ticket to Paradise<br />

SeeHow They Run<br />

Lancaster<br />

Hallelujah<br />

Gloriavale<br />

Rubys Choice<br />

Whetu Marama<br />

TheRailway Children Return<br />

SeeHow They Run<br />

Beast<br />

Ticket to Paradise<br />

Muru<br />

Mon19th, Tues 20th<br />

&Wed 21st<br />

10.30 Ticket to Paradise<br />

10.45 SeeHow They Run<br />

12.30 Lancaster<br />

12.40 Rubys Choice<br />

2.30<br />

2.45<br />

4.<strong>15</strong><br />

4.20<br />

6.00<br />

6.00<br />

8.00<br />

8.00<br />

Good Luck LeoGrande<br />

Gloriavale<br />

TheRailwayChildren Return<br />

Whetu Marama<br />

Ticket to Paradise<br />

Hallelujah<br />

SeeHow They Run<br />

Muru<br />

NO COMPS<br />

SeeHow They Run,<br />

Ticket to Paradise,<br />

DC League of Superpets<br />

M<br />

M<br />

G<br />

G<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

G<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

Sat17th<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru PG<br />

10.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />

11.40 DC League of Superpets PG<br />

11.45 Gloriavale<br />

M<br />

1.20 Good Luck LeoGrande M<br />

1.45 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

3.05 Whetu Marama G<br />

3.40 Rubys Choice<br />

PG<br />

4.40 SeeHow They Run M<br />

5.50 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />

6.20 Muru<br />

M<br />

8.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

8.<strong>15</strong> SeeHow They Run M<br />

Sun 18th<br />

10.00 Minions TheRise of Gru PG<br />

10.00 TheRailway Children Return PG<br />

11.50 DC League of Superpets PG<br />

11.50 Lancaster<br />

G<br />

2.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

2.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />

3.45 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />

5.30 SeeHow They Run M<br />

7.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

7.<strong>15</strong> Muru<br />

M<br />


M<br />

M<br />

G<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

G<br />

M<br />

G<br />

M<br />

M<br />



Annual General<br />

Meeting<br />

Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27th,<br />

at 8pm<br />

Tinwald Memorial Hall<br />

Presentationofbalance<br />

sheet and annual report<br />

Electionofofficers<br />

Generalbusiness<br />

Followedbysupper<br />

All members welcome<br />

2513076<br />

GreyPower<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Monthly<br />

Meeting<br />

Monday19th, 2pm<br />

at the Senior Centre<br />

(Entrythrough side door)<br />



Raffle andSales Table<br />

All welcome.<br />


Priced from $225k<br />

Sections available NOW<br />

Design your home in Strowan Fields<br />

Strowan Fields<br />

Strowan Fields offers stunning surroundings and views which stretch to the<br />

Southern Alps for the ultimate backdrop!<br />

Community<br />

This is asafe, connected community; aplace where people of all ages and<br />

stages, from all walks of life, can come together, enjoying the beautiful wide<br />

streets and sharing the communal green spaces.<br />

Amenities<br />

Strowan Fields has every amenity you could wish for located within walking<br />

distance. Inthe heart of <strong>Ashburton</strong> you’ll find everything from supermarkets,<br />

medical centres and petrol stations to an array of bustling cafes, bars and<br />

eateries.<br />

Fisher &Paykel Fridge<br />

RRP<br />

$5,799<br />

With any Strowan<br />

Fields section<br />

purchase with<br />

Jennian Homes<br />

in <strong>September</strong>.<br />

House andland packages also available.<br />

Lot 38<br />

205m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

Lot 63<br />

179m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

LIVING<br />

LIVING<br />

ENTRY<br />

DINING<br />

BEDROOM 2<br />


ENTRY<br />


DINING<br />

LIVING<br />


BEDROOM 4<br />

PANTRY<br />

GARAGE<br />

GARAGE<br />

BEDROOM 4<br />

BATHRM<br />

BEDROOM 3<br />




BEDROOM 3<br />

BATHRM<br />

BEDROOM 2<br />


Contact us today for more information!<br />

Pop Up Display Home<br />

71 Racecourse Road<br />

Open Wed, Thurs, Sun<br />

12.30-3pm, orbyappointment<br />

Michele Strange<br />

M 027 491 5266<br />

E michele.strange@jennian.co.nz



2008 NISSAN<br />

X-TRAIL<br />

• 2500cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 4WD<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• ABS<br />

• Reverse camera<br />

• 109,513kms<br />

2010 TOYOTA<br />

PRIUS<br />

• 1800cc, alternative<br />

• Auto<br />

• Hatchback<br />

• ABS<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Rearspoiler<br />

• 42,775kms<br />

2013 MAZDA<br />

BIANTE<br />

• 2000cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 5door<br />

• 8seater<br />

• ABS<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Electricsliding doors<br />

• 83,974kms<br />

2013 MAZDA<br />

DEMIO<br />

• 1300cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• ABS<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• 2wheel drive<br />

• Reverse camera<br />

• 62,516kms<br />

1.5 star<br />

$12,995<br />

Clean<br />

car<br />

rebate<br />

$11,995<br />

2 stars<br />

$10,995<br />

Clean<br />

car<br />

rebate<br />

3½ stars<br />

$10,995<br />

NISSAN<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL 25X, 2500cc, auto, 4WD,ABS, cam chain, 109,513kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 57,558kms .................. $10,995<br />

2005 NISSAN NOTE<strong>15</strong>E, <strong>15</strong>00cc, petrol,2WD,auto, ABS, 139,000km.....................$4,495<br />

MAZDA<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA, auto, cam chain, 61,495kms ....................................................... $10,995<br />

2012 MAZDADEMIO SKYACTIVE, 1300cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 59,000kms.... $10,995<br />

2008 MAZDACX7, 2400, auto, 4WD,131,000kms.............................................................$8,995<br />

2013 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc,auto, cam chain, ABS, 62,516kms............................. $10,995<br />

2013 MAZDABIANTE, 2000cc, 8sea