HGT Magazine #119 September/October 2022
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
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On the Road to Healing
Helping New Moms
EOTW Local Band News
Dear Huckleberry – The Many Masks of Gaslighting
St. Paul’s Thrift Store is No More – A Victim of Vandalism
Caregivers – The Waiting Room
+Haida Gwaii Eats – Poke Bowl
Issue 119
Sept / Oct 2022
$6.50 (INCL. GST)
September / October 2022 1
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Haida Gwaii Trader is committed to
help spread the word of businesses
of all sizes with affordable options for
everyone. Rates start as low as $45 per
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We welcome you to send us your
family-oriented stories, news,
illustrations, cartoons, poems, etc.,
for publishing consideration.
Contact Information
Phone: 250-557-2088
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,
BC V0T 1R0
Website: haidagwaiitrader.com
Deadline for Nov/Dec issue
Content we layout: October 10 th .
Classifieds and print ready
submissions: October 20 th at noon.
Graphic Design and Desktop
Publishing Team: Direct Design &
Andre Favron
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies
Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon
Bookkeeping & Accounting
Haida place names as per the This is
Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla | Káats’a
hlaa 2022 publication.
The views and opinions expressed by
the various authors do not necessarily
reflect the opinions, beliefs or
viewpoints of Haida Gwaii Trader. ©
2022 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights
Monica Caulfield, a professional astrologer since 2007, is
passionate about helping people develop tools of awareness
and purpose in life. sageadvisor2u@gmail.com
Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset resident, naturalist and
writer. She uses her skills to build things.
Dear Huckleberry, an observer of human conduct and love
interactions, is passionate about finding creative ways to
navigate love, friendships and familiar relationships
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud mother of two active boys.
She is a local StrongStart facilitator and has lived in Gamadiis
Port Clements for 15 years. jasmine970@hotmail.com
Lin Armstrong loves reading, writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports
and volunteering at the Thrift Store. She lives in Daajing Giids
with hubby Jack and cat Lady Bean. armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca
Stu Crawford is an ecologist who lives in Masset and enjoys
learning, eating things, and exploring Haida Gwaii.
Kaila Radan a mover, a shaker, a music maker (as proclaimed
by Arthur O'Shaughnessy). kaila.radan@gmail.com
Greg Morris a Gamadiis Port Clements man on the mission
for that elusive answer of "question everything?"
Jana McLeod has lived on Haida Gwaii all her life. She’s a
mother to 8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and making people
laugh keeps her grounded. ja_mcleod@hotmail.com
Behind the scenes
Shellene Patience
Owner/Editor in Chief
Claude Adams
Assistant Editor
Terri-Lynne Penner
Administrative Assistant/Contributing Writer
Jamie McDonald
Events Manager/Senior Writer
Carol Bulford (currently on Medical Leave)
Sales Manager
What's inside?
Dear Huckleberry .................................... 6
A Naturalist's Almanac ............................. 8
St. Paul's Thrift Store ............................. 10
Caregivers ............................................. 12
Doulas .................................................. 14
Yippieneck ............................................ 16
Farmers’ Market Coupon Program ........... 20
All Things Music .................................... 22
Yahgu ‘laanaas Pole Raising .................. 28
Haida Gwaii Eats .................................... 32
Crossword ............................................. 37
Horoscopes ........................................... 38
Classifieds ............................................. 40
Tide Tables ........................................... 50
Community Calendar ............................. 51
On the cover: Yahgu ‘laanaas Pole Raising
PC Mary Helmer
2 HG September / October 2022 3
Haida Gwaii Trader Values
We proudly serve the unceded
traditional territory of the Haida
Nation along with all those who
live, work and play on Haida
Gwaii. We offer affordable
advertising for all local businesses
and exemplary off-island
businesses whose products and/
or services are in limited, local
Our focus is to build, maintain
and enhance bridges between the
Haida people and fellow islanders
of all ages, genders and income,
between nature and humanity,
and between spirit and ego.
We support basic, equitable needs
shared by all, including social
sustainability, clean air,
water and energy, affordable
housing, wellness, and nutritious,
locally produced food.
HGT commits to the Truth and
Reconciliation’s Call to Action #85:
continuing to develop media initiatives
that inform and educate the Canadian
public, and connect the Haida people
and fellow islanders.
Northern Saw-whet Owl | PC Margo Hearne
Letter from the Editor
Another Bird on the Deck Storiette
By Shellene Patience
During the recent stretch of sublime summer weather we had here on Haida
Gwaii, I so enjoyed early morning outings. Still in my pj’s, I’d head out onto the
deck to savour the quiet, stargaze in the hard-to-see-much-of-anything-else haze
of the dawn… and, best of all, take in some of the sweet-smelling, warm season
Be it spring, summer, fall or winter, the distinctly different scents of the seasons
have always transfixed and energized me. Yes, I am one of those country bumpkins
known to close her eyes, sniff long and slow and say, “Ahh… smells like fall is
coming.” At the time of writing, that’s exactly what the air smells like!
So anyways, I’m leaning on the rail of the deck this one morning, happy as a clam
at high water, when suddenly, something winged flew by like a foot away from my
face. Scared the dickens out of me. Whatever this night flyer was, it proceeded to
land on the corner of the deck just a few feet away. Squinting to see what it was,
I thought - dang, that’s one chubby bird. And then it hit me. That’s not a chubby
bird, by Jove, it’s a Saw-whet Owl!
This magnificent being then turned its head and there they were… perfectly
round eyes so big it was hard to believe they’d even fit on such a wee creature, all
of seven or so inches tall. For a few seconds, with me frozen in awe and it, wideeyed
and curious, we looked at each other. It was so cool.
The work we do here at HGT is, in so many ways, richly satisfying. We get to
promote local businesses and events, and our favourite part: publish people’s
stories. Such amazing folks whom we are blessed to learn from, be inspired by
and hold our hands to our hearts with.
I smile as I look over this issue’s articles. Accounts of people working together,
healing, local food and food security, celebration, music and culture, and the
natural world, to name a few – all aligning with our homegrown, united and
better for all values.
As always, my whole-souled thanks go out to our contributors, the HGT
production team and to each and every one of you who
support us by purchasing a copy of the magazine, subscribing
and/or booking ads with us. Haawa, háw’aa!
One foot gently in front
of the other dear ones,
Shellene Patience
Reclaiming Haida Language and Culture
New Local Educators
By Terri-Lynne Penner
Another school season has arrived and
with it, new teachers!
HlGaagilda Skidegate’s Gidin Jaad Erica
Jean Reid and Fallon Elizabeth Crosby
both started their educator careers in 2014
with a Skidegate Band Council/University
of Northern British Columbia partnered
Haida Language and Culture training program.
Inspired to pursue further studies,
they both earned their Bachelor of Education
degrees this past spring with a focus
on First Nations Language and Culture
Elementary Years, and Haida Culture and
Language. Now it is their time to share
their knowledge with students on Haida
“The Haida language-focused university
credits, in my mind, are some of the first
acts of reconciliation that I have witnessed
from a colonial education system,” says
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Gidin Jaad. “It has been my goal for many
years to see a Haida Immersion program
in our schools, or at the very least exercise
my teacher autonomy to teach X̱aayda kil.
I believe wholeheartedly in the many benefits
of reclaiming language and culture
in all aspects of our lives especially in our
student’s lives and learning environment.”
“The reason First Nations languages are
on the brink of extinction,” Fallon says,
“is because of residential schools where
students were beaten for speaking their
languages. I’m hoping teaching language
and culture will keep the [Haida] language
alive as there are only about a dozen fluent
speakers left in HlGaagilda. I also believe
it will combat racism.”
Kudos to these young women for all their
hard work and sacrifices. They are an
inspiration for the next generation.
Located downtown
Masset, across
from Co-Op
Find us on
Facebook for
specials and
Gidin Jaad
Erica Jean Reid
Fallon Elizabeth
Crosby with
daughter Bella
Text or phone ahead for pick-up
Lunch and Dinner
from 11:30
Local halibut fish + chips
sourdough pizza
Handmade burgers
Fish tacos
Soft ice cream cones
Hand-scooped milkshakes
and Italian sodas in
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Indoor and patio dining
Art gallery
4 HG September / October 2022 5
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and
growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working
with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.
Dear Huckleberry,
So, I’ve been dating this guy for a couple of years now; he
is great, has a good job, a great sense of humor, amazing
in bed, and overall, a really kind person to everyone… but
when it comes to me he can be a jerk sometimes.
Basically, the message I’m constantly getting is whatever you
do it’s not enough, whatever effort you are putting in it’s not
being seen, and whatever credit or gratitude you are expecting
is not deserved.
And whenever I talk to him about how I feel he says I’m putting
words in his mouth or that I’m exaggerating.
And he may be right; all I know is that I love this guy… the
good times are floating on clouds kind of good, but I just
can’t make him understand that he is hurting me.
- Unseen and Hurting
Dear Unseen and Hurting,
What you’re experiencing is actually a form of emotional
abuse called “gaslighting” which is when one person
repeatedly denies, ignores or minimizes the other person’s
efforts, thoughts, opinions, hurt feelings, worries or desires.
(The term comes from the 1944 film “Gaslight” starring
Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer, in which the husband
tries to distort his wife’s perception of reality.)
Variants of gaslighting can take place in the best
relationships. In some cases, those doing the gaslighting
don’t acknowledge there’s a problem, and if there is, the
problem is you.
Gaslighting can have many masks, depending on the person
and the situation, but it always ends up sending the message
that the gaslighter’s suffering, efforts, thoughts and feelings
are the only ones that count. If you’re upset over it you’re
crazy, you’re exaggerating and/or you’re to blame. In some
cases, gaslighters may not even know that what they’re doing
is abusive, because it’s a learned manipulation technique.
The cold hard truth is, none of us can change or control
other people’s words, actions or perceptions about us. What
we do have authority over are the principles and guidelines
that we set for ourselves.
For example, if you’re hearing a storm, walking in puddles
and feeling drops falling from the sky, it doesn’t matter if
everyone around you tells you it’s not raining – you’re getting
wet! What you feel is real, and if you’re not okay with it, it’s
your right to get an umbrella.
What I’m trying to say is that we cannot change the way
people around us justify their words and/or actions. But,
if we tell them what they are doing is hurting us, they can
choose to either change on their own or work with us to find
a win/win solution. I know you love him, so much so that
you’ve been willing to compromise yourself to accommodate
his repeated dismissals of what you say, think and feel.
So, what to do? Love yourself first. Own your feelings. Value
and protect your time, space and energy by calmly, clearly
but firmly letting him know what your limits and needs are.
This is the underpinning of any healthy relationship.
If this love is authentically reciprocated, he will find a way
to help you feel emotionally safe and he will value your
autonomy just as much as he values his own.
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration?
Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail to Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements,
BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation - unlimited text – but also include a 100 word maximum overview question. If your
submission is chosen, only the overview question will be published.
6 HG September / October 2022 7
A Naturalist's Almanac
Return of the Otter – A “Sloogoo” Revival?
By Margo Hearne
Suuda Gan unsid ad gina ‘waadluxan gan yahguudang Xaayda Gwaay.yaay iijii. Xaayda Kil
Xaayda Gwaay ‘waadluwaan tl’a an unsid sgyaan an tla yahgudangang. Xaad Kil
To inspire respect and understanding for all that Haida Gwaii is. English
The water reflected the sky and nothing moved until four
small mammals broke the surface of the water in Delkatla
Wildlife Sanctuary just below our deck. A family of River
Otters had come for a visit. With expert ease they dove
again, then slipped back out under the bridge and were
gone. They had come in with the tide and left with it.
A few years ago, a creature that looked like a large house cat
drank from our bird bath in the garden on a hot summer
afternoon. It was sleek and healthy and low to the ground.
It had rich dark brown fur, its tail was a little longish for a
cat and its head was comparatively small. The River Otter
had come for a drink. We hadn’t expected such a rare and
handsome visitor and it scooted into the surrounding forest
quickly. A few days later our hard-working volunteer saw
what might have been the same otter running across the
grass in front of the Nature Centre just down from us.
It’s been a few years since otters have been seen so close to
town. Before tidal waters were restored to Delkatla in 1995,
an otter family often sat on the lid of the small culverts
beside the causeway and called a high-pitched chirp that
echoed across town.
River otters have been part of the natural history of Haida
Gwaii forever. They are not always treated with the respect
they deserve as they like the same food as we do – salmon.
The local salmon enhancement programs provided rich
picking for otters for a while, but the otters didn’t win and
many were killed during a trapping program in the late
1990’s. They are only now recovering.
The Haida Gwaii otters are not an introduced species like the
beaver or deer. In fact, they are possibly an endemic island
species known as ‘Slu-gu’ or ‘Sloogoo’ in the Haida language.
Very few studies have been done on otter behaviour
here but, according to A.W. Banfield in “The Mammals of
Canada” (1974), the island subspecies is Lontra Canadensis
Periclyzomae (as described by Elliot, 1905) and is “a very
large form, found in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British
Columbia.” Also, according to Banfield, “otters are easily
tamed, and the Old-World species was used to catch fish
for the table in ancient times.”
Some of the otters seen recently were probably this year’s
young. They have strong family loyalties and generally stay
together although, when the pups are born, the female
drives the male out for the first six months or so while she
gets on with the work of raising the kits. The male apparently
returns to help raise the youngsters.
According to J. David Solf in “The
Land Otter in Alaska” (1971), “they
travel over a wide area and apparently
there are no exclusive territories.”
Sunset otter
PC: Mary Helmer
There is a clear distinction between
River and Sea Otters. The latter are
large muscular feisty creatures that
live in kelp forests and lie on the
water belly-up while being rocked
in the cradle of the deep. They come
ashore only to give birth, then carry
the pups back out to sea. River
Otters are very different. They raise
their young and live on land and, if
we are lucky, we’ll see them again
as they surface in Delkatla’s calm
waters on cool summer days.
Pricing & booking available in-house & online
Check in-house, online or call us for the most
up to date information on operating hours
Second Beach Road, HlGaagilda Skidegate, Haida Gwaii
haidaheritagecentre.com | 250.559.7885 • haidagwaiimuseum.ca | 250.559.4643
Haida Gwaii Museum
Gina DaahlGahl Naay
The Trading House
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Beauty . Fashion . Home . Toys
and so much more!
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Mover of Metal:
The Art of Dimensions
Exhibiting with Marlo Wylie Brillon
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Youth Art Exhibition
Stories and Dreams
from the Prairies
In-house and online
8 HG September / October 2022 9
St. Paul’s Thrift Shop is No More
A Victim of Vandalism
By Margo Hearne
“Will you be opening the Thrift Shop again soon?” Sadly no. While we miss the working
camaraderie, the children running around all over the place, the chance to meet and greet
and the general cheery atmosphere, despite all this, we just had to close.
The reasons are many, the resolutions few. Shortly after we opened after the COVID closure,
we found glass jars smashed all over the parking lot, a kerosene-filled lamp tipped
over by the front door and the locks jammed with broken glass and broken knife tips.
We cleaned up the glass and freed one of the locks but the following week more glass
was broken and the locks again jammed. Again the cleanup and, with help from many
friends, we freed one lock. Then the locks were jammed again. Third time unlucky. We
closed the store and reported the vandalism to the RCMP and, although the file is still
open and they continue to investigate, there have been no arrests at the time of writing.
Meredith Mainguy
Reiki Master
We also closed because, despite our many entreaties for people not to drop stuff off between
opening hours, deliveries continued. Our lobby was loaded with junk week after
week. We had to contend with dirty old shoes, torn t-shirts and used mattresses. What
was left there was ransacked and thrown into the bushes around the building. Our mantra
to others was “If you wouldn’t buy the used stuff, no-one else can use it either, so please
don’t donate it.” It didn’t matter; over time we became a drop-off point for people’s waste
and we filled a dumpster each week.
It was especially bad after the two-year COVID closure. Bags of items that had been
stored in a garage or basement became mouldy and attracted bugs and were then ‘donated’
to us. We had to go through each bag; one never knew what it would contain. A
St. Paul’s Thrift Shop
Thrift store vandalism
gold ring, a photo album of relevance tossed in by mistake, someone’s birth certificate, a
credit card. (If we knew where the items came from, we’d try to return them).
The shop had been open for twenty-five years. In that time, over 100 volunteers helped
out. No-one received any payment, although as a volunteer you could have first dibs on
donations (but you had to pay!). Each week upwards of twenty people processed the
donations and over 150 shoppers came through the door during our three-hour openings.
People found toys, records, books and nooks to read in. Other groups, including
the Transition House, accessed free clothing and, when house fires destroyed everything
except lives, the store was opened for them. Visitors found what they wanted for their
camp kitchen and jackets for our cooler climate.
In smaller communities, thrift shops like St. Paul’s serve a great many people. But it
brings up the bigger question regarding consumption. Do thrift shops really serve a social
purpose nowadays or are they merely feeding the consumer god? Would one really buy
something on-line knowing that, if it doesn’t fit, it can be passed on to the thrift store?
Does knowing that there is a place to donate what you don’t like anymore encourage
excess consumption?
It is possible that thrift stores are an invitation to take more than one individual might
need in a lifetime. The question of need versus greed is big in today’s world and we are
reminded almost daily that we are drowning in cheap off-shore clothes. It is so bad that
Africa has asked western countries not to dump on their shores; they don’t want our
cast-offs. It both clutters up their world and destroys the local artisanal artist’s ability to
make a living from their home-made garments.
Those are the big questions. On our own small scale, we are sad that the local store had
to close. The actions of a few undid our ability to provide. It was both disrespectful and
hurtful to the hard-working volunteers and the many wonderful, fun shoppers who
helped to keep the place open for the last quarter-century.
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10 HG September / October 2022 11
The Waiting Room
By Lin Armstrong
Here’s another analogy. We made a jigsaw puzzle together.
Now we are taking it apart bit by bit. Those pieces are
the laughter, the fights, the compromises, the adventures,
the memories, the celebrations, the tough times and the
good times. Those pieces aren’t lost. They are being lovingly
placed in a heart-shaped box called Life.
When I see Jack I want to be present to who he is now.
I want to hold his hand and carve into my memory the
weight of it, that feeling of connection. I want to make
this time fun. We still razz each other and laugh. There
are deep wells of joy in our togetherness. He can still
encourage me, listen without fixing (who says you can’t
teach an old dog!), impart his huge knowledge of fishing
skills and tease and joke.
One more thing I want to share. Helping someone to feel
seen, heard, and understood is the loudest way to love
them. The gift is in the present.
You know what’s hard? Staying present. Staying with unknowing.
Staying with the space between no longer and
not yet.
In order to be in the present moment, in my present circumstances,
I have visualized myself being in a hallway.
The door behind me holds the room of the past. The door
in front is the room of the future. I’ve given myself a comfy
chair to sit myself down in and wait.
In 1989 I met a redneck, a man with big energy, with a big
heart, big enough to hold me and my four-year-old son
in his love. You know him as the Codfather and Santa.
He has been my husband for over thirty years and tells
me I’m an Armstrong by contamination! Being an Armstrong
has helped me to find my own strength, my own
voice, able to stand up to his big energy and explain that
my way, different from his, was equally valid. He says I
‘hippyfied’ him! We grew each other up.
In February, when I was no longer able to provide the care
he needed, he moved into Long Term Care (LTC). This is
the first time we have lived apart and it is damn hard for
both of us. And it’s doubly hard because he wants to be
that strong hunter, fisher, logger guy again. He wants to
come home. Our roles are in flux. We are adrift.
When he says he’s going to get out of LTC he means he’s
remembering what it was like when he was working, reveling
in his physical being. He would run up the ramp at
the dock, run up Rainbow Hill and run into the house,
grab me up in a huge bear hug and tell me how much
he missed me. He still tells me he misses me. Goodness
knows I’m missing him.
Jack is fading, releasing his physical energy slowly, still
looking after me by letting his energy ebb slowly from me
too. There’s the blessing.
To All Caregivers
By Lin Armstrong
Here’s a thought
Run away
Just for a moment
Simply run away
Focus on the tea you are making
The sandwich, the blanket you are folding
Be aware of the light you are holding.
Run away
To the bathroom, the back porch, to the chair beside them as they sleep
Run away
And then return
Come back, come home
Be present
Take their hand
Seek their eyes
Find the love
And rest there.
12 HG September / October 2022 13
Doulas of Haida Gwaii
Helping New Moms
By Jamie McDonald
We’re all aware of the specialized role of the midwife in
child birthing. Less familiar is the work of the doula in
support of the mother and the newborn. According to
DONA International (dona.org), a doula is “a trained professional
who provides continuous physical,emotional and
informational support to their client before, during and
shortly after childbirth . . .”
Doulas are allies who advocate for the mothers’ needs
and help with such things as comforting touch, breathing
techniques, breastfeeding, sleeping, family adjustment,
referrals, postpartum mood disorders and other related
matters. A postpartum doula works with new families after
the birth to about three months of age, whereas a birthing
doula helps prepare the family for the birth and offers
support during the birth.
Training to become a doula can involve a two-day workshop
or a full-time college semester. Doula training has
been offered on Haida Gwaii and training opportunities
are offered throughout Northern BC at various community
colleges. Workshops vary in cost but most range from $400
to $700. On DONA’s website and on The Doula Association
of BC website you can find registered doulas, learn where
training workshops are held and find great resources to
help support families.
Indigenous families can tap into different pockets of funds
to cover doula services, such as Friendship Centres, Haida
Child and Family Services
I met with some of the doulas who live and work on Haida
Ashley Furland
Jessiquita Madrid – Jessiquita completed her doula training
in Prince George in 2001. “I was interested in midwifery
and on my path to becoming a nurse,” said Jessiquita.
“The doula training aligned with my interests. I am
also a trained breastfeeding instructor.”
Carla Russ – Carla started her doula training during her
own pregnancy in 2003. “I wanted to be comfortable giving
birth to my own child and my midwife suggested the
Labour Support Course.” She took the birthing doula training
with DONA International and completed the endof-life
doula training at Douglas College. “I help families
connect with resources, offer parenting skills courses, or
hold the baby while the mom showers.”
Emily Campbell
Ashley Furland – Ashley attended a birthing doula course
in Terrace in 2019. “I was inspired to become a doula by my
own birthing process in which I clearly saw the need for the
support and advocacy of a third party.” Raising two young
children, Ashley has had to postpone her work as a doula
for the moment but has helped in one birth on island and
looks forward to a time where she can help more.
Emily Campbell – Emily has professionally cared for
Elders for 10 years. She says “A lot of the skills transfer
over into birth – presence, facilitating meaningful experiences,
breathwork, acupressure, spa therapy and assisting
with connections to other resources.” Emily completed a
four-month Holistic Doula program through Pacific Rim
College in 2022 and provides full-spectrum doula services.
Jessiquita Madrid
Carla Russ
Exhibitions | Programs | Trading House Giftshop
250.559.4643 | haidagwaiimuseum.ca | haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca
14 HG September / October 2022 15
A Yippieneck’s Creed
Back in the day when I was delivering deluxe culinary mushrooms
to Vancouver and Victoria and high-end restaurants,
I was punningly referred to as “the Fun Guy” by the chef
and staff. It was an enjoyable time in my life but unfortunately,
the industry didn’t pay me a living wage, so I had
to find other work. However, during this time of fungal
exploration and discovery, I fell in love with the pastime,
and I was enthralled with the power of “the shrooms,” both
nutritionally and medicinally. I have since incorporated
them into as many means of ingestion as possible and I
believe they have helped my well-being in every way.
Not only do you get the health benefits of the chemical
and nutritional composition of mushrooms, but the art of
harvesting is very healthful. It reconnects you with Mother
Earth, heals your spirit and works your body with good
passive movement (and some hard-ass grunt work.) Yes,
there are many distinct types of mushrooms, and yes, there
are ones to avoid, but it’s not rocket science. With a good
field and/or foraging guide, no worries, just benefits.
And the benefits you get range from one of
the best sources of vitamin D, protein, and
micronutrients, to all the immune boosting
and anticarcinogenic qualities they hold. Some
are a little more challenging for the digestive
tract than others, but all mushrooms feed the
microbiome and contribute effectively to overall
health and self-maintenance. Do not rest all
your faith in the medical system to keep you
well; it is up to us to support our bodies with
the “food medicine” we ingest. Most whole
foods are medicine! My personal favorites
in culinary fungal treats are Shanty’s, Boletes,
Oysters, Chickens and Gypsies. (Of course,
cauliflower, lobster and pine are first-rate, but
they’re not found on Haida Gwaii.)
When in the field gathering your bounty of
fungi, do not forget the golden rule of respect
for the Haida Territory: harvest only a small
percentage of the total available. It’s like the
partition rule of log harvesting where you
The Magic of Mushrooms
Article and photos by Gregory Morris
take no more than 35% of
what is available. Anyway,
I won’t go any further with
that for we humans are a
funny breed and following
rules is a slippery slope; we
seem to always want them
slanted our way!
So, I hope this is of benefit
to those so inclined. David
Arora puts out a great field
guide and I used his “Mushrooms
Demystified” as my
bible of discovery. growmushroomscanada.ca/product/
Paul Stamets also puts out some great insightful publications
on the amazing ways mushrooms can benefit
the planet and the people privileged to live on it.
Do indulge. You won’t regret it.
No 911
The Mystery Solved
By Claude Adams
Recently, I was asked by a stranger in mid-town Masset to call an ambulance for him.
“I’m having a heart attack,” he told me. Using my cell phone, I instinctively dialed 911.
The person who answered needed details.
“Where are you calling from?” he asked. “Masset,” I said. His response surprised me. “Can
you spell that?” M-A-S-S . . . Hold on! Clearly, I was not talking to someone on Haida
Gwaii. When I inquired, the responder said he was in Vancouver. He asked all the right
questions. And he said he would dispatch the ambulance to my location. The ambulance
arrived 20 minutes later.
The incident perked my curiosity. It seemed like a pretty roundabout way to access emergency
services. So, I decided to contact the Council of the Haida Nation and I asked them
why I couldn’t reach the Masset ambulance directly. They kindly referred me to the local
RCMP. An RCMP officer I spoke to didn’t know exactly why. But he did tell me that Haida
Gwaii wasn’t on the province-wide 911 network. “You need to call 1-800-461-9911,” he said.
Do Call
Several phone calls and emails later, I managed to unravel the mystery of why my 911 call had achieved the desired effect,
even though Haida Gwaii isn’t on the 911 network. It seems a third-party operator - alerted by my cell phone provider - had
automatically routed me to something called the BC Emergency Health Services, which has dispatch centres in Vancouver,
Victoria and Kamloops. (This is the above-mentioned 1-800 number.) Apparently, the BCEHS dispatcher I had spoken to
wasn’t familiar with Masset, so he asked me to spell it!
By the way, this story has a happy ending. The stranger who asked me to call the ambulance was mistaken. It wasn’t a heart
attack after all. It was a false alarm.
Forbes Pharmacy
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids
9 am to 5:15 pm
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm
250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca
• September 6 th & 19 th
• October 3 rd
• November 7 th & 21 st
During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Wash Your Hands, Be Kind, Be Calm and Stay Safe.
36 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-3pm
250-557-4295 •
emergencies, call 250-557-4272
Find us on Facebook!
16 HG September / October 2022 17
Warmest Wishes to Warren Foster on His Retirement
By Joey Rudichuk
On a bright, sunny day in June, friends, colleagues
and Gwaii Trust board members and staff came
together in HlGaagilda Skidegate to celebrate the
retirement of board member, Warren Foster, who has
represented Area E (Moresby Island) as a director or
alternate for 26 years. I recently sat down with Warren
to chat about the past and to hear a few stories about
the Trust over the years.
A heavy-duty mechanic by trade, Warren worked in
the forestry industry in Sandspit until 2008 when he
joined the Ministry of Transportation, eventually becoming
Maintenance and Operations Supervisor.
With an interest in supporting his community, following
the standoff at Lyell Island and the signing
of the South Moresby Agreement in the mid-1980’s,
he participated in the Residents Planning Advisory
Committee (RPAC), a group of community leaders
representing Masset, Port Clements, Daajing Giids,
and Sandspit. The committee worked in collaboration
with the Council of the Haida Nation as the “Group
of Eight” to establish an accord on the Community
Development Fund that had resulted from the signing
of the South Moresby Agreement. As the Civic and
Haida representative respectively, Warren and Michael
Nicoll Yahgulanaas were delegated to travel to Ottawa
to make the case for the Gwaii Trust, in time receiving
Group of Eight, clockwise from top left: Fran Fowler, Michael Nicoll
Yahgulanaas, Giitsxaa, Frank Collison, Gerry Johnson, Warren Foster,
Terry Carty, David Wilson, Marcia Crosby, Norman Dale, unidentified,
and Mary Morris
Heading to Ottawa with the latest in modern technology
funds to develop a business plan through the Gwaii
Trust Interim Planning Society (GTIPS), eventually
leading to the establishment of the Gwaii Trust Society
in 1994.
Through strong leadership and good governance, the
Trust that had started with $38.2 million in 1994 was
worth approximately $94 million by the end of 2021.
From the beginning the goal was clear for all directors:
to work together to promote the health and well-being
of the community and to make Haida Gwaii an even
better place to live. As a result Gwaii Trust has granted
over $91 million for projects, programs, travel, and
education to individuals and organizations on Haida
Gwaii since its inception. A lot to be proud of.
But when I asked him what was the one thing he was
most proud of, he replied, “the fact that before the
Trust the communities didn’t work together, they didn’t
agree with each other. The consensus model [used by
the Gwaii Trust board] has forced both cultures and all
six communities to work together to a common cause,
and in my opinion that’s by far the largest benefit of
the Trust. And it outweighs the millions of dollars that
were spent.”
In 2014 a friend mentioned she knew someone about
to be appointed as director for Graham Island South
who was looking for advice on the role. Warren didn’t
hesitate and offered his services. The new director was
named Ellen Cranston, the woman who would become
the love of his life, and they were married a year later.
Throughout the years Warren has been a friend, leader,
and mentor to both staff and fellow board members
alike, eventually gaining the moniker “The Godfather”
bestowed upon him by previous Chair, James Cowpar.
Sometimes he’s been an admitted sparring partner, but
always, he says, with the Trust’s best interest at heart.
When asked about what community he represents, he
responds: “I’m from the community of Haida Gwaii.
That’s the community I’m from.”
With Area E Alternate (now Director), Laurie Chisholm
At the retirement dinner with staff member Joey Rudichuk
Upcoming Deadlines
Travel, Education, and Staycation
Visit website for details www.gwaiitrust.com/grants
Covid-19 Response
Apply throughout the year until December 1 at 4pm
Community Innovation
October 1 at 4pm
The Gwaii Trust Board in Sandspit, 2019
“Warren, your decades of commitment and dedication
to the Gwaii Trust and to the people and islands
of Haida Gwaii has helped shape the Trust to what it
has become today. Your retirement leaves a gap that
will never be fully closed, but you have helped pave
the way for others as a leader, mentor, and friend.
Here’s to your impressive career, and we wish you all
the best.”
Huux Percy Crosby
Chair, Gwaii Trust Society
At the Gwaii Trust holiday social with COO Carla Lutner and guest
Youth Grant
October 1 at 4pm
Arts Grant, Arts Workshops and Arts Mentorships
October 1 at 4pm
1 800 663 2388
18 HG September / October 2022 19
Farmer’s Market Coupon Program
Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022
A farmer’s market is more than just a cornucopia of local food, plants, artisan handicrafts and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to
share some relaxing time with friends and neighbours, Article and to savor photo some by local Terri-Lynne culture, and Penner to contribute to the community’s economy.
According And you to might foodsecuritycanada.org, even get to enjoy a hot food meal! sovereignty Haida Gwaii highlights has four myth such that markets, farmers’ three markets on Graham are more Island, expensive and one than on Moresby the grocery
from store. an enriching “I price weekly check my experience. produce with the local grocers
the need for a democratic Island, food so system, most one of us that are only involves minutes input away
from citizens as well as producers. Food security is concerned so I can price my products competitively.”
with the protection Masset and Market- distribution Make it! of Bake existing it! Grow food it! systems.
Besides supporting Daajing healthy Giids eating, Queen Charlotte the coupons Farmers’ are also Market introducing
new people Date/Time: to our Saturdays, farmers’ 11am—2pm, markets which year-round in turn
As noted on the Date/Time: BC Farmers Fridays, Market 11am-2pm, website, year-round The Farmers’
Market Nutrition Location: Coupon Across Program from the (FMNCP) HG Co-op, is 1575 a healthy Main will, without a (with doubt, a encourage short break more around local Christmas/January).
food production
eating initiative Street that supports in Masset. farmers’ markets and strengthens
food security. This program provides coupons to seniors,
to fill the need. Location: Gather, 223 Oceanview Drive, Daajing
Another exciting step forward for Haida Gwaii food security!
lower-income What offer: Locally and expectant grown and families prepared participating foods including vegetables,
literacy programs.
and microgreens, eggs, preserves, ferments, baked What we offer: You’ll find delicious baked treats of all kinds,
goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, cut flowers, mushrooms
on and Haida berries Gwaii are available the FMNCP in season. funding Locally was handcrafted secured in rooms, locally harvested kelp products, and more!
locally grown fresh produce, gorgeous flowers, foraged mush-
2020 items via include the collective soap and efforts body of products, Heidi Archer, jewellery, Natalie pottery, Affolter and
and knitted, Marylynn painted, Hunt. felted In and 2022, beach-combed the program treasures received and funding more! Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com
/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @
through Delicious the hot Gwaii lunches Trust are a Food new regular Sovereignty feature grant, at the effectively market.
doubling the number of people who could be supported by QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket
the Contact: program. Natalie Affolter / 250-626-9181 / massetmarket@gmail.
Facilitating the coupon program in the north end of Haida
Gwaii is Christopher Horner, Gaw Tlagée Old Massett’s Elder
Centre Coordinator. Tll.aal The Tlell south Farmers’ end Market facilitator is Islands Wellness
11am—2pm, Society’s Victim starting Services June
Date/Time: Sundays,
5, 2022, until the Coordinator, last week of October. Bonnie Olsen.
Location: Highway 16, behind and to the left of
Coupons are accepted at the
the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for the giant carrot!
Masset, Tll.aal Tlell and Daajing
What we offer: Spring greens, hot lunch
(at Gather)
farm fresh
baked goods, jams and jellies, canning,
and can
be used
strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb
and currant
much more!
nuts, eggs, dairy, herbs, vegetable
& fruit plants, honey, meat,
and fish. Marylynn, one of the
Contact: Marylynn Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@
gmail.com / Facebook: Tlell Farmers vendors Market at the Tlell Farmers’
Market, wants to break the
A Food Security Win!
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and
Moresby Artisan Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)
Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,
June 12, 2022, through mid-September
Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,
Coupon vendor St. Mary's Spring Estate Farm
406 Copper Bay Road
Tlell Farmers' Market
What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by
local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography
and more! Coupon Availability
If you or someone you know needs nutritional
Contact: support, Kelsey please Kricheldorf contact: / moresbymarket@gmail.com /
• Feed
the People Foodbank, Haida Gwaii South
• The Greater Masset Food Bank 250-626-7517
Commercial Kitchen Maintenance & Upgrades
Service & Inspect Fire Extinguishers
We are happy to take care of your property, reduce your liabilities,
and increase your safety!
Email us NOW at Service@ShelbyInt.com to set up your Safety Program
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
20 HG September / October 2022 21
All Things Music
EOTW Local Band News
By Jamie McDonald | Photos by Jelena Jakvljevic
Oh my, the music festival was good this year! With all the pentup
energy of the last few years, festival-goers and performers were
ready to explode on the dance floor as well as on stage. I asked the
local performers what their favourite songs to play live are and what
they are up to in the coming months. Here’s what they had to share:
The Alkemist: Main man Jay Myer’s favourite songs to play live
are The Moment because it’s ethereal and psychedelic “so I can get
really into the soundscape of it all”. He also loves playing Sinners
Blues because it’s heavier and cathartic. His three-year-old son
Declan joined him on stage to sing his rendition of Iron Man by
Black Sabbath.
Jason Camp and the Posers
Bloodline, Soulshine, Badfish & GiG: Gregory Williams
played in no less than six different bands during the festival. He was
in Bloodline with family members Kyrin (son), Chris (brother) and
Jett Williams (nephew). Chris said his two favourite songs to play
live are Dragonfly and The Way She Goes, both creations by Chris.
Kyrin also played in Soulshine with Gregory - it was Kyrin’s and Jett’s
first time playing on stage at the music fest. With the band Badfish,
Gregory said he loves to play “anything heavy!” He of course played
with his own band, GiG. Soulshine and Badfish will be playing a
show at OceanView Pub and Grill on Sept. 3. All three of these bands
will be recording original music this fall/winter.
Jason Camp and the Posers: This band’s antics at the
festival--all the fake riot police on stage beating them up
as they played-- was an amazing visual representation of
their anti-colonial lyrics. Drummer Graham’s favourite
songs to play live are 1873 and A Reminder. This was
also the 6th of the bands Gregory Williams played in!
They have an album called “Demoralising Amusements”
coming up soon!
Mobius: Evan Galonski, the singer of this band, said his
two favourite songs to play live are Run and Fingerprints.
They are recording a new album this fall and look forward
to sharing with you all soon.
One Hit Wonder: This newly formed band, whose
members also include Kyrin and Gregory Williams, Kaede
Miyagi -Leonard and River Michaeloff, played their first
live show at the festival. Kaede said, “I enjoy playing a
cover of Nutshell by Alice in Chains and Lost in the Glow,
a song I co-wrote with River. He wrote the guitar part
and I wrote the lyrics. It was my first time writing a song
with someone and it was a great experience”.
Declan singing Iron Man with the Alkemist
The Pseudos: This group was on fire at the festival and
they got a group of folks to lift a surfboard up with Ravi
literally surfing the crowd as well as shaving their lead
singer’s head into a skullet—think of skull + mullet! Their
favourite songs to play live are Gremmy’s Big Day
Out and Hola Antonio. They are also in the process
The Pseudos
22 HG September / October 2022 23
of getting vinyls printed and will be releasing their
album shortly.
Rusty Mould and the Sugar Agates: Lead
singer Seb Dalgarno said his favourite songs to
play live are “our rendition of a traditional song
The Cuckoo because it gets people dancing and The
Concrete Slab because it has a lot of dynamic range
for us to play with”. Rusty Mould linked up with the
Trembling Aspens (Jeremy Pahl, Danny Bell and
Chloe Nakahara) and recently released a new EP
online called Grew So Nice And Tall For Me with six
songs available on Spotify. What’s next for them?
They’re hoping to get some grant funding to do
some more recording and write some more songs.
It is amazing to see what a creative and lively musical
community we have on Haida Gwaii. Shout out to
Vernon Williams, Out of the Blue, Harmonie Rose,
The Slugs (School of Rock Youth band) and rapper
Ase Mor, all local performers who rocked out on
stage and made this years’ Edge of the World Music
Festival fantastic!
If you missed the Pseudos at the festival or just can’t get
enough of them, they will be the feature band at the next
HG Coffeehouse at the Community Hall in Daajing Giids
on September 30. Doors open at 6 p.m. for a community
meal. Please bring a dish, spoon and your own drink. Open
mic starts at 7 p.m. followed by the feature band around 8
p.m. Entrance is by donation. October 28 will feature Rusty
Mould and the Sugar Agates. Check them out on Facebook
for more info.
778 230 9871
Rusty Mould and the Sugar Agates
Autumn Winds
Rainbow Weather
Article and photo by Margo Hearne
“October winds lament around the Castle of Drumore.”
So starts an old Irish lullaby that nicely describes the
equinox winds that wail through the fall forests of
Haida Gwaii and summon the end of summer.
Our storms form in the deep Pacific waters and pick up
strength as they come this way. We often get the pointy
end of things as we are almost part of the ocean itself.
When the storm trips over us, the land creates friction
which can change the wind’s strength and direction and
make it especially dangerous. A sudden swing from, say
southeast to southwest, can knock down trees that were
braced for the southeaster. Then, when the southwesters
ease, the sun breaks through and we get rainbow
weather. Sunshine and showers.
The secret of trying to figure out what the weather is
going to do is to know which way the wind blows. Wind
direction is always from where it comes, and not to
where it’s going. So, if it’s blowing from the direction of
Langara Island, it’s from the west quadrant; from Hawaii
it’s the south quadrant; from Alaska it’s the north
quadrant and from Hecate Strait the east quadrant.
And we can now watch the many weather channels and
see, in real time, the massive storm-cloud circles that
form when summer’s heat warms the offshore waters.
Because of the earth’s rotation, the ground moves at a
different speed than any object in the air so the wind
gets caught in this effect and never blows in a straight
line. (The Coriolis effect).
Swift wind changes can occur around the time of the
Fall Equinox when both day and night are roughly
equal. The land and sea are cooling down and the hot
and cold airs must move. Storm clouds develop; the air
pressure changes. You can sense this shift if you sit on
a log on the beach at Taaw Tldáaw Tow Hill and turn
your nose into the wind during a pressure change. The
north wind brings the salt sea air, the south brings the
smell of damp grass and autumn leaves.
“Sniffing the wind” as animals do, is in our blood and
bones. We just have to give it a chance to surface – and
if you suddenly notice the scent of grass and earth in
your home garden after a hot, dry spell it means the
pressure has dropped and rain might be on the way.
One of the mariners who worked on BC Ferries loved
living here. He could see the weather systems change
before his eyes as the clouds swept by. Such change is
not so evident in the city, though it can still be felt in the
sudden stillness of the wind and the rich smell rising
from the ground. The pressure has fallen, pushed on
the earth, and given the soil a voice.
Weather is a fascinating study. As a lighthouse child
I saw my father check the marine weather forecasts
constantly because the rocky shores around us were
death-traps to passing boats; knowing the possible direction
and strength of the wind was more than just
part of the job. It could, and did, save lives.
24 HG September / October 2022 25
Space Rentals
Online Gift Shop
#2 Second Beach Road
HlGaagilda Skidegate,
Haida Gwaii
Handcrafted soap
& body products
Sarah’s Gift Shop
Like a Walk Through a Museum
When I asked Sarah for permission to write about
her gift shop, she was quick to express her gratitude
for Haida Gwaii Community Futures’ covid relief.
The loan allowed her to buy stock and stay open,
and she’s very appreciative. She said business has
been steady for the first time since the pandemic.
The use of masks is still recommended in her store.
By Jana McLeod
As you walk in, the quiet is calming and the faint
smell of cedar welcomes you. Judy Smith and her
sister Diane York are busy creating works of art, leaving one free to roam and browse.
Sarah holds up a toque mentioning she’s already put out her favorite color. The fluorescent
hats are some new arrivals.
Anytime I need a gift this is one of the stops I make. Local artisans are showcased,
whether it’s silver, cedar, devil’s clubs or beads. There are many options for a keepsake
from Haida Gwaii.
By the time I’m done talking with Sarah, Judy is almost finished with her earrings. She
holds one up and asks, “What do you think?” It sparkles brilliantly in the sunlight and
I say, “Beautiful.”
I ask Diane how long she’s worked here and her answer surprises me. “Twenty-seven
years, and I hired my sister five years ago.” Sarah says she’s been open for 47 years!
For Junior Canadian Rangers
Teaching Life Skills
By Kaila Radan
For 75 years, the Canadian Ranger program has served as a unique link between the
Armed Forces and civilian populations, operating as a support group to the military
in remote regions of Canada. The program on Haida Gwaii started in Gamadiis Port
Clements and K’il Kun Sandspit.
In 1996, a Junior Canadian Ranger (JCR) program was established with two JCR Patrols
on-island, one serving youth in the North end (Tll.aal Tllel, Gamadiis, Masset, and Gaw
Tlagée Old Massett), and a second one serving the South end community. They are funded
by the Canadian Armed Forces with the goal of “improving the quality of life of young
people,” according to Kazamir Falconbridge, the Masset JCR Patrol Leader on Haida Gwaii.
Youth aged 12 to 18 generally meet
once a week in-community and
learn Ranger survival skills such as
how to light a fire, use certain tools,
and build an emergency shelter.
More general life skills may include
resume writing, stress management
techniques, carpentry and
cooking. On Haida Gwaii, Haida
elders are involved in teaching
more traditional skills.
250 624 4164
One floor has shirts, hoodies, dress shirts and pants, all with native designs. The lower
level has an array of jackets, vests, hats, books, scarves and so much more. It’s like taking
a walk through a museum of Haida culture and productivity.
A few tourists come in and it’s always fun to watch how blown away they are at the bounty
before them. It never gets old. One of the children lifts up some polished agates and says,
“Look at these, they came from the beach!”
It’s easy to find Sarah’s, right at the end of the village. Claude Davidson’s chieftainship
pole in right in front.
Sarah’s Haida Arts and Jewellery is located at 387 Eagle Ave., Gaw Tlagee Old Massett. She can be reached
at 250-626-5560, email sarah@mhtv.ca and you can also shop online at www.sarahshaidaarts.com
Masset JCR Patrol at White Creek
JCR Patrols also engage in the Providing
Healthy and Safe Environments
(PHASE) program, which
aims to give youth the tools to be able to help themselves or a friend navigate difficult
situations. Some of the topics covered include cyberbullying, gender identity/sexual
orientation, and respecting the land and one another.
In addition, there are enhanced training sessions which in past years have included a
stay at Mt. Moresby Adventure Camp, visiting the ancient village site of K’uuna Llnagaay
Skedans, and staying in the longhouses at Hl’Yaalang Hiellen.
This past summer, select youth from the JCR program traveled to Strathcona Provincial
Park where they spent nine days in activities such as hiking, canoeing, rock climbing,
and learning traditional skills like rope and knot tying. “I loved it. It was so fun!” said
Sephina Stupka, a 13-year-old from Gamadiis.
3113 Oceanview Drive, QC
The JCR program is free of charge. Currently, it is looking for full-time and part-time
adult volunteers, as well as Canadian Rangers in the community, to assist in planning
and running weekly sessions for the patrols, which should start up this fall. For more
information please contact Kazamir Falconbridge at 250-626-7459.
Daine York (L) and her sister Judy Smith
Information for this article is sourced from the Government of Canada website, as well as
interviews with Haida Gwaii community members. Thank you to Kazamir Falconbridge,
Sephina Stupka and Oren Fox for their contributions!
26 HG September / October 2022 27
A Pole is Raised
On the Road to Healing
By Jana McLeod
Last month’s Yahgu ‘laanaas Pole Raising at the
Tluu Xaadaa Naay Longhouse, and the ceremonies
that followed, were a stirring reminder that
life is changing for many of us. What was once
lost is coming back, thanks to the efforts of artists like
Kihlyaadaa Christian White and his family who teamed
up to make the day possible.
“It’s been an amazing experience for our family, working
together,” Christian told me in the days preceding the big
day when I met with him and his wife iihl kaa jaad kiinas
Candace Weir. They made the point that reconnection to
one another as Indigenous people is imperative to our survival,
and that the time to embrace this fact is now. The
pole raising and the events around it were just one way for
the healing to begin.
Christian has always wanted to have a house frontal pole
for the longhouse. The log was brought to Tluu Xaadaa
Naay on February 29,2020. With the pandemic, Christian
realized it would have to be his family that would carve
the pole. Luckily his family is full of gifted artists. There
are many who helped carve: Derek, Todd, Eugene (Gino),
Derek Dudley, Daisy, Neil and Douglas. It’s safe to say the
whole family pitched in, and if I listed them all it would
likely fill a couple of pages.
When asked what needed to be done, their six-year-old
niece Serena shyly said, “We need to show respect, make
gifts, work hard, move stuff and learn.” The ambiance
in the carving shed that day was so relaxed; the smell of
cedar and paint was enchanting. Todd was talking softly to
some visitors, Daisy and Douglas were busy painting. Such
talent! Candace told me even her coworkers at Tahaygen
contributed to the important occasion.
Under bright sunny skies on Friday, August 19 th , the
pole, which Christian referred to as “Inspirational,” was
raised as per tradition entirely by human hands and ropes,
with a commander directing things from the roof of the
longhouse, and captains on each of the directional ropes.
Masses of people rushed to the back of the longhouse, while
some grabbed the guiding ropes in front.
The large crowd bearing witness to this momentous event
included people from all over Haida Gwaii as well as visitors
from all along the BC Coast including Bella Bella,
Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Guests even came from
as far as Ottawa, Alaska, Seattle, Australia, and Florida.
Yahgu ‘laanaas Pole Raising (Crane used only to steady pole) | PC: Mary Helmer
Candace and Christian with niece Serena
PC: Jana McLeod
28 HG September / October 2022 29
Hundreds of cars parked up and down the streets of Gaw
Tlagée Old Massett and parts of the highway made for an
extraordinary sight. The streets looked like parking lots.
Everyone looked beautiful. The various forms of regalia
spoke of Haida Gwaii’s fantastic artists. From ravens tail
to carved silver, wood, argillite - it was all top notch.
Many of us were just standing mesmerized by the sight of
a 63 ½-foot pole (10 feet in the ground) slowly rising. As I
was videotaping, I panned out and did a slow sweep of the
people around me. I saw many tears, only to realize I was
crying as well. The cheering and singing at the end was the
best sound I’ve heard in a very long time. The mood was
electric. One lady told me her daughter met her cousins for
the first time. So many people who’d been away for ages
made the voyage here. Candace said her daughter Pamela
who lives in Florida with her husband hadn’t been here
for three years.
When Candace shouted “We are all Haida! We are still
here!” those around us exploded in a deafening cheer of
victory and pride. The ancestors heard us all.
The ceremonies in the Old Massett Hall after the raising
were spectacular! New songs, dances and masks were
shared by Tluu Xaadaa Naay. Haida names were given
out, and adoptions performed. I think one of my favorite
things about the shows of culture at these events are
the faces of people experiencing them for the first time.
The fancy cameras come out, and a lady beside me said,
“I have goosebumps!” We all had goosebumps when the
huge Raven mask was revealed! Carved by Christian White
and Apprentices, it stretched higher than the basketball
hoops, the mask was like nothing I’d ever seen. The Yaahl
Sgaanuwee Iiwaans Giant Supernatural Raven, was culturally
shared by Gwaliga Hart, I couldn’t imagine how
heavy it was to dance in, but there he was prancing around
so light-footed!
There was also Hlk’yaan K’uust’an frog leaper who jumped
so high and twisted on the way down. Guustlas Rorick, the
frogman performer, looked us over and checked things out,
while we the onlookers did the same.
Robert Davidson, the man acknowledged for erecting the
first longhouse pole in 1969, shared a significant reminder.
He recalled that for the pole raising ceremony back then
they had no masks - so they used paper bags. That silenced
the hall, as everyone understood the implications of his
statement. He was talking about the loss of culture, the
interruption of the freedom of our Elders to pass on language
and traditions.
With every new pole raising, we are putting that time
behind us.
Hlk’yaan K’uust’an Frog | Guustlas Rorick
PC: Mary Helmer
Longhouse Gift Shop
Cori Dominique Savard
PC: Jana McLeod
Yaahl Sgaanuwee iiwaans
Big Supernatural Raven | Gwaliga Hart
Attendants David Jones (L) and Corey Bulpitt
PC: Jana McLeod
Genuine Haida art & crafts
Affordable & unique gifts
Clothing & accessories
Front St, Skidegate
30 HG September / October 2022 31
Haida Gwaii Eats
Poke Bowl
By Kaila Radan | Recipe and photo submitted by Matt Torre of Masset
Poke (“to slice” or “cut crosswise into pieces”) was originally
prepared by native Hawaiians, using raw tuna or octopus
seasoned with sea salt, seaweed, and crushed candlenuts.
Its evolution can be traced to new arrivals on the islands
with sailors from the West coast bringing salmon, and immigrants
from China and Japan introducing soy sauce and
sesame oil. Since 2012, the dish has become increasingly
popular with modern variations of it now widely available
across North America and Western Europe.
Below is one version of the dish using ingredients that can
be sourced locally on Haida Gwaii in the fall. Any of the
ingredients below that cannot be grown or gathered on
Haida Gwaii, should be available for purchase at the HG
Co-op, with the beauty of poke being that it can be adapted
and modified to suit the ingredients available. In other
words, if the HG Co-op does not have something in stock,
do not fret, you can still throw together a delicious dish!
Ingredients: 3-4 cups of cooked, short-grain rice / 2-3 lb cured and marinated salmon / spicy mayo
Topping options: spinach, edamame beans, julienned carrots, pickled ginger, sliced avocado, diced cucumber, pineapple,
dried seaweed, corn, thinly sliced green onions, cilantro, crispy fried onions, and roasted sesame seeds (black
and/or white).
Gravlax Style Cured Salmon: 9” x 12” baking dish / 2 – 3 lb raw, de-boned salmon filets / ⅓ cup sugar (raw preferred)
/ ⅓ cup kosher salt / plastic cling wrap.
Combine salt and sugar in a bowl. Cover bottom of baking dish with half of the sugar and salt mixture. Place salmon
filets skin side down on the baking dish and rub with remaining salt and sugar. Cover fish snugly with plastic cling
wrap making sure to minimize any air gaps. Weigh filets down evenly with a smaller baking dish or any other object
of similar size/weight. Place in fridge. After 12 hours drain water into sink. Place back in fridge for another 12 hours.
Cured fish can be frozen for future use, or if being used immediately, rinse and pat dry. Note: salmon can be cured for
1-2 days longer if desired. This results in a firmer and saltier fish.
Salmon Marinade: ¼ cup minced yellow onion / 2 green onions, thinly sliced / 3 tbsp soy sauce / 1 tbsp sesame oil /
small squeeze sriracha sauce / 1 clove garlic, grated / 2-3 lb cubed cured salmon.
In a medium sized bowl, combine yellow and green onions, soy sauce, sesame oil, sriracha sauce, and garlic. Add cubed
salmon and mix well. Cover and place in fridge for at least 1 hour (or overnight).
Spicy Mayo: 2/3 cup (150 g) mayo (Japanese Kewpie style if available) / 1 tbsp (20 g) sriracha sauce / 2 tsp (12 g) gochujang
sauce (use sriracha if unavailable) / 1 tbsp (9 g) chili oil solids (use chilli pepper flakes if unavailable) / 1 green
onion thinly sliced / couple drops sesame oil / salt to taste.
Add mayo, sriracha and gochujang sauces, chili oil solids, green onion, sesame oil, and salt to a medium sized bowl.
Whisk until well combined. Set aside or store in a squeeze bottle for convenience. Sauce keeps well refrigerated for
up to a week.
To serve: Assemble your bowl by creating a bed of rice, spinach or both! Cover with salmon and a selection of any or
all of the above listed toppings. Complete with a drizzling of spicy mayo and a sprinkling of sesame seeds and/or crispy
fried onions! Enjoy!
To submit a recipe for the next issue of Haida Gwaii Eats, please email Kaila, at kaila.radan@gmail.com Haawa, háw’aa!
Haawa / Háw’aa / Thank you!
32 HG September / October 2022 33
The World According To cArTer
Carter is in kindergarten now. These years have gone by
too fast! He isn’t going to be with me as much anymore
but I hope that he will still tell me everything even though
now he is a big kid! He has kept me entertained and on my
toes since he started talking.
Me: “Why are you eating another doughnut?”
Carter: “Because I’m a doughnut monster and I eat all the
C: “Mom, I’m the big brother to Connor.”
M: “Yep, you sure are.”
C: “That’s why I protect him. And I protect him from bears
M: “That’s nice of you.”
C: “Yah, and Dad is going to buy me a black gun so that I
can shoot deers with him.”
C: “Dad, I want you to buy me a jet ski.”
Clint: “Where did you see a jet ski?”
C: “On the water shows. Can you buy me a tiny dinosaur
one? Then I can use it in Rennell and catch all the salmon!”
M: “Why do you talk back to me?”
C: “Because, I like talking back to you.”
M: “Carter, don’t ask Otis (our dog)
to come over here. I don’t want him
up here.”
C: “Why? Is it because he’s going to
fart on you, right in your face? Mom,
is it because his farts stink?”
M: “Carter, why are you crying?”
C: “Because Connor said you’re his
M: “Yes, I am. I’m your mom and his
C: “Oh. Ok.”
C: “Mom when I grow up, I’m going
to get a job like you and Dad. Because
I’m going to have to pay the bills and
take care of my family and be the boss
like you guys.”
Musings of a Four-Year-Old
Article and Photos By Jasmine Beachy
M: “Dad let you sleep in our bed so if I was you, I’d go to
sleep now.”
C: “Well if I was you, I’d have a phone and I’d stay up.”
C: “I can smell you like a bear. You smell so good like meat
because you have meat in you. Yum!”
M: “Carter, you’re in for a reality check when you get to
school. The teachers aren’t going to put up with your attitude
C: “Well I’m not going to be bad there Mom!”
M: “Take a shower Carter, you didn’t last night after swimming
at the river.”
C: “Yeah, well at least I took my shorts off in the middle of
the night because they are all rivery.”
With Carter going to school now I’m not sure how long I
have left to record his musings! Connor has started talking
more every day. I hope that soon he starts sharing his wisdom
and thoughts with me! Thank you to all of you that
read our article. I’m so happy I have been able to share
Carter’s funny thoughts with you for the last year and a half.
If you have any funny children’s stories to share, send them
to Shellene at HG Trader at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.
Connor, wave-runner (front) Carter, sea-frolicker (back)
What Fisher Taught Me
A Haida Gwaii Education
Children grow up and leave home. It happens to us all. It’s
one of the bittersweet facts of life. But when my 15-year-old
grandson Fisher left Masset last month for a year’s schooling
in Ireland, it was more than a natural leave-taking for
I was left without a teacher. Let me explain.
In my first extended visit to Haida Gwaii, Fisher, then only
nine, took his grandfather in hand. Here’s what I wrote in
my journal at the time: “I didn’t offer much resistance when
he suggested a visit to an old growth forest. That turned into
a voyage through the land of mushrooms. I learned not to
eat the Amanita phalloides, better known as the death cap.
. . . Instead, I should try the winter chanterelles, which look
like tiny trumpets. ‘What’s this, Fisher?’ I asked, pointing to
something white growing out of a fallen spruce. ‘Oh. That’s
an artist’s conk. But look at this. I just found some chickenof-the-woods,’
he said.
“In one clearing, Fisher dared me to throw myself onto a thick
cushion of what he called ‘four-storey moss.’ Sure enough, I
tried it and landed into nature’s equivalent
of a Beauty Rest mattress. Next, he picked
up a clump of ‘old man’s beard’ which he
said made for a great fire-starter. And he
found a root that, when cleaned and chewed
vigorously, tasted like licorice. After an hour
in the forest, I was hopelessly lost, but Fisher
found the trail that led us back to the car
Over the next few years, my survivalist education
continued. Fisher taught me how
to catch crabs and clams. He gave me hints
about how to start and sustain a fire in a
wood stove. He read up on Greek myths
and told me there were gods for just about
everything. He showed me how to cook the
perfect taco. He taught me the meaning of
“intrepid” when he found a dead bird on
Photo and article by Claude Adams
North Beach, cooked it over an open fire, and ate it! More
mundanely but with as much bravado, he beat me at chess.
A week before leaving, Fisher texted me and suggested
we go for a long walk. When we reached the Sanctuary
Trail, he asked me, “Grappa, you worked as a journalist in
Ireland. What can you tell me?”
It was time for me to give something back. I told him to
read the poetry of Seamus Heaney, to make his way patiently
through James Joyce’s “Ulysses” and to watch the
film “Michael Collins.”
“Oh,” I added, “above all, avoid arguments about religion.”
It seemed like so very little. Surely there was more I could
pass on to prepare him for his Grand Adventure. But then I
thought: No. You’ve said enough. Let him go into the world
unburdened with grandfatherly clutter. Let him learn about
life with fresh eyes.
And besides, he’ll have so much more to teach me when
he comes home!
Fisher’s Tow Hill Rd Taco Stand
34 HG September / October 2022 35
Keeping a Light Shining
A Bucket List Wish
Tll.aal Tlell resident Kris Leach’s bucket
list included being a lighthouse keeper
stationed on a remote island. The dream
became a reality this past June when she was
accepted as a relief lighthouse keeper with
the Canadian Coast Guard. For her first
posting, she was helicoptered onto McInnes
Island, located at the entrance to Milbank
Sound, midway between the northern tip
of Vancouver Island and Cape St. James on
the southern tip of Haida Gwaii.
By Lin Armstrong | Photos courtesy Kris Leach
McInnes Island, established in 1921 and
now a Heritage Site, is approximately 14
acres with the principal and assistant keeper residences
located at the center and surrounded by beautifully kept
grounds and flower beds with lots of protection from the
elements. At the back of the island is a boat deck where the
winch and tower are located to hoist cargo from ocean-going
vessels. A helicopter pad is located on the highest point
of land. The island is home to a variety of bird life and the
occasional bear that swims over in July to dig up and eat
wild cowslip bulbs.
Kris’s day began at 5:30am and she prepared for her first
weather report at 7:30. McInnes reports synoptic weather
four times daily. This is a coded transmission for the mainland
radio stations with estimated cloud coverage, height
of cloud, barometric pressure, temperature and dew point.
Thermometer temperatures are recorded seven times a
day. Reports begin at 4:30 and end at 22:30. There are two
shifts, hence the need for an assistant, who went on leave
when Kris arrived.
Kris visited daily with Toni, the principal keeper at 7:30
for coffee and this gave her a chance to learn about life on
lighthouse duty. Toni has lived on the west
coast for thirty years where she commercial
fished. Eleven years ago, she took on
the job as lighthouse keeper on McInnes,
accompanied by her dog Mojo.
There are 27 lighthouses with keepers on the
BC coast with 54 jobs currently available.
This manpower shortage requires rotational
closures; nevertheless, all BC lighthouses
have remained operational.
If being a lightkeeper is on your bucket list,
Kris Leach check out YouTube’s “Becoming a Relief
Lighthouse Keeper in BC” or “BC Lighthouse
Keeping: A Day in the Life.” Or you can read Caroline
Woodward’s book “Light Years” and then find out how to
apply with the BC Coast Guard.
Kris, meanwhile, her bucket list fulfilled, has now gone off
to her second posting on Langara.
McInnes Island
5. Wáan Kún waterside trail
7. Unwelcome crustacean
11. Jack
14. Riverbank pickle
16. Tributary
17. Large ocean swell
18. Carved to float
19. Journey
20. Slang; blue back
21. _________fishing
22. Interior wetland
1. Fjord
2. In short supply
3. Carpet for the Elves
4. Formal footwear
6. Bog fruit
8. Respiratory organ
9. Forest giant
10. Water vessel
12. Fragrant fungus
13. In the classification of
15. Fin near tail of fish
from the forest
to the water
By Terri-Lynne Penner
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.
Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC
290-309 2 nd Ave W
36 HG September / October 2022 37
Haida Gwaii Stargazers
By Monica Caulfield
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You are being asked to do the hard
work of diplomacy within your loving relationships, dearest
Aries. Why might this be hard work? Because the tendency of an
Aries is initiation, assertion and following your desires. Compromising
your actions for others is not typically in your repertoire.
But that’s okay. Just use great communication skills to get your
point across and try to allow yourself the luxury of seeing where
that leads you without doing anything more to make it happen.
You might be surprised at how easy this is. Keywords: artfulness,
skill and finesse.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Use your earthiness to your advantage,
dearest Taurus. How might you do the more mundane
chores with flare and engagement? Dance to your favorite band
while you clean the house? Make the most of your time to check
things off your list so when you have completed it, you feel more
alive than ever before. Keywords: bloom, vigor and shape.
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You have been longing for some
time to yourself to just be, and here it is dearest Gemini. Recreate,
create, experience all that the world has to offer. Give up some of
those things on your to-do list, they will still be there when it’s vital
to complete them. Now is the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy
your time on this planet. What have you been longing to do? Do
that! Keywords: delight, gratify and interest.
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) You may be hanging out in your
cocoon, dearest Cancer. And I understand why. Sometimes the
world is just oversaturated with too much stimulation and not
enough down-time. But you can gather your rejuvenation juices
without having to totally isolate yourself and I recommend you
do this. Work in your garden, take walks around the lake, listen
to music, relax while engaging in life. This is the time for walking
meditation. Keywords: ponder, reflection and deep-thought.
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) It may seem like there are too many
issues, too many opportunities and just plain too many of everything,
dearest Leo. The goal now is to set your priorities and determine
which desire needs to come first. Take some deep breaths
and realize that this is not a bad thing to have. You just need to
focus long enough on what your values are and do everything in
your power to walk toward those. Keywords: aspirations, intention
and ambition.
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) The key to your success, dearest Virgo,
is to realize that you get a say about your life. Your tendency is to
help others achieve their goals but sometimes, like now, you can
help yourself do the same. But first, meditate on what you want,
how you can get there and who can help you do so? Focus on the
big picture of your life and let go of the little, tiny details; they
will work themselves out in time. Keywords: passion, devote and
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) You’ve been in the dark, dearest Libra,
but you’re about to pop out of it. All the hard work and devotion
to detail is about to pay off. Success can come to you now as you
navigate what hope feels like, and what it looks like to you. Stay
true to your nature while adding a bonus of grandeur to your
attitude. Keywords: anticipation, desire and belief.
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) There’s a lot of thinking going on,
dearest Scorpio, and not as much feeling, like you’re used to.
Sometimes it’s nice to turn it all off and just be present. Ask
yourself what it is that you value most, then breathe deep into the
possible solution to it all. You have been given time to decide your
fate, but you must be decisive about it. Keywords: find, agreement
and choice.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) There’s a balancing act going on
right now, dearest Sagittarius, and it’s between doing your mission
in life and your home life. Both avenues want your undivided
attention and will make waves if they aren’t receiving it. How
can you give enough attention to both? This is the question, what
is your answer? Keywords: aim, desire and direction.
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Intensity is coming to a theater
near you, dearest Capricorn. This is neither a positive nor a
negative thing. Analyze what is happening in the background in
order to be on top of the truth. You are such a capable person; this
should not be too hard to do. When you practice staying grounded,
you will see the wind shift in your direction. Keywords: energy,
emotion and depth.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You are known for beating your own
drum, dearest Aquarius, but for now it’s practice makes perfect in
the world of compromise around loving relationships. It doesn’t
mean that you must lose yourself in the process; only that you
value the opinions of others as well as self. Take yourself into
nature at any opportunity you can find, and this will help you to
stay balanced. Keywords: harmony, understanding and happy-medium.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) There’s a challenge going on between
love of self and love of others, dearest Pisces. What is best for you
personally? What is best for the collective? And how can you discover
happiness between these two opposing forces? In general,
your attitude is typically live and let live. But I’m asking you to
put yourself first in that mix and make sure that you are getting
your needs met too. Keywords: enjoyment, glee and bliss.
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will
then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline
for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)
*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.
In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/
Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Hamster Cage - Complete. Everything you need, except the hamster! Includes - cage, water bottle, hamster wheel, hamster
ball, full bag of shavings, full bag of food, partial bag of orchard grass hay. $50 Call Jason at (250) 637-1366 or email
Brewing Equipment. Carboy primary fermenter with lid and airlock hydrometer straw capper $150 Call Char at (250)
626-9648 or email char.harasymchuk@gmail.com
Various Display Stands. Selling three display stands from our wedding. One is still in the box (wire pictured in images),
while the others were used once. Two are standing height - for larger signs, and the smaller one is tabletop. Asking what
we paid (minus shipping/taxes), but open to offers: Price for all 3: $55, otherwise see image $55 Call Michaela at (250)
559-8972 or email michaelamarymcguire@gmail.com
Smart Hub. ZTE MF279T Smart Hub. No fibre optic yet? No problem, get the Internet from your cell tower. Paid $240,
will sell for $100 Call George (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net
Vanity Makeup Mirrors x 3. WEILY Vanity Makeup Mirrors,1x/2x/3x Tri-Fold with 21 LED Lights and Adjustable Touch Screen.(Rose
Gold) Bought for my wedding - used once all in good condition. Paid $35/each, selling for $25 each. Michaela at (250) 559-8972 or email
Wedding Table Number’s. 10 piece set of numbers 1-10. Never used, just opened. Asking for purchase price. $15 Call Michaela at (604)
831-1831 or email michaelamarymcguire@gmail.com
Sirius Car Radio. $50 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com
Brand New Pink Helly Hansen Coat. Medium warm and cozy hood is not detachable $80 Call Karen at (250) 637-1910 or
email karefoe@gmail.com
Canning Jars. Price is per dozen (+ a few extra) 3 doz regular mouth quart size canning jars $10 Call Dorothy at (250)
559-8068 or email dorothyandmike@haidagwaii.ca
Stove and Fridge. Used and working. Will accept trades. $200 Call Jam Austrial at (604) 767-9564 or email jamaustrial@
Foodi Air Fryer. Used once. Not our thing. Price firm. $150 Call Barb at (250) 626-3269 or email lumenarti@yahoo.ca
Tea Lights. Ikea unscented, 2.5 packages $15 for all. Call Michaela at (250) 559-8972 or email michaelamarymcguire@gmail.com
Padded Nylon Flight Case with Wheels Professional grade flight case constructed to protect contents from rough handling
by airlines or couriers. Made of ballistic nylon on the outside, stiff fabric covered foam on the inside. Dimensions are:
outside 32x21x18in, inside 27x18x10 in. Features include heavy duty nylon zipper with protective flap, concealed 16”
pull up handle, heavy duty 1½” wide ball bearing wheels, rubberized nylon bottom, handles at both ends. Weighs 29lbs.
Designed to protect electronic, video, or camera equipment. Also good for transporting fragile regalia or artworks. Excellent
condition with minor wear. New over $300 $100 Call Jack at (250) 626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com
38 HG September / October 2022 39
Custom Seafood
Processing & Sales
Queen Charlotte Government Dock
In the Home & Office - cont.
IPad Cover. Targus universal cover for various sized iPads; adjustable corners.
Like new, paid $45 from The Source $20 Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/
Pet and Pet Supplies
Heat Pump Perry
Heat Pump Repair & Cleaning
On the Road
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
Aluminum Trailer for Sale. 5’x8’ box with framed rack and spare tire $2,000 Call
Warren at (250) 557-8555 or email Wrnwrt@gmail.com
Two Bike Mounts. Front fork mounts for transporting your bike in the back of a truck. Bolt the
fork mount to a cross piece secured to the truck box. Remove the front wheel and lock the forks
into the fork mount. Holds the bike upright, no banging around in the box. Mounts are $30 each
on MEC; selling both for $20. (Sorry, won’t split them up. Take both or nothing.) $20 Call George
at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net
Motion Security Light for Sale New, unused Heath Zenith 8L-1800-WH2 $30
Call Harold at (250)626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net
Construction Heaters. 45,000 BTU 220W $75 Call Terry Tollestrup at (506) 371-7585 or email
Dave’s Backhoe Services Pit Closure Sale. New cutting edge for bucket -double sided, 50” long
$200. 4-piece Metal form set with lift hooks 30” high, 12’ long, locking corners, made from 3/8
plate steel and 2” x 2” box beam (these were made for pouring tower bases) $600. Ingersoll Rand
walk-behind plate tamper (approx. 140 lbs.) - $350. Fuel tank and manual Gasboy pump - $300.
Lister 3-cycle diesel engine - $500. 15-hp. 3 phase electric motor - $800. 30 kw generator (needs
some tlc) -$500. Intertherm furnace - $350. 3’ X 5’ Double screening deck (various screen sizes)
- $3,000. 16” wide X 20’ Long conveyor on skids. Could be used for under screen deck take-away
belt or feed hopper. - $4,500. Call Dave Ellis at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net
Wrought Iron. Two wrought iron entrance or railings. Needs a paint job but
are otherwise good shape. 34 1/2” long x 53 1/4” high $30 Call Ron Waldron at
(250) 637-2401 or email rwaldron@qcislands.net
Clean Heat Pumps
= Repair Savings!
Call Perry today for
cleaner healthier air!
Located on Haida Gwaii
2012 Dodge Grand Caravan. LOADED. This camperized van is for lone travelers.
Espar diesel heat, pressure water system, 200 watts solar, lithium-ion batteries,
aux diesel tank, 2 aux gas tanks, back up camera, Sirius Radio and more! $12,000
Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
95 Ural 650 cc motorcycle. Comes with 2 side cars, lots of parts and options. Low kms. Rebuilt
carbs $6,000 Call Matt Pierce @ (778) 260-5909 email matthewpierce@iname.com
2018 28’ Winnebago Travel Trailer. Like brand new! Very low km’s. Rear living room with covered
slide out. Propane/electric furnace, TV, Microwave, 3/4 fridge, 3 burner propane stove, lovely
furnishings, queen-size bed, shower and air conditioning. Full awning, towing stabilizers and
much more. Price new: $75,000 asking $40,000 Call Dan Matthews at (250) 626-7451 or email
M/C Helmet. HJC motorcycle helmet FG-2 DOT approved zip out neck liner size
7 3/6-7 5/8. Good condition, some minor scratches but sound $25 Call George
at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@telus.net
4 Bicycles for Sale. 1 men’s Norco Katmandu with disk brakes $275. 1 Norco Mountaineer and
1 Pinnacle $200 ea. 1 lady’s SG1800 Supercycle $175. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or
email echobay@hgqci.org
Organic Produce
Groceries & Dairy
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies
• Free Range Meats
• Organic Charcuterie Meats
• International Cheeses
• Foods for All Diets
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm
3219 Wharf Street
Daajing Giids
Polaris General. 2016 Polaris General deluxe, 4500-pound winch with synthetic
rope, wireless remote, MTX sound bar, 3in lift and Super ATV high clearance
front A-arms, half windshield, brand new 30x10x14 BFG KM3s, full set of STI
Outbacks, one had a fair size puncture and has been repaired and holds air. As
seen in pics, the roof has corner damage and the driver side door inside lever is
broken but I have the parts foar it. Comes with Dalton clutch kit, stock clutch,
spare belt, 2 spare front axles, spare air filter and a fresh oil change. 2688 kms
and 139 hrs. Asking $17500 OBO Email or text for more photos Call Gary Russ
at (778) 260-0990 or email gpruss11@hotmail.com
Aerostar Shocks. 2 new shocks KYB-GR-2, part #344290. Fits Aerostar 1989 to 1997 $20 Call
Ronald Gates at (250) 626-9066 or email rongates@mhtv.ca
BW Companion Puck 5th Wheel Hitch. Shock ride. Drop in for 2012-up Ford
250+ 25,000 lb. capacity. $1,200 Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
2002 PT Cruiser. Special Edition Body and Interior Good shape. Needs another engine. silver
$500 Call Carol at (250) 792-9257 or email johnstone58@yahoo.ca
Cap It. Only used once. 95% of time kept in very dry garage. $500 Call Rose
Rand Flem-Ath at (250) 626-5237 or email rflemath@gmail.com
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40 HG September / October 2022 41
On the Road - cont.
Leer Canopy for S10, Toyota. Canopy originally for S-10, also fits an older Toyota
pickup. $300 Call Vikram at (604) 671-3043 or email Vikram.uchidakhanna@
Private Offices for Rent – Daajing Giids Located in central Daajing Giids, close to all amenities.
Each office includes a desk, chair, window and a closing door. Private office space.
2005 Dodge Ram 2500. Cummins diesel automatic, air, cruise, tilt power windows,
door locks and steps. Hard to find long box series. 4 in lift kit. Near new
Shared common areas. $400 per month, includes internet. Call to view 250-637-1849 or
tires. Box liner. 127,000kms. One owner. $32,500 Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or
email office@haidagwaiifutures.ca
Masset Bike Shop Great opportunity to run email your info@haidagwaiitrader.com
own business without “breaking the bank.”
Tremendous potential Set for of bike 4 Tires sales on and Rims. service New along tires with on rims, other with sports sensors, equipment. off a Nissan. Building
in great shape on 2 Stewart lots and at room (250) for 631-3478 small living or email quarters. dstewart@massett.ca
The business is in the heart
205/55R16 $500 Call Danny
of Masset and close to the airport offering daily service to the mainland. Price $279,500
Girl’s Bike. 20inch tires, works fine $20 Call Ron Waldron at (250) 637-2401 or
Call John at 250 218 9776 for more info. or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Oceanfront Guest Houses - Port Clements email 95 and rwaldron@qcislands.net
97 Bayview Drive, Port Clements, BC.
Spectacular ocean view and stunning sunsets. This live/workspace has 7 bedrooms and 5
bathrooms, is situated on 3 lots and hosts an Airbnb home and carriage home. Well-appointed
turn-key package (all furniture included). A great infrastructure for business or
On the Water
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
pleasure. Price $900,000 Call Marnie Perrier at 250-212-8552 or email @marnieperrier.com
3 Br 1 Ba Rancher in Daajing Giids for Sale A perfect home for starting a family, first time
buyer, or those who are wanting to downsize.
10’ Fibreglass
This 3 bedroom
Skiff. Would
has plenty
a good
room for
craft for rowing, or with
children or your guests with a cozy wood
a small
to keep you
is approximately
during the
long 5’ wide and 2 feet deep. It’s
months. The back yard is not too big to
is sound, but it needs some topside
a safe play area; fully fenced. Close to schools, shopping,
with a
new keel
could be arranged. $200 Call
a nice quiet and private neighbourhood.
at (250)
De Frane,
or email
Representative /
Sutton Group West Coast Realty Nanaimo at
250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com Mako 18 LTS Website: Power Boat. sellinghaidagwaii.com Center console, Mercury Price 4-stroke 115, stainless prop,
dual batteries, Minn Kota Max troll motor, fish finder, chart plotter, GPS, aluminum
trailer, swing-away hitch, and full tonneau cover. Total hours: 7. $34,500
1.2 Acre Lot - Port Clements 250 Bayview Call Drive. Bill Beautiful, at (778) 914-4487 gently sloping, or email ocean info@haidagwaiitrader.com
view, 1.2
acre lot in Port Clements with parkland
in front.
Sale - Reduced
for sale at
to $165,000 from $180,000
Ismay at 250 218 9776 for further details
or email
Chan, 41 ft fibreglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained.
Brand new John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017 has 1800 hours on it, new
gear, twin disk, new exhaust, and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs
SOLD! 2120 Pine Cres, Masset A beautifully 600 maintained gallons of fuel. and More remodeled information 4 bedroom can be home found at https://akkochan.northernrogue.ca/
Call 250-218-9776 This vessel or is email ready johnismay2014@
to fish. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-
with west facing sunny back yard in Masset.
1997. $165,000 Call Colin at (250) 559-4637 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.
Bloom and Shoe Masset Bloom and Shoe Free standing commercial building in the heart of
Masset. Bring your ideas.
2 lots
a 2”
ball and
3” wide
pulls up to
lbs. $30 Call Danny Stewart at
(250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@massett.ca
Swim Wetsuit. Brand new Phelps Wetsuit. Size XL - fits 165lbs +. Purchased for
$350, asking $300 Call Shauna Huber at (250) 644-3567 or email Shaunahuber@
Masset Surf Shop A thriving business plus 2 office rental suites, stock included.
Building and business Price $349,500 Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.
Spark Plugs for Sale. NGK BU8H spark plugs used in outboard motors. I have 2
Oceanfront Acreage 28817 Hwy 16, Tlell boxes Watch of whale 10 spark and sea plugs life per from box. your $100 own if you home purchase or both boxes. Call Harold at
head down to the beach and tidepools for (250) a gather. 626-3305 This or 4.23-acre email hkmackay@telus.net
property is “as-is” with
approx. 1000 square foot home to lock up stage, home was built in consideration of free energy
exchange with sun and wind. This is
a special
for Sale.
This is a reconditioned Volvo
$1,000,000 Call Marnie Perrier at 250 212
or email
head for sale. $600 Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email
3/4 Acre View Lot – Daajing Giids Incredible, 34’Aluminum 3/4 acre, Troller view lot -Price just above Reduced! the new Masset hospital Services is selling their aluminum
in Daajing Giids. Offered for sale at $215,000 fish boat. Call Diesel John Ismay power, for full more electronics. details or Borg email Warner gear. Needs TLC. Good
runner. Strong hull. Poor cosmetics. Not $55,000! only $19,500 Call Bill at (778)
914-4487 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Phone: 250-557-2088
E-mail: info@haidagwaiitrader.com
• Affordable rates
• Web and print exposure
• Ad design assistance
Kohlen and
Company Appraisals
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP
Serving Haida Gwaii
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Groceries & Liquor
Bakery & Deli
Home & Office Supplies
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91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331
Sarah Barnhardt
Licensed Realtor
Longtime Haida
Gwaii resident
Serving all
island communities
Call me!
519 3rd Avenue West,
Prince Rupert
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accommodation
Private Offices for Rent – Daajing Giids Located in central Daajing Giids, close
to all amenities. Each office includes a desk, chair, window and a closing door.
Private office space. Shared common areas. $400 per month, includes internet.
Call to view 250-637-1849 or email office@haidagwaiifutures.ca
Masset Bike Shop Great opportunity to run your own business without
“breaking the bank.” Tremendous potential for bike sales and service along
with other sports equipment. Building in great shape on 2 lots and room for
small living quarters. The business is in the heart of Masset and close to the
airport offering daily service to the mainland. Price $279,500 Call John at 250
218 9776 for more info. or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Oceanfront Guest Houses - Port Clements 95 and 97 Bayview Drive, Port Clements,
BC. Spectacular ocean view and stunning sunsets. This live/workspace
has 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, is situated on 3 lots and hosts an Airbnb
home and carriage home. Well-appointed turn-key package (all furniture
included). A great infrastructure for business or pleasure. Price $900,000 Call
Marnie Perrier at 250-212-8552 or email @marnieperrier.com
3 Br 1 Ba Rancher in Daajing Giids for Sale A perfect home for starting a family,
first time buyer, or those who are wanting to downsize. This 3 bedroom
home has plenty of room for children or your guests with a cozy wood stove
to keep you toasty warm during the cooler months. The back yard is not too
big to maintain, yet plenty of room for children to have a safe play area; fully
fenced. Close to schools, shopping, beaches, hiking and located in a nice quiet
and private neighbourhood. Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative
/ Sutton Group West Coast Realty Nanaimo at
250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com Website: sellinghaidagwaii.
com Price $379,900
1.2 Acre Lot - Port Clements Beautiful, gently sloping, ocean view, 1.2 acre
lot in Port Clements with parkland in front. Offered for sale at $199,000 Call
John Ismay at 250 218 9776 for further details or email johnismay2014@
SOLD! 2120 Pine Cres, Masset A beautifully maintained and remodeled 4 bedroom
home with west facing sunny back yard in Masset. Call 250-218-9776
or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Bloom and Shoe Masset Bloom and Shoe Free standing commercial building
in the heart of Masset. Bring your ideas. Building and 2 lots Price $249,500
Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Masset Surf Shop A thriving business plus 2 office rental suites, stock included.
Building and business Price $349,500 Call 250-218-9776 or email
3/4 Acre View Lot – Daajing Giids Incredible, 3/4 acre, view lot just above the
new hospital in Daajing Giids. Offered for sale at $215,000 Call John Ismay
for more details or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
42 HG September / October 2022 43
Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry
Real Estate & Rentals - cont.
Oceanfront Acreage 28817 Hwy 16, Tlell Watch whale and sea life from your own home or head down to the beach
and tidepools for a gather. This 4.23-acre property is “as-is” with approx. 1000 square foot home to lock up stage,
home was built in consideration of free energy exchange with sun and wind. This is a special place for special people.
Explore! Price $1,000,000 Call Marnie Perrier at 250 212 8552 or email mperrier@sothebysrealty.ca
3 Br 3 Ba in Daajing Giids For Sale Reduced from 799,900 to 729,900. This home is designed to capture the light and
stunning views of Bearskin Bay. Get inspired by the ocean views to cook local fresh seafood on your propane stove.
The grand living room is lined with Port Orford cedar paneled walls with an impressive fireplace as the centerpiece.
There are opportunities to have a home business; a bright high ceiling workshop is perfect for a carver or woodworker.
The lower level would be a great art or music studio. Run a B & B or turn the basement into an income-generating
rental unit with its own walkout yard. Or keep this lovely home for you and your family to enjoy with great outdoor
play space, a fire pit, large rooms, plenty of bathrooms and space. But it’s the spectacular view, the home’s feature, that
is sure to impress friends and family. Price $729,900 Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative / Sutton Group
West Coast Realty Nanaimo at 250-618-2434, email
tracey.defrane@gmail.com or check out website at: sellinghaidagwaii.com
Sandspit Home with Ocean Views Reduced from 774,900 to 749,900. This home is located across the street from the
ocean shoreline. Paddle board, kayak or swim practically right outside your front door. You will never lose your
spectacular panoramic ocean view. Enjoy entertaining guests from your wrap around deck in the glow of a sunset,
the perfect setting for that coastal ambiance. On the main floor is the large kitchen, and living room, family room,
a cozy woodstove, air-conditioning/heat pump, and guest bathroom. On the second floor are two generously large
bedrooms and full bathroom. And for those who love to fish, there is a separate fish cleaning kitchen and room for
your boat and RV in the giant workshop/garage. The perfect family home or vacation home with the airport and golf
resort only 5 minutes away and ferry only a short distance away. Price $749,900. Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative,
Sutton Group West Coast Realty Nanaimo at 250-618-2434, email tracey.defrane@gmail.com or check
out website at sellinghaidagwaii.com
SOLD! Lot in Daajing Giids Lovely 6000 square foot lot in Daajing Giids with a creek running through it for those
who love the sound of water trickling. Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative / Sutton Group West Coast
Realty Nanaimo. Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com
870 Eagle Road Tow Hill Road. A fabulous, pristine, 52 Acre parcel spanning the Chown River in the Tow Hill area.
$1,390,000 Call John Ismay, RE/MAX Ocean Pacific at 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Owner Occupied Oasis with many Updates/Upgrades 1/3 acre, 2200 sq. ft. single family home. 4 bedrooms, 2 full
bathrooms, newly updated bath and kitchen c/w new cabinets , appliances, heat pump and electric force air heat,
half-finished basement, 2 outside covered entertainment areas, large fenced and private yard. 30’x 60’, 1800 sq. ft.
shop with 14’ x 14’ electric door etc. 12’ x 36’ large greenhouse c/w cement floor. 8’ xc 16’ utility shed. 44 solar panel
net metering system to offset Hydro costs. City water and sewer, fiber optic internet, cable, satellite. Furniture and
Jeep 2-door Wrangler. Price $659,900 Call 250-626-9164 or email d.andp.powers@gmail.com
2136 Elm Crescent, Masset 1/2 Duplex, three bedrooms up, 1 possible bedroom down with full bath up and partial
bath down. The basement is partially finished and fully insulated. The home is heated with a heating pump. Renovations
include a new roof, new flooring up and down, the living room and the kitchen have been opened up and new
cabinets added. The kitchen walks out to a large deck and garden with a Raspberry patch. There is a 10’ by 13’ addition
with an 8’ by 13’ shed attachment to store bikes, lawnmower, and toys. Landscaping in front and back, driveway
and street parking. This home, which could come fully furnished, is located in a quiet neighbourhood, beside an
Elementary School and playground. Price $275,000. Call 250-626-3193 or email llinden@gmail.com
Ocean View 3000+ sq ft home in Daajing Giids A totem pole carved by local artist Dick Bellis was a house warming
gift that will stay with this beautifully designed home. On a private 5+ acres of land you will find a 4 bedroom
custom home and a 2 bedroom, den and loft cabin overlooking the ocean. The main home boasts a large custom
deck with plenty of room for entertaining. Inside, the absolutely impressive 2 story brick fireplace is designed to heat
the home for days. The vaulted ceilings and high windows make the living room bright and spacious with stunning
ocean views. The primary bedroom features include an ensuite with a jacuzzi tub, double sinks and a walk-in closet.
There is plenty of room to grow in this 3000+ sq ft home, just a short drive to the boat launch, shopping, and beaches.
Price $1,125,000 Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative, Sutton Group West Coast Realty Nanaimo, at
250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry
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Insurance for Home,
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Masset: 250.626.3711
Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426
Call us at 250-557-2088
Real Estate & Rentals - cont.
Panoramic Ocean View Homes – Daajing Giids Two legal 3 bedroom houses on
a private 3 acres. The primary house has panoramic ocean views with southern
exposure. The open concept living, grand centerpiece wood fireplace,
skylights, and tall ceilings give this home a sense of bright spaciousness. In
your primary bedroom, walk out to your private patio and relax watching
the sun setting from the soothing hot tub. Some features of this home are skylights,
quality flooring, a fireplace, a spacious kitchen, and air conditioning.
The second house below is a character home with beautiful wood features, an
updated kitchen, spacious, with its own sauna, chicken coop, greenhouse and
peek-a-boo ocean views. Income potential whether you do a long-term rental
or a B & B. Price $974,900 Contact Tracey De Frane, Sales Representative/
Sutton Group West Coast Realty Nanaimo at 250-618-2434 or email
3/4 Acre Fully Serviced Lot - Port Clements Located in the heart of Port Clements
with sub division potential, includes holiday trailer and small building
with panel and washer and dryer. Offered at $205,000 Call: John Ismay, Realtor,
Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii Specialist. Email Johnismay2014@
gmail.com or call 250 218 9776 www.JohninComox.com
SOLD! 1823 Cedar Cres, Masset Quick possession available for this freshly
painted, 4 bed, half duplex on quiet cul de sac. John Ismay, Realtor, Vancouver
Island and Haida Gwaii Specialist. Johnismay2014@gmail.com Mobile
250 218 9776
34985 HWY 16 Tlell This is a Crown Lease for 3/4 Acre of prime waterfront
with cozy log home with shop and detached cottage $295,000 Call John at
250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com
Worker Accommodations Long or Short Term - Port Clements and Masset Port
Clements: furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 -bedroom apartments. Newly
renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size
beds, laundry and parking are incl. Well suited for worker accommodation.
Clean and secure building. Masset: several renovated housing units. 3 and 4
- bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry and
parking are included. Please email dustin@rushworthelectric.ca for more info
or call/text 250 661 9012. Call for prices.
SOLD! 1828 Alder Cres, Masset Totally re-modelled 3 bed, half duplex with
new heat pump. John Ismay, Realtor, Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii
Specialist. Johnismay2014@gmail.com Mobile250 218 9776
Ocean and River - Private Acreage 1173 Beitush Road, Tll.aal Tlell For your
moments of bliss and joy. Oceanfront acreage on Haida Gwaii, surrounded
by Naikoon Provincial Park: 11 acres (2 ac accreted land) beachfront with a 3
bedroom, 2 bathroom ranch home with high ceilings, ready for your finishing
touch, plus a rustic cabin at the beachfront. This romantic rain forested property
opens up to miles of sandy beachfront of Hecate Strait. Price $1,200,000
Call Marnie Perrier at 250 212 8552 or email mperrier@sothebysrealty.ca
Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo
2021 Fir, Masset A detached PMQ on the largest (13,886 square feet) lot in the area. 3 beds, 2 baths and garage and
shop. Price $299,000 Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
44 HG September / October 2022 45
Northern Rogue
IT Services for Haida Gwaii
Onsite/Remote support for:
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Software Sales
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Free for families of individuals
with ANY mental illness.
Real Estate & Rentals - cont.
Standalone Commercial Building in Masset 1605 Old Beach Rd. Standalone
building in Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC, built in 2006 as a grocery store. Flexible
C3 zoning suitable for a number of uses. 4744 square feet on 8123 sf lot. One
grade level loading door, parking on site. Includes some equipment, please
inquire for further details. MLS® Number: C8041088 Price $950,000 Call
250 415 3287 or email nathaniel.simpson@avisonyoung.com
SOLD! Masset Complete Duplex A complete Duplex! 3 Bedrooms either side,
needs major work but priced right! Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
REDUCED! Waterfront Lots (3), Port Clements A charming 2 bed, 2 bath
home, a detached self-contained cottage, huge shop, and a waterfront RV in
the heart of Port Clements, 53 Bayview. A Fabulous package $655,000 Call
250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
1634 Spruce Cres. Masset This bright, open concept home is situated on a
quiet corner lot. The owners have completed several updates over the last ten
years including: new metal roof, new flooring upstairs, new windows, updated
bathrooms, gas range, new shed roof and new electric furnace which has
the capacity for a heat pump. It also has a partially finished basement room
waiting for your ideas! Mature maple and spruce trees provide additional privacy
and lovely fall colours. Call or email to book a viewing. Price $389,000
Call 604 999 9945 or email wjthompson99@gmail.com
For Sale By Owner / Price Reduction! Maple Crescent, Masset, BC 2044 Maple
Crescent, re-modelled and repainted 3 bedroom/4 bed, half duplex. Year 2022
improvements: Kitchen - ALL Stainless steel appliances except stove, essentially
SAMSUNG incl S dryer, virtually all new vinyl windows (This is really
a big deal!), New 6 yr hot water tank, open floor concept and horseshoe solid
oak gourmet kitchen, best location for all PMQ properties in Masset - cul de
sac/circle is adjacent to downtown. Price reduced from $351,000 to $325,000.
Completely furnished! Tours of townhouse welcome! Call 778 773 4242 or
email chinooklodge@mhtv.ca
1142 and 1154 Charles Street – Masset We are entering into a new chapter
and selling our 2 very unique properties located in quiet Delkatla on Charles
Street! The main house and guest cottage properties, on 3 lots each, are
encompassed in a fully fenced yard; secluded with well-established trees,
gardens, landscaping and pond. On the properties there is a covered carport
and shop, greenhouse, boat storage, woodworking shop, storage shed, hot tub
& spa! The main house has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The guest cottage
was fully renovated in 2018 with 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms and is wheelchair
accessible. We are selling both as a package, partially furnished, with all
appliances. Listing is based on current individual appraisals on both properties.
Price $539,000 Contact Rick or Louisa (Home) 250-771-4233 or (Cell)
250-613-5111or email louisa.bogaardt@outlook.com or 1 250 961 5503 or
email rmroch1@hotmail.com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont.
1821 Cedar Crescent Masset 4 bedroom, 2 bath, half duplex, super clean $215,000 Call John Ismay, RE/MAX Ocean
Pacific 250 218 9776 Price $215,000 Call 250 218 9776 or email
2143 Collison Ave Masset A great mobile on its own foundation with full basement, 3 beds, 2 baths. Price $229,000
Call John Ismay, RE/MAX Ocean Pacific at 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
1854 Balsam Crescent Masset Super clean, half duplex with lots of updates and a self-contained basement suite
$265,000 Call John Ismay, RE/MAX Ocean Pacific at 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Lot 1 Tow Hill Road A beautiful 27 Acre parcel with over 1500ft of river frontage and great ocean views. $759,000 Call
John Ismay, RE/MAX Ocean Pacific at 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
House Rental. My wife and I are looking to rent a house on the island. My mother was a native girl from Skidegate who was taken away
along with her siblings at a very young age. We visited the island in June and fell in love with the pace and tranquility of Haida Gwaii. I
visited once before, 10 years ago where I met my aunt Peggy, who showed me around Skidegate. I love it there and want to buy a house
possibly in 1-2 years. Looking to rent for now. Call Brian at (705) 991-2679 or email haidabri@gmail.com
Wanted Water Storage Tank or Barrel. Any type or size considered. Will pick up island wide. Call Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or email
Looking for a Used Ipad Mini. At a reasonable price. Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877
Wanted Log Splitter. Any brand or condition, running or not, willing to pick-up island wide. Call Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or email
Accommodations Wanted. Family looking for furnished accommodations in Sandspit for 2-4 months. We have been coming to Haida
Gwaii to go fishing for several years and would like to continue the tradition with the next generation. Cathy Campbell at (250) 317-2451
or email Cathyepp@hotmail.com
ISO Firewood. Looking for 4 cords (4ftx4ftx8ft ea.) of Hemlock/Pine mix, seasoned, cut, split and delivered. Text/Call John Goetzinger at
(250) 637-1100 or email john@amsltd.ca
Rock Scaler Wanted. I’m looking for an experienced rock scaler to clear rocks and debris above a recent localized
landslide. Own WorkSafe coverage preferred. If interested call or email me for more information. Call George at (250)
559-7899 or email grstein@telus.net
Tools. Looking for a sawzall and drill, any brand, preferably cordless but would take cord as well. Thanks! Call Karen
Walhout at (250) 637-1918 or email kwalhout@hotmail.com
SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger. Upgraded my SPOT, so passing this one along to somebody who can use it. Call George
at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net
Arc Welder. In safe working condition. Call Cody at (236) 544-0145 or email cbwaller@live.ca
46 HG September / October 2022 47
Looking for a fresh start?
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• Top-notch benefits - dental, medical, health and wellness
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• Opportunities for paid educational development
• Volunteerism encouraged
• Potential for annual bonus
• Interest-free staff payroll loan program
• Free staff accounts
• Ample vacation time – starting at 3 weeks and up to 6 weeks for full-time
• Bonus vacation time for long-term employees
Check out all of our current opportunities at:
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/
Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Transition House Director. Administrative/Management $34.45/Hr. Ensures that the day-today operations of the
Transition House are run efficiently with attention to confidentiality and in compliance with the organization’s
policies, ethics and philosophy. Oversees the operation of the Transition House program, providing access to safe,
secure, and confidential services in accordance with our Transition House agreement with BC Housing, including
information and supports, a Help Line, short-term shelter, referrals to other services including affordable housing.
Monitors the Transition House residence on behalf of HGSCP’s other government programs: currently Northern
Health (Supportive Recovery). Provides orientation, work direction and guidance to Transition House Support
Workers. As Team Leader, you assist the team to support clients to participate in the development, implementation,
and evaluation of client service plans. Call Brie Altrogge, Executive Director at (250) 626-4664 or email ed@hgscp.ca
Community Service Listings
Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in the north end of Haida Gwaii call
John at 250-626-7557. In-person meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live
in the South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at
8 pm on Saturday nights. For more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. Call
John/Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. Cars, Trucks and SUV’s! Basic Detail: vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete interior
clean, exterior wash and polish, including all glass and chrome. *Cars: $185 *Trucks & SUV’s: $205 Deluxe Detail:
includes all the basic detailing plus all carpets and upholstery shampooed, ozone treatment (removes odors, bacteria,
and viruses). Overnight stay is required for drying. *Cars: $235 *Trucks & SUV’s: $255 Engine Detail: $40 Call Jennifer
Parr at (250) 626-7089 or email office@massetrentacar.com or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Sunrise: March 9th, 1952
Sunset: August 22nd, 2022
In Loving Memory of
Moira Dubasov
It is with deep sadness that we report the passing of Moira
Dubasov of Tll.aal Tlell, BC. Though her passing was
sudden, she went peacefully and was supported by her
loving partner, John Burrill.
Born in Kamsack, Saskatchewan, she came to Haida
Gwaii in 1975, loved it and stayed permanently. Moira
worked for Crown Zellerbach first, then School District
50 Haida Gwaii for many years and loved her job. She
was also passionate about gardening, art, dogs, and John.
She will be deeply missed.
Predeceased by her parents and one brother, she is survived
by her partner John, sister Kathy, brother Rick, sister-inlaw
Linda, nieces Hollis and Melanie, as well as all her
loving and lifelong friends.
In lieu of flowers, a donation in her name may be made
to the BCSPCA.
48 HG September / October 2022 49
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables 2022
2022 Tide Tables for Prince Rupert
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Sep 3: Sunrise 7:01 Sunset 20:34
5.2 0:57 5.6
1 11:15 5:19 18.4 5.9 2 0:00
Sep 10: Sunrise 7:13 Sunset 20:17
6:08 17.1 3 7:09 16.1
Sep 17: Sunrise 7:26 Sunset 19:59
17:28 20.0 11:55 7.2 12:46 8.9
Sep 24: Sunrise 7:38 Sunset 19:42
E F 18:11 19.7 G 19:07 19.0
2:08 5.9 3:31 5.9 4:54 4.9 6:00 3.6 0:10 20.7 1:04 22.0 1:53 22.3
4 8:35 15.1 5 10:18 15.4 6 11:37 16.7 7 12:33 18.0 8 6:53 2.3 9 7:38 1.6 10 8:18 1.3
13:59 10.2 15:37 10.2 17:05 9.5 18:10 7.9 13:18 19.7 13:58 21.0 14:35 22.0
H 20:23 18.4 I 21:50 18.7 J 23:07 19.7 K L 19:02 6.2 M 19:49 4.6 @ 20:32 3.6
2:38 22.6 3:21 22.0 4:03 21.0 4:44 19.7 5:26 18.4 0:06 5.6 1:01 6.6
11 8:55 1.6 12 9:30 2.6 13 10:04 3.9 14 10:37 5.6 15 11:12 7.2 16 6:14 16.7 17 7:14 15.4
15:10 22.3 15:45 22.3 16:18 21.7 16:52 20.7 17:28 19.7 11:50 8.9 12:38 10.5
N 21:14 3.0 O 21:55 3.0 P 22:36 3.6 Q 23:19 4.3 R S 18:09 18.4 T 19:03 17.1
2:09 7.5 3:32 7.5 4:49 7.2 5:46 6.2 6:28 5.6 0:36 19.0 1:15 19.7
18 8:41 14.4 19 10:24 14.8 20 11:33 15.7 21 12:17 16.7 22 12:50 17.7 23 7:03 4.6 24 7:34 3.9
13:55 11.5 15:50 11.5 17:11 10.8 18:01 9.5 18:39 8.2 13:20 18.7 13:48 19.7
U 20:23 16.4 V 21:52 16.4 W 23:01 17.1 X 23:54 18.0 X Y 19:13 6.9 Z 19:45 5.6
1:51 20.3 2:27 20.7 3:04 20.7 3:42 20.3 4:22 19.7 5:05 18.7
25 8:04 3.6 26 8:34 3.6 27 9:04 3.9 28 9:36 4.6 29 10:10 5.9 30 10:47 7.2
14:16 20.7 14:44 21.3 15:13 22.0 15:43 22.0 16:17 21.7 16:55 21.0
20:18 4.6 20:52 3.6 21:28 3.3 22:07 3.0 22:49 3.3 23:38 4.3
* A B C
Oct 1: Sunrise 7:51 Sunset 19:24
5:56 17.4
Oct 8: Sunrise 8:04 Sunset 19:07
1 11:32 8.5
Oct 15: Sunrise 8:17 Sunset 18:51
Oct 22: Sunrise 8:30 Sunset 18:35
17:42 20.0
Oct 29: Sunrise 8:44 Sunset 18:20
0:37 4.9 1:51 5.9 3:18 5.9 4:39 5.2 5:41 4.3 0:02 20.3 0:54 21.0
2 7:03 16.4 3 8:37 15.7 4 10:13 16.4 5 11:21 17.7 6 12:10 19.4 7 6:30 3.6 8 7:12 3.0
12:32 9.8 14:02 10.8 15:46 10.2 17:05 8.9 18:03 6.9 12:51 20.7 13:28 21.7
G 18:46 18.7 H 20:13 18.0 I 21:46 18.4 J 23:02 19.4 K L 18:50 4.9 M 19:33 3.6
1:40 21.7 2:23 21.7 3:04 21.3 3:43 20.3 4:22 19.4 5:02 18.4 5:46 17.1
9 7:50 3.3 10 8:25 3.6 11 8:58 4.6 12 9:31 5.9 13 10:03 7.2 14 10:37 8.5 15 11:13 9.8
14:02 22.6 14:35 22.6 15:07 22.6 15:39 22.0 16:10 21.0 16:44 19.7 17:22 18.4
@ 20:13 2.6 N 20:52 2.3 O 21:30 2.3 P 22:08 3.0 Q 22:47 3.9 Q 23:30 5.2 R
0:19 6.2 1:20 7.5 2:34 7.9 3:52 7.9 4:54 7.2 5:41 6.6 0:05 18.4
16 6:41 15.7 17 7:58 15.1 18 9:32 15.4 19 10:43 16.1 20 11:29 17.1 21 12:04 18.4 22 6:19 5.9
12:01 11.2 13:16 11.8 15:09 11.8 16:35 10.8 17:27 9.5 18:07 7.9 12:35 19.7
S 18:12 17.1 T 19:26 16.1 U 21:00 16.1 V 22:19 16.4 W 23:18 17.4 X X 18:42 6.2
0:47 19.4 1:27 20.0 2:07 20.7 2:46 20.7 3:27 20.3 4:11 20.0 4:58 19.0
23 6:53 5.2 24 7:26 4.9 25 7:59 4.9 26 8:33 5.6 27 9:09 6.2 28 9:48 6.9 29 10:31 8.2
13:05 20.7 13:35 22.0 14:05 22.6 14:38 23.0 15:12 23.0 15:51 22.3 16:35 21.3
19:17 4.6 19:52 3.3 20:28 2.3 21:07 1.6 21:48 2.0 22:34 2.3 23:26 3.3
Y Z * A B D E
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Oct 5:54 18.0 Oct 0:26 4.6
5.6 5:59 5.2
30 11:25 9.2 31 7:04 17.1 1 1:37 8:28 17.1 5.6 2 2:56
9:48 17.7 3 10:50 4:10 19.0 5.9 4 11:38 5:10
20.0 5 12:19 21.3
17:30 20.0 12:36 10.2 14:09 10.5 15:41 9.5 16:52 7.9 17:46 6.2 18:33 4.6
F G 18:39 18.7 H 20:06 18.0 I 21:34 18.0 J 22:48 18.7 K 23:48 19.4 K
0:40 20.0 0:27 20.3 1:09 20.3 1:49 20.3 2:27 19.7 3:05 19.0 3:43 18.4
6 5:43 5.2 7 6:21 5.6 8 6:57 6.2 9 7:31 6.9 10 8:04 7.9 11 8:37 8.5 12 9:11 9.5
11:55 22.0 12:30 22.6 13:03 22.6 13:35 22.3 14:07 21.7 14:39 20.7 15:12 19.7
L 18:15 3.3 M 18:54 2.6 @ 19:31 2.3 N 20:08 2.6 O 20:45 3.0 P 21:23 3.9 Q 22:02 4.9
4:25 17.4 5:13 16.7 6:13 16.1 0:34 7.5 1:39 7.9 2:44 7.9 3:39 7.5
13 9:49 10.2 14 10:36 11.2 15 11:42 11.5 16 7:25 16.1 17 8:33 16.7 18 9:26 17.7 19 10:09 18.7
15:50 18.7 16:36 17.7 17:38 16.7 13:12 11.5 14:37 10.8 15:39 9.2 16:26 7.5
Q 22:46 5.9 R 23:36 6.9 S T 18:58 16.1 U 20:20 16.1 V 21:30 16.7 W 22:28 17.4
4:26 7.2 5:08 6.9 0:04 19.4 0:49 20.0 1:33 20.3 2:17 20.3 3:04 20.0
20 10:45 20.0 21 11:20 21.3 22 5:48 6.9 23 6:27 6.9 24 7:08 6.9 25 7:50 7.2 26 8:36 7.5
17:08 5.9 17:47 3.9 11:55 22.3 12:31 23.3 13:10 23.6 13:52 23.6 14:37 23.0
X 23:18 18.4 Y Z 18:27 2.6 * 19:08 1.6 A 19:51 1.0 B 20:36 1.0 C 21:25 1.6
3:54 19.7 4:50 19.0 5:53 18.7 0:15 4.9
Nov 5: Sunrise 8:58 Sunset 18:06
27 9:26 8.2 28 10:25 8.9 29 11:36 9.5 30 7:01 18.7
Nov 12: Sunrise 8:11 Sunset 16:54
15:28 22.0 16:26 20.7 17:33 19.4 12:57 9.2
Nov 19: Sunrise 8:24 Sunset 16:43
22:17 2.6 23:14 3.6 18:49 18.4
Nov 26: Sunrise 8:37 Sunset 16:35
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Adjusted for daylight savings. Tide height in feet. Sunrise/set times for Massett.
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and new
moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring tide
pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation, and
tidal currents. So before you head out, be sure to check
the date, time, and tide height, and adjust the time for
your specific location around Haida Gwaii.
Tides in Haida Gwaii
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert
K'iis Gwaay
Langara Pt
10 min early
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late
Alexandra Narrows
Flood starts 0:15 after low
Ebb starts 0:10 after high
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii
Nesto Inlet
10 min early
Dawson Hbr
15 min early
Taan Guu
Trounce Inlet
Low 55 min late
High 20 min late
East Skidegate Narrows
(Floods west)
West Beacon
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high
East Beacon
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high
Juus Kaahlii
Low 5:15 late
High 4:45 late
Designed by:
Stu Crawford
Box 788, Masset, BC
(250) 626-3868
Ecological Consulting
Estimates are unofficial and may vary
significantly from reality
Hl'yaalang Waagusd
North Beach
5 min early
Taa Suu
Hunger Hbr
20 min early
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service
Gaw Kaahlii
Masset Sound
Flood starts 2:50 after low
Ebb starts 2:30 after high
Port Clements
Low 3:05 late
High 2:50 late
Daajing Giids
Queen Charlotte
Low 20 min late
High same as P.R.
McCoy Cove
Low 15 min late
High 5 min late
K'yal Gawɢa
Low 10 min late
High same as P.R.
Gwaay K'aas
Copper Is.
Same as P.R.
Kay Tay Daanaay
Cape St James
Low 10 min early
High 5 min early
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar September/October, 2022
Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event FREE OF CHARGE
Island Wide & Online
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in
the north end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557.
In-person meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the
Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South
end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the
HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on
Saturday nights. For more info on how to join a local
virtual Zoom meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. www.
British Columbia Environmental Film Festival
Online, November 1 - 3, 2022
30 days of streaming! Over 50 incredible Environmental
films! Early bird festival passes only $39 CAD. Through
film, we wish to spread awareness of environmental
issues and stories of hope that are occurring throughout
the world. We will screen documentaries from top film
makers, but also full-length dramatic feature films, short
films, and animations that effectively tell stories that
convey an environmental message in an entertaining
manner. For more info visit bceff.org
hlGA hlk’aats iihlangaa / Agate Man Triathlon
Sat, Sep 17 / 9am-3pm
Check-in time 9–9:45am, Location: Pure Lake, Race
Start: 10 am, Course: 500 m Swim – Pure Lake 20 km
Cycle – from Pure Lake Parking lot to Masset Fire Hall 6
km Run – around Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary. For more
information contact HG Rec at 250-626-5652 or info@
hgrec.com or hgrec.com
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset
Walking Group
Mondays & Fridays / 10:30am-12pm / OMVC Hall /
348 Eagle Ave
Join us, everyone is welcome! - Get your blood pressure
checked - Monitor your heart rate - Eat some snacks -
Enjoy some stretches - Remember to bring your water
bottle! Organized by Niislaa Naay Healing House Society.
For more information contact Jaimie Holt at 250-626-
3911 or jaimie.holt@haidahealth.ca or Facebook/Niislaa
Naay Healing House Society
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset - cont.
Nature Walks
Mondays / 11:30am-12:30pm / Meet up outside the
public library / 2123 Collison
Come rain or shine, take a walk with me! Every Monday,
we will meet up outside the public library in Masset.
Please come dressed for the weather. Snacks will be
provided. If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, let
us know! For more information contact Ashley Jacobson
250-626-7940 ashley.jacobson@haidahealth.ca; Facebook:
Masset Market
Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from the Co-op / 1575
Main St.
Bakers, makers, and growers brave the elements yearround
to host the Masset Market, offering locally grown
and prepared foods, vegetables, eggs, cheese, jams,
preserves, hot lunches, baking, and treats. Additional artisans
diversify the Market offerings from spring through
fall and include jewellery, soap, and body products, knitted,
painted, felted, and beachcombed treasures. Look for
cut flowers, mushrooms, and berries available in season.
New vendors are always welcome! For more information
contact Natalie at 250-626-3412 or massetmarket@gmail.
com or check us out on Facebook.
Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)
Tue, Sep 13 / 8:30am-5:00pm (30 min lunch)
Howard Philips Community Hall / 1590 Cook St.
The Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) is
the primary licence for possession of a firearm and
acquisition of ammunition, and it is both required and
the only permissible document for an individual to
acquire or permanently import a firearm. Instructor:
Julian Knight; Cost: $200/person. For more information
contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or
Gurdeep Pandher – Dancing for Positivity
Sun, Sep 25 / 7-9pm / Howard Philips Community
Hall / 1590 Cook Street
The Haida Gwaii Arts Council is proud to present
Gurdeep Pandher – Dancing for Positivity. Gurdeep
Pander dances and teaches Bhangra dancing, promoting
positivity and joy! $20 non members, $15 members and
$10 seniors and students. For more information contact
Marnie Younger at marnieyounger2@yahoo.ca or visit
Facebook: Haida Gwaii Arts Council or gurdeep.ca
Women's Drop-In Coffee Time – Masset
Thursdays/ 10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112
Collison Ave.
For more information contact– Elfie Clarkson – 250-626-
Call us at 250-557-2088
50 HG September / October 2022 51
Tll.aal / Tlell
Tlell Farmers’ Market
Sundays / 11am-2pm / Tlell Farmers Market / Hwy
16 - behind the Tlell Fire Hall
Spring greens, hot lunch items, farm fresh eggs, baked
goods, jams and jellies, canning, sourdough bread,
kombucha, strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb and currant
seedlings and much more! For more information contact
Marylynn Hunt at 250 559 8282, email stmarysspring@
gmail.com or check us out on Facebook.
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements
StrongStart Port Clements
Starts Sept 13 / Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
/ 9am-12pm / Port Clements Multipurpose Building
36 Cedar Avenue West
A Ministry of Education drop-in, play-based program for
children ages 0 – 5 accompanied by a parent/caregiver.
Currently StrongStart is a scheduled group so please
contact Jasmine to discuss what days work for you. Check
their Facebook page for photos of our activities, updates
on events, and tips from our support team! For more
information contact Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or
jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or Facebook: PCES StrongStart
HlGaagilda / Skidegate
Art Exhibits
Until December 24 / Haida Gwaii Museum / 10am-
Five exhibits to enjoy, two in-house and three virtual! Inhouse:
Jesse Brillon – Mover of Metal: The Art of Dimensions
and Vernal Bogren - Swift Stories and Dreams from
the Prairies. Virtual: Tawla/SOGI Youth Art Exhibit, All
Islands Art Show and Hlk’yak’ii To Start a Fire. For more
information contact the Museum Staff (250) 559-4643 or
adminassistant@haidagwaiimuseum.ca or haidagwaiimuseum.ca
Joey Stylez
Sat, Oct 22 / 7:30pm-9:30pm / Skidegate Small Hall
Front Street
The Haida Gwaii Arts Council is proud to present this
Juno-nominated Hip Hop artist who will delight us with
a unique performance! Come and join us. For more info
on the artist: www.joeystylez.com Cost: Non-members
$20, Members $15 and Seniors $10. For more information
contact Marnie Younger at marnieyounger2@yahoo.
ca or visit Facebook: Haida Gwaii Arts Council
Shito Ryu Satokai Karate
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept 20 – Dec 8
6-7:30pm / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School Gym
500 Skidegate Heights
Shito Ryu Satokai Karate is classical karate taught in
the traditional Okinawan style. Come out and learn
self-defense with a certified karate instructor! More
information about the style is available online at www.
shitoryu.net. Age(s): 7; Cost for 12 weeks = $110. Please
note: This is not a ‘drop-in’ program, pre-registration
is required. For more information contact Haida Gwaii
Recreation at 250-626-5652 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.
Daajing Giids
Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL)
Tue, Sep 13 / 8:30am-5pm (30 min lunch) / Location
The Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) is the
primary licence for possession of a firearm and acquisition
of ammunition, and it is both required and the only
permissible document for an individual to acquire or
permanently import a firearm. Instructor: Julian Knight;
Cost: $200/person. For more information contact HG
Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com
VIRL Storytime
Thursdays / 10:30-11:30am / Vancouver Island
Regional Library / 138 Bay Street
Join us for stories and crafts! Children must be accompanied
by an adult for the duration of the program. All ages
are welcome! For more information contact Patrick at
778-269-4132 or psiebold@vilr.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca
Youth Centre: Movie Night, Drop Ins &
QC Youth Centre / 924 3rd Ave / Every 2 weeks
Come by and watch a movie, eat some pizza and hang
out. You pick the movie. Thursdays and Fridays / Dropin
times: activities, sports, music and more. For more
information contact Jay Myers at (250) 559-4769 or
jmyers@queencharlotte.ca or Facebook: qcyouthcentre
Daajing Giids Farmers’ Market
Saturdays / 11am-2pm / Gather Food @ 223 Oceanview
Drive and just outside the DG Community Hall
@134 Bay Street
Start your week’s grocery shopping at the market and
support local growers and producers. You can find
greens, sourdough, plants, transplants, locally grown
mushrooms, a wide selection of baked goods, kombucha,
and much more. For more information contact Doug
Warnke, Market Manager at: queencharlottemarket@
gmail.com, Instagram: @qc_market or Facebook: Queen-
Knitters Social Hour
Thursdays / 7-8pm / Vancouver Island Regional
Library / 138 Bay Street
Bring your knitting needles, projects and stories. We are
so very much looking forward to having you join us. P.S.
If a crochet hook is your tool of choice, you are also welcome
to be a part of our crafting sessions. Spinners too!
For more information contact Michelle Scott at (250)
559-4518 or qc1@virl.bc.ca or Facebook: VIRLQueen-
Boundaries Group
Weekly, on Saturdays, from Sep 17-Oct 22 / 2-4pm
Island Wellness Society / 204 Oceanview Drive
We will discuss physical, mental, emotional, spiritual,
sexual boundaries by working through work sheets,
activities, and providing information. Open to 6 to 8
self-identifying women. FREE. Snacks and beverages
provided. For more information contact Sheyla Ventura
at 250-559-8828 or iws.coordinating@gmail.com or Facebook:
Island Wellness Society
Daajing Giids - cont.
The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic Dance Party
Starting Fri, Sep 16 and every 3rd Friday of the
month / 7:00pm-9:30pm / Earth Temple / 403
Oceanview Drive
A safe space for freedom of movement. Lead by Jessiquita
Madrid. Intro workshop at 7 p.m. (15$), ecstatic dance
party starts at 8 p.m. All ages; suggested donation 10$.
For more information contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013
or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com or earth-temple.square.
site ---- also check out their Yoga and after school
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse Featuring: The
Pseudos - Fri, Sep 30
Rusty Mould And The Sugar Agates - Fri, Oct
6-9pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay
In person coffee houses are back!!! Come to the Community
Hall in Daajing Giids starting at 6 p.m., bring a
bowl, a spoon, and something to drink and share a meal
(provided by Gather in September) with fellow community
members and sign up for the Open Mic. Open Mic
starts at 7 p.m., followed by feature band, starting around
8:00 after an intermission. By Donation. For more information
contact Caroline Shooner at haidagwaiicoffeehouse@gmail.com
or haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com
Gurdeep Pandher – Dancing for Positivity
Sat, Sep 24 / 7-9pm / Community Hall / 134 Bay
The Haida Gwaii Arts Council is proud to present
Gurdeep Pandher – dancing for positivity. Gurdeep
Pander dances and teaches Bhangra dancing, promoting
positivity and joy! $20 non members, $15 members and
$10 seniors and students. For more information contact
Marnie Younger at marnieyounger2@yahoo.ca or visit
Facebook: Haida Gwaii Arts Council or gurdeep.ca
K’il Kun / Sandspit
Strong Start Sandspit
Starting in September, every week day / 9am-12pm
Agnes L Mathers Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay
Strong Start is a free drop-in and play based program for
children and their parents/caregivers, ages 0-kindergarten.
It is part of SD 50's early childhood education. For more
information contact Claire Gauthier at (250) 637-5454 or
cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca or Facebook: ALM Strong Start
K’il Kun / Sandspit - cont.
Willow’s Golf: Friday Night Fourball &
Fridays / 5-9pm / Willow's Golf Course and
Clubhouse Restaurant / 342 School Road
4 Ball Best Ball FUN tournament. $30 includes golf &
dinner. Mixed teams, including youth are encouraged!
Each player uses 2 drives. Closest to Pin, Closest to
Green in 2 etc. Come spend your Friday night with
friends, on the beautiful course by the sea. Don't have
friends to join your team? Let us know, we'll help
you with a team. Sept 11 / George Brown Memorial
Tournament. For more information contact Willow's
Golf Course on Facebook
VIRL Craft Night
Thursdays / 6:30-7:30pm / Vancouver Island
Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach Rd
The Sandspit Branch continues to host craft night
every Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30pm. Bring a
craft project you’re working on and join a fun, social
crafting circle every week! Knitting, embroidery, crochet,
beading, painting, paper crafts, anything goes! Drop-ins
welcome. For more information Kelsey (250) 637-2247
or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/branches/sandspit
Your Communities, Your Councils
Village of Port Clements
1st & 3rd Monday of each month / 7pm / 36 Cedar
Avenue West
Regular Council meetings. For more information (250)
557-4295 or office@portclements.ca or portclements.ca
Daajing Giids
1st and 3rd Monday of the month / 7:30pm / 903 A
Oceanview Drive
Regular Council Meetings. For more information (250)
559-4765 or office@queencharlotte.ca, www.queencharlotte.ca
2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm / 1686
Main Street
Regular Council Meetings. For more information (250)
626-3995 or vomadmin@mhtv.ca or massetbc.com
52 HG September / October 2022 53
Helly Hansen Raingear Available
Thank you for
your support!
committed to bringing
you better connectivity.
The Connected Coast has
successfully brought the subsea
fibre-optic cable across the
Hecate Strait and connected the
Landing Site in Tll.aal Tlell.
The first stage of construction in
Masset and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett
is now complete.You may have
already heard from our sign up reps
who are calling both residents and
You can also sign up online at
The construction crew will now move
south to HlGaagilda Skidegate!
We’re excited about these
achievements in your communities
and look forward to being able to
serve you soon with better Internet,
TV, and phone services.
Stay tuned for more information.
citywest.ca 1-800-442-8664
54 HG September / October 2022 55