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Mike<br />
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Branch Manager<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Real EstateMid CanterburyPropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
2512886<br />
Delivered free to all homes, lifestyle blocks and farms in Mid Canterbury.<br />
2493757<br />
03 303 0872<br /><br />
SEPTEMBER <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong> | |Phone: 308 7664<br />
PAGE 7<br />
When Maureen<br />
met the Queen<br />
Beckley Coachlines business owners Andrew and Sheree Beckley.<br />
Little business withbigheart<br />
PAGE 8<br />
Peak to Pub<br />
exhaustion<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
Locally owned,family focused,<br />
combining excellent<br />
hospitality with awelcomed<br />
sense of nostalgia.<br />
Thoseare the valuesthat<br />
Andrew andSheree Beckley,<br />
of Beckley Coachlines, strive<br />
to uphold in their management<br />
positions.<br />
The tourism business has<br />
seen somechangerecently,<br />
with managementhanded over<br />
to Andrewand Sheree, from<br />
founders Gay andthe late<br />
David Beckley (Andrew’s<br />
parents).<br />
Andrewsaysitwas, and<br />
always will, remain a‘family<br />
business’.<br />
Thechangeof reigns offers a<br />
welldeserved rest to Gay,<br />
diagnosedwith cancer only<br />
three months after husband<br />
David, passedaway.<br />
NowAndrew,aStJohn<br />
paramedic, and Sheree, a<br />
teacherand youthworker,<br />
have steppeduptorun the<br />
businessfulltime.<br />
Theyare passionate about<br />
maintaining the<br />
‘‘legacy’’Andrew’s parents<br />
created.<br />
The business started over 20<br />
years ago when David,a<br />
farmer, got sickand was<br />
unable to carry outfarm<br />
labour.<br />
‘‘Dad gotcrook and he<br />
couldn’t farm anymore,sohe<br />
gothis license and drove for a<br />
guyand he liked doingthat so<br />
they(David and Gay) bought<br />
their own bus’’ Andrew said.<br />
‘‘It’s grown since then,<br />
they’ve taken it miles, they’ve<br />
done heaps.’’<br />
Changes to Air NewZealand<br />
internationaldirect flights a<br />
fewyears agoled Beckley<br />
Coachlines to lose 68% of its<br />
business overnightbut it ‘‘led<br />
MumandDad to focus on the<br />
domestic market,’’ Andrew<br />
said.<br />
‘‘It was their saviour.’’<br />
Shortly after they reevaluated<br />
their business focus,<br />
covid hitand flippedthe tables<br />
on international tourism.<br />
Howeverbecause of David<br />
andGay’s decision to focus on<br />
domestic tourism Beckley<br />
Coachlineswas able to survive.<br />
Continued Page 19<br />
Daylight saving<br />
starts Sunday<br />
•Sliced pressed ham<br />
•Ham steaks<br />
•Slicedluncheon<br />
•Cookedslicedsilverside<br />
100 sausages<br />
$<br />
70<br />
for<br />
Great for fundraisers!<br />
meats<br />
Netherby Shopping Centre<br />
Phone 308 7354<br /><br />
2509591<br />
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Build customers,<br />
sales and profits<br />
withus...<br />
Delivered to all homes,<br />
lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />
MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />
news<br />
Daniel Tobin<br />
Editor<br />
308 7664<br />
027 628 7679<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
IndiRoberts<br /><br />
Toni Williams<br /><br />
advertising<br />
Jann Thompson<br />
Sales Manager<br />
308 7664<br />
027 587 6351<br /><br />
Karen Gane<br />
Sales Account Manager<br />
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021 510 804<br /><br />
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Distribution/Deliveries<br /><br />
Office<br /><br />
03 308 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
Water reform support offer<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Althoughthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>District<br />
Council opposes 3Waters reform,<br />
thedistrict will acceptanofferof<br />
financial support from government.<br />
The3WaterReforms programme<br />
includes financialsupportfor<br />
councils through the transition to<br />
theproposed new water services<br />
entities.<br />
Part of thissupport is labelled<br />
‘Better offfunding’ and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council is eligible foratotal<br />
of $16.8 million, in two installments<br />
$4.2mil and $12.6mil.<br />
At acouncil meeting last week<br />
councillors were asked to approve<br />
theprojects earmarked for the first<br />
funding instalment.<br />
Cr CarolynCameronwanted<br />
clarification on what it meantfor the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council’s 3<br />
Waters position if they accepted the<br />
funding.<br />
‘‘It is alittle bit in contrast to our<br />
position where we had our chief<br />
executiveand mayor present at the 3<br />
Waters debate to thefinance<br />
committee, it’s notaconsistentfeel<br />
to it,’’ shesaid.<br />
Council CEO Hamish Riach<br />
responded saying thecouncil can<br />
continuetoexpressopposition and<br />
take the moneytoassist the<br />
wellbeing of thedistrict by<br />
cooperating with the transition,<br />
‘‘thosetwothings areconsistent.’’<br />
‘‘The Minister herself has said<br />
opposition to thereform is not<br />
compromised by accepting this<br />
money,’’ Mr Riach said.<br />
By takingthe money the council is<br />
required to cooperatewith the<br />
Carolyn Cameron<br />
transition to 3Waters, but can<br />
negotiate the terms of the agreement<br />
with theDepartment of Internal<br />
Affairs(DIA).<br />
Seven projects havebeenselected<br />
for the funding, including footpaths,<br />
playgrounds, thenew library and<br />
civic building andBoerWar<br />
Memorial relocation.<br />
The FairfieldFreight Hub has<br />
been allocatedthe most fundingof<br />
$2.3 million.<br />
The freighthub will see the<br />
district’s only rail freight handling<br />
capability shift from within the town<br />
centre to apurpose built facility in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s industrial hub.<br />
New footpaths in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Methven and Rakaia will get<br />
$900,000 withthe construction<br />
expected to be completed between<br />
January to June 2023.<br />
$200,000will go towards the new<br />
libraries AV lab, sound studio and<br />
Hamish Riach<br />
activity rooms, fitting out these<br />
spaces withtechnology and modern<br />
equipment.<br />
Thecouncillors voted to approve<br />
the proposedprojectlist, and<br />
delegated authoritytothe mayor<br />
and chief executivetofurther<br />
negotiate and finalizethetermsof<br />
the fundingagreement with the<br />
DIA.<br />
Funding Projects<br />
Fairfield Freight Hub $2.3 million<br />
Additional footpaths $900,000<br />
District playgrounds $200,000<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Library &Civic Centre<br />
$200,000<br />
Water treatment &changing rooms at<br />
district swimming pools $200,000<br />
Digby Park toilets $250,000<br />
Boer War Memorial relocation<br />
$150,000.<br />
Bookworms ready for book sale<br />
Thepopular Bookaramarun by the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> RotaryClub opens at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Sports Hall, Tancred<br />
Street next week.<br />
It runs from Monday until October<br />
2.<br />
Thousands of preloved books,<br />
games,puzzles, music and more go<br />
up forsale during the annual weeklong<br />
fundraiser which helps the club<br />
fund its various community projects.<br />
Bookaramaconvener David Mead<br />
said throughoutthe week the doors<br />
would be openatvarious times. It<br />
starts on Mondayat8am.<br />
Therewould also be twolate<br />
nights during the weektoallow<br />
peopletopick up somebargains<br />
before doors closedatnoon on<br />
Saturday.<br />
On opening day now apublic<br />
holidaytocommemoratethe death<br />
of QueenElizabeth II, and the first<br />
ever Market Day in downtown<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>the doorsopen at8am<br />
and remain open until 5.30pm.<br />
Hours for the remainder of the<br />
week are: Tuesdayfrom9am to<br />
5.30pm,Wednesday 9am to 8.30pm,<br />
Thursday 9am to 5.30pm,Friday 9am<br />
to 8.30pm andSaturday from 8amto<br />
noon.<br />
Hundreds of book lovers visited last<br />
year’s Bookarama.<br />
Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />
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Visit Us:<br />
174 Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
03 308 5269<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
3<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College to keep NCEA Level 1<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College will keep NCEA<br />
Level 1afterathreeyear debate<br />
regarding its benefit to student<br />
education.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College principal Ross<br />
Preece said he understoodwhy other<br />
schools may be doing awaywith the<br />
entrylevel assessment, but felt there<br />
was an advantage in keeping it around.<br />
‘‘Wewanted to makeadecision that<br />
was best for our studentsand our<br />
community,’’ Mr Preecesaid.<br />
Earlier this yearaseries of meetings<br />
involving parents, currentand ex<br />
pupils, school staff, and local businesses<br />
wereheldtodiscuss thefuture of NCEA<br />
Level1within <strong>Ashburton</strong> College.<br />
‘‘Weconsulted as widelyaswecould.<br />
In theend the decision was thatitwas<br />
seen as avaluedoutcome for the<br />
majority of students,’’ Mr Preece said.<br />
‘‘Last year our Level1pass rate was<br />
87%.’’<br />
❛ We don’twant anybody<br />
leaving without any<br />
qualifications ❜<br />
—RossPreece<br />
He said burn out amongstudents,<br />
particularly those ‘highachieving’, was<br />
areasontoconsiderabolishing NCEA<br />
Level 1.<br />
‘‘They havehad atendency to burn out<br />
in Level 3after three years of internal<br />
assessments,’’ he said. Abigger concern,<br />
however, was for students whowould<br />
College principal Ross Preece says keeping NCEA Level 1was the best outcome.<br />
not achieve NCEA Level2or3.<br />
Mr Preecesaid they had to consider<br />
the number of students who would leave<br />
school to enter the workforce after Year<br />
11.<br />
He felt they would be best equipped<br />
leaving with acertificate of<br />
achievementtobenchmark their<br />
education.<br />
‘‘We don’t wantanybodyleaving<br />
without anyqualifications,’’ he said.<br />
‘‘If we were, in effect, asking them to<br />
stayuntil theend of Level 2or halfway<br />
through Level2,would we then create<br />
another poolofstudents who are leaving<br />
withnothing? Thatwas aconcern.’’<br />
He hoped keeping NCEA Level 1<br />
would provide students with a<br />
foundationofsuccess whichwould fuel<br />
them throughtheir qualification<br />
journey.<br />
‘‘It provides afocus forour Year11<br />
students, andparticularly those who<br />
might be lateinthe maturity stages ...<br />
having agoal to work towards actually<br />
provides agood focus.’’<br />
As of 2024, anew NCEA standard will<br />
be implemented.<br />
Assessments willnolongerbemarked<br />
internally within schools,amove Mr<br />
Preece saysfeels like ‘‘a step<br />
backwards’’.<br />
Thebar will be significantly raised,<br />
with the Ministry of Education aimingto<br />
strengthenliteracy and numeracy and<br />
enhance theplaceofMaoriknowledge<br />
withineducation.<br />
The raisedstandards means some<br />
schools might struggle to meet the<br />
demand forstudents needingextra time<br />
andsupport withtheir learning.<br />
Mr Preece says there will be no help<br />
fromthe MOEtotackle this, and it will<br />
be up to the schools to find thesolutions.<br />
Over the lastthree years <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Collegehas incorporatedan<br />
‘innovation’ modelofeducation which<br />
focuses on enabling ‘‘the growth of soft<br />
skills likecollaboration andcreativity<br />
with less of afocus on learning large<br />
amounts of subject content,’’ Carolyn<br />
Clough, head of Junior School said.<br />
This has been woven in to the<br />
educationofYear 9and 10 students.<br />
Mr Preecesaid theschool currently<br />
workswith Year11to13students to<br />
guide themthrough oneoffour<br />
pathways which will bestpreparethem<br />
for life after school.<br />
Atertiary pathway supports students<br />
leaving the school for secondary<br />
education(universityorpolytech), while<br />
avocational pathway supports students<br />
leaving for apprenticeships.<br />
‘‘For them,Level 2isthe valued<br />
outcome,’’ Mr Preece said.<br />
He said for students who leaveschool<br />
to go directly into employment,<br />
achieving Level1was important.<br />
Lastly,studentswho may not be able<br />
to achieve NCEA standard are<br />
encouraged to sit aCertificate in<br />
FoundationStudies, which MrPreece<br />
says gives‘‘them ameaningful<br />
programme where they can still achieve<br />
literacy andnumeracy’’ and enables<br />
them to ‘‘finish up alsodoing subjects<br />
that areofinterest to them’’.<br />
He said that overall theinnovation<br />
model of educationhas proven to be<br />
beneficial, andthe school remains<br />
positiveabout its ability to delivera<br />
quality education while preparing<br />
students fortheir next step in life.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
October<br />
12, 13, 14, 17, 18<br />
November<br />
8,9,10, 14, 15, 16<br />
In Her<br />
Majesty’s<br />
service<br />
2512820<br />
SeeHow They Run<br />
ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />
TheMousetrap is amurder mysteryplaybyAgatha<br />
Christie. Itopened in London’s West End in 1952<br />
and has run continuously until present day. There<br />
have beenover28,000performances! Even Agatha<br />
would have not imagined that!<br />
Andnow we have the movie.<br />
In 1950s London, plans for amovie version of the<br />
smash-hit playcome to an abrupt halt afterapivotal<br />
member of the crew is murdered. When aworldweary<br />
inspector and an eager rookie constable<br />
take on the case,they find themselves throwninto<br />
apuzzling whodunit within the glamorously sordid<br />
worldofunderground theatre.<br />
The young constable is none other than Saoirse<br />
Ronan, an American-born Irish actress. Iloved her<br />
in “Brooklyn”, “On Chesil Beach”, “Atonement” and<br />
“Lady Bird”.<br />
This role was sodifferent for her ...she had to be<br />
funny/quirkyand she did it well!<br />
If youlike whodunits this is the movie foryou.<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
2509715<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Neil Borlase has raised acup of tea<br />
and asticky bun in honour to the<br />
passingofQueenElizabeth II.<br />
Her state funeral was at<br />
WestminsterAbbey,inLondon on<br />
Monday.<br />
The former Royal New Zealand<br />
Navy serviceman, now working at EA<br />
Networks in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, was once a<br />
royal yachtman on her majesty’sHM<br />
Yacht Britannia and nearly50years<br />
later her visit still has left alasting<br />
impression.<br />
It was not the first time he had<br />
seen her hewas afive year old<br />
among the crowd when she visited<br />
Lancaster Park, Christchurch in<br />
1958 but on the yachtwas the first<br />
time he was up close.<br />
‘‘Shewas awonderful woman.She<br />
was very pleasant, she was very<br />
accommodating ... she made you feel<br />
at ease.’’<br />
Which was abig deal, especially to<br />
ayoungsailor just threeyears in the<br />
navy.<br />
Neil, now69,had joined the navy<br />
at aged 17 and ahalf.<br />
He trainedatDevonportNaval<br />
Base, in Aucklandbefore embarking<br />
on duties.<br />
Then, at aged 20, got the duty of a<br />
Manager’s SPECIALS<br />
Former navy man Neil Borlase reminisces about his time on board HM Yacht<br />
Britannia during Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to New Zealand in 1974; Some of<br />
Neil’s memorabilia from his time aboard HM Yacht Britannia.<br />
lifetimeand even today he is still<br />
unsure how he was chosen.<br />
He, along with others serving on<br />
HMNZSTaranaki, were selected to<br />
serve on the Britannia on its arrival<br />
at Devonport, while the Queen,her<br />
latehusband Philip the Duke of<br />
Edinburgh, son Prince Charles (on a<br />
visitingEnglishfrigate)and<br />
daughter Princess Anne and her<br />
thenhusband MarkPhilips, were in<br />
New Zealand waters.<br />
The Queen was in New Zealand to<br />
attend the 1974Commonwealth<br />
Games in Christchurch, and New<br />
ZealandDay celebrations at<br />
Waitangi on February 6.<br />
The Duke of Edinburgh also made<br />
an impression.<br />
‘‘He was agreat guy,honestly he’s<br />
amans man. Very down to earth.<br />
Calls aspade aspade,didn’t swear,<br />
but calls aspadeaspade not a<br />
diggingimplement. Iliked him.’’<br />
Neil was aboard Britanniawith the<br />
royals for six or seven weeks.<br />
‘‘We helpedthe crew.She has 150<br />
crew and our job (aswell as achef,<br />
steamcrew and sailors)westarted<br />
helpingtodothe maintenance,<br />
prepping it for (attending) the<br />
Commonwealth Games and<br />
Waitangi.’’<br />
Therewas plenty of painting,<br />
scrubbingoff rust and cleaning<br />
thehull after its voyage from<br />
England,hesaid.<br />
‘‘Once everything was done<br />
then we sailed for Lyttelton for<br />
the Commonwealth Games.’’ The<br />
Queenflies everywhere so she was not<br />
on boardduring the trip.<br />
Neil was also one of the six man<br />
ceremonial piping party crew.<br />
‘‘Theyacht went intoLytteltonand<br />
every time she cameonoroff the ship<br />
no matter what time the day or night,<br />
we had to be therepiping her on or<br />
off,’’ he said.<br />
At the end of the trip, the Queen<br />
shook the New Zealand crew’shands<br />
when theyfinished their service. Neil<br />
has amuch cherished photograph of<br />
the moment she shookhis hand. It<br />
hangsonthe wall in the home of his<br />
daughter, AzureleeRose.<br />
‘‘(The Queen) was going offthe ship<br />
and then when the shipwent into<br />
Devonportagainwe weregoingoff ...<br />
so that was her sayingfarewell to us,’’<br />
Neil said.<br />
Neil went on to spend more than 20<br />
years in the navy, and then at least 15<br />
years as anaval reserve at Pegasus in<br />
Christchurch until he was in his late<br />
50s.<br />
‘‘I lovetakingships out and driving<br />
them. But (the Queen’svisit)was a<br />
highlight especially at such an early<br />
stage of my military career.’’<br />
Her majesty has now made her final<br />
resting voyageand has beeninterred<br />
in theKing GeorgeVImemorial<br />
chapel inside St George's Chapel,<br />
alongside her fatherKing George VI,<br />
her motherQueen Elizabeth, latehusband<br />
Philip theDuke of<br />
Edinburgh and sisterMargaret.<br />
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2509352<br />
New National candidate<br />
James Meager has been<br />
confirmed as National’s<br />
Rangitatacandidate forthe<br />
2023 General Election.<br />
He wasselected by local<br />
party members earlierthis<br />
week.<br />
Mr Meager (NgāiTahu) lives<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>and runs Oath<br />
Advisory, asmall consultancy<br />
business, servicing<br />
organisations in Mid and South<br />
Canterbury.<br />
He recently workedasa<br />
seniorpubliclawyerat<br />
Simpson Grierson in<br />
Christchurchand was aformer<br />
presssecretary to National’s<br />
the deputyprimeminister<br />
PaulaBennett.<br />
“It’s ahugehonour tobe<br />
selectedasNational’s<br />
candidate for Rangitata,” Mr<br />
Meagersaid.<br />
Born and raised in Timaru,<br />
andnow living in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Mr Meagersaid he is acutely<br />
awareofthe issues facingthe<br />
region.<br />
‘‘I’mproud to havethe<br />
opportunity to stand up formy<br />
homeand to fightfor theissues<br />
that mattermost to ourpeople.<br />
“I stepped up because<br />
hardworkingKiwis across Mid<br />
andSouthCanterburyare<br />
going backwards under<br />
Labour,’’ he said.<br />
‘‘I’maspirationalfor our<br />
area andIwill work tirelessly<br />
to getresults.’’<br />
Mr Meager saidthe current<br />
government wasaddicted to<br />
wastefulspending and helping<br />
to drive upinflation and<br />
fuelling acostofliving crisis,<br />
hitting Rangitata families in<br />
the pocket.<br />
‘‘Meanwhile, pleas for muchneeded<br />
investment, like<br />
support forfloodstricken<br />
farmers,fixingthe potholes on<br />
State Highway1and funding<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Bridge<br />
replacement, fallon deaf<br />
ears.’’<br />
“We’re also seeinglocal<br />
controlofour waterassets and<br />
James Meager<br />
polytechsstrippedaway and<br />
giventoWellington<br />
bureaucrats,and more<br />
pressurepiled on our<br />
productive rural sector by a<br />
Labour Governmentthat does<br />
notback farmers,’’ he said.<br />
“My prioritynow is to meetas<br />
many people asIcan across<br />
Rangitata, listen to them, and<br />
hopefullyearn theirsupport as<br />
theirlocal MP.’’<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Hope Walk’s<br />
bright message<br />
Mid Cantabrians are invited to<br />
take part in the Hakatere<br />
Hope Walk around the<br />
grounds of Argyle Park in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> next month.<br />
The free community event<br />
will include speakers, sausage<br />
sizzle and be aplace for young<br />
and old to connect, raise<br />
awareness around mental<br />
health as well as provide<br />
support and advice.<br />
It will be held on October 9,<br />
from 11am to 1pm.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Annette<br />
Brassell said the walk was a<br />
community event to spread<br />
awareness and remove stigma<br />
around mental health.<br />
It’s alocal event which<br />
follows Mental Health<br />
Awareness Week running from<br />
<strong>September</strong> 26 to October 2.<br />
People taking part in the<br />
Hope Walk can come for a<br />
walk, sit and talk if they want<br />
or just listen to the guest<br />
speakers talk about suicide<br />
prevention or those with life<br />
stories, Annette said.<br />
The guest speakers are<br />
Robbie Shefford, Pup<br />
Chamberlain and Hunter<br />
Wilson, aka King Cass.<br />
The band is Pacific Tribal.<br />
‘‘It’s abring afamily, free<br />
event, sausage sizzles. There’s<br />
going to be people there that<br />
can talk to you ... there are<br />
going to be people that can<br />
give their own life stories ...<br />
5<br />
talk strategies and how to<br />
support one another.’’<br />
The Hope Walk is whanaudriven<br />
and supported by<br />
multiple local agencies<br />
including Let’s Talk It Up, He<br />
Waka Tapu and Lives Worth<br />
Living’s Pup Chamberlain.<br />
Those taking part are<br />
encouraged to wear the colour<br />
yellow representative of<br />
suicide prevention awareness.<br />
Don’t forget if you or anyone<br />
you know is feeling weighed<br />
down and need to talk, they<br />
can free text or call 1737<br />
anytime to talk to atrained<br />
counsellor, but if anyone is in<br />
immediate danger call 111 to<br />
get help straight away.<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
7<br />
Photos: Maureen presents the Queen withanupsidedownbouquetin1954; and at right, Maureen Casey nowwith photo and memorabiliafrom the 1954Royal Tour.<br />
When little Maureen met the Queen<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Maureen Caseyof<strong>Ashburton</strong> is one of<br />
the few locals who can say she met the<br />
Queen in person.<br />
Backin1954 Maureenwas ashy<br />
almostfouryearold livinginGore<br />
when Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of<br />
Edinburgh visited as part of their post<br />
coronation tour of New Zealand.<br />
Maureen was selected to give the<br />
Queen abouquet of flowers, which<br />
provedtobeadaunting task for the<br />
youngster.<br />
Anewspaper at the time reported:<br />
‘‘At Gore ayoung girl almost stole the<br />
show. Her part in the proceedingswas<br />
prearranged,but the methodinwhich<br />
she carrieditout was not.<br />
Maureen Lines, of Inglenook Home<br />
for Children, had the honour of<br />
presenting the Queen with abouquet of<br />
roses.<br />
She marched up, dumped the bouquet<br />
upside downinthe Queen’s lap, and<br />
fled. The royal couple joined in the<br />
laughter of the crowd as the child swept<br />
down the dais steps.’’<br />
Maureen doesn't remember much<br />
about her upclose encounter with<br />
Queen Elizabeth.<br />
‘‘I know Iwas very shy,‘‘she said, ‘‘I<br />
feel very proud actually, Ijust lovedher,<br />
just to have the honourofdoing it.<br />
‘‘At the time it probably didn't meana<br />
lot to me, but as the yearswent by Ijust<br />
realizedhow precious it was.’’<br />
The occasionwas well documented<br />
with the story and photo in the paper, a<br />
film captured the moment whichcan<br />
still be seen on YouTube called ‘‘The<br />
Royal Tour of New Zealand, 195354’’A<br />
photo of Maureen and the Queenwas<br />
also included in the The Royal Tour in<br />
Pictures publication.<br />
Maureen was very sad when she heard<br />
of the Queen’s death, ‘‘I was hoping she<br />
would live to her mothers age.<br />
‘‘I thinkshe has beenamazing,I’m not<br />
sure how King Charles will go, he’s got a<br />
few problems on his hands.’’<br />
Maureen wasn’t sure why she was<br />
chosen to present the bouquetofrosesto<br />
the Queen, ‘‘I asked my Father and he<br />
said to me ‘because you were so cute’.’’<br />
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*Offervalidto11.10.<strong>22</strong>orwhilestockslast.Discountoffersapplytoselectedbedsandbeddingonly, pricesasmarked.OffersexcludeEverydayDreamprices,runouts,clearancestock(unlessotherwisestated)andnottobeusedinconjunctionwithanyotheroffer.Seein-storefordetails.Wereservetherighttocorrecterrorsandmisprintsandtochangeproductspecifications.Allproductsareadvertisedingoodfaithandwillbeavailable,exceptincircumstancesbeyondourcontrol.Productrangesvarybetweenstoresandsomeproductsareavailableinselectedstoresonly.
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Slopes, stokes and river stones<br />
The sun was shining over a<br />
fresh dumpofglistening<br />
powder duringthisyear’s Peak<br />
to Pub multisport event.<br />
Theracetook place on<br />
Saturday and saw contestants<br />
take part in a2km skior<br />
snowboard from Mt Hutt’s top<br />
ski accessarea, followed by an<br />
18km bike downMtHuttaccess<br />
road and bike trail, and a12km<br />
run from the base of Mt Hutt<br />
into Methventownship.<br />
Contestants had to run over<br />
riverbed, through paddocks,<br />
and swimacross the RDR<br />
(Rangitata Diversion Canal)<br />
before finishing the last leg of<br />
the run which would bring them<br />
back to the Blue Pub.<br />
Contestants finished the race<br />
beneath asurprise shower from<br />
the volunteer fire brigade’s fire<br />
hose, beforeclambering<br />
through abouncy castle and<br />
across the finish line.<br />
Crowds of friends, family and<br />
support crewswere waiting to<br />
congratulate the entrantson<br />
their successfulcompletion of<br />
the event.<br />
Theminimum agefor<br />
competitors was14years.<br />
Competitors enteredinto<br />
three categories: individual<br />
mens, individual womens, and<br />
teams.<br />
Flavio Vianawas the firstto<br />
cross thefinishlineand won<br />
the OpenMen and Vet(40+)<br />
withatimeof 01:15:21,<br />
followed closely by Steven<br />
Meltonwho placed2nd in the<br />
OpenMen with01:16:01, and<br />
Tom O’Neill who placed 3rd<br />
withatimeof 01:20:53.<br />
TheOpenWomenwas won<br />
by Annabelle Bramwell witha<br />
timeof01:29:10,followed by<br />
Priscilla Thompsonwith a<br />
timeof01:32:20,and Julia<br />
Tully who took 3rd placeinthe<br />
Open Womenand 1stinthe Vet<br />
Women(40+) with atimeof<br />
01:34:37.<br />
TheOpenMaleTeams were<br />
wonby3rd Last Year with a<br />
timeof01:21:17,followed in<br />
2ndplace by Jessercules with<br />
atimeof01:<strong>22</strong>:02and 3rd<br />
placebyB.A.M YoungGuns<br />
with atime of 01:24:09.<br />
TheOpenFemaleTeams<br />
were won by FunkyFrogswith<br />
atimeof01:38:15, followed in<br />
2ndplace by Gotruns witha<br />
timeof01:39:39 andin3rd<br />
placecan Not Fast, Just<br />
Furious with atime of<br />
01:42:09.<br />
TheMixed Teams werewon<br />
by FireatWill(open)with a<br />
timeof01:23:39, followed in<br />
2ndplace by Further Faster<br />
(open)withatime of 01:24:33,<br />
andin3rd place cameNairn<br />
Super Sparkies(corporate)<br />
withatime of 01:25:10.<br />
Left: Flavio Viana, the first<br />
contestant to cross the finish<br />
line, makes his way out of the<br />
bouncy castle. Above:<br />
Contestants displayed a<br />
mixture of exhaustion and<br />
excitement at the race’s end.<br />
Below: The bouncy castle<br />
seemed the true test of<br />
stamina for some.<br />
Plains Presbyterian’s plant project<br />
Theannual big bonanza plant<br />
sale is on at St Andrew's<br />
Presbyterian Church Hall next<br />
weekend (OCT 1).<br />
It is aPlainsPresbyterian<br />
Parish fundraiser project,<br />
supporting the Rakaia<br />
Community.<br />
Coordinator Dorothy<br />
Knightsaidset up forthe<br />
eventwill startonWednesday<br />
andinvolve sorting, pricing<br />
and laying outplants on to<br />
tables.<br />
‘‘This also gives thepeople<br />
of Rakaiaanopportunity to<br />
bringaroundtheir plants,<br />
whichisalways awelcome<br />
support,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘It has beenadifficult time<br />
getting thepottedplants to a<br />
presentable level,the winter<br />
hasnot beenkind,but we have<br />
managed with the help of<br />
glasshouses, sheltered areas<br />
to have our usual selection of<br />
plants.’’<br />
Perennials, shrubs,bulbs,<br />
including our local lily bulbs,<br />
succulents, natives,<br />
vegetables, fruit trees plus<br />
manymorevarietieswill<br />
feature on the stalls.<br />
‘‘There will be certainly<br />
many surprises, some<br />
different plants have been<br />
grownthisyear.’’<br />
Theplant fair, whichstarts<br />
at thehall (oppositeRakaia<br />
Mobil)at9am, hasbecome an<br />
attractionfor many peopleand<br />
organisersappreciatedthe<br />
supportinthe 14 or so years it<br />
hasbeenrunning.<br />
Theplantsare sold at an<br />
affordable price and there is<br />
plenty of encouragement and<br />
lots of advice, she said.<br />
‘‘An added attraction,as<br />
usual,willbeour jamstall<br />
featuring ourspecial<br />
marmalade.’’<br />
She said all plants were<br />
set upinthe hall,wesupply<br />
boxes for the buyer, telly up<br />
asyou go then pay at the<br />
door.It’sacashonlysale.<br />
Dorothysaidafter12pm,<br />
there willbeabig clearance<br />
sale,where all plants must<br />
go,soanopportunity forthe<br />
new gardeners to fill those<br />
empty spaces.<br />
‘‘We finish at 1pm and<br />
then go home to rest. We’re<br />
looking forward toasunny<br />
dayandlotsofhappy<br />
customers.’’<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Police have been contacted over 50<br />
times following last month’s appeal<br />
for information regarding the murder<br />
of <strong>Ashburton</strong> teen Kirsty Bentley in<br />
1998 and are in the process of<br />
assessing the information recieved.<br />
They would liketothankall of those<br />
people who acted on their request<br />
and have come forward with<br />
information. They continue to<br />
encourage anyone whocan help to<br />
contact Police via 105 and reference<br />
Operation Kirsty. Alternatively, you<br />
can call CrimeStoppers<br />
anonymously on 0800 555 111.<br />
Adriver accusedofahit-and-run that<br />
critically injured acyclist has<br />
appeared in court and been<br />
remanded in custody. Keho Anania<br />
Wikaira, 43, from<strong>Ashburton</strong>, has<br />
been charged with failingtostop<br />
without ascertaining injury,<br />
dangerous driving causing injury and<br />
drivingwhile disqualified third or<br />
subsequent time. Emergency<br />
services rushed to the crash on<br />
Christchurch's Linwood Ave,<br />
betweenHereford St and Buckleys<br />
Rd, where acyclist was critically<br />
injured on <strong>September</strong> 13, just before<br />
4pm. Mr Wikaira has been remanded<br />
in custody withoutpleatoOctober 5.<br />
Police areasking for witnessesto<br />
come forward ‘‘please get in touch via<br />
105 and quote event number<br />
P051898055,’’ apolice statement<br />
said. ‘‘Information can alsobe<br />
provided anonymously via Crime<br />
Stoppers on 0800 555111.’’ ~NZ<br />
Herald<br />
Mid Canterbury youths Jackson<br />
Ross,Zack Parkin, Ned Milne and<br />
Jack Bush havebeen selected for the<br />
Junior Crusaders Camp (Under 18)<br />
next month. It is based at<br />
Christchurch Park from October1-3.<br />
Three of the players (Ross,Parkin<br />
and Milne) represented Timaru Boys<br />
High School 1st XV in the Miles<br />
Toyota Championship, whileBush<br />
was Christchurch Boys High School,<br />
are among agroup of 51 players<br />
selected for the camp from<br />
secondary schools within the<br />
Crusaders region.CanterburyRugby<br />
Union’s GeorgeBerry said agroup of<br />
selectors watched games and met<br />
regularly throughout the season to<br />
ensure robust selection decisions,<br />
which culminated in the named<br />
squad. Around 30 players will be<br />
selected for agameagainst the<br />
Junior Highlanders at Pleasant Point<br />
on October 4. All players have shown<br />
strong rugby ability, work ethic and<br />
leadership qualities, Mr Berry said.
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Family Notices<br />
Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />
DAVIDSON, Walter Eric: It is<br />
with sadness Walters’ family<br />
said farewell to Walter, on<br />
Tuesday <strong>September</strong> 20, 20<strong>22</strong>,<br />
in his 91st year. Dearly loved<br />
and respected husband to<br />
Janie for 63 years. Much<br />
loved father and fatherin-law<br />
to Julie and Chris<br />
Cunneen, Mark and Jo-Anne,<br />
and Hugh and Lil. Loving<br />
Grandad of Hayley and Rob,<br />
Sean, Andrew and Jess,Jason<br />
and Kendelle, Bradley and<br />
Brittney, Larnie and Bonnie.<br />
Great-Grandad to Paisley,<br />
and Ivy. Messages to the<br />
Davidson Family P O Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700. Many<br />
thanks to the dedicated and<br />
wonderful staff at Rosebank<br />
for their understanding and<br />
care. At Walter’s request a<br />
private cremation has been<br />
held.<br />
GIBSON Edith Lois (Lois),<br />
on <strong>September</strong> 15, 20<strong>22</strong>,<br />
suddenly at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital, aged 78 years.<br />
Much loved sister and sisterin-lawofAudrey<br />
and Graham<br />
Box, and Clare and the late<br />
Jim Rabbidge. Treasured<br />
aunty of all her nieces and<br />
nephews and special friend<br />
of Jenette Jane Storrier.<br />
Messages to Lois’ Family, PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
A service to celebrate Lois’<br />
life was held at St Stephen’s<br />
Anglican Church, Park Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Wednesday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 21, at 1.30pm,<br />
followed bycremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />
HEEMAN, Sharon Lesley<br />
passed away on Tuesday, 20<br />
<strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong>.<br />
Sharon was the daughter of<br />
Owen and Diana Wellman,<br />
sister of Ian, wifeofCarlo and<br />
mother of our girls Cairo and<br />
Siena.<br />
Very much loved and<br />
cherished by family and<br />
friends,forever.<br />
Her service will be held<br />
at Wai-mana Chapel, 92<br />
Kippenberger Avenue,<br />
Rangiora 2.30pm Friday, 23<br />
<strong>September</strong>.<br />
Allwelcome.<br />
HOLDAWAY, Natalie, on<br />
18th <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong> at<br />
Christchurch Hospital, inher<br />
91st year. Dearly loved wife<br />
of the late John for 66years.<br />
Loving mother and motherin-law<br />
ofChris and Christine,<br />
Kathy and Kevin Moseley,<br />
Mike and Rachel,and Iainand<br />
Linda. Loved Gran of John,<br />
Thomas and Stephen; Nicola<br />
and Julia: Jacob and Cushla;<br />
Libby and Anna, and 6greatgrandchildren.<br />
Messages to<br />
the Holdaway Family, c/- PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />
private cremation has been<br />
held.Servicedetails to follow.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
NISBET Elizabeth (Liz), on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 13, 20<strong>22</strong>. Beloved<br />
soul mate and wife ofBert,<br />
much lovedmother of Kerron<br />
and Darrell, and Dawn, and<br />
loved grandmother of Cara<br />
and James.<br />
Messages to<br />
the Nisbet family P O Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />
celebration of Liz’s life was<br />
held in the Chertsey Hall, St<br />
Paul’s Church, 39 Chertsey<br />
Line Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />
Monday <strong>September</strong> 19,<br />
followed bycremation at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since 1982<br />
SALMONS, Laurence:<br />
Woodturner, Fisherman<br />
and Golfer. Laurie (Pop/<br />
Dad) quietly passed away<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital<br />
on Friday, <strong>September</strong> 2,<br />
20<strong>22</strong> with family at his<br />
bedside. Husband to Norma<br />
(deceased), Father to John,<br />
Grant(deceased) andJenene.<br />
Grandfather to Amanda,<br />
Melissa, Rebecca, Emma,<br />
Claire and Matthew and<br />
Great-grandfather to 11.<br />
Thereistobeaprivate family<br />
intermentlaterthis year.<br />
Messages to 76A Middle<br />
Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Acknowledgement<br />
KERR, Carol Mary: Ty,<br />
Destany, Judy, Bob, Wayne,<br />
Sheryl and Robert, would like<br />
to thank everybody for their<br />
kind words atthe loss of a<br />
mother,daughterand sister.<br />
Also the donations for the<br />
Westpac Helicopter, cards,<br />
phone calls and in person.<br />
Please accept this as a<br />
personal acknowledgement.<br />
In Memoriam<br />
BOX, Danny<br />
24.10.73 –24.9.93<br />
Thebeautyofarainbow<br />
Theperfection of arose<br />
Thestillness of asilent night<br />
Andthe ache inside me grows.<br />
Thesong that tugs the<br />
heartstrings<br />
Thepainting on the wall<br />
They’reall so very special<br />
AndIsee youinthem all.<br />
Miss youDanny<br />
Love you<br />
Mumxxx<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Enquiries phone<br />
Mary,Jann or Karen<br />
on 308 7664 or call<br />
into 199 Burnett St.<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
100 years; Margaret<br />
reflects on her life<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
‘‘At least Imade it’’ are the lighthearted,<br />
cheekywords of Margaret Halkett, of Dorie,<br />
who celebrated her 100th birthday this<br />
week.<br />
Surrounded by flowers, balloons, friends<br />
and family on Tuesday, Margaret reflected<br />
on what she describedasawonderfullife.<br />
‘‘I enjoyed everythingIdid,’’she said.<br />
‘‘I’ve enjoyed life.’’<br />
Bornand raised on afarm in Dorie,<br />
Margaret attended Dorie School.<br />
During World War II she went up to<br />
Wellington for two and ahalf years to work<br />
as aRed Cross nurse at Wellington<br />
Hospital.<br />
‘‘I lovedit,’’ she said, thinking back on her<br />
experience. ‘‘I just loved nursing.’’<br />
However she did not continue nursing<br />
after the war. ‘‘As amatter of fact, Igot<br />
homesick and Iwanted to go home to my<br />
mother.<br />
‘‘They badly wanted me to stay and train<br />
(as anurse)but no, Iwantedtoget hometo<br />
my mother.’’<br />
Afterreturning to <strong>Ashburton</strong> she met her<br />
husbandtobe and the spring of 1945 they<br />
married.<br />
Margaret welcomed her first baby, Les,<br />
into the world in October 1946. Soon he was<br />
joined by ababy brother,Brian.<br />
‘‘There were seven boysinmyhusband’s<br />
family,soIthought after two boys I’d better<br />
stop there,’’ she said.<br />
Throughout her life Margaret enjoyed<br />
volunteering with the church, doing<br />
hospitalvisits for the RSA and MSA,<br />
playingpiano, and knitting blankets for the<br />
Red Cross.<br />
‘‘I always had knitting or crocheting on<br />
the go,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘I’d have the crochet hook in my apron<br />
pocket wherever Iwas working in case I<br />
had aminute or two to do afew stitches.’’<br />
‘‘I had joy and pleasure in everything I<br />
did,’’ she said.<br />
Son Brian, remindedher she’d managed<br />
to go her whole life without ever obtaining<br />
adriver’s license but Margaret smiled and<br />
said ‘‘well, Iknew I’d be dangerous.’’<br />
On her birthday she received plenty of<br />
flowers, alarge chocolate cake, and was<br />
delivered acrownsealed Congratulatory<br />
Letter by Mayor Neil Brown.<br />
Everyone was eager to know if Margaret<br />
may have been one of the last recipients of<br />
Queen Elizabeth II’s 100year<br />
Congratulatory Letters, or one of the first<br />
recipientsofaletter from King Charles III.<br />
Alas,the heartwarming letterwas<br />
pennedfrom New ZealandGovernor<br />
General, Cindy Kiro.<br />
Nonetheless, Margaret recognised the<br />
preciousness of such acelebration, and was<br />
moved to tearswhen hearing everyone’s<br />
love and best wishes for her birthday<br />
milestone.<br />
‘‘I’ve had awonderfulday,’’she said.<br />
She claimed whileshe couldn't do much<br />
in her Coldstream Court resthome, she’d<br />
be spending the rest of her birthdaygetting<br />
up to mischief.<br />
Margaret Halkett cuts her cake with daughterinlaw Jenny (left),son Brian Halkett, and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown (right).
Contactus<br />
Curtis: 021674 258<br />
Arnika: 0276889910<br />
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<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 31<br />
<strong>22</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Message From ThePrincipal<br />
NCEA Level1<br />
Aftermuch consultation we have decided to retain<br />
NCEA Level 1for the majority of our students,<br />
for 2023 and from 2024 onwards when national<br />
changes are scheduled to be implemented for<br />
NCEALevel 1.<br />
This decision was made after a six-month<br />
consultation process that took in the views of staff;<br />
students (both current and former); parents; our<br />
Māoricommunityand some employers.<br />
With national changes in placefor 2024 we willtake thatopportunityto<br />
remodel whatour Year 11 courses have on offer.Mythankstoeveryone<br />
who contributed to this decision and to the fivestaff who led this mahi.<br />
Māori Language Week<br />
This week we are celebrating Māori Language week. Nationally, itwas<br />
scheduled for last week, but the combination of the Queen’s passing<br />
and our seniors beingawayonexam leave made it logical to delaythese<br />
celebrationsuntil this week.<br />
These language week acknowledgements are arranged byour Student<br />
Cultural Committee members working with our students tocelebrate<br />
our increasingdiversity. At<strong>Ashburton</strong>College we embracethisdiversity,<br />
which reflectsthe trend of our communityand our nation.<br />
Whilst we areamulti-cultural society, we also need to rememberthatNew<br />
Zealand, as anation, has acommitment to our bi-cultural partnership.<br />
This recognises the partnership of Māori (as Tangata Whenua). This is<br />
enshrined in our legislation and reflects the commitment made at the<br />
signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.<br />
Last year Iwas fortunate enough to go to the Waitangi Museum and<br />
Treaty grounds. Itshames me to say that this was myfirst visit but it<br />
was certainly worth the wait. Ifyou and your family have never been to<br />
WaitangiIwouldhighly recommend this experience.<br />
NewBuild<br />
Ournew build hasbegunwith thefencing of theentirebuilding site. This<br />
first block incorporates: Science, Mathematics, Art, Drama andTeWhare<br />
Manaaki. Aftersolong with no visible signofprogress,eventhe erection<br />
of the fences aroundthe sitewas welcome.<br />
This block is due for completion in Term Four next year.This will enable<br />
those subjects to transfer to their new rooms, and also allow for the<br />
existingSBlocktobedemolished,overthe Christmas break next year.<br />
As Ipointedout to our students at arecentcelebration assembly;ifthey<br />
arecurrently in Years 9,10 or 11 they will get use of these new facilities.<br />
Queen Elizabeth II<br />
Most of us would be full of admiration for Queen Elizabeth and,<br />
particularly,her devotion to duty. She certainly lived up to her Coronation<br />
pledge of a‘life-time of service’.<br />
As Ipointed out to staff, many ofour students will have grandparents<br />
who were born after Queen Elizabeth had been crowned. King Charles<br />
has certainly had alengthy apprenticeship for his role. Upon reflection,<br />
being born into this family as afirst-born certainly carries aweight of<br />
expectation. These arehistoric timestoberemembered.<br />
Many thanks<br />
Ross Preece<br />
Principal •Tumuaki<br />
Information<br />
College Music Evening<br />
We welcome the return of another of our keycultural events,<br />
afterthe previous COVID-restrictions.<br />
If youare able to attend,diarythisevent which showcases the<br />
musical talentofmanyofour students.<br />
Information<br />
TRIENNIAL ELECTIONS 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Parent Representatives Votes:<br />
Mark Aguila 24 AdiAvnit 95<br />
Matt Cassineri 125 JaneKelly 164<br />
Jen Muir 153 Coby Snowden 102<br />
Invalid Votes 9<br />
Iherebydeclarethe following elected:<br />
Matt Cassineri<br />
Jane Kelly<br />
Jen Muir<br />
Staff Representative<br />
At the close of nominations, asthere was only one valid nomination<br />
received Iherebydeclare Michael Clark duly elected.<br />
Sheena Tyrrell<br />
Returning Officer<br />
Congratulations<br />
WinterSportsTournament Week<br />
As outlined in last week’s newsletter wenow look at the balance of<br />
sports reportsfromWinterTournamentWeek.<br />
Boys’1st XI Hockey:Johnson CupRunners-Up<br />
The Boys’ Hockey team played in Christchurch from 28 August-<br />
02 <strong>September</strong>, at the Ngā Puna WaiHockeyTurf.<br />
Manager JasonVannini said therewerenine teamscontestingthe Johnson<br />
Cup this year, with College in the pool of five teams, therefore having four<br />
poolgames.<br />
With astrong team, and alarge number of Year 12 students this year, the<br />
team andmanagementwerehoping to do well.<br />
Team Captainwas HenryWallis,with Hamish O’Reilly as Vice-Captain.<br />
GameReports<br />
In the first game against King’s High School (Dunedin) the team went<br />
behind to agoal in the23rdminute,despitehaving the better of possession<br />
and territory. However, theplayers continuedtopress during the game and<br />
finallyscoredthrough RileyHarris with twominutestogofor a final score<br />
of 1-1 againstastrong team from our pool.<br />
In the second poolgame College playedTeKuraKaupapaMāorioRuamata,<br />
aMāori immersion school from Rotorua, and very much an unknown.<br />
College started very well with a goal toDevon Flannery after only three<br />
minutes. Theopposition, though, wasveryskilled andstrong on theball and<br />
scored twoquick goals in the second quarter to take thelead 2-1 at halftime.<br />
However, another goal to Devon Flannery on the stroke of half-time<br />
brought the scoreto2-all. Thelast half of the game wasclosely foughtwith<br />
Ruamata scoring with four minutes to go, to win the game3-2.<br />
Some good saves byGoalie Archie Glanville kept the game close but he<br />
just couldn’t stop the last one.<br />
Remaining Pool Games<br />
AshColl needed to win their remaining two pool games to progress to<br />
the semi-finals, and they started well against Roncalli College (Timaru).<br />
DevonFlannery scored agoal literally from the start ofthe match, having<br />
College up 1-0 after 26seconds! Hamish O’Reilly scored after thirteen<br />
minutestobring the scoreto2-0 at half-time. Twogoals to Nick Stringer in<br />
the second half finished the game off at 4-0 to College.<br />
Thelastpoolgame was against Burnside High School, with College again<br />
needing to wintomakethe semi-finals.<br />
Burnsidehad beatenKing’s High School earlier in the week,soatough game<br />
wasexpected.AshColl dominatedearly,with Lachie Jemmett scoring after<br />
5minutes. Unfortunately, right atthe end of the first quarter Burnside<br />
scored to even it up at 1-all. In the second quarterasee-sawbattle sawthe<br />
half-timescore remainat1-all.<br />
In the third quarter College dominated possession and Hamish O’Reilly<br />
scored twicefrompenalty corners,followedbyafield goal to completehis<br />
hattrick!<br />
In the final quarter Harrison Doak scored twice and aconsolation goal at<br />
the end by Burnside broughtthe finalscore to 6-2 in College’s favour.<br />
Pool Cross-OverPlay<br />
As College placed second intheir pool they had to play the top team from<br />
the other pool, Shirley Boys’ High School. The game was very even with<br />
good defence from HenryWallis and Zane Cameron keeping the Shirley<br />
attackers out.College thenscoredinthe 24thminute,with HarrisonDoak<br />
scoring aclassic striker’s goal,tappingthe ballinatthe farpost after agreat<br />
passacross the faceofgoal.<br />
Thethirdquarterwas hardfoughtwith no goals scored and although both<br />
sides had chances inthe 4th quarter, no more goals were scored soa1-0<br />
victory sent College into the final.<br />
Final<br />
The final was against Ruamata, with both teams fatigued from atough<br />
week of hockey.The first quarter was dominated byRuamata with alot of<br />
attacking but no goals scored.They startedverywell in the second quarter<br />
and scored two quick goals before wereplied with one to Hamish O’Reilly.<br />
Ruamata then scored on the strokeofhalf-time to take a3-1 lead.<br />
The game opened up in the 3rd quarter with chances at both ends, and<br />
Ruamata scored again. In the last quarter another goal was scored against<br />
Congratulations<br />
College,before DevonFlannery finished thegame,with timeup, by scoring<br />
agoal off apenaltycorner to make the final score5-2 to Ruamata.<br />
Silver Medal<br />
College gainedthe Silver Medal, completingtheir best finish at Johnson<br />
Cupfor more thantwelveyears.<br />
Jason said they are looking forward to having astrong team next year and<br />
getting to the ‘pointy end’ofthe tournamentagain.<br />
The boys learned alot during the week, and over the season, from Coach<br />
Ryan Hampton and were well fed and watered for the week by Manager<br />
Jason Vannini.<br />
(Pictured left): The<br />
Year 13 students<br />
following the final, and<br />
their final game for<br />
College,with the team’s<br />
coach and manager.<br />
(Lefttoright):<br />
Ryan Hampton (Coach),<br />
Riley Harris,<br />
HenryWallis,<br />
Zane Cameron,<br />
DevonFlannery,<br />
Jason Vannini<br />
(Manager).<br />
Team members during the week were –ZaneCameron, HarrisonDoak,<br />
Jack Ellis, Devon Flannery, Archie Glanville, Riley Harris, Lachie Jemmett,<br />
Nick Kershaw, Braden Luxton, Hamish O’Reilly, Sam Orr, Will Rollinson,<br />
TomRosevear, Nicholas Stringer,HenryThomas,Henry Wallis.<br />
Appreciation<br />
Both the Coach and Manager would like to thank the parents who baked,<br />
transported,cheered forand supported their boys and our team this year…<br />
see younextyear!<br />
Boys’2nd XI Hockey,<strong>Ashburton</strong>CombinedTeam<br />
To preventabyeinthe draw,this team wasinvited into the Boys’South<br />
Island Tier 4Competition, played in<strong>Ashburton</strong> from 29August-02<br />
<strong>September</strong>, bringing the draw to eightteams.<br />
The Combined Team was made up of players from <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Mt Hutt Colleges,<strong>Ashburton</strong>ChristianSchool andahome-schooledstudent;<br />
collectively brought together by College teacher JasonVannini. This team<br />
had been playing together in aweekly competition.<br />
Manager Lucy Ellis said this was agreat introduction for the team to afull<br />
hockey tournament. The team competed extremely well to gain adraw<br />
and one win. Appreciated were the experienced players who were able to<br />
supportand guidethe younger players.<br />
Results<br />
In Game 1against Taieri College they drew 3-3; with their win coming in<br />
Game 5againstWest Coast Combined (4-1).<br />
Losses came from Game 2, Logan Park High School (4-1); Game 3, Waitaki<br />
Boys’High School (4-0); and Game 4against TokomairiroHigh School (2-0).<br />
The team (pictured above, back row, left to right): Cody Etheridge (Mt Hutt<br />
College); Wessel Blignault (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Christian School); Jethro Dove and<br />
Mitchell Lye (AshColl); Jayden Etheridge (Mt Hutt College); James Reid<br />
and Joshua Cannan (AshColl); Rodney Grant (Coach); Liam Walker and<br />
BenEdkins (AshColl).<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): NicDalgety(Goalie,AshColl); Lachlan Adam (Captain,<br />
home-schooled student); Toby Grant, Taylor Wilson; TomEllis, RileyTrotter,<br />
Hamish Ramsayamd Nate Woods (All AshColl).<br />
Nate Woods suffered anankle injury and James Reid ahand injury which<br />
took him out of the last threegames.<br />
Girls’1st XI Hockey:4th Placed<br />
This team played their competition, for the Audrey Timlin Memorial<br />
Trophy, in Christchurch from 29August-02 <strong>September</strong>. Fifteen teams<br />
competed forthistrophy.<br />
Coach Jen Muir said thatthe girlsstartedout a‘bitroughly’against Dunstan<br />
High School but took thewin.<br />
TopofPool<br />
The team’s second game onthe first day was against Roncalli College, and<br />
AshColl again cameaway withawin, leaving themtop of their pool.<br />
By the quarter-final against Paraparaumu College the girls were playing<br />
somefantastic expansivehockeyand making it look easy.<br />
Their semi-final was against St Hilda’s Collegiate and, in<strong>22</strong> degree heat,<br />
was always going to be tough. Twoinjuriesinthe first quarterput the team<br />
on the back foot,but theykept fightingand put in thefirst goal early in the<br />
second quarter.<br />
They held it together well and kept pushing but unfortunately St Hilda’s<br />
scored withseven minutes lefttoplay.
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 31<br />
<strong>22</strong> <strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Congratulations<br />
Thegame ended as adraw and thereforewenttoshootouts. Unfortunately<br />
this sawStHilda’s take the win 3-0 on shootouts.<br />
Final game for3rd/4th wasagainst Macleans College,Auckland. After such<br />
atough game the daybeforethe girlsfought hardbut had nothing left.<br />
Macleans got an early goal and it was an uphill battle from there.<br />
However, the AshColl girls managed toget agoal back just minutes later.<br />
Macleans gained another goal mid-way through the second quarter but,<br />
unfortunately,AshColl couldn’t findthe back of the goal again and the final<br />
scoreremained at 2-1, giving afinal placing of fourth from the fifteen teams.<br />
Individual GameResults which ledtotheir commendable 4th final placing<br />
were – wins over Dunstan High School (1-0), Roncalli College (3-2) and<br />
Paraparaumu College (6-0). The team’s 1-all draw was against St Hilda’s<br />
College with the loss coming from shoot outs 0-3; and the 2-1 loss against<br />
Macleans College.<br />
The team (pictured above, back row, left toright): Olivia Muir (Goalie),<br />
Leah Doig, Jessie Pitney, Caitlin Collie, Laura Walsh, Emma Lill (Joint Vice-<br />
Captain), Lily Davidson, Rose Vannini, Honor Bradford, Bree Greer.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Alia Forrester, Laura Cameron, Holly-Jayne Feutz,<br />
Anna Gray (Captain), AmyMcLachlan,Sarah Wilson (JointVice-Captain).<br />
Skip and Jen Muir were with the team as coaches, and Viv McLachlan as<br />
Manager.<br />
Skip and Jen said they were rapt with the hockey the girlsplayedduringthe<br />
week,sayingitwas fantastic to watch.<br />
Viv also had positive comments, saying they were agreat group of girls to<br />
be away with. With additional credit to the team, they received comments<br />
from officials about their sportsmanship and the motel owners commented<br />
on their manners, saying they would recommend them to other motelliers<br />
in the future.<br />
South Island Secondary Schools’EquestrianChampionships–<br />
2ndPlaced Overall<br />
This event was held at the National Equestrian Centre, McLean’s<br />
Island,Christchurch, from 29 August-02 <strong>September</strong>,with twelveteams<br />
competing.<br />
Coach/Manager Genevieve Kirwan said that the event was run by<br />
Equestrian Sports New Zealand,being the first time this has been included<br />
in WinterTournamentWeek.<br />
She advised that the event was very successful, with teams travelling from<br />
as far afield as Marlborough and CentralOtago.<br />
The championships were run over four days with different disciplines<br />
running each day. Points from each discipline countedtowardseach team’s<br />
overall score.<br />
Team members were -Caendal Harris(Captain), Taylah Ward (Vice-Captain),<br />
Ella Richardson, Olivia McFarlane,CharlotteBota.<br />
Second Placing Overall<br />
The AshColl team had a very successful week gaining individual<br />
placings in each discipline, and placing particularly well in the Arena<br />
Eventing.<br />
Each rider placed individually which earned the team 2nd placing<br />
overall.<br />
(Pictured above, left toright): The team with their second-placing ribbons<br />
in Arena Eventing – Olivia McFarlane, Taylah Ward, Ella Richardson,<br />
Caendal Harris.<br />
Specific Resultswere –<br />
Individual Dressage –4th Placings:<br />
Caendal Harrisriding Something Good and Olivia McFarlane riding Mr Silver.<br />
Individual Arena Eventing –with the team placed 2nd Overall:<br />
Olivia McFarlane 3rdand 6th placed<br />
(Pictured right):<br />
Olivia McFarlane on<br />
Painted Poppy after<br />
the Arena Eventing.<br />
Riding Painted Poppyand<br />
Mr Silver respectively.<br />
Caendal Harris 5th placed Riding Something Good.<br />
Ella Richardson 5th placed Riding Forest.<br />
Taylah Ward 6th placed Riding Holmslee Pocket Rocket<br />
Individual Show Jumping:<br />
Taylah Ward 4th placed Riding Holmslee Pocket Rocket<br />
CharlotteBota 3rdplaced Riding Grant<br />
Caendal Harris 5th placed Riding Something Good<br />
Individual Show Hunter:<br />
Caendal Harris 3rd placed Riding Something Good<br />
Genevieve said that all team members represented the school and<br />
supported each other very well throughout the competition, which was a<br />
pleasure towatch. Many thanks are given tothe parents who also helped<br />
make the week asuccess.<br />
Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships<br />
Selection forOllie Bubb<br />
Year 12 student Ollie Bubb has been selected to represent New<br />
Zealand at the 20<strong>22</strong> IPF (International Powerlifting Championships)<br />
Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships.<br />
These Championships are tobeheld in Auckland from 28 November-04<br />
December,which is exciting forall afterCOVID-cancellation in 2021.<br />
Ollie will compete in the 74kg Sub-Junior Men’s Classic Powerlifting<br />
competitionaspartofthe New Zealand Ateam.<br />
His selection comes as aresult ofwinning Nationals in Christchurch this<br />
August, which wereported on in an earlier newsletter. Atthis event he<br />
achieved apersonal best across all his lifts -Squat150kgs,Bench 95kgs and<br />
Deadlift207.5kgs.This combined total of 452.5Kgwas a30kg improvement<br />
on his previous performancewherehetook out the Regional title in April.<br />
Ollie has been<br />
powerlifting for<br />
just over ayear<br />
and trains up to<br />
sixtimes aweek.<br />
Hisdedication and<br />
tenacityhave seen<br />
himgain much<br />
success in this<br />
shorttime and he<br />
hopes to continue<br />
this form when he<br />
represents his<br />
country.<br />
Hisfamily have<br />
said they are,<br />
understandably,<br />
very proud of him<br />
and can’t wait to see<br />
himperform on the<br />
international stage.<br />
(Pictured right):<br />
Ollie Bubb in action<br />
in the Squatatthe Nationals.<br />
TheCommonwealth Powerlifting Federation currently servesthis major<br />
Powerlifting eventfor Commonwealth nations,the Commonwealth<br />
Powerlifting Championships,with championships held bi-annually.<br />
So far, the Commonwealth Powerlifting Federation has successfully run<br />
seven Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships, with the first being<br />
in 2005 in Northumberland, England. The most recent event was held in<br />
Newfoundland,Canada, in <strong>September</strong> 2019, hosting 416 lifters.<br />
Success at Annual OskarQuiz for<br />
Students of German<br />
Two AshColl Year 10 teams competed at the Annual Oskar Quiz at<br />
Lincoln High School on Monday12<strong>September</strong>.<br />
Team members were:<br />
Team 1 Ryan Heal,Tristin Wills, Amalia Worsfold,AshleighClarke.<br />
Team 2 GabbyRodgers, Sophia Aguila, BellaDawson,Caitlin McSorley.<br />
The quiz categories included: The Berlin Wall; Chaser questions from the<br />
show ‘The Chaser’; Identifying famous German brands/logos/people;<br />
Mapping; Factsand figures; andaVideo round.<br />
Teacher of German TomKitchen said that both teams presentedthemselves<br />
really well,and had experts assigned to each categorymentioned above.<br />
First Overall –TrophyRetained<br />
The team of Gabby, Sophia, Bella and Caitlin finished first overall to<br />
retain the Oskar Trophyfor <strong>Ashburton</strong>College; while the team comprised of<br />
Ryan, Tristin, Amalia and Ashleigh finished 4th.<br />
Tomsaid thatthe winning College team wassitting around the middle at the<br />
half-waymark, but gainedquiteahigh scoreinanexercise between rounds,<br />
wherethe teams had to identify aspects on amassive map of Germany.<br />
Altogether,therewere seven teams competing; from Lincoln and Burnside<br />
High Schools,and <strong>Ashburton</strong>College.<br />
(Pictured right,<br />
lefttoright): The<br />
winning team,<br />
back at College<br />
with the trophy,<br />
GabbyRodgers,<br />
Caitlin McSorley,<br />
Sophia Aguila,<br />
Bella Dawson.<br />
Ken Pow, former teacher of German at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, was the MC for<br />
the nightand did afantastic job of motivating everyone involved; and had<br />
the College vanloadall singing on the wayhome! Tomsaid thatitwas great<br />
to catchupwith him again -and he had a‘special moment’when one of the<br />
current students said thathehad taughttheir mother!<br />
Tomconcluded by saying agreat evening was had by all, with all looking<br />
forwardtodefending the trophyagain next year.<br />
Forthcoming Events<br />
(Pictured left,<br />
lefttoright):<br />
pondering their<br />
answers are<br />
Tristan Wills,<br />
Ryan Heal,<br />
Amalia Worsfold,<br />
Ashleigh Clarke.<br />
<strong>September</strong><br />
19-23 MāoriLanguage Week,being celebratedatCollege:<br />
23 Year 12 GeographyResearch, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
25-01 Oct Tuvalu Language Week<br />
26 Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Public Holiday<br />
27 Year 12 Antarctic Centre trip,Antarctic Centre,Christchurch<br />
Year 12 GeographyResearch, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
StudyLink TertiaryEvening,College staffroom, 7:00pm<br />
Music Evening,Auditorium, 7:00pm<br />
28 Year 11-13 Foundation Studies Field Trip,Christchurch<br />
29 Non-UniformDay<br />
Year 12 GeographyResearch, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Year 13 Classics Field Trip,UniversityofCanterbury,<br />
TeeceMuseumtrip, Christchurch<br />
30 Lincoln UniversityCourse Planning<br />
End of Term Three<br />
30-16 StudentHolidaybreak<br />
20<strong>22</strong> End-of-Year Final Days,Prize-Givings,Events<br />
Parents, caregivers,family/whānau,friends and interested community<br />
members aremost welcomeatthe Awards Ceremonyand Prize-givings.<br />
October<br />
31 Year 13 final day. Students finish at 1:20pm.<br />
Year 13 Awards Ceremony, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre,7:30pm.<br />
November<br />
03 Year 12 final day. Students finish at 1:20pm.<br />
Year 11 final day. Students finishat3:05pm.<br />
Year 11 and 12 Prize-giving (Combined),<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre, 7:00pm.<br />
December<br />
04 Leavers’GraduationDinner,Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, arrive at 6:30pm,<br />
seatedat7:00pm.<br />
Tbc Year 9and 10 Prize-giving datesand times.
5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website<br />
Newreservoir ready to boost storage<br />
The filling of the first of Methven’s<br />
new drinking water reservoirs this<br />
week marks amilestone in major<br />
work to upgrade the town’s water<br />
supply.<br />
About $9.6 million willbespentboosting<br />
storage and building anew membrane<br />
treatmentplant by thetimeboth projects<br />
arefinished next year.<br />
Methven residentswereasked to conserve<br />
water during the reservoir filling and<br />
commissioning process, but Infrastructure<br />
Services GroupManagerNeilMcCann said<br />
it would be the last of the conservewater<br />
notices connectedwiththe upgrade work<br />
forawhile.<br />
“We’ve had to ask Methven residents<br />
severaltimesinthepast fewmonthsto use<br />
water conservatively and wethank them<br />
fortheirefforts. We expectthiswill be the<br />
last one until we commission the second<br />
newstorage tank in February next year.”<br />
The two new storage tanks will replace<br />
Methven’s old concrete reservoir. Once<br />
the first new tank iscommissioned and<br />
tested, the old reservoir will be drained<br />
and structurally inspected to see ifitcan<br />
be safely usedfor additional storageinthe<br />
future.<br />
The contractor will now focus on<br />
constructing the second new steel and<br />
glasstank,withpartsontheirwayfromthe<br />
United Kingdom.<br />
Thetwo newtanks willhaveacombined<br />
capacity of 1,140 cubic metres and help<br />
manage peak demand on Methven’s<br />
drinkingwaterscheme.<br />
Conserve water notices over the past<br />
months have allowed contractors to lay<br />
underground pipes linking the existing<br />
The first of Methven'stwonewdrinking water reservoirs is being filled thisweek.<br />
treatment plant and thefuturemembrane<br />
plant, which will include improved pretreatment<br />
and then filter the water toa<br />
much higher degree.<br />
“The membrane plant is designed to<br />
provide effective treatment even under<br />
very poor weather conditionsand should<br />
remove the need for boil water notices<br />
on the Methven schemeinthe future,”Mr<br />
McCann said.<br />
“Weare aiming forthe newplanttobeup<br />
and running by the middle of next year.”<br />
Commissioning the new tank this week<br />
willentail graduallyfilling it with waterto<br />
test bolted joints and ensuring there are<br />
no leaks. The tank’s metal framework,<br />
basement and foundation will also be<br />
monitored.<br />
Water from the new reservoir will be<br />
incorporated into the reticulation system<br />
next month.<br />
The newly-elected Methven Community<br />
Board will be visiting the work area in<br />
November to see progress on the upgrade.<br />
Thursday,<strong>22</strong><strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong> | ISSUE 97<br />
Votingpapers<br />
arriveinlocal<br />
letterboxes<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District residents have<br />
been receiving their voting papers<br />
in the post this week for the local<br />
elections, but if yours haven’t<br />
arrived thenit’sstill possible to have<br />
your say.<br />
Those who have received their papers<br />
are encouraged tovote, pack and post<br />
their voting documentbackby4October.<br />
Simply drop your papers into aNZPost<br />
postbox or intospecial orangevoting bins<br />
at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library,atthe Mt<br />
Hutt Memorial Hall or at Council's Baring<br />
SquareWestoffices.<br />
If your papers don’t arrive, are damaged<br />
or youforgottoenrol to vote,you may be<br />
able to cast aspecial vote.<br />
You need to be on the electoral roll to<br />
requestaspecialvoteand youcan do this<br />
by visiting, or call 0800 36 76 56, or<br />
freetext your name andaddress to 3676.<br />
Youwill need to cast your special vote at<br />
Council's offices. See our voteashburton.<br />
nz website for more information about<br />
special votes.<br />
All votes need to be received by the<br />
deadline of noon on Saturday 8October.<br />
Jane Donaldson-Group Manager Strategy &Compliance<br />
Responsible dog ownersregistertheir pets<br />
The annual dogreportwas before<br />
Council thisweek and it was<br />
pleasing to see agood drop in the<br />
number of dogs impounded.<br />
In the 12 months to 30 June20<strong>22</strong>, 79<br />
dogs were impounded, one euthanised<br />
and 11 re-homed; thatcompared to<br />
107 dogs impounded in theprevious<br />
12-month period, oneeuthanised and<br />
12 re-homed.<br />
While the report haslotsoffigures<br />
around complianceand regulation,<br />
one thatisofthe mostinteresttous<br />
is around dog registration–it’sbeen<br />
our experiencethatdog ownerswho<br />
registertheir pets arealso pretty<br />
responsible about ensuring their dog is<br />
well-behaved and contained.<br />
So of the 82 infringementnotices we<br />
issued forthe period, most were for<br />
failingtoregisteradog.For the record,<br />
we had6919 dogs registered, up from<br />
6728 in the previous 12 months.<br />
Council recorded 602 complaints<br />
aboutdogs,upfrom591, and about<br />
two-thirdsofthese were from residents<br />
reportingwandering, barkingand lost<br />
dogs.<br />
Dog registration fees collected by<br />
Council areusedtofund our animal<br />
control work and this is done by<br />
both Council staffand acontractor.<br />
The contractorcovers all dog control<br />
callouts24hoursaday,seven days a<br />
week.<br />
Unfortunately we still receiveand<br />
investigate reportsofattacking or<br />
rushing dogsand these areassessed<br />
carefully,beforeappropriateactionis<br />
taken.<br />
We seeeducation as akey part of<br />
our dog control work,but persistent<br />
andserious offending canresult in<br />
infringements, prosecution or fines.<br />
Thevastmajority of dog owners though<br />
love theirpets and keep them under<br />
control,and we thank them.<br />
Work at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Dog Park has<br />
made good progress following the<br />
damagebyfloods last year.Ithas<br />
been held up recently by wetweather,<br />
butthere’sjustagravelpathtolay<br />
andsome agility equipmenttoinstall<br />
before it’sofficially finished. Council<br />
hasreceived lots of positivefeedback<br />
alreadyfrompeople using thenew<br />
exercise areasthereand the new<br />
carpark off Cass Street (byKmart).<br />
Another work in progress has been the<br />
LakesCampand Clearwater30-year<br />
plan, adoptedbyCouncil on 17 August.<br />
We havebeen working on the first<br />
action points–which include protecting<br />
thesensitivesouthernside of Lake<br />
Campby<br />
restricting<br />
4WDsand ATVs.<br />
Thisareaishome to special floraand<br />
fauna but has been ripped up by larger<br />
vehicles, which arenow prohibited.<br />
Visitorstothe area will see signs<br />
advising of the newrules and Council is<br />
producing information to help spread<br />
the word about what sort of behaviour<br />
is expected.<br />
Thisplan is acollaborativeeffort with<br />
the Department of Conservation,<br />
Environment Canterburyand Lake<br />
Clearwaterhut-holdersand we have<br />
asolidworkplan aimed at protecting<br />
thisspecial area andimproving water<br />
quality in thelakes.<br />
We’d like to think that everyone who<br />
enjoys spendingtime therewill be on<br />
boardtoo.<br />
1 Thursday,<strong>22</strong><strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong> |ISSUE 97<br />
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day changes<br />
The public holiday on Monday 26<br />
<strong>September</strong> for New Zealanders to<br />
mark the passing of QueenElizabeth<br />
II will see temporary changes to<br />
some Council services and facilities.<br />
Astate memorial service will be held in<br />
Wellingtonthatday and<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
mayor Neil Brown will be among civic<br />
leaders attending; our New Zealand flags<br />
in Baring SquareWestwill fly at half-mast<br />
up to and including thememorialday.<br />
Rubbish andrecycling<br />
There isnochange tokerbside rubbish<br />
and recycling collections and Monday’s<br />
collection will take place asusual, with<br />
residentstohavetheir wheelie bins out by<br />
7.30am. Remember to use your windstrap,<br />
whether it'swindy or not.<br />
Resource Recovery Parks<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Resource Recovery Park<br />
will be open Saturday and Sunday from<br />
9am until 5pm,and closedonMonday.<br />
The Rakaia Resource Recovery Park will<br />
be open on Saturdayfrom9am-3pm, and<br />
closed on Monday.<br />
EA NetworksCentre<br />
The EA Networks Centrewill be open every<br />
day during the long weekend. Thegym will<br />
be open Saturday from 7am until 6pm,<br />
on Sunday from 7am until 6pm, and on<br />
Monday from 10am-5pm.<br />
The pool will be open Saturday and<br />
Sunday from 7am until 5pm, and from<br />
10am-5pm on Monday.<br />
The stadium will be open Saturday and<br />
Sunday from 7am to 7pm, andfrom10am<br />
Twelve interesting people who call<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> home will share special<br />
stories about their lives as part<br />
of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library’s<br />
human book event on Sunday 25<br />
<strong>September</strong>.<br />
Local Lives is an event that will bring<br />
interesting,inspiring and insightful stories<br />
from members ofour community and<br />
people can book a20-minute session to<br />
talk one-on-one andconnectwith them.<br />
The book of condolences forQueen Elizabeth will remain at the public library until<br />
closing time tomorrow,Friday 23 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
until 9pm on Monday toaccommodate<br />
previously-booked sportingcompetitions.<br />
Mt Hutt MemorialHall<br />
The MtHuttMemorialHall at Methvenwill<br />
be open Saturdayand Sundayfrom10am<br />
until 4pm, and from 10am until 2pm on<br />
Monday.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Librarywill be open<br />
Saturday 10am-1pm, Sunday 1pm-4pm<br />
and closedMonday.<br />
Art Galleryand Museum<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery and Museum<br />
will be open 10am-4pm on Saturdayand<br />
Sunday,and closed Monday.<br />
Administration building<br />
Council’s administration building on<br />
Baring Square West will be closed<br />
Saturday, Sunday and Monday, reopening<br />
on Tuesday at 8.30am. If youhave<br />
aproblem or urgently need tocontact<br />
us, then the afterhours/24 hours-a-day<br />
servicewill be operating-please phone 03<br />
3077700.<br />
Emails, Snap Send Solves and website<br />
requests will be cleared Tuesday morning.<br />
Public toilets around the district will be<br />
open as usualduring the longweekend.<br />
All facilities will returntonormal hourson<br />
Tuesday27<strong>September</strong>.<br />
Check out our human books thisSunday<br />
The event is being offered during<br />
Mental Health Awareness Week and is a<br />
collaboration between the library and<br />
Keep Learning Mid Canterbury.<br />
Community Services Group Manager<br />
Steve Fabish said it offered residents a<br />
chancetoconnectwith people they might<br />
nototherwise meet.<br />
People can book through the Council’s<br />
website, for time slots between 1.30pm<br />
and 4pm on Sunday 25 <strong>September</strong>, and<br />
reserve time with more than one of the<br />
humanbooks.Youarealsowelcometo call<br />
the library to bookon03308 7192.<br />
Among the human books is Haider<br />
Ahmadi, who works for the Refugee<br />
Settlement Support Servicein<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Haider,who is originally from Afghanistan,<br />
cantalk abouthis failedattempttoreach<br />
Australia 21yearsago,inaperilous journey<br />
by fishing boat.<br />
He was rescued by the Tampa container<br />
ship and detainedonNauru Island, before<br />
beingable to settle in NewZealand.<br />
Time to springclean your stockwaterraces<br />
Spring is agreat time for checking<br />
and cleaning any stockwater races<br />
on your property.<br />
Forall users to haveaccess to the water, no<br />
matter wheretheyare on the network, it is<br />
important that aclear and continuousflow<br />
is maintained –plastic buckets, baleage<br />
wrap,weedsand other debris canall block<br />
races and result in overflows or water<br />
being wasted on land or roads.<br />
If you have astockwater race running<br />
through or adjacent to your property,<br />
you are responsible for cleaning and<br />
maintainingthatracetokeep it clear and<br />
the waterflowing.<br />
BEFORE<br />
Makesurehedgetrimmingsdon’t end up in<br />
racesandthatplasticanddrenchcontainers<br />
can’tmaketheir waythereeither.<br />
Culverts or bridge crossings on your<br />
property must also be monitored and<br />
AFTER<br />
maintained toensure they are in good<br />
condition. Please check they are big<br />
enough forthe normal waterflowtopass<br />
through or underthem, and thattheyare<br />
notdamaged or broken.<br />
PursuanttoTransport (Vehicular Traffic<br />
Road Closure) Regulations 1965,notice<br />
is herebygiven thatforthe purpose of<br />
allowing <strong>Ashburton</strong>MarketDaystohold<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>MarketDay, thefollowing<br />
road(s) will be closed to ordinary<br />
vehicular traffic (withthe exception of<br />
emergencyvehicles):<br />
Roadstobeclosed:<br />
• EASTSTREET,from MooreStreet<br />
to Havelock Street<br />
• TANCRED STREET,fromEast<br />
StreettoCass Street<br />
• BURNETTSTREET,fromEast<br />
StreettoCass Street<br />
Periodofclosure: From 7am until 6pm<br />
on MONDAY, 26<strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong>.<br />
It will be an offenceunder the above<br />
regulations forany person otherwise than<br />
under authority of an authorised permit<br />
to use the roads forordinaryvehicular<br />
traffic during the period of closure.<br />
InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />
Thereisnochangetokerbside<br />
rubbish and recyclingcollections<br />
on Monday 26 <strong>September</strong> and the<br />
kerbside collection will take place<br />
as usual. The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Resource<br />
Recovery Park willbeopen Saturday<br />
and Sunday from 9am until 5pm,<br />
and closed on Monday.The Rakaia<br />
Resource Recovery Park will be open<br />
on Saturday from 9am-3pm,and<br />
closed on Monday.<br />
Pleasejoinusfor the openingoftwo<br />
newexhibitionsatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art<br />
Galleryand Museum on Wednesday 28<br />
<strong>September</strong> at 6pm.<br />
The Wind of The Homelandpresents<br />
faithfullydocumented scenesofthe<br />
Canterburyregion by locallandscape<br />
painter HenryLowen-Smith.Opening<br />
at the same time is Capturing People and<br />
Places, which exploresthe life,career<br />
and photographsofone of <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s<br />
earliestfemale photographers, Bobbie<br />
Barwell of Barwell Studios.<br />
The event is free and lightrefreshments<br />
will beserved.<br />
Meetings areheld in theCouncil<br />
Chambers, 137 Havelock Street,<br />
(unless otherwise advised).<br />
Council Activity Briefings -<br />
Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,9.30am<br />
Audit &RiskCommittee -<br />
Wednesday 28 <strong>September</strong>,1.30pm<br />
(live-streamed)<br />
Council Hearings(Stormwater<br />
Bylaw) -Thursday 29 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
9.00am (live-streamed)<br />
Council Meeting -Wednesday 5<br />
October,1pm (live-streamed)<br />
5Baring Square West<br />
Mon,Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />
Thursday9am -5pm<br />
180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />
Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />
Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />
20 River Terrace<br />
Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />
Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />
327 WestStreet<br />
10am -4pm daily<br /> Thursday,<strong>22</strong><strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong> |ISSUE 97<br />
16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Afestive evening in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Handbags and Gladrags fundraiser,<br />
organised by CanBead andSafer<br />
MidCanterburyfor the local White<br />
Ribbon campaign, at the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
MSAfrom 7pm.Ticketscost $30<br />
eachfrom SaferMid Canterbury or<br />
by emailing<br /><br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Indian<br />
Multicultural Charitable<br />
Trust, in associationwith the<br />
Mid CanterburyNewcomers<br />
Network, are celebrating<br />
Garba and Diwali night in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
This Saturday, from 5pm, at<br />
the Hotel<strong>Ashburton</strong>, people<br />
can come together to celebrate<br />
Diwalinight and Garba with<br />
food, dancing and cultural<br />
activities.<br />
The festivities will start with<br />
atraditional welcomedance,<br />
followed by Diya lightingby<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown.<br />
Diya lightingissaid to clear<br />
negative energy from the body<br />
and mind, leaving space for<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Indian MulticulturalCharitable Trust have hostedmanycultural festivities.<br />
positivethoughts.<br />
Therewill be multicultural<br />
performancesthat incorporate<br />
traditional attire, and aGarba<br />
dance, amesmerising dance<br />
that originates from the state<br />
of Gujarat in Indiaand<br />
honours the feminine form of<br />
divinity.<br />
Guestswillhave the<br />
opportunity to learnGarba<br />
dancemoves from an instructor,<br />
and will be provided Garba<br />
sticks to useinthe dance should<br />
they wish to join in.<br />
Henna tattoos will be<br />
availablebyLush Henna.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Indian<br />
Multicultural Charitable Trust<br />
eventcoordinator Silky<br />
Sharma said‘‘<strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust<br />
has been organizing this festival<br />
frommany years successfully.<br />
Thisyear Diwali willmore<br />
bigger and more funwith<br />
Rangoli competition, Garba<br />
Danceand performances from<br />
different cultures’’.<br />
Diwaliistraditionally<br />
celebrated as afestivaloflights,<br />
and is celebrated across the<br />
globe by avarietyofcultures. In<br />
northernIndia, Diwali<br />
commemorates King Rama's<br />
triumphantreturn to the cityof<br />
Ayodhya after 14 yearsofexile.<br />
Renownedfor uniting<br />
different culturesand<br />
communities, this celebration is<br />
opentoall and will reflect<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s uniquediversity.<br />
Many traditional Garbasare<br />
performed around acentrally<br />
litlamp or apictureorstatueof<br />
the GoddessShakti,designed to<br />
worship and celebrate the<br />
feminine formofdivinity.<br />
Traditionally women<br />
performing Garbas will be<br />
barefoot and wearathreepiece<br />
outfit comprising choli(a<br />
blouse),achaniya(long flared<br />
skirt), and an embellished<br />
dupatta(long scarf), often<br />
complimented by glittering<br />
jewellery.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Indian<br />
Multicultural Charitable Trust<br />
welcomeseveryone to join the<br />
Diwali and Garba celebrations,<br />
saying the festivitiesrepresent<br />
inclusion and the unitingof<br />
different communities.<br />
SEPTEMBER 24<br />
Wheelchair basketball fundraiser<br />
match at the Mid Canterbury<br />
Basketball Stadium, Oxford Street<br />
from 2pm.Gold coinentry.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Market Day, on the<br />
streets of downtown <strong>Ashburton</strong>, all<br />
day.<br />
Bookarama-run by the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rotary Club -opens at<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Sports Hall, Tancred<br />
Street. Runsuntil October2.Opens<br />
at 8am.<br />
SEPTEMBER 27<br />
U3A Hakatere/<strong>Ashburton</strong> hasDr<br />
Annika Seppala speaking on space<br />
aurora,earth’s climate andhow<br />
theseare inter-related. <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
TrustEvent Centre,BradfordRoom<br />
at 10am.<br />
OCTOBER1<br />
PLANTS 4U@RAKAIA fundraiser,<br />
organized by theStAndrew's<br />
Presbyterian Church,inRakaia will<br />
be held on the church grounds on<br />
the main highway (opposite Mobil)<br />
from 9am to 1pm.<br />
SPEND<br />
DAY OUT<br />
SO MANY<br />
STALLS!<br />
Market<br />
Day<br />
LOTS OF<br />
FUN FOR<br />
THE KIDS!<br />
GREAT<br />
RANGE OF<br />
FOOD!<br />
MONDAY 26 SEPT<br />
9am - 4pm, - TOWN CENTRE:<br />
For afull list of stalls and entertainment, check out <strong>Ashburton</strong> Market Day on Facebook
Matt Williams<br />
Chris Woods<br />
Murran Carter Buller<br />
BrentGray<br />
HeathWalters<br />
Luke Glendining<br />
Pete Lee<br />
Dayle Stoliker<br />
DaveyHenderson<br />
John Hodson<br />
Neil Flux<br />
Eddie Galbraith<br />
Kate Galbraith<br />
LawrenceMcCormick<br />
JoeDanielson<br />
DanWilson<br />
Kim De Joux<br />
AmyDean<br />
Sophie Kettley<br />
Shayna Olsen<br />
Emily Jane Farr<br />
Summah Ralston<br />
Tiffany McRae<br />
Nicole Johnson<br />
Anna Tonks<br />
Tenielle Booth<br />
AudraCuellar<br />
McKenzie Lightwood<br />
ZoeLindsey<br />
Ian Jerao<br />
PeterMurray<br />
Eddie Still<br />
Anna Gray<br />
Molly Milmine<br />
KaseyHigson<br />
18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Toyota RAV4 Adventure and XSE Hybrids<br />
Toyota is going full throttle on making a<br />
high proportion of its model range here<br />
hybrid or selfcharging electric vehicles<br />
in aconcerted drive by the company to<br />
reducetheir carbon footprint.<br />
Twonew hybrid electrics have joined<br />
the topselling RAV4AWD SUVrange.<br />
Many will welcomethe extension of this<br />
technology to the offroad orientated<br />
Adventure ($57,990) pitched at those for<br />
those wholike to go that bit further off<br />
the beatentrack. The other newcomer is<br />
the $53,990XSE.Both models featurein<br />
this road test.<br />
TheXSE parks up neatly in the RAV4<br />
range between the midrange GXLand<br />
luxurious Limited. Distinguished by a<br />
twotone sporty exterior design, the XSE<br />
adds gloss blackfinishes to its lower<br />
bumpers, front grille, wheels, roof,<br />
wheel arch mouldings and mirror<br />
covers. Holdingthe ‘Go anywhere’<br />
crowninthe RAV4 range is the<br />
Adventure made even more desirable<br />
with amodern hybrid electric<br />
powertrain. Iliked the purposeful frontend<br />
design with its commanding stance<br />
both on and off theroad.Helping it on<br />
the front arenew 19” wheelswith dark<br />
matte greyfinishing. Toyotahas used<br />
the introduction of these twonew<br />
offerings as an opportunity to roll out<br />
someworthwhileupgrade across the<br />
entirehybrid range. Every variant is<br />
now fitted with anew projectorLED<br />
headlight design, while thefront fog<br />
lights switchfrom halogen bulbs to LED.<br />
Severalother adjustments have also<br />
been made to theexisting Limited<br />
grades such as afront passenger seat<br />
with 8way poweradjustment, front seat<br />
ventilation and adigital rearview<br />
mirror.<br />
All models are equipped with Toyota’s<br />
impressiveSafety Sense technologies,<br />
designed to help prevent collisions<br />
acrossawiderange of traffic conditions.<br />
Other advanced safetytechnologies<br />
including blindspot monitor, rear crosstraffic<br />
alert, reversing camera, front and<br />
rear parkingsensors, andseven airbags.<br />
Both test drive models are powered by<br />
Toyota’s class leading fourth generation<br />
selfcharginghybrid electric drivetrain,<br />
built around ahighly efficient Atkinson<br />
cycle 2.5litre fourcylinder petrol<br />
engine. The system is lighter, more<br />
compact andmatched with apower<br />
Your under car specialists<br />
WOF WOF repairs Vehicle servicing<br />
Exhaust specialists Mechanical repairs<br />
Tyres/Alignments Batteries Towbars<br />
Open Saturdays for WOF, 8am to 12 noon<br />
03 308 9984<br />
cnr Cass and South Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
Above: The RAV4 Adventure. Right: The<br />
RAV4 XSE selfcharging electric<br />
vehicles.<br />
dense electricmotor delivering a<br />
combined electric and petrol power<br />
output of 163kW.Livelyand responsive<br />
its adeptatmaking fastget a ways from<br />
standing starts. This powertrain does its<br />
best work in themid rev range with<br />
impressivepulling power, before fading<br />
at higher revs, where the hybrid system<br />
doesn’t really cometotherescue. This<br />
hybrid does abrilliant jobofshow<br />
casing just howmuch selfcharging<br />
hybrid electrictechnology has advanced<br />
in termsofperformance and<br />
smoothness.<br />
Awellsorted continuously variable<br />
transmission (CVT) rarely put agear<br />
changing foot wronginboth test<br />
vehicles. This was despite having their<br />
respective mettlestested over awide<br />
spectrum of driving conditions, varying<br />
from ‘easy as’ asphalted highways, to not<br />
so hospitable gravel roads that thread<br />
2500240<br />
QualityEuropean<br />
Vehicle Servicing<br />
•Advanced<br />
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•Experienced<br />
Technicians<br />
their way across our rural heartland.<br />
Arealstrength of this 5th generation<br />
RAV4’s is an abundanceofusable<br />
•Collection/Delivery<br />
‘Free of Charge’<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />
309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7776<br />
Tel: 03 3087282•<br />
Call us for a<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTE<br />
2500239<br />
passenger andload space,including a<br />
vast cargo cavity tucked behind the rear<br />
seats. Storageisexcellentand well<br />
executed with plenty of handynooks<br />
andcrannies thoughtful placedaround<br />
the cabin.<br />
Limited ground clearance even on the<br />
cross country trailingblazingAdventure<br />
variantmakes both vehicles more at<br />
ease when assigned lighter off road<br />
dutiesthan locking hornswith gnarly<br />
terrain. Allindependent suspension<br />
ensures confidentandcapable handling<br />
over mostofthe roadsyouare likely to<br />
encounter. Both test vehicles acquitted<br />
themselves wellthroughtight corners<br />
andsweeping bends where they felt<br />
nicelybalanced, andcomposed.<br />
Likethe roadholding, andIreally did,<br />
ridecomfort was up there as well. Just<br />
the right amount of suspension travel<br />
andsupplespring rates are thecorner<br />
stonesof awellcushioned ride over<br />
good, bad and plain ugly road surfaces.<br />
This is an aspectofthis newest RAV4’s<br />
designwhere Toyota has excelled.<br />
Ratingout of 10:<br />
Performance7,Handling 7, Build<br />
Quality 8, Refinement 8, Space7,Styling<br />
6, Fuel Economy;, on roadtest average<br />
consumption 6.4L/100km, Value for<br />
money 7, Safety, 2019 five star ANCAP<br />
crashrating<br />
Overall pointsout of 10:7.5<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
19<br />
Coachline seeks to connect Cantabrians<br />
From Page 1<br />
Founded by husband and wife, David and<br />
Gay Beckley, in the early2000s, Beckley<br />
Coachlines has been forced to adapt in<br />
recent years.<br />
At theend of 2020, David, who had been<br />
battling cancer, passed. In March 2021<br />
Gay also received acancer diagnosis.<br />
Andrew, their son, spent 15 years<br />
working in the New ZealandArmyband<br />
and had been workingfulltime as a<br />
paramedic withStJohn,helpingthe<br />
familybusiness in hisspare time.<br />
After his mum’s health deteriorated,<br />
Andrew opted to step backfrom his<br />
medical career and intothe management<br />
of Beckley Coachlines.<br />
‘‘Ivery much enjoy being at the top of<br />
the cliff now, instead of withthe<br />
ambulance at the bottom of thecliff,’’he<br />
said.<br />
Sheree,Andrew’s wife, also spenta<br />
decade working with St John, andhas,<br />
too, committed to Beckley Coachlines<br />
fulltime.<br />
They both sharealove forseeing<br />
people gettingout andhaving fun,<br />
especiallyafterwitnessing so much<br />
loneliness and social isolation in their<br />
medicalroles, theysaid.<br />
Beckley Coachlines offers everything<br />
from local tours to concert transport,to<br />
multiday charters,providing amuch<br />
needed tourismservice to the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
community.<br />
In Octoberthey will be running<br />
coachline servicestotransport people<br />
from <strong>Ashburton</strong> to Christchurchtosee<br />
Shrek: The Musical, the Sol3 Mio concert,<br />
and theMaori Sidesteps show.They offer<br />
ticket and transportpackages, making<br />
accessing entertainment across theSouth<br />
Island easy.<br />
Earlier thisyear they offered agetaway<br />
Andrew and Sheree Beckley have taken over management of Beckley Coachlines.<br />
tour to Lake Brunner which included<br />
visiting thePikeRiverMineMemorial.<br />
Previous destinations have included<br />
Cromwell and Wanaka, StewartIsland,<br />
Akaroa, Mt Hutt, and more fantastic<br />
SouthIsland destinations.<br />
They also offer mystery daytrips, a<br />
fantastic option for those whowant to get<br />
outand explore but aren’t surewhere to<br />
go.<br />
Shereesaid, ‘‘Over winterwetry to<br />
keep theday tripsabit shorter,sowe<br />
leave alittle laterand come home by mid<br />
afternoon before it gets toocold.’’<br />
‘‘It’s allfocused around thepunteras<br />
opposed to what we want,’’ Andrew said.<br />
‘‘Because we’d like them to keep<br />
travelling.’’<br />
Their tripsare strategically planned to<br />
makethe most of the natural environment<br />
whileavoiding seasonalcrowds. They<br />
visit Arrowtown in autumn afewdays<br />
before theannual festival, making the<br />
most of therich autumn scenery while<br />
avoiding theinflux of people who flock to<br />
the small Otago town.They do thesame<br />
withDunedin in spring, when thebotanic<br />
gardens are in full bloom.<br />
‘‘We still give them thesame<br />
experiencebut in amore relaxed way,’’<br />
Sheree said, adding how by avoiding<br />
crowds, they alsoavoid inflated<br />
accommodation costs.<br />
‘‘We try to make each tour as inclusive<br />
as we can, such as dinner,bed and<br />
breakfast as well as activities. This takes<br />
the stress and guess work out for people<br />
and makes budgeting for trips much<br />
easier,’’ they said.<br />
Beckley Coachlines has asmall fleet of<br />
buses, their main motorbeing a<br />
comfortable 53seater equipped witha<br />
Ulva Island, taken during Beckley<br />
Coachline's Stewart Island Tour in May<br />
this year.<br />
toilet,refrigerator, and boaststall<br />
windows for scenic viewing.<br />
Andrew and Shereesaidthey have<br />
plans on expanding their fleet as the<br />
business grows.<br />
‘‘While we love andhave a‘soft spot’ for<br />
our senior travellers,weare planning<br />
some trips for other specificmarkets,’’<br />
they said.<br />
‘‘People arekeen to get out. Theyhave<br />
beencooped up for such along time. Our<br />
trips can be really popular and rather<br />
than turn people away,wewillcreate<br />
extra trips.<br />
‘‘The business that Mum and Dad have<br />
worked so hard to build hascreatedusa<br />
fantastic foundation to keepbuilding on.’’<br />
<br />
VOTE<br />
ShfireSapphire<br />
for <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward and<br />
Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />
<br />
<br />
Iopposethe 3waters reform<br />
Let’sbring our differences together<br />
and find common ground<br />
<br />
Isupportour farmers and businessowners<br />
“Our land,our people,our future.This is your Aotearoa!”<br />
Your voicematters!<br />
2510254<br />
/shfiresapphire /shfire_sapphire /shfiresapphire<br />
~Authorised by ShfireSapphire, 021681989
NEWS<br />
20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Stories showcase local literary talent<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
Nine localwritershave been recognised<br />
for their shortandsweet storytelling<br />
skills after entering the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
WritersGroup’s annualshort story<br />
competition.<br />
Aprizegiving was held at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Museumon Friday afternoon<br />
where local writersacross three age<br />
categorieswerecongratulated fortheir<br />
creative talent.<br />
With over130 submissions across<br />
three age groups,the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Writers<br />
Group had adifficult choice picking just<br />
ninewinners to represent Mid<br />
The winning stories were put on display.<br />
Canterbury.<br />
Group secretary/treasurerRae<br />
Magson said‘‘We received 136 entries,<br />
nearly double lastyear's number.Itwas<br />
along dayjudgingthem.’’<br />
Shedescribed reading common<br />
themes of monstersand suspenseful<br />
dysphoria, withcharactersoftenwaking<br />
from dreams or nightmares.<br />
‘‘Somany to read through, but great<br />
that so many young people entered the<br />
competition,’’ shesaid.<br />
Submissions were open for 11 years<br />
and under;12to15years; andover<br />
16/adults.<br />
Mt Somers Springburn Schoolwas<br />
prized forbeing the school withthe most<br />
entries,winning atrophy and$100<br />
Paper Plusvoucher.<br />
Thewinning storiesweredisplayed<br />
on the walls of the museum for theprize<br />
giving guests to read, and willalsobe<br />
put on display at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Bookaramaevent,held in October.<br />
Thewinners were:<br />
11 Years and Under<br />
1stwenttoTadhgSimpsonfrom Hinds<br />
Schoolwho wrote ‘‘BadLuck’’. 2ndwent<br />
to Molly McKernan from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Intermediatewho wrote ‘‘The Clever<br />
Vixen’’. 3rd went to ShusmaGurung<br />
from Netherby School who wrote<br />
‘‘LuckyEscape’’.<br />
Winners of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Writers Group 20<strong>22</strong> short story competition. Absent:<br />
Angelina Trail and Olivia Becroft.<br />
1215 Years<br />
1st wenttoJack Gorrie from Mt<br />
Somers Springburn School whowrote<br />
‘‘TheMirror Verse’’.2nd went to Olivia<br />
Becroft fromHindsSchoolwho wrote<br />
‘‘True Friends’’. 3rd went to Anabel<br />
Gorman from Mt Hutt College who wrote<br />
‘‘The LastPost’’.<br />
Adult<br />
1stwenttoMilly O’Brien who wrote<br />
‘‘The Curious Death of MaryMackay’’.<br />
2nd went to Angelina Trail who wrote<br />
‘‘ShiningStar’’. 3rd went to Adrienne<br />
Moodie who wrote ‘‘Hindsight’’.<br />
Thermal pools appoints new general manager<br />
The Methven Adventuresboard of<br />
directorshave appointed MattTurner as<br />
generalmanager of Methvenbased<br />
ŌpukeThermal Pools andSpa.<br />
Matt has been acting general manager<br />
since Februaryand during histimethe<br />
business has experiencedstronggrowth<br />
in visitationand markedimprovements<br />
in guest service.<br />
Matt and his wifeLouisehave two<br />
young children andhave been Methven<br />
residents for 17 years bothhaving<br />
previouslyheld managementpositions<br />
at the local ski area,MtHutt.<br />
Methven Adventures director James<br />
McKenzie was delighted to see such a<br />
strong, natural leader emerge fromthe<br />
local community andthrive in a<br />
business that openedduring oneofthe<br />
toughest trading periods thetourism<br />
industry has ever seen.<br />
‘‘Matt has proved to be aperfect fit for<br />
this role. He has earned the respectof<br />
allour stakeholdersbyshowingatruly<br />
genuine interest in the continued<br />
success of Ōpuke. Our staff andguests<br />
are happier than ever before,our pool<br />
and building assets are wellmaintained,<br />
thegrounds areimmaculate and the<br />
whole facilitylooks andfeels betternow<br />
than when we firstopened’’.<br />
‘‘In additiontodealing effectively to<br />
thevariety of demands of daytoday<br />
operations, Matt is not afraid to roll up<br />
hissleeves and help out whereverhe<br />
canfrom cleaningthe poolstopunching<br />
outtastyplatters andpizzas from the<br />
kitchen.’’<br />
‘‘The Methven Adventures Boardhave<br />
every confidenceinMatt's commitment<br />
to ensuringthe Ōpuke team are thriving<br />
andexceeding the expectations of our<br />
guests and delivering the industryleadingstandards<br />
that theŌpuke<br />
experience is setting.’’<br />
Ōpuke Thermal Pools &Spa offers a<br />
unique blend of premium hotpool<br />
bathing andspa therapies.<br />
The facility sourcesits bathing<br />
water from the glacialfed Rangitata<br />
River andusesthe largestsolar<br />
thermalarray in New Zealand to heat<br />
the pools.<br />
It offers awide range of experiences<br />
from affordable family bathing, adultexclusive<br />
bathing offering alicensed<br />
bar with inpool food &beverage<br />
service, private poolsand unique spa<br />
therapies.<br />
Ōpuke Thermal Pools and Spa new<br />
general manager Matt Turner. PHOTO SUPPLIED<br />
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2500771<br />
Leen Braam<br />
It has been aprivilege to be acouncillor for<br />
the last six years, and immensely satisfying<br />
to see the finished CBD redevelopment,<br />
Civic Centre progress and the final business<br />
case regarding the 2e bridge project.<br />
Born in the Netherlands,the family values of<br />
honesty, loyaltyand respectfor others were<br />
instilled in me at an early age and continue<br />
to guide me.<br />
Mid Canterbury became our home in 1982,<br />
and Lianne and Ihave enjoyed raising afamily here and being apart of<br />
manycommunity groups. Sports,church, theatreand music continue to<br />
enrich our lives and those of our children and grand-children.<br />
Being aself-employed landscape designer requires vision, the ability<br />
to listen and interpret, clear thinking and problem solving skills. These<br />
qualitiesandskillshavehelpedmebeaneffective,independentcouncillor.<br />
Community Governance roles with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, Tinwald School<br />
and the Tinwald ReservesBoard, combined with twoterms as Councillor<br />
helped develop strategic thinking and leadership skills and increase my<br />
communityknowledge.<br />
Your vote formewillbefor commitment, honesty, inclusiveness,integrity,<br />
openness and common sense. I bring no agendas or affiliations, just a<br />
determination to do my best forthe district.<br />
Authorised by Leen Braam, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Duetoanerror in our paper,unfortunately the spelling<br />
of Leen’s surname wasincorrect.<br />
We sincerely apologise forthis mistake.<br />
Vote,Pack, Post<br />
LOCAL ELECTIONS 8 OCTOBER 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Vote<br />
Onceyou receiveyour voting<br />
papers, read the instructions<br />
carefully and complete your<br />
votingdocument.<br />
Pack Pack it back in the orange<br />
envelope provided.<br />
Vote for<br />
your future<br />
The local people whofeatureinour advertising arenot standing in the 20<strong>22</strong> LocalElections.<br />
Post<br />
Post it back nolaterthan<br />
Tuesday<br />
4October to ensureitarrives<br />
beforethe deadline.<br />
No VotingPapers?<br />
If youforgottoenrol or youdon't<br />
receivevoting papers, youmay still<br />
be able to cast aspecial vote.<br />
Votingcloses noon, Saturday 8October<br />
Find outmoreat<br />
Choosing the righthelmet<br />
This Motorcycle Awareness Month<br />
we’reasking all road users to look<br />
again formotorcyclists. Motorcyclists<br />
can be hard to see andone look before<br />
turning is not enough.<br />
Allroad users need to look againtobe<br />
surethe road is clear beforeturning.<br />
Some other top tipsyou cantaketoensure thesafety of<br />
motorcyclists on the road include:<br />
Slow down behind motorcyclists.<br />
Check your blind spots.<br />
Drivetothe conditions.<br />
Always use your indicators.<br />
Know that motorcycles can appear quickly.<br />
Motorcycle indicators don’tautomaticallyturnoff.<br />
Makesurethe rider is turningbefore pulling out.<br /><br />
Let’sget this straight –open-facehelmets aresignificantly less safethan<br />
others. That much should be obvious when34.6% of head impacts in<br />
crashes areto the chinarea.<br />
Flip-front or system helmets<br />
suffer from afew related<br />
weaknesses versus a<br />
conventional full-face. One is<br />
that the chin bar lock doesn’t<br />
always keep the chin bar in<br />
place in acrash.Ifyou lookat<br />
the testspublishedby SHARP,<br />
you’ll see apercentagefigurefor flip-front helmets. It shows how often the<br />
chin bar stayedclosed during their impact tests.The lowest figureis17%,<br />
and several others only stayedclosed 20% of the time.<br />
Another downside of flip-front or system helmets is that, even if the<br />
chin bar stays in place, the structural integrity of atwo-piece helmetisa<br />
compromise versus aonce-piece full-face. Finally,eventhough you’renot<br />
meantto, some people ride alongwith the chin piece up, as thoughit’san<br />
open-face helmet.<br />
So, aflip-front lid is betterthan an open-face, but the best design for<br />
protection is always full-face.<br />
How the helmet should fit<br />
How ahelmetfits youcanbeas important as howitperformsintests. For<br />
astart, youmust notbeable to remove it without undoing the chin strap.<br />
To test for this, youtry to roll the helmetforwardoffyour head.The chin<br />
strap should adjust to fit closely under your chin withoutfeeling likeit’s<br />
strangling you.<br />
Nextcome thecloseness and comfort of the fit. Thehelmet should fit<br />
snuglyand evenly all around your head,with no pinching or loose areas.<br />
Above all, the helmetmustfitclose enough that it won’t move around on<br />
your head,but not so it gives youaheadache.<br />
Buyingaused helmet<br />
Avoidbuying aused helmet. Helmets should be replaced roughly every<br />
three to fiveyears,mainly because the impact-absorbingliningand the<br />
inner linerwill have deteriorated. Andyou’ll neverknow if ahelmethas been<br />
dropped onto ahardsurface,whichcan mean the shell is compromised.
Jill Della Tracey Sarah<br />
Tammy<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
23<br />
New park site for motorhomes opens<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
Apeaceful spot in Allenton has<br />
becomethe new NewZealand<br />
Motor Caravan Association<br />
(NZMCA) park in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Thesite offMelrose Road,<br />
which has been open to NZMCA<br />
members since June, was<br />
officially opened on Saturday.<br />
Aribbon cuttingceremony<br />
took place followed by<br />
speeches, pipe band<br />
performances andHighland<br />
Dancing.<br />
GaryGreen,member of the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Motor Caravan<br />
Association and custodianof<br />
the new park,saidNZMCA<br />
selectedthespot (tucked<br />
behind theAllenton Rugby<br />
Grounds) for its quiet, scenic<br />
and practical location.<br />
‘‘It’s aquiet area, only<br />
another 100 metresand you’re<br />
on the bike tracks andriver<br />
tracks,’’ he said.<br />
The6500m2 park has been<br />
leased from the Allenton Rugby<br />
Club andhas the capacity to<br />
accommodate 60 motorhomes.<br />
Designed for NZMCA<br />
members, theland is fully<br />
fenced, tastefully landscaped,<br />
has water and aregistration<br />
kiosk.<br />
Theassociation had been<br />
scouting for agood site to<br />
create theirpark for several<br />
years said NZMCA national<br />
property andpolicymanager<br />
James Imlach.<br />
TheMelrose Road optionhad<br />
seemed agood location by local<br />
The New Zealand Motor Caravan Association have opened their <strong>Ashburton</strong> Park.<br />
association members and the<br />
Allenton Rugby Club had no<br />
immediateuse for the land.<br />
Allenton RugbyClub<br />
presidentTodd Grieve said<br />
NZMCA’s proposed<br />
development was awinwin,<br />
‘‘It’s on surplus land that hasn’t<br />
been used for rugby for the last<br />
five yearsand the arrangement<br />
means we have another source<br />
of income coming into the club,<br />
which is important with everrising<br />
operationalcosts.’’<br />
The parkisnow becoming<br />
increasinglypopular.<br />
Over 64 vans were parked<br />
there forthe <strong>Ashburton</strong>park<br />
opening event.<br />
It is thesecond NZMCApark<br />
in Mid Canterbury;the other is<br />
locatedonMaronan Ealing<br />
Road.<br />
With covid restrictions<br />
easing across the country,Gary<br />
says travel is picking up.<br />
‘‘Right throughthe winter<br />
you expectittobequiet, but<br />
there’s been vans there (in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> park) every night,<br />
right from the day it opened,’’<br />
he said.<br />
Withinterislandtravel<br />
booming, Canterburyisset to<br />
beahot destination this<br />
summer.<br />
Motorhome users spendan<br />
averageof $90per dayfor<br />
parkingsites, Mr Imlachsaid.<br />
Having amembership with<br />
NZMCA enables motorhome<br />
users access to over 53 parking<br />
sites aroundthe country with<br />
staycations up to 10 days at<br />
each park within a30day<br />
period.<br />
Dogsare allowedatthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> parkbut responsible<br />
ownership must be upheld,<br />
cleaningupwaste andkeeping<br />
them on leashes.<br />
Garysaidthat despite beinga<br />
Lake Hood local,hehas spent<br />
several spring nights at the<br />
park in hismotorhome, taking<br />
his ownlittle vacation to<br />
experience the parkasany<br />
other member would.<br />
He andNZMCA member<br />
Murray Listerare thepark’s<br />
custodians and arepleased<br />
with its functionality and<br />
popularity.<br />
‘‘It pretty much runsitself,’’<br />
Gary said. ‘‘It’s coming along<br />
very nicely.’’<br />
Public speaking contest tests primary pupils<br />
Students from across Mid<br />
Canterbury have taken to the<br />
stage in the annual Primary<br />
Schools’ Speech Contest.<br />
It began in the Mid<br />
Canterbury region by the<br />
Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Plains in an effort to encourage<br />
young peopletogain<br />
experienceatpublic speaking.<br />
The students participateinat<br />
least two roundsbefore being<br />
selected for thefinal–class,<br />
school andthenaclusterof<br />
schools. Thefinalfor the Year<br />
5&6studentswas staged on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 7at theMSA.<br />
The venue was full to<br />
overflowing as alargecrowd<br />
gathered to enjoy the<br />
presentations. The nine<br />
speeches showed impressive<br />
creativity and oratory skills<br />
from the participants, acredit<br />
also to their parents and<br />
teachers. Topics werevaried<br />
andincludedconsumerism (as<br />
seen on TV!), awar on cats,<br />
what belongs on apizza, and<br />
cohabitingwith dinosaurs.<br />
AdjudicatorMatt Marshall<br />
congratulatedthe finalists and<br />
noted thathumour and<br />
persuasion featured strongly in<br />
thespeeches presented.<br />
Engaging the audience was a<br />
key requirement. The<br />
consistently high standard<br />
made it difficulttoassign<br />
placegetters, with the final<br />
scores covering only a9point<br />
range.<br />
Thecontestwas wonby<br />
AngusHamilton from Methven<br />
Primary School,second was<br />
VioletFrance from Mt Somers<br />
Springburn and third equal<br />
wereSteven Zhu from<br />
Netherby and Delilah Bown<br />
from St Joseph’s School.<br />
Alongwith thespeech<br />
contest, schools are<br />
encouraged to nominate<br />
students for an HonourRoll,<br />
recognised mainly for their<br />
citizenship andcommunity<br />
service participation in both<br />
their school and community.It<br />
is lessabout beingthe top<br />
student or best sports person<br />
butmore highinattitude,<br />
application,commitment and<br />
service to others.<br />
This year certificates were<br />
presented to Angus Hamilton,<br />
FineasiLangi, Sione Langi and<br />
Marivelle Lubos.<br />
Back row; from left David<br />
Jones (NBS, Sponsor),<br />
Carolyn Cameron and Angus<br />
Hamilton, front row; Fineasi<br />
Langi, Sione Langi and<br />
Marivelle Lubos.<br />
Re-elect<br />
<br />
forthe EasternWard<br />
Community minded<br />
Experienced<br />
Informed<br />
Committed<br />
Upon re-electionIpromisetocommitmytime andenergytothe<br />
betterment of MidCanterburyand it’s community.<br />
Your rural voiceworking for both Town andCountry<br />
2512133<br />
Authorised by LynetteLovett,DawsonsRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong>
Caci <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Beautiful skin without surgery<br />
Shelley Maiava is helping women and<br />
men feel better about themselves -and<br />
more confident.<br />
She has spent the past 13 years working in<br />
the hair and beauty industry, and has set up<br />
Caci <strong>Ashburton</strong> in agrowing Mid Canterbury<br />
market.<br />
The clinic helps clients get the best skin<br />
advice and treatment. It includes removing<br />
unwanted hair, wrinkles, frowns or blemishes<br />
and even stubborn body fat using arange<br />
of skin, laser, dermal filler orinjectable<br />
treatments.<br />
Caci is set up in new, modern premises on<br />
Queens Drive, and has four treatment rooms<br />
using the latest technologies and equipment.<br />
It was also filling agap in the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
market, Shelley says, with Botox and Xeomin<br />
and Dermal filler treatments, Fractional CO2<br />
Laser treatments (non-surgical skin lifts)<br />
and Chill Sculpt options for unwanted and<br />
stubborn body fat areas.<br />
Caci has more than 70 locations<br />
nationwide, and Shelley said each<br />
clinic has valuable support from Caci<br />
head office in Auckland. All staff are trained at the Caci training<br />
academy inAuckland.<br />
‘‘We’re here to help women, and men, feel better about themselves<br />
and more confident,’’ she says.<br />
Opening the new Caci in <strong>Ashburton</strong> has given Shelley achance to<br />
do something for herself, inanindustry she loves.<br />
‘‘I love beauty and injectables. It’s such an evolving industry.’’<br />
‘‘It’s really exciting,’’ she says.<br />
‘‘We have agreat client base and it’s lovely to get to know everyone<br />
on apersonal level.’’<br />
The clinic is open from Tuesday to Saturday, with late nights on<br />
Thursday.<br />
The hours will likely be extended inthe lead up to Christmas, she<br />
says.<br />
Shelley, 35, is grateful for the support ofher family and friends to get<br />
the clinic upand running, as well as the Mid Canterbury community<br />
already supporting the clinic in its past eight weeks ofoperation.<br />
Tricroft had also been great to deal with, she says, of the building<br />
owner.<br />
Shelley, amum of two children aged six and three, trained inthe hair<br />
and beauty industry but had stepped away from doing treatments to<br />
focus on business operations.<br />
She was now putting that knowledge and energy into running her<br />
own clinic.<br />
She also has awealth ofexperience in her team with beauty<br />
therapists Tori and Tesha, and registered nurse Belinda.<br />
There is also an opportunity for an additional beauty therapist to join<br />
the team, she says. The position is currently being advertised.<br />
At Caci clients get the best advice and access to products and<br />
treatments using the latest technology and equipment.<br />
As well as proven treatments they have vouchers, skin care gift<br />
packs and packages available.<br />
There are also arange of membership options and payment plans<br />
with benefits.<br />
‘‘We’re excited to be here helping clients gain confidence, and about<br />
being part of the community. Ilook forward to meeting you all,’’ she<br />
says.<br />
Since first opening inAuckland 27 years ago, Caci has become a<br />
well-known name in the skin and appearance industry. There are<br />
now more than 70 locations nationwide.<br />
At Caci we offer free consultations to chat about your skin, concerns you may have and the treatment<br />
and skincare options that will get you the best results.<br />
MICRODERMABRASION –Instant skin pick-me-up that leaves you glowing and more refreshed<br />
HYDRADERMABRASION –advanced exfoliation that gives skin adeep cleanse, detox and instant glow<br />
LED LIGHT THERAPY –treatments work to soothe, while stimulating the skin’s natural regeneration process<br />
SONOPHORESIS SKIN INFUSION –Treat redness, surface capilaries and hydrate for healthy looking skin<br />
BLEMISH CONTROL FACIAL –Target breakouts with aMurad 30 minute facial<br />
MICRONEEDLING –Aneffective, non surgical treatment that boost collagen production<br />
PHOTO REJUVENATION –Say goodbye to pigmentation and redness, and hello to collagen<br />
FRACTIONAL CO2 LASER –Our most advanced skin treatment for ultimate results<br />
ANTI WRINKLE INJECTABLES –Aneffective treatment that reduces the signs of ageing<br />
DERMAL FILLER –Enhance your natural look instantly<br />
LIP FILLER –Enhance your natural lips instantly<br />
LASER HAIR REMOVAL –Long term solution for unwanted hair removal<br />
BODY SHAPING –Target unwanted, stubborn body fat with Cryolipolysis –non invasive and non surgical<br />
BEAUTY THERAPY SERVICES –Facials, lashes, brows and waxing<br />
Memberships<br />
Cosmetic injectables Skin health Laser Hair Removal Body Shaping<br />
Opening night –thank you to everyone that came along to support us<br />
Shelley Nahteshiya-Jade Tori<br />
Belinda<br />
03 307 1466<br />
2Queens Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
03 307 1466<br />
2Queens Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
NEWS<br />
26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Planting focus for lakes<br />
Native planting to replace<br />
previously removed wilding<br />
conifers (Pinus contorta) will<br />
be the focus of acommunity<br />
biodiversity day at Lakes<br />
Camp and Clearwater on<br />
October 8.<br />
Council’s biodiversity team<br />
has been working to stop the<br />
unwanted pest trees from<br />
invading the Hakatere<br />
Conservation Area and is<br />
returning to the lakes to<br />
continue the work.<br />
Members of the community<br />
are also welcome to join in the<br />
important project –there are<br />
about 2000 native plants and<br />
grasses to go into the ground<br />
on October 8, so helpers will be<br />
most welcome.<br />
Council community services<br />
group manager Steve Fabish<br />
said previous work had been<br />
removing Pinus contorta from<br />
around the camping ground<br />
and shelter belt, as part of the<br />
wider Environment<br />
Canterbury regional pest<br />
management plan, the<br />
Ministry of Primary Industry’s<br />
wilding conifer programme<br />
and Council’s own Lake Camp/<br />
Clearwater landscape<br />
management plan.<br />
The project has been largely<br />
funded as ajoint venture.<br />
Pinus Contorta was declared<br />
apest organism in ECan’s pest<br />
management plan in 2011 and<br />
is currently being managed<br />
using aprogressive<br />
containment programme.<br />
“Progressive containment<br />
means established pests are<br />
stopped from spreading and<br />
are contained in acertain<br />
area.<br />
Other wilding conifers in<br />
this category includes Scots<br />
Pine, Pinus sylvestris, Radiata<br />
pine, Pinus radiata, Corsican<br />
pine Pinus nigra, and several<br />
others.”<br />
Wilding conifers are selfseeded,<br />
establish fasterand<br />
outcompetelowstature<br />
native plants, andcouncilhas<br />
been workingwith<br />
volunteers, including hut<br />
holders at LakeClearwater<br />
and Forest &Bird,every year<br />
to remove the wildingsand<br />
preventthem from colonising<br />
the conservation area.<br />
The seedcan travelseveral<br />
kilometres by wind and can<br />
grow quicklyintodenseand<br />
impenetrablewilding forest,<br />
whichseverely alters natural<br />
landscapes.<br />
“Thisprojectisnow being<br />
followedupwith restoration<br />
plantingusing nativetrees to<br />
reestablish theshelter<br />
trees,”MrFabishsaid.<br />
“Futureplanting around<br />
the lakes and other Rural C<br />
Zoneswill focus more on<br />
native trees, rather than<br />
exotic species,” he said.<br />
Preferrednative plant are<br />
thosethatare alreadyin<br />
existencearound thelakes<br />
andinclude mountain beech,<br />
totara, porcupineshrub,<br />
kanuka and some coprosmas.<br />
Mr Fabishsaidthat<br />
eliminatingthe seed source<br />
through ongoingpine<br />
removal,followedby<br />
replanting would ensure that<br />
theeffortofthesevolunteers<br />
would not be in vain.<br />
“Wewill alsowork to<br />
ensure the sites continue to<br />
be an attractivedestination<br />
forcampersand other<br />
tourists.”<br />
If youwant to take partin<br />
ourcommunity biodiversity<br />
dayonOctober 8and in future<br />
native planting aroundthe<br />
Lakes Campand Clearwater,<br />
pleaseemail<br />
biodiversity@adc.govt.nzor<br />
call thecouncilon03<br />
3077700.Pleasebring<br />
appropriate footwear (hiking<br />
bootspreferred), gloves anda<br />
lopper/spadeifyou haveone;<br />
thehealth andsafety briefing<br />
will be at 8.30am at the Lake<br />
Camp toiletblock.<br />
If youneedsome general<br />
adviceaboutmanaging<br />
biodiversity around your land<br />
area or are unsure of whatto<br />
plant in aRural Zone Carea,<br />
pleaseemail<br />
biodiversity@adc.govt.nzor<br />
call thecouncilon03<br />
3077700.<br /><br />
Pathways for youth<br />
We believeeveryone here in<br />
Mid Canterbury should have the<br />
chancetosucceed–including<br />
young people who need alittle<br />
bit of extra support to get back<br />
on the right track. That’s why<br />
we’re stepping up pathways to<br />
betteropportunities, by<br />
supporting more young people<br />
into jobsand training to prevent<br />
them getting involvedincrime.<br />
We recently released our Better<br />
Pathways package, which<br />
extends programmes with a<br />
recordofsuccess in helping<br />
young people into better<br />
futures, and drivingdown youth<br />
crime.All programmes we’re<br />
scaling up play slightly different<br />
roles –ranging from helping<br />
peopleinto education, training<br />
and employment,tomore<br />
general wraparound support.<br />
But they are all working<br />
successfullytohelp atrisk<br />
young people turn their lives<br />
around. Youth offending is<br />
down on whereitwas adecade<br />
ago but we know there’sstill<br />
work to do. By investing in<br />
pathways to better<br />
opportunities for moreyoung<br />
people, we’re helping to break<br />
the cycle of crime, and make<br />
Mid Canterbury safer. We’ve<br />
already delivered the largest<br />
ever Police service, and now<br />
we’re changing the law to give<br />
them greater powers to seize<br />
gang assets, to ensurecrime<br />
does not pay. Our focus on<br />
providing pathways to better<br />
opportunitiesisn’t limited to atrisk<br />
young people.Rightacross<br />
the country, we’re creating jobs,<br />
helping people intowork and<br />
supporting more people to<br />
upskill. We recently reached the<br />
milestoneof50,000Kiwis<br />
through ApprenticeshipBoost,<br />
which supports employers keep<br />
and take on new apprentices. As<br />
we move forward with our plan,<br />
we will continue to invest in<br />
pathways to better<br />
opportunitiesfor all New<br />
Zealanders.<br />
Ialso want to acknowledge<br />
the passing of Her Majesty<br />
Queen Elizabeth II. As New<br />
Zealand’s Queen and much<br />
loved Sovereignfor over 70<br />
years,itisappropriate we mark<br />
her lifeofdedicated public<br />
service withaState Memorial<br />
Service and aoneoff public<br />
holiday on Monday.Queen<br />
Elizabeth attended over 21,000<br />
solo engagements in her time as<br />
Monarch, atrue marker of alife<br />
lived in dedicated service. My<br />
deepest sympathy to the<br />
members of the Royal Family,<br />
Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth<br />
II.<br />
Your savings<br />
alladd up with<br />
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TODAY<br />
Show your SuperGold Card forreal savings<br />
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and onmanymore ofyour essentials.<br />
Download the app or visit<br />
2514990<br />
We’llhelpyour business stand out!<br />
Over 15,950 copies everyweek<br />
2375514<br />
Call in and see us at 199 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, phone Jann or<br />
Karen on (03) 308 7664 or email:<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
27<br />
Comedy shows to boost moods<br />
Farmstrong is hostingaseries<br />
of comedyshows for rural<br />
communities in Canterburyin<br />
support of mental health<br />
awareness week.<br />
One show of the three shows<br />
is at the Mt Hutt MemorialHall<br />
in Methven, on October 8.<br />
Tickets cost$20.<br />
Farmstrong ambassador,and<br />
rugbygreat, Sam Whitelock is<br />
urging locals to make the most<br />
of ‘a fun nightout and agood<br />
laugh’ and headalong to one of<br />
the shows.<br />
They are at Methven, Omihi<br />
(Oct 6) and Sheffield (Oct 7).<br />
Four of the country’s top<br />
comedians Nick Rado, Tevita<br />
Manukia, CourtneyDawsonand<br />
Tarun Mohanbhai will be<br />
performing shows in Omihi,<br />
Sheffield and Methven.<br />
Forfarming families in<br />
Canterburyitwill be achance<br />
to put acoupleofchallenging<br />
years behind them,hesaid.<br />
Theshowsincludesupper,<br />
cashbar or BYO,all kick off at<br />
7pm.<br />
Samsaid rural communities<br />
should make the mostofthis<br />
opportunity to reconnect and<br />
‘rechargetheir batteries’.<br />
“Farmwork’snever done and<br />
thepressure of work canreally<br />
build up sometimes. Adverse<br />
weather events only add to the<br />
pressure.<br />
‘‘Myexperienceinsport has<br />
taught me thatnoonecan just<br />
Farmstrong ambassador Sam Whitelock talking with dairy farmer Geoff Spark who is taking his<br />
farm team along to an upcoming Farmstrong supported comedy show.<br />
go ‘hammerdown’ the whole<br />
time. Eventually it’s going to<br />
catch up withyou.Anight off<br />
every so often helps you ‘reset’<br />
physically and mentally.”<br />
“Takingtimeoff when you’re<br />
busysounds counterproductive,but<br />
anything that<br />
boosts your mood actually helps<br />
you get through busier periods.<br />
Having agood laughwith mates<br />
for afew hours definitely fits<br />
thebill.”<br />
Farmstrongisanationwide,<br />
rural wellbeing programme<br />
that helpsfarmerstocopewith<br />
theups anddowns of farming.<br />
Last year, more 15,000<br />
farmers attributed an<br />
improvementintheir<br />
wellbeing to their<br />
involvement in the<br />
programme.<br />
“The last few years have<br />
tested everyone’s<br />
resilience,” he said.<br />
“Nights likethis are a<br />
chance to celebrate getting<br />
through and support agood<br />
cause. So, grab your mates<br />
and neighbours and treat<br />
yourself to afun nightout.”<br />
Tickets can be booked via<br />
the Farmstrong website, or<br />
for Methven online at www.<br /><br />
Better protection for productive land<br />
Anew National Policy<br />
Statement for Highly<br />
Productive Land (NPSHPL),<br />
will enhance protection for<br />
New Zealand’s most<br />
productive land, and provide<br />
security for domestic food<br />
supply and primary exports.<br />
The policy was released by<br />
government this week.<br />
Environment minister David<br />
Parker said the national policy<br />
statement will improve the<br />
protection of highlyproductive<br />
land from<br />
inappropriate subdivision, use<br />
and development.<br />
“We need to house our<br />
people and to feed them too.<br />
Our cities and towns need to<br />
grow but not at the expense of<br />
the land that’s best suited to<br />
grow our food.”<br />
“The NPSHPL will help<br />
protect our best growing areas<br />
so Kiwis continue to have<br />
access to leafy greens and<br />
other healthy foods.<br />
“Councils will be required to<br />
identify, map and manage<br />
highly productive land to<br />
ensure it’s available for<br />
growing vegetables, fruit and<br />
other primary production, now<br />
and into the future.”<br />
Agriculture and Trade<br />
Minister Damien O’Connor<br />
said highly productive land<br />
provides food for New<br />
Zealanders, significant<br />
economic and employment<br />
benefits to communities and<br />
underpins the value of New<br />
Zealand’s primary sector.<br />
“Our Fit for aBetter World<br />
roadmap that we developed<br />
with the sector will add $44<br />
billion over 10 years to our<br />
primary sector exports, but is<br />
dependent on maintaining<br />
access to our highly productive<br />
soils,” he said.<br />
“(The) changes enhance<br />
protection for our highly<br />
productive land giving<br />
farmers, growers, and other<br />
food producers certainty into<br />
the future, and provide greater<br />
economic security for all New<br />
Zealanders.’’<br />
Over the past 20 years, about<br />
35,000 hectares of highly<br />
productive land had been<br />
carved up for urban or rural<br />
residential development, with<br />
170,000 hectares of the land<br />
converted to lifestyle blocks.<br />
“Once land is built on, it can<br />
no longer be used to grow food<br />
and fibre. That’s whyweare<br />
movingtoprotectour most<br />
fertileand versatile land,<br />
especially in ourmain food<br />
production areas likeAuckland,<br />
Waikato, Hawke’sBay,<br />
Horowhenuaand Canterbury,”<br />
Mr O’Connor said.<br />
TheNPSHPLsits alongside<br />
othernational direction,<br />
includingthe National Policy<br />
Statementfor Freshwater<br />
Management and theNational<br />
PolicyStatement on Urban<br />
Development(NPSUD).<br />
“Primary production needs to<br />
occurwithin environmental<br />
limits, and ensures that all land<br />
canbeused and managed to<br />
best effect,” Mr Parkersaid.<br />
“Councils,inlimited<br />
circumstances,willstill be able<br />
to rezonehighlyproductive<br />
landfor urbanhousing if less<br />
productive landisnot available,<br />
or if certain tests canbemet.<br />
“However, the NPSHPLwill<br />
introducestrong restrictionson<br />
theuse of highlyproductive<br />
land for newrural lifestyle<br />
developments.”<br />
TheNational Policy<br />
Statementfor Highly<br />
ProductiveLand 20<strong>22</strong> willbe<br />
availablehere: https:/<br />
/<br />
publications/nationalpolicystatementforhighlyproductiveland<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
The low inputsheep progeny test,<br />
based at OrariGorge Station, will be<br />
wound down. Progenyborn this<br />
spring will continuetohavea<br />
number of traitsmeasured and<br />
recorded overthe next two years,<br />
but there will be no new matings in<br />
2023.<br />
Started in 2019,the project, also<br />
known as “Ethically andsustainably<br />
produced,high-value lamb”was a<br />
three-year programme co-funded<br />
by Beef+Lamb New Zealand (B<br />
+LNZ) and the Ministry for Primary<br />
Industries. It has enhanced<br />
breeding valuesfor parasite<br />
resistance, tail length, bare points<br />
and the propensity to form dags and<br />
helped the developmentofbreeding<br />
values for methane and feed<br />
efficiency.Afinal fieldday for the<br />
programmewill be held in springat<br />
Orari GorgeStation with details to<br />
be announced on B+LNZ’s events<br />
page.<br />
Dairyfarmers,sectorleaders, MPs<br />
and parliamentarystaff willbe<br />
battlingitout on the sports fields of<br />
Morrinsville this Saturday in the<br />
JohnLuxton Memorial Match. The<br />
rugbyand netballmatches are a<br />
memorialfor the late Hon John<br />
Luxton, the inaugural DairyNZchair<br />
and former Agriculture Minister,and<br />
they’re shapinguptobe<br />
entertaining andcompetitive<br />
encounters. “DairyNZisorganising<br />
the freecommunity event on behalf<br />
of thedairy sectortobringthe<br />
community togethertocelebrate<br />
John’s life,showcasethe strength<br />
of the sector, and help forge strong<br />
relationships between the<br />
competitors,” saysDairyNZ chief<br />
executiveDrTim Mackle.The event<br />
is also raisingmoneyfor the John<br />
Luxton Trust, which aimstosupport<br />
young Māori from the localarea into<br />
agricultural careers.<br />
Mossop’s Honey and Apiculture<br />
New Zealand are looking for the<br />
nextRon Mossop Youth<br />
Scholarship recipienttoget aboost<br />
into the apiculture industry. The<br />
scholarship wasset up fiveyears<br />
ago as away of givingyoungpeople<br />
the bestpossible start in the<br />
apiculture industry.Itincludes<br />
$2000 to be put towardsbestpractice<br />
training or set-up costs,<br />
membership of industry body<br />
ApicultureNew Zealand forayear,<br />
attendance at the industry’snational<br />
conference. Applicationsclose on<br />
October 28, 20<strong>22</strong>. Apply at apinz.<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
28 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Massey 175th display draws acrowd<br />
Hundreds ofpeople young and<br />
old rolled through the farm<br />
gates of Lauriston farmer<br />
Anthony Hampton last weekend<br />
for the Massey Ferguson display<br />
day runbythe Mid Canterbury<br />
Vintage Machinery Club.<br />
It was atribute to the 175th<br />
anniversary of the iconic global<br />
brand.<br />
People came fromfar and<br />
wide to take part in theone day<br />
event and viewthe more than<br />
100 Massey Fergusonsonshow<br />
from across the ages.<br />
Therewas asteady stream of<br />
people throughout the day.<br />
Mr Hampton, an avid<br />
collector and user of Massey<br />
Ferguson machinery, had<br />
scores of his own Masseys on<br />
show including a1928 Wallis<br />
(predecessor to Massey Harris),<br />
arare 1931 general purpose<br />
tractor and a1986 Massey<br />
Ferguson 4880 with 320<br />
horsepower butothers were<br />
from other ownersaround the<br />
district.<br />
Therewas even a20<strong>22</strong> Massey<br />
Ferguson 8737 with 400<br />
horsepower andDyna VT<br />
transmission on show by its new<br />
owner and scores of Massey<br />
Ferguson implements.<br />
Proceeds from the day will go<br />
towards building andfitting out<br />
aclub library for the many<br />
historic machinery and parts<br />
manuals giventothe club by<br />
local businesses.<br />
People drawn to viewing the<br />
Massey Ferguson collection on<br />
display included siblings Poppy<br />
and Harry Sunderland (far<br />
right), of Christchurch.<br />
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THE<br />
geraldinenews<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>22</strong> SEPTEMBER, 20<strong>22</strong> |16,000 copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />
view online<br />
Jenelle Lockyer and John Whiting with their New Zealand Bowls championship trophy. PHOTO: Supplied<br />
New Zealand mixed pairs champions:<br />
John and Jenelle bowl their way tothe top<br />
Geraldine local John Whiting says, If anyone<br />
had told us at the start of the day, we would<br />
go undefeated, winall seven games and come<br />
Where<br />
Where<br />
the<br />
the<br />
foodies choose<br />
foodies choose<br />
to<br />
shop<br />
MEAT &<br />
6WILSON ST, GERALDINE 03693 8538<br />
to<br />
shop<br />
$16.99kg<br />
$14.99kg<br />
Note all our sausages are gluten-free<br />
and made on the premises<br />
home as the New Zealand IndoorBowls Mixed<br />
Pairs Champions, Iwouldnt have believed<br />
them. But that isprecisely what John and<br />
Timaru bowling partner Jenelle Lockyer did<br />
in Upper Hutt last weekend.<br />
We had so many dramas before we even<br />
got to theevent.The thickfog at TimaruAirport<br />
delayed our 6.45am flight for three-and-a-half<br />
hours, eventually leavingthe tarmac at 10.15am.<br />
Ournerves were prettyhighaswethought<br />
we would have to default the first game, but<br />
the organisers agreed to delay the start, and<br />
we got there with around three minutes to<br />
spare. We had timefor aquick drink,asausage<br />
roll, and we went straightinto our first game.<br />
Jenelle says, We were extremely grateful<br />
to another couple ofteams that purposely<br />
waited at the airport for us to make sure the<br />
organisers would delay the start, which shows<br />
the true sportsmanship between the teams.<br />
We certainly had arollercoaster of emotions<br />
from all the delays and then the rush to the<br />
centre to begin our first game.<br />
To represent South Canterbury at the<br />
nationals,John and Jenelle firstwon the South<br />
Canterbury mixed pairs and then the zone<br />
final,which featuredCanterbury, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
North Otago,and SouthCanterbury.<br />
John says, Just to gettothe nationals was<br />
amazing, and something both Jenelle and<br />
Ihave really beenlookingforward to. We have<br />
both had areally good season.<br />
The New Zealand Indoor Bowls championship<br />
consists of around-robin competition. John<br />
and Jenelles opponents included many New<br />
Zealand representatives, including the defending<br />
national champions. The pairs second game,<br />
against mother-and-son pair Carol Wright<br />
(Auckland) and Paul Wright (New Zealand<br />
representative), was won by John on the very<br />
last bowl.<br />
John says, We opened afew eyes in game<br />
four when we beatdefending champions Ashley<br />
Diamond and ShereeHolmesfromUpperHutt.<br />
Everyone started wondering who this team<br />
from South Canterbury were. There was an<br />
elderly couple that followedustoevery game<br />
after we won that one, and they ended up our<br />
biggestfans there on the day.<br />
Janellesays, After winning game six, because<br />
we had gone undefeated with only one game<br />
to go, we had already won the title; no one<br />
could beat us on points even if we lost the last<br />
game. However, John and Iagreed we wanted<br />
to go out there, do our absolute best and win<br />
that last game regardless. We wantedtofinish<br />
the day on ahigh.<br />
The defending champions eventually finished<br />
in secondplace, withthe Wrights placing third.<br />
Both John and Jenelle are still pinching<br />
themselves. It is still hard to believe that we<br />
won,thatweare the New Zealandchampions,<br />
says Jenelle. It really hasnt sunk in yet. It<br />
was agreat team effort. We both have similar<br />
games and similar shots. John encourages me<br />
to play shots Idont think Ican, but he knows<br />
Ican.Ireally enjoy playing with him.<br />
It was agood thing the competition was<br />
smooth sailing forthe pair,asthe journey home<br />
was again hampered by fog.<br />
John says,We had our landing gear down<br />
for arrival inTimaru on Sunday night, only<br />
for the plane to climb back up again. We flew<br />
back to Christchurchand then endured atwoand-a-half-hour<br />
bustripback to Timaru Airport.<br />
Ithen had to collect my car and drive home<br />
to Geraldine, finally getting home at 1.15am<br />
on Monday. It certainly will be aweekend to<br />
remember, in more ways than one.<br />
WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>22</strong>MAHURU, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
Ric Cullinane, Chief Executive ofHerenga āNuku, presents Jan Finlayson with the Outdoor Access Champion award.<br />
PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />
Jan Finlayson awarded for her<br />
tenacious advocacy of public access<br />
Like many ofyou, we sat up really late onMonday to<br />
experience the funeral ofour Sovereign. Our cats kept us<br />
good company, as did Fis royal teddy bears.<br />
Once again, weve got to say we live inatop town.<br />
Well done to front coverstars Geraldines JohnWhiting<br />
and bowlingpartner Jenelle Lockyerfor bringing home<br />
the hardware for South Canterbury.<br />
Top marks also went to Waihi Lodge in an award<br />
presented last week (see page 3). Ithink wewill all<br />
feel proud of Waihi Lodges achievement. Asa<br />
community-owned facility, it is well supported by<br />
volunteers. It is great to know that it is recognised.<br />
Werepleased as punchthatour reporterJan Finlayson<br />
has beengiven recognitionfor herworkinchampioning<br />
access to the naturalenvironment.She is past president<br />
of the Federation of Mountain Clubs and has worked<br />
for years promoting access to the network of paper<br />
roads thatthe public has aright to use.<br />
Hugh enjoyeddressinguplastThursday to jointhe<br />
guests at the high tea for Her Majesty. It was afun<br />
waytoremember aremarkable woman. May she rest<br />
in peace and rise to glory.<br />
If summer is coming, that means the Farmers<br />
Market isback. See you Saturday when we do some<br />
shopping and then chill out to some great music.<br />
Gnews spies tell us Alan Minear will be playing, so<br />
expect sounds from the golden age.<br />
We hope the sunshine keeps up nowthat itsback<br />
again. But whatever the weather, Constable Dave<br />
tells us to take care out there. He doesnt want to be<br />
dragging youorusout of aditch.Oh, and asafetytip<br />
from the fire service too -when you put your clocks<br />
forwardfor summer this Saturday night,dont forget<br />
to change your fire alarm batteries too. HUGH &FI<br />
Theman on topof<br />
the mountain didnt<br />
just fallthere.<br />
NEWS: | 027 920 8751<br />
ADS: | 027 899 0703<br />
DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />
ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />
Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />
GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />
arisingfromreliance on information published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />
is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />
decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />
Last Friday, agroup of outdoor enthusiasts<br />
gathered at The Green ManCafé in Peel<br />
Forest to honour Jan Finlayson.<br />
Ric Cullinane, Chief Executive of<br />
Herenga āNuku, the Outdoor Access<br />
Commission(formerly the WalkingAccess<br />
Commission), presentedthe award before<br />
about 25 invited guests, whothenshared<br />
Retired joiner Gavin Prentice (left) oversaw the restoration work, and Bev Gregan researched the flume. PHOTO:Supplied<br />
Historic water flumes restored<br />
The last surviving section of Geraldines<br />
historic water supply, which served the<br />
town between 1902 and 1978, has been<br />
restored,thankstofinancial supportfrom<br />
individuals and groups, including the<br />
Geraldine Community Board and the<br />
practical skills of local enthusiasts.<br />
Firstconceptualised in 1888, asequence<br />
of flumes was integral to the supply, which<br />
drew water fromthe Waihi River.Its capacity<br />
and water quality measures were beefed<br />
7TALBOT STREET |PH03693 8877<br />
alunch. Jan was proposed as Outdoor<br />
Access Champion by Lauren Kelley and<br />
Neil Silverwoods, who travelled from<br />
Blackball on theWest Coast forthe occasion.<br />
It wasnotedthat suchawards areoften<br />
made for aspecificproject, such as atrail.<br />
Jans award was given for her tenacious<br />
advocacy of public access.Inaccepting<br />
up incrementally until the present Ōrari<br />
Back Road wellsystem superseded it.<br />
The old supply was sound, says flume<br />
restoration spokesperson John Sullivan.<br />
He says, Asweprogressedwith the work,<br />
we realised what agreat old system the<br />
old water supply was. He and his corestorers<br />
did the work off-site. We took<br />
it to Four Peaks [Transport]. We did the<br />
restoration there. They used totara,<br />
the original material, and have returned<br />
the four-metre flume section to its<br />
original site.<br />
Complementing the physical work is<br />
an interpretive panel.Geraldine Historical<br />
Society committee member Bev Gregan<br />
assembled its content. She says, John<br />
was looking for information.Iwork at the<br />
museum, so Idid the research.<br />
The restored flume is accessed from<br />
Waitui Drive. JAN FINLAYSON<br />
CURRY OF THE DAY $18<br />
TUESDAY : Beef DoPyaza<br />
WEDNESDAY : Chicken Saag<br />
THURSDAY : Murg Chole<br />
the award, Jan spoke of the importance<br />
of the hills for societys well-being.<br />
It doesnt matter what car you leave in<br />
thecarpark;onthe hills,all areequal and<br />
meet nature on her own terms.<br />
FRIDAY : Dal Makhani<br />
SATURDAY : Beef Bhuna Masala<br />
SUNDAY : Chana Bhature<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>22</strong>SEPTEMBER, 20<strong>22</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />
Our services include<br />
•Trenches • Siteworks•Building<br />
foundations •Vegetation<br />
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Denys-027 686 <strong>22</strong>37<br />
Jared-027277 9519<br />
or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />
Seniorcare board members and Waihi Lodge staff celebrate the award. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />
Waihi Lodge: South Islands<br />
best small aged care facility<br />
Waihi Lodge manager Mike van der<br />
HeydensaysthatonMondayoflastweek,<br />
he received acallfromthe organisation<br />
Aged Advisor to say that Waihi Lodge<br />
has received an award as Best Aged Care<br />
Small Facility20<strong>22</strong>.Hewas advised that<br />
AgedAdvisor representative Nigel Matthews<br />
wouldattendonFriday morning to present<br />
it. Staff and members of the board duly<br />
gathered for acelebratory morning tea.<br />
Nigel says he founded Aged Advisor<br />
with two other peopleafter experiencing<br />
the aged care sectorwith their own families.<br />
He says, There were good experiences<br />
andsome not so good.Wewanted to find<br />
away of encouraging best practice in aged<br />
care. The organisation, launched in 2015,<br />
makes awards to thebest large and small<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
facilities on both islands.<br />
Nigel explains that theaward is made<br />
basedonpositive client reviews.We do<br />
check to make sure that the reviews are<br />
genuine. According tothe company<br />
website, prior tothe founding of Aged<br />
Advisor, there was no basis to compare<br />
different facilities in the market. With<br />
the growth rate of people 65+ expected<br />
to double over the next 15 years, more<br />
New Zealanders will be looking for<br />
retirement or rest-care options. Our<br />
current aged care facilities are already<br />
operating at high occupancy levels, and<br />
rest-care providers are building new<br />
facilities to cater to the increasing market<br />
-and yet nosite existed to review and<br />
compare these facilities in this rapidly<br />
growing demographicwithinNew Zealand.<br />
In accepting the award, Mike<br />
acknowledged the staff's dedication, the<br />
board's unpaid work and the many<br />
volunteers whose combinedeffortsmake<br />
life atWaihi Lodge such apositive<br />
experience. Chairman Stuart Blake<br />
commendedthe team forthe achievement<br />
on behalf of theboard.<br />
Mike says there are still people in the<br />
Geraldinearea whodont know aboutthe<br />
facility, which is an arm of Seniorcare<br />
Geraldine. Waihi Lodge is acommunityowned<br />
home supported by the voluntary<br />
efforts of the widerGeraldine community.<br />
Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />
staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />
the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />
Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />
Protection Framework,<br />
the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />
8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />
Contact us on 03 693 8207 tomake anin-person<br />
or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />
to discuss all your legal matters.<br />
High tea at the library celebrates the Queen<br />
The invitationwentout from Timaru<br />
District Libraries inviting people to<br />
sign up for a royal high tea to<br />
commemorate the late Queen. On<br />
Thursday last, around20peopleturned<br />
up at thelibrary-some wore medals;<br />
some dressed foragarden party.There<br />
wascertainly asense of occasion.<br />
Awaiting the guests was aright<br />
royal spread, complete with little<br />
sandwiches and cakesontiered plates.<br />
Community board chair Wayne<br />
ODonnell and his wife Diana were<br />
delegated to host the event. Wayne<br />
said afew wordsinappreciation of the<br />
lateQueensreign.Heinvited the group<br />
to join in singing God save the King,<br />
and ashort Māorigrace wassaid.<br />
Before the assembled company<br />
tuckedintothe spread, Wayne invited<br />
reminiscences about the royal<br />
family and the Queen. Anumber of<br />
anecdotes were shared,somesecondhand,<br />
but agood number had had<br />
some personal connection with Her<br />
Majestyorotherroyals. The reminiscing<br />
continued as the group mingledwhile<br />
enjoying tea, sandwiches and little<br />
sweet things.<br />
GNews saysthanksfor the invite,<br />
and aspecial thank you toAdele<br />
Hewlett, whose idea it was. HUGH<br />
Guests reminisce before ahigh tea<br />
fit for royalty. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />
daylightsavings<br />
clocks FORWARD 2am this Sunday 24 <strong>September</strong><br />
Phone 03693 8207<br />
or visit our website:<br />
Developing the regions<br />
since 1978<br />
Freephone 0508 <strong>22</strong>7 237<br />
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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>22</strong>MAHURU, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
PHOTO: Shutterstock<br />
Te Moana upgrade<br />
In response to last weeks article about the sudden<br />
increase inTeMoana water rates (GNews 15.09.<strong>22</strong>),<br />
Timaru DistrictCouncilGroup Manager Infrastructure<br />
Andrew Dixon writes:<br />
To fund the $3million of upgrades required tobring<br />
the Te Moana scheme uptothe necessary drinking<br />
waterstandards,weve had to increase the ratesscheme<br />
users pay. While thisisasignificant up-front investment,<br />
it ispaid overalong period of time to balancethe cost<br />
between current and future users.<br />
In addition to theupgraded capital cost,the increased<br />
sophistication of the water treatment plant required<br />
to provide arobust and high-quality drinking water<br />
supply has increased our operating costs.<br />
We have tried to keep costs at as sustainable alevel<br />
as we can, including sourcing $800,000 of central<br />
Government support for this project, but the cost of<br />
running and upgrading asmall water supply scheme<br />
like Te Moana, whichhas fewer than 700connections,<br />
is still significant.<br />
Targeted waterrates (likeall Councilrating charges)<br />
arereviewedand set annuallythrough the Annual Plan<br />
process prior to 1Julyeachyear,whichisthe datethey<br />
take effect. The rates change from year to year and<br />
recoverthe capital worksand operational costs associated<br />
with the Te Moana Water Supply Scheme. We do not<br />
cross-subsidise rural water schemes, so users can be<br />
assured that the moneytheypay into the scheme goes<br />
to the running and upgrade of only their scheme.<br />
As the upgradesare nearing completion, the 20<strong>22</strong>/23<br />
rates invoice isthe first that features these increased<br />
costs. These increased costs were identified inour<br />
20<strong>22</strong>/23 Annual Plan.<br />
As background, Te Moana wascommissioned in the<br />
1970s, and although it has been well maintained over<br />
the years, muchofthe infrastructurehas reached the<br />
end of its service life. The investment is required to<br />
bring the scheme up to current national drinking water<br />
standards and ensure itcan cope with the declining<br />
source water quality caused bymore frequent and<br />
significant rain events we have seen.<br />
McKenzie HealthCare activities coordinator Jasmine Davis and diversional therapy team leader Tony Usmar with<br />
South Canterbury Hospice fundraiser prizes. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Hospice fundraiser set to be<br />
an exciting day for residents<br />
McKenzie HealthCare is holdingaSouth<br />
Canterbury Hospice fundraiser, with<br />
Geraldine-wide raffles and an in-house<br />
Jeans Only Day event for residents and<br />
their families.<br />
McKenzie marketing coordinator<br />
Melanie Rusbridge says that as well<br />
as getting behind the hospice, the<br />
30 <strong>September</strong> event will be an exciting<br />
day for theresidents.<br />
Local businessesFreshChoice Geraldine,<br />
Geraldine Pharmacy, and The Running<br />
Duck have come to the party with raffle<br />
prize packages and aprize for aguessthe-designer-jackets-value<br />
competition.<br />
McKenzie's diversional therapy team<br />
leaderToni Usmar says, Id love for the<br />
general public to come on board. Well<br />
be out and aboutselling tickets.<br />
The wider community fundraising<br />
joins aJeans Only Day eventfor McKenzie<br />
residents and families. Melanie says,<br />
Residentswillbewearing denim.Makeup<br />
artists andhairdressers havevolunteered<br />
to help,and therell be afashionparade.<br />
McKenzie HealthCares 30 <strong>September</strong><br />
take on the hospicesfundraising stalwart<br />
is awesome, says South Canterbury<br />
Hospice Eventsand MarketingManager<br />
Kim Rogers. We have astrong relationship<br />
with McKenzie. Theyve taken it as an<br />
opportunity to have alot of fun withJeans<br />
Only Day;theyve got alot of the families<br />
involved. Its agood fundraiserfor hospice.<br />
Raffle and jacket tickets will be<br />
available at FreshChoices Peel Street<br />
entrancefrom1pm to 2.30pmonThursday,<br />
<strong>22</strong> <strong>September</strong>, Tuesday, 27 <strong>September</strong>,<br />
and Thursday,29<strong>September</strong>. They can<br />
also bepurchased from McKenzie<br />
Healthcares foyer until 1pm on Friday,<br />
30 <strong>September</strong>.Tickets are $2 for raffles<br />
and$1toguess the jackets value.<br />
Remembering<br />
Her Late Majesty<br />
Queen Elizabeth II<br />
1926 -20<strong>22</strong><br />
MemorialService forHer LateMajesty<br />
Queen Elizabeth II<br />
St Mary’s Church 77 Talbot Street<br />
@5pm<br />
$10 on door<br />
bookings:03696 3567
gnews ON THE BEAT<br />
Ford Plumbing<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>22</strong>SEPTEMBER, 20<strong>22</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />
Residential | Commercial | Rural<br />
Hot Water | Water Pumps & Filtration<br />
Emergency Repairs<br />
Drain CCTV and Unblocking<br />
Authorised Wallace Pump Service Agent<br />
0<strong>22</strong> 601 3216<br /><br /><br />
CLOCKWISE FROM TOPLEFT: Theresultofunfortunate navigationskills at thecornerofSH1and Racecourse Road,Ōrari;autewas damaged<br />
afterslidingoff hail-coveredroad at Kakahu;two gleaming policecars after Saturdays efforts by some youngpeople. PHOTOS:Supplied<br />
Wintery blast creates havoc on the road<br />
It seems winters icy graspisreluctant to<br />
let go. Last Tuesday, within the space of<br />
four hours, police were inattendance at<br />
three separate vehicle.<br />
Thefirst incident involved unfortunate<br />
visitorsfrom overseaswho took awrong<br />
turn onto Racecourse RoadatŌrari. The<br />
driver andpassengerwereshaken up but<br />
unharmed, saying they thought it was the<br />
turn-off to Tekapo. Later that same evening,<br />
afreak hailstormstruck the region which<br />
had policeattend thefirst of twovehicles<br />
that slid off theroad.<br />
The initial call came in advising four<br />
to sixinches of snowonthe roadatKakahu,<br />
justwest of Hall Road andSH79 intersection.<br />
Howeveronattendance,itwas theremnants<br />
of the hail on the surface acting like a layer<br />
of ball bearings whichcaused acompany<br />
ute to lose traction whereupon alow speed<br />
collision occurred Againthe sole occupant<br />
was unharmed.<br />
Upon returning toGeraldine, athird<br />
vehicle was found in a field at Slacks alley.<br />
The driver had decamped and enquiries<br />
are ongoing to locate them.<br />
Now that our borders have reopened,<br />
and visitors and fine weather coming, it<br />
is expected there will be an increase of<br />
trafficonour roads.With schoolholidays<br />
around the cornerremember to planyour<br />
journeys and be prepared for any conditions.<br />
Currently the road toll for the Aoraki<br />
district stands at seven (year-to-date)<br />
compared to 14 at thesametime last year.<br />
So please report any bad driving to *555<br />
and help us continue on the road to zero.<br />
The Geraldine Police would like to<br />
thank the two young persons that came<br />
to the station on Saturday morning to<br />
wash the three police cars. Constables<br />
Karl Harrison, Bob Katene from Temuka<br />
and myself were very pleased with their<br />
efforts as now we have one less job to do.<br />
As always if its happening now dial<br />
111, or to report anon-emergency event<br />
dial 105. Be safe, feel safe and look out<br />
for each other. DAVID BRAY<br />
Locally Grown Produce . Homebaking . Jams<br />
Plants . Flowers . Handmade Arts &Crafts<br />
Great Food &Coffee . Local Entertainers<br />
New Stallholders Welcome<br />
from 24 <strong>September</strong><br />
ember<br />
On The Farm<br />
10:30 AM -11:30 AM<br />
Wednesdays and Fridays<br />
during the School Holidays<br />
To book a place,<br />
call Geraldine Library<br />
on 03 693 9336 or<br />
email<br />
The OldPost Office, Geraldine<br />
PHONE 03 6939070<br />
WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>22</strong>MAHURU, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
FROM LEFT: The Roosters rooster sets off for the runaway try; Alastair Hall with the Roster Roaster. PHOTOS: Hugh McCafferty<br />
Roosters mascot dots itdown<br />
The sunshone brightly forthe final Golden<br />
Oldies game of the season, played on<br />
Saturday,10<strong>September</strong>. In front of agood<br />
crowd of supporters representing each<br />
team, the Raukāpuka Roosters played at<br />
home against the combined Maulers and<br />
Golden Koru team from Christchurch.<br />
Reflecting their tradition of adopting a<br />
theme for away trips, the visitor's supporters<br />
wore wild west costumes.<br />
In the spirit of good sportsmanship,<br />
Golden Oldie Rodger Leonard stepped<br />
out for the visiting team, who all wore<br />
number one on their jerseys in an effort<br />
to confuse thehome team.<br />
As is the custom, players werefortified<br />
at the breaksinplaywith ashot of mountain<br />
thunder. The Roosters mascot, aka Year-<br />
11 student Deja Holder Lyon, helped serve<br />
the drinks before running onto the field<br />
and scoring atry. Were scores kept,<br />
it would havebeen disallowed because of<br />
her youth-as ithappens,everybody enjoyed<br />
thelaugh. Whether by intention or accident,<br />
amember of the visiting team seized her<br />
headgear, turning the Rooster into a<br />
headless chicken.<br />
Ateam of ringa wera (cooks) stood by<br />
to feedthe visitors, with Alastair (Schneider)<br />
Hall manning the custom-built Rooster<br />
Roaster. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />
earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now in store<br />
40A Talbot St, Geraldine (opposite Village Inn)<br />
Carolyn 027 305 3000 or<br /><br />
AGREAT DAY FOR SKIING Geraldine Primary School senior syndicate were finally able to go on their annual trip to<br />
Roundhill Ski Area last Friday. The trip had been cancelled twice previously due to bad weather.<br />
FROM LEFT: Year 5-6 students with teacher Fi Wilcox (far right) enjoyed trying out snowboarding. Tyler Bradley<br />
(Year 6) enjoyed himself so much that he hardly stopped for lunch, just aquick bite, before returning to the slopes.<br />
Teacher Chelley Leov says, Tyler had never been skiing before. Hewas ready to give up after the first hour, but he<br />
used his perseverance; finally he succeeded and was so proud of himself by the end ofthe day. PHOTOS: Debbie Oliver<br />
DINNER<br />
One bedroom apartment with ensuite.<br />
Includes living area and kitchenette.<br />
Lovely river outlook.<br />
Care packages available if required.<br />
Small, friendly environment.<br />
$180,000 for ORA<br />
Call 03 693 7205<br />
for further information<br />
at Hiltonview<br />
FRIDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 20<strong>22</strong><br />
FRIDAY 9TH DECEMBER 20<strong>22</strong><br />
SATURDAY 10TH DECEMBER 20<strong>22</strong><br />
$80 PER PERSON<br />
CASH BAR<br />
ASURE Scenic Motor Lodge isabusy 4-star+ motel<br />
in Geraldine. We require aHousekeeper who can<br />
also act as relief receptionist when required.<br />
ASURE Scenic Route Motor Lodge isabusy<br />
four-star motel on Waihi Terrace, Geraldine.<br />
Weekly hours vary, between 9am-2pm, depending<br />
on occupancy and do include some weekends and<br />
school holidays. Previous reception/housekeeping<br />
would be an advantage, but full training will be given.<br />
Confidentiality is imperative.<br />
If you have great interpersonal skills, are honest<br />
and reliable, quick and efficient, have an eye for detail<br />
and the ability to work as part ofateam...<br />
we invite you tosend your CV and references<br />
gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />
GNews NOTICES<br />
DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for somereason<br />
you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />
GNews, email or call or txt<br />
027 920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try<br />
to ensure any delivery issues are resolved.<br />
10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask and<br />
come to thefront door.Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />
<strong>September</strong> 9.30amstart. Allwelcome&all things<br />
vintage wanted for display. Car boot sale space<br />
available $5 per site.For bookings &more information<br />
phoneJohnon021 971 198 Independent vintage<br />
group.<br />
CAR BOOT SALE at Ōrari domain, Saturday<br />
24 <strong>September</strong> 9.30amstart. Bookings phoneJohn<br />
021971 198. Ad sponsored by South Canterbury<br />
Pumps and Irrigation, your local pump and filter<br />
supplier.<br />
ONLINE BRIDGE LESSONS starting 28 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Forinformation<br />
or Leslie on 027 420 5142.<br />
or drop in to the Resource Centre. 63c per word.<br />
Death notices: first 15 words free.<br />
Desire toLearn, Aspire toAchieve<br />
Whāia ekoe te iti kahurangi<br />
PIANO, SINGING LESSONS Teaching for leisure,<br />
exam prep including NCEA.Phone027 494 7700.<br />
please Phone 03 692 2883.<br />
2023 OUT-OF-ZONE<br />
The Geraldine Primary School Board ofTrustees<br />
is accepting applications from parents/caregivers who<br />
wish to enrol their child in 2023. Enrolment packs are<br />
available from the school office. As well as in-zone places,<br />
alimited number of out of zone places will be available.<br />
An enrolment scheme or zone is in place and details of<br />
this can be obtained from the school office.<br />
The deadline for out-of-zone applications<br />
for 2023 is 3pm, Friday 14 October.<br />
Application forms for out-of-zone enrolments are<br />
available from the school office -phone 03 693 8208,<br />
or by email:<br />
Parents /caregivers ofchildren living within our<br />
enrolment zone who intend to enrol their child at<br />
Geraldine Primary School during 2023, should also<br />
notify the school office by Friday 14 October.<br />
We invite parents to contact the office if they wish to<br />
learn more about our school and arrange atour.<br />
all your business and tax requirements. Phone<br />
Raylene on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />
Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />
for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road.Phone 03 693 9929.<br />
BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, for<br />
all building work. PhoneAnts027 3090798.<br />
CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />
Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />
owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />
CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending.Phone<br />
Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />
COMPUTERPROBLEMS? CallGeraldineComputer<br />
Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />
03 693 9496.<br />
Glass 03 693 9927.<br />
gnewsresults<br />
HEAT PUMPS Clean, service, repair and install.<br />
Please call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />
DISCOUNT 15% off all and labour prices only.<br />
Phone Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />
Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />
021 041 3318.<br />
professional service, good rates,excellent local<br />
references. Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or<br />
027 962 4841.<br />
PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />
Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />
WILTONSMALLMOB SHEARING Available for your<br />
shearing, crutchingand allanimal health products<br />
for your sheep, alpacas and goats. Please phone<br />
/txt Mike and Nicola 020 40117629.<br />
Clover Honey Special 1kg $15, 2kg $25. New<br />
season’sHoneycomb also available.<br />
DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />
GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB Waihi Handicap Pairs Session 3,<br />
08.09.<strong>22</strong>: Championship Session 7,15.09.<strong>22</strong> North South: 1st<br />
VHill&Julie Kelly 63.89% 2nd SStevens &KGidlow-Black 47.<strong>22</strong>%.<br />
East West: 1st DJohnston &LJohnson 59.72%, 2nd VCrawford &<br />
KMiles 52.78%. 14.09.<strong>22</strong> North South: 1st CHamptom &MHyde<br />
63.33%, 2nd RScott &LGraybill 49.17%. East West: 1st KLeLievre<br />
&ABlakemore70.00%, 2nd DCrafts &ANuman49.17%.<br />
GERALDINE DISTRICT GOLF CLUB 17.09.<strong>22</strong> Bisque Par: Sen/Int<br />
ATedham 7-11+4, BSimpkin 76-9 +4, KSilcock87-15+4, GRobertson<br />
85-16 +4. Jun A+B GDwyer90-27-+8, GWaring 95-29 +8, RHolling<br />
95-24 +6. Twos #15 GWaring, #17 KHodge. NTP #12 Ladies<br />
JKellahan, Men MShepherd, NTP #18 3rd Ladies Liz G, Men 2nd<br />
#18 ATedham. Ladies SDwyer 103-28 +6, JKellahan +5, DDewe<br />
104-30-+5, Felicity +5.<br />
GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 18.09.<strong>22</strong>Stableford 1st GMarshall 80-<br />
18-62-42stbs, GOliver 86-17-69-35, TKerr 86-15-71-35, CSeaton<br />
94-<strong>22</strong>-72-34, JRate91-21-70-34, AMuff84-14-70-34, SScott 91-20-<br />
71-33, GPatrick 81-9-72-32, BMiller 104-28-76-31, PCushnie<br />
89-15-74-30, MOliver 90-13-77-28, RRamsay 94-18-76-28, JCox<br />
99-21-78-26. Twos SScott #11, Nett Eagles PCushnie#17, SScott<br />
#2, GMarshall #7, GOliver #17, JCox#5, CSeaton#3.<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>22</strong>SEPTEMBER, 20<strong>22</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />
✔<br />
✔<br />
✔<br />
Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />
Direct billing toInsurance Companies<br />
TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />
23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />
Experienced arborist available for all your<br />
tree pruning and removal needs<br />
Phone Li Tane on 0<strong>22</strong> 308 1858<br />
OR EMAIL: for afree quote<br />
eatingout<br />
BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />
menuincorporatingBarker’s products with seasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />
8.30am-4.30pm.Phone 03 693 9727.<br />
THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />
Thu-Sunand Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />
MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30amto2pm.Breakfast<br />
and lunch menuare available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />
Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />
GERALDINE FARM SHOP &CAFE Open Monday-Friday 8am, Weekends<br />
8.30am. Closes4pm-5pm -call ahead to be sure. Menu choices change regularly.<br />
Something for everyone. Comeand check us out. Phone03693 9514.<br />
THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Food Takeaways new hours THURSDAY-<br />
SUNDAY 4pm-8pm. TO ORDER CALL: 03 693 9723; TO ORDERONLINE:<br /> Check out our new menu.<br />
THE RUNNINGDUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />
popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />
8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday8.30am-4pm.<br />
THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />
phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />
WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />
restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />
-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03971 6292.<br />
PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />
An amazing cinematic experience ofthe<br />
true story ofentertainer David Bowie<br />
SATURDAY 4.15PM<br />
True story ofthe famous bomber plane<br />
SUNDAY 5.15PM FINAL!<br />
With the release ofAvatar 2inDecember we have<br />
secured aprint of the first film -aspecial re-release<br />
of the 2009 blockbuster! Come and see it as it was<br />
ment to be seen on the giant Cinemascope screen!<br />
James Cameron's<br />
AVATAR<br />
SUN 12PM |MON 1PM<br />
SAT 2PM |MON 11AM<br />
George Clooney &Julia Roberts star<br />
in this great comedy film<br />
SAT 7.15PM |SUN 3PM |MON 4PM<br />
WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>22</strong>MAHURU, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
GLASS<br />
Double Glazing, Insurance<br />
Repairs, Splash Backs,<br />
Window Repairs, Mirrors &<br />
Showers, Insect Screens<br />
03 693 9927<br /><br />
Steve Jones Painting<br />
Quality Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Over 20 years experience<br />
Steve Jones<br />
owner-operator<br />
027 651 414040<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
11am-3pm<br />
$50 BALE<br />
$50 BALE<br />
100%Kiwi Owned<br />
Hearing Clinic<br />
We are100%locallyownedand<br />
operatedand promise togiveyou<br />
expert care and attentionfor everystep<br />
of your hearingjourney.<br />
•Diagnostic hearing tests<br />
•Hearing aid fittings<br />
•Freehearing screening<br />
•ACC registeredprovider<br />
•Hearing aidrepairs<br />
•Veteran’s affairs provider<br />
Call us todayfor acomplimentaryhearing<br />
screening.<br />
03 683 1545<br />
245 Otipua Road, Highfield,<br />
Timaru<br />
CARE<br />
Satisfaction<br />
guaranteed<br />
JulietMarsden &BarbaraBrown<br />
geraldine toy library<br />
For puzzles, games, Duplo, activity centres,<br />
Lego, train sets, electronic toys,ride-on,<br />
dress-ups, puppets, artsets, garden toys<br />
and much, more...<br />
117 TalbotStreet, Geraldine<br />
TUESDAY 10.30am-12pm<br />
SATURDAY 2pm-3.30pm<br />
41 Church Street,Timaru<br />
(opposite Tony’s Tyres)<br />
Mon-Fri9am-5pm |03688 6182<br /><br />
Greatafter care<br />
Great quality<br />
Fast and friendly<br />
Competitiveand affordable pricing<br />
JennyWang PG Dip CDT<br />
Registered Clinical Dental Technician<br />
Caira UyPG Dip CDT<br />
Registered Clinical Dental Technician<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
37<br />
Mid Canterbury’s mindfulness meetings<br />
INDI.ROBERTS<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>ians are being encouraged to<br />
discover the five waystowellbeing<br />
throughaseries of activities organised<br />
by KeepLearning Mid Canterbury.<br />
Eachofthe five waystowellbeing <br />
connect, take notice, be active,keep<br />
learning, and givewill be represented<br />
throughfree activitiesheld over<br />
<strong>September</strong> 2530.<br />
Connecting Mid Canterbury<br />
Charitable Trust coordinator Kate<br />
White said ‘‘That’s part of our<br />
organisation's strategic plan to help<br />
people put thefive ways of wellbeing<br />
into practice.’’<br />
She said shewas inspiredtoorganise<br />
the activities in align withMental<br />
Health Awareness week,which runs<br />
from <strong>September</strong>26toOctober2.<br />
Keep Learning Mid Canterbury’s first<br />
event,held on Sunday <strong>September</strong> 25,<br />
will be Local Lives, asocial and<br />
interactive activity in which people are<br />
invitedtolisten to the life storiesof<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>locals.<br />
‘‘We’ve got anumberofdifferent<br />
people from our community willing to<br />
tell their stories,’’ Kate said.‘‘And<br />
anyone fromthe public can book in to<br />
hear them. It’s one on one, you get20<br />
minutes with your‘human book’, they<br />
get to tell their story and you listen.’’<br />
She said Local Lives will connect<br />
people in thecommunity through<br />
conversation.<br />
People can readasmall bio about the<br />
people speaking and choose to book in<br />
with those they are most interestedin<br />
hearingabout. The event is a<br />
collaboration with<strong>Ashburton</strong> Public<br />
Library and will be held there.<br />
The second event will be on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 26 and is Take Notice, a<br />
seminarwith lifecoach and Rural<br />
Support Trust coordinator Frances<br />
Josie Tallents, one of last year’s ‘human<br />
books’ sharing her story with alistener.<br />
Beeston.<br />
Kate said Take Notice is about learning<br />
to pay attention to the present moment,<br />
‘‘She’s going to talktousabout why that’s<br />
important and easyways and tipsfor<br />
integrating that into abusy life.’’<br />
Beingactive willberepresented though<br />
two free fitnesssessions hosted by EA<br />
Networks Centre.<br />
On Tuesday <strong>September</strong>27at11am,EA<br />
fitnesscoach, personal trainer and<br />
exercisephysiologist Matthew Roxburgh<br />
will be leadingastrengthand balance<br />
class, Evolve.<br />
‘‘It’s nothardout,it’smore for people<br />
recovering fromsurgery or older people,<br />
it’s suitable for all abilities,’’ Kate said.<br />
At 1pmgym instructor,personal trainer<br />
and gymmanager JennySoalwillbe<br />
runninganother free fitness session,<br />
Revolution, incorporating arange of<br />
exercises with and withoutequipment.<br />
‘‘That’s morecardio,it’s abit more high<br />
intensity,’’ Kate said.<br />
Both of these sessions are freetoattend<br />
and reflect the‘be active’ effort in the five<br />
ways to wellbeing.<br />
On Wednesday <strong>September</strong> 28 aprint<br />
and card making workshopwillbeheld<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library’s Jane Riach at last year’s ‘human library’style event.<br />
with theintention ofsending cards to<br />
prisoners acrossNew Zealand over<br />
Christmas.<br />
‘‘We’re collaboratingwiththe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>print makinggroup and<br />
they’regoing to teach people how to print<br />
make,’’ Katesaid. ‘‘We’re going to give all<br />
those cards to thePrisoner<br />
Correspondence Network which will<br />
deliver them to people at Christmas<br />
time...because we wanted to giveto<br />
something or to someone. Last year we<br />
made petbeds and gave them to the<br />
SPCA.’’<br />
Thefinalworkshop willbeonFriday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 30 andwill be alessoninTe<br />
ReoMāori, with afocus on pronunciation.<br />
‘‘It’saone hour classfocused on<br />
pronunciationofTeReo Māori,’’ Kate<br />
said. ‘‘That’s ‘keep learning’,learn how to<br />
pronounce Māoricorrectly,learn some<br />
basic phrases.’’<br />
Kate said they’ve had some really<br />
positive feedback from previous<br />
workshopsand areexcited to beoffering<br />
them free for the community.<br />
Keep Learning Mid Canterbury and<br />
Mid Canterbury TimeBank are also<br />
celebrating their five years of operation<br />
withapotluck dinner party on Saturday<br />
October 1, which will incorporate allof<br />
the five ways to wellbeing in one evening.<br />
Kate said there will plentyof<br />
opportunitytoconnect with others,share<br />
some gratitude, and learn newthings.<br />
‘‘We’re going to have some awesome<br />
people to show others howtodoasalsaor<br />
cha (cha cha),’’ she said. ‘‘Thisevent is<br />
open to anybody, they don’thavetobe<br />
connectedtoour organisation.’’<br />
Workshopsrequire registration as<br />
spacesmay be limited, so if you would<br />
like to take advantage of any of these free<br />
workshops then headover to www.<br /> to find event<br />
information andregister.<br />
Rangitata day trip<br />
Forest and Bird <strong>Ashburton</strong>are<br />
planning ascenic nature trip<br />
this Sunday,taking in the vista<br />
along the banks of the Rangitata<br />
River to the coastal Rangitata<br />
south Huts. It is open to attend.<br />
Edith Smith, of Forest and<br />
Bird, said the trip would include<br />
viewing riparian restoration on<br />
the farm of Ian Thornton, and<br />
also adryland and lizard habitat<br />
thanks to farmers Michelle and<br />
Leighton Pye, as well as bird<br />
species at the Rangitata south<br />
huts.<br />
‘‘Ian Thorntonfarms alongside<br />
the north bank is developing a<br />
wetland area. At this QEII<br />
covenantwesee the progress<br />
and management with planting,<br />
weed management and wetland<br />
enhancement,’’ she said.<br />
The dryland and lizard habitat<br />
will include alunch stop. The<br />
area has boulder piles and<br />
melicytus planting to encourage<br />
skinks. ‘‘It is alongside the<br />
recently flooded and usually dry<br />
South Rangitata riverbed.’’<br />
Heading out to the Rangitata<br />
south huts area will givea<br />
chance to check the bird species<br />
at the mouth feeding onsmelt<br />
before heading upstream to<br />
breed.<br />
‘‘The extensive Arowhenua<br />
native planting begins at the<br />
mouth and continues upstream.<br />
We look at the effects of coastal<br />
dynamics and flooding on the<br />
mouth and coastline.’’<br />
People are encouraged to<br />
wear sturdy footwear and<br />
clothing to suit weather, bring<br />
lunch, drinksand snacks, first<br />
aid kit, camera and binoculars.<br />
The group will meet at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Courthouse on<br />
Sunday at 9am, or at Ealing at<br />
9.30am.<br />
Vote<br />
RichardWilson<br />
for the EasternWard<br />
Local knowledge<br />
Proven experience<br />
Effectivevoice<br />
2509888<br />
~Authorised by RichardWilson, Hinds Arundel Road<br />
2501385<br />
435WESTSTREET,ALLENTON,ASHBURTON 0800-86-<strong>22</strong>-44<br />
15%<br />
YOUR<br />
OFF<br />
NEXT<br />
EXP 30 SEPT 20<strong>22</strong> HIRE
NEWS<br />
38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Hayley Lovett says she loves to take photos, this week<br />
she took many of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain in all its spring<br />
colours.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain has been described as jewel in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s crown.<br />
It covers 37 hectares of open space, lawns, gardens and<br />
recreationalfacilities.<br />
Haveaphoto you would like to share? Submit your<br />
photo capturing MidCanterbury to: daniel.<br /><br />
With respecttothe reader,potholes and<br />
$3M gardens areaconcern,but youneed<br />
to be awareofatsunami of legislation<br />
reform thatwill be at our doorsteps after<br />
the election. Most warnings foratsunami<br />
tell youtohead forhigher ground and<br />
common lawisthathigher groundin<br />
this case. Inthe last twomonths Ihave<br />
secured the documentation to get us to<br />
thathigher ground.<br />
To be moreinformed,please make<br />
the efforttocome to one of my public<br />
meetings.<br />
TheSinclair Centre,<br />
74 Park Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Monday-Friday,<br />
12-30 <strong>September</strong> 7.15pm-8.30pm<br />
Authorised by :Jeffrey-robert: Miller Avenue,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
2516982<br />
Farmers market<br />
back for summer<br />
Freshlygrown garden produce,<br />
artisan products, preserves and<br />
pickles and awhole lot more<br />
will be on sale from next<br />
weekend when the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Farmers’ Market<br />
restarts for the summer in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. It starts on October<br />
1atthe West Street car park<br />
site in the central business<br />
district. Members of the public<br />
can expect to see most of their<br />
favourite stallholders return<br />
and maybe afew new faces,<br />
says potato grower and market<br />
regular Andrew Brown. The<br />
market has run on the car park<br />
site since 2007 and has a<br />
licence to occupy agreement<br />
with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council. Stallholders sell<br />
seasonal, fresh food and<br />
supplies direct to consumers<br />
every Saturday, from 9am to<br />
12.30pm. The market will run<br />
through until Easter. Anyone<br />
interested in becoming a<br />
stallholder can contact them, or<br />
keep up to date with stalls on<br />
site, through the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Farmers Market Facebook<br />
page.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Rotary Club<br />
Please<br />
bring your<br />
own<br />
carry bag<br />
Monday, 26th <strong>September</strong> to Saturday, 1st October •Sports Hall Tancred Street<br />
Signposted from the centre of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Day 1<br />
Day 2<br />
Day 3<br />
Day 4<br />
Day 5<br />
Day 6<br />
Monday 26th <strong>September</strong><br />
Tuesday 27th <strong>September</strong><br />
Wednesday 28th <strong>September</strong><br />
Thursday 29th <strong>September</strong><br />
Friday 30th <strong>September</strong><br />
Saturday 1st October<br />
8.00am - 5.30pm<br />
9.00am - 5.30pm<br />
9.00am - 8.30pm<br />
9.00am - 5.30pm<br />
9.00am - 8.30pm<br />
8.00am - noon<br />
Thank You <strong>Ashburton</strong> for your generosity<br />
We are still collecting books and articles at: <strong>Ashburton</strong> Sports Hall<br />
Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Convenor David Mead 308 9991 or 027 471 6661<br />
Bookarama has been running successfully for 43 Years<br />
TM<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
39<br />
build<br />
SRPING 20<strong>22</strong><br />
buy&<br />
renovate<br />
Afeature brought to you by<br />
Let’s start the conversation call 0800 764 846<br />
Email<br />
or visit
40 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
build buy &renovate<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
The appeal of renovation on your home<br />
Renovating can be costly and<br />
inconvenient, but can also increase the<br />
valueand enjoyment of your home.<br />
There are two main reasons people<br />
renovate: to addtothe comfort, use and<br />
valueofthe home and to tidy it up to sell.<br />
Before you launch into renovations,<br />
take time to consider whether the<br />
expense and disruption is justified.<br />
If you intend staying in the home you<br />
may want to addextra space to<br />
accommodate an expanding family, or<br />
simply to add asense of spaciousness.<br />
You may also want to add roomsfor<br />
special purposes, such as an officeor<br />
games room, change the configurationof<br />
the house for betterflow,orupdate and<br />
remodel to givethe house afresher,<br />
more modern look.<br />
Other home owners may also be<br />
lookingtorestoretheir house to its<br />
original style, or look to add value to<br />
increase their investment.<br />
If you are renovating to sell, it is likely<br />
that you’ll want to givethe housean<br />
inexpensive makeover to freshen it up<br />
and make it more attractive to buyers.<br />
For example, repainting, repapering, or<br />
changing dated or damaged fixtures,<br />
such as acracked basin in the bathroom.<br />
Youneed to consider the tastes of<br />
potential buyers, which really means<br />
keeping everything fairly neutral to<br />
appeal to awiderrange of people.<br />
Not everyone warms to brightfeature<br />
wallsorpink bathtubs.<br />
Renovations that will increase the<br />
appeal of your home mayinclude<br />
painting the kitchen and bathroom, or<br />
puttinginsomedecking to give an<br />
indoor/outdoor flowand an increased<br />
sense of space or some landscaping.<br />
Don’t spend moneythat youwon’t get<br />
back in the sale price.<br />
Ask areal estate agent for ideas to<br />
increase the house’s appeal, and how<br />
much you should spendwithout<br />
overcapitalising.<br />
Take care to renovate to the existing<br />
style of the house and neighbourhood.<br />
People search in particular<br />
neighbourhoods because they like the<br />
age and style of houses found there.<br />
Giving your older villa style house a<br />
very modern aspect, which is<br />
inconsistent with the other houses in the<br />
street, will lessen the range of potential<br />
purchasers.<br />
If you don’t intend selling, the money<br />
you spend on renovating will be an<br />
investment in the comfort and<br />
enjoyment of the house.<br />
Whether you increase the value of the<br />
home may notbeanimportant factor in<br />
how much you decide to spend.<br />
If your house needs agreat deal of<br />
work to get it how you would like, decide<br />
whether youwant to go to all the trouble<br />
and expense, or whether it would be<br />
better to sell and buy something more<br />
suited to your needs.<br />
Many New Zealanders take on<br />
renovation, redecoration and alteration<br />
projects in their homes, usually in the<br />
belief that it willsave themmoney. How<br />
much you can do yourself realistically<br />
depends on your skills, time and energy.<br />
There mayalso be legalrestrictions<br />
on doing work yourself if you don’t have<br />
the rightqualifications. Youneed to<br />
consider the BuildingCode<br />
requirements and getting building<br />
consent for some work. Many people are<br />
very capable of painting and<br />
wallpapering, andsome straightforward<br />
carpentry work but before you takeon<br />
any work, considerall the aspects of<br />
DIY.<br />
ANDY’S PAINT &<br />
One-Stop Glass Shop<br />
Locally owned and<br />
operated<br />
Repair or Replace–<br />
Your placeorours<br />
Recommend US to your<br />
insurancecompany!<br />
Auto Glass<br />
Cars Trucks<br />
Tractors<br />
Construction<br />
Caravans<br />
Classics<br />
Mirror Glass<br />
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PictureFrames<br />
Fire Door Glass<br />
Retrofit Double Glazing<br />
•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />
Rylock aluminium<br />
windows and doors<br />
•Retrodouble glazing installers<br />
foradrier,warmer,quieter home<br />
GLASS<br />
152 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Ph.308 8485<br /><br />
2516191<br />
Forafreequote, contact<br />
David &Lorayne Oakley<br />
PHONE 308 8493<br />
EMAIL:<br />
8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2516319<br />
• Townand Country<br />
• Interior and Exterior<br />
• New builds • Alterations<br />
• Lightcommercial<br />
• Sheds • Fences<br />
Workmanship<br />
Guaranteed<br />
Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />
ALPS<br />
Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />
Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />
We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />
Allworkmanship guaranteed<br />
Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or 308 4380<br />
232 BoundaryRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
E;<br />
2513916<br />
AH: 03 302 6992<br />
Mobile: 0274354 646<br /><br />
2516088<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
build buy &renovate<br />
41<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> market grows despite trend<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> was one of eight<br />
provincialcentres to<br />
experience homevaluegrowth<br />
this quarter. Otorohanga (2.9%)<br />
was in first place.Itwas<br />
followed by Central Otago<br />
(2.3%), Hurunui (2.2%),<br />
Waitomo (1.6%), Queenstown<br />
(1.5%) Ruapehu (1.3%), Hauraki<br />
(0.6%) and <strong>Ashburton</strong> (0.1%).<br />
Despite the district’s growth,<br />
the QV HousePrice Index for<br />
August shows across the board<br />
the housing marketcontinues<br />
tocool. Tight credit conditions<br />
and rising interest rates meant<br />
fewer buyers competing for an<br />
oversupply of stock.The<br />
averagehome decreasedin<br />
valueby5.5% nationally over<br />
the past threemonth period to<br />
the end of August, weakening<br />
further from the4.9% decrease<br />
in quarterly value change we<br />
saw in July, withthe national<br />
average value nowsitting at<br />
$973,848.Itrepresents an<br />
average annual increase of just<br />
1.1%, down from4% annual<br />
growth lastmonth.<br />
Canterbury and the West<br />
Coast were the last two regions<br />
in AotearoaNew Zealand to<br />
descend into negative home<br />
value growth forthe 20<strong>22</strong><br />
calendar year.<br />
In the eight monthstothe end<br />
of August, home values have<br />
reduced by an average of 0.6%<br />
acrossthe wider region,<br />
following four consecutive<br />
months of negative growth. But<br />
the region’s annual growth rate<br />
is still lookingextremely robust<br />
at 14.2% –wellabove the<br />
national average,which is just<br />
1.1%.<br />
Home values decreased by an<br />
average of 0.8% last monthin<br />
Christchurch –aslight bounce<br />
back from the 1.2% monthly<br />
decline QV reported last<br />
month. This is reflected in a<br />
3.6% quarterlydecline, which is<br />
only slightly more than the 3.4%<br />
decline reported last month.<br />
Local QV property consultant<br />
Olivia Browniesaid although<br />
the speed of the decline has<br />
slowed, ‘‘we may have afew<br />
moremonths of uncertainty,<br />
withvalue growth unlikely to<br />
stabilise in the short term for<br />
the greater Christchurch<br />
region.<br />
‘‘Buyers are continuing to<br />
deliberate or are holding off<br />
untilthey find asuitable<br />
property or avendorwho is<br />
willingtonegotiate.<br />
“We note there has recently<br />
been an increase in firsthome<br />
buyers active in the marketand<br />
an increase of listings with<br />
asking prices that are meeting<br />
the market.”<br />
Meanwhile, home valueshave<br />
decreased by 3.3%thisquarter<br />
in the Selwyn District, aslight<br />
improvement on last month’s<br />
figure, with theaverage house<br />
value now sitting at $856,965.<br />
The WaimakaririDistrict even<br />
saw amodestamount of growth<br />
last month, withits quarterly<br />
rate of negative home value<br />
growth improving from 2.5% at<br />
the end of July, to 1.5%atthe<br />
end of August.<br />
QV generalmanager David<br />
Nagel said theresidential<br />
market is desperate forsome<br />
oxygen with adwindling poolof<br />
buyers spoilt for choicewith an<br />
oversupply of listings.<br />
‘‘There’s no immediate signof<br />
things getting anybetter with<br />
interest rates likely to rise<br />
further and business confidence<br />
starting to wane.”<br />
Ducted heatpump/ air conditioningunit<br />
•Whole home centralheating<br />
and cooling<br />
•Cost effectiveand energy<br />
efficient<br />
•Whisper quiet with discreetly<br />
positioned ventsintorooms<br />
•Can be installed in new homes<br />
or retrofitted into existing<br />
homes<br />
PHONE 308 7182 ON CALL 021 597 517<br />
9Sim Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Business Estate<br />
2516913<br />
2516603<br />
We have it covered<br />
•FurnitureUpholstery<br />
•Custom-made Headboards<br />
&Ottomans<br />
•SailShades,Awnings and<br />
OutdoorBlindsand Screens<br />
115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone/Fax (03) 307 2354<br />
Email<br /><br />
Property valuations<br />
Rural, Residential,<br />
Insurance<br />
2516116<br />
Ian McBride<br />
A.N.Z.I.V. S.P.I.N.Z.<br />
BCom (Agr,VFM)<br />
Phone: 03 308 5468<br />
Mobile: 029 770 5468<br />
Email:<br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning<br />
• Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mould and Lichen Treatment<br />
• Spider &Fly Treatment<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying<br />
• FenceLine Spraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning<br />
• Heat Pump Service<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 and let us know howwecan help<br />
Email:<br />
2516146<br />
Looking for the right builderforyou?<br />
r u?<br />
Foraquality<strong>Ashburton</strong> builder and access to the peace of mind ofthe Master Build<br />
10-Year Guarantee,choose aRegisteredMaster Builder.<br />
Bradford Building<br />
Brown&Co Builders<br />
DaveMccreaBuilding<br />
Des Millar Construction<br />
Fowler Homes <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Fridd Construction<br />
Garth Jemmett Construction<br />
GeoffRead<br />
GrantLoveHomes<br />
Harvey Morrison Construction<br />
Ingold Building<br />
Formoreinformation<br />
andbuilder contactdetails visit:<br /><br />
James Robinson Builders<br />
Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />
Jim Reed Builders<br />
JosephBuilders<br />
Lampard<br />
McAndrew Builders<br />
McIntosh Builders<br />
McIntosh Commercial Construction<br />
McKain QualityConstruction<br />
MikeGreer Homes MidCanterbury<br />
Milestone Homes Mid Canterbury<br />
Muldrew Builders<br />
Paul Middleton Builder<br />
Pearce Builders<br />
Quaid Construction Company<br />
Simon Ross Construction<br />
Smith and Sons <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Snowfed Builders<br />
StuBell Construction<br />
TridentHomes <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Building aBetter New Zealand
42 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
build buy &renovate<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
Building could be an attractive option<br />
Renovatingorbuilding new<br />
depends on your circumstances<br />
and those circumstances willbe<br />
very different fromyour<br />
neighbour’s.<br />
Building occasionally gets<br />
bad presswith the hassles of a<br />
few, tagged to building<br />
generally.<br />
Howeverifyou have agood<br />
builderand there are plentyin<br />
Mid and South Canterburyand<br />
you plan well, it should be plain<br />
sailing. If you aregoing to build,<br />
you havetohave somewhere to<br />
build.<br />
It might be that you are<br />
interested in aland and home<br />
package, in whichcasethe<br />
‘‘where’’ will be taken care of.<br />
Builders or buildingfirms<br />
sometimes buy blocks of land<br />
for development.One of the<br />
benefits is that not only do you<br />
get anew home, butyou know<br />
your neighbourswill have a<br />
new home.<br />
Manycompanies, these days,<br />
offer turnkeyhouse andland<br />
packages, and the prices are<br />
competitive.Ifthese interest<br />
you, thecompanies almost<br />
alwayshave ashow home or<br />
homes. So take the time to<br />
Building anew house means you can get what you want in ahome.<br />
explore.<br />
Get alist of addresses,and<br />
spend aday,ortwo, exploring<br />
the options. The more homes<br />
you see, the clearerthe idea<br />
you will get of whatisavailable<br />
for what price.Somedesigns<br />
willfascinate you, others will<br />
not. In any event and even if you<br />
see nothing youlike you will be<br />
much betterinformed. Such<br />
companies have many design<br />
options, so take your time. It<br />
might be that you want to design<br />
your own home, or at leastpass<br />
on some firmideastoabuilder,<br />
andthat’s fine. You are going to<br />
livethere, and pay the bills.<br />
Most companies will allow<br />
flexibility, butremember that<br />
changing stock designs might<br />
add costalways inquire.<br />
In theend, theymay save you<br />
money throughcleverdesign.<br />
An architect will be<br />
especially usefulifyou have a<br />
special site, or evenadifficult<br />
site.They are trained to design<br />
buildings for all situations.<br />
And if you have only abasic<br />
idea of thestyle of homeyou<br />
want, an architect can bring<br />
those ‘‘basic’’ ideas to life.<br />
Perhaps you have seen a<br />
home, or visited one,that really<br />
takes your eye. It might be that<br />
it was designedbyan architect,<br />
andhighly likely that the<br />
ownerswill be happytopass on<br />
thename of the designer.<br />
Theworkofsuch<br />
professionals is often passed by<br />
wordofmouth, so check<br />
around.<br />
If you have the designyou<br />
want, youwill needabuilder<br />
and theyare often<br />
recommended by friendsor<br />
acquaintances.<br />
*<br />
118 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>7700 |03 308 3973<br /> |<br />
*Conditions and exclusions apply.Pleasesee in-storefor details. Not available in conjunction with any other offer.Orders must be confirmed by 10 October 20<strong>22</strong><br />
to be eligible forthisoffer.^Travel parameters mayapply.<br />
paint |wallpaper |curtains |blinds |flooring |interior design<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
build buy &renovate<br />
43<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
Planning areno; the devil is in the detail<br />
Whetheryou are wishingtorevitalize or<br />
transform,the key is in the planning<br />
because the devil is in the detail. Sounds<br />
laborious but the rewards speak for<br />
themselves.<br />
Makeawish listofall your wantsand<br />
needs.<br />
In anutshell, clarify what you hopeto<br />
achieve on this journey.<br />
Unearth hiddenproblemsbefore you<br />
begin.<br />
Attack it masterfully and enjoy the<br />
ride. Icall this The Brief.<br />
Thedesign process is not as simple as<br />
it may seem.<br />
To achieve asatisfyingcompletion<br />
without stress, upsetsand<br />
disappointments you need to be<br />
organisedand do immaculateplanning.<br />
Icall this Project Management.<br />
Initial decisions are important. What<br />
is the budget, whoisthe decision<br />
maker? Thereisnothing worsethan a<br />
tugofwar so make sure everyone is on<br />
the same page.<br />
Bring clarity to your design ideas. I<br />
call thisCommunication.<br />
The key to agood renovation is planning.<br />
Iliketohave afew tools at hand when<br />
settingout on areno journey.<br />
My favourite is amindmap.<br />
Begin with this longbefore you start<br />
becauseyou can add and subtract at<br />
will. You will be amazed what comes to<br />
mind as you travel this road.<br />
Decisions canbedifficult and often it<br />
is easierto delete than decide. Lay out<br />
all the options andbegin deleting. See<br />
what isleft. Makelists of needs not<br />
wants and refertothem constantly.I call<br />
this Planning.<br />
If youare planning anew kitchen,<br />
bathroom, or laundry you will needthe<br />
certified skills of an electrician and<br />
plumber. In today’s world these guysare<br />
likehens’ teeth.<br />
Planning aheadand scheduling your<br />
tradesmen will ensureavoidance of a<br />
wellknown temporary roundabout<br />
situation.Icall this SettingaTime<br />
Frame.<br />
Acolourboard is another useful tool.<br />
It gives yousomething to refer to and<br />
helpstokeepyou on track. Mistakes are<br />
timeconsuming, frustrating, and<br />
expensive. Keep ascrapbookofthings<br />
youlikeand use thatasaguideline.<br />
Selecting the necessary components<br />
Whiteware, flooring, lighting, switch<br />
covers, hardware, tiling.<br />
Checkavailabilitytoavoid<br />
disappointment and frustrating<br />
schedule changes.<br />
Leavenostone unturned. Icall this<br />
Consolidation.<br />
Tip:<br />
Don’t be temptedtoleave everything<br />
to the last minute.<br />
Make your product selection early to<br />
avoid disappointment.<br />
Many itemsmay not be readily<br />
available and will requiredeliverytime<br />
frames.<br />
Enjoy the process.<br />
Transformyour kitchen<br />
with aunique designjust foryou<br />
“Freemeasure"einyour home”<br />
Place your Christmas orders now<br />
Orders closing mid October<br />
606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. P: 307 7131 l<br />
Open9am to 5pm Monday-Friday; 9.30am-12.30pm Saturday<br />
The Renovation Experts<br />
build buy &renovate<br />
2516314<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
Ph: (03) 308 4606<br />
E:<br />
121 Archibald St, Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2516604<br />
Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />
Hartford<br />
Table $1,399<br />
Ondata Round<br />
$950<br />
Ondata Oval<br />
$1,799<br />
Spring Arrivals<br />
Biancaa Lorenne<br />
Yuttari Sage Comforter<br />
$689 – $799<br />
Paragon<br />
Buffet<br />
$3,699<br />
Quixote Table<br />
$1,699<br />
Ondata Buffet<br />
$3,799<br />
MM Linen<br />
Jardin Teal Duvet Set<br />
$249.90 –$349.90<br />
Visit Us: 174 Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> FURNISHING |FLOORING | INTERIORS<br /> |03308 5269
44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
build buy &renovate<br />
20<strong>22</strong><br />
The joy of getting on the property ladder<br />
You’ve saved enough money<br />
for yourfirsthouse deposit.<br />
It’stakensome careful<br />
planningand some serious<br />
budgeting butyou set agoal <br />
achieveditand have been to<br />
the bank/mortgage broker and<br />
got yourself the financial<br />
backing to buy ahome.<br />
Your firsthomemay not be<br />
your dreamhome.<br />
But it couldbean affordable<br />
firststep on the ‘property<br />
ladder’.<br />
There’s no pointowning<br />
your own home if you can’t<br />
keep up withthe mortgage<br />
repayments.<br />
Sometimes‘the worst house<br />
in the best street’ is the way to<br />
go, especially if you are good<br />
at DIY.<br />
Real estate websites are a<br />
good place to find out how<br />
much properties are worth in<br />
differentareas.<br />
If you want to buy an<br />
apartment or townhouse,<br />
checkyour bankwill lend on<br />
thesetypes of properties not<br />
all will.<br />
If you’re buying aproperty<br />
as an investment, as well as a<br />
placetolive,it’simportant to<br />
thinkabout resale or rental<br />
potential.<br />
Considerthings likepublic<br />
transportroutes, shops and<br />
schools andwhetherasuburb<br />
has astrong rental market.<br />
Your first mortgage, or home<br />
loan,will probably be the<br />
biggest financial commitment<br />
you’ll ever make.<br />
It’sagoodidea to be just as<br />
careful when choosing your<br />
mortgage. Over time,your<br />
repayments couldadd up to a<br />
lot more than the costofthe<br />
home.<br />
Thereare manytypesof<br />
mortgages, eachwith its own<br />
interest rate,feesand degree<br />
of flexibility.<br />
Youcan shoparound for a<br />
mortgage yourself, or use the<br />
(usually free)services of a<br />
qualified mortgage broker.<br />
Before signingany sale<br />
agreement or mortgage<br />
paperwork you’ll need to get it<br />
looked over by alawyer.<br />
Abuilder’sreport is also<br />
encouraged.<br />
Fees vary so shop around.<br />
Righttools<br />
for the job<br />
Even if you areinexperienced, mosthome<br />
repairsandprojects are verylogicaland<br />
require mostlycommon sense plusalittle<br />
‘tool sense’.<br />
In every home there should be afew select<br />
tools which can be considered indispensable<br />
around thehome.<br />
Here’sthe best tools to have:<br />
Hammer:Try fora16oz or20oz depending<br />
on your physical build.<br />
Portable drill/driver: You’llfind this<br />
invaluablefor thoseodd jobsofputting up<br />
curtain rods, towel rails,shelves andthelike.<br />
Hand saw: Fortheoccasional user, across<br />
cut panel or finetoothed saw is anothertool<br />
that’s agood standby.<br />
Tape measure: Buyyourself a3metre or 5<br />
metre retractable tape.<br />
Screwdrivers and pliers:You’ll need two or<br />
three screwdriver sizeswithslotted and<br />
Phillips heads.<br />
Safetygear: Thereare no shortcutswhenit<br />
comes to safety gear. Eye protection isamust,<br />
and so are dustand fume masks if youvalue<br />
your lungs.<br />
CaulkingGun: You’ll generally needa<br />
cartridgeofadhesive,silicone sealant anda<br />
caulkinggunfor manyof your home<br />
renovationprojects.<br />
Painting gear: Being properly setupmakes<br />
aworldofdifference.<br />
Ladder: Every home needs aladder to<br />
accessthose hardtoreach parts of the house<br />
such as for clearing the gutters of debris and<br />
cleaning walls and windows.<br />
Sandpaperand nails are alsogood itemsto<br />
have in the toolbox.<br />
Retrofit Double<br />
Glazing<br />
Aluminium<br />
Windows<br />
and Doors<br />
Replacement<br />
Glass Shower<br />
Enclosures<br />
Glass<br />
Splashbacks<br />
and more<br />
2516740<br />
2516907<br />
027 279 6771<br /><br />
163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
45<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Musical Club<br />
Amagical night of story and song was held<br />
at the Sinclair Centre on Saturday 10 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
Visiting artist Rebecca Nelson, Lieutenant<br />
with the Royal NZ Navy band told of her<br />
musical journey with songs from each performance<br />
she had given, buskingfrom the age<br />
of 12 to the honour and privilege of singing at<br />
centenary commemorations in Gallipoli,<br />
Passchendale and The Somme.<br />
Rebecca was also invited by Prince<br />
Charles (now King Charles III) to sing at a<br />
Naval Reunion, and has sung the national<br />
anthemsofmany countries at various sporting<br />
grounds around the world.<br />
Rebecca is also the co-founder of Te Kiwi<br />
Maia Charitable Trust, which provides rehabilitation,<br />
respite and recovery to returned service<br />
personnel and first responders. See www.<br /><br />
Rebecca sung a total of 20 songs –<br />
Tarakihi, Ave Maria, Poppies &Pohutukawa,<br />
Requiem for ASoldier, We’ll Gather Lilacs,<br />
Hallelujah and many more, ending with We’ll<br />
Meet Again.<br />
We were able to chat to Rebecca while<br />
having supper.<br />
Some of the comments from the audience<br />
were - “Brilliant”, “Awesome”, “I was completely<br />
blown away” .<br />
It was indeed a wonderful evening of<br />
entertainment by awoman who is awonderful<br />
ambassador to New Zealand.<br />
Lions <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Max Cawte opened our tea meeting and<br />
noted some of the projects and events that we<br />
have coming up;<br />
This year’s charity golf tournament is on<br />
13th October and still needing some volunteers<br />
to work a full day or half day; Lions<br />
should contact David Robertson if they can<br />
help. The proceeds from this year’s tournament<br />
are being split between Alzheimers<br />
Society <strong>Ashburton</strong> District, the Lions Club New<br />
Zealand Charitable Trust, and the St Johns<br />
Health Shuttle.<br />
David noted that there has been agood<br />
response so far, partly because the recent<br />
shuttle crash has bolstered support.<br />
There is a further opportunity for Club<br />
members to sign up for Jesus Christ Superstar<br />
at the Event Centre on Friday 7th October<br />
because weare now being joined by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
County Lions and Ellesmere Lions.<br />
Graham Stewart is the contact for this event<br />
and has booked the Bradford Room for an<br />
inter-club get-together before the event, meeting<br />
from 6.30pm.<br />
There are two Trust member posts up for<br />
re-election this year; if members are interested<br />
in standing they should please contact Graham<br />
Smith.<br />
The Trust accounts are currently being<br />
audited before release.<br />
This year’s Playhouse Raffle proceeds will<br />
be going to Learning Resources for<br />
Preschools. Books of raffle tickets are available<br />
for members and if more books are<br />
needed please contact David Ward who is<br />
organising the raffle this year.<br />
There will be acar trial on 16th October<br />
starting at 1.30pm at the old camping ground,<br />
next to the old nurses home. The trial has been<br />
set up to cover a variety of sights around<br />
Canterbury and will be followed by aBBQ –<br />
bring your own drinks and seats. For further<br />
details contact Colin Morgan, but numbers will<br />
be taken at the October tea meeting.<br />
There will be a Christmas function with<br />
County and Pakeke Lions on 28th November.<br />
The event will be apurely social (but highly<br />
competitive) series of challenges between the<br />
clubs and should be alot of fun; Stuart Dunlop<br />
is organising and will provide more information<br />
near the date.<br />
We were fortunate enough to have the<br />
Principal of<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Ross Preece<br />
as this month’s guest speaker. Ross, who<br />
grew up in Christchurch, talked about the shift<br />
in the focus education from rote learning to an<br />
emphasis on co-operation and creativity, and<br />
about the importance of teaching resilience to<br />
students. He explained that students who are<br />
most disadvantaged need the most support to<br />
become productive adults, and talked about<br />
some of the challenges that disadvantaged<br />
kids face at school.<br />
Ross told us about the rebuilding work<br />
coming up at the college, during which about<br />
70% of the campus will be replaced. The first<br />
block (named after the Rangitata) will be ready<br />
for the 2024 school year and will feature 32<br />
classrooms. He also extended aplea for any<br />
members who are prepared to teach students<br />
to drive to get in touch with Anne Sheehan in<br />
the school office; the school has avehicle for<br />
the lessons, which would be two hours aweek<br />
for ten weeks.<br />
In thanking Ross for his speech, Lion<br />
Graham Smith (himself an ex-principal) commendedhim<br />
for his continuing hard work in an<br />
undeniably challenging position, balancing<br />
expectations and demands from teachers,<br />
government, trustees and students alike.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Friendship and Entertainment<br />
Club<br />
Concert <strong>September</strong> 11: Hello to members<br />
and friends. After a few words from our<br />
President (myself) the show began with our<br />
orchestra doing what they do well. Lorraine,<br />
Shirley, Robin and Neil played in their usual<br />
style with our visiting friend Gary from<br />
Christchurch joining in. They play easy<br />
listening music and as they are old favourites<br />
afew singing voices can be heard as well.<br />
Our guest artist was Philip Chapman who<br />
is aregular at places like the RSA and has<br />
family in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. He gave us some rock<br />
and roll and with those pink shoes and tie he<br />
looked the part. He got Suzie up on the piano<br />
to accompany him. On the spot she did very<br />
well. Philip was then going to Dowell<br />
Petersons 90th birthday and that was agood<br />
afternoon by all accounts. Happy birthday<br />
Dowell.<br />
Next up were our resident comedians<br />
Graham and Harold. Ohour poor Pope!<br />
Accordion player Shirley followed the<br />
sketch. Great tunes and thoroughly enjoyed by<br />
all.<br />
Our resident duo Neil and Jessie sang a<br />
few numbers. Easy to listen to and very well<br />
received asusual. Neil and Jessie play at a<br />
rest-home so some of our audience get to hear<br />
them regularly.<br />
Gary Watts from Christchurch came and<br />
joined us for our last show of the year. He is a<br />
trumpeter and joined in with various groups<br />
during the afternoon and did asolo spot. He<br />
also gave Craig a bone of good fellowship<br />
badge from his old Christchurch Savage Club<br />
(now in recession). Gary and another Christchurch<br />
performer Lilian are joining us in<br />
Blenheim in October.<br />
Our Cross Street Gang performed afew<br />
songs and had everyone singing. They are<br />
always most enjoyable.<br />
We stopped for afternoon tea and raffles<br />
and continued after this with the skiffle group<br />
which is always alot of fun.<br />
Last up and last slot for the season was<br />
Alan Andrews on his keyboard. Alan plays<br />
beautiful soothing music and because we<br />
have two keyboard players who are both<br />
extremely talented and play different styles we<br />
have been able to have avariety on our club<br />
days.<br />
Thank you to our helpers Jessie ,Donalda,<br />
Jim and Graham for your assistance on the<br />
day.<br />
Imust thank each and every entertainer<br />
over the past eight concerts as you are what<br />
makes ashow. Our audience has grown and<br />
this is because we decided tohave afternoon<br />
concerts.<br />
Unfortunately we do have a couple of<br />
musicians who can’t come Sunday afternoon<br />
so we have some thinking to do before next<br />
season.<br />
Until next season, Craig, President<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Horticultural Society<br />
President Joy welcomed five members<br />
and one new member to our Garden Group's<br />
<strong>September</strong>meeting which was held at Domain<br />
Pavilion. Small number attended due to other<br />
commitments and sickness.<br />
Table show results. 2 members & 15<br />
entries<br />
Joy Jaine –7,3,0<br />
Cyril Keen –1,2,0<br />
Premier Award: Joy Jaine – Class 32<br />
FloweringShrub –Rhododendron –President<br />
Roosevelt<br />
Raffle was won by Cyril Keen.<br />
Next meeting will be on Friday 28th<br />
October 20<strong>22</strong>, 2 pm at Domain Pavilion,<br />
Walnut Avenue. This meeting is one week<br />
later due to several members being away for<br />
Labour weekend. New members and visitors<br />
welcome.<br />
PEOPLE<br />
WHO MEAN<br />
2513682<br />
010211<br />
Is your garden<br />
screaming for attention?<br />
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Call A.J 308 8147<br />
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46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
10<br />
11 12 13<br />
14 15 16<br />
17<br />
18 19 20<br />
21<br />
<strong>22</strong><br />
23/9<br />
Across<br />
1. Theplayers in attackgostraight ahead (8)<br />
7. Thesearchfor proportional representation<br />
and honour (5)<br />
8. Will Jersey be on itskneestothisflower?<br />
(7)<br />
9. Concentrated on playing tennisatend of<br />
June(7)<br />
10. Aparrottakenright out of atruck (4)<br />
12. Lettersmay be writtenout supporting the<br />
board(7)<br />
14. An oldstreeturchin looking fortreasure<br />
in thebed (7)<br />
17. As Fatewould have it, it’s quite an<br />
achievement (4)<br />
18. Howelephant will sound like abit of a<br />
daffodil(7)<br />
21. It is hardwork,totrack gamearound<br />
Virginia(7)<br />
<strong>22</strong>. Pulltogether aseriesofstrokesintennis<br />
(5)<br />
23. Made sick, if decent,arrangement (8)<br />
Down<br />
1. It is easily saidiflacegetstorn(6)<br />
2. Recompensed forthe wayitdrewaRed<br />
outofit(8)<br />
3. Is sickly,isunsuccessful,isdecapitated (4)<br />
4. Showhow it is PC to edit thus(6)<br />
5. Soft featherscost less now (4)<br />
6. Venerate the Rightalways,atstart of<br />
election (6)<br />
7. Onereceivingtreatmentisnot easily<br />
provoked (7)<br />
11. Is charyabout giving work up forabed<br />
in India (7)<br />
13. Willing to putupwith small childabout to<br />
learn otherwise (8)<br />
14. Am up to true form,beingfully developed<br />
(6)<br />
15. In Kent it mightappear as asmallanimal<br />
(6)<br />
16. Is called to have one’shair dressed (6)<br />
19. Guy,about fifty, maybeunpleasantlooking<br />
(4)<br />
20. Shave offtwo, oneistold(4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1to9.<br />
23<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
8<br />
9 10<br />
11 12 13<br />
14 15 16<br />
17 18<br />
19 20 21<br />
<strong>22</strong> 23 24<br />
25<br />
26 27<br />
Across<br />
1. Mouthfluid(6)<br />
5. Regard as likely(6)<br />
8. Boy child (3)<br />
9. Gripping tool (6)<br />
10. Walkedwith long<br />
steps(6)<br />
11. Crumblycheese(4)<br />
13. Forbidden zone<br />
(2-2,4)<br />
14. Vapour(5)<br />
15. Wait on (5)<br />
19. Immature(8)<br />
21. Care for (4)<br />
<strong>22</strong>. Noiseless (6)<br />
23. Weather chart line(6)<br />
25. Possessed (3)<br />
26. Spirited (6)<br />
27. Starter (6)<br />
Down<br />
2. Malady (7)<br />
3. Anger (3)<br />
4. Agreement (6)<br />
5. Ship’s flag(6)<br />
6. Lasting(9)<br />
7. Scrounge (5)<br />
12. Knowledge (9)<br />
16. Old, but of high quality<br />
(7)<br />
17. Very dirty (6)<br />
18. Mock (6)<br />
20. Bring together(5)<br />
24. Breakfast grain (3)<br />
Across: 1. Saliva, 5. Expect,8.Son, 9. Pliers, 10.Strode, 11.Feta, 13.<br />
No-go area,14. Steam,15. Serve, 19. Juvenile,21. Tend,<strong>22</strong>. Silent, 23.<br />
Isobar,25. Had, 26.Feisty,27. Entrée.<br />
Down: 2. Ailment,3.Ire, 4. Assent,5.Ensign, 6. Permanent,7.Cadge,<br />
12.Awareness, 16.Vintage,17. Filthy, 18.Deride,20. Unite,24. Oat.<br />
Across: 1. Forwards7.Probe 8. Cowslip 9. Intense10. Lory12. Trestle<br />
14.Mudlark 17.Feat18. Trumpet 21. Travail <strong>22</strong>.Rally 23.Infected.<br />
Down: 1. Facile 2. Rewarded 3. Ails4.Depict 5. Down6.Revere7.<br />
Patient 11.Charpoy 13. Tolerant 14. Mature 15.Kitten 16.Styled19. Ugly<br />
20.Pare.<br />
TARGET<br />
chic chimp chip chirp choir<br />
chomp chop choric coir comic<br />
comp corm crimp croci crop<br />
ichor micro MICROCHIP ohmic<br />
porch rich<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
O M I<br />
I C C<br />
H P R<br />
Good 12<br />
Very Good 15<br />
Excellent 18+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />
ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
“I’m interested in knowing what myhome is<br />
worth.”<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
021 751 009<br />
“I’d love to help with that. Let’s organise a<br />
time to meet soIcan prepare afree no<br />
obligation market appraisal on your home.”<br />
36 McMillan Street<br />
Methven<br />
Methven•<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald<br /> •03303 3032<br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
47<br />
MSABowling<br />
Results of Patersons Funeral<br />
Services sponsoredPeters Cup<br />
Tournamentheld Sunday 18th<br />
<strong>September</strong>:1st AMillar, B.<br />
Kellet .C.Kellet W.Suttie.<br />
4wins 25ends42points,2nd<br />
L.Luke,R.Heads,F.McKnight,<br />
P.Macelwain 4wins 24 ends51<br />
points,3rd C.CarterR.Fensom<br />
W.Carter J.Nowell<br />
3wins <strong>22</strong>ends44points,4th<br />
M.Hill, M.Anderson, J.Kewish,<br />
L.Spargo<br />
3wins 21ends49points.A<br />
great days bowlinghad by all.<br />
MSABowling Club 1/2Day<br />
Triples<br />
SponsoredbySkip2It<br />
FlooringXtra held 16th<br />
<strong>September</strong>:1st M.Hill, P.<br />
Collins,T.Pearce 3wins 17ends<br />
39points, 2ndI.Moore,A.<br />
Thompson, B.Molloy3wins<br />
17points 30points,3rd M.Quinn,<br />
D.Muir,R.Petrie.<br />
3wins14ends 33points,4th D.<br />
Kinvig,D.Prendergast,P.Quinn<br />
3wins 11ends 26 points.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 9Holers<br />
TheNetherby Pharmacy<br />
Mixed Irish Stablefordwinner<br />
last week was Chris Anderson<br />
(44) on countbackfrom Anne<br />
Fleming(44). Theywere<br />
followed by Elaine King &<br />
Wendy Hopwood (39).Today we<br />
playaHotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>Putting<br />
round.Saturday 24th<br />
<strong>September</strong>is theClub Finals<br />
Day thatincludes the Men's and<br />
Women's 9Hole<br />
Championshipsand Men'sand<br />
Women's Sega Championships.<br />
On Thursday,29th<strong>September</strong><br />
we will playa4BBB net<br />
competition.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />
Monday Evening –Sept 12th,<br />
Irwin Trophy: 1stRay<br />
Stevenson &Pauline Scott, 2nd<br />
Anne Gilbert &Ruth Logan, 3rd<br />
DavidFisher &AverilLeckey,<br />
4th Louise McCrea &Carol<br />
Efford,5th AmandaEvans &<br />
Jackie Chisnall,6th MaryBruce<br />
&Mervyn Jones.<br />
Tuesday Evening –Sept 13th,<br />
ALadder:N/S 1st AlanWright<br />
&Peter Wilson, 2nd Leigh<br />
Wackrow &Mike Holdaway, 3rd<br />
JillBrowne &Trevor Coulter.<br />
E/W 1st RewaKyle &Mary<br />
Buckland,2nd PaulLeadley &<br />
Kate White,3rd Debbie<br />
SeddonSewell&David Sewell.<br />
Wednesday AfternoonSept<br />
14TH, BrabantTrophy: 1st<br />
Trish Downward &Peter<br />
Wilson,2nd RewaKyle &Sue<br />
Rosevear,3rd Judith Edmond<br />
&Maree Moore, 4th =Pauline 7<br />
Paul Fergusand Mary<br />
Buckland &BevTurton, 5th<br />
Betty Hawthorne&Shirley<br />
Harris, 6thColin Clemens&Ian<br />
Doel.<br />
Thursday Evening –Sept<br />
15th, President’s Trophy<br />
1st MareeMoore&Jim<br />
Rooney,2nd Barbara Fechney<br />
&Sue Rosevear, 3rd Margaret<br />
Shearer&Rosemary<br />
McLaughlin, 4th Mary<br />
Buckland&Trish Downward,<br />
5th Kate White &DavidSewell,<br />
6th Debbie SeddonSewell &<br />
Mike Holdaway.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> GolfClub<br />
Saturday17/9/20<strong>22</strong><br />
Competition: Matchplay (Team<br />
Club Captains vs Team<br />
President’s) Junior A<br />
Championship Plate:<br />
Karl Snowball bt Chris<br />
Robertson.<br />
ClubCaptainTom Blacklow<br />
led his teamtovictory21.5 pts<br />
to 18.5pts against <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Golf Clubs president’s team<br />
lead by Bruce Day.<br />
Two’s: John Ramsay, Paddy<br />
Bradford, Jeff Hewitt, Jennifer<br />
Stoddart, Ken Clucas, Peter<br />
Walker and Ryan Stoddart<br />
C/P Hole 4# <strong>Ashburton</strong> Mitre<br />
10: Robbie Bell.<br />
C/P Hole 8# Value Plus: Alan<br />
White.<br />
C/P Hole 12# South Island<br />
Seed Processing &StorageCo:<br />
Leith Kelly<br />
C/P Hole 14#Three Stooges<br />
(Brown Bombers):Ken Clucas<br />
C/P2nd Shot: Hole 15#<br />
Hamish Niles Shout!Peter<br />
Walker<br />
L/P Hole 9Ton’s Thai: Tom<br />
Blacklow<br />
TinwaldTavernBonusPrize:<br />
BevChinn<br />
Harvey Bakehouse9Hole<br />
Competition:<br />
Stableford: 1st: ElaineKing<br />
21pts<br />
2nd Gordon Clinton 20pts<br />
3rd Bruce Leighton 19pts<br />
4th Robynne Nicoll 18pts<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Womens Golf<br />
Saturday17th&Tuesday<br />
20th<strong>September</strong>20<strong>22</strong>, Rnd 3<br />
Bermaline Cup<br />
AlisonMacGregor, MaryLou<br />
Watson –42, VickiMoore –41,<br />
Sharon Carlson, ErinPorter –<br />
40 on c/b<br />
Nearest the Pins: No 4<br />
Chevalier Farm Ltd –Kay Fox<br />
No 8SamanthaRose Flowers<br />
–MaryLou Watson<br />
No 12 Lynn’s small Salon –<br />
Pauline Bell<br />
No 14 Todd’sof<strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />
Jacqui Welch<br />
No 18 2nd Shot –Jenny<br />
Williams<br />
Twos Jen Shepherd, Daphne<br />
McDonnell –No8,MaryLou<br />
Watson –No12, Alison<br />
MacGregor, JennyWilliams –<br />
No 14.<br />
Run and Walk <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Strong Walk and Albert<br />
McIntosh RunheldSaturday<br />
10th <strong>September</strong>20<strong>22</strong> at Argyle<br />
Park,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
3kmhandicap StrongWalk:<br />
StaceyHooper19:28 (Fastest<br />
timeand winnerofthe Strong<br />
Walk); Dave Strong 21:35<br />
(Fastest Man); Paul Severins<br />
21:37;AndrewSaunders23:11;<br />
Marie Batty 23:12;Judith<br />
Crozier 23:12; Peter Larkin<br />
23:24;Lori Rusbatch 25:14;<br />
Karen Hodgson 27:34; David<br />
Wilkinson 33:35.<br />
3km handicap Albert<br />
McIntosh Run: Dave King 10:53<br />
(Fastest time); Kathryn Page<br />
14:46 (Fastest Women &<br />
winner of the Albert McIntosh<br />
Run); Gary Whiting16:10;<br />
Alison Conway 17:06;Eamon<br />
Hooper 18:34.<br />
3km Children: U10 Isabelle<br />
Lampe 15:49; Addison Page<br />
16:25;Jamie Hooper 18:24. U14<br />
SophieLampe10:55; Robbie<br />
Lampe13:20;JackHooper<br />
14:35; Carina Lupse 16:17.<br />
Thankyou to ourtime<br />
keepers Viv Strong,Gordon<br />
Clinton, Debra Curtain and<br />
Janet Hood, and to Ian<br />
Broadbelt who set thecourse.<br />
MidCanterbury Social<br />
Wheelers<br />
10thSept<strong>22</strong>. 31 Riders. 1st.<br />
Brian Ellis 32m15s.2nd.Ron<br />
Kennedy32m 17s.3rd.Paul<br />
Hands32m 20s.4th. Allan<br />
Johns 32m 20s.5th.Ross<br />
Proctor 32m21s.6th.Tesh<br />
McIntosh28m 01s.7th.Richard<br />
Kirwan28m 03s. 8th. Paul<br />
William28m 08s. 9th. Larry<br />
Neal <strong>22</strong>m 45sF/T. 10th. Steven<br />
Hands<strong>22</strong>m 45s.2f/t. 11th.Tony<br />
Ward <strong>22</strong>m 45s3f/t. 13th.John<br />
McIntosh25m26s. 4f/t. 13th.<br />
Brent Hudson 31m 24s.14th.<br />
Anton Nicholls 25m 47s. 15th.<br />
Lucy Kirwan 31m 43s. 16th.<br />
DaveShurrock 31m 52s. 17th.<br />
Paul Summerfield 26m 08s.<br />
18th. Liz Wylie34m 14s. 19th<br />
JohnUden26m 29s.20th Paul<br />
Brake 26m 29s.21st. Doug<br />
Coley 26m30s.<strong>22</strong>nd. Andrew<br />
Shepherd29m 20s.23rd.Pam<br />
Harcourt 29m20s.24th.Rob<br />
Hooper 26m19s. 25th.Ross<br />
Templeton26m 20s. 26th.Nick<br />
Grijns 26m28s.27th.Matt<br />
Marshall 29m 56s. 28th.<br />
Charlotte Cox27m 50s.29th.<br />
Jelle Hendriksen30m 43s.30th<br />
DonSutton 30m55s.31st.<br />
Michelle Davidson DNF> OLD<br />
BIKES RESULTS>1st. Rob<br />
Hooper26m 19s. 2nd. Ross<br />
Templeton 26m 20s. 3rd.Nick<br />
Grijns 26m28s.4th. DonSutton<br />
30m 55s.<br />
TinwaldCyclingU17<br />
Development<br />
11th<strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>. 4km<br />
Handicap, 1st. Nick Dalley 11m<br />
47s. 2nd. Eliza McKenzie CT.<br />
13.04. HT. 5.10m. RT.7m54s.<br />
3rd.CharlotteNealCT. 13.38.<br />
HT.4.30m RT.9m08s. Graded<br />
Results.: A. Eliza McKenzie.B.<br />
Charlotte Neal. D. NickDalley.<br />
Are you looking for<br />
Property Management or<br />
considering a change?<br />
Contact the professional<br />
team at LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
0800 554 274<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rentals<br />
Make things happen
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
374 WRIGHTS ROAD 5 2 3<br />
O/plan, 4living/lounges, 5bdrms, 2bthrms<br />
entertainment area, 4bay shed.This lifestyle<br />
block has huge potential with ample space<br />
&opportunity to renovate at your leisure. 4ha<br />
been leased by afarmer, with land in good<br />
condition. Lots of potential to develop into a<br />
premium property. Offers Over $729,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 11.00 -11.30am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
26 KAWAU CRESCENT 3 1 1<br />
Fantastic Home! Ready for your own stamp<br />
of style! Jump on the property ladder,<br />
whether it’s your 1st or 2nd home for an<br />
investment. 3 dble bdrms, generous size<br />
living, woodburner with wetback, sleep out,<br />
single garage with an attached workshop in<br />
aquiet settled street. Offers Over $449,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 0<strong>22</strong> 308 6885<br />
45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />
Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />
home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />
kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />
offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />
survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />
sleep out, storage shed/garage upto6. BEO<br />
$689,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
3ALFORD FOREST 3 1 1<br />
O/P kitchen/dining/lounge, 3bdrms, prestine<br />
drinking water from mountain, adjacent<br />
to Council parkland, organic fruits/trees,<br />
glasshouses. Solid brick home with cosy fire.<br />
This rare country property on alarge section<br />
is only 12min to Methven &9min to Mt bike<br />
park. Buyer Enquiry Over $560,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent Manu Otene 0<strong>22</strong> 308 6885 |<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Opportunity here to start your own Cafe<br />
at an affordable price, on the Main Street<br />
on Methven! Entry level only cost of plant<br />
&chattels. Commerical Lease 9years left.<br />
Approved for 50 chairs. Put your own touch<br />
on the premises &it’s ready to go!<br />
Price by Negotiation.<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent Manu Otene 0<strong>22</strong> 308 6885 |<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
<strong>22</strong> BRUCEFIELD AVENUE<br />
WARM &COSY<br />
3 1 1<br />
This warm & cosy, permanent material,<br />
1980’s classic home features 3dble bdrms,<br />
gas hot water, single garage &lots of OSP.<br />
Located close to schools &shops, with town<br />
just down the road. Offers over $449,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 0<strong>22</strong> 308 6885<br />
3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />
•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />
•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />
Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />
Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />
to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />
to secure this unqiue property & benefit from<br />
it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Private lifestyle section situated in adesirable<br />
location amongst new housing. Build the<br />
home of your dreams, fully fenced & shelter<br />
belt. Lifestyle sections like this do not come<br />
along often. Temporary power supply,Town<br />
water, & Fibre at the gateway. Up to 1000<br />
litres per day. BIR PBN $330,000 -$380,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
021 354 885<br />
Manu Otene<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
0<strong>22</strong> 308 6885<br />
LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit<br />
Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company
OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />
18 Elizabeth Avenue,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Recently renovated with new carpets,<br />
vinyls and paint<br />
•Sunny, three bedroom home<br />
•Heatpump and diesel firefor warmth<br />
•Double garage,large backyard on<br />
1012sqm section<br />
EnquiriesOver<br />
$490,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>8 7843<br />
3Bowen Street,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•3double bedrooms<br />
•Beautiful rimu throughout<br />
•Log burner and 2xheatpumps<br />
•Established 1012sqm section located<br />
on the westside of Rakaia<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$545,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>8 7843<br />
85 BowenStreet,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Spacious open plan living,with heat<br />
pump and log burner<br />
•Master bedroom with en suite, plus two<br />
moredouble sized bedrooms<br />
•1012sqm section with plenty of offstreet<br />
parking<br />
•Glasshouse and woodshed<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$680,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>8 7843<br />
40 Michael Street,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Spacious open plan living,diningand<br />
kitchen<br />
•Four bedrooms -master with en suite<br />
and walk in wardrobe<br />
•Nofuss,easy care1012sqmsection<br />
•Privatebackyard entertaining area<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$699,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>8 7843<br />
6Lane Street,Allenton,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
59A Grigg Street,<br />
Allenton<br />
89 EtonStreet,<br />
Hampstead<br />
8Carters Road,Allenton,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three double bedrooms<br />
•Updatedheatpumpand pelletfire<br />
•Generous living area opening to<br />
aconservatory<br />
•Double garage<br />
•Open plan living and kitchen<br />
•Great borough location<br />
•Three double bedrooms<br />
•Main bathrooms plus an en suite<br />
•Fivebedrooms<br />
•Two bathrooms<br />
•Good sized sunnylounge<br />
•Agood sized family section<br />
•Three spaciousbedrooms<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
•Ensuitewith tiled shower<br />
•157.5sqm homeona450sqm section<br />
EnquiriesOver<br />
$520,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
Enquiries invited over<br />
$665,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>813<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$468,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
$684,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
139B Allens Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
96A Thomson Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
5Carters Road,<br />
Allenton<br />
15 JagWay,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three bedrooms, master with an<br />
en suite<br />
•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />
area<br />
•Tiled bathroomsand loadsofstorage!<br />
•Single garage with internal access<br />
•Three bedrooms<br />
•Two bathrooms one being an en suite<br />
•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />
•Single internal access garage<br />
•Brand new spec house!<br />
•Three bedroomsand twobathrooms<br />
•Ensuiteinthe master<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
•Four double bedrooms<br />
•Double garage,internal access<br />
•Two living areas<br />
•Open plan kitchen and dining<br />
$614,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
EnquiriesOver<br />
$599,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
$668,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$890,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 <strong>22</strong>81<br />
20 Pages Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 2 2 AHB30346<br />
36 Reighton Drive,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 3 3 2 AHB30282<br />
7/42 Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 2 1 1 AHB30342<br />
107 Creek Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 1 0 AHB30328<br />
41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:30pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />
1Alford Street, Methven 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 2 MVN30039<br />
15 Reed Street, Hinds 12:00-12:30pm 4 1 4 AHB30331<br />
50 Lampard Street, Methven 1:30-2:00pm 3 1 2 MVN30041<br />
Open Home<br />
20 Pages Road, Allenton<br />
3 2 2<br />
If you are the person who is looking forafantastic home<br />
whereyou can putyourown stamp on it then this is the<br />
home for you. Situated onthe best part of the street<br />
with neighbours only on one side, it has agreat feel to<br />
it with plenty of space onthis generous 852m2 section.<br />
The home gets all the sun throughout the day&is light<br />
&bright inall the bedrooms &living spacewith large<br />
windows to let inthe sun. This home was built in 1988<br />
&has good bones to it plus plenty of opportunity for<br />
someone to do some redecoration or upgrades.<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$599,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
0274 612 614<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Open Home<br />
7/42 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
It is hard getting onto the property ladder with increased<br />
mortgage rates &harder criteria. This property enables<br />
your start to home ownership or investment atanaffordable<br />
level, whereyou can still save to abigger home in a<br />
fewyears. Well maintained &refreshed, Unit 7of8.<br />
ForSale<br />
Price byNegotiation<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />
2 1 1<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Open Home<br />
41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Flowing from the kitchen through living,the property<br />
has excellent patios foroutdoor relaxing or<br />
entertainment inaprivate surround. Large double<br />
garage &agarden shed to store the cars and toys &<br />
plenty off street parking forthe caravan or motorhome.<br />
ForSale<br />
Price byNegotiation<br />
View<br />
Saturday11:30 -12:30pm<br />
4 2 2<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
027 410 6216<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Under Contract<br />
60 Fergusson Street, Rakaia<br />
2 1 2<br />
Open Home<br />
15 Reed Street, Hinds<br />
3 2 4<br />
Standing tall and proud.<br />
*Compact family home with modern kitchen.<br />
*Heat pump plus insulation under the floor &ceiling.<br />
*Great double garaging, situated onalarge 1012sqm<br />
fully fenced section.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
Enquiries over$450,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Summerhill stone home was built in 1974 &offers 3<br />
double bedrooms plus asingle bedroom/office.The<br />
home was renovated in1998 with changes to the<br />
kitchen area, which is nowall open plan &well heated.<br />
Fabulous garaging, perfect forthe home handyman.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
Price onApplication<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:00 -12:30pm<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Manjit Singh<br />
020 4079 3871<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Denise Russell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 432 9717<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>0 1528<br />
Carey VonLubke<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 697 6948<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Manjit Singh<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
020 4079 3871<br />
Janene McDowell<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 287 3388<br />
96 TancredStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
NETHERBY 35 Davis Crescent<br />
Modernised &Affordable<br />
This solid red brickerboasts amodern kitchen &<br />
bathroom, recently painted throughout and heatedbya<br />
log burnerplus gas hot water.<br />
Afamily size section with plenty of off-street parking and a<br />
doublegarage<br />
This beauty will be popular,don't delay call today!<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $429,000<br />
All offers considered by 2pm, 7October<br />
(unless sold prior)<br />
VIEW<br />
10.00-10.30am, Saturday 24 <strong>September</strong><br />
Stephen Watson<br />
M 027 4339695<br /><br />
ALLENTON 18 Miller Avenue<br />
Family Friendly Allenton<br />
What afantastic opportunity to purchasethis renovated<br />
solid red brickhome. The sunny living area opens out to<br />
the huge deck, gas hotwater and good heating options<br />
with logburnerand heat pump.Loads of off street parking,<br />
garden shed, double garagewith auto doors.<br />
Call today, viewing will be by appointment only.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $539,000<br />
All offers considered by 4pm, 7October<br />
(unless sold prior)<br />
VIEW<br />
By Appointment Only<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
M 027 543 5799<br />
ELGIN Lot 3Trevors Road<br />
Trevors Road -Residential C-Subdivision.<br />
PGG Wrightson Real Estate are proud to offer for sale<br />
5.5 Hectares of prime bare land zoned residential C<br />
situated on the rural outskirts of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, yet only<br />
minutes from the CBD and local amenities.<br />
This property offers enormous potential for the<br />
astute developer to obtain aprime piece of real<br />
estate to land bank or develop into adesirable<br />
residential subdivision subject to council consent.<br />
GST Inclusive<br />
Closes 4.00pm,Monday 24 October<br />
VIEW<br />
By Appointment Only<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
M 027 433 9695<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
M 027543 5799<br /><br /><br />
FOR RENT<br />
ALLENTON 4Thomas Street<br />
Tidy Westside Unit<br />
Sunny twobedroomunit in sort after Allenton area. Open<br />
plan living heated by aheat pump, internal access garage<br />
and smalleasy care section. Close to schools and shops.<br />
Available 14 October.<br />
$370 PER WEEK<br />
VIEW<br />
By AppointmentOnly<br />
Kelsi Tait | B 03 3086173<br />
Sharon Muir | B 03 308 6173<br /><br />
FOR RENT<br />
CongratulationsStephen Watson<br />
Seventhonthe TopTen Sales Ladder<br />
If youwouldliketobepartofStephens success,callhim today<br />
to see whatyour propertyisworth in the current market.<br />
NETHERBY 8King Street<br />
Warm Red Bricker<br />
Three bedroom brick family home,with lock up garaging.<br />
Fully compliantwith insulation in the ceiling and<br />
underfloor, new heat pump installed this year. Close to all<br />
amenities. Available 27 <strong>September</strong>.<br />
$380 PER WEEK<br />
VIEW<br />
By AppointmentOnly<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
ResidentialSales Consultant<br />
M 027 433 9695<br />
E<br />
Kelsi Tait | B 03 3086173<br />
Sharon Muir | B 03 308 6173<br /><br />
PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed underthe REAA2008.<br />
Helping grow the country<br /><br />
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />
191 Burnett Street &<br />
447West Street<br />
Phone:03308 6173<br /><br /><br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
Office Manager/Sales<br />
M027 543 5799<br />
Robin Ford<br />
Rural Sales<br />
M027 433 6883<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M027 433 9695<br />
TimGallagher<br />
Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />
M027 801 2888<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
Residential Sales<br />
M021 075 2180<br />
Dan vander Salm<br />
Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />
M021 918 233<br />
Dannii May<br />
Residential Sales<br />
M021 0281 3310<br />
Sharon Muir<br />
Property Manager<br />
B03308 6173<br />
Tomoko Wright<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M021 124 6412<br />
Kelsi Tait<br />
Property Manager<br />
B03308 6173<br />
elping growthe country<br />
Mark Hanrahan<br />
Rural Sales<br />
M027 432 4028<br />
Sue Prendergast<br />
Property Manager<br />
B03308 6173<br />
PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />
Helping grow the country
6Village Green Drive,<br />
Lake Hood, Huntingdon<br />
1,881m2<br />
This perfectly situated section of 1881sqm is located onelevated<br />
land allowing panoramic views of Lake Hood, the breath-taking<br />
Southern Alpes and farmland.<br />
Lake Hood is ahighly sort after, man-made recreational lake,<br />
located<br />
6kmsouth-east ofTinwald, in the locality of Huntingdon,<br />
Canterbury, New Zealand. The lake features an eight lane rowing<br />
course, separate waterskiing, wind sports and jet skiing areas, etc.<br />
Discover the best ofboth worlds –the ease of rural living and<br />
avibrant sense of community –all within walking distance of<br />
Canterbury’s foremost aquatic playground.<br />
Whether you are wanting to build your own dream home or build<br />
an amazing holiday house this section is up for grabs.<br />
VIEW<br />
Request aprivate viewing.<br />
Scott Parkin<br />
027 598 2833<br /><br />
FOR SALE<br />
Price ByNegotiation<br /><br />
Town to Country<br />
Each office independently owned &operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008<br />
12 Kennedy Quay,<br />
Lake Hood, Huntingdon<br />
979m2<br />
Imagine living waterside to afreshwater New Zealand lake with<br />
access to aresidents-only boat-ramp, onalarge section you can<br />
build your waterfront home on.<br />
12 Kennedy Quay (Lot 112) on stage 14 Lake Hood has become<br />
available -979sqm -byahighly motivated vendor.<br />
This is anorth east facing property with all day sunshine with some<br />
spectacular views of the Southern Alps. Sensible offers will be<br />
considered with a10% deposit due on agreement.<br />
Abeautiful location in the heart of the exciting Canterbury region.<br />
One of the final sections currently available waterside at Lake<br />
Hood. With titles approved now is the time to purchase and build<br />
your own home, orinvest inaprime development with alimited<br />
number of sections. The purchaser is not required to build on this<br />
section within any time scale.<br />
Scott Parkin<br />
027 598 2833<br /><br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
027 259 4644<br /><br />
VIEW<br />
Request aprivate viewing.<br />
FOR SALE<br />
Price ByNegotiation<br /><br />
Town to Country<br />
Each office independently owned &operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008<br />
Baybury Views, Majors Road,<br />
Geraldine<br />
611 -969m2<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Well now you can at the stunningly affordable Baybury Views, located in the<br />
sought-after Geraldine property market. These sections range in size from<br />
611sqm to969sqm with prices starting from $195,000. There are services to<br />
the boundaries and covenants are inplace to assure investors of the quality<br />
of the development.<br />
Geraldine isabeautiful market town nestled between the Orari and Hae Hae<br />
Te Moana River, there’s something for everyone.<br />
The town and wider region is an unmissable destination packed with lots of<br />
adventures and activities for you and your whole family. Bike, ski, art, walk,<br />
drink, eat, shop, work, stay –this town is ahaven for art and creativity with<br />
an amazing array of shops, craft centres and activities.<br />
These sections are in afast-developing area sought-after by investors and<br />
home-owners alike. Youwould be best toact promptly given Canterbury,<br />
Otago and the Lakes District are still performing well in the current property<br />
market. To discuss your confidential interest further, call our team now.<br />
SOLD<br />
Scott Parkin<br />
027 598 2833<br /><br />
VIEW<br />
Request aprivate viewing.<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
027 259 4644<br /><br />
FOR SALE<br />
From $195,000<br /><br />
Town to Country<br />
Each office independently owned &operated<br />
Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA 2008
Allenton 14 Davidson Street<br />
Realisticand motivatedvendors<br />
Ourvendors have purchased,sodon'tmissthe opportunity to takeupresidenceinthissought-after area.<br />
Located on aquietstreet withAllenton Primary and <strong>Ashburton</strong> College closeby; the home has been well maintained,<br />
recently recarpeted andanew logburnerisready to be installed.<br />
Comprising three double bedrooms, bathroom,kitchen/dining, two livingareasplus an office nook.<br />
Featuringestablished gardens on an 801sqm (more or less) section,anoutdoor/BBQarea, adoublegarageand goodoffstreet<br />
parking, this property has wide appeal. Actswiftlyonthisone,contact the agent to view or for more information.<br /><br />
3 2 1 2<br />
Asking Price $589,000<br />
View Sat11.30am-12.15pm or by appointment<br />
Mick Hydes<br />
027437 9696<br /><br />
LakeHood 12 Torbay Avenue<br />
809sqm 3 2 2 2 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Wed 28 Sep20<strong>22</strong><br />
201 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
View by appointment<br />
Emily Smith 027 <strong>22</strong>24596<br />
Modern living at LakeHood<br />
Situated onaquiet street in desirableLakeHood is thiswaterfront home. Built by JennianHomes in 2013, it includes<br />
three bedrooms andtwo bathrooms. Open plan kitchenand living makesthishomethe perfect place to host friends<br />
and family, asecond lounge can be closedoff,oraspace for kids to relax. Doors fromthe living area openout to a<br />
private patio,ideal forentertaining in the warmer months. The large master incorporates an ensuite andwalk-in<br />
wardrobe. Enjoy views of thecanal from multiple areas throughoutthe home, aslidingdoorgivesaccesstothe deck<br />
which leads to your own private jetty. The convenient floor plan allows forgueststohavetheir own space when<br />
visiting, which can be shut off in thecooler months. Adouble garage with internal access allowsplentyofroom for<br />
vehicles, toys andextra storage.<br /><br />
Tinwald 5Birchside Lane<br />
938sqm 3 2 1 1<br />
ForSale offers invitedover $630,000<br />
View Sat 10.45-11.15am or by appointment<br />
Mick Hydes 027<br />
Handy to town<br />
Built in 2013byDes MillarConstruction this 156sqm home hasplenty of scope to add value and your own touches,<br />
without delays and the hassleofanew build. This well-maintained property is situated on a938sqm (moreorless)<br />
section down aprivate lane, just ashort drive or strollinto town,cafes, andagardencentre.Comprising three<br />
bedroomswith built-in wardrobes,abathroom andseparate toilet, it is perfect for afamily. Livingareas arekept cosy<br />
by aclean air approved log fire and heat pump;aseparatekitchen, laundry, and single garagecomplete the picture of<br />
thishome. Thereisplentyofspacetoadd another garage or workshop as thesection is mainlylawnwith some<br />
perimeter plantings. the opportunitieshereare endlessand aquickturnaround is possible.<br /><br />
Allenton 182 MethvenHighway<br />
8ha 4 1 1 2<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Simon Sharpin 027631 8087<br />
Mike Preston 027430 7041<br />
Multipleincomeopportunities<br />
Capitaliseonthe multiple options for home or business on this conveniently situated eight-hectare block (more or<br />
less) withafour-bedroom house andanarrayofoutbuildings.Thereare multipleoptions for the purchaserofthis<br />
versatile property located near to <strong>Ashburton</strong> township.<br />
Historically used asatree nursery, and in recentyears diversified into cattle grazingand growingcrops,the property<br />
now enjoys multiple income streams including shed rental. Aportionofthe land with shade and tunnel houses,<br />
complete withanirrigation system, are leased to alocal nursery operation.<br />
Boundarylines are indicativeonly<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
132Burnett Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
92 East Street<br />
909sqm<br />
207sqm<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Ray Knight<br />
027 434 0139<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> office building<br />
• Recentlyrefurbishedand extension added in 2013<br />
• Occupy or tenantand enjoy the returns<br />
• NBS rating of 67%<br />
• Vendors arewilling to entertainoptions of alease<br /><br />
For Sale offers invited over $118,000 +GST (if any)<br />
View by appointment<br />
Ray Knight<br />
027 434 0139<br /><br />
Vacant commercialland<br />
Offers invitedover Rateable Valueplus GST (if any)<br />
• 207sqm (moreorless)freeholdtitle<br />
• AccessavailablefromEastStreet andDobson Street<br />
• Suitablefor awide range of buyers<br /><br />
Windwhistle<br />
15 TheRowans<br />
Methven<br />
34A Spaxton Street<br />
3,502sqm<br />
362sqm 2 1 1 2<br />
Boundarylines are indicativeonly<br />
Price Indication $250,000<br />
View by appointment<br />
Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br /><br />
DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 2pm, Thu13Oct 20<strong>22</strong><br />
View Sun 3.30-4pm or by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br /><br />
Owners wantaction<br />
Aserious contender<br />
On offerisLot15The Rowans, asuperbly positioned<br />
3,502sqm(more or less) sectionset against the<br />
magnificent backdrop of Mt Hutt and rural Canterbury.<br />
It offers an amazing opportunity to build your dream<br />
homeorholiday house surrounded by allthe natural<br />
beauty Canterbury is known for-this is one not to be<br />
missed. TerraceDownsisaworld-renowned resort<br />
located only ashort hour'sdrive from the Christchurch<br />
international airport.<br />
Tucked away from the street for peaceand privacy,<br />
this moderntwo-bedroom127sqm brick home is<br />
presentedonalow maintenance362sqm fenced<br />
section. Offering comfort, practicality and<br />
convenience, this propertyisready and waiting for<br />
new owners. The open plan living,dining,and kitchen<br />
area look out onto aprivate, sun-soaked, patio and<br />
easy-care sectionwith raised garden beds readytoget<br />
aveggiegarden flourishing.<br /><strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Methven<br />
16 Mt HardingRoad<br />
Methven<br />
83 BarkersRoad<br />
4,078sqm 4 1 3 2<br />
832sqm 3 2 2 2<br />
DeadlineSale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu6Oct20<strong>22</strong><br />
View Sun 1.30-2pm or by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705 014<br /><br />
Asking Price $795,000<br />
View Sun 12.30-1pmorbyappointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br /><br />
Why build?Your dream home could<br />
already exist<br />
Prepare to be delightedwhen stepping into this<br />
architecturally designed home,with four bedrooms<br />
and three bathrooms.Lessthan threeyearsold, and<br />
located on a4,078sqm section in the exclusive<br />
ThymestreamdevelopmentinMethven, NewZealand.<br />
Our vendors are downsizing, and have meticulously<br />
presented their much-lovedproperty. Without doubt,<br />
thishighcalibrehome is built forlongevity,withahigh<br />
standard of functionality as well as beauty<br />
Premium property, premium location<br />
Escape to yourown private oasis in Camrose, Methven.<br />
This immaculately presented three bedroom home is<br />
perfectly positioned on aquietrear section with the<br />
sun and mountainviewstaken into thoughtful<br />
consideration. The outdoor areaisalsosituatednear a<br />
protectedreserve.<br />
Conveniently locatedwithin ashort distanceofthe<br />
towncentre, local schools andamenities.<br /><br /><strong>22</strong>7<br />
Methven<br />
12CCarrStreet<br />
Methven<br />
7Burbank Place<br />
2 1<br />
658sqm 3 1 2 2<br />
For Sale offers invited over $290,000<br />
View by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021705 014<br /><br />
Artist's impression<br />
Price on Application<br />
View by appointment<br />
Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br /><br />
Nest or invest<br />
Brand new, modernand convenient<br />
Here is your chance to acquire yourown two-bedroom<br />
alpine chalet in the picturesque villageofMethven. This<br />
cottage has been thoughtfullyrefreshed throughout,<br />
boasting amodernised bathroom, paint job and new<br />
carpet. Heatedbyboth alog burner and heat pump,<br />
compact and low maintenance, this is the perfect lock<br />
and leave opportunity forthe holidaymaker,<br />
professional couple, or investor.<br /><br />
Set amidst Camrose Estatejust ashort stroll from<br />
Methven town centre and Opuke Thermal Pools, this<br />
brand-new homecurrentlyunder construction offers<br />
an exceptional lifestyle. Designed by Detail<br />
Consultancy with aviewtoefficient and easyliving,<br />
indoor andoutdoor living bask in anorth-facing<br />
aspect.<br />
Withanimpressivecontemporary street frontage, a<br />
modern mix of shadowcladding and cedar guides<br />
visitors tothe frontentrance.<br />
Artist's impression<br /><br />
Methven<br />
Lot2,33Main Street<br />
Methven<br />
8Lampard Street<br />
4,012sqm<br />
1,012sqm 7 2 2<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
FeeEnsor 021705 014<br /><br />
DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 2pm, Wed28Sep 20<strong>22</strong><br />
View Sun 2.30-3pm or by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br /><br />
The best of town and country<br />
Primarylocationand space<br />
Only a500m stroll to the towncentre, this perfectly<br />
located 4,012sqm section (subject to final surveyand<br />
title) sits on theentrancetothe stunning townshipof<br />
Methven.Thissite is apremium locationfor families,<br />
with both Mount Hutt College andOur Lady of the<br />
Snows located directly acrossthe road, andMethven<br />
Primary school just around the corner,school dropoffs<br />
will be made alittlesimpler. Townservices are to<br />
the boundary.<br /><br />
Arealopportunity exists here for potential buyers as<br />
this seven bedroom home setona1,012sqmsection is<br />
ideallypositioned for convenienceand future<br />
improvement. Spanning 340sqm acrossasinglelevel;<br />
the floor planplays hosttoamultitude of areas. Afreeflowing<br />
living and diningroomisenjoyed with apellet<br />
burner taking centre stage where you can entertain<br />
and effortlessly engagewith guests.<br /><br />
trusted<br />
20<strong>22</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
• High and LowVoltage line repairs<br />
• New connections<br />
• Underground High and Lowvoltage<br />
options<br />
• Transformer installation<br />
• Overheadtounderground conversion<br />
Interior and Exterior Painting<br />
Interior Plastering<br />
Wallpapering<br />
Quotes andEstimates<br />
Call Graham0<strong>22</strong> 0109248<br /><br />
2516007<br />
Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />
027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />
251<strong>22</strong>21<br />
*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />
*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />
*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />
*Commercial<br />
PHONE TRAVIS HOWDEN 027 9<strong>22</strong> 4544<br />
251<strong>22</strong>27<br /><br />
251<strong>22</strong>18<br />
2514097<br />
Computer/Tech Help<br />
Need personalised help with your<br />
computer, programs orbackups?<br />
Trouble with your –PC–iPhone/iPad<br />
–printer –network –electronic stuff?<br />
Special price for Seniors<br />
Iwill come to you.<br />
Call Frank 021-120-9292<br />
MSc (Electronic Engineering)<br />
Apple and Windows logos belong to their respective companies<br />
EFTPOS available<br />
Jann or Karen acallon<br />
308 7664<br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
BUY 1<br />
BUY 1<br />
GET 1<br />
GET 1<br />
BUY 3<br />
HALF<br />
HALF<br />
GET 1<br />
PRICE * PRICE * FREE *<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
03 307 0506<br />
154 Dobson Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br /><br />
Approved repairer for:<br />
Advice &Insurance<br />
251<strong>22</strong>40<br />
PACKAGE^<br />
$<br />
FROM149<br />
SERVICE –03307 8438<br />
For Passenger, Commercial and<br />
Farm Vehicles<br />
Bridgestone Tyre Centre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cnr Cox &East St. Book now on 03 307 8438<br />
*Selectedtyres only.^Includes up to 4.5litresofPenrite oiland<br />
astandard oilfilter.Conditions apply,see in storefor details.<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
trusted<br />
20<strong>22</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
$30<br />
0800 424 335<br />
OFF!<br />
APPOINTMENT<br /><br />
0800 4 A GEEK<br />
We’re <strong>Ashburton</strong> local,<br />
and our team have more<br />
than 50 years experience<br />
Your solution for:<br />
•Security systems • Building compliance • Gate automation<br />
•Fire extinguishers• Fire alarms • Alarm monitoring<br />
03 308 7778<br /><br /><br />
Contact us today<br />
free quote l advice l discuss<br />
251<strong>22</strong>38<br />
Ash Solar Power<br />
South Island<br /><br />
251<strong>22</strong><strong>22</strong><br />
Help in person by appointment<br />
Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />
Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />
(0508 <strong>22</strong>6 529) to makean<br />
appointment.<br />
Help by phone Infoline<br />
03 371 3819 or 0508 <strong>22</strong>6 529<br />
215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
251<strong>22</strong>25<br />
Sales l Service l Repairs<br />
P 03 308 7982 - E<br />
W -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Jann or Karen acallon<br />
308 7664<br />
Protect what<br />
youvalue the<br />
smartway<br />
Manage your<br />
safety&security<br />
anywhere, anytime<br />
Call 0800 788 393<br />
57 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
HartleyCurd 021 328 301<br />
Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />
251<strong>22</strong>32<br />
2497309<br />
251<strong>22</strong>19<br />
Experts in glass<br />
308-3918<br />
206 Chalmers Avenue,<br />
NetherbyShopping Centre,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br /><br />
Does your garden need monthly<br />
maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />
looking good through the seasons?<br />
Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />
or pruning completed?<br />
We can help!<br />
Allgarden wasteremoved<br />
ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 267 5403 or 308 2333<br />
Email:<br />
Fresh &frozenfood available<br />
Beef &wild gamemince<br />
Dogrolls Dogbones<br />
Frozenchucks<br />
Briskets<br />
Locally<br />
owned and<br />
operated<br />
027 461 9162<br /><br />
99 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
251<strong>22</strong>33<br />
2497330<br />
JukeBox Hire<br />
Weddings,21st,<br />
PrivateFunctions<br />
Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />
Phone DJ Dave<br />
03 308 5106<br />
027 251 0015<br /><br />
Our authorised techniciansns<br />
service and repair all<br />
makes and models of<br />
sewing machines and<br />
overlockers<br />
2494834<br />
OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />
Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br /><br />
• Ovens &Fridges<br />
• TVs&Aerials<br />
• Toilets & Chemicals<br />
• Kitchen Utensils & Accessories<br />
• Full Awnings & Parts<br />
• Roof Hatches<br />
• Generators<br />
Come in and check out<br />
our full range<br />
Available from:<br />
19 J.B. Cullen Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 8353<br />
Lubes WOF<br />
Allmechanical repairs<br />
Victoria Street,<br />
TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: (03) 308 6772<br /><br /><br />
2482999<br />
251<strong>22</strong>43<br />
trusted<br />
20<strong>22</strong> GUIDE<br />
trades &services<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email<br />
Letthe team at<br />
Insideout takecareof<br />
all your painting and<br />
property maintenance<br />
• Painting<br />
• Carpentry<br />
• Renovations<br />
• Projectwisdom<br />
• Maintenance&repairs<br />
2010 LTD<br />
Call Shanetodayon03307 7071<br />
251<strong>22</strong>41<br />
251<strong>22</strong>28<br />
“we clean to a<br />
standard,<br />
not aprice”<br />
Forall your tyre requirements,<br />
see the localexperts<br />
•Wheel alignments<br />
•Wheel balancing<br />
UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />
level of service<br />
&quality cleaning<br />
• regular full house cleans<br />
• one off spring cleans<br />
• farm houses<br />
• builders cleans<br />
• <br />
100% LOCAL<br />
03 307 2656<br /><br />
197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l<br />
Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />
251<strong>22</strong>16<br />
251<strong>22</strong>37<br />
GLASS<br />
Wilsons Windscreens 2018 Ltd<br />
Prompt Service Guaranteed<br />
We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />
AUTO and HOUSE<br />
“Your placeorours”<br />
251<strong>22</strong>48<br />
<br />
<br />
Repairs and renovations<br />
Switchboardupgrades<br />
LED lighting systems<br />
House rewires<br />
Sheds,garages,sleepouts<br />
Call 021 576 044<br />
152 Wills Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ph.308 8485<br />
2503813<br />
•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />
Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />
•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />
warmer,quieter home<br />
Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />
PHONE 308 8493. EMAIL:<br />
8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2494730<br />
251<strong>22</strong>31<br />
•Restoration<br />
•Modifications<br />
•Rust Removal<br />
•Custom Fabrications<br />
•WOF Reports<br />
• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />
16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 308 0387<br /><br /><br />
including<br />
Interior andexterior Roofs<br />
Residential andcommercial<br />
Interior gibstopping<br />
Anyjob bigorsmall<br />
Call Tony 0273283124<br />
2512934<br />
Automotive<br />
Diagnostics &<br />
Servicing<br />
03 308 6646<br />
•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />
and diagnostics<br />
•Latest scan tools and<br />
servicedata<br />
•All makes and models including<br />
European and Japanese<br />
•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />
TheBig Blue Shed<br />
CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
251<strong>22</strong>24<br />
We offer the following:<br />
• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />
• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />
• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />
• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />
Call Allan on 027 209 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />
251<strong>22</strong>13<br />
Kitchen dreams can come true<br />
251<strong>22</strong>09<br />
Retrofit Double Glazing<br />
Aluminium Windows and<br />
Doors Replacement<br />
Glass ShowerEnclosures<br />
Glass Splashbacks and more<br />
027 279 6771<br /> l 163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br /><br />
2496464<br />
Custom madeand designed especiallyfor you<br />
Free measure and quote<br />
606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
03 3077131<br />
251<strong>22</strong>44<br />
03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />
Topp Twins tribute show<br />
NewZealandersare rallying<br />
togetherfor atribute to showtheir<br />
support for two of thecountry's<br />
biggest stars.<br />
Some of thecountry’stop<br />
musicians and comedianswill<br />
perform in November for Dames<br />
Lynda andJoolsTopp continuing<br />
their battleagainstcancer.<br />
The Topp Class show, on at The<br />
CivicinAuckland on November 7,<br />
will starTamiNeilson,AnikaMoa,<br />
RiaHall,DameHinewehi Mohi,<br />
Troy Kingi, Jackie Clarke, Annie<br />
Crummerand DonMcGlashan,who<br />
will perform Topp Twinssongsbut<br />
with atwist.<br />
Alongside themusic, comedians<br />
will also pay homage to the<br />
‘‘godmothers of thelocal comedy<br />
scene’’ withhilariousskits.<br />
As well asperformances of others,<br />
the Damesthemselveswillmake<br />
their first public appearancesince<br />
Lynda's cancerdiagnosis.<br />
Theshowwillbehosted by Karen<br />
O'Leary –who played Lynda's onscreen<br />
daughter in Wellington<br />
Paranormal and is anevertoberepeatednightexpected<br />
to go down<br />
in Aotearoa'sentertainment<br />
history.<br />
Topp Class promisestobean<br />
‘‘extraordinary’’event with old<br />
friends of thetwins –including<br />
directors Mike Mizrahi and Marie<br />
Adams helping putthe ‘‘show’’ back<br />
intoshowbusiness, while<br />
acclaimed singersongwriter and<br />
musicdirector DonMcGlashanwill<br />
work with artiststocreatea‘‘topclass’’<br />
musicalexperience.<br />
Netproceedsfromthe concert<br />
will help pay forthe twins' ongoing<br />
treatment andlivingcosts.<br />
Thenewscomes after thetwins<br />
recently announced on Facebook<br />
that Lynda has stoppedher chemo<br />
treatment due to unwanted side<br />
effects.<br />
It was notgoing to stop hervying<br />
for aseatonthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Talented duo Lynda and Jools Topp in action.<br />
Council.<br />
‘‘Update on Joolsand Lynda’’ the<br />
post read, ‘‘Lynda hashad to stop<br />
her chemo treatment due to chemoinduced<br />
peripheral neuropathy<br />
whichisanervedamagingside<br />
effect of theweekly chemo shewas<br />
receiving.’’<br />
The post wentontosay,Lynda –<br />
whowas diagnosed with grade3<br />
invasive breastcancerinDecember<br />
2021 –isexperiencing aseries of<br />
uncomfortable symptoms.<br />
‘‘Symptoms are tingling, pain,<br />
numbness and reduced balance in<br />
her feet,she is currently receiving<br />
acupuncture treatment andnatural<br />
plantbasedremedies as there is no<br />
knowncurefor this.’’<br />
‘‘Jools is feeling well andisstill<br />
waiting on ascan to see if radiation<br />
hasreduced thetumourinher rib<br />
cage’’.<br />
Tickets for the show areavailable<br />
at<br />
~New ZealandHerald<br />
Wheelchair basketball game<br />
The Mid Canterbury public are<br />
invited to adisplay of fastpaced <br />
and entertaining wheelchair<br />
basketball this weekend.<br />
The game, arescheduled match up<br />
from this year’s Wheels Week Plus<br />
calendar, will take place between<br />
the Canterbury Wheelies and an<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> ‘celebrity’ team on<br />
Saturday (<strong>September</strong> 24).<br />
Entry is by gold coin donation and<br />
monies raised will be given to<br />
Canterbury Wheelchair to assist<br />
them this year.<br />
Organiser Pauline Paterson said<br />
the game was an annual event played<br />
at the Mid Canterbury Basketball<br />
Stadium on Oxford Street, in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, but usually held in May.<br />
The Wheelies team supply all the<br />
basketball wheelchairs for use, she<br />
said. The Canterbury team are all<br />
wheelchairbound athletes who play<br />
regular competition.<br />
However that never stops the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> team from giving their all<br />
in determination to show they can<br />
match the skills of the visiting team.<br />
This year the <strong>Ashburton</strong> team will<br />
include mayor Neil Brown,<br />
councillor Leen Braam, as well as<br />
representatives from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Trust, Basketball Mid Canterbury,<br />
Wheels Week Plus organisers and<br />
local media, including <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>Courier</strong>’s Mary Summerfield.<br />
The game is on at the Mid<br />
Canterbury Basketball Stadium,<br />
Oxford Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> from 2pm.<br />
Past action of wheelchair basketball<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
HEATPUMP maintenance,<br />
installation and repairs.<br />
HRV filter replacement.<br />
single storey homes and<br />
work. Phone Steven on 021<br />
483 376<br />
mending and trouser hemming,<br />
curtain alterations<br />
and curtain making. Call<br />
Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />
BUILD work to do? Contact<br />
Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />
Ltd. Alterations,<br />
Renovations, New builds<br />
and repairs. Qualified<br />
Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />
027 418 7955.<br />
CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />
flooring needs. Supplier<br />
and installer of carpet and<br />
vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />
carpet cleaning. Phone<br />
Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />
CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />
equipment and fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Find us at www.<br /> or<br />
phone John Cameron 027<br />
435 1042.<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $70<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.<br />
COMPUTER Problems? For<br />
prompt reliable computer<br />
servicing and laser engraving,<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />
spyware<br />
cleanup. On-site day or<br />
evening. Low fees. Call<br />
Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
CONCRETE Services -<br />
Driveways, paths, patios,<br />
mowing edging. Decorative<br />
Concrete Specialist operating<br />
locally with 30 years<br />
experience. No job too big<br />
or small. Contactless service<br />
offered. Phone Paul<br />
021 152 1966.<br />
DENTURE repairs. Dr Peter<br />
Rumping, retired dentist,<br />
repairs dentures. Phone<br />
027 <strong>22</strong>0 9997.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can Collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />
FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />
servicing. On farm/<br />
contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />
boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />
Mack at Doors and More on<br />
027 396 0361.<br />
2493723<br />
59<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all your<br />
domestic and industrial<br />
pest control needs phone<br />
AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />
Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />
027 432 5447<br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />
office relocations -<br />
call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027 <strong>22</strong>4<br />
0609.<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
to get the job done right.<br />
027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />
1693.<br /><br />
avacuum system to clean<br />
out the debris is a faster<br />
and cleaner process. Call<br />
Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />
HEATPUMPS and Ventilation<br />
Systems: Service,<br />
clean, repair and install.<br />
Please call Silvery<br />
Bauman, Ph 021 544 760.<br />
Builder, specialising in<br />
Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />
restoration and Timber<br />
window repairs. General<br />
home-handyman work.<br />
Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />
0205.<br />
LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and<br />
bifold door roller repairs.<br />
Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />
Doors and More on 027 516<br />
7104.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />
Texture/Specialist<br />
Coatings.<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2501816<br />
ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />
mold treatments, roof and<br />
gutter leak repairs, residential<br />
and commercial. For<br />
prompt service - call your<br />
local contractor - Tim on<br />
021 197 8128.<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes, offices<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, www.<br /> Member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br /><br />
FREE Kitchen cabinet,<br />
carcases, doors, drawers,<br />
shelves. Pedastal basin.<br />
Toilet bowls and cisterns.<br />
Shower trays and doors.<br />
Gasfire. Morris Road. Sign<br />
at gate from 7.30am, Saturday<br />
24th <strong>September</strong>.<br />
SATURDAY 24th, 9am-1pm,<br />
45 Gray Street, Hinds. Card<br />
making, Patchwork, Liquid<br />
Paints, Bunnings cupboard,<br />
Warehouse computer, desk<br />
and chair, and lots of other<br />
household goods.<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.
60 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
MIXED aged, Crossbred<br />
Ewes with 8week old tailed<br />
and drenched twin lambs.<br />
$250. a set. Please ring<br />
evenings, ph 03 302 7272.<br />
FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />
and Agria $2.per kg,<br />
10kg bags for $15. Phone<br />
03 308 3195 or 027 531<br />
9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Now is the time to dig in<br />
our topqualitymushroom<br />
compost to your vegetable<br />
garden. Ideal to replenish<br />
nutrients used by previous<br />
crops and improvethe soil<br />
structure.<br />
It also adds beneficial<br />
micro-organisms to<br />
thetired soil.<br />
$60 per cubic metre<br />
or $10 bag.<br />
Freedeliverywithin<br />
town boundary.<br />
Open 6daysaweek at<br />
our Tinwald yard,<br />
208 Maronan Road.<br />
Phone 021 129 8936<br />
Jordan’<br />
91 PyeRoad,<br />
The Downs, Geraldine<br />
SPRING<br />
ONLY<br />
Wed-Sat 10am-4pm<br />
Or by arrangement<br />
Tel03693 8332or0274311 815<br />
2517344<br />
2512623<br />
$140 per cord<br />
GREEN<br />
$120 per cord<br />
$150 per cord<br />
$350 per cord<br />
C.O.D. in town<br />
2516513<br />
Property Advisor<br />
Use your proven property experience togrow our portfolio of diverse assets<br />
valuing over $120m. While gaining unique Local Government experience,<br />
you’ll hit the ground running from dayone managingour leases and licences,<br />
whilst we support you in enhancingand furthering your career.<br />
To find out more about these<br />
vacancies and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council has to offer you -goto<br />
our website.<br />
Applications close on 29 <strong>September</strong><br />
20<strong>22</strong>.<br /><br />
THE <strong>Courier</strong> is the best way<br />
to advertise in Mid Canterbury.<br />
Ask anyone who<br />
regularly advertises with us<br />
and they’ll tell you, they get<br />
results.<br />
Seamstress<br />
Tots To Teensare looking fora<br />
superstar seamstress to jointhe<br />
team. Ourlocally ownedstore is<br />
the number one supplier of school<br />
uniforms in the MidCanterbury<br />
district. Assourcing school uniforms<br />
is becoming harder to do,wewant<br />
to bring the processinhouse to<br />
ensurewecontinue to provide the<br />
qualityour customers expect.<br />
The successful personwill need:<br />
• excellentsewing skills • attention to detail<br />
• reliability • abletomeet deadlines<br />
In returnyou will be able to work from home with<br />
negotiable hours. You canmanageyourtime to<br />
best suits your lifestyle as long as deadlines arestill<br />
met. Hours per week and remuneration will be<br />
discussed at alater stage.<br />
Forfurther information contact<br />
Sarah 021 283 133<br />
SHEEP manure $8. bag. 3x3<br />
linseed straw at $35 abale,<br />
3x4 linseed at $40 abale.<br />
Call Ian 027 286 3697 or<br />
Dave 027 601 1426. A<br />
Hinds Lion Project.<br />
Adams Sawmill<br />
Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />
Phone<br />
308-3595<br />
2508456<br />
<br />
<br />
2517075<br />
EXPERIENCED Carer,<br />
housekeeper, qualified<br />
cook. Available to come to<br />
your home. References<br />
available. Contact<br />
Christine, Phone 027 218<br />
0668.<br />
EveryHome<br />
EveryWeek-that’s<br />
Phone 308 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
is an industry leading Australian (Brisbane<br />
based) fire protection products manufacturer<br />
and installation company and is requiring a<br />
number of staff to fill avariety of production,<br />
installation and administration positions, all<br />
with immediate starts.<br />
Due to expansions, Firemex is seeking extra<br />
production staff with door assembly and<br />
processing skills through to 5 axis CNC operational<br />
skills, as well as qualified tradespeople<br />
that have door installation experience, and<br />
further, an office person with administration<br />
skills for managing staff on various installation<br />
projects.<br />
In-house training will be provided but some<br />
previous experience will be expected.<br />
Firemex offer an awesome work/life balance and<br />
a great team environment with good old<br />
fashioned family values, so why not join us and<br />
become a valued contributor to a wellestablished<br />
company offering long term employment<br />
prospects.<br />
Please contact Firemex directly via Email:<br /> or phone<br />
0061-7-3277-3200.<br />
2376123<br />
2517173<br />
Realty<br />
Look out for<br />
your copy<br />
everyweek!<br />
2375492<br />
Sales DevelopmentManager<br />
(Flooring,BathroomDécor,Kitchen departments)<br />
Mitre 10 MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> has an exciting<br />
new role for aSales development Manager<br />
to develop sales through training, mentoring<br />
and coaching our teams in Flooring,Bathroom<br />
Décorand Kitchen departments.<br />
This role is asenior position, full time Monday<br />
–Friday, based in <strong>Ashburton</strong> with traveling to<br />
our other branches in Timaru and Oamaru on<br />
allocateddaysduring the week.<br />
If youhavethe following attributes,we<br />
would liketohearfromyou:<br />
• Leadership,training and mentoring<br />
experience<br />
• Interestinhome interiors<br />
• Excellentcommunication and people skills<br />
• Strong understanding of Sales Skills<br />
In return we offer:<br />
• Companyvehicle<br />
• Attractivesalarypackage<br />
• Developmentand training whererequired<br />
• Excellentstaff buying privileges<br />
Please email your C.V.and covering letter to:<br />
HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Applications close on<br />
Friday30th<strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong><br />
2516186<br />
Areyou honestand reliable?<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br />
61<br />
Need some<br />
extracash?<br />
Competitive<br />
ratespaid.<br />
Whynot get fit<br />
earning it!<br />
2513210<br />
If this soundslikeyou,email your interest along<br />
with your name,address,suburband phonenumber to:<br /><br />
2517360<br />
Shssssssh’s<br />
‘Individual ExcellenceinaSupportive<br />
Learning Environment’<br />
Gateway Coordinator &<br />
Trades Programmes Administrator<br />
We areseeking aGateway Coordinator<br />
to coordinate the structured workplacelearning<br />
opportunities forsenior students by<br />
organisation of the<br />
Gatewayand Trades Programmes.<br />
This is apermanent, term-timeonly position to<br />
commence17October 20<strong>22</strong><br />
or as soon as is practicable.<br />
Ahigh level of organisationaland communication<br />
skills,attention to detail,the abilitytoworkwith<br />
and build relationships with students,families and<br />
external agencies,and proficiencyinusing acomputer<br />
areessential qualities forthis role.<br />
Hours: 35 hours per week,<br />
with additional hours by arrangement.<br />
Employmentisunder the SupportStaffinSchool’s<br />
CollectiveAgreement, Grade 4.<br />
Initial paymentstepcommensurate<br />
with experience.<br />
Applications close noon,<br />
Wednesday28<strong>September</strong>20<strong>22</strong><br />
Application is by wayofLetter and CV<br />
Information package enquiries and<br />
applications please contact<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />
Phone (03) 308 4193 ext809<br />
Email:<br />
REF: GATE<strong>22</strong><br />
2514912<br />
Ourclassified advertising Really works,<br />
and it WON’T cost youanarm and aleg.<br />
Usethe form in our paper or call into<br />
199 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. 24 wordsfor $8.<br />
That’sabargain!<br />
2481142<br />
2375526 2037630<br />
SELL<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$28.50<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2493751<br />
2493763<br />
SHOTGUN 12ga, pump,<br />
short and long barrels.<br />
Large gun safe. Heaps of<br />
gun books and magazines.<br />
Electric chainsaw. Old<br />
Popular Mechanics magazines.<br />
Phone 021 140<br />
1392.<br />
ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />
Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />
etc. Free light-grade metal<br />
in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />
weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />
Rd, (behind<br />
PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />
308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />
COLLECTOR paying up to<br />
the following prices: $2,500<br />
for No.1 Plane; $1,000<br />
Workbench and Vice; $500<br />
Cast Iron Levels; also wanting<br />
Brace and Bits, Tool<br />
Chests, Trammels, Squares,<br />
Chisels, Plumb Bobs, Tack<br />
Hammers, Oil Cans and<br />
Pourers, Clamps, Draw<br />
Knives; $200 Old Tins;<br />
$500 Old Toys, Money<br />
Boxes; $1,000 Swords<br />
Bayonets; old Number<br />
Plates, Paper Clips, Tilley<br />
Lamps, Musical Instruments,<br />
Fishing Rods, Reels, Landing<br />
Nets, Cane Creel (fishing<br />
basket) $500 Skis and<br />
Poles. —Ph. 021-441-400.<br />
DebraCurtin<br />
Chiropractor<br />
03 308 9516<br /><br />
Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />
24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />
will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />
wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />
call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />
telephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />
Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />
Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />
MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />
and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />
62 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>22</strong>, 20<strong>22</strong><br /><br />
Entries close on 30 <strong>September</strong>20<strong>22</strong>other than<br />
Showjumping,and those classes that<br />
can be enteredonthe day.<br />
Theadministratorwill be in the lounge under the<br />
grandstand at the showgrounds next<br />
Thursday29th <strong>September</strong> from 1pm-4pmand then<br />
on Friday30th <strong>September</strong> 9.00am to 4pm.<br />
2516979<br />
We welcome all parents/caregivers and prospective<br />
pupils for2023tojoin us on our<br />
Open NightonTuesday27<strong>September</strong> 20<strong>22</strong>.<br />
This givesanopportunitytosee whatour school<br />
has to offer as well as the chancetomeet the<br />
Principal,staff and other members<br />
of the schoolcommunity.<br />
Please meet in the School Hall at 7:00pm<br />
to be welcomed.<br />
2516634<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>District<br />
MARKET OPENS ...<br />
SATURDAY 1OCTOBER 20<strong>22</strong><br />
9am to 12.30pm, West Street carpark<br />
HEAPS of fresh produce, preserves,<br />
plants, eggs,walnuts,potatoes,fish,<br />
asparagus,honey,sausages,lavender,cheese,<br />
yoghurt, succulents,liquorice<br />
PLUS sausage rolls,coffee and hot chocolate.<br />
Bread etc. available from October 8<br />
Stall enquiries,phone Judith 308 5678<br />
TRAVEL<br />
TRAVEL<br />
1Oct Horse PowerRally<br />
7Oct Shrek<br />
8Oct MāoriSide-steps<br />
13 Oct St John Fete<br />
15 Oct Sol3 Mio<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
County Lions<br />
Camp QualityRaffle<br />
Prizes -3GiftBaskets<br />
1st PrizeMelvaMiddleton<br />
2ndYvonne Liemberg<br />
3rdJemma Stoddart<br />
Allwinners have<br />
been notified.<br />
Forbookings phone<br />
03 308 0<strong>22</strong>4 l 027 265 6883<br />
2516656<br />
Machinery Club, Massey<br />
Day Raffle: 1st Robert<br />
Keeley, 2nd Greg Lovett,<br />
3rd Kevin Begg.<br />
SPACE available for next<br />
weeks <strong>Courier</strong> -bequick!<br />
Talk to us about your advertising<br />
requirements. Phone<br />
308 7664 or call into our<br />
office at 199 Burnett Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
2516917<br />
2508842<br />
Corwar<br />
Gatekeeper’s Lodge Barrhill<br />
AGM<br />
Tuesday, 11 October<br />
8pm<br />
1936 Rakaia Barrhill<br />
MethvenRoad<br />
Allinterested most welcome<br />
Phone 027 434 2035<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />
phone/text 021 554 570<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
2516638<br />
Kia ora, I’m Tania, Iwork for Kiddz Homebased<br />
Childcare in the Hampstead area, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
My current children have moved ontoschool so I<br />
have full time spaces available.<br />
Ihave 15 years experience inchildcare working in<br />
pre-schools. Ihave adiploma in early childhood<br />
education and also aMontessori diploma for 3-6<br />
years.<br />
Children follow their interests and learn at their<br />
ownpacewith my guidanceand support to reach<br />
their potential.<br />
Our days are filled with music, dancing, creating<br />
cooking and exploring our neighbourhood with<br />
regular walks.<br />
20 ECE hours are available and also WINZ<br />
subsidies.<br />
For more information please<br />
contact me on 021 125 9020. 2516620<br />
MethvenHouse Flat Available<br />
Lovely sunny, greatviews,<br />
one bedroom flatwith ensuite. Full Kitchen<br />
1of4flatswithin the grounds of MethvenHouse.<br />
Please contact<br />
LynleyorSue on Ph 3028528<br />
2affectionate<br />
young adult<br />
cats –makea<br />
donation and<br />
welcomethem<br />
hometoday.<br />
Food donations kindly accepted<br />
Ph 308 4432 or<br />
027 332 9286<br />
Tuesday-Saturday<br />
9:30am -noon<br />
Kindly sponsored by<br />
Adrienne Patterson<br />
125th Anniversary<br />
(27th to 29th October20<strong>22</strong>)<br />
2516118<br />
2513014<br />
Allenton School began in 1897 and iscelebrating<br />
its 125th Anniversary this year. Wehope that past<br />
pupils and the school community will join us to<br />
celebrate this occasion.<br />
A registration form is available on the school<br />
website and Facebook page, and as apaper copyat<br />
theschoolgate or office.<br />
Planned events include school tours,performances<br />
from children,aninformal supperfor adults,official<br />
formalitiesand events,and an anniversary dinner at<br />
the<strong>Ashburton</strong>Hotel.<br />
The organising committee looks forward toyour<br />
attendance. Detailed information is included with<br />
theregistration form.<br /><br />
2516966<br />
2504329<br />
HospiceMid Canterbury<br />
Dealing<br />
with alife<br />
limiting<br />
illness?<br />
We can help with:<br />
•Sittingand companionship<br />
•Counselling and bereavement<br />
support<br />
•Biographywriting<br />
•Massage andReiki<br />
•Activityand support<br />
programmes<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 <strong>22</strong>7 8387<br />
email<br />
Allservices<br />
arefree<br />
Wateristhe single issue<br />
on which Istand<br />
Having attended several<br />
“meet the candidate”<br />
events which included both<br />
Districtand Regional Council candidates, it is clear a<br />
majorityofthose attending areconcerned about the<br />
state of our freshwater.<br />
Environment Canterbury (Ecan), the Canterbury<br />
Regional Council, has accountabilities to maintain<br />
or enhancethe quantityand qualityofCanterbury’s<br />
freshwater, aquatic ecosystems,and coastal waters.<br />
District Councils are responsible for ensuring<br />
communitywatersupplies aresafe. DistrictCouncils<br />
are firmly in the sights of the Three Waters Bill and<br />
the chlorination mandate following the failure of<br />
the Ministry ofHealth and Hastings District Council<br />
to protect 14,000 residents ofHavelock North from<br />
death and illness due to waterborne disease.<br />
If Ecan were effective in protecting Canterbury’s<br />
freshwater at source, chlorination and the Three<br />
Waters Bill would be less of an issue.<br />
Unfortunately previous Governments have long<br />
failed to give direction to Ecan.Worse from 2010 until<br />
the end of 2019 the Governmentappointedits own<br />
commissioners to take control ofEcan to facilitate<br />
massive irrigation development inresponse to the<br />
2008 recession. This irrigation development paid<br />
little heed to the environmental consequences for<br />
our iconic braided rivers and groundwater sourced<br />
lowland rivers and streams.<br />
Rural residents limited to drinking from private<br />
wells are left tomeet the high cost of removing<br />
the pathogens and nitrate that is leaching into<br />
our shallow aquifers due to diffuse pollution from<br />
intensivefarming systems,especially dairying.<br />
If action is not taken soon to preventcontamination<br />
of the deeper semi-confined aquifer layers,<br />
communitywatersupplies will be similarly affected.<br />
This has already occurred with community water<br />
supplies at the South Rangitata Huts and with the<br />
Morven watersupply.<br />
For aslong as Ecan has amajority on the council<br />
whose wealth is linked to irrigation and the right<br />
to diffusely pollute our groundwater, “democratic<br />
reality”will ensurethe status quo remains.<br />
As afifth generation New Zealander, angler, and<br />
rural veterinarian for 48years, Ihave witnessed the<br />
massive degradation of our rivers first hand. Iam<br />
asking ratepayers from the towns within the Selwyn<br />
and <strong>Ashburton</strong>wardtoconsider voting forthe sake<br />
of future generations rather than the short term<br />
economic benefits of Ecan’s unsustainable water<br />
managementplan.<br />
Ecan has spent$NZ 60 million on its LWRP based on<br />
what farmers are prepared to accommodate rather<br />
than environmentally sustainable limits for nitrate<br />
pollution and environmentally sustainable residual<br />
flows forour rivers and streams.RecentGovernment<br />
guidelines will require anadditional $30 million to<br />
update the plan to new standards. Let us take the<br />
time and caretoget it rightthistime,rather than set<br />
limits that accommodate short term unsustainable<br />
farming practices.<br />
Swimmable rivers and pure drinking water are<br />
priceless.<br />
Authorised by PeterTrolove,<br />
2517165<br />
Thurs <strong>22</strong>nd &Fri 23rd<br />
10.30<br />
10.40<br />
12.40<br />
1.00<br />
2.25<br />
2.50<br />
4.20<br />
4.40<br />
6.10<br />
6.15<br />
8.00<br />
8.00<br />
Sun 25th<br />
Rubys Choice<br />
Hallelujah<br />
TheRailway Children Return<br />
DC League of Superpets<br />
Muru<br />
Ticket to Paradise<br />
DC League of Superpets<br />
Gloriavale<br />
Muru<br />
Good Luck LeoGrande<br />
Ticket to Paradise<br />
SeeHow They Run<br />
PG<br />
G<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
Sat24th<br />
10.00 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
10.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
12.00 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
12.00 TheRailway Children Return PG<br />
1.50 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
2.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
4.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
4.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
6.00 Hallelujah<br />
G<br />
6.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
8.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
8.10 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
10.00 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
10.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
12.00 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
12.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
1.50 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
2.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
4.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
4.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
6.00 Good Luck LeoGrande M<br />
6.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
8.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
8.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
Mon26th<br />
10.00 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
10.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
12.00 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
12.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
1.50 DC League of Superpets PG<br />
2.00 Paws of Fury<br />
PG<br />
4.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
4.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
6.00 Lancaster<br />
G<br />
6.00 Muru<br />
M<br />
8.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
8.00 SeeHow They Run M<br />
Tues 27th &Wed 28th<br />
10.30 Gloriavale<br />
M<br />
10.30 Rubys Choice<br />
M<br />
12.15 Lancaster<br />
G<br />
12.40 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />
2.20 Ticket to Paradise M<br />
2.30 Muru<br />
M<br />
4.10 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />
4.20 SeeHow They Run M<br />
6.00 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />
6.10 Good Luck LeoGrande MMM<br />
8.00 Ticket to Paradise<br />
8.00 SeeHow They Run<br />
NO COMPS<br />
DC League of Superpets,<br />
Paws of Fury,<br />
SeeHow They Run,<br />
Ticket to Paradise<br />
206 CLUB - provides company,<br />
fun, entertainment,<br />
games, speakers and more<br />
for those 65 years and over.<br />
Friendly, supportive<br />
environment, two course<br />
hot mid-day meal, very<br />
minimal cost. Come and<br />
join us. We now have<br />
vacancies on a Monday<br />
and Wednesday, 10am to<br />
2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />
Centre, 206 Cameron<br />
Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />
phone 308 6817 or 027 281<br />
9113.<br />
SPRING Show - on now.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts,<br />
Short Street Studio. Guest -<br />
Ruth Killoran. New works<br />
from 17 local members.<br />
Weekends 11am - 4pm.<br />
Other times when sign out.<br />
Enquiries 308 4533.<br />
TAKE your life to the next<br />
level with an experienced<br />
life coach/mentor. Call Pete<br />
Young Mentoring Services<br />
today and get started.<br />
Phone 027 280 0889. Web:<br />
OutNow ...<br />
Spring 20<strong>22</strong> Catalogue<br />
NEW<br />
SPRING<br />
ISSUE<br />
Newgear,<br />
testfires,hot deals,<br />
competitions +more!<br />
Counting down to the 20<strong>22</strong>-23 fishing season!<br />
Grab a copy<br />
in-store NOW!<br />
PLUS<br />
Renewyour fishing licencein-store<br />
NOWand receiveaFREE GIFT! *<br />
*Conditions apply<br />
Phone 03 308 5117 l 393 West St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Jonny<br />
James<br />