Life in Middleberry Street

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Chapter 1: High School Shenanigans

Anna woke up at 7 in the morning, “Anna! Get dressed so we can take

you to your school!” Her mom said. “Okay Mom!” She yelled back.

She ate and got ready, Her mom got in the car and Anna got in too.

Rebecca drove her daughter off to Middleberry High School, As soon

as they got there. Anna kissed her mom goodbye, and she went to

high school.

Anna went in, she saw a guy named Aaron. He is a popular 16-year

old boy who sat next to her. She wrote a love letter to him saying “Hey

Aaron, do you love me?” She then put it in his locker. The next day,

He saw it in his locker and he replied “Yes,” He gave it back to Anna.

She was so happy that she passed out. When they were in private,

She asked “Wanna be Boyfriend and Girlfriend? I’ve been crushing on

you for a long time.” He nodded his head “Yes.”


Chapter 2: Gym-limpics

Mr. Kotojio told his students to go to the gym so they can exercise for

the Gym-limpics. One of the students, Akoniko Akabatchi asked “What

is Gym-limpics?” Kotojio gladly smiled “Oh, Akoniko. It is a tournament

hosted by the principal, Mrs. Sotokolimia,” He said in a calm but

cheerful voice.

Akoniko then asked Sona, who was their friend, about the

Gym-limpics. Sona then said “I…actually don’t know, Akoniko-san.”

Now at the gym. multiple of the students, even Akoniko and Sona.

Were staring at how beautiful Anna looked, she was quite

embarrassed. But she didn’t care, The Gym-limpics started. After 30

hours of rounds, Anna’s team won due to their strength.

[Days later]

Anna, Akoniko, Sona, Aaron and a new friend they made named Ali

Tronotion went to Middleberry Cafe to get lattes.


Chapter 3: Summer Break

It’s the final day of the year. Anna and Akoniko were excited to hang

out with Aaron, Sona and Ali after the school year finished…but they

had to do an exam. Akoniko hated exams so much that they stressed

on one of the questions. Luckily, Ms. Akoto helped Akoniko on their

exam and after the exam, the school year finally finished. Much to

Akoniko’s relief. “Hey Anna!” Akoniko said, “Wanna go meet up with

Aaron, Sona and Ali?” Anna nodded her head in a happy expression.

“Let’s drink beer!” Anna was flabbergasted when Akoniko said that,

She then covered their mouth and whispered “You’re 15-16, drink

when you're 21,” Akoniko apologized after she said that, They then

met up with Aaron, Sona and Ali. “Sup Anna and Akoniko!” he said.

“Heya there, Ali!” She replied. “You’re a popular student, right?” He

said, “Yes, I beated Aaron on the popularity ranking.” She said, Ms.

Akoto and Mr. Kotojio then walked up to the newly formed friend

group. “How is this summer break?” Akoto asked, “Going fine so far.”

Akoniko said, “Are you guys married?” Akoto and Kotojio said yes,

Akoto showed Akoniko her engagement ring that was given to her by

Kotojio. “It’s our Wedding Anniversary Tomorrow.” Anna then ran off to

get Akoto and Kotojio some ice cream, she came back with a

chocolate and vanilla ice cream and gave it to them. “You got our

favorite flavors correct, Anna!” Kotojio said. They then all laughed and



Chapter 4: O to the Sakura Road!

Anna and Aaron were alone in the now empty classroom, it was still

summer break. “I found a road we can ride on with our bikes!” Anna

said. “Yeah Anna, What is it?” He asked, “It’s called The Sakura Road!

It contains a lot of sakura trees there!” She happily exclaimed, Akoniko

rushed to the classroom only to find Anna and Aaron. “So, what is the

friend group gonna do today?” He asked, “We’re going to the Sakura

Road! Get your bikes everyone!” She said in an excited mood. Sona

and Ali even got their bikes so they could ride to the Sakura Road with

their friends. All of them got together, “Off to the Sakura Road!”

Akoniko and Anna said in an excited mood.

They all rode off to the road, Even Ms. Akoto and her husband, Mr.

Kotojio came with a bike with two seats, “Akoto and Kotojio are

coming too?!” The friends said in a shocked tone, “We’re coming just

to celebrate our wedding anniversary!” Akoto happily exclaimed, As

soon as they reached the Sakura Road. They stopped to take a

breather, Akoto and Kotojio laid down and they watched the skies

while the students rode back to the empty classroom so they could

hangout, “I love you, Kotojio.” Akoto said, “I love you too, Akoto.”

Kotojio said.


Chapter 5: The Cafe

Anna called Kobeshi Atakolacki. “Hey, Kobeshi? Wanna go to the cafe

with the rest of the friend group?” Anna asked Kobeshi. Kobeshi

replied “Sure, why not?” Anna and her friends then went to the

Middleberry Cafe where they met Kobeshi. “Hey there

Atakolacki-san!” Anna said, “Heya, Bestie.” He replied. “Is this

Kobeshi Atakolacki? The one from Middleberry Elementary?” Akoniko

asked. “Yes, Akabatchi-san,” Akoniko freaked out so hard they had to

calm him down.

They all sat down. Inuka came, “May I take your order?” She said,

“Lattes for us, please!” Kobeshi replied, Everyone wanted one. When

it was served, it was time to drink it. “It tastes like old milk, I love old

milk!” Akoniko said, Everyone began staring at Akoniko for what he



Chapter 6: Kotoko’s School and Daily Life

Kotoko woke up at 5 in the morning and got ready for Middleberry

Elementary (K-5) She met some new friends, one of them was named

Kanna Utoiki. She is a kindergartener who was the smartest in her

class. Kotoko and Kanna became best friends and would hangout all

day after elementary. They then came across Anna, Akoniko, Sona,

Aaron, Ali and Kobeshi. “Didn’t notice you guys there.” Kotoko said,

“Hey, uhhh…what is your name?” Kobeshi asked, “I’m Kanna Utoiki,

and this is Kotoko!” Kanna said in a very excited mood. “Can we be in

the friend group?! Kotoko wants to!” Kanna said. “But I don’t want to.”

Kotoko replied. “Sure.” Anna said.

Kanna then bugged Kotoko to get her some ice cream, even though

she’s too young to have a credit card. “No Kanna. Maybe tomorrow,

ok?” Kotoko said. She then walked away soon after. “But,

Kotoko-saaaaaaan, please?” Kanna said. Kotoko is getting frustrated

on how Kanna kept bugging her, “Go get your own money, bugger.”

Kotoko said, in a frustrated tone. Kanna began crying right after

because this hurt her feelings, “You know, Kids have feelings too,

right?” Kanna said, “Yes Kanna, I knew that. Now shut up and get your

ice cream.”


Chapter 7: The Picnic

Kotoko is outside eating her food, she has carrots and some salad.

Akoniko comes up to her and asks her if he can sit down with her. She

agrees and he sits down. “How is your day, Kotoko?” Akoniko asked

Kotoko, “Good, wanna see my Sunky plush?” She asked Akoniko,

“Sure!” He said. She showed him the sunky plush, bruhmoment_12

pogged when he saw it. While Icy was working on his game, he was

eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Tang came with his favorite food, “Hi

everyone” He said.

“Heya, Tang!” Kotoko said. “How did you know my name” Tang said. “I

just guessed.” She said, Utoiki later came over for the picnic, “Where’s

the Ice Cream???” she asked. “I don’t know, Utoiki-san.” Kotoko said.

Kanna got sad and cried, But cheered up soon right after Kotoko

showed her the sunky plush she owned.


Chapter 8: A Journey through Memory Lane (Part 1)

Sekiya and Mitaki are at Mitaki’s house. they’re looking through their

old pictures of them back when they were kids. Mitaki thinks that being

a teen maybe does suck, she thought that being a kid is better. “Hey,

Haidori-san?” Mitaki asked “Yes, Kodori?” Mitaki paused for a second,

which confused Sekiya.

“Do you think being a kid is better than being a teen?”

“Hm….I’ll have to think of that one, Mitaki-san.”

Mitaki hoped that Sekiya was gonna say yes, but got disappointed

after she said she’ll think of it.


Chapter 8: A Journey through Memory Lane (Part 2)

“I guess I’ll agree with you..?” Sekiya said, in a very confused

expression. Mitaki shrugged, thinking that she likes being a teen more

than a kid. They then kept looking through their old photos and Sekiya

suddenly finds a photo of her brother while searching through the old

photos. “Why is my older brother in this? I thought it was only us two,


Mitaki began sweating and she didn’t know what to do (she put the

photo of Ato in the old photos) “U-um…I-it w-wasn’t me…!” She said,

trying to manipulate Sekiya into thinking that Ato put it in the old

photos. But she didn’t believe her, she shrugged and left right after

because she was called to go back home

8. (end of a journey through memory lane)

Chapter 9: Athletic Loser Girls! (Except


Izusaki and her group of girls are preparing for P.E. because it’s their

favorite subject and they like exercising (they're in a different class).

Izusaki then bumped into Haidori and Kodori talking. “Hey, Athletic

Loser!” Kodori said, It sort of angered Izusaki because she was

always treated like this.

The other kids cheered on Kodori and laughed at Izusaki and her

gang of girls. Izusaki was beginning to get pissed off and this and

even the other classes laughed at her. “ISN’T THIS FUNNY?!”

Akoniko asked, Anna felt bad for Izusaki for the way she was getting

treated. “Poor Marira, She doesn’t deserve this…” Anna said in a sad

voice, the others kept bullying her until Anna told them to stop. They

did, and since then have stopped bullying Izusaki due to Anna.


Chapter 10: Notes/Picture Day

“Dear diary, It’s 1 in the morning and I'm supposed to be asleep...but

who cares anyway? I’m just sitting here in my jammies listening to

Ianna right now.”

Maria closed their diary and somehow fell asleep.

The next day, they got their diary and wrote:

“Dear Diary, I don’t know what to wear! It’s picture day and…you know

what? I’ll wear a skirt since I like wearing skirts!”

Maria put on their favorite skirt and prepared for Picture Day. At

school, They were getting nervous about getting laughed at for

wearing a skirt.

Maria secretly pulled their diary out of their backpack and wrote:

“Picture Day is gonna be stressful today…”

Maria closed their diary and put it back on their backpack. Ms.

Hanatowa and Minoto were taking pictures of the students but when it

was Maria’s turn, They backed out. They didn’t want anyone to know

they wore a skirt, “I don’t want to come out…” Maria said in a nervous

tone. “Don’t worry, You can come out! No one’s watching you wear a

skirt at all!” Minoto said. Maria got their picture taken.


Chapter 11: When Lesbians Embrace.

Nelly and Tiana are looking at the stars while they cuddle in a warm

blanket that Nelly brought for her gf, Tiana. Nelly decided to embrace

Tiana with a kiss, Nelly got close to Tiana and gave her a kiss. Nelly

and Tiana then embraced with the kiss for the rest of the whole night.

Akoniko came into class with the footage of Nelly and Tiana

embracing. The students were concerned about what Akoniko was

doing, even his(?) crush Sekiya.

“Akoniko...why would you record 2 lesbians without permission?!”

“C’mon now! I wanted to show you guys the footage, so that’s why I

recorded it!”

Nelly got mad and slapped the camera out of Akoniko’s hand and

watched the footage with Tiana. They were shocked at Akoniko.

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