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unbearable and I cannot function anyway. Please, please

do something.” But “wait” was all they said.

My lawyer filed suit. The Industrial Accident

Commission granted a temporary settlement for the loss of

my legs and the prospect of a life of acute pain.

By this time I could only walk with a cane. The days

stretched into months and the months into years. The

pain got steadily worse until I felt I could take no more.

The hospitalizations became more frequent and I grew

more and more dependent on the increasing dosage of


Our home life was a shambles. Poor Fran; she tried so

hard to be patient with me. But after a long hospitalization

I would return to the house and expect her to maintain the

same routine I had in the hospital—not taking into

account that she had two little girls and a house to take

care of ... plus a crabby, demanding, pain-ridden husband.

On the long days when all I could do was stagger from the

bed to the sofa and shout for my drugs, she sometimes

gave up. I would hear her back in the bathroom, with the

door closed, crying in frustration and despair.

We had a beautiful home, one I had built myself. But it

became a prison to me. I cursed the sunken living room

that meant I had to climb two steps to get to the kitchen or

the bathroom.

My little girls, Maria and Lisa, would plead with me to

play with them, but I couldn’t even hold them on my knee,

much less pick them up.

Time and time again I would fall and be unable to get

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