Ashburton Courier: September 29, 2022

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SEPTEMBER <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Patricia relishes fundraising<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

If you visit Patricia McLaren<br />

you will witness her swishing<br />

around her kitchen making<br />

and baking all sorts of treats to<br />

raise money for agood cause.<br />

Patricia has been selling<br />

preservesand baking at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Farmers<br />

Market since 2016, raising<br />

money foracause closetoher<br />

heart, Ronald McDonald<br />

House.<br />

Patricia said for the first two<br />

markets thisyear she will also<br />

raise money for the St John<br />

Health Shuttle ‘‘because of the<br />

recent crash and the<br />

importance of service to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>community.’’<br />

She has raised astellar<br />

$46,000 overthe last six years<br />

for RonaldMcDonald House.<br />

Patricia chosethe charity<br />

becauseher grandson was<br />

born prematurely 13 years ago.<br />

‘‘They were wonderful at<br />

Ronald McDonald House,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

Patricia loves making jam,<br />

relish and chutneys andwas<br />

taught as ayoung girlbythe<br />

women in her community.<br />

‘‘I’ve doneitall my life,Iwas<br />

bought up in Willowby, Mum<br />

died when Iwas three and Dad<br />

brought me up along with all<br />

the women in Willowby ­Ihad<br />

so many mothers,’’ she said<br />

with alaugh.<br />

The ladies taught herthe art<br />

of preserve making.<br />

‘‘And my Dad,hetaughtme<br />

howtomakeraspberryjam.’’<br />

Her gingernut biscuits,<br />

fromher godmother’s<br />

recipe, are apopular<br />

favourite withthe public<br />

andher best seller is<br />

orange lemon<br />

marmalade.<br />

‘‘A lot of people who<br />

love their marmalade<br />

are on heart pills so<br />

can’t have the<br />

grapefruit anymore,<br />

so orange lemon is<br />

the next best.’’<br />

Patricia listed<br />

off whatshe has<br />

beenbusy<br />

making<br />

including<br />

blackberry<br />

jam,ranui<br />

jam,onion<br />

relish,<br />

apricot jam, quince jam,<br />

tomato relish, beetroot relish<br />

and raspberry jam.<br />

Oneofthe things that<br />

appealstoPatricia about<br />

making preserves is there is no<br />

wasteand it is all natural.<br />

‘‘I don't like wasting<br />

anything, in all my<br />

preserves there is<br />

no additives, no<br />

preservatives,<br />

we don't spray<br />

the fruit trees<br />

or anything<br />

like that.<br />

‘‘It was the<br />

way Iwas<br />

taught, you<br />

just don't<br />

waste anything, you put it in a<br />

jar and you’ve got it for years.’’<br />

Ronald McDonald House<br />

show their appreciation of<br />

Patricia’s fundraising efforts<br />

and make apointofvisiting<br />

herifthey are in town.<br />

‘‘They are amazing, they<br />

acknowledge me every time, I<br />

send the money and theysend<br />

back areceipt, there is always<br />

amessage with it, there is<br />

always atelephonecall and<br />

they takemeout to lunch<br />

sometimes.<br />

‘‘If Igoup thereI’m treated<br />

like aQueen, theyare an<br />

amazinggroupofpeople.’’<br />

Patricia enjoys mixing with<br />

the public on market days and<br />

finds grandfathersin<br />

particular are moved by what<br />

she is doing.<br />

‘‘I find grandfatherswill<br />

come and buyajar, then after<br />

awhile ­I’ve had at least four<br />

­come back with a$50<br />

donation, because Ronald<br />

McDonald House looked after<br />

their daughters while they had<br />

their grandchild, it just<br />

touches their hearts.’’<br />

From October 1you can<br />

catch Patricia at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictFarmers<br />

Market at <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s West<br />

Street car park in the CBD.<br />

Patricia with some of<br />

her tasty treats.<br />

Market day<br />

success<br />

Festival of<br />

cultures<br />

PAGE 5<br />

PAGE 24<br />

PAGE 48<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Motorbike park ruled out<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

IndiRoberts<br />

indi.roberts@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is<br />

disappointed aDepartment of<br />

Conservation decision will scuttle its<br />

plans to provide adesignated<br />

recreationalmotorbike park at<br />

Ashton Beach.<br />

But it still hopes to work with<br />

parties to findaway to improve the<br />

area.<br />

Ashton Beach has been an informal<br />

place to motorbike ride, but the area<br />

is also shared with southern grass<br />

skink, which are in decline around<br />

New Zealand despite all native<br />

lizards andtheir habitatbeing<br />

protected under the Wildlife Act.<br />

The councilhad been working with<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Motorcycle Clubto<br />

move casual motorbiking fromthe<br />

beach to amoreformal track on<br />

nearby council­owned farmland.<br />

It was hoped it wouldimprove<br />

health and safety for riders as well as<br />

providing more ecological protections<br />

to local skink populations and native<br />

birds in the area.<br />

Council chief executive Hamish<br />

Riach said the proposed area for the<br />

new track was farm landzoned Rural<br />

B.<br />

“We were proposing to move<br />

Motorcycle tracks at Ashton Beach.<br />

recreational motorcyclists froman<br />

informal riding area to the farm land<br />

nearby, and also covenant alternative<br />

nearby areas forpermanent<br />

protection for wildlife and native<br />

species.”<br />

Skinks are present across the entire<br />

area and with riding occurring in a<br />

more concentrated area and habitat<br />

enhancements in the covenanted<br />

areas, there would be an overall<br />

benefit to local skink numbers.<br />

Council had to applyfor<br />

authorisation underthe Wildlife Act,<br />

as the formation and use of the<br />

motorbike park wouldlikely result in<br />

some skink fatalities. It was declined<br />

by DOC.<br />

Councillors describedthe outcome<br />

as alose­lose situation, with<br />

motorbiking still likely to occur<br />

informally in the area and no<br />

additional protections provided for<br />

skink.<br />

They voted to write to the Minister<br />

of Conservation and other politicians<br />

expressing concern thedecisionmaking<br />

process appeared to be<br />

flawed; external experts were also<br />

surprised by the decision and little<br />

weight given to the proposed<br />

permanent protection of theskink.<br />

Council was keen to work withDOC,<br />

ECan andlocal iwi to find away<br />

forward.<br />

“We were surprised and alittle<br />

dismayed by the decision, but we need<br />

to look forward and try to get all the<br />

interested parties aroundthe table so<br />

we can find asolutionthat preserves<br />

the skinks’ habitat and improves<br />

safety forrecreational users of the<br />

area,” Mr Riach said.<br />

AshtonBeach came on council’s<br />

radar in 2019 when officers became<br />

aware of ahealth and safety issue on<br />

an unfenced portion of council’s<br />

Ocean Farm at thebeach.Asteep area<br />

of land was being used by motorbike<br />

and 4WD enthusiasts.<br />

Those areas have since been fenced<br />

off, and apotential new alternative<br />

area for riding wasidentified through<br />

community consultationinFebruary<br />

2020. Askink surveyinMay 2020<br />

confirmed thepresence of southern<br />

grass skink in theproposed motorbike<br />

park area.<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2388023<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Rakaia School’s 150th reunion event<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Organisers of Rakaia School’s<br />

150th jubileeevent are<br />

counting down thedays to the<br />

startofcelebrations.<br />

Theschool, at the northern<br />

entranceofMid Canterbury<br />

was one of the first in the<br />

district.<br />

It’s 150th jubileewas<br />

originally planned for March<br />

this year, butwas halted by<br />

covidlockdown.<br />

It is now being held over<br />

Labour Weekend from October<br />

21 to 23.<br />

Jubilee committee member<br />

Carolyn Nordqvistsaid there<br />

were plenty of activities,<br />

opportunities andsocial<br />

catchups planned for past and<br />

presentpupils, teachersand<br />

support staff.<br />

Such asignificant milestone<br />

deserved to be recognisedand,<br />

sincecovid hadforced the date<br />

to be deferred, it had given<br />

peoplemore time to register for<br />

the new dates.<br />

So far 180 people had<br />

registered but more were<br />

expected, shesaid.<br />

Themost seniorpast­pupil to<br />

register wasaged97years old<br />

and travelling down from<br />

Nelson, and the most distance<br />

travelled, so far,was arriving<br />

from Florida, in theUnited<br />

States.<br />

Photos: left; Pauline Doody, Carol Muckle and Carolyn Nordqvist, of the Rakaia School 150th jubilee committee, look through school<br />

memorabilia; above: Pauline and Carol have put together a25year history at the school since the 125th year book already written.<br />

She said people planning to<br />

attend should register now via<br />

the Rakaia School 150th<br />

Jubilee Facebook page.<br />

The page itself has plenty of<br />

memorable moments being<br />

shared including historic class<br />

photographs andthose of<br />

formerreunionevents.<br />

Transport from<strong>Ashburton</strong>to<br />

Rakaia during the weekend<br />

could be arranged foranyone in<br />

need, she said.<br />

Rakaia School duo Pauline<br />

Doody and CarolMuckle have<br />

alsocompleteda150th reunion<br />

booklet which has taken<br />

months of work.<br />

It covers events and changes<br />

at theschool over the past25<br />

years andsincethe school’s<br />

125th celebration,already<br />

recorded.<br />

There are reflections by not<br />

only principal Mark Ellis but<br />

also contributionsbypast<br />

pupils and teachers.<br />

People can order the book<br />

through the page, or by<br />

contacting the school.<br />

Friday nights activities<br />

include registration with<br />

conversazione and nibbles. A<br />

street parade on Saturday from<br />

10am,will be followed by a<br />

picnicwithspeeches at 1pm,<br />

the cutting of an anniversary<br />

cake and decade­spanning<br />

photographs then afternoon<br />

tea.<br />

On Saturday night there is an<br />

evening meal with live music<br />

anddancing at the Rakaia<br />

Memorial Hall from 6.30pm.<br />

Aremembrance service on<br />

Sunday from10amwinds up the<br />

weekend.<br />

Current pupils of the school<br />

were warmly welcomed to<br />

attendSaturday and Sunday<br />

event to celebrate their school<br />

as part of itshistory, Carolyn<br />

said. Butthey didneed to<br />

register.<br />

Rakaia School hasbeenthe<br />

learning institute of many<br />

families over its 150 year<br />

history.<br />

It startedits journey at the<br />

South Rakaia Hotelin1872,<br />

where the first school committee<br />

wasformed. Since then it has<br />

remained an integral part of the<br />

community and taught pupils<br />

through three major world wars,<br />

aflu epidemic, heavy snowfalls,<br />

district wideearthquakes and, of<br />

late, Covid­19.<br />

SUPER Spring<br />


Club Leather Chair Brie ArmChair Directors Chair GunMetalSuite 3seater&<br />

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$<br />

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$15.21 WEEKLY<br />


NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2493790<br />

PawsofFury:<br />

TheLegend of Hank<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

This movie was first announced as aremake<br />

of Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles which just<br />

happens to be my favourite Western. It is<br />

made for ayounger audience but adults will<br />

enjoyittoo.<br />

We meet Hankaloveable dog with ahead full<br />

of dreams about becoming aSamurai.<br />

He takes himself to Japan, which is aproblem<br />

as it’s fullofcats!<br />

It is quite ashort movie densely-packed with<br />

non stop action and it whizzes along ata<br />

good pace. Kids will love the giantblue toilet.<br />

Towards the end it overflows and threatens<br />

to submerge awhole town. And then in one<br />

scene Hank gets caught inthe huge Sumo’s<br />

buttcrack.<br />

Crazy fun and silly jokes lift itabove other<br />

animated movies.<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

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2509716<br />

Stock up for CHRISTMAS<br />

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Royal New ZealandAir Force corporal JosephLavery, from Methven, took part in the Queen’s funeral procession.<br />


Local serviceman takes<br />

part in Queen’s funeral<br />

Royal New ZealandAir Force Arch.<br />

corporal Joseph Lavery says<br />

“Thatwas it. It was the<br />

marching down London’s The Mall Commonwealth and all the Brits<br />

in the Queen’s funeral procession saying goodbye to Her Majestyfor<br />

as part of the Commonwealthand the last time. It wasthe firsttime I<br />

GreatBritain’s finalgoodbyetothe got to meet her and the lasttime,<br />

Her Majesty TheLate Queen<br />

and Ifelt very privilegedtohave<br />

Elizabeth II was special.<br />

beenthere for thatmoment.”<br />

Originallyfrom Methven, he was The NZDFcontingentarrived the<br />

one of 24 New ZealandDefence previousMonday andhad spent the<br />

Forcesailors, soldiersand aviators week preparingatPirbright Army<br />

marching alongside Australian and Camp in Surrey. In the earlyhours<br />

Canadian personnelinthe<br />

of Thursdaymorning (UK time)they<br />

Commonwealth contingent, from were part of afull dress rehearsal<br />

WestminsterAbbey to Wellington withUKArmed ForcesonThe Mall.<br />

Arch on themorningofthe funeral. “We definitely had to pick our<br />

While the processiondown The drill up. Everyone hasthe core<br />

Mallwas daunting, in view of knowledgebut we needed to getit<br />

millions around the world,<br />

sharp and the British aregood at<br />

Corporal Lavery said the moment that. These guardsmen, it’s what<br />

that would staywith him was when theydo. It’s coolparading with<br />

the Queen’s coffinwas lifted from thembut we’reall feeling pretty<br />

the gun carriageand placed into sore,” saidCorporal Lavery.<br />

the Royal hearseatWellington Ahighlightofthe week wasthe<br />

Super<br />

Super<br />

HOTDEAL!<br />

EA<br />

HOTDEAL!<br />

$<br />

44 00 $<br />

50 99<br />

Princeand Princess of Wales’ visit<br />

to PirbrightonFriday to thank the<br />

Commonwealth contingentsfor<br />

attending.The New Zealand<br />

contingent returnedthe thanksby<br />

performing the Defence Force<br />

haka.<br />

It felt strange being inabubbleat<br />

camp,getting up to speed, whilethe<br />

country was in mourning.<br />

“Foralot of us it hit homewhat<br />

we were doing when wewere<br />

marching downThe Mall,during<br />

the dressrehearsal. That was it.<br />

We’re here, we’re really doing<br />

this.”<br />

Corporal Lavery is agraduateof<br />

MountHuttCollegeand joinedthe<br />

air force in 2017.<br />

“I waslookingfor ameaningful<br />

careerwhereIcould provide a<br />

service. Ihad agirlfriend who<br />

joinedthe air forceand thathelped<br />

me choose.”<br />




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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Market Day<br />

draws crowd<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

The inaugural market day in<br />

downtown<strong>Ashburton</strong> this week<br />

was abooming success drawing<br />

thousands of people into the<br />

central business district.<br />

Stallholders from around<br />

Canterbury converged on<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s closed main street<br />

for the event which attracted<br />

crowds of locals and out­oftowners.<br />

It was setinplaceahead of the<br />

planned Queen Elizabeth II<br />

Memorial Day.<br />

Theevent, organised by Carol<br />

Johns and her trusty team of<br />

supporters, was areplacement<br />

option for the now­defunct<br />

Boulevard Day.<br />

She was verypleased with the<br />

turnout and feedback. ‘‘Whata<br />

day it's been. Thank you to the<br />

amazing stallholders for being<br />

so positive andsupporting me. A<br />

fantastic amazing turnout of<br />

very happy shopperslocal and<br />

visitors,’’ she said.<br />

Among those in town were<br />

cousins Scarlett McDonnell, 11,<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong> andLucia Baxter,<br />

10, of Rakaia.<br />

They like many attending<br />

enjoyed abit of browsing among<br />

the stalls, before enjoying an ice<br />

cream on the green space from<br />

the hustlingcrowds.<br />

Her focus would now turn on<br />

preparations for theannual<br />

Santa Parade, usually held in<br />

early December.<br />

Cousins Scarlett McDonnell<br />

(left) and Lucia Baxter chill out<br />

during the Market Day in<br />

downtown <strong>Ashburton</strong>; below<br />

Market Day turnout success.<br />


Book-lovers bag up big time at Bookarama<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> Bookarama event was ahuge success said co­ordinator David Mead.<br />


Bookaramahas never been so<br />

busy, with the firstday deemed<br />

thebusiest in history thanks to<br />

theQueen Elizabeth II<br />

Memorial Daypublic holiday.<br />

‘‘It’s been marvellous, best<br />

day we’ve everhad,’’ said David<br />

Mead, co­ordinator of the<br />

Bookaramaevent and member<br />

of the RotaryClub of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

On Tuesday he reckoned<br />

they’d already sold thousands<br />

of books, with many more to be<br />

snatched up throughout the<br />

week.<br />

There are books on all topics,<br />

from popular paperbacks to<br />

ornate classics, to health,<br />

lifestyleand educational<br />

subjects. In addition there are<br />

board games andpuzzles, vinyls<br />

and videos,CDs and DVDs,all<br />

which arepriced less than<br />

loose change.<br />

All proceedsgotosupporting<br />

the RotaryClub of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

Charitable Trust, which allows<br />

them to fundand sponsor local<br />

eventsand organisations.<br />

‘‘We’d justlike to thank the<br />

people,really,for the support,’’<br />

David said.<br />

The annual pre­loved book<br />

sale will continue until midday<br />

Saturday.<br />

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Bayleys Geraldine 03 687 1227<br />

Bayleys Methven 03 303 3093<br />

bayleys.co.nz/canterbury<br />



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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Walnut Avenue intersection<br />

closes for seven weeks<br />

Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has<br />

closedWalnut Avenue<br />

between West and East Streets<br />

to trafficfor the next seven<br />

weeks.<br />

The closure began aday<br />

later than previously<br />

publicised due to the public<br />

holiday to mark the passing of<br />

Queen ElizabethII.<br />

Waka Kotahi are operating a<br />

pedestriancrossing at the site<br />

on school days from 8am until<br />

5pm, but outside those times<br />

pedestrianswill need to use<br />

the overhead pedestrian<br />

bridgetocross the rail tracks,<br />

which is opposite Wills Street<br />

(near Countdown East) and is<br />

south of the work area.<br />

The Waka Kotahi pedestrian<br />

crossing across the trackswill<br />

not operate during school<br />

holidays or weekends.<br />

Atemporary pedestrian<br />

refugewill be in place<br />

opposite the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art<br />

Gallery and Museum to assist<br />

with crossing State Highway 1.<br />

Signs will be in place<br />

showing drivers where to<br />

detour.<br />

Staff on site can also assist<br />

with any queries.<br />

Waka Kotahi apologises for<br />

this inconvenience and<br />

sincerely appreciatesthe<br />

patience shown by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> community.<br />

There's alot of work to do to<br />

co­ordinatethe new Walnut<br />

Avenueintersection traffic<br />

signals with the improved rail<br />

level crossing.<br />

The Waka Kotahi team is<br />

Festive trees making an impression<br />

It’s nottoo soon to getyour<br />

creative thinking hats on and<br />

startthinkingabout entriesfor<br />

this year’s <strong>Ashburton</strong>Festive<br />

Forest.<br />

Thefundraiser, started in<br />

2020, is run by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

County Lions and opento<br />

businesses, organisations and<br />

individuals. Each groupgets to<br />

decorate aChristmas tree,in<br />

whateverfestivedecorations<br />

take theirfancy.<br />

Thedisplay will then opento<br />

thepublic forviewing at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre on<br />

December 9and 10.<br />

already working on installing<br />

new underground services<br />

and new drainage.<br />

Next month, you will see the<br />

Waka Kotahi team installing<br />

pre­cast concrete slabs that<br />

will carry the trackacross<br />

Walnut Avenue.<br />

Once theseare in place,<br />

CountyLions memberSue<br />

Green said alongwiththe<br />

festive tree displays there will<br />

be Christmas themed stalls<br />

selling aselection of wares and<br />

Devonshire Teas available for<br />

purchase.<br />

Santa’s grotto will also make<br />

an appearance andthere will<br />

be festive treejudging with<br />

prizesfor thebestdecorated<br />

treeand popular choice.<br />

The event in the past has<br />

seenmany imaginative trees<br />

decorated by the likes of<br />

Plunket featuring baby<br />

photographs decorations and<br />

there will be footpaths,<br />

landscaping, fencingand road<br />

marking to complete.<br />

Above ground infrastructure<br />

such as gatesand pedestrian<br />

refuge areas will also be<br />

installed.<br />

In eitherlate November or<br />

early December, experts will<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd<br />

with road cone decorations.<br />

It’safestive event to bring<br />

community cheer andput<br />

smilesonfaces, young and old,<br />

Suesaid.<br />

Anyprofits raised will be<br />

usedbythe County Lions to<br />

support their local youth<br />

projects.<br />

Entries forthe festive forest<br />

willbesought in the coming<br />

weeks.<br />

Atree decorated by Plunket.<br />

be testing and inspecting the<br />

co­ordinationofthe railand<br />

road crossing signals,before<br />

allowing removal of the<br />

temporary roundabouts.<br />

Waka Kotahi will continue<br />

to sendout regular updates<br />

until the work is completedat<br />

the end of the year.<br />


OCTOBER1<br />


fundraiser,organisedbythe St<br />

Andrew'sPresbyterian Church, in<br />

Rakaia will beheld on the church<br />

groundsonthe mainhighway<br />

(oppositeMobil) from9am to 1pm.<br />

Huge variety of plantsfor all<br />

gardeners at affordable prices on<br />

display inthe church hall.<br />

OCTOBER 8<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Embroiderers’ Guild are<br />

having aluncheon to celebrate 50<br />

yearsofstitching at The Lake<br />

House restaurant at Lake Hood. All<br />

interested members and past<br />

members please contactBev<br />

Watkins phone 03 3084895<br />

Mid CanterburyRural Support<br />

Trustand FarmStrongare bringing<br />

standupcomedy to Mt Hutt<br />

Memorial HallatMethvenaspartof<br />

aCanterburytour. Featuring<br />

comedians NickRado,Courtney<br />

Dawson, TevitaManukiaand<br />

TarunMohanbhai. Tickets cost $20<br />

-from www.trybooking.co.nz/kts -<br />

and includes supper. Cashbar.<br />

Doors open from 6pm, show at<br />

7pm.<br />

PendarvesYoung Farmers are<br />

celebratingthe club’s 75th Jubilee.<br />

It willbeheldatHotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

from6pm.Registerthroughthe<br />

Pendarves YoungFarmers<br />

Facebook page.<br />

SouthCanterbury IrisGroup will<br />

be holding open days at the<br />

Makikihi Iris garden, behind the<br />

Makikihi Country Crafts shop.The<br />

gardenswill be open1pm –4pm.<br />

Come along and see irises<br />

flowering. Plants forsale.Iris<br />

Groupmembers will be present.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Musical Club<br />

concert, 'A MusicalCelebration'at<br />

7.30pm in theSinclair Centre<br />

features Ruth Hall'sRAD Trio.<br />

Supperwill be served and nonmemberswelcome,$5entry.<br />

OCTOBER 9<br />

Hakatere Hope Walkaroundthe<br />

groundsofArgyleParkin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> from11amto1pm.A<br />

free community event to raise<br />

awarenessaroundmental health,<br />

as well as providesupportand<br />

advice.Includes speakers,<br />

sausagesizzle<br />

OCTOBER 13<br />

St John MidCanterbury annual<br />

garden fete fundraiseratRakaia<br />

Gardens, in Dorie ownedbySue<br />

andTed Rollinson.Tickets$20 for<br />

adults and$5for children over five.<br />

Tickets on saleatEventfinda.<br />

Four 1bedroom apartments<br />

now available<br />

These apartments won’t last long.<br />

Each serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />

laundry facilities and of course anurse call system for peace of mind.<br />

One apartment also offers north facing scenic views.<br />


contact our Facility Manager Donna Coxshall 03 307 6140<br />

–Love where you live –<br />



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Deaths<br />

BURGESS, Stuart Arthur<br />

(Stu), on <strong>September</strong> 26,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, peacefully at Tuarangi<br />

Home, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, after a<br />

long illness. Aged 82 years.<br />

Dearly loved husband of the<br />

late Rayna. Beloved Dad of<br />

Kareen and Stuart Dunlop,<br />

Peter and Esther, Robin and<br />

Paula, and Chris and Darin<br />

Goldsack. LovingGrandad of<br />

Adele,and Dale;and Sammy,<br />

and Max. Special thanks to<br />

the wonderful caring staff<br />

at Tuarangi Home for their<br />

love and care of Stuart.<br />

Messages to the Burgess<br />

family POBox 5020 Tinwald,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7741. Aservice<br />

in remembrance of Stuart<br />

will be held in our chapel,<br />

corner East and Cox Streets,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

today Thursday<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, commencing<br />

at 11.00am, followed by<br />

interment atthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

New Lawn Cemetery.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

HARRIS, Cyril Trevor:<br />

Peacefully at home in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on<strong>September</strong> 26,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Loved ex-husband of<br />

the late Patricia, much loved<br />

father of Sheriee,and thelate<br />

Brendon, loved Grandad of<br />

Krystle, and great-Grandad<br />

of Tara, Bradley, Damien, and<br />

Lilith.<br />

A memorial service to<br />

celebrate Cyril’s life will be<br />

held at 5 Simmons Street,<br />

Redruth, Timaru, onFRIDAY,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 30, at 1.00pm.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 12<strong>29</strong><br />

WENDLEBORN, Allan Bruce<br />

(Bruce, Tub) :At <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hosptial aged 78 years on<br />

26th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Dearly loved husband of<br />

the late Vanessa, loved Dad<br />

of Debbie McGregor and<br />

father-in-law ofthe late Chris<br />

McGregor (Queenstown),<br />

loved Grandad of Danielle<br />

McGregor and Dean McMillan<br />

(Culverden) and Rhys<br />

McGregor (Queenstown),<br />

Adored great-Grandad Egg<br />

to his “wee mates” Kace and<br />

Lachlan Perry.<br />

Special thanks to theteam at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital for all of<br />

their care.<br />

Messages to the McGregor<br />

Family at 12 Luna Place, Lake<br />

Hayes Estate, Queenstown,<br />

9304.<br />

At Bruce’s request; there will<br />

be no Funeral or Memorial<br />

Service. Aprivate Cremation<br />

has been held.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths<br />

YELLOWLEES, Heather Joy<br />

(previously Paterson, nee<br />

Findlay)<br />

Peacefully at Terrace<br />

View Retirement Village,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> on<strong>September</strong> 21,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, aged 75 years. Dearly<br />

loved wife of the late Ian<br />

Paterson, cherished mum<br />

of Leanne and Matt Wills;<br />

adored Nana of Caleb, and<br />

Brooke. Much loved sister<br />

and sister-in-law ofRay and<br />

Mary, Errol and Judith, and<br />

Ivan and BeverlyFindlay.<br />

Messages to:Heather’s family,<br />

c/- PO Box 6035, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7742.<br />

At Heather’s request aprivate<br />

family servicehas been held.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 12<strong>29</strong><br />

Acknowledgement<br />

McMULLAN, Winsome<br />

Hazel: Winsome’s family<br />

wish to acknowledge and<br />

thank youfor themanycards,<br />

expressions of sympathy<br />

and gestures of kindness<br />

shown to us following our<br />

sad loss. Winsome was a<br />

dearly loved and respected<br />

wife, mother, mother-in-law,<br />

auntie, grandmother, greatgrandmother<br />

and friend to<br />

many.<br />

We gratefully acknowledge<br />

Rev Roly Scott for helping<br />

us create a special farewell<br />

that befitted Mum. Thank<br />

you toall at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Baptist Church who provided<br />

assistance with the service<br />

and abeautiful afternoon tea.<br />

A gracious, gentle and<br />

patientladynow at rest.<br />

Please accept this as a<br />

personal acknowledgement<br />

of everyone’s caring<br />

thoughtfulness. Winsome<br />

would indeed feel honoured.<br />

In Memoriam<br />

KERMODE,Ian Murray (Grub):<br />

23/10/1958 –24/09/2002<br />

Shine onYou Crazy Diamond<br />

from the Dark Side of the<br />

Moon.<br />

Youleftus20yearsago today<br />

-never to be forgotten and<br />

foreverinour hearts.<br />

A deeply loved and<br />

respectedhusband of Alison,<br />

son of Ngaire and Ivan<br />

Kermode (both deceased<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong>), brother of<br />

Sharon MacIntyre and uncle<br />

of Claire, Brian, Andrew<br />

(Wellington)<br />

Also aloved and respected<br />

son-in-law ofIsabel and Ted<br />

Sampson (both deceased<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong>), and brotherin-law<br />

of Ron and Vicky<br />

(<strong>Ashburton</strong>) and the late<br />

Merv Sampson (Rakaia<br />

Gorge).<br />

NEAL, Elva Amelia: Dear<br />

Arber you left us six years<br />

ago,1October 2016.<br />

Another day will startwithout<br />

you, but we arenever far<br />

apart.<br />

Forevery time we think of<br />

you, youare right hereinour<br />

heart.<br />

Lovedalwaysand forever,<br />

Amelia and Andrew<br />

STRACHAN, Shirley-<br />

2October 2021<br />

Today’s the anniversaryofthe<br />

day that we lost you,<br />

Andfor atime it felt as though<br />

our lives had ended too.<br />

But loss has taught us many<br />

things,and nowweface<br />

each day with hopeand<br />

happymemories to help us<br />

on our way.<br />

Andthough we’refull of<br />

sadness that you’re no<br />

longer here.<br />

Your influencestill guides us<br />

and we still feel younear.<br />

What we shared will never<br />

die,itlives within our heart,<br />

bringing strength and<br />

comfortwhile we areapart.<br />

Missing youevery day<br />

Gary,Karen, Tanya, Jason<br />

and families.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Enquiries phone Mary,Jann or Karenon<br />

308 7664 or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Birth, engagement, anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $20 foramaximum of<br />

35 words, thereafteronaper-line basis<br />

of $2.50 for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese notices 10am Wednesday<br />

prior to Thursdaypublication date.<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Mustang picnic joy<br />

The Mid Canterbury Mustang Clubheld apicnic lunchatLake Hood on Saturday.<br />

Club member Patrick Forde said they had seven Mustangsranging in models from the<br />

earliest to the latest <strong>2022</strong> model.<br />

Around20people from Idea Servicesand their familiesand caregivers came to check out the<br />

machines.<br />

‘‘The weatherwas rather cool but we had somewarm attitudes. The people from Idea sure<br />

had some greatthoughtsand opinions on the Mustangs, they seemed to have areal soft spot<br />

for ayellow 2016 model,’’ Patrick said.<br />

Garden tour to go ahead<br />

Mayfield Playcentre's Homegrown GardenTour raises funds to support centre children.<br />


Mayfield Playcentre will showcase spring<br />

time in Canterbury as part of their biennial<br />

Homegrown Garden Tour on November 5.<br />

Mayfield Playcentre president Sally Carr<br />

said the day will include four spectacular<br />

gardens in the wider Mayfield area, where<br />

guests will be entertained, enjoy delicious<br />

food and beverage, and browse the many<br />

boutique vendor stalls all set among<br />

beautiful surroundings.<br />

“This event is our major fundraiser to<br />

support the running of our playcentre ­<br />

where children have come to ‘learn through<br />

play' since the early 1960s,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘We currently have approximately 30<br />

children from 20 plus families and from a<br />

mix of different cultures. ‘‘We are proud of<br />

our great country centre, which is run by its<br />

parent members. Every family pitches in to<br />

organise the Homegrown Garden Tour<br />

which is wonderful community event that a<br />

huge number of locals and visitors from<br />

surrounding regions, attend and enjoy.”<br />

Tickets are on sale at events.humanitix.<br />

com/homegrown­garden­tour­<strong>2022</strong> or via the<br />

Homegrown Garden Tour Facebook page.<br />

Like so many other events cancelled over<br />

the past two years, the tour’s organising<br />

committee were thrilled the event could go<br />

ahead this year after many, many hours of<br />

planning, and long late­night committee<br />

meetings.<br />

Complete<br />

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TOTAL PAYMENT: $315<br />

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THAN $ 7<br />

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on beds &furniture$999 &over*<br />

Offers valid until Tuesday 4th October <strong>2022</strong>, while stocks last orunless otherwise stated. Some products on display inselected stores only —please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. *Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift<br />

cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include a<br />

one-off establishment fee of$45.00 and amaintenance fee of $3.75 per month. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies toany balance remaining after expiry of any interest free period. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free<br />

for details.**Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. Available in-store and online. Weekly equal instalments are based on a52week finance period commencing 7days from the date interest isfirst calculated. Setting up an automatic payment<br />

authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. There are noset-up, annual, oraccount maintenance fees but fees may apply ondefault. Current interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies after expiry of the interest free<br />

period. Seein-storeorvisit smithscity.co.nz/easycardfor more details, or to applyfor your EasyCard.#Discount is offour full retail price. Notavailable in conjunctionwith anyother offer.*13xAirpoints offer valid 14 Sep-4Oct <strong>2022</strong>. Termsand conditions<br />

apply. Visit smithscity.co.nz/airpoints for more detail. *2 Offer valid 21Sep -11Oct <strong>2022</strong>, or while stock lasts only, on outdoor lounge anddining settingsonly. Availability mayvary between stores. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Limits<br />

and other exclusions may apply, ask in-store for details. Inthe event of an order cancellation orrefund, the bonus/free product must also bereturned. Personal shoppers only. Trade not supplied. *3 Offer valid 15 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> -9January 2023.<br />

Receive $30 Nespresso coffee credit when you purchase aNespresso machinefromthe EssenzaMinirange.T&Csapply. Viaredemption only.Exclusions apply. For full T&Cs,visit www.nespressopromotion.co.nz .^Price Promise terms, conditions, and<br />

exclusions apply. See smithscity.co.nz/price-promise for details.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 32<br />

<strong>29</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Mālō le soifua, mālō elelei, kia orāna, talofa nī,<br />

fakaalofa lahi atu, ni sa bula vinaka, tālofa, mauri,<br />

noa‘ia, kiaora,tēnā koutou katoa,<br />

Hello to youall.<br />

FinishStrong<br />

As I’m writing this article, our senior students are<br />

nearing the end of their Derived Grade exams. It’s<br />

pleasing to see the number of our senior students<br />

take up the opportunities to test themselves in<br />

order to gain feedback and feed-forward within their chosen subjects.<br />

Thereare also agood number of students taking up opportunities their<br />

teachers have offered,toreceive tailored supportontheir NCEA journey<br />

to completeassessments and/or catchuponlearning missed earlier on.<br />

Moving forward Iencourage all of our students, especially our senior<br />

students,to‘finishstrong’.<br />

Finish strong by attending all classes, live our school Values of Quality,<br />

Pride and Respectinand around the school to ensurethatthey finish the<br />

term withtheir relationships (teachers and students) intact, and asense<br />

of contentmentwith their contribution to their achievementoutcomes.<br />

CommunityEntry Programme(CEP)<br />

The Community Entry Programme is an alternative pathway offered for<br />

students between the ages of 13 years and 15 years who, for avariety<br />

of reasons, are unable to access the curriculum through mainstream<br />

education.<br />

CEP is designed to be ashort-term intervention, where students are<br />

provided personalised plans by the tutors to support engagement with<br />

learning, engagement inpositive relationships and engagement with<br />

the ‘best’ofthemselves.<br />

Theintention forusasaCollege is to have students returntoschool when<br />

they’re ready and to have shown consistency intheir demonstration of<br />

our school Values in their time at CEP.<br />

Our team at CEP currently consists of three <strong>Ashburton</strong> College staff<br />

members.<br />

Students at CEP have the opportunity towork towards achieving their<br />

NCEA Level1AchievementCertificate,and anumber of our students this<br />

year are well on their way toachieving NCEA Level 1by the end of the<br />

year.<br />

Students also attend sessions at the Mid Canterbury Boxing Academy<br />

each week, for some physical activity alongside the Value of Respect.<br />

Work experience placements are also part of the personalised learning<br />

plans for students who choose to be involved in gaining experience<br />

working in local businesses. <strong>Ashburton</strong> College is in a privileged position<br />

to have access tothis resource for our students.<br />

He tini ngā whetū engaroitekapua iti.<br />

Many stars cannot be concealed by asmall cloud.<br />

UikeKātoanga’i ‘o elea faka-Tonga -Tonga Language Week<br />

It was great to see so many students wearing traditional Tongan attire<br />

(Ta’ovala etc) to school and wearing it with pride.<br />

Thetheme forTongan Language Week was<br />

Ke Tu'uloa 'a elea faka-Tonga'iAotearoa,<br />

which means Sustaining the Tonga Language in Aotearoa.<br />

It wasgreat to seethe collaboration and co-operation from our students<br />

who sold‘otai and keke isiteduring onelunchtime.Iwas luckyenough to<br />

buy some keke isitebeforethey sold out.Iwouldlike to acknowledge the<br />

fāmili who made them because they were ifoatu.<br />

One of the other highlights of the week was seeing the Tongan Girls’<br />

Group perform in front of the entire school. The beautiful <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

weather matched the performance that the school had the privilege of<br />

witnessing.<br />

Theplan fornextyear is to have abigger celebration forTonganLanguage<br />

Week with morecommunityinput.Ifyou’reinterested in being apartof<br />

this next year,please contactme. Hannibal Ikahihifo<br />

DeputyPrincipal •TumuakiTuarua<br />

Staff Farewells<br />

Patrick Sandrey<br />

Patrick Sandrey startedteachingat<strong>Ashburton</strong>College at the end of January<br />

2020. Patrick joined anumber of College returnee staff,also having been a<br />

student here previously. His sunny personality and outgoing nature have<br />

been much appreciatedbyboth staff and students.<br />

Head of Social Science Faculty said that ithas been great tosee Patrick<br />

grow professionally, with his students enjoying his caring and supportive<br />

approach to teaching and learning. Hehas been passionate aboutHistory<br />

and Social Sciences and howimportant thatlearning is forall students.<br />

The Social Science Faculty has appreciated his willingness to get involved,<br />

contribute and support numerous initiatives and events. This is equally so<br />

forhis extra-curricular involvements and contributions. Patrick has been an<br />

enthusiastic participant inthe College Staff vStudent events, fundraising<br />

activities including ‘dunk the teacher’ and avaluable coach of the Girls’<br />

1st XI Football team.<br />

College is appreciative ofthe energy and expertise given during his time<br />

with us.Hewill be missed forhis contributions and forwho he is as aperson.<br />

We do,however,wish him well in his new employmentoutside of teaching.<br />

Duncan McKee<br />

Duncan has been in aFixed-TermMaternityLeave Scienceteachingposition<br />

sincethe beginning of this year. Heisdescribedashaving had abig impact<br />

on the ScienceFacultyand wider school.<br />

Staff Farewells<br />

Head of FacultyMargJones said thathequickly formed positiverelationships<br />

with the students by going out of his waytoget to know them, their names,<br />

and whatwas happening in their lives.<br />

Duncan was instrumental in starting up Science Fair with his Year 9classes<br />

with good success,aswell as getting ScienceBadges up and running across<br />

the junior classes. Outside of class, Duncan coached the Fussball team and<br />

took them to their games everyweek.<br />

Duncan is a teacher passionate about Science, who wants to inspire<br />

students to be curious about whatSciencehas to offer.His contribution has<br />

been greatly appreciated and we wish him the best for his future career in<br />

teaching.<br />

Parental Leave<br />

Two of our teaching staff have recently uplifted their parental leave<br />

entitlementand arewished well fortheir new future.<br />

Hannah Young<br />

Hannah currently concluded her position at College at the end of August.<br />

Her inputs and hard work as a Physical Education teacher, Head of<br />

Department Health, and Assistant Head of Junior School will certainly be<br />

missed. They have been much appreciated, alongside extra-curricular<br />

contributions including 1st XI Girls’ Hockey coaching and managing over<br />

anumber of years.<br />

Julia Bell<br />

Julia finishes her current term, tomorrow, as teacher of Dance and English.<br />

In these roles, and particularly through Dance, Julia has been instrumental<br />

in providing manyopportunities forstudents. Through her ownsignificant<br />

talents in this area, staff and students have had the benefit of her<br />

choreographing skills foravarietyand number of presentations; while Green<br />

House students have enjoyed and appreciated her vitality and enthusiasm<br />

in her role as Green House Staff Leader. Julia has certainly involved herself<br />

well in the lifeand work of the College.<br />

Information<br />

Homestay Families Being Soughtfor<br />

International Students<br />

Within College’s international studentprogramme, weare delighted<br />

to be welcoming students back to College,and to <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

As aresult we arenow able to increase our HomestayFamily numbers.<br />

Placements can be forafew weeks,afew months,orlonger -<br />

we work around whatworks best foryou.<br />

Generally thereisonly one studentinthe home<br />

but thereare occasions when twostudents wish to be in ahometogether.<br />

Although our focus is on 2023,<br />

we mayalso need homestayfamilies in Term 4.<br />

Aweekly paymentismade forthese placements.<br />

If youthink thatyou would be able to welcome astudentintoyour home,<br />

and/or want to findout more information<br />

please contactour International Department personnel:<br />

Michelle Hosking (Director) – hg@ashcoll.school.nz; or<br />

Tania Rule (Administration) – rl@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Michelle or Tania can arrange to talk or meet with you.<br />

Many families have made life-long connections<br />

with the students theyhavehosted.<br />

If youthink youmay be interested we would love to hearfrom you.<br />

Events<br />

Cultural Language Weeks held at<br />

College during August<br />

Informationprovided byLucas Vainerere, Head of Cultural Committee<br />

InthemonthofAugust,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegehostedtwolanguageweeksto<br />

celebrate the culture and language of the Cook Islands and the<br />

Philippines.<br />

Cook IslandsLanguage Week took placefrom<br />

Sunday31July-Saturday06August<br />

Located inthe South Pacific Ocean, the Cook Islands is aself-governing<br />

country that comprises fifteen different islands. With atotal population of<br />

approximately 17,500 people, the primary language of the Cook Islands is<br />

Cook Islands Māori. More commonly referred to as Te Epetoma oTeReo Kuki<br />

Airani.<br />

At <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, wecelebrated this week by hosting small-scale<br />

events suchasquizzes, cultural dress-upsand danceperformances.<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Thegroup who<br />

performed to the<br />

students in Te<br />

WhareManaaki.<br />

(Back row, left to right): Ngahuia Maeva, Christine Tomokino,<br />

Naupara Strickland, Lucas Vainerere, Jasmine Matangaro, Rere Strickland,<br />

Jacob Olsen (TeWhareManaakistudent).<br />

(Front row,lefttoright): Mina Mataiti, Stacey Cooper,MereApaipo.<br />

The week opened by the raising of the Cook Islands flag on the flagpole,<br />

by one of our Cook Islands students.Thisevent is ceremonious and helped<br />

promotethe week ahead at the school.<br />

Events<br />

The following day, agroup of students travelled to different schools inour<br />

local community toperform. Some of the locations that they visited were<br />

Rising Stars Pre-school,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Borough School and Phoenix Pre-school.<br />

Many children enjoyed the presentation and joined in one of the activities<br />

called ‘UraPau’which translatesto‘drum dance.’<br />

On the Wednesday and Thursday ofthat week, members of the Cultural<br />

Committee joined in with the festivities in afun interview with random<br />

students and teachers at break times. Each person was quizzed on their<br />

knowledge of the Cook Islands and the language.<br />

To conclude this week-long celebration, all of our Cook Island students<br />

dressed up into their cultural attirecalled ‘Tav.’ This marked the end of Cook<br />

Islands Language Week.<br />

(Pictured above): With their Language Week sign.<br />

(Back row, left toright): Ngahuia Maeva (Cultural Committee member),<br />

Naupara Strickland, Lucas Vainerere (Cultural Committee Head),<br />

Jasmine Matangaro.<br />

(Front row, left toright): Mina Mataiti, Rere Strckland, Christine Tomokino,<br />

Mere Apaipo.<br />

Filipino Language Week<br />

Also celebrated in August was a new initiative introduced by the<br />

Cultural Committee this year,was FilipinoLanguage Week.<br />

The idea was brought about due to alack of cultural recognition for one<br />

of our growing ethnicities within <strong>Ashburton</strong>. The <strong>Ashburton</strong> District has<br />

become hometoagrowingFilipinocommunity, with many students at our<br />

school identifyingwiththis particular demographic.<br />

Thedatethatwas setfor this week wascarefully chosen in regards to other<br />

language weeks that were happening this term, but also an appropriate<br />

time forthe celebration.<br />

KnownasBuwan ng Wika (NationalLanguageMonth) in the Philippines,the<br />

month-long celebration aimstoupholdthe language of thePhilippines and<br />

is held annually in the month of August.<br />

The Cultural Committee agreed that the last full week of August would be<br />

asuitable time period forFilipinoLanguageWeek andagrand celebration.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College celebrated FilipinoWeekfrom<br />

Tuesday 23 August-Friday26August.<br />

The week officially began on Tuesday because ofthe Teacher-Only-Day on<br />

the Monday. Year 13 Filipino student Glena Pradowas giventhe opportunity<br />

to raise the flag at morning interval to kick off the week.The flagbears great<br />

cultural significanceand pride to our Filipino students.<br />

As this is the first time forthe newinitiativeat<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College, many studentsturnedout<br />

to see theflag beingraised.<br />

(Pictured right, left toright): At the raising of<br />

the flag are Lucas Vainerere, Glena Prado and<br />

Ngahuia Maeva.<br />

The following day, traditional games were<br />

set up on the chessboard for students to<br />

participate in. For many Filipino students, it<br />

wasverynostalgic and allowedthem to reflect<br />

on their childhoods when they grew up in the<br />

Philippines. Itwas amazing to see how many<br />

studentsturned up in supportofthis event.<br />

(Pictured left): The<br />

game of Chinese<br />

Garter,with Dean/<br />

Teacher<br />

Jason Vannini being<br />

put through the<br />

paces.<br />

Filipino students, Ionnie Ranay and Julianna Apoldo, worked together to<br />

organise agroup of interested students who could perform some of their<br />

traditional dances. These students performed on Thursday 25August at<br />

local schools and pre-schools,and were featured in the newspaper.<br />

At the end of the week, some of our Filipino students came to school<br />

dressed in their cultural<br />

attire. Forthe boys,this was<br />

a patterned, long-sleeved<br />

shirt called a‘barong,’ and<br />

for girls, atraditional dress<br />

called ‘baro'tsaya.’<br />

(Pictured right): Thegroup<br />

of students pictured in<br />

their cultural attire.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 32<br />

<strong>29</strong> <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

(Pictured right): Aleck Ricamor<br />

with her wonderfully presented<br />

artwork.<br />

Lucas said that, overall, the month<br />

of August was very successful in<br />

regards to the celebrations of the<br />

twolanguage weeks.<br />

He concluded by saying that<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College is proud to<br />

represent its indigenous cultures<br />

and works towards displaying<br />

them throughout the academic<br />

school year.<br />

Events<br />

OutdoorEducation Trips<br />

While recently, inour newsletters, wehave been busy focusing on<br />

sports exchangesandWinterSportsTournamentWeek; many curricular<br />

activities have also been taking place. Two of these were the tramping<br />

tripsfor Year 11 and 12 OutdoorEducation classes. OutdoorEducation<br />

teacher Luke Martin summarisesthesetwo trips.<br />

Year 12 Hike to Mt Somers<br />

The Year 12 Outdoor Education class went on their second-to-last trip<br />

of the year from 15-18 August. This trip was originally scheduled for the<br />

St JamesTrail,Lewis Pass,for the three days;but the adverse weatheratthat<br />

time meantthe loop aroundMtSomerswas thesafer option.Thisareaalso<br />

providedgreateroptions to get out if need be.<br />

With the weather forecast predicting rain for all three days, Luke said they<br />

didn’t have high expectationsfor some nice weather.However,onceagain,<br />

thegroup hit the jackpot andthe rain heldoffuntil the last day.<br />

The first two days saw plenty of snow and made for some fun walking<br />

through, not knowing whateach step would bring –with theoptions being<br />

ankle-deep, knee-deep or waist-deep snow. This was very much the case<br />

between Pinnacles and WoolshedCreek Huts.<br />

(Lefttoright):<br />

Luke Martin (Teacher),<br />

Mason Bird,<br />

Danielle Faichnie,<br />

Chloe Rutledge,<br />

VinceCabading,<br />

KaiwhaikiPeetitumango,<br />

Simon Moore.<br />

Staying in the huts gave everybody the chance torest up and enjoy afew<br />

cardgames while the firedid its job keeping us warm.<br />

It wasgreat to see all students improvetheir hiking skills over the three days<br />

and taking on board advice from each other, aswell as learning from their<br />

ownmistakes.<br />

(Pictured right, leftand right):<br />

Taking arest aftersome<br />

tough snowwalkingare<br />

VinceCabading and<br />

Simon Moore.<br />

Year 11 OutdoorEducation Hike to Mt Thomas<br />

The Year 11 Outdoor Education class also had their second-to-last trip of<br />

the year, for two days on25and 26 August.This was ahike up and down<br />

Mt Thomas, inthe Mt Thomas Forest Conservation Area, to be followed by<br />

camping at the Wooded Gully campground.<br />

On arrivalitwas asurprise to see the campground closed due to the amount<br />

of rain in the weeks previous. However, Luke said, aquick phone call and<br />

all was sorted for them to camp at Ashley Gorge, which he described as a<br />

beautiful spot,eveninthe rain.<br />

Theclass wasfortunatetododge the rain on the hike,but not so much the<br />

cold or the dull grey skies which led to some non-existentviewsatthe top!<br />

Luke noted that the class has worked well all year as agroup and this trip<br />

wasnodifferent,with students looking out foreach other and helping when<br />

needed.<br />

Once arriving at the campsite, it was tent set-up and dinner preparation<br />

time. Bythis stage the rain was just starting, sogetting the tents upwas<br />

priority. Theclass showedthey were seasoned ‘pros’ and tentswentupwith<br />

no issues.<br />

That night, with the heavy rain, it was certainly chilling out in their tents,<br />

and several students opted forthe indoor area to playsome cards.However,<br />

by morning, the rain was nearly moving away.The tents had survived, and<br />

none of the students complained about getting wet.<br />

Events<br />

(Pictured above): Studentsatthe top.<br />

(Back row, left toright): Katie Ashworth, Sienna Skilling, Gracie Trotter,<br />

Jack Bull, Zac Douglas, Elliott Ward, Charlie Scammell, Noah Curwood,<br />

Sean McArthur,DaveWalkerand Teacher Luke Martin.<br />

(Middle row, left to right): E-J Elliott, Hannah Joyce, Melissa Watson,<br />

Hayley Smith,Keagan Nel, Will Watson, JoshPitney.<br />

(Front row, lefttoright): ZoeCribb,IzzyHarris.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Podium Placings in Aoraki Secondary<br />

Schools’Mountain BikeChampionships<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College had fiveriders at thisevent,heldatHerbert Forest<br />

nearOamaruonSaturday17<strong>September</strong>.<br />

Team members were: Keagan Nel, Oli Nicholls, Gracie Trotter, Riley Trotter,<br />

Sebvan Rooyen;with Tabitha Armour as Coach/Manager.<br />

Tabitha said that the day was split, with the Cross-Country event in the<br />

morning and the Enduro inthe afternoon. Riders from thirteen schools<br />

participated, with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College gaining podium placings inboth<br />

events.<br />

Modern Cross-Country<br />

Unlike downhill or enduro racing, modern Olympic cross-country racing<br />

(often known as XCO) is amass start event, where riders complete laps of<br />

atrack.This is perfect for spectators as they get to see the riders multiple<br />

times.<br />

Atypical cross-country race track will usually consist of some climbing,<br />

descendingand flatter singletrack sections.Lap length willvaryfromrace to<br />

race,but 4to5km per lap is fairly common.Each race will have aset number<br />

of laps and first across the line wins.The number of laps completed depend<br />

on age and experience.<br />

Enduro<br />

Enduro races are made up of multiple downhill stages, which are timed to<br />

generate the event’sresult,while the uphillsare ‘liaisons’. Here,riders have<br />

to reach the start ofthe next stage within atime limitbut,providingarider<br />

meetsthattime limit,the actual time doesn’tcontributetothe final result.<br />

The fine set of results were –<br />

Cross-Country:<br />

College hadtwo riders in the Cross-Country, with greateffortsand outcomes<br />

by Keagan Nel andSeb vanRooyen.<br />

Under 17 Boys’Grade:<br />

Keagan Nel –2nd placed;<br />

Sebvan Rooyen -4th placed.<br />

(Pictured right,leftand right):<br />

Keagan Nel and<br />

Sebvan Rooyen, afterthe<br />

Cross-Country.<br />

Enduro<br />

After lunch Seb got back on the bike for the Enduro and was joined by Oli<br />

Nicholls in the Under 17 Boys’category; Gracie Trotter (Under 17 Girls), and<br />

RileyTrotter (Under 15 Boys).<br />

Theriders tackledthree downhill tracksand produced somegreat results.<br />

Under 17 Boys Oli Nicholls – 1st placed,<br />

Sebvan Rooyen – 4th placed.<br />

In this eventOli registered the fastest timeofthe day.<br />

Under17Girls Gracie Trotter – 1st placed.<br />

Under 15 Boys RileyTrotter – 9th placed.<br />

(Pictured above, left toright): Oli Nicholls, Riley Trotter, Gracie Trotter and<br />

Sebvan Rooyen abouttostartthe Enduro event.<br />

Congratulations<br />

E-sports Team AchievedNationals Status<br />

Twoafter-schoolCollege esportsteams have justfinishedthisseason’s<br />

regional competition, with the Phoenix team members advancing to<br />

the National Final.<br />

Through the season the teams played inthe NZ HSESL (New Zealand<br />

High School esports League). This was a nationwide competition<br />

thatfeatured gametitlessuch as LeagueofLegends(which is whatwehad<br />

ateam enteredfor), RocketLeagueand Valorant.<br />

The country isdivided into regions, with College competing in the South<br />

Islandregion, while the NorthIsland wassplit into Auckland andWellington<br />

regions.<br />

All regions had two divisions, with College’s Phoenix team being put into<br />

Division 1. This was the format for pool play, through which each team<br />

played each other twice before the top four teams from each pool moved<br />

on to aregional finals format.<br />

Each region and division had approximately eight teams per pool, just like<br />

in theSouth Island.<br />

Team members were -<br />

Team Phoenix members, with their roles: Henry Wallis (top), Jade Jung<br />

(Captain, jungle), Matthew Wong (mid), Jordan Green (adc), Hamish Lyth<br />

(support).<br />

Team Ad Victoriam members with their roles: Neiv Sol (top),<br />

Conor Rogers (jungle), Conner Stewart(mid), Adam Goudie (adc),Ron Naui<br />

(Captain, support), Lucas Wong (sub), Ryan Heal(sub).<br />

Team Phoenix went unbeateninPoolPlayand finishedtop ofPoolA.They<br />

competedagainst twoBurnsideHigh School teams, Wakatipu High School,<br />

RoncalliCollegeand Ao TawhitiUnlimitedDiscoverySchool (Christchurch).<br />

Team Ad Victoriam finished fourth in Pool B.<br />

Teacher and Coach TomKitchen said that both advanced to the Regional<br />

Finals where they came upagainst each other inthe first match! Phoenix<br />

wastop seed coming out of the group stageand Ad Victoriam bottom seed.<br />

Phoenixwon the gameconvincinglytomoveontothe next round,while Ad<br />

Victoriam were then knockedout of the competition.<br />

South Island Second Overall<br />

Phoenix played another game against Burnside High School who they lost<br />

to, meaning they finished second overall in the South Island. This meant<br />

they were South Island’s second seed when they competed in Nationals<br />

earlierthis month.<br />

Nationals<br />

Phoenix played against Tauranga Boys’ College in the first round of the<br />

National Finals and were narrowly beaten2-1 in abest of 3games.<br />

Thenationalfinals arestill ongoing, with the grand finalbeing playedlivein<br />

Auckland at the SkyCityesports Arenafrom07-09 October.<br />

Tomsaid that it is worth noting that the Burnside High School team that<br />

finishedtop of the South Islandmade it all the waytothefinals.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

<strong>September</strong><br />

25-01 Oct Tuvalu Language Week<br />

<strong>29</strong> Non-UniformDay:Purple ShirtDay,tosupportMentalHealth<br />

Dodgeball –Staff vs Students<br />

Year 12 GeographyResearch, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Year 13 Classics Field Trip, University ofCanterbury, Teece Museum<br />

trip,Christchurch<br />

30 Lincoln UniversityCourse Planning<br />

End of Term Three<br />

30-16 StudentHolidaybreak<br />

October<br />

01-03 National Schools’Road Cycling,Fielding<br />

02 SmallboreInterschools Shoot,Rangiora<br />

02-08 Fijian Language Week<br />

03-08 New Zealand SecondarySchools’Basketball ‘A’National<br />

Championships,Palmerston North<br />

11-12 South Island and National Cycling Track Championships,Invercargill<br />

13-16 National Schools MTBChampionships,Bluff<br />

17 First dayofTermFour<br />

16-22 Niue Language Week<br />

20 Final School Assembly,Chessboard<br />

21 Chess –Staff vs StudentExecutive, Chessboard<br />

Winning House assembly,Auditorium<br />

23-<strong>29</strong> Tokelau Language Week<br />

24 Labour DayPublic Holiday<br />

<strong>2022</strong> End-of-Year Final Days,Prize-Givings,Events<br />

Parents, caregivers,family/whānau,friends and interested community<br />

members aremost welcome at the Awards Ceremonyand Prize-givings.<br />

October<br />

31 Year 13 final day. Students finish at 1:20pm.<br />

Year 13 Graduation Ceremony, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre, 7:30pm.<br />

November<br />

03 Year 12 final day. Students finish at 1:20pm.<br />

Year 11 final day. Students finish at 3:05pm.<br />

Year 11 and 12 Prize-Giving (Combined),<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre, 7:00pm.<br />

December<br />

04 Leavers’GraduationDinner,Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, arrive at 6:30pm,<br />

seatedat7:00pm.<br />

Tbc Year 9and 10 Prize-Giving dates and times.



5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Savethe date:Lightsfestival is back<br />

Putaring around Friday 2December<br />

on your calendar, it’s the night<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Christmas tree will be<br />

officiallylit up.<br />

Council has begun preparing for the<br />

annual Nights ofLights Festival, which<br />

begins with Light Up The Night on 2<br />

December. The Christmas tree will again<br />

be positioned on the East Street green<br />

oppositeBurnett Street and be able to be<br />

enjoyedbyall those in the central business<br />

area throughoutthe festiveseason.<br />

The Christmas festival will also include a<br />

movie night on Saturday 17 December and<br />

buskersinthe CBD on Friday23December<br />

andSaturday 24 December.<br />

CommunityServicesGroupManagerSteve<br />

Fabishsaid it would be Council’ssixth year<br />

running the event and itwas great tobe<br />

planning alarge community celebration<br />

without the worryofCovid-19 restrictions.<br />

“Light Up the Night will be all about<br />

connecting asacommunity, with lots of<br />

entertainment and Christmas carols. We<br />

are looking forward toour rejuvenated<br />

CBDreally being afestiveand welcoming<br />

placethis Christmas.”<br />

Council staff are also working towards<br />

the first citizenship ceremonies that will<br />

happen in the post-covid traffic light<br />

environment.<br />

Mr Fabish said ceremonies were planned<br />

to take place at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Event<br />

Centre on12October and 6December,<br />

and invitations had been sent out to 30<br />

newcitizensfrom<strong>2022</strong> and to peoplewho<br />

did notattend aceremony in 2021.<br />

“The Department of Internal Affairs<br />

removedthe requirement fornew citizens<br />

to attend ceremonies during Covid-19,<br />

and as aresult147 people did notattend<br />

aceremony. Many were disappointed at<br />

being unabletoattend so the events team<br />

has invited themtoo.<br />

“They already have their certificate of<br />

citizenship but will be presented with a<br />

gift from themayor welcoming them as a<br />

citizen.<br />

“We’re really looking forward toseeing<br />

Hamish Riach -Chief Executive<br />

Tracking our voterturnout<br />

The countdownisonfor our local<br />

electionsand judging by early<br />

voting trends, the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District is on track foranother<br />

good voterturnout.<br />

At 4.30pm on Tuesday,the district<br />

wasshowing18.45 per cent of eligible<br />

voters had returned their papersby<br />

post, slightly less thatin2019when the<br />

eventual turnout was55.4 per cent –<br />

thatcompared to anationalturnout of<br />

42 per cent thatyear.<br />

It is good to seepeople arekeen<br />

to haveasay in electing those to<br />

represent their voiceindecisions for<br />

our community.<br />

Councilsand community boards have<br />

acritical role to playinsupportingthe<br />

resilience, lifestyle and prosperity of<br />

our district, so getout thereand vote,<br />

pack and post.<br />

Daily voting returns arebeingadvised<br />

by Electionz.comand theseare<br />

votesthathavebeen returnedby<br />

postfor processing in Christchurch.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s Christmas tree will be on the East Streetgreen again thisyear, andwill<br />

come alivewith lights and colour on Friday2December.<br />

If youintendtovotebypostyou<br />

need to do so no laterthan Tuesday<br />

4October-thatleavestimefor the<br />

orangeenvelopes to be collected from<br />

postboxesand sent to the processing<br />

centre.<br />

Youcan also handdeliver your voting<br />

paperstoCouncil by thedeadline of<br />

noon on Saturday 8October.<br />

We have special orangeballotbins at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Public Library, Council’s<br />

offices on BaringSquareWestand the<br />

Mt HuttMemorial HallinMethven,<br />

and all three facilities will be open on<br />

the lastday of voting, up to thenoon<br />

deadline.<br />

If youhaven’t yetreceivedyour<br />

papers, youmay be able to cast a<br />

specialvoteatCouncil’s<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

offices –the details areall on Council’s<br />

voteashburton.nzwebsite, along with<br />

informationabout the candidates.<br />

Another important process thatis<br />

connected to the localelections is the<br />

formationofour 12 local reserve and<br />

hall boards, and youcan expecttohear<br />

everyone as this is an exciting, and<br />

often emotional, step in their journey to<br />

becomingKiwis.”<br />

Another large group event will be the<br />

annual apprenticeship ceremony in<br />

November. This recognises members of<br />

our community who have successfully<br />

completed anapprenticeship in the past<br />

year.<br />

Mr Fabishsaid Councilwas also pleased to<br />

be attending other big community events,<br />

including as an exhibitoratthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A&P Show on28and <strong>29</strong> October.<br />

more from<br />

Council about<br />

this soon.<br />

We areone of afew councils that<br />

operatesthese boards, andwhile<br />

they don’t have the sameprofile as<br />

aCouncil or community board, they<br />

arehugely important to our green<br />

spaces andcommunity hallsinlocal<br />

communities.<br />

The12boardswehaveare made up of<br />

volunteerswith apassion forhelping<br />

their communities, and theyrun local<br />

domains andreserves, and local halls,<br />

andtheyplay amajorrole connecting<br />

with Council to keep those facilities<br />

going.<br />

Theboardsare disbandedbefore<br />

localelections everythree years, then<br />

membersare re-elected foranother<br />

three-year cycleoncethe newCouncil<br />

hasbeen sworn in.<br />

So keep an eyeout forboardswhen<br />

they advertise their triennial election<br />

meetings and consider whatyou could<br />

do to help.<br />

Thursday,<strong>29</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 98<br />

Time running<br />

outtovotein<br />

local election<br />

If you’re planningtovotebypostin<br />

the local elections, you have only a<br />

few days left to get your envelope<br />

in apost box so it can bedelivered<br />

before the voting deadline ofnoon<br />

on Saturday 8October.<br />

Voters are being asked to post their<br />

voting papers nolater than Tuesday 4<br />

October. Voting papers need time tobe<br />

collected from postboxesand delivered to<br />

Christchurch, wheretheywill be processed<br />

by Electionz.com.<br />

After 4October, you can still deliver your<br />

voting paperstoone of thedistrict’sballot<br />

boxes –located atthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public<br />

Library, atthe Mt Hutt Memorial Hall in<br />

Methven and at Council’s Baring Square<br />

West offices in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. These orange<br />

ballot bins can be accessed during each<br />

facility’s opening hours, and all three will<br />

be open up until noon on the last day of<br />

voting, Saturday 8October.<br />

If your papers don’t arrive, are damaged<br />

or youforgottoenrol to vote,you may be<br />

abletocast aspecial vote.<br />

You need to be on the electoral roll to<br />

requestaspecialvoteandyou candothis<br />

by visiting vote.nz, or call 0800 36 76 56, or<br />

freetext your name and address to 3676.<br />

Youwill need to cast your special vote at<br />

Council's offices. See our voteashburton.<br />

nz website for more information about<br />

special votes.<br />

These news pagesare<br />

createdand suppliedbythe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council.<br />

Formoreinformationand the<br />

latest news,visitour website<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/news<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>29</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 98<br />


Newrules helpprotect sensitivelakeareas<br />

Action to protect sensitive areas at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes is under way,<br />

with recreational driving in 4WDs<br />

and ATVs now prohibited on the<br />

southern boundaryofLake Camp.<br />

Campingisalsoprohibitedonthesouthern<br />

boundary.<br />

Complianceand Strategy Group Manager<br />

Jane Donaldson said signs advising ofthe<br />

bans were going up in the area,which was<br />

well used by visitors andLakeClearwater<br />

hut-holders.<br />

“This isthe first action to come out of<br />

the Lakes Camp and Clearwater 30-year<br />

development plan, which was adopted<br />

by Council this month and developed<br />

after somequality submissions fromhutholdersand<br />

otherswho use the area.<br />

“We receive frequent reports, often with<br />

photographic evidence, of people in 4WDs<br />

driving through mud on the fringes of Lake<br />

Camp’s southern boundary and causing<br />

damage tothe land, and the flora and<br />

fauna thatlivethere.<br />

“Bothlakes arepart of averyspecial area<br />

andweneededrulestoprotect it from the<br />

damaging behaviour of some.”<br />

Council is working with Environment<br />

Canterbury, the Department of<br />

Conservation, takata whenua,hut-holders<br />

andotherinterestgroups to manage and<br />

improvethe area forfuture generations.<br />

There are concerns about water quality<br />

in Lake Clearwater and long-drop toilets<br />

Council isasking for feedback ona<br />

draft alfresco dining policy, which<br />

looks at the use ofpublic footpaths<br />

foroutsidedining.<br />

Strategy andCompliance Group Manager<br />

JaneDonaldson saidthe policywas about<br />

creating vibrant places forthe community<br />

and local businesses to enjoy outdoor<br />

dining.<br />

“It’salsoabout makingsureour footpaths<br />

are safe and easy to use for pedestrians<br />

and people parkingnearby.<br />

“The changes are fairly minor, however<br />

Abrochurefor visitors willoutline the protections in placefor the lakes area.<br />

at the huts have already been removed<br />

to exclude them as asource of water<br />

pollution.<br />

Council is producing abrochure that will<br />

be available in paper form and online,<br />

advising visitors ofthe new rules. It also<br />

points out that dogs are not allowed,<br />

where public toilets are located, where<br />

campingiswelcome andways to deal with<br />

rubbish andrecycling.<br />

Ms Donaldson said the brochure was<br />

aimed at day-trippers, campers and other<br />

visitors, and Council would be working<br />

with hut-holders separately on ways they<br />

could help biodiversity in the area.<br />

Localartists nab spots on Chorus calendar<br />

Artwork on two <strong>Ashburton</strong> Chorus<br />

boxes has made itinto the national<br />

Chorus calendar for 2023, much to<br />

the delight of our localartists.<br />

January features Kiwis Can Fly, by<br />

GeorgetteThomas,which she painted on<br />

aChorus box onSeafield Road, near the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport.<br />

During World War II, the airport was a<br />

training base and housed up to 50 Tiger<br />

Moth planes. The artwork shows aTiger<br />

Moth soaring above apatchwork of green<br />

Mid Canterbury fields.<br />

<strong>September</strong> features the Human Seasons,<br />

by Amalia Worsfold. This Chorus box<br />

is on Bremners Road, and shows the<br />

progression of agethrough four seasons.<br />

The two were among 12 designs chosen<br />

forthe popularcalendar;the 2023 edition<br />

willbegivenawayto industry, government<br />

and local government stakeholders. The<br />

we’re looking at introducing zones with<br />

different levels of requirements which<br />

means some businesses that currently<br />

have tables on the footpathmight need to<br />

apply foralicenceinthe future.”<br />

Ms Donaldson says the introduction of<br />

zones would help ensure that the use of<br />

public footpaths wasconsistent acrossthe<br />

district and accessibility for pedestrians<br />

wasprotected.<br />

Thedraftpolicyisoutnowforconsultation,<br />

with documents and submission forms<br />

on Council’swebsiteand also available in<br />

paper form.<br />

artwork will also be made into jigsaw<br />

puzzles.<br />

The artists also supplied information<br />

about themselves, tofeature atthe back<br />

of the calendar thatshowcases their work.<br />

Changesplanned to outdoor dining policy<br />

Ms Donaldson said the Council had also<br />

clarified andupdatedsomesectionsofthe<br />

old policy, including the wording around<br />

smokefree areas to specifically include<br />

vapingand e-cigarettes.<br />

“Italso clarifies ownership,likewho owns<br />

thefootpaths and whoownsstructures on<br />

afootpath, likeawindbreak.<br />

“We are contacting relevant restaurants<br />

andcafes across thedistrict to make sure<br />

they know about the draft policy and<br />

proposedchanges.”<br />

Submissions close on Sunday 23 October.<br />




Waka Kotahi hasadvised thatthe railway<br />

section of Walnut Avenue, between<br />

Westand EastStreets,willbeclosedto<br />

traffic for seven weeksuntilSunday13<br />

November.<br />

Apedestrian crossingwill operateatthe<br />

site on schooldays from 8amuntil5pm,<br />

butoutsidethosetimes pedestrians<br />

will need to use the rail footbridge<br />

about600m southofthework area.The<br />

pedestriancrossingatWalnut Avenue<br />

will notoperateduring schoolholidays,<br />

3-14 October.<br />

Forthe duration of the seven-week<br />

closure, atemporarypedestrian refuge<br />

will be in placeoppositethe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

ArtGalleryandMuseumtoassistcrossing<br />

State Highway 1.<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council givespublic<br />

notice of aproposaltotemporarilyclose<br />

roadstoordinaryvehicle traffic to enable<br />

theholdingofacommunityevent–Light<br />

up theNight Christmas Event.<br />

Roadsproposed to be closed:<br />

• EAST STREET,fromMooreStreet<br />

to Havelock Street<br />

• TANCRED STREET,fromEast<br />

StreettoCass Street<br />

• BURNETT STREET,fromEast<br />

StreettoCass Street<br />

Period of Closure: From 1.00pm until<br />

12.00am on FRIDAY, 02 December <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Anypersonobjecting to theproposal<br />

shouldlodgenoticeoftheir objection<br />

and the grounds fortheir objectionin<br />

writing by post or emailtotheCouncil,<br />

5Baring SquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong>by<br />

4.00PM on FRIDAY,14October <strong>2022</strong><br />


GroupManager InfrastructureServices<br />




Thereisno changetokerbsiderubbish<br />

and recycling collectionsonMonday 24<br />

October and the kerbsidecollection will<br />

take placeasusual.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>Resource Recovery<br />

Park will be open from9am until5pm,<br />

but the Rakaia Resource Recovery Park<br />

willbeclosed.<br />

Please useyour windstrap, no matter the<br />

weather!<br />



Meetings areheld in theCouncil<br />

Chambers, 137 Havelock Street,<br />

(unless otherwise advised).<br />

Council Meeting -Wednesday 5<br />

October,1pm (live-streamed)<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon,Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>29</strong><strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 98<br />


NEWS<br />

16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rangitata Huts to celebrate 125 years<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rangitata Huts north is holding a<br />

reunion to celebrate 125 years of the<br />

classic Kiwi bach holiday.<br />

Athriving holiday destination for<br />

generations of locals, Rangitata Huts<br />

was originally afishing destination and<br />

early records show there were agroup of<br />

army huts on the site from 1891.<br />

Reunion committee members David<br />

Stewart and Shirley Falloon are<br />

curating abook about the history of the<br />

settlement called Rangitata<br />

Recollections.<br />

Shirley said she really enjoyed the<br />

process of making the book.<br />

‘‘My families association only goes<br />

back about five years, so it was agood<br />

way for me to get to know the history of<br />

the place. Dave's been amazing, every<br />

few days he would come around with<br />

photos or stories.’’<br />

David’s memories of the settlement go<br />

back alittle further being one of the<br />

oldest originals still in his own family<br />

bach and has been going there for 74<br />

years. ‘‘I was four years old when Ifirst<br />

went down there,’’ David said.<br />

‘‘When we first went down there there<br />

was no such thing as fridges, we had a<br />

terracotta pot in the ground, you’d put<br />

your milk in that filled with cold water<br />

to keep it cool.’’<br />

Shirley said she was attracted to the<br />

retro feeling when she bought her bach.<br />

‘‘When we first bought our place down<br />

there it reminded us of what New<br />

Zealand was like 40 or 50 years ago,<br />

simple but afantastic place to just<br />

relax.’’<br />

David said when they went to the huts<br />

for holidays, the mums and kids would<br />

stay there and the fathers would go back<br />

and forward to town for work, and come<br />

back every night.<br />

‘‘At one stage there would have been<br />

30­40 teenagers there, we used to have a<br />

great time,’’ he said.<br />

The settlement has afew annual<br />

traditions that hark back to simpler<br />

times like aNew Year’s Day sports day.<br />

‘‘It’s been going for many years,’’<br />

David said ‘‘We have raffles, free ice<br />

creams for the kids, there's running<br />

races, sack races, areal old style sports<br />

day.’’<br />

Shirley said having aholiday<br />

destination close to home is another<br />

attraction.<br />

‘‘It’s half an hour from <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

that's appealing these days with fuel<br />

costs to have alovely little spot by the<br />

sea that is close to home.’’<br />

The committee has held events to<br />

raise money for the reunion including<br />

an open day to give the public the<br />

chance to explore the huts and baches.<br />

On the day they hope to get as many<br />

people who were previous and current<br />

bach owners, but anyone is welcome to<br />

come along and enjoy the festivities.<br />

The celebration will be aday of fun<br />

and food with abuffet lunch, speeches,<br />

cake cutting, planting of atree, followed<br />

by aBBQ dinner and band.<br />

People wanting to take part in the<br />

celebration lunch or dinner are asked to<br />

register.<br />

The 125th Rangitata Huts (North)<br />

celebration is on November 12, for more<br />

information contact David on 021<br />

526232.<br />

Above: Photos showing fun and games<br />

at the Rangitata Huts from times past.<br />

Right: Shirley Falloon and David Stewart<br />

with asigned document from the 100<br />

year jubilee.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

17<br />

Breaking the cycle of ‘booklessness'<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Every adult remembers thejoy of getting<br />

apresent as achild ­the almost<br />

uncontainable excitement. Big or small,<br />

wanted ornot,the very idea of being given<br />

something invoked so much exhilaration.<br />

Those feelingswerealmost tangible at<br />

Hampstead School on Thursday as the<br />

pupils were held in assembly to receive<br />

boxes of books from Duffy Books.<br />

School principalClaudineCampbell<br />

said ‘‘Iloved the buzz of opening up our<br />

new box of books andhanding themout.It<br />

was like Christmas!’’<br />

As aparticipatingschoolinthe Duffy<br />

Books in Homes programme, Hampstead<br />

School pupilswereprovidedtwo books of<br />

their choosing. Having choice enables<br />

childrentoselect books suited to their<br />

reading ability that genuinelyappeal to<br />

Year 2and 3pupils from Hampstead School eagerly receive their Duffy Books.<br />

them, which increasesthe likelihoodof<br />

them voluntarilyengaging in reading.<br />

There arenocosts for the childrenor<br />

their families, and the books are theirsto<br />

keep.<br />

Theprogramme recievespartial<br />

funding from the Ministry ofEducation<br />

with most schoolsable to make up the rest<br />

of thecost through sponsorship.<br />

Pupils of participatingschools receive<br />

sixbooks peryear.<br />

‘‘Over theirtime at Hampstead School,<br />

that addsuptobequite acollection of<br />

books in each home,’’ said Mrs Campbell.<br />

‘‘This really helps fosteralove of reading<br />

and achance to share the reading<br />

experience as afamily.’’<br />

The DuffyBooksinHomes programme,<br />

founded by theAlan DuffCharitable<br />

Foundation, aimstoinspire alove for<br />

literature by ‘breaking the cycle of<br />

booklessness’.<br />

It was founded in 1993 after Alan Duff,<br />

author of theKiwi tale Once Were<br />

Warriors, visited Camberley School the<br />

previous year.<br />

Alan’s visit led him to discover there<br />

wasaconcerninglackofinterest for<br />

literature within the student population,<br />

anissue whichAlan credited to bookless<br />

households.<br />

He decided to provide theschool<br />

children with books to call their own.<br />

He hopedbybringing thebooks home,<br />

thechildren would also encourage other<br />

membersofthe household to read.<br />

Today more than 14 million books have<br />

been distributed throughout 500schools.<br />

CurrentlyHampstead Schoolisthe only<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> schoolthathas received<br />

sponsorship forthe Duffy Books in<br />

Homes programme.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Netherby Schoolare also<br />

looking forsponsorship to help them<br />

access the programme.<br />

Mrs Campbell said‘‘We aregratefulfor<br />

thesponsorship we have received from<br />

Mainfreight and previously Warehouse<br />

Stationery.<br />

‘‘It’s awonderful initiativethat we are<br />

very proud and grateful tobeapartof,’’<br />

shesaid.<br />

Up to 60% off<br />

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*Offervalidto11.10.22orwhilestockslast.Discountoffersapplytoselectedbedsandbeddingonly, pricesasmarked.OffersexcludeEverydayDreamprices,runouts,clearancestock(unlessotherwisestated)andnottobeusedinconjunctionwithanyotheroffer.Seein-storefordetails.Wereservetherighttocorrecterrorsandmisprintsandtochangeproductspecifications.Allproductsareadvertisedingoodfaithandwillbeavailable,exceptincircumstancesbeyondourcontrol.Productrangesvarybetweenstoresandsomeproductsareavailableinselectedstoresonly.

NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Mustering heritage saved<br />

Tips to staycybersafeonholiday<br />

With summer fast approaching it’s time to think<br />

about your next adventure!<br />

Enable the ‘Find My Device’ featureon<br />

your smartphone<br />

Being out of our normalroutines and in new places<br />

can makeiteasier to misplace your smartphone.So<br />

before you head away, enable the ‘Find My Device’<br />

feature onyour phone and on any other devices<br />

you’re taking withyou,suchastablets.<br />

It enablesyoutosigninto your accountonanother<br />

device (such as your laptop) tolocate your phone.<br />

It will make your phone ring even on silent soyou<br />

can hear it nearby, and will show you where itis<br />

on amap in case you’ve left itbehind somewhere.<br />

However, it only works with the featureswitched on.<br />

Make sureyou use 2FA<br />

2FA, or two-factorauthentication, is asimple safety<br />

trick you can add to your devices. Werecommend<br />

using itatall times, but especially so when you<br />

travel.<br />

This feature will ask for two factors when you log<br />

in to your accounts.This is especially important for<br />

banking, email, and social media. Of course, you<br />

should also include apin or fingerprint verification<br />

to unlockyour device in the firstplace.<br />

Setupand useaVPN<br />

AVPN is avirtual private network, and essentially<br />

allows you touse apublic network (such as hotel<br />

WiFi) as ifitwereamoresecure, private network.<br />

This is useful ifyou’ll beusing public networks at<br />

airports, cafes and accommodation, and can be<br />

especially helpful if you are logging into accounts<br />

thatcontain sensitiveinformation (such as banking<br />

and email).<br />

Turn off Bluetooth connectivityonyourdevices<br />

We oftenleave our Bluetoothconnectivityathome<br />

in order to playmusic,but it’s agood ideatoturnit<br />

off when you’re on holiday. In fact,it’salwaysbest to<br />

keep itoffwhen you’re not directly using it. That’s<br />

because Bluetooth can offer an easy gateway to<br />

access your devicefor hackers.<br />

Install and update virus protection on your<br />

devices<br />

Before you head away, make sure toinstall virus<br />

protection on your devices,orupdate your existing<br />

software. This will help to ensure everything isup<br />

to date,sothatyou’ll have somelevel of protection<br />

against spyware, adware, ransomware, viruses, and<br />

other malware. Malwarebytes is a good option<br />

for your devices, and even offers afree base level<br />

version.<br />

Need help?<br />

Call nowon0800 424 335!<br />

2500192<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Ahistoric musteringhut hashad a<br />

new leaseoflife and newhome<br />

thanks to the efforts of the Hakatere<br />

HeritageGroup.<br />

Since the mid 1800’s the hut was<br />

situated on the southernslopeofMt<br />

Catherine on DoubleHill Station<br />

and wasused by musterersfor over<br />

100 years.<br />

Projectorganiser David Howden<br />

saidthe hut could sleep eight<br />

musterers,and it wouldhave been<br />

fairly basiclivingparticularly<br />

during storms when the menwere<br />

forced to stay inside for daysonend.<br />

‘‘These eight men, during atwo<br />

weekmuster, theydidn'thave<br />

access to showers or anythinglike<br />

that, theonly thing wasacold creek<br />

­itwas roughliving,’’ David said.<br />

Thegrouphavekept and<br />

conserved everything they found<br />

includingold beercans, whisky<br />

bottles,rustybilly, andcups.<br />

‘‘Youmight think what's<br />

important about those items?’’<br />

David said, ‘‘you have to remember<br />

there was no entertainmentfor<br />

them, except ashot of whisky anda<br />

smoke.’’<br />

David saidthe hut was unique<br />

because it wasunmodified.<br />

‘‘There aremany musterershuts,<br />

but they haveall beenmodifiedover<br />

the years,this oneisunique.<br />

Because it was isolated and hadn't<br />

beenusedfor 60 years it wasinits<br />

original condition.’’<br />

Thehut wasused as amustering<br />

hut until the late1960’s when<br />

changesinhigh country pasturing<br />

started to take place andthe remote<br />

hut fell outofuse.<br />

TheHakatere Heritage Group<br />

started on therestoration project<br />

fouryears ago anddecided thebest<br />

way to restore the hutwas to move it<br />

to Mount Somers.<br />

David saidthe grouprescued the<br />

hut in the nick of timebecause‘‘it<br />

was about to be destroyed by the<br />

environment.’’<br />

Both theinside andoutside of the<br />

hut hasbeen restored, keepingas<br />

many originalfeaturesaspossible<br />

includingthe sackingbunks and<br />

furniture.‘‘We’vedoneour best to<br />

replicate and keep it how it was.’’<br />

This month the hutwas moved to<br />

its new home at theHakatere<br />

Heritagecomplex.<br />

David saidthe grouptook great<br />

caretoplace the hut in asituation<br />

thatreplicated its originalon<br />

Double HillStation.<br />

‘‘It is re­built on woodenpiles<br />

withadirtfloorand loose stone<br />

fireplace withoriginalstable, new<br />

Top: David Howden with the hut in its new location, Above: the hut being<br />

moved for restoration.<br />

sackingbunks and original pack<br />

horsefoodbox and billys.’’<br />

The hutwill be opentovisitors to<br />

experience the spartan living<br />

conditions of amusterer and a<br />

visual linktothe dayswhen sheep<br />

were theking of the high country.<br />

Thehut andheritagecomplex can<br />

be found on theway to Lake Camp/<br />

Clearwaterwhere thetarseal ends<br />

on the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Gorgeroad.<br />

Thereare heritagesignsinplace.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Plan for Mycoplasma bovis cull<br />

Eight cattle farms considered<br />

high­risk and close to Anzco’s<br />

Five Star Beef feedlot at<br />

Wakanui will have their herds<br />

culled as part of the latest plan<br />

to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis.<br />

For some it will be their second<br />

time.<br />

TheMycoplasma bovis<br />

(Mbovis) eradication<br />

programme is focusing on<br />

depopulation in thearea of the<br />

Wakanui feedlot and have put<br />

strict biosecurity measures in<br />

place for the surrounding area.<br />

As part of those measures a<br />

Controlled Area Notice (CAN)<br />

will be introduced, affecting 14<br />

cattlefarms in total; eight in the<br />

high­risk area and sixintheatrisk<br />

area.<br />

Threeofthe 14 are ownedby<br />

Anzco. Thefarms include a<br />

mixture of dairy and beef<br />

grazing, and beef drystock.<br />

Thosewithin the designated<br />

high­risk area will be<br />

depopulated by mid­January<br />

2023.<br />

Mbovis programme director<br />

Simon Andrew said nationwide<br />

testing showed Mbovis infection<br />

was isolated to asmall area in<br />

Mid Canterbury with infected<br />

properties, including the<br />

feedlot.<br />

‘‘We are working hard to<br />

investigate the exact<br />

transmission route, but at<br />

present that remains unclear.<br />

“Without aprecise<br />

understanding of why thisis<br />

happening, we need to take a<br />

differentapproach to protect<br />

cattleand farmers in the area.<br />

“We acknowledge therole<br />

localfarmers have played in<br />

helping us continue to better<br />

understand thesituation, and to<br />

bolster this, we are bringing in<br />

extra technicaladvice,” Mr<br />

Andrew said.<br />

“Although we are at the tailendofthis<br />

outbreak, it is<br />

possiblewemay find other<br />

infected properties in other<br />

partsofthe country in the future<br />

andsowemustremain vigilant<br />

andmaintain our nationwide<br />

surveillance programme.<br />

“We’ve come along wayfrom<br />

theheight of the programme<br />

when there was apeakof40<br />

confirmed properties across the<br />

country to the small number of<br />

farms now and farmers have<br />

madehugesacrifices.’’<br />

Mr Andrew said the<br />

programme was committed to<br />

hunting down the last remaining<br />

infection.<br />

Simon Andrew<br />

There has been 275 confirmed<br />

properties to­date, from the<br />

more than 30,000­plus farms in<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Mr Andrew said theMbovis<br />

Programme, alongside industry<br />

partners DairyNZ andBeef +<br />

Lamb NewZealand, would work<br />

with the feedlot's owners, Anzco,<br />

to start progressive<br />

depopulation of the property<br />

from October 13.<br />

There will also be around of<br />

testing and censusfor farms in<br />

the low­riskarea of the CAN.<br />

“The CAN steps up the<br />

already tight controls in the<br />

area as we think it’s important<br />

to take all possible steps to<br />

ensure this pocket of infection<br />

is contained and theprogressive<br />

depopulation of the feedlot<br />

Controlled Area Notice map.<br />

successful,” Mr Andrew said.<br />

“As part of theCAN,all<br />

properties with cattle in the<br />

high­risk area will be<br />

depopulated by mid­January<br />

2023, or earlier, followed by a<br />

stand downperiod of two to<br />

three monthstoallow these<br />

properties to be cleaned and<br />

disinfected.’’<br />

The programme partners<br />

would work closely with the<br />

small number of impacted<br />

farmers in thearea and<br />

compensation would be<br />

provided where required.<br />

“We know the CAN will be<br />

extremely challenging and<br />

disruptive for asmall number of<br />

farmers in thearea and we will<br />

support them through this<br />

process,” he said.<br />

“Since the start of the<br />

programme, Mbovis has<br />

predominantlyspread by<br />

animal movements and we ask<br />

farmers to continue keeping<br />

their NAIT recordsup­to­date to<br />

protect themselves and others.<br />

“It’s easy to getcomplacent,<br />

especially with lownumbers<br />

across the country, butnow is<br />

the time where we must be more<br />

cautious than ever andthat’s<br />

why we are takingthese prudent<br />

steps.<br />

“There has been no<br />

confirmed infection outside<br />

of mid­Canterbury since July<br />

2020,’’ he said.<br />

The Mycoplasma bovis<br />

EradicationProgramme<br />

began in May 2018 and is<br />

jointly funded by government<br />

(68%) and DairyNZ and Beef<br />

+Lamb New Zealand (32%).<br />

The cattle farms impacted<br />

by the CANinclude amixture<br />

of dairyand beef grazing, and<br />

beef drystock. Some cropping<br />

farms are located within the<br />

CANbut the impactis<br />

expected to be minimal as<br />

those properties do notfarm<br />

cattle.<br />

Key numbers:<br />

·Three current infected<br />

properties (275 since Mbovis<br />

was found)<br />

·Nearly 3million tests have<br />

been completed<br />

·$230 million has been paid<br />

out in 2780 claims<br />

·178,000 cows have been<br />

culled<br />

·Inthe past year less than 2<br />

per cent of farms with bulk<br />

milk tank detects have gone<br />

positive<br />

·The cost of the Programme,<br />

as at 30 June <strong>2022</strong>, is $588m.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


B+LNZNorthern South Island<br />

Farmer Council annual meeting will<br />

be held in Methven on October 19<br />

from 11am.It’s achance for farmers<br />

to get togetherfor alightlunch and<br />

hear an update on what the farmer<br />

council has planned for the region.<br />

Therewill also be guest speakers.<br />

Along with the Northern South<br />

IslandFarmer Council will be<br />

members of the B+LNZleadership<br />

team will touch on challenges and<br />

opportunities facing the region.<br />

Speakers will also be Join the<br />

Northern SouthIslandThose<br />

interested in attending can register<br />

onlinevia the Beef+LambNZ<br />

website.<br />


Harmony Energy New Zealand will<br />

develop asolar farm in the Waikato<br />

whichwill generate electricity to<br />

power 30,000 homes. The<br />

Environmental ProtectionAuthority<br />

(EPA)has approved Harmony’s<br />

proposalfor about 330,000solar<br />

panels to be installed on 182<br />

hectares of a260-hectare site at Te<br />

ArohaWest. The panels are<br />

expected to produce up to 147MW of<br />

power at peaktimes. All electricity<br />

will flow into the national grid for use<br />

by homes and businesses but the<br />

land will remain in the ownershipof<br />

Tauhei Farms Limited. They are set<br />

to graze sheep. Harmony Energy<br />

builds, owns andoperates wind,<br />

solar and battery energy storage<br />

assets. It hassuccessfully<br />

developed renewable projects<br />

across multiple technologies<br />

throughout the UK. Thecompany<br />

has along-standingrelationship with<br />

Tesla, which has provided state-ofthe-art<br />

battery systems for its UK<br />

sites.<br />


VisitorstoFieldaysatMystery<br />

Creek,near Hamilton will have the<br />

opportunity to learn about the<br />

forestry sector from morethan 40<br />

sector organisations and companies<br />

under one roof. Under the theme of<br />

‘Wood –our low-carbon future’, the<br />

Fieldays Forestry Hub will be a<br />

dedicated spacegiving visitors the<br />

chance to explore the many facets of<br />

the forestry and wood processing<br />

sector and how the sector has avital<br />

role in mitigating climate change.<br />

There will be engaging experiences<br />

on forestry growing,climate change,<br />

wood products, timber construction,<br />

biosecurity andbiodiversity. There<br />

will also be two forestry simulators.<br />

Tickets to Fieldays, from November<br />

30 to December3,are available at<br />

tickets.fieldays.co.nz/tickets/<br />

Vote<br />

RichardWilson<br />

for the EasternWard<br />

2514991<br />

Local knowledge<br />

Proven experience<br />

Effectivevoice<br />

2509888<br />

~Authorised by RichardWilson, Hinds Arundel Road

NEWS<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Mid Canterbury Vintage Machinery Clubmembers, from left, Don Kennedy,JohnTillick,<br />

John Hall,Don Wakelin and Darryl Nelsonahead of arural scenic route tripbyMassey<br />

Ferguson tractorconvoy from Wakanui to Lauriston. The menwere alsojoined by Tim<br />

Waller.<br />

Slow travels on scenic route<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Sometimes the joy of the<br />

journey is justasmuchfun as<br />

the destination.<br />

Sixmembers of theMid<br />

Canterbury Vintage<br />

MachineryClub took arural<br />

scenic route travelling from<br />

Wakanui Road,onthe<br />

outskirts of <strong>Ashburton</strong> to set<br />

up at the recent Massey<br />

Ferguson tributeday at<br />

Lauriston.<br />

Mid Canterbury Vintage<br />

MachineryClub members Don<br />

Kennedy, JohnTillick, John<br />

Hall, DonWakelin,Tim Waller<br />

andDarryl Nelson took the<br />

journeytoget to Lauriston.<br />

By avoiding downtown<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, the men, with a<br />

supplyoffoodand water, took<br />

acoupleofhours to travel the<br />

33kmtrip which would usually<br />

take 25 minutes by car.<br />

The mini­Massey convoy was<br />

photographed along<br />

Cochranes Road,not farfrom<br />

theirstarting point.<br />

At the tributeday,more than<br />

100 Massey Fergusontractors ­<br />

andimplements­wereparked<br />

up in afield of farmerAnthony<br />

Hampton, an avid fanofthe<br />

global brand.<br />

Amongthem wasDon<br />

Kennedy’s1957 greyand gold<br />

coloured Ferguson FE 35, a<br />

one­offmodelhepicked up for<br />

$400more than20years ago.<br />

‘‘They werebuiltin1957asa<br />

sort of one­off model, before<br />

theywenttothe redand grey,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Don Kennedy with his 1957 Ferguson FE 35.<br />

‘‘It wasthe end of the<br />

Ferguson era beforethey went<br />

to MasseyFerguson.’’<br />

Themodel still bearsthe<br />

Ferguson badge.<br />

‘‘Althoughthis particular<br />

model ­the FE 35 ­was<br />

painted red andgrey for two<br />

more years,’’ he said.<br />

Don, wholivedand worked<br />

on the Wardfarm at Newlands<br />

and then RainerIrrigation<br />

before retiringinto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, has hadthe tractor<br />

in his shedfor the past20<br />

years butonly worked on it<br />

recently.<br />

He thinks he couldbethe<br />

third owner.<br />

‘‘IfounditdowninPatearoa<br />

(Otago).<br />

‘‘Iused to go down there<br />

withmyworkand it was sitting<br />

in ayardonafarmdown there.<br />

Ilooked at it and got hold of<br />

the farmer that ownedand<br />

offeredhim $400.’’<br />

It was in need of abit of<br />

work.<br />

‘‘It wasn’tgoingwhenIgotit.<br />

It was reasonably tidyfor its<br />

age.Ithaddonequitealot of<br />

work.’’<br />

Don tookithome andjust<br />

did up the motor.<br />

It then sat foralong time; 18<br />

years to be specific.<br />

‘‘Last yearIhad abit of a<br />

pushonit, gotitgoing and got<br />

it painted,’’Don said.<br />

It was the firsttractor Don<br />

has owned that he wasnot<br />

allowed to have at home.<br />

‘‘Mywife (Valmai) had<br />

enoughoftractorsstored in<br />

the garageoronthe front<br />

lawn.’’<br />

So itwas storedelsewhere.<br />

The work itneededwas<br />

relativelystraight forwardin<br />

the endwithdented front<br />

grills andpanels which had<br />

beenused as abattering ram.<br />

It had newtyres,new cushion,<br />

apaintjob and the brakeshad<br />

beenrelined.<br />

Andstraightening up the<br />

hydraulic arms.<br />

It has aStandard Motor<br />

Company­made 23Cmotor<br />

with 2.3CC capacity.<br />

The rest of it is made by<br />

Ferguson Company, of<br />

Conventry, England.<br />

It’stop speed is 15mp/h.<br />

Don usesitfor fun days and<br />

displays,and to keephis hand<br />

in tinkering.<br />

‘‘It’s justahobby. It’salife<br />

long interest tractors and<br />

implements.<br />

Don said backinthe day<br />

every manand his dog hada<br />

Ferguson tractor.<br />

As a10­year­old,that was<br />

where his love of Fergusons<br />

stemmed.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Entriesfor the2023 New Zealand<br />

Dairy Industry Awards openthis<br />

weekendand organisers of the<br />

regional programmes are gathering<br />

in Rotorua for the annual<br />

conferencetolearn how to deliver<br />

over48events and numerous<br />

judging days.General manager<br />

Robin Congdonsaid the conference<br />

is an opportunity for themany<br />

volunteers fromaround the country<br />

to cometogether afterabusywinter<br />

season.<br />

“The conference will be abusy<br />

few days,ensuringeveryoneknows<br />

what’s required to deliver the<br />

dynamic programme andbring<br />

them up to speedonthis year’s<br />

changes madetothe ShareFarmer<br />

category judgingprocess,” he said.<br />

Entriesfor theNew Zealand Share<br />

Farmer ofthe Year, New Zealand<br />

Dairy Manager of the Year and New<br />

Zealand DairyTrainee of the Year<br />

categories willbeaccepted onlineat<br />

www.dairyindustryawards.co.nz<br />


Organisersofthe Ballance Farm<br />

Environment Awards are hoping a<br />

record numberoffarmers enterthe<br />

annual event. Entries for the eight<br />

categories are openuntilOctober<br />

15.The awards, runbythe New<br />

Zealand Farm Environment Trust,<br />

celebrate farmer andgrower<br />

achievementand showcase good<br />

practice as wellassharing positive<br />

growingand farming stories.<br />

New ZealandFarm Environment<br />

TrustChair Joannevan Polanen<br />

said not onlydid entrants value the<br />

attentionand positive feedback<br />

throughout,but those attendingthe<br />

awards functionsand the resulting<br />

winners’field dayswere grateful for<br />

the chance to connect with their<br />

peers andtobeable to hearothers’<br />

stories,she said.<br />

“It isn’t until you can’t, that you<br />

realise how importantitistoconnect<br />

withindustrypeers in asupportive<br />

and positive setting.”.<br />

Entries can be madeonline via<br />

nzfeawards.org.nz<br />


AsureQuality Ltd’s Black-Grass<br />

response and Manaaki Whenua -<br />

Landcare research’sweek<br />

biocontrol are among the finalists in<br />

the <strong>2022</strong> NewZealand Biosecurity<br />

Awards. Biosecurity NewZealand’s<br />

deputy director-general Stuart<br />

Andersonsaidthe awards judging<br />

panel said this year’s entries were<br />

the highest quality ever seen in the<br />

six years of the awards.<br />

Therewere close scores among<br />

the top applicationsinevery<br />

categoryand the finalists covered a<br />

hugerangeofAotearoa’s<br />

biosecurity challenges. New<br />

Zealand has one of the strongest<br />

multi-layeredbiosecurity systems in<br />

the world. It protects ourfood and<br />

fibre sector whereannual export<br />

revenue reachedmore than $53<br />

billion in the yearto30June<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The winners will be announced at<br />

an event in Auckland on October31.<br />






03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />


militaria and aviation<br />

extravaganza<br />

•Largestaviation<br />

andmilitarycollection<br />

in onedisplay<br />

•Fun family dayout,<br />

suitable forall ages.<br />

•Foodavailable<br />

Labour Weekend<br />

Saturday 22nd &Sunday 23rdoctober <strong>2022</strong><br />


The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum is recognised as one of the finest<br />

facilities of its type in Australasia, but nearly 50 years ago it was just a ‘‘pie<br />

in the sky’’ dream of a few local enthusiasts.<br />

The museum has a collection that includes a Hawker Harrier - one of<br />

its star exhibits, a Skyhawk, Vampire FB5, Harvard, Porterfield, Airtruk,<br />

Olympia, Flying Flea, Harrier GR3, Meteor, Zlin, Vampire T11, Link<br />

Trainer, Tiger Moth and DC3.<br />

It also has many new attractions including a control tower, an aeradio<br />

shed, and a flight simulator of an ATR72 series 500. Anyone keen on<br />

booking time in the simulator can contact the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />

Museum on 03 3086408.<br />

This event is being co-hosted by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum<br />

and MAG to help the Museum raise funds for a much needed<br />

display hanger. Come along and visit to view what is an outstanding<br />

collection of Military and Non Military Aircraft.<br />

The MAG display will see one of the largest presentations of military<br />

uniforms, weapons, and equipment ever assembled at one display,<br />

with dates in history ranging from the New Zealand Maori Wars<br />

through to Timor.<br />

So from all of us involved in getting this off the ground we welcome<br />

you to come and enjoy the Militaria and Aviation Extravaganza.<br />

Getupclose to a<br />

military vehicle<br />

anduniforms,<br />

weapons, aircraft,<br />

vintagecarsand<br />

living history.<br />

Full eventprogramme<br />

at www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />

387 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Open 9am to 4pm both days<br />

Adults $15 – Children $5 (15 and under).<br />

Family Pass $35 (2 adults, 2 children)<br />

www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />



Contactus<br />

Curtis: 021674 258<br />

Arnika: 027688 9910<br />

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2020HyundaiSanta Fe<br />

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2021Hyundai<br />

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balance of factory warranty,loads of space.<br />

$<br />

49,990<br />

2016ToyotaHilux SR5<br />

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reverse camera,1owner from new.<br />

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45,990<br />

2018IsuzuD-Max LX<br />

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40,990<br />

2019Holden<br />

2017Hyundai<br />

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2018Holden<br />

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2018Mazda CX-5 GSX<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />

Time out tour for wellbeing<br />

Matt Chisholm is headingto<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> to talk aboutmental<br />

wellbeing as part of his<br />

collaboration with Rural<br />

SupportTrust.<br />

Matthas signed on as an<br />

ambassador for the trust and is<br />

bringinghis ‘TimeOut Tour’ to<br />

the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>on<br />

October20.<br />

It is achance for rural<br />

communities to come together,<br />

connect with friends, whānau<br />

and neighbours, and take time<br />

out to listen to Matt speak<br />

about his talessofar.<br />

Fromthe ups and downs of<br />

addictionand wellness<br />

challenges, comes astory of<br />

adversity interwovenwith<br />

humour, moving moments and<br />

memorable lessons we can all<br />

learn from.<br />

Mattdescribes himself as “a<br />

very normal, very average<br />

bloke”, but it’s his engaging,<br />

warm and curiouspersonality<br />

which has stoodhimingood<br />

stead throughout his<br />

illustrious career in television<br />

journalism learningabout the<br />

stories of others.<br />

As his documentary series<br />

Man Enough and LikeaMan<br />

demonstrate, Mattisnot averse<br />

to delving into the deep issues<br />

of mentalwellbeing and<br />

navigating dark times.<br />

While familiartomanyfrom<br />

his work on screen, he is no<br />

strangertorural NewZealand,<br />

having grown up on the land<br />

and madethe return, along<br />

with his family,tohis rural<br />

roots in Otago.<br />

Matt’s love forthe country,<br />

coupled with apassionfor<br />

helping othersbeproactive<br />

abouttheir wellbeing, makes<br />

himagreat fit as an<br />

ambassador for the trust.<br />

He believes“sharing works”<br />

andthat tough times are<br />

normal andaffect all of us, but<br />

there is always away through.<br />

The Time Out Tour is away<br />

for Matt to help start those<br />

conversationsinaway that<br />

resonateswith rural<br />

communitiesand brings hope<br />

to those reaching out and<br />

reaching in.<br />

Matt will share the good, the<br />

bad, and the questionable<br />

experienceshe’s faced on his<br />

unpredictable journey to date,<br />

andthe little things he’s learnt<br />

alongthe way.<br />

The Time Out Tourbegan in<br />

Southland in June and, over<br />

thenext three years, willhead<br />

aroundthe countryin<br />

collaborationwith the<br />

fourteen independent Rural<br />

Support Trusts.<br />

The RuralSupport Trust<br />

(RST) is working alongside<br />

partnersANZ, BayleysReal<br />

Estate, BDO, Datamars<br />

Livestock, Fonterra, and<br />

Ministry for Primary<br />

Industries (MPI).<br />

Matt Chisholm<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Coldstream CricketClub are holding<br />

amuster day this Saturday (October<br />

1) from 12pm to 2pm to get players,<br />

coaches andsupporters to help run<br />

the club. The club’s annual general<br />

meeting last week was unable to form<br />

aquorum and no key club decisions<br />

could be made or committees<br />

formed.<br />

Clubmember Andrew Bennett<br />

made apleatothe club’s Facebook<br />

page. ‘‘We relyonsupport from<br />

senior players and parents to run the<br />

club,’’ he wrote. ‘‘Without that support<br />

the club cannot function! Therefore<br />

we will hold amuster day on the 1st<br />

of October 12pm -2 pm at the indoor<br />

wicket in the domain. Abarbecue will<br />

be provided, nets available for the<br />

kids. Meeting to be held12.30pm to<br />

discuss committee and coaches /<br />

managers for each team.’’<br />


The Mid Canterbury RugbyUnion are<br />

supporting the Meningitis Foundation<br />

with their final home game of the<br />

regular season vs South Canterbury<br />

this weekenddoubling as acharity<br />

match. The Mid Canterbury<br />

Heartland team will be wearing aoneoff<br />

pair of purplesocks, kindly created<br />

and donated by <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The<br />

New Zealand SockCompanyand<br />

gate takings for the day willbe<br />

donated to the The Meningitis<br />

Foundation Aotearoa New Zealand.<br />

There are alimited number of socks<br />

available for purchase through the<br />

rugby union office-with all proceeds<br />

to the Meningitis Foundation. The<br />

gameisonatthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

showgrounds on Saturdayfrom<br />

2.30pm.<br />

Introducing<br />

Band andChoir<br />

Picturedabove –Backrow,left to right: LesDonaldson<br />

(BassGuitar), WilliamLowe (Drumsand Percussion),<br />

Mike Ferrar (LeadGuitar),StephenDiedricks(Keys 1).<br />

Frontrow, Jo Castelow (Keys2), PeterCairns(Rhythm Guitar).<br />

A global phenomenon that has wowed audiences and now<br />

celebrating its 52nd anniversary, Jesus Christ Superstar is a<br />

timeless work set against the backdrop of an extraordinary<br />

and universally-known series of events but seen through the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Musical Director Jo Castelow isthrilled<br />

with the high quality production that will wow<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> audiences when the much-anticipated rock<br />

opera JesusChristSuperstar hits thestage.<br />

She has been busy perfecting the show’s sound, working<br />

with soloists, the ensemble, choir and band in which Jo<br />

will also play oneofthe keyboards.<br />

Jo said it was fantastic to be finally putting the show on,<br />

“after18monthswe’re in foranabsolutetreat.’’<br />

The show’s sound is very complex musically, with alot<br />

of layers, ‘’the 16 member choir will enhance that sound<br />

greatly.’’<br />

Jesus Christ Superstar is arock opera written for arock<br />

band. The<strong>Ashburton</strong> show’s live band will be comprised<br />

of threeguitarists, adrummer andtwo keyboardists.<br />

“The keyboards incorporate alot of orchestral sounds,<br />

andthere is ahugeamountgoing on,’’she said.<br />

Both the choir and band will be in sight of the audience<br />

during thewhole show, highupatthe topofthe set.<br />

“It isall part of the visual because it is arock opera. The<br />

singers arefabulous, musicallyitisveryemotive andvery<br />

full on, the audience will love it, there is so much going<br />

on.’’Josaid.<br />

eyes of JudasIscariotwithamodern-day twist.<br />

The story, told entirely through song, explores the personal<br />

relationships and struggles between Jesus, Judas, Mary<br />

Magdalene,his disciples, his followersand the RomanEmpire.<br />

Picturedabove –Backrow,left to right: KathyrnBowler,<br />

Rochelle Castle-Wilson, TamsinCartney, Emma Gilkison,<br />

Rebecca Perkins, Ella Thomas,PhilippaYoung,Elizabeth Wells,<br />

Kelsey Jackson.<br />

Middle row, lefttoright: MariaLawn, Sheree Tait,Letica Joy,<br />

Sally Farr,RuthSwansbury,NicolaRosanowski, Sheilena McDonnell.<br />

Frontcentre: Jo Castelow<br />


1stOctober 7:30pm, 2nd October2pm,3rd to 8th October7:30pm,Adult $69* /Senior$59* /Student $49* /Group6+$55pp*<br />

The iconic 1970s rock score contains such well-known<br />

numbers as“Superstar,” “I Don’tKnow How to Love Him” and<br />

“Gethsemane,”performedbyacastofsixtytalented performers<br />

from ourdistrict.<br />

2516934<br />

03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

*Service fees apply

NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Festival of Cultures musical celebration<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Mid Canterbury schools<br />

celebrated the district’s<br />

diversitywith the inaugural<br />

Opuke FestivalofCultures. It<br />

was held at Lauriston School<br />

last week.<br />

There was dancing, music<br />

and celebration as fiveschools<br />

withinthe OpukeKahui Ako ­<br />

Lauriston, Mayfield, Our Lady<br />

of the Snows,Chertsey and<br />

Rakaia­took to the stage in a<br />

range of cultural performances<br />

including kapa haka and<br />

highland dancingtoSamoan,<br />

Philippine, SouthAfrican and<br />

Tongannumbers.<br />

There was also food and<br />

Dorie Schoolpupils also had<br />

artwork tapa and MassKara<br />

Festival masks on display<br />

showing theircultural links to<br />

the district withNepalese,<br />

Argentinian, Filipino, Dutch,<br />

Tongan, Maori and European<br />

cultures among thoseattheir<br />

school.<br />

Lauriston Schoolteacher<br />

Laura Twiss, who was in<br />

chargeofthe event, led the<br />

visiting schools on to the<br />

schoolgrounds.Nerina<br />

Hawkins performed the<br />

Kaikaranga, supported by<br />

piper Bill Doak.<br />

Rural advocate Craig<br />

Wiggins was MC.<br />

Laura said the Opuke<br />

Festival of Cultures beganasa<br />

post­it note on aboard by<br />

Lauriston Schoolprincipal<br />

ColinBrodie during the 2019<br />

OpukeKahui Ako ideation<br />

sessions.<br />

The nine schoolsinvolved<br />

were lookingfor ways<br />

principals, school leaders and<br />

pupils could connect,<br />

celebrate and shine together<br />

and as individuals within the<br />

communities, she said.<br />

Sportand culture were<br />

identified by schoolleaders<br />

within the group.<br />

‘‘It has been Lauriston’srole<br />

to lead the KahuiAko in<br />

creating something specialto<br />

be sustained and grownover<br />

many years to come,’’ Laura<br />

said.<br />

Covidmay have impactedthe<br />

2020 and 2021 festival plans but<br />

during thattime<br />

understanding grew of how the<br />

festival could be better served<br />

and the name The Opuke<br />

Festival of Cultures was born.<br />

‘‘It is Lauriston’s great<br />

privilege and weighty<br />

responsibility to lead the first<br />

Festival of Cultures.<br />

‘‘We hopethat likeour<br />

Lauriston School<strong>2022</strong> Year’s<br />

whakatauki suggests, our<br />

example will benefitothers:<br />

‘Don’t leadbyexample ­let<br />

your examplelead others to<br />

theirown success’,’’she said.<br />

The festival will be hosted by<br />

ChertseySchool next year.<br />

Also at the festival were Fire<br />

and Emergency New Zealand,<br />

St John and members of the<br />

Hakatere Multi Cultural<br />

Council.<br />

The Opuke Festival of Cultures under way at Lauriston School last week showcased the diverse range<br />

of cultures in the Mid Canterbury district.<br />

Re-elect<br />

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Upon re-electionIpromisetocommitmytime andenergytothe<br />

betterment of MidCanterburyand it’s community.<br />

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Authorised by LynetteLovett,DawsonsRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong>

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Fishing season opens this weekend and anglers are urged to know the new rules before heading out.<br />

Fishing season lures anglers<br />

The <strong>2022</strong>/2023 sports fishing season<br />

opens this Saturday with afew<br />

changes for anglers. Among them<br />

changes to the regulation guide<br />

which anglers are encouraged to<br />

familiarise themselves with before<br />

fishing.<br />

Changes include the(upper) Ōhau<br />

River flowingbetweenLakes Ōhau<br />

andRuataniwha, Twizel, being<br />

designated acontrolled fisheryfor<br />

the monthofOctober.<br />

This meansonly anglers that<br />

entered the recentheld ballotsand<br />

won acontrolled periodlicencecan<br />

fishthe Ōhau River on specified<br />

dates during October <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Harrisons Bight of Lake Heronis<br />

closedtoall sports fishing in the<br />

monthofApriltoavoid the catchand<br />

disturbanceofsea­runsalmon that<br />

congregateinthe lake prior to<br />

spawning. Theregulation change<br />

was submitted by alocal angler and<br />

adopted by the council.<br />

Anglersare now permitted to fish<br />

from unmoored boatsatLakeEmma.<br />

Boat fishing is now permittedin<br />

Wairepo Arm and Kellands Pond if<br />

the boatisnot being propelled by a<br />

motor.<br />

The new season opening coincides<br />

with the start of theschool holidays<br />

and Central South Island Fish &<br />

Gameare encouraging experienced<br />

anglers to make the timetoteach a<br />

young person howtofish.<br />

Aspokesperson for Fish &Game<br />

saidthe central South Islandregion,<br />

which incorporates South<br />

Canterburyand the Mackenzie Basin<br />

were some of the mostpopular<br />

placesforfreshwater fishing in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

‘‘October is agreat month to fish<br />

local waterways while water levels<br />

remain elevated with spring rainfall<br />

and snowmelt,’’ they said.<br />

Lake Hood holds high number of<br />

perch and afew trout thatcruise only<br />

the shallow edge of thelake,perch<br />

love small brightly coloured lures. A<br />

great spot for aschool holiday<br />

outing.<br />

Child anglers only (11 years and<br />

under) can fish for perch at the<br />

Tinwald Domain pond.<br />

Lake Opuha,near Fairlie, is a<br />

favourite spot in South Canterbury<br />

for Opening Day andagreat spot to<br />

Your Voice<br />

Your Choice<br />

Your Vote<br />

Leen Braam<br />

Tick the box for Councillor.<br />

take kids fishing. Use agarden worm<br />

for bait and have apicnic on the lake<br />

shore while waitingfor abite.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> River can hold<br />

reasonablenumbers of browntrout<br />

near <strong>Ashburton</strong>,best fished when<br />

the riverisflowingclear.Itis<br />

uncertain how the major 2021 winter<br />

floods have affected the trout<br />

numbers at this stage. Scenic trout<br />

fishingcan be found at the Rangitata<br />

River, aboveits gorge and the chance<br />

of catching asea run brown trout<br />

near theriver’s mouth.<br />

‘‘Anglers are advisedthat many<br />

high­country waterwayslike the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Lakes remain closed until<br />

the firstSaturday in Novemberto<br />

protectrainbow trout spawning and<br />

other sensitive fisheries –refer to<br />

your regulation guide.’’<br />

A$5fee for the sea­run salmon<br />

seasonbag limit card has been<br />

introduced to cover the costs of<br />

printing andpostage.<br />

Anglers that fish for sea­run<br />

salmon in theCentralSouth Island<br />

and North Canterbury Fish&Game<br />

Regions must obtainasea­run<br />

salmon seasonbag limit card.<br />

@leenbraamforcouncil<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

25<br />





Wateristhe single issue<br />

on which Istand<br />

Having attended several<br />

“meet the candidate”<br />

events which included both<br />

Districtand Regional Council candidates, it is clear a<br />

majorityofthose attending areconcerned about the<br />

state of our freshwater.<br />

Environment Canterbury (Ecan), the Canterbury<br />

Regional Council, has accountabilities to maintain<br />

or enhancethe quantityand qualityofCanterbury’s<br />

freshwater, aquatic ecosystems,and coastal waters.<br />

District Councils are responsible for ensuring<br />

communitywatersupplies aresafe. DistrictCouncils<br />

are firmly in the sights of the Three Waters Bill and<br />

the chlorination mandate following the failure of<br />

the Ministry ofHealth and Hastings District Council<br />

to protect 14,000 residents ofHavelock North from<br />

death and illness due to waterborne disease.<br />

If Ecan were effective inprotecting Canterbury’s<br />

freshwater at source, chlorination and the Three<br />

Waters Bill would be less of an issue.<br />

Unfortunately previous Governments have long<br />

failed to give direction to Ecan.Worse from 2010 until<br />

the end of 2019 the Governmentappointedits own<br />

commissioners to take control ofEcan to facilitate<br />

massive irrigation development inresponse to the<br />

2008 recession. This irrigation development paid<br />

little heed to the environmental consequences for<br />

our iconic braided rivers and groundwater sourced<br />

lowland rivers and streams.<br />

Rural residents limited to drinking from private<br />

wells are left tomeet the high cost of removing<br />

the pathogens and nitrate that is leaching into<br />

our shallow aquifers due to diffuse pollution from<br />

intensivefarming systems,especially dairying.<br />

If action is not taken soon to preventcontamination<br />

of the deeper semi-confined aquifer layers,<br />

communitywatersupplies will be similarly affected.<br />

This has already occurred with community water<br />

supplies at the South Rangitata Huts and with the<br />

Morven watersupply.<br />

For aslong as Ecan has amajority on the council<br />

whose wealth is linked to irrigation and the right<br />

to diffusely pollute our groundwater, “democratic<br />

reality”will ensurethe status quo remains.<br />

As afifth generation New Zealander, angler, and<br />

rural veterinarian for 48years, Ihave witnessed the<br />

massive degradation of our rivers first hand. Iam<br />

asking ratepayers from the towns within the Selwyn<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong>wardtoconsider voting forthe sake<br />

of future generations rather than the short term<br />

economic benefits of Ecan’s unsustainable water<br />

managementplan.<br />

Ecan has spent$NZ 60 million on its LWRP based on<br />

what farmers are prepared to accommodate rather<br />

than environmentally sustainable limits for nitrate<br />

pollution and environmentally sustainable residual<br />

flows forour rivers and streams.RecentGovernment<br />

guidelines will require anadditional $30 million to<br />

update the plan to new standards. Let us take the<br />

time and caretoget it rightthis time,rather than set<br />

limits that accommodate short term unsustainable<br />

farming practices.<br />

Swimmable rivers and pure drinking water are<br />

priceless.<br />

Authorised by PeterTrolove,trolovep@gmail.com<br />

Only half staffed?<br />

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No fancy words, just common sense and doing the basics right.<br />

Authorised by: Leen Braam<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

Email: office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Sharing the love of dance districtwide<br />

Pupils fromaroundthe district<br />

took to thestageinthe recent<br />

MidCanterbury Dance<br />

Championships.Theevent, at<br />

the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre, was<br />

runbyLife DanceAcademy.<br />

Life Dance Academyteachers<br />

MadiWilson andAnna Raukawa<br />

said it was the ‘‘biggest<br />

competitionyet,26teams and12<br />

schools performingover two<br />

sell­out shows.<br />

‘‘We evengot theaudienceup<br />

forouryearly ‘walk thedinosaur'<br />

dancethatinvolves everyone in<br />

thebuilding.’’<br />

They say theheartofthe<br />

competitionwas letting every<br />

child haveanopportunity to<br />

dance.<br />

‘‘We realise there arelotsof<br />

circumstances thatstopchildren<br />

from being able to attend after<br />

school classes such as physical,<br />

financialorjustgeneral<br />

business.<br />

‘‘This competition providesan<br />

opportunitytodothiswithoutall<br />

thecommitmentbut in aschool<br />

environment.<br />

‘‘We justwanttosharethe love<br />

of dance throughoutMid<br />

Canterbury,and we arebeyond<br />

proud at what eachteambrought<br />

to the stage, they felt theheart of<br />

thecompetition andweare so<br />

inspired for nextyear andall we<br />

canachieve,’’ they said.<br />

TheMidCanterbury Dance<br />

Champswas started by the<br />

academy in 2019withaschools<br />

dancecompetition. The<br />

academy in Tinwaldhas350<br />

studentsanditispartofaMid<br />

Canterburyyouth charitable<br />

trust andthe dance champswere<br />

togive students opportunity to<br />

dance nomatter their age,<br />

abilityorexperience.<br />

MadiandAnna said after<br />

running thecompetitionin2019<br />

theycould notbelieve how much<br />

fun it was‘‘and ourheartswere<br />

fullofgoodness’’.<br />

Since then they have have<br />

faced many challenges but in<br />

2020weredetermined tovisit<br />

everyschool in Mid Canterbury,<br />

provide freedance lessonsand<br />

sharelotsofdancing goodness.<br />

‘‘We provided 60 free lessons<br />

andcreatedsomanymemories<br />

with students whohadhad a<br />

veryhard year.<br />

‘‘In 2021 we were soexcitedto<br />

beable to offerasmaller scale<br />

event, unfortunately weweren’t<br />

allowed ouraudience but as they<br />

saythe showgoeson,and it did!<br />

‘‘Schoolscametousatthe<br />

eventcentre andcompeted, we<br />

thenwent into schoolstodeliver<br />

their prizes,itwas challenging<br />

adaptingtocovid, but we loved<br />

the challenge.’’<br />

Afullscale eventran this year<br />

anditwas bigger than eitherof<br />

themcould have imagined.<br />

‘‘Hundreds of voluntary hours<br />

havegoneintomakingthis event<br />

possible andweare once again<br />

sograteful for theschools who<br />

havesupportedusand thevision<br />

ofthe MidCanterburySchools<br />

Dance Champs.<br />

‘‘Schoolsorganised theirown<br />

teams,eachschoolapproaching<br />

itintheir ownway.<br />

‘‘Some have passionate<br />

teacherswith secret talents,<br />

otherswithstudent leaders, and<br />

somewithkeenparents.Weare<br />

so excited andproud ofall of our<br />

schools,’’theysaid.<br />

They includedStJoseph’s,<br />

Lagmhor, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Christian,<br />

Allenton,Tinwald,Longbeach,<br />

Netherby,Mayfield, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Intermediate, Wakanui, MtHutt<br />

College and Hinds.<br />

Aspartofaschool’s<br />

registrationtheyreceiveafree<br />

dancelessonand unlimited<br />

team entriesfor the<br />

championships, runintwo<br />

categories:royal crews and<br />

mega crewswithage groups<br />

Year 1­5,and Year6­8ineach<br />

category.<br />

There is also amentoringand<br />

leadershipworkshopfor five<br />

students from eachschoolaged<br />

Year 5and up.<br />

Garden Fete<br />

Thursday13October,10am -4pm<br />

Rakaia Gardens<br />

Home of Sue &Ted Rollinson<br />

282 AwaroaSchool Road,Dorie 11RD Rakaia (signposted off SH1)<br />

Come join us for agreatday.<br />

100+stalls,livemusic,foodand<br />

beautiful gardens to explore<br />

Gate tickets on the day $ 20<br />

Presale tickets Adults $ 15<br />

Children 5yrs+ $ 5<br />

Pre-booked lunchbox $ 15<br />

ATMand EFTPOS available onsite<br />

Tickets nowavailable<br />

Eventfinda website<br />

St JohnOffice&Shop,Tancred St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

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Joosh, Geraldine<br />

Phone03308 7132 to arrange an online payment–<br />

tickets will be posted<br />

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THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online atgnews.co.nz<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The newly formed dressage team all kitted out and ready to represent Geraldine High School; Eden Carter (Year-8) on the Little General; Amelia Walker (Year-9) on Palominca<br />

(owned by Rachel Stocks of Dunback). PHOTOS: Supplied FROM LEFT: Lilly McQueen, Amelia, Sarah Gould and Mia Pearson with the teams sportsmanship trophy. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

BELOW: Prior to this event, Amelia Walker had nojumping experience. Fortunately, Inca, borrowed for the occasion, knew what todo. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Success in the arena for<br />

newly formed dressage team<br />

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Local horsewomanKirstyn Walkersays she is<br />

proud of the team of girlsthat shetook to the<br />

interschool dressage event in Palmerston on<br />

the weekend of 17-18 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

The newly formed team were successful<br />

despitetheir inexperience. Kirstyn says, Neither<br />

Amelia [Walker], Mia [Pearson] orSarah<br />

[Gould] had ever even ridden in adressage<br />

arena or jumped when weentered the<br />

competition.They all worked so hard.<br />

Lilly McQueen and Eden Carter, who did<br />

have some dressage experience, madeupthe<br />

five entrants from Geraldine High School<br />

(GHS). To have riders tomanage the higher<br />

jumps, they also tookalong two additionsfrom<br />

Timaru schools, Jessica Taylor, and team<br />

captain Cat MacClure.<br />

Theteamhad noexpectations entering the<br />

competition. Amelia says, Even though we<br />

went into itfor fun, people at the event were<br />

so supportive. They seemed glad to see us.<br />

Lilly says, It was acool vibe. Everybody<br />

was cheering. They were sohappy to have<br />

competitors fromfurther afield than Oamaru.<br />

Despitetheirinexperience, nearlyeverybody<br />

was awarded ribbons, and the team took out<br />

the prized hoofin it trophy for Sportsmanship<br />

and Horsemastership. Sarah Gould was also<br />

named person of the day for her good<br />

sportsmanship. She was commended for her<br />

good attitude when things went wrong and for<br />

the value of agoodrecovery. Most importantly,<br />

Ameliasays,we beat [favourites] St Kevins.<br />

Buoyed by their success, the team would<br />

like to see dressage recognised asaschool<br />

sport. Lilly says, We plan to go to pony camp<br />

atOxford to bond as ateam. There aresomany<br />

riders atGHS that weshould have an<br />

equestrian team.<br />

Kirstyn Walker says parents had to rally<br />

aroundtoborrow gear. Her daughter Amelia<br />

even had to borrow Inca the horse she rode.<br />

Since the team has hopes of continuing she is<br />

looking for sponsorship for the team and<br />

thinking about fundraising ideas so they can<br />

get gear including matching horse blankets<br />

with the school crest on them.<br />


WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Hugh says itwas aprivilege to turn his collar round and<br />

lead amemorial service for the late Queen on Monday.<br />

With readings by Wayne ODonnell of the community<br />

board and Molly Kate Morrison of GHS, prayers led by the<br />

Reverend Bob Moore, musical accompaniment by Paul<br />

Johnson and lusty singing bythe congregation, which<br />

included members of the scouting movement, the RSA<br />

and local police, the service was afitting finale to the<br />

fortnight of official mourning.<br />

The online world isawonderful place. In the last<br />

fortnightwehavebeenabletoparticipateinservices<br />

at Westminster Abbeyand atthe Wellington Cathedral.<br />

We probably had abetter view atboth events than<br />

those insidethe buildings. Nonetheless, it felt satisfying<br />

to be able tosing and pray and reflect with over<br />

50 members of our community who gathered in the<br />

flesh to remember our late Queen.<br />

One of the pandemics lessons has been the<br />

importance ofmeeting kanohi ki te kanohi (face to<br />

face). Virtual visiting of our loved ones in rest homes<br />

doesnt measure upto the warmth of an embrace.<br />

Without body language, manyisthe email conversation<br />

that has turned intoargument overamisunderstanding.<br />

On page eight, weread about Woodbury School<br />

exploringlifewithout the internetinapieceofmusical<br />

theatre. Onthe same page, agroup is proposing to<br />

hold offline discussions to promote more authentic<br />

connections between people.<br />

We aresaddened atCreative NewZealandsdecision<br />

to axethe Arts on Tour NewZealand (AoTNZ) provision.<br />

The town has excellent talent,and our childrens choir<br />

and school productions assurefuture talent.However,<br />

we believeithas been important forthe towns cultural<br />

life toexperience the regular supply of nationally<br />

significant performers. To quoteAoTNZ regular Penny<br />

Ashton, Basically there is never enough money, but<br />

to say,we also aimtoextendthe reachofour investment<br />

to make arts attendanceand participation accessible<br />

to more communities whilst cutting arts on tour<br />

funding is alittle antithetical. Weconcur.<br />

Enjoy the sunshine. It is currentlyfreeand not taxed.<br />


Tūwhitia te hopo.<br />

Banish your fears.<br />

Or, as we mightsay:<br />

Feelthe fear and<br />

do it anyway.<br />



Charlotte Talbot with members of the Geraldine Childrens Choir at rehearsal. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Stage performance a fabulous<br />

opportunity for childrens choir<br />

On 10 <strong>September</strong>, theGeraldine Childrens<br />

Choir joined the Timarus St Marys<br />

Childrens Choir inconcert -The Last<br />

Night of the Proms -which also featured<br />

the St Marys Adult Choir, the Timaru<br />

Brass Band and the South Canterbury<br />

Youth Orchestra.<br />

Choir director Charlotte Talbot says,<br />

Thiswas afabulousopportunityfor our<br />

little choir toexperience the buzz of<br />

singing aspart of abigger group -and<br />

with an orchestra and an enthusiastic<br />

audience too.<br />

Led by Charlotte, the choir has been<br />

runninginits currentformsince October<br />

2021. Asmall group of children aged<br />

seven to 12, they love to sing, and have<br />

fun. Their repertoire includes awide<br />

variety of songs: traditional, folk, and<br />

contemporary music, as wellasoriginal<br />

songs writtenbyCharlotte,some of which<br />

have been inspired by and written with<br />

direct inputfromthe choir members.<br />

Charlotte, whohas beentaking Plunket<br />

Music and Movement sessions for preschoolers<br />

since 2014, also writes songs<br />

for children and releasesthem under the<br />

name Cee Bee Teatime. During the winter<br />

holidays, some of the children took part<br />

in the recording of some of my new songs,<br />

saysCharlotte.The first song they recorded<br />

is Twin FingersParty, afinger-play song<br />

for 0-5-year-olds. It will be released on<br />

Spotify, YouTube, AppleMusicand most<br />

other online streaming platforms on 21<br />

October.<br />

TheGeraldineChildrens Choir would<br />

be delighted to welcome new members.<br />

It meets at 3.15pm at the Academy on<br />

Tuesday afternoons during the school<br />

term. Anyone is welcometocomealong<br />

and join infor asession to see if they<br />

would like to sign up. Enquiries can be<br />

directed to Charlotte on 021 151 3301.<br />




NEWS: hugh@gnews.co.nz | 027 920 8751<br />

ADS: ads@gnews.co.nz | 027 899 0703<br />

DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />

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ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />

Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />

GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />

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THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />

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Agood turnout to meet the candidates. From left: MC Kerry Stevens, Gavin Oliver, Wayne ODonnell, Jan Finlayson, Nigel Bowen,<br />

and Stu Piddington. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Water and road issues among<br />

questions posed tocandidates<br />

Lynley Macleod, manager of theGeraldine<br />

Community Resource Centre, says she<br />

was delighted with the response to the<br />

Meet the Candidates session held at<br />

GeraldinePrimary School on Tuesdayof<br />

last week. Despite clashing with the<br />

Geraldine.nz Business@Six, around<br />

80 people attended to hear candidates<br />

speak and to posequestions.<br />

Past councillor Kerry Stevens acted<br />

as MCfor the evening while the Geraldine<br />

Lions Club collated the questions and<br />

manned the timekeeping bell. The two<br />

mayoral candidates, Nigel Bowen and<br />

Stu Piddington,and three candidates for<br />

ward councillor, Jan Finlayson, Wayne<br />

ODonnell and Gavin Oliver,each spoke<br />

in turn before taking part in aquestion<br />

and answer session.<br />

Thepublic's concerns focused on the<br />

poor state of the roads and waterissues.<br />

The Three Waters governmentpolicy was<br />

described as theft.The ratesincrease for<br />

the TeMoanaschemewas also addressed.<br />

Theresponse to the pandemic,particularly<br />

the exclusion of peoplefrom public facilities,<br />

continues toevoke strong feelings as<br />

questions about local government response<br />

and thoughts for future pandemics, should<br />

theyoccur, were asked.<br />

Towards the end ofthe two-hour<br />

session, attendees were given the<br />

opportunity to meet candidates informally<br />

for follow-up discussions.<br />



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IN BRIEF<br />

HEALTH CENTRE UPDATE Geraldine DistrictFoundation trusteeJimmy Wallacereports that planning forthe health<br />

centretobebuilt on the former Geraldine Town and CountryClubsiteiswell advanced. This architectsrendering by<br />

Design First Limited gives asense of what the building will look likeasfloor plans arebeing finalised. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

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WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />


The dart used, the teka, asitwas termed, was small,<br />

thin, and light. Itwas made from the wood of the<br />

houama, which is remarkably light, but, asarule, the<br />

stipes of the bracken were used for the purpose. These<br />

are ofatough, fibrous nature. (nzetc.victoria.ac.nz)<br />

Kēmu<br />

Kēmu -game (transliteration)<br />

Tākaro -toplay<br />

Niti -darts<br />

Games were considered avital partofte whāretapere;<br />

the house of entertainment.Tewhāre tapere encompasses<br />

all performing arts and forms ofentertainment from<br />

music to sports todrama.<br />

Niti,also knownasteka,are darts. These were used<br />

in avariety ofdifferent kēmu that usually involved<br />

competitively throwing niti underarm with the dual<br />

goal of trying to skim adirtmoundandflyyour niti the<br />

farthest.<br />

The first step is to create some darts. Traditionally,<br />

these were made using kōrari (fernstalks) and kākaho<br />

(toetoe stems) with flax woven around the point to<br />

createaweighted end. Today,wehavemanydifferent<br />

resources that we could use to make our niti; to be<br />

effective, theyneed to be lightenough to fly andhave<br />

extra weight distributed at one end.<br />

Once you have created your niti, you need to scout<br />

out an effective maraetoroteka (dart-throwing ground).<br />

This needs to be alarge flat clearing. Inthe middle of<br />

the clearing, create amound of dirt.<br />

To play,competitors take turns running towards the<br />

marae toro teka with niti in hand. When close, throw<br />

your niti underarm, aiming toskim the top ofthe dirt<br />

mound so that your niti bounces upwards before<br />

continuing its flight. The winner ofeach round isthe<br />

person whose niti lands the farthest from the dirt<br />

mound, having touched it during the throw.<br />

Niti was one of the games where the well-known<br />

demigod Māui was said to have been an expert at<br />

playing.Somelegendssuggest that Māui used to make<br />

his brothers lie down to actasthe marae toro teka that<br />

he bounced his niti off during play.<br />


FROM LEFT: Katie Ackroyd (Four Peak Health practice nurse), Deana Averill (GPS student and family Support person) and health<br />

coach Hayley Meiklejohn discussed sleep issues with parents at the coffee morning. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

Childrens sleep issues discussed<br />

with parents at GPS coffee morning<br />

KatieAckroyd, PracticeNurse from Four<br />

Peak Health, was the guest speaker at<br />

GeraldinePrimarySchools coffeemorning<br />

last week, discussing sleep issues with<br />

the parents who attended.<br />

Student and Family Support Person<br />

Deana Averill says,Ourcoffee mornings<br />

are agreat catch-up for parents to talk<br />

about their childrens issues ortomeet<br />

otherparents. Sleep issues are afrequent<br />

problem, so it was afantastic subject to<br />

discuss. Iwas excited to hear from Katie<br />

andhaveher assistance with this topic.<br />

Katie says, I have been gathering<br />

funding from the Ministry of Health to<br />

host sessions in the community around<br />

mental health within our younger<br />

generation. Having started with the sleep<br />

issue session, we are now looking into<br />

other sessions, such as device use. We<br />

are lookingathosting theseaspodcasts<br />

for High School age students.<br />

As we get older, our livesget busier;<br />

kids are busy withafter-school activities<br />

or sports, so they are often not getting<br />

that natural wind-downtime before going<br />

to sleep. The half an hour before bed is<br />

when children need to unwind and do<br />

something quiet, something they enjoy<br />

doing; reading abook, drawing, playing<br />

with Lego, colouring in; something that<br />

doesnt require much thinking.<br />

Children and adults alike need to go<br />

back to the basic process of learning to<br />

go to sleep as we did as ababy. Your brain<br />

needs to relearnthatbed is for sleep. We<br />

have taught our childrentosleep as babies,<br />

and they have learnt to soothe themselves.<br />

We also need this process as we getolder.<br />

We go to bed to go to sleep. Dont take<br />

work or devices to bed, have that halfhour<br />

wind down time before hopping<br />

into bed.<br />

Sleep separation anxiety was amajor<br />

talking pointwithparents,but Katiehad<br />

some great ideas for children going through<br />

this aswell as their tired parents. She<br />

says, If you tell your children you will<br />

be back in 10 minutes, make sure you do<br />

go back. Ifthe child likes to have some<br />

cuddles, include these in the quiet time<br />

before bedtime and then tell them you<br />

are going out for aspecific time.<br />

There are many reasons for sleep<br />

issues in children; acoolerroom is better<br />

for sleeping than awarmer one. While<br />

we like to have them all snuggled upin<br />

awarm bed,ifyourchildiswaking in the<br />

night or looks like they have tossed and<br />

turned all night, they may very well be<br />

too hot.<br />

The childs health can also cause<br />

disturbance during sleep; ifthey snore<br />

or have noisy breathing duringthe night,<br />

getthem checked out for tonsil or adenoid<br />

problems or even sleep apnoea. For bedwetting<br />

issues, restrict drinks close to<br />

bedtime, and get the child up for atoilet<br />

visit as you go to bed. As they get older,<br />

they will learn to hold during the night.<br />

Make sure the bedroom isntchaotic; not<br />

too many toys on the bed and nothing<br />

too stimulating on the walls. Have the<br />

environment be one that they can easily<br />

sleepin.<br />

While Katie works out of Four Peak<br />

Health, her information sessions are<br />

availabletoall of theGeraldine community.<br />

Another new free service for the Geraldine<br />

community is that of Health Coach Hayley<br />

Meiklejohn, who is employed through<br />

the South Canterbury District Health<br />

Board (Te Whatu Ora). GNews will<br />

introduceHayley in afuture edition.<br />


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THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />

Geraldine<br />

Gem<br />

THE IRVINE FAMILY |SEPTEMBER <strong>2022</strong><br />

Job done, says engineer Paul Mitchell, with his 1.35-metre Lego model of the Titanic. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Lego more than childs play<br />

Acorner of Paul Mitchells house in<br />

McKenzie Lifestyle Village is currently<br />

occupied by a1.35-metre, 1:200 scale<br />

model of the Titanic. Paul has been building<br />

the 9,090-piece Lego ship since January.<br />

Although heisinhis 80s, Paul has a<br />

high-powered job as aconsultantengineer.<br />

He has worked with the same project<br />

manager for over 20 years sinceretiring<br />

from the Shell Oil Company. After six<br />

years, the current project in Japan is<br />

finally winding down.Paul andhis wife<br />

Joannehave spent longperiods in Japan<br />

in thepast, but sinceCovid,Paul hasbeen<br />

abletoworkremotely.<br />

Joanne says, Paul will spend four<br />

hours aday at work onthe computer.<br />

The Lego buildingisarelaxationfor him.<br />

He has always enjoyed hands-on work,<br />

building dolls houses and two motor home<br />

conversions.<br />

Paul says, It is awelcome break from<br />

theoreticalcomputer-based work.<br />

The model is very detailed, with the<br />

grandstaircase, boilers and even engines<br />

with moving parts hidden inside.Paulis,<br />

however, not disposedtodeconstruct the<br />

model to explore them. He is content to<br />

know they arethere. The ship will eventually<br />

find ahome at the Vintage Car and<br />

Machinery Museum. Other models of<br />

largeearthmovingequipment aredestined<br />

forRoger Mahonsmuseum. Whenwere<br />

fed uplooking atthem, says Joanne,<br />

who assures us thatthe next Lego project<br />

will not be the 2-metre, 20,000-piece<br />

cruise ship. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

This month we are delighted to celebrate and pay<br />

tribute toawhole family of Geraldine Gems.<br />

Congratulations tothe Irvine family -Sylvia,<br />

the lateGordon, and their children Paula and Ross.<br />

Gordon Irvine served inthe Geraldine Volunteer<br />

Fire Brigade for 35 years, 25 of which hewas Chief<br />

Fire Officer, gaining aQFSM from our late Queen<br />

in recognition of his dedication. Together with his<br />

wife Sylvia, they were involved in many capacities<br />

with the Geraldine Athletic Club, the brass band,<br />

Geraldinefootball,the Geraldine community minibus<br />

-and the list goes on.<br />

Sylvia continuesher communityinvolvement as<br />

along-term volunteer at the Geraldine Museum,<br />

where she can befound most days. Sylvia and her<br />

daughter Paula were key figures for several years<br />

in keeping the Geraldine DomainPavilionoperational<br />

and managing bookings.<br />

Paula has beenheavily involved in football coaching<br />

and administration throughout South Canterbury<br />

andisadevotedcommittee member and fundraiser.<br />

Currently, she is raising money for the museum<br />

committee through her efforts at Ye Olde Shoppe<br />

in the Mundells Complex.<br />

Ross Irvine hasbeenalong-standing member of<br />

St Johns in Geraldine, becoming acadet at ayoung<br />

age and supporting our community for decades.<br />

His contribution to Geraldine is outstanding.<br />

Forthis family,community involvement is second<br />

nature. To honourtheir efforts, we aredonatingthe<br />

Irvine Family Community Cup to Geraldine High<br />

School to be awarded yearly to ajunior student for<br />

communityinvolvement. Afittingtribute forafamily<br />

of true Geraldine Gems.<br />

Geraldine<br />

Gem<br />

Calling forallnominations!<br />

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WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />




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Every Woodbury School student took part inthe production. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Life without the internet: Woodbury School<br />

show brings back face-to-face interaction<br />

Last week Woodbury School put onits<br />

biannual production. This years show,<br />

The Device Lockdown, written and<br />

directed by teacher Becky Talbot-Van<br />

Beers, was crafted around the theme of<br />

screen time and its effect on all areas of<br />

our day-to-day life.<br />

The story followed ToothFairy, played<br />

by Hannah Haugh (10) and her friends<br />

Rāpiti,Big Redand theSandman as they<br />

hatched aplan to get rid of the internet.<br />

They call on the services of the local school<br />

principal Mr LaGravy toshut down the<br />

wi-fi in the area. After the initial shock<br />

andsense of loss, the characters start to<br />

realise it is fun to spend time together<br />

again withoutthe distraction of devices.<br />

Each of the 119studentsatWoodbury<br />

School had aparttoplayinthe production,<br />

learning six songs with corresponding<br />

dance actions.<br />

Becky says, Its abig ask for both the<br />

students and teachers, but they always<br />

rise to the challenge. After acouple of<br />

interesting years with Covid lockdowns,<br />

its been so nice to invite our community<br />

back and share these experiences with<br />

them and for studentstohave their moment<br />

in the spotlight.<br />

Parents, family members andfriends<br />

made for an enthusiastic audiencewhich<br />

Becky says really gave the children alift.<br />

She says, With hits like Tragedy by the<br />

Bee Gees and Stop by the Spice Girls,<br />

the audience was tapping their toes and<br />

clapping along from the get-go.<br />

Woodbury School Principal Mike de<br />

Joux says, We are incredibly fortunate<br />

to have someone like Becky with the<br />

passion and talent to put something<br />

together like this. Everyone plays apart,<br />

from backstage management to sound,<br />

lighting, props, et cetera. Then its the<br />

exceptional talent ofthe children that<br />

really brings the show to life.<br />

We put on these productions every<br />

second year, allowing many students a<br />

chance to shine creatively. Schoolisabout<br />

so much more than reading,writing and<br />

maths, and these experiences develop a<br />

rangeofother skills, as well as giving the<br />

children aconfidence boost and asense<br />

of pride.<br />

Mike thanks the Woodbury Domain<br />

Board for the use of thehall, and Geraldine<br />

Primary School forthe loan of their stage<br />

extension. FI MCCAFFERTY<br />

Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />

or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />

to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

Phone 03693 8207 oremail@gressons.co.nz<br />

or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />

Donna Chisholm says, online discussion often turns personal and becomes polarised. PHOTO: Shutterstock<br />

The TWITs: alocal alternative to rants on social media<br />

Donna Chisholm, who hasabackground<br />

in education and community building,<br />

proposes anew group to promote critical<br />

thinking in the community. Two others<br />

havealready joined thecore groupofLila<br />

Lusher, Ruth Coulton and Donna in<br />

readiness for their first meeting.<br />

The group already has aname,<br />

That Which Is Thinking, aka the TWITs<br />

and atimeslotbooked at the library for<br />

Thursday, 6October, between 10.00am<br />

and 12.00pm, and on the first Thursday<br />

of each month afterthat.<br />

Donna says she hopes people can<br />

engage in robust discussion face to face<br />

on topical issues. She says that she will<br />

create apsychologically safe space, unlike<br />

the internet, where discussion oftenturns<br />

personal and becomes polarised. It is<br />

about listening for meaning as well as<br />

putting your point.<br />

For more information, email<br />

thetwitsofgeraldine@gmail.com.<br />





Developing the regions<br />


since 1978<br />

Freephone 0508 227 237<br />

Bruce 027 449 7259<br />

Email admin@barbergroup.co.nz<br />



TIME FOR ANEW CAR? Toyota has held aspecial<br />

place inthe hearts and minds of New Zealanders for<br />

generations. Take alook at Toyota’s range of cars,<br />

hybrids, SUVs, 4x4 and utes. M&G Auto Centre can<br />

help you decide which is the right one for you.<br />


M&G AUTO CENTRE | 13 PEEL STREET, GERALDINE | 03 693 9664 | 027 208 7590

THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />



Leon Boon in his award-winning performance ofOlivia Rodrigos Deja Vue. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Good vibes atGeraldine High School<br />

Once again, GeraldineHigh School (GHS)<br />

students put on acolourful display of<br />

talent with their annual production,<br />

Vibes. Head of Music Cameron Love<br />

says that on the first evening,21<strong>September</strong>,<br />

around 120 people attended, and on the<br />

following night, it played to apacked<br />

house of 250. He was pleased with the<br />

response.<br />

The variety concert was organised by<br />

the GHS Student Cultural Committee.<br />

Cultural leader Saskia Finlayson-Hood<br />

also acted as MC. There were19individual<br />

andgroup acts in the competition, as well<br />

as aHouse Lip Sync. Acts included<br />

choreographed lip syncs, singers, and<br />

instrumental numbers, including individual<br />

and group performances.<br />

As well asentertainment, Vibes is<br />

also acompetition. Performances are<br />

judged inthree categories -Years 7-8,<br />

Years 9-10 and Years 11-13. The judges,<br />

Pauline Ramsay, Charlotte Rowley and<br />

GrahamBock, pronounced Leon Boons<br />

rendition of Olivia Rodrigos Deja Vue<br />

topinthe Year 7-8category and overall<br />

winner. Second overall was Rean Lane<br />

Garcia with Killing Me Softly inthe<br />

style of Filipina artist KZTandigan. Kylie<br />

Fraser placed third with Almost There<br />

after Anika Noni Rose.<br />

At the end of the evening, Saskia paid<br />

tribute to the support offeredbyCameron<br />

Love, Eliza Williams and Andrea Hornsby,<br />

as well as the sound and lighting teams.<br />

Cameron, in his turn, congratulated<br />

the performers and Saskias team for<br />

asuccessful event. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />







earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now in store<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine (opposite Village Inn)<br />

Carolyn 027 305 3000 or carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz<br />

www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday

WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />



280<br />



Scan and email your entry toj.walton@xtra.co.nz<br />

Post to Crossword, 65Connolly Street, Geraldine<br />

ENTRYDEADLINE: 5pm FRIDAY14OCTOBER<strong>2022</strong><br />

ActorMichael Hurst in ascene from his one-manshowNo Holds Bardwhich AOTNZ toured through Geraldinein2018. PHOTO:Archives<br />

Loss of funding for Arts onTour NZ<br />

disappointing for local arts council<br />

NAME:<br />

ADDRESS:<br />

PHONE:<br />

EMAIL:<br />

ACROSS<br />

1 Eatingvery well but not at all<br />

without ecstasy (8)<br />

6 Before22it's adilemma that may<br />

save adrop (5)<br />

10 State -mature and mean (7)<br />

11 Understanding? Inflame we’re<br />

told (7)<br />

12 Steer to the unknown! Info is -<br />

it’sagas! (6)<br />

13 Given everything and nothing for<br />

Man's race -littleman. (8)<br />

15 See Mark (4)<br />

16 Escapee from the run won’t take<br />

the challenge (7,3)<br />

20 Perform amethod including<br />

dispatch (2,4,4)<br />

21 Reacted to the material (4)<br />

23 Fiery steed your mate holds for<br />

support (8)<br />

25 Make anecessary entry to<br />

Mediterranean destination (6)<br />

27 Come into some pain. Her itch gets<br />

worse (7)<br />

28 It’srighttofind it amusing about<br />

the leak (7)<br />

<strong>29</strong> They may contain water -cannon<br />

holders on tracks (5)<br />

30 Are certain about Southern<br />

Comfort (8)<br />

DOWN<br />

2 Each presentprecedesnet hand<br />

oddly occasionally (5,3,3,4)<br />

3 Embarrassed me to carelessly<br />

dash about(6)<br />

4 Going together so it's time to<br />

change (4)<br />

5 Ask the cook! (5)<br />

6 Tradition the queen has as a<br />

client (8)<br />

7 His jobkeeps him on the straight<br />

and narrow (9,6)<br />

8 Despised the wanted. Went<br />

away in turmoil (5)<br />

9 Made merry on nothing in an old<br />

set of wheels (8)<br />

14 Cats maybepresent (4)<br />

17 Refer to the sound of sense(4)<br />

18 Bound to partlyhate the<br />

reductions (8)<br />

19 Theymay be distinguished from<br />

some star performers (8)<br />

22 Goes round -alternatively,parts<br />

may follow (6)<br />

23 Apiebaldcoat (5)<br />

24 Does he go under a<br />

stage-coach? (5)<br />

26 Old Sicilian banger -<br />

back-stake? (4)<br />

Funded regularly by Creative New Zealand<br />

(CNZ) since 2005, Arts on Tour New<br />

Zealand(AoTNZ)has been deniedanother<br />

three years of support in the latest round<br />

of funding decisions.<br />

Speaking to Stuff in an article published<br />

on 22 <strong>September</strong>, CNZ Chief Executive<br />

Stephen Wainwright says, We realise in<br />

the case of ArtsonTourNew Zealand that<br />

some regions will feel that this signals a<br />

lack of support for them and their ability<br />

to participate easily in the cultural life of<br />

Aotearoa. He says CNZ was short of money<br />

aftersupporting many artsgroupsthrough<br />

the Covid-19 pandemic.<br />

Geraldine Community Arts Council<br />

Chair Elaine Taylor says, Arts on Tour<br />

New Zealand has achieved animmense<br />

amountin27years, far too much just to<br />

be binned like the remains of afish and<br />

chip supper. After years of delivering the<br />

very best ofNew Zealands established<br />

andemerging talenttoremote, rural and<br />

isolated communities, there is simply too<br />

much goodwill on the line tobecast off<br />

this way. The many thousands that have<br />

benefited over the years through the<br />

impossibly high-quality service from the<br />

AoTNZ organisation deserve areturn on<br />

their support investment.<br />

For many years the Geraldine<br />

Community Arts Council hasenjoyedthe<br />

support in Geraldine of manypeople, some<br />

of whoattend virtually every performance.<br />

Most of the performances have been<br />

sourcedthrough the AoTNZ organisation,<br />

making professionalartists affordable and<br />

accessible.<br />

Elaine says, The city dwellers who<br />

seem to hold the pursestringsatCreative<br />

New Zealand should understand that we<br />

cant all afford to travel to Christchurch<br />

or Dunedin just to see ashow. This is an<br />

unfairand discriminatory action by some<br />

very uninformed people who ought to<br />

know better.<br />

Everyone who has enjoyed AoTNZ<br />

performances overthe yearsisencouraged<br />

to write to Stephen Wainwright,<br />

stephen.wainwright@creativenz.govt.nz,<br />

Caren Rangi,chair@creativenz.govt.nz,<br />

and Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean,<br />

waitaki.mp@parliament.govt.nz.<br />


Congratulations to Thomas & Jennifer McLeod,<br />

winners of Cryptic Crossword No. 279<br />

279 SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 1. Tedious 5. Lawyers 9. Staff 10. Net profit 11.Earshot<br />

12 Used car 13. Lamp post 14. Gets at 17. Drip feed 22. Nomadic 24. Avoided<br />

26. Trouncing 27. Apron 28. Dynasty <strong>29</strong>. Dreaded DOWN: 1. Taste 2. Diagram 3. Offthe-peg<br />

4. Sanitise 5. Let out 6. Worse 7. Effects 8. Saturated 13. Laminated<br />

15. Espionage 16. Arranged18. Lampoon 20. Endured 21. Acuity23. Dents 25. Dined<br />

ONLINE EDITION: gnews.co.nz

THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE<br />


On The Farm<br />


10:30 AM -11:30 AM<br />

Wednesdays and Fridays<br />

during the School Holidays<br />

Geraldine Primary Hockey League players and supporters smile for the camera. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Geraldine Primary Hockey League<br />

has successful inaugural season<br />

The Geraldine Combined Hockey Club<br />

has been running alocal primaryhockey<br />

league at theGeraldineDomain thisyear.<br />

LastMonday was the league finals night,<br />

with ahuge crowd turning out to cheer<br />

on the teams vyingfor the top fourspots<br />

-Tigers vs Sharksand Panthers vs Roosters.<br />

After ahard-fought 30 minutes, the<br />

final wastied 4-4. Extratimewas played,<br />

with the Panthers slotting agoldengoal<br />

against the Roosters in the last seconds<br />

to finishtop of the league. It was adramatic<br />

end tothe season with some excellent<br />

skills and teamwork on display.<br />

This is the first time this league has<br />

been played.The success and enthusiasm<br />

shown sets up abright future forhockey<br />

in Geraldine. Theclub is eagerly awaiting<br />

the laying of the new turf at the domain<br />

andhopes this will encouragemorepeople<br />

to take up the sport.<br />

TheGeraldinePrimary HockeyLeague<br />

would not have been possible without<br />

the time and skills of the coaches and<br />

umpires. The club thanks Finn OBrien,<br />

Sam Oschner, HunterWilson, Holly Berry,<br />

Brae Cleverly and Maddie Berryand says<br />

its members are already looking forward<br />

to next year. SUPPLIED<br />

To book a place,<br />

call Geraldine Library<br />

on 03 693 9336 or<br />

email libger@timdc.govt.nz<br />

Show your love and think local<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

Geraldine boys represent<br />

South Canterbury inrugby<br />

Three Geraldine rugby players recently<br />

represented South Canterbury inthe<br />

U14.5 rugbyrepresentativecompetition.<br />

Reuben Shaw, Matteo Kimura and<br />

Ollie McKeown played games against<br />

North Otago, Buller, Mid Canterburyand<br />

West Coast.The last game of the series,<br />

playedatatournament held in Methven,<br />

ended up as the finals match. Playing<br />

against West Coast, South Canterbury<br />

won 43-10, finishing unbeaten for the<br />

season.<br />

The Geraldine players say theyenjoyed<br />

the top-level rugby they played in the<br />

South Canterburyseason. DEBBIEOLIVER<br />

FROM LEFT: Reuben Shaw, Matteo Kimura<br />

and Ollie McKeown with the U14.5<br />

winners shield. PHOTO: Supplied<br />


7TALBOT STREET |PH03693 8877<br />

CURRY OF THE DAY $18<br />

TUESDAY : BeefJalfrezi<br />

WEDNESDAY : Lamb Pasanda<br />

THURSDAY : Chicken Rogan Josh<br />

FRIDAY : Veg Madras<br />

SATURDAY : Jeera Aloo<br />

SUNDAY : EggCurry<br />




2 pairs Merino Comfort Top<br />

$<strong>29</strong>.99<br />

RRP $39.99<br />

The OldPost Office, Geraldine<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />


WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Our business goal is simple:<br />

to help you achieve<br />

your business goals.<br />

Offices in Geraldine (Wed) and Timaru<br />

PHONE: 03 687 9045<br />

MOBILE: 021 109 0149<br />

EMAIL: tanyaf@compassbp.co.nz<br />


DairySupportBlock<br />

Farm is located 10km from Geraldine, 5kmfromWoodbury,<br />

incorporates dairy replacement grazing operationand dairy cow<br />

winter grazing. Thefarmis170ha and 70haleaseblock,<br />

currently grazing dairy calves and dairyheifers.<br />

We have avacancy for amotivatedFarm Assistant/Worker.<br />

ONLINE EDITION: gnews.co.nz<br />



ASURE Scenic Motor Lodge is abusy 4-star+ motel<br />

in Geraldine. We require aHousekeeper who can<br />

also act as relief receptionist when required.<br />

ASURE Scenic Route Motor Lodge is abusy<br />

four-star motel on Waihi Terrace, Geraldine.<br />

Weekly hours vary, between 9am-2pm, depending<br />

on occupancy and doinclude some weekends and<br />

school holidays. Previous reception/housekeeping<br />

would be an advantage, but full training will be given.<br />

Confidentiality is imperative.<br />

If you have great interpersonal skills, are honest<br />

and reliable, quick and efficient, have an eye for detail<br />

and the ability to work aspart ofateam...<br />

we invite you tosend your CV and references<br />

to stay@motelscenicroute.co.nz<br />

Retail Position<br />

Louk Clothing is looking forareliable person<br />

to join our team of three.<br />

The successful applicant will need to be<br />

neatly presented and cheerful, with excellent<br />

customer serviceskills.<br />

Confident computerskills areessential.<br />

Louk is apositiveand rewarding environment<br />

offering regular part time hours with<br />

flexibility forawork-lifebalance.<br />

Forthe right person this position will<br />

progressintoamanagement role.<br />

If youthink youhavewhatweare looking for<br />

(orthe ability and desiretolearn)<br />

drop your CV intoLouk,<br />

or email: louknzclothing@xtra.co.nz<br />

The OldPo<br />

dPost Office,Ger<br />

Geraldine<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />

Thepositionreportsdirectly to thefarmowner whohas<br />

astrong influence over the day-to-day requirements of the<br />

farm withoutbeing on the ground each day. Casualstaff<br />

areemployedtoassist as required.<br />

With nootherpermanentstaffonthe farm, this role offers<br />

alevel ofautonomyand requires awide range of practical<br />

farmingexperience. These willinclude dealing with day-to-day<br />

feeding requirements,stock movements, tractorwork,<br />

general maintenance.<br />

The successful candidate will have the following attributes:<br />

• Proven stock husbandry/stock managementskills<br />

• Experience in dairy grazing preferred<br />

• Have experience driving and operating farm machinery<br />

• Mechanical aptitude and awillingnesstolearn<br />

• Athoroughunderstandingofpasturemanagement<br />

and feed budgeting<br />

• Well-developed ability to keep up-to-date<br />

and accurate records<br />

• Reliable and honest,eye fordetail and high<br />

standards of workmanship<br />

• Abletoworkunsupervisedand equally<br />

efficient working in ateam environment<br />

• Some computer skills and awillingness to<br />

learn new systems<br />

This is agreat opportunityfor ahigh performer wanting<br />

to take the next step towards farm management.<br />

ACCOMMODATION PROVIDED: Atwo-bedroomunit<br />

in Geraldine townshipisicluded withthis position.<br />

Remuneration package will reflect thelevelofexperience<br />

of the successfulcandidate.<br />

Apply by sending CV and covering letter to<br />

julie@woodleys.co.nz<br />

Applicants forthis positionshould haveNew Zealand residency<br />

or avalid NewZealand workvisa.<br />

With aStJohn Medical Alarm,<br />

we’relikepartofthe family.<br />

We all enjoy our independence and aStJohn MedicalAlarm<br />

givesNewZealanders and their familiespeace of mind around<br />

the clock.<br />

Become apartofthe family nowand signupforafree* trial<br />

with the only medicalalarmthat connects directly to St John.<br />

Call 0800 50 23 23 or visit stjohnmedicalalarms.org.nz<br />

*Freetrial periodisupto30days only. Please note: St John doesnot provideemergencyambulance<br />

services in theWellington

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

THURSDAY, <strong>29</strong>SEPTEMBER, <strong>2022</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />



✔ Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

✔ Direct billing toInsurance Companies<br />

✔ TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for somereason<br />

you don’treceive the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews, email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt<br />

027 920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try<br />

to ensure any delivery issues are resolved.<br />


10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask and<br />

come to thefront door.Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />



<strong>2022</strong> to be held Tuesday 11October,7.30pmWoodbury<br />

Hall. Election of Officersfor 5-year term. For information<br />

email info@woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />


YOUR NOTICE HERE Email ads@gnews.co.nz<br />

or drop in to the Resource Centre. 63c per word.<br />

Death notices: first 15 words free.<br />


FIREWOOD FOR SALE Macrocarpa3.6cm cord@<br />

$<strong>29</strong>8 delivered. Phone 021 102 0017.<br />

PIANO, SINGING LESSONS Teaching for leisure,<br />

exam prepincluding NCEA.Phone 027 494 7700.<br />


please Phone 03 692 2883.<br />

WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />

gnewsresults<br />


ATOBLAWNS &SERVICES Available now for<br />

lawnmowing and garden maintenance. Ph/Txt<br />

Brad on 021 192 0660.<br />


all your business and tax requirements. Phone<br />

Raylene on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road.Phone 03 693 99<strong>29</strong>.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, for<br />

all building work. PhoneAnts027 3090798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTER TAMING Geraldine Computer Solutions.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />

HEAT PUMPS Clean, service, repair and install.<br />

Please call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />

GERALDINE BRIDGE CLUB Championship Session 8, 22.09.22: 1st<br />

PTaylor &LGraybill 63.49% John Kelly &DHarrison 61.90%3rd BWhite<br />

&RHobbs 53.17%. 21.09.22. North South: 1st ABlackemore &KLe<br />

Lievre 58.33%, 2ndRScott&TBoyce 48.33%.East West:1st CHamptom<br />

&MHyde 60.42%, 2nd KMiles &MBourassa 53.13%.<br />

GERALDINE DISTRICT GOLF CLUB 20.09.22 Best Ball Stableford:<br />

TPutze &MCrook 24pts, RDavies& LPearsall 24, FBlake &MBolton<br />

23, HOldfield &GHamilton 23. Weds 21st Sept Mixed Stableford:<br />

IMacdonald 37pts,LGunatunga 37, SLyttle 36,TClayson35, DLapthorne<br />

35, HOldfield 34. 24.09.22 Kingsride RosebowlCombinedStableford:<br />

1st S&GDwyer 77 pts, 2nd S&MBensemann 74, 3rd= JKellahan &<br />

MPatrick 73 &RDavies&BGallichan 73. ROF Stableford: DManssen<br />

43pts, MMcKeown 42, NCollins 40, GGallichan 39. Twos IMacdonald,<br />

MChristian,RJeffrey.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 25.09.22 Stableford: 1st BMillar 96-<strong>29</strong>-67-<br />

36stbs, TKerr 86-16-70-34, BSimkin 77-6-71-33, JCox 93-21-72-32,<br />

PCushnie 89-16-73-32, JPatyrick 81-8-73-30, CSeaton 98-22-76-<strong>29</strong>,<br />

CMcNulty 92-16-76-<strong>29</strong>, MDenton 101-26-75-<strong>29</strong>, RRamsay 94-18-76-<br />

28, GGallichan 82-5-75-27, GPatrick 89-9-80-27, GOliver 97-17-80-25,<br />

AMuff95-14-81-24. Twos CSeaton#9, PCushnie#9N/P #13CMcNulty.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% off all and labour prices only.<br />

Phone Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021 041 3318.<br />

PAINTER GERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />


Computer Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

WILTONSMALLMOB SHEARING Available for your<br />

shearing, crutchingand allanimal health products<br />

for your sheep, alpacas and goats. Please phone<br />

/txt Mike and Nicola 020 401176<strong>29</strong>.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg $15, 2kg $25. New<br />

season’sHoneycomb also available.<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />




eatingout<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporating Barker’s productswith seasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm. Phone 03 6939727.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Sat evenings.Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menu are available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />

THE RUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6<strong>29</strong>2.<br />



PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />





SUN 1PM |MON 2.30PM<br />

TUES 12.30PM |WED(5) 2.30PM<br />

For all your interior plastering needs<br />

With the release ofAvatar 2inDecember we have<br />

secured aprint of the first film -aspecial re-release<br />

of the 2009 blockbuster! Come and see it as it was<br />

meant to be seen on the giant Cinemascope screen!<br />

James Cameron's<br />

AVATAR<br />



George Clooney &Julia Roberts star<br />

in this great comedy film<br />



SUN 3PM |WED(5) 7.15PM<br />



MON 12.30PM |TUES 2.30PM<br />

WED(5) 12.30PM<br />

MOB 027 313 8338 •HOME 693 9013<br />


WHĀRANGI 12 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>29</strong>MAHURU, <strong>2022</strong><br />



With apologies to our regulars, we gave it one lastshotbut have<br />

taken the decision to cease trading. Thanks to all our customers and<br />

everyone who has supported us along the way, especially Debbie,<br />

Germaine, Abbi,Steph, Sade, Kim,Leon, Paulette, Craig and Koryu.<br />


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As market dynamics shift, Bayleys delivers excellence bycreating more interest and<br />

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Have aHmmm<br />

Pupils form Lady of the Snows School Methven Mt Somers<br />

Springburn School pose with The Thinker statue.<br />

ACC has laid downawero<br />

(challenge) to the next<br />

generation of young Kiwis.<br />

“We challengedthe kidsto<br />

‘Have aHmmm’,” says Wendi<br />

Stewart, an ACC Injury<br />

Prevention Partner for the<br />

region.<br />

The pose of ‘The Thinker’is<br />

one of deep thoughtand<br />

contemplation. The statue is<br />

often usedas animage to<br />

represent philosophy.<br />

The messagesweredelivered<br />

to kids aged 5­12 at the Our<br />

Lady of Snow,MethvenPrimary<br />

andMtSomers Springburn<br />

primary schools.<br />

The schoolsare at the footof<br />

Mt Hutt and skiing and<br />

snowboarding feature in their<br />

winter curriculum.<br />

The visit waspartofaninjury<br />

prevention promotion as part of<br />

ACC’s‘Have ahmmm’<br />

campaign andthe Safe<br />

Communities <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District to enhance safety in the<br />

area.<br />

ACC research showsthat90<br />

percentofinjuries are<br />

predictable and therefore<br />

preventable.<br />

“This wasanopportunity for<br />

the kids to engagewith our<br />

‘Have aHmmm’campaign,”<br />

saysWendi.<br />

“We encouraged anyonewho<br />

is heading to the mountain to<br />

take the time to assess therisk.<br />

They can then make smart<br />

choices to keep them injury<br />

freeand having fun.”<br />

Wendi says thesessions were<br />

about making considered<br />

choices in high­risk activities<br />

such askiing.<br />

“I hope the “Have aHmmm’<br />

message is something the kids<br />

can adoptand usetoconsider<br />

safety in all situations as they<br />

go through their lives.<br />

“We’d like to thank all of the<br />

schoolsfor hosting us.”<br />

This winter, ‘The Thinker’<br />

statue firstfeatured on Mt Hutt<br />

as ACCdeliveredarange of<br />

safety focusedactivityonthe<br />

mountain.<br />

When it came to the<br />

classroom,Wendi says akey<br />

changewas tailoring their<br />

messaging to meet the younger<br />

audience.<br />

“I asked my 10­year­oldson<br />

the other day ‘What do you<br />

think when Isay, ‘identifying<br />

and evaluating risk’ andhe<br />

lookedatmeand said,‘what are<br />

you talking about?’<br />

“So, Isaid to him what about<br />

if Iasked you to ‘Make better<br />

choices’and he said: ‘Yeah Iget<br />

that’. So that was agood guide<br />

for these sessions.<br />

“The key to gettingthekids<br />

engaged was to make it fun. We<br />

wanted to get them to think.”<br />

The sessionsintroduced the<br />

“HaveaHmmm” campaign and<br />

talked generally about what<br />

Preventable campaign is all<br />

about.<br />

“We discussed why ‘The<br />

Thinker’ was sitting up at Mt<br />

Hutt and deliveredsome ski<br />

and snow safetytips for them.<br />

Astudent from Out Lady of<br />

theSnow said, “I learnt to be<br />

safe on Mt Hutt, andthat you<br />

should listen to your instructor,<br />

and ‘HaveaHmmm’.”<br />

The studentsweretaught the<br />

NZ Snow SafetyCode: Know<br />

Your Limits, Find Your Space,<br />

Protect Yourself.<br />

The kids had photo<br />

opportunities with ‘The<br />

Thinker’, there was acolouring<br />

competition, and discussions<br />

with kids aboutmaking better<br />

choices to stay safeonthe<br />

slopes.<br />

In 2021, ACCaccepted 10,820<br />

claims for snow sports injuries,<br />

6540 skiing and 4280<br />

snowboarding, shesaid.<br />

Notsurprisingly, the three<br />

leadingregionsfor snow­sports<br />

injuries were Otago,<br />

Canterbury andManawatu /<br />

Wanganui.<br />

Over thepast six years,ACC<br />

accepted 6595 snow­sports<br />

relatedinjuries in the<br />

Canterbury region.<br />

“Our claims datashowsus<br />

that the skiing slopes are a<br />

common place for injury,” says<br />

Wendi.<br />

“Going to the mountain is a<br />

way of lifefor peoplewho live<br />

in mid­Canterbury–many of<br />

theschoolsaround here<br />

include ski trips throughoutthe<br />

winter.<br />

“We want people to embrace<br />

that. We are encouraging<br />

anyonewho is heading to the<br />

mountain to take the time to<br />

assessthe risk and make smart<br />

choices.<br />

“If we can make adifference<br />

to these kids at this agethen,<br />

hopefully we will set them up<br />

for alifetime of stayinginjury<br />

free and enjoying everything<br />

themountain has to offer.”<br />

If youarehitting the slopes,<br />

following these simple steps to<br />

avoidgetting hurt:<br />

Warm up andstretch before<br />

heading up the mountain. Have<br />

the right equipment –always<br />

wear ahelmet and protective<br />

gear like wrist guardsare good<br />

to have, as well. The<br />

appropriate size and flexibility<br />

of your skis/boards are<br />

important. Be aware of the<br />

conditions –checkthe mountain<br />

report anddon’t go full throttle<br />

straight away. Take aslow<br />

inspection run to feel things out<br />

and take asecond run to test<br />

things before getting stuck in.<br />

Follow the NZ Snow Safety<br />

Code: Know Your Limits, Find<br />

Your Space, Protect Yourself.<br />

Follow terrain park etiquette –<br />

It’s important that you know the<br />

etiquette for skiing/<br />

snowboarding in theterrain<br />

park. Make sure you areupto<br />

speedbefore going up the<br />

mountain.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />

College alumni trust fund<br />

It has been more than half a<br />

century since <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Collegewas founded in 1965,<br />

and since then, thousands of<br />

students, teachers, parents,<br />

and other supporters have<br />

shaped <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

into thehighly successful coeducational<br />

school it is today.<br />

Thecollege emerged from a<br />

combination of theformer<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> HighSchool and<br />

HakatereCollege (formerly<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Technical School).<br />

Thus, the College insignia<br />

became thePhoenix, and its<br />

Latin maxim ‘Resurgamus’:<br />

“Let us go forward”, or<br />

“Rise”.<br />

Since the establishmentof<br />

the college, funds have been<br />

raised and donated to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Alumni<br />

Fund and the<strong>Ashburton</strong> High<br />

School Centennial Fund.<br />

From these funds<br />

scholarships andawards were<br />

presented to students.<br />

After the 50th year<br />

anniversary of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College the AlumniBoard,<br />

headed by chairperson Peter<br />

Gluyas, decided to transfer<br />

these funds to anew trust fund<br />

with theAdvance <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

CommunityFoundation.<br />

Mr Gluyas said, “This<br />

partnership with Advance<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> gives the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College Alumni<br />

group the assurance needed<br />

in going forward to achieve<br />

our vision and objectives.”<br />

2517758<br />

21st-23rdOctober <strong>2022</strong><br />

From left, Peter Gluyas, mayor Neil Brown, <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

head girl Jorja Roulston and head boy Jack Brown, Advance<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> chair Mary Ross and <strong>Ashburton</strong> College principal<br />

Ross Preece.<br />

The primary purposes of<br />

the new<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Alumni Trust Fund are to:<br />

­Provide charitable,<br />

educational, andcultural<br />

benefit to present andpast<br />

students and staff<br />

­Promote the welfare of the<br />

present students and staff<br />

­Continuetoprovide<br />

scholarships to students.<br />

The chair of Advance<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Mary Ross, said,<br />

“To be able to support the<br />

Alumni Association as they<br />

continue to grow is a<br />

privilege.<br />

‘‘The college hasakey role<br />

within the district; it is an<br />

essential component in the<br />

development and learning of<br />

many of ouryoung people.<br />

‘‘We hope over theyears<br />

that the fund, with the<br />

continued support of former<br />

pupils, will continue to grow.”<br />

The launch of the fundwas<br />

held on Tuesday <strong>September</strong><br />

13, with membersofthe<br />

AlumniBoard,the mayor and<br />

councillors,college principal<br />

and staff, past and present<br />

students, board members<br />

from Advance <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

members of the community.<br />

At the launch of thisnew<br />

partnership between the<br />

Alumniand Advance<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mr Gluyas<br />

explained, “Wewant to make<br />

adifference to the lives of<br />

some students who have a<br />

certain aptitude but need a<br />

helping hand to get there.”<br />

150 th JUBILEE<br />

We invitepastand present students,staff and<br />

boardmembers to joinusincelebrating<br />

150 years of Rakaia School.<br />

Reconnectwith past friends,meet new<br />

ones and enjoythe festivities-celebrations<br />

commenceonFridayevening through until<br />

late Sunday morning.<br />

Register today<br />

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www.rakaia.school.nz or phone 021 152 2395.<br />

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NEWS<br />

40 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The Mirror­verse, written by Jack Gorrie<br />

Jack Gorrie, from Mt<br />

Somers Springburn<br />

School,took 1st place in<br />

the 12-15 years category<br />

of the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Writers Groupshort story<br />

competition.<br />

This is his award winning<br />

story, The Mirror-verse.<br />

Ihave something strange, scary<br />

and suspicious to share.<br />

Our lives are filled with<br />

mirrors. For me they’venever<br />

really worked. Sometimes my<br />

reflection has strange scars, or<br />

my eyes aredifferent. Strange.<br />

One evening, Istepped into<br />

my bathroom andnoticed an<br />

oversized smudge on the<br />

mirror. Being abit of a<br />

perfectionist, Igrabbed for a<br />

hand towel and reached out to<br />

cleanthe mirror.<br />

Suddenly, Icould feel the<br />

cold of the glass, curling around<br />

my hand. The mirror morphed<br />

beforemyeyes.<br />

My hand, then my armand<br />

now my shoulderwasbeing<br />

pulled toward the mirror. It was<br />

just like ascenefrom amovie,<br />

but worse. Scary.<br />

I’m pulledinto ablurry<br />

dimensional void. Ican hear<br />

faint whispering scratching in<br />

my ears.<br />

It was aroom filled with<br />

mirrors. Their shapes, sizes,<br />

and frames were alldifferent. I<br />

can make out blurry eyes<br />

staring at me, their gaze is<br />

haunting.<br />

Across the floor,there is a<br />

chair standing before me. As I<br />

reach outtograb it, it is cold<br />

andmetallic.Isit down.<br />

There’s asingle lightbulb, an<br />

older oneswinging and<br />

flickering.<br />

It’s beenthere for years,<br />

dimmedwith dust, illuminating<br />

the room.<br />

Irise out of the chair and find<br />

myself being pulled into<br />

another mirror …this was<br />

different. It was the darkest<br />

mirror I’ve seen, everything<br />

washauntingly black.<br />

As Ienter,Icanhear the<br />

distinct sound of warehouse<br />

lights being activated. A<br />

corridor adorned with mirrors,<br />

mirror portals. Irealise that<br />

these portals,aren’t too scary.<br />

With building confidence, I<br />

launchmyself into another<br />

mirror, then another,and<br />

another. This is getting<br />

addictive, Ijump…<br />

Buckingham Palace,the South<br />

Pole, Cat Island Japan …Fort<br />

Knox.Akaleidoscope of<br />

adventures!<br />

Suddenly, asilver claw<br />

reachesout of amirror. It grabs<br />

me,lifting me up and throwing<br />

meback intothe chair.<br />

Suddenly, the chair lurches<br />

forward, faster, faster. Iturnmy<br />

head to the left, light is<br />

reflected off mirrors, appearing<br />

as longstreaks, streaks of<br />

startlingwhite. At first, it was<br />

juststreaks, then Inoticedthat<br />

Icould make outletters.Then<br />

words, and aphrase. “Don’t<br />

look back!”<br />

The words were repeating,<br />

the reflections, the light, the<br />

words were screaming at me. I<br />

turned my head to the right, my<br />

reflection looked... different.<br />

My skin, wrinkled …myhair …<br />

grey, my eyes …the sparkle had<br />

disappeared. Gone.<br />

Iwas gettingolder.Until, I<br />

was aspooky skeleton of myself.<br />

Then Ishudder to ahalt, in<br />

front of amirror.<br />

It’s familiar, just like the one<br />

in my bathroom. Ireachout and<br />

close my eyes as Itouch it. My<br />

hand touches, Islowly crack<br />

open my eyes. Only to find that,<br />

I’m …inbed.<br />

Confused. Iswing my legs<br />

around and sluggishly lift<br />

myself, afew short steps, I’m in<br />

my bathroom.<br />

For real this time.<br />

Inoticean oversized smudge<br />

on the mirror. Suspicious.<br />

Igrab for ahand towel…<br />

~By Jack Gorrie<br />

Jack Gorrie with his writing<br />

awards.<br />


Keep safewhen<br />

diggingor moving<br />

equipment<br />

Overhead and underground powerlines can be easy<br />

to forget about when digging or moving farm machinery<br />

around your property.<br />

Before you startdigging, find out where powerlines and<br />

cables are located.<br />

If you do come intocontact with live lines,call<br />

EA Networkson0800 430 460 immediately and<br />

staystilluntil helparrives.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

41<br />



Nesting time<br />

for river birds<br />

David Stewart has shared this old photo of <strong>Ashburton</strong> taken circa 1910, lookingdown Burnett<br />

Street from East Streetwith aLong Live The King banner at the start of King George V’s reign.<br />

The black­billed gull nests on the<strong>Ashburton</strong> HakatereRiver ­<br />

please don’tdisturb them during thebreeding season.<br />


Spring…that’s blossoms and<br />

lambs to many people. Butfor<br />

thebraided river birds it’s<br />

nesting time.<br />

Braided riverbirdssuch as<br />

thelocally­famousblackbilledgull,<br />

the quirkywrybill<br />

and theterns liketonest<br />

undisturbed onclear stretches<br />

of riverbed. This year there’s<br />

beenagood clean outof most<br />

oftherivers sothere’s plenty<br />

ofweed­freeshingletonest<br />

on.<br />

Theblack­billed gulls have<br />

started arrivingin<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

They canbeseenflyingover<br />

thetown but have yet to settle<br />

on the river to nest. The blackbilled<br />

gulls are smaller and<br />

daintier than the black­backed<br />

gulls –theyhave distinctive<br />

black bands on their tail<br />

feathers and apale(but not<br />

yellow) eye.<br />

Dogs, four­wheeldrivesand<br />

well­meaningwalkerswho<br />

don’t see the camouflaged<br />

nests hinder the efforts of<br />

nesting birds.Their nestsare<br />

hidden amongstthe stones and<br />

debris on the riverbed and so<br />

arevulnerable to being driven<br />

over, walked on or the nesting<br />

birds disturbed so much that<br />

they abandon the nest and<br />

eggs.<br />

So please –thisspring, don’t<br />

take yourdogtothe riverand<br />

letitrun amok.Please don’t<br />

drive on the riverbeds. If<br />

you’rewalking,avoid colonies<br />

of birds and if you see birds<br />

squawking and flying<br />

overhead, that’s an indication<br />

there may be anest nearby and<br />

so theareashouldbeavoided.<br />

Thesespecialbirds need<br />

space andcalm.<br />

Mostofthemdohave the<br />

capacity to lay more than one<br />

clutch of eggs if thefirst oneis<br />

destroyed, but that runs down<br />

their reserves andiftheir<br />

nests are latertaken outby<br />

flood waters, they don’t have<br />

as much left in the tanktostart<br />

again.<br />

It’sexciting that they’re<br />

back –the rarest gullinthe<br />

worldandwehave the<br />

privilege of having them on<br />

ourlocal river!<br />

Got aphoto you would liketoshare? Submityourphoto capturingMid Canterbury to:daniel.<br />

tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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Jill Della Tracey Sarah<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

43<br />

Registration date for Allenton reunion<br />

People wanting to attend Allenton<br />

Primary School’s 125th celebrations<br />

arebeingasked to gettheirregistration<br />

formsbackbyThursday,October 13.<br />

This will give theschool time to<br />

organise foodand suppliesfor featured<br />

eventsbetweenOctober 27 to <strong>29</strong>,<br />

principal Bruce Tilbysays.<br />

Registration formscan be pickedup<br />

from theschool office, or downloaded<br />

from theschool’s website or Facebook<br />

page.<br />

Planned events includeschooltours,<br />

performancesfromchildren, an<br />

informal supperfor adults, official<br />

formalities andevents,and an<br />

anniversarydinneratthe Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Mr Tilbysayspastpupils and the<br />

school community aregetting excited<br />

about the celebrations.<br />

“It’sgreat to be holdingthis event<br />

afteralongperiod when we couldn’t<br />

organise get­togethers at theschool,<br />

and it seemstobegeneratingalot of<br />

interest.”<br />

AllentonPrimarySchool history:<br />

Two andahalf acresoflandwas<br />

purchased forAllenton Primary School<br />

in 1896, andthe side school opened in<br />

1897.<br />

Afurther one andahalfacreswas<br />

purchased in 1919,and the first<br />

AllentonSchool committee was elected<br />

in 1920.<br />

Three classrooms wereadded in1921<br />

alongsidethe formal opening of<br />

AllentonMain School with 220 pupils<br />

on the roll.<br />

In 1936 the swimming baths were<br />

Allenton Primary School pupils gather on the school grounds in 1941.<br />

built and in 1947 the AllentonDental<br />

Clinic wasadded.<br />

Another four acres of land was<br />

purchasedin1950and aseven<br />

classroomblock built in 1953.<br />

By 1972 the school roll sat at 644<br />

pupils butby1974<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Intermediate had opened and the<br />

school lost170 pupils.<br />

In 1978 alibrary wascreated outof<br />


tworoomsand in 1980 the original<br />

1897­1921building demolished.<br />

In1997, thecentennialwas held with<br />

hundreds of attendees celebrating their<br />

years at theschool.<br />

South Canterbury<br />

anniversary move<br />

SouthCanterbury’s anniversary<br />

day has beenmovedtoNovember<br />

this yearafterthe New Zealand<br />

Government’s move to recognise<br />

the death of QueenElizabeth II<br />

nationally with apublic holiday.<br />

Theday chosen ­<strong>September</strong> 26<br />

­was SouthCanterbury<br />

Anniversary Day.<br />

Thethree South Canterbury<br />

districtcouncils —Timaru,<br />

Waimate andMackenzie —all<br />

agreedtomovethe day to<br />

November 11,Canterbury’s<br />

anniversary day.<br />

At an extraordinary meeting<br />

last week, the Timaru District<br />

Council tookonboard results of a<br />

survey of South Canterbury<br />

people about theissue.<br />

More than 8200 people filled in<br />

theonline survey, with 86%<br />

supporting moving the<br />

anniversaryday to coincidewith<br />

Canterbury’s.<br />

Themajority did not haveany<br />

additionalcomments but afew<br />

expressed concern about the<br />

affordabilityofanother public<br />

holidayfor businesses andhow<br />

South Canterbury businesses<br />

usually benefited from theinflux<br />

of visitors on Canterbury<br />

Anniversary Day.<br />

Some suggested South<br />

Canterbury’s anniversary day be<br />

moved to either Friday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 23 or Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong> 27,and others saidit<br />

would be unfair if therestofthe<br />

countryreceivedanextra<br />

holiday, while theSouth<br />

Canterburyregionmissedout.<br />

Geraldine councillorGavin<br />

Oliver saidconcern for Geraldine<br />

businesses wasthe Geraldine<br />

Festivalrun over Canterbury<br />

anniversaryweekend,but said<br />

businesses acknowledged it<br />

came in swings androundabouts.<br />

‘‘They recognise theyhave to<br />

Nigel Bowen<br />

pay abit extra for staffbut they<br />

are hoping for abigger roll­up of<br />

acrowd for the daywithpeople<br />

beingonholiday.’’<br />

Timaru councillor SteveWills<br />

said South Canterbury<br />

Anniversary Day wasbeing<br />

moved for thisyear only.<br />

‘‘I want to stress that.Wedon’t<br />

wanttolose South Canterbury<br />

Day as thatisDominion Day. It is<br />

our identity, it is the day we<br />

identify with,’’ he said.<br />

Timaru councillor AllanBooth<br />

wasnot against the motionbut<br />

wanted to pointout each<br />

employeeworkingwouldcosta<br />

business $400 for that day.<br />

‘‘Justkeepthatinmind, and<br />

thatismadeupofwages, lost<br />

opportunityand profit. Multiply<br />

that by how manystaff you’ve got,<br />

it’s what the outcome is in<br />

reality.’’<br />

Mayor Nigel Bowen was<br />

confidentfromahospitalitypoint<br />

of view thatpeople from<br />

Christchurch would still move<br />

aroundCanterbury.<br />

‘‘I think thosewho would<br />

traditionally come to Timaru,as<br />

an example, we are still quite<br />

likely to getthose. Idon’t think it<br />

will be as bad as we think.’’<br />

~Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

<br />



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2510853<br />



7th, 8th &9th Oct<br />

Authorised by BevSkates<br />

1day admission: $5.00 |3day admission: $10.00<br />


NEWS<br />

44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Farmers flight for cancer teens<br />

Due to the generosity of<br />

Canterburyfarmingcouple<br />

Ted and Sue Rollinson, of<br />

Dorie near Rakaia,three<br />

teenage cancer patients have<br />

taken to the skies for ascenic<br />

tour.<br />

The three teens, Lincoln<br />

Richards (14), Jesse Sanford<br />

(15), and Ollie Vere (13)<br />

boarded GCH Aviation’s sixseaterEC130<br />

Airbus<br />

helicopter, and weregiven<br />

stunning viewsofthe city, on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 17, from the alps to<br />

the ocean and acrossBanks<br />

Peninsula.<br />

As long­timedonorsto<br />

CanterburyWest Coast Air<br />

RescueTrust, theRollinsons<br />

wanted to highlight thework<br />

of theWestpac Rescue<br />

Helicopter andgive the<br />

teenagersachance to see the<br />

air rescue base before<br />

hopping on their scenic tour.<br />

The couple are members of<br />

the ‘Westpac Rescue<br />

Helicopter SupportCrew’ who<br />

supportrescue missions and<br />

were giftedthe flight from<br />

GCHAviation, the operatorof<br />

the servicetosay thank you for<br />

their amazing support. In turn<br />

they asked if the trust knew of<br />

anyonewho wouldreally<br />

benefit from such aflightand<br />

this led to this great initiative<br />

with Uplift in Kind­the<br />

programme whichaims to give<br />

unwelland underprivileged<br />

children theopportunity to fly<br />

over their hometowns on a<br />

scenic flight, supportedby<br />

Lincoln and Jesse with their fathers, and Ollie with sister, pilot<br />

Juliette, and Sue and Ted Rollinson.<br />


CanTeen.<br />

The Rollinsons havebeen<br />

dairy farming in Acton­Rakaia<br />

for 35 years anddonating to<br />

the rescue helicopter service<br />

since then.<br />

“This is aservice everyone<br />

can call on if something<br />

happens. The Westpac Rescue<br />

Helicopter is an absolute<br />

lifeline forus, and they are<br />

such awell­organised service.<br />

“All farmers should be<br />

aware of the service and how<br />

vital it is to them –ifwedon’t<br />

donate it won’t be available to<br />

us. We have to support them<br />

now, because we never know<br />

what will happen in the<br />

future,” she says.<br />

“One of our young farmer<br />

neighbours lost his arm in a<br />

terrible tractoraccident. The<br />

helicopterarrived within<br />

minutesand saved his life,”<br />

she says.<br />

Several years ago, the<br />

Rollinson’s sharemilker’s<br />

father, visiting from UK,had a<br />

heart attack and again the<br />

rescuehelicoptersaved his<br />

life, arrivinginminutes.<br />

“It was wonderful for the<br />

youngones to fly over<br />

Christchurch when the city is<br />

in bloom. Ihopeit’sastunning<br />

day for them,” she says.<br />

Lincoln said thetrip was<br />

awesome,“Ithought thebest<br />

bit was flying over Lyttelton<br />

and seeingthe water,itwas<br />

amazing,” he said.<br />

Jesse said it was so good“I<br />

want to do it again!”<br />

Ollietook flight withhis<br />

sister Charlotte,aged10. “I<br />

loved it very much, so beautiful,<br />

it was breath taking. We sat up<br />

the front, mysister was abit<br />

scared but she loved it!Itwas<br />

10 outof10. Thank youso<br />

much,” he said.<br />

Sueand Ted also took the<br />

opportunity to meet senior pilot<br />

Westpac Rescue Helicopter,<br />

Stu Farquhar. The couple<br />

recently committed to<br />

supporting afullyear’s training<br />

for one of the pilots, Matt,<br />

whichincludes Night Vision<br />

Goggle training, winching by<br />

day and night and off­shore,<br />

orienteering,Helicopter<br />

Underwater Escape Training,<br />

plus allofthe CAA flying<br />

requirements. His training<br />

costs $26,000 per pilotand is<br />

integraltothe provision of this<br />

lifesaving service.<br />

Trust CEOChristine Prince<br />

saysitwasawonderful day<br />

havingthe double benefit of<br />

meetingthese brave teenagers<br />

and being able to thank Sueand<br />

Ted fortheir support, our<br />

rescue pilot Stu wasthrilled to<br />

be able to thankthemin<br />

person. We areblessed to have<br />

such wonderfulsupport in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> region.”<br />

To donate to thewww.<br />

airrescue.co.nz<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Fashion<br />

parade<br />

The Netherby Women’s<br />

Institutewererecently treated<br />

to afashion paradewith a<br />

difference.<br />

Models Catherine, Patsy,<br />

Maureen, Barbara,Adrienne<br />

andBrian ownedthe catwalk in<br />

their upmarket gear and<br />

accessories, all selected from<br />

the Mid Canterbury Hospice<br />

Shop.<br />

Alively commentary from<br />

Hospice staff,Fiona Giles and<br />

LauraBanks,added to the<br />

general goodcheer along with<br />

the opportunity to purchase the<br />

goods fromthe shopathalf<br />

price.<br />

The event was roundedout<br />

withacuppa and achat. All<br />

proceeds went to Hospice Mid<br />

Canterbury, andtheseinturn<br />

go towards supporting clients.<br />

The Netherby WI also made a<br />

generous donation on the day.<br />

Netherby Women’s Institute<br />

member Maureen struts her<br />

stuff for the fashion parade.<br />

<br />

VOTE<br />

ShfireSapphire<br />

for <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ward and<br />

Braided Rivers CommunityTrust<br />

<br />

<br />

Iopposethe 3waters reform<br />

Let’sbring our differences together<br />

and find common ground<br />

<br />

Isupportour farmers and businessowners<br />

“Our land,our people,our future.This is your Aotearoa!”<br />

Your voicematters!<br />

2510254<br />

/shfiresapphire /shfire_sapphire /shfiresapphire<br />

~Authorised by ShfireSapphire, 021681989

Draft Interim Speed<br />

ManagementPlan<br />

Theway we deal with speed on<br />

NewZealand roads ischanging.<br />

We want your feedback on anewplan that<br />

proposes three keyprinciples forhow we approach<br />

speed management on Mid Canterburyroads.<br />

1. Keeping our kids safeby lowering speed limits<br />

around all schools in theDistrict.<br />

2. Having theflexibilitytolower speeds<br />

around the fringes of our towns as they<br />

grow and become moredeveloped.<br />

3. Lowering speedsinareaswherewehavealot<br />

of active users, such as walkersandcyclists.<br />

Feedback closes5pm, Sunday 16 October<br />

We want to hear from YOU!<br />

ashburton.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

Draft UseofFootpaths<br />

for Alfresco Dining Policy<br />

We want to provide apleasant environment for<br />

businesses and people to enjoyoutdoor dining.<br />

We alsoneedtomakesurepublic footpaths canbesafely<br />

used by our community.We’re proposing afew changes to our<br />

current policy and would liketohearyour feedback.Findout<br />

moreand read the consultation document on our website.<br />

Feedback closes5pm, Sunday 23 October<br />

We want to hear from YOU!<br />


NEWS<br />

46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Womens Golf<br />

Saturday 17th &Tuesday 20th <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong> Rnd 3Bermaline Cup:<br />

Alison MacGregor, Mary-Lou Watson –<br />

42, Vicki Moore –41, Sharon Carlson, Erin<br />

Porter –40onc/b<br />

Nearest the Pins: No 4Chevalier Farm Ltd<br />

–Kay Fox, No 8Samantha Rose Flowers –<br />

Mary-Lou Watson, No 12 Lynn’s small Salon –<br />

Pauline Bell, No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />

Jacqui Welch<br />

No 18 2nd Shot –Jenny Williams, Twos:<br />

Jen Shepherd, Daphne McDonnell – No 8,<br />

Mary-Lou Watson –No12, Alison MacGregor,<br />

Jenny Williams –No14.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Vets Golf<br />

Results of match played inage groups at<br />

Tinwald on19th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Ages 0-70 Brian Fielder +2, Brent Holmes<br />

+3, Rod Carson +4<br />

70-79 Ray Lambert -7,Micheal McGuire<br />

-3,Murray Moorehead -2<br />

80+ Bill Mason -13, Trevor Watson -12,<br />

John McArthur -10<br />

Winner of Copland Tray: Des Green -14.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening –Sept 19th, Individual &<br />

Walker Trophies: N/S 1st Sheryl Reid &Anne<br />

Gilbert,2nd Louise McCrea&CarolEfford, 3rd<br />

George Brown &David McCormick, E/W 1st<br />

Bernie Jopson & Ruth Logan, 2nd Martin<br />

Hickman &Ellenor Sullivan, 3rd Margaret &<br />

John Rickard.<br />

Tuesday Evening –Sept 20th, Hazelmere<br />

Trophy: N/S 1st David Sewell &Alan Wright,<br />

2nd =Val Palmer &Rosemary McLaughlin<br />

and Kate White & Colin Clemens, E/W 1st<br />

Audrey Rooney &Leigh Wackrow, 2nd Bev<br />

Turton &Jim Rooney, 3rd Rewa Kyle &Sue<br />

Rosevear.<br />

Wednesday Afternoon -Sept 21st, Valetta<br />

Trophy, 1st Pat Jordan &Peter Wilson, 2nd<br />

Kay Robb &Sue Rosevear, 3rd Mary Buckland<br />

&Trish Small, 4th Rosemary McLaughlin<br />

&John Irwin, 5th Wendy &Eric Parr, 6th Rewa<br />

Kyle &Trish Downward.<br />

Thursday Evening –Sept 22nd, President’s<br />

Trophy: N/S 1st Jan de Jong & Pat<br />

Jordan, 2nd Joyce Johnson &Mervyn Jones,<br />

3rd Mike Holdaway &Debbie Seddon-Sewell,<br />

E/W 1st Maree Moore & Jim Rooney, 2nd<br />

Graham Gilbert &Leigh Wackrow, 3rd David<br />

Sewell &Kate White.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Veterans Golf<br />

Results from play on Monday 26th <strong>September</strong><br />

at Rakaia: 1st Dan Lysaght +8, 2nd<br />

Trevor Watson +7, 3rd Graham Hortin +6, 4th<br />

Les Hunter +5, 4th = Roger Lake, Kevin<br />

Sisson, Des Green, Graeme Munro and John<br />

Richards. Next Game Merrett Salver Gross<br />

WFA Mayfield October 3rd.<br />

Allenton Bowling Results for 25th <strong>September</strong><br />

On Friday 23rd <strong>September</strong> the first round<br />

of summer season Friday triples was played at<br />

the Allenton Club, results were as follows:<br />

First: Murray Smallridge, Alan Miller, Hayden<br />

Cowan 3wins 18 ends 39 points, Second:Len<br />

Luke, Graeme Clarke, Wendy Blackwell 3<br />

Wins 17 ends 34 points, Third: Tony Inwood,<br />

Dave Muir, A Huband 3 Wins 16 ends 36<br />

Points, Fourth: Graeme Bishop, John Forde,<br />

Tracey Fickling 3wins 15 ends 40 points, Fifth:<br />

Murray Anderson, John Kewish, Marg Lloyd 2<br />

wins 1draw 15 ends 40 points. Next round of<br />

Friday triples Allenton 30th <strong>September</strong> 12.30<br />

pm start.<br />

Mid Canterbury Social Wheelers<br />

Winter Season Points 3rd Sept 22:<br />

"Madge PeachTrophy "Pam Harcourt 150pts.<br />

MoniqueBrake 103pts. Kristine Marriott 86pts.<br />

Lucy Kirwan 72pts. Katherine Gorrie 67pts.<br />

Charlotte Cox 63pts. Michelle Davidson43pts.<br />

Tesh McIntosh 38pts. Michelle Knight <strong>29</strong>pts.<br />

Janette Hooper 27pts. Debbie Skinner 20pts.<br />

Liz Wylie 17pts. Kyla Smith 14pts One Start.<br />

Kimberly Marshall 10pts One Start.<br />

"Jim Tate Trophy "U40yrs. Jack Gorrie<br />

49pts. Ben Ward 32pts. Jelle Hendriksen<br />

27pts. Ged Wall 20pts. Matt Marshall 6pts.<br />

Ryan Gallagher 12pts One Start.<br />

"Sandy MacKenzie Trophy "over 40yrs.<br />

Larry Neal 155pts. Kaylib Gorrie 135pts.<br />

Roger Wilson 127pts. Dave Knight 123pts.<br />

Michael Gallagher 109pts. Tony Ward 95pts.<br />

Rob Hooper 93pts. Don Sutton 84pts. John<br />

Uden 81pts. Mark Smitheram 74pts. Doug<br />

Coley 71pts. Richard Kirwan 57pts. Paul<br />

Brake 53pts. Michael Templeton 37pts. Mike<br />

Hansen 27pts. Andrew Shepherd 26pts.Marty<br />

Cuttle 24pts. Kerry Clough 21pts. Anton<br />

Nicholls 18pts. Andy Skinner 15pts. John<br />

McIntosh 20pts One Start. Steven Hands<br />

15pts one Start. Nick Hand 15pts. one Start.<br />

Brad Hudson 10pts one start. Shane Jones<br />

7pts. One Start. John Ferguson 6pts. one<br />

start.<br />

MCSW Winter Cup. O60 years. Nick<br />

Grijns 118pts. Dave Shurrock 117pts. Ron<br />

Kennedy 99pts. Ross Templeton 95pts.<br />

Kenny Johnston 83pts. Paul Hands 75pts.<br />

Brent Hudson 74pts. Allan Johns 65pts. Brian<br />

Ellis 41pts. Ross Proctor 35pts. Paul Williams<br />

15pts. Don Morrison 14pts. Merv Grewar<br />

12pts. Paul Summerfield 6pts. Steve Caldwell<br />

3pts one Start. Most Starts (16) Nick Grijns,<br />

Brent Hudson, Dave Shurrock. Overall Winner<br />

155pts. Larry Neal. "BruceArnst Trophy "U15<br />

winner Jach Gorrie.<br />

Tinwald Cycling<br />

U17 Development Season Points: 4th<br />

Sept 22. Graded Points. A.Grade Handicap.<br />

Eliza McKenzie 240pts. Ryan Gallagher<br />

161pts. Jack Gorrie 112pts. Time Trial .Eliza<br />

McKenzie 214pts. Ryan Gallagher 192pts.<br />

Jack Gorrie 90pts. B.Grade Handicap. Charlotte<br />

Neal 270pts. Oscar Gorrie 81pts. Time<br />

Trial. Charlotte Neal 242. Oscar Gorrie 75pts.<br />

C. Grade Handicap Eden Brake 100pts.<br />

Casey Brake 59pts. Maddie Townshead<br />

18pts. Time Trial Eden Brake 94pts. Casey<br />

51pts. Maddie Townshead 24pts. D.Grade<br />

Handicap Nick Dalley 349pts. Lucy Brake<br />

69pts. Emma Gallagher30pts. Time Trial Nick<br />

Dalley. Lucy Brake 51pts. Emma Gallagher<br />

26pts. Overall Trophys. A. Grade Eliza McKenzie.<br />

454pts. B. Grade Charlotte Neal<br />

512pts. C. Grade Eden Brake 194pts. D.<br />

Grade Nick Dalley. 658pts. U17 Girls .<br />

Charlotte Neal 512pts. Teams Trophy Nick<br />

Dalley 36pts. Tower Trophy 1st. Nick Dalley<br />

658pts. Tower Trophy 2nd. Charlotte Neal<br />

512pts. Tower Trophy 3rd. Eliza McKenzie.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9Hole Section<br />

Finals day was held on Saturday 24th<br />

<strong>September</strong>. The <strong>2022</strong> Club 9Hole Champions<br />

are:<br />

Men's Champion - Gavin Johnston;<br />

Women's Champion -Jenny Matthews; Sega<br />

Golf Men's Champion -Peter Stechman; Sega<br />

Golf Women's Champion -Joy Nicholas.<br />

Last Thursday, Gavin Johnston won the<br />

Netherby Pharmacy Putting competition with a<br />

score of 13 putts, followed by Val Ferrier (16).<br />

Ten players scored 17and 4lucky cards were<br />

selected from the ten: Bruce Leighton, Peter<br />

Stechman, Sue Forrest and Wendy Hopwood.<br />

Gavin Johnston also scored aSmith &Church<br />

Gobbler. Today we will be mixed play, 4BBB<br />

nett and the following week on 6th October is a<br />

special day when we will compete for the<br />

Laurence J. Hanrahan Trophy, 4BBBStableford<br />

sponsored byHotel <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Sega Golf.<br />

October also marks the start of summer times<br />

for play: arrive by 9:15 for 9:30 start.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />

Saturday 24/9/<strong>2022</strong>Competition: <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Club Championship Finals <strong>2022</strong><br />

Senior: Jeff Hewitt bt Dave Morrison 38th<br />

Hole, Intermediate: Chris Lovelock bt Paddy<br />

Bradford 4&3, Junior A: Mitchell Lye bt Gaby<br />

Jansen 2&1, Junior B: Matt Fallaver bt Ian<br />

Snowball 4&3, Silver: Sharon Bradford bt<br />

Pauline Bell 39th Hole, Bronze 1: Jenny<br />

Stoddart bt Daphne McDonnell, Senior Plate:<br />

Steve Richards bt Brendon Davidson 1up,<br />

Intermediate Plate: Brent MacGregor bt Ryan<br />

Stoddart, Junior APlate: Karl Snowball bt Terry<br />

Molloy 3&2, Junior BPlate: Brian Fauth bt Henry<br />

Lawrence, Silver Plate: Hilary Lovett bt Alison<br />

MacGregor, Bronze 1 Plate: Bev Chinn bt<br />

ToneeHurley, Bronze 2: Jacqui Welsh bt Robin<br />

Bennett, Bronze 2Plate: Lynn Small btHeather<br />

Robertson.<br />

9Hole Men’s Champion: Gavin Johnston,9<br />

Hole Women’s Champion: Jenny Matthews, 9<br />

Hole Men’s Sega Golf Champion: Peter Stechman,<br />

9Hole Women’s Sega Golf Champion:<br />

Joy Nicholas.<br />

Sunday 25/9/<strong>2022</strong> Competition: Nett Medal<br />

+Putting, Radius Care Winner over the Field:<br />

Brian Fauth Nett 61, 2nd: Murray Wackrow 68<br />

Nett, 3rd Hilary Lovett 69 Nett. Other good<br />

scores; Greg Sparrow, Peter Walker, Paul<br />

Greer, Tim Newton, Daniel Snowball, Hayden<br />

McMillan, Wendy Hopwood, Mitchell Leath and<br />

Robert Pawsey. Eagles: Adrian Hopwood and<br />

Sebastian McMillan, Putting Winner: Jason<br />

Overend 24 putts, C/P Hole 4# <strong>Ashburton</strong> Mitre<br />

10: Peter Walker, C/P Hole 8# Three Stooges<br />

(Brown Bombers): Logan Tasker, C/P Hole 12#<br />

Value Plus: Brendon Davidson (Hole inOne),<br />

C/P Hole 14# South Island Seed Processing &<br />

Storage &Co. Paul Greer, C/P 2nd Shot: Hole<br />

6# Hamish Niles Shout! Brendon Davidson, L/P<br />

Hole 9Ton’s Thai: Paul Greer.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Golf<br />

Saturday 24th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>Club Champions:<br />

Silver – Sharon Bradford, Bronze I –<br />

Jenny Stoddart<br />

BronzeII–Lynn Small.Plate Winners Silver<br />

–Hilary Lovett, Bronze I–Bev Chinn, Bronze II<br />

–Jacqui Welch. Tuesday 27th <strong>September</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />

Par Round, Jenny Stoddart –7up, Sue Letham<br />

–5up, Jan McArthur –4up. Nearest the Pins:<br />

No 4Chevalier Farm Ltd –Lynn Small, No 8<br />

Samantha Rose Flowers – Kay Fox, No 12<br />

Lynn’s small Salon–Sally Lemon, No 14 Todd’s<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –Alison MacGregor, No182nd<br />

Shot –Jenny Williams.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

47<br />

Experience helping to create artwork<br />

Geraldine resident Stewart<br />

Gollan has drawn an<br />

illustration for Crohn’s and<br />

Colitis New Zealand (CCNZ).<br />

The illustration came to him<br />

easier than other works he had<br />

completed, thanks to his “lived<br />

experience”; two of his three<br />

children suffer from some form<br />

of the disease.<br />

“I know the struggle,” he said.<br />

His wife,Miriam, said their<br />

oldestchild “hasreally, really<br />

suffered for the last five years”.<br />

Mr Gollan said some people<br />

struggled to differentiate<br />

between inflammatory bowel<br />

disease and irritable bowel<br />

syndrome.<br />

He saidinflammatory bowel<br />

disease was an immune<br />

response,not adietary<br />

response.<br />

However, there werefoods<br />

their sons couldnot eat, but that<br />

was moresotheir good days<br />

were not ruined by asore<br />

stomach or nausea.<br />

With IBD, “you can eat all the<br />

rightthings and stillsuffer”, Mrs<br />

Gollan said.<br />

New Zealand was along way<br />

behind othercountries with<br />

medications, whichwas ironic<br />

as it had one of the highestrates<br />

of Crohn’s disease and<br />

ulcerativecolitisinthe world,<br />

she said.<br />

CCNZ chief executive Belinda<br />

Brown said the illustration Mr<br />

Gollandid was for aflyer,to<br />

informthose at arecent event at<br />

Parliament aboutIBD and what<br />

their organisation does,“but<br />

most importantly to accompany<br />

our shortfilm that was being<br />

premiered at Parliament that<br />

night”.<br />

“One­hundred percent he<br />

nailedit. The fact there were<br />

peopleofall ages who have<br />

risen above the challenges (of)<br />

an inflamed bowel, absolutely,<br />

he hit the brief.”<br />

The organisation had spotted<br />

Mr Gollan’s talent when he<br />

submitted awork to them last<br />

year of achild sittingonagiant<br />

toilet rollwith his friends<br />

playingaround him.<br />

WorldIBD Day is observed in<br />

more than 50 countries and<br />

commemorated the five million<br />

people worldwide who livewith<br />

thesediseasesevery day.<br />

“Twenty thousand of these<br />

people are our neighbours,<br />

friends, and family.”<br />

Ms Brown said IBD did not<br />

discriminate by age or sex.<br />

“It impactsthe livesof<br />

children, teens, young adults,<br />

and the elderly.<br />

“And it brings to each stage of<br />

life its own unique set of<br />

challenges.”<br />

~Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

Left: The Gollan family, from<br />

left Miriam, Louie (3), Stewart,<br />

Maeve (7), and Archie (11).<br />

Below: Stewart Gollan working<br />

on another piece.<br />

VOTE<br />

1<br />

Read the instructions carefully<br />

andcompleteyourvoting papers.<br />

LOCAL ELECTIONS 8 OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />

PACK<br />

2<br />

Pack them intothe supplied<br />

orangeenvelope.<br />

Vote for<br />

yourfuture<br />

POST<br />

3<br />

Post them back before4October<br />

or drop them intoaballotbox.<br />

The local people who featureinour advertising arenot standing in the <strong>2022</strong> LocalElections.<br />

No Voting Papers?<br />

If youforgottoenrol or haven’t<br />

received your votingpapers, you<br />

may be able to cast aspecial vote.<br />

Voting closes noon, Saturday 8October<br />

Find out more at voteashburton.nz

NEWS<br />

48 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Wheelchair b’ball, game of two halves<br />

Wheelchairbasketballwas the<br />

winner on the day an <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

‘celebrity’ side took on the<br />

Canterbury Wheelies, and it<br />

was certainly agame of two<br />

halves.<br />

In an entertaining match,<br />

watched by aboutique crowd,<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>sideshowed<br />

somemoments of skill,nodoubt<br />

after locking in anumberof<br />

years in thechair forthe<br />

annual game, usually played as<br />

one of theevents on the Wheels<br />

Week Plus calendar.<br />

The visiting sidehad thelead<br />

16 ­4atthe endofthe first<br />

quarter. And by halftime were<br />

ahead28­10.<br />

It was then thedecision came<br />

to mix up the sides for fun,with<br />

afinal score 34 ­18atfulltime.<br />

The Canterburyteam are all<br />

wheelchair­boundathleteswho<br />

playregularcompetition.They<br />

supply all the basketball<br />

wheelchairs for use.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>team to line<br />

up this year includedmayor<br />

Neil Brown,councillor Leen<br />

Braam, Peter Jacobs, Michael<br />

Calvert ,Roger Paterson,Rob<br />

Reid,Shona McGrath­Proctor,<br />

as well as local media<br />

representatives, including<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>’s Mary<br />

Summerfield.<br />

Action on the court by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> ‘celebrity’ team, in<br />

grey, against the Canterbury<br />

Wheelies team, in red.<br />


<br />

Proven 6-year trackrecordasyourdistrictcouncillor<br />

Passionate about ourdistrict andour people<br />

Commonsense decisionmaker<br />

Fiscally responsible<br />

Strong businessmanagementskills<br />

VOTE Rob Mackle<br />

Eastern Ward<br />

Supporting diversityand equality<br />

Listening to whatour community<br />

needs and wants<br />

Solution focused<br />

No personal agenda<br />

Everyvotecounts–<br />

make your vote<br />

countfor the<br />

rightreasons<br />

Authorised by RussellEllis,RussellEllis.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@gmail.com<br />

2511485<br />

Authorised by RobMackle,<strong>Ashburton</strong>

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

49<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Electronic Organ & Keyboard<br />

Club<br />

Entertainment organised by Rose Stead<br />

Alison -itwas lovely to arrive outside the<br />

building and hear your music coming from<br />

within -set the evening off on the right note!<br />

Iain and Robin -kicked off the evening<br />

singing together with their ukuleles, with some<br />

lovely harmonising -Lets Grow Old Together,<br />

Nearest Thing to Heaven, Lovin Arms and<br />

Diana. Iain, it was extra special to hear your<br />

lovely deep voice –Johnny Cash suits you!<br />

With it being Māori language week, singing<br />

Diana in Te Reo was fantastic, well done to<br />

you both!<br />

Accordion group – with Bernard on his<br />

keyboard and accordions played by Alison,<br />

Irene, Michael, Robin and Rose, there were<br />

lots of bright, breezy and rousing tunes<br />

including Blaze Away/Sunshine Of Your<br />

Smile, Wee Doch &Doris/I Love ALassie/Four<br />

Leaf Clover, Leave the Dishes/When You<br />

Wore aTulip/YankeeDoodle, Drovers Dream/<br />

Click Go the Shears/John Browns Body and<br />

finishing with Dear Old Donegal/McNamara’s<br />

Band/IfYou’re Irish –the brackets all sounded<br />

great!<br />

Michael –played an enjoyable selection of<br />

tunes with avariety of rhythms. One was a<br />

tribute to the Queen called In aGolden Coach.<br />

This was followed with Biscaya, Once Upon a<br />

Time in the West, Let’s Do It, Brown Eyed Girl,<br />

Venus and Red Roses for You.<br />

Irene &Karen –Irene played her accordion<br />

with Karen on the piano and both ladies<br />

wore tartan to support their Scottish tunes of<br />

These Are My Mountains/Grannies Highland<br />

Hame/Song of The Clyde, Way Up in Clachan/<br />

The Northern Lights of Aberdeen/Jock<br />

Mackay, and The Thistle of Scotland/No Awa<br />

Tae Bide Awa/ Keep Right on To The End of<br />

The Road<br />

Ann – dusting off her keyboard, Ann<br />

played sing-along favourites of King of the<br />

Road, Never My Love, Crazy, Always on My<br />

Mind and Stand by Your Man. There was lots<br />

of humming and swaying in the audience as<br />

they enjoyed the tunes.<br />

Skiffle group – this is a large group<br />

comprising of a variety of instruments and<br />

singers. They played Singing the Blues,<br />

Walking’ In the Sunshine, Ain’t We Got Fun,<br />

Sioux City Sue, Good Luck Charm and I’m<br />

going to Knock on Your Door.<br />

Thank you to everyone for agreat night’s<br />

entertainment and to Rose for her organising.<br />

Mid Canterbury Central Friendship<br />

Club<br />

President Merv welcomed 67 members to<br />

the meeting and received seven apologies.<br />

The members then stood for a moments<br />

silence inremembrance of the passing of Her<br />

Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, and also our<br />

member Maurice Wilson. President Merv then<br />

welcomed a visitor, Dave Ansell to the<br />

meeting. Carl Ruddenklau mentioned that<br />

President of Friendship NZ, Warren Jeffs has<br />

been nominated as Northern South Island<br />

District Councillor for afurther year. President<br />

Merv then inducted Don Prouting to the club<br />

who was introduced byMeredith Lowe.<br />

Our mini speaker, Ron Winchester, spoke<br />

about writing abook on his family history. His<br />

great great grandparents arrived in NZ from<br />

Northern Ireland in 1874 with 3 children. 2<br />

others died on the way out. They established<br />

themselves in the Leeston area. Ron, the<br />

youngest of 6boys went to school there then<br />

on to Southbridge District High School. He<br />

worked atFarmers Co-op<br />

after leaving school, then travelled to<br />

London byboat and looking up relatives in<br />

Ireland. He hitch-hiked round the continent<br />

extensively, ending up at one point in hospital,<br />

and stealing out one night when he couldn't<br />

pay the bill.<br />

Eventually he came home, very sick with<br />

hepatitis and broke. But he had avaluable car<br />

that he had imported from England which he<br />

sold to buy an<br />

engagement ring and 175 acres of land to<br />

start farming. Heeventually bought afarm in<br />

Coldstream. Ron and his wife are now retired<br />

to <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

After morning tea, Ken Borlandintroduced<br />

Wendy Suttie who was dressed in her official<br />

uniform as an umpire at the Commonwelth<br />

Games in Birmingham in August this year. She<br />

was one of two who were selected from NZ.<br />

The opening ceremony was something to be<br />

remembered, especially when the crowd sang<br />

the National Anthem. The bowling greens<br />

were about 40 minutes walk away from their<br />

accommodationinBirmingham and when their<br />

bus failed to take them there the decided to<br />

walk. They did this for a few days until<br />

eventually the bus did turn up. She was very<br />

impressed with the friendliness of the competitors<br />

towards each other and the way the<br />

games were run. She passed around some<br />

memento's of her trip, including a<br />

mascot, an engraved bowling jack and a<br />

medal that each official received. After replying<br />

to questions from the floor she was<br />

presented with agift and thanked by President<br />

Merv. The meeting was closedwith the singing<br />

of the National Anthem.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bowling Club<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bowling Club wishes all our<br />

Members and readers an enjoyable <strong>2022</strong>/23<br />

bowling season. We will keep you informed of<br />

much of the action and the results of our<br />

members on the bowling green, both home<br />

and away.<br />

Preceding our official opening day on the<br />

24th, members had already been in action and<br />

showinggood form. On the 16th at the MSA in<br />

the first Friday Triples competition, sponsored<br />

by Skip2It, acomposite team including <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

MHill and PCollins, came 1st with 3<br />

wins, 17 ends, 39 points, and in 4th place with<br />

3wins, 11 ends, 26 points, were <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

DKinvig, DPrendergast, PQuinn. On the 18th<br />

in the Peters Cup, also at the MSA, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

team of MHill, MAnderson, JKewish, L<br />

Spargo came 4th with 3wins, 21 ends, 49<br />

points. Well played everyone!<br />

Saturday, 24th <strong>September</strong> –our Opening<br />

Day! Overcast, not abreath of wind and Very<br />

Cold! Our number filled 8rinks of the lower<br />

green, the majority being triples and play<br />

proceeded non-stop until the afternoon tea<br />

bell was rung. So no winners, no losers! The<br />

green was excellent, and along with the wellmanicured<br />

surrounds, the place looked aright<br />

picture! Thank you to everyone involved!<br />

The atmosphere was great amongst the<br />

members, and we were joined by our Mayor<br />

and his wife, (no electioneering mind!) along<br />

with the ADC’s CEO and his wife. Messrs<br />

Brown and Riach did the honours to start the<br />

season off and our flag was flown at half-mast<br />

in respect of our dearly departed Queen<br />

Elizabeth 11.<br />

Our 2021/22 season prize giving was held<br />

after tea and congratulations go to all the<br />

trophy winners.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> ladies get under way with their<br />

programme of drawn and championship<br />

matchesonTuesday and Thursday this week.<br />

Ladies drawn triples (3 games) on Tuesday<br />

and Ladies championship triples will begin on<br />

Thursday, both starting at 9.30 am. The Club’s<br />

rollover Saturday triples will begin on the 1st<br />

October at1.15 pm.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

Our club days are still getting plenty of<br />

support, especially on aTuesday when we<br />

play a social competition as well as social<br />

games with some playing just 2rounds.<br />

Meantime some of our competitive members<br />

have been busy taking part in other<br />

tournaments. In the Otago Doubles Mark<br />

Richardson and partner were runners up in the<br />

Championship, and Richard Browne and<br />

partner finished third = along with Stephen<br />

Fitzgerald and partner. Bruno Falco and<br />

partner won the Consolante, and Nicky Foden<br />

and Partner were third in this section. Neville<br />

Bensdorp and partner won the Plate with<br />

Karen Bensdorp and Karen Stephen being<br />

Runners up.<br />

We also did well in the Te Waipounamu<br />

Doublesand this was won by Bruno Falco and<br />

partner. Richard Browne and Karen Bensdorp<br />

were Runners up. Nicky Foden and partner<br />

finished third in the Consolation. Stephen<br />

Fitzgerald and partner won the Plate. Well<br />

done all of you.<br />

We hosted the fourth and final round of the<br />

Interclub which is played between Ascot,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Christchurch and Papanui. While<br />

we didn't win overall we did have two of the<br />

days where we were top scorers. Something<br />

to be proud of against such tough competition.<br />

It was great to see so many of our players<br />

taking part over the four days. They all did well.<br />

We are still playing Tuesday, Thursday,<br />

and Saturday, and are welcome to join us at 1<br />

pm where we will set you up with boules and<br />

tuition.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toastmasters<br />

Spring was in the air and it was the<br />

Toastmaster of the day’s backgroundtheme at<br />

this recent meeting. Jamie led the night’s<br />

agenda and introduced the cultural share<br />

speaker, Coby.<br />

Coby spoke about the immensely popular<br />

pastime of cycling in Holland. For acountry<br />

about the size of the Canterbury region, there<br />

are approximately 22 million bicycles. Cyclists<br />

use awell-planned infrastructure that makes<br />

cycling an easy activity. Cycling seemed an<br />

appropriate recreational pursuit with spring<br />

flourishing.<br />

The first main speech of the evening was<br />

David with ‘Culture shock lessons from<br />

VOTE<br />

VOTE<br />

foryour<br />

regional council<br />

ecan.govt.nz/elections<br />

Taiwan.’ David drew on his 10 plus years of<br />

living experience in Taiwanto paint apicture of<br />

asociety with differing approaches to social<br />

welfare, elderly care, military, and health<br />

systems. The initial phase of his speech<br />

focused on different perspectives one progresses<br />

through from the thrill of being<br />

somewhere new to noticing things that are not<br />

in favour.<br />

Matt’s speech entitled ‘Making ameal out<br />

of your next speech’ compared the planning<br />

and preparation of a short speech to the<br />

making of a fine dining meal. He said the<br />

ingredients were a suitable subject and<br />

purposeofthe speech. The recipe and method<br />

were the structure commonly known as the<br />

introduction, body, and conclusion. The garnish<br />

being the effective use of gestures and<br />

props.<br />

The next meeting will be held on 28<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> and will be aspecial one with<br />

acontest being staged. The contest will focus<br />

on events such as Table Topics and humorous<br />

speeches. Guests and visitors are most<br />

welcome. Our fortnightly meetings start at 7:30<br />

pm in the Doris Linton Lounge, RSA <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

2501385<br />



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50 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Break from rural banking for Black Fern<br />

BlackFernforwardGeorgia<br />

Ponsonby is temporarily<br />

parking arural banking career<br />

to concentrate on thelooming<br />

Rugby World Cup.<br />

The Canterbury<br />

representative is oneofthree<br />

hookersnamed in the 32­player<br />

squad to competeinthe World<br />

Cup at home in New Zealand<br />

next weekend. She was one of<br />

two Black Fernstovisit<br />

Methven in July as part of the<br />

Heartland Rugby Festival,<br />

along with the Womens Rugby<br />

World Cup.<br />

Fresh outofLincoln<br />

University, she gotapass from<br />

coach WayneSmithtoattend<br />

last week’sgraduation<br />

ceremony beforeflying back for<br />

the test againstJapan.<br />

Theevent was held after the<br />

May ceremony was postponed<br />

becauseofCovid­19<br />

interruptions.<br />

After completing abachelor<br />

of land and property<br />

management degree,she<br />

secured aplace in theASB<br />

FutureMe Rural Banking<br />

Graduateprogramme as well as<br />

gettingafull timecontractwith<br />

the Black Ferns.<br />

Untillately, she’s managed to<br />

fit herbankingworkona<br />

Wednesday,her only day off<br />

from training with thenational<br />

women’s rugby team.<br />

The22­year­old said she<br />

wouldn’t have been ableto<br />

Black Ferns Amy Rule, left, and Georgia Ponsonby in Methven with Under 15s rugby player Chloe<br />

Graham, of <strong>Ashburton</strong>, and the Women's Rugby World Cup.<br />


juggle everything without the<br />

supportofthe bank, which<br />

understood her rugby<br />

commitments.<br />

‘‘I won’t go in to the office for<br />

the nexteight weeksand<br />

they’vebeenreally good about<br />

it. I’mnot sure what next year<br />

willholdasonceaweekis<br />

prettyhard, but we will hold<br />

that conversation later andI’m<br />

fortunateto still be growing<br />

myself outsideofrugby.’’<br />

Rugby had beenthe focusfor<br />

the entire year towards helping<br />

NewZealandwin aWorld Cup<br />

on homesoil.<br />

Her goals include along<br />

career in theblack jersey, to be<br />

aruralmanager forthe bank<br />

and to eventually earn a<br />

valuation certificate.<br />

She grewuponasheep and<br />

beef high country station near<br />

Taihape in the central North<br />

Island, and was drawn south<br />

because of sporting<br />

opportunities.<br />

‘‘I boarded at FeildingHigh<br />

School beforedeciding to come<br />

down to Lincoln purely because<br />

oneofmyfriendstold me I<br />

should. Uni didn'treally<br />

interest me until then but I<br />

applied for the Lincoln rugby<br />

scholarship and gotit, which<br />

helped me make up my mind.’’<br />

Initially she started off doing<br />

abachelor of commerce in<br />

agriculture degree but switched<br />

after the first semester toarural<br />

valuation degree.<br />

The front rower debuted for<br />

Manawatu in 2017 while still at<br />

school before joining the<br />

Canterbury team andmaking<br />

her Black Ferns debut off the<br />

bench againstFrance in 2021.<br />

Previously aNo8,she was<br />

told to change to thehooking<br />

role if she wanted to becomea<br />

Black Fern. That advice has<br />

paid off and, after initial<br />

reservations aboutbeinginthe<br />

front row in ascrum,she now<br />

loves scrummaging.<br />

Also formerLincoln<br />

Universitystudents in the<br />

World Cupsquad areKendra<br />

Cocksedge, Alana Bremner and<br />

AmyRule.<br />

~Central Rural Life<br />

Looking to<br />

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Increasing your profitability takes more than simply planting the right seed, it takes long-term planning and<br />

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ongoing investment into research and development. So, speak to us and let’s grow together.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

51<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14<br />

15 16 17<br />

18<br />

19 20 21 22<br />

23<br />

24 25<br />

26 27<br />

30/9<br />

Across<br />

1. Make an issue in alitheway (6)<br />

4. Earl Greymay be in such aminor storm<br />

centre (6)<br />

9. Feeling forthe Orient comes with<br />

movement (7)<br />

10. There may be about oneacreofheather<br />

(5)<br />

11. Kitty is in agame involving potting(4)<br />

12. Showed one’s contemptatalarge drop<br />

of water (4)<br />

13. OvinecreaturediscoveredinBrewer(3)<br />

15. Accepted thatthe graftsucceeded (4)<br />

16. What muezzinchants shows something<br />

of an element(4)<br />

19. Wasn’t happywhenSouth Africa started<br />

democracy (3)<br />

21. Hand-out forthe old andconfused at end<br />

of queue(4)<br />

22. As soonasunit isfittedaroundcookertop<br />

(4)<br />

24. Hunter of gold takesone on (5)<br />

25. Ibeamout finalcharactertwice, running<br />

in Africa (7)<br />

26. Join the forces forthe silent revolution(6)<br />

27. Uncle isn’tfinished:gobackand remove<br />

obstruction(6)<br />

Down<br />

1. Aid to progress giving onesomething<br />

underfootwhenmidstream(8-5)<br />

2. Head of collegeassemblestroops around<br />

five(7)<br />

3. Beastly, to liehere, liar beingput out (4)<br />

5. Vote in theendlesslywealthy in agalvanic<br />

way(8)<br />

6. Sound of bell, church one (some being<br />

halved) (5)<br />

7. Propitiatorygiftsounds likebit one is<br />

bidding for(5-8)<br />

8. Tailors’bargains (5)<br />

14. Goes along with beingswindled, being<br />

amongconvicts (8)<br />

17. Statethatsurrounds22won’t show it (7)<br />

18. Fitwindows at endofbuilding, then take<br />

it easy(5)<br />

20. It maybeabore, marching up and down<br />

(5)<br />

23. ‘Ladiesonly’ sign?(4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12 13<br />

14 15<br />

16 17<br />

18 19 20 21 22<br />

23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. Yell (5)<br />

4. Unauthorisedday off<br />

(colloq)(6)<br />

7. Court(3)<br />

8. Submissive (6)<br />

9. Agitation (6)<br />

10. State of extreme<br />

happiness (7,6)<br />

14. Blusher (5)<br />

15. Breast (5)<br />

18. Looking well-worn<br />

(6-7)<br />

23. Humdrum(6)<br />

24. Kidnap (6)<br />

25. Aids virus(3)<br />

26. Give in (6)<br />

27. Spooky (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Push (5)<br />

2. Delayedorpostponed<br />

(2,3)<br />

3. Ascore (6)<br />

4. Looked for(6)<br />

5. Approximately(L) (5)<br />

6. Matter (5)<br />

10. Bush (5)<br />

11. Strongroom(5)<br />

12. Part of ahelmet (5)<br />

13. Wanderer(5)<br />

16. Heaviness (6)<br />

17. Eight notes (6)<br />

19. Overhead (5)<br />

20. String (5)<br />

21. Detection instrument<br />

(5)<br />

22. Host at formal<br />

occasions (5)<br />



Across: 1. Shout,4.Sickie, 7. Woo, 8. Docile, 9. Unrest, 10. Seventh<br />

heaven, 14.Rouge,15. Bosom, 18. Battle-scarred,23. Boring,24.<br />

Abduct, 25. HIV,26. Relent, 27.Eerie.<br />

Down: 1. Shove, 2. On ice,3.Twenty, 4. Sought,5.Circa, 6. Issue,10.<br />

Shrub, 11.Vault,12. Visor, 13. Nomad, 16. Weight,17. Octave,19. Above,<br />

20.Twine,21. Radar,22. Emcee.<br />


Across: 1. Supply4.Teacup 9. Emotion10. Erica 11. Pool 12.Spat13.<br />

Ewe15. Took 16.Zinc19. Sad21. Dole 22.Once 24. Orion 25. Zambezi<br />

26. Enlist 27.Unclog.<br />

Down: 1. Stepping-stone 2. Provost 3. Lair5.Electric 6. Chime7.Peaceoffering<br />

8. Snips 14. Condones 17. Conceal 18. Glaze 20.Drill23. Omen.<br />

TARGET<br />

hunk HUSKINESS inks kens<br />

kine knish ness nuke nukes<br />

shin shine shines shins shun<br />

shuns sine sink sinks sins sinus<br />

skein skin skins sunk suns<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

U S I<br />

S N K<br />

H S E<br />

Good 13<br />

Very Good 17<br />

Excellent 21+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />


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time to meet soIcan prepare a free no<br />

obligation market appraisal on your home.”<br />

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entertainment area, 4bay shed.This lifestyle<br />

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condition. Lots of potential to develop into a<br />

premium property. Offers Over $7<strong>29</strong>,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7YHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

26 KAWAU CRESCENT 3 1 1<br />


Fantastic Home! Ready for your own stamp<br />

of style! Jump on the property ladder,<br />

whether it’s your 1st or 2nd home for an<br />

investment. 3 dble bdrms, generous size<br />

living, woodburner with wetback, sleep out,<br />

single garage with an attached workshop in<br />

aquiet settled street. Offers Over $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/80HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />


Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />

home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />

kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />

offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />

survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />

sleep out, storage shed/garage upto6. BEO<br />

$689,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/79HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />

to secure this unqiue property & benefit from<br />

it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

3ALFORD FOREST 3 1 1<br />


O/P kitchen/dining/lounge, 3bdrms, prestine<br />

drinking water from mountain, adjacent<br />

to Council parkland, organic fruits/trees,<br />

glasshouses. Solid brick home with cosy fire.<br />

This rare country property on alarge section<br />

is only 12min to Methven &9min to Mt bike<br />

park. Buyer Enquiry Over $560,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7WHYK<br />

Agent Manu Otene 022 308 6885 |<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

1<strong>29</strong> MAIN STREET, METHVEN<br />


Opportunity here to start your own Cafe<br />

at an affordable price, on the Main Street<br />

on Methven! Entry level only cost of plant<br />

&chattels. Commerical Lease 9years left.<br />

Approved for 50 chairs. Put your own touch<br />

on the premises &it’s ready to go!<br />

Price by Negotiation.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/82HYK<br />

Agent Manu Otene 022 308 6885 |<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />


WARM &COSY<br />

3 1 1<br />

This warm & cosy, permanent material,<br />

1980’s classic home features 3dble bdrms,<br />

gas hot water, single garage &lots of OSP.<br />

Located close to schools &shops, with town<br />

just down the road. Offers over $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7NHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Do you have acommunity event coming up?<br />

Looking for atent to hire free of charge?<br />

Look no further!<br />

We have afantastic 4.5 x3mLJHooker tent available to use.<br />

(Like the one pictured below).<br />



Private lifestyle section situated in adesirable<br />

location amongst new housing. Build the<br />

home of your dreams, fully fenced & shelter<br />

belt. Lifestyle sections like this do not come<br />

along often. Temporary power supply,Town<br />

water, & Fibre at the gateway. Up to 1000<br />

litres per day. BIR PBN $330,000 -$380,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7QHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Give us acall today 0800 554 274<br />

if you wish to discuss further!<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company




ALLENTON 38 Alford Forest Road<br />

Investment!! OrAStep Onto The Property Ladder!<br />

Don't miss this opportunity to grow yourinvestment<br />

portfolio, or to take that first step on the propertyladder.<br />

Spacious and charmingthree bedroomhome in popular<br />

Allenton location. Good sized section close to amenities<br />

and schools. Single garage and plentyofstorage, open<br />

plan kitchen/dining, separateloungeand asunroom.<br />

$425,000<br />

VIEW<br />

10.00-10.30am,Saturday 1&8October<br />

Deb Roberts<br />

M 021 0752 180<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36649<br />

Congratulations Stephen Watson<br />

Seventhonthe TopTen Sales Ladder<br />

If youwouldliketobepartofStephens success,call him today<br />

to see whatyour property is worthinthe current market.<br />


Stephen Watson<br />

Residential Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 433 9695<br />

E stephen.watson@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

pggwre.co.nz<br />

PGGWrightsonReal EstateLimited,licensed underthe REAA2008.<br />

Helping grow the country<br />

NETHERBY 35 Davis Crescent<br />

Modernised &Affordable<br />

This solid red brickerhas been recently painted<br />

throughout. Modern kitchen &bathroom log burnerand<br />

gas hot water.Family size section with plenty of off-street<br />

parking and adouble garage.Close to all amenities. This<br />

beauty will be popular, don't delay call today!<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $4<strong>29</strong>,000<br />

VIEW<br />

10.00-10.30am, Saturday 1October<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

M 027 4339695<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36583<br />

Welcome<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

to the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Real Estate Team.<br />

Mark has worked forPGG Wrightsonsince1994 in the areas<br />

of Grainand Seed,Retail,Finance, District Management and<br />

Key AccountManagement.<br />

He prideshimself on building andmaintaining lasting<br />

relationships with hislarge networkoffarmers and rural<br />

professionals. He hasathorough knowledge of the<br />

agricultural industryboth on-farmand in the service area.<br />

Mark is atrue localliving andworking in mid-Canterbury.<br />

ContactMarkanytime to discussyour real estate<br />

requirements.<br />

MarkHanrahan<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 432 4028<br />

E markh@pggwrightson.co.nz<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA 2008<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03308 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural&Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 075 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

Sue Prendergast<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />

Helping grow the country


71a Oxford Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 2 1 1 AHB30392<br />

36 Reighton Drive,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 3 2 AHB30282<br />

7/42 Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 2 1 1 AHB30342<br />

378 Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 4 1 0 AHB30328<br />

5LilleyPlace, Methven 11:00-11:30am 4 2 1 MVN30044<br />

20 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 2 2 AHB30346<br />

77 Beach Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30400<br />

6Mason Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 2 2 AHB30249<br />

41 Redhaven Rise,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:30pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />

1Alford Street, Methven 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 2 MVN30039<br />

13 Walshs Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 4 2 2 AHB23043<br />

15 Reed Street, Hinds 12:00-12:30pm 4 1 4 AHB30331<br />

Open Home<br />

43 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm 3 2 6 AHB30396<br />

24 Gordons Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5 2 2<br />

24 Gordons Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:30-2:30pm 5 2 2 AHB30395<br />

•2.0238 ha of country living (subdividable), with the<br />

convenience oftown close by<br />

•Large 5-bedroom, 2living, 2bathroom family home.<br />

•Open plan kitchen/dining/living plus aspacious<br />

separate lounge<br />

•Double garagewith enclosed workshop. Separate<br />

sleepout/storeroom.<br />

•Multi-purpose 120m2 shed with 3phase power, plus<br />

arange ofother farm buildings.<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 18 October <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday1:30 -2:30pm<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30395<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home<br />

6Mason Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Simply Gorgeous would have to be the most accurate<br />

waytodescribe this ElegantArchitectural draughtsman<br />

designed home.Built to an extremely high standard in<br />

1985 by Bradford Builders, there issomuch to admire.<br />

Located in<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Highly Desired Allenton surburb.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30249<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 11 October <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:30 -12:30pm<br />

3 2 2<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Open Home<br />

71a Oxford Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

Open Home<br />

77 Beach Road East, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 2 2<br />

*Modern kitchen, bathroom &laundry<br />

*New carpet throughout, blinds &drapes in lounge<br />

*Single Glazed wooden &aluminium windows/<br />

ranchslider<br />

*Compliant Masport Log Burner until 2031<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30392<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Negotiable over$390,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

Spacious Double story family home, Featuring 2huge<br />

living rooms<br />

9770sqm land area sub dividable to 4000sqm with<br />

sewage &water at the gate.<br />

4luscious grass paddocks fully fenced with metal gates.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30400<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDateofSale<br />

closing 12 October<strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -12:00pm<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 <strong>29</strong>0 6606<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 <strong>29</strong>0 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

020 4079 3871<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032


Allenton 83 Oak Grove<br />

When charactercounts<br />

Flawless character,considerate enhancements and supreme space are at the forefront of this superbly appointedresidence<br />

in the heart of <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Builtin1936and featuring twoheritagetreesatits entrance,this 2,150sqm(more or less) property<br />

epitomisestraditional luxury. Stackedwithcharacter, the refreshedexteriorpartners white weatherboards with ageless<br />

navy shutters, while along list of recentrenovationsaddsconsiderable moderncomforttothe home’sheritage design.Top<br />

floorskylights introduce ample sunlightupstairs,itishereyou’ll find the home’sfour bedrooms, with the masterenjoying the<br />

added luxury of awalk-inwardrobe andensuite. Completing the packageare practical storage options, aseparate office for<br />

home-based work, two single garages, acarport andawoodshed.<br />

This family homeissimply exceptional, andinterested buyers are instructedtoact quickly.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519459<br />

4 3 3 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Thu20Oct <strong>2022</strong><br />

View Sat 11.30am-12.15pm or by appointment<br />

Ray Knight 027434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Emily Smith 027 222 4596<br />

emily.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />




Allenton 14 DavidsonStreet<br />

801sqm 3 2 1 2<br />

Asking Price $589,000<br />

View Sat 11.30am-12.15pmorbyappointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027437 9696<br />

mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Realistic and motivated vendors<br />

Ourvendors have purchased, so don't miss the opportunity to takeupresidence in this sought-afterarea. Located on<br />

aquiet street with AllentonPrimary and<strong>Ashburton</strong>College close by; the homehas beenwellmaintained, recently<br />

recarpeted andanew logburner is ready to be installed. Comprising threedouble bedrooms, bathroom,<br />

kitchen/dining,two living areas plusanoffice nook. Featuring established gardens on an 801sqm (more or less)<br />

section, an outdoor/BBQarea, adouble garage andgoodoff-street parking, this property has wideappeal. Act<br />

swiftly onthis one,contactthe agent to view or formore information.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519160<br />


Tinwald 5Birchside Lane<br />

938sqm 3 2 1 1<br />

ForSale offers invitedover $630,000<br />

View Sat 10.45-11.15am or by appointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027 4379696<br />

mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Handy to town<br />

Built in 2013byDes MillarConstructionthis 156sqm home hasplenty of scope to add value and your own touches,<br />

without delays and the hassleofanew build. This well-maintained property is situated on a938sqm (moreorless)<br />

sectiondownaprivate lane, justashortdrive or strollinto town, cafes, andagarden centre. Comprisingthree<br />

bedroomswith built-in wardrobes,abathroom andseparate toilet, it is perfect for afamily. Livingareas arekept cosy<br />

by aclean air approved log fire and heat pump;aseparatekitchen, laundry, and single garagecomplete the picture of<br />

thishome. Thereisplentyofspace to add another garage or workshop as the section is mainlylawnwith some<br />

perimeter plantings. the opportunitieshereare endless and aquickturnaround is possible.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518965<br />

Tinwald Tinwald WesterfieldMayfield Road<br />

4,000sqm<br />

PricebyNegotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Mike Preston 027430 7041<br />

mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Simon Sharpin<br />

027631 8087<br />

simon.sharpin@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Westview-new beginnings<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Secure the dream nowand lockinyour slice of <strong>Ashburton</strong>'sexciting newsubdivision with 4,000sqm plus sections.<br />

Situated in Tinwald, Westviewsections offerthe opportunity to enjoy thebenefitsofcountry livingwithtown<br />

amenitiesand entertainmentright on your doorstep. With uninterruptedcountryside andmountainvistas, making<br />

Westview your home promises an enviablelifestyleencompassing the bestoftown and country. Section sizes<br />

4,000sqm plus (moreorless) with prices startingfrom $315,000.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5516093<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

132Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

92 East Street<br />

909sqm<br />

207sqm<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> office building<br />

• Recentlyrefurbishedand extension added in 2013<br />

• Occupy or tenantand enjoy the returns<br />

• NBS rating of 67%<br />

• Vendors arewilling to entertainoptions of alease<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518123<br />

For Sale offers invited over $118,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight<br />

027 434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Vacant commercialland<br />

Offers invitedover Rateable Valueplus GST (if any)<br />

• 207sqm (moreorless)freeholdtitle<br />

• AccessavailablefromEastStreet andDobson Street<br />

• Suitablefor awide range of buyers<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518749<br />



Methven<br />

16 Mt HardingRoad<br />


Methven<br />

34A Spaxton Street<br />

4,078sqm 4 1 3 2<br />

362sqm 2 1 1 2<br />

DeadlineSale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu6Oct<strong>2022</strong><br />

View Sun 1.30-2pm or by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />

DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 2pm, Thu13Oct <strong>2022</strong><br />

View Sun 10.30-11amorbyappointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />



Why build?Your dream home could<br />

already exist<br />

Prepare to be delightedwhen stepping into this<br />

architecturally designed home,with four bedrooms<br />

and three bathrooms.Lessthan threeyearsold, and<br />

located on a4,078sqm (moreorless) sectioninthe<br />

exclusive Thymestreamdevelopment in Methven,<br />

NewZealand. Our vendors aredownsizing, and have<br />

meticulously presented their much-loved property.<br />

Without doubt, this highcalibrehome is builtfor<br />

longevity, with ahighstandard of functionalityas<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519227<br />

Aserious contender<br />

Tucked away from the street for peaceand privacy,<br />

thismodern two-bedroom127sqm brick home is<br />

presentedonalow maintenance362sqm(more or<br />

less) fenced section. Offering comfort, practicality and<br />

convenience, this property is ready andwaiting for<br />

new owners. The open plan living, dining, andkitchen<br />

area look out onto aprivate, sun-soaked,patio and<br />

easy-care section with raised garden beds readytoget<br />

aveggiegarden flourishing.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519424<br />


Methven<br />

12CCarrStreet<br />

Methven<br />

83 BarkersRoad<br />

2 1<br />

832sqm 3 2 2 2<br />

For Sale offers invited over $<strong>29</strong>0,000<br />

View Sun 11.30am-12pmorbyappointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Asking Price $795,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />



Nest or invest<br />

Premium property, premium location<br />

Here is your chance to acquire yourown two-bedroom<br />

alpine chalet in the picturesque villageofMethven.This<br />

cottage has been thoughtfullyrefreshed throughout,<br />

boasting amodernised bathroom, paint job and new<br />

carpet. Heatedbyboth alog burner and heat pump,<br />

compact and low maintenance, this is the perfect lock<br />

and leave opportunity forthe holidaymaker,<br />

professional couple, or investor.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519176<br />

Escape to yourown private oasis in Camrose, Methven.<br />

This immaculately presented three bedroom home is<br />

perfectly positioned on aquietrear section with the<br />

sun and mountainviewstaken into thoughtful<br />

consideration. The outdoor area is also situated near a<br />

protectedreserve.<br />

Conveniently locatedwithin ashort distanceofthe<br />

towncentre, local schools andamenities.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518811<br />

Methven<br />

7Burbank Place<br />

Methven<br />

13 Westward Way<br />

658sqm 3 1 2 2<br />

4,001sqm<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Price on Application<br />

View by appointment<br />

RosaDekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


For Sale offers invited over $449,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

FeeEnsor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Brand new, modern and convenient<br />

Corker lifestyle location<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Set amidst Camrose Estatejustashortstroll from<br />

Methven town centre andOpuke ThermalPools,this<br />

brand-new home currently under construction offers<br />

an exceptional lifestyle.Designed by Detail<br />

Consultancywithaview to efficient and easy living,<br />

indoor andoutdoorliving bask in anorth-facing<br />

aspect.<br />

With an impressivecontemporarystreet frontage, a<br />

modernmix of shadowcladdingand cedar guides<br />

visitorstothe frontentrance.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519360<br />

For those seeking arural outlookwith the convenience<br />

of town, chances areyou will be captivated by this<br />

4,001sqm(more or less) lifestyle section withinthe<br />

sought-after KakarikiViewdevelopment, located<br />

adjacent tothe Methven Golf Course.<br />

Maximise thisopportunity andbuild your new home in<br />

asetting thatboasts extensive viewsofthe Southern<br />

Alps andissurrounded by thebest of Canterburys<br />

outdoor recreational activities.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519190<br />

Windwhistle<br />

15 TheRowans<br />

Windwhistle<br />

Lot 38/623 Coleridge Road<br />

3,502sqm<br />

546sqm<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Price Indication $250,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


For Sale offers invited over $249,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Owners wantaction<br />

Sliceofparadise<br />

On offerisLot15The Rowans, asuperbly positioned<br />

3,502sqm(more or less) sectionset against the<br />

magnificent backdrop of Mt Hutt and rural Canterbury.<br />

It offers an amazing opportunity to build your dream<br />

homeorholiday house surrounded by allthe natural<br />

beauty Canterbury is known for-this is one not to be<br />

missed. TerraceDownsisaworld-renowned resort<br />

located only ashort hour'sdrive from the Christchurch<br />

international airport.<br />

On offer is Lot 38 Tussock Lane, aquiet,peacefuland<br />

private part of TerraceDowns Resort, situated<br />

overlookingthe fifth fairway and has thefourthgreen<br />

on your doorstep. This 546sqm (more or less) section<br />

in the heart of an alpine paradise has mountainsviews<br />

and thebonus of mature trees surrounding forshelter.<br />

Terrace Downsisaworld-renowned resortlocated<br />

only ashort hour drive fromthe Christchurch<br />

international airport.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519422<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518813<br />


OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />

OPEN HOME l 10.30am -11.00am<br />

OPEN HOME l 11.15am -11.45am<br />

236 Dobson Street,<br />

Hampstead<br />

•Three bedroomsplus fourth or office<br />

•New kitchen and updatedbathroom<br />

•6car garaging<br />

•Swimming pool, huge carportfor<br />

caravan/camper<br />

18 Elizabeth Avenue,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•Recently renovated with new carpets,<br />

vinyls and paint<br />

•Sunny, three bedroom home<br />

•Heatpump and diesel firefor warmth<br />

•Double garage,large backyard on<br />

1012sqm section<br />

3Bowen Street,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•3double bedrooms<br />

•Beautiful rimu throughout<br />

•Log burner and 2xheatpumps<br />

•Established 1012sqm section located<br />

on the westside of Rakaia<br />

6Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

•Three bedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms, onebeing an en suite<br />

off the master<br />

•Tiled showers<br />

•Double garage internal access<br />

DeadlineSale 2pm<br />

12th October<strong>2022</strong><br />

DebbieBoon<br />

027 448 4006<br />

EnquiriesOver<br />

$490,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$545,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

$650,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 22813<br />

4Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

59A Grigg Street,<br />

Allenton<br />

89 EtonStreet,<br />

Hampstead<br />

8Carters Road,Allenton,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

•Great location<br />

•Main bathroom with vanityand tiled<br />

shower<br />

•Open plan kitchen<br />

•3bedrooms<br />

•Open plan living and kitchen<br />

•Great borough location<br />

•Three double bedrooms<br />

•Main bathrooms plus an en suite<br />

•Fivebedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms<br />

•Good sized sunnylounge<br />

•Agood sized family section<br />

•Three spaciousbedrooms<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Ensuitewith tiled shower<br />

•157.5sqm homeona450sqm section<br />

$650,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

Enquiries invited over<br />

$665,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 22813<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$468,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$684,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

139B Allens Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

96A Thomson Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

15 JagWay,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

•Three bedrooms, master with an<br />

en suite<br />

•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />

area<br />

•Tiled bathroomsand loadsofstorage!<br />

•Single garage with internal access<br />

•Three bedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms one being an en suite<br />

•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />

•Single internal access garage<br />

•Brand new spec house!<br />

•Three bedroomsand twobathrooms<br />

•Ensuiteinthe master<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Four double bedrooms<br />

•Double garage,internal access<br />

•Two living areas<br />

•Open plan kitchen and dining<br />

$614,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

EnquiriesOver<br />

$599,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$668,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$890,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The new normal<br />

People aged50and over are<br />

eligible for their second covid<br />

booster dose, sixmonths after<br />

their firstbooster,according to<br />

health officials.<br />

As casenumbersand<br />

hospitalisations begin to<br />

decline, and the days become<br />

warmer, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha<br />

Canterbury was offering atimely<br />

reminderthat Covid­19 doesn’t<br />

rely on cold conditions to<br />

spread.<br />

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha<br />

Canterbury senior responsible<br />

officer for winter planning<br />

BeckyHickmott said being up to<br />

date with vaccinations is as<br />

important now as ever, because<br />

we know Covid­19 is goingto<br />

become our new normal.<br />

“Across the Waitaha<br />

Canterbury health system,there<br />

is aconcerted effort underway<br />

by community health providers<br />

to increase vaccinations,<br />

specifically in areasofthe<br />

community with lower rates.”<br />

Covidvaccination ratesvaried<br />

depending on eligibility.<br />

While primary vaccination<br />

rates were high, only three<br />

quarters of the community (76%)<br />

had maintained their protection<br />

through abooster, and only 10%<br />

of those eligible for asecond<br />

booster have takenthe<br />

opportunity.<br />

Tamariki vaccinationrates<br />

varied between 26­40% across<br />

the region.<br />

“Vaccination clinics are<br />

actually scaling up again to offer<br />

Covid­19boosters, with<br />

additional pharmacies and<br />

general practices joiningthe<br />

vaccination programmeeach<br />



HEATPUMP maintenance,<br />

installation and repairs.<br />

HRV filter replacement.<br />


single storey homes and<br />


work. Phone Steven on 021<br />

483 376<br />


mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Find us at www.<br />

supersucker.co.nz or<br />

phone John Cameron 027<br />

435 1042.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 <strong>29</strong>99<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 120 9<strong>29</strong>2<br />

week,” she said.<br />

“We are focusing our efforts to<br />

ensurethat vaccinations are<br />

easily accessible by everyone.<br />

We work closely with Māori,<br />

Pasifika, migrant and disability<br />

health providers to support<br />

culturally appropriate and<br />

accessiblevaccination services<br />

across the region.”<br />

Some of the greatest successes<br />

of the local vaccination<br />

programmehad been mobile<br />

clinics.<br />

These targeted clinics reach<br />

small groups that might not<br />

otherwise have travelled to a<br />

vaccination centre,supporting<br />

communities to protect<br />

themselves andeach other.<br />

“It’s about going thatstep<br />

furthertoensure culturally<br />

appropriate accessibility to<br />

vaccinations.<br />

‘‘Taking awhanaungatanga<br />

approach, demonstrating<br />

manaakitanga, and taking teams<br />

of vaccinators to where the need<br />

is,” she said.<br />

She said everyoneaged 50 and<br />

over was now eligible for their<br />

second booster dose six months<br />

after their firstbooster, or for<br />

those who havehad covid, three<br />

months after testing positive.<br />

“Wewill continue to focus on<br />

these vaccinations so that our<br />

community is prepared for the<br />

inevitable next wave of Covid­<br />

19,and to raise all vaccination<br />

rates for general community<br />

health,” she said.<br />

People can find their nearest<br />

vaccination clinic online at<br />

bookmyvaccine.nz or by calling<br />

the Covid­19Vaccination<br />

Healthline on 0800 28 <strong>29</strong> 26.<br />


COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />


- For all repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup of wireless -<br />

networks, spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd. 03<br />

308 1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

DENTURE repairs. Dr Peter<br />

Rumping, retired dentist,<br />

repairs dentures. Phone<br />

027 220 9997.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />


FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

2493723<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />



2517173<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per small bale or<br />

$40 mediumsquare, delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Fordetails and ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247 050<br />

FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />

and Agria $2.per kg,<br />

10kg bags for $15. Phone<br />

03 308 3195 or 027 531<br />

9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

SHEEP manure $8. bag. 3x3<br />

linseed straw at $35 abale,<br />

3x4 linseed at $40 abale.<br />

Call Ian 027 286 3697 or<br />

Dave 027 601 1426. A<br />

Hinds Lion Project.<br />


GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

HEATPUMPS and Ventilation<br />

Systems: Service,<br />

clean, repair and install.<br />

Please call Silvery<br />

Bauman, Ph 021 544 760.<br />


Builder, specialising in<br />

Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />

restoration and Timber<br />

window repairs. General<br />

home-handyman work.<br />

Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />

0205.<br />

LAWNS? We mow them! No<br />

job too small. Call Les<br />

Smith, The Ground Up, for<br />

acompetitive quote. Phone<br />

027 840 020 or 03 308<br />

1500<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />


A NEW LOOK<br />

that lasts!<br />

Existing kitchens, doors,<br />

furniture &appliances<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2501817<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />

mold treatments, roof and<br />

gutter leak repairs, residential<br />

and commercial. For<br />

prompt service - call your<br />

local contractor - Tim on<br />

021 197 8128.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

2493801<br />

2505780<br />



Now is the time to dig in<br />

our topqualitymushroom<br />

compost to your vegetable<br />

garden. Ideal to replenish<br />

nutrients used by previous<br />

crops and improvethe soil<br />

structure.<br />

It also adds beneficial<br />

micro-organisms to<br />

thetired soil.<br />

$60 per cubic metre<br />

or $10 bag.<br />

Freedeliverywithin<br />

town boundary.<br />

Open 6daysaweek at<br />

our Tinwald yard,<br />

208 Maronan Road.<br />

Phone 021 1<strong>29</strong> 8936<br />

2517344<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />



59<br />





Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />



60 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

SELL<br />

FOUR Fishing Rods, complete<br />

with reels. Good condition.<br />

Large quantity of<br />

hooks, lures, sinkers. Fish<br />

landing net. Large Whitebait<br />

net. Phone Bill 027 616<br />

0285.<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />

2493763<br />

2517932<br />

OLD brass fire extinguisher.<br />

Large gun safe. Heaps of<br />

gun books and magazines.<br />

Electric chainsaw. Old<br />

Popular Mechanics magazines.<br />

Phone 021 140<br />

1392.<br />

SUNDAY 2nd October.<br />

Tancred Street, Signs out<br />

from 9am -12noon.<br />


ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

TO LET<br />

Office Space To Let<br />

Generous Office/<br />

Therapyspace.<br />

Quiet residential<br />

location.<br />

6x6metres.<br />

Enquiries and<br />

viewing welcome.<br />

Call 027444 7633<br />

2519009<br />


STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />


Unit.<br />

Approximately 100m 2 .May<br />

suit builder etc. 3 phase<br />

power. Within town boundary.<br />

Phone 027 449 1871.<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

2375521<br />


Position Family StartPractitioner<br />

Location <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Canterbury<br />

Hours 40 perweek –permanentposition<br />

Are you driven to work to improve opportunities for positive<br />

outcomes for pepe, tamariki and families/whanau in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>rohe?<br />

We arelooking foranenthusiastic Practitioner who has abackground of working<br />

with families/whanau in social services, health or educations sectors who<br />

wants to join our Team and assist us to deliver the Family Start service in Mid<br />

Canterbury. (<strong>Ashburton</strong>)<br />

Family Start isaHome Visiting service that focuses on supporting whanau who<br />

areexperiencing challenges or problems thatput at risk good health, education<br />

and social outcomes fortheir pepe/tamarikiinthe first fiveyears of life. Therole<br />

of the Family Start Practitioner is focused on supporting whanau to identify<br />

and use their existing strengths to address barriers that may be limiting their<br />

capacity toachieve the goals and outcomes they want for their pepe/tamariki<br />

and assisting whanau to access resourcesand services thatwill supportthem to<br />

achievetheir goals.<br />

Family Start Practitioners are atthe heart ofthe Family Start service, placing<br />

the safety, well-being and development ofpepe/tamariki atthe forefront as<br />

they work alongside whanau in their own homes to facilitate change. The key<br />

assessment and planning components of the Family Start service measures<br />

progress as whanau work towards safety, well-being, independence and selffulfilment.<br />

We arelooking foraPractitioner with demonstratedabilityto<br />

• build relationships by establishing rapport and trust with others –parents/<br />

caregivers and tamarikiaswellascolleaguesand other professionals<br />

• use interpersonal communication skills to create understanding and influence<br />

others<br />

• take action to reduce/resolveconflict<br />

• act in ways thatreflectacommitmenttotheir colleagues and organisation<br />

• support planned approaches to change for the benefit of pepe, tamariki and<br />

their whanau<br />

• use networksinthe communitytoassist families/whanau<br />

• use their life experience together with professional training to accurately<br />

assess and address the needs of pepe,tamarikiand their families/whanau<br />

• planand manage their time efficiently and keep accurate records<br />

• workfromabicultural base and relate to clients within their cultural context<br />

• act with honestyand integrity<br />

• maintain ahigh standard of work, reflect ontheir own practice and seek to<br />

improve<br />

• maintain their motivation to achievewhatisexpected<br />

Family Startisdelivered by FamilyWorks, Presbyterian SupportSouth Canterbury.<br />

Family Works isamultidisciplinary team ofexperienced practitioners working<br />

together to provide supportand effective interventions to tamariki and whanau.<br />

Family Worksoffers Practitioners<br />

• Asupportiveteam environment<br />

• Ongoing professional developmentand training opportunities<br />

• Payment of costs associated with maintaining professional registration/<br />

practicing certificate<br />

• Monthly paid external supervision sessions<br />

If youare passionate about working alongside families/whanau to provide asafe<br />

pathwayfor pepe,tamarikiand their whanau to achieve their goals,please apply<br />

online today www.southcanterbury.ps.org.nz/jobs. Orrequest an application<br />

form and position description from Family Works Ph: (03) 68850<strong>29</strong> or phone<br />

Ph:(03)687 1123 email:Karen.mckenzie@pssc.co.nz<br />

Enquiries to Jennie Payne (FamilyStartTeam Leader)<br />

Ph:027 550 7108 or email jennie.payne@pssc.co.nz<br />

Applications close Monday24October <strong>2022</strong><br />


This drive-in calf rearing role is forapprox.<br />

3to4hours per day, feeding calves in the<br />

paddock and in the pens.<br />

Position could suit aparentofschool aged<br />

children as starttime in the morning<br />

could be made flexible.<br />

Position is forapprox.10weeks.<br />

Apply to n.l.stewart@farmside.co.nz or<br />

ph: 0273092608<br />

2518<strong>29</strong>5<br />


Over<br />

16,065<br />

copies every<br />

week<br />

Call in and see us at 199 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, or phone Jann or Karen<br />

on (03) 308 7664 or email: office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2518430<br />


EXPERIENCED Carer,<br />

housekeeper, qualified<br />

cook. Available to come to<br />

your home. References<br />

available. Contact<br />

Christine, Phone 027 218<br />

0668.<br />

2IC Machine Operator<br />

We are searching for amotivated and enthusiastic<br />

person tobesecond-in-charge of operations at our<br />

Methven seed cleaning business.<br />

While prior seed cleaning experience would bea<br />

distinct advantage, the right attitude and ability to<br />

learn quickly is essential.<br />

As a family owned business, we enjoy a close<br />

relationship with our farmer-clients and apositive<br />

workingenvironment where your thoughts and ideas<br />

count.<br />

The position of 2IC is varied and challenging and<br />

would suit apractical and motivated person looking<br />

to further their career by taking on aposition with<br />

responsibility and autonomy.<br />

For more information please phone<br />

John McCaw<br />

0274 140 157<br />

john@mccawseeds.co.nz<br />


WORKER<br />

Do you enjoy working with cattle but don’t<br />

want tomilk cows?<br />

We are looking for atalented individual to<br />

join our Fairfield Farms team. We operate a<br />

2500ha mixed farming operation consisting of<br />

abeef finishing unit, mixed arable operation<br />

and wastewater farm used for cut and carry<br />

of grass and maize.<br />

Reporting tothe Farm Supervisors this role will<br />

provide an opportunity to work within our Beef<br />

finishing unit.<br />

This will Involve mixing and feeding rations<br />

through aKuhn mixer wagon, shifting stock,<br />

working with animals in yards, Irrigation, and<br />

general farm duties.<br />

We operate amodern fleet oftractors and<br />

equipment.<br />

The successful candidate will have:<br />

• Attention to detail and take pride in<br />

completing tasks to ahigh standard<br />

• Stock and animal husbandry skills<br />

• Telehandler experience<br />

• Tractor operation experience including feed<br />

wagons.<br />

• Modern technology and GPS knowledge<br />

• Basic computer skills and record keeping<br />

• General farm maintenance skills<br />

• A can-do attitude<br />

• Initiative and the ability to operate<br />

independently<br />

• The ability tomulti-task and adapt to everchanging<br />

priorities<br />

• Basic pasture management skills<br />

• Ability towork autonomously In the<br />

supervisors absence<br />

In Return wecan offer:<br />

• A challenging but rewarding work<br />

environment<br />

• Opportunity for individual growth<br />

• Competitive starting remuneration rates<br />

depending on experience<br />

• Plus onFarm housing available ifrequired<br />

Applicants will need to be legally entitled<br />

to work permanently inNew Zealand. Ifthis<br />

sounds like the opportunity you have been<br />

looking for, please apply online now at https://<br />

www.talleys.co.nz/job-openings and include<br />

acover letter and acopy ofyour CV, or<br />

alternately contact Craig Jackson on<br />

021 023 46603<br />

2518<strong>29</strong>7<br />

Engineering Positions Available<br />

Gray Engineering Solutions specialise in dairy,<br />

pumping, augers, land rollers, spiral pipe welding,<br />

general engineering and industrial fitting and<br />

maintenance.<br />

We have thefollowing positionsavailable:<br />

• Welders/Fabricators<br />

• Fitter &Turners<br />

Don’t be put off if you’re not trade-qualified,<br />

there ispotential to offer an apprenticeship for<br />

the right candidate who is looking for acareer in<br />

engineering.<br />

We are locally owned &operated, notwo days are<br />

the same, you’ll get to work both inthe workshop<br />

and on site, and we have agreat team.<br />

We offer flexibility, competitive rates, and great<br />

work environment.<br />

Interested?<br />

Send acurrentCVtoHayden Bonnington at<br />

hayden@engsolutions.co.nz or<br />

call 027 346 8173 to find out more.<br />

www.engsolutions.co.nz<br />

2519350<br />

Receptionist<br />

Full time receptionist wanted with good customer<br />

service and computer skills to work in agrowing<br />

dental practice. Experience preferred but not<br />

essential asfull on-the-job training will be given.<br />

Pleasesend your CVto:<br />

57oakgrovedental@gmail.com<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Job Vacancy<br />


Family EngagementSupportWorker<br />

Location: SaferMid CanterburyOffices,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hours of Work: 20hours per week<br />

Date Issued: <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Purpose: As part ofthe Government’s decision to<br />

increase the annual refugee quota, <strong>Ashburton</strong> was<br />

identified asone of five new settlement locations.<br />

The Refugee Settlement Support Service, Safer Mid<br />

Canterbury, is contracted to provide settlement<br />

supporttoformer refugees arriving forsettlementin<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Currently the former refugee community<br />

arefromAfghanistan.<br />

The Family Engagement Support Worker will work<br />

closely with former refugees currently settling in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>district.The aimofthis role is to help<br />

empower, strengthen and support the wellbeing<br />

of former refugee families as they settle into their<br />

new lives in New Zealand. There are two strategic<br />

objectives of the Family Engagement Support<br />

Worker Role<br />

1) To set up and facilitate Former Refugee Support<br />

Groups<br />

2) To assist individuals and families with post<br />

settlement issues that might present once they<br />

have exited the Refugee Settlement Support<br />

Serviceafter 24 months.<br />

Skills and requirements of Family Engagement<br />

SupportWorker;<br />

- Professional ExperienceasGroup Facilitator<br />

- Experience, knowledge or a keen interest in<br />

Refugee or Cross-Cultural Work<br />

- Goodorganisational and recording skills<br />

- Ability tonetwork and build social connections<br />

and relationships<br />

- Experience working in social services would be an<br />

advantage<br />

- Enjoyworking in ateam<br />

This position is for 20hours per week, weoffer<br />

a supportive, flexible, family friendly work<br />

environmentwith greatworking conditions.<br />

To apply for this position please go to the Careers<br />

section of our website<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz to view the job<br />

description and download an application form.<br />

For further information, please contact Ani on<br />

03 308 1395<br />

Applicationsclose Friday21st October5.00 pm<br />

General Engineer<br />

We arelooking foranExperiencedGeneral<br />

Engineer to join our team.<br />

The Role will require you to use your<br />

engineering, welding and troubleshooting<br />

skills to produce solutions to help us keep<br />

our customers dairy sheds running. You will<br />

also be trained to use our purpose-built Mill.<br />

This role is ideal forsomeone who likes varietyand is<br />

happy totravel away from home from time to time.<br />

As an experienced engineer, you will already have<br />

engineering skills that can be used from day one.<br />

However, on-job training will be given to the<br />

successfulapplicant.We have astrongfocusoncareer<br />

developmentand promotion, so therewill be many<br />

opportunities to improveyour skills and knowledge.<br />

So, ifthis sounds like you please apply by sending<br />

us a cover letter about yourself and why you<br />

would fit this role and a copy of your CV to<br />

kyla.walklin@morrisonagri.co.nz<br />

Please note: weare not working to fixed closing<br />

datesand will startconsidering applications as they<br />

arereceived so we encourage youtoapply early.<br />

2518974<br />

2519455<br />

2518193<br />


Teacher Aide<br />

Part time,Fixed-termfor Term 4, <strong>2022</strong>-<br />

this position could extend into 2023.<br />

Hours to be negotiated<br />

Term 4start-starting date to<br />

be negotiated<br />


Tina –Simply TheBest<br />

Thursday13th October8pm<br />

Adult $61.30* /Group 6+ $56.30* /<br />

Child $36*<br />

Getthe electrifying concertexperienceof<br />

Tina Turner with this full stage production<br />

brimming with Tina hits from the 60’s,<br />

70’s, 80’sand 90’s. Featuring the powerful<br />

raspyvocals and thrilling stage presentof<br />

Caroline Borole liveonour stage.<br />


Swan Lake –Royal Czech Ballet<br />

Wed2Nov,7-30pm, Adult $105* /<br />

Senior $95*/ Group 8+ $95* /Child $65*<br />

TheRoyal Czech Balletperform Swan<br />

Lake…the most lovedclassical ballet<br />

of them all.Thismasterpieceballet is<br />

presentedintwo acts and follows the<br />

original storyline.SwanLake is the love<br />

storyofPrinceSiegfried whofalls in love<br />

with the Odette.<br />


Therole requires someone who:<br />

• is able to work with low level learners and<br />

neurodiverse students.<br />

• has an understanding of differentiation between<br />

curriculum levels to support the teacher withtheir<br />

lesson plan;<br />

• has the confidence to enforce school policy and<br />

classexpectations.<br />

Patience and understanding are essential to this<br />

role as it involves working with ateam toprovide<br />

student support that enhances student learning<br />

and wellbeing. Other desirable qualities are being<br />

responsive toneeds, ability tobuild relationships<br />

and be able to usetheirinitiative.<br />

The successful applicant will have to undergo the<br />

police vetting procedure. Experience working in a<br />

secondaryschool would be an advantage.<br />

Interested candidates should send their CV and<br />

application form to college@mthutt.school.nz.<br />

Applications close on Fridaythe 14 October.<br />

Dancing Queen –AtributetoABBA<br />

Thu1Dec,8pm, Adult $61.30* /<br />

Group 6+ $56.30* /Child$36*<br />

Theworld’s premier liveABBA tributeisback<br />

by popular demand!<br />

Farfrombeing ‘just another cover band’,<br />

Dancing Queen: ATributeToABBA is afullscale<br />

concertproduction featuring more<br />

than twohours of fun, energetic musical<br />

performances with alivebacking band,<br />

replica costumes and theatrical lighting.<br />


TheFleetwood MacExperience–Running In TheShadows<br />

Fri16Dec,8pm, Adult $52* /<br />

Gold Card $40* /Child $30*<br />

Fleetwood Mac’ssongs arepartof<br />

international music history. Now, the<br />

internationally acclaimed TheAustralian<br />

Fleetwood MacShow“Running In The<br />

Shadows”payshomage to the superstar<br />

band.The six-piecerock band explore<br />

Fleetwood Mac’sextensiveback catalogue,<br />

covering the best of Fleetwood Mac’scareer.<br />

03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

2519163<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />


*Servicefees apply<br />

2508456<br />

GRAZING Wanted. Please<br />

contact Bess 027 342<br />

8412.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


61<br />



Courtesy van<br />

runs every<br />

Thursday, Friday<br />

and Saturday<br />

from 4pm<br />

Join the RSA (the friendly club)<br />

12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />

Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />





This will be heldonThursday 13 October<br />

at 7.30pm in the VarietyTheatreRooms,<br />

212 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

MethvenAged Person WelfareAssoc. Inc.<br />

(OperatorofMethvenHouse)<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

Monday 10thOctober <strong>2022</strong>at7.00pm<br />

AllSaintsAnglicanChurch<br />

Members willbepostedanagenda<br />

Annual financial reportswill be<br />

available at the AGM.<br />

Apologies forthe AGMto<br />

Lynley Pluck- officeadmin@methvenhouse.co.nz<br />

or phone03302 8528 ext3<br />

New SocietyMembers would be very welcome-<br />

Subs are$10<br />

2517794<br />

The Annual General Meengs of<br />

IHC <strong>Ashburton</strong> Associaon and<br />

Community Properes <strong>Ashburton</strong> Inc.<br />

will be held on Tuesday 18 October<strong>2022</strong><br />

at Idea Services,<br />

21 Archibald St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

at 7.30pm<br />

Supper to follow<br />




Entries close on 30 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong> other than<br />

Showjumping,and those classes that<br />

can be enteredonthe day.<br />

Theadministratorwill be in the lounge under the<br />

grandstand at the showgrounds next<br />

Thursday<strong>29</strong>th <strong>September</strong> from 1pm-4pm and then<br />

on Friday 30th <strong>September</strong> 9.00am to 4pm.<br />

2516979<br />

2518416<br />

2518432<br />



62 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong>District<br />


MARKET OPENS ...<br />

SATURDAY 1OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />

9am to 12.30pm, West Street carpark<br />

HEAPS of fresh produce, preserves,<br />

plants, eggs,walnuts,potatoes,fish,<br />

asparagus,honey,sausages,lavender,cheese,<br />

yoghurt, succulents,liquorice,<br />

hot South African food.<br />

PLUS sausage rolls,coffee and hot chocolate.<br />

Bread etc. available from October 8<br />

Stall enquiries,phone Judith 308 5678<br />



At Hinds School we focus on bringing learning to life<br />

through exploring,empowering and challenging our<br />

students. Asaschool we pride ourselves on knowing<br />

our learners and shaping education and learning<br />

programmes to bestsupportour students. Aspecial<br />

feature ofour rural school is the year 1-8 structure<br />

and growth of our students as active contributing<br />

learners. Weaim for our students to leave Hinds<br />

School as capable and confident learners; as<br />

well rounded individuals who have strong Hinds<br />

Dispositions and can embrace challenge and<br />

opportunity. Hinds School leads the MidCanterbury<br />

Technology Centre, our senior students actively<br />

explorearich, wide curriculum and lead initiatives.<br />

TheHinds BoardofTrustees invites applications from<br />

parents/caregivers who wish to enrol their child at<br />

Hinds School for 2023. Enrolment atthe school is<br />

governed by an enrolment scheme. Out-of-zone<br />

places are available for 2023. An enrolment scheme<br />

is available from the school officeHinds.<br />

For students seeking enrolment, the deadline for<br />

out-of-zone applications for 2023 is3pm, Monday<br />

1st November <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

We would appreciate parents/caregivers living<br />

within Hinds School enrolmentzone who intend to<br />

enrol their child at any time during the next year,<br />

notifying us of their child’s enrolment for 2023, by<br />

20th October <strong>2022</strong>, to assist with school planning.<br />

Application forms areavailable at the school office,<br />

03 303 7208 or via email office@hinds.school.nz<br />

We invite parents to contact the office tolearn<br />

moreabout our school and join us foratour.<br />

2513362<br />



2518786<br />


TAKE your life to the next<br />

level with an experienced<br />

life coach/mentor. Call Pete<br />

Young Mentoring Services<br />

today and get started.<br />

Phone 027 280 0889. Web:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz.<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury.<br />

Dealing with alife limiting<br />

illness? Contact us to see<br />

how we can support you.<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />

8387.<br />

206 CLUB - provides company,<br />

fun, entertainment,<br />

games, speakers and more<br />

for those 65 years and over.<br />

Friendly, supportive<br />

environment, two course<br />

hot mid-day meal, very<br />

minimal cost. Come and<br />

join us. We now have<br />

vacancies on a Monday<br />

and Wednesday, 10am to<br />

2.30pm. Run by Age Concern<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Seniors<br />

Centre, 206 Cameron<br />

Street. Enquiries to Julie,<br />

phone 308 6817 or 027 281<br />

9113.<br />

SPRING Show - on now.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts,<br />

Short Street Studio. Guest -<br />

Ruth Killoran. New works<br />

from 17 local members.<br />

Weekends 11am - 4pm.<br />

Other times when sign out.<br />

Enquiries 308 4533.<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />




Urban Rural Commercial<br />

Extinguisher testing and servicing<br />

Certified extinguisher refilling<br />

Enquireabout our on-sitefire<br />

extinguisher training<br />

BE AWARE -fire canhappen anywhere – BE READY<br />

Phone Mack on 0273 960 361<br />


Mobile Service–<strong>Ashburton</strong> owned and operated<br />

Give Bowls AGo<br />

Areyou interested in lawn bowls and newtobowls<br />

but not sureifyou would likeitand don’t want to payafull sub?<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Bowling Club (in the domain) has a<br />

“GiveItAGo”<br />

Subscription of $20.00 foryour first season.<br />

This entitles youtofull use of our greens,<br />

Club house amenities and club in-house tournaments.<br />

Relax in very pleasantsurrounds on greatgreens.<br />

Coaching and supportavailable.<br />

ContactDianeGutberlet Ph 308 826 or<br />

Graham Taylor 308 3450<br />

Or come along Tuesdays,Thursdays or Saturdays 1:00pm<br />

2517693<br />

2514335<br />


Thurs <strong>29</strong>th<br />

10.15 Hallelujah<br />

12.00 Smile<br />

12.30 Ticket to Paradise<br />

2.10 Gloriavale<br />

2.30 SeeHow They Run<br />

4.00 Lancaster<br />

4.20 Paws of Fury<br />

6.15 Muru<br />

6.15 SeeHow They Run<br />

8.00 Smile<br />

8.10 Ticket to Paradise<br />

Fri30th<br />

10.45 Hallelujah<br />

3.00 Gloriavale<br />

3.30 Smile<br />

4.40 Good Luck LeoGrande<br />

6.00 Muru<br />

6.25 SeeHow They Run<br />

8.00 Smile<br />

8.15 Ticket to Paradise<br />

9.20 DC League of Superpets<br />

Sat1st &Sun 2nd<br />

G<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

G<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

10.00 DC League of Superpets PG<br />

10.00 Paws of Fury<br />

PG<br />

12.00 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

12.00 TheRailway Children Return PG<br />

1.50 Paws of Fury<br />

PG<br />

2.00 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />

3.50 Lancaster<br />

G<br />

4.00 Smile<br />

R16<br />

6.00 Muru<br />

M<br />

6.10 SeeHow They Run M<br />

8.00 Smile<br />

R16<br />

8.10 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

Mon3rd &Tues 4th<br />

10.00 DC League of Superpets PG<br />

10.00 Paws of Fury<br />

PG<br />

12.00 TheRailwayChildren Return PG<br />

12.05 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

1.50 Paws of Fury<br />

PG<br />

2.10 DC League ofSuperpets PG<br />

4.00 Lancaster<br />

G<br />

4.10 Smile<br />

R16<br />

6.00 Muru<br />

M<br />

6.15 SeeHow They Run M<br />

8.00 Smile<br />

R16<br />

8.10 Ticket to Paradise M<br />

Wed5th<br />

9.00 DC League of Superpets<br />

10.00 Paws of Fury<br />

11.00 SeeHow They Run<br />

12.00 TheRailwayChildren Return<br />

12.40 DC League of Superpets<br />

1.50 Paws of Fury<br />

2.30 Ticket to Paradise<br />

4.00 Lancaster<br />

4.20 Smile<br />

6.00 Muru<br />

6.20 SeeHow They Run<br />

8.00 Smile<br />

8.10 Ticket to Paradise<br />

NO COMPS<br />

DC League of Superpets,<br />

Paws of Fury,<br />

Smile<br />


G<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

MG<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />


Lions, Firewood Raffle.<br />

Winner: Ticket No. 125 -<br />

Wilsons.<br />


SATURDAY 1st October,<br />

9am to 1pm, 2/68 Cameron<br />

St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Various<br />

household items. Drapes -<br />

can be seen hanging.<br />


2513210<br />


MIXED aged, Crossbred<br />

Ewes with 8week old tailed<br />

and drenched twin lambs.<br />

$250. a set. Please ring<br />

evenings, ph 03 302 7272.<br />

2515408<br />

St David’s Church<br />

Fair &GarageSale<br />

AllensRd, Allenton.<br />

Saturday8 th October 9am-12 noon<br />

Baking,Jams, Preserves, Plants,Walnuts,<br />

WhiteElephantStall, BBQ, Morning Tea,<br />

Children’s Games<br />

Plus muchmore<br />

2514763<br />



Well presented, broad minded ladies 40-70 years<br />

discretely earn/affordthe things youdeserve.<br />

Commercial companionship<br />

without emotional ties or expectations.<br />

Check out privatearrangements.co.nz<br />

then phone 028 2552 7060 (no texts)

SKIP-2-IT<br />

Laminate, avery popular alternative<br />

Laminate is quickly becoming averypopular<br />

hardflooring alternativeand with increasingly<br />

superior products available it is easy to see why.<br />

Theadvantages of laminate flooringinclude its<br />

durability, ease to clean and colour stabilityin<br />

high sun areas.<br />

Theappearanceoflaminate flooringhas become<br />

so realistic thatitisoften mistaken forreal wood.<br />

It is availableinalarge range of colours from the<br />

lightest timbers to the darkest stains and many<br />

variations in between and come in arange of sizes<br />

and plank widths. Laminate is also becoming a<br />

popular choiceinkitchens as it is softerunder foot<br />

than the likes of ceramic tiles,yet it is still hardwearing.Also<br />

some of the new ranges arenow<br />

fully warrantedfor use in wetareas.<br />

Laminate planks come pre-finished which means<br />

no waiting around forlayers ofpolyurethane to<br />

dryand no smells! Youcan walk on them the very<br />

same daythey arelaid. Afoam underlayprovides<br />

cushioning and sound absorption, then the<br />

tongue and groove joints areclicked together to<br />

form a“floating”floor over the top. It is important<br />

to ensurelaminate is installed properly by qualified<br />

and experienced installers. Qualitylaminate flooringwill not cup or bowwhen properly<br />

installed and maintained. However as with most flooring, thereare varying qualities of laminate<br />

and yougenerally get whatyou payfor!<br />

However, the real advantage of laminate flooringisthatitisone of the easiest floors to care<br />

forand maintain thatyou can find.Itdoesn’t easily stain, is fade resistant, never needs waxing<br />

or polishing and it takes alot of wear.The superior wear surfacewith which most modern<br />

laminate floorsare provided means thatthey resist normal wear and tear with ease.<br />

So next time youare considering laminate flooring,come and see the friendly team at Skip-2-<br />

It Flooring Xtratosee our on the floor displays and discuss our greatlaminate options.<br />

Wool carpets making acomeback<br />

Wool carpets have been making<br />

acomeback in the flooring<br />

worldrecently. Although most<br />

of the carpet sold nowadays is<br />

solution dyed nylon, thereare<br />

still manypeople who would<br />

rather have awool carpet underfoot.<br />

Thereare manygood<br />

reasons forthis,firstly it is a<br />

natural fibreand renewable<br />

resource. Itisnaturally fire<br />

retardantand naturally soil and<br />

stain resistant. It also helps<br />

manage humidityinthe home<br />

by absorbing moisture. The<br />

main pointtoremember with wool carpets is thatagood wool carpet is still agood wool<br />

carpet. However,this is definitely aproductwhereyou get whatyou payfor.<br />

Textured carpets arewherewools arereallycoming into their ownintoday’smarket. Currently<br />

thereare anumber of beautiful softtextured and loop piles on the market. These<br />

go from the finer,moretraditional sisal looking carpets to the luxurious chunkyloops that<br />

feel gorgeous underfoot. These areavailable in anumber of differentlooks and colours<br />

nowfromcreams through to darkbrownsand greysaswell as in twotone variations.<br />

Formanypeople tracking in carpet is something thatreally puts them off acut pile nylon<br />

carpet. (Trackingiswhen the pile flattens in ahigh traffic area.) Loop pile wool carpets<br />

arenot as prone to this and is just another reason people choose wool.<br />

One finalthing to remember with wool carpet vs nylon is thatthe weights arenot necessarily<br />

comparable. Whereas astandardweight nylon carpet is around 32-34oz, an equivalentwool<br />

carpet would be around 40oz. (Carpet is still measured in termsofounces per<br />

squareyard!)<br />

So if youwould like to know moreabout wool carpets and the benefits they can offer you<br />

and your family,come and see the friendly and experienced team at Skip-2-ItFlooring<br />

Xtra.<br />


68 Cass Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> l Phone 308 0266 l www.flooringxtra.co.nz<br />

2451194 2348589




2008 TOYOTA<br />


• 3500cc, petrol<br />

• Auto, 4WD<br />

• Hatchback<br />

• Body kit<br />

• 82,247kms<br />


2008 TOYOTA<br />

MARK X<br />

• 2400cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 7seaterwagon<br />

• 8air bags<br />

• 89,065kms<br />

$11,995<br />

3½ stars<br />

$8,500<br />

NISSAN<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc, auto, 4WD,ABS, cam chain, 109,513kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 57,558kms .................. $10,995<br />

2005 NISSAN NOTE 15E, 1500cc, petrol,2WD,auto, ABS, 139,000km.....................$4,495<br />

MAZDA<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA, auto, cam chain, 61,495kms ....................................................... $10,995<br />

2012 MAZDADEMIO SKYACTIVE, 1300cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 59,000kms.... $10,995<br />

2008 MAZDACX7, 2400, auto, 4WD,131,000kms.............................................................$8,995<br />

2013 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc,auto, cam chain, ABS, 62,516kms............................. $10,995<br />

2013 MAZDABIANTE, 2000cc, 8seater, auto, ABS..............................................................SOLD<br />

SUBARU<br />

2012 SUBARULEGACY 2.5iS, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS,95,349kms........ $11,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2012 SUZUKI SWIFT XG, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 60,114kms ........................ $9,995<br />

2009 SUZUKI SWIFT SPORT, 1600cc, 5speed manual, tidyeconomical car......... $8,995<br />

2010 HONDA<br />


• 1300cc, hybrid<br />

• Auto<br />

• 5door<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• ABS<br />

• Climate control<br />

• 35,783kms<br />

$9,995<br />

995<br />

$8,995<br />

3½ stars<br />

$9,995<br />


2015 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2008 TOYOTA MARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS, air con, S/W,89,065kms....................$9,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags,bodykit,82,247kms....$9,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA ALLION, 1800cc, auto, sedan, ABS, 75,816kms.......................................$7,995<br />

2010 TOYOTA PRIUS, 1800cc, alternative, hatchback,cam chain, 42,775kms ..... $11,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUA, 1500cc, auto, hybrid,5door, 53,000kms.................................. $13,995<br />

2012 TOYOTA YARIS, 1500cc, petrol,cam chain, air con, 131,230kms .......................$7,495<br />

2009 SUZUKI<br />


• 1600cc, petrol<br />

• Manual<br />

• 2WD<br />

• ABS<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Body kit<br />

• 111,865kms<br />

2 stars<br />

$8,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2010 HONDAINSIGHT G,1300cc,hybrid,auto, 5door,cam chain............................ $9,995<br />


2011 MAZDAAXELA<br />

2006 TOYOTA ESTIMA<br />

2011 MAZDAAXELA<br />

2012 HONDAFIT<br />

2010 TOYOTA PRIUS S<br />


&RENTALS<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

<br />

3081396<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />

loads also available.<br />

470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br />

www.atob.co.nz<br />