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q u e e n s l a n d h o T E L S a s s o c i a t i o n<br />
O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />
Cool<br />
design<br />
FOCUS:<br />
Hostplus is a top performing industry super fund that puts you first.<br />
We give profits back to our members, not shareholders.<br />
Compare Hostplus<br />
General advice only. Consider the relevant Hostplus PDS and TMD at hostplus.com.au, and your objectives, financial situation and needs, which have not been accounted for.<br />
Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198. HP1966
David Dicker of Tabcorp with Bernie Hogan and <strong>QHA</strong> President Tom Maguire on the road to Winton for the <strong>QHA</strong> Regional Board Meeting<br />
AND IT HAS<br />
TO HEAD TO<br />
As many of our members will be aware, the Australian Government recently held<br />
a Jobs and Skills Summit in Canberra to explore from all angles the demands<br />
and issues of the workforce in Australia. Now this was not just about hotels,<br />
or accommodation or even just tourism industry – every part of the Australian<br />
economy is screaming out for workers.<br />
As there were only 100 seats at this Summit, the opportunity was extremely<br />
limited and <strong>QHA</strong> members should be very proud that the Australian Hotel<br />
Association was invited to attend. Stephen Ferguson the CEO of the Australian<br />
Hotels Association represented us all with his usual incredible enthusiasm to do<br />
the right thing by our members. To achieve anything at a Summit is difficult as they<br />
often become a “talkfest” or political point-scoring exercise. So it is refreshing that<br />
Stephen was able to report that there were some concrete agreements made.<br />
We cannot miraculously have thousands of workers just arrive back on our<br />
shores. There are limited seats on planes and it has been a slow rebound for<br />
northern hemisphere travellers to head to Australia. However, amongst the long<br />
range plans there are some initiatives that will assist immediately.<br />
Firstly, increasing the number of skilled migrants in the short term to 195,000 will<br />
assist over the next few months. Similarly, extending the ability for foreign students<br />
to work more hours into 2023 is a positive outcome. Also, pensioners will also be<br />
able to work more hours without affecting their pension payments. These are all<br />
initiatives that should deliver more workers throughout the country in the next year.<br />
Whilst there is no silver bullet to fix the demand for staff it was refreshing to see<br />
the practical suggestions brought forward by the AHA being agreed to by the<br />
incoming Government. It simply shows that your Association is well respected and<br />
evidently is trusted to make sensible contributions on a national scale.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> CHIEF EXECUTIVE/EDITOR<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 3
FOCUS:<br />
q u e e n s l a n d h o T E L S a s s o c i a t i o n<br />
O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />
Cool<br />
design<br />
o u r c o v e r :<br />
Pimpama Tavern<br />
has had a makeover<br />
on the Gold Coast.<br />
O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 e d i t i o n<br />
<strong>QHA</strong><br />
Level 14, 270 Adelaide Street<br />
Brisbane, Queensland 4000<br />
GPO Box 343<br />
Brisbane, Queensland 4001<br />
Phone: 07 3221 6999<br />
1800 177 594<br />
Fax: 07 3221 6649<br />
Web: www.qha.org.au<br />
Email: info@qha.org.au<br />
Office Hours<br />
8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday<br />
President<br />
Mr Tom McGuire AM<br />
Senior Vice President<br />
Mr Richard Deery<br />
Vice Presidents<br />
Mr Scott Armstrong<br />
Mr Brad Fitzgibbons<br />
Mr Matthew Coorey<br />
Chief Executive and Editor<br />
Mr Bernie Hogan<br />
www.qha.org.au<br />
6 NEWS<br />
22 FEATURE<br />
30 INSIGHTS<br />
34 FOCUS<br />
50 TOP DROP<br />
60 WINE<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 4<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW is published by the Queensland<br />
Hotels Association ABN 54 878 166 941.<br />
All information is correct at time of going to press.<br />
The publishers cannot accept responsibility for<br />
errors in articles or advertisements, or unsolicited<br />
manuscripts, photographs or illustrations.<br />
The opinions and words of the authors do not<br />
necessarily represent those of the publisher. All<br />
rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is<br />
strictly prohibited without prior permission.<br />
For all editorial and advertising queries:<br />
Simon Cross 0413 698 630<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Industry<br />
Engagement<br />
Manager<br />
A hospitality industry<br />
professional with over<br />
30 years’ experience<br />
in liquor, gaming and<br />
operations. Damian<br />
has a strong focus<br />
on compliance and<br />
legislation.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Training Manager<br />
An experienced VET<br />
sector professional,<br />
Therese manages<br />
the <strong>QHA</strong> Training<br />
department and is<br />
responsible for the<br />
development and<br />
delivery of quality training<br />
for <strong>QHA</strong> members and<br />
other hospitality venues.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Membership Officer<br />
Paul is the face of the<br />
Association to many <strong>QHA</strong><br />
members as he travels the<br />
length and breadth of the<br />
state visiting, advising and<br />
assisting publicans.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Accommodation<br />
Division Manager<br />
As a professional<br />
advocate for the<br />
accommodation sector<br />
of the hotel industry,<br />
Judy advises and<br />
represents members on<br />
matters including tourism<br />
legislation, marketing<br />
strategy, risk management<br />
and airline regulation.<br />
State Manager (Qld)<br />
Aristocrat<br />
Nick has a proven<br />
history in wholesale<br />
liquor, electronic<br />
gaming, and hotel and<br />
restaurant operation.<br />
He now heads up the<br />
state team for one<br />
of Australia’s leading<br />
manufacturers of<br />
gaming machines.<br />
Attorney-General and<br />
Minister for Justice<br />
Shannon Fentiman<br />
is the Labor member<br />
for Waterford in the<br />
Queensland Legislative<br />
Assembly. She is also<br />
the Minister for Women<br />
and the Minister for the<br />
Prevention of Domestic<br />
and Family Violence.<br />
Commissioner for<br />
Office of Liquor and<br />
Gaming Regulation<br />
Queensland<br />
Victoria is responsible<br />
for the regulatory policy<br />
and strategic direction<br />
of product safety,<br />
licensing, compliance<br />
and enforcement<br />
activitiestoprotect market<br />
integrity and keep<br />
Queenslanders safe.<br />
Managing Partner,<br />
Mullins<br />
With over 30 years’<br />
experience in property,<br />
liquor and gaming law,<br />
Curt is recognised<br />
as a leader in this<br />
field. He advises pub,<br />
club, nightclub,<br />
restaurant, resort and<br />
accommodation venue<br />
owners and operators.<br />
Hostplus, Group<br />
Executive, Member<br />
Experience<br />
Paul provides key-executive<br />
strategic leadership,<br />
development, and<br />
management of Hostplus’<br />
Member Experience<br />
division, responsible<br />
for the achievement of<br />
high-quality membercentric<br />
experiences and<br />
outcomes for Hostplus’<br />
members, employers and<br />
stakeholders.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Senior<br />
Employment Relations<br />
Advisor<br />
Sarah has a passion for<br />
employment relations<br />
and has diverse<br />
experience advising and<br />
assisting employees and<br />
employers. Sarah has<br />
particular interests in<br />
workers’ compensation<br />
matters, bullying and<br />
harassment matters and<br />
policy development.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 5
NEWS<br />
ON THE<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 6<br />
As work on the 1,700km inland rail line proposed to<br />
link Melbourne and Brisbane nears the Queensland<br />
border local businesses are starting to see the<br />
potential upside of the multi-billion dollar project.<br />
The Narrabri to North Star project, one of 13 separate<br />
projects being overseen by the Australian Rail Track<br />
Corporation, has brought more people to regional<br />
towns along its route, boosting business opportunities<br />
along the way.<br />
Queensland’s portion of the rail line is yet to be<br />
approved, with five projects in differing stages of<br />
development and approval linking Gowrie on the<br />
Queensland border to Acacia Ridge.<br />
While there is potential economic benefit, debate<br />
continues to rage over the environmental impacts of<br />
the projects, especially on flood plain activity and,<br />
closer to Brisbane, the preservation of koala habitat.<br />
At Goondiwindi, through to Toowoomba and even<br />
Ipswich, there are already extra accommodation<br />
nights being booked by contractors and consultants<br />
linked to the project, which is currently estimated to be<br />
completed in 2027.<br />
For Tait Auto Group, which is based out of Moree in<br />
NSW and Goondiwindi in Queensland, the arrival of<br />
the project has led to the snaring of a major contract<br />
to provide servicing, parts and warranty coverage for<br />
the project’s lead contractor’s (Trans4m Rail), fleet of<br />
Toyotas.<br />
The group, run by David Tait and his daughter Kendall,<br />
employ a total of 100 people.<br />
For David, the Inland Rail project offers positives for<br />
the region.<br />
“In the next five years Inland Rail is going to be very<br />
good for the towns that it’s travelling through, helping<br />
all kinds of small businesses from fuel stations to<br />
hotels and motels, other mechanics, you name it –<br />
everything,” David said.<br />
In North Star, on the New South Wales side of the<br />
border, the arrival of Inland Rail prompted the opening<br />
of the first new business in town for nearly 50 years.<br />
Mates Simon Doolin and James Hardcastle converted<br />
the old vicar’s cottage into the licensed Vicarage Café<br />
in 2021, providing a meeting spot for locals and new<br />
workers alike.<br />
As construction progresses James expects to employ<br />
more people and stay open longer to keep up with<br />
demand.<br />
“Although we are only a small village, I hope that<br />
everyone can see that this rail project will bring value to<br />
our community in the coming years,” James said.<br />
At Goondiwindi the Council is bracing itself for an influx<br />
of business opportunity – although it is wary about<br />
how demand for accommodation and workforce is to<br />
be managed.
Photo courtesy of ARTC<br />
In its statement contributing to consultation towards<br />
the Environmental Impact Statement for the project<br />
Council noted that it would prefer Inland Rail to provide<br />
its own accommodation and workers.<br />
Mayor Cr Lawrence Springborg stated in a message<br />
from the Mayor’s Desk that: “Council strongly outlined<br />
its position that the ARTC should provide its own<br />
external workers and appropriate housing, such as<br />
the workers’ camps currently proposed outside of<br />
Yelarbon and Inglewood”.<br />
“This position is based on feedback from local<br />
businesses: we already have very low unemployment<br />
rates coupled with a tight rental market, in particular.<br />
“There are lessons to be learned from the way other<br />
towns have been impacted by mining projects, for<br />
example, and while our region is ready for the many<br />
opportunities that Inland Rail may bring, we do not<br />
want any additional pressure on our employment and<br />
housing markets.<br />
“Council wants to ensure a considered, thoughtout<br />
approach that lets us reap the benefits of local<br />
spending, while protecting the local economy.”<br />
In Queensland Australian Rail Track Corporation has an<br />
office set up at Goondiwindi and a number of its own<br />
staff based in the regional towns along the proposed<br />
rail route as part of the community consultation phase.<br />
A spokesman for ARTC said they often brought in<br />
specialist staff who would stay locally while they were<br />
needed.<br />
ARTC’s website reports more than half the jobs during<br />
the construction of Inland Rail will be in Queensland.<br />
“That’s 11,800 jobs at the peak of construction across<br />
a range of different industries,” it states.<br />
“The project will also give the Queensland economy<br />
a massive boost, injecting $7.8 billion into the gross<br />
state product.<br />
“To date, Inland Rail has awarded more than 630<br />
contracts to local Queensland businesses, worth more<br />
than $1.5 billion.”<br />
Queensland’s five project areas are:<br />
• New South Wales / Queensland Border to Gowrie<br />
• Gowrie to Helidon<br />
• Helidon to Calvert<br />
• Calvert to Kagaru<br />
• Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton<br />
Progress on the project can be tracked at inlandrail.<br />
artc.com.au and businesses keen to get involved are<br />
encouraged to lodge their interest via ICN Gateway or<br />
Tenderlink.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 7
NEWS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 8<br />
A report released in August by Construction Skills<br />
Queensland highlights the enormous investment in<br />
carbon friendly energy generation that will be required<br />
if the State is to achieve its targeted aim.<br />
In the foreword to the report CSQ CEO Brett<br />
Schimming notes that Queensland is “on the cusp of a<br />
renewable energy boom”.<br />
“The momentous amount of infrastructure required<br />
to reach domestic net zero by 2050 has been<br />
supercharged by a prospective hydrogen industry –<br />
one that could serve both the state’s domestic needs<br />
and those of large export markets,” he wrote.<br />
“The biggest challenge in delivering the boom could be<br />
the scale of the construction workforce required.<br />
“Now is the time to start thinking strategically about<br />
the long-term impact this future could have on labour<br />
and skilled trade provision. Then we can plan with eyes<br />
wide open to meet the challenge.”<br />
CSQ commissioned CSIRO to model three possible<br />
renewable futures for Queensland in a bid to<br />
understand the potential requirement for construction<br />
workers from the early 2020s to 2050.<br />
The demand profile for construction labour was<br />
estimated based on each model with Brett reporting<br />
the headline findings as:<br />
• Up to 26,700 construction workers from the<br />
early 2020s to 2050 could be required to realise<br />
Queensland’s renewables boom<br />
• This follows a CAPEX requirement approaching<br />
$13.9 billion annually. This is what’s required to<br />
meet the state’s net zero 2050 target while building<br />
a strong hydrogen industry serving both domestic<br />
and export needs<br />
• More than half of these construction jobs (13,800)<br />
would be in regional Queensland, namely the<br />
central and northern parts of the state.<br />
He said a big part of those numbers were based on<br />
the potential for a hydrogen industry if it was able to<br />
overcome production cost challenges and attract<br />
strong domestic and international demand.<br />
Up to 18,500 construction workers could be required<br />
for a hydrogen industry, with an additional 8,200<br />
construction needed to build out the non-hydrogen<br />
renewable electricity infrastructure to reach net zero in<br />
Queensland by 2050.<br />
The report identified $20.8 billion in renewable projects<br />
already confirmed for delivery by 2025, driving demand<br />
for 4,600 construction workers.<br />
A handy resource for understanding where the current<br />
projects are to be found is to be found online at<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> & IGT<br />
Go lf<br />
Day<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 10<br />
180 PLAYERS TOOK TO THE COURSE AT <strong>QHA</strong><br />
VILLAGE FOR THE ANNUAL <strong>QHA</strong> AND IGT<br />
GOLF DAY.<br />
With such a large field, attendees had the option<br />
of either an AM or a PM tee time, with both groups<br />
joining together for lunch, followed by dinner and<br />
presentations at the Aviary Rooftop Bar.<br />
Thank-you to major event partner IGT for supporting<br />
the event as well as beverage partners Carlton &<br />
United Breweries, Lion, Treasury Wine Estates,<br />
Accolade Wine and Yalumba for supplying beverages.<br />
Thank-you also to the many partners who supported<br />
the event with on-course activations which greatly<br />
enhanced the player experience on the day.<br />
Nearest to Pins<br />
Hole #2 – Michael Potts (Mullins) 1.54m<br />
Hole #4 – Simon Cross (Horse & Water) 1.25m<br />
Hole #11 – Justin O’Donnell (Reward Hospitality)<br />
4.48m<br />
Hole #16 – P. Hiney 3.35m<br />
Straightest Drive – Dan Gunderson (Cove Tavern)<br />
Longest Drive – Simon Cross (Horse & Water)<br />
Last Place – 71.5<br />
Pimpama Tavern<br />
3rd Place - 52<br />
Treasury Wine Estates<br />
2nd Place – 52 (on countback)<br />
Independent Liquor Group<br />
1st Place - 50.25<br />
Arundel Tavern
NEWS<br />
Soaring demand for seltzers and ready-todrink<br />
alcoholic beverages has prompted Lion to<br />
announce a $5 million upgrade to its iconic XXXX<br />
Brewery site at Milton in a bid to boost production.<br />
XXXX Sales Director Patrick Donohue said the XXXX<br />
Brewery was a key part of Lion’s brewing network<br />
and already produced the vast majority of its beer<br />
brands, including XXXX, Hahn and James Squire.<br />
“The beer and alcoholic beverages market<br />
continues to evolve, as do consumers’ tastes and<br />
preferences,” Patrick said.<br />
“It is important that we innovate and set the<br />
brewery up for long-term success.<br />
“We are pleased to announce that we are looking<br />
to produce most of our portfolio of seltzer brands,<br />
including global sensation, White Claw, at the XXXX<br />
Brewery.<br />
“Mass production of seltzers and RTD beverages<br />
requires bulk ethanol storage, and so we will lodge<br />
a development application with Brisbane City<br />
Council in the coming weeks to build a new facility<br />
on the current site to ensure we’re doing this in the<br />
safest way possible.<br />
“This represents a significant investment in the site<br />
and builds on our decade-long registration under<br />
state planning laws protecting the existing use of the<br />
brewery from encroachment from other development,<br />
which was extended in 2019.”<br />
As part of our application, XXXX will conduct a period<br />
of community consultation, which will commence later<br />
this year.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 12
NEWS<br />
When it comes to a winning package the mixture<br />
of live music, entertainment and hospitality certainly<br />
seems to be working for The Comiskey Group which<br />
has announced a $35 million venue for the Sunshine<br />
Coast.<br />
The indoor entertainment venue and hospitality hub<br />
is proposed for the city centre of Stockland’s Aura<br />
Development, just south of Caloundra and will back on<br />
to an 11-hectare Southbank-style parkland.<br />
The venue will have major function and band areas,<br />
internal and alfresco dining areas, six bars, and a<br />
gaming room and is expected to open in late 2024.<br />
It will include world-class PA and lighting systems, a<br />
band room, mezzanine level and the capacity to host<br />
2,500 patrons.<br />
Comiskey Group Director Rob Comiskey said the<br />
Aura community was a natural fit for their next major<br />
venture.<br />
“South-East Queensland is where we were born and<br />
raised, we are passionate about bringing premium<br />
experiences to locations rich with opportunity in this<br />
thriving state,” Rob said.<br />
“We have the largest entertainment offering in the<br />
Moreton Bay region and felt it only natural to expand<br />
into the neighbouring Sunshine Coast.<br />
“Aura sits just 10 minutes from our Coochin Fields<br />
site, so we’re excited to create a thriving epicentre<br />
of entertainment for the Sunshine Coast and bring<br />
something really special to this already innovative and<br />
unique community!”<br />
The Stockland estate is a six Green Star rated<br />
community and is already home to more than 10,000<br />
residents, with the potential for 20,000 new homes<br />
and 20,000 on-site jobs upon completion.<br />
The future city centre is proposed to include a regional<br />
shopping centre, cinemas, restaurants, cafes, medical<br />
facilities, an urban university campus, private schools,<br />
transit centre, and vibrant public spaces.<br />
Comiskey Group’s Entertainment Director Jonathan<br />
(Jono) Jackson believes their new facilities are a much<br />
needed and welcome addition to the region.<br />
“The Sunshine Coast offers an incredible lifestyle, it is<br />
an exceptional place to visit, but we saw a gap in the<br />
market in terms of live music venues,” Jono said.<br />
“The region’s ongoing population growth creates<br />
demand for premium production opportunities locally.<br />
Sunshine Coast and Aura residents can expect worldclass<br />
talent on their doorstep!”<br />
The Group, which won seven categories in the<br />
recent <strong>QHA</strong> Awards for Excellence for its Eatons Hill<br />
Hotel and Sandstone Point Hotel venues has built a<br />
reputation for hosting international music acts including<br />
the likes of Prince, Post Malone, Khalid, Joan Jett, Ice<br />
Cube, Good Charlotte and Bryan Adams.<br />
At the awards, Eatons Hill Hotel won Overall Hotel of<br />
the Year, Best Superior Accommodation, Best Outdoor<br />
/ Non-Enclosed Facility.<br />
Sandstone Point Hotel won Best Entertainment<br />
Venue, Best Family Dining and Best Mid-Range<br />
Accommodation (Sandstone Point Holiday Resort).<br />
It was also entered into the Hall of Fame for Best<br />
Outdoor / Non-Enclosed Facility,<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 13
NEWS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 14<br />
Behind every great venue is a team of staff who go<br />
above and beyond to ensure their customers have the<br />
sort of positive experiences that encourage them to<br />
come back again and again.<br />
At Sea World Resort, Food and Beverage Supervisor<br />
Filipe Santos has been a key part of the success of<br />
the venue’s Hatsuhana Restaurant over the past three<br />
years.<br />
Brazillian-born Filipe came to Australia in 2014 to study<br />
business and English courses at Bond University –<br />
keen to enhance his language skills and build a future<br />
for himself.<br />
Studying and working as a kitchen hand at various<br />
Gold Coast restaurants, Filipe’s people skills were<br />
noted by the management team, and he soon<br />
progressed to a position where he managed, led and<br />
trained a team of eight staff, alongside the Head Chef.<br />
In 2017 he joined Village Roadshow, operators of Sea<br />
World Resort, as a Food and Beverage attendant<br />
in the events and conferences space. It wasn’t long<br />
before he was promoted to supervisor and, in 2018,<br />
he was named Team Member of the Quarter for his<br />
work.<br />
Filipe’s mission at the resort is to ensure guests have<br />
a great time, especially those who choose to visit the<br />
Japanese-inspired Hatsuhana Restaurant.<br />
Tasked with bringing the restaurant back up to<br />
number 1 on Trip Advisor, Filipe worked with his team<br />
to reconstruct the service style in the restaurant,<br />
introducing technology at the table, and a takeaway<br />
menu and Bento box offering for patrons who may not<br />
be able to wait for a seat when the restaurant was full.<br />
Despite the COVID-related challenges of the past<br />
two years, the restaurant has seen revenue growth of<br />
nearly 40%, results attributed to an improved online<br />
bookings system, implementation of a takeaway menu,<br />
implanting upselling processes as part of the sequence<br />
of service, and improving the restaurant’s ranking on<br />
social media.<br />
For Filipe, who was named Front of House Employee<br />
of the Year – Accommodation Division – at the <strong>QHA</strong><br />
Awards for Excellence 2022, the next step is to<br />
complete a Masters in Business Administration degree,<br />
with plans to progress into senior management in the<br />
NEWS<br />
When we spoke to Filipe he had just completed his<br />
Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management<br />
and was looking forward to a break from study, just in<br />
time for the busiest time of the year at work.<br />
“It’s perfect timing because from now until February /<br />
March will be really busy,” he said.<br />
Not that it’s not busy now. Filipe said August had been<br />
the busiest he had seen the hotel, since even before<br />
COVID.<br />
Filipe said working and living on the Gold Coast had<br />
made a huge difference to his lifestyle.<br />
“Where I’m from in Sao Paulo, it’s a huge city with 22<br />
million people. I used to commute two hours each way<br />
for work,” he said.<br />
“I like the lifestyle here, it’s about the lifestyle and the<br />
balance. Here I just go for a walk along the front on the<br />
beach or drive 20 minutes and I’m in the mountains.”<br />
Not one to sit still, Filipe said his next big project for<br />
the restaurants at Sea World was to find a way to do<br />
away with manual dockets in the kitchens.<br />
He said the aim was to have orders completed on<br />
tablets, with consistent menu information presented for<br />
the chefs, reducing the chances of reading someone’s<br />
handwriting wrong.<br />
Following on from his win at the <strong>QHA</strong> Awards Filipe<br />
will be representing Queensland at the AHA Awards in<br />
Sydney in November.<br />
RTO 30826<br />
R M LV Virtual Classroom (online)<br />
06 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 11 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 27 <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
07 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 18 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 25 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 03 November<br />
Member Price $395.00 / Non-Members $495.00<br />
R M LV classroom Based<br />
Toowoomba 05 <strong>Oct</strong>ober Brisbane 13 <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
Gold Coast 12 <strong>Oct</strong>ober Brisbane 10 November<br />
Member Price $395.00 / Non-Members $495.00<br />
Gaming Courses Virtual Classroom (online)<br />
Gaming Nominee 10 <strong>Oct</strong>ober Client Liaison Officer 17 <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
Members and Non-Members $495.00<br />
CLO Member Price $70.00 / Non-Member $90.00<br />
Cooking the Books Classroom Based<br />
Cooking the Books with Andrew Briese 10 <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
Member Price $395.00 / Non-Members $495.00<br />
**RMLV/GNT Video Connect (Online) courses will be added as required<br />
Call 07 3221 6999 visit training.qha.org.au or email: training@qha.org.au
Two pages to a day | Forward & current year planners | More writing<br />
space for error free bookings | Sturdy, long wearing materials and binding<br />
| Designed to improve bookings and record vital information | Large day &<br />
date headings | Running calendar at the top of each page | Public & School Holiday<br />
dates for Australia and New Zealand | Client and staff information sections<br />
Clean and uncluttered layout | Made in Australia | A4 size.<br />
2023 DIARY<br />
NOW<br />
NEWS<br />
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purpose is to help you move<br />
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• By managing your risk.<br />
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a healthy, thriving<br />
workforce.<br />
• By bringing together<br />
global reach and local<br />
expertise.<br />
• To help your business and<br />
your community through<br />
every challenge you face.<br />
Food giant Anchor Foods has released the details of their 2023 Proud<br />
to be a Chef competition open to apprentice chefs who’ll be 18 years<br />
or older on 19 February 2023.<br />
The event is open to apprentices enrolled in a Government-recognised<br />
cooking course at the date of entry, who are residents of Australia and<br />
willing to have their references checked as part of the process.<br />
Entry is by way of creating an original recipe that includes one Anchor<br />
Food Product ingredient, can be prepped in 30 minutes, cooked in no<br />
more than two hours, and features ingredients that will be in season in<br />
February next year.<br />
The recipe needs to be able to serve two people and can be made<br />
with shared use of specialist equipment such as deep fryers, blast<br />
chillers and circulators.<br />
The other element of the application is for the entrant to write a note<br />
explaining why they are passionate about food and cookery, where<br />
they would like their apprenticeship to take them, and what they would<br />
hope to get out of the mentorship program that forms part of the prize.<br />
A group of 32 finalists will be chosen to attend a four-day cooking<br />
experience with three industry mentors and a range of experiences<br />
before the naming of the Proud to be a Chef 2023 winner – who will<br />
win a culinary scholarship tailored toward their individual aspirations as<br />
a professional chef.<br />
Applications close Monday 31 <strong>Oct</strong>ober at proudtobeachef.co.<br />
We are proud and active<br />
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Cover is subject to the Policy terms and conditions.<br />
You should consider if the insurance is suitable for<br />
you and read the relevant PDS/Policy Wording and<br />
our FSG before making your decision to acquire<br />
insurance. These are available at AJG.com.au.<br />
NEWS<br />
2022<br />
15-17 AUGUST<br />
Winton<br />
Wild about the west<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 18<br />
The <strong>QHA</strong> is committed to ensuring hotel owners,<br />
accommodation providers and licensees in suburban,<br />
rural and regional Queensland continue to gain equal<br />
access to relevant and informative hotel industry<br />
events. As part of this commitment, the <strong>QHA</strong> hosts an<br />
annual regional board meeting open to all members to<br />
attend. This year’s board meeting was hosted at <strong>QHA</strong><br />
member venue The Longreach Tourist Park.<br />
More than 50 of the <strong>QHA</strong>’s board members, observers<br />
and partners joined the 2-night tour to visit 9 venues<br />
over 3 days, travelling from Longreach to Winton, then<br />
back to Ilfracombe.<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners sponsored the<br />
‘Canadian Club Coach of Courage’ with the group<br />
enjoying a Roku Gin Pit Stop on the side of the<br />
Landsborough Highway, that was also attended by<br />
approximately 100,000 flies!<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> beverage partners Lion, Carlton & United<br />
Breweries, Treasury Wine Estates, Diageo and Pernod-<br />
Ricard ensured that attendees were well hydrated at<br />
the official dinners, with the local mayors from both<br />
Longreach Regional Council and Winton Shire Council<br />
also attending the events, as guests of the <strong>QHA</strong>.<br />
With a tour that included everything from horse and<br />
buggy rides, to a traditional billy-can lunch and tent<br />
show; missed flights that were followed by a chartered<br />
plane; an ambulance limousine service and outdoor<br />
baths; it’s safe to say that this is one tour that won’t be<br />
forgotten about any time soon!
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 19
NEWS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 20<br />
As hospitality staff labour shortages continue to<br />
be a problem all around the world the demand for<br />
automated solutions in the kitchen is on the rise.<br />
In the United States, Californian-based wavemaker<br />
labs (www.wavemakerlabs.com) is leading the charge,<br />
bringing its robotic and artificial intelligence talents to<br />
the table in support of a range of partners.<br />
Robots are currently working in fast food restaurants,<br />
monitoring the deep fryers, flipping burgers, serving<br />
drinks and serving up pizzas and basic meals.<br />
Miso Robotics Flippy 2 and Sippy (burger flipper and<br />
drink server) solutions have been rolled out as a test in<br />
a San Diego store of fast-food chain Jack in the Box<br />
(www.jackinthebox.com) which features a menu of<br />
burgers, sandwiches and tacos.<br />
Talking to media at the launch, Jack in the Box Chief<br />
Operating Officer Tony Dardon said the back of house<br />
automation would help deliver the group’s growth plan<br />
and promote the safety and comfort of staff members.<br />
The Miso robots have also been added to the kitchens<br />
for testing with the Wing Zone (wingstop.com) fast<br />
food chain which has hundreds of shops across<br />
America.<br />
Wing Zone Chief Operating Officer David Bloom said<br />
in a press release that with more than 100 new shops<br />
in the pipeline the business was keen to explore<br />
partnerships with companies such as Miso that<br />
would maximise efficiency and provide a better overall<br />
customer experience.<br />
“Our industry is in dire need of automation, and we<br />
are more than ready to deploy it at scale to continue<br />
growing our business,” Mr Bloom said.<br />
Promotional material for the Miso products makes<br />
the point that the robots are a way of augmenting the<br />
kitchen, freeing up staff to focus on customer service<br />
and more complicated tasks.<br />
Another concept currently being funded, to the tune of<br />
$20 million, is the Nommi automated kitchen. Nommi<br />
has been designed to be able to cook and serve<br />
customisable bowl-based meals – think rice and meat<br />
or vegetables, noodles, and salads.<br />
Japanese Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto has aligned his<br />
Sa’Moto brand with the Nommi pods with the intention<br />
of offering Sa’Moto menu items via the fully automated<br />
system, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.<br />
The kitchen pod, which is described as being able to<br />
fit in one container, or a food truck, can hold up to 330<br />
bowls and lids.<br />
The bowls move along a conveyor belt, rotating as they<br />
go to allow ingredients to be placed as per the pictures.<br />
Up to 21 prepared meals can be held at one time in<br />
the machine, with customers able to pick them up via a<br />
unique QR code.<br />
Essentially, customers choose their sauce, their base,<br />
and the elements they’d like in the bowl, place their<br />
orders, pay, and the robot puts it together and serves<br />
it up.
Nick Bainbrigge GAMING<br />
A similar use of robots has been reported by the<br />
South China Morning Post where Chinese restaurant<br />
group Haidilao has adopted an automated system<br />
to source and prepare ingredients for customers at<br />
its Szechuan-style hot pot restaurant.<br />
A battery of robotic arms selects ingredients<br />
from a pre-loaded pantry, and blends soup mixes<br />
according to recipes chosen by the customers.<br />
The elements of the soup are then loaded on to<br />
plates or bowls, aligned on trays and distributed to<br />
the tables by robotic waiters for the customers to<br />
cook and serve themselves as per the hot pot style<br />
of cooking.<br />
Adding to the futuristic nature of the food prep,<br />
customers in the restaurant are able to watch<br />
the robotic arms at work via a series of television<br />
screens in the restaurant.<br />
In Australia, West Australian business Kitchintel<br />
(www.kitchintel.io) is developing its Jasen product to<br />
help chefs to cook proteins such as steak, chicken,<br />
pork, lamb or sturdy fish.<br />
The system is designed to fit within the normal<br />
space of a commercial grill.<br />
It has two levels of cooking “baths” where the chefs<br />
place the protein according to the order, such as<br />
rare, medium rare or well done.<br />
The machine cooks the protein according to exact<br />
temperatures and timings to meet the order and<br />
then a robotic arm removes the protein from the<br />
bath and sears it on a hot grill before placing it onto<br />
plates ready for the chefs to complete the meal for<br />
service. Promotional material for Jasen suggests it<br />
could cook up to 300 pieces at once.<br />
Spring is the ideal time to refresh your gaming<br />
floor - and Aristocrat’s line up of new games can<br />
help you do just that. With a range of games<br />
encompassing differing themes, styles of game<br />
play and wide appeal, let’s look at some of the<br />
latest offerings available now for QLD hotels.<br />
Midnight Express is ideal for venues seeking a<br />
product that increases the entertainment factor<br />
of a well-known game. This iconic game family<br />
has been redeveloped to accommodate today’s<br />
players, and features a two-level link, SAP and<br />
two scalable bonuses. It has shown strong<br />
performance in its first week in the QLD market<br />
showcasing a 1.98x turnover ratio.<br />
With Cash Express Luxury Line, Aristocrat<br />
brings to the Australian market a product that<br />
has performed strongly in the US. This new<br />
game family has been redeveloped to include<br />
multi-denomination and our famous Hold & Spin<br />
mechanic. Players can select the denomination<br />
that is comfortable for them while also getting<br />
the full excitement of a Hold and Spin jackpot<br />
feature.<br />
Available as an SAP or LINK, Cash Express<br />
Luxury Line is supported by our classic titles<br />
Where’s the Gold, Queen of the Nile, and 50<br />
Lions.<br />
One of QLD’s best performing Links is now<br />
getting an extension! Coming soon to QLD<br />
Hotels is the next two game titles in the Dollar<br />
Storm family: Aussie Boomer and Fight for Troy.<br />
These exciting new additions includes the player<br />
favourite free game mechanics - expanding<br />
wilds!<br />
If you have any questions regarding Cash<br />
Express Luxury Line, Midnight Express or Dollar<br />
Storm, please reach out to your Aristocrat<br />
Business Partner or visit our website aristocrat.<br />
com/anz<br />
*Maxgaming data Scorchin fortune July to September<br />
& Midnight Express 1st September to 8th September<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 21
NEW AT<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 23
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 24<br />
The Gold Coast has seen a resurgence of ‘pavilion’<br />
style venues over the past few years, but the latest<br />
for the region offers relaxed dining and an expansive<br />
tavern-style layout.<br />
The new Pimpama Pavilion, operated by Good Times<br />
Pub Group, is located in the heart of Pimpama on<br />
the Gold Coast and has become the region’s newest<br />
hotspot since opening its doors to the public in<br />
August.<br />
The venue kicked off trading with a bang, welcoming<br />
crowds of customers keen to explore its modern<br />
sports bar, restaurant, function spaces, outdoor beer<br />
garden, and private dining room.<br />
Just two minutes off exit 49 on the M1, Pimpama<br />
Pavilion is the perfect venue for eager locals in search<br />
of delicious dining, effortless entertainment, and<br />
mouth-watering cocktails.<br />
The owners have boosted the engaging sports bar<br />
with one of the region’s largest custom-built TVs,<br />
measuring 4.8m x 2m in size and offering an unrivalled<br />
location for the Friday footy.<br />
Shortly after opening the doors to locals and out-oftown<br />
travellers, the Pimpama Pavilion revealed its<br />
superb dining menu online, as well as teasing thirsty<br />
Facebook followers with news of espresso martinis on<br />
tap.<br />
The menu offers a modern take on classic tavern-style<br />
dining, and the senior’s and kid’s menus have been<br />
crafted with the same care as the rest of the meal<br />
options on offer.<br />
“We recognised that due to massive population growth<br />
rate in Pimpama, the area was becoming underserviced<br />
in quality food and beverage options,” Good<br />
Times Pub Group director Dean Merrell said.<br />
“We made sure that the quality of the fit-out did not<br />
stop with just public areas but followed through to the<br />
kitchen also.<br />
“Rohrig constructed a state-of-the-art kitchen using<br />
the latest equipment such as the synergy grill, which<br />
is designed to bring flavours out of meat from its own<br />
natural oils, whist using 50% less gas.
“This has allowed us to deliver a menu that<br />
complements the level of quality was put into the entire<br />
venue. “<br />
The beverage offering has seen the same bespoke<br />
approach applied, offering a premium drinks menu for<br />
Pimpama locals.<br />
“We have designed a beverage list that caters for<br />
casual afterwork drinks, down to handcrafted cocktails<br />
that you would normally have to travel down the M1 all<br />
the way to Surfers or Broadbeach to enjoy a special<br />
night out,” Mr Merrell said.<br />
The stylish pavilion, with refreshing open-air layout and<br />
illuminated semi-transparent façade, was designed by<br />
KP Architects and built by the Rohrig Group.<br />
“The aim was to take advantage of the sunny<br />
Queensland weather by connecting the indoor with<br />
the outdoor,” KP Architects founding director Kon<br />
Panagopoulos said.<br />
The overarching aim for KP Architects was to create a<br />
welcoming space, while ensuring a timeless design for<br />
the growing Gold Coast region.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 25
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 26<br />
“We wanted to create an honest and approachable<br />
suburban pub for the growing Pimpama region,” Mr<br />
Panagopoulos said.<br />
“The restrained material palette, that predominately<br />
features terracotta-coloured bricks, spotted gum<br />
timber, and honed concrete, reinforces the casual and<br />
relaxed atmosphere of the pub. The durability and<br />
timeless nature of these materials ensures the venue<br />
will remain current over time.”<br />
A strong focus on fusing indoor and outdoor areas of<br />
the venue culminated in a seamless integration of the<br />
various spaces, something KP Architects says is a<br />
must for Queensland pubs.<br />
“We believe that for a pub to be successful in<br />
Queensland, it needs to incorporate a strong<br />
connection to external spaces to celebrate and enjoy<br />
our sub-tropical climate,” Mr Panagopoulus said.<br />
“The use of sliding-stacking doors allows for a<br />
seamless transition between the Bistro Dining and<br />
Sports Bar, to the external dining and beer garden<br />
spaces. The use of hatches in the bar areas that open<br />
out to the beer garden further activate and link these<br />
spaces.”<br />
Rohrig fitted out the venue in just 21 weeks from<br />
start to finish, which was achieved through an early<br />
partnership with KP Architects to ensure seamless<br />
project delivery.<br />
“We were able to turn this around on time thanks to<br />
our early engagement and strong working relationship<br />
with the project team and subcontractors, allowing us<br />
to manage long lead-time items and resolve project<br />
details on the run,” Rohrig construction manager<br />
Matthew Tucker said.<br />
“We are proud of this all-new pavilion that will serve the<br />
thriving region for many years to come!”<br />
The project was the latest in a long line of hospitality<br />
projects for Rohrig which has delivered more than<br />
which Rohrig has delivered more than $750 million’<br />
worth of construction for the sector over the last 31<br />
years.<br />
The Pimpama Pavilion is located at 5 Dixon Drive,<br />
Pimpama, Queensland.<br />
Photos: Scott Burrows
LEGAL MATTERS with Curt Schatz<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 28<br />
An ‘interim authority’ (for liquor) and ‘special<br />
authorisation’ (for gaming) (together referred to as<br />
“Interim Authorisations”) allow new operators to sell<br />
liquor and conduct gaming prior to the finalisation of<br />
liquor licence transfers or grant of a gaming licence.<br />
Interim Authorisations were historically granted as a<br />
temporary solution to emergency situations to allow<br />
venues to continue to trade, thereby retaining the<br />
business goodwill whilst a transfer was in progress. By<br />
way of example, such emergency situations included:<br />
• Death of an individual licensee;<br />
• Where a landlord or mortgagee retakes possession<br />
of business premises, whether on the basis that<br />
a lease has expired, the tenant has defaulted or<br />
abandoned the business premises and wishes to<br />
continue to trade and preserve the business; or<br />
• Where a liquidator or administrator has been<br />
appointed to a company licensee and wishes<br />
to continue to trade the business as part of the<br />
administration or liquidation process.<br />
Whilst Interim Authorisations are still available for<br />
the above circumstances, there has been a gradual<br />
transition to allow Interim Authorisations to parties<br />
intending to settle the sale and purchases of pubs,<br />
hotels, and other licensed venues, pending approval<br />
of liquor licence transfer and granting of a gaming<br />
licence.<br />
In order to be able to apply for Interim Authorisation,<br />
the new operator must be in possession of the<br />
licensed premises and have an application for transfer<br />
of liquor licence and gaming licence lodged for<br />
approval. Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation<br />
(OLGR) approval for Interim Authorisations can take<br />
up to two to three days, on the basis that all other<br />
conditions are satisfied for the Interim Authorisations.<br />
The OLGR has very specific requirements for statutory<br />
declarations and other evidence that must be supplied<br />
to support an application for Interim Authorisation, so<br />
it is important that applicants have assistance from<br />
experienced advisors to ensure such applications<br />
proceed smoothly, particularly where they are time<br />
sensitive.<br />
Whilst Interim Authorisations are beneficial to facilitating<br />
the finalisation of pub and hotel transactions, there are<br />
risks associated with purchasing a business subject to<br />
Interim Authorisations. Some risks include:<br />
• the Buyer not being able to obtain a transfer of the<br />
liquor licence or a gaming licence and therefore<br />
owning a pub or hotel business they cannot fully,<br />
legally, operate in; and/or<br />
• the Buyer not being able to obtain external<br />
financing for the purchase as, generally, banks and<br />
third-party lenders are hesitant to advance funds<br />
where a liquor and gaming licence has not been<br />
approved.<br />
Furthermore, Interim Authorisations are typically issued<br />
for a period of up to three months. Where required,<br />
an extension may be requested on the grounds<br />
that the new operator still has liquor and gaming<br />
licence applications in progress. However, Interim<br />
Authorisations are not indefinite and cannot be used<br />
as a permanent substitute for a full liquor or gaming<br />
licence.<br />
Despite the above risks, Interim Authorisations can be<br />
highly beneficial in circumstances where the parties<br />
require a more immediate sale/purchase, or in the<br />
emergency situations outlined above. It is important<br />
for both a seller and a buyer to consider whether<br />
Interim Authorisation is required and appropriate<br />
before agreeing to finalise a transaction on that basis.<br />
Where Interim Authorisations are appropriate, it is<br />
also important in the case of a sale to ensure that the<br />
contract is properly drafted to provide specific rights<br />
and obligations for both parties in connection with the<br />
Interim Authorisations.<br />
Should you have any queries or require any further<br />
information in relation to interim authorities to sell liquor<br />
and/or special authorisations to conduct gaming,<br />
please contact me on (07) 3224 0230.
When it comes to investing sustainably, it’s not<br />
just about what you exclude. It’s what you include<br />
that makes the biggest impact. Hostplus was<br />
recently recognised by Rainmaker Information as<br />
an ‘ESG leader’. The rating recognises funds with<br />
high environmental, social and governance (ESG)<br />
standards. They must also have a track record of<br />
strong investment performance.<br />
We are proud our members can choose what they<br />
invest their money in. And that they can do so without<br />
compromising their investment returns.<br />
Staying calm in the face of market volatility<br />
Challenging market conditions have continued to<br />
drive market volatility since the beginning of the year.<br />
History shows us that volatility, like we’ve experienced<br />
in 2022, can spook members. This can prompt moves<br />
to switch super balances to less volatile options. But<br />
it’s important that members use moments like these<br />
to pause and reflect on their objectives. What we’ve<br />
seen recently is a normal part of investing in assets like<br />
shares.<br />
Hostplus’ investment strategy is highly diversified and<br />
built for the long term. Our leading investment returns<br />
reflect the advantages of scale and stability. They also<br />
demonstrate the importance of a robust, long-term<br />
investment strategy.<br />
Some staff may be feeling concerned about their<br />
investments in these challenging times. It’s a good idea<br />
to seek financial advice before making any decisions<br />
to switch investments. Hostplus members can access<br />
a range of financial advice tools that can help. Visit<br />
hostplus.com.au/financial-planning to find out more.<br />
1<br />
Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR 50 Balanced (60-76) Index, June 2022<br />
Past performance is not an indication of future performance. This information is general advice only and does not take into account your<br />
personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider if this information is appropriate for you in light of your circumstances<br />
before acting on it. Please read the relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), available at hostplus.com.au before making a<br />
decision about Hostplus. For a description of the target market, please read the Target Market Determination (TMD), available at hostplus.<br />
com.au. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.<br />
Hostplus has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 to facilitate the provision of personal<br />
financial advice to members of Hostplus. Advice is provided by financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of IFS. Fees may<br />
apply for Comprehensive Financial Advice, further information about the cost of comprehensive advice is set out in the relevant IFS Financial<br />
Services Guide, a copy of which is available from your financial planner. Hostplus has engaged Link Advice Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836,<br />
ASFL 258145 to facilitate the provision of limited personal financial advice to members of Hostplus via the web-based product Super Adviser.<br />
Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund) ABN 68<br />
657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 29
LAUGHS<br />
Look back far enough<br />
in Australian history<br />
and the early signs<br />
of Aussie humour<br />
can be found in the<br />
writings of Henry<br />
Lawson and Banjo<br />
Paterson.<br />
With a humour described<br />
as laconic, irreverent, ironic<br />
and laidback – Australian’s<br />
have always loved a good<br />
laugh with mates, and<br />
there’s no better place<br />
for that experience than a<br />
stand-up gig in a pub.<br />
The Nelson Twins<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 30
Check out the backgrounds of Australia’s most wellknown<br />
stand-up comedians and they all got their<br />
start in small venues – trying out their lines on a local<br />
audience, often with varied success.<br />
While Wil Anderson, Jimeoin, Dave Hughes, Peter<br />
Helliar, Russell Gilbert, Mick Molloy, Anh Do, Tony<br />
Martin and Jim Jeffries have gone on to fill huge<br />
venues and host television and radio shows, it was<br />
gigs in the front bars of comedy pubs that built their<br />
audience and honed their skills.<br />
Just like the pubs that host entertainment, for<br />
comedians and musicians, the past two years of<br />
venue shutdowns and crowd restrictions have been<br />
tough.<br />
Busy touring schedules disappeared and those<br />
working the rooms around the country were forced to<br />
find something else to pay the bills.<br />
For Evan Hocking and the Nelson Twins, the team<br />
behind the Aussie Pub Comedy Tour and the Classic<br />
Comedy Company, 2022 could not come soon<br />
enough.<br />
“It’s certainly been much busier than 2020 and 2021,”<br />
Evan said. “We’ve been flat out this year with heaps of<br />
different gigs throughout Queensland; ranging from<br />
pubs, RSL’s and sporting clubs.”<br />
Reflecting on the COVID times, Evan said it had<br />
been pretty full on.<br />
“It was the toughest period of our careers,”<br />
he said. “We all had to go back to our day<br />
jobs. The twins went back to school<br />
teaching, and I did some labouring.<br />
“It was tough for me to go back to<br />
working 10-12 hours a day; I’m<br />
glad comedy is back, it’s so<br />
much easier working 30<br />
minutes a day.”<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 31
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 32<br />
For the industry, Evan said it had been a time of mixed<br />
outcomes.<br />
“I think it affected everyone in different ways,” he said.<br />
“Some young comedians came back enthused with<br />
new material and others have dropped off completely.<br />
“It’s always a shame when you see a comedian give it<br />
away, but that’s the nature of the game. The industry<br />
can be brutal.”<br />
While Evan and the team work on a range of shows,<br />
including corporate events, bringing comedy to<br />
punters at local pubs are a favourite.<br />
“It’s the people and the culture we love so much,”<br />
Evan said.<br />
“We grew up in the 80’s, where going to the pub with<br />
ya old man was the norm, it’s almost like we’re reliving<br />
our childhood.<br />
“Plus, the audiences are pretty relaxed as they usually<br />
get to the show early and have a few drinks to loosen<br />
up.”<br />
Asked about a best pub show experience in<br />
Queensland, Justin recalled a night at Goondiwindi<br />
that ticked all the boxes.<br />
“We had a cracking show at O’Shea’s Royal Hotel in<br />
Goondiwindi a few months back,” he said.<br />
“You always know it’s going to be a great gig when the<br />
local football team turns up, despite having to play the<br />
next day.”<br />
As for the worst gig?<br />
“Hosting a comedy night on the same night as “State<br />
Of Origin”, we’ll never do that again!”<br />
On the serious side of things, Evan said booking<br />
comedy shows can be a great option for venues<br />
looking to diversify their offering.<br />
“Comedy is a great way to bring new clientele into a<br />
venue and it also keeps your regulars happy,” Evan<br />
said.<br />
“It’s something different too and can be a bit of a break<br />
from the usual entertainment that a venue provides.”<br />
As for the process the Aussie Pub Comedy Tour<br />
employs when visiting venues, Evan said they aim to<br />
make it simple.<br />
“We work with the venue to try and make a show<br />
viable for them and we hand pick the comedians to<br />
suit the venue and possible demographic,” Evan said.
“We provide all sound and lighting equipment, send<br />
out the promotional posters and tickets and pop up<br />
stands to advertise the show on tables around the<br />
venue and we also provide the short videos for venues<br />
to use on their social media.<br />
“Our ultimate aim is to make putting on a comedy<br />
show as easy as possible for a venue.”<br />
For these travelling laugh-makers the key to a good set<br />
up is to be at one with the audience.<br />
“We love having the punters as close as possible to<br />
the stage, our shows are very interactive,” Evan said.<br />
“There is nothing better than when the punters love<br />
being part of the show.<br />
“Our banter with the audience is always in good fun;<br />
it’s never about embarrassing the punters or being<br />
nasty.”<br />
While the Aussie Pub Comedy Tour draws on a wide<br />
range of well-known Aussie talent for its shows, think<br />
Dave Hughes, Dave O’Neil, Peter Helliar, Nick Cody,<br />
and Clare Hooper - at its core is Evan Hocking, Chris<br />
Franklin and the Nelson Twins, Justin and Chris.<br />
Asked who the funniest comedian on the core team<br />
was, Evan played it safe.<br />
“Chris Nelson would say he’s the funniest because<br />
that’s what he always says. We just agree with him<br />
because it’s easier that way,” he said.<br />
Evan said touring with the twins, who spend a lot of<br />
their show time disagreeing over everything, is always<br />
entertaining.<br />
“They’re exactly the same off stage as they are on<br />
stage,” he said.<br />
“They fight over everything. It’s nothing for the twins<br />
to argue over who got the most laughs during their<br />
performance. It can go on for hours after the show.<br />
“Sometimes I have to separate them on the drive<br />
home by putting one in the front seat and the other in<br />
the back.”<br />
The worst argument Evan’s witnessed ended with<br />
Justin leaving his brother at a gig, forcing him to spend<br />
$150 to catch a cab home.<br />
With experience comes knowledge though and Evan<br />
reckons he has found the fool-proof method of settling<br />
their attention-focused arguments.<br />
“Yeah, I secretly tell them both that they were better<br />
than the other.”<br />
As for the rest of 2022 – the troupe are on the road<br />
again bringing laughs to crowds all over the country.<br />
“The rest of 2022 is looking busy, but we’ve still got a<br />
few weekends available if anyone is looking to host an<br />
Aussie Pub Comedy Tour Show,” Evan said.<br />
“That was a shameless plug,” he laughs.<br />
The Aussie Pub Comedy Tour team can be found at<br />
www.theaussiepubcomedytour.com.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 33
Focus<br />
Focus<br />
In regional towns throughout Queensland, it’s common<br />
for the whole town to know the local publican. Always<br />
there with a smile to greet patrons and ready to lend<br />
an ear when needed.<br />
It’s no different in Queensland’s regional town of<br />
Bundaberg where everyone seems to know Stephen<br />
Paterson or Pato as he’s affectionately known within<br />
the community.<br />
With over thirty years’ experience in the hotel industry,<br />
being a publican is in his blood, and the Spotted Dog<br />
at the Railway Hotel in Bundaberg, is his fourth hotel<br />
in the town where Pato is a true and proud Bundaberg<br />
local.<br />
Prior to this pub, Pato, 62, ran another hotel, Spotted<br />
Dog Tavern which was catastrophically struck down<br />
by fire in July 2020, where more than 60 people were<br />
forced to flee the burning building. The fire at Spotted<br />
Dog was said to be one of the biggest fires Bundaberg<br />
had seen in some time. Pato had run that Tavern<br />
since 2014 and despite the devastating loss, he was<br />
not quite ready for retirement, he was determined to<br />
continue working in the industry he loved.<br />
“I had the Spotted Dog Tavern over the railway line<br />
opposite the railway station, which burnt to the ground<br />
in July 2020. With the Spotted Dog Tavern I was closer<br />
to the railway line than the actual Railway Hotel,” Pato<br />
quipped, “but I took over this pub, the Spotted Dog at<br />
the Railway Hotel in March last year, I've been here 17<br />
months,” Pato said.
Focus<br />
The hotel’s name is a tribute to both his beloved Spotted Dog Tavern and<br />
the historic Railway Hotel which was originally built in the late 1800s.<br />
The hotel’s name is a tribute to both his beloved<br />
Spotted Dog Tavern and the historic Railway Hotel<br />
which was originally built in the late 1800s. Since<br />
securing the freehold, Pato has renovated the old hotel<br />
to appeal to all demographics of its patronage.<br />
Pato said although the Railway Hotel was structurally<br />
sound, it was in need of an interior redevelopment<br />
to create a more streamlined flow for the hotel’s<br />
productivity and operations which is often fast paced.<br />
As a self-confessed foodie, Pato said the kitchen and<br />
food service areas were a high priority and as such the<br />
kitchen was renovated to cater for approximately 2000<br />
meals per week.<br />
“The focus of the refurbishment based on our key<br />
clientele, was the ability to facilitate fast lunches<br />
for business professionals to tradespeople,<br />
accommodating the senior community with excellent<br />
value-for-money meals, the capability to hold multiple<br />
functions so we can cater to the high demand all<br />
year round and the comfortability of our patrons<br />
with appropriate areas and spaces for events and<br />
entertainment,” he said.<br />
“I'm big into food, so we created a large bistro area<br />
as well as a cocktail area, we made a private function<br />
room, and then I put in a 140-seat fully covered beer<br />
garden. The bistro is called the Spotted Dog Bar &<br />
Grill, we have the Cane Fire function room, which had<br />
its name based on a saying here in Bundaberg, we call<br />
them cane fires around the area,” Pato explained.<br />
He described the hotel as being about six businesses<br />
under the one roof and set on the corner of Thornhill<br />
and Perry Sts.<br />
“It's a big pub and right on the railway line,” he<br />
laughed.<br />
“The Railway still has the TAB, bar, pokies,<br />
accommodation, and retail and then on Perry Street,<br />
there is the Spotted Dog Bar & Grill, I've got the dogfriendly<br />
alfresco cafe, kids room, the function room and<br />
then the beer garden, so I've got a few businesses on<br />
that side too.
Focus<br />
It wouldn’t be a railway hotel without the train line and<br />
the pub sits right on the railway line, however Pato said<br />
it was rare to hear the trains passing through town as<br />
they are usually only going very slow.<br />
“The trains are mostly freight trains heading to and<br />
from Cairns, or from the mines, there is cattle freight<br />
coming through from Rockhampton, we smell them<br />
when they come through, and there's always the Spirit<br />
of Capricorn the fast passenger train, not that the<br />
trains go very fast anymore.<br />
“But when they come past our place they're quiet, you<br />
don't hear them like you would expect to being next to<br />
a railway line. You only hear the trains when they toot<br />
a bit further away because when they come past here<br />
they're doing 5km/h,” Pato explained.<br />
While the Spotted Dog at the Railway Hotel might have<br />
a new look, good old-fashioned hospitality is still one<br />
of the main stayers when it comes to a Pato-operated<br />
hotel in Bundy.<br />
See spotteddograilwayhotel.com.au<br />
“It's been a really good hotel, the Railway is still a<br />
working man's pub, I've still kept that image while<br />
also trying to attract the young ones because they can<br />
enjoy the offerings at the Spotted Dog.”<br />
The hotel’s gaming room also underwent a makeover<br />
and showcases a quirky take on gaming in the form of<br />
a wall mural that welcomes patrons to the Railway.<br />
“I did the gaming room up because it was very bland,<br />
it originally had eight poker machines and was very<br />
old and dull, so we did that up and added eight more<br />
machines and the mural that mimics the `Welcome to<br />
Las Vegas' sign, but I wanted to welcome everyone to<br />
the Railway Nevada, which is a play on the iconic Las<br />
Vegas sign.”<br />
As a tribute to the rich history of the pub as well as to<br />
past publicans of the Railway Hotel, Pato has plans<br />
to create a Hall of Fame with photos of previous<br />
publicans, many of whom he still knows.
with Damian Steele<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 38<br />
More and more Australians are looking for practical<br />
solutions and ways to manage their mood and<br />
employers are increasingly looking for ways to care for<br />
their staff. Better workplace, more productivity, better<br />
customer service. Not to mention that <strong>Oct</strong>ober is<br />
Mental Health Awareness Month.<br />
To support members and their staff the <strong>QHA</strong> has<br />
teamed up with Prime Effect, founded by David<br />
Shillington to offer a special deal on access to his<br />
group’s programs (see end of story for details).<br />
Many of you will recognise David’s name from his<br />
NRL career that spanned 11 years and 215 games,<br />
including playing for the mighty Queensland Maroons<br />
and Australia.<br />
He founded Prime Effect and the Mental Fitness<br />
Program to share the skills he learned along the way<br />
with others.<br />
“Throughout my career I noticed the uptake of various<br />
positive psychology practises, just like in this program,<br />
that changed players lives,” David said.<br />
“It helped myself and others manage the anxiety that<br />
comes with pressure and high performance, as well<br />
as helping to manage emotions when those inevitable<br />
setbacks happen, like it does for everyone.<br />
“Like physical fitness, our mental fitness improves with<br />
practice, so let’s start practising.”<br />
What is mental fitness?<br />
“Well, it’s the ability to handle the normal stresses of<br />
life, to thrive through times of change and uncertainty,<br />
confident you have the ability to handle what life brings<br />
your way,” David said.<br />
“If we are feeling uncertain about what the world is<br />
going to throw at us – things like relationship issues,<br />
financial dramas, workplace conflict, or physical health<br />
concerns that make us feel uncertainty, vulnerability<br />
and reduce our capacity – then let’s build our mental<br />
fitness.<br />
“It will help us be ready for those setbacks, knowing<br />
that setbacks and the stress that comes with it are<br />
inevitable.<br />
“We can do this through simple strategies like eating<br />
healthy food, having good sleep hygiene, doing a<br />
digital detox, practicing gratitude and mindfulness,<br />
getting regular exercise, talking to your mates<br />
and loved ones about how you feel, and seeking<br />
professional help if needed.<br />
“Some of these things you might need to start doing or<br />
maybe you need to be more consistent with.<br />
“Mental fitness is the future of wellbeing.<br />
“The community is looking for practical and relatable<br />
ways to manage their mental health.<br />
“Workplaces are looking for ways to support their staff.<br />
“Let’s stop waiting until people are in extreme distress<br />
and broken, before we act.<br />
“All the best with your journey to get mentally fit. Take<br />
care!”<br />
A word about the program from Prime Effect -<br />
At Prime Effect, we know how to communicate proven<br />
strategies that help people move forward, and when<br />
applied in a workplace environment, the benefits to the<br />
organisation are significant.<br />
Our programs are uniquely designed to:<br />
• Normalise the conversation around mental health<br />
• Empower the individual to develop resilience and<br />
improve performance<br />
• Give participants the tools to boost their mood for<br />
long-term behaviour change<br />
• Take a strengths-based approach to mental health<br />
• Use sport to engage the hard-to-engage<br />
• Help to improve culture, manage conflict, reduce<br />
sick days, and boost productivity in the workplace
Damian Steele<br />
The Prime Effect programs are facilitated by a group of<br />
experienced coaches including former Australian Rugby<br />
Union captain Ben Mowen and Olympian Libby<br />
Trickett.<br />
For Ben, learning to stay mentally focused was key.<br />
“I played Rugby Union for Australia, and had the great<br />
honour of captaining the team,” Ben said.<br />
“As you can imagine, making my way to the top of the<br />
game wasn’t an easy process, and I’m actually thankful<br />
of that.<br />
“Those challenges tested my character and made me a<br />
stronger person mentally and physically.<br />
“Peak mental performance is so important to me and<br />
helping others like you enhance their mental fitness is<br />
my priority.”<br />
With multiple gold medals to her name, Libby Trickett<br />
understands how important it is to be mentally tough.<br />
“Representing Australia at the Olympics was a huge<br />
thrill and to win multiple gold medals doing it, well I<br />
have to pinch myself sometimes thinking about it,”<br />
Libby said.<br />
“I’ve always been open with the community about my<br />
ups and downs with my mental health.<br />
“I believe strongly in normalising the conversation, we’re<br />
all human beings that can’t have great days every day.<br />
“In saying that, I also believe strongly that we should<br />
be proactive with what we do to put our mind into a<br />
positive state.”<br />
David Shillington<br />
Ben Mowen<br />
For employers - overcome daily challenges and<br />
strengthen your mental resilience with our 25 Days<br />
25 Plays online program. Acquire powerful positive<br />
psychology skills to enhance your mental health and<br />
wellbeing. Contact <strong>QHA</strong> for further information and<br />
visit: primeeffect.com.au<br />
Libby Trickett<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 39
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS with Sarah Mangan<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 40<br />
Injuries in the workplace are unavoidable, no matter<br />
how many control measures an employer may have<br />
in place. Injuries can happen at work, travelling to and<br />
from work or while on a break from work. Workers in<br />
the hospitality industry are also exposed to a range of<br />
situations that may put them at greater risk of injury.<br />
For example, hot liquids in the kitchen, spilled drinks<br />
behind the bar and disorderly patrons.<br />
While most of these injuries are genuine, every now<br />
and then an employer may find themselves questioning<br />
the legitimacy of an alleged workplace injury.<br />
Accordingly, it is important that an employer is aware<br />
of the WorkCover claims process to dispute suspected<br />
illegitimate claims. Afterall, accepted WorkCover claims<br />
impact WorkCover premiums and lay the foundation<br />
for a common law claim to be made.<br />
What is Workers’ Compensation and who can<br />
make a claim?<br />
Workers’ compensation provides coverage to<br />
workers who sustain a work-related injury or illness.<br />
In Queensland, the relevant legislation is the Workers’<br />
Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (“the<br />
Act”). WorkCover is the main provider of workers’<br />
compensation insurance policies to Queensland<br />
employers.<br />
A claim for workers’ compensation can be made by<br />
a worker, as defined in schedule 2 and sections 11 to<br />
26 of the Act, for a physical injury, psychological injury,<br />
disease, aggravation of a pre-existing condition and<br />
death from an injury or disease.<br />
Responding to and/or disputing a claim<br />
A worker who has sustained an injury is responsible<br />
for lodging a WorkCover claim form which is to be<br />
accompanied by a Workers’ Compensation Medical<br />
Certificate. However, employers also have an<br />
obligation to provide a report, which is different from a<br />
claim form, to WorkCover in the approved form within<br />
8 business days after the first of the following occurs:<br />
• The employer knows an injury has been sustained;<br />
• The worker reports the injury to the employer;<br />
• The employer receives WorkCover’s written request<br />
for a report.<br />
Unless the employer has a reasonable excuse, the<br />
penalty for non-compliance with the above timeframe<br />
attracts a penalty of $7,187.50 (50 penalty units).<br />
When completing the form, which can be found on<br />
WorkCover’s website, employers need to exercise<br />
caution so as not to find themselves accepting liability<br />
without intending to do so. If an employer wishes to<br />
dispute liability on a claim, which is within their rights to<br />
do, it is essential that the employer indicates that they<br />
do not agree with the details provided in the worker’s<br />
claim form.<br />
The last section in the current approved form<br />
allows the employer an opportunity to provide<br />
additional information about the injury to assist in the<br />
determination of liability or the management of the<br />
claim. If the employer believes that the employee does<br />
not have an injury as defined in section 32 of the Act,<br />
and is therefore not entitled to compensation, the<br />
employer should state this in this section, setting out<br />
the reasons why with reference to section 32.<br />
Assessing a Claim<br />
WorkCover must make a decision on claims within 20<br />
business days after a claim is made.<br />
As part of the assessment process and before making<br />
a decision on whether the claim will be accepted or<br />
rejected, WorkCover will contact the employer, usually<br />
within 3 business days. WorkCover may also contact<br />
the injured worker, the injured worker’s doctor, any<br />
witnesses and arrange for the injured worker to be<br />
assessed by an independent doctor.<br />
The claim is assessed in accordance with the relevant<br />
section of the Act to determine:<br />
• The application is lodged within the prescribed time<br />
(section 131 of the Act);<br />
• Whether the person is a ‘worker’ under the<br />
definition of the Act;<br />
• Whether the employer is connected with the State<br />
(sections 113 to 144 of the Act);<br />
• If the person suffered a personal injury as<br />
diagnosed by a doctor (section 32 of the Act);<br />
• Whether the injury arose out of employment<br />
(sections 33 to 36 of the Act); and<br />
• Whether employment was a significant contributing<br />
factor (sections 33 to 36 of the Act).
Sarah Mangan<br />
If the claim is for a psychological injury, WorkCover<br />
must also determine if section 32(5) of the Act<br />
excludes the injury from the definition of injury under<br />
the Act. This may require WorkCover to undertake an<br />
investigation for the purposes of determining whether:<br />
• Work is the major significant contributing factor<br />
to the injury (as opposed to work being only a<br />
significant contributing factor for an injury other<br />
than psychiatric or psychological disorder); and<br />
• The injury was caused by reasonable management<br />
action, taken in a reasonable way by the employer<br />
in connection with the worker’s employment.<br />
• If WorkCover determines management action<br />
was reasonable and taken in a reasonable way in<br />
relation to the factors of the phycological injury, the<br />
claim will not be accepted.<br />
Once WorkCover has made a decision on a claim,<br />
an employer is able to request a reason for decision<br />
document within 20 days of being notified of the<br />
decision. The document will outline how WorkCover<br />
made their decision on the claim and must be provided<br />
within 5 days of the request being made.<br />
Appealing a WorkCover decision<br />
An Application for Review can be made to the<br />
Workers’ Compensation Regulator (“the Regulator”) by<br />
an employer (and even an employee) if they disagree<br />
with WorkCover’s decision on a claim for workers’<br />
compensation. An Application for Review must be<br />
made within three months of receiving the decision.<br />
Importantly, the first matter the Regulator will consider<br />
is whether WorkCover’s decision on the claim is in fact<br />
a reviewable decision. A reviewable decision includes:<br />
• Rejection or acceptance of a claim;<br />
• Termination, suspension, increase or decrease of a<br />
weekly benefit;<br />
• Waiving the time-frames involved in lodging a<br />
claim.<br />
• Section 540 of the Act sets out all decisions which<br />
are reviewable by the Regulator.<br />
Within 25 business days after receiving the application<br />
to appeal, the Regulator must review the decision and<br />
decide to:<br />
• Confirm the decision; or<br />
• Vary the decision; or<br />
• Set aside the decision and substitute another<br />
decision; or<br />
• Set aside the decision and return the matter to the<br />
decision-maker with the directions the Regulator<br />
considers appropriate.<br />
Within 10 business days after making a decision on<br />
the appeal, the Regulator must give the applicant and<br />
WorkCover written notice of the decision.<br />
Further avenues of appeal are available beyond the<br />
Regulator.<br />
Further Information<br />
The <strong>QHA</strong>’s ER team can assist financial members with any questions on this topic or any other ER matter.<br />
The team can be contacted for a confidential discussion by calling (07) 3221 6999 or emailing er@qha.org.au.<br />
Non-members can also access advice and assistance over the telephone for a competitive fee.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 41
with Therese Kelly<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 42<br />
Over the last few editions we have looked at the<br />
benefits of training, understanding Apprenticeships<br />
and Traineeships, and if you are considering an<br />
apprentice, what are your obligations as an employer.<br />
But what are the expectations of your learner?<br />
How can you support them to ensure successful<br />
completion?<br />
What are the expectations of the Apprentice/<br />
Trainee?<br />
Your Apprentice/Trainee is to make every effort to<br />
gain the skills and industry knowledge, to successfully<br />
complete their apprenticeship or traineeship. This<br />
includes following your instructions (lawfully), following<br />
workplace policies and procedures and contributing<br />
to a safe and supportive workplace. They also need to<br />
undertake the training and assessment outlined in their<br />
Training Plan.<br />
The Training Plan will include, studying, receiving<br />
hands-on training in the workplace and participating<br />
in formal training delivered by their Registered Training<br />
Organisation (RTO). Your learner will need to show<br />
they can do their job competently and consistently, to<br />
the standards expected within your industry and be<br />
able to demonstrate repetitively.<br />
How is that done?<br />
The selected Registered Training Organisation (RTO)<br />
carries out assessments by collecting evidence of<br />
your learner’s skills and knowledge, comparing it to a<br />
set of industry-based standards and assessing if your<br />
learner meets them. The RTO assessor will meet with<br />
you and your learner to develop an assessment plan,<br />
they will explain what evidence is required for each unit<br />
of competency, how this evidence can be collected,<br />
when to expect assessment and monitoring visits, and<br />
how they’ll deem your learner ‘competent’ or ‘not yet<br />
competent’.<br />
What are the signs that your learner is on the<br />
right path to being a successful apprentice or<br />
trainee?<br />
• Arrive at work alert with their required tools<br />
• Follow instructions and ask questions so they can<br />
grow their skills<br />
• Take responsibility<br />
• Discuss and resolve concerns<br />
• Contribute to creating a safe and supportive<br />
workplace<br />
• Attend formal study delivered by their RTO<br />
• Complete assignments and assessments<br />
• View their apprenticeship or traineeship as a career<br />
instead of ‘a job for now.’<br />
How can you support your Apprentice/Trainee?<br />
One of the most critical elements to your learners<br />
success, is effective supervision. A requirement of<br />
employing an Apprentice / Trainee is to appoint a<br />
workplace supervisor. The supervisor is a role model<br />
for your learner, they will need to provide guidance,<br />
support and motivation to your learner while also being<br />
experienced and qualified in the industry and able to<br />
respond to your learner’s needs. They need to ensure<br />
policies and procedures are being followed. They<br />
will teach safe working practises, address problems,<br />
improve productivity, and increase workplace<br />
satisfaction for your learner.<br />
• Six steps to effective supervision:<br />
• Explain the ‘big picture.’<br />
• Take it step-by-step<br />
• Demonstrate<br />
• Practice makes it perfect<br />
• Feedback<br />
If you’re a new supervisor, <strong>QHA</strong> can assist you and<br />
your learner from the outset and explain everything you<br />
can do to set yourselves up for success. Supervisors<br />
often reach out to the RTO or Australia Apprenticeship<br />
Support network when the relationship with their<br />
learner has already broken down, seeking advice<br />
shows your learner how much you value them and that<br />
you’re committed to their learning journey.
Introducing the <strong>Digital</strong> ATM<br />
For Contactless and<br />
Cardless transactions<br />
contact Cashzone/NCR.<br />
Chris Seage<br />
Queensland State Manager<br />
Mobile: 0466 148 752<br />
christopher.seage@ncr.com<br />
Visit us at: ncr.com
NEWS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 44<br />
The power of events to boost tourism numbers<br />
and revenues was on show during September in<br />
Queensland.<br />
Between the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers,<br />
Brisbane’s Riverfire and the 23-day Brisbane<br />
Riverfestival, and the Birdsville Races, the Government<br />
was predicting a $63 million boost to the visitor<br />
economy.<br />
Speaking to media on Day two of the Riverfestival<br />
Tourism and Sport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said<br />
Spring had brought good news for the State.<br />
“Last night’s Riverfire kicked off the Brisbane Festival<br />
with a bang and kaleidoscope of colour, as only<br />
Riverfire can,” Mr Hinchliffe said.<br />
“Around 80,000 out-of-town visitors will spend time in<br />
the State’s capital to experience the Brisbane Festival’s<br />
580 performances and support 1,100 artists.<br />
“With Riverfire and the Brisbane Festival’s ongoing<br />
popularity, we’re likely to see the 23-day festival<br />
contribute up to $36 million to the visitor economy and<br />
more good jobs.<br />
“And with live international women’s football also<br />
at Suncorp Stadium, the big winners this weekend<br />
are the city’s hotels, restaurants, cafes and<br />
accommodation providers.<br />
“Riverfire and the 25,000 spectators for the Matildas<br />
versus Canada match saw accommodation<br />
occupancy increase 10 per cent.”<br />
The start of spring also coincided with the Birdsville<br />
Races and the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers.<br />
“As Australia’s longest-running horticultural event,<br />
the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers is blooming as a<br />
festival destination,” Mr Hinchliffe said.<br />
“This month-long event features a food and wine<br />
festival, street parade, cinema under the stars and<br />
amazing flowering gardens, contributing 130,000<br />
visitor nights.<br />
“Major events create more good jobs by attracting<br />
visitors and encouraging them to stay longer to explore<br />
extra Queensland experiences.”<br />
Mr Hinchliffe said the $36 million that events were<br />
predicted to generate for the visitor economy would<br />
be in addition to the spending associated with the<br />
September school holidays.<br />
He said feedback from operators from Cairns and the<br />
Great Barrier Reef to the Gold and Sunshine Coasts<br />
– suggested solid accommodation bookings for the<br />
school break.<br />
The Whitsunday region had 80 per cent of its stock<br />
booked by the start of September,” Mr Hinchliffe said.
in<br />
1 6.1 1. 2 2<br />
nove mb e r<br />
2 0 2 2<br />
1 6<br />
t he<br />
tickets<br />
on<br />
sale<br />
i sl a nd<br />
gol d<br />
c o a s t<br />
This exclusive hotel industry event is an excellent opportunity<br />
to network with hotel industry members and friends.<br />
Purchase tickets via credit card<br />
at qha.org.au or to request an<br />
invoice email rsvp@qha.org.au<br />
or phone 07 3221 6999<br />
Members $150 inc GST<br />
Non-Members $175 inc GST<br />
Tables of 10 available<br />
Buses available to and from the<br />
venue departing from Brisbane<br />
city from $25pp.
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 46<br />
This year marked the 7th Annual Hotel Market and<br />
Economic Outlook event held at Hilton Brisbane on<br />
Thursday 25 August where over 100 hotel industry<br />
colleagues attended the event.<br />
Dr Sarah Kelly OAM, Deputy Chair, Tourism Events<br />
Queensland presented on ‘managing customer journey<br />
and experience in a new tourism era’.<br />
Sarah reflected on the effects of Covid on<br />
accommodation properties and then changed the<br />
focus to looking ahead for theming, priorities and<br />
rebooting consumer experience in QLD.<br />
She also shared insight into the projected direction<br />
of consumer demand with international inbound<br />
travel having a slow staggered return, the appeal<br />
for outbound international destinations to surge and<br />
young travellers visiting friends and relatives or arriving<br />
as Working Holiday Makers expected to lead the<br />
return.<br />
Ally Flint, Partner, Project and Infrastructure Advisory<br />
for BDO presented on ‘a renewed focus on<br />
fundamentals’.<br />
Ally highlighted some key economic impacts on<br />
the hotel and hospitality industry, such as total<br />
employment in Queensland now being overall 5%<br />
higher than the pre-pandemic level - whereas the<br />
accommodation and food services industry is still<br />
below pre-Covid levels as at May 2022.<br />
She said leisure travel in Queensland is still leading<br />
over business travel and spoko about the ongoing<br />
economic constraints on the industry due to capacity<br />
of labour, stock and productivity.<br />
Paul Hammond, Business Development Manager,<br />
Pacific for STR presented on ‘How are Brisbane and<br />
Queensland tracking in recovery’.<br />
Richard Munro, Chief Executive Officer for the<br />
Accommodation Association provided the audience<br />
with an update on the progress that has been made<br />
to date for the successful amalgamation with the<br />
Australian Hotels Association/Tourism Accommodation<br />
Australia, to take place in 2023 and also the current<br />
focus of both Associations’ boards and the bringing<br />
together of them accordingly.
Andrew Hiebl, Chief Executive Officer for the<br />
Association of Australian Convention Bureaux ‘National<br />
Priorities of the Business Events Sector and State of<br />
Play’.<br />
Andrew then moderated a Convention Bureau Panel<br />
Discussion featuring his South East Queensland<br />
industry colleagues Selina Sinclair, Head of Business<br />
Events at Destination Gold Coast, Ali Thompson,<br />
Business and Leisure Events Manager for Visit<br />
Sunshine Coast and Holly Aldridge, Head of Business<br />
Events for Brisbane Economic Development Agency.<br />
The panel was followed by an “Acquiring Talent in a<br />
Competitive Market” panel discussion, moderated<br />
by Joanna Minchinton, <strong>QHA</strong>’s Employment Relations<br />
Manager. Joanna was joined by a panel of industry<br />
employers, including Suzanne Jacobi-Lee, Chief<br />
Executive Officer for The Eumundi Group, Sandra<br />
Dougan, Human Resources Manager for Royal On<br />
The Park Hotel and Suites Brisbane and John Sharpe,<br />
Owner and Founder of Riverlife Brisbane.<br />
Graeme Newton, Chief Executive Officer for Cross<br />
River Rail provided a comprehensive project update for<br />
attendees.<br />
This included new information on routes being added<br />
to the project and innovative technology that will<br />
allow the system to run at maximum efficiency upon<br />
completion in 2024.<br />
Andrew Hopper, Deputy CEO for the Department of<br />
Tourism, Innovation & Sport wrapped up the event with<br />
his presentation on ‘Brisbane 2032 Games – The Look<br />
Ahead’.<br />
The presentation included insight into key leveraging<br />
opportunities for accommodation providers, The<br />
Games Master Plan, benefits and legacy.<br />
Thank you to all of our presenters who not only gave<br />
up their time, but also shared their insightful content<br />
to allow those in attendance to take back to their<br />
respective businesses valuable information to utilise<br />
in the year ahead for budgeting and forecasting<br />
purposes.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 47
The Honourable Shannon Fentiman MP<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 48<br />
This month is Sexual Violence Awareness Month. It is<br />
held each year in <strong>Oct</strong>ober to raise awareness about<br />
sexual violence, promote the support options available<br />
to people affected by sexual assault and sexual abuse<br />
and send a clear message that sexual violence will not<br />
be tolerated in our communities.<br />
Recent ABS data shows the number of victims of<br />
sexual assault across the country have increased by<br />
13 per cent compared with the previous year. And<br />
even more alarmingly, in Queensland the number of<br />
victims leapt by 35 per cent for the same period, with<br />
87 per cent of these victims being women.<br />
The Palaszczuk Government is firm in its commitment<br />
to eliminate all forms of violence from our communities<br />
and ensuring the safety of women on a night out is an<br />
important part of that.<br />
This Government’s overarching approach to preventing<br />
and responding to sexual violence is called Prevent.<br />
Support. Believe. Queensland’s Framework to address<br />
Sexual Violence, and is accompanied by an action<br />
plan to implement the changes required to address<br />
sexual violence.<br />
Our vision is to ensure that everyone in Queensland<br />
lives free from the fear, threat or experience of sexual<br />
violence. To achieve this, it is important that everyone<br />
works together to bring about cultural behaviour and<br />
structural change.<br />
Sexual assault, harassment and other unwanted<br />
advances are clearly continuing to occur in our<br />
licensed venues, impacting both staff and patrons. It is<br />
everyone’s responsibility to work together to put a stop<br />
to it.<br />
I know there has been a commitment from many in the<br />
industry to work to combat sexual violence and there<br />
is already some great work underway in the sector to<br />
foster respectful behaviour and ensure Queensland’s<br />
licensed venues are safe and welcoming places for all.<br />
It is important that we increase our capacity in<br />
workplaces and licensed venues to prevent sexual<br />
violence and more broadly contribute to a reduction in<br />
violence in Queensland.<br />
One of the ways that the Office of Liquor and Gaming<br />
Regulation (OLGR) is supporting venues and tackling<br />
sexual violence is through its Targeting Venue Violence<br />
(TVV) program.<br />
This innovative program uses a regulatory risk-based<br />
approach in which OLGR and the Queensland Police<br />
Service work together to identify venues with a<br />
disproportionately high number of violent incidents.<br />
Through a collaborative approach with the licensee, a<br />
range of initiatives are then implemented at the venue<br />
to improve safety for staff and patrons.<br />
I encourage you to revisit the strategies and controls<br />
you already have in place in your venue and consider<br />
whether they are having the desired effect of reducing<br />
incidents. Also consider how you can improve their<br />
effectiveness.<br />
Please contact OLGR at liquorcompliance@justice.qld.<br />
gov.au if you would like to discuss strategies to help<br />
prevent violent incidents in your venue.<br />
If you have experienced sexual violence—or someone<br />
you know has—help and support are available:<br />
• The Queensland Government funds sexual<br />
violence support services that can provide you with<br />
immediate and ongoing support to improve your<br />
personal safety and ensure you have access to<br />
the healing, justice and support that you need to<br />
recover.<br />
• The Queensland Sexual Assault Network is a<br />
network of non-government services that provides<br />
specialist sexual assault counselling, support and<br />
prevention programs in Queensland.<br />
• You can also find additional information about<br />
sexual violence including how to support a victim,<br />
how to recover if you have experienced sexual<br />
violence, and how to report it.<br />
On a final and separate note, I would encourage<br />
businesses to start planning for Queensland’s disaster<br />
season. Think about how you can prepare your<br />
business for what is promising to be another wet<br />
summer season.<br />
There are a range of regional recovery and resilience<br />
priorities as well as state and Commonwealth funding<br />
for recovery and other assistance in the 2021-22<br />
Southern Queensland Floods State Recovery and<br />
Resilience Plan 2022-24.
Victoria Thomson OLGR<br />
The FIFA World Cup 2022 is kicking off in Qatar next<br />
month with many of the matches set to be played<br />
outside of the regular licensed trading hours for<br />
Queensland hotels due to the different time zones.<br />
As with previous World Cup events, I understand many<br />
hotels will be keen to extend their licensed trading<br />
hours to allow soccer fans to take part in World Cup<br />
celebrations at their venues.<br />
I encourage licensees to start their extended hours<br />
trading permit applications for World Cup-related<br />
events now, as these applications must be received by<br />
the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) at<br />
least 21 days before the event.<br />
Hotels are entitled to four permits in any 12-month<br />
period for trading between 7am and 10am and six<br />
permits in a calendar year for trading between 12<br />
midnight and 5am. Please refer to the Business<br />
Queensland website for more information regarding<br />
lodgement and eligibility requirements prior to<br />
preparing any applications.<br />
I would like to remind licensees that under<br />
Queensland’s liquor laws a permit is required for each<br />
date you wish to extend your trading hours. To be<br />
clear, one permit will not cover multiple events at your<br />
venue during the World Cup.<br />
The extended hours permit application form allows<br />
licensees to apply for multiple permits for events such<br />
as the World Cup. If you are applying for multiple<br />
permits, please keep in mind that a fee applies per<br />
permit.<br />
During the World Cup, hotels can remain open outside<br />
their approved licensed hours without an extended<br />
hours permit, provided the sale and supply of liquor<br />
does not occur. Consumption of liquor on your<br />
premises must also cease within 30 minutes after the<br />
end of your approved licensed trading period.<br />
If you are applying for extended hours permits for<br />
the World Cup, don’t forget that you will also need<br />
to factor in any intended extended hours permits<br />
for New Year’s Eve into your 2022 permit allocation.<br />
Permit limits are detailed on the Business Queensland<br />
website.<br />
Under a new approach adopted by OLGR in late-2021<br />
in response to industry feedback, extended hours<br />
permits now apply to the trading day immediately<br />
preceding the period the approved extended hours<br />
apply to.<br />
This means permits for this year’s New Year’s Eve<br />
celebrations will count towards the December 2022<br />
trading period rather than the January 2023 trading<br />
period.<br />
On a separate note, I would like to provide some<br />
clarification around timeframes for liquor licence<br />
transfers.<br />
Despite a 12 per cent increase in the number of<br />
transfer applications received by OLGR in 2021-22<br />
(year on year) most liquor licence transfers, including<br />
those associated with gaming, were completed in less<br />
than seven weeks.<br />
Past reviews of the licence transfer process have<br />
indicated a large proportion of delays are due to<br />
incomplete forms or a lack of supporting documents.<br />
Licensees can help to prevent these delays by<br />
ensuring all the required information is submitted when<br />
they initially apply for a licence transfer.<br />
OLGR understands that increasing processing<br />
efficiencies remains a priority for industry.<br />
Over the past two years, OLGR has made several<br />
enhancements to the licence transfer process<br />
including providing information to assist applicants to<br />
lodge more detailed submissions.<br />
OLGR is in the process of reviewing the<br />
implementation of these process changes to identify<br />
whether there are further opportunities to streamline<br />
the licence transfer process.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 49
TOP DROP<br />
Brouhaha Brewery<br />
TTTV IPA<br />
Newstead Brewing<br />
Revel Brewing<br />
CULT IPA<br />
Mountain Culture<br />
Beer Co.<br />
The guys at Brouhaha<br />
have become famous for<br />
their sours and there’s<br />
good reason why, their<br />
Strawberry Sour is out of<br />
this world. This Tropical<br />
iteration is a nice drop<br />
too with nice notes of<br />
pineapple that leave<br />
a refreshing taste on<br />
your palate and in your<br />
stomach.<br />
Love it. All the things<br />
you love about a quality<br />
West Coast IPA. Magical<br />
resinous pine with hints<br />
of lemon and a nice hit of<br />
bitterness.<br />
Class mid-strength. A<br />
strong aroma of pineapple<br />
and passionfruit carries<br />
through to the palate. The<br />
body is lean and smooth<br />
and there is a decent<br />
bitterness at the end. It<br />
may be a mid-strength<br />
but you wouldn’t know it if<br />
you had this first up.<br />
The nose is zesty and<br />
fruity and the initial taste<br />
the same with hints of<br />
pine. You then pick up<br />
more citrus flavours,<br />
particularly grapefruit<br />
with notes of passionfruit<br />
before a tangy bitter<br />
finish. Enjoyable.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 50
TOP DROP<br />
Ballistic<br />
BentSpoke Brewing Co.<br />
Bridge Road Brewers &<br />
Mountain Culture Beer Co.<br />
Your Mates Brewing<br />
Winter might be over<br />
but I am a true believer<br />
in drinking stout all year<br />
round. The slightest chill in<br />
the air is a good excuse to<br />
enjoy a stout and this one<br />
is one to reach for. Rich<br />
notes of dark chocolate,<br />
roasted coffee and toffee<br />
are balanced against a<br />
medium bitterness and<br />
fruity esters.<br />
No parent admits to<br />
having a favourite child<br />
but we all know we have<br />
one. Well, that’s the case<br />
with this beer. There are<br />
so many beers I am fond<br />
of but if I had to confess<br />
to my favourite of late,<br />
it is this one. A hazy IPA<br />
awash with flavours of<br />
peach, mango, paw paw<br />
and passionfruit. It is<br />
absolutely incredible.<br />
Following on from last<br />
month’s Dark Harvest<br />
Black IPA, which was out<br />
of this world, I was keen<br />
to try this rendition and<br />
whilst enjoyable, it wasn’t<br />
in the same league. To be<br />
fair though, that was an<br />
incredibly high benchmark<br />
and this hop forward hazy<br />
IPA is still bursting with<br />
passionfruit and fresh hop<br />
flavours thanks to the<br />
addition of Galaxy cones<br />
straight from the farm.<br />
Fresh and juicy.<br />
Passionfruit and pineapple<br />
with a real zesty finish,<br />
Larry has a sweet fruity<br />
flavour with only a<br />
gentle hop bitterness<br />
on the finish. This is real<br />
laid back, easy-going,<br />
drinkable pale ale from the<br />
Sunshine Coast.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 51
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 52<br />
It was a time when micro-breweries were few and far between,<br />
and when Stanthorpe’s biggest claim to fame was its vineyards, its<br />
wineries and its fruit and vegetable crops.<br />
The region’s cold weather and frosts in winter make it ideal for<br />
growing deciduous fruit trees such as apples and pears and its links<br />
to grape growing stretch back to 1875 when local parish priest<br />
Father Geranimo Davadi planted a vineyard of table grapes in the<br />
horse paddock at the presbytery.<br />
For Geoff, who had bought a 30-acre property with some<br />
holiday cabins on it, the brewery was an opportunity to create<br />
something a little different. To combine a brewery, a restaurant and<br />
accommodation offering guests something unique.
At the end of this year, Granite Belt Brewery will<br />
celebrate its 10th birthday.<br />
“When we opened the brewery in 2012 there were<br />
only a handful of micro-breweries in Queensland and<br />
definitely none with on-site accommodation,” Geoff<br />
said.<br />
“Now there are hundreds, with more opening all the<br />
time, so the landscape is a little different now.<br />
“To celebrate our 10th birthday, we are organising a<br />
big birthday bash for later this year.<br />
“It should be a lot of fun, and we definitely won’t be<br />
running out of beers anytime soon.”<br />
Making it to 10 years in any small business is a<br />
mission, and for the Granite Belt Brewery team, COVID<br />
and its knock-on effects certainly impacted the way<br />
they have operated over the past couple of years.<br />
On the plus side, having 20 cabins on-site and<br />
Queenslanders keen to still get out and travel wherever<br />
the restrictions would allow them to go – helped keep<br />
the taps pouring and food coming out of the kitchen.<br />
When the venue was forced to close for three months,<br />
the team converted the brewery into a still and started<br />
to make hand sanitiser. The restaurant became a<br />
takeaway Mexican restaurant.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 53
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 54<br />
“Although initially COVID had a huge impact on our<br />
business and our stress levels, it has actually turned<br />
into a real positive for us,” Geoff said.<br />
“After the initial lockdown was over and we could<br />
reopen, the business has been going from strength to<br />
strength.<br />
“The closure of the QLD border in particular was<br />
fantastic for our business.<br />
“It meant that Queenslanders were forced to holiday<br />
locally, with a lot of them venturing to parts of<br />
Queensland, like Stanthorpe, that they may not have<br />
visited before.<br />
“Our 20 cabins were booked out almost every day<br />
which was great, and we are still busier than we have<br />
ever been.”<br />
The venue faced the same challenges as everyone<br />
else though when it came to operating under capacity<br />
restrictions, having staff off sick, and trouble sourcing<br />
produce.<br />
“Initially our restaurant could only accommodate a<br />
quarter of its normal capacity, which was really tough,”<br />
Geoff said.<br />
“We also had a huge number of staff off and we even<br />
had trouble getting our meat orders, as our meat<br />
comes from a local butcher just over the NSW border<br />
in Tenterfield.<br />
“On one occasion, we were standing on the<br />
Queensland side of the border and the butcher was on<br />
the NSW side of the border, but they wouldn’t even let<br />
us get the order.<br />
“Thankfully those crazy times are behind us, for a little<br />
while.”<br />
While the accommodation and restaurant side of the<br />
business have continued to build momentum, so too<br />
has the brewery.<br />
Having recently invested in a centrifuge, which helps to<br />
reduce the brew time required to clarify each batch of<br />
beer, Granite Belt Brewery’s 1000 litre brewhouse can<br />
now easily produce 150,000 litres of beer and 70,000<br />
litres of cider a year – with room for more.
Its range of product is an eclectic mix of traditional<br />
styles and quirky blends.<br />
On the beer front it includes: Session Ale (3.6%), IPA<br />
(4.9%), Irish Red Ale (4.9%), Pale Ale (4.9%), Wheat<br />
(6.6%), Bramling Cross (5.5%), Merlot Sour (4.9%),<br />
Porter (5.5%), Chai Hard – Spiced Wheat (6.3%) and<br />
Dark Light (2.8%).<br />
With high quality apples grown nearby to work with,<br />
the brewery has also made a name for itself with its<br />
Applethorpe Cider (4.8%).<br />
For other venues and pubs, Granite Belt Brewery also<br />
offers a white label service – where buyer’s work with<br />
the Granite Belt team to produce beers under their<br />
own labels, to suit the tastes of their local markets.<br />
For those taking advantage of the white label service,<br />
it’s an opportunity to offer something a little different,<br />
without the pricing pressure of stocking the same beer<br />
as their competitors.<br />
“Our partners love the fact that we can brew a beer,<br />
especially for them, and to their specifications,” Geoff<br />
said.<br />
“We usually work with the client to design a flavour<br />
profile that their clientele likes and that they know is<br />
going to sell.<br />
“We even encourage them to join us for a day or two<br />
of brewing. That way they can get their hands dirty<br />
and get a proper understanding as to how the beer is<br />
made.<br />
“The clients love it, and they really feel like the beer is<br />
theirs.”<br />
OF BEER AND 70,000 LITRES OF<br />
MORE.<br />
With the brewhouse producing nine barrels at a time<br />
the opportunity is there for small batches of white label<br />
beers too, rather than large minimum orders.<br />
On the accommodation front, the Granite Belt Retreat<br />
now includes 16 private cabins, four timber suites and<br />
a secluded four-bedroom, three bathroom “Hidden<br />
House”. It also offers pet friendly accommodation as<br />
another point of difference.<br />
See www.granitebeltretreat.com.au/brewery/
A CRAFTY<br />
BUNCH<br />
W H Y N O T S T O C K & S U P P O R T<br />
4 Hearts Brewing<br />
The first brewery to open its doors in<br />
Ipswich in over 100 years, 4 Hearts’<br />
brew masters are committed to<br />
premium local ingredients and<br />
profound taste. Preservative free and<br />
all natural they use the highest quality<br />
ingredients to consistently deliver a<br />
tasty beer every brew. Our core range<br />
features modern spins on traditional<br />
brews while our ever growing range<br />
of seasonal beers takes things to<br />
more adventurous levels, utilising<br />
local seasonal produce as inspiration<br />
(honey, rosella or carrots anyone…)<br />
0439 439 710<br />
4heartsbrewing.com<br />
Ballistic Beer Co.<br />
At Ballistic we have a simple theory.<br />
Fresh beer is the best beer. That’s<br />
why we brew in small batches, more<br />
frequently, and store it cold so you get<br />
the same blast of flavour our brewers<br />
do. Our pale ales, lagers, IPAs, sours<br />
and special releases will blow away<br />
the traditional ideas and expectations<br />
of what beer should be.<br />
Set in an old World War II<br />
ammunitions factory in the historic,<br />
industrial suburb of Salisbury Ballistic<br />
HQ is home to a team of innovative<br />
brewers who believe everyone should<br />
have the chance to enjoy a well<br />
crafted, quality beer.<br />
07 3277 6656<br />
ballisticbeer.com<br />
Helios Brewing Company<br />
Helios is the sun god of Greek myths.<br />
Each morning the rising sun marks<br />
Helios’ crossing over into the mortal<br />
world, driving a chariot drawn by<br />
wild horses that only he can control.<br />
Helios Brewing Company harnesses<br />
the sun’s power to sustainably create<br />
craft beer. Our brewing infrastructure<br />
has been custom-designed to<br />
maximise energy and water efficiency,<br />
minimize waste and carbon-footprint<br />
while capitalising upon Queensland’s<br />
renewable natural resources. We brew<br />
beers that are malt-forward, balanced,<br />
and intense using only the best<br />
ingredients, impeccable technique and<br />
sustainable practices.<br />
07 3392 9739<br />
heliosbrewing.com.au<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 56<br />
Slipstream Brewing<br />
Slipstream Brewing is an<br />
independently owned brewery based<br />
in Brisbane. We are a small but<br />
passionate team, producing some of<br />
the most accessible and sessionable<br />
craft beers in Australia. We’re the<br />
missing gap between bland beer and<br />
wanky beer, our beers hit the bullseye,<br />
brewed with nothing but pure flavour<br />
in mind. Hops are the heroes and<br />
we milk them for all their worth. We<br />
love the freshness, juiciness the zing<br />
and the zest. One sip, it tastes so<br />
good – capture that feeling and fill the<br />
fridge with it. Beer is the last thing you<br />
should settle on, so come and get<br />
caught in Slipstream.<br />
07 3892 4582<br />
slipstreambrewing.com.au<br />
Burleigh Brewing Co<br />
Founded in 2006 by Peta and Brennan<br />
Fielding, Burleigh Brewing was one of<br />
the first independent craft breweries in<br />
QLD. Now celebrating 15 year of the<br />
brand, Burleigh Brewing has upgraded<br />
their Taphouse in Burleigh Heads, won<br />
countless awards for both business<br />
and beer (a testament to their shared<br />
and individual strengths), grown to a<br />
team of 70, and in their own humble,<br />
hard-working way, helped transform<br />
the Gold Coast’s craft brewing scene<br />
into one of the most vibrant and<br />
thriving in the country.<br />
07 5593 6000<br />
burleighbrewing.com.au<br />
Terella Brewing<br />
Terella means “Little Earth”, and<br />
we’re building our vision of a dream<br />
brewery, drawing inspiration from<br />
science, a serious love of beer, and our<br />
connection to the local land.<br />
We’ve planted ourselves in North Arm,<br />
a rural setting between the hinterland<br />
and farms of the Sunshine Coast,<br />
surrounded by crops and free roaming<br />
cattle. Our concept is based on a<br />
sustainable cycle, producing what we<br />
need and using what we produce.<br />
22 rotational taps and a new exciting<br />
beer released every week! Pushing<br />
the limits of Hops and Grains to<br />
produce quality small batch brews for<br />
enjoyment.<br />
0492 929 357<br />
sales@terellabrewing.com.au<br />
Q U E E N S L A N D L O C A L S<br />
A CRAFTY<br />
BUNCH<br />
Your Mates<br />
Your Mates isn’t just a brand, it’s<br />
a lifestyle. Drinking good beer with<br />
good mates and having a bloody<br />
good time. We believe these simple<br />
pleasures are much sweeter with a<br />
good beer in hand. Mateship is our<br />
founding principle, it’s why we exist<br />
and encompasses everything we do.<br />
Our beers are represented by a few<br />
legendary characters we’ve all met<br />
in our lives, with distinct personalities<br />
matching their flavour styles. Our vision<br />
is to inspire mateship through great<br />
beers, and our mission is to build<br />
an inclusive beer community at our<br />
brewery on the Sunshine Coast, our<br />
beautiful backyard in Queensland and<br />
beyond!<br />
0456 492 889<br />
yourmatesbrewing.com<br />
Felons Brewing Co<br />
Founded by Brisbane locals, Felons<br />
Brewing Co. is a modern-day brewery<br />
proudly positioned on the banks of the<br />
Brisbane River. Our brewery is nestled<br />
down under the Story Bridge, within<br />
Howard Smith Wharves. We truly<br />
believe that beer is what binds us all<br />
to this great part of the world and as<br />
proud brewers, we believe in brewing<br />
with passion and freedom.<br />
07 3188 9090<br />
W H Y N O T S T O C K & S U P P O R T<br />
A CRAFTY<br />
BUNCH<br />
Brouhaha<br />
In 2016, four Sunny coast locals set<br />
out to build their ultimate brewpub. One<br />
that produced premium quality beer<br />
and serviced fresh, local food. Cut to<br />
today, Brouhaha has expanded to Aura<br />
with a seaside production brewery &<br />
taproom, making Maleny the pilot kit for<br />
new and bespoke seasonal brews.<br />
toby@brouhahabrewery.com.au<br />
0405 707 975<br />
brouhahabrewery.com.au<br />
Revel Brewing Co.<br />
We are proud to be one of<br />
Queensland’s best independent<br />
breweries consistently producing<br />
Australian & International award<br />
winning beers.<br />
Bringing brewing back to Bulimba<br />
where the original Eagle Brewery<br />
resided in 1883 and the essence of<br />
QLD brewing began. Our beers are<br />
bursting with flavour and personality<br />
whilst possessing drinkability for<br />
everyone.<br />
Come and be a part of the Revel-ution!<br />
Matthew Flexman<br />
matt@revelbrewingco.com.au<br />
Boiling Pot Brewing Co.<br />
Everything we do at Boiling Pot<br />
Brewing Co. is influenced by our<br />
birthplace, Noosa, with all its beauty,<br />
nature and damn fine beer-drinking<br />
weather.<br />
We named the brewery in honour of the<br />
first headland in Noosa National Park,<br />
Boiling Pot, if you know it, you know it.<br />
If we could bottle the feeling you get at<br />
Boiling Pot, it’d be a bestseller.<br />
At Boiling Pot, we take what we do<br />
seriously but we know we’re not<br />
saving the world. Our mission is<br />
simple: to make life that little bit better<br />
for beer drinkers, one beer at a time.<br />
#cheerseverybody<br />
0414 415 920<br />
boilingpotbrewingco.com.au<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 58<br />
Granite Belt Brewery<br />
Granite Belt Brewery is a small batch<br />
brewery with a passion for creating<br />
unique, full flavoured beers that are<br />
perfect for every occasion. Our beers<br />
are made purely... to be enjoyed.<br />
We brew and bottle everything onsite<br />
in Stanthorpe on the Granite Belt, and<br />
is available for wholesale distribution<br />
07 4681 1370<br />
granitebeltbrewery.com.au<br />
The Catchment Brewing Co<br />
Catchment Brewing Co, located in a<br />
beautiful art deco building in West End<br />
is a fully functioning brewery, bar and<br />
restaurant and your one stop shop for<br />
all things craft beer, awesome food or<br />
functions.<br />
Whether sampling the medal winning<br />
core range beers named after iconic<br />
streets in the local catchment or the<br />
seasonal smash hits that will amaze<br />
you, it’s well worth a visit for a taste of<br />
West End.<br />
Catchment Brewing Co - For locals,<br />
by locals, everywhere.<br />
07 3846 1701<br />
bookings@catchmentbrewingco.com.au<br />
Paul St John-Wood PUB TALK<br />
ARE YOU OK?<br />
The 10th-16th <strong>Oct</strong>ober marks the annual Mental<br />
Health Week in Queensland. This is a timely reminder<br />
to check the wellbeing of your family, friends and<br />
importantly, yourself. In my most recent trips around<br />
the state doing hotel visits it is evidently clear that<br />
hotel owner/operators are extending themselves due<br />
to the current staff shortages. Although as business<br />
operators this workload is expected from time to time,<br />
it does pose significant risk to your mental health and<br />
wellbeing. As an industry we will support each other<br />
through this wherever possible and mental health<br />
awareness week is a great reminder for us all to ask<br />
‘are you okay?’ Reach out to the <strong>QHA</strong> whenever you<br />
need.<br />
Pubs, Pots and Profits – St George<br />
CUB together with the <strong>QHA</strong> will again be hosting<br />
the Pubs, Pots & Profits forum for hoteliers and key<br />
staff from around the St George region. The forum<br />
will feature presentations from leading experts in the<br />
industry, focusing on business development initiatives<br />
for your hotel. The event will be held at the St George<br />
Hotel Motel on Tuesday 11th <strong>Oct</strong>ober from 2pm to<br />
5pm. Canapes and networking drinks will be included,<br />
thanks to CUB. To register attendance for this FREE<br />
event simply contact the <strong>QHA</strong>.<br />
Liquor supply and consumption in hotels outside<br />
of licenced trading hours<br />
It is timely to remind hoteliers, particularly those who<br />
reside at their licenced premises, that supply (including<br />
gratuitous supply) and consumption cannot take place<br />
on the licenced premises outside of your standard<br />
trading hours without the prior approval of OLGR. The<br />
fines for unauthorised supply after hours are in excess<br />
of $7,000 which includes a risk criterion fee which is<br />
added to your next annual liquor licence renewal fee. It<br />
is a common misconception that publicans who reside<br />
at the premises can supply and consume liquor with<br />
family or friends in the hotel when the hotel is closed.<br />
This can only take place in an area which is considered<br />
the residence (not the public bar), or again can happen<br />
in the licenced area but only with the prior approval<br />
from the regulator.<br />
Apply to remove a licence condition<br />
Hoteliers are reminded that they have the ability to<br />
apply to OLGR to remove a current licence condition<br />
which may be outdated and disproportionately<br />
unfavourable to your venue compared to similar<br />
venues in your region. The application is Form 19 and<br />
does attract an application fee, however the benefits of<br />
removing restrictive conditions which may be inhibiting<br />
trade or incurring unnecessary expenses would likely<br />
outweigh the application fee. If you would like to<br />
review your conditions and need assistance with the<br />
application process please contact the <strong>QHA</strong>.<br />
Live Music Australia Grants Program<br />
The Live Music Australia Program has been developed<br />
to bring more live music to Australian communities<br />
and will fund applications that support quality original<br />
Australian live music that is professionally staged, with<br />
a focus on small to medium venues. The Australian<br />
Government will provide a total of $20 million over four<br />
years for the program. Your venue could be eligible to<br />
access grants ranging from $5,000 to $100,000. To<br />
check your eligibility and to apply for funding visit arts.<br />
gov.au/funding-and-support/live-music-australia.<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 59
WINE<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 60<br />
A South Australian Chardonnay took out the top<br />
gong at the 2022 KPMG Sydney Royal Wine Show in<br />
August.<br />
The Penfolds 2021 Penfolds BIN A Chardonnay from<br />
the Adelaide Hills beat all contenders to be awarded<br />
the Tucker Seabrook Perpetual Trophy for Best Wine<br />
of Show, The Albert Chan Memorial Prize for Best<br />
White, and the A P John Coopers Perennial Trophy for<br />
Best Chardonnay.<br />
Sydney Royal Chair of Judges Sarah Crowe said the<br />
quality of entrants made it hard to pick one winner.<br />
“Modern Australian Chardonnay is at its peak, and the<br />
competition at the top is fierce,” Sarah said.<br />
“It really is splitting hairs to choose between them and<br />
getting harder every year.”<br />
Other winners from the chardonnay spectrum included<br />
Boydell’s 2021 Boydell’s Reserve Chardonnay from the<br />
Hunter Valley, which won The Restaurant and Catering<br />
Industry Association Perpetual Trophy for Best Small<br />
Producer Wine, and Margaret River’s Larry Cherubino<br />
Wines, which took out The Len Evans Memorial<br />
Perpetual Trophy for Best Single Vineyard Wine for its<br />
2020 Cherubino Dijon Chardonnay.<br />
This year marked the introduction of a new category<br />
for grenache varieties, with Barossa Valley’s Hentley<br />
Farm making history as the inaugural winner of the<br />
George Mackey Memorial Perpetual Trophy for Best<br />
Grenache. The winning wine was the 2021 Old Legend<br />
Grenache.<br />
This year’s international guest judge, Canadian DJ<br />
Kearney, selected the 2021 Rutherglen Estate Arneis<br />
for The International Guest Judge Annual Prize.<br />
“Producers are looking to varieties with heritage<br />
outside of France that are potentially more suitable to<br />
the Australian climate,” Sarah said.<br />
“With vine age likely starting to play a role and now an<br />
accumulation of experience in handling these varieties<br />
in the winery, we are seeing some delicious, balanced<br />
wines being produced.”<br />
The 2022 Artwine’s Wicked Stepmother Fiano from<br />
the Adelaide Hills reflected this shift by picking up the<br />
Bert Bear Memorial Perpetual Trophy for Other White<br />
Varietal.<br />
Meanwhile, tempranillo took centre stage with<br />
two McLaren Vale wines, the 2021 Hardys Tintara<br />
Tempranillo and the 2021 Shingleback Davey Estate<br />
Tempranillo Touriga, which took home The Wine<br />
Communicators of Australia Perpetual Trophy for Best<br />
Other Red Varietal and The John Swan Perpetual<br />
Trophy for Best Other Red Blend, respectively.<br />
This year the KPMG Sydney Royal Wine Show<br />
welcomed over 1,800 wines and awarded 134 Gold<br />
medals to the best of the best in Australia.<br />
For the full winners list visit: rasnsw.com.au
PENFOLDS Reserve Bin A Adelaide<br />
Hills Chardonnay 2021<br />
Named Best Wine of the recent<br />
KPMG Sydney Royal Wine Show,<br />
the Reserve Bin A Chardonnay is<br />
described by Penfolds as a wine<br />
that has evolved into a distinctive,<br />
single-region style in its own<br />
right, with a contemporary<br />
and expressive Adelaide Hills<br />
chardonnay persona.<br />
“Fruit is hand-picked into small<br />
bins and then whole bunch<br />
pressed. A portion of the<br />
juice is incrementally filled to<br />
barrel directly from the press<br />
and allowed to undergo a<br />
natural fermentation, sans<br />
inoculation. Enhanced<br />
mouthfeel and complexity<br />
is achieved by fermenting<br />
and maturing on solids with<br />
regular yeast lees stirring.<br />
100% malolactic fermentation<br />
(all natural)”.<br />
HARDY’S Tintara McLaren<br />
Vale Tempranillo, 2021<br />
The winner of the Best other Red<br />
Varietal at the KPMG Sydney<br />
Royal Sydney Show, Hardy’s<br />
Tintara Tempranillo is described<br />
as having: “an inviting nose<br />
of rich fruits and subtle<br />
hints of spice. A balanced<br />
harmonious palate follows,<br />
with initial primary fruit flavours<br />
of raspberry, sour cherry and<br />
plum followed by savoury and<br />
spice characteristics. This<br />
expressive medium bodied<br />
wine is complemented by a<br />
fine tannin structure and subtle<br />
texture, giving notable structure<br />
and length”.
Your trusted advisor, helping you identify the risks your<br />
business faces and finding the right insurance solution to<br />
protect the future of your business.<br />
Call: 1800 240 432<br />
www.ajg.com.au<br />
Foxtel Business delivers the magic of sport to venues –<br />
bringing people together, entertaining them and contributing<br />
to a boost in trade. And with over 50 live sports, there’s<br />
something for everyone. Serve your customers the best<br />
sporting action with Foxtel.<br />
P: 1300 761 056 www.foxtel.com.au/venues<br />
<strong>QHA</strong><br />
MEMBER<br />
OFFER<br />
No matter the size, shape or demands placed on your<br />
business, we have the ability to deliver equipment that is<br />
functional, adaptable and reliable. Convotherm, Waldorf,<br />
Waldorf Bold, Turbofan, Washtech.<br />
P: 1300 268 798 E: info@moffat.com.au<br />
Service department: 1300 264 217<br />
Over 25 years of commercial cleaning services | Triple certified<br />
Quality assured | EcoClean Certified using environmentally<br />
friendly products. Get 2 weeks free with any 12 month<br />
contract when mentioning this advert.<br />
Free Quotations P: 1300 630 636 or 07 3391 2005<br />
www.citypropertyservices.co<br />
For more information on advertising and promoting your<br />
business in the <strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW contact Simon Cross.<br />
qhareview@qha.org.au<br />
or 0413 698 630
Mullins’ hospitality team has unrivalled experience in the liquor<br />
and gaming sector, developed over 40 years. From greenfield<br />
applications and integrated developments to liquor and<br />
gaming compliance and employment advice - we are your<br />
one-stop-shop to ensure the best outcomes for your hotel.<br />
Curt Schatz, Managing Partner | Direct: 07 3224 0230<br />
Email: cschatz@mullinslawyers.com.au<br />
mullinslawyers.com.au<br />
Stoddart are one of Australia’s leading manufacturers and<br />
importers of a large range of world leading equipment for<br />
food service and bar applications.<br />
Darrin Miller<br />
P: 0417 867 979 E: dmiller@stoddart.com.au<br />
stoddart.com.au<br />
BUPA<br />
Refer your colleague to your Bupa<br />
health cover plan and get rewarded<br />
with a $100 e-gift card*. Plus get 9%<br />
monthly corporate discount when<br />
quote ID 2139463. *T&Cs apply.<br />
Call 1300 662 074,<br />
E: sales@bupa.com.au<br />
www.bupa.com.au/corporate/qha<br />
Footrest, slimline and cashless bases<br />
available. Casino Consoles, the only<br />
name you need when it comes to<br />
professional poker machine bases<br />
and screening.<br />
P: 07 3890 2969<br />
www.casinoconsoles.com.au<br />
This new generation of exciting game<br />
content draws on the strength of<br />
Scientific Games to create one of<br />
the most dynamic game libraries<br />
in the market.<br />
P: 07 3458 9180<br />
www.sggaming.com/australia<br />
Full range of commercial legal services<br />
to assist the liquor and gaming<br />
industry, including all Liquor/Gaming<br />
applications and advisory, WHS,<br />
employment and property services.<br />
Robert Lyons<br />
P: 07 3135 0559<br />
E: Robert.Lyons@holdingredlich.com<br />
www.holdingredlich.com<br />
Trust the experts in CCTV / Facial<br />
Recognition, Alarm and access<br />
control Systems plus all your data<br />
needs. Get the competitive edge with<br />
the latest digital advertising displays,<br />
LED screens, Music and TV systems<br />
P: 0411 799 914<br />
darren@electrica.net.au<br />
www.electrica.net.au<br />
We go above and beyond, whether<br />
it’s looking at an advertising<br />
campaign or a promotional<br />
concept. We develop creative<br />
solutions to grow your business.<br />
E: ideas@horseandwater.com.au<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 64<br />
Student One Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 07 3085 3050<br />
studentone.com<br />
BDO Australia<br />
Ph: 07 3237 5999<br />
bdo.com.au<br />
HLB Mann Judd -<br />
Chartered Accountants<br />
Ph: 07 3001 8800<br />
hlb.com.au<br />
Prosperity Advisers QLD<br />
Ph: 07 3007 1971<br />
prosperity.com.au<br />
SW Accountants &<br />
Advisors<br />
Ph: 07 3085 0888<br />
sw-au.com<br />
Quantaco<br />
Ph: 02 8346 6000<br />
quantaco.co<br />
Clarity Management<br />
Ph: 3058 9732<br />
claritymg.com.au<br />
Hotel Accountants Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 07 5560 8988<br />
hotelaccountants.com.au<br />
McGrathNicol<br />
Ph: 07 3333 9800<br />
mcgrathnicol.com<br />
Professional Client Services<br />
(QLD) P/L- Accountants &<br />
Business Advisors<br />
Ph: 07 3209 4452<br />
pcsqld.com.au<br />
Ashley Cooper<br />
Construction<br />
07 3142 5915<br />
ashleycooper.com<br />
BSPN Architecture<br />
Ph: 07 3851 9100<br />
bpsn.com.au<br />
Open Projects<br />
Ph: 1800 461 421<br />
openprojects.com.au<br />
Paynters - Design &<br />
Construction<br />
Ph: 07 3368 5500<br />
paynters.com.au<br />
Rohrig Constructions<br />
Ph: 07 3257 4411<br />
rohrlg.com.au<br />
BWC Constructions Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0403 579 997<br />
bwcgroup.com.au<br />
Caughley & Co<br />
Ph: 0434 549 242<br />
caughleyco.com.au<br />
ICM Construction<br />
Ph: 1300 798 107<br />
icmco.com.au<br />
IQ Construct<br />
Ph: 3667 8202<br />
iqcontruct.com.au<br />
Accolade Wines<br />
Ph: 07 3252 7933<br />
accolade-wines.com<br />
Brown-Forman<br />
Australia P/L<br />
Ph: 07 3010 2000<br />
brown-forman.com<br />
Campari Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 07 3253 1801<br />
camparigroup.com.au<br />
Carlton & United<br />
Breweries<br />
Ph: 07 3666 4104<br />
cub.com.au<br />
Coca-Cola Europacific<br />
Partners<br />
Ph: 13 26 53<br />
ccamatil.com<br />
Coopers Brewery<br />
Ph: 07 3275 3732<br />
coopers.com.au<br />
CUB Premium<br />
Beverages<br />
Ph: 07 3666 4104<br />
cub.com.au<br />
Diageo<br />
Ph: 07 3257 0800<br />
diageo.com<br />
Lion<br />
Ph: 07 3361 7400<br />
lionco.com<br />
Liquid Specialty<br />
Beverages<br />
Ph: 07 5440 2006<br />
liquidsb.com.au<br />
Pernod-Ricard Australia<br />
Ph: 07 3340 5471<br />
pernod-ricard.com<br />
Red Bull Australia<br />
Ph: 02 9023 2892<br />
redbull.com.au<br />
Samuel Smith & Son<br />
Ph: 07 3373 5777<br />
samsmith.com<br />
Southtrade International<br />
Ph: 07 3085 7418<br />
southtradeint.com.au<br />
Treasury Wine Estates<br />
Ph: 03 9685 8000<br />
treasurywineestates.com<br />
Your Mates Brewing<br />
Company<br />
Ph: 07 5329 4733<br />
yourmatesbrewing.com<br />
4 Hearts Brewing Co.<br />
Ph: 0428 236 436<br />
4heartsbrewing.com<br />
Heads of Noosa Brewing<br />
Co.<br />
Ph: 0401 399 625<br />
headsofnoosa.com.au<br />
Terella Brewing<br />
0408 920 759<br />
terellabrewing.com.au<br />
& SERVICES<br />
Bunnings<br />
Ph: 07 3452 5725<br />
bunnings.com.au<br />
Best Security - Security<br />
and Training<br />
Ph: 07 3212 8460<br />
bestsecurlty.net.au<br />
Frontier Leadership<br />
Ph: 0423 097 246<br />
frontierleadership.edu.au<br />
Federation Academy<br />
Ph: 0423 097 246<br />
federationacademy.edu.au<br />
Lighthouse Safety &<br />
Compliance<br />
Ph: 0422 669 631<br />
www.lighthousesafety.com.au<br />
Professional Hospitality<br />
Ph: 07 3160 8132<br />
professionalhospitality.<br />
com.au<br />
MLKA Hospitality<br />
Recruitment<br />
Ph: 07 4128 8400<br />
mlkarecruitment.com.au<br />
TAFE Queensland<br />
Ph: 1300 308 233<br />
tafeqld.edu.au<br />
Tribe Workforce Solutions<br />
Ph: 07 3238 0808<br />
tribeworkforce.com.au<br />
Zenith Hospitality Staffing<br />
Solutions<br />
(07) 3002 4000<br />
zenithhospitality.com<br />
BOC Limited<br />
Ph: 07 3212 4135<br />
boc.com.au<br />
TransTasman<br />
Energy Group<br />
Ph: 1300 118 834<br />
tteg.com.au<br />
ELGAS<br />
Ph: 02 9672 0777<br />
elgas.com.au<br />
Horan and Bird<br />
Ph: 1300 467 262<br />
horanandbird.com.au<br />
Sun Flux Solar Australia<br />
Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0421 082 828<br />
sunfluxsolar.com.au<br />
Beyond Payments<br />
Ph: 07 3505 2217<br />
beyondpayments.com.au<br />
BDO Australia<br />
Ph: 07 3237 5999<br />
bdo.com.au<br />
Commonwealth Bank of<br />
Australia<br />
Ph: 0476 824 307<br />
CommBank.com.au<br />
Gallagher Insurance<br />
Brokers<br />
Brisbane: 07 3367 5000<br />
Nth QLD: 07 4753 5311<br />
Toowoomba: 07 4639 7102<br />
ajg.com.au<br />
Shift<br />
Ph: 0498 137 007<br />
shift.com.au<br />
Green Finance Group<br />
Ph: 0457 883 700<br />
greenfinancegroup.<br />
com.au<br />
GSA Insurance Brokers<br />
Ph: 02 8274 8138<br />
gsaib.com.au<br />
Waratah Debt Capital<br />
Ph: 0448 681 783<br />
waratahmanagement.<br />
com.au<br />
Westpac Banking<br />
Corporation<br />
Ph: 0438 701 195<br />
westpac.com.au<br />
Austcover<br />
Ph: 0412 286 511<br />
austcover.com.au<br />
Banktech<br />
Ph: 1800 080 910<br />
banktech.com.au<br />
BUPA - health insurance<br />
Ph: 134135<br />
(quote ID 2139463)<br />
bupa.com.au<br />
CTB & Co (Cooking the Books)<br />
Ph: 1300 911 282<br />
cookingthebooks.com<br />
Marmalade<br />
Ph: 0407 040 733<br />
withmarmalade.com.au<br />
Trinitas Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 1300 836 025<br />
trinitas3.com.au<br />
Bidfood Australia Limited<br />
Ph: 0434 939 134<br />
bidfood.com.au<br />
PFD Food Services<br />
Ph: 131 733<br />
pfdfoods.com.au<br />
Simon George and Sons<br />
Ph: 07 3717 1400<br />
simongeorge.com.au<br />
CTB & Co<br />
(Cooking the Books)<br />
Ph: 1300 911 282<br />
cookingthebooks.com<br />
Food and Agribusiness<br />
Network<br />
Ph: 0419 651 157<br />
foodagribusiness.org.au<br />
Goodrop Oils<br />
Ph: 0439 206 664<br />
goodropoils.com<br />
The Entertainment Group of<br />
Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0413 035 482<br />
entertainment.com.au<br />
Table Top Innovations<br />
07 5532 7191<br />
tabletopinnovations.com.au<br />
Ainsworth Game<br />
Technology P/L<br />
Ph: 07 3209 6210<br />
ainsworth.com.au<br />
Aristocrat Leisure<br />
Industries<br />
Ph: 07 3727 1600<br />
aristocrat.com.au<br />
IGT<br />
Ph: 07 3890 5622<br />
igt.com.au<br />
Konami Australia<br />
Ph: 02 9666 3111<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />
MAX<br />
Ph: 0436 839 857<br />
max.com.au<br />
PVS Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 03 8671 1900<br />
pvsoz.com.au<br />
Light & Wonder<br />
Ph: 02 9773 0299<br />
explore.lnw.com<br />
Simtech<br />
Ph: 07 5596 6993<br />
simtechcreations.com<br />
Tabcorp Keno<br />
Ph: 07 3243 4113<br />
tabcorp.com.au<br />
TAB<br />
Ph: 1800 823 888<br />
tab.com.au<br />
UTOPIA Gaming Systems<br />
Ph: 1800 200 201<br />
utopiagaming.com.au<br />
Australian Pokie Consoles<br />
Ph: 0413 261 777<br />
clubsandpubs.com.au<br />
AHS Hospitality<br />
Ph: 07 5512 6143<br />
ahshospitality.com.au<br />
DASK Entertainment<br />
Group Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0452 640 418<br />
daskentertainment.com.au<br />
DNS Specialist Services<br />
Ph: 0433 906 809<br />
dnsspecialistservices.com.au<br />
DWS Hospitality Specialists<br />
Ph: 07 3878 9355<br />
dws.net<br />
Professional Hospitality<br />
Ph: 07 3160 8132<br />
professionalhospitality.<br />
com.au<br />
Sculpture Hospitality<br />
Queensland<br />
Ph:0427 532 925<br />
sculpturehospitality.com<br />
Fox Sports<br />
Ph: 0403 061 412<br />
foxsports.com.au<br />
Foxtel for Business<br />
Ph: 1300 720 630<br />
austar.com.au<br />
Sky Channel<br />
Ph: 07 3228 6344<br />
Freecall: 1800 251 710<br />
skychannel.com.au<br />
The Card Network<br />
Ph: 1300 375 346<br />
thecardnetwork.com.au<br />
Damian’s Games<br />
Ph: 0412 726 688<br />
accounts@damian.com.au<br />
Grub Lab<br />
Ph: 0437 875 134<br />
grublab.io<br />
Nightlife - Music & Video<br />
Freecall: 1800 679 748<br />
nightlife.com.au<br />
Pro Score - Sporting<br />
Promotions<br />
Ph: 0431 366 800<br />
proscore.com.au<br />
Rooks Entertainment<br />
Ph: 07 4068 8633<br />
rooks-entertainment.com.au<br />
BOC Limited -Gas/<br />
Reticulation Supply<br />
Ph: 07 3212 4322<br />
boc.com.au<br />
Reward Hospitality<br />
Ph: 07 3341 5929<br />
rewardhospitality.com.au<br />
Stoddart<br />
Ph: 0437 576 447<br />
stoddart.com.au<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> PLATINUM PARTNERS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> DIAMOND PARTNERS<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> GOLD PARTNERS<br />
Marmalade<br />
Ph: 0407 040 733<br />
withmarmalade.com.au<br />
Now Book It<br />
Ph: 1800 265 726<br />
nowbookit.com<br />
Nuvho<br />
Ph: 07 3357 9951<br />
nuvho.com<br />
Prostaff Events Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 07 3061 8644<br />
facebook.com/Prostaff-Events<br />
Queensland Risk<br />
Ph: 0408 840 969<br />
E: franz@qrisk.consulting<br />
Off Market Hotels<br />
Chris Cameron<br />
Ph: 0477 271 875<br />
offmarkethotels.com.au<br />
Power Jeffrey & Co -<br />
Hotel Brokers<br />
Ph: 07 3832 6000<br />
powerjeffrey.com.au<br />
CRE Brokers<br />
Ph: 07 5371 0165<br />
crebrokers.com<br />
HTL Property<br />
Ph: 02 8016 3810<br />
htlproperty.com.au<br />
JLL<br />
Ph: 07 3231 1311<br />
jll.com.au<br />
BDO Australia<br />
BSV<br />
CashZone<br />
H&L Australia<br />
Off Market Hotels<br />
13cabs<br />
Best Security<br />
Beyond Payments<br />
BOC Limited<br />
BSPN Architecture<br />
Coopers Brewery<br />
Grayza<br />
Green Finance Group<br />
GSA Insurance<br />
Brokers<br />
HLB Mann Judd<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> SILVER PARTNERS<br />
Prosperity<br />
Advisers QLD<br />
PVS Australia<br />
Simon George & Sons<br />
Tanda<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> BRONZE PARTNERS<br />
Liquid Specialty<br />
Beverages<br />
me&u<br />
MSL Solutions<br />
Open Projects Group<br />
Paynters<br />
Platypus Print<br />
Packaging<br />
Power Jeffrey and<br />
Company<br />
Quantaco<br />
Rohrig Constructions<br />
Trans Tasman Energy<br />
Group<br />
UTOPIA Gaming<br />
Systems<br />
Your Mates Brewing<br />
Company<br />
Red Bull Australia<br />
Secure Access I.T.<br />
Shift<br />
Simtech<br />
Southtrade<br />
International<br />
SW Accountants<br />
& Advisors<br />
The Card Network<br />
Waratah Debt Capital<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> REVIEW | 65
<strong>QHA</strong> PARTNERS & CORPORATE MEMBERS<br />
KNOWLEDGEABLE. THANKS, <strong>QHA</strong>.”<br />
Online RSA/RSG Training<br />
Gaming Nominee Training<br />
Employment Relations Training<br />
Employment Relations Webinar<br />
Responsible Management of Licensed Venues<br />
Training is a mandatory training requirement<br />
for those applying for a liquor licence, and<br />
applicants for an Approved Manager’s Licence.<br />
Training is offered face to face at regional<br />
centres throughout Queensland.<br />
LEGAL<br />
Mullins<br />
Ph: (07) 3224 0222<br />
mullinslawyers.com.au<br />
Corrs Chambers<br />
Westgarth – Lawyers<br />
Ph: 07 3228 9778<br />
corrs.com.au<br />
Holding Redlich<br />
Ph: 07 3135 0500<br />
holdingredlich.com<br />
HopgoodGanim Lawyers<br />
Ph: 0419 762 469<br />
hopgoodganim.com.au<br />
MBA Lawyers<br />
Ph: 07 5619 7319<br />
mba-lawyers.com.au<br />
Ramsden Lawyers<br />
Ph: 07 5554 1964<br />
ramsdenlaw.com.au<br />
Sparke Helmore Lawyers<br />
Ph: 07 3016 5014<br />
sparke.com.au<br />
LIQUOR<br />
Bottlemart<br />
Ph: 1300 733 504<br />
bottlemart.com.au<br />
Independent Liquor<br />
Group<br />
Ph: 07 3713 2751<br />
ilg.com.au<br />
Liquor Legends<br />
Ph: 07 3107 7422<br />
liquorlegends.com.au<br />
LIQUOR<br />
ALM (Australian Liquor<br />
Marketers)<br />
Brisbane: 07 3489 3600<br />
Townsville: 07 4799 4022<br />
Cairns: 07 4041 6070<br />
almliquor.com.au<br />
Your Mates Brewing<br />
Company<br />
Ph: 07 5329 4733<br />
yourmatesbrewing.com<br />
4 Hearts Brewing Co.<br />
Ph: 0428 236 436<br />
4heartsbrewing.com<br />
Terella Brewing<br />
0408 920 759<br />
terellabrewing.com.au<br />
MSL Solutions<br />
Ph: 0448 134 625<br />
mslsolutions.com<br />
Banktech<br />
Ph: 1800 080 910<br />
banktech.com.au<br />
Bepoz Retail Solutions<br />
Ph: 1300 023 769<br />
bepoz.com.au<br />
Harris Data Systems<br />
Ph: 07 5535 7677<br />
harrisdata.com.au<br />
MyVenue Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0447 129 873<br />
myvenue.com/pubs-cafes-bars<br />
Platypus Print Packaging<br />
Ph 07 3352 0300<br />
platys.com.au<br />
Best Security<br />
Ph: 07 3212 8460<br />
bestsecurity.net.au<br />
CMBM Facility Services<br />
Ph: 07 3391 1040 /<br />
0419 708 715<br />
cmbm.com.au<br />
Future Business Technology<br />
Group<br />
Ph: 1300 706 155<br />
fgtgroup.com.au<br />
Lotus Commercial Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 1300 653 536<br />
lotusfilters.com.au<br />
Luxxe Outsourced Hotel<br />
Services<br />
Ph: 03 8761 9156<br />
luxxe.com.au<br />
Tru Security Services<br />
Phone: 0452 377 662<br />
trusecurity.com.au<br />
Ph: 1300 467 875<br />
hostplus.com.au<br />
BSV<br />
Ph: 1300 244 727<br />
bigscreenvideo.com.au<br />
Grayza<br />
Ph: 1300 944 131<br />
grayza.com<br />
Cherry Hub Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0409 548 276<br />
cherryhub.com.au<br />
Chewzie Table Ordering<br />
Ph: 1300 243 994<br />
chewzie.me/<br />
DQ VIP Systems<br />
Ph: 0448 749 008<br />
getdqd.com<br />
Future Business Technology<br />
Group<br />
Ph: 1300 706 155<br />
fgtgroup.com.au<br />
IDU Technologies Pty Ltd<br />
mitch@idu-identification.com<br />
idu-identification.com<br />
JB Hi-Fi Commercial<br />
Division<br />
Ph: 07 3360 9925<br />
jbhifi.com.au<br />
Klackit<br />
Ph: 0404 840 858<br />
klackit.com<br />
Mr Yum<br />
Ph: 0448 504 121<br />
mryum.com.au<br />
MyVenue Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0407329 953<br />
myvenue.com<br />
onPlatinum ICT<br />
Ph: 0402 281 561<br />
onplatinum.com.au<br />
Qantum Network Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0417 125 566<br />
qantumnetwork.com.au<br />
Scantek Solutions<br />
Ph: 1300 552 106<br />
scantek.com.au<br />
TableTime Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0405 052 682<br />
tabletime.com.au<br />
Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 3503 6806<br />
oztix.com.au<br />
Vix Vizion Pty Ltd<br />
0413 026 918<br />
vixvizion.com<br />
Whats Doing App<br />
Ph: 0404 561 895<br />
whatsdoingapp.com<br />
13001 COMMS Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 1300 126 667<br />
13001comms.com.au<br />
For more information please contact the<br />
<strong>QHA</strong> Training Centre<br />
Ph: 07 3221 6999 Fax: 07 3221 6649<br />
Email: training@qha.org.au<br />
Web: www.qha.org.au<br />
Beyond Payments<br />
Ph: 0408 730 455<br />
beyondpayments.com.au<br />
CashZone<br />
Ph: 0466 148 752<br />
cashzoneatm.com.au<br />
H&L Australia Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0407 975 411<br />
hlaustralia.com.au<br />
me&u<br />
Ph: 02 9057 8500<br />
meandu.com.au<br />
Secure Access I.T.<br />
1300 880 565<br />
secureaccess.com.au<br />
Tanda<br />
Ph: 1300 859 117<br />
tanda.co<br />
Compassify Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 0406 624 677<br />
compassify.com.au<br />
A.P. Eagers Limited<br />
Ph: 07 3109 6731<br />
apeagers.com.au<br />
13cabs<br />
Ph: 132 227<br />
13cabs.com.au<br />
Bottlecycler (QLD) Pty Ltd<br />
Ph: 1300 306 039<br />
bottlecycler.com<br />
Envirobank Recycling<br />
Ph: 07 3063 7677<br />
D O N ’ T M I S S A T H I N G<br />
S U M M E R<br />
To get Foxtel for your venue call 1300 761 056<br />
Or visit Foxtel.com.au/venues<br />
Event availability correct at time of publishing and may be subject to<br />
change. Available for Foxtel Business subscribers only. Foxtel marks are used<br />
under licence by Foxtel Management Pty Ltd.