Pegasus Post: October 13, 2022

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6 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>13</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Tennis club prepares for centenary<br />

One hundred years on,<br />

the North Beach Tennis<br />

Club is still serving it<br />

up. On <strong>October</strong> 29 and<br />

30, the club will be in<br />

celebration mode for<br />

its centenary weekend.<br />

Committee member<br />

John Henderson looks<br />

back on the club’s<br />

history<br />

ESTABLISHED IN 1922, the<br />

club was originally called the<br />

Bowker Tennis Club through<br />

the generous gifting of the land<br />

in Palmers Rd, by local farmer,<br />

Henry Bowker.<br />

By 1930 the club opened the<br />

original tennis pavilion for its<br />

members which lasted for 74<br />

years. It was replaced by the current<br />

pavillion in 2004.<br />

Said life member, Janet<br />

Laverack: “Both pavilions are<br />

a reflection of the dedicated<br />

volunteers who worked tirelessly<br />

to raise funds to build these<br />

assets for the members to<br />

enjoy.”<br />

Janet has belonged to the club<br />

for 37 years.<br />

Although the club suffered set<br />

backs after the 2010 and 2011<br />

Canterbury earthquakes, it soon<br />

bounced back.<br />

By 20<strong>13</strong>, the four courts were<br />

fully reconstructed with a modern<br />

decoturf surface and the club<br />

Left to right – North Beach Tennis Club members Janet Leverack, mid-week club captain; Derek Purver, president, and<br />

Varinia Mitchell, secretary and treasurer. Right: A group of young players ready to learn tennis skills.<br />

was back in action.<br />

The North Beach Tennis Club<br />

continues on strongly today,<br />

attracting new and retaining<br />

existing players.<br />

The club is keen to attract<br />

children to tennis as a sport that<br />

can last a lifetime.<br />

Not only does tennis develop<br />

physical and mental skills, it also<br />

provides a sense of community<br />

when belonging to a club.<br />

Life long friendships and<br />

relationships have been fostered<br />

through the North Beach club.<br />

The junior tennis section is<br />

led by coach, Di Hubrick and<br />

assisted by Garrath Glass on<br />

Saturday mornings, with<br />

seniors playing in the afternoon.<br />

Midweek tennis is always popular.<br />

Said long-serving president<br />

Derek Purver: “The club prides<br />

itself on its friendly, fun approach<br />

to tennis.”<br />

“The fine facilities we enjoy is<br />

only because of the voluntary<br />

work of many over many years<br />

to keep the pavilion in top condition.<br />

“In particular, I want to give<br />

special mention to the efforts<br />

of two of our longest serving<br />

members. Peter Thorpe, the<br />

club’s patron and Ethna Rouse,<br />

past president, are both life<br />

members. Both have been<br />

actively involved with the club<br />

for many years.”<br />

The 100 year celebration<br />

weekend includes events for<br />

junior and senior players. A<br />

tournament on Saturday will<br />

be followed by a luncheon on<br />

Sunday.<br />

It is expected there will be<br />

many stories, photos and memories<br />

shared, and as Purver said:<br />

“Maybe over a beer or wine or<br />

two.”<br />

New members are always<br />

welcome.<br />

Anyone interested can email<br />

the club at nbct@hotmail.com or<br />

through Facebook.<br />


40 Hammersmith Drive, Wigram • Ph 0508 447 348

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