22-23 season program

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Healing takes many forms,

from arias to EKGs.

Just as we work hard each day to heal the body, Opera

Idaho can heal the soul. Enjoy the restorative power of the

arts and remember: We’re here when you need us.



General Director

When I was asked to interview for the

then-Executive Director position at

Opera Idaho, I’d never been to Boise,

in fact hardly Idaho at all, having

only passed through the northern

panhandle portion enroute to or

from Washington and Oregon. My

partner Cathy Ingle had never set foot

in Idaho until we moved here in May

2008. We knew little of the state’s

geography, history, and people. We

have come to cherish all these things

in what has been the best 14-plus

years of my career here. I’ll be retiring

after Opera in the Park in July 2023.

As Opera Idaho embarks on its 50th

season, as well as my 15th and last,

it’s a good time to reflect on history.

The 50-year history of first Boise Civic

Opera, then Boise Opera, and since

1999 Opera Idaho will unfold in five

articles over this and the beginning

of next season. One decade per

program, researched and written by

Ellie McKinnon.

In my time here, we can be proud

of additions to the offerings of

Opera Idaho: Opera in the Park,

the Emerging Artists program that

began in 2017, the expansion of the

Children’s Choruses program to now

four choirs, the incorporation of

Critical Mass Vocal Artists, Operatinis,

and art song recitals. I believe the

quality of our mainstage productions

has steadily improved. And we’ve

introduced many operas that had

never been performed in Idaho,

especially new American operas

like Dead Man Walking, A Streetcar

Named Desire, As One, Glory Denied,

and this season’s An American Dream.

Along with all that expansion and

improvement have come rising

budgets. We can now hold our

heads high in the company of opera

companies of similar budget size

in cities of similar size … Madison,

Dayton, Knoxville, and Des Moines,

to name a few. Board, patron,s and

staff have all supported, yea, been

instrumental in that growth. And

know that we appreciate how you’ve

all helped bring us through the

last two years of pandemic-related

uncertainty. (Which may or may not

be.) I can think back with gratitude for

all the relationships we’ve built. We

invited each other in and have cared

about and for each other as a result.

This season we invite you to join

us as we present our 50th season.

It’s already underway, with both

Opera in the Park and Celebrando a

México taking place before our first

mainstage production: the always

popular comedy The Barber of Seville

in Octobver 2022. Two operas new

to Idaho audiences, Verdi’s Macbeth

and Dvorak’s Rusalka, complete our

mainstage offerings. A new opera,

An American Dream, deals with

Japanese American internment during

World War 2, with direct plot ties to

Minidoka in Idaho. And in December

we collaborate again with Boise

Contemporary Theater to produce All

Is Calm, last season’s holiday hit.

What will the future bring? Our 50th

anniversary celebration in November

2023 will culminate on Nov. 30, 50

years to the date. It began with Weill’s

Street Scene. It was a new work, a

rather bold choice for 1973, having

premiered less than 30 years before

in 1946.

What I wish more than anything …

that Opera Idaho continues to step

boldly into the future. But for now,

and for the last time in this context, I

invite you to enjoy the music, the sets,

the costumes, the direction, all of it,

but also to accept the invitation to be

drawn into the world of Opera Idaho.

Greater depth is there for those who

desire it.



The primary mission of Opera Idaho is to

fund and produce opera of the highest

possible professional standard, in Boise

and throughout the State of Idaho, and

to foster wider acceptance, appreciation

and enjoyment of opera and related

art forms in young people and adults of

all social and economic backgrounds,

through diverse educational and outreach


Opera Idaho Staff

Mark Junkert

General Director

Carly Oppie

Development Director

Fernando Menéndez

Marketing Director,

Education Manager, &

IT Administrator

Kerri Calverley

Director of Children’s Choruses

Michael Porter

Director of Critical Mass Vocal Artists

Diana Cayler

Production Manager

Curtis Crafton

Artistic Administrator

Krista Arroyo

Administrative Coordinator

Luke Strother


Betsi Hodges

Staff Accompanist

Jeffrey Seppala

Teaching Artist

Kelly Kaye

Chorus Master

Jonathan Collins

Staff Photographer

Opera Idaho

513 S 8th Street, Boise

(208) 345-3531


2022-2023 SEASON




Board President

Board of Directors

As of October, 2022

2022-2023 SEASON

Welcome to the 50th season of Opera


This season has something to suit

all interests. It includes a classic

comedic opera The Barber of

Seville, an operatic interpretation of

Shakespeare’s Macbeth which will

incorporate video and projections, a

fairy tale Rusalka, and an American

opera about the Japanese internment

An American Dream. All this plus

performances in collaboration with

Boise Contemporary Theater of All

is Calm about the Christmas truce of


To celebrate our golden anniversary,

we have many exciting plans including

a history of each decade of Opera

Idaho which is an insert in this

program. Each of the four mainstage

operas will have an insert on a

different decade. Special activities will

continue into next fall with a month

of singing and end with a special

event on the anniversary of our first


During this season, we will also honor

Mark Junkert who has been our

General Director for almost fifteen

years and has led the way to Opera

Idaho becoming recognized in our

state and our region as a high-quality

opera company. For his impressive

work, Mark received the 2020

Governor’s Award for Excellence in

Arts Administration. Thanks to Mark’s

efforts, along with strong support

from our patrons, Opera Idaho is


As we begin the celebration of our

50th, I try to imagine what it must

have been like back then … more

than twenty years before I came to

Boise. Boise must have been quite

the booming little city back in the

1970s. Although the population was

only 76,000 (can you believe it!), the

residents were clearly full of hope and

excitement about their future and the

performing arts. In addition to Opera

Idaho, the Boise Philharmonic, Ballet

Idaho, and Idaho Shakespeare Festival

were all formed during this decade.

As well as the founding of these

organizations, efforts began toward

building the Morrison Center. My

goodness, what a blast of energy!

As we move into our future, may

it be with that same energy and


Leslie Garrett


Vicki Kreimeyer


Lynne Mattison


Victoria Sunderland


Christine Avey

Lee Gientke

Dean Hahn

Rebecca Jacquet

Alexander Klatt

Betty Munis

Carol Nie

Gizella O’Neil

Jed Reese

Laura C. Simic

Chuck Slaughter

Jon Yoshizaki

Janell Zuckerman

Mark Junkert


Effie Kaufman


Esther Simplot


Doug Zimmerman


Advisory Council

Phoebe Boelter

Laura DeLaney

Bill Drake

Kay Hardy

Christopher Huntley

Larry Leasure

Carol MacGregor, Ph.D.

Rob Perez

Dan Popkey

Jeffrey L. Smith


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Contributions to the General Fund received Sept 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022

(includes all special events).

2022-2023 SEASON

Dress Circle- $10,000+

Phoebe & Fred Boelter

Leslie & Marshall Garrett

Iris & Don Hendrickson

Effie & Ray Kaufman

Susan May & Andrew Owczarek

Gizella O’Neil

Phillip & Melinda Sander

Evelyn Schlosser

Esther Simplot

Jo-Anne & Jeff Smith

President’s Circle- $5,000-$9,999

Sue & Stan Fornander

Kay Hardy & Gregory Kaslo

Vicki Kreimeyer

Mary & Boyd Leavitt

Carol MacGregor, Ph.D.

Lynne & John Mattison

Caroline Morris

Carol Nie

Janice & Michael Tancredi

Director’s Circle- $2,500-$4,999

Christine & Bill Avey

Elaine Crawford

Marilyn Hickman & Doug


Lori & Ken Hosac

Vicke & Walt Lee

Yvonne McCoy & Garry Wenske

Karen & Chris Meyer

Judyth Roberts

Victoria & Richard Sunderland

Bonnie & Justin Wilkerson

Janny & George Wing

Alexandria & Brian Wolff

LifeBlood- $1,000-$2,499

Trudy & Don Anderson

Mickey & Bob Angell

Lorrie Apel

Susie & A.J. Balukoff

Rose-Marie & Max Bearden

Dan Bonaminio

Merri & Willis Carr

Mary Beth & Rex Chandler

Susan & Claude Connelly

Mary Cook

Ilona Copeland

Lee Gientke

Nik Dumas

Beverly & George Harad

Anne & Bob Hay

Lisa Hecht

Rebecca & David Jauquet

Vicki Keen & J. Lamont

Teresa & Tom Killingsworth

Dr. Mary Langenfeld

Amy & Stan Leopard

Linda & Lee Miller

Claudia Parcells

Patty & Bob Rietvold

Peggy Ann Rupp, MD

Sara Shepard & Chris Huntley

Laura Simic

Adelia Simplot

Mary & Charles Slaughter

Nancy & David Smyth

Karen & Greg Strimple

Pam & Brian Thomas

Annie & Michael Treinen

Anita Weissberg

Sustainer- $500-$999

Jacqueline Agenbroad

Beverly Boas

Laurie & Allan Britten

Kellie Cosho

Jeff Crosby

Melissa Lloyd Dodworth

Gerald & Jeff Dunlap

Shelley & David Eichmann

Sandra Evans

Jake Folger

Carla & Jeff Fromm

Elaine Hyde

Robert James

Eric Jones & Dan Monasterio

Elaine & Frank Lee

Pat & Gary Machacek

Ellen McKinney

Marni Odermann

Wanda & William Previty

Jeff Raulston

Karen & Karl Heinz Ruttke

Tina & Bob Vorbeck

Karen & Mike Wetherell

Melinda & Jeff Worley

Janell Zuckerman & Scott Pfister





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Galen Barnes

Jeanette Bowman & John Barnet

Charmaine Brooks

Elena & Solon Carlson

Jena Carpenter & Alexander Klatt

Victoria & Robert Dell

Edith Easterbrook

Ann & Kevin Farris

Wanda & Bob Firman

Robyn & David Fry

Stephanie Goodman

Jacqueline Groves

Jyl Hoyt & Robert Vestal

Sharon Hubler

Cathy Ingle & Mark Junkert

Elizabeth W. Jones

Linda & Ron Kerr

Melanie Krause & Joe Schnerr

Bonnie Krupp

Martha Lane & Doug Peterson

Melinda Lindsey

Jo-Anne Minnick

Diana & Tom Parker

Wanda & William Previty

Brooke Ann Ramstad

Jed Reese

Trudi Schneider

Robyn Watson & Milind Furia

Jackie Zalewski

Gisela Zechmeister & Michael


Friend- $100-$249

Patricia Alpine

Janet & Joseph Bejsovec

Lindsay Bruns

Bobbi & Robert Buich

Barbara & David Carlson

Carol Cogswell

Kelsey & Mateo Echeverria

Cynthia & Andy Elliot

Bae Emilson

Kim Ennis

Claire Fenton & James Fullinwider

Deborah & John Fleming

Teresa Focarile & James Patrick

Janet Gallimore & Bill Barron

Ernesto Spanti Gattuso

Susan Gelletly & Christian Petrich

Kay & Allen Gidley

Lynn & Mark Hofflund

David Hume

Jacqueline & Bill Jackson

Kristen Jackson

Kristen Jacobs

Lydia Jenkins

Sara John

Dorene Kahl & Donald Zancanella

Kevin Kirtley

Sterling Koch

Eva & Philip Langrell

Elaine Martin

Gwenn Maxfield

Teresa McCully

Gail Mierins

Patricia Monroe

Bob Neu

Richard Poplack

Carolyn Rees

Sue Robinson

Bonnie & Robert Salewski

Phyllis Saunders

Alfred Schattschneider

Judie & Robert Schwartz

Edna & Dan Shochat

Nancylee Summervill

Kathleen Sutherland & Phillippe


Yvonne Swanstrom

Carolyn Thornton

Thomas & Jeannette Von Alten

Joan Wallace & Hy Kloc

Hollis Welsh & Nick Garcia

Pat Wilcomb

Member $1-$99

Elizabeth and James Barker

Joe & Marcia Bleymaier

Linda & Phil Brugger

Laura & Bruce Delaney

Susan & William Eastlake

Carole Gibson

Susan & Paul Gibson

Joan & Lee Lindquist

Celeste & Chris Matika

Vicki McGrane

Kelly McKenna & Brian Meier

Mary R. Ottoson

Dan Popkey

Brandon Rosenkoelter

Jerome Saltzer

Rochelle Schaetten

Evelyn Schriber

Carole Skinner

Lynda & Jay Smithman

Perry Lawrence Spivey

Bobbie & Steven Svetkovich

Individuals under $50 &


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2022-2023 SEASON



Corporate Contributions

Amazon Smile

Boise Group Real Estate

Folger Building Co.

Kiwanis Club of Capital City


Paypal Giving Fund

Semiconductor Components

Industries, Inc.

UBS Financial Services

Foundations & Grants

F.M., Anne G., and Beverly

Bistline Advised Foundation

in the Idaho Community


Boise City Department of Arts &


Gladys E. Langroise Advised Fund

in the Idaho Community


Idaho Commission on the Arts

Idaho Statesman

Idaho Women’s Charitable


Julius C. Jeker Foundation

Laura Moore Cunningham


Morrison Center Endowment


Opera Idaho Endowment Fund

Opera Idaho Foundation

Sarah Maas Fund in the Idaho

Community Foundation

Corporate Sponsorships

Boise State Public Radio


Clothesline Cleaners

D.A. Davidson & Co.

Dalton Bahney Treinen Wealth

Management Group

Delta Dental

Edwards Greenhouse

Hawley Troxell

Hotel 43

Idaho Central Credit Union

Idaho Statesman

Idaho Trust Bank

Italian American Club of Boise

KTVB Channel 7

Lyle Pearson

Pontifex Capital

Radio Boise

Silver Creek Software

Simplot Co.

Zions Bank

Contributions to Opera Idaho


Kay Hardy & Gregory Kaslo

Carol MacGregor, Ph.D.

In-kind contributions

3100 Cellars

Krista & Ben Arroyo

Ballet Idaho

Block 22, LLC


Phoebe & Fred Boelter

Boise Contemporary Theater

Boise Philharmonic

Bonefish Grill

Rex & Marybeth Chandler

Cinder Wines

Clothesline Cleaners

Coiled Wines

Elaine Crawford

The Discovery Center of Idaho

Carla & Jeff Fromm

Leslie & Marshall Garrett

Lee Gientke

Idaho Wine Merchant

Cathy Ingle & Mark Junkert

J. Oates Portrait Design

Vicki Kreimeyer

Lynn & John Mattison


Morrison Center Foundation

Gizella O’Neil

Carly & Troy Oppie

Par Terre Winery

Portsche’s Fine Jewelry

Potter Wines

Radio Boise

Jed Reese

Rolling Hills Vineyard

Ruby Lou

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

Shore Lodge & Whitetail Golf

Laura Simic

Esther Simplot Performing Arts


Split Rail Wines

Stillwater Float Center

Victoria & Richard Sunderland

Telaya Wines

Wellness in Motion, LLC

Janny & George Wing

2022 23


Mozart in Motion

Morrison Center for the Performing Arts

November 4-6, 2022


The Nutcracker

Morrison Center for the Performing Arts

December 9-18, 2022



Boise State University SPEC

February 9-12, 2023


Swan Lake

Morrison Center for the Performing Arts

May 4-7, 2023

2022-2023 SEASON

Tickets and Subscriptions available at





The Official

Dry Cleaner

of Opera Idaho

Photo by Jonathan Collins

Bel Canto

Legacy Society

Bel Canto Society members have

included Opera Idaho in their estate

plans, ensuring Idaho can continue to

experience the beauty of opera long into

the future. Planned giving is simple. There

is no minimum commitment, and your gift

will live on benefiting future generations.

2022-2023 SEASON

Donald S. Hendrickson holds a very

special place in the hearts of the

Opera Idaho family and beyond. Don

served not only Opera Idaho in a

board capacity, but also on boards

of the College of Idaho, the Boise

Phil, FUNDSY, the Cathedral of the

Rockies and on advisory boards

of the Salvation Army and Ballet

Idaho. He and his wife Iris Trimble

Hendrickson have supported Opera

Idaho throughout their time here

in Boise, whether through personal

contributions, at fundraising events,

or sitting in the audience enjoying

classic operatic performances.

Don was born in Duluth, Minnesota

on April 24th, 1930. He attended

schools in Duluth and New Plymouth,

Idaho, and served in the US Army in

the 1950’s, stationed in Germany.

He earned a bachelor’s degree from

the College of Idaho and an MBA

from the University of Chicago. Don

worked for Amalgamated Sugar

Company before joining Boise

Cascade Corporation where his

career lasted 28 years and sent him

all over the country. In 1987 he was

one of the founders of BMC West

Corporation, a spin-off of part of the

Honoring the life

and legacy of

Donald S. Hendrickson

April 24, 1930 - March 12, 2022

Boise Cascade Building Materials

Distribution Division. He served as

President and CEO of BMC West until

he retired in 1998. He served on the

company’s Board of Directors until


Don and Iris were married in 1999,

and Iris still resides in Boise. Together

they were active members of the

Cathedral of the Rockies, the Arid

Club, and Hillcrest Country Club. They

loved to travel the world together,

visiting every continent at least once,

including all 50 states in the US. Don

and Iris’s support of the arts in Boise

leaves a legacy of love, music, and

generosity. Opera Idaho, the Boise

Phil, and Ballet Idaho have grown to

be successful organizations thanks in

part to people just like Don.

Upon his passing in March of 2022,

Opera Idaho learned of a gift he

left to help secure the future of this

organization. Thank you, Don, and

thank you to Iris and the family who

deeply knew and loved the man we

honor today. We will miss him this

season, and every season beyond. We

are honored and humbled that his

legacy is a part of Opera Idaho’s story.

May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.


Sue & Stan Fornander

Leslie & Marshall Garrett

Vicki Kreimeyer

Esther Simplot via The Pauline Becker

and Dorothy Simplot Memorial

Endowment Fund

For more information on Bel Canto Legacy

Society, contact Development Director

Carly Oppie at (208) 345-3531 ext. 4.

Gifts in Memory of

Bernadette Bonaminio

Melissa L. Dodworth

Don Hendrickson

Leslie & Marshall Garrett

Kay Hardy & Gregory Kaslo

Elaine Hyde

Leslie & Marshall Garrett

Betty Garrett

Priscilla & Howard Iba

Eileen Schindler

Kristen Jacobs

Gifts in Honor of

Esther Simplot

John William Jackson Fund

in the Idaho Community Foundation

Melanie Keller

Alfred Schattschneider

Susan May & Andrew Owczarek

Robert James

Jennifer Wilhelmi

Robert James






2022-2023 SEASON

Auction of Arias

Each fall, prior to our first mainstage

production of the season, opera

lovers participate in lively bidding for

their favorite arias or musical theatre

pieces at Auction of Arias. After a

delicious dinner, supporters raise their

paddles in support of Opera Idaho, or

simply sit back, sip a little wine, and

enjoy a wonderful concert featuring

the cast of The Barber of Seville.

Friday, October 8, 2022

Location: The Arid Club

1137 W River St, Boise

Time: 5:30pm – Full Event

7:30pm – Wine and Arias




$200 per person – Full Event

$50 per person – Wine

and Arias only

In Good Taste

Our last fundraiser of the season

takes place just as spring turns into

summer. In Good Taste celebrates

the finer things in life: gourmet food,

refined wine, and sublime singing.

This event is hosted and sponsored by

Cinder Wines and features a threecourse

dinner, Cinder Wines, a dessert

auction, and a performance of a miniopera.

June 2023, exact date & time TBA

Location: Cinder Wines

107 E 44th St, Garden City

Cost: $150 per person

Sponsored by

Special thanks:

Wine Sponsor

Floral Sponsor

Black and White Gala

The largest and most popular of our

fundraiser is the mid-winter Black

and White Gala. This event is a great

opportunity to rub elbows with some

of Boise’s greatest fans of opera while

enjoying delectable wines, a delicious

three-course meal, beautiful singing,

and dancing to your heart’s content

with live music.

Auction of Arias, 2021

Saturday, February 18, 2023 • 6:00 pm

Location: The Grand Ballroom

in the Grove Hotel

245 S Capitol Blvd, Boise

Cost: $200 per person

Attire: Formal








(208) 377-3900

Season Sponsors

2022-2023 SEASON

Media Sponsors

Vehicle Sponsor

Hospitality Sponsors

Floral Sponsor Wine Sponsor Operatini Sponsor


taste, tour & toast





2015 SYRAH




Photo Credit: Kim Fetrow



PHONE: (208) 906-0555 WEB: CinderWines.com

ADDRESS: 107 East 44th Street, Garden City

HOURS: Wednesdays through Sundays, 1pm-7pm

Chinden Blvd


44th St

Resident Company

The Resident Company is the pool of local, Boise-area singers from which

artists & vocalists are chosen for choruses, comprimario and cover roles for

our main stage and other productions. The Resident Company also includes

current members of Critical Mass Vocal Artists.


Victoria Arriero

Krista Arroyo

Debbie Baerlocher

Melissa Bagwell

Jerusha Baker

Heather Ballantyne

Liz Batey

Kathleen Beynun

Jordan Bowman

Lizzy Brennan

Lauren Caesar

Carley Ann Campbell

Caitlin Carlberg

Jena Carpenter

Merri Carr

Jessica Carroll

Serena Clark

Megan Croft

Kristen Dittman

Shelby DeBoard-Ulrich

Stephanie Derentz

Kayla Downs

Kylie Evans

Amanda Gardner-Porter

Rachael Nolana Griffith

Lara Hamilton

Katie Hansen

Katia Hayati

Dena Holland

Maxine James

Hana Jung

Sarah Kelly

Taryn Koch

Kylie Kohl

Vicki Kreimeyer

Alyse M. Krieger

Sharon Lucas

Leslie Mauldin

Emmanuella Mazile

Gwendolyn Miller

Michiko Miller

Sarah Muller

Rebecca Myers

Cherylanne North

Kristine Nunes

Leanne Oien

Rebecca Pearce

Jessica Perez

Katalin Andra Plummer

Jennifer Price

Heather Ray

Christie Rode

Laura Rushing-Raynes

Bonnie Salewski

Alana Seacord

Rebecca Schneider

Elizabeth Simmons

Aviana Smith

Sarah Smith

Angela Sprague

Jacelyn Stapp

Sara Evans Stejskal

BrieAnne Welch

Mariah Wilcox

Janell Zuckerman


Aubrey Balfour

Krista Blaine

Veronica Blake

Ainsley Boan

Shelby Ann Boice

Jessica Butler

Tiffany Calás

Val Cangie

Erin Case

Diana Cayler

Jillian Denham

Michele Detwiler

Leigh Falconer

Suzanne Hansen

Chris Hatch

Lisa Hecht

Kristen Jackson

Kelly Kaye

Hannah Lee

Vicke Lee

Anne Leinonen

Madison Lyman

Ruth Manthey-Wray

Ellen McKinney

Angela Tracy Miller

Kelly Moylan

Leta Harris Neustaedter

Deanna Pond

Laura Schneider

Naomi Spinelli

Savannah Stame

Elizabeth Straker

Corrina Steinbach

Jennifer Turner

Kaitlyn Walton

Lindsay Whittig

Amy Wickstrom


Anthony Ames

Lincoln Bollschweiler

David Burton

David Czerepinski

Grant Drees

Raydel Perez Gonzalez

Zachary Greatting

John Hamilton

Alexander Hill

Jonathan Hill

Jim Jirak

Dustin Johnson

Tim Judy

Sterling Koch

Marcus Lawrence

David Noland

Scott Noland

Geoffrey Parks

Andrew Peck

Jonathan Perry

Maxwell Reinhardt

Doug Rinard

William Thompson

Hubert Schwartoff


Mark Anderson

Brandon Atkins

John Bonde

Willis Carr

Colin Cho

Jason Detwiler

Nik Dumas

Peyton Fleming

Devin Gee

Michal Jarolimek

Rudy Kammel

Jesse Kaye

Luke Koenig

Michael Kohntopp

David Le

Fernando Menéndez

Erik Noyce

Brayden Olson

Jim Poston

Douglas Rowland

Anders Tobiason

Greg Watts

2022-2023 SEASON



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Emerging Artists Program

2022-2023 SEASON

In the 2017-2018 season, Opera Idaho

established its Young Artists program.

Renamed to Emerging Artists in

2020. The Emerging Artists program

is designed to provide training and

performance experience for talented

singers at the beginning of their

professional careers. From September

2021 through April 2022, these

artists will be placed in a nurturing

environment, treated as professionals

and provided with compensation and

a comfortable place to live.

During the 2022-2023 Season our

Emerging Artists will be touring the

Treasure Valley and surrounding

areas with an abridged version of

The Barber of Seville, introducing

students in grades K through 12 to

opera. They will also be filling smaller

roles in our mainstage operas, serve

as understudies for the lead roles, and

participate in smaller performances

throughout the season.

Meet the


Emerging Artists

Rebecca Achtenberg

Originally from Kansas

City, MO, soprano Rebecca

Achtenberg sang Alice in Verdi’s

Falstaff and Magda in Puccini’s La

rondine with Indiana University Opera

Theater and performed excerpts from

Anna Bolena with the IU Conductors’

Orchestra during the 2021-22 season.

Last spring, she was seen as Mimì in La

bohème with IU Opera and appeared

with Bloomington Chamber Opera

as Elle in La voix humaine. Recent

engagements include the role of Edith

Frank in a workshop of Shulamit Ran’s

new opera Anne Frank with IU Opera,

and Older Alyce in Glory Denied with

Permian Basin Opera, reprising a role

she previously sang with Penn Square

Music Festival and Tri Cities Opera.

Other recent engagements include

Lia in l’Enfant prodigue with Garden

State Opera, Rosario in Goyescas with

Hub City Opera Theater, Annina in La

traviata with New Rochelle Opera,

and the High Priestess in Aida with

Boheme Opera NJ.

Rebecca is a graduate of Oberlin

College and Conservatory of Music,

with a double degree in voice and

comparative literature, and earned

a master’s degree in voice from

Westminster Choir College, and is

currently completing her Performer

Diploma at Indiana University. She

was recently named the first prize

winner of the National Society of

Arts and Letters Voice Competition,

Bloomington Chapter and is a

recipient of second prize in the

Annapolis Opera Vocal Competition

and the Five Towns Music and Arts

Foundation Competition. Rebecca

currently serves as an associate

instructor in voice for the Jacobs


Cornelia Lotito

Mezzo-soprano Cornelia

Lotito recently completed

her 2021-2022 season as a young

artist with Pittsburgh Festival Opera.

Previously, she was a resident artist at

Indianapolis Opera, where she starred

in the company’s double-bill of Hans

Krasa’s Brundibar & Lori Laitman’s

Holocaust oratorio Vedem. While at

Indianapolis Opera, she premiered the

role of Janis in Marc Hoffeditz’s virtual

micro opera U-Hauling with Black

Sheep Contemporary Ensemble.

Sponsor an

Emerging Artist

Your financial support will help Opera

Idaho provide housing, transportation

assistance, health insurance,

professional vocal coaching, financial

compensation and performance

opportunities to help build their


Your sponsorship of $2,500 towards the

Emerging Artist Program will have your

name tied to the Emerging Artist of your

choice in printed and web marketing

materials throughout the 2023-2024

SEASON, recognition at performances

and events. You will receive a special

invitation to an Emerging Artists meet

& greet reception and a 30-minute

performance by your selected Emerging

Artist in your home or at an event of

your choice.

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Contact Development Director

Carly Oppie at (208) 345-3531 ext. 4.






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In 2021, Cornelia completed her

Master of Music degree at the

University of Tennessee in Knoxville,

TN. She was a part of Knoxville Opera’s

Studio program and performed the

role of Stephano in the company’s

2020 production of Romeo et Juliette,

as well as in several outreach shows

across the city.

In 2019, Cornelia performed the role

of Dorabella in a concert production

of Così fan tutte with Light Opera New

Jersey, the title role in La Cenerentola

and Dritte Dame in Die Zauberflöte

with Opera Theatre of Montclair, and

Berta in The Barber of Seville with

Light Opera New Jersey.

A frequent vocal competitor, Cornelia

won the Indiana District of the

2022 Metropolitan Opera Laffont

Competition. Previously, she won an

Encouragement Award from the 2021

Tennessee District of the Metropolitan

Opera National Council Auditions,

as well as an encouragement award

from the Gerda Lissner Foundation

and several first place NATS awards.

She was named a finalist in the

2021 Camerata Bardi International

Vocal Competition and 2021 Camille

Coloratura Awards, and a Contract

Winner in Piccola Opera’s 2021 Opera

Idol Competition. She was also named

a finalist in the 2021 SAS Performing

Arts Vocal Competition, and a semifinalist

in the 2021 Premiere Opera.

Justin Kroll

Tenor Justin Kroll was

recently heard as Beadle

Bamford in the University Opera

production of Sondheim’s Sweeney

Todd at UW-Madison, as well as Arturo

in Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor

with Madison Opera. Other recent

operatic performances include:

Marc Blitzstein in I Wish It So: Marc

Blitzstein - the Man in His Music with

UW-Madison’s University Opera, as

well as in University Opera’s Spring

2021 production entitled “What’s

Past is Prologue: The Unfinished

American”; Narcissus in a premiere

performance of Christopher Cerrone’s

All Wounds Bleed with Latitude 49,

Lensky in Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin

with the Russian Opera Workshop, and

Spoletta in Puccini’s Tosca with Painted

Sky Opera of Oklahoma City.

This summer Justin made his debut at

Central City Opera as a Bonfils-Stanton

Apprentice Artist as the Priest in The

Light in the Piazza before joining

Opera Idaho for the 2022/23 season as

an Emerging Artist.

Justin is in the second year of study

toward the Doctor of Musical Arts

degree in Voice Performance at the

University of Wisconsin-Madison. He

holds the Master of Music degree in

Voice Performance, and the Bachelor

of Music degree in Music History &

Literature from Baylor University, as

well as an Associate of Arts degree in

Music from McLennan Community


In competition, Justin represented

the USA at the 6th UNISA (University

of South Africa) International Voice

Competition in Pretoria, South Africa

in 2018, and was a finalist in the

Texoma Region of the 2020 NATS

Artist Awards competition. Most

recently, Justin was a finalist in the

2021 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mead Witter School of Music Concerto

Competition, Semi-Finalist for the

2022 Annapolis Opera Competition,

and Semi-Finalist for the Houston

Saengerbund Awards.

Jake Surzyn

Born and raised near

Detroit, baritone Jake

Surzyn has performed with many of

Michigan’s opera companies including

Detroit Opera and Opera MODO. With

Detroit Opera he performed in Yuval

Sharon’s production of Kjartansson’s

Bliss as Antonio and Rodríguez’s Frida

as Mr. Rockefeller, and throughout

Michigan he has sung the roles of

Marquis de la Force in Dialogues des

Carmélites, Doctor Gregg in Gallantry,

Dandini in La Cenerentola, Crespel in

Les contes d’Hoffmann, King Melchior

in Amahl and the Night Visitors,

Papageno in Die Zauberflöte, and

Pirate King in Pirates of Penzance.

In the 21-22 season Jake was a studio

artist with Madison Opera. While in

Wisconsin he performed with the

touring company Opera for the Young

singing as Pandolfe in their production

of Cendrillon.

While obtaining his master’s degree at

the University of Michigan Jake sang

the roles of Schaunard (La bohème),

Melisso (Alcina), and Cacambo

(Candide). He returned as a guest

artist in 2020 to sing the role of Mr.

Johannes ‘Pa’ Zegner in Mazzoli’s

Proving Up.

Jake has been an apprentice and

emerging artist with Charlottesville

Opera, having performed as Herr

Zegler in The Sound of Music, Sir

Lionel in Camelot, Franz in The Sound

of Music, Marcello in La bohème,

Lancelot in Camelot, and Escamillo in

La tragedie de Carmen.

An avid performer of oratorio, Jake has

been a soloist in works ranging from

the Baroque to the Contemporary.

These engagements include J.S. Bach’s

St. John Passion, Haydn’s The Creation,

Vaughan Williams’ Dona nobis pacem,

and Lang’s the little match girl passion.

2022-2023 SEASON





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Other Events

2022-2023 SEASON


Experience opera in a relaxed setting

while enjoying great food and a

specially designed martini. Operatinis

are a themed event that generally

features the cast of an upcoming

production singing some of their

favorites from the canons of musical

theatre and opera.

Operatini: Season Kickoff

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Operatini: The Barber of Seville

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Operatini: Meet the Emerging Artists

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Operatini: Macbeth

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Operatini: An American Dream

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Operatini: Rusalka

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Sapphire Room

Two Performances: 5:30 & 8:00 pm

Tickets available at OperaIdaho.org

Sponsored by:

Pre-Performance Dinner

A few hours before the opening

performance of our mainstage

productions, Board and LifeBlood

members and patrons of Opera

Idaho get together for cocktails and

a specially prepared meal. It a great

opportunity to hob-nob with some of

Idaho’s opera elite, and a chance to

meet and talk with the director and

conductor of each production.

For tickets or more information call

Krista at 208-345-3531 ext 2.

Art Song Recitals

Opera Idaho’s Emerging Artists

and Resident Company singers are

featured in this series of recitals

dedicated to art songs. These nonstaged

songs often incorporate wellknown

poems and seasonal themes

with complex music and piano.

Sunday, March 26, 2023 • 2:30 pm

Sunday, May 7, 2023 • 2:30 pm

Sunday, June 4, 2023 • 2:30 pm

Boise Philharmonic Rehearsal Room

516 South 9th Street, upstairs, Boise

Free Admission

Operatini: Season Kickoff, 2022

CMVA represents the finest in chamber

choir performance in Southern Idaho.

Its mission is to establish and maintain

a tradition of choral excellence, to be

a vital part of the arts in Idaho, and to

enrich our communities through choral

music, education, and performance. The

singers of CMVA represent the Treasure

Valley’s finest singers and choral

educators who seek to inspire and

engage their audience with a diverse

repertoire and choral excellence.

A Better Tomorrow

Saturday, October 5, 2022 • 7:30pm

Sounds of Winter

Sunday, December 18, 2022 • 7:30pm

Leonard Bernstein’s Mass

Saturday, March 18, 2023 • 7:30pm

A World of Song

Saturday, May 20, 2023 • 7:30pm

First Presbyterian Church

950 W State St, Boise

Tickets available at OperaIdaho.org

Pre-Performance Talk

If you arrive at the theater one hour

prior to each mainstage production,

you can join our General Director

Mark Junkert as he presents a

30-minute talk. This is a chance

to learn more about the opera, its

history, the performers, and much



2022-2023 Calendar of Events

Sat, Nov 5 Critical Mass Vocal Artists: A Better Tomorrow Thu, Jan 19 Operatini: Macbeth

7:30pm First Presbyterian Church, Boise

5:30 & 8:00 pm The Sapphire Room in The Riverside Hotel

Thu, Nov 17 Operatini: Meet the Emerging Artists Fri, Jan 27 Macbeth

5:30 & 8:00 pm The Sapphire Room in The Riverside Hotel 7:30 pm The Morrison Center

2022-2023 SEASON

Sat, Dec 3


Children’s Choruses’ Holiday Concert


Sun, Jan 29 Macbeth

2:30 pm The Morrison Center

Nov 30-Dec 1 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 1

7:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Fri, Dec 2 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 1

8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sat, Dec 3 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Dec 7 & 8 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

7:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sat, Feb 18 Annual Black and White Gala

6:00 pm The Grand Ballroom in The Grove Hotel

Thu, Feb 23 Operatini: An American Dream

5:30 & 8:00 pm The Sapphire Room in The Riverside Hotel

Fri, Mar 3 An American Dream

7:30 pm The Egyptian Theatre

Sun, Mar 5 An American Dream

2:30 pm The Egyptian Theatre

Fri, Dec 9 Children’s Choruses

7:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sat, Mar 18


Critical Mass Vocal Artists: Leonard Bernstein’s Mass

First Presbyterian Church

Fri, Dec 9 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sat, Dec 10 Children’s Choruses

2:00 & 7:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sat, Dec 10 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

2:00 & 8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sun, Dec 11 Children’s Choruses

12:00 & 5:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sun, Mar 26 Art Song Recital #1 2

2:30pm Idaho State Museum

Thu, Apr 13 Operatini: Rusalka

5:30 & 8:00 pm The Sapphire Room in The Riverside Hotel

Fri, Apr 21 Rusalka

7:30 pm The Egyptian Theatre

Sun, Apr 23 Rusalka

2:30 pm The Egyptian Theatre

Sun, Dec 11 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

2:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Date & time


Children’s Choruses’ Spring Concert

Location TBA

Dec 14 & 15 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

7:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sun, May 7 Art Song Recital #2 2

2:30pm Boise Philharmonic Rehearsal Hall

Dec 15 & 16 Children’s Choruses

7:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sat, May 20


Critical Mass Vocal Artists: A World of Song

First Presbyterian Church

Fri, Dec 16 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sat, Dec 17 Children’s Choruses

2:00 & 7:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sat, Dec 17 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

2:00 & 8:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Sun, Dec 18 Children’s Choruses

12:00 & 5:00 pm at Ballet Idaho’s The Nutcracker

Sun, Dec 18 All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

2:00 pm Collab w/Boise Contemporary Theater

Date & time Rising Stars Recital 2


Location TBA

Sun, Jun 4 Art Song Recital #3 2

2:30pm Boise Philharmonic Rehearsal Hall


In Good Taste

2023 Cinder Wines

Sat, July 8 Opera in the Park: VIP Dinner

5:30 pm Julia Davis Park at the Gene Harris Bandshell

Sat, July 8 Opera in the Park 2

7:30 pm Julia Davis Park at the Gene Harris Bandshell

Sun, Dec 18


Critical Mass Vocal Artists: Sounds of Winter

First Presbyterian Church, Boise

1 Preview Performance

2 Free event


S tay



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Opera Idaho would not be able to do

everything it accomplishes without

the help of people in the community

willing to donate their time to help

with everything from making phone

calls, data entry, to ushering for many

of our productions.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are a valued and integral

part of Opera Idaho. They play a vital

role by helping our artists, supporting

productions, reducing costs and

providing skilled assistance in virtually

every department. Their hard work

and generosity keeps the beauty and

passion of opera alive.

Volunteers of the Year

Once a year the staff chooses a

volunteer, sometimes two or more,

who go above and beyond to help

wherever needed, and recognize

them for their service.

2021-2022 Janny Wing

2020-2021 Carol L. Montgomery

2019-2020 Bae Emilson

2018-2019 The Ballantyne Family

2017-2018 Carla Fromm &

Ellen McKinney

2016-2017 Susan Jones

2015-2016 Ivana Gigante

Our volunteers have the opportunity

to participate in committees, attend

volunteer socials, attend and assist

at Opera Idaho special events, plan

signature events and fundraisers,

assist with various office tasks, meet

international opera stars, and set and

achieve goals for the opera.

If you are interested in becoming a

volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer

Information Form at the information

table during the performance or

online at Operaidaho.org.

2014-2015 Regina Montenegro

2013-2014 Rose-Marie Bearden,

Max Bearden &

Alize Norman

2012-2013 Vicke Lee

2011-2012 Mike Stanton

2010-2011 Trish Ebsworth &

Marvin Hansen

2009-2010 Dan Monasterio &

Eric Jones

2008-2009 Jimsi Kuborn &

Stan Fornander

2007-2008 Bernadette Bonaminio

2006-2007 Leslie Garrett

Thank You

to Our Hosts

The individuals below recently

volunteered to provide housing for our

guest artists. Host housing allows us to

bring numerous visiting artists to Boise

each season.

Ann & Charles Bauer

Rose-Marie & Max Bearden

Kim & John Cooney

Joan & Phil Ehrnstein

Janice Engle

Sue & Stan Fornander

Carole Gibson

Lisa Hecht

Cathy Ingle & Mark Junkert

Emily & David Jensen

Effie & Ray Kaufman

Vicki Kreimeyer

Martha Lane & Doug Peterson

Mary Langenfeld

Mary & Boyd Leavitt

Brent Mathieu

Yvonne McCoy & Gary Wenske

Constance Poiser

Wanda & Bill Previty

Eva Schlosser

Cathy Silak & Nick Miller

Jo-Anne & Jeff Smith

Michelle & Glenn Zausmer

Interested in hosting guest artists,

contact Artistic Administrator Curtis

Crafton at (208) 345-3531 ext. 5.

2022-2023 SEASON

Black & White Gala, 2019





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Education Engagement

School Tour

In an effort to introduce our younger

generations to the world of opera,

for the past few years Opera Idaho

has toured our local schools with a

program geared towards students in

grades K-6. This season, we will be

visiting elementary schools in The

Treasure Valley and beyond with an

abridged version of The Barber of


The program is led by Kerry Calverley.

Kerry has been working with

children’s and youth choirs of all

levels for 30 years. Most recently,

Kerry was the director of choirs at

East Junior High School in the Boise

School District. In the Boise area, she

has been a children’s choir director at

Trinity Presbyterian Church and First

Presbyterian Church, also co-directing

musical theater productions for the

singers in these programs.

Opera Idaho

is Mobile!

Thanks to a generous grant from the

Idaho Women’s Charitable Foundation,

Opera Idaho has a van! This van will

allow us to visit more schools in more

locations throughout Idaho.

2022-2023 SEASON

Opera Idaho Children’s


The Opera Idaho Children’s Choruses

provide a fun opportunity for children

to perform vocally and to learn about

music, harmony and following a

conductor. The program is split into

three groups:

Kinder Chorus – age 3 to 1st Grade

Angelus Chorus – 2nd to 5th grades

Excelsior Chorus – 6th to 12th grades

Kiwanis Boy’s Choir – unchanged

male voices in 4th-8th grade

Opera Idaho Rising Stars

Created in 2018, Opera Idaho Rising

Stars is an opera training and college

preparatory program for high school

singers. This program. Led by Kelly

Kaye, will not only help students

prepare college auditions, but will

teach them what happens backstage,

and about stage movement. They will

receive solo coaching, meet and speak

with opera professionals and perform

opera scenes!

For more information on our

education programs please call

Fernando 208-345-3531 ext. 3.

Education Sponsors

Children’s Choruses Spring Concert, 2021


The Perfect Prelude

For more than 20 years, Opera Idaho lovers have made a visit to

Cottonwood Grille part of their performance-night plans. Whether

you join us for a handcrafted cocktail, a stellar bottle of wine, or a

pitch-perfect meal, we’ll make sure your time with us sings.

Always good. Always Cottonwood.

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Have you missed traveling?

Take a musical journey through Europe without leaving Boise!

2022 - 23 Boise Baroque Orchestra Season Tickets

October 1 and 2


in Italy

Internationally renowned

cellist, Phoebe Carrai,

takes the BBO on a trip

through Handel’s Italy

February 18 and 19


Neopolitan Treat

Pergolesi’s evocative

Stabat Mater for soprano

and countertenor paired

with an Italian symphony

April 15 and 16

Journey to


Telemann paints a

musical picture of lake

outside of his home in

Hamburg, Germany

First Presbyterian Church - downtown Boise

Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2:00 pm

Performance History

The Merry Widow, 2021

2022-2023 SEASON

Acis & Galatea

Handel (2019)


Verdi (2019)

All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914

Rothstein (2021)

collaboration with Boise contemporary Theater

Amahl & the Night Visitors

Menotti (2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2017)

As One

Kaminsky, Campbell & Reed (2019)

The Ballad of Baby Doe

Douglas Moore (1980, 2012)

Opera in the Park, 2021

Bits ‘N Pieces

(1975, 1976, 1977)


Bizet (1975, 1984, 1992, 1998, 2005, 2014, 2022)

Carousel in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein (2011)

Cavalleria Rusticana

Mascagni (1971)

Celebrando a México


collaboration with the Idaho Botanical Garden

Così fan tutte

Mozart (1982, 1989, 2009)

Daughter of the Regiment

Donizetti (1990)

Dead Man Walking

Heggie (2022)

Die Fledermaus

Strauss (2000, 2016)

Divas of the Golden West


Don Giovanni

Mozart (1999, 2018)

Don Pasquale

Donizetti (1986, 1997, 2002)

Evgeny Onegin

Tchaikovsky (2015)

Face on the Barroom Floor

Mollicone (1990)


Verdi (2012)


Gounod (1978, 2009)

Gianni Schicchi

Mozart (1979, 2014)

Glory Denied

Cipullo (2016)

H.M.S. Pinafore

Gilbert & Sullivan (1994)

Hansel & Gretel

Humperdinck (1987, 1994, 2012)

Il barbiere di Siviglia

Rossini (1998, 2006, 2018)

Carmen, 2022


Don’t miss a note...

Music Director

Eric Garcia


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GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY boisephil.org | 208.344.7849

All Is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914, 2021

I Pagliacci

Leoncavallo (1986, 2013)

Il Turco in Italia

Rossini (1989)

Jacques Brel is Alive and Well, and living in Paris


The King and I in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein (2014)

L’Elisir d’amore

Donizetti (1996, 2008, 2017)

La bohème

Puccini (1978, 1991, 1997, 2001, 2007, 2012, 2020)

La Casa Verdi


La Cenerentola

Rossini (1976, 2010)

La Fille du Régiment

Donizetti (2011)

La Serva Pedrona 2

Pergolesi (1990)

La Traviata

Verdi (1977, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2016)

Lucia di Lammermoor

Donizetti (1983, 2009)

Manon, 2019

Madama Butterfly

Puccini (1985, 1994, 2003, 2011, 2018)

The Magic Flute

Mozart (1989, 1999, 2015)


Massenet (2019)

Marilyn Horne in Concert


The Marriage of Figaro

Mozart (1976, 2000, 2013)

The Medium

Menotti (1977)

The Merry Widow

Lehár (1986, 2004, 2021)

The Mikado

Gilbert & Sullivan (1996, 2006, 2019)

The Music Man

Willson (2015)

The Barber of Seville, 2015

A Night at the Opera Idaho


Nosferatu 1

Henderson (2004)

Oklahoma in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein (2012, 2017)

Opera Idaho Sings Christmas

(2006, 2007, 2008)

Opera in the Park

(2021, 2022)

Opera Under the Stars

(1999, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)

Opera’s Most Romantic


Operatic Highlights


Ormindo 2

Cavalli (1989)

Our Town

Rorem (2010)

2022-2023 SEASON

1 World Premiere

2 Ashlawn/Highland Tour


The Pirates of Penzance, 2016

The Pirates of Penzance

Gilbert & Sullivan (1995, 2011, 2016)

Porgy and Bess

Gershwin (2002)

Pulcinella Suite

Stravinsky (2013)

collaboration with Ballet Idaho

Rachel 1

Bratt (1972)


Verdi (1981, 1993, 2014)

Sarah Jane McMahon & Matt Morgan in Concert


A Season of Sorrows *

Bratt (1990)

Sherrill Milnes in Concert


The Sound of Music in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein (2013)

South Pacific in Concert

Rodgers & Hammerstein (1991, 2010, 2016)

Street Scene

Weill (1973)

Amahl and the Night Visitors, 2011




A Streetcar Named Desire

Previn (2018)


Floyd (2013)

The Telephone

Menotti (1977, 1990)


Puccini (1982, 1988, 1995, 2003, 2017)

Trouble in Tahiti

Bernstein (2014)


Massenet (2017)

West Side Story in Concert

Bernstein (2018)

The Winterreise Project

(2013, 2018)

* Revival of Work by C. Griffith Bratt, given world premiere in Boise in 1962 37

S eason Runs



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