Ashburton Courier: October 20, 2022

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OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22 |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Win aflight in WWII fighter<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />

Museum hasbeenahive of<br />

activity this week asit<br />

prepares for the Militaryand<br />

Aviation Extravaganza show<br />

this weekend.<br />

If you go alongtothe show<br />

youwill notonly getanup<br />

close look at military<br />

equipment, weapons and<br />

aircraft, you might also find<br />

yourself flying in aWWII<br />

aeroplane.<br />

The museum is runninga<br />

raffle for twoflights in aT28<br />

Trojan­an American WWII<br />

aircraft carrier plane.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Aviation<br />

Museum’s Dennis<br />

Swaney, the<br />

event team leader, said they<br />

willdraw anamefrom the<br />

raffle at around lunchtime on<br />

Saturday and Sunday.<br />

The tickets cost $5 and will go<br />

towards the newaviation<br />

museum hangar building fund.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum<br />

members wereall hands on<br />

deck this week putting up the<br />

fences thatwill ring theevent<br />

and maneuvering planes into<br />

position.<br />

Dennis said preparation was<br />

progressingwell forthe<br />

weekend.<br />

‘‘We’ve gotall thehangars<br />

cleaned out ready to go,all the<br />

military equipmentand army<br />

displays will be put up over the<br />

next few days.’’<br />

Allaircraft at themuseum<br />

will be on show, mostofthem<br />

outside the hangars so people<br />

can get agood look at the<br />

aircraft andachance to take<br />

photos of the planes in the<br />

open air.<br />

Most of the military<br />

equipment had been stored in<br />

hangars in preparation for the<br />

show, Dennis said.<br />

‘‘There are others arriving,<br />

we’ve gotacoupleoftanks<br />

coming and some traction<br />

engines that were used during<br />

the Second WorldWar.’’<br />

The event has<br />

been rescheduled from<br />

Waitangi Day last year which<br />

was cancelled because of covid<br />

restrictions.<br />

Re­enactors from the Allied<br />

and German armies, dressed in<br />

authentic WWII uniforms and<br />

armed with replicaweapons<br />

will be at theshowand mock<br />

battles will be fought involving<br />

pyrotechnics with rifle and<br />

machine gun fire and smoke<br />

grenades going off.<br />

Theweekend forecast is<br />

looking good, so getalong to the<br />

Military and Aviation<br />

Extravaganza at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Airport this Saturday and<br />

Sunday, gatesales open at 9am.<br />

PAGE 3<br />

Sushi served at<br />

River Crossing<br />

PAGES <strong>20</strong> ­27<br />

A&P show<br />

feature<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum members,<br />

back row from left; Dennis Swaney,<br />

Ron McFarlane and Jim Fallow. Front<br />

left; Owen Moore and president<br />

Stephen Johnston.<br />

PAGE 42<br />

Spreading<br />

community joy<br />



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Add adash of zing with our<br />

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2509596<br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

IndiRoberts<br />

indi.roberts@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2388023<br />

2509577<br />

Proposal to move<br />

Boer War site<br />

Council has appliedfor resource<br />

consent to relocate the BoerWar<br />

memorial from Baring Square East<br />

to BaringSquare West, whereitwill<br />

sit with <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s other war<br />

memorials.<br />

The proposed relocationispart of<br />

a$3millionprojecttorejuvenate<br />

Baring Square East and build anew<br />

one­way roadand plaza linking to<br />

council’s new library andcivic<br />

building, Te Pataka akaTuhituhi<br />

andTeWaharoa aHinePaaka.<br />

Council chief executive Hamish<br />

Riach said resource consent was<br />

neededfor the relocation as the<br />

memorial had heritage status in the<br />

District Plan.“That means the<br />

application has been prepared by an<br />

independentplanner andhas been<br />

publicly notified, so members of the<br />

communitycanhave their say on the<br />

mattertoo.<br />

“The new location will be<br />

different,but no less appropriateas<br />

Baring Square West is thehomeof<br />

other warmemorials.”<br />

The BoerWar memorial was<br />

unveiledin1903 to honoursoldiers<br />

of the district that served in the<br />

conflictand it bearsthe names of six<br />

soldiers.Itwas previously relocated<br />

from its originalsite in the square in<br />

1978.<br />

Mr Riach said council had already<br />

talked with the <strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA and<br />

the New ZealandDefenceForce<br />

about how to ensure asensitive<br />

relocation to Baring Square West,<br />

and they were comfortable with the<br />

project.<br />

“Residents can read full details of<br />

the resourceconsentapplication<br />

online, or at council’s main offices<br />

and make asubmission by deadline<br />

on 11 November.”<br />

The Boer War memorial in Baring<br />

Square East.<br />

Women only swimming trial<br />

EA Networks Centre is trialling<br />

swimming sessions for women only at<br />

its swimming complex.<br />

The month­long trialsessions,<br />

which run from 5.30pm until7pm on<br />

Sundays,started lastweekend.<br />

Council communityservicesgroup<br />

managerSteve Fabish said women<br />

can experienceswimmingina<br />

completely private space.<br />

“Their reasons for seeking that<br />

privacycould be culturalor<br />

religious, or somewomen might just<br />

not be comfortable swimming with<br />

all genders together,’ he said.<br />

‘‘Whatever the reason, we want<br />

women to be able to come to our<br />

pools for time out andtomeetother<br />

women in awelcoming and<br />

comfortablespace.”<br />

Theaquatic space includes a25m<br />

lap pool, leisurepool with lazyriver,<br />

learntoswim pool,aswell as aspa<br />

and steam room.<br />

Swimmers will not be visibleby<br />

peopleusing the indoor courts and<br />

gym areas, he said.<br />

Thesessions areavailable to<br />

women aged 16 and over, and pool<br />

users will pay $5 perperson.<br />

Thecentrewill provide allfemale<br />

stafffor the sessions, including<br />

lifeguards and poolside support<br />

people.<br />

Mr Fabish saidswimmer numbers<br />

wouldbemonitored at the fourpilot<br />

sessions, withaviewtomaking the<br />

timeslot permanent.<br />

“We would normally be closingthe<br />

pool at 5pm on aSundayanyway,so<br />

there is no impact on regular users,<br />

and theresult could be more<br />

swimmers in total.<br />

Braemar Station<br />

212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309<br />

“The initiativecameaboutfrom<br />

community consultation and<br />

addresses actions listedonboth<br />

Council’s strategy for Play, Active<br />

Recreation and Sport and, the<br />

Welcoming Communitiesaction<br />

plan.”<br />

In responsetosomenegative<br />

feedbackwhenthe trialwas<br />

announced on Facebook, Mr Fabish<br />

said the council offeredmany<br />

community initiativesfor thosewho<br />

mightface barrierstoparticipation,<br />

‘‘examples include Prost­Fit for<br />

prostate cancer sufferers, and<br />

programmes for people with<br />

breathing challenges andinHospice<br />

care.’’<br />

‘‘We’ve started thistrial because<br />

we heardfromMid­Cantabrian<br />

women whoare not abletouse our<br />

pools to cultural, religious or other<br />

reasons. ‘‘We’re happy to investigate<br />

bookings or programmesfor other<br />

groups, particularlyifithelpsus<br />

increase participation and shareour<br />

wonderful facility with more<br />

members of the community,” he said.<br />

Formore information,please<br />

contact the EA NetworksCentreon<br />

308­40<strong>20</strong> or email eanccsr@adc.govt.<br />

nz or via the contact formon<br />

eanetworkscentre.co.nz<br />

Celebrating 50 yearsofMackenzie farming life<br />

by Duncanand CarolMackenzie<br />

Written and published by Duncan and CarolMcKenzie -former<br />

owners of Braemar Station, a64,000acrestation situatedonthe<br />

easternside of Lake Pukaki in the Mackenzie Country; this book<br />

celebrates 50 years of farming on aMackenziecountrystation.<br />

Duncan and Carolbegan farming it in 1970 and the book covers 50<br />

years.Written with the help of ameticulously kept farming diary<br />

kept by Duncan over this period,and awealth of detailed and<br />

captioned photographyalbums kept by Carol-Braemar Station is<br />

an interesting,importantand<br />

beautiful book,destined to<br />

become aclassic of NZ history<br />

and farming literature.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

3<br />

Sushi servingatRiver Crossing<br />

St Pierre’s Sushi <strong>Ashburton</strong> is<br />

the first food establishment to<br />

open its doorsinthe River<br />

Crossing development at the<br />

southern end of town.<br />

It opened yesterday with 500<br />

giveaways, just in timefor<br />

lunch.<br />

Company co­founding<br />

brothersNick, Perry andCosta<br />

Katsoulis were all on site for<br />

theopening; their 13th store in<br />

theSouth Island.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>store is run<br />

by franchise partner Yoshi<br />

Taniguchi.<br />

Site developer company<br />

TricroftProperties is thrilled<br />

River Crossing hasfinally<br />

opened; today is the official<br />

opening of anchor attraction<br />

Kmart and Coupland’s Bakery.<br />

River Crossing is abrand<br />

newshopping and hospitality<br />

precinct located in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on thecorner of Cass and South<br />

streets.<br />

Other operations also<br />

opening at thesite from late<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 through to early <strong>20</strong>23 are<br />

Sal’s Pizza, The Ottoman,<br />

Coffee Culture, Joe’s Garage<br />

andAmigos.<br />

Tricroft Propertiesowner<br />

David Williams was ‘‘excited to<br />

seethe River Crossing vision<br />

becomereality, after more than<br />

ten yearsofacquiring landand<br />

developing theproject”. The<br />

precinct also provides agreat<br />

business ownership opportunity<br />

as localfranchiseoperatorsare<br />

being recruitedfor Coffee<br />

Culture andSal’s Pizza, he said.<br />

St Pierre's Sushi <strong>Ashburton</strong> is officially opened by company co­founder Nick Katsoulis.<br />

There is seamless parking<br />

between Kmartand the<br />

adjoining Countdown<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

South and was projectedto<br />

createaround 150­plusjobs.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Kmart manager<br />

Kim Spooner saidthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

storewould providearound 100<br />

jobs to the community. It was the<br />

newestand brightest Kmart<br />

storetoopen acrossthe country.<br />

‘‘We’reexpecting it to be quite<br />

busy,’’Kim said.<br />

‘‘I’m justsuperexcited to open<br />

the store, it’slookinggood ... and<br />

the team are really excited.’’<br />

Kmartsouth zonemanager<br />

EmmaHedin said across the<br />

brandnationwide stores were<br />

organised the sametogive each<br />

customerthe same experience.<br />

‘‘This is our newest concept<br />

whichissuperexciting, so you<br />

getall the newsignage, the new<br />

kind of technology, so it’s kind of<br />

anew and excitingKmart, but<br />

from arangeperspective it’sall<br />

exactly thesame.’’<br />

‘‘We’reall very excited... it’s<br />

always good to seeinthe<br />

community whataffect it hasas<br />

well,and we’re happytoopen<br />

our doors to <strong>Ashburton</strong>,’’ she<br />

said.<br />


‘‘Every daylow prices for our<br />

families. Ithink it’s always great<br />

to have alow­cost pricesthat’ll<br />

help the <strong>Ashburton</strong> community<br />

out.’’<br />

Theshopopenstoday, but<br />

‘click and collect’services will<br />

be delayed until <strong>October</strong>30.<br />

TheRiver Crossing name is<br />

inspiredbythe site’s history<br />

dating backtothe mid­1800s<br />

whenthe only wayacross the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>riverwas by ferry. An<br />

accommodationhouseand ferry<br />

station oncestood on the east<br />

bank where this majornew<br />

precinct is now open fortrade.<br />


OCTOBER21­23<br />

Rakaia School 150 Jubilee weekend<br />

-social Friday night, followed by a<br />

fun-filled Saturday and areflection<br />

service on Sunday.<br />

OCTOBER22­23<br />

Militaria and Aviation Extravaganza<br />

hosted by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />

Museum -387 SeafieldRoad,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>from 9am-4pm both day's.<br />

Adults $15-Under 15 yearsold -$5.<br />

Family pass $35.<br />

OCTOBER24<br />

Magic Monday at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Trotting Club on Racecourse Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

OCTOBER25<br />

U3A <strong>Ashburton</strong>with guest speaker<br />

Danielle Campbell of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Art Gallery and Museum, starts from<br />

10.15am at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Event<br />

Centre on Wills Street. Casual<br />

visitors $10.<br />

OCTOBER28­29<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>A&P Show at the<br />

showgrounds.Dog trials start from<br />

7.30am both days.<br />

OCTOBER29<br />

The Pretty in Pink Ball fundraiser at<br />

Trott’s Gardens marquee,<br />

Racecourse Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, from<br />

7.30pm. Tickets cost $85 each, from<br />

the Pretty in Pink Facebook page. All<br />

proceedstoCancer Society Mid<br />

Canterbury.<br />


wi <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s only<br />


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• Compactfold forminimal<br />

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• SmokeFireisanall-in-one<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

RSA for Armistice service<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

12, 13, 14, 17, 18<br />

November<br />

8,9,10, 14, 15, 16<br />

MrsHarrisGoestoParis<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

Basedonthe beloved novel, MrsHarrismakes<br />

the leap to the big screen and heads for Paris<br />

-and Ipromiseyou will notregretgrabbing a<br />

tickettojoin her.<br />

She sets her sightsonthe impossible –owning<br />

her very ownChristianDior dress.<br />

Scrimping and saving, she finds herself on<br />

the doorstep of the iconic House of Dior,<br />

embarking on what seems like a simple<br />

journey, choosing adress, which is far from<br />

simple at all.<br />

Lesley Manville, who plays Mrs Harris brings<br />

such an impressiblejoy to everymomentwith<br />

astory unfolding in away thatleavesusasthe<br />

audience just willing her nothing but all the<br />

happinessinthe world, alovely feeling.<br />

It’s afeel good movie. Doyourself afavour.<br />

Plan adeliciouseveningatthe pictures,dress<br />

up, have aglass of bubbly and let Mrs Harris<br />

steal your heart.You will absolutely not regret<br />

it.<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

www.regentcinema.co.nz<br />

25128<strong>20</strong><br />

2519070<br />

Armistice Daynext month­which<br />

falls on CanterburyAnniversary Day,<br />

and thereshuffled South Canterbury<br />

AnniversaryDay­will be<br />

acknowledged in aremembrance<br />

gathering at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA.<br />

Thenational day of remembrance,<br />

whichtakes place every year on<br />

November 11 at 11am, is an event to<br />

remember the closure of World War<br />

I, and thesilencing of theguns.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSApresident Merv<br />

Brentonsaid duetothe date being a<br />

publicholiday in Canterbury, and<br />

the likelihood of plenty of road<br />

noise,the remembrance would be<br />

held at the RSA,next to the Lone<br />

Pine tree.<br />

The remembrance tree is grown<br />

fromseeds sourced fromGallipoli<br />

and wasreceived from the National<br />

RSA to commemorate thecentennial<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA.<br />

‘‘As custodians of the<br />

remembranceitwas decidedthat to<br />

give full credence to the occasion,<br />

competingwith traffic noise on what<br />

is going to be avery busy day with it<br />

beingCanterbury Anniversary Day<br />

and nowalso South Canterbury’s<br />

belated anniversary day addedto<br />

what we believewouldbefar too<br />

noisy,’’ Mr Brentonsaid.<br />

The cost of road closure was not a<br />

viable option, however with the Lone<br />

Pine as aback drop was ‘‘very<br />

significant as thetree is aTurkish<br />

Red Pinegrown fromseed sourced<br />

from Gallipoli,where many ANZAC’s<br />

lost theirlives seekingworld peace,’’<br />

he said.<br />

‘‘The original Lone Pinewas the<br />

only tree left on its hill after Turkish<br />

soldiersfelled the rest to use for<br />

fortifications.<br />

‘‘Although the fortificationswere<br />

blown to pieces shortly after when<br />

Lone Pine at <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA will be the back drop for the Armistice Day<br />

remembrance service in <strong>Ashburton</strong> on November 11.<br />

the Anzac troops arrived, one tree<br />

survived longenough to give its<br />

nametothe hill, which the soldiers<br />

calledLone Pine.<br />

‘‘This treeatthe RSA is ourliving<br />

memorial to those unfortunate<br />

heroeswho lost their lives there,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

Cadets from the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Cadet<br />

Unit would carry outpoint duty and<br />

there will be aspeakerduringthe<br />

<strong>20</strong>­minute service. There will be<br />

seating available for those who need<br />

it.<br />

Following the servicepeopleare<br />

invitedintothe RSAfor<br />

refreshments and achat.<br />

The Armistice was signed by the<br />

Allies andGermanyand, on the 11th<br />

hourof the 11th day of the11th<br />

monthin1918 theguns fell silent.<br />

The remembranceacknowledged<br />

the men and women who had served,<br />

beeninjuredand died in service for<br />

their country.<br />

‘‘It is not thevenuethat matters on<br />

this occasionitisthe reasonwhy we<br />

arethere, remembrance,’’ he said.<br />

High country fete to delight<br />

Organisers of the Methven<br />

Exhibition &Feteare gearing up for<br />

theirsixth annual eventnext month.<br />

The fete, formerlyknown as The<br />

Methven HighCountryFete and<br />

Horse PowerMuster, willbeheld at<br />

the Methven Racecourse on<br />

November 26 from 10am.<br />

Therewill be boutiquestalls from<br />

well­known businesses and unique<br />

onesfromall over the countrywith<br />

manycore vendors returningand a<br />

lotofnewones attending.<br />

Organizers say they are<br />

‘‘delighted to be hosting such a<br />

variety of unique marketstalls.<br />

Withanamazing array of products<br />

to choosefrom, you won’tbeable to<br />

resist taking something home ­the<br />

perfect gifts for Christmas!’’<br />

‘‘Besides the finest shopping,<br />

live entertainment, having adrink<br />

in thelicensed area and a<br />

delicious range of lunch options<br />

and treats.’’<br />

There will also be a“bestdressed”<br />

competition,freefor<br />

anyone to enter as well as avintage<br />

military displayand classic car<br />

displayand Adventure Balloons<br />

NZ will be offering balloon rides.<br />

Event tickets are available from<br />

the localRuralco Stores and<br />

Eventfindaaswell at thegate on<br />

the day.<br />

For more information check out<br />

their Facebook page or<br />

emailmethvenhighcountryfete@gmail.com<br />

CUP DAY at THE MSA<br />

SEE<br />

YOU<br />

HERE!<br />

Come and join us and<br />

celebrate the NZ Trotting Cup<br />

on Tuesday, 8November.<br />

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• TAB Pod and assistance available<br />

• Spot Prizes<br />

• Best dressed female competition<br />

• Best dressed male competition<br />

• Sweepstake<br />

• Food available all day<br />

• Punters vs the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Club & MSA<br />

• Courtesy van available for the ride home!<br />

Howitworks:<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club &MSA<br />

1968744<br />

080916<br />

266 Havelock St,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone 308 7149<br />

www.ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

5<br />


Police have released the name of<br />

the man who died following asingle<br />

vehicle crash on Gardiners Road,<br />

between <strong>Ashburton</strong>and Rakaia on<br />

Saturday night.<br />

Hewas Jarrod Daniel Karl, 23, of<br />

Tauranga.<br />

Five other occupants of the<br />

vehicle were transported to hospital,<br />

two in acritical condition and three<br />

in aserious condition. The vehicle<br />

left the road and collided with atree.<br />

Police extendtheir condolences<br />

to his family and friends. Enquiries<br />

into the circumstances of the crash<br />

are ongoing.<br />

Tania King and AnnaArrowsmith of Safe Families <strong>Ashburton</strong> will be apartofthe support crew atthe Hindsight event.<br />

What we wish we had known<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Thereare plentyoftimes in life<br />

we wish we had known<br />

somethingsooner.<br />

But asilver lining of<br />

hindsight is theopportunityto<br />

teachothers, so that they don’t<br />

have to learnthe way we did.<br />

Safe Families <strong>Ashburton</strong> are<br />

hosting an event to bring<br />

awarenessofwhat to look for in<br />

unhealthy relationships,<br />

presented by awomanwho<br />

wished she had seen the signs<br />

earlier.<br />

The event ­Hindsight ­<br />

combineswholesome<br />

conversation, food stalls,and<br />

beauty demonstrations withthe<br />

revelations and afterthoughts of<br />

domestic abusesurvivor and<br />

guestspeaker, Hazel.<br />

‘‘Looking back now Ican see<br />

all the red flags were there,but<br />

Ididn’teven knowabout the red<br />

flags at that stage,’’ Hazel said.<br />

‘‘I first got beatennot long<br />

after our first child was born<br />

and from thereitprogressively<br />

got worse.<br />

‘‘I was marriedfor over 47<br />

yearsand spent most of my time<br />

trying to fix it.’’<br />

Hazel,who will shareher<br />

storyatthe Hindsightevent,<br />

saidshe wishedshe had known<br />

how to see the signs or how to<br />

get out earlier.<br />

Anna Arrowsmith, safe<br />

families coordinator with Safer<br />

Mid Canterbury,said, ‘‘Iwas<br />

really passionateabout trying to<br />

get thatmessage out there. You<br />

know,this is what ahealthy<br />

relationship and unhealthy<br />

relationship lookslike.<br />

‘‘These are the red flags,<br />

these are the warning signs, and<br />

thisisactuallynot OK, and<br />

educating people around that<br />

stuff,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘Whenwelook at intimate<br />

partner relationships thatare<br />

domestically harmful, it doesn’t<br />

start off that way.No<br />

relationship does.<br />

‘‘It’s an escalation over time<br />

of ignoring red flags or shifting<br />

your line or your tolerance that<br />

ends up with these unhealthy<br />

relationships.’’<br />

Anna, who is alsoaprivate<br />

practice counsellor,saidshe<br />

has seen increasing levels of<br />

domestic control and<br />

manipulationthatshe believes<br />

stems fromtoo much easily<br />

accessibleinformation, such as<br />

Snapchat locations and<br />

Instagramlikes.<br />

‘‘There definitely needs to be<br />

some work done there because<br />

alot of things are happening<br />

thataren’t OK and that are very<br />

heavily socially or<br />

technologicallyinfluenced,’’<br />

she said.<br />

Thoughthis event won’t be<br />

targeting social media<br />

manipulation, it will still<br />

address avariety of pressing<br />

concerns thatremain everpresent<br />

in New Zealand<br />

communities.<br />

Anna encourages women of<br />

all ages to come along to the<br />

event, which she says will be a<br />

fun and social evening with<br />

plentyofopportunity to connect<br />

withother women.<br />

‘‘Thetalk is appropriatefor<br />

aged12yearsold andabove ...to<br />

come along and to listen this<br />

message and to then store and<br />

have thisinformation, to take<br />

somethingfrom it that theycan<br />

holdwhen they enter into<br />

relationships,’’she said.<br />

Hazel said she willshare<br />

knowledgeonhow to leave a<br />

relationship safely, and things<br />

you can do to protect yourself<br />

during this time.<br />

There will alsobeasupport<br />

crewavailable to anyonewho<br />

wantstotalk at any stage during<br />

the event.<br />

‘‘We’ve got over 100 people<br />

registered already,’’ said Anna,<br />

who was amazed at the<br />

response.<br />

She estimatesaround 50<br />

ticketsare left for the event,<br />

which is free, but registrations<br />

are essential.<br />

Hindsight is an evening for<br />

women, held by women.<br />

SaferMid Canterbury is<br />

aware that familyabusecan be<br />

afflicted towardsmen, but are<br />

trying to address the most<br />

pressing concern.<br />

One in four women will<br />

experience some form of family<br />

abuse, be it physical, sexual, or<br />

emotional: 95% of assault cases<br />

in New Zealand involve amale<br />

perpetratorand afemale<br />

victim, and each year roughly <strong>20</strong><br />

womeninNew Zealand are<br />

killed due to familyviolence.<br />

‘‘We do acknowledge it<br />

happens to men, but that’s not<br />

the cause we’re tackling at the<br />

moment,’’ Anna said.<br />

‘‘We stillhave to be fighting<br />

the majority as this stage.’’<br />

Hindsightwill be held on the<br />

evening of <strong>October</strong> 27 at the<br />

SinclairCentreonPark Street<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Tickets are freeand doors<br />

openat6.30pm.<br />

Tickets can be reservedby<br />

texting Anna on 0277223<strong>20</strong>4<br />

family.violence@safer.org.nz<br />


GroundswellNZishopingtoforce<br />

government into aU-turnontheir<br />

emissions tax,and are planning<br />

nationwide protestaction today<br />

around thecountry.Aconvoyof<br />

vehicles is expected to gathernorth<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong> (around the 100km<br />

sign)from 9.30am, andtravel northto<br />

Christchurch. They willjoininwith a<br />

convoy heading up from Timaru.The<br />

protests nationwidewilltakeplace<br />

from noon..<br />

Groundswell NZ founding<br />

membersBryceMcKenzie and<br />

Laurie Paterson say government’s<br />

emissionstax willcut foodproduction<br />

by up to <strong>20</strong>%insomesectors ‘‘ripping<br />

theheart of outofour rural<br />

communities but barely touch net<br />

global emissions.’’<br />

‘‘That’s why we’refiringupthe<br />

tractors and askingfor you to support<br />

your localprotest at midday(today).<br />

‘‘Comebytractor, truck, ute, car,or<br />

on foot-this is ourchancetoshow<br />

theGovernment thatthepublicbacks<br />

ourfarmers andrejectsthispunitive,<br />

counterproductive, andunworkable<br />

tax.’’<br />


MethvenUnited Club are theonlyMid<br />

Canterbury recipientsofthe New<br />

ZealandCommunityTrust to receive<br />

fundingtheir Juneround. They<br />

received $16,000for roofing iron from<br />

atotal pool of $418,5<strong>20</strong>.<br />

Otherrecipients include Basketball<br />

NZ $100,000for contractor-regional<br />

development lead (capital);salaries<br />

of community lead-women and girls,<br />

andcommunity lead-club<br />

development,Bowls Canterbury<br />

$30,000salary, BowlsHornby $7000<br />

concreting paths, Canterbury<br />

Agricultural &PastoralAssociation<br />

$26,900 lawn mower,Cashmere<br />

NetballClub$3538 equipment,<br />

Christchurch GroupNZRDA $<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

salary,Touch Canterbury$48,871 for<br />

salariessupportingprogrammesin<br />

Canterbury andWest Coast.<br />

Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />

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to the Bayleys Mid Canterbury residential and lifestyle team<br />

Cayla absolutely loves houses and thrives on sharing her<br />

passion with others. For Cayla this means not merely<br />

assisting people to buy and sell property but rather<br />

helping people to find a place to call home.<br />

Cayla comes from a background that has involved setting<br />

up several rural businesses. This has given her great skills<br />

across a number of key areas that have translated<br />

incredibly well to real estate: marketing, sales,<br />

administration and more. Her varied talents mean she is an<br />

expert at identifying the small changes that can make a<br />

property shine in the eyes of potential buyers. She knows<br />

how to unlock a home’s full potential and design a<br />

bespoke marketing campaign that can deliver better than<br />

expected results to her vendors.<br />

Cayla’s approach to real estate is brimming with empathy<br />

and professionalism. She has the ability to instantly<br />

connect with people from all walks of life and has the<br />

dedication and commitment it takes to help her clients<br />

reach their property goals. Sometimes this involves<br />

working long hours and going above and beyond. Nothing<br />

is ever too much trouble for Cayla whose can-do attitude<br />

and loyalty is well known.<br />

Outside of work Cayla’s interests are many and varied.<br />

They include F45, photography and spending time with<br />

her daughter and partner. She loves the outdoors, keeping<br />

active and exploring all mid Canterbury has to offer.<br />

As part of the Bayleys <strong>Ashburton</strong> team, Cayla is passionate<br />

about the local region and her enthusiasm is infectious.<br />

She assists a range of sellers and purchasers including first<br />

homebuyers, families, upsizers, downsizers, investors and<br />

more.<br />

Contact Cayla if you would like a free, no obligation<br />

appraisal<br />

Cayla Collins<br />

0217 341 0949 03 307 7377<br />

cayla.collins@bayleyscanterbury.co.nz<br />


Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services

Beautiful Bathrooms<br />

showers - baths - mirrors - tapware - basins - wall & floor vanities - heated towel rails - toilets<br />

For every<br />

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We areproud to stock high quality<br />

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23 Bank Street, Timaru PHONE 03 687 <strong>20</strong>33<br />


Dee Street, Oamaru PHONE 03 434 9860<br />


West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE 03 308 5119

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

We live here too.<br />

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Residential | Lifestyle | Rural<br />

Property Management<br />

Did youknow, our comprehensivenetwork of salespeople and supportstaff covers the wholeofNew Zealand.Collectively,within our<br />

ranks,weencompass abroad and deep understanding of real estate.Weknowwhatiseffectivetomarket real estate.Wetakepride in<br />

putting thatknowledgetogood use on behalf of our clients.Through strength of our brand our connection into communities throughout<br />

the countryand the experiencethatour team brings,wedeliver results.<br />

Connectwith your local Real Estate expertonlineatpggwre.co.nz or come to our offices forachattoday!<br />

ForResidential,Lifestyle Sales and Property Management<br />

Call in to our officeat191 Burnett St<br />

ForRural,Lifestyle Sales<br />

Call in to our 447 West St office<br />

LindaFogarty<br />

Business Development<br />

Manager<br />

M027 294 4818<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 5435799<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0752180<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

TomokoWright<br />

Lifestyle&Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 4324028<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 4336883<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918233<br />

KelsiTait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

Sue Prendergast<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

PGG WrightsonReal Estate Limited, licensed under the REAA<strong>20</strong>08<br />

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Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />

DOUGLAS, Margaret<br />

Elizabeth (nee Heney):<br />

Peacefully at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital on Saturday,<br />

<strong>October</strong> 15, <strong>20</strong>22 aged 81<br />

years. Dearly loved wife<br />

of Terry. Muchlovedsister<br />

and sister-in-lawofMurray<br />

(dec); Peter and Sarah;<br />

Brian and Julie; Wayne and<br />

Glenis; Lex and Pauline<br />

Douglas; and Maureen<br />

and Ross Edmonds. A<br />

loved aunty and greataunty<br />

of all hernieces and<br />

nephews.<br />

Messages to: The Douglas<br />

family, c/- PO Box 6035,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>7742.<br />

At Margaret’s request a<br />

private cremation has<br />

been held.<br />

0800 2MEMORY<br />

027 637 1229<br />

DRUMMOND Deborah<br />

Anne (Debbie), (nee<br />

Ogilvie) 16/06/1964 -<br />

13/10/<strong>20</strong>22. Much loved<br />

wifeofTony. MumtoDana<br />

and partner Pids, Logan<br />

and partner Daneka, and<br />

Troy and partner Sara.<br />

Adored Granny ofJimmy.<br />

Lovedsister of Chrissie and<br />

husband John. Youngest<br />

daughter ofthe late Alan<br />

and Wyn Ogilvie, formally<br />

Hokitika/Cobden. Loved<br />

auntie to allher nieces and<br />

nephews. Loveddaughterin-law<br />

ofGeorge &Rona<br />

Drummond. Messages to<br />

the Drummond family,<br />

PO Box 472 <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Donations to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> SPCA would<br />

be appreciated and may<br />

be made online at bit.<br />

ly/dadrummond1310,<br />

and Make A Wish<br />

Foundation at bit.ly/<br />

dadrummond131022. A<br />

Celebration of Debbie’s life<br />

has been held.<br />

DRUMMOND, Deborah<br />

Anne (Debbie). Sadly<br />

passed away <strong>October</strong><br />

13th at her home with<br />

her loving family by her<br />

side. Dearly loved and<br />

respected younger and<br />

only sister and sisterin-law<br />

of Christine and<br />

John Wilson, aunty of<br />

Justin and Melinda Bone,<br />

Shannon and Chris<br />

Pansters, great aunty of<br />

Jasper and Franklin Bone<br />

and Emily and Lachlan<br />

Pansters. Taken from us<br />

all before her time, will<br />

be sadly missed, always<br />

remembered, never<br />

forgotten.<br />

GLUYAS, Claud William<br />

(Bill), on <strong>October</strong> 13, <strong>20</strong>22,<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital,<br />

in his 89th year. Loved<br />

husband of Ailsa, father of<br />

the late Susan, David and<br />

Karen, Brent and Colleen,<br />

Allan, Valerie and Dwane.<br />

Grandfather of Helen and<br />

the late Simon, Ashley<br />

and Nicole, Jacinda and<br />

partner, Ben and Shinah,<br />

and great-Grandad to his<br />

8 great-grandchildren.<br />

At Bill’s request aprivate<br />

cremation hasbeen held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982<br />

WATSON, Elizabeth<br />

Jean (Betty), on <strong>October</strong><br />

16, <strong>20</strong>22 at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Loved wife of the late<br />

Stewart. With deep<br />

sadness Ainsley; Rolene,<br />

Mark, Ciaran, Loreece and<br />

Oakley, Ursula, Therese<br />

and Kieran; Chris,Amanda,<br />

Harry,Annalise and Aliyah,<br />

and George; Kerry,Hamish<br />

and the late Lachlan, share<br />

the peaceful death of our<br />

loved mother, cherished<br />

mother-in-law, devoted<br />

Nan-nan, grand-Nan-nan<br />

and best friend,sevendays<br />

short ofher 87th birthday.<br />

The family request no<br />

flowers but donations to<br />

the Canterbury Neonatal<br />

Trust Fund would be<br />

appreciated and may be<br />

made online at bit.ly/<br />

ejwatson1610. Messages<br />

to the Watson family PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

A Service to celebrate<br />

Betty’s life will beheld at<br />

St David’s Union Church,<br />

Allens Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

on Tuesday <strong>October</strong><br />

25, commencing at<br />

2.00pm, followed by<br />

private cremation at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

WATSON, Betty (nee<br />

Leadley): Loved eldest<br />

daughter of the late<br />

Roland and Greta Leadley<br />

(Elgin). Loved and<br />

respected sister, sister-inlaw<br />

and friend ofthe late<br />

ColinandAudrey;Norman<br />

and Jean; Alison and the<br />

late Jim Lawton; Ngaire<br />

and John Brown; Ken and<br />

Fenn, the late Stuart, and<br />

Liz (all of <strong>Ashburton</strong>) and<br />

Dos and Dennis Sloan<br />

(Chch). Loved aunt toall<br />

her nieces and nephews,<br />

and great nieces and<br />

nephews.TREASURED<br />


Acknowledgement<br />

CONNOLLY, Timothy<br />

Laurence (Tim) Sue,<br />

Steph, Margaret, Paul,<br />

Brendon and families<br />

wish to thank everyone<br />

for their phone calls,<br />

cards, flowers, visits, and<br />

those who attended the<br />

service for Tim. Many<br />

thanks to the staff of<br />

Christchurch Hospital,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital, St<br />

John Ambulance, and<br />

Dr Jessie Kenton-Smith<br />

for their wonderful<br />

care of Tim. Please<br />

accept this as apersonal<br />

acknowledgment.<br />

MILMINE,Allan James:<br />

14 September <strong>20</strong>22<br />

Margaret, Greg, Paul, Mark<br />

and families would like<br />

to say Thank You for your<br />

phone calls, messages,<br />

baking,flowersand cards.<br />

Allan lived afull life with<br />

many loved ones and will<br />

be missed dearly.<br />

One of life’s perfect<br />

gentlemen<br />

Please accept this as a<br />

personal acknowledgement<br />

O’GRADY, Desmond:<br />

Josephine O’Grady and<br />

the family of the late Des<br />

O’Grady, wish to sincerely<br />

thank relatives, friends,<br />

neighbours, Des’s carers<br />

and the Catholic parish<br />

priests who offered their<br />

kindness, support and<br />

messages of sympathy.<br />

Your support at this<br />

difficult time was very<br />

much appreciated and of<br />

great comfort to all the<br />

family.Thankyou.<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Enquiries phone<br />

Mary,Jann or Karen<br />

on<br />

308 7664<br />

or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Birth, engagement,<br />

anniversary, death,<br />

acknowledgement, and<br />

in memoriam notices<br />

will be charged $18<br />

foramaximum of 35<br />

words, thereafterona<br />

per-line basis of $2.50<br />

for5words.<br />

Deadline forthese<br />

notices 4pm Tuesday<br />

prior to Thursday<br />

publication date.<br />

New signs show<br />

the way for<br />

hearty anglers<br />

AFish &Game worker checks the level on anew sign on the south<br />

side of the Rakaia River.<br />

More than 100 new angler<br />

access signshave goneup<br />

around the North andMid<br />

Canterbury Fish &Game<br />

Region as preparationfor the<br />

fishing season. It started on<br />

<strong>October</strong> 1.<br />

Angler access signs unlock a<br />

vast area of fantastic fishing<br />

spots that afishing licence<br />

enables anglers to fishin.<br />

The new signswill largely be<br />

replacing wornout,dilapidated<br />

signs, but several are new signs<br />

for new accesspoints.<br />

CanterburyFish and Game<br />

has worked with landowners to<br />

secure access at these points<br />

for anglers, andthese access<br />

points canalso be used by other<br />

river users.<br />

There areover400 angler<br />

access and information signs in<br />

the North and MidCanterbury<br />

Region,all the way fromupin<br />

the Southern Alps to the river<br />

mouths on thecoast.<br />

Replacing these signs has<br />

enabled Fish &Game staff to<br />

see how goodthe rivers are<br />

looking since the opening of the<br />

new season.<br />

The lowlandSelwynRiveris<br />

looking in the great shapefor<br />

the season.<br />

Continual strong riverflows,<br />

combined with Te Waihora/<br />

Lake Ellesmere having several<br />

periodswhere the lake has<br />

beentothe sea.Whichhas<br />

made it possible for sea run<br />

trout to enter the system in<br />

good numbers.<br />

Thebackcountry waters up in<br />

the Hurunuihighcountry are<br />

also lookinginexcellent<br />

condition.<br />

Theriversall had good flows<br />

when staff visitedtoplace new<br />

signage during thisweek's cold<br />

snap.<br />

Thewet winter has also<br />

meant plenty of water to help<br />

sea run salmon returntothe<br />

spawning streams.<br />

Thenew signagewill help<br />

salmon anglers access fishing<br />

spots whenthey go fishingwith<br />

thenew $5 sea­run salmon<br />

harvestcard required for sea<br />

run salmonfishing.<br />

North Canterbury Fish &<br />

Gamechief executive officer<br />

Rasmus Gabrielsson said<br />

Canterburyanglers had access<br />

to some world­class fisheries in<br />

the region.<br />

‘‘Wewanttohelp anglers of<br />

all ages andskilllevels access<br />

these fantastic fisherieshence<br />

whywehave put in thiswork<br />

over the winter months to<br />

improveaccess for anglers.’’<br />

‘‘Anglers' licencefees pay for<br />

these signs, and many anglers<br />

don't realisewhere their<br />

licence fees go.<br />

‘‘But whenever they seean<br />

angleraccesssign, and access a<br />

riverorlake, theycan seesome<br />

tangible results from<br />

purchasing afishing licence.’’<br />

Special olympics<br />

Christchurch will host the New<br />

Zealand Special Olympics<br />

National Summer Games in<br />

<strong>20</strong>25. The games happen every<br />

four years and attract more<br />

than 1500 athletes and coaches<br />

from across the country.<br />

Special Olympics New Zealand<br />

chief executive Carolyn Young<br />

said the games were hugely<br />

important for the participants.<br />

“Our athletes often don't get<br />

opportunities in life to<br />

participate in sport or other<br />

things in the general<br />

community, so Special<br />

Olympics is really important<br />

because they have atime where<br />

they can connect with other<br />

people that are like them, they<br />

can get physically active and<br />

enjoy sport just like everybody<br />

else, they make friends.”<br />

Athletes competing could be<br />

selected for the world games<br />

the following year, she said.

Long Weekend Deals. Another<br />

reason to be stoked it’s spring.<br />

60%<br />

Sleepyhead<br />

Matrix Limited<br />

Edition Beds #<br />

off<br />

60%off Sleepyhead Matrix<br />

Limited Edition Beds #<br />

Sleepyhead Matrix LimitedEditionQueenBed<br />

$2399<br />

LG 14kg Top LoadWashing<br />

Machine withTurboClean3D<br />

$1649<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $1788<br />

on 24 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 18<br />

9062539<br />

WTG1434BHF<br />

$2499<br />

9073127<br />

was<br />

$<br />

5999<br />

Wyoming Fabric 5Seater<br />

ReclinerLounge Suite-Grey<br />

was<br />

$ 5199<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT:$2583<br />

on 36 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 17<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $2683<br />

on 36 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 18<br />

9073111<br />

Big bargains on big brand whiteware<br />

Sharppicture, sharperprices<br />

this longweekend<br />

Samsung65’’Q60 QLED TV<br />

$1895<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $<strong>20</strong>34<br />

on 24 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ <strong>20</strong><br />

9072913<br />

Ios CornerLoungeSetting<br />

$2499<br />

9050031<br />

was<br />

$ 3599<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $2683<br />

on 36 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 18<br />

65”<br />

55%<br />

Sleepyhead<br />

Chiropractic<br />

HD and HDXBeds #<br />

Excludes Limited Edition<br />

30%<br />

selected Outdoor<br />

Furniture #<br />

Front Loading<br />

WashingMachines<br />

from<br />

$595<br />

off<br />

off<br />

50%off # offMountain Buggy30% off #<br />

up to<br />

50%<br />

Russell Hobbs #<br />

off<br />

<strong>20</strong>%<br />

SamsungJet 90 Pet Handstick<br />

Vacuum Cleaner<br />

$949<br />

was<br />

$ 1099<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $1088<br />

on 24 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 11<br />

9067815<br />

andPhil &Teds Nursery #<br />

RussellHobbs<br />

1.7L BrooklynKettle-Copper<br />

$89<br />

9048623<br />

was<br />

$ 189<br />

Elgin/Amble 7PieceDining Suite<br />

Available in Black(Pictured) andWhite<br />

$1699<br />

9072184<br />

was<br />

$ 2579<br />

LESS PER<br />

WEEK<br />

TOTAL PAYMENT: $1883<br />

on 36 months interest free*<br />

THAN $ 13<br />

40%<br />

Sleepyhead Bedding #<br />

ExcludesEvolveand<br />

NaturalPillow Range<br />

40% to<br />

50%<br />

Remington #<br />

off<br />

off<br />

ExcludesProluxeRange<br />

24<br />

MONTHS<br />

$499 &over*<br />


on purchases<br />

36<br />

MONTHS<br />

$999 &over*<br />


on furnitureand beds<br />

Offers valid until Tuesday 25th <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22, while stocks last orunless otherwise stated. Some products on display in selected stores only —please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. *Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift<br />

cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on amaximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include a<br />

one-off establishment fee of$45.00 and amaintenance fee of $3.75 per month. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies toany balance remaining after expiry of any interest free period. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free<br />

for details.**Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. Available in-store and online. Weekly equal instalments are based on a52week finance period commencing 7days from the date interest is first calculated. Setting up an automatic payment<br />

authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. There are noset-up, annual, oraccount maintenance fees but fees may apply ondefault. Current interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies after expiry of the interest free<br />

period. See in-store orvisit smithscity.co.nz/easycard for more details,ortoapplyfor your EasyCard.#Discount is offour full retail price. Not available in conjunction with anyotheroffer.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 34<br />

<strong>20</strong> <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22<br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

NewBuild<br />

Two and ahalf years ago, Prime Minister Jacinda<br />

Ardern announced, in our staffroom, that<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College had been allocated 55 million<br />

dollars for a new school rebuild. That was an<br />

exciting day.<br />

However, Idid not realisehow much work needed<br />

to be donebeforethe diggers actually came in and<br />

startedthe physical work.<br />

Adesign brief was created, along with hours of meetings held with the<br />

various stakeholders and architects to get to where we aretoday. It was<br />

important toput the time into this stage toensure the outcome will be<br />

fit forpurpose,and lastanother fifty years.But nowthe siteisfenced-off<br />

andthe diggers aremaking their mark as they move tons of soil.<br />

Stage 1<br />

This stagesees thebuilding of the firstblock,which will be hometothe<br />

Science, Maths, Agriculture, Drama and Artdepartments. All goingwell,<br />

this is due for occupation at the end of <strong>20</strong>23 so that wecan move in<br />

beforethe endofthe year and start<strong>20</strong>24 in the new block of classrooms<br />

and facilities.<br />

Other Construction<br />

At the same time as the first block construction, there will also other<br />

building work taking placearound the College.One of theGym changing<br />

blocks will be demolished and anew one built inits place; the historic<br />

Menorluebuilding will be sound-proofed and the exterior painted ready<br />

for the Music Department use; and the ‘hub’ for the new heating and<br />

cooling system will be installed beside thelibrary.<br />

End of Year<br />

Our Year 13 students are having their last days of being taught inthe<br />

classroom at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College, and will be celebrating their academic<br />

successes at our Graduation Ceremony on Monday 31<strong>October</strong>. The<br />

Year 11 and12students have their Prize-giving onThursday 03 November<br />

and this is when the Headstudents for<strong>20</strong>23 will be announced.<br />

NCEA examinations startonMonday07November.<br />

Our end-of-year full school assemblies have started, with the nine<br />

shortlisted Head Students for <strong>20</strong>23 giving speeches today before the<br />

studentsand staff maketheir finalvotefor the topfour students.<br />

The shortlisted students have been through a rigorous process to<br />

reach where they are now, which included an interview with the Senior<br />

Leadership Team. Congratulations go to all studentswho put their name<br />

forward.<br />

Next week we celebrate the Sporting and Cultural Blues Awards at<br />

another assembly.<br />

All the best for the annual Student Executive versus Staff Chess Match<br />

tomorrow with the hope, ofcourse, that the teachers continue their<br />

winning ways!<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 has been another year of highs and lows and, upon listening to<br />

the worldnews, Iamgrateful to liveinthe South Island of New Zealand.<br />

It will be student holiday time soon and, as this is my final newsletter<br />

commentaryfor <strong>20</strong>22, Iwish youand your families wherever theyare in<br />

the world, arestful andsafebreak andaveryHappyChristmas.<br />

Helen Shore-Taylor<br />

DeputyPrincipal •TumuakiTuarua<br />

Staff –Welcome<br />

Staff –Welcome Back<br />

Dana Dawson<br />

Teacher of Dance<br />

Susie Amos – we areverypleasedtowelcome Susie backtoCollege to her<br />

position as Teacher of Science, following ParentalLeave.<br />

Information<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Year 9<br />

Academic Scholarships for<strong>20</strong>23<br />

Criteria and applicationforms will be available<br />

from your child’s schoolearly Term Four.<br />

TheClosingDateforapplicationsis<br />

Thursday 10 November <strong>20</strong>22, 3:30pm.<br />

Theacademic examinationswill be held at <strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />

on Monday21November from 9:00am–11:15am.<br />

Enquiriesand applications to be made to<br />

SheenaTyrrell,Management Administrator,<br />

Email: ts@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Phone: 308 4193, extension 812; 027 2478003.<br />

Please note thatthese Scholarships are<br />

AcademicExcellence Scholarships.<br />

Information<br />

HomestayFamilies Being Soughtfor<br />

International Students<br />

WithinCollege’s internationalstudent programme, we aredelighted<br />

to be welcomingstudents back to College, andto<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

As aresult we arenow able to increase ourHomestay Familynumbers.<br />

Placements can be for afew weeks,afew months,orlonger -<br />

we work around whatworks best for you.<br />

Generally thereisonly one studentinthe home<br />

but thereare occasions when twostudents wishtobe in ahometogether.<br />

Although our focusison<strong>20</strong>23,<br />

we mayalso needhomestayfamilies in Term 4.<br />

Aweeklypayment is made forthese placements.<br />

If youthink that youwould be able to welcome astudentintoyour home,<br />

and/or want to find out more information<br />

please contactour InternationalDepartmentpersonnel:<br />

Michelle Hosking (Director) – hg@ashcoll.school.nz; or<br />

Tania Rule(Administration) – rl@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Michelle or Tania can arrange to talkormeetwith you.<br />

Many families havemade life-longconnections<br />

with the studentstheyhavehosted.<br />

If youthink youmay be interested,wewouldlovetohearfrom you.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College BoardofTrustees<br />

Casual Vacancyfor an ElectedTrustee<br />

ACasual Vacancyhas occurredonthe BoardofTrustees<br />

foranElectedParentRepresentative.<br />

TheBoardhas resolved,<br />

under Section 105 of the Education Act1989,<br />

to fill theVacancy by Selection.<br />

If tenpercent or moreofeligible voters on the College Roll<br />

ask the Board, within 28 days of this noticebeing published,<br />

to hold aBy-Election to fillthe vacancy, then aBy-Election will be held.<br />

Anyeligible voterwho wishes to ask the Board<br />

to hold aBy-Election should advise this,inwriting to:<br />

Email: ts@ashcoll.school.nz;<br />

or write<strong>Ashburton</strong>College BoardofTrustees,<br />

POBox <strong>20</strong>4, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740<br />

On or by:Thursday03November.<br />

NetSafe–Whānau Free Webinar<br />

Netsafe isNewZealand’sindependent,non-profitonline safety<br />

organisation, which provides onlinesafetysupport, expertiseand<br />

educationtopeople in New Zealand.<br />

Netsafe have an unrelenting focus on online safety, with the<br />

organisation working tokeep people of all ages safe online by<br />

providingfreesupport.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College is offering aNetsafe Webinar to<br />

Parents/Caregivers and Students.<br />

Tuesday 08 November,7:00pm -8:00pm,<br />

or alittle longer depending on questions asked.<br />

This is afreewebinar forparents and whānau about<br />

keeping young people safeonline.<br />

Netsafe's Education Advisor,Paula Wistrand,will be talking digital<br />

technology and the practical ways we can all help<br />

young people to be safeonline.<br />

Thesession will look at howparents/whānau can supportand<br />

enable children and young people to navigateonline opportunities,<br />

challenges and complexities.<br />

This canbeundertaken from your home,and<br />

providesanopportunitytolearnmoreabout staying safeonline,<br />

forall users; and howtomanage online use and behaviours.<br />

Alink to join this Webinar will be<br />

emailed to College families closer to the date.<br />

Events<br />

Students Repurpose Discarded LPG Cylinders<br />

Patrick Neal, Teacher-in-Charge of Automotive and Trades, tells us that<br />

Year 10 Metalwork students have beenrepurposing discarded LPG cylinders<br />

into items with anew function.<br />

He said that most have made barbecues and braziers. However afew have<br />

madeotheritems such as planter boxes.<br />

Thecylindersare from atank test facility,wherethey have been de-gassed.<br />

Undertaking this module of work students have learnt about thermal<br />

cutting, MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding, angle and die grinders, aswell as<br />

problem-solvingand theprinciples of afirebox.<br />

Events<br />

Staff vStudent ExecutiveatDodgeball<br />

Another sports challenge from the StudentExecutivetothe Staff took<br />

placeatthe end of last term, on Thursday29September.<br />

Dodgeball is very muchasits name suggests.The intent is to avoid getting<br />

hit by the ball thrown without mercy from an opposition player, and<br />

thereforebeing categorised as being ‘out’ofthe game.<br />

Apparently there were ‘rules’ toplay by, but there were cones ostensibly<br />

marking boundaries!<br />

Organiser, and referee, Jayne Cornelius said the outcome on this occasion<br />

wasaclose 4-3 score, but still to the Staff despitethe best endeavours of the<br />

Students to scoreasports win this year over the Staff. Itmust be noted that<br />

staff sports teams showlittle mercy!<br />

However, the event was good fun on the chessboard during the lunch<br />

break, in rather warm conditions with the southerly change holding off until<br />

minutes afterthe game ended.<br />

(Pictured above,front,leftand right): Head Students Jack Brownlining up an<br />

opposition target,while Jorja Roulston takes ahit beforebeing able to pass<br />

her ball.<br />

(Pictured left, clockwise<br />

from the front):<br />

Leaving teacher<br />

Patrick Sandrey eyes<br />

up alast chanceata<br />

target,with<br />

Josh Sim and<br />

Abbey Brucein<br />

support.<br />

(Pictured above): The players, with staff and student friendly relations<br />

restored post-match.<br />

(Back row, left to right): Henry Wallis, Campbell McBride,<br />

Caleb McNulty-Burns, Jack Brown, Oliver McKeown, Hannibal Ikahihifo,<br />

Michael Clark (obscured).<br />

(Middle row, left to right): Charles Savage, Zane Cameron, Claudia<br />

Thomas, Ashleigh Blakemore, Amelie Robertson, Lusungu Mbambo,<br />

Abbey Bruce, Jodee Ross,Kay Rotch, LeighHeaney-Lee, Vaughan Matheson,<br />

Jayne Cornelius,Josh Sim.<br />

(Front row, left toright): Caendal Harris, Jorja Roulston, Patrick Sandrey,<br />

TC Trusler-Clark.<br />

(Pictured left): BenCiron<br />

assembling his VW<br />

Combi-inspired brazier.<br />

(Pictured below):<br />

Drew Gilbertworking<br />

on the door ventsofhis<br />

barbecue.<br />

(Pictured above): CharlotteSyme<br />

settingupher brazier.<br />

(Pictured above, right, left toright): Testing barbecues and braziers are<br />

James Andrew, Hunter Boulton, Thomas Easton, JamesStocker.

Congratulations<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 34<br />

<strong>20</strong> <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 Successes in Mathematics Competitions<br />

College students have achievedsome significant resultsinMathematics<br />

Competitions during this year. Maths teacher and Assistant Head of<br />

Mathematics Faculty, Liz Cabout,outlines these, as below:<br />

Luke Hay<br />

Luke Hay has continued his outstanding results in Mathematics<br />

Competitions,this year,asfollows:<br />

• <strong>20</strong>22 ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools)<br />

Mathematics Competition: Luke gained aHigh Distinction Certificate,<br />

placing him in thetop 1% of all candidatesinNew Zealandand the Pacific<br />

region.<br />

• <strong>20</strong>22 Australian Mathematics Competition: Luke also gained High<br />

Distinction whichmeans he wasinthe top3%ofall candidates.<br />

Liz said these areamazing results,fromavery capablestudent.<br />

(Pictured left):<br />

Luke Hay<br />

underwayinthe<br />

competition.<br />

Other very good results were:<br />

In the ICAS Competition BenJurd and HenryProuting bothgained Credit<br />

Certificatesfor finishing in thetop <strong>20</strong>%ofall candidatesinNew Zealand and<br />

the Pacific region.<br />

In the Australian Maths Competition Hector Diamante gained a<br />

Distinction Certificate,placing himinthe top<strong>20</strong>%; and MaafalaFaamausili<br />

and Henry Prouting gained Credit Certificates for being placed in the top<br />

50%.<br />

Overall Results<br />

The ICAS Competition<br />

The International Competitions<br />

and Assessments for Schools<br />

is an independent, skills-based<br />

assessment programme. ICAS<br />

recognises and rewards student<br />

achievement in areas such as<br />

English, Maths, Science, Spelling, Writing and Digital Technologies. The<br />

series of tests are designed tomatch and test skills that are learned in the<br />

school classroom.<br />

Students from over twenty countries; including Australia, New Zealand,<br />

Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the United States,<br />

participate in ICAS each year.<br />

Each test is sat at the student’s school and is supervised by teachers under<br />

normal examination conditions.<br />

ICAS Results <strong>20</strong>22<br />

• Luke Hay –High Distinction Certificate placing him inthe top 1%ofall<br />

candidatesinNew Zealand and the Pacific region.<br />

• Ben Jurd and Henry Prouting –Credit Certificates (top <strong>20</strong>% of all<br />

candidatesinNew Zealand and the Pacific region).<br />

• Briahna Watters –Participation, with ascore of 22, but needing 23 to<br />

finish in the top50%.<br />

• Elliot Watson –Participation<br />

• Hector Diamante and Maafala Faamausili –Participation.<br />

(Pictured above, clockwise from the left): Briahna Watters, Henry Prouting,<br />

BenJurdworking on their answers).<br />

(Pictured right,<br />

lefttoright):<br />

Elliot Watson,<br />

HectorDiamante,<br />

Maafala Faamausili.<br />

AustralianMathematicsCompetition<br />

This competition was held between 03-05<br />

August.<br />

The Australian Mathematics Competition, or<br />

AMC, is one of Australia’s largest school-based<br />

Mathematics competitions.<br />

It features unique problems designed by<br />

Australia’s leading educators and academics,<br />

with the goal to demonstrate the importanceand relevanceofMathematics<br />

in students’everydaylives.<br />

Teachers co-ordinate the AMC inschools. Itisanengaging, 75minute,<br />

30-problem competition, open to students in Years 3to12, andisavailable<br />

in both online and paper format.<br />

Australian Mathematics Competition Results<br />

•LukeHay High Distinction - top 3%<br />

•HectorDiamante Distinction - top <strong>20</strong>%<br />

•Maafala Faamausili Credit - top 50%<br />

•HenryProuting Credit - top 50%<br />

•Aryan Saluja Credit - top 50%<br />

•Lachlan Storey Proficiency - scoreof32ormore<br />

•Briahna Watters Proficiency - scoreof32ormore<br />

•Elliot Watson Proficiency - scoreof32ormore<br />

Kiwi MathematicsCompetition<br />

The annual CAM (Centre for Assessment<br />

and Monitoring) Kiwi English, Mathematics<br />

and Science competitions are skills-based<br />

and closely aligned with the New Zealand<br />

Curriculum.<br />

Thetests aredesigned by New Zealand teachers forNew Zealand students,<br />

and are a50-minute online competition, with results provided to schools<br />

in Term Three. All participating studentsreceiveacertificate,and aprize is<br />

awarded to thetop student nationally in eachcompetition.The competition<br />

also provides parents/caregivers with an individual report ofthe student’s<br />

performance.<br />

KiwiMathematics Results<br />

Year 10 students<br />

BriahnaWatters Achieved - top 50%<br />

LachlanStorey,GabrielleRogers Participation<br />

Year 9students<br />

AryanSaluja Merit - top25%<br />

Chloe Davis Achieved - top 50%<br />

Lucy Boldy,ChloeFoster, Participation<br />

Olivia McFarlane,JoelMoffett,<br />

Kate Rickard, Isabel Wang<br />

Maddi Lowry Wins CyclingGold<br />

Year 13 studentMaddi Lowry competed at the <strong>20</strong>22 Cycling NZ Schools’,<br />

South Island and National Track Championships held at the SIT Indoor<br />

Velodrome in Invercargilloverthe studentholiday break.<br />

Overall, 1<strong>20</strong> track cyclists competed, representing thirty six schools from<br />

across New Zealand.<br />

Held on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 <strong>October</strong>, 18 year old Maddi<br />

competed in the Under <strong>20</strong> Women’s AgeGroup class.<br />

The teams events were held on the Tuesday and the individual events on<br />

Wednesday which was run on an Omnium style points system. In this<br />

system, points are allocated onthe rider’s finishing position in each race,<br />

andthen totalled to determine overall positions.<br />

Events<br />

Maddi competed in a5km Scratch Race; 7.5km Tempo Points Race; and a<br />

6-lap Keirin Race.<br />

(Pictured<br />

right): Maddi<br />

competing in<br />

the scratchrace<br />

(second from the<br />

front).<br />

Results<br />

We are advised that Maddi raced hard and intelligently throughout all<br />

her races, with the highlight being winning the South Island Track<br />

Championship <strong>20</strong>22 Title.<br />

Maddi also placed 4th in the National Championship standings, only<br />

narrowly missing out on the podium.<br />

Appreciation<br />

Maddi said she has enjoyedand is honoured to have been able to represent<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College forthe last fiveyears at manyschools’cycling events.<br />

During this time she has wonmanytitles on the road and track.<br />

It has been College’s pleasure to have her racing for the College in school<br />

events, and we wish her every success going forward. We are aware that<br />

such successes don’t come without many hours of hard training, which<br />

Maddi deservescredit for.<br />

South Island SecondarySchools’<br />

Cross-CountryEnduroMotocross<br />

This event, organised by the Gore and Districts Motorcycle Club, was<br />

held at Tapanui, West Otago on Sunday 18September; having been<br />

postponed from 04 September due to wetweather conditions.<br />

Year 11 student NicDalgety was the College’s solecompetitoratthisevent.<br />

Over the day, therewereover100 competitors in tworaces.Race1held the<br />

competitive classes, which iswhere Nic was entered; while Race 2 was for<br />

Noviceandfarmbike riders.<br />

Theraces were 1.5<br />

hourslong,around<br />

12kmloops over a<br />

range of varied terrain<br />

including mud-holes,<br />

up-hills, through<br />

forestry and gullies.<br />

We areadvisedthatit<br />

wasafantastic track<br />

to race on.<br />

(Pictured right): Nic<br />

readyfor his start,as<br />

Endurois astaged<br />

race.<br />

Outcomefor Nic –determinedbyapuncture,after agood start!<br />

Karen Dalgety, Nic’s mother, said that Nic was doing really well for the first<br />

time competing in an Enduro.<br />

In the 16-19 year Open Age Group, hewas running third inhis age group<br />

and in thetop 10 out of sixty fiveriders in his race -until he got apuncture.<br />

Nic tried to make itback to the pits to hopefully get his tyre changed but,<br />

when heading up an uphill section, his tyre unfortunately came off the<br />

rim which meant the end ofhis racing as he had towait until the race was<br />

finished before hewas able tobe<br />

pickedup.<br />

However, like atrue competitor,<br />

he’s looking forwardtogiving this<br />

another go next year.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

(Pictured left): Nicand bike<br />

being transportedback<br />

afterthe end of the race<br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong> Final School Assembly,Chessboard, 10:00am<br />

21 Winning House Assembly,Auditorium, 9:00am<br />

Chess –Staff vs StudentExecutive, Chessboard, lunchtime<br />

23-29 Tokelau Language Week<br />

24 Labour DayPublic Holiday<br />

27 Sporting and Cultural Blues Assembly,Chessboard, 12:30pm<br />

29-30 South Island Schools’Rugby7s, Timaru<br />

30 Aoraki Athletics (all age groups), Timaru<br />

November<br />

07-02 Dec NZQA Exams<br />

09 Year 10 InsideOUT presentation, 12:25pm, Auditorium<br />

Year 9InsideOUTpresentation, 2:05pm, Auditorium<br />

11 CanterburyAnniversaryDay Public Holiday<br />

<strong>20</strong>22End-of-YearFinal Days,Prize-Givings,Events<br />

Parents, caregivers,family/whānau,friends and interested community<br />

members aremost welcome to attend the Awards Ceremonyand Prizegivings.<br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

31 Year 13 final day. Students finish at 1:<strong>20</strong>pm.<br />

Year 13 Graduation Ceremony, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre, 7:30pm.<br />

November<br />

03 Year 12 final day. Students finish at 1:<strong>20</strong>pm.<br />

Year 11 final day. Students finish at 3:05pm.<br />

Year 11 and 12 Prize-Giving (Combined),<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre, 7:00pm.<br />

December<br />

04 Leavers’GraduationDinner,Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, arrive at 6:30pm,<br />

seatedat7:00pm.<br />

08 Year 10 final day. Prize-giving,5:30pm, Auditorium<br />

Year 9final day. Prize-giving,7:30pm, Auditorium<br />

(Pictured left): Maddi with her hardearned<br />

Gold Medal.



5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Band together forbandeddotterel<br />

Council has taken the banded<br />

dotterel, Pohowera, under its<br />

wing inthis year’s Bird of the Year<br />

competition and is encouraging<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> district residents to vote<br />

forit.<br />

The bandeddotterelisonthe endangered<br />

bird list but has found astable breeding<br />

habitat at Wakanui Beach, whichisbeing<br />

restored as anativebiodiversity area.<br />

WakanuiBeach wasimportant to Maori in<br />

the earlydaysand waspartofanetwork of<br />

settlementsalong thecoastline.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council together<br />

with Wakanui Crew, Wakanui School<br />

students, farmers in the area and others, is<br />

enhancingthespacewithnativeplantings;<br />

rare plants and endangered birds are hard<br />

to spotthough.<br />

Nests of the banded dotterel are difficult<br />

to distinguish and eggs are often atthe<br />

mercy ofpredators as well as unseeing<br />

humans and their vehicles. Another<br />

breeding population of banded dotterels<br />

is found at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Rivermouth,<br />

withthe highest abundanceofnativebirds<br />

in Canterbury.<br />

Community Services Group Manager<br />

Steve Fabish said the banded dotterel<br />

had achestnut colouredbreastband and<br />

preferred coastal shingle habitats and<br />

riverbeds.<br />

Thebandeddotterelisathreatenedspecies,butithasfoundastablebreedingground<br />

at Wakanui Beach. Photo: ValClemens<br />

“It’s good that these birds have called<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>homejustlikeall of us andwe<br />

are solucky tohave agroup committed<br />

to enhancing Wakanui Beach. Hopefully<br />

in yearstocome,these birds willbeseen<br />

more commonly again. We need to do as<br />

much as we cantosafeguard theirnests.<br />

“Soifyou’revoting in Birdofthe Year,then<br />

banded dotterels have tobetop of your<br />

list. Feel free to tick the boxesfor wrybills<br />

and black-fronted terns too, as these birds<br />

arealso in our patch.”<br />

Banded dotterels breed throughout<br />

New Zealand on sandy coasts, shingle<br />

and braided riverbeds, or sometimes<br />

farmland. Some migrate to Australia once<br />

nesting is complete,otherstothe northern<br />

North Island’s harbours and estuaries.<br />

Forest and Bird member, Val Clemens,<br />

is currently working with landowners at<br />

Wakanui Beach to ensure the fledging<br />

chicks alongthe coastare notdisturbed.<br />

“Aswell as enhancing Wakanui Beachfor<br />

banded dotterels and other threatened<br />

birds, it’s really important that people<br />

know they exist because human<br />

disturbance, by vehicle orfoot, damages<br />

nestsand kills fledging chicks,”MrFabish<br />

said.<br />

Go to www.birdoftheyear.org.nztosee all<br />

thebirds.Votingcloses 31 <strong>October</strong>.<br />

Thursday,<strong>20</strong><strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22 | ISSUE 101<br />

Spotlighton<br />

Burnett Stin<br />

newshow<br />

Burnett Street, in <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s<br />

centralbusinessdistrict,isthe focus<br />

of anew exhibition opening next<br />

week at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery<br />

and Museum.<br />

Museum staff have issued an invitation<br />

to the community to come along on<br />

Wednesday 26<strong>October</strong> for the opening<br />

of Spotlight on Burnett Street, at 6pm.<br />

As part of the opening, archivist Connor<br />

Lysaght will talk about how topreserve<br />

different types of photographic material.<br />

Burnett Street lies in the bustling heart of<br />

our town, having cateredtothe needs of<br />

our growing population since the early<br />

1870s.<br />

Although fewphysicalremnantsfromthat<br />

earliestera remain,our display of stories,<br />

photos and archives will capture the<br />

changing landscape, livesand businesses<br />

of one of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s busieststreets.<br />

Helpusdistributecreativecommunities funds<br />

Council administers the Creative<br />

Communities Scheme on behalf of<br />

Creative New Zealand and we are<br />

lookingforanewcommitteemember.<br />

The vacancy has arisen due to the<br />

resignation of an incumbent who has<br />

served the local arts community well.<br />

Expressions of interest are sought from<br />

people who have the necessary skills to<br />

continue this valuedcontribution.<br />

Committee members meet twice ayear<br />

for a two-hour assessment meeting.<br />

Prior tothis, members will need to have<br />

reviewedtheapplications,whichmaytake<br />

up to four hours depending on numbers.<br />

Creative projects that have received<br />

funding previously include Hakatere<br />

Ceramics Exhibition, Digital storytellers<br />

workshop, and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Stone<br />

SculptureSymposium.<br />

Formoreinformation,contact Council on<br />

307-7700 orsubmit your letter expressing<br />

your interest.<br />

HamishRiach -Chief Executive<br />

Support fornew citizens, newcouncillors<br />

Howgood it wastosee the<br />

manyphotosand smiling faces<br />

thatresultedfromour recent<br />

citizenship ceremony,the first<br />

in-person citizenship event able to<br />

be heldfor more than ayear.<br />

Howgooditwastosee the many<br />

photosand smiling faces that resulted<br />

from our recent citizenship ceremony,<br />

the firstin-person citizenship event able<br />

to be held formorethan ayear.<br />

About 100 newKiwis were present on<br />

the night,supported by familyand<br />

friends they havemade sincecoming<br />

to NewZealand. Thesenew citizens are<br />

crucial to our districtand their job skills<br />

areverymuch valued; theyhavecome<br />

from all around theworldtoliveinour<br />

patch, which is nowtheir patch too.<br />

Theresumption of public eventsis<br />

welcomeaftertwo yearsunder the<br />

covidcloud andweare allenjoying<br />

getting out and aboutinnumbers.<br />

Staff arebusy planning severalmore<br />

public events, including another<br />

citizenshipceremony in December<br />

andactivities forthe NightsofLights<br />

Christmas festival, which includes<br />

lightingupthe giant Christmastreeon<br />

Friday 2December.<br />

Council will also haveapresenceatthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&Pshownextweek and<br />

we’ll have staff andelectedcouncillors<br />

on handtoanswer questions or talk<br />

about some of the work we aredoing.<br />

Drop in if youhaveaburning question,<br />

or justwant to say hello or see what’sin<br />

ourmarquee.<br />

The councillorshavejustbegun their<br />

induction followingthe recent Local<br />

GovernmentElectionsand willbe<br />

sworn in next Thursday27<strong>October</strong>.<br />

The settlinginperiod forthe new<br />

council is important,and new<br />

councillorswill have achancetolearn<br />

aboutwhatCouncil does,how those<br />

activitiesare funded, and keyissues for<br />

the future.<br />

Education sessions run by Local<br />

GovernmentNew Zealand next week<br />

will coverCouncil fundamentals,<br />

Te Tiriti oWaitangi, community<br />

engagement and howtobuild astrong<br />

council team.<br />

Council’sExecutive Team are<br />

programmedtodiscuss the roles and<br />

activitiestheyare responsible for,<br />

including<br />

finances and<br />

issues and<br />

opportunities.<br />

Our electedmemberscome from<br />

arangeofbackgroundsand bring<br />

different experiencesand skills to<br />

the table, and our newcouncillorsin<br />

particular need to learn and develop<br />

newknowledgeand understanding in<br />

order to getthe bestoutcomes from<br />

their time as aCouncillor. The end<br />

result should be acohesiveCouncil<br />

teamconnectedtothe community and<br />

working forthe bestinterests of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> district.<br />

It’salot to take in,and allstaffare here<br />

to help getthe newCouncil settled in a<br />

firing on all cylinders.<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>20</strong><strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22 |ISSUE 101<br />


Fasten your seatbelts,<br />

airport planisadopted<br />

Adevelopment planfor the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport hasbeen adopted.<br />

Community feedback has helped<br />

shape the final <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport<br />

Development Plan, which was<br />

adoptedbyCouncil recently.<br />

The plan allows for development at the<br />

Airportoverthe next30years and aims to<br />

seethe facility becomemorevibrant and<br />

financiallyself-sufficient.<br />

Therewasgeneralsupportfromsubmitters<br />

for three proposed hangar precincts,<br />

although Councillors made adjustments<br />

in response to feedback. Commercial<br />

activity, that’s better suited away from<br />

residentialareas,willbeallowedtooperate<br />

from thenew recreational precinctonthe<br />

airport’s northern boundary rather than<br />

thecommercial hangarprecinctadjacent<br />

to SeafieldRoad.<br />

The Council also acknowledged that<br />

care will need to be taken around<br />

density, amenity and landscaping when<br />

considering lease applications for the<br />

commercial hangar area to help retainthe<br />

open rural feel that localresidentsenjoy.<br />

Twohectaresalongthe westernboundary<br />

of the site will be available for building<br />

hangar homes, where people are able<br />

live in the same building as their aircraft.<br />

This will be anew activity forAirportand<br />

requires resource consent or achange<br />

to the District Plan. With afull Resource<br />

Management Actprocess to follow, it will<br />

takefurtherinvestigationandengagement<br />

with locals beforethe firsthangarhome is<br />

built.<br />

Airport users asked that safety begiven<br />

a greater priority in the document,<br />

particularlywithaviationactivitypredicted<br />

toincreaseinthefuture.Councillorsagreed<br />

and added safety to the plan’s values,<br />

ensuring itwill bekey consideration for<br />

futuredevelopment.Theyalsonoted that<br />

the airport’sgrass runways will needtobe<br />

carefully monitored for increased wear<br />

and tear, as the facility becomes more<br />

popular.<br />

Submitters also took the opportunity to<br />

comment on aproposal from NZ Airline<br />

Academy (NZAA) to establish a flight<br />

school at the Airport. While the proposal<br />

wasn’t part of the development plan<br />

itself,councillorsnoted the feedback and<br />

will carefully consider it when the lease<br />

application is presented for adecision in<br />

the future.<br />

The Council received 109 submission<br />

duringconsultation, the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport<br />

Development Plan can beviewed onthe<br />

Council’swebsite.<br />

Council services over the<br />

Labour holiday weekend<br />

If you’re planning abig weekend<br />

in the garden, then you’ll beable<br />

to take all your green waste tothe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Resource Recovery Park,<br />

which is open everyday overLabour<br />

weekendand thepublic holiday.<br />

Or maybe you have plans to visit the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery and Museum<br />

and check out the life and times of<br />

one of <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s earliest female<br />

photographers, BobbieBarwell.<br />

Thegalleryandmuseum,andEANetworks<br />

Centre, will also beopen every day over<br />

Labour weekend, though the public<br />

holiday onMonday 24 <strong>October</strong> will see<br />

temporary changes to some other Council<br />

servicesand facilities.<br />

There is no change to kerbside rubbish<br />

and recycling collections and Monday’s<br />

collection will take placeasusual.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Resource Recovery Park<br />

will be open Saturday from 9am-6pm,<br />

Sunday from 9am-5pm, andMonday from<br />

8amuntil6pm.<br />

The Methven green wastedropoff will be<br />

open Sunday from 12pm until4pm.<br />

The Rakaia Resource Recovery Park will<br />

be open on Saturday from 9am-3pm,and<br />

closed on Monday.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> PublicLibrarywill be open<br />

Saturday 10am-1pm, Sunday 1pm-4pm<br />

andclosedMonday.<br />

Council’s administration building on<br />

Baring SquareWestwill be closed but the<br />

afterhours/24 hours-a-day service will be<br />

operating-pleasephone 03 307 7700.<br />



Pursuant to the Transport(Vehicular<br />

Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965,<br />

noticeisherebygiven thatfor the<br />

purpose of the Rakaia School 150th<br />

Jubilee,the following road(s) willbe<br />

closedtoordinary vehicular traffic (with<br />

the exception of emergencyvehicles) for<br />

the period indicatedbelow.<br />

Roads to be closed:<br />

• MACKIE STREET, fromElizabeth<br />

AvenuetoDunfordStreet<br />

• DUNFORD STREET, from Cridland<br />

StreettoMackie Street<br />

PeriodofClosure: From 10.00am until<br />

11.30am on SATURDAY,22<strong>October</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>22.<br />

It will be an offenceunder the above<br />

regulations forany person otherwise<br />

thanunder authorityofanauthorised<br />

permit to use the roadsforordinary<br />

vehicular trafficduring theperiod of<br />

closure.<br />


Group Manager InfrastructureServices<br />




There is no change to kerbsiderubbish<br />

andrecycling collections on Monday<br />

24 <strong>October</strong> andthe kerbsidecollection<br />

willtakeplace as usual. The <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Resource Recovery Park willbeopen<br />

from 9amuntil 5pm, butthe Rakaia<br />

ResourceRecoveryPark willbeclosed.<br />

Please useyour windstrap,nomatterthe<br />

weather!<br />


Rakaia Reserve Board -Monday31<br />

<strong>October</strong>,7.30pm at Rakaia Bowling<br />

Club<br />

RuapunaReserveBoard -Tuesday<br />

1November, 7pm at RuapunaHall<br />

Tinwald Memorial HallBoard -<br />

Wednesday9November,7pm at<br />

Tinwald Hall<br />

Methven Reserve Board -<br />

Wednesday 23 November,7pm at<br />

Methven RugbyClub<br />

VOTE<strong>20</strong>22LOCALELECTIONS<br />

The official declarationofresultsconfirms<br />

the following candidateswereelected:<br />

Mayor: Neil Brown.<br />

Councillors: LizMcMillan,Rodger<br />

Letham, LynetteLovett, RichardWilson,<br />

Carolyn Cameron, Tony Todd, Leen<br />

Braam, PhillHooperand Russell Ellis.<br />

Methven Community Board: Richie<br />

Owen, Allan Lock,Kelvin Holmes,Megan<br />

Fitzgerald andRobin Jenkinson.<br />

Braided RiversCommunityTrust:<br />

ChantelleQuinn,Chris Robertson, Gerard<br />

Rushton, TimSilva,Robert Harnett and<br />

Kieran Breakwell.<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil givespublic<br />

noticeofaproposal to temporarily close<br />

roads to ordinary vehicletraffic to enable<br />

the holdingofacommunity event –<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>SantaParade.<br />

Road proposed to be closed:<br />

• MONASQUARE, between Cass<br />

Streetand Kermode Street<br />

• KERMODE STREET, between Mona<br />

Squareand EastStreet<br />

• EASTSTREET, betweenSH1 and<br />

CameronStreet<br />

• CAMERON STREET, between East<br />

Streetand VictoriaStreet<br />

• VICTORIA STREET, between<br />

Cameron Street and Cass Street<br />

Periods of Closure: From 10.30am to 12<br />

noon on SATURDAY,03December <strong>20</strong>22.<br />

Detourswillbeavailable on adjacent<br />

roads and these will be signposted.<br />

Thisproposed closureismade underthe<br />

Local Government Act1974 –Schedule<br />

10 (11(e).Any person objecting to the<br />

proposal should lodgenoticeoftheir<br />

objection and grounds fortheir objection<br />

in writingbypostoremail(info@adc.<br />

govt.nz) to the Council, 5Baring Square<br />

West, <strong>Ashburton</strong> by 4PM on FRIDAY, 28<br />

<strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22.<br />


GroupManager InfrastructureServices<br />



The <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictLicensing<br />

Committee willholdapublic hearingto<br />

consider an application by KD Kumar<br />

InvestmentsLimitedfor an off licence<br />

under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

<strong>20</strong>12.<br />

Date: Friday 4November<br />

Venue: Council Chambers<br />

Time: 10am<br />

Committeemembers: Robin Kilworth<br />

(commissioner),GregClapp (member)<br />

andTracy McIlraith (member).<br />

Any person who claimsaninterestinthe<br />

proceedings must:<br />

• Advisethe committeeofthe<br />

grounds of thatinterest(if not<br />

already notified)<br />

• Adviseiftheyintendtomake<br />

submissionsorgiveevidenceatthe<br />

hearing<br />

• Provide four copies of typed<br />

statementsofthe evidenceand<br />

submissionstobetendered.<br />

All parties arerequired to provide all<br />

documentsthatwill be produced as<br />

evidence to the licensing committee<br />

by close of businessonThursday 27<br />

<strong>October</strong>.Documentsmustalso be<br />

provided to all other parties within the<br />

same timeframe.<br />


Secretary, District Licensing<br />

Committee<br />


ThatCouncil gives publicnotice<br />

of the makingofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

DistrictCouncil StormwaterBylaw<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 under section 157 of the Local<br />

Government Act, noting thatthe<br />

bylaw will come intooperation on 21<br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22.<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon,Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


<strong>20</strong> River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />

Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily,late night Wed to 7pm<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>20</strong><strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22 |ISSUE 101<br />



<br />

<br />

Boys’, Girls’and Educational<br />

OurChristmas Stock has arrived.<br />

Stock is limited,socheck out beforewesell out!<br />

<br />

<br />

2517110<br />

The Arcade, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 7340

Pragmatic proposal to reduce emissions<br />

The Government has released<br />

apragmatic proposal to reduce<br />

agriculturalemissions, setting<br />

up our biggest export earner<br />

for future successand putting<br />

New Zealandontracktomeet<br />

our <strong>20</strong>30 methane reduction<br />

target.<br />

This is an important step<br />

forward in New Zealand’s<br />

transitiontoalow emissions<br />

future and delivers on our<br />

promise to price agriculture<br />

emissions from <strong>20</strong>25. The<br />

Government largely adoptsthe<br />

farming sector’sproposalto<br />

priceemissions at the farm<br />

level. The proposal would see<br />

New Zealandfarmers lead the<br />

worldinreducing emissions,<br />

delivering acompetitive<br />

advantage, enhancing our<br />

export brandand helping to<br />

boostexport earnings.<br />

Consultationtowork through<br />

sequestration, levy setting<br />

process, and transition<br />

assistance is open fromnow<br />

until18November <strong>20</strong>22 and I<br />

encourage you to have your say<br />

through asubmission.<br />

Ialso wanted to talk about<br />

the economy. Whenwelook<br />

around the world it is clear<br />

thatthings have beentough<br />

everywhere,but thatNew<br />

Zealand continuestodobetter<br />

thanmost.Iwanted to quickly<br />

report back on some of the<br />

economic indicatorsthat may<br />

be of interest. These give real<br />

reason to feeloptimisticabout<br />

the future,and the<br />

opportunities before us.<br />

New Zealand’s GDP is up and<br />

our economy is now five<br />

percent largerthan before the<br />

pandemic. Unemploymentisat<br />

anearrecord low and wages<br />

are up, which makes both<br />

families and our economy<br />

strong.Acrossthe key<br />

economic measures of growth,<br />

unemployment and debt we’re<br />

in abetter of similar position<br />

to the likes of Australia, the<br />

US, UK and Canada.<br />

Throughour strong<br />

economic management, we’ve<br />

achieved all of these positive<br />

resultswith asimilar debt<br />

level to what the previous<br />

National governmenttook on<br />

as apercentage of GDP during<br />

the GlobalFinancial Crisis –<br />

despitethe covid economic<br />

crisis being even moresevere.<br />

Despite all of this,Iknow<br />

thingsstill feeltough for many<br />

in the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Districtinthe<br />

face of global pressures. That’s<br />

why we’ve rolled out anumber<br />

of measurestohelp ease this<br />

pressure, including with our<br />

Cost of LivingPayment,action<br />

on supermarkets, fuel tax cut<br />

and more.<br />

While the world still faces<br />

big challenges, like high<br />

inflation, there’salot for<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> to be optimistic<br />

about.The latest figures show<br />

that New Zealand is in astrong<br />

position to navigatethrough<br />

the uncertainty, and seize the<br />

opportunities in front of us.<br />

This FREE classroom based course will help you<br />

re-familiarise yourself with traffic rules and safe<br />

driving practices. It will also increase your<br />

knowledge about other transport options and<br />

help you remain independent for longer.<br />

DATE:<br />

TIME:<br />

Friday 4November <strong>20</strong>22<br />

10.00am -2.00pm<br />

VENUE: <strong>Ashburton</strong>Senior Centre, <strong>20</strong>6 Cameron Street<br />

PHONE: 03 308 6817<br />

EMAIL: ageconcernashburton@xtra.co.nz

Ploughing champs cutting the grade<br />

Oxfordwas the place to be for<br />

ploughing enthusiasts treated<br />

to arecent double header<br />

weekend with two days of<br />

competition.<br />

Amongthose competing were<br />

AngeProtheroe, of Hinds, and<br />

Bruce Grahamand Pearce<br />

Watson, both from <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

On day onethe Oxford<br />

Working MensClub(vintage<br />

section) held their annual<br />

ploughing matchatWoodbine<br />

Farm near Oxford.<br />

On day twothe North<br />

Canterbury Ploughing<br />

Association held their annual<br />

ploughing competition on the<br />

sameproperty to find regional<br />

qualifiersfor the NewZealand<br />

nationals in April <strong>20</strong>23.<br />

PresidentPeter Mehrtens<br />

saysitwas an idealweekend for<br />

ploughing and hewas happy<br />

with the 22 entries on both days.<br />

The weekend’s events<br />

covered vintage tractors and<br />

ploughs, asilver plough<br />

competition, Clydesdale horses<br />

and modern tractors with<br />

reversible ploughs.<br />

‘‘The weather wasideal and<br />

thegroundconditions were<br />

also perfect,that makes all the<br />

difference,’’ he said.<br />

Mr Mehrtens finished third<br />

during Sunday’s ploughing<br />

match, and nowqualifies for<br />

theNew ZealandPloughing<br />

Champs in Milton on April 23,<br />

<strong>20</strong>23.<br />

He said each competitorwas<br />

tryingtoachieve evenness,<br />

straightness, effective weed<br />

control, leavenoholes and<br />

maintain agood appearance in<br />

their runs up and down their<br />

sectionofthe competition<br />

course.<br />

‘‘In thetwo hoursyou have to<br />

completeyour entry,it’s all<br />

about concentration,finesse<br />

and how you set up the plough<br />

which determines howyour<br />

first splitlooks and then the<br />

following lines.’’<br />

~North Canterbury News<br />

Pearce Watson, of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

aboard his 1938 John Deere<br />

tractor.<br />

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2500773<br />

Ange Protheroe, top photo, of Hinds carefully manages apair Dayboo<br />

Stud Clydesdale horses, and bottom photo, Bruce Graham, of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> checks his first split during Saturday’s competition.<br />


CherylFowler<br />

0274612 614 cheryl.fowler@raywhite.com<br />

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Testimonial<br />

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first home. She made the entire process such abreeze and<br />

always went the extra mile forus. We are soappreciative.<br />

We hope to work with her again in the future.”<br />

Annieand Ethan<br />

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<strong>20</strong> <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>October</strong>28&<strong>October</strong>29, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />

145 TH ASHBURTON<br />

A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />


Friday28th <strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

2521798<br />

7.30am<br />

8.00am<br />

8.30am<br />

9.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

10.00am<br />

1.00pm<br />

TuxDog Trials<br />

Equestrian Events commence<br />

Showjumping commences<br />

Trade&Outdoor Markets open<br />

Sideshows runbySturgeon’sAmusementscommenceoperating<br />

Wool Judging<br />

HomeIndustries Judging<br />

Grain and Seed Judging<br />

South IslandSeed Dressing &Storage Home Industries Pavilion opens<br />

7.30am<br />

8.00am<br />

8.30am<br />

9.00am<br />

9.30am<br />

10.00am<br />

11.00am<br />

Saturday29th <strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22<br />

TuxDog Trials<br />

MorningProgramme<br />

Equestrian Events commence<br />

Showjumping commences<br />

South IslandSeedDressing &<br />

Storage Home Industries Pavilion opens<br />

Trade &OutdoorMarkets open<br />

Bar opens by the Food Courtwith livemusic<br />

Sheep Judging<br />

Shearingcommences<br />

Highland&NationalDancing Competition starts<br />

Donkey andMules<br />

Goat &PoultryJudging BayleysPavilion<br />

Alpaca Judging<br />

House of Bricks opens in theBayleysPavilion, free to children<br />

CrazyBikes withPedal mania free to all children<br />

Calf Section Judging –entries welcome on the day<br />

Champion of ChampionSchool Calf<br />

PetSectionJudging–entries welcome on theday<br />

Champion of ChampionSchool PetLamb<br />

Shetland PoniesJudging<br />

Afternoon Programme<br />

Noon Champion of ChampionRam &Ewe Hogget’s<br />

Presentation of Sheep &Awards–SheepPens<br />

1.00pm Tiny Tots Show on astage by the HomeIndustries Pavilion<br />

PetParade judging begins in theBruce Equestrian Arena<br />

1.50pm Address by President<br />

2.00pm Grand Parade<br />

Rural Co Lolly Scramble<br />

3.00pm Showjumping Continues<br />

3.30pm Shearing Presentations<br />

4.00pm South IslandSeed Dressing &Storage Home Industries Pavilion:<br />

TrophyPresentations<br />

Note ThePavilion willbeclearedofpeople afterthe presentations of<br />

trophies at 4.00pm andwill reopen oncethe screenshavebeen<br />

removedallowingfor theremovalofexhibits.<br />

Alltimes approximate<br />

Horse Events<br />

The wholesome fun of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Show returns in full next week.<br />

Full rural showcase<br />

All the wholesome family fun<br />

of the A&P Show returns to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> next week as the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Association<br />

holds its 145th show.<br />

It will feature anew pet<br />

parade event, see the return<br />

of calves on show, play host to<br />

the Young Farmers of Year<br />

first competition run­off,<br />

have shearers vying for<br />

national spots and plenty of<br />

action during the Tux New<br />

Zealand Yarding Challenge<br />

Dog Trials.<br />

The show, with its theme of<br />

‘Multi Cultural Mid<br />

Canterbury’, runs on Friday,<br />

<strong>October</strong> 28 and Saturday,<br />

<strong>October</strong> 29.<br />

Dog trials ­with arecord<br />

170 entries ­start from 8am,<br />

and from 9am the outdoor<br />

markets, trade sites and<br />

sideshows open.<br />

The pet pavilion opens on<br />

Friday from 10am, and<br />

Saturday from 9am.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Association<br />

administrator Lucille Brown<br />

is hopeful for alarge crowd as<br />

it was the first full show since<br />

covid times. ‘‘We really want<br />

the public to come, that’s<br />

what our big thing is this year.<br />

‘‘It was <strong>20</strong>19 when they’ve last<br />

been able to come through<br />

our gate,’’ she said.<br />

Entry costs adults $15 but<br />

there was no charge for<br />

children and plenty of free<br />

activities on site and to look<br />

at over the show’s two days.<br />

‘‘The House of Bricks and<br />

the crazy bikes are all free.<br />

There is no charge for those,’’<br />

she said.<br />

‘‘House of Bricks is when<br />

they can go and play on aLego<br />

table. We are trying to get<br />

things for children. All those<br />

pet parades and things like<br />

that for children are free (to<br />

watch), there is lots they can<br />

look at,’’ she said.<br />

The pet parade will be on<br />

Saturday at 1pm.<br />

‘‘There is alolly scramble,<br />

this year sponsored by<br />

Ruralco, straight after the<br />

grand parade (on Saturday)<br />

at 2pm.’’<br />

Nearly 100 trade sites will<br />

be on the grounds and more<br />

market sites than normal,<br />

she said.<br />

There was also the fun<br />

fair, and an Irish bar and<br />

band set up to entertain on<br />

the Saturday programme.<br />

The children's colouringin<br />

competition returns with<br />

aMulti Cultural Mid<br />

Canterbury theme. It is for<br />

those aged 4­6, 7­9 and<br />

10­12. It is sponsored by<br />

Drummond and Etheridge<br />

and copies can be collected<br />

from the store at 832 East<br />

Street, or downloaded from<br />

www.dne.co.nz<br />

Completed entries are to<br />

be placed in the entry box<br />

in the store by 5pm<br />

tomorrow (Friday, <strong>October</strong><br />

21).<br />

Competition entries will<br />

be displayed in the home<br />

industries pavilion during<br />

the show.<br />

Friday28th<strong>October</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictClasses, Group A, B, CShowPonies,Saddle HunterPonies,<br />

Working HunterHorse,HunteroverFences,<br />

Working HunterPonies,PonyHunteroverFences,Recreation Pleasure,<br />

MiniatureHorses, Inhand Ponies,Inhand Welsh Ponies,First Ridden, Lead Rein<br />

Saturday29th <strong>October</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictClasses,Hacks,ParkHacks,Saddle Hunters,Riding Horse,<br />

Inhand Standardbred,Saddle Cobs/Maxi Cobs,Ridden Standardbred,Inhand<br />

ColouredHorses &Ponies,Inhand Horse,Ridden Pinto, Clydesdales,<br />

Donkeys, Mules,Shetland Pony,PleasureHarness.<br />


145 TH ASHBURTON<br />

A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

ThreeRivers Bale Feeders<br />

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2523517<br />

Animals go on show<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P show will<br />

have plenty of animals on<br />

show and some of the latest<br />

farm machinery on offer.<br />

But while those features<br />

still form the core of the<br />

show, there will be lots more<br />

to interest and entertain the<br />

thousands of visitors<br />

expected to flow through the<br />

gates.<br />

The association has around<br />

4000 entries in competitions<br />

running over the two day<br />

event.<br />

Sheep of all breeds,<br />

alpacas, goats, donkeys,<br />

poultry and horses ­including<br />

an impressive line­up of<br />

Clydesdale horses ­will be<br />

vying to win their competition<br />

classes and even champion<br />

titles.<br />

Pet calves will also return<br />

after afive year absence due<br />

to Mycoplasma bovis, and<br />

then covid. Cattle, of any age,<br />

were last at the show in <strong>20</strong>17.<br />

Calf section chairwoman<br />

Frances Beeston said the<br />

popular pet calves section<br />

was awelcome return and<br />

would feature during the<br />

show’s Saturday programme.<br />

Calf judging, with entries<br />

taken on the day, will take<br />

place on Saturday from 10am<br />

with prizes and ribbons up for<br />

grabs for the Champion and<br />

Reserve Champion Calf.<br />

As well as age group<br />

trophies and cup for those<br />

ranging in age from Under<br />

five to 17 years old.<br />

There is also an ANZ Bank<br />

Handlers Section for<br />

handlers ranging in age from<br />

10 years and under, 11­16<br />

years and over 17 years.<br />

Primary schools will also<br />

compete for the title of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Primary<br />

Schools Champion of<br />

Champion Calf ribbon and<br />

trophy.<br />

The home industries<br />

pavilion will showcase awide<br />

variety of home and craft<br />

skills, including jams,<br />

homemade wines and beers,<br />

baking, sewing, needlecraft,<br />

teddy bears, embroidery,<br />

patchwork, knitting, floral<br />

art, cooking, photography, art<br />

and woodworking.<br />

There will also be arange<br />

of children’s classes, with<br />

flowers, craft and technology,<br />

art and woodwork on show.<br />

Closing day for general<br />

entries was reasonably<br />

steady at the grounds but<br />

more were expected with<br />

showjumping entries open<br />

until tomorrow, and many<br />

classes entered at the<br />

showgrounds on the day<br />

including floral art, cut<br />

flowers, pet lambs, calves, pet<br />

parade, shearing and Tiny<br />

Tots Show.<br />

Dog trials this year have<br />

proved very popular with<br />

scores of trials to get through<br />

over two days. Competition<br />

starts at 8am for dogs and<br />

their owners on both days, as<br />

well as competitions for<br />

horses and their riders.<br />

The show has alarge and<br />

varied equestrian section,<br />

with classes catering for<br />

showjumping through to<br />

showing ponies, horses and<br />

young stock, Clydesdales<br />

down to miniatures and<br />

Shetlands. There are also<br />

donkeys.<br />

Thegrand parade, where<br />

winnersofthe variousclasses<br />

will havetheir lap of honourin<br />

thering,begins at 2pmon<br />

Saturday, with participants<br />

beingled by the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Highland PipeBand.<br />

★ Entry to theshowgrounds<br />

is $15 perperson, withfree<br />

entry for schoolchildren.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>A&P has<br />

been entertaining both town<br />

andcountry people since1878.<br />

Come and see us at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P show to find<br />

out moreabout what we do<br />

and what it’s liketowork at<br />

Talley’s.<br />

Siteattractions:<br />

•Pea Truck &Viner<br />

•Corn Harvester<br />

•FreeBBQ &Ice Cream<br />

•Meet our team<br />

•Games, balloons &prizes<br />

for the kids<br />

•Seed giveaways<br />

www.talleys.co.nz<br />

NEW<br />

EVENTS<br />

•Pet Parade<br />

•Preliminary<br />

YFCCompetition<br />

145 TH ASHBURTON<br />

A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH<br />

OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

Entry fee: $15 adult<br />

All children FREE<br />

Seniors $10<br />

(Friday only)<br />

Trade and market sites<br />

House of Bricks,Balloon Man Equestrian Showjumping<br />

Highland Dancing TinyTots FeatureMarquee<br />

Home Industries Pavilion Small animal area<br />

Livemusic on centre stage Shearing Crazybikes<br />

Sheep DogTrialsand all the animal sections<br />



22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

Creations on show<br />

2521798<br />

040 trainsNmodels<br />

Seeour range at site#1305-1306<br />

03 307 0155<br />

040@040trainsnmodels.co.nz<br />

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Openbyappointment<br />

2523727<br />

Home Industries Pavilion convenor<br />

JulieHollings says therewill be<br />

plenty to see in the industries<br />

pavilionatthe A&P show.<br />

Overall there had been asurge in<br />

entries in the pavilion thisyear and<br />

some sections, suchasthe quilting<br />

section and the children’s section,<br />

were well­uponentry numbers of<br />

past years.<br />

She saidthe children’s works will<br />

be displayed in the lean­to area of the<br />

pavilion, whichwas achange from<br />

otheryears.<br />

She said46entries had been<br />

received in the sand saucer class<br />

alone.<br />

“We’re really pleased withthe<br />

number of entries, there are afew<br />

new ones and evenchildren, who are<br />

too old for thechildren’s section, are<br />

now entering (adult classes),” she<br />

said.<br />

“The quiltsectionishuge. It’s<br />

always well supportedbut there are<br />

more thisyear.”<br />

“People in general are pleasedto<br />

get their showback.<br />

“A&P shows are traditionally the<br />

social eventofthe ruralcommunity.”<br />

It’s achancefor the townies to<br />

come out and see what the rural<br />

community are doing.<br />


Safety Village<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Aand PShow<br />

28 and 29 <strong>October</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

“Keeping ourselves and<br />

our families safe”<br />

Make suretovisitthe Safety Village<br />

at this year’s A&P Show!<br />

11 communitysafetyagencies will be there, with<br />

heaps of information and activities foryou:<br />

Seealivekitchen firedemonstration with<br />

Fire and EmergencyNZ<br />

Free balanceassessments<br />

Free bloodpressurechecks<br />

Do the house evacuation challenge with Fire<br />

and EmergencyNZ<br />

Have agoatCPR<br />

Enterthe Safety Village competition and be in<br />

to win afamily 4hour discoverypool session at<br />

the Opuke Thermal Pools<br />

Giveawaysand activities forthe kids<br />

2521592<br />

Looking to<br />

increase yields?<br />

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Increasing your profitability takes more than simply planting the right<br />

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For nearly 50 years our agronomists have been here for our farmers<br />

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to us and let’s grow together. Take the opportunity to speak to us at<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P show.Wewill be at site 310 on Presidents Lane.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

23<br />

2521798<br />

Celebrating cultures of Mid Canterbury<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Show is embracing<br />

and celebrating themanyvarious<br />

culturesofMid Canterbury, A&P<br />

AssociationpresidentVictorSchikker<br />

says.<br />

He has chosen the themefor this year’s<br />

show drawing on the extensive multi<br />

culturaldiversityinthe district’s farm<br />

communities.<br />

It wasinrecognition of the changing<br />

faces of those onthe district’s farms and<br />

in our communities, helping Mid<br />

Canterbury’s input onthe world stage,<br />

and from hisown experiences as theson<br />

of firstgenerationimmigrants to New<br />

Zealand.<br />

In the traditional president’s tent, Mr<br />

Schikker is drawingonthereach of<br />

HakatereMulti Cultural Council coordinator<br />

MercedesWalkham, whowill<br />

set upculture displays withinthe tent on<br />

some of themany different cultures in the<br />

district.<br />

Each country has aset space in the tent<br />

where they canhighlight their country,<br />

geographical location and some articles<br />

and clothing of interest.<br />

‘‘Theyare involvedinthe grandparade<br />

as well,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘Theyare going to come out with<br />

placardsoftheir country(andin<br />

costume), just like the Olympic Games.’’<br />

There wereatleast 12 countriesinvolved<br />

as oflate last week.<br />

Show president Victor Schikker is celebrating the many cultures in the district.<br />

Thegrand parade, led by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Highland Pipe Band, is at 2pm.<br />

‘‘It’sdefinitely about thepeople (this<br />

year) as opposed to machinery in Mid<br />

Canterbury and grain and seed ­someof<br />

thetopics we have had in the past.<br />

‘‘It’s also awee bitabout mebeing the<br />

first generation from Dutchimmigrants<br />

and what they have achieved, and what<br />

others have achieved,’’hesaid.<br />

Mr Schikker’s parents,the late­Kees<br />

and Mary, were thefirst generation to live<br />

in New Zealand after arriving from<br />

Holland. They owned asheep and beef<br />

farmatMtSomers.<br />

On farms around MidCanterbury there<br />

were peoplefrom allaround theworld,<br />

he said.<br />

‘‘They arevital to theindustry,farms<br />

couldn’t run withoutthem,’’hesaid.<br />

Astock agent for the past 47 years, Mr<br />

Schikker has been privytoseeing many<br />

different cultures when outand about for<br />

work.<br />

People of different cultures also<br />

worked in rural servicing positions and<br />

many agriculture farm support and<br />

supply roles, including rural sales and<br />

processing.<br />

He is hopeful of agreatturnout to the<br />

show across itstwo daysbelieving people<br />

arekeen to get outandabout to events<br />

and the show had plenty to offer.<br />

‘‘The children’sclasses in the home<br />

industries pavilionthereare 600+<br />

entries, which is good considering they<br />

didn’t have achildren’s class last year.<br />

That’sjust schoolspromoting it,’’ hesaid.<br />

‘‘I’m personally pleased to see the cattle<br />

class back again. The lastcattle show we<br />

had wasin<strong>20</strong>17, so this is the first one<br />

sincethe onset ofbovis (Mycoplasma<br />

bovis).<br />

‘‘We’ve gotFrances Beestonatthe<br />

helm. It’sall calves ­just calfclasses ­it’s<br />

targeting thechildren, there is no adult<br />

cattle in it.’’<br />

Now hewasjusthopefulthe weather<br />

will playits partand thetwo day event<br />

willgooff without ahitch.<br />

WATER<br />


TheGovernment’s3WatersReform Initiative will<br />

come intoeffect as earlyasmid-<strong>20</strong>24.<br />

All supplies to be registered under thenew Water Identity<br />

‘Tumata Arowai’ by theend of <strong>20</strong>25. Supplies must<br />

comply by late <strong>20</strong>27.<br />

Find out more at<br />

the ASHBURTON<br />

A& PSHOW<br />

The Team at ACL have the tools, the experience and offer<br />

our clients aone-stop shop for all your<br />

Water requirements and needs.<br />


This is whereACL canhelp!<br />

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24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

2521798<br />

Site<br />

#439-445<br />

at the<br />

A&P Show<br />




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26 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

2521798<br />

Pet parade for pets of any shape or size<br />

Celebrity pooch Roger Oliver is<br />

encouraging pet ownerstojoin him at the<br />

inaugural petparade next weekatthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Show.<br />

Thethreeand ahalf year old chocolate<br />

labisnot competing but will be at the show<br />

to enticeentries intothe pet parade, and<br />

greet entrants.<br />

Thepet parade will be held at the<br />

southernend of thegrounds, and entries<br />

aremadeonthe dayatthe parade siteat<br />

theRobinBruce Arena. Entry, from<br />

Saturday at 12.30pm, costs$1.<br />

Theparade is at 1pm.<br />

Roger has visited HampsteadSchool a<br />

fewtimes, andhas been apopular subject<br />

of theschool’s photographyclub. He loves<br />

hisball.<br />

Hisrock starstatus and friendlynature<br />

hasseenhim named mascotfor the show’s<br />

first­ever pet parade.<br />

Parade convenor Julie Hollings,alongtimefamilyfriend<br />

of Roger’s co­owner ­<br />

andparadesteward ­Megan Davies, said<br />

theidea to run apet parade was taken<br />

fromaconcept used successfullyatthe<br />

WanakaA&P Show for manyyears.<br />

Shetravelledsouthtomeet their pet<br />

parade convenor andlearned athing or<br />

twoaboutrunningasuccessful petparade.<br />

Julie hasalong associationwith<br />

scoutingmovement,and said running a<br />

petparade competitionfor children was<br />

about being readyfor anything; entries are<br />

Pet parade convenor Julie Hollings, steward Megan Davies and celebrity pooch<br />

Roger, the mascot for the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P's inaugural pet parade.<br />

taken on the day.<br />

“Younever know what’s going to turn<br />

up,”she said.<br />

Past pets at Wanaka hadincluded dogs,<br />

cats, Guinea pigs, arabbit called Moose,a<br />

miniature pony which did tricks, and an<br />

axolotl; it won most unusual pet.<br />

At the <strong>Ashburton</strong> show thereare five<br />

categories for children aged under 15 to<br />

enter and thewinners of eachcategory<br />

section would paradefor the Best Pet<br />

Award trophy.Ithas been sponsoredby<br />

Welshy’s ContractingwhereMegan ­and<br />

Roger­bothwork.<br />

The winner gets to hold the titlefor one<br />

yearand, along with first place bragging<br />

right and gets their nameinscribed on the<br />

backplaque.<br />

There has also beensignificant<br />

sponsorship for the prize, Juliesaid.<br />

Animals, especially dogs,needed to be<br />

socialised and ideallysmallerpetsable to<br />

be securedincarry cases, Julie said.<br />

And theyhad to be abletobeled ­or<br />

carried ­around the parade ground.<br />

Any unsuitablebehaviourbypets ­or<br />

their owners ­would not be tolerated,<br />

Julie said.<br />

“We don’t want any crying kids.”<br />

It wasaboutprovidingastress free<br />

environmenttoall involved and show the<br />

bondbetween achildand theirpet.<br />

Around the groundstherewas also apet<br />

lambcompetition, andplenty of horse<br />

events,which could alsobeentered in the<br />

pet parade,she said.<br />

Ode to apet parade:<br />

Lamb, ram, ewe, any pet will do.<br />

Big dogs, small dogs,<br />

long legs, pet frogs.<br />

Goats, horses, fishes, rats.<br />

Birds, sheep, chickens, cats.<br />

Any animal, any shade.<br />

Put them in, the pet parade.<br />

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145 TH<br />


A&P SHOW<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

28 TH &29 TH OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

27<br />

2521798<br />

Top South Island dogs take to the yards<br />

Some of New Zealand’s top dog triallists<br />

will be on site at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P<br />

Showgrounds for the New Zealand<br />

Yarding Challenge Dog Trials.<br />

The trials, on both <strong>October</strong> 28 and 29,<br />

are run by Tux and part of an annual<br />

national series and have drawn arecord<br />

number of 170 entries for the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

leg.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P sheep convener David<br />

King said competitors had entered from<br />

around the South Island.<br />

‘‘There are people from right up the<br />

top of the South Island to the very<br />

bottom of the South Island coming ...<br />

Nelson, Tasman they are coming from<br />

there right down to Invercargill.’’<br />

There is some top trialling<br />

entertainment expected with entries<br />

including current and past New Zealand<br />

representatives such as Eion Herbert<br />

and Geoff Allison.<br />

Mr Kings said the one to watch was<br />

‘‘the one with the best dog on the day<br />

and the best sheep’’.<br />

‘‘The sheep have alot to do with it,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

The sheep being used this year are<br />

half­bred lambs, loaned by Mark<br />

Copland, and would be readied ahead of<br />

the show.<br />

The breed hadbeen usedfor the past<br />

two years.<br />

‘‘Usually when we go outand workthem<br />

for thefirstday theyare prettyflightly but<br />

then they settle down and they’re quite<br />

good. You want sheepthatwill stay<br />

together and don’tbulkapart, and lambs<br />

tendtostaytogether.’’<br />

‘‘Weonly work withthemfor twodays,<br />

we don’t really train them,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘You don’twantthemreally wild, you<br />

wantthem so theyare competitive you<br />

know,you don’t want them like petlambs<br />

walking around, everybody’srun would<br />

be the same.’’<br />

Theevent is runbyTux andincludes<br />

navigating three sheep through aseriesof<br />

drives,abridge as well as through a<br />

personalisedTux courseand amaltese<br />

cross beforefinishing in apen.<br />

‘‘It’sthe first (full) showback.We’verun<br />

thedog trials forthe lasttwo years in<br />

restricted shows but thisyear it is the first<br />

show back againafter allthe covid<br />

restrictions are off,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘It should be agoodshow.’’<br />

Each competitor will get10minutes for<br />

their run and beginwith 100points;<br />

pointsare deductedduring therun for<br />

faults navigatingthree sheeparoundthe<br />

course. Each runs the courseonceper<br />

dog and will compete in open, maiden,<br />

districtornovice events.<br />

Many Mid Canterburycompetitorswill<br />

be vying forpositionsonday oneofthe<br />

trialsand further afield on daytwo to give<br />

them timetotravel.<br />

‘‘I fitinlocalsand do the districtrun­off<br />

at night on theFriday so they are mainly<br />

local and closer(trialistswith)those that<br />

are further afield are on the Saturday.’’<br />

Mr King, formerly of Winchmore,has a<br />

longhistoryofdog trialling, pickingup<br />

the mantlefromhis late fatherHugh,who<br />

was akeendog triallistand even<br />

appearedinthe first televised<br />

appearanceofADog’sShow. However<br />

sincemoving to <strong>Ashburton</strong>township,no<br />

longer competes butremains actively<br />

involvedwiththe association.<br />

ASilver Tray, donatedbyhis parents,<br />

thelate­Hughand Noeline King, is<br />

awarded to thewinner of the district runoff;<br />

Peter Hanna was the<strong>20</strong>21winner.<br />

Thedog trialswill run at the<br />

showgrounds on <strong>October</strong> 28 and29and<br />

members of thepublic are more than<br />

welcome to comealong andwatch the<br />

action.<br />

Thetrials start from7.30ameachday<br />

until around5pm.<br />

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See youatthe Show!<br />


militaria and aviation<br />

extravaganza<br />

•Largestaviation<br />

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•Fun family dayout,<br />

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The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum is recognised as one of the finest<br />

facilities of its type in Australasia, but nearly 50 years ago it was just a ‘‘pie<br />

in the sky’’ dream of a few local enthusiasts.<br />

The museum has a collection that includes a Hawker Harrier - one of<br />

its star exhibits, a Skyhawk, Vampire FB5, Harvard, Porterfield, Airtruk,<br />

Olympia, Flying Flea, Harrier GR3, Meteor, Zlin, Vampire T11, Link<br />

Trainer, Tiger Moth and DC3.<br />

It also has many new attractions including a control tower, an aeradio<br />

shed, and a flight simulator of an ATR72 series 500. Anyone keen on<br />

booking time in the simulator can contact the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />

Museum on 03 3086408.<br />

This event is being co-hosted by the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum<br />

and MAG to help the Museum raise funds for a much needed<br />

display hanger. Come along and visit to view what is an outstanding<br />

collection of Military and Non Military Aircraft.<br />

The MAG display will see one of the largest presentations of military<br />

uniforms, weapons, and equipment ever assembled at one display,<br />

with dates in history ranging from the New Zealand Maori Wars<br />

through to Timor.<br />

So from all of us involved in getting this off the ground we welcome<br />

you to come and enjoy the Militaria and Aviation Extravaganza.<br />

Getupclose to a<br />

military vehicle<br />

anduniforms,<br />

weapons, aircraft,<br />

vintagecarsand<br />

living history.<br />

Full eventprogramme<br />

at www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />

387 Seafield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Open 9am to 4pm both days<br />

Adults $15 – Children $5 (15 and under).<br />

Family Pass $35 (2 adults, 2 children)<br />

www.aviationmuseum.co.nz<br />


THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online atgnews.co.nz<br />

Just some of the events and activities hosted by the Geraldine Academy of Performance and Arts over the last decade. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

The Academy celebrates 10years<br />

Ten years ago, Geraldine Academy of Performance<br />

and Arts was born, acentre for the local arts<br />

scene.Presentand formerstudents, tutors and<br />

their families, and the wider community, are<br />

invitedtocelebrate its achievementsand future<br />

on 28 and 29 <strong>October</strong>.<br />

With performance, food, and tuition on<br />

offer at the anniversary event, Academy<br />

co-founder andformer coordinator Jill Griffin-<br />

Robertssays, Its to markthe 10 years and to<br />

open the place for the community so people<br />

can see what thespaces are like and get involved.<br />

She and co-founders Lorina Harding and<br />

Fiona McKenzie launched the Academy in<br />

September <strong>20</strong>12 after she floated the idea in<br />

a<strong>20</strong>09 letter to the Geraldine News. Its<br />

wonderful what happens when you give an<br />

idea avoice, she says.<br />

Indeed, one Academy course, the aptly<br />

named FindingOur Voices, has been delivering<br />

performance tuitionfor students with special<br />

needs since day one. Throughout the decade,<br />

there have been one-off workshops bytop<br />

national visual andperforming arts practitioners,<br />

weekend and week-long courses, youth<br />

productions of classic plays, winter lantern<br />

events, monthly blackboard and poetry evenings,<br />

and weekly classes in everything from choral<br />

singing to yoga and salsa.<br />

Academy committee member Kate Elsen<br />

has been ahands-on supporter since the<br />

beginning. She says that involvement in the<br />

arts has transformative power. Forexample,<br />

nothing has prepared my own children better<br />

for life than exposure to the arts andperforming.<br />

Its given them confidence, continuity, poise,<br />

and self-esteem. Ive observed the same for<br />

others.<br />

Noel Trezise, newly appointed Academy<br />

chair, says the centres board has aview to<br />

increasing what it does. Its the heartbeat of<br />

arts andperformanceand culture in Geraldine.<br />

Its bedded into the communityTheres room<br />

for more. We want to grow the Academy.The<br />

Academys building on Talbot Street has three<br />

multi-use spaces for hire for arts tuition and<br />

events. Themain area includesfloor-to-ceiling<br />

dance studio mirrors.<br />

The anniversary will be celebrated at the<br />

Academy at 79 Talbot Street. On Friday,<br />

28 <strong>October</strong> at 6pm there will be a potluck<br />

dinner, including complimentary tea and<br />

coffee (waffles and sausage sizzle extra),<br />

followed by a7.30pm performanceshowcase<br />

by present students, and then dancing until<br />

late. Everyone is welcome; koha is invited.<br />

Saturday, 29 <strong>October</strong>, sees guitar and<br />

ukulele take centre stage, withafreejam from<br />

10.30am-12pm, hosted by Noel Trezise. All<br />

are welcome; bring your own instrument.<br />

From 2-4pm, Noel will hold aguitar and<br />

ukulele workshop; cost $10 cash at the door.<br />

Bring your owninstrument.<br />

For more information, visit Geraldine<br />

Academy of Performance and Arts Facebook<br />

page or call Kate on 027 688 6061.<br />


WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />


The sunflower has long held ameaningful place inthe<br />

hearts of Ukrainians as their national flower. But since<br />

Russia invaded their country, the plant has become a<br />

global symbol of resistance, unity and hope. In avideo<br />

that went viral earlier this year, aUkrainian woman was<br />

heard telling armed Russian soldiers onUkrainian soil,<br />

Take these seeds so sunflowers grow here when you die.<br />

(Washington Post)<br />

Congratulations tothe Geraldine Academy of<br />

Performanceand Arts on theirfirstdecade. Hugh and<br />

Iremember early conversations with the trio that<br />

eventually launched the organisation, and our little<br />

design companywas privileged to come up with the<br />

Academys logo. Itisalong time ago, and they have<br />

put on agreat number of shows and activities since.<br />

Still on the theme of the performing arts, we are<br />

heartened that The Geraldine Arts Council assures us<br />

that the first few months of the Arts on Tour programme<br />

is assured despitedefunding by Creative NewZealand<br />

(page 9). We areinvited to lobby CreativeNew Zealand<br />

andthe Hon JacindaArderninher capacity as Minister<br />

for Arts, Culture and Heritage for areversal ofthat<br />

decision, though we notethatCreativeNew Zealand<br />

functions independently of government.<br />

Creative New Zealands decision to axe funding<br />

forthe Sheilah Winn ShakespeareFestivalhas raised<br />

the ire ofsome of our acting community, notably<br />

Sir Sam Neil, Robyn Malcolm and Michael Hurst.<br />

AccordingtoTuesdays OtagoDailyTimes,the decision<br />

to defund the festival was because itdid not<br />

demonstrate the relevance tothe contemporary art<br />

context ofAotearoa inthis time and place and<br />

landscape. Italso said Shakespeare was located<br />

within acanon ofimperialism and missed the<br />

opportunity tocreate aliving curriculum and show<br />

relevance. Theyhave certainly raised an interesting<br />

debate.<br />

It is exciting to see that the Geraldine Domains<br />

newartificial turfisalmost complete.Welookforward<br />

to reporting on the firstgames that take placethere.<br />

It is also greattosee the returnofpubliceventssuch<br />

as St Andrews Light Partyand the Soul Food Variety<br />

Show. If Covid has taught us anything, itsthat we do<br />

miss each others company and the fellowship of<br />

community when we cant access it.<br />

Have agood week, and dont forget to plant your<br />

sunflowers. FI (It seems likesuchashortnamewhen<br />

it sits by itself, LOL.)<br />

Agreat many people<br />

think they are thinking<br />

when they are merely<br />

rearrangingtheir prejudices.<br />

FROM LEFT: Sisters Jan Horne and Kay Hudson with neighbour Ruby (6), who, purchasing aunicorn coaster, was their first customer.<br />

Ruby says, I love everything about the shop. BELOW: Kays quirky mandolin-caravan. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

Ryans Daughters: acrafty passion<br />

Sisters JanHorne andKay Hudson always<br />

talked about having an outlet wherethey<br />

couldshare craftsthey make.When they<br />

had both settledGeraldine, Jans garage<br />

on Talbot Street was transformed into<br />

their dream.<br />

Jan says, Half my garage has been<br />

made into alittle shop. It is close to the<br />

road, and with French doors added, it<br />

opens to alovely, light, bright room.<br />

My sonadded aloweredceiling, andall<br />

our shelving is made fromrecycled coffee<br />

tables; everything is repurposed.<br />

The carpet came from the Geraldine<br />

Retirement Home.<br />

Wereboth members of the Geraldine<br />

Quilting Club.Ienjoy quilting,cross stitch<br />

andsome knitting andcrocheting combined;<br />

Kay is into making more weirdand quirky<br />

things out of repurposed musical<br />

instruments. On display now is aneat<br />

wee caravan made from abowl-back<br />

mandolin.Kay says she makes the weird<br />

things, but Ithink she has an amazing<br />

imagination; she seessomething and can<br />

think what quirky things she could do<br />

with them.<br />

Kay says, All our family has been<br />

crafty. Dad was acabinetmaker and cane<br />

weaver, and Mum was originally a<br />

professional photopainter, using oil paints<br />

before colour photography came in. She<br />

also loved crafts, like knitting and card<br />

making. The Ryan family is our clan;<br />

mum was adaughter of aRyan, and we<br />

are granddaughters of aRyan, but the<br />

name Ryans Granddaughters didnt have<br />

the same ring as Ryans Daughters.<br />

While both the sisters have worked<br />

towards this,the shop is also helpingJan<br />

through therecovery processafterbeing<br />

diagnosed with breast cancer. In turn,<br />

some profits from the shop are donated<br />

directly to the Cancer Society. Jan says,<br />

I wont always feel uptobeing inthe<br />

shop or have the energy for crafts, but<br />

knowing it is here on my property, Ican<br />

popinany time, and Kay can be here to<br />

staff it. It is afocus that helps me while<br />

recovering from the treatment.<br />

We alsosell items for ladies fromour<br />

quilting group. They are all very crafty,<br />

anditsalovelyway for them to showcase<br />

what they do. Onefriendsupplies us with<br />

weeknitted toyswithinstructionstopass<br />

her sales on to the Cancer Society too.<br />

Located at <strong>20</strong>6 Talbot Street, Ryans<br />

Daughters plan to be open six days a<br />

week from early November,apart from<br />

Thursdays, as thatisquiltingday, from<br />

10am till around 3pm. Jan says, If the<br />

sign is out at thegate, we areopen.For<br />

more information, visit RyansDaughters<br />

on Facebook. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />




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TUESDAY : BeefLababdar<br />

WEDNESDAY : Chana Masala<br />

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SATURDAY : SaagAaloo<br />

SUNDAY : Chana Bhature<br />




THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />

TO<br />

Always apopular family event, 300+ locals attended the <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> Light Party atStAndrews. PHOTO: Archives<br />

Its back: Light Party <strong>20</strong>22<br />

Jason Shaw, senior elder of St Andrews church,<br />

says, I am excited to see the Light Partyisup<br />

and going again after the pause due to Covid.<br />

On Monday, 31 <strong>October</strong>, 5pm til 7.30pm, the<br />

grounds of St Andrews willhost the churchs<br />

Halloween alternative.<br />

This yearJason and CoreyWoods aretaking<br />

charge of the event. Jason says that they are<br />

offering the communitythe chance to celebrate<br />

thestart of summer.Thisyear he says that this<br />

is more important than ever as many people<br />

are still emerging from Covid hibernation.<br />

We can get out now and celebrate light and<br />

life. ... It is time to breathe somefresh air.<br />

On past experience, the organisers expect<br />

to see around 300 people come through the<br />

grounds. Wearegrateful for the support from<br />

Timaru DistrictCouncil, andfrom local businesses<br />

like GeraldineButcheryand PropertyBrokers.<br />

Sideshows areanew feature,wherechildren<br />

(and theircaregivers) can try their skills.There<br />

will also be atime-outspace for grown-ups to<br />

take abreak, while their children enjoy the<br />

activities.<br />

The organisers hold the Light Party as an<br />

alternative to Halloween traditions imported<br />

from the United States. Jason says, Not<br />

everybody is comfortable with knocking door<br />

to door. The great thing about it, in atime<br />

when some family budgets are hard-pressed,<br />

is that it is free. The Light Party is St Andrews<br />

gift to our community. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

TOURISM RETURNS TO GERALDINE It is heartening to seethe reappearance of tours comingthroughtown, with busloadsoffolk recentlyspottedenjoyingour boutiquesand eateries.<br />

Vehicle tours arebacktoo.Last Sundayalarge bike tour made quitethe visualimpact, filling the pavementwith itsparked-up machineswhiletaking lunchatthe Village Inn. FI MCCAFFERTY

WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

SOUL<br />

FOOD<br />


Foodbank<br />



HARCOURTS GERALDINE FESTIVAL <strong>20</strong>22<br />



g<br />


ALAn minnear |MIssjazzylicious<br />

geraldine community choir<br />

THE ukulele people |The neighbours<br />

ma Bradshaw|amelia james<br />

FRIDAY<br />

11<br />


Bringcash<br />

andacan!<br />

7.30PM 730PM<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />


Canon Wiremu Wi Te Tau Huata made the song<br />

Tūtira mai up as he and his family drove past<br />

Lake Tūtira inHawkes Bay inthe 1950s. Huata was a<br />

chaplain inthe Maori Battalion and captain oftheir<br />

rugby team. However, the song that has become a<br />

staple in every New Zealand school has had the wrong<br />

lyrics for over five decades. Huatas daughter Ngatai<br />

explained that the third-to-last line in the song was<br />

kia tapatahi, not kia kotapatahi.<br />

The mistake occurred when the Ministry of<br />

Education published the song in New Zealand<br />

schoolbooks inthe 1960s. Follow this link<br />

youtu.be/3AU5VKlb_7M, to see Taiwhanake Youth<br />

Academy perform the waiata (albeit incorrectly) and<br />

learn more about how the mistake occurred<br />

PHOTO: YouTube<br />

Tūtira mai<br />

Fi McCafferty with just some of the produce given at the <strong>20</strong>18 event. We were blown away by peoples generosity and hope that<br />

we can doasgood ajob this year. PHOTO: Archives<br />

Variety show to feed the soul<br />

and support the foodbank<br />

St Marys church will, once again, host a<br />

community variety concert as its<br />

contributiontothe performing arts aspect<br />

of the upcoming Harcourts Geraldine<br />

Festival. Organiser FiMcCafferty says,<br />

We are glad to be able toput this on<br />

again as we emerge fromCovid.<br />

The audience is asked to bring cash<br />

and acan for the Geraldine Foodbank.<br />

Last time [<strong>20</strong>18], we said acoin and a<br />

can, says Fi,but this year,wedont want<br />

to limit peoples generosity.<br />

She says that the foodbank was chosen<br />

because it is amuch-needed community<br />

charity. In the aftermath of Christmas.<br />

Christmas and holiday spending stretch<br />

familybudgets,with the costs associated<br />

with anew schoolyear looming.Looking<br />

at the price of food in our own shopping<br />

basket makes me worry about those<br />

pocketsofpoverty in our area.<br />

Worthy cause aside, the organisers<br />

have preparedaprogramme which should<br />

offer music to please most tastes; eight<br />

acts, with abreak for tea and abiscuit,<br />

promisetoprovide an old-time community<br />

concert. Fi says,We know that the festival<br />

is abusy time,and, at the end of the day,<br />

people might just want to go home and<br />

watch telly. Ihope people can conserve<br />

their energy so they still have enough to<br />

come out to not only enjoy ashow, but<br />

also supportthis important local charity.<br />

We are very grateful to Jason Shaw<br />

andfamily, Alan Minnear,MissJazzylicious<br />

aka Jasmine Aitken, the Geraldine<br />

Community Choir, the Neighbours,<br />

Ma Bradshaw and Amelia James for<br />

donatingtheirtalentstothe cause. Expect<br />

ashort set from Hughand me too.<br />

Soul Food Variety Show,11November,<br />

7.30pm at St Marys 77 Talbot Street.<br />

Bring cash and acan forentry.<br />


Tūtira mai ngā iwi Line up together, people<br />

tātou tātou e<br />

all of us, all together<br />

Whaia te maramatanga Seek knowledge<br />

me te aroha -engā iwi! and love for all<br />

Kia tapatahi,<br />

Be virtuous,<br />

kia kōtahi rā<br />

stay united<br />

tātou tātou e.<br />

one and all.<br />

Well-known, catchy, ananthem ofAotearoa -but do<br />

you know what Tūtira mai isall about<br />

Pennedinthe 1950s by Wiremu Wi Te TauHuataas<br />

he traveledpastLakeTutira in the Hawkes Bay,Tūtira<br />

Mai is awaiata all about coming together asone.<br />

Huatataught the waiatatohis tamarikionthat same<br />

trip.The kindofunitythatHuata promoted went beyond<br />

social divisions, race,creed,and political stance; it was<br />

the kind of unitythatsought to acknowledge thebeauty<br />

of diversity within thecollective. In the 1960s, theMinistry<br />

of Education fatally misquoted the lyrics to TūtiraMai<br />

in NewZealand schoolbooks, leadingthe countryinto<br />

apitfall of singing the wrong wordsinthe thirdtolast<br />

line. The issue lives on today;instead of kia tapatahi,<br />

manysay kiakotapatahi,anerror thathas in recent<br />

years beencorrected by Huataschildren. Itsabit of a<br />

tough habit to break,but next time youjoin in with this<br />

familiar tune, try to use the correct kupu (words).<br />

- Eharatakutoa itetoatakitahi,engari, he toatakitini<br />

- My success is not the work of one,but the work of many<br />



ROCKS!<br />



>FIND >SHARE<br />


WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />




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Denys-027 686 2237<br />

Jared-027 277 9519<br />

or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />

FROM LEFT: Geraldine.nz Treasurer Gail Thompson, board chair Nicky Donkers, and deputy chair Damon Odey.<br />

Geraldine is asmall town with an active voice<br />

Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Orange Level COVID-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, byappointment only.<br />

Geraldine.nz has hadarefit, with many<br />

new board members, including at leadership<br />

level, newstaff, andastrategic plan refresh<br />

on the way. Its promotion and development<br />

foundations remain, however. Newly<br />

appointed chair Nicky Donkers says,<br />

Whatever we do, its about attracting<br />

people to stop and stay and spend in<br />

Geraldine.<br />

She says interest inbeing on the<br />

Geraldine.nz board has been almost<br />

unprecedented. Its the first year for a<br />

longtimethatwevehad people wanting<br />

to comeon. Theres agood spreadfrom<br />

across the business community.<br />

The organisationhas oversightofsome<br />

of Geraldines flagship attractions and<br />

events, such as Harcourts Geraldine<br />

Festival, with newcoordinator Alex Thorpe;<br />

the in-development Geraldine Sculpture<br />

Trail, now coordinated by Rosie Woods;<br />

the annual Christmas Parade; and the<br />

Geraldine Visitor Guide, whose update<br />

will be launchedinNovember. It has also<br />

recently helped three local vintage<br />

machinerymuseumstocreate amachinery<br />

museum trail.<br />

Incoming deputy chair Damon Odey<br />

says akey focus is growing the whole<br />

Geraldine business network. Part of our<br />

strategy is to grow our community,<br />

including the agricultural sector and<br />

trades. We want to grow whatweare for<br />

everyone. Diverse skills and age groups<br />

are needed, Nicky says.<br />

Gail Thompson, incoming treasurer,<br />

says, We want people to come into the<br />

area, so our businesses are employed;<br />

itll keep usself-sustaining. She says,<br />

Its about supporting one another.<br />

Apriority for the new board is to review<br />

Geraldine.nzsstrategic plan.Thats key,<br />

says Nicky. Its about looking tothe<br />

future and asking, How do you keep a<br />

town like Geraldine vibrant and<br />

invigorated?<br />

Geraldine.nz, which has roots in the<br />

Geraldine Businessmans Associationof<br />

nearly acenturyago, was previously called<br />

Go Geraldine. Whatever the nomenclature,<br />

it has set Geraldine apart from Timaru<br />

districts othersecondary centres,Nicky<br />

says. Were theonly small town with an<br />

active voice. Damon adds, Not alot<br />

of places have their own promotions<br />

board. We want to encourage people to<br />

be part of it.<br />

To find out more, visit Geraldine.nzs<br />

regularly-updated website,geraldine.nz,<br />

or call new Geraldine.nz coordinator<br />

Nikki Lang on 027 555 6524.<br />


Contact us on 03 693 8<strong>20</strong>7 to make an in-person<br />

or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />

to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

Phone 03693 8<strong>20</strong>7 oremail@gressons.co.nz<br />

or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />



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THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />

IN BRIEF<br />

GPS represented at regional<br />

cross country event<br />

On the last ThursdayofTerm3,Geraldine<br />

PrimarySchool (GPS)had three students<br />

representing South Canterburyalongside<br />

teams from Wellington, Tasman and<br />

Canterburyatthe Regional Cross Country<br />

Championships held in Nelson.<br />

Races were held overatwo-kilometre<br />

course, with around 50 participants<br />

in eachrace. James Bell came 10th and<br />

Bethany Courage 30th in their<br />

Year-5 race,while Justina Courage came<br />

17th in her Year-6 race. SUBMITTED<br />

Chalk artist celebrates<br />

birthday with public gift<br />

Connolly Street chalk artist,<br />

Sophie Ackroyd turned 12 over the<br />

<strong>October</strong> school holidays. To celebrate<br />

her birthday,she decided to createa<br />

drawing in chalk on her fence using<br />

apicturefromabook as her inspiration.<br />

No stranger to creating largeworks<br />

of art, on Anzac Day two years ago,<br />

Sophie and brother Riley (then 7)<br />

honoured the soldiers with chalk on<br />

the same fence (GNews 29.04.<strong>20</strong>21).<br />

GNews recommends adrive-byto<br />

see the new artwork, created in just<br />

one hour, inreal life. DEBBIE OLIVER<br />

The OldPost Office, Geraldine<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />







earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now instore<br />

DOMAINS ARTIFICIAL COURTS NEARCOMPLETION WhenGeraldineDomains newartificial courts arecomplete, there<br />

willbeadifferent surface colourfor eachsport, says Multisport Surfaces technical surface installation specialist JoeSmith.<br />

Work on the courts began last week and will take aroundthree weeks. Joe says, The communitysgoing to use them alot;<br />

theyll be popular once theyredone. JAN FINLAYSON<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine (opposite Village Inn)<br />

Carolyn 027 305 3000 or carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz<br />

www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz<br />

Four 1bedroom apartments<br />

now available<br />

These apartments won’t last long.<br />

Each serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />

laundry facilities and of course anurse call system for peace of mind.<br />

One apartment also o 昀 ers north facing scenic views.<br />


contact our Facility Manager Donna Coxshall 03 307 6140<br />

–Love where you live–<br />

37 Carters Terrace, Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />


WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />


TRAIL SIGNS Three new signs will appear on the<br />

Geraldine Sculpture Trail in the next few weeks,<br />

strategically placed tohighlight where each trail<br />

loop will be. Keep in mind that muchworkisstill to<br />

be done in making these loops accessible, soyour<br />

imagination will be needed on Loop 1and Loop 2.<br />

PLANTING If you are aregular walker/user of the<br />

Geraldine Sculpture Trail, you will have recently<br />

noticed planting and arborists work in abundance.<br />

This is part ofthe plan to provide you, your family,<br />

friends, and travellers with afabulous placetoenjoy.<br />

The progress behind the scenes is justasimpressive.<br />

While it may notbedirectly in the public eye, believe<br />

me when Isay we do not rest.<br />

These gardens in Wakare and Rangiatia featured in the <strong>20</strong>19 event. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Mayfield Playcentre garden tour<br />

fundraiser togoahead<br />

After forced cancellation last year due to<br />

Covid restrictions, Mayfield Playcentre<br />

is thrilled to announce that theirbiennial<br />

Homegrown Garden Tour will be going<br />

ahead on 5November, <strong>20</strong>22.The fundraiser<br />

is akey datein Cantabriansspring calendar,<br />

showcasing the best of Mid Canterbury.<br />

The day will include four spectacular<br />

gardens in the wider Mayfield area,<br />

where guests will be entertained, enjoy<br />

local food and beverage, and browse<br />

the many boutique vendor stalls in<br />

beautiful surroundings.<br />

Mayfield Playcentre President Sally<br />

Carr says, This event isour major<br />

fundraiser to support the running of our<br />

playcentre where children have come to<br />

learnthrough playsince the early 1960s.<br />

We currently have around 30children<br />

from <strong>20</strong>-plus families and amixofdifferent<br />

cultures. We are proud of our great country<br />

centre, which its parent members run.<br />

Every family pitches in to organise the<br />

garden tour, awonderful community<br />



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event that ahuge number of locals and<br />

visitors fromsurroundingregions attend<br />

and enjoy.<br />

With somany events cancelled over<br />

the past twoyears, theorganising committee<br />

is thrilled that the event can go ahead<br />

after many hours of planning and long<br />

late-night committeemeetings.<br />

Tickets are now on sale at<br />

humanitix.com/homegrown-gardentour-<strong>20</strong>22<br />

or via the Homegrown Garden<br />

Tour Facebook page. SUBMITTED<br />

M&G AUTO CENTRE | 13 PEEL STREET, GERALDINE | 03 693 9664 | 027 <strong>20</strong>8 7590<br />

THEBOARDWALK We recently received the<br />

geotechnical reportallowing the structural engineers<br />

to get on and finalisethe Boardwalk plans destined<br />

forthis area. If youdont recognise it from the photo<br />

below, youll quickly find it when youstart the trail<br />

from the bell tower opposite Mundells and head<br />

down the river track. Funding applications are<br />

progressingtoaccommodatethe costs of finalising<br />

the Boardwalk and the completion of Loop 1. The<br />

Boardwalk will travel close to the bank and then<br />

gently down to join up withthe trail. Avery exciting<br />

part ofthe plan is that it is designed for people in<br />

wheelchairs and those who push buggies. All can<br />

access the lowerpartofthe trail via the Boardwalk.<br />

This will makegood the promisethat this sculpture<br />

trail is for everyone.<br />

HELP PREVENTVANDALISM As reportedinGNews<br />

recently,wehaveexperiencedsome vandalism on<br />

the sculpturetrail. It saddens us to reportthatnow<br />

we havehad yetanother incident whichhas been<br />

discussed with our local constable, David Bray.<br />

In consultation with him, we would like toask you<br />

to adopt the Neighbourhood Watch approach -<br />

if yousee anyone damaging furniture,plantsorthe<br />

trail itself,which is your asset,call 111 to reportsuch<br />

vandalism. Thank you for your assistance; lets do<br />

our best to look after this investment.<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />


Nikau isatrio of outstanding musicians -(from left)<br />

Helen Webby, Cathy Irons and Paul Lee who are all<br />

members of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.<br />

The trio will perform in Geraldine on 22 February, <strong>20</strong>23.<br />

PHOTO: Supplied<br />

The shows will go on<br />

The Geraldine Croquet Club hosted competitors in theSouth IslandMasters Games lastweek. PHOTO:DebbieOliver<br />

Croquet club hosts masters competition<br />

Over <strong>20</strong>0 croquet playersparticipated in<br />

the SouthIslandMastersGamesduring<br />

the last 10 days.The Geraldine Croquet<br />

Club hosted some of the singles games<br />

at the local croquetlawn.<br />

GeraldineCroquetClub member Karyn<br />

Close says, Croquet is such apopular<br />

sport, and to ensure allthose who entered<br />

could play, five clubs, including Aorangi,<br />

Ashbury, Westend,Waimate and ourselves,<br />

hosted some of the competition.<br />

Geraldine had 28 players in four<br />

divisions with ages ranging from 70 to<br />

91 years competing in the singles<br />

competition on Mondayand Tuesday last<br />

week. There was some great play andvery<br />

close results, with only one or two points<br />

between goldand bronze medals in most<br />

divisions.<br />

We had asmall crew working hard<br />

to feed, hydrate and do dishes on both<br />

days. It was ahuge team effort from our<br />

club ofonly 26 members to host such an<br />

event. Everyonewas involved in helping<br />

preparethe grounds, baking, organising<br />

raffles,setting up thelawns, and working<br />

on the competition days.<br />

Geraldine always gets great reviews<br />

for our well-organised and catered<br />

competitions and events. We got alittle<br />

money for helping host the eventbut also<br />

ran asuccessful raffle. The masters itself<br />

is ahuge economic boost for South<br />

Canterburyand Geraldine. Motels,shops,<br />

and restaurants were all buzzing.<br />

There was abit of drama getting our<br />

grounds ready forcompetition play, with<br />

our ride-on mower seizing upaweek<br />

before. Jack Ellery organised some club<br />

volunteers to use our old walk-behind<br />

reel mower, which saved the day.<br />

TheGeraldine CroquetClubwas well<br />

represented, with sevenmembers playing:<br />

Doug Brinsmead, Leith Geddes, Shirley<br />

Lindroos, Sue Hutchins, Jack Ellery,<br />

Chris OSullivan, andJerome OSullivan.<br />

Jack and Chris both won gold inthe<br />

singles, with Jack also gaining silver in<br />

the doubles. Shirley won silver inthe<br />

singles, and Doug the bronze.<br />


It wasfascinating to read Jenny Watts reminiscences<br />

of her time as secretaryofthe GeraldineArtsCouncil<br />

and how impressive tohear that Bruce Masons<br />

work, once performed at the Edinburgh Festival,<br />

wasreadbythe authoratGeraldine courtesy of the<br />

arts council ofthe day.<br />

As the incumbent of Jennysformerartscouncil<br />

position, Iwould like to thankher forcontinuingto<br />

support, what is now, the Geraldine Community<br />

Arts Council.<br />

Over the last seven years since Ihave been<br />

secretary,wehavebrought manyoutstanding acts<br />

to Geraldine through the magnificent services of<br />

Arts on Tour New Zealand (AoTNZ). In addition the<br />

the wonderful acts remembered by Jenny, Iwould<br />

mention that we have on three occasions been<br />

graced by the talentedactor/directorMichael Hurst<br />

and comediennePenny Ashton twice. The latter is<br />

due to appear again late next year, but that has<br />

been cast into doubt due to AoTNZs now perilous<br />

financial situation.<br />

However, it is notall bad news as we will be going<br />

ahead with the first act ofnext years programme<br />

-Nikau harp trio comprising Helen Webby, Cathy<br />

Irons and Paul Lee, all members of the Christchurch<br />

SymphonyOrchestra.Thisperformanceisplanned<br />

for22 Februaryand willmost likely be presentedat<br />

St Marys Church. Meanwhile, AoTNZ continues to<br />

seek alternativesourcesoffunding so that the tours<br />

planned for later in the year might go ahead.<br />

On behalf of our wonderful audiences who have<br />

given us such sterling support, Ishall continue to<br />

lobby the government and Creative Communities<br />

New Zealand, the erstwhile funders of AoTNZ. We<br />

are seeking areview oftheir heartless decision to<br />

deprive our small ruralcommunity of the opportunity<br />

to access professionalperformances of the highest<br />

quality at an affordable price-all without the need<br />

to travel to Christchurch or Dunedin forthat privilege.<br />

The Geraldine Community Arts Council lives on<br />

andwillcontinue to search out newand innovative<br />

ways of attracting the best of the arts to perform<br />

in Geraldine. RICHARD TAYLOR<br />

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WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

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Here to help<br />

Jacqui Dean<br />

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GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’T GET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

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ensure any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask and<br />

come to the front door.Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />


CAREW HALL/CRACROFT CEMETERY AGM<strong>20</strong>22.<br />

To be held Wednesday 2November,7.30pmCarew Hall.<br />


YOUR NOTICE HERE Email ads@gnews.co.nz<br />

or drop in to 24 Hislop Street. 60c per word. Death<br />

notices: first 15 words free.<br />



light gardening, home help, animal care and such.<br />

Call Jane 021 073 0792.<br />

MULVI-HILLCOUNTRYGARDEN Open daily 10am-<br />

4pm until the end of November. Selection of garden<br />

treasures available in nursery.Signposted <strong>20</strong>kmfrom<br />

Geraldine going to Fairlie. Sorry,noeftposavailable.<br />

SHEEP Hogget x15, Suffolk XRomney.PickupŌrari<br />

township. $125 each. 027 736 8046.<br />


OPPORTUNITY Equity Partnership or Leasing<br />

Arrangement. Sheep,Beef,Deer/DairyGrazingPlease<br />

email farmingopp@gmail.com and wewill be in<br />

touch. “If you have adream, there is achancetoturn<br />

it into reality with agood plan of action, and when<br />

coupled with passion, there is hope that it will turn<br />


WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />



Where<br />


the<br />

foodies choose<br />


to<br />

shop<br />


MEAT &<br />

TUG OWAR<br />

DRESS UP<br />

[optional]<br />

lolly<br />

scramble<br />


Nora Coulter<br />

Nora Coulterpassed awayon<br />

<strong>October</strong>15, <strong>20</strong>22, aged93years.<br />

Shehad an amazing life, and was<br />

so dear to allher family, Gavin,<br />

Lynda, Diane and Maree and<br />

extended families.<br />

Many thanks to Waihi Lodge staff,<br />

who cared for Nora in her final weeks<br />

with love and dignity.<br />

A private family send-off has<br />

been held. Cards and wishes to<br />

299 Te Moana Road, Geraldine 7991.<br />

ATOBLAWNS &SERVICES Available now for<br />

lawnmowing and garden maintenance. Ph/Txt<br />

Brad on 021 192 0660.<br />


your businessand tax requirements.Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


dogs. <strong>20</strong>8 Woodbury Road. Phone 03 6939929.<br />

BUILDER Qualified LBP,<strong>20</strong>years experience, forall<br />

building work. Phone Ants 027 309 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Call Geraldine Computer<br />

Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />

HEATPUMPS Clean,service, repairand install. Please<br />

call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />


LIGHT<br />

PARTY<br />




C<br />




FREE!<br />

or by donation<br />



gnewsresults<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021041 3318.<br />

PAINTERGERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />

service, good rates, excellent local references.<br />

Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or 027 962 4841.<br />

PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />

Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

WILTONSMALL MOBSHEARING Available for your<br />

shearing, crutching and all animal health products<br />

for your sheep, alpacas and goats. Please phone<br />

/txt Mike and Nicola 0<strong>20</strong> 40117629.<br />


MATUREBOARDER Lookingfor single, professional,<br />

mature boarder toshare comfortable, cosy sunny<br />

home. $<strong>20</strong>0 p/week. Phone Jill 021 577 664.<br />

MATURE RESPONSIBLE COUPLE relocating to be<br />

nearer tofamily and for professional reasons are<br />

looking for amodern3+bedroom home with garage.<br />

Geraldine Pleasant Point areas, preferably rural but<br />

all options considered. Excellent references. Call<br />

Andrew 027 666 6811.<br />



Clover Honey Special 1kg$15,2kg $25. Newseason’s<br />

Honeycombalsoavailable.<br />


DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />

Get anoobligation, free quote<br />

for remedial work if needed<br />

GERALDINEBRIDGE CLUBValley Handicap Pairs Session 3, 13.10.<strong>20</strong>22 North<br />

South: 1st KMiles&JMeijer 57.93% 2nd RScott &CJohnson 51.87% 3rd JO’Brien<br />

&MThatcher 51.60%. East West: 1st John Kelly &PTaylor 66.46%, 2nd RHobbs<br />

&KGidlow-Black 58.60 %%, 3rd DHarrison &RHowie 47.03%. 12.10.22 North<br />

South: 1st MBourassa &LGraybill 70.83% 2nd MThatcher &MBray 61.67%. East<br />

West: 1st MMcColl &CMarshall 59.17%, 2nd RHowie &RScott 55.83%.<br />

GERALDINE DISTRICT GOLF CLUB 15.10.22 Tripp Cup Mixed Foursomes: 1st B<br />

&JGallichan Net 69, DDewe&CPhillips 69, P&JMuff72. ROF Stableford RIrvine<br />

39pts, BAuld 39, IMacdonald 38, KHodge 37,DManssen 36, BWaller 36. Twos G<br />

Leslie NTP#9PMcNight,#12 KTyson. 13.10.22 9Hole Twilight Stableford: TClayson<br />

21pts, TPaulin <strong>20</strong>, JLester <strong>20</strong>, RHolling 18, HWaller 18. 12.10.22 Mixed Stableford:<br />

DLapthorne 40pts, TClayson 38, RMather 38, BWaller 38, GCoulter 38, AShaw 37,<br />

DLaw 37, Twos GHarper Jnr,BWaller,BCosgriff, GCouter,CPhillips. 11.10.22 La<br />

Cren Cup Foursomes: 1st LPearsall&SDwyer Net70, JGallichan&SMillar 72, M<br />

Shefford &CJopp 74, CGibbs &DDewe 75. 9Hole LGU GHamilton38, JJones 50.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB Stableford 1st MDenton92-22-66-39stbsbylot DBruce<br />

80-15-65-39 by lot JRate 90-22-68-39, BMiller 93-26-67-37, AMuff 83-15-68-36,<br />

NYoung 82-12-70-35, JCox 92-22-70-34, CSeaton 93-22-71-34,M Lang 85-13-72-<br />

33, TKerr 88-16-72-32, GMarshall 89-17-72-32, GPatrick 83-10-73-31,DMacLoad<br />

89-15-74-30 N/P #18 JCox Twos JCox Nett Eagles JRate #6,# 8<br />

THURSDAY, <strong>20</strong>OCTOBER, <strong>20</strong>22 |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />

✔<br />

✔<br />

✔<br />



Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

Direct billing toInsurance Companies<br />

TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />

23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />


Experienced arborist available for all your<br />

tree pruning and removal needs<br />

Phone Li Tane on 022 308 1858<br />

OR EMAIL: info@arborculture.co.nz for afree quote<br />

eatingout<br />

BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporating Barker’sproducts withseasonalingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm.Phone 03 6939727.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sunand Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menuare available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is open every<br />

Friday night5.30pm-9pm.<br />

THE RUNNINGDUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />



PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />


Awidowed cleaning lady in 1950s London falls<br />

madly inlove with acouture Dior dress, and decides<br />

that she must have one of her own.<br />



SAT 5.15PM |SUN 3.15PM<br />

MON 3.30PM<br />

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson &Pierce Brosnan star in<br />




SAT 7.30PM |MON 1PM<br />

Adelightful family film for young &old!<br />


(PG)<br />

SAT 3PM |SUN 1PM<br />

Due to demand back again for one more show!<br />

George Clooney &Julia Roberts star in<br />

this great comedy film.<br />



SUNDAY 5.30PM FINAL!<br />

Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, Mike Myers<br />

and Robert DeNiro star inthis all new romantic<br />

crime epic based on atrue story.<br />

Let the love, murder and conspiracy begin!<br />



SUNDAY 7.45PM FINAL!<br />



WHĀRANGI 12 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>20</strong>WHIRINGA-Ā-NUKU, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

$60 BALE<br />


$50 BALE<br />


CALL FOR<br />







Steve Jones Painting<br />

Quality Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Over <strong>20</strong> years experience<br />

Steve Jones<br />

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100% Kiwi Owned<br />

Hearing Clinic<br />

We are100%locallyownedand<br />

operated andpromise to giveyou<br />

expert care and attentionfor everystep<br />

of your hearing journey.<br />

•Diagnostic hearingtests<br />

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•Freehearing screening<br />

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•Veteran’s affairs provider<br />

Call us todayfor acomplimentary hearing<br />

screening.<br />


Afun music session for parents,<br />

carers and young children<br />

9.30am Tuesdays in term-time<br />

St Andrew’s Hall<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

03 683 1545<br />

245 Otipua Road, Highfield,<br />

Timaru bellbirdhearing.co.nz<br />

JulietMarsden &BarbaraBrown<br />

Would you sell your property with these people?<br />

It could be acolourful experience!<br />

Last month Iobliquely referred to the e 昀 ects of<br />

colour.Well COLOUR is thethemefor this year’s<br />

Harcourts Geraldine Festival.<br />

Festival chair Nicky Donkers, some Geraldine.nz<br />

boardmembers and their children, weregreat<br />

sports joining in the funwith the Geraldine<br />

HarcourtsTeamwhen we filmedour festival video<br />

and COLOURfulmarketing with copious amounts<br />

of COLOURed powderthrown about.<br />

We arebeyond excited to have naming rights as<br />

the major sponsor and look forwardtothree days<br />

of fun, aboost to the local economy and of course<br />

COLOUR.The fact it coincides with our changed<br />

anniversaryday we hopewill be advantageous.<br />

Thereissomething foreveryone -enjoy the<br />

shopping, stalls, admirethe art,indulgeinthe<br />

heady scents and beautiful blooms of the gardens<br />

or go o 昀 pisteonbush walks or to the museums and<br />

eateries.<br />

In terms of sales confirmed we arealways looking<br />

backwards -for September,four housesinGeraldine<br />

and two out of town -not as big amonth as you<br />

would expectatthistimeofyearbut apart from<br />

less volume, thereisnoapparent reduction<br />

in prices or days on the market.Infact, one of our<br />

recent listings wassnapped up beforethe<br />

videographer arrived. We canbeglad to live here.<br />

Back on my hobby horse -ameaningful appraisal<br />

cannot be done without entering aproperty -<br />

if you’dlikeanup-to-datemarketappraisal please<br />

get in touch with amemberofour team.<br />

Until next time,<br />

Geraldine Sales Manager<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

41<br />

Reflecting with others, and looking forward<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Giving, being active, learning,<br />

connecting withothers and<br />

taking notice of ones<br />

surroundings are all good for<br />

personalwellbeing, Lives<br />

WorthLivingco­ordinatorPup<br />

Chamberlainsays.<br />

‘‘Remember those fiveways<br />

of wellbeingare so important<br />

in our lives andweall have the<br />

power to makesurethat<br />

everyone around ushas the<br />

chance to engage in these<br />

activities.’’<br />

‘‘Every life matters and that<br />

is what makes acommunity,’’<br />

Pupsaid.<br />

‘‘If youknow someonethatis<br />

down andnot themselves don’t<br />

hesitate to talk to them andask<br />

them whatishappening?<br />

‘‘Be willing to be agood<br />

listener,don’t judgeand don’t<br />

pretend to be an expert if you<br />

arenot.<br />

‘‘Counsellingisaspecialized<br />

field and ourjob,aspeople<br />

whocare, is to guide themto<br />

that help.<br />

‘‘You cannot causeharm by<br />

caring,listening and walking<br />

alongside someone, to give<br />

them supportand guidanceto<br />

help,’’ he said.<br />

Pup was privileged to be part<br />

of theHope Walk this monthat<br />

ArgylePark.<br />

He said the day was as warm<br />

as the people whoattended.<br />

‘‘Balloonsand chalk wereto<br />

thefore as peopleofall ages<br />

strolled around the path<br />

surrounding the parkstopping<br />

to enjoyeach otherscompany<br />

and writing messages of hope<br />

with chalk on thepath as they<br />

strolled.<br />

‘‘During theevent people<br />

from organizationssuch as Ha<br />

Waka Tapu,Wellbeing Opuki,<br />

Jesse fromSAPNZ ,Robbie<br />

Shefford,IamHope and<br />

Gumboot NZ gavetalks about<br />

hopeand wellbeing.’’<br />

He said Lives Worth Living<br />

wasahugesupporterof<br />

wellbeing and it certainly<br />

ticked theboxes.<br />

‘‘I’m sure thereweresome<br />

sad reflections, but the event<br />

itself wasacelebrationoflife<br />

and walking alongsidefellow<br />

human beings.’’<br />

‘‘Atthis typeofgathering<br />

age,gender,sexuality, religion<br />

andracebecome irrelevant,<br />

everyone is there to shareina<br />

commonthemeofhope,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘The music wasgreat andit<br />

was justanice place to be.’’<br />

‘‘Asagroup we were giving to<br />

eachother,beingactive onthe<br />

walk, (I mayhave cheated),<br />

learning from other people,<br />

connectingasagroup and<br />

taking notice of alovely spring<br />

day and other people.’’<br />

It was wellorganisedand<br />

there were plentyofsmiling<br />

facesand richconversation, he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘If you knowsomeonethat<br />

has had asuicide closetothem<br />

don’t avoid them, ask themhow<br />

they are,’’hesaid.<br />

‘‘Don’ttellthemthatyou<br />

know how they are feeling, you<br />

don’t, but youdoknowtheyare<br />

hurting.<br />

‘‘Beagood listener, if they<br />

wanttojusttalk that’s fine.’’<br />

He said if talkingsoundeda<br />

bitdifficult and overpowering,<br />

people could contact Lives<br />

Worth Living who would<br />

‘‘happily shareyour loadand<br />

conduct trainingifneeded’’.<br />

Lives Worth Living, through<br />

SaferMid Canterbury,isat<br />

hand to help withsuicide<br />

prevention andpostvention.<br />

They werealsoavailable for<br />

publictalksand training<br />

aroundsuicide preventionand<br />

wellbeing.<br />

If people know of someone<br />

thatneedsto talk, or be<br />

navigatedtoservicesplease<br />

make contact,hesaid.<br />

Theservice is freetoany<br />

personorgroup withinMid<br />

Canterburydue to supportof<br />

TheLion Foundation,<br />

MacKenzie Charitable<br />

Foundation, Advance<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,CommunityTrust<br />

of Mid &South Canterbury,<br />

TrevorWilsonCharitable<br />

Foundation and TheLions<br />

ClubsofMid Canterbury.<br />

Being active is important for<br />

personal wellbeing.<br />

If you need help:<br />

In amental health or suicide<br />

emergency, phone 111.<br />

Or ring <strong>Ashburton</strong> Community<br />

Psychiatric Service on 0800 222<br />

955.<br />

Dial or text 1737 anytime to talk<br />

to atrained counsellor.<br />

Lives Worth Living, dedicated to<br />

suicide prevention and<br />

postvention, is not afront­line<br />

mental health service but Paul<br />

(Pup) Chamberlain can be<br />

contacted via 03 308 1395 or by<br />

email apaulchamberlain@safer.<br />

org.nz<br />

Pup Chamberlain<br />


NBSCEO Tony Cadigan.NBS are major sponsors<br />

of the NelsonMarlboroughRescue Helicopter.<br />


Invest now to takeadvantageofthisspecial rate.<br />

NBS willdonate $<strong>20</strong>0 to the NBSRescue Helicopter Appeal<br />

forevery new6-month term investmentopened.<br />

nbs.co.nz 0800 101 700<br />

This specialofferiscurrent from 3rd<strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22 but is subject to change and could be withdrawn<br />

at anytimeand without notice. Payments of $<strong>20</strong>0, per new account opened, will bemade to the<br />

Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust. Minimum deposit of$5,000. Our current Product<br />

Disclosure Statement is available atany NBS branch orgotonbs.co.nz. NBS isthe issuer of the<br />

term investments and general terms and conditions apply. NBS is not aregistered bank.

NEWS<br />

42 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Lowcliffe Women’s Institute members Jude Vaughan, left, and Mavis Wilkins deliver sweet treats in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


Good cheer in the community<br />

Two Red Riding Hood inspired women<br />

were out andabout <strong>Ashburton</strong> last week<br />

skippingalong with abasket full of<br />

goodies and spreadinggood cheer.<br />

Well, maybenot skipping, butdefinitely<br />

trying to spread good cheer.<br />

The ladies, Mavis Wilkins and Jude<br />

Vaughan, arestalwart membersof<br />

Lowcliffe Women’s Institute.<br />

They had abasket full of specially<br />

labelled homemade chocolate chip<br />

biscuits for delivery as part of theWIs<br />

national awareness month.<br />

Mavis said <strong>October</strong> was WI awareness<br />

monthand, as part of letting peopleknow<br />

aboutthe WIintheir community,<br />

Lowcliffe members were delivering ‘Have<br />

acuppa on WI’ packets to someresidents<br />

andbusinesses in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The 50 made up packets hadtwo teabags<br />

andfourhomemade biscuits in them.<br />

‘‘It is to spreadthe word of WI as well as<br />

doingour project for the year whichwas<br />

about‘looking foropportunity in your<br />

community’,” she said.<br />

The sweet deliverywas based on an idea<br />

fromWImembers in Poverty Bay.<br />

The Lowcliffe WI’salso had alarge<br />

supply of manchester(sheets, towels)<br />

being donated to <strong>Ashburton</strong>refugee<br />

settlementsupport, via Mid Canterbury<br />

Community House,tohelpAfghanistan<br />

familiessettle into <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Kathy Harrington­Watt, team leader of<br />

theRefugee Settlement SupportService<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>,had recently spokento<br />

members of the Mid Canterbury<br />

FederationofWI’s about the needs of new<br />

families, Mavis said.<br />

Thesupportcentre was looking for any<br />

donations to helpnew refugee families<br />

settle in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. There are currently<br />

seven refugee familiesin<strong>Ashburton</strong>,with<br />

twomore due to arrive soon andnew<br />

familiesarriving aroundevery six weeks.<br />

Items can include household items such<br />

as kitchenware, pressure cookers, sewing<br />

machines, TVs or bedding.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


New Zealand Young Farmers has<br />

launchedits NZYF Alumni Network.<br />

It will provide former Young<br />

Farmers membersthe chance to<br />

stay connected withthe<br />

organisation.Itwill alsoofferpast<br />

membersachanneltooffer their<br />

expertise and support, contributing<br />

to NZYFs goal of becoming a<br />

sustainable organisation. Kate<br />

Taylor, an advisory group member,<br />

NZYFalumna and author of ‘50<br />

Years Young:AHistoryofthe<br />

Young Farmer of the Year’ is<br />

excitedfor ex-NZYFmembers to<br />

stay connected to theorganisation.<br />

“OurAlumni are on farms, in<br />

businesses andatboardroom<br />

tables aroundthe country,from the<br />

big corporates and councilsdownto<br />

ruralschool boards of trustees,” she<br />

said.“It’s avastand valuable<br />

resource for today’s Young Farmers<br />

to tap into.” Former memberscan<br />

join the alumni network at www.<br />

youngfarmers.co.nz/nzyf-alumni<br />


An extra3000places have been<br />

madeavailable in the Recognised<br />

SeasonalEmployerScheme(RSE)<br />

in the hopesoffilling workforce<br />

shortages. Theannouncement,<br />

madebyImmigrationMinister<br />

Michael Wood and Agriculture<br />

Minister Damien O’Connor,will see<br />

the new RSEcap allowaccessto<br />

19,000 workersannually from<br />

participating Pacific countries. It is a<br />

19 percentincrease on the previous<br />

season, and acknowledgesindustry<br />

needs based on strong growth, and<br />

thelower number of working holiday<br />

makersonshore rightnow,” Mr<br />

Woodsaid.“We arelisteningto<br />

industry,and worked closely with<br />

horticultureand winesectors to<br />

ensurewestrike the rightbalance.’’<br />

2501385<br />



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NEWS<br />

44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Moments of brilliance in a<br />

weekend where football was<br />

the ultimate winner.<br />

The Fossils football team,<br />

competing in the South Island<br />

Masters Games 50s­plus<br />

football tournament at Timaru,<br />

came, they played and they ...<br />

were all able to walk away with<br />

their heads held high.<br />

Their victories came in the<br />

handful of scoring successes<br />

and on field bouts of brilliance.<br />

They started with asquad of<br />

17 but by end of play on day two<br />

­and five matches ­had lost<br />

four players through injury who<br />

were unable to return to the<br />

field.<br />

Some with injuries took on<br />

other workloads; pain relief<br />

cream and ice packs became<br />

close friends.<br />

The Fossils, made up of<br />

various players since it began<br />

in 1998, played against teams<br />

with names such as Coming<br />

Last, Hardly Athletic and<br />

Wobblies.<br />

The two original players left<br />

are manager/player Philip<br />

Collins and Ian Clough.<br />

Fossils may have left the<br />

grounds this year without a<br />

medal but, with time on their<br />

side, and abetter lead­up, they<br />

might just be persuaded to give<br />

it another crack next year.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

45<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Musical Club<br />

The <strong>October</strong> concert “A Musical Celebration”<br />

was held on 8th <strong>October</strong> featuring the<br />

piano trio of Ruth Hall (violin), Deborah Sloper<br />

(piano) and Alan Bower(cello) and was well<br />

receivedbyanappreciative audience.Agroup<br />

of students were also part of the concert.<br />

The programmewas as follows: God Save<br />

the King –Trio: Gavotte –Frank Bridge –Trio:<br />

Ruth by Davis –Violin and piano: Humoresque<br />

–Dvorak –Trio: Piano Trio in Bflat major –<br />

Mozart – Allegro and Andante: Hungarian<br />

Dance No 5–Brahms, Trio: Adagio Cantabile<br />

from Symphony 13- Haydn –Cello and Piano:<br />

Piano Solo by Eliza McKenzie - Valse by<br />

SamuelMayakaper and Lights in the Rearview<br />

by Ben Crosland: Piano Solo by Charlotte<br />

McKenzie –Traumerei –Tchkovsky and Settle<br />

Down by Gordon Goodwin: Piano Solo by<br />

Keagan Chemaly –Moonlight Sonata, 1st Mvt<br />

–Beethoven: Habanera from Carmen –Bizet<br />

–Violin and Cello: El Chocolo Tango –Villaldo<br />

–Violin and Cello: Cello solo by Juhyeong Kim<br />

–Sonata for Solo Cello –GLigeti –1st Mvt<br />

Dialogo: Israeli Concertino –Perlman –Violin<br />

and Piano *Hora Hatikvah *Nocturne<br />

*Fantasie Recitative: Valse Russe – Frank<br />

Bridge –Trio: Hornpipe –Frank Bridge –Trio<br />

Supper and achat with performers ended<br />

alovely evening of music.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Combined Friendship Club<br />

Ross spoke about the trip to Oamaru and<br />

WaitakiBHS which was excellentand thanked<br />

Allan for his efforts in organising it.<br />

Our Mini speaker was Errol Kingsbury who<br />

told us something of the history of the<br />

Kingsbury family in Canterbury. The original<br />

Kingsburys emigrated from Somersetshire<br />

with 10 Children onthe Captain Cook in 1863.<br />

They first settled at Saltwater Creek, north of<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

Their eldest daughter Ann married Tom<br />

Hayman and had emigrated toAustralia with<br />

their 3children. Their three-room house was<br />

burned down, and they immediately decided to<br />

move to NZ and join the Kingsbury family at<br />

Saltwater Creek. Errol reminded us of the<br />

hardships and risks faced by these very early<br />

settlers, not least of which were the conditions<br />

on the emigrant ships. One wonders how the<br />

people of today would cope with such<br />

hardships. The Kingsburys and Haymans<br />

living in Canterbury today are descendants of<br />

those early settlers.<br />

Our main speaker was Fiona Giles who is<br />

the Outreach Co-ordinator for Hospice Mid-<br />

Canterbury. She explained that the modern<br />

Hospice movement was founded by Dame<br />

Cicely Saunders in the UK and there are now<br />

more than 7000 hospices in 90 Countries.<br />

The Hospice movement has aphilosophy<br />

of care and helping people with life-limiting<br />

illnesses.<br />

The Mid-Canterbury Hospice serves and<br />

supports people throughout the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District in their homes. The Hospice does not<br />

provide clinical care but is very dependent on<br />

volunteers (more than 130) to support clients<br />

and their families in avariety of ways including<br />

recording life stories, counselling, companionship,<br />

transport, and therapies such as massage,<br />

reiki, and relaxation therapy. Fiona<br />

explained that anyone can make areferral as<br />

soon as a life limited illness is diagnosed,<br />

including self-referral, family, or health professionals.<br />

Funding is from donations, grants, fundraising<br />

including the hospice shop, and<br />

business sponsors. For more information see<br />

the Hospice Mid-Canterbury Website: www.<br />

hospicemc.nz<br />

Meetings second Tuesday of month, 9.30<br />

am Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Visitors welcome. Phone<br />

Joe 0274 339 018. ashcomboclub@gmail.<br />

com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bowling Club<br />

As mentioned last week, our Ladies<br />

Championship Fours began on Tuesday and<br />

Thursday, and will continue on the 25th<br />

<strong>October</strong>. The standard is very competitiveand<br />

will make for some good bowling. More in time!<br />

The break has come about as we are staging<br />

the Ladies Chartered Clubs Tournament this<br />

week.<br />

On Mondaythe 10th, members of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

were among the placings of the Sub<br />

Centre Over 70’s competition held at Rakaia.<br />

In first place, aspart of acomposite team was<br />

Murray Anderson and Kath Muir –2wins, 1<br />

draw, 13 ends, 25 points. And the team<br />

coming in second place included <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />

Heather Goodall, 2wins, 16 ends, 28 points.<br />

Well done to those <strong>Ashburton</strong> bowlers!<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s first Home Friday Triples<br />

(Sponsors Skip2it) was played in brilliant<br />

sunshine, (but with that pesky wind!).Both our<br />

lovely greens were full, and it was very evident<br />

that one and all were glad to be back out in the<br />

Spring sunshine! The placings are as follows:<br />

1st GEder, WLee, JRyk –3wins, 16 ends<br />

41 points<br />

2nd IMoore, DThorn, AThompson –3<br />

wins, 16 ends, 31 points<br />

3rd MHill, PCollins, TPearce –3wins, 14<br />

ends, 29 points<br />

4th BHoldom, SHoldom, SDoig –3wins,<br />

14 ends, 27 points<br />

5th BMason, PBrooks, BHarper -2wins,<br />

1draw, 17 ends, 37 points<br />

6th DMuir, LMuir, KMuir –2wins, 15<br />

ends, 30 points.<br />

Saturday’s Rollover Triples had quite a<br />

good attendance, and was played on another<br />

lovely day. The results –1st with 3wins, 13<br />

ends, 25 points were GTaylor, RDakers, M<br />

Watson; runners up were AGibbs, GEder, C<br />

Corbett with 1win, 9ends, 17 points.<br />

A reminder: names on the white board<br />

please for our in-house Ingold competition on<br />

the 29th.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toastmasters<br />

Neysa provided her audience with an<br />

intense insight into the world of American<br />

football fandom in her cultural share speech<br />

this evening. She began with the differences in<br />

the use of the word ‘football’ which surprised<br />

her when she first arrived in New Zealand.<br />

Neysa went on to compare the behaviours of<br />

football fans in the USA and New Zealand.<br />

‘Let’s talk about loneliness’ was the title of<br />

Grace’s first formal speech in toastmasters.<br />

Her 5 - 7 minute presentation discussed<br />

ostracisation in communities, use of humour<br />

as acoping mechanism, differences in ages,<br />

and the influence of social media today. The<br />

concluding message was encouragement of<br />

being content with one’s own space and<br />

having understanding friends. Grace’s speech<br />

was evaluated by Mike.<br />

The second formal speech of the evening<br />

was presented by Matt. This was an educational<br />

speech to give inspiration for those<br />

considering entering the next international<br />

speech and evaluation contests. This educational<br />

analysed abreakdown of how judging<br />

was carried out in international and evaluation<br />

speeches. Matt concluded that the purpose of<br />

speecheswere to persuade, inform, entertain,<br />

and inspire.<br />

Meetings are held fortnightly in the Doris<br />

Linton Lounge, <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA, starting at<br />

7:30 pm. The next meeting will be on 26<br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22. Guests and visitors are most<br />

welcome.<br />

The 2bowls Open Tripleswill be stagedat<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> next Saturday the 22nd, starting at<br />

12.30 pm. May the sun keep shining for our<br />

Labour Weekendahead. Good bowling everyone!<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

On Saturday 9members played adrawn<br />

triples tournament at Ascot, near Bottle Lake.<br />

It was acool but sunny day and the Club is well<br />

set up, with nice<br />

pistes to play on.<br />

A Christchurch combination won the<br />

Championship, with Ellen Pithie’s team 2nd,<br />

Marion Harrison and her team 3rd.<br />

Adair Jones’s team won the Plate, with<br />

Shelagh Field’s team 2nd, Joan Healey’s team<br />

3rd, and Kate Marriott’s team 4th.<br />

The Bowl was won by Jan Guildford’s<br />

team, Peter Marriott’s team was in 2nd place<br />

and Kevin Stentiford’s 3rd.<br />

With the Bowling Club holding atournament<br />

all this week we ask our members to park<br />

out on the road, and we will not be gathering<br />

for acuppa as the Clubrooms will be occupied<br />

by alot more people. We wish the bowlers a<br />

successful tournament and hope the weather<br />

is on your side.<br />

At the end of the month ateam of 6will be<br />

going to Christchurch for the Piste of Origin<br />

tournament, amixture of doubles and triples.<br />

Aformer member has aset of boules for<br />

sale. They weigh 705 grams, and have only<br />

been used acouple of times. Any offer over<br />

$<strong>20</strong>0 will be considered.<br />

Please contact Karen Bensdorp if interested.<br />

We continuetoplay locally each Tuesday,<br />

Thursday and Saturday and invite you to join<br />

us on any of these days to learn our game,<br />

enjoy some friendship and fresh air. Meet<br />

about 1pm at 115 Racecourse Road, equipment<br />

and tuition is available.<br />

U3A Hakatere/<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Tuesday 25th <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22 at 10.15am<br />

(doors open at 9.30am at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Event<br />

Centre on Wills Street. Casual visitors $10<br />

cash at the door. Our guest speaker this<br />

month is DanielleCampbell Deputy Director of<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery and Museum who<br />

will speak on the role of museums in<br />

preserving history ... and more.<br />

Her presentation will examine the role of<br />

museums in not only preserving history, but<br />

collecting, conserving, cataloguing, digitising<br />

and interpreting history. It will also cover they<br />

ways in which museums are attempting to<br />

make their collections more accessible.<br />

Danielle has previously worked in arange<br />

of archives, heritage, research and curatorialbased<br />

roles.<br />

Our final session will be held on 22nd<br />

November when Neil Pickard will speak about<br />

the evolution of music in NZ.<br />

U3A began in <strong>Ashburton</strong> in <strong>20</strong>13 and is<br />

one of 60 groups nationwide.<br />

Monthly speakers are informative, stimulating<br />

and insightful and providemembers with<br />

new discussion and learning opportunities.<br />

U3A aims to provide abroad spectrum of<br />

themes for meetings and speakers who are<br />

leaders in their fields.<br />

Keep safe when<br />

trimming trees<br />

near power lines<br />

Trees thatgrowtoo close to overheadpower lines pose<br />

arisk to safety andthe reliability of yourpower supply.<br />

Trimmimg trees near live powerlines can be dangerous.<br />

In mostcases it should be done by aqualified<br />

professional.<br />

If you areaware oftrees thatneed trimming or youneed<br />

advice, please contact EA Networkson0800 430 460.<br />


Environment CanterburyRegional Council<br />

Southern News<br />

Southern projects getaboost!<br />

TheLower WaitakiSouth Coastal<br />

CanterburyWater Zone Committee<br />

has beenworkingtowardsthe goals<br />

of itsthree-yearactionplan, witha<br />

focusonengagement with the wider<br />

communitytoidentify,encourage and<br />

supportimprovement ofwaterbodies<br />

and mahikakai resourcegathering.<br />

WaitakiValley Biodiversity Education Project<br />

Theproject is aimedatincreasingbiodiversity in the local<br />

area through an action-basededucation programme<br />

delivered through the Waitaki ValleySchooland<br />

coordinatedbyHakataramea Sustainability Collective.<br />

Thegoalistocombat the decline of biodiversity within<br />

the localregion by increasingcommunity awareness,<br />

enabling and inspiring our communitytorestoreand<br />

protect biodiversity,and through the propagation and<br />

planting of nativespecies thriving in the area.<br />

Waihao Wainono Catchment Community<br />

Group coordination<br />

This funding of $12,000 will go towards plants,<br />

an information kiosk and administration costs to<br />

enhance two projects Waihao Wainono Catchment<br />

CommunityGroup arecurrentlyinvolved with (Waihao<br />

Walkway and TheSir Charles Creek) plus anew project,<br />

the Upper Waihao Improvement Program.<br />

Te Puna aMaru (Borton's Pond) ecological<br />

restorationproject<br />

Theproject focuses on mahi to improvethe health<br />

and abundance of habitats for native plants and<br />

animals that areimportant mahika kai (resource<br />

gathering), ledbyTeRūnanga oMoeraki.<br />

Funding of $11,886 will go towards planting costs to<br />

restoreself-sustaining habitats.<br />

Know your catchment<br />

Know Your Catchment is aweb platform for the<br />

community to engage and learn about freshwater<br />

in the Waitaki catchment.The funding of $6,000 is<br />

to improvethe platformsoit's more useable. Thedata<br />

includes informationabout water quality,irrigation,<br />

wetlands, recreation, and different waysfreshwater<br />

supports wellbeing.<br />

WaitakiValley Biodiversity EducationProject<br />

Waimate urban stormwater education<br />

This education and engagement project aimstohighlight<br />

the importance of reducing toxins and waste getting into<br />

our stormwater networkswhicheventuallymakes it's<br />

way into the wider environment and waterways.<br />

Thefunding of $2,562 is to go towards materials to use<br />

in conjunction with Waimate DistrictCouncil and the<br />

localschools to increaseknowledge of stormwater<br />

and how to protect it.<br />

Find out more aboutyour waterzone at<br />

ecan.govt.nz/myzone<br />

Ōtūwharekai <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes water quality<br />

results reinforce ongoing need for action<br />

Hundredsofwater samples taken from the Ōtūwharekai<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes and streams overthe past year confirm<br />

that water quality remains aconcern and reinforce that<br />

ongoing action is required.<br />

Thewater monitoring results werepresentedtothe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Water Zone CommitteebyEnvironment<br />

Canterburyand the Department of Conservation,<br />

who arepart of the Ōtūwharekai Working Group to<br />

restorelakehealth and cultural values.<br />

This group is made up of representatives from rūnanga,<br />

councils, landowners, Fish &Game and central<br />

government agencies.<br />

Thefindings showednegativeand somepositive<br />

changes acrossthe different lakes and streams of this<br />

unique sub-alpine catchment,said Dr Tim Davie,<br />

Director of Science at Environment Canterbury.<br />

“Theseare small to medium-sized lakes and streams in<br />

the high country, which means results often fluctuate<br />

from year-to-year due to climate conditions and other<br />

variables. However,the results generallyshow increasing<br />

nutrients and algae,which have causedadeclineinwater<br />

quality overthe past ten years.<br />

“Work is already underway to reduce nutrients entering<br />

the waterways from farming activity,and the nearby<br />

long-droptoilets in the huts settlement have been<br />

decommissioned. However,theseactions could take<br />

some time to makeadifference to water quality results.<br />

“The positivenews is therehas beenareal willingness<br />

by landownersand localfarmerstocontinue to go<br />

beyond their regulatoryrequirements to addressissues<br />

in the catchment,sowe’reconfident change is possible.”<br />

To find out moreabout the actions underway to restorelakehealth and subscribetothe Ōtūwharekai mailing<br />

list visit ecan.govt.nz/otuwharekai Or comealong to the next <strong>Ashburton</strong> Water Zone Committee meeting on<br />

22 November at 1pm to hear an updatefromthe team.<br />

Interestedinwater quality<br />

issues? Get involved in your<br />

water zone committee<br />

Water Zone Committees, made up of community<br />

members, rūnanga and councils, meet regularly<br />

to develop actions and tacticstoimprove water<br />

quality in your localarea.<br />

Meetings areopen to thepublic, as well as other<br />

events and field trips. Here’swhat’scoming up:<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Water Zone Committee.<br />

22 November 1:00pm meeting.<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council,Council Chambers.<br />

Lower Waitaki South Coastal Water Zone<br />

Committee. 30 November 1:00pm meeting,<br />

Waimate Event Centre.<br />

10 December,StrawberryFarestormwater<br />

education, Waimate.<br />

Upper Waitaki Water Zone Committee.<br />

2December 11:30am meeting and 2pm<br />

hāngī, Omarama.<br />

Ōrāri TemukaŌpihi Pareora(OTOP) Water<br />

Zone Committee. 5December 1:00pm meeting,<br />

Timaru District Council,Council Chambers.<br />

Waste to energy plant consent application<br />

We have received resource consent applications from South Island Resource Recovery Limitedforaproposed<br />

waste to energy plant near Waimate.The applications arebeing audited beforeany public notification begins.<br />

Theapplicant has requestedpublic notification from both Environment Canterbury and Waimate District Council<br />

so,once both agencies have completed therequired audits, the proposalwill be jointlynotifiedand open for<br />

public submission. Membersofthe community will be able to makesubmissions and have their sayduring this<br />

part of the process.<br />

Consent application documents can be found on our website.<br />

Come work for us!<br />

Timaru based:<br />

•AreaEngineer,Southern<br />

CLOSING DATE SUNDAY 23 OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

•Resource Management Officer -<br />

Monitoring and Compliance<br />

CLOSING DATE SUNDAY 23 OCTOBER <strong>20</strong>22<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> office: 4McNallySt, 7700<br />

Timaru office: 75 Church St,7910<br />

Taking action togethertoshapeathrivingand<br />

resilientCanterbury,now andfor future generations.<br />

Toitū te marae oTāne,toitū te maraeoTangaroa, toitūteiwi.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

47<br />

Run and Walk<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ourannualprizegiving eveningwas<br />

heldonFriday14th <strong>October</strong> at Manio­Roto<br />

Park ScoutHall ahead of our<br />

closingday.<br />

An enjoyableevening was had by all<br />

whoattended, to celebrate<br />

achievements and share storiesover a<br />

delicious potluck dinner.<br />

Results:Walkers:AHC Cross Country<br />

WalkWomens winner –Judith Crozier;<br />

AHCCross CountryWalkMenswinner –<br />

DaveWilkinson;AHC Most Improved<br />

Walker­Stacey Hooper;AHC Most<br />

Outstanding walker –Janet Hood; AHC<br />

Road Champs first on handicap women<br />

–Stacey Hooper; AHCRoadchamps<br />

firstonhandicapmen –Dave Strong;<br />

Clinton Trophy winner 3kmestimated<br />

timeTurkey Trot –Paul Severins; E<br />

Stringer shield Fastest timemen road<br />

champs­DaveStrong; Gilbert Walk<br />

winner 3kmhandicap ­Marie Batty;<br />

Greymouth Cupveteran fastesthalf<br />

marathon walk ­Judith Crozier; Hood<br />

Family Trophy fastest womenwalker<br />

road champs–StaceyHooper;Johnny<br />

McGrathMemorial Trophy5km Walk –<br />

Alison Conway;Strong Walk winner3km<br />

handicap –Stacey Hooper.<br />

Runners: AHC Most Improved Runner<br />

–KathrynPage;Alastair KeenTrophy<br />

outstanding performance roadrelay ­<br />

Jeremy Hayes;EganFamily Shield<br />

VeteranMens cross country<br />

championship ­Ronnie Campbell;<br />

Clinton Challengewinner veteran men<br />

handicap cross country –Mike<br />

O’Callaghan; John Williams Memorial<br />

firstplace handicap Cross Country<br />

Champs –MikeO’Callaghan;Gerald<br />

Whiting Shield ladies handicap cross<br />

country –Alison Conway; Percy Brown<br />

Memorialfastesttime ladies handicap<br />

cross country–Alison Conway;<br />

Rosebury Trophy Veteran womens cross<br />

country championship –Alison Conway;<br />

HarneyFamilyTrophy Ladies road<br />

champsfirstacross the line –Ashlea<br />

Norris; Carter FamilyShieldwinner<br />

senior womens roadchamps–Ashlea<br />

Norris; Judith Stewart TrophyVeteran<br />

womens road champs –Tam Grant; Jack<br />

Feron Trophy winner on handicap over<br />

50 mens roadchamps –MervGilbert;<br />

JohnGamblin winner Road champsfirst<br />

across the line –EamonHooper;<br />

McIntoshInter ClubTrophy winner –<br />

Kathryn Page; Peter Larkin<br />

Standardbreds Ltd shield winner 3km<br />

handicap road race –KathrynPage;<br />

Wilson Rosebowlwinner 3km estimated<br />

time Turkey Trot­Mike O’Callaghan;<br />

AHC BestInterclub Colt or Girl–Sophie<br />

Lampe; BClemens CupU16 girls cross<br />

countrychampion –SophieLampe;<br />

Carter ChallengeU14 Boys cross country<br />

champion ­Jack Hooper; John<br />

McBrearty Trophy Junior Colts Champ­<br />

Jack Hooper; PC Brown Cup Junior Colts<br />

fastest timeRoad Champs –Kalym<br />

Chalmers; SLong Rose BowlColtsfastest<br />

timeHandicapRoad Champs –Kalym<br />

Chalmers.<br />

Specials: Gordon Clinton Trophy<br />

Seasons best veteran –Paul Severins;<br />

Noel LochheadShield most enthusiastic<br />

member ­Marie &Noel Batty; Gilbert<br />

Family Shield –GamesTrophy –Noel<br />

Batty.<br />

Softball<br />

HampsteadSlow­Pitch:<br />

Marines&Angels 27­8 Hawkies Hawks<br />

S&Giggles 29­14HakatereHitters<br />

LaserAttack 12­9 The Misfits<br />

Retyred 18­7 Once Were Winners<br />

Mid CanterburySoftball:<br />

Senior­Mixed<br />

Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat 17­7<br />

Fairfield<br />

Rakaia Dairy services Rebels21­4<br />

Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix.<br />

Tinwald Cycling Club<br />

Nigel Chatterton welcomedanold Cup<br />

backontothe mantelpiece having taken<br />

victory in Tinwald Cycling Clubs, White<br />

Fox and JonesLawyers,45km handicap<br />

event around the Dawson’s Road block<br />

on Sunday.<br />

Chatterton first liftedthe Cup 33 years<br />

ago as arelative new comer to thesenior<br />

ranks.<br />

Chatterton and hisco­markers found<br />

the frontofthe raceearly into the final<br />

lap, riding clearofthe bunch andheld on<br />

to the winningmargin to the finishline.<br />

PaulWilliamsproduced atop effort to<br />

secure the second place spoils.<br />

Nick Ralston, back on the bike having<br />

had severalyears off, led in the chasing<br />

group to claim the final podium spot.<br />

Don Morrisonwas in the thick of the<br />

finish to take fourth place.<br />

Kyla Smith andBrian Ellis rode<br />

strongly to round out the top six.<br />

Christchurch visitor MichaelAudeau<br />

claimed fastest timehonours, riding the<br />

distancein62.05.<br />

Co­markers Kyle Gray and Larry Neal<br />

secured second andthirdtime.<br />

The juniors and division 2contested a<br />

15kmhandicap event.<br />

Charlotte Nealwas in top formriding<br />

to victory to claimthe juniorswinners<br />

spoils.<br />

First time starter Casey Brake had an<br />

awesomeride to take second place,<br />

seeingofthe bravechallenge of herlittle<br />

sister Eden Brake, whotook the third<br />

place prize.<br />

Fourth placegetter Jack Gorrie rode<br />

the course in 29.28to secure fastest time<br />

honours.<br />

Louie Audeau had agreat ridetotake<br />

fifth place.<br />

Janette Hooper secured division2<br />

honours.<br />

Nextweekthe Club will contest a48km<br />

handicap eventaroundthe Grahams<br />

Road block.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening –Oct 10th,B&C<br />

Ladder<br />

1st Amanda Evans &Karen<br />

Chettleburg, 2nd =Louise McCrea &<br />

Carol Efford andBronwynOakley&Cath<br />

King, 3rd JoyceJohnson &John F<br />

Rickard,4th Allison &ChrisLovelock,<br />

5th Mervyn Jones &PaulineScott, 6th<br />

Anne Gilbert &RuthLogan<br />

Tuesday Evening–Oct 11th,<br />

Hazelmere Trophy<br />

1st SueRosevear &LeighWackrow,<br />

2ndDavid Sewell &Peter Wilson, 3rd<br />

Maryke Blignault &Jason Vannini, 4th<br />

RewaKyle &Kay Robb,5th=Lois Rose<br />

&Bev Turton and Mary Buckland &<br />

RosemaryMcLaughlin, 6th Raylene<br />

Phillips &WendyParr<br />

Wednesday Afternoon ­Oct 12th,<br />

ValettaTrophy<br />

N/S 1st Mary Buckland &TrishSmall,<br />

2ndPat Jordan &RosemaryMcLaughlin,<br />

3rd JohnShearer&Bev Turton<br />

E/W 1st Rewa Kyle &Trish Downward,<br />

2nd Wendy &Eric Parr, 3rd Sue<br />

Rosevear&Kay Robb<br />

Thursday Evening –Oct 13th, Charity<br />

Night<br />

N/S 1st Debbie Seddon­Sewell &David<br />

Sewell, 2nd Carolyn Cameron &John<br />

McDonald, 3rdJoyce Johnson &Mervyn<br />

Jones<br />

E/W 1st ValPalmer &Johnny Wright,<br />

2nd Lynette Leadley &Paul Leadley,3rd<br />

Kate White&Trish Downward.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Veterans Golf<br />

Played at Tinwald 17th<strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22<br />

1st Philip Crozier41, 2nd =Malcolm<br />

Fechney, JohnChudworth,Micheal<br />

McGuire, Colin Morgan andNeil<br />

Connelly 40, 3rd TonySheppard 39<br />

Twos Doug Sheldon, ColinMorgan,<br />

Malcolm Fechney and TonySheppard.<br />

Next Game 14th November visit from<br />

Selwyn Vets at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

2522556<br />

Consultations Soft Landscape Plans Delivery &Planting<br />

Allwood Trees, 913 Shands Road,<br />

Prebbleton 7676<br />

Phone: (03) 349 9240<br />

allwood.co.nz<br />

Allwood-Trees-Limited<br />

allwoodtrees<br />

Quotations<br />

Landscaping<br />

Construction &<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />

Spring<br />

Agreattimeto<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7298<br />

mark@dpi.co.nz<br />

dpi embroidme ashburton<br />

dpi_embroidme_ashburton<br />

1<strong>20</strong> MooreStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Lubes WOF<br />

Allmechanical repairs<br />


Help in person by appointment<br />

Thursday9.15am -1.45pm<br />

Ph 0508 CANLAW<br />

(0508 226 529) to makean<br />

appointment.<br />

Help by phone Infoline<br />

03 371 3819 or 0508 226 529<br />

215 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2512225<br />

JukeBox Hire<br />

Weddings,21st,<br />

PrivateFunctions<br />

Sound Systems &Lighting Hire<br />

Phone DJ Dave<br />

03 308 5106<br />

027 251 0015<br />

www.soundmanagement.co.nz<br />

2494834<br />



Victoria Street,<br />

TheTriangle,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: (03) 308 6772<br />

2512243<br />

2512241<br />

We’re <strong>Ashburton</strong> local,<br />

and our team have more<br />

than 50 years experience<br />

Interior and Exterior Painting<br />

Interior Plastering<br />

Wallpapering<br />

Your solution for:<br />

•Security systems • Building compliance • Gate automation<br />

•Fire extinguishers• Fire alarms • Alarm monitoring<br />

03 308 7778<br />

securisure.co.nz<br />

info@securisure.co.nz<br />

Contact us today<br />

free quote l advice l discuss<br />

2512238<br />



Phone Quentin andPhil on<br />

027 282 8908 or 027 2828909<br />

2512221<br />

2512<strong>20</strong>9<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

Aluminium Windows and<br />

Doors Replacement<br />

Glass ShowerEnclosures<br />

Glass Splashbacks and more<br />

027 279 6771<br />

www.3krtrader.co.nz l 163 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

We offer the following:<br />

• Gutter and DownpipeCleaning • Weed Spraying<br />

• Moss,Mouldand Lichen Spraying • Spider Proofing<br />

• Gorse and BroomSpraying • FenceLineSpraying<br />

• Chimney/Flue Cleaning $90 • Heat Pump Service$90<br />



Call Allan on 027 <strong>20</strong>9 5026 an let us know howwecan help<br />

Protect what<br />

youvalue the<br />

smartway<br />

Manage your<br />

safety&security<br />

anywhere, anytime<br />

2512213<br />


*Awnings/Shade sails/Dropblinds*Auto seat covers &repairs<br />

*Hay&bin covers *PVC covers &repairs<br />

*Ute tonneau covers *Furnitureupholsteryrepairs<br />

*Commercial<br />

PHONE TRAVISHOWDEN 027 922 4544<br />

Kitchen dreams can come true<br />

Custom madeand designed especiallyfor you<br />

Free measure and quote<br />

2512227<br />

2514097<br />

Call 0800 788 393<br />

57 Dobson Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.masterguard.co.nz<br />

HartleyCurd 021 328 301<br />

Keeping our communitysafefor over25years<br />

2497309<br />

606 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.kitchenexpress.co.nz<br />

03 3077131<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Sales l Service l Repairs<br />


P 03 308 7982 - E cliff@mckayanddonaldson.co.nz<br />

W www.mckayanddonaldson.co.nz -734 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />



2512232<br />

115 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone /Fax: (03) 307 2354<br />

enquiries@tinwaldcanvas.co.nz www.tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />

Computer/Tech Help<br />

Need personalised help with your<br />

computer, programs orbackups?<br />

Trouble with your –PC–iPhone/iPad<br />

–printer –network –electronic stuff?<br />

Special price for Seniors<br />

Iwill come to you.<br />

Call Frank 021-1<strong>20</strong>-9292<br />

MSc (Electronic Engineering)<br />

Apple and Windows logos belong to their respective companies<br />

EFTPOS available<br />

2496464<br />

2512231<br />

•Restoration<br />

•Modifications<br />

•Rust Removal<br />

•Custom Fabrications<br />

•WOF Reports<br />

• MagWheel Repairs &Painting<br />

16 Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 308 0387<br />

johnsons.panelpaint@gmail.com<br />

www.johnsonspanelpaint.co.nz<br />


Does your garden need monthly<br />

maintenancetokeep it tidy and<br />

looking good through the seasons?<br />

Or perhaps just need aone off tidy<br />

or pruning completed?<br />

We can help!<br />

Allgarden wasteremoved<br />

ContactCAROLYN Phone: 027 267 5403 or 308 2333<br />

Email: cccolt@xtra.co.nz<br />

2512233<br />

03 307 0506<br />

154 Dobson Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.threesixtycollision.co.nz<br />

admin@threesixtycollision.co.nz<br />

Approved repairer for:<br />

Advice &Insurance<br />

2519086<br />

“we clean to a<br />

standard,<br />

not aprice”<br />

UNDER NEW<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


Same exceptional CleaningServices<br />

level of service<br />

&quality cleaning<br />

• regular full house cleans<br />

• one off spring cleans<br />

• farm houses<br />

• builders cleans<br />

• <br />

100% LOCAL<br />

03 307 2656<br />

www.ashburtoncleaning.co.nz<br />

2512216<br />



Jann or Karen acallon<br />

308 7664<br />

$30<br />

0800 424 335<br />

OFF!<br />



www.geeksonwheels.co.nz<br />

BUY 1 GET 1<br />



PACKAGE^<br />

$<br />

149<br />

FROM<br />




SERVICE –03307 8438<br />

For Passenger, Commercial and<br />

Farm Vehicles<br />

0800 4 A GEEK<br />


Fresh &frozenfood available<br />

Beef &wild gamemince<br />

Dogrolls Dogbones<br />

Frozenchucks<br />

Briskets<br />

• High and LowVoltage line repairs<br />

• New connections<br />

• Underground High and Lowvoltage<br />

options<br />

• Transformer installation<br />

• Overheadtounderground conversion<br />

Locally<br />

owned and<br />

operated<br />


GREAT<br />

RATES<br />

Quotes and Estimates<br />

Call Graham022 0109248<br />

office@powertechash.co.nz<br />


PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />

Icome to youday or evening!<br />

NewPCs<br />

and Laptops<br />

forsale<br />

•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />

•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />

<strong>20</strong> YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />

Bridgestone Tyre Centre <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Cnr Cox &East St. Book now on 03 307 8438<br />


*Selectedtyres only. ^Includes up to 4.5litresofPenrite oiland<br />

astandardoil filter. Conditions apply,see in storefor details.<br />

027 461 9162<br />

jenandmilzyspetfood@gmail.com<br />

99 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />


2497330<br />


Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

P: 03 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br />

robinbj@xtra.co.nz<br />


trusted<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 GUIDE<br />

trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


GLASS<br />

Wilsons Windscreens <strong>20</strong>18 Ltd<br />

We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />

AUTO and HOUSE<br />


“Your placeorours”<br />

2512248<br />

152 Wills Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Ph.308 8485<br />


including<br />

Interior andexterior Roofs<br />

Residential andcommercial<br />

Interior gibstopping<br />

Anyjob bigorsmall<br />

Call Tony 0273283124<br />

2512934<br />

Letthe team at<br />

Insideout takecareof<br />

all your painting and<br />

property maintenance<br />

• Painting<br />

• Carpentry<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Projectwisdom<br />

• Maintenance&repairs<br />

<strong>20</strong>10 LTD<br />

Call Shanetodayon03307 7071<br />

2512228<br />

Ash Solar Power<br />

South Island<br />

www.ashsolarpower.com<br />

2512222<br />

Our authorised techniciansns<br />

service and repair all<br />

makes and models of<br />

sewing machines and<br />

overlockers<br />

OPEN 7DAYS9.30am -4.30pm<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong> | Phone 307 6277<br />

www.anniesquilts.co.nz<br />

2497306<br />


Prompt Service Guaranteed<br />


<br />

<br />

Repairs and renovations<br />

Switchboardupgrades<br />

LED lighting systems<br />

House rewires<br />

Sheds,garages,sleepouts<br />

Call 021 576 044<br />

2503813<br />


Automotive<br />

Diagnostics &<br />

Servicing<br />

03 308 6646<br />

•Automotiveservicing,repairs<br />

and diagnostics<br />

•Latest scan tools and<br />

servicedata<br />

•All makes and models including<br />

European and Japanese<br />

•Vehicle transportand recovery<br />

TheBig Blue Shed<br />

CnrJohn &McLean Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2512224<br />

2512219<br />



Experts in glass<br />

308-3918<br />

<strong>20</strong>6 Chalmers Avenue,<br />

NetherbyShopping Centre,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />

office@ashburtonglass.co.nz<br />

Forall your tyre requirements,<br />

see the localexperts<br />

•Wheel alignments<br />

•Wheel balancing<br />

ashburtoncranes<strong>20</strong>15@gmail.com<br />

•Manufacturer and supplier of<br />

Rylock aluminium windows and doors<br />

•Retrodouble glazing installers foradrier,<br />

warmer,quieter home<br />

197 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> l www.neumannstyres.co.nz<br />

Phone 03 308 6737 (24 hrs –after hours call out applies)<br />

2512237<br />

2512218<br />

Forafreequote, contactDavid &Lorayne Oakley<br />

PHONE 308 8493. EMAIL: owdrylock@gmail.com<br />

8A John Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2494730<br />






03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />


trusted trades &services<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone KarenGane 308 7664 or email karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz

PEOPLE<br />

WHO MEAN<br />


Don’t delay call AJ today<br />

A.J Kerr<br />

•Spider Proofing •Fly Control<br />

•Grain Fumigation •Moss/Lichen Treatment<br />

ent<br />

•Rodents •Wasp nests<br />



LocallyOwned&Operated<br />

Fully qualified &registered Pest Control Technician<br />

Call A.J 308 8147<br />

or 0274 325 447<br />

2522924<br />

For your complete<br />

Build, Alteration,<br />

Renovation and Repair<br />


(Licensed Building Practitioners)<br />

Cawte Whiting 027-418-7955<br />

kiwibm@outlook.com<br />

2522923<br />

Spruce<br />

Gardens<br />

Forfreequotes contactAndrew<br />

027 765 2899 or03307 307 1693<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

2522921<br />

Is yourgarden<br />

screamingfor<br />

attention?<br />

Forall your gardeningneedsneeds<br />

We offerthe personal touch<br />

•Mowing•Pruning•Flower bedPreparation<br />

•Fertilisation •Service&Advice& •Professionalattentionntion<br />

Forqualified,experienced &reliable<br />

serviceand advice<br />





Andrew Williams-Freeman<br />

facebook<br />

Forlatest breaking news and up-to-date<br />

information find us on<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz l www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz

Are you looking for<br />

Property Management or<br />

considering a change?<br />

Contact the professional<br />

team at LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 554 274<br />

admin@ljhashburtonrentals.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Rentals<br />

Make things happen<br />


Build customers, sales and profits,<br />

with us . . .<br />

Print, Online and<br />

Mobile 24/7<br />

Over 16,000 copies delivered every week<br />

Staveley<br />

Mount Somers<br />

Alford Forest<br />

Valetta<br />

Mayfield<br />

77<br />

Ruapuna<br />

Arundel<br />

Orari Bridge<br />

Geraldine<br />

77 1<br />

Ealing<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Forks<br />

Moranan Maronan<br />

Hinds<br />

Lowcliffe<br />

Methven<br />

Winchmore<br />

1<br />

Willowby<br />

Lauriston<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

1<br />

Wakanui<br />

Chertsey<br />

Rakaia<br />

Advertise with us today! ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664 jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />

to secure this unqiue property &benefit from<br />

it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

45 TANCRED STREET 4 1 6<br />


Potential plus exudes here, modern family<br />

home with 4bdrms, HRV, wood burner, o/p<br />

kitchen/dining/lounge. Two titles, Section<br />

offering the ultimate subdivision (subject to<br />

survey) up to 6sections. Shed with facilities/<br />

sleep out, storage shed/garage up to 6. BEO<br />

$689,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/79HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

SOLD<br />

374 WRIGHTS ROAD 5 2 3<br />


O/plan, 4living/lounges, 5bdrms, 2bthrms<br />

entertainment area, 4bay shed.This lifestyle<br />

block has huge potential with ample space<br />

&opportunity to renovate at your leisure. 4ha<br />

been leased byafarmer, with land in good<br />

condition. Lots of potential to develop into a<br />

premium property. Offers Over $729,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7YHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



Opportunity here to start your own Cafe<br />

at an affordable price, on the Main Street<br />

on Methven! Entry level only cost of plant<br />

&chattels. Commerical Lease 9years left.<br />

Approved for 50 chairs. Put your own touch<br />

on the premises &it’s ready to go!<br />

Price by Negotiation.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/82HYK<br />

Agent Manu Otene 022 308 6885 |<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

26 KAWAU CRESCENT 3 1 1<br />


Fantastic Home! Ready for your own stamp<br />

of style! Jump on the property ladder,<br />

whether it’s your 1st or 2nd home for an<br />

investment. 3 dble bdrms, generous size<br />

living, woodburner with wetback, sleep out,<br />

single garage with an attached workshop in<br />

aquiet settled street. Offers Over $449,000<br />

View<br />


ljhooker.co.nz/80HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company


Allenton 86 Belt Road<br />

Aplace tocall home<br />

This is awonderful opportunityfor thoselooking to downsize, purchaseafirst homeormove closerto<strong>Ashburton</strong> township.<br />

Located on Belt Road,this two-bedroom, two-bathroom home has been well-maintained and cared for overthe years.<br />

Open plan kitchen anddiningcapture allday sun, aperfect spotfor your morning coffee or to host friends andfamily. The<br />

generous living area provides plenty of spaceand includes acosy log fire and heat pump forthe cooler months. Recent<br />

renovationsinthe kitchen andbathroomsinclude classicdetails suchasPerrin &Rowe tapware, woodeninterior shutters,<br />

and LEDlighting,along with theadded bonusofdoubleglazing in themasterbedroom. Seton665sqm(moreorless), the<br />

private outdoor space is ideal for hostinginthe warmer months. Contact me todayfor moreinformation on thisremarkable<br />

home.<br />

665sqm 2 1 2<br />

For Saleoffers invitedover $6<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

View Sat10.45-11.15am or by appointment<br />

Emily Smith 027 222 4596<br />

emily.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5519713<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> 3<strong>20</strong>A HavelockStreet<br />

Soak up the sun<br />

This practical, comfortable and sunny 1<strong>20</strong>sqm stand-alone townhouse offers lowmaintenance living in aconvenient town<br />

location. The open plan living,diningand kitchenprovide an idealspace to welcomefriends and family. Thediningarea<br />

features alovely bay window, great for plants to soak up thesun.Down thehallway youwillfindtwo bedroomswith built-in<br />

wardrobes andpositioned for afternoon sun, bathroom, separate toilet, separatelaundryalong with an oversized single<br />

garage. This home hasrecently had new flooring installed throughout and will be asolid optionfor first-home buyers or for<br />

thoselooking to downsize. Set off the road, this rear townhouse hasasimplegardenwith avarietyofmatureroses of every<br />

colour, awelcomingsighttocomehome to. Aheat pump ensures year-roundcomfortwhateverthe weather. Thecentral<br />

location combined with its easy-carenature will make this home apopular choice.<br />

2 1 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Thu10Nov <strong>20</strong>22<br />

<strong>20</strong>1West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View Sat11.30am-12pm or by appointment<br />

Rachel Mulcay 0275 443 618<br />

rachel.mulcay@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5519666<br />



Allenton 16 Country Place<br />

Premier position<br />

We are delightedtopresentthis stylish four-bedroom home seldomly available in Coniston Water.This property really<br />

makes an impression, with arecentlypainted exterior and striking windowawnings it is sitedona1,167sqm (moreorless)<br />

private section which takes full advantageofthe sun,offering multiple outdoor entertaining areas that flow seamlessly into<br />

the living area. There is ample room for thewholefamily withalarge kitchen, dining and living,and aseparatelounge.<br />

Spacious bedrooms, master hasawalk-inwardrobe and ensuite, whilst theremaining bedrooms share thegenerousfamily<br />

bathroom. Storage is in abundancewiththe double garage accommodating the laundryand alarge storage roomfor all<br />

your treasures.Featuring fantastic off-streetparkingtoaccommodatetoys or guests and located only afew minuteswalk<br />

fromArgylePark, this property ticks all the boxes.<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 3pm, Wed 2Nov <strong>20</strong>22<br />

<strong>20</strong>1WestStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

View Sat11.30am-12.15pm or by appointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027 437 9696 mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />

RayKnight 027 4340139ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5519479<br />


Allenton 14 DavidsonStreet<br />

801sqm 3 2 1 2<br />

Asking Price $560,000<br />

View Sat 10.45-11.15am or by appointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027 4379696<br />

mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Motivated and realistic, bring me an offer<br />

Ourvendorshave moved outand movedon, don’tmiss the opportunity to take up residence in the sought-after area<br />

of Allenton, on aquiet street with AllentonPrimaryand <strong>Ashburton</strong>College close by.This spacioushomecomprises<br />

three doublebedrooms, bathroom, kitchen/dining, living with an office spaceand aseparatelounge. You willbekept<br />

warmand cosy with thenew ultracleanair logfireover thecooler months. Thereare three shade sailstokeep you<br />

shadedinsummer aswell whilst entertaining yourguests. Featuring established gardenswith aBBQ area. Great offstreet<br />

parking with adouble garage that also has arear door foraccess to the backyard.This homeisready to move<br />

intoimmediately, so actquickly, contact the agent foraviewing or for more information.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519160<br />

Hampstead 36 CambridgeStreet<br />

402sqm 3 1 2 2<br />

ForSale offers invitedover $570,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Emily Smith 027 2224596<br />

emily.smith@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Charming on Cambridge<br />

Situatedonaquiet street close to town thisimmaculate three-bedroom,two-bathroom home was built in <strong>20</strong>08 and<br />

has been well-maintained over theyears. The modern open plan kitchen andlivingareaensures entertaining is done<br />

with ease, during thewarmermonths friends and family can enjoy theprivate patio area or deckwith all-day sun.<br />

Double glazingthroughout with aheat pump andHRV systemallows forcomfort all year round.Multiple storage<br />

optionsare available in thehallway andall bedrooms have sizeable built-inwardrobes.Aseparate double garageand<br />

garden shed ensure there's plenty of room for tools andtoys.<br />

Located close to multiple local amenities, Hampstead School, Hampstead Kindergartenand Friedlander Park.This<br />

homeisanideal opportunityfor those wanting an investmentproperty,lock andleaveoraplace to call home.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519574<br />



Tinwald 5Birchside Lane<br />

938sqm 3 2 1 1<br />

ForSale offers invitedover $599,000<br />

View 10-10.30am Sat22Oct or by appointment<br />

Mick Hydes 027437 9696<br />

mick.hydes@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Handy to Town<br />

Built in <strong>20</strong>13byDes MillarConstructionthis156sqm home hasplenty of scope to add value and your own touches,<br />

without delays and the hassleofanew build.Thiswell-maintained property is situated on a938sqm (moreorless)<br />

sectiondown aprivate lane, just ashort driveorstrollinto town, cafes, andagarden centre. Comprisingthree<br />

bedroomswith built-in wardrobes,abathroom andseparate toilet, it is perfect for afamily. Livingareas arekept cosy<br />

by aclean air approved log fire and heat pump;aseparatekitchen, laundry, and single garagecomplete the picture of<br />

thishome. Thereisplentyofspace to add another garage or workshop as the section is mainlylawnwith some<br />

perimeter plantings, the opportunitieshereare endless and aquickturnaround is possible.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518965<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 132Burnett Street<br />

909sqm<br />

PricebyNegotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight 027 434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Central <strong>Ashburton</strong>office building<br />

Perfectly positioned in the heart of<strong>Ashburton</strong>'sCBD arethese attractive and modernoffice premises.Recently<br />

refurbished withanextensionaddedin<strong>20</strong>13, thisbuildingcould presentthe perfectopportunity to occupy or tenant<br />

andenjoy the returns.<br />

With an NBS ratingof67%, the propertyiscurrentlyvacant andhas previously been leased for $85,500 plusGST plus<br />

outgoings.<br />

Includedwiththe propertyare six off-streetcarparks andthere is plenty of on-roadparking for clients. Vendors are<br />

willing to entertain options of alease.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518123<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 92 East Street<br />

<strong>20</strong>7sqm<br />

ForSale offers invitedover $118,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ray Knight 027434 0139<br />

ray.knight@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Vacantcommercialland<br />

Offers invitedover Rateable Valueplus GST (if any)<br />

• <strong>20</strong>7sqm (more or less) freehold title<br />

• Access availablefrom East Street and Dobson Street<br />

• Suitable for awide range of buyers<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518749<br />

Hatfield 1002 SomertonRoad<br />

105.7267ha<br />

Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 12pm, Fri 4Nov <strong>20</strong>22<br />

View by appointment<br />

Mike Preston 027430 7041 mike.preston@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Adam Whitelock 027408 3424 adam.whitelock@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Property for lease<br />

Located within close proximity to Rakaia,this propertyshowstheattributes of qualityTempleton soils and irrigation,<br />

producing arange of cropsparticularly specialist smallseedsincluding carrots, radishes andbeetroot, peas, grass<br />

seed,cerealsand potatoes. Winter feed crops are also growninrotation for grazing sheep andlambs.<br />

BCI Scheme provideswater and is appliedvia three pivot irrigators.<br />

Available on a3+2yeartenure.<br />

Boundarylines are indicativeonly<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519252<br />



Mt Somers<br />

59 PattonsRoad<br />


Methven<br />

86 Spaxton Street<br />

3 1 1 1<br />

2 1 1<br />

DeadlineSale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Wed9Nov<strong>20</strong>22<br />

View Sat 11-11.30amorbyappointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />

DeadlineSale (unless sold prior) 2pm, Thu27Oct <strong>20</strong>22<br />

View Sat 1-1.30pm or by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />



Country charm<br />

Modern ease<br />

Nestled on apeaceful and fully fenced 896sqm<br />

(approx.) section, this country cottage is the ideal first<br />

home, investment or holiday home set in the heart of<br />

Mt Somers.<br />

The home hasoriginalfeatures throughout including<br />

wood panelling, stained glass windows and alovely<br />

front porch to relax on andenjoy mulled wine,<br />

watching thelights on Mt Hutt in winter,and the<br />

peaceful village atmosphere insummer.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519569<br />

Presented in excellent condition,onalow<br />

maintenance section, this super propertyhas allthe<br />

ingredients for an easylife. Thehome hasbeenwell<br />

maintainedand includes amodern kitchen, bathroom,<br />

two double bedrooms and laundry. Youwillstay warm<br />

and cosy in winterwith double glazing and aheat<br />

pump. The easy-care section is mostlyfenced,includes<br />

asmall gardenshedand provides the perfect amount<br />

of lawn and garden.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519626<br />


Methven<br />

12 BarkersRoad<br />

Methven<br />

83 BarkersRoad<br />

3 1 1<br />

832sqm 3 2 2 2<br />

DeadlineSale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Thu27Oct <strong>20</strong>22<br />

View Sat 1.30-2pm&Tue 4.30-5pm or by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Asking Price $795,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />



In the hub of Methven<br />

Premium property, premium location<br />

After something alittleoutsidethe square? The search<br />

is over! Located in the hub of Methven, sits this two<br />

level, three bedroom, alpine styled home. Asecure<br />

rental opportunity foraninvestor,anattractivefirst<br />

hometobeproud of,oralow maintenance lock and<br />

leave forthe holidaymaker. Two doublebedrooms<br />

and atoilet upstairs, one double bedroom, spacious<br />

bathroom,and separate toilet downstairs.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519640<br />

Escape to yourown private oasis in Camrose, Methven.<br />

This immaculately presented three bedroom home is<br />

perfectly positioned on aquietrear section with the<br />

sun and mountainviewstaken into thoughtful<br />

consideration. The outdoor area is also situated near a<br />

protectedreserve.<br />

Conveniently locatedwithin ashort distanceofthe<br />

towncentre, local schools andamenities.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5518811<br />

Methven<br />

7Burbank Place<br />

Methven<br />

Lot 90 Memorial Crescent<br />

658sqm 3 1 2 2<br />

775sqm<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Price on Application<br />

View by appointment<br />

RosaDekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

For Sale offers invited over $230,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

Rosa Dekker 0274 655 387<br />

rosa.dekker@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Brand new, modern and convenient<br />

Priced to sell<br />

Artist's impression<br />

Set amidst Camrose Estatejustashortstroll from<br />

Methven town centre andOpuke ThermalPools,this<br />

brand-new home currently under construction offers<br />

an exceptional lifestyle.Designed by Detail<br />

Consultancywithaview to efficient and easy living,<br />

indoor andoutdoorliving bask in anorth-facing<br />

aspect.<br />

With an impressivecontemporarystreet frontage, a<br />

modernmix of shadowcladdingand cedar guides<br />

visitorstothe frontentrance.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519360<br />

This wellsitedrear 775sqm (moreorless) section,<br />

locatedinahigh-quality subdivision within Methven,<br />

offers awonderful platform to design and build the<br />

home of your dreams. Withtitles due early nextyear, it<br />

is the perfect time to start theplanning process and<br />

turn yourdreamsinto reality.Surrounded by<br />

breathtaking scenery and on thedoorstep to allthat<br />

Methven andits surroundshas to offer,who wouldn't<br />

want to live here?<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519611<br />

Methven<br />

Lot2ofLot 4HobbsRoad<br />


Methven<br />

14B MemorialCrescent<br />

5,000sqm<br />

1,0<strong>20</strong>sqm 4 2 2 2<br />

For Sale offers invited over $450,000<br />

View by appointment<br />

FeeEnsor 021705 014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View by appointment<br />

Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />

fee.ensor@bayleys.co.nz<br />



Stunning mountain and ruralvistas<br />

Bypass the stress of building<br />

This perfectlypositioned block of land sitscomfortably<br />

in thepresence of stunningmountain and ruralvistas,<br />

yet, hasthe convenience of being located withina<br />

short distancetothe hubofMethven village and all<br />

thatthis picturesque townhas to offer. Approximately<br />

5,000sqm (subject to final surveyand title being<br />

issued) Titleisexpected before Christmas.Fully<br />

fenced, with town water andelectricity close to the<br />

boundary.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519136<br />

Tucked away on arearsection, this modernfour<br />

bedroom,two bathroom, 218.2sqmhome is less than a<br />

year oldand ready fornew owners due toour vendors<br />

relocating.The househas been strategicallyplaced to<br />

take fulladvantageofthe sun andlarge lawn space on<br />

the 1,0<strong>20</strong>sqmpartially fencedsection. You will love<br />

entertainingyour guests in astylish open planned<br />

kitchen andlivingarea.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5519545<br />



3/85 Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 2 1 1 AHB30385<br />

71a Oxford Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-10:30am 2 1 1 AHB30392<br />

76 Melcombe Street,Tinwald 10:30-11:00am 2 1 1 AHB30388<br />

21 Reighton Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 2 3 AHB30413<br />

65 Bridge Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 2 1 4 AHB30411<br />

8Orchard Grove,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 2 1 1 AHB30353<br />

6Mason Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:30-2:00pm 3 2 2 AHB30249<br />

44 Line Road, Methven 2:00-2:30pm 4 1 0 MVN30038<br />


83 David Street, Hinds 10:30-11:30am 3 1 3 AHB30399<br />

41 Redhaven Rise,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 4 2 2 AHB30362<br />

Open Home<br />

71a Oxford Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

*Modern kitchen, bathroom &laundry<br />

*New carpet throughout, blinds &drapes in lounge<br />

*Freshly painted<br />

*Single glazed wooden &aluminium windows/<br />

ranchslider<br />

*Compliant Masport logburner until <strong>20</strong>31<br />

*Heatpump &2wall panels<br />

*Good landscaping &fencing<br />

*1963 red brick home (flat 2), 1/2 share 1018m2<br />

crosslease section<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$395,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30392<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />

Open Home<br />

8Orchard Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

Open Home<br />

41 Redhaven Rise, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 2 2<br />

Set on afull size 796sqm section in aHighly<br />

Desirable cul-de-sac in BRAEBROOK. This home is built<br />

on RibRaft foundations which is specifically designed<br />

forSeismic Strength &Improved Insulation. Open Plan<br />

layout, with agenerous living space.<br />

ForSale<br />

$6<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday12:00 -12:30pm<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Flowing from the kitchen through living ,the property<br />

has excellent patios foroutdoor relaxing/entertainment<br />

in aprivate surround. Large double garage &agarden<br />

shed to store the cars and toys and plenty of off street<br />

parking forthe caravan or motorhome.<br />

PriceByNegotiation<br />

BIR offers over$865,000<br />

View<br />

Sunday11:30am -12:00pm<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30353<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30362<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />

Open Home<br />

3/85Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />

Open Home<br />

65 Bridge Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 4<br />

*Lockable garage for your car or storage<br />

*Heat pump<br />

*Moisture barrier under floor, insulated top and bottom<br />

*New vinyl in kitchen and bathroom<br />

*Near newcarpet throughout<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30385<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$3<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:00 -10:30am<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

This fantastic corner section gives options forpossible<br />

sub division or to house all of your precious toys in the<br />

huge 4car garage.Offering aclassic 1950s layout and<br />

well positioned to maximise the sun, this solid brick<br />

home will be the ideal to get onto the propertyladder.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30411<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 26 <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:15 -11:45am<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 2<strong>20</strong> 1528<br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0<strong>20</strong>2<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Manjit Singh<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

0<strong>20</strong> 4079 3871<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

Armands<br />

Properties<br />

ForSale<br />

126 Middle Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Deadline Sale closing 1st November<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 at 3:00pm (Unless SoldPrior)<br />

83 David Street, Hinds<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

Deadline Sale closing 1st November<br />

<strong>20</strong>22 at3:00pm (Unless SoldPrior)<br />

Local<br />

September<br />

Statistics<br />

Number of sales<br />

last month<br />

40<br />

6Mason Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 8Orchard Grove,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 2 2<br />

2 1 1<br />

Offers over$779,000 $6<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

Recent Solds<br />

Average days<br />

on the market<br />

39<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

Average sale price<br />

September <strong>20</strong>22<br />

$510,000<br />

Armand vander Eik 021 597 527<br />

| armand.vandereik@raywhite.com<br />

www.facebook.com/armandvandereikrealstate/<br />

https://armandvandereik.raywhite.co.nz/ Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)




ALLENTON 38 Alford Forest Road<br />

Investment!! Or Step Onto The Property Ladder!<br />

Don't missthis opportunity to grow your investment<br />

portfolio, or to take that first step on the property<br />

ladder.<br />

Just come available is this veryaffordable spacious<br />

and charming three bedroom home in the very<br />

sought after and popular location of Allenton. Placed<br />

on agood sized section and close to amenities and<br />

schools, it would be great for afamily. The property<br />

has asingle garageand plenty of storage, with an<br />

open plan kitchen/dining, separate lounge,<br />

bathroom with separate toilet, laundry and asun<br />

room.<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36649<br />

ENQUIRIES OVER $389,000<br />

VIEW 10.00-10.30am,Saturday22&<br />

29 <strong>October</strong><br />

Deb Roberts<br />

M 021 0752 180<br />

ASHBURTON 185 Stevens Road<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

Arable, Lamb Finishing and Dairy Support -294ha<br />

• Very well presented 294ha arable, lamb finishing<br />

and dairy support property in five titles<br />

• Spray irrigated with cheap water being amix of<br />

long-term surface and MHV scheme water<br />

• 132,000m3 storage pond with outstanding duck<br />

shooting, boat ramp and jetty<br />

• Two homes, numerous implement/storage<br />

sheds and a2-stand woolshed and sheep yards<br />

• A-grade FEP Audit with max winter grazing area<br />

of 117.3ha under NES Fresh Water <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

regulations with ALU completed<br />

• Outstanding production history<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH35715<br />

Tim Gallagher<br />

M 027 801 2888<br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 918 233<br />


HILDERTHORPE 390 Steward Road<br />

'Simpson Park' -ATier One Dairy Unit -149ha<br />

-'SimpsonPark' is aspray irrigated, high performing<br />

dairy unit in the heart of the Waitaki Plains<br />

-54bale rotary dairy shed, equipped with all modern<br />

technology<br />

-Consistently milking between 560-570 cows with<br />

production around 260,000 -265,000kgMS<br />

-Irrigated by Lower Waitaki Irrigation schemes. Two<br />

Valley pivots covering approximately 110ha with the<br />

remainder by K-Line<br />

-Three homes and fully environmentally compliant<br />

-Aconsistent,low cost, farm with ideal location<br />


Plus GST (if any)<br />

(Unless Sold Prior)<br />

Closes 12.00pm, Friday 11 November<br />

Dan van der Salm<br />

M 021 918 233<br />

Dave Heffernan<br />

M 027 215 8666<br />

HAZELBURN 617Raincliff Road<br />

'Rockpool' -290 Hectares*<br />

'Rockpool' is located in the Raincliff area and is<br />

currently run as adeer unit but would be suitable for<br />

cattle and sheep. Farming approximately 290ha<br />

(freehold and accretion land) and subdivided into 44<br />

paddocks, including a64hatrophy/gamepark.<br />

'Rockpool' has abalance of contours and soils with<br />

flats, rolling hills and steeper country with<br />

picturesque limestoneoutcrops. Good deer handling<br />

facilities with hydraulic crush and various other<br />

implement/support buildings. Access throughout<br />

the property via acentral laneway with arterials.<br />

*Subject to issue of new titles for accretion claim.<br />


PlusGST (if any)<br />

Closes1.00pm, Tuesday 22<br />

November<br />

Robin Ford<br />

M 027 433 6883<br />

Simon Richards<br />

M 027 457 0990<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36655<br />

pggwre.co.nz/ASH36616<br />

PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

191 Burnett Street &<br />

447West Street<br />

Phone:03308 6173<br />

ashburton@pggwre.co.nz<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

Office Manager/Sales<br />

M027 543 5799<br />

Robin Ford<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 433 6883<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M027 433 9695<br />

TimGallagher<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M027 801 2888<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 075 2180<br />

Dan vander Salm<br />

Rural &Lifestyle Sales<br />

M021 918 233<br />

Dannii May<br />

Residential Sales<br />

M021 0281 3310<br />

Sharon Muir<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

Tomoko Wright<br />

Lifestyle &Residential<br />

M021 124 6412<br />

Kelsi Tait<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

elping growthe country<br />

Mark Hanrahan<br />

Rural Sales<br />

M027 432 4028<br />

Sue Prendergast<br />

Property Manager<br />

B03308 6173<br />

PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensedunder the REAA<strong>20</strong>08<br />

Helping growthe country

6Village Green Drive,<br />

Lake Hood, Huntingdon<br />

1,881m2<br />


This perfectly situated section of 1881sqm is located onelevated<br />

land allowing panoramic views of Lake Hood, the breath-taking<br />

Southern Alpes and farmland.<br />

Lake Hood is ahighly sort after, man-made recreational lake,<br />

located<br />

6kmsouth-east ofTinwald, in the locality of Huntingdon,<br />

Canterbury, New Zealand. The lake features an eight lane rowing<br />

course, separate waterskiing, wind sports and jet skiing areas, etc.<br />

Discover the best ofboth worlds –the ease of rural living and<br />

avibrant sense of community –all within walking distance of<br />

Canterbury’s foremost aquatic playground.<br />

Whether you are wanting to build your own dream home or build<br />

an amazing holiday house this section is up for grabs.<br />

VIEW<br />

Request aprivate viewing.<br />

Scott Parkin<br />

027 598 2833<br />

scott.parkin@remax.co.nz<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Price ByNegotiation<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1057<br />

Town to Country<br />

Each office independently owned &operated<br />

Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

12 Kennedy Quay,<br />

Lake Hood, Huntingdon<br />

979m2<br />



Imagine living waterside to afreshwater New Zealand lake with<br />

access to aresidents-only boat-ramp, onalarge section you can<br />

build your waterfront home on.<br />

12 Kennedy Quay (Lot 112) on stage 14 Lake Hood has become<br />

available -979sqm -byahighly motivated vendor.<br />

This is anorth east facing property with all day sunshine with some<br />

spectacular views of the Southern Alps. Sensible offers will be<br />

considered with a10% deposit due on agreement.<br />

Abeautiful location in the heart of the exciting Canterbury region.<br />

One of the final sections currently available waterside at Lake<br />

Hood. With titles approved now is the time to purchase and build<br />

your own home, orinvest inaprime development with alimited<br />

number of sections. The purchaser is not required to build on this<br />

section within any time scale.<br />

Scott Parkin<br />

027 598 2833<br />

scott.parkin@remax.co.nz<br />

Jarrod Ross<br />

027 259 4644<br />

jarrod.ross@remax.co.nz<br />

VIEW<br />

Request aprivate viewing.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Price ByNegotiation<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1053<br />

Town to Country<br />

Each office independently owned &operated<br />

Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Baybury Views, Majors Road,<br />

Geraldine<br />

611 -969m2<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />




UNDER<br />


UNDER<br />


Well now you can at the stunningly affordable Baybury Views, located in the<br />

sought-after Geraldine property market. These sections range in size from<br />

611sqm to969sqm with prices starting from $195,000. There are services to<br />

the boundaries and covenants are inplace to assure investors of the quality<br />

of the development.<br />

Geraldine is abeautiful market town nestled between the Orari and Hae Hae<br />

Te Moana River, there’s something for everyone.<br />

The town and wider region is an unmissable destination packed with lots of<br />

adventures and activities for you and your whole family. Bike, ski, art, walk,<br />

drink, eat, shop, work, stay –this town is ahaven for art and creativity with<br />

an amazing array of shops, craft centres and activities.<br />

These sections are in afast-developing area sought-after by investors and<br />

home-owners alike. Youwould be best toact promptly given Canterbury,<br />

Otago and the Lakes District are still performing well in the current property<br />

market. To discuss your confidential interest further, call our team now.<br />

SOLD<br />

Scott Parkin<br />

027 598 2833<br />

scott.parkin@remax.co.nz<br />

VIEW<br />

Request aprivate viewing.<br />

SOLD<br />

SOLD<br />

Jarrod Ross<br />

027 259 4644<br />

jarrod.ross@remax.co.nz<br />

FOR SALE<br />

From $195,000<br />

remaxtowntocountry.co.nz/TTC1055<br />

Town to Country<br />

Each office independently owned &operated<br />

Town to Country Real Estate Ltd | Licensed REAA <strong>20</strong>08

393 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> –<br />

•Four tenants<br />

•Land area 7,960m2<br />

•Floor area over four buildings 1,869m2<br />

•100% leased<br />

•Four buildings<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

4pm 28th <strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22<br />

Premium investing opportunity<br />

•VTNZ, Goodyear AutoCare,Hunting<br />

and Fishing and Midlands Seeds<br />

•Ample parking for<br />

each building<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

3Bowen Street,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•3doublebedrooms<br />

•Beautiful rimu throughout<br />

•Log burner and 2xheatpumps<br />

•Established 1012sqm section located<br />

on the westsideofRakaia<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$545,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

18 Elizabeth Avenue,<br />

Rakaia<br />

•Recently renovated with new carpets,<br />

vinyls and paint<br />

•Sunny, three bedroom home<br />

•Heatpump and diesel firefor warmth<br />

•Double garage,large backyard on<br />

1012sqmsection<br />

Enquiries Over<br />

$490,000<br />

Roberta Counsell<br />

027 228 7843<br />

OPEN HOME l 10.30am -11.00am<br />

OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />

139B Allens Road,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5Grigg Street,<br />

Fairton<br />

7E Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

7C Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

•Three bedrooms, master with an<br />

en suite<br />

•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />

area<br />

•Tiled bathroomsand loadsofstorage!<br />

•Single garage with internal access<br />

•Three double bedrooms<br />

•994m² section<br />

•Heatpump foryear round comfort<br />

•Double garage<br />

•Three bedrooms<br />

•Two bathrooms,one being an en suite<br />

off the master<br />

•Tiled showers<br />

•Double garage internal access<br />

•Great location<br />

•Main bathroom with vanityand tiled<br />

shower<br />

•Open plan kitchen<br />

•3bedrooms<br />

$614,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

Enquiriesover<br />

$415,000<br />

Debbie Boon<br />

027 448 4006<br />

$650,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$650,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

9Carters Road,Allenton,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

5Makonui Road,<br />

Lincoln<br />

7D Carters Road,<br />

Allenton<br />

236 Dobson Street,<br />

Hampstead<br />

•Three spaciousbedrooms<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Ensuitewith tiled shower<br />

•157.5sqm homeona450sqm section<br />

• Smeg appliances<br />

• TwoMitsubishi heat pumps<br />

• Stone kitchenbench topfor abit of class!<br />

• Four bedroomswith twobathrooms one<br />

beinganensuite<br />

•Brand new spec house!<br />

•Three bedroomsand twobathrooms<br />

•Ensuiteinthe master<br />

•Double garage with internal access<br />

•Three bedroomsplus fourth or office<br />

•New kitchen and updatedbathroom<br />

•6car garaging<br />

•Swimming pool, huge carportfor<br />

caravan/camper<br />

$684,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

PriceBy<br />

Negotiation<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

$668,000<br />

Mark Williams<br />

027 442 2281<br />

Priceby<br />

Negotiation<br />

DebbieBoon<br />

027 448 4006<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

63<br />


<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box containsthe digits 1to9.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Across<br />

1. Saturated (6)<br />

4. Neatand tidy(6)<br />

9. Young dog or wolf (5)<br />

10. Month(7)<br />

11. Flummox(7)<br />

13. Leave out (4)<br />

14. Therefore (11)<br />

17. The ThreeWise Men<br />

(4)<br />

18. Swiftly(7)<br />

21. Skidoff (4,3)<br />

22. Scale(5)<br />

24. Stylishand smart (6)<br />

25. Push forward(6)<br />

Down<br />

1. Stitching(6)<br />

2. Perish(3)<br />

3. Cast out (5)<br />

5. Humiliating remark<br />

(3-4)<br />

6. Unrestrained(9)<br />

7. Nobleman (4)<br />

8. Thoughtful (11)<br />

12. Stone fruit(9)<br />

15. Threatening (7)<br />

16. Sign(6)<br />

19. Harness racehorse (5)<br />

<strong>20</strong>. Employed(4)<br />

23. Pixie(3)<br />

Cheryl<br />

Fowler<br />

Meet Cheryl Fowler, salesperson extraordinaire ofRay White<br />

Mid Canterbury -coming up 3years. Mum of1(Brittany)<br />

and living her best life for 55 years. Cheryl is an exceptional<br />

salesperson with amazing results and excels in her negotiation<br />

skills. Call Cheryl if youwant asalesperson with a<br />

Passion forPeople and Passion forHomes.<br />

0274612 614•cheryl.fowler@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03307 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)<br />


Jordan’<br />



91 PyeRoad,<br />

The Downs, Geraldine<br />

SPRING<br />

ONLY<br />

Wed-Sat 10am-4pm<br />

Or by arrangement<br />

Tel03693 8332or0274311 815<br />

SHEEP manure $8. bag. 3x3<br />

linseed straw at $35 abale,<br />

3x4 linseed at $40 abale.<br />

Call Ian 027 286 3697 or<br />

Dave 027 601 1426. A<br />

Hinds Lion Project.<br />


FRESH Potatoes; Red Rascal<br />

and Agria $2.per kg,<br />

10kg bags for $15. Phone<br />

03 308 3195 or 027 531<br />

9103; 81 Elizabeth Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

2512623<br />


STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />


ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

COLLECTOR paying up to<br />

the following prices: $2,500<br />

for No. 1 Plane; $1,000<br />

Work Bench and Vice;<br />

$500 Cast Iron Levels; also<br />

wanting Brace and Bits,<br />

Tool Chests, Trammels,<br />

Squares, Chisels, Plumb<br />

Bobs, Tack Hammers, Oil<br />

Cans and Pourers, Clamps,<br />

Draw Knives; $<strong>20</strong>0 Old<br />

Tins; $500 Old Toys,<br />

Money Boxes; $1,000<br />

Swords and Bayonets; old<br />

Number Plates, Paper Clips,<br />

Tilley Lamps, Musical<br />

Instruments, Fishing Rods,<br />

Reels, Landing Nets, Cane<br />

Creel (fishing basket); $500<br />

Skis and Poles. — Ph.<br />

021-441-400.<br />


STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />




Now is the time to dig in<br />

our topqualitymushroom<br />

compost to your vegetable<br />

garden. Ideal to replenish<br />

nutrients used by previous<br />

crops and improvethe soil<br />

structure.<br />

It also adds beneficial<br />

micro-organisms to<br />

thetired soil.<br />

$60 per cubic metre<br />

or $10 bag.<br />

Freedeliverywithin<br />

town boundary.<br />

Open 6daysaweek at<br />

our Tinwald yard,<br />

<strong>20</strong>8 Maronan Road.<br />

Phone 021 129 8936<br />

2517344<br />

SELL<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />


ALPS<br />

2517932<br />

SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$28.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />



2519059<br />




Would youlike your ownbusiness or an<br />

opportunitytodosomething different?<br />

Busy Bees <strong>Ashburton</strong>, commercial and office<br />

cleaning with existing customers<br />

is waiting foryou.<br />

Giveusacall on 0800 287 923<br />

to findout more! 2525161<br />


Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />

Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />

Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />

We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />

Allworkmanship guaranteed<br />

Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or 308 4380<br />

232 BoundaryRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.alpscontinuousspouting.co.nz<br />

E; benkruger@xtra.co.nz<br />



64 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



HEATPUMP maintenance,<br />

installation and repairs.<br />

HRV filter replacement.<br />


single storey homes and<br />


work. Phone Steven on 021<br />

483 376.<br />


mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />


VAN -Parts and Accessories<br />

Cleaners and chemicals,<br />

Compact kitchenware,<br />

Towing mirrors, Wheel and<br />

coupling locks, Jockey<br />

wheels, Reversing<br />

cameras, Door latches,<br />

Lights/vents, Batteries,<br />

Chargers, Solar equipment,<br />

Satellite setups, Appliances,<br />

Heaters, Selfcontainment<br />

kits, Plumbing,<br />

Awnings, Pumps,Toilets<br />

and parts. Come and see<br />

our retail shop. Lifestyle<br />

Motorhomes, 199 Dobson<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Ph: 03<br />

308 6627.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Find us at www.<br />

supersucker.co.nz or<br />

phone John Cameron 027<br />

435 1042.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />


- For all repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup of wireless -<br />

networks, spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd. 03<br />

308 1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

DENTURE repairs. Dr Peter<br />

Rumping, retired dentist,<br />

repairs dentures. Phone<br />

027 2<strong>20</strong> 9997.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />



Canterbury Based<br />

As partofour continuedinvestment in thebuilding<br />

industryBradfordsare looking to employ additional<br />

building staff to work within our <strong>Ashburton</strong> or<br />

Christchurch based teams. We require:<br />

• Leading Hands<br />

• Tradesmen<br />

• Apprentices<br />

Bradfords have adiverse range of projects across<br />

the construction sector from building maintenance<br />

and residential construction to large commercial<br />

and industrial projects. We offer varied work<br />

throughout Canterbury and an opportunity to<br />

grow within our team.<br />

If you are interested and have the required skill<br />

level contact us by e-mail attaching your CV to<br />

building@bradfords.co.nz or call in to our office at<br />

70 Bremners Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> for an application<br />

form.<br />


2521095<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />


avacuum system to clean<br />

out the debris is a faster<br />

and cleaner process. Call<br />

Allan on 027 <strong>20</strong>9 5026.<br />

HEATPUMPS and Ventilation<br />

Systems: Service,<br />

clean, repair and install.<br />

Please call Silvery<br />

Bauman, Ph 021 544 760.<br />


Builder, specialising in<br />

Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />

restoration and Timber<br />

window repairs. General<br />

home-handyman work.<br />

Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />

0<strong>20</strong>5.<br />

LAWNS? We mow them! No<br />

job too small. Call Les<br />

Smith, The Ground Up, for<br />

acompetitive quote. Phone<br />

027 840 0<strong>20</strong> or 03 308<br />

1500<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />

www.bradfords.co.nz<br />

FactoryTeam Member<br />

Continued growth and expansion of services has us<br />

seeking anew team member to help out and operate<br />

some of our factory equipment. We manufacture<br />

roofing products from flatsteel.Experience preferred<br />

but not essential as training will be given. Therole is<br />

MondaytoFriday, 25-45hours per week. Werequire<br />

someone with agood keen attitude and the abilityto<br />

learnasyou go.Weare afamily ownedbusiness with<br />

family values. Wehave branches and opportunities<br />

NZ wide. Job description available on request. You<br />

must be able to pass apre-employment drug and<br />

alcohol test.<br />

To apply please send your application to<br />

richelle.a@roofing.co.nz or drop your CV in to<br />

42 JB Cullen Drive.<br />


PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 <strong>20</strong>0 1619.<br />

PHONE James Nettleton for<br />

all your Plastering plus<br />

Painting needs. Wall board<br />

stopping, skim coating.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> based. Phone<br />

027 486 5283.<br />



Rockcote. Waterproofing.<br />

Texture/Specialist<br />

Coatings.<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2519077<br />

ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />

mold treatments, roof and<br />

gutter leak repairs, residential<br />

and commercial. For<br />

prompt service - call your<br />

local contractor - Tim on<br />

021 197 8128.<br />


2524039<br />

25231<strong>20</strong><br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz Member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

WELDING - Off-site repairs:<br />

Steel, aluminium, stainless<br />

steel and cast iron. No job<br />

too small. <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

based. Phone Graham 021<br />

968 494.<br />

2523347<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong>Super Liquor arelooking<br />

foraBottle Store Manager<br />


Youmust have apassion forthe liquor industry, aknack fordealing with people,<br />

an understanding of new products and the abilitytomanageahigh performing<br />

store.<br />

Must haveskills:<br />

• Aminimum of 2years’ormoreexperienceinthe liquor industrywould be an<br />

advantage<br />

• Strong interpersonal andselling skills<br />

• Excellentcustomer service, rapportbuilding and people managementskills<br />

• High energy and apassion forthe industry<br />

• Qualification -Manager’sCertificate<br />

• Willing to work under pressure.<br />

• Stock controland ordering<br />

If this sounds like you, please email your CV plus a covering letter to<br />

ops@ashburtonclub.co.nz<br />

2525117<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Town<br />

Caretaker<br />

In this part-time position, offering two permanent six to eight hour days<br />

per week Saturday and Sunday, you will take responsibility for ensuring our<br />

public conveniences in the CBD are ofahigh standard for our residents and<br />

visitorsalike.<br />

To find out more about this vacancy<br />

and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

has to offer you-visitour website.<br />

Applications close on<br />

Wednesday,26<strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />

Compliance<br />

Administration<br />

Officer<br />

Part-time, <strong>20</strong> hoursper week<br />

Working within our Environmental Monitoring team you will work with our<br />

Enforcement Officer ensuring the administrative elements ofcouncil bylaws<br />

andrules aremet by our stakeholders.<br />

To find out more about this<br />

vacancy and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council has to offer you -<br />

visit our website.<br />

Applicationsclose on Sunday,<br />

30 <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />


SECURITY alarm, Alarm<br />

monitoring, CCTV/Security<br />

camera, Mobile patrols<br />

24/7, Locksmith or key cut,<br />

and fire extinguisher sales<br />

and servicing. Talbot<br />

Security Group can help<br />

you with that! Have achat<br />

to us, 03 307 7199, 519<br />

East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, <strong>20</strong> years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />


SHEARING small mobs and<br />

pets. Prompt service.<br />

Phone Jarrod 027 259<br />

4644<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />




A position is available for a fit and energetic<br />

mechanically-minded person in the plastic<br />

industry.<br />

Some heavy lifting required and afork-lift licence<br />

would be an advantage. Noexperiencenecessary<br />

as training willbeprovided.<br />

Hours of work are 6am to 6pm, Monday toFriday<br />

with some weekendworkasrequired.<br />

Own transport essential as we are located inthe<br />

newbusiness estate.<br />

Applicants must have NZ residency orvalid work<br />

permit.<br />

Immediate start.<br />

Applicationswith CV and at least two<br />

work relatedreferees to:<br />

tony.whyte@replassheet.comordelivered<br />

to 3Lynn St,Newlands,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

021 147 2952.<br />

Wherelifegets better<br />

Part Time Receptionist<br />

Avacancyhas arisen at Lochlea Lifestyle resortfor a<br />

mature, well organised,motivated person to fill the<br />

role of part timereceptionist.This positionrequires<br />

excellent communication and computer skills and<br />

you should have the ability towork unsupervised.<br />

Knowledge of Xero would be an advantage<br />

although not essential.<br />

Hours of work are 9:00am until 2:30pm Monday to<br />

Friday, however these hours are flexible and could<br />

be subjecttochange.<br />

Applicants should have New Zealand residency,<br />

goodworkreferees and afull currentdriver’slicence.<br />

Pleasesendyour CV andcovering letter to<br />

Tony Sands, ResortManager,<br />

25A/25 CharlesworthDrive <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

orbyemail to:<br />

tony@lochlearesort.co.nz<br />

by Friday28th <strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22.<br />


Want to work forasmall unique<br />

family transportbusiness?<br />

Ross Bros Transportare arural based<br />

bulktransport company.<br />

We arelooking foraClass 5drivertooperate<br />

our530hpIsuzu and 5axle trailer.<br />

Theworkmainlyconsists of carting bulk<br />

commodities to various placesinthe Canterbury<br />

region. Extended hours will be<br />

required during the harvest.<br />

Option to worka9day fortnight<br />

during wintermonths.<br />

Remuneration to be discussed at time of interview.<br />

Must be eligible to work in New Zealand.<br />

PleasesendCVto office@rossbros.co.nz or<br />

ph Jarrod 027 259 4644<br />



SATURDAY 22 <strong>October</strong>.<br />

Toyota Carib 1999, current<br />

wof and rego, in good<br />

condition. Household<br />

goods, nicknacks and<br />

much more. Chalmers Ave,<br />

signs out from 8.30am till<br />

12.30pm.<br />


PULLETS for Sale. Perching<br />

Brown Shavers, 12 weeks<br />

old. Phone WT Copland 03<br />

302 2826.<br />


2524316<br />

2524429<br />

2524551<br />

FOCUSED, caring, mature. I<br />

am looking for the right<br />

Nanny position in <strong>20</strong>23.<br />

Teaching, literacy, special<br />

needs and overseas Nanny<br />

work experience. Monday<br />

to Friday live in. 022 432<br />

1914.<br />


HENS -Hyline pullets, have<br />

your own lovely fresh eggs<br />

every day. From one day<br />

old to POL. Please contact<br />

Lucy @ Dolma Eggs &<br />

Layer Hens, 021 116 0252.<br />



HR /HSAdvisor<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd islooking to expand its<br />

People and Safety Team of 3byadding afull-time<br />

HR Advisor foradual role in HR &HSreportingtothe<br />

People and Safety Manager.<br />

Do youhave<br />

• ProvenexperienceinHRadvisory services<br />

• Strongpeople skills<br />

• Apassion forhelping and supporting others<br />

• Able to build relationships with within all levels of<br />

the business<br />

• HSKnowledge(advantage but not necessary)<br />

Youwill<br />

• Beworking in asmall team<br />

• Beable to be flexible in working hours<br />

• Willing to support the team/business in all<br />

functions relating to People &Safety<br />

We will<br />

• Provide a fun and supportive working<br />

environment<br />

• Professional DevelopmentOpportunities<br />

• Competitive remuneration based on experience<br />

Full Advert: Trade Me #3815500596<br />

Please apply toJane Jolly People &Safety Manager<br />

withacover letter &CV<br />

jane.jolly@ashcon.co.nz<br />

InwardsGoods<br />

Team Members<br />

Mitre 10MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> has avacancy for<br />

ateam member to join their Inwards Goods<br />

department. This position is fulltime (40<br />

hours) per week with aTuesday –Saturday<br />

roster<br />

Duties will include:<br />

• Basic InwardsGoods duties<br />

• Entering stock and other administration<br />

duties responsible for locating and<br />

preparing<br />

• Customer orders forcollection<br />

• Back up forunloading trucks.<br />

To be successful the applicant will require<br />

the following skills:<br />

• Excellentcustomer serviceskills<br />

• Administration skills<br />

• Basic computer skills<br />

• Acurrent forkliftlicence<br />

• Workinateam environment<br />

• Showinitiative<br />

• Bereliable<br />

• Physically fit and able to lift<br />

If youthink youare the person we arelooking<br />

for, please email your c.v. and covering letter<br />

to: HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong>@mitre10.co.nz<br />

Applications close on Tuesday 25th <strong>October</strong><strong>20</strong>22.<br />

2524319<br />

Being in<br />

business and<br />

not advertising<br />

is likewaving in<br />

the dark....<br />

...you know you’re therebut<br />

no-one else does!<br />

Don’t be leftinthe dark,<br />

The<strong>Courier</strong> Newspaper has the key<br />

to your event, productor<br />

business advertising.<br />

Phone Jann or Karen on (03) 308 7664<br />

Email: office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

2524572<br />

2376134<br />

2522484<br />



<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />


Swan Lake –Royal Czech Ballet<br />

Wed2Nov,7-30pm, Adult $105* /<br />

Senior $95*/ Group 8+ $95* /Child $65*<br />

TheRoyal Czech Balletperform Swan<br />

Lake…the most lovedclassical ballet<br />

of them all.Thismasterpieceballet is<br />

presentedintwo acts and follows the<br />

original storyline.SwanLake is the love<br />

storyofPrinceSiegfried whofalls in love<br />

with the Odette.<br />

TheGreat Haua Awa–ArtsOnTour<br />

Saturday5th November 7-30pm<br />

Adult $25* /Group 6+ $<strong>20</strong>pp*<br />

GrantHaua is aseasoned artist who touches<br />

all kinds of points in the blues and folk from<br />

TajMahal and JJ Cale to dialled down Stevie<br />

Rayand even an adventurous touch of<br />

acoustic James Blood Ulmer. Grant wants<br />

the audiences at his showtofeel like they are<br />

guests in his home.<br />

65<br />


KeyAccount Sales Support<br />


TheFleetwood MacExperience–Running In TheShadows<br />

Fri16Dec,8pm, Adult $52* /<br />

Gold Card $40* /Child $30*<br />

Theinternationally acclaimed Australian<br />

Fleetwood MacShow“Running In The<br />

Shadows is heading to <strong>Ashburton</strong>topay<br />

homage to the superstar band.The six<br />

piecerock band will coverawide range of<br />

their songs from the band who have been<br />

inductedintothe Rock and Roll hall of fame.<br />

Grammy’sComing Home<br />

Sunday18th December 4pm<br />

Adults $89* /Senior $79* /Students /<br />

Groups 6+ $74.90*<br />

Join Simon O’Neill in concertalong with<br />

guest artist <strong>Ashburton</strong>’ssoprano Oliva<br />

Pike who has just completed her master’s<br />

degreeatOtago University, with awide<br />

arrayofmusic from solos to duets,operato<br />

Christmas songs.AgreatChristmas gift.<br />

Permanent /Full Time<br />

The New Zealand Sock Company isafamily owned business in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, we manufacture socks for alarge range of domestic and<br />

international customers.<br />

Due to our expansion plans we are looking for asuitable person to<br />

provide, not only close support for our sales team, but to take ownership<br />

of growing our customer base and key accounts.<br />

In addition, you will be responsible for anew area ofaccounts we are<br />

targeting, identifying potential new leads and nurturing customer<br />

relationships. Youwill be an integral part of our sales team.<br />

Skills and Experience<br />

• Highly motivated with excellent communication skills<br />

• Confidence and knowledge of sales best practice<br />

• 2-3 years experience maintaining client relationships in<br />

sales or marketing<br />

• Word /Excel experience<br />

What do we offer<br />

• Forward thinking family business, with values that are at<br />

the core of our operation<br />

• Dynamic and supportive management team<br />

• Career progression in agrowing business with a<br />

competitive salary<br />

Please apply in writing with acopy ofyour current CV and 2references<br />

to:<br />

Paul Sparrow<br />

New Zealand Sock Company |8Kermode Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Alternatively, you can email: paul@nzsock.co.nz<br />

03 307 <strong>20</strong>10 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

*Servicefees apply


66 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>22<br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



Razorback CountryNurseryLtd<br />


Yesweare at the A&P Show, call in andmeetthe team!<br />



10am-4.30pm daily<br />

Saturday22nd Sunday23rdMonday24th <strong>October</strong> <strong>20</strong>22<br />

TREES: Flowering Cherrys,Cornus,Apple trees,<br />

Maples,Pin Oaks and more…<br />


50 HoodsRoad,MtSomers Village<br />

Off Highway72Mid Canterbury<br />

David and Wendy Millichamp 3039743<br />

David 0274345882<br />

Covid 19 Support<br />

SaferMid CanterburyCommunityConnectors Service<br />

OurfriendlyConnectorsare available to<br />

supportwhanau and individuals.<br />

In Self Isolation can assist with carepacks,<br />

food packages and medication deliveries<br />

ImpactedbyCovid-19 can supportwith<br />

anything covid related<br />

Eg:education engagement, accessing services,<br />

employment, family harm, aged person isolation,<br />

long covid,mandates.<br />

ContactJennyRae 027 247 1094<br />

ccservice@safer.org.nz<br />

2524505<br />

2521587<br />

Peter Blacklow<br />

PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />

TradeZ one<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

XCEL ARC<br />

VIPER MIG 185<br />

WELDER<br />

180 Amp DC/MIG/TIG/MMA<br />

XA-MIG185V-K<br />

$978.26+GST<br />

Thurs <strong>20</strong>th &Fri 21st<br />

10.15<br />

10.30<br />

12.00<br />

12.40<br />

2.<strong>20</strong><br />

3.15<br />

4.15<br />

5.50<br />

6.10<br />

8.00<br />

8.10<br />

More Than Gold<br />

MrsHarrisGoes to Paris<br />

Black Adam<br />

Amsterdam<br />

Ticket to Paradise<br />

Don’tWorry Darling<br />

DC League of Superpets<br />

MrsHarrisGoes to Paris<br />

More Than Gold<br />

Black Adam<br />

Halloween Ends<br />

Sat22nd,Sun 23rd<br />

&Mon 24th<br />

10.00 DC League of Superpets<br />

10.00 Lyle Lyle Crocodile<br />

11.55 MrsHarris Goes to Paris<br />

12.00 Paws of Fury<br />

1.50 Black Adam<br />

2.00 More Than Gold<br />

3.45 Don’tWorry Darling<br />

4.00 Ticket to Paradise<br />

5.50 MrsHarris Goes to Paris<br />

6.10 Amsterdam<br />

8.00 Black Adam<br />

8.30 Halloween Ends<br />

Tues 25th &Wed 26th<br />

10.15 More Than Gold<br />

10.30 MrsHarris Goes to Paris<br />

12.00 BlackAdam<br />

12.40 Amsterdam<br />

2.<strong>20</strong> Ticket to Paradise<br />

3.15 Don’tWorry Darling<br />

4.15 DC League ofSuperpets<br />

5.50 MrsHarris Goes to Paris<br />

6.10 More Than Gold<br />

8.00 Black Adam<br />

8.10 Halloween Ends<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R16<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Black Adam,Halloween Ends,<br />

More Than Gold,<br />

MrsHarris Goes to Paris<br />

2504329<br />

HospiceMid Canterbury<br />

Dealing<br />

with alife<br />

limiting<br />

illness?<br />

We can help with:<br />

•Sittingand companionship<br />

•Counselling and bereavement<br />

support<br />

•Biographywriting<br />

•Massage andReiki<br />

•Activityand support<br />

programmes<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227 8387<br />

email support@hospicemc.nz www.hospicemc.nz<br />

Allservices<br />

arefree<br />

2521946<br />

NEED HELP? Call Pete<br />

Young, experienced mental<br />

health Life Coach and<br />

Social Worker. Mobile 027<br />

280 0889. WEB:<br />

peteyoung.co.nz<br />


LOST: <strong>Ashburton</strong> Township,<br />

Ladies Diamond and<br />

Saphire ring. Sentimental<br />

value, reward paid. Please<br />

phone 0274 330 114.<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$1<strong>20</strong> per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />

2508456<br />






Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Closed all public holidays<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

2524855<br />

We arereadyto<br />

accept kittensand<br />

expecting cats –<br />

NO wild cats<br />

or kittens<br />

Thankyou foryourcontinued<br />

food donations<br />

Ph 308 4432 or<br />

027 332 9286<br />

Tuesday-Saturday<br />

9:30am -noon<br />


for Lifelong Learning<br />

Danielle Campbell<br />

DeputyDirectorof<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Art Gallery<br />

and Museum<br />

“The role of museums<br />

in preserving history”<br />

Tuesday25th Oct. 10am<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Event Centre,<br />

Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Visitors welcome -$10 cash<br />

2524419<br />

Kindly sponsored by<br />

Adrienne Patterson<br />

2519095<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong>CivicMusic Council<br />

proudly hosts<br />

Sunday30<strong>October</strong><br />

Mania-o-roto Scout Park<br />

Chalmers Avenue 2pm<br />

Collection forparticipating bands will be taken.<br />

Featuring the <strong>Ashburton</strong>SilverBand,MSA Orchestra,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictPipe Band and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Electronic Organ &KeyboardClub.<br />

Bring along your chair,hat and sunblock<br />

and enjoyanafternoonoflocal music.<br />

“SupportedbyThe CommunityTrust of Mid-South CanterburyInc”<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>RSA Carpark<br />

Saturday, 5th November<br />

9.30am-1pm<br />

$10 persite<br />

Phone: Allan 0274 360 147<br />

Email: rsaoffice@xtra.co.nz<br />

2524457<br />



Jonny<br />

James<br />


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