O-Ringen Magazine. Nr 2 - 2022
The worlds biggest orienteering adventure. The mountains awaits! O-Ringen Åre 2023. July 22-28.
The worlds biggest orienteering adventure. The mountains awaits!
O-Ringen Åre 2023. July 22-28.
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NUMBER 2<br />
OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />
Mountain stages<br />
and wonderful<br />
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
views<br />
O-RINGEN<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 1
The mountains awaits!<br />
Yes, there you have our catchwords about O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023. And you are<br />
welcome to the mountains next summer. We promise that you will make<br />
many wonderful memories and enjoy what you experience here.<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
O<br />
rganizing a giant event like<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in a small village like<br />
Åre is not easy. But we have been<br />
planning this for many years and<br />
now we think we have a concept that all of<br />
you who love orienteering and O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
will like. I know it will not be like Uppsala or<br />
Norrköping. It will be different and different<br />
is often good. Those of you who visited<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Sälen in 2008 and 2016 know<br />
what I am talking about. I must admit that<br />
I was sceptical before I ran in Sälen 2016.<br />
What would the community be like when<br />
we all stayed in apartments and cottages?<br />
What would it be like to stay maybe 10–20<br />
kilometres from O-<strong>Ringen</strong> square? The answer<br />
to that question is that it went perfectly<br />
well. That is why we now dare to arrange a<br />
different O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre next summer.<br />
The accommodation part has been a<br />
difficult nut to crack but a lot of work has<br />
been put in and I think all clubs will have to<br />
put in a little more work than before to find<br />
accommodation. But there are plenty of accommodations<br />
for everyone. And there will<br />
be an O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping! Maps, courses,<br />
and the terrain will truly be an experience.<br />
For the first time, a group of Norwegian<br />
organizing clubs have been involved in<br />
planning. All our course setters are from<br />
Norway and what a job they have put in.<br />
The pandemic, early snow, late spring, two<br />
cancelled stages and much else have made<br />
the work more challenging. But believe<br />
me, there will be fantastic courses and nice<br />
terrain for everyone next summer in Åre.<br />
Together with all the voulenteers, I welcome<br />
you to Jämtland and Åre next summer.<br />
Project manager O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023<br />
niclas.lidstrom@oringen.se<br />
2 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 3
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> AB<br />
Heliosgatan 3<br />
120 30 Stockholm<br />
info@oringen.se<br />
Contact O-<strong>Ringen</strong> AB<br />
Claes Forsberg | CEO<br />
070-492 14 50, claes.forsberg@oringen.se<br />
Niclas Lidström | Project manager O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023<br />
070-810 06 66, niclas.lidstrom@oringen.se<br />
Mats Adolfsson | Sales<br />
070-394 50 71, mats.adolfsson@oringen.se<br />
Anna Wennertorp | Marketing, Experience<br />
& Competitior services<br />
070-952 54 78, anna.wennertorp@oringen.se<br />
Magnus Johansson | Competition & IT<br />
070-381 03 56, magnus.johansson@oringen.se<br />
20 281<br />
8<br />
participants<br />
in Uppsala<br />
Conny Gunnarsson | Logistics<br />
070-8107349, conny.gunnarsson@oringen.se<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
The magazine is produced and<br />
published by O-<strong>Ringen</strong> AB<br />
Responsible publisher<br />
Claes Forsberg<br />
@oringen<br />
Layout<br />
Martin Hammarberg, Adshape AB<br />
Cover<br />
Photo: Johfors Productions AB<br />
STAGE 1–5<br />
16<br />
25/7 • ELITE SPRINT<br />
Photo: Per Danielsson<br />
26/7 • STAGE 3<br />
13<br />
The pieces are starting to fall into place<br />
26/7 • STAGE 3<br />
44–45<br />
Nowegian coursesetters<br />
25/7 • STAGE 3<br />
28/7 • STAGE 5<br />
The Öberg<br />
sisters likes<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
38<br />
PHOTO: Peter Holgersson<br />
Different<br />
sprint in Åre<br />
24<br />
29–29<br />
Stage areas – Trillevallen, Järpen and Ånn<br />
32–33 STAGE 1–5<br />
MTBO in Östersund<br />
40–41<br />
The landowners are preparing for next summer<br />
23–24/7 • STAGE 1–2<br />
MÖRSIL<br />
48–53<br />
27/7 • STAGE 4<br />
Discover Åre,<br />
Östersund and Krokom<br />
56–63<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> 2024 and 2025<br />
66–74<br />
Registration guide<br />
23–24/7 • STAGE 1–2<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 5<br />
Kryssade du<br />
i rätt ruta?<br />
Läs mer och beställ på www.bagheera.se<br />
Motionsloppsförsäkringen ger dig en<br />
ny chans att delta i O-<strong>Ringen</strong> om du<br />
skulle bli sjuk eller skadad.<br />
Du väljer till Motionsloppsförsäkringen<br />
när<br />
du anmäler dig.<br />
Gäller för obegränsat<br />
antal lopp under ett år.<br />
Kostar endast<br />
155 kronor.<br />
Anmälningsavgiften<br />
tillbaka vid skada<br />
eller sjukdom.<br />
DAM/HERR<br />
Våra underställ i seamlessteknik är mjuka och<br />
funktionella, allt för att göra din aktivitet så<br />
behaglig som möjligt.<br />
DAM/HERR<br />
Trainer Pro Pants är den perfekta byxan<br />
för utomhusträningen där komfort och<br />
prestanda är viktiga parametrar.<br />
Redan anmäld till O-<strong>Ringen</strong> men missade<br />
att köpa motionsloppsförsäkringen?<br />
Ingen fara, du kan köpa den i efterhand på<br />
SUMMARY OF O-RINGEN UPPSALA <strong>2022</strong><br />
20 281<br />
participants<br />
320 000 km<br />
Yes, that is how far all participants ran<br />
in total. Calculated as the crow flies<br />
- so there may have been quite a few<br />
kilometres more, when adding route<br />
choice and looking for controls.<br />
77 000<br />
starts<br />
41<br />
countries<br />
1244<br />
clubs<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
8 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 9
Huvudpartner O-<strong>Ringen</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
– a certified sustainable event<br />
In the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> magazine from this<br />
spring, you could already read about our<br />
focus on being a well-known sustainable<br />
experience and how we within O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
work with sustainability issues - both<br />
social, environmental, and financial<br />
sustainability. In the same article we<br />
wrote about our path towards becoming<br />
a Certified sustainable event.<br />
Tack, alla ni<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong>hjältar<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
The certification is designed to push organizers<br />
to act more sustainably, and we succeeded.<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> <strong>2022</strong> was approved as sustainable<br />
according to Greentime's standard for<br />
sustainable events. What, then, in brief, is<br />
required to obtain this certification?<br />
To achieve the certification “Certified<br />
Sustainable Event”, an event must meet<br />
a number of sustainability requirements<br />
(according to the tools associated with<br />
the certification) and be audited by an<br />
independent auditor. In the certification<br />
tool, there are a total of 30 criteria that are<br />
mandatory to obtain the certification. In<br />
addition, the event must achieve at least<br />
50 % of the total points according to the<br />
certification tool. An independent auditor<br />
reviews the event descriptions and verifying<br />
documents. The auditor also conducts<br />
a site check during the event to ensure<br />
compliance with the description provided.<br />
The organizer then receives a short report<br />
with observations and possible deviations/<br />
improvement proposals from the site<br />
inspection. An approved result from the<br />
auditor gives the organizer the right to<br />
communicate that the event is a Certified<br />
Sustainable Event.<br />
The actual audit of the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> was done<br />
on July 28, <strong>2022</strong>, through a site visit by an independent<br />
auditor and the overall assessment<br />
is that we can call ourselves a certified Sustainable<br />
Event. Valerie Hasler was the auditor<br />
responsible for the inspection on site:<br />
– Congratulations for the certification,<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Uppsala! It was my first visit<br />
to O-<strong>Ringen</strong>, and I was impressed by the<br />
gigantic event with its complex logistics.<br />
During my visit, the mood was at its peak<br />
among participants and officials.<br />
– My impression was that the local organization<br />
in Uppsala worked in a structured way<br />
to reduce the negative impact on the environment<br />
and to contribute to personal health,<br />
inclusion and community, Valerie continues.<br />
Of course, there are things that can be<br />
improved, and some of the things that<br />
emerged were that we must become even<br />
better at including all officials and employees<br />
in the local sustainability plan so that<br />
we enable everyone to act sustainably based<br />
on our plan and strategy. Our kiosks can be<br />
improved by adding Swedish organic fruit<br />
and increasing the proportion of healthy<br />
snacks, food, and drinks. We could also run<br />
our grills with biogas instead of normal gas.<br />
Regarding the packaging in our kiosks, we<br />
received the recommendation to reduce<br />
plastic and disposable packaging and instead<br />
look at more sustainable alternatives.<br />
– A tip for the organization in Åre before<br />
2023 is to set clear sustainability requirements<br />
for partners and suppliers and to<br />
follow up on these requirements through<br />
audits. I would also like to see more eco-labelled<br />
products on the market as well as<br />
more locally produced, eco-labelled food<br />
and drink, Valerie says.<br />
Submit suggestions for more improvements.<br />
To get even further ahead in our sustainability<br />
work, we are now using this summer's audit to<br />
find ideas for improvements.<br />
This is of course done in consultation<br />
with all our partners and suppliers as<br />
they are a large and important part of the<br />
O-Ring as an event - we want all products<br />
offered during the week to be sustainable.<br />
We would like to include you participants<br />
in our sustainability work as well. We can<br />
only get better, and we do it together. If you<br />
have a suggestion or thought of something<br />
we can do differently next year - please<br />
contact us at info@oringen.se.<br />
Within Swedish orienteering, we also work<br />
with sustainability through the strategy<br />
Compass Direction 2030. Within the field<br />
we want Swedish orienteering to be one of<br />
the leading players in the world of sports in<br />
terms of economic, social, and environmental<br />
sustainability by 2030. BY 2030 we further<br />
want to see that the members of orienteering<br />
should reflect the population of Sweden<br />
and that everyone should have the same<br />
opportunities to participate in orienteering<br />
activities. Finally, within the area of <br />
sustainability by 2030, we want to conduct<br />
orienteering events in a sustainable way with<br />
regard to the environment and nature.<br />
Nu hittar ni till oss och våra utbildningar<br />
– med kraft att rädda världen<br />
10 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
OCH ALLA<br />
The pieces are starting to fall into place<br />
– THANK YOU for letting me share the joy with you!<br />
I started my new position as CEO of<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> on May 1st, and it is early<br />
on very clear that it is not long until<br />
a new O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is to be inaugurated.<br />
The expectations from you<br />
participants are high, but also from<br />
everyone who longed and waited for<br />
so long to deliver their O-<strong>Ringen</strong>; both<br />
employees and all the 1,250 officials.<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Tack till dig som kom förbi Suzuki-Center och provkörde och visade intresse för våra<br />
elektrifierade, terrängsmarta bilar med fyrhjulsdrift som standard.<br />
Extra stort tack till dig som lämnade input i vår frågelåda, där vi bad dig skriva hur din<br />
vardag med bil skulle kunna bli ännu enklare. Vi fick in en massa bra svar, som vi<br />
tänker ta hand om med start NU.<br />
Etapp 1 i resan mot det krångelfria billivet är härmed inledd. Hoppas vi ses nästa år(e)!<br />
Läs mer om Sveriges enklaste bil att ha på suzukibilar.se<br />
Stolt tävlingspartner<br />
till O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
In the time before the inauguration,<br />
we also allocate hours and energy to<br />
solving both large and small challenges.<br />
We are grappling with projects such<br />
as building bridges (if the road at Arena<br />
Flottsund had not been able to be closed,<br />
we would have needed a bridge for the<br />
crossing), getting all permits in place and<br />
trying to predict weather forecasts. We also<br />
spend time trying to understand how the<br />
post-pandemic trend of possibly fewer participants<br />
could affect us just as it has affected<br />
other exercise races. But I do not feel that<br />
concerned about unresolved issues as all colleagues<br />
and local official management teams<br />
show a commitment and level of ambition I<br />
have rarely experienced before.<br />
All the planning is managed very<br />
professionally and the desire to deliver at<br />
the highest level is strong. The opening at<br />
Studenternas, on Sunday July 24th will be an<br />
important memory for me and my first two<br />
days at Arena Pattons Hage made me begin<br />
to understand what a fantastic and unique<br />
arrangement O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is. No one seemed to<br />
care that it was raining on the first morning<br />
at Arena Pattons Hage. Everyone focused on<br />
performing at the highest level as officials<br />
or participants in a lovely (and barrier-free)<br />
race in the first stage. I myself made my<br />
debut on O-<strong>Ringen</strong> as a new orienteerer at<br />
Arena Sävja. It was an amazing and educational<br />
experience that gave a desire for more.<br />
I want to express my gratitude to all of you<br />
who guided me professionally and engagingly<br />
to the start line, officials as well as<br />
other participants. Now I know how to act<br />
naturally until the start and thanks for the<br />
tip about going to the lavatory and drinking<br />
water before the start. Now I also know that<br />
I should not “crumple up” my paper cup<br />
after drinking water.<br />
I also want to take the opportunity to say<br />
hello and thank you to all my new friends<br />
I met in the forest. You know who you are -<br />
thank you! The award ceremony on Saturday<br />
was another strong experience that also gave<br />
me a good insight into the breadth of participants<br />
we are under one O-<strong>Ringen</strong>.<br />
I was extremely proud to have the honour<br />
of presenting awards to both the elite and our<br />
future with groups of young participants. My<br />
most tangible moment of joy on stage was<br />
when I presented awards to the participants<br />
in the DH90 class. So, all of you over 20,000<br />
participants and 1,250 officials - thank you<br />
for letting me experience O-<strong>Ringen</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
together with you! I look forward to seeing<br />
you in the mountains in 2023.<br />
CEO O-<strong>Ringen</strong> AB<br />
claes.forsberg@oringen.se<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 13
Vinter<br />
i Åre!<br />
O-ringen till fjälls i samarbete med HO liday Club Åre<br />
Bokningen för O-<strong>Ringen</strong> 2023 är öppen men varför inte passa på att besöka Åre redan i vinter.<br />
Här öppnar vintersäsongen i mitten av december och du har tillgång till fina längdspår, storslagen skidåkning,<br />
flera restauranger, bad, gym och aktiviteter. Välkommen att ta del av våra erbjudanden på www.holidayclub.se<br />
lundstams.se<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 15
STAGE 1–5<br />
26/7 • STAGE 3<br />
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
25/7 • ELITE SPRINT<br />
26/7 • STAGE 3<br />
25/7 • STAGE 3<br />
28/7 • STAGE 5<br />
27–28/7 • STAGE 4–5<br />
23–24/7 • STAGE 1–2<br />
MÖRSIL<br />
27/7 • STAGE 4<br />
STAGE 1–5<br />
0 1 2 3 km<br />
Travel<br />
Travelling to Åre is easy by train, plane,<br />
or car. Once here, if you are participating<br />
in the orienteering, you can take the bus<br />
to the respective arena with our five<br />
bus routes. These go from Åre Björnen,<br />
Åre village (Kyrklägdan), Duved (outside<br />
Hotell Renen), Undersåker (the railway<br />
station) and the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping at<br />
Molanda.<br />
Those of you who stay elsewhere in Åredalen<br />
are referred to our satellite parking lots in<br />
Undersåker and Duved, and then the bus or<br />
train to the arenas. There will be no parking<br />
facilities adjacent to the arenas.<br />
For those who compete in MTBO or PreO,<br />
there will be parking spaces near the arenas.<br />
However, there will be no bus transport out<br />
to these arenas.<br />
Bus and train<br />
To travel to Åre with train is simple.<br />
A good choice is to take the night<br />
train to Åre and back.<br />
Travel time with train:<br />
Stockholm-Åre: about 7 hours<br />
Göteborg-Åre: about 10 hours<br />
Malmö-Åre: about 11 hours.<br />
Car<br />
You can drive to Åre via the<br />
International E-road network.<br />
E14 takes you to Åre both from east<br />
and west. If you drive through the country you<br />
can take E45 north up to Svenstavik and turn<br />
west to Åre and Trondheim.<br />
Plan<br />
I close vicinity to Åre there is two<br />
international airports. One hour from<br />
Åre is Åre Östersund Airport and two<br />
hours away is Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes in<br />
Norway. Pre-book your taxi from the airport so<br />
it will wait on your arrival.<br />
23–24/7 • STAGE 1–2<br />
23–24/7 • STAGE 1–2<br />
Distances to / from Åre<br />
Distance to Åre from:<br />
Distance to Åre By from:<br />
Trondheim 168 km Duved<br />
10 km<br />
Sundsvall<br />
285 km Järpen<br />
25 km<br />
Stockholm<br />
630 km Trillevallen<br />
25 km<br />
Oslo<br />
660 km Ånn<br />
35 km<br />
Göteborg<br />
890 km Undersåker<br />
13 km<br />
Malmö<br />
1 120 km Edsåsdaen<br />
21 km<br />
Molanda<br />
18 km<br />
Vålådalen<br />
40 km<br />
Ottsjö<br />
30 km<br />
Other distances:<br />
Åre Björnen – Åre by<br />
Undersåker – Trilevallen<br />
Undersåker – Järpen<br />
Järpen – Molanda<br />
6 km<br />
10 km<br />
12 km<br />
8 km<br />
Note!<br />
First day of<br />
competition in the<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> 5-days<br />
is on sunday<br />
23/7<br />
16 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 17
Which accommodation<br />
do you choose?<br />
Book your<br />
accomodation<br />
online!<br />
oringen.se<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
In beautiful Åredalen, there are lots of<br />
cabins, apartments, schools, hotels,<br />
and boarding houses where all you<br />
participants can stay. We also offer<br />
a campsite at Molanda and a smaller<br />
campsite in Järpen for those who arrive<br />
with a motorhome, caravan or tent.<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping Molanda<br />
At Molanda airfield, 3 km west of Järpen, we<br />
will set up a campsite with approximately<br />
1,000 pitches. This means that we have a slightly<br />
smaller campsite than “usual” but with the<br />
same service as we usually have and of course<br />
you stay together with the club. We offer<br />
approximately 400 pitches with electricity and<br />
600 pitches without electricity for caravans,<br />
mobile homes, and tents. One of our bus lines<br />
will take you directly to the stage, so leave the<br />
car. If you want to take the car, do so to one of<br />
our satellite parking lots in Undersåker or Duved<br />
and take the bus from there to the stage.<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping Järpen<br />
At Röjsmons sports ground in Järpen, there<br />
is a smaller O-<strong>Ringen</strong> campsite with around<br />
140 pitches. Here, all pitches have electricity,<br />
and you stay with your club. In addition<br />
to the range of services that an O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
camping offers, you are also within walking<br />
distance to the center of Järpen. To get to the<br />
stage, you need to drive from this campsite<br />
to our satellite parking in Undersåker and<br />
take the stage bus (Trillevallen and Ånn)<br />
from there. Stage buses depart from central<br />
Järpen to the stage in Järpen.<br />
Rent private accommodation<br />
During O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023, you will have<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
the opportunity to stay right next to lofty<br />
mountains in one of all the cosy accommodations<br />
that are scattered along the beautiful<br />
Åre Valley and the surrounding area. You<br />
will be able to stay in private apartments<br />
and cottages, as well as in hostels, boarding<br />
houses, and hotels. We will also offer hard<br />
surface accommodation, partly with own<br />
mattresses, but also with the option of renting<br />
your own proper bed if you do not want<br />
to sleep on the floor.<br />
Hard/soft beds<br />
In Järpen, you can live very affordably in<br />
dormitory rooms at Racklöfska school,<br />
Jämtlands Gymnasiet, Lunden and Culture<br />
School. The accommodations are next to<br />
each other. Soft beds mean that you live in a<br />
dormitory with 15–20 places. You get your<br />
own bed, duvet, and pillow. (bring your<br />
own sheets) Most of the sleeping places<br />
are in Lunden and a smaller number in the<br />
Culture School. About 210 soft beds. Hard<br />
beds mean that you live in a dormitory with<br />
5–20 places. Here you are assigned your own<br />
sleeping place and you bring your own bedding,<br />
blanket, and pillow. About 200 places.<br />
Toilets are adjacent to the dormitories and<br />
showers are nearby, in Röjsmons Sports<br />
Hall. There is also one of our O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
campsites in the area. There will be barbecue<br />
areas for cosy barbecue evenings. Outdoor<br />
furniture will be available, but feel free to<br />
bring your own folding chair! Indoor cooking<br />
facilities are not available. Refrigerators<br />
and freezers will be available to a limited<br />
extent, as well as freezers for ice packs.<br />
Motorhome stopovers<br />
In addition to our O-<strong>Ringen</strong> campsites,<br />
we have several stopovers available in<br />
different areas. At some of our private<br />
accommodations, including also boarding<br />
houses/hostels, there are sometimes<br />
stopovers available.<br />
Hotels, boarding houses, and hostels<br />
Åre and its surroundings offer a variety<br />
of hotels, boarding houses, and hostels.<br />
You are guaranteed to find something that<br />
suits you and your traveling party. All<br />
accommodation is booked via our booking<br />
portal which you can find at oringen.se.<br />
New accommodation is being added all the<br />
time, so stay updated if you have not already<br />
booked your accommodation.<br />
Photo: Febrian Zakaria on Unsplash, Peter Holgersson<br />
18 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 19
O-RINGEN ÅRE 2023<br />
& stage areas<br />
FOOT-O<br />
SAT 22/7<br />
Åre by<br />
Bagheera<br />
youth relay<br />
SUN 23/7<br />
Trillevallen<br />
Stage 1<br />
Long distance<br />
Trillevallen<br />
Stage 1<br />
Long distance<br />
MON 24/7<br />
Trillevallen<br />
Stage 2<br />
Long distance<br />
Trillevallen<br />
Stage 2<br />
Long distance<br />
TUE 25/7<br />
Activity day<br />
Åre by<br />
Stage 3<br />
Elite sprint<br />
WED 26/7<br />
Järpen<br />
Stage 3<br />
Middle distance<br />
Activity day<br />
THU 27/7<br />
Ånn<br />
Stage 4<br />
Middle distance<br />
Ånn<br />
Stage 4<br />
Middle distance<br />
FRI 28/7<br />
Ånn<br />
Stage 5<br />
Long distance<br />
Ånn<br />
Stage 5<br />
Long distance<br />
When O-<strong>Ringen</strong> comes to Åre, you are invited to orienteering in beautiful and<br />
varied terrain. The proximity to the mountains is felt in various ways during<br />
most of the stages, not least through the view. Despite that, the terrain differs<br />
quite a lot and to succeed in the orienteering you will need require broad<br />
technical and physical skills. Read more about the different competition areas<br />
on the following pages.<br />
MTBO<br />
TRAIL-O<br />
Östersund<br />
Stage 1<br />
Middle distance<br />
Vålådalen<br />
Stage 1<br />
Östersund<br />
Stage 2<br />
Long distance<br />
Vålådalen<br />
Stage 2<br />
Röjsmon<br />
Stage 3<br />
Sprint<br />
Activity day<br />
Fröå gruva<br />
Stage 3<br />
Mörsil<br />
Stage 4<br />
Röjsmon<br />
Stage 5<br />
Photo: Frida Berglund<br />
20 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 21
During the second<br />
stage, all the courses<br />
will reach the mountains<br />
above the tree line.<br />
STAGES 1 & 2<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
Stage 1, long distance, Trillevallen<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre begins with a long distance<br />
stage that mostly runs in the area where<br />
many of Trillevallens cross-country ski<br />
trails run. The ski tracks are prepared from<br />
November and usually well into May. Here,<br />
touring skiers with lunch bags and seating<br />
pads in their backpacks meet both elite<br />
skiers and exercisers with tight kilometre<br />
times as their goal. Early spring usually offers<br />
fantastic days with well-prepared tracks,<br />
sun, and fantastic views. Closest to the tree<br />
line, the area is dominated by mountain<br />
birch forest where visibility is usually good.<br />
The undergrowth is usually easy to walk<br />
through, but where the forest becomes<br />
sparser there can sometimes be denser willow<br />
thickets to get through. Further down in<br />
the terrain, there are mountain forests with<br />
mostly spruce and birch. There is also some<br />
pine, becoming more and more common<br />
further down the mountain. There is very<br />
little forestry in the area and the few new<br />
and grown-up clearings that exist will only<br />
be reached by the longer courses.<br />
The youth classes up to and including<br />
DH14, the open classes, the recreational<br />
classes and the short classes will start in an<br />
area with many ski tracks and hiking trails<br />
with some bogs. Here, the terrain is at first<br />
moderately hilly, but the longer courses<br />
pass sections with more significantly hilly<br />
terrain. Towards the arena, the hills increase,<br />
but the courses mostly run slantwise so it<br />
shouldn't be too tough. Other classes start<br />
in sparse mountain birch forest just below<br />
the treeline. Here, the terrain is very hilly<br />
from start but most of the courses run at<br />
the beginning before entering the same area<br />
described above.<br />
Stage 2, long distance, Trillevallen<br />
During the second stage, all courses will<br />
reach the mountains above the tree line. The<br />
very shortest courses come to just above the<br />
tree line, while the longer ones have most of<br />
the courses higher up on the mountain. On<br />
this stage, some courses will pass the top of<br />
the mountain Välliste, at the foot of which<br />
the arena is located. The all-time highest<br />
placed checkpoint on an O-<strong>Ringen</strong> will be<br />
one of the checkpoints on this stage, with<br />
an altitude of just over 1,000 meters above<br />
sea level.<br />
The elite classes and the longer difficult<br />
courses have the toughest time as they start<br />
a bit below the tree line with a string climb<br />
at the beginning of the courses. For these<br />
classes, the courses start in an area with mostly<br />
mountain birch, but with parts where fir<br />
trees restrict visibility. The runability is really<br />
good here. The difficulty lies in handling the<br />
varying visibility, it is important to maintain<br />
your orienteering when the visibility suddenly<br />
becomes worse. Other courses start higher<br />
up and have an easier start. On the mountain<br />
» Arena Trillevallen<br />
Sunday 23 july 2023<br />
Sunday 23 july 2023<br />
Monday 24 july<br />
Monday 24 july<br />
above the tree line the surface offers fast<br />
runability. Here, you have to be careful with<br />
the compass, as it is sometimes rather poor in<br />
detail. Of course, it becomes extra important<br />
to keep the direction when the sections go at<br />
an angle. It is no fun to have lost altitude and<br />
have to climb back up. The climbing is strong<br />
for all courses, but when fatigue sets in towards<br />
the end of the courses it is mostly downhill.<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
22 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 23
It will be difficult<br />
and different compared<br />
to other elite sprints<br />
at O-<strong>Ringen</strong>.<br />
Tork ® hälsar dig<br />
välkommen<br />
tillbaka!<br />
Äntligen kan vi leva lite mer normalt igen. Med oss har vi dock en stor erfarenhet – vi vet<br />
vilken skillnad god hygien gör. Tork har allt som behövs för att hålla både händer och<br />
ytor hygieniska.<br />
ÅRE BY<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Kika in på vår hemsida och kolla hur vi kan hjälpa till på din arbetsplats: www.tork.se<br />
The village of Åre will host the<br />
Elite Sprint in 2023, which will be<br />
something extra to bite into for all<br />
elite runners. It will be challenging<br />
with slalom slopes in the area which<br />
means that some parts will be tough<br />
on the sprint course.<br />
– I don't want to reveal too much,<br />
but there will be some parts that go<br />
uphill, says Hector Haines, one of two<br />
course setters for the Elite Sprint.<br />
Hector Heines is a British national team<br />
runner who moved to Åre a few years ago<br />
and here, together with David Lundsten, he<br />
has been tinkering with courses that will be<br />
challenging and put the runners to the test,<br />
both in terms of orienteering skills but also<br />
physically.<br />
– So far, the work with the course setting has<br />
gone very well. We have worked with a great<br />
map that is newly drawn and we have been<br />
able to work with the course setting very well<br />
in a very interesting area, says Hector.<br />
Åre village is located on the slope with<br />
Åresjön below the village and the slalom<br />
slopes above the village. It will be crowded<br />
between the houses, just like it should be on<br />
a sprint course.<br />
– It will go up and down. There will be an<br />
incredible amount of people standing in the<br />
area watching and cheering on the runners.<br />
It will simply be difficult and different compared<br />
to other elite sprints at O-<strong>Ringen</strong>, says<br />
a secretive Hector.<br />
The elite sprint will be decided during<br />
the activity day, which next year will be on<br />
Tuesday, since the first stage of O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
will already be decided on Sunday July<br />
23rd, 2023.<br />
» Arena ÅRE BY<br />
Tuesday 25 july 2023<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
Love your<br />
#trangia_moment<br />
24 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 25
The easily<br />
runnable heights<br />
are finely cut<br />
in parts.<br />
Athletic Frameless<br />
499 SEK<br />
Athletic Full Frame<br />
599 SEK<br />
Rosse Jacket M<br />
999 SEK<br />
Rosse Jacket W<br />
999 SEK<br />
STAGE 3<br />
JÄRPEN<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
Rosse Pant M<br />
699 SEK<br />
For stage three we head east to<br />
Järpen. The area north of the village<br />
of Järpen offers good orienteering<br />
terrain. The arena is high up and the<br />
terrain is less hilly than in Trillevallen.<br />
Here, it is important to be able to vary<br />
the pace of orienteering between the<br />
detailed and finely cut high sections<br />
and the more easily runnable and less<br />
detailed finish towards the finish line.<br />
Here it is a mixed forest with spruce, pine,<br />
and deciduous trees. Active forestry is carried<br />
out in the competition area, so there are<br />
both newer clearings and some green areas.<br />
Visibility varies greatly, but there is a<br />
greater element of poor visibility than on the<br />
other stages. Part of the forest is set aside for<br />
conservation and is fantastically beautiful.<br />
Here there is sparse pine forest with only a<br />
little lichen or low bilberry bushes on the<br />
ground. The easily runnable heights are<br />
finely cut in parts and are perfectly suited to<br />
the medium distance.<br />
This fine area is reached by the slightly<br />
longer courses. Most courses finish through<br />
an area with overgrown clearings where visibility<br />
is sometimes down to a couple of meters.<br />
Here it is important to be careful with<br />
the direction. It will be extra difficult to keep<br />
the speed down and sharpen the orienteering<br />
technique for those who come from the<br />
finer area where the speed has been turned<br />
up and the visibility has been very good. The<br />
terrain is weakly to moderately hilly.<br />
» Arena JÄRPEN<br />
JÄRPEN<br />
Wednesday 26 july 2023<br />
Rosse Shorts W<br />
599 SEK<br />
26 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 27
The course<br />
setters from<br />
Trøndelag felt<br />
at home<br />
in Ånn<br />
STAGES 4 & 5<br />
ÅNN<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
ÅNN<br />
Stage 4, middle distance, Ånn<br />
Arena Ånn is located some distance from<br />
the nearest mountain, but the terrain still<br />
gives a feeling of being close to the mountains.<br />
The forest is mixed deciduous and<br />
coniferous forest with several large open<br />
bogs. In parts of the terrain there are larger<br />
clearings of varying age, while in other parts<br />
there is a large and untouched spruce forest.<br />
There are several forest vehicle roads and<br />
a couple of snowmobile trails through the<br />
area, which otherwise has few trails. For<br />
those who have time, you can enjoy a view a<br />
fantastic view and look out towards both Åreskutan<br />
and Sylarna. Most courses start with an<br />
easy climb and then turn downhill. Towards<br />
the finish, the terrain flattens out towards the<br />
beautiful meadow lands around the arena.<br />
As a runner, you will encounter several<br />
different types of terrain and have to master<br />
different techniques. There will be a need for<br />
both pace changes, being able to keep the<br />
direction in both denser and less detailed<br />
forest and daring to keep the speed up in the<br />
more easily runnable sections. Contours are<br />
very detailed in parts, while the topography<br />
is very smooth in other areas. Transitions<br />
between forest and marshland can be<br />
blurred in western Jämtland and the ability<br />
to assess these can be decisive for whether<br />
the controls are taken without loss of time.<br />
Easier courses use larger bogs, paths, and<br />
roads as handrails, and they also come<br />
into contact with a power line that crosses<br />
through the competition terrain.<br />
Most of the coursess have not hilly terrain.<br />
Stage 5, long distance, Ånn<br />
The fifth stage runs partly in the same type<br />
of terrain as the fourth stage and has the<br />
same arena. Like the previous day, the area<br />
contains several different types of terrain.<br />
The competition terrain is varied and has<br />
some large and open marshes. The course<br />
setters from Trøndelag have felt at home in<br />
the area around Ånn. Harån, which flows<br />
ÅNN<br />
from the mountain down to Ånnsjön, will be<br />
passed by most of the runners. On the last<br />
day, all courses also go through an exciting<br />
area of sand ridges, ravines, and plateaus.<br />
The forest in the area varies between largestemmed<br />
spruce forest, open marshy areas<br />
with pine and more deciduous forest closer<br />
to the finish. In the terrain for the fifth stage,<br />
there is also active forestry and there are both<br />
open areas with good visibility, which are<br />
interspersed with some denser areas.<br />
The courses that reach further into the<br />
competition area will encounter slightly hilly<br />
terrain with many small bogs and minor<br />
elevations. At the end, the courses pass the<br />
aforementioned ridge and ravine terrain.<br />
Here, it is important to make the right<br />
choices, and if you make the right one, it can<br />
be decisive in the fight towards the finish.<br />
The terrain will present runners with the<br />
choice of simplifying or relying on the compass<br />
and managing to stay on course. Should<br />
you run across or around bogs? Daring to<br />
keep a high speed and at the same time be<br />
disciplined in denser areas and when taking<br />
control will be important factors for success.<br />
» Arena ÅNN<br />
Thursday 27 july 2023<br />
Thursday 27 july 2023<br />
Friday 28 july 2023<br />
Friday 28 july 2023<br />
Shorter and easier courses use paths and the<br />
road network closest to the finish line. Large<br />
parts of the competition terrain are slightly<br />
hilly, but there are steeper sections.<br />
28 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 29
Spring inte vilse<br />
i CMS-skogen<br />
SÖT<br />
Sitevision är Sveriges mest omtyckta<br />
CMS för webbplatser och intranät.<br />
Det är ingen slump att O-<strong>Ringen</strong> har valt Sitevision<br />
som publiceringsverktyg (CMS) för sin webbplats.<br />
Det har till exempel Scania, Skatteverket, Nordnet och<br />
fler än hälften av Sveriges kommuner också gjort. I<br />
Sitevision finns allt du behöver för att enkelt skapa<br />
kommunikation som blir av – idag och imorgon.<br />
Läs mer på sitevision.se<br />
När livet leker
For those who compete<br />
in MTBO and TrailO, there<br />
will be parking areas near<br />
the arenas. However, there<br />
will be no bus transport<br />
out to these arenas.<br />
» Program O-RINGEN MTBO 2023<br />
MTBO STAGE 1 – Sunday 23 july<br />
Arena ÖSTERSUND<br />
Middle distance.<br />
MTBO STAGE 2 – Monday 24 july<br />
Arena ÖSTERSUND<br />
Long distance.<br />
MTBO STAGE 3 – Tuesday 25 july<br />
Arena RÖJSMON<br />
Sprint.<br />
MTBO<br />
Big picture: Stage 1 and 2 of O-<strong>Ringen</strong> MTBO<br />
will be held at the ski stadium in Östersund<br />
Small picture: James Turton and Helen Hanstock.<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
The first MTBO stage cover a medium distance<br />
in the area around Östersund's ski stadium.<br />
Here there are fast roller ski tracks mixed<br />
with tricky and sometimes difficult to cycle<br />
smaller trails. The second stage starts from<br />
the same arena but is long-distance and uses a<br />
significantly larger area east of Östersund with<br />
alternating dirt roads, larger easy cycling paths<br />
and smaller, more technical paths.<br />
The third and final stage will be decided at<br />
Röjsmon in Järpen. The stage will be a sprint<br />
distance and will largely pass through the town<br />
with paved streets as a surface. The beginning<br />
of the courses will be in the forest with illuminated<br />
tracks, trails, and a roller ski track as<br />
a base. The participants ability to make quick<br />
decisions will really be put to the test here.<br />
MTBO in Östersund and Järpen<br />
The mountain bike orienteering at O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023 offers several novelties and<br />
lots of challenges. Helen Hanstock and James Turton, two Britons, will ensure<br />
that the participants get a wonderful challenge in the forests of Jämtland.<br />
The international element among the<br />
organizers of O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in Åre next summer<br />
is significant. All the course setters on the<br />
orienteering part are from Norway. A total<br />
of four Norwegian clubs are included among<br />
the officials’ clubs. The course setter for the<br />
Elite sprint is a national team runner from<br />
Great Britain and the duo who are responsible<br />
for MTBO are also from Great Britain.<br />
Helen and James are the married couple<br />
who both left England for Östersund. Helen<br />
moved to Sweden and Östersund in 2015<br />
and James chose to follow two years later to<br />
live with Helen in Östersund.<br />
– I got the opportunity to come to Sweden<br />
and work at Mittuniversitetet and didn't<br />
hesitate to take it. Helen works as a lecturer<br />
in sports science at Mittuniversitetet and at<br />
the National Winter Sports Centre located<br />
there. Helen conducts research in sports<br />
medicine on issues related to athlete health.<br />
– We are researching why so many elite skiers<br />
develop asthma during their career. James is an<br />
electrical engineer at a company on Frösön and<br />
develops vehicle computers for public transport<br />
and emergency vehicles. Now the couple are<br />
homeowners on Frösön and the planning for<br />
next summer’s O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is in full swing.<br />
– Unfortunately, we can only get three<br />
stages of MTBO in Åre. There are simply no<br />
more areas that we can use, says Helen who<br />
is convinced that the participants will have<br />
three exciting and challenging stages next<br />
summer. The first two stages are decided<br />
The area to<br />
the east of<br />
Östersund´s<br />
centre and ski<br />
stadium is rich<br />
in trails<br />
at the ski stadium in Östersund, the same<br />
area where the world's best biathletes ski<br />
and shoot in the World Cup every year and<br />
where two events have been decided in<br />
recent years.<br />
What are the big challenges<br />
for you as organizers, James?<br />
– Partly because snow cover limits the season<br />
to be out in the terrain quite a lot this far north.<br />
It may be May before the snow is gone which<br />
gives little time for the last check of the terrain<br />
before everything has to be ready next summer!<br />
We get out on MTB<br />
and ride the super<br />
nice trails on Frösön<br />
as often as we can<br />
– Also, Jämtland is a small county for<br />
orienteering and the season is short, which<br />
means that many orienteerers in Jämtland,<br />
just like us, do some other sports to fill the<br />
annual calendar. It will be a challenge to<br />
find officials and not least those who have<br />
knowledge of MTBO in particular, but<br />
we will gather lots of experience by being<br />
organizers! The first two stages are therefore<br />
decided in an area rich in trails in the terrain<br />
eastward from the centre of Östersund and<br />
the ski stadium. An area that also offers a<br />
lot of elevated and tricky sections. The third<br />
stage is decided in Järpen and is run on<br />
the activity day. Here, too, in an area with<br />
many ski tracks and with the arena next to<br />
Röjsmons Idrottsplats. Helen tried MTBO<br />
as early as 18 years old but still feels like a<br />
beginner in the sport.<br />
– I had some friends from the UK who<br />
trained and competed at a high level in<br />
MTBO (including Emily Benham Kvåle<br />
who is now multiple world champion) but<br />
there were few competitions and although I<br />
thought it would be fun to try again, I didn't<br />
really get the chance very often. Now in<br />
Sweden, Helen and James have participated<br />
in some O-<strong>Ringen</strong> competitions and a couple<br />
of competitions in the Swedish Cup.<br />
– But we get out on MTB and ride the<br />
super nice trails on Frösön as often as we<br />
can. It is exciting that the map of the large<br />
ski stadium area in Östersund is being<br />
developed for O-<strong>Ringen</strong> and we hope that<br />
interest in the sport can grow in the area,<br />
now that we are gaining race management<br />
experience and maps that will remain thanks<br />
to O-<strong>Ringen</strong>.<br />
32 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 33
A different<br />
Trail-O at<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre<br />
» Program O-RINGEN TRAILO 2023<br />
PREO STAGE 1 – Sunday 23 july<br />
Arena VÅLÅDALEN<br />
PREO STAGE 2 – Monday 24 july<br />
Arena VÅLÅDALEN<br />
PREO STAGE 3 – Wednesday 26 july<br />
Arena FRÖÅ GRUVA<br />
PREO STAGE4 – Thursday 27 july<br />
Arena MÖRSIL<br />
PREO STAGE 5 – Friday 28 july<br />
Arena RÖJSMON<br />
TRAILO<br />
For those who compete<br />
in MTBO and TrailO, there<br />
will be parking areas near<br />
the arenas. However, there<br />
will be no bus transport<br />
out to these arenas.<br />
The first two stages of the trail orienteering<br />
will take place in Vålådalen. One of the stages<br />
will go up on beautiful Ottfjället with a view of<br />
the mountain world. Here, the participants are<br />
met by occasional low mountain birches, open<br />
calf mountain and extensive bogs. One of the<br />
two stages in the Vålådalen will go down into<br />
the valley itself with a completely different<br />
terrain than above the tree line.<br />
The third stage will be an evening stage at<br />
the Fröå mine. In the old mining environment,<br />
you can hear the beat of history as you wander<br />
between mine shafts and preserved buildings.<br />
Most impressive is the restored shaft that<br />
powers the pump that keeps one of the mines<br />
dry and is in turn powered by a large water<br />
wheel.<br />
Stage four will be run in Mörsil and the final<br />
fifth stage will run from Arena Röjsmon in Järpen.<br />
The TrailO at O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023 will<br />
be a bit special.<br />
– The terrain will be incredibly<br />
exciting and varied, says Owe<br />
Fredholm, responsible for the TrailO<br />
course setting.<br />
From Uppsalaslätten plain to Årefjällen<br />
mountains. Yes, there you have the differences<br />
in TrailO between O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Uppsala<br />
<strong>2022</strong> and O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023. Both areas<br />
have their charm and the TrailO gang spent<br />
two weeks in Åre during the late summer to<br />
complete all course setting and everything<br />
practical that needs to be fixed for the TrailO<br />
stages in Åre to be as good as possible.<br />
– The challenge in Åre is the long distances<br />
to check the terrain and courses. It's<br />
not possible to just go out one evening and<br />
check some details, but here we had to work<br />
through a course completely, which takes<br />
one to two full days, says Owe Fredholm.<br />
Owe and his wife Ewa are retired and has, together<br />
with his son Martin, worked hard with<br />
everything about courses, maps and more at<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> for many years. When it was time<br />
for O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023, it was obvious that<br />
Owe should be involved in the work.<br />
– Compared to Uppsala and other places,<br />
the conditions are completely different when<br />
it comes to the terrain. We have had to work<br />
with different areas, and it has sometimes<br />
been difficult to make everything perfect.<br />
But we think that we now have five really<br />
good stages. In addition to the three Fredholm<br />
family members, Göran F Andersson<br />
has also been involved in the course setting<br />
work on site in Åre.<br />
– We have been up here and been<br />
fantastically lucky with the weather. We have<br />
met many nice landowners and received<br />
good support from O-<strong>Ringen</strong> organization,<br />
says Owe.<br />
What can the participants<br />
expect at TrailO in Åre?<br />
– It will be exciting and varied terrain and<br />
it is important to master different forms of<br />
TrailO. One stage runs in an old mining<br />
area, two of the stages on classic sports<br />
ground in Vålådalen. One of these stages is<br />
decided entirely on the mountain above the<br />
tree line.<br />
– It will be a great experience for all<br />
participants. O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023 has had a<br />
good dialogue with the landowners and with<br />
the Sami, and to have the opportunity to be<br />
up above the tree line will be something new<br />
for most people, says Owe.<br />
Owe Fredholm, Martin Fredholm, Göran F Andersson and Eva Fredholm are all experienced when it comes to<br />
TrailO. The course setting work for O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023 is now almost complete. Photo: Johfors Productions AB.<br />
The rod passage from the water wheel to the pump at<br />
Fröå Gruva, stage 3 for TrailO. Photo: Wikipedia.<br />
34 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 35
sca.com<br />
Ställ in kompassen<br />
på klimatsmarta val<br />
Många av framtidens lösningar har sitt ursprung i skogen.<br />
Visste du att den svenska skogen<br />
bidrar med en klimat nytta om 90<br />
miljoner ton koldioxid varje år?<br />
Skogen ger oss klimatsmarta<br />
produkter, exempelvis virke,<br />
träprodukter, förpackningspapper<br />
och biodrivmedel, som i sin tur kan<br />
ersätta fossilbaserade material<br />
såsom plast, stål och cement.<br />
Samtidigt ska skogarna fortsätta<br />
att vara en bra livsmiljö för skogens<br />
växter och djur och en plats där<br />
människor kan söka upplevelser och<br />
rekreation.<br />
Läs mer om SCA skogsbruk och<br />
arbete för biologiskt mångfald på<br />
www.sca.com. Välkommen ut och<br />
besök våra skogar!<br />
Hyr dina maskiner<br />
hos oss!<br />
Hos oss hittar du Sveriges största utbud av små och stora byggmaskiner,<br />
ställningar, liftar och allt som behövs för ditt byggprojekt. Besök något av<br />
våra 80 kundcenter eller slå oss en signal så hjälper vi dig att hitta precis<br />
det du behöver.<br />
Du hittar ditt närmsta kundcenter på ramirent.se<br />
Välkommen!<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 37
The Öberg<br />
sisters love<br />
for O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
is great<br />
We are used to seeing them with skis on their feet and a rifle on<br />
their back. But sisters Hanna and Elvira Öberg know what it's all<br />
about when it comes to orienteering too. The whole family ran<br />
orienteering during the sisters' upbringing, and O-<strong>Ringen</strong> was of<br />
course an important feature every summer.<br />
– Biathlon and orienteering have a lot in common, says the two<br />
biathlon stars in an interview with O-<strong>Ringen</strong> magazine.<br />
Olympic medals, World cup medals<br />
and world championship victories.<br />
The list of successes for Hanna<br />
and Elvira Öberg on the ski track<br />
is long, but there was a time when summers<br />
were devoted to other things than bare ground<br />
training before a biathlon season.<br />
– I ran a lot of orienteering until I started<br />
high school. The summers where devoted<br />
to running orienteering, says Hanna Öberg.<br />
The whole family ran orienteering and<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> was important to us. The sisters<br />
tell us that as they lived in Norrbotten they<br />
travelled quite a bit in car and caravan to<br />
competitions around Sweden.<br />
– I have run O-<strong>Ringen</strong> six or seven times.<br />
The last time was in 2013 when O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
was held in Boden. I got to run D18 elite<br />
and if we put it this way, there is a reason<br />
why I am doing biathlon and not orienteering,<br />
says Hanna with a smile.<br />
Elvira does not have the same experience<br />
in orienteering as her older sister, the World<br />
Cup runner-up in biathlon from last season<br />
was more interested in football.<br />
– I know how to read a map and how to<br />
get around, says Elvira with a laugh.<br />
Since older sister Hanna turned 18, the<br />
commitment to biathlon was total and orienteering<br />
had to take a back seat. But Hanna<br />
still has something dreamy in her eyes when<br />
she talks about her orienteering memories.<br />
– I have always enjoyed orienteering.<br />
There are so many similarities between<br />
orienteering and biathlon. It's not just about<br />
having the best physique. Just like in biathlon,<br />
it's not about who runs the fastest, but<br />
it's also about keeping your wits about you.<br />
Hanna talks about how much fun it was to<br />
travel to competitions together with the family.<br />
Even though the distances where long, it<br />
was an important part of her and her sister's<br />
upbringing that she looks back on fondly.<br />
– The time together with the family, meeting<br />
friends who also orienteered from other<br />
parts of the country.<br />
Elvira also emphasizes the community<br />
from camps and competitions.<br />
– I made many friends in orienteering.<br />
There was a lot of time in competitions and<br />
time with the family.<br />
Can you, Hanna, consider taking<br />
up orienteering again after your<br />
biathlon career is over?<br />
– Yes, I have actually thought about the<br />
fact that after my career, I would like to run<br />
orienteering again.<br />
Hanna does not run any real competitions<br />
in orienteering, but she appears from time to<br />
time at smaller competitions in Östersund,<br />
especially sprint orienteering.<br />
– I've probably increased my running<br />
speed since I stopped competing in orienteering,<br />
but I haven't gotten better with the<br />
technique, says Hanna with a smile.<br />
– I also ran a sprint competition in<br />
Östersund last spring and it was the first<br />
time in a long time. I am a fast runner, but I<br />
don't have time to read the map. And that is<br />
usually not a good combination.<br />
Elvira, what is it about orienteering and<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> that makes it so much fun?<br />
– It's this thing about not just running.<br />
Running training has never been my forte,<br />
but as soon as I have a map in my hand,<br />
it has become so much more fun to train.<br />
There is an interruption, and you get to<br />
think about something else.<br />
The love for orienteering and for<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> be found in both girls. Maybe<br />
we'll see them at O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in the future.<br />
It's not impossible!<br />
38 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 39
We have received<br />
good information<br />
from O-<strong>Ringen</strong>,<br />
and we feel safe<br />
lending our land<br />
No O-<strong>Ringen</strong> without support from the landowners<br />
Without officials, no O-<strong>Ringen</strong>. But there is one group that is at least as<br />
important as the officials, namely the landowners. Before O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023,<br />
the organizers have signed agreements with close to 90 landowners in the<br />
various areas where the competitions will be decided next summer.<br />
– For us, it was a given that we help by lending our land, says two of the<br />
landowners, Ragnar and Stina Bergstedt in Trillevallen.<br />
Organizing orienteering<br />
competitions is becoming<br />
increasingly complicated.<br />
There are lots of permits to be<br />
arranged and, above all, it is important to<br />
get permission from all landowners in the<br />
area where competitions are to be arranged.<br />
For O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023, it has been extra<br />
difficult. The corona pandemic has meant<br />
that the event that was to be arranged in<br />
2021 has been moved twice and in the<br />
summer of 2023, it is now finally time.<br />
– Since we signed land agreements with<br />
the first landowners, a lot has happened. A<br />
lot of properties have been sold, some have<br />
changed character and for the landowners<br />
it has been uncertain whether the<br />
competitions in Åre would take place or not,<br />
says Niclas Lidström, project manager for<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023. The agreements with<br />
the approximately 90 landowners have had<br />
to be rewritten twice, two stages have had to<br />
be cancelled and moved to another location.<br />
But now all land agreements have been<br />
signed and the competition will be decided<br />
in the summer of 2023.<br />
Agreement with O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
All landowners involved have signed an<br />
agreement in which O-<strong>Ringen</strong> promises to<br />
take care of their land and compensate for<br />
any damage that may occur. The landowner<br />
has promised not to clear or alter the land<br />
they lent to the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> organizers.<br />
– We talked to the organizers early on and<br />
thought it was great fun that they wanted<br />
to organize O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in Trillevallen, says<br />
Ragnar Bergstedt, landowner in Trillevallen.<br />
Together with his wife Stina, they have<br />
several forest parcels around Trillevallen<br />
and were among the first to say yes and<br />
sign the agreements.<br />
– We have received good information<br />
from O-<strong>Ringen</strong>, and we feel safe lending our<br />
land, they both say.<br />
In Ånn, Hans Olof Henriksson and Lasse<br />
Eriksson will have around 25,000 people<br />
on their farm. They own the land where the<br />
arena for stages 4 and 5 will be built.<br />
– It's fun that the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is coming to<br />
Ånn. We were visiting Uppsala this summer<br />
and looked at the event to get to know what<br />
awaits us next summer, says Lasse Eriksson.<br />
Now the landowners are preparing<br />
for next summer and have come up with<br />
suggestions and helped when the organizers<br />
planned the arena, laying out electricity and<br />
water, et cetera.<br />
– It will be a fantastic experience to be<br />
part of O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in Ånn. We are really<br />
looking forward to that, says Hans Olof<br />
Henriksson at the farm.<br />
40 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 41
Liniment är en salva<br />
med antingen kylande eller värmande<br />
effekt. Den masseras in i huden<br />
för att öka blodcirkulation.<br />
Det finns flera olika typer av<br />
liniment som varierar i styrka,<br />
ingredienser och effekt.<br />
ormsalva.se<br />
Alltid på väg...<br />
Nu även Gröna transporter<br />
Snällare orm<br />
får du leta efter<br />
Ett Jämtländskt transportföretag.<br />
70 år på väg...<br />
Klart du har<br />
hittat hit!<br />
Det är här<br />
det händer.<br />
Norra Sverige är mitt i en grön revolution.<br />
Det investeras mångmiljardbelopp i industrin,<br />
inflyttningen ökar konstant och rekryteringsföretagen<br />
jobbar övertid. Tro det eller ej,<br />
Åre och Östersund utgör bara sydspetsen<br />
av denna glödande marknad i norr.<br />
Diös finns mitt i hetgröten – i tio städer, från<br />
Luleå i norr till Borlänge i söder. Vi brinner<br />
för stadsutveckling som möter den moderna<br />
stadsbons önskemål och behov.<br />
Vi vill skapa Sveriges mest<br />
inspirerande städer.<br />
dios<br />
Vill du också ha moderna lokaler på Sveriges<br />
hetaste marknad? Mejla oss på:<br />
Ormsalva Insane Stick biter hårt, men är galet snäll på stela och ömmande muskler.<br />
hyrlokal@dios.se<br />
Stela muskler och träningsvärk är nästan lika<br />
vanligt som ormfobi. Ormsalva är dock inget<br />
att vara rädd för. Tvärtom! Släpp loss. Rör<br />
dig fritt och prestera på topp när du slingrar<br />
dig fram i terrängen. Alltid på bettet i skogen<br />
med Ormsalva Insane Stick. Det är det är<br />
mycket 42 enkelt O-RINGEN att använda MAGAZINE det NR kraftfulla 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
linimentstiftet* och du behöver inte kladda ner<br />
händerna, varken före, under eller efter loppet.<br />
Ormsalva är stolt sponsor till O-<strong>Ringen</strong> och<br />
är ett av Sveriges mest kompletta sortiment<br />
av liniment* för många behov.<br />
Pssst... Ormsalva tillverkas i Borlänge och<br />
finns att köpa på t.ex. Apotea.se<br />
Fagerbacken 64, Telefon 063-55 61 80<br />
E-post: trafik@sandberg-jonsson.se<br />
dios.se<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 43
Norwegian course setters have been working for several years<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
The view<br />
from the top<br />
of Välliste is<br />
one of the most<br />
beautiful views<br />
in the history<br />
of O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
Map from<br />
Trillevallen<br />
scale 1:7500<br />
The work to prepare O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023 has been going<br />
on for a long time. For the first time in O-<strong>Ringen</strong> history,<br />
all the course setters for the five orienteering stages are<br />
from Norway.<br />
– It is an honour to get to organize the world's largest orienteering<br />
competition together with Swedish orienteering clubs, says Morten<br />
Strand from Wing OK in Trondheim, who planned the courses in<br />
Trillevallen.<br />
In total, there are seven course setters who over the course of a<br />
few years have worked on the course setting for the five stages of<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in Åre 2023. Twice the event has been postponed due to<br />
the Corona pandemic. In addition, the course setters were prohibited<br />
from travelling across the border to Sweden for just over 1.5<br />
years. That was, obviously, a challenge, but still manageable.<br />
Morten, how is the course setting in Trillevallen going?<br />
– The course setting is going well, during the summer we have<br />
carried out test runs of almost all courses. It has been incredibly<br />
important for us to get feedback on the work we have put in,<br />
says Morten. Together with the course controllers, we have gone<br />
through all the courses and control points, says Morten.<br />
What can participants expect in Trillevallen?<br />
– Runners can look forward to experiencing untouched mountain<br />
forest, hilly mountain terrain with few trails in the area. Runnability<br />
in the area is consistently good and up above the treeline it will<br />
be fast. Morten tells us that the area around the mountain Välliste<br />
will offer demanding slope orientation and easy-to-run bogs on the<br />
downhill slopes.<br />
– The mountain forest consists of spruce and birch forest and<br />
can in parts be difficult to overview, and here you have to be careful<br />
when orienteering.<br />
The runners simply have to adjust their speed to take all control<br />
points without misses. Course setter Morten Strand has also found<br />
a favourite position in the terrain.<br />
– I would like to say that the view from the top of Välliste is one<br />
of the most beautiful views in the history of O-<strong>Ringen</strong>. Here you<br />
have a magnificent view from Riksgränsen in the west to Östersund<br />
in the east.<br />
Will there be one or two mountain stages in Trillevallen?<br />
– The first stage will be decided in the demanding mountain forest on<br />
the south side of Välliste and on the second stage, many of the courses<br />
are on the top of Välliste with tough slopes and a lot of slope running.<br />
How does it feel to, as a Norwegian,<br />
be part of organizing O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre 2023?<br />
– It was with joy mixed with fear that I agreed to the course setting<br />
work on O-<strong>Ringen</strong>. O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is also the Nordic region's biggest<br />
sporting event and known throughout the orienteering world,<br />
explains Morten Strand.<br />
He also believes that orienteering is a small sport in Norway and<br />
there is no similar event with the same media focus and status.<br />
– It is therefore an honour to be invited to this as an official club<br />
and to have an opportunity to collaborate with our Norwegian and<br />
Swedish clubs in this huge event.<br />
How many course setters from Norway<br />
are working on the courses for O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre?<br />
– We are a total of seven orienteering enthusiasts from central<br />
Norway who work with course setting on five different stages.<br />
There are three course setters from Freidig Orientering, two from<br />
Wing OK and two from Stjördals-Blink. In addition, we have one<br />
that plans the courses for MTBO.<br />
What has been the difficulty in laying courses for O-<strong>Ringen</strong>?<br />
– The scale of O-<strong>Ringen</strong> cannot be compared to any other<br />
orienteering event that I know of. A lot of time goes into planning<br />
because there are close to 130 classes at different levels and 225<br />
control points. In addition, there are eight different starts, as<br />
well as the design and the adaptation to the arena. We must also<br />
consider any sensitive nature areas in the competition area.<br />
– The work could be compared with laying a very difficult and<br />
complicated jigsaw puzzle. In Trillevallen, it has been difficult to<br />
plan courses for the youngest youth classes, it is important to find<br />
the right level of difficulty in an area with few paths.<br />
– We have benefited greatly when we have met and discussed<br />
the courses in groups. We have also had very good documentation<br />
from previous O-<strong>Ringen</strong> events.<br />
How do you think the participants will react?<br />
– We hope that the participants will experience mountain orienteering<br />
at its best and that they will have great sporting memories<br />
from O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre.<br />
44 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 45
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
Upplev Östersund i samband med O-<strong>Ringen</strong> 2023.<br />
Bara en timmes bilväg från Åre och O-<strong>Ringen</strong>arenorna<br />
hittar du sommarstaden Östersund och det är också här<br />
som O-<strong>Ringen</strong>s två första etapper i MTB-O avgörs. Boka<br />
några dagar hos oss och ladda energi inför tävlingsdagarna<br />
eller besök oss under den lediga dagen. Här finns<br />
massor att göra och vi vill gärna dela med oss.<br />
Välkommen till Sveriges mysigaste stadskärna. Här<br />
hittar du små unika butiker, innergårdar med restauranger,<br />
caféer och gallerier - och massor att göra för<br />
hela familjen. Vad sägs om adrenalinfylld downhillcykling<br />
eller kanske Sveriges bästa stigcykling med utsikt<br />
över sjö och fjäll. Vackra vandrings- och traillöpningsstigar<br />
och mer än 100 klätterleder. Mitt i stan kan du<br />
paddla kajak, hyra SUP-bräda och åka wakeboard på<br />
Storsjön, Sveriges femte största sjö, och de fiskeintresserade<br />
får sitt lystmäte av ädelfisk i älvarna strax utanför<br />
stan.<br />
Under sommaren vaknar Jamtlis hus och gårdar till liv.<br />
Med några steg förflyttar du dig från 1700-tal till 1970-tal<br />
och möter människor från andra tider än vår egen. På<br />
Nationalmuseum Jamtli visas konst ur Nationalmuseums<br />
stora samlingar. Gillar du lokal mat kan det vara<br />
bra att veta att Östersund är utsedd till Creative City of<br />
Gastronomy av UNESCO och här finns flest småskaliga<br />
mathantverkare i hela landet. Samtidigt som O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
2023 pågår Yranveckan – 10 dagar av kulturhappenings<br />
och inte minst Krogstråket med fantastiska restauranger<br />
i hamnen. Och den 28-30 juli intar artisterna Yranscenerna<br />
runt om i stan. Välkommen till svårslagen stämning!<br />
Östersund – en unik puls av stad och fjäll!<br />
visitostersund.se<br />
nestorville.se<br />
Sign up at oringen.se<br />
46 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 47
Åre municipality<br />
– more than just skiing<br />
Photo: Diana Westöö<br />
Photo: Niclas Lidström<br />
Åre municipality offers so much more than just skiing.<br />
The snowless season is growing strongly and there are<br />
plenty of activities and places to discover here.<br />
Here you can find everything from hiking above the<br />
tree line, fantastic waterfalls, exhilarating adventures,<br />
world-class bike trails and a vibrant Åre village with<br />
gastronomic experiences.<br />
In the municipality you will find several different districts. All<br />
with their unique experiences and popular haunts. For example,<br />
beautiful Kallbygden. Kallbygden is a mountain paradise that offers<br />
magnificent hiking areas, beautiful places for swimming, fantastic<br />
fishing, horseback riding, good locally produced food, cosy accommodation,<br />
and local handicrafts. In Kall, the Västgård Game Fair is<br />
held at the end of week 30 every year. A leisure fair with everything<br />
from hunting, fishing, horses, forests and agriculture to food and<br />
crafts. It is a very popular fair that offers good food and exciting<br />
performances.<br />
A little way south from Kall you will find Järpen. Here you must<br />
not miss the opportunity to visit Järpen's roller ski track and exercise<br />
track, work out in the outdoor gym or discover the newly built<br />
cycle trails in the area around Röjsmon. Storlien is the classic ski<br />
resort located next to the Norwegian border, 60 km from Åre.<br />
In addition to border trade, Storlien offers plenty of nice hiking<br />
and cycling trails. In the immediate area, you can fish for trout and<br />
char in mountain lakes and ponds in beautiful mountain surroundings.<br />
Here you will also find is the classic Högfjällshotellet, which<br />
has been closed for a few years but now has new owners. The hotel is<br />
being renovated and will open again for the winter season 22/23<br />
Summer activities around Åre<br />
The village of Ottsjö is beautifully situated by lake Ottsjön, 30<br />
kilometres from Åre. We recommend that you experience the<br />
valley from a kayak on the lake, framed by Ottfjället. Or take the<br />
opportunity to hike across the historic ford Ridvadet, the only<br />
hiking trail in Sweden where you wade across an entire lake. In<br />
Ottsjö we also have the finish line for the Fjällmaraton, an 8-day<br />
running festival in a mountain environment that is organized on<br />
29/7–5/8 2023.<br />
Vålådalen is a place where training and outdoor life meet. Here<br />
you will find the 5 km long roller ski track with a connection to<br />
the biathlon track, a sports venue for track intervals, while you<br />
can also learn more about nature with a visit to Naturum. In the<br />
area you will find starting points for hiking and trail running to<br />
mythical places such as Gunders Mosse, Nulltjärn, the pyramids in<br />
Isjödalen and Ottfjället.<br />
In July, Åre municipality is in full swing and many places are<br />
bustling from early morning to late evening - this is a fantastic<br />
month to experience, among other things, the lovely summer<br />
atmosphere in Åre village. Here you will find hiking, cycling, trail<br />
running, canoeing, paragliding or perhaps a visit to the Åre museum<br />
among other activities. Åre beach and the marina are popular<br />
places for swimming on hot summer days. After an activity-packed<br />
day at Åreskutan, the village's outdoor restaurants attract with a<br />
relaxing "after mountain" and tasty dinners in the evening sun.<br />
High rope course and cable car<br />
At Björnen you will find the high rope course where you can<br />
challenge yourself with climbing, ziplines and other tricks. There<br />
is something for all ages and comfort zones here. If heights are<br />
your element, there is also a zipline in Åre where you can whiz<br />
down the mountain in the long stretches that run criss-cross across<br />
Susabäcken. Perfect for feeling the butterflies fluttering in your<br />
stomach.<br />
Åre Kabinbana cable car is perhaps the most well-known symbol<br />
of Åre. Since 1976, the two cars run summer and winter and transport<br />
us from the village to the mountain station at 1274 meters<br />
above sea level, almost all the way to the top of Åreskutan. It is a<br />
must to ride it at least once. During the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> week, the cable<br />
car and most of the lifts will be open daily until 20.00.<br />
Go up and hike down or hike further up to get all the way to the<br />
top of Åreskutan at 1420 meters above sea level. Visit Toppstugan,<br />
the highest altitude café in Sweden, for a fika with waffles before<br />
heading back down!<br />
Cycling on the mountain<br />
Åre Bike Park on Åreskutan is a favourite place for downhill<br />
cycling. There is also the newly built tarmac pump track circuit<br />
where you can hone technique and cornering to perfection. The<br />
area for cross-country cycling in Björnen is also growing every<br />
year and offers fun and easily accessible trail cycling for the whole<br />
family in a fantastic mountain environment. We promise that there<br />
is a lot of cycling to discover in Åre!<br />
Photo: Diana Westöö<br />
48 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 49
– a unique pulse of city and mountains<br />
with adventures for the whole family<br />
Historic Frösön<br />
A thousand years ago, people where already gathering on Frösön<br />
for markets and things. Frösö Church with its fantastic view is built<br />
on top of a pagan sacrificial place. Next to the Frösö bridge stands<br />
Sweden's northernmost rune stone which tells about the Christianization<br />
of Jämtland, and the composer Wilhelm Peterson-Berger<br />
was so captivated by Frösön's beauty that he had his home<br />
Sommarhagen built here. Today it is a museum, cafe, and popular<br />
destination. There are also plenty of cosy summer cafes on Frösön<br />
and nice paths for walking, cycling, and running.<br />
In Östersund, only an hour's drive from Åre, you are never<br />
far from a magnificent natural or cultural experience, but<br />
here you can also find restaurants, shops, and a nice city<br />
hangout. Here we have collected seven tips for your visit.<br />
Cycling for everyone<br />
It is said that Frösön has Sweden's best trail cycling and the SM in<br />
XC cycling has been held here several times. The Swedish elite in<br />
enduro cycling regularly visit Östberget with their competitions<br />
and the lift-borne downhill cycling on Östberget is open several<br />
days a week. In addition to the advanced trails, there are also simpler<br />
paths and trails that suit both beginners and the whole family.<br />
Just outside the city is the Fugelsta cycling El Dorado, where<br />
enthusiasts build fantastically flowy trails, and Östersund's ski stadium<br />
is the starting point for two of the MTBO stages. Those who<br />
want to take it a little more leisurely can rent a bike and explore<br />
some of Frösön's many summer cafes.<br />
Explore the Great Lakes<br />
Water sports are popular and in the middle of town you can kayak,<br />
rent a SUP board and go wakeboarding. Just outside town, Locknesjön<br />
attracts with its green calcareous water or Andersön with its<br />
mountain view. Those interested in fishing will find their fill in the<br />
rivers just outside town. M/S Thomée makes trips out on Storsjön<br />
every day of the week.<br />
City life & Gastronomy<br />
Östersund is designated Creative City of Gastronomy by UNESCO.<br />
The area has the highest number of small-scale food artisans in the<br />
whole country and many exciting restaurants, cafes, and courtyards<br />
to discover. Östersund's city centre has received much praise<br />
and here you will find a number of popular small and unique<br />
shops mixed in with the big chains.<br />
Storsjöyran<br />
There are many festivals but none like Storsjöyran. Since 1983,<br />
Storsjöyran has been one of Scandinavia's largest music festivals<br />
with around 40 artists on seven stages, where national and international<br />
big names meet local acts. Yran begins with the 10-day<br />
long Yran week (July 21-30), which consists of art, film, theatre,<br />
exhibitions, and happenings, while Östersund's harbour is being<br />
rebuilt into Krogstråket with restaurants and entertainment before<br />
it's time for the artists to take over the Yran stages July 28-30.<br />
Jamtli Historyland<br />
Jamtli Historyland is a popular destination for all generations. With<br />
a few steps, you move in time from the 18th century to the 1970s.<br />
Among Jamtli's old farms and city blocks, you will meet actors who<br />
tell you about what it was like to live in the old days. Learn about<br />
lean years of famine, take a ride on the bus from 1920 or stop at the<br />
service station from 1956. Don't miss the 1970s counterurbanizers<br />
and the tv-show “Five ants are more than four elephants”. At Jamtli<br />
you will also find National Museum Jamtli with exhibitions.<br />
Östersund for kids<br />
Visit the Moose Garden and meet the tame moose. Teknikland mix<br />
technology, aviation, and military history with play. At Jamtli you<br />
travel back in time. Multi Challenge is Sweden's largest adventure<br />
house with Boda Borg, playland, laser tag, bowling, climbing and<br />
much more. Östersund is located by Sweden's fifth largest lake,<br />
there are plenty of lovely swimming spots here, and the Storsjöbadet<br />
water park has both indoor and outdoor pools.<br />
50 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 51
Vi skickar<br />
ett magasin gärna<br />
hem till dig!<br />
om drömlivet*<br />
*<br />
Orientera dig<br />
vidare i livet!<br />
Vi vill bjuda dig på inspiration och information från<br />
Jämtland Härjedalen, ett livsstilslän utöver det vanliga.<br />
Håll kontakten med oss inför O-ringen Åre 2023!<br />
Företag & inflyttare - allt fler tar steget till Jämtland Härjedalen. Sida 32–33<br />
*<br />
Engagemang<br />
föder nytt engagemang<br />
Kristina Ernehed: Landsbygden är en del av lösningen för<br />
framtidens hållbara samhällen. Sida 40–41<br />
"Ett levande syd Saepmie"<br />
Samtal med Patricia Fjellgren om<br />
språket och kulturen – ett sätt<br />
att hitta hem. Sida 23–24<br />
Drömliv för dig som vill toppa karriären med omedelbar närhet till fjällen, skogarna och sjöarna. För dig som vill ha äventyr året runt och fyra riktiga<br />
årstider (vi bjussar på en femte – vårvintern). För dig som längtar efter en hållbar, påhittig landsbygd och stadsmiljö med event- och matupplevelser i<br />
världsklass. Helt enkelt för dig som vill ta steget till en skönare tillvaro där tiden räcker till mer.<br />
52 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
"Många vill lämna ekorrhjulet"<br />
Lars Blixt om hur byn Borgvattnet<br />
vände utflyttning till inflyttning.<br />
Sida 10–11<br />
Vi ses till fjälls i Åre!<br />
Det ska vara enkelt att flytta till drömlivet* i Jämtland Härjedalen.<br />
Just därför finns sajten tasteget.nu där du får personlig flyttvägledning<br />
och lär känna den plats vi kallar hemma. Under O-<strong>Ringen</strong> i Åre vill vi träffa dig<br />
och prata om jobb, boende och om alla möjligheter en flytt hit innebär.<br />
Få inspiration redan nu genom att maila namn och adress till<br />
hej@tasteget.nu så skickar vi vårt magasin kostnadsfritt till dig!<br />
Väldigt bra grej,<br />
eller hur?<br />
Discover, experience and enjoy Krokom<br />
Welcome to Krokom municipality, a place in between the<br />
urban pulse of Östersund and the mountain peaks of Åre.<br />
The place that is unaffected and a bit opposite. Only 80<br />
km and 60 minutes from Åre – a walk in the park purely in<br />
terms of distance (remember that you are in Jämtland)!<br />
Here in Krokom there is something for everyone, there is always<br />
something to do with nature as an ever-present source of power.<br />
You don't have to register or stand in line; all you have to do is get<br />
here and be who you are. Let Krokom inspire you to adventure,<br />
recovery, pleasure, or culture.<br />
For the lone wolf<br />
If you want to walk untracked and on unmarked trails, then Oldfjällen<br />
is something for you. A vast mountain area. Bring a tent, sleeping<br />
bag, gas cooker and compass. When you come back, you will have a<br />
backpack full of unique mountain experiences, krokom.se/oldfjallen.<br />
For the children<br />
Follow the tracks of the lake monster Storsjöodjuret, watch out<br />
for the lake monster's poo and grab a snack while you scout for a<br />
giant tail fin, krokom.se/odjursspaning. Explore the thousand-meter-long<br />
open-air museum Glösa Älgriket, eat a Stone Age cake in<br />
the café and be fascinated by rock carvings, krokom.se/glosa.<br />
For the fisherman<br />
In the municipality of Krokom, there are almost more waters than<br />
inhabitants and many of them offer world-class fishing. Here there<br />
are lakes, ponds, and waterways in magnificent nature, from vast<br />
mountains, through dense old-growth forest to water near roads in<br />
lowlands. Some waters are easily accessible, but some you can only<br />
reach by hiking in roadless country, with the reward that you are<br />
usually completely alone by the water, krokom.se/fiskeparadiset.<br />
For the connoisseur<br />
There are plenty of small-scale food crafts, locally produced products,<br />
and farm shops in the municipality of Krokom. Swing past<br />
“Ost- och Bryggstubua” where you can buy cow's and goat's cheese.<br />
Experience the luxurious flavours of spruce bud syrup, cloudberry<br />
chutney and birch leaf oil at “Vallgården's bär”. For those who love<br />
ice cream, it is mandatory to swing by Glass Å Parken in Ytterån,<br />
20 meters from the E14 on the road to Åre. We promise you won't<br />
be disappointed! Discover, experience and enjoy Krokom.<br />
Read more at: www.visitkrokom.com.<br />
Follow us on Instagram: @krokomturism.<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 53<br />
Photo: Krokoms Kommun
Butiken för alla<br />
mat- och livsnjutare!<br />
Upptäck vår stora delikatessdisk och njut av smakerna<br />
med ett glas vin. Kanske i vår vinbar LaVin. Välkomna!<br />
Mer tid på fjället, mindre<br />
i butik – handla online!<br />
PÅ 54 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 55
Welcome to<br />
Smålandskusten 2024<br />
Along rounded rock outcrops and fairy-tale forests,<br />
we find the coastal municipality of Oskarshamn and a<br />
beautiful place we call Smålandskusten, the coast of<br />
Småland. A playful and powerful region that annually<br />
welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors to our<br />
popular destinations such as Glasriket, Kalmar Castle,<br />
the Västervik Archipelago, Öland, Blå Jungfrun and Astrid<br />
Lindgren's World.<br />
We long to become the hub of fine orienteering during a hot summer<br />
week in 2024. We welcome all the world's orienteerers with<br />
open arms and we intend to give you the best conditions for a great<br />
competition and community. Here the brackish water of the Baltic<br />
Sea meets classic Småland countryside and forest. Fresh Småland<br />
air and adventure around every corner. Are you ready?<br />
Hop the bilberry<br />
bushes, smell the<br />
sun-bleached pine,<br />
and breathe in<br />
the sea breeze<br />
These are the top 3 things that<br />
should make you book a visit with us!<br />
1. A classic O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping directly adjacent to the town<br />
2. Archipelago terrain<br />
3. The very first time that O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is held in this region<br />
Terrain<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Smålandskusten offers orienteering terrain that is considered<br />
among the best in Sweden. An extra plus is that at least one<br />
stage is planned to be laid in a coastal environment with great variations<br />
in terrain. The rest of the terrain is typically Småland. Partly<br />
hilly, rich in detail but also features with very good accessibility.<br />
Scenic accommodation<br />
Stay in beautiful Döderhultsdalen within walking distance to the<br />
town centre. A large, classic O-<strong>Ringen</strong> camping will frame the event<br />
in a fantastic way with access to everything you could possibly need<br />
for a nice stay and community with other visitors. If you would rather<br />
live in a cabin, a hotel, or a family home, that is also an option!<br />
Photo: Blå Jungfrun, Stensjöby, Bodabukten samt Kalmar slott, Alexander Hall. Västervik, Nathalie Chavez. Astrid Lindgrens Värld, Magnus Römbo.<br />
Dressin i Hultsfred, PerPixel. Gunnarsö, Amanda Hedberg.<br />
FOOT-O<br />
SAT 20/7<br />
Training<br />
courses<br />
SUN 21/7<br />
Bagheera<br />
youth relay<br />
MON 22/7<br />
Rosenfors<br />
Stage 1<br />
Long<br />
TUE 23/7<br />
Rosenfors<br />
Stage 2<br />
Middle<br />
WED 24/7<br />
Activity day<br />
THU 25/7<br />
Gunnarsö<br />
Stage 3<br />
Long<br />
FRI 26/7<br />
Havslätt<br />
Stage 4<br />
Middle<br />
SAT 27/7<br />
Flathult<br />
Stage 5<br />
Long<br />
For the whole family<br />
Småland is known as an idyll where there are kilometres of<br />
gabled farms and red cottages along gravel roads by a small lake.<br />
The persistence and fighting spirit here have been around since<br />
time immemorial. Can't wait for the adventure? Come and get a<br />
taste of Smålandskusten now! Here we have some suggestions of<br />
things that you can discover, experience, and appreciate. Chill on<br />
the rocks along the coastal strip, take off your shoes and feel the<br />
soft white sand between your toes at Böda sand, play with Pippi<br />
Longstocking or why not pet a moose. We are ready to entertain<br />
the whole family. Welcome!<br />
Photo: Cornelia Höglind<br />
MTBO<br />
TRAIL-O<br />
Rosenfors<br />
Stage 1<br />
Long<br />
Långehäll<br />
Stage 1<br />
Middle<br />
Målilla<br />
Stage 1<br />
Activity day<br />
Långehäll<br />
Stage 2<br />
Long<br />
Oskarshamn<br />
Stage 2<br />
Oskarshamn<br />
Stage 2<br />
Elite sprint<br />
Activity day<br />
Activity day<br />
Gunnarsö<br />
Stage 3<br />
Long<br />
Havslätt<br />
Stage 3<br />
Prolonged sprint<br />
Högsby<br />
Stage 3<br />
Havslätt<br />
Stage 4<br />
Middle<br />
Kronoparken<br />
Stage 4<br />
Middle<br />
Oskarshamn<br />
Stage 4<br />
Flathult<br />
Stage 5<br />
Long<br />
Skorpetorp<br />
Stage 5<br />
Long<br />
Oskarshamn<br />
Stage 5<br />
Specific areas for the TrailO stages will be presented later.<br />
56 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 57
Experienced organizers at Smålandskusten<br />
Terrain<br />
Rosenfors (Hultsfred) – Stages 1 and 2<br />
Trail-rich and moderately hilly woodland area. Accessibility is<br />
variable with rocky ground mixed with denser foliage between the<br />
heights. Some detailed areas occur.<br />
Photo: Cornelia Höglind<br />
Gunnarsö (Oskarshamn) – Stage 3<br />
Woodland with small to moderate hills and areas rich in detail.<br />
Accessibility is generally good with a large element of bedrock outcrops.<br />
Towards the arena, all courses pass through a trail-rich area.<br />
Stadsparken – Elite Sprint/Bagheera youth relay<br />
Combination of park area and city offers exciting sprint orienteering<br />
for both elite and young participants in the Bagheera relay.<br />
Orienteerers from the club Ankarsrum OK.<br />
Anne Lindell from Kalmar OK is the person in charge of<br />
volunteers at Smålandskusten. But Anne started her<br />
orienteering in Rånäs OK in Uppland when she was<br />
11 years old together with her siblings.<br />
So, she has been “stuck” in the sport for a long time, but she only came to<br />
Kalmar and Småland in 2003. In Kalmar OK, she started as a youth leader<br />
and has been involved with it ever since. Anne has also been a leader<br />
in the Småland OF youth and junior committee. As a youth leader, she<br />
meets many children and parents who are curious about orienteering<br />
and come into contact with our fine sport for the first time. Sometimes<br />
they may only be with us a few years, sometimes a parent becomes more<br />
interested and sometimes a whole family.<br />
– The more people who try our sport the better, I am completely<br />
convinced that those who tried as children/youth often come back to<br />
orienteering as adults. When it became clear that O-<strong>Ringen</strong> would come<br />
to Smålandskusten, it felt natural to Anne to get involved in the project<br />
and preferably in the management team. The role of function manager<br />
felt like an exciting and important task for her, and she has many fond<br />
memories of O-<strong>Ringen</strong>.<br />
– O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is such a fantastically fun competition that I tried for the<br />
first time as a 15-year-old in 1981 in Hälsingland. Since then, there have<br />
been many O-<strong>Ringen</strong>, this year it was especially fun to return to my home<br />
region and magical Lunsen. Her regular job is with IT and more precisely<br />
the statistical system at Kalmar Region. In addition to that, she will also<br />
be responsible for managing the officials and that is a job that can now<br />
finally take off after the move and the pandemic. The work this autumn<br />
is to visit organizing clubs and talk to club boards and officials to attract<br />
those who want and can take a position of responsibility and to inform<br />
about the various assignments before and during O-<strong>Ringen</strong>. Many are<br />
experienced organisers*, but it is difficult to understand how big the<br />
event actually is. - I hope that many in the clubs will take the chance and<br />
join in creating a fantastic O-<strong>Ringen</strong> at Smålandskusten in 2024. We have<br />
such a good arrangement with proximity from the O-<strong>Ringen</strong> city to 3 out<br />
of 5 stages, proximity to the sea and competitions in fun terrain.<br />
*Associated official clubs at Smålandskusten are SOK Viljan, Ankarsrums OK, Västerviks OK,<br />
Gamleby OK, Vimmerby OK, Hultfreds OK, Målilla OK, Nässjö OK, OK Njudung, Kexholms SK, IF<br />
Stjärnan, Berga SOK, Ålems OK, Kalmar OK, Nybro OK, Emmaboda Verda OK, Torsås OK, Eksjö<br />
SOK and Alstermo IF<br />
In charge of volunteers<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Smålandskusten 2024<br />
Havsslätt (Oskarshamn) – Stage 4<br />
Trail-rich and moderately hilly woodland area. Accessibility is<br />
variable with stony ground mixed with denser foliage between the<br />
heights. Some detailed areas occur.<br />
Flathult (Oskarshamn) – Stage 5<br />
Overall good accessibility, but denser stands and regeneration areas.<br />
The terrain adjoins stage 4 and consists of moderately hilly woodland.<br />
The last stage is less detailed than stages 3 and 4.<br />
MTBO<br />
All stages in trail-rich areas except the last stage in Skorpetorp.<br />
Here we find more dirt roads and a smaller number of trails.<br />
TrailO<br />
The five stages offer trail-rich forest areas, near city environment<br />
and city environments. One stage will be held in Högsby municipality,<br />
one in Hultsfred municipality and three in Oskarshamn<br />
municipality. We will get back to you with more specific stage<br />
areas, but we already know that four of the arenas are brand new<br />
for TrailO and that lovely Småland coastal terrain awaits. TrailO is,<br />
of course, also included as a try-on activity!<br />
58 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 59
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
Sign up at oringen.se<br />
Välkommen till Åre!<br />
Vår turistinformation guidar dig genom det stora utbudet av friluftsliv, kultur,<br />
historiska miljöer, aktiviteter och upplevelser i våra byar och bygder.<br />
www.smellwell.com<br />
Följ oss på sociala medier: facebook.com/visitare.tourism visitare_com<br />
60 Webb: O-RINGEN visitare.com MAGAZINE | E-post: NR visit@are.se 2 • <strong>2022</strong> | Tel: 0647-163 21<br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 61
Welcome to Jönköping 2025<br />
Photo: Destination Jönköping.<br />
Jönköping – home to magical scenery<br />
and diverse landscapes centered<br />
around Lake Vättern. Beloved hikes,<br />
quiet nature reserves, fascinating<br />
boglands and liberating bike trails.<br />
Memories are created. Feelings are<br />
felt. Stories are told. All these experiences<br />
are waiting to become a part<br />
of you. Living and exploring is easy in<br />
Jönköping.<br />
Along the southern shore of Lake Vättern,<br />
lays the largest city of Småland. In this area,<br />
the city and nature are combined in a perfect<br />
symbiosis. Wherever you are in the city, nature<br />
is always nearby. The region is a paradise<br />
for both nature lovers and botanists, with<br />
nature reserves, beautiful views and one of<br />
Sweden's largest oak forests. There are plenty<br />
of hiking trails and charming country roads<br />
to cycle along in Jönköping.<br />
This summer we finally got to enjoy events<br />
again. There have been many dear reunions<br />
that have become something of a classic in<br />
Jönköping, as well as some new events.<br />
In June, the first full-scale DreamHack<br />
festival since the pandemic took place. This<br />
time, the world's largest digital festival attracted<br />
approximately 30,000 visitors. If you<br />
ask the younger generation what they think<br />
of when they hear Jönköping, the answer is<br />
often DreamHack.<br />
In July, Ironman 70.3 attracted a large<br />
crowd, the mood and atmosphere make<br />
the city vibrate. The start in the center of<br />
Jönköping has a 1.9 km swim and then<br />
continues with a 90 km cycle through the<br />
biosphere area Östra Vätterbranterna and<br />
Äppledalen. The race ends with a 21 km run<br />
with the finish in Rådhusparken.<br />
A couple of weeks later, the same park was<br />
the arena for the Swedish Championships<br />
in Boule with 1,500 participants and great<br />
audience interest. The summer ended with<br />
the Jönköping Marathon, where about 2,000<br />
participants ran the beautiful course that<br />
partly runs along our three lakes with the<br />
finish on the bridge over Munksjön, full of<br />
cheering audiences.<br />
Now we are charging up for a fast-paced<br />
autumn with the Nordic Championships<br />
in Powerlifting, Swedish Championships in<br />
Sprint rowing, Jönköping Horse Show and<br />
DreamHack Winter. On the other side of the<br />
year, the preliminary rounds of the Handball<br />
World Cup awaits in January, when the<br />
city is expected to be filled with handball<br />
supporters from all over the world.<br />
In other words, we are used to big events<br />
in Jönköping and thrive best when our city<br />
is full of life and movement.<br />
A city full of life<br />
With an international university and a bit<br />
more than 140,000 inhabitants the city of<br />
Jönköping is full of life. The city center consists<br />
of cozy alleys and canals that open onto<br />
three lakes. Restaurants, museums, skate<br />
and bike parks are just a few blocks away<br />
from any of the city's hotels. A dinner by the<br />
pier to watch the sun go down among the<br />
sailboats or perhaps an evening hanging out<br />
in the thriving Match stick area is a perfect<br />
way to end the day. Perhaps the biggest<br />
advantages of Jönköping is the proximity to<br />
nature. With its soft paths, beautiful views,<br />
John Bauer forests, vast bogs, lakes and<br />
mountains, this is a perfect place to experience<br />
the Swedish nature.<br />
Welcome!<br />
Experience Jönköping in 2025<br />
We have now decided where to have<br />
our arenas in the summer of 2025.<br />
All were chosen with good logistics<br />
solutions, experience, and varied<br />
terrain for the various stages in mind.<br />
What is left now is to collaborate and sign<br />
contracts with all the landowners and<br />
hunting rights holders in the areas. For<br />
some areas there are verbal agreements with<br />
landowners/lessees, and these must now be<br />
realized into contracts.<br />
- This is necessary for us to be able to<br />
produce good maps for all disciplines in<br />
good time and to be able to present our<br />
concept during O-<strong>Ringen</strong> in Åre, says Göran<br />
Carnander, chairman of the Association<br />
Council. A major task for the Association<br />
Council will also be to find good and competent<br />
people for the management group.<br />
In parallel with that recruitment, a number<br />
of course setters and other people within<br />
the competition level must also be recruited<br />
to start working on courses in the spring of<br />
2023. About O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Jönköping 2025 we<br />
already know that we will O-<strong>Ringen</strong> City<br />
around the Elmia area with its wonderful<br />
view of Lake Vättern. We will offer varied<br />
terrain with Vätterbranterna in the east,<br />
typical Smålandic moraine terrain in the<br />
west and international terrain in the south.<br />
The fact that the region, in addition to this<br />
terrain box, offers many tourist destinations<br />
in the form of moose parks, climbing,<br />
apple groves, Store Mosse, the Husqvarna<br />
factory museum, baths and shopping centres<br />
means that we can really look forward to<br />
a fast-paced week. Welcome to O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
Jönköping 2025.<br />
Photo: Sofia Beijer.<br />
Kartutsnitt från tävlingsterrängen.<br />
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En nyhet god att<br />
njuta av i det fria.<br />
Fotograferat vid Ulvi slogbod. Väl värt ett besök.<br />
64 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
Fröigt med en nypa salt<br />
Hej! Här är vårt klassiska trekantsknäcke i en ny spännande tappning. Vi har<br />
kavlat degen tunt med rosnagg och toppat med en härlig fröblandning med<br />
svenska ugnsrostade rapsfrön, linfrön och hirs. Grunden till brödet är friskt vatten<br />
från vår egen källa, och rena svenska ingredienser, alltid utan onödiga tillsatser.<br />
Den mustiga smaken förhöjs av krispig sälta från havssalt. Resultatet är ett fint<br />
och frasigt knäcke fullt med naturlig smak som du kan njuta av i varje tugga.
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Levels of difficulty - Main-, Short-, Recreational- and Open classes<br />
Level<br />
Description<br />
Beginner<br />
The course is in terrain with clear and connected features such as roads, larger paths, buildings and open land. The controls on a green<br />
course must always be placed on handrails and must provide reassurance that the competitor is following the correct route. Control<br />
features may be path bends, path junctions, telegraph posts, buildings or other clear features or objects.<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Very easy<br />
Easy<br />
Moderate<br />
The terrain is the same as for green courses, i.e. clear and connected features, e.g. roads, larger paths, open land and buildings. The controls<br />
on a white course must mark only the end of one leg and the start of the next. The control features must therefore be easily identified<br />
and distinct. As well as green course features, controls on white courses may also be on e.g. boulders, crags, fences and similar features.<br />
Yellow courses can be in more difficult terrain but runnability and visibility must still be good. The terrain must have a connected network<br />
of roads, paths, fences, waterways, open areas etc. Control points may be on more difficult features, for example on the top of a very<br />
distinct hill, but must always have a clear attack point. There must be a clear catching feature behind controls.<br />
Orange and red courses must use runnable terrain, with gentler hills and forest, preferably with areas of cultivated land. Terrain details<br />
must be clear. Compared to green, white and yellow courses, more difficult control features may be used, for example larger re-entrants,<br />
distinct ridges, hills and crags. There must be a clear feature a maximum of 200 m before the control and a clear catching feature behind it.<br />
Moderate<br />
Same as for orange courses but you can encounter all types of terrain.<br />
Moderate<br />
All types of terrain may be used. Very physically tough terrain should be avoided. All types of control feature may be used. Compared to<br />
orange and red courses, purple courses place higher demands on, planning skills, choosing quick routes ahead of safe routes and finding<br />
controls without clear catching features behind them.<br />
There will be many different finishing areas when we meet in the<br />
mountains! The first two stages are decided in Trillevallen at the<br />
foot of Välliste. The third stage is decided in Järpen, about 25 km<br />
east of Åre village, and the last two are decided in Ånn, about 30<br />
km west towards Storlien.<br />
For MTBO, Östersund is the competition area for two of the<br />
days and Järpen for one day, and you can find TrailO in Vålådalen,<br />
Fröå mine, Mörsil and Järpen.<br />
As usual, you register via our booking portal, which you can find<br />
at oringen.se. In 2023, the opening ceremony of O-<strong>Ringen</strong> is on<br />
Saturday July 22 nd , which means that the first day of competition<br />
is Sunday July 23 rd (not Monday as it was in 2019 and <strong>2022</strong>).<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Difficult<br />
Difficult<br />
On blue and black courses, the difficulty should always suit skilled orienteers, even if anyone can compete. The increased difficulty level<br />
compared to other courses is because more of the orienteering uses contour features, detailed terrain and smaller features.<br />
Same as for blue courses but you can encounter all types of terrain.<br />
66 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong><br />
O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 67
5-DAYS<br />
Program Elite tour<br />
Stage 1 Long Sunday 23 july Arena Trillevallen<br />
Stage 2 Long Monday 24 july Arena Trillevallen<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong>s biggest and most classic competition is<br />
to compete over five days.<br />
The winner for many of the classes is determined<br />
by an exciting chasing start on the final day of<br />
competition, available for Foot-O and Trail-O.<br />
Programme 5-days OL<br />
Stage 1 Long Sunday 23 july Arena Trillevallen<br />
Stage 2 Long Monday 24 july Arena Trillevallen<br />
Stage 3 Middle Wednesday 26 july Arena Järpen<br />
Stage 4 Middle Thursday 27 july Arena Ånn<br />
Stage 5 Long Friday 28 july Arena Ånn<br />
Compete on shorter and easier courses in classes divided by age and<br />
gender. Open start times every day and no chasing start the last day.<br />
Class Middle Long Difficulty Class Middle Long<br />
D21 Motion 3,7 5,5 Medelsvår H21 Motion 4 6,6<br />
D35 Motion 3,2 4,6 Medelsvår H35 Motion 3,8 6,3<br />
D40 Motion 3 4,4 Medelsvår H40 Motion 3,6 6,1<br />
D45 Motion 2,8 4,1 Medelsvår H45 Motion 3,5 4,9<br />
D50 Motion 2,7 3,8 Medelsvår H50 Motion 3,3 4,7<br />
D55 Motion 2,6 3,6 Medelsvår H55 Motion 3,2 4,6<br />
D60 Motion 2,5 3,4 Medelsvår H60 Motion 3 4,3<br />
D65 Motion 2,3 3,2 Medelsvår H65 Motion 2,9 4<br />
D70 Motion 2,2 2,9 Medelsvår H70 Motion 2,6 3,8<br />
D80 Motion 2 2,5 Medelsvår H80 Motion 2 2,5<br />
The competition where the world’s orienteering<br />
superstars compete with Sweden's elite. The<br />
Elite Tour is open to Foot-O classes DH21 Elit,<br />
DH20 Elit and DH18 Elit.<br />
The Elite Tour is open for registration. The 80 best<br />
runners from DH21 will be selected and the 120 best<br />
runners in the junior classes. Additionally, O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
exclusively invites the world’s top orienteers to participate<br />
in the DH21 Elit classes. The competitions are<br />
specially monitored throughout the week. Prize money<br />
is awarded in all classes, with the greatest focus on the<br />
total result.<br />
Stage 3 Sprint Tuesday 25 july Arena Åre by<br />
Stage 4 Middle Thursday 27 july Arena Ånn<br />
Stage 5 Long Friday 28 july Arena Ånn<br />
Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Difficulty<br />
D18 Elit 5,0 7,7 2,9 3,9 7,0 Difficult<br />
D20 Elit 5,7 9,3 3,0 4,5 8,5 Difficult<br />
D21 Elit 6,6 13,2 3,2 5,2 12,0 Difficult<br />
H18 Elit 5,7 9,3 3,4 4,5 8,5 Difficult<br />
H20 Elit 6,5 11,5 3,5 5,1 10,5 Difficult<br />
H21 Elit 7,7 15,4 3,7 6,1 14,0 Difficult<br />
Our main classes with five days of competition attract the most participants.<br />
Main classes have assigned start times for stages 1-4. For our<br />
younger participants there are introductory and development classes;<br />
Introduction (Inskolning) and Youth (U-klass). In these you have<br />
open start times and get a result, but only Youth has a list of results.<br />
Everyone participating in the Introduction class gets a prize. The final<br />
stage is a chasing for all main classes, except Introduction, Youth and<br />
DH10 – DH12.<br />
Class Middle Long Difficulty Class Middle Long<br />
Inskolning 1,5 1,5 Beginner U1 2,0 2,0<br />
Very easy U2 2,5 2,5<br />
D10 2 2,5 Very easy H10 2 2,5<br />
D11 2,5 3 Easy H11 2,5 3<br />
D12 2,5 3 Easy H12 2,5 3<br />
D13 3 4,4 Moderate H13 3 4,4<br />
D14 3 4,4 Moderate H14 3 4,4<br />
D15 3,5 5,5 Moderate H15 3,5 6<br />
D16 3,5 5,5 Moderate H16 3,5 6<br />
D18 3,5 5,5 Difficult H18 3,5 7,1<br />
D20 3,5 6 Difficult H20 3,5 7,7<br />
D21 3,5 7,7 Difficult H21 4,5 9,9<br />
D21 Lång 4,5 9,3 Difficult H21 Lång 5 12,6<br />
D35 3,5 6,6 Difficult H35 4,5 8,8<br />
D40 3,5 5,5 Difficult H40 4 8,2<br />
D45 3 4,9 Difficult H45 4 7,1<br />
D50 3 4,4 Difficult H50 3,7 6,6<br />
D55 3 4,4 Difficult H55 3,6 6,1<br />
D60 2,5 3,9 Difficult H60 3,5 5,5<br />
D65 2,5 3,8 Difficult H65 3 5<br />
D70 2,5 3,3 Difficult H70 3 4,4<br />
D75 2 3,1 Difficult H75 3 3,9<br />
D80 2 2,5 Difficult H80 2,5 3<br />
D85 2 2,5 Difficult H85 2 2,5<br />
D90 1,5 2 Difficult H90 1,5 2<br />
D95 1 1,5 Difficult H95 1 1,5<br />
Shorter stages than our main classes but the same technical<br />
challenge. Short classes for ages 12–20 years has assigned start for<br />
the first four stages (12 years also on the fifth stage). From age 21<br />
and up our short classes has free minute start, meaning you get<br />
your start minute when you get to the start. Chasing start at the<br />
last stage.<br />
Class Middle Long Difficulty Class Middle Long<br />
D12 Kort 2,0 2,5 Very easy H12 Kort 2,0 2,5<br />
D14 Kort 2,5 3,0 Easy H14 Kort 2,5 3,0<br />
D16 Kort 3,0 4,4 Moderate H16 Kort 3,0 4,4<br />
D17-20 Kort 3,0 4,5 Moderate H17-20 Kort 3,2 5,5<br />
D21 Kort 3,5 5,5 Difficult H21 Kort 4,2 8,3<br />
D35 Kort 3,2 4,5 Difficult H35 Kort 4 6,3<br />
D40 Kort 3 4,1 Difficult H40 Kort 3,8 5,7<br />
D45 Kort 2,8 3,9 Difficult H45 Kort 3,6 5<br />
D50 Kort 2,6 3,7 Difficult H50 Kort 3,2 4,8<br />
D55 Kort 2,5 3,5 Difficult H55 Kort 3 4,6<br />
D60 Kort 2,3 3,2 Difficult H60 Kort 2,9 4,3<br />
D65 Kort 2,2 3 Difficult H65 Kort 2,8 3,8<br />
D70 Kort 2,1 2,7 Difficult H70 Kort 2,6 3,3<br />
D75 Kort 2,0 2,5 Difficult H75 Kort 2 2,5<br />
All lenghts of<br />
the courses are<br />
preliminary and<br />
may be adjusted<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
We have 12 open classes for Foot-O. Select courses with a variety<br />
af lenght and dificulty letting you challenge your self during the<br />
whole week. Open start times for each stage.<br />
Class Middle Difficulty<br />
Lätt 2,5 2,0 Easy<br />
Lätt 3,5 2,8 Easy<br />
Lätt 5,0 4,0 Easy<br />
Lätt 10,0 6,0 Easy<br />
Medelsvår 2,5 2,0 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 3,3 2,5 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 4,0 3,0 Moderate<br />
Class Middle Difficulty<br />
Medelsvår 5,0 4,0 Medelsvår<br />
Medelsvår 6,0 4,5 Medelsvår<br />
Svår 2,5 2,0 Svår<br />
Svår 3,5 2,8 Svår<br />
Svår 5,0 4,0 Svår<br />
Svår 7,5 5,0 Svår<br />
In the Trail-O competition map knowledge is in focus. Each<br />
control has up to five alternate control markers. You must remotely<br />
determine which control marker is correctly placed according<br />
to the control ring on the map and the control description. You<br />
compete in a class determined by its difficulty level, rather than age<br />
and gender. The competition takes place in easily passable terrain.<br />
Program Trail-O<br />
Stage 1 Sunday 23 july Arena Vålådalen<br />
Stage 2 Monday 24 july Arena Vålådalen<br />
Stage 3 Wednesday 26 july Arena Fröå Gruva<br />
Stage 4 Thursday 27 july Arena Mörsil<br />
Stage 5 Friday 28 july Arena Röjsmon<br />
Class<br />
Pre-Elit<br />
Pre-A<br />
Pre-B<br />
Pre-C<br />
Photo: Andreas Davidsson<br />
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3-DAYS<br />
With the Stage Start option, you can choose the course<br />
you want to run at each stage of O-<strong>Ringen</strong>. The Stage<br />
Start option is available for each orienteering discipline<br />
that is offered at O-<strong>Ringen</strong>; Foot-O, MTBO and Trail-O.<br />
For our younger orienteers we offer Introduction and U-classes.<br />
Theese classes can also be booked for 5 days main- and short classes.<br />
Free start times apply to everyone so you can start when it suits<br />
you. If you are an adult and a beginner, there are Try-it out classes<br />
to start with. Then you can gradually choose a more difficult and /<br />
or longer course.<br />
For MTBO, both orienteering technical difficulty and cycling<br />
technical difficulty are indicated. Class/Course indicates the<br />
orienteering technical difficulty. Bicycle level indicates the bicycle<br />
technical difficulty.<br />
If you are new to the sport of orienteering, you can get help with<br />
the basic skills and with finding the right course for you through<br />
our orienteering school, located at each of the arenas used for foot<br />
orienteering.<br />
Class/Course Middle Long Difficulty<br />
Mycket lätt 2,5 (prova på) 2,5 2,5 Very easy<br />
Mycket lätt 4,0 (prova på) 4,0 4,0 Very easy<br />
Inskolning 1,5 1,5 Beginner<br />
U1 2,0 2,0 Beginner<br />
U2 2,5 2,5 Very easy<br />
Lätt 2,5 2,0 2,5 Easy<br />
Lätt 3,5 3,0 3,8 Easy<br />
Lätt 5,0 3,7 5,0 Easy<br />
Lätt 10,0 6,5 10,0 Easy<br />
Medelsvår 2,5 2,5 2,5 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 3,3 2,5 3,3 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 4,0 3,0 4,0 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 5,0 3,7 5,0 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 6,0 4,0 6,0 Moderate<br />
Svår 2,5 2,0 2,5 Difficult<br />
Svår 3,5 2,7 3,5 Difficult<br />
Svår 5,0 3,7 5,0 Difficult<br />
Svår 7,5 4,8 7,5 Difficult<br />
Class/Course<br />
Öppen Pre-A<br />
Öppen Pre-B<br />
Öppen Pre-C<br />
Class/Course Sprint Mid. Long Level<br />
Mycket lätt kort (prova på) 2,5 4,5 6,0 Easy<br />
Lätt mellan 3,0 6,0 10,0 Moderate<br />
Lätt lång 3,5 7,0 15,0 Difficult<br />
Svår kort 3,5 4,5 6,0 Moderate<br />
Svår mellan 4,3 6,0 10,0 Difficult<br />
Svår lång 5,5 7,0 15,0 Difficult<br />
MTBO will take place during the three first days of<br />
O-<strong>Ringen</strong> Åre at own arenas in Ösersund and Järpen.<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
For MTBO, Östersund is the competition area for<br />
two of the days and Järpen for one day.<br />
MTBO is fast-paced and is very much about making the right path<br />
and making quick decisions. The map is similar to the one used in<br />
regular orienteering. The biggest difference is how paths and roads<br />
are shown on the map. The road and the path's ride are reported<br />
where you can simply say that the longer the lines on the map, the<br />
faster the path can be cycled.<br />
Program MTBO<br />
Stage 1 Middle Sunday 23 july Arena Östersund<br />
Stage 2 Long Monday 24 july Arena Östersund<br />
Stage 3 Sprint Tuesday 25 july Arena Röjsmon<br />
Class/Course Sprint Middle Long Level<br />
Lätt mellan 3,0 6,0 10,0 Moderate<br />
Lätt lång 3,5 7,0 15,0 Difficult<br />
Svår mellan 4,3 6,0 10,0 Difficult<br />
If you only want to participate during the last<br />
three days; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,<br />
we offer several open classes.<br />
Choose the lenght and difficulty that suits you.<br />
Our open classes have free starting times.<br />
Class Sprint Middle Long<br />
D12 2,5 3,0 5,5<br />
D14 3,0 5,0 8,5<br />
D16 4,0 5,5 10,0<br />
D20 4,5 7,0 14,5<br />
D21 5,5 8,5 20,0<br />
D35 4,5 7,0 13,0<br />
D40 4,5 7,0 13,0<br />
D45 4,5 4,5 14,5<br />
D50 4,0 6,0 11,0<br />
D55 3,5 6,0 11,0<br />
D60 3,5 5,0 9,0<br />
D65 3,5 5,0 9,0<br />
D70 3,0 4,0 7,5<br />
D75 3,0 4,0 7,5<br />
D80 2,5 4,0 7,5<br />
Class Sprint Middle Long<br />
H12 2,5 3,0 5,5<br />
H14 3,5 5,5 8,5<br />
H16 4,5 7,0 13,0<br />
H20 5,5 9,0 18,5<br />
H21 6,0 11,0 25,0<br />
H35 5,5 8,0 17,5<br />
H40 5,5 8,0 17,5<br />
H45 5,5 8,0 17,5<br />
H50 5,0 7,5 15,0<br />
H55 5,0 7,5 15,0<br />
H60 5,0 6,0 13,0<br />
H65 4,0 6,0 13,0<br />
H70 4,0 5,0 11,0<br />
D75 3,5 5,0 11,0<br />
D80 3,5 5,0 11,0<br />
Class Middle Long Difficulty<br />
Lätt 2,5 2,0 2,5 Easy<br />
Lätt 5,0 4,0 5,0 Easy<br />
Medelsvår 3,3 2,7 3,3 Moderate<br />
Medelsvår 5,0 4,0 5,0 Moderate<br />
Svår 3,5 2,8 3,5 Difficult<br />
Svår 5,0 4,0 5,0 Difficult<br />
Svår 7,5 5,0 7,5 Difficult<br />
70 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 71
The traditional youth relay is organized in conjunction<br />
with the opening ceremony July 22. The relay is between<br />
club teams but you can also create a combination team<br />
between clubs. Teams consists of four runners, one from<br />
each classes D14, H14, D16 and H16.<br />
Bring your club and support your team!<br />
Legs Length Start procedure<br />
H16-D14-H14-D16 4 x 1,8 km Mass start<br />
Get ready by taking one of our training courses with timing.<br />
during the period Wednesday July 19 - Saturday July 23 in Ottsjö.<br />
Registration in our booking portal or our Competitor services.<br />
You will pick up your map at Competitior services. Ottsjö is<br />
located 30 km from Åre by.<br />
Branch Class/course Length Difficulty<br />
OL Mycket lätt 2,0 2,0 Very easy<br />
OL Lätt 2,5 2,5 Easy<br />
OL Lätt 4,0 4,0 Easy<br />
OL Medelsvår 3,0 3,0 Moderate<br />
The map scale varies depending on which class you have entered.<br />
Here you can find the map scale for your class.<br />
For Inskolning, U1, U2, DH10-DH14 (short classes included) the<br />
map scale is 1:7500 for all stages.<br />
DH15-DH16 (short classes included) have map scale 1:10 000<br />
for all stages.<br />
DH18-DH21 (short and elite classes included) have map scale<br />
1:15 000 for the long distance stages and 1:10 000 for the middle<br />
distance stages.<br />
DH21 Motion, DH35-DH40 (short and recreational classes<br />
included) have map scale 1:10 000 for all stages.<br />
DH45 and older classes (short and recreational classes included)<br />
have map scale 1:7500 for all stages<br />
Lätt 10.0, Svår 5.0, Svår 7.5 have 1:10 000 for all stages. All other open<br />
classes have 1:7500 for all stages. The same map scales apply to the<br />
open classes regardless of you enter for 5-days, 3-days or stage start.<br />
For Training courses with timing, the classes Svår 5,0 and Svår<br />
7,5 use map scale 1:10 000 and all other classes have map scale<br />
1:7500.<br />
During O-<strong>Ringen</strong> we offer child care for kids aged 3-8 years at<br />
Arena Trillevallen, Arena Järpen och Arena Ånn.<br />
Pre book your child care at oringen.se. You can leave your child<br />
with us for up to 3 hours at a time (while you race).<br />
For the youngest orienteers there are daily Miniknat, or String<br />
courses, at Arena Trillevallen, Arena Järpen and Arena Ånn. In<br />
Miniknat, kids follow a streamered course between check points,<br />
which feature different activities, challenges, and fun surprises.<br />
They do, of course, get a map to follow and a SI card.<br />
There is no timing or results list, but all children get a prize<br />
when they finish.<br />
You can pre book Miniknat at oringen.se or book it directly at<br />
the arena.<br />
Have you never tried orienteering but want to try? Or re you a former<br />
orienteer and want to refresh your skills? At the Orienteering School,<br />
we will cover all the necessary skills that you need in order to set out<br />
by yourself on an easy-level O-<strong>Ringen</strong> course. We will then come with<br />
you to the start and help you get going.<br />
- to be selected at<br />
the same time as<br />
you book your start<br />
Folksam motionsloppsförsäkring is for participants in<br />
exercise and competition events and gives you back the<br />
entire registration fee if you become acutely ill or injured<br />
and can not participate. The insurance also includes an<br />
olycksfallsförsäkring (accident insurance) when you are<br />
training. Only valid for Swedish residents.<br />
Rent your punsching card for one or all stages.<br />
Start with another club than your own.<br />
You start on different times during the day. Only avaliable<br />
when you compete in the same dicipline.<br />
Help to punch, only for Trail-O.<br />
Transport help, only for Trail-O.<br />
SAVE<br />
20%<br />
NOV 1<br />
OL Medelsvår 4,0 4,0 Moderate<br />
OL Medelsvår 5,0 5,0 Moderate<br />
For MTBO, the map scales have not been decided yet. Information<br />
will be updated at oringen.se.<br />
OL Svår 3,0 3,0 Difficult<br />
OL Svår 5,0 5,0 Difficult<br />
OL Svår 7,5 7,5 Difficult<br />
Follow us!<br />
Instagram: @oringen<br />
Facebook: O-<strong>Ringen</strong><br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson<br />
72 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong> 73
Tack Uppsala!<br />
Product Prize category 1 Nov<br />
-20%<br />
Elite tour<br />
5-days<br />
3-days<br />
Stage start<br />
Main- &<br />
Short classes.<br />
TrailO<br />
1 April<br />
-10%<br />
1 June<br />
ordinary<br />
After<br />
+30%<br />
Up to age 20 2010 2260 2510 3260<br />
Age 21 and up 2480 2790 3100 4030<br />
Introduction and U-class 500 570 630 820<br />
Up to age 16 820 920 1020 1330<br />
Ages 17-20 1120 1260 1400 1820<br />
Age 21 and up 1720 1940 2150 2800<br />
Recreational classes Age 21 and up 1630 1840 2040 2650<br />
Open classes<br />
Open classes<br />
MTBO-klass<br />
Up to age 16 700 790 880 1140<br />
Ages 17-20 1010 1130 1260 1640<br />
Age 21 and up 1540 1740 1930 2510<br />
Up to age 16 420 480 530 690<br />
Ages 17-20 600 680 750 980<br />
Age 21 and up 940 1050 1170 1520<br />
Up to age 16 500 560 620 810<br />
Ages 17-20 670 760 840 1090<br />
Age 21 and up 1040 1160 1290 1680<br />
Try it out (all ages) 110 120 130 170<br />
Up to age 16 110 120 130 170<br />
Ages 17-20 140 160 180 220<br />
Age 21 and up 190 220 240 310<br />
Bagheerastafetten Per lag 320 360 400 520<br />
Training courses<br />
with timing<br />
Up to age 16 50 60 70 90<br />
Ages 17-20 80 90 100 130<br />
Age 21 and up 90 100 110 140<br />
1 Nov<br />
ordinary<br />
1 April<br />
ordinary<br />
1 June<br />
ordinary<br />
Folksam motionsloppsförsäkring (Insurance) 155 155 155<br />
Folksam motionsloppsförsäkring plus (Insurance) 275 275 275 275<br />
SI Punching card rental, per stage 40 40 40 50<br />
SI, SIAC (MTBO) Punching card rental, per stage 60 60 60 70<br />
Start times blocked with another club 120 120 120 140<br />
Split start time 120 120 120 140<br />
Punch help Trail-O 110 110 110 130<br />
Push help Trail-O 110 110 110 130<br />
Jubilee plaque (order before 1/6) 0 0 0 -<br />
Visa 0 0 0 0<br />
Customized map (order before 1/4) 0 - - -<br />
After<br />
+30%<br />
1 Nov<br />
ordinary<br />
1 April<br />
ordinary<br />
1 June<br />
ordinary<br />
Child care 60 60 60 70<br />
Miniknat 40 40 40 60<br />
Bagheera orienteering school 0 0 0 0<br />
After<br />
+30%<br />
Nu längtar vi till Åre 2023!<br />
Terms for registration at oringen.se<br />
74 O-RINGEN MAGAZINE NR 2 • <strong>2022</strong>
HOST<br />
Photo: Peter Holgersson