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Derry City & Strabane District Council<br />
<strong>Advice</strong> <strong>Note</strong>:<br />
<strong>Defunct</strong><br />
<strong>solid</strong> <strong>fuel</strong><br />
<strong>back</strong> <strong>boilers</strong><br />
<strong>Advice</strong> <strong>Note</strong>:<br />
<strong>Defunct</strong> <strong>solid</strong> <strong>fuel</strong><br />
<strong>back</strong> boiler<br />
Application Ref No.<br />
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Application address.<br />
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Further to the application to Building Control for a<br />
replacement combustion appliance at the above property<br />
made by you or your agent, this <strong>Advice</strong> <strong>Note</strong> contains<br />
important information for Occupiers/Owners of dwellings<br />
if a Solid Fuel Back Boiler is currently installed in an open<br />
fire, stove or range.<br />
Back <strong>boilers</strong> are not designed to be used unless they are<br />
water filled and connected to a heating system. If your<br />
boiler is no longer used in connection with your heating<br />
system, it must not be left in a condition where pipework<br />
is disconnected and the boiler casing is made redundant<br />
(normally by boring holes). Lighting a fire with a boiler<br />
and pipework left in this condition could lead to severe<br />
consequences, such as Carbon Monoxide escape and<br />
damage caused by smoke, heat or fire and further potential<br />
for explosion of the <strong>back</strong> boiler casing from a dry<br />
unvented system.<br />
The HSE (Health & Safety Executive) have issued Technical<br />
Bulletin 101 on this matter which includes the following<br />
statement from HETAS the independent body for official<br />
testing and approval of <strong>solid</strong> <strong>fuel</strong> burning appliances:<br />
The only positively safe and reliable way to proceed, when a<br />
<strong>solid</strong> <strong>fuel</strong> <strong>back</strong> boiler is no longer needed and the customer<br />
wants to continue using the fireplace, is to totally remove<br />
the <strong>back</strong> boiler installation by breaking up the chamber<br />
that used to carry the hot water system and removing any<br />
pipe work. When an open fire is left in use (or could be<br />
brought <strong>back</strong> into use) a replacement Milner fire <strong>back</strong> needs<br />
to be installed to ensure that the fire can be safely used.<br />
Similarly, a “wet” <strong>solid</strong> <strong>fuel</strong> room heater or stove with boiler<br />
should not be operated after the water supply to the boiler<br />
has been disconnected. These appliances are not designed<br />
to be used without water circulation and there could be<br />
serious safety issues if they are misused.<br />
Please note this is not an instruction to remove any <strong>back</strong><br />
boiler when undertaking a heating system upgrade. In an<br />
open vented system such as an oil fired heating system,<br />
it may be possible to run a dual system. Generally sealed<br />
unvented systems are not compatible.<br />
If you have any concerns regarding this matter you should<br />
discuss this with your installer before work commences.<br />
For more information: visit our web page at:<br />
Building Control<br />
Derry City and Strabane<br />
District Council<br />
98 Strand Road, Derry BT48 7NN<br />
T: 028 7137 6521<br />
47 Derry Road, Strabane, BT82 8DY<br />
T: 028 7138 1315<br />