North Canterbury News: November 10, 2022

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Thursday,<strong>November</strong><strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> | Issue<strong>10</strong>21 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Wildfire racesthrough Tūhaitara Park<br />

Explosive ... Atree explodes at the height of the wildfire in the Tūhaitara Park, Woodend, last Wednesday night. Stories page 2and 5.<br />


After-hours health hub delayed until 2025<br />


It is outrageous the rapidly­growing<br />

community north of Christchurch may<br />

have to wait until 2025 for its longawaited<br />

after­hours health facility, says<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey.<br />

Mr Doocey says when he eventually<br />

got aresponse to parliamentary<br />

questions, he learned building consent<br />

for the health hub was unlikely to be<br />

lodged until March next year, with<br />

construction starting in June 2023.<br />

‘‘That is provided there are no more<br />

hold­ups with consenting,’’ Mr Doocey<br />

says.<br />

The information came to lightafterMr<br />

Doocey —who had become frustrated and<br />

‘‘stonewalled’’ at being unable to get<br />

details on the projectfrom Te WhatuOra<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> for months —lodged<br />

parliamentaryquestions with Health<br />

Minister Andrew Little.<br />

‘‘Even thatprocess took longer than it<br />

should have, whichleaves me wondering<br />

whoisactuallyoverseeingthis project.<br />

‘‘Iwouldhave thought that<br />

responsibility would falltoTeWhatuOra,<br />

given it is ahealth facility, but they have<br />

been quicktopointout theyare not<br />

responsible.’’<br />

In his responses, Mr Little said subject<br />

to building starting on time, the expected<br />

opening willnow be pushed out to<br />

between‘‘December 2024 and March<br />

2025’’,MrLittlesays.<br />

He blamed Covid­19 forsome of the<br />

delays with the project, butsaid obtaining<br />

theresource consent had also taken<br />

longerthan expected.<br />

Mr Littleacknowledged the health hub<br />

hadbeen expected to be completedbythe<br />

end of this year,but said the developers<br />

were stillworking to finalise the resource<br />

consent.The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />

reported the resourceconsentwas<br />

granted nearlythree monthsago. Council<br />

stafftold NC <strong>News</strong> in mid­August a<br />

resourceconsent had been grantedfor the<br />

medicalfacilitytooperate between 8am<br />

and <strong>10</strong>pm, in line withthe application<br />

from South LinkHealthServices. A<br />

council spokesperson said some flexibility<br />

had been written into the consent to allow<br />

medical staff to continue attending to<br />

patients after the doors closedat<strong>10</strong>pm.<br />

Mr Doocey says the continueddelays<br />

are unacceptable. He has now written to<br />

Te Whatu Ora <strong>Canterbury</strong> Chief executive<br />

Peter Bramley and the Health Minister to<br />

urge them to expedite thehealth hub as a<br />

top priority.<br />

‘‘After being told this project was on<br />

track,and not beingable to get clear<br />

answers from Te Whatu Ora, Iam<br />

appalled to have to reveal to the<br />

community it will be waiting until2025.<br />

‘‘Since my 2019 meeting, the population<br />

has continued to expand,the demandon<br />

local GP practiceshas become untenable,<br />

and the number of people having to drive<br />

intoChristchurch continues to climb.<br />

‘‘When we read about emergency<br />

departments failingtosee peoplewithin<br />

six hours you havetoask yourselfwhy this<br />

project, which would no doubt take<br />

pressureoff Christchurch Hospital,was<br />

not prioritised long ago.’’<br />

Mr Dooceysays residentshavebeen<br />

backing acall for improved healthcare in<br />

Waimakariri for years. Apetition calling<br />

for an after­hours facility was started by<br />

Sandi and David McLeaninFebruary<br />

2019, raising<strong>10</strong>00 signatures in its first<br />

week. It was presented to the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

DistrictHealthBoard at the public<br />

meetingfour months laterwith <strong>10</strong>,500<br />

signatures. ‘‘Thecommunity waspromised<br />

an after­hours facility, at that meeting, by<br />

2021. Now we areayear pastthat date,and<br />

no shovel is in the ground, in fact the<br />

consents are not even in place yet.’’<br />



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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Evacuees ponder what to pack<br />


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Delivered<br />

every Thursday,<br />

reaching an<br />

audited<br />

54,000<br />

readers in<br />

30,150<br />

homes, farms<br />

and businesses<br />

throughout<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Looking north from thebedroom balcony<br />

of her Woodend Beach homeat11pmlast<br />

Wednesday, Johanna de Rouw wondered<br />

whatthe big red glowwas in the sky.<br />

‘‘That’safire,” she screamed and<br />

quickly called her husband Jos.<br />

‘‘Aswestoodthere we saw it was huge<br />

and it was coming our way in ahurry.”<br />

Johanna knew what afire in the forest<br />

looked like because she had discovered<br />

one at 2am one morning after she had<br />

finished her shift at the hospital.<br />

‘‘I knew the colours, thenIhad that<br />

strange awfulfeelingagain in my stomach<br />

as Iwatched the flames quicklygrow in<br />

size.<br />

‘‘Then it hit me –maybe we shouldpack<br />

somethingaswemighthave to go —<br />

quickly —but what do Ipack?’’<br />

Thiswas the questionfacedbymany<br />

Woodend Beachresidents when the call<br />

cametoevacuate in the face of the growing<br />

forest firethreatening their smallseaside<br />

community thatnight.<br />

Johanna said she and Jos woke their<br />

children and packed some belongings<br />

before they headed into Christchurch to<br />

staywith family.<br />

‘‘I started to pack clothes but then<br />

thought the things that mattered most to<br />

Jos and Iwere our memories.<br />

‘‘I started grabbing photoalbums, hard<br />

drives, and pictures off thewall and<br />

stuffing them into abag, thenIgrabbed<br />

someclothesfor us to wear and we went<br />

and loaded up the car.’’<br />

She used her phone to photograph all<br />

the mounted photosonalarge wooden<br />

block thatshe couldn’tmove, just to have<br />

amemoryofthem should they losethem to<br />

the flames.<br />

‘‘Clothes and property are replaceable<br />

but memoriesare not,’’said Jos.<br />

‘‘These wereour most important<br />

memories of our lifetogether and they<br />

soonjoined all the usual other things you<br />

grablike official documents, and<br />

passports, eventhe kids grabbed their<br />

favouritecuddly toys and loaded them into<br />

suitcases,’’hesaid.<br />

Nextdoor Haley Taylor said she initially<br />

panickedwhen afriend calledher asking<br />

if she was alright.<br />

‘‘Alright?Ihad to ask her why she rang<br />

and when she toldmeabout the fire, Isort<br />

of panicked for amoment. What do Ido? I<br />

settled down and went out intothe street<br />

to see what was happening.<br />

‘‘Itwas amazing, as my neighbours were<br />

all standing in thestreetstaring up at the<br />

bright red glowinthe sky, kidswere riding<br />

between us on bikes, and everyone was<br />

pretty much OK about it all.<br />

‘‘ Then word camethat the holiday camp<br />

was evacuating and Ithought –What do I<br />

take?’’<br />

She says she started grabbing photos<br />

and photoalbumstokeep alive the<br />

memories of her family livingtherefor 25<br />

years. ‘‘I didn’t know whattopack.Iwas<br />

grabbing the mostrandom stuff. It would<br />

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Evacuated ... Woodend Beach residents Johanna and Jos de Rouw and their cat Toby.<br />


Photo memories ... Woodend beach resident Haley Taylor took photos in her home to<br />

preserve memories in case they were lost in the fire.<br />

have been devastatingifwelost everything<br />

in the fire, but it has shown me that Ido<br />

need to prepare for adisaster, to haveagobagwith<br />

aplan for the most important<br />

things in my life, whichare the memories<br />

of all the yearswehavelived in thisgreat<br />

little community,’’she said.<br />

Over at the camp ground, Gordon<br />

Andrewsand partner Janine Lundberg<br />

already had their go­bagsprepared.The<br />

former Christchurch residents said they<br />

have had their bagsready by the door<br />

sincethe earthquake. “We received atext<br />

message from the campowners at <strong>10</strong> pm,<br />

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to tellusabout the fire and the potential to<br />

evacuate.Anhour later they were told to<br />

go by Jan and Darryl.<br />

‘‘ Theywere wonderful as they went<br />

aroundthe campknocking on doorsand<br />

calmlymoved peopletosafety,’’ said<br />

Gordon.<br />

‘‘We couldsee embersflyingaroundas<br />

the wind was very fierce, so we grabbed<br />

our bags and went intoWoodend to the<br />

shelter. You can only hope you have<br />

everything’’Janine said.<br />

‘‘Everyone was reallygood, the fire and<br />

emergency peoplewere wonderful.’’<br />


Birds threatened by vehicles<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Volunteers fear for the welfare of birds<br />

at the Ashley River Estuary as<br />

‘‘hoons’’are caught on camera tearing<br />

through nesting sites.<br />

Waimakariri district councillor Al<br />

Blackie says volunteers are fed up with<br />

people driving around nesting sites with<br />

no regard for the welfare of threatened<br />

species of birds.<br />

‘‘We do have abylaw, but there is not<br />

much we can do until they actually do<br />

some harm ­other than naming and<br />

shaming them on social media.’’<br />

Cr Blackie says the council’s Pegasus<br />

Bay Bylaw Committee, which he chairs,<br />

will be reviewing the bylaw soon and is<br />

keen to hear any suggestions of how to<br />

better manage the area.<br />

Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare Group<br />

operations manager Grant Davey says<br />

nesting birds are threatened by fourwheel­drives,<br />

helicopters hovering in<br />

the area and predators such as rats, cats<br />

and dogs.<br />

Threatened birds include wrybills,<br />

black­bill gulls, banded dotterels, blackfronted<br />

terns and pied oystercatchers.<br />

Some of these bird species are also<br />

endangered.<br />

He says the presence of these multiple<br />

threats can scare the birds off, and lead<br />

them to abandoning their nests.<br />

‘‘Along the river, we have most access<br />

points blocked, but there are areas we<br />

cannot block like State Highway 1near<br />

the estuary.<br />

‘‘Access is allowed for white baiters<br />

and some of them are pretty horrified by<br />

what is happening, and most of them are<br />

pretty helpful. They yell at the hoons<br />

and report it back to us.<br />

‘‘You’ve got hoons who drive around<br />

all over the place and do donuts and<br />

sometimes it is in the early hours of the<br />

morning.’’<br />

Motion sensor cameras have been<br />

placed in the nesting areas to monitor<br />

the presence of rats and cats, but they<br />

also pick up vehicles ­and sometimes<br />

even the number plates.<br />

Mr Davey says Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s rangers do an excellent<br />

job, but there is not enough of them.<br />

‘‘They go and talk to people and give<br />

them awarning, but there is not much<br />

you can do.’’<br />

Anyone caught harming the nesting<br />

birds can be fined or serve time in jail,<br />

but prosecutions are expensive, he says.<br />

‘‘If you catch someone like the person<br />

who shot awhite heron recently then<br />

you can prosecute them, but you are<br />

unlikely to actually catch people doing<br />

something like that.’’<br />

Mr Davey says dogs running loose are<br />

also athreat, with people ignoring or not<br />

reading signs.<br />

‘‘It is usually perfectly respectable<br />

people doing it, but they just don’t<br />

Vehicle tracks ... Evidence of vehicle tracks near anesting site at the Ashley River Estuary,<br />

with three signs prohibiting access in view.<br />


understand.’’<br />

The Rivercare group has received<br />

funding from the Waimakariri Zone<br />

Committee to fund aresearcher to<br />

complete athesis to better understand<br />

the full extent of the multiple threats to<br />

the birds.<br />

The Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare<br />

Group is looking for volunteers for its<br />

annual bird count on the Ashley<br />

Rakahuri River on Saturday, <strong>November</strong><br />

19, at the Cones Road picnic area from<br />

8.30am.<br />

‘‘We like to have about 25 people,<br />

preferably with some ability to identify<br />

braided river birds including the<br />

wrybill, banded dotterel, pied stilt,<br />

black­fronted tern and black­billed<br />

gull,’’ organiser Beverley Alexander<br />

says.<br />

‘‘If people are interested, but have<br />

little knowledge of the birds they can<br />

come along and we will partner them<br />

with others who have done the count<br />

previously.’’<br />

Volunteers form into teams, with each<br />

team taking acouple of hours to walk<br />

their designated zone.<br />

Wet feet is guaranteed, but volunteers<br />

are rewarded with abarbecue.<br />

Anyone interested can register by<br />

contacting Beverley Alexander on<br />

027­3184713 or email birdiebev@xtra.co.<br />

nz.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

Night camera ... Vehicles have been<br />

photographed by night cameras in the early<br />

hours of the morning driving around bird<br />

nesting sites at the Ashley River Estuary. An<br />

at risk nesting bird is circled.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rangiora<br />

December 7, 14<br />

January 11, 18, 25<br />

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Community service ... Rangiora’s Rapid Relief Team (RRRT), supplying free food and<br />

beverages at Woodend Beach during last week’s fire.<br />


Relief team welcome<br />


Rangiora’s Rapid Relief Team (RRT)<br />

delivered valuable community support<br />

during the Pegasus Fire emergency last<br />

week.<br />

The team responded quickly to acall<br />

from Fire and Emergency New Zealand<br />

(FENZ) for support at 11.30pm on<br />

Wednesday last week and were at<br />

Woodend Beach by 12.30pm distributing<br />

food to the firefighters, emergency<br />

teams and people who had been<br />

evacuated from their homes.<br />

Rangiora RRT leader Simon Hughes<br />

said the team ‘‘sprang into action’’<br />

within minutes of being asked for help.<br />

This involved organising food supplies<br />

and equipment, including mobilising the<br />

team's trailer which is fully stocked for<br />

emergencies with abarbecue, marquee<br />

and other equipment.<br />

‘‘The team of five worked through the<br />

night providing hot food and beverages<br />

for the fire crews right up to 5am,’’<br />

Simon said.<br />

‘‘At 6am afresh team came and<br />

relieved the night crew and cooked up<br />

Free Admission -Country racing at it’s BEST!<br />

breakfast comprising of bacon, eggs<br />

sausages, cheese muffins along with tea<br />

and coffee.’’<br />

Simon’s wife, acting team leader,<br />

Monica Hughes, who had been on the<br />

night shift, then returned to provide<br />

lunch and afternoon tea.<br />

‘‘By 4pm the call was made by the<br />

FENZ team to start down scaling the<br />

operations and we started to pack up,’’<br />

Simon said.<br />

‘‘By 6pm the site had been packed up<br />

and we were back on the road home.’’<br />

Rapid Relief Team is aglobal<br />

organisation established to help<br />

communities in need during fire, flood<br />

or humanitarian crises.<br />

The Rangiora RRT was also awelcome<br />

presence during the Pines Beach forest<br />

fire in January 2021 and the 2017 Port<br />

Hills fire in Christchurch.<br />

‘‘We also do proactive events<br />

supporting charities,’’ Simon said.<br />

‘‘We support the Cancer Society’s<br />

Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari, providing<br />

food at Arthur's Pass for the riders, and<br />

we also supply the police with food<br />

boxes every month for people in need.’’<br />

Hurunui highway delays<br />

There will be delaysonState Highway One later this month as Waka Kotahi NZ<br />

Transport Agencydoes essentialmaintenance work on the single lane Hurunui River<br />

Bridge.<br />

Work will start on the bridge betweenGreta Valley and Cheviot, on Sundaynight,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 20.<br />

Drivers may have to build extra time into their journeys for up to 15 nightsasthey drive<br />

between Picton and Christchurch, particularly those catching aferry.<br />

The work on the bridge’s deck and joints will close the bridgefor up to 50 minutesat<br />

atime from 7pm to 6am.<br />

There will be <strong>10</strong> minutes openings on the top of each hour during the schedule which<br />

runs from Sunday to Thursday—weather dependent —from <strong>November</strong> 20 to Thursday<br />

night,December 8. Emergency vehicleswill be accommodated.<br />

Wednesday16<br />

th <strong>November</strong><br />

Races start at 3.00pm<br />

Entry off both West Belt and Lehmans Rd, Rangiora.<br />

Café and bar facilities available<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Tūhaitara Park manager looks to the future<br />

5<br />


Replanting has started at the Tūhaitara<br />

Coastal Parkfollowing last week’s<br />

devastating fire.<br />

Meanwhile Waimakariri Mayor Dan<br />

Gordoniscallingfor anational approach<br />

to confining fireworkstopublicdisplays.<br />

Awildfire, causedbyfireworks,and<br />

fuelled by astrong wind, dry coastal<br />

vegetationand trees, forced the<br />

evacuation of 130 people fromthe<br />

Woodend Beach Holiday Parkand homes,<br />

along with about 80 horsesfrom nearby<br />

racingstables.<br />

It broke out about8pm last Wednesday<br />

night with up to 50 firefighters battling the<br />

fire at its height. Fire fightingcontinued<br />

throughoutThursday and Friday.<br />

On Monday, at 8am, the Park,where<br />

about 140 hectares of its 700hectareswas<br />

burnt,was handedback to the Te Kōhaka<br />

oTūhaitaraTrust.<br />

Park general manager GregByrnes says<br />

cordons will remainatthe park however,<br />

until all trailsand other areas of the park<br />

are consideredsafe.<br />

He saysitwould be easy to dwell on the<br />

lossesbut in shorttherewere lotsof<br />

positives.<br />

These included nativeresilience over<br />

pines,main trails acting as firebreaks,<br />

and biota nodes offering seed islands.<br />

Biota nodes are aseries of small,<br />

localised points of nativewildlife, which,<br />

as they mature, will extend outwards to<br />

form a‘biodiversity skeleton’ stretching<br />

the <strong>10</strong>.5 km length of the park betweenthe<br />

Waimakariri River and Woodend Beach.<br />

Each contains afreshwater pondand<br />

nativeplant life to attract birds,aiding<br />

seed transfer for easy, and eventual selfmaintaining<br />

propagation.Each Node is<br />

adoptedand maintainedbyaschool class,<br />

whanau or community group.<br />

Gregsaysthe wetlands are relatively<br />

unharmedwith many, many, birds in and<br />

around them, and the only infrastructure<br />

lostisalookoutatTūtaepatu Lagoon, plus<br />

about 20 bollards.<br />

Staff are now hard at work replanting<br />

fromtraysofcabbage trees,ngaio,<br />

ribbonwood and matagouriwhich arrived<br />

on Monday.<br />

Others, working in pairs,are patrolling<br />

the area with hand tools andwaterpumps,<br />

to ensurethere are no flare ups.<br />

Thereisapod of water outsidethe main<br />

office at WoodendBeach to helpwith any<br />

future firefightingthatmay eventuate,and<br />

podsofwater havebeen put throughout<br />

the park so water is on handquickly if it’s<br />

needed.<br />

Mr Gordon says the event has beenscary<br />

for many in the communities who liveby<br />

the coastalpark.<br />

‘‘We were luckythis time that no­one<br />

was hurt.<br />

‘‘This event is areminder thatfireworks,<br />

dry conditions and wind are notagood<br />

combination.<br />

‘‘I'dask thatanyone, regardlessofage,<br />

treat fireworkswith respectand make<br />

surethey use them safelyand away from<br />

anythingthat could catch fire’’.<br />

Fireworkscould have devastating<br />

consequences and trauma for peoplein<br />

the line of the fire.The firecame at ahuge<br />

cost, being fought fromthe air and on the<br />

ground, with volunteer firefighters coming<br />

fromall points of the compass, working<br />

alongside Fireand Emergency (FENZ)<br />

Safety first ... Staff fill apod with water outside the Tuhaitara Park headquarters to be<br />

prepared for any flare ups.<br />


firefighterstohelp contain the blaze.<br />

‘‘We need to find asensible approach to<br />

the sale of fireworks.Idon’t want to be the<br />

fun police, but the time has come to take<br />

fireworksseriously and confine them to<br />

organised publicevents, in the hands of<br />

specialists,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘The communities by thecoast are tight<br />

knit, and I'd thank everyone who tookin<br />

peoplewho neededtoevacuate as wellas<br />

the Council Civil Defence teamwho<br />

organised awelfarecentre quicklywhen<br />

needed,’’ Mr Gordon says. ‘‘I'd also like to<br />

thank the Fire and Emergency<br />

firefighters, volunteer brigades (including<br />

Police),who put theirlives at risk for the<br />

benefit of the community all year round.<br />

Mr Gordon extendedthankstoall the<br />

employers who generously allowedstaff ,<br />

who are volunteer firefighters, time off to<br />

go and fight the fire.<br />

Incident Controller Al Hutt says fire<br />

crewswill be on standby in caseofany<br />

majorflare ups.<br />

‘‘People willstillsee and smell smoke<br />

for at leastacouple of weeks. This is<br />

normal, and we ask that you only call 111<br />

if you see flames,’’ he says.<br />

Winter grazingin2023?<br />

Newintensive<br />

winter grazing<br />

rulesare now<br />

operative.<br />

The keytogood intensive winter grazing is to make<br />

and follow amanagement plan.<br />

Visitour website to find out if youneedanintensive<br />

winter grazing resource consent.<br />

If youneed consent, submit your application by<br />

1st May2023 to be good to go for the upcoming season.<br />

You<br />

need<br />

aplan<br />

Forfull details visit ecan.govt.nz/winter-grazing,contactuson0800 324636<br />

or talktoyourlandmanagement advisororrural professional.


6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Around the electorate with<br />


Democracy and NZ<br />

Over the last few years, we have seen a<br />

series of policies creep in whichseek to<br />

establish co­governance roles for iwi<br />

organisations.<br />

And just whenyou thinkyou had heard<br />

it all Nanaia Mahuta releasesthe ‘Future<br />

for Local Government Report’(FFLGR),<br />

which takes it to another level.<br />

So then, what is the future for local<br />

government?<br />

In short, the dissolution of the principle<br />

of one person one vote:aworld where<br />

locally elected representative roles in<br />

decision­making will be much reduced,<br />

with mana whenua appointments taking<br />

decisionmakingpower away from the<br />

people.<br />

There is nothing in the report that will<br />

deliverbetter infrastructure, housingor<br />

transport solutions.<br />

You can be forgiven if you are unaware<br />

of these proposals ­asthe mainstream<br />

media focused on another proposal:togive<br />

16­year­olds the right to vote in local body<br />

elections.<br />

Theysteered well clear of the mana<br />

whenuaissue. Could the $55m Public<br />

Interest JournalismFund have anythingto<br />

do with their silence?<br />

The 300­pageFFLGR report is nothing<br />

short of apower grab for iwi elites led by<br />

NanaiaMahuta and it will not be for your<br />

benefit. Meanwhile the Three Waters<br />

legislation is about to come back from<br />

Select Committee, and Iamsurprised how<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Nov <strong>10</strong> Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 16<br />

Rise 6:01am<br />

Set 8:25pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:02am<br />

2:27pm<br />

Set 6:41am<br />

Rise <strong>10</strong>:25pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 6:00am<br />

Set 8:26pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:52am<br />

3:18pm<br />

Set 7:16am<br />

Rise 11:28pm<br />

Gentle E<br />

strengthening<br />

little detail of this proposed legislation has<br />

reached the public square. The Select<br />

Committee hearingsrevealed more detail<br />

of how the Three Waters megaentities will<br />

work and it is far more antidemocratic<br />

than any of us imagined. Mana whenua can<br />

in effect control planning rules and<br />

regulationsfor water in their region: your<br />

local council will have no control over this.<br />

It seems that the Labour government<br />

have turned adeaf ear to the clear<br />

majority of New Zealanders who are<br />

concerned about the loss of their<br />

communities’ ThreeWaters Assets.<br />

They would rather pursue their<br />

ideological reshapingofNew Zealand into<br />

atribalutopia,led by an elite who have<br />

inherited positions of power.<br />

Meritocracy will be replaced by<br />

nepotism. So, what can you do about it?<br />

Being aware of the very real threat to our<br />

freedom is the first step.<br />

Talk about it withyour friends and<br />

family,and most importantly,don’t<br />

kowtow to these policiesfor fear of being<br />

labelled aracist.<br />

Those that use that term are the true<br />

racists. Iwant to live in acountry where<br />

peopleare judged by the contentoftheir<br />

character, and where the principle of one<br />

personone vote, with eachvote havingthe<br />

same value,continues to underpin our<br />

democracy.<br />

Wake up New Zealand, our democracy<br />

dependsonyour voicebeing heard.<br />

Good<br />

Rise 5:59am<br />

Set 8:28pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:44am<br />

4:<strong>10</strong>pm<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 5:58am<br />

Set 8:29pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Gentle SW becoming<br />

moderate SE<br />

Rise 5:57am<br />

Set 8:30pm<br />

Rise 1:13am<br />

Set 9:44am<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

Rise 5:56am<br />

Set 8:31pm<br />

Rise 1:53am<br />

Set <strong>10</strong>:45am<br />

Gentle SE becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Rise 5:55am<br />

Set 8:33pm<br />

Rise 2:26am<br />

Set 11:49am<br />

Gentle SE<br />

strengthening<br />

NE 1.2 mincreasing<br />

E0.7 m<br />

to 1.9 m NE 1.8 m NE 1.4 m NE 0.9 m NE 1.0 m NE 0.9 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

4:36am<br />

5:01pm<br />

Set 7:58am Rise 12:25am<br />

Set 8:47am<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />



Kaikoura on track<br />

according to voters<br />

It’s been afew monthssince my last<br />

column and it’s great to be back.<br />

Iamthankful and honoured to be<br />

giventhe opportunity to once again<br />

lead our communityand council.<br />

Thankyou to everyone who voted<br />

in the elections –whatever wayyou<br />

voted.<br />

Kaikōura topped thevoterturnout<br />

tablefor New Zealand with62.02%.<br />

That shows me that we are on the<br />

righttrack in the eyes of the greater<br />

majority,but we shouldnever stop<br />

listeningtoall, as thereisalways<br />

something new to be heard.<br />

Myself ,and each of the<br />

councillorsmade our declarations<br />

and signedoathslast Wednesdayat<br />

the new council’s Inauguration<br />

Ceremony.<br />

On Fridaywewere also formally<br />

welcomedatTakahanga Marae with<br />

aPōwhiri.<br />

For the firsttime, all of the council<br />

staffwere also welcomedfor what<br />

was aspecial morning of connection.<br />

Over the lastfew weeks I’vealso<br />

attended some great events.<br />


5:27am<br />

5:52pm<br />

Fair<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:16am<br />

6:40pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:04am<br />

7:26pm<br />

The Mountains to the Sea<br />

Marathon and Lolife Burnout are<br />

two events thathave realpotential<br />

to bring morevisitors to our town in<br />

the future.<br />

It was also great to see the return<br />

of the Kaikōura Races.<br />

Thankstoall the organisersand<br />

volunteers who make theseevents<br />

possible.<br />

It has been atough coupleofyears,<br />

but our town is showing great<br />

confidence and ambition.<br />

The futureislookingbright if we<br />

keep working together.<br />

Our firstcouncil meeting will take<br />

place on <strong>November</strong> 30.<br />

We haveanextremely busyterm<br />

comingupwith all the projects going<br />

on.<br />

This includes the Link Pathway,<br />

WakatuQuay, SouthBay Harbour<br />

Project and of course our Long­Term<br />

Plan and allthe reforms.<br />

We lookforwardtoworking<br />

together to move Kaikōura forward,<br />

and finishingall the greatwork we<br />

started last term.<br />

Unitary authority not the answer —MP<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Now is not thetime for aunitary<br />

authorityin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, says<br />

NationalMPGerry Brownlee.<br />

Moving to unitaryauthorities, with a<br />

population of no less than 70,000 to be<br />

sustainable, was one of the scenarios<br />

presented in an interim report of the<br />

future of local governmentreleased<br />

last month.<br />

Mr Brownlee, who visited Rangiora<br />

last week,says he hassomeconcerns<br />

aboutEnvironment<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

(ECan) performance, but movingtoa<br />

unitary authorityisnot the answer.<br />

‘‘I am not agreatfan of ECan,<br />

because it has some flawsand it is<br />

generally very dependent on who sits<br />

on the council,but Iwould not hurry<br />

into aunitary authority.<br />

‘‘Marlborough,Nelsonand Tasman<br />

were originally set up that way, but<br />

there would be major costs in making<br />

the changein<strong>Canterbury</strong> now.’’<br />

Rather than making major changes,<br />

Mr Brownleesuggests there is an<br />

opportunity to makesome tweaks.<br />

‘‘It’s agood time to reconsider what<br />

the separation of activities is between<br />

ECan and the local councils.<br />

‘‘ECan coversfromthe Clarence to<br />

the Waitaki, so we should be ensuring<br />

the focus is on the environment.’’<br />

Rather than amalgamation,which<br />

would take awaylocal decision<br />

making,MrBrownlee says<br />

collaboration is thebest solution.<br />

The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayoral Forum is<br />

an initiative which allowsthe Mayors<br />

‘‘to discussissues broadly across the<br />

wholeregion’’.<br />

The Greater Christchurch<br />

PartnershipCommittee also allows<br />

the Christchurch, Selwyn and<br />

Waimakariri councils to work together<br />

on common interests.<br />

‘‘It is about working together for the<br />

benefit of their region, while<br />

acknowledgingthere are significant<br />

localdifferences.<br />

‘‘If there is movement it needs to<br />

come from within the area.’’<br />

Wherechange is neededisinthe<br />

relationship with central government<br />

and in developing co­fundingmodels.<br />

The former <strong>Canterbury</strong> Earthquake<br />

RecoveryMinistersays one of the<br />

things which worked following the<br />

20<strong>10</strong> and 2011 earthquakes was the<br />

Land Use Recovery Plan(LURP).<br />

The LURP was acollaboration<br />

between local and central government<br />

which led to land being made<br />

availablefor housing through afasttrack<br />

process.<br />

‘‘The earthquake probably sped up<br />

developmentinGreater Christchurch<br />

by <strong>10</strong> years,but it was local decision<br />

making thatgot us to that point.’’<br />

Publicinterest journalismisfunded<br />

by New Zealand on Air<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 6:48am 2.4 12:32am 0.5 7:35am 2.3 1:19am 0.6 8:21am 2.3 2:04am 0.6 9:06am 2.2 2:49am 0.7 9:52am 2.2 3:33am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:36am 2.2 4:19am 0.8 11:22am 2.2 5:05am 0.8<br />

Mouth<br />

7:06pm 2.2 1:02pm 0.6 7:54pm 2.1 1:48pm 0.6 8:43pm 2.1 2:34pm 0.7 9:31pm 2.1 3:19pm 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:19pm 2.0 4:07pm 0.8 11:05pm 2.0 4:55pm 0.8 11:50pm 2.0 5:43pm 0.8<br />

Amberley 6:48am 2.4 12:32am 0.5 7:35am 2.3 1:19am 0.6 8:21am 2.3 2:04am 0.6 9:06am 2.2 2:49am 0.7 9:52am 2.2 3:33am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:36am 2.2 4:19am 0.8 11:22am 2.2 5:05am 0.8<br />

Beach<br />

7:06pm 2.2 1:02pm 0.6 7:54pm 2.1 1:48pm 0.6 8:43pm 2.1 2:34pm 0.7 9:31pm 2.1 3:19pm 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:19pm 2.0 4:07pm 0.8 11:05pm 2.0 4:55pm 0.8 11:50pm 2.0 5:43pm 0.8<br />

6:57am 2.4 12:41am 0.5 7:44am 2.3 1:28am 0.6 8:30am 2.3 2:13am 0.6 9:15am 2.2 2:58am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:01am 2.2 3:42am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:45am 2.2 4:28am 0.8 11:31am 2.2 5:14am 0.8<br />

Motunau 7:15pm 2.2 1:11pm 0.6 8:03pm 2.1 1:57pm 0.6 8:52pm 2.1 2:43pm 0.7 9:40pm 2.1 3:28pm 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:28pm 2.0 4:16pm 0.8 11:14pm 2.0 5:04pm 0.8 11:59pm 2.0 5:52pm 0.8<br />

6:59am 2.4 12:43am 0.5 7:46am 2.3 1:30am 0.6 8:32am 2.3 2:15am 0.6 9:17am 2.2 3:00am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:03am 2.2 3:44am 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:47am 2.2 4:30am 0.8 11:33am 2.2 5:16am 0.8<br />

Gore Bay 7:17pm 2.2 1:13pm 0.6 8:05pm 2.1 1:59pm 0.6 8:54pm 2.1 2:45pm 0.7 9:42pm 2.1 3:30pm 0.7 <strong>10</strong>:30pm 2.0 4:18pm 0.8 11:16pm 2.0 5:06pm 0.8<br />

5:54pm 0.8<br />

6:55am 1.6 12:39am 0.3 7:42am 1.6 1:26am 0.3 8:29am 1.6 2:13am 0.3 9:14am 1.6 2:59am 0.4 9:59am 1.6 3:44am 0.4 <strong>10</strong>:44am 1.5 4:28am 0.4 11:30am 1.5 5:13am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 7:20pm 1.5 1:12pm 0.3 8:08pm 1.5 2:00pm 0.3 8:55pm 1.4 2:48pm 0.3 9:42pm 1.4 3:35pm 0.4 <strong>10</strong>:28pm 1.4 4:21pm 0.4 11:13pm 1.4 5:07pm 0.4 11:58pm 1.4 5:52pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />




Paul and Julie Blackler<br />

have long dreamt of<br />

owning a gym. So when<br />

the opportunity arose<br />

to start up Anytime<br />

Fitness Rangiora in2017,<br />

they jumped rightin.<br />

Forthe avid gym-goers,<br />

embarkingonthis new<br />

journeywasn’tjustagood<br />

business decision; it was a<br />

lifestyle choice.<br />

Thecouple areacutely<br />

aware of the health<br />

benefitsofexercise: Paul hasbattled with his weight<br />

sincehis youth, andJulie wasregularlyhospitalizedas<br />

achild with chronic asthma. While Julie outgrew her<br />

asthma over time and maintains her fitness and lung<br />

health through regular exercise, Paul’s journey was a<br />

lotdifferent. Aftersigning up to Rangiora’sBiggest Loser<br />

weight-loss challenge in 2016 Paul noticed something<br />

wasamiss during a gymsession. Upon further<br />

investigation, his doctor discoveredoneof Paul’smain<br />

arteries was95%blocked. Astent was put in,Paul made<br />

arapid recovery and went on to winthe Biggest Loser<br />

competition. Paul’s surgeon said going to the gym had<br />

highlightedtheissue,potentially saving Paul’slife,and<br />

that his fitnesscontributed to his speedy recovery.Paul’s<br />

journey hasmade him fully understand the importance<br />

ofkeeping fit and has established akinshipwith people<br />

from all walksoflifelooking to increase their health<br />

andfitness.<br />

“Asgym ownerswewant to helppeoplesucceed in<br />

their health and fitness goals,” explains Julie.“When<br />

you sign on with us, you’re not justsigning up fora<br />

membership. You’re embarking on alifestyle journey<br />

that we will take alongside you. Our experienced<br />

coaches createapersonalised journey for you,which<br />

is then available for youtoimplement24/7,with<br />

support,toreach your goals.”<br />

Fromthe get-go, Julie andPaul wereparticularly<br />

focused on creating awelcoming and inclusivespace.<br />

“Our aim wastoopen a gym whereeveryone feels<br />

comfortable. We’ve been to toomanygyms where<br />

it’s all aboutlifting themost weights or wearing the<br />

latest gymgear; that’s notwhatwe’reabout. We’re<br />

here tohelpour membersreach theirhealth goals in a<br />

welcoming and friendly environment.”<br />

Newmembersreceivecomplementary fitness<br />

consultation, body scan and workoutplan from their<br />

coach,whowillbeonhandto guide them as they<br />

embark on their journey.With 24/7 access to the<br />

central Rangioragymmemberscan fit their visits in<br />

to theirown schedule.Theyalso getaccesstothe<br />

amazing AnytimeFitness app and Anytime Workouts<br />

app which lets them select,personaliseand track<br />

workouts,engage with their coach and bookinfor<br />

the range of small group classes on offeratAnytime<br />

Fitness Rangiora.<br />

“Westrivetokeep ourclassessmall, our workout areas<br />

clean and spacious,<br />

and our offeringvery<br />

affordable.Forus, it’s all<br />

about the members.”<br />

“We would both liketo<br />

sincerely thank our staff<br />

and community members<br />

fortheir amazing support<br />

inhelping us gettoour<br />

fifth birthday.We’re<br />

excited about thenextfive<br />

years aswecontinue to<br />

‘MakeHealthyHappen’<br />

hereinRangiora!”<br />


Join on aterm membership:<br />

$5 keyfee,$5joining fee, First fiveweeksfree, free body scan, free fitness<br />

consultation and workout program.<br />

Thursday 17-11-22:<br />

Free coffees &Birthday cakefor membersbetween 3:30&5:30pm.<br />

$5 Evolt 360 body scans all week 14-19 <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Be in to win prizes during the week keep an eyeout forhow to win.<br />


194 King Street

e<br />

.<br />

p<br />

e<br />

.<br />

a<br />

Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Vera Setz:<br />

(03) 423 3158<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Cheviot,<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Charlotte Watson<br />

Audiologust<br />

MNZAS<br />

Vera Setz<br />

Audiologist<br />

MNZAS<br />

Alison Highman<br />

Ear Nurse<br />

RN<br />

Ear Care:<br />

020 4124 25 25<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />

We’re your local hearing<br />

and ear health experts!<br />

2453205<br />

Stuart<br />

Smith<br />

MP forKaikoura<br />

Amberley 03 314 7441<br />

Blenheim 03 5793204<br />

0800 STUART (0800 788278)<br />

stuart.smithmp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

stuartsmith.national<br />

Authorised by Stuart Smith MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

Innovation hub ... Rangiora High School head of science, David <strong>News</strong>ham­West, is keen<br />

to develop the Rangiora High School farm.<br />


Sustainability Centre<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Rangiora High Schoolplans to revitalise<br />

its school farm as acentre of<br />

sustainability.<br />

The school’s board of trusteeshas<br />

made the decision to ‘‘regenerate’’ the<br />

schoolfarm, principalBruce Kearney<br />

says.<br />

‘‘There is excitement in the community<br />

about the farm, but Ifind it difficult to<br />

marketitbecauseitisstill very mucha<br />

1970s style farm and it has served its<br />

purpose.<br />

‘‘But we are in anew world, with a<br />

focus on havingasustainable<br />

environment, so we need to re­address<br />

what we do.’’<br />

Head of science, David <strong>News</strong>ham­<br />

West, will take ayear off from teaching<br />

next year to develop aplan for an<br />

‘‘innovation hub’’.<br />

Mr <strong>News</strong>ham­West says he is keen to<br />

get buy­infrom the local community and<br />

local businesses.<br />

There are opportunities to work<br />

alongside Lincoln University, research<br />

organisations such as AgResearch,<br />

Industry Training Organisationsand<br />

NgāiTūāhuriri, he says.<br />

Rangiora studentscould even be<br />

involved in cutting edgeresearch, such as<br />

testing digitalcollarsonsheep and<br />

gathering the data or conducting soil<br />

tests.<br />

One suggestion is even to develop a<br />

mountain bike track on the farm, with the<br />

schoolpossibly hosting endurance events<br />

one day.<br />

‘‘People are open to the idea of farms<br />

beingdiverse and flexible. Farms can’t<br />

just be amonocultureany more,’’ Mr<br />

<strong>News</strong>ham­West says.<br />

‘‘We want to have afarm which models<br />

flexibility,sustainability and<br />

innovation.’’<br />

The farm wouldcontinue to work<br />

alongside ComCol in offering equine<br />

studies and apiaries, while the intention<br />

is to continue farmingsheep.<br />

But it could alsoincorporate some<br />

viticulture, horticultureand other ideas<br />

whichthe schoolhas not even thought of.<br />

‘‘We are open to ideas across the board,<br />

we could havebio­nodes, we could teach<br />

pest control and biodiversity and we<br />

couldeven put in solar panels,’’Mr<br />

<strong>News</strong>ham­West says.<br />

He alsosees opportunities for engaging<br />

staffacross different subjects in the<br />

school and with ComCol <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> nextdoor.<br />

‘‘There are opportunitiesfor<br />

integratedlearningand our geology and<br />

geography teachers are already talking<br />

aboutgettingindrones and doingsoil<br />

sampling.‘‘Rather thanfictitiously<br />

making up projects students can do on<br />

paper, we can get the students doing<br />

something real on site.<br />

‘‘Youcan read or do filmediting at<br />

home,but you can’tlearn about moving<br />

stockunless you are hands on.’’<br />

Building and hardmaterials and other<br />

school departments are looking at ways<br />

of being involved in the farm,hesays.<br />

Whateverfuture planisdeveloped, Mr<br />

Kearney says sellingthe farm is not<br />

option.<br />

Public interest journalismisfunded by<br />

New Zealand on Air.<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>10</strong> The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Chewing fidgets<br />


Effort rewarded ... Kaiapoi High School business studies teacher Natalie Cox, third from left with The Scent business owners<br />

from left Saran Adams, Beth Dunbar, Sophia Joyce, Ezri Batterbury, Brie Amer and Annie Saunders.<br />


Thefresh smell of success<br />


The hardworkand innovative<br />

thinking of sixKaiapoi HighSchool<br />

students hasbeen rewarded with<br />

success in the YoungEnterprise<br />

Scheme (YES).<br />

The year­13students —Ezri<br />

Batterbury, Annie Saunders,Brie<br />

Amer, Saran Adams, Sophia Joyce and<br />

BethDunbar—createdanecofriendly<br />

air freshener business called<br />

The Scent. Theywon the<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ōtākaro<strong>North</strong>prize at theYES<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Regionals heldattheAra<br />

Institute of <strong>Canterbury</strong>in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The studentsimpressedthe panel<br />

of industry­connected judges with<br />

their eco­friendlyrefillablewooden<br />

air fresheners, scentedwith natural<br />

oils, andtargeting thecorporate<br />

market. They are nowexcited to be<br />

headingtothe YESNational Finals at<br />

Te PapainWellington nextmonth.<br />

‘‘Weare ecstatic,’’Annie says.‘‘We<br />

worked so hardfor theyear,and are<br />

so committed to our business.<br />

‘‘All of the extra hoursput in were<br />

so worthit. The competitionwas so<br />

tough,sowinning was an absolutely<br />

hugeachievementfor us,’’ shesays.<br />

‘‘Every singleteam that<br />

participated wasjustincredible.It<br />

was just amazing to see allofthe time<br />

and creativity thathad gone into<br />

everyone's business.’’<br />

The Kaiapoiteam was alsoawarded<br />

runner­upfor the National<br />

Sustainability Award,which Annie<br />

saysisincredible,asitisout of all the<br />

enterprise groupsnationwide.<br />

The students launched TheScentin<br />

Junethis year, throughthe YES<br />

scheme, withimmediatesuccess.<br />

‘‘Weare so happywith allofthe<br />

progress andsuccesswehave hadthis<br />

year. It wouldn'tbepossiblewithout<br />

all of our amazing customers and<br />

supporters andour teacherMissCox<br />

who has beenthe most amazing<br />

teacherand mentor,’’Anniesaid.<br />

The studentsare grateful to be<br />

given the opportunity to showcase<br />

their businessatnationallevel.<br />

‘‘The Nationals havebeenour<br />

dream fromthe start so we are going<br />

to haveahugecoupleofweeks<br />

preparingfor that,’’Anniesays.<br />

‘‘The whole YoungEnterprise<br />

experiencehas been beyondfantastic.<br />

Makingittothe national stagehas<br />

beenjust incredible.’’Althoughitis<br />

their lastyear at highschooltheyare<br />

committed to keeping their business<br />

going.<br />

Ātaahua, the multi­awardwinning Young Enterprise<br />

Scheme designedand marketedbyRangioraHigh<br />

School student TaylaMellish is on track for another<br />

award.<br />

The 18­year­old’s innovative product has scooped<br />

both regional and national accolades and recognition<br />

for herrangeofdiscreetchewable fidget necklacesshe<br />

created as part of her Year13businessstudies course<br />

at the school.<br />

At the recent <strong>Canterbury</strong>regional YES finals she<br />

picked up another award, the Ara Instituteof<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>­TePūkenga RegionalExcellence Award<br />

for Customer and MarketEngagement, but she will<br />

soon fly north to compete for aNational Excellence<br />

awardatthe national finalsinWellington on<br />

December6.<br />

Tayla’s dreamwas to creatediscrete chewable<br />

fidget/stim jewellerythat was easilyaccessible to<br />

adults in New Zealand, to combatdamaging coping<br />

habits such as nail biting, thumb sucking, and lip<br />

biting.<br />

‘‘I found agap in the market and withthe help of a<br />

lot of people made the necklaces and learnedhow to<br />

market them,’’she said.<br />

Following the product development Tayla used<br />

social mediaasher main marketing tool and reached<br />

out to many in the community suffering with<br />

neurodivergent conditions, ADHD or anxiety.<br />

She manned stalls at fairs and galas promoting her<br />

product and developing it further.<br />

Now aprovensuccesswith salesinNew Zealand<br />

and Australia, she says her next goal,istomake <strong>10</strong>0%<br />

natural rubber beads and investigate how she can<br />

further develop the chewablecomponents.<br />

‘‘It feels good to be abletomakethe finals, and all<br />

the feed backIhave received about my products has<br />

been very positive,’’ she said.<br />

Tayla’s product was in the finalsagainst eight other<br />

secondary school teams who lined up for an evening of<br />

Dragons Den­stylepitches, hosted at regional partner<br />

Ara’sCity campus in front of teachers,family, and<br />

friends. The eight were shortlisted from 176 teams<br />

from 25 <strong>Canterbury</strong> high schools. All thewinning<br />

regional teams and the wild card entries will now<br />

compete againsteach other, and others from around<br />

the country, at the nationalfinals in Wellington.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />



Winning smiles ... Mark Kinaston­Smith, of Rolleston, with Appassionata, the Supreme In­<br />

Hand Pinto at the annual South Island Championship Pinto Show.<br />


Pintos on parade<br />

Equinesofall shapes and sizeswith<br />

multiplepatterns and colourstookcentre<br />

stage at the South IslandPinto<br />

Championship Show.<br />

The event washeld at the Rangiora<br />

A&P Showgrounds last Sunday and<br />

organised by ZoeCharles, of Eyrewell.<br />

Zoe wasalsoacompetitor at theevent<br />

so couldnot be an administrator on show<br />

day,but said shewas happywith how<br />

thingswent.<br />

‘‘The daywent very wellthanks to Alice<br />

Hamer andTrina Gosney,who keptthe<br />

day runningsmoothly,’’she says.<br />

TheSouth IslandPintoChampionship<br />

Show is an annual event which has many<br />

championship classesincluding the<br />

prestigiousOverall Supreme In­hand<br />

Reform, housing priorities<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Addressing government reform and<br />

housing are priorities for the Waimakariri<br />

council over the next threeyears.<br />

WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon has<br />

created two new portfolios in government<br />

reform and housing, asthe district facesa<br />

challenging three years.<br />

Mr Gordon will take the lead in tackling<br />

government reform,while Deputy Mayor<br />

Neville Atkinson has takenonthe housing<br />

portfolio.<br />

Theappointmentswere confirmed at the<br />

Waimakariri District Council’sfirst<br />

ordinarymeetingonTuesday,<strong>November</strong> 8.<br />

With various reforms coming the<br />

council’sway, including Three Waters, the<br />

future of local government and the<br />

Resource Management Act, Mr Gordon says<br />

it is importantthe districthas astrong<br />

voice.<br />

Housing is becoming asignificant issue<br />

in the district, with agrowing population,<br />

rising prices, alow rental stock and alack<br />

of affordablehousing.<br />

Briscoes<br />

The Warehouse/<br />

Warehouse Stationery<br />

PintoAward andOverallSupreme<br />

RiddenPintoAward.<br />

‘‘TheNew ZealandPinto Society<br />

sponsors thelucky winnersofthese<br />

awards up to $700totravel to the Land<br />

Rover Horse of the YearShow to compete<br />

in the pinto section,’’ Zoe says.<br />

TheOverall SupremeIn­handPinto<br />

Award waswon by Appassionata,led by<br />

Mark Kinaston­Smith, andthe Overall<br />

Supreme Ridden PintoAward was wonby<br />

BV AngelofGraemar, ridden by Melanie<br />

Robinson.<br />

TheHorseofthe Year Showis<br />

scheduled to be held in Hastingsfrom<br />

March 7­12next year.<br />

It comprises the A&PShowseason<br />

which runsfromSeptember to March.<br />

Mr Gordon also announced<br />

appointments to various committees,with<br />

each councillor allocated portfolios and<br />

set to take aturn chairing acouncil<br />

committee over the next three years.<br />

‘‘We have been running aportfolio<br />

systemfor anumber of years,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘When Ifirst come on to the council<br />

there was effectivelyanAand Bteam, but<br />

Ithink this is amuch fairersystemand I<br />

note other councils, including<br />

Christchurch, are looking at it.’’<br />

The appointment of formerMayor<br />

DavidAyers as the Waimakariri and<br />

Hurunui representative to the<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Museum Trust Board was also confirmed.<br />

Mr Ayers is the boardchair and has an<br />

important role to play in the museum’s<br />

ongoingredevelopment,MrGordon says.<br />

Councillorremuneration for the<br />

coming year was also confirmed.<br />

Mayor Gordon’s salaryis$146,838,<br />

whilethere is aremuneration pool of<br />

$555,247 for the <strong>10</strong> councillors.<br />

Deputy Mayor Atkinson’ssalary is<br />

$69,373 and the nine councillors will each<br />

receive $53,986.<br />

Meet at Culverden Rugby<br />

Club 1:30 pm 30th<br />

<strong>November</strong>.<br />

Thesmart<br />

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WHEN?<br />


FROM<br />

Professor Ken Hughey, ahighly<br />

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birds<br />

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<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

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We will visit Black Billed Gull and Black<br />

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Outcomes of conservation work<br />

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interacts with braided rivers or depends<br />

on them for their livelihood.<br />

We will observe bird colonies close-up.<br />

Please bring binoculars, walking shoes, etc.<br />

Please RSVP to our email<br />



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12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Pizza with akick delights palate<br />


An unusual venisonpizza withajalapeno<br />

kick,sweetened by Black Beechhoney,<br />

has ratedhighest in The <strong>North</strong> Course<br />

event.<br />

The pizza at Oxford’s Black BeechWine<br />

and Pizza Barwas one of the dishes in<br />

Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s inaugural The<br />

<strong>North</strong>Course eventshowcasing the<br />

region’s hospitality businesses, beverages<br />

and produce.<br />

Thirty four participating restaurants,<br />

cafes, pubs,bakeries and eateriesinthe<br />

Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura<br />

Districts createdfood disheswith<br />

beverage pairingstomatch and customers<br />

were asked to rate them good, great or<br />

incredible.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> Course pizza at the Black<br />

BeechWine and PizzaBar, owned by<br />

husband and wifeDani andPete Riellyof<br />

Oxford, was rated ‘‘incredible’’ by all of the<br />

largenumber of customers who tried it.<br />

Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>'s Alissa Wilson<br />

said the Black Beech Wine and PizzaBar’s<br />

dish ‘‘knocked it out of the park’’inratings.<br />

‘‘Black Beech certainly blewusaway<br />

with how manyratings they received. It<br />

was obvious thattheir entireteam were<br />

behind the event, and encouraged their<br />

guests to enterthe competition. Their<br />

pizzaand beverage pairingswere so<br />

original and delicious. ‘‘It’snosurprise<br />

they attracted alot of attention.’’<br />

Pete and Daniare thrilled their pizza,a<br />

combination of smokyvenison,jalapeño<br />

and cheesesalami, sundried tomatoes,<br />

goatscheese, drizzled with Foothills Black<br />

Beechhoney and infused withgarlic and<br />

chilli, proved popularwith customers.<br />

The pizza was pairedwith Pete’sHoney<br />

and Gin Blast, acocktail made with Forth<br />

Luck NZ Dry Gin, Foothills Black Beech<br />

honeyand lemon juice,and/or aglassof<br />

Terrace Edge Liquid Geography riesling.<br />

Pete,born in New Plymouth and Dani,<br />

Popular pizza ... Oxford’s Black Beech Wine and Pizza Bar, owners Dani and Pete Rielly<br />

with their <strong>North</strong> Course pizza.<br />


from Denmark, were livinginAustralia<br />

and boughtthe Black Beech Wine and<br />

Pizza Bar after deciding to movetoNew<br />

Zealand. They wanted to be closer to<br />

Pete’sadult childrenwho live in Oxford.<br />

The couple,who met in 2009 and married<br />

<strong>10</strong> years ago,boughtthe bar just before<br />

New Zealand went intothe Covid­19<br />

lockdown just over twoyears ago. They<br />

both work full­timeinit, and share cooking<br />

duties.<br />

‘‘We love it. When we first boughtthe bar<br />

Ithinkpeople were alittle uncertain<br />

about what two Australiansmight do to the<br />

place,but we have listened to what the<br />

communityhas told us they want and we<br />

have had great support,’’Dani says. They<br />

want Black Beech to be welcoming for<br />

everyone, including children.<br />

‘‘We love kids in here,’’ Danisays.<br />

Children are invited to createtheirown<br />

pizza, withone, Braxton,having his own<br />

pizza nowincluded on thekids menu.<br />

The winner of theprize for rating the<br />

mostdishes in The <strong>North</strong> Course event is<br />

Maree Tomlinson. She won a<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> adventuretourism packagefor<br />

two,including aheli­tour withSouth<br />

PacificHelicopters in Kaikoura, anight’s<br />

accommodation at Russell’sCabins in<br />

Waipara and aHanmerSprings Thermal<br />

Pools and Spa voucher.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> Course has been abig winner<br />

for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s foodie community,<br />

connecting producers with eateries and<br />

eateries withcustomers and there are<br />

plans to make it an annualevent.<br />

It’shopedthe event will build on our<br />

region’s reputation as adestination for<br />

foodand drink.‘‘Wehave so manyamazing<br />

eateries in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> that deserve<br />

way more recognition,’’Alissa says.<br />


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SellingDirect to the Public |8Mill Road, Oxford<br />

Hours: Mon to Thu 8am-5pm -Fri 8am -4pm -Sat 8am -12noon<br />


150 x40mm R/S Oregon<br />

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$7.95 per LM +GST<br />

<strong>10</strong>0 x50mm R/S Pine No2 H4<br />

While stocks last<br />

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So popular it is now on the menu permanently!<br />


As of 19December <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

open 7days over the holiday period<br />

Closed Christmas Day,<br />

otherwise open all Public Holidays with no surcharge.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Anniversary Day open at <strong>10</strong> am.<br />



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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

13<br />

Contact Ronnie or Mike:<br />

116 Harewood Road, Oxford<br />

Business or A/H Ph: (03) 312-4016<br />

oxford@frewstransport.co.nz<br />

www.frewstransport.co.nz<br />

2530440<br />


177 Mt Thomas Road, RD 1, Rangiora 7471<br />

Phone: 0274 343 119 | Email: office@bamurray.co.nz<br />

Web: www.bamurrayagriculture.co.nz<br />

Loop track ... One of the many tracks to be enjoyed just afew minutes out of Oxford at<br />

Ashley Gorge.<br />


Plentyonoffer in<br />

Oxford andbeyond<br />

Oxfordhas long been apopular spot for<br />

aleisurely day trip or aweekend get<br />

away.<br />

The town has it all, from boutique<br />

shopping,eateries, walks in the<br />

conservation areas and acountry vibe.<br />

You can takeawalk or acycle on the<br />

wild sidewith plenty of tracksand trails<br />

on offer, including at the Ashley Gorge,<br />

the Wharfedale Track, Mt Oxfordtrails<br />

and the Kereru and WoodedGully loop<br />

tracksinthe Mount Thomas<br />

Conservation area.<br />

There is plenty of opportunity to take<br />

adip, or ascenic paddle in acanoeat<br />

the Waimakariri and Ashley Gorges,<br />

and enjoying apicnic on the banks of<br />

the rivers to finishoff the day, before<br />

heading backinto town for aleisurely<br />

walk around the retail area while the<br />

kids enjoy the facilities in the park in<br />

the centre of town.<br />

Thereishorse ridingatKowhai Horse<br />

Riding, 20 minutes from Oxford, and<br />

you can take aswing at the Waimakariri<br />

Gorge GolfClub, withthe 18­holecourse<br />

providingplenty of challenges,<br />

entertainment and panoramic views.<br />

For amore leisurely experience<br />

visitors can call at the Oxford Museum<br />

where displays are constantly evolving,<br />

and reflectthe area’ssaw millingand<br />

farming history, and general home­life<br />

of early settlers.<br />

The museum is open on weekends and<br />

publicholidays.<br />

YOU’RE<br />

ALWAYS<br />




PHONE 03312 1222<br />

2516931<br />

The Oxford Gallery,alongside the<br />

museum,locatedinMain Street, hosts<br />

many exhibitions by local,national and<br />

overseas artists.<br />

Foodies can check out the huge<br />

variety of eateries, including the Oxford<br />

Club, Black Beech WineBar, Cruisy<br />

Days Diner, the World famousSheffield<br />

Pies, Cafe51, the IndianHut and the<br />

OxfordHotel.<br />

The popularOxfordFarmers’ Market<br />

takes place every Sunday morning,<br />

offering an authentic rural experience<br />

where the sellers are the producersof<br />

fine foods, produce, plants,gifts, to<br />

healthproducts, beautyproductsand<br />

homeware.<br />

There is hot food, drinks and comfort<br />

facilities available, alongwith a<br />

children’splaygroundand<br />

entertainmentand livemusic to enjoy<br />

just 40 minutesfrom Christchurch.<br />

If you’re wanting to stay the night,<br />

there are plentyofchoices from<br />

campingtothe comfort of amotelor<br />

hotel.<br />

These includethe Ashley Gorge<br />

HolidayPark, Glentui Lodge, Oxford<br />

HolidayCottage,Oxford Queenette<br />

Backpackers, Oxford VillageMotels,<br />

Oxford Tiny House, Ribblesdale<br />

GardensAccommodation, the Oxford<br />

Hotel, B&Baccommodationalong with<br />

the Wooded Gully Campsite further out<br />

of town at the Mt ThomasConservation<br />

area.<br />


Do you haveasonordaughteror interested inhorse riding?<br />

✭ Courses everyweekend.<br />

✭ 2, 5&7daySchool Holiday courses.<br />

✭ Adult lessons Tuesday toFriday<br />

✭ Opportunity to compete on our horses.<br />

✭ ½day lessons and treks available.<br />

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“FARMERS”<br />

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•Silage<br />

•Hay<br />

•Cultivation<br />

•Seeding<br />

•Heading<br />

•Beet and<br />

Maize<br />

Planting<br />

Contact Steve Murray 027 434 3119<br />

……..New Zealand Rural Contractor Of The Year 2002…….<br />


Your Social Hub<br />

Restaurant - Members &Non-Members Welcome<br />

Come on in &see what delicious meals Chef Jimmi has for Spring!<br />

Plant based &Gluten free options<br />

Bookings Recommended<br />

Thursday Dinner from 5.30pm -8.30pm<br />

Friday &Saturday Lunch 11am -2pm<br />

Dinner 5.30pm -9pm<br />

Sunday Brunch <strong>10</strong>am -2pm<br />

Dinner 5.30pm -8.30pm<br />

2530459<br />

Sunday Night Buffet<br />

TwoCourses -Great variety<br />

available from 5.30pm<br />

Adults $35pp |Children 6to13years $15pp<br />

Under 5’s dine free<br />

Ph 03 312 4411 Ext 4<br />

Takeaways<br />

New Weekend Hours<br />

Open from 2pm Saturday &Sunday<br />

Monday -Thursday 5pm -8pm<br />

Enjoy Fish, Chips &Burgers,<br />

to takeaway or dine in at the Bar<br />

Bar, Bottlestore, Gaming room open from 11am daily<br />

For Function enquiries email us at<br />

info@oxfordclub.co.nz<br />

Like us on Facebook<br />

Website www.oxfordclub.co.nz<br />

Oxford Club |160 High Street, Oxford |ph03312 4411<br />



FOR LESS<br />

TheDawn<br />

Sideboard<br />


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Flash Sale<br />


Manatee Corner<br />

Recliner Suite<br />

Palliser Sideboard<br />

WAS $2499<br />

$<br />

2299<br />

ExtraSection Available $319<br />

Storage Cup Holder<br />

WAS$1249<br />

$<br />

1139<br />

Palliser TV Unit<br />

WAS $1749<br />

$<br />

1599<br />

Fuji Barstool Deep Oak<br />

Bari<br />

Chair<br />

Outdoor<br />

Queen LiftUpBase<br />

Mattress not included<br />

Furniture<br />

Single $619 $569<br />

King Single $649 $599<br />

Double $739 $679<br />

King $879$809<br />

WAS $179<br />

$<br />

159<br />

WAS $269<br />

$<br />

239<br />


WAS $759<br />

$<br />

699<br />

Palm Beach<br />

Outdoor<br />

WAS $2589<br />

$<br />

2799<br />

Corsair Corner Suite<br />

with Coffee Table<br />

Available in White<br />

WAS $2799<br />

$<br />

2599<br />

Akaroa Lounge Setting<br />

WAS $3149<br />

$<br />

2899<br />

ThreeSeater,two Single Seaters&Coffee Table<br />

FREE<br />



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Looking to the future ... Kaikōura District Council chief executive Will Doughty is excited<br />

about the future prospects for South Bay.<br />


Kaikoura happenings<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Kaikōura’s‘‘day in the sun’’isfinally<br />

coming, says Kaikōura District<br />

Council chiefexecutive WillDoughty.<br />

With so many major projects either<br />

underway or in the pipeline,there is<br />

plenty to get excited about,hesays.<br />

‘‘Touch wood, we have got through<br />

the earthquakes and Covidand now we<br />

have someexciting projectstolook<br />

forward to.<br />

‘‘Historically Kaikōura has not seen<br />

the projects or the growth other<br />

districts have had, but the feeling is it<br />

is goingtocome.<br />

‘‘Thechallenge is to manageitto<br />

ensure we don’tbecome another<br />

Wānaka, in the sense it becomes<br />

unaffordable for local people.<br />

‘‘It is about controlling our own<br />

destiny.’’<br />

The Sudima Hotel opened last<br />

month, tourists are returning to town<br />

and new housingdevelopments are<br />

aboutthe get underway.<br />

The Kaikōura District Councilhas<br />

also signed off anew destination<br />

managementplan and aSouth Bay<br />

business case proposal in recent<br />

months, to offer avisionfor the future.<br />

An expandedSouth Bay Marina<br />

wouldallow moretourismoperator<br />

boatsand commercial and<br />

recreational fishing boats to remain<br />

on the waterand open up the parking<br />

area to more users.<br />

Therewould also be moreroom for<br />

visitingboats, Mr Doughty says.<br />

‘‘We are looking at creating asafe<br />

haven, as there is nowhere between<br />

Picton and Lyttelton.<br />

‘‘If yousee asoutherly, everyone<br />

lugs it to the nearest harbour,soit<br />

couldprovide that marine safety<br />

aspect.’’<br />

Whilethe council has completed its<br />

SouthBay business case, thanks to $1<br />

million in Provincial Growth<br />

Partnershipfunding, another $7.5<br />

million is needed to complete a<br />

feasibility study.<br />

‘‘We won’tbeable to take thatnext<br />

step untilweget further support, so it<br />

is aslow burn.’’<br />

The council is also keen to<br />

incorporate amarine researchfacility<br />

into futuredevelopment at South Bay.<br />

‘‘It is early days,but youhave got to<br />

thinkbig and think whereyou wantto<br />

be in <strong>10</strong> years time.’’<br />

Otherinitiatives such as the dark sky<br />

reserve proposal, the Link Pathway,<br />

hot pools next to the Goochs Beach<br />

playground and the proposedWakatu<br />

Quay redevelopment offer<br />

opportunities for the town, Mr<br />

Doughty says.<br />

‘‘With the dark skies project we have<br />

interfaced with Tekapo andthey were<br />

supportiveofother venturesbecause<br />

it will openupmore opportunities.<br />

‘‘It is aimed at environmental<br />

outcomesand healthbenefits, as well<br />

as tourism.’’<br />

The Kaikōura Dark Sky Working<br />

Groupisworking withKahu<br />

Environmental as it looks at aprivate<br />

plan change to embed the necessary<br />

changes intothe Kaikōura District<br />

Plan.<br />

The consents have beenapproved<br />

for stage one of the Link Pathway from<br />

the memorialgarden,near the town<br />

centre, to the end of the esplanade<br />

with workexpected to beginsoon.<br />

Council staffare working through<br />

the logistics of extendingthe pathway<br />

to Point Kean.<br />

Public interest journalism is funded<br />

by New Zealand on Air.<br />

Fun and exercise<br />

all year round<br />

Lagoon Pools import and install quality fibreglass swimming pools. Tocompliment the pools<br />

they supply good quality equipment including salt water chlorinators, heat pumps, pool lights,<br />

fountains and water features, swim turbines, spa jets, robotic pool cleaners and arange ofcovers<br />

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Lagoon Pools owners Julie and Warren are dealers for Leisure Pools in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to<br />

Southland area, andagentsfor theElite Hideaway Roller system.<br />

Call Lagoon Pools on0800 927 282 or 349 2160, email info@lagoonpools.co.nz or visit:<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz Theyare open by appointment only.<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz<br />

03 349 2160<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

15<br />

Winemaker runner up<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s entrantinthe <strong>2022</strong><br />

Toinnellerie de mercurey New Zealand<br />

YoungWinemaker of the Year, Georgia<br />

Mehlhopt, has comerunner up in the<br />

competition.<br />

Georgian, fromGreystone, is the first<br />

person from<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to compete<br />

in the National final.<br />

Alun Kilby the Production Winemaker<br />

at Marisco in Marlborough won the<br />

competition.maker of the Year. He has<br />

worked in the New Zealand wine industry<br />

for 13 years.<br />

He is passionateand driven and says he<br />

is committedtocontinuouslyimproving<br />

the waywemake wine and distributeitto<br />

the world.<br />

Four talented youngwinemakers from<br />

around the country competedon<br />

Thursday,<strong>November</strong>3,at Kim Crawford<br />

winery in Blenheim.The other contestants<br />

were Douw Grobler from Trinity Hill in<br />

Hawkes Bayand Eliana Leal from<br />

AmisfieldinCentralOtago.<br />

The judgeswere veryimpressedwith<br />

the high calibreofall the finalists who<br />

demonstrated ahuge passionfor<br />

winemaking and agreatunderstanding of<br />

the challenges and opportunities for the<br />

New Zealand wine industry as awhole.<br />

The finalists werestretchedthroughout<br />

the dayasthey were tested on theirwine<br />

market knowledge and laboratory skills.<br />

They had to prepare aplan for producing<br />

apremium single vineyard pinot noir,<br />

present their viewsonthe best new<br />

innovations in thewine industry, undergo<br />

an interview,weigh up options for<br />

purchasing anew humidifierfor acellar<br />

and then expertlyjudgewines in awine<br />

show setting, and deliver aspeech at the<br />

awards dinner.<br />

DanRosewarne<br />

Labour list MP<br />

I’mheretohelp.Pleaseget in touch if yourequireany assistance.<br />

daniel.rosewarne@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160<br />

/DanRosewarneWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by Dan Rosewarne MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rhubarb Leaf ... The champion image by Cliff Boddy<br />

Rhubarb leaf awinner<br />

Aphotoofarhubarb leaf took out the<br />

Champion imageatthe Rangiora<br />

Photographic Society’s Macro<br />

competition.<br />

JudgeJoOttey also awarded<br />

RhubarbLeaf by CliffBoddy, Best in C<br />

Grade, and Cgrade Honours.<br />

Results were<br />

Champion: Rhubarb Leaf –Cliff<br />

Boddy.<br />

Best In Grade: AGrade –In the folds of<br />

the leaf–Martin Kirche; BGrade –<br />

GrevilleaFlower –JennyLeadbetter;<br />

CGrade –Rhubarb Leaf–Cliff Boddy.<br />

Honours –AGrade:Oriental Poppy –<br />

Jan Driscoll; Asian PaperWasp –<br />

Cathy Price; Tulip–Karina<br />

Templeton; In the folds of the leaf –<br />

Martin Kircher;After the Shower–<br />

Sarah Perrins; Peach tree dew –Sarah<br />

Perrins;Strawberry Bubbles –Keith<br />

Sycamore; Moth Orchid–Colleen<br />

Linnell; AmmoniteFossil –Robyn<br />

Carter.<br />

Honours BGrade: GrevilleaFlower–<br />

Jenny Leadbetter.<br />

Honours CGrade: Rhubarb Leaf–Cliff<br />

Boddy; All screwed up –Cliff Boddy.<br />

Stormwater milestone<br />

Amajormilestonehas beencompleted in<br />

Kaiapoi’s stormwaterimprovements<br />

Work has now finished on anew<br />

pumping station on Otaki Street,signalling<br />

the completion of amajor portion of the<br />

stormwater and flooding improvements<br />

‘‘Shovel Ready’’ projectinKaiapoi.<br />

In 2020, the Waimakariri District<br />

Council secured $9 million ‘Shovel Ready’<br />

funding from the Governmenttoupgrade<br />

and increase the stormwater network<br />

across Kaiapoi and reduce the likelihood<br />

of flooding in bigstorm events.<br />

Utilities and roading general manager<br />

Gerard Cleary says the Otaki Street<br />

pumping station is the first to become<br />

operational fromthe programme of works<br />

constructing pumping stations and other<br />

infrastructure across multiple locations in<br />

the township.<br />

‘‘After amassive effort from our<br />

contractorstodeliver these works,Iam<br />

delightedour Kaiapoi residentswill now<br />

be ablesleepbetterwhen theyhear the<br />

soundofrain on their rooftops.’’<br />

Over the past nine monthsthere has<br />

been alarge amountofdisruption to the<br />

neighbourhood,where multiple<br />

contractors have beenworking at thesame<br />

time to deliver theworks as quicklyas<br />

possible. Mr Clearysays residents will be<br />

pleased to see the backofthe diggers,but<br />

relieved to know theyare better protected<br />

from major floods.<br />

‘‘We’d like to extend our appreciation to<br />

the residents for putting up with the<br />

disruption during constructionaswell as<br />

our own team for the successful delivery of<br />

the project.’’<br />

Kaiapoi has experienced significant<br />

rain events over the years and even more<br />

so in recent times.<br />

This major stormwater upgrade on Otaki<br />

Street and adjoining streets, between<br />

OhokaRoad and KaiapoiRiver,will<br />

provide an integrated, future­proofed<br />

stormwater system.<br />

It recogniseschangedgroundwater<br />

levels post­earthquake, integrates withthe<br />

existing network, and allows for predicted<br />

changes to sea level, groundwater level<br />

and rainfall due to climate change.<br />

Miscellaneous art is back<br />

After the success of Miscellaneous ­AnArt<br />

Exhibition, in 2020, and “Miscellaneous 2.0<br />

­Another Art Exhibition” in 2021, Mandy<br />

Palmerand NikkiParker are back for<br />

“Miscellaneous 3.0 –Yet another art<br />

exhibition”.<br />

This time they have invited three other<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> artiststojoin them, Glentuibased<br />

artist Nigel Wilson (Red Lion<br />

Workshop), and Christchurch­based artists<br />

Seonaid Burnie (The Clothworks) and<br />

DuncanNash (TincanStudio).<br />

Each artist brings theirown distinctive<br />

and often eclecticart forms to the show.<br />

From Mandy’sdetailed, figurative<br />

artworks in avariety of mediums, to<br />

Nikki’s distinctive, quirkyillustrations,<br />

Nigel’s sculpturalartworks created from<br />

wood and steel,Seonaid’stextile creations<br />

using pre­loved and eco­dyed fabrics and<br />

Duncan’s bright, colourful artworks made<br />

from tin cans and other up­cycled<br />

materials.<br />

The exhibition at The Mill, at 1473 Main<br />

<strong>North</strong> Road, Waikuku, closes on<br />


Major creation ... Joss Korkie (front), and Hayley Robson, at work on their winning<br />

projects.<br />


Astory told in paint<br />


Joss Korkie (12), of Woodend School, will<br />

be spending every spare moment she has<br />

painting amural on the wall of the<br />

public toilet block outside her school<br />

over the next four weeks .<br />

Joss’s design was one of the top <strong>10</strong><br />

winning entries in the annual Keep New<br />

Zealand Beautiful and Resene Wall<br />

Worthy competition.<br />

Entrants in the nation­wide<br />

competition offered up designs and<br />

plans to paint amural on adeserving site<br />

in their local community.<br />

They had to create amural which<br />

either celebrates alocal hero, tells a<br />

story about their area or communicates<br />

Do Good<br />

Rangiora<br />

anature or conservation theme.<br />

Joss’s winning design reflects the<br />

essential elements she believes<br />

represents her school. It has the central<br />

tree which is the main part of the<br />

school’s logo and encompasses the<br />

values.<br />

Included in the final design will be the<br />

Whare Manu birds: Kereru, Tui, Weka,<br />

Kotare, Tauhou, and Korimako, which<br />

represent the school’s family groups.<br />

But Joss will not be alone on the wall<br />

because classmate and fellow<br />

competition winner Hayley Robson (13)<br />

will also be adorning the walls with her<br />

winning design from the Lead with<br />

Compassion Lions Club art project<br />

showcasing aheaven and heart design.<br />

Let’s alldoour<br />

partinsupporting<br />

local<br />

Rangiora<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> 17<br />

No fluoridation plans in NC<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s three councilshave<br />

no planstointroduce fluoride into<br />

drinkingsupplies.<br />

The issue of fluoridation has been<br />

hotting up around the country since the<br />

passing of the Health (Fluoridationof<br />

DrinkingWater) Act 2021.<br />

It gives the DirectorGeneral of Health<br />

powertodirectcouncils to fluoridate<br />

drinkingwatersupplies, but no directive<br />

has been issuedtothe Kaikōura, Hurunui<br />

or Waimakariri councils.<br />

All three councils said it was unlikely<br />

any fluoridation will be introduced before<br />

July 2024, when it is proposed the new<br />

ThreeWaters entities wouldbecome<br />

operative.<br />

Former Director General of Health,Dr<br />

Ashley Bloomfield, wrote to councils in<br />

Decemberlast yeartoconfirm<br />

fluoridation of supplies serving morethan<br />

500 peoplewould be required underthe<br />

Act. Information on the costs and<br />

timeframes for introducingfluoridation<br />

was requestedand directives were<br />

subsequently issued to several councils.<br />

But no directives have been received by<br />

the three <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> councils to<br />

date.<br />

AKaikōura District Council<br />

spokesperson saidfluoridation would<br />

only apply to the urban supply, as the<br />

otherschemes served lessthan250 people<br />

each.<br />

‘‘Thecouncildoes not have any<br />

provisionfor capitaloroperational costs<br />

of fluoridation in our current longterm or<br />

annual plans.’’<br />

Hurunui District Councilchief<br />

executive HamishDobbiesaid the council<br />

had not discussed the issue nor formed‘‘a<br />

view’’ on fluoridation.<br />

‘‘If officers wereasked, we would put<br />

together apaper to discuss thepros and<br />

cons.‘It (fluoridation) has been avery<br />

difficult issue for local government in the<br />

past.’’<br />

Mayor Marie Black feared fluoridation<br />

could become yet another ‘‘unfunded<br />

mandate’’, with central government<br />

‘‘imposingits will’’ and leaving ratepayers<br />

to bear the cost.<br />

AWaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

spokespersonsaid there wasnodesireto<br />

introducefluoridation into Waimakariri’s<br />

water supplies. ‘‘We have not received any<br />

suchdirective, and don’t knowiforwhen<br />

the next batch of councils willbe<br />

instructedtoinstallfluoridation<br />

equipment.’’<br />


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Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

CALL ARTHUR 027 2451601<br />

arthur@robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />

www.robertsonbuilding.co.nz<br />





Broughttoyou by:<br />

1637376<br />

202<strong>10</strong>55<br />

Manycongratulations to all our prizewinners of theOctober<br />

‘Do Good Rangiora’ draw. The next draw will take place on<br />

20 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Gifting Partners forOctober <strong>2022</strong>: F45 Rangiora, I’Adore, <strong>10</strong>0% Nicol’s<br />

Appliances Rangiora, SubwayRangiora, CoffeeWorx Rangiora,<br />

CouplandsBakery,Rangiora RSAClub andSpitfireRestaurant, New<br />

World Rangiora, Sushi Ya Rangiora, Town Hall CInemas, CoffeeCulture<br />

Rangiora.<br />

If youwould liketobecome aParticipating Businesses or Gifting Partner,<br />

please contact KarenDugdale,Business Relationship Manager on<br />

027318 1161 or email contactrangiora@gmail.com.<br />

Sponsored By:<br />


1stPrize ($500 value): Ross Lamont-Bennet – F45Rangiora1xMonth Membership,Sunbeam<br />

Kettle &ToasterSet Donated by <strong>10</strong>0% Nicol’sAppliances Rangiora,SubwayRangioraPlatter,<br />

CoffeeWorxRangiora Voucher.<br />

2nd Prize($300value): Rex&Lyn Lamport-F45 Rangiora2xWeeksMembership,I’Adore<br />

Homewaresand GiftsVoucher, Couplands Bakery RangioraVoucher,Rangiora RSACluband<br />

SpitfireRestaurantVoucher.<br />

3rdPrize ($150value):Gabi Loudermilk - Town Hall Cinemas; 2x Adult Tickets and 2x Cinema<br />

Food Vouchers, RangioraRSA Club and SpitfireRestaurantVoucher,New World Rangiora<br />

Voucher. I’AdoreHomewaresand Gifts Voucher.<br />

4thPrize($50 value): KayPearce-Rangiora RSAClub and SpitfireRestaurant Voucher, Sushi<br />

Ya RangioraVoucher, CoffeeCultureRangiora Voucher.<br />

Rangiora<br />



<strong>10</strong>4.9 Waimakariri<br />

<strong>10</strong>3.7 Hurunui<br />

Proudly supporting the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Community<br />

Property Management

2007 Toyota Vitz<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, Keyless<br />

•Climate Air, 7-Airbags<br />

$<br />

6,995<br />

2019 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, NZ New<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•SafetySense, Only 18,000kms<br />

WAS$20,995<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

20<strong>10</strong> Toyota Prius<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, 4.2L/<strong>10</strong>0km<br />

•Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 75,300kms<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, ClimateAir<br />

•3.8L/<strong>10</strong>0km, Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2017 Toyota Vitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolHybridAuto<br />

•5-Door,ClimateAir,Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 48,600kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2018 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto, NZ New<br />

•Camera,SafetySense,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 16,600kms<br />

WAS$19,995<br />

$<br />

17,995<br />

2020 Toyota RaizeZ<br />

•1.0LTurboPetrolAuto, 2WD<br />

•360Camera,Satnav<br />

•5.4L/<strong>10</strong>0km,Only 41,400kms<br />

2013Commodore SV6<br />

Z-Series<br />

•3.6L Petrol Auto,Alloys<br />

•Camera, ½Leather<br />

•Only 65,350kms<br />

$<br />

29,995 $<br />

19,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•Camera, NZ New, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 59,500kms.<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybridAuto<br />

•NZNew,Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 25,400kms<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2019 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol, ClothInterior<br />

•Camera, Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 2,750kms<br />

2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•71,730km<br />

$<br />

37,995 $<br />

15,995<br />

2018 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Keyless,Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />

•<strong>10</strong>7,800kms<br />

$<br />

27,995<br />

2016 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto, Camera<br />

•Keyless, 5-Star Safety<br />

•91,900kms<br />

$<br />

28,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GX 2WD<br />

•2.0L Petrol Auto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Camera<br />

•SafetySense,Only15,550kms<br />

2016 HighlanderGXL<br />

•3.5LPetrolAuto, Leather 7-Seater<br />

•Camera, Roof Rack,Towbar<br />

•Only 72,500kms<br />

2014 Toyota Highlander GX<br />

•3.5LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />

•Camera, Cruise Control<br />

•Alloys<br />

WAS$29,995 WAS$31,995 WAS$41,995 WAS$29,995<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

$<br />

27,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GX 2.0L 2WD<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav<br />

•Camera, 5-StarSafety, 6.7L/<strong>10</strong>0km<br />

•Only 51,800kms<br />

$<br />

35,995<br />

2017 Toyota Fortuner GXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 4WD<br />

•Satnav,7-Seater, Camera<br />

•Only62,500kms<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

Holden Colorado Trailblazer<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Leather<br />

•7-Seater,Camera<br />

•Only 63,800kms<br />

WAS$41,995<br />

$<br />

36,800<br />

NOW<br />

2021 HiluxSr5 Cruiser2WD<br />

•150Kw 2.8LTurbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Leather,Satnav, Camera<br />

•Only 28,000kms<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

2021 HiluxSR4WD<br />

•150Kw 2.8LTurboDiesel<br />

•Auto, Camera, Last Shape<br />

•Only 21,250kms<br />

$<br />

54,995<br />

2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, Canopy,<br />

•Towbar,Liner<br />

$<br />

37,995<br />

2015Ford RangerXLT<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel Auto, 2WD<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth, Tonneau<br />

•Rear Sensors<br />

$<br />

27,500<br />

2018 LandCruiser PradoVX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather 7-Seater<br />

•Keyless,Satnav,<br />

•360 Camera<br />

WAS$71,995<br />

$ NOW 69,995<br />

2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />

•Leather,Keyless,Camera<br />

•Only 37,150kms<br />

WAS$63,995<br />

$ NOW 59,995<br />

2014 Hilux4WD<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel<br />

•Double Cab-Flatdeck<br />

•BullbarwithSideBars<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Auto<br />

•Camera, Facelift Model, keyless<br />

•Satnav.Only 37,850kms<br />

$<br />

52,995<br />

2021 Daihatsu Hijet<br />

Dump Truck<br />

•650ccPetrolManual, 4WD<br />

•Tipper Deck, DiffLocker, Hi-LoRatio<br />

•Only <strong>10</strong>0kms<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2018 Hilux SR 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 6-Speed Manual<br />

•Tonneau,Camera<br />

•Only61,000kms<br />

$<br />

46,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

2520764<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />


Dining<br />

Escapes<br />

Kaiapoi Club<br />

In search of agood family meal,oraverycapablecateringfacility that canhandleyour<br />

small or largefamilybirthdayorcelebration?Then look at what’s on offer at theKaiapoi<br />

Club.<br />

Caterers Steveand Bevhaveawide varietyofoptions to helpeasethe stressofcateringfor<br />

either asmall or largegroup.<br />

The KaiapoiClub&M.S.A offersthree catering solutions to families, businessesorservice<br />

groups.<br />

Upstairs at theclubthere is theRiverviewHall,averyflexiblespace abletoaccommodate<br />

up to 320 people.<br />

The catering options providedbySteve andBev include either full service or just finger<br />

food,withmanyother options for clients to choose from.<br />

Stevesaysit’sverypopular forhosting weddings, balls, conferences, group meetings or<br />

workshops.<br />

Next door is theRiverviewRestaurant,capableofseating around 90 people.<br />

The RiverviewRestaurant is adedicated pre-bookedvenue forthose seekingasuitable<br />

venuefor their function or celebrationand is perfectfor service andcommunity groups<br />

holdingmonthly meetings or businesseswanting to host clients or conductworkshops.<br />

“Onspecific nightswestill hold dinnersthere in theevenings whichare advertised,<br />

but lately is has become very popularwithfamilies andgroupswanting to host private<br />

functions,”Steve said.<br />

He addsthe RiverviewRestaurant has awide varietyofbothset menusorbuffet options<br />

forcustomers to choose from.<br />

Downstairs thereisthe club’s combined Sports andLounge bars with acapacity of 600,<br />

alongwithmore function andmeeting roomsnearby.<br />

The club’s Bistro whichSteve describes as a‘very busy weebistro’ offersavarietyoffamily<br />

mealsthrough thekitchen attached to thebar.<br />

“Althoughthere arespecialsdaily,the food we offer reflectsour desiretoproduce an<br />

affordablefamilymealincomfortable,familiarsurroundings.<br />

“PopularisLambs Fry, an all time favouriteespeciallyamongst ourolder customers, with<br />

many otheroptions availablefrom ourextensive menu.”<br />

He says they canbeverybusyofthe weekends as thelounge offersarelaxingenvironment<br />

to dineinwithfamilyorfriends.<br />

“Our mealsare reasonablypriced, so that people canrelax andenjoy themusic or watch<br />

therugbyonthe largeTV’s.<br />

“Overthe eight yearswehavebeenherewehaveseenthe catering options establish<br />

themselvesasaffordableand family orientatedand yetwecan still service theneedsof<br />

large groups or parties.”<br />

Theycan be fullycatered by Steveand Bev’sverycapablekitchen andwaitstaff, of which<br />

many have been with them formore than 14 years.<br />

The KaiapoiClub&M.S.A arelocated at 113 RavenQuayinKaiapoi andtheir Riverview<br />

Restaurant will be hostingaChristmas buffetonDecember17.<br />

Bookings canbemade at thecluboronlinethrough:Kaiapoiclub.co.nz<br />

2470692v2<br />

2453515v2<br />

TheEntertainment Hubof The<strong>North</strong>!<br />

Wow!<br />

This Food is Amazing!<br />

Delicious Snack Menu, Starters, Kids Meals,<br />

Light Meals, Mains, Extras, Desserts<br />

Come along and enjoy playing Housie, Raffles and Quiz<br />

2453511v4<br />


Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday<br />

12noon –2pm and 4.30pm –7.30pm<br />

Friday &Saturday 12noon –2pm |4pm –8pm<br />

Bistro closed Monday &Tuesday<br />

113 RavenQuay, Kaiapoi |Ph: 03327 7884<br />

www.kaiapoiclub.co.nz |info@kaiapoiclub.co.nz<br />

Open daily 7.30am –4.00pm<br />

Open for evening dining on<br />

Friday and Saturday from 1December<br />

Delicious coffee Scrumptious food<br />

Exceptional service<br />

8Hall Street, Cheviot<br />

www.facebook.com/numbereightcafe<br />

Newly refurbished and restyled, The Amberley Hotel combines its<br />

historywithcurrent day living by providing abroad range of amenities<br />

to the community.<br />

Phone 0800 023 929 |84Carters Road, Amberley<br />

Email: admin@amberleyhotel.co.nz

Your local professionals<br />

Helping to share Christmas conversations<br />

Do you find yourself missing out on<br />

conversation around the table,<br />

struggling to hear those quieter notes,<br />

or finding it difficult to focus on one<br />

voiceinaroom full of people?<br />

If you’ve answered yestoany of<br />

these questions, it is time to givethe<br />

friendly,professional team at Vera<br />

Setz Hearing acall.<br />

Now open for hearing assessments,<br />

the experienced professionals are<br />

ready to make sure you don’t missout<br />

on all those importantconversations<br />

with family and friends at Christmas.<br />

Vera Setz Hearing can provide free<br />

hearing checks, diagnostic hearing<br />

tests,ear hygiene services, tinnitus<br />

assessments, hearing aidadvice and<br />

fittings,aswell as custom ear plugs for<br />

hearing protection.<br />

Vera has aMasters degree in<br />

Audiology, and brings more than 20<br />

years of practical knowledge and<br />

experience to the clinic.<br />

Charlotte Watson, Audiologist,<br />

bringsover <strong>10</strong> years experience to the<br />

clinic.<br />

Well versed in paediatric and adult<br />

audiology, Vera has worked<br />

extensively in both private practice<br />

and hospital environments and is<br />

proud to be bringing betterhearing<br />

healthcare to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Vera Setz Hearing has aclinic at 83b<br />

Ivory Street, Rangiora, aregular<br />

clinicatthe AmberleyMedicalCentre,<br />

and visiting clinics at Cheviot and<br />

Hanmer SpringsMedicalCentres.<br />

Aspecialist ear nurse also holds<br />

regularclinics at Amberley,Rangiora<br />

and Kaiapoi.<br />

At your one hour appointment your<br />

audiologistwill review personal<br />

health information with you and ask<br />

you afew questionsabout where you<br />

are experiencing hearing lossor<br />

difficultyinyour day­to­day life.<br />

They will then conducttesting to<br />

discover whether anyhearing loss<br />

exists —the degree to which it does,<br />

what type of hearing loss it is, and<br />

what thebest treatment optionsare to<br />

suit your individual needs.<br />

Hearingloss can be linked to many<br />

health problems, suchasdementia<br />

and cognitive decline, lackofbalance<br />

and possible falls, anxietyand<br />

depression.<br />

Anyone concernedthat achange in<br />

their hearing may be impactingon<br />

their healthshould schedule an<br />

appointment,soasnot to missout on<br />

qualityfamilytime and conversation<br />

this Christmas.<br />

New patients are welcome and a<br />

supportperson is welcome to attend<br />

with you at your appointment.<br />

To make an appointment or find out<br />

more about how Vera Setz canhelp<br />

you, callVera Setz Hearing on 03 423<br />

3158 or visit newzealandhearing.co.<br />

nz/vera­setz­hearing/.<br />

Your LOCAL Glass<br />

Specialists<br />

The team at Vera Setz ... Vera Setz Hearing can help you with all your hearing problems.<br />



Te kāri kōura<br />


Downsizing and don’tknow<br />

where to start? Make The<br />

Wright Move and Call Bev<br />

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andHouse services<br />

• Commissionoptionsavailable<br />

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M 027 434 2486 P 03 3138022 E bev@pb.co.nz<br />

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Experienced<br />

Podiatrist;<br />

2458397<br />

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022 1726 049<br />

www.northcanterburypodiatry.co.nz<br />

2521276v1<br />

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Repairs &Replacement<br />

“We will match or better any<br />

other written quote”<br />

ph: 03 313 5335<br />

www.northcanterburyglass.co.nz<br />

Factory Showroom, <strong>10</strong> Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Charlotte Watson<br />

Audiologust<br />

MNZAS<br />

Vera Setz<br />

Audiologist<br />

MNZAS<br />

Alison Highman<br />

Ear Nurse<br />

RN<br />

We’re your<br />

local hearing and<br />

ear health experts!<br />

Vera Setz:<br />

(03) 423 3158<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Cheviot,<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Ear Care:<br />

020 4124 2525<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />

2453203<br />

Call Prosser Quirke Accountants<br />

Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors<br />

2299722v3<br />

2515008v1<br />


6Blake Street, Rangiora, New Zealand<br />

ph. 03 313 7824<br />

email. team@prosser-quirke.co.nz<br />



Servicing your tilt,<br />

sectional or roller garage<br />

door &opener on a<br />

regular basis will help<br />

ensure asafe, secure &<br />

reliable operation.<br />

We offer awide range of<br />

repair and maintenance<br />

solutions.<br />

Phone 027 207 6128 |033<strong>10</strong> 6577<br />

hamish@abelgaragedoors.co.nz<br />


2430553v1<br />

Your local professionals<br />

Passion for navigating home ownership<br />

Lisa Marshall has joined GraemeSoper at<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>­based Maria Thackwell<br />

MortgageCompanyasaMortgage Adviser.<br />

Lisa is aborn and bred local,growingup<br />

in Amberley and raisingher familyin<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

She is passionate aboutensuringall<br />

Kiwishave the opportunityofhome<br />

ownership, whether it is afirst home,<br />

second or many.<br />

Lisa says having alove for houses,<br />

helping people and crunching the<br />

numbers, means as aMortgageAdviser<br />

she can help people navigate their home<br />

buying journey.<br />

She has over 20 years industry<br />

knowledge and experience, and willhelp<br />

simplify the homebuying process and<br />

assist you to be in an optimal positionfor<br />

today's lending climatetoachievethe best<br />

possible outcome.<br />

Lisa holdsthe relevant qualifications —<br />

Level5New ZealandCertificatein<br />

Financial Services (Residential Lending)<br />

—which allows her to giveadvice on all<br />

typesofresidentiallending.<br />

Both Lisaand Graeme knowpeople<br />

have busy lives and therefore provide<br />

flexibility with their appointments —<br />

arranging times and placestomeet that<br />

work best for their clients.<br />

If you are not sureifyou are in a<br />

position to purchase ahome, Lisa and<br />

Graeme encourage you to get in touch.<br />

‘‘We willwork with you and if you are<br />

not quite readytopurchase, we will<br />

Fast, Friendly, and Affordable pest<br />

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away from<br />

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for the<br />

feeling<br />

Physicaland Mental Health<br />

•Customised<br />

Programmes<br />

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<strong>10</strong>1 WilliamsSt<br />

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2456952v4<br />

prepare you to get there.<br />

‘‘The best timetopurchase ahome is<br />

anytime you can get afoot in the door, and<br />

on to the property ladder,’’Lisa says.<br />

Policiesare constantlychanging, and<br />

Lisasays opportunities can be lost.<br />

‘‘HavingaMortgageAdviser on your<br />

sidewill helpyou securethe best result<br />

across the lendersthat's suited to your<br />

situation.<br />

‘‘Weare heretohelp you for the long<br />

term, through life changes, top ups for<br />

cars, renovations, making your home<br />

warmer, holidays, biggerhomes,new<br />

homes, investment properties and lending<br />

advice or whatever you may need.<br />

‘‘Between us we have the knowledge,<br />

experienceand expertise. We stay up to<br />

datewith market and property changes to<br />

helpwith most situations,’’ Lisa says.<br />

Graeme is an expert on the economics,<br />

keeping an eye on what's happening both<br />

globally and nationally.<br />

‘‘We work withmost of the mainbanks,<br />

andother lenders that can help with your<br />

scenarios, that don't tick all the boxes with<br />

themain banks.Inmost situations there is<br />

no cost to you, as thelender pays us when<br />

your loan is in place.’’<br />

Lisa saysthey will adviseyou if you have<br />

specialcircumstances that would involve<br />

afee priortoproceeding with an<br />

application.<br />

Lisa and Graeme urge peopleto‘‘invest<br />

in yourdreams. Secure your ownslice of<br />

Kiwi paradise. Get in touch’’!<br />

Your local<br />

professionals<br />

251<strong>10</strong>11v1<br />

Advertise here to<br />

reach an audited<br />

54,000readers<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

best read publication.<br />

To findout more,please<br />

email info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Graeme<br />

&Lisa<br />

your local<br />

Mortgage Advisers<br />

Team <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> ... Graeme Soper (left), has been joined by Lisa Marshall at <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>­based Maria Thackwell Mortgage Company.<br />


PH: 0800 888 485<br />

office@mariathackwell.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/abacusheatpumpcleaning<br />

027 496 8192<br />

johnawright@xtra.co.nz<br />





Accounting Services Business Support<br />

Xero Training and Conversion<br />


2A Pound Street, Amberley<br />

Phone 03 314 8717<br />

Amberley hours: Wednesdays only<br />

9.00am –12.00pm and 1.00pm -2.30pm<br />

Email rachel@liddellcrook.nz<br />


62 Langdons Road, Papanui, Christchurch<br />

Phone 03 352 <strong>10</strong>76<br />

www.liddellcrook.nz<br />

251<strong>10</strong>19v1<br />


CVI PartnersMortgage Income Fund<br />

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To enquireabout investing, call or email<br />

IrinaSharipovaon0800797 799 or<br />

investors@chancevoight.com<br />

InvestmentintheCVI PartnersMortgage Income Fund is only suitable<br />

forwholesaleinvestors as defined in theFinancial Markets ConductAct 2013.<br />

*Fulldetails on thereturns,risk andassumptionsfor this investment are<br />

availablefromthe Information Memorandum.<br />





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ChanceVoight Investment Corporation Limited -Working to buildaNew Zealand based,New Zealand owned, equities investment business of global reachand scale.

Resealing planned on SH1<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />

Workwill startnext week on ascheduled<br />

resealofSH1 in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

betweenthe Cam River bridge andthe<br />

SH71(Lineside Rd) overbridge..<br />

WakaKotahi NZ TransportAgency says<br />

the resealwith chip,isaimed at boosting<br />

safety andresilienceofthe 2.4km section<br />

of highway,giving better traction for<br />

vehicles and amorewaterproof and hardwearing<br />

surface.<br />

The workisplanned as follows,weather<br />

permitting:<br />

From Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 16, 8pm­<br />

6am (forupto3nights):median barrier<br />

posts and wire removed<br />

Theweekends of 19/20 and26/27<br />

<strong>November</strong>, daytime: sealing, withadetour<br />

for southbound traffic betweenWilliams<br />

St andSH71 (Lineside Rd) viaWilliams St<br />

and SmithSt<br />

Saturday, <strong>November</strong>19, 7am­<strong>10</strong>am:<br />

sealing under SH71overbridge,with a<br />

detour for northbound traffic between<br />

SH71(Lineside Rd) andWilliams St via<br />

Smith St and Williams St.<br />

From Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 30, 8pm­<br />

6am (forupto3nights):median barrier<br />

postand wire reinstated<br />

James Caygill,WakaKotahiDirector of<br />

RegionalRelationships, says themedian<br />

barrierpostsand high­tensionwiresare<br />

designed to be removed,toallow for road<br />

maintenance,and to repairbarrierstrikes.<br />

‘‘Byremoving the posts we can sealthe<br />

fullwidthofthe road, creatingahigher<br />

quality andmore durable finish that will<br />

withstand highwaytraffic forthe next<strong>10</strong><br />

years plus.<br />

‘‘The ‘first coat’ seal, whichwas applied<br />

to widen the road last summer,has had<br />

timetocure. Nowthatwe’reinto warmer<br />

weather, we’re able to return to siteand<br />

apply the secondcoatwhichgivesathick,<br />

durableand waterproof layer.’’<br />

The chip sealwill take timetobed in so<br />

people need to be mindfulofloosestones,<br />

Reseal ... Road works are planned for SH1<br />

between Cam River and Lineside Road.<br />

and increase traveldistancesbetween<br />

vehicles, and drive to temporary speed<br />

limitsand conditionstoprotect<br />

themselvesand others on theroad,’’ Mr<br />

Caygill says.<br />

Traffic management will be in place<br />

including temporary speed limits,lane<br />

shiftsand stop/go traffic direction at times,<br />

withconespositioned alongthe median<br />

for the duration of work.<br />

‘‘Withmoretraffic than usual along<br />

Williams St andSmithStatthe weekends,<br />

it’simportant that drivers be alertto<br />

people out andabout on local roads and<br />

stick to the speed limit,hesays.<br />

Sealing work is weatherand<br />

temperature dependent so people are<br />

urged to lookout forsignsaboutchangesto<br />

traffic management.<br />

The new sealwill haveseveralmonths to<br />

fully ‘bedin’ before the contractor,HEB<br />

Construction, returns to complete thefinal<br />

step(applyinghigh­performanceline<br />

markings and ‘rumblestrips’) in February/<br />

March 2023.<br />

For more information go to<br />

safetynorthcanterbury@nzta.govt.nz.<br />

Historical Lyndon<br />

Homestead Opening<br />

Building on the previous successes of<br />

the Lyndon Homestead open days, the<br />

Amuri Historical Society, along with<br />

Jude Flintoftand Steve Smith, welcome<br />

you to experiencethe restoration of this<br />

historic homestead.<br />

The open day is on Sunday, December<br />

4, at 31 Lyndon Road, from<strong>10</strong>.30am to<br />

2.30pm.<br />

Refreshments are includedinthe<br />

entrance price of $15 (cash only).<br />

The AmuriHistorical Society Museum<br />

on the WaiauVillage Greenwill also be<br />

open from 1pm to 3pm.<br />

Anyqueries phone Don Galletly, 027<br />

244 5150.<br />

Christmas euchre<br />

The Oxford Volunteer FireBrigade’s<br />

annual fundraising Christmas euchre<br />

evening will be held at the Oxford<br />

Working Men’s ClubonThursday,<br />

December1,at7.30pm. There will be<br />

good prizes and supper will be provided.<br />

Rga Early RecordsSociety<br />

Occasionally history brings to light<br />

inexplicable links that can bring the<br />

intangible past to life.<br />

Alate 1920s Philips radio recently<br />

donated to the Rangiora Museum has<br />

sparked discussions and research that<br />

have uncovered an unlikely association<br />

between seemingly unrelatedpeople,<br />

and brings colour to apiece of World<br />

War 2history.Ifyou want to know how<br />

an entrepreneurial electronics firm, a<br />

New Zealand Bomber pilot, and aDutch<br />

family are connected, join us at the<br />

Rangiora Museum,Good Street,<br />

Thursday, <strong>November</strong> 24, at 7.30pm. A<br />

donation from nonmembers atthe door<br />

would be appreciated.<br />

Community dinner<br />

Inspire Church,supported by the<br />

Amberley Lions and the Hurunui<br />

DistrictCouncil,invitespeople to the<br />

Hurunui Community Christmas Dinner<br />

at the Amberley Domain,Douglas Road,<br />

on Sunday, December18, 11.30amto<br />

2.30pm. Anyone wanting to attend<br />

should text 027­2<strong>10</strong>2917 or phone (03)<br />

3148123 for catering purposes.<br />

Transport is available on request. $5<br />

an adult, $<strong>10</strong> afamily.<br />

Soroptimist Christmas<br />

Tree Festival<br />

There is stilltimetodecorate or sponsor<br />

atreefor this year's <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Soroptimist’s Christmas TreeFestival.<br />

The annual festival willbe held atthe<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council’sRangiora<br />

service centre from December 5to16. It<br />

opensdaily from9amuntil4.30pm,<br />

including the day of the Rangiora Santa<br />

Parade.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Soroptimist is<br />

calling for businesses or organisations to<br />

sponsor trees foracommunitygroup or<br />

school, or decoratetheir own. Plunket<br />

hasbeen nominated as the recipient of<br />

money raised for<strong>2022</strong>,tohelp facilitate<br />

ParentGroups in the local area.<br />

For further information or registration<br />

forms,contact Mary Harris on 021­329060<br />

or email soroptimistxmastrees@gmail.<br />

com.<br />



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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Wired to help change the face of dairying<br />


Our cowsare wired—with collars,halters,<br />

Wi­Fiand virtual fences.<br />

It’s all part of the rapidly evolving world<br />

of wireless technology helping to change<br />

the faceofdairyfarming. <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>dairy and arable farmer<br />

Cameron Henderson believes his recent<br />

switch to collars for his dairy herds was<br />

the right choice.<br />

Basedathis 221ha Summit farm near<br />

Oxford running 730 cows, Cameron says<br />

the technologyused within the collarshas<br />

positive benefits for farmers.<br />

‘‘It's been aroundfor many years<br />

overseas,and manydairyoperations here<br />

now use some formofittoday.<br />

‘‘Overseas, they use it as aprecisetool to<br />

monitor their cows which are kept indoor,<br />

but here, it is proving agame changer with<br />

our dairyherds.’’<br />

The collarsare boughtaspart of afarmwide<br />

package of animalhealth,well­being<br />

and herd monitoring.<br />

‘‘Youbuy them and all the hardware<br />

and pay once for the service.<br />

‘‘Thecollars have alife of betweenfive<br />

to seven years, depending on the batteries<br />

built into them.<br />

‘‘Most come equipped with apedometer<br />

to measurewhat activity the cows are<br />

doingeach day. Theyalso have a<br />

rumination monitor, sitting next to the<br />

animals neck to measurehow much the<br />

cow is chewing or ruminatingits feed.<br />

‘‘It tracks when the cows are eating, how<br />

far theywalk andseveralother factors.<br />

‘‘From that, we can determineifthere<br />

are any issueswith individualanimals,<br />

whether we need to step in to helpor<br />

administer care.’’<br />

The data compiled is thencaptured via<br />

Wi­Fiinto the central processing system<br />

wheneverthe cowscome within one<br />

kilometreofthe milkingshed, where<br />

sophisticated ArtificialIntelligence (AI)<br />

Wired cows ... Dairy cows at Summit Farm wear their Wi­Fi collars.<br />

programmes sortall the information out.<br />

Cameronsays thepatterns created help<br />

determinewhat issues the cow may be<br />

experiencing, the rumination rate, how<br />

theyare cycling, or breeding.<br />

‘‘Ifthe animal stays too longinone place<br />

or has no activity for aset period, its collar<br />

detects somethingiswrongand the system<br />

thenalerts us via text messages.<br />

Whenthe herd comes in to be milked,<br />

the AI in the system, reading the data from<br />

the collars,guides those cows with<br />

suspected issuesinto separate yards.<br />

‘‘When we get there, the cows are<br />

already sorted, and we know which ones<br />

need acloser look at.’’<br />


Cameron says the collars are the third<br />

set of eyes looking overthe cows.<br />

‘‘Experienced dairyfarmers now don’t<br />

have to spend hourseach day just looking<br />

over their herds trying to spot any issues<br />

that might be visible.’’<br />

It all works towards better herd control<br />

and ultimately aids the cow's health.<br />

‘‘Thedata we get can track thecow's<br />

progressbefore and after mating,interact<br />

with the bull's collars,show us whenthey<br />

are cyclingornot and stopfalse positives,<br />

whichmeans huge timesavingsand<br />

greater accuracy for farmers,’’ Cameron<br />

says.<br />

The real benefit to farmers is more<br />

25<br />

accurate knowledge of the individual<br />

animal’s health,allowing faster<br />

intervention.<br />

‘‘The collars arethe most popular at<br />

presentand the cost benefits are very real<br />

in terms of labour savings, animalhealth<br />

and calfrates,’’ he says.<br />

Halters are more expensive and are<br />

issued on asubscriptionbasis withyearly<br />

fees. Theyare packedfull of technology<br />

withmany having the new virtual fencing<br />

GPS­enabled systemsbuilt into them.<br />

Becauseofthe increased electronics, most<br />

are solarpowered from theirlocation<br />

mounted higher on the neck of the cow.<br />

The new buzzwordisVirtual Fencing,<br />

and Cameron believes this technology,<br />

which originated in Israel, can workfor<br />

dairy, sheep and beef farmers.<br />

‘‘Imagine drawing aline on ascreen,it<br />

tells the halters where an animal can and<br />

cannot go using sound and vibration.’’<br />

He says thisway, afarmer can create<br />

grazing zones thatare environmentally<br />

sound, away from waterways,crops of<br />

importance or hazards, allwithouthaving<br />

to physically drive out and move electric<br />

fencesinall weathers, or build expensive<br />

fence lines.<br />

‘‘Wecan trainthe cows to respond to<br />

different vibrations or sounds—to come<br />

for milking or stayaway from the edgesof<br />

the virtual fence.’’<br />

Cameronsays thedrive now is to<br />

integratethe various animalmanagement<br />

systems and Apps he and all other dairy<br />

farmers areusing, into one common<br />

platform,easing the cost of the systems to<br />

users.<br />

He says all the informationgathered<br />

fromthe collars and halters is stored on<br />

the cloud and is available to vets, farmers,<br />

academics andsoftware developers.<br />

‘‘There is agreaterwillingness to share<br />

datahere because we knowweall benefit<br />

fromits continued development and<br />

interpretation,’’ he said.<br />

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26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

New shearing comp to launch at NZ show<br />

Competitive shearing is about to be<br />

boosted with the launch of anew<br />

competition, TheSouthern Series.<br />

The series starts on Friday,<strong>November</strong><br />

11, at the New Zealand Agricultural Show<br />

in Christchurch.<br />

The SouthernSerieswill ‘‘takethe<br />

extreme sport of sheep­shearing to a<br />

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global audience’’, increasing prize­money<br />

and helping to promote wool as a<br />

sustainable, naturalfibre, The Southern<br />

Series EventManager HughdeLacy snr,<br />

of Rangiora, says.<br />

‘‘Not onlywill competitive shearers<br />

benefit financially from hugelyincreased<br />

recognition as supreme athletes,but the<br />

global exposure will highlight the<br />

relevanceofwool in the battleagainst<br />

climatechange,byreducing or<br />

eliminating the immense damage doneto<br />

the environment by oil­derived fibres,’’de<br />

Lacysays.<br />

Overthe next two years, The Southern<br />

Series will be expandedfirstinto atour of<br />

New Zealand competitions, and then into<br />

aglobal tour takinginshows in Europe,<br />

<strong>North</strong> America and Australasia, beamed<br />

out live on television to potentially<br />

millions of viewers world­wide.<br />

‘‘Ittakes agood <strong>10</strong> years of year­round<br />

workfor ashearer to rise fromlearnerto<br />

the point where they’re competitiveatthe<br />

highestlevel –and there are no shortcuts,’’<br />

de Lacysays.<br />

‘‘The physical exertion in shearing has<br />

beenmeasured at the equivalent of<br />

running at 7km an hour, and shearers do it<br />

for eight or nine hoursaday for as many<br />

daysinarow as there are dry sheep to<br />

shear.’’<br />

All this effort is condensed into 20<br />

thrillingminutes of ashearing<br />

competition finalwhere the raceisonto<br />

minimise the stress to the sheep by<br />

relievingitofits fleece,inthe shortest<br />

possible time,with the least discomfort for<br />

the sheep.<br />

No othersport demands suchextreme<br />

training, and shearers are usually in their<br />

early­to­mid thirties beforethey begin<br />

making it into the six­man finals.<br />

Top shearers were relishing the<br />

opportunity to test their skills on The<br />

SouthernSeries platform, de Lacy says.<br />

Angus Moore, winner of lastyear’s New<br />

Shearing action ... Troy Pyper, of Waikari,<br />

competes during the New Zealand<br />

Corriedale Shearing Championships at<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Agricultural Park in <strong>November</strong><br />

last year.<br />


Zealand CorriedaleChampionshipsatthe<br />

New Zealand Agricultural Show, said<br />

shearing and woolhandling in general was<br />

becoming more professional in all sorts of<br />

ways.<br />

The bestofthem worked around New<br />

Zealand, and aroundthe world, so an<br />

event like The SouthernSerieswas<br />

another way of recognising ajob well<br />

done.<br />

The series wouldhelp to makeitmore<br />

financially viable to compete at the<br />

highest level.<br />

Even asenior­gradecompetitive<br />

shearer could be making between$700 to<br />

$<strong>10</strong>00 aday in commercial shearing ‘‘and<br />

theytake aday off to go to ashearingshow<br />

and it can hit them in the pocket,<br />

especially as only one guy can comefirst<br />

and that’s where the prizemoney is at’’.<br />

Still, Moore loves the thrill of<br />

performing.<br />

‘‘Gettingthat first­placed ribbonis<br />

pretty cool,’’ he says.<br />

Scotsman Gavin Mutch, winnerofthe<br />

recent Waimate Spring Shears, is equally<br />

passionate.<br />

‘‘Competitions, that’s my hobby,my<br />

sport and Ijust compete because Ilove it,’’<br />

he says.<br />

He’slooking forward to shearing<br />

Corriedales at the New Zealand<br />

Agricultural Show.<br />

‘‘It’s agood eventthere,mentally it’s<br />

verytough withthe finerwool. I’m from<br />

Scotland so it’scoarse wool thatIgrew up<br />

with, so for me to shear fine woolsheepis<br />

out of my comfort zone alittle bit.<br />

‘‘But Ienjoy rising to the challenge too –<br />

it’sanational titlesoit’s kinda one that<br />

you strivefor as well.’’<br />

The SouthernSeries is aconcept three<br />

decades in the making;anevolution of an<br />

ideaofPio Pio’s JohnFaganMBE –older<br />

brother of shearing’sgreatest of all time,<br />

Sir David Fagan.<br />

JohnFagan, himself achampioninhis<br />

time, inspired the drive towards making<br />

shearing atruly professional sport by<br />

founding Shearing Sports New Zealand,<br />

the officiallyrecognised administrative<br />

and rule­setting body, and seeing that<br />

template adopted by shearing competition<br />

organisersaround theworld.<br />

He is also the founder of the New<br />

Zealand Shearing Championships held<br />

annually in Te Kuiti, the central <strong>North</strong><br />

Island town he dubbed the Shearing<br />

Capitalofthe World.<br />

Now,with intense globaldemand from<br />

global televisionnetworks for new and<br />

exciting spectator sports, Fagan’sdream is<br />

at last on the road to realisation.<br />

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750<br />

BUSTER<br />

370726<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

$<br />

388<br />

BUSTER<br />

354125<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

$<br />

599<br />

BUSTER<br />

356132<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

$<br />

495<br />

BUSTER<br />

352209<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

Freestanding<br />

Oven<br />

4Functions<br />

4Gas Burners<br />

Knob Controller<br />

56 l<br />

50cm<br />

WIDE<br />

Freestanding<br />

Oven<br />

4Functions<br />

4Hotplates<br />

Black<br />

Knob Controller<br />

56 l<br />

50cm<br />

WIDE<br />

Washing<br />

Machine<br />

Front Loader<br />

Max. <strong>10</strong>00rpm<br />

5kg<br />

Slim Depth400mm<br />

15/45mins DelayStart<br />

595 mm<br />

WIDE<br />

TopLoader<br />

Washing Machine<br />

Quick Wash<br />

5Programs<br />

Drum Clean<br />

Auto BalanceSystem<br />

6kg<br />

520 mm<br />

WIDE<br />

$<br />

450<br />

BUSTER<br />

3<strong>10</strong>115<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

$<br />

399<br />

BUSTER<br />

3<strong>10</strong>111<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

$<br />

385<br />

BUSTER<br />

360451<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

$<br />

289<br />

BUSTER<br />

360161<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

Cleo II<br />

Freestanding Bath<br />

Vita Toilet Suite<br />

6Bar Heated<br />

Towel Rail<br />

ZahaBasin Mixer<br />

Linear PullOut<br />

Sink Mixer<br />

VesselBasin<br />

1700mm<br />

WIDE<br />

520 mm<br />

WIDE<br />

394 mm<br />

ROUND<br />

$<br />

949<br />


2717<strong>10</strong><br />

5YearWarranty<br />

$<br />

329<br />


230152<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

$<br />

319<br />


255654<br />

3Year Warranty<br />

$<br />

85<br />


241732<br />

<strong>10</strong> Year Warranty<br />

Prices locked until end ofFEB 2023<br />

$<br />

185<br />


242341<br />

<strong>10</strong> Year Warranty<br />

$<br />

159<br />


215409<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

Induction Cooktop<br />

QuartzSink Insert<br />

Canopy Rangehood<br />

400m3/h<br />

LED Downlight<br />

6 Pack - Dimmable<br />

Heat Pump Water Heaters<br />

ChestFridge/Freezer<br />

Convertible<br />

$<br />

399<br />


320251<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

60cm<br />

WIDE<br />

$<br />

279<br />


565781<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

$<br />

159<br />


60cm<br />

WIDE<br />

330160<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

8W<br />

$<br />

99<br />


6<strong>10</strong>256<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

90mm<br />

ROUND<br />

1 kW<br />

TOTAL<br />

ENERGY<br />

IN<br />

$<br />

2799<br />


786190<br />

5YearWarranty<br />

170 l<br />

4 kW<br />

TOTAL<br />


ENERGY<br />

OUT<br />

198 l<br />

$<br />

599<br />


351201<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

945mm<br />

WIDE<br />

PricesGuaranteed as of 13/11/22. Subject to change.<br />


CAN-N 34

NEWS<br />

28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Ground breaking development under way<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Rangiora’s newestand largest housing<br />

development expects to have itsfirst<br />

residents movinginbyChristmas 2023.<br />

While site development is under way,<br />

MikeGreerHomes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

director Mike Flutey saysworktobuild the<br />

new homesinthe Bellgrove sub­division<br />

willget under waybythe middle of next<br />

year.<br />

Sectionsinstage oneare alreadyonthe<br />

market, with 60 percent of thenearly 200<br />

sectionsalready sold. Awiderange of<br />

house andland packages will be offered<br />

fromtwo­storey townhouses to high<br />

density and medium density housingand<br />

large sections.<br />

‘‘Wewillhaveoptionsfor firsthome<br />

buyersand downsizers and somebig<br />

familyhomes.Weshouldbeable to<br />

provide optionsunder $600,000. Ithinkall<br />

our price increases have probably<br />

settled,’’MrFlutey says.<br />

Withinstageone therewas provision for<br />

acommunityshoppingand commercial<br />

centreand apre­school, which will be<br />

surrounded by the higher densitysections.<br />

Recreation reserveshave been<br />

allocated in the laterstages,alongwith<br />

walkwaysand cycleways. Theentire<br />

development is <strong>10</strong>0 hectares, with up to<br />

1300sections.<br />

Standalone sectionsrange from 330<br />

squaremetres,with some large sections<br />

expected to be more than 1<strong>10</strong>0 square<br />

metres.<br />

Higher densitysections,including<br />

duplex andmulti­storey units,willbefrom<br />

around200 squaremetres.<br />

The $595,000 to $600,000 pricetag will<br />

buy a200 square metresection with atwobedroom,<br />

one bathroom houseand garage,<br />

Mr Flutey says.<br />

Three­bedroom houses withadouble<br />

garagewill sell from $650,000. Large three<br />

to fourbedroomfamily homes will sellfor<br />

Ground breaking ... Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon and MP Matt Doocey do some<br />

digging at the official ‘‘break dirt’’ event at Rangiora’s new Bellgrove sub­division on<br />

Thursday.<br />


around$850,000 with ‘‘viewsout to Mt<br />

Grey’’, Mr Flutey says.<br />

The smallersectionswill have an<br />

entrance way and ‘‘abit of hard<br />

landscaping’’, with raisedgarden bedsfor<br />

the larger sections.<br />

The sub­divisionreceiveda$5.7million<br />

grant last month fortransport andthree<br />

waters projects from KaingaOra’s<br />

InfrastructureAcceleration Fundtokickstart<br />

development.<br />

The funding wassubjecttoproviding<br />

affordablehousingunderthe $750,000<br />

price capfor newhomesinthe Greater<br />

Christchurch area. Mr Flutey anticipates<br />

40% of houseand land packages willbe<br />

under $750,000, in linewith thefunding<br />

application.<br />

Bellgrove Rangioraprojectmanager<br />

and director PaulMcGowan andMrFlutey<br />

werejoinedbyWaimakaririMayor Dan<br />

Gordon and councillors, andMPMatt<br />

Doocey on Thursday to officially break<br />

ground.<br />

‘‘This is asignificantmilestone,’’ Mr<br />

McGowansays.‘‘Weare prettyhappy to be<br />

finallyunderway after two­and­a­half<br />

years of planning.’’<br />

Mr Gordon noted the Bellgrove<br />

homestead,which will takecentre stage in<br />

the new development,was once the home<br />

of Waimakariri’sfirstmayorTrevor Inch.<br />

‘‘This is exactly what ourtown needs<br />

becauseweare runningout of sectionsand<br />

it is great to be on aproperty which was<br />

oncethe homeofaformermayor.’’<br />

According to Westpac’sonline mortgage<br />

calculator, acouple with acombined<br />

income of $95,000, no childrenand no<br />

debts may be able to buy a$600,000home<br />

on a30year mortgage with a$120,000(or<br />

20%)deposit.Fortnightlyrepayments<br />

would be around$1522, basedon<br />

Westpac’sresidentialbaserateof7.35%<br />

per annum. With twochildrenthe<br />

combined income would needtoincrease<br />

to at least $<strong>10</strong>5,000. AccordingtoStatistics<br />

New Zealand,the median individual<br />

income in the year to June30, <strong>2022</strong>, was<br />

$1189 per week or $62,000ayear(or $1320<br />

aweekfor menand $<strong>10</strong>55aweekfor<br />

women).<br />

Submissions<br />

reopen<br />

The Waimakariri District Council is<br />

seeking further feedback on the proposed<br />

Waimakariri DistrictPlan.<br />

Council staffhave notified asummary of<br />

submissions to the proposed District Plan,<br />

which was first notified in September last<br />

year.<br />

The summaryofsubmissions includes<br />

variations notifiedinAugust in response to<br />

new mediumdensityhousing standards<br />

applying to the Greater Christchurcharea.<br />

This followed the passing of the<br />

Resource Management(Enabling Housing<br />

Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act<br />

2021 in December.<br />

The new standards allowed for up to<br />

three homes and buildings of up to three<br />

storeystobebuilt on some sites without a<br />

resourceconsent, provided certain<br />

conditions were met.<br />

Conditionsincluded maximumheights,<br />

setbacks from boundaries, no more more<br />

than 50 percentofland coveredby<br />

buildings and at least 20% of the section<br />

must be landscaped with trees, grass or<br />

gardenbeds. Building consents would still<br />

be required.<br />

The legislation allowed councils to<br />

identify areas deemed inappropriate for<br />

medium density housingand the<br />

submissions process was an opportunityto<br />

residents to help council staff to identify<br />

those areas.Qualifying reasons included<br />

natural hazards, lack of infrastructure and<br />

character.<br />

The new submission process is an<br />

opportunity to comment on the submissions<br />

which have been received,but not acall for<br />

new submission points, council staff said.<br />

The summary of submissions can be<br />

viewedon the council’s website,<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/districtplanreview, or<br />

by visitingacouncil library or service<br />

centre.Submissions close at 5pm on<br />

Monday, <strong>November</strong> 21.<br />


FOR SALE<br />

Wairere &Turanganui<br />

Bloodlines<br />

Sunday 19th March 2023<br />

Choose your distance 6km or 12km<br />

Finer Wool<br />

South Island Prices<br />

Ph Rob Burrows<br />

Ashley 027 263 3582<br />

2531248<br />

Enter now atwww.city2surf.co.nz

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Sefton remains top of one day competition<br />


Cellar­dwellers Ohokaand Oxford­<br />

Rangioraboth came within whiskers of<br />

securing theirfirst wins of the season,<br />

only to fall agonisingly short in the<br />

latestround of countrycricket on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Sefton andLeeston­Southbridge<br />

remain at the top of the <strong>2022</strong>/23<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Country Premier One Day<br />

competition after round five wins at the<br />

weekend.<br />

While the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Country men's<br />

representativesidewas winning back<br />

the covetedHawke Cup against<br />

Hawke's Bay, the club game of the<br />

roundwas being played out at<br />

Mandeville.<br />

Home side strugglers Ohokabatted<br />

first on aflat main pitch against visiting<br />

Leeston­Southbridge, and got off to a<br />

flying start, with openersRyan Kelly (26<br />

runsoff 31 balls) and Daniel Lyons (80<br />

off 99) putting on 79 runsfor the first<br />

wicket.<br />

Curtley Harper (45 off 60) and<br />

recalled veteran Paul Miller (48 not out<br />

off 44 balls)kept the momentumgoing,<br />

as Ohoka posted acommanding252/6in<br />

its allotted 45 overs.<br />

But any thoughtsofaneasy firstwin<br />

were soondispatched by arollicking<br />

Brayden Hill.<br />

Hill fell justone run shortofwhat<br />

would have been aspectacular century.<br />

Hill was cruelly bowled by Hamish<br />

Williamsfor 99, but his inningshelped<br />

set up anail­biting finish.<br />

AChris Beatson cameo tookthe game<br />

into thefinal over before the combined<br />

side knockedoff the winning runs with<br />

three balls to spare in an epic<br />

grandstandfinish.<br />

It wasasimilar heartbreak for<br />

Oxford­Rangiorawho couldn’t quite<br />

defend176/8 against Peninsula­<br />

Harbour at Southbrook Park, despite a<br />

fine first innings half century by Sam<br />

Fleming.<br />

At 83/7, Peninsula­Harbour's chase<br />

looked wobbly, butamatch­winning,<br />

unbeaten 57 fromAkhilPantalso took<br />

the game to the final over.<br />

When Akshay Gulati wasrun out by<br />

Calvin Scott off the first ball of the 45th<br />

over, bringing in lastman Sam Singh,<br />

tensions peaked.<br />

But it was Singh who kepthis cool and<br />

managed aboundary to guide Harbour­<br />

Peninsulatoits secondwin of the year.<br />

In the finaltwo games, Seftonand<br />

Weedons both secured comfortable<br />

wins, with former Kingsspinner<br />

JeremyBenton,takingasix wicket bag.<br />

The top five teams are separating<br />

themselves in the peckingorderasthe<br />

season findsits groove.<br />

Short scorecard:<br />

Ohoka 252/6 (D Lyons80, PMiller48no,<br />

CHarper 45, RKelly 26; DMunro 2/35)<br />

lost to Leeston­Southbridge 255/8(B<br />

Hill 99, HMowat 28; BMcIntyre 2/28, G<br />

Mauger 2/50,HWilliams 2/51).<br />

Oxford­Rangiora 176/8 (S Fleming 55,<br />

DFulton 31; THolland 4/37, DNeal<br />

2/28) lost to Peninsula­Harbour 177/9 (A<br />

Pant 57no, BAveyard26, DNeal21; N<br />

Cook 4/31,DSmith 2/25, ASingh 2/45).<br />

Cheviot 118 (S Burnett 49no, T<br />

Dickson 22; JBenton 6/25)lost to<br />

Weedons 119/1(BNightingale 60no, J<br />

Richards 37).<br />

Darfield 116 (R Hughes33, TBoyle<br />

20; BMoore 4/<strong>10</strong>,MCampbell 3/4, H<br />

Howell 2/24) lost to Sefton 118/3 (L<br />

Taylor28no,MCampbell 24no, C<br />

Warner 23; LFoulkes 2/21).<br />


Crash fails to deter Jacob<br />


AmberleyGolf Club<br />

American Stableford:SHartley 57, RDenby 56, D<br />

Williams 56, PNeumann 56, KGussettee 55,LMarsh 55,<br />

AGenet 55, NRhynd 55.<br />

Excel Design LongestPutt: KGussettee<br />

Women: JYates 62, JBrown56, JMorgan 54, AWilshire<br />

54.<br />

Mid Week Men:RWilshire 42, AGenet 41, MBruner 40,<br />

NReeves 40, SJohns 40, KKennedy 39, DSmith37, G<br />

Williams 37, MBeckwith 37, MMcIntosh 37, RClifton37,<br />

DFlewellen 37.<br />

Mid Week Women: SCrawford 44, ALittle 40, SLee 38.<br />

LGU:JCummings nett 69.<br />

Nineholers: Shootout —VCrooks 1. Runner up: H<br />

Astell.<br />

<strong>November</strong> 5: GMcGeddie 67, KGussettee 68, G<br />

Demmocks 69, BFitzgerald 70, NCrawford71, RHornblow<br />

71, GBurrows 71, TFleete 72, PNeumann 72, WVan<br />

Zuylen 72. Shootout winner <strong>2022</strong>. Bruce Mills.<br />

DaveYoung Putting: KPercy andWVan Zuylen 26 putts<br />

each.<br />

Women: JBishop 68, SCrawford 69, KPercy 69, K<br />

Pepper 70.<br />

Excel Design LongestPutt: KPercy.<br />

Mid Week Men:MBeckwith 41, BFitzgerald 40, N<br />

Reeves 39, KRayner39, MHedges 38, MBruner 37, G<br />

Williams 36, AGenet 36.<br />

<strong>November</strong> 2, nine holers: LEdwards 22, JBourne 22, O<br />

Patchett 22.<br />

RangioraGolf Club<br />

Nine hole team Stableford:Winner: Odd FourTeam —<br />

Alan Macdonald,Nelson Moffatt,Catherine Boddy,David<br />

Klopper 65.Runner Up: 2+2team: Dennis Brook,<br />

Howard Thomas, Carol Van Hout, Lyn Leech 62.<br />

Lucky Card: Women: Ann Martin. Men: Peter Van Hout.<br />

Just over 12 months ago Jacob<br />

PierceofWoodend, wondered if<br />

he would ever race again.<br />

The 21­year­old store man was<br />

recovering fromafractured<br />

pelvisafter being‘‘T­boned’’<br />

duringanationalpointsrace<br />

meeting in the <strong>North</strong>Islandearly<br />

in 2021.<br />

‘‘It was abig crash and Iwas so<br />

disappointed becauseitwas only<br />

the second round of the New<br />

Zealand Superbike formula two<br />

national points series.<br />

‘‘But thankstothe help of my<br />

physioand family I’m back racing<br />

and findingmyfeet again.’’<br />

Ridingthe fast Yamaha 600cc<br />

four cylinder four­strokesuper<br />

sport racebike, Jasonhas been<br />

tryingtoget as much track time as<br />

he can beforethe national points<br />

serieskicks off again in<br />

December.<br />

‘‘I am very grateful to CAMS for<br />

letting me ride recently and to<br />

Motorcycling <strong>Canterbury</strong> for<br />

running the King Of Ruapuna<br />

series. It’s all helping.<br />

‘‘It’staking timetoheal and the<br />

amountofriding Iamgettingisall<br />

helping in my recovery,’’ he said.<br />

Following arecent run of fourth<br />

place finishes at last weekends<br />

third round of the King of<br />

Ruapuna series, Jason has moved<br />

into fourth place overallinthe<br />

Formula Two series.<br />

At this weekends Teretonga<br />

Leading the pack ... Jacob Pierce, of Woodend, competes in the formula<br />

two class race at the second round of the <strong>2022</strong>/23 King of Ruapuna series<br />

held by the Motorcycling <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />


round of the SouthernSeries,<br />

Jason says he is hopingfor good<br />

strongfinishes to help him move<br />

up to third in that series, but he is<br />

aware anumber of <strong>North</strong> Island<br />

based racerswill also be in<br />

attendance so he’s expecting<br />

some good competition there.<br />

‘‘It will be agood opportunity to<br />

gauge my progress againstthese<br />

fasterguys as Iprepare for the<br />

600cc super sportracesofthe<br />

<strong>2022</strong>/2023 SuperBike NZ national<br />

pointsseries whichwill start over<br />

the weekend of December 3/4 in<br />

Taupo,’’ he said.<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Larger Lifestyle with Subdivision Consent!<br />

556 Barkers Road, Loburn<br />

If you’ve been looking for alarger block of land with afamily home and great sheds -then look no further! Whether you’re downsizing,<br />

upsizing or subdividing this 30 acres in the ever popular Barkers Road has alot to offer.<br />

The four-bedroom family home has been tastefully renovated throughout with anew kitchen, laundryand bathrooms, as well as afresh<br />

coat of paint and afabulous new deck to make the most of the elevated site overlooking the land and spectacular mountain views.<br />

The master bedroom is super-sized and has afreshly fitted out walk-in wardrobe and updated ensuite. Three further bedrooms, family<br />

bathroom and separate laundry round off the picture, while winter warmth is provided by alarge wood burner, 2heat pumps, HRV<br />

system and double glazing.<br />

The 30 acres is flat to rolling and features amultitude of mature trees and shelter belts. Fenced into approx. 15 paddocks, several<br />

with animal shelters and there are SHEDS galore! There are 2x double garages, one with athird bay set up as aworkshop, a12x12m<br />

Totalspan shed with power and concrete floor and 2x 2bay hay sheds.<br />

And if all that wasn’t enough, the current owners have been granted consent to subdivide and have done most of the work towards<br />

subdividing off 1x <strong>10</strong> acre block with its own entrance and abuilding site that is private from the main residence on theproperty.<br />

Such aconvenient location, only 14km to Rangiora and all its amenities, as well as easy access to the City and Airport. The current<br />

owners have found their dream home and need to achieve aquicksale here to realise that dream. Call me today for more information<br />

or to arrange aviewing -you won’t be disappointed!<br />

Deadline Sale:<br />

All offers presented Wednesday<br />

16 th Nov at 12pm (unless sold prior)<br />

4 2 1 1 4<br />

Open Home: Sunday 2.00 -3.00<br />

or by appointment<br />

Rhiannon Moss<br />

Licensed Sales Consultant<br />

Harcourts Belfast<br />

0274 404 449<br />

03 323 6049<br />

rhiannon.moss@harcourts.co.nz<br />

www.harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

View online: https://harcourts.net/BF37564<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd<br />

Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four SeasonsRealty<br />



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*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

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in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or onlineatwww.mitre<strong>10</strong>.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />



FINISH<br />




SORTED.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% LOCALLYOWNED &OPERATED.<br />

*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or onlineatwww.mitre<strong>10</strong>.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />


Seing?<br />


Iamproactively looking forproperties to sell. Please<br />

contactmefor your free no obligation property appraisal.<br />

What my clientsare saying<br />

“I had an amazing experiencewith Michelle<br />

and would recommend her to anyone.”<br />

Darmanine (purchaser)<br />

September14, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Michee<br />


03 313 6158 |027 2913970<br />

michelle.thompson@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty

Amberley 62A Osborne Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Come for privacy, stay for the grapes!<br />

Tucked away down aprivate lane, this modern 4bdrm home is looking foranew family! You'll love thesunny covered<br />

courtyard adorned by grapevines, which offer an abundance of juicy treatsorimpress yourfriends and bottle your own<br />

vintage. Wine and dine in the comfortable kitchen with large oven andbreakfast bar with openplan dining/living,bathedin<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> sunshine all year round. Aheatpump, moderninsulation and double glazing ensure maximum comfortand<br />

the home features neutral tones, bathroom with shower, toilet and bath plus fourgenerous bedrooms with gardenviews. The<br />

masterwith ensuite and walk in robe is well separated, while an internal double garage and off street parking providesafety<br />

for extra vehicles. The gardens aretruly magnificent, with 1308 sqm of fully fenced grounds offering an amazing lifestyle.<br />

There's plenty of roomtoplay,space for furryfriends, vegetable gardens, BBQarea, outdoor bath andeven atreehouse. Close<br />

enough to Amberley town centre and SH1, and far enough away to feel like you're in the country, we're confident you'lllove<br />

every aspect of this wonderful family home.<br />

4 2 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 7th December, <strong>2022</strong> at 3.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 13 Nov 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU111119<br />

Dayan Muntz<br />

M 021 432 926<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

M 021 312 230<br />

E dayan.muntz@pb.co.nz<br />

E kirstyn.barnett@pb.co.nz<br />

Oxford 134 Bush Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Rangiora’s<br />

TopSales Team<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

Area Sales Manager<br />

027 873 5121<br />

BevWright<br />

027 4342486<br />

Sally Davies<br />

027 3595509<br />

JaniceClyma AREINZ<br />

027 434 7090<br />

DayanMuntz<br />

021 432 926<br />

Aplace to grow and prosper!<br />

Every considered building your own property but don't want the<br />

hassle? With rising building costs, this property maytick all the boxes<br />

and you can still put your own stamp on the propertyand gardens!<br />

With stunning views out over the countryside, greatlocation situated<br />

just 4mins from the centre of Oxford township and plenty room for<br />

the family and livestock. This well-appointed 3bedroom property built<br />

in 2021, offersaverygenerous kitchen/dining area and living space.<br />

Beautifully designed kitchen thatisequipped with ample cupboard<br />

space and large breakfast bar, modern fittings and fixtures, Bosch<br />

appliances including twoovens and induction stove, and butler's<br />

pantry.<br />

3 2 2 2 3<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 29th<br />

<strong>November</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> at 12.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View Sun 13 Nov 11.30 -12.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL<strong>10</strong>7153<br />

Victoria McKenzie-Browne<br />

M 021 413 883<br />

VictoriaMcKenzie-Browne Priscilla Stewart<br />

021 413 883 022407 1993<br />

Dale Quaife<br />

Property Manager<br />

021 406 686<br />

BevSaunders<br />

PropertyManager<br />

027 666 1219<br />

KiaraTinirau-Philps<br />

027 5454272<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

Lifestyle/Rural<br />

027 678 8888<br />

KellyBurgess<br />

020 4123 9212<br />

WendyParker<br />

029 7712667<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

Lifestyle/Rural<br />

027240 1718<br />

Richie Moyle<br />

021 904 572<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

CommercialSales<br />

021 312230<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Glentui <strong>10</strong>70 Ashley Gorge Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Dairy support, crop or deer<br />

This property comprises 112 hectares of productive soil in atraditionally summer safe area. There are approximately 27<br />

paddocks, with roughly half theareadeer fenced and well-maintained shelter belts are afeature of this property. The soil<br />

types vary, accordingtoS-maps, creating aversatile property for stockmanagement. Soil types includePahau moderately<br />

deep silt loam, Mayfield moderately deepsilt as well as Darnley, Ayreburn and Waterton loams. Our vendors have achieved<br />

goodproduction with their understanding of biological farming, targetingthe base saturation, cationexchangecapacity and<br />

applying inputs accordingly. Crop yields have been especially good,with kale, fodderbeet and maize being productive. This<br />

year 4.5ha have been sownwith fodderbeet and4.5ha with kale. Carrying capacityhas beenverygood with recent numbers<br />

240 R2 and above stags, 90 spikers, 90 weaner hinds and 80 MA hinds. In addition, there are 160 dairy heifers carried on a<br />

live-weight gain basis. Thedeer yards are very good and there is alargesix bay barn, which is approximately12m deep.<br />

5 3<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 7th December, <strong>2022</strong> at 2.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR111205<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Cheviot 426Downs Road<br />

Exuding Quality<br />

Situated on 13 hectaresthis beautiful 303m2 fourbedroom,two bathroom, multiple livingareahome, includes atop of the<br />

line kitchenwith butler's pantry,open plandining,living, separatelaundry, andlots of storage. The dwelling,built in 2012, is<br />

heated by two wood burners, underfloor heating, and air conditioning, withelectricity assisted by solar panels andan<br />

AmericanSkystream windturbine.There is excellentindoor/outdoor flow creatinginviting spacesfor entertainingand<br />

secluded living, including an outdoor BBQ area and swimming pool, all surrounded by established hedges, specimen trees,<br />

lawn, numerous fruit trees, vegetable gardens,aglasshouse,nativesand springbulbs. Support buildingsinclude an American<br />

style barn, astandalone three car garageinaddition to theinternal accessfourcar garaging. The soil is described as Pahau<br />

deep silt over clay with some Mayfield silt loam. There is gardenirrigationfromthe largestorage tankThe land is currently<br />

leased, so there are optionstocontinue, or run yourown stock. Enjoy theprivacy andseclusion and exceptionalviews this<br />

property offers.Price includesGST.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 6<br />

For Sale $1,480,000<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL<strong>10</strong>9696<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />


Hawarden 270 Birchdale Road<br />

Swinford<br />

This very attractive dairy support block, located in thedesirable farmingareaofMasons Flat, comprises 56ha in threetitles,<br />

with astunning remodelled homesteadin aparklikesetting.The lovely 302m2 homecomprises three bedroomsplus office,<br />

large living, masterbedroom designed for anen-suite and alarge double garagewith extra storage space.Effectivelyanew<br />

home with newweatherboardsand roof, including wall insulation,re-wired, re-plumbed,new fire with wetback, double glazing,<br />

new kitchen and bathroom plus aheat-pump. There is much to likeabout this block, including excellent shelter aroundthe<br />

house and many specimentrees which date backtothe 1880s, (whenitwas the Horsley Down nursery)including anumber of<br />

good producing walnuttrees down the driveway.Support buildingsinclude aworkshop, old deer yards, old woolshed, with<br />

plant, anopen shed and alarge disusedpiggery which has alot of room for storage,plus anew five bay shed,which is approx.<br />

18m x9mand includes aconcrete bay for stockfeedorfertiliser. The land is subdivided into 13 well fencedpaddocks, with a<br />

laneway, andproduction has been good.<br />

3 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 30th <strong>November</strong>, <strong>2022</strong>at<br />

2.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR<strong>10</strong>9<strong>10</strong>6<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Your <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rural Team<br />

Down to earth<br />

real estate<br />

Working together, Maurice Newell and Hamish Anderson,<br />

have extensiverural experience and values.<br />

Specialising in rural and lifestyle propertiesand backed by their<br />

Sales Assistant, Kim Balcombe, youare guaranteed apowerful,<br />

yetrefreshing, real estateexperience likenoother.<br />

Contact one of the team todayfor allyour real estateneeds.<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

Rural/Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

P 03 313 8022<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

Rural/Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

P 03 313 8022<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

PB063968<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Ngāi Tahu councillors ready to serve<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s (ECan)two NgāiTahu<br />

councillors say theyhave abig responsibility.<br />

Cr IaeanCranwell andCrTutehounuku ‘‘Nuk’’<br />

Korako have been appointed to represent <strong>10</strong> Papatipu<br />

Rūnanga acrossthe Waitaha <strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />

The pair were appointed followingthe passing of the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> RegionalCouncil(NgāiTahu<br />

Representation) Bill in Parliament in August.<br />

‘‘We represent about76,000 NgāiTahu from<br />

ClarencetoWaitaki and from the mountains to the sea<br />

and we will canvasour constituentsfrom top to bottom<br />

to get their views and thenwehave to makedecisions,’’<br />

Cr Cranwell says.<br />

‘‘We are not herejust for our constituents, we are<br />

here for Waitaha <strong>Canterbury</strong>.Weare here for all of us.<br />

What is good for mana whenua is goodfor Waitaha.’’<br />

Cr Cranwell says mana whenua representation is<br />

not new,ashewas appointedin2016 by the then<br />

National Governmentasan ECan Commissionerto<br />

represent NgāiTahu.<br />

He was also appointed forthe lastcouncilterm as a<br />

Tumu Taiao Mana Whenua Expert,but without voting<br />

rights.<br />

He says he is not concerned by suggestions the<br />

National Partywill repealthe legislation if it is elected<br />

next year.<br />

‘‘We are just worryingaboutworking through to<br />

Christmas and starting work on theannualplan and<br />

the integrated plan and looking at how we manage our<br />

rivers.<br />

‘‘We havealready proved that it works otherwise we<br />

wouldn’t be here.The proof is the lastcouncilvoted for<br />

the twomana whenua councillors ­all 14 elected<br />

councillors,and we had support from the Mayoral<br />

Forum.’’<br />

But Cr Korako, aformerNational List MP, is more<br />

cautious and says he has aresponsibilitytohelp to<br />

make mana whenua representation work.<br />

‘‘We are goingtowork really hard to ensure we have<br />

agood managementstructure and to work in atrue<br />

Ready to serve ... NgāiTahu’s Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> councillors Iaean Cranwell (left) and Nuk<br />

Korako.<br />


partnership with Maoriand Tangata Tiriti (Pakeha).<br />

‘‘We are the NgāiTahu voice and there are two votes<br />

and we need to work closelywiththe other 14<br />

councillorstoget the solutions we need.’’<br />

Cr Korako made his mark at the inaugural council<br />

meeting of the new term on October 27, when he<br />

nominated South <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Peter Scottfor ECan<br />

chairperson over Cr Craig Pauling, who is also Ngāi<br />

Tahu.Hesubsequently nominated Cr Pauling for<br />

deputy chairperson.<br />

It was not an easydecision, as Cr Korako says he felt<br />

some pressure in goingagainstwhanau. ‘‘Weneedto<br />

have the bestperson for the job and the NgāiTahu<br />

formula is for success.’’<br />

Cr Korako shareswhakapapa with all <strong>10</strong> Waitaha<br />

Papatipu Rūnanga and has had long involvement with<br />

Ngāti Wheke, NgāiTūāhuriri, and Te Rūnanga oNgāi<br />

Tahu.<br />

Cr Cranwell has strong ties withNgāti Irakehu,<br />

Ngāti Kurī andNgāti Makō.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

35<br />

MPs back Mayors<br />

over Three Waters<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Two senior <strong>Canterbury</strong> MPs<br />

are callingonthe<br />

Government to listen to the<br />

country’s Mayorsover<br />

ThreeWaters.<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt<br />

Doocey and National MP<br />

GerryBrownleeare<br />

backing the Communities 4<br />

Local Democracy (C4LD)<br />

call to keep Three Waters<br />

in local ownership.<br />

This follows Auckland<br />

Mayor Wayne Brownand<br />

Phil Mauger, of<br />

Christchurch, joiningwith<br />

Waimakariri Mayor and<br />

C4LD deputy chairperson<br />

Dan Gordon for an<br />

announcement last week.<br />

The Mayors proposed to<br />

continue with the water<br />

regulator, Taumata Arowai,<br />

whilemaintaininglocal<br />

ownershipand workingin<br />

partnership with mana<br />

whenua.<br />

They advocated for<br />

Regional Water<br />

Organisations to be<br />

established,insteadofthe<br />

government’s proposed<br />

four entity model,with the<br />

ability to apply for funding<br />

through anew Water<br />

Infrastructure Fund (WIF).<br />

Mr Dooceyand Mr<br />

Brownlee said the C4LD<br />

proposal aligned with<br />

National’spolicy which was<br />

based on ‘‘collaboration<br />

and co­funding’’.<br />

‘‘No­one disagrees that<br />

there are some issues, but<br />

the problem is financingit<br />

and the government has got<br />

it wrong with wantingtoset<br />

up amassivebureaucracy,’’<br />

Mr Brownlee says.<br />

While National<br />

supported the initial<br />

legislationtoestablish the<br />

regulator Taumata Arowai,<br />

it has indicated it will<br />

repeal the subsequent<br />

legislationand restore<br />

local ownership,MrDoocey<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We will workwith<br />

councils individually to<br />

understand what<br />

investment is required<br />

under aco­funding model.<br />

‘‘And we would<br />

encourage councils if they<br />

choose to collaborate.<br />

‘‘In <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

there is an ability for<br />

Hurunui and Waimakariri<br />

to work together.’’<br />

Publicinterest<br />

journalism is funded by<br />

New Zealand on Air<br />

Public Notices

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Mayors Propose Consensus Path Forward<br />

for Three Waters<br />

The Mayors of Aotearoa New Zealand’s two biggest<br />

cities, Auckland and Christchurch, have put forward<br />

ajoint proposal tomake progress on the divisive<br />

“three waters” issue and achieve consensus.<br />

Auckland’s Wayne Brown and Christchurch’s<br />

Phil Mauger are seeking support for their proposal<br />

to be considered and further developed by both<br />

central and local government as an alternative<br />

to the current plan, which has failed to achieve<br />

political consensus either within or between<br />

Parliament and local authorities.<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon is already backing<br />

the new proposal, aer the three Mayors met<br />

in Tāmaki Makaura in late October. Agrowing<br />

number of Mayors around the country have since<br />

supported the proposal.<br />

“It is time for the old divisive argument toend, and<br />

for anew constructive conversation to begin to<br />

achieve consensus across Aotearoa New Zealand,”<br />

the three Mayors said.<br />

The new proposal would maintain crucial aspects<br />

of central government’s existing plan, including<br />

the new water regulator, Taumata Arowai,<br />

while maintaining local ownership, control and<br />

accountability, and allowing for meaningful roles<br />

for mana whenua.<br />

Let’s Talk about the Smith Street<br />

Speed Limit<br />

Should we lower the Smith Street speed limit from<br />

80km to 50km?<br />

The Council is reviewing speed limits to ensure<br />

roads have safe and appropriate speeds for their<br />

current use.<br />

This review focuses between the SH1 motorway<br />

interchange and the Cam River bridge.<br />

Further development is taking place in the<br />

commercial area on the south side of the<br />

road. This means the current speed limit is not<br />

appropriate for the future urban residential and<br />

commercial setting.<br />

We welcome your feedback on the proposed<br />

change. Share your thoughts with us on the link<br />

below before Monday 28 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Visitletstalk.waimakariri.govt.nz formore information.<br />

Pegasus Beach Fire Update<br />

Firefighters have now le the scene and Fire<br />

and Emergency NZ has handed control over to<br />

Te Kōhaka oTūhaitara Trust, who will be patrolling<br />

the area.<br />

Youmay still seeorsmell smoke.Ifyou do seesmoke<br />

or fire and believeyou are at risk, please call111.<br />

Te Kōhaka oTūhaitara Trust are confident<br />

the Tutaepatu trail from The Pines beach to<br />

Waikuku Beach will be reopening soon. If you<br />

plan on accessing the trail, please ensure to keep<br />

yourselves and dogs out of the burnt area and<br />

stick to the track. Some of the track will be taped<br />

off to make it clear.<br />

Please donot attempt to access any fire<br />

damaged areas as damaged trees will be<br />

unstable and remain at risk of falling. Leave this<br />

for the rangers.<br />

Algal Bloom in Pegasus Lake<br />

Samples of Pegasus Lake water have tested<br />

showing cyanobacteria biovolumes. Ahealth<br />

warning has been issued and we recommend<br />

people and their dogs avoid contact with the water<br />

and toxic algal bloom.<br />

This summer, before you swim check out lawa.org.<br />

nz for the latest water quality information at your<br />

favourite swim spot.<br />

Waka Kotahi Resealing Works on SH1<br />

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency will be<br />

returning to work on SH1 in<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

between the Cam River bridge and the SH71/<br />

Lineside Road overbridge, from <strong>November</strong> 16<br />

(weather permitting) for ascheduled reseal.<br />

Digital<br />

Essentials<br />

Free four-week course which covers<br />

introduction todevices, internet<br />

and email.<br />

Classes run for two hours once a<br />

week for four weeks.<br />

Kaiapoi Library<br />

Starts on Tuesday 15<strong>November</strong><br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Starts on Friday 18<strong>November</strong><br />

Bookings essential<br />

steppingup.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

Seeking Public<br />

Art Champions<br />

If you have apassion for art, and<br />

would like to see more artworks<br />

in our community, put your name<br />

forward to be aTrustee of the<br />

Waimakariri Public Arts Trust.<br />

Applications are open now. You can<br />

apply online at waimakariri.govt.nz/<br />

waimakpublicarts or pick up aform from<br />

any Council Service Centre or Library.<br />

Make sure you get yours in before 5pm,<br />

Sunday 13 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Find out more at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz or contact:<br />

Jackie Watson, Trust Board Chairperson<br />

on 022 350 9547 or email<br />

jackie.watson@wmk.govt.nz<br />



Summer holidays are just around the<br />

corner, so it’s agreat time to check<br />

your details are up-to-date.<br />

• Have your contact or address details changed?<br />

• Have you got anew dog, or has afurry friend<br />

passed away?<br />

• Was your dog desexed or microchipped in the<br />

last year?<br />

• Are you new to the district and have a<br />

registration to transfer?<br />

If you answered yes toany ofthose questions,<br />

you’ll need to let usknow.<br />

Ensuring your dog is microchipped, wearing a<br />

current registration tag and your contact details<br />

are up-to-date makes it easier for ustoreturn<br />

your dog home if lost.<br />

Fill in aform at Dogs Online<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/dogs<br />

email office@wmk.govt.nz<br />

or call into any Council<br />

service centre.


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

There’s aclassified section<br />

for all your needs... buy, sell,<br />

wanted, find anew career,<br />

ahouse or ahandyman ...<br />

you can do it all!<br />

Call Amanda to find our<br />

how to advertise!<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Temporary Road Closures<br />

Public Notices<br />

The following roads are proposed to be<br />

temporarily closed for the period shown<br />

during the following Christmas events.<br />

Rangiora Celebration Night<br />

2December <strong>2022</strong> | 2.30–<strong>10</strong>.30pm<br />

•High Street from King Street to Ashley Street<br />

•Durham Street from Blake Street toHigh Street<br />

• Percival Street from Alfred Street to High Street<br />

•Victoria Street from Alfred Street to High Street.<br />

Postponement date: 9December <strong>2022</strong><br />

Kaiapoi Christmas Market<br />

3December <strong>2022</strong> | 7am–12.30pm<br />

•Williams Street from HiltonStreet to Raven Quay<br />

•Raven Quay fromWilliams Street to Bowler Street.<br />

Postponement date: 4December <strong>2022</strong><br />

Kaiapoi Santa Parade<br />

3December <strong>2022</strong> | 12.30–6pm<br />

•Williams Street from Fuller StreettoSewellStreet<br />

•Hilton Street from #65 to Courtenay Drive<br />

•Raven Quay from #121 to Bowler Street<br />

•Bowler Street (all)<br />

•Charles Street from #45 to Askeaton Drive<br />

•JonesStreet from CharlesStreet to Sewell Street.<br />

Postponement date: 4December <strong>2022</strong><br />

Rangiora Christmas Parade<br />

11 December <strong>2022</strong> | 1–4pm<br />

•Alfred Street from Percival Street to Ivory Street<br />

•Church Street from High Street toGeorge Street<br />

•Durham Street from #6 to High Street.<br />

•High Street from Church Street to Ashley Street<br />

•King Street from Blackett Street to Queen Street<br />

•Percival Street from High Street to<br />

Queen Street<br />

•Queen Street from Church Street to Victoria Street<br />

•Victoria Street from High StreettoQueen Street.<br />

4–5pm<br />

•Church Street closed from HighStreet to<br />

Queen Street.<br />

Oxford Christmas Parade<br />

18 December <strong>2022</strong> | 12.30–6pm<br />

•Main Street from High Street to Burnt Hill Road<br />

•Bay Road from #52 to Main Street<br />

•TransportLane from High Street to Burnett Street<br />

•BurnettStreet from TransportLane to<br />

Main Street.<br />

Detours will be in place for all events.<br />

The closures are in accordance with Section<br />

11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of the Local<br />

Government Act 1974 and will apply to all<br />

vehicular traffic with the exception of the Fire<br />

Service, Ambulance, Police, Council vehicles<br />

and other vehicles authorised by the Council.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Notice for consultation on proposed Enrolment Scheme amendments for<br />

Kaiapoi High School and Rangiora High School<br />

The Ministry of Education has identified that both Kaiapoi High School and Rangiora High School require<br />

amendments to their enrolment schemes.<br />

After engagement with the Boards of these schools, we have developed proposed enrolment scheme<br />

amendments for Kaiapoi High School and Rangiora High School under the Education and Training Act 2020.<br />

As part of this process, we are consulting with the schools’ communities and with people living in the area.<br />

Under these schemes, students can enrol if they live within the proposed home zone. The enrolment of out-ofzone<br />

students is governed bythe provisions of the Education and TrainingAct 2020.<br />

Acopy of the proposed enrolment scheme for Kaiapoi High School is available at<br />

https://consultation.education.govt.nz/education/kaiapoi-high-school-enrolment-scheme-amendment/<br />

Acopy of the proposed enrolment scheme for Rangiora High School is available at<br />

https://consultation.education.govt.nz/education/rangiora-high-school-enrolment-scheme-amendment/<br />

If you have any feedback about either of the proposed enrolment schemes, please visit the respective website,<br />

read the information and complete the survey before 09December <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Contact email; <strong>Canterbury</strong>.EnrolmentSchemes@education.govt.nz<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

Entertainment<br />

ADAM MCGRATH live<br />

at Balcairn Hall, 19th<br />

<strong>November</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, 7.30pm,<br />

fans will not want to miss<br />

this! All profits are dedicated<br />

to United Nations<br />

Women Aotearoa NZ supporting<br />

women and girls of<br />

Ukraine. Cash tickets $25<br />

from Sally Mac’s, Amberley,<br />

Sefton Garage, Stan’s 7<br />

Day Pharmacy, Rangiora,<br />

or via balcairnhall.com.<br />

Educational<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student onanindividually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 313 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

For Hire<br />


yards &loading ramp for<br />

hire. Phone 027 540 0027.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Personal<br />

A slim, tallish, happy,<br />

bouncy attractive lady is<br />

sought by acharming indep<br />

older man, who might be<br />

keen to meet up for coffee,<br />

activities, socialisation,<br />

outings, relaxation. Phone<br />

0276 594 425.<br />

Production Forklift Driver<br />

McAlpines Limited, one of the leaders in the local<br />

Timber Industry, currently has aFull Time vacancy<br />

for aQualified /Experienced Forklift Driver in our<br />

Timber Processing area.<br />

Thisposition requires aperson who has:<br />

•Class 2or2L, FEndorsement and acurrent<br />

OSH Approved Certificate<br />

•Self motivation, punctuality and reliability<br />

•Ability to use initiative andorganisetheir day to<br />

ensure production is maintained<br />

•Ability to work as ateam member<br />

•Ability to work in confined areas<br />

•Demonstrate ability to work smoothly and<br />

safely.<br />

Previous work experience in the Timber Industry<br />

or driving larger forklifts with wide heavy loads is<br />

preferable.<br />

McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy in<br />

place, apre-employment drug test and medical will<br />

be required.<br />

If you are looking for anew challenge and want to<br />

join aprogressive Company,please apply in writing<br />

to: Production Forklift Driver Position, McAlpines<br />

Timber Limited, Private Bag <strong>10</strong>03, Rangiora<br />

7440 or email: applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

2531328<br />

Situations Vacant<br />



Are you passionate about our young people and their<br />

wellbeing? Do you wanttomake adifference in their lives?<br />

Thenwewantyou.<br />

Aboutthe role |MōTeTūranga<br />

Engage and build strong relationships with local young<br />

people and their wider community.This includes creating<br />

fun youth-centred programmes that offer activities<br />

to support young people building life skills, making<br />

connections in their community and developing healthy<br />

relationships. Empower them to make decisions that are<br />

rightfor them.<br />

Youwill work alongside the Hurunui Youth Development<br />

Officer to deliver positive outcomes through education,<br />

recreation, cultural and leadershipopportunities.<br />

This is a12-months fixed term role, 24 hrs perweek, based<br />

within thecommunity withsome Amberley office time, 40<br />

minutesnorth of Christchurch.<br />

Aboutyou |Mōu<br />

To excel in thisrole you will have abackground in working<br />

with rangatahi and have agood understanding of the<br />

factors affecting their lives.You willhavegreat organisation<br />

skillstoco-ordinate events andprojects, and havestrong<br />

audience appropriate communication skills. You will<br />

recognise our obligations to Te Tiriti OWaitangi and how<br />

we best supportall ouryoung people.<br />

Preferably you have done training in youth work,<br />

counselling, orteaching. You will also have an endorsed<br />

full motor vehicle license and are comfortable towing a<br />

trailer.<br />

Formore information, pleasecontact RheaDuffy,atRhea.<br />

Duffy@hurunui.govt.nz or phone on 0212586 586.<br />

To apply forthisjob go to:<br />

https://hdcjobs.co.nz/Vacancies, enter reference<br />

code: 6152165.<br />

Applicationsclose 20 <strong>November</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />



38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Situations Vacant<br />

We have two more job vacancies at HDC, come and join us!<br />

Planer Graduate -Intermediate Level<br />

This is an opportunity to gain valuableexperience working acrossmultiple<br />

different planning fields. Depending on your experienceyou will be responsible<br />

for undertaking planning checks on building consents, assisting with customer<br />

inquiries, and processing resource consents.This is a2-year fixed termposition<br />

to help manage an increaseinour workload.<br />

If you require further information,please contact KelseyBewley on 027 808<br />

9339oremail kelsey.bewley@hurunui.govt.nz.<br />

To apply for this jobgoto: https://hdcjobs.co.nz/Vacancies &enter refcode:<br />

6155558. Applications close 25 <strong>November</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Roading Engineer<br />

The primarypurpose of this roleistomeetthe needs of our customersby<br />

providing fitfor purpose roading related services via the road maintenance<br />

contract. Youwillalso:<br />

Help manage infrastructure to providebest value now and into the<br />

future.<br />

Provide advice and guidance to stakeholders and contractors.<br />

Ensure that plans are delivered appropriately, and the contractual<br />

specificationsare met.<br />

Respondtopublic issues and/or complaints.<br />

For moreinformation, please contact Kushla.Tapper@hurunui.govt.nz or<br />

phone on 0275821312. To apply for this job go to:<br />

https://hdcjobs.co.nz/Vacancies &enter ref code:6156974. Applications<br />

close 22 <strong>November</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

For more information about<br />

each role, head to the<br />

Council website<br />

hdcjobs.co.nz/Vacancies<br />

2514148<br />


for Distribution of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>y<br />

<strong>News</strong>!<br />

Readership numbers are at an all time high, so if you want to be part of a<br />

progressive and growing company…we want you!<br />

This is a part time position which also includes distribution of circulars, overseeing<br />

a distribution team, you will need a suitable van, mobile phone and computer with<br />

internet access.<br />

We pride ourselves on delivering<br />

the weekly news to local<br />

<strong>North</strong> Cantabrians!<br />

What are you<br />

waiting for,<br />

apply now!<br />

Contact Mark Kelly South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: 029 983 2293 |E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

TransportRangiora is amedium size Transport&Logistics Company based in Rangiora servicing arange<br />

of clients, from Logging, Bulk Cartage and Freight. We are aprogressive company with agreat team of<br />

friendly drivers and astrong Health and Safety ethic.<br />

We are looking for motivated Class 5 truck driver with, general all-round experience and or logging<br />

experience. Occasional weekends, shiftwork and long distance work.<br />

Must be able to pass amedical and drug test, have apositive attitude and take pride in your appearance,<br />

your work, and your truck. Our expectation is you will have agood safety record.<br />

Competitive pay rates to match your experience<br />

Ring the office on 03 313 6026, or email your CV through to admin@transportrangiora.co.nz<br />

Garage Sales<br />


SALE! Show Weekend,<br />

Friday 11th -Saturday 12th<br />

<strong>November</strong>. 9am - 4pm.<br />

Lots of giftware, shoes,<br />

jackets, toys, greeting<br />

cards, etc. Cash only. 207<br />

Tuahiwi Road, opp the<br />

school, Tuahiwi.<br />

For Sale<br />

1.222 ANSCHUTZ model<br />

1532, Leupold compact<br />

scope 3/7 power, 23 shot<br />

mags. Ph 03 312 4035.<br />

ONE black & tan Huntaway<br />

dog, 5yrs old, plenty<br />

of noise, good in yards,<br />

good distance on hill.<br />

Phone 03 312 4035.<br />


plus Garman tracking collar,<br />

3collars, plus spares.<br />

Phone 03 312 4035.<br />

Call us for all your transportneeds<br />


Livestock<br />



MEAT2U.NZ<br />

313 0022<br />

2466978<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

MOBILITY impaired<br />

mechanical/electrical<br />

engineer in his 85th year<br />

and his two aging Fox<br />

Terriers needs affordable<br />

mobility vehicle such as<br />

large mobility scooter,<br />

retired Kawasaki Mule,<br />

golf buggy, smashed ecar<br />

or similar. As is where is<br />

options ok. Ring Rob on<br />

021 198 0851.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

PRE 2000'S vehicles,<br />

mopeds, motorbikes for<br />

resurrection and restoration,<br />

not wrecking.<br />

Anything considered.<br />

Please ph 020 4016 3302.<br />


baleage or hay wanted to<br />

buy in Waimakariri or<br />

Hurunui areas. Please<br />

phone Jane 0276 550 191<br />

or Ian 0274 344976.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% locally owned.<br />

2312759<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2509309<br />


Worker required, to work<br />

in private home in Ohoka.<br />

Personal care and home<br />

help. Please email<br />

lovenature711@gmail.com<br />

for more information.<br />

Pets<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

To findout more,<br />

contact:<br />

Mark Kelly<br />

South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: 029 983 2293<br />

E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

Farm Work<br />

Available<br />

Hours negotiable<br />

Hay making and<br />

irrigation shifting<br />

Other work as<br />

required<br />

Ph Gary<br />

027 478 2925<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />


for smaller dogs. We look CHIMNEY SWEEPS.<br />

after your dog in our home. Time to service your fire.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

03 314 61<strong>10</strong>.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Home Services Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

EXPERIENCED domestic<br />

From $80 single<br />

carer available for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> area. Providing<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

private in home care,<br />

cooking, cleaning, shopping,<br />

caring. References<br />

available. Email<br />

whelandanielle@yahoo.co.nz<br />

Phone 02<strong>10</strong> 358 148.<br />

2531835<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385.<br />

Hay and<br />

Baleage<br />

making<br />

Conventional or<br />

round bales<br />

Full job or partjob<br />

2531832<br />

Ph 0274 782 925<br />

or 313 7938<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0022. www.meat2u.nz.<br />


mowing, weed spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifier. Phone<br />

Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />


plasterer matching &<br />

patching, no job too small,<br />

30 yrs exp. Phone 022 189<br />

8294.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2502479<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Trade &Services<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 3<strong>10</strong><br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Phone<br />

021-267-4025.<br />

027 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

2362002<br />

2225862<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Butchery<br />

Carpentry<br />

Cattle Problems<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 38<strong>10</strong><br />

2332343v2<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


2227889v2<br />

2475070v2<br />

Quality Workmanship •Friendly Service<br />

New Builds, Renovations, Alterations, Decks, Pergolas,<br />

JoineryInstallation (incl. Windows), Roofing<br />

Ph: 027 390 3307 Email: jakec478@gmail.com<br />

• Live Humane Capture<br />

• Trucking<br />

• Tagging<br />

• Testing<br />

• Sale of unruly, difficult, pesky<br />

cattle<br />

Profit share 50-50<br />

Craig Flintoft 03 312 9432<br />

craigflintoft@gmail.com<br />

2459888<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

Engineering<br />

Electrician<br />

Plasterer<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

Digger &Cartage Specialist<br />

2273277<br />

2269236<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Glass Services<br />







FROM $6000 PLUS GST<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />


Specializing in Excavation;<br />

Rural &Residential<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Demo Stump Removal<br />

• All aspects of cartage<br />

No job too big or small<br />

Over 30years experience<br />


Ph: Kevin Carter 027 778 5599<br />

E: kandkcontracting2021@hotmail.com<br />

2488721<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

Replacement Windows<br />

FramelessShowers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

Insect Screens<br />

Window Maintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 313 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2490726<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

M: 0275 543 958<br />

E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

2490187<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

2372616v2<br />

Call Mark<br />

027 438 0665<br />

If it stands still<br />

long enough we<br />

will paint it<br />

•17metre spray<br />

booth<br />

•FullPaint &Panel<br />

Service<br />

•Insurance Work<br />

Panel &Paint<br />

•Fullcoachbuilding service, fabricating<br />

doors, lockers, windows, tanks<br />

•PaintingMotorhomes, Caravans, Boats,<br />

Trucks,Tractors&Cars<br />

Now moved to 8Seven Mile Drive, Belfast<br />

Phone (03) 323 4115<br />

www.autobodyrepairs.co.nz<br />

Hours Monday toFriday 6.30am to3pm<br />

2468481<br />

Lawn Care<br />

Love your lawn? Youwill!<br />

Lawn mowing -complete lawn care<br />

2500209v3<br />

Cost effective lawn care; fine home and business<br />

lawns; sports turf. Mowing (reel and rotary),<br />

edging, fertilising, weed elimination, soil<br />

improvement, de-thatching, core aeration.<br />

Ph or email David 021 0241 7759<br />

E: davidwhiteturfcare@gmail.com<br />

204 Woodside Road, RD1 Oxford<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

2495004<br />

Mobile Welding /Fabrication<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 <strong>10</strong>12 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz



5 YEAR<br />



5 YEAR<br />


5 YEAR<br />




YOU WORK<br />


YOU GET.<br />

Putting in the hard yards? Don’t just settle for an everyday workhorse, get<br />

yourself a thoroughbred that comes with the reassurance of the Mazdacare<br />

Programme. The quality built into your BT-50 is backed up by an impressive<br />

5 year, 150,000km vehicle warranty.<br />

Plus, you get 5 years or 150,000km (whichever comes first) of Mazdacare<br />

Genuine Mazda Fixed Price Servicing for $250 (incl. GST) per service.<br />

And 5 years of back-up and roadside support off ered day or night through<br />

Mazda On Call. Because surely, you’ve earned it.<br />

The All-New BT-50 Takami. It’s the business.<br />

Visit mazda.co.nz/cars/new-bt-50 to find out more.<br />

This Mazdacare Programme is available on the All-New Mazda (TF) BT-50 effective 29 <strong>November</strong> 2020.<br />

*Mazda New Zealand’s $250 fixed price (incl. GST) routine service schedule includes parts, lubricants and<br />

labour for the duration of the programme when the service is performed by an authorised Mazda Dealer.<br />

†<br />

Your Mazdacare support programme is effective from the date of first registration. ^Visit mazda.co.nz/mazdacare<br />

to see full disclosure of items covered by the 5 year/150,000 km New BT-50 Vehicle Warranty.<br />


MAZDA<br />

2-4Markham St<br />

Amberley,<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

03 314 0127arthurburkemazda.co.nz



UPGRADE?<br />


SORTED.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% LOCALLYOWNED &OPERATED.<br />

*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or onlineatwww.mitre<strong>10</strong>.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />




TRENDS?<br />

SORTED.<br />

Free tinting<br />

on Valspar &AccentPaint<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% LOCALLYOWNED &OPERATED.<br />








IN-STORE.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% LOCALLYOWNED &OPERATED.<br />

*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock product, we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or onlineatwww.mitre<strong>10</strong>.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />






12<br />

MONTHS<br />


onpurchases $299 -$798<br />



20% deposit<br />

Paycash priceonly<br />

No booking or insurancecharge<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% LOCALLYOWNED &OPERATED.<br />

or 24 MONTHS INTEREST FREE on purchases $799 &over<br />

*Ifyou find alower priceonanidenticalin-stock Terms,Conditions &Credit Criteria product, apply we will beatitby15%.<br />

Excludes special quotes,onaccount(credit and cash) purchases,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The same<br />

in-stock productmust be availabletoyou forsame daydeliveryorcollection. Includes GST and deliverycharges.Ifyou find the<br />

same productcheaper from another Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or onlineatwww.mitre<strong>10</strong>.co.nz we’ll matchthatprice.The in-storeprice may<br />

be lowerthan thatadvertised.<br />


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