MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)

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15<br />

Identification, Registration, Certification,<br />

Examination, Maintenance <strong>and</strong><br />

Record-Keeping<br />

Table 15-1: Identification Requirements for Classes <strong>of</strong> <strong>MASS</strong><br />

<strong>MASS</strong> Type Description Requirement<br />

15.1 OBJECTIVE<br />

Large <strong>MASS</strong><br />

Merchant ships > 300GT (except<br />

passenger ships Generally,<br />

length >24m<br />

IMO number<br />

“IMO” followed by a unique 7-digit number,<br />

which is managed by IHS Markit<br />

The objective <strong>of</strong> this Chapter is to provide guidance on the areas covered in the title <strong>of</strong> this Chapter<br />

for the various Classes <strong>of</strong> <strong>MASS</strong>.<br />


15.2.1 Identification is the provision <strong>of</strong> a discrete identifier for <strong>MASS</strong>; for which a number <strong>of</strong> schemes exist. However,<br />

the most widely used <strong>and</strong> understood is the IMO identification scheme, administered by IHS Markit. Currently it<br />

is only m<strong>and</strong>atory for cargo ships <strong>of</strong> 300GT <strong>and</strong> above <strong>and</strong> passenger ships <strong>of</strong> 100GT <strong>and</strong> above. An IMO number<br />

in these categories may be issued to any vessel for which a confirmed order has been awarded.<br />

Light / Small /<br />

High-Speed <strong>MASS</strong><br />

<strong>MASS</strong> should have either an<br />

IMO identification number or a<br />

Watercraft Identification Number<br />

(WIN) which should be marked<br />

by the boat builder in accordance<br />

with EN ISO 10087:2006 (to be<br />

replaced in due course by<br />

ISO/FDIS 10087<br />

As a minimum a <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>of</strong> these<br />

classes should obtain a WIN.<br />

“IMO” followed by a unique 7-digit number<br />

Managed by IHS Markit<br />

Watercraft Identification Number<br />

14-digit alphanumeric identifier<br />

15.2.2 The use <strong>of</strong> an identification number allows a <strong>MASS</strong> to be uniquely identified <strong>and</strong> is intrinsically linked to certification<br />

<strong>and</strong> documentation issued in respect <strong>of</strong> it, for example Registration or legal documentation. It also allows the<br />

<strong>MASS</strong> to be readily identified by a third party.<br />

Ultralight <strong>MASS</strong><br />

Ultralight <strong>MASS</strong> should ideally<br />

obtain a WIN. As a minimum,<br />

Ultralight <strong>MASS</strong> should, display<br />

a label identifying the owner <strong>and</strong><br />

contact details.<br />

15.2.3 An alternative identification scheme is outlined in EN ISO 10087:2006; which is intended to provide an identification<br />

scheme for small ship <strong>and</strong> all waterborne craft less than 24m in length <strong>and</strong> meets the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Merchant<br />

Shipping Act, 1995 Chapter 1(2). This WaterCraft Identification Number (WIN, previously CIN <strong>and</strong> HIN) may be<br />

applied directly by the Builder without any reference to a third party.<br />

15.2.4 It is recommended that identification be as shown at Table 15-1. Large <strong>MASS</strong> are included for reference only.<br />

15.2.5 Ships on the <strong>UK</strong> Ship Register will also be provided with an Official Number which should be marked on the<br />

<strong>MASS</strong>, together with the <strong>MASS</strong> name <strong>and</strong> port <strong>of</strong> registry as directed by the Registrar. The Official Number<br />

appears on the Registry Certificate <strong>and</strong> is distinct from the IMO number which remains with the <strong>MASS</strong> throughout<br />

its life <strong>and</strong> irrespective <strong>of</strong> any ownership or change <strong>of</strong> Flag state registry.<br />

15.2.6 It is recommended that identification <strong>of</strong> a <strong>MASS</strong> should indicate, when feasible, the level <strong>of</strong> control as defined in<br />

chapter 1 <strong>of</strong> Part 2 <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Code</strong>, irrespective <strong>of</strong> its size.<br />


15.3.1 Registration is the formal process <strong>of</strong> establishing a genuine link between a Flag State <strong>and</strong> a <strong>MASS</strong> flying its flag<br />

in order to exercise its jurisdiction effectively <strong>and</strong> control over such a ship with regard to identification <strong>and</strong><br />

accountability <strong>of</strong> shipowner(s), operator(s) or those responsible for the technical management <strong>of</strong> it. For British<br />

ships, registry is done though the <strong>UK</strong> Ship Register or one <strong>of</strong> the Red Ensign registries. The process for obtaining<br />

registration in the <strong>UK</strong> is outlined in “<strong>UK</strong> Ship Register – A Guide to Registration”, accessible at the following link:<br />

www.ukshipregister.co.uk. Regardless <strong>of</strong> their size, all <strong>MASS</strong> which fall within the level <strong>of</strong> control (LoC)<br />

categories 3-5 are required to be registered <strong>and</strong> have unique identification as set out in paragraph 15.2.<br />

15.3.2 Registration <strong>of</strong> <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>of</strong> less than 24 metres LOA is not required to conduct commercial activities in the inl<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> territorial waters in the <strong>UK</strong>. However, for all international voyages <strong>and</strong> to conduct commercial activities in the<br />

waters <strong>of</strong> another Flag state, it may be a requirement to demonstrate appropriate Flag state registration. Flag<br />

States entitle those ships to comply with the applicable international <strong>and</strong> national rules, regulations <strong>and</strong><br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards.<br />

15.3.3 The registration process requires a number <strong>of</strong> documents <strong>and</strong> certificates to be made available as explained in<br />

the Guide to Registration.<br />

Zulu <strong>MASS</strong> Short Sea Vessel<br />

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<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />

<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 117

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