MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)

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19.5.1 Scuppers <strong>and</strong> Drains:<br />

n The scupper <strong>and</strong> drainage arrangements are to be directed overboard with no connections to internal spaces.<br />

19.5.2 Electrical Equipment:<br />

19.6.3 Documentation:<br />

n When carrying dangerous goods, a full manifest <strong>of</strong> the cargo should be retained ashore by the Vessel’s<br />

owner/operator, or designated person [ashore], in case <strong>of</strong> an incident. The manifest should contain the UN<br />

Number, Proper Shipping Name, Packing Group <strong>and</strong> Quantity for each dangerous good being carried. The<br />

designated person ashore should have a list <strong>of</strong> contact numbers for the emergency services <strong>and</strong> relevant<br />

manufacturers/suppliers <strong>of</strong> the dangerous goods. The designated person should be employed by the <strong>Code</strong><br />

vessel’s owner <strong>and</strong> be aware <strong>of</strong> the details <strong>of</strong> the voyage. Prior to accepting back-loaded cargoes, the<br />

designated person should establish that their carriage will be in compliance with this <strong>Code</strong>.<br />

n Electrical equipment installed in the cargo area should be <strong>of</strong> the certified safe type for the cargo being carried<br />

or be capable <strong>of</strong> being securely isolated during the carriage <strong>of</strong> packaged dangerous goods.<br />

19.5.3 Structural Fire Protection:<br />

n Bulkheads forming boundaries containing fuel tanks, engine spaces <strong>and</strong> [in the event <strong>of</strong> partial manned<br />

operations] accommodation spaces are to be insulated to A-60 st<strong>and</strong>ard unless the dangerous goods are<br />

stowed three metres from such bulkheads <strong>and</strong> boundaries.<br />

19.6.4 Emergency <strong>and</strong> spillage procedures:<br />

n When dangerous goods are carried, details <strong>of</strong> the emergency firefighting equipment <strong>and</strong> First Aid medical<br />

procedures should be provided as per the risk based assessment <strong>of</strong> need, <strong>and</strong> practicalities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MASS</strong><br />

design <strong>and</strong> operation. The IMDG <strong>Code</strong> <strong>and</strong> its supplement may give guidance on such items, to ensure that<br />

if an emergency occurs, it can be dealt with effectively by any attending support or safety team.<br />

19.6.5 Fixed <strong>and</strong> Portable Fire Fighting Equipment.:<br />

19.5.4 Vessel Certification. Prior to carrying dangerous goods, the vessel should be surveyed, <strong>and</strong> a dangerous goods<br />

Document <strong>of</strong> Compliance issued. A risk based assessment should be undertaken in consideration <strong>of</strong> the size<br />

categorisation (Paragraph 4.7) <strong>and</strong> level <strong>of</strong> autonomy (Table 1-4).<br />

n The requirement should be assessed on categorisation, size, <strong>and</strong> level <strong>of</strong> autonomy. When operating <strong>MASS</strong><br />

with ‘partial manning’. fixed <strong>and</strong> portable Fire Fighting equipment must provide a minimum <strong>of</strong> manned vessels<br />

equivalence.<br />

19.5.5 Operators are recommended to undertake their own safety assessment before applying for a Document <strong>of</strong><br />

Compliance for the Carriage <strong>of</strong> Dangerous Goods; this assessment procedure should be discussed with the<br />

Administration. This may consider specific requirements for the vessel including the carriage <strong>of</strong> additional safety<br />

equipment, (i.e. in <strong>MASS</strong> operations for remote sensing <strong>and</strong> reporting), additional emphasis on structural fire<br />

protection, automated fire suppression, separation between dangerous goods <strong>and</strong> control spaces. It may be<br />

necessary for the operator to submit a safety case.<br />

19.5.6 This survey may only be undertaken by a RO <strong>and</strong> will be valid for a determined period or specific operation. Upon<br />

successful completion <strong>of</strong> a survey, a Document <strong>of</strong> Compliance for the Carriage <strong>of</strong> Dangerous Goods will be issued<br />

to the vessel indicating the Class <strong>of</strong> goods that can be carried with a list <strong>of</strong> equipment fitted.<br />

19.6.6 First Aid Kit Requirements:<br />

n Although the vessel is by definition to be usually crewless, the provisions <strong>of</strong> Annex 4 – “Medicines to be carried<br />

on ships carrying dangerous cargoes” to MSN 1768 (M+F), should be taken into consideration when carrying<br />

dangerous goods, to account for loading / unloading requirements, <strong>and</strong>/or any periods <strong>of</strong> manned contact.<br />

n When a vessel is carrying a dangerous substance or substances, in quantities in excess <strong>of</strong> those defined in<br />

column 7 <strong>of</strong> the Dangerous Goods list <strong>of</strong> the IMDG <strong>Code</strong>, as whole or part <strong>of</strong> the cargo, the Operators must<br />

ensure the correct antidote to the substance (plus the necessary ancillary equipment e.g. syringes) is carried<br />

to account for loading/unloading requirements <strong>and</strong> or any periods <strong>of</strong> manned contact.<br />


19.6.1 Operator Training as prescribed in <strong>MASS</strong> certification (See Chapter 2 <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Code</strong>)<br />

n The <strong>MASS</strong> operating authority should undergo training in the carriage <strong>of</strong> dangerous goods <strong>and</strong> the IMDG<br />

<strong>Code</strong>, commensurate with their responsibilities, <strong>and</strong> records kept <strong>of</strong> the training undertaken.<br />

19.6.2 Stowage <strong>and</strong> Segregation requirements [in meeting <strong>MASS</strong> equivalency]:<br />


19.7.1 Careful consideration should be taken with regard to meeting MARPOL regulations <strong>and</strong> <strong>MASS</strong> equivalence <strong>of</strong><br />

Duty <strong>of</strong> Care. Vessels which are adapted <strong>and</strong> used for the transfer <strong>of</strong> MGO from designated oil fuel tanks to other<br />

external facilities (e.g. a wind turbine) should demonstrate that they comply with MARPOL’s requirements as far<br />

as practically possible taking into account that pollution <strong>of</strong> the seas is an <strong>of</strong>fence. All existing manned equivalence<br />

measures must be adhered together with the requirement to demonstrate MARPOL compliance with regard to a<br />

full risk assessment carried out for the particular vessel <strong>and</strong> operation, including but not limited to, the hose not<br />

breaking free, pollution, fire safety <strong>and</strong> training <strong>of</strong> the shore based operators.<br />

n Dangerous goods are only to be carried on deck or in internal <strong>MASS</strong> certified stowages;<br />

n They should be secured to the vessels to prevent movement during the voyage;<br />

n The stowage <strong>and</strong> segregation requirements <strong>of</strong> the IMDG <strong>Code</strong> should apply;<br />

n Packaging (including portable tank <strong>and</strong> IRCC) should be commensurate with the intended <strong>MASS</strong> operations<br />

<strong>and</strong> take due cognizance <strong>of</strong> eventual ‘manned’ interface;<br />

n Dangerous goods should be packed in accordance with the IMDG <strong>Code</strong>.<br />

19.7.2 Vessels should have operating procedures covering the loading, discharging <strong>and</strong> transferring <strong>of</strong> fuel, which should<br />

include safe use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MASS</strong> equipment to minimise fire risks <strong>and</strong> pollution, <strong>and</strong> use <strong>of</strong> Safety Data Sheets<br />

(SDS).<br />

19.7.3 The installation should be surveyed by the RO <strong>and</strong> the vessel’s Certification should be endorsed to permit this<br />

operation.<br />

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<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />

<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 135

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