MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)
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21<br />
Salvage <strong>and</strong> Towage<br />
21.4.4 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should exercise due diligence at the commencement <strong>of</strong> the towage to ensure that the <strong>MASS</strong> is fit<br />
to be towed <strong>and</strong> that the <strong>MASS</strong> is properly equipped therefore.<br />
21.4.5 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should resume control <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MASS</strong> at the agreed place <strong>of</strong> destination for the towage service.<br />
21.1 OBJECTIVE<br />
The objective <strong>of</strong> this Chapter is to identify sound practices <strong>and</strong> obligations <strong>of</strong> <strong>MASS</strong> owners in<br />
circumstances where the <strong>MASS</strong> is either the subject <strong>of</strong> a salvage operation or the recipient <strong>of</strong> towage<br />
services.<br />
21.2 GENERAL<br />
21.2.1 As <strong>MASS</strong> capability becomes more prolific at sea, <strong>and</strong> also as they grow in size <strong>and</strong> complexity, they will be<br />
subject to the same risks as their manned counterparts. The outcome <strong>of</strong> these risks may require the <strong>MASS</strong> to be<br />
subject to either Salvage or Towage. It is assessed that the existing body <strong>of</strong> law is applicable to <strong>MASS</strong>.<br />
21.3 <strong>MASS</strong> SALVAGE<br />
21.3.1 Existing maritime salvage law as it applies to manned ships generally applies to <strong>MASS</strong>. <strong>MASS</strong> owners should<br />
consider making use <strong>of</strong> the existing st<strong>and</strong>ard salvage contracts, such as the Lloyds Open Form (LOF).<br />
21.3.2 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should provide salvors with information about the <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>and</strong> payload (where applicable) as<br />
necessary for the safety <strong>of</strong> the salvage operation <strong>and</strong> in any event when such information is reasonably requested<br />
by the salvor.<br />
21.3.3 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should co-operate as fully as possible with salvors in conducting the salvage operation <strong>and</strong> permit<br />
the salvor to make reasonable use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MASS</strong>’s equipment, as appropriate.<br />
21.3.4 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should accept redelivery <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MASS</strong> after the salvage operation when reasonably requested to<br />
do so by the salvors.<br />
21.4 <strong>MASS</strong> TOWAGE<br />
MBES survey <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UK</strong> continental shelf acquired by SEA-KIT using their USV Maxlimer<br />
21.4.1 Existing maritime towage law as it applies to manned ships generally applies to <strong>MASS</strong>. <strong>MASS</strong> owners should<br />
consider making use <strong>of</strong> the existing st<strong>and</strong>ard towage contracts such as the <strong>UK</strong> St<strong>and</strong>ard Towing Conditions.<br />
21.4.2 <strong>MASS</strong> owners should disclose <strong>and</strong> provide to the towage service provider information reasonably necessary for<br />
the safety <strong>of</strong> the towage operation.<br />
21.4.3 <strong>MASS</strong> owners will ensure that all the requisite documentation for towing their <strong>MASS</strong> platform is in place <strong>and</strong> up<br />
to date; e.g. towing plans.<br />
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<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />
<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 141