MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)

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1<br />

Terms <strong>and</strong> Terminology<br />

In this <strong>Code</strong> the following terms <strong>and</strong> terminologies have been established for the sake <strong>of</strong> clarity, taking into<br />

account the working draft <strong>of</strong> ISO 23860. It is stressed that they will need to be amended <strong>and</strong> adapted as the<br />

International <strong>and</strong> <strong>UK</strong> regulatory organisations charged with the overall policies for <strong>MASS</strong> complete their phased<br />

work.<br />

“Administration”, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Code</strong>, means the <strong>UK</strong> Maritime <strong>and</strong> Coastguard Agency.<br />

“Annual examination” means a general or partial examination <strong>of</strong> the ship, craft or vessel, its machinery, fittings <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment, as far as can readily be seen, to ascertain that it has been satisfactorily maintained as required by the <strong>Code</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> that the arrangements, fittings <strong>and</strong> equipment provided are as documented in the Record <strong>of</strong> Particulars <strong>and</strong> Record<br />

<strong>of</strong> Equipment. The hull, shell fittings, external steering <strong>and</strong> propulsion components <strong>of</strong> the craft or vessel should be<br />

examined out <strong>of</strong> the water at intervals not exceeding 5 years. The RO may stipulate a lesser interval in consideration <strong>of</strong><br />

hull construction material, condition, age or the type <strong>and</strong> service <strong>of</strong> the craft or vessel.<br />

PART 2<br />

<strong>UK</strong> CODE OF PRACTICE<br />

“Approved” means approved by, or acceptable to, the MCA under Merchant Shipping Act (1995), <strong>and</strong> associated<br />

regulations, as a matter <strong>of</strong> English Law <strong>and</strong> Jurisdiction, unless otherwise specified in the <strong>Code</strong>.<br />

“Area <strong>of</strong> operation” are those identified <strong>and</strong> promulgated in this <strong>and</strong> other similar <strong>Code</strong>s <strong>and</strong> are as shown at Table<br />

1-1 below:<br />

Table 1-1: Areas <strong>of</strong> Operation<br />

Area<br />

Area Category 6<br />

Area Category 5<br />

Area Category 4<br />

Area Category 3<br />

Area Category 2<br />

Area Category 1<br />

Area Category 0<br />

Definition<br />

To sea, within 3 miles from a nominated departure point(s) <strong>and</strong> never more than 3 miles<br />

from l<strong>and</strong>, in favourable weather <strong>and</strong> daylight.<br />

Area Category 5 – within 3 miles <strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> not more than 3 miles radius from either the<br />

point <strong>of</strong> departure to sea or the seaward boundary <strong>of</strong> protected waters (see definition <strong>of</strong><br />

“protected waters”) in favourable weather.<br />

Up to 20 miles from a safe haven, in favourable weather <strong>and</strong> in daylight<br />

Up to 20 miles from a safe haven<br />

Up to 60 miles from a safe haven<br />

Up to 150 miles from a safe haven<br />

Unrestricted service<br />

“as amended” refers to any other document that replaces, revokes or amends the document that the term “as amended”<br />

follows.<br />

“Authorised person” means a person who by reason <strong>of</strong> relevant pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualifications, practical experience or<br />

expertise is authorised by the RO chosen by the owner/Operators to carry out examinations required within the <strong>Code</strong>.<br />

16<br />

<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 17

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